#but mew hasn’t noticed
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sunshinechay · 2 years ago
I can’t shake the feeling that Mew calling Boston instead of Chuem about how he was about to have sex with Top was just a genuine display of friendship but Boston took it as Mew attempting to gloat.
Mew was just happy and wanted to shake his happiness with someone else. Someone he thought would be happy for him. So he called Boston, because Boston has a lot of sex and Mew thinks that he’ll be happy that Mew is finally losing his virginity. Boston however, seems to take it as Mew attempting to one up him.
They might both look down on each other for just about everything, but I think this was the one time Mew wasn’t trying to do that. Instead he was trying to connect about something he knows Boston enjoys. Boston has just slide too far down the hill of his own sanity (like many other have said, I’m thinking Hitchcock type slippery slope) to see it as anything other than being in bad faith.
Both are usually so committed to seeing each other in a bad light that this feels like the last time we’ll see either of them making any attempt to connect with the other.
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charliemwrites · 7 months ago
Men At Work - Part 3
I know this has been a little slow to start, but things should progress a little more quickly from here. I wanted to establish some of the groundwork for this weird dynamic they all have but unfortunately, these men don't know the meaning of slow, even in my own head.
No Content Warnings
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“How are the repairs going?” you ask.
It’s just Nikto today, returning your Tupperware from dinner the other night. He’s covered head to toe once again, all that’s visible are those glass blue eyes. One way mirrors - hiding everything beneath the surface.
They remind you of… something. 
Hmm. When you figure it out, they’re sure to make an appearance in your next novel.
“On track,” he answers in that sharp, staccato way you’re learning is just his way.
Unfortunately for him, that just makes you more curious. You know it’s a bit obnoxious - you’re not entitled to information, you know that. And most of the time you curb the inquiries tapping at the back of your teeth. But he’s in your house, snuggling your traumatized cat. If he’s got a problem answering casual questions, you’re certain he’ll have no problem letting you know.
“You’re redoing the whole thing?”
“Most of it. Foundation is good. The rest - дерьмо.”
You don’t know a lick of Russian, but you can guess.
“Good bones,” you hum in understanding. As if you know anything about construction. “That helps. When do you think it will be done?”
He shifts, sharp eyes flicking between your busy hands, the door, and Rasputin holding him lovingly hostage.
Little guy is currently perched on your shoulder, face buried against your collar in abject despair that his bestest friend hasn’t come to visit. Shithead is poaching (or attempting to, anyway) the sandwiches you’re assembling. So far, she’s only swishing her tail, biding her time. You’re keeping an eye on her.
“Two months. Three if any of us are called.”
You hum, reach for the tomatoes. It’s only because you’re looking at him that you notice the slightest twitch around his eyes. Beneath his mask, you’d bet he’s scrunching his nose.
“I will eat.”
You leave the tomatoes off. Guy mews sadly, you tilt your head to press a kiss to his little ear.
“So, two or three months. Krueger said you’ll move in then.”
You top the sandwiches with a final slice of bread and turn to the oven. Spin back just in time to catch Shithead’s paw reaching for Krueger’s designated sandwich. Nikto eyes the plate of brownies in your free hand; you bite the corner of your mouth to keep from grinning.
“What about the yard?”
Nikto tilts his head. If he didn’t give the impression of a particularly large predator, you’d call it cute. As it is, even spiders and snakes endear themselves to you somehow.
“What about yard?”
“Any plans for it?” You sneak an extra brownie onto Nikto’s plate. Reward and apology for wrenching conversation out of him. “Grass? Trees? Flowers?”
He blinks. Just once. Some sort of intuition tells you that even that behavioral tic is a big social step for him.
“Oh, uh… gravel then?”
“We mean no plans,” he corrects.
“Oh! Alright, I suppose that’s a long way off anyway. There’s still so much work to do on the inside.”
But it does get you thinking. What even goes into fixing a house? And how do they know all this stuff? The electric, the insulation, the… whatever else goes into a home. Is it just Weird Things they picked up from the military?
You stare contemplatively at the house’s exterior as you walk the plates across the street with Nikto. (Ras is riding on his shoulder and Guy refused to detach his claws from yours. You fear for the state of your home with Shithead left behind, but neither you nor Nikto had a spare hand to wrangle her with.)
Nikto practically kicks the door in, shouting for the others as he goes. Guy chooses that moment to start crying - uncanny sense for appearing pathetic as possible.
Konig must hear him halfway down the stairs, because the steady boot steps get faster after a moment.
“Oh, bubchen! Why are you sad? What has happened?” Konig coos, nearly running to your side.
Of course, now that he’s gotten what he wanted, Guy’s volume lowers. He makes a pleased little “mrow” and slinks off your shoulder and into Konig’s reaching hands. You’d call him a traitor but you’re a damn sucker for a big man with a cute animal. 
“You two are ridiculous,” you laugh, setting the plates on the counter.
It’s already been replaced since last you saw it. Black granite, very sleek. You like it. (Which of them installed it? Nikto? You usually catch glimpses of him on the ground floor.)
“He is a baby, Biene,” Konig protests, “he must be treated like one.”
“He’s already five!” You reply, like you don’t have a papoose for when your hands are too full to snuggle him.
“Did I stutter? I do not think so. This is a baby.”
You have to turn away to hide your laughter, pretending that taking the foil off the lunches requires your full attention.
Krueger steps up behind you while you’re not looking. The heat of him is what alerts you, the only reason you don’t jump when his rough voice comes by your head.
“Where is the Shithead.”
“Hello to you too, Krueger. How is your day?”
He grunts and reaches past you, trying to snatch up a brownie. Without a thought, you slap at his hand - balk at the sharp whack sound it makes. He jerks his hand back in shock.
“You deny me my dearest friend and you attack me in my own home.”
You spin on your heel, mouth already open. False start as you realize he’s even closer than you expected. The height difference doesn’t seem like much until you’re eye level with his neck. You untangle your tongue and ignore the smirk growing at the corner of his scarred mouth.
“This is barely a house, never mind a home,” you scoff.
He snorts - that smirk turns to a full blown grin. A little crazed. Unfortunately, that makes it more attractive. (And the bastard probably knows it too.)
“You insult me too, now.”
“Sure, but I brought you food.”
He flicks his eyes to the plate behind you and arches a brow.
“Bring me the little Sheisskerl and I will forgive you.”
You tilt your head to the side. “Go get her yourself.”
What the hell did you just say? Inviting a man into your house unaccompanied?! You may not be a true crime writer, but you know better.
You still don’t take it back.
He locks eyes with you, gives the distinct impression that he knows exactly what you just thought and he’s amused by your obstinance.
“Fine.” He reaches past your hip. Smells like sweat and something that reminds you of heat. Solder? Certainly not anything you’re used to. “Behave, eh? Konig is easy to take advantage of.”
You snort and glance at Konig over his shoulder, who’s glaring now. (Somehow no less intimidating even with Guy nuzzling at his mask.)
As Krueger turns, he takes a big bite of brownie, humming appreciatively under his breath. You shake your head, then turn to Konig.
“If you want to steal one of his sandwiches, I’ll look the other way.”
Konig barks a short, sharp laugh of surprise. It startles you a bit, but not enough to wipe the grin from your face. You know he really means it when he sounds like that.
“How are the bathroom repairs going?” you ask.
“They are going well!” he answers. Then launches into an in-depth explanation of all the ongoing projects. Replacing walls, rewirings, outlet and light installations. What doesn’t go over your head is almost too fast to understand as his accent thickens with excitement. You nod along anyway, because you asked, and he’s stupidly endearing - big muscular man getting a bit squeaky while he rambles about pipes.
He barely even notices Guy’s little paw reaching until it’s shoved into his open mouth. He sputters as you burst into laughter, gently tucking Guy’s arm against his chest.
“Why would you do this?!” he asks, only to receive a slow blink in response.
“He’s saying you need to eat,” you giggle, nudging Konig’s plate.
“Oh, that’s right! Thank you for the lunch!”
Barely a couple bites in and you hear the door open again. Krueger stomps in with Shithead bundled in his arms, one hand under her bottom, the other around her tummy. She’s got her head tilted all the way back to chirp and chitter at him.
“Why are you carrying her like that?” you ask, choking back a giggle. 
“It is how she wishes to be carried.”
You blink at her - but sure as shit, she’s perfectly content being held like a child’s toy.
“Well good luck eating like that.”
“You won’t feed me?” he leers.
“I don’t want rabies if you bite me.”
His laughter is even harsher than Konig’s. You like it instantly.
All that’s left is to hear Nikto’s.
Agatha is outside when Nikto walks you back home.
(Krueger huffed that he had too much work to do for the day, but he would see you for dinner. While you were still blinking in shock at his self-invite, Konig transitioned Little Guy back into your arms. All the while grumbling at Krueger’s impatient German.)
She scowls as she notices your two-person parade. Nikto’s juggling Little Guy and Rasputin; you’ve got a firm grip on Shithead and the stack of dirty plates. You snort a bit just thinking of her paranoid comments about them being bad men. Sure, they might be in some ways, but it’s a hard sell when Ras is trying to lick at the edge of the mask around Nikto’s eyes.
“Afternoon, Agatha,” you call, just to be petty.
“When is your fiance coming by again?” she calls back. “Such a lovely young man.”
Your mirth dries up in an instant. “I broke up with my boyfriend four months ago. I thought I told you.”
You did. You know you did. Because she’s a nosy pain in the ass that was asking about your Easter plans with him (trying to invite you to church once again) when you told her that you left him. She’d even fussed about it at the time, saying that there’s hardly anything that can’t be healed with time and understanding.
(It was only your commitment to your own privacy that kept you from asking how much time it takes to smooth over someone cheating with your cousin.)
At your side, Nikto grunts. You glance sideways at him, wondering what he must think.
But his eyes are on Agatha. Even Rasputin has paused the grooming routine to narrow his one eye at her.
“Is this the one that looks in mailbox?” he asks, louder than you’ve ever heard.
Loud enough that she hears. And flushes redder than the poppies in your flowerboxes.
“That’s her husband, actually,” you answer. She sputters, and an incredibly immature bolt of satisfaction suffuses you.
He grunts again. Eyes her up and down. “Maybe we leave surprise for him next time, da?”
You press your lips together, but it does nothing to prevent you from grinning. He’s deadly serious, though, which somehow makes it even funnier to you.
“Maybe!” you reply in a tone that really means absolutely.
Nikto shuts the door on her face before Agath can get out a threat to call the police.
“You’ve got a petty streak,” you say, grinning at him.
He tilts his head. “You like.” He doesn’t even sound sure if it’s a question or a statement.
“Yeah,” you giggle, “I like it.”
He grunts and takes the plates from your hand. “We wash. You think about dinner and revenge. Da?”
You plop yourself onto a stool by the kitchen counter. “Da.”
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frownyalfred · 3 months ago
Weird headcanon,
but B just can't stop posing? Like it's so ingrained in him to strike either a full on "look here is my best angle" kind of pose or a "I'm pretending not to notice the camera this is all natural" kind of pose because he's been in front of the camera literally from the moment he was born. It's just natural to always be camera ready for him
Anyways, this means that all of the (few) pictures people manage to get of Batman, are always either intentionally cryptd level blurry or look professionally taken
Even Superman or Wonder Women have a few bad photos around but not Batman, he's weirdly ready for photos all the time
Bro hasn’t stopped mewing since age 8 and this just translates to an even more intimidating aura while in the cowl
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twst-hottest-takes · 6 days ago
This opinion pertains to the fandom more than anything but I am truly getting tired of all the negativity surrounding the upcoming TWST anime in October.
From what I’ve seen, majority of fans have already made up their minds about the series being “bad” based on the studio and talents behind it. Maybe I’m just not in the loop of all the different animation studio types out there, but from what I’ve seen regarding the series that have been produced by them, Yumeta Company/Graphinica don’t appear to have any bad picks? Of course everyone is allowed an opinion on what anime series they think looks good or not, but considering this series hasn’t even dropped trailers or animation teasers (except 2 posters so far) I really feel too many are jumping the gun into assuming it’s going to be poorly produced. Like so sorry MAPPA or Bones didn’t pick up the project, I’m sure their already overworked employees would’ve been thrilled to have such a high expectations project thrown onto their overstuffed plates 💀.
Another thing I’ve been getting annoyed with seeing too is how many fans are so serious in gatekeeping Twisted Wonderland from “anime only” fans that will join the fandom in October. Like are we fr serious? This isn’t my first rodeo with a favorite piece of media becoming more mainstream or getting a series where new fans join in a large abundance. I’ve never had issues with it nor even cared enough to gatekeep anything. I actually love when something I like is enjoyed by a wider audience and gets more content/interaction. It’s just disheartening to see others so adamant in turning away new fans from enjoying the same thing as them just because they’ll be joining on the series alone. Isn’t that the point when creating new projects? Not just for the long term fans of said media, but also something to get new fans to join in too? If anime only fans will really become such an issue to some of you, I really urge yall to go out of your way to just not interact with them. . . Instead of actively making them feel unwanted in the fandom space this upcoming October. It’s really all just ugly behavior tbh, and something I thought fandom culture would move past from. Gatekeeping never helps anyone.
Man, Twisted Wonderland having "Anime Only" fans sounds so wild.
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I'm very much in the camp of, "Let's just wait and see what happens," as far as the anime goes. I know there are concerns, but I think we can have just a little smidgen of faith in the people who gave us the Tokyo Mew Mew reboot. Funnily enough, it took me so long to get to answering this one that the anime just dropped its first trailer and I am feeling the hype! Cautious optimism as it were. The first episode is at least going to look great, but I guess it's all about the followup. . . Anyway, anime is a hellish industry so I think we should just pray for something consistently good and if we get something of spectacular quality I think we should just be grateful.
As for gatekeeping. . .where does anyone in the "Disney Villain Bishies in Isekai Magic School" fandom get off seriously thinking they can act elitist? The premise of the game practically gatekeeps itself! Like, the anime would have to be so insanely incredible for the fandom to actually explode and become whatever it is they are afraid of it becoming. Do they think this is going to be some sort of Shonen Jump sleeper series that gets rotten the minute an anime comes out and more people notice it? Let's face it, this fandom is already privy to any number of unsavory things and lowkey drama, what's a few more going to do?
Thank you for your take.
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vendingmachinesalts · 1 year ago
Happy third of December !! It’s me again :3 Tome for a new snippet !!
The villain was sitting in their living room, relaxing on their couch, a movie playing on the tv. Their cat meowed as they nudged their head under their owner’s hand. Villain sighed as they scratched behind the cat’s ears, mewing contently.
It was raining, pouring even, outside. The sound of each raindrop hitting their window felt calming, soothing. They were upset that it hasn’t snowed yet but they still enjoyed the rain. They found it comforting.
As the movie continued there was a knock at their door, the villain groaned as they picked up their cat to get that fur-ball off of them so they could answer the door.
The villain approached the door, their hand hovering over the door-knob, hesitant, before opening it to find their nemesis standing there. Drenched. They villain stared at them in confusion and amusement, stifling a laugh.
“Now, what’s this? Forgot an umbrella?” The villain asked with a grin. The hero only huffed in annoyance. As the villain observed them further they noticed the hero was holding a bag. “What’s in there?” Asked Villain, pointing at the bag. The hero’s eyes seemed to light up at the question, though looking away with a shy look.
“You know it’s gonna be a little colder, right? Since it’s gonna be winter and all,” The hero started, “So I made you something.” They continued, holding the bag out to their nemesis. The villain raised a brow before taking the bag.
“Come on, before you catch a cold out there.” They mumbled, pulling the hero into their home.
Villain had gotten Hero a towel and some extra clothes after they had pulled them in. Villain decided to look in the bag while the hero was changing, finding a messily attempt of a knitted sweater.
“Well ain’t that nice?” The villain stared at it a bit longer before picking it up, feeling the fabric. Polyester. The villain’s cheeks dusted with blush before smiling softly.
As the villain was lost in their thoughts the hero came out of their room, wearing the clothes that the villain let them borrow. The villain turned to them with that same, soft smile, though with an undertone of happiness.
“Third of December already, huh?” The villain murmured.
“…Yeah.” Hero replied with a small smile.
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jenyifer · 2 years ago
Because I’ve enjoyed seeing others enjoy my burning questions post about only friends as of ep 4 let’s talk about another mystery involving “I don’t want him to be my favorite but I guess he’s my slutty boy now” Boston. I do have some other mysteries but I feel like we have the most reliable info on Boston and Ray rn.
Who are the couple in the blown up photo on the wall in Boston’s dark room? Ep2 2/4
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Some facts. Boston takes photos of his favorites. Boston started the hobby last year because of a class. Boston doesn’t like to be in the photos himself because it could be dangerous for his dad’s career (what a good boy he is 😇) Boston’s other blown up photos are of individuals or one where you can’t clearly see there are two people there.
What do I think??
1. Doesn’t matter. Boston likes risky photos you can barely see the two people in the photo. (Boring…)
2. To me it looks like it’s a party and the subjects don’t know he’s there. (Got two branches from there)
2a. It’s Top and Boeing? Boston seems to have known Top for awhile. Boston knows how long Top usually dates people and does recognize Sand but only passing. Would be interesting if Boston had blackmail on top. If it was Top and Boston looks a bit too romantic. (But I personally don’t know if Boston actually likes Top soo I am leaning away from this one.)
2b. Maybe this is a still from the video of whatever Mew and Ray were doing..??? Like Boston just creeped on them. Was it really only that one time two years ago that ray pushed that boundary? I’m not sure. We already know there are lots of photos of the gang in the dark room.. I assume that’s because Boston thinks they’d never come over to his house. (I like this one)
3. Stay with me… what if it’s Boston and Ray? Or ray with someone. Are we really going to operate under the assumption Boston hasn’t at least kissed Ray too? Maybe Ray was upset with getting rejected slept with someone and Ton took this photo as like a fucked up blackmail trophy. It could be Ton in the photo you can tell there are two people in it. Could have been on a timer or a still from a video so everything was set up ahead of time. The mirror is placed perfectly. If ray was drunk then maybe he won’t have noticed his surroundings that much. (Unlikely but once again interesting.)
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ghostfives · 2 years ago
Straight Shot: The Bonds That Save
Summary: Crosshair has been alone with the empire for years, he’s old and in pain. He’d lonely… he’s done. His chip has been upped too many times to count, taken out and put back in… he’s given up on ever getting home. That is… until he met her. This is the story of how Crosshair finally made it home.
A/N: This is an au I came up with and I hope everyone enjoys it! My amazing friend @wrecker-and-lula helped me with the creation and naming of our little oc who brings Crosshair home, and my other amazing friend Liz @ct-7386 is doing a little bit of beta reading for me!
Chapter 1
Crosshair woke up with a start, eyes wide as he stares up at the ceiling. He just lays their for a moment, breathing heavily. His old bones ache when he finally decides to sit up, huffing out a breath.
Crosshair stands and his back creaks slightly, before he goes about his morning routine. It’s the same everyday, has been for the past 13 years since that mission with May- that clone. That clone who died, even though the empire tried to save him.
First he brushes his teeth, and scoffs at the old man in the mirror. Hair as white as snow, a fluffy beard on his face and covered in wrinkles. He’s thin and gaunt, even worse than his younger years.
Next he gets dressed in his blacks and armor, before heading down to the mess hall. The stares from the civies are all felt on him, but he can’t bring himself to care. He stopped caring about anything years ago.
Once he gets to the mess hall, he eats only some of his breakfast. Enough to keep him alive and moving, not enough to stop the pain of hunger. The pain he deserves.
After breakfast he gets down to the meeting room for his assignment, sometimes a mission, sometimes training civies. It really depends. Sometimes he even gets janitorial duty. If only his Papa could see him now.
After that it’s dinner, which he eats little of. Usually alone, the civies making jokes under their breaths about him. The old clone. The pathetic old man, the fool. They mock him, but he doesn’t care. And then it’s to bed with him and the day repeats. Over and over. Every day the same, day in and day out.
And then it changes.
It started out as any day, brush teeth, get dressed, get breakfast and then a mission. But… the mission went differently. They won, as usual when Crosshait went but… then the snickers changed when they were on their way back to the ship.
“Seems the old man has a follower.” A trooper whispers to his partner, Crosshair never bothered to learn names. Why would he? It’s not like he’ll ever get to know them, he’s just the old, elderly clone to them.
Crosshair blinks slowly, looking behind him to see a tiny, force oh so tiny Tooka kitten following him. He frowns softly. “No.” He whispers, voice hoarse from lack of use. He starts walking faster ahead, the laughter dying behind him as he gets on the ship. He doesn’t need this today, a change in routine always throws him off.
He thought he’d lost the darn thing, it was hours later when he found it again. Growling softly under his breath when he instantly spots the little thing on his bed.
The Tooka looks up at him, blinking and letting out a soft mew as it almost seems to smile at him. He’s instantly scowling.
“I said no.” Crosshair huffs, as if that will deter the kitten from continuing to cling to him… a silly idea, as he knows how attached Tooka’s can get. And how determined they are. “Next mission you’re out, be thankful I’m not cruel enough to space you.” He scrunches up his nose as he picks the little thing up and gently drops it on the floor. “Stay away.” He hisses, before laying down on the bed. Crosshair proceeds to close his eyes, and tries to force himself to sleep. He doesn’t care that his armor is digging into his bony body, and that his stomach grumbles loudly. He doesn’t even notice the pain of hunger anymore, hasn’t in years. He just wants today to be over and for his routine to be back to normal.
Crosshair frowns as he feels something pulling at his blanket. He peeks his eyes open and looks over the side, seeing the tiny kitten trying to climb up the bed, looking grumpy as all hell to not be able to get up to him. It hisses, huffing up at him.
Crosshair snorts. “Serves it right.” He grumbles and turns over in his bed. He once again tries to get some sleep.
“Mew!” “Meewwww!” The long drawn out mews start, making Crosshair growl and pull a pillow over his head.
“Meeerooowww!” The kitten keeps going, for ten long minutes there’s continuous meows. Crosshair gets more and more annoyed, before he snarls and sits up. “Fine!” He picks the kitten up and stares at her, nose scrunched and flares angrily. “But if you are going to sleep in my bed, I should at least know yo call you she or he.” He quickly checks. “Alright girly, now bed!” He sets her on the bed beside him, and finally strips his own armor off to lay down.
The Tooka purrs softly and snuggles up to Crosshair’s back once he lays down, nuzzling it before yawning and curling up to sleep. She’s very tired.
Crosshair frowns as he feels the warmth against his back, and… tears? Prick at his eyes. It’s been… so long since he’s felt the warmth of another being, 14 long years really, and he’s missed it. Force, how he’s missed it. His head pounds as he shivers and curls up under his thin blanket. What… why is he tearing up? Why is he feeling this way? And why is it making his head pound so much?
Crosshair lays for hours, trying to figure it out. But sleep overtakes him, the exhausting to much. No questions get answered that night.
Crosshair wakes up to a face full of fur and groans softly, knowing exactly what it is. “You couldn’t stay against my back.” He croaks, opening his eyes to see the little kitten looking down at him, his face is pressed to her stomach.
Crosshair moves his head back, staring at the kitten with a scowl on his face and tired eyes. “You’re a real menace, you know that.” He huffs and sits up.
“Mew!” The kitten grins and sits up too, stretching with a little yawn before hopping into Crosshair‘s lap and purring.
Crosshair immediately picks her up and sets her to the side. “No.” He says and stands up slowly, back freaking and groaning in protest. He gives her one glance, before turning away and starting his routine.
As usual Crosshair brushes his teeth, scowling at his reflection. Then he starts getting his armor on, feeling the kittens eyes on him the whole time. “Do you have to stare?”
The Tooka meows softly, hopping up on his thigh and looking up at him happily. She purrs softly, licking his stomach armor.
Crosshair sighs. “You… are attached to me, aren’t you?”
The kitten nods and licks his armor some more,
Crosshair looks away. “You shouldn’t, people who get attached to me either get hurt or… worse.” He grumbles. “Choose someone else.” He sets her on the floor and stands up. “Be gone by the time I get back.” And he pulls his helmet on before leaving, making sure the door is open just enough to let her out.
This is for the best.
Crosshair comes back hours later, and he is… a sight. He has bandages wrapped around his torso, and scratches all over his face and arms. He’s limping into the room, holding onto the walls only to fall on the floor in the middle of the room.
Crosshair groans and hoists himself up onto the bed, curling up tight in a ball. He trembled with pain, holding back whimpers.
“Mew?” The kitten pokes her head up from Crosshair’s blanket on the floor, and her little eats immediately press back when she sees her human looking so worse for wear. She immediately pads over and climbs into to the bed, it takes her some time but she finally manages to get up. She goes and licks his cheek.
Crosshair cracks his eyes open. “I… thought I told you too…” he starts coughing hard, and whimpers as tears of pain prick at his eyes. He immediately pulls her close. “Please. Please don’t leave.” He needs someone, anyone to be here. He can’t do this again. Go through so much pain alone, feeling unloved.
The kitten curls up in his hand and nuzzles close, and she makes a decision that will change both of their lives.
She moves just enough so that the soft spot on his hand, between gis thumb and trigger finger, is exposed to her jaws. Then she bites him, and a bond slots into place.
Crosshair blinks, looking down at her. “What… did you do?” He murmurs, and he feels love comf across, making his eyes water.
The kitten mews and curls close to her human, licking the bite gently and purring to help calm her human.
They will never be alone again.
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negrek · 2 years ago
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Salvage: A Pokémon Fanfiction of Change and Rebirth
You lost a lot when you died. Your life, for one, and your name and your family and even your humanity. What you gained was power, and a purpose to turn it towards. You may have died, but Mew hasn’t, not yet. And you’ll do whatever it takes to find her.
Genre: Action, Suspense, Original Trainer, Pokémorph Characters: OC, Mewtwo, Absol Rating: M (strong language, dark themes)
In Chapter 56…
"D-does," you stammer. Something deep in your lungs stabs like broken glass when you breathe in too fast. "Does it get better? Do I get to be happy again?" After a second you realize your mistake and demand, "Before we find Mew? Do I get to be happy before then, or only then? Not until...?"
Absol contemplates you, red gaze seeming to search for something within you. You have no idea what. "It gets better."
"When?" The word's torn out of you like a cry of pain. "When, when? When is it going to stop?"
Been a hot minute since I put a publication notice on Tumblr, hasn't it? I'm still writing this fic, anyway, lmao. Did they take away the option to preview posts since I was last here? Thanks, I hate it.
No drama in this chapter, anyhow. As per usual. :P
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kornstreifs-storys · 21 days ago
Ages of Ruin, Echoes from the Past, 11
As they approached Sky Pillar, Yukio could see Gaia hovering in front of three large Pokemon. The aura that radiated of her was anything but pleasant. Yukio recognized the three in front of her, it was the creation trio, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Yukio frowned, so his worst fears had come true, Team Galactic had really been aware of Giratina too. But as they approached there was one odd thing.
“Where is Team Galactic?” he asked out loud, “Gaia wouldn’t just vaporize them, so they should still be around.” His Latias looked over. “You know now that you mention them, there is some stuff that doesn’t add up to me.” she mentioned, “Like I know there bad guys and what their goal is, but if try to remember any details on who they are, I’m drawing a blank. Even though I’m sure I knew some of them.”
Yukio didn’t know how to respond to that. But now that she had mentioned it he realized the same thing. And apparently that had been close enough for Gaia to hear them because she said, “So it’s not just me who forgot. That’s good to know.” Yukio and Latias flew down to her and inspected the scene. Yukio mustered the trio, “Are they …?” he asked. Gaia shock her head.
“No they’re just knocked out.” she affirmed. Yukios thought’s raced, “What in Gaia’s name happened here?” he mumbled. Gaia smirked, “I know it’s a bad habit of you mortals, but could you at least not use my name like that when I’m present.” she mentioned. “As for what happened. I don’t know, it was already over when I came here. I’m just as clueless as you.”
Yukio sighed in disappointment, but he noticed Gaia scanning him, did she remember at least? Then she spoke. “Say, since when have you been a Mew? I remember you being a human just a short while ago.” Yukio was almost relived to hear that question. “So you do remember that. I though I’m going crazy, since Latias didn’t seem to notice a thing.” Not that that cleared the confusion.
Gaia looked at the other Pokemon, “She didn’t? How weird, hasn’t she been with you since she hatched?” Yukio nodded, “Well yes, but that’s not all.” he explained, “I also can’t remember what I, or anyone of my friends or family for that matter, looked like.” Gaia’s eyes narrowed, “Elaborate.” she simply demanded. Yukio took a deep breath, this would sound weird.
“I can’t remember what a human looked like. Every time I try to conjure up an Image it simply eludes me.” he summarized. Gaia seemed to think, then she mentioned, “Yeah, how weird. I also have trouble seeing it. But I can conjure up an Image.” she paused and looked over. “I think I might be able to still access my transformation, maybe that will help our memory.”
That was it, Yukio thought. If she took on her human disguise he was bound to remember. He nodded, “It’s certainly worth a try.” he agreed. Gaia started to concentrate and Yukio could feel her power accumulating, though for some reason it seemed to be more than he remembered. Then Gaia transformed and now stood in front of them in her human form. And something clicked.
“I remember now!” Yukio exclaimed and his Latias nodded, though she seemed rattled. “It’s like a heavy fog was lifted from my mind” she trembled. “Well,” Gaia replied, “at least it worked.” Yukio nodded, but he noticed that she looked unwell. “Is everything alright?” he asked. Gaia shook her head, “This form is extremely difficult to maintain for some reason.” she explained.
Yukio though back to the energy he felt collecting before she had transformed, so he had not imagined that it had been more than usual. “Well,” he said, “now that we know it works there should be no more reason to keep this form. Why not turn back?” Gaia nodded and ended her transform. And as she did, Yukio could feel his memory of her appearance slip away, like a bad dream.
He looked over to Latias, who seemed lost. “Did you feel that too?” he asked and his Pokemon nodded. “How can it just disappear like that. I just saw it.” she trembled even harder now. Gaia grimaced, “That’s certainly not how memories are supposed to work.” And Yukio had to agree. “What do we do now?” he asked. Gaia took a deep breath. “Well, first I think I’ll send these three back to their respective realms.”
Yukio bowed his head in approval, that seemed sensible. “Then after that we try to get to the bottom of this.” Gaia continued, “I suggest checking out the nearest settlement, there’s bound to be some humans there.” Yukio wasn’t so sure about that but he elected not to share his concerns just yet. He watched as Gaia send the Creation Trio on their way, then he suggested, “How about we go strait to Jubilife City? It’s the biggest settlement around after all.”
Gaia agreed and so they set of, of to find some answers to this crazy situation. But Yukio couldn’t shake that feeling, that things weren’t about to be that easy.
-to be continued-
Start/ previous/ next Cover (Ch. 4)
Þe plot. It thickens. (At least I hope it does.)
Anyways, were almost through with chapter 4 and thus with all those flashbacks. At least for a while.
I hope you enjoyed the story so far and stay tuned for the rest of it.
Also if you like my Story's concider checking out my new Side blog: Puppets of Orsus. And also,
Check out my DeviantArt.
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thunder-the-ranger-wolf · 3 months ago
📓 For whichever fandom you like.
hey pal! I'll go with warcats just cos. If there's something else on my blog that caught your eye, let me know and I'll find something for it.
Answering asks from this prompt
Here's a full list of my warcats WIPs that I will hopefully update as I write more.
Clouded Hearts - aka Fireheart Raises Cloudtail solo (for the most part) v1
“What, did someone say something," Cinderpaw asked sharply, dragging Fireheart from his anxious thoughts.
“Nothing I’ve heard. But they look at him weirdly. Like he’s a mouse in their paws or a scrap of moss stuck to their fur. Like he’s not just a kitten like any other.”
“Does Cloudkit notice these looks?”
“Not that I know of," Fireheart offered with a shake of his head.
Granted, he’s been too busy trying to act like everything is normal and reminding other cats to do the same to bother with the dirty looks that Darkstripe gave him. Even if Longtail’s less certain ones were thought-provoking. Fireheart wasn’t sure what was up with that cat, but he didn’t have time for it. Too many cats wanted to talk to him about his training and Ravenpaw. Like they’d cared at all before Fireheart shoved their noses in it.
“So let the queens handle it," Cinderpaw reasoned, jerking her mentor back to awareness. “They know what to look for and will claw any cat out to hurt their kittens, just you watch.”
“They’re teaching me how to be like them, so I might have more to worry about soon.”
“Fair enough," Cinderpaw snickered.
“I just don’t want him to feel like I did when I first joined the Clan. He’s literally a newborn kitten, he doesn’t deserve that.”
“Did you," Cinderpaw wondered, eyes narrowed.
“What?” “
Did you deserve what everyone said about you? How they all treat you, even now? What happened to Ravenpaw almost happened to you, if we heard right the other day.”
Fireheart was speechless. This was what Frostfur and Goldenflower said, nearly the exact same words.
“Why wouldn’t I," the ginger tom asked his apprentice.
“Sure, Tigerclaw treated us like dirt on his paws, but that’s how Clan cats are. I came in well aware of my status as an outsider and that the Clans don’t interact with them lightly.
"I made myself fit where I otherwise wouldn’t have a space. I chose to be here and face all that. Cloud doesn’t get a choice. My sister needed him somewhere safe and easily reached. He hasn’t done anything to earn their ire and scorn.”
“But did you?!" Cinderpaw burst out, frustrated. “What did you do to the cats we live with that they’re so determined to hate you for living your life?”
“Cinder," Fireheart chuckled sadly. “I wasn’t raised here. I didn’t grow up in the ThunderClan nursery like you did. The queens have only known me for the past moon at least.
"Clan cats think they’re better than cats who aren’t like them. Most look down on cats who live with humans, seeing them as soft because they don’t have to hunt for their food or fight for their territory. Same with cats passing through the forest and the town.
"Anyone who’s not a Clan cat gets treated just like I do. And ThunderClan will never let me, or Cloud, forget that we weren’t born here.”
“But that’s absurd," someone snarled from behind them both.
Fireheart shot to his paws and lunged forward, crouching between Cinderpaw and the newcomer.
Yellowfang stood with Brackenpaw and Swiftpaw on either side of her. She carried a drowsy Snowpaw on her back and a squirming Cloudkit in her mouth. Brackenpaw had been the one to object.
Yellowfang placed the kit at her paws and spoke.
“Feel any better about those exercises, kit?" she rasped.
“Yes, actually," Cinderpaw meowed, surprised. “Having to show them to Fireheart really helped, and so did talking.”
“Some heavy chatter you two engage in," Swiftpaw mewed nervously.
“Fireheart has a heavy life," Cinderpaw grumbled. “Maybe talk to your mentor about lightening his load?”
“They don’t have to-.”
“No, she’s right," Swiftpaw said. “When it’s all laid out like that, it doesn’t make sense for you or Cloud to be treated like you are. You were both kittens when you came here.
"I know as we get older we learn some crouches and stories from the elders, but not every kit gets that.
"It’s not fair that Longtail and Darkstripe got that and talked badly about you just because you didn’t.”
“Your mother’ll be proud of you, kit," Yellowfang chuckled. “Smart and cautious.”
“Thank you," Swiftpaw chirped, surprised yet pleased.
“I… I’ll think on what you all have said," Fireheart mumbled, desperate to change the subject.
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rewiredthethirdblog · 6 months ago
Comment by Last-Cantaloupe2095 on Reddit
Listen honestly y’all are all overthinking this bullshit vit k2 has been medically proven to increase bone density and growth and in combination with d3 it helps supplement absorption, the bones on our faces react and respond the same as the bones on our body now obviously you can’t drastically morph your jaw structure instantly but k2 makes your already existing bone structure denser and giving you a way more defined and thicker jaw and cheekbone structure because the k2 calcium supplementation and as all of you know the more calcium your bones absorb the more growth and dense they will become and the same applies with the less calcium you intake your bones will become weak and not grow properly as far as height growth in full grown adults It won’t change much it only helps height growth in kids and teens but everybody is different and as far as thickness and size YES it will work excellently even in the face all it does is give a thicker and enhanced look to your jawline and cheekbones and promotes growth ,looks vary person to person.If your mewing and doing all that facial improvement stuff this will help your forward and structural growth potential due to the extra calcium absorption help definitely benefit and help the process depends on how your body respond and where your at structurally and what your doing for your face. Now YES I take this I’m an athlete this shit is essential and its beneficial in a lot of ways I just turned 20 and I’m a guy my body’s hasn’t reached its full growth potential cause I’m still growing in height for some reason and my facial structure is pretty nice but it’s still developing I’m not even in my prime yet but every person’s body is different results vary and it’s all on how active you are physically cause that the main thing that helps with this and also how your body responds to the supplementation. This stuff works well for me otherwise if it didn’t I wouldn’t be wasting my damn time typing all this, no matter what type of things you take there’s always gonna be studies on how it’s effective and and how it’s not as effective it all falls on if you tried it and what did YOU notice or experience your not gonna get anywhere if u just go based off of what everyone thinks try it and be the judge, Now for the people that are saying this flat out does not work or is just hype and linking your little burner articles Sincerely Stop being a Dickhead and try the shit out for yourself if you have never tried this out your opinion or reasoning does not fucking matter at all it’s shit I don’t give a fuck if theres limited research and anecdotal claims mothafucka actually try the damn thing and be the Judge then you can go talk your shit and if you aren’t satisfied then that’s your right but if you’ve never even touched it let alone even used it for a good amount of time do not speak anything on it or link some bullshit cause y’all just look tenacious as fuck going off of burner articles grow a dick and try it RESPECTFULLY, and for all my women reading this don’t worry beautiful k2 will benefit you this isn’t really directed towards y’all. And for anybody hesitant in doing this don’t worry this won’t hurt you in trying some people respond better like me and some may not respond as good but it still works this also applies to mewing and things of that nature etc don’t go off of peoples opinions and articles as long as there’s no crazy risk stated for whatever you wanna try take the Leap and do it ,don’t limit yourself and ur potential cause someone that’s never done it has links or from someone’s opinion this applies for me too to some extent. Have a nice day .
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yoon-kooks · 3 years ago
how many | jjk | 6
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Pairing: Jungkook x TattooArtist!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, BadBoy!AU
Summary: To Jeon Jungkook, you’re just the cutie who sits across from him in art class. He doesn’t have a clue that you’re also the hidden face of his favorite tattoo artist on social media. When the bad boy notices you’ve taken a surprising interest in his ink, he dares you to explore every inch of his body until all of his tattoos are accounted for. Tempted by his irresistible smile and delicate touch, you might even let him in on your little secret.
Word Count: 5.8k
Parts: 0 ◆ 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 ◆ 4 ◆ 5 ◆ 6
Warnings: fingering, blowjob, deepthroating, dirty talk, begging, unprotected sex, he calls her babe, tight little pussy, boy got a big cock, slight bondage kink, creampie, possible dick tattoo (?)
A/N: this is probably the most smut you're ever going to get from me as a writer💖
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◆ the one he'd been searching for ◆
At the door to his apartment, Jungkook shuffles around for the keys in his pocket. The shiny new addition to his key ring makes you smile to yourself as you follow him inside. The first thing you do is scan the hall for the fluffy white tenant. 
Upon hearing a tiny mew, Jungkook squats down, picks up Namjoon’s cat, and lets you greet her. She gives you a kiss with her pink nose before burrowing her face into your boyfriend’s elbow. For now, she’s the only one who’s allowed to be so adorable and affectionate with your man. But perhaps someday, the two of you will have kids who’ll also get to experience the love he radiates. It might take a while before it gets to that point, but the possibility leaves you excited for the future ahead.
“I’m gonna check and make sure my nosy roommate isn’t around today,” the boy says after dropping you and the cat off in his room.
While he’s off hunting Namjoons, you lay down on the bed next to the cat, still admiring the fresh tattoo on your hand through the clear wrap. You snap a quick pic of the bunny fairy and post it onto snowsleeve’s Instagram with the caption, “lent my hand to a hot new artist🐰✨”.
The comments that pour in are nothing but supportive.
“Pls tag this hot new artist so I can get my own👅”
“i think ive seen this persons art before;;;”
“10/10 better than a face reveal”
“I need more of this”
“@agustd let’s get matching ones🐱🐣”
“Looks kinda like @jjkINK’s style #bunfairysearchparty”
“okay wait i searched up @jjkINK and it makes sense. super talented #bunfairysearchparty #solved”
“@jjkINK Are your books open? Asking for a friend”
You’re so engrossed in all the comments that you don’t even notice the dark shadow sneaking up on you.
“Boo.” The curled-up kitty isn’t even fazed, but your whole body jerks up as Jungkook throws himself onto the bed beside you. He grins in victory. “What were you smiling at?”
“They’re starting a search party for you on Instagram,” you giggle, showing him your post along with all the comments. His eyes take in everything line by line. “A lot of people have sniffed you out already.”
“Well, they’re gonna have to wait a while before I’m officially open for business.” He pulls you into his chest and plants a kiss on your cheek. “You’re such a tease, Y/N.”
“It’s not my fault I wanted to show off my talented artist boyfriend,” you hum against his smooth skin. “By the way, how’d your Namjoon hunt go?”
“He sent me a text saying he’s out on a date or something. I told him I’d feed the cat so he can go get laid.”
“Aww, what a good roommate.” You give him a kiss on the lips, and his tongue doesn’t waste any time. It hasn’t been more than ten minutes in his apartment and he’s already craving your taste. 
The subtle movements of your bodies against the mattress wake the cat from its nap. She stretches and yawns before wedging herself into the warmest spot on the bed—right between you and Jungkook. Her whiskers rub gently against your wrapped tattoo as she purrs away. That tiny bit of contact is enough to make you wince at the soreness. Hopefully your boyfriend didn’t see.
“You should see my cat, Jeon,” you say as you wiggle your index finger around in front of the kitty’s big eyes. You of course use your non-tattooed hand so that your bunny fairy won’t be swiped by a feisty kitty paw. She catches your finger and starts nibbling on it.
“You have a cat too?” He believes you, even though you were just trying to be sly and cute.
You shrug your shoulders, and then it clicks for him
“Hey, can you come back in like an hour or two?” Jungkook asks of the oblivious cat, who finally gets the message and leaps onto the gaming chair instead. Turns out she’s a cockblock just like her father.
With the cat out of the way, the boy takes hold of your wrist to inspect the battle scar from earlier. It’s still swollen and red. “Are you gonna be okay for…?”
You nod despite the sharp stinging in your hand. The wait has gone on long enough.
“Okay, just don’t get too carried away with your tattoo hand.” He lifts your oatmeal sweater up and over your head and tosses it onto his desk, quickly followed by his white tee. Your eyes wander up from the feisty fairy on his abs as he holds both of your hands above your head against the pillows and climbs on top of you. “Let me do all the work today,” he says.
He quickly identifies the nape of your neck as a weak spot and caresses you there with his lips. One bite at a time, he works his way between your breasts, down your belly, to your inner thigh, only protected by your plaid mini skirt and sheer black stockings.
The preppy look you were going for comes undone piece by piece as Jungkook helps you out of your skirt and then your stockings. You’re left only in your lacy black lingerie.
“So… where’s this cat you wanted to show me?” he asks. He can’t play innocent. Not when he already has his finger looped around the lace that hugs your hips. 
“Find it,” you taunt him as you unbutton and unzip his jeans. His dinosaur boxers get your approval.
“Wait, is it a tattoo…?” He tugs at the lace with eagerness. “Down here?”
It’s cute how he’s always thinking about that one tattoo he hasn’t found on you yet. But it’s finally time to put the poor boy out of his misery. 
You sit yourself up, slide the lace down your legs, and fling it over to the growing pile of clothing on his desk. Without hesitation, the boy’s eyes are drawn to the untouched skin between your legs. He licks his lips and leaves them parted as he stares with such intensity. There’s no tattoo to be found there, but that doesn’t make him any less fixated on what he sees.
With gentle fingers, you close his jaw and lift his chin to meet your gaze so that he can’t just drool over your pussy all day. Leaning in, you snap him out of his daze and whisper, “Does that answer your question?”
Jungkook nods and steals a kiss. “Guess that means there’s only one place left to look.”
A confident hand works its way around to your back and unclasps your bra. You press the lace to your chest before it falls off your shoulders. 
This is it. This is where your little game with Jungkook finally comes to an end. You won’t have any more tattoos or secrets up your sleeve because he’ll have seen every part of you. He’s seen the shy you, the passionate you, the dorky you, the artist you, and everything in between. 
You let him into your world, and he embraced it.
The bra slips from your tattooed hand and falls onto your thighs. You watch as your boyfriend scans every inch of your bare upper body until he settles on the lower outer corner of your left breast.
“It’s pretty.” His thumb strokes the tiny piece of art on your skin. It’s the silhouette of a black cat perched atop a red crescent moon. “You did it yourself?”
You give Jungkook a modest nod as he looks down at his own chest to figure out how in the world you tattooed yourself at such an awkward angle. He might be the only fuck boy out there who’d delay sex in order to consider the specifics of a tattoo so intently.
Out of nowhere, you run both hands up the boy’s torso and push him down against the mattress and between your thighs. Perhaps he wants all the details about your first tattoo, but you can save it for the pillowtalk that comes after sex.
“Maybe you can tattoo me in all the spots I can’t do myself,” you suggest, drawing attention to those tricky parts of your body—spots like your neck and anywhere on your back. Two hands grab your ass and scoot you forward until your face nearly collides with his.
“A booty tattoo would be pretty hot on you,” he says against your lips. He gives your ass a good squeeze before rolling you over and getting back on top of you. Without wasting a second, his fingers sneak their way between your legs, dip inside you, and coat themselves in your glaze. He glides around your clit and asks, “Or should I tattoo you down here?”
“Not opposed to either.” No tattoo is off the table if Jungkook is the one doing it. And despite your low pain tolerance, you know you’d definitely enjoy having his hands on you in either spot for a good hour or two. “I want you all over my body.”
“Say less.” One hand takes care of your breasts while the other continues to rub you up and down until you’re all nice and wet. The flicks of his fingers are soft and sexy, and it doesn’t take long before your body is squirming beneath him.
He pauses a couple of times and makes it very clear that he’s in no hurry. You, on the other hand, are quickly becoming a hot mess, and the snail speed isn’t helping. It’s torture at its finest.
“More… Jungkook,” you manage to say between moans. “Please.”
Your boyfriend stares down at how turned on and needy you are for him. His eyes wander across your naked body from your slick center to your perky nipples to your flushed face. He takes his thumb and swipes it gently over your lips.
“Do you want my mouth up here?” he asks, watching carefully for a cue from you. His fingers down below tap on your clit several times. “Or down here?”
You feel the bundle of nerves swelling up between your legs at the mere thought of him lapping you up and eating you out. He’d be latched onto your center with the tightest grip around your thighs, unable to control himself like a vampire sucking his plaything dry. His tongue would surely be the death of you.
But the huge bulge in his boxers is an even deadly temptation.
You weave your fingers through the long hair at his neck and pull him down until your lips can reach his. This kiss is filled with hunger and lust. “Here is perfect,” you say before he goes in for seconds.
The boy obliges and continues on with the makeout session. He pulls back a second later and asks, “Wait, has anyone ever gone down on you?”
“Not yet.” Something tells you that’ll change in the near future, though.
Jungkook gives you a cheeky smile like the troublemaker he is. “You’re so innocent, Y/N.”
It shouldn’t take long to change his mind about that.
You slide your hand up the front of his boxers, right over his bulge. His entire body stiffens against the sudden contact.
“By the way, I’ve been thinking a lot about this dick tattoo you may or may not have,” you say as you continue to rub him through the cotton. “I imagine something like a cute little snake.”
“Me? Cute and little?” Jungkook snorts. Now that he repeats your words back, you have to admit it was a pretty innocent remark on your end. At least you know he finds your innocence endearing. “Try saying that again with my cock down your throat.”
Eager to accept his challenge, you tug at his waistband. He steps out of his boxers with haste and kicks them off to the side. The first things you notice are of course his lack of a tattoo and his size. He might be even larger than you’d been estimating while silently evaluating the bulge through his boxers.
“Sorry to disappoint, but there aren’t any cute little snakes here,” the boy jokes. He leans back as you slither your fingers around him and bring yourself in for a closer look. He’s warm, veiny, and awfully big, but there’s nothing you can’t handle from him. You shudder at the thought of him pounding into you with that massive size and length. You swear you’ve never been so turned on just from looking at dick. If the perfect cock exists, you’re holding it.
“No worries, I always appreciate a long and large blank canvas to work with.” You feel clever for coming up with that one. And who knows. Maybe you’ll be the one working on his dick tattoo in the future.
Both you and Jungkook watch your tattooless hand go up and down his length. He’s getting so tense and worked up despite how little you’ve touched him. You want to see how far you can push him.
“I know you said you’d do all the work today, but I don’t think I can help myself,” you say, wetting your lips a few centimeters away from his erection. Perhaps it’s your own desires clouding your judgment, but he looks like he could really benefit from having your mouth around him. You plant a soft kiss just below his swollen tip and glance up at your boyfriend for his thoughts on your unspoken proposal.
“Well, I’m not going to say no to that.” Jungkook’s eyes are as gentle as eyes can be in the midst of sex. He pokes the back of your tattooed hand and says, “Just be careful with this hand, okay?”
He’s being so sweet and considerate about your newly branded skin, but you honestly wouldn’t mind if he tied your hands up to ensure you’re behaving the way he asks. That’s another kink to explore some other time, though. 
“It’s a good thing sucking you off doesn’t require much hand usage,” you smirk. 
Knowing his eyes are all on you, you decide to make a spectacle out of what would otherwise be an ordinary blowjob. Your tongue starts by teasing him with a few wet kisses all around his length. The room is filled with the sounds of diligent sucking and the needy kind of moans you only make when you’re really craving cock. You want to make sure he knows how into his body you are.
When you take a peek to see how he’s holding up, he’s straining his neck just so he can watch exactly what you’re doing to him. If you didn’t already have your mouth around his cock, he probably would have started jerking off to the show you’re putting on for him with all your lewd sounds and naked body. You love the thought of him pleasuring his horny self at the sight of you doing something naughty.
“You taste better than ice cream,” you say after a very intentional flick of your tongue over his tip. The teasing doesn’t stop there, though. Your lips just barely graze him as you let half his length in. His poor cock is like a lollipop melting away against a tongue that hasn’t tasted pure sugar in months.
Even if you tried, you couldn’t stop. You’re addicted to him.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groans in rhythm with the movements of your mouth. “I take back what I said about you being innocent.”
You try to fight off the stupid grin creeping up on you, but you fail miserably. “I’m only this naughty when I’m with you.”
“Good.” He does his best to maintain his composure as you take the rest of his length, but that’s not working out too well for him. You feel him wince in pleasure as soon as he hits the back of your throat. His breathing is rough and sloppy in a way you haven’t heard before. You’re driving him crazy, and you love it. “I need you all to myself.”
The boy watches on as you devour him like a popsicle. You’ve always thought you had your gag reflexes under control, but you have to admit his large size is a lot for your throat to take on. Jungkook wasn’t just talking himself up earlier.
Your half-moan, half-gag vibrates against his cock. His hand reaches for yours on instinct.
“You good, babe?” His sudden concern and pet name for you are like positive reinforcements for choking on his cock. You want to do it again, over and over. 
“Mm,” you moan, continuing to slide his length up and down your throat. Somehow, you feel your throat warming up to his size. That doesn’t mean you won’t keep gagging to stroke his ego, though. It’s your way of acknowledging that your boyfriend has (by far) the biggest cock you’ve ever sucked.
“Sure I’m not too big for you? What about your tight little pussy?” He’s taunting you again. And you lean right into it.
“Let’s find out.” You finally pull back from his erection and crawl forward until your breasts are dangling over him and your pussy is aligned with his cock. He reaches up with his thumb to wipe the glossy glaze off your plumped lips. You lick the rest up like sweet syrup.
To stall things out just a bit longer, you rock your hips back and forth so that your clit drags against his tip as the two of you makeout. You’d been so focused on sucking his cock that you’d forgotten how sensitive you still were between your legs. As tame as it might seem, grinding against him like this feels so fucking good. 
When your little bud gets a tad too excited, you put your hips on pause and push yourself back up into a sitting position on top of him. As soon as you lift your ass again, Jungkook’s hands slip beneath you for support. You make him watch as you curl several fingers up your pussy to ensure you’re wet and horny enough to accommodate his massive size. No shit you’re horny enough. 
You reach behind your back to grab his cock and position him where he can ease into you. His cock has the audacity to give you a little nudge at your entrance, but his eagerness is understandable. You feel it too. 
As you slowly lower yourself onto his length, you’re thankful for the “safe sex speedrun” (as your gamer boyfriend likes to call it) the two of you went on in the weeks leading up to this. Nobody’s getting preggy, nobody’s catching any STDs, but you will get to experience just how good he feels with no condom in the mix.
“You’re awfully tight, Y/N,” Jungkook hums, the corner of his eyes crinkling upward in the most endearing way possible. He’s right. He’s only got an inch or two in and plenty more to go. He must be feeling like a god right now.
You’ve encountered a handful of larger-than-average dicks in your sex life, but you’ve never taken this long to get them all the way in. The boy also picks up the time ticking away.
“In the meantime…” he starts but never finishes his sentence, rubbing your clit between two fingers. The jolt of pleasure proves to be counterproductive as your muscles tighten around his cock. You hate how weak you are to his fingers. One of these days, you know he’s going to catch on and make you get on your knees and beg before he even lays a finger on you. You won’t be able to resist, either.
“Fuck,” you huff. His fingers find a nice rhythm, gradually getting stronger and more intense. You give into the pleasure and throw your head back for just a second. But if he continues down this path, you’re going to come before you’ve got him halfway in. To prevent your bundle of nerves from exploding on the spot, you pull both of his hands up to your breasts as a distraction. He doesn’t seem to mind.
“You have the perfect tits, you know that?” He squeezes them both like stress balls even though you know he hasn’t had anything to stress about since midterms. It’s probably just the frustration building for every additional second he’s forced to wait before fucking the shit out of you.
Once he’s in as far as he’ll go, his hands slide down to your waist where he has a strong grip on you. Like the gentleman he is, he lets you take the lead first. You use a combination of your hips and thighs to leverage your weight up and down his length. Meanwhile, your greedy little fingertips take the opportunity to get acquainted with his hard abs. You’re once again reminded of how in shape he is. His commitment to everything important—his health, his studies, his future, you—is so incredibly attractive.
Despite how much you crave wild sex, this first bit is still slow and sensual, just until you adjust to his size. Your hips are hard at work on his cock, and you find it kind of romantic the way he gazes into your eyes as you pleasure yourself on him. 
As you speed up, you hear more and more grunts and groans from the boy’s throat. And once you’ve got a steady pace going, you start to feel his hips move beneath you. His thrusts are so strong that you’d probably bounce right off his cock if not for his hands keeping you strapped into place. At least he gets a nice little show from your bouncy tits he loves so much.
“Is rough okay with you? I can go harder,” he says with the smuggest look on his face. You didn’t realize there was a level up from what he was already doing. Not in that position anyway.
As soon as you nod, he lifts your entire body up off his cock like it’s nothing, just to show off the results of his daily visits to the gym. In a smooth transition, the two of you switch positions with you on your back and him on top.
You get a good look at him holding his big throbbing cock over you, and your hand wanders down between your legs on instinct without you realizing it. You rub away and feel how swollen and close you are to hitting your high. 
Leaving your legs spread open, you eagerly wait for Jungkook to shove himself back into you. He angles his cock at your entrance and works his way inside you with relative ease this time around.
“You’re so fucking tight,” the boy growls. He cups your chin and steals a passionate kiss from you before pinning you against the pillows. He has a gentle hold on the wrist with the bunny fairy flying right above it.
“And you’re so fucking big,” you finally admit, hoping to unlock another horny masculine urge from him. “It feels so good.”
The roughness behind his first few thrusts is a not-so-subtle reminder to hold on tight. You reach around with your free arm to hang onto his back, like an innocent hug that eventually turns dirty. If the sex gets any rougher, Jungkook might have a few claw marks on his back like he’d been scratched by a feral cat.
With your claws dug deep into his skin and your other arm still held down above your head, you feel secure beneath him—secure enough to ask to be fucked as hard and deep as your boyfriend can go.
The first opportunity you get, you throw your ankles up over his shoulders to angle yourself better and casually suggest deeper penetration. And as soon as you say the words, the boy pounds his cock into you and hits just the right spot. Over and over again.
The moan that escapes your throat is the filthiest sound you’ve ever made. It’s a combination of pure pleasure and you trying to fight off an orgasm. If you weren’t so caught up in the sex, you’d probably feel at least a tiny bit embarrassed. Instead, it only encourages you to keep losing yourself to the pleasure as you inch closer and closer to your high. You’re just really glad no one else is around to hear it.
“I’m close,” you say, making a total mess of his hair. He continues to fuck you hard while swirling his fingers down around your clit to finish you off. God, you love his fingers.
“I can tell, babe,” he chuckles sweetly. Of course he can tell. You wouldn’t be making lewd sounds like that unless you were at the peak pleasure of really good sex. And you love how he can continue to be so playful and endearing even when you’re about to come all over him.
You suddenly gasp out in pleasure and claw your nails into his neck. Your toes curl above his shoulders, and your pussy tightens its grip around his cock. You don’t think you’ll ever get over how fucking huge he feels inside of you.
As you ride out the waves of your orgasm, Jungkook uses the momentum to match your pleasure with his own. You run your hand against his back in a massaging motion and say his name softly to let him know you’re his number one supporter at the final stretch of this full-body workout session. 
He grunts your name back along with a lot of sloppy profanity in response to an exceptionally strong clench around him. He gets harder and harder with each thrust until you feel yourself being filled with his creamy glaze. It’s like a massive release of all the sexual tension that had built up from the day you two met. In your experience, normal sex doesn’t feel this good. Then again, you’d like to think you and Jungkook don’t have a normal relationship. 
It’s something special, and you want to cherish it forever.
You feel the wet trail that’s left behind as Jungkook pulls out, proof that it wasn’t all just a wild sex dream. His cock is drenched like a freshly glazed donut. You lick your lips even though you know you’re too worn out for another round.
“Hungry?” your boyfriend asks with the biggest grin before drowning you with a thousand soft kisses. “For actual food, I mean.”
“Right, actual food.” Your voice still has a naughty undertone as you hop up off the bed and stretch out your limbs. You make sure to give the boy a nice view of your glowy post-sex body. Maybe he’s also worked up an appetite just by staring at your naked self. An early dinner might be in order.
After washing up, you throw on one of Jungkook’s oversized tees and walk into the kitchen. The cat is busy eating her seafood dinner while the handsome chef is stirfrying noodles and veggies with what smells like the okonomi sauce you recommended to him some time ago. You spot the half-empty bottle on the counter to confirm your suspicions.
“You’re right, this sauce makes everything better,” he says with a noodle hanging from his mouth. He slurps it up and gives you a small bite to try as well. It tastes so familiar yet brand new at the same time. Something tells you it’s the chef that makes all the difference. You’d eat those noodles every day if Jungkook were the one cooking them for you.
“We should try making actual okonomiyaki one time,” you suggest, dishing the meal out between two bowls. That would be a fun little date activity—shopping for ingredients together, struggling to make a proper okonomiyaki, and eating it anyway when things go horribly wrong.
“Ooh, yeah. Have you seen all those videos where they’re throwing all the shit together on one of those hot plates and it comes out perfect every time? They make it look easy.” He pulls out his phone, and the two of you spend the next half hour going down the okonomiyaki rabbit hole as you fill your bellies. Never mind that you’ve already seen these videos. You just love Jungkook’s enthusiasm because it reminds you that your bond with him will never just stop at art and tattoos.
It’ll go as far as you and Jungkook want to take it. In your mind, the sky is the limit, and you’ll aim for the stars every time.
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After a long day of big reveals, tattoos, sex, and okonomiyaki, your body is finally running low on energy. You curl up with the cat in Jungkook’s bed as the boy finishes his shower. All you can think about is how perfect the day has been. You couldn’t have asked for anything more.
Your eyelids start to feel heavy until your smoking hot boyfriend returns with wet hair and no shirt. You’re not ashamed to say you’re wide awake now after seeing his bare skin again. As soon as he rolls onto the bed, you snuggle up to his chest. Your nose is filled with his spiced body wash, and you’re tempted to breathe him in until you’re intoxicated.
“So…” Jungkook sneaks a hand up your shirt and rubs the tiny cat and moon on the side of your boob. “Are you going to tell me more about this tattoo?”
“I want to know what you think about it first,” you say, sitting up and lifting your shirt up just enough for him to see the design clearly. He examines it again and even holds your hand tattoo up right next to it for comparison.
“It’s like night and day. The dark and mysterious cat on the moon, and the bright and innocent bunny fairy. One is for everyone’s eyes, while the other is hidden away waiting to be found.”
“I didn’t even think of that.” You’re thoroughly impressed by your boyfriend’s critical thinking. You wonder what that analysis says about you.
“Oh, and it reminds me of Sailor Moon,” he adds. Of course the biggest Sailor Moon enthusiast in the room would pick up on the loose inspiration for that design. 
With a soft laugh, you lay back down and resume the cuddling session. You wish you’d never left. It’s so warm and toasty in Jungkook’s arms. And you know you’re always safe with him.
“Can I tell you a behind the scenes secret about this tattoo?” You point to the side of your boob. The boy nods. “It was either this tiny one or a whole sleeve.”
“You were really considering a whole sleeve?” He runs his hand up and down your arm to generate more body heat. “What happened with that?”
“You know how, when you’re in this industry, people expect you to be covered in art? When your arms look like mine, a lot of people will question your authenticity, especially when you’re just starting out,” you explain.
You might have celebrities and fellow artists who’ll back you up now that you have a large portfolio and presence on social media, but it wasn't easy for you in the beginning when you had no one.
You’d heard a lot of shit being said about you, and you tried to push past it, but it got to be too much at some point. You specifically remember another artist saying, “What does she know about tattoos if she doesn’t have any tattoos of her own?”
That’s when you decided to bite the bullet despite how you felt about needles.
“I just thought it’d be easier to move forward if they could see how passionate I was about tattoos. A sleeve would’ve been clear proof of that.”
Jungkook plants a kiss on your sleeveless arm. “The assholes who judged you clearly didn’t know what they were talking about.”
“I eventually realized that,” you say softly. “I ended up designing the whole sleeve, only to look at it later and say I couldn’t go through with it.” 
“The last thing you want to do is have a whole sleeve of resentment tattooed to your skin,” he says. Your boyfriend says the wisest things sometimes.
“That’s why I downgraded,” you agree. “Part of me still wanted a tattoo, but it didn’t need to prove anything to anyone. So I went with this cute little guy and tucked him away for a handsome boy to find a few years later.”
“I’m glad you let me see it.” Jungkook gives your whole body a good squeeze. “I bet your sleeve design was sick, though.”
You roll over to grab your phone and scroll through your photos. Once you track down the design in question, you hand your phone over to the boy.
“Oh shit.” His eyes are wide as he zooms in to catch every little detail. Among all the chaos you’d thrown into the piece, Jungkook points out something intriguing. It’s a black panther perched on a crescent moon. It still surprises you how good the details came out on it.
“That’s the one part of this whole design that I still really like,” you say. Clearly you have a soft spot for the moon panther. Otherwise you wouldn’t have the miniature version of it tattooed to your breast. “It feels like a waste to have abandoned it.”
“Weren’t you supposed to have a consultation today to discuss design details with a client?” Jungkook hums innocently as if he’s not referring to himself. “He might be interested in the moon panther, if that’s an option.”
You draw an imaginary circle on the boy’s forearm that isn’t already covered in ink. It’s easy to imagine that sort of tattoo on him. It suits him perfectly. “It’ll look good on you.”
“I can’t wait.” Jungkook does that adorable wrinkly grin again and melts your heart away. “By the way, was that the origin story for how you got the name snowsleeve?”
“Yeah.” You smile back. You’ve always had a special attachment to your IG handle because it’s a reminder that you’re a tattoo artist whether or not you have a sleeve to prove it. That was the confidence boost and secret identity you needed back then before you had people on your side—and before you had Jungkook. “But now that I think about it, I might have to change that name if you ever cover my arm in more bunny fairies.”
You wonder what clever name you’d change it to. Or maybe you’d start going by your real name. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
After letting out a huge yawn, you kiss Jungkook on the lips and drift off to sleep feeling so warm and safe in his arms.
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ghost9whore · 2 years ago
Lightning’s Reign and Thunder’s Roar VI
Male oc x house of the dragon
This one’s for you @jamieclearwater2314
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His soft mews were enough to make any man lose his head.
The way his body moved under mine made heart race.
The loss of him would start a war
(Rhaenys’ P.O.V)
“It’s the King’s tournament for his heir and your father is on the king’s small council.” I told my youngest son
“I understand that but why do I have to go?” My son asked back
“It’s rude for you not to go and you’ll be able to see your cousin Rhaenyra” I countered
“No that’s not what I mean it’s just, Queen Aemma has had 4 pregnancies in the past year every one of them has died” Caserys remarked
“Sigh I know but we still have to go for your father and the king.” I finally spoke
That seemed to get through my youngest’s head. He agreed to go but however became excited for it when he learned Daemon would be coming as well.
The Next Day
I decided to accompany my husband on the boat instead of riding Meleys and racing Caserys on Rayraxs. Caserys had struggled in taming his dragon but, one day it seemed like they had clicked. Rayraxs listened to Caserys and Caserys only. My son had still refused to hold his dragon in the dragon pit but didn’t ask my husband and I to make a space for him. They flew together with a speed that is unmatched. Meleys and I were once known as the fastest but upon inspection at my son we were quickly outmatched.
(Caserys’ P.O.V)
King’s Landing hasn’t changed it still has the same stink it always does. The smell of wine and sex an unforgiving scent. I wished to ride on my dragon however Rayraxs had to stay on the far side of the kingdom as to not frighten the people and because I still refused to hold him in the dragon pit.
I was walking around the halls of the King’s Castle when I stumbled upon my cousin Rhaenyra. She hadn’t seem to notice me. She was lost walking away from her mother’s room. I swiftly walked up behind her to spook her and make my presence known.
“Hello dear cousin” I started
“Hello Caserys you startled me” she responded
I linked my arm under hers as we continued to walk.
“How are you doing cousin?” I asked her
“I’m well excited for the tournament” she replied
“Haha I mean with your mothers pregnancy. You will not be the only child anymore” I continued
“I’m happy that my father will finally have his son and I hope that my mother doesn’t have to continue having children.” she confessed
Her confession did startle me. Normally it would be considered treasonous for someone to wish the queen would stop having children and it’s uncouth for the princess to admit that. She as well seemed startled.
“I’m sorry I don’t know why I told you that please don’t tell-“
“Rhaenyra it’s ok I won’t tell anyone” I cut her off comforting her
Rhaenyra’s face soften at my statement. She thanked me and told me she had to go as she was late for her father’s meeting. I didn’t believe we were close enough to share things like that. So why did she tell me that?
(Daemon’s P.O.V)
Walking up the steps of the Castle of King’s Landing feels much better knowing the gold cloaks and I made this city much safer and that this castle would one day be mine.
Entering the throne room I see my prize. What everything I have done has been for, my seat, my power. The Iron Throne. Sitting on this throne feels even better I connect to the seat as if it was made for me. Reveling in my throne I’m interrupted as my niece walks in.
“What are you doing uncle?” she asks me in High Velaryon
“Sitting” I chuckle responding back in Velaryon
(Caserys’ P.O.V)
The cliff near the back of the king’s castle were the only space big enough that could hold Rayraxs as the dragon pit wasn’t a suitable option and he desired to be close to me. I had told him to stay yet if I was in danger he would destroy the entire city trying to look for me. My mother instructed me to greet my father and the king after their small council meeting. Then, after I was to ready myself for the heir’s tournament my mother said that the king was never truly a dragon rider so dragon back wasn’t his favorite scent.
Getting closer to the small council room I hear speaking it’s coming from the council room. I investigate the sound to find a small crack in the wall near the room. This crack is not guarded and is secluded enough that no one could see me here. I begin to listen to the conversation so that I’m able to hear
“Queen Aemma must have this child, If the realm is left to Daemon it will devolve into madness.”
“Daemon is the king’s heir and until this child comes he will stay the king’s heir”
“I can offer a different solution for a different heir.” This voice I recognized as my father
“Corlys you would have your wife as the heir?”
“Rhaenys was stepped over but has produced two male heirs. The throne should go through us.” My father responded to the man
“Enough because you sit as the King’s table does not make you his equal. You forgot yourself Corlys.”
“Your son Caserys would make a better whore than king” another man said
That statement about me was something I had heard before as well as my father. However, that still didn’t hold his anger I could hear him stand up and slam his hands on the table as he stood up.
“Silence do not speak ill of Lord Corlys’ son. My son will be born soon and I will not hear anymore of this until he is” The voice spoke that I recognized as King Viserys
The meeting was coming to an end I needed to leave to be able to greet my father and the king. I slipped out of the crack and walked a few steps down before walking back to see my father exiting the small council room. He looked a little disturbed his hand reached for my arm as he pulled me away before anyone else could see me.
“What are you doing here?” He asked me angrily as looked around
“I had to come to greet you and the King” I told him
“Not here you can greet the King at the tournament” he spoke to me
I could tell he was angry at the the man would made the whore comment at me but I didn’t want to bring it up as he would be angrier that I was listening. I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that the man was right.
I would make a better whore than anything…
The tournament felt as a cover. That their was an underlying issue that wasn’t being spoken about. King Viserys had left halfway. The first tournament player has asked for my mother’s blessing calling her the queen who never was a restraining title. Daemon had asked for Rhaenyra’s friend Alicent’s favor which felt like he was mocking me and the last player named Criston Cole had asked for Rhaenyra’s favor. In the end Criston Cole had won the tournament but the news spread of Queen Aemma’s death and suddenly no one could care for the tournament. Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Daemon had all left my parents as well.
The news was found out to be true. Queen Aemma and her son Prince Baelon had passed away. Their funeral were to take place in the morning. How quickly this joyous day has turned sad. Rayraxs had been staying away as he wouldn’t stay in dragon pit but wasn’t allowed free reign. The funeral was to be as expected. Rhaenyra seemed more angry at her father than mournful with him.
Daemon spooked up behind me.
“Such a tragic what happened to the King’s Heir” he spoke in a whispered manner but I felt the bits of malice in his voice.
He spoke and walked away before I could response to him walking towards Rhaenyra. His expression changed and softened when he spoke to Rhaenyra it seems his words continued to fuel her anger towards her father. Syrax was waiting on top of a rock near Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon’s bodies. Rhaenyra looked to her father to say the word but he was too choked up. That seemed to anger her more and she spoke the command words instead of her father.
“Dracarys” she said with tears in her eyes.
And with the fire went King Viserys’ heir
The whole castle was in mourning of the Queen and Prince’s death or so I thought.
I heard that Daemon rented out an entire whore house in the street of silk to celebrate his new throne. His entire city watch in toe.
Listening to my father speak about Daemon’s actions made me wonder how the King reacted. It didn’t take long before I learned that Daemon had been disowned as heir. He had no heir so my father told me that Otto Hightower had recommended another person. My father told me this because she was my friend and cousin. He felt that our houses should have been united and we should keep the Targaryen’s close.
The King’s heir is
Rhaenyra Targaryen
A/N: it’s been a while and I’ve been very busy with finals but now it’s over and I have something else in store that I’m excited to share
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universal-kitty · 2 years ago
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    A preview at what I’m about to be real annoying about going forward/in the next few weeks. 👀
    Self-insert WIP for 14 Days With You! [ An 18+ game, so please do not interact with this post if you’re a minor! ]
    Current, still somewhat WIP idea: Grew up a somewhat normal kid, however ended up sprouting cat ears and a tail at some point during their life. Doesn’t really remember the “when” and “why” of it, but the only part that mattered to them is that they can be hidden away. So they do their damnedest to keep it their most hidden, precious secret of all time.
    Because of this, Ren has no idea. (At most, he thinks they got more into cosplaying as catgirls/catboys. Somehow keeps missing when they put the gear on, but whatever.)
    It works on Tokyo Mew Mew logic! When surprised or stressed, the ears and tail may pop out, resulting in a shenanigans game. This has accidentally led Ren to wonder if they’re catching onto who he really is...?! (They’re both idiots, actually.)
    ...On that note, Ren’s been working overtime to appeal to my SI... Unfortunately, they got a crush on the one weeb who has hundreds of favorite fictional faves; they’ve researched their ass off, and for what?! So much money spent on cosplays he hasn’t seen/noticed... The cycle of stupidity continues. (It’s still worth every minute and hour and days and months...and years of work, tho. He’ll die on that hill.)
[ nsft mention below the cut ]
    Also, shoutout to the AMAB, they/he pan-enby w/ a breeding kink, who ends up dating the AFAB, they/he, pan[demi]-enby who also has a breeding kink. You don’t get much luckier than that, by whatever fucking happenstance the world put out there.
    (He’d have you believe it’s fate. Destined to be!!! What luck! ...I won’t argue him, I’m pretty delighted by this, m’self. 👀)
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hikayagami · 3 years ago
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Here is my somewhat-detailed analysis and thoughts of the Tokyo Mew Mew New Teaser Trailer. Sorry that this post is a bit late. After all of the excitement settled down, my body reminded me that I was only running on 3 hours of sleep from the previous couple of days XD. So after a longer than usual night’s sleep, I finally got to finish this up.
Click below to read the whole post.
First off, this whole beginning with the “The Earth” introduction already hit me with so much nostalgia. I also give props to the animation team. They could’ve done what the manga and old anime did and just kept them as still, dark images, but they really went the extra mile in giving us these gorgeous shots:
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I also noticed that the introduction has been updated slightly. In the manga and old anime, it was mentioned that “Over 2,500″ animals were endangered. Sadly, after 20 years, the narration now has to say that it’s “Over 15,000″.
And, of course, the intro ends with a shot of our girls and it is so beautiful!!!!
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Then we get a new song from Smewthie, which will most likely be the opening, titled “Cat!! Shite Supergirls”. Can’t wait to hear the whole thing. Judging from the trailer, it seems to go through the basics for chapter 1 of the manga, with Ichigo seeing Aoyama during kendo practice (Where’s Moe and Miwa??). Also, while not in the trailer, there is a screencap of Aoyama with Ichigo floating around on news sites, which is most likely during their date at the museum.
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Then we see Ryou and Keiichiro for the first time and it seems that their lab has gotten a big upgrade in the last 20 years, to the point that they make the activation of the Mew Project in the form of a BIG RED BUTTON!! XD
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I’ve seen many posts already who are kind of giggling at the fact that Kei-kun hasn’t really changed much, design-wise, when comparing them all to the original anime. As they have said, and I agree, “Can’t improve on perfection!” X3
And now we get into what seems to be a scene that strays a bit from the original manga. When the Mew Project is activated, we only see 4 colored beams of light and only Ichigo, Retasu, Bu-ling and Zakuro get infused. Minto seems to be missing.
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And then the trailer shows her later, already transformed, telling Ichigo to fight. This seems to imply that, in this adaptation of the story, Minto has already been infused and is teaching Ichigo what to do. Right now I’m not sure if that’s the case or if the trailer’s footage is being manipulated to make it seem that way. I guess we’ll have to wait and see when the first episode airs.
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I personally don’t mind the change, if that is how it’s going to be. I’ve re-read the manga constantly in these past 19-ish years. So I already know its story inside and out. So seeing a new anime with it’s own, unique twists and turns will keep things interesting. Not to mention the possibilities of some story expansion.
There are some that are also afraid that that means that Ichigo’s first interaction with Ryou might be omitted since she’s already transformed and interacting with Minto. That might happen but there’s also a chance that it might be kept in. Remember, in the manga, Ichigo’s first transformation was activated when she was struggling to get away from Ryou and then fell out of the tree.
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The trailer clearly shows her transformation activating as she’s falling from somewhere. So her interaction with Ryou might still be there.
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Then we see something that we didn’t really see in the manga; some actual fighting action.
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If there’s some hand-to-hand combat, then I’m all for it. While I love the manga, the fights in it were very simplistic (Basically, just them getting their weapons, shouting the attack name, kaboom! and then it’s done.). So I’m sure that the animation team will have to be really creative to keep the fight scenes engaging.
Then we see Ichigo with her weapon and saying her first catchphrase (In full gratitude, I’ll be of service ~ Mew!!). And can we all just agree that the StrawBell Bell looks absolutely beautiful?!
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Also, as I feared, they gave the Parasite Aliens/Para Para, the cute faces they had in the manga. That makes Masha even more terrifying than the trailer’s already shown!! Seriously, Masha now has this whole galaxy/blackhole in his mouth!!
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And then the trailer ends on a serious note of Aoyama saying that humans are sinful beings. Not exactly sure when this will take place. Seeing as all of this is most likely episode 1 footage, I wonder if this is during the museum visit. I can’t really tell since we only see his face.
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And that’s it for the trailer. As for voice acting and such so far, the girls are beginners to VA work, and it shows a bit. But they’re pretty good for first-timers and I’m sure they’ll improve quickly. The VAs chosen for the guys are very good. While I’ll miss Midorikawa-san as Kei-kun, I expected a total recast and prepared myself. However, Shirai-san has Kei-kun’s mannerisms and speech inflections down pretty good. I welcome him as new Kei-kun X3. 
Nakamura-san is a pretty good fit for Ryou. Some seem to be off about Aoyama being voiced by a guy but that’s something that I’ve also expected. It seems common for Japan to cast guys for younger male roles these days, unless they’re really young children. However, Uchida-san is a great VA and I’m sure anyone who has doubts will warm up to him eventually X3.
Speaking of Aoyama, some have noticed the change in skin-tone. Now before you start shouting “Whitewashing”, Aoyama was never tanned in the manga. In fact, he was very pale:
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Seeing as how the reboot has been using a mix of manga and old anime colors for the reboot, it seems that they tried to compromise with Aoyama by giving him a lighter skin tone that’s a bit darker than his manga counterpart, but also give him his hair and eye color from the old anime (although his hair in the reboot is now a lighter color).
It seems that the same happened with Ryou, except they decided to keep his darker skin-tone from the old anime, even though he was lighter in the manga. My guess is because the tanned-skin, blond-hair look has been kind of popular in anime nowadays. So they just decided to keep it that way.
Now, I know some of you are wondering, “WHERE ARE THE ALIENS?!!” Well, considering that the trailer mainly showed scenes that matched with chapter 1 of the manga, and Quiche doesn’t appear until the end of chapter 4... The answer is pretty self-explanatory. We most likely won’t know who will voice Quiche until a few weeks before July, in which there will most likely be a more detailed trailer.
While I hope that that news will include the VAs for Pie and Tart, I’m not completely sure about that since we don’t even see them in the manga until they appear briefly in the last chapter of volume 2. I guess it’ll all depends on how much they decide to expand the story. 
Well, I think that covers all of my thoughts on it and answers a few questions that everyone else has been wondering about. I can’t wait for it’s premiere in July!! I hope everyone else is looking forward to it too X3.
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jelliclekay · 2 years ago
Jerrie is a bit miffed on the day Teazer suddenly decides she wants to be a mom.
Having kittens was never something the two discussed outside of Teazer being adamant she had no interest in ever carrying one herself. Something that Jerrie was more than happy to agree with. It’s not like Jerrie doesn’t like kittens, he does. He gets along great with the kittens in the Junkyard, but the idea of having so much responsibility over something so tiny and vulnerable scares him more than he’s willing to admit.
The two are scouring the back allys they’ve explored together for years when Teazer suddenly stops. They are on their way to one of their usual spots to pick up some requested items from the Junkyard. Jerrie raises an eyebrow when he sees his mate turn the opposite direction of the target, hunching herself into a corner of an alley where a pile of trash and other discarded items remain. 
For a second, Jerrie assumes her eyes must have spotted something of value that escaped his notice. He walks over to her, about to ask what it is she found when he hears it.
Tiny mewing. 
Sure enough, hiding in an empty carboard box is a small kitten, his dirty coat being white, brown with bits of orange here and there. Small is an understatement here. Jerrie hasn’t been around many new kittens, but this is certainly the smallest kitten he’s ever laid eyes on. The kitten’s eyes are barely open, its breathing shallow as it lets out another tiny mew at the two larger cats staring at it. Jerrie and Teazer are no strangers to finding abandoned kittens during their adventures, but this one is a particularly sad sight.
Jerrie is about to suggest the two inform Munk when they return to the Junkyard when Teazer does something he would never expect.
She picks the kitten up. 
The poor thing barely puts up a fight, likely having no energy in its clearly malnourished body to try. Jerrie raises an eyebrow at his partner, not liking the clearly enamored look she is giving the tiny bundle of dirty and damp fur in her arms.
He asks her what she thinks she’s doing, and Teazer looks up at him for a second before her attention is drawn back down to the now loudly mewing kitten. 
“Look at him, Jer.” She says, her tone softer than Jerrie has ever heard it before, “He needs help.”
Jerrie can’t argue with that, but he also isn’t liking where this is going. 
“We can tell Munk about him later when we are done with the job we are currently on.” He insists, hoping that turning his back as though he’s leaving will make Teazer follow behind. 
“I can’t leave him, Jer.” She insists back, holding the bundle closer to her chest. The kitten at this point has stopped its mewing and squirming, instead burying its tiny face into Teazer’s fur.
Jerrie blinks at Teazer, unsure what she thinks she is doing here. “Teaz, what are you saying here?” He asks, though unsure if he wants to hear the answer he knows is coming based off the determined, unmoving look on his partner’s face.
“I’m taking him home.” Teazer exclaims confidently, picking up her empty bag and walking past Jerrie towards the direction of the Junkyard.
Jerrie doesn’t know what to say, what to think. Teazer is never one to think before making a decision, something he has always been able to put up with, something he loves about his partner in crime. But the decision has never been as large as impulsively deciding to raise a kitten found on the street. 
He tries to reason with her the entire walk back to the Junkyard, but the protests fall on deaf ears. He isn’t sure if it’s because Teazer just refuses to be reasoned with or if she genuinely isn’t listening as she is still so enthralled by her newfound kitten.
“Look at him, Jer.” Teazer finally speaks, not answering any of Jerrie’s genuine questions about the logistics of her raising a kitten, “He’s so small. And look at his coat, he looks just like my dad.”
“Teazer,” Jerrie pleads one last time, but it’s too late. The two have made it back to the Junkyard, with none of the items they had promised to return with.
The next few hours are a blur for Jerrie. He stands behind Teazer as she shows Munk the new addition to the tribe, arms crossed as Teazer asks Munk if Skimble is around. Luckily enough, Skimble just so happens to be visiting that day. His visits are always eventful, but he’s certainly surprised and ecstatic that a routine visit to see his family is ending with him becoming a Grandfather finally. 
Teazer knows this isn’t something Jerrie ever wanted. It’s why when it came down to her having to come up with the logistics of raising this kitten, Tugger steps up to help raise this kitten with her, becoming the adopted father of Teazer’s new son. Though Jerrie in time learns to accept, love and even assists in raising this kitten when the time comes.
When Skimble finally asks what this new kitten is named, Teazer with all the confidence in the world says “His name is Duncan.”
Skimble is over the moon that Teazer gave his first grandson a name that is Scottish in origin, but Jerrie knows the truth behind the name is because he was found hiding in an empty box of Duncan-Hines cake mix.
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