#but me personally i literally deleted two masks bc i saw i had used them for some bullshit i dont need (anymore)
navramanan · 9 months
I love firefox so baaaad it now has a new faeture called firefox relay where it lets you create email masks to use for things where you need to register with your email but dont necessarily want to give your personal info, you use the mask and any email that service sends you is forwarded to you through the mask. It's sooo nice you can just delete that email mask and ur freeeee
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callmemrscurtis · 7 years
Headcannons for the boys when Netflix started trending
I’m gonna rant real quick idk wtf happened but apparently this didn’t post last night so Here It Is Now
-I think we all know it took some persuasion from Pony to invest in an account but after a while he gave in and got the up to four screens at a time pack
-Was highkey pissed when all the boys started freeloading off of it
-He’s all comfy in bed at like 9:30 getting ready to watch OISNB and he gets the message on his tv telling him that too many people are watching at once -He checks who’s using HIS account
-He picks up his old ass phone (idk but it’s pink and has the coiled wire the bell phones)
- He’s all causal eating popcorn “Listen, Darry. They just put Moana as an option and then I saw that they have Finding Dory too and I don’t have time to watch them separately so-”
-“PS Baby Dory is a-dor-a-ble. Totally deserved more screen time.”
-“Although…I do like Ellen Degeneres’ performance…I find it quite modern and realistic.”
-“Dar, chill it’s like, what? Twelve dollars a month” 
-“eleven ninety-nine.”
- “Wait…why are you watching Orange is the New Black?”
-“you know what…forget it. ENJOY YOUR FREELOADING!” He slams the phone so quick. He doesn’t ask about the last show
-Darry hates Piper, thinks she’s a total bitch
-He watches all the trending shows or the unpopular documentaries there’s no in between
-He’s a HuGe fan of Stranger Things
-Watches Friday Night Lights thinking it’ll remind him of his high school days
-He threatens to cancel the subscription when the boys piss him off
-it’s such a powerful threat that it has never gotten to the point where he actually had to do it, they cut the shit immediately
-legitimately how he gets the boys to get their shit together
-He convinced Darry by telling him that it would cost less than going to the movies all the time and a lot safer
-He’s the one constantly reminding everyone that it’s illegal to use their account because they’re cheating the company
-They all look at other with serious faces then turn back to Pony and laugh their asses off because the law has never stopped them before
-It makes Johnny feel bad but he needs his daily fix of One Tree Hill so he got over it
-The one watching The Great British Baking Show because the American version isn’t there but he finds the accents soothing
-He gets frustrated because he’ll think he knows what they’re making but it’s just a word used America that turns out to be a different thing in the U.K. (Stuff like Biscuits)
-tbh doesn’t know what they’re talking about half the time…that or has never heard of what they’re making in his entire young life
-He has the masked icon as his “who’s watching” profile picture
-He somehow managed to convince Darry to get the four screen plan but it was never so that the other guys could use too it was just because he wanted the higher HD quality they didn’t offer in the other plans
-If he watches something he’s ashamed of, knowing everyone has access to his history, he’ll go delete it
-Its like the My Little Pony marathons never happened
Sodapop: -The one who gave the rest of the gang the username and password
-Worst mistake ever because now Dallas has Darry’s credit card information
-He doesn’t watch a lot of Netflix he mostly only went to movies to make Pony happy he only really enjoyed a few
-His attention span is just too short he can’t sit still to watch a movie for an hour or two
-Despite that, he can binge shows if he wants to
-If he’s sad he’ll watch Clueless and quotes the shit out of it
-Honestly Soda is the type to watch anything from a kids movie to a documentary on GMO foods like he only uses Netflix when he has nothing else to do
-To him it’s just one of those apps you don’t want to delete because you might need it but you never really use it
-His icon is the penguin
-He wishes they had a blue penguin
-but they don’t so he settles for the orange one
-he’s called the company multiple times to complain he’s waiting for them to call back
-Fought Pony the first couple of days
-“Listen, PoNyBoNeR. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY watches movies on Netflix it’s all about binging Baby Daddy, my friend.”
-He ignores that last comment and answers the question, “Yes. And I say movies suck.”
-“DUDE the reviews for Wonder Woman were crazy I wanted to see it.”
-“Yeah, like I want to spend my precious time watching a lil twerp watch a chick flick.”
-Truth is he already went to see it five times
-Actually watches every show out there but mostly comedies
-Rewatches Friends all the time
-He’s never actually watched a movie tho
-He’s like Soda he can’t sit still long enough
-He wouldn’t have a problem buying his own account if he had to but using The Curtis’ is much more fun
-He had the free trial for a month but he canceled his subscription when it was over like he does with every other free trial
-Only uses the account to watch porn in good quality
-That’s literally it I’m serious he doesn’t care for tv shows or movies it doesn’t have any other use to him
-Well he’s waiting for a good investment to come along and then he’s swiping that credit card info so quick
-He doesn’t use it for show watching purposes but he does fuck around with profile names and changes the pictures to piss Soda off mostly
-He changes the penguin to the Panda and it is a problem because Soda likes penguins and Pandas just aren’t the same
-He watches the trendy shows and movies sometimes
-He takes Pony’s recommendations to heart because Pony loves this kinda thing so he figures Pony must know what he’s talking about
-He really likes Once Upon A Time
-And Raising Hope
-And literally any show that surrounds a group of friends because he relates to them for obvious reasons
-Okay but Gossip Girl is his shit
-The last profile has his name on it but the rest of boys share it
-Obsessed with Riverdale
-Pony didn’t fight with Johnny about using Netflix because he would tag along to movies before they got an account

-Always pushed Darry to sign up for Hulu instead because they update faster and it’s the same price for no commercials as the 4 screen plan
-Helps Dally mess up the names
-Shamelessly watches whatever he wants
-Toddlers and Tiaras? Sure.
-My Little Pony? Yep.
-Cupcakes Wars? Hell yeah!
-Just no OITNB because that shit gets too crazy for him (RIP Dylan)
-Watches New Girl like it’s his religion
- He watched Family Guy and American Dad in the actual order they came out except for the first few seasons bc the quality/art style sucked
- He’s the type of person who need need needs to have something to snack on while he’s watching a show
-like he’ll plan it out or just save his food until he watches his show
-Laughed at Pony for spending all his time watching movies but now he never leaves his house because he’s binging shows
-They had the same conversation as the one with Two except Steve watched Wonder Woman seven times and once was with Sodapop who made him swear not to tell Pony
-But he’s a bitch so he exposed him when Soda refused to admit that Rainbow Dash is better than Pinky Pie
-Pony flipped
-Then Two came forward and it was a huge mess

This is for @maxisprettygay and @matt-dillon-trash
IM STILL SO MAD LIKE WHY DIDNT IT POST?? But at least it’s going up now
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modernwizard · 7 years
Bill Potts died for your sins, or, Even more ways in which the previous season of Doctor Who is a flaming turd
Now that I have had time to concentrate my rage into the long-smoldering core of righteous fury that burns within my core, fueling both activism and fixit fics, I would like to mention two more ways in which Season 10 of Doctor Who was horribly wretched: first, the ableism. Second, BILL POTTS DIED FOR YOUR SINS.
It’s especially shitty, particularly in in World Enough and Time and The Doctor Falls.
Think of the Cyber people as people with disabilities: difficulties in communicating, in gross motor control, in feeling/connecting with their emotions, and/or people with chronic pain. You will soon understand how disgustingly they are portrayed.
A. They look dead. They are shown at first as motionless figures in wheelchairs. Their white costumes and head masks recall either body bags or bags over people’s heads when they’re going to a firing squad; either way, they carry connotations of death.
B. Their voices are silenced and treated as irrelevant. The first Cyber person who does have a voice, saying, “Pain, pain,” with their communications device, is treated as an annoyance; the nurse deals with them brusquely. Even further, Bill turns down the device’s volume so she doesn’t have to hear the disabled person speak. Her action suggests that the disabled person’s voice as scary and objectionable.
C. They do not want to live; they all want to die. After the pain Cyber person, we hear two other Cyber voices in the hospital. One person says, “Die me.” The other says, “Kill me.” Viewers are expected to take this death wish as applicable for all Cyber people; even Bill, in The Doctor Falls, says something like “If I can’t be me, I don’t want to go on living.” In this case, “me” means the entirely organic, able-bodied person that she was before. These statements from Cyber people imply that life with a disability is so hopeless and miserable that even those with disabilities don’t want to continue living.
D. They’re treated as cannon fodder. The Cyber people look dead, have no voices [according to able-bodied people], and say that they want to die. It’s very easy to jump from these observations to the conclusion that they are not people, but mere objects. Their deaths don’t count as deaths of people because they’re subhuman and…well…they were essentially dead already, right? As a result of this dehumanization, we get torture porn of the people at the orphanage blowing up Cyber people because killing nonpersons isn’t really killing, so it’s not a real problem or anything. It’s so kind, brave, noble, compassionate, admirable, and heroic for the Doctor to indiscriminately slaughter crowds of disabled people. This show really sends the message that we should respect all people’s worth, dignity, and integrity. I love it in shows and movies and books when all the disabled people die. I find it inspirational and uplifting.
For another ableist treatment, refer to the depiction of Eyeliner Master, as played by John Simm. Last time we saw the dude in the End of Time, he was insane on account of the Drums. Yup, that counts as being disabled. When he reappears in the Season 10 finale, he acts more like Roger Delgado’s Master: mentally disturbed and disordered, but much more restrained in speech and action. He presents as being sane[r]. Notably, he makes no reference to the Drums that so deranged his earlier life and plot arcs. What’s going on here? The character gives no explanation for the change, and all supporting media portray Eyeliner Master as a return of EoT Master, which leads us to conclude that they’re the same person. So EoT Master = Eyeliner Master – disability.
What the hell, fuckos? You can’t just wave a Magical Wand of Disability Deletion! After years and years of making the Master’s Drums and consequent Insanity a key part of his character, you can’t just remove them because you feel like it. The cheating is especially transparent because there’s no in-story explanation for his reappearance, his changed behavior, or indeed what the hell he was doing circling the drain in a Mondasian colony ship in the first place. An in-story explanation could have made his personality change more plausible and acceptable. For example, maybe he’s still insane, but he has learned how, at great mental and physical cost, present as “sane.” Or maybe he adapted some Cyber technology to partially inhibit his explosive rages and so restore some measure of his beloved self-control. However, without an in-story explanation, we are left with a deus ex machina Magical Disability Deletion. The form of the character remains, but not the content. In a way, disabled EoT Master was dehumanized and discarded just like the disabled Cyber people. The character is lost, and so is his [highly problematic] representation.
Those squealing with unalloyed joy over Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor should note that a white woman came on as the Doctor just as Pearl Mackie, a woman of color, departed.
@stardust-rain [[points out]] that the timing is no coincidence:
also everyone ignores the fact that we are getting a female doctor in the expanse of getting rid of an amazing black lesbian character. that’s right, this is the reason why Bill Potts isn’t coming back, bc having a female doctor AND a black lesbian would have given a heart attack to the bigoted fans all at once. they had to make a sacrifice and Bill was it.
When I say BILL POTTS DIED FOR YOUR SINS, this is what I mean. The show has had an overall craptacular history of representing women and/or queer people and/or Black people and/or disabled people. Attempts to make the show more accurately reflect the demographics and identities of the viewers have been piecemeal and insultingly small. Bill, as a queer Black woman, had the potential to significantly improve the show and make it more relevant, interesting, nuanced, and overall better. But she was done in by a poorly organized conception [seriously, what’s her backstory beyond chips, Moira, and a mum about which we know nothing, not even her fucking name?] and horrible, stereotypical writing.
Bill became a liability to the show, not because of her underdevelopment and shitty lines, but because she was a queer Black woman. Here’s the thought process at the BBC: “Whoa there! That’s just way too much representation; the straight cis white dudes won’t stand for it! If we stick a white female Doctor in the mix along with a queer Black female character. We need to think strategically and make it look like we’re actually representing our audience when we’re not. So Bill’s gotta go. There aren’t that many queer and/or Black people who watch this show, so it won’t be a big deal. We can just turn her into LITERAL SLIME and send her off with her space stalker and call it a happy ending. THEN we’ll have a female Doctor. We can’t have a queer Black female Doctor because that would be too much representation. But we can have a straight white female Doctor.  Yeah, that’s just enough representation. We’ll look edgy without really making substantive change. [Plz fanboys don’t hurt us. D: ].”
Bill Potts was too real for the BBC to handle. Thus they killed her off, making her the scapegoat for their cowardice.
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darklygophilia · 7 years
How would you compare iris west as a leading lady and love interest for the protagonist with LL and that failure?
Well, first, I don’t watch “The Flash” or “Supergirl” or “Legends of Tomorrow” so I’m not entirely certain how accurate my response can be. But, I do have a good friend who watches “The Flash” & also loves Iris as a leading lading.
With that said, from what I’ve heard, the writers of “The Flash” seemed to learn a very powerful lesson from the creators of “Arrow.” 1st, they found a leading lady actress who had great chemistry with their leading man (Stephen Amell & Katie Cassidy were never had a chemistry test & it showed; in fact KC was hired, contract signed, lock stock & barrel long before Amell signed on). The 1st most notable thing I noticed as a viewer when I started watching Arrow was how little chemistry Lauriver had with each other. The 2nd thing was how LL was a false feminist icon. She represented every feminist cliche: a woman had to be cold, fully independent (to the point of being reckless, which is turn made us question her intelligence), bitchy, self-righteous, judge-y, etc. She was written how men view feminists. Then there was her inconsistent story-lines & B-rated arcs.
Basically, if you deleted LL from the “Arrow” narrative the overall story & evolution of Oliver’s character development would remain the same, that’s how little she effected the show as a character. Don’t even get me started on her depressive drug & alcohol addiction arc in S2 after Tommy’s death (almost as bad as when Bella attempted suicide in “Twilight” after Edward left her). B/c of course the only reason a woman would go off the deep end is if her boyfriend dumped her or if her boyfriend died, both of which seem to happen to LL & both seem to be the reason for her S2 spiral. Back when S2 aired it was assumed (but never addressed fully b/c LL never faced her own guilt for Tommy’s death, guilt we now know thanks to 4x19 she never even had) it was b/c of Tommy’s death, and then after 4x19 it appeared the real reason behind LL’s spiral was Oliver leaving her (his self imposed exile to Lian Yiu b/c he felt guilty for betraying Tommy before his death, unlike LL who did not seem to feel any guilt in that 4x19 flashback nor throughout all of S2 where she wanted to blame & lay all the guilt on the Hood, even though Tommy died saving HER).
I digress...
In “The Flash” from what I’ve heard, after Eddie’s death, Iris preferred to focus on her career to get her through the tough time instead of spiraling out of control with addiction. LL’s addiction arc could’ve been empowering if the “Arrow” writers actually portrayed addiction properly, but they DIDN’T!!! LL spends the majority of S2 as an addict yet is cured within 2 episodes. It would’ve been more empowering to see her struggle with her addiction after getting clean and struggle with withdrawal b/c temptation & withdrawal are very important aspects of addiction! Again, that did NOT happen which made LL’s addiction arc seem half-assed at best. It also seemed to be the excuse the writers gave for why she would do the things she did instead of facing real consequences. She looses her job for a couple eps. but then blackmails her ways back into it. That’s not a consequence, that was like taking time off from work! Iris’ view of literally using her work to work through her grief sounds much more empowering.
LL was a very flawed character, but she was treated with kid gloves & promoted like a hero, with no real consequences for her actions. She was flawed but everyone on the show ignored those flaws which added to the character’s frustration with the viewers. As for Iris, she’s flawed but those flaws endear her to the audience (just like Felicity, Moira, Sara, Thea); makes her seem relate-able. She also seems to learn from her mistakes & evolves with the story. LL never evolved. Her personality stayed the same (bitter, self-righteous, revenge seeker) the only thing that changed was she eventually wore a mask. Thea’s personality changed just in S1 alone, and her development throughout the series has been one big evolution just like Oliver. Same with Diggle - he’s still the wise “black Yoda” but he’s also a bit more jaded & a bit more open minded to doing what’s necessary vs. what’s purely moral. Felicity was an adorable bumbling sidekick in S1, but by the end of S1 during the “Undertaking” we saw a great deal of backbone, “If you’re not leaving, I’m not leaving!” That backbone has grown throughout the series. I also think she’s become wiser in her take on reality, she’s not afraid to show her genius, and seems to have really embraced her awkwardness. Moira was ALWAYS complex, staggering that line of good/evil. LL never had that, her reactions were always the same & always in the extreme. I think Iris shows more gumption and strength while still being lovable (she’s strong without being cold/harsh).
So, in those aspects I can understand a vast improvement in Iris in comparison to LL.
Back when “Smallville” was on, we didn’t have as much social media, if anything a lot of social media like facebook, twitter, etc. were just starting out. As such, fans couldn’t really express their dislike for a character as readily as they do now. Fans were not as vocal then as they are now b/c a lot of what gives fans a voice were not as readily available to us. It wasn’t until the last few seasons of “Smallville” and after it ended that people really voiced how much they disliked Lana Lang, who IMO was very similar to “Arrow’s” LL. In a bid to have some familiarity with fans, “Arrow” seemed to immediately grasp onto the whole forbidden, untouchable love of Lauriver b/c it had its similarities to Clana. The problem is, both Clana & Lauriver ships are very disfunctional & not at all healthy relationships & a lot of people disliked Lana. She was a selfish friend (she was a friend to Clark and Chloe only when it was convenient for her), she played around with the heads of every guy she ever dated on the show (she broke up with Clark via video camera and eventually faked her death, claimed to love Clark yet married his nemesis, etc.) not to mention every relationship Lana was in was a love triangle! Whitney/Lana/Clark, Jason/Lana/Clark, Lex/Lana/Clark. It was ridiculous! Starting Laurel off in a love triangle (Tommy/Laurel/Oliver) especially when both male characters are more loved by the audience (hell, Tommy is still a series fav. & he’s been dead since S1) & making it feel like she was coming between two best friends was not going to endear her to fans!
The dislike for LL was immediate (not just when the show aired but it was made known that test audiences 100% disliked LL even before the show aired), the problem was Katie Cassidy’s contract was locked in so they couldn’t do much in terms of getting her off the show (she could neither be fired nor quit until she’d fulfilled the Black Canary role, which was why only 1 yr. after she became the BC she was let go from the show). The moment the execs at DC comics and Warner Bro. saw Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity & the positive response from viewers pretty much solidified the changed plans from Lauriver to Olicity! Hell, the president of WB called the show creators up & told them how much he loved “the blond IT girl” so much so they made Emily a season guest regular after 1 ep. and by S2 she was a full season regular!
Sorry my responses are always so long. I hope this answered your question.
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