#but my will has not been broken! im convinced the captain is somehow caught up in this
Harry Hook x Reader - soulmate au! lost things
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A soulmate. Something everyone had, whether they be on the Isle or in Auradon. You had watched your mom and dad hand things the other had lost back to each other, either be a pen or a full stack of papers.
Oh, did I forget to mention? Soulmates found whatever the other lost. So say one lost their phone? The other would find it moments later.
Sometimes appearing mid-air and dropping into your hands. Your mom had once lost her wedding ring when she was cooking, your dad decided to be all dorky and “propose” all over again.
It was one of your fondest memories of them, it always filled you with the hope that one day, maybe you and your soulmate would be that way.
Speaking of your soulmate.
A pair of headphones appeared out of the corner of your eye. You smiled and picked them up, examining them.
They were a dark red with black leather for the ear cushions, little silver and gold bits and bobs decorated the headband and outer shell of the speakers, a small cross bone skull painted on the left ear.
You knew for a while that your soulmate was and isle kid, from the state of the items he lost. Always run down or used, broken, worn down, and sometimes, things you had “lost” before that he had lost again.
Like this pair of headphones, it was a pair of headphones you had bought last month and “lost” them, and now soulmate had lost them again.
You tossed them onto your bed and continued to work, knowing you would soon forget about them and they would return to your soulmate.
Harry growled in frustration as he tore through his room for his headphones. “goddamnit!” he yelled, tossing up his pillows, hearing them thud on the ground behind him a moment later.
“where the hell are meh headphones!?!” Harriet rolled her eyes behind him, messing with the threads of her new shirt (mostly new, her soulmate had lost it recently)
“yeh dolt it's with yer soulmate, yeh will get it back soon jus’ wait” she muttered, sneering as Harry turned to her and stuck his tongue out.
“shut up Hettie” he jeered back, grabbing his discarded pillows and tossing them back on his bed.
Somehow throughout the years, his soulmate had lost a lot of of….comfortable things, like soft fluffy pillows, blankets, hoodies, and even a full bag of food!
Sometimes he thought his soulmate purposely lost things to give him stuff. It was one of the reasons he wasn’t starving to death or sleeping on a lump of stone for a mattress so he wouldn’t complain.
“harry” he looked at his sister, pressing his lips together and shrugging.
“what” he stressed, eyes drifting to where she was pointing.
There on his dresser was his headphones, though they weren’t there a moment ago “told ya”
Harry glared at her and snatched them off his dresser, tossing them around his neck and stomping out of his room.
“(y/n) I swear I can't find my new shirt! I just got it last week!” Audrey whined about her shirt, it was a non-expensive one but it was comfortable and breathable. You sighed through the phone.
“Audrey, if you can't find it, your soulmate has it, so just chill okay?”
She sighed “I know I know but that was a good shirt!”
“just buy another one?” you suggested, knowing she could easily do that.
“but that was-what the-oh” you heard something in the background and you sat up.
“new thing?”
“uh…yeah? It’s a ….bracelet?”
“whats it looks like?” you trapped your phone between your cheek and neck, continuing to work on your essay.
“silver, bunch of….piraty things on it? Is the best way to describe it I guess, and some red gems on it too”
“sounds cool” you laughed, setting your phone down and turning on speakerphone. “so hows you “vacation” going?”
“pretty good, I got my hair done”
“I saw, it looks dope” you complimented. Audrey hummed back.,
“I like it too, so anything new for you?”
“yeah, headphones, and a ring” you glanced at the red ruby ring on your desk, the teeth of the skull clamping around the jewel” “so you’re sure its an isle kid?”
“has to be, everything they lose is used, the only thing that was relatively new was stuff I lost”
“hmmm, well you know I really don’t like isle kids”
“correction, you don’t like Mal” you interrupted quickly, knowing she liked Evie to an extent and Carlos and Jay weren’t really on her radar.
“yeah yeah, but if they are an isle kid I won't be mean, if it's your soulmate it's your soulmate!”
“same for you Aud” you teased, her lost things were also very…isle like, but she constantly denied it.
“oh shut up”
You glanced at your clock and sighed “I gotta go, I have a thing to do”
“im guessing cotillion?” Audrey muttered.
“yeah, sorry Aud”
“its fine, its not your fault Ben was spelled”
“I know, but still” you murmured, saving your essay and closing your laptop “alright I really gotta go!”
“bye! Talk to you later kisses!” she made a kiss sound and hung up, leaving you to get to jane to help plan cotillion.
You jumped as Lonnie burst into your room, speaking quickly “bens on the isle kidnapped by pirates and I need your help to convince Jay and Carlos to let us help!”
You stayed silent as you processed her words before leaping out of bed and quickly getting dressed.
“let's go!” you grabbed your sword and ran out with Lonnie,  running around to the front.
“we’re coming with you guys” Lonnie stated, surprising  Jay and Carlos, the two boys laughed nervously.
“what? We don’t need swords at the…..waffle hut?” Carlos's smile dropped and he slowly turned his head to look at jay.
“look its either you take us or….we’re gonna have to tell fairy godmother” jay and claros glanced at each other and sighed.
“alright, but (y/n) do you eve-“
You snorted and lifted up your arm, revealing the P tattoo you had gotten a couple of years back In honor of your uncle jack.
“There are some things I haven't told you guys” you laughed, pushing past them and heading to the limo.
Harry raised his brow as beasty boy kept glancing at his wrist “what are yeh lookin’ at beasty” he huffed, pointing his hook at him.
“…that bracelet looks very familiar for some reason” Ben muttered, squinting at the red and (f/c) beaded bracelet.
“so wha’ its meh soulmates” Harry rolled his eyes, turning around and strutting around the mainmast.
Bens eyes widened, that’s where he recognized it, it was (y/n)s! maybe-
“Finally!!!” ben was ripped from the mast, and pushed to the plank. “so lets get this started shall we!!” Ben looked to the group had arrived, relieved to see you among them.
No matter how pirate someone was, it was hard to beat the daughter of the king of pirates after all.
(y/n) turner.
You glanced around, some of these guys were hardly holding their swords correctly. You kept your sword behind your back since Mal had said to keep them hidden so Uma didn’t know anything was up.
Soon, mal passed the wand to uma, ben being handed back to her. As the pirates yelled in victory, you locked eyes with the tall red-coated boy, his bright ocean blue eyes sending a shock down your spine.
‘the hell’ you thought to your self, shaking your head, about to run back to the tunnel when uma screamed and broke the “wand”
“NO!” your eyes widened, watching as Uma drew her sword “YOU DO NOT GET TO WIN EVERY TIME!” Carlos dug out the smoke bombs and launched them at the pirates.
You sighed, drawing your sword and flipping it in your hand, cringing as mal fumbled to grip ber sword correctly.
“mal space your fingers and move your thumb to the right!”
You leaped down the deck, landing in a crouch next to mal. “you focus on ben, ill handle any that come” mal looked startled but obeyed, running up the deck to get to ben.
Uma locked eyes with you, pointing her sword at you “get her!”
You smirked, twisting around and dodging several pirates blades, heh, your baby cousin could fight better than these goons.
Uam huffed, deciding to deal with you herself. You smirked as she ran at you, easily blocking and parrying her attacks.
She was quite good, possibly taught by one of the OG pirates that lived on the isle, but still.
She couldn’t best you. You disarmed her and tripped her, wincing slightly as she hit the deck with a loud smack.
“who the hell-“ her eyes widened as she caught sight of your wrist. You smirked.
“honor among thieves young captain” you purred, embedding her cutlass beside her head. As you ran to head back to the tunnel, something appeared mid-air.
A silver hook.
Oddest fucking timing you got ain't cha soulmate??? You ignored it, strapping the hook to your belt loops and running, not seeing umas jaw drop as that entire event happened.
“holy shit” she muttered, jumping as Harry popped up behind her and growled.
“I lost meh hook!”
Later in the limo, Evie finally caught sight of the hook, her eyes widening “h-how did you get Harrys hook? You never fought with him??”
“Harry who?” you muttered confused, grabbing the hook from your waist and holding it up “wait was this Harry apart of the battle?”
“yes! He was uma first mate! The one with the red coat!” Evie stressed.
You were silent for a moment before facepalming “this popped out of the air just as we were leaving.”
“oh shit” the car sounded back, Harry Hook was your soulmate.
A year later, the hook still sat on your dresser, delicately placed in a display case, and polished every week.
You had been unable to forget about it, unable to send it back to harry. So you kept it, not being able to go to the isle and give it back personally.
Until one day.
You dove underwater, glaring back up at the surface as you saw Audrey disappear.
You were really glad you followed your gut and took the hook with you to Janes birthday party.
Breaching the surface you took heavy breathes, swimming to the edge and lifting yourself up onto the grotto.
“come on, we gotta warn the others!” you lifted jane out of the pool.
“you go do that, I have to get my stuff!” you took your bike back to the dorms, changing out of your wet party clothes and into your gear.
You slid your loose leather jacket up to just below your elbow, putting on your gloves and ring.
Black pants with reinforced knees, calf-length steel toe boots, and your sword, hook once more on your belt loop.
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As you stepped out of the dorms, you locked eyes with the vks.
“hey” you yelled out, smirking as they all jumped. “where the hell have you all been??”
“uh, getting hades ember???” mal looked you up and down, raising her brows “why are you dressed like that?”
“because I can” you snorted, locking eyes with harry “hey, I think this is yours” unhooking the hook, tossing it to harry.
He fumbled to catch it, jaw-dropping as he realized what it was “how-when did yeh get me…..oh…OH!” his cheeks turned pink, looking away from you and into his shoulder.
“yep, how’d you lose it in the first place?” you asked, watching as Harry glared at jay. “ah, gotcha” you snorted, following the group out as they had decided to go to the castle.
You smiled as the bridge began to build, your parents just behind you, hands on your shoulders. “you ready (y/n)” your mom asked, brushing a piece of cake off your cheek,
“yeah, and I think you guys will like him” you snickered. Your parents looked at each other, smiles on their faces.
“and why is that?”
“hes a pirate” you laughed, watching as Harry stepped over the bridge/Auradon border and locked eyes with you, a bright smile on his lips. He started to walk over to you.
“like mother like daughter” your dad laughed, grinning widely as you ran forward into Harry's arms.
“found yeh” Harry laughed, nuzzling his cheek into your hair, holding you tightly to his chest.
“I think our daughters in good hands” your mom hummed, intertwining hands with Will and walking over to greet harry.
you turned, smirking as you saw a black haired pirate girl hang Audrey recently lost necklace in front of her, Audrey cheeks Turing dark and she buried her face in her hands.
“wait Hetties soulmate is Audrey?....whoa” harry laughed, watching as his sister kissed the princesses forehead.
“i knew it” you chuckled, taking Harry arm and dragging him to meet your parents half way. “i never told you who my parents were right?”
“yeah my moms Elizabeth Swan and my dads Will Turner.”
---the end---
-this isn’t my best but I just had to get this idea out of my head, inspired by tik tok POVs with this au, might do a more in depth version of this--
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binkybun · 8 years
oh yeah the other day our partys sorceress (me!) and the rogue literally got thrown in jail for getting caught up in conspiracy theories and bothering an innocent carpenter and the city guards captain with nagging questions about a bunch of missing trees
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