#but mostly nessian cute stuff
vidalinav · 2 years
Okay but since it’s October and because I’m still obsessed with Baby Nessian, how about Nesta and Cassian modern au dressing up their baby as a bat for Halloween. Except it’s literally the beginning of October. They buy the costume like September 30th and by October 1st, the baby is in a bat costume. 
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mayaperisic · 1 year
From someone who read Azriel’s POV bonus chapter without having read any of the ACOTAR books beforehand:
Couple of months ago I stumbled upon Azriel’s POV bonus chapter and I have no idea how or why because I hadn’t yet started reading the books. I had some basic knowledge of the story and the characters thanks to TikTok and it was probably one of the ship war videos that made me search for the bonus chapter because I was intrigued what the heck was going on that was making everyone go to war over. So, I read the bonus chapter without being influenced by liking one ship or the other, just wanted to see why everyone was fussing over Azriel.
The first part of the bonus chapter with Azriel and Elain made me SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE. I read a lot of smutty books and dark romances so sex talk is not something I shy away from. But the way that scene was written made me physically uncomfortable and not just because of Azriel’s thoughts, but Elain’s behaviour also. I can’t explain it, but both of them felt so cringy. I kept reading because I wanted to understand the fuss over the other part of the bonus chapter but if I had to decide on entering the world of ACOTAR based on that first part I would have thrown it in the trash. Needless to say I was super happy when Rhys interrupted them.
And then came the second part of the bonus chapter with Gwyn and oh my God but what a change. Azriel transformed from a creep (sorry but that was the vibe he was giving me in the beginning) to romance books hero in 2 paragraphs just by changing the scenery and the female protagonist. His scene with Gwyn felt so genuine and warm and just like he felt something restless settling inside him I felt all of the uncomfortable feelings leaving me from the first part of the chapter to give room to this warmth I felt for the 2 of them. And then for me it was pretty obvious that the author was telling the readers: this is his girl. The scene, the way it is written, the words used for the training scene but also at the end in the library, for me it was pretty damn obvious they were gonna be a couple. And then I understood that the first part of the bonus chapter was supposed to make us feel uncomfortable so we could see the contrast with the second part, literally obviously saying: The first girl ain’t it. The second girl is who you should be looking at.
So all of this without having read the books. And no, I’m not lying about it. I’m 27 and have better things to do than make stuff up for a ship war.
And then I read the books and entered the SJM world (TOG, ACOTAR, CC) and I was super confused with all of the E/riel fans and their theories and arguments that made me question whether we read the same books. I saw no ‘build-up for 4 books’ (which he spent mostly in love with Mor), sure little cute moments here and there but without that bonus chapter I would have even said Azriel looked at Elain as a little sister to protect. The bonus chapter only told me he has deep personal trauma to heal. Sorry but the fact that he hadn’t thought about a future with Elain but just sex is no way in hell romantic. So, 4 books of build-up led to, well, that? And the fact that Elain was willing to kiss another guy in the same house where her mate was sleeping (whom she hasn’t rejected yet) doesn’t speak volumes of her either, only that she also has a lot of stuff to deal with.
When Sarah in her interview said that she thought it was pretty obvious about who the next book will be and that she left breadcrumbs in the bonus chapter, for me it was pretty obvious it would be Gwyn and Az (I felt that literally by having read only the bonus chapter before the books). All of their little moments in ACOSF, how Sarah wanted us to pay attention to their reactions to one another, left no room for doubt in my mind, just like I saw it instantly with 2 glances the first time Nessian met, and I felt the chemistry right away.
I could go on ‘till tomorrow but probably should stop here. Just had to write this out of genuine confusion at how people try to deny the obvious (literally what Sarah said) by using theories and arguments that only show they probably haven’t even read ACOSF or other SJM books, because she couldn’t be more obvious than that with her writing.
P.S. This feels the same like when season 1 of The Vampire Diaries aired and I instantly knew Damon and Elena were it. Didn’t even need proof, just had a gut feeling. And Stelena fans then were also aggressively explaining there was no way Delena would be a thing much less endgame, but oh, guess which ship won in the end?
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 9}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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A/N: SURPRISE. Enjoy this chapter a day early. I had my days wrong and legit thought it was Thursday, but since it was ready…. Y’all get to enjoy the spoils of my frazzled brain. 😘
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Nesta waited with Nyx in the waiting room of the pediatric office.
His rash didn’t seem to be bothering him much, but she wanted to get ahead of it before it became a problem. He was absolutely enamored with the TV playing a bright children’s show in the corner, and Nesta couldn’t help but smile down at him as she checked her email.
The usual stuff greeted her, some open catering order invoices for the restaurant, a few wayward resumes from high school kids that had managed to get her personal email, and, of course, spam.
Nesta’s head shot up, and Nyx began looking around, wondering who had called his name. Nesta was instantly on her feet, pushing Nyx’s stroller toward the door that the nurse held open.
She smiled. “Hello, Nyx.”
Nyx babbled in greeting.
The nurse chuckled. “Such a cute little guy. You’re Nesta, I assume?”
“I am,” Nesta confirmed. “I’ve not been here before. It’s a nice office.”
The small talk went on. Nesta had never been a fan of small talk, of polite pleasantries.
It just made her feel awkward.
Nyx didn’t seem to mind. He just kept babbling and babbling and babbling, without a care in the world.
The nurse led them into a room and she checked Nyx’s height and weight before telling them that the doctor would be there shortly.
Nesta had picked Nyx up, looking around at all the educational posters on the walls, when a quick knock sounded on the door and a man cracked open the door.
Nesta blinked once as he stepped inside, not expecting the tall, muscled man that appeared in front of her.
“You must be Nesta,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Dr. Kamaras.”
This man was Nyx’s pediatrician? She had known that Nyx’s doctor was male, Feyre had mentioned him in some stories a few times, but Nesta had always pictured an elderly man.
Not this sculpted, handsome man, who could easily graced the cover of one of the ridiculous smutty books she kept well hidden in her bedroom.
She shook his hand, finally remembering how to speak. “Yes, I am, it’s nice to meet you.”
Very nice to meet you, she added in her head.
His face sombered. “I was very sorry to hear about Rhys and Feyre. They were great people.”
And just like that, Nesta was back on earth, holding her sister’s son in her arms, standing where her sister should have been. She tried to keep her smiling from dimming, but she cleared her throat. “Thank you. It’s…been an adjustment.”
As if they both remembered why they were here, Dr. Karamas blinked and said, “Yes, Nyx, right. You told the nurse he has a rash of some sort?”
“It’s just a diaper rash but it seems to be getting infected,” Nesta explained. “I’ve tried a few different things but nothing seems to be working.”
“Ah,” he said, nodding. “Well, let’s take a look.”
Dr. Karamas took one glance and whistled. “Definitely infected. I’m going to give you a steroid cream. Put it on after every diaper change. It should clear up within the week.”
Nesta let loose a breath. “Oh, great, thank you.”
“Absolutely,” he smiled.
He had a nice smile.
He scribbled something down on his clipboard, signed it, and handed it to Nesta. “The number on the bottom is my office number. If you have any other concerns, no matter how small, give it a call.”
Nesta looked at Nyx’s prescription and the number that was beneath it, along with his name.
Balthazar Karamas.
“Thank you, Dr. Karamas,” Nesta said, and she meant it. She was still new at this, and every little medical thing concerned her.
If it wasn’t normal, she was freaking the fuck out.
“Bal, please,” he said, taking her hand again, shaking it. At the look on her face, he added, “I work with kids. They do better on a familiar name basis than with titles like doctor and mister.”
She nodded, smiling. “Bal, then.”
Nesta was getting Nyx resituated in his stroller in the waiting room, about to head back out into the bright sunlight, when she felt someone approach. She wasn’t expecting to find Balthazar standing a few feet away. She quickly checked the stroller, making sure she had her purse, the diaper bag, and, of course, Nyx himself. “Did I forget something?” She asked, finding everything exactly where it was supposed to be.
“No, no, it’s not that,” he said, pausing in front of her. “I just…can’t shake the feeling that I know you from somewhere.”
It was strange, since Nesta felt the same way.
“You’re not Illyrian,” he said, and it wasn’t a question, nor was it rude. Just an assumption. She only knew of a few other Illyrians in the area, and Balthazar definitely had the same coloring as Cassian and Az. And Rhys used to have. She, pale skinned and blue eyed, certainly did not.
“I’m not,” she said, at last.
Bal chuckled.
That smile, yet again, had her toes curling.
“Interesting,” he said, that smile remaining. “Well, maybe we can figure out just where we’ve run into each other before...over lunch this weekend?”
Nesta blinked. A date?
“Not a date,” he said, quickly, reading her mind. “I would never ask the aunt of my patient on a date. That would be incredibly unprofessional.” Nesta laughed. “Just…two acquaintances figuring out where they were previously acquainted.”
“Lunch sounds nice,” Nesta said, unable to shake her own smile. “Saturday, then?”
“Saturday,” Bal agreed.
They set up a time and place and then Nesta was out the door.
Cassian’s day had been as long as it was the day before. It seemed that the teenagers visiting Velaris had gotten the message from their friends that Cassian’s bar was checking every single ID of every single drink that was ordered. So instead of being slammed and busy and frustrated the whole day, he had been bored out of his mind.
He’d gone through his inventory sheets twice, ordering anything they might remotely run out of in the next few weeks.
It didn’t help that Kallias had the day off, covering the evening shift tonight, leaving him alone with his thoughts all day.
And those thoughts constantly reminded him that he’d been an absolute dick to Nesta the night before.
As he drove home, he contemplated the apology he needed to make.
Although Cassian believed his intentions were typically good, apologizing wasn’t one of his strengths. He ran through what he’d say a hundred times, had come up with an unbearable amount of ways in which he could apologize, but everything he thought of wasn’t good enough.
He knew Nesta well enough to know when she would laugh in his face.
He’d come up with about fifteen different scenarios of how this could go by the time he pulled into the driveway, parking next to her little car. He took a deep breath before unlocking the front door and letting himself in.
The house was quiet, neither Nesta or Nyx were anywhere to be found. It was barely six-thirty, but he knew Nesta was taking Nyx to the doctor earlier in the day, which may have tired him out so thoroughly that he was already down for the night. A peek into his cracked bedroom door confirmed it, his little hand curled next his face as he slept.
When he finally tracked down Nesta, on the back patio, her feet propped up in a lounge chair, he definitely hadn’t expected to find her with a bottle of wine. Or what was left of it, at least.
The mostly empty bottle of wine sat next to the baby monitor.
He cleared his throat, announcing his presence.
Nesta’s sigh was the only acknowledgement she showed.
“Everything alright?” He asked.
She shrugged and took a sip from her glass.
“Bad day?” He continued.
She shrugged again.
“Is this the silent treatment?” He asked.
“I assume you’d know,” she said.
Cassian began rubbing his temples. “Look, Nesta-.”
“I’m a little busy if you don’t mind,” she continued. “I prefer to relax alone.”
“This is my house, too,” he said, shutting the sliding door behind him as he made his way onto the patio. “What if I want to sit out here with you?”
“Then I’d suggest continuing the silence,” she said, not looking at him, her face tilting back up to the sky, where it had been when he’d come outside.
So he sat down on a nearby lounge chair, and didn’t say a word.
Or he tried, but he didn’t last five minutes. The words that had building inside him all day needed to come out. He’d rehearsed different things he wanted to say, with reasons for why he was such an asshole, and promises to try and be better from now on. But as he looked over at her, the starlight on her face, all he could get out was, “I’m sorry.”
For a moment, Nesta said nothing. “About?”
“The way I acted last night,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the lawn. “It was uncalled for, and I’m sorry.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, draining her glass.
Cassian’s eyes shot her direction. “I’m trying to apologize. You can at least accept my apology so we can move on.”
“Apologies mean nothing,” Nesta said, shrugging. “Words are meaningless.”
“Not mine,” Cassian argued. “I mean what I say.”
“Then you meant what you said last night?” Nesta pushed.
Cassian’s lips snapped shut and his jaw hardened. “No.”
“So, you’re a liar, then?” Nesta asked.
He groaned in frustration. “You’re infuriating.”
She didn’t deign to reply to that.
He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I was an asshole last night. I was…embarrassed about how you found me the night before. I don’t… I don’t like to be seen like that.” He paused, but then he held a hand out in between them. “Not- not that that happens often. I mean, I don’t make a habit of having emotional breakdowns.”
She didn’t say anything. Just stared at him.
He cleared his throat again, remembering little things he had felt badly about through the day. “Nesta, I’m sorry I acted like an ass. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate the dinner you made me. I was rude as hell and you did nothing to deserve it.”
After a second, she glanced away, out over the pool. He figured she wasn’t going to reply, and he stood, heading back for the back door.
He had slid the door open and was halfway inside when she said, “If you’re hungry, I made lasagna for dinner. It should still be warm on the stove.”
He turned back and found a hint of a smile on her face. “Thanks, Nes.”
A continuation of his apology, Cassian had told Nesta he'd be on baby duty for the rest of the night, waking Nyx up for his bottle, granting her leave to do whatever she wanted. She elected to finish off the bottle of wine, open another, and relax in the bathtub with a book.
The book of choice was definitely not appropriate to read in front of Nyx.
Or Cassian, for that matter.
She had appreciated his apology, even though a part of her still wanted to be pissed. There were very few things that agitated her more than male bravado, and Cassian was the spitting image of it. Embarrassed because he was emotional? Please. Get the fuck over it.
Then again, she could say that all day, but in honesty, if the positions were reversed, she would have reacted very, very similarly.
If not worse.
Nesta had always felt too much, far more than either of her sisters. It wasn’t like they were robots, of course. Elain had a bigger heart than anyone Nesta had ever known, and Feyre had been a light to be around.
But, Nesta…
She felt it all, and she felt it far too deeply. She had learned long ago to shut those emotions off, to let them go, to not let her emotions show. They could just be used as a weakness.
And she found life worked better that way.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door.
Nesta sat up straight, even though the door was locked, in a sudden panic over the fact that she was nude and reading smut.
“Nyx is going to bed,” he said. “Just thought you’d want to say goodnight.”
“I- Ah- Just a minute,” she called, setting the book down and reaching down to grab for her towel. She was out and damn near opened the door in just her towel again, but remembered their agreed upon rules. She snatched her robe, wrapping it around herself, towel and all.
She opened the door, Cassian standing just by her bed, and Nyx had his head resting on his shoulder, rubbing his little eyes.
The image was so pure and innocent that Nesta couldn’t stop herself from taking a few steps towards them, reaching out to brush her fingers down Nyx’s soft cheek. “Sweet dreams, buddy,” she breathed, leaning up to press a kiss to his forehead.
She regretted it almost immediately, as bringing herself that close in Nyx also inadvertently brought her to Cassian. His heady, nutmeg-and-campfire scent enveloping her, reminding her of the morning she’d come downstairs and found him as naked as she was now. She stepped back quickly, clearing her throat. “And goodnight to you, Cassian,” she murmured. She pointed back behind her towards the bathtub, towards her book, and said, “I’m going to read a little longer and then go to bed myself.”
He nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Nes.”
The nickname didn’t bother her as much as it previously had, she realized as he made his way back out of her room, shutting the door behind him.
She didn’t let herself think about that, did her best not to think about him, as she sunk back into the warm water.
Nyx had gone down easily for Cassian, for the first time ever, thanks to the frozen toy he’d gnawed on to relieve the pain of his incoming tooth. He’d decided he deserved a treat, too, after that, and had sat down to watch the hockey game, a beer in hand.
Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the front door.
Cassian paused, glancing down at his watch, seeing that it was pushing nine o’clock. He stood, after a second knock sounded, making his way to the door. He opened it to find a woman dressed in a suit on the other side. “Can I help you?”
“Mr. Nazari, I assume?” She asked, extending her hand.
He took it, on instinct, shaking it, but he blinked. He repeated, “Yeah… Can I help you?”
Her brows twitched together. “My name is Alis Birch. I’m with social services.”
Cassian continued to shake her hand, staring.
“The courts told you we’d be making random visits to check in on Nyx,” she continued.
Oh, fuck, Cassian thought. Oh, fucking hell.
They’d completely forgotten about those random visits, in the past few weeks they’d been doing this, distracted by getting used to not only being parents, but getting used to each other as well.
“I see,” Cassian said, nodding. “I… I’ll…be right back.”
“I’d like to come in-.”
Cassian shut the door, quickly set his beer on the table in the entryway, and hauled ass upstairs.
He threw open the door to Nesta’s bedroom, only to found it empty, so he continued on, throwing open the bathroom door.
Where Nesta was still in the tub, completely nude, a book in hand, one hand disappeared beneath the water. Her head was thrown back in utter ecstasy.
Until Cassian barged in, anyway.
“Shit!” he yelled, just as Nesta gasped and sent the water sloshing out of the tub, over the porcelain edges.
Cassian quickly shut the door behind him, closing them into the bathroom together, and put his face in his hands. “Sorry!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled, and he could hear her pulling the plug.
“It’s important, I swear,” he said, his voice muffled by his hands.
“If the house isn’t on fire or Nyx isn’t dying, it’s not important,” she cried, ducking behind the walls of the tub.
“It’s pretty fucking important,” he said, turning to give her a semblance of privacy. He heard her stand up, water moving and quiet dripping, before her feet landed on the rug outside the tub. “The social worker is here.”
She froze and he dared a look back at her. Thankfully, she was wrapped in her towel again, one arm pushed through her robe. “The social worker is here? Now?” He nodded, and she looked at the nearly empty bottle of wine next to the glass on the small table by the tub. It was the second one she’d had that night. “But it’s late,” she protested.
“It’s a random, surprise visit,” he replied. “I left her outside, but-.”
“You didn’t let her in?” Nesta demanded, eyes widening. “Cauldron, Cass, that makes us look so guilty.”
He blinked. “Of what?”
“I don’t know,” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “But it doesn’t make us look good.”
“Well, I didn’t know what to do,” he sighed, exasperatedly. “I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to come up here and find you doing that.” He gestured to the tub.
Nesta’s cheeks heated. He figured his own were going to permanently be the shade of red they were now.
No, that was the last thing he ever expected to catch Nesta doing.
“Just… Go let her in and stall her while I get dressed,” she sighed, crossing her arms, waiting for him to leave.
Cassian hesitated, then nodded, and hurried back down the stairs. When he reopened the front door, Alis Birch stood there. Her expression was hard, intimidating.
Cassian could feel himself sweat.
He prayed that Nesta somehow sobered up and got the fuck downstairs, because there was no way in hell he could do this without her.
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bookofmirth · 4 years
Hi, can you please give your thoughts on Nesta and Cassians relationship? I want to like it, I really do, and they have some good moments, but overall, he is mean to her? Makes fun of her falling down the stairs, is pissed with her on the hike, doesnt respect her wishes regarding marrige vs mating, notices her fear of fire but just dosent care? He is just like ‘weird...but 🤷🏻‍♀️’
Maybe it is because all their scenes are cut short and they never get to talk about stuff that happened between them.
And yes she hurt him a lot, so he is wary of her and yes their training interactions are cute, but it feels like he is half the book doing it for duty and half the book doing it for mating instinct.
So all the help you can send I will be happy to hear!
I thought their relationship was fantastic for who those two characters are and what they had been through! This got way longer than I intended haha enjoy
I don’t blame anyone for not being the most polite to Nesta - I saw a post that said the IC treated her like shit all the time and they neglected her and I’m like hi. Did you read acomaf. Or acowar. Or acofas. (Also thanks, person, for reminding me why I don’t check the tags.) Because they freaking tried, and tried, and she kept being rude, and snapping at them, and refusing their help, and what we know now is that her rudeness was intentional to push people away. So they went away! That’s not surprising. I’m not trying to deny that Cassian might have said things that would rub me (or someone else) the wrong way, but we’ve got to remember that Nesta doesn’t exactly bring out the best in everyone. And ultimately, if Nesta forgives and forgets, that’s all that matters. 
Now with Cassian, he and Feyre are the two people who supported Nesta the most through this whole thing. They did grow distanced from her during that 9-month period between acofas and acosf, but people can only take so much rejection? And Nesta was handing out rejection like she got it on sale. Like it was freaking zucchini that had taken over her garden and she was sick of baking zucchini bread.
Yet Cassian and Feyre were the ones who continued to try. The intervention never would have happened without Feyre deciding she needed to do something drastic, and it never would have been successful without Cassian. Everyone else was almost done with Nesta, by that point.
I didn’t read the hike as Cassian being 100% pissed at Nesta. There was a lot more going on than anger, though that was part of it. I think he was scared that after all the progress they had made, she was on the verge of being lost all over again. So you’ve got this huge fight that has occurred, Cassian is really conflicted because: 
He loves Feyre and knows that the decision to hide that information hurt her, 
It was Rhys’s decision and he is loyal to his High Lord and bro,
and he probably wants to be mad at Nesta for creating this conflict though he knows she was right to do it, even though it hurt other people he loves. 
On top of all this, he is afraid that this conflict has basically erased the progress that Nesta had made re: healing.
Basically, he’s in the middle of all the drama that Rhys and Nesta created, and he knows what is right but he doesn’t know how to reconcile his loyalties when those people are in direct opposition to one another. 
Also, fuck Rhys for trying to banish Nesta. idk, sidenote but maybe Nesta will be good for Cassian because she can help him get some perspective on his friends.
Anyway, back to the hike and to talk about Nesta’s part in this, they didn’t speak for two days (right?) Nesta would have said horrible things. By that point in the book, we had already seen her awareness that sometimes, she needs to stfu and not say the first words that come to mind because she is often destructive that way. And literally, she’s on that hike because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut, and she hurt people, even if in the end it was necessary and right. Nesta is trying so, so hard at that point to figure out how she can deal with her emotions without 1) blowing up at someone, and 2) reverting back to those coping/self-destructive habits. 
And Cassian is smart enough to know that about Nesta. He probably never sees her try to restrain herself in terms of being cruel, and so he can see that and just lets her be. Cassian just loves his family so much, and Nesta loves Cassian (and kinda her family lol) so much, so there’s a lot at stake. 
I think that nessian are the kind of couple who don’t have to talk things out all the time, mostly because of Nesta. Cassian is so sensitive, he loves with his whole heart and would do anything for everyone, and so I think he would have whatever kind of conversation Nesta needs to have, but she needs time to process. Which means time not talking. I completely relate to that. A lot of times people read his goading or teasing as being mean, but it can be better than feeling nothing? Like in acotar and acomaf Rhys has several ways he tries to keep Feyre from retreating into her depression and despair. Cassian does the same thing for Nesta, it’s just a different style.
I could probably go on and on, but you just happened to identify a pivotal scene for their relationship, so I went with it!
EDIT - gdi I meant to address the fire thing but. Maybe another time.
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prrcyjacksons · 3 years
I've never had a plum cake! Oh yes Cassian is 100% a girl dad. That's a great comparison I love it! I use to watch it all the time.
Do you have any favorite Christmas songs? Are you opposed to fics? Or little drabbles?
As for me my fave is a tie between Elucien & Nessian.
Really?! Well, I would not recommend plum cakes to anyone. It's nasty. Why they'd stuff a cake with a bunch of berries and nuts is beyond me. I love me a good chocolate cake🥰
I don't have a favourite song per se,, but I enjoy the Pentatonix cover of Once upon a December and HomeTown's O holy night(mostly cuz the guys are cute)
Nope, I'm not opposed to fics. It's been a while since I read any from the acotar fandom cuz the ship wars have been crazy offlate. But I do love me a good fic:) do you write 👀?
Ugh yes. Elucien and Nessian are the superior acotar ships🤲🏽
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nesta-stan · 4 years
Hello again, it's your snowflake. No worries on the delay in replying - I'm awful, too! I just wanted to get a sense of what you do and don't like when it comes to Nesta. Who do you ship her with? Do you have any pet hates when it comes to reading fanfic? Are there any particular conversations you'd like to see in ACOSF? Are there any things that will make you EXPLODE if you do see them in ACOSF and stop reading?
I think Nesta definitely has issues being able to open up to others. It takes alot just to get her to a little. She is very cynical. When it comes to her attitude, I am going to be honest, Acomaf and beyond I don't think their was really anything she said that she wasn't either pushed too or out of a place of reasonable fustrations. Like Nesta was not in the wrong for Nesta not wanting them to use her house because everything she was afraid would happen, which they promised wouldn't, happened; or when she made a clear cut no at the dinner and Feyre still persisted to ask her. I ship her with Cassian but I think I said this before Cassian does her dirty. Cassian and the inner circle never really take into account how their actions can be perceived. For Cassian: he brags about how many girls he can sleep with; he flirts, is touchy, and exchanges sexual underwear with his female best friend who he slept with; and right off the bat when meeting Nesta he is trying to get under her skirts. He comes off as a fuckboy and the inner circle talks about him like he is a fuckboy. And he never really has any real reflection on how those actions can affect how others perceive him. If someone doesn't like him, it automatically has be because he is a bastard. Like I get that's his insecurity, but their are plenty of other real reasons to want to avoid getting emotionally attached him that he just doesn't think about because he always goes straight to that one thing. I think Nesta is the person to kind of break that not by coddling his insecurity like the inner circle does but to tell it to him straight, he acts like an asshole sometimes so he gets treated accordingly. It has nothing to do with his bastard status and everything to do with facing the consequences to his own actions. I also don't think the way he crosses boundaries is cute like it's made out to be. I hate when their conversations are just Nesta saying No a million times over and then Cassian doing what he wants anyways until she snaps the fuck out. I don't think that's healthy. The thing is outside of Nesta, Cassian is such a sweet and genuine person, but he doesn't show that side of him to her like he does the others, which leads to them not understanding how she can be so mean to him and Nesta getting antagonized because he acts like a heartbroken puppy when she's gone, but like an entitled jackass when their alone. Also, he needs to learn to mind his business. I understand that him and Feyre are friends but that relationship has been a shitshow before he met either of them.
I know this sounds very anti-Cassian but the only big problems I have with him are in regards to his relationship with Nesta. I think alot of this behavior stems from 1. Feeling the need to compete with Nesta 2. Feeling the need to side with Feyre against Nesta despite his own feelings because he just tends to care more about others than himself. 3. Not taking himself seriously, therefore Cassian and his feelings aren't taken as seriously because he doesn't advocate for himself or his good qualities. And I do put more responsibility on the relationship onto him because he is the one pursuing her and not the other way around. If Nesta was chasing after a relationship with Cassian and acted like this I would be more critical, but she isn't. Also, he made a really big deal about Feyre saving Nesta's life, and how that means Nesta needs to treat Feyre better, but when Nesta was taking care of him and saved his life twice in the war, his appreciation for that never felt like it went beyond his own hopes for a romantic relationship with her.
My main hopes for him is that he learns how to properly self reflect without the block of being a bastard. Cause he has plenty of personal strengths he can rely on that he doesn't realize he has, and plenty of flaws he overlooks in himself that affect his relationship with Nesta that he refuses to see.
I don't want to see Nesta apologize for having boundaries in the first place. I think she does need to apologise and make sure Cassian feels secure in their relationship, and she needs to communicate what specifically her problems are instead expecting Cassian to just know why she is so angry with him. I truly think if anyone ever actually called Cassian out for his behavior he would genuinely try to change them but if he doesn't know what's wrong than he can't put in the effort to fix it. I think Cassian should communicate his problems to but just in the jurisdiction of their relationship and not Nesta's relationship with other people and the same with Nesta. They can have their own friend groups and still delegate time for eachother but I do want to see Cassian demanding more respect for Nesta like Feyre does. Feyre does not idly stand by when their is bad talk about Nesta in her presence. Most of what we see in acofas is behind Feyre's back. Cassian just kind of sits their, which might have something to do with the power dynamics in the inner circle or his own anger at Nesta but regardless, once they are together that status quo needs to change. I also want Nesta to compliment Cassian more and vice versa. Right now Nesta thinks Cassian is egotistical and Cassian thinks Nesta is spoiled but I want Nesta to feed Cassian's ego and for Cassian to spoil Nesta.
When it comes to fics I love modern AUs and future time jumps type stuff, or one shots but I don't particularly just like stories that are just their version of the cannon. I am a fan of outlandish ideas you would only see in fanfiction but feel like they could happen like orgies, Nessian babies, fight scenes, and fluffy emotional bonding that isn't just between the couple (i.e friendships and family) I like smut and fluff but mostly smut. Nessian's main thing is their burning sexual tension so I like seeing that portrayed.
That was like a very unorganized rant. Is their anything else you think I need to elaborate on.
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thorne-archive · 5 years
hi anna :) any fanfic recs?
Ohhhhh boy do I have a ton! But for what fandom? I have ones for PJO (mostly percabeth and jasper), TLC (for cresswell, kaider, jacinter, wolflet), and THG (everlark), and probably a few others!
A lot of these are mostly fluff since my poor heart can’t handle too much angst. Also, a lot of fics I read are set in alternate universes cause I get tired of the canon setting lol so just be aware of that :)
Anyways here we go!!
— PJO (it’s been awhile since I’ve read much fanfic from this fandom so this list is vv short)
How We Could Have Met (1 and 2) by forever-fangirl-pjo (contains oneshots of Percabeth meeting in different AU scenarios, I love love LOVE her later writing as it develops more)
Vivid by lesbabeths (a sort of AU where you see color when you meet your soulmate, obviously centers around percabeth but is set in the canonverse)
The Smart Match by greenconverses (the prose of this fanfic is just *chefskiss* so worth the read even if it’s quite short)
— TLC (this list, on the other hand, is vv long. oops)
1-800-CAPTAIN by lovelunarchron (a lengthy story centered on cresswell, contains some one-sided cress/jacin but it’s not endgame so don’t worry; it’s a very cute fic if you overlook some plot skipping but I enjoyed it nonetheless :)
The Lunar Café by lovelunarchron (another TLC fic, except this one is kaider-centric)
Till We Meet Again by secretink (a cresswell fic that I absolutely swooned over, its so cute asdfghjkl)
Side-Effects of Poetry by midnightsnapdragon (jacinter oneshot, very cute)
The Sun and Moon by Andromeda Writes (kaider oneshots)
Captains, Damsels, and Epic Romances by Andromeda Writes (cresswell oneshots)
The Party by Andromeda Writes (kaider college AU, a bit OOC but nothing one can’t handle, it’s worth it for the cuteness)
A Change of Heart by Andromeda Writes (cresswell college AU)
Storyteller by Canvas Constellations (kaider-centric AU oneshot, I’ve read this twice and cried both times, it’s that good)
Wrap My Heart in a Nest of Stars by Canvas Constellations (cresswell oneshots, I think some may be a bit angsty but they’re soooo good)
— THG (the first four are all from the same author, mejhiren, cause her writing is that good; her fics are usually rated M but I usually skip over the more saucy parts lmao)
When the Moon Fell in Love with the Sun (unfinished, super long fluff-angst everlark AU in which katniss never participated in the hunger games and peeta was the sole winner)
The Threshing Floor: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School (everlark AU in a retelling of the biblical story of Ruth and Boaz, very touching and cute)
Torchlight (AU fic set in the world of When the Moon Fell in Love with the Sun, in which Prim develops feelings for Marko Mellark, Peeta’s brother; a little strange with the age gap but cute nonetheless)
Six Months to Strawberry Time (again set in the universe of When the Moon Fell in Love with the Sun, Madge/Gale centric, cute but unfinished)
Five by JLaLa (very cute and fluffy AU oneshot of everlark)
Twelve by findingmymuse (AU everlark, I teared up reading this oneshot)
This Is The One by MTK4FUN (AU everlark, fluff with some plot)
Pet Names by xerxia31 (I just read this. And. It’s. So. Cute. Please read it, it made me fall in love wirh everlark all over again)
The Family Business by sponsormusings (this is such a cute fic asjdksksnsn so worth the read)
Build-A-Date by grumkinsnark (AU odesta oneshot and honestly this is so perfect I could scream for days on end)
— The X-Files (I just recently got into reading x-files fanfic so this list is short oops)
A Life to Remember by monikafilefan (this is a reallyyy long oneshot AU fic of sculder, includes my favorite friends to lovers trope and it’s pretty much pure fluff and makes my heart weep in happiness, highly highly recommend!!)
The Other Side of Fiction by slippinmickeys (AU university fic of sculder!! Mulder is such a softie here and I just can’t!! Also there’s some M rated stuff, but you can just skim like I do or skip the first half of chapter 3)
— ACOTAR (I haven’t actually read the books yet but I somehow got lost in the world of feysand and nessian fanfiction and I’m too obsessed to dig myself out)
Dear Darling by cuddlesandchocolatecake (super long feysand oneshot. this. is. so. cute. I cried shamelessly)
Roses by lexilindale35 (fluff, angst, the ending tore me open and I cried)
I think that’s it for now! I know there’s a ton more PJO fics I’d recommend (there was a punk!percy and girly!annabeth one I loved so so much but I can’t remember its name) but oh well, maybe I’ll think of them later. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, anon!
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supermortalavengers · 7 years
1) Which of the ToG characters do you relate most to? Dorian Havilliard.
2) Which of the ACOTAR character do you relate most to? Rhysand.
3) Which character in either series do you think you would dislike the most in real life? Tamlin.
4) Which character wouldn’t like you in real life? Probably Tamlin.
5) Which character would you be best friends with in real life? Cassian, honestly.
6) Who’s your OTP from ACOTAR? Feysand. 100% no matter what. I can’t believe I ever shipped Feylin.
7) OTP from ToG? Doraelin (though Rowaelin is growing on me)
8) Did you ship Rowaelin from the moment he came into the picture? HELL NO.
9) How quickly did you stop shipping Chaolaena? Or do you still ship it? I stopped shipping it pretty quickly.
10) Which character do you ship yourself most with and why? Rhysand, because shit, man. Everyone that he’s around he BUILDS on, gives them the tools to make themselves better, he doesn’t MAKE them do it, he gives them the choice, and it honestly just… He is the person that I wish most people could act like because of that. I mean, he’s also beautiful. And sassy. And I need that in my life too, but mostly the other part.
11) Ships that annoy you and why? Feylin. Because Tamlin is an abusive little asshole and nobody will convince me otherwise.
12) Do you ship Amren and Varian or would you rather Amren remain alone? I don’t necessarily ship them, per say, but… They’re cute.
13) Any theories about where Amren came from and what her real form is? Fuck if I know.
14) How do you view Rhys’s actions UtM? Ah… When I first read the series, without having read the others, I really hated him for everything he did. But, after reading the other two books, and seeing where he was coming from, I’ve given him a little leeway. Yes, some of it was cruel and unnecessary, but… He was doing it to save Feyre, and in the end, save everyone from UtM.
15) Do you want Tamlin to die? Are you pro redemption arc? How do want his arc to end? In all honesty, I would never wish a bad thing on anyone, even a fictional character. So, I would prefer he didn’t die. I don’t think he should get a redemption arc though. He deserves a shitty ending, because he was/is abusive. He needs some God damn therapy.
16) Which villain out of both series do you hate the most? If I can count Tamlin as a villain, I really disliked him because of how he treated Feyre. And how Feyre didn’t see anything wrong with it until she was shown actual love and care. I also DESPISE Dorian’s father. He makes me want to slap a bitch.
17) Do you blame Elena? …Lemme get back to you.
18) Which villain do you want to slowly suffer and which one do you want a painful death for? Dorian’s father, even though he’s already dead… But whatever.
19) Tell me how you feel about Moriel, Elucien, and Nessian. Fuck, I think they’re adorable. Lucien really needed a good ending. He was put through so much shit, and he was stuck under Tamlin. He deserves a hug. Nessian… Just AH. I can’t describe it better than that. Moriel… Jesus Azriel needed a good ending too. Come to think of it, Mor needed it too. Both lived through hellacious beginnings… So… I think they’re all well deserved relationships.
20) Thoughts on “nameless is my price?” Gotta reread the series. So badly. I’ve forgotten so much. My only clear memory is that I love Dorian with all of my heart.
21) How do you think ToG will end? …With all my babies happy?
22) Do you prefer the Celaena story arc or the Aelin arc? Or do you find that the difference between the two is simply character growth? I think that it’s just character growth, though I do miss Doraelin.
23) Long haired Rowan or short haired Rowan? *shrugs* Don’t particularly care. I’m just starting to care about Rowan in the first place lmao
24) Which character would you most like to hook up with? Cassian. Would definitely be a good time.
25) Which character would you most like to fall in love with? Rhysand. I don’t think I need an explanation for that. And maybe Lucien… For some of the same reasons as Rhys, but also because Lucien has those fast comebacks and snippiness, and I need that in my life.
26) How would you feel if Sam were resurrected in ToG7? …I… Just… Don’t know. I feel that would make things problematic?
27) How do you feel about Elorcan at the moment? Do you forgive him and think Elide should? Or are you angry with him? …Lemme read the books more. I honestly skipped a lot because I was unhappy with Rowan. I need to reread the entire series. So…
28) Thoughts on Fenrys and Connall? As said in 27: I gotta reread the series.
29) What do you think the importance of “princess of carrion” and all the other stuff the book says to Feyre is? …Fuck, I’ve read these books enough times, but I’m drawing a blank to this.
30) Do you think any major characters will die in ACOWAR? Who? …Considering I read the book… I mean, I was so terrified near the ending about Rhys… But I’M OKAY RIGHT NOW.
31) Did you ship Feylin in ACOTAR or were you always side-eyeing it suspiciously? …I fucking shipped it, head over heels. Oh, how I regret that.
32) How do you think Feyre will handle being in the Spring Court again? Like a God damn boss, because she’s grown a lot.
33) Head canons for your OTP! I just… Mhmm
34) Name a ship you hope ends like the Titanic… …That one of them dies? Tamlin?
35) What do you think Feyre’s father is up to? Some stuff.
36) Do you forgive Nesta and Elain for how they treated Feyre? …Mmm.
37) Favorite morally grey character. Is Chaol morally grey? I feel like he is. Just a little bit.
38) Favorite villain. Mm… None particularly. A lot of them are just… Not to my liking.
39) Favorite god from ToG …Lemme get back to you on that.
40) What theories do you have about the Bone Carver? Fuck me running.
41) Any theories about the cauldron? That it’s a God damn mess.
42) Favorite funny moment from ToG Anything that was relatively funny between Dorian and Aelin.
43) Who is funniest character? …only one? UHM. Rhysand. Really. He just… He always makes me laugh.
44) Where is Nox??? On the God damn moon, probly.
45) Are you down for Rowaelin/Feysand babies in the epilogues or would you want them to wait? Oh, HELL YEAH. BRING ME ALLLLL THE BABIES.
46) What is the King of Adarlan’s name? “Piece of Shit”?
47) Do you have any f/f or m/m ships? Hm... None that stand out to me in ACOTAR? But, I really need to reread ToG though, so that could change.
48) Any part of the plot in either series that you would change? Honestly, I wasn’t a fan of Aelin jumping around from guy to guy in the beginning of ToG. I understand that a lot of people do that, but to me, it just created a lot of unnecessary drama. And I really do hate drama.
49) How do you think the lock will be forged? Carefully.
50) Who is a better male lead? Rhysand or Rowan?  RHYSAND FOR THE GOD DAMN WIN.
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propshophannah · 7 years
My ships are Feysand, Nessian, Elriel, and Mor/Lucien. Mostly because I LOVE the idea of the three brothers being mates w/ the three sisters. Can u imagine how cute that would be? They all go on triple dates and when they play games or stuff it's always brothers vs sisters and OF course nesta feyre and Elain ALWAYS win. Do you have any headcanons? xx
I don’t have any headcanons for this, but your reasoning for Elriel is similar to mine. The three brothers with three sisters. I never thought about Mor and Lucien, but now I kinda like it (there isn’t a lot I won’t ship tbh). Lucien could use some notes out of Mor’s “I don’t give a damn about my reputation” playbook honestly. Or at least...he’s playing us all and making us think that. LOL.
If I think of any headcanons I’ll post them!
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vidalinav · 3 years
I’m SecretRelationship!Nessian trash...
I don’t know I just love the concept both in universe and modern au. And I don’t know if I mean so much that they’re intentionally keeping it a secret, as much as I mean that it’s like intimate between them and they’re honest with each other like they aren’t with anyone else, that it almost seems like a very big secret. So not trying to be a secret-secret meetings, notes passed under tables, silent touches that would go unnoticed if it wasn’t the two of them. Very “discreet” looks, the unequivocal protection that they both seem to have over each other and of course their inability to admit that it’s either something more or that it’s something they’re willing to reveal to public eye. This idea that they’re not “hiding” persay but they don’t want anyone to know. 
Ugh, I wanted more push and pull in acosf. Like undeniable intimacy yes but just them being cautious about loving each other when it’s not safely tucked between the two of them. Their entire relationship problems and I’d say a lot of problems with themselves and their identity has a lot to do with the watchful eye of other people--how other people perceive them. I would assume it would be a freedom to not have to have that. It would have been so interesting to see what that would mean if the only people they couldn’t hide from was each other, but the people who kept getting in the way with either their own personal growth or with their relationship was their friends and family. I like relationships to be worked for... tbh. The more they struggle, the better the payoff. 
Ugh it’s the fluff filled angst right there. The good stuff!
But in Modern AU, I’ve always wanted to write about nessian meeting and their friends/sisters knowing each other but the two of them having no idea who the other is. Just vague memories of mentions but nothing that they conclude is about each other. But they start a relationship sort of... I feel they just have various meet cutes, serendipity at work a little bit, maybe they go to the same college, or just frequent the same coffee shop, or go to the same grocery store, all of the cliched things rolled into one, maybe they live in the same apartment complex and they never knew, find each other on New Year’s idk, but each time they meet they just hit it off. Like at first in typical fashion they're attracted but infuriated with each other, but mostly entertained and so it goes on and on about Cassian getting this girl to laugh, and Nesta getting this guy to act serious, and of course it turns into more, and each time they just gradually change a teeny noticeable bit to their friends and family. But they don’t want to tell anyone, because... it’s new and maybe Nesta still doesn’t have a close relationship with her sisters and you know relationships come with a lot of preconceptions especially if your someone who doesn’t date, I really wanted to play with her being self-conscious and having a lot of anxiety, being the person who is very secretive, and maybe Cassian has that thing with Az and Mor, and he just doesn’t want to deal and he doesn’t want to mess anything up between them, but he also has a lot of pressure on himself to be whatever he is, because he also has a shit ton of insecurity, and they both run to each other. For safety. For comfort. For a freedom that they only find in each other. Because they start from scratch with each other. Cassian doesn’t know who Nesta is. Nesta doesn’t know who Cassian is. They learn each other without the preconception of their friends and family, while at the same time learning probably bad things about each other and each other’s families from their own, but they don’t know this. They never register that it’s about each other. The entire time, though their respective families are always trying to invite both of them to things and they always narrowly escape meeting each other at these parties. One will leave before the other, have a fight and go, or they will just not show up, that sort of thing. Just a small escape, and then they run to each other, none the wiser. And maybe also they’re “dating” but not dating because they don’t want to even admit it to themselves that they want it to be a sure thing or it is a sure thing but again it’s new, they don’t know what to do with themselves. It would be so full of like bittersweet fluff. 
Man, I want to write this. But... I have never written a modern au before. I’m only occasionally a fan of them, so idk. It sounds a little bit complicated. So.... maybe it will only live in my head for now. I probably shouldn’t start on another fic tbh. But maybe I will be inspired some day or just be bored of the rest of my fics to write? Idk. 
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