#but never fear. i am about to give him a supermarket boyfriend i think
steelycunt · 2 years
just wrote a new scene…for the first time in months…i have written 2300 words it has taken me Six Months. that is so donna tartt of you i tell myself through gritted teeth as i grip the bathroom sink and stare into the mirror
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Summary: You’re stressed over your upcoming exams and your boyfriend Draco helps you study.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and masturbation but no smut sorry just kissing.
I’m in the common room looking at my transfiguration book intently and hoping it might transfigure itself into an apparatus that may help me learn it all. How on earth am I supposed to remember all this information for my OWLs next week? It seems like an impossible task and when I look around I see everyone else has gone to bed and I’m alone in the common room. I sigh and put my head in my hands on top of the desk.
“You alright there love?” Draco appears next to me. It’s okay for him, he’s in the year above me and the NEWT exams finished last week.
“No, I honestly just don’t understand how anyone can learn all this. I’m definitely going to fail and then I’ll be kicked out of Hogwarts and I won’t see you anymore and you’ll start going out with Pansy Parkinson or someone and I’ll just be at home by myself and have to go out and get a muggle job in a supermarket or be a caretaker like Filch while I get to watch everyone else do magic” I wail. He chuckles and takes the book away from me while pulling me into a hug.
“One you’re not going to fail, I bet you know more than you think you do. Two even if you never existed I wouldn’t date Pansy you know that. And three even if you did need to get a job at a muggle supermarket you can bet your butt I’m gonna stop by that supermarket every damn day to see my super hot cashier girlfriend” he says as he kisses my head. “You should take a break love it’s almost midnight”
“I…” I start and before I can carry on he captures my mouth with his and kisses me softly, I kiss back forgetting everything for a moment. He deepens the kiss “Draco” I start to say but he uses that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and for a while I let myself get distracted by his intoxicating presence and sink further into the kiss.
After a while the thought of me in an exam hall looking at my test paper blankly while everyone around me is furiously writing pops into my head and I break the kiss in a panic. “Drake” I say breathlessly. He makes a disgruntled noise and I look at him “Sorry it’s not that I don’t want to, I really do. You don’t know how much I miss your touch. I’m just really stressed right now, I can’t shake this anxiety. Next week exams will be over and then I promise you will have my full attention”
“Don’t apologise silly, I’m sorry for practically jumping you it’s just with my exams and now yours we just haven’t had any alone time recently and I really miss you too. It doesn’t help when I’m not with you Crabbe and Goyle follow me around like lost puppies so I can never even take care of myself without fear they’re going to walk in at any moment. I swear they must have some kind of tracking charm put on me or something they always seem to find me” he laughs. “How about I help you study and prove to you that you know more than you think you do, then you can put the book down and take a damn break”
“I don’t…” I trail off.
“I don’t mean so we can do that” he laughs again at my worried expression. “ We can just cuddle on the sofa and listen to that radio station that you like or play some wizards chess, just until you’re ready to go to bed. I’m just worried that you’re not getting any downtime, if you don’t give yourself a break your head is going to explode y/n”
“Okay fine, but if I don’t know anything I’m studying till I pass out at this desk” I agree reluctantly.
He chuckles “Okay deal” he says confidently.
We studied for another hour and surprisingly I understood and could answer Draco’s questions relatively easy. “Okay and name three of the most important factors that are needed to be taken in to consideration when casting a transfiguration spell” he asks.
“Oh I know this one easy. Body weight, viscousness and wand power” I say and breathe a sigh of relief. I did know more than I thought I did, Draco was right. I felt a lot more relaxed now.
“And that’s about as complicated as the OWL questions get, trust me you’ll ace them. Just wait until you get to your NEWT exams, then you’ll laugh at your past self for being worried about your OWLs, you’ll think back fondly and wish that everything was as simple as last year” He says looking wistfully off into the distance, a slight look of worry in his eye.
“Oh Draco you’ll have aced your exams don’t worry about that. Aren’t you like second top of the year for your results?” I say trying to reassure him.
“Way to remind me I’m second to Granger” he rolls his eyes. “Anyway since we’ve determined you’re a genius and are going to get Os in all of your exams aren’t you going to hold up your end of the bargain and finally take a break. What do you want to do? We could…” I interrupt him by straddling him and looking into his eyes “Feeling less anxious now I gather” he says looking at me hopefully.
“Draco Honey, my OWLs aren’t the only thing I feel like getting an O in right now” I say before I press my mouth to his.
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One Shot Werewolf Story
So... first of all, Next part of PFTS should be coming out soon. It's going to take some work to make sure that I pull all the threads that's I've placed in all the worlds together without plot holes, so apologize for how long it's taking. Will probably finish this last world in 2-3 parts, with possibly 1 or two extra parts from Liam and the Traveler's perspective.
Now, back to the story at hand. About a week ago, I wandered into the werewolf side of Wattpad. It was very... interesting. Never written about werewolves before. Thought it might be fun to try my own using my own style. (Women who constantly think they aren't pretty or good enough for the man, men who force physical intimacy and growl "mine" aren't really going to work for me.)
Anyways, It's about a 13k oneshot. It's a bit out of my norm, so I hope you guys enjoy! (Also I would love to hear ideas on what to title this.)
Here it is:
“I can’t believe you read this garbage!” Alyssa’s coworker held up the book in her hand, staring at it with disgust. “What do you see in books like this, anyways?”
Alyssa sighed, looking up at the book in question. The cover showed a shirtless muscular man holding a busty woman while scowling at the camera, with the title written across the top in bright orange words: “The Alpha’s Timid Mate.”
“I don’t read it for fun.” She muttered, reaching up and snatching the book back. Opening the large roller suitcase behind her, she found its place among the hundreds of other werewolf books and put it away carefully.
“Then what is it?” Her coworker asked with a tone of disbelief.
“Really? Research? For what? When your werewolf boyfriend shows up out of nowhere? “ She let out a derisive snort. “Sure.”
“…You don’t understand.”
She doesn’t understand us. The wolf in Alyssa’s head spoke up silently.
“That’s what I said.”
Can we eat her? Her wolf seemed excited by the idea.
“No. You know we can’t. You don’t even really want to. You’re just acting out because you’re upset I won’t let you watch horror movies any more.”
I am not acting out! But since you mentioned it… bring back the horror movies!
“What are you talking about?” Her coworker frowned; confused by the conversation she could only hear half of.
Turning to her briefly, Alyssa shrugged. “Sorry, I’m just having a small discussion. I’ll be free to talk shortly.”
“Don’t bother.” The girl walked away, whispering under her breath. “Freak.”
Should have just eaten her.
“Wolves don’t even eat people. Stop pretending.”
How do you know? Maybe WEREwolves DO eat people! You have no clue! You haven’t found a pack yet. Even though you PROMISED!
“I know, I know.” Alyssa rubbed her forehead tiredly. “It’s harder than I thought it would be.”
I’m lonely and bored! I want to go run! I want a pack!
“Anything else, Your Highness? A bone on a silver platter?”
The wolf paused at that, pouting quietly … I’m hungry. Feed us something tasty.
“That I can do. We’ll eat on our lunch break.”
“…We’ll see.”
As her wolf silently cheered, the door to the bookstore she was tending opened. A strange smell reached her nose. Mint and pine along with another scent she couldn’t quite place.
Alyssa looked up and was startled. The man who walked in looked like he had stepped off the cover of one of her werewolf books. Muscular, handsome… his brown hair just long enough to frame his green eyes. And tall… Alyssa had always known she was short, but never felt quite so at a disadvantage height wise as she did at the man’s approach.
He looks like the lead from book #298. Her wolf suggested in an interested tone.
“I was thinking book #645, but I see your point.”
Why do you think he’s here?
“I don’t know.”
As he moved closer, his gaze meeting her own, Alyssa stepped back, the sound of her wolf’s growl filling her mind.
HE’S A WEREWOLF! … even better, he smells strong… an ALPHA? QUICK, MATE HIM!
An alpha? Crap. Alyssa had done enough research to know that was bad news. “Look here, missy, I am not assaulting some stranger just because…”
Then let’s switch over to wolf so I can do it!
“Excuse me…” The man spoke up, his voice hesitant and trailing off.
Alyssa turned and hurried out the back. Passing through the bookshelves, she heard someone following close behind, and picked up the pace. The door squeaked loudly as she forced it open, slamming against the wall as she broke out into a run towards the back alley.
“Wait!” The man’s voice called out.
Seeing that they were now alone, she stopped in her tracks, and turned, more irritated than nervous. “What?”
“…” He seemed thrown off by her sudden change, but shook his head, studying her closely. The man seemed to recognize something, and moved quickly to stand next to her. “You’re…” His eyes widened, and he reached out to grab her. “A werewolf? My mate?!”
YES! I knew it! Her wolf’s scream of excitement echoed in her mind.
Alyssa sighed tiredly, reaching into her bag. “Well, crap.”
It had been a terrible day.
Lewis listened to his family arguing, wishing for the thousandth time that he wasn’t in charge.
“Nightfang’s pack could wipe us out!” Gary, his Beta, slammed his fist on the table, the force of it scattering plates and cups.
Lewis’s mother stood up, and despite her height only coming only to the enormous man’s chin he shrunk down in fear. “…Did you just mess up my kitchen?”
“Then you’re gonna be a good boy and clean that up right now, yes?” She raised an eyebrow. “Or you won’t have to worry about that Nightfang pack. There won’t be enough of you left for them to fight over once I’m through.”
“…I’ll clean it up right away, Ma’am.”
“That’s what I thought.” She turned to Lewis, patting his shoulder comfortingly. “What’s you plan to deal with this, dear?”
“My plan?” His voice came out slightly more stressed than he meant it to.
“Well, you’re the alpha. Your father left it to you to protect us. “
“Yes. Of course… a plan… which I definitely have.”
Gary and his mate Berta glanced at each other from the other side of the table.
“He doesn’t have a plan.”
“Did you really expect him to?”
“Hey!” At Lewis’s hurt exclamation, Gary shrugged.
“No offense, Alpha, but since your broth… since Nightfang left and took half the pack with him, things have been a little disorganized. You have to admit that’s true.”
Lewis walked over to the window of the cabin, leaning on the sill and staring up at the cloudy sky. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. We were supposed to help each other. Help the pack. But now it’s all just one huge mess and I’m the only one left to take care of it.
Hey, you’re not alone! His wolf’s irritated voice burst out. I’m always here. We’re stuck together for life!
I’m aware. He chuckled quietly. Glad to have you, Buddy.
So… Can we go find our mate now?
You know we can’t. There could be an attack any day now. Besides, I’ve already visited all the packs within driving distance. She’s not there.
Maybe she’s human, like our mom. We should go to town and find her.
Yeah, just go to town and pick up a mate like going to the grocery store to pick up milk. No problem with that.
She’s probably waiting for us! She’s wondering what’s taking us so long to find her. What if she thinks we can’t provide for her? Hurry, you have to find her…. Bring steak… no… four steaks… fatty ones! It will show that we can feed her… make her fat! She’ll definitely want to mate with us then!
Nothing turns women on more than shoving red meat in their face and telling them that you’ll help them gain weight.
Like you would know? Who have you dated? Regale me with tales of your vast experience.
Hey! You haven’t dated either.
I have instincts, at least.
“Lewis?” Gary’s voice broke him from his silent talk with his wolf.
He turned back “We’ll tighten up the patrol schedule.” He rubbed his forehead.
“It will mean giving up territory.”
“I’m aware.” The words came out as a growl. Territory was everything. In the old days it was a pack’s survival. The instinct to protect it at all costs remained, but Lewis had no choice. “Their safety matters more.”
The pack has to be protected first.
Agree. His wolf sounded unhappy, but stood by him, as always.
“Alright then. Continue with training, and preparing for if Nightfang brings his pack for war.” Lewis sighed. “Hopefully they’ll wait until the colder weather passes.”
Although it might be just delaying the inevitable.
“You are all dismissed.” As he stood up, however, his mother stopped him with a smile.
“Can you pick up some milk, dear? I’m out.”
“… Sure, Mom.” He held back a laugh thinking about his conversation with his wolf, knowing that no one else would get the joke. Maybe I’ll pick up my mate while I’m there.
He headed into town.
As he parked his car and walked towards the supermarket, however, his wolf suddenly started shouting in his head.
She’s here!
Lewis frowned. Who? Nightfang or one of his followers?
No, you idiot! Our mate!
Where? He skidded to a halt, staring around frantically. His heart started to race, as he prepared to meet his soulmate… the one he had been waiting for his entire life.
In the bookstore! His wolf wasn’t much better, barely able to communicate in its excitement.
He opened the door, ignoring the soft chime that sounded out to alert a new customer’s arrival. His eyes scanned the room, trying to spot… something. A familiar face, a special feeling. How do you know if someone is your mate…?
His silent voice trailed off in shock as he stared at… her.
She was beautiful.
Dark curls, the tips just barely brushing her shoulders. She was short… very short. He felt awkwardly tall, wondering if she would dislike his height. She seemed to be packing a book into a suitcase, but then turned to face him.
Her grey eyes widened at the sight of him.
Does she feel it too?
With what?!!! I don’t have any food!
Why didn’t you bring the steaks?!!! Now she’s going to think we’re weak and she’ll starve as our mate! What if she leaves us?!!
Human women don’t need steaks for courtship… watch.
Lewis cleared his throat. “Excuse me…”
She turned and rushed out of the store.
…You were saying?
…Maybe you were right about the steaks.
He followed her out to the back of the shop, cringing at the suspicious looks that the customers in the shop gave him.
I’m chasing after a girl into a back alley. I’ll be lucky if no one calls the cops.
She’s our mate! We could never hurt her!
They don’t know that. She might not even know that!
To his shock she stopped and turned around once they were out of the store. Placing her hands on her hips, she glared at him. “What?”
“…” She was even more mesmerizing up close. Lewis nervously cleared his throat, stepping closer.
Her scent filled his senses. Lilac and spring and… wolf?
She’s a werewolf! That’s awesome! Let’s shift and show her how strong our wolf form is. It’s much better looking than the human look.
“You’re…” Feeling stunned, he reached out, wanting to touch her, to hold her hand. “A werewolf? My mate?”
This is amazing! His mate, his soulmate was standing right in front of him. Would she be happy too? Was she excited to meet us?
She didn’t seem shocked. Didn’t seem happy either… or angry, or afraid. Her face just showed mild… annoyance?
Does she not feel the bond?
“Well, crap.”
As she spoke out with a matter of fact tone, Lewis’s hand neared her shoulder, only to spasm and drop as he fell to the ground shaking. His mate stood over him, staring down at him blankly, the Taser in her hand still sparking.
Well, crap. He silently echoed his mate’s words as darkness overcame him.
Alyssa sat on her favorite chair, holding her favorite mug, drinking her favorite tea, wrapped in her favorite blanket, hoping it would improve her mood.
It wasn’t working.
Mostly due to the large man on her living room floor, just now waking up from the effects of her Taser… and the large animal sedative she stuck him with after he went down. He blinked his eyes, seeming confused and disoriented.
He’s adorable. I bet his wolf is good looking! Can you ask him to shift? Her wolf hadn’t shut up since they met the other werewolf.
“Shush. He’s waking up now. It would be rude to ask him before we’ve talked. “
Spoilsport. At least show him all the hamburger meat we have frozen.
“Why would he want to see our hamburger meat?”
THAT will show him how effective we are at gathering food! We can be an asset to his pack! If he doesn’t have a pack he should follow us around, and we can fatten him up! … he’s too skinny.
“He’s not skinny… he’s very muscular.”
What if there’s not enough prey in the winter? His muscles will go away. He should have a nice little layer of fat.
“Do not fatten him up! I like him like this.”
“Excuse me?” The man on her living room floor struggled to sit up. Leaning back against her TV stand, he blinked a few more times, obviously still fighting off the tranquilizer. Looking around, he just seemed more confused. “Where am I?”
“My home.” Alyssa told him, taking another sip of her tea.
“Ah.” He paused, awkwardly shifting his weight and raising his hands which were tied together with silver chains, like his ankles. “Why am I tied up?”
“…” She stared at him silently a few moments. “You’re a werewolf.”
“…Yes. So are you?”
“You said I was your mate.”
He blushed at that, avoiding eye contact. “Sorry. I know that was awkward. I was surprised. I’ve been looking for years since I reached adulthood.”
“You’re an alpha?”
“Yes.” Straightening his spine, he forced a cocky looking grin. “A strong alpha of a great pack.”
“So now you know why you’re tied up.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes. “I’ve done enough research to know when an alpha finds his mate, it tends to get physical… and non-consensual… real quick.”
He still seemed confused. “Research?”
She set down her tea and blanket and dragged over the enormous roller suitcase. Opening it, she displayed hundreds of paperback romance books. She pulled one out, showing off the cover, which showed a half-naked muscular man holding a woman tightly as she half-heartedly pushed him away.
The bound man looked at the picture. “The Reluctant Mate of an Alpha? What is this?”
“There are 983 books on werewolves in my possession.” She pulled out her notebook, quickly flipping to the “alpha” section. “88% of them feature an alpha werewolf as the male lead… and 92% of those characters force their mate to engage in physical intimacy… mostly hugging and kissing… within the first few minutes of meeting them.”
“You… you’re getting your information from romance books?” He looked horrified. “Where’s your pack?”
“No pack. Abandoned as a baby. I grew up in the foster system.”
A low angry growl sounded from his chest. “What pack abandons a child?!”
“The kind of pack that I’m probably better off being abandoned than raised by.” She tapped the book again. “Back to the fact that I’m apparently the mate to an alpha wolf.”
“Not apparently!” He looked distressed still. “You ARE! Can’t you sense it?”
She ignored him, putting the book back carefully. “You know that alpha wolves aren’t even a natural thing… only happens with wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild tend to form family units. “
“…But we aren’t normal wolves? We wouldn’t have the exact same pack structure.”
“Exactly. Thus I can’t use my wolf encyclopedia to gain information.” She frowned. “That would have been preferable, honestly. I don’t really like the alphas in these stories.”
If you’re not going to mate with him… can we eat him?
“Stop asking to eat people. You know the answer.”
Lewis’s eyes grew wide. “Did you say ‘eat PEOPLE?”
“Don’t worry. There’s a strict ‘no eating people’ rule. It’s just a phase she’s gone through since I let her watch 80s horror werewolf flicks. She thinks its funny, but its not. “ She threw her hands up helplessly. “This is WHY we are on a horror movie ban!”
This is unfair!
“It’s perfectly fair! Even if you ignore the moral implications, you wouldn’t even like the taste of human flesh!”
What about hot sauce? Didn’t you say hot sauce makes every thing taste better?
“Yes… hot sauce does make everything taste better.”
“Wait… are you going to EAT me?” Lewis questioned with a panicked tone, scooting backwards closer to the door.
“No. I told you, there’s a firm ‘no eating people’ rule in place. We’re done discussing that.”
“We’re discussing whether or not hot sauce would make your flesh taste better if we ate you… hypothetically.”
“Oh.” He thought it over. “I do like hot sauce. But I don’t think wolves do.”
“No. It would give them diarrhea, probably.” Alyssa nodded. “See. Even hot sauce wouldn’t help.”
Then if we aren’t going to eat him, can we please just MATE with him?
“No eating. No mating.”
“Wait, can we not put a strict no mating rule in place just yet? At least not a permanent one?” He paused. “Also, if I promise not to engage in any alpha behaviors like you see in your ‘research’, can I please be untied?”
“…” She studied him warily. “I suppose.”
“Great!” He held out his wrists, smiling with relief as she started to untie him.
“I have plenty of tranquilizer anyways.” She muttered.
The bonds slipped free. The man rubbed his wrists, careful to not make any sudden movements. Relieved by his apparent honesty in not trying anything, Alyssa headed back to her chair and wrapped herself back in her blanket.
Grabbing her tea, she took a sip of the lukewarm liquid and smiled. “So what brought the great alpha into my place of work today? Were you looking for me?”
Lewis was unsure how to answer his mate. Panicking, he said the first thing he thought of.
“Actually I was going to go buy milk.”
She raised an eyebrow. “In the bookstore?”
“Yes! I mean, no!” He covered in his face. “I was on my way to the supermarket, when my wolf… sensed you.”
She tilted her head, seeming more interested. “Your wolf? What’s he like?”
“Umm… he’s strong…”
How else will she know I can provide food for her and our children?!
No. I’m not saying we’ll make her fat!
“Are you okay?”
“WE’LL MAKE YOU REALLY FAT!” Lewis blurted out… and then stared at the ground in embarrassed horror.
“…” There was a long silence.
“My wolf says that’s very attractive.” She shook her head. “She wants you to know that we have several pounds of hamburger in our freezer and that we are happy to contribute food to you and your family.”
She’s smart and stores plenty of meat in her freezer! Please convince her to stay as our mate!
“So would you like to come visit our pack? He asked, wincing as she pulled what appeared to be a miniature Taser out of thin air. “Just visiting! No mating!” He relaxed as she hid the Taser away again “…Where were you even keeping that?”
“Secret pocket in the sleeve…. It’s not my only one, so don’t think I’ve given you any advantage.”
Lewis tried to think of something that would appeal to her. “I know you don’t have a pack… it would be a chance to get to know others like you… “
“… I would be able to refine my research…” She muttered, staring down at her notebook. “Plus my wolf really wants to…”
“Sure. Why not?” She shrugged, holding out her hand. “I guess we should officially meet if we’re going back to your pack together. I’m Alyssa.”
Alyssa! Her name is pretty!
“Nice to meet you Alyssa.” Lewis smiled brightly. “I’m Lewis.” He shook her hand, trying to stay calm at the shocking feeling of touching her. It was almost painful, as if every cell in his body were screaming at him that he’s met his soulmate. Overwhelmed, confused, he glanced over at his mate, only to see her calm expression.
Does she not feel this? Are we just delusional?
She’s our mate! Of course she feels it!
She’s not acting like it. Maybe we’re wrong? Lewis felt a stabbing pain in his chest at the thought. She was his mate. He had waited his whole life to meet her. He belonged to her.
What if she doesn’t want us?
… His wolf didn’t have an answer to that.
Maybe she can sense our weakness… our failure.
No… we’re not weak! We’re alpha of a strong pack!
That’s fallen apart because most of them felt I wasn’t the best one for the job.
We have to be strong. We can’t fail our pack or our mate. Don’t show weakness!
I’ll try.
Lewis forced a calm smile as he looked at Alyssa. “Should we head over and meet the pack?”
“Hmm… Aren’t you forgetting something?” She angled her head, studying him.
“Didn’t you say you were on your way to pick up milk when you met me?”
“OH SHOOT!” He jumped to his feet. “I’m glad you said something! You saved my life!”
“By remembering milk?”
“You don’t realize how horrible my death would be at my mom’s hands if I had forgotten it.”
“…” She raised an eyebrow, a slight smile at the corner of her mouth. “You’re welcome, then.”
I like her smile! Let’s help make her smile more!
Lewis ran to pick up some milk while she packed a bag for the trip. When he returned, he was shocked by the number of suitcases she had brought with her.
“Are all these clothes?”
“Don’t be silly.” She looked at him like he was an idiot. “It’s my research.”
He was almost afraid to ask, but felt he had to. “… They’re all filled with werewolf romance books… aren’t they?
“Not just books… “ Alyssa seemed a little defensive. “There’s some weapons. And a few changes of clothes.”
“If you’re staying a few days at least, do you need to take off work?”
She shook her head. “No need.”
“Yeah. “
“…Okay.” He didn’t want to pry. At least not yet. Maybe one day she’ll trust us enough to tell us more.
He packed her bags into the car, glad for his superhuman strength as he lifted the suitcases filled to the brim with books. Alyssa sat in the passenger seat, clutching a notebook and a small messenger bag, which also appeared to be filled with books. As they headed outside of town, an awkward silence fell between them.
Say something witty! His wolf finally lost patience with Something that will make her think we’re smart!
Open to any suggestions, Buddy. I’m having trouble thinking straight with our mate so close, much less think of something smart to say!
Aren’t you supposed to be the more intelligent half? I’m supposed to be the stronger one.
You’re the one always saying that wolves are super intelligent creatures and I should listen to you more!
Now we’re being silent for too long! What if she thinks we’re an idiot?!
You’re not helping…
“So how do werewolves mate?” Alyssa asked calmly, the question almost causing Lewis to swerve off the road in shock.
“Sorry, I don’t think I heard you. Could you repeat the question?”
“How do werewolves mate?”
… I think I preferred the awkward silence.
No! This is good! She’s showing an interest in mating!
“Umm… Not differently than humans… you learned about that in health class, right?” He desperately hoped he would not have to have a “birds and bees” talk with his mate right after meeting her.
“Oh.” She sounded slightly disappointed. “So we don’t mate in wolf form?”
I’m game.
“Typically no… I mean I guess it’s possible…” He felt himself turn bright red, feeling super uncomfortable. “But usually its in human form… at least from my understanding of what mated couples say.”
“Hmm..” She seemed to be listening to something. “No, I don’t think his wolf is impotent. I think it’s a cultural thing.”
We are currently driving down a highway! We are not shifting any time soon! Besides, what on earth do you think you’re going to do in wolf form that’s going to convince her otherwise?
I’ll show her my genitals, to reassure her.
“So I bet that means that werewolf pregnancy follows human rules then. “ She sighed, frowning while pulling out her notebook and writing a few things down. “There was only 3% of books that presented mating and pregnancy while in wolf form, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
“… I see.”
“How long does pregnancy last? 19% of the books depict a shorter pregnancy cycle, but I wasn’t sure if it was just to get the plot to move faster.”
“Normal 9 months.”
“Number of children per pregnancy?”
“One… unless you have twins.”
She groaned, leaning back in her chair. “So no advantages at all? So disappointing.”
“Twins run in our family!” Lewis nearly shouted.
“Really?” Alyssa studied him, looking slightly interested. “Do you have a twin?”
Great. I really had to bring HIM up.
“I do… but he left the pack.”
“Does that happen often?”
“I see…” She made a few more notes. “Obviously the villain.”
“…” I mean, she’s not wrong. “Any other questions?” Please be something easy.
“Will mating with another werewolf change my menstrual cycle?”
Do you know?
Nope. Nothing in the instincts about this. Do you?
He cleared his throat. “Sorry, I don’t know the answer to that question. One of the pack might be able to answer it. Maybe Bridget? She seems pretty knowledgeable.”
“Bridget? Your sister?”
“No… she’s just one of the warriors in the pack..”
“Hmm…” Alyssa thought that over. “Is she pretty?”
Lewis shrugged. “Seems pretty normal.”
“Do you two get along?”
“She follows orders, so I guess?”
“I see.” He could hear her pen scratching against paper again. “The female side character who will try to chase we away, maybe? How exciting.”
“…” Lewis decided he didn’t want to ask anything about it. For the sake of his sanity if nothing else.
They spent the rest of the car ride in silence.
Alyssa felt increasingly nervous the closer they got to pack territory.
I think we’re almost there. This area smells different.
“Different how?”
It smells like our mate! I like it!
“Hmm… Do you think he pees on trees to mark his territory?”
Isn’t that normal?
“It’s normal for wolves… do you think he does it in human form too?”
“I DON’T MARK TERRITORY AS A HUMAN!” Lewis spoke out frantically. “Can you stop talking about me like I’m not here?!”
She turned to him, curious by his reaction. “Don’t you talk to your wolf?”
“All the time, but I do it SILENTLY!” He paused. “Do you not know how to?”
“Oh I know how to, I just think it’s really rude to leave her out of the general conversation. She’s here too you know.”
“That makes sense… I guess…” He sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. “Well, I assume you know since you were commenting on the scent markings, but yes, we’re in pack territory. “
Alyssa nodded, her heart rate increasing slightly. She didn’t like this. Going to unfamiliar places. Meeting new people. Especially people who may have a culture or rules that she didn’t understand. They might not like her.
How could they not love us? We’re a strong, beautiful female… at least when we’re in wolf form.
We’ll be just fine.
“I hope so.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.
A warm hand hesitantly grasped her own. She felt an electric shock traveling up her fingers from the touch, but kept her face expressionless. “Are you okay?” Lewis’s voice was quiet, a comforting sound.
I like his voice. His touch his very warm!
“If you’re worried… I know that you might not believe me, but the pack is very friendly. You’ll feel very welcome.”
“In 42% of the books the pack is welcoming to a stranger… usually because she’s the alpha’s mate. In the rest they are either wary of the unknown person, or distrustful or unfriendly. “ She thought it over. “I guess it’s not bad odds.”
The car came to a stop. Lewis squeezed her hand one last time, and then stepped out, getting her suitcases from the trunk and back seat. Alyssa stared down at her now empty hand, feeling frustrated.
I trust him.
“You trust everyone. It’s my job to keep us safe.” She got out of the car, staring around at the area. There were several nice houses, all scattered far from each other. The place was quiet, peaceful, surrounded by woods. She liked it.
He won’t hurt us. He can’t. It would be like hurting himself.
“You’d be surprised how low people can sink if they want.”
No I wouldn’t. I lived through all the same experiences with you. But wolves do better with a family. We’ll do better with a pack.
“I haven’t agreed to that yet.”
We’ll see.
Lewis carried her many bags without seeming stressed by the weight. “I’ll bring these into the main house. Do you want to come along? Or you can wait here, I can show you around.”
She glanced around at the forest around her. “I’ll wait here.”
“Ok. I’ll be right back.” He looked slightly worried about separating from her, but after a brief hesitation, he walked away.
Alyssa strolled around the clearing by the car, feeling calmer as she took in the fresh air.
I like it here. We should live here.
“We’ll see.”
Also mate Lewis before another female gets him.
“I don’t think that’s how it works. In 82% of the books, being mates meant soul mates. Only small exceptions made for if mates rejected each other and such… for the drama, I suppose. “
Don’t take chances. Even with an impotent wolf we should claim him sooner rather than later. He has fatty steaks in his house. I can smell them.
“That’s what’s important to you? And I told you, I don’t think his wolf is impotent…”
“WHO ARE YOU?” A strident voice called out.
Alyssa turned to see a beautiful young woman walking towards her with a suspicious expression. She had shorter, curly blond hair and bright green eyes, towering over her in height. Alyssa sighed slightly as she realized she would probably be the shortest werewolf here by a good amount.
We’re short but feisty! Don’t underestimate us!
“I’m Alyssa.” She waved cheerfully. “Who are you?”
“…” The young woman seemed confused. “Bridget.”
The bitch side character! Maybe she’ll shout at us to “stay away from her man!”
“You don’t know that. Maybe she’s nice. She’s pretty.”
She is pretty… but it would be more fun if she were hysterical and tried to scare us off.
“…Who are you talking to?”
“My wolf.” Alyssa grinned at her. “She’s wondering if you are going to scream at us and tell us to stay away from Lewis.”
The woman seemed stunned. “Why would I do that?”
“All the books have it.” She pulled out her notebook and spread out the books from her messenger bag. Holding up one where a woman in a ripped dress stood next to a large wolf titled “The Alpha’s Runaway Love”, she pointed to a smaller, angry looking woman in the background of the cover. “See… in 79% of these stories there’s a strong female side character who is desperately in love with the alpha despite him being mated to the main character and tries to drive her away.”
“… Are those… romance novels….?”
“But I really hope you aren’t that character type. I think you seem like an awesome older sister type.” She stepped closer, which highlighted the height difference between them. “We’ve always wanted a cool, pretty older sister like you. “
“…” Bridget seemed genuinely overwhelmed. “Umm… first of all… I don’t want to scare you away from Lewis… I grew up with the guy. He wet the bed once when I slept over when we were five… ruined my favorite princess sheets…”
Alyssa started taking notes.
“I was just curious about who you were…” She rested a hand on Alyssa’s head, almost seemingly despite herself. “Are you Lewis’ mate?”
“Yep! He found me in a bookstore.” She paused. “Do you know if mating with a werewolf changes your menstrual cycle? I asked Lewis, but he seemed like he was having a seizure and said he didn’t know.”
“…” Bridgett’s face spasmed at that, she seemed to be holding back a laugh.
“Also… I brought hamburger meat… do you want some? “
“So…” Bridget’s voice trailed off.
“So?” Alyssa tilted her head, confused.
“SO CUTE!!!” Alyssa was pulled into an enormous bear hug, squeezed almost uncomfortably tight as Bridget continued to yell. “YOU’RE ADOPTED!”
“What are you doing with my mate?” Lewis’s strained voice made Alyssa want to look over, but she was still trapped in the hug.
“She’s my little sister now, Alpha.” Bridget’s voice was calm, but stern. “If anything happens to her, I will destroy you.”
Alyssa smiled at her as the tall woman set her down. “Really?”
“Really.” Bridget grinned back. “I’ve always wanted a sister too.”
As the two girls began chatting excitedly, Lewis cleared his throat. “Guys? I hate to break up the love here, but the pack is gathering to meet Alyssa.”
He walked over towards Alyssa, stopping in his tracks as Bridget grabbed her first and tugged her in the correct direction. “Come on, let’s hurry up! I can’t wait to introduce you to them!”
“She’s MY mate! I want to introduce her!”
“Too bad, so sad, bedwetter! If you weren’t so slow maybe you could have grabbed her first.” She laughed.
“Hey, you promised never to mention that again! What if you scare my mate away?!”
“Even better, she’ll just live with me and my family.”
As they moved, Alyssa tapped her arm, leaning close. “Is this really okay?”
“Is what okay?”
“I mean… he’s your alpha… is it okay to be like this with him?”
Bridget smiled. “Don’t worry. He’s a good alpha… a strong fighter, a capable leader… but he’s very kind. He prefers his pack feel comfortable enough to joke around with him. Says if they can trust him enough to make fun of him that it means they’ll trust him enough to have the uncomfortable conversations as well.”
He’s a good leader.
Let’s mate him!
Alyssa groaned at the expected response from her wolf, shaking her head slowly.
They arrived in a clearing in the woods, where twenty or thirty people had gathered. Everyone looked very different, with skin tones, eye and hair color varying widely from person to person. People of all ages chatted excitedly, watching their approach. They did have one thing in common though:
They were all tall.
We’re… tall… too.
“We’re short.” Feeling uncomfortable, she hid behind Bridget, who growled at the crowd.
“Don’t you guys make my sister uncomfortable! Sit down, you’re scaring her.”
The crowd looked very confused at that, but sat down on the grass anyways. Besides the three of them, only one man remained standing. He was enormous, a head taller than even Lewis, who Alyssa already considered very tall. He was broad as well as tall, his muscles nearly bursting out of the flannel shirt he was wearing. His face was covered in a bushy beard, his dark hair cropped close.
Overall Alyssa thought he looked very intimidating. She watched as he approached, a hand grasping her hidden Taser in her sleeve.
“This is my Beta Gary.” Lewis’s calm voice was reassuring, but she refused to relax her vigilance as the large man bent down to look her in the eye. “Gary, this is my mate, Alyssa.”
“Hey there, Alyssa.” The hair-covered face broke into a friendly smile. “We’ve been hoping Lewis would find a nice mate for a while now. Glad you’re here. If anyone gives you trouble you let me know, I’ll knock a few heads in.”
Alyssa grinned back at him. “Nice to meet you, Gary. You’re really large.”
Ask him if we can sit on his shoulder! I want to be tall!
“It would be rude to ask to sit on his shoulder right after meeting him. We’ll ask him later.”
Before her wolf could complain too much, Gary reached out and picked her up easily, placing her on one broad shoulder and steadying her with a single hand. “How’s this?”
Alyssa looked around. “This is GREAT!” She laughed.
Bow before us mortals! WE ARE TALL!
“My wolf is very happy right now. She was sad that we were so much shorter than everyone.”
HEY! You were sad too!
“Well you can ride on my shoulder anytime you want.” Gary laughed. “My mate Berta and I always wanted kids, but…” his voice trailed off slightly. “Well, anyways, feel free to come to us if you ever need help.”
“OR ME!” Bridget burst out. “I’ve already claimed her as my little sister!”
Lewis stared at the three of them, looking slightly tired. “Do I get any time with her as her mate?”
Gary and Bridget glanced at each other. “… We’ll see.”
Putting Alyssa down in front of the pack, Gary winked at her as if to reassure her before taking his place standing behind the Alpha. Lewis stepped forward, his manner becoming stronger, more confident as he addressed the crowd.
“Everyone, this is my mate Alyssa. She’s one of us, but she doesn’t have a pack. So I expect you all to make her feel safe and welcome.” He looked around, smiling as everyone nodded obediently.
“We’re glad you’re here!”
“Maybe Lewis will stop moping so much now!”
The cheerful voices of the pack made Alyssa feel calmer. She waved at them, speaking up. “Hey everyone! Like Lewis said, I’m Alyssa. I don’t know much about werewolves… I’ve only grown up around humans, but I’m excited to learn more.”
They seem nice.
Her wolf was happy about the packs’ reactions. No one seemed thrown off by her introduction. No one was glaring at her or even seeming suspicious of her.
It’s a good thing, right?
Before she could respond, Lewis spoke up, distracting her. “Let’s take you back to meet my mom.”
Lewis was relieved that the pack introduction went so well. Not that he was overly surprised; most of the more disagreeable pack members had left in the split with his brother. Who was left were either the ones too reasonable to be sucked into his rhetoric, or the very loyal ones to himself or his father.
Either way, I guess it’s a good thing.
He led his mate towards his house, breathing a small sigh of relief when Bridget and Gary didn’t insist on following. He liked them both a lot, but they could be a lot. Especially since they seemed to have instantly bonded with Alyssa.
Just admit it. We’re jealous. We want to bond with Alyssa too.
We don’t know what all she’s been through. She was abandoned by her pack as an infant. Her only knowledge of us doesn’t paint Alpha’s in a good light… or at least they don’t seem to. Lewis resolved to get his hands on some of those books and read through this. It might help us understand how she views us… and how to reassure her.
I like her. His wolf’s voice was filled with a patient care. Even if she doesn’t like us just yet, I hope she’s happy and feels safe here.
I do too. Lewis desperately wanted to reassure his mate. He could feel her anxiety through the bond. Even when she was smiling she didn’t feel safe. But he didn’t know how to help just yet.
They reached the house, and as they were about to enter, the door swung open and Lewis’s mother rushed out. Making a beeline for Alyssa, she hugged her tightly, grinning.
Alyssa seemed shocked at the sudden appearance of his mother. Lewis tried to step in. “Mom, don’t scare her…”
“Finally someone normal sized!” Alyssa burst out, hugging his mother back.
“I know, right? They’re all way too tall!” Lewis’s mother stepped back, patting her head fondly. “I forgive them since they’re all such good people, but still, I’m happy to have someone I don’t have to strain my neck to look at.”
“Mom, this is Alyssa, my mate.”
“I figured as much dear. You’ve never paid so much attention and care to a single person before. “ She grabbed Alyssa’s hand. “Come in, I made food.”
Our mother understands! She’ll show our mate how much food we can provide!
Alyssa glanced at him. “My wolf wants to make sure that the hamburger meat we brought got put in the fridge.”
“I took care of it.” Lewis puffed out his chest, feeling accomplished.
His mother just shook her head. “Boys. Why don’t you take her bags up to the room next to mine while I get her something to pad her stomach?”
“Yes, Ma’am.” He grabbed the suitcases full of books, weapons and clothes and rushed up the stairs. Her room was on the opposite end of the house from him, right next to his mother’s rooms.
Why is she staying so far away from us? His wolf whined in his head. What if something happens? How will we protect her?
She already doesn’t trust us. Hopefully the living arrangements will make her less nervous. If she doesn’t like it, she might go stay with Bridget instead. Do you want that?
No. Stupid Bridgett. She brought up the bedwetting incident. Our childhood shame bared in front of our mate! What if she doesn’t like us now?
We were young. I can’t imagine she would hold it against us… although yes, it is very embarrassing.
As he neared the kitchen once more, he overheard Alyssa and his mother talking. About to announce his arrival, his mouth slammed shut as he heard his mate’s question.
“So Lewis’ brother is a villain, right?”
“…” His mother sighed. “How much has he told you?”
“Just that he has a twin, and he’s not with the pack.”
“Well, I guess you haven’t known each other long… you’ll hear it anyways, might as well be from me, since he’s my son.” She sat down at the counter, rubbing her forehead tiredly.
“I had three children, actually. Twins boys and a younger girl. My husband was the Alpha of the Western pack, and although it’s not set in stone, usually one of the children of the Alpha will inherit the position.”
Lewis could hear Alyssa’s pen moving as she frantically took notes. He silently laughed, even as his chest hurt at the sound of his mother’s disappointed tone, leaning against the wall to hear how she would describe their situation.
“Now, I’m not a werewolf, you know. I’m a human who happened to be mates with a werewolf. So maybe I didn’t instill the idea of pack values as strongly as I could have.” She sighed. “Lewis seemed to get it naturally. He got hurt when he was ten… the first time he transformed, just to protect an elderly pack member who was being attacked. He’s got a large scar on his left elbow from a hunter’s arrow. Werewolves heal well… but the scars remain.”
My other son… Benjamin… he wasn’t nearly as concerned about the pack’s well being. Just obsessed with being strong. Being in charge. My daughter Emily seemed to feel very similar.”
“Seems pretty Alpha-like… at least how the books describe them.”
“But that’s the thing. Alphas SHOULD be strong. My mate was very strong, in fact. But their strength exists to protect and feed the pack. Strength and power for its own sake has no purpose… and often leads down a dangerous pack.”
“My mate died.” His mother whispered, the pain in her voice breaking Lewis’s heart. “Lung cancer. Even werewolves can die from disease. They heal… but not fast enough for more aggressive wounds or diseases. They’re not immortal.”
“I’m sorry.” Alyssa seemed genuinely concerned. “How did you survive losing your mate?”
“It helps that I’m human.” Her voice was still quiet. “The pain is still there…it’s like a piece of your soul missing. But I had family, pack … people who needed me to keep waking up each morning. And I’m glad I have.”
“So what happened next?”
“My mate’s will left the pack to Lewis.” His mother shrugged, turning back to stir the contents of a pot on the stove. “It was an obvious choice to us. He is strong, careful… puts the pack first.”
“But Benjamin didn’t agree?”
“He rebelled. Said Lewis was weak. Tried to fight him, but was pushed back by the loyal members of the pack. In the end he took almost half the pack with him to start a new one… including my daughter who also thought Lewis was too weak to lead.”
“…” Alyssa was silent. Lewis leaned against the wall, desperately trying to sense his mate’s emotions. Was she disappointed in him? Did she think he was a failure.
“He goes by Nightfang now… his group is our pack’s greatest threat.”
“…” Suddenly in the silent kitchen, Alyssa chuckled. “Seriously? Nightfang? Did he think that was a cool name?”
Lewis’s mother laughed too. “I know, right. I mean, it’s a serious situation and all, but seriously… he sounds like a villain in a Saturday morning cartoon.” She looked over, and chuckled again. “Alright, Lewis. Stop hiding around the corner and come join the conversation.”
Shamefully, Lewis ducked his head and entered the kitchen. He noticed Alyssa didn’t seem surprised by his presence.
She probably can sense when we’re nearby. It means our bond is slightly stronger!
It also means she knows we were eavesdropping like a creep!
Well we were… not like it’s much better if she doesn’t know.
“So…” He spoke up, trying to appear less awkward. “Can I help with dinner at all, Mom?”
She smiled, reaching up high to pat his head as well. “I’m pretty much done. How about after we eat you show her around the territory?”
Alyssa seemed a little more relaxed, to Lewis’s relief. “I’d like that.”
Play it cool! She already knows that half the pack left because we’re too weak to convince them we’re a good Alpha. If we look like an idiot too…
OH SHUT UP! His wolf snapped at it. Don’t pretend you’re not super excited. We’re the same person!
…Stupid wolf.
Silly human.
... Lewis was excited. So excited he could hardly breathe. His mate was right here, in front of him. She was smart, beautiful, friendly… at least to everyone else… more than he could have ever dared to dream of.
I just want her to like us… any ideas?
I still vote for bringing her food or showing her our genitals. .
… Never mind… I’ll think of something.
A few weeks passed.
Alyssa sat on the cool grass, watching Lewis in wolf form teaching some of the younger pack members how to fight.
“Watch out for each other.” His voice resounded her mind. “You can’t be so focused on the enemy that you lose track of what’s behind you.”
Having never spent any time prior to this visit around other werewolves, she was interested to find that although she did understand some of wolf language – a combination of scents, sounds and body language – the majority of the time werewolves simply spoke through mental communication.
Lewis batted one of the young wolves aside, snapping at another’s flank and using his weight to push a third to the ground, baring his teeth. The fallen wolf whimpered slightly, more with frustration than pain.
“Alpha, I thought we had to focus all of our attention on the attack, and not stop until the enemy was dead?” The youngest of the three, a male wolf named Teddy, finally spoke up, his tail between his legs. “How are we supposed to do that AND watch our backs?”
“Who told you that?” Lewis seemed shocked. “You are nothing without your pack! Only by working together and looking out for each other will you be at your strongest.”
“It was Uncle Ben…mmph” Teddy’s voice was muffled as the other two wolves tackled him.
“Sorry Alpha, he’s a little dumb.” Teddy’s sister Lara apologized, grinding her brother’s muzzle into the dirt with a paw. “Of course we aren’t going to follow what the traitor Nightfang taught us.”
“But LARA…”
“SHUT UP and let me get us out of this, idiot!”
Lewis stared at them for a few minutes, and then laughed silently in our heads. “It’s okay. I know he was in charge of teaching fighting for years. It’s a different strategy, but give my idea a shot before you dismiss it, okay?”
“YES ALPHA!” The three younger wolves shouted in unison.
“…” Alyssa studied Lewis with a thoughtful expression. He was kind enough to the pups, even when they challenged him and brought up his brother’s name. He didn’t lash out, just calmly guiding them forward. If she didn’t know better, she would think the mention of his brother didn’t bother him at all.
But she could feel it.
Behind his kind words, there was a deep agony. Fear, hurt, betrayal. He resented that his brother left the pack, that he split the pack with his leaving. He regretted that he had let his brother teach the pups… that he taught the pups to be killers rather than to defend and protect the pack. Feared being compared to his brother at every turn.
But mostly… he blamed himself. Hated that he wasn’t a strong enough Alpha to force the pack to stay together. He wished desperately that he could be a better leader… more like his father.
Alyssa rubbed her chest idly, feeling a pain in her heart that wasn’t physical but still wishing to ease it. She could sense his self-doubt, his feelings of helplessness, but was unsure what to do with the knowledge.
Over the last few weeks, they had spent a lot of time together. She had come to recognize that he was as kind as he first seemed, very different than what her book research had led her to expect. He was strong… she could see that in every move her made, especially in his wolf form… but he didn’t seem to place his importance on that strength.
His mother had described him well. He was strong, careful… and he put his pack first.
The closer they got, the more she learned about him, the more she could feel through their bond. His emotions, his mental state. She couldn’t hear his thoughts, not unless he was mentally communicating in wolf form. The information she was getting, however, was almost more than she could bear.
It made her terrified to guess what he could sense about her.
That’s how bonding goes. He is our soul mate. We can’t hide from him.
“…” Alyssa ignored her wolf, mad that she was telling the truth.
“Are you okay?” Alyssa looked up at Lewis’s mental question, startled to see his wolf’s face right in front of her own. “Did something upset you?”
“… What would you do if something did?”
“Help you. No matter what.” His mental voice was firm… reassuring.
“What if it was you that upset me?” Alyssa was curious how he would answer that.
“… If I did something, please let me know… I don’t want to hurt you, even by accident.” He paused. “If you don’t feel comfortable telling me… then my mom or Bridget would be happy to listen. And of course beat me up for whatever I did…”
SORRY WE UPSET YOU MATE! WOULD YOU LIKE MEAT?! Startled, Alyssa realized she could hear Lewis’s wolf directly. He sounded a lot like Lewis, but slightly more… straightforward.
TELL HIM WE LIKE MEAT! Alyssa’s wolf shouted with frustration. OR SHIFT SO I CAN TELL HIM MYSELF!
“How can I hear your wolf? I thought that could only happen after mating?”
Lewis shook his head, the motion strange appearing when performed by a wolf. “I’m not sure… I’ve never been mated before… but I think as our bond deepens we’ll hear more. I can’t hear your wolf now… if she’s speaking…”
“…But if you were in wolf form I might. Their control is a little stronger in that form. One day we might be able to hear each other’s wolves even when in human form.”
We like you, Mate! We think you are smart and pretty and smell nice! We spend a lot of time arguing over what would make you like us! Lewis’s wolf chimed in.
“Shush…” Lewis tried to interrupt, but the wolf kept talking.
I wanted to bring you meat and expose our genitals to reassure you of our virility, but he insisted that would make you mad.
His wolf is smart. Alyssa’s wolf approved. That would have made me happy.
“…Your wolf and my wolf are on the same page. I have no desire to see genitals, though.”
“No worries, there’s a firm ‘no flashing’ rule in place. “
Her stomach rumbled. “Wouldn’t say no to a steak though!”
Hooray! We’ll bring you the tastiest of the steaks!
See, he loves us enough to bring us the best steak! We should mate him now!
Lewis ran behind a tree and shifted, quickly changing into loose fitting shorts and t-shirt. Alyssa had learned the hard way that the pack had very little sense of modesty.
After numbing her brain to the sight of naked people who had transformed back from wolf form multiple times, she had come to somewhat accept it as normal.
She was still glad that Lewis tried to not be naked in front of her. Although she was now realizing that this might have more to do with avoiding his wolf’s desire to show off genitals then anything else.
“Let’s go.” He smiled, the expression causing her heart to skip a quick beat, and held out his hand. After a short hesitation, she took it, feeling as always the thrill that came from touching him.
They walked together in silence.
As they neared the house, Lewis spoke up. “You know everyone likes you here.”
Alyssa tensed up. “But…?”
“No buts. They just like you.” He let out a quiet sigh. “You don’t have to try this hard.”
“You look relaxed when you’re talking with the pack. You’re smiling and joking around… you’ve even got half of them addicted to those werewolf romance novels… I mean your research…” He chuckled, squeezing her hand with his own. “But I can feel it, Lyss. I can feel how stressed out you are… how hard you’re trying to make them like you.”
“I…” Alyssa started to talk but then fell silent.
I told you he knows us.
“I’m not judging.” He smiled bitterly. “I wish I had met you much earlier. I don’t know what your life has been like leading up to now. I just want you to know that people like you for the weird, lovely person you are. You can try to relax a little.”
Alyssa thought his words over. “Growing up… being liked… it was safer. Especially if you were the weird kid who had a wolf voice in her head. I learned early how to read people, and act the way they wanted. I’ve grown out of it some… it does get very tiring. But I don’t know if I could completely stop, even if I wanted to.”
“That’s okay.” He grinned. “Just know that I care about you... honestly maybe more than that, although it’s just been a few weeks. You never have to try to get on my good side.”
“I don’t think we ever tried to do that.”
We tried to scare him off. And instead he treated us better than anyone else.
He grinned. “Good. Then I guess I got to see a closer side to you than most… even if it was not meant as a compliment.”
Alyssa felt scared by this. His care. His acceptance of her. Even worse by the fact she could feel through the bond that it was completely genuine.
“Don’t let it worry you too much. Let’s just take it a day at a time for now.”
She sighed with relief at his words. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He thought it over for a moment. “Wait? What about your job at the bookstore? You’ve been here two weeks without notice? Do you still have a job?”
“You don’t need to worry about it.”
You’ll have to tell him eventually.
“If you say so.” His expression and mental state were a little sad, but she ignored it.
She would take it one step at a time, just like Lewis suggested.
Lewis was going a little crazy.
It had been a month. He spent every day at his mate’s side. Every day talking with Alyssa, laughing with her, getting to know her more and more. As they grew closer, he couldn’t help but wish for more.
They had just returned from a run through the forest in their wolf forms. He loved spending time with her wolf as well. She was much smaller than him, with silver fur and grey eyes that saw right through him. Her wolf self was much more open and playful, often pulling him to play or run through the forest. His wolf was enamored with her, yelling out offers to feed her or provide her with pups… or both. Her wolf was in hearty agreement, only to be silenced by Alyssa, who still seemed somewhat uncomfortable about the whole situation.
Lewis was happy. He hoped she would continue to stay with the pack… stay with him. He just wasn’t sure how long that would last. Fortunately she seemed completely unconcerned about how much time she took off the bookstore.
He shifted back behind a tree, changing into his clothes stuffed nearby and staring down at the ground until he heard she was done doing the same. Stepping out of his hiding spot he grinned and offered his hand.
“Should we get something to eat?”
Alyssa took his hand without hesitation. “Sure. What should we make?” Lewis felt his heartbeat speed up at her casual use of “we”.
Their wolves chimed in, making them both shake their heads.
“How about pasta?” He asked. Feeling the wolves’ disappointment he added “We can have meat in the sauce.
Our mate is the best!
Lewis couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Her wolf likes me at least.
“ALPHA!” Gary’s panicked voice caused him to turn, seeing the large man running towards them fully naked.
Seeing Alyssa look towards the ground, Lewis couldn’t help but growl with annoyance. “Can’t you put pants on?”
“No time.” He skidded to a halt, trying to catch his breath. “It’s your brother…”
His heart stopped.
Benjamin. Nightfang. His brother. His enemy.
“What has he done?”
Gary’s face was grim. “He’s invaded. The South Segment.”
Lewis pulled off his clothes, shifting to his wolf form.
“Are there any of our pack patrolling in the area?”
“I let Teddy and Lara take that segment… it was supposed to be our safest area…” Gary rubbed his face looking horrified. “I thought it would be okay.”
“Stay here. Protect the pack. I’ll get the young wolves.”
His silent voice projected across the entire territory.
“Everyone. We are under attack. Go to your designated areas. The Nightfang pack has definitely invaded the South Segment, but it could be a distraction. DO NOT LET DOWN YOUR GUARD! Watch each others’ backs. I’m going after Teddy and Lara who were last seen in the attacked area. Listen to the Beta while I’m gone."
He hesitated mentally, continuing to run as fast as possible to the south segment, and then reached out privately to Alyssa.
“Please keep yourself safe. If you want to fight I won’t stop you, stay near Gary. If you want to stay out of the fight, go hide in the house with my mom. The pack is instructed to guard it. “
“I… “ He trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence.
He wanted to. He wanted to express the thoughts, the emotions that had slowly sprouted within him in the time they had spent together. To say everything he had wanted to say when he was by her side.
But he couldn’t.
We’re not strong. We can barely protect our pack. She won’t want us. She doesn’t trust us yet.
He reached out for what he hoped wouldn’t be the last time to his beloved mate.
“Stay safe.”
With that, he continued towards the south sector.
Calling out for Teddy and Lara as he neared the attacked area, Lewis wasn’t getting any answers. He tried not to think too hard about what that could mean.
They might just be unconscious… they might not be… His wolf trailed off, hesitating.
I don’t know what Ben… what Nightfang is capable of. He might kill them. But if there is a chance they are still alive… we have to try.
He slowed down, his paws silently stepping on the soft earth. He stayed on high alert, listening for any possible signs of the intruders.
Don’t let your guard down. Someone is close. His wolf could feel the intrusion on the Packs’ territory, it bothered him.
There, in the clearing! Lewis spotted two small wolf forms laying still on the ground. Praying they were just knocked out, he crouched down and inched closer.
They were breathing.
He let out a silent sigh of relief. Scouting around, there were at least two from the NightFang pack in the clearing with the pups.
Only two.
Where’s the rest of that bastard’s pack?! Where’s Ben? His wolf snarled within him.
It’s a distraction.He had known there was a possibility. But he couldn’t leave the two young wolves for dead. He couldn’t.
And Nightfang knew that.
Let’s save them quickly and head straight back. Hopefully Gary will keep things together until we return.
I miss our mate. I hope she’s okay.
… Me too.
Lewis attacked from the shadows. Normally he would owe them a noise, some sort of warning of his approach. He should give them the chance to surrender. To run away.
He didn’t warn them. They had invaded his pack’s territory. Kidnapped and attacked their young wolves. They knew the consequences.
One wolf screamed in pain and fear as his hamstring was shredded between Lewis’ teeth. He shifted in his confusion and shock, the bloody mess even worse in human form. Lewis had already turned to the next one.
He snapped at the enemy’s flank, and as the wolf dodged to avoid his teeth, used his much heavier muscle mass to push him to the ground. He grabbed his throat, resting his canines against the carotid pulse. The wolf grew still, not wanting to push him into ending his life.
“SPEAK! What is that traitor’s plan?”
The wolf whined at his mental command, but stayed silent. Lewis began closing his jaw. We don’t have time for this. The pack is in danger. Our mate is in danger.
“He’s attacking from the West!” Sensing death close by, the wolf began to mindspeak. “He wants to wipe out your pack while you’re distracted.”
Lewis opened his jaw slightly, considering his options. If I let him go he could warn the others.
Kill him.
He surrendered.
The pack must be protected.
Let me knock him out.
“Weakling.” A snarl came behind him, and he realized it was the man whose hamstring he had torn out. Swinging a metal bar at his head. At the same time, the wolf he had pinned bucked with teeth bared, trying to throw him off and attack.
Lewis dodged, clamping down his teeth as he moved, tearing the carotid and jugular with the sharp points of his teeth. He let go, tasting blood, knowing that the wolf beneath him was dead.
One left.
Before the attacker could say anything, Lewis jumped, fangs bared, and tore his throat out as well.
We did it.
He nudged Lara, the older of the two wolves, relieved when she woke up right away.
“Grab your brother and go to the main house.” His tone didn’t allow room for argument. She nodded silently, shaking awake her brother, and the two ran into the forest.
Lewis couldn’t help but chastise himself as he watched them move away. I hesitated.
You’re our kind half. I am the viciousness we hold, the killer instinct.
I’m weak.
We have to have both, or we’ll either be a tyrant killer or a ineffective Alpha. Now stop having a personal crisis and go SAVE OUR MATE.
Lewis nodded grimly, padding off into the forest towards where he could sense the pack.
It’s time to end this.
He ran into more enemy wolves as he neared the center of his territory. This time he sighed, giving up control to his wolf. His wolf seemed relieved at taking over, fighting both enemies to severe injury or death before moving forward.
Mate. He picked up the pace.
Alyssa had never been in a fight before. At least not with other wolves.
Don’t worry, I got this. Her wolf took over and leapt at the nearest attacker. Gary and Bridget were to either side of her, their much larger wolves defending her flank.
“There’s a lot of them, but I think we’ve got control.” Gary communicated calmly, his frantic attacks never slowing.
“They seem disorganized. “ Bridgett’s silent voice conveyed her disapproval. “Did they come here just to die?”
As her wolf continued to fight, leaping nimbly in between the snarling wolves, Alyssa studied her surroundings.
This is too easy. They’re injured… starving… what have they been doing in their territory?
Her wolf had no sympathy. Bad alphas make bad packs.
She looked around in the chaos. Everywhere she looked wolves were snapping at each other. Blood stained the cold ground, trampled into the dirt churning it into mud. Howls and whines of pain filled the air.
“I don’t see him.” She communicated to the other pack members.
“Who”? Gary trampled his enemy into the mud, his jaw locking on the throat of the other wolf. “Lewis?”
“No. Benjamin. I don’t sense an alpha in this group. Shouldn’t he be larger or stronger than the rest? Where is he?”
“Maybe the Southern Sector? An alpha fight?”
“No.” Alyssa’s mind was racing. “He doesn’t seem like the type to respect Lewis enough to fight him head on. 64% of the stories show the villain attempting some sort of sneak attack. The South Sector was a distraction… and so is this. They sent their weaker, injured members to fight us.”
That means….
She took off for the main house.
Alyssa! Bridgett called out. Where are you going?
To where the real fight is.
She crashed into the house, skidding to a halt at the sight of Lewis and his mother.
No… it’s not Lewis.Their faces were very similar, but everything else was wrong: his scent, his expression, his posture.
He smells dangerous… aggressive… Her wolf complained. He’s everything our mate isn’t.
I don’t like him.
Me either… he’s scary.
We should be careful.
She kept a defensive posture, her hackles raised, her teeth bared.
Benjamin looked down at her with a mocking smile. “Ah. The princess is here.”
His mother glared at him, holding a gun in her hand. To Alyssa’s shock there were already two large wolf bodies on the floor, cooling blood spilling from multiple bullet wounds. “Don’t you look at her, Ben! You came here for me.”
“It’s Nightfang now, Mother.” Ben laughed. “And you can’t tell me what to do. Not anymore. You lost that right when you betrayed me to side with my weak brother.”
Alyssa advanced closer.
“Oh don’t give her that crap, Benjamin. You might pretend to be mysterious and evil but you’re just pathetic. You aren’t Nightfang, or Eveningclaw or even Morning-freaking-wood. You are Ben. A bitter little boy who is mad at his mommy and daddy for giving the pack to your brother.” She kept her gaze on his, and his green eyes had trouble continuing to look into her own. “Never understanding why they made the choice, even though it’s obvious to anyone else.”
“Oh really?”
“I’ve only known you for a single minute and I wouldn’t trust you to be in charge of a self-cleaning litter box, much less actual people’s lives. “
“Well, well, Princess. That’s just needlessly cruel. Trying to rile me up? Distract me?” He shook his head sadly. “That only works in stories. It’s true that I’m very disappointed in my parents’ choice. They thought I was too violent to lead. That I didn’t care enough about the pack. But I did. I’m the only one who does.”
“Sure.” She circled around, spotting one of her bags close to the wall.
“Be careful, Alyssa.” Lewis’s Mom called out, still pointing her gun at her own son. “He’s dangerous.”
“You used up all your shots in the initial attack, Mom. Don’t embarrass yourself by pretending it’s still a threat.” Benjamin reached out and took the gun from her. “I forgive you for killing my men. But you should some respect when addressing her.”
“What are you…?” She looked over at Alyssa, who stayed silent.
“You didn’t tell them? ...Interesting.” He rubbed his face, a mocking grin starting to form. “Maybe you don’t even know?”
“Shut up. “ Alyssa leapt forward, reaching for his throat. Throwing himself backwards, Benjamin shifted as he moved. At the change she miscalculated, slamming into the much larger wolf, her teeth closing on only the fur around his neck.
“You want to fight? I’ll fight.” His wolf charged, snapping at her flank while she twisted desperately to avoid him. He was larger, stronger… but she was definitely more agile.
This isn’t a winning strategy. We can’t face him head on. Her wolf was directing the movements, keeping them alive from moment to moment as Benjamin pressed the attack.
I know that… Circle around towards the back of the room. I have an idea.
They growled, running in and taking a small chunk out of his foreleg before darting in the direction Alyssa had spotted earlier. Benjamin howled in pain, slamming her with his weight, throwing her smaller form enough to slam her against the wall. At the impact she shifted, turning into her more vulnerable form.
I don’t like this. We’re easier to kill this way.
“Not excited about being naked either, but it’s necessary.” She muttered, her hands working quickly.
“He should have protected you better than this.” Benjamin laughed silently in her head. “He didn’t even realize what a treasure he had.”
A grey form jumped through the air, landing on Benjamin and knocking him to the ground. As they straightened up Alyssa recognized her mate with a sense of terror and relief. Relief that he was here. Terror that he was now in danger.
The two alpha wolves circled each other.
“You should have just found your own territory.” Lewis silent voice was grim, full of his authority as Alpha. “Even with your treachery, I was willing to let you go.”
“That’s because you’re weak. This is MY territory. MY pack. You are the one who has to die. And as for your lovely mate who you know so little about… how about I take her too?”
He sighed at his brother’s words. “You’re forcing me to kill you.”
“Lewis, push him my way!” Alyssa called out silently through their connection.
“That’ll put you in danger!”
“Trust me!”
Lewis ducked his head, the almost submissive posture throwing his brother into confusion. As Benjamin hesitated, Lewis charged forward, aiming not for his throat or other vulnerable points, but at his feet. Throwing all his weight behind it, Lewis tripped him up, pushing him back- straight towards Alyssa.
“Here you go! Be careful!”
“You just put your mate in harm’s way! She’s defenseless!” He snarled, turning his attention to Alyssa’s vulnerable state. “Fool!”
His form seized for a brief moment and collapsed to the ground,
“Nope!” Alyssa grinned and held up her Taser. “He just trusts his mate!”
There was a brief stunned silence.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Lewis’ mother leaned against the counter, looking relieved.
“Just one more thing.” Alyssa held up a finger. Reaching down, she grabbed her overly loaded suitcase filled with her research books.
BAM! And raised it over her head, slamming it down on top of Benjamin.
“Oof.” Both Lewis and his mother winced, but made no move to stop her.
“That’s for attacking me. Not to mention what you’ve done to Lewis!” She then reached down and pulled an ampule out of one of the pockets, stabbing Benjamin in the arm with it.
“What is that?”
“Tranquilizer.” She answered, making sure the drug injected okay.
“It’s very effective.” Lewis laughed silently in their heads, and then slowly shifting back to his human form. His green eyes met her own, and neither looked away for a long a moment.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you alright?”
They asked at the same time. Alyssa smelled his blood and panicking, ran over to look at him closely. “Where are you hurt?”
She grabbed his arm, finding a small cut there, and continued to look at his limbs.
Lewis froze. “Umm… Could we do this with clothing on?”
“…” Alyssa stepped back, rubbing her forehead as she realized that they were both naked and she had been feeling him over. “…Sure.”
“…Well” Lewis’s mother broke the silence with an awkward cough. “I’m going to go see to the pack. You two… talk.” She gave them a thumbs up and slipped out.
“That’s not even a wolf mating ritual.” Lewis hissed. “Will you leave it alone?!”
Don’t worry! Her wolf chimed in. We don’t think you’re impotent anymore!
So we should just get straight to the mating!
Lewis and Alyssa sighed slightly at their wolves’ excitement, and looked down at Benjamin, still unconscious on the floor.
“What do we do to him?” She asked, feeling tired.
“Do you still have some of those chains?” Taking the object she handed to him, Lewis bound the now human form of his brother, sneaking in a single kick in the process. “We’ll send him to the Council. He’s broken every law that I know of.”
“… You know in all the stories where he’s not killed the villain escapes and causes trouble again.”
Lewis sighed at that. “I know it would be safer to kill him. But… I…” He trailed off, looking conflicted.
“It’s okay.” She patted his arm, avoiding the injury she found before. “If you were able to kill him so easily you wouldn’t be you.”
“I worry sometimes that I’m too weak to be an Alpha.”
“I know. And I’m sure there’s probably some perfect balance of strength and mercy… but you don’t have to have everything figured out right away.”
She shrugged. “Besides, isn’t your sister still out there? Maybe the council can use Benjamin to figure out where she is.”
After handing Benjamin off to Gary and Bridgett to guard (And having them both fuss over Alyssa to make sure she was okay) the two went back to their rooms to change. Alyssa stared at the wall of her temporary bedroom, feeling conflicted.
He’s our mate. He’ll understand.
“I know. And that’s what scares me.”
Finishing her brief hesitation, she walked over to Lewis’ room, knocking on the door.
“Come in.”
“We need to talk.”
Lewis was extremely nervous as he waved his mate to sit down on the bed. He took the chair on the other side of the room.
What if she doesn’t want to stay?
She’s our mate! His wolf answered his nervous thoughts. She won’t abandon us!
“I don’t know what you told him, but your wolf is right.” Alyssa spoke up. “We won’t abandon you. Not over something silly like your evil twin brother trying to invade and kill us all.”
Lewis let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “That’s a relief.” He leaned back in his chair. “So what do you want to talk to me about?”
She stared at the ground a few moments before painfully continuing. “So I told you I grew up in the foster system, right?”
“So the part I didn’t tell you… is that a few years back, around the time I turned 18… a weird guy came and found me.”
Lewis growled. “Did he try to hurt you?”
“No. Quite the opposite. He said he was a friend of my family. He wasn’t one of us… definitely human.” She ran her fingers through her hair, obviously unhappy. “He wouldn’t tell me who they were, or why they abandoned me. He just said they had no choice.”
“That’s crap. I don’t know their situation but their only option was to abandon a baby?” HE shook his head. “Something’s off.”
“I thought so too. I told him to get lost.” She hesitated. “And he gave me a million dollars.”
“He said it was a small gift from my parents. I don’t know who my family is, or what they were involved in, but it’s probably big… and definitely not good.”
Lewis processed this for a few moments. “So your job at the bookstore?”
“I actually own it. But I have a manager run it. I stop by occasionally and shelve books while I look for new research.”
“So…” He grinned. “Does this mean you can stay longer and not worry about losing your job?”
“… Is that what you’re thinking about?” Alyssa demanded, her hands twisting in the fabric of her t-shirt. “You’re not worried about unknown schemes, powerful families… who knows what nonsense could happen! I swear, haven’t you ever read one of these novels?!”
Lewis picked up the book on the table nearby. “I started reading through a few at your suggestion.
“The Seductive Alpha’s bride?” She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“It’s research! I’m trying to learn how to be a better mate!”
He’s hoping to learn how to make himself more attractive! His wolf added.
We already think you’re both attractive!
Great! Let’s mate then!
“Not yet!” Alyssa stepped in as their wolves got carried away once more. “Although she’s right… we do think you’re attractive…”
“But how about we go slow… like a date, first?”
“A date!” Lewis jumped up, his mind racing. “Yes! Let me grab my car…”
“We were just attacked… remember?”
He stopped at her gentle reminder. “Oh. Right. How about after we get things sorted out?”
She smiled, the expression causing his heart to race.
“I’d like that.”
They fell into a comfortable silence.
“So how accurate has your research been so far?” He asked after a while, curious.
“The books?” She thought it over. “You know, considering the Alphas and the relationships I’ve read about?” She looked him over again. “I’d say I was a little surprised.”
“In a good way?” His tone was hopeful, he couldn’t help it.
“Yes. As for the future though?” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “The majority of these stories have a happy ending. But we’ll just have to see.”
Lewis touched the spot that had been kissed, smiling. “A happy ending, huh? I’d like that.”
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heyitsmerose · 4 years
Ateez Reaction to their s/o calling them when they’re in danger (hyung line)
TW: Sensitive content and mentions of abuse
Word Count: 2.5k
Mature Language*
Hongjoong: (peeping tom)
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You and Hongjoong have been dating for a while now, with his busy schedule he tries to make as much time for you as possible, however you’re left home alone for majority of the day, especially during comeback time. 
Today, your boyfriend and the rest of Ateez were recording their new song at were all at the KQ building, a good 30 minutes away from your apartment. He wouldn’t be back for another 2-3 hours so you decided to take a shower and treat yourself.
Halfway through your shower, you heard noises. Thinking it was just your brain being paranoid about being home alone you decided to leave it and continue showering. Another 5 minutes later you hear shuffling outside and the noise of clicking. This time, being a little more cautious you decided to stop the shower to better hear the noise. After a few seconds you heard the noise again and decided to go outside into your shared bedroom. 
The second you did, you briefly caught a glimpse of someone standing outside your window with a camera, through the mirror in your room. Acting as if you hadn’t seen anything, you took your phone into the bathroom and locked it, trying to act as cool as you could. The second the door closed behind you, you dialed hongjoong. 
[“Hongjoong, how much longer”] you whisper yelled voice cracking at the end
[“Woah, hey Y/n, what’s up?] you were greeted by your boyfriend’s, bandmate, Wooyoung’s voice
[Can you give the phone to Hongjoong please]
[Y/n, he’s recording right now, is everything alright]
[Please just give him the phone]
[Alright I’m putting it on speaker] Wooyoung said and you heard some shuffling in the background
[Hey hun, whats wrong, is everything alright] you were greeted by your boyfriend’s sweet voice.
[Hongjoong, I’m stuck in the bathroom with nothing but a towel and there’s someone outside our window taking pictures of me!] You whisper yelled, voice cracking at the end of you sentence, not because you were sad, but because you were scared and frustrated of the situation you were in. 
You heard a few gasps from the rest of the members and a “what the fuck?”, presumably from Seonghwa.
[Okay, babe, stay where you are, we’ll come get you] You heard Hongjoong say, after which he hung up.
You tied up your hair and turned on the shower again to cover any noise you were making. Soon you heard shuffling outside and footsteps coming closer to the bathroom wall. 
After a while the footsteps stopped and you heard banging on the bathroom wall from the outside of the house.
“Come out, honey, unless you want these pictures to be spread all over the internet” You heard a sinister voice call out from outside.
At this point you were done, you hid your face in your knees and sobbed, your life would be ruined if those photos got out.
“Leave me alone!” you yelled back
Soon you heard more shuffling outside and grunting. You then heard the familiar voice of one of your boyfriend’s bandmates, Mingi.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, creep!? You heard him yell.
Feeling a little more relieved you simply sat and waited until either the police or someone came to get you. In a few minutes, you heard light knocking on the door and you violently flinched. Slowly and carefully opening the door, you were engulfed by the sweet smell and warm embrace of your boyfriend Hongjoong, not caring whether he got wet. Tears of relief started pouring out your eyes and you collapsed into him.
“Hey, you’re okay now” He whispered to you, warm breath against your face. “I won’t ever let something like that happen ever again” you heard him whisper into your hair. 
Seonghwa: (creep at night)
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You and Seonghwa were a funny couple, showing love to eachother with your constant teasing and nicknames. Recently, he pranked you by banging on the window and knocking on the door when you were home alone. It was safe to say, you were quite spooked. You forgave him quickly and it was forgotten. Today, you had gone out to get some ramen from the supermarket and were on your way back home. It was quite late at night, and Seonghwa was at home sleeping. You wanted to surprise him with some ramen, and so here you were. It started off quite normally, you were used to going out late at night, loving the breeze and the silent streets. 
About halfway home, you saw a hooded man walking across the street from you. It didn’t seem to out of the ordinary, except the fact that he was wearing all black and had a black mask and hat on. You started walking a little faster just to be safe. You noticed that the man started walking a little faster too, and so you decided to start jogging lightly, wanting to get home as soon as possible. The man, this time, crossed the street and was right behind you. Fearing for your life you decided to full on run as fast as you could. The man started chasing after you, and you had no option but to try and take abnormal turns while running to try to lose him. You soon ran around a corner into an alley and took the opportunity to call Seonghwa.
[Seonghwa!] You practically yelled, once he picked the phone up after a few rings
[Y/N, where on earth are you, it’s like 9pm, what are you doing] You heard his husky voice, suggesting he just got up
[Babe, I don’t know where I am but this dude is chasing after me and he keeps grunting and growling at me, I don’t know what to do, please help!]
[Babe, What?!] he yelled through the phone
[Send me your location and I’ll come pick you up]
[What if he has a knife, you cant come here] you tried reasoning
[I don’t care! now send me your location and don’t hang up!]
You were relieved that he was coming to get you, but were still scared that the man could find you any second. Keeping the phone next to you, decided to peek out the corner, to check if he was still there. Bad idea, the man saw your face and instantly ran to your direction. You couldn’t run anywhere as there was a dead end and just backed up against the wall. 
“You thought you could run from me?” The man sneered at you. 
“Please leave me alone” You tried to muster up the courage, only for your eyes to betray you with tears spilling out of them.
“No need to be scared” He creepily grinned at you and grabbed your wrist. You tried pulling away, but to no avail. At this point you were a crying mess. 
“Please let me go” You sobbed, as he pinned you against the wall nearing your face. Only for the pressure to then completely vanish. You looked up and saw your boyfriend Seonghwa swing at the man all of a sudden. You gasped and held him back. 
“That’s what you get, you sick, son of a bitch!” He yelled at the man, shoving him to the ground.
You spent the evening cuddled up in eachothers’ embrace, with you trying to calm him down
Yunho: (creep at the beach)
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You and Yunho were at the beach with the rest of Ateez and their girlfriends. It was a nice way to get away from their busy lifestyles as idols and for everyone to just have a day off. You and San’s girlfriend were quite close and decided to go shell collecting together.
The rest of Ateez’s and Ateez girlfriends were taking pictures, building sand castles and having fun, while Yunho and his Mingi went to go get ice cream for everyone. 
You were laughing and giggling with one another, collecting sea shells, and comparing one another’s like kids, until two tall men interrupted the both of you. 
“Hey ladies! are you here at the beach to have a fun time?” One of them said. Being the bubbly and friendly person San’s girlfriend was, she decided to respond and make conversation, while you were a little more cautious.
“Yeah, we’re just collecting seashells” she smiled back at them
“with our boyfriends” you made sure to emphasise.
“Hey, it’s alright they’re just being nicee” San’s girlfriend whispered to you.
“You never know” you just shrugged back
“Anyways, do you girls know where we can pick up some hot ladies” At this point, San’s girlfriend looked a little uncomfortable too.
“There’s a bar up ahead, hope you find what youre looking for, it was nice talking to you” you promptly cut the conversation short and turned on your heel grabbing your friends arm.
“Hey, no, no wait up, we just want to talk” The other man grabbed your wrist.
“Let go of me” You sternly said, but he didn’t let go and just looked at his friend
“We need to go back now, let me go!” You yelled at him.
The one holding your arm looked at his friend again, and the other one stepped closer to san’s girlfriend taking her chin in his hands.
“Let go of me!” She tried stepping back, but he held her by her shoulder inching closer to her face.
“Let us go!” you yelled at both the men and shoved the one holding your friend to the ground. 
He let go of her, and you told her to call someone for help. She took the opportunity and rang Yunho on the phone, telling him to hurry, as the men wouldn’t leave you alone and you were aggressively yelling at them. You kept struggling in his grip, while the other one tried getting to your friend. After a few minutes of struggling and yelling for help, the grip on your wrist loosened and you heard both the men grunting. Yunho had shoved the man holding you, to the ground and had kicked the other one too. You were still yelling profanities at them, so Yunho turned to you and put his hands on your shoulders, and kissed your forehead. 
“What the hell is wrong with those creeps” You head San yell as he was comforting his girlfriend
“Well, one thing is for sure, they’ll think twice before even trying to approach someone again” Yunho replied while holding you close
Yeosang: (spiked drink)
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You and Yeosang were total opposites yet were such a power couple. Yeosang helped the both of you stay grounded, while you were the more outgoing friendly type. 
Hongjoong’s birthday was coming up and everyone decided to go to the nearby bar to just chill and have a nice time. Yeosang initially wanted to go and leave a little early, as he thought the bar would be too overwhelming for him, but after some convincing and your puppy eyes, there was no way he could refuse. You decided to wear matching outfits with him wearing a full sleeved black button up and bleached skinny jeans, while you wore a black dress up till your knees. Yeosang blushed at the idea of matching, but blushed even more when he saw you in your dress.
After a quick makeout session and some giggles here and there, you both decided to leave to meet everyone at the bar. When you reached, you reached peak happiness. The bar had music so loud and there were so many people, you were excited to say the least. You dragged Yeosang into the bar and he bro-hugged Hongjoong while wishing him happy birthday. You on the other hand were already on the dance floor with Yunho and Mingi. You were yelling lyrics at eachother and breakdancing to no end. Yeosang glanced over at you and laughed at your childish antics. 
When a slower song started to play, he knew it was his time to shine. You were already looking around for him in the crowd and when you finally saw him, a wide smile erupted on your face. You grabbed his shoulders and he grabbed your waist, as you fumbled a bit and were panting.
“Are you drunk?” He asked laughing a little. 
“No, not yet, I’m just tired from dancing” You said looking back up at him.
“I think you mean jumping up and down like a mad lady” He laughed at you. You playfully rolled your eyes and smiled at him. You were definitely aware of how much your dancing affected him. 
 “Yeo, I’m going to go get a drink, I’ll be right back” You said a little breathless.
You went to the bar table and simply sat there for a while deciding on your drink, and taking a break from dancing for a bit. After a while, you saw a drink slide in your direction, and looked up to see a stranger slide the cocktail in your direction. You didn’t know her, but being the naïve person you were, you accepted it instantly, thanking her for the drink. You gulped down the drink in one go and as you did, tasted a weird bitter taste in your mouth. A few minutes after chugging the drink, you felt quite dizzy. You have been drunk a few times and knew how it felt, this was definitely a new feeling. You looked back up at the lady, while your eyes were drooping and having a hard time staying open. She moved her stool closer to you, as you just looked back at her uncomfortably. 
As you felt more lightheaded, you decided to go the washroom and try to throw it up. You went into the women’s washroom and couldn’t even stand up. At this point, your legs felt so wobbly you couldn’t even stand up. You dialed your boyfriend amidst the loud music and he picked up on the first ring itself.
[Y/N, where are you, it’s been like 20 minutes, are you okay?] Yeosang said first.
[I don’t know, I feel lightheaded and weak, I think someone drugged my drink] you slurred your words.
[Wait What?! Where are you right now] He yelled over the phone
[In the women’s washroom]
[Okay wait there, I’m coming to get you]
[No, but you can’t-] And before you could respond, he hung up. 
You heard the washroom door opening and you crawled into one of the stalls. Locking it behind you.
“Where are you, beautiful?” You heard a female voice whisper out.
You felt grossed out, this had never happened to you before. Before you could say anything back, you heard the washroom door slam open and someone stomp in. It was Yeosang, he was growling and aggressively asked the lady,
“Have you seen my girlfriend?”
“Oh, her, I don’t know, I’m looking for her too, but hands off she’s mine” The girl replied. At this point he was furious and pushed the girl to the wall, pinning her against it. 
“Shut up!” He growled.
You unlocked the door to your stall and weakly called out to him. He promptly crouched down to your level and picked you up. It was safe to say, you were definitely not going to be let out of his sight for the rest of the night, and probably forever.
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gruviafan-forever · 3 years
When Gray had reported the drone issues to Erza and Mr Dreyar, the agency was in fix about who could be going to this extent to know about one of their actor's personal lives.
"Looks like there are still some reporters who believe that photos stuff,"
Makarov said while rubbing his forehead.
"But Master didn't we announce it's just a hoax that should have calmed everyone down" Erza reasoned.
"That's not the case, Erza. It's more like these people are working to uncover Gray's secret and create some scandalous sensations" 
Makarov said and tried calling his grandson, Laxus Dreyar who works in the police department.
After informing Laxus, Makarov seemed to have calmed down. That's when Erza informed Gray's decision to unravel his marriage.
"It's high time. However, it's a good decision" Makarov said with a smile.
He knew how hard Gray has worked for these four years to shape his career.
"Let's hope it goes accordingly. Tell Mr Jason to come and meet me. He needs to prepare an article about this and publish it the very next day of the award function on Sorceress Weekly. Also, I need to talk with Gray tomorrow, do inform him, Erza" Makarov informed.
"Yes Master," Erza said with a smile.
Gray got ready for the upcoming event and told her he could come late at night so that they don't wait for him for dinner.
"Yes, Gray-sama. Today I was planning to take Yuki to the park so that she could play with kids of her age. But after what happened yesterday, I decided not to," Juvia said and was adjusting Gray's coat.
Gray began to ponder before he spoke again, "I know it's not right to keep her inside the house and deny her playing freedom. But the situation calls for it, we have to bear for a few more days, Juvia."
He said confidently and kissed her forehead.
It was still 9 AM and Yuki was still fast asleep. So the couple had time for themselves to enjoy their company.
"Sure Gray-sama. You take care. Don't go getting rigid suddenly. Be smiling and welcome your fans warmly. It's because of them you have gained this popularity, remember that Gray-sama."
Juvia lectured her husband like every time any event comes up.
"Yes, madam"
Gray rolled his eyes and smiled at the end. At times, she treated him like a child which he secretly liked.
"Good boy, now get going. I have a lot of chores to do today. If possible, can we go to the supermarket? They're few things which we need to purchase." Juvia consulted him.
Gray agreed and told them to be wary of their surroundings.
"Don't let Yuki wander off on her own. She's such a ball of energy. I know she is a bit difficult to control but look after her. I will take my leave, bye, wifey."
Gray leaned forward to kiss her lips and got one in return.
After bidding bye to her husband, Juvia got freshened up to kick start her day before her daughter woke up.
Soon Gray reached the mentioned location, he was escorted by his manager through the back exit.
"Good morning, Erza"
"Happy morning, Gray. How's Juvia and Yuki doing?"
"Oh, they are doing great. Did Mr Dreyar say anything about the issue?" Gray questioned her.
"Yeah… he wants to meet you after this event. So get ready for that."
Erza informed them and soon they reached the main cabin where every celebrity under the Fairy Tail banner was present.
They greeted each other before Gray went to his friend, Natsu Dragneel and his girlfriend, Lucy Heartfilia.
They bumped their fist and the first thing Natsu asked about was Yuki and Juvia.
Almost every single member of Fairy Tail knew about him so it was not a piece of surprise news for them.
"They are good. Juvia's been calling you two for dinner. Why don't you come by one day? And you too, Erza. Come with your boyfriend."
Gray teased the red-haired woman who had the courtesy to blush on hearing about her love interest.
"Sure, we will come by, once we get to enjoy some free time,"
Natsu said and Lucy nodded in agreement.
That's when Gajeel decided to enter their group. It had been three years since he joined Fairy Tail after his Phantom Band got disbanded.
It was Juvia who proposed Gajeel join this big agency. Gray had spoken about this to Mr Dreyar on his girlfriend's insistence.
Mr Dreyar readily agreed after seeing his performance, ever since, then, Gajeel had been performing for this agency. 
His popularity soared after his debut. Gajeel was very much grateful to both Gray and Juvia.
Gajeel had insisted Juvia continue being his lyricist but she denied it as the agency had appointed their best Lyricist, Levy McGarden to aid her best friend.
Juvia knew Gajeel was smitten by her and didn't have the heart to the third wheel behind them.
Moreover, things happened which made her quit the part-time job which she was doing.
"Yo guys, it's been a long since I saw you all in existence. How's everything going on?"
Gajeel greeted and began with the conversation.
Gray greeted him back and soon everyone started to discuss the event and its aftermath.
It had been a month since Gray and Juvia had levelled up their relationship.
Gray's first tv drama shooting has been wrapped up. In a few more episodes, the drama reaches its conclusion.
For now, Gray enjoyed his free time before the shooting for the next drama commences.
The last two days were hectic for both of them as the agency had ordered Gray to move out of that lodging apartment to other high society flats which they had arranged for him.
This move was taken to avoid fans and reporters gathering around his place and prevented them from invading his privacy.
Juvia was sad hearing this news as now she will be left alone in his apartment.
Even her best friend had moved out to give privacy to her and Gray, same was the case with Gray, Natsu had moved out a couple of months as soon as he signed up for his first tv series.
Juvia tried to remain bold and not to tear up but nothing could get past Gray's eyes.
Gray pouted, she was not paying attention to him and was just staring blankly at his shirt.
To remove her from trance, Gray hugged her from behind which startled her.
"Oi!! What's with the long face? I have never seen you thinking like this. Are you perhaps trying to ditch me?" Gray teased her and kissed her neck.
Juvia turned around and hit his chest, "Don't joke like that. You know how much I love you. Stupid Gray"
Juvia sounded serious especially when he heard her calling him 'Gray'.
She never called him by name without a suffix. That's when he noticed she was crying.
Gray began to fidget and cupped her face, "Hey dear, what happened? Why are you crying?" He asked her worriedly.
Juvia began to wipe her tears off but it never stopped until she told him the reason.
"I feel we will stay apart, Gray-sama, emotionally too. I'm scared that I will be left all alone once again in my life. Of course, I'm being clingy on you but I couldn't help it."
She conveyed her feelings and hugged her lover tightly.
Gray felt happy that she opened up her fear. Even he didn't want to move away from her and from the morning was thinking of asking her to move in with me as his fiancee.
Yes, Gray wanted to marry her and have a lovely life with her. He knew from these 7 months of dating, that she was born for him and he for her.
He was going to propose to her tonight but it looks like the plan needs to be executed at the moment to make her feel assured of their relationship.
"Juvia, I.." 
Before Gray could say anything, Juvia fell unconscious in his arms. He tried to wake her up but it was futile.
He carried her to the bedroom and went out to call a doctor from a nearby clinic.
Once the doctor had come and checked her up, Gray felt relief that she was alright and nothing to worry about except...
"WHAT??" Gray shrieked.
"Yes, Mr Fullbuster. Your girlfriend is pregnant. Congratulations, once Juvia wakes up, give her the medicine and go and visit the gynaecologist, they will guide you from there."
The doctor left him after advising him how to take care of a pregnant woman.
Gray couldn't believe what was happening at the moment. He had mixtures of thoughts and emotions.
But predominantly, it was happiness. He is going to be a father, that too really soon. He was going to lead a happy life with his beloved.
Soon, he was going to have a family which he and Juvia were denied from starting, this brought him happy tears and thanked the Gods for such a second chance.
Now all he hoped for was Juvia to feel the same as him.
After 30 minutes, Juvia woke up from her sleep, the first thing she saw was Gray resting beside her.
Juvia smiled at him and ruffled his hairs and that's when she noticed the ring on her finger. 
She couldn't believe her eyes and closed her mouth with her palms to avoid shouting.
Slowly, Gray woke up and saw his girlfriend's surprised expression which brought a smile to his face.
"Well, calm down, Juvia" 
Hearing his voice, Juvia pulled him into a hug and shouted 'yes'.
Gray chuckled, " I didn't even ask you yet"
Juvia began rubbing her face against his and kissed his forehead,
"I will marry you, Gray-sama."
Gray kissed her lips, "I was actually planning to do it tonight after dinner but here, I'm asking you 'Will you marry me?' "
"1000 times Yes… I'm waiting to live my life with you, Gray-sama…"
"So do I, dear"
Gray kissed her again.
Once their adrenaline has calmed down, Gray slowly broke the news.
"You know what, I found out something. Can you take a guess?"
Gray asked her while squeezing her palms.
Juvia wondered what it could be and accepted her defeat. Now she was curious what this could be.
"We are going to be parents. You are pregnant, Juvia. You are gonna be mama and I'm gonna be papa."
He said with a big smile and kissed her palm.
Then, he told her everything from the moment she fainted to till doctors departure.
Juvia was shedding happy tears and caressing her flat tummy for now. She was going to be a mother, she was going to have her own family now which she longed for since her childhood.
"Are you happy, Gray-sama?"
She wanted to know his feelings.
"My happiness goes beyond this world. I'm happy that we are gonna start be a family together. Juvia, let's get married tomorrow."
Gray shared his piece of mind.
"Thank you for sharing the same feeling as mine, Gray-sama. I love you a lot." Juvia said earnestly.
The very next day, they got their marriage registered in an office. Gray casually informed the recent events of his life to friends and Mr Dreyar.
They were shell shocked yet wished them both happiness enough for their life ahead.
That's when Mr Dreyar had told him to hide this news from the public as Gray was still a budding artist and this could hamper this growth.
Juvia agreed and supported this decision and even convinced Gray to agree with this. It's after sorting out these issues they finally went to their new home.
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harryskalechips · 4 years
I really like angst and this is one of my fav concepts so what about anne and gemma not liking y/n and thinking she's a gold digger when is far from being one and actually really loves harry? If u don't wanna write it do u have any fic recs similar to this one😅
I’m sorry I’m so late with replying. I wanted to write you a piece to enjoy. I do have a recommendation that is exactly your request, you probably read it already but here it is if you didn’t. Enjoy!
Word count 2495
“Mum, Gem, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.” Harry smiles as he introduces the unknown girl to his family. Y/N and Harry met back in L.A and after 4 months of dating, Harry thought it would be perfect to bring her to his mum’s house since she’s never been to London before.
“Hello, it’s so nice to meet you!” Y/N smiles widely as she reaches in to give Harry’s family a hug. It felt weird at first since Y/N got the vibe that maybe they didn't want to give her a hug. As she pulled away, she noticed Gemma’s discomfort and the forced smile on Anne’s face. 
“Well, sweetie why won’t Harry show you the room you two will be staying in for the weekend while Gemma and I finish preparing lunch?”
”That’s perfect thank you so much!” Y/N attempts to hide her disappointment as Harry hauls her along behind him as he carries their bags inside his mother’s large home.
“So this isn't my childhood bedroom but it’s been my room since I bought my mum this place.” Harry’s face showed nothing else but warmth as he thought about what this house meant to him. He sets their bags in the corner of the room and sits on his big king bed, opening his legs as an invitation to let Y/N come forward to him. 
After taking off her coat, Y/N doesn’t take another second as she approaches the boy who’s only given her love and affection. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rests her chin on his brown hair as she looks around his room. There wasn’t a lot of personality going on but she did notice a few personalized items her boyfriend left here from his last stay.
“Are you feeling okay?” Harry mumbles into her stomach as hugs onto her legs. Y/N didn't even want to mention how she felt the disappointment of his family when they first saw her. 
“Did you tell your mom that I would be coming with you today?” Harry pulls away and takes her hands onto his instead.
”If I’m being honest, she only found out yesterday.” Y/N’s eyes widen in shock. 
“Baby, it’s alright.” He holds on tighter to her hands. “Look, she’s cool with it. They weren’t expecting you but I didn’t really want them to either.” “Why?”
“I’m scared that they would ask too much about you and judge you base on that.” If it wasn’t obvious before then it was obvious now. Harry wanted Y/N to meet his family despite he knows what they already think of her. The thing about this new relationship blossoming is that it’s still new. And with new things still learning how to grow, there is more of a chance of doubts and fears blocking their view of what truly beautiful can come out of their relationship.
“I think they already don’t like me.” She mumbles as she pulls away from him and sits on his right. 
“Love, don’t say that.” He whispers as he tries to catch her attention. “Look after my relationship with Camille, I was really sad and I turned a bit of an asshole. They probably think I’m not ready but I promise you I am. Y/N, believe me.”
“Okay.” Harry gives her one more kiss before they head downstairs to face the heat. 
“For lunch, I made Harry’s favourite. I hope you don’t mind.” Anne gives a small smile right before sighing and sitting down with the rest of them. Gemma seemed to acknowledge Y/N’s presence but she never showed any interest. As they were eating homemade tacos, Y/N would bring up some of her interests and not once did Anne and Gemma try to learn anything more from her. They would simply just nod and switch the subject back to anyone at the table instead of her’s. 
“Harry, can you go to the supermarket and buy some eggs. I forgot to buy some and I was planning on using them for tomorrow’s breakfast.” Anne sweetly asked as she and Gem cleaned up the table. 
“Yeah. Y/N would you like to come with me?” Harry’s eyes tried to shoot Y/N a message but instead, she saw this as a great opportunity to know more about his family so she ignored her slight discomfort as she shook her head and gave him a farewell kiss. 
“Anyway, I can help you clean up?” Y/N asks Gemma as she watches her stack the plates while Anne goes to the kitchen. 
“Here’s a wet rag, can you just wipe the table?”  Gemma doesn’t even try to stop Y/N from helping, she tosses the rag across the table so Y/N could grab it. “I’m just going to be in the kitchen.” and with that, Gemma is already leaving Y/N by herself. 
The table wasn’t that big nor dirty at all but Y/N made sure to wipe the table until it was pristine. Making her way into the kitchen, she couldn’t help but hear Anne and Gemma speak about her.
“You think Harry’s actually interested in her?” Gemma whispers to her mother as she and her had their backs facing Y/N as they washed the dishes.
“I think she’s a rebound.” Anne disappointedly replies as she rinses their dishes. “She seems like a nice girl but I’m not sure their relationship will last.” This broke Y/N’s heart more. She never told Harry how she felt about them two. Of course, she’s falling in love with him every day but he’s going on tour soon and she knows full well that it wouldn’t work out for them. She always knew they had an expiration date and it stung her a bit more that his family knew it too. 
“She’s not really Harry’s type either.” Gemma shakes her head as she wipes the plate Anne just gave her. “I don’t know, I was talking to Harry a bit and he said she’s a struggling college student. I think she’s just using him for his money.”
“Gemma, don’t speak like that. It’s disrespectful.”
“Mum, I can tell you don’t like her either.” 
“I don’t but it doesn’t matter if Harry loves her then I’ll learn to like her so should you.”
“I don’t think Harry loves her, he’s still talking to Camille.” Y/N’s heart drops completely. It’s one thing to feel disrespected from Harry’s family but from Harry too? Y/N knew he was heartbroken from his past relationship. Why is he still talking to her?” 
Y/N doesn’t take another second as she interrupts their conversation to pass them the rug. “I’m going to be upstairs, I’m not feeling well.” she doesn’t let Gemma or Anne notice her tears as she makes a b line to the stairs. 
Her heart was beating too fast. She felt embarrassed to be in this house. Anne and Gemma see her a gold-digging rebound while Harry hasn’t been that committed to their relationship as she thought he was. He told her when they first met that he was no longer in contact with his ex. She knew he loved her but the least he could do is tell her he started seeing her again. 
Luckily only being here for a couple hours, only a few things were out of her bag. She shoves them in her bag as she looks around Harry’s room one more time. Maybe, this relationship wasn’t meant to be. She knew she had to wait for Harry and tell him that she had to go home. She didn’t want to leave without him knowing. She cared too much about what he thought of her and although she’s mad at him for lying, she wanted to know if he would fight for her. Fight for their relationship. She took her luggage and sat in the living room, wiping away her tears. 
The sound of the front door opening signalled that her boyfriend had finally arrived. She wished they were still in the first stages of their relationship. Where they would stay in each other’s arms for hours without speaking of his fame or her demanding schedule as a working student. But time will always pass and for Y/N, she couldn’t just wait for Harry to pay her bills, she needed to do that herself. 
Anne and Gemma were walking out the kitchen together talking about something else as they greeted Harry at the door. He had a carton of eggs that he bought a few blocks away from their local grocery store. Passing them to his mother, he looked around for Y/N. 
“Where is Y/N?”
“She’s upstairs,” Gemma replies as she watches her little brother blast past her to head upstairs. She was a bit surprised at how Y/N was the first thing on his mind after leaving the house. 
“I’ll put this in the fridge.” Anne walks away as Gemma makes her way into the living room only to catch Harry’s girlfriend sitting on the couch before her. She eyes the luggage and looks at Y/N once again.
“Are you leaving?” Gemma whispers as she and Y/N both hear Harry’s frantic footsteps upstairs. 
“Mum, Where’s Y/N did she leave?!” Harry was running around the house as Anne was shocked about hearing the news. 
“No, I don’t-”
“Harry she’s here!” Gemma yells as she stands in front of Y/N.
“Y/N.” Harry sighs as he looks at her packed bag and her sad eyes. Anne and Gemma look at each other, knowing full well that Y/N heard them talking beforehand. “Can you guys give us some space?” He looks at Y/N with his face full of disappointment. As they both left, he took a seat across Y/N in another chair. “You’re leaving.” Y/N cries again as she can hear the anger from his voice but he didn’t know she was angry too. She doesn’t know what else she can do, she’s hurt.
“Why?” His voice was cold. It doesn’t seem like he was sad if anything he was masking his emotions really well that made his girlfriend think he doesn’t really care.
“I know you’re still talking to Camille.” She didn’t want to tell him that her mom and sister didn’t like her too. She was scared he would think she’s trying to manipulate him. 
“So?” Harry’s eyes finally meet her in confusion. “I’m just talking to her.”
“You’re still in love with her!” His eyes widen as he stands up to talk to her instead. 
“I’M IN LOVE WITH HER? How many times have I told you that I’m over her!”
“Why are you still talking to her then!” 
“I want to be friends with her!” Harry was now angry at her accusation. Did she really have to leave him too? Because of this? He trusted her to be there for him but when he wants her to meet his family, she’s ready to run out that door. He just doesn't know what’s truly setting her off. How unwelcomed she feels in this house. How the people he loves don’t even want to know about her.
“Harry, I have to go.” She’s standing up and taking the handle of her luggage. This would be the moment Harry should say something but he can’t, nothing can come out. He’s utterly confused about why this girl is walking out of his life after meeting his family. He’s confused about her sudden decision to leave and most importantly, he’s confused why she’s mad about Camille. He knows he doesn’t love Camille and although he doesn’t know if he loves Y/N, he doesn’t want her to feel intimidated about him talking to her again. He never mentioned it to Y/N because…. Because? He doesn’t know? 
Are there still lingering feelings?
Before Y/N walks out the door, she finds Anne and Gemma standing there already while Harry still stood in the living room. “I know you guys don’t like me. I’m sorry.” She tries to not let her voice crack as her arm shakes a bit, dragging along her luggage. “I promise you, I’m not a gold digger and I could care less about Harry’s fame. He’s a sweet boy and I was truly falling in love with him.” She closes her eyes trying to keep herself together. “I’ve never been in love before but this stay here, although it wasn’t a long one, made me realize that maybe H and I aren’t meant to be together.” Y/N doesn’t even try to hug them but she’s already opening the door so she can walk into her uber that she ordered. She tried to stall her time saying goodbye to Anne and Gemma that maybe Harry would interrupt her but he never left that room. 
“I’m sorry sweetie. I never meant for you to hear what we said in the kitchen that was disrespectful of us.” Anne tries to touch her arm to comfort her as Y/N just welcomes it. Gemma looked truly ashamed as she realized that maybe, this girl was different.  She’s been too protective of her brother. She’s seen his heart break too many times and after every girl, he introduced her too, her heart couldn’t help but feel Harry’s pain when they would break up. 
Y/N’s car finally departs just leaving Anne, Gemma, and Harry. The two girls are watching the car leave as Harry finally grows his balls to chase after her. 
“Did she leave?” Harry’s eyes were watery. His anger dissolved as he heard Y/N’s confession. His feet were glued to the floor but once he heard the door slam shut and the car zooming out their driveway, he had to stop her.
“Yeah.” Gemma mumbles. 
“I can’t believe you guys! That’s why she left! She felt like we all didn’t like her! I should’ve told her fuck!”
“Harry, I’m sorry.” Anne tries to reach out to Harry as he pulls away in anger already putting on his boots.
“I have to find her.”
“Harry. You can’t drive in this condition.” His mother tries to warn him. But the only thing Harry could feel is fear. Fear that this girl has already slipped through his fingertips. 
So, the first place he went to was the airport but Heathrow airport will always be busy and he knew he couldn’t find her there. He bought a ticket for the next flight to LA, waiting at the gate to see her but she never arrived. He didn’t know she would stay at a hotel and explore London herself, without him. He didn’t know that when they were both back in LA, she would block his number and avoid him at all costs. He also didn’t know that she would give up on them and move on with her life. 
Part 2
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
Give and Take
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Mafioso! Park Jimin x Singer! Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,8k+
✂ Trigger Warning: Mention of abduction, obsessiveness, possessiveness, implied forced marriage, murder, blood, death
✂ This story is fictional and for amusement only. I don’t believe any of the members would do this in real life. All in all, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day!
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission.
You know you’ve been out of BTS fandom for too long when you accidentally mixed Jimin's surname with Kim. Also, I nearly forgot to write this.
Part 1
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“A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head, when I think of all the years I wanna be with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed, that's precisely what I plan to do.” - Marry Me [Jason Derulo]
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Being the girlfriend of a mafia boss was surprisingly… relaxed; or maybe because it was Jimin. When you woke up in a spacious room completed with a queen-size bed, a walk-in closet that kept lavish dresses and clothes in your favorite colors, en suite bathroom, and balcony, Jimin had barged in and immediately leaped on you. You remembered shrieking at the sudden attack of affection and tried to push him off, but he was surprisingly strong for someone so… short.
Suffice to say, he didn’t quite release you for the next ten minutes.
You’d never met a man so clingy, so affectionate except, maybe, a sasaeng. And even so, your guards never let them touch you. One or two times, yes, but their service was pretty good overall. However, they weren’t here to protect you now. You were left at the mercy of a mafioso, the boss one at that.
Now that you thought about it, what happened to your guards? You only remembered snippets of you going to a supermarket to buy snacks when someone abruptly knocked you out. You weren’t sure if your guards saw the culprit, but since the car was basically across the street, you concluded that they must have. After all, it was their job to watch over you.
But you supposed even the most experienced guards were nothing at the hands of mafioso.
You hoped nothing particularly bad had happened to them. Who knows what your kidnapper had done to them when you were unconscious. Wasn’t Mafia a cruel organization? It’d be understandable if the members were trained to act that way. Though, you prayed that they only knocked your guards out as they did to you.
And what about your manager? Oh, God. They must be worried sick about you. Well, maybe not necessarily your well-being.
However, it didn’t seem as if Jimin shared your concern. Not that you were expecting much from him, to begin with.
When you asked him about their conditions, he merely whined and proceeded to bury his face further into the crook of your neck.
“Why are you asking about other men when you already have me here? Am I not enough for you? Why do you even care about those puny men, anyway? They don’t deserve your attention. Not at all.”
You didn’t understand why he said it as though he was your boyfriend already, and that he deserved to be the center of your focus. In fact, you didn’t understand anything at all!
“O-of course I care about them! They’re my guards, after all. You can’t just…” You squirmed in his hold when you felt it tighten around your stomach. “You can’t just dismiss them like they’re nothing! And who the heck are you, anyway?” 
His giggle sent an awkward vibration throughout your body. If he sensed your discomfort, then he chose to ignore it. He probably noticed, because he soon giggled again and nipped your neck playfully.
“I’m your number one fan, of course.”
It finally dawned on you that you were dealing with no ordinary fan, but a sasaeng. Out of all people, he just had to be one.
And out of all frantic thoughts that circulated in your head, the worst just had to happen.
“… But,” he continued thoughtfully. “now that you’re here, I guess you could say that I’m your boyfriend!”
You learned pretty early that Jimin was serious about this whole ‘boyfriend’ thing, or maybe it was just him drilling his affection into your distraught brain. Every gift, from big to small, and from cheap to expensive, piled on your floor. Although looking at the ‘cheapest’ present he gave you, it was probably worth a thousand dollars. Your favorite food would be served every day, and any snack you craved would be sent to your – or should you say, your shared – room, regardless of the time.
Compared to your manager who needed to watch over the finance, Jimin didn’t bother to hold himself from spoiling you thoroughly. It came to the point where you had to keep your gaze from wandering to the things that interested you in fear of him buying them with or without your knowledge, usually the former.
Obviously, he wouldn’t do anything without a price. This was a give-and-take world, after all.
Luckily, the price wasn’t that outrageous. Just the things a lover usually did; affection and attention. But, as expected, he forbade you to look and speak to other people for too long. Not even the guards that were stationed outside your room was an exception to his ‘rule’.
And, of course, they’d be more loyal to him than to you. You were just a stranger who was suddenly plucked from your vibrant yet taxing life into his suffocating hug. A weak woman who could do nothing in the face of a muzzle.
“If you talk to other people for longer than ten seconds, I’ll shoot them.” That was what he said to you one day, during one of his impromptu cuddles. Despite the guileless smile he wore, you knew that he wasn’t kidding with his threat.
He’d told you that he’d spoil you to your heart content, and he’d ordered his subordinates to kidnap you. How could you doubt his words?
But you were lonely. The life in Park mansion was generally quiet, and although Jimin liked to invite you to his office, it still wasn’t enough. Not to mention, the guards had forbidden you to accompany him to his meetings because you weren’t ‘official’ yet – not that you necessarily wanted to come in the first place. You weren’t sure if you wanted to know the meaning of ‘official’ – though, you did have an inkling – and quickly backed down. Too quick because Jimin had whined, hand outstretched to grasp even a hem of your clothes.
You were so lonely you decided to bite the bullet and greeted the servant who came to give your food.
“… Hello.”
The servant was startled at first, eyes bulged out of their pockets as if you were threatening his family with a gun instead. Once he discerned your friendly, albeit awkward smile, he relaxed slightly and nodded.
Just a nod. He couldn’t even bring himself to return your greeting. That was how much he feared you, or rather, your affiliation with Jimin.
The hesitant response you received sent a pang of disappointment in your chest. To think that one day, people would fear you instead of admiring you like you were accustomed to seeing. You might not have many fans, but you were happy and grateful for their efforts to watch your concerts. You loved looking at their glittering eyes as they followed you on the stage, their wide beams, and their boisterous cheers.
And now, people couldn’t even glance at you without flinching and recoiling. Granted, it was only the servants. The guards didn’t bother to notice your existence beyond necessary interactions, which was very rare.
“Please don’t be afraid of me,” you said softly as though he was a cornered animal. “I’m not Jimin. I… I don’t even know what I’m doing in here, to be honest.”
The unnamed servant frowned, and after a moment of awkward silence, finally muttered. “Young master really loves you.”
You frowned while still smiling wearily. That wasn’t what you wanted to hear at all. The reason why you spoke to him was that you wanted to talk about anything, not him. But you supposed it was inevitable, wasn’t it? After all, you were under his ‘protection’.
“I-I see…” you trailed off, unsure of what to say next. Jimin was still in his meeting, right? Maybe you could prolong this, honestly useless, conversation. “Can you at least tell me what your name is?”
He shifted a little and looked down. Ah, you really made him uncomfortable, didn’t you?
Reluctantly, he opened his mouth. “It’s–”
Drops of blood splattered your face as he abruptly collapsed to the floor, dying with a shocked expression that rivaled yours. The bang managed to deafen your ears and froze your body momentarily. Slowly, you looked up and discerned the short figure on the doorway.
Jimin held his gun in one hand, face stony despite the death he caused and the trauma he inflicted on you.
“I really don’t want to do this because I know that not many people like to see real-life violence. But sometimes they need a lesson, don’t they?” He averted his emotionless gaze to you and smiled coldly. “I told you that I’ll kill anyone who talks to you for more than ten seconds. So why did you do it? Are you doubting me?”
“N-no, I…” You began to clamber away as he slowly advanced towards you, but the empty spot on your wrist forced you to stop. “I just… I just wanted someone to talk to me, is all.”
He squinted. “Why? Am I not enough for you until you had to go to someone else? A man at that?”
“… I’m sorry. Please don’t kill me.” you whimpered, eyes stinging from upcoming tears.
“Oh, I know!” You glanced up to him when you heard him snapping his fingers. “You must be lonely, right?”
Well, he wasn’t wrong but… you really didn’t want to hear his next words. It’d be worse, you were sure of it. There was no way he’d be lenient to you anymore after he caught you talking with a servant. As far as you were concerned, it was considered a ‘betrayal’ to him.
Jimin chuckled and swiftly locked his gun. “You should’ve told me! No need for a drastic measure like that!” he chirped despite the irony of the situation. “After we get married, I’ll definitely bring you to my meetings more!”
Your breath hitched. Get what…?
“What… what do you mean?” That was impossible. There was no way he said what you heard him saying, right? No, he couldn’t. He couldn’t just–
“Get married, of course!” he beamed, oblivious to the severity of his words. “My organization only acknowledges the official members, you know? So if you marry me, you’ll become a part of us too. Isn’t that great? That way, I can freely bring you anywhere.”
No, that wasn’t great. It’d never be great. You might not see another violence, hopefully, but you didn’t want to become a part of them. People tended to lump someone with their affiliations, and that meant they’d perceive you as a criminal, too!
You slowly shook your head, the tears started to spill. “Jimin, no… I can’t. I can’t marry you – I don’t want to.”
Jimin blinked owlishly. “What do you mean? Of course, you want to! You’re my girlfriend, after all!” he chirped. “My parents have seen your pictures, and luckily, they want to meet you tomorrow!”
You could’ve sworn your heart stopped beating for a second as the news crashed your head like a brick.
“So I think we should sleep early. It’ll be bad if you start yawning in front of them.” He giggled and plopped down beside you. “Don’t worry, we’ll be eating together from now on. I’ll tighten the security so people can’t come into our room as they please. That way, you won’t be lonely anymore!”
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from-red-string · 4 years
I'm so nervous for posting this for Day 3, I worry if anyone would read about Ana and Mora since they're not even secundary characters, they are just extras not in my heart but in the show, and this made it harder to write it. Anyway, it's here and I hope you like it.
Shout out to @sapphire374 for easing my worries and beta reading it 💛
Find all fics for Soy Luna Ficweek 2021, here
Day 3
Prompt: “Is this the second time we’ve both gotten stuck in the same elevator?”
Summary: The first time Ana and Mora got stuck in the elevator was when they stopped talking, a week later when it happens again: is it the time to rebound? or something more?
Warning: unfortunately it's not canon. Tino and Cato don't exist, they have never seen them, no one knows them in this fic
Genre: angst
Pairing: Ana and Mora a.k.a the lesbian moms
Another silent morning in the apartment, a rare situation for Nina. From what she could remember, there has never been a quiet day home ever since they moved in. Mora's sewing machine, some random song playing as background noise, or just Buenos Aires' downtown being crowded and busy. Although she appreciated the silence, it's odd, the girl is not used to it anymore.
Now both her mom and auntie didn't exchange a word, Mora has been working on arranging some photoshoots, she woke up for lunchtime and only came back late at night, while Ana left early for her meetings then arrived at 4 pm. Seems like they had it all planned out just so they didn't have to face each other. 
Nina didn't know what happened between them but hoped it would go away soon.
Well, unexpectedly it got different from other days from the beginning. When Nina left her room, Mora was awake and making herself breakfast. The girl checked the clock again, still at 7 am.
"Good morning, cariño" Mora smiled at her while Nina approached to sit on the chair.
"Morning." She reached for the bread slowly, hesitant. Her instincts told her to move carefully. "I thought I'd only see you later." Mora laughed but it was too stiff.
"I have to drive 3 hours to check for some special fabrics I'm looking for." The redhead tried to show excitement, however, such a rush manner showed her nervousness. Nina knew it wasn't about the fabrics. As soon as the clicks sound of Ana's heels started, Mora stands up. "I really need to go. Bye, darling." And left through the door carrying her purse, phone, and keys.
"Good luck there." Nina greets her and takes Mora's plate away immediately. She'd rather not step into whatever happened. Ana comes from her room in a rush and Nina wide her eyes when her mom gets to the front door. "Mom, you can't leave without eating."
"I'm late already. Sorry, cariño. I'll be back early. Bye… Hold the door, please!" Ana fleed before Nina could react. The girl opens the door to check on them but they were already gone. 
The silence from home followed them into the elevator. None dared to look up from their phones. Mora started to tap her foot impatiently when she noticed the elevator was slow today. 
"Can you stop?" Ana asked, staring at her screen.
"Oh, good morning. Now you can see me." Mora smirked, still avoiding Ana's face, kept tapping her shoe.
"More like I can hear you. Always so noisy."
"Can you? It didn't seem like that last week." The snark got the fashion designer, she provoked back looking at Ana and waiting for a reaction but she got nothing. "Back to ignoring me. Hope Mario has a better shot talking to you than I do." The lack of response from the lawyer building up her annoyance. "Even though we live together and have been friends for a lifetime. You rather believe in him than..."
"Give me a reason," Ana said, losing her temper. The elevator stops, slowing down. "I need a plea." Walking side to side in this shiny box they were failing to realize they were trapped in.
"My instincts are not a good one. I don't trust him." Mora decided to watch her friend through the reflection, pretending to fix her hair in the mirror.
"Of course not." Ana laughed at her. "Do you think I can defend a case based on your feelings? A judge would accept it, declare him guilt for you." Her voice was cold, but the rage -boiling inside was still audible.
"You're not a judge, Ana." Turning around she steps in Ana's way, staring at her. "Ain't a case but your life." Each word was another step forward, the lawyer's back hit the wall, but she wouldn't give up on a debate, her index finger touched Mora's shoulder.
"That's exactly the problem." This time the designer was the one walking backward. "My life is never good enough for you. I can't even decide on Nina's life without you around." Mora's jaw dropped and she stuttered, with a non-comprehensible sound coming from her mouth. "Not even a boyfriend." That's the moment Ana breaks, lowering her head and resting on Mora's shoulder while the other was glued on the wall, still recovering from shook, nevertheless, she wrapped her arms around her friend's body. 
"I… I'm sorry, I didn't… mean to make you feel less..." trying to find words at that moment was completely useless, not even in her wildest dreams she would have imagined she made Ana doubt herself. Her friend's knees seemed to give up and her body weighted, they sank to the floor while Ana let out all she needed to. It's been ages since the lawyer opened herself like this, they were best friends, Mora knew Ana has been holding up for who knows how long, well if that's even considered opening up. 
All the signs Mora neglected before came down on her. Ana has been distant for months, she pushed Mora away, anytime they were alone and approached each other, Ana would step away like her skin burned from the contact.
Mora kept Ana pressed against her body until the very last tear she had, waiting for her to calm down. Once Ana's sobs were more spaced, she raised her head displaying her red cheeks, Mara's heart stings with this scene, her hands capture Ana's face moving toward her until their forehead touches.
"I'm sorry, I..." Shutting her eyes, unable to face the tears that still shine on her lover's face. Guilty fell hard on her shoulders. Ana fought to be an independent woman who could support her daughter without her ex's money, Mora watched how much she struggled to get there, yet the main person who helped her in all her lows is also the same who stuck her nose in all her matters, Mora was both a guardian and a butcher. Now that she has to take a good on her actions, Mora told Nina she should follow her heart and go after Gastón if that's her desire, while Ana, Nina's mother, had explicit disagreed about this idea. She should've considered that maybe she wasn't helping Ana see another point of view but making it harder to care for her own daughter.
There was an even worse thought haunting her, she told Nina to go because she feared Gastón would repeat her story, going to another country and losing the love of her life, forever wondering what would have happened if she stayed. That thought scared her, she denied it to herself but it had lived in her mind for so long.
When Mora went to Germany, she made her choice, decided to go on an adventure instead of staying with Ana. She was young, by the time believed they would still be the same through distance, their relationship wouldn't change, but that's not what happened. It came out to be harder than she thought, they never revealed themselves as a couple, it was so natural for them to be together like that, the sneaking out, sleepovers, kisses, and loving moments were part of their friends, they didn't feel the need to label that. Once distance came into the scene, it got complicated, both noticing how much they missed each other, although not willing to give up on their paths, not labeling their friendship made it easier to move on, no one but them knew what went on inside those walls, they just had to keep going. They never stopped talking completely, they called each other every other week updating about their lives, never talking about their relationship, how they missed each other's touch.
When Mora visited Argentina, she learned about Ana and Ricardo's relationship, they were dating, that's when what was between them seemed to be forgotten by Ana. Mora was happy for her friend, of course, but they never left her mind.
Nothing happened while Ana's married, Mora's life went on. Both of them supported each other, and were always around. Nina's birth was emotional just like all the previous months Mora spent by Ana's side. They never regretted the choice that took them to that day.
Then suddenly came the divorce, not long after Ana needed a place to stay with Nina, Mora's house was always open for them, so they started to live together. 
The intimacy level acquired from sharing the same place made them go back to their old ways. Little by little, their old friendship came back to the same mold from when they were young. Sometimes they kissed after drinking some wine, sneaked to each other’s bed after Nina went to bed, or just cooked together and held hands during dinner. Plus, small touches in public, taking care of Nina, going to the supermarket. Small domestic daily moments that made them feel comfortable. 
Mora finally had it in her hands, everything she imagines. Then, Ana backed away, slipping through her fingers. None of them said a word about it, the unspoken words lost in the silence.
"I'm sorry," She repeated, opening her eyes again, Ana shook her head, scaring Mora. "Ana..." She had to admit it, she knows it wasn't right to push her own experience on Nina.
"You were right." When Ana said that, More dropped her hands confused. Ana leaned back against the wall, now sitting by Mora's side and looking to the elevator's door. "Thiago is a liar." Mora was even more lost. Who the hell is Thiago? "He is married." Ah, he is the boyfriend. It wasn't that deep for Mora, nothing personal, she just felt it in her that guy shouldn't be trusted. She felt a little proud and bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from smiling. Ana looked at her frustrated. "You're annoying, I can see you smiling. Yes, you told me, whatever." Watching Ana complain was the same as seeing an old picture, Ana was still the girl from school days behind the successful lawyer and tough mom facade.
"Ana," She waited for Ana to look at her. "It was an instinct." 
"Shut up!" The answer didn't surprise Mora, but the small that followed it did. Ana closed her eyes and faced the ceiling, the smile glued on her face. "It's not that I don't want you in my life, you were always there for me." She faced Mora again. "But when it comes to Nina, don't disagree with how I raise my kid. She's a teen, just wants echo to confirm her ideas, they don't know the consequences."
"Nina is really responsible, you should give her more credit." Mora couldn't stop the words from coming out. When Ana narrowed her eyes, she raised her hands in defeat. "She had an amazing mom to teach her." Added with a wink making Ana laugh, she approached her face to Mora. The designer became extremely aware of the short space between them, a few inches to no distance at all.
"She's 17." They exchange looks. Too meaningful, too painful. That's the same age they separated.
"Why didn't you go?" It came out as a whisper, due to the almost non-existent distance Ana could hear perfectly, Mora should've stopped herself. That was a forbidden question. Ana immediately pulled away, looked at the elevator's screen.
They weren't working.
She picked up her phone to look at the hours, then looked at her watch. 20 minutes since she left the apartment since she left to her next meeting, she doesn't have to worry about it for the next 40 minutes. 
"Why are you up so early?" Ana questioned only now noticing how weird this scene was. 
"It's time to look for fabrics." Mora answered, snapping out of her thoughts. 
"You'll drive for 3 hours again? You should've scheduled it for later, you don't drive well when you're sleepy, it's early for you." Her worries were real, Mora wasn't awake before 10 am at least. Listening to her made Mora feel a little warmer and a wide smile appeared without her consent. "How can you drive? You didn't even notice we were stuck in here." Mora really didn't notice.
"Is this the second time we’ve both gotten stuck in the same elevator?” Mora joked that both of them laughed. "One time for the present, two times for the past." 
"Yeah, this time is fixing what the first time did." Ana reached for Mora's hand, intertwining their fingers. Mora caught her breath. A voice came from the speaker above the floor screen.
"We're sorry for the inconvenience. The elevator will be moving in a few minutes." Ana recognized the janitor's voice. Mora was stuck looking at Ana.
"We'll be free soon." Ana stood up, keeping their hands locked, then noticed Mora's eyes on her face. "Is there something on my face?" She turned to the mirror. Her mask was ruined, her cheeks were reddened and glistened from the tears, hair fell from the elegant ponytail she caged them earlier, her lipstick was smugged. She was a mess, but in Mora's eyes, she was beautiful. "I'll need to go home and fix myself." Noted annoyed.
"No, I can do it." Mora raised from the floor, got her make up from the purse to work with it. Ana decided to let Mora paint her as she desired, feeling a bit nervous but she wanted to show Mora she trusted her. Ana knows Mora is feeling bad for today's argument already and she saw every wince of pain that flashed in her dark eyes every time Ana rejected her touch.
Mora focused on making Ana's make up, trying to tone down her ideas for Ana's face and making something that would make her comfortable and pretty. It worked well until it was time to work on her mouth, Mora decided on a lip tint, in this case for her own sanity, lipstick would demand too much time working on a painting she wanted to ruin, too tempting. Her hand started shaking, Ana noticed it too but before the suggestion of doing it herself came out, Mora put the lip tint in her pocket.
"I forgot the hair. Lips are the grand finale." As soon as Mora had to reach her hand for Ana's she noticed that was a terrible idea. While Mora pulled the lawyer's hair free, Ana shivered at the quick contact of her hand against Ana's scalp. Memories from other moments those same fingers touched that place rushed back to her mind, her eyes closing to better appreciate the feeling. Mora saw this reaction and rested her hand on Ana's neck, watching the reaction until she couldn't help but lean in and close the gap between them, crashing her lips on hers quickly. The kiss was chaste, as fast it came, it ended. 
Seeming to Ana as if her imagination had created the feeling because when she eyed Mora, the lip tint was back and she was ready to place it. But the beam on Mora's lip couldn't be denied. It happened, an instinct told Ana it did.
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sleepless-stories · 4 years
Virgil had always been so excited to meet his soulmate, though also anxious because they’d finally be able to meet. The moment when one meets their soulmate is so hyped up, it kinda scares Virgil a bit. But he knew it would be all fine, your soulmate was supposed to be your true love as most tails predicted. He always had ignored the rumors that your soulmate was your worst enemy or the one who would kill you, or that they could only be your friend. They were only rumors and everyone already knew them as false, your soulmate was simply your true love.
 When one turned 18 they gained a mental link to their soulmate, to be able to see, feel, and hear the world as their soulmate does. Though when they looked in a mirror nothing would be seen, so you’d never know what your soulmate looked like. You’d only be able to find them based on what they could see, or what you could see. Many didn’t meet their soulmate for years, some met them quicker than others. 
Virgil was a lucky one, he had met his soulmate when he was 21. Virgil had been walking home from his job stocking shelves at the local supermarket, buy and go, it was around 10pm at the time. He had decided to stop in a bookstore on his way home to buy a book he had been wanting, it was a fantasy horror novel. He walked in looking around for a bit before grabbing the book and walking over to checkout. That was when he met him, his soulmate, Patton. Somebody had grabbed his arm and Virgil turned ready to deck them in the face for touching him when he looked though, the guy had his eyes shut. Virgil tilted his head and closed his eyes for a moment too. 
When he closed his eyes, he saw… himself. Virgil quickly opened his eyes looking at the other. “You’re…”
“We’re soulmates.” The guy said softly, finishing Virgil’s thought. “I’m Patton.”
“I’m Virgil.”
Patton nodded smiling brightly as he let go of Virgil’s arm, “Wow…” he mumbled seemingly in shock.
Virgil nodded stepping back a bit to have space. “Hey um… I’m going to buy this book real fast, then maybe we could talk?”
Patton nodded, the smile not leaving his face as Virgil walked away checking out the book. 
They moved in together a year later after several dates. 
Virgil was happy with Patton, he loved him. He had always been so fearful of messing up the day he met his soulmate… but it was perfect to him. He had learned Patton was a pediatrician at the close by hospital and didn’t have any family, his parents had given him up at birth, His adopted parents died with his brother and had died in a car accident years before. 
Patton was absolutely in love with Virgil past their first interaction, he treated Virgil like his whole world. 
Virgil walked into Patton's house and smiled, “Hey Patt! Could you help me with my boxes?” He called out. 
Patton walked down the hall, an apron on and flour covering him, “Sure, sweetheart, let me just clean up a bit.”
“Alright, and you know I don’t really like pet names.” Virgil sighed and walked out back to his car getting his boxes. 
Patton came out after a little bit all cleaned up, “I know, I’m sorry Virge.” He sighed softly, “It just slips out…” He shook his head softly grabbing a box.
Virgil sighed running a hand through his hair then lightly hugged Patton from behind, “I know Patt, it’s fine.” He said letting go and grabbing a box bringing it inside the house. He started bringing the boxes upstairs to the hall for them to figure out later. As he was walking he slipped slightly, Patton’s arms were around him immediately. 
“Virgil go sit down, I’d rather you not hurt yourself.” Patton said letting go of him.
Virgil nodded and walked down the stairs and sat on the living room couch. He watched his protective boyfriend go to the kitchen and come back with a cookie and hot chocolate.
 “Here, I’ll bring everything else in.” He said softly walking back outside. 
Virgil rolled his eyes and sat there on the couch. 
Months passed, Virgil and Patton getting closer. They were happy with each other. 
Virgil stood in line at a cafe waiting to get a drink, a guy tapped on his shoulder and he turned, “Yes?”
“Hey, I thought I should say hi… mostly because I’m curious and want a friend. Plus I see you here literally every day and I was concerned about how you’re literally here at the same exact time daily.” He laughed.
Virgil laughed a bit too, “Oh… Am I? Wow… coming here is just a part of my normal schedule.”
“Makes sense, same for me too.”
Virgil smiled, chatting with him for a bit, only stopping when he ordered his coffee. The two finally parted ways when the other realized he was late for work. Virgil had laughed at him and started walking away when the guy ran back over to Virgil.
 “Hey, um… could I have your phone number?”
“Hmm, I think you will have to wait till tomorrow, you’re late anyway.” Virgil said and walked home. 
Virgil walked inside and smiled seeing Patton, “Hey Patton.”
“Sweetie… Who was that you were talking to? At the cafe?”
“What? Um.. Just some guy. And could you please not call me sweetie.” Virgil shrugged and sat down sipping his coffee. 
“Just some guy? You seemed to be getting along with him quite well. I’d rather there be no secrets between us.”
“Patton, this is ridiculous. He was literally just some guy at the cafe. Now could we drop this.”
“No!” Patton yelled and stalked over to him grabbing him by the chin, “I will not have you leaving me like everyone else in my life.”
“Patton I’m not leaving you, he was just a new friend of mine.”
Patton growled then slapped him across the face, “STOP Lying!” He cried out then stared at Virgil before letting go and walking upstairs. 
Virgil sat there, his cheek burning red from the slap and tears welling up in his eyes a bit. He watched his boyfriend go, confused. Maybe Patton just had a tough day at work. He knew he occasionally had those. It was best to just let Patton have his space for a little while. 
Through the week Virgil noticed how Patton seemed more and more stressed, he knew Patton had troubles expressing his emotions so he just let Patton have his space. It wasn’t until friday Virgil saw his new friend again. 
Virgil stood in line when he felt a tap on his shoulder, “Hey, haven’t seen you in awhile.” he said and looked at the guy behind him.
“Yeah, sorry. Work has been hell. Haven’t even had a chance for my coffee break.”
Virgil nodded and pulled out his phone giving it to the other, “you could have my phone number, I don’t have many friends.”
“Yeah me neither, just so busy.”
Virgil nodded making a noise of understanding. He ordered his coffee and took his phone back. After his friend ordered they went and sat together just talking. Getting to know each other. Virgil looked at the time at one point and swore. “Sorry I have to go, I want to get home before my boyfriend. I want to make him dinner.” 
The guy nodded and stood up moving closer before hugging Virgil. 
VIrgil stood there confused for a moment before smiling and hugging back. “Nice to see you again.”
“Yeah! You too.” The guy nodded smiling. 
Virgil walked out of the cafe and quickly went to his and Patton’s home. Thankfully Patton wasn’t home yet. He went to the kitchen and started getting set then cooking. 
Patton came home when Virgil was halfway through cooking. He walked into the kitchen and glared a bit, “What are you doing?” he growled.
Virgil turned and looked at him, “Clearly I’m cooking dinner.”
“What do you call this dinner?” Patton asked and shook his head pushing the pot of spaghetti off the stove, the hot water splashing on Virgil, burning him through his clothes. 
“What the fuck Patton!? You have been an ass all week.” He yelled. 
Patton grabbed him pushing him against the wall hard then pinning him there, “At least I’m not cheating! Do you think I appreceate how you are fucking acting!”
“Cheating? Wha-”
“Don’t play coy! I know about you and that guy! Don’t even think I don’t fucking know!” Patton yelled, pulling Virgil back then slamming him against the wall before letting go of him. “Now go be good and sit in the living room! I’ll fix your mess of what you said is dinner!” Patton shook his head before going and cleaning up the kitchen. 
Virgil got up off the ground, wiping away some tears and glared as he walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He pulled out his phone and opened his new contact. 
Patton closed his eyes looking through Virgil’s seeing what he was doing. As soon as he saw he immediately opened his eyes walking over to Virgil. He took his phone and threw it across the room, “don’t you even think about texting him.” Patton sneered. 
“You know what! I’m going out!” Virgil said getting up from the couch only to be pushed back down. 
“No you’re not! I don’t think I could trust you anyway. You’re staying right here.”
“What the hell is your deal Patton?!”
“My deal? You’re the one leaving me!” 
“And you’re just pushing me away!”
“No I’m not! And stop accusing me!”
“You’re the one accusing me of cheating!”
Patton shook his head annoyed and slapped him, “Just shut up!” He begged, tears running from his eyes. “Virgil… I can’t have you leave me like everyone else did. Please! We’re soulmates! I love you!”
Virgil looked down and sighed, “I’m not leaving you Patton.”
Patton nodded softly, “I’m going to order a pizza.”
Virgil nodded softly. 
Patton walked away cleaning up the kitchen before sitting and cuddling Virgil. 
They had a nice night cuddling together and watching movies. 
Virgil went to work the next morning, it was as if nothing had happened. But it made him think, was he cheating? It was just a friendship… but was he sending the wrong signals? Was this actually his fault? Virgil shook his head forcing the thoughts out of his head as he walked to work. He went to the cafe after work, standing in line and ordering his usual. Afterwards he sat down at the usual table and sipped his coffee. His friend walked in after a little while, it was funny they still didn’t know each other's names after all this time though. “Hey”
The other turned and smiled, “Hey.” he replied but his smile fell after a moment and walked over sitting across from Virgil. He noticed how Virgil had a slight bruise on his neck and jaw. “You alright? How’d things go with your boyfriend?”
“Yeah I’m fine and things went well. We watched movies together all night.” 
The other nodded slowly then got up. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go order.”
 Virgil nodded and sat there quietly. 
He came back after a minute and handed Virgil a chocolate chip muffin. “Here.”
“Oh! Thanks.” Virgil smiled. 
He nodded. 
Virgil started eating and looked up at the cafe’s clock. “Mmm, I should get going.”
The other nodded, “Ok… see you soon.”
Virgil nodded and got up, leaving the cafe. 
Virgil got home only to be shoved against the wall and punched in the face. 
“I want you to stop seeing him!” Patton said, tears rolling down his face. “Don’t you love me?”
Virgil looked up at Patton about to answer when he was punched again. “Don’t you love me?” Virgil yelled at him. 
“Of course I do! And I’m only doing what’s best! But you… you keep lying to me then going off to flirt with that… that guy! Don’t you love me anymore, don’t you care about me.”
“Patton…” Virgil said softly, moving and hugging him. “Of course I love you.” 
“Then stop seeing him! Please! I don’t want to lose you… but you make it seem like I am. Call out of work. Stay home tomorrow with me.”
Patton nodded and stepped back letting go of him.
Virgil grabbed his phone and called out of work. 
This continued on for weeks, Patton asking him to call out of work and stay home. Patton always pleaded with him, saying how he didn’t want to lose Virgil like everyone else. And when Patton asked Virgil to quit his job… Virgil agreed. Thinking it was for the best.
Patton started not letting Virgil leave the house, when he did he’d come back to be beaten and abused. 
Virgil got up one morning, seeing Patton had left early for work. He quickly ran out of the house to the cafe, bruises as clear as day. He was just walking in when he decided to close his eyes for a moment to only see his own back he opened them and looked at Patton. “Patt… I can’t stay in all the time.”
“Babe we’re going home.” 
Virgil looked around and nodded softly not wanting to cause a scene. He left with Patton and went back home. Patton punched him hard, throwing him across the room. 
Patton was just a bit over protective of his anxious sweet baby boyfriend. 
Virgil got back up after Patton finished. He went into the bathroom cleaning himself up before going and grabbing the house phone. He couldn’t deal with this anymore, with Patton’s abuse. He didn’t know what changed but something did, and he didn’t love this version of Patton. The version he loved was gone. 
Patton stalked into the room ripping the phone from Virgil’s hands, “Don’t you even dare call the police. Now I have to get to work, you will stay home. And if you do leave I will know. I will know if you try making any calls. Please Virgil… I love you, don’t leave me.” He whispered and kissed Virgil’s cheek before walking out of the house, getting in his car and leaving. 
Virgil stood there for a few minutes, he knew he couldn’t call anyone, or run away… but he couldn’t go on like this any longer. He went upstairs and started grabbing their extra sheets from the closet. He went over to the landing of the stairs and tied the sheets to the railing then around himself before getting up and climbing the railing and falling. 
When Patton closed his eyes, he saw darkness, he didn’t understand at first, maybe Virgil was just sleeping. He kept closing his eyes to see what Virgil was seeing but only darkness remained. He got in his car and sped home. He ran inside to see his boyfriend, lifeless and hanging over the stairs. Patton screamed in agony realizing that his boyfriend had left him… like everyone else. 
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
‘Wandering Romance’ - Part 4
- A future with child fic -
Square Filled: Future, Family, Past lovers Ship: Sander Driesen/Robbe Ijzermans   Trigger Warnings (if applicable): mentions of abuse, toxic relationships, self harm, rape/non-con elements, emotional manipulation, mental breakdown, panic attacks, self loathing Created for @skamevents
Summary: “A perfect, tight little family. But happy. Until one unfortunate day in May, in the year that David turned six.”
In the future, Robbe and Sander have a son named David. The only tie they have left with each other, actually. Because our lovers split up years ago, due to mistakes that were made in the past.
So is their love strong enough to sustain a healthy friendship? Will they find their way to each other again or break all connections for good?
Also available on AO3
CHAPTER 4: 'No one sees myself like you do’
He knew he broke his heart.
Shattering the pieces everywhere. 
He knew they weren’t his to take, to glue together, to hold onto.
Yet, he did it. Again and again.
He caused pain, he felt pain, he gave the pain away. 
He hated pain.
He loved pain.
He deserved it. He always deserved it.
Love was never his, love wasn’t there for him.
He didn’t deserved it.
Pain was better.
Why should he?
Pain was good.
Just once.
He wasn’t normal.
Come on, breathe for me.
Was he ever normal?
Oh god. Come on!
He was a monster. 
Goddammit, breathe!
He didn’t.
He didn’t do it.
He didn’t want to.
A cry.
Soft blurred halo.
Fierce light surrounding him.
Vaguely familiar blonde color in the corner of his eyes.
Deep pressure on his arm.
Harsh sound of a deep cry.
“Please, Robbe...”
The pain was enough.
But then...
After a century of darkness.
He took his first breath.
 He didn’t remember how he got there. 
Slowly walking into his home and tracing the soft texture of the eggshell walls, he sighed deeply. He was welcomed back into the silence. As if he never left. As if they were never witness to anything else. Beautiful things had happened. Horrendous things had happened. But the walls would never speak of it. They kept their peace. 
Robbe liked that. 
The color was his pick, of course. As if Sander would have chosen boring beige, cold dark blue or a simple black. Come on. Get real. Back when they were together, he would have rolled his eyes at the suggestions the brown-haired boy would make. Arms crossed with faces close to each other, harsh veins popping out because of all the exertion of the shouting matches.
“Life is passion, Robbe. Don’t be the boring gay!” “Sander, we’re supposed to live in this, I don’t want to be nauseous of all the weird combinations!” “And what the hell is wrong with red and yellow?” “What’s right about red and yellow?” “God, are you serious?!”
Hours and hours of discussing splashes of paint, cataloguing each other’s taste, skipping the expensive brands and go into thrift stores to score beautiful furniture, to do it all over again. Yelling, kissing, making up. Falling out of bed, because of the fits of laughter. Mischievous eyes filled with what now?’s. Slight kisses to temples.
“Beige and brown!” “Orange and purple!” 
“Dark blue and light green!” “Salmon pink and aquamarine!” 
Soft Sander. Beautiful lover. His artist.
Always complying at a flutter of eyelashes, bending his knees at a sigh and holding him at one tear. Always there. Ready to take, to caress and to mend. Late night in bed with their little baby boy in their midst, whispering sweet words to let him catch on. Telling him stories about his day. About the weird accountant who wanted a beautiful portrait of his awful boss. Probably to throw darts at it, he figured. Why else? 
A cute giggle.
Oh, did he tell you about the elderly couple? Together for more than fifty years, alive and kicking. They wanted their love honored by making a beautiful portrait. “Yes, no problem”, he had said. After discussing the price, set-up and deadline, Sander had instructed them to sit down to pose. And that’s when they took off their clothes. “Ah, didn't we tell you? It’s a nude portrait!”
David had always been charmed by his papa’s life. Bowie was his hero, blonde hair and leather jackets was his forté. And the tiny boy was just following along. Worshipping every tiny piece. It ran in his blood, didn’t it? Being extraordinary? The artistry? His mother wasn’t conventional either. Noor was special, artsy and beautiful. So each day would pass and their son would be more and more like Sander. A light in the darkness.
And Robbe wasn’t.
He was cold, boring and hollow.
Like now, he was standing in his own home, not knowing what to do or say. He didn’t know how to get going, how to move along and change the course. It had all happened, but did it actually? Was he there? He could feel the ground beneath his feet, the musky air in his lungs, the color of the walls. But was he there? Had he ever been here? Was he truly him?
His hand immediately went to his arm, nails scratching the hardness of skin. And Robbe started to walk around. He needed to feel the space, to know where he was. Anxious pacing the wool carpet he had chosen to compliment the couch in their tiny living room. A space that had been filled with beautiful memories, that of Jens doing a handstand to impress his nephew and almost crashing into their new coffee table. 
His feet were slowly shuffling towards their dining room and kitchen. A small smile appeared at Robbe’s face, because he remembered how Moyo would make their regular tapas evenings happen here. Before they all had settled down with their partners and became too busy to organize them again. “I’m the best chef cook of the Western Hemisphere, Robbe! You’ll see!”, he said the first time. 
Right before the fire alarm went off. 
The next memory flashed before his eyes. Amber and Aaron coincidentally sitting in close proximity of each other. The one looking at the other, right when the other turned their gaze downwards. Jana subtly nudging her husband and whispering her observations. “They still love each other,” Robbe had heard from her. “Why won’t they go back together?” With a slight shrug from Jens as a response. “What can we do about it?”
He felt hurt.
Well, that was something.
A feeling.
A little red stain on his finger? Robbe huffed, looking down at the color. Red is a beautiful shade, isn’t it? So passionate, deep and yet, something that connected all of them. A thrilling feeling. Finally something that connected him to all his friends, his family, his own son. His ex-lover. He never truly felt tied to them all, especially in the later years.
A beep on his cell.
He was grey, as grey as the sharp steel in the kitchen. He wasn’t special. He never understood why Sander thought he was. Why his son would pick that exact song, the one which ripped his heart out and made him feel 16 years old again? Right then and there, at a beach town supermarket, a cute guy whirling him around on a supermarket cart. A feeling that went up and up, never coming down. 
A text.
Pain was inevitable, he had learned. With Noor. With Sander. With David. Because children were a blessing, they'd always be the good in the world. That’s why he needed to protect the boy, from all the evil. Why he would let himself be pushed off the stairs, so not one beautiful curl on his head would be harmed. Psychically or emotionally. 
- “I’m coming to talk to you” -
No other dark eyes filled with sorrow.
Only his.
 “Come on, baby! Dance for me, you know you want to!”
“Wouter, please, stop it... You’re going to wake up my son.”
As if he cared...  Wouter just kept pulling at Robbe’s sweater, trying to discard it, so he could dug his nails at his bare arms. His response was to shut himself off. He wasn’t going to stop anyways, so why bother? Robbe liked it too, didn’t he? He was sure he did. When the other man nipped at his ear, slowly biting a trail down his neck and loosening his belt. He really loved it. Right?
“Rob- just do it for me. I’m too tired to move along!”, the man growled.
His breath filled with distain and mixed with the stench of cheap liquor. Eyes watered down to dimmed grey and clouds covering the sun. His hands were calloused, rough, manhandling him towards the end of the bed. The man named Robbe discarding his lover’s pants and hoping to shush loud moans by softly kissing his lips. His palm sweetly caressing, was met with a sharp pain in his wrist. Hmmm...
“I want it now. Don’t give me that bullshit about lubing it up and kissing gently. Just put a condom on already! I’m ready. You are too!”
Fear struck. Made him come out of the daze. Back into his mind. Robbe moved along to the other’s body, gripped the hip and pulled it from his orbit. Followed by a furious growl, whilst fingers formed a fist. He didn’t want it to happen. It would happen anyway. But still, he couldn’t say yes to this. This wasn’t what he wanted. Stop. Don’t do this.
“Wouter, stop it please...”, he whispered. “I don’t want this”
“What do you mean? You always say yes to this! It’s me your talking to, not some loser from the street, dumb-dumb.” Sickeningly sweet tone. A flower clearing through the greyish woods. An inkling of hushed love. Two bodies breathing together, bothered in various ways. But his head still screamed ‘no’. Greasy lips on his chest, licking towards his right nipple.
“I don’t want to, Wouter. Not tonight.”
Pull away.
“Yes, of course, Robbe. I’m not going to do anything you don’t want to. What kind of guy do you think I am? I’m not like that filthy know-it-all you call your ex. I mean, it’s not because you have a son with him, like you jump when he asks you to. You’re not his plaything... You’re mine. Right?”
Wouter’s face contorted in a cheap grin. He knew he shouldn’t fall for that, Robbe knew better. But did he? Maybe... Maybe his boyfriend was right? Sander did boss him around, when it came to their son. Always expecting to jump? But that wasn’t Sander was it? He didn’t know. He couldn’t think.
His thoughts were interrupted by his lover huffing out a short laugh. Seemed to be sobering up, a little. Maybe. “You shouldn’t worry your pretty head too much, darling. You’ll get wrinkles. But if we’re not going to do anything, I’ll need something to get the edge off. It’s been a long, hard damned week. I at least deserve a break. You want some?”
Oh, Robbe knew what ‘some’ meant. The brown haired boy didn’t like this feeling. Of not being in charge what was going to happen at this point of the evening. He shook his head, while his chest slowly closed up. The last memory he had of that stuff, was Wouter breaking his dresser. All because Robbe made a comment about his unemployment. A throw-away remark, that’s all it was.  He was going to shut his mouth now. 
It only took him a half hour. 
“You know, sweetie. I always wondered what so special about that boy of yours. He’s the apple of your eye, right? A spitting image of you both. And yet, he isn’t. The son of an unknown father and a dead mother. Beautiful that you took him in. That’s true. But what’s so special about those blonde curls?”
His blood turned to ice. Is this how murderous anger felt? It felt really close. His body was too slow at first to follow his coked-up partner to the stairs. But caught him, before Wouter could step foot towards the child’s door. Hissing. He felt like a wild animal, a lion trying to protect its cub, when he spit out:
“Don’t. Even. FUCKING. Dare. Touching. Him. Or. I’ll. Kill. You. With. My. Bare. Hands.”
Dark storm clouds looked into his. Venom in the mouth.
“Does he know, Robbe... Does he know he’s not yours? That he’s a boy that’s neither made from love between two men nor out of a conscious decision by his true mother? Never knowing his real father, having two fakes instead. You told me that, you know. You might not remember, but I do. I know what you said about little David, sweet darling son...”
Robbe froze on the spot. His fight-or-flight-reaction going into full overdrive. The hair on his arms were standing up, senses completely aware of his surroundings. All while still having no shirt on, he now remembered. What a ridiculous thought. Him, a man, of barely 1.68m and bare chested, trying to fight someone without pants and at least one head bigger than him.
And yet... So tempting...
“I remember what you said, Robbe. You were blubbering all over me, crying about that beach blonde bitch again. Typical. But then you said it to me. Your real fear... That he isn’t yours. That he looks so much like Sander, beautiful unattainable Sander. Boohoo. And never like the boring you. That you blame your ex for that! That’s what you said, right? ‘I’ll never be good enough for sweet David, Sander seems to be’. That’s adorable. Truly. Adorable.”
In his veins.
Deafening silence. 
“Maybe I should tell him, darling? All. Of. It. What do you t-”
Hard grunting. Hands everywhere. Red scratches.
Black irises taking over the grey. 
Pushing and pulling. 
Shouting. Screaming. Crying. 
Tilting worlds. Tumbling. Tripping. 
Falling. Falling. Falling. 
And a few days later: 
“Don’t tell papa I broke my arm okay? It’s nothing to worry about, okay sweetie?” 
Followed by a soft:
“Okay, paps. I won't.”
 “It’s better this way...”
“I know.”
“You know this is the only way.”
“I knów.”
Beautiful deep eyes. A pained expression. The back of a hand tracing his cheek. Wiping away the tears trickling down. A watery smile. This feeling of being left alone with all the responsibility on his shoulders, was somehow even worse than breaking up. But he shouldered through it anyway. He needed to. He needed to be strong for someone else.
“Sander, don’t...”, the other, tiny boy whispered. “Just promise you’ll take care of him. You’re the only one I trust with him.” His little hands still covering the man’s rosed cheeks. Fresh bandages wrapped around the fragile arms. Memories of closing, days of grey clouds and unspoken communication. Sander nodded his head. But he needed to say it, to get the feelings off his chest. 
“I’m so sorry, Robbe. I didn’t know. I was supposed to be there for you. In sickness and in health, right?” A pained smile of both. “I meant it, schat. I didn’t... I should’ve... We wouldn’t have...” Sander looked down. He couldn’t find the words to describe what he felt. 
“It’s okay”, his love answered. A fluttery kiss to his right cheek. “I’m still here. I’m not going away. Not for long at least. And then we can start again. We can start over... Maybe. Only... If you want to. I mean... If you still-”
“I still love you. I’ll always will. I’m never going to stop.” 
“Me neither...”
A ruffle through brown hair.
A featherlight hug.
A light giggle from him.
A cute wink he managed himself. 
Then he watched the brown jacket step towards the entrance, right into the arms of the welcoming nurses. All warmly tapping his shoulder, introducing themselves and trying to make him feel at home. Nodding at what he's saying. Already knowing why he's there, but listening anyways. They were going to be good for him. Just like they were good for Sander, a whole lifetime ago.
But before his life partner stepped through the door, he made a stop and turned around quickly.
With mischief on his face.
“So, what are we going to do in the next minute?!”
And a loud response for the artist, surprising even himself:
“In the next minute, I’ll wait for you!”
 And waiting he did.
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ceruleanchillin · 4 years
Sandalwood (Bakugou x Reader)
A/N: I haven’t gotten super far into MHA, so I’m still learning the characters. I’m also reading the manga. I haven’t officially seen Dabi or Toga’s characters yet, so I’m going off what I’ve read in other fics and a little careful wiki browsing.
I also posted a chapter breaking down the AU on AO3, I’ll probably post it here later.
The water ran so hot, it began to fog up the small room and disperse the smell of sandalwood throughout it. You eagerly grabbed your loofah, and began scrubbing yourself sudsy. Every pass at your skin, and you felt your humanity being restored. Over your neck, down your arms, across your ribs, everywhere you touched turned to a patch of saccharine velvet.
You hummed, something more akin to a moan actually, and did another full pass just to feel the scalding warmth again. Eyes closed, and toes curled in your shower slippers, your relaxed mind pondered if you had enough time to really style your hair. Afterall, what girl didn’t enjoy a comforting bath ritual?
“Now serving number 1!”
Of course, other’s pampered bathing rituals probably didn’t take place in a supermarket bathroom near dawn.
The bakery section’s automated ticket taker had cut through your hazy thoughts like a knife, and you nearly dropped your loofah. If they were already beginning to receive more customers you didn’t have the bathroom to yourself much longer.
You scrambled to cleanse yourself of all suds, and drained the sink, hoping that would begin to reverse the fogginess.
Shoving all your toiletries into your oversized hobo bag, you ducked into a stall, and began to shove yourself into freshly washed
God bless 24/7 laundry mats. Great for junk food dinners, plastic chair naps, and soft, detergent scented kisses with Bakugou at 4 am.
You were pretty sure your sweatshirt was on backwards, and your hair was still sloppily piled on top of your head, waiting to be deconstructed, but you didn’t care to fix either. You’d wasted your safe time, and didn’t want to risk being walked in on. One report by a disgusted customer, and you could kiss your current safe spot goodbye.
You ducked out into the tiny hallway of the restroom area, and smoothed your sweatshirt over your leggings, trying to appear less frantic and out of place.
‘Another successful bath day.’ you smiled, slipping your bag over your head. ‘I’m getting the hang of this.’
You checked the minimal amount of cash you had left, and figured it’d be enough for two muffins and maybe a shared coffee. You had earned it, and you knew your boyfriend would be happy to hear about your appetite balancing out.
Following the warm scents to the bakery section, you remained conscious of the fact that Bakugou would want what was left for gas, and picked with that in mind first.
The feeling of doing something so wholesome, so domestic, as picking up breakfast for your partner hit your person the same way indulging yourself in the bathroom had.
“Eww.” a cruel whisper-laugh made you instinctively turn to look behind you, and regret washed over you almost instantaneously.
Two girls your age stood behind you, eyes trained on your feet. You knew why immediately, but looked down anyways for confirmation you’d forgotten to trade your shower shoes for your slip ons.
‘They can’t know that I..’ you didn’t even finish your thought. Dirty from use as protection from unknown floors, they served their purpose, but betrayed you all the same.
‘Should I change them?’ you wondered, but could only imagine what looks that’d garner, no matter how discreet you could be.
You met their cold eyes, and couldn’t help but think they looked like porcelain dolls.
Three dolls stood at an impasse. Two, very expensive and impossibly perfect, that’d you display for envy. One, lovingly stitched, but you’d forget her in your toy chest.
You quickly turned to face front as your ticket was called and got your purchases. Hurt coursed through you, its white heat branding your insides, and undoing every good thought and feeling it touched.
Retrieving your purchases, and stuffing them into your bag, you headed for the entrance. It wouldn’t be long before Bakugou came to pick you up.
‘He wouldn’t have put up with that’ you thought sourly, frustrated with yourself once again for not possessing the bottomless well of anger your boyfriend pulled his strength from.
You may scold him about it, but you couldn’t deny that at times, it was an asset. However, that just wasn’t your person. You didn’t want to hurt, or be hurt for that matter.
You fought off your tears successfully, but at the cost of stinging sinuses and a minor headache. Wincing as natural light conquered artificial, you stepped out onto the pavement. The parking lot was coming to life compared to when Bakugou dropped you off, and you plopped on the curb to quickly swap out your shoes.
“Cute bag!” a cheery voice chirped, and you noticed a girl next to you.
Had she been there the whole time? You didn’t see how you could’ve missed her, but you had been upset. Blonde spacebuns, dark purple fishnets, and...jesus was she that cold? A heavy red that stretched from cheek to cheek.
You looked at her, thought her eyes looked a little crazed, and then instantly felt bad. Had you not just been shamed based on appearances?
“Thanks.” you responded shyly, trying to straighten your hair. “Thrifted it.”
“Nice!” she screeched, uncaring of the hour. “My stupid friends never wanna go to thriftstores.”
You winced at the volume, but still found her amusing. “You’ve gotta go to  Moon Over Mona’s , she’s got the best stuff.”
The girl mouthed the store’s title and rolled her eyes up as if burning it into her brain, before she widened her grin and turned her glazed over eyes back to you. “Noted! I’m Himiko.”
“(Y/N).” you smiled gently
“Oh wow, me too.” she patted your bag softly, as if it were a child, or perhaps a cat.
You tilted your head in question at her odd statement.
“Homeless silly, there’s no hiding things from me.” she rolled her eyes to emphasise the ‘duh’ in her tone. “I mean, I couch hop sometimes, but yeah…..”
You cringed and looked out over the parking lot. You didn’t like to use that word, it made your circumstances seem so ugly, and sounded like something your parents would say to shame you back into their home. But wasn’t that what you, and mostly all of your friends, were?
“It’s not a sweeeear word.” Himiko nudged your knee with her own. “It’s whatever to be free right?”
“That is a...perk I guess.” you chuckled, your inclination towards happier thoughts easily being indulged by talking with the girl.
“Exactly!” she slapped your arm, neon green nails standing out in stark contrast to her threadbare black hoodie.
“Sooooooo listen,” she pressed her pointer fingers together, blush intensifying. “Can I hold a dollar or two? My friend is picking me up here soon, and he’s a super stingy bitch. I want to eat something today.”
She dramatically flopped on the concrete behind her, hands rubbing her thin stomach.
You chewed your lip. Bakugou hated when you were ( a free handed sucker ) too generous. You really should save that remaining 10 dollars to give him for gas.
Himiko popped up onto her knees and gave you puppy eyes. Before long, she began imitating a dog altogether. She panted and lolled her tongue until you were laughing at the display and the sheer ridiculousness of it.
“Ok, ok. “ you laughed, reaching into your bag for your wallet. Neon green nails appeared in your view before they seized the entirety of the wad of bills from your wallet.
The girl bolted the moment her fist clenched around the cash.
“Hey!” you screamed, chest exploding with anxiety, as you took off after her.
One of your slip ons came off, and your bag’s contents took turns beating into your sides every time it came back against your side.
The girl had bolted across the parking lot, and she was faster than you by far. A pickup truck on the far end of the parking lot roared to life, and she’d hopped in by the time you caught up.
“I really do love your bag!” Himiko screamed out of the window as it peeled out of the parking lot.
You dropped to your knees, frantically trying to figure out what just happened.
‘You got robbed you idiot.’ anxiety had wrapped its vice grip around you, and now your thoughts sounded like a drill sergeant with a hard on for you. Had she been planning that all along, or had she’d seen something in you once you started talking? Had she been watching you since you’d gotten dropped off? Your mind raced with the hows and whys, until you thought of your boyfriend.
Once you realized how angry and disappointed Bakugou was going to be, the tears you’d tried to ward off came spilling forth. He was always breaking his back and risking his freedom for what little money you two held between you, and you’d stupidly gone and gotten it stolen. How many times had he’d told you that this wasn’t the first day of kindergarten? How many times had he warned you about befriending strangers?
He was going to finally realize you were more of a burden than a compliment and drop your sorry ass. Your most feared thought only made the tears come harder, and you clutched your bag to yourself pathetically to ground yourself in the swirl of panic.
People warily watched you, taking in your sad appearance. The feeling of their eyes giving you the same looks as those girls was almost too much to bear. Worry, but more so disgust, for the teary eyed girl with one shoe and messy hair. The girl with her life in her bag, crying over money they’d likely spend in their first few minutes of shopping.
“What’s wrong with you goddamned animals!? You see a girl crying in the street and you stare? Braindead, mouth breathing-” the rest of the swear laden rant was lost to you as you leaned into the familiar strength that yanked you from the ground.
“Katsuki.” you murmured appreciatively as he slipped your missing shoe on your barefoot.
“Come on baby.” you knew he was burning with questions, and they would go stalled, not forgotten, as he wanted you away from the now sufficiently shamed onlookers.
The smell of caramel surrounded you, and the morning’s chill began to dissipate in light of the car’s heat. Home.
By the time you were settled in the mustang’s passenger seat, your tears had slowed, but you were still in the trenches of dread.
“Who the hell hurt you?” Bakugou slammed his door, but made no moves to leave the area. You knew he wouldn’t until he got answers.
“What did they do baby? Give me a description of em’. Did you catch a name?”
Your cheeks glistened in the rising sunlight, and for a moment he was struck by how beautiful you were, but that only served to make him madder. He gripped the battered steering wheel, open..close..open...close, so he could try and ease the tremors in his hands. All he could picture was punching some faceless guy’s face into paste on a pavement, and...why the hell weren’t you talking?!
“It was me!” you cried. “I-”
“What the hell are you talking about?” his scowl scrunched into confusion, before it returned to its previous state. “Don’t you dare start that blaming yourself shit. If somebody hurt you-”
“I tried to give this g-girl two dollars, and she snatched all I had and ran. I think she planned it, there was a p-p-pickup truck. ” you hiccuped, hating every second you had to spend retelling the encounter.
Bakugou stared at you, eyes wide and unbelieving for a moment, and you wished your seat would swallow you whole. It could spit you out anywhere so long as it wasn’t there.
“You what?” he growled lowly.
“Katsuki I-I swear I’m sorry.” the hiccups continued. “I’ll make it back-”
“Dammit (Y/N)!” he slammed his hands on the steering wheel, and another scuff joined the rest. “How many times have I told you?!”
“I know.” you sobbed. “I just...she was so nice-”
“Manners of the fucking year robbing you and all!”
Unable to meet his heated crimson gaze and you leaned against the window. The chill outside pressed against the glass, begging to compete with the heat being generated inside of the car. You pressed your warm face further into its chill, trying to ignore the charged energy emanating from the seat next to you. He must’ve really been pissed not to scold you about doing that to his car baby.
“I’m sorry Katsuki..I just felt like shit and wanted to help somebody.” your words were muffled due to half your mouth being mashed into the glass, but he didn’t ask you to repeat yourself.
He didn’t say anything until a few minutes had passed, and it was you who had to ask him to repeat himself.
“I said...I said I’m getting you a bus ticket home.”
He’d done it. He’d voiced the thing you’d wanted to hear least. You’d rather him yell for hours than talk like this.
“Katsuki...” you peeled yourself from the window and turned to face him. “No!”
“ Yes .” he turned his gaze to you, the red roiling with anger still, but sharing its space with sadness now. “It’s selfish of me to keep you out here, you don’t belong on the streets.”
“I belong wherever you are.” you implored, turning your whole body towards him.
You didn’t like the way he was talking at all. He would sometimes say something about sending you back to your parents, until you’d remind him you were grown and shut him up with a kiss. This felt more final however, and you couldn’t stand it.
“You were crying in the street over 10 damn dollars (Y/N). I’m supposed to take care of you!” Bakugou’s entire being was threaded together by his pride and his word. The whole situation was killing him from one end to the other. His mind was relieved you hadn’t been attacked, screaming at him to find the girl and whoever else was involved, and demanding he scrounge together bus fair and get you the fuck away from him.
“You do!” tears bloomed in your eyes again, this time for entirely different reasons. “ Baby , you do.”
You scrambled into his lap, ignoring your inner thighs getting battered by the console in your haste to surround your man. Bakugou didn’t fight your intrusion, but he wouldn’t meet your gaze again either.
Slim fingers threaded through his wild, ash blond spikes, tugging until he was forced to look you in the eye.
“I’m not going anywhere. You can’t make me leave, I won’ t .” you thumbed his cheekbones. “Tell me you want me gone.”
He didn’t and you both knew he wouldn’t say that, not like that. A frustrated sigh fled his lips as he flexed his fingers. Of course he didn’t want you gone, he barely wanted to leave you alone to take a piss most days.
The fingers of one hand danced across your back gently, before firmly bringing you closer to him. His other hand grasped your chin and so he could press his lips to yours in a kiss. It was angry, but you wanted it all the same, understanding the anger wasn’t for you. You got what you wanted, which was physical comfort and putting to bed any silly ideas of separation.
“I don’t want to see you like that again.” he murmured against your lips. “You deserve better than that. I need to give you better than that.”
“ I need to be with you, that’s what I deserve.” You cupped his cheeks initiating another kiss.
“Yeah, yeah.” he kissed a path over your face, stopping when he reached your temple. “You’re a dumbass for staying, and I’m a dumbass for letting you.”
End Note: This once happened for real, sort of. A girl was having a full on cry fit on the floor of Walmart’s entrance and nobody helped until my mom stepped in and asked what she could do for her. So yeah..if you were wondering why no one helped the reader, I guess sometimes people don’t.
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rambles-fairy · 4 years
I have cracked. After watching all the hilarious YouTube commentaries, I have decided to watch After. It is on, as background noise while I try to write. I will come back up to the top here to give movie updates as I go.
After Commentary
The first move update is that the main girl’s boyfriend just gave her (Tessa) the most awkward sway hug, where they rocked side to side like toddlers. Nice.
Oh. Wow. The acting of the English dude is top notch. And the English accent is awful, even though I think he might actually be English – like they made him do an Extra Special accent for the film. Tessa’s acting isn’t too bad.
Okay Tessa’s boyfriend is a holier than thou killjoy – he tells her off for partying. At uni. Partying… which is what people do at uni. And they are in a long term relationship but have never had sex, which seems unusual for 18 year olds who are serious enough to do long distance?
The girl who plays Tessa is hella pretty.
The dude playing the love interest seems slightly dead eyed all the time. He is meant to be looking intense I think, but he just looks like an android.
Tessa and the boyfriend (not the love interest lol!) has all the charisma and allure of a bag of dry, unflavoured quinoa.
Tessa’s controlling harpy mother is ghastly and has cut her off financially, for breaking up with her awful boyfriend and sleeping with the new love interest. I mean, how weird is that? I think a boy might ruin your life so I will try to ruin it first?
Oh no, they are now at the wedding of the love interest’s dad, who seems to be a low key asshole and I can feel the tension building. I feel the fear! I am, however, unexpectedly enjoying this film more than I thought I would given how badly panned it was.
Aw I liked that more than I expected to, and I was sad at the end that it went so wrong.
Journal Notes
I have a lot of jumbled thoughts and worries so lets just brain dump for now and then I can spend the next three weeks writing things which are, perhaps, a slightly more coherent story.
The first thing is that I feel oddly lonely. And maybe that is because I am back in Tier 4 lockdown? Even though I sort of already was, since I wasn’t going anywhere except the supermarket for food. But maybe it is a mental thing? I go through the social anxiety cycle where I will text people a lot and then I don’t get many replies and I am sure that it is because people have lives – I can be horrible at replying, but then I feel awkward and ashamed of being me. The second reason is that I miss M. I had my end of year review and I found out that he nominated me for employee of the year, and the feedback was super kind and nice (said my boss) and I listened to it all, pretending she was talking about someone else, and looking happy. Inside I felt like an ice block had been dropped into my chest. After the call I sort of sat and missed him, quietly, for a long while.
So yeah, I feel lonely.
The second thing is that I was on a call. I was talking about something I usually know a lot about but I ended up getting something wrong – on the call I said that something wasn’t the case, when it was, and I disagreed with the person who actually was saying the right thing. I hate making mistakes, and with my current social anxiety issues, itupset me a lot. I wasn’t rude, I wasn’t even “I am right” – I was more confused and saying “this isn’t normally the case, I don’t think it is x” and after I researched it and found I was wrong, I contacted the person to apologise for my mistake and confirm that she was correct, not me. But still, it is really bothering me, and I feel really stupid and bad at my job and just like an idiot generally. I keep getting flash backs to the call, and being like “I have never heard of that being the case” and the other people assuming I was right, not the other person, when I was talking bollocks.
Kill me.
And I still miss almost everyone I have ever had feelings for in the past 5 years, on some level. Not just M – although him the most due partly because of proximity of time and also because he seemed to adore me and I enjoyed messing around with him way more than I have with other people recently. And not recently too, since I am hardly the hookup Queen.
I was doing okay until recently but I feel a bit of a mess right now. Which is usually when I write. I also want to write more about the good things, like the things I learn or read about.
Like being on the sky news Instagram page and reading people’s comments on lockdown. People have such strange views – a lot of people were saying that they thought lockdown was an infringement on their rights – like not being allowed to get wasted at the pub is a tyrannical decision and it would be better to allow total freedom, regardless how many people die in the process. I am not very pro-anarchy apparently. I think that people should try and help other people, and live in consideration of the people around them. I mean, not to the point where you lose yourself – you are important too, but so are other people.
I feel so full of self-doubt. I miss the feeling I had when I was at uni and I never really felt that. I miss learning. I feel so useless at the moment. And like I will never be anyone’s favourite person. All in all I feel a bit lost again. I have felt lost for most of my life.
I miss the way M used to say he always wanted to look after me, forever. At the time I said that he couldn’t say that to me because it might not end up being true. And I was right, to be fair – I still think he was still properly married – but I miss that feeling, that no matter what, someone loves you and you love them and you feel less alone.
But then being lonely, for me, is about not feeling connected to something – not just humans and love – it is when I feel cut off from the universe more generally. Like I am not connecting to my life purpose in some strange way.
One good thing about being an adult, is always being able to have a box of lindor in the fridge. Ten out of ten, would recommend. The coconut ones are so good. And all the rest to be fair!! I really love strawberries and white chocolate too. Beaut. Keeping them in the fridge means that they are really sort of crunchy, which I love.
I think writing has helped a bit. I am human and even though I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin in shame and awkwardness and feeling like everyone must hate me. I feel that way a lot, like everyone around me thinks I am an idiot. I feel like I have real difficulties connecting to people, and I always have this dark need to connect with someone completely – to become part of them, and for them to become part of me, like a single being. I guess that isn’t healthy, but when I fall in love with someone it is all encompassing and I adore them. This is not the first time I have said this, but I should probably learn to love myself better.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Do you sleep under your sheets or do they make you cold? Uh, sleeping under the blankets makes me warm, not cold. 
Eyeliner. Yes or no? Yes. When I wore makeup eyeliner was a must.
Who’s the first person you talk to via text in the morning? No one. I don’t text with anyone regularly.
Was that person your significant other? --
Does it take a lot for you to cry, or does it happen easily? It doesn’t take much anymore.
What was the last reason you cried? Stressed and frustrated.
Do you have someone who you can tell anything? yeah if i wanted to. i generally don't though. <<< Yeah, that’s pretty much how I am. I just tend to keep a lot to myself. Or vent about it to the void in a survey or on Twitter.
Do you have a boyfriend? Nope.
If so, is he your best friend? ---
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? My regrets about not taking better care of myself and neglecting things I shouldn’t have.
Do you remember important dates? Yeah, I’m usually pretty good about that.
Do you like vanilla? Yes.
What about arrogance? I hate arrogance and cockiness.
Do you tan easily? I only spend enough time outside for one when I go to the beach, but yeah I always end getting one after.
Do you think light blue and light orange go together? Sure.
Do you have two of the same pair of pants? I have a ton of the same exact pairs of black and gray leggings. Jeans, too.
Do you know anyone with Type 1 Diabetes? Not that I know of.
Are you familiar with John Mayer? Yeah. I’ve known of him since “No Such Thing” came out in 2002. I like a lot of his songs.
Has someone ever pressured you to do something you didn’t want to? Yes.
Who gives the best advice? My mom.
Do you have a lot of pictures of you and your friends? Yeah. Former friends now, but yeah.
Once upon a time there was this perfect guy. Who is he? For me, Ty came pretty damn close. :/
Who do you usually see in your dreams? Family members, some former friends, and random people. Some of the random people are people I knew in my past, but wasn’t really friends with or anything, yet they pop up in my dreams for some reason. It’s so weird. 
When you go to the supermarket, what is the first section you go to? Depends on the store. We do most of grocery shopping at Walmart, though, and we always hit up the side with the medicine, soap, shampoo, etc. 
What did you have for dinner last night? Loaded potato wedges and egg rolls from Jack in the Box.
Do you own anything with the Playboy Bunny on it? No.
Where was the last beach you went to? It’s a couple hours away from me.
What has been your favorite concert you’ve attended? Jonas Brothers and Green Day. But concerts are just fun, I’ve really enjoyed all the concerts I’ve been to. 
Have you ever been rock climbing? No.
Are you a fan of seals? Sure. They’re cute.
Do you like ice cream? I like it, but I’ve never been a big ice cream person. It’s been a few years since I’ve had any, actually.
Do you own a bean bag chair? Nope.
Who would you choose to be stuck in an elevator with for nine hours? I’d really like to not be stuck in an elevator at all, please. That would make me extremely anxious and I’m claustrophobic.
What is your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones.
Have you ever played Gamecube? Yeah.
Are you allergic to anything? What? Tangerines.
Where is your phone? It’s on my bed.
What is two feet from your right arm? Some pillows.
Do you have a favorite pet? I only have one doggo and I love her very much. <3
Where were you at 10:12 this morning? I’ll be here.
Who was your first celebrity crush? Aaron Carter.
If God was standing by your window while you were asleep would you wake up? I think so. I think His presence would be very strong and would wake me up.
When someone drops something do you immediately go and pick it up for them? If I’m near where it fell.
Do you like the sound of velcro? Not particularly. 
Could you call your best friend right now and tell them your biggest secret, and trust them to keep it? I wouldn’t have to call her cause we’re in the same house, but yeah.
Have you ever played with toy cars before? Yeah, I liked playing with cars as a kid.
What kind of iPod do you have? I have an iPod Touch still, but I haven’t used it since like 2012.
What was the last sporting event you attended? I’ve been to a hockey game before and a couple school football games. I went to tag along with friends, I didn’t care at all about the sport, ha.
Do you own any vinyl records? No.
Are you the one in a group to talk a lot or do you listen? I’m a listener for sure.
Have you ever played Wii Fit? No. I played Wii Sports, though. Like the bowling one.
What was the last album you listened to? I don’t remember.
What is your shoe size? I wear a 6 in women’s (US). My Adidas are actually a 3 1/2 or 4 in kid’s, though.
If you were given a baby boy and 15 seconds to name him what would you choose? Alexander.
Do you have a favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, sea foam green, coral, and yellow.
Have you ever touched a caterpillar? Ahh, noooo.
Can you give a fact about Chuck Norris? He does a lot of informercials. ha.
Is there a YouTube channel whose videos you always watch? There’s several.
In your opinion, who has the best voice of the bands you listen to? Chester Bennington. RIP. 
What is your favorite coin? I don’t have one.
Have you ever set a table? Yes.
Have you ever witnessed something burn down? No.
Do you like coffee? If so, how do you take it? I love coffee. I like it with a flavored creamer or with cream and sugar. Or flavored lattes, mochas, and macchiatos. 
Have you ever won a game of chess? No. I never got the hang of the chess and didn’t have enough interest in it to really try.
Do you enjoy staying at hotels? I do. I think it’s fun.
Have you ever picked strawberries or apples? Nope.
Have you ever met someone famous? Who? Do tell! I’ve met Jamie Lee Curtis and Drake Bell.
Who is one singer or band you would kill to see live? I’m sad I never got to see Linkin Park while Chester was still alive.
How often do you bike ride? Never.
What is your best physical feature? Nothing.
Are you any good at Ping-Pong? I haven’t really played ping pong.
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barefootandaimless · 4 years
Party of one (Part One)
Hey, tea or wine? Or coffee…I’ve got very into half caff coffee lately, no really it’s not as bad as you think, especially if you make it with whole beans! (I’m not a coffee snob I promise…but I live with a barista so whole beans it is. ;) )
(Note: this post’s definitely more for the people who’ve already moved away.)
I want to talk about how it is to be alone in your new place (town/city/country, wherever), nah I don’t mean lonely I mean to be alone. To be alone and lonely can be two different things, the first can lead to the second but it doesn’t have to.
When we moved to Berlin, Tom (my boyfriend) had a few friends here but I didn’t. I had already secured a job, met my boss once and I’d found our flatmate through Facebook and met her in London (to make sure she was a real person) other than that, I knew no one here. Just because you moved with your partner doesn’t mean you can’t feel alone or lonely. Key thing here: this does not reflect badly on your relationship. So get that out of your head right now eh. Presumably you were both your own entity’s back home…you both had your own friends as well as shared friends and probably separate jobs and any friends or acquaintances that came with that? Therefore it’s completely natural for you to feel alone in your new place. This was an important lesson I learned. I felt so guilty for feeling alone that I never spoke to Tom about it - as we all know not talking doesn’t help anyone. No matter how great your relationship, you are human and we all need other connections in life. Whether that comes from the family you ‘re born with or the family you find for yourself.
How’s that half caff going down? Told you it wasn’t so bad. :)
Today let’s not talk about making/finding new friends, that’ll come later. There’s something much more important that comes first: YOU. No it’s not selfish, all will become clear…
This comes from another lesson learned, trust me. Of course I’m talking from my perspective of moving to a foreign country but that doesn’t mean these things won’t still make sense if you moved within your home country. I’m going to say something obvious so don’t laugh…don’t stop being yourself. Ah god yeah that cheesy line! However cheesy it’s bloody true, I always thought I was strong willed and a decent chunk of me didn’t give a fuck what people thought of me – that was the part of me that used to have blue hair and a Mohawk (yes really). I was surprised how slyly that part of me slipped away after moving here. Scarily other parts of me did too.
How did I realise? I had a big wake up call. Here’s a little background info: my mum is the amazing type of person who talks to anyone and everyone with natural ease and grace. My brother and I grew up watching her speak to someone in the supermarket for easily 20 minutes, only to ask later “who was that?” and have her reply “I don’t know”. She just has the gift to talk to strangers as if they’re friends and happily she passed that gift on to us and with it a natural response to help strangers. In Berlin somewhere between big city fears and language fears I’d stopped doing that. My wake up call came one day when I witnessed a young man caught in the grips of grief. He had just finished a phone call at a table outside a closed restaurant and to say he was upset would be an understatement. I am ashamed even now to admit that I, walking on the other side of the street, was going to ignored him. Thankfully I caught hold of that piece of me, instilled by my mum and I didn’t. I learned two things: I had not completely lost myself and we don’t need to have the same language to be able to check if another person is ok and offer comfort.
Stop second guessing yourself (alright be honest you’re like me, your second, third, fourth fricking fifth guessing yourself..lets try and stop that) – if there’s something that you would naturally do at home keep doing it here. If you second guess it, have a quick check in with yourself…did you naturally do it back home? Then do it here too (…within reason…maybe if it’s not culturally acceptable and/or could put you in danger,  don’t do it!).
It’s s lot more difficult to find your people if you’re not yourself first and that’s why I’m not talking about making friends yet. Now I’m breaking out that bottle of red I just bought and I’ll tell you about another big lesson learned…
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undercoverwatermoon · 6 years
“Surprise” (Jalton/Future Fic)
This started as a completely different story, but here's where it ended up. This occurs in the same verse as "Stars", so they're a series now.
Series on AO3 here: Future Moments I'll continue adding related one-shots to this series as I am inspired to write them. All will be future Jalton.
Definitely a wedding one (as promised to #TheFab5) will be added at some point, and of course Jalton babies and Daddy!Adam.
This story happens an appropriate amount of time prior to "Stars”
Endless thank you's to the #TheFab5 who are always willing to talk me off the ledge when I get lost in my feelings (see evidence below), and to @stupid-jeans (who IS one of #TheFab5 lol) for the always wonderful beta!
Enjoy everyone!
It’s only been five days since they touched down on American soil, and an entire three days since she last saw Adam. Saying goodbye at the airport had been a brand new experience, barely hours since they’d given in to the long-standing tension between them, finally deciding their chance at happiness was worth the risk.
Jaz. We are practically together, in every sense of the word, except...physically
Adam had been so convinced. So sure that it was their time. It gives her goosebumps remembering the look in his eyes as he’d patiently argued his point. Preach’s words from a few deployments ago, about not ignoring connections, echo in her mind, and she makes a mental note to ask Adam how many wisdom interventions Preach had subjected him to in the recent past. Comparing stories might be fun.  
Walking aimlessly along the supermarket aisles, looking at everything and deciding on nothing, Jaz finds herself daydreaming. It’s strange to her, how the most mundane things remind her of him. That healthy, cardboard-like cereal he likes is on aisle nine, and she stops there for what seems like hours, smiling like a fool until she finally throws it in the shopping cart. Then come the bagels -Adam likes carbs- the blueberry ones for some reason, so she grabs those too, chastising herself for feeling like a giddy teenager, buying her boyfriend’s favorite things.  
A couple dozen more items end up in the cart, but her mind is distracted, a thousand miles away where Adam is, visiting his sister’s family for a few days. She knows he’ll be back, logically, so it feels ridiculous to her how much she misses his scent, his voice, his smile....how much a cereal box in her hand makes her feel like he’s closer somehow.
Right now, in the middle of an empty supermarket, at two o’clock in the afternoon, this tough, badass, special operations sniper wants nothing more than to have her boyfriend home. How is she supposed to wait two more days?
“Sorry,” she mumbles to the polite old man she almost runs over moving towards the checkout line, and minutes later she’s on the road with a hodgepodge of groceries in the trunk.
The minute she walks through the garage door she knows he’s home.
“Adam?” Calling his name, she rounds the corner from the kitchen and finds him standing there, smiling at her.
Adam catches her easily when she rushes toward him and jumps, long smooth legs wrapping around his waist. Laughing as she peppers kisses all over his face, he turns and leans their entwined bodies against the nearest wall, savoring the feel of her pressed against him, in all the right places. God, he missed her so much, and he will tell her that and lots more, as soon as his brain can manage a coherent thought.
They make out like teenagers for a few minutes, soft noises, sighs and moans mixing together, amplifying the pleasure slowly building as their hands roam.
“I missed you,” he murmurs, and she smiles against his mouth. “I might leave more often though, if this is the reception I get.”
“Who says you’re ever leaving again?” Adam chuckles at that. Jaz looks him in the eye, a hand coming up to cup his cheek. “I’m serious. Not sharing you with the world. They can get their own Adam.”
The attempt at levity falls a bit flat. It’s not the words themselves, but what lurks beneath them that has Adam immediately shifting from amusement to mild concern.
“Hey. What’s wrong?”
That soft, intimate tone laces his voice, and Jaz is mildly afraid of the power it holds over her now. Closing her eyes with a shake of her head, she tries to refocus on the way his hard body is still pressing her against the wall. Rolling her hips against him, she moves to kiss him, but Adam is on alert now, and he’s not going to let this go. He shifts his his hips back slightly, and her legs drop to the floor. So, they’re doing this. Now.
“It’s nothing, really. I’m fine.” At his skeptical look she sighs. “It’s just…” Trailing off, she looks down for a second before ducking under his arm and moving towards the kitchen. Adam follows her, a few steps behind, giving her the space her body language is begging for.
Finding the right words proves harder than expected. The wave of frustration begins to rise within her, and having no clue where it even comes from makes it so much worse. The past three days replay in her mind. What is she suppose to say here? That she missed him? That she spent every waking minute daydreaming about his arms around her? That being away from him for three measly days almost drove her mad? That now that they’re here, officially together, she’s afraid she won’t ever survive without him? Isn’t it too soon for all of that?
They’ve grown as close as two people can be without actually being together these past five years, but in all that time, they’ve never done this. Talking openly about their feelings, giving voice to their fears, hopes, and expectations. Five days ago, she thought they were simply taking the next logical step. Giving in to the overwhelming need to explore their relationship - and each other- with nothing holding them back. Right now though, she wonders if they’re right back at square one.
“Talk to me.”
Jaz can’t help but turn towards him at that. She wants to tell him everything, so badly, if only to erase the worry etched on his face. But she’s never done this before….intimacy, opening up. Never cared enough to stick around and do this instead of run.
Even so, she knows none of her past experiences could ever compare to now. Because this is Adam, who is everything she never dreamed she’d find in a man. So, regardless of the past, she will do her best to muddle through this, for him. And it will be messy and uncomfortable, but there’s no other option in her mind. If things between them fail, it won’t be because she didn’t try. Those clear blue eyes she loves are growing more troubled now, and hating that her silence is the cause, she takes a deep breath and jumps in feet first.
“I think it’s just...everything.” She begins with a helpless shrug. “In the last five days, we came back from Turkey, debriefed at the DIA, talked about us- you and me, as a couple- then spent the best night ever together, like... I didn’t know that was even possible...and then you left and--”
Adam frowns at that. “We agreed. You said you were fi--”
“I know what I said, okay?”
The outburst takes them both by surprise, but Adam instantly takes a step closer, cupping her face in his hands before she can retreat. So much is swirling around them, a cloud of questions and future decisions and sensitive conversations about the past- which Xander would say they absolutely need to have. Adam knows they’ll need time to wade through it, and he wonders how much of what’s still to come is driving the frustration pouring out now. Still, amongst all the heavy thoughts floating in his mind, one stands out, and it surprises him that it’s not serious at all.
“The best night ever?” Adam asks, with raised eyebrows and lips curved in a teasing smile.
Jaz huffs out a surprised laugh. “Seriously? That’s what you got from all that?” she asks, and attempts unsuccessfully to squeeze out of his grasp.
Adam sobers, readjusts his strong but tender hold around her neck, thumbs stroking her cheeks. Opening his legs wide, he lowers so they’re at eye level now.
“Jaz, baby. Listen to me.” The pet name draws an almost imperceptible whimper from her, and she brings her hands up, wraps them around his wrists. “I know it’s a lot to take in...us. But I promise you, we’ll figure all this out. I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me.”  
The words sink in, and the raw, fearless emotion in his gaze catches her off guard. It’s too much, and she knows it’s a bit spineless to want to hide from it now, but she’ll implode if she doesn’t clear her head.
Reaching with her right hand, she runs her fingers over his beard, offering a smile that doesn’t entirely reach her eyes. He leans into her touch, wanting to draw her out, but she turns her body away from him toward the counter instead, one hand closing around the nearest grocery bag as the other drops away from his face.
Once again, Adam lets her go, watching as random food items emerge from the striped reusable totes.
“Well….that’s good to know,” she says, trying to sound nonchalant. “That you’re staying, I mean.” With her back to him, she holds up the cereal box for him to see. “Because, I’ve already bought this awful bird food you like. And those blueberry bagels, which are carb-loaded monstrosities really, and it’d be so rude of you to--”
Large, strong hands on her waist halt her nervous rambling, and when he folds his warm, solid body around her, the tension just oozes out of her with a long, deep exhale. Turning in his arms, she buries her face in his chest and just breathes him in.
Adam stands there, arms wrapped tightly around Jaz, and his mind flashes to the few seconds before, as he’d watched her stiff and shaking lightly, emptying out grocery bags. Her words about cereal and bagels flood his ears now- and the underlying fear in them, the possibility that he may not stick around- hits him like a sucker punch to the gut.
He’d gotten on that plane, because his nieces were waiting and Jaz had been adamant she’d meet them another time. Thinking it was her way of carving out “me” time for herself, he’d acquiesced. But as he’d stood hugging her goodbye outside the TSA line, nose buried in her apple-scented hair, he’d wanted nothing more than to haul her with him through security and never let her go.
With stark clarity, he can now feel this abyss between them, this notion of impermanence and ambiguity hovering around their relationship status, their future. He’d thought they’d have time for all that. His words as he’d explained his reasoning five days ago float through his mind...Jaz. We’re practically together, in every sense of the word…
Now though, he can see that statement wasn’t entirely true. By holding back those three words that mattered the most, he unknowingly allowed doubt to seep in through the cracks. Adam knows that nothing but brutal honesty will do now. It’s the one thing that has always worked to stop her from spiraling, so he decides that’s the way this will go. There is no room for more misunderstandings now. They’re not starting this journey on uneven emotional ground.
Jaz’s muffled voice interrupts his epiphany, and he rubs his cheek against her hair as he feels her mouth moving against his chest.  
“I just missed you. It’s stupid. You were only gone three days, and I know we’ve only been--”
“I love you, Jaz.” The way she freezes against him tugs at his heart. After a second, she inches back, staring at her finger as it toys with a button on his checkered dress shirt. He watches as she takes a deep breath before her brown eyes drift up to his, shining with unshed tears.
“You do?” Uncertainty and hope mingle in her voice.  
“Of course I--” Adam swallows, eyes closing against the flood of remorse.
“I’m such an idiot. I convinced you that we could do this, that the time was right for us... and then I….” Shaking his head, he brings his forehead down against hers with a regretful sigh. “I’m sorry. I love you, okay? I have loved you, for years. I’ll say it as many times as you want. Just, please, don’t cry.”
Unable to find her voice after that, she swallows and moves her head up and down in a nod. Adam opens his eyes in time to see her radiant smile, and can’t help kissing the now pinkish tip of her nose. When she blinks, and the tears finally fall, he wipes them away with his thumbs. He’s desperate now to make her understand, and the words just tumble out.
“I was waiting to tell you, when we had more time. I’ve been...planning it for a while.” That self-deprecating Adam smile, the one he reserves just for her, makes her chuckle through the tears. “I even asked my sister for advice. I was gonna take you out. Our official first date. That’s why I came back early, to surprise you and...God, it doesn’t even matter--”
“Adam.” Jaz’s voice is strong now, sure and steady, and he lets out the proverbial breath he’s been holding. Slowly, she fans her hands on his chest, tracing lazy patterns with her fingers and following them with her eyes.
“You know, our first night together?” She looks up through her lashes now. “It really was the best night ever.”
Adam grins, fast and bright. “Yeah?”
“Hell yeah.”
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kpopangst · 7 years
Cheater - Wonwoo angst
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Yoooo…. I think that Wonwoo is the nicest name to type. _____________
You settled down into the driver’s seat of your car, flicking a strand of dripping wet hair from your face. It was pouring it down out there and the rain had started as soon as you left the building where you worked. Of course it had, and on the day where you had struggled to find a decent parking space so you had ended up parking several blocks away. Nevertheless, they had given you an early release because there had been an internet connection problem for the entire building and you couldn’t do any work without the internet.
You checked your phone quickly, seeing that there was one message from your boyfriend. Even the sight of his name made you smile; that was how infatuated you were. You would never understand why he had chosen you out of the hundreds of thousands of girls that would throw themselves at him, but he had, and you thanked whatever higher power there was for it.
My Wonwoo <3: Jagiya, I’m leaving practise early today. See you tonight :) x
Me: Okay baby, see you soon! x
You slid your car keys into the ignition, turning them and starting up the engine. Perhaps you could stop off at the supermarket and buy some ingredients to make his favourite dish? He had been working incredibly hard lately, always coming home later and later, obviously incredibly tired. He had said that he had been training with Soonyoung lately to try and get better at his dancing, despite your protests that his dancing had been much better recently. He still wanted to improve for his fans and the thought brought a smile to your face. He was so precious.
After stopping off at your local grocery store and grabbing some things, you were back in your car, rainwater dripping off your skin again. Soon enough, you were on your way back to your apartment, aiming to start cooking for your boyfriend as it had been too long since you had sat down and enjoyed a meal together.
You struggled to carry all of the grocery bags and your handbag up the three flights of stairs to get to your floor, but you managed and soon you were sliding your front door keys into the lock and opening you door. The lights were all on, meaning Wonwoo was already there, and you smile at the thought of seeing him any moment now. Depositing the bags on the kitchen island, you begun unpacking them, when a small noise made you freeze in your tracks.
Was that… A moan?
You shook your head, listening intently. There were slight scuffling noises and the repetition of the moaning noise you had heard previously.
Your blood turned to ice, fear paralysing you completely. They were not Wonwoo’s moans. They were definitely female.
Bile was rising in your esophagus and you had to steady yourself on the counter so you didn’t vomit uncontrollably. What the fuck was he doing? Did he really think you wouldn’t find out? Did he not love you as much as he said he did? Were they just words that he was throwing about?
You picked yourself up, your heartbeat pounding too heavily for you to hear anything other than that. Storming towards the bedroom, you hesitated for only a moment whilst you braced yourself for what you were about to witness.
Were you ready for that? For that agony? For that torment? For the image that you wouldn’t be able to remove from your mind for the rest of your life? If it was to see Wonwoo realise what he was losing, then yes.
You threw the bedroom door open, revealing your sweaty boyfriend on top of a girl you had never seen before. They both yelped at your entrance, flailing around to cover their indecency, Wonwoo’s face crumpling in shame and guilt.
“Sorry, am I intruding? Do you want me to go and come back later?” you asked in a faux chipper tone.
“Who the hell are you?” the girl screeched, clutching the sheet to her chest and trying to smooth down her hair.
“Hmm? Oh, I’m Y/N, Wonwoo’s girlfriend. This is actually my apartment and you’re lying in my bed.”
She whirled to face Wonwoo who had thrown himself off the side of the bed in a desperate attempt to cover himself. “You have a girlfriend?!” she shrieked, face turning dangerously red.
It was a slight comfort that she had no idea about you, you’ll admit.
“Don’t worry, we’ve both been fooled by him. You wouldn’t be the first person.” you said matter-of-factly, clasping your hands together behind your back and rolling back onto your heels.
“Jagi…” Wonwoo muttered but shut up quickly when you shot him a venom-filled glare.
The girl was scrabbling around, still holding onto the sheets as she grabbed all of her clothes up, pulling them on as best she could without revealing anything and she brushed past you.
“I’m so sorry.” she whispered and she went and you nodded, listening as the front door slammed shut behind her.
You turned your attention to the boy who was slowly dissolving into tears on the floor, still completely naked.
“Get up.” you snapped, crossing your arms and glaring at him.
“Baby, please listen to me-”
“No. Get up and get out. Get one of your members to come get your stuff, I don’t want to look at your face again.”
“Y/N, please, I’m so sorry-”
“Wonwoo. Don’t make me repeat myself.” you said in a low, threatening tone, giving him another lasting glare before turning and exiting the bedroom, showing just how angry you were with the slamming of the door behind you.
You went back into the kitchen, continuing to unpack the groceries. Your insides were twisting, the strong facade crumbling into pieces. How could he do something like this? How long had he been doing it?
You felt disgusted. How long had you been in love with a cheater? How long had you slept next to him, in his arms, after he was with another woman?
Should you order in for dinner tonight, or cook something different than you had planned? You enjoyed cooking a lot as it relaxed you, but you were tired and just wanted to watch crap films while eating pizza on the sofa.
You heard shuffling coming from your bedroom, meaning he was dressing quickly, and you were glad. He would be leaving your home soon and you would see to getting the locks changed.
“Jagi, please.” were his first words when he padded out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where you were sifting through the collection of takeaway menu’s you had, looking for a pizza place.
“Nope.” you cut him off.
“Y/N! Listen to me!” he shouted and the sudden volume was enough to startle you into silence, eyes looking up to meet his. His eyes were red and blotchy, his stance weak and defeated. “It was a mistake. I’m not going to insult you and say it was an accident, but it was a mistake that I regret. I love you with my whole heart and I’m so sorry, I feel so terrible.”
“You should.” you said, heart pounding in your ears and you looked down to the menu’s again. “You brought that woman into my home, slept with her on my bed I don’t know how many times, and you have the cheek to say that you feel like shit? What about me? Did you ever stop to try and get into your thick skull that maybe you’re tearing my heart out and burning it in front of me?”
“Y/N please, I’m so sorry!” he cried, tears welling up in his eyes and dropping down to his knees.
“No,” you said for the umpteenth time. “I thought I told you to get out of my apartment, Jeon Wonwoo.”
He stared at you, and he looked at the way that you were standing so casually, and the lack of emotion on your face. You looked like you didn’t care.
“Right,” he muttered, rising to his feet. Shame, guilt and embarrassment coloured his skin, crawling up the back of his neck and turning the tips of his ears and the apples of his cheeks a bright red. “I’ll be going…”
You nodded absentmindedly, flipping over a promising looking menu in your hands.
You listened to his footsteps get further and further away from you, finally hearing the door open and shut again. Wonwoo was gone.
The menu’s slipped from your hands, scattering across the floor in a mess as you pressed your hands against your mouth to try and smother the loud, ugly sobs leaving your lips. Tears poured down your face and you sank down the side of the kitchen unit to sit on the cold floor, alone, burying your tear-soaked face into your knees. Your apartment had never felt so empty.
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