#but listen she'll be coming along in spirit
ahollowgrave · 1 month
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-- dawntrail ready.
][ Reshade Preset Here ][
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abbyonmars · 7 months
gf!abby hcs xmas edishhh ♥ wlw
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hi!!!! im back
sorry if the title is hard to read i was feeling festive: 'gf!abby hcs xmas edish' short for edition hahaha hahahaha haha ha
✧ ˚  ·    . sfw.... i think
one day after gf!abby came home from patrol, she walked into your shared apartment one day, only to have walked in on you preparing a stocking with her name on it. it made her feel so touched — since she was a girl, she'd always secretly dreamed for a day where she would be shown as much love as she was worth. safe to say this brought her to tears.
you didn't even notice her initially since you were facing the fireplace, stocking in hand, with your back to the door where she entered. you were softly humming some obsolete christmas song as you picked a variety of small and delicately wrapped presents from the mantel, placing them each carefully into the stocking.
she just stood there and stared at you. it was as if she was frozen, shoes glued to the floor. not to mention the shock on her face — soft lips agape, slowly widening eyes and a gentle flush that eventually covered her freckled cheeks. it was the sight of you making time for her that did it. you had thought about her, her happiness, your love, and you made an effort for her, which was something she wasn't so used to; eventually you noticed her tearful presence behind you once you heard a tiny sniffle that made your heart jump in surprise.
"abby, baby," you cooed, immediately hooking the stocking onto the mantel. you rushed over, cupping her slightly dampened cheeks in your hands, wiping her tears away with your thumbs. "are you crying? what's wrong?"
"oh.. i - n-nothing," she chuckled, sniffing once more, "i just - never thought anyone would love me this much to actually make me a stocking."
gf!abby loves to cuddle you by the fireplace — she likes to have you close and in between her legs with your back to her chest, tracing absentminded circles into your skin with her thumb as you read her a book or talk to her about your day. although, she's not really listening; she pays more heed to the glow of your skin by the fire, or the way your voice sounds when you talk. maybe specific ways in which you enunciate each word, or how passionate you sound when you speak. either way, her mind is immersed in the way you are and your person as a whole — she feels so lucky to have you by her side.
gf!abby was never really up for christmas traditions as a whole until she met you. you happened to bring the light and spirit into her eyes, and she now finds herself looking forward to each year where you'd put up the tree together, bake cookies together, kiss under the mistletoe — even to matching ugly christmas sweaters with you. whatever you want to do, she'll do for you, eventually coming to warm up to the annual routine.
gf!abby likes to bake with you in particular — she's a huge sucker for hugging you from behind, using fatuous excuses that she's helping you mix your batter, or that there's something in a top cupboard that happens to be right above you, all in effort just to tease you.
but once those baked goods in the oven, you know she'll be right behind you. once you're bent over to close the oven door, she likes to creep her hands onto each side of your hips, hooking her fingers around the hem of your matching pyjama pants to guide your ass perfectly into her crotch, which earns a low, quiet chuckle from her smartass once she hears you whine. done more or less to tease you, but also because she literally can never keep her hands off you.
once you rise, your back presses directly into her chest and the intimacy radiates profusely between you two as you sway together. her head dips into the crook of your neck and she presses her nose into your skin with a soft sigh of content as she whispers with love into your ear, the sweet nothings only manifesting butterflies along with a familiar warmth in your stomach that grows worse the longer her thick fingers trail along your hipline.
here r some less fluffy hcs :p
gf!abby hates cinnamon. she hates the smell, the taste, maybe even the colour for no reason
one of gf!abby's pet peeves include when people eat their whipped cream separate to their hot chocolate. she gets so unnecessarily stressed about it, her head starts to hurt the longer she thinks ab it LOL
gf!abby likes to get alice different xmas costumes every year. she can't decide her favourite between these three ⤵
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u can imagine the laughs she gets outta seeing her in these
gf!abby isn't a massive spender on gifts. she prefers to spend individual time with each of her loved ones on the build up to xmas, but if she knows the other person would prefer something materialistic, then she'll get them a gift. she accommodates for each person.
gf!abby rolls her eyes at carol singers. she thinks the practice is stupid, unfortunately
gf!abby gives the vibe that during present opening, she'll be ready with a black bag to immediately get rid of the discarded wrapping like those over-prepared dads on xmas morning the second it lands on the floor
gf!abby hates winter :( the needed coats restrict her huge juicy muscles too much and she tends to feel suffocated in comparison to the freedom allowed by the simple wife beater tank or sports bra 😛
gf!abby the type of mf to wear shorts even if it's snowing and -1 degree celsius and once someone asks her if she's cold she'll look at them like ???? no???????
gf!abby draws dicks on the fogged windows of manny's car for fun. doesn't even tell him about it
she might even act like she has no idea what he's talking about when he complains about it. she's a horrible liar tho
gf!abby has a specific christmas song that she refuses to listen to cause it's so overplayed and now annoying to hear
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
hiii im not a huge xmas person but i enjoyed writing these
if you don't celebrate christmas, i wish you love and support regardless :')
generally speaking ik it can be hard as we approach the colder season — i hope you all are able to stay safe and cozy this winter :)
anyway i wish i had someone to make me a stocking. i'll be cold and miserable yall wlw couples on tiktok baking cookies w each other in the matching checkered pjs...... maybe if you squint you can see me face down on the road outside the window /s
anyway i want more moots :( yous can hmu i dont bite swear down
ok bye!!!! see u guys again at xmas :3
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terry-perry · 9 months
Smile Through Your Fear and Sorrow
Pairings: Ex!Steve Rogers x Odinsdottir!Reader, Steve x Peggy (implied, but can also be open to interpretation)
Genres: Angst, songfic? (more of a story inspired by listening to a song multiple times), Family fic
A/N: Another AU for my popular AU. Basically a "What If...?" scenario where Steve and Odinsdottir break up because he stayed in 1945. However, he returns sooner than what we saw in Endgame. And not alone...
Inspired by ABBA's "Angel Eyes," as well as Charlie Chaplin's "Smile."
Enjoy the angst!
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It was the talk of New Asgard now. Last night had been such drama.
"Last night, I took a stroll along the waters, and I saw him with this new woman! They looked very happy together."
Thor narrowed his eyes at the two women discussing this so openly at the bakery like this was entertaining gossip.
"You should've seen the way he looked at her. Absolutely spine-chilling!"
"Was it anything like how he'd look at the princess?"
"Oh no! This was even more intense!"
He had half a mind to lift up his hood and let his intimidating presence put a stop to their conversation. He had more important matters to attend to though. He turned back to the pastries displayed in front of him and pointed at the sweet bread he knew she loved. He hoped it would lift up her spirits for at least a moment.
Yes, it was true. Steve was not only back but has returned with another woman. They ran into him in New York after everything. It was not only a surprise to learn that he was back, but was with somebody else. Apparently, this was someone from his past that he brought back with him after returning the Infinity Stones. Someone he just couldn't be without.
Thor wanted so much to confront them, to at least talk to this woman about how she better be careful. This was all just a game to Steve. Everything might be lovely now, but it won't be long until there's trouble in paradise after realizing who he truly is. She'll be deceived by his charms and be forced to pay the price when the time comes.
Thor thought Y/N would think so so. He thought she might be hurt by Steve's sudden return, but she maintained that everything was fine. In fact, she kept going on with how happy she was for them.
Then the siblings decided to host a lovely gathering to help celebrate Mid-Summer. They invited their Midgardian companions who were very excited to help enjoy this celebration of light, fertility, and music. Even though Steve came and brought along his new female friend, Y/N kept insisting it was all right. Everything did seem to be okay at first, with everyone distracted by all the fun. Bonfires, traditional music, and the burning of corn dollies to celebrate the brightest time of the year were wonderful ways to forget about all worries.
Then last night happened.
On the third and final night of Mid-Summer, the new couple took the opportunity to announce their engagement. That was when Thor witnessed it. It was only for a brief moment, but he managed to spot the tears springing into her eyes and her lips trembling.
A dull, hollow feeling filled his chest as he saw her. Then, a flicker of light appeared. He saw her with a smile and a fresh face, which was nothing like the broken look he just saw. The split second of changing energy was too quick for everyone else to notice as they were in the midst of congratulating the newly engaged couple. He was the only one worried about what she would think, and he finally saw that everything wasn't okay.
Try as she might, Thor finally saw how not-okay Y/N actually was.
To Be Continued...
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tommyarashikage · 30 days
what colour is your aura?
tagged by @rhettsabbott and @voidika to do this quiz, thank you! this one has a lot of results, so definitely worth checking out 👀
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lattes, dry fields, footprints, easels, cat fur, pottery, fresh-baked cookies. your essence is beige: you are an even-tempered and comforting presence. you take refuge in your sanctuary and creature comforts; the warmth you exude flees from spontaneity or change. you are consistent and indulgent. you are the sleepy. you are the satiated. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, umber, tawny, and ashen, who share your patient nature. you are also drawn to the expressive souls sky and cream, who will help you grow and teach you to explore new ideas. however, you may struggle to get along with the spontaneous personalities of blush and lilac who seem too frivolous.
I just have to point out that no sentence describes Laurie better than "you are the sleepy." 10/10 quiz.
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succulents, key lime, glow-in-the-dark stars, blown glass, honeydew, garter snakes, notes in bottles. your essence is honeysuckle: you are quiet and avoidant, submerged in your own privacy. you compartmentalize effortlessly; you are many pieces, and rarely do others see the whole picture. you are creative but trepid -- cautious to address your feelings even in solitude. you are the recluse. you are the librarian. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of moss, chartreuse, sage, and peach, who share your profound curiosity. you are also drawn to the expressive souls seafoam and apricot, who will help you grow and trust others to listen respectfully to you. however, you may struggle to get along with the people-pleasing personalities of rose and cream who come across as shallow and pandering.
barely anyone knows Jana well, except for her family and people she's really close to. she doesn't trust easily but when she does, she becomes loyal, devoted and protective. the people-pleaser part is also very important. she may be an introvert but she'll always stay true to herself and speak her mind.
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bundled flowers, ribbon, merlot, overcoats, gemstones, lipstick prints, red velvet. your essence is amaranth: you are engaging and passionate, but never out of place. you do what needs to be done; your confidence is unflinching, least of all when something has slipped beneath your standards. it is hard to live up to the image you imagine others have of you. you are the demonstrater. you are the debutante. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of wine, pearl, noir, and magenta, who share your inner intensity. you are also drawn to the ambitious amethyst and indigo, who will help you grow and inspire your actions. however, you may struggle to get along with the mercurial personalities of teal and bronze who wish to be free spirits.
the embodiment of sunshine, not only in personality but also in raw power. she's very devoted to the life of a guardian and knows her duty. being sun-coded also means that no one and nothing can stop her when pushed over the edge.
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plums, nail polish, planners, theaters, pursed lips, mosaics, sewing thread. your essence is wine: you are ruled by determination to bring your grand vision to life. you are a pillar of your chosen family; reliable and moral, there is never a situation for which you are not prepared. you are an idealist and accept nothing less of yourself. you are the activist. you are the dutiful. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of amaranth, pearl, grey, and pink, who share your need to devote to a cause. you are also drawn to the expressive orchid and mauve, who will help you grow and learn it is okay to not live up to expectation. however, you may struggle to get along with the excessive personalities of jade and fire who do not know what they truly want.
duty and expectations have always been top priority in Alex's life. what she only realized later on, is that she didn't choose this for herself.
taglist (opt in/out): @risingsh0t @bbrocklesnar @carlosoliveiraa @sergeiravenov @alexxmason @icecutioner @imogenkol @finding-comfort-in-rain @confidentandgood @josephslittledeputy @aceghosts @stardustbee @thedeadthree @hollytanaka @shadowglens @purplehairsecretlair @fourlittleseedlings @strangefable @kyberinfinitygems @leviiackrman @jacobseed @captastra @a-treides @cassietrn @ri-a-rose @shellibisshe @justasmolbard
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blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Dating Weird Barbie Would Include:
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Well... it's not exactly what you might expect. She can be pretty weird, quirky, and even strange at times. She's also very sarcastic, which can be off-putting to some people. But once you get past all of that, she's actually a pretty sweet, and very loyal person. She just likes to keep things interesting and light. She's also very patient and understanding, and she'll always try to see the best in someone. Overall, she's definitely not everyone's cup of tea.. but those who stick around tend to think of her as a pretty amazing girlfriend!
Dating her is a rather unique experience. She's not one of those who loves flirting and cooing sweet nothings, after all. I suppose you could say she's more of a playful teasing type. She loves to watch people squirm and try to figure her out, and she especially loves it when her teasing gets under your skin and makes you grow flustered.
Dating her has its ups and downs, sometimes she is very sweet and kind, but other times she can be a bit difficult and frustrating to deal with. She's a very complex person and she's not always easy to understand. She's loyal and cares a lot about her partner and friends, but she can also be very needy and insecure. Sometimes, when she's down, she'll become depressed and withdraw herself from everyone like she used to. She can be unpredictable at times and sometimes, her mood can change very quickly. Dating her is never boring that's for sure.
You'll be constantly amazed by her ability to surprise you, both in a good and bad way. She is a very open-minded and passionate individual, who will gladly take the lead and encourage you to try new things. Expect the unexpected as she's willing to try anything once. If you're looking for someone who's going to challenge you and keep you on your toes, weird Barbie has all the qualities of a perfect partner.
She is a very understanding and supportive girlfriend, who will always be by your side no matter what. She may have that wild spirit that keeps you on your toes, but, she's also compassionate and considerate of your needs and feelings. Being in a relationship with her can feel like riding a rollercoaster, filled with thrills and highs, followed by an unexpected and thrilling plunge.
She has a deep and soulful side to her personality that manifests itself in unexpected ways. She is not afraid to get creative, explore different artistic avenues, and express herself in unique ways. If you are someone who appreciates genuine human connection and wants to be with someone who brings out the best in you, weird Barbie might just be the doll of your dreams.
Weird Barbie is also a great listener and will always want to hear about your day and what's going on in your life. She'll support you through thick and thin and won't hesitate to provide her honest thoughts and advice, even if you might not like what she has to say. She offers a refreshing perspective in a relationship, making her a very refreshing and inspiring partner.
She is also a true romantic at heart and is always looking for opportunities to create a romantic and special atmosphere. She'll gladly surprise you with a thoughtful gesture or gift just to show her affection. She'll also go out of her way to make you smile, and you'll never find yourself lacking in physical affection or attention. Having weird Barbie in your life is like having a beautiful ray of positivity, always shining bright.
Weird Barbie is also a great communicator and will always try to understand your point of view on any issue. She's open to discussing all kinds of topics with you and will always try to come up with solutions to any problems you might be facing in a constructive and respectful way. Along with her other great qualities, she is someone who will always work to understand you, regardless of any differences or obstacles between you two.
She can also be a bit of a drama queen sometimes. While this quality may seem like a detriment at first, it actually makes her such an enjoyable partner. Her over-the-top reactions and willingness to embrace the drama make every situation more entertaining and memorable. While her flair for the dramatic may get a bit tiring at times, it also creates a sense of spontaneity and adventure within your relationship.
When weird Barbie is feeling particularly jealous or threatened in a relationship, she can become overly insecure. She may be more likely to want to know what you're doing all the time, who you're with, and what's going on in your life. She is a strong person and is capable of recognizing when her insecurities are becoming overwhelming.
Weird Barbie is very affectionate. She loves physical touch and will constantly look for ways to express her affection for you, whether it's holding your hand, giving you a hug or even just sitting closely together. She is very considerate in the way she expresses her affection and will never overstep any boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable. Along with her physical affection, she's also very vocal about her admiration of you, complimenting you on both the big and small things.
She's a fun-loving and spontaneous person. She likes to keep things exciting and always has her finger on the pulse of the latest news in Barbie Land and the real world. Whether it's exploring new places or trying new activities, she is up for anything. It will never be a dull moment with her as a partner. With her by your side, you'll always have an adventure partner in and out of the bedroom.
Weird Barbie is also a great communicator and always knows how to express herself clearly and concisely. In a relationship, being able to communicate effectively is important and she is able to do just that. Whether it's through words or actions, she can deliver her thoughts and feelings in a way that makes sense to you. She is also considerate and always takes your feelings into account before speaking, ensuring that everything is delivered in a way that's respectful and meaningful for you as well.
When weird Barbie is in love, she's willing to commit to you fully and completely. She's not one to take things lightly and she'll do whatever it takes to make the relationship last and prosper. She's not afraid of taking risks and exploring uncharted territories. She'll be there with you through all the ups and downs, never giving up on the relationship. Weird Barbie is a strong-minded individual who will fight for what she believes in and that includes you.
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miguel-owhora · 6 months
Tiny drabble, since Miguel is like a fierce parent I could tell he'd be a little more stricter with Gabriella around certain things and she'd want to hang around more with us bc we have absolutely zero fucks out how humans will coddle their young so here we are just doing cryptid things and Gabriella follows along our footsteps killing things just like her other dad but with a little more wrecklessness. She has your powers but Miguel's mortal spirit. The human drive to just want more adrenaline. More power. Miguel would want to keep her safe, even if she's a pretty powerful half blood but you let her lose most of the time but snarling if she goes too far
☆ 🤯
ohhh this is 100% their dynamic.
miguel wants gabriella to be safe ! and he frets over her. while he knows his community won't hurt her (at least he hopes), there's this lingering paranoia that makes him so protective over her. he won't hover but the second something or someone makes a small move that seems out of pocket, miguel's breathing down their necks. like where the fuck did this bitch come from ??? and gabriella gets so annoyed but whatever.
i think it'd be funny if miguel never shied away from showing her the sacrifices he makes to appease you (even if he knows you dont need more sacrifices, not when you have miguel to entertain you with his pussy). like even as a baby, he'd carry her around in a sling as he fucking slits the throats of his victims or whatever, and when she grows up (like movie age) he makes her watch - well, she willingly watches - and shows her how to properly slice someone's throats or wrists, and which vein is the best to cut for a slower death.
but miguel doesn't mind, well, not all the way at least, when gabriella dips and leaves for the forest. he knows you're always there. the forest is your domain and no creature will dare harm you, much less your offspring. she doesn't even have to look like you because other creatures can smell your scent on her, forever tingling underneath the scent of her community, of miguel, and her own.
like you mentioned, mreader doesn't coddle gabriella. it's not in your nature to fret over your offspring, but that doesn't mean you don't care about her. you'll let her tag along as you make your rounds around the forest, teaching her the ways of your species. you're both amused and a little annoyed when gabriella decides to ambush a small group of campers. gabriella's strong, sure, but not strong enough to easily kill off every camper, so you have to step in. it's easy though, easily snapping their necks and crushing their skulls, and gabriella is zapping with adrenaline and life. she'll click and chitter with you as you leave the now deserted and bloody campsite, bellies full.
of course, that's not to say you won't discipline her. whenever gabri gets a little too carried away or won't listen, you don't hesitate to snap at her and snarl down at her, a low rumble in your chest that'll terrify anyone.... but your mate or your offspring. but it's enough to get her attention and forcibly push her back in line, even if she'll pout. sometimes you'll push her around, and while she just sees it as you annoying her, you're actually helping her defend herself and hold her ground once she's older. she's still young and small so it's easy, but she has the temper and stubbornness that'll aid her.
idk there's just a whole lot to explore w this dynamic. live laugh love cult!miguel fr fr
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chiptrillino · 1 year
Chewing that part time pirate zuko... And also the fact that I'm obsessed with yuyan archer Mai. So here's the deal: after the war mai got to do whatever the fuck she wanted because she's one of the fire lord's best friends, who's going to stop her? So she goes to finally learn from the yuyan archers, doesn't take long bc 1. Zuko is surrounded by prodigies and 2. Have you SEEN mai's aim? She has the yuyan technique down in a week
The fire nation advisors are extremely worried about the fire lord at sea, and zuko sees mai, recently fully realized yuyan archer, and goes "she'll be my body guard so you people shut the fuck up". Sometimes mai takes her brother on the trips just because she can
(side note, i think the ship is metal solely so toph can be comfortably on board and still be able to navigate her way around)
Also, i forgot in my last ask, i was going to say that yue absolutely knows who zuko is, not just as fire lord, but as sokka's friend bc like... She's always trying to see where she can help the gaang, she saw when zuko joined and everything since, so when she sees zuko chasing pirates it's not just "oh I'm so bored look at that human trouble" but rather "oh I'm so bored oh wait i can help sokka's friend"
I'm undecided in whether aang is splitting hairs so to say about yue casually coming to the human world, or if he's out there acting as a yue lawyer trying to convince other great spirits to not give her grief but also not follow along on her idea bc... That would get messy very fast
Also. I love azula, i love that she's a menace, zuko leaves her in charge when he leaves and the fire nation advisors and ministers and the like are terrified of that. Azula loves it. She may also have implied she'll have zuko killed at sea (for the laughs and to see if anyone is not scared enough of that possibility. It's useful to know who wouldn't miss zuko to check if they're also actively treasonous). The gaang hears of this and they're extremely uncomfortable by the idea bc they're not sure if azula is being serious each time
honestly, just the threat of "azula is in charge" and she is chuckling in the bg. is like the biggest threat zuko could make. And all ambassadors, diplomat and council man are suddenly at their bestest behavior in a sense of " no fire lord please don't leave us we will do what ever you want"
its pointless though. zuko needs his brake and well. yeha he has mai and tom tom and just who ever wants to come along comes with. beating up criminals is a healthy and productive coping mechanism with stress i think.
it's fun seeing you so exited with this au anon, hahah I agree with every addition you bless me with, hahah
I guess aang is splitting hair depending on with who he argues. if it is with humans, he just has a dead tired look in his eyes and just exhausted sighs out, "do i look like i control the moon?" like truly humans are so stupid? You think the avatar can tell a greater spirit anything?
on the other hand, when dealing with La, other greater spirits or Yue himself. he is like... trying to reason with them, which is just... very difficult and nerve wrecking because it's not like spirits do listen. they stay above him, and just want harmony and balance. but yue is for her convenience disturbing the balance. its like a partner therapy. and aang mediating between them. La thought the new yue would be different. and yue wasn't aware what she all signed up with. new compromises were created. aang: good thing i was able to convince yue and la to wait for your sacrifice sokka! sokka: .... my sacri-WHAT?!?!?
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thereosheep · 1 month
Alright, in regards to your AMAZING pantheon AU for the weasels, here are my OC's if they were deity's/priests ^^
Poppy: I can see her being either a goddess or a priestess. It was hard to pinpoint what she'd be a goddess of, but I think love suits her. She's a very loving and caring person in general, and offers her good heart to anyone. But it's not just romantic love; love is everywhere, after. Why do we mourn when a loved one passes away? Because we love them. Why do we hold our friends dear? Because we love them. Why do doctors tend to their patients? Because they care about them. Poppy is the goddess of all kinds of love.
However, similarly to Psycho, people have started to assume she's only the goddess of passion and intimacy, like Aphrodite. She has been known to enter relationships with all her priests and priestess' (not all of them romantic, but those aren't what get written down in the scrolls), which only spurred the mortals, her own followers even, to believe that's all she is. Poppy isn't so far gone, but she has become more exhausted and depressed. Most of the prayers she receives are related more towards the physical rather than the emotional bond. Even other gods have started to believe these rumors- most notably, the god of greed has tried his chances to seduce Poppy. If she'll bed mere mortals, then surely she'll want him?? Though Poppy has been quick to teach him that even if she was that kind of goddess, he shouldn't expect her to just fall in his arms.
(*cough* @slashingdisneypasta if you see this, I can't help but imagine if Rena was the actual goddess of passion, and Poppy is constantly at her temple like "Hey, we got our mail mixed up again" XD)
(I do like to think despite that though, Greasy and Poppy become friends. Or at least, he goes to her whenever he gains a new priestess. He's confused about Y/N's lack of desire for him for now and Poppy is just "When will you learn?" So basically she's the love expert of the group XD)
She does work hand in hand with the majority of the gods. Like I said, love is everywhere. She's a little too eager to help sometimes, as it feels like she's actually fulfilling a purpose with her friends now. It could be taken as her being a doormate, but really all she wants is for people to remember what love truly is about.
As a priestess, she's a devoted follower and hard worker. Pretty stressed, as she's working for a deity. But what must be done must be done. I think she might work best with Wheezy or Psycho. Psycho could definitely use a caring priestess like her by his side. And Poppy needs a god who can help her relax (not with his herbs XD) and respect her... Though I also love the idea of this fretful little thing getting stuck with Greasy, and having to deal with his flirting while juggling her tasks XD
Shiny: I think... Shiny might be the goddess of festivities and bounty. Adorned in fine dancing togas, as if ready for a party at any second, Shiny brings life to any room she walks in. Although her carefree and spirit have given her the reputation of your typical party girl, she plays a very important role. She not only helps the mortals to relax and, in most extreme cases, give them a reason to be happy, but she also is the one you pray to for a bountiful harvest or for a successful day in the market. People often mix her up with Greasy, especially when it comes to finances, but it's Shiny who really grants you fortune here.
She doesn't have a soft spot for mortals, though, like her friend Poppy does. With how judgmental they are of each other and even the gods, and his badly that can hurt someone (just look at Poppy and Psycho). That reason, along with wanting to be treated every once in a while, Shiny will only bestow her fortune to those her give her offerings. The better the offering, the liklier you are to get her attention. If you prove to be a respectful person, she'll offer you the time of day. If you just assume she'll listen to you, you're better off talking to a brick wall.
I can't imagine Shiny being a priestess, but I can still see her working closely with the gods. Especially Stupid, Wheezy, and Greasy. Stu, being the god of contentment and rest, goes well with her festivities. Wheezy- well, he knows how to make a party more interesting. And Greasy, she mainly got together with him because the mortals mix them up. But over the years, she's grown to like the lascivious deity. They may or may not have a thing going on.
Moony: Oh, he's definitely a companion god of war to Smartass. He is the bloody, dreadful part of war. So basically, Athena VS Ares. Both sides of the battle would pray to him to spare them and aide in their victory, though it was whoever spilled blood first that gained his blessing. He was a monster in ever sense of the word...
Until the goddess of love came into existence, and extended her hand towards even him. All he had known was conflict and destruction until he first felt her warm touch on his cheek. Moony was confused and conflicted for so long, but soon enough his mind began to clear and he became a more civilized deity. Yes, he still carries out his duties on the battlefield, but he is far more compassionate and mindful now than he was years ago. All thanks to Poppy's love. Even if their romance didn't last forever, they still remain close friends to this day.
(Halfway writing this, I realized I made Moony and Poppy into Ares abd Aphrodite XD I'm not taking it back tho-)
Eh... With everyone else, he considers them purely business relationships. Smartass hasn't exactly forgiven him for being a mindless animal, Greasy isn't fond of him either. Psycho wasn't a fan of his work while he was the god of imagination and wonder. Stupid likes Moony now, though. And Wheezy prescribes him calming teas, so Moony is on good terms with the smoker.
Terry: nobody expected him to become the priest of Shiny's temple... I don't think even he thought he'd be in this position, either xD but Shiny was impressed with how true his character was. It was more than that though. He was the best mortal friend she had in centuries. She would trust him with her temple if the time ever came.
Terry also likes Stupid and Wheezy. He and Wheezy resonate with each other so well (they may or may not share his pipe every once in a while... Terry has seen some crazy things with what's he's smoked in Wheezy's god pipe XD). And he has a soft spot for the god of rest ^^
Henry: A thief among mortals. He had infiltrated Poppy's temple, looking for riches left for the goddess. But when caught and shown mercy, he thought he could take advantage of this golden opportunity and live under the care of the deity. It was easier to fool her than he expected, and a part of him started to feel guilt as she continued to shower him in love and devotion.
When Poppy introduced her fellow deities to her lover, however, Henry could tell that they knew his game. Especially Greasy and Shiny. Fearing the wrath of many gods, Henry took what he could carry and fled the city. Poppy was left heartbroken, and that paved the path to the love goddess falling into her depression.
Ben: ... I haven't figured out him yet, but like Henry, he is neither priest nor God. He's just an envious jerk.
I'm sorry if this is all over the place. It's rather late here 😅 I hope you like these! Thank you for tolerating me gushing over your AU
No problem at all! I loved reading these and knowing my ramblings inspired someone to wanna dabble with them!
Poor Poppy man... At least she's got a lot of friends on her side.
(what's a little curse between Gods after all... Maybe Psycho can make it so he'll always think there's a rock on his shoe or something.)
LoL at gods getting their mail mixed up. That's amazing. Now that the image is in my head I'm just thinking of that happening with Stupid and Wheezy whenever certain substances are involved. Or the occasional mix up between Smartass and Moony (fueling the field, of course. After all, "How did they even mistake me for that... That... ANIMAL?!").
Oh lord... Mortals getting a taste of Wheezy's godly za... That would either be the best trip and/or the worst trip of your life, no in between. And after finding the answer for the mystery of life, the universe and everything else, chances are that you'd probably forget it after.
Maybe it could be some kind of test to become one of his Priests too, who knows?
Once again, Loved these. Thank you for indulging in my thoughts.
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ikkosu · 2 months
i am feeling the mermay spirit, my brain is swimming in fishy thoughts. Nautica as a mer would be so cute, she would bring you gifts like seashells and sea glass, maybe even food she catches/collects herself. would be funny how that plays out with her offering u raw fish and stuff and you have to try to politely decline lol.
She loves to listen to you talk, even if there's a language barrier, she'll chirp back to you. And if you sing? She'll have stars in her eyes. Loves all physical affection, playing with your hair, intertwining her hands with yours to compare them, resting her head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat. She might show off by doing jumps and flips like a dolphin. Playfully splashes you at least once hehe. If you got in the water with her she would support and guide you in swimming, dancing and twirling around you. OOo what if she gave u the kiss of life..
maybe she first saw you picking up litter on the beach and thought you were collecting it because you liked it and started bringing you trash she finds in the water, or sets it on the shore if she hasn't shown herself yet and it keeps u coming back to the beach like wtf why does so much stuff wash up here all of a sudden?? WAIT OMG she would totally have a little mermaid style collection of human things!! she would be so excited to show you all of it aauuu 🥺 you could gift her little trinkets and gadgets omg..
thats all i managed to squeeze out of my brain have a good day/night :) -gourmet anon
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gourmet anon you are feeding me so well with these cute scenarios 😭😭😭 that is so adorable. Curious fishy nautimer Ong. The part where she collects trash and puts it on the shore for reader to get it made me EXPLODE. Efficient earth saving moment🫡. Mother nature above all. AGHHDHE IM SOFT SO SOFT I'd imagine Nautica would haul brainstorm along to see her new discovery, that's unless if BS isn't considering kidnapping you for a new experiment💀Q BUT OMG I mostly consider gn reader but 👀 mermaid Yuri,,,, mermaid Yuri,,,,,
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
I found these prompts
“Get behind me”
“I’ll be back very soon, but don’t come out. Stay there hidden until I come back and try not to make a noise, hmm?” *forehead kisses being a must here*
Could you use something along them lines with a Becky lynch x reader where judgement day has been going after reader for ages and one day the corner reader backstage but readers with Becky so Becky protects reader (“get behind me”) and becky and judgement day throw insults at each other and fight or whatever. Judgement day are fuming and going after reader even more now so Becky takes it into her own hands and goes after judgement day while keeping reader safe (“I’ll be back very soon, but don’t come out. Stay there hidden until I come back and try not to make a noise, hmm?” *forehead kisses being a must here*)
I feel like that’s just a load of waffle but if it makes sense and you wanna do it 🙏😍
Get behind me || Becky Lynch x reader
Summary: The Judgement Day have been after you for as long as you can remember, now you don’t have to face them alone anymore
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You and Becky Lynch have been through thick and thin together, and there's no one you trust more than her. Recently, Judgment Day, a formidable group that has been after you for ages, cornered you backstage during an event. But this time, you're not alone – Becky is by your side.
As the tension rises, Becky steps in front of you protectively, her eyes flashing with determination. "Get behind me," she commands softly, her voice unwavering as she shields you from Judgment Day.
"I'll be back very soon, but don't come out. Stay there hidden until I come back, and try not to make a noise, hmm?" She places a gentle forehead kiss on your temple, reassuring you even in the midst of danger.
You nod, trusting her completely. "Be careful," you whisper back, unable to help the worry in your voice.
Becky gives you a reassuring smile before turning her attention to Judgment Day. The atmosphere crackles with tension as insults are thrown back and forth. Becky's fierce spirit matches theirs, and she stands her ground, determined to keep you safe.
But when the confrontation escalates, Becky realizes that Judgment Day won't back down. They're even more determined to go after you now, and Becky knows she can't let that happen. She makes a split-second decision – she'll go after Judgment Day herself to keep them away from you.
"Stay hidden, love," she says, giving you another quick forehead kiss before darting off, ready to take on Judgment Day.
You watch her go with a mixture of admiration and concern. You know Becky can handle herself, but you can't help but worry for her safety. You keep yourself hidden as she instructed, listening intently to the sounds of the scuffle from afar.
Minutes pass, feeling like hours, but eventually, the commotion fades away. You can't help but wonder if Becky is alright, but you know she's doing this for your safety. As you wait anxiously, you're relieved to see Becky coming back towards you, her fighting spirit still shining brightly.
She gives you a reassuring smile as she approaches. "I took care of them," she says confidently. "They won't be bothering you again."
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. "Thank you, Becky," you say, your voice filled with gratitude.
She wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. "Always," she whispers, her breath tickling your ear. "I'll always protect you."
In that moment, you know it's true. Becky's love and dedication to you are unwavering, and you feel safer in her arms than anywhere else in the world.
As you both head back, hand in hand, you know that you can face anything as long as you have Becky by your side. She's not just your partner; she's your protector, your champion, and the love of your life. And with her by your side, you know you can take on whatever challenges come your way, knowing that she'll always be there to shield you from harm and hold you close in her loving embrace.
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pyropsychiccollector · 5 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 7/14
I haven't forgotten about this series. (人◕ω◕) We're hitting the midway point.
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Brandish Mu. (人◕ω◕) Yes, we've got another enemy to reform here~...
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When did they meet?
Brandish... is pretty straightforward, honestly. She's probably the last of the harem to arrive. So not a lot of history is being changed so much... Just maybe some events in Alvarez arc. (人◕ω◕)
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They met on Caracole Island, when Team Natsu went to rescue Makarov, who went to Alikitasia to negotiate. (人◕ω◕) Nothing really changes in these opening parts. Why would things be different? They're a part of rival continents. And Zeref is gearing up for war. ... Not that Brandish knows that yet. She just wanted her gelatos, and the stand ended up getting destroyed. Brandish's whole day is ruined. (人◕ω◕)
She shrinks Marin to square things with the Fairy Tail wizards, who are incited about Marin attacking them... And then she shrinks the whole island and gives them the warning to not go to Alvarez, if they know what's good for them. Brandish might be lazy, but she's loyal to her home. (人◕ω◕)
Events are quick to spiral after that. They manage to save Makarov and get back home.... But Alvarez catches up pretty quick and begins invading.
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When did they get closer?
It's a bit of a typical "prisoner becomes smitten by the enemy" scenario. ... Although. Well. (人◕ω◕) Brandish is still loyal to her homeland. Even after hearing about the truth of her mum's death. Even after growing close to Natsu and Lucy... Brandish refuses to fight Alvarez, but she'll at least talk to August. Try to.
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Here's where I'll shake things up a bit. Cuz... Let's be honest. Mest should have never been allowed to tag along with Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Brandish. (人◕ω◕)*** Yes, Mest. Let's use Brandish as a Trojan Horse and try killing the most powerful member of Zeref's army... I'm sure that won't come with consequences. Especially after he just said he would try hearing them out because of Brandish.
... None of that paranoia in my house, no sir. (人◕ω◕)*** Makarov was competent and kept Mest away from those negotiations, seeing how worked up Mest was. Yes, it did risk Natsu and Lucy... But Natsu has proven himself time and again, and Makarov has seen people turn themselves around for the better - Gajeel, Laxus, Sabertooth... So the Guildmaster sees no harm in giving Brandish a chance.
This gives August an opportunity to speak with not just Brandish, but Natsu as well. Now, don't get the wrong idea - much like Brandish, August holds too much loyalty to Zeref and Alvarez. He's not about to turn about-face and go against Zeref's orders. He's still rather disapproving of Brandish being hesitant in this war. ... However, August can tell the kind of person that Natsu is. Even Lucy. Yes, they're adamant of fighting until the last man, but they refuse to kill their enemies.
And it gets August thinking about who Natsu is to him... Though strange, Natsu is technically his Uncle. As well as August's father's greatest weapon, and preferred method of suicide... But with the mindset Natsu has right now, he's not about to go and fulfill Zeref's longstanding wish. August also has doubts that Natsu has the strength or wherewithal to end Acnologia... Still, he can see Natsu's spirit firsthand. Even when August oozes with killing intent to see if Natsu would back down, turn and flee... Natsu doesn't.
August finds himself in this peculiar position of wanting to keep their rather odd family together. ... Even if that wish runs counter to his father's desires. If they could find a way to deal with Acnologia, to end his father's suffering without killing him... If August could finally meet his mother... If he could keep Brandish happy for a little longer... For these reasons, August is willing to keep Fairy Tail alive long enough to "negotiate" with His Majesty... Although he highly doubts Zeref will listen in his current state. Nevertheless, his talks with Natsu, Lucy, and Brandish seem to have gone well enough, and Brandish herself has higher hopes with August's improved mood.
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... Unfortunately, Universe One is still cast. The Spriggan 12 are still transported closer to Magnolia, while Fairy Tail is scattered.
Still, August does put his foot down more, as the General of the 12 stands by his decision to keep Fairy Tail alive long enough to negotiate with His Majesty. Irene believes it to be a waste of time, attempting to kill Mirajane anyway... August stops her (Brandish "heals" Mira by shrinking her wounds) and nearly gets into a clash with Irene right then and there. ... But he doesn't, forcing Irene to take them to the Guildhall instead, where the 12 reunite with Zeref. Technically the 9 of them, since Serena, Bloodman, and Wahl still died.
It goes about as August dreaded. Zeref still wants the Fairy Heart, and he is in no mood to negotiate. Irene, Invel, Dimaria, Neinhart, Jacob, Ajeel, and Larcade still wish to fight. There's not much August and Brandish can do but support them, though August assures Brandish he will do his utmost to spare Fairy Tail as much as possible...
Fairy Tail still comes to save their First Master. Natsu still beats up Neinhart, and while Brandish is annoyed at the conflict with her comrades... She gets it. If Grandpa August is going to spare Fairy Tail, then she will too. She won't bother with a ruse to get Lucy to take her out. This brings Brandish into conflict with Dimaria who's been spying on them, and they wind up taking Dimaria down together without Brandish nearly dying. (人◕ω◕)
... Natsu still ends up falling comatose again, because the Seeds are vying for control within him. Brandish tries to help him, but shrinking that "tumor" didn't seem to help, and Porlyusica confirms that for her. Due to how events shifted, Brandish is a bit more... attached to Natsu, especially after he made sure to keep Dimaria and Neinhart alive. She won't let Lucy have the all-important duty of keeping Natsu warm~... Screw the fact she barely knows the guy. If all she has to do is lay with him and keep him warm... Brandish can do that. Brandish can do the hell out of that. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Lucy's put out that she's not allowed to do that herself, but after Brandish threatens to shrink her down to Mari's size... Well, Lucy stopped kicking up a fuss. (人◕ω◕)
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When does friendship turn to something more?
Brandish's... love... for Natsu is pretty fast-moving, surprisingly. Chalk it up to the war they're in, and the fact they technically slept together. (人◕ω◕) It wasn't just that, mind. Natsu proved the kind of valiant, honorable man he was. Grandpa August approved of him, and he's a close friend of Lucy's, who Brandish winds up wanting to start fresh with. On top of all that, Natsu has Sir Blue Fluffy. No, Brandish is not going to stop calling him that. (人◕ω◕)
... Although... (人◕ω◕);;; Brandish gets a bit moody with Lucy being close with Natsu. In any capacity. That goes for a ton of the girls in the harem. Brandish might be late to the party, but she's veeery greedy. Part of that has to do with her high rank in Alvarez, used to having things handed to her on a silver platter. If she wants Natsu, she gets him. And if Natsu wants to go out on jobs and adventures...? ... (人◕ω◕);;; Well, Brandish considers expediting the journeys and stopping by gelato stands along the way. You think she won't go along just because it's too troublesome? Shows what you know. Brandish might not like exerting effort, but that active nature is a part of Natsu, and she wouldn't change... much... about him.
... Alright, fine, maybe she'd make him a little more laidback. But honest, Brandi-chan just wants to take vacations. Very long vacations. ......... (人◕ω◕) Yes, there's much time spent in bed with hubby. Don't you judge her. (人◕ω◕)
For Natsu's part... He appreciates Brandish trying to save him several times in the war. And though she won't necessarily betray her homeland, Natsu gets it... He's glad she's loyal, even if that puts them technically at odds. Natsu understands loyalty to one's family, and August might be an intimidating guy but he's not unreasonable like some of the other Spriggans.
After Irene got taken down (not killed), August tried approaching Zeref along with Natsu and Brandish... It didn't go very well because the Curse had pretty much eroded Zeref's mind by this point. But at least August got to meet his mother, and they sort of got closure as a family when Zeref and Mavis passed on... Brandish pleaded with August to help rewrite Natsu's book so that he wouldn't die... And he did so. Because Natsu was family.
Alvarez wasn't in much shape to help defeat Acnologia, but they lent their magical power for the Fairy Sphere spell.
All of that said: there wasn't much that could keep Brandish from defecting to Ishgar (specifically to Fairy Tail). August did try putting his foot down, considering Alvarez lost so many in this war... But he couldn't say no to Brandish, not when it meant he could visit his remaining family more often. Natsu was a bit baffled why Brandish wanted to join FT after everything, but he wasn't about to object. (人◕ω◕) He's a bit too used to affectionate women at this point~... She and Happy get along, and her shrinking and expansion magic is just too fun to play around with. Guild brawls are very exciting with Brandish around. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
Juvia and Kagura are shifty-eyed with an "enemy" that's allowed to join up just like that (they're not the only ones)... But, well. Brandish is hardly the only reformed villain around here. The bigger problem is Natsu just allowing Brandish to date him without fuss. Just like that. Her Command T magic is so potent... And did they mention Brandish is too greedy? A real glutton for Natsu. (人◕ω◕) Alas, Natsu clearly loves Brandish deeply... Just like he loves all of them. It's not fair to cut out Brandish when they all have a chance with him... Even if they really want to veto Brandish joining the club. (人◕ω◕)
Kagura is especially grumpy... But that might have to do more with Brandish so casually playing around with Happy. ... Who Kagura also really loves. (人◕ω◕) At least Cana knows Brandish's weakness~... Just get her into a sneezing fit, and Brandish can be subdued. Yes, this is doable. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
Natsu is a lucky man to have such conniving, calculating girlfriends... eventual wives. (人◕ω◕)
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shrimp-simp · 5 months
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Bee-spider creature (Bee w/ white mask on face and an extra set of arms)
 A knight for the Pale King that was originally from Deepnest. However, she was considered an outcast/traitor after choosing the Pale King’s rule over the rulers of Deepnest, earning her the title. “The Traitor of the Nest”, from the citizens of Deepnest. During her time as a knight, she grew attached to the vessels she met and grew concerned when she noticed them disappearing. Once the infection got out of hand, she fled and lived in a secluded area in the Hive.
Side Info:
She was apart of/lived with the Grimm Troupe at some point and even has the clothes she wore during her stay. In her journal she refers to Grimm as an “old friend”. When visiting the tent she can be seen talking to Grimm and watching the Knight fight Grimm in the stands. After defeating Grimm and collecting the flames, she can be seen resting or sitting next to Grimm while he sleeps, seemingly listening to the sound of the Nightmare’s Heart.
During NKG's fight, she joins halfway through to kept you from completing the ritual and adds her title, 'Nightmare Queen Bee', to the title card.
Beezle has her own hive in the Nightmare Realm with workers called Nightmare Honey Bees.
The Knight would encounter her in Deepnest while looking for supplies and gets brought back to her home in the Hive after getting knocked out because she thought they were “A Nosk coming to haunt me.” Her home could be used as a resting spot for the Knight and a way to learn more about her from her journal.
Infected Ending: Beezle ends up getting infected. However, you would be able to fight her while she’s sleeping and using the Dream Nail on her. The fight ends with her impaling herself with her weapon to keep from attacking you outside of the dream. If you don't Dream Nail her spirit, she'll be seen wondering around Hallownest and sitting next to the Knight while on benches.
Troupe Ending: Earned after completing the ritual/defeating Nightmare King Grimm or banishing the Troupe. In the ending, she goes with the Troupe to the Nightmare Realm and becomes an official member of the Grimm Troupe. But completing the ritual gets you the Nightmare Honey Bee charm (Version of the Grimmchild that, similar to the bees in the Hive, dashes towards enemies and stings them) while you can only talk to her if you banish the Troupe.  Completing the ritual also gives you a glimpse of her leaving a Delicate Flower at the old tent site and her saying, "Goodbye, old friend", before vanishing in a cloud of red smoke, similar to Grimm.
“Just Like Old Times” Ending: If the Knight visits her enough, she’ll disappear and become a boss in the Hive. Defeating her earns the Knight her entry in the Hunter’s Journal along with the “Dual Wielder” charm that allows the Knight to do double damage. After the fight she can be found in Dirtmouth but can be seen observing the statue of the Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel.
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bookwyrm35 · 1 year
My rant about how complicatedly beautiful Locklyle is:
(Disclaimer: this was written at 3 am and I tend to get weirdly poetic in the wee hours. 🤷‍♀️ Just so you know.)
Let us begin with our components of this ship: Lucy Carlyle and Anthony Lockwood. Lucy comes from a home practically devoid of love. Her father is gone, her mother might as well be, and every sister (save possibly Mary) has left her life completely. When she went to London, she was searching stability, shelter and yes, she got that but she also got so much more. She found a family. She found friendship. She found love.
That, in my book is such a vital part of any relationship. Before you are anything else (not more because romance is not above platonic, but simply different), you must have friendship. It might sound cheesy or a little weird but it is true. And it was true for them.
It is important, when analyzing Lockwood and Co. characters, to remeber that Lucy, as much as we love her, is an unrediable narrator. She tells us what she notices and nothing more. As the books go on you can see her dwelling on Lockwood's description, going into more detail of how he looks, how he acts, she even starts to catagorize his smiles. It's slow and she'll never be caught dead admitting it, but you can see how her attraction to him grows and for once I love it. One, because the girl doesn't even notice and two, because it's natural. The pace they move at can be seen by others as miniscule and tortuous, but to me it is right. If there is to be romance, let it be done slowly. Let it be shown at the pace of opening spring and with the steps of shaky feet.
Turning to her counterpart in Lockwood, the first thing I would like to address is his focus. His ambition and drive, though seemingly strictly personal at first, is another vital thing I think plays into the masterpiece that is their relationship. He (for reasons you know if you've read the books) is laser focused on doing his job as an agent and doing it well. His country is plauged by a scourge and he will stop at nothing to alleviate the pain is brings. His whole life since...well, spoilers, has been devoted to fighting the dead, removing their spirits and doing it with flair. But then... along comes this Listener, this girl named Lucy, and everything changes. Suddenly he finds himself with his attention spilt, his once single mindedness gone like it never existed. For the first time in so, so long he thinks about something outside the Problem. This is all speculation, mere drivel on my part, but I truly belive that Lucy changed Lockwood in a way no one else could. She grounds him, gives him a reason to live beyond the next case. She becomes like his sun, a beacon of hope and light he can always turn back to.
I've heard people say that Lockwood fell first but Lucy fell harder. I think that fits. Though we don't see it clearly through Lucy's eyes, from the moment they met, Lockwood would do anything for her. Even when he barely knew her, he gave her his childhood room, a place in his home, his agency and his heart. He never pushed her to talk about her past, never took her Talents for granted, always tried to make sure she felt she belonged. He won't realize until much later, but I think he fell for her before she even accepted the job.
What about Lucy though? Why do people say that she fell harder? I can't say much, don't want to give away anything to those who have yet to read the books, but just know that she would do anything, anything, to keep Lockwood safe. Even if it meant torture and pain and loneliness beyond belief, if she thought it would help him-she would do it. She loves him so much, and she doesn't even realize it.
But does this devotion, the immediate connection make void the point I just made about things needing to be slow? No, because of the ever important detail of their ignorance. It is this inability to make that connection that I find so endearing, even nigh amusing. Anyone else could have told them they love each other, but the fact that they can't see it is delicious to me. It makes them act like fumbling fools, but they're teenagers. What do you expect? Their world is dark and dreary and full of death, but they have each other, and to them that's enough.
I think another reason I love Locklyle is because they never delude themselves into believing they're the only two people on this earth that matter. Never is there a moment where they shut out their friends in favor of being with the other. George (and later a few other characters) are so dear to them, and you never doubt that. Lucy and Lockwood have a special connection, that cannot be denied, but it is never put above thier friendships with others. Like I said before, romance is not more. It is simply different.
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cassynite · 1 year
❌😊🍐 for Sparrow!
Aaaah thank you for the ask Ella!!! These were really good questions :)
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
This is SUCH a tough question for Sparrow. One of her major character flaws is that she's so desperate for connections to others that she never really learns how to establish boundaries--she is incredibly guarded and lets very few people in, but once she DOES it's equally as hard to lose her affections. As a friend or as a lover, Sparrow is deeply loyal, but that becomes a double-edged sword if the person turns out to be unworthy of that loyalty. There are very few circumstances that would cause Sparrow to genuinely cut ties and end a relationship. The first is if her partner ends it first or otherwise indicates that any care, kindness, or consideration they gave her in the past was a lie. Another circumstance would be if the partner knowingly or unknowingly pressures her into being someone she is not; she would go along with it out of affection but if they don't consider her wants and needs, eventually it will feel too much like how she lived as Evaethi's shadow. In that case, she would feel very guilty about ending things, and would likely outright run away rather than confront her partner. Another situation would be if they did something so truly morally reprehensible that Sparrow would not be able to abide by it--mainly this would involve acts of enslavement of some kind. But even in that case, she would have to be in a good position mentally to have the strength to give up on the relationship, it would have to be something REALLY BAD, and she would probably be open to reconciliation if they made the effort to change or at least not do it again.
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Ha, I think it won't be a surprise to learn that Sparrow is not really a happy person as a general rule. Her natural demeanor leans more melancholy. However, Daeran's jokes will always, without fail, make her at least smile if not outright laugh. This was true even before she liked him, and after they start seeing each other Daeran is always able to lift Sparrow's spirits easily with a joke or witty comment. In general, a comment or sign of affection from Daeran is often enough to help lift her spirits. Sparrow also likes to make other people happy as well, especially if she cares deeply for them. She dislikes seeing distress or sadness in the people she loves so she will often try to make people happier through comfort and direct action to the root cause of the issue. She'll be a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear, and will be deadly earnest in her attempt to help soothe or solve the problem that's plaguing her loved one. Daeran often gets blindsided by her earnest straightforwardness sometimes, because since she's rarely open about things it might feel like it comes out of nowhere.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
Sparrow's mentality definitely runs toward the more negative. She is always expecting the other shoe to drop when things are going well--her entire life has shown her that good periods never last, and that something will always come by to shatter it given enough time. Everything goes away, so she always prepares for the lean times so she's not hurt too bad by them. This is helpful in the Crusades, when she's making contingencies for contingencies and is rarely completely blindsided by her enemies, but lends to fraught situations in peacetime when she's trying to build her relationship with Daeran. It's that negative expectation that something will go wrong, this will end badly, that leads her to catastrophizing arguments and blowing things out of proportion.
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penthepoet · 1 year
ooh tell us about lis and arabash!!! :o what are your favorite things about them? what are they like??? also what are your favorite things about crow?? and do you have any other ocs?? 🖤🖤💙💙
I need whoever sent this ask in to know you are a godsdamn legend and I genuinely hope you find 50 dollars or your country's equivalent on the street tomorrow.
Qlisaiah 'Lis' Diablis Amaranth
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She's my FFXIV OC/Warrior of Light!! I have a literal 20+ page lore document about her and I am highly, highly passionate about her. She's basically the deranged zealot priestess of a scary dragon goddess (Angelus from Drakengard 1) and gets sent on a journey to record the stories of others. Along the way, she takes a major step up in self-love, gains a polycule, founds a kingdom, topples tyrants and more. She deserves the world and I will give it to her. She's inspired appearance-wise by the Female MC from Persona 3 Portable, and inspired personality-wise by various Drakengard characters + Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from FFXV. I gotta post more about her on here now that Twitter is a sinking ship, her story is a ride.
Arabash Lavellan
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Arabash is a similar character - they're in different fonts. Arabash is my Dragon Age OC for Inquisition - a blood mage and Dalish elf who basically gets elected the leader of a huge group of mercenaries, to the displeasure and horror of many. She basically goes on to make a lot more enemies and singlehandedly try to dismantle a lot of the systems that kept her held down in place for years and years. She is an absolute menace (affectionate) who takes a lot more work to become a kinder person than Lis and Crow Locke did.
What I Love About Crow Locke, the Crow of Memory
They are such an insanely good character it isn't even fucking funny. The way that Crow Locke struggles with atonement - she's hurt a LOT of people back when she was traumatized and working out what that meant for her. A huge chunk of her story revolves around accepting that she fucked up, that not everybody's going to forgive her, but that she can choose to be a better person than she was last. She can change from "a creature that lives for cruelty" into somebody that can bring shelter to the outcasted, justice for the abused, power to those without. I love the deep determination she has to keep going, how even at her lowest and most grieving, she refuses to give up.
She's going to deal with a lot of hardship, and she will cry, and it will hurt her so badly she can barely bare it... but she will make it through, and she will live. She'll live for the people she loved that may not be able to live anymore, and for the human life she lived that wanted to see the world, and for herself first and foremost.
There's a lot I COULD say and want to say, even, but just know they mean a shit-ton to me and there is a huge list of things I love about them.
What Other OCs do you have?
A bunch!
I have a lot of OCs for unfiction/ARG projects, for instance, like Tiernan Poet McCready, who is a silly little autistic knight determined to save others, and The Dreamer, a mysterious figure who has lived multiple lives upon lives.
I have QUITE a lot of OCs for my original works (don't even get me started on the Penverse/Mindscape, that's a WHOLE post all on its own). Conway Riley from Hotel For The Spirits, for instance, is one of the first ones to come to mind.
and for related content too! like my two tabletop campaigns, Persona: The Occult and the upcoming standalone sequel campaign, Shin Megami Tensei: The Goetic.
I've been thinking a LOT about Occult and Goetic lately. Especially, ESPECIALLY the latter as I've been plotting it out for over a year now and it haunts my every thought.
Take, for instance, my pal P.W. Pierrot-Welker from Persona: The Occult. He is a strange little pierrot who lives in an abandoned mall and speaks in an odd lingo. He loves eating moldy oranges and listening to Moog synths, and he was one of the major NPCs of the campaign. The players adored him and so do I.
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One of my favorite NPCs in Goetic so far is this girl, Azalea Winthrope. Her death kicks off the story and she is just... an absolute barrel of fun. :')
My main inspirations for her, to get a sense of just how fucking wild this girl is, are Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night, Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks, Ianthe from The Locked Tomb, and Carmen from Lobotomy Corporation.
Yeah. This Girl Can Store So Much Madness Inside Her.
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cuppajj · 1 year
Hopefully I'm not that too late to the party and asks are still open for ❛ How our OCs will get along ❜ post ! I was supposed to send it earlier but I got distracted- anyways, I tried to keep it short and I also was not sure which one of my tfocs since I've got plenty of them but I thought I should choose my one and only kran oc with your Drillburst ! :DD
Cinnamon from what I can remember, is a lovely naïve and softhearted bot who would treat you kindly even if you're just a stranger to her, imagine just seeing this bot being gentle with everything she meets including nonliving things and like If she ever sees you struggling with something, Cinnamon would always help, especially by mostly listening to you and sometimes giving advices. As long as it's legal and good ofc, if not then she's gonna try stopping you but if Cinnamon cannot manage to change your mind then she will just give up and try to go along with you even though she knows it's wrong but can't let you go alone either. If it were listening or giving advice, she'll just try her best no matter what.
KRAN OCs have a greater advantage of getting along with Drill because they all come from the same place! If Drill were to run into her, he'd be stunned at the fact that, well, he found a Velux miner, and a KRAN model no less! One of the first things he'd share with her is his serial number, 432882. Even if she doesn't remember her own, it's a sort of symbol of solidarity among velux miners to share. Speaking of, there's a chance Cinnamon would already know who Drillburst is, but that's only if she'd heard of the KRAN that exploded and retained that information all these years.
They'd get along really well, tbh. Drill would admire her compassion, wondering what she went through after Velux to retain that young and naive spirit. He was once the same, but he went through a lot and was forced to change. Not to get deep or anything, but if the events in his life were just a little different, would he be the same way too?
All in all, they'd get along nicely, and I could see them talking about many things :)
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