#but man this is a tough one is2g
Hi! Hope you had a great holiday break and all the best in NY! This is just me thinking that Grissom wasn’t too concerned when Sara was losing weight due to stress. Don’t you think his ‘ever heard of a sandwich’ was a bit dismissive and sarcastic? Like here she is being concerned even when he just looks a little tired and he doesn’t seem too bothered when his already slim wife is getting even thinner. Unless he’s feeding her in bed later and we just weren’t lucky enough to see it.
hi, anon!
thank you for the kind wishes! same right back to you.
i'll admit that sandwich line is not my favorite—it's one of very few ooc moments of the reboot, imo—but i still think it's a bit of a leap to go from “this bit of dialogue doesn’t actually sound like something grissom would say to sara” to “grissom doesn't care about sara's health.”
while definitely not phrased as well as it could have been, the quip was his way of broaching the issue of his concern with her. when her ring fell off, she acted like she didn't know why it had, so he was essentially being like, “you're stressed, so you haven't been eating enough. you mean you’re not even aware that that’s what’s happening here? that’s a problem.” he was calling the issue to her attention.
again, he could have communicated his concern better, but the concern was present in the fact that he'd noticed what was going on with her enough to be able to fill in that blank.
we don't really get to see any follow up on the issue of sara's weight loss after this scene, so we don't know how either grissom or sara handle things going forward.
for all we know, grissom starts making a point to keep sara on a more regular meal schedule from then on. maybe he comes back to their hotel suite every night with a veggie burger. maybe we just don’t get to see him do so on screen.
however, as the issue is never mentioned again after this episode—and sara’s ring doesn’t seem to keep falling off after grissom returns it to her outside of the courthouse—i think it’s a pretty safe bet to say that one way or another (whether by grissom’s intervention or her own action or some combination of those two efforts) sara doesn’t keep dropping weight and may even recoup the few pounds she’d lost previously. 
ultimately, it doesn’t seem to be an ongoing problem, much less a significant health concern.
moreover, speaking to the idea that grissom cares less for sara’s well-being than she does for his, i think we need only look to grissom’s actions in this episode to see that that notion is simply not true.
as i talk about in this post,
we see his distress [over sara] evident in his comments about her not eating and also in some of his lingering somber looks at her, plus his determination to find the ring for her in itself.
he knows her so well, and he knows how deep her upset throughout the events of this episode runs, and he’s really (albeit quietly) worried about her—particularly as he’s aware that her true underlying worry here has to do with the case and its potential repercussions (“you weren’t really that worried about the ring?”).
just like in the early seasons of the show, he used to fret about her getting her heart set on certain case outcomes, lest she end up heartbroken when things didn’t turn out (see episodes 01x10 “sex, lies, & larvae,” 01x16 “too tough to die,” and 07x18 “empty eyes,” for example), he’s got the same concerns here—only he knows the stakes are much higher.
he can tell she’s beating herself up for not being able to get the solve.
unfortunately, he can’t really do more than he’s already done to try to take care of that bigger problem for her, so all he can do is deal with the small stuff—to find her lost ring—and hope that once he does, she’ll feel somewhat better.
that man is so sweet, is2g.
grissom finding her lost ring is him doing what he can to take care of her. 
as always, his love language is not one of word but of deed.
while his verbal communication often comes out wrong (and does so with his poorly articulated “ever heard of a sandwich?” question, for sure), his actions prove where his heart truly lies. throughout this episode, he applies himself to solving the hodges case, which is the major source of sara’s anxiety; he also rubs her shoulders to alleviate the tension in her body; makes cute jokes to get her to smile (if only for a moment); and ultimately finds her ring so that there’s one less thing for her to worry about. 
man loves his wife and looks out for her always.
one bonehead quip from him doesn’t change that.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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🌵Flower Shop AU🌷
Hyunjin + Changbin
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it's my first time doing this type of content so please reblog and put in the tags what you think and maybe i'll do more!!
and @versekiller wanted a HyunBin au so i gave her one
so changbin's family owns a flower shop
they live above their shop and its super cute
the flower shop is really popular because of that ONE worker
yes that worker is changbin
reason number 1 is bc he is always smiling
all the ladies (young and old) love him so much
it's because he doesnt want to ruin the perfect flower aesthetic image of the shop if he only wears black lmao
he started working in the shop during one of his school holidays and his mum basically persuaded him to continue working there bc he brings in so many people
okok so lets start
since changbin wears a different coloured flower print each day
he wore a yellow one one day
but it wasnt flower printed
he didnt know it because he had to open the shop early that day and was basically half asleep putting on his clothes
he was still doing a great job tho selling loads of flowers to the regulars that day
so changbin was minding his own business sitting at the front of the shop snipping off thorns from roses since there were lesser customers
he was lookin cute wearing his cactus shirt, his apron and his gloves
and he's got his own music (3RACHA obvies) playing in the background
something interrupted his flow
but changbin LOOKS AT THE DAMN SKY
he thought it was lightning and that it was gonna rain
he has to pull out the shelter thingy over the flowers if it does rain
a precious dumbass
but the skies were super blue that day, not even a cloud in the sky
so changbin was like
Eh? Where did that come from?
He looked around before spotting another boy
The other boy was holding a camera and only wearing black
he basically stood out from all the other colourful shops in that lane so he was easy to spot
Changbin chuckled a little looking at the dudes bucket hat (hm i wonder who) but tried to cover it up with a cough
Camera dude panicked and almost dropped his camera
boi he aint slick at all
Changbin took off his gloves and wiped his hands on his apron before approaching the dude
(lmao he forgot he was snipping off thorns)
Changbin walks up to the dude and asks if he wanted to buy any flowers (his mum would kill him if he didnt do customer service)
Camera dude was all flustered and held out his hand
Changbin tilted his head back and looked up at the tall camera boy
"nah man its alright we get that a lot, do you still want flowers tho?"
"Wait omg shit im so sorry i didnt know i scratched myself"
so here we have two boys panicking over blood before changbin's mum called
its not a lot of blood but if u shake someone hand with your own blood its kinda weird
Changbin looked back at his mum and showed her his hand
But camera dude answered back "Hello Auntie, i'm Hyunjin and I think Binnie just cut his hand and theres some blood"
"Bring him in the shop binnie"
SoooOooO camera dude followed behind Changbin into the shop to wash his hands
"Sorry for getting blood on your hands Hyunjin"
"Thats ok binnie" and Hyunjin flashed a really cute smile which made changbin all shy
"Please call me Changbin, my mum calls me Binnie just to embarrass me"
"But Binnie sounds cuter" is2g hyunjin is so smooth im gonna die
so they finished washing their hands and hyunjin looks around the shop
"Do you mind if i take more photos outside the store, the flowers are really pretty"
in changbin's head he's all like "Omg what is this dude on about he is even prettier than the flowers we sell oh my"
irl, changbin just nods his head and goes back to his seat at the front of the store snipping off more thorns
Hyunjin was snapping lots of photos of the flowers and the store and then he suddenly laughed
"Binnie you stand out from the flowers so much with that yellow cactus shirt"
Changbin was all confuzzled and hyunjin showed him the photo
The photo had changbin in it and all the flowers were behind him
changbin was the main focus of the photo
"Hey youre a pretty good photographer"
"Well you are a pretty good focus point"
changbin turned to face hyunjin and OOPS
Hyunjin has his eyes covered by his bucket hat so changbin couldnt see what hyunjin was staring at
"Do you wanna bring any of the flowers home, if you wanna take more photos of them"
"Can I have some cactuses?" hyunjin asked bashfully
ok so if camera dude wants a cactus imma get him one so changbin looked around the store to find
hyunjin was lowkey disappointed changbin didnt get his pickup line
"Oh man, I dont think theres any cacti left tho" Changbin was super apologetic that he couldnt get cute camera dude a cactus
Hyunjin pointed at Changbin's shirt and waited for his response
damn he a slow one tho
So Hyunjin straight up said "Do you wanna get some coffee sometime?"
Changbin: "You're not expecting me to bring flowers arent you"
Hyunjin: "I'll bring a cactus for you dont worry, are you gonna show up in another printed shirt?"
if u listen carefully changbin's mum is giggling at the background with changbin's dad
the next time they met changbin was wearing a black shirt with red roses on them
and hyunjin was still wearing the black bucket hat
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okyio-archive · 7 years
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                                                HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Hey guys !!! I just wanted to do a little smt smt for y’all (I know it’s like just a doodle (of either u/icon/oc) but I wanted to do smt ?? I can’t make cc / have time to make a grand ol edit so aksdjhf) to show how thankful I am for everyone I’ve met + how I appreciate you guys sm for being super supportive + loving. I didn’t have much time cause I’m going on vacation ( still need to pack haha) + I won’t have access to my game/laptop during the holidays so today was the only free time I had asdjfh. If I had more time, I would have drawn all of you guys buT know that i love each and every one of you because you have made a positive impact in my life and I’m super grateful to have y’all. You matter so much to me and I wish I could give everyone a good ol hug!!! ily + please take care !!
But here’s some ol cheesy ass stuff below (drawings are from l -> r):
@grapfruit :: hONESTLY i dont even need to say anything cause you know how much i love you okay?!?! idk why you stuck w/ me for so long like i’m not even that good of a friend?? like ur super social butterfly + im like a slow fucker at replying but u still stuck w/ me umMM?? legit the v first time u msged me about being from HK i legit fangirled b/c i loved ur sims + style sm and you’re one of the v first frds on here that i really clicked?? like it’s rare for me (even IRL) for me to find ppl im fine w/ but ilysm and i love how we’re super chill tgt + have v similar interests (i mEAN food is #1 priority lets be honest) but I only wish you the best w/ everything in life + i legit care about u sm that i practically adopted u as my sister ok yeah hopefully i can find time to meet up w/ u buT for now ily than ks
@ridgeport :: !!!! margarITA IS2G you’re the best at everything: cc making, story telling, editing okAY you’re the perfect package + i want to thank you for taking the time in doing this + being such a huge part of the community??? i legit can’t imagine this community w/o u?? so thank you for being here + blessing us every day. i hOPE you have a great life cause you deserve everything ok ilysm please have a safe holiday !!!
@chocolat-souffle :: okAY I LOVE HOW WE CLICK SM + we can rant about shit + be open about it + we relate to each other sm?? like our opinions, fashion sense, life in general, food etc?? i’m so thankful that we met on here cause it feels like we would be vvvv good frds if we met irl :’+) ilysm and thNANK YOU again for being so patient w/ me + my slow replies i hope you’re having fun on vacay !!! ilysm okAY
@catplot :: !!!!!! yES U SEE THAT PIXEL THING ON THE CORNER, IT’S OUR FAVOURITE THING AHAHAH bUT I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT WE MAGICALLY FOUND EACH OTHER I S2G IT’S FAITH !!! yOURE 100X BETTER ARTIST THAN ME oKAY and I’m wishing the best okA i hope work isn’t too stressful + youre spending a gol ol jolly time w/ ur loved ones ilysm an d i hope we  can continue drawing di!Ck$ tgt for a v long time ily
@meisiu :: i hope you’re doing well w/ ur finals :’+) !! i can’t believe we have sm in common (animal crossing, bujo, sims, canto culture????) like i legit would lOVE to spend more time getting to know you but i just want to rave bout how sweet you are + your builds always amazes me?? i love them sm + once your finals are done, i hope you’ll spend a good time w/ ur loved ones :’+) !! tysm for posting your content everyday !! ily
@whiite-tea :: !!! you’ve been my legit #1 cheerleader since like the beginning. legit you msg me on the daily to make sure + check up if im okay + i’m really thankful for that??! you’re always here supporting me + others + put others first before yourself adsfj yoURE TOO KIND LOVE OKAY?1 remember youre loved + i hope school’s not too stressful :+( !! ilysm !!
@1tens :: yEAH OKAY JES LIKE ILY?? I WANT TO GET TO KNOW U BETTER BUT I KNOW WE’LL BE COOL FRIENDS CAUSE UR SO SWEET + I LOVE UR STYLE SM ??! LIKE U MAKE THE CUTESTS SIMS EVER + UR STYLE + EDITS ARE TO DIE FOR!!!! and you take the time out of your day to comment on like everyone’s post + you’re adorbs okay? im only wishing you the best + tysm for supporting love ilYSM :’+)))
@twikkii :: i drew nissi if you’re okay w/ that :’+) !! but i s2g you’re the cutest ever and my heart is always thinking about you okay?! you make the cutest edits + gameplay pics ever i legit get so excited whenever you post. you’re so sweet + kinda to others & i’m always wishing that you’re doing okay !! ilysm + i’m so thankful i met you- you really taught me things + i appreciate you sm kjadhf have a good holiday love :’+)
@dnasz :: okay honestly everything you post is so cute + aesthetically pleasing?! your builds are amazing (like wanna teach me lOL??! i legit jaw dropped when u post ur most recent ones) + you’re super sweet + kind to others. everyday i look forward in seeing you post cause i know it’ll be amazing :’+) i hope you’ll have a great holiday love !!! 
@simsao :: the fact that you match colours so well is inspiring. I’ve always struggled w/ colours + your posts are so unique that it has challenged me to step from my comfort zone + try to explore + play around w/ it more?! so thank you sm for posting + i love your aliens uGH!! your edits are super unique like idk how else to describe them but i love them sm. + your self sim ones atm are my fav omg we legit have sm in common akjsdhf bUT thank you sm for posting + i hope you have a great holiday :’+)
@smubuh :: ABBY!!! okAY i’ve raved about you before but you’re such a sweetheart and a person I really do aspire. You’re kind, hardworking and have a beautiful mind + soul. I rarely look up to anyone but I can safely say you’re one of them !! Thank you for bringing so much to the community - you’ve taught us so much (esp when you have a super busy schedule). I hope you have a great holiday w/ your loved ones + your family :”+) ily !!!
@4fig :: !! i hope you’re doing well w/ ur exams love !! i know i’ve told you so many times but you’re one of the few reasons why i joined this community - your edits are legit my aesthetic ?! every time you post i’m always in aw because you create the most beautiful sims + your editing style is one of my favs. i honestly would love to get to know you better once you’re done w/ everything but you’re really kind + sweet + i only wish you the very best :’+) have a great holiday love !!
@faeflowr :: yeah your edits are my fav okYA?! scratch that EVERYTHING you post is beautiful :’+) your sims, gameplay, edits - they’re all amazing + I love them sm. bUT most importantly you’re so pretty iRl omg?! if i had to choose who’s my fav simblr posts are itll be you cause i love everything you do + your aesthetic is legit exactly what i love aksjdhf ily !! i hope you have a great holiday :+)
@ughplumb :: yEAH ILL FOREVER CALL U UNFPLUMB CAUSE YOU’RE FKING BEAUTIUL I SWEAR U CAN BE A MODEL OK idk why you aren’t like ?? i love how you make ur sims cause i can never make good sims like yours - they’re all beautiful just like you ;’+) aND im excited for you to post but take your time okay ?!? tysm for being here + ily !!! i hope you have a great holiday !!
@mooon-sims :: yeah who do i go to when i need a lookbook?? your styles the best ? i love your new editing style + im so glad youre still here :’+) i know it gets tough esp w/ collage apps + school but im so proud of you okay?1 you’re a strong fighter + im glad you still pull through in posting !!! ily + remember to keep doing you okay?! have a great holiday love :’+)
@blarffy :: !!! okAY YEAH EVERYTHING YOU DO IS PERFECTION AND LIKE EVERY1 CAN BACK ME UP HECK U HAVE LIKE 128736 SPOUCES LINING UP OUTSIDE THE CHAPEL RN bUT thank you sm for posting ?! i know we dont talk that often but youre super sweet (maybe it’s a canadian thing?!? LOOL jokES) but i would love to get to know you better cause youre fking bomb?! thank you for blessing us w/ ur content + i hope you have a great holiday :’+)
@pink-tea :: okAY I MISS YOU AND YOUR POSTS !!! i swear youre so sweet + i love your aesthetic so much ajksdhf buT youre still here always supporting me despite having a super busy life so i thank you for that !! i’m always here supporting you + waiting till you post cause i miss them sm :’+((( i hope youre doing well regardless + remember i always love u !! have a great holiday love!!
@liltofu :: !!! i love lov elove your aesthetic + sims + style so much?! every time you post i get really excited cause you never disappoint? i’m always so jealous of your editing style cause it’s legit my fav thing ever alskdfj + i use like 99% of your recolours cause u pick out the best things to recolour?! bUT i hope youre doing well !! ily + have a great holiday love :’+)
@dust-bubbles :: awh man you’re always here spreading love + i swear youre my lil sunshine :’+) thank you for taking the time out of your day for sendin me love?! like i always smile when you do + i appreciate your unconditional support sm !! i’m wishing you the very best in life cause you deserve it ?! ily + i hope you have a wonderful holiday :’+) 
@nolan-sims :: i just want to say thank you so much for the ongoing love + support you give + show to the community. not only are you super sweet + caring but you take the time out of your day in making cc for us?! so thank you for being part of this community - i really appreciate you sm + i only wish good things happen to you + everyone around you :’+) ily + i hope you have a great holiday w/ ur loved ones !!
@ayoshi :: okAY you’re the sweetest little bean ever + your fashion sense is amazing okay ?! i have ALL your cc downloaded so thank you sm for being part of this community + blessing us w/ ur bomb ass cc + edits :’+) i appreciate sm the time + dedication you take out of your day to make stuff for us !! im only wishing you good things + i hope you’ll have a great holiday !!
@obi-uhie :: i WISH I COULD ROCK YOUR CONFIDENCE OKAY ?! you legit inspire me sm + i love how unique your sims are okAY?! keep doing you + i love everything you do :’+) i hope youre having a great holiday love !!
@suspiciouslypinklady :: !! youre so sweet + i love your confidence?! i’m super thankful for the love + support you always give whenever things get tough + i appreciate it sm. it makes things a lot easier + you’re seriously such an angel. i hope you have a great holiday w/ ur loved ones b/c u deserve the v best !!
@viiavi :: okay i just want to say thank you sm for the love + support you give whenever shit hits the fan LOL your kind words + msgs really help me a lot whenver things aren’t the best so I thank you for that. thank you for being so kind, thoughtful + caring to everyone in this community :’+) i really appreciate that sm + i hope you keep doing that !! i hope you have a great holiday !!
@dicoatl :: i swear youre always so kind to others ?! im so sorry you’ve been getting so much negativity these days but i know you’re a super strong person who’s doing their very best + im super proud of you okay!! ive been loving your new edits recently + it really shows youre experimenting a lot + it looks amazing :’+) so thank you for being here okay? have a great holiday !!!
@oakglow :: catherine !! your editing + story telling is amazing?! i mean i can’t write for shit LOL but i love it whenver your post esp knowing you’re busy w/ life. so thank you for that :’+) i hope you + your loved ones a great holiday !! 
@simmerjade :: jADE I MISS YOU !!! I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL !! you’re one of the v first friends i made here in this community + ik youre super busy rn w/ life but im so glad we’ve met ?! i hope life’s treating you v well + youre not too stressed out from school - i know you can do it :’+) im always here supporting you whatever you do + remember ilysm !!! have a great holiday love !!
@waffle-pxels :: i know we dont talk that often but the times we do youre so kind ?! tysm for being here + supporting me :’+) i really appreciate u sm + i hope youre doing well !! have a great holiday love !!
@simharaa :: i MISS YOU SM OKAY aND I S2G I HOPE YOURE OKAY !! again my heart goes out to you + your family but please take care okay?! you’ve been here since day 1 + i’m super glad we’ve met cause the times we’ve talked i truely treasured sm :’+) i’m loving your edits + im so glad youre back posting again !! i hope you + ur fam a speedy recovery + remember ily !! youre a strong bean !!
@simsluname :: lunA!!! your gifs are amazing + i love how we grew tgt in this community ?? i remember we both started off together + been supporting each other since the v beginning when we joined this community :’+) thank you for being here + blessing us w/ ur gameplay pics + teaching us how to gif ?? like w/o you i wouldn’t have learned ajksdfh so thank you for that & ilysm you’re so cute !!! have a great holiday love !!
@alternacorn-sims :: you’ve been a long time supporter and i’m super thankful for you?! you’re always here liking my stuff + sending positive vibes + love :’+) i hope youre doing well !! please keep doing you + remember that i appreciate you sm :’+) tysm for being here + i hope you have a great holiday w/ ur loved ones!!
@expressgo :: thank you for being so patient w/ me ?!! i’m a super slow replier but we manage to be able to talk + i’m so glad we do?! thank you for reaching out to me at the beginning + i really enjoy talking to you:’+) youre super sweet + we can talk about like everything ?? your cats are adobs + i wish you the best + happy holidays :’+) ily !!
@hazelios :: i seriously have all your cc downloaded in my folder + i appreciate it sm whenever you post content + cc for the community :’+) so thank you for that !! you’re always super kind + sweet whenever we talk and i only wish you the very best !! ily + i hope you have a great holiday !!
@simsthatsparkle :: !!! you’ve been like one of my og supporters for a v long time and i’m super thankful for you being here?! i can’t imagine the love + support i get + idk how else to express my appreciation asjkdfh i only hope you the best + ily !! i hope you have a wonderful holiday love :’+)
@femmesim :: okay you’re a hUGE inspiration to everyone in this community + i’m so thankful that youre here?! your edits + story telling is breath taking + it hits me all the time when you post ?! so thank you sm for creating bomb ass content + telling stories that aren’t often told. please keep doing you!!! i hope you have a great holiday :’+)
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tori10rambles · 7 years
So I just finished Chapter 97, which is where the Yuuei teachers get permission for the students to live at on-campus dorms. Gonna go to bed soon, and pick up tomorrow.
Opinions on things under the cut.
Arc Commentary:
Entrance Exam (1-4): The intro to Izuku was great, honestly? I love that it’s Quirkless Izuku, who doesn’t want to give up on his dream, who wants to save people, to meet All Might and gain One for All. Also, the intro the the universe is pretty cool?
Quirk Apprehension Test (5-10): In which I learned about Aizawa being a hardass, but a well meaning one. because honestly, I’m amazed Aizawa gave Izuku a chance to prove he could adapt to OfA so quickly. Any other kid who continuously hurt himself to use his Quirk should be considered a liability. Not that Izuku isn’t, but he clearly adapted quickly enough.
Battle Trial (8-11): That Izuku vs. Bakugo fight. So good. Also, Todoroki just... one-shotting the entire thing on his own looked so cool, even if it lack basically all of the teamwork heavily implied.
USJ (12-21): Shit gets real fast. And I love it. Also, badass Aizawa, the kids being awesome despite the unexpected attack, and some proof that Yuuei’s staff are actually really cool when they’re not... you know... stuck in a classroom teaching.
Sports Festival (22-44): Holy shit guys. Todoroki vs. Midoriya. That was the best about the entire arc. I watched that entire fight in GLORIOUS 1080p on my family’s flatscreen, and it did NOT disappoint. The animators deserve mad props for the animation in the climax of the fight. It’s just, so good when we do a side-by-side comparison to the manga (as in, so faithful. I am BLESSED). Also, where I learned that Endeavor is a bastard who needs to die in a ditch and stay away from his kids and wife.
Hero Killer (45-59): Stain is surprisingly intriguing, because the dude’s got charisma. And he’s proof that not all villains are in it for the Evulz. He’s more of an antivillain to me? I do feel like the various villains joining the League of Villains because they were inspired by him would piss him off though. The brOTP of Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida was so good though? And Izuku learning how to use Full Cowl!
Final Exam (60-69): More teachers being badass! And students growing! Just, everything about Aizawa vs. Todoroki and Momo was amazing, from Aizawa being an unexpected softy (and still badass), to Todoroki being supportive of Momo when her self esteem becomes a problem, to Momo being awesome with her Quirk once she gets her confidence back. Also, Bakugo and Izuku against All Might. just... so good.
School Trip (70-83): Obligatory training camp arc! Only, you know, it all goes to hell in a handbasket. But the kids are surprisingly good at dealing with this shit as it pops up, although Izuku being reckless with himself is forever gonna be something I lament (maybe he internalized the idea that he was worth less than others because he lacked a Quirk? And he still thinks it subconsciously because 10 years worth of behavior cannot be replaced in like... 1 year?)
Hideout Raid (84-97): The kids going on a rescue mission, and not getting into a fight. All Might retiring because he fucked himself over for the good of others and to stop All for One. Bakugou being the obstinate shit we all knew he was. Aizawa being confident in Bakugou’s morals. Just... so good.
Favorite Characters (so far):
Momo: badass, smart, awesome quirk, and she’s just... so cute? idk i just love how she’s shown to be cool and awesome and still be anxious and insecure like any other 15 year old. Also, even though she has a fanservicey costume, it’s for a reason, and it WORKS.
Tsuyu: idek? i just really like her? So calm, so collected. Also, just so freaking deadpan. I just really appreciate her cool head in a crisis.
Todoroki: I mean, he uses fire and ice, is kind of a dork, deserves all the hugs (and for his dad to go die in a ditch). And he’s pretty. He matches many of the (very general) requirements for my Favorite Character Type (mentioned in these tags)
Izuku: my god. This fanboy who actually made it by working his ass off. This guy who cares so damn much. I want to adopt him (you know, if his mom weren’t as awesome as she was, and my being a little under a decade older than him). Badass Adorable for sure. Those freckles... so cute! (also meets one of the Favorite Character Requirements in these tags)
All Might: More like Dad Might, honestly. because that’s who I really like. Not the super muscle-bound, #1 hero, but the scrawny, sickly guy who cares so damn much for his kids. He’s adopted all of them, is2g.
Aizawa: BADASS. I screech every time he gets serious because honestly, the guy has a Quirk that is really not useful for fighting multiple opponents? But he does anyway? And is AWESOME AT IT? Also, he cares so damn much for his students despite his hardass exterior. Basically, I’m saying Dadzawa. But like, the stern, tough love Dad instead of doting Dad.
Other Interesting Characters (so far):
In all honesty, most of Class 1-A??? They’re all such good kids (except Mineta).
Tenya: socially awkward nerd boy is my jam, because I can relate. But mostly it’s because he’s adorkable.
Tokoyami: Dark Shadow is amazing, and I like birds.
Bakugou: Okay, I gotta admit, his personality was not my favorite in the beginning. In fact, I wanted to just punch him in the face. But you know what? I love the fact that I get why he’s that way. I love that it’s because he’s set himself to this unreachable standard, that his issues are mostly due to his own pride and the things in his head, and not a hugely traumatic event. because there are people just like Bakugou out there, and it’s so relatable. And I actually kind of like how the narrative is forcing him to confront his issues. Because despite being good with his Quirk and at fighting villains, he’s still ending up in jam after jam, and the reasons always have nothing to do with what he perceives as a weakness. And while I would love to see someone call him out for the shitty things he’s done to Izuku, I feel like with the way the story is going, it isn’t the appropriate time for that yet. Basically, the kid’s a relatable asshole and his slow character development is realistic and just very good evidence that the universe thinks he can be better if he’s willing to try. I’m still not exactly fond of him, but I could get there if we see more character development (and an actual apology for his shitty behavior towards Izuku).
Ochako: I love her motivation for being a hero. Because being a hero doesn’t mean you can’t also make sure that the ones you love are safe and comfortable first. Heroes are still human after all.
Shinsou: this boy. someone replace Mineta with this boy. Tiny Purple Pervert for Awesome Purple Walking-Imperio. His Quirk is really cool, and would be hella useful, but the goddamn Yuuei entrance exam basically fucked him over. Plus, you know, a non-front line/offensive Quirk belonging to a decent person just seems more attractive to me than a Quirk that while useful, belongs to a boy with a pervert streak so odious that I’m surprised no one’s hurled him into the sun.
Not So Cool Characters:
ENDEAVOR: This man. This Man. THIS MAN can go rot in the deepest, darkest corner of Marianas Trench. I NEED to know how the hell no one took ONE GOOD LOOK AT TODOROKI and ask about the burn. I need to know how the hell the “#2 Hero” can get away this something this disgusting. The worst part? All the shit he’s done to his family, from abusing Todoroki to putting his wife into a mental hospital due to his abuse, was for nothing, because he DIDN’T beat All Might. All Might RETIRED.
Mineta: How did this little pervert make into the Heroics course? Better yet, how has he not been expelled for his sexual harassment of his female classmates???? Like, he's groped Tsuyu, “convinced” the girls to wear skimpy cheerleading uniforms, has tried to peek on them twice... Just, I am so offended that he gets to stick around and not be punished for his very un-heroic actions.
Monoma: Dude... just SHUT UP about 1-A being more well known than 1-B. I get the inferiority complex and the jealousy, but rubbing every perceived failure of 1-A’s in their faces is hardly heroic.
Other thoughts:
So, I blame tvtrope’s fanfic rec list for making me dive into BNHA fanfic hell, but I just kind of love the chatfic(/crackfics) that have been popping up. And anything that roasts Endeavor.
Also, TodoDeku. I’m so down for TodoDeku, honestly??? It probably won’t be canon, and I can see setup for TodoMomo and IzuOcha, which I’ll be okay with, but TODODEKU is my OTP.
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mischiefsmessenger · 7 years
Ok so I know this is a V E R Y odd time b/c I legit just met you but; any advice for those unfortunate souls who contain little to no 'swagger', 'pride', or legit confidence? I'm caught in a tough place at the moment ;w; Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! -volatile!anon
Oh gosh. I am not really sure what the advice is FOR tbh cause its like four in the morning and im zombie-ing my way around tumblr but....If the question is how to have more confidence or 'swagger' I aint sure you're coming to the right place because im the most awkward motherfucker to grace planet earth is2g.I mean here online its easier for me idk why. Perhaps its because its, well, online; or maybe because i really love the community or whatever so here i can just be my obnoxious, foul-mouthed self but im usually not all this open.My advice tho.... ive realised one thing, and that is that for some reason when we are afraid to speak we end up making things really fucking awkward and hence making the problem worse. I'd just tell you to talk, try to invest in conversations and not let everyone else do all the speaking or picking topics or stuff. Dont apologize all the time (which i used to do a lot) and instead thank people if you have to. Idk try to connect with people by things you both like, or if you like something someone else does... tell them! Even if you dont manage to befriend them everyone likes to be complimented from time to time so no harm done.About the rest... idk man i can just say 'fake it till you make it'. And i dont mean your personality, just that you make yourself appear a little more confident and in the end by forcing yourself to be more outspoken and stuff you end up seeing that 'hey, people arent really that bad' or 'hey, they arent judging me' or 'hey, they dont really mind if I make a mistake.'Sorry for the rant tho but... idk the question was so general i didnt know xD hope things get better soon and honestly though i dont think i'll be able to say much to help you cause i suck at this if you still wanna ask maybe... specific stuff? Have a good day tho!
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kangseluigi · 10 years
Something I like about myself
Oohhhh uuuhhhhhhh
*taps fingers*
*rattles chair*
*swings left and right*
I… umm. Idk
I’m cute?
Thank you
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