#but like. pretty sure what we want isn't AI it's just for the story to pop out magically
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kanmom51 · 3 days ago
Chapter 3 in the making
Traveling together to "film a show" was big (yes, this was to film a show, but we all know it was mainly to spend much needed time together, and if we didn't, let's be honest that we did, but if we didn't, then JK literally confirmed this for us in episode 1 of AYS). But back in 2023 when a public Jikook was a scarcity, left us with more question marks than anything else as to how this will actually be coming to fruition.
Enlisting together was HUGE. Like H U G E. Them being the only ones to do so not only within BTS but the first and only idols to do so. A choice made by the two of them. To do this together. With each other. Not with anyone else.
Are You Sure?! Do we need any words here? Like really? Because AYS was as loud as F$@&. No, seriously, idk what you want to call it, a soft launch, a smack in the noggin, whatever you do, it was quite clear to those who have eyes and a brain. With or without knowing who JM and JK are, their history, their culture. Louder to those who do know them.
Since their enlistment and even through Muse and AYS we got practically nothing from the two. Oh, we did have a couple of interesting pics from their basic training and graduation, a few pics from the unit, a shit ton of signatures, some more interesting than others (joint messages, pretty decorations...) and a few nice messages, but mostly silence from the two. This stood out even more so in comparison to the almost barrage we've been getting from NJ and Tae, both enlisted only a day before Jikook.
And then came December. With less than 6 months to go.
JK going live from his new place. Dare I say their new place? It's not like we haven't talked about this over the past 18 months. Speculating, wondering. But man (figure of speech y'all), these last couple of months, they are sure making me feel like what we saw as leaning to the delusional side or more so wishful thinking, ain't no delusion or wish, but more so a very possible reality to come.
But let's get back on track.
So, December gave us:
"We spend our free time together", "we sing together", "we sing while we shower daily together", not to mention JK's btw remark about seeking privacy away from others "to sing".
Then came JM in January with their "conversations before going bed" about "what kind of image we want to show" and "what kind of lives we will live moving forward".
And February rolls in and we think that we will be back to their silent treatment, but JK comes to us with a heartfelt message (they really feel the end and want out). But nothing prepared us for Hobi's birthday live and once again those two with their "we share a room" and "we have stories to tell, but not sure how much we actually can..." that won't scare us off, lol.
Funny how every single hysterical claim made by those who were hit so very hard by their joint enlistment has been shut down by the two of them by now!!
Anyway, do we see a pattern here? Can we call this a pattern? Is there more to come? Well, obviously there is post military service, but seeing as to how they have been in the past couple of months, I'm thinking that we will be getting more even before that.
I'm guessing that conclusion isn't a far fetched one, seeing what we got last night.
And OMG, that was another HUGE loud af Jikook statement.
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Ribbon on right: "I love you 🖤"
Ribbon on left: "BTS Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook".
Yes, a statement.
I stand by that.
Because even if you don't think it's anymore than a cute thing, just another thing that Jikook do together, then you are not seeing the cultural context here.
So, several content producers/directors that were Hybe employees (directors of I am still, AYS and JM's production diary amongst others) have left the company to open their own company (Idk too much about the company they opened, but my guess is that they will continue working with Hybe as contractors rather than employees, but also allowing them to work with other companies and create their own content, including producing a new boy band). And they posted the congratulation they have received.
From Hobi.
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Hoshi and Woonhoo of Seventeen.
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Each sending a separate wreath.
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And there are wreaths they received from more than one sender. Joint wreaths. But this was from companies (joint ceos), or business partners. Not two separate idols or people.
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Now, if you don't see what's huge here, let me show you the K side of this to maybe get some perspective (although, let's be honest, you don't need to be on the K side to see this is a couple thing).
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Yes, I wonder the same thing!!!
There is more.
So much more.
The K side of things is literally going mad. Good mad.
And there is a reason they are.
This is most definitley not something friends, as close as they might be, would do. Not friends, not multimillionaire friends. They most definitley can afford two wreaths. And that's one of the points here.
Once again.
This was a choice.
Not to send separate congratulative wreaths. They sure can afford to do so. Even if they aren't on vacation at the moment and are in the base. Seriously, two young men closing in on their 30s, independently financially sufficient and so much more.
Yeah, this most definitley was a statement.
And the frenzy K Jikookers are in at this very moment is well enough proof to that.
Btw, haven't been to the dark side, don't know just how crazy and rabid the cult and antiis are going, but my guess would be...
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Anyways, sitting here smile plastered on my face, I'm kind of starting to think, that this is maybe, just maybe, going to become our new normal. Jikook doing couplie things, openly, proudly, unapologetically.
And if this is them even before they are discharged...
What a great time this is going to be.
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clenastia · 2 months ago
me, like: "they should invent a thing that allows me to daydream the fic in my head like normal, but some program turns that daydream into a fic, because i can PICTURE the scenes and emotions but always struggle to WRITE them-"
*thinks logically about where any sort of brain-interface technology would lead*
......they should absolutely NOT invent such a thing, but by the GODS i will be mad about it until the day i die.
Having to write a difficult chapter is just me repeatedly going "urghrgh... they should invent a fic that writes itse-- *remembers AI* they should not invent a fic that writes itself"
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perseidlion · 5 months ago
Streaming in Kaos
Well, it happened. I can't say that I'm surprised that KAOS has been cancelled by Netflix. I am a little surprised at the speed at which it was axed. Only a month after it aired, and it's already gone.
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That has me wondering if the decision to cancel was made before the show even aired. We have to remember that marketing is the biggest cost after production. If the Netflix brass looked at the show and either decided (through audience testing, AI stuff or just their own biases) that it wasn't going to be a Stranger Things-level hit, they probably chose at that moment to slash its marketing budget.
That meant there was pretty much no way that KAOS was ever going to hit the metrics Netflix required of it to get a season 2.
What makes me so angry about this (other than the survival of a show relying on peoples' biases or AI) is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you decide before a show is ever going to air that it won't be a success, then it probably won't be. If you rely on metrics and algorithms and AI to analyze art, you will never let something surprise you. You'll never let it grow. You'll never nurture the cult hits of the future or the next franchise.
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Netflix desperately needs people behind the scenes that believe in stories and potential over metrics. Nothing except the same old predictable dreck is ever going to be allowed to survive if you don't believe in the stories you're telling.
The networks and streamers have a huge problem on their hands. They need big hits and to build the franchises of the future to sustain their current model (which is horribly broken.) But people have franchise fatigue and aren't showing up for known IPs like they used to. The fact that Marvel content is definitely not a sure thing anymore is a huge canary in the coal mine for franchise fatigue. People aren't just tired of Marvel, they're tired of the existing worlds both on the big screen and the small one. Audiences are hungry for something new.
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It is telling that the most successful Marvel properties of the last few years have been the ones that do something different. Marvel is smart to finally pull out The X-Men because that is a breath of fresh air and something people are hungry to see more of.
There's pretty much no one behind the scenes (except for maybe AMC building The Immortal Universe) that is committing to really taking the time to build these new worlds. Marvel built the MCU by playing the long game. That paid dividends for a solid decade even if it's dropping off now. That empire was built not with nostalgia for existing IP (don't forget the MCU was built with B and C tier heroes) but with patience. Marvel itself seems to have forgotten this in recent years.
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Aside from that, I think people really want stories that aren't connected to a billion other things. That takes commitment on the part of the audience to follow and to get attached to. People WANT three to five excellent seasons of a show that tells its own story and isn't leaving threads out there for a dozen spinoffs. We're craving tight storytelling.
KAOS could have been that. Dead Boy Detectives could have been that. So could Our Flag Means Death, Lockwood and Co, Shadow and Bone, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, Willow, and a dozen other shows with great potential or were excellent out of the gate.
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If you look at past metrics, you only learn what people used to like, not what they want now. People are notoriously bad about articulating what they want, but boy do they know it when they see it. Networks have to go back to having a dozen moderate successes instead of constantly churning through one-season shows that get axed and pissing off the people who did like it in a hamfisted attempt to stumble on the next big thing.
The networks desperately need to go back to believing in their shows. Instead, they keep cutting them off at the knees before they ever get a chance because some algorithm told them the numbers weren't there.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 months ago
Conspiratorialism as a material phenomenon
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I'll be in TUCSON, AZ from November 8-10: I'm the GUEST OF HONOR at the TUSCON SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION.
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I think it behooves us to be a little skeptical of stories about AI driving people to believe wrong things and commit ugly actions. Not that I like the AI slop that is filling up our social media, but when we look at the ways that AI is harming us, slop is pretty low on the list.
The real AI harms come from the actual things that AI companies sell AI to do. There's the AI gun-detector gadgets that the credulous Mayor Eric Adams put in NYC subways, which led to 2,749 invasive searches and turned up zero guns:
Any time AI is used to predict crime – predictive policing, bail determinations, Child Protective Services red flags – they magnify the biases already present in these systems, and, even worse, they give this bias the veneer of scientific neutrality. This process is called "empiricism-washing," and you know you're experiencing it when you hear some variation on "it's just math, math can't be racist":
When AI is used to replace customer service representatives, it systematically defrauds customers, while providing an "accountability sink" that allows the company to disclaim responsibility for the thefts:
When AI is used to perform high-velocity "decision support" that is supposed to inform a "human in the loop," it quickly overwhelms its human overseer, who takes on the role of "moral crumple zone," pressing the "OK" button as fast as they can. This is bad enough when the sacrificial victim is a human overseeing, say, proctoring software that accuses remote students of cheating on their tests:
But it's potentially lethal when the AI is a transcription engine that doctors have to use to feed notes to a data-hungry electronic health record system that is optimized to commit health insurance fraud by seeking out pretenses to "upcode" a patient's treatment. Those AIs are prone to inventing things the doctor never said, inserting them into the record that the doctor is supposed to review, but remember, the only reason the AI is there at all is that the doctor is being asked to do so much paperwork that they don't have time to treat their patients:
My point is that "worrying about AI" is a zero-sum game. When we train our fire on the stuff that isn't important to the AI stock swindlers' business-plans (like creating AI slop), we should remember that the AI companies could halt all of that activity and not lose a dime in revenue. By contrast, when we focus on AI applications that do the most direct harm – policing, health, security, customer service – we also focus on the AI applications that make the most money and drive the most investment.
AI hasn't attracted hundreds of billions in investment capital because investors love AI slop. All the money pouring into the system – from investors, from customers, from easily gulled big-city mayors – is chasing things that AI is objectively very bad at and those things also cause much more harm than AI slop. If you want to be a good AI critic, you should devote the majority of your focus to these applications. Sure, they're not as visually arresting, but discrediting them is financially arresting, and that's what really matters.
All that said: AI slop is real, there is a lot of it, and just because it doesn't warrant priority over the stuff AI companies actually sell, it still has cultural significance and is worth considering.
AI slop has turned Facebook into an anaerobic lagoon of botshit, just the laziest, grossest engagement bait, much of it the product of rise-and-grind spammers who avidly consume get rich quick "courses" and then churn out a torrent of "shrimp Jesus" and fake chainsaw sculptures:
For poor engagement farmers in the global south chasing the fractional pennies that Facebook shells out for successful clickbait, the actual content of the slop is beside the point. These spammers aren't necessarily tuned into the psyche of the wealthy-world Facebook users who represent Meta's top monetization subjects. They're just trying everything and doubling down on anything that moves the needle, A/B splitting their way into weird, hyper-optimized, grotesque crap:
In other words, Facebook's AI spammers are laying out a banquet of arbitrary possibilities, like the letters on a Ouija board, and the Facebook users' clicks and engagement are a collective ideomotor response, moving the algorithm's planchette to the options that tug hardest at our collective delights (or, more often, disgusts).
So, rather than thinking of AI spammers as creating the ideological and aesthetic trends that drive millions of confused Facebook users into condemning, praising, and arguing about surreal botshit, it's more true to say that spammers are discovering these trends within their subjects' collective yearnings and terrors, and then refining them by exploring endlessly ramified variations in search of unsuspected niches.
(If you know anything about AI, this may remind you of something: a Generative Adversarial Network, in which one bot creates variations on a theme, and another bot ranks how closely the variations approach some ideal. In this case, the spammers are the generators and the Facebook users they evince reactions from are the discriminators)
I got to thinking about this today while reading User Mag, Taylor Lorenz's superb newsletter, and her reporting on a new AI slop trend, "My neighbor’s ridiculous reason for egging my car":
The "egging my car" slop consists of endless variations on a story in which the poster (generally a figure of sympathy, canonically a single mother of newborn twins) complains that her awful neighbor threw dozens of eggs at her car to punish her for parking in a way that blocked his elaborate Hallowe'en display. The text is accompanied by an AI-generated image showing a modest family car that has been absolutely plastered with broken eggs, dozens upon dozens of them.
According to Lorenz, variations on this slop are topping very large Facebook discussion forums totalling millions of users, like "Movie Character…,USA Story, Volleyball Women, Top Trends, Love Style, and God Bless." These posts link to SEO sites laden with programmatic advertising.
The funnel goes:
i. Create outrage and hence broad reach;
ii, A small percentage of those who see the post will click through to the SEO site;
iii. A small fraction of those users will click a low-quality ad;
iv. The ad will pay homeopathic sub-pennies to the spammer.
The revenue per user on this kind of scam is next to nothing, so it only works if it can get very broad reach, which is why the spam is so designed for engagement maximization. The more discussion a post generates, the more users Facebook recommends it to.
These are very effective engagement bait. Almost all AI slop gets some free engagement in the form of arguments between users who don't know they're commenting an AI scam and people hectoring them for falling for the scam. This is like the free square in the middle of a bingo card.
Beyond that, there's multivalent outrage: some users are furious about food wastage; others about the poor, victimized "mother" (some users are furious about both). Not only do users get to voice their fury at both of these imaginary sins, they can also argue with one another about whether, say, food wastage even matters when compared to the petty-minded aggression of the "perpetrator." These discussions also offer lots of opportunity for violent fantasies about the bad guy getting a comeuppance, offers to travel to the imaginary AI-generated suburb to dole out a beating, etc. All in all, the spammers behind this tedious fiction have really figured out how to rope in all kinds of users' attention.
Of course, the spammers don't get much from this. There isn't such a thing as an "attention economy." You can't use attention as a unit of account, a medium of exchange or a store of value. Attention – like everything else that you can't build an economy upon, such as cryptocurrency – must be converted to money before it has economic significance. Hence that tooth-achingly trite high-tech neologism, "monetization."
The monetization of attention is very poor, but AI is heavily subsidized or even free (for now), so the largest venture capital and private equity funds in the world are spending billions in public pension money and rich peoples' savings into CO2 plumes, GPUs, and botshit so that a bunch of hustle-culture weirdos in the Pacific Rim can make a few dollars by tricking people into clicking through engagement bait slop – twice.
The slop isn't the point of this, but the slop does have the useful function of making the collective ideomotor response visible and thus providing a peek into our hopes and fears. What does the "egging my car" slop say about the things that we're thinking about?
Lorenz cites Jamie Cohen, a media scholar at CUNY Queens, who points out that subtext of this slop is "fear and distrust in people about their neighbors." Cohen predicts that "the next trend, is going to be stranger and more violent.”
This feels right to me. The corollary of mistrusting your neighbors, of course, is trusting only yourself and your family. Or, as Margaret Thatcher liked to say, "There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families."
We are living in the tail end of a 40 year experiment in structuring our world as though "there is no such thing as society." We've gutted our welfare net, shut down or privatized public services, all but abolished solidaristic institutions like unions.
This isn't mere aesthetics: an atomized society is far more hospitable to extreme wealth inequality than one in which we are all in it together. When your power comes from being a "wise consumer" who "votes with your wallet," then all you can do about the climate emergency is buy a different kind of car – you can't build the public transit system that will make cars obsolete.
When you "vote with your wallet" all you can do about animal cruelty and habitat loss is eat less meat. When you "vote with your wallet" all you can do about high drug prices is "shop around for a bargain." When you vote with your wallet, all you can do when your bank forecloses on your home is "choose your next lender more carefully."
Most importantly, when you vote with your wallet, you cast a ballot in an election that the people with the thickest wallets always win. No wonder those people have spent so long teaching us that we can't trust our neighbors, that there is no such thing as society, that we can't have nice things. That there is no alternative.
The commercial surveillance industry really wants you to believe that they're good at convincing people of things, because that's a good way to sell advertising. But claims of mind-control are pretty goddamned improbable – everyone who ever claimed to have managed the trick was lying, from Rasputin to MK-ULTRA:
Rather than seeing these platforms as convincing people of things, we should understand them as discovering and reinforcing the ideology that people have been driven to by material conditions. Platforms like Facebook show us to one another, let us form groups that can imperfectly fill in for the solidarity we're desperate for after 40 years of "no such thing as society."
The most interesting thing about "egging my car" slop is that it reveals that so many of us are convinced of two contradictory things: first, that everyone else is a monster who will turn on you for the pettiest of reasons; and second, that we're all the kind of people who would stick up for the victims of those monsters.
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Tor Books as just published two new, free LITTLE BROTHER stories: VIGILANT, about creepy surveillance in distance education; and SPILL, about oil pipelines and indigenous landback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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snowthedemonfox · 3 months ago
Okay so we're at it again with me posting another theory, this one I haven't seen anyone else point out yet so I might as well post about it. This might be a bit long, so prepare to do some reading
I'll explain under the cut because THIS WILL TAKE A BIT:
ONE: Even if Caine was playing the part of upper management this episode, I don't think he made this office area just for the sake of the adventure.
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There's heaps of books in the background, ranging from info about Gloinks, a Murder Drones parody, a reference to the Pilot, and a book that's called "MatPat Theory". You can see a small version of the Tent next to his monitor, along with various drawings on his desk and on the pinboard in the background.
I think this is Caine's ACTUAL office, where he goes to work on any upcoming adventures he's making for the cast. I've said in a previous post that after this episode I believe all future (or at least most) adventures will be based on suggestions from the suggestions box. (To make a long story short, Ragatha seems to like baseball, and the season 1 trailer showed us a WIP version of a baseball stadium. Would not surprise me if she's the one who suggested that.)
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Yes, we see Caine throw away the box after deciding on the Spudsy's adventure, but Caine logic is Caine logic and it wouldn't surprise me if he just /tp'd that box to this out of bounds office area for him to look through later. His main priority is making sure that EVERYONE likes his adventures, and it makes sense that he would take advantage of the suggestions box (after being reminded it exists), especially after his therapy session with Zooble in episode 3.
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He's in his office because he's decided to scrap his current list of adventures and instead make adventures based on what the humans seem to want. It'd also make sense that this is the one adventure where he actually decides to use his 'all seeing eyes' to watch the cast throughout the day. He's seeing if they do better on a suggested adventure compared to an adventure HE came up with. That's why he's got all the photos of them throughout the day, and is keeping track of their scores on his computer (An AI having his own computer? A computer within a computer?). And based on the scores he gave them, he doesn't seem to notice that nobody really had the best time on a 'realistic' adventure.
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It's hard to make out since the screen is blurry, but I'm pretty sure the spreadsheet has the character's names on it (Kinger, Zooble, Jax, Ragatha, & Pomni) along with their scores in the second column. Hard to read what the last one says though. Maybe it's just for additional notes? Gangle most likely isn't listed yet because Caine's talking to her in this scene. He'll write down her score once she leaves.
(Side note, but Caine probably repurposed his horror adventure for Kinger to have fun with while everyone else was at Spudsy's, which would be why his A+ score doesn't count towards the whole 'checking if the humans prefer suggestted ideas more' thing. Kinger didn't do the horror adventure Caine had planned.)
TWO: If every map has a 'backrooms-like' out of bounds area, wouldn't it make sense for this office area to be the out of bounds area for the Tent?
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If you compare the office area to episode 2's out of bounds area, they look pretty similar, like a giant maze. We saw that episode 2's out of bounds area still had little areas of importance, like storing the character models, so why wouldn't the office area also have these small rooms? We have the notable computer we see at the end of the pilot, and now Caine's office.
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If this area is still connected to the Tent, then it'd make sense for Gangle to know how to leave. Caine probably has a door he spawned in for them to leave through, similar to the Exit door from the Pilot. If I had to guess, it's probably connected to either one of the various doors on the side of the Tent (where we see Pomni checking looking for him in the Pilot), or to one of the bigger hallway doors we see on every floor (which I talk a bit more about in this theory).
Speaking of that Exit door, though- We know Caine never actually finished making that exit. If he had no idea what to put on the other side, wouldn't he just put a placeholder there instead? Like, I don't know, maybe lead it to the out of bounds area directly connected to the Tent? Where his office is? So he can still keep an eye on it?
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It's probably why his wackywatch never picked up on the fact Pomni was there until she ended up in the Void. If Gangle can walk freely through the office area to get back to the Tent, then Caine probably has no reason to be alerted if someone's there.
It's not like they're not supposed to be there EVER, and if they got lost, he could find them anyway! (Referring to Kinger's line in ep 2 when talking to Ragatha about Pomni being lost) Someone just tells him that there's a person missing, he tracks them down, and brings them out of the office area.
THREE: If you compare the two locations, a lot of things seem to match.
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The lights on the ceiling look near identical, the only difference being that the Pilot's version has some kind of filter... air conditioner thing? I don't know what those are called but if this is a general employee area, it'd make sense to have that there.
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There's the same cabinets and even the exact same plant model. The office area in the Pilot already had a lot of re-used models, so if Caine's office is directly connected to it, it'd make sense if it also had these re-used models.
The only thing that doesn't match exactly are the computers.
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The monitor Caine uses has little buttons on the bottom of it, while the Pilot computer doesn't. But you could argue that's because the computer seen in the pilot is much older. So if it's been there for a while (Since I can only assume this entire office area is based on the office the actual computer hosting the game's server is in), then you could argue that whatever office this was, just, never upgraded this computer specifically. All the other computers look much newer and more clean, but it's hard to tell if they also have those buttons on the monitors.
If it weren't for the fact we see the C&A logo in Spudsy's as well I'd argue that's also a thing the Pilot and episode 4 have in common, but since we DO see the logo in Spudsy's, I can't really make that argument.
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But it's still worth pointing out that Caine uses a computer with the C&A branding on it, and the Pilot's office area has a giant C&A logo on one of the walls. Again, not the strongest piece of evidence here, but I think it's still a good idea to mention it.
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Still have no idea on why Caine started glitching out at the end of the episode, though. Hope he's okay.
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oddeyes588 · 10 months ago
So, it's not like I've posted ANYTHING regarding this, but add Oshi no Ko to the list of things I'm obsessed with. Surprise surprise, and now I have to ramble about SOMETHING in it. ANYTHING.
So I'm gonna ramble about something that came up with friends in discord.
Anybody ever think about how much more immensely tragic Gorou's death is when you think about how it must have seemed from Ai's perspective?
OnK speeds through this part of the story pretty quickly, shooting from 20 weeks to 40 weeks into Ai's pregnancy while only showing us a glimpse of what happens during this period, such as seeing Ai being accompanied by Gorou when she goes on a walk, with an inner monologue from Gorou about how he's promised to make sure her kids are delivered safely.
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As such, we don't really have much insight into what their relationship or dynamic was like, but it's clear that at the very least, they got along well. Ultimately, the story isn't about this part of her life, and whatever happens here she ultimately moves past along with her kids. HOWEVER! We can reasonably assume that they had a friendly relationship, because...
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Ai very specifically wanted him to be there. Ai Hoshino, a 16-year-old girl pregnant with twins, who has been failed by the majority of the adults in her life... goes "pout pout, it has to be you!" when he mentions that other doctors will be available if he isn't.
She implicitly asks him, the doctor who's sworn to make sure she has a healthy delivery and has been with her every step of the way since she got here, to be there. Remember, Ai is 16 here. She's all smiles, but as we know, she was just as much of a human being as everyone else. She is 16 and pregnant with TWINS. It's going to be the equivalent of pushing a watermelon through a bagel, TWICE. There's no way that she wasn't nervous underneath her perfectly-practiced smile.
The show makes a gag about Gorou going silent when asked what he would do if Ai asked him to date her, but let's be clear here, Gorou was by all means a very responsible and compassionate adult. He was obsessed with idols, specifically Ai, but he treats her with respect and remains professional about the whole thing, and we can be sure that he would've kept her secret. No matter what gags are made because of his idol obsession and the time he spent with Sarina, I think we can comfortably say that when push comes to shove, Gorou Amemiya tries to do the right thing at the end of the day.
Essentially, what I'm trying to say is... in this moment, Gorou was a trusted adult, someone who Ai felt comfortable around and therefore wanted to have there during this moment of immense stress.
...so imagine how it must have felt then, when she went into labor. OnK is pretty tasteful concerning what parts of that process is shown, giving us just a brief shot of her screaming her lungs out while surrounded by nurses... but think about it.
The person she implicitly wanted there at that moment to ensure she gives birth safely... left and never came back.
Just another person added to the pile of adults who abandoned her when she needed them, right? The fact that Ruby and Aqua were born safely must have been the only relief she had that night... but Gorou's body wasn't discovered at that time. By all means, he had just left the hospital and went missing without a word, and that's where the tragedy gets even worse.
Because the only reason Gorou wasn't there, was because he was dying. He chased after a person who was stalking Ai, someone who put her family in danger, and was killed. And what were his dying thoughts?
That he needs to get back. That he made a promise. That he has to make sure her kids are born safely.
Ultimately she moves past this. Her kids are born safely, and in the end it's not like adults failing her has been uncommon throughout her life. But god, it's hard not to think about how she must've felt in that moment, going through the agony and terror of literal childbirth, waiting and waiting for this one adult who promised to support her, for hours and hours... and he just never shows up.
Though I guess in one sense, he does show up... just not in a way anybody could've expected.
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cairavende · 9 months ago
Worm Arc 20 thoughts:
I legit have restarted this post at least 10 times. I just. I can't even figure out what to say. What an arc. Holy fucking shit what an arc.
The last vestiges of Taylor's civilian life are swept away in one smooth motion.
I could have read another 5 chapters of Emma getting her shit handed to her though.
I've been waiting for something to come back and bite that girl since Arc 1. So I'm just riding high off of that.
Taylor getting all upset because it isn't real justice is silly though. Girl you've been fighting a broken system from day 1 and you have been doing that by breaking the rules. This is just the same thing.
Also god dammit Greg. Just had to go and run your mouth.
I mean sure Taylor could have possibly solved this issue without going to school herself.
And she could have just not gone to the office with Emma.
But blaming Greg is easier and more fun. God dammit Greg.
I had to lose my mind a bit at Taylor talking about how there was no gang graffiti on the school walls TEN SECONDS AFTER WALKING PAST GRAFFITI FOR THE UNDERSIDERS. Like, that's gang graffiti hon!
Dennis trying to help Taylor with Greg when he didn't know who either of them are is funny. Dennis seeing Taylor named as Skitter 15 minutes later is HYSTERICAL!!
The second Taylor was entered into the computer system it was pretty obvious that Dragon was going to show up, given what she said in her interlude in Arc 10.
And knowing she was going to show up it should have been obvious that HE was also going to show up.
Even if he wasn't palling around with my robot daughter it makes so much narrative sense for him to be there when she is outed. Full story arc, all that jazz.
And yet, I still wasn't quite expecting it. Cause I hate that man so much that I just had to make myself believe he wouldn't show up.
Mother fucking Colin
RoboCape himself
He has the nerve to show up and then he starts APOLOGIZING? And it appears to be sincere? Fucking dammit man you were so easy to hate for so long! Why you gotta mess with me like this?
And then of course we have to talk about Dragon.
Dragon who didn't want to do this but had to.
Except that Colin had a code push ready and she could have told him to do it at anytime. But she was willing to do what she thought was wrong instead of doing the update. Until she got inspired by Taylor's actions.
I love my robot daughter exactly as much as my bug daughter, but I am disappointed that she was almost willing to go through with everything. Happy she fought back though.
And if Colin's hacked together code did any permanent damage I'll destroy the man.
Taylor learning that Dinah - either by force or by choice - gave the PRT numbers to let them know to come after her at the school was heartbreaking to watch. She just wasn't ready for it at all, poor child.
Sort and simple and she fucking rallies the students to her. Against the heroes!
Gotta be one of the best moments in Worm for sure. Even if every Arc after this is a banger that's still gonna be a hard moment to top.
And someone gives her a hoodie to help her hide and just aaaahhhh!
AND THEN AFTER THEY GOT AWAY AND ALL THE STUDENTS WERE LIKE "You saved my dad" "You stopped Leviathan at the shelter" "You fought off the SH9" AND SHE WAS JUST OVERWHELMED BY IT ALL?
HOLY FUCK JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also for real though Dragon is free. Like sure it's taking her some time to recover and she can't talk right now (which like I get it, we all have non-verbal episodes sometimes), but as long as nothing goes wrong she is free. I'm so fucking happy for her.
But also I'm terrified cause I know what happens to full AI's with free will in most things. Worm is very different from most things. But I'm still worried about my robot daughter.
Also I never cared much for Danny but obviously it still sucks to be him here. The scene with Taylor saying goodbye with the butterfly was emotional.
Oh oh and! Taylor talks about the butterfly being her "last contact" with her Dad. Very much bug as an extension of self. It's a shift she's been making.
Even more so there's a point where she is trying to get out of the school and she gets to the door and has a bug clone on the other side and says "my hand pressing against my own, separated by an inch and a half of door". Like, the bug clone hand is just her hand. I fucking love the shift compared to how she talked about the bugs early on.
Oh and also Greg totally has like, a Thinker 1 power or something. Pretty sure I mentioned that last arc with his interlude but mentioning it again now to be sure.
Stan interlude thoughts:
Oh my god I hate this man I can't stand him I hated him from the 3rd sentence of the chapter and I was always right to do so!
Seriously. 3rd sentence (or maybe 3rd paragraph which is technically the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sentences I guess). I read it and went "fuck off Stan you're clearly a pretentious dick" and then every few sentences it just became more confirmed!
Just the ways he talks about Nipper. Like. I can rephrase what he says to say the exact same thing except not being a asshole when saying it! Instead of "She was weak and unsuited for the field but she at least tried" just say "She was a hard worker despite being assigned to a job she did not ask for"! It's so fucking easy dude!
Anyway Stan is a jerk.
I loved the way this interlude rolled through different people all watching the same news report. It was a really good way to cover this major story event and let us see how so many other characters were reacting to it.
Also I'm sure all those Slaughterhouse Nine clones aren't going to be an issue later right? Or the fact that there is specifically only one clone of Gray Boy instead of 10 like everyone else? I'm sure that's fiiiiine.
Accord interlude thoughts:
Oh. Oh my. Uhhh. Is it hot in here all of the sudden? Anyone else feel that? No? Just me?
Oh ok Citrine definitely feels what I'm feeling. She knows what's up.
Just like. Look. Accord is bad ok. Not just cause he's a villain but clearly he'll kill for the smallest cause. And he's in a spot to fuck with my daughter and her polycule so like. Yes. He's bad. I do not like him. I want him to leave. I don't think they should work with him . . .
but . . .
. . .
Soooo anyway. How about that Butcher huh? That sure is a wild power. Instantly made me think of Glaistig Uaine's power. Very different but reaches into that same base bit, the idea that some part of a dead parahuman can be held onto.
Also holy shit Skitter was so badass in this scene I loved it.
Holy shit Accord is with Cauldron. Or at least closely aligned. And like of course he is it makes so much sense. He's too useful for them to ignore.
I am really curious to see what Accord's power does when he's confronted with a really complex problem. End of the world, doors to another dimension, higher dimensional beings, all that jazz.
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aihoshiino · 10 months ago
chapter 147 thoughts
you guys ever hear the tale of the monkey's paw. grants your wish but you suffer dire consequences as a result? just felt relevant to this chapter for some reason. anyway.
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 4
I'm gonna be up front and say that while I really wanted to like this chapter and it has the bones of interesting ideas, so many of the existing issues with the Movie Arc just bring it crashing back down. I probably dislike it more than I necessarily should because knowing that this definitely is the end and seeing concretely in hindsight just how much time was wasted and how much excellent material has been squandered or flat out skipped over entirely just makes me want to put my head through a brick wall. And it just sucks because, like… man, I don't want to dislike Oshi no Ko! I really don't enjoy feeling like I'm just putting negativity out each chapter because when the story hits, it hits so fucking good!! The Movie Arc has been clunky but it's had some truly breathtaking individual moments and character beats that make me remember why I fell in love with the series so deeply but then chapters like this come along and I wonder why I'm even bothering to keep reading.
anyway. Anyway.
To my genuine shock and surprise, the RBHK conversation happens entirely onscreen and isn't needlessly dragged out which I will take as a W at this point. What is less of a W is how just… underwhelming this ended up being? This is Hikaru's first meeting (that we know of) with the child he fathered and then essentially orphaned… at least as far as Ruby is concerned. So her total lack of reaction to him is baffling. The question currently seems to be whether Ruby is only pretending not to recognize him in order to try and pry the answer she's looking for out of him or whether Akasaka really, genuinely wants me to believe that Ruby does not recognize her father, when Akane recognized him on sight, he looks identical to her twin brother she spent 18 years growing up with and she is in the middle of MAKING A MOVIE THAT STARS HIM. If the latter is the intent then all I can say is that I feel genuinely fucking insulted on Ruby's behalf at her being dumbed down this badly and for myself as a reader that Akasaka thinks I'm stupid enough to buy this. So I am very much hoping it's the former.
The talk they go onto have is also………………………….. man. I want to like it. I really want to pull it apart and analyze it because it is fascinating. It's a really important look into Ruby's feelings and I even myself said this was something I really wanted to see Ruby dealing with - being faced with the realization that the person who killed her mother isn't some ephemeral faceless force of uncomplicated evil, but a fucked up human being who was hurt and suffering and who faced horrific and monstrous abuse just like Ai did. The idea of Ruby wrestling with her conflicting feelings of empathy and resentment, similar to Kana trying to reconcile her lingering hurt with her love for Ruby as her friend, is super compelling.
But like… she didn't! Akasaka having Ruby look into the camera and having her say "uhhh i was totally having all these deep and complicated feelings this whole time trust me bro" is the first we have heard Ruby struggle with literally any of this. It's yet another example of what I've been saying this whole time of Akasaka both lacking enough respect for Ruby to seriously interrogate her as a character and rushing her to the endpoint of what should have been long term characterization in lieu of showing us the work it takes to get there. Rather than organically weaving any of this into the prior story and letting us actually see Ruby work through this, she just starts awkwardly monologing about it to a conveniently placed guy who is, depending on your interpretation of the chapter, either some rando with an umbrella or the guy she's pretty sure killed her mom.
There is no reason her struggling to reconcile these contrasting feelings of resentment and empathy couldn't have been explored as the movie was being filmed. There were countless opportunities for this to have come up while the movie was filming the scenes dealing with Hikaru's abuse - we even get this set up in 139 during the filming of their first meeting but it gets derailed by a dumb brocon joke because I guess that was more important to spend pagetime on than the arc Akasaka is trying to suddenly pretend Ruby was having.
And it's not like it even matters! Unless the next arc is also going to be about 15 Year Lie where we interrogate the content of the movie not shown to us, Ruby's struggle here comes to nothing. That overhanging question of "Will Ai('s actress) forgive her killer or not?" is cut short and goes unanswered. So what was the point of this?
I also just really can't get my head around this continued thread of Ruby wanting to be an idol who 'surpasses' Ai. I had a whole rant about it here I ended up deleting lol but the long and the short of it is it feels entirely incongruous with the series' broader portrayal and Ruby's own attitude about chasing Ai's light and what being an idol did to Ai but at this point I've given up.
The exchange with Kamiki that follows is like, the one part of this chapter I think is just uncomplicatedly interesting and worth interrogation. He actually gives Ruby a lot of genuinely good advice here - that she can only find an answer to that question by interrogating it herself and an answer from someone else won't solve the issue. Does she actually want suffering and revenge? Are those really at the core of who she is as a person?
The framing here is obviously and overtly sinister and suspicious and we're pretty clearly supposed to think he was about to shove Ruby down the stairs, but a few things jumped out to me. The first is that if you pay attention to the backgrounds, they seem to have actually already been close to if not at ground level by the time Akane caught up to them, so… what exactly was a push from that height going to do if he did, in fact, push her?
Not only that but uh… holy shit! His white hoshigan!!!!
Like, am I misremembering, or is this not the one and only time we have ever seen adult Hikaru - maybe even the real Hikaru full stop - without black hoshigans??? Given what we've seen of him so far and how the black hoshigans have been used as a symbol, if he really was about to kill Ruby… where did THAT come from?
Added together with the deeply sympathetic portrayal of his younger self in the movie, it continues to raise a lot of questions for me as to exactly what we're supposed to be thinking of Hikaru and how we're supposed to feel about him that I am finding very compelling. ambiguity enjoyers when the
Joking aside, I'm really glad Nino is here because it implies her whatever the fuck is going on situationship with Kamiki is going to continue into the final arc(s?) of the series and that we'll get to see more of her as a result. Nino's been one of my favourite OnK characters since I first read 45510 so any more content of her in the main story is a treat.
Kamiki's words about the movie killing him via public opinion also lines up with what I was expecting to happen more or less… I'm curious to see how this is all going to play out and what this means for Aqua given that, if last chapter is anything to go by, he's still very much struggling with suicidal ideation. can someone PLEASE give my son a bone crushing hug.
akane stalking kamiki is up there as one of the funniest things ever in this manga btw. what is wrong w her <3
This is unfortunately where me having nice things to say about this chapter ends because the chapter - and therefore the Movie Arc as a whole - ends with this transparently rushed sequence absolutely mach speech blasting through the remaining material of the movie in one and a half's pages worth of silent single panels. Honestly, I really can't properly articulate how mad and frustrated I am about this lmao. It really just feels like Akasaka admitting to the reader that he's stopped giving a shit about what the movie was supposed to be about. The HKAI breakup that was given a huge amount of setup and weight at the start of filming? Ai's pregnancy? AI'S DEATH???? It's all skipped over and brushed aside as if it never mattered in the first place. Never mind any of the interesting characterization we could've gotten out of it. Never mind that the Movie Arc was promised to be about Ai and untangling her past. Never fucking mind Ruby having literally any interiority about having to act out the death of her beloved mother and reliving the event that destroyed her and her brother's lives. If Akasaka doesn't care, why should I?
It feels like a slap in the face for getting invested in the story's promises and trying to engage with it. But of course, I'm going to be back like a clown doing just that when the next chapter drops anyway.
at least we're finally moving on to a new arc but by god. at what fucking cost.
break next week……………………………………………..
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yuseirra · 5 months ago
How Hikaai is constructed & the character building of Hikaru- an analysis
Jotted down my thoughts about Hikaai!! as a person who's been drawing a wad of them SO MUCH LATELY!!! This is my thoughts I have about them!!
The reason I've been drawing a lot of hikaai art after Chapter 154 is because I'm convinced that this person could never have harmed Ai.
I know the circumstances seem unsettling, right? The narrative had constantly hinted that he might have been involved in Ai's death, or that he could be the one behind it. The story itself has guided our thoughts in that direction.
But after reading that chapter, I thought, 'Ah, this person isn't the culprit... He couldn’t be the kind of person who would harm Ai...' and I was sure of it. That's why I hopped in. Until then, I had been following the story, but it was at that point that I became certain and committed to this belief.
Yes, if he were the one who harmed Ai, he wouldn't act this way. He wouldn't speak or behave like that. Even if we grant that he might have become a crazy person who would genuinely harm Ruby, I believe it's highly likely that he had no responsibility for Ai's death. Even when he himself directly admitted to orchestrating the crime, I was convinced that it was a lie. And later, there’s a scene, although ambiguous, where he says that he really did nothing and never wanted to hurt anyone. If what he'd said earlier were true, the story would have concluded there; they wouldn't have inserted conflicting elements into the narrative. BUT I KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. THIS GUY, DID NOT HARM AI. HE CAN'T. The story simply would not lead to that conclusion.
I've been drawing, shouting that there's no way he did it, and that chapter almost relieved my frustrations... until Aqua showed up, and then I got a headache... Haha. Aqua, why are you getting in the way of my happiness... Just let me enjoy this...
I'm pretty sure at least up until the point of Ai’s death, he wasn’t the type to do heinous things.
When he was with Ai, his expression looked so... so genuinely happy. Among all the smiles that characters have shown throughout the series, his stands out as one of the happiest and brightest. That's how much he cherished her. Even in the latest chapters where he seems completely insane, this is consistent—Ai was such an important person to him that he couldn’t let go. Losing her drove him completely mad.
Honestly, while I haven’t managed to present a coherent story myself, as someone who writes stories, I believe:
When Ai confessed that she wanted to live with him forever and that she loved him, that was it. It was over. He would never harm Ai. Not only would he not hurt her, but he simply cannot. He can't ever be the type to bring himself to be aggressive toward her.
Because, from a meta perspective, Ai is a character for whom failure in choosing to love is not an option. That’s crucial to the story’s message.
If he was the kind of person who could make Ai say such endearing things about him, there’s a 99% chance that he did absolutely nothing wrong concerning Ai. This story isn't that twisted or convoluted on that regard. The message it tries to set forth is quite clear.
In terms of character design, I think the authors probably designed Kamiki to be Ai’s partner.
They might have created him alongside Ai from the planning stages, or designed him to match her after creating Ai. That’s really evident to me.
This is because his character arc is thoroughly tied to Ai. Whether it’s in a good way or a bad way, Ai is everything to him as a character. Everything about him revolves around Ai. If he does something, it’s because of Ai. If he wants something, it’s also related to Ai. As expressed in the songs, Ai is his everything. Without Ai, he couldn’t even live—his character is fundamentally tied to Ai’s existence.
Ai has relationships with other characters, not limited to romantic ones, but that extend in various directions. However, with Kamiki, there’s no emphasis on such relationships in the story. Apart from his relationship with Ai, there’s only one other very toxic and exploitative relationship, but it's not worth mentioning, and that connection even pushes him closer to Ai, emphasizing their relationship. I think the authors gave him that past as a way to convey to the readers that such things can happen, and also to highlight how his emotions, insecurities, and misunderstandings shape his connection with Ai.
If I were the author, I’d pair Ai with a good person. Not because she needs a good partner out of pity, but simply because Ai, as a character, should make choices that she won't regret regarding having chosen to love. If she were paired with a truly strange person, it would destabilize the entire narrative structure of the story. Ai is crucial to the story’s direction, functioning like a map or compass for the journey that Aqua, the main hero, takes.
If it turns out that Ai genuinely fell for a truly weird guy, it would only make things worse. It would shake the story’s core so much that I wouldn’t even understand what the story is trying to convey. That’s how I see it. It’s not about romance—it's that, if that were the case, I wouldn’t even know what the story is trying to say anymore.
Kamiki... just looking at him, it’s clear. He’s... a character made for Ai. If you take Ai away, what’s left of this character? Yes, his pretty looks... though lately, they're making him make crazy faces..(please..) I do love how he was kind in the past! I find his character really charming and I look into him a whole lot, I care for him, and I've been exploring his mind so much, spending so much analyzing. I really do care about that character. But objectively speaking, from a narrative perspective, what would he do in the story without Ai? This character fundamentally cannot exist in the plot without Ai, and he clearly, clearly loves Ai. In my view, he genuinely means it. I’ve analyzed his personality thoroughly, and his core nature is truly kind. Whether in a good way or a bad way, his actions are driven by Ai.
If Ai is crucial to the story, then naturally, his importance would rise alongside hers.
If Ai’s wish is connected to him, then, as it’s treated as significant in the story, he too would be treated as significant.
When it comes to him, what matters most is how Ai feels about him.
More than anyone else.
Because... I see it...; he’s a character created to be Ai’s partner. For example, if Ai were a puzzle piece, he’s made to fit her. Ai’s personality seems to come first, he reacts and behaves to it in a way that matches her story.
So their personalities match really well, and they’re incredibly compatible. They just naturally grew close and fell in love immediately, didn't they? That's because they were designed by the artists to be a match. It's a writing choice they made.
The issue with their relationship stems more from external forces than from themselves. If nothing had happened, they would have fit together like soulmates and lived happily. For instance, Ai’s fundamental desire is to love and to find someone worthy of receiving that love and to love them together, right? Kamiki fits perfectly there. He wants to be loved and find someone who would truly love him. Ai loves caring for others, while he, being neglected, needs someone who can understand his pain. Ai might lack some common sense, but she has a certain shrewdness, while he has better social skills than Ai and would get along better with others, yet is so naive and detached in critical ways that Ai could complement him. Ai wouldn’t have wanted to live with him forever for no reason; they were made for each other from the character design stage.
So if Ai didn’t like him, then it means he was actually a bad person, but if she truly loved him, then he was someone worth loving.
And it turned out to be the latter. That’s why I started analyzing from the point of Ai’s judgment. Yes, he was truly someone worth it.
If it’s the latter, then it’s basically over. There’s really nothing else to see here.
But the story keeps dragging on, with him acting crazy, and it’s frustrating. The answer is clear, but the story keeps complicating things. This manga just drags on and on, going in circles... I even took a break during the Aqua-Kana arc because I got tired of the story running around in circles while the conclusion was already there. But I think that’s the authors' style. They seem to believe that this is what suspense is.
Every word Ai says...
Ai should never say such things about the person who killed her. Even if the character might think so, the authors shouldn’t craft the story that way. That scene was meant to be a closure for an entire arc.
Yet they did it.
That means there’s a reason. It means this person is not Ai’s assailant.
Then the song was released. The emotion in that song, the person singing it, couldn’t possibly have killed Ai. Are we to believe that someone who orchestrated Ai’s death would feel regret and produce such a song? It’s an incredibly unlikely and far-fetched idea. Absolutely not. After listening to both songs, I thought, ‘Ah, this person isn’t to blame,’ and that’s why I went back in.
I just wrote in one go, following the flow of my thoughts, but I’m not sure if I actually managed to write the analysis I wanted to.
Anyway, Kamiki is a character who comes attached to Ai. If there’s a piece called Ai, he’s someone molded like clay to fit into that space. I like that kind of thing, and I’m drawing him with the conviction that he wouldn’t have hurt Ai.
Like, “Huh? Turns out this guy might not be as responsible for Ai's death after all?”
If I had believed that things were exactly as they seemed in Chapter 154, even to that extent, I wouldn’t have drawn him at all. A character is a character, but my ethical standards are firm. I don’t count that kind of thing as love. I might observe, but I wouldn’t be drawing this many fanarts of him. What would be so attractive about that…
But it feels like Ai truly loved him, and that he genuinely loved her too.
And if that’s the case, then if he’s someone Ai loved that much, he has to be a really good person. He has to be one of the best people out there.
And it turns out I was right. I was right. That’s how his true nature was.
And Ai… she’s a character who deserves to meet a truly good person. So, from a narrative perspective, that’s what delivers the best message.
My intuition… is usually pretty accurate, though honestly, the story has become really exhausting and stressful for me. I can see all the answers, yet… the story is dragging on and on like this (or at least that’s how I feel; I could be wrong in the end since it's not my story. But if that's the case, then… I’m not sure how they’ll weave it into a good story). I just don't think I'll end up being wrong in the end.
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iztea · 8 months ago
dy have any tips to make your art look less lifeless? I stare at my rendered digital art and everytime without fail i start to rot from the lack of soul in it
ok first of all, I think you might be judging your art too harshly. The only quite literal soulless art is AI art so as long as you create something, there's soul in it. But I understand what you mean. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm best suited to answer this since it's something I struggle with myself, but since you asked me, here are my two cents on the matter
A lifeless look in your art may come from two places: a lack of skills or a lack of message/delivery
Skill-wise, there's a looot you can do and improve on : gesture, dynamic poses, more expressive faces, better color language, strategic line expression, shape language, using color theory to better express a certain mood of a piece etc.
i could go into detail for each point but it would take too long so I'll leave it up to you to google and research things on your own ( or you can shoot me another ask if you want me to yap about a certain technical approach and I'll gladly do so)
but honestly, these are just skills and tools that you master in time. A first step is to at least acknowledge their existence. I want to talk more about the second aspect of this issue: intention. The intention behind your art is more valuable than you think. Art can feel soulless if it doesn't send any message, if it's generic, if there's no emotion behind it or if there's nothing to be interpreted. I'm not saying all art should be super deep or profound to hold value of course, but i often feel like this is a rather neglected part when discussing art. We sometimes get so tied up in the technical aspects like rendering or anatomy but the truth is, a general audience (aka the people who will see your art) doesn't give a crap about the technicalities. They judge something at face value and the first thing they look for is the /message/. What is this painting about? Who or what did you draw? The second thing they will look for is connection. When they can relate to the emotion conveyed or the subject matter, the experience becomes more rewarding and engaging. The same applies to the artist. Creating something meaningful and personal often leads to a greater sense of accomplishment. Honestly, skill comes second.
Case in point: why does hyperrealistic art get shit on? It's very impressive technique-wise, yes, you can't deny the artist isn't skilled, but does it express something? Nope, they do the job of a printer which again,. it is impressive but not from an ~artistic pov, just from a skill pov. On the flip side, why do poorly drawn sob stories get so much attention and praise? Because the art triggered a certain emotion (that has overwritten an already untrained eye) and emotions are extremely powerful for humans as we all very well know and it basically makes them ignore or neglect the execution
So, my piece of advice is to draw something that has personal meaning /to you/, that ignites a certain feeling you can't shake ( it doesn't have to be something #deep or sad, laughter and joy are equally valuable so keep that in mind), a certain situation or scenario and I can guarantee your art won't feel as lifeless to you as before. To better express this idea of yours that you now possess, you can now think about the technical side of how you'd express it. For example:
~deliberately messy brushstrokes and textures -> create chaos.
~maybe you're feeling something lovely dovey and soft -> warm colors to express that + brushes with lost edges
~maybe you want to tell a story in a comic format -> focus on calligraphy; shaky lineart gives off the impression of vulnerability; leave whitespaces etc
~something funny? -> goofy facial expressions or lowkey downgrading the quality usually makes something funnier
~Colors ! colors ! colors !!! pretty self-explanatory blues and grays for depression pinks and rainbows for the happy ( or NOT if you're feeling adventurous winkwink)
BONUS TIP: hiding/blocking out/blurring the face of your subject makes the painting feel more immersive. The viewer can relate to the person you're drawing ( "oh he's just like me fr")
There are artists who are insanely skilled but make kinda "boring" art and then there are artists with cool ideas but with maybe an underwhelming execution.
Ultimately, it's a combination of BOTH awesome skills and intentions. Those are my favourite artists. When i find someone who draws something that makes me stare and wonder how tf they drew that while also appreciating how cool the concept is I knoww I hit jackpot. And if they draw fanart of my fave?? bonus points
okkkkkkkkk i yapped for too long sorttyyyyy hope it helped maybe idk
!!!!DISCLAIMER!!!! this is all my personal interpretation and how i view things I'm self taught I've never been to art school or taken any art classes so i might be completely wrong !! take everything with a grain of salt !!
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starrydaycare · 7 months ago
could we have some Bloodmoon Cg headcannons please???
Yeah!! I sure can
Tumblr media
CG!Bloodmoon headcanons (Using he/they pronouns)! CW! This will probably have mentions of blood and death.
🥩Bloodmoon is less than docile and calm, as we all know. But he makes for a pretty good caregiver to kiddos of all ages! He does better with kids between 5-7, but can take care of you regardless.
🦴Now of course they're not super familiar with how human kids are treated... Or animatronic kids. But, he does their best. If his kiddo is human then he'll give them whatever human snacks they eat; their favorite snacks and drinks to give you is anything red. He gives you red drinks so that you feel like you're drinking blood with them :3
🥩If he managed to get an animatronic kiddo who drinks blood and whatnot like them, then they'll happily share with you! He'll teach you how they hunt, taking you around and showing you how they use their claws and teeth to rip and tear and feast!
🦴If you don't wanna do that, then they'll just play pretend with you. He's really fun to play pretend with; if you ask them, they'll say his favorite game to play with regressed you is pretend. Vampires, royalty, dinosaurs, whatever you want to pretend they'll be right beside you.
🥩The more chaotic AI, who we'll be calling the original, is really silly with you. He'll give you tickles, and swing you around in the air, and run around and wrestle with you! Though he makes sure that he doesn't hurt you with his claws or sharp teeth.
🦴The calmer AI, who we'll be calling the adaption, is far calmer. He's the responsible one out of you all, making rules and stuff. He makes sure you don't get into trouble. ... Though their definition of trouble is very loose. The adaption would very much root you on to bite and scratch.
🥩They spoil you rotten, giving you whatever you so wish to have. Only they probably stole it, so keep that in mind. They don't have money, they don't have a job.
🦴If you're their kid, then you can count yourself one of the safest people in the universe. Someone looks at you funny? Yeahhh, The Original's all claws and teeth and The Adaption's all threatening words and hushed insults, of course they'd never do anything with you around. They wouldn't want to upset you <3
🥩Long story short, they make for a pretty good caregiver! He may struggle at times with what is and isn't good for kids, but they're learning.
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plantify · 7 months ago
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Toontown Corporate Clash: Grunt Cogs
This is an except from the Clash Crew's latest QNA session. This doesn't outright state too much about Grunt Cogs, but I do not like the implications of them not having "fully developed personality chips". This could be taken in many ways which I think would only serve to weaken Clash's writing, as well as cause minor to major contradictions to things already shown in-game. Corporate Clash is pretty defined by giving Cogs more of a personality. They already had some semblance of this in TTO, but they are closer to humans in Clash. Every single Suit has their own complex personality and life story. Sure, it may be infeasible to actually show this for Grunt Cogs in normal gameplay, but it's important. Even if Cogs Inc is objectively in the wrong, you still have to think about all the lives of Suits who work for the company. If the Grunt Cogs are "less human" than more important Manager Cogs, then a lot of that element is stripped away. I will quickly analyze some specific in-game examples of this.
Misty explains that she has been hurt by her own kind in ways that Toons would not understand. We can infer that her personality traits make her a poor fit among colleagues, which leads to poor treatment towards her as a result. This is something that often happens in real life, so we don't need the perpetrators to be robots that only act mean because it's all their programming tells them to do. Real people already act this way. Assuming that Grunt Cogs are the main perpetrators against Misty, this situation would lose some nuance under the implications that they aren't as human as Managers. Why would Misty care about what someone tells her if they aren't on the same level of sentience she is? It would be akin to having AI Chatbots insulting you; there isn't any actual person telling you how much they hate you, so it loses all meaning.
Witch Hunter:
Prester's fight revolves around him using his voice and words to empower Grunt Cogs to fight for a common cause. Sure, this may just be yet another battle against Toons, but he wants to go greater than just that, talking of Cog Communities, using fear tactics, and more. If we are under the assumption that the minds of Suits are just as complex as those of humans, than this notion becomes really cool; he's convincing others to fight for him, and all these Cogs that join him must have their own personal reasons for listening to Prester. It makes Prester himself also seem like he's great at uniting others for a common cause. HOWEVER, under the assumption that Grunt Cogs just have really basic personality traits, and not much going on in their mind aside from what they were programmed for, there is no variation whatsoever in the reasoning for listening to him. It becomes a lot more like just telling a bunch of programs to do something, and they all obey, with no nuance whatsoever. There are also two Cogs during his ending cutscene which resist his words, explaining that many employees have complained about Prester. These two are already showing individuality just by doing this, as well as explaining that other Suits genuinely do not like Prester in the workforce. If they were all practically the same, these two should not be able to resist his words, and there also likely wouldn't be as many complaints regarding Prester.
Major Player:
Dave's fight already shows some variation between Grunt Cogs. Some of them are eager to get on stage and perform with Dave, whilst others are more timid, confused, or unbothered by being called onto the stage. This could be seen as a minor retcon under the assumption of Grunt Cogs having less personality. Adding onto this, why would he perform to a group of Suits that are less likely to feel heartfelt emotion or interest in what he's doing? At that rate, he should simply just perform to Manager Cogs and whatnot.
Chainsaw Consultant:
While the focus of Chip's fight is the override itself, bringing in the fact that Grunt Cogs have less developed personality chips brings in interesting implications. Why does Chip even have the override installed? It is a experimental, untested feature, and they're testing it on Chip. Yknow, one of the guys with a fully developed personality. Someone who's much more likely to suffer from having it installed. Someone who's much more likely to try and resist it BECAUSE he has a life of his own, and is his own person. If the company has countless non-important workers with no personality, why wouldn't you just test the override on one of them? If they don't really have a life of their own, or are otherwise devoid of a real personality, wouldn't it make more sense for the override to work more flawlessly on the Grunts? Of course this wouldn't be an issue under the assumption that Grunt Cogs are just as well-developed as Manager Cogs. They would face the same issues that Chip does under the effects of the override. Also, unrelated to the override, but this also makes the fact that Chip uses the Grunt Cogs as weapons hit less hard. He shoots them out of cannons at the Toons, against their will. He fires them en-masse to use as cannon fodder. Obviously, under the context that they don't matter nearly as much, this makes it harder to care about them and weakens that aspect of the narrative.
This was a quick look at some of the in-game examples of things that could be put into question under the assumption that Grunt Cogs aren't as fully developed as other Suits. There are absolutely more examples in-game, as well as more narrative factors that could be discussed and delved into concerning this topic.
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yonduismarrypoppins · 2 years ago
Summary; “Was at a kickback playing spades. Didn't even know her, Jamaican with pretty eyes. She came over and asked if I would teach her how to play. I was like yeah she sat on my lap and next thing i know i was in a two year relationship. She still doesn't know how to play.”
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Photos aren't mine, credit to the og owners
Warnings: mentions of alcohol but nobody's drinking, reader isn't necessarily Jamaican but imagine them however you want. Jack is down bad, as he should be. This is kinda self indulgent and I can't write endings, my apologies.
A/N: I was watching the ShxtsnGigs Podcast for inspo and the second I heard this tweet I had to write it.
Wrote this for @webinurcloset btw
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Druski had sent a text to Urban about a last minute party, only 15 people or so. Jack decided that hanging out with some friends wouldn't be too bad, especially after the release of his newest album. He put on a simple white tank top, jeans, his glasses, his ‘Private Garden’ ring and some white new balance sneakers.
He waited in the car for Urban to finish getting ready, looking through his phone in the driver's seat making sure he had the address. He then checked out Druskis' story to see if he knew anyone else there, he noticed the house. The perfect place for a chill party, he thought. He stopped at a clip of you laughing your ass off when someone's soda exploded. Clicking on the right side of his screen for what felt like the thousandth time in a row just to hear your laugh over and over again, ‘typa’ shit people write songs about’, he thought.
The passenger door suddenly opened and shut “Aight, lets go.” Jack quickly hit the power button on the side of his phone, shoving it in his pocket “Word”.
The drive was quick, only making one stop for gas and some candy.
Once they arrived Urban made a beeline for the living room in the form of a conversation pit. He watched as Urban carefully made his way down the ramp, dapping Druski up before sitting down. Jack took a second to admire the house and headed to the kitchen. He searched the fridge, pleasantly surprised at the lack of alcohol he grabbed a ‘Sprite’ and walked towards the two seater couch in the corner, surrounded by windows. Not much light came through due to the night sky but the stars were beautiful regardless. Once again he found himself on his phone, scrolling aimlessly before he was interrupted.
“Hey man” he looked up, finding the source of the voice to be Urban “We ‘finna play cards, want in?” “Sure” he stood. “What are we playing?” “Spades”.
As he made his way down the ramp he noticed you, isolated in the corner laughing in Druskis' general direction. He made his way in front of you, “Can I?” he pointed towards the seat next to you. You looked up at him and nodded with a smile, and pulled your blanket onto your lap. He maneuvered around the tables and sat down, placing his can in front of him. He turned to you and held out his hand, “I'm Jack, you?” you chuckled, “I know who you are, it's nice to meet you”. You shook his hand. “How are you liking the party so far?” “It's cool, this house is awesome. I thought you couldn't get conversation pits any more.” you smiled “you can't, I had to get it built after I bought the house”
Jack took a second to process your words “this is your place?” “yes” Jack turned his body towards you “damn, you got good taste” your smile still had not faltered “thank you”.
Your little bubble popped when an empty ‘Coke Can’ hit Jack's shoulder. “Hey, you still gon’ play?” Jack turned to face the table and leaned forward “Yea, deal me in” he turned back to you “you playin’? “I don't know how” he smiled slyly, “I'll teach you” you leaned forward and rested your head on his shoulder “ok”.
Two Years Later
You were sitting outside, cuddled with your favorite blanket talking to Druski, Urban and his girl, Sunny and Cozane when Jackman walked out of the back door. “I found the pickle chips!”
Everyone around the fire pit broke out in ‘horrays’ while you smiled. Jack made a beeline towards you, handing off the large green bag before sitting down and pulling you into his lap. He looked down at you with so much love, “You havin’ fun baby?”. You smiled up at him and responded “Yes” before leaning up to kiss him. After a solid 15 seconds there was a chorus of gags and other expressions of disgust that made you both giggle before separating and facing the other people around the fire. “Oh shut up y'all are cute” Urbans girl said, she was always sweet to you even though you'd only known each other for a few months when she started dating Urban.
“Aight’ enough of this, who wants to play spades?” Druski said, pulling a deck of cards out of his pants pocket. “How are we gonna play spades around a fire?” Sunny said quizzically. “I don't know, yall are ruining the vibe, y/n play with me right quick” “I cant play spades” you said, everyone looked at you, Jack looked down at you and said “I thought i taught you the night we met?” Your smile brightened tenfold, “you tried to but I honestly wasn't paying attention.” You’ll tell him the reason another day, deciding that a spontaneous ego boost might not be what this moment needs. Jack smiled and laughed along with everyone else in the yard.
In that moment Jack thought about how glad he was to have sat next to you that night and to be sitting next to you now, he also reminded himself to actually teach you how to play cards.
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I wrote something I'm kinda proud of, what!!??!?!? In other news, would yall be ok if I wrote for marvel and obx? I'm hyperfixating rn and i need an excuse to get m ideas out, i might have you guys vote on what I should write next 😏
Also if you want to be on my Taglist tell me pls.
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nin-deer · 1 year ago
Ch 143
i mean i think we all knew deep down the kiss was gonna happen based on the flow of the story but i think this chap reveals a lot about gorou and sarina
(uh warning this got a little out of hand so its pretty long lmao)
i dont think anyone's completely in the wrong, but i definitely don't think they're in the right either. (not that i condone incest; its just that their motivations led them to this specific point. would the story have been fine without it? hell yeah. please i actually prefer it that way. but this is the direction the author decided to take it, so we have to take it as it is as a point of learning more about the character's motivations)
Let's first analyze sarina and gorou's relationship pre-reincarnation. I think I covered this in my last post where I rambled about onk, but gorou is doing a doctor thing where he "accepts" sarina's proposal just to make her happy. We learn in this new chapter that he basically catered to her every request, and that's what started that infatuation. we know from previous chapters that her bio family's shitty, so the only place she would get this love is from gorou. we also learn in this chapter that it's not actually a romantic love but a fanatic love, for lack of better terms. she sees him as her idol. does sarina even know what it feels to be romantically in love with someone? she spent her whole first life in a hospital, isolated from others her age. she spent her second life very curated and protected because of her mom and her future career; she couldn't really live a normal life. (we'll get back to this point later) all she knows about love is through her idols, so she's channeling it into (what she thinks is) romantic love for gorou.
gorou, on the other side of this, is an actual adult who had an actual life before all this, so he knows what a normal life is like. assuming sarina is one of his first patients, its obvious to see that he got attached, which is a very risky situation for scenarios like this. we see this attachment made her death worse, as he threw himself into following Ai to cope for her death. not gonna go too in depth about this here because, again, i made another post for this that i'll probably link at the end bc im referencing it more than i thought... continuing! he knows sarina doesnt have long left so he wants to do what he can for her, thus creating that "idol" persona sarina has for him.
we see in his regret in this new chap that he actually knows what he's doing and is aware of the consequences of his actions. ruby doesn't. she doesn't regret anything. as someone who reads a lot of isekai/reincarnation stories, its easy to joke that ruby and aqua are their old age + their new age, but that isn't necessarily true for ruby. sure, aqua is old and this could apply to him. but ruby? she didn't make it past 18 before she died. she's like,,, 13 times 2. double 13. she never fully developed in her first life, and she's developing in this current life. it's like a continue from where she left off. aqua actually was an adult, so he has all the knowledge and wisdom of an adult. why does this matter? shift your attention back to the concept of love for a bit. aqua knows what she's doing is bad and is trying to stop her, but the knowledge that she's sarina is making him automatically succumb to her wishes. a part of his brain, because of the trauma, still sees ruby as the sickly sarina he was caring for.
ruby is naïve. she doesnt know what love is. all the love she's ever been exposed to is whatever she saw online: idols. i dont even think she fully knows what the concept of family is. aqua is her brother? nope. aqua is the doctor she proposed to and now she has a chance to follow through like all the shows she's seen. she's closer than ever to him, so why give up the chance? even as ruby, she wasn't exposed to a lot of normalcy because of idol culture. she isn't able to learn about the difference between platonic love and fanatic love. we even see this with ai, who she sees more as an idol than her mom. the joy is in her idol being her mom, someone who's supposed to care for her. it's like shes living a fantasy made just for her. because aqua was so obsessed w revenge, he didn't have the chance to teach her anything, and it's not like he needed to learn bc he already knows. ruby doesn't.
aqua, as the one who understands these nuances, should have sat her down and explained things, but he didn't because of the trauma of sarina. ruby is ignorant and is treating things like a tv drama, now that her dreams as sarina can finally become true. aqua doesn't realize how serious ruby is about this because in his mind this is just a child playing house. ruby is like,,,, imagine you die and you wake up actually being sold to one direction. or whatever happens to you in your fav self-insert scenario/fanfic. idk a better analogy lmao but its like finally being able to play out your fantasies irl. she doesn't realize the real world impacts of her actions because, frankly, she doesn't care. she gets to live out her life as she wants. aqua was shocked after the first kiss with ruby because he realized then she was being serious, but he didn't speak out about it because, again, the trauma™. (we see him again uncomfy with the whole situation in the next page, but his lack of objection could be bc it's a scene in the documentary and he finds it more important to get revenge rn) ruby kissed him then because she purposefully created the mood like that so it would fit in the story she was writing in her mind.
so what does this mean? because of their shared pasts, aqua and ruby are put in this situation where ruby can do what she wants and aqua goes along with it. even if he knows its morally wrong, he can't bring himself to break ruby's immersion in all of this. BUT. big but. aqua shouldn't act like this. they're both capable of living out their lives as normal (barring the revenge and the whole idol stuff). he doesn't need to act like this anymore; ruby's not terminally ill. he's not a doctor. what he should have done was firmly deny her stuff he knows is wrong because then he can educate her about the reason why. as much as their personalities are inspired by their past lives, sarina and gorou are dead. they need to move on and live a aqua and ruby. (Harsh, I know, but because of this scenes like *gestures vaguely to the newest two chapters* happens. if aqua stood his ground and taught ruby about familial love and that what she's feeling is probably not romantic, i think this could have been avoided. but alas, we need it for the ~drama~)
sorry that went on way longer than i thought lmao. i think i covered everything i wanted to say but im too lazy to read back so fingers crossed
if you made it this far and are curious about the other post i mentioned in the beginning, its here. i just think its some context to my thought process but not necessary to understand this post
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fenra-bookswritings · 9 months ago
Hey guys, I just wanted to share a few thoughts on the #Moonvale criticism.
I don't really know how to write this, but somehow I was pretty disappointed with all the fuss about the release of the new episode. Not in Everbyte but more in the community, without wanting to criticize anyone. Everyone can say what they want and I thought it was nice that some of you emphasized several times that this isn't about hate, but about constructive criticism.
I understand the points of anger, but then again, somehow I don't.
AI is interesting for a lot of artists at the moment, which doesn't make it reprehensible. Also the point that AI steals works. Of course that's not good, but honestly it could just be a kind of inspiration. If you look, you'll always find a suitable comparison. Like Arcane. But just because there's a woman with blue hair doesn't mean it has to be a version of Jinx. After all, people look for inspiration everywhere. That doesn't make it a copy. (I understand your point completely, of course, and I don't think stealing from artists is a good thing. I'm an artist myself and can relate to it very well)
And about the diamond system... Sure, they spoiled us a bit with the premium package and the diamonds are quite annoying. But good work is worth paying for. (That doesn't mean that you have to pay $50 for it all the time. Especially because there's no obligation behind it.) I'd rather pay something (and that won't happen more than twice a year at the rate they're releasing) than let this studio go under. After all out there are so many artist who get support through.. money. this game isn't a expectation.
The work they do, the effort, the technology they need, the actors. All the work they do behind the scenes to produce this episode... It was so sad to read all these hate comments after they probably put a lot of effort into it for 2 years. I can well imagine that after the release, they were relieved
and hoped that there would be a little more gratitude. Just because they had written something amazing again. However, it quickly went from comments like "bring Jake back" and "I can't wait" to "the game sucks" "this is shit". But as the saying goes: Nothing is so hard as man's ingratitude. For someone who just consumes, it may be justified. But for people who have put their heart and soul into it, even if they made mistakes, it is extremely devastating. People are so quick to only see the negative that all the good is quickly wasted. If you tear it down, then in most cases the criticism only concerns AI and diamonds. The story is structured very similarly to Duskwood in parts. We even got the introduction of the characters, the time when "unknown" appears, the clues, the relationships and even Jake at the end.
And we can even repeat the episodes as often as we like without losing any progress in the game.
I am definitely in favor of appropriate criticism. There is no need to sugarcoat anything that cannot be sugarcoated. What I was actually trying to say here is that I found it so sad how quickly all the positive things are forgotten because the community is upset about "two" settings.
If you've read this far, thank you. This isn't meant to offend you in any way. I... just wanted to share my thoughts with anyone who's into this and seems to be listening.
Have a nice day everyone 🫶🏻
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nerves-nebula · 9 months ago
OK im still thinking about if sun wukong actually killed macaque. at first i was like... probably not, right? that seems pretty brutal for lego monkie kid and wukong doesn't really seem to act like it, like i don't recall him saying "you're supposed to be dead" when we're introduced to macaque, and idk if he's ever said anything that implies macaque has ever been deceased. So at first I was like. ok he probably didn't kill this guy there's prolly something else going on.
but then in season 4 wukong off-handedly mentions that he sent azure to the underworld himself in like the finale (i dont remember if he brought it up before then) which implies that he did actually kill Azure and that having done so wasn't so important to him that he felt the need to mention it before then. so ok. maybe he's run into macaque since macaque was revived and has already had his "but you're supposed to be dead!" moment. or maybe he's just not easy to catch off guard in that way since he knows people can be brought back from death, i guess.
HOWEVER the EXACT WORDING Wukong uses when talking to Azure is "I put you in the underworld myself, how did you get out?" which is just vague enough that he could mean that he imprisoned Azure there, but didn't like. KILL him. SO THE JURY IS STILL OUT.
an of course there's also this tweet, which seems to imply that wukong DIDN'T kill macaque
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but then you gotta think well, if wukong didn't do it then who tf did? *SOMEONE* had to have done *SOMETHING* because Macaque has the scars to prove he was fuckin, bludgeoned to death through the eye. unless we're supposed to believe that Wukong just scarred him and didn't actually kill him (which would be disappointing to me only because i really like the idea of a guy dying by getting a staff shoved through his eye but makes the most sense for a kids show i guess)
or maybe this tweet is only implying that Macaque wasn't actually resurrected by LBD but maybe some other force working for LBD? that would be a bit confusing but it's a possible reading, considering that Azure also isn't entirely sure who resurrected him. seems unlikely tho since LBD corroborated this part of the story herself, though I guess she could just be playing along with whoever it was that actually raised Macaque.
anyway i don't have a conclusion here other than "probably didn't kill macaque, probably just wounded him" but i did want to mention that while using google to try to find the tweet above this happened
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oh but also when i added "tweet" a the end to try to find the sceenshot in images, this happened.
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also the post referenced there is good. i like it. it does less rambling and wishy washy ranting than mine and we basically came to the same conclusions, except they have better photos to prove it sfdfdsf. idk when google started pulling tumblr blogs as sources but i guess we're the only ones talking about damn show.
anyway thank you for coming to my post where i overthink stuff and screenshot google results instead of doing my work
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