#but my camera picked up a lot more light than i could see so i could at least get this photo
jemjestyr · 5 months
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mostly-imagines · 3 months
Things About My Jason
aka things that might weasel their way into details of stories one day, might not
your boy is clocking in at six feet three inches and about 235 lbs (he’s the only batkid to be taller than bruce). 
he cusses a lot it, usually doesn’t correlate w anger or intensity its just how he expresses himself. he’ll cuss at you sometimes but not at you and he tries his best to never do it out of anger.
he’s never said it out loud but he would drop all the vigilante shit for you in a heartbeat if you wanted him to (i think he’s also the only batfam member who would do that).
you have an agreement in place to never make any big decisions in the middle of the night/post patrol—this came into place after a few too many bad nights had him coming home shaking and panicked about your safety and convinced he needed to leave you alone for good. 
he kind of zones out sometimes, its bordering on dissociation.
you have a black cat, salem, that’s been around since before you and jason had even met. his yellow eyes pierce you in a way that feels like he’s glaring straight into your soul and judging what he sees. he was suspicious of jason for a while but over time has come to love and protect jason almost as much as you.
he has a lot of nervous habits that have built up over years of stress and trauma. he’ll often double or even triple check locks and cameras. his hand tends to go to where his gun holster would be, regardless of whether or not its there. he’s very conscious of your breathing, especially when you’re asleep, and when he’s stressed or upset he’ll try to align his breathing with yours. he worries that you might get annoyed with how often he checks up on you, be it asking directly, texting you, or just looking you over to make sure you’re doing okay, that you’re happy. he’s also made a habit of standing directly behind you when you’re wearing anything short, especially skirts or dresses. You’re not entirely sure if it’s intentional or not.
day to day, he runs on very little sleep naturally so he’s awake early goes to bed late. he used to not focus much on making meals that actually taste good and have thought put into them until he started dating you. he started catering his grocery trips specifically with you in mind and the things you might like. he actually prefers going on grocery trips and little mundane errands with you bc he had no idea that these tiny aspects of life could bring him so much joy and peace. he also buys you new towels and updates your first aid kit constantly, though the latter is more out of his necessity than yours. depending on his mood, he’ll usually either take scalding hot or freezing showers. 
he’s 100% down to let you decorate the apartment however you want, even if you move into his place. his only ask is that he’s left with space to put his books (of which ne needs plenty). if he had to choose, he probably likes a warm atmosphere best, in terms of like lighting and colors. he’s really just not a fan of anything that feels cold or impersonal like the manor can sometimes seem. other than that he doesn’t really have opinions on it, whatever makes you happy he’ll like. but he’ll still happily go shopping with you to find stuff. but really that’ll just look like you saying “ooh look at this” and him saying “great, lets get it” at every single thing you pick up. 
there are unloaded guns and ammo hidden around your apartment and also stocked generously in a closet or two. he cleans them regularly, you think he does it partially as a kind of stress reliever. before you he didn’t have too much regard for his own safety, so he would sleep with one under his pillow. 
he does everything he can to keep you safe and he’ll insist on adding extra locks to the doors and windows, ones the landlord wont have keys to. yeah he’s paranoid so he’ll keep the bed as far from the door as possible and is unrelenting in his insistence that you sleep on the wall side. if you’re too tired to move, that’s okay, he’ll gently move you over himself. honestly though, your apartment is just as secure, if not more, than any of his safe houses. as such, he absolutely can and will easily hack into the lobby security cameras to check up on things. if he has to go away for a while he’ll send one of his siblings to stop by to check on you and make sure you're okay. 
he prefers to wear layers, it makes him feel more secure and comfortable. he does like cutoff sleeves sometimes but only because you like them on him. aside from that, he’s usually not such a fan of showing much skin because of a) his scars and b) he feels exposed to attacks. he has so many long sleeved and warm clothes in his closet that he heavily encourages you to bundle up in some of them when its cold. 
he goes through phases of bad sleep and they can vary greatly in severity. there’s nights he just physically cannot sleep and this usually originates from intense anxiety. these are easier to ease him back from and some simple comforting will be enough to get him to at least try to sleep. most commonly its the nightmares that make it hard for him. it’ll usually be a one-off that he just can’t fall back asleep afterwards. the worst is when he goes through phases of frequent nightmares, like every night, multiple times a night. when that happens, he will do everything in his power to stay awake for as long as he can. you’ve yet to find any techniques that hands down prevent or even slow the nightmares, but you’ve been able to find some remedial measures that work pretty well.
kissing him helps get his mind off scary thoughts (but not joker related) but not just like single peck it’s got to be a whole session to really work. the one that works best is having a hand on one of your pulse points while you sleep, or directly over your heart. unfortunately this did lead to him to accidentally choking you after a particularly bad nightmare. he was absolutely horrified and removed his hands from you completely the second he gained recognition. he actually fully got out of bed and backed away from you. he wouldn’t even hear you out about him not sleeping on the couch and continued to not budge on it for over a week. 
him punishing himself like that made you feel extra bad because that had occurred during a round of the relentless nightmares and you were sure he was still waking up panicked constantly without you there to help soothe him. you actually know for a fact he was because every couple of hours the bedroom door would creak open slightly before shutting again like he was checking to make sure you were there and okay. you ended up having to literally lay on top of him on the couch and refuse to leave him for him to agree to sleep in bed with you again, although he was still not willing to fall asleep with his hands on you for a while. 
he always needs it to be quiet when he goes to sleep so he can stay on alert which usually leads to him waking up to the littlest sounds, which is technically the point. if there’s any kind of white noise he’ll force himself to stay awake. if he does get woken up he’ll go from 0 to 100 like that. he also needs the door to be shut, non negotiable, and really prefers the apartment to be colder > hotter. it also helps that you’ll cuddle into him for warmth.
all of these things are things he did before you met, but he’d also developed some new habits after you got together. he used to sleep in the middle of the bed but now he absolutely insists that you sleep on the wall side so he can act as a protective barrier between you and any incoming danger. unless its after a rough patrol, he tends to wait to sleep until after you’ve fallen asleep. he doesn’t really have a reason for this, it just makes him feel better.
his relationship with bruce is complicated, of course. in my canon, the extent of it is that bruce didn’t kill the joker, prevented jason from doing it, and has made many attempts to stop jason from killing at all. obviously it’s not the fact that batman won’t let anybody die that broke jason’s heart, it’s that his father couldn’t let go of his moral code for a second and avenge his murdered son. the resulting anger stems from so much sadness and grief over his own death and it caused him to isolate himself even further from bruce. on a conscious level, he wanted to be far away from him emotionally as possible to protect himself while still enacting his own kind of revenge towards bruce. and so yeah, he did try to kill batman a couple times, whatever.
on an unconscious level, he’d hoped that bruce would take the initiative to try to close the space between them and apologize, and while jason didn’t know it yet: that was all he really wanted from him. inwardly, he still cares what bruce thinks and wants his approval and affection but its so conflicting for him. it also doesn’t help that it took bruce such a long time to swallow his pride and even consider that he was wrong before he could apologize. a lot of negotiations had to take place before they could even begin to really reconcile. 
about a year later they’d come to a steady, solid agreement that mostly worked for both of them. jason was allowed to kill, but only within his territory in gotham and only under agreed upon circumstances. there’s also a separate rule that jason’s not allowed out on patrol when the joker is loose—it used to be a whole thing before you’d met and oftentimes several bats were assigned to keep him away. even with these guidelines in place, things were still rocky between them and jason had only just started to come back around the manor when he’d met you. honestly you and bruce meeting was a major step in this process and everyone could feel the shift.
his relationship with his brothers is different, but just as complicated. he kind of views dick as being perfect in spite of also acknowledging his flaws. in his head, its sort of like, in comparison to himself, dick had the perfect life with perfect versions of all the same pitfalls jason had to go through. he knows its not really fair to think of it this way, but it’s hard sometimes. all in all though, he does look up to dick a lot. 
with tim, he thinks he’s a crazy rich kid—which, fair—but also in a weird way holds a lot of respect for tim for not being afraid of him. realistically, the way jason showed back up and his relationship  with tim started is insane, so its even more insane that tim was like ‘yeah, chill’ and that probably jump started their bond as brothers more than anything. 
for as much shit as he gives him, he honestly feels really bad for damian and all the shit he was raised believing. he couldn’t quite explain why, but he does see a lot of himself in damian, even past the surface level anger. 
he’s not good at resolving fights, his mind tends to jump to the absolute worst and he assumes you’re done with him, you resent him, it’s all over. it was really bad at the beginning of your relationship when he hadn’t even begun to consider that you love him half as much as he loves you. now, you’ve been able to help him understand that you still love him, even when you fight, and fighting does not equal breaking up. however, he still has trouble taking initiative in making amends. not because he doesn’t want to but more so because he feels vulnerable in ways that terrify him, having to acknowledge and speak into existence that he’d done something wrong feels like setting himself up to be exposed with no defense. 
another part of him feels like he already hurt you and if he tries to remedy things with you, he could just make it worse. So for a while at least, you’ll have to be the one to start the conversation, though not necessarily meaning you have to apologize first. 
as we know, Jason’s not immune to bouts of fear and stress. there’s times when he panics and there’s times when he has full blown panic attacks. the panic attacks are rarer, but much more severe. he’s known to lash out (especially when he’s not at your apartment) and has definitely broken a nose or two of people who got too close/tried to touch him. you’re not sure if it’s an intentional action or not, but he tends to claw at his skin or hit himself in the head when he’s very upset. after going through a couple of these with him, you’ve compiled a thorough list of DOs and DONTs for these times. DONT hold his wrists, move suddenly, touch him without warning, or corner him. DO keep your touches light, words soft, rooms vacant of other people, and loud noises. slowly but surely they’re getting less severe and overcome quicker.
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vaaaaaiolet · 23 days
You accidentally throw a monkey wrench into supermodel Leon's Calvin Klein photoshoot, but you can't sweet-talk your way out of this one. Kennedy's got your tongue and your panties in a bunch.
Better hope you've got a fix up your sleeve.
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f / m, slight nsfw, you just thirst over leon + you're REALLY awkward, fluff + romance, stupid one-liner attempts at humor + hunnigan mention!! I GIVE MYSELF THE ICK.
word count: 913 // read on ao3
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a/n: @chesue00 made this GODLY ART. and i RAN INTO PEOPLE in PUBLIC looking at it because it got me so dizzy. i don't know what to DO WITH MYSELF 😭
find more drabbles in my collection: sketches for my sweetheart the drunk!
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You’d passed all your English classes in college, but right now? It’d be a hell of a lot more useful to have taken a few in sign language.
“What’s wrong with her?” 
The camera crew’s never been able to perfect the art of the whisper. 
“Did she lose her voice or something?”
You fumble with the reflectors for the millionth time, bright material projecting your flushed face to high heaven on all three of the cameras’ viewfinders. 
There’s a really unfunny joke that starts like this: a photography intern walks into a bar.
Said bar happens to be supermodel Leon S. Kennedy’s back because you weren’t watching where you were going on the biggest day of your career, a Kennedy x Klein collab shoot starring the man you’d only been crushing on for, what, ever since you picked up your first fashion magazine? You’d left a sizeable smear of makeup on the pristine white of his T-shirt as a parting gift, and after that, you’d lost your ability to form words in shame. Mortifying, paralyzing shame.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
And as if in agreement, Leon’s agent bristles on the break couch behind you. 
He’s still in that stained shirt, by the way. Sipping thoughtfully from a bottle of water while his agent sounds off beside him, but the only thing on your mind is what you’d give to be on his drink’s business end. Condensation drips onto the coffee table when Leon sets it down, drop by tantalizing drop sliding down his fingers, ice melting in his palm that’s just big enough to grab a plush handful of your- 
His agent tears through your daydream, madder than a wet hen. ”There’s no time to order an exact replacement!”
“It’s just a shirt,” Leon chuckles, and you hear rolling thunder on the horizon. You’ve got it bad.
“It very clearly states in the Kennedy x Klein contract that we need a picture of you in a white T-shirt.”
“A tiny bit of lip gloss-” 
“An obvious stain!” the spectacled woman squawks. 
“Stain, whatever – just stop freaking that poor girl out, yeah?” 
Your ears perk up rabbit-style.
“Look at her, Ingrid,” Leon continues, and every cell of your body lights on fire because he has to be training his gunmetal eyes on right on you. “Poor thing hasn’t said a word since you started going off about that tiny mark. Turn around, sweetheart, just a moment.”
Who put your feet on a turntable? 
“See? Eyes bigger than the goddamn moon.”
And you just might faint, too. But you’ve got to fix this before you do. 
“Uhm, we…we could…” he nods when you stutter, patient as a saint, he’d talk you through it for sure, “take…the shirt…off?” 
A tilt of his handsome head. “Come again?”
You need to put your money where your mouth is. Even if the latter’s on strike right now. Pointing your chin back towards the set, you jerk your head for him to follow. Leon’s agent pinches the bridge of her nose, mumbling something about leaps of faith from chandeliers and not again, but the man in the stained shirt couldn’t seem to care less. His eyes gleam.
“Hands-on, then.” Leon cracks a grin, rising to his feet. “I’m all yours.” 
Leon is desire painted monochrome.
You nearly throw yourself over the table at the back of the shoot the minute Leon pops up on your monitor. The printer spits out picture after picture that couldn’t be safe for work in your wildest dreams, but here you are, getting paid to take softcore of Calvin Klein’s newest poster boy, and your jaw is about to make friends with the floor.  
You didn’t know eyes could talk before Leon Kennedy. 
In one shot, he’s gazing at you from the glossed page, bedroom blues sizing you up. He’s daring you. Drag your eyes down the page. Go on.
And oh, if the the journey doesn’t reveal the ridged muscles lining Leon’s stomach as he reaches to shuck the shirt off his shoulders. The stain is a forgotten memory replaced by a new one burned into your brain for the rest of eternity, and you’re not the talking about the cologne. You’re staring at the patterned Calvin Klein waistband of his boxers. Slung dangerously low over his hips, begging to be relieved of their duty, so close you could pull them off with your teeth. 
“Any closer and you’re gonna lick the page, doll.” 
And mess up his pretty face? You wouldn’t dream of it.
Leon laughs when you go ramrod straight. “Seriously. You did amazing with that shirt-pulling save,” he says. “I know it’s a little intimidating to work with Ingrid and my team, but you handled it like a champ.” 
He tugs the photo out from under your fingers, uncapping a nearby pen to scribble something onto its backside. His tongue pokes out when he writes. He’s the cutest Adonis you’ve ever seen when he hands it back. “I knew you could,” he adds.
And then all too soon, just as your own tongue regains feeling, Leon leaves amidst the flurry of post-production. Leaves is the polite way to put it; his agent practically hauls him out by the collar by the time you muster up the courage to wave goodbye. 
Really? After everything’s all done? 
Well, almost. You flip the photo to read his note.
Pretty eyes, pretty mouth too. Put that second one to use next time? :)
They do say practice makes perfect.
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click for my full drabble collection, and find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months
"A tour of my room :)"
"Is it on? The red light is flashing so..... Hi! It's so nice to meet you whoever you are... My name is Y/n and..... This is my room! Red gave me permission to record this video after they told me what a camera is. My head still hurts a little from all the crying I had to do to convince them to let me keep this- but I'm okay! What should I show you first?....hm...."
You take a quick look of your surroundings - the hollow ping of metal hitting the poles of your bed catching your ear, steering your gaze towards your weighted wrists.
"My bracelets! Red gave them to me my first night home. The leash is to make sure I don't wander off. I used to do that a lot actually. It's long enough I can comfortably walk around the kitchen, the bathroom, and Red's room. Those are pretty much all the places I need to go. If I pull my bed away from the wall, I can almost touch the front-"
Knock- knock- knock-
Only three... Not them....
"Moving on! As you can see under me, this is my bed. I don't use it much since Red likes when I sleep with them. If you look really close riiight there - you can see Red carved our names into the headboard. They've carved our named into a lot of things we own. I think it's their favorite hobby."
You point upwards at your caretaker's beautiful craftsmanship. Heavy pounds channels through the walls - the frame of your bed imitating the knocks at the front door as it taps your bedroom wall in an that dreaded sound-
Knock, knock, knock-
"Over here is my dresser, where I keep most of my things."
Sliding off the edge of the bed, you recenter your new camera towards your dresser. You knew Red cleaned while you were asleep so there wasn't much on top of the furniture besides a stuffed fox they gifted you your first night home, and a spool of wool rendered useless due to sharp tears in the fabric. There were some picture frames as well, but those were more for Red than anything. The less you had to see your face the better
"I really wanted to try knitting like Red does, but my claws always tear the wool. Next to that is Mr. Rabbit. Red said they got him when they were little and it helped them feel less scared - so they gave it to me to make me free better. I don't want to hurt him so he sleeps here. Above my dresser is the list of rules Red has for me. It's really short - because they said I'm a good person. Red is still teaching me how to read, but i still remember what they told me-"
You pick up the camera, angling it up at the tapestry as you speak
"No eating on the couch-"
"Clean your teeth after every meal."
"Ignore any voices that are not Red's."
"The only time you're allowed to enter the basement is if your teeth start to feel itchy."
"And lastly.... Do not open the front door unless you hear the special knock we created together."
The last one is easy to follow.
"Help! Please, somebody- help! My boyfriend is hurt, I can't stop the bleeding. We were attacked some maniac in this... fucked up mask. Please - open the fucking door!"
You walk to the opposite side of the room, facing away from the window.
"Red.... Red doesn't let me do a lot of things. They were so mad at me when they found me cleaning the storage closet, but their mood changed so fast when they saw I found this... They said it's a music player. I like when they play music from their phone. They said when I'm too scared to watch t.v in the living room to drown out the noises I can just play one of these these...re....reco...."
"Go away!"
Go away, go away- Why can't they just leave you alone. Why can't they understand it's better this way? Whatever Red will do.... It's better than..... Red. Where's Red? Why aren't they home yet? You're scared. Scared of what you'll do. Where is Red? Red - Red, please come home. I'm so hungry.
Dinner... Dinner is right outside, but you're a good person - just like they said. You'll wait for Red. They'll probably be home at any second - cries that loud could be heard for miles in a place like this. You just have to wait.
"I.....I guess I just put the record in here, then. Red is gonna be so proud of me for doing this by myself. Thank you for everything you do for me, Red..... I hope you all liked my tour!"
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simp-ly-writes · 15 days
What Would You Do?
─────── · · A The Comment Section (spin-off / pt.4.5)
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Pairing: Spencer Agnew x gn!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: In this standalone part, everyone finds out how Spencer seems to know you better than you know yourself and the comments go wild over it. It's still recommended that you read the series for the full effect.
─ · · TAGS: standalone, gender-neutral pronouns, social media au, attempt at comedy, light swearing, fluff, mutual pinning.
─ · · A/N: thank you so much to the wonderful @sserendiipiity for this idea and sorry it took so long to write this! All original images belong to their owners, my work is my own. Asks are open for Smosh!
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Being in front of such a small crew was refreshing besides the hundreds of workers you were starting to get used to for your up-and-coming movie entrance. Still to this day, you didn't know how you landed such a part with all of your acting history coming from youtube but nevertheless as Courtney called you all to take your positions; a newfound anxiety found its way into your mind. This episode was solemnly focused on you and how well your fellow cast members and friends knew you.
Soon the heat of a thousand LEDs made you start to sweat as you smiled at the camera and introduced this weeks episode, "Hey guys, welcome to what would (name) do. And here today I am with my friends Trevor, Amanda, and of course, Spencer. Yes, we have been reading your comments everyone-"
The crew in the background began to laugh as Spencer shook his head with a small smile, foot taping yours from underneath the table as you waited for everyone to finish. "-and Spencer and I will be going back to our regularly scheduled content together. But thats besides the point! I am going to be reading these question cards that I totally wrote and your goal is to guess my answer. So if I said, 'Who do you think if the last person I messaged?" You all would answer..."
Putting the cards down quickly and going for your phone, you rolled your eyes at yourself for seeing who, as always was at the top of your history. Head now in your hands- knowing how quickly the fans would clip this next moment. Courtney began to count down behind the camera, voice trying to hide her giggles as everyone knew the answer right away.
Picking yourself up and trying not to make eye contact with anyone at the table, Courtney didn't even get a chance to hit one as both Trevor and Amanda have already flipped over their boards, arrowheads pointing towards Spencer with large grins strapped across their faces.
"And why do you think its you Spencer" you ask, not even having to look to look as you stare into the camera with a straight face. "Because we are each others conscious?" Spencer answers matter-of-factly, the smile he sends you breaks your character as you announce one point each before moving on to the next question.
"Okay, If I could learn any skill and be super good at it, what would it be?" You take a second after reading the card, unsure of your own answer as you look around the room for any ideas. Peering down the table, everyone seems to be writing a lot as you tap your marker lid against the table. Courtney begins to count down once more as Trevor rapidly erases his answer and writes down a new one as you raise your brow curiously before marking down your own.
"Let's see these answers, because I am unsure myself."
Trevor goes first out of the line, "I had a few ideas but I think I remember talking to you about being a better driver... that or being a quicker reader."
"I completely forgot about that- I would agree, being able to read and remember scripts super quickly would be awesome. Let's see what everyone else wrote down though, Spencer?"
"Well I said that you want to learn everything about music. I know that you always have wanted for some groups to make one more album or for others to pick up their sound. But what if you could make your own music just how you want it to sound?"
"Fuuucckkk, thats so good!" you moan out, trying to imagine everything you could make before your eyes flash back open in horror. You clasp your hands over your mouth before throwing your head back laughing as Spencer shoves your shoulder, "Not in front of the cameras!" He points dramatically at every single one as you grip his shoulder trying to calm yourself as he two joins your laughter.
Amanda had erased her answer by the time you two caught your breaths as Courtney asked off-camera why. "This game is what you kids would say, rigged. Like what am I going to say thats topping thing one and thing two here? But I was going to say skateboarding," Amanda responds in a lighthearted tone.
"Skateboarding?" Trevor asks, eyebrow raised as you nod your head, curious to learn the answer. "I don't know! I just thought it would be something cool that you would like to be really skilled at."
"I mean... it would be pretty cool. I could be all Tony Hawk Skate Park all around the office," you voice, picturing a future video idea before giving points out to Spencer.
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The video continues as expected, your fellow cast mates mocking annoyance and play-fighting amongst one another as Spencer nails question after question, often answering better than the answers you come up with for yourself about yourself.
At some point, Amanda and Trevor had tackled Spencer to the ground, begging him for answers as he held his hands, glasses askew as you sat and watched from your chair, tears stringing down your face as you hunched over, your stomach hurting from laughing so much as Courtney yelled for break, you all taking your fourty minutes to grab drinks and snacks at the cart.
"You do know how crazy the comments are going to be underneath the video, "OMG I ALWAYS KNEW SPENCER AND (NAME) WERE MARRIED'" Amanda mocks in an obnoxious girly tone as you shake your head, knowing her words to be all true true as Spencer leans down and steals a bite from for sandwich. You glare playfully at him as he turns around chewing, going to find Alex to ask how the other shoots are going back at Smosh Games.
"Well, its better than the hate. I thought I was actually going to get fired or killed if we didn't release that video soon enough," you respond a bit tensely as Trevor flicked your forehead. "Hey, none of that, (name). We all would've made sure it never came down to that."
Amanda nods in agreement as Spencer rejoins you both. He places his chin on your shoulder, asking you quietly, "How're you doing?"
"Better," you respond with a small smile, taking in his equally tired expression as you ask him the same question. He hums out positively before leading you both back in front of the camera.
As soon the red dot starts to flicker in your face once more and before you can finish the question, Amanda had already stood up, chair screeching against the floors as the table shook from her enthusiasm as she screamed out her answer. "Describe what you think I would wear tomorrow-"
"SOMETHING OF SPENCERS AND JEANS, where are my points?! Take THAT SPENCER!" Amanda dances for the camera, fingers flipping the man off as you hide behind the board, giving her the point as no one else bothers to answer.
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"And for our second to last question today..." you all were starting to grow loopy. After a full day of shoot after shoot, you all started screaming out random things at one another, sometimes without context and the outline of a gameshow had gradually turned into a shouting fest. "...Fuck, Marry, Kill-"
"SPENCER, SPENCER, SPENCER," Alex shouted from off-camera, chest raised proud of his throw-back answer to an earlier episode as Amanda wheezed out, Trevor throwing his board for the bit, "that was going to be my answer too!"
Spencer's ears had flared bright red as he started off into the distance. You hide your face in your hands once more, shoulders rising and falling with silent laughs before managing to read the rest of the actual question left.
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By the end of the shoot, Spencer had one as he raised your hands together cheering before taking a bow to the crew and then the camera. "Well, to no one's surprise, Spencer won todays episode but I have to say, you all surprised me with your answers. It feels so good to know I have all of you as my friends. And to all of those watching at home, be sure to check back in the next few days to find the new content we have cooking up. Bye!" You all wave towards the camera's before the screen shuts of to black.
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A few weeks later...
🔔 Smosh Pit just posted! watch now?
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What Would (name) Do?
Smosh Pit ✓ [Subscribed] Like 132k | Dislike | ... 8.29M subscribers 430k views 1 day ago you'll never guess who wins this episode! click to read more
username01 1 day ago The team was COOKING on this video. username11 1 day ago Well, this is one way to shut us all up and goddam it I'll take it all! username44 1 day ago Anyone else had to pause this video multiple times to look at the camera in their room and scream BC this was TOO much for little ol'me to handle. username13 12 hours ago "You'll never guess who wins," - yeah right. ▼ 50 replies ↳ username88 4 hours ago IKR? The bigger shock would have been if Spencer was banned from participating hahaha. ↳ username20 12 hours ago Kinda feel like he should've been. I mean the cast was taking it great but it must get kinda annoying how he knows every answer. Some even seemed like (name) didn't even know themselves! ↳ username54 30 minutes ago This is concrete evidence to the (yourshipname) case, these two idiots belong together. username73 12 hours ago I am salivating over all of the edits I know will come from this video. Where is @ (yourshipname)updates when you need them? ▼ 1 reply ↳ (yourshipname)updates ✓ 10 hours ago I am here and am happily overworked! We are eating good folks! username52 30 minutes ago Trevor and Amanda pinning Spencer to the ground with (name) cry-laughing in the background was not a meme format I thought I needed. I can't wait for the next Who Meme'd It!! username14 1 day ago "Spencer, Spencer, Spencer" - Alex Tran 2024 username02 just now I honestly thought they would all be quicker to name Spencer as (name)'s lest message. Like whenever they are not actively filming I swear I see them smiling at their phones in the background of videos. username05 23 hours ago (name) and Spencer: try not to fall in love. difficulty? impossible. username66 15 minutes ago Amanda calling the game "rigged" was so good. BC let's all be real here, this was fan service at its finest and i'm not even upset about it. username70 1 day ago The fact that they kept (name)'s: "Fuuucckkk, thats so good!" in is shocking to say the least. These edits about to be straight WILD. username23 14 hours ago There's literally to much to comment about, I am going insane. username80 1 hour ago "SOMETHING OF SPENCERS AND JEANS, where are my points?! Take THAT SPENCER!" Amanda has confirmed what we all believe people, let us all thank her in the comments below \/ ▼ 44 replies ↳ username54 30 minutes ago Yes, thank you dear Amanda!! ↳ username90 30 minutes ago I love confirmation bias. ↳ username54 just now I love how Spencer wasn't even mad. Like bro was damn smug about that fact while (name) was blushing so hard thinking none of us would ever catch on XD
─────── · ·
─ · · A/N: I am kinda obsessing over (name) and Spencer...
─ · · TAGLIST: @lisiliely @missflufffanfics @little-stitious-studios
181 notes · View notes
thebestofoneshots · 4 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.6 K Warnings: ANGST w/ comfort (but also not?) Prompt: At the Potter's. This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely: @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 49: High Hopes
January, 3rd, 1977
“Kids, come eat something before you leave,” Hope called from the dining room. You were just finishing up packing, Remus had borrowed you his wand and you were putting everything in place (including a mild arrangement of his room that had been evidently changed since you got there) and he had also allowed you to gemino some of the pictures he had in his wall. 
You had picked one with the four Marauders, one of 11 year old Remus and Sirius smiling at the camera, one of James and Sirius when they got on the quidditch team, one of Peter working on the map, the one of Sirius you thought was adorable the first time you saw it, one with Lily and Remus doing a presentation and a few others with Sirius and Remus in which you thought they looked adorable or that you could use to tease them later (Hope had given you a few of Rem that were basically gold). 
“Coming,” you said as you grabbed the pictures and started arranging them back onto his wall with a flick of his wand. Thankfully Remus’ wand seemed to like you since every time you used it she would respond and do exactly what you’d intended. “Rem, I’m leaving your wand on the desk,” you said after closing the suitcase and taking it in your hands as you stepped out. 
“Sweetheart, let me help you with that,” Hope said as she saw you walk with your suitcase in hand and was surprised when she pulled on it and it shot upwards pretty fast. You managed to catch it and her before she tripped backwards. “Levitation spell,” you said with an apologetic smile. 
“Sometimes I forget how many useful spells you wizards have for things like this,” she said with a smile and carefully took the suitcase from your hands and sat it in a corner of the room. “Could you add a spell like that to my suitcases, honey?” she asked as she turned to Lyall who nodded in return. “I don’t get why he didn’t tell me about those earlier,” she added as she shook her head. “I’ve got some fruit in the fridge, could you help me get it?” she asked you. 
You nodded and followed, this time the fae had sent her an assortment of tropical fruits, everything from bananas to watermelons and dragonfruit. You weren’t sure how they managed to get such a harvest in the middle of winter, but it probably had to do a lot with fae magic that you didn’t yet understand.
Remus was out of his room with a band shirt and a pair of light-wash jeans. He had one of his jumpers in his hands, but his house was warm enough for him to only wear his shirt and clearly he was confident enough to not wear thousands of layers at home. He didn’t mind if you or his parents saw the scars on his arms, you all knew he was a werewolf, and while he was sometimes self-conscious about you seeing them, you had made it clear –on countless occasions– that you would never be repulsed by them. 
So when you saw him, with his sweater casually crumpled up in his hand, you couldn’t help but smile. Hope was looking at you attentively, and she was even more confident about her initial thoughts now than she had been by everything she’d gotten from the letters, she just hoped Remus would understand the reference she had given him so she wouldn’t have to be blunt about it.
“What are Sex Pistols?” Lyall asked in a judgeful manner as he stared at Remus’ shirt with a frown.
You laughed because that was the exact reaction you expected a wizard to have after seeing the shirt and Hope was the one to answer, “A muggle band, you’ve heard them!” She said and then she started singing “Now I’ve got a reason, now I’ve got a reason…” Lyall seemed as puzzled as before and Hope just sighed in defeat, “He’s truly hopeless.” 
You refrained from making the “Well he has a Hope” pun since it didn’t seem proper to make puns with the names of your friend’s parents. Although, a big part of you thought Hope wouldn’t really mind. 
“I thought you said she was a drummer when she was in a band,” you said, turning to Remus with a gasp. 
“I was,” she said with a shrug. 
“But your singing is fantastic!” 
She smiled. “Someone appreciates it,” she added in an exaggerated tone and walked your way, placed her hands on your back and motioned for you to sit on the table. “Come, darling, you can have all the strawberries left.”
“Mum!” Remus complained. 
“You’ve never told me I sing nice, Beag Gille. Suck it up, as you kids would say.” 
You had to hold back the giggle that threatened to escape your mouth as you sat down next to Hope. She had prepared some toast for jam. Of course, it wouldn’t be just any bread –this was Hope Lupin we were talking about– it was sourdough with dried cranberries and spices. You were going to eat it with butter and jam (that she had made with fae fruit, obviously) and even cream cheese (that one she bought on the muggle market a few miles from the cliffs, she was extra, but she wasn’t that extra). 
Hope really had served all the leftover berries on your plate, and she wouldn’t let you offer them to the boys. “They can eat them whenever they’re here, who knows when you’ll come back,” she explained and told you to ignore their pretty puppy eyes. 
At least you weren’t the only one who thought Remus had pretty puppy eyes. 
You nodded and continued eating, although you slipped two of them under the table in a very muggle magician kind of way, and nudged Remus’ leg with your own. He looked at you confused and you merely nodded downwards as you brought a piece of bread to your mouth. He looked down and instantly noticed your closed fist. 
You nodded again and he pulled his hand down in a casual sort of way, brushing his fingers over your hand to let you know he was there since you were telling Hope something about the floating spell. Eventually, he pulled his palm down underneath your fist and you turned your wrist over to let the berries fall on his hand. He allowed his hand to linger just a little bit more, enjoying the fact that he could touch you, and pulled away eventually. Grinning as he brought a piece of bread with peanut butter to his mouth. 
After breakfast, you waved your goodbyes to Remus’ parents. Lyall gave you a quick friendly hug and told you to take care and stay out of trouble while Hope embraced you for at least a minute, pulling you close to her as she did and squeezing you tightly. 
“Take care, all right? Cailín álainn?” 
You recognised one of those words, It’s what Remus had called you and Sirius once. But why would his mother call you “shit”?
“Álainn?” you asked. 
“My beautiful girl, of course,” she added and pressed a kiss to your hair. 
What did she say? Beautiful girl?!? But wasn’t that–
 “Off you go,” she added after finally separating from the embrace. “To have fun and all of that.” 
“But not too much fun,” Lyall added with an accusing finger directed towards Remus, but Hope was quick enough to push that finger out of the way and sigh at her husband.
“All the fun you want,” she said and took a small box from the mantel and opened it, revealing the very classic green of the floo powder. 
Remus took a handful and you did the same afterwards. “I’ll go first,” he said and threw the powder on the chimney as he said, “Potter’s Manor,” in a very clear voice. 
You were about to do the same when Hope pressed a hand on your shoulder. “You are a very strong woman,” she said as she stared at you directly. “A true hero.” You frowned, ready to refute her when she shook her head. “Take care of my Remus, will you? I know he’ll be taking care of you. You’re very dear to him.”
“Always,” you replied, without family left, your friends had become their equal and you would defend them with all your might if the situation needed it. Something like Christmas could not happen again. You refused to lose any more of your people. 
Hope smiled and pulled you into a quick hug, before turning you around with her hands and pushing you towards the chimney, “All right, Cailín álainn, no stalling, there are handsome men waiting for you on the other side.” You threw the powder into the fire. “Oh, and write me, darling. I want to hear all of your misadventures!” she said as you murmured the words and disappeared into the fireplace. 
Remus was on the other side, dusting off some remnant ashes from his pants as he looked around the living room, it seemed empty, he had already put on his sweater since the living room was chillier than his house, he was probably also being careful, in case there was anyone other than the Potters in the house. 
“Did we arrive at the right time?” you asked with a frown as you too dusted off your shoulder. 
“Yeah, they said about 10,” Remus replied as he checked his watch. It was 10:15, not English punctuality but that had been on his mum stalling the two of you.
Then you felt a hand gripping you from behind and pulling you upwards from the waist, you would have panicked, if you hadn’t instantly known it was Sirius. The invisibility cloak he had been wearing slipped from him as he buried his head on your neck. You had talked to Sirius and James every day, but that didn’t stop him from clinging to you the minute he spotted you. 
“How are you?” He whispered into your neck. 
“Kinda constrained,” you replied as you nodded towards his caging hands. 
“You know what I meant.” 
You swallowed, not quite sure if you were ready to talk about it all again. Thankfully, Prongs was there to save you. He took off the cloak with a rather exasperated sigh. “Pads! We were supposed to get them at the same time!” 
“Sorry,” Sirius mumbled in the least apologetic tone you’d heard. 
James shook his head and then pulled Moony into a short hug, “Merry Christmas, mate,” he said and then quite literally ripped you from Sirius’ grasp to give you a bear hug. 
“James, James, James,” you said as he overdid it with the squeezing. 
“Sorry,” he said as he pulled apart and you just shook your head with a smile in return. Sirius had pulled Remus into a similar hug, and he was still hugging the taller boy when James let go of you. You smiled when you saw how cosy they looked against each other and James placed his arm around your shoulder. 
“We’ve been waiting for you,” James said with a smile. “We need to discuss Marauder’s business.”
“But Peter’s not here,” you said. Sirius pulled apart from Remus who looked a little phased, took your suitcase and placed it on the table before plopping down on the sofa. 
“He’s on a family trip in Italy, he won’t be back ‘til after vacation, but we’ll write him the details,” Sirius said and then opened his arms and looked at you. “Come?” 
You rolled your eyes but did as told, secretly enjoying how clingy Sirius was, and sat on his lap like you often did. James sat on the table in front of you and pulled Moony by the arm so he would sit on the right in front of him,  next to you and Sirius. 
“We were thinking about a small little prank,” he said, “to mark our coming back to school and all that.”
“Yeah?” You asked, reclining onto Sirius and getting a little more comfortable. Remus, who had had you all to himself for more than a week, was having a rather hard time coping with the sudden space between the two of you. He was tempted to place his hand around Sirius’s shoulders and bring both of you closer to him, but he knew it wasn’t possible. 
“So Sirius and I were talking about the time you used the swamp bomb and how we had accidentally trapped a creature inside of it.” 
“And,” Sirius started from behind you. “We thought it was really interesting how the creature quite literally busted out the minute you exploded the bomb.” 
“It was not interesting,” Remus said almost bitterly. They hadn’t seen you fall, they hadn’t seen you in the water and they hadn’t smelled your fear as you stepped away from the murky water and frosted the lake. 
“From an impartial point of view,” you added with a shrug, clearly trying to excuse the boys’ words, you wouldn’t have used interesting to describe it either, but you kind of got what they meant by it. Remus had to hold back a scoff. He was having a hard time tolerating the bursting of the comfortable bubble you had both been immersed in. 
“Sorry Vix,” Sirius said with an apologetic look. “But hear us out. What if we put not one, but several creatures inside of a swamp bomb.” 
“Define creatures…” 
“Tadpoles,” Sirius said from behind, a small smirk playing on his lips. 
“You want them to turn into toads,” Remus said as he looked at the two boys, now a bit more invested in the prank. “Why?” 
“Because we want to infest Hogwarts with Toads,” James said with a satisfied smile. Sirius pulled a small crystal ball from his pocket and handed it over to you. Very condensed inside it, there was thick murky water. 
You took a look, “How many of them did you put in here?” you asked as you handed the ball to Remus, he pulled his hand faster than he normally would from yours, which made you frown. What’s with him? 
“About 17 dozen, Peter found a spawning bed filled with hundreds of them and the idea just came to us in an instant.” 
“We’ve been flying through the grounds to find some more, but most of them are frozen due to the snow.” 
“How many have you made?” You asked. 
James smiled, pulled a handful from his pocket, and placed it between your hands. Then he pulled another one and left it in Remus' hands. “Peter will be getting more in Italy, he promised.” 
“So we’ll have at least a hundred of these?” Remus asked. Sirius nodded. “How are you planning to explode them all at the same time?” 
“That’s why you two are here. You’re good with this kind of thing.” 
You scoffed with a smile, “You left us the hardest part!” 
“Try finding spawning beds and catching them in spheres, Vix,” Prongs retorted with a daring kind of face and stuck out your tongue to him. He gasped as he pulled back and played offended. 
“We could time-set them?” Remus offered. 
“Yeah, but what kind of charm would do that?” You asked. “A freezing charm, hiding them in the corner of classrooms and having them fall during first period?” 
“Told you they would figure it out,” Sirius said as he looked at the two of you with a proud smile and side eyes James who had a small frown and pursed lips. 
“Oh, that could actually work, but we’d have to perfect the charm so they all fall at the same time, if not they could figure it out and stop them from exploding,” Remus responded to you. 
“Does that mean one person would have to charm all of them? There’s no way in hell we’d have enough time.” 
“Not if we make the spell and teach the others how to do it,” he retorted. “Maybe we can run some tests… with toadless swamp bombs.” 
“Got some of those?” you asked James. 
“We can make them,” he responded with a shrug. 
And that’s how you set yourself up for the task, while Remus and you figured out how to deal with the spell, James and Sirius went out to make some toadless swamp bombs for you to test them. You didn’t see the Potters until it was dinner time. 
Effie was more than thrilled over the fact that you were staying at her house and she asked Mellie and Picksie to prepare some treats for you and Remus while Monty cooked dinner. “Boys, we’re talking girls stuff,” she announced after setting the table and pulled you to the side. You looked at them with a worried expression and Sirius shrugged, while James gave you a teasing thumbs up. 
Effie took you to a room filled with books and looked at you with a small frown. “You’ve already talked to Dumbledore?” 
It might have been toned like a question, but it sounded a lot more like a statement. “Yes.” 
She nodded and placed her hand on your shoulder, she had a sad sort of look on her face that made you feel like you were being pitied, which had you shift uncomfortably. It was completely different to the way she had looked at you back at the train station when you first met her, and you felt like the memories were flooding back. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked simply. “Have you talked about it to someone?” 
You hesitated to answer. “I don’t,” you said honestly. “I’d rather not think about it altogether.” 
She sighed and then nodded, as if she both knew it was a bad idea to suck it all up, and understood exactly where you were coming from. “You should process it, not now–” she added when she saw the deepening of your frown. “But you should eventually talk about it, even if it’s just to yourself.” 
You nodded to her words, “Now… since you’ll be staying with the boys and I know you’re dating Sirius, I’ve brought you this,” she said, handing you a crystal bottle with greenish liquid inside.
You knew well what it was since McGonagall had shown you an identical potion back in her special class. 
“Monty has already talked to the boys, but I wanted to make sure you were also taking care of yourself. Especially now that–” She didn’t finish, but you knew exactly what she meant. 
Especially now that you don’t have a mum.
“Thank you, Effie,” you said honestly, and she instantly pulled you into a hug. 
“I’m really sorry for everything you’ve gone through. I’ll work even harder so these kinds of things don’t happen again.”  You didn’t say anything, and she continued. “You were incredibly brave,” she added, “defending a friend against them, it must have been a tough call to make.” 
That had been the easiest part. You had never hesitated on whether to try to save Nina and your mother. The hard part was failing and having to live with it. 
“Thank you,” she said. “Thank you for showing them that we aren’t all on their side and that we won’t stand down to their bigotry.” 
You didn’t speak much, but Effie continued to give you praises for a couple of minutes, and then she told you a bit about the order and gave you a small keychain with a protean charm that would allow you to call her in case you ever needed her help. After that, she gave you a small pat on the back and told you dinner was ready. 
You were still a little shaken by the time you stepped out of the room and Remus was struggling not to wrap you in his arms and pull you into a tight hug. But it was Sirius the one who did it, he pressed a bunch of kisses to your face and then one on your lips. It was quick, and it had been a second, but it was enough to have James grumble something about being forgotten because you were around, and complaining to Moony when Sirius had you sit next to him, on his usual spot. 
Even though the talk with Effie had shaken you again, you were quick to let yourself be drowned by the merry atmosphere, James and Sirius complaining and somehow managed to flip the switch, leaving the problems at the back of your mind and actually enjoying the dinner and conversation even if the words wouldn’t quite reach your mind. 
Anything to avoid, anything to forget, even if only for a minute. 
Remus had been looking at you attentively throughout the dinner, the way Sirius was being extra touchy with you, he had probably noticed how upset you were too. Sirius wasn’t stupid. But he was waiting for the right time to talk to you. He was giving you space, but holding you close while at it. It was sweet, the two of you were a really sweet match, one made in heaven. And he was nothing more than a serpent, a tempting –or perhaps tempted– serpent that had fallen in love. 
He would have to put up some space, he would have to step away, because if any of you had a taste of his apple then that beautiful relationship, that made him feel so many things at once, would crumble, and he would be to blame. 
But how could he step away? You had been through hell and back and you needed your friends, even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself, you needed them. And he was your best friend, for fucks sake. How could he prioritise his feelings over yours? Remus started to feel like a monster again, and it was not because he was a werewolf. But rather because he had allowed himself to bask on the idea of being with you and seeing you with Sirius, how close you were to each other, it just reminded him that it wasn’t possible. It wasn’t possible to have either of you. 
You might have allowed the conversation to swallow you, but you weren’t blind, you could tell there was something going on with Rem, he was different, he had been different the instant you appeared in Potter’s manor. And while at first, you thought it might have been because he was in a different house, it was like you could almost see the inner conflict inside his eyes. It was something similar to what you saw when you looked in the mirror, but at the same time, it was vastly different. 
Whatever it was that was troubling Remus, wasn’t related to what had happened that night, even if he had cried for Nina when you told him the story, even if he had been sad about your mother and had hugged you until you stopped crying, Remus’ mind was plagued with a different feeling, you weren’t sure why, but you knew. 
“That was delicious,” you said with a polite smile. “Thank you, Monty.” 
Monty beamed at your praise and sent you a very James Potter-like wink, “You’re welcome darling, you may dine here whenever you want. And I mean it, I don’t care if James and Sirius are busy, you’re family now.” 
It had been a short, almost throw-away comment, but you felt your heart swell with warmth when he said it. You had lost your parents, but you had gained Hope and you had gained Effie and Monty. You might have felt lonely, but you wouldn’t be alone. 
“That’s right,” James said as he placed his hands around your shoulder. “She’s like the sister I never got, isn’t she boys?” 
“Well she’s not like a sister to me,” Sirius said and sent you a wink that pulled a small chuckle from you. 
Remus didn’t respond. 
And again, you noticed. It was like you were noticing many things and a lot of them had to do with Remus. Like that one thing that you had seen hints of in the past was finally revealing itself and you weren’t sure exactly what it was, but you had the feeling that you’d be able to tell soon enough.
“Gross,” James said and pulled you closer to him. 
“You’ll take her to her room?” Effie asked. 
“Indeed,” he responded as he dragged you up their stairwell, “I’ll even give her a short tour.” 
“Aha?” you asked. 
He nodded in return and stepped right in front of you when you reached the end of the stairwell. “So, that way we have the office, the library and my parent’s room,” he said and moved to the other side of the hallway and pointed at a door. “This is mine and Sirius’ room, Mum and Dad used an extending charm to make you a room and Rem will stay with us.” 
“You shouldn’t have gone through the trouble…” 
“Because you always end up sleeping all together?” James teased. “Mum is open-minded but not that open-minded.” 
You gasped and punched James on the shoulder, “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” He replied. “I believe Mellie and Picksie have already taken your stuff there, so you should be set to sleep if that’s what you want. You have your own bathroom, although there is also one at the end of the hall, you already know the one that’s downstairs, yeah?” 
You nodded in response. 
“Good, any questions?” 
“Excellent. Now, it’s not that late, and we’re planning to play a muggle board game Sirius got sent by Andromeda. It’s called Monopoly.” 
“Oh, I know how to play,” Remus said casually. 
“Meet you in our room?” James asked. 
“Yeah,” you said with a nod and walked inside yours. 
You took a quick shower and changed into a pair of comfortable pyjamas. With a towel still around your shoulders to catch the wetness of your hair, you knocked on their door. James was setting up the game and Sirius looked confused as Remus tried to explain the instructions to him, the three were sitting on the floor. You approached them and after sitting down, you carefully took the instructions from Remus’ hand. Again, he was quick to pull away from you and you tried to ignore the feeling as you sank into your seat and started to read through them. You were also slightly confused. The whole “put houses and hotels” was a concept you weren’t really familiar with, it was nothing like Wizard’s Chess! 
“So, you got it?” Remus asked.
“I have to pay if I fall on your property? But why? You would never charge me, we’re friends,” Sirius said. 
“Yes, but it’s the game’s rule. If he doesn’t charge you because you’re friends then he wouldn’t charge any of us and he would lose the game,” you explained.
“And what’s with this money?” he added as he took one of the bills from the game. “It looks so weird. But muggles also use paper, I remember that. How do they protect against falsification, like gemino and muggle forgers?”
“Sirius! You’re not thinking of using magic while playing, are you?” You said as you threw him a look.
“Is it against the rules? It’s not in here,” he added as he took the paper from your hands and showed it. 
“Of course, it isn’t,” you said as you took it from his hands. “It’s a muggle game Sirius, they don’t add ‘Spells are forbidden’ in the rules like we do.” 
“So that means no magic?” he asked. 
“No,” Remus and you said at the same time. 
“And no duplicating the money if you ran out either,” James warned. 
“I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be against the rules.”
You gave Sirius a stern look and turned to Remus, it was as if he instantly knew what you wanted since he handed over his wand. “Accio pencil.” 
A pencil flew from James’ desk and towards your hand. You caught it with ease and wrote down two new rules on the paper. 
“Now it’s against the rules.” 
“I’ve always found it fascinating how Moony’s wand just works when you use it,” James said as he looked at the item in question in disbelief. 
“You’re just jealous you can’t use it,” Sirius said as he took Remus’ wand and effortlessly levitated the pencil back to the desk. 
“I’m sure I can if I try hard enough,” James said, taking the wand in his hands and flicking it about. Nothing happened. He flicked it again and still nothing. He did again, with more force, and the pencil flicked from the spot and launched towards him. You were quick enough to move the game board over his face and the pencil’s tip crashed against it. 
“Shit, it made a dent,” you said as you pulled the board down and looked at the place that the pencil had, pretty much stabbed into. Right above the Angel of Islington, there was a dent in the shape of the pencil, the graphite tip had broken and was now stuck in the cardboard. 
“That would have been your face, mate,” Sirius said while James took Moony’s wand between his thumb and index fingers –as if it had been a bomb– and placed it in front of Remus’ crossed feet. 
Remus rolled his eyes and took his wand, he flicked in the air and both the chipped pencil and the gameboard were repaired, he didn’t even have to say a word. 
“Yeah, thanks Vix,” He said as he turned to you. You just shrugged in response. It had been almost instinctive, you didn’t even think before acting, you saw the pencil shake and you knew something bad might have happened. “Be my team.” 
“There are no teams in Monopoly,” Remus said with a sigh. 
“Well we could change that,” James said with a shrug. 
“If they didn’t change the rules for me to forge money, then they’re not gonna change them for you to steal my girlfriend.”
“How about we just start playing instead?” you offered, and in between you and Remus started distributing the money and placing things on the board. 
“I’ll be the dog,” Sirius said, instantly taking the small metal dog from Remus’ hands. 
“I’ll take the car,” James said. 
“And you, Little Witch?” 
“You pick first,” you said simply, and Remus stared at the pieces left in his hand like he wasn’t sure which one to take, and eventually he took the thimble. Pushing the rest of the pieces your way. 
You took the small battleship and placed it on “Go”. The rest of the boys did the same. 
“Hey Moons, can I have my £200?” James said.
“It’s only after the first round,” he explained. 
“It’s on the rules Prongs, didn’t you read them?” Sirius added as he handed him the paper and James scoffed at his hypocrisy. 
You laughed at their interaction and took the dice in your hands before shaking them and throwing them on the board, “Seven? Alright you go,” you said as you handed them to Remus who got a 10. James got an eight and Sirius got a 3.
“Good, so I start,” Remus said and threw the dice again, moving towards the spot marked on the board. 
The first couple of rounds were uneventful. You were all just playing around, and it wasn’t until at least 40 minutes later that things started to get a little more complicated. 
James had gotten possession of all the orange properties after making a deal with Sirius to exchange an orange for the last railroad that he needed to complete the set. Remus had somehow managed to get the entirety of the 3rd line and while you had 3 houses on Park Lane, no one had fallen even close to either of them in the last two rounds. 
“Remus please,” Sirius pleaded. “Please, please, let me go, just this once, I’ll pay you as soon as someone falls on Kings Cross. James is super close, look.” 
Remus shook his head. “I’m sorry Pads, rules are rules.” 
“But you let Vix go a couple of rounds ago.” 
“She gave me her get-out-of-jail card in exchange, and I’ve fallen there twice already. What would you give me in exchange?” 
“Moony!” Sirius whined. James had already taken his pink cards a round earlier when he fell and also had no money to pay for it. He would have to mortgage his properties to pay off, and James had already done it once and he had been terribly upset over just getting half of the money he paid for it.
You sighed, you didn’t want Sirius to lose, but you didn’t want him to be kicked out of the game so suddenly either. “How much do you have?” 
You nodded and checked your money. You weren’t much better either but you had a bit of a cushion so you pulled the £150 he needed from your bill stack and handed it over. 
James gasped, “That’s so not fair! You made me mortgage White Chapel Rode to pay off my debt!” 
“I want it back with a 20% over the total when you have capital. And I will not be charged if I fall on your properties until you’ve paid up the debt.” 
“Never mind,” James said, swallowing his own words. “Not even because he’s your boyfriend. I mean he would have been better off getting a mortgage.” 
“No,” Remus said, charging the money Sirius owed and placing it on his own stack of bills. He currently had the thickest stack and the most properties. Unless there was a massive turn of events, he would win, and you definitely did not need him keeping Sirius’ properties. “Sirius would have had to mortgage at least four properties to get enough money to pay, that would mean he’d have to sell one of his railroads and therefore he would have lost his set, decreasing the total amount of profit he’d get if one of us fell on it. He would have also had to sell the houses in Islington and sell one of his blue afterwards. And only for half the money he spent on them initially. Besides, even if she won’t get charged, we will, so he has a 2/3 chance of getting the money to pay her back. If any of us fall on Kings Cross –and we’re both close– he’ll have enough to pay Vix back and he wouldn’t have sold off any of his properties. 
“But only to pay back, and then he’ll be broke again.” 
“He’s close to ‘Go’, he’ll capitalise then, and he’ll manage to survive for at least a few more turns. She’s actually saving his ass.” 
“That’s because she’s the best,” Sirius said and placed a kiss on your cheek before handing the dice to Remus and he threw them, falling on Park Lane and finally giving you enough money to continue with the next round without major issues. 
Sirius and James survived for a couple more rounds, but eventually, they both went bankrupt, James couldn’t pay a debt to the bank and he had to give all his properties back, and since you and Remus had enough money, you had to fight it out to get them on an auction. Sirius lost to Remus later, but this time around he didn’t even ask for a waiver. 
“Here, take it all Moony, I cannot fight against your economic skills,” he said dramatically and handed his leftover money and properties to Remus. 
James had pulled a pillow from the bed and was soundly sleeping beside you and Sirius, who had pulled you onto his lap shortly after he lost the game and was paying close attention to everything you did within the game. Then you fell into the dеathtrap that Remus had designed on Fleet Street and Picadilly. Losing most of your money after two rolls of the dice. Luckily he fell on Mayfair and Parklane afterwards and you managed to get back most of what you’d lost. 
A few more rounds went on and Sirius yawned. Pulling you closer to him. “Just give up, neither of you it’s going to win this one. Moony allowed you to pay half the debt last time you fell on Coventry and you let it slip when he fell on Kings Cross because he promised to do your Herbology homework. At this point, you owe more favours to each other than money.”  
“But you can’t give up on this game.” 
“Then be ruthless to each other and have one of the two go bankrupt.” 
You pouted, and James mumbled something in his sleep, “Moony, no. Let me keep my deed card, please…” The three of you laughed and you leaned down to place a deed card on his hand. He was quick to grip it and smiled. 
“How about a truce?” Sirius offered. “I really want to go to bed.” 
“Well then go,” Remus said with a shrug.
“I meant all of us to go to bed,” he said nonchalantly. “We haven’t cuddled in a while.” 
Remus swallowed, so much for space. “You mean– we’re still doing the cuddle thing?” 
“Just in case,” you said, “Moony took Vixen in, but we don’t know if it was just a one-time thing or not.” 
Remus knew. Moony had accepted Vixen already, he wasn’t gonna try and eat or chase her unless it was a game. He could just tell you and be done with it. No more Sirius on top of him in the mornings, no more you laying your head on his shoulder before you turned into Vixen. Just him and his own bed. The idea sounded like a nightmare.
“Yeah, of course,” he said, agreeing. “We shouldn’t let our guard down. Just in case.” 
“So, shake hands, kiss kiss, and you both win,” Sirius said as he placed his hands on your shoulder and shook them a little. 
You laughed and extended your hand for Remus to shake, “Truce?” 
“Truce,” he replied with a nod. 
“Let’s go then,” Sirius said as he patted your leg and pushed you to stand. 
“I’ll go wash my teeth,” you said as you waved at the boys and exited their room. 
“How is she?” Sirius asked the instant he was alone with Moony. Well, technically Prongs was there too but he slept like a log, so he might as well be in Narnia altogether. 
“You’ve seen her.” 
“Yeah, I can tell she’s shaken. Heck, I am shaken and I barely knew the girl. You knew Nina better, didn’t you?” 
“Vixen said she was crushing on me after the first study club, remember?” 
“That was Nina?” Sirius asked, shocked as he took a deep breath. “Anyway, how is she?” 
“Quiet,” Remus admitted. “She prefers avoiding the subject entirely. She only told me what happened the day after it happened and then one time when I found her crying outside, she mentioned how she felt. I think it’s much better not to pressure her to talk about it.” 
 “I assumed as much,” Sirius said with a sigh. “But I’m worried, her smile it… it barely reaches her eyes now.” 
Remus had noticed that too. The façade you had created was not enough to hide how you truly felt from either of the two, “I know.” 
“How can we change that?” 
“We can’t. We can only support her until she feels better.” 
“It’s agonising,” Sirius breathed and hid his face in between his hands. And he hasn’t even seen her cry, Remus thought. “You know the way Nina diеd–” Sirius started and looked up, his eyes were glassy with tears. “Vix was trying so hard to defend her, so hard to escape and then she– it was a split second Moony, barely a minute, she was trying to repair the path to continue and they sent a course her way, Nina stepped in, she took the blow instead because she new Vix was already rather weak…. Nina saved her.” 
“I know,” Remus said. 
“You know what’s the last thing Nina told her?” Remus shook his head. “That she was pleased Vix was the last thing she got to see. She thanked her for saving her, even if she didn’t…” Sirius stopped and wiped his eyes. Witnessing the entire thing in first person had taken a toll on him too, Remus could tell. Sirius wasn’t only suffering for you, but with you as well. He felt tempted to bring Sirius into a hug, even more when he wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. 
Sirius didn’t feel worthy of crying, albeit he had done it more than once when he was alone, he thought that he didn’t have the right. It had been your mother and your close friend, he had been merely a spectator. What Sirius didn’t understand was that pain wasn’t something to be measured and weighed, it was not something to compare and pin against each other, you can’t say “I don’t deserve to cry” just because someone else has it a lot worse. Your feelings, no matter where they stem from, are valid since they are true for you. 
“She stayed there, she was crying on top of Nina, that was the last thing I saw. I– I didn’t think she would move.” 
“She wasn’t going to,” Remus said. You had never said that explicitly, but it had been obvious from the way things happened. “She would have kept trying if it hadn’t been for Barty.” 
“Barty, of all people,” Sirius said in disbelief. There was a second of quiet and then Sirius turned to look at Remus. He was as beautiful as he remembered, he hadn’t quite realised how much closer he’d veered to him while they talked but they were now much closer, his knees brushing against each other and he was close enough to get a whiff off Remus’ chocolaty scent, he smelled of you too.
Then the knob twisted and the door opened, Remus pulled back hastily and Sirius turned into Padfoot before you noticed he’d been crying. “Everything all right?” you asked with a frown when you felt the tense atmosphere. 
You looked at Remus but Padfoot was quicker and ran your way, jumping and placing his paws on your shoulders, his size made you stagger back a little and you laughed when he started to lick your face. Remus stared for a second and then flicked his wand so the game would go back to the box and then took it in his hand to place it on the table, avoiding the sight of the two of you almost entirely. 
“I missed you too, big boy,” you said as you brushed your hand over the back of Padfoot’s head, he barked softly in return and then dug his snout into your neck in the same way he did to Remus when you cuddled. You were petting him as Remus finished setting the bed.
The second Remus sat on the bed, Padfoot barked again, softer than he had earlier.
“Go ahead,” you said. “He’s better at petting you than I am anyway.” 
Padfoot gave you another short lick and jumped from you and towards Remus, throwing himself over in the same way he had with you, although Remus hadn’t even staggered. You smiled when you saw them.
Sirius was just happy he could hug Rem more now that he was Padfoot and was bossing him around so he would lay on the bed properly by biting his shirt and trying to pull him back. “Oi, Pads, I’m coming,” he said as he carefully unclasped his watch to set it on the night table. Padfoot barked again to hurry him. 
“You know Rem,” you said with a sneaky little smile. He hummed in return. “I think Sirius missed us more.” Padfoot’s face changed and he turned to you instantly, barking in retort. “I mean he was calling us often, he had me on his lap whenever he could, and I’m sure he would have asked me to play with his hair if it hadn’t been that we were so busy with the prank.” 
Remus smirked. “Oh, he definitely missed you more.” Padfoot now turned his head to him and barked. 
“I suppose I win the bet then,” you said with a smile and Padfoot barked one more time before running your way, but you were quicker and turned into Vixen before he placed his paws on your shoulders, sneaking in between his legs as he fell again, slightly startled. 
You ran under the bed and crossed the entire thing before jumping over and climbing onto Remus’ lap who was still sitting. He laughed as you brushed your head to his stomach and Padfoot barked at you for being so sneaky. You must have been saying something to each other –since you kept barking– but Remus was clueless as to what that might have been, so he just carefully raised you up and accommodated, allowing enough space for Padfoot to climb into and get comfortable himself.
“Didn’t you say you were tired?” he said with eyebrows raised at Padfoot who had now rested his snout on Remus’ shoulder. “Stop arguing with Vixen and sleep then.” Padfoot lifted his head and barked in return. “If not, we might as well finish the game.” 
The dog whined and sank back into Remus’ shoulder. After that, it didn’t take much for Remus soft and purposeful petting, for both you and Pads to fall asleep. Sirius now much calmer, he had both you and Remus around.
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A/N: Remus noooooo!!!!!
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xomakara · 2 months
Craving You
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | When you accidently send a nude of yourself to Jongho, he can't help but look and start to crave you. The only thing standing in his way: your friendship.
PAIRING | Jongho/Reader
GENRE | non-idol!Jongho, friends to lovers trope, smut with no plot, protected sex (wrap it up everyone!), fingering, vaginal sex,
RATING | Mature
LENGTH | 5066 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE | I’m such a sucker for the Friends to Lovers Trope lolol.
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Jongho didn't mean to look.
But that picture you sent him was just so… You were looking at the camera like you'd never seen it before. Your cheeks were flushed and your skin was glowing in the light, as if it had never been more alive. And the fact that your fingers were grazing the top of your panties…
If that wasn't enough to turn any man's head, then nothing ever would be. He hadn't meant for this to happen—hadn't even intended on seeing it when he took a quick glance at his phone while checking his messages—but there it was, staring back at him, tempting him, teasing him with those dark eyes, and suddenly, he couldn't help but want it.
More than anything, Jongho wanted to see your body moving beneath him. Wanted to know what color you tasted like. What it felt like to touch every inch of you, slowly working his way down from your lips until he found himself between your legs. Then, after giving you everything he had to give, he would do whatever it took to make sure that you never forgot this moment, no matter how hard you tried to push it away.
Forbidden, because you're both supposed to be friends, and also because he should never want to take something that doesn't belong to him. But when he realizes that all of these things are exactly why he wants you so much, it becomes impossible to deny his true feelings for you.
He dropped his phone on the bed beside him and leaned against the headboard, trying desperately to think of something else besides the thought of running his tongue over the hot spot where your clit sat, letting his teeth gently graze its sensitive edges. If he could just get some sleep, maybe by morning, the desire would be gone. Or at least, the temptation. But the second he closed his eyes, all he could see was you: face flushed, thighs spread, red lips parted as he licked his way up from your clit to your mouth. All he could hear was your moans as he pushed his fingers inside of you, pumping them deep into your pussy and moaning as he watched your muscles tighten around them. All he could feel was the warmth radiating off of your naked body as he buried his face between your breasts, inhaling your scent until he had finally made you cum.
This was wrong, so very, very wrong. So, so, wrong. It wouldn't be right for either one of you.
His phone vibrated and he saw a text message from you come through, and though he really shouldn't read it, Jongho had a feeling that if he ignored it, it might not go away. Not that he knew what he would say anyway; all he knew was that he needed to talk to you about this, and he needed to do it now.
So he picked up his phone again and opened the message:
You: OMG Jongho! That picture wasn't meant for you! I swear, I totally meant to send it to Yunho. Please delete?!
His jaw clenched and he closed his eyes tightly. Of course you would have sent it to Yunho. Why wouldn't you? After all, the two of you were hooking up with each other. You told Jongho that it was no strings attached relationship, that Yunho just wanted to be friends with benefits.
But Jongho knew you. He knew that you were crushing on Yunho and had been for a long time. He also knew that the two of you didn't just hook up once or twice. No, you had hooked up a lot. Way more times than he cared to count. The two of you might have been dating, for all Jongho cared. You were lying to yourself if you believed otherwise.
Not that he was mad. Well, actually, yes, he was mad. But not at you. Mostly at himself for getting sucked into this. For allowing himself to fall for someone who had been nothing but his friends for years. But he was tired of fighting this attraction. Tired of pretending that it didn't exist. So, he turned off his phone and tossed it across the room, cursing silently as it hit the wall and bounced onto the floor.
Tomorrow, he decided, he would just ignore it. Ignore you. See if that helped. He hated to admit it, but his feelings for you weren't going anywhere anytime soon. They were there in the pit of his stomach every time you smiled at him, the blush rising in your cheeks whenever he looked at you too long, the way your voice trailed off when he asked you questions, and the small sparkle in your eyes whenever you looked at him like he was the best thing that had ever happened to you. He liked being close to you.
He sighed and picked up his phone, opening his messages and typing out a quick response:
Jongho: Out of sight and out of mind. I deleted it. Don't worry about it.
Then, he turned his phone off and put it back on the nightstand. He tried to fall asleep but the thought of you naked was already ingrained in his brain.
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In your defense, you weren't entirely in your right mind when you sent Jongho that picture. You had meant to send it to Yunho but somehow managed to type in the wrong person's name, hitting send before you realized your mistake. It must have been the wine you drank earlier that day. Maybe it was the multiple glasses of wine that you had consumed throughout the night. Whatever the reason, by the time you figured out your error, the message was already sent. There was no taking it back.
And when you got Jongho's message saying that he deleted it, you felt a weight lift off of your shoulders. Just thinking about it made you sigh in relief, and when you woke up in the middle of the night with wet dreams about the two of you fucking, the guilt from sending that picture plagued you for hours.
"Ugh," you groaned, pulling the blankets over your head and ignoring the pounding in your head. "Just shut up."
Your head ached too much to care about your stupid hormones, so you rolled over and let yourself slip back into a restless slumber, hoping that when you woke up tomorrow, you would be able to forget about what you had done last night. Unfortunately, the thought that was playing on repeat in your mind refused to leave you alone, and soon, you were tossing and turning restlessly as images of you and Jongho romping together filled your thoughts.
"Shit!" you swore loudly as you sat up in bed, throwing your pillow to the ground. How could you think of your best friend in that way? You never had thoughts of Jongho that way before. Sure, you enjoyed hanging out with him, and there were days when you wished you could crawl into his lap and spend hours listening to him tell you stories or sing. You enjoyed teasing him mercilessly and getting to witness the smile on his face when you succeeded. But sexual fantasies involving him? Those were completely new territory.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?" you cried, covering your face with your hands. God, you needed to get a grip. Maybe it's the alcohol. Yeah, it had to be the alcohol. Maybe you should call up Yunho and have him just fuck you senseless so that you forget about those fantasies of Jongho. Get it out of your system. Make yourself forget. Surely that would work. Right?
No, that wasn't going to work. Although it was an accident that you sent that nude, you couldn't help but think of what Jongho thought. Did he like it? Did he enjoy the view? Could he imagine what you looked like naked? Were his dreams filled with the two of you, pleasuring each other? Was he jerking off right now thinking about what it would be like to have your pussy wrapped around his-
Nononono. You needed to get a grip. You headed towards the shower, determined to rinse your body clean and pretend that last night never happened.
After a shower and exhausted beyond belief, you went about your day. You met up with the guys, wishing that Jongho wasn't there because you didn't want to crawl into an embarrassing hole. When they suggested that you have a few drinks with them, you gladly agreed, deciding to keep it casual. This was probably a good idea. A little drink here and there would probably take the edge off of those bad thoughts about your best friend.
"Something happened between you two?" Hongjoong asked as he looked over at you and Jongho. The both of you were sitting on opposite ends of the table, avoiding each other's gazes.
"Ya'll acting weird." Mingi muttered, leaning forward on the table. "The best friends aren't even sitting next to each other. Something happened, didn't it?"
"What happened?" San asked next to you, putting an arm around your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
You hesitated for a minute and let out a sigh, leaning to whisper in his ear. "I accidently sent Jongho a nude photo last night."
San froze for a second before dropping his hand from your shoulder and shaking his head in laughter. "No way. You're serious?"
You eyed Jongho, realizing that he got up to use the restroom. "I didn't mean to send it to him. I accidentally typed his name instead of Yunho's."
Hongjoong laughed softly, nodding his head. "Well, damn girl. I guess we know why he was looking so depressed today."
"Hush." You muttered, the rest of the table going into fits of laughter. You hid your face behind your hands, waiting for the laughing to die down before you explained the situation to everyone. When they finished laughing, you spoke. "Listen, this is just an unfortunate accident. He's already deleted it. We just need to get through this week, okay? I'm sure things will calm down after that."
"Yeah, don't worry," Wooyoung said, wiping tears from his eyes. "Things always get better after this."
They nodded their heads and when Jongho returned to the table, he just sat down and resumed talking with the others without acknowledging you.
You knew it would be okay by next week. You always had random fights with Jongho and it was usually resolved by next week. That's what friends did. They argued. They fought. Then, they made up and everything was fine again.
Why couldn't you just give him the benefit of the doubt this time?
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Wiping his sweaty palms on his pants, Jongho leaned back in his chair as he watched you joke with the rest of the guys. Your hair was wet, curling slightly under the lights of the bar as you shook your head in amusement. He stared at you for a while, wondering what it would feel like to run his fingers through your hair. To kiss your forehead. To watch you sleep.
And then he snapped out of it.
Looking at you now, you appeared so happy and carefree, despite what had happened earlier. Jongho bit his lip as he stared at you, feeling his heart beat erratically against his chest. What the hell was happening to him? One minute, he had been angry at you and angry at himself for giving in to temptation and wanting you. Now, he couldn't stop staring at you and he didn't know how to act around you anymore.
"Are you going crazy?" Yunho asked him, as they both watched you in an animated conversation with Seonghwa and Yeosang.
"What?" Jongho blinked in surprise, having forgotten that Yunho was there. "No, I'm not going crazy."
"Sure you aren't." Yunho muttered. "Seeing any kind of nude of your best frien-"
"She was supposed to send it to you, you know?" Jongho cut in before his friend could say anything else. "She mixed up her names and sent it to me instead."
"It doesn't matter who she sent it to." Yunho shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like we're dating or anything. She could've sent it to anyone."
Wooyoung sighed. "Jongho, bro. Who cares who sent it to? Y/N isn't dating any of us. You ended up being the recipient. Things happen."
Hongjoong nodded, patting him on the back. "So who cares if you saw a nude picture of your best friend? Why does it bother you?"
"Because..." Jongho trailed off as he frowned, realizing that none of them really understood what he was going through. "I like her."
Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Yunho all exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.
"Well that changes everything." Hongjoong said, clapping his hands together. "So what are you gonna do?"
"About what?" Jongho shot him a confused glance, which caused the rest of them to burst into more laughter.
"Don't be dense," Yunho mumbled, holding his stomach as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Why don't you ask her out? Have a date with her? Show her how much you care?"
"I do care." Jongho replied softly. "A lot."
"But does she?" Wooyoung countered. "Does Y/N like you? Or does she only like you as a friend?"
Hongjoong slapped Wooyoung's arm. "Stop! Don't say that! We're trying to cheer Jongho up here, remember? Don't make it worse."
"Do you think I stand a chance?" Jongho whispered. "Will she actually agree to go out with me?"
Yunho smirked. "As long as you're willing to admit your feelings for her, I'm sure she'll agree to go out with you."
"Really?" Jongho asked hopefully.
Yunho gave him a nod. "I've seen how she looks at you. And hey, she talks about you all the time when we're together. Kind of made me jealous, if I'm being honest."
"I think I may have a shot." Jongho breathed out slowly, relieved.
"Go for it, man." Wooyoung added, smiling at him. "You deserve happiness. If Y/N makes you happy, you gotta grab it."
"We're rooting for you." Yunho smiled as he patted him on the back. "Remember, the worst thing that can happen is rejection."
Jongho nodded his head, understanding exactly what Yunho meant. While he desperately wanted Y/N to say yes, he also worried that she might turn him down. There was no way to prepare for such a thing, especially since they'd been best friends for so long. If Y/N turned him down, he'd hate himself for wanting her so badly, and he'd hate himself for doing something that would cause her pain.
No, he needed to stop worrying.
He glanced over at you again, watching you laugh with the rest of the group. Watching you made his heart flutter and the nerves that had settled in his stomach started to dissolve away. For some reason, seeing you smile and appear happy again made it easier for him to breathe.
Jongho took a deep breath and stood up, making his way over to where you were seated. Seeing you sitting with the rest of the guys, he wondered whether he should sit down or not. After what seemed like forever, Jongho took his seat across from you, his heart beating rapidly against his chest as he took in every detail about you, trying to memorize you.
"Jongho, you wouldn't believe this crazy story that Mingi was telling us." You exclaimed, taking a sip of your beer. "It sounds like something straight out of a soap opera."
"Oh yeah?" Jongho teased. "So, what's this ridiculous plot?"
"Hmm...well, basically..." Mingi began but Jongho drowned out his voice as he hesitantly reached for your hand. Taking your fingers in his own, he looked at you to see your reaction. After several seconds, you didn't pull away, allowing him to hold onto your hand. "The main character and the secondary characters meet and end up falling in love. It's full of drama and emotion and lots of crying and whining."
Jongho grinned, his entire body relaxing at the warmth radiating from your skin. "Is that how love stories normally go?"
"Pretty much." Mingi admitted. "I wish my love life could be like that though. No headaches or misunderstandings. Just love and happiness."
"Me too." Jongho breathed out, squeezing your hand gently.
Mingi, Yeosang, San, and Seonghwa couldn't help but notice the way Jongho was holding your hand. They all noticed the way his eyes kept wandering to yours and the way his expression was almost desperate. Even they couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Was he thinking about asking you out?
After several minutes, they gathered into a conversation, leaving you and Jongho out of it. But when they left to get more drinks, leaving the two of you alone, you found yourself leaning towards him, hoping that he would lean in too.
"Jongho?" You whispered softly. He turned his head to stare at you, your gaze locking onto his. "Can I ask you something?"
Jongho swallowed hard, unable to take his eyes off of you. He wanted nothing more than to drag you close and kiss you senseless. So he nodded, trying to find the words to say to you.
"Did you...what were you thinking about...when I sent you that picture?" You looked at him, uncertainty in your eyes. He wished that you weren't looking at him with those sad eyes of yours. Those sad eyes made him want to make it all better.
"About what?" Jongho croaked out.
"Last night. When I sent you that picture by accident." You paused, placing your hand over his. "Were you thinking about me?"
Jongho looked down at your hand resting on his and then raised his gaze back up to your face. "Of course I was thinking about you. How could I not?" He placed his other hand over top of yours, intertwining your fingers together. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Because I..." You took a deep breath, as you waited for him to reply. "We're friends and friends don't think of each other like that. Right?"
"Do you still want to be friends?" Jongho asked you, squeezing your hands. "Because I don't want our friendship to change because of this. Not when I...I want more."
"More?" You repeated softly.
"Yeah." Jongho closed his eyes tightly, unsure if you were going to agree to go out with him. "I want us to become more than just friends. After seeing that picture, my mind has been flooded with thoughts of you. Thoughts that friends shouldn't have of each other. Thoughts of kissing you and touching you and..."
He never got to finish speaking once he felt your lips on his. His entire body tingled as your lips pressed against his, causing a fire to burn within him. Without warning, Jongho crushed his mouth against yours, forcing your lips apart and claiming your lips with his own. His heart was racing, his mind consumed by the need to kiss you again. To feel your soft lips against his own, to feel the warmth of your body pressed against his. To feel the sparks that he knew were running between you.
"Yeah..." You breathed out. "I've had those thoughts too...of kissing you and touching you and..." Your voice drifted off, as Jongho captured your lips with his again. Your hands ran up his arms, sending chills throughout his body.
"God, my eyes. My poor eyes!" You heard Wooyoung gasp behind you. "Go get a room already!"
"Shut up!" You laughed loudly, pulling away from Jongho. Jongho let out a laugh, pulling you up from your seat so he could wrap his arms around you.
"Should we...go to my place now?" He whispered into your ear.
"Yes." You gasped.
"Ohhhh." San let out a laugh. "I knew this was going to happen."
Yeosang nodded next to him. "Ahhhh, young love. Too cute."
"Have fun, stay safe and use protection." Hongjoong called out, earning another round of laughter.
"Just shut up and leave us alone." You yelled back, giving them all a wave.
"Bye!" Mingi shouted, raising his glass in the air. "See you later!"
They all waved goodbye as you and Jongho hurried out of the lounge, weaving your way through the crowd. As soon as the doors closed behind you, Jongho wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He kissed you one more time before leading you out of the parking lot, heading towards his apartment.
"Home sweet home." He sighed happily, leading you inside and closing the door behind him. He snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. "So where were we?"
"Kissing..." You breathed out, staring into his dark brown eyes.
Jongho chuckled, bringing his lips closer to yours. His entire body tingled at the mere thought of kissing you again. Of feeling your lips on his. Feeling the heat of your body pressed against his own. It was all he ever wanted. All he ever dreamed about. All he ever hoped for.
His lips brushed against yours lightly, barely grazing your mouth with his. He lingered there for several seconds before drawing back slightly.
"What thoughts did you have of me?" You ask him, breaking the silence.
Jongho smiled, reaching his free hand up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. "Good ones." He whispered, trailing his finger along your cheek. "Thoughts of you lying naked in bed, letting me explore every inch of your body."
"And what else?" You purred, pushing your body against him.
"Ohhh..." Jongho moaned softly. "Those naughty thoughts of mine involve..."
He trailed off as you brought your hand up to his mouth, planting light kisses against his palm.
"Tell me." You breathed out, closing your eyes. "Please."
"I was thinking about what it would be like having you underneath me." He let out. "I was thinking about how good it would feel to feel your soft skin under my fingertips. How good it would feel to have you pressing against me, begging me to fill you with my cock. How hot and wet your pussy would be and how amazing it would feel to make you come."
"Yes." You moaned, grinding against him.
"Ohhh." Jongho groaned, pressing his lips against yours again. "I want you so bad."
You shivered, breaking away from his lips. "Me too. So much." You bit your lip. "I can't wait any longer."
Jongho nodded, moving towards his bedroom, leading you along the way. "Well, let's hurry up and do something about that." He murmured, pulling you closer to him as he pushed open the door.
As soon as you entered the bedroom, Jongho wrapped his arms around you, trapping you against the wall. Leaning forward, he brought his lips back to yours, crushing his mouth against yours roughly. Your knees buckled slightly as he pressed himself against you, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Jongho broke away from your kiss long enough to rip your shirt open, throwing it aside.
"I can't wait anymore either." He breathed out. "I need to touch you. Need to feel your body pressed against mine. Want to taste your lips again."
Jongho's lips trailed down your neck, his teeth grazing your skin before biting down gently. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as his mouth travelled downwards, nipping and sucking along your collarbone. His lips pressed harder against your skin, making your entire body tingle.
"God..." You moaned out. "Jongho..."
"Need to feel you underneath me." Jongho continued, bringing his hands up to cup your breasts. "God...you feel so fucking good against me."
"Don't stop." You breathed out.
He smiled as he reached his hands down to unhook your bra, throwing it aside. As soon as your breasts came into view, Jongho's lips immediately latched onto your nipple.
He sucked on your nipple gently, eliciting a moan from you. As he did this, he brought his hand up to caress your other breast. As he played with your nipples, you began to feel a familiar ache building within you. With a groan, you dug your nails into his shoulder blades.
"Are you okay?" Jongho asked you, worried about your reaction.
"Y-yeah." You answered quickly, biting your lip as your body became even more sensitive. "Just...just feels so good."
Jongho nodded, continuing to suckle on your breast while massaging your other one. His fingers moved across your chest, teasing the sides of your breast, slowly working their way up until they reached your chin. With a slight flick of his wrist, he tilted your head up towards him.
With one quick motion, he brought his lips to meet yours, his tongue darting past your lips to dance with yours. His fingers intertwined with yours, keeping them both locked in place as he began to trail his fingers down your body. One hand slid down to your stomach, tickling you softly.
The other hand found its way back up to your breast, pinching your nipple lightly as his thumb rolled it between his fingers. Your whole body tingled at the feeling of pleasure coursing through you.
Jongho pulled back slightly, taking a deep breath. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked you softly.
"No." You shook your head. "Don't stop."
He nodded, closing his eyes briefly before pulling his hand away. Reaching down, he slid your pants off your hips, allowing them to fall to the floor. "Like this?" He breathed out, leaning down to capture your lips with his once again.
You let out a moan as his fingers slipped between your legs, stroking you gently as his lips traveled down your neck. Once his lips met your chest, he nibbled on your skin lightly. You felt your body tighten slightly at the touch of his tongue as it traced your clavicle.
"God..." You breathed out, pushing yourself closer to him.
"Does it feel good?" He asked you, nibbling on your earlobe.
"Ohhh...so good." You moaned, running your fingers through his hair. "Fuck...please don't stop."
"Don't worry." Jongho promised, returning his attention to your neck. "This is just getting started."
With that said, Jongho slowly lifted his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. He then took his boxers off, leaving himself completely naked in front of you. He stood straight, facing you as you watched him intently. When he saw that you were looking at him, he placed his hands on your cheeks, tilting your face up towards his. His eyes bore into yours as he leaned down, capturing your lips with his once again. His fingers trailed down your cheek, cupping your jaw as he pulled you closer to him.
Once your lips parted, Jongho wasted no time deepening the kiss. Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair as he forced his tongue into your mouth. With each passing second, your passion grew, causing you to grab hold of his arms, gripping them tightly as he thrust his tongue against yours. Your entire body was now tingling with desire, begging for release.
Jongho broke away from the kiss, panting heavily as he looked into your eyes. He ran his hands down your thighs, parting them and then grabbing one of the condoms from his nightstand drawer. Opening the package, he sheathed himself with ease, preparing himself to enter you.
"Are you ready?" He breathed out.
"Mmm..." You breathed out. "Yes...please."
"Good." He replied before pressing his lips to yours once again.
With one final glance into your eyes, Jongho lowered himself down, positioning himself between your legs. He raised himself up slightly, pausing for a moment as he searched your eyes. Your fingers twined themselves into his hair as you waited patiently for him to move. After a few moments, he began to slide into you. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure throughout your body.
"Ahhh...." You moaned loudly, pressing your forehead against his shoulder.
Jongho hummed as he continued to thrust into you. Every movement caused a new wave of sensation to wash over you. You had never felt anything quite like it. You couldn't believe how incredible it felt. He brought his lips back to your ear, whispering softly.
"You feel so good." He moaned. "So damn good."
Your legs tightened around his hips as he began to speed up his movements. His lips grazed your ear, his warm breath brushing against your skin. "Feels good, doesn't it?" He whispered, causing you to moan again.
"Jongho...oh god..." You breathed out, digging your fingernails into his shoulders.
Jongho closed his eyes, feeling the heat radiating from your body. He knew how badly you needed him. He knew that you were dying to come. And he could tell by the noises escaping your throat that you were close to climaxing. All he had to do was continue to pump his hips, slowly increasing the pace. In a matter of seconds, he would drive you over the edge. That thought alone made him harder than ever.
In response to the sound of his name coming from your lips, Jongho picked up the pace even further, pressing his lips firmly against your ear.
"Come for me, baby." He growled out, pushing even deeper into you. "Come hard for me."
With those words, Jongho's hips began to slam into you faster and faster. Soon enough, he felt your walls clamp down around his cock, holding him there, preventing him from pulling out. With another moan, he exploded inside of you, filling the condom with his semen. Once he finished, he pulled out of you, breathing heavily. Your eyes remained fixed on him, watching him as he pulled the used condom off of his cock. He tossed it to the side before lowering himself to the mattress beside you.
You flipped him over, moving to straddle him as you kissed him deeply. As you did this, you could feel his hardening cock beneath you. You smirked, bringing your lips back to his ear.
"Guess we're not done yet." You whispered seductively. "I'll let you fuck me raw if you keep going."
With a grin, Jongho grabbed your ass, squeezing it tightly as he slid into you. "Whatever you want, baby. Anything you want."
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melodic-haze · 3 months
Arlecchino with a dom filthy rich reader. Reader showers her with lots of gifts on a daily basis. Jewelry, clothes, you name it. Reader would buy it all for her. Arlecchino is spoiled rotten by reader. Arlecchino would always say how reader doesn't need to give her gifts everyday. She finds it unnecessary but the way Arlecchino would wear those expensive outfits and jewelry as Reader fucks her says otherwise.
[Sorry for my bad English]
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino x dom!afab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a strap
☆ — NOTES: NOOO DON'T BE SORRY DUDE❗️❗️ It's easy to understand and it got the point across, this is actually pretty good english :333 gonna tell you rn it's so much better than the english from people where I'm at 😭 actually atrocious
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Arlecchino would ABSOLUTELY try and refuse your gifts at first, saying that she has no need for such material things when she already has you :333 (could not be my ass I'm so money-oriented it's so bad LMAOOO)
You have money to burn though—you can so easily buy your lover whatever she may want without needing to look at the price!!! You wanna spoil this woman in a way that she had never been spoiled before, so you pay attention to her likes and dislikes, take notes on her preferences, buy things that link with your observations and/or remind you of her
Eventually though Arlecchino would come to accept that buying her things, especially when they're so expensive, is one of the many ways that you show love. Far be it for her to reject your gifts when you've taken the time to pick them out with her in mind, even if yeah she says it's unnecessary. If it's coming from you then why would she refuse???
I think she'd initially like. Not wear them though 😞 not bc she's ungrateful, but bc she personally thinks whatever you've bought her doesn't suit her unless it's something practical. This ESPECIALLY applies to jewellery bc like. It's. An accessory. She doesn't really need it in her life, does she???? But she warms up to it :33333
The jingle of the precious necklace around her slender neck definitely helps with convincing that perhaps such gifts were okay.
It was a custom-made gift crafted using the finest metals, notably the highest-quality starsilver one could find in Dragonspine's unstable landscape. Perhaps you could have bought something much more.. easily produced such as gold, but you didn't—couldn't—settle for less when it came to the prime target of your bountiful affection and the person who was in need of true love.
Though you admit, it wasn't because of the item's worth that had you wanting for a custom gift for your paramour, no. Rather, your thoughts had often wandered to the crafted image of a red glow illuminating pale skin, along with how beautiful a sight it must be.
And when you see the magical jewels reflect its crimson light on Arlecchino's naked skin, when the chains clink quietly as the pendant bounces on top of her chest, you pride yourself in being right as you smirk and continue to fuck her with your faux appendage.
Your hand went to graze her neck, fingers trailing down as you slowed your efforts. It would have been nice to overwhelm her, to fill her over and over until she forgot herself, but you adored the view you were blessed with right this very moment. Despite how formidable this woman was, you still managed to leave her grasping for breath, glistening chest heaving as her necklace followed suit.
Such a thought itself had prompted you to reach for the camera on the bedside table before taking a quick picture. She would often question your want to capture her visage in such an unruly state but really, you can't help it!
After all, she looks positively delightful, all dressed up and gilded with your money.
My GOD being rich would also mean you can do that thing where like you rip the clothes off bc you got way too excited. She'd ask you why you did that but then you can easily tell her that you'll buy her another one and more 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ full disclosure heat shot up to her very core at the display ☺️
This is like the greatest sort of ask I've ever had bc I LOVEEEEE jewellery just saying
I read something somewhere about how if you buy your partner a necklace or smth then it's like you're binding them to you. Like a collar but a lot more innocent unless yk you WANT it to be less-than-innocent
Buying her all these things being not just a way to show your love but also to show ownership is kinda crazy in a hot way, and really why wouldn't you?? When she's this formidable and Beautifully Handsome figure, why wouldn't you want to show off the fact that she's fully and utterly yours???? Just clocking onto how perhaps her children point out that the sparkles make her look brighter, or how random people may stop and stare at the shimmering pendant on her neck and knowing that you've given her whatever bounties she could ever ask for (if she wanted to ask) is!!!! Definitely A Feeling 😋😋😋
BONUS if the necklace itself is sturdy too. You'd have to think of how she would much prefer practicality, so you've made sure the metal is STRONG and REINFORCED enough to withstand force........esp when you go to tug on it harshly like a collar. Bc really at the end of the day, that's what this is—the only difference is an actual collar would be thick and would wrap around the neck while a necklace is thin and hangs loosely
In any case you tug on it harshly, bring her even closer and more personal as you start drilling into her again, and it lifts her up instead of breaking thank god ☺️☺️☺️ and she does NOTHING but take what you give her!!!!! She hangs there like a ragdoll, eyes glazed over as little grunts and quiet moans escape her lips before you hit that One Spot at that certain and then suddenly her hands are grasping onto you frantically :3
And at daily life THEN that's when she starts fully accepting your gifts and wearing it without feeling like she's extorted you somehow. When people ask her about it, she'll say that she got it all from her lover before looking at you with a tint of red on her cheeks, remembering the times when you've fucked her to the point where she felt like an object herself 🫶
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woneuntonzz · 7 months
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ᯓ★ 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡-𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞
💿 ; uh-oh... did he really forget your special day?
ot7 idol!riize x afab!reader ( 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 .ᐟ )
📨 requested by anon !! ≈
contains: fluff, cussing, vv light-hearted (i think), some are funny —i tried
- - - - - - - - - - - more under the cut .ᐟ - - - - - - - - - - -
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shotaro - “the cold never bothered me anyway~”
When he got home from dance practice, he was exhausted like he'd always be after a long day of work, dragging himself along the considerable space of your apartment, and letting his body fall into the sheets. “Get up, your sweat is getting all over my sheets! I just changed that!” Your passive aggressiveness wasn't so passive anymore, and he'd bring himself to stand up. He just stood there, eyeing your figure pacing around the room. You finally looked into his lost eyes, “I'll change them for you.” he says.  You thought he had texted you earlier that day that he'll see you that night because he had a surprise, but his behavior could say otherwise. “Jerk.” “Wait, what did I do?” he tried to reach for your wrist, your soft hand. “Lovely?” Thankfully, the calendar was hung by the door, and when you slammed it with all the force you had, the calendar would fall. He picked it up and hung it back, then he saw the date. Shit. It even had a doodle of a little birthday cake on it. Your body was slumped on the couch, and suddenly you'd feel a pair of arms snaking down your body, both of which you pushed away but he persisted. “I'm sorry lovely, please let me make it up to you.” he had his face buried in your neck from behind, he left a little kiss, and an electrifying feeling.  The night would end up with the two of you in bed, getting all comfy and cuddled up, and for good measure, you made sure he wore the thing —the thing he seemed to despise so much and swore you'd never catch him wearing, ever— whilst you had a studio ghibli movie marathon, and of course before that you had to have a little photoshoot. “Pose for the camera Queen Elsa!” “This dress is a little itchy, did you even wash it?” “Did you even remember my birthday?” “Okay, sorry. You win." Still, he gives you the sweetest smile he could pull out, and at the end of the day you'd be all cuddled up in bed, the zipper of the dress he wore opened all the way so he could comfortably lie himself, your arms around his neck and his around your waist. He'd let you bury yourself into his warm embrace, placing a tender kiss on your forehead that lingered for long until he softly uttered, “I'm really sorry lovely, I shouldn't have forgotten, happy birthday.” “It's okay, I know you have a lot on your mind, you have a come back to prepare for after all.” Even with your serene voice, he'd still feel guilty for having forgotten your special day, and it would be the sweet sounds of your lips moving against each other in the same rhythm that'll relieve you both of the negativity.
eunseok - “open the door.”
He was feeling uneasy all day, but he had to hide it since he was in a fan meet —well, meeting fans. Behind all his smiles and heart poses, there was an itch in his brain he couldn't quite pick up on. Oh, right, my girlfriend's gonna be here —he'd skillfully and discreetly search for you within the crowds of fans. He knew he would have spotted you easily for being so fond of you, but you weren't there. Odd, he figured he should just wait for you to pop up next to one of his fansites. But the day has already ended and he still hasn't seen you.  Finally he got to check his phone. He'd finally caught up to the ant that crawled around in his mind. He tried messaging you a little, hi birthday girl —and with a cheeky expression on his face, he'd add, you're hotter than the flames on your birthday candles —you left him on read.  It was easy for him to explain that he had work, and you knew, because you said you were going to be in that fan meet. But unlike the last time where he greeted you happy birthday first thing in the morning, you pretty much concluded that he forgot. He did have plenty of time to greet you before the fan meet, so why didn't he? When they got back to the dorms, he made sure to call you as soon as he had locked himself up in his room. “I'm really sorry princess, I wish I could've seen you today, why didn't you come?” “I did… oh my God you don't love me anymore.” “NO, there's no way… I'm really sorry, step on me, use me, abuse me—” “I forgive you, stop.” Your laughter, filled his ears, and it was all he needed to hear. “And how bold of you to assume I had a birthday cake.” He'd laugh for a bit, then suddenly he'd reply with a stern voice. “Open the door.” “Are you outside?” He kept himself eerily quiet on the other side of the line. “Eunseok?” “No. But I got a cake delivered for you.” —it was a cake of your favorite character, and a little note was stuck to it, see? you're definitely hotter than your birthday candles (there's actually no candles lol the shop ran out :D).
sungchan - “good morning, baby.”
You were already used to your boyfriend's frequent absence, he is an idol after all, and despite that fact, your love for each other is inevitable. He was out of the country for a music video shooting, he had told you the full details, given you updates, and even promised to call you so in some way you could be with him whilst he explored around the tourist spots with his other group members.  It's 11:50 pm where you're at, where he was, he's probably working. You sighed, you had about ten minutes left before your birthday ended.  You sat on your bed, body pressed against your thighs, resting your head on your knees whilst you hugged them. You were all alone with your tiny projector, rewatching the episodes of the netflix series you had started with him, and promised to finish with him. You could almost feel his arms around you as you reminisced of the times when you two would just huddle against each other, him whispering sweet little nothings as you watched your shared favorite series. You'd never move onto the next episode without him, so before that new episode could start, you turned it off. You went back to your spot, still sitting up, blankly staring at the white space of your wall. His presence, his touch, his voice, it would all remain a wish as your eyes slowly shut themselves, filling your vision with darkness and guiding you to dreamland.  “...miss you… I love you so much… sorry…” —the sound of his voice, it was very close to your ears, but it sounded faint. You longed so much for him that you slept through it, thinking it was your dreams, because if it was you wouldn't want to wake up for a while.  Waking up, you'd feel trapped, trapped in… “Good morning, baby.” his arms.  You stared into his eyes, they were tired, but still they displayed affection, only for you.  You gently moved his arm, and as his hold on you loosened, you sat up to check the time, 12:00 pm. “Bambi? what are you doing here?” “We finished filming earlier yesterday.” he'd sit up too, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, very gently, he'd lay your head against his beating heart. “I kind of —forgot about your birthday.” he'd start caressing your hair. “I meant to call you before we got to the airport, but then I checked the time, you were already asleep.” You shifted yourself, laying your side against him. He'd trap you in his arms once again, holding you so close and tightly like he'd never want to let go of you.  You look up at him, unable to hold himself back, his lips would fall into yours, the warm sensations taking over as you drowned yourselves in each other's fervor. 
wonbin - “i forgot to feed my cat.”
“You give me the rest of your ice cream if he forgot.” “Bet.”  It was a music show day for RIIZE, work, as usual. Anton and Sohee bickering wasn't anything new, but them betting over something? Wonbin knew he'd fallen victim. “What are you two betting on?” The youngest two just stared at him, Anton bit his lip, holding back a smile. “Say Binnie, what day is it today?” “Tuesday?” —Sohee's mouth formed a little 'o' whilst Anton rolled his eyes, shoulders drooping down dramatically. “What? it's Tuesday.” “Wow, she should really stop with the princess treatment.” Wonbin only laughs at Anton's retort. “Happy Birthday Y/n.” Wonbin panicked at the mention of your name around staff, mainly his worry was at that, then, he realized. “Birthday?” “Aww, Binnie forgot.” Wonbin's mouth went agape, dismissing Sohee's teasing.  Wonbin shook his head, grabbing his phone that rested beside him on the waiting room sofa, he messages you, meet at the vending machine? :> You'd meet him by the vending machine, you had to bring along one of your own group members so as to not raise suspicion, while also pretending to be there for nothing more than a refresher.  “Happy birthday.” he quietly utters, as he reaches down to grab the soda from the dispensing slot. He'd give you the soda, and it had a little note on it.
i love you, i hope you never forget, like how i forgot your birthday :3 You saw him suppressing his laughter, he was lucky he's adorable, and you could never get mad at him since you were in the same line of work, it was easy for you to understand. But of course, being the best girlfriend you are, you'd give your fans a little tmi in your birthday live. “How's my pet cat? Well, Binnie forgot about my birthday, kinda hurts, but pets are pets. You don't feed them, they forget.” —he was watching when you said that, let's just say Sohee and Anton didn't keep very quiet.
seunghan - “i ate shinchan twice, wink, wink.”
The bright wave of sunlight was enough for you to tell that this day was going to be the best day of your life, and it would be for as long as your friends were around. They'd throw you a surprise birthday party and you'd spend the next twelve hours playing cards against humanity and being unhinged young adults trying your damndest not to get a noise complaint from your apartment neighbors. Despite the effects of your friends' urging to continue the night with some drinking, you'd refuse because you were expecting company later that night, him.  You hadn't changed from your birthday fit, it was in your favorite colors too. You kept it on, wanting to show it off to your boyfriend.  You expected a smiley Seunghan, running up to the couch to pick you up and spin you around, peppering kisses all over your face, but when he walked through the door, his head hung low. When he looked up and met your eyes, he could only let out a frail smile. You could see his exhaustion through his eyes.  He sat down on the couch, next to you, and laid his head atop of the couch's backrest, and his eyes fell on you, then on your lips. You knew what he needed, and so you planted a soft kiss on his lips, that would later turn into a heated one. You'd straddle his hips, “What were you up to today babe? you're looking a little too beautiful right now.” he uttered against your lips.  Your giggle would cause a ruckus in his heart. It was so delightful, yet he didn't foresee it. “What are you laughing at?” “My friends got me a shinchan cake, they told me to keep it all for myself, but I want to share it with you.” his slightly furrowed eyebrows would soon soften.  “Oh fuck, sorry, happy birthday babe.” he gives you another quick kiss. “I forgot I was supposed to buy you something.” “Well, what is it babe?” “Can't say, it's a surprise.” “What if…” you leaned in closer to his ear. “... you save that gift for my next birthday and give me something else tonight?” Seunghan was late to practice the next day. 
sohee - “birthday, yes. happy, never.”
Sohee woke up in a haze, not to be that kind of person, but he definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He still had his special mc duties though, so he was up and went on about his day. Well of course, every morning would never be complete without messaging his girlfriend, good morning bub :D But before you could reply, another message would follow shortly,
gonna be vv busy with m countdown todei, but i'll talk to u again as soon as i get off!! —you smiled. This alone was already the sweetest birthday present of all.  The thing is, it wasn't meant to be anything more than just the usual for Sohee. He'd proceed with his job, beaming at everyone and the cameras, elated, but only because he was looking forward to hearing your voice again towards the end of the day.  “I filmed a TikTok with Taeyong, I'm so happy.” —finally, he was able to talk to you again.  “I can tell.” you chuckled, looking at his smile through your phone screen.  You were happy too, but he seemed to have forgotten something.  “I filmed a TikTok too, do you want to see it?” “Yes! Is that even a question?” you shook your head, chuckling once more.  You showed him the video using your laptop. You held your phone close enough, flipping Sohee's view to the back cam, and he'd watch your TikTok wide-eyed. When the video was done, you flipped it back to the front cam, showing him your brazen smile. “Happy birthday bub, you're so hot.” You laughed. “You didn't forget, right?” “No, no!” You kept laughing, he definitely didn't forget, he's definitely not sweating buckets because you've caught him. “Okay, maybe I did —but you said in the video 'happy, never', you're happy, right? I can take a quick run to you right now.”  “I'm happy, I had fun with my friends today.” “That's so emo of you though, suddenly you beat me at my lip sync game, lip syncing to some emo ass audio, you can't even sing the lyrics to our songs.” “Excuse me?”  “Just kidding hehe, I love you and you're so hot.” He took that quick run to your place, and you'd add another video into your TikTok drafts. 
anton - “i'll ra-pa-pa-punch your face.”
He'd be woken up by Sungchan saying, “'Ton, we have a recording today, get up.” He'd groan softly, somehow still so worn out even after passing out for nearly eleven hours.  He sat up, still groggy. He checked for his phone, and the time, Already 9:00 am? —he'd go on about his morning routine, like usual. He got on the van with the other members, yawning like it was his last when he got it. He'd only be able to displace his drowsiness once he got out of the vehicle, scrolling on his phone. The date, recording day, and —suddenly he was wide awake. The boys were gathered around the control booth, listening to the demo of their next title track. “Oh, and Y/n will be the co-producer for this album.” The members spared Anton a glance, as if checking up on him.  When you got in the studio, you would be warmly welcomed by the boys, all but him. He acted like it was the very first time he'd meet you. To be fair, your relationship was a secret to everyone else, and you couldn't really be open about it at work, but he acted odd. He was a wee bit distant, and a lot more reserved. It wasn't your first time working with RIIZE either, so it was odd to say the least. At some point Wonbin would ask you, “Are you gonna beat up Anton?” because your smile would diminish when it was Anton's turn to record.  When it was time to say goodbye, the boys would greet you happy birthday in chorus, Anton would bow with them, but he didn't speak, even more of a reason for you to avoid his eyes until he left. You didn't want to think much of it, and so you continued to work, staying out late in the studio with the other producers, and you'd keep working till they left —though, they wouldn't leave without wishing you happy birthday and urging you to rest and celebrate at home, but you insisted.  You'd drift asleep, head propped on your fist. You were thinking, thinking of what could've gotten into Anton, why was he acting that way? “Happy Birthday love.” you almost jumped off of your seat, awakened by Anton's voice in the recording booth. “Was the door not locked? how did you get in there?”  “The door was quite unlocked, I'd say.” he uttered to the microphone. “And I kind of forgot your birthday —and the present I bought.” his eyes pointed towards the gift bag that rested on the floor next to you.  “Thank you Tony, but, you could've just told me. It's okay. I was worried about why you were ignoring me…” He rushed to answer when he saw your fleeting smile. “I just felt bad. I'm really sorry, it's stupid. I didn't want to approach you empty handed so I went back to the dorms to grab your present.” Your sudden laughter caught him off-guard. “I know, I know, it's embarrassing.” “No, no. I just can't believe you're still in there.” he was still in the recording booth, talking to you through the microphone input.  “Well, I also wanted to re-record my parts. I couldn't focus earlier because you were boring holes into my soul.” “Well, I'm sorry if YOU forgot my birthday.” “Chill, I was only joking, love.”
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well this kinda sucked self-indulgence at its finest (pls don't bully me for almost making anton's into a whole ass fic hehe) ; 💿
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slayfics · 4 months
part 2 of you see katsuki on tv, pretty please 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️
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Let it be a lie.
800 words
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Chapter two
You were ushered out immediately after shattering the TV above the bar with your glass. Only adding to the humiliation and distraught boiling in your chest.
The rest of the night was a blur as you made your way back home, effectively continuing to drink till knocking out. Only to wake up the next morning with a pounding headache. The bright light on your phone shrunk our pupils and elicited a sigh from the late time, 1:12 pm.
You unlocked your phone to check a notification. The first thing you noticed was the abundance of news articles and videos on every platform speculating if Dynamite was dating the women who ran up to him in the crowd. The next thing you saw was your text messages.
[Mina]: Are you ok??
A text from Mina, which could only mean, everyone saw, everyone knew. You rubbed your hands across your face. How could you even begin to respond to that question? You had to know first.
So, you slinked to the kitchen to grab some pain medication and typed out a message to Katsuki.
[You]: You two look good together.
You swallowed the two pills with some water and jumped at the sound of your ringtone suddenly filling the room. Katsuki's contact picture lit up your screen, it was a sight you hadn't seen in a long time.
"Hey," you answered the phone.
"You really think we look good together?" He asked, and your heart dropped. Did that mean they were together?
"She is a beautiful woman, she'd look good next to anyone," you remarked.
"Yeah, that's what my publicist said," Katsuki exhaled a laugh before explaining. "They said it would help me look more approachable and down to earth if I was dating someone. So, they picked out some model and her publicist thought it was a good look for her to be dating a hero."
Your stomach soured, "So you two are dating?"
"For the cameras or whatever, all I know is they said it would help me look good and in turn get higher in the charts," he said.
"Do you even like her?" you asked, your voice sounding harsher than you intended. But the whole situation was making your head spin even more than your hangover.
"Don't know, haven't talked to her. That kiss was just a stunt for the cameras, but I'm supposed to take her out for a fancy dinner or some shit to be seen by the press tomorrow," Katsuki said.
"Oh," you muttered not knowing what else to say. Had Katsuki really changed that much? The Katsuki you knew before wouldn't even pretend to do something he didn't want to. You couldn't decide if this publicity stunt was worse than him truthfully dating her. At least if they were honestly dating it would mean he was happy. "Katsuki," you paused trying to pick your words carefully. "Is this really how you want to make it to number one?"
Dead air filled the line between you both before Katsuki let out a breath, "I don't know." He finally said truthfully.
"I just... never imagined you'd be so wrapped up in the celebrity side of heroism. I didn't think that's what truly mattered to you." You spoke.
"It doesn't. I want to be number one, that's what matters to me. I got a big team behind me now and, they seem to think this stupid bullshit will help so...," Katsuki broke off and paused. "Does it... really seem like something I wouldn't do?" he asked, voice lower.
"Do you remember what you told me you said when you were captured by the League of Villains?" You asked.
"What?" He asked.
"You told Compress I only do what I want to, and I won't even pretend otherwise."
Katsuki paused for another long moment before letting out a chuckle, "Damn I did say that hu? I had a lot of spunk back then."
"You still do," you replied. "How long has it been since you've seen anyone else?"
"Hm? You mean shitty hair and dunce face?" He clarified.
"Yeah, or... even Izuku."
"Don't know, probably longer than the last time I've seen you. Been working so much." He answered.
"Why don't you come to see us... I know everyone misses you, and... let us remind you of the Katsuki we know. Stop being Dynamite for a day."
You could almost hear the cheeky smirk on the other line when Katsuki said, "Ya know- my publicist did free me up around dinner time tomorrow for that model. But- I think I'll tell her I had a change of dinner plans, gonna see some old friends instead. See you idiots then?"
"Yeah, I'll get the gang together." You smiled.
"Alright, it's a date then... a real date." He stated.
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sinners: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #16
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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When the very anticipated notification comes in the form of a message saying 'I'm here', you wish you could be enthusiastic about it like yesterday when you went to sleep. Unfortunately, that was before you realized waking up at five in the morning is extremely tough. Especially for the person like you, and someone who went to sleep late even when your best friend was kind enough to remind you to go to sleep early.
Well, you were always known for going to sleep late and Jungkook seemed not to forget about that.
Stumbling out of your apartment building, you see him walking out of his car with a huge grin, probably finding your current appearance more than amusing.
"Good morning, baby. Ready for some adventure?" he jokes, wiggling his brows as he goes to hug you and places a single kiss on your temple.
"Morning." you grumble under your breath, poking him in the rib when he keeps teasing you with his doe eyes.
"God, I forgot what an early bird you are," he laughs, scrunching his nose in the process of his nonstop teasing. "Here let me take your bags." he says, reaching for the two travel bags you packed yesterday.
"Thanks." you murmur, following him to his new car.
Black Mercedes that he finally bought after speaking and dreaming about it for at least two years. You'll never forget the happy grin he had when he came to pick you up in his new car, showing you all the functions it has even though you barely understood half of what he was saying.
"Fuck, how much stuff did you pack?" he complains, opening the truck where he places your two bags next to his one.
"Just necessary stuff." you inform him, causing him to scoff in response. You notice the dark green camera bag in the truck and it sparks your interest. "Did you bring your camera?"
"Of course," he says, closing it shut as he walks to the driver side while you do the same, walking on the other side to the passenger side. "I gotta catch those memories." he says over the roof, making sure you see his sparkling eyes.
For the first time in the morning, you smile back before you make yourself comfortable in the seat, setting it into a more lying position.
"Who are we picking up?" you ask, silently admiring how silent the engine is when he turns it on and drives out of a parking lot.
The navigation already starts to give him directions, while he heads towards the main road. He looks cozy, especially in one of his black oversized hoodies and black cargo pants. You're not surprised by the choice of his outfit, especially the color. It's six in the morning and even though it's the middle of July, it's still chilly in the mornings. You're wearing one of your purple hoodies as well, matching it with some old leggings that won't be missed if you rip them.
"Jimin was supposed to take his car but it's too small to fit the rest of the gang. So they're going with Hoseok's friend's car and we're picking up some girls, plus Taehyung."
You shouldn't be surprised by the information that there are more girls coming on this camping trip. Jungkook told you that Hoseok's friends are going as well, but still, you're quite surprised by it. So far, there is no mention of Kiko and her possible attendance.
"Would you mind if I close my eyes for a few minutes?" you ask him, fumbling with your eyes as he picks up the speed.
The sky is painted light blue while there's sunrise around the corner. It creates a calm and nice view, especially when you're still tired.
"Not at all," he tells you, turning off the radio that's softly playing in the background. "You should rest till you can. Once Taehyung is here, there won't be any time to rest." he chuckles, leaving you giggling knowing he's more than right about that.
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"Oh my god, I love this song!" Taehyung shouts excitedly, singing his heart out along with Harry Styles' voice booming out of Jungkook's car speakers.
Laughing, you shake your head at your friend who sounds really good but is still too loud, especially when you barely got any sleep. The ride to get Taehyung wasn't that long, it took about fifteen minutes to pick him up and he hasn't shut up since then.
Five minutes later, you picked up Hoseok's friends in front of some apartment building. When Jungkook got out of the car, he helped to load their bags into the truck as he introduced himself to them. You could barely hear their conversation but when they got into the car, sitting next to Taehyung, they introduced themselves.
Minjae and Seulgi. They both look like they're your age, while Minjae's hair is black and short and Seulgi has a high strawberry blond ponytail that frames her face.
And here you are.
They seem like nice girls, very communicative and they both warmed up to all of you quickly, despite the fact that they barely know you. It confirms your thoughts when Minjae speaks up, reacting to Taehyung singing his heart out at Harry Styles' song.
"Let me tell you, Harry Styles is so fuckable!" She comments with so much enthusiasm that it makes you and Jungkook laugh, her friend reacting by exclaiming her name in disbelief. But Minjae just shrugs her shoulders innocently and looks at her friend. "Don't tell me you wouldn't fuck him, if you could."
"I'm not saying that, but--"
"See?" she interrupts her friend, causing Seulgi to let out a groan which makes you laugh even more.
What you don't expect is Minjae, who's sitting behind you, leaning forward as she plops her head between your and Jungkook's seat. "What about you, Y/N? Wouldn't you fuck him?" she asks, wiggling her brows as you shake your head at her, a huge grin settled on your lips.
Glancing at Jungkook, he stares at the road but gives you a quick glance of curiosity before he turns his eyes back to the road. With even Taehyung finally shutting up, everyone stays quiet while they wait for your answer and it makes you mentally groan at their damn curiosity. But well, at least you can be honest when they ask.
"Fuck yeah." you answer, causing Minjae to squeal in triumph.
"Yah! Since when?" Jungkook speaks up, glancing at you for a brief moment and giving you a good glimpse of his furrowed brows.
"I don't know, he's pretty hot. Have you seen him?" you shrug innocently, smirking when Jungkook glares at you. Reaching for a water bottle beside your legs, the one Jungkook bought you, you take a gulp.
"He's not that hot." he grumbles, toning out the voices of Minjae in the back while she asks Taehyung something.
All you can hear is Taehyung's response. "They're dating."
You and Jungkook don't react, both pretending to be busy with driving and staring out of the window and admiring the trees. But you still hear Seulgi whisper a little 'wasn't he dating Kiko?' and a little gasp she lets out when Minjae nudges her shoulder and silently tells her to shut up.
Great, so they know her too.
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When Jungkook told you the location of your camping trip is near a lake, you don't expect such a breathtaking view. You knew there'd be a lot of green around you, but you don't expect such an open space as you drive into the resort. The area is secured with a fence, which makes everything much safer and you don't have to worry about possible bears giving you a goodnight, which Jungkook reacted with a laugh telling you there are no bears when you shared your worries. The gateman that opens the gate for you is an older man, giving you a cheerful greeting and briefly explaining to you there's a nearby building where's the bathroom and little shop in case you might be needing or missing something. It's definitely different than you expected it to be, it's even better.
Everyone in the car shares your enthusiasm while Jungkook follows Jimin's directions he has sent him through voice message and drives through the road. Even when he parks beside white Hyundai, your mouth is agape and eyes focused on the beauty around you. There's a lake just a few meters away from you, with a spacious meadow with nearby trees and bright sky above your heads. You can notice a few people already unpacking a lot of stuff, including Jimin who's holding two unrecognizable packages of something with a frown on his face. His eyes briefly turn towards Jungkook's car and the frown disappears as he waves with the packages still in his hands. You wave back, laughing at his cuteness while you undo the seatbelt and wait for Jungkook to turn the engine off. As soon as he does that, you're getting out of the car just to be met with Jimin's crushing hug he gives you.
"You guys made it!" he exclaims happily, hugging you tighter before he pulls you away.
Smiling at him, you're reminded of how he likes spending his free time with friends. "Of course, we did." you grin, hearing the rest of them getting out of the car.
Jimin hugs Jungkook and Taehyung while he excitedly asks them about your ride and how amazing this place is. Well, you definitely agree with that. You notice Taehyung introducing Minjae and Seulgi to him, causing him to give them a polite wave which is a lot less affectionate than the hug he gave you. But you're all close, so it makes sense.
"Hey everyone!" Someone calls and you turn around, seeing Hoseok waving at all of you.
A round of greetings resounds from the group and you as well, hoping there won't be any negative memories with Hoseok. You know he apologized and he seems to be happy to see all of you, and you hope it could stay this way. When he smiles at you and urges everyone to follow him, he explains everything they've done so far.
"We've got four tents in total. We started to build it but the only one who seems to know how to do it, is Jimin so far," he chuckles, "But we need someone strong to bring wood for the fireplace from that building," he explains, pointing far away at the building. "Jungkook?" he asks, causing the younger male to nod as he gives him thumbs up.
"Great, Namjoon's going with you." he tells you, and your brows frown for a moment before you realize you don't remember anyone named Namjoon. It must be Hoseok's friend Jungkook mentioned.
Just as your curiosity starts working, a blond male appears while dusting his black sweatpants before he looks up and sees all of you. "Oh, hi." he smiles, waving at everyone while a cute dimple pokes out of his cheek and you almost squeal.
He's cute. He's wearing a black cap with some white shirt that's already dirty from the soil.
"Hey, Joon!" Minjae greets him, while Seulgi joins her and waves at their friend while they go to greet Hoseok and Namjoon with a hug.
"Joon, you already know Jungkook," Hoseok says, causing him to nod while he grins at your best friend. "This is Taehyung and Y/N." he introduces you and Namjoon waves at the both of you again, smiling at you while you do the same.
"It's nice to meet you." you smile at him.
"Likewise," he grins, "How was the ride?" he asks, eyeing everyone.
"Cool, we enjoyed the view so much!" Minjae answers.
Just as Jimin calls Taehyung to help him build a tent, while Hoseok starts to give instructions to Jungkook and how he can help, you don't notice another person coming along this trip. How could you, not until the person suddenly comes in the view holding a few packages of what seems like a marshmallow.
"Hey everyone!" she calls, but even you can tell she's trying to sound too cheerful at the sight of everyone being finally here.
Automatically, your eyes go to Jungkook who spots her and recognizes her voice immediately, his own widening at the sight of his ex-girlfriend.
"I brought these ones instead of the blue ones." she explains, her eyes shifting to Hoseok who nods.
"That's fine! These ones are better anyway," he waves, causing her to nod as she places the packages at the top of some plastic box.
Hoseok goes back to talking to Jungkook who nods understandably, but you know he's just trying not stare at Kiko who occupies herself with helping Minjae and Seulgi, trying to build a tent by themselves.
"Y/N, right?" You hear a few meters away from you, Namjoon glancing at you with the same friendly smile. You nod, smiling back at him politely. "Can you help me with this one?" he asks, trying to figure out which part of the tent is right.
"I don't think I'll be much help, but I can try." you joke, already walking towards him.
"That makes two of us." he jokes back, causing you to giggle.
Maybe this camping trip won't be as tense as you expected it to be. It's definitely awkward seeing Kiko here as well, but everyone seems to be cool and chill about the fact two exes are about to spend their weekend together.
But are you and Jungkook going to be?
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nicromancytarot · 8 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what you’re forever homes and houses will be like. Pick a pile that resonates with you to find out what they had to say.
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Pile 1 ———> pile 2
Pile 3 ———> Pile 4
HOME: I see you moving in with your spouse, but I do unfortunately notice one of you cheating on the other. There’s a sense of disloyalty with the 3 of swords, the devil and the 10 of swords. If it’s you who has cheated, you may end up moving back in with family or possibly moving in with your new partners family. However, if it’s your spouse that has cheated, I see that they will move out of your shared house (lowkey one of those American dream type houses by the way!) and moving in with their family while leaving you with the house.
I do see this house being very nice with the magician and chariot, but I also notice a possibility of it being a family home so your children may be children of a divorce.
HOUSE: The house itself seems to be in an isolated area, perhaps in the country side or even up in the hills or mountains, you are my pile that gives me the vibe of you having to travel far to do your shopping or wait extra long for deliveries to arrive. It looks to be a very expensive build, or you may decorate the interior to make it look luxurious. There is definitely a possibility that you and your spouse previously joined pockets to help build or renovate it (it does seem like a knew build.) I also see that this is the house you have wanted for a long time and may have even manifested or prayed for.
HOME: I honestly feel as though you might buy this house just to rent it out to other people. I do see a lot of money coming from this investment, you have both the empress and emperor so I do see this bringing you a ton of wealth in the future. I do however notice that a perspective will shift and you will have the desire to live in this house. You will begin to live in it and perhaps even create a family to share it with further down the line.
HOUSE: The house itself seems to be placed somewhere very hot and possibly humid, it could also be a new build. It looks like something you’ve manifested in the past, and I feel you will continuously add more adaptations to it as you rent it out to others and even after you move into it, it does seem very luxurious and expensive.
(I see a yellow house on the edge of a cliff when I think about this, it seems very bright and colourful and just a happy place to be, the inside is decorated with a lot of floral things, like bright coloured floral lights and a blue couch, this place looks so nice hello, please let me stay.)
HOME: Very confusingly I see a home that is of very expensive origin and in an expensive area but your security seems to be lacking. Living here there’s a sense of uncertainty and being here will for sure make you stronger than you were before. It could even be in an uneasy area but I’m not too sure (I see an expensive gated community but there’s a lot of people standing outside, and a lot of cars are parked by the gates.) I don’t know if you guys are my famous pile but it could be that this is fans, haters or paparazzi if you are, if not it seems that your expensive taste has warranted lurkers.
HOUSE: Ok firstly, please get some security, you have free will, time to use it to camera this bitch up! This seems to be a house that people would walk by, see the lack of security and think “this seems the perfect place to rob from.” I also weirdly enough notice a potential of it being or becoming haunted? LMAOO. It seems pretty isolated though so you could totally throw some ragers.
HOME: Firstly, I notice a theme of possibly having lived or currently living paycheck to paycheck, I see this first place being shared with another person or multiple people. Luckily, there’s a time when this union will come to an end and you will either be able to move out or work towards gaining the resources to move out. (This could honestly be a very toxic childhood home, you may even be buying plates and cutlery and stuff years before moving out just because of how eager you are, but that’s a very specific message.)
Once you move out or begin getting ready to move out, I see you meeting someone (I think it’s your future spouse.) They may be significantly older than you, but boy do they make money. I think you will move in with them very early into the relationship.
HOUSE: Good news is the house is very nice and it seems like a dream place for you to be, the only downside is that you do have both the 5 and 7 of swords so they may be some selfishness perhaps with the decorating? I notice you may erase your persons personality (or even their kids if they have any, if they do I see two young girls) and I am here to tell you not to do that. You have free will, make sure to be fair.
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Misguided Messages
Summary: Y/N’s ex can’t handle the fact that she moved on from him and she’s happy with Hook. But when he starts doing more than sending them glares backstage, Hook makes it known that you don’t ever threaten his girl.
Warnings: creepy ex, cussing, violence, blood, threats, fights, protective!Hook, angst?, fluff, simp!Hook, teensy tiny bit of spice if you squint
𝘼/𝙉: AAAAHHHHH, I’m doing it! I’m finally posting an imagine🥳😭 I hope you guys love it! It’s definitely not perfect, and I’ve got a lot to learn, but I tried my bestest! And of course I have to give SO MUCH THANKS to @99hook!!🧡 I would never have posted this if it wasn’t for her love and support!!!! Thank you so much bestie for motivating me and I hope you love it bestie!!!🥰🧡🖤
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Having an ex work at the same company as you shouldn't be that big of a deal.
You'd think everyone should be able to behave professionally and go about their day to day lives normally.
But no; because Y/N's ex didn't know the meaning of the word normal.
He was a low card wrestler at AEW; barely even on tv. He was only shown when the better wrestlers needed an easy win.
She had dated him a long time ago, back when she was in college and he was still in the indies.
But now she had risen the ranks in AEW backstage, and was a fan favorite backstage interviewer and occasionally she even got to dabble in storylines.
It was right around when he first joined Team Taz that Hook met Y/N.
There was an instant attraction between the two, and she even pulled his first words out of him in a backstage interview.
Everyone could see the chemistry between them; even the fans picked up on it.
The fans really started to ship them after a particular incident.
"So Ricky, Hook, how is Team Taz feeling about the upcoming-" Her question is cut short when Darby Allin and Sting come from out of nowhere and attack the two. 
Y/N let's out a pained yell as she gets pushed over in the chaos and twists her ankle.
Her eyes widen however when Hook punches Sting extremely hard in the gut, before running over to kneel beside her.
He scoops her up into his arms and backs away from the fight. "Are you ok?"
"I'm ok" she replies. "You should go help Ricky, I'm alright"
Hook just shakes his head no, casting one more glance over to Ricky. He and Ricky exchange nods, and he knows Ricky's got it handled.
So he turns and walks down the hall towards the medical room. "I saw you land on your ankle; how bad does it hurt?"
"Not that bad" Y/N answers. "I think my heels just made it hurt worse"
Hook nods, and it's then that he notices the camera man following them.
He scowls, and adjusts Y/N so he's holding her with one arm before shoving the camera to the ground. "Get that shit out of her face!"
After that, fans were itching to see them get together. And even though neither one were willing to admit it, they were too.
But it wasn't until Hook's in ring debut that it finally happened.
"Hey Hook!" Y/N runs over to him with an excited smile. "Are you excited to debut?!"
"Damn.." Hook can't help but audibly groan at the sight of her.
She was always a sight to behold, but tonight she looked even more breathtaking than usual. She had on a cropped corset top with a see through bodice that had floral lace patterns etched onto it, high waisted leather short-shorts, knee high black boots that had orange rhinestones bedazzling the heel, her natural hair down, and very light makeup; the only pop of color was bright orange highlighting the inner corner of her eye.
"Y-Yeah" Hook stutters out an answer to her question.
"You're gonna do absolutely amazing!" Y/N encourages.
He smiles, bashful at her praise. "Thanks Y/N"
"Tyler!" The two look up when Hook's name is called.
Taz, who was walking over to check on his son, can't help but smirk and chuckle at the pink color on Hook's cheeks. That was definitely not something you see everyday.
"How are you feeling about your first match son?" Taz asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm all good dad" he replies.
"And Y/N, it's always lovely to see you honey" Taz greets. "And you're representing the FTW colors, I love it"
"Thanks Taz" Y/N grins. "I thought it was appropriate given Hook's debut"
"Absolutely!" Taz agrees with a grin. "You know, it's a shame to put that outfit to waste"
"What do you mean?" Y/N asks.
"Well, Ricky and Hobbs aren't able to go out with Hook tonight. So, if you're both cool with it, you could go out with him. Maybe stand ringside" Taz offers.
Hook's eyes widen as he shoots his dad a warning look. His dad was always trying to meddle with him and Y/N-
"I'd love to!"
His eyes widen even more as his head snaps back down to look at Y/N. "R-Really?"
"Yeah! If you'd like me too, of course" Y/N replies.
"Yes! I'd be happy for you to" Hook scrambles to get the words out fast enough before doing his best to recollect himself and return his face to its usual stoicalness.
Taz let's out a laugh, before patting Hook's shoulder. "Well I best be going, commercial's almost over and I gotta get back to commentary. You're up next son, and you're gonna do great. See you two later"
They both say goodbye before Hook turns to Y/N. "Sorry he just volunteered you to do that. You really don't have to if you don't want to"
"What are you talking about?" Y/N asks. "Of course I want to"
Before Hook can respond his music hits.
"Well go on!" Y/N encourages. "I'll be right behind you"
He smiles back at her, and takes a deep breath before daring to peck her on the cheek really quickly before walking out.
Y/N falters for a second, and blushes wildly while her fingers brush over where he kissed her.
Then she snaps out of it and follows him out.
Y/N grins proudly at the pop he gets from the audience, and claps along with them as she trails behind him down the ramp.
He circles the ring as Y/N stops in his corner.
Hook climbs in and walks over to his corner, paying Fuego Del Sol no mind as he leans against the turnbuckle.
Y/N smirks mischievously before climbing up to the apron and looking right in Hook's eyes.
He has to stop himself from reacting to the close proximity of their faces as she leans against the opposite side of the turnbuckle.
"I know you're gonna do amazing" she smiles softly, running her hand over his jaw.
He has to fight as hard as possible to stop a smile from overtaking his face.
Her thumb trails over his bottom lip as he stares at her adoringly.
And when the ref walks over to tap Hook on the shoulder so he'll turn around, she pecks him right on the lips before hopping off the apron and down to ringside.
His eyes widen, and his eyes trail after her.
She smirks at him, and points towards Fuego to indicate he should turn around.
He sends her a smirk back before turning to focus on his match.
He officially asked her to be his girl as soon as they got backstage, and she was so excited to say yes. After that Y/N and Hook were always together.
She always accompanied him to the ring, and Hook would be lying if he said he didn't love getting to show her off.
Y/N in turn, loved to be shown off by him. The way he was so proud to be her boyfriend made her heart melt.
Y/N was also not afraid to get in someone's face if they were messing with Hook.
At Hook's third match, when QT Marshall grabbed his ankle, Y/N was quick to intervene.
"Hey! Bastard!" Y/N storms around the ring to plant herself face to face with QT Marshall.
Was he much bigger than her, and a trained wrestler? Yes. But did he intimidate her? Not at all.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Ricky exclaims from commentary. "Pissed off woman headed your way QT! Better watch out!"
Taz laughs. "Ain't no saving him now!"
"Keep your pathetic hands to your damn self!" She screams. "You're just pissed because Hook has already surpassed you and this is only his third professional match! You're so desperate to prove that you can train someone better than him; and you're too stupid to realize that's never gonna happen! Because Hook has more natural talent in his pinky finger than you have in your whole body!"
Hook can't help but peer over at his girl, a cocky smirk resting on his face as he watches her defend him.
"You listen here-" QT points his finger in Y/N's face.
But he's cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of the match.
Neither of them had realized that Hook locked Solo in a redrum.
Y/N let's out a cheer as she hops up onto the apron, but before she fully steps into the ring QT beats her to it.
Hook lightly pushes her back, signaling for her not to get in as he steps up to QT.
Hook turns away from QT after a moment, sick of the man yelling in his face, and that’s when QT grabs Hook's arm and yanks Hook around to face him.
The look on Hook's face is dangerous, and QT quickly raises his hands in surrender.
But it was way too late, and Y/N lets out a laugh when Hook hits him with an overhead throw and plants him onto the mat.
Hook turns back to her, and jumps out of the ring. He stops and holds his hand out to help her down.
She smiles at him as the two walk up the ramp, with Hook placing his hand on Y/N's hip and pulling her into his side.
"You screaming at him was so fucking sexy" he breathes into her ear.
Y/N looks up at him, and he smirks at the blush on her face.
But QT Marshall just never knew when to quit.
The match between Serpentico and Hook was extremely quick.
Serpentico didn't even have an opportunity to take his kimono off before he tapped.
Taz, Ricky, and Y/N were all laughing and cheering for Hook's win as he kept Serpentico locked in the redrum after the bell.
But Y/N's smile morphs into a glare when QT Marshall comes strolling out. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, this is the exact crap I'm talking about! Hey! This is what I'm talking about! You idiots don't realize what he's doing!"
Hook lets Serpentico go to turn and face QT with an annoyed look.
"Hitting the guy before the bell, keeping the choke on too long. His dad's laughing about it, his girlfriend's cheering him on" QT complains.
Y/N quirks an amused eyebrow at him, and nods her head.
Taz laughs again from his seat at the commentary table. "Yeah I am"
Hook just rolls his eyes and waits for Y/N to join him at his side before walking up the ramp.
"He's a delinquent!" QT exclaims.
Y/N intertwines her fingers with his as they walk by QT without acknowledging him.
But Y/N let's out a surprised yelp when QT grabs her arm and turns her to face him.
Hook feels her be yanked back, and whips around with a furious glare.
He pushes Y/N behind him, before getting chest to chest with QT.
QT continues to scream, but Hook doesn't really hear any of it. All he knows is that QT touched his girl.
Hook grabs QT and T-Bones him as hard as he can.
Hook stands up, and walks over to Y/N. "You ok baby?"
"Yeah, I'm good Ty" she answers with a smile.
Hook takes her hand again, and steps over QT's body.
He then turns around to place his hands on Y/N's waist and pick her up to place her on the other side of QT so she doesn't have to step over him.
Taz is still laughing at commentary as the two walk backstage. "You never put your hands on Hook's girl! And if you do, he's gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget!"
"They're like AEW's Bonnie and Clyde!" Excalibur says with a laugh.
Y/N also started learning to commentate around that time, and Taz was happy to be her mentor.
Y/N was sitting at the commentary table next to Taz. She was quiet for the time being, because QT Marshall was out there with one of his students and Y/N refused to acknowledge him.
But then something catches her attention, and she turns to look at QT with a raised eyebrow. "Ladies and gentlemen, the recipient of the first ever QT Marshall certificate of accomplishment: Hook!"
She crosses her arms as she stares QT down, suspicious of his intentions.
But she can't help a smile growing on her face when Hook's music hits, and he comes walking out.
He glances over at her before making his way down the ramp.
"What?!" Chris Jericho exclaims surprisedly.
"The cold-hearted handsome devil: Hook" Excalibur says.
"Here he comes!" Jericho exclaims excitedly.
"We're not quite sure what the hell this is about with QT and the certificate of accomplishment" Taz says.
"Hook looks annoyed that somebody woke him up to send him out here" Jericho laughs, making Y/N laugh as well. "He probably is"
"QT likes to take a lot of credit for training Hook" Y/N rolls her eyes.
Y/N goes to stand up, but Taz grabs her arm and lightly pulls her back down. "Don't go smacking the guy up just yet Y/N" he says with a chuckle.
Y/N recrosses her arms as she keeps her eyes fixed on the ring.
"This is such a special night" QT starts. "I mean normally a mentor-" he stops when the crowd starts chanting for Hook. "Yeah, give it to him guys. He deserves it. Normally a mentor would get jealous when his protege surpasses him, but not me, I'm not a selfish kind of guy-"
Y/N laughs when the audience boos at that.
"I'm not!" QT insists. "So I’m just gonna get right to it.  Hook, congratulations. This is something you're gonna be able to tell your grandkids about. You are the recipient of the inaugural, first ever, QT Marshall certificate of accomplishment"
QT takes the plaque from Aaron Solo as he shoots off a confetti gun.
Y/N can't help but giggle at the unimpressed look on Hook's face as confetti falls around him.
"What the hell is going on?" Taz groans.
But then Hook slams Solo's head into the certificate, making Y/N and Taz burst into laughter as Hook makes his way back up the ramp.
But Y/N's smile drops when Danhausen comes creeping out from backstage.
She immediately stands up and storms over when Danhausen tries to curse Hook.
Hook is completely unfazed, and moves to step around Danhausen.
But Y/N snatches the back of Danhausen's shirt and pulls him around to face her before slapping him right in the face.
Everyone at the commentary table cringes at the sound.
"Y/N just slapped the taste out of Danhausen's mouth!" Jericho laughs hysterically at the shocked look on Danhausen's face.
"I think the curse backfired on Danhausen!" Excalibur exclaims.
"You don't mess with Y/N's man you guys" Taz laughs.
Hook wraps his arm around Y/N's waist and pulls her backstage as she glares at Danhausen.
"Calm down mamas" he breathes into her ear.
Hook smirks as she falters, and he admires the blush lighting up her face. "You like that nickname mamas?"
Y/N nods, burying her face in his chest as she hugs around his torso.
He laughs softly and presses a kiss on top of her head. "The last time you reacted like that was when I called you babygirl"
He just laughs again when she has a similar reaction, before swatting his chest. "Stop teasing me!"
"I'm sorry babygirl" he says in a low tone. He lets his hands trail down her body to rest on her hips. "I didn't mean to tease you. I just love those cute little reactions.. my cute girl"
Y/N smiles up at him, and gets on her tip toes to press a kiss to his nose.
Hook's face flushes red, and it's Y/N's turn to smirk. "It's ok, because I love your cute little reactions too honey"
Hook squeezes her hips, and leans down to bury his head in the crook of her neck. That nickname always made him bashful and blush.
Y/N giggles and runs her fingers through his hair.
Even after Hook accepted Danhausen as a tag partner, Y/N was a little unsure of him.
She didn't like how he wanted to fight Hook at first, and Y/N was a little protective of Hook.
But he did grow on her eventually, and she was so excited when the two worked together to beat Tony Nese and Mark Sterling.
But it was around this time that Y/N's ex was suddenly unable to keep his stupid fucking mouth shut.
"Hello Miss Y/N" she hears from behind her, and turns to face Danhausen with a smile.
"Hello Danhausen" she greets back. "How are you today?"
"Very well, very well indeed. I just came over to see-"
"Y/N" Danhausen is cut off by a man he doesn't recognize stepping out in front of them.
Y/N rolls her eyes, but Danhausen notices the way she takes a step closer to him. "What do you want Matthew?"
"I just wanted to talk to you without your little boy toy behind you" Matthew scowls.
"Uh, hello. Danhausen here" Danhausen waves. "She has a very evil friend instead"
"Like I'm scared of you" Matthew laughs.
"Like you have any room to talk" Y/N retorts. "At least Danhausen gets matches. When was the last time you wrestled? I don't even know, but I'm sure it was a throw away match to get someone else over"
Y/N smirks at the look on Matthew's face, knowing what she said was true.
"Just leave me the fuck alone Matthew" Y/N demands. "You know I have a boyfriend. And he is a hundred times the man you could ever dream of being, and makes me a million times happier than you ever did"
With that she grabs Danhausen's arm and pulls him down the hall with her.
"I'm not gonna give up that easily! Mark my words, you'll be hearing from me!" Matthew yells.
Danhausen turns to curse him, but Y/N just yanks him down the hallway. "He's not even worth it"
"Who was that despicable person?" Danhausen asks.
"He's just an ex" Y/N answers. "He just has a hard time accepting that I broke up with him. He hadn't bothered me in a while though.. I thought he was finally gonna leave me alone"
"We should tell Hook" Danhausen says.
"No! Please don't!” Y/N immediately replies. "Tyler will loose his damn mind, and he needs to be focused on his match tonight. The last thing I want is for him to get suspended or something because he attacked Matthew. Which we both know is what he'll do"
Danhausen is silent for a few moments, before huffing. "Fine, Danhausen will not tell for now. But if he bothers you any more we must"
It didn't take very long for him to do just that.
But this time he made the mistake of doing it when Hook was around.
Y/N giggles at a joke Danhausen tells her as the two sit in catering.
It was late; the last match had wrapped up a while ago, so they were the only ones there.
They had decided to hang out at the venue a little later than usual, and Hook was now taking a shower really quick before the three headed out.
"Hey Y/N"
"Ew!" Danhausen screams. "It is creepy rat man!"
Y/N can't help but burst out in laughter at Matthew's expense.
"I want to talk to you" Matthew says, attempting to be assertive in his tone.
But Y/N had changed a lot from the meek girl she was when she was with him. That tone may have worked on her once, but never again.
And she knew that infuriated him when she looked over at him with a bored expression. "I don't wanna talk to you though. So too bad"
"You really think you're all that now because you're Hook's latest piece of ass, huh? He doesn't give a damn about you, but you're too fucking stupid to realize that. He'll never treat you the way I did-"
"The way you did?!" Y/N exclaims, jumping up from her seat to glare daggers at him. "You're right. Tyler would never treat me the way you did. He would never treat me like I'm worth nothing more than a fuck. You expected to be able to treat me like shit, and then still have me waiting for your beck and call. Well newsflash Matthew; you may have destroyed me back then, but I healed myself. And Tyler has shown me what it's like to be loved. He's shown me what being with a real man is like"
"Hey bitch!" Everyone's head snap over to the hallway, where Hook is storming over with a look in his eyes that Y/N had never seen.
Hook snatches Matthew up by the collar with a dangerous look on his face before landing a vicious punch right on his jaw.
"Tyler!" Y/N exclaims as Danhausen immediately tries to pull him off of Matthew. 
Y/N grabs his arm and pulls him towards her.
Hook let's her do so, but he doesn't stop glaring at Matthew. "You mess with my girl again and I'll knock your fucking teeth in"
And after that Hook lets Y/N drag him down the hallway.
Neither one of them say a word until they get to Hook's dressing room.
Hook wordlessly sits down on the couch, and furrows his eyebrows when Y/N lingers by the door and doesn't sit down next to him.
He holds his hand out, signaling for her to come over to him, but she doesn't.
"Get your cute little ass over here" Hook says with a little pout.
Y/N breaks out into a smile at that, and does as told.
When she gets close enough he grabs her hips and pulls her down to sit on his lap facing him.
Y/N wraps her arms around his torso and buries her head against the side of his neck. "I'm sorry"
"For what?" Hook asks, leaning back a little in an attempt to look at her. But she holds on tighter and doesn't let him. "For all that with Matthew"
"It wasn't your fault" Hook replies, but she can feel his body tense. "Who was he though?"
"He's an ex" Y/N answers.
Hook doesn't like the vague answer, and gently wraps his hands in her hair to pull her head up and makes eye contact with her. He didn't give a damn about some stupid little ex of Y/N's; he knew that Y/N only wanted him, just like he only wanted her. But he does care when that ex starts bothering her. "Has he been bothering you before today?"
Y/N shrinks under his gaze, but when she tries to look down he tightens the grip on her hair slightly. "I.. Only a couple times"
"Y/N" Hook chides. "These are the kinds of things you have to tell me"
"I know" Y/N says softly. "I just didn't want you to get in a fight with him or something"
Hook sighs, before pulling her to him and kissing her softly.
When they pull away Y/N lays her head on his chest as Hook runs his hand up and down her back, occasionally kissing her head and whispering sweet words to her.
That was a couple months ago, and Matthew had let up a bit.
He never approached her in person anymore; but he did message and call her.
Y/N knew she should tell Hook, but she was scared he'd snap and beat him up again.
It was a miracle that Matthew didn't report Hook the first time, and Y/N didn't want to risk Hook loosing his job over her.
So she just dealt with his abusive texts and voicemails, and did her best to not let it bother her.
But it obviously did, and Hook was beginning to pick up on it.
Like right now.
Y/N and Hook were snuggled up together on their hotel bed. Y/N was tucked into his side with her head on his chest, and Hook had his chin resting on top of her head while absentmindedly running his fingers up and down her back.
But then Y/N's phone started ringing.
Hook began to move to hand it to her, but she squeezed him tighter. "Don't move" she whined.
He laughs softly at her, and peers down at her with an adoring smile. "You're adorable babygirl, but it could be something important"
Y/N pouts, before turning to grab her phone.
Hook looked back at the tv, which was playing a rerun of Y/N's favorite show.
Hook had turned it on for her while she was getting ready for bed.
But his head snaps over to her when he hears a little sniffle escape her. 
He pulls himself up to rest against the headboard, and gently places a hand on her back. "Talk to me mamas.. tell me what's going on so I can help you"
Y/N hesitates, and stares down at her phone. "I'm scared to"
Hook furrows his eyebrows at that. Why would she be scared to tell him something?
Hook places his hands on her waist and turns her to face him. She looks down at the bed, but he puts his finger under her chin and tilts her head up to look at him. "You can tell me anything Y/N. Anything. You know that"
"I know.." She mumbles. "It's not how it sounds. I just don't want you to get in trouble"
"Why would I get in trouble?" Hook asks.
"Because I think you may kill someone" Y/N answers with a soft smile.
Hook cracks a smile as well. "If they're bothering you, you may be right"
"Tyler" Y/N chides, lightly swatting his chest as they smile at each other.
"Ok, ok" he relents. "I at least won't kill anyone tonight"
Y/N takes a deep breath. "It's Matthew.."
Hook's eyes harden immediately, and he has to take a couple deep breaths of his own. "What about him?"
"Ever since you punched him, he hasn't come up to me in person. But he has been messaging and calling me" Y/N admits. "He always says the meanest things and it's just-" Y/N sniffles again, and Hook wipes away a stray tear with his thumb. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want to say anything to you because I was scared you'd attack him and get suspended or fired and I can't even imagine you being gone and I-"
Hook cuts her rambling off by placing his lips against her's.
Y/N immediately melts into him, placing her hands on his neck as her holds her face and their lips move in sync.
He pulls away after a few seconds and kisses her forehead before speaking. "I'm not happy you didn't tell me.. but I guess I understand why. I shouldn't have acted the way I did before. Maybe then you would have told me-"
Y/N places a finger against his lips, cutting his sentence short. "No. You know what? Neither one of us is gonna apologize. Did either of us handle the situation perfectly? No. But none of it is our fault's; it's his"
Hook smiles softly before nodding.
He pulls her body flush against his, and nuzzles his head in the crook of her neck. Y/N giggles as he starts leaving kisses there.
"I think he's just mad because he doesn't have the sexiest girl in the world to keep him warm at night anymore" Hook teases, and Y/N let's out a surprised squeal when he slaps her ass.
"Tyler!" She chides through giggly laughter, and he laughs along too.
The two spend the rest of the night too wrapped up in each other's presence to even remember Matthew's name.
A couple of peaceful weeks went by after that.
Matthew had called a couple times and sent a couple of messages, but Y/N just ignored them.
She told Hook every time, and he wanted nothing more than to track Matthew down and make it so he was terrified to even breathe in Y/N's direction.
But she begged him not to do anything rash, and he reluctantly agreed.
Hook kept true to that agreement for almost a month.
The two were at the arena, getting ready for that night's rampage. Y/N had gotten into the shower while Hook was putting on his ring gear and taping his fists.
"Ty!" Y/N called.
Hook immediately hopped up and walked into the bathroom. "Yeah mamas?"
She doesn't say anything, but she sticks her head around the shower curtain and pouts her lips.
Hook smirks, and walks over to place his lips against her's.
He reaches into the shower, before she giggles and closes the curtain. "You can't come in here! You're gonna get your tape wet! And your precious hair!"
Hook just chuckles. "You're the one who called me in here"
With that he walks back into the dressing room, but stops when Y/N's phone starts lighting up.
He grabs it, and starts to circle back to the bathroom to let her know she had gotten some messages, when he realizes who the messages are from.
Hook scoffs as he watches more and more messages from Matthew pop up on the screen, and with each one he feels his body heating up in anger.
But then a particular one delivers, and Hook tosses the phone down on the couch before storming out of the room with a rapid heartbeat, a clenched jaw, and clenched fists.
When Y/N gets out of the shower, she is greeted with an empty dressing room.
She furrows her eyebrows in confusion, but figures Hook just left to do something real quick.
She gets dressed and started on her makeup.
But right as she finishes putting on her lipgloss her door is swung open, and Ricky Starks comes rushing in.
"What the hell Ricky?! You scared the hell out of me!" Y/N exclaims.
"You gotta come with me" Ricky says, and grabs her arm to pull her out of the room.
"Where? What's wrong?" Y/N asks.
"Hook's beating the hell out of some random jobber" Ricky answers, and Y/N feels her stomach drop.
The closer they get Y/N can hear the fighting and yelling, and she pulls away from Ricky to just run towards the sounds quicker.
"Tyler!" She screams when she sees him holding a bloody and beaten Matthew up against the wall by his neck.
"Huh?! Come on! Threaten someone who will fight back you son of a bitch!" Hook screams, not even hearing Y/N over the blood pumping in his ears.
"Tyler!" Y/N yells again, and runs over.
Hook whips around when he feels someone trying to pull him off of Matthew, but his wild eyes soften when the see it was Y/N.
But she wasn't looking at him, she was watching with wide eyes as Matthew slid right down the wall as soon as Hook wasn't holding him anymore.
"What the hell Tyler?!" Y/N yells.
Hook just stares at the floor, chest heaving and sweat running down his body.
"Matthew swung first" Ricky speaks up from behind them. "Hook went up to him yelling and shit, but he never touched Matthew until after he punched Hook"
"I knew you wouldn't want me to.." Hook mumbles, nervously looking up from the floor to make eye contact with her.
Y/N takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.
"Why don't you two go to Tony's office and explain all that then" Y/N says shortly, watching as medics finally run over and start tending to Matthew. She felt guilty that she just couldn't bring herself to feel bad for him. But Ricky said that Matthew swung first, so whatever happened to him was his own fault.
Hook doesn't move though, and stares at Y/N like a lost puppy. "Are you mad at me?"
Y/N sighs, before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He immediately responds, wrapping his arms tightly around her in return.
"I'm not happy you came out here looking for him, as I assume that's why you left the room"
Y/N looks up at him with a pointed look, and he looks at the wall to avoid eye contact. "But, if he swung first then I'm not mad at you for the fight"
"I had to. I couldn't let him say what he said to you, I'll always defend you" Hook says firmly.
"What are you talking about?" Y/N asks with furrowed eyebrows.
"You didn't look at your phone?"
Y/N was sitting in her and Hook's shared hotel room while scrolling through all the messages Matthew sent that day.
And Y/N knew exactly which one must have set Hook off.
You don't wanna respond to me bitch? That's fine, because when Hook goes out for his match tonight I'm gonna find you and teach you to never ignore me again. And trust me, you'll never forget it.
Y/N didn't even want to think about what he had been planning to do before Hook found him; and she couldn't be anything but grateful to Hook.
She had heard that Matthew was in the hospital with broken bones and other injuries, and she wondered if that would have been her without Hook.
Matthew had never actually hit her during their relationship, but he came very close when she broke up with him.
But her thoughts are interrupted when the door swings open.
She jumps up and runs over to tightly hug Hook. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, it's all ok baby" Hook comforts, running his fingers through her hair. "There was a video of the whole thing so I'm not in any trouble"
"Thank God" Y/N breathes out. "And Matthew?"
"He's gonna be fired. You know, whenever he wakes up" Hook brags with a lopsided smirk.
Y/N laughs, and gets on her tiptoes to peck his lips. "I love you so much. And thank you, I can't help but think about what could have happened-"
Hook leans down to cut her off with a kiss, before pulling away and resting his forehead against her's. He lets his hands rest on her hips as he stares into her eyes. "You don't ever have to worry about someone hurting you. Not ever again. Not when I'm around, which will be forever"
Y/N smiles, and lets out a surprised laugh when he picks her up and carries her over to the bed.
She gets comfortable under the covers as he puts on pajamas.
He lays down next to her and she immediately nuzzles into his side.
Hook wraps an arm around her waist, and uses his free hand to draw random shapes on her exposed stomach.
Y/N sleepily smiles as she realizes he's writing out 'I love you' at one point. "I love you too"
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I Believe You, But Tell Me Again
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Summary: Y/N is wondering if Jensen still sees her as he used to.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Lots of fluffy smut. Sexy af Jensen. Rockstar!Jensen. Definitely a warning. Unprotected PinV sex. Oral (f receiving), Brief fingering, some slightly insecure thoughts, established relationship. Fluff.
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 3,314
A/N: This fic is a request by @lacilou .
I'm not sure if you're taking requests, but I can't get this out of my head. Jensen, in the photo you're using for Off and On Again. Where he's super hot, and he knows it. Kinda cocky but totally in love with the reader (established relationship - married, long-time girlfriend??) And reader doesn't understand why he's so into her, but she KNOWS it even though Jensen has to remind her with "Feel this? It's all for you, "while he's holding the reader's hand over his bulge. If you could throw in "this what you want?" while he's slowly stroking himself as he walks towards the reader, lust in his eyes.
I hope you enjoy it sweetie, and everyone else too.
The dividers below were created by @talesmaniac89
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The lights were bright, slightly blinding, as Y/N sat in front of the two cameras aimed at her. There were two cameras so they could decide later on which side was her better side. Or possibly her worse side, depending on the tone of the interview. 
Y/N squinted at the primped and stylish woman sitting across from her getting her makeup touched up. She wondered, would this interview be a friendly one? An interview to say, “Look everyone! Aren’t the Ackles great?” Or would it be one of those interviews that had an edge of nasty hovering just beneath the smile of the interviewer. 
She watched this interviewer, Shauna, pull away from her makeup artist, scowling. “It’s fine, Lisa. Just leave it alone.” 
Uh oh.
The interview started off friendly enough, touching on the things most journalists talked to her about - Jensen’s incredible skyrocketing success, his status as a rockstar icon, what a talent he was. As Jensen’s biggest fan, Y/N always enjoyed those kinds of questions. She couldn’t get enough of bragging about her ridiculously talented husband. 
But then the mood of the interview shifted and Shauna started asking much more pointed questions. 
“Now, Y/N, you and Jensen have been married over a decade now, right?” Y/N nodded. “Is there a secret to your success?” Shauna was smiling, but Y/N could see that her gray eyes were calculating.
It was a question she’d been asked a lot in the last couple of years as their ten year anniversary came and went. People seemed very interested in the fact that their marriage had lasted so much longer than had been anticipated. When Jensen had started dating her, just a nobody from nowhere, everyone had predicted it wouldn’t last. 
People on social media and angry people with podcasts all had an opinion on their relationship.
-- She’s not cut out for the limelight.
-- It’s way too hard for someone like her.
-- She’s not used to the media. She’s gonna break under the pressure.
-- He’s a rockstar who could literally get any girl he wanted. So, what’s up with him picking her?
-- It won’t last. These showbiz marriages never do.
But ten years on, now people were wondering how they actually made it to a decade. “What’s the secret?” They all wanted to know.
“There’s really no secret, Shauna.” Y/N said with a smile. “When two people are madly in love with each other, when they respect each other and work together as partners, staying together becomes much easier.” 
It was a variation on the same answer she’d given dozens of times. It happened to be true, but Y/N was still tired of trying to find new ways to explain to people that they got married because they loved each other, and they stayed married because the alternative was unthinkable for either of them.
Shauna smiled a sharp smile. “And in all those years, you’ve never been worried about the rock and roll lifestyle…leading Jensen astray?”
Y/N kept smiling because she couldn’t falter and let the reporter know she’d scored a hit. They weren’t usually that pointed with the infidelity question. Usually they skirted around it, saying things like, “Does it ever get hard when he’s on the road?” or “You must miss him when he’s touring. How do you keep tabs on him?” 
Y/N’s personal favorite version of this question came from a middle-aged woman reporter with lipstick on her teeth. “Have you ever just shown up to surprise him, or tried to catch him being naughty?” It was said with a cheeky grin as though they were just besties chatting, but Y/N had wanted to snatch the woman bald.
Shauna’s version of the question was the closest anyone had ever come to asking her outright, “Do you worry about your husband cheating on you?”
Y/N kept smiling and shook her head. “No, never. If you knew Jensen, you wouldn’t wonder about it either. He’s the most loyal man I’ve ever known, and the most honorable. I know beyond a doubt that he doesn’t take our vows lightly, and that he would never, ever hurt me like that.”
Shauna seemed slightly taken aback by Y/N’s adamant, genuine answer, clearly expecting some anger or some kind of dramatic reaction from her. When she didn't get it, the reporter just smiled again.
“So sweet.” Was her response, acid dripping from her words.
The day of interviews had taken quite a bit out of Y/N, especially the last one, and she was tired as she wandered out to the limousine that was waiting to take her and Jensen back to their hotel, whenever he was done with his part of the press junket.
The limo driver opened the door for her and smiled. “Fatima says Mr. Ackles is almost finished and will be out in about ten minutes. Do you want to wait for him? Or should I take you and send another car for him?”
Y/N smiled back and shook her head. “No, let’s wait for him.”
“Okay, great.” The driver said as he closed the door behind her. 
In less than ten minutes, she saw Jensen push out of the double doors, and amble towards the car. He wore black jeans that clung to his thick thighs, and a gray t-shirt covered by a black, long-sleeved denim shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing the veins and corded muscles in his forearms - muscles he’d gained by long hours spent playing the guitar.
As he got closer to the car, she watched him push a hand through his long hair, sweeping it off his forehead, and she sighed deeply. Good God, he was so stunningly sexy. 
Even when he was just walking, he moved with the same seductive grace he used like a siren song onstage. No matter how many times Y/N watched him in concert, she never got used to that kind of magnetic, cocky seductiveness that poured out of him when he was singing. He knew he drove people crazy. He knew it, and it just made him smile.
He was smiling now as he climbed into the car. “Hey beautiful.”
Y/N smiled tiredly at him, feeling her heart warm at his usual greeting. When he settled into the seat, he reached over and pulled her into his lap.
She squealed lightly as he lifted her, and then chuckled. “You know there are seatbelts we’re supposed to be wearing.”
Jensen shrugged and squeezed her tighter against him. “Nah! I gotcha.” 
Y/N laughed again. “Oh, okay then.” She said, snuggling closer to him. The interview had knocked her off kilter a bit, and it felt especially good to have Jensen’s arms wrapped around her. 
She tucked her head under his chin, and he ran his big hand up and down her arm. “Hey,” he said with concern lacing his voice, “everything okay?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, just a long day sitting in the same room, being asked basically the same questions.” She shrugged. “I just wanna get home. Or, well, hotel.”
Jensen accepted her answer, kissing her forehead and then her lips. “Me too.” 
They ordered in their dinner, neither of them keen to face more crowds and questions, and spent the evening watching some trashy reality TV before calling it a night a bit earlier than usual.
Y/N went into the bathroom to get ready. She brushed her teeth and took off her makeup, and as she stood in front of the mirror she looked at her face closely. 
There were some lines there that hadn’t been there when she first met Jensen. She knew there was a gray hair or two hiding amongst the rest that also hadn't existed back then. 
She pulled her silk nightgown tight against her body and could see where she was rounder than she had been when she was younger. Her muscle tone wasn’t as good. 
I should hit the gym more, she thought.
She pinched one of her love handles and pulled at her skin, wondering what Jensen really thought about all these changes. She knew he loved her, knew that he’d always found her attractive. But how was that holding up these days? Did he still feel the same kind of heat for her? Did he still want her as desperately as she still wanted him?
She jumped slightly as Jensen popped up in the mirror behind her to wrap his arms around her waist, and nuzzle his face in the crook of her neck. He wore his pajama bottoms and nothing more. She looked at his biceps flexing around her as he squeezed her back against him, and his round, muscled shoulders, broad and strong, and she sighed. He was still so unbelievably perfect.
She lightly tapped his forearm where it rested just below her breasts. “You scared me.” She said, her voice accusatory.
He chuckled. “Sorry, I thought you heard me.” He caught her eye in the mirror. “But you seemed to be lost in thought.”
He moved his lips to her temple. “What thoughts are swirling around in that beautiful mind of yours? Hmm?” He murmured. 
She shrugged a shoulder. “Nothing.” 
Jensen’s face in the mirror wore a disbelieving look. “Don’t believe that for a second.” He pulled back slightly, and turned her in his arms so she was facing him. A small line of worry was creased between his brows.
“You’ve been quiet all evening; something is obviously on your mind.”
Y/N shrugged again and looked down at their bare feet. “Just tired.”
Jensen put his knuckle under her chin and made her look at him. “Y/N. Tell me.”
Y/N was caught completely by surprise as her eyes welled up with tears. She didn’t know where these doubts were coming from or why she was feeling this way. Maybe it was just one too many snide questions.
Jensen’s face crumpled as he saw her tears. He cupped her cheeks and brushed them away as they spilled over her lashes. “Baby.” His voice was worried and confused. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong? What happened?”
Y/N shook her head. “No, nothing happened. Really. It was just this reporter.” 
Jensen waited for her to continue, but his worried expression darkened slightly in anger.
Y/N bit her lip and debated what to tell him, how to explain the feelings she barely understood herself. Finally she just went for the honesty they’d always had with each other; they’d never been afraid to ask for what they needed from one another, and what she needed was reassurance.
“Do you still want me? I mean, the same as you used to.”
Jensen seemed completely taken aback by the question. Clearly that hadn’t been where he expected this conversation to go. He shook his head.
“Why would you even ask that? Of course I do.”
Y/N frowned. “Don’t just tell me what I want to hear. Please, tell me the truth. Are there things about me you’d change if you could?”
Jensen’s expression turned thunderous and he dropped his hands from her cheeks to grip her upper arms. “Y/N.” He said firmly. “What the hell are you talking about? Where is this coming from? Of course I don’t want you to change.”
“I don’t mean my personality, or whatever.” Y/N explained wiping her tears away with both hands. “But my face or my body, the way I look. I know it isn’t the same as when we first met.”
Jensen shook his head, his voice incredulous. “Well no, you don’t look exactly the same as the day I met you over a decade ago.” He blew out an exasperated breath. “But you know, I’m pretty sure I don’t either.”
Y/N felt her skin flush. “But you’ve just gotten hotter.” She frowned. “Guys do that.” 
She opened her mouth to say something more, but Jensen slammed his mouth down on hers, sweeping his tongue into her mouth and invading her completely. She let out a little whimper as his hands let go of her arms to grab her ass and press her hard against him. He kissed her long, deep, swallowing every soft moan.
When he pulled back his voice was husky with want. “Baby, I don’t know where these questions are coming from, but I know the answers.” 
He grabbed Y/N’s hand and placed it on his hard cock where it tented his pajama bottoms, obviously not restrained by underwear. She bit her lip as he closed his eyes and groaned when she wrapped her fingers around him. 
“Feel this? It’s all for you, all because of you. Fuck, Y/N do you see what you do to me? Still? Always?” He pushed aside some of the bottles and jars that littered the countertop and lifted her onto it easily. His hand slipped between her legs and he groaned at her bare, wet pussy. “Believe me when I tell you that I want you. Every day. All the time. Years don’t change that.”
He shook his head. “In fact they just make things better cause now I know what happens if I do this.” 
He dipped his head, sucking her satin clad nipple into his mouth, while his thick middle finger slid inside her body at the same time. A strangled cry left her lips and she thumped her head back against the mirror.
She felt him smile against her. “Exactly.”
He took his hand out of her to tug on her nightgown. She shifted slightly so he could pull the silky material over her head as he continued.  “And yet, your body’s always a revelation to me. It never stops fascinating me.” His eyes followed the path of his fingers as he trailed them down her arms and then over the soft swell of her breasts. Gooseflesh erupted on her skin and her nipples puckered.
He circled his forefinger around the tight little bud, before dipping his head once again to flick the tip of his tongue against it. 
Y/N moaned deeply and wrapped her fingers up in his honey brown locks. “Jensen.” She gasped as he sucked her breast into his mouth and drew on it deeply, causing her cunt to clench and quiver.
He pulled her forward, to the edge of the counter, and then dropped to his knees. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her wide open so he could reach his tongue up to tease her hole. Y/N plunged her hand back into his hair and tugged on it before pushing his head harder against her dripping pussy. 
“God, fuck Jensen, yes.” She rambled.
He hummed against her folds before nibbling at her clit, making her knees try to lock around his ears. But his superior strength kept her legs spread wide so he could feast. He breathed hot against her, alternating between flicking his tongue against her clit and sucking it between his plump, luscious lips.
It wasn’t long before Y/N was bucking against his mouth as she rode out her climax while he lapped up her juices. She panted desperately and tugged on his hair again, begging him. “Please Jensen, fuck me. I need to feel you, need you inside me so badly.”
Jensen stood and scooped her off the counter, walking back into their bedroom. He laid her out on the bed, making sure her head was propped up on the pillows, before stepping away from her. He moved far enough back so that she had an unencumbered view as he slowly lowered his pajama bottoms. 
His cock sprang free to lean, hard and dripping, against his stomach. Y/N felt her mouth go dry and a keening moan erupted from her throat as he gripped himself in his fist, pumping slowly.
He walked towards her one slow step at a time. His voice was a growl. “Is this what you want?” She nodded, biting her lips and trying desperately not to come again, just from watching him.
“Tell me you want it.” Jensen ordered.
Y/N nodded again, almost frantically. “Yes, fuck. I want it. I want your cock.” She reached for him as he stood barely a foot from the side of the bed. “I need it. I need you.”
Jensen climbed onto the bed on his knees, grabbing up her wrists with both hands and pressing them into the pillows on either side of her head. He stared into her eyes as he spoke. 
“And I need you too, Y/N. I need you desperately, obsessively. I need you every waking minute. I need your love and your kindness. I need your good soul and beautiful heart.” He entered her in one hard thrust and she cried out. “But I also need your soft body. I need to sink into you. I need to feel you move against me. I need to hear you say my name like a moan. I need to feel you clench tight around me.”
He began moving slowly, sliding in and out of her with silky, unhurried movements. “I will always love you. I will always want you. And I will never need you any less than completely.” He cupped her cheek with one hand. “Do you understand me?”
Y/N nodded and gasped as his cock slid over her sweet spot. “Yes. Yes.” Was all she could manage to chant. But it satisfied him and he began to move faster.
He switched positions slightly so he could lift her hips off the bed, hooking her knees over his forearms. He began to slam into her, hitting that same sweet spot over and over until Y/N was screaming out her overwhelming pleasure and falling into euphoria. 
Jensen continued to jackhammer into her, grunting harshly with each thrust. He pounded into her pussy over and over until she was once again on the precipice of bliss. As his hips faltered, he dropped one of her legs so he could slide his thumb between their bodies and swirl it against her clit. She screamed again and fell for the third time, clenching around him and pulling his climax out of him, along with her own.
The familiar aftermath of damp skin pressed together and lungs starved for oxygen, brought Y/N a kind of all encompassing satisfaction and peace. When Jensen finally rolled off of her, she rolled with him, so she could slot herself up against his side, wrapping one arm over his ribs and laying her head on his chest as he ran his fingers teasingly up and down her back making her shiver.
They were both quiet for a few minutes before Jensen broke the silence. “Y/N tell me the truth.” He said, and Y/N could hear the protectiveness and anger on her behalf permeating his tone. “Did someone say something or do something to hurt you today?”
But she just shook her head. “No, it wasn’t any different than a million other interviews really.” She shrugged. “Something about it just hit me, I guess.”
She raised up on her elbow, chin in her hand, to look at him. “But if you tell me you love me as truly, madly, deeply as you did the day we met, then I believe you.”
Jensen frowned slightly. “Are you comparing me to a Savage Garden song?”
Y/N giggled, but ignored the question, kissing him softly before laying her head back down on his chest. She smiled against his skin as she spoke. 
“I believe you, but tell me again.”
Jensen’s breath ruffled her hair as he sighed contentedly. “I will love you, and desperately want to devour you, every single day of my life - for the rest of my life.”
Y/N nodded, and her voice was full of confidence as she snuggled closer. “Thought so.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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blacktofade · 1 month
rpf etho gives gem a virtual house tour and ends up in his bedroom ;)
Here's another Gemtho fill! This one is saucy, so don't read at work (or do - I'm not your boss).
“I’m just curious if the rest of your house is as cursed as your office,” Gem says, feeling a little seasick from Etho’s camera work as it wobbles with every step he takes.
“Uh huh,” Etho replies from out of frame. “My office is fine.”
“Yeah, it’s just you that’s the problem, right?”
He grunts, moving steadily down the hallway, and she can tell he’s passing by doorways and not giving her a chance to see anything.
“Where are you going?” she asks. “This is meant to be a house tour.”
“Sure,” Etho agrees, and everything blurs for a moment as the camera flicks abruptly to the left.
There’s a doorway, through which Gem thinks she can see a fridge.
“Kitchen,” Etho says before the camera flicks to the right.
There’s another doorway and the corner of a dark gray couch.
“Living room,” Etho says and Gem’s laughing before the camera can even turn again, pointing this time into a room where she can see a sink.
“Downstairs bathroom.”
The next door he shows is closed.
His footsteps are fast against the wooden floor and it’s clear he’s rushing.
“Stairs,” he says, and she gets a glimpse of his knees, his socked feet, a sweatshirt lying discarded on the landing.
He turns right and she hears the muted thud of him shouldering his way through a doorway before an overhead light flicks on.
“Bedroom,” he says, the footage grainy as he pans too quickly from one side to the other.
But she can see it's sparsely furnished, just enough to be functional. She can also see that the sheets on the bed are dark blue. Though she already knew that. She’s had more than her fair share of photos from Etho with those same sheets shoved down around his thighs.
She’s always liked the way they contrast against his pale skin.
“This wasn’t meant to be a speed-run,” she complains, even as Etho steps closer to the bed, throwing himself onto it without reservation.
“This isn’t what you were hoping for?” Etho asks, adjusting, and he must be leaning back against his pillows, because she can see him stretch his legs out. “I know you, Gem.”
He does. Maybe better than most.
“How am I meant to fantasize about you fucking me over your kitchen table if I’ve never even seen it?”
Etho makes a soft noise and she finds herself smiling, knowing she’s caught him already.
“Or the couch?” she asks, and she sees his hand smooth down his thigh, maybe in an attempt not to touch himself immediately. But that’s not what Gem wants. She actually likes when Etho gets impatient like this. As though he's spent all morning thinking about it and won't be able to concentrate again until he gets what he needs.
“Well,” she says gently, “if you’re not gonna give me that, then at least take your pants off.”
There's a rustle and then the screen goes black, like he's dropped his phone beside him. For just a moment, she thinks about how hot it would be to watch him struggle to get his pants open with one hand, but then his phone gets picked up again and there's a lot of skin on offer.
She loses her train of thought immediately.
“I can go back to the kitchen if you still want that,” he tells her and Gem exhales.
“Shut up, Etho,” she says and he does.
She's sprawled out on her couch in a pair of sweats, which makes it easy to slip one hand down the front, fingers easing into her underwear.
She can hear him breathing and she wants to feel every hot pant of it against her skin.
He's already getting hard and she wishes they were at a point where she could beg to let her visit in person, if only to get her mouth on him.
He gives himself a stroke with a loose grip and Gem grazes her clit with her index finger.
“What are you doing?” he asks and she grins, feeling powerful that he can only see her face.
“The same as you,” she tells him. “But wetter.”
He blows out a breath that crackles through her earbuds, and then the camera shifts.
He must be leaning over for lotion, because when the camera rights itself and he strokes himself again, it's smoother, easier, his skin shining just a little.
She wants to climb into his lap and take him as deep as she can. She wants to feel his shoulders under her palms and ride him until he's pleading to come.
“Are your fingers inside?” he asks, and she wonders what he's imagining in his mind.
“No, but they could be.”
He's quiet, like maybe he’s thinking about that too, his hand speeding up.
“You want that?” she asks, pushing, and he caves almost immediately.
“Yeah,” he grits out and Gem lets two fingers slip inside herself, a soft noise escaping as she does it.
He's fully hard now and he strokes himself like he has only one goal in mind.
She can’t tell what’s lotion and what’s his precome, but the tip of him is wet and she thinks it would be such a nice slide inside if he got to fuck her like this.
She can hear him too, the plap plap as he jerks himself and she knows she’s the only one that gets to hear that. He only does this for her.
She’s the only one who gets to see the inside of his house and she’s the only one who gets to watch him fall apart.
She angles her hand, fucking herself steadily, nudging at her clit with the meat of her palm.
“Wish it was your fingers inside me,” she pants and Etho groans like it pains him that he can’t physically shove her legs apart and give her what she wants.
“I need to hear you come,” he says, voice rough, and he sounds more desperate than he has in a while.
He’s been thinking about this longer than just today.
Gem imagines him waiting, forcing himself not to jerk off, wanting to do it with her instead. It sends a thrill through her and it doesn’t take much to get her the rest of the way there.
She swallows thickly, keening as she slips over the edge.
She’s still falling when Etho comes across his own knuckles, a grunt punched out of him, and it’s so hot, she feels a little insane.
“Fuck,” she exhales, pulling her hand from her shorts, her whole body buzzing, and she listens to Etho catch his breath, sounding like he’s right there beside her.
She gives him a moment, enjoying the quiet aftermath, but eventually the camera shifts, like he’s reaching for a Kleenex.
He’s a better person than her, because she just wipes her fingers on the hem of her shirt.
“Y’know,” she says, pushing her bangs off her sweaty forehead, “now, I don’t feel so upset that you didn’t give me the full tour.”
He grunts softly and there’s a quiet sound like he’s flopped into his pillows.
For a second, the image on her phone hangs before shifting completely. He's apparently flipped the camera, because she suddenly gets a close up of his face.
She smiles automatically, loving any excuse to see him, the real him, and the corner of his mouth twitches tiredly.
“When you see my kitchen table, it should be in person,” he tells her and Gem’s stomach swoops, but she finds her smile widening.
“Yeah?” she agrees easily. “Deal.”
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thefanficmonster · 7 months
hii could i request a Seth Borden x gn!reader where the readers been teasing him abt being scared while they’re filming a haunted video and then they comfort him when he gets genuinely scared?? TYY
Hi sweetheart! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy the fic <3
Lots of love, Vy 💌
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Safety Blanket
Pairing: Seth Borden x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing, Ghostly activity, Paranormal Investigations
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" I mentally check out for a few seconds as Sam and Colby start filming the intro to their video as Seth and I idle around in the background. "Today, we'll be investigating one of the most brutal prisons in US history." Colby explains to the camera, turning to Sam to give him his cue.
"The Darkmont Correctional Facility in Huntsville, Alabama." The blond declares before turning off the. "We'll film the history segment inside, it's too windy out here. The audio will be a bitch to edit." He tells us, tilting his head to the entrance gates of the massive and downright terrifying building that has been abandoned for decades.
A shiver runs down my spine as I look up at it. Not so much out of fear, more so excitement. I was an urban explorer long before meeting and dating Seth, let alone Sam and Colby. I have a decent pile of trespassing charges under my belt but my adventures never included dabbling into the paranormal. It brings a whole new level of adrenaline to the table and it always makes for a remarkable experience, especially with these guys.
Seth, on the other hand, approaches the paranormal with much more skepticism and a ton more fear which I believe contradict one another - how can you be afraid of something you don't believe in? But alas, I don't fight him on it, I know it's pointless.
Messing with him, however, works like a charm.
I take my opportunity to do just that when I see him very visibly gulp as he takes in the exterior of the prison as we enter the courtyard past the giant metal gates the tour-guide left open for us.
"Someone's looking paler than usual." I poke his side with my finger, hitting a particularly ticklish spot that causes him to jump.
He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together, "Not at all, I've seen worse." He shrugs, feigning nonchalance with a simple shrug even though I can clearly see the goosebumps on his skin.
"Whatever you say, babe." I mock him with a pout, dragging him along with me, forcing some speed in his steps to catch up with the guys.
The interior is infinitely worse than the exterior. It's stonewall, concrete and metal wherever the eye can see - which isn't much considering how dark it is. No lights are on, the only visibility being provided by the daylight seeping in through the barred up windows. It's a pretty cloudy day so there's not much of said daylight to go around either.
In short, it's the perfect atmosphere.
That's only confirmed further when I feel Seth's hand tightening its hold on mine, seeking the comfort he's too prideful to actually ask for.
"Welcome, yall." A deep voice with a southern drawl catches our attention out of the blue, startling us. Well, some more than others considering I didn't fail to pick on Seth's little jump out of the corner of my eye. I can't help but laugh, causing him to blush.
The voice belongs to our tour-guide Alan. He greets us each individually before starting the tour, telling us the stories stemming from this place. Sam, Colby and I take turns holding the main camera, capturing different angles as we walk through the eerie halls and cells. Seth tried helping out as well but his hands are too unsteady to get any usable footage so he's just taken to carrying the bag with the equipment and holding my hand as if I'm the scared one.
As the tour comes to an end, Alan turns off the lights he had turned on at the beginning, wishes us luck and sets off on his way, saying he hopes to see us all alive and well in the morning. It's the cherry on top of the terror cake he'd made with the history of the place as well as visitor horror stories. He gave us further proof of the paranormal activity in the place with pictures and recordings that Seth discreetly avoided looking at for too long.
The early hours of the night are upon us at this point and we've switched over to flashlights and the camera light to guide ourselves around the premises. Sam and Colby excuse themselves to the so called 'taming dungeon' to film the history segment for the video.
I walk around, looking at the marks on the stone walls while Seth remains rigid and jumpy in the middle of the large space that used to be a lobby. When I stray down the hall, following a trail of what I hope is paint on the wall, he jogs to catch up, prompting a laugh from me.
"Don't worry, babe. I ain't going anywhere. You're alright. The ghosts aren't coming to get you....yet." I add the last part with a low whisper and a tickle to the back of his neck. I've come to realize that defocusing his attention from the fear factor and instead move it to our banter is the best course of action. He'll never admit he's scared, so the best I can do is try and actually make him forget he's scared.
"Shut up..." He laughs, tickling my side as a counter-attack. "You're the worst."
I grin up at him, "Oh you love it."
Something tells me it's gonna be a pretty long night.
* * * *
"Is it just me or is it freezing in here?" Seth speaks up as we migrate from one floor onto the next after a brief investigation with the flashlights and other equipment. The spirits are talkative but dodged properly answering any of the questions we asked. They actually appeared to be talking amongst themselves more than us but it was still informative.
"I think it's cause you're a little bitch." Colby, who's also been put on edge by the activity we've gotten so far, replies. He masks his own fear by messing with the rest of us and I respect that. I'm doing the same.
"Oh fuck you!" Seth laughs, lightly punching his arm, "Y/N back me up here!"
Sam and I have already begun setting up the flashlights and REM pod so I'm partially distracted when I turn my head to look at the two. I glance between them, Colby giving me a fast nod. "Yeah, whatever Colby said." I shrug, evoking two completely different reactions from them.
As soon as we start, we are basically told to leave. We try to get a few questions in to try and ease up the tension but the spirit's opinion doesn't change - he wants us gone. And I can't blame him, if I died in this horrible place the last thing I'd want is to talk about it.
With that last group investigation we reach the audience favorite - and Seth's most dreaded - part: the solo investigations.
A game of rock-paper-scissors decides the areas we'd be covering: Colby takes the attic, Seth is on the second floor, I get the ground floor and Sam takes the basement somewhat voluntarily - something I greatly admire. We each take a piece of equipment with us and we split up.
"Hey..." I take Seth's hand before he follows Colby up the stairs, "I'm just a flight of stairs away. If you get freaked out, just call out to me, I'll meet you at these stairs, ok?"
He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, and truthfully - I needed that. "I'll be ok, I hope. But the same goes for you. Anything happens, I'll be right down."
With a parting kiss, we each begin our investigations.
I, for some reason, chose the music box to be my piece of equipment. I've placed it at the beginning of the main hallway and take a seat in a fold up chair, turning on night vision on my camera.
"Here goes nothing. I'll be fine, I'm far more worried about Seth, he hasn't been handling the night very well..." just as I say that I hear a voice and my heart nearly drops in my ass. Turns out I haven't been handling it all too well either, considering Sam's faint voice was enough to send me into cardiac arrest.
I take a deep breath, willing myself to actually say something to the potential presence keeping me company at the moment. Just then, the music box whirrs to life, playing its creepy tune for a good couple of seconds, as if encouraging me. "Hi, are you here in the hall with me?"
The answer is almost immediate as the music box comes to life once more.
"Were you a prisoner here?" I ask once the tune has stopped playing. I get no answer so I try again, "A guard?"
There it is, I think as the music creepily bounces off the walls in the quiet space. Sam has walked to a different part of the basement because I can no longer hear him. It makes the situation much more eerie, makes me feel much more alone.
I throw out a few more questions with no outcome that can be considered content worthy so I begrudgingly decide to relocate to somewhere else on the floor. Just as I grab he music box to turn it off, I hear a huge crash from upstairs and a string of curses that quickly get louder, accompanied with footsteps approaching the staircase behind me.
I quickly flick on the camera light, illuminating Seth who gallops down the stairs with inhuman speed. I barely manage to catch him, placing my hands on his arms in order to slow him into a halt and stabilize him. He's shaking like a leaf, his eyes are wide and his face has reached a sickly shade of pale.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened?" I ask as I pull him into a hug, "Hey, you're ok, you're ok. Everything's ok."
I see Sam peep his head up from the staircase, coming up from the basement, alerted by the noise. "What's wrong?" He asks as he jogs over to us. Colby is nowhere to be found, clearly oblivious to what happened.
"I...oh fuck...." Seth mutters, his breathing still heavy, "I mean, I got what I asked for. I wanted a clear sign and a door slammed shut. It freaked me the fuck out." He explains, still extremely shaken up but a bit calmer as he clings to me.
"Ok, ok, well that's great." I see the conflict on Sam's face, balancing between excitement over the footage Seth captured and worry for his friend. "Are you alright? Take a breather, stay here. I'll go grab Colby and we'll do the Estes method when you're ready." He says calmingly, his gaze fixating on me for rational and coherent responses but all I can do is nod, my full focus is taken up by Seth.
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Holy shit, that was insane, though." He manages to say, tapping Sam on the shoulder, "Go get Colby."
I lead my boyfriend over to the chair I was previously occupying and sit him down, crouching in front of him, "You captured something incredible back there, babe. You're incredible!" My hands rest on his knees as I too still am wrapping my brain around what happened just now. "Whoever was there with you can't hurt you. You're stronger than them and you have authority. Hey, they might like you, even! I barely got anything down here. The spirits must really like you to shut a whole ass door for you." I'm rambling, I'm aware, but it seems to be working since Seth is smiling now, some color having returned to his cheeks.
He lets out a chuckle as he runs a hand through his hair, "Well, I am the distant relative of a murderer. That's gotta count for something." He says, making me laugh.
"That's what I'm talking about." I smile up at him, my thumb drawing abstract patterns on his knee, relieved to see he's feeling better already.
"Thank you." He adds after a stretch of silence, "You're like my safety blanket." His hand cups my cheek, automatically prompting me to lean into his touch immediately.
"Happily, babe." I slowly rise up so I can lean in and meet him halfway.
Just as our lips are within a millimeter, we hear pure disbelief echo off the walls as two pairs of footsteps rush down the stairs. "A fucking door slammed shut?!!" Colby shouts breathlessly, causing us both to burst out laughing.
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