#but like with men is way harder
mewharley · 4 months
so idk how to explain when I think someone is good looking
because it's a rare occurrence and like I just agree that they look good, that have some charm but that's that
I don't actually want to pursue anything with them or be sad if they have a partner or think about them after that or smth, idk what people actually do or think when they see someone attractive ??? (I've seen people try to give them their contact info and I'm like what but you don't know them ???)
that being said, I had never seen Bruno Mars before but that man is (was?) good looking
pretty wild because when i notice it's about women not men
but I was watching some videos and I'm like ??? how ??????
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coraorvat · 7 months
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SAVOIR FAIRE: I'd worry in Necktie's place, lieutenant can get quite creative with a piece of fabric~ I have seen several cases where people were mixing Electrochemistry and Horrific Necktie and tbf they're pretty easy to mix, but there is a slight difference: EC is your pleasure center which wants you to feel good no matter the source, while Necktie is your imaginary drinking buddy who want's you to party hard like young people do (by getting drunk/hight, sleeping with younger women and doing stupid shit for lulz).
So I'm pretty sure our *bratan* won't be Kim's biggest fan (and vice versa), EC on the other hand…
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direquail · 6 months
One of the many things I find funny and irritating is the slant of a lot of interpretations of Alecto's name (that it's about feminine rage)--on this here wlw internet in the year of our lord 2024, it's easily made to figure as rage against God, or rage against patriarchy, or religious oppression, and therefore an allusion to the idea that she's going to get her vengeance on John for betraying and oppressing her somehow, but like
John is the one who named her Alecto. He's the one who named her that. So, naming her "Alecto" is alluding to the embodiment of John's rage--their rage, since they are joined inseparably (John even explicitly says that when he first perceives her: "You wouldn't stop screaming. You were so scared. You were so goddamn mad").
He says of Alecto to Harrow, "In a very real way, you are [Alecto's] children". At a very surface level, Alecto is (depending on the text or tradition), one of the Furies--famously, in several surviving Greek tragedies, who punish Orestes for the crime of killing his mother. In fact, in Aeschylus' Oresteia, they declare that they are specifically bound to avenge matricide.
So the name "Alecto" alludes to the nature of John's mission and how he sees it.
It also implies that his divine rage, the rage that gives him power, the power that makes him divine, that he either represents or wants to represent, is feminine rage. He was chosen by Earth (which, Furies are sometimes the daughters of Gaia); he is her champion, however he's managed to fuck that up. Once the truth of that comes out, it becomes clear that all of his power comes from her.
And that's why you get statements from Tamsyn Muir like:
“[T]he God of the Locked Tomb IS a man; he IS the Father and the Teacher; it’s an inherently masc role played by someone who has an uneasy relationship himself to playing a Biblical patriarch. John falls back on hierarchies and roles because they’re familiar even when he’s struggling not to. Even he identifies himself as the God who became man and the man who became God. But the divine in the Locked Tomb is essentially feminine on multiple axes – I think Nona will illuminate that a little bit more."
So yes, he plays the role of Emperor and God and Teacher, with all of the things that implies. And I don't think it should be discounted. But he also is (and partly sees himself as) the chosen champion of a goddess, or what is for all intents & purposes for a human like him a goddess. He is her avenger, and while she sleeps, her avatar.
And I don't think we're meant to read him purely as a parasite who's taking advantage of her to gain power for himself, either. Or an oppressive, Kronos-like figure. Especially if you consider Palamedes' theory of the Grand Lysis, even if he was purely motivated by desire for power before (which I really doubt), there are parts of each in the other, now. What was clear and separate before is uncertain and interpenetrated. Is his rage his own, or hers? Is his mission of revenge his, or hers? If he wants power, is that his own selfishness, or her desire to survive?
And does it matter?
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
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Soap : I can't believe they did something like that in front of innocent eyes !
Ghost : I'm sure you're both GREATLY exaggerating what happened
Soap : You don't understand, he had the lighter in his hand! He didn't have to be a slut!
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dkettchen · 3 months
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it's month 7 of pants research and this is the scene of the latest fashion cryptid sighting unsuspecting civilians were subjected to at the local charity shop this morning
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rinbylin · 6 months
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鹤唳华亭 royal nirvana + women
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linovadraws · 5 months
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Love a series that gives me a guy to root for across 80% of the series as he actively attempts to capture, kill, torture, or maim the protagonists. Rasten deserves to be winning and is from Winter Be My Shield by Jo Spurrier and its sequels.
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my-chemical-rot · 4 months
Person who isn’t a trans man or butch lesbian or anything adjacent: no you see when girls* act masculine they’re actually socially rewarded for it because masculinity is always favored no matter what for everyone all the time and girls* are never punished for behaving or presenting in gender nonconforming ways! nobody ever has ever had a problem with girls* being masculine!
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kaijusmart · 5 months
Having fucked up gender dysphoria ive wrapped back around and now im mad im not a girl. I dont want to use she/her that feels wrong, and i dont want people to refer to me as a woman they just need to. Know. Sometimes. Perhaps bigender or genderfluid who knows. Im only a girl sometimes
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I really hate how many people (usually women) casually use the term Yaoi as if it isn't a fetishistic term.
tbh I don't think that women take the fetishization of mlm seriously. I think that's because of the general idea that men are privileged so treating them bad is okay (which I hate) and because its almost exclusively cis women (sometimes even queer cis women) doing it.
As an achillean (the masc version of sapphic) seeing things about mlm relationships using the term yaoi immediately makes me uncomfortable and lets me know that the person posting it doesn't see me as a person.
And i feel like I've been seeing it more often despite trying my best to avoid that term using tag blocking and such.
I just want to find achillean content that sees us as people. Is that so much to ask for?
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kennythetrampvamp · 10 months
Everytime my cis friends are like "ugh men" "hating men lol" etc etc. I have to ahhhh I have to grrrrrrrr I never know quite what to say though
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tw1stedthicket · 9 months
i think i might be a lesbian
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separatismor · 4 months
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add1ctedt0you · 9 months
I am craving for a zcx' modern au, where, after years apart, jc, wwx and lwj encounter again. lwj and wwx are married and after some time, jc starts to hang out with lwj, but only with him (they are kind of exs... Or at least so lwj thinks!)
#Like the point of this au is that shit slowly becomes harder#In every universe wwx has to watch as a kid jc losing his dogs because of him. So that wwx internalizes that he brings nothing but trouble#and pain to jc. So yeah. He's married to lwj but jc wants lwj right? He's taking another thing from jc. And wwx doesn't want to hurt jc.#But he needs lwj too. And he doesn't know how to have both things.#And in every universe jc has to be told by wwx that everything that wwx did was out of duty! So that jc internalizes the concept that wwx#never truly loved him! Because jc is unlovable just like his mom! And his bad temper will force people to act out of duty rather than#genuine affection! and that wwx will lose things for him. out of duty obv#And in the middle we have lwj. Who is pampered in different ways by two men he loves! And then he can only watch as both slowly drift apart#from him. Their worst behaviors shining.#Look. lwj knows jc and wwx worst traits. And he can manage them!#But he has never handled jc and wwx together. While they are together. Because - and lwj never understood this before - jc and wwx bring#out of each other their best and worst qualities. In particular their worst self-destructive qualities#And lwj who isn't good with words and he doesn't know why they are behaving like that - and they don't share with him their problems -#doesn't know what to do#It's a mess. A beautiful fic in my head#Like. Both jc and wwx are carrying yzu and jfm' guilt on their shoulders#jc hates how his mother treated wwx (and it was because of him! Because she was scared for jc's future! And he knows it! )#While wwx hates how jfm ignored jc (and it was because of him! Because jfm found wwx more likeable! And wwx knows it!)#zhanchengxian
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louderfade · 8 months
if you decorated your apartment/house/homespace to be beige/grey/off-white/basically a noncolor i automatically do not trust you. why are you afraid of colors. why do you want to live in a realty photograph or a hampton inn. i asked my sister why people do this (she's my go-to for explanations of normies bc she would've been one except she does drugs and was raised by me so got early immunity from full frontal lobe shut down) and she said "people find it calming" like wow really how strange. expressing zero personality/taste calms them down? that shit makes me feel like there could be a threat lurking near. it puts me on edge. it sets off alarms in my instinct center. i feel like a dog who senses an approaching animal has rabies. warning: some shit is deeply wrong with this organism and they pose a threat to your well being. flee without engaging. my grandparents are 90 and conservative and even they had a house with colors and patterns and art they enjoyed. millennial apartments terrify me. our boomer parents were hit or miss with their ticky-tacky suburban houses. some of those houses had a soul but many didn't. "hanging stuff on the walls decreases the property value" and other such statements that prove you're already dead. millennials seem worse though bc they do it to rentals bc they LIKE it. maybe those old women haircuts all the girls had in hs in the 2000s (this is my fav gen z criticism of us millennials bc so fucking true in hs i was like wtf are these middle aged hairstyles how did this become cool everyone looks 35) are responsible for this particular variety of brain damage. from now on i believe in this link. 32 year olds live in light grey horror boxes bc sporting 40 year old hairstyles at age 16 makes you permanently boring and unable to display any taste or personality. these are people who get uncomfortable looking at art or when a friend cries. these are the people who say "i'm sorry for your loss" to a grieving person instead of "life is cruel af my brother no answers come still we must try to survive do you need a fierce hug at this moment or not also i brought you a xanax" like a real human being would. the craziest thing i ever saw my mom do was pay to paint our foyer "eggshell" when the damn walls were already white. this is actual mental illness. not me screaming in the road about how the modern world makes no sense and all the food is microplastic poison. not a single child on earth says their favorite color is light grey or dark white. your soul is sick if beige calms you down. i diagnose you with a severe deficiency of humanity. you need to be hospitalized and forced to discuss philosophy and engage with music until you remember what is valuable about consciousness, which is beautiful as well as cruel, both a gift and curse but it's worth it. i'd rather be awake and have to go to the hospital sometimes when it becomes too much and i end up sobbing drunk in the yard than lobotomized to the point of trading my precious time on earth for money i then spend on beige curtains and a sign that says "caution: caffeinating" to hang in the kitchen proving i am a corpse whose bland heart forgot to stop beating. i mean they shoot horses don't they.
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
Snootles Rant: Lonely AF edition
Snootles does not feel well (she's fine just being dramatic) and is going to rant about being down bad (like seriously being horny on main right now do not perceive me)
*slumps on the floor* I wanna be a housewife so bad
I don't wanna work, I just wanna stay home and crochet/knit and then make some food
And then get absolutely pinned by my beast of a husband
Is that too much to ask????
Is it too much to ask for a big burly man to absolutely ruin me in bed but then he's dedicating himself to me in other ways???
I just wanna live on my own, at least. Crochet a bunch of flowers and vines and shit and decorate my place with them. I want friends I can just surprise with little crochet hearts or flowers and take on dinner dates.
*my ill figure pushes an image towards you* *muttering* I just need to be under him
The photo in question:
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Fuck I also love him
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*holds these two pictures and cries more*
*it's late I should really go to bed*
Instead I shall complain more because as hard as I've tried to stay horny off main, I am unfortunately a weak-willed woman
And I am a simple woman with simple needs.
And those needs are currently to get fucking decimated by one of the above men. Fuck it, if not both
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