#but my parents and my oldest (younger) sibling is a whole different story
autistic-katara · 2 months
wizard community of tumblr to u have any spells that make people not talk to u for at least a week
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megamindsupremacy · 7 months
Stewjon is Space Scotland: Names and Naming Conventions
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For context, I designed an entire naming system for my Stewjon is Space Scotland AU. I'm still trying to work out the cultural logistics of it, but the actual practical logistics I have down.
To break everything down:
Stewjon is a clan-centric society, with clans and clan names having a hugely important role in the culture. I therefore had clan names feature in both the first and last name of Stewjonis.
-The last name (Kenobi) is the family/clan name, and is passed down the family paternally. This is both because I'm from a western culture with a paternal naming tradition, and also because I liked how his parents names sounded when the last names transferred paternally but not maternally. "Ken" would translate to "Clan" (I don't know if this is accurate to Scots English or Scots Gaelic, but I'm working from canon Star Wars names and trying to worldbuild from nothing so work with me here), and then the clan name "Obi" is attached, so "Kenobi" translates to "Clan Obi" or "of Clan Obi"
-The given name (-Wan, but we'll get to "Wan" in a second) is one to two syllables. All of these names are (according to Wikipedia) actual Scottish names, which I picked from the list mostly based on how well they'd sound next to the clan name.
-The prefix clan name (Obi-) is the interesting part. All children are given the father's clan name as both their first and last clan name. Therefore, Obi-Wan Kenobi, son of Ito-Benneit Kenobi, has "Obi" in both his first and last name. However, upon marriage, the couple swaps their prefix clan names to signify the tie between their clans. Therefore his mother Ito-Ceit Kenito and his father Obi-Benneit Kenobi became Obi-Ceit Kenito and Ito-Benneit Kenobi upon their marriage.
-Originally I was going to do something with the fact that "Obi" means belt in Japanese, such as making the clan names signify professions in the same way "Miller" or "Smith" would in English surnames, but I gave up because Japanese is so different of a language from what I understand that I would have just made myself very confused and everyone who understands Japanese language and culture very mad. So I just went with a vowel-consonant-vowel pattern for all the clan names and called it a day.
-Remember how I said we would come back to "Wan"? Obi-Wan wasn't born Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was born Obi-Owen (Owen is a whole 'nother thing and I decided to just give myself a freebie on it), and his name was anglicized (basic-icized?) upon being brought to the Jedi temple. Not on purpose, but it did happen. So technically the chart above should have him listed as Obi-Owen Kenobi, but I already took the screenshot so this is what we're working with.
-Culturally, it's respectful to refer to someone by their full name (Obi-Owen Kenobi). The full name stands until two people are fairly close to each other, platonically or romantically. The informal, friendly version would be their full first name (Obi-Owen). So you wouldn't call your new friend "Obi-Owen" until you're quite close, even if you're social equals. Technically you could refer to someone by their given name only (Owen), but it's awkward and Stewjonis don't really see a reason for it. All of this highlights the cultural emphasis placed on clans and clan ties in Stewjoni society.
The Family Tree
Starting from the bottom, we have the four Kenobi siblings. Obi-Conn is the oldest, and he marries Yana-Eóin Kenyana, becoming Yana-Conn Kenobi. None of this happens in the story but I wrote it in the chart anyways. Obi-Eóin is nonbinary, which is why their square is white instead of blue or pink.
Obi-Mór and Obi-Pál are twins and approximately four years younger than Yana-Conn. Obi-Mór is ambiguously disabled (she has some form of muscular disability, but the specifics weren't relevant to the story). Obi-Pál is just some guy and I love him for that.
Obi-Owen is the baby of the family. He's twelve years younger than the twins (16 years younger than Yana-Conn) and was definitely an oopsie-baby. I don't need to say anything else because he is also one of the major characters of the Star Wars franchise. You know him.
Obi-Ceit Kenito and Ito-Benneit Kenobi are the Kenobi siblings' parents. I don't have much to say here other than that Ito-Benneit shortens his name to Ito-Ben, to avoid the repeated "eet" sound in his full first name. I'm sure that doesn't affect Obi-Owen's future nicknames in any way!
It is Ito-Benneit fault, by the way, that I made clan prefixes instead of surnames to be switched upon marriage. Culturally, it would have made more sense for the more commonly used first name to hold your birth clan and your less commonly used surname to indicate your linked-by-marriage clan, but I needed Obi-Benneit to marry into the name Ito-Benneit so that I could shorten it to Ben. Goddammit.
Ito-Ben's parents are entirely irrelevant so they don't exist. Sad!
Technically I didn't have to name Ito-Lili Kenuna, but I felt bad having her up there as an unnamed person. Una-Owen Kenito, as you may suspect, is where Obi-Wan's name comes from. I really wanted to highlight his Stewjoni heritage in this fic, so giving him family ties through his whole name was important to me. Obi-Ceit names Obi-Owen for her father because Una-Owen was a strong fighter, and she wants to pass that resilience to her son. Which, uh. Well he sure is resilient to things trying to kill him!
Feel free to come yell at me in the askbox about Stewjon's worldbuilding!
#mads posts#stewjon is space scotland AU#star wars#obi wan kenobi#obi-wan kenobi#stewjon#i have without a doubt spent more time researching for this fic than i have writing it#but honestly thats where im having the most fun#hey can you tell i took a cultural anthropology class last semester and there was a unit in family + naming conventions?#can you tell im taking a linguistics class this semester?#i dont think its obvious. it's probably really super subtle and sprinkled lightly throughout the post right#right? guys? right?#this fic started out as an excuse to write about textiles and its turned into a scots gaelic linguistic deep dive <- this user is autistic#something else about the naming system that I didnt get into the post is that it reinforces a hetero+allonormative society#because marriage is hugely important to naming practices and clan names are based on the father's clan#which presupposes there even being a father in the marriage#or even a marriage#I dont know what yana-conn and Obi-eóin will do with their kids. theyre part of the younger generation and obi-eóin is being nb is a very#strange concept for many of the older generations#given that this is star wars and xenobiology exists i dont think there would be a huge backlash#but stewjon is a human-centric society so they're not as used to non-binary *human* genders#aliens? sure. humans? uhhhh we didnt know you could do that. weird.#obi-eóin's name is never even fucking mentioned in the fic btw im just going insane over here with worldbuilding#long post
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you know for ostensibly a delirium fan blog, i end up talking disproportionally about dream and desire, so lets even those scales a little, because there's plenty interesting to talk about with my girl
and one thing that i think is really important to delirium's characterisation is that she is not a child
she's impulsive, yes. she can be absent minded, she enjoys playing, and has little care about being perceived as weird. she struggles to communicate her thoughts in a 'normal' way, all things common amongst various neurodivergences. but she's extremely aware of her surroundings, and her realm is home to every fucked up thought anyone's ever had, she's in no way naive (like look at how many of her ramblings involve sex or death or other things that would be censored in kids media)
the very first time we meet delirium in the comics, we get this bit of narration, which has stuck in my head since i read it
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because that battle between who delirium is and who people see her as is fascinating to me
she's older than every being that's ever lived, mortal or not, bar 8 (her siblings and her parents)
and celestial bodies are also people in this universe, they're all younger than her too, she's watched the stars grow up
she is the 9th oldest being ever
but we see so much of this story through the eyes of the other endless, and they don't think of her as the 9th eldest being in existence. they think of her as their baby sister
some more than others. i think destruction was one of the people most willing to see her as she actually is. and while i'm not sure if dream is always on the list of good siblings here (he has a tendency to be condescending), someone commented on my post about a dream and delirium scene that despite delirium making no sense, dream doesn't talk down to her
he may not see her as on his level (he does, after all, agree to go with delirium at first because he assumes it's something she'll get bored of and forget about eventually, he doesn't expect her to be right), but dream at least has an abstract enough domain that he sees through her words to the meaning behind them, and he respects her way of communicating
but with most of her siblings, it's a fight to be taken seriously, and we do see a few moments where she's angry enough to remind them she's their equal
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and i love her so much as neurodivergent representation, because how many of us have had to deal with the whole adult physically child mentally thing? oh they're mentally a 5 year old, no, they're mentally an adult, they just think differently to you. and i love del for the fact that she doesn't let certain things being 'childish' stop her from doing them if they feel right, she doesn't let anyone else make her hide things about herself. but also she stands up for herself and reminds her siblings that she knows more than any of them.
and she does, she's the only endless who's been through a change like that. she sees so much more than they do, and just because she can't always communicate it doesn't mean she doesn't understand
her realm is described as the easiest for people to reach, the closest to humanity (but one of the hardest to leave). death gets all the credit for spending the most time with humanity, not distancing herself from that like the other endless, but neither does delirium. del was perhaps the first to figure out what it was the endless were missing. just because her mind is in pieces doesn't mean she isn't whole
(the best characterisations of del in fics will always be the ones that remember her dialogue isn't just random rambling, the rambling has to come hand in hand with extremely perceptive observations of the people around her)
(she's the one of the few people who can make dream speechless in her analysis of his issues)
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and yes, her physical presentation is younger than that of her siblings. but she doesn't present as a child, she hasn't since she was delight, she presents as a teenager
because what other physical form perfectly represents that frustration to be seen as the adult you know you are in your head when everyone in your life can only see you as a child?
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hearttohaato · 11 months
Encanto OC Event Week 2
Part 2: Tomás Herrera & Others
(Part 1 Here)
The second half of my OC relationship info post - this'll include some info about Tomás's bonds with my other OCs, as well as those background OCs' relationships with each other and canon characters.
Tomás in regards to his natal family:
Tomás is the youngest in a family of four, born to Lucía and Horacio Herrera.
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Lucía was a schoolteacher and volunteer in the town library, who passed away when Tomás was still a child. Tomás loved and admired his mother, considering her to have been a saint in life. The memories he has of her are fond ones, recalling her as being a kind woman without a bad word to say about anyone. He thinks highly of her optimism and humility, and her ability to make anyone feel understood and listened to.
Lucía as well as Tomás's older brother, Mateo, are both canonically deceased as per the events of the story the Herrera family is introduced in. This leaves Tomás and his father as the last living of their family within the Encanto.
Horacio used to be a mason, having to retire early due to weakness in his legs. Between this and the loss of his parents, his wife, and eventually his oldest son, Horacio sometimes thinks he's cursed - but his one silver lining is his remaining son, Tomás. Horacio has zero qualms about being openly affectionate with Tomás both physically and verbally, and though he's a little oblivious at times, he only wants the best for his boy. Tomás in turn is a loyal and protective son to Horacio, willing to put up with a little embarrassment if it makes his father happy. It doesn't matter how old Tomás gets, he'll always be his papá's conejito.
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Art by cringecanto (right)
It's a bit self-indulgent of me, but I'm of the mind that when Tomás marries into the family, Casita springs up a small in-law suite for Horacio so he won't have to spend his days in an empty house. I also am of the mind that in their youth Horacio and Bruno were quite friendly with each other, due to both more or less being underdogs with not a lot of friends between them.
Horacio likely approached Bruno before his wife's passing, just on the off chance he saw her make a miraculous recovery. That isn't what he saw, of course. But though devastated, Horacio accepted the result with as much grace as he could and didn't blame Bruno or his visions for the bad news.
They ended up losing touch when Bruno became more withdrawn and eventually "left", but upon Bruno's return to society their friendship ends up picking right back up where it left off. When Tomás marries into the family and Horacio tags along, he and Bruno spend a good amount of their time having tea and playing cards as old men tend to do.
The rest under the cut to spare the poor dashboards out there!
The Patch:
The Patch, or El Parche, is the group name I use to refer to Camilo's small group of older friends, including Tomás (as introduced in the previous post). They're childhood friends; as a unit and individually they're all well-liked young men within their peers and the community as a whole, decently popular in different ways. They initially were meant to be unnamed background characters whose designs were pulled from random Encantownies, but I accidentally got attached to them and now they all have proper designs and development. Such is my life.--
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Cristián Vargas, Rafael Molina, Santiago Torres, Tomás Herrera
Santiago (22) is the oldest not only of the friend group but of his own siblings, of which he's got 6 younger sisters and brothers. He's the designated 'mom friend' by nature, easily slotting into leadership positions and able to keep a handle on multiple goings-on at once. That said he very much is a mother hen type, a bit fussy and prone to scolding his siblings and friends (usually Rafael) whenever they start steering towards bad decisions.
Tomás and Santi are usually on the same page when it comes to caution and forethought, contrasting with Rafa and Cris's more go-with-the-flow attitudes. Santi's compassionate nature makes it easy for him to pick up on what Tomás is feeling without him voicing it, taking it upon himself to either make decisions based on what Tomás would most prefer or urging the others to do so instead. Tomás appreciates Santi looking out for him, feeling it alleviates pressure off of his own shoulders when he's unsure of what to do.
Rafael (21) is the most boisterous of all of them, the beacon of activity and extroversion to balance out his more subdued companions. He's a risk-taker and extremely liberal-minded about topics that usually wouldn't be openly bragged out, often leading to Santi urging him to keep it down (which will inevitably be ignored or expanded upon specifically to make Santi flustered).
His loud and brash personality clashes with Tomás's reserved ways, but the two have a unique bond despite the expected incompatibility; Rafael is not at all discouraged by Tomás's quietness and Tomás isn't put off by Rafael's brazenness. They both think the other is easy to communicate with - Tomás never has to guess what Rafa's feelings are and Rafa likes Tomás's predilection for being a listening ear.
Cristián (20) is far old enough now to have an identity and social circle separate to those of his twin brother César, but when he was a young child he used to be very shy and hesitant to leave his brother's side. When Santi and Rafa became his friends it was the first time he felt comfortable with something (or someone) that was more or less his own - so when his new friends started chatting with Tomás he felt a little threatened. Fears of abandonment were unfounded though, as not only did his friends not dump him in favor of the New Kid, but he very quickly realized why they liked Tomás and ended up getting attached to him too.
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As adults they have similar mellow temperaments and get along quite nicely, though Cris's vastly improved self-assurance has made him a lot more laidback and unflappable than the more organized and prim Tomás. Tomás admires Cris's ability to be both steadfast and considerate, unwavering in what he believes in but knowing when to handle situations with delicateness and care.
When Camilo entered the picture and turned the Patch into a five-man-band, all four of the older members collectively decided that he was more or less their joint little brother. Santiago attempts to provide Camilo with proper advice and look out for him in ways an older brother should, which often means trying to make sure Rafael keeps his crude language in check around him. Rafael usually does not, taking a completely different approach to being and older brother and totally enabling Camilo's mischievous nature. Cristián is somewhere in the middle, oftentimes siding with Santi or Rafa purely based on what he think would have the most entertaining result.
Beyond this though Cris is a unique source of understanding for Camilo, as Cris is the only other person he knows who doesn't experience romantic attraction for anyone and has no interest in dating. He could have asked Bruno, of course, but solidarity feels a little better coming from someone close to his own age rather than his quirky hermit uncle.--
Cris, Santi and Rafa are the older brothers to Cecilia, Alejandra and Juancho (the town kids) respectively.
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Other relationships to Encantownies include:
Santi and Alejandra have five other siblings, and José (the tall fellow Camilo shifts into near the start of the movie) is their tío. Osvaldo is a tío to Rafael and Juancho, as well as their teenaged sister. Cris's parents are seen bringing Cecilia into Casita before Antonio's ceremony, and his twin brother César is the young man who asks Luisa to help upright his leaning house.
Other OCs:
Claudia Reyes (19) is the young lady with the drum seen during The Family Madrigal, whose family owns the music shop they're playing in front of. Beside her are her brother-in-law on the left and her father on the right.
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She's Rafael's long-time girlfriend, on his same wavelength of open-mindedness and free spirit. They've been in a strange will-they-won't-they situation since they were teenagers, with Rafael playing it off like they're not all that serious and just messing around. Everyone knows Rafa's totally full of it and is head over heels for her though, including Claudia who's more or less just waiting for him to finally get around to proposing. They're going to have at least 4 kids together.
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She knows the rest of the Patch more or less as her boyfriend's friends, but there's still rapport between them and Claudia's more than welcome to hang with the boys whenever she wants. On top of that, she's also Luisa's good friend who oftentimes will suggest Luisa try out outrageous things in an effort to push her out of her comfort zone.
The town librarian, usually referred to as the Maestro, is an enigmatic yet helpful figure in town whose mission in life is the sharing of knowledge. They can be considered everyone's friend, though like Horacio they have a kinship with Bruno that goes back quite a few years. All perfectly platonic, mind you! Additionally, given Lucía's history of volunteering in the library, the Maestro also is on good terms with the Herrera family and still keeps in touch with Horacio pretty regularly.
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And I think those are the most notable relationships to get into for now! Up next will be the AU posts, and... boy, do I have a lot of those. 🫠
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the-goblin-cat · 5 months
re: the emojis ask
THE WHOLE HOG @ my good personal friend neville da factor factor
One whole hog for Neville D. Factor coming up (that is not his middle initial) (he does not eat pork)
✨How did you come up with the OC's name?
I started with the lamest name I had learned in history class, Neville Chamberlain, and then changed the last name
🌼How old are they (or approximate age range)?
Neville is currently fifteen as of the stories that exist. I plan for the filmverse stories to follow this generation into at least their early 20s though so they will age and change and become taller and grow facial hair sorry @jin-kies
🌺Do they have any love interests?
Yes, Cherise Martel who I did the other ask barrage about! There are others after his heart (Mindy exists/blonds cling to him like weevils) but they are endgame
🍕What is their favorite food?
Actually I don't think I've thought about this. It might be McDonald's fries.
💼What do they do for a living?
Well at the moment he is a student at the Scholomance. He wants to follow in the family business (theater management) and will wind up becoming a sort of detective/troubleshooter for the hidden community of San Francisco (and briefly, emperor)
🎹🎯🥊Combining these asks about hobbies, being good at things, and liking things, because the answer is the same. Neville's main hobby is tinkering, with both devices and with magic. He loves to make things and to have things he has made. He took piano lessons when he was younger and can occasionally bang out a tune as well. In addition to this, he is also really good at throwing things. Mostly this has come up for the purpose of gags. Neville also hates getting dragged into situations, yet frequently his good heart forces him to intervene. On a more physical note he hates excessive physical exertion.
❤ What is one of your OC's best memories?
Attending a performance of the Nutcracker at his grandfather's theater. Grandpa Moishe is also a magical tinkerer. The nutcrackers and tin soldiers were actual automatons.
✂ what is one of your OC's worst memories?
The breakup with Mindy was extremely messy and semi-public; it happened backstage during a rehearsal for a school play.
🧊 Is their current design the first one?
Neville's design has changed a lot in detail but not much in design. Originally he was the most regular anime boy there could be (albeit he had brown hair instead of Kirito black) and wore a green coat. As time went on he got taller and ganglier, then I changed him from being fully white to a white-passing mixed race jewish boy (hispanic on a grandmother's side). He also originally had a signature scarf but I realized I was making too many scarf boys at around that time so I axed it.
🍀What originally inspired the OC?
I wanted Neville to be a perfectly generic guy for a homestuck fanfic I was writing. I had wanted audience participation but no one gave me anything so I just decided to create a very normal boy with a lame name.
🌂What genre do they belong in?
what a curious question. I can tell you what genre he's *from,* urban fantasy. But if he had a choice he'd be in a scifi.
💚 What is their gender and sexuality?
I make a lot of cishet characters and lemme tell you, he is the most cishet one of all
🙌Do they have any siblings?
Neville has an older sister, Dolores, who is adopted, and a twin sister named Nancy; their parents have hidden which one was oldest (they also look and act nothing alike)
🍎What is their relationship with their parents?
Neville's parents are really nice! but they have such different personalities from him that they have trouble understanding each other.
🧠what do you like most about the OC?
I like how Neville revealed himself to me in the writing. I had set out to create a wholly uninteresting character but he wound up becoming very well liked by my friends, and I realized that part of his arc should be realizing himself that he is a cool, capable and interesting person.
✏ how often do you draw/write about your OC?
I can't draw but I love to write. I've written a number of stories starring Neville or otherwise set in Neville's world. PM me for links
💎do you ever see yourself killing the OC?
Probably not. I may do a distant future story referencing his death but otherwise no.
💀 does your oc have any phobias?
His bad break up left him with a discomfort around women and girls that he doesn't know. Unfortunately he must interact with them constantly
🍩does your OC have a nemesis or rival?
No but he should. closest he has is Gabriel, a character who is romantically interested in Cherise. However Neville doesn't know Gabriel feels that way or even dislikes him.
🎓 🍥These are the same question actually
I created Neville a little after Cherise entered her princess incarnation, so 20-21. They were made for different projects and didn't originally have anything to do with each other! Not until much later when Cherise entered her knight phase did I think Neville would be a fun partner for her.
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siblingshowdown · 1 year
I promise as the moderator of this competition I won’t campaign for any specific sibling sets after this but I cannot let my faves Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Cheng lose in the first round when they were seeded pretty high.
For context, here is who I’m talking about:
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Look at those babies!
The Yunmeng Trio are three siblings from the book Mo Dao Zu Shi or the TV show The Untamed.  They consist of oldest sister Jiang Yanli, middle adopted brother Wei Wuxian, and youngest brother Jiang Cheng.  Their relationship is crucial to the story, as it follows Wei Wuxian and his dynamic with both siblings (but especially Jiang Cheng) influences a lot of his decisions, which in turn influences a lot of the state of the world they live in as a whole.
Could these siblings win a physical fight against other sibling sets? YES.  Jiang Cheng is a very skill swordsman and has a magic lightning whip.  Wei Wuxian invented a new kind of magic and by and large is super overpowered (can take on hundreds of people at a time due to his ability to control ghosts/corpses/harness resentful energy).  Yanli, while not much of a physical fighter, can easily win over anyone’s heart with the power of soup.  (Seriously, in the book it lists her weapons as “love and soup”)  Everyone loves her, especially her brothers, which lowkey makes her an extremely powerful character because they’d do anything for her.
Do these siblings have sibling swag? YES.  They bicker! Especially WWX and JC.  Yanli loves to make her brothers soup and they always argue over who has the bigger portion!  They have inside jokes!  JC and WWX are always nitpicking at each other but will not allow anyone else to do so!  They’re all traumatized by their parents in different ways and therefore lean on each other and are unhealthily codependent because of it!  Whenever one of the brothers goes off by himself Yanli always asks the other one to go bring him back, and when she couldn’t do that she waded out into an active battlefield to try to find them!
Do they love each other? YES.  “We are the closest three in the world.”  Jiang Cheng sacrificing himself so Wei Wuxian doesn’t get taken hostage.  Wei Wuxian convincing his friend to perform ethically dubious and extremely dangerous surgery on him to try to get Jiang Cheng back to 100%.  The sole time Yanli loses her temper in the show, it’s because people are yelling at Wei Wuxian and not showing him respect!  She wore her wedding outfit when she and Jiang Cheng went to visit Wei Wuxian in exile because he wouldn’t be able to be at her actual wedding and she wanted him to see it!  Jiang Cheng suggested that Yanli let Wei name her son!  That scene made me cry no joke!
Are they interesting? YES.  I just described how much they love each other but the show actually begins with us seeing Jiang Cheng supposedly kill Wei before we jump back in time, so you know they have some intense emotional arcs going on!  Wei Wuxian was adopted when he and JC were around 6, and his status as an insanely talented and amazing cultivator plays really interestingly with the fact that his younger brother will be clan leader because WWX isn’t in the bloodline, and that influences JC immensely because in a way he has to deal with some of the worst parts of being a younger sibling while also having to deal with things an older sibling would otherwise have to.  Once Wei starts doing big plot things and becomes Public Enemy Number 1, JC and Yanli have to be careful with how they navigate the political world while trying to rebuild their clan and navigate an engagement that could unite their clan with a much more powerful one, but they still try to protect their brother.  Bodies start dropping.  They’re all traumatized over various events that occur before they’re even fully adults.  They make me feel so many emotions it’s not even funny.
tldr: I love them. please don’t let them lose in the first round please just give them this they’ve suffered enough.
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while I love the project sekai story as is and think it’s fun having everyone in the same town and high school, I also think it’d be super cool to have more variety in ages, etc. anyways it’s the kind of thing I would write one of those huge in depth au fics for if I was into that kind of thing, but I’m more of a one-shot and leave it kinda person so instead I’ll write out my thoughts here.
leave them the same lol. Leo/Need’s story is obviously very focused on the whole high school thing so changing it doesn’t make sense.
Vivid Bad Squad
honestly I’d say leave them the same but also it’s be funny if they were college students. akitoya have been performing together since high school still. kohane’s parents freaking out because their little girl went off to college and went wild. actually it’d be great if akito, Toya, and an are all from the area but kohane’s from some little town in miyagi or something. she’s got a bumpkin dialect.
More More Jump
listen. they’re the reason I started this thought process. there ARE plenty of high school idols and even middle school idols but the amount of drama and leaving and coming back it would make so much more sense for them to be older. and also! you can introduce so many more interesting subtleties by having them older. I think it would be interesting for Shizuku to be the oldest, and her to have “aged out” of being an idol at around 25 because she “looks too old” but after graduating realizes she still loves it and wants to come back. Airi, a bit younger, could keep her same story of having been pushed into variety. Haruka is then the youngest of the 3, and graduated early at like 21 for the same reasons as in the story. meanwhile, Minori is still a high schooler. Giving that age difference makes it more realistic for her to have looked up to the other ones as a kid. plus idol groups with wide age ranges are super fun!!! there’s a lot of shock to it in the actual story as well but having these three 20+ veteran idols be like we’re back and our BFF is a high schooler would be SO funny. bonuses to this change is it ups the age difference between Shizuku and Shiho to ~10 years which I think is SUPER interesting.
Wonderlands x showtime
ALSO want to age these guys up. nene has achieved some level of notoriety as an actress before her downfall. emu, like her siblings, is involved with management of Phoenix Wonderland but she still has her same personality and disagreements with them. Rui is Local Deranged Man. But the funniest thing is, by far, Tsukasa. Instead of this high schooler running around proclaiming his own greatness while getting no roles it is. A fully grown man. Just like with Shizuku, this would exaggerate his difference with Saki and let me tell u I have seen how 4 year olds act around their newborn siblings and yeah Tsukasa would kill or die for saki.
when have you EVER had a group of four online friends all live in the same town? NEVER
if they live in separate places, that makes the sekai itself even more special as a meet up place because. it’s the only way they get to see each other. also we’re changing their ages too. kanade is an adult & the oldest but still the least capable of taking care of herself. constantly gets mistaken for a middle schooler. mafuyu is still a high schooler because that’s too integral to her story. I feel like her being the youngest of the group also emphasizes her prodigy vibes and ena’s annoyance and admiration of her. ena is going to art school, and unlike Akito she moved away to a different town. he’s the only member of her family that she calls. she loves and hates art school all at once. mizuki.... so I actually feel this is super fun for mizuki? the others don’t know SHIT about mizuki. their age, gender, job/school status, where they live, etc. it’s SO much easier to keep your life hidden when you never see each other irl. when they discover the sekai for the first time, mizuki has a panic attack afterwards about having been Seen.
so those are my thoughts... I get that if it were done this way it’d be harder to have everyone meet & be friends but I also think some of the relationships could be interesting (Nene retires to be a vocal instructor & takes ichika and minori as students? emu meeting mafuyu at some volunteer event and not having the “you’re older than me” excuse, mizuki & rui being online friends since middle school and having so so so much dirt on each other. they don’t know each other’s real names., etc.) I also think it’d be super fun to have them interacting with vocaloids who are younger than them. akito and meiko sitting at the bar watching the kagamines up to some shenanigans like Is This What High Schoolers Do Now but then kaito joins in and it’s like ah no. they’re just idiots.
hmmm tumblr might’ve broken the post so I’ll stop here and see if it’s posts correctly or not.
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beatrice-otter · 2 years
Re:"send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it": This would be a good opportunity to talk about the "Mamusu Grant becomes a librarian after all" AU you mentioned now and then. Or was it the "Peter grows up at the Folly" AU? I'd love to hear headcanons and ideas for any of those, if you want to talk about them.
Both of those are more on the side of "prompts for AUs for people to write in a fic exchange" than they are "this is a fully-fleshed out story for me and here it is." I can flesh it out, I can give you headcanons, but I'm not married to any of them, so if you ever are assigned to write for me in an exchange and want to go take the prompt and go in a completely different direction, please do.
But! Five headcanons for "Mamusu Grant becomes a librarian"
She was a librarian back in Sierra Leone, and that's how she and Elsie Winstanley met, but would need to go back to school for more qualifications to work in an English library. If it were just a matter of "can't get her foot in the door because racism" then surely a recommendation from "Hatbox" Winstanley (legend among librarians, high up at the British Library, connections at Oxford) would open some doors.
In order to get those qualifications, Mamusu would need either financial help or help taking care of Peter or both. (Preferably both.) She's barely keeping the family head above water financially in canon, with a husband who can't contribute to the family finances or be trusted taking care of their one child. She doesn't have time to go back to school. Things that might change that: Richard "Lord" Grant being healthy enough to continue his jazz career at least enough to support the family (even if he doesn't ever make it big). Richard dying when Peter was young, so at least she doesn't have to deal with his dead weight. Extra family support (maybe one of the relatives steps in and takes care of Peter while Mamusu is at school). Financial support from somewhere else (maybe Richard died because of the Jazz Vampires, and Nightingale feels guilty he didn't catch it, and lets Mamusu and Peter live rent-free at the Folly). But whatever the reason, it's not just "Mamusu decides to go back to school and it changes everything!" There's something else that helps make "going to school" possible.
Once she's through school, and Elsie as a reference has helped open doors to beginning her career, Mamusu is a kickass research librarian. She's not the one manning the front desk and helping people check things out, she's the one manning the research desk who you go to when you have a really thorny research question and nobody else has been able to help. She is really good at it.
If the reason she's able to get through school is "Richard supports her financially and takes care of Peter," she and Richard have another kid or two after she's settled in her career, because they have the money and time in a way that they don't in canon (and Richard has proven himself a better father so the burden of childrearing isn't all left on Mamusu's shoulders). There's a large age-gap between Peter and his younger sibling(s), and they grew up in a much different household, and Mamusu was much more relaxed with them (as parents often are with second and third children, having made all their mistakes with the oldest kid). Peter cares about his sibling(s) but also has some mixed feelings about the whole thing.
When Peter was a kid, she figured out he had ADD/ADHD, and got him a diagnosis and treatment. Given medication and/or help developing better coping skills, he did better on his A-levels and developed his drawing skills enough to get into university studying architecture.
This is a response to the ask meme "send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it"
My box is open, and you can come up with your own AU (as long as it's in a fandom I'm familiar with).
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chaosnightmare · 1 year
so these are going to be split up by location because different dimensions have different cultures that affect some of these answers
Characters from Initial (our dimension)
What is the characters go-to drink order?
Yka: milk. give Yka glass of milk
c_sharp: xe will not order xerself you have to do it for xer
Samie: pink lemonade at restaraunts that have it, soda of some kind otherwise
Rem: iced tea
808: white claw. hipster
What is their grooming routine?
Yka: she doesn't have much of one. its kind of redundant because of the. bleeding
c_sharp: shower, wash hair 3 times in 10 minutes, get out of shower and slather self in hand sanitizer, repeat several times a day
Samie: nothing fancy but does use face cleanser and lotion
Rem: rem takes no care of herself whatsoever
808: 808 also takes no care of themself whatsoever
Where does their disposable income go?
Yka: you could put yka in a sensory deprivation tank and she'd literally be fine. she spends nothing on anything
c_sharp: xe likes to buy rare beyblades but doesn't like the sound they make so never uses them. xe likes to buy lots of quality of life items but then hates the change and never uses them. xe buys new clothes and hates the texture so xe gives them away. do you see my vision
Samie: berrys room is filled with plush toy projects where berry buys a cheap plush toy from a drugstore or something and then frankensteins monster style transforms it using other toy parts like sid from that one movie. the biggest one has so far cost 100+ dollars and is a teddy bear with the most arms and legs physically possible, berry has to keep expanding the bear to fit more legs on it
Rem: she makes too little money to be able to blow income often. maybe a book or two sometimes
808: what does 808 even do besides play on the computer and be strange. no hobbies kind of guy
Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Yka: well theres the uh. blood
c_sharp: no
Samie: no
Rem: rem has a tattoo of a sun with a face on her right ankle actually. was inspired by a tattoo my mom had idk what it means
808: they do have a tattoo sleeve but i've yet to fully design it. scar on their lip and nose though from a skateboarding accident
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Yka: she just doesn't cry
c_sharp: oh yesterday. now. currently. any reason
Samie: berry had to leave home a while back and leave berrys friends in the process. lots of tears but berry never told anyone why or where berry was going. there's a whole story to this but its less related to the crying thing
Rem: so a big part of rem's story is being socially outcasted and how that history helps her communicate with nonhuman entities far better than humans can, obviously that outcasting comes with a lot of grief and heartache. i have a vivid scene in my head where its revealed that the guy she liked was playing an elaborate prank on her as a dare and he breaks up with her in the rain and she weeps and its very disney channel original movie but you get me
808: saw a video about a dog rescue yesterday and cried about it for 3 hours
Oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
Yka: we don't even know if she has parents. she's never mentioned them
c_sharp: only :( fail!
Samie: younger sibling, berry has an older sister
Rem: only also
808: middle child of 6 kids
Describe the shoes they're wearing.
Yka: sneakers. ratty. look broken and sad and yet vibrant in color
c_sharp: barefoot
Samie: cute little pink creepers with flowery patterns on the front and glittery laces
Rem: braid style sandals like she's a costume of jesus
808: deeply scene lace up canvas boots with my little pony stickers on the sides
Describe the place where they sleep.
Yka: yka does have a bedroom but its minimalistic and takes up her entire house. up to the wall there's a small bed with no blanket that she sleeps on posed like a dead person
c_sharp: huge bed in tiny bedroom, lots of comforters and feather pillows, all of it pure white. on the ceiling above there are glowing star stickers
Samie: since berry is usually travelling and can't come to the room often, berry uses a sleeping bag and sleeps under the seats on trains. it's a simple sleeping bag, light blue and pink, nothing too special
Rem: her corner of the dorm room she stays in is pretty empty with the exception of some books, clothes laying around, and a computer. her bed is shitty, no sheets on metal bedframe with a weighted blanket and like 5 pillows
808: in the back trunk area of a van covered in band posters and alien sighting newspaper clippings on two dog beds
What is their favorite holiday?
Yka: don't have one
c_sharp: christmas but xe only likes it for the spirit
Samie: valentines day
Rem: barrier transition lockdown day, which is an emergency nationwide lockdown day marking the biannual time that the space between dimensions shifts and they all have direct communication with eachother, that she treats like a holiday
808: halloween
What objects do they always carry around with them?
Yka: nothing. literally nothing
c_sharp: pocket knife for self defense hope that goes normal for xer and nothing bad happens
Samie: backback seemingly filled with everything berry could possibly need, gimmick of berry's design to have cute pink versions of literally any item at berrys disposal
Rem: modified walkie-talkie. she talks to several other dimensional characters this way, particularly the nonhuman ones
808: ipod
Characters from Heaven
What is the characters go-to drink order?
LibreVeil: no thing☺
Honoa: cloud froth (fictional)
What is their grooming routine?
characters in heaven do not sleep or wake and do not get clean or dirty
that said if Honoa was human she'd have the patrick bateman skincare routine
Where does their disposable income go?
heaven has no currency
Do they have any scars or tattoos?
no ♡
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
LibreVeil: so. libre is hiding something very serious about herself and its taking a major toll on her emotional health so she cries regularly. she's being contacted, and in fact is the only citizen of heaven capable of being contacted by spirits in hell. this would be taboo in heaven since the two are at war and she'd be accused of being a spy. very sad for her
Honoa: ewww tears gross ewwwwww
Oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
everyone in heaven is siblings
Describe the shoes they're wearing.
LibreVeil: white metallic sandal-like shoes shaped like vines that snake up around the legs
Honoa: rarely wears shoes in the first place unless traveling
Describe the place where they sleep.
so everyone in heaven sleeps on a floor of the gated part of heaven dedicated entirely to being a bed. its made out of clouds so they all look like those cute little drawings of animals sleeping on clouds
What is their favorite holiday?
heaven has no holidays they think time is a ridiculous invention by people who die, which nobody in heaven is capable of to their knowledge
What objects do they always carry around with them?
LibreVeil: gauntlet that allows her to cast protective shielding magic with like 80 other people. she's frontline during dimensional shifts in case hell invades (they never do) or humans from initial get in (they always do)
Characters from Hell
What is the characters go-to drink order?
no drinks in hell unless you want to start seeing the scary evil skulls
What is their grooming routine?
same rules as heaven
Where does their disposable income go?
same rules as heaven
Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Hasamin: no but he has these permanent orange blush marks on his cheeks. nothing important about them however as he's always had those
Deltrax Vvezranikha: he does have markings sort of like tattoos up his arms legs and neck yeah. again though he's always had those
Cathode: no
@ KINZ: no they are slime
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Hasamin: he fake cries all the time in order to get his way but i don't think he has ever legitimately cried before
Deltrax Vvezranikha: he's old enough to recall the separation between heaven and hell, which brought him to tears for a multitude of reasons, mostly guilt for having any responsibility in it (he was close to the person who was accused of starting the whole mess with the spread of their ideology) but also a sense of relief
Cathode: too young to experience true sadness, cried the first time she cut herself on accident
PANOPTICO: was also there during the separation, vividly remembers having to tell someone she loved deeply goodbye as the dimensions walled themselves away from eachother and the memory makes her emotional when the war is brought up
@ KINZ: they were once human and died in a way that sent them across dimensions and landed them in hell. sometimes that happens. they cried in their last living moments because their cause of death was, like, excruciatingly painful
Oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
same rules as heaven
Describe the shoes they're wearing.
Hasamin: no shoes idiot
Deltrax Vvezranikha: huge plate armor boots that come up to his waist, colored white and blue as is the rest of his outfit. they are heavy as Fuck
Cathode: cute widdle black loafers with little bat wings on the ends
PANOPTICO: she has no shoes her legs fray off into fleshlike spaghetti before the feet would start
@ KINZ: no shoes they are slime
Describe the place where they sleep.
same rules as heaven except everyone sleeps on the floor and they are allowed to have their own corners provided they can make their own walls or curtains and no fights break about about whos spot is where. they do
What is their favorite holiday?
everyones favorite is halloween any time it lands on a dimensional shift because they can come into initial without immediately being recognized as Creatures. very touristy
What objects do they always carry around with them?
Hasamin: his spirit of goodwill :D
Deltrax Vvezranikha: enormous gun. he drags it around with him. he says its for protection but the truth is clear- he thinks it looks cool
Cathode: satchel for collecting items and trinkets aplenty to trade with other item and trinket enthusiasts
PANOPTICO: nothing
@ KINZ: can't even if they wanted to... slime
Characters from Point 4
What is the characters go-to drink order?
Eihazard: robots cannot drink
M!m!a: robots can't drink
Seiris-maximal: ghost robots can't drink either
Lunade: she'd get like a water but then put one of those disgusting flavor packets in there cause she can't drink the water on its own but she's concerned about staying hydrated
//y: girls made out of sentient mercury cannot drink anything but more mercury i guess
Median: dog boys can't drink anything but water anyways
infectious: weird germ girls cannot drink
What is their grooming routine?
Eihazard, M!m!a, Seiris-maximal, //y, infectious: N/A
Lunade: warm bath with bath salts then full body scrub then skincare then nail care then
Median: roll in dirt
Where does their disposable income go?
the economy in most parts of point 4 is in shambles but Lunade's part of town is still intact because they get benefits for their work so she sometimes pays for her friends living expenses
Do they have any scars or tattoos?
no to all except seiris who has a full face "tattoo" she got from touching a meteor and it exploding on her
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Eihazard, M!m!a, Seiris-maximal: N/A
Lunade: so lunade and her general neighborhood all work in the sky during night time keeping the stars and moons working. one time she got into a play fight and threw a star at someone and it shattered and she felt so bad about it she cried so hard she frew up
//y: not emotional but sometimes it has to cry to get rid of excess mercury buildup
Median: got hit by a car and cried once. he got better
infectious: don't know if she can cry??
Oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
Eihazard: youngest
M!m!a: oldest
Seiris-maximal: middle
^ all 3 are siblings
Lunade: only
//y: N/A
Median: only
infectious: she has thousands of siblings and will have thousands more she knows none of them and its fine
Describe the shoes they're wearing.
Eihazard: no shoes technically but her feet are colored diffrently in a way that makes it look like shoes
M!m!a: no shoes again but she does have boosters on her feet
Seiris-maximal: long shiny blue boots that come to a point near the knee and at the feet, crosses on the back
Lunade: none
//y: none
Median: sketchers style light up sneakers that glow purple when he stomps
infectious: neon orange mary janes with biohazard symbols on the front, covered slightly by black legwarmers
Describe the place where they sleep.
the robots: so robots don't sleep they just recharge. there are charging stations everywhere in point 4
Lunade: her bed is a hammock sort of thing that hangs from a corner in her room, its made with golden rope and has star decorations hanging from the bottom
//y: doesn't sleep
Median: sometimes sleeps on lunades roof like snoopy
infectious: has never slept a day in her life she doesn't plan to start now
What is their favorite holiday?
they don't have holidays in point 4! time is only measured in years and they're all given unique names. this one is Timbre
What objects do they always carry around with them?
Eihazard: combat is culturally important in point 4 so everyone has to have some way to fight on hand. Eihazard has a spinning blade modified into the pole of an iv bag
M!m!a: double lazer powered gun connected by an energy cable to transfer from gun to gun in case one malfunctions
Seiris-maximal: cross shaped thing that extends into blue light beams (sort of like a lightsaber) that is used sort of like if you tried to use a pickaxe as a weapon
Lunade: star shaped tambourine that is designed to emit a frequency so painful to the ear that it stuns opponents. more for self defense than anything else. robots are immune to this
//y: can't carry anything for similar reasons to @ kinz
Median: his phone. normal
infectious: large solar powered canon set that extends out from her hairclips and latches itsself onto her back. it has a tally count scratched into its side of all of the people she's beaten with it because she's an egomaniac
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raharaco · 6 months
Questions for Sibling OCs - Kazuki-Sakuya Edition
Warning: Sibling incest, mentioned rape (as a background story) ⚠
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Before we get into the Q&A, let's get to know who the characters are!
The one on the lower panel (blue hair) is Ichijou Kazuki, the older twin brother. Long story short, although he is already MARRIED to another guy with red hair and even having two children together, he still wants to stay with his baby brother because of what happened in the past. He feels guilty for Sakuya's whole trauma and PTSD, thinking that it's all his fault for ruining Sakuya's entire life (which, honestly he kinda does in one part) and happiness. He regrets for once leaving Sakuya all by himself because he was too busy denying his feelings for his baby brother with another man.
While the one on the upper panel (purple hair) is Ichijou Sakuya, the younger twin brother. He really loves Kazuki, in fact both of them love each other, but have a severe case of trying to deny their feelings for each other by going out with another person. It runs in the family, apparently! They are only a day apart, Kazuki was born on November 8 while Sakuya on November 9. Both are 36 y.o (surprisingly).
You may ask, "what happened to Sakuya that made Kazuki feel so guilty?" In very straightforward words, he was rap*d and made a slave by his ex-boyfriend and his friends while Kazuki was doing whatever he was doing without knowing what had happened to Sakuya.
Questions were made by the admins on OCsbase, Twitter. Original thread (in Indonesian) on my Twitter, dated 14th December 2023.
1. "How many siblings are they?"
Twogether like a pair of shoes.
2. "Who is the oldest one?"
3. "Who is the youngest one?"
4. "What is their age difference?"
Just a day... maybe approximately 7-8 hours.
5. "How is their dynamic?"
Responsible older brother, foolish younger brother. Kazuki is calmer, while Sakuya is more energetic. Literally sun-moon trope.
They're also basically brocons in denial, they are affectionate to each other and don't want to separate but only think of it because, well, they're brothers (whereas they actually love each other in that way)
6. "Are they close, so-so, or even dislike each other?"
They were very close during their childhood, but as adults... they go on their own separate ways (they'll get back together sooner or later, don't worry)
7. "Do they look alike?"
Of course they look alike, they're IDENTICAL twins after all 😭
8. "If they look alike, are they happy to be considered similar to their sibling?"
Kazuki would probably be happy, but Sakuya once had a time when he didn't want to be compared or even had any relations to his brother, even if he was only told that they look alike or people asked if he has a twin brother because he has always been compared to by their parents during his entire life, so Sakuya felt inferior to his more "perfect" twin brother… as a result, he didn't want to be associated with Kazuki in any way due to his enviousness and growing bitterness. Meanwhile, Kazuki was totally oblivious to this.
Nowadays, Sakuya doesn't really mind it, though sometimes he will still feel like he doesn't deserve to be compared to Kazuki (in a good way)... or that he doesn't deserve his big brother's unconditional love...
9. "Who is the father's favorite child?"
It's actually Kazuki since he's the golden child of the family but for some reason I have a feeling that it's Sakuya...????
I'm guessing it's because the father may have felt guilty for indirectly traumatizing Sakuya after he got sexually harassed by his... mistress who was also his CLIENT (he works as a lawyer). But, well, the father did a really bad job of mending their relationship.
10. "Who is the mother's favorite child?"
Kazuki, no questions asked.
11. "Who is everyone's favorite?"
Both of them. Kazuki would be because he is handsome, smart, kind-hearted, and humble even. For Sakuya, it's because he's literally a model, even if he's not that bright in the head.
12. "Who is the author's favorite?"
13. "Who is the most attractive one?"
I feel like it's both in canon but FOR ME, it's Kazuki because he is the more handsome twin, while Sakuya has that cute baby face xixixi
14. "Who is the most talkative one?"
15. "Who is the most mature one?"
16. "Who gives in (to their sibling) more often?"
Kazuki, but not to the point of spoiling Sakuya too much.
17. "How would they react if their sibling had a partner?"
"Oh, congratulations," but deep in their hearts they'd have gone crazy and screaming and crying and screaming... and then they would try to forget their forbidden feelings and search for another partner as well (but failed because they really can't stand it without each other, they're both too attached and dependent)
18. "Do they have the same type of partner? What type of partner are they?"
Their type is literally each other 😭
BUT, if you want me to go into really deep details, Kazuki generally likes someone who is passionate about their interests, whether a hobby or a job, no matter how weird his partner's interests would be. It looks like he prefers younger (but not too young, come on guys, we've ditched that idea!) partners, maybe it's because energetic younger people remembers him of Sakuya? He doesn't mind about his partner's flaw and past as long as they can understand and respect each other. Also bonus points if they have pretty eyes...?
While for Sakuya... I think he's the type to look at his potential partner's appearance first (and he usually prefers someone taller and looks more masculine than him). Of course, he won't treat everyone like that before getting to know them first, but I guess it's just something he will always pay attention to firsthand since he's a model? The second thing is he likes intelligent people like doctors cuz he's a dummy. Kind-hearted is a bonus. He would like it if they have an easygoing personality and wouldn't "tie him down" too much.
Note, they're BOTH gay men.
19. "What do they have in common?"
Their face and gender cuz they're literally identical twins, they have a very strong inner bond as twin brothers, and both of them have die—
20. "What makes them different?"
Their height (Kazuki is the taller one, being approximately 195cm), hairstyle, hair and eye color, personality/temperament (Kazuki is phlegmatic, while Sakuya is a sanguine-melancholic mix)... although in actuality, they are not too different from each other.
21. "What do their siblings have that they don't?"
Sakuya doesn't have his parents' love like Kazuki does HAHAHA
However, on the other way around, Kazuki doesn't have the same freedom as Sakuya who is the black sheep of the family (he was often neglected). His entire life path and "dream" career were all decided by his mother, who's also a doctor. Yes, he is interested in science and he was the one who chose to be a surgeon, but it still doesn't change the fact that his mother literally controlled and groomed him like a puppet because she's such a perfectionist who wants everything to go her way or the normal way (like according to the society or how she was raised).
22. "What are their hobbies?"
Sakuya likes photography and traveling out of the house, while Kazuki likes to read nonfiction books and move his body, either by traveling as well or exercising.
23. "Where do their strengths lie?"
Kazuki: His intelligence, charisma, hiding his feelings… literally everything. His weakness would be how DENSE and INSENSITIVE he is to other people's feelings. Plus, he has a major red flag for being a controller.
Sakuya: Posing/acting in front of the camera (he's probably photogenic as well), expressive, kind-hearted and not arrogant. His weakness would be how emotionally sensitive he actually is... and I think he is terrible at making the right decisions.
24. "Do they sleep in the same room?"
They shared a room together when they were little, but as they grew up they were finally given their own rooms, even though Sakuya's room wasn't very adequate (either it used to be a warehouse or the room was small).
My guess is the parents or one of them may have caught on to something between the brothers or they (more like the mother) thought Sakuya was going to be a "nuisance" for Kazuki (like maybe he'll lose focus and fail his studies or Sakuya was going to "influence" Kazuki in "bad" ways cuz they view him as this "delinquent" child) if they leave them together, but nevertheless, they just had to separate them.
In the end, Sakuya much preferred to sneak in and sleep in his brother's room hehe
25. "Do they celebrate their birthdays together?"
Sometimes they would, since their birthdays are only a day apart, usually the parents would decide to celebrate it together on Kazuki's birthday to make it more efficient. Even so, the center of people's attention was more towards Kazuki, though…
As adults, they no longer do it anymore, as the two of them finally celebrate their birthdays on their respective dates.
26. "Would they want to wear matching clothes?"
They probably would, even if they'll sometimes get embarrassed by it since they're in their mid-thirties already 😂
27. "Would they want to be an only child?"
ABSOLUTELY NOT. They will literally explode from loneliness if they try to live without each other in sight!!
28. "Would they want to switch positions with their sibling?"
29. "Would they want another sibling? If yes, would they want an older sibling or a younger sibling?"
Nope, they're too brocon to want a new little sibling or an older sibling. Just having each other is more than enough!!
30. "Would it be better to sacrifice themself, or their own sibling(s)?"
Of course they'd rather sacrifice themselves for each other!!
31. "Are they a good sibling?"
How to say this... as good as they are, there are definitely one or two things that their sibling(s) don't like.
Kazuki will do anything for Sakuya without thinking twice about his feelings and sometimes, his love is just too much for his little brother who has never even received any sort of love in his life. His intentions are good, but the way he expresses them or how he shows Sakuya just how much he loves him to the point of indirectly murdering someone...
Meanwhile, Sakuya felt envious of Kazuki because throughout his entire life, he had to be his older brother's shadow and everyone paid more attention to him even if he tried so hard to be popular and well-liked.
Despite that, he still loves him because Kazuki is the only one who shines oh so brightly in his gloomy world…
32. "What is something they want to say to their sibling, but have never said the message?"
Kazuki hasn't told Sakuya about how much he loves and how proud he is to him even when it's only because he still managed to live despite everything he had gone through. He knows he has to let Sakuya go one day, and that's why he wants to satisfy himself by being affectionate and spoiling his little brother with love AS HIS OLDER BROTHER until he recovers from all his trauma…
While Sakuya hasn't thanked Kazuki for everything he's done. He wants to tell him how much he loves and admires his handsome and cool big brother… he wants Kazuki to always be by his side forever, even if they had to stay as just brothers and nothing more... he wants Kazuki to pamper him all the time whenever he's sad…
And once again: they haven't expressed their true feelings AT ALL!! THEY HAVEN'T DECLARED THEIR LOVE YET!!!!
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alidafirtup · 2 years
stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run (frank castle)
▪️pairing: frank castle & castle!gn!reader –but more leaning to male reader really–dad!frank all the way man
▪️word count: longer than i thought this would turn out to be um,
▪️summary: reader is frank's oldest child. aged around 18-19ish just fresh outta highschool. reader thought frank's actually dead after the boat explosion in daredevil season two until they were taken by some bad guys and frank has to come get them
▪️warnings: angstttttt, violence, mentions of death, reader having The Big Sad™️, reader pointing a gun at frank, swear words, just overal angry, angry reader. bit ooc on frank probably idk man this is just brain vomit. notice the writing style jumping around and shit heh. this is my first time actually writing a full one shot story instead of my usual blurbs and ideas, be gentle bc i will cry. english is like, my 3rd language so mistakes and warnings i forgot to mention would be 100% my fault and please be careful
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[gifs r mine, sorry they're ass lmaoo]
Having your father being who he was you should've know this day will come. Well, to be fair you're a bit surprised this didn't happen when you sat on the podium of the courtroom in the Frank Castle vs. The People of New York case trial. Everybody knows your name and face now because of what he did. And sooner or later will come men demand you to pay for what your father has done. A vicious never ending cycle of 'Eye for an eye' situation. Alas, you were too busy living inside your head to think about this moment.
It's no one's fault but those who pulled the trigger, really. You are only alive because you weren't there the day the massacre happened. Some stupid school thing you didn't even remember how important it was that you chose to go there instead of spending time going to the park with your family. It was also the day after your dad came home after being away serving for so long. Your mom thought it would be wonderful to go out on a picnic, it was a beautiful day outside too. Hell, even Uncle Billy was there. All you remember was the moment the school staff called you to the office to tell you what happened.
You were never even that close with your father to begin with, what with his time with the army and all. You didn't even know the man that well really, he was away all the time and when he's home his soul isn't home at all. They say war changes people. And he got that thousand yards stare people always joke around about. He never even bothered to make a small talk. It's like he'd rather to be in war than to be home with you. But then again Frank wasn't the man with many words anyway. All you know was that your dad proposed to your mom the next day he found out your mom was pregnant with you. That change little by little when your parents decided to have Lisa and Junior though, he started to come home more often than he used to. He also warmed up more and actually tried to talk to you here and there. Asking you how school was, which you always answer with a quiet "It's fine," or, "It's great." and the conversation dies there, et cetera, et cetera. You didn't really feel the need to talk or get to know him so you just... didn't bother either. You were fine with him being away, it's what you got for having a marine as a dad anyway.
Your baby siblings were different though, with them being a lot younger than you. They're always so excited. Every single time your dad's home it's like it's Christmas. Every single time. Their smiles and cheers light up the whole room like that evening star in the Princess and The Frog movie. You dad was like that evening star for them, they told you so one day.
"That's weird. The star's name is Evangeline. Does he look like an Evangeline to you? also it sounds like he's dead the way you two look at the stars while thinking about dad," you made a face at Lisa as she played with one of the many plastic dinosours she owned.
"Never say that again." Your mom sternly said as she puts down a plate of cookies on the floor. She had this look in her eyes that had you shut your mouth immediately.
Not a day, not a second that you're not thinking about your siblings. They were so young, too young. It's not fair. The world is so cruel, cold and so cruel. Oftentimes your twisted, selfish side wish you were there at the park with them just so it could spare you the pain. Everything happened too fast, you lost everything you had in just one day. Your family, your innocence, your future, your hope, everything just, gone, that day. Vanish. Poof. You might as well just lose your dad too with the way he was hanging on a thread the moment he woke up from his coma. You didn't even recognize the man anymore, he was just so... out of it. Memory fading in and out you had to help him fill in on what happened. But somehow he recognized you, even called you by your name. You didn't know if you should feel relieved by that or worried since the guy never really refer to you as anything other than "Kid" or "Buddy", in fact you didn't really know what to feel at those times what with every single feelings known being thrown at you like bricks. You visited him every day he was at the hospital nevertheless.
Every other day you would go to the park as well. You would sit on one of the benches in front of the carousel and just, think about everything that happened to you. Taking the time to feel sorry for yourself because shit, you were just a kid too. One night you lost track of time and actually sat until dawn. You didn't realize until the warmth of the sun hit your nose and you hear birds chirp their morning sonnet. You marvelled the way the sunlight hit the tip of the the carousel roof and all the painted ponies just right.
Only when your father decided to go on his killing spree quest did you really lost every thing then. Gunning down every single one who so much as sniffed on the idea of the carousel massacre. You see Frank as a complete stranger now. You were also too caught up in grief to call him out about how wrong his doings were. He's a marine, killing people is his job. Doesn't matter that the only difference is that the army is legal. You didn't care about that, those bastards deserves it anyway. They have to pay, every single one of them for taking your mom from you. She didn't even got the time to guide you through your life for fuck's sake.
Frank pulled himself away too, choosing to live in his van and away from you. You realize that it's not safe to live in your old home too so you moved in to a studio apartment which every now and then–as in, every few months– Frank would visit all bloody and battered when he got wounds that he can't fix himself and needed someone to do it for him. Like the one time he got shot in the ass and couldn't take the bullet out by himself.
"Dad, I don't know what I'm doing," you anxiously told him, one hand holding a pair of forceps.
"Look just take the goddamn bullet out and close the wound, alright," he gruffly demanded, leaning over the sink ass out and everything. Quite a night if you think so yourself.
And some nights are better than the other, sometimes worse, sometimes Frank would strut into your place barely alive, swaying left and right dripping blood everywhere that you had to call Uncle Curt as if he's your personal doctor. Well, he basically is now isn't he whether he likes it or not. Poor guy just needs his rest.
You also remember one night Frank showed up to your apartment with almost to no scratch on his skin at all, bringing some McD's and quipped "Y'should put some meat in those skinny arms of yours, kid." which you return with a pair of confused eyes and a snort.
Some days you wish these kinda nights would bring the two of you closer, you wish Frank would just sit down, just for a moment with you. Process what happened. To grieve for your family, or just think about them rather than their deaths tearing the two of you apart. You're all each other's got left afterall.
One fateful night Frank came over, face black and blue but he stood tall. Announcing you about the guy called "The Blacksmith" saying he's going after him, putting an end to this. You never know about the boat, you never asked. You don't think you want to know anything about what Frank has been doing every night.
The next morning you woke up with a "FRANK CASTLE DEAD: Escaped Vigilante Suspected Dead After Explosion" written in giant letters and a picture of an x-ray scan of a skull, Frank's skull. You never went out of bed the next 36 hours after you read the paper. You didn't even cry you just felt so...hollow. You never now how emptiness could ever feel so heavy.
Everything was going so fast sometimes you feel like you're in a timelapse documentation of your own life with you being the only one moving in slow motion. The trial, The Daredevil, your dad going to jail, your dad going out of jail, Wilson Fisk. Only time when time seems to slow down was when you're at the park in the middle of the night. And that's where you are right now.
You were sitting in front of the carousel when you feel something prick at the back of your neck. Your hand went up to touch your neck and you pull out some kind of...dart?
"That's not fair..." you feel yourself sway forward but before you fall on your face they were two men grabbing you and the last thing you see were them pulling you into a van.
You wake up to some guy pushing something up your nose that got you inhale sharply and coughing from the smell. You're strapped to a chair, wrists and ankles, great. Your eyes dart around the dim litted damp cold room, some kind of basement, you feel. "How original," you irked.
"We awake?" a guy goes to grab your chin, "Hi there," he chirps, you look him straight in the eye.
"Is this the part where I ask you who you are and what you want from me?" you challenge lazily.
"No," he honest to God giggled, "This is the part where I punch you in the face." he hissed as he does what he said. His knuckles meets your temple which soon is going to give you a not-so-aesthetic black eye. Sissy bitch. "Now you can ask me who am I and what I want from you– actually no why don't I save us both the time and energy, you pick one kid; who am I or what do I want from you."
But before you can even think of answering he says again, "Good choice!" his voice actually turn from annoying to aggravating. He should really pick a struggle. "I want your dad." Okay. You've had just about enough of his bullshit.
You actually let out a chuckle though, you can't lie that that was not a good joke, "Why don't you go suck my dick since you got me all tied up and unmoving you kinky piece of–" he awarded you with another punch to the nose this time, got it running blood from one nostril almost immediately, God, no wonder those soccer kids in your school says you're a nerd. Thank Christ school's over for good.
"That's homophobic." you breathe. "You know if you want my Da so much why don't you dug him up yourself? Mount Zion Cemetery, 6 feet under the ground where he lays. He's fucking dead you imbecilic bitch,"
The guy stares you down. You wonder what'll happen if you ask for his name since you're getting tired of calling him "This Guy" in your head. He calls for his men and gestures towards you with his chin.
You let out a dramatic sigh. "What's with you men and beating people up in groups to get the information you need? God, if that's not small dick energy i don't know what–" your words were left unfinished as a slap lands on your face.
"You wanna be as tough as your old man you're gonna wanna shut that hole in the middle of your face." he growled.
"Look," you heave after a shit ton of beatings later, you hate that you almost beg now, "I'm trying to tell you scumbags you've got the wrong kid, alright? My 'old man', he's dead."
"See, I thought that too. but he keeps coming back, you know, like a cockroach, but with guns."
You scoffed, panting slightly. One of your nostrils is clogged, thick blood running slowly down the other. God, does your sinuses burn.
"You watch the news lately kid?"
You spit, seeing droplets of crimson, chest expanded as you take a deep breath. "'Fuck you mean,"
Once again your words were just a trail off and apparently this guy's not the one to let people finish their sentences. He shoves a phone into your face, the screen showing a dashcam footage of man running into the hood of a car who happens to be...Frank. That's Frank. That's your dad in the footage. You feel your heart starts beating really fast. Okay...maybe this guy slaps you a bit too hard. Then again you wouldn't be here strapped to a chair getting beat to a pulp if the video isn't real.
"How long you're going to do this again?"
"Curt." Frank warns.
"I can't lie anymore to the kid Frank do you know how many times I have to–"
"It's better this way you hear me? I can't lose the kid."
"Yeah, speaking of the kid–" Micro chimed in, interrupting what was soon to be a heated argument between the ex-soldiers. His eyes scan one of the many screen in the basement. The one that's set to the camera Frank sneaked into your room in one of his visits.
"Kid's should be home by now right?"
You're woken up again by a hand harshly wiping the blood that drips out of your mouth with a towel. You received another dozens of beating after your reaction from watching the footage resulting in you passing out after a good punch to the nose. Damn, apparently it's a sin for not knowing what the hell is going on. You blink your eyes open almost lazily and catch a glimpse of a gun sitting nicely on the back pocket of your taker. You eye it for a moment before he cooes, "Oh, you want this? it's not gonna help you sweet cheeks," he said as he put his hand on the pistol briefly.
Suddenly you hear guns blazing outside of the room, you hear the alarmed almost scared tone in your taker's voice. "He's here," before he hurries to take a knife from his sleeve to cut off the ties that bound you to the chair, pulls you out of your feet and wraps his arm around your throat while his other arm went around his back to grab his gun and point it to your temple.
Frank kicks the door open, taking the other two goons of your taker with two clean headshots.
"Put your gun down or I'll french fry your little mini me's brains out."
"What–" you breathe, Frank shushes you, telling you it's alright, that you're okay.
The guy looks between the two of you and chuckles, "Oh, I remember what it's like being the firstborn, you parents don't give a shit enough about you that you basically raise yourself."
You've had enough of this guy's bullshit for real this time and a sudden wave of adrenaline gifted from everything that is happening right now got you slamming your heel to his foot hard and somehow grabbed his gun and kill him with two shots.
Then point the gun to Frank.
So turns out your dad is alive all this time and has been "watching over you" through cameras with some guy called Micro who also does the same thing to his family. That's how he knows your location. You couldn't believe this, You should've know all about this but you were so caught up in your head that something so mundane like someone setting up a camera around your house were went unnoticed by you. Unlike your dad technology was always your thing. You feel so sick you taste bile in your throat. Frank put his palms up while still shushing you like you're an animal going feral
"Stay right there."
"Woah, shshh... hey, now, it's okay, it's me, it's me kid. I know you're mad, I know you're confused, but I needed to get away. I needed to keep you safe," Frank is freaking out a bit, words tumbling out of his mouth in rambles.
"Kid, put the gun down,"
"What?! What were you trying to say?" you shouted, "Talk,"
"I was trying to protect you–"
"Yeah, you're doing a pretty shit job at it," your words are snaled, eyes glassy with unshed traitorous tears. God every inch of your body hurt. Frank put his hands up, almost stunned, mouth opening and closing again.
"Protect me from what, huh? What is it you were keeping me safe from? Bad people? Those you've killed? Those you made pay for our family? Ones that i have to pay too?"
Frank makes an attempt to take a step closer. "No. No, no, listen to me–"
"Come any closer, I swear to Christ I will unload this fucking thing," you're hysterical now, body shaking, But your hands are impossibly still, holding the weapon. So tight the knuckles turning white because of it. It's almost like holding a gun was as easy as blinking your eyes despite it being your first time. Frank thinks for a brief second that you'd make a good soldier if it was a different situation. Frank can't do nothing other than holding his hands up pleading–begging for his kid to calm down just for a bit, to let him talk, to listen.
"You're dead." you hate how your voice shake and your vision blurry with tears. You hate that you feel weak in front of Frank.
"Please, I–" Frank continues to try to shush you as if he's trying to calm an animal going feral.
"No you're dead! my father is dead. I saw that boat got blown to shit. You have a gravestone just like them. Just like mom. I visit you. Every week. I tell you what's going on with my life. I mourned you. I grieved for you. I–" you're breathing so hard right now it hurt your chest.
Something snapped in your mind, "Does Curt know?"
"He doesn't know this would happen–"
"Cut the bullshit, Frank. Does. He. Know."
"Yeah." remorse fills Frank's tone.
"All this time," you scoff out a laugh, deep from your hurting chest in disbelieve. You put the gun down finally but the safety is still off.
"Every single night I've thought to end it all because there is no point in keeping on going. I can not do this alone. And you just sat there, yeah? Watching me. keeping me 'safe'. you said."
"Look kid, I know I should've come for you but it ain't that easy."
"You know what, I dont give a shit–"
Frank just doesn't want you to say things you don't mean, "Be careful with your words–"
"I don't wanna hear another single goddamn word out of your mouth," you grit through your teeth. Even after all the shit he put you through his ass still scolds you for saying bad words? He's done.
"I don't give a shit what you did, I don't care that you kill people because you're not the only one who's angry, who's enraged. Even in your "punisher" days. Even standing in court of your trial I stood up for you."
Frank averts his eyes to the gun still in your hand. He can't see you in your eyes. The hurtful look in your eyes, Frank doesn't think he'll be able to forget that, it's engrained into his brain forever now.
"I lost my mother. I lost my baby siblings, I lost everyone I have ever cared of. Everyone. But I was wrong right? Not all of them. You're here. Like, here here. breathing and kicking.
"You should've come for me you got that right. but you know what I would've understand. I'd understand you gotta go. That you gotta do what you gotta do. The least you could do was teach me how to fight. You would've want me to fight, right? 'Least you could do was teach me to be something. Someone that's not helpless. So you don't have to what keep me 'safe'."
You gulped, eyes drilling holes into Frank's face. Man, were you thirsty. "But no instead you gotta leave me, alone with only my thoughts,"
Frank stands there, trigger finger twitching like crazy. Letting you let out your anger. Every words, every curse you throw at him, he deserves it all.
"I never ask for much, you know? Even as a child, You know I always keep to myself. And I needed someone. I needed you. Like we don't even have to talk I wanted to just sit with you. That's it, dad. That's all I ever want. I promise that's it please, I promise–" your words morph into broken sobs as you can't take it anymore and that's where Frank marches forward and grabs you, wrapping you in his arms so tight as if his life depended on it, you relaxed a little in his arms and that's where he grabbed the gun from your hand and toss it far. Far away he didnt even know where it lands.
"Shhh, shh it's okay, I'm so sorry, you're okay, it's going to be okay, God, I am so sorry," his words are murmured at the top of your head, over and over and over like a prayer. Bodies trembling, you let out another quiet sob into his chest. As if you feel like you shouldn't cry. Like you think your dad doesn't deserve a single one of your tears and that's when you realized.
You pushed Frank so hard his much bigger frame actually tumbles over and falls to his side. You didn't know where all this strength came from but you don't care, everything hurt too much and you're so, so exhausted. Frank stares up at you with a stunned disbelieved look in his tear stained face.
However the force from it all affected you as well as you feel your body sway and your legs gives up causing you to drop to your knees out of exhaustion. Frank crawled over to you just in time before you hit your head on the ground, catching you again in his arms.
You wake up again, the third time from passing out, sitting in the passenger seat. Head against the window, you stare at the trees you drove by.
"You alright?" Frank cautiously asks.
You don't answer, lips sealed shut. It's silent the entire ride.
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bts-reveries · 3 years
you’ll always be my baby
characters/pairings: Namjoon and Moonji (ft. OC!Byul, Hyesung, Yoongi)
genre: family and fluff
request: [@kookietsukkie​] one of the kids’ jealous moments of their siblings! i was thinking either moonji or hana (cause i feel like they’re both pretty pampered by joon and yoongi). how at times they feel like their parents attention are too much on their new sibling… something like that!
a/n: this is more sentimental than what i thought of before i started lol but idk what i expected, this is what happens to all the tmbmil namjoon drabbles i write
thank you again for the request bestie!!
“Hyesungie, Hyesungie~” Yoongi cooed, reaching out and tickling the baby’s belly as Namjoon carried her. She smiled, twisting her body away from Yoongi’s fingers. “Aigoo, she’s getting so big now.” 
“I know right,” Namjoon says, fixing his daughter’s hat. “I hate it.” Yoongi laughs at his younger brother’s comment and shrugs.
“Well, you just have to make the most of it now,” he says, punching in the numbers on the register, telling Namjoon his total right after. They were buying some pastries at the bakery for a little family picnic. “Where’s Byul and Moonji at anyways?”
“Oh, they’re waiting in the car,” Namjoon answers. “Moonji fell asleep on the way here.”
“Ah. Long night?” Yoongi asks, assuming that she wasn’t able to sleep well the night before considering it’s just about 9 in the morning.
“Yeah. Baby sister kept her up. Well, kept all of us up,” Namjoon says sheepishly. Hyesung looks up at him, not knowing what he was saying. 
“She knows you’re talking about her,” Yoongi points out, laughing a bit. Namjoon makes a face at his daughter, making her laugh. 
“Alright, well we should be going now. Byul is probably wondering what’s taking us long,” Namjoon says, grabbing the bag Yoongi was handing to him.
“Alright, we’ll just talk again later. Maybe have a playdate for the kids,” Yoongi says, waving them off.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon hyung!”
“Daddy did you get me a cake pop too?” Moonji asks, looking over her little sister who’s gnawing on one in her carseat. Namjoon’s eyebrows raise and his mouth forms a letter ‘o’. 
“You forgot didn’t you,” Byul says quietly, glaring at her husband from the passenger’s seat. 
“Yoongi and I were talking and Hyesung grabbed it from the counter,” Namjoon shrugs. “Uh,” he says louder to Moonji behind him. “I forgot to get another one sweetie, you can just share with your sister. She’s not going to eat all of it anyways.” Moonji turns to her baby sister, frowning.
“But daddy she’s slobbering all over it,” Moonji argues. 
“Well we’re not near the bakery anymore, so either you share with her or not,” Namjoon tells her, turning into the parking lot of the park. “It’s your choice sweetie.”
“Fine, I just won’t eat one then,” she says with a small pout. 
“We can just go to the bakery again on the way home, okay baby?” Byul says, turning around to face her daughter. Moonji nods at her.
“Look baby,” Namjoon says, holding Hyesung in his arms. “Pretty flower.” He hands the little flower to her and she grabs it with her chubby little hands. “D-don’t eat it,” Namjoon says, stopping her arms from going up and shoving the flower into her mouth. 
“Daddy used to do that with me,” Moonji says, watching her dad and sister from afar. She sat on the picnic blanket with her mom. Byul looks over at them as well. 
“You can go over there and join them,” she suggests, looking back at her oldest daughter. “I’ll stay here.” Moonji shakes her head no, watching as her dad laughed at Hyesung waving the flower around. 
“Do you want me to come with you then? We could join them together,” Byul says. Moonji shakes her head no once again.
“He won’t notice me anyways,” Moonji says, resting her chin on the top of her knees. Byul frowns. She knows that Moonji was an only child for a while and that she always had her dad’s attention on her and only her. Even when she came into their lives. 
Getting a new sibling is a huge adjustment. 
“Are you upset that daddy pays more attention to Hyesung now?” Byul asks, trying to communicate with her daughter. She doesn’t want Moonji to keep things to herself whenever she’s upset. Especially if it’s something they can fix together.
Moonji nods. “He doesn’t love me as much anymore, it makes me sad.” Byul immediately reaches out for her.
“Come here,” she says. Moonji turns to her and crawls right into her arms.
“Daddy loves you just as much as he loves Hyesung. He didn’t forget about you, sweetie. I’m sorry if it makes you feel like he did,” Moonji nods, snuggling in closer to her mom’s chest. “We never want either of you to feel sad because of us so if something ever makes you sad, you should communicate it with us okay? You want me to come with you to talk to daddy?”
Moonji nods her head. 
“Okay, let’s go to them then.” Right when the two get up, Namjoon walks up towards them.
“Hi mommy, hi unnie,” Namjoon says, waving Hyesung’s empty hand. “Look what daddy and baby sister got you two.” Namjoon bends Hyesung down to Byul’s level, and she gives her a flower. 
“Aww, is this for me?” Byul says. “Thank you baby,” she says, giving her daughter a peck on the nose, making her giggle.
“Now one for Unnie,” Namjoon says, bending Hyesung lower. Moonji smiles slightly as her baby sister hands her a daisy. 
“Thank you Hyesungie,” she says in a soft voice. 
“Okay, so it's my turn with baby sister,” Byul says, reaching out to her daughter. Namjoon pouts at her. “And I think big sister wants to have a talk with daddy,” she says, turning to Moonji. She nods her head, basically saying it’s okay for her to go and leave her alone with her dad. 
“I’ll see you two later,” Byul says, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Moonji’s head. “Bye,” she mouths at Namjoon before kissing his cheek. Namjoon looked stunned, turning to his wife and watching her walk away with his baby. He then looks down at his older daughter.
“Okay, I’m kind of scared,” he says, walking over to the blanket and having a seat. “What did you want to talk about?” He asks his daughter, motioning for her to come sit with him. “Did anything happen at school? D-do you have a boyfriend now too?” He asks hesitantly, knowing how two of his hyungs are both currently in distress about their little girls having a ‘boyfriend.’
Moonji raises an eyebrow at him. “Ew, that’s yucky.” Namjoon released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Good. Now what is it? What’s wrong?” 
Moonji shrugs, “Mommy told me to talk to you because I’m sad.” Namjoon suddenly had a concerned look on his face as soon as he heard the last two words. 
“Why are you sad? What happened?”
“I feel sad because you love Hyesung more than me now,” Moonji says quietly, looking down and playing with the fabric of her pants. “Mommy said you love both of us the same, but you always play with Hyesung now and not me.” Namjoon’s heart breaks when he hears this, reaching out for Moonji’s hand.
“I don’t love Hyesung more than you. Just like I don’t love mommy more than her. I love all of you just the same. But in different ways.” He tells her. “I love mommy because she loves me and you and she gave us Hyesung. I love your birth mommy because she loved me and gave me you. I love you because you helped me become who I am today and I couldn’t have gotten here without you. And I love baby sister because now you have someone to play with and you’re not lonely when mommy is busy at home or when daddy is working.” Moonji looks up at her dad, listening to every single word he’s saying and really trying to understand them. “I love all of you just the same in different ways just like how you love hot chocolate because it keeps you warm when it’s cold and lemonade because it keeps you cool when it’s hot.” Moonji smiles up at her dad as he says this. He always did talk like he was writing a book. “Long story short,” Namjoon says with a slight laugh. “Daddy loves all of you and I’m so sorry if it makes you feel like I don’t sometimes.” He tugs at her hand, making her come and sit on his lap so he could hug her. “I know you’re used to it being just us your whole life. Then mommy Byul came along and it took some adjusting but you got used to it right, and you love her here with us?” Moonji nodded her head, her cheek pressed against her dad’s chest as his arms were wrapped around her. “Then now, baby sister came. And we’re all getting used to another person in our lives. It’s going to take some more adjusting.” Moonji nods again.
“Sometimes I watch you and Hyesung do stuff we used to do and it makes me sad because I felt like you were going to just do it with her and not me anymore.”
“No, daddy will never replace you. I’m showing them to Hyesung so we can all do it together, but you never want to come with us.”
“Because I feel like you want to just do it with her and you don’t want me there..” Moonji says with a pout. 
“I see, and I stopped asking you because whenever I ask, you say no. This is why communication is important, right?” Namjoon says. “You don’t tell me how you feel, that's why I keep doing the things that make you feel sad. You need to tell me so we can change that.”
“Okay,” Moonji says. “I will.”
“Okay, good. You know baby sister keeps mommy and I busy because she’s still little, which is why we might seem like we spend more time with her than you. So I’ll talk to mommy and we’ll make sure to set aside extra time to have Moonji and daddy time or Moonji and mommy time, how’s that sound?” Namjoon suggests, looking down at his daughter. Moonji looks up at him and nods her head, a sweet smile on her face. “Okay, maybe we can start with a date at the bakery after this? We can get you your cake pop and get a milkshake with two straws like we used to.” Moonji gasps, making her dad laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Thank you daddy. You’re the best and I love you so much,” Moonji tells him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. At least as much as her little arms can go. 
Namjoon sighs, Moonji was doing what she does best and that was melting his heart into two.
“I love you more. You’ll always be my baby, my little Moonji.”
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marieanneline · 4 years
wait wait hold up i am actually seething about the reveal
ya boi's not a dabi stan. at all. the only reason i'm remotely interested in his character is if he's actually related to shouto and how that would affect hero society in general. i remember reading the training camp arc, seeing him being one of the villains there, him saying todoroki's full name, and thinking "SIBLINGS?????" because agshdfjlk their EYES are SO SIMILAR!! i really want to give credit to horikoshi being able to portray their similarities from artstyle alone because that's talent.
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(it's more apparent in the anime since you see the eye color— but appearance-wise, shouto takes after rei and dabi takes after enji the most, so this definitely isn't the best photo to prove my point...)
anyways,,,, dabi's ideals of heroics fall in line with stain's ideals and so we all already theorized how if he was the long lost big brother touya, it would be because of the fact that his father really wasn't a hero. this makes sense. and so, we're all fucking right. props to us, really, and props to horikoshi for all the foreshadowing because i had fun :)) in terms of story and plot, i think this reveal is fantastic.
alright, on to why dabi is a dick
(i'm assuming this was his choice and no one pressured him after all)
the todoroki family is on the road to recovery!!
- shouto finally visits his mother back in season 2 and visits her every chance he gets. you see the effort he makes and it's nice to see him change from season 1 to 2 (early-roki!!)
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(guys he even sends her letters- look at that sparkle by his face!! he's sweet :)) and rei's smile!!!!)
- enji (whether we wanted it or not, i don't mind much personally) is trying to atone for everything he's done to his family
- natsuo, who originally wasn't fond of shouto because he had their father's attention (although he does come to the horrible realization that shouto was one of the most unfortunate) and mother's attention (because she wanted to protect shouto), has a closer relationship with his little brother now (can you believe he didn't even know shouto's favorite food was cold soba until ch. 192?? i was sobbing). he really regrets the prejudice he had against shouto and he's trying to be an actual brother to him now.
- rei's almost recovered enough to be released from the hospital!!
- fuyumi and her idyllic "happy family"– wHICH, BY THE WAY, ALMOST CAME TO FRUITION. their mother coming home, shouto connecting with his siblings, and enji being not-the-way-he-was-before is the best outcome they could have hoped for. and it was happening.
and i realize that all of that setup is for this very moment
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this? this. this. this is being broadcasted. to everyone. that means the citizens know that their new #1 hero is directly related to a member of a really bad villain organization (i almost called it a terrorist group oop-).
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by ruining endeavor, the citizens faith in heroes will collapse. this also affects shouto's reputation as an upcoming hero, and i am so terrified of what this could mean for him. imagine your career ending before it even started, just when you found your passion for being a hero again. all that progress he's made for himself since starting UA could be seen as pointless to him and i would hate for him to retrogress like that because it's not his fault. i would absolutely hate it if the media starts bashing shouto for being related to a villain, when he was also a victim of abuse.
seeing this look on shouto's face is making me dehydrated istg i'm fucking SOBBING— he doesn't even look angry!! in the last few chapters he was angry and worried for his friends, teachers, father maybe, other heroes... but he just looks sad. and the fact that the panel chooses to show the left side of his face is.... there's so much to unpack.
but yeah, this is being broadcasted. does fuyumi know? the cameo she had showed her working so maybe not. natsuo's cameo showed that he was at a lecture, so he also probably didn't see.
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but rei did. that's like- that's the person i would want to keep this from the most.
the effects of this entire reveal genuinely scare me. how will this affect rei's mental state? she'll realize that what enji did is actually so much worse. their first child being a villain?? i'm terrified for how she'll react, she's doing much better in recent chapters after all. her kids are visiting her, shouto sends her letters to keep in touch, and enji sends her flowers and respectfully keeps his distance. i really don't want this reveal to result in a relapse. and if she does relapse, then fuyumi's ideal of a happy family is once again out of arms reach. the future of their mother finally coming back home is so far away again and it's genuinely so heart-breaking.
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plus— how will fuyumi's little elementary school students react to her being related to a villain? will the school fire her because of her connection to a villain and how that might cause concerns for students and parents????
it's also hard to say exactly how this will affect shouto and natsuo. natsuo was the closest to touya when they were kids so what would his whole opinion be of what touya's become? will he have a moral crisis?
in terms of moral crisises, i guess i'm more concerned about shouto. the boy knows he wants to forgive his father, but this is just making it so much harder. and after this, will he still want to? and finding out that his own sibling is a villain... remember the stain arc? there were some parallels between midoriya's, iida's, and todoroki's positions in the last chapter and i'm worried about what that could foreshadow. from that arc alone, we know that shouto doesn't agree with stain's views at all [i forgot what he said but it was really compelling]. we know that dabi's a stain follower though, so will this disrupt shouto's sense of justice? i hope not.
but family has always been kind of a weak spot for shouto, hasn't it? i hope this doesn't affect his resolve to be a hero because i do think that there's a way to– somehow– not have a corrupt hero society and i want him to fight for that.
touya being a villain is perfectly valid though, i don't doubt that. it's just disheartening to address that while every other todoroki was working hard to become a normal family, here's their oldest brother, who's not really dead. what's going to become of that altar at their house now?
learning the extent to touya's hatred towards endeavor is truly terrifying. we know enji is or was a horrible person and his redemption arc is based on the very fact that he can't be forgiven, despite some of his family trying their best to do so or at least get over it. but the fact that touya has even thought about killing shouto? that's just. ouch. touya's definitely gone through too much abuse, and all of the todoroki family problems are because of enji's bad parenting. but this does not justify murder and especially that of his younger brother, who also got the brunt of the abuse.
needless to say, i am a fool. i don't know if anything i just said will ever be true, but the important thing to take from whatever the heck i just shat out is that all of this is/could be a result of this reveal. it's the fact that dabi seems to have no sympathy. it's the fact that he doesn't care if his blood related family crashes and burns. really, if this is solely about endeavor and what he did, there's no need to bring the rest of the family into this. rei was sent to a hospital for god's sake. shouto has a scar. it's excessive and unmoral and although questionable ethics and values are key traits of a villain, it doesn't justify how much he's hurting the todorokis.
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(look at this shit eating grin he has. no remorse. he really doesn't give a shit about the others but I DO and I'M so SAD)
and assuming that the whole "endeavor's wife admitted into hospital" was swept under the rug in terms of media, will that suddenly come back to light? because it shouldn't. maybe it should be known that she's in the hospital because of marital abuse but either way rei should not be dragged back into this disaster, and neither should the rest of them. there's also a chance that the media will accuse rei of having abused her kids too, which is messed up for different reasons. they're trying so hard to have any semblance of a normal family, and if dabi's way of revealing this to the world ruins that in any way then i hATE THIS REVEAL ASDFGHJKL—
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mariposa324 · 3 years
So, I have been seeing some interest in these two lately and I thought it might be fun to share some of their story. (At least I’ll do my best... I’m no seasoned writer.)
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       First they’ve been with me quite a while! I have had these characters since 2012 and there have been many design and story changes as well as several self-indulgent au’s along the way. Mary’s name used to be “Myla” before the creation of the Crystal Project universe. So, if you see a similar character in my old posts tagged with that name, know they are actually the same person.
       Mary and Clyde were initially created to be this sheltered princess-esque character and the big, intimidating softie, (cliché, I know.) Clyde has not gone through much (if any) personality changes, but Mary on the other hand is quite different from her beta. She evolved from a shy naive princess type to an outgoing, boisterous activist. Mary still plays the part of the “good little princess” in her father’s presence, but sneaks out nearly every night leading a double life.
       Marilyn Sinclair (or Mary) is the mayor’s daughter in a large bustling city at the peak of an industrial revolution. She’s a human and the oldest of seven children. She has a younger brother and five half sisters from a different mother, same father. Her own mother mysteriously disappeared shortly after her brother was born. (dun dun dun plot stuff) Mary has lived her whole life in the upper district, where the wealthy members of the city reside. For reference, the upper district consists mostly of humans and elves. In her academy days she experienced an eye-opening moment about how the real world actually works and this plays a huge roll in crafting her overall personality of wanting to help others. It is shortly after this she starts sneaking out and stealing from her father to give to the less fortunate.
      She is passionate, driven, decisive, supportive, fun to be around and a little bit chaotic, but in the best way. She cares a great deal for people, and can't stand to see others wanting for basic things when her family has so much. She gets along well with her step mom and half siblings, and is close with her brother. He covers for her a lot when she sneaks out. Even though she’s an adult, her father attempts to control her life and make her decisions for her. He’s tried on many occasions to persuade her to marry into another wealthy family for political reasons but she always finds an out. It seems there’s a new suitor procured by her father each month or so, and yet another reason to be at the mansion as little as possible.
     Clyde is a blue collar worker on the tall side for even a giant. He currently resides in a small (for him, at least) apartment in the central district of the city. He’s initially from a small town (a lot like the player character/main character) and came to the city to carve out a life for himself and send money back home to his family. His mother was a free spirit who rarely stayed in one place for too long and died rather young. She had Clyde and his sister from two different fathers both of which they never got the chance to know. The two were raised by their adorable grandparents and despite the situation with their parents, had a decent childhood filled with warmth. Clyde’s sister, Klara, takes a lot after her mother with her free spirit, though unlike her mom she is devoted to her six year old daughter.
       Clyde currently works in construction, but someday hopes to be an architect rather than constantly building the designs of others. He often sketches buildings and scenery as well as his own designs and ideas in a little leather-bound book he keeps with him. He also sometimes presses flowers in it, to send in his letters to his niece.
       He is quiet at a glance, but lively around close friends. He’s charismatic enough, but his height would make him seem clumsier to humans/elves in spaces made more for humans/elves, and he’s hyper aware of this. He’s shy and reserved, but also trustworthy and fiercely loyal. He favors a small inner circle of friends and dislikes large groups and crowded areas. 
       The two met late one evening in the middle of Mary’s first rebellious theft attempt. Mary stole prime cuts of dried meat from her family’s private kitchen to give to hungry people in the lower district. She acted without any sort of fully formed plan and ended up collapsing under the weight of the food before making it halfway through the central district. Clyde found her exhausted, sitting in the middle of the street, out of breath. After a fruitless argument of “I can do it myself” and attempting to continue on her own, she conceded and accepted his help. After the night was over the two had gotten closer over seeing how much they really did help people. They became rather inseparable after that.
Some things to note: 
       There is a misconception the two are a couple when they are actually just close friends. Well, when you first meet them, at least. You, the player character, will have the option in game to romance either of them regardless of gender. If you don’t romance either of them, or unlock the specific memories that trigger the ending where Mary marries Olive, the two will end up together at the end of the story. I also admit, a lot of au’s and art I make of them outside of the game itself, tend to have romantic implications. But that’s just because I’m a sucker for cute romantic fluff. 🥰 
Well, I hope that sums them up a bit. Feel free to ask questions if you want to know more about these characters, other crystal project characters or just the game itself! Just know I cant give too much away about the plot of the game.
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⚡ Scared of thunderstorms for Lao Shi and JakeRose's kids. Great grandpa tells the kids how their parents met.
I ... Think I turned this into something neither of us intended BUT I read this prompt and I was listening to the perfect song and before I knew it we had a whole thing happening before I even got out of the shower so um ... Now I’m finished and this was a lot and it took over my head and 10/10 I loved it 0/10 do not reccomend it happening again do what you will with that ...
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⚡ Scared of thunderstorms
The song is The Night We Met by Lord Huron
Warnings: mostly written on my phone, major character death(s), 1 swear
Send me more!
I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
"Gramps! Gramps!"
Lao Shi bolted awake as his bedroom door flew open. In his own cot at the end of Lao Shi's bed, Fu Dog snorted. In the doorway, were the three children. Ten year old Cecilia, who looked the most like her mother, had five year old Julia and three year old Ash tucked under her arms. In the dark of the night, the thunder rumbled and the lighting flash, Lao Shi understood.
"Come here, come here," he urged and Cecilia led the charge, diving under the covers.
Lao Shi could tell that she was trying not to cry. He knew she felt that she was the oldest and she had to be strong; Lao Shi had known a boy like that too.
"Everyone in, come on," Cecilia said, pulling Ash up with her.
"Fu Dog too!" Julia cried and, obendiently as a real dog, Fu jumped onto the end of the bed, settling between the younger two siblings.
Ash, who didn't understand the terror, pet the dog. Julia, who only vaguely understood the dynamics of being scared, was happy to let herself be distracted by Fu. It was Cecilia, who had seen the worst, who had made the distress call that fall night three years ago, tucked herself up to Lao Shi and rested her head against him, crying out as the thunder boomed again.
"I've got you, my girl," Lao Shi said soothingly, holding her close. He wondered if he should call Susan and Jonathan.
"I can't forget, Gramps," Cecilia whispered, keeping her words away from her younger siblings. "Every time I hear the thunder or see the lightning I remember it all again."
Lao Shi didn't have the words to reassure her, although he wished he did. He wished he could take away all of her memories and his own. He wished that everything was different for his great-grandchildren.
"Let me tell you a story," Lao Shi offered. "I can't take it away but let's give you something better to think about."
"Is it a story about Mom and Dad?" Cecilia asked hopefully.
Julia's head perked up. She had only been three and Lao Shi didn't think she remembered them. Ash had only been two weeks and Lao Shi knew that when he grew, he would think of Susan and Jonathan as his parents. Only Cecilia would carry the burden of remembering for all of them. It made Lao Shi's heart very heavy indeed.
"Yes," Lao Shi promised. "It's a story about your parents."
But he wondered which one was the right one to tell.
Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
The story, told forever after, was that the first time that Jake saw Rose, he forgot his own name. When he was younger, he would go red and deny it, but as he got older, he was able to laugh about it and, even on rare occasions, admit that it was exactly what had happened. They were teenagers, in a school hallway, and Rose had been standing at her locker. Spud and Trixie had been on either side of Jake, arguing over his head, but Jake couldn’t ever remember what they’d been arguing about. It was unlikely that he’d even been paying attention in the first place.
Rose had shut the door of her locker and had laughed at something the girl next to her said. Jake had turned his head to look and that had been the end of him, before he’d even known her name.
Once he learnt her name, it was a torrent, a rollercoaster of feelings, a story that would be one to not only tell their children, but to put down in the history books. It had all felt exactly that momentous the first time that Jake had really kissed Rose, their noses bumping and their teeth scraping in their sheer desperation to be close to one another and share something so precious.
“Yeah, well, I’m going to marry her.”
“Jake, kid, you’re eighteen,” Fu Dog said, very practically.
Lao Shi probably would have said the same thing, about any other eighteen year old couple, in any other circumstance.
Jake eyed his grandfather, waiting for the agreement with Fu and for Gramps to try him scare him off of Rose, again.
“Not soon, probably,” Jake added, when the silence became too much for him. “But eventually, you know, when we get to an age where that’s normal. ‘Cause she’s not going anywhere.”
“So long as you wait until after the marriage for the children,” Lao Shi said, looking at his grandchild and feeling the years. It was so hard for him to imagine that Jake was old enough to be talking about these milestones. He remembered when Susan had first brought Jonathan home and how he had felt old all of those decades ago.
Jake was not sharing in his grandfather’s sentimental moment and was, instead, choking on his tongue. “Gramps, I can’t have kids, do you know what kind of father I’d be? God, I still forget to brush my hair some mornings.”
“This is why you’re not ready to get married,” Fu said sarcastically.
Lao Shi admitted that was true but he also admitted, to himself, that Jake was going to be a fantastic father, and he only hoped that he was around to see it.
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you
I had all and then most of you
Jake married Rose when they were only twenty-two.
For most of the world, it was considered quite young, to those who knew the couple, they wondered down inside, what had really taken them so long. Not that it really mattered, in the scheme of it, where there was a Jake, there was a Rose, and where there was a Rose, there was a Jake. Any onlooker could tell that they were both were they were supposed to be when they were sitting next to one another, trading conversations in glances, communicating all the other needed to know in the touch of a hand.
The bride was beautiful, walking down an outdoor aisle in late spring. The flowers seemed to bloom along the ground as her skirts swept by, the breeze adding to the illusion as it gently fluffed her veil and long blonde curls. At the altar, Jake cried the moment he laid eyes on her. He was long past the teenager who would scoff away him emotions because it was masculine or cool to admit that he had them.  When Jake looked at Rose, he could feel the enormity of their life together and all of the years that they were going to have. When Jake looked at Rose, he knew she was the thought he lived and died by. Their hands touched and their vows were said. The first time they kissed as husband and wife, the universe felt the rightfulness of the moment and the sun shone brighter and the grass was greener and as they made their way down the aisle, arms linked together, the flowers even smelled sweeter.
Lao Shi was finally able to dance with the bride when the sun was setting over their garden reception. Rose was absolutely stunning as she took his hands and let him lead and, even though she looked nothing like his late wife, Lao Shi had always thought that she and Rose would have gotten along wonderfully - they had the same spirit and the same fire. They had to, to fall in love and make a life with a dragon.
“Welcome to the family, Rose,” Lao Shi said gravely, though they both knew that she had been considered one of the family for a very long time.
“Does this mean I can call you ‘Gramps’ too now?” she asked, mostly teasing,
But, she had been signing birthday cards and holiday cards along with Jake for years, both of them having immediately moved out of their family homes and into a cramped studio apartment together the moment they had been permitted to. Standing with her now, Lao Shi could visualize her loopy scrawl ‘To Gramps Love Rose and’ with Jake’s chicken scratch at the bottom to prove that Rose hadn’t done it all for him.
“That would make me very happy,” Lao Shi said and was delighted when Rose kissed his cheek.
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Jake and Rose were no strangers to fear, to hardships, to doing the right thing even when it hurt. They had been tested more in the first years of their relationship than most couples were in a lifetime together. They had cried for one another, for themselves, for them as a unit. There were times of despair that would haunt a person but that melted away when they were together. It was right, then, that that they be gifted joy. It was right then, that when Rose confessed to Jake, in the middle of the night as they lay nose to nose, that she wanted a family so large that they couldn’t all fit in one house, Jake had laughed and agreed and taken her into his arms. He, too, wanted little feet along the hardwood floor, a cacophony of little voices crying out ‘DAD! COME WATCH!’ as he walked through the door. He wanted sibling fights and backyard barbeques. He wanted to dance in an embarrassing way at his child’s wedding. He wanted to feel the world move when he heard someone’s very first breath.
Jake and Rose went to the water, taking a picnic basket, and sitting under the stars. It was the Fourth of July and Jake popped open a beer. He offered it to Rose but she gave away nothing when she told him that she wanted something else from the basket. Jake had good-naturedly reached for things, sorting through the snacks and drinks as she replied ‘not that one’ until he pulled out a candy that he hadn’t seen in a very long time - a Baby Bottle Pop. Rose always told the story after laughing because Jake was focused on the retro candy and not why she might have given him that treat in particular. It took him offering a taste of it to her to even ask why she picked it up and, in a dry tone that everyone who had ever met hear could hear, she told him that it was more romantic than handing him a stick she’d peed on. There were no words to describe the joy on Jake’s face when he understood and the fireworks they felt when he kissed her, touching the spot on her bare stomach where their first child would first kick, had nothing to do with the holiday.
Lao Shi heard what, he was sure in his old age and wisdom, was the sanitized, cute version, but only after being invited to family dinner at Jonathan’s and Susan’s house. When the dessert was cleared and Haley couldn’t even complain about her thesis anymore, Jake cleared his throat.
“We have an announcement.”
The last announcement had been their wedding and, as one, he and Fu Dog turned their heads. Lao Shi could already tell, from the beaming look on Jake’s face, what it was going to be, but he still had his breath. He remembered hearing those words from his wife, from his daughter, and now his granddaughter-in-law, and though the years made his very bones hurt, he was grateful to be able to experience it all, and he hoped that he would be able to meet this child. He was not as young as he used to be.
“We’re going to have a baby!” Rose blurted, her cheeks pink and her excitement palpable.
Susan screamed, as Lao Shi knew she would. They were all swept into a family hug, everyone’s voices overlapping one another as people wondered about due dates and genders and when did they find out and was there a story.
“I still think of him as the kid who couldn’t find his tail,” Fu Dog said, his voice watery, because Fu Dog was definitely the more emotional one.
This time, Lao Shi had to agree. So many times over the years had he looked at his grandson and granddaughter and wondered how they had grown up so quickly. Amongst the hubbub, he went to Jake’s side and gently touched his elbow. Immediately, Jake leant down.
“What do you think, Gramps?” he asked. “Boy or girl?”
“I think that I’m very proud of you and that no matter what, they are very lucky to have you as their father.”
Jake took Lao Shi’s hand, the squeeze saying more than words ever could as they looked at one another and shared the moment.
“But when do you find out if it’s a boy or a girl?” Haley asked. “Are you going to find out?”
The moment was broken by Haley’s shrill question.
“Gramps,” Jake said, “You still have to vote: boy or girl?”
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
There was something so stark about waiting rooms. About the possibility and impossibility of it all. Everything and nothing was real, sitting amongst other families in the states of disbelief and their array of questions. There was anxiety when a doctor arrived, relief and terror when they called someone else’s name. It was a place that Jake didn’t know well and he didn’t know what to do now that he was here. He was barely thirty and he had two healthy daughters, sleeping peacefully at his mother’s house, because Rose had stopped him in the middle of the park today to tell him that she was in labour and their first son was going to come. Like with the birth of all children, the world carried on spinning as Cecilia and Julia were taken to their grandmothers. It felt almost like routine now, three children in seven years, with Rose determined to have at least three more in the next seven, as they walked into the hospital. Jake knew how Doctor Jiang would shake their hands. Doctor Jiang’s hands were safe hands. They were the hands that had delivered both daughters, who had held the wand so they could hear the heartbeats of all of their children, who had written down genders to be stuffed into an envelope so that Jake and Rose could be surprised by the colour of the icing when Susan made cupcakes.
It wasn’t right when Rose became light-headed. It wasn’t right when there was blood. It wasn’t right when Doctor Jiang had grasped him arm and explained that they had to take Rose down to surgery and there was a chance that they could only save one of them. Doctor Jiang had said that everyone was going to do everything to make sure that both of them came back to Jake and that their family didn’t have to suffer but Jake appreciated the fact that there were no lies. At the very least, he could start preparing, but he didn’t know how to prepare. He didn’t know what to do. It was all of these words that Jake had spilled over the phone, in the hushed limbo of the waiting room, and Lao Shi had promised to come.
“I couldn’t call anyone else, Gramps,” Jake said, when Lao Shi sat down next to him. “I needed you.”
“You have me,” Lao Shi said, “and it’s going to be all right.”
“Long?” a doctor that was not Doctor Jiang was standing in the doorway. “Family of Rose Long.”
“I can’t breathe.”
Lao Shi took Jake by the elbow and together they walked to the doctor.
“Come with me.”
“I’m her husband,” Jake said as they followed the doctor into a private spot. “I’m ... I’m the father.”
“I’m Doctor Avery. I was the surgeon on Rose’s case and I want to let you know that both Rose and your son survived the surgery.”
Jake fell to his knees.
“But?” Lao Shi asked.
“Your son was full-term and was able to be delivered quickly via C-Section. We have him under watch in the NICU but there is no reason to think, at this time, that he won’t be fine.”
“Thank you,” Jake whispered. “Rose?”
“She’ll be waking up from anesthesia shortly,” Doctor Avery said, “and while we do expect a full recovery, it’s important that you understand that in order to save her life, we had to perform a hysterectomy.”
“But you did save her life?” Jake said.
Nothing else would matter if Rose was not saved. Lao Shi knew that Jake would try. He would try for the community he swore to protect, he would try for his family, and most of all, he would try for his children. Susan hadn’t been nearly as young as Cecilia, Julie, or even Ash were when she had lost her mother, but Lao Shi knew that it had haunted Susan, and he didn’t want that for his great-grandchildren.
“Yes,” Doctor Avery promised, “We saved their lives.”
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
When the tales are told, it was always a normal night that blossomed into something else. It was the most mundane of times when lives were changed and it was always hoped to be for the better or, even best yet, that life was left alone. Perhaps it was just a flash of lightning. If it was not a flash of lightning, perhaps it was a symbol, not an omen. The torrents of rain didn’t have to be foreboding - it could just be weather. The crash of thunder didn’t have to be a catalyst for fear, but, rather, a reason to stay up late with two daughters and bring them cocoa. It was what Jake did when the sky became grey and the storm started rolling in. Rose had just been allowed home and she was propped up in bed, Cecilia and Julia on either side of her, although being careful. They had been warned so many times that Mommy was sick and it was heartwarming, they way they would take turns kissing Rose’s temples and telling her they were ‘Feel better wishes!’. Ash was sleeping in a small cot in the corner of Jake’s and Rose’s room and once his daughters had their cocoa and Jake had checked on Rose, Jake watched his son. Ash was the only one who looked like Jake. Julia looked like a better blend of Jake and Rose, whereas Cecilia was her mother, through and through. Jake didn’t think it fair that he wasn’t there for Ash’s first breath, for the cutting of the cord, for the placing of the baby on Rose’s bare chest, where they would kiss over his little head. It was what had been done for all for his daughters and it was overwhelming that, despite all of their plans, it wouldn’t happen again. Jake watched Rose help Julia with her mug and it didn’t matter. They would adopt. They would have a surrogate. They would foster until their hair was grey and their joints gave out, just to have the house filled with children’s laughter in the way they had dreamt.
The thunder roared; the window panes shook. Cecilia whimpered.
“It’s okay,” Jake told her. “It’s okay.”
It was still okay when Julia went up to bed. It was okay when Ash was taken from the little bed in his parents’ room to his nursery next door. It was still okay when Cecilia refused to go to bed, wanting to stay up a little longer.
“Just one more story, Mommy,” she begged. She begged like she knew, but but no one else did.
“It’s late,” Rose said, “and Dad says off to bed and we have to listen to Dad, right?”
“Yeah,” Cecilia said, but she was reluctant about it.
Jake swung Cecilia up in his arms. “Come on, tell Mom you love her.”
“I love you, Mommy!”
Jake bowed Cecilia down so that Rose could give her a goodnight kiss and then he swung her up, up so high it felt like her feet were going to touch the Cecilia.
“I love you too, Daddy.”
“I love you,” both of her parents had said.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Those were the words that Cecilia repeated to herself ever after. The last words she had ever said to them, that they had ever traded back, on the last night when thunder was thunder and lightning was lightning for her, for her family. But, not for the world. For the world, at the time she was hiding with her siblings, teaching a five year old how to convince a one week old to suck on her finger so he wouldn’t cry, at the time she was sneaking down the stairs, wondering what the word ‘fuck’ meant but not realizing the depth of it until decades later, at the time the her little fingers and the soles of her tiny feet were covered in blood as she reached for the phone, at that time, for the world, it was just a storm.
Lao Shi had been on the way back from an artifact trade show when the storm hit. His wings were not as good in the torrential downpour as they once might have been. He pushed himself harder than he had in many years because he didn’t want to be here when the lightning struck, when the skies became dangerous. His little apartment was light brightly and was warm, Fu holding down the fort as he yapped on the phone to a little Pomeranian from British Columbia. Lao Shi shook out his dragon wings in the kitchen, splashing rain water everywhere. At the time his phone rang, he almost didn’t answer it.
“Gramps, you have to come. And you have to call Aunt Haley, because the other kids are hiding and she needs to get them so they don’t see.”
“Cecilia?” Lao Shi asked.
At the time, it was eleven at night.
“Gramps, you have to come. It’s scary and I need you. I didn’t know who else to call. Please.”
“Cecilia, let me talk to Mom or Dad, okay?”
“I can’t,” Cecilia said, with a child’s frankness that would chill the world forever after. “They’re dead.”
Oh, take me back to the night we met
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Sometimes, the simplest things become the worst things. A phone call to a granddaughter. A dragon taking flight. A doorknob, in the middle of the night.
Lao Shi sent Haley into the nursery room. Ash and Julia were there, crying as Haley scooped them into her scaly arms and rushing them to Susan’s. Lao Shi hadn’t the heart to tell Haley of the phone conversation. He hadn’t the will to speak it, lest it make it true. He had said there was an emergency. That he needed to get Cecilia and Haley had to get her niece and nephew and guard them until Lao Shi called. Haley hadn’t understood but, for perhaps the very first time in her life, she knew enough not to ask questions.
Lao Shi had left it to himself to open the front door and pull Cecilia into his chest. She didn’t cry as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her long blonde hair looking like behead, her blue eyes dazed, her hands bright red. Lao Shi hid her face in his dragon’s shoulder as he darted into the living room, where there was Jake. Jake, bloodied, eyes at the ceiling, one hand a dragon’s claw, killed before he could transform. Rose, at the entrance to the hallway, blocking the way to the children’s room, her stitches pulled and a bullet wound in her forehead.
Lao Shi could never prove what happened. The police could never solve it. He knew, deep down, that it was not magical. He had asked Cecilia once, and only once, and she had said that the door had opened and Daddy, who had been carrying her up the stairs, had put her down. He had told her to go to her room but she hadn’t. She had been scared of the lightning and was waiting for him to come back. Until she heard him say “what the fuck”. It was such a bad sounding word that it had made her scared and her parents had always told her that when it was an emergency, when she was that scared, that she should go into Ash’s room, to the body of the hippo, where a secret door was hidden, where they would go and stay safe, until Mom and Dad came to get them. Cecilia hadn’t thought it was an emergency, not that kind, until the thunder was inside of her house. When the thunder was in the house and Mommy was screaming Daddy’s real name, Cecilia went to Julia. Julia was sleeping under her Care Bear comforter, the blankets pulled all the way up to her nose, when Cecilia took her hand. Cecila had to pull the sides of the crib down to get Ash. She was very, very, very, careful with Ash, she was sure to tell Lao Shi, because Mommy and Daddy had already told her so many times with Julia, how to be careful with a little baby’s neck. She didn’t hear her mother scream that night but in the nightmares that came in the years after, she would swear that she did.
It was an unfairness in the universe, an unbalance that could never be rightened. In a world where everything was just and people got what they deserve, a villain who gave herself to a hero, a hero who sacrificed his love for her happiness, would find the world bright when they came back together. A besotted man who proposed on her twentieth birthday when they were out for ice-cream cones who find himself growing old with the love of his life. A blushing bride who enjoyed the day but was thinking of the future and her grandchildren would get to meet them. In a world where everything was right, two people who did everything they could to do everything right, would meet the world that they deserve.
They would meet their ends in old age rather than a startle of blood.
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
“Gramps? Gramps?”
Lao Shi was startled back to the present, thinking that in the darkness, he could see it all happening at once. He could see himself attending Rose’s and Jake’s wedding at the same time that he could see himself attending Rose’s and Jake’s funeral. He could see his grandson at the age of fourteen with the blush of first love on his cheeks never dreaming that the blush of his first love would be the blush of his last love.
“Cecilia,” Lao Shi said.
Together, they turned and watched. Ash was sleeping against Fu’s stomach and Julia was nearly there herself. With the company around them, the storm didn’t hold any fears. For them, thunder was allowed to be thunder and lightning was allowed to be lightning. There was no worry that when they left the bedroom, there would be blood on the stairs, brain on the area rug that was a wedding gift. They would grow up asking Cecilia why she moved to a place where there were no hurricanes and asking what their parents sounded like. At ten, all of that seemed very far off, but Lao Shi knew it all happened separately and at once. He wished that he could preserve his family, keep them all in the week where Ash was born, when the puzzle fit together, and everything made sense.
“I miss them.” She would eventually be the only one who held onto true pieces of them, the only one who could pass down real memories. One day, none of that would matter either but, for a very, very long time, that would matter very much.
“I miss them too,” Lao Shi said, because, sometimes, the simplest words were the ones that were needed.
Haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met
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ok, seeing as i was going through my saved audios on tiktok one did give me an idea about Donna and Hibiscus but i needed someone for Donna to save(?) so i figured oh hey, younger sibling, and then i made three of them because another audio gave me aNOTHER idea
so anyway, these are Iris (he/him), Hollyhock (they/she), and White Carnation (WC [''Wick] for short, she/her)
im gonna talk more about them under the cut :) [tw for mentioned child/animal(?) death (which is faked), child abuse/neglect, and general Wolfsbane assholery]
so! hi :) these three are still kind of wips (especially WC) and tbh they're still semi hypothetical? seeing as these guys have always been my silly little stress free world building w/e thing w/o much of a story, I've always kinda played with what was canon and such, so most things can change at a drop of a hat (keep that in mind with most of this lol, especially pertaining to WC cuz she'd bring a lot more ''plot'' if i went through with what originally inspired her.)
lets start with Iris. he was the second oldest and the only one to out of these three to have actually been living in their home at the same time as belladonna. (she left by the time hollyhock was born) Iris for a while was Wolf's favorite just because he was mostly what he wanted in a son anyway. he wasn't treated as poorly as his sibling growing up and always had a kind of tense relationship with his dad because of that, though that tension was always one sided.
currently, hes engaged to a very sweet unicorn who is unnamed atm, and mostly out of the family home by now. (he still frequently visits because of his mom and siblings tho) not a whole lot to say about him! hes a guy :) cool dude. i like him, hes got good grounds with Holly, Hibiscus, WC, and was always close with Bella.
oh yeah did i mention that Bella is agender? shes agender and refered to as these guy's sibling :) (still uses she/her pronouns tho)
Now Hollyhock is a lot of fun. when Bella was born her father named her Yellow Carnation, meaning disdain, disappointment, and rejection. seeing as plenty of flowers have different meanings based on colors, sometimes parents will include the colors in their names to make sure its the right meaning conveyed. its an extra step that some leave out if its seen as unimportant, but of course Wolf is a dick and wanted his point to get across, so he gave her a shitty name. she changed it right before she left. (after that, Hibiscus and him had an agreement where they're name every other kid, so the next one Hibiscus got to name. she chose Iris, meaning hope, valor, wisdom, faith and trust. all good things :))
when Holly was born, they were basically exactly what bella never was for Wolfsbane. he wanted any daughter he had to look like her mother, and thats pretty much exactly what Holly looked like. He named her Jasmine, meaning either sweet love and amiability, or grace and elegance, depending on color. one of those flowers you dont have to specify with. like i mentioned before, Bella had left by now.
for a while they didnt even know about her except for the passing comments about her from Iris and Hibiscus. eventually she did start to learn more and put more things together, and basically just got a mind of her own (much to her father's displeasure) and started to despise Wolf for the treatment of the sibling they never got to meet and in rebellion dyed their hair rainbow. they also changed their name to Hollyhock, meaning ambition. Wolf still doesn't call them that. they butt heads a lot.
now WC is a little complicated shes the youngest and can barely even see yet. the original idea was that Bella would somehow get back into contact with her family. Hibiscus saw WC's mane and new that Wolf wouldn't approve, leading to the same treatment that bella got when she was younger. Hibiscus would make a plan for Bella to take WC back home with her and Lacey and would raise her away from their father for a while. in the mean time, Hibiscus would work on finding out how to leave Wolf and go to collect WC and live away from him for good with her kids.
fun fact, WC was named white carnation (meaning innocence, pure love, and good luck) in honor of Bella's deadname. also, i think the excuse that Hibiscus told Wolf about WC's disappearance was that she'd gotten sick and passed. (by now Wolf hadn't seen WC much cuz hes an ass like that, so he bought it and they had a staged funeral.)
i was half tempted to leave bella as an only child, but knowing wolf he'd definitely want to try again. oh and i did mention at one point that genetics wouldn't work in their favour so he probably wouldn't get like, the kids he wanted and all, but going back on that, white is a pretty common coat (note: COAT) color for them, so although pure white is unlikely when paired black and white, its certainly not impossible.
i think thats it? i might make another kid cuz i just noticed that its still weird they got TWO white foals and also all the afab unicorns aside from bella were white coated (which, her coat should've been the norm tbh) so I might squeez in another filly. probably someone in between Holly and Carnation. for now though that was a lot of typing, so that'll probably be tomorrow.
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