#* / gabriel ardelean (oc).
rebellenlied · 15 days
@hxbiris asked // “Who’s This?” (Colette to Gabriel)
send “who’s this?” for your muse to pick up a photograph of someone from my muse’s past, and my muse will tell them who they are! / accepting.
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gabriel looks at the photograph with a brief squint, scanning to see a familiar face - it didn't take long before she found one, tapping the paper in the direction of the familiar face. "that gentleman, right there -" gabriel answers, "... is sonntag. he was someone who made my time in the wandenreich a little less miserable...~" as nutty as sonntag was; after all he was the order... and second in-command of the sternritters.
"... i met him through his younger sister, robin - who's over here," her finger moves to the face of another quincy - a young girl with platinum hair and blue-green eyes, halo and wings like what sonntag also harbored. "he was odd, but... aren't we all?"
granted, gabriel and sonntag never quite met eye to eye, but for what it was worth...
"... some days i regret not bringing him and robin with me when i left the wandenreich," the woman muses some more, ".. if i brought them with me... perhaps their lives could have been just a little bit better."
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rebellenlied · 4 months
@soulwrought asked // 🕯️ to Gabriel from Irys ( since Irys is a Yhwach loyalist due to being intensely trained by Quilge ! )
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. // accepting.
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gabriel was only within the walls of the wandenreich for about a century, but from what she knew of irys.. she felt guilty, almost.
of course they never really spoke, considering irys was one of the jail's subordinates (and truth be told the messenger was... rightfully wary of her temporary peer). the former sternritter had to admit she was curious about irys, but there wasn't much she could do to curb that. not to mention that quilge may not be too pleased with a subordinate stepping out of line because another sternritter was curious about them, soul king forbid.
when gabriel faked her death and fled from the wandenreich, irys was one of the acquaintances she was forced to leave behind. despite the limited interactions (if any), gabriel had nothing against her, even if she was a loyalist of the quincy king thanks to the jail's influence.
they were mere circumstances nobody could control.
perhaps they could have been good friends in another life, but it's a shame it couldn't be in this one.
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rebellenlied · 3 months
@biskael asked // protect - quilge protects gabriel from injury from an enemy ( pre-edelweiss , obviously , maybe centuries ago ? )
injury-related symbol starters. // accepting.
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it was quite the saying - don't shoot the messenger.
it'd been a short time ago when a young gabriel ardelean was indicted into the wandenreich. almost a week in she was tested on her overall abilities; mainly her supposed speed and agility considering her past duties. to her, it was a blessing she was only tasked to serve as an errand runner - at least until she, too, would rise up the ranks one day. granted, there were times where she would have to deliver messages in more... dire situations. this time just so happened to be one of them.
the message she was tasked to deliver must have been important - whatever the contents contained, she was instructed not to open it under any means until she reached her destination. it wasn't like gabriel minded that instruction, however, considering she was never one to pry while she was on the job... as nosy as the young quincy could be sometimes. and it seemed her destination was that of the jail himself.
the contents she was tasked with delivering was items to help quilge opie and the rest of his squadron on their hunts. and hopefully he was alerted that the supplies would be on their way, she was never informed whether or not he received a warning message on that front. then again she never interacted with a lot of the sternritters... not yet, at least. but to say the thought of interacting with a figure of authority like the jail was... rather intimidating.
yet the directions to her destination were proven correct, and she was right to think that he was intimidating even up close.
it was a dangerous area, but the job had to be done. "... you must be the jail, correct?" she nearly hesitated, her right mind half-expecting to have orders barked at her as well. "i brought what you've requested as promised, sir. my apologies for any delays-"
she was cut off by her arms being grabbed as her body is yanked forward and spun around, almost thrown back with the package in hand as gabriel... tries to process what had happened. it felt everything had happened in a matter of seconds; one moment she stood face to face with the sternritter she was tasked with delivering supplies to... the next minute she had been yanked behind him. who just so happened to have ran his spear through several unfamiliar faces... but they didn't look like they belonged to the wandenreich.
... they didn't follow her for the supplies, did they?
"that was rather reckless of you to let those vermin follow you," gabriel thought she heard him say once the deed was done, "but i suppose that cannot be helped."
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"... fair point," perhaps gabriel was too into her own head to notice, and truth be told she was already mentally preparing for a lecture when she'd return to the wandenreich. "i didn't realize they were even there until i saw you run them through." and she wasn't the type to argue or have any excuses - she'd hold herself accountable for nearly getting herself killed, and that was it. "the resources will be over here for easy access when you or your squadron needs them. if there's nothing else you need me for, i'll... take my leave momentarily."
she'd keep a more watchful eye of her surroundings the next time she sends a message or delivery - that'd probably be the best thing to do as thanks for the unprompted protection.
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rebellenlied · 4 months
@hxbiris asked // 🕯️(Gabriel about Talia and Colette)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. // accepting.
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she remembered meeting colette as if it were yesterday.
"i have asked you personally to take on the task because both of you ladies appear to be close in age, miss ardelean. i figured it would be beneficial for my daughter to mingle with the sort of demographic for the time being," she remembered the folks telling her as she was given the rundown on who her new principal was. it was odd at first, but colette's parents were correct in their intuition - hiring gabriel to protect colette was the best choice.
even during a crisis which made gabriel send her principal away for her protection, she fulfilled her duty till the end, even as she was recruited by the enemy solely to survive.
it was a miracle she found colette years after defecting from the wandereich, even going as far as keeping in touch with her and building the faction she led today... and gabriel remembered losing her dearest friend to the first auschwalen like it was only a moment ago. to say she missed those who were slaughtered by the phenomenon was an understatement.
as for colette's daughter, talia... gods, she looked just like her mother.
she couldn't get involved in talia's life so quickly - not for the longest time. it pained gabriel to stay silent until talia was ready for answers, no matter how long it took, but she watched over her friend's daughter from a distance - keeping her word to ensure the safety of her friend's child, to atone for failing to protect colette.
but she knew colette would be so proud of her dearest daughter for growing up into the being she has become.
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rebellenlied · 4 months
@reiiishii asked //🕯️ (Sunday for Gabriel)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. // accepting.
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he was a complicated man, that sunday...
she remembered when she was first brought into the wandereich. at first she was an errand runner, skilled with her task given her agility and speed from her youth as she would soon rise to the ranks of a sternritter. with the epithet of the messenger engraved into her soul, her work was never done... so it would seem. sunday wasn't always off the walls, though. at least, that's what she presumed was the case. an oddball, but that was besides the point. gabriel had met him through his sister robin, a fellow sternritter and a quincy famous for her singing.
it would be a lie if one didn't see how close they grew in just a short period of time.
as discreet as they were about their relationship, there were instances that it was as clear as day - during her stay within the walls of the wandereich, spending time with the second in-command of the sternritters, and him subsequently getting her out of what she was tasked to do some days, was when she was at her happiest.
nowadays, they stand on two opposite sides.
those joyful memories linger in the crevice of her mind as she looks back to those days, long before she faked her own death and was forced to leave him behind. one of her biggest regrets was not trying to bring him and robin with her... and to say she missed them both was an understatement.
gabriel loved him, she truly did - but if she had to turn her arrow against him in order to defeat yhwach, she would do so with tears in her eyes and regret in her heart.
i still love you, sunday... but i mourn the fact we stand on opposite sides in this war.
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rebellenlied · 3 months
@hxbiris asked // failure (for Gabriel)
oc asks: the not so nice edition. // accepting.
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failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
would it be acceptable to say that her greatest failure was not being able to save enough of edelweiss' numbers when the first auschwalen was released?
because boy - she regrets not seeing the signs sooner. she regrets not doing anything to save those that got caught in the lights. if there was one time where she could go back and undo those mistakes? she would probably do it in a heartbeat.
because maybe then it wouldn't be so lonely. maybe she'd still have her loved ones with her for just a bit longer.
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rebellenlied · 3 months
@reiiishi asked // hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred? (Gabriel)
oc asks: not so nice edition. // accepting.
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conformity. if gabriel had to pick the one thing she hated most, it would be that very aspect.
she was raised with the concept of everyone having an equal chance to live the life they themselves saw fit. frankly, gabriel was absolutely miserable during her years with the wandenreich, the monochrome white and barely any other color besides that and black - she hated all of it.
gabriel was always a soul who wanted to be surrounded by so many different things. not the same things over and over.
in her youth, she coped with the dislike of conformity by making herself stand out. if the women in her village were working as homemakers or caretakers to children, she played with the boys her age and learned to fight as a result. if she had to wear a white uniform, she added something colorful to it, like a red sash on her waist. if the bird remains in a gilded cage, she'll open the cage and give the bird the option to leave.
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rebellenlied · 3 months
@reiiishii asked // can you stand? do you need me to help? (hands u noah for gabriel)
recovering after the battle. // accepting.
was it over? she thought, breathing labored as she kept herself on her knees, slowly trying to ensure she'd be balanced even then. her face hurt - she didn't remember what happened besides the fact that her face stung like crazy and her vision felt... blurrier than normal.
gabriel's ears ring as she hears muffled voices, one growing near her as noah kneels down.
can you stand? do you need me to help?
the leader of edelweiss isn't sure. she takes one of noah's hands as she slowly guoded herself to stand - wobbling like a newborn calf, sure, but surely it was better than falling back to her knees from exhaustion, right? as best as she can, gabriel tries to give noah a smile despite the fact she'll be gritting her teeth in pain soon.
"i may need the help just in case... thank you, miss gringoire.~" gabriel was failing at putting on a demeanor of 'i'm okay'... but it was better than getting herself killed.
as she waits for the world around her to stop feeling like it was spinning and let herself stabilize, her blood-red eyes scan noah over for her own injuries. "... but will you be alright, though?" she inquires, "if you've gotten your own injuries in that mess... i'd rather not make them worse."
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rebellenlied · 4 months
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oh, for fuck's sake...
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rebellenlied · 4 months
* / character profile: gabriel.
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full name: gabriel ardelean
age: 500+
species: echt quincy
affiliation: wandereich (formerly), edelweiss (co-founder, current leader)
epithet: m - the messenger
contains shared lore with: colette (edelweiss co-founder, @/hubxris' OC), anyone w/ approval tbh
first she was a soldier.
assigned to protect a quincy noble around her age - one lady colette - gabriel had done her task as bodyguard perfectly, even during a crisis in which colette's mother asked her to send her child away for her safety. while gabriel survived, she didn't get away for long. recruited into the wandereich to protect her principal, she remained with them for the next century, earning her moniker as the messenger during her time.
but as soon as she found an opening, despite the connections that were formed during her time, gabriel faked her own death to escape. for the next few years, she hid, eventually meeting with her old friend again.
next she was a poet.
over the years of meeting with colette, they agreed on one thing - that the quincy king could no longer exist on this mortal plane. yhwach had to die. the similar mindset was what drove the women to create a group that actively opposed the quincy king's rule, striving to be the opposite of the wandereich's militaristic regime - edelweiss was born.
then she was a king.
as edelweiss grew in numbers, taking in quincies that also opposed yhwach's regime to varying degrees, so did the numbers of the wandereich. it was a power struggle from day one, but the women that brought edelweiss from the ground up never gave in. surrender was never an option - not even after the deaths of almost half of edelweiss' numbers during the first auschwalen, colette included. even when gabriel had to build from the ground up alone after surviving the first auschwalen, she never stopped taking in refugees seeking sanctuary from yhwach's regime. she never stopped helping them hone in their abilities, and she never stopped showing them the love and compassion that boosted the morale of the few remaining survivors.
even if gabriel were to stand at death's door, the banner of edelweiss would fly high.
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