#but like?? so is everyone else this is mk 🤷‍♀️
Kenshi: You didn’t have to do that.
Suchin, wiping blood off her sword: Okay? It’s too late to take it back. What do you want me to do?
Kenshi: Nothing, I like you.
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M’ok so you know when macarons said WuKong abandoned him? I have a feeling deeeeeep down it’s the other way around. Especially since macaques died and came back WuKong acts like he didn’t even know(probably didn’t but—) so like maybe someone else muderderd him and scrambled his memory’s like eggs—? Idk 🤷‍♀️
This topic is genuinely confusing because of wukong never stating his own version, the book having a different story and because the dots don't connect.
first thing first, i do not doubt that macaque was killed by sun wukong. Is the why and the reasons behind that can vary in each theory.
Long story short, in the book, macaque tries to impersonate sun wukong, trying to steal his life, identity and fame. And wukong is rightfully pissed at it.
There's the whole twin situation where no one can understand who is wukong and who is the imposter, they have to go all the way over to Buddha.
Wukong does ends up killing macaque. And i mean fair, he was trying to steal his whole life.
..and macaque did eat wukong subjects, and wukong did not let that slide.
He enslaved the others if you wanna know.
So in the book, regardless, macaque is on the wrong.
In the show though, it's different.
In the show all we know is that sun wukong was macaque friend, then betrayed macaque and killed him because he chose Tripitaka and his brothers over macaque.
But it's from the six eared macaque point of view.
we don't know what caused them to fight and end up the way the were now, we don't know if macaque is actually lying about wukong just to get everyone on his side, or if he's being dramatic or simply thanks to the lady bone demon manipulation of the mind (it's her strongest ability, she isn't strong but she's good at fucking over people mentally.) His memory is now mixed with false and truth.
my own personal opinion was that wukong had a reason behind it. Either A) macaque tried to kill the monk or B) macaque directly hurt one of wukong subjects, and it did not end well.
wukong at the time of jttw was extremely violent, and even if he didn't kill at random and only in situations like the monk risking to be eaten alive, he was still merciless.
so, whatever macaque did to anger the great sage, must have been a very bad thing because it ended up with wukong killing him.
If they were really friends, then macaque really had to push wukong buttons to lead him to his death.
on wukong? I don't think he regrets it. He doesn't show regret and show genuinely dislike towards macaque. From what I saw now i don't know if he actually does show regret and i missed it.
he doesn't regret killing macaque because I'm his head was probably deserved or there wasn't a choice behind it.
Remember that if he doesn't regret it it doesn't mean that he liked what he did. He might just hate himself because he lead his friendship with macaque to die, but did he regret killing macaque? No.
he will do it again, if necessary.
just like he had to kill the lady bone demon because he was out of options, he might as well go as far as killing macaque when he has no other choice.
But in the past it was different, wukong buttons and patience was probably pushed so far to the point of him snapping and killing macaque.
And i don't mean pushing the buttons as macaque trying to talk to monkey, no i mean macaque needed to do something as eating wukong subjects. And enslaves them.
and i don't even blame wukong for not liking macaque fully anymore, now he showed to be nothing but a manipulator who lets his anger out to anyone just because he got beef with wukong.
Macaque TRAUMATIZED MK just to get revenge on sun wukong.
both are in the wrong, surely. Unless the writers wants to go along with the book and give the plot twist of macaque being in the wrong instead, but again you have to remember that wukong can't possibly be all in the wrong.
His character just dosen't let him be, he has reasons, goals and he surely won't kill his friend for such a small thing as getting in the way.
Wukong likely just ignored him if he did that and macaque tried to talk.
and yes this is for the ones who thinks macaque is the little uwu boy who has no flaws and ha sno fault, because trust me, he is worse than sun wukong.
In the past? Mhm.
Now? Yes.
He became the worst just because he got beef and I'll keep saying it. While wukong changed for the better.
Anything is possible! Maybe macaque attacked because he thought that wukong changed for the worst instead of for the better!
We need to get answers still!
Both are in the wrong, one more one less or not.
And i don't doubt that the lady bone demon messed with macaque memories to get her way too.
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
I listened to your 'Petals for Two' fic earlier and had some thoughts. You are about to be BOMBARDED with these thoughts. Enjoy! SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT. YOU SHOULD GO READ IT BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL! OKAY? OKAY.
Thought 1:
Sandy is probably Wujing in the fic. Why else would he have a tin of the flower-repressing tea? Unless he has it for himself?..... IS THAT WHY HE IS RUNNING LOW?!?!! Or it could just be that he has a bit on hand in case one of the others are desperate need it.
Thought 2:
When it comes to Wukong sleepwalking, I theorize that he is trying to find whomever it is that he is dreaming about. Which is why he has collapsed onto the floor of MK's room (dreaming about MK) and in the hall (can't find who he is dreaming of). It is also why he goes straight for Macaque in the living room of all places while dead asleep. He had likely checked the shadow monkie's room already and hadn't found him. As such, Wukong wandered the ship looking for his crush and once found, snuggled up to him. Makes me wonder if the times he had collapsed in the hall was before Red and Mac joined the crew and he had been looking for Macaque.
Thought 3:
Another interesting thing about the sleepwalking scene was the fact that Macaque had left his scarf with a sleeping Wukong. This could mean a couple of things and quite possibly is a mix of reasons. One reason is Macaque knows Wukong's sleepwalking habits. He likely knows the King was looking for him and it was a way to keep the Monkey there while making an escape. Another is that he tried to pull away, but Wukong had reacted. Whimpering, clinging tighter, refusing to let go. So it was a way of comforting him so Macaque could get away. Lastly, it might be tied to the fact that Macaque loves Wukong and deep down, wanted his crush to sleep well. If the only ways to help were to stay or give Wukong something that could sooth him more, then why not something on hand that soothes Macaque? Something personal and comforting. So, like I said, might be a mixture of these and this is without keeping in mind that Macaque was quite tired at the time.
Thought 4:
Macaque is touch starved. More than Wukong. That's it.
Moving on.
Thought 5:
I find it interesting that Wukong lost his voice as part of the side effects of the tea. Wukong being able to speak is important. It is his main way to distract and hide that he isn't okay. He can't hide when he can't speak. Also, Macaque also heavily depends on his ability to speak. As part of his talents for storytelling, for his magic and to persuade/manipulate others. Possible connection to why Wukong lost his voice? 🤷‍♀️
Thought 6:
It is fascinating how Wukong's Astral Projection has the colors of red, pink and purple with the usual gold. Which are usually colors connected to royalty, immortality and happiness. But the fact that later on he is watching the sunset and has those same colors cast onto him from the sun, makes me think of a saying I saw. 'The Sun loved the Moon so much, he died each day so she could rise to cast her beauty and his love for her upon the Earth.' It is a time of day where the Sun and the Moon can be reunited for a short time. Very fitting in my opinion.
Thought..... Ah right. 7:
Macaque had decided to go with option 2-book it back inside, instead of talking to Wukong about his lack of speech. Lo and Behold, he experienced both options.
Thought 8:
Wukong asking Pigsy if they could throw a party once the trio start dating reminds me of a kid begging his dad to let him throw a party with his friends.
Thought 9:
When Macaque and Wukong did the solar eclipse move of the enemy, all I could think of was ' Wukong = One Punch Man confirmed? ' I haven't even watched that anime. 😂😂
Finally, Thought 10:
YOU, Lupin are an amazing writer and person. Don't forget it or I will bring everyone else into making sure to remember. Got it? 👈👀👈
alright WOW okay we’re gonna answer this in order,
thought 1: Sandy is, in fact, Wujing. I mainly have that be Canon in all my fics, unless stated otherwise. also, the main reason he was running low was because Macaque and Red Son kept stealing it, but i never got the chance to fit that scene in.
thought 2: thats so fucking brilliant i was just going with the flow there but you’re so right.
thought 3: mainly it was cause Wukong wouldn’t let go of his scarf shdkjhfkjflkdsfjs mans is clingy, but also yes to everything you’ve said
thought 4: correct. i might expand on that in a fic eventually.
thought 5: gonna be honest i cannot for the life of me remember why i picked for him to loose his voice. i originally believe i was gonna go with him not being able to lie, but then swapped it out, but I can’t remember why.
thought 6: dfghHLJDFKSFD OH WOW THAT’S AN ANALYSIS. gonna be 100% honest i just picked those colours because they were sunset colours shdfkjshdkdsjsfs
thought 7: kfjghsfhsdl yeah he did
thought 8: i mean, really, who doesn’t view Pigsy as a kinda father-figure?
thought 10: dshkgjghjlfkjdlkfldkfdhksjfdjlds normally i’d refute this but under threat of more people coming in on it i will say i agree and we will move on
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