#but lmk if this needs tweaking in any way !!!
rebellenlied · 8 days
@biskael asked // protect - quilge protects gabriel from injury from an enemy ( pre-edelweiss , obviously , maybe centuries ago ? )
injury-related symbol starters. // accepting.
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it was quite the saying - don't shoot the messenger.
it'd been a short time ago when a young gabriel ardelean was indicted into the wandenreich. almost a week in she was tested on her overall abilities; mainly her supposed speed and agility considering her past duties. to her, it was a blessing she was only tasked to serve as an errand runner - at least until she, too, would rise up the ranks one day. granted, there were times where she would have to deliver messages in more... dire situations. this time just so happened to be one of them.
the message she was tasked to deliver must have been important - whatever the contents contained, she was instructed not to open it under any means until she reached her destination. it wasn't like gabriel minded that instruction, however, considering she was never one to pry while she was on the job... as nosy as the young quincy could be sometimes. and it seemed her destination was that of the jail himself.
the contents she was tasked with delivering was items to help quilge opie and the rest of his squadron on their hunts. and hopefully he was alerted that the supplies would be on their way, she was never informed whether or not he received a warning message on that front. then again she never interacted with a lot of the sternritters... not yet, at least. but to say the thought of interacting with a figure of authority like the jail was... rather intimidating.
yet the directions to her destination were proven correct, and she was right to think that he was intimidating even up close.
it was a dangerous area, but the job had to be done. "... you must be the jail, correct?" she nearly hesitated, her right mind half-expecting to have orders barked at her as well. "i brought what you've requested as promised, sir. my apologies for any delays-"
she was cut off by her arms being grabbed as her body is yanked forward and spun around, almost thrown back with the package in hand as gabriel... tries to process what had happened. it felt everything had happened in a matter of seconds; one moment she stood face to face with the sternritter she was tasked with delivering supplies to... the next minute she had been yanked behind him. who just so happened to have ran his spear through several unfamiliar faces... but they didn't look like they belonged to the wandenreich.
... they didn't follow her for the supplies, did they?
"that was rather reckless of you to let those vermin follow you," gabriel thought she heard him say once the deed was done, "but i suppose that cannot be helped."
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"... fair point," perhaps gabriel was too into her own head to notice, and truth be told she was already mentally preparing for a lecture when she'd return to the wandenreich. "i didn't realize they were even there until i saw you run them through." and she wasn't the type to argue or have any excuses - she'd hold herself accountable for nearly getting herself killed, and that was it. "the resources will be over here for easy access when you or your squadron needs them. if there's nothing else you need me for, i'll... take my leave momentarily."
she'd keep a more watchful eye of her surroundings the next time she sends a message or delivery - that'd probably be the best thing to do as thanks for the unprompted protection.
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eyrina-avatar · 10 months
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synopsis: based on this request. Neteyam finds reader's diary full of fantasies that she wants to fulfill with him.
pairings: neteyam x reader (avatar reader) aged up ofc
author's note: I tweaked it just a bit but it's still what anon requested. This was sitting in my drafts for like a month since I was so busy. But I finally finished it! Hope the anon who made the request likes this.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, extremely heavy smut such as fingering, squirting, and creampie. proofread once, I was rushing to get this out of my drafts already. Lmk if you see any errors that need to be fixed asap lol
word count: ~6.8k this is a long one (I think my longest ever, I could have divided this into two chapters and even thought about it)- you've been warned
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"Ugh, what a long day," you groaned as you hung your legs off the edge of the link unit.
"I honestly don't know how Grace used to manage being in charge of the kid's school plus do research and be so involved with the clan..." Norm trailed off as he yawned.
"And while hiding her findings from the RDA" You added.
"Probably by getting some proper rest. Which is what you two need." Max pitched in, as he handed you the back roller.
"God, that feels so good. What a relief." You sighed as you massaged your back, trying to reach all the sore spots.
"I can help with that!" Neteyam's voice hit your ears and you turned around in shock.
"What are you doing here, I though you were asleep in the tent?" You questioned.
"Yea well, you fell asleep meaning I would have to wait for you in the morning and I wasn't really feeling tired enough to go to bed yet." He responded as he took the roller from your hand and started massaging your middle back making you groan in relief.
"Yea, that's the spot..." you closed your eyes in bliss let out a small "mmm" sound, making you earn looks from Norm and Max.
"Jesus you two, get a room before this gets out of hand." Norm commented as he got up from his link unit, making Neteyam stop his movements.
"Wh-what? No, no. It's not what it looks like. Haven't you guys ever gotten a nice back massage after doing some strenuous activity?" Your cheeks flushed red in your flustered state, thinking about the possibility of ever doing it with Neteyam.
"Yea, but not as strenuous at what you and Neteyam will be doing later if you guys keep this up." Norm rolled his eyes.
"What?" Neteyam's tail stood up in shock and his ears flickered in embarrassment.
"Ha, it's not like they would bother us here anyways, they have the whole forest to go at it." Max chuckled.
"Max!" You and Neteyam yelled in unison, shocked at the words that came out of the usually calm scientist's mouth.
"What, just helping you guys out." He shrugged.
"That type of help is not needed!" You insisted as you crossed your arms.
"Whatever, as long as you two don't start interrupting anyone." Norm added in as he made his way to the shower
"Look who's talking. What I heard from Jake is that apparently Norm and Trudy were often going at it in the shared rooms." Max let out.
"That's none of you guys' business!" Norm stopped in his tracks to comment.
"Well, you sure were making it everyone's business!" Max rebutted, making everyone break out into fits of laughter.
"Woah, Norm!" You let out a giggle
"Maybe that's why he's so uptight, he hasn't been getting any action lately." Neteyam whispered.
"I heard that!" Norm made known before walking away.
"Anyways, I better go get freshened up as well, I'm a bit sweaty right now. Tell one of the repair guys that the cooling system in that unit isn't working so well." You said before placing a "down for repairs" sign on the link unit.
"Will do." Max nodded as you and Neteyam headed out of the lab and into the residency hallway.
"So, I guess I'll be going then if you're just headed to clean up." Neteyam scratched the back of his neck, still a bit flustered from Max and Norm's comments.
"What? No, I have my own room, remember? And my room has it's own shower as well, so I won't have to leave you waiting outside of some random hall. Come, come." You tugged at his arm and he followed you to your room.
"So, this is it!" You walked in and turned the lights on, closing the door behind Neteyam.
"Oh, you did some remodeling since last time?"
"Yup, I wanted to add some life to it so I added in some potted plants around the room plus some that glow in the dark, to add a 'nature-y' touch."
"Not bad. 'Nature-y' touch accomplished." Neteyam looked at the plants, curious to see how the glow would look in your room."
"Oh, let's turn the lights off!" You suggested before flicking the switch.
"Ohh that's nice, it almost looks like the forest in here!" Neteyam marveled while examining all of the colors in your room.
"Yup!" You flicked the light back on. "I just wish I could have added some vines along the window to add some greenery. That's just the finishing touch that it needs." You sighed as you looked around your room.
"Well, why haven't you? There's plenty of vines for you to collect." Neteyam cocked his head in question.
"I have plenty, it's just that I couldn't reach the spot on the wall where I wanted to attach them to. It's too high."
"Nonsense, I'll help you out. See, I can reach just fine." Neteyam stated, happy to lend you a helping hand.
"Thanks, I really appreciate that." You gave a smile and headed to your drawers as you looked for the measuring tape. "Nete, can you please get the vines? They're in my closet over there . The light switch is on the right side, and please close the door while you're at it. I have a automatic dehumidifier in there and I don't want it to start puffing extra hard and using up all of it's charge.
"Sure, sure. I'll get it, and um close the door as well. All of that..." Neteyam made his way to your closet and turned the light on. His hands rummaged through some of your clothes on the hangers and flipped through the ones folded in your drawers but couldn't find the vines.
Crap, forgot to ask her where in the closet they're at, he thought to himself. His eyes scanned the small room and landed on a few boxes stacked on the left side of the floor and one labeled 'room decorations.'
Perfect, probably in there.
He pulled the box out but three more came tumbling down as well. Neteyam hurried to clean up the mess and as his hands scrambled to put everything away, his eyes landed on a small book that landed open and face down. He carefully picked the book up and saw no words on it's cover so he decided to take a peak inside, wondering if it could be filled with your findings and experiments.
He brought the book up to his face and scrunched his eyes as he read the words on the page.
journal entry #105 not much happened today I took more lessons with Moa't and with the help of Kiri, I was able to successfully create a healing balm that was very effective in preventing infection and swelling. The main ingredient was yalna bark. Kiri found it and suggested that we should use it. Also, I took some weaving lessons with Neytiri and she said I was improving quickly. I was able to make my own top with my favorite blue and purple leaves. I later used the top while Neteyam took me to hunt some fish. I saw Neteyam staring so I think it accentuated my features well. I'll definitely be wearing it again since he complimented me and said I looked nice. Anyways, the fishing went well and Neteyam will give me more lessons tomorrow, but I hope I'll be able to concentrate. My feelings for him have been making me even more flustered lately. It doesn't help that he's so handsome. I caught myself staring at him by mistake, hopefully he didn't notice. I definitely don't want him to think that i'm some sort of weirdo.
"Neteyam, are you alright in there?" The sound of your voice snapped Neteyam out of concentration and he hurried to place the book back in the box. He grabbed the box containing the vines and hurried out.
"Gee, what took you so long? Did you get lost in there?" You chuckled.
"Sorry, I was getting the box that the vines were in and knocked down the others in the process so I had to clean up." Neteyam carefully handed you the vines and you untangled them.
"Just start at that corner of the wall and continue all the way around the room, okay?" You asked
"Got it," he nodded.
"Good. I'll go take a shower and by the time I'm done, you should be done as well." You grabbed your towel and headed towards your bathroom. "Oh, by the way, you can put any excess vines along the bottom of the wall, all around the room like the other ones!" You slipped into your bathroom and closed the door.
Neteyam quickly got to work unraveling the vines and hanging them up. By the time he was done, he heard the sound of the water turning off and the shower curtain sliding across the rail.
"Nete, can you please pass me the purple bag? It's in the closet. ." You asked as you hid your body behind the bathroom door.
"Sure," he headed off to retrieve the item for you.
"Thanks, I shouldn't be done for another 10 minutes as I'm doing a hair treatment. If you're done you can go ahead and look around my room if you want." You slipped back into the bathroom.
"Um, alright." Neteyam decided it would be best if he put the supplies back where they belonged and headed back to your closet, putting everything away. Unfortunately the words in your journal wouldn't leave him alone and he decided to take another peak.
One look shouldn't hurt, right? Plus, she told me I could look around.
Neteyam opened the box again and took your journal out. He flipped through the pages until he was met with the most recent entry:
journal entry #119 My skills have improved a lot and Neteyam says I'm one of the best hunters in the clan. In fact, I went hunting with Neteyam again and god, I had a really hard time controlling myself. His charm is so enticing and yet his personality so kind, in fact he makes me so flustered and shy sometimes. But god, his body is so hot?! Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if we banged. Of course I like him for his personality... but he's super attractive too. Gosh, I would let him do anything to me. Anything. And I mean it. I would be so lucky if I would somehow be able to get him to use his fingers on me, or better worded, in me. His dick too, I wouldn't mind. I know it's so big, I just know it, I know. I could bet all the meat from last week’s hunt that it's enormous. Probably a good 9-10 inches... I don't know if that would even fit inside of me, but I'm willing to find out.
Neteyam felt his cheeks burn up at the words he just read as his ears flickered while his tail swished back and forth in excitement.
She likes me back? In fact she likes me back so much she actually wants me to...fuck her?
Neteyam slammed the little book shut and shoved it back in the box. He knew everything he needed to know about it and was going to have the time of his life with the newly learned information. He cleared his throat and got himself together, trying to feel normal, as if he hadn't just finished snooping around his best friend's personal and private writings.
He stepped out and closed the door behind him.
"Gee, you sure took a while in there," you chuckled while combing your hair.
"Well, I was uh, putting some of the supplies away."
"Not bad, the vines came out looking nice! Thanks a lot" You exclaimed.
"No problem," Neteyam smiled nervously, worried if you would find out that he was snooping through your things.
"Hmm, a job like this deserves a little reward." You made your way over to him and flashed a warm smile. Neteyam's tail once again swished back and forth in excitement.
"What type of reward?" He asked, hoping that you would perhaps act on what you had written about.
"Ice cream!" You turned around and headed to your mini freezer.
"Oh" Neteyam murmured under his breath and his ears drooped down.
"Here, one scoop of strawberry and another one of yovo fruit. I made that one myself. I wanted to try something new!" You smiled as you handed him his bowl and spoon but stopped as soon as you saw his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing. Thank you, I really like ice cream. I've only had it once or twice." Neteyam tried to come up with any excuse for his disppointed reaction.
"Oh I see, you wanted a different flavor...Well, there's vanilla too but that's kinda plain."
"No, no it's fine. I really do like these flavors. I was just thinking that maybe Tuk would have liked to taste these." Neteyam reassured and began eating.
"It's fine, I have some more saved. She'll be able to taste them as soon as Kiri brings her along to the avatar compound. You know she like's to visit Grace at least once a week" You plopped yourself on your bed and joined him. His tail began swaying left and right as he thought about a new idea.
"So, any plans for tomorrow?" Neteyam questioned.
"Nah, maybe just chill and take it easy, you know what I mean?" You looked up at him and saw how his eyes glimmered with excitement.
"Oh, then maybe you and I can hang out tomorrow. You know, just us, have some space to spend some alone time with each other. Friends always need some time to hang out with each other, right?" He gave your smaller figure a light nudge.
"Right, friends..." Your face dropped at that word and you simply sighed as you continued eating your ice cream.
"Well, it's definitely getting late now. I'm heading back to home tree to get some rest for the morning. I'll see you in the morning, alright?" Neteyam patted your head as he headed out the door and you simply nodded.
"And thanks for the ice cream, it was great. I won't tell Lo'ak though or he'll get jealous, you know how he is. Good night!"
"Good night..." you waved back and sighed, flinging your ice cream into the trash. Too disappointed to do anything else, you threw yourself on your bed and decided to get some sleep.
You woke up early, and with the view of a pink hue illuminating the sky, it was barely dawn and you knew that some of the omaticaya were already awake but the Sully's were probably all asleep as a rock.
You decided to bring your avatar form into the avatar facility and you quietly made your way around into the laboratory as slid into a link unit and was awakened by the sound of Lo'ak snoring in the next tent.
What a nuisance, glad I was able to sleep somewhere else last night.
You quietly made your way out of the tent, careful not to wake anyone else. Cautious with your foot placement, you made it out of home tree and to the spot where you usually meet with your ikran.
With a quick call, your ikran came flapping towards you, and you swiftly boarded it and made way to the avatar compound.
"Mawey, Ira." You petted your ikran to calm her screeching and made way into one of the buildings, past the laboratory and into your room.
Ahh, some peace and quiet. Maybe I'll just relax and give myself a spa day or something. You thought to yourself as you massaged the bottom of your feet that were still a bit sore from all of the hunting and running you've been doing.
Still thinking of the events from last night, you sighed and threw yourself back on the bed, not sure of what to make from the situation.
Does Neteyam really feel the same about me?
Should I ask him out or is that too forward?
Or should I just wait for him to ask me out?
The questions filled your mind and started to make your head pound. You decided that it was probably best if you just took a small break from your emotions and just distract yourself until your mind felt more refreshed and you could think more logical.
Heading towards your table, you grabbed a small tablet where you had recorded data about some plant samples and decided to work on that.
"Has anyone seen y/n?" Neteyam searched around his tent, dumbfounded with where you could have possibly gone without telling him or even waking him up.
"I saw her leave the tent this morning." Kiri commented, not even looking up as she peeled some of the fruit she was preparing for breakfast.
"You saw her? Where'd she go?!" Neteyam questioned his younger sister.
"I don't know. I'm not as nosy as you. Maybe to the avatar compound or something." She shrugged.
"What if she's in danger or something. What if she got lost?!" Neteyam stood up, getting ready to go after you.
"And where are you going without eating?" Neytiri pointed to a spot next to Lo'ak.
"Ha! Guess you can't go looking for your crush right now." The younger brother teased.
"Shut up."
"Don't worry, she's not like Lo'ak. She can actually fend for herself so I'm sure she's fine." Kiri reassured
"Hey!" Lo'ak let out in a protest.
"She knows the forest like the back of her hand. Plus didn't you say she was a pretty good hunter?" Kiri popped the fruit into her mouth and waited for her brother's response.
"Yea, but-"
"Then she'll be fine." Jake reassured as he let out a yawn, still groggy from his sleep.
"I just don't understand why she would go out without telling me. She seemed fine last night." Neteyam sighed
"Oooooh, you were with her last night?" Lo'ak wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yea, and we had ice cream, without you."
"What, that's not fair. She promised she'd save some for me." Lo'ak crossed his arms in disapproval.
"She did save some." Neteyam took a bite out of his fruit and watched as Lo'ak's tail swished back and forth in excitement.
"But not for you." He swallowed his food and let out a smirk as he watched Lo'ak's tail come to a halt.
"Whatever, screw you! She's probably pissed and you deserve it. Y/n is always going out into the forest with someone, so to not even wake you up is a bad sign. You probably did something to upset her." Lo'ak spit out in retaliation.
"What? What did I do?" Neteyam put his fruit down as he tried to process the information just given to him.
"Maybe more like what didn't you do..." Kiri murmured.
"Probably nothing, you know how women are." Jake reassured his eldest son. "But umm, not Neytiri. She's always been wonderful to me. Anytime she was upset was because I deserved it." Jake chuckled nervously, saving himself as he remembered that his wife was sitting right next to him but still earning a light hiss from her.
"Yea, probably nothing..." Neteyam tried to calm his nerves. "After all, she was fine last night." He added.
"Skxawng!" Kiri knocked her brother over the head.
"Ow! What the heck was that for?"
"For being a skxawng, I just told you!"
"She likes you. Do I really have to spell it out for you?" Kiri rolled her eyes.
"I know that-"
"You see!" Kiri gave her brother a smack on the arm.
"Stop hitting me! You see what?" Neteyam cocked his head in question.
"You know that she likes you and you haven't even asked her out! That's what!"
"I only found out last night. What was I supposed to do..." Neteyam trailed his words.
"Oh great mother. Even worse! She told you and you didn't do anything about it?" Kiri stared in disbelief.
"She didn't tell me, I found out a different way."
"Norm told you? Max?" Lo'ak pried.
"Then how did you find out?" Lo'ak questioned.
"Mind your own business," was all that was given as an answer.
"Well, honestly, you've sorta been giving her mixed signals so she's probably confused on wether you like her or not. Maybe she went back to the avatar compound by herself to clear her mind for a bit." Kiri let out, not wanting to make Neteyam too nervous.
"Oh. What should I do?" Neteyam shook his head in question, unsure of what to do in order to fix the mess he made.
"Aww, the mighty warrior doesn't know how to approach his crush." Lo'ak let out a chuckled.
"Enough." Neytiri warned, quieting the younger boy.
"Just say you're sorry for not realizing earlier and then just ask her out. Or be more direct and say that you like her." Jake stood up and handed his bowl to Neytiri. "Good luck." He tapped Neteyam on the shoulder and made his way to the center of home tree.
You slid out of your chair and got up, stretching your back in the process.
God that was tiresome, but I'm glad to get that out of the way.
Deciding on a break, you headed out of your room and towards the shared lounging area. Grabbing a yogurt pack from the refrigerator, you made your way back to into your room and sat yourself down. Scooping the spoon into the cup, you were about to bring it into your mouth before hearing a knock.
"Coming!" You sighed before putting your food down and making your way towards your bedroom door.
"Norm, I told you I'm not going to be doing anymore experiments this week. I'm still putting together all of the data we collected from the last-" you opened the door to your surprise.
"Well, I'm not asking you to do any experiments. Can I come in?" Neteyam flashed a smile.
"Sure, sure. Of course, come in!" You flashed a warm smiled as you closed the door behind Neteyam.
"I was wondering where you went. You know, since I told you last night that I would see you in the morning but then you left home tree without telling anyone."
"Sorry, I just felt like I needed to clear my head a bit from, um stuff..." you trailed off and much to Neteyam's surprise, Kiri was right.
"Sorry, maybe I was interrupting your personal time. I can leave if you wanted to be left alone."
"No, no! It's fine." You grabbed Neteyam's arm and pulled a chair out for him.
"I've had plenty of time to clear my head and bring my thoughts together and feel less stressed...about things. You know how life is..." You let out a nervous chuckle, not wanting to give any hints on what you were so worried about.
"Sit down, make yourself comfortable."
"Actually..." Neteyam stayed standing up. "I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Oh. well… go ahead!"
"Well, actually... I wanted to apologize to you." Neteyam let out in a low voice
"I'm sorry, what?" You tilted your head in confusion at what you just heard. "Apologize for what?"
"Perhaps I've been a bit of a skxawng. Or maybe a complete skxawng. I didn't realize but I was giving you mixed signals. I should have realized sooner and I completely apologize for that. You probably thought I was toying with your feelings. I understand why you were upset with me this morning"
"I-" Your mouth was left agape, not sure of what to say.
"No, I get it. I should have told you sooner. I know that you like me and to be honest, I like you too. In fact, I'm completely enamored by you and should have acted on that earlier instead of leaving you confused. Can you... forgive me?" Neteyam nervously scratched the back of his neck, unsure of what your response would be.
"Neteyam...truth be told, I don't even know what to say. I suppose I forgive you. It wasn't really your fault, how were you supposed to know earlier? Maybe I should have been more bold. I don't know... It's quite alright," you let out a small chuckle. "There's really nothing to be sorry about. In fact, I wasn't mad with you this morning. I just left hometree to clear my mind on this whole situation. It's actually quite silly how flustered you make me feel sometimes. I was just a bit disappointed that last night you said we should hang out today as friends when honestly, I hate that word, friend. I don't want to just be your silly little friend, I want to be more. More than friends..." you trailed off as you looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to look at the na'vi in front of you.
Neteyam brought his hand up to your face and tilted your chin up, "Don't be shy, it's fine. You're quite cute when you're flustered, you know?" He let out a small chuckle. "I probably shouldn't have used that stupid word, friend. But I hope you don't mind it being used in the context of being my girlfriend? What do you think?" He tilted his head, waiting for your response.
"You want me to be your girlfriend?" You shyly smiled as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Why not? Girlfriend, lover, or mate? How's that?" Neteyam let with a small smirk.
"M-mate? That includes getting mated and-" you cut yourself off before you could explain the full details.
"Hmm, why not? I'm interested in you and you're interested in me. Plus, I think you're not as innocent as you make yourself out to be." Neteyam raised his eyebrow and inched himself closer to you.
"Why would you think that...I've never done that with anyone before..." you trailed your words and inched backwards.
"Still doesn't mean that pretty little head of yours isn't in the gutter." Neteyam stepped closer.
"Yea, and what proof do you have of that?" You smirked, cockiness filling your head.
"Hmm let's see, I found a book in your closet and maybe read a few pages."
"Pff, oh yea? And what did it look like?" you jokingly rolled your eyes at him.
"Well, in fact it wasn't one of those biology books. It was a small little book, no title on it. It had a brown leather cover and it was just full of your writing. Sound familiar?" Your eyes widened at the description and your mouth fell open, shocked at the realization.
"What, surprised?" Neteyam let out a small chuckle as he continued inching closer to you until your back hit the wall.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about." You huffed out, trying to sound confident.
"I think you know what I'm talking about. In fact, you're even wearing that pretty little top of yours that you said accentuated your features. It does, and you're right, I couldn't help but stare when you wore it the other day. Not my fault anything you wear makes you look so pretty." Neteyam's fingers played with the string of your top, gently passing over the knot on your back that was holding it together.
Between admitting to reading your journal and staring, Neteyam’s words had turned you into a flustered mess.
“Well, who told you that you could read my journal?!” You spat out, trying to get the upper hand.
“Hmm, let’s see. If I remember correctly, you did tell me that I could look around your room.” Neteyam shrugged.
“Yeah but my journal is private!” You retaliated.
“Oh really? I didn’t see any sign on it that said ‘private/ no trespassing’ or ‘y/n’s journal, don’t touch.’ Seems like you were missing a sign. Can’t blame me.”
“Why, y- you. You perv!” You lashed out defeatedly, not knowing how else to react.
“Really, I’m the perv? I wasn’t the one writing all of my fantasies about wanting to get banged.”
“I…” you dropped your head in shame, once again too embarrassed to face Neteyam.
“Hmm, thought so.” He let out a small chuckle as he raised your chin up again. “So, do you really think I’m handsome?” He looked at you seriously before giving you a slight smirk.
“Well, you read it! No need to tease me about it” you gave his chest a slight push.
“Teasing, who’s doing any teasing? I’m just trying to test the waters to see if you’re really up to doing what you mentioned.”
“So, are you?” Neteyam inched his face closer to yours.
“Are you what?”
“C’mon don’t try to play dumb. Do you want to do what you mentioned or what?” His lips hovered over yours as he trailed his hands over your waist and behind your back, pulling you in closer.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, cat got your tongue?” Neteyam let out a small chuckle before looking you in the eyes and giving a ‘so?’ look.
You simply nodded, too flustered to say anything.
“Words, babygirl. Words.” He pushed your hair out of your face and caressed your cheek. “Would you like to try what you wrote about?”
“Yes…” you whispered in a barely understandable tone.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it nice and slow. How’s that for you, sound good?” Again, you nodded, giving Neteyam the green light to go ahead.
His eyes fell to your lips and yours on his. Each just a few centimeters away from the other. You leaned in and yours just gently brushed against his. Neteyam’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in during the process, lips making contact for the first time. You let out a small gasp and his came crashing down on yours again, pushing your head back to the wall as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips moved in pace and you followed along, inexperienced but quickly catching on. Your hands traveled up and down his neck and Neteyam let out a small groan as you gave a slight tug on his hair. Hands started moving quickly as you found yours on his chest, traveling up and down and his on your back. His lips took a turn and started making his way down, leaving small pecks all over your collarbone and eventually moving to your neck, where his mouth left a wet trail wherever it could.
“Mmm, Nete-” you let out a moan as his lips sucked on your sweet spot making your body fidget in his hold. His lips traveled up your neck and you were sure you were going to have a few bruises for show.
“Neteyam, you’re gonna leave hickeys all over my neck.” You barely managed to breathe out.
“I know… that’s my plan,” he let out in between kisses. “…to mark you… As mine… all mine.” He held onto you and made his way to your bed, not letting go for a thing in the world. Neteyam sat down and had you on his lap facing him, your legs straddling him while he continued to make his mess.
You lifted his face and kissed his lips again, desperate to be able to do some of the action yourself, you pushed his chest, making him inch backwards as you crawled to him, lips still connected to his.
You sat up and his fingers started toying with the knot from your loincloth, still not stopping the kiss as he worked his hands behind your waist.
Neteyam's fingers worked quickly as he untied the knot and slid off the loincloth from under your womanhood. He lifted you off of his lap and placed your back on the bed while he laid next to you, his hands roamed over your body and made their way to your core. Neteyam gently massaged your nub, earning an erotic moan from you. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth as he used his hand to spread your legs wider and brush his fingers over your clit, speeding up as the kiss grew more heated with each passing second.
"Oh.. fuck" you managed out as your hands fell on his, guiding him to a quicker speed.
"Mmm, you like that don't you, sweetheart?" Neteyam let out a smirk as you nodded a desperate 'yes' a your eyes scrunched closed. His hands made their way down to your entrance and he inserted a finger, making you groan in response.
"Fuck..." you groaned as Neteyam stretched you out, making way for his other fingers.
"If I remember reading correctly, you did write that you would be grateful even if you could have just my fingers inside of you. How's that coming out to be?" Neteyam smirked as you moan out a 'good.'
"More, please" you whined out as you attempted to close your legs to gain more friction.
"I can't give you more if you don't open your legs for me. My hands are trapped between your thighs right now syulang." Neteyam's hand moved up to pry your legs open, and you sighed at the slight loss of friction.
"No need to worry, your wish is my command sweetheart." And with that he inserted his second and third fingers without warning. Deep inside of your warmth, he moved his fingers in and out, making sure to hit all the spots of your wet walls.
"Shit....shit! Go faster!" you moaned out in a high pitched voice, convinced that if it weren't for the oxygen sealed doors and windows soundproofing your room, all of the scientists would have been raising their eyebrows by now.
"How's that? Enjoying it?" Neteyam managed out between kisses.
"Fuck yes!" you threw your head back in pleasure as you felt yourself nearing your orgasm.
Neteyams worked his magic in you, sparing your poor pussy no mercy as his fingers pumped in and out while his thumb played with your nub at an increasingly quick pace causing your eyes to cross for a split second as you covered your mouth as to not scream. Holding yourself up with your elbows, you watched as the Na'vi in front of you worked tirelessly to get you to explode.
"Neteyam! I'm getting close... I'm- I'm gonna..." You threw head back once more as your knuckles turned white from grabbing the bed sheets.
"Come! Fucking do it baby, I know it's in you!" Neteyam accelerated his pace as his fingers moved vigorously in and out of you, repeatedly hitting your g-spot.
"Ah- ahh... fuuuck" You let out a loud whine as your hips buck up and down while your orgasm washed over you. Your eyes close tightly making you see stars and your mouth falls agape as low whimpers leave your throat.
"Nghh.. oh my god.." you squeal out under his touch before he slows down and pulls his fingers out. Neteyam lifts up his hand and brings it up to your face, drenched fingers brush across your lips as you open your mouth and give a thorough suck.
"Mmm, that's a good girl" Neteyam praises as you swirl your tongue around his fingers, licking them clean of any residue. With a 'pop' sound, he pulls his fingers from between your lips and you sit up, looking at him with your big yellow eyes as you tug on his loincloth.
"Ready for round two, already?" You give a small nod and Neteyam lays you on your side and props your right leg up.
He positions himself behind you as your hands work beside you, helping untie his loincloth. Springing out, his length smacks your ass and Neteyam lets out a small sigh of relief. He spits on his hand before making it down between his legs and giving himself a few pumps.
Neteyam brushes his cock against your slick cunt, earning a light moan from you as he rubs it around your entrance.
"You ready sweetheart? I'll go nice and slow for you." Neteyam gives a small peck on your lips before you answer with a small 'yes.' He lines himself up with your entrance and pushes his mushroomy tip in, slowly driving his full length inside of you.
"Nghh.." was all you managed to let out before he asks 'are you okay' and you give a small nod. His dick goes all the way in and you can feel his tip against your cervix.
"Fuck, you're so big..." you squirm yourself around as you try to get used to the new feeling.
"You said you wanted to try it." Neteyam lets out a small chuckle at your struggle. "Ready?" He asks, making sure that you're all stretched out before moving."
"Of course," and with that, he pulls himself out completely before thrusting in with full force, making you yelp in surprise. Neteyam starts thrusting in and out of you, filling the room with sounds of skin smacking against each other.
"Shit" he groans out, untying your top as he continues smacking himself into you. Neteyam grabs your breast in his hand and starts sucking as his hips pick up in pace, making you moan aloud.
"Enjoying that, princes?"
"Yes. I love it so much!" you whine out as his dick hits against your cervix, making you shut your eyes in pain and pleasure. You can't help but tighten around him as he plays with your breast and his lips leave a trail of kisses on the back of your neck.
"Fuckkk, too big!" you let out in almost a scream before he wraps his hand around your neck, applying just a small amount of pressure.
"y/n, stop that... you're gonna make me spill inside of you if you keep squeezing yourself around me like that." Neteyam warned with a light smack on your botton.
"I can't...help it... You fuck me so good!" You let out in between breaths. Neteyam pounds himself into you, making you whine out incoherent nonsense and you can't help but tighten your walls again.
"Fuck...fuck!" Neteyam grits between his teeth and you can tell he's near his high as his hips start moving desperately.
"I *thrust* think *thrust* I'm *thrust* gonna *thrust* come!" Neteyam lets out in a groan before you feel his hot cum spill all over your insides making you moan at the feeling. His white juices overflow your insides and soon spill out, dripping down to underside of your legs.
"Mmm, princess, you look so fucking good with your pretty little hole filled up like that." Neteyam goes back to kissing the sides of your neck and once again, his fingers start playing with your insides while you play with his length in your hands, trying to harden him up again.
"Shit," he huffs out in sensitivity as your finger plays with the tip of his cock, swiping it over and over again.
"Alright let me finish you up, I've got this." Neteyam gives your thigh a light pat and you let go of him, letting him take control of his length and bringing it to you entrance again.
He thrusts into you without warning and you yelp out. His thrusts continue roughly, not giving you time to adjust. Neteyam hits your insides repeatedly and it makes you whimper in pleasure.
"Ah- ah! Neteyam... I'm close!" You let out in between whimpers as your hands search for anything to grab onto while your orgasm approaches.
"Mmm....fuck. Good, you're almost there sweetheart" Neteyam grunts out as his hips continue pushing into your rear.
"I'm gonna- I think... I'm gonna come!" You let out in a loud whine and Neteyam pulls out before pushing himself back in completely, causing you to moan aloud as your orgasm hits you, making your back arch and your legs tremble as you grab onto him while you squirm around as Neteyam pounds into you as fast as he can.
He pulls out, leaving you to squirt your juices all over your legs and on the bed. Your hips heave up and down as the clear liquid jets out of you, leaving you breathless until your high calms down and your legs stop shaking.
"Holy shit..." Neteyam lets out in a small chuckle as he stares in amazement.
"Well... that was intense" you break the silence and the both of you stare at each other before breaking out into small giggles.
"Are you alright, was I too rough with you?" Neteyam gently rubs your shoulders as the both of you lay down, flat on your backs, exhausted.
"No... you were fine. It was good." You flash him a shy smile.
"So, was it everything you expected... or did you I let you down?" He asks with a small chuckle.
"It was... interesting... definitely better than I expected." You chuckle as you lay your head in the crook of his neck.
"So I guess we can say... your wish has been fulfilled." Neteyam pokes your cheek, teasing you.
"I guess so..." you hide your blushing cheeks on his collarbone as he laughs at your shy antics. He slightly lifts up your face and gives you a small peck on your forehead as the both of you bask in each other's warmth.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
HEW, did this take FOREVER to write, OMG! But I'm so glad that I finally got it out! Thank you for this wonderful and super fun request, it was definitely a hell of a journey to write but I really enjoyed it! Hope you guys enjoyed it as well.
as always, comments/reblogs are always much appreciated as they help support and motivate your favorite writers, thank you❤!
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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partycatty · 5 months
I can't get enough of young Johnny MK11! I love him, god!🥵 How do you like this topic for fanfic? Fem!reader put his jacket and glasses on his naked body, and took sexy selfies.😎❤️‍🔥 Johnny saw this aaand here I’m already giving way to your fantasy hehe~
Thank you in advance! I like the way you write! Well done💕
i'm not sure if i read it right ?? lmk, but i went with my interpretation
johnny cage > call me
johnny's out late working, as usual. you've had enough of waiting and decide to bait him into coming home early
notes: do you guys also like genuinely tweak out wishing he was real? he's so perfect? peak malewife? wishing u were [REDACTED] his [REDACTED] rn?
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• you were often left to your own devices when it came to living with johnny. he, after all, was a star constantly running around on new projects. any studio would be at his knees for just one contract. he was hollywood's richest man, and you were lucky to call him your boyfriend.
• sure, it had it's moments. the paps stealing upskirt shots from you wasn't ideal, neither was the bush stalking. but you could see past that. what was hardest was when johnny would be gone all through the night, dressed in that stupid ninja mime getup that you learned to loathe since it pulled him away more than his other works. does the world really need a ninja mime trilogy? yes, apparently.
• boredom overtook you, since browsing on your phone for eight hours was now becoming a horrible habit on your neck - and mental stability. you took to mopping the floors, tidying the countertops, dusting his awards. finally, you settled on your walk-in closet.
• it was spacious, big enough for you to each get a side. your side was always decently organized to your liking, but johnny's was... atrocious. jackets hung on one sleeve, some on the floor. the only thing that was neatly organized on his side was the giant rack of sunglasses. he always had a pair to match the outfit and occasion. he probably had about three pairs on him at work.
• as you tried to rearrange his clothing, his distinct, classy scent filled your nose, sticking to the inside of your nose and you couldn't help but feel heated. you missed him, him and his dick. you took a deep whiff of his iconic blue and purple jacket, the one he left at home knowing he'd have to get in costume anyway.
• you threw it over yourself, embracing your torso and spinning in the mirror. it fit him perfectly, but on you it was like a blanket. the sleeves sagged off of your arms and your midsection was swimming. his size was impressive, his form shaped like a greek god.
• you couldn't help yourself, the memories of him and scent turned you on. blame pheromones, dammit! but, you realized you could take advantage of this.
• throwing your shirt off, you donned the jacket again, wearing it like he does - chest exposed. a purple pair of sunglasses practically screamed your name from the rack and you put them on. you looked just like him...! no, not really.
• touching yourself in his clothes was not a new idea, but there certainly was a new idea blossoming in your head. you pulled your phone out and snapped a mirror selfie, trying to flex like he does but your muscles were muffled from the loose fabric.
• how's this for the next cagecon? you text johnny, attaching the photo. you didn't expect him to reply right away, considering he was at work. but before you could lock your phone for the moment, his name popped up within milliseconds.
• don't take me away from work, baby! johnny replies with a winking emoji.
• what if i want to? it's so lonely in your mansion, you reply with an angel emoji, sitting on the edge of your shared bed as you fight a grin. you angle the phone downward, capturing your bare chest. your nipples brush against the jacket, making them stick out through the front. johnny takes a moment to reply, but you feel your phone vibrate once, then twice, then three times.
• fuck, you're so hot in my clothes.
• i'm taking my break early. can't work with a boner.
• the third message was a short video of him palming himself through that stupid costume. the only thing you can thank that outfit for is how prominent it makes his bulge.
• phone sex through texts was also nothing new to you two, considering the distance. as your fingers sink under your panties, assuming that's where things will go before you get a fourth message.
• call me. please.
• you sit up straight, biting your lip. his desperation always got you going. you kicked your pants and panties aside.
• you send one last photo, your body spread out on the bed in his clothes. your hand conceals your dripping pussy playfully.
• why should i? you shoot the message out, giggling at your own words.
• johnny doesn't even reply, he opens your message and calls you. you eagerly accept his call. his voice is echoey and rough. you realize he's hiding in the bathroom. his breathing is heavy.
• "are you proud of yourself?" he asks in a low rumble, trying to stay quiet but his flustered huffing makes his voice whiny. "look at what you did."
• he sends a photo. his cock is eager and out, and you see a teardrop of precum on his tip. you happily exchange that photo for another one, a short video of you gingerly touching yourself. he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
• "i couldn't wait til i'd get home," he admits, and you hear the slick sounds of him jerking off. "i want to, i want to come home and fuck you like that, but i'm here for another two hours."
• "you couldn't have waited?" you ask in disbelief, circling small loops on your aching clit.
• "no." johnny's reply sounded so sure of himself, so convinced in his words. he was as firm as he would've been if you asked him if he killed someone. he knew this to be a fact, he could not wait. "i can't help it, sweetheart. you're just so... god."
• his breaths get heavier and needier, you can sense he's speeding up on himself. you try to match what you assume is his pace, one that he confirms through another video. he held the phone below his dick, giving you a delicious view of his abs and bobbing adam's apple as he swallowed hungrily.
• his arms were painted white, but his hands were his usual flesh tone since he wore gloves for the costume. even still, his veins were incredibly prominent and really helping you reach your climax.
• "we gotta make this quick, baby," he grumbles into the phone, muffling his moans through bitten lips. you're a little louder due to your privacy, much to his delight. "people'll start looking for me."
• "johnny," you whimper out, back arching up off of the bed. "i'm already close." through your haze, you get a video of you masturbating wildly, the jacket now sliding down to your sides and fully revealing your tits as you fuck yourself. "i-i need you, i need you so bad-"
• "i know, baby," he breathlessly replies, straining himself to avoid moaning out your name and attracting attention. "let me hear how badly you need me."
• you could only spew out utter nonsense at this point as your orgasm is dangerously close. he seems to get the memo, though, and gives you permission to cum with him. your needy cries and his muffled grunts make a perfect chorus that you only wish were in person.
• when your breathing slows, as does his, you hear him chuckle to himself. a new message appears in your chat.
• his weeping dick was cradled in his palm, as was a entire handful of semen dripping down his fingers. he wanted to show you just how hard you made him cum from phone sex alone.
• "round one was now," he mumbles as you hear him tear a piece of toilet paper to wipe his hand. "round two is when i get home. you gonna be ready for it, princess?"
• the phone rests on your bare, damp chest as you fixate on the ceiling. you take the sunglasses off and wipe your face with a smile.
• "i'm always ready," you reply with a giggle.
• "that's my girl. see you in two hours. i love you." and with that, he hangs up, leaving you a naked, sweaty mess that's only concealed in his jacket.
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elliereject · 3 months
ifhy .2
* in which ellie’s obsession relationship with you begins to sour as your romance with your new boyfriend seems to flourish. it seems she’ll stop at nothing to ensure your happiness, (which you’ll find with her, obviously) even if it means hurting you in the process.
* lowkey obsessive ellie, ellie beats someone up, angst + comfort (next chapter(s), infidelity, unrequited feelings yet also mutual pining (just read it like, idk idk I forgot how to do these),lmk if I missed anything!
* HELLLLLOOOO!? oh my god 100 likes on part 1 and over 100 followers??? ty? so much?? <3 the next parts almost done so I gotta tweak some things but I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I meant to post this like 2 days ago but I fell asleep editing…
* mdni
* wc ~ smth like 1.8k
pt .1 here ★ pt .3 coming soon
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“Are you seriously wearing that?” You sighed, flopping back on Ellie’s twin bed.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Ellie asked, eyeing her worn skinny jeans and a black oversized hoodie.
“First, there’s a hole in the side of your hood. Second, you wore that 3 times this week already.”
“No, I didn’t. These are different jeans!”
You groaned, “Ellie it’s a party, live a little.”
She let out a small laugh, “Says you, you were literally on the verge of throwing up like 5 minutes ago. Did whatshisname text you?”
She crossed her fingers in hope that he hadn’t.
You rolled your eyes, “You know his name, and he said he got there about 20 minutes ago and’ll meet me near the living room.”
“Cool, cool.” She said stiffly. “We should probably get going then.”
You jumped up from the bed, practically skipping over to the door. “Finally, you take a surprisingly long time to get ready.”
She didn’t. She was just trying to drag out the amount of time she had before she saw you clinging to your boyfriend and laughing at his stupid jokes.
She was still trying to find a way to show you that he was a dick and she was what you needed but all the ideas she had ended up with him dead and while she was considering it, you probably would have a hard time forgiving her.
The two of you trekked down to the elevator and while your back was turned she couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to slip her hand into yours. How would you react? Would you recoil? Or would you squeeze her palm? Ellie was never really a touchy person yet she made some exceptions when it came to you, however nothing as intimate as hand holding.
And something screamed at her, begging her to try. Her fingers itched by her leg and before she knew it she was stretching out her arm.
Close…so close she could feel the warmth radiating off you.
In a moment you whipped around and she didn’t have enough time to retract her hand.
“What are you doing?” You asked, tilting your head in a way that made her heart ache.
“You just had a uh– a piece of lint.” She lied easily as she picked nothing off your sleeve.
“Oh, thanks! Easier to get rid of then a hole, huh?” You let out a giggle and stuck your finger through said hole, she forced a laugh.
The rest of the ride down Ellie urged herself not to have any more daring thoughts.
Once down, you cracked jokes about your professor and weirdos in your classes, and Ellie tried her best to laugh along, all the way to the frat where the party was being held. Once you made it, you shoved past the sweaty bodies in the living room to look for your boyfriend whilst Ellie shrunk into the kitchen to confide chat with Jesse who was busy chugging a twisted lemonade.
“Jesse. I want you to thank God you aren’t a lesbian.” Ellie groaned, pulling the drink from his lips and taking a swig herself.
“Shit. What happened now?” He sighed, reaching past Ellie to grab another. Ellie’s been moping about you to Jesse for a while now, although he doesn’t really know it’s you because she doesn’t wanna fuck up the way her friends view your guys’ relationship.
“I was walking behind her earlier before we got into the elevat— classroom. And I was like 5 seconds away from grabbing her hand.”
“And why’s that a bad thing? I thought you liked her.” He asked in between sips.
“Because she has a fucking boyfriend! And that would’ve been so embarrassing I think I would’ve bit off my tongue and killed my self right there.”
Jesse let out a low whistle and Ellie crossed her arms. “Don’t you have any advice for me, or are you just gonna stand there?”
The man shrugged, “You’re not gonna like what I have to tell you. Have you tried talking to Joel about any of this?”
Ellie shook her head with a sigh, “He’s busy with work as is, I don’t wanna bother him with this shit when I barely even get to talk to him.”
“Well then, you should prob—hey! ★ what’s up?”
Their conversation was cut short as you walked into the crowded kitchen. With no luck in the living room, you decided to retreat there to talk with your friends while periodically checking your phone for any missed calls or texts.
Ellie noticed the worried look on your face. “Hey, hey. He’ll call. And if he doesn’t he’s a fucking idiot.”
She urged you to try and live in the moment and reassured you again that’d he’d call soon, even though she hoped and prayed he didn’t.
You gave her a small smile and muttered “I guess.” Before taking the red solo cup she offered you and downing it. Eventually, Dina joined your little trio and you temporarily forgot all about him since you were having so much fun chatting with your friends.
Ellie, still smiling, excused herself to the washroom after announcing she had to piss and thank god she did because the scene she stumbled upon literally made her laugh with joy. She had been looking for a reason to beat the fuck out of your boyfriend and did she find it.
After mistaking one of the bedrooms for the washroom—since every fucking door in that house looked the same—her eyes immediately landed on the familiar lanky figure who was shacking up with some tiny brunette bitch.
“No fucking way!” She guffawed, completely amused.
“Please, it’s not—“ Your boyfriend started, pulling his lips from the girl and straightening out his shirt.
“I’ve been looking for a reason to beat your sorry ass! This is just perfect.” She laughed manically as she stomped into the room, slamming the door behind her and cracking her knuckles.
The girl he was previously with was shaken to her core, and practically sprinted out of there. Before he could get out another word, Ellie’s fist was already crushing his face.
“You dick, God I knew you were an asshole but this is just—wow! Cheating on her when she is most definitely the best you could ever do?” Another punch and he was on the ground.
Blood was leaking from his nose and his lip was split. Suddenly she was on top of him, her fists flying. His glasses were broken and tears ran down his face pathetically.
She’d bottled up her emotions for so long; her love for you, her jealousy towards him, her anger at the entire situation, that it all muddled together and bursted the bottle, sending shards everywhere.
Ellie has always been an innately intense person, but this, pummelling something that deserved it, someone that she’d been fantasizing about beating the shit out of ever since she’d met them. It felt good.
“Pl-please stop.” He begged, and she halted her fists, but only for a moment.
She scoffed. “Stop? Stop. Man, I should rip your tongue out. Maybe that’ll finally shut you up.”
His eyes widened as he scanned her eyes for any sign of sympathy, of mercy, but all he found was icy green.
“You’re fucking crazy!” He shouted, trying and failing to shimmy her off him.
She shrugged, “Maybe.”
She was about to throw another fist but she heard frantic footsteps speeding toward the room.
“Shit..” She tapped the side of the guy’s face harshly as he was beginning to black out. “Listen, you’re going to get up. Hop out the window and take your ass home, if someone asks what happened say you got jumped. You’re not going to look at ★ again, text her, call, or even breathe near her. Transfer out of her classes and if I even get the idea that you’re thinking of contacting her again, I will find you. And I will rip your tongue out, got it?”
He nodded wildly and she finally got off of him. She watched as he scurried toward the window and hopped out, it was only a few feet, he’d live.
Ellie wiped her stained hands on the inside of her sweater and opened the door just as the brunette from before was about to, she was standing next to one of the frat guys.
“What’s going on?” Ellie said easily, putting a charming smile on her face and hiding her hands in her pocket.
“Where is he?” The brunette asked worriedly.
“Who? It’s just me in here.” Ellie said looking around confused.
The frat boy looked behind Ellie and them at the girl before sighing and turning back around, “Don’t bother me again. Just enjoy the party.”
“B-but—“ She immediately shut up when Ellie shot her a malicious glare.
She strolled out of the room and back toward the main floor to see you sulking on the couch, checking your phone.
“What happened?” She asked, sliding next to you and resting her arm behind you on the cushions.
“He still hasn’t answered.” You pouted.
And for the first time in months she shot you a genuine smile, despite the fact you were talking about him. “I wouldn’t worry about it, don’t think you’ll hear from him anytime soon.”
You smiled at her and she shot you a weird look, “What?” she asked.
“Nothing..you just seem a little happier than usual.” You said, leaning into her arm.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
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tagz ଳ (send me a message to be added!)
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 9 months
Midnight Masquerade - Echo
Chapter Summary: Echo is the lucky bastard who gets to fuck you—or maybe you're the lucky one.
Chapter Warnings: siren!Echo x gn!reader; kinks: formal wear + voice kink. unprotected penetrative sex (can be read as PiV or PiA), cum as lube, Echo has hair because I say so, this one's a little more tame on the 'monster'fucker front but I hope it ticks some boxes for y'all regardless; if I missed any warnings please lmk!
Word Count: 2.6k
Read the intro here! | Suggested listening
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A round of wolf-whistles rises from the rest of the table (quite literally, in Hunter’s case). Echo jostles you with his elbow, a good-natured grin gracing his features. Quirking an eyebrow at him, you drink in the sight of him sitting next to you. His perfectly tailored suit hugs his body in all the right places, thighs straining against the fine material; the silken red bowtie at his neck draws your eye appreciatively down the strong column of his throat. His hair has grown back in a fuzzy nest of brown curls that he’s slicked back. In short, he looks positively mouth-watering. That’s exactly what happens as you rake your gaze over him.
“Get a room, you two,” Fives jeers, playfully tossing a balled up napkin at you. 
It bounces harmlessly off your face. You flash him a rude gesture before rising to your feet, offering your hand to Echo.
“Shall we?”
He takes your hand. Against your skin, his satin glove is smooth and warm, the strength of his grip belied by the entrapment. You suppress a shiver as you step away from the table, Echo trailing you, fingers laced through yours. 
As you begin to wind your way through the crowd, you shoot a glance over your shoulder to Echo. He smirks at you, one eyebrow raised as if in question. In the strobing, multicolored lights, he looks near ethereal, a vision stepped straight out of one of those high-end Coruscanti model holos. You bite your lip. 
His smirk deepens. Tugging you back against his chest, he wraps his scomp arm around your middle to hold you against his chest. He carefully presses his cheek to the side of your head, mindful of his headpiece, and inhales your scent.
“Care for a dance, cyare?” he asks.
A delightful, full-body tingle shivers through you at the way his voice rumbles against your ear. “You read my mind.” 
He hums, the sound sending another frisson of exhilaration cascading through all your nerves. Not releasing his hold on you, your hands still entwined where he brings them to rest on your hip, he finds the rhythm of the song, a deep, bassy, sexy beat that vibrates your bones. Gently, giving you enough leeway in case you decide you want to pull away, he guides your hips to the music. 
It’s all the encouragement you need. Circling your hips, you grind your ass against his crotch, earning a low, groaning chuckle. Snaking your hand free up and back, you thread your fingers through his curls. Echo turns his head, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to the pulse point just below your jaw.
A gasp escapes you, lost in the consuming bass of the music. He laves at that spot, nipping playfully. 
Emboldened by the shifting, partial lighting and his lips on your neck, you grind against him again as you draw his hand up your chest. A moan tumbles from you as the half-hard definition of his cock presses against you through layers of clothing. His fingers dance over your chest, tweaking a nipple through your shirt.
“Feel what you do to me, pretty thing?” he murmurs, voice sliding like honey over your ears. “Drive me kriffin’ crazy.”
You’ve never realized it before, but stars, you could listen to Echo talk all day. He could read a damn dictionary and you’d be enthralled. Turning your head, you peer up into his eyes, mere pinpricks of shine in the green-tinted lights flashing around you. Dropping your gaze to his lips, your eyelashes flutter. 
“What d’you want, cyare, hm? Tell me,” he urges, eyes fixated on your parted lips.
“I want,” you begin, voice tremulous, “I want to kiss you.” 
“You wanna kiss me?” he repeats, a dangerous smirk curling over his face.
Gulping, you nod. You don’t trust your voice now to not reveal the intensity of the fire scorching through your veins. 
With a contented sigh, Echo tips his head forward and captures your lips in a heated kiss. His scomp tugs you tighter against his chest as he practically ruts his hardness against your ass, When he tugs again at your nipple, you whimper into his mouth. Electricity sparks where he touches you. But he doesn’t relent, kissing you until you’re dizzy with want. Arousal pools hot and tight in your belly.
“Kriff,” you gasp as you pull away from his mouth, “kriff, Echo, stars.” 
He chuckles. His gaze sweeps over the crowd around you—but no one seems to be paying you any mind. “What’s the matter, sweetness?”
“Want you,” you say, leaning your head back against his shoulder.
“Want me to what?”
His voice has dropped an octave, positively dripping with sex, and you shudder in his grasp. How can one person’s voice be so alluring, so enticing? 
Rather than using your words, you extricate yourself from his embrace and, crooking one finger with a coy smile, urge him to follow you again. A bemused smile graces his features; he slips his hand into his pocket as he steps after you.
You lead him towards the back hallway you’d caught sight of earlier, down a series of blind turns, and pick a door at random. Within, there’s a simple bed with silk sheets; dozens of candles, strewn on every available surface, cast the room in a cheery, cozy glow. Echo moves past you, surveying the room with a curious expression.
“This works,” you say, shutting the door. 
You take another moment to really, fully appreciate the specimen of a man before you. Echo gives you an indulgent smile. Backlit by the flickering candlelight, he looks divine; the crisp lines of his black suit outline his silhouette in exquisite fashion. Up close, you realize that the fabric isn’t solid black, but rather one shade of black embroidered with another, darker hue. Tracing one of the repeating designs, you reach with tentative fingers to unbutton the matching vest.
Only to gasp in surprise when his hand catches your wrist.
“You never answered my question,” he says. His gaze holds your own, deep and soulful and burning. Have his eyes always been that golden?
“Everything,” you say, the answer falling from your lips without a second thought. “I want you to do everything to me.”
His eyes fall to half-lidded, a sultry twist to his mouth. “Everything, cyare? That’s awfully broad. How am I supposed to pick?” 
Another shiver dances up your spine as goosebumps erupt all over your skin at his voice. Echo’s eyebrows twitch at your physiological response. 
“D’you like the sound of my voice, pretty little thing?” he asks, inflecting the words down, deeper, hotter.
Nodding, a more concrete idea of what you want crystallizes in your mind. “Love your voice, Echo. Can you— can you make me cum just by talking to me?”
He catches his bottom lip between his teeth, his cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink. “Kriff, yeah, baby. Whatever you want. Want to get off from me telling you everything I want to do to your gorgeous body?”
You whine, pleasurable heat pulsing through your core.
“Alright, baby.” He gestures toward the bed. “Get undressed and get comfy.” 
“What about you?” you ask. You’re already shucking your clothes, but pause when he fixes you with an inscrutable look.
“Oh no,” he says, “you asked for my voice. The suit stays on. Fitting, that you’d ask me to whisper filth to you, when I’m dressed as a siren.”
Inhaling a short breath in surprise, you merely blink at him. He chucks you under your chin with a wink, then glances down at your state of half-undress. Swallowing, you hurry to strip out of the rest of the now-too tight garments and clamber up onto the silky smooth sheets. You prop yourself up with a number of plush pillows. 
“Good,” Echo murmurs. He perches on the edge of the bed, one thick thigh crossed under the other, his hand supporting the way he leans. “Such a good listener.” 
The praise coils through your ears and settles in your lower belly, simmering with an intense, acute heat. You can only nod, at a loss for words.
“Sit on your hands for me, baby,” he instructs. “Can’t have you cheating, now can we?” 
Your chest heaves with anticipation as you shift, sliding your hands beneath your butt to trap them there. Echo’s eyes flicker a brighter gold. For a moment, he lets you sit there, core aching, skin flushed and sweat beginning to dew. At the apex of your thighs, your arousal throbs, demanding to be touched.
“Bet you feel so soft,” he says. The way he murmurs the words makes you think it’s more a thought that slipped out than an intentional statement, but the effect is the same: your nipples pebble as if inviting him to touch. He clears his throat and continues. “Nearly lost my mind out there when you pushed your ass against my dick. Nearly took you right there on the dancefloor.” 
“F-Fuck,” you grit out. His voice caresses your skin, a physical presence. “W-Why didn’t you?”
“Didn’t want to put my vod’e to shame.” He chuckles. “Wanted you all to myself. Wanted to feel how you fall apart, just for me. Is that what you want, cyare? Gonna squirm for me?” 
As if by his request, you push your hips in his direction, silently begging. 
“Thought so,” he says. “Mm. So needy. I’m gonna make you cum just like this, and then I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk after, how’s that sound, gorgeous?”
“Yes, yes please, just keep talking,” you whine. The aching need in your core grows with each word he speaks, a spell weaving in the air around you, drawing your nerves along for the ride. 
“You felt so good against me out there,” he continues. “Warm and pliant and body fucking begging me to take you. Gonna make you feel so good, cyare. I’m gonna suck my mark into your neck, show everyone who makes you feel this good. Make sure they know whose cock was buried in you. Fuck, I bet you’re tight, bet you need a good fucking to loosen you up. That what you need, baby? Need to be fucked out?” 
You’re writhing at this point, hips jerking as if his words are physically touching you. “Y-Yes, stars, please!”
“Yeah, I know you need that.” 
You have enough awareness to catch movement in his lap—he’s fucking palming himself through his pants, and the sight draws a raw, cracking moan from your chest. His eyes bore into yours for a moment, an intense, glowing gold, and a jolt of pleasure rocks through you. 
“First I’d make you suck me off, get my dick all nice and wet. Your lips will look so good wrapped around me, kark. Don’t worry, I’d put my mouth on you, too. Tease you with my tongue until you’re begging for me to fuck you. 
“And then I’d slip into your tight hole—ngh, kriff—” He shudders, palm stilling over his crotch for a moment. “Make you scream for me, make you moan until your voice gives out. Then I’d make you cum again, all over my cock. Fuck, you’ll look so pretty when I fuck you like that, takin’ everything I give you.” 
Pleasure mounts in your body with every new word. The rough, raw edge to his voice only serves to rake tingling ecstasy over your entire body. In your belly, the knot of desire pulls tighter, tighter, tighter—you’re teetering on the precipice, ready to shatter at any moment. 
A sob wracks through your form. “Echo, please, need to cum!”
“I know, baby, I know you do,” he coos. “You wanna cum? Cum for me, pretty thing. Cum and then I’ll fuck you just like you need me to.” 
“Oh fuck—” Your moan chokes off into a strangled gasp as his command washes over you. All at once, the knotted core of need in your center snaps and unravels. Your back arches off the bed, hands scrabbling at the silk sheets for purchase as you cum, shouting incoherent praise to the room. Wave after wave breaks over you, each one drowning you in fresh pleasure.
Through it all, Echo murmurs sweet praise in your ear, his fingers finding purchase at your heated core. “That’s it, baby. Just like that, you’re doing so well. See? Promised you I’d make you cum, and now I’m gonna fuck you, okay, baby?”
Dimly, you register his words. Nodding, you think you beg for it—or maybe you’re just begging for the orgasm to keep going, for your body to keep convulsing and shuddering. Somewhere in the haze that begins to settle over your mind, you feel Echo’s hand grip your hip, holding your lower body still, and then he’s pushing into you, his cock slick with spit and your release.
You groan simultaneously. Walls fluttering around his thick length, you suck in lungfuls of air to steady yourself, the stretch a little painful but nevertheless immaculate. He’s so big; he’s everywhere, stuffed into your tight heat and filling your vision and caressing your flushed skin. 
“Kark,” he bites out. “Not gonna last long, cyare.” 
“S’okay,” you pant. “Please fuck me.” 
You don’t need to tell him twice. Snapping his hips against you, his balls slap your ass with every thrust, the erotic sound echoing in the small room. Gripping one of your thighs to his chest, he squeezes it as he drives his cock into you mercilessly, his jacket discarded and the rest of his clothes disheveled. All you can do is lie there and take it, keening brokenly. His cock grazes against that one spot deep in your heat that makes stars burst across your vision. Whining, you fist the sheets to ground yourself. 
“Paint me,” you gasp. “Want your cum on me.”
He pulls out immediately, his cock throbbing. Ribbons of hot, white cum splatter over your chest and tummy. Eyes locked together, you have to fight to keep your own open to catch the way that his face twists with bliss as he cums. But he makes it difficult, working his hand over your center to draw out your second orgasm.
You spasm under his touch, weakly pushing his hand away in overstimulation. Core locked up with tight pleasure, it takes you several long moments to drift back down. Heart pounding, chest heaving, you glance up at Echo with a tired grin. 
He chuckles. “Holy kriff.” 
“You can say that again,” you say, huffing a laugh.
His cum has begun to dry on your skin; you glance around for a towel. Echo retrieves his jacket where he must have tossed it on the other end of the bed and gently wipes your skin clean.
“Thanks,” you murmur, too blissed out to care that he’s ruining a perfectly good suit. 
He shrugs out of the other garments then collapses on the bed next to you. Tangling your fingers together, you smile lazily at one another. Distantly, the music of the party reaches you, but you’re in no rush. 
“So,” you murmur. 
“So,” he echoes. His voice has returned to its normal gruff timbre—still incredibly sexy, but no longer magically enhanced. 
You study his eyes for a moment, also returned to their normal state. With a teasing hum, you nudge him. “What happened to all the other things you mentioned? Marking me, going down on me?” 
He flushes, rubbing the back of his neck. “I got...impatient.”
You laugh, a genuine, belly laugh that makes him chuckle, too. 
“Maybe...” You trail off, biting your lip. “Maybe we can get dinner sometime, and then we can try those.” 
Humming, he nuzzles your neck. “I’d love that.”
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Ragu list: @the-hexfiles @thorsterstrudle @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @dreamie411 @bobaprint @originalcollectionartistry @imarvelatthestars (if you'd like to be added or removed, click here!)
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I've been on Tumblr now for over 1 year. 🎉 I thought it might be time to (re)introduce myself and how I've been handling this account.
My name is Layla. I'm almost 42 years old. ♑☀️♒🌙♓⬆️ I just started a personal Tumblr that you're welcome to follow if you want to learn more about me. @trauma-tits (Named after my weekly newsletter. I write a few other places on the internet too.)
Animal Crossing New Horizons is the only Animal Crossing game I've played. I love it so much that I can't move on to other video games because I'd rather be playing ACNH. I've only had one island called Praxis, but I hope to start a new one very soon! (In full disclosure, I've been saying that for months and life keeps getting in the way.)
I usually have my finger on the pulse of fresh posts, but you'll never know that because I reblog everything to the queue which hovers around 300 at all times. I use reblogging in real time to indicate when things aren't from the queue as opposed to marking everything that is. On Fridays, I hit "shuffle queue" and sometimes tweak the times and number of posts.
I've been sharing screenshots from my island Praxis with acnh praxis, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, acnh screenshots, acnh life, & animal crossing creations, and the vacation homes I've decorated in Happy Home Paradise with happy home paradise, happy home designer, happy home dlc, acnh happy home paradise, and acnh exterior or acnh interior as relevant.
Other tags I use:
ac [villager name] and acnh [villager name] because I couldn't remember which one I started with so to ensure I can go back and find things I do both on each post that highlights a villager to remain consistent.
If there is more than one villager showcased, I usually try to tag each one individually. However, if I am in a hurry or I don't know all the villagers and don't have time to look them up, I will use the general acnh villagers. I try to also use acnh [species name], especially if the post is solely one species.
Anything regarding dialogue (photo edited or organic) I use acnh dialogue or ac dialogue if it isn't New Horizons.
acnh codes, custom codes, and acnh custom design for the codes. This is not my strong suit, so any custom stuff you see in my screenshots someone else created (unless otherwise specified). I do not usually share the codes in each post since they aren't mine, but if you ask for them, I'll share.
For dream address posts I also use the tag i really need to start dreaming again because I haven't done it in awhile.
acnh inspiration is for anything that I see that makes me go, "Wow, I wish I was playing right now because this has INSPIRED me!" I never use this tag on my own posts, only rbs of others. If I rb your post with that, you should take it as the HIGHEST compliment. 😘
If there is crossover content between AC and other fandoms, I use when worlds collide, and sometimes I even share crossovers where I am not familiar with the other one.
I love it when people like, reblog, comment, and use my ask box. I love talking to strangers (because a stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet) and I love answering questions. I really like the animal crossing community, and I love making new friends. 💞
I'm still trying to figure out when I should be writing my commentary in the body of the reblog and when it should be a tag instead. If there are other tags you think I should be using to get posts on your dash, lmk. Oh, and I also love it when people go down my page and like a bunch of posts, so don't hesitate to pop over to this account anytime you have the urge. 💕
Thanks for reading this novel of a post, and I hope you're having a day! 💟
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #2
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Its 0-100 immediately today folks: Ricky the Labrador is being hunted by panthers
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Oh thank god they don't understand doors 😰 RIP to the cassowary who became panther food instead of our pet dog.
At least they weren't chasing any of the colonists, righ-- OH GOD RUN EVIE RUN
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It's fine she's fine everything is totally fineeee 😬 HA, behold the power of doors and running away!!
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🎶Welcome to the Jungle; we've got fun* and game**🎶
*eight smokeleaf joints ** one (1) billiards table (and the very real and constant fear of being eaten to death by panthers)
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In significantly more delightful news, the local elephant herd has formed a nap pile 🥺
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✨ Local Blades MC dabbles in the Beastmaster & Woodslore skills ✨
(Or; Dorian attempts to feed a wild guinea pig a berry to see if it will come live with us)
(It didn't.)
(We'll keep trying.)
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I'm kind of letting the MCs have free reign and decide what they want to do themselves; for the most part, they are filling in their days like this:
Dorian and Luca are doing most of the building and carpentry; Evie has gone full lumberjack; Rin spends a lot of time researching; Mariana acts as our nurse, and does a lot of cooking, cleaning, and tailoring; Dorian and Evie train Ricky (and try to tame new animals); Rin and Mariana do the gardening; Luca, Dorian, and Evie do the heavy lifting and hauling; Evie, Dorian, and Rin go mining and hunting
Here's the gang restoring one of the little ruined buildings that spawned on this map
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The brave young MCs are doing a fabulous job keeping our colony safe from raids by such colourful characters as, uhhhh, "Burnskrap Slagkill the Pyromanic"?
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Lmaooo Marianna has absolutely zero fucks to give, I love herrr 😆
Evie: *rifle out, actively firing, trying to defend the colony from raiders* Marianna: *walking in front of her gun* sorry, pardon me, I just need to grab that rice -- lunch will be ready in ten! Evie: ???? Marianna: Love what you've done with your hair by the way
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So. Rin ran afoul of a man-eating monkey, and then the next day, the second her injuries healed and she got out of bed, she was ambushed by, i shit you not, a second man-eating monkey.
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Eeeeey time for a party in our newly built rec room!! Good idea Rin, we deserve a break 😊 Its still early days in the colony --which we have dubbed Cedar Station (the location), and The MC Coalition (the group).
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oh i see you smoking a joint in the corner of the party honey 👀 and right next to Evie too!
(ngl im surprised Luca didn't join lmao)
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Ah, they were busy chatting to Evie, making tier lists of animals they could beat in a fight. Yeah that makes sense. (Remember that bit in ID1 where MC fights a bear? lol)
(also!! smoking / drinking beer etc is an option I can toggle on and off on an individual basis-- lmk if you want me to switch these options off for your MC sprite!)
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Woooo everyone had so much fun at Rin's party that Anitha decided to join us!! Welcome Anitha!!!! 🎉🎉✨✨
Her stats in the plant skill are bonkers good -- normally I've been jumping in and tweaking our MC's sprites a bit so they feel more like their OG counterparts, so I was going to bump her plant skill up... but it was almost at max already! Wood Atts gonna Wood Att, I guess 😆
Looking forward to seeing what she brings to the colony! 💛💛
Thanks again for letting me steal your darlings, I will continue to try very very hard to save them from being eaten by panthers ✌😎 @rosesnink @cadybear420 @choicesmc @lover-also-fighter-also
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capybaraonabicycle · 6 months
Thank you so much for your ask btw im having so many ideas! I'll return the favour, no 8 (in secracy) for osgate as well?
Thank you!! I've had a blast, even though this is like my 3rd (4th) time writing osgate and only the second time with both of them in one room. Also the third time writing either character at all, so...I might need some more practice but this is exactly how you get that, right?
I also need to warn you that I know zero eu material of Osgood or Kate and I haven't watched any episode after potd, so some things mentioned in here might have been contradicted by canon already.
This ficlet goes a tiny bit into the nsfw direction so I am putting the rating high for that and I hope you don't mind. If you do, lmk, I will tweak some things so you can read it :)
Without further ado:
Taking a Breather (Osgood x Kate)
Rating: Mature
Genre: Fluff
Kate knew immediately which corner Osgood had chosen to disappear to and she was proud that she could further pinpoint almost the exact moment she had fled the scene. It had happened somewhen between Kate schmoozing the minister of defence and her casually mentioning UNIT's success in saving an aquatic power plant from alien parasites in front of an energy baron. Before Kate had addressed the minister, Osgood had been chatting with the scientific support the ministry of international relations had called on site. And when Kate turned away from Mrs "I own one third of our country's wind parks because I don't invest in delusions", Osgood was nowhere to be seen.
Not that Kate could blame her; she had warned Osgood beforehand that the function would be straining for her and had offered her the night off. But Osgood had insisted on helping and it had reassured Kate immensely to be able to count on her support, especially once she had instructed Osgood strictly to take care of herself and take a (temporary or ultimate) leave the moment she needed it.
The afforementioned corner had caught Kate's eye already when entering the venue as it had Osgood written all over it. It was a little nook on the way between women's bathrooms and entrance - secluded, quiet, easy to reach (with possibility of using the bathroom as an excuse to get there) and devoid of outside stimulation except for a poster on fire regulations.
The poster was the main detail that had tipped Kate off: it was a good excuse to look at when you wanted to pretend being busy but couldn't deal with a phone screen and the clear, pragmatic language it was written in should appeal to Osgood, similar as it was to the security instructions in her lab.
In fact, when she approached the nook, Kate found Osgood in exactly the pose she had expected her to assume: Rigid back, subtly fidgeting hands that her jumper's pulled down sleeves hid insufficiently and her gaze fixed on the poster as she seemed to read one and the same sentence over and over again.
"Osgood" Kate greeted her softly from afar as not to startle her.
Osgood didn't turn around but her fidgeting stopped for a second and Kate knew she had heard her. She walked up next to her and leant against the wall casually, waiting for Osgood to address her first.
"What are you doing here?" Osgood asked after a while, gaze still on the poster.
"Taking a breather with you" Kate answered.
Now Osgood tilted her head her way slightly. "Aren't there more important things you should be doing?"
"Than checking in on you?" Kate mused. "I can't think of anything more important than that."
Osgood bit her lip in pleased embarrassment.
"I'm okay" she said. "I've only used my inhaler twice so far, that's pretty good, isn't it?"
"Marvellous" Kate agreed. "I'm glad it's going alright and that you're keeping your promise of taking a step back when needed."
Now, Osgood finally looked her way, frowning.
"You're not really keeping your promise though" she pointed out. "Of treating me like any other operative tonight."
While they didn't hide their relationship internally at UNIT - even though Kate did her best to keep personal and professional life apart and not play favourites - they had decided it best for the evening not to let potential investors know Kate was dating one of her subordinates. After all, they were on thin ice as it was, what with Kate having had to disappear for several years followed by her blowing up the brand new office building and immediately needing a new one.
"I'm allowed to care about my regular operatives!" Kate argued. "If anything that makes me a good boss!"
"True, but I reckon you wouldn't have noticed just as quickly if it had been Janet to disappear" Osgood said and Kate's face softened.
"I suppose you might be right" she amended. Then she straightened her back, taking a deep breath. "Regardless, this isn't just about you. I can really use this break, too."
"You're brilliant at smoozing big money though" Osgood praised.
Kate had to smile at the choice of adjective. Osgood had heard the Doctor use it twice and immediately integrated it into her daily vocabulary. Some things never changed.
"Brilliant, sure" she allowed. "But I'd take an army of cybermen over ministers and their friends any day."
"I know. Me too." Osgood's fingers brushed against hers, lightly, as if on accident. But Kate knew her girlfriend did not initiate physical touch on accident. It gave her hope that she wouldn't mind too much if Kate bent the rules a little further.
She hooked their pinkies together, smirking when that made Osgood's breath grow heavy with excitement.
"Don't worry, I'll go back out there in a minute" she promised. "And things are looking good; I'm almost certain, we'll get our deal."
"That's great!"
"If not, I'll give them hell" Kate promised determinedly. "But until then, I'll keep charming the pants off them. I'm sure I can manage that, now that I know you're alright."
"I'll come and join you as soon as I can" Osgood said bravely and Kate shot her a reassuring smile.
"Take all the time you need."
"I'm already feeling more like myself, now that we've talked" Osgood vowed and Kate nodded.
"I'm feeling better, too" she agreed. Then she gently pulled at their intertwined fingers to entice Osgood to come closer. "But I know what would help that along some more."
"Kate, are you sure...?" Osgood followed the invitation and stepped up in front of her and she also let her intertwine the rest of their fingers. But her eyes were shining with equal amounts excitement and worry.
"Always." Kate brushed a strand of hair behind Osgood's ear and Osgood's eyes fluttered close.
Kate threw one last glance over her shoulder, but the only place in eyesight was the women's bathroom and no one had entered or left there since she had stepped into the alcove. The coast was clear.
"No one's going to see" she murmured reassuringly, leaning in far enough that her breath was fanning Osgood's lips. "I'll be quick."
That, of course, was a lie. Kate might have been a terrifically disciplined woman, but to expect of her that one small peck onto Osgoods lips was what she would content herself with, especially when all that was waiting for her away from her girlfriend was a room full of annoying rich people to smooze, was just a little unrealistic. Mind, Osgood wasn't exactly complaining when one small peck turned into two, then three, then just a hint of tongue - until Kate was pressing her up against the poster on fire regulations, mouths moving hungrily against each other, her hand tangled in Osgood's hair while Osgood was grasping onto the smart shirt Kate had put on for the occasion.
Osgood was making the most beautiful keening sounds, when suddenly Kate grew aware of another noise that made a spike of anxiety shoot through her: the tapping of shoes on linoleum. Someone was coming their way!
As soon as she faltered, Osgood noticed it, too, and they reacted in unison. Quick as lightning (and clumsy as newborn calves) they shot apart. Osgood quick-wittedly grabbed Kate's arm and turned her around towards the poster, their sole, terribly telling cover. But at least now their backs were turned towards the steps, hiding their flushed faces. Not that it would make much difference, not with how they were panting and how Kate was still trying to right her blazer and Osgood her hair while also fighting with their rapid breathing.
Kate pricked her ears, and to her immense relief she heard the steps passing and departing without ending up at their little corner. She breathed out audibly, catching Osgood's gaze.
"That was way too close" Osgood sighed, fingering for her inhalor inside her pocket.
Kate grinned. "The first exciting thing to happen tonight. We should have done that hours ago."
Osgood used her inhalor, but before she could even put it down, her lips curled into a smile around it.
"We've got to stop this" she decided. "Or you'll make me regret coming here. This deal is important."
"I know. And I agree" Kate reassured her, brushing her hand against Osgood's arm but only lightly. She nodded resolutely. "I'll quit fooling around and get us that new building, right now."
She turned to leave and make good on her promise, but Osgood held her back.
"Hang on" she pleaded and pulled out a hankerchief from her pocket. It was the one with the little red questionmark stitched into a corner and she lifted it to tenderly dab around Kate's mouth.
"You lost some of your lipstick there" Osgood said softly when she had ended (and Kate was just about ready to press her into the wall again - luckily her self-control and self-preservation skills were finally kicking in) and presented the dark stain on the white cloth. "But now you look lovely - I mean, professional. Just a bit flushed but they will blame it on the heat."
Kate nodded. "The ventilation in this place is atrocious."
"I think it might be aliens" Osgood said offhandly. "I'm looking into it."
"I love you" Kate said automatically, before she could stop herself.
Osgood smiled broadly, but gently chided her: "Now you've gone and broken your promise again, Ma'am."
The use of her title was no accident and Kate squared her shoulders.
"Fine then" she said resolutely. "I'll behave and go back to my duties. No more slip-ups."
"Good call" Osgood said and it sounded so close to 'good girl' that Kate's heart did a double take even though it knew Osgood was way too sensible to call her that now of all times.
Not that Kate should have wanted her to either; she had an important deal to finalise and already having misheared her girlfriend's words was bound to distract her more than she could allow herself tonight, nevermind the unfinished kiss they had shared. And if anything, she really should have taken that as her cue to leave but once you had set a one-track-mind running... They were right next to the bathrooms after all. Not that Kate was the bathroom kind of woman - or at least so she had thought - but suddenly that door looked rather inviting.
“Kate?” Osgood was looking at her quizzically, her arm hovering between them as if she wanted to touch Kate to pull her out of her thoughts but didn't know whether it'd be wise. Kate didn't know either (but she had her suspicions it wouldn't be).
“Right, I'm leaving” Kate stumbled away from her, clinging to the shambles of her resolve. “Back to work, no more kissing, you can make it up to me later tonight.”
Where had that come from now? 'You can make it up to me.' That had been supposed to be merely a thought, a secret wish, not something she told Osgood outright, especially when they were already having trouble getting away from each other.
Osgood's breath hitched at hearing the words, but she quickly caught herself.
"Sure" she said with a warm smile and a slightly hoarse voice that sent tingles down Kate's back, "I'll make it up to you."
Are they actually managing to get away from each other? We will never know.
Sorry for ending this so apruptly, but, you know, I wanted to send Kate on her way like 500 words earlier and then she simply refused to go. So in the end I decided I could leave it open whether they manage to separate for the night. Very difficult to pry that women away from her girlfriend once she's decided to be a little unprofessional for a minute❤️
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
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grosserboyfriend · 2 years
redguytober four oo yeah woo yeah
warnings: reader’s gender is never specified/no genitalia mentioned, nipple play, cumming (mostly) untouched, more human red (my bad), he’s called harry here. i love tiddies btw
also if you have any suggestions for human names for him please lmk i HATE the name harry but its the most popular fanon one. i guess i could just use ‘red’ but i like a little variety.
minors dni pls and thank you
there is only one thought running through your head as you gaze down at him and that is one of
he is so pretty.
you doubt he’s ever heard that from anyone before, and the thought makes your heart ache. so you dip your head down, pressing a brief kiss to his lips and whispering against them, “you’re so pretty for me, harry.”
he stiffens, eyes blown with lust and surprise as he struggles to process what you’ve just said. “uhm-”
you giggle, bringing your hand up from where you’ve been stroking his cock through his boxers, working him up. your touch seems to leave an electric trail up his abdomen, and he groans through his teeth as your hand settles right over his heart, feeling it’s rapid beating. he glances up at you, gaze darting away for half a moment before he brings himself to look at you in the eye. “...please.”
“hm?” you know you’re being a tease, and he’ll get you back for this, you know it. but right now, you’re propped up on your arm laying next to him, and you get to watch him fall apart for you. “please, what?”
he grabs your wrist, almost hesitant. “please touch me.” the words come out in his usual monotone, but the way he’s looking at you is nothing short of a puppy begging for scraps.
and who are you to deny that?
you smile indulgently, and he releases your wrist, leaving you free to trail your hand across his chest and ghost over his nipple. he makes a strangled sound, the sensation entirely new- though not unwelcome.
egged on by his reaction, you drag your thumb over his nipple again, applying more pressure this time. your nail just grazes the sensitive skin, and he fucking mewls. the sound is so pretty you just have to kiss him again as you repeat the motion, drinking his sounds as you move to give the same attention to his other nipple.
it goes on like this for a moment longer before you notice how his hips are bucking, seeking friction against nothing but the air and the fabric of his pants. part of you aches to grant him that, but the other part of you - the part that’s the reason you met harry in the first place, the curiosity that’ll kill the cat someday - is transfixed by his reactions to your gentle touches on his chest.
somewhere in the back of your lust-riddled brain, you remember one of the many nights you spent with him. the memory that comes to the forefront of your mind is harry with his mouth on your chest and two fingers inside you, driving you to orgasm not for the first time that night.
you move off of him, and he glances up, looking like he might nearly cry. “where’re you- ah-!”
you sink down, latching your mouth around one of his nipples as your hand remains playing with the other one. you try your best to mimic the movements he had done on you, tongue flicking over the sensitive bud.
above you, harry’s hand tangles in your hair as he chokes on air, hips jolting so violently that you’re nearly knocked off of him. you frown at the interruption, tweaking his nipple between your fingers, and he moans out loud for the first time that night. you can feel him under you, hips stuttering against empty air as you catch his nipple in your teeth for a split second.
“again-” he groans, holding you so close you feel like you might suffocate. “like that, again-”
you repeat the motion, humming against the flesh in your mouth, and red makes a noise between a gasp and a sob. the noise is all too familiar to you, and you back off just enough to murmur, “you can cum when you need to, baby.”
you return to his chest, tongue curling around his nipple at the same time as your hand tweaks the other, and that’s it for him.
harry nearly arches all the way off the bed as he cums, holding you to him and muffling his moans in the top of your head. you can feel a wet spot growing in his slacks as he shoots ropes, and the thought that you did this to him - you have him cumming in his pants like a virgin - makes the heat between your thighs rise.
when he stills, body still shivering with aftershocks, you peek up at him. “good?”
“so good. you’re so good.” he gasps, looking at you with nothing short of adoration.
it’s enough to have you reaching up to kiss him like you’ll die without him.
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m1sa-w1sa · 2 months
Hai!!! Im really happy that you guys are liking my posts! This is a list of what I will do! My tumblr IS tweaking out so just lmk if i dont get ur request!
•Any other ideas you guys have!
What I will NOT! Do
•writing about physical abuse in depth
•and anything that has anything in this i will NOT do
If you have any quests just ask me!! Ty for listening ^^
(I will update this if needed)
•Genshin Impact
•Thats not my neighbor
•Avatar the last air bender
•Avatar (way of water or the original)
•Honkai Star rail
•Any yandere scenarios you request (For example Yan! Scientist or Yan! Gamer)
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choices-and-voices · 1 year
Hii can you please explain the real ending of Arthur in the legend? I've heard from it but never really knew the full story :)
~~~ Updated 01/05/2023 after some further reading on my part, because apparently I’m obsessed with Arthurian legend now 😅 ~~~
Hi Anon! No problem, here’s a summary. Disclaimer that I originally made this post using just the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but I now can’t find the articles I originally referenced & I kept coming across contradictions to them in other articles, so I’ve decided to cross-check everything against CliffNotes & sections of original text. If anyone reads this and finds things that still need correcting, please lmk ☺️.
The legend of King Arthur is set in 5th-6th century Britain, although the details of the time & the geography are more fiction than fact. As with all folklore, it developed over hundreds of years through a mostly oral storytelling tradition, so there’s no one version of it. However, most of our modern adaptations are based on a book called Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur), written in the 1400s by an English knight named Sir Thomas Malory. Malory basically compiled as many pre-existing stories about Arthur as he could, and also tweaked them to suit his time period. He was the first person to add a lot of the themes of chivalry and brotherhood that are now considered central to the legend. (As a side-note, Malory also went to great lengths to link the legend to his homeland, which can make his descriptions of geography even more confusing. He frequently mentions England and reports that Arthur became King of England by pulling the sword from the stone, when actually, ‘England’ didn’t exist yet in Arthur’s time. Instead, the island of England/Scotland/Wales was divided into many independent kingdoms, like Camelot and Carmelide, and the only way to collectively refer to them was as ‘Britain’. In this post, I’m going to be mirroring Malory’s language, but it’s worth noting that when he says England, it’s more accurate to say Britain, and when he says that Arthur was the King of England, it’s more accurate to say that Arthur was a King of Camelot who began to unify Britain through his influence & may have been destined to eventually rule it all. In fact, Camelot is usually identified as being in modern-day Wales rather than modern-day England. I know that all of this is tangential, but it confused me a lot during my reading & I wanted to help clarify it for other people, so 😊).
Le Morte d’Arthur sets up Arthur & Guinevere’s relationship very differently to Choices. For a start, they get betrothed earlier in the story, before the Knights of the Round Table are established – in fact, the physical Round Table & the first hundred of its knights are an engagement gift from Guinevere’s father. Secondly, they do know each other a little before they get betrothed – they meet a few months prior, while Arthur is helping defend Carmelide from attack – and although Arthur getting married is a political decision driven by his advisors, his choice of Guinevere as his wife is inarguably a personal decision driven by love. According to Malory, Arthur loved Guinevere from first sight & refused to let Merlin suggest any other brides when the time came, instead sending him to Guinevere’s father to ask him for her hand. We never really learn if Guinevere returns Arthur’s feelings, but honestly, the point is kinda moot – and that’s because, in perhaps the most important difference from Choices, Malory’s Arthur walks into the relationship knowing that Guinevere will betray him. When Merlin suggests choosing another bride, he explicitly warns Arthur that Guinevere will fall in love & cheat with a future Knight of the Round Table named Lancelot, and Arthur puts that aside, marries her anyway, and befriends Lancelot anyway.
I could go on such a long rant here about how complicated Merlin’s characterisation is in Le Morte d’Arthur – even more so than in Choices – and about what the symbolism might be of him making that prophecy & of Arthur ignoring it. But there’s tons more background reading that I’d have to do about that, and it’s also not the point of this post. Suffice to say, I think we’re given enough clues that Arthur ignores the prophecy not because he doesn’t believe it, but because he loves Guinevere and later Lancelot so much that he’d ignore anything just to have them by his side. When the two of them do start their affair, it’s stated that Arthur suspects what’s happening but ‘[won’t] hear of it’ from other people, particularly because of how much he loves & trusts Lancelot. It is left up to the reader whether that means that a) Arthur is deliberately overlooking the affair to protect his wife & friend or b) Arthur is burying his head in the sand about the affair happening – most critical sources go with Option A, but I personally think that both are presented as equally plausible. A similar trend continues throughout the book, with Arthur making several ambiguous decisions that Malory never directly explains, instead leaving us to judge him for ourselves. It’s quite a cool literary technique for a character who lives under public scrutiny, and who has had his story told in so many different ways over the years.
Before I move on, it’s also worth noting that Malory’s Arthur is… not quite as saintly as in Choices, so it’s not inconceivable that he’d struggle to handle the affair gracefully. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still incomparably noble & brave, but he’s also a young man under a lot of pressure who’s prone to dichotomous thinking, bursts of impulsivity, and difficulty telling people ‘no’. He himself has a few affairs between meeting Guinevere and marrying her, including one with a woman whom he doesn’t know is his half-sister with whom he conceives a son, Mordred. Like in Choices, Merlin then prophesies that Mordred will be Arthur’s downfall – more specifically, he prophesies that a boy with Mordred’s birthday will be Arthur’s downfall – but unlike in Choices, Arthur actually endorses Merlin’s horrific plan to prevent that. All baby boys with Mordred’s birthday are exiled to sea in a ship, until Fate, in one of its inevitable twists, sinks the ship and has Mordred wash up on shore. He eventually ends up in Camelot as a Knight of the Round Table, where he plays a big role in everything falling apart.
(And before we move on to that, just one more aside: the half-sister with whom Arthur conceives Mordred is not Morgana, although modern adaptations of the story often conflate the two characters. Her name is Morgause, and she also has four other sons – Arthur’s half-nephews – who are Gawain, Gareth, Agravaine, and Gaheris. I mention them not just because of the nod to Choices, but because they’re also very important in what happens next).
The trouble starts when Lancelot & Guinevere get extremely obvious about their affair, to the point where it becomes common knowledge among the Knights of the Round Table. Most of them ignore it, but there are two – Mordred & Agravaine – who insist on formally bringing it to Arthur’s attention, thus obligating him to deal with it. Arthur initially refuses to do anything unless somebody catches Lancelot & Guinevere ‘in the act’, but Mordred & Agravaine then suggest a plan to achieve that – they ask Arthur to spend a night away from the palace in the hope that Guinevere will invite Lancelot to her chambers, where Mordred & Agravaine will lie in wait for him. And this is the point at which Arthur makes his second ambiguous decision. The facts: Arthur agrees to the plan, and even tells Mordred & Agravaine to take more knights on their stakeout as backup, because Lancelot is more than capable of killing them in a rage. The question: Why would Arthur say that? Is he genuinely still unsure about whether an affair is happening, and eager for his wife & friend to be investigated and captured at any cost? Or is he trying to dissuade Mordred & Agravaine with threats about Lancelot’s wrath, while also making sure that there are witnesses to whatever happens so that nothing gets too out of hand? There are a couple of subtleties in Malory’s writing that might imply Option B – for a start, the conversation about the plan goes back & forth for a while, with Arthur giving three separate warnings about Lancelot before Mordred & Agravaine literally tell him to shut up and let them deal with it. So it’s not hard to read some reluctance in Arthur’s voice, and to consider that maybe he’s grasping at straws trying to stop this disaster he’s been backed into. Secondly, Mordred & Agravaine are explicitly said to be very unsubtle about their plan, to the point where Lancelot’s supporters at the Round Table suspect it and try to warn him. So it’s possible that Arthur is counting on Lancelot & Guinevere recognising and avoiding the trap, meaning that the stakeout will come to nothing and the ‘rumours’ of an affair may actually be put to rest. That said, it’s not like Arthur tries to warn Lancelot or Guinevere himself – sure, he can’t be seen to do that in public, but you’d think that he’d be able to catch Guinevere in private at least. Instead, he goes out hunting, Guinevere summons Lancelot to her chambers, and Lancelot goes, ignoring his supporters’ advice. The two of them are together when Mordred & Agravaine’s 14-knight party starts banging on the door, and everything immediately goes to hell. Lancelot & Guinevere know that they’ll be put to death for treason and agree that Lancelot should escape while he can, so he can return and save Guinevere later. Lancelot does make a show of wanting to resolve things peacefully – he says he’ll voluntarily stand trial in the morning if the knights let him walk away – but by now, everyone is raring for blood. Lancelot ends up killing all the knights except Mordred, who runs off wounded, then escapes Camelot with his supporters in tow. He does offer to take Guinevere with him now that her captors are dead, but interestingly, she turns him down – she actually says that he’s done a lot of harm by killing Arthur’s knights, and she doesn’t want him stealing her as well unless Arthur goes through with her death sentence. This is probably the first sign of doubt that we see from Guinevere, and it’s a cool, subtle hint of what’s to come.
Of course, Arthur does go through with Guinevere’s death sentence, and for once Malory actually explains his reasoning. Arthur has founded his entire reign on principles of honour and equality – on the idea that no one, not even a royal, is above morality or the law. Guinevere has committed treason – has even contributed to the deaths of 13 knights – and the punishment for treason is death, so Guinevere must die. What Malory does leave somewhat ambiguous is Arthur’s actual wishes for Guinevere & Lancelot. The facts: when Arthur first hears what’s happened from Mordred, he mainly expresses grief, both because Lancelot has torn the Round Table apart & because he now has no choice except to put Guinevere to death. He doesn’t express any anger until later, when Gawain tries to convince him to spare Guinevere in case her interactions with Lancelot have been misconstrued. At that point, Arthur says that Lancelot will have a ‘shameful death’ if he ever gets captured, and orders his knights to stand guard at Guinevere’s execution in case Lancelot attempts a rescue – even Gawain, who begs to be excused, and Gareth & Gaheris, who agree to be present but refuse to carry weapons. Now, it is possible that Arthur is doing all of this because he genuinely wants Guinevere & Lancelot dead. But there’s also another popular interpretation that actually, it’s all just for show – Arthur knows that Lancelot is going to rescue Guinevere, and by setting up a public execution with sympathetic guards, he’s maximising their chances of a successful escape while also ensuring he can’t be accused of letting them go. Essentially, he’s giving them a clean break away from Camelot, while also still trying to maintain the laws of the kingdom & his integrity as a king.
Of course, even if that is Arthur’s intention, this story is a tragedy & things can’t go according to plan. This time, the complicating factor is that Lancelot goes on a violent rampage while rescuing Guinevere, killing another 24 knights including the unarmed Gareth & Gaheris. When Arthur hears about this, he’s openly devastated, and I think it’s impossible to argue that he doesn’t have at least some anger for Lancelot from that point on. He does make an attempt to prevent further violence, asking his knights to shield Gawain from his brothers’ deaths so that he doesn’t swear a vow of vengeance, but when Gawain goes ahead with the vow Arthur is quick to offer support. He musters an army from across England and lays siege to Joyous Gard, where Lancelot has hunkered down with Guinevere, his original supporters, and an accumulated army of his own. What follows is an all-out civil war, and Arthur’s emotions are quickly torn from anger & righteousness to heartbreak & regret. There’s one particular scene burnt into my brain where he and Lancelot are duelling one-on-one, Lancelot refuses to kill him despite the fact that it would end the war, and Arthur just breaks down in tears, because he doesn’t want to be fighting anymore. Eventually, the Pope gets involved to bring about peace, and decrees that Lancelot & Guinevere be pardoned, that Guinevere be returned to Arthur, and that Lancelot be exiled to France. This leads to a tragic scene where Lancelot delivers Guinevere to Arthur before leaving England forever, and every single character cries except for one: Gawain. He refuses to retract his vow against Lancelot & insists on pursuing him to France with Arthur and his army, leaving England in the care of Mordred. Mordred, of course, has been out for trouble since the beginning, and this is the point at which he truly goes off the rails. He forges a letter saying that Arthur has died, gets himself officially coronated, tries to claim Guinevere as his wife (she refuses, fleeing to London & barricading herself in its Tower), and drums up discontent about Arthur’s past reign until public opinion is on his side. It helps that he also inherits most of Lancelot’s supporters, although a few of them do follow Lancelot to France.
When news of Mordred’s treason reaches Arthur & Gawain in France, they return to England to fight him. However, Gawain is already badly injured from repeatedly duelling Lancelot, who always refused to land the killing blow. On his deathbed, Gawain writes to Lancelot, granting him forgiveness and begging him to come to Arthur’s aid. And Lancelot does come, as fast as he can, but – he’s destined to arrive too late. On his final night alive, Arthur dreams of Gawain, who tells him that Lancelot will arrive in a month & that Arthur will die if he goes into battle before then. The next morning, Arthur meets Mordred on the battlefield to negotiate a month of ceasefire, but then a snake slithers out onto the field and a knight unthinkingly draws his sword to kill it, breaking the peace. Arthur rides into that battle knowing that he won’t come out alive, and watches in despair as all but one of his knights are also slain. Eventually, he sustains his mortal wound while killing Mordred. His only remaining knight, Sir Bedivere, tries to carry him to safety, but instead Arthur asks him to return Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake & to place Arthur in a boat being rowed by her attendants (including Morgana), who take him to their mystical isle of Avalon. In many versions of the legend, Arthur is said to still lie on Avalon under Morgana’s vigil, being healed from his wounds by a magical slumber from which he will eventually wake up immortal – a ‘once and future’ king. In Le Morte d’Arthur, that rumour does circulate, but Malory is ultimately clear about the fact that Arthur dies on Avalon, and is returned to a forest outside Camelot for a quiet burial. His throne is taken over by a distant half-nephew, his Order of the Round Table dies with its knights, and his dream of unity & honour across England dissolves. Guinevere, filled with grief & guilt, retreats from the world to join a convent, where Lancelot eventually finds her after his return. The two of them still love each other, but Guinevere refuses to renew their relationship, and Lancelot ends up joining a monastery himself as a way of honouring her & showing his remorse. When Guinevere gets sick a few years later, she prophesies that Lancelot will come to perform her funeral & to bury her beside Arthur, and sure enough Lancelot sees her death in a dream & rushes to her side. Six weeks later, he also dies of a broken heart, and is buried at Joyous Gard.
Whenever I revisit Le Morte d’Arthur, I’m always surprised by how subtle & complex a text it is, especially considering how long ago it was written. There are no clear heroes or villains; nobody is blameless in bringing about the tragedy, and yet nobody acts in a way we can’t sympathise with; nobody gets a happy ending at the expense of somebody else. But there is a general idea, reinforced over time by simpler adaptations, that Arthur is the member of the love triangle who suffers most. He loses not just his wife & his friend, but also his kingdom, his dream, and his life. Yes, he makes some questionable decisions along the way, but they’re all made for the sake of other people – he’s torn apart trying to simultaneously protect his loved ones, his country, and his ideals, whereas Lancelot & Guinevere precipitated everything by being publicly affectionate without any regard for the consequences. They also both get at least a chance at a future, while Arthur does not, and I think there’s a public sentiment that it’d be nice to see him end up happy for once. I’m personally really glad that Choices gives us that option, and it seems like some other readers feel the same way. Speaking of which, it’s also nice to see other readers interested in the original legend. Thank you so much for the ask 💕
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sims3fiend · 7 months
Sims 3 Memory Freer
Been kinda busy so I haven't had any sims3 time lately :( but I'm back at it and lookin' at Error 12 again, this time with an ASI file you can use!
Here is a link to the memory "freer", spoilers, it doesn't really free memory. Please read the readme, but basically it just shows a message box/alert when you're getting close to the cap, and has a hotkey (f8) for setting max detail lots to 0 (sometimes helps free memory in a pinch).
To use it you'll either need the smooth patches ASI loader or dxwrapper's (recommended), then just pop it into your Bin directory (make sure LoadPlugins is set to 1 if you're using dxwrapper). I'm also going to update my performance tweaks post to fix some of the now-inaccurate information, but most of the stuff there I still recommend (just not dxvk).
If anyone knows anything that triggers a purge/cleanup lmk! It would fix literally all of this. I've tried traveling to other maps, entering into various editors, changing settings, chanting hymns etc, but nothing seems to work.
Unfortunately nothing I've tried on the memory-freeing front has really panned out, but I still have some avenues that I want to check out. The issue seems to be lot objects not being fully unloaded once the lot is no longer high-detail loaded, which causes memory to balloon over time as more lots are detail loaded.
Here's some things I've tried, in typical rambling fashion, a lot of this will be meaningless to 99% of people:
DXVK…. Nooooooo…. It seems like it does increase overall memory usage. I'm not sure if I've just stuffed a config option up or something, but it seems to have a substantial impact. I'd recommend just sticking with d9 for now, or using dxwrappers 3D9On12 (idk if it actually works tho)
HeapCompact/Clearing working set. Clearing the working set will let you save, however it wont actually remove that memory, you'll just crash instead of getting an Error 12
Obvious memory leaks. Sadly every alloc has a free assigned to it, so there's no easy, obvious memory leaks.
Setting D3DPOOL to DEFAULT, game no like, textures don't display
Manually clearing textures. Kind of worked, but there's no real way to selectively know which textures are safe to unload, because the game often reports things wrong. I might revisit this failing everything else
Deleting cache files/save cleaning. Not a fan, doesn't fix the issue, merely delays it and makes your game look like glitchy garbage in the meantime. If you're going to clean your save, just delete the _objects file in WorldCaches and then mark it as read only. The sims one isn't worth the limbless horrors that await you, and sims load in much faster than objects, which can sit grey'd for minutes (or until you save your game and they all load in at once and crash you)
Various config options and settings. I did find some neat hidden options and some useful settings, but nothing that really has a huge impact. I found ForceHighLODObjects which is what I was looking for in my initial performance tweaks post, which basically cures stutter, at the cost of much higher memory usage. Useless until there's an object free-ing fix, and even then probably a very bad idea on maps like Alpine County.
Anywho, that's it for this post. Remember to always save in the map screen!
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genericpuff · 1 year
Hi! I've been a lurker for a little (honestly not that long), but I've loved what you had to say about LO, and I'm really interested to know more about Rekindled! I know there's a chance you've already been asked this, but where could we see/support your work best?
yay hello lurker! this tumblr is the best and really only way to support/access Rekindled content. The reality is that while this is a fan piece of work, I'm still very much treading the line between fair use and copyright infringement due to the elements I'm taking directly from LO (such as its writing and art style). Obviously Rachel's art style isn't copyrighted but her character designs and such are in a sense so I'm trying to play it safe by keeping it isolated to this page and doing it for free, essentially keeping it solely as a fan project. I've made peace with that LMAO
There are ways you can support my work outside of Rekindled as it's a side thing to my main stuff but I'm not going to share that here as I'm trying to keep those two things separated. I don't want my LO stuff mixing with my main stuff and vice versa. Maybe I'm being paranoid or cowardly but I like... don't need the LO fanbase knowing who I am outside of the LO-sphere? And that goes both ways, my LO stuff is stuff that I feel more confident in doing knowing people who know me for my main projects aren't like, judging me for it LMAO But that just might be my anxiety talking. Maybe I'll share my main projects here later on down the road when things have simmered down in the fanbase n junk (¬‿¬)'''
So really, the best way you can support my work here is just sharing it with others! Feedback also helps immensely, I'm still very much in the 'conceptual' stage of Rekindled, both with planning out the story as well as putting together model sheets n such for myself, so if there's anything you think I should tweak in the coming episodes (or in any of the ones I've posted) lmk! I wanna make this as true to the spirit of S1/Pilot LO as I possibly can, while also taking things in a different direction that would have made more "sense" with what was set up in those early days (and pays higher respect to the OG myths, even if they're not 1:1) <3
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ladygreenfrisbee · 2 years
Hi, I was hoping if you have time maybe you could answer some in depth questions? I'm a huge fan of your LMK fics and I'm reading your BNHA stuff in the meantime between updates.
But I notice that you juggle your fics, updating some fics a couple chapters and then another fic. As a writer who loses momentum/motivation for good ideas quickly...how do you juggle them all so well without getting details mixed up? Your chapters all flow exceedingly well from one chapter to the next! I was wondering if you could share maybe how you organize things or share some other writing tips? I'm thinking that a similar method of cycling through fics snd updating them may work better for me to keep writing continuously and I was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing if you have the time or energy to do so. (If you don't, I completely understand!)
And lastly, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your fics. Brotherhood and Reverse are my favorites, so well written and put together and god I love toddler Mac so much. (Also a mood on how you start to write a crack fic and then it gets Emotional and Plot and Angst.) I hope you have a great day! ❤️
Sure thing! First thing first you have to understand taking breaks from writing is VERY important! Although it does look like I'm constantly writing, I actually take lots of breaks -because most of the future chapters are planned out, and I know exactly what I'm doing -and most of all, I've already written most of the next chapter out by the time I get to it.
When I start a fic, generally I set up a Chapter Zero -that one contains all my notes, drabbles, pieces and bits for the story. Any string of words I imagine for it, some scattered bits that jumped to my brain -all serve to not only make the chapter writing faster, but to preserve the thoughts I had in that moment while I was imagining what to do next. It makes jumping back and forth between fics a lot easier, since if you properly document everything, you only need a easy peak in that file to catch up on your planning process for the fic! This also ends up with the result that some large parts of future chapters are written out long before you get to them, and you only need to polish what is there after that. Fun fact -Sunbreak's ending climax is already written out. It might be tweaked in the future, might be changed drastically, but I am happy with the current version and this also allows me to sprinkle some good ol' foreshadowing in the current chapters! Jumping between fics is also a technique I use to write faster in and out of itself -let's be honest we've all had those writer blocks you can't get out of (looking at you MHA fics, Im like so close to finishing the next chapter for a few of them) and the best way to claw yourself out of that hole is to step away. Don't stress about reaching that deadline. Take a break. Not only go do something else, experience something new, detach yourself from the computer for a while -but in terms of writing, write something different.
Each one of my LMK fics are angsty, but they are different flavors to write. Fire and Sparks is snarky, MK's monologue is funky and peppy to write, Red Son too. Sunbreak is a complex, slow beast with lots of build up and time. God of Shadows is pretty out there and abstract. Reverse is meant to be crack on the level of my MHA fic Missy but it ended up something else for now, and that's fine. I will stuff crack and funsies into that fic at one point, just gotta get the sad bits out lmao... What I'm trying to get to, is that write what you feel like it. Don't force yourself to spit out lines, otherwise you're going to end up feeling sluggish and stuck. Variation! Breaks! Twist and turns! Write what flavor you feel like it in that moment helps a lot at coming up with just the right words you need. This is what works for me, and it might work for you! After all, we write for fun, right? To put onto paper, or screen, what our crazy minds come up with!
Hope this answered your question, have a good day!
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squishmallow36 · 2 years
Keeper of the Lost Prepositions - Sixty
Word count: 2.8k
Tw: canon-typical violence, misgendering as it pertains to Keefe
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed!): @stellar-lune @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @kamikothe1and0lny @nyxpixels @florida-fruity-frog @poppinspop @crystallinewalker @uni-seahorse-572 @solreefs @never-mourn-the-good @rusted-phone-calls @when-wax-wings-melt @cotyledon-tomentosa @good-old-fashioned-lover-boy7 @dexter-dizzknees @abubble125 @blossomsxgalorex @callum-hunt-is-bisexual
On Ao3 or below the cut!
    Tuesday comes after many hours of work, mostly consisting of Fitz’s Alchemy homework, because he kept distracting me. It’s not his fault, though. Can’t blame him for genetics. And I slept for a lot of the remaining hours. Getting up early surprisingly makes you tired early. 
    But then going to bed two hours before usual doesn’t make getting up in the morning any easier. 
    When I do finally drag myself out of bed, I check my Imparter to make sure nothing has happened while I was away from it. 
    To my surprise, the virus I sent to Gisela finally came back with an IP address. I would be more excited that it actually worked if I were more awake. 
    I forward everything to Marella, trusting that she’ll share it with Linh, Maruca, and Stina before she torches the place. 
    I’m not going to risk waiting until the end of the day because then I would be the one getting torched, before the Neverseen are. 
    After that, I call functions getReadyForSchool() and goToSchool(), dragging the triplets along with me. 
    Because it’s Tuesday, the first class is PE. The best of days, it’s tolerable, the worst of days, it’s a horrible, horrible punishment. 
    Today’s going to be levitation, which typically falls closer to the latter end of the scale. 
    I’m tempted to fake a twisted ankle on one of the innumerable times I fall to escape to Elwin. I’m sure he’d understand. 
    But I keep watching Fitz out of the corner of my eye, mostly to make sure he doesn’t tweak his knee. 
     We’re released from our torture and escape to lunch. I know we talked about something there, but I’m more focused on the fact that Linh and Marella aren’t here.
    I know exactly where they are and I just hope they haven’t gotten themselves into too much trouble. But going to rescue them without them calling through their panic switches could endanger them further. 
    So I sit here, worrying uselessly. 
    I only have so long before the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch and the beginning of Technopathy. 
    Lady Iskra tries to talk to me for the first fifteen minutes, per usual. In return, I give her as few details about what I’ve been doing recently, also per usual.
     During the first maybe half of class, Lady Iskra has me test a new function for the next update of Imparters, before letting me go work on whatever project I want. 
    It’s very similar to the arrangement I had with Tinker, now that I think about it. 
    No, brain, Lady Iskra can’t possibly be Tinker. They’re in Black Swan custody, for starters. 
    I get a livestream set up with Sophie so that if Gisela does happen to hail me, he can see it as it’s happening. No information delay that way. 
    Hopefully Tiergan doesn’t mind too much if her Imparter goes off in the middle of Fitzphie cognate training time. Hm. I have much less jealousy over that than I would have a few months ago. 
    Although I wouldn’t admit that I was jealous. And I still thought I was straight at that point. That could’ve been an interesting train of thought back then. 
    Once I think the code is working, I ask Sophie to run a trial just to make sure it all works. Because pretty much nothing will work on the first try, but it compiles and the audio is so far understandable. There’s no way to know how long before the whole system collapses. Better to not stress it until we need it. 
   Technology can be like that sometimes. 
    When the room shakes with a low vibration, I should have known that my program working was a bad sign. 
    You are literally next to Galvin’s classroom. The kid next door must’ve blown up yet another one of their lessons. I should offer to help. Maybe when I don’t have to worry about the Neverseen on a daily basis. 
    I go back to my work, cleaning up the comments on my new screen recording program so maybe it’ll hold itself together a little more if the compiler doesn’t have to read them through all the loops. 
    That’s not how that works but I’m still hopeful. 
    My Imparter buzzes on the table, and I’m kind of expecting it to be from Fitz, but no. It wouldn’t be that simple. 
    It would be from Gisela, telling me to get myself out of class, whatever excuse I had to make. 
    I tell Lady Iskra, “I have to go to the bathroom,” to which she lets me go without arguing. 
    While I’m walking, I shoot Sophie a text explaining that we’re going to have to enact my plan sooner than expected. As in the next five minutes or less. 
    I lock myself into the bathroom, hoping that no one bothers me in here before messaging Gisela, Okay. I’ve got like five minutes. Make this quick.
    I connect the livestream so Sophie can hear everything going on, and Gisela hails me somewhere in the land of ten to fifteen seconds later. 
    “Dexter,” she greets, video not connecting over the Imparter. 
    “Gisela,” I reply, turning the camera towards the ceiling. She has no need to see me. 
    “Get your new gadgety thing you finished yesterday and come meet me in the cafeteria. I’ll explain more when you get here.” 
    She clicks off. “Why on Earth did you have to hail me then?” I grumble, angry that I set up the whole screen recording program. 
    “Sophie, Fitz, hopefully you can hear me but I’m going to keep you on for the moment. You’ll get dragged into this mess soon enough, you might as well stay updated.”
    I get to the Cafeteria, after grabbing the ability amplifier from my locker, and Gisela isn’t there. I don’t let myself hope that she fell over like the beginning of an episode of House in the last three minutes. 
    But no, she just hung back to make a dramatic entrance. The entire Neverseen used to be headed by Fintan. It’s expected that dramatic entrances are part of their training. 
    I wonder if I’ll stick around long enough for that. 
    “Thank you for meeting me, Dexter. Would you be so gracious as to give me the gadget?” 
    “Not if you keep calling me Dexter,” I mutter, giving it to her. 
    “Nothing! Nothing.”
    She studies me for a moment before deciding that it isn’t worth it. “You’ve been most helpful. Now, could you do one more thing for me? Could you call Sophie and Fitz over here? I’m sure you can figure out a reason.”
    I pull out my Imparter, shutting off the livestream, so it doesn’t echo when I hail Sophie. 
    “Hey, Sophie. Sorry to bother you, but can you and Fitz meet me in the Cafeteria? Tell Tiergan hi for me.”
    “Yeah,” she replies. “Just give me one second to get down there.”
    In fact, he takes thirty-six seconds to get here, and when she notices Gisela, he does his best to look surprised.
    Fitz is less successful than she is. 
    “Sophie, Fitz, it’s so nice to see you here. How have you been?” Gisela says, sickeningly sweet.
    I can hear Fitz’s knuckles pop in response from across the room. 
    “I’ve been well, thanks for asking. Now, I don’t want to waste any more of your time than I must. Do either of you know where Keefe is? That goes for your bodyguards as well.” 
    Fitz snorts, and Sophie barely bites back an insult. I can tell when he wants to go off on someone. Usually it’s Alvar, though. 
    “Fine. I gave you a chance. I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way.”
    I keep myself from smiling with some difficulty because I am getting some serious Mother Gothel vibes from Gisela right now. 
    Distracted for a moment, I don’t see the cloaked Neverseen member enter the room. 
    Gisela asks, “Are you absolutely certain you don’t know where my son is?”
    “Yeah, um, about that,” Fitz begins, and Gisela’s face lifts with tentative hope. “Your kid, Keefe, is nonbinary and uses all neopronouns. I know you won’t actually acknowledge that fact, but it’d be wrong to not correct you. Also, while we’re at it, zae’s pansexual.”
    Ooh, that’s a fun neo set. 
    “And how, exactly, did you come to know this information?”
    “Maybe ce told me, did you think of that?” Fitz snaps. 
    Knowing he isn’t going to give up any information easily, Gisela makes a hand gesture to the very mysterious cloaked figure, who throws Fitz against the wall with a strong wind. 
   A sound escapes my throat, and I very narrowly avoid running to him. 
   “Did that happen to jog your memory?”
    Gisela waits for a second before her presumably-guster-maybe-Trix cloaked friend starts cutting off Fitz’s air supply. 
   Star Wars force choking, anyone? 
    This is not the time, Dex. 
    Fitz’s hands fly up to his throat on instanct, and he gasps for breath that doesn’t come. 
    With each wheeze, I feel my will crumble.
    I can’t let anything happen to him. Not while I can do something to prevent it. 
    “Stop it, stop it!” I yell. Fitz is starting to turn blue, and I can’t take it anymore.
    Gisela turns to me. “Well, this is most unexpected.”
    “I know where Keefe is. Do you want me to drag zir here myself?”
    “Depends. Why did it take you so long to volunteer this information?”
    “You didn’t ask,” I shrug. I know it’s a low effort explanation, but I don’t have anything better. 
    Gisela considers for a second before allowing, “Thank you, Dexter. You’ve been extraordinarily helpful.”
    I turn to Fitz and Sophie, mouthing, “Sorry,” before running over to the Leapmaster and leaping to Everglen. 
    I race up the stairs and down the halls I’ve been down so many times before. 
    Opening the door, I’m half expecting Keefe to have taken over Fitz’s room, but ze’s hiding in his absolutely massive closet. 
    “Sorry, Keefe.” I say, noting how much I must have scared vem, throwing open hir door like that. 
    I kneel down in front of aer. “I need your help. Do you remember Fitz telling you about a vocal cord paralyzer? He probably didn’t use those words, knowing him. But did he ever mention some sort of alchemical solution at some point?”
    Keefe hesitates. 
    “Please, Keefe. I need to know where he stashed it.”
    Keefe shakes jaer head, scribbling out a note. Already been used.
    I deflate. “Keefe, I need you to keep your mouth shut for me, okay?”
    Ae pulls out a roll of duct tape and tapes syr mouth shut. 
    “I’d explain more, but it’s a very long story that we don’t have time for retelling, and I need you to come with me.”
   Keefe gives me a note with a single word: Gisela?
    I nod solemnly. 
    Keefe stands, tapping cer foot to get rid of the nervous energy pent up inside zem. Sae pulls me up, hand shaking ever so slightly. 
    I wrap nym in a hug, trying to communicate how sorry I am about everything that's happening and my part to help it progress without apologising a hundred thousand times. 
    Pulling away, I say, “You don’t have to do this. I could say that you’ve run off again.”
    Keefe shakes ver head, trying to open lim mouth against the duct tape to explain. I know it’s basically going to boil down to nir tendency for self-sacrifice, more than likely for Sophie’s sake. I’ve heard that speech enough times by now. 
    Stars, I hate this. And I’m largely to blame. I should have just stayed irrelevant. 
    Keefe, being the empath that ey are, senses that train of thought and does faer best to give me a look that communicates that I should stop it in its tracks. 
    There’s time for self-pity later. 
    I take vim by the elbow and lead xir to the leapmaster, wrapping my consciousness around nem to make sure ce doesn’t take this as an attempt to escape. 
    We walk back down to the cafeteria, and Keefe starts acting like kyr’s being brought along involuntarily. I already gave zem a chance to escape and nix has never changed hir mind as long as I’ve known caer, so I know it’s not genuine. 
    “Ke’s here,” I say once I’m actually in the room, still holding on to Keefe. 
    Gisela turns to me. “I thank you. Now, if you’d bring him here.” She holds out a hand, the amplifier in the other. 
    “Not if you’re going to keep misgendering em.”
    She fixes a glare on me. “Need I remind you that you aren’t the one with bargaining chips here?”
    I turn to maybe-Trix before Gisela has the chance to make them suffocate anyone in the room. “Trix, that’s your name, right?”
    They nod. 
    “Agree or disagree? Respecting people’s names and pronouns is a basic right.” 
    I can’t see their face but when Gisela gestures to them, a light breeze makes goosebumps rise along my arms. I look around, terrified of who’s going to be suffocated next, but it doesn’t come. 
    Slowly, I allow myself to believe that at least one Neverseen member isn’t a total dirtbag. Still mostly, though, but not totally. 
    Gisela glances around, wondering why nothing’s happening. It’d be entertaining if she wasn’t such a manipulative witch. 
    “Fine, then, Dexter. Have it your way.” Gisela makes a face before holding out her hand once again. I have a feeling she’s going to avoid pronouns at all costs, but that’s better than nothing.
    “She keeps calling you Dexter. What’s up with that?” Fitz’s accented voice asks. Stars, it’s so nice to hear him not choking on his own hyoid bone. 
    It’s kind of pathetic that that has to be the standard of expectations.
    Not one to miss such a perfect opportunity, I reply, “Well, at least it’s better than Deck.”
    “That was one time!” Fitz snaps. “Plus, we have that whole agreement thing that you’d break up with me if I did it again.”
    I hold back a smile with difficulty. 
    Meanwhile, Gisela looks ready to recite the entire dictionary of swear words. Fitz does too, to a lesser extent. 
    But he’s capable of pulling himself together today and steps forward, voice low. “And I swear to each and every star in the sky that if you hurt my boyfriend, I will not hesitate to hurt you.”
    He’s so sweet, isn’t he?
    “Same goes for him. Although he’s probably the scarier one,” I reply. 
     “That’s simply because they haven’t spent enough time with you to know that you’re scary when you want to be.”
    Gisela sighs. “Yes, yes, this is all very interesting. Are we going to stand around all day and listen to you two drool over each other?”
   “I won’t object to that,” I say, and Fitz smiles.
    “The correct answer is no,” Gisela snaps. “And you’re going to make good soldiers for my army.”
    “I read somewhere that the Spartan army was made up of gay couples,” Sophie says.
    “Also Achilles and Patroclus,” Fitz adds. 
    “All of Ancient Greece. Very gay.” I generalize. 
    “How do you people keep driving the conversation back to that?” Gisela grumbles. “You know what? I have my so--Keefe and he has the ability to make you all shut up.”
    Fitz remarks, “You were doing so well…and then you went and messed up the pronouns.”
    In response, Gisela tears the tape off of Keefe’s mouth before nodding to Trix.
    They throw Sophie against the wall the same way they threw Fitz against the wall earlier, holding back from total suffocation. 
    Gisela takes a breath, looking at Keefe. 
    Fitz takes this opportunity to transmit to me, Hey, Dex, you might want to put in your earbuds if you have them on you. Keep you from hearing Keefe. 
    I should’ve had that idea, I think, only a little envious, stuffing my earbuds into my ears and hiding the cord the best I can in my school tunic. 
    I can still hear Keefe’s tapping foot, though slightly muffled, so I go and turn on white noise. It’ll be my best bet to make sure I don’t end up hearing zem accidentally. 
    Gisela puts earplugs into her ears, gesturing to Trix to do the same. 
    She says something that I can’t make out, and Keefe gives her a look. 
    Gisela launches into a very long speech, talking with her hands until Keefe can’t take it anymore and barely dares to whisper, as far as I can read from cir lips, “Control.”
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letsstaytuned · 5 months
There is a knock at Alastor's 'studio' door in the hotel. At first it would have been ordinary enough but when there is no answer it quickly becomes too obnoxious to be any of the residents who currently live there, impatient. Almost childish, ending on the beat of the Dukes of Hazard's car horn tune. The jester-like imp standing outside the door impatiently, tapping his boot and checking his watch like he had anywhere better to be, groaned. "Come on, dude... What are you doing in there? Touching yourself?" Blitzo mumbled. "Some of us have jobs..." Finally. "Um, helloooo! Is a Mister Al Asster here or not? We need to have words--" The lady at the front kept telling him this guy was big shit or something but Blitzo didn't care, his car had put a gigantic dent into the company van and he wasn't just going to bend over and take it. Someone was going to be writing a check for that. (( you said surprise so here's somethin. lmk if more detail/etc, anything needs tweaking. it's been a while. i remembered he can't drive worth a spit so... ))
Suddenly there was loud crashing, banging and who only knows what else happening inside the studio. It was impossible to tell from the outside what was really going on in there. But then it all stopped as abruptly as it started and the door creaked open, the Radio Demon sticking his head out of the door, careful not to reveal the inside of the studio.
Alastor looked down at the little imp, wondering what he was doing in his hotel. As a native born to Hell he certainly wasn't there for redemption. He looked down at him through lidded eyes.
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"Can I help you?" he asked with a flat tone, clearly having no interest in actually 'helping' in any way.
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