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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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I forgot i did this doodle, i did sketch max to but it was meh. dammit i need to play ep3
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SHE’S A REBEL, SHE’S A SAAAINTT anyways heres chloe price
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Jk Rowling just knows how to make people cry
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I can’t sleep and feel like writing.
Here’s a few facts about myself:
I’m bisexual. I’m kinky as fuck. I’m a sweet nerd that loves dark humor. I obsess with things for days before I get tired of them. I love owls, bats, and puppies the most. And I just so happen to be poly-amorous. 
I can still remain monogamous (if my future partner prefers it), I’m still 100 percent loyal but if I had my perfect world I’d be in love with 2 very special people. One would have to be female though as I don’t picture myself at all with 2 guys. It offers a nice balance anyway. 
Sex would be great but I really love the thought of always (or usually) having someone to cuddle with.
I’m super tired now...I don’t know why I wrote this.
God if you’re listening, let me have something good at the very least.
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Working at the check out
*Some old dude packing up his shopping*
Me: Have a nice evening
Guy: Don't say that
Me: Sorry?
Guy: Have a nice evening. What does that even mean? If I've just had a divorce am I going to have a nice evening? If my mother just died am I going to have a nice evening? Just say good evening. It's formal and to the point.
Me: good evening then.
*Later is a group of 21 year olds, all buying alcohol*
Me: [getting flustered as the line at my checkout is super long] can I see ID?
First dude: of course! Pass them down boys we can make this easier for her. Calm down, you're doing great.
Do people genuinely still think young people are the worst customers?
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I Am A Piano by Nakamura Asumiko.
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So the dominant French influence kicks out the recessive British influence when it comes to eyebrows. This is nation genetics.
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Hah. Don’t have to ask me twice.
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564K notes · View notes