#but like poor dudes got shut down in a year
khrysos-karnifex · 1 year
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fum1ku · 3 months
ft. osamu miya, daichi sawamura, kei tsukishima, keishin ukai, atsumu miya
should i be working on the highly requested pt. 2 to my recent works that’s currently sitting in my drafts? yes. should i also probably be working on the few requests i’ve got in my inbox? also yes. am i still over here writing whatever this is instead of doing those things? absolutely. at least i’m writing something!
OSAMU: friends to lovers.
you had been friends with the miya twins since high school. you had always butt heads with atsumu; bickering back and forth about anything and everything. but it was different with osamu. it felt like you both understood each other, in a way. plus the mutual dislike you both had for atsumu definitely helped. and now, nearly 8 years later, your friendship was still going strong.
well past 8pm, you stood over the front counter at onigiri miya with samu cleaning behind the counter for closing, and atsumu sitting at a stool next to you.
“i don’t know what his problem is! we go out for drinks one night, wind up at his place, and then the next day he can’t even be bothered to send me a single fucking text. seriously. i’m done!” you were going on about your.. most recent boyfriend.
“why don’tcha just dump him then?” atsumu offered, his mouth full of the onigiri osamu had made for him.
“atsumu, you’re disgusting! and i can’t because we aren’t even a thing! which is good—i don’t want us to be.”
osamu laughed at you two from behind the counter.
“okay well then what’s the problem! i don’t understand you women,” atsumu exclaimed, licking off the last bits of onigiri form his fingertips and shoving his plate behind the counter. “i’ve got practice tomorrow. so i’m gone. some of us actually have real problems that aren’t centered around one night stands with guys!”
“oh right, atsumu, like your sex life is any better,” you muttered. the door slammed shut behind him as the bell above the door exhibierst through the building.
you sighed, sinking further into your chair.
“here,” osamu slid a plate towards you. “might make ‘ya feel better. plus i need feedback to see if it’s worth addin’ to the menu.”
you smiled. “thanks, osamu. and yeah, i’ll give good feedback, promise!”
osamu smiled to himself as he wiped down the back counter. yeah, sure, after 8 years of pining he was no closer to asking you out. but, no matter what, he’d always be here to make you food whenever another boy made you cry.
DAICHI: love at first sight.
it had been a long practice and daichi had decided to treat everyone to a snack down at sakanoshita. daichi stood with suga and asahi waiting for the 1st and 2nd years to finish grabbing their fill. tanaka and noya had seen daichi paying as an opportunity to grab whatever they wanted.
“c’mon you guys!” suga yelled from across the store. “we don’t have all day!”
it has been a long day of classes for you, so it wasn’t even an option in your mind whether you should stop at the convenience store or not. only now you had found yourself in your own little debate.
“milk tea.. or coffee?” you mumbled to yourself. you were bent down over the drinks section taking your sweet time.
daichi turned around to see you and knew he was gone right then and there.
suga scoffed at the two 2nd years taking their time, only to turn back and find daichi’s gaze focused on you.
“hey, daichi, maybe we should—” he started, but stopped as soon as he noticed daichi staring. he whispered to asahi and they both began berating their poor captain.
“c’mon, dude! why don’t you just go talk to them? we obviously have the time!” suga nudged at his arm.
daichi denied anything. “hey, i don’t even now what you’re talking about, suga! we’re here for snack for the team, just go focus on that.”
“hey, don’t we go to school with them? y/n l/n. class 2, i think,” asahi piped up. he couldn’t remember where exactly he knew you from, though.
daichi was sure if he had gone to school with you, he’d remember.
“they’re in photography club! that’s how i know them! they asked me to join after i dropped out of volleyball,” asahi recalled, loud enough to grab your attention.
you looked up to find the set of 3rd years staring in your direction. your drink in hand, you made your way up to them.
“azumane, right? nice to see you again!” you beamed.
“y-yeah, right! good to see you too, l/n,” he smiled, nervously.
“are you guys in line?” you questioned.
“no—no we’re not! sorry about that!” daichi apologized, moving to the side to allow you to get to the register.
you placed your drink on the counter, making small talk with the guy at the front register.
“c’mon, daichi! if you don’t ask them before they leave you might not get to again!” suga whispered.
“suga, let it go. it’s too strange—they don’t even know me.”
suga shoved daichi forward just as you turned around to make your way towards the door.
“oh! hi!” you mused.
“s-sorry. hi.. again.”
“sawamura, right? you’re the captains of the volleyball team!” you smiled.
“yeah, i am. and you’re l/n, right? asahi was telling me about you. you’re in photography.
“i am, actually! and please, just call me y/n!”
“then just call me daichi!”
first name basis after 10 minutes? way to go daichi!
“actually..” you started. “i was wondering if it’d be possible for me to take some action shots of the volleyball team? i was going to use them for an upcoming project of mine. of course if not, that’s okay too! you probably need to talk it over with the team.”
“yeah—absolutely! i’ll have to talk it over with everyone, but i don’t see it being a problem at all,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “what class are you in? i can talk to you some time next week to figure out what day would work best.”
“here,” you said, turning around to the man behind the counter. “excuse me, do you have a pen i could borrow?”
the man tossed you a pen, not giving a second look to you from behind his magazine. you pulled out daichi’s arm and started scribbling down numbers.
your.. phone number?
“now you can call me, that’ll be easier!” you smiled. “anyways, i gotta run. see you later, daichi. tell azumane i said bye too!”
he was speechless. did he really manage to get your number without even trying?
suga ran up behind him. “dude! how? you hardly said anything to them!”
“wow, daichi’s got skills with the ladies!” tanaka mused, noya trailing behind them. their arms were stacked full with all kinds of snacks.
he was definitely not paying for all of those.
KEI: academic rivals to lovers.
you worked at the library at the university you attended. tsukishima had seen you around campus a few times. yamaguchi would go as far as to describe you as tsukishima’s “campus crush”—which tsukki of course denied. he hardly even knew you.
but, this semester is when things finally got interesting. you had wound up taking the course tsukishima was the TA for.
you were currently bent down behind a bookshelf in the campus library, organizing the books that needed to be put away. you noticed a hand grab a book off your cart.
you stood up. “anything you need help finding?”
“no,” the man stated, blankly.
you examined the book in his hand. “wait. are you in psych 301? haven’t seen you in there before.”
“kei tsukishima. i’m the assistant in that class this semester.”
“oh! i’m y/n l/n. are you reading that book for fun then, or?”
“i know. i graded your last essay. something about the human consciousness or whatever,” he stated, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.
your face went hot. “oh? so you were the one that gave me a B- on that. that was the best paper i’ve written all semester!”
“yeah, only because you can’t write any better ones. and maybe actually read the syllabus before you join the class,” he deadpanned.
“okay, mr. know-it-all. and for what it’s worth, i did in fact read the syllabus.”
“well if you actually paid attention, then you’d know this book was meant to be read alongside the other materials.”
wait. what?
before you could say another word, he placed the book back down in the cart. “my email is on the syllabus if you’d actually care to read it. good luck actually passing the class.”
you were so going to find that syllabus. and you were definitely doing to pass that class.
KEISHIN: second chance.
stepping foot into sakanoshita after years felt like a dream. but seeing keishin, your high school boyfriend, sitting there behind the counter, was what really sent you back.
ukai actually took the time to look up form his magazine, and he was glad he did. “y/n?”
“keishin!” you smiled. “i didn’t realize you family still owned the place!”
he stood up form his seat behind the counter. “yeah! work here part-time, coach volleyball the other half.
“you coach volleyball? does the old ukai not coach anyone then?”
“nah, old man retired last year. still coaches a few younger kids on the side. but, hey, how have you been? it’s been years since i last saw you in miyagi. 4? 5, maybe?”
“yeah,” you sighed. “it’s definitely been awhile. but life has been great in tokyo. my internship finally ended and so i’m back here for the next month or two!”
“really? you got to let me take you out sometime—drinks, to celebrate.”
you felt the slight rush of heat to your cheeks. “r-right! of course!”
“hey, if you wanted, we close in less than an hour. you could wait here till then, catch up, then let me take you out for drinks.”
“alright,” you smiled, taking a seat behind the counter next to ukai. “tell me about your team then. where do you coach? karasuno?”
you felt like you were 16 all over again. just him and you.
ATSUMU: opposites attract.
you were the promotional manager for the msby black jackals. everyone on the team loved you—yes, even sakusa. though he wouldn’t admit it. but, atsumu being the sly guy he is, took every opportunity to flirt with you. of course, keeping things professional, you shut him down every chance you got. plus, it would never work. ever. you knew that.
he was childish, you were mature—top of your office only a few months in. he was selfish half the time, and he’d always describe you as one of the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. he was confident and bold. you were quiet and reserved, at least time him. so when you find yourself alone with him at the gym one night late after practice, going through your binder of advertising ideas, you didn’t know what to make of it. the way you could feel he eyes focused on you and only you drove you insane.
you finally took a break form your rant about new promotional ideas for the team, leaving a heavy silence between the two of you.
“y/n?” he finally said, breaking for silence.
“yeah, atsumu?” you respond, not looking up form your binder.
“you should let me take ‘ya out. i mean it.”
you quietly gasped to yourself.
sure, atsumu had made pass after pass at you every day for the last few months since you started working with the team. but, this time, he sounded so.. genuine.
what’s even worse is you couldn’t help yourself from the words the escape your lips in the last moment.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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antiwhores · 5 days
(Dubcon at first)
Alpha!Bakugou in rut whispering “‘M sorry” to you, the Omega who wants nothing to do with him, as he dry humps you from behind.
He knows its wrong but he just cant stop his hips from rutting into your ass. He’s always been attracted to you, beyond normally. That’s probably why he bullied you in middle school. He just couldn’t handle the fact that he’d go crazy over your scent.
That had been years ago but he still thought about you.
He saw you at a coffee shop one day and immediately recognized your smell. It was almost like he was destined to be with you again.
You, however, were less than pleased. As soon as you made eye contact with him he winced at how your scent changed. It went from a calm, delicious scent to a scared sour.
You practically ran out of the door.
He couldn’t let you get away. He had been thinking about you since the day he graduated middle school. No way was he about to loose this opportunity to rekindle the relationship with HIS omega… well, soon to be his.
“Wait y/n!”
The sound of your name caught you so off guard you tripped on your own feet into the grass. He never said your name, it was always a mean nickname. You hadn’t even thought that he knew it.
You started to shake, “Leave me alone!”
He put his hands up beside his head, “I’m not gonna hurt you. I just wanted to talk.”
As you sat there, fisting the grass, he apologized. He told you about how he wanted to show you that he had changed. He wanted to be friends.
But you wouldn’t have any of that. Even though it was middle school, it was still traumatizing to this day.
You got up, brushing off the grass as you told him that you could never be friends. You told him off for everything that he did to you. He stood there and took it.
After that day, you started to see actual effort from him. Somehow, he found out your address. It was probably in some documents that can be accessed by pro hero’s.
He started sending flowers to your house. Food during lunch either at home or at work. He would show up randomly at different times to talk to you. He would even pay for your groceries. He dropped them off at your door before ringing the doorbell and walking away.
At first, you didn’t trust it at all. No way was the man that bullied you trying to court you into befriending him. But after a while your guard started to come down.
You would engage in conversation the tiniest bit instead of sitting in silence with him when he’d come sit at any table he found you at. You would even look him in the eyes when he spoke.
Everything was going well until his rut.
He was supposed to go home immediately after he felt the first heat wave surge through his body. Unfortunately, a villain decided to attack on his way back. And it also just so happens that you were on the scene.
He almost killed the villain for even being around you. The rut wasn’t letting him think clearly. All he could think was “protect mine.” He only stopped hitting the poor dude when you yelled his name.
He didn’t even realize the guy had passed out.
Bakugou looked sickly. His face red, sweaty and strained. He was breathing so heavily he was getting light headed. You could tell something was wrong. But you were ignorant to the fact it was his rut. Pro hero’s were required by law to use scent blockers. You couldn’t even smell his rut.
You took him to your house to help him since it wasn’t too far away.
As soon as he entered, his semi-hard cock went fully rock hard. He was trying to control himself on the way here. He barely managed to. But being surrounded by your scent, he couldn’t take it anymore.
He snatched off his scent blockers and in a quick movement he had you pinned against the wall.
He was humping you, fully clothed, before he even comprehended that he moved.
He wanted to cry, it hurt so bad. This small bit of relief felt heavenly.
“Bakugou? What are you-“
You had to shut your mouth when a moan came out of his. You knew that if you spoke any longer you’d have let out one of your own.
“‘M sorry, I cant-“
He groaned at a particularly hard jerk of his hips against your ass.
“‘M sorry…”
As he humped you from behind, your knees weakened. He was the only one holding you up. You were falling into a heat of your own from his scent.
“Fuck, ‘m sorry. Im ruining-“
He couldn’t even speak in full sentences without moaning into your neck.
“‘M almost done… Just- fuck… let me…”
He started to grind against you harder and faster. You couldn’t breathe, all you could inhale was him. Your mind went foggy, you could hear your own moans mixing with his. Even without the stimulation you felt so fucking good.
He stopped grinding against you as he came. He pushed himself hard against your heated body as he dug his nails into your hips.
His orgasm was strong. Leg shaking, eyes rolling back strong. He came ropes in his pants before he slumped against you.
You both fell to the ground, heavily breathing.
His mind temporarily cleared enough to know that he fucked up.
He was trying to cook up a worthy apology before he was interrupted by your voice.
You reached for his belt as you spoke,
“Take it off.”
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virq-qgo · 2 months
Wolverine x reader
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Uh, yeah i know its been like two years LOL. Literately after posting my last fanfic my dog died of cancer. Got like super depressed lmao.. anyways i watched the new movie and i creamed my pants so i had to write the absolute worst fanfic ever. So like this is a warning, its been two years since ive touched my computer and my skills aren't that good anymore.
summary: going to the bar undercover with the man you hate the most had a twisted turn, not expecting to get shot or telling him your feelings.
warnings: cussing, bad writing, random character death, bad writing, not proof read, and this is really long for no reason..
You didn’t quite understand why you were being dragged along with this so called “mission”
It was just one bad dude who robbed a place, so why were you at a damn bar with the person you hate the most. Everyone was aware of this. You two couldn’t be in the same room together without an argument that almost leads to a fight. So why are you here?
So sitting on the bar stool with a glass of water in your hand, a skirt you were wearing too short and a top that left the mind to wonder. What made the whole situation worse was that your worst enemy was sitting next to you, the wolverine aka Logan Howlett.
You knew he was enjoying this by the way he was ordering shot by shot, it was disgustingly attractive the way the man could pour down the hardest liquor down his throat. Rolling your eyes, you focus back on the bartender, watching him make drinks and showing off to the drunken girlfriends or wives. Obviously ignoring the wicked glares he received from their partners sitting next to them.
“Hey, bartender.” you hear Logan call out. “I need something a little harder than this.”
“Nothing for the beautiful lady sitting next to you?” the man behind the counter smirks as he poured a drink for another customer. Totally ignoring Logan's request.
A soft polite smile sits on your face while trying to stuff down the unpleasant feeling you got from the bartender. “Only if it's on the house.”
“For you?” he smiles, “you can have whatever you like.”
Your eyes crinkle from disgust but to the bartender it was from joy. “Oh, you know how to touch a woman's heart.”
You hear Logan scoff while feeling his dark eyes on you. It’s been 10 minutes since you two have been here and you're already getting underneath his skin.
“Something wrong Logan?” you call him out, turning to face him instead of the creep you call bartender.
Logan rolls his eyes as he tosses his head back and downs his shot. “Show a little boob and wear a tiny skirt, and you get anything you want.” 
“Yeah, I would say you should try it. But you don’t have much to show..”
“Is that how you got here, getting passed around the team?”
 “Yup,” you say with a sarcastic smile on your face while pretending to count to the number 8 on your fingers. “Just gotta get into your pants and then I get my reward.”
Logan looks at you with a face of disgust not sure if you were messing with him or not. “Excuse me?”
Just as soon as you open your mouth to make a smartass comment. A sudden yell echoes across the room then the sound of wood breaking. Both you and Logan twist around to see the scene. There you see the “bad guy” you guys were supposed to be after. He had just brutally smashed someone's head into the table, successfully breaking the table in half.
“That a murder.” the words fall from your lips when you see the broken piece of the table
through the poor soul's head.
“Shut the fuck up you fucking clown. That's our guy.” Logan responded in a whisper. But when he didn't hear a snotty response he twisted his head to look at you, only to find your seat empty. Instead he saw you walking towards the scene, causing a deep growl to fall from his lips. Finding himself to chase after you.
Typically, you would leave this stuff for logan. But the guy was instantly on the run. And you didn’t really have a choice but to chase after him. “Hey excuse me!” You yell at the bad guy, instantly frowning as you see the blood cover his hands and shirt.”where do you think you're going, dude? Breaking that table and killing that poor guy? What an asshole!”
The bad guy looked at you, his brows furrowing. His body filled with rage. Who do you think he is and calling him “dude”. If you were here to stop him, then so be it. But you were just a girl, and women are weak. You were easy to dispose of. “Listen lil’ lady. I'll give you a quick death if you leave me alone.”
“I don’t think so, I need you to come with me anyways.”
The man sighs as he hears the words fall from your lips, “How annoying.” he thought.
“Hey, don’t you fucking run off on me like that.” You hear Logan say as he walks up next to you. Making you roll your eyes and turn your head to face him. 
It was so quick to happen you couldn’t even process it, the only thing that processed that very moment was the ear ringing bang that echoed through the air. Then Logan shouting your name. You remember seeing him running away, his face looking angry. It felt like you were standing there for hours, like you were zoning out. Then you remembered him, the guy you were supposed to get. But as soon as you took that first step, that's when you felt it. Burning pain spreads through your body making you want to cry out. Your hand instinctively reaches out to where you feel the pain, not expecting your hand to be bloodied when you pull it back to inspect it. 
You got shot. 
Now you remember why you guys were supposed to basically kidnap this guy, he was a mutant. His abilities were dangerous. The way he fought was with guns and his bullets being made by his blood, it's how he killed people. It was poisonous.
Soft curses leave your lips as you press your hand tight against your wound, but your blood was still pooling out. You felt weak, like you could barely stand and keep your eyes open. You felt as if you were gonna drop dead at any given moment. But you had to help Logan, you two were supposed to do this together. 
The first step you took, you felt your knee give out. Sending your whole body to the ground, but the impact never came. Instead you feel a strong pair of arms lift up your weak body, your eyes see logan. But you refuse to believe it was him. He wouldn’t do this. Why was your body seeing things?
“You idiot! Why did you run off and chase after him like that? You know you don’t have any special abilities to protect you if he attacked you, so why?” He yelled, Logan was truthfully more scared and worried than angry. He was running as fast as he could to the jet to get you medical aid. But he only had so much time to spare before your body was consumed by the poison.
“What happened?” your voice was soft when you asked.
“You were shot in your chest! I can see the huge fucking hole!”
“I can feel it.” Even though you were basically dying, you couldn’t help but make a simple joke. “Y’know, even though you’re a total dick. You have good arm muscles. I like the way they can hold me so tightly. I feel like a princess.” you smile “If it takes getting shot and dying for you to
care, then maybe i should get shot more often.”
Logan frowns as he hears your comment, still rushing to get you to the jet as fast as possible. “You’re so fucking stupid, you’re not dying. If you wanted me to hold you in my arms then all you had to do was ask bub.” 
A weight of relief went off his soldiers once he saw the jet, he was right there. But when he looked at you, he saw that your hand was pressed against his chest and your eyes were on him. Barely opened. “Hey, stay with me.” he comments. “Keep your eyes open, please. We're almost there!”
Your eyes scrunch together as you see his lips move but no words come out, it didn’t help much that you were fading in and out of consciousness. Growing up, you were told not to be afraid of dying because you could die at any given time. Despite all the missions you’ve been on and how many times you were knocking on death's door. You were never afraid. But today was different, why were you so afraid? Maybe it was because you're dying pathetically, or the fact that you're in the arms of a man you’ve fallen in love with.
“I’m sorry.” you tell him, your voice soft and weak. Blood drips from your lips and down your chin. Your hand grabbing his shirt. Everything was going by so fast. In the middle of a deep silence, you look up into Logans eyes, knowing these might be your last moments together. Pain rushes through your body and words fly out of your mouth before your brain can catch up, and you’re saying what you’ve always wanted to say. “I love you.”
He freezes, shocked at your words. He looks down at you, taking in your face, and the pained look on it. You can see his brain racing like a speeding train, and his breath catches in his throat. “You’re an idiot. Why did you wait till this point?”
“I- I thought I would have more time.” was all you managed to say before shutting your eyes.
Finally, Logan runs up the rail of the jet and sets you on the cot. Watching the aids surround you, immediately taking quick action. With the flight there and taking you into emergency surgery. They finally came up to Logan, who fell asleep in the infirmary's waiting room. Telling him that you were okay and would make a good recovery.
Without wasting a single second, Logan rushed to your room. His heart dropped once he saw your frail, weak body. Connecting to different types of wires and IVs. He felt terrible, guilt consumed his body as thoughts raked his mind, he could've prevented all of this, all of your pain. Only if he was faster.
Logan found himself staring at your body, wanting to reach out and take your hand. He pulled up the chair by your bed and sat down, his eyes switching from your resting body to the monitor. Finally mustering the courage to take hold of your hand. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t quick enough, I should’ve been the one. But I was so fucking slow, in my own god damn bloody mind.And  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I love you back, I was just so scared. Scared that if I told you, I would never get to tell you so again. I was so fucking selfish. But holy shit, I'm so in love with you. It hurts so much. But I'll make sure to tell you every single chance I get. I love you.”
“You better get started.” you say with a smile on your face. 
Logan looks at you in a state of shock, not expecting you to be awake. Without holding back, he basically launches himself onto you. Wrapping his arms around your weak figure, wanting to hold you tight but being so gentle with you. “You’re okay” he breathes out of relief, “You’re an idiot, but you’re okay.”
“I love you too by the way.” The smile on your face was wide, you were in so much pain. But you were so happy. Never in your life did you think you would be here, but here you are. In the arms of the man you’ve pretended to hate for so long.
“Oh shut your pretty little mouth.” Was all he said before pressing his soft warm lips against yours. 
If someone had asked you what it was like getting shot, you would probably tell them it hurt really fucking bad and wouldn’t recommend it. But if they asked you on a personal level. You would tell them that you would do it again if it meant that you got to see Logan care for you. But it still hurt like a fucking bitch.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 11 months
Ex Appeal
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F!Reader
Summary: Jake Seresin gets a frightful visitor on Halloween.
CW: Angst, fluff, suggestive themes, alludes to past cheating
WC: 3500+
This fic was written for @roosterforme’s Rocktober challenge! Inspired by the song Poison by Alice Cooper.
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“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jake says with a look of disgust – as much of it as he can muster. You, after all, have been his greatest source of misery as of late.
You give him a dirty look – your specialty – and barge into his home as though you own the place and Jake’s just a goddamn doorman. “I need to lay low for a bit.”
Jake narrows his eyes as he turns to face you. He keeps the door open because he’s still hoping you’re going to leave any minute. “Lay low?” he asks mockingly. “What’d you do? Commit murder?” He wouldn’t be surprised.
You peek around his arm to glance out at the street. “Someone’s looking for me.”
Jake watches you impassively. “Is it the police?” Then, after a moment, he adds, “Is there a reward?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re the only one in this neighbourhood that I trust,” you say, pushing on the door that Jake is obstinately keeping open.
Jake nods. “Shame that trust doesn’t go both ways,” he comments contemptuously.
You eye him irritably. “Close the door.”
“Tell me why you’re here.”
“I just did.”
Jake shakes his head. “You could not have been more vague.”
You sigh. “Close the door and I’ll tell you.”
Jake exhales warily and shuts the front door. He surveys your outfit. “What are you wearing?”
You glance down at your ensemble: a black, form-fitting body suit and fishnet stockings. You’re also sporting knee-high boots and you’ve got what looks like six extra arms coming out of your back. You look back up at him with an annoyed expression on your face. “It’s Halloween,” you snap defensively.
Jake grimaces. “Yeah, I know.” He gestures to a cauldron full of candy sitting near the front door. “There’s gonna be a fuck-tonne of children coming through here trick-or-treating in like half an hour and you’re dressed like a gothic porn star.”
Instead of being offended, you lift your eyebrows in surprise. “You’re handing out candy?”
Jake sighs and places his hands on his hips, fixing you with a stern look. “Yeah, I’m handing out candy. That’s what adults do on Halloween.”
You stare at him as a smile materializes on your face. “Is that your costume?” you ask facetiously, gesturing at his checkered polo shirt. “Adult?”
Jake squares his jaw to mask the fact that he found your joke humorous, but you seem to notice the shift in his features because your own grin broadens. “My mom got me this shirt,” he says.
“Ah,” you respond. “A fellow adult.”
Jake tears his gaze away from you, focusing instead on the shiny, pointed toes of your stilettos. “Why’re you here?” he asks again, this time a lot less peevishly and a lot more grimly.
You bend down to unzip your boots. “I’m a spider,” you say. “Black widow.”
Jake glances up to meet your gaze as you straighten up. He nods. “Suits you.”
You give him a flat look. “I was at the bus stop and some dude started harassing me.”
Jake’s eyes trail down your scantily glad body. “You don’t say,” he remarks sarcastically.
Your jaw drops in outrage. “Are you victim blaming?”
Jake chuckles and shakes his head. “It was a joke.”
You cringe. “It was in poor taste.”
Jake closes his eyes and lets out a tired sigh. He’s had about enough of your attitude. “You wanna talk about poor taste?” he asks. “Where’s that lovely boyfriend of yours?”
You watch him sourly. “We’re not together anymore, if you must know,” you reply.
Truth be told, Jake probably didn’t need to know. But, now that he does, it’s only fitting that he respond with, “Shocking.”
You give him the finger. As if he were the one who’d been dating two people at the same time.
There’s a knock on the door. “Fuck,” he mutters, giving you a moody look. “Hide,” he says. “Unless you’d rather traumatize a bunch of eight-year-olds.”
You grimace at him. “You think eight-year-olds haven’t seen worse?”
Jake scans the low-cut neckline of your costume. He can’t think of anything more erotic if he tried. But, if he’s being honest, it’s not the outfit so much as your insane body that’s the culprit. He reaches out to grab your hand and pull you aside, making sure you’re tucked safely behind the door before opening it.
He smiles down at the two little kids on his porch when they yell, “TRICK-OR-TREAT!” at the top of their lungs.
“Well, well, well,” he says cheerily, bending down to grab a handful of candy out of his cauldron. “Who do we have here?” He puts the candy into one of their bags. “Are you a mermaid?”
The girl nods happily.
Jake wows in amazement. “You’re the prettiest mermaid I’ve ever seen!” He bends down to grab another handful of candy and drops it into the second child’s bag. “And you must be Iron Man!” he exclaims. “That’s one cool costume, bud. You look great!”
When Jake finally closes the door and looks at you, he sees that you’ve got your arms folded over your chest and a giant smirk on your face.
“What?” he asks darkly.
Your smile widens. “That was cute.”
Jake takes a step from the door and looks away from you. He’s not about to get sucked back into your web of lies, no pun intended. “You wanna hand some out?” he asks.
“I thought you don’t want me traumatizing the children,” you respond sarcastically, stepping out of the corner toward him.
Jake glances at you with a small smile. “I can give you some clothes, if you like.”
You wiggle your eyebrows. “Adult clothes?”
Jake rolls his eyes. “Come on, before more kids show up.”
He makes his way into his bedroom and grabs a pair of jogging pants and t-shirt and brings them back out for you. “Bathroom’s down the hall,” he says.
“I remember,” you respond, but you’ve already started to remove your bodysuit.
Jake turns away in alarm and holds out the clothes for you. “Do you?”
“Come on, it’s not like you haven’t seen it all before,” you say. “Shoot, I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Jake groans. “Are you for fucking real?”
“You got a pair of boxers?”
Jake swallows uncomfortably. “Hold this,” he instructs, keeping a hand over his eyes as he hands you the crumpled clothes and starts back for his bedroom.
“You know what? I’ll just go commando.”
Jake takes a deep, cleansing breath and turns back toward you. He keeps his eyes closed and holds a hand out so as not to bump into anything as he walks. Of course, as luck would have it, he stumbles into you.
“What the fuck, dude?” you exclaim as his hands cling to your naked body, steadying you so you don’t fall over.
Jake squeezes his eyes tightly so that they don’t open inadvertently. “Sorry, sorry!” he winces, finally stabilizing both himself and you. He feels the softness of your skin underneath his palms as his hands do a final sweep along your back before he lifts them away from your body with a grimace. He’s bracing himself for a punch in the face.
“Are you a dumbass? Open your eyes!” you screech. “You’ve seen me naked how many times?!”
“Twelve,” he responds, a little hoarsely. All he can think about is how smooth your skin felt in his hands not a moment ago and it’s driving him a little mad.
“It was a rhetorical question,” you say pointedly. “You counted?”
“Are you decent yet?” he asks, clearing his throat.
“I’m never decent,” you mutter under your breath and Jake can’t help but smirk. “But if you’re asking whether or not I’m dressed. Then, yes, I am.”
Jake releases a heavy sigh and opens his eyes cautiously.
You scowl at him. “What, you think I’m tricking you?”
“Well, you aren’t treating me.”
You stare at him coolly. “You’re such a delight. Can’t imagine why we ever broke up.”
“Need a reminder?” he calls as you make your way back into the front hall. “It’s because you cheated on me!”
You’re standing at the front door with your arms crossed. “I didn’t cheat, for the last time,” you retort. “We weren’t exclusive.”
Jake presses his lips into a thin line. “I was exclusive.”
You shake your head in frustration. “Let’s just agree to disagree.”
There’s another knock on the door. You sigh irritably and reach for the doorknob.
“Hello!” you exclaim enthusiastically the moment the door is open.
The mob of children on Jake’s doorstep all look up at you with exuberant grins and yell their opening line in a loud, messy chorus.
You react with an animated gasp. “Oh my goodness! You guys are a frightful bunch!”
The kids laugh. Indeed, they’re dressed as zombies, ghosts, and vampires, and, when you comment on their appearance, they growl and make scary faces at you. Jake smiles at them and then at you as you distribute the candy from the cauldron excitedly.
Once the door is closed, however, you drop the act, giving him an icy look as you settle yourself on the little bench near the door.
Jake fights the urge to sit next to you and maybe get a little lost in the smell of your perfume. He still gets a whiff of it from time to time when he walks by his closet. Which reminds him –
“I have your sweater,” he says awkwardly.
You glance up at him coldly. “Well, why didn’t you give it to me? It’d probably look better than this.” You tug on the hem of the t-shirt he gave you.
Jake doubts it; the fact that he could see your nipples through the fabric of his own shirt is even more of a turn on than your low-cut bodysuit had been. But he responds with, “Probably. But I’m not about to let you change again.”
You snort. “Fair.”
Jake wonders just how detrimental sitting next to you might be to his personal journey of recovery. He figures that you also would prefer that he stay as far away from you as possible. Ultimately, however, he decides that it’s his bench, after all, and that he’ll be sharing it with you and not the other way around. And, with regard to getting over you, well, he can try again tomorrow.
Jake makes his way over to the bench and you eye him cautiously as he approaches. Silently, you slide to make room for him. He gulps nervously and lowers himself onto the seat beside you.
“What were you doing at the bus stop, anyway?” he asks, staring down at his own clasped hands because he can’t handle looking at you when you’re sitting so close.
“Frank and I were on our way to a party,” you respond sullenly.
Jake glances up at you despite himself. “Thought you two broke up.”
You meet his gaze and promptly look away – apparently, you’re not too keen on engaging in eye contact at this proximity either. “We did,” you say curtly. “About an hour ago.”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “An hour ago?”
“We had a fight on the way. I hopped out of the car at a red light.”
Jake leaps out of his seat. “Are you crazy?” he exclaims. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”
You give him an amused look. “Don’t you fly jets for a living?”
Jake gapes at you incredulously. “I trained for that,” he retorts.
You let out a small laugh. “You’re right,” you reply. “I should’ve practiced first.”
Jake draws a hand over his mouth. “Okay, so you got out of the car in the middle of traffic,” he says with a wince. “And he, what? Just let you go?”
You shrug. “Wouldn’t you?”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “In what you were wearing? I wouldn’t even let you go to the bathroom by yourself.”
You stare at him with a grin. “That’s a bit excessive.”
“Yeah?” he asks. ��How many guys made passes at you before you finally decided that taking the bus home wasn’t the brightest idea?”
You lower your gaze without responding.
“As if that douchebag just left you,” Jake says angrily.
“Well, I wasn’t being very nice.”
“There’s a surprise.”
You eye him dangerously.
“You could’ve gotten hurt,” Jake says. “This isn’t the safest neighbourhood.”
You suck in your cheeks and nod. “Yeah, I was pretty freaked out actually,” you admit. “There was a group of guys following me and they kept making lewd comments. When I got to the bus stop, they sort of surrounded me…”
You trail off and Jake’s hands curls into fists of their own volition. “I could kill your boyfriend.”
“Ex,” you remind him.
“Whatever,” he says. After a moment, he asks, “Are you okay?”
You nod. “I pretended to call someone – you actually,” you say with a laugh. “I had a whole fake conversation with you on my way over. They lost interest in me after a little while and took off.”
He watches you solemnly. “You could’ve actually called me,” he says.
Your face turns skeptical. “Right. And you’d pick up?”
Probably not. “Of course,” he responds. Then he sighs and shakes his head. “Maybe I wouldn’t.”
“It’s fine,” you say. “I wouldn’t blame you.”
Jake sighs and sits back down beside you.
Several more groups of trick-or-treaters come and go and you and him take turns answering the door. Occasionally, both of you jump up at the same time and end up oohing and aahing in unison at the various costumes that grace Jake’s doorstep.
This activity does little to help quell the feelings he’s tried for months to repress. He remembers grudgingly the night he told you he was falling for you and you telling him that you weren’t ready for that kind of commitment. That’s when he found out that he wasn’t the only one you’d been seeing.
In your defense, it’s not something you had been actively hiding. In fact, you probably thought that Jake was also sleeping around, given his reputation. But Jake caught feelings like an idiot and was heartbroken when you finally showed your cards.
He spent nearly a year convincing himself that you’re absolute scum. Yet, here you are, looking cute as a button in his joggers and t-shirt, laughing giddily at the neighborhood children like you’re some kind of sweetheart. Like you could fool him now.
Jake slumps back down on the bench, trying to interact with you as little as possible. He can sense that you’re starting to win him over again, and he can’t have that happen. He will not be seduced.
You sit beside him with a grand sigh and lean your head back against the wall. “You get a lot of kids here,” you say lightly.
“Mm-hm,” he hums, bending forward to rest his arms on his legs.
“I’m getting hungry,” you say. “You?”
Jake closes his eyes. The last thing he needs is a fucking dinner date with you. “There are some leftovers in the fridge. You can go heat some up for yourself.”
You lay a hand on his back and Jake goes rigid. “You’re not going to eat?” you ask.
“Not hungry,” he manages to say.
Your hand slides unhurriedly down his spine, your fingers grazing him delicately. Jake brings a fist to his mouth to suppress a moan. “I’ll wait, then,” you say softly. Then, before Jake can gather the strength to remove himself from the situation, you lean your body into his and rest your head on his shoulder.
Jake sits very still, trying to decide how best to navigate this turn of events.
“Do you ever miss me?” you murmur faintly.
Jake turns his head to look down at your face while his heart springs into his throat to constrict his breathing. “What are you doing?” he asks huskily.
Your eyes stare deeply into his. “I’m just wondering,” you whisper.
Jake sighs and rubs his forehead. “You just broke up with Frank.”
Your eyes start to fill with tears. “I miss you.”
“Fuck,” Jake mutters and straightens his back. His head drops like a deadweight against the drywall in behind.
You’re displaced in the process but, once he’s situated, you slowly move closer, until your head is resting over his chest.
Jake grits his teeth but wraps his arm around you and, in response, you lay your arm over his abdomen. He can feel your fingers twist into the fabric of his shirt. He tightens his embrace around your shoulders and curses some more, in silence this time. What is it about you that he just can’t resist?
You lift your head off his chest so you can be face to face with him. Jake tries very hard not to lock eyes with you because that would likely be the end of him. “Jake,” you say in a wispy sort of tone and Jake instantly loses that fight. He meets your gaze, and your eyes entrance him. “I want you to kiss me,” you breathe.
Jake can almost taste the citrus of your perfume; it hangs over you like a veil. He can already hear your melodic moans; he knows what you sound like when he touches you. He can feel the rise and fall of your chest, the ardent urging of your hands as they slip underneath his shirt.
But what he can’t do is kiss you.
Your lips… your lips are all he can think about. He wants you more than anything in the world but you’re not here the same way he’s here; you’re just passing through while he’s here to stay.
You come impossibly close, aching for just a split second of contact. “Don’t you want to?” you whisper.
Jake can hardly stand being this close to you. “Why are you doing this?” he asks in a low, uneven voice.
You gulp and the tip of your nose brushes his. “I want to be with you, Jake,” you whimper, your fingers digging persistently into his ribs. Your travelling hands ignite a chain of pyrotechnics under his skin that sort of set his entire chest ablaze. “Don’t you want that?”
If only you knew how much. He shakes his head, cupping your cheek in his hand. “How can that be? When you’ve only been single for an hour?”
Your eyes start to sparkle. “You don’t believe me?”
He’ll never believe a word you say. But that doesn’t make him want you any less. He catches the tears that stream down your face with his thumb.
“I never got over you, Jake,” you say, clasping your hand over his on your cheek. “I think about you all the time.”
Jake leans his head into yours and grips your hand in his. If you’re telling the truth, he sympathizes. But, more likely than not, every word coming out of your mouth is fiction.
You push him away and sit up straight, wiping at your tears. “I never meant to hurt you,” you say. “I made a mistake. I realized that the moment you left. And I was too proud to go after you.”
Jake grimaces. “So, you dated Frank for ten months?”
You shrug. “On and off. He cheated on me, so…” you trail off with a cynical laugh. “Got what I deserved.”
Jake furrows his brows. “You don’t deserve that.”
You glance up at him with renewed hope. “I don’t deserve you,” you say with a strangled sigh. “I know that. And you know that, obviously. Which is why you won’t kiss me.”
Jake shakes his head.
“I know that it’s long over, Jake. I’m not delusional,” you say, your eyes so penetrating it feels like they’re clawing right into his soul. “And, I swear, I did not come here for this. It’s just, seeing you again – and your fucking disgustingly adorable adult shirt – handing out candy like a well-adjusted member of society – it reminded me what I missed out on.”
Jake lifts his eyebrows. “A lame, costume-less, party-less Halloween?”
You smile. “It’s not lame. It’s perfect.”
Jake watches you wretchedly. You may look innocent sitting before him in his very own baggy joggers and t-shirt with your dizzyingly beautiful eyes. But you are a fucking black widow. With a venomous bite. And sweet lips that spew lies, webs of which he could never untangle. Poison on the tongue. Toxic to the bone. Fatal. “You’re perfect,” he says.
You gaze at him tenderly, waiting for your moment to strike. Jake is waiting too. There’s no use fighting it, he lost the moment he met you. And he’ll lose as many times as it will take to win you for good.
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: The rest of the list will be in the comments. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁) || eddie munson x preppy!reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 || when your best friend (who just so happens to also be your ex) steve helps you get together with his new friend eddie, things go a little slower than you expected.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 || almost 12k lol oops
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 || SMUT (18+ only, unprotected sex and oral f receiving), fluff, some pining, very slight angst, somewhat inexperienced eddie, ex-bf!steve but also bff!steve,🍂🍁 fall vibes 🍁🍂, alcohol consumption/mild drunkenness, 'princess' petname
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September 1986
“Dude, if you like her, you should just go for it,” Steve insisted.
Eddie chewed the inside of his cheek for a second, staring out at the empty football field before turning to Steve on the bleachers dramatically. “And you’re sure it’s okay? I mean, with you two having gone out—”
“Of course!” Steve shrugged. “She and I have been friends a lot longer than we dated. I mean, that was, what, seven or eight months in sophomore year? It’s been years since then.”
“But you’re still so close,” Eddie noticed.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed, “and actually— it’s perfect! I can help you ask her out!”
“Wait, you mean like, I have a friend who likes you or something?” Eddie wondered, seeming a little suspicious as he turned his head away slightly.
“No, a little smoother than that,” Steve assured, “like a wingman! Like Top Gun!”
Eddie sighed; he almost wished Steve had never seen that movie, now he wouldn’t shut up about it.
“Actually, she already kinda told me she’s into you,” he grinned, and Eddie’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, we were hanging out a few weeks ago and we played that game Fuck Marry Kill?” Steve began, and Eddie nodded. “It was you, John Stamos and Val Kilmer— she said she’d fuck you.”
Eddie gave a sideways frown.
"Dude. Seriously." Steve glared at Eddie's unenthusiastic reaction. "In that line up I was sure she'd kill you. But poor Stamos got the chop instead."
Eddie shrugged.
"Did you miss the part of the story where she said she wants to fuck you?"
But Eddie knew that wasn't what that actually meant. “I guess that’s good, but honestly, I was kind of going for ‘marry’," he admitted.
Steve laughed joyfully as he shoved Eddie’s shoulder. “Didn’t know you were such a romantic!”
“I-I mean, I’ve never had a real girlfriend before,” Eddie replied, “so I hope she wants more than to just, like, fool around. Not that I would say no to that!”
“Of course,” Steve nodded, “totally get you— I’m the same way, you know, tired of all the one-night stands.”
Yeah, except you have an endless supply and I’ve had four, Eddie thought.
“If you want, I could talk to her for you,” Steve suggested, “and get the scoop— see if she’d be interested. That way you know before you go through all the trouble of actually asking her.”
“Okay— but keep it subtle! I don’t want her to know I’ve got a crush unless it’s reciprocated.”
Steve nodded confidently. “You got it, Munson. I can be stealthy. Like a ninja.”
You were sitting on the floor throwing Sour Patch Kids, watching Steve open his mouth wide and lean to try to catch them. He got five in a row, before you threw one too much to the side and he had to dive so far that he fell on his side onto the carpet; you both laughed with your mouths full, and he kicked you by sliding his foot out over the carpet. You groaned and kicked him back, until you two were having a shoe war on the rug: his sneakers versus your loafers.
After the fight and giggles died down, a quick silence fell before it was broken. “So,” Steve said suddenly, “it’s time for me to ask my favorite question…”
“Oh god,” you rolled your eyes. “Time for the third degree.”
“Seeing anybody lately?” he grinned.
“I mean… I dunno,” you shrugged. “A few dates here and there, but nobody interesting.”
“Interesting?” he pressed. “You want an interesting guy to go out with, then?”
“What’s with all the sudden interest, Harrington?” you returned with a smirk; you only called him that when you were teasing him.
“I’m always asking about your dates,” he corrected.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re nosy,” you scoffed.
“I just thought maybe we could figure out who you should be going out with."
“Maybe I should be single for a while,” you offered instead— not because you actually thought so, but because you wanted to figure out why he was so insistent on getting you a date.
“No, see, ‘cause this is the perfect time for a new squeeze,” he assured, “you know— fall’s just started, it’s getting chilly out, leaves are turning…”
You sighed dreamily, glancing out his bedroom window at the orange and brown leaves, rustling with the breeze that you just knew was blowing in a cold front from out East.
“Don’t you just wanna cuddle up with somebody this time of year?” Steve hummed, tensing up his shoulders under his soft Lacoste sweater.
“Yeah, alright,” you agreed, “I was thinking I should get a new boyfriend for the fall. I’m guessing based on your general shiftiness that you have someone in mind?”
Steve coughed and looked away. “I mean— I just had a couple ideas.”
“Such as…?”
He thought for a second, biting his lip. “Uh, there’s Joey Shelley?”
You frowned. “He’s cute, I guess, but he’s sorta… dull?”
“Okay, then— Keith Bowen’s fun,” Steve noticed.
“Yeah, he is,” you agreed, “but didn’t you go out with his sister for a while?”
“So?” he shrugged.
“Isn’t that, like, incest?” you shuddered.
Steve wrinkled his eyebrows together. “Um… no?”
“Whatever, it’s weird,” you decided. “And I dunno… he’s not really my type.”
“He’s exactly your type!” Steve scoffed. “If not him then that Ryan guy you were checking out at the theater last week.”
“I wasn’t checking him out, I was trying to figure out where he got his jeans,” you explained.
“Doesn’t matter,” you hummed, hoping to avoid explaining further since the real answer was that you were already planning Steve’s Christmas present.
“You don’t like any of my suggestions,” he noticed.
“It’s not that! I just— all those guys are just like the guys I always go out with,” you clarified with a sigh.
“What kind of guys do you always go out with?” Steve wondered.
“You know— preppy guys! Guys like— well, guys like you, actually,” you snorted. “I mean, you old money boys are fun for a while, but…”
“But you want something new,” he suggested, surprisingly unoffended by your diss on his fellow preps (though it couldn’t be that hard of a critique coming from a preppy girl yourself), “I get it. Wanna mix it up.”
You shrugged. “I mean, maybe I should.”
“Did you talk to her?” Eddie asked excitedly as he leaned in closer to Steve, who leaned back— Eddie wasn’t so good with the ‘personal space’ thing sometimes.
“Yeah,” Steve promised.
“Will she go out with me?”
“Woah, slow down,” Steve frowned, “I thought you wanted subtle— was I supposed to ask her out for you?”
“No,” Eddie sighed, “that would’ve made it easier but— no, it’s tacky. But did she say if she would go out with me? If I asked?”
“You didn’t come up,” Steve explained, reacting to Eddie’s disappointed expression by adding: “by name! But I think she’d be into it if you asked her.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, half-frowning. “You think? So, what, she might turn me down and then I look like an idiot?”
“Munson, to be honest,” Steve sighed, “I didn’t think looking like an idiot bothered you that much.”
Eddie gave Steve a look; Steve returned by motioning his head towards Eddie’s Hellfire shirt. Eddie, staring down at his outfit, wore an offended grimace when he met Steve’s gaze again. “Hey!” he yelped sharply. “I made this myself!”
“Exactly,” Steve nodded.
“Whatever,” Eddie scoffed, crossing his arms defensively, “this is different than clothes, anyway. I don’t want her to think that all I want is a date— like, I’m cool just being friends, too. But there’s that thing where, if you ask a girl out, you can’t really be friends after that.”
“Uh, I’m her friend,” Steve reminded Eddie, “and I asked her out.”
“In tenth grade!” Eddie added. “You’re smoother than me, anyways, I don’t even know what to say—”
“Just be honest, man,” Steve instructed, “just… tell her you think she’s pretty and you wanna go to a movie or something.” Steve shrugged, as if that required no effort at all, but Eddie was terrified just imagining saying that to you.
“When?” Eddie asked— his first of many issues with that idea. “I don’t have the excuse of seeing her at school anymore, and when school’s over she’s always hanging out with you.”
Steve smiled excitedly, finally finding a part of this plan he knew he could orchestrate. “We’ll find a way,” he promised cryptically.
It was Steve’s idea to go to the record store— he said he wanted the new(ish) Human League album and frankly, you never needed too much of a reason to kill time there. It wasn’t just the music or the respite from the increasing chill outside on your bare legs (maybe the plaid skirt you chose to wear today was a bit out of season, but it was cute), it was the atmosphere itself, it was the smell: old books, new records, paper album sleeves, and whatever rosemary-and-spice candle the owner was burning somewhere.
You flipped through the stacks and scoffed at the cover of The Queen Is Dead. “You should get your own copy of this instead of continuing to indefinitely borrow mine,” you suggested to Steve flatly.
“Is the new Talking Heads album any good?” he asked as he flipped the record around and presented True Stories to you, ignoring what you’d said entirely. Steve Harrington had some of the most impressive selective hearing you’d ever encountered.
Your search wandered out of rock and indie towards pop and synth, where Steve went on a rant you’d heard before about Cyndi Lauper and you pondered trying out Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark. Someone coming up to you got your attention, and you heard Steve greet him before you actually recognized him: “Munson, funny seeing you here,” he nodded.
Turning and looking up at him, you found a friendly smile under a nose tinted red from the cold wind outside— even if the leather-jacket-and-denim-vest fusion looked like it would keep him pretty warm out there. He had the latest Alice Cooper album tucked under his arm, and the flamboyant cover caught your attention for a moment before you looked at his face again.
“Oh! Hey Eddie,” you greeted joyfully. “Didn’t expect to find you in the pop section…”
You shot Steve a look as he suddenly stepped backwards and walked further away— leaving you and Eddie essentially by yourselves. Eddie was more Steve’s friend than your own, wouldn’t he want to talk with you? But you couldn’t pay that much attention when you were trying to listen to Eddie’s reply: “Oh, I listen to all kinds of stuff, actually.”
“Well, your merch isn’t so diverse,” you noticed, pointing at his shirt; he looked down at it, like he forgot what he was wearing, and smiled.
“Yeah, this is one of my favorites,” he admitted. “The band and the shirt. My uncle got me this one for my birthday last year, actually.”
“Well, it’s cool,” you decided.
“Oh, thanks,” he hummed. “I-I like your necklace. Definitely classier than a worn-out old shirt.”
“Thank you, I—” you began, though you almost lost your breath when he reached up and touched the jewelry gently. “I… got it on a trip, with my parents? To Australia…”
You felt that shivery butterfly feeling as he toyed with the pearls around your neck. Was he flirting? You hoped so. Truth be told, you never really noticed Eddie when you went to school together; well, actually, a guy like Eddie was sort of impossible not to notice, but really you didn’t do anything past noticing him. Metalhead, D&D geek, flunker— you didn’t know much beyond that, though you didn’t take issue with him like most of the other kids in your social group did. A jock flipped his lunch tray on purpose once and you helped him clean it up, but that was the extent of your interaction.
You didn’t really notice that he was cute until Steve re-introduced you a few months back. It started with thinking that he was funny— in much more of a laughing with than a laughing at way for a guy like him— and then being flattered by his chivalry. It was little things, like opening doors and pulling out chairs, but you admired it. Despite a distinctly modern look, Eddie himself was sort of a classic guy, and that charming smile was timeless.
“Australia? That’s so cool,” he said suddenly. “I’ve never even been south of Kansas.”
“It's beautiful," you agreed. “We swam in the Great Barrier Reef.”
“I, uh, watched something on the Discovery channel about that one time,” he mumbled nervously, obviously aware of how much less interesting of a story that was. “I think they said, like, ten thousand different species live there…”
“That sounds about right,” you smiled, “but I didn’t see them all, obviously.”
The conversation stalled and Eddie rocked nervously on his heels; you examined him for a moment, expecting him to break the silence any second, but he never did.
“Since when are you so shy?” you tilted your head. “You’re normally so… boisterous.”
“Well, honestly?” he breathed. “I get really shy when I, uh, when I’m trying to ask somebody out.”
It still took you a second to get what he meant— you were actually about to ask him who he was going to ask out! Then it clicked, and you smiled. “Oh,” you blinked quickly, “you mean me, right? That’s sweet. What did you have in mind?”
“I-I just figured I’d ask if you wanted to go out sometime,” he decided, “with me.”
You giggled. “I meant for the date.”
“O-oh, yeah,” he sighed, blushing slightly; you liked this version of Eddie, even if you’d been crushing on the one that was so loud and crazy. “There’s a drive-in not too far from here, and I’ve got the van… do you like scary movies?”
“No,” you admitted, stepping up closer to drag your finger over his chest, tracing the letters of his Metallica t-shirt, “but maybe when the scary parts come on, you could protect me?”
You batted your eyelashes up at him, watching his eyes dart all over your face wildly. “Y-yeah, of course,” he promised quickly. “Not to brag or anything, but I’ve watched a lot of scary movies and I’ve survived them all. So you’re safe with me.”
“Good,” you hummed, stepping back and holding onto the strap of your bag that crossed over your chest. “So you can pick me up at seven, then?”
His shock turned quickly into glee. “Yeah! I’ll see you then.”
“S-sorry, I cleaned up as best I could,” Eddie promised nervously as you hopped into the van’s passenger seat.
“Oh, it’s fine!” you dismissed quickly. “Steve’s car is always a mess— not, like, dirty, but messy for sure. Random clothes everywhere.”
“Is Harrington stripping in his car that often?” Eddie wondered, curling his lips slightly.
You shrugged. “Guess so.”
Shuddering, Eddie started the van and began the familiar route to the drive-in. The sun was already setting, and it would be dark enough for the movie soon.
It was a short, but pleasant, ride; you took the time to catch up with Eddie and get to know him a little better, since you didn’t know a lot about him past the obvious.
“I’ve got everything we’ll need tonight,” he promised, “blankets, pillows— you know, to make the back all cozy— candy, snacks— do you like Sour Patch Kids?”
“Only the yellow ones,” you admitted, and he looked at you like you were crazy— but also, like he was into it. “I know!” you yelped. “Steve says it’s proof I’m a monster.”
“Monster? No, you’re perfect,” he said, so casually, like it didn’t make your heart skip, “and those are the only ones I won’t eat, so… guess we’re a perfect match, too.”
Biting your lip, you looked back at the road ahead— Eddie had just flipped on the headlights— and felt the warm, giddy flush crawling up your face. He was a flirt, that’s for sure, even when he had this nervous energy radiating off of him.
After finding the best available spot to park for the movie, Eddie asked you to wait in the passenger while he set up the back; for a few minutes as he unfolded blankets and arranged everything, you toyed with the pearls around your neck (after he complimented them, you kept them on despite changing most of the rest of your outfit, and he noticed, saying they made you look regal, ‘like a princess or something’) and waited.
“Ta-da!” he announced with an excited flourish of his arms and a wide grin when you were finally allowed to look: the back seats had been folded down, the back hatch doors were swung open, and the whole floor was padded with a pallet of blankets and pillows. And, right in the middle, a nice big stash of movie candy classics; including, of course, Sour Patch Kids. “Comfy, right?”
“Only one way to find out,” you smiled as you climbed in. He even held his hand out for you to lift yourself up with to get in the back, even though you definitely didn’t need it.
Once you were comfortable, he laid back on the blanket with you, letting you lean in close even though the movie hadn’t started yet— you could blame it on the chill in the air, but he’d see right through that.
“You really know how to show a girl a good time, huh?” you noticed as you relaxed on the soft padding beneath you.
“I-I try,” he stammered. “It’s been a while since I’ve— m’kinda out of practice, to be honest…”
“Me too,” you admitted.
“What?” he laughed. “Getting taken out doesn’t take any practice! All you’ve gotta do is sit there and look pretty.”
You batted your eyelashes at him; “How am I doing so far?”
He grinned as he tossed a blue Sour Patch Kid into his mouth. “You’re a natural, princess.”
When the movie finally did start, you were already getting that lovely jittery feeling from being so close to him, wondering if he would touch you: hoping he would, actually. Was he the kind of guy who waited until the end to kiss you? Or was he just waiting until everyone else in the surrounding cars was focused enough on the movie above for none of them to look back and see you making out?
But, you actually watched the movie for about the first act, occasionally whispering something to each other or laughing at a campy moment— and, of course, when you jumped at a scare and leaned in to him, he carefully wrapped an arm around you. Even with a relatively conservative touch, he nervously hesitated for a moment, but you found it endearing.
“Thanks for taking me out,” you whispered to him about halfway through the movie, making him look down at you.
“Y-yeah,” he agreed, looking like he was struggling a bit to focus on conversation with your face so close. “Thanks for, um, agreeing to go out with me. I wasn’t sure if you would.”
You grinned, biting your lip. “Actually, I was hoping you’d ask me soon.”
“Really?” Eddie raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t think I was your type.”
“You’re not,” you admitted, “that’s the fun part. Something different.”
“This is different for me, too,” he agreed.
“I’m not like the girls you usually take out?” you assumed.
“In the sense that you exist? Yes,” he nodded, making you laugh almost a bit too loud. “Yes, very different.”
“C’mon, you can’t be that hopeless,” you rolled your eyes.
“This whole town thinks I’m a freak, remember?” he smirked. “Even the women— uh, especially the women.”
“Guess I don’t mind it,” you shrugged. “Maybe I’m a freak, too… once you get to know me.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
The tension of the moment lingered for a few moments of silence, neither you nor Eddie looking back at the big screen above you, keeping your eyes trained on each other. For a comment as sexually-charged as what you’d said, you didn’t expect him to follow it up with something so… wholesome. “Can I kiss you?” he asked.
Way too tender, way too sweet for how flirty and heated the conversation that led up to it had become. But it still made your stomach flip, and you nodded, and Eddie carefully cradled your jaw in his hand as he closed the distance and pressed his lips to yours.
It was chaste and patient, at first— gentle movements in time with each other, finding the rhythm, getting familiar with the faint taste of cigarettes under the sweetness of the sour candy you’d shared.
The moment seemed like it could go on forever, like the kiss never needed to end and never needed to progress; the movie played on in the background, but you hardly paid attention, focused instead on the sounds of his breathing picking up, of the blankets shifting beneath you when he moved, of the slightest sigh that fell against your face when you ran a hand up his chest over his shirt.
You opened your mouth wider, tilting your head back, not just allowing but inviting him to kiss you deeper— and he accepted gladly, one hand cradling the back of your head delicately.
His other hand ran down your back, settling at your waist; for a second you thought he might drift even lower and grab your butt. If he did, it would be sort of tacky, but you also wouldn’t mind that much for some reason.
He brushed his fingers over your jaw and tilted his face further, suddenly gaining a little speed and intensity as he tasted you, and you had to resist the urge to moan around his tongue carefully exploring your mouth. Fuck. Heat was already gathering between your legs from a kiss like this. Maybe it was due in part to how long it had been since you’d been taken out properly, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to control yourself if he wanted more.
You gasped softly when his hand slid up your leg. He’s gonna do it— he’s gonna reach up under my skirt and touch me. And I’m gonna let him.
It was impulsive and a little irresponsible, the way you were about to let Eddie Munson finger you right here in the drive-in, but it only turned you on more to think about how naughty it was. You actually wanted him to, you were so needy—
But he stopped moving his hand when he reached your upper thigh. Instead of moving in to carefully toy with the edge of your panties and eventually slip inside, he just started rubbing your thigh with his thumb, occasionally squeezing it as he kissed you.
He broke away from your lips, making you worry it was over, but then he dipped under your face and kissed under your ear. “Oh,” you gasped softly, and you felt him smile— cocky bastard.
Your hips rocked forward a bit, but he didn’t seem to notice: you barely noticed it, since it wasn’t exactly voluntary. Your fingers clutched his shirt, tightening even more when he bit your earlobe lightly just beside the pearl studs.
He was kissing a line down your neck when you shivered briefly. “Are you cold?” he asked.
You didn’t know how to say I was just trying not to rub my pussy on your thigh, sorry, so you simply mumbled, “kinda.”
“Do you want to get under a blanket?” he offered, and that sounded like a great idea and you nodded quickly. He nabbed another folded lump of fabric from behind the driver’s seat, laying it out over the top of you, and you cuddled up closer to him as the weight draped you both. “Do you wanna, uh, kiss some more?”
You giggled a little as you nodded again, reaching up to hold the back of his neck as he kissed you— harder, faster, deeper, getting right to the good stuff. You had to really fight the urge to lift your leg and rest it on his waist, it would feel so good and so… natural, but it would also be, you know, a little slutty. But that was becoming less and less of a concern for you as your need grew stronger and stronger. “Eddie,” you let yourself sigh against his lips, and he tightened his grip on your waist to pull you closer.
“What’s that, princess?” he whispered, egging you on, and you smiled.
“Eddie,” you said again, hearing him growl briefly in pride. He must’ve known that a kiss had never done you in quite like this, never tempted you to do things you didn’t like to do on the first date let alone in a car… in public!
You were so desperate, you could just picture it: him rolling you onto your back, settling himself between your legs and forcing them to part with the width of his hips. Kissing you harder, rutting against you, letting you feel how hard he’d become from holding you. But as much as you tried to encourage him to go a little further— tangling your fingers into his hair, moaning ever-so-softly into the kiss, arching your back (okay, that part wasn’t intentional, but you couldn’t help it)— he never bit the bait. He did literally bite you a few times, once gently on your swollen bottom lip and then twice on your neck later on, but that was as far as he went that night. When the movie ended he watched you climb back up in the front seat and drove you home— he even had the audacity to ask what your favorite part was even though he knew damn well you hadn’t been watching it.
“I liked the part where you licked my ear,” you answered, pretending to be so full of confidence, even though your heart was starting to race again as his own cheeks tinted pink.
“Y-yeah? Good to know,” he nodded as he steered the van around a corner.
There was a longer pause in the conversation as you waited for him to bring up your next date. You made it a whole twenty seconds. “Are you gonna ask me out on another date?” you finally blurted out.
“Now?” he wondered.
“I mean, that’s what you’re supposed to do, I think,” you shrugged. “I guess you could call me tomorrow morning instead, but, you could always get it over with now.”
“You know how this works a little better than I do,” he laughed. “If you’re so eager why don’t you ask me out?”
Your face got warm as he (accurately) called you out for your impatience. “I thought it was supposed to be the other way around,” you mumbled.
“I thought you were a feminist,” he retorted proudly, grinning at you.
“Okay,” you relented, unable to fight down a smile in response to his, “Steve’s throwing a party next weekend. Come with me.”
“I can do that,” he decided with a nod, “as long as I don’t have to dress up like a trust fund kid.”
You snorted. “Definitely not. I like the idea of you sticking out like a sore thumb, actually.”
“Happy to,” he grinned. “When should I pick you up?”
“I have to help Steve set the whole thing up, actually,” you replied, “so I’ll already be there— but show up at eight and I’ll have a drink ready for you.”
He got there at seven fifty-seven. He wasn’t usually so punctual, but the promise of seeing you again was a strong motivator.
You knew he’d arrived when Steve called your name from the foyer, loud enough for you to hear where you were scooping ice into cups in the kitchen. “Your boyfriend’s here!” Steve added, making your face flush— the other guests definitely heard that.
“Steve,” you whined as you dashed past him to the open door, seeing Eddie beaming at you from the welcome mat. “H-he’s not my boyfriend…”
“I’m not?” Eddie grinned with an inquisitive eyebrow as he stepped inside, kissing you on the cheek politely while Steve shut the door.
“You wanna be?” you realized.
“Duh,” Eddie laughed.
“When we’re only on our second date?”
“Princess, I wanted to be your boyfriend before we even went on one,” he replied, and your heart fluttered.
Smiling proudly, you pulled Eddie into a kiss, as Steve kept leaning on the door with one hand and resting the other on his hips; a proud grin was on his face. “I’ll be awaiting my Wingman Of The Year Award in the mail any day now,” he announced, making you break away and look at him suspiciously.
“Wingman?” you repeated.
“Y-yeah, uh,” Eddie choked, moving his hands to your waist carefully, “Steve sorta… helped me out, when I didn’t know how to ask you— it’s not important now.”
“Yeah it is,” Steve corrected, a little offended, “I just got her to make you her boyfriend— you’re welcome.”
“Oh, you’ve done it now,” you warned Eddie playfully. “Once Steve starts meddling, he can’t stop.”
“Whatever,” Steve rolled his eyes, taking his hand off the door and starting to walk backwards towards the rest of the party. “If you’ll excuse me, there are some more star-crossed lovers in need of Cupid’s assistance, so…”
He mimed the shooting of a tiny bow and arrow before he disappeared, making you and Eddie laugh. “He’s already a little tipsy, apparently,” you noticed, but Eddie’s mind had already forgotten Steve entirely as he stared at you.
“You look amazing, by the way,” he informed you, drinking in the sight of your tight dress.
“I thought we might match if I wore something black,” you explained with a grin, “I was right.”
“Aw, that’s sweet,” Eddie cooed, “you wanna match with your boyfriend…”
He put extra emphasis on the last word by kissing your neck gently, and you laughed as you held onto him tighter. “You really talked to Steve about asking me out?” you remembered, and you felt Eddie nod against your neck. “I can’t believe he didn’t tell me— he’s not much of a secret-keeper.”
“It doesn’t bother you, does it?” he worried for a moment, pulling back.
“Of course not!” you promised. “It’s sweet… really sweet, actually, imagining you telling Steve how you’re, like, totally obsessed with me—”
“Well, it wasn’t quite like that—” Eddie began to deny.
“Shh!” you stopped him quickly. “I’m imagining it, I can imagine it however I want.”
Eddie laughed. “Fair enough. Now where’s that drink I was promised?”
Over the course of the next two hours and five drinks, you and Eddie mingled with the rest of that upper crust crowd you were used to hanging with— and, yes, they were all somewhere between confused and irritated that Eddie was here. He’s with me, you kept saying, like his arm around you wasn’t obvious enough.
He even danced with you to some music you knew he didn’t actively enjoy, but that was partly the alcohol and not just his acquiescence.
As the night seemed to get louder and rowdier, you kept trying to find somewhere that you and Eddie could be, if not alone, a little less crowded. You went outside first, but it was chilly even with his arms holding you close. All the many bedrooms of the house were, uh, occupied by this point in the evening… and so, with a devilish grin, you grabbed him by the wrist and guided him to the upstairs guest bathroom— tugging him into it and shutting the door behind you.
Before he could ask why you were in the bathroom together, you stood up on your toes to get closer to him. “I’ve been thinking about you,” you whispered in his ear.
“Yeah?” he breathed, smiling. “What were you thinking about?”
“Our date,” you remembered, “how you kissed me in your van. There were all those people around… but now we’re alone…”
“O-oh,” he choked, “yeah, we are…”
“Can you kiss me like that again?” you pleaded coyly, and he gave you a slightly dumbstruck look as he nodded.
“I can try,” he whispered, pulling you into him for a kiss that made your knees falter for a half-second— though that was partly the liquor, too.
It heated up quickly, his body pressing yours back against the sink, your moans slipping in between the movements of his lips and tongue. You hopped back and sat yourself on the counter, wrapping your legs around his hips and grinning when you felt him shiver.
“Y-you’re so sexy,” he mumbled against your skin, kissing his way to your neck, making your back arch even more. When you tightened your legs around him, it forced him to press against where your dress had ridden up— and you could feel how hard he was, through his jeans and right on your dampening panties.
“Oh, fuck,” you sighed, desperate for him to rock against you, drunk on the way it felt to make his cock all stiff and throbbing like that. And also just a little bit actually-drunk, but that was only part of it.
He kept his focus on your neck, though he pulled your dress’ single strap out of the way to kiss your shoulder, too, and his fingers on your bare skin felt fucking electric; you wanted to just fall back and lay your head against the mirror, let him do whatever he wanted to you, but you hugged him tighter instead and carded your fingers through his curly hair.
“Need you so bad,” you admitted in a hushed moan by his ear, making him grunt and hold onto your hips tightly.
“You— fuck, you know we can’t go all the way in Harrington’s bathroom, right?” he whispered harshly, pulling away from your neck to look at you with dilated eyes and bitten lips.
“Why not?” you shrugged. “Not the first time I’ve done it in here anyways…”
His eyes went wide before he cleared his throat. “I— I think we should save it for someplace a little more special, don’t you?”
You smirked at him. “Okay,” you agreed, “but we can still mess around, right?”
He grinned mischievously as he answered, “Yeah.”
“Good,” you beamed, hopping up off the counter and spinning him around suddenly to pin him back against it, “cause I wanna blow you.”
“Blow—! Blow me?!” he blurted out. “Oh, I—”
You started to drop down on your knees, but you felt his hands hold tightly onto your arms to keep you up; and you tilted your head as you looked up at him. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded quickly, “it’s just— I don’t want you to think you have to do that.”
“Oh, Eddie— I don’t think I have to,” you assured, “b-but if you want me to, I’d like to…”
He surprised you by pulling you into another kiss— not rough, but definitely a little hard as he pressed his lips to yours. Never one to question a kiss, you submitted to it and slipped your arms around his shoulders. It went on for a while, almost too long, and you started to wonder if he was ever going to let you get back on your knees for him; why was he stalling?
When he broke away, he pulled you into a tight hug. “Is everything okay?” you finally asked him.
“I don’t wanna take things too fast,” he whispered, and your heart swelled. Oh my god, I’ve found the world’s best man, you thought, knowing how rare it was for a guy to think with the head on his shoulders.
You pulled back and smiled up at him. “That’s sweet,” you decided, and he smiled back at you as he brushed his hand over your hair to softly pet your head.
“Yeah,” he agreed quietly. “We’ve got something special, I think— and the last thing I wanna do is mess it all up by rushing this.”
You leaned forward to kiss him quickly, and he smiled against you before you pulled back. “You’re so wonderful,” you hummed at him, feeling your chest warm even more as you realized you finally found a guy who liked you for you, and not just what you could do for him.
“I’m wonderful?” Eddie repeated incredulously. “Every guy out there wishes he’d been the one that brought you here tonight, you know— and none of them can believe it’s me instead. You do realize that?”
“Yeah,” you admitted with a shy giggle, taking his hand quickly. “Let’s go back out there so you can rub it in a little more, okay?”
“Okay,” he laughed as he followed you back into the hallway and through the crowd, shutting the guest bathroom’s door behind you.
You tried not to bring it up again after that, not to initiate anymore— because the way you’d left things it felt like Eddie would let you know when the time was right. Him being such a gentleman wasn’t what you’d expected— not that you thought he’d be rude and pushy or anything— but it was a pleasant surprise. Even better was imagining how wild he’d be once he finally caved and just couldn’t wait to have you any longer.
October 1986
“So, what did you wanna talk about?” Steve finally prompted as you walked side by side on the trail, leaves in every warm-toned shade decorated the earth around you. He knew you were going to keep stalling, even though you’d called him and asked if you could walk to the coffee shop together and ‘talk about something important’, unless he brought it up first. You sighed— you’d wanted to stall just a bit longer, but maybe you might as well get it over with.
“Well, I feel kinda weird talking to you about this…” you trailed off.
“Me? You tell me everything,” Steve explained.
“But Eddie’s your friend,” you sighed, and Steve stopped walking— so you did, too.
“Wait,” Steve got stern quickly, “is everything okay? He’s not hurting you is he? Do you think he’s cheating? ‘Cause I—”
“Nonono,” you interrupted quickly, “it’s fine— he’s great. He’s… amazing.”
“Okay,” Steve nodded, “you just let me know if he’s doing anything messed up to you, okay?”
“That’s the thing,” you frowned, crossing your arms tightly, “it’s more of what he’s not doing to me…”
“Well, we’ve been going out a while now,” you began, “and I guess I thought— well, usually, by this point— you know I’m not a slut!”
He blinked rapidly at the sudden change in topic. “W-well, yeah! What’s that got to do with it?”
“I don’t like to put out on the first date,” you explained, “not even the second or third— I like to take things a little slower, it pisses some guys off but it pisses off the right guys so they can dump me if that’s all they want.”
“Right,” Steve agreed. “I should try that…”
“Yeah, right,” you rolled your eyes, knowing Steve wasn’t going to be able to keep up with a no-sex-on-the-first-date rule for long. “Anyways, my point is, with Eddie… I was actually gonna go all the way with him on our first date."
"Woah!" Steve laughed, but he raised his hands up when you glared at him. "No judgment! Seems like it worked out, anyways."
"N-no, I was going to, but then we didn't."
Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Then at your party…"
"Oh god," he shuddered, "just tell me you didn't use any of my mom's nice hand towels…"
"No! Steve, we didn't do it there," you groaned, "he actually told me that he wants to take things slow."
"Oh," Steve relaxed, "cool— I guess he's pretty serious about you."
You nodded, remembering when you thought of it the same way, but that logic was less comforting now.
"So, how long did he wait before you…?"
You looked at Steve, eventually raising your eyebrows to try to signal him wordlessly, but it took him a couple seconds to put it together. "Oh, shit!" he yelped. "You haven't, still?!"
"He must think I'm hideous," you assumed immediately, hiding your face in your hands.
"I'm sure it's not that," Steve tried to assure you.
"What would it take for you to not sleep with your girlfriend after a month and a half?" you pressed.
"Uh…" Steve stalled, biting his lip.
You crossed your arms, waiting impatiently. "Let me guess: an apocalyptic event of Biblical proportions?"
"Yeah, something like that," he admitted.
"See! He's not into me at all," you whimpered.
"No way," Steve insisted, "he was crushing on you hard way before he asked you out. He told me! He only waited as long as he did 'cause he thought I'd have a problem with it, for whatever reason."
"So what changed?"
Steve pondered that. "Uh," he realized suddenly, "you don't think he's got, uh…"
Steve whistled as he held up his pinky finger, and you choked on your own throat. "We've done stuff, you know," you informed him, "and from what I can tell, that's… not the issue. At all."
"Okay, okay," Steve waved his hands, “spare me the gory details.”
“I don’t have gory details, I haven’t even seen it,” you whined.
“But it feels normal?” he prompted.
You shrugged. “Through jeans.”
“Huh,” Steve considered, “maybe he’s worried about how it looks, then. Maybe it’s all… weird-looking.”
You grimaced. “I mean, maybe…”
“Maybe it’s like, a zombie dick!” Steve exclaimed.
“You’ve been watching too many scary movies,” you rolled your eyes— this is what happens when you watch horror movies every day in anticipation of Halloween, apparently.
“Or maybe it’s an alien that controls his mind!” Steve continued regardless.
“Pretty sure all guys’ minds are controlled by their dicks, Steve,” you sighed. Except my boyfriend, the metalhead prude.
You and Eddie had been watching horror movies to get in the spooky spirit as well… you just hadn’t been watching them as effectively.
“Eddie,” you giggled as he kissed up your neck, tickling you with the tip of his tongue. He traced the shape of your ear and you groaned, pushing on his shoulders slightly as your back arched.
“I thought you liked that,” he teased.
“I-I do,” you admitted.
“Then say it,” he prompted; your thighs clenched.
“I… I like that,” you whimpered, “fuck, Eddie, s’good…”
He hummed proudly and latched his teeth onto your neck again, pressing his chest up against yours. It reminded you how hard your nipples had become, and you found yourself reaching to find one of Eddie’s hands on your lower back, guiding it up up up until he was grabbing at you through your shirt. “Fuck,” he grunted by your ear, “wanted me to feel your tits, coulda just asked, princess.”
He was definitely an auditory kind of person, liked to hear you say it all: feels good, right there, touch me, kiss me— only thing he didn’t like to hear was do we have to stop now?
Because it always stopped too soon for your tastes; you’d been camping out at second base for ages, and not that you didn’t love the way Eddie’s fingers teased your little buds at the same time that his thick hands groped your whole chest appreciatively— not that you didn’t love the way he swore you were perfect, voice low and rough as he showered you in compliments and oh-so-politely asked permission to put his mouth on them. But god, if that was the way he teased you here, you could only imagine how it would feel on your clit, those expert fingers rubbing you as he watched your face fall into ecstasy, as he told you he would put a few inside to warm you up for his cock…
Literally, you could only imagine it. It was driving you actually fucking crazy.
He hummed as he pushed your shirt up, latching onto your nipple the second one was exposed to him, and you cried out loudly— probably loud enough for one of the neighboring trailers to hear, honestly. Not that you had the energy to care about that now.
“So sensitive,” he mocked lightly, flicking the bud over and over with the end of his tongue for a second. “Are they always like this?”
No, only when you’ve been edging me for seven weeks. “J-just for you,” you stammered out, and he hummed quickly before moving on to the other, tilting his head— he looked damn good like that, eyes shut with his lashes resting on his cheeks, mouth open just enough to fit your nipple inside, full lips suckling at you. “You’re pretty,” you blurted out, and he blinked those big eyes open to smile up at you.
“Me?” he chuckled. “Nah, no way.”
“Yeah you are,” you insisted with a laugh, sitting up slightly. “You’re hot, actually.”
You reached for his shoulders and guided him back, until he was sitting properly on the couch again (which he hadn’t been since ten minutes into the movie when he descended on you) and you were the one leaning over him. “Oh,” he gasped a bit when you straddled his lap; the energy changed a bit.
“Is this okay?” you asked quietly.
“U-uh, yeah,” he nodded, and you smiled as you rested your hands on his shoulders before you kissed him again. It was a little different this time, it felt less like fooling around and more like… something important. His hands didn’t stay glued to your chest this time, they wandered carefully to your exposed back, holding you delicately like you were breakable; his kiss was delicate, too, everything felt more patient. You thought it couldn’t get any better than that heat-of-the-moment feeling, that playful energy you had before, but the sensuality of this was newer and even more addictive.
You sighed as you moved in his lap— not of your own accord, just your body surrendering to instinct. Your hips sought any friction they could find and your hands searched his chest for a good place to latch on to; they ended up sliding over his neck and into his hair, which made him softly moan as you tugged on the messy locks.
“Princess,” he choked, “fuck— you’re so… fuck.”
You rocked your hips a little slower, but pressed down harder into his lap, and both of you groaned as you rubbed right on the firm bulge under his fly. “Eddie,” you whimpered, feeling his fingers tighten at your waist, “I— I want you…”
Your heart sank as he gasped and pushed you back. “M-maybe we should slow down a bit,” he decided suddenly. Your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you stared down, sitting on his knees.
“Um… okay…” you mumbled quietly. You hadn’t really tried to get things going since Steve’s party, but you didn’t really suspect that if you did, you’d be outright rejected. It wasn’t something you were used to in a time like this. “Do you… still wanna kiss?”
“Yeah!” he said quickly. “I just… I don’t wanna take things too fast.”
That excuse was cute a month ago. Your shoulders slumped defeatedly and you pulled your shirt down again— but you still felt uncomfortably exposed, somehow, and you wrapped your arms around yourself to try to distract from the empty feeling inside.
“Oh god, princessl, what’s wrong?” he cooed quietly. “I-I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know… but can you tell me what’s going on?” you pleaded. “Is it me? You are attracted to me, right?”
“What?! Of course I am,” he shook his head, bewildered by your insecurity. As if that was something you should’ve figured out by, what, clairvoyance?
“I’m just not sure what to think,” you mumbled. “I wanna go further— and I don’t wanna, you know, force you or pressure you or anything, but to be totally honest… I’ve never had to talk a guy into sex before. And I can’t help but wonder if there’s something wrong.”
“No, nothing’s wrong,” he promised, “at least not with you. I do wanna, you know, take the next step with you. It’s been driving me crazy to keep stopping you when you offer… all that stuff…”
“So why turn me down?” you pouted. “If we both want it, what else is there to worry about?”
He sighed slightly as he glanced away.
“C’mon, Eddie, is something going on?” you pleaded. “Just talk to me. Whatever it is, I wanna know.”
“Well, yeah,” he relented, “it’s… it’s me, it’s this thought I have every time I try to take things past just making out.”
You waited patiently for his explanation, wringing your hands nervously.
“You and Steve went out for… a while,” he recalled. “And, you know, he’s— got a reputation. A very good one.”
“Oh,” you sighed.
“And he’s, uh… been with a lot of girls,” Eddie continued nervously. “I-I’m not a virgin or anything, but I’ve never actually had a girlfriend before, so…”
“So?” you encouraged.
“I guess I just… I’m worried that I won’t be as good as him,” he finally admitted. “Actually, I’m about ninety-five percent confident I won’t be as good as him— and if I’m not, maybe you… won’t wanna go out anymore.”
“Eddie,” you sighed, equal parts relieved and heartbroken and bewildered. You reached up and held his face in both your hands, making him look at you. “I wanna be with you. Not Steve, or anybody else.”
“And when you say be with…” he trailed off.
“I mean that in every sense,” you clarified. “I like going out with you, I love being your girlfriend. And I want us to do what boyfriends and girlfriends do— I want us to, you know… touch each other, and pleasure each other…”
You lowered your voice, moving in a little closer on his lap, and his gaze seemed to get a little heavier.
“Feel each other,” you continued, “and explore, you know? ‘Cause yeah, it will be different than it was with Steve. But Steve and I had to get to know each other before it was really great. I think once we get a chance to practice, we’ll be even better.”
“Practice?” he repeated.
“Yeah,” you grinned, “that’s the fun part.”
Eddie blinked at you quickly. “I— I guess it’s different when you’re dating, huh? Because I’ve never had a chance to, uh, improve for next time. I’ve never had a next time before.”
You smiled. “Well, if things go my way,” you explained, leaning in closer beside his face, “there’s gonna be a next time—” you kissed his cheek, “and a next time—” you moved around and kissed the other— “and a next time…”
He shuddered when you placed a quick peck on his jaw. “Okay,” he breathed, “I like the sound of that. But… I want our first time to be… you know, really amazing and stuff.”
You laughed. “After all this damn anticipation, I’m sure it will be. You drove me crazy making me wait so long, Eddie.”
He coughed; “S-sorry,” he offered, “I wasn’t trying to, I swear. And it drove me crazy, too. I honestly wanted to make it with you right then and there in my van at the drive-in on our very first date— but I figured I’d get slapped if I tried that.”
You bit your lip as you leaned in a little closer. “Eddie, I would’ve let you,” you whispered. “I was so hot for you, I wanted you so bad…”
He swallowed as he blinked up at you. “I-I didn’t think you were that kind of girl,” he admitted, and you giggled.
“I’m not,” you promised, “I just couldn’t help it when you kissed me like that. I was totally yours, Eddie, from the first kiss.”
His fingers squeezed your hips and you purred. “God, that’s— you’re so perfect,” he sighed. “I-I was honestly afraid I would bust in my jeans that night,” he admitted with a soft laugh, “and then at Harrington’s party, when you said you wanted to…? I was toast.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You know, that offer still stands if you want me to—”
“Oh, fuck no,” he laughed, “I’m already gonna be fighting to last once I get inside you, don’t need you getting me all worked up with that pretty mouth you’ve got.”
His finger traced your lips and you opened them to suckle on the end of it; his lip twitched and you felt his hips rock up against you.
“Fuck,” he grunted, “let’s go to bed, angel, I think we’ve waited long e-fucking-nough.”
Of course, ‘let’s go to bed’ makes it sound more cooperative— really he all but carried and dragged you across the trailer to his bed, tossing you onto it and peeling his shirt off in a second before he descended onto you. Giggling, you held the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss you sweetly.
Your shirt didn’t last long, either, but he was more interested in getting your skirt and stockings off; and thank god for that, because you didn’t need any more foreplay after getting teased for the past… sixteen, maybe seventeen dates? You lost count a while ago.
He propped himself up on one arm above you, looking down with his bottom lip between his teeth as he saw your panties. You bit your lip, too, at the sight of his expression— of his eyes darkening a bit and his chest filling with a deep breath.
“Oh, princess,” he cooed, making you shiver joyfully. “Look at these…”
His fingers traced the lacy edge of your underwear, toying quickly with the little bow at the front. “That tickles,” you mumbled, and he met your gaze again with a grin.
“These all for me?” he assumed, and you nodded. “Wanted to get all dressed up for me, in case I finally took you to bed?”
“Something like that,” you admitted. You hadn’t worn nice panties to every date, as your hope for more than back-of-the-bus level touching faded, but thankfully something told you to wear them to this one. That ‘something’ being Steve.
“They’re cute,” he decided, “all… girly, and delicate, like you.” He lifted your legs slightly, and his playful attitude shifted to something a bit more intense. “And they’re— fuck, baby— they’re soaked.”
You wiggled your hips, slightly self-conscious about him staring at the wet patch on your blush lace. “Th-that’s just what you do to me,” you replied, just before he shut you up with another bruising kiss, pressing his body down on yours. Even just his bare chest against your own was soothing and warm.
He rocked his hips against yours, pressing the bulge under his fly right up to that wet spot on your panties; you could feel the ridge of his head, the way his cock throbbed, even his balls pressing up to your ass through the denim. “That,” he whispered into your lips, “is what you do to me.”
“Fuck,” you whined, “I wanna— lemme feel you, Eddie, please, I w-wanna… wanna touch you there.”
“Where?” he prompted teasingly.
“Your cock,” you groaned, and he sat up to start working on his belt.
“Coulda just said so,” he insisted with a wink, admiring the way you looked all wide-eyed and needy as you watched him open his jeans.
If only it had been that easy; but you were sure the wait would be worth it, especially when you saw the thick outline of his cock through the checkered boxers. It looked even bigger than it felt before— actually, you were a little light-headed looking at it all of a sudden.
You were reaching up for the waistband already but he stopped you, grabbing your hands and grinning mischievously as he pinned them at your sides. "Ah ah, not yet," he corrected teasingly, "I wanna see you first. You wrapped your pussy up like a little present for me, don't I get to open it?"
You wouldn't have minded if he opened that present the way he actually opened presents: tearing at the paper ferally. But instead he removed your panties slowly and delicately, like one of those people who unsticks the tape and saves the paper. Except instead of that he was sliding his fingers down your thighs, watching the lace unstick from your damp folds, groaning low in his chest as you were revealed to him.
It wasn't until the panties were past your ankles and tossed aside that you could open your legs— or, more accurately, that he could carefully guide your legs to spread for him— and he stared down with his lip between his teeth at your pussy. You felt a little awkward being examined like that, but it was all worth it for the way his nostrils flared, the way he brought his thumb to the point where your lower lips met and pulled your sex taut for a better look at your swollen button, the way he sighed and tilted his head back for a moment with his eyes shut— like it was too much to look at it for that long, like he needed a break to cope with the perfection before him. "Baby," he all but moaned as he stared down at it again— and then at you, at your shy face waiting for him to say something. "So fuckin' pretty. Shit, gotta be the prettiest pussy I've ever seen."
You bit down on your smile as he laid down over you again, kissing you hungrily. You felt him start to push his own boxers down and you weren't about to let him do it all by himself, so you reached down between your body and his to grab his erection— and you both groaned as you held it.
"Mm," he hummed, kissing your neck for a moment, "your hands are soft…"
But his sweet tone shifted a bit as you wrapped your legs around his hips, making him press forward enough for you to guide his squishy head right over your folds.
"Fuck," he whispered harshly, "y'wanna put it in for me, princess?" He seemed amused by your eagerness, after spending the last month and a half making you this desperate. "Just can't wait anymore, need me too bad?"
You whimpered, but nodded. He pulled his face back from where it had nestled by your neck and looked down at you with a smile. His gaze had softened a bit, something sweet and gentle in his stare. "Need you, Eddie," you agreed before he could even ask you to just say it, princess.
He kissed you again, a little more patiently, and let you move his cock right up to your hole that had been flexing helplessly since this all started. He kept kissing you even as he pushed inside, both of you gasping together at the feeling.
“Oh, Eddie,” you sighed into his mouth fallen slack, holding tightly onto his shoulder blades. “Is that— are you all the way in?”
“Just a little more,” he whispered, “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
You shook your head, and he gave you the rest with a gentle thrust into the end of you; you arched your back, but it wasn’t too difficult to take. He was thick enough that maybe it should’ve stung, but after this much anticipation you were beyond prepared.
“Wow,” he panted, right into your slack-open mouth, “you feel like fucking heaven.”
His pace was gentle and slow at first, each of his breaths hot puffs across your face before he had to hug you tighter, hold you closer, bury his face just above your shoulder. Your walls hugged onto him tight, just like your legs wrapped around his hips, and he breathed in the scent of your heated skin by the crook of your neck.
With each stroke you dragged your nails lightly across the back of his neck, tangling your fingers into his mess of curls.
Your cheeks burned when you heard the sound of it, the wet noises that filled the trailer each time Eddie's hips collided with your own.
"Fuck," he sighed right by your ear, "princess— you're so… so fucking wet…"
That much was obvious, but hearing the way it made Eddie practically melt was amazing. His voice broke with each moan beside your ear, every slide against your dripping walls, every plunge into your warmth. He picked up the pace quickly, struggling to hold himself back anymore.
He whined out your name a few times, his clammy hands slipping under your back and keeping you hugged tightly against him. "S-so good," he grunted, "you're so good, princess, feel so good for me— fuck."
Turns out, Eddie was just as talkative during sex as he was at all other times. And thank god for that, because hearing him talk made you shiver all over, even inside. "Eddie," you whimpered, feeling the curve of his cock stroke right on that place inside— at just the same time that his hips were rubbing on your clit from the gyrating motion of his thrusts. "Fuck— right there, right there—"
"Like that?" he noticed. "This how you like it, baby?"
"Yes," you promised. "Yes, yes, yes…"
He kept his motions the same but moved a little faster, skin slapping on yours and your whole body rocking up and down— or maybe it was the mattress under you… or maybe it was the trailer itself. Possibly all of the above.
His mouth was wide open just by your neck, every soft grunt and panted breath falling out for you— and they were getting louder the longer he went on, his grip on your back was tightening. You knew he was close already from all of that plus the way you felt his cock jump inside you, and it turned you on like nothing else.
"Princess," he whined, "you— god, you… fuck."
You giggled a bit at the way he had failed completely to finish whatever sentence he'd started.
"Aw, don't laugh at me," he pouted slightly, though the way he had to talk through his teeth made it sound almost like a threat— and you really liked that. "Can't help it, I can't fucking think straight when I'm inside you— Christ I still can't believe it, you know. That you want me. You could have anybody— fuck— and you feel fucking perfect and— god I dunno how much more of this I can take."
As good as it felt, you weren't quite there yet— you weren't even close, really. It always took you a while to finish, but Eddie clearly didn't have a while: he was already all red in the face and moaning weakly into your neck, fucking you with needy and erratic thrusts. But you didn't even care; it was so sweet, seeing him lose his cool so quickly, you didn't mind if you weren't left quite as satisfied at the end of this. It was worth it to watch him fall apart and know you were the cause.
“Fuck, fuck!” he whined. “Oh— fuck, I don’t wanna come yet, I shouldn’t come yet—”
But you could see it was killing him; his face was tightened up so hard and he couldn’t seem to force himself to slow down. “It’s okay,” you promised, “it’s okay, you can come, Eddie…”
“Oh my god oh my god,” he rushed in a split second, “I-I’m gonna come. Fuck, I can come inside, right?”
You laughed lightly. “Yeah,” you assured.
“Good, ‘cause, I dunno if I can pull out,” he admitted.
In a second he was slamming his hips into yours, desperately chasing release— and your moans got louder and sharper at the feeling.
"Fuck, baby, fuckfuckfuck—!" he whimpered, moving his hands to your hips to keep you as still as possible; and suddenly, he sunk down and deflated with a long sigh, and knowing he was coming inside you made a tingle crawl up your back.
He only took a half second to catch his breath and blink his eyes open before he was looking at you apologetically.
“I’m so sorry,” he panted right away, “you didn’t—”
“Hey, it’s fine,” you promised, “like I said, there’s always next time—”
“No,” he said firmly, surprising you. “This time. You need to come this time, too.”
"W-well, I—" you started, cut off when his thumb found your slick and throbbing nub and stroked it in careful circles. Instantly your hips jumped and your walls seized up, a shaky breath slipping out of your lips. "Oh…"
"S'that better, princess?" he cooed, still breathing heavily— he hadn't even lost his boner yet, and the feeling of your pussy bearing down on him from pleasure was surely helping to keep it alive. "Tell me how it feels."
"Good," you choked, feeling him press harder on it, "fuck, I— I like it when you touch me there…"
"Mhm?" he encouraged. "Like when I rub your clit?"
You sighed; "Yeah, fuck, Eddie— I like it—"
He pulled out suddenly and climbed down, kissing and biting hungrily at your inner thighs before you'd even processed what was happening. It made your hips lift off the bed, the way his teeth teased your sensitive skin, and the pressure of that forced a thick drop of his come out of your cunt.
When he saw it, his eyebrows knitted and his chest sunk— he almost looked heartbroken just from the sight of it.
"God, that's too perfect," he groaned, "I got you so full, princess, you can't even fit it all inside— it's dripping, baby, fuck, that's my come dripping out of you right now…"
He held your thighs and stared right at it, watched that creamy white drop run down the seam of your ass, your little hole flexing right in front of his face— and he couldn't help it, he had to dive in and lick it up.
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he latched onto you, hot and hungry mouth tasting every inch of your cunt that his tongue could reach.
"Eddie!" you yelped, shocked but overwhelmingly aroused that he was doing something so… well, filthy. Eating his own come from you after pumping it so deep into you; and he seemed to be just as pleased, shutting his eyes tight and moaning as his plunged his tongue inside you and lapped up the mix of his come and your wetness.
He broke away for just a second, panting, looking up at you with glassy eyes. “We taste so good together,” he said, like he didn’t even notice how sexy that was to say. He went in again to lap at you, taking more time over your clit this go-round— and making your legs shake a little when he did. His eyes darted to the side as he noticed it, a grin breaking out around his extended tongue which he slipped back into his mouth. “Oh… I like when you do that. Think I’ll have to see if I can make you do it again.”
He gave another wide lap of his tongue over your bud, pressing down hard until your legs shook again. He kept his tongue still and nodded his head up and down slightly, and it just happened over and over until your back was arching up off the bed and were clutching at his hair in hopes of mercy. “F-fuck, Eddie, feels really good,” you managed to choke out.
But it was just the beginning, and a second later he wrapped his lips around your bud and suckled at it— almost too hard, but just the right amount of too hard.
“Oh god!” you shouted before you could stop yourself. “Fuck!”
He hummed proudly and kept going, swirling his tongue over the delicate skin as you whimpered and sobbed. It was intense and sharp, hot shocks of pleasure jumping up through your body.
"I'm gonna come!" you shouted— too loud, too whiny, too beautifully pathetic. "Eddie, baby, please—"
You had no idea what you were asking for, but he hummed and nodded without breaking away, and you were sure that whatever it was, he would give it to you.
Both your hands held onto his head and you started to just writhe, there wasn't much else you could do. Paradoxically, as you started to reach the peak, your body fought to get away from the sensation— like it was too much, like you were scared to come this hard. But Eddie held you to your promise to come, fighting to stay latched onto you even as you bucked and almost screamed; and then, once it hit you, it was over in a flash. The white-hot pleasure burned you up in a moment and you had to actually push his head away before it hurt too much.
"Fuck, fuck," you panted, sighing with relief as he let go and grinned up at you with a smile soaked in your cream.
"Did you come?" he asked excitedly, as you collapsed back limply onto the mattress.
"Are you kidding?" you wheezed, and he laughed softly as he climbed back up to lay down next to you, draping an arm over your waist. “I— fuck, Eddie,” you laughed breathlessly, “nobody’s ever made me come that way before.”
“Not even Steve?” he beamed.
“Not even Steve,” you agreed.
"So… that means I'm… better than him?" Eddie prompted hopefully.
"Eddie, it's not about that," you frowned, "it's— you're totally different, it's apples and oranges."
"Okay but, between apples and oranges, which one is better at sex?"
You shoved him on the shoulder but he pulled you into a tight hug, keeping you close even when you wanted to squirm away and leave him alone as punishment for bringing this up.
"Just tell me so I can rub it in Harrington's smug little face tomorrow," Eddie pleaded, and you laughed a bit.
"I'm gonna be too busy rubbing it in your smug little face tomorrow," you warned him with a raised eyebrow, and he grinned excitedly. "I— actually, can I sit on your face sometime? I've always wanted to try that."
"O-okay, yeah, we can do that instead," he nodded eagerly. "Whatever you want, princess."
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hyewka · 1 year
dude sub!beomgyu is so hot. but you know what's hotter? bratty, possessive sub!gyu. maybe i'm biased cuz i like my men like that but likeeeee
wanna overstimulate him so bad until he's crying and whining for more 😵‍💫😵‍💫 n he probably acts like a bitch at the start, acting all confident and dominant.. yet the second you start fucking him he just folds :(
literally pushing my obsessive sub gyu agenda on everyone but he'd probably fuck you after seeing you getting all close with someone else as a way to show dominance 😵‍💫 gyu seems like the type who'd overstim himself inside of you too, moaning shit like "you're mine" as he chokes on his sobs.. might as well flip him over and let him know he belongs to you only :))
anyways i'm kinda hungry 😍
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warnings; sub!yandere-ish beomgyu, cockwarming, mentions of overstim? hair pulling, reader’s equally obsessive sorta, not proofread
You twist your sore wrist, trying to relieve the pain Beomgyu you think, or at least hope, had unintentionally inflicted. But with the way he's been increasingly needy the more time you had spent shopping, the more you're sure it was far from an accident.
So it was no surprise how fast he got you on the bed when you finally went back home.
“You’re so mean to me.” he mutters in the crook of your neck, breath hot against your skin. Beomgyu has you pinned under him, his hold unforgiving, pressing down on your body. “You do it on purpose. Make me so fucking crazy, I hate it.”
You flutter your eyes shut when his lips make contact with your sensitive flesh, the slight nip making you breathe heavier. “Beomgyu.” you try warning, to stop him from going further, but it only spurs him on.
Earlier, you stumbled upon Jeongin-- your old highschool friend, while window shopping with Beomgyu by your side. Naturally, you'd want to catch up as you haven't seen him since the last highschool reunion which was two years ago. The longer you spent enthusiastically talking, the more you felt Beomgyu's fingertip dig into your wrist.
You figured he was jealous, and when Beomgyu was jealous, he was different in the sense that he needed reassurance. A lot of it.
When he starts sucking harshly, marking all over your neck down to your collarbones, hips increasingly grinding against your clothed core, his grunts ceasing to be an act slipping his neediness against your skin, you run up your hand to the back of his head grabbing a fistful— you were always fine with his desperation to give you hickeys whenever he felt insecure, laying pliant and letting him cover you with varying purple splotches but the drawn line was always him fucking you.
And that was exactly what he was trying to do, whore.
You yank his head back and the horny dog has no shame letting the blush creep up his cheeks even when he hisses out a curse. “Who gave you the right to grind against me?”
“What? I can’t try to fuck my girlfriend but you can go around whoring with—"
He shrieks when you pull his hair again, his scalp burning, tears already brimming on his waterline. “You have such a filthy mouth pup, I ought to put it to better use, no?”
His eyes still have the audacity to look down at you. You sneer, a soft scoff escaping your lips. Beomgyu has always been one to try and dom during sex, which you wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for the fact that you knew the poor boy was weak after a single twist to his bud.
After a few beats of silence, you decide to pull him down for a quick kiss, a mix of saliva and tongue, before you abruptly stop reciprocating and Beomgyus left whimpering against your lips urging you to continue. You put your hand on his chest, getting him to reluctantly pull away. “No. You have to fix your attitude first.”
He shakes his head, “You’re the one whos been talking about Jungwoon or whatever his name is—"
“I don’t care! You couldn’t shut up about him the entire way here! I hate it. It feels like he could sweep you off your feet when I’m not paying attention and then—and then you’ll…” his assertive demeanor cracks in a flash, his face flushed, lower lip quivering up into a pout, “You’ll leave me and, and—“
You don’t let him finish, flicking his forehead to which his hand immediately fly up to rub as if you just smacked it. “Ouch? What was that for?”
“You’re such a dumb boy.” You say shaking your head. “I mentioned Jeongin once. Once during our way here because you seemed so bothered by how we knew each other.”
You weren’t lying, proven by the way Beomgyu tries to counter your point, but closes his mouth after nothing comes out. A sly smile, and your hands already sneakily sliding up his loose hoodie, thumb finding their way to graze his already hard nipples, “Baby boy got stupid jealous just because I talked to a guy, huh?”
His arms that were holding him up, pinned next to both sides of your body had started to tremble. So fast, it was almost comical.
“Shut up. He wasn’t just some guy. He was totally into you.”
You rub his bud in circles, cooing at how his hair falls over his face, as he tries to gain composure. “Really? You thought he was checking me out too?” you tease, making sure to catch him off guard with a random pinch.
His body jerks, a strained exhale leaving his lips before hes too weak to keep himself up anymore, head falling to bury itself in the crook of your neck, getting you to feel his bulge against your thigh. He was already giving up.
“Stooop.” he whines, continuing to rub his crotch on your inner thigh. “You’re so mean to me.”
You decide to give it up, instead twirling a strand of his soft hair as he gets more and more feverish against your leg. “N-no more teasing. Have to be inside you.” he finally breathes out, a call of desperation, so needy Beomgyu was.
Beomgyu who’s too impatient to fully take off your skirt, only pulling them up before he bunches up your panties to the side, his tip barely protruding your entrance before he pushes in his red dick in, so inexperienced and stupid, shuddering as he keeps his cock buried.
“You have to move pup.” you instruct lightly, trying to fuck yourself on his dick, but it proves impossible as Beomgyu shakes his head adamantly.
His breathing is heavy, dumb mind already filled with esctasy, head finding comfort in the warmth of your shoulder, cock drilled so deep inside he might go insane with your warmth, “Wanna stay in here forever."
“And ever.” he sighs, sucking on your abused hickeys again. “So you’ll never leave.”
It should’ve been concerning, a red flag to look back on but what happens if you feel the same way? Having him only be by your side.
Beomgyu who finally starts moving, ever so slightly, moaning with each small sharp snap into you. It takes you by complete shock when his pace goes a complete 180, Beomgyu becoming crazed, his thrusts quickly becoming sharp and erratic, so similar to his humping earlier with no particular rhythm, hammering into you, each love proclamation as tears waste no time to stain his cheeks, body shuddering with his head feeling light, drool trickling down under his chin, “Mine, mine, mine. Jeongin can’t have you like this. You’re mine.”
His body presses against yours, leaving no room for breathing, kissing you so roughly, yet his soft lips are a contrast, “I only belong to you. Nobody else—ha!”
His hips stagger, lanky body once looming over you so weak and frail. “N-no! Am cumming, cumming—“ he babbles so loudly, the sight so beautiful, his lashes more pronounced with the wetness of his tears. He belongs to you, he’s right. Just pressing against where his nipples are gets him to cum prematurely. You smirk feeling smug, even when simply the sound of his cute moans has you weak. You feel his hot load shoot inside you, bad boy.
He tries to catch his breath, clearly dumb fucked, chest heaving, as he falls to your side on the bed. You don’t let the boy get away so easily after not even making sure you finished.
The terrified look in his eyes as you swiftly get on top of him, switching positions was enough for you to know that this was going to be a long fucking night.
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cyberpunkhwx · 1 year
When they find your p*rn dash
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❥Pairing: ateez maknae line x gn(fem?) Reader
❥Genre: suggestive
❥Warning: mention of porn, mention of future sexual actions, suggestive, comedy?(nah just me trying to be funny)
❥Word count: 1k
❥Requested? No
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A hand covering Shibers eyes and he stared at your pc screen. Jaw almost reaching the ground.
Well, that's how you found him.
"Sannie? What are you doing here??"
Your voice made him flinch as he closed the tabs and shut the pc.
"Nothing love" he said giving you his bread smile and running out of your shared room, suspiciously giggling to himself.
"weird" thought as you let it slid. You're used to having a giggly human being in your apartment anyways.
2 weeks later
"Sannie feels so g-good omg!!" You whined squirming away from his wondering hands all over your skin.
"I got a surprise for you" He said letting a breathy chuckle out.
He moved from on top of your body to the bed desk on the side.
Your body heat start to miss the warms of him thick fingers and you start to shiver.
But the awful feeling was soon forgotten when you heard the low noise of a vibration nearby.
"Sannie? What's that?" You asked him; staring at his handsome bare face for a sort of hint. But as you slowly lowered your gaze, you saw the pink long item shaking around itself. Almost as identical
as ....? NO WAY
"Oh?" He said the smirk never leaving his face.
"So I bought the wrong size? Guess I was to busy getting the right shade of pink that I forgot what size you're used to"
"I know you'd rather have the real deal here" He paused grabbing your ankles and dragging you closer on the silk mattress of the bed.
"But bet you wanna try out your gift first right princess? You probably touch yourself all night to it"
Shit was about to get real girl.
After a long day all you wanted to do was to lay down and do nothing. But a curtain fancam of your boyfriend say otherwise.
Mingi been at the studio with Hongjoon the whole day. As if Hongjoong is his gf and not you.
You huffed. Unfair. You wanted to call him to come back but then another idea reached your brain.
You grabbed your laptop and layed down comfortably on your shared bed.
"Who needs a boyfriend when my twitter girlie share their bf railing them for lonely other girlies" 💅🏻
After setting the laptop in a good angle letting your hands travel everywhere.
"Mingi~" you whined. If he ain't taking care of you, you'll do it yourself
"Jagiii I'm home" He yelled when he didn't find you greeting him when he finally came back. Not like you were still mad, you just decided to take a shower, leaving your laptop on your bed.
He heard the water running in the bathroom so he assumed you're in there. So he throw his shows off and threw himself on the couch, checking his socials.
He could hear some noises from your shared bedroom but he just let it slide. But the noise kept on getting louder.
"Y/n? Darling? Are you upstairs already? Did you not see me?" He said making his way toward the door, but no one was there. "Y/n?"
The closer he got to the noise the more he realised that it doesn't sound like you at all.
"Oh maybe she was watching Netflix 👀" He lifted your laptop to pause the video. He almost dropped the laptop he saw a girl getting railed to the 7th cloud.
"Damn, that's some nice inspo she got" He said as if it's a daily thing. Sharing the link to his messenger so he can *hmph* study it later.
"Jagi do you also watch jjangjjang roleplays ? "
He asked from behind you, scaring the hell out of you.
"Hey wai-what- what do you mean? How do YOU know?" You said feeling like your braincells had nothing to say to him.
"Oh everyone knows them! The sanie dude is really hot ain't he? He's My rolemodel" He said proudly taking a closer look to the phone in your hand. Holding it close not letting you take it away. Too stunned to react in any way.
"Oh is it short videos? Tsk,  its 2023 don't be so poor 🙄 I already bought the subscription to their OnlyFans for a year" He said going through your saved videos.
" Here let me logg into my ID. The recent video was a pet play one and they were gonna try a new toy! We should watch it together!!! I'll bring the snacks"   
He said running downstairs to bring whatever he finds in the refrigerator. Leaving you all frozen and shocked on you side of the bed
"Babe have you seen my phone?" You yelled from across the hall, walking around looking confused.
"How am I supposed to know love?" He yelled back at you not taking his head away from the his game set.
"Babeeee, come and help me at least" you said walking towards him. Trying to get him to pay attention and reached over his shoulder to grab the controller out of his hands. Jongho barely looked up, muttering something about "just one more level" as he continued to play.
You rolled your eyes before you got an idea. You grabbed the CD that was lying next to the game console. You knew that this was the game Jongho had been dying to play for weeks, so she figured that if she took it away, he would have no choice but to pay attention to her.
Well you must've forgotten that Jongho was stronger than a whole ass grizzly bear. As soon as he realized what you were  trying to do, he grabbed you by the waist and manhandled her back onto the couch.
"Let me goooooo" You protested, trying to wiggle out of Jongho's grasp.
"Nice try, nope"
"Could you pleeeeease help me find my phone?" You asked, pouting slightly.
He finally gave up, not wanting to annoy you already. He got up his chair, after pausing his game of course!
He finally found the buzzing phone under a pillow beside the bed.
"Why would she drop her phone down here?" He bent down to pick it up, declining the call leading you phone the twitter side that made poor Jongho face a women in a  maid cos-play riding a pink ass dragon dildo.
"What the he- ooooh" He squinted his eyes when literally the whole screen got blocked by white liquid-
"Oh Jongie, did you find my phone thank yo-
"You barely fucking take half of me and then you put your sausage finger in your pussy to THIS?"
He said throwing you phone back on the pillow, dragging you arm and pushing you on the bed.
"You're gonna be freaking shaking after I'm done with you"
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A/n: I'm not opologising for Wooyoung, you should've expected it yourself😊
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bunnie-online · 1 year
just ask. {A.S.}
juuuuust thinking about (modern!)anakin being your boy bsf (and roommate) catching you coming home from a verrrry disappointing dick appointment
part two
warnings: MINORS DNI 18+, suggestive, possibly ooc ani, fem reader
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it was 1 am, you fully expected Anakin to be asleep, doing this 'walk of shame' in front of him would be exactly that... shameful. you has just had one of the WORST hookups of your life with some dude you met off tinder a couple of days ago, he was alllll talk. the definition of 'sounds to good to be true'
he didn't know ANYTHING about the female anatomy, like seriously, he basically dry humped you and rolled over. lame.
you unlocked the door of your shared apartment, opening and closing the door as quietly as possible, as not to wake Anakin. to your surprise he came walking into the living room with a mug in his hand. he was in his usual pajamas, blue and black plaid sweatpants and topless. you tried not to stare but your gazes always seem to linger when it comes to Anakin. "Hey! Thought you'd be home tomorrow?" he tilted his head in that adorably innocent way he always does. his mannerisms never matched his face, or body for that matter.
"Ah noo" you chuckle and cast your gaze downward. "Oh? Your date didn't go well?" he asked again this time raising his eyebrows with the word 'date'. he might look and sometimes act innocent but Anakin was far from it, he knew what your intentions were for the night. "Ugh, not at all." you roll your eyes and set your bag down by the door. "This dude was soooo lame." you whine.
"Aw, poor thing" Anakin says in a joking tone. "C'mere, I made some tea" he offers. "Since when do you drink tea?" you laugh "I like to pamper myself from time to time!" he said feigning offense, clasping his hand over his heart in a classically Anakin fashion.
"Tell me what happened." he sits in the bar stool at the kitchen island after handing you a cup of tea. "Ani, I don't know, it's embarrassing." your face turns pink. "Please I know about the thing you did in middle school. I think I can handle this" he laugh at you cringing from that horrid memory from your pre-teen years. "Oh you know you can't bring that up all willy-nilly Anakin!" you swat at him. his beautiful laughter filled the air
"Okay so I was going to hook up with this guy-" you start. "Shocker." Anakin smirks, interrupting you "one, rude. two, shut up. three, anyyywayys, I was going to go hook up with him and it sounded sooo promising because, damn can he talk himself up. He was so good with his words! And we get down to it and dude lasts like, two minuets! Anakin, I wish I was joking.." you bury your head in your hands out of frustration (mostly sexual). "That's the third guy this month! Like can men just be honest if they're mediocre at sex?!"
Anakin chuckles. "Blows my mind that there are guys out there who're putting up false advertisements for dick." you toss your head back and laugh "false advertisements is CRAZY" you laugh harder and Anakin joins you. "Did I lie?!" he jokes again, earning another laugh from you. "You got a point" you agree with him.
"Seriously though, that's a shame. I'd never lie like that." he takes another sip of his tea. Your mind starts swirling with questions. 'what does he mean by that?' 'I wonder what he's like in bed?' 'he has to be huge, right?' "Like honestly that's so fucked up." his voice breaks you out of your thoughts. "This sounds personal for you, what're you doing? Handing out trash dick or what?" you laugh. he chuckles again. "Hah, no. But if I was, I'd at least be honest about it."
your eyes widen but you regain composure quickly. "Oh? And what makes you so confident?" you smirk at him, wanting a rise out of him. "Well, I'm sure some of the girls weren't crying because I was dishing out bad dick." he smirks. "Wow you sure are cocky." you say with fake confidence hoping he wouldn't double down. your hopes were crushed when he stood up. he made his way behind you, placing both of his arms around you, resting his hands on the counter trapping you. he leaned close to your ear. "You know, you don't have to act out for me to prove it to you. You can just ask." his voice completely changed. you have never heard Anakin speak in such a low, sultry tone. you noticeably shivered.
i highhhh key wanna finish this tomorrow bc it's midnight and i'm SLEEPY
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 11 months
Not My Brother
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Summary: What happens when two guys looking exactly like you show up in your world yet no one bats an eye except the three of you? A whole lot of confusion. Especially when everyone keeps calling those guys you've never met before your brothers...
Pairing: None (features Dean Winchester, Beau Arlen & Ben/Soldiery Boy)
Word count: 8,600ish
Warnings: language, Soldier Boy's language, mention of torture, spoilers for Supernatural, The Boys & Big Sky
A/N: Here's the triplet fic! I wrote this basically a year ago and finally finished! Told from all 3 guys POV's. Enjoy!
“I’ll be heading out in five,” I said, turning the corner with my eyes locked down onto a file. And smacking straight into a body. Poppernak bounced back, an apologetic look on his face.
“Sorry, boss.”
“It’s fine Pop. What’s…” I trailed off.
Sat in the two chairs in front of my desk were what appeared to be my fucking twins. One had shorter hair and a days worth of scruff on his jaw while the other’s hair was a tad longer than mine, a beard on display. He was a bit more muscular than the other one, which was saying something since they were both strong. The one with short hair was more of my body type, his green eyes flashing with a flicker of surprise at the sight of me but then nothing more. He shifted in his seat, his flannel shirt riding up in the back. 
Meanwhile the other one looked pissed as all hell, jaw clearly clenched. Unlike the other one in jeans and workboots, the angry one was in a pair of sweatpants and a zip up, his sneakers absolutely filthy.
None of this would have been alarming if not for the fact that I was not a fucking identical triplet.
“Nollins found your brothers fighting again,” said Poppernak as I noticed the little scrapes on their cheeks and knuckles. “We brought ‘em to you per instructions.”
“Right…” I said, Poppernak staring at me. Was I hallucinating or something?
“You want to charge them?” he asked just as Hoyt walked into the doorway with a file in hand. 
“I need a signature…well if it ain’t the Arlen boys,” she grinned, looking at my clones sat in the chairs. “Let me guess, Ben started it.”
“I did not!” said the angry one. The short haired one quickly argued against that, Jenny giving me an apologetic smile.
“I thought Ben and Dean were getting along better lately?” she whispered as she held out a file and pen to me.
“Uh, guess not?” I said, quickly scribbling on the form she wanted me to sign. “I need to deal with this.”
“Night guys! Behave for your brother for once,” she said, giving them a quick wave. Poppernak left behind her, allowing me to shut the door and lock it after them. I closed my eyes and spun around, the two men still sat there. Oh god, I was losing it.
“What the fuck is going on!” I said. Dean and Ben shared a look as I held up a finger. “Ah. I know what’s happening. I’m having a stroke. Oh! I bet I slipped on that damn front step that’s been wet all day. I slipped and hit my head and now I’m dying on the ground somewhere. Huh. That’s sad. I never got to get Emily that motorcycle like I wanted. Is she going to cry at my funeral? Stupid question. Of course she’s going to cry. God, I hope she’s not too upset. Poor baby doesn’t deserve-”
My face was suddenly tingling, Ben standing there with his hand clenched as I cupped my cheek.
“You punched me!” I said, the pain feeling way too much like a real hit. “What kind of near-death hallucination is this!”
“Stop being a fucking pussy and man up. You think I’m happy about losing my powers? You don’t see me being a bitch and crying about it,” said Ben. Dean yanked him back, pointing a finger at him. “You want to go again?”
“Shut up and sit your ass down!” Dean growled. He rolled his eyes, turning to me with a friendly enough smile. “Relax dude. You’re not dying, okay? I have a good idea of what’s going on and if I’m right, me and jackass over here will be out of your hair really soon.” He slapped my arm, dropping his smile when I stared at where he’d touched me. 
These guys were real. Like in the flesh real.
“Before you freak out on me, let’s take this conversation somewhere more private, hm? Maybe not a police station? Okay, Chief?” said Dean.
“I’m the Sheriff,” I mumbled, closing my eyes. 
“It’s just a nickname, buddy. You got a house? Let’s go to your house okay, Sheriff?” I nodded in what felt like slow motion, grabbing my jacket as Dean convinced Ben to come with us. 
If I was going to have a mental breakdown, at least the Dean one seemed nice.
“Where’s my airstreamer!” I said twenty minutes later when I pulled up to where my home should have been. Instead, a large, beautiful wood cabin sat in it’s place, nestled in the trees. “That’s not my house!”
“According to google it is,” said Dean. I glanced to my right, glaring at him as he scrolled through my phone. 
“How did you get that!” I said, trying to snatch it away.
“You tossed it in the cupholder, dumbass,” scoffed Ben from the backseat. “Is this numbnuts house or not, cocksucker?” Dean turned in his seat, his features tight. 
“First off, dickwad, I screw women. Second, there’s nothing wrong with sucking cock, got it?” he rolled his eyes and scrolled the phone more. “We totally would have a homophobic alter ego out there in some universe. We’re just that damn lucky. Even you with your Sheriff job and seemingly normal life, I bet it’s fucked up to a degree huh?”
“Yeah,” I breathed out, Dean humming as he stopped his finger on the phone.
“I’m not homo whatever you called me,” said Ben, leaning forward in his seat. “I know what that means. I don’t care if a dude fucks a dude. You just look the type.”
“That’s still a problem, jackass. People don’t look-”
“Guys,” I said, swallowing thickly. “Can we just agree we shouldn’t judge other people, for anything besides their character and focus on more important things like what the fuck is happening?”
“Yes, Beau, excellent point,” said Dean, slapping my shoulder, giving Ben a glare. “Isn’t it?”
“Sure, whatever,” he said, getting out of the car. Dean slid out too with my phone, leaving me scrambling to put the car in park and follow after. “Oh you’re so a dirty cop to afford this place. I can respect that.”
“I am not a dirty cop!” I snapped, Ben raising his eyebrows as I got in his face.
“Well, well. Maybe our little pussy has a dick after all.” I looked back at Dean, his face in an apologetic smile.
“You can see how we got arrested for getting in a fist fight now, huh?” said Dean. He walked past me, slapping my shoulder before putting a hand on my back, guiding me forward towards the house. “So this isn’t your house, Beau?”
“Like I said, I live in an airstream on this plot of land. There’s an old cabin not too far but my house was right here this morning and now-”
“Fuck!” growled Ben. Dean and I froze, carefully spinning around to watch him fall to the ground on hands and knees. He started to shake, Dean moving fast over to his side. I looked around, this close to going back to my dying theory, when Dean hoisted Ben up, an arm around his body. 
“Beau. Inside. Now.” He was moving fast and I jogged up the few front steps to the porch, opening the door and flipping on a light switch. I blinked, catching a framed picture on the wall. It wasn’t one I recalled taking but I could clearly see why.
There was Ben, Dean and I, arms around each, wearing big smiles on what looked like some sort of camping trip.
“Beau!” shouted Dean, already past me and up the stairs, Ben clinging to him for dear life. “Find us a bathroom now!”
“Right, sorry!” I said, jogging up after them. I skirted around them in a hallway, finding a bathroom in the first bedroom I checked. I whistled as I hit the lightswitch, Dean inside with Ben, sitting him down on the floor before he reached inside the shower and turned it on full blast. “What’s-”
“He’s having a panic attack,” said Dean. I glanced down, Ben shaking hard, his eyes staring at the tile floor but not quite seeing anything. I didn’t even notice Dean leave, quickly back in the bathroom and returning to Ben, slapping a pair of noise-canceling headphones over his ears and wrapping a blanket tightly around him. 
Ben blinked, staring at Dean with tears in his eyes, anger and shame in every feature of his face.
“Go ahead and call me a cocksucker all you want man, but I ain’t leaving your ass until you’re though this, understand me?” Ben nodded once. Dean sat back next to him, sighing deeply. “Sheriff? Maybe you want to go tell your wonderful neighbors to fuck off with the fireworks? I want this guy with us when I tell you guys what’s going on.”
“Yeah, I’ll, uh, I’ll be back in ten.”
“Are you a cop? Or ex-military?” I asked Dean half an hour later. We were sitting on the large sectional in the family room of the home, big enough for more than three grown men to comfortably lay on at once. Ben glanced at Dean from where he sat by himself way down, steadily nursing his glass of bourbon and refilling it.
Dean cleared his throat and shook his head.
“You act like it,” said Ben. He said that with certainty, a twinge of remorse in my gut for not realizing he was suffering from PTSD earlier.
“You must have served,” I said to him, Dean sipping from his cold beer. I drank from my own as Ben closed his eyes. “Like Dean said, I think we’ve all had some bad hands dealt to us. Maybe of our own doing, maybe not. I’m still pretty sure this is a fever dream and isn’t actually real-”
“It’s real,” they both said. 
“How do you know that?” said Dean with a nod at Ben. Ben smirked, slumping back in his seat.
“Where I come from, I was born in 1918. When I was a young man, I signed up for a secret war effort and then injected me with Compound V. It made me a superhero. Superstrength beyond what you two can even comprehend. Invulnerability. I never aged past my mid-forties. I was a war hero. A movie star. Women, men, everyone wanted to get fucked by me or be me. And then my team betrayed me, I was tortured for forty years by the russians, and they stuck nuclear waste down my gullet. But I was so damn tough it didn’t kill me. No, no. It made me powerful. I could fucking explode. Bring down buildings. Turn other supes human. Kill them.” 
Ben knocked back his bourbon and smiled, looking between Dean and I.
“I was born exactly like the two of you. Just a boy. Just a man. And I could do all that before they drugged me up and trapped me back in a box. So if all that was real, then I can believe that life has the ability to throw me into another fucking dimension, or whatever the fuck this is, too.”
My eyes couldn’t have been wider, Ben snickering at me but I couldn’t even try to be mad at him.
He’d been a fucking superhero? A superhero? That was-
“I hunt monsters. And demons and the supernatural and a whole bunch of shit. Even took on the devil and God a few times and won. Technically I died in 2020, even though I did that a bunch too, but I was dead dead last I checked and it was also like 2070 something last I knew and according to the calendar in your office it’s like fifty years earlier so something weird is definitely up,” said Dean.
My head turned slowly to him, eyes still wide, mouth gaping now. 
“Also, other worlds totally exist which what I’m pretty sure is happening. We’re all different versions of the same guy in different universes,” said Dean.
“You hunt monsters? What kind of fucked up world do you live in? At least he’s like superman!” I said, pointing at Ben.
“If superman does hard drugs off a hooker’s ass then sure, I’m like that guy,” chuckled Ben. My head whipped back to him, Dean holding up a hand. “Who died and made you the head of this operation in the first place, Deanne weenie? I'm the oldest. I’m in charge.”
“I spent forty years tortured in hell by demons, grandpa,” growled Dean. “I know what the hell I’m talking about so sit down, shut up, and let me figure out a way to get you back to whatever universe you belong in.”
“I spent forty years getting tortured too, cum guzzler. It don’t make you special,” said Ben, getting to his feet. Dean rose fast, the two of them bumping their chests against each other.
“Wait!” I jumped over the ottoman in the center of the couch, forcing them each to take a step back. I took a deep breath, Ben grabbing my arm to yank me backwards.
“Not now, kiddo. I need to finish what I started with this one,” said Ben. I planted my feet but Ben was strong. Maybe not super strong anymore but still, he pulled me back hard and fast. Fast enough to make me trip and hit my head on the way down.
“Ow!” I gasped, wrapping an arm around my head, slowly getting to my knees. When I opened my eyes, Ben was worriedly staring at me, his hand on my head. “Get off-”
“What is going on?” Ben asked Dean, looking over his shoulder. He was wide eyed when he looked back at me, looking me over. “Why the fuck do I feel bad I just did that? I don’t give a shit about you. I don’t know you. I don’t…”
I looked at Dean, his eyes closing. 
“When Ben had his panic attack-” I said, Ben growling. I ignored him, looking to Dean still. “When he was scared, you went full blown…you were acting like you cared about him.”
“For some reason, when that happened, something clicked,” said Dean, kneeling down on the floor beside Ben and I. He found Ben’s gaze and nodded. “It felt like you were my brother. Even when you pushed Beau just now, I don’t hate you when I easily could. I just…”
“Care that Beau’s okay,” said Ben. He held out a hand, helping me sit up, a gut punching hitting me in the stomach. I swallowed, the same thick swallow they were sharing. “Dean.”
“You’re using my name. Now I’m concerned,” said Dean. Ben groaned but I understood where he was going with this.
“Dean, I think what Ben’s trying to say is…this isn’t your guy’s universe and it’s not mine either. I have one brother and he’s not you guys so wherever the hell we are-”
“We’re brothers here,” said Dean. He closed his eyes. “This is our house too. There’s too many pictures of us in this house, the bedrooms are too different, the garage outside has my muscle car in it I’m pretty sure. Which means we’re in a completely different universe.”
“Or we’re not,” said Ben. Dean opened his mouth to argue but Ben slapped his hand over it. “We could be dead. Or in purgatory.”
“I was already dead and you two weren’t there,” said Dean. “Besides, it’s 2023. I was dead and Ben was in a box? Or some shit. We couldn’t die twice.”
“I wasn’t dead in the box, moron,” sighed Ben. “I was just in a coma kind of. On ice. For probably the next forty years.”
I stood up, needing something for the splitting headache between my ears. I left them to bicker in the family room, something nagging at me that this was familiar. It couldn’t be though, right?
I wandered into the kitchen and swiped some pills from the cabinet, ducking down the hall to a bathroom and tossing a few down.
“Guys?” Loud footsteps approached as I existed, holding up the bottle. “How did I know where this bottle would be? I’ve never been in this house.”
“I’d assume the medicine would be in the kitchen,” said Dean, Ben shrugging. I shook my head, shaking the bottle.
“No. No I always keep my medicine in the bathroom. I always have my whole life. My parents did, I did, my ex-wife. Always in the bathroom. So why did I know to go to the kitchen?” I asked.
“Because that’s where Dean keeps them, isn’t it?” said Ben, crossing his arms.
“I think I know what’s happening,” said Dean, very slowly holding up a hand. “Ben. You and I woke up on that trail, remember?”
“Obviously,” said Ben. “Get to the fucking point.”
“Beau, did anything weird happen today? Did you…did you have an emergency? Did you black out?”
“No. I was at work, pursued a thief, caught them-” Dean grabbed my wrist, his face tight. 
“How did you pursue the thief? Was it dangerous?” 
“It was on a motorcycle. It got a little fast but-”
“I know what happened,” said Dean. He dropped my hand and ran his own over his face, eyes wide. “I don’t know how to fix this. Fuck, I think we’re stuck until we die.”
“Fine with me,” said Ben. 
“What happened?” I asked, crossing my arms. Dean shut his eyes and breathed deeply.
“We are in a world where the three of us are brothers. Triplets obviously. And the reason the three of us care about each other and get flashes of things, like knowing where the pills were, are because we’re remembering lives that aren’t ours.”
“Uh…” Dean swallowed.
“Today Ben and I died. This version. We fell off a cliff while hiking. Ben fell and I tried to catch him but we both went over. And you Beau, you got hurt on that motorcycle. The versions of us from this world, they all died today. But for some reason, we all got put in the wrong damn bodies and now we’re here.”
“That makes zero fucking sense,” said Ben. He held up a finger. “Actually, it’s fucking stupid. It makes more sense that-”
“Nope, Dean’s right,” said a voice behind us. I spun around, a young man in his twenties smiling back with a wave. “Sorry, paperwork mix up. I’ll pop you guys back where you belong.”
“Hold up shortstack,” said Ben, striding over to the young man. “If-”
The man disappeared, Ben and Dean still close by. The familiar nagging feeling was gone but the three of us were still there.
“Jack! It didn’t fucking work!” said Dean.
“It did! You three are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Beau, I shuffled a few things around in your universe so Dean and Ben can stay. Ben wants to and Sam wants you to have a fair shot at life too so he’ll see you when it’s time, okay? Talk to you guys when you die! Bye!”
“The fuck is going on!” shouted Ben.
“This is why God should not be a child,” groaned Dean. “We’re stuck. We’re fucking stuck as brothers. For real now. All because man-child druggie over here wanted to not go back to being in a coma. I was dead and I was ready to go!”
Ben threw a right hook, Dean barely dodging it. He tried throwing another but I caught his bicep, yanking him away from Dean.
“Enough!” I shouted, holding up a hand in front of each of them, keeping them at arms length from one another. “You fucking calm down, Ben. And Dean, cut the guy a break for not wanting to go back to being captured.”
“He’s clearly a piece of shit. You heard him talking before, Beau,” said Dean. “I-”
“I said enough!” Dean’s jaw snapped shut, both of them huffing, giving each other dirty looks. “Ben, go take the bourbon and hang out on the porch, alright?”
He said nothing and went past, not without forcefully bumping Dean’s shoulder. When the front door slammed shut, Dean wiped a hand over his face again. “Really dude?”
“Beau, I get you want to be the nice guy but he doesn’t belong here and neither do I,” said Dean. I skirted past him, stopping in the main hall of the house, looking out the front door to find Ben sitting on the front porch with his head between his knees. “We don’t know Ben. Maybe he deserves to be locked up. Trust me, I’d love to be alive again but I want that with my real brother, not this place. Ben and I aren’t supposed to be here.”
“Actually you are,” said that young man’s voice again. We both looked around, the young man sighing. “Listen, Dean. This is Beau’s world, the Beau in front of you. Maybe I went ahead and switched things up a bit, made you guys all brothers and yes, you can recall memories when needed. Maybe I did fuck up Beau’s world. But there’s a reason for that. All three of you need each other. You-”
“I was at peace Jack. I-”
“You were bored out of your fucking mind in Heaven. Hey, you want to get back in the game? Consider this your audition. Help your new brothers,” said Jack. “Beau?”
I pursed my lips, crossing my arms. “Yes, uh, Jack?”
“You don’t have to be afraid of me. But I don’t pop into your world often. You guys don’t get into as much trouble as say, the world Dean lived in.”
“Excuse me but who’s fault was that?” argued Dean.
“My point being, Beau, is to be yourself. Your ups and downs are as valid as your brother’s. Your monsters just don’t come with claws or lasers,” said Jack. “Now I really, really need to go. Dean, magic doesn’t exist here so yeah, you guys are stuck until you kick it. I promise I will pop you back to Sam when you do, okay? Just try to be there for each other. And maybe get a stiff drink in Beau. He’s pretty sure he’s lost his mind. Be sure to stay away from rebar!”
“Little shit!” shouted Dean. He grumbled but was quickly going to the liquor cart, grabbing a bottle of tequila and shoving it in my hands. “Drink.”
“Was that…God? Is God a kid in his twenties?” I asked, Dean ripipng the cap off, and pressing the bottle to my lips. I swallowed back two shots worth before he let me up for air, patting my back.
“Yes…technically he’s his grandson. God was a major dickhead. Jack’s cool but hands off which means-”
“Which means this is for real,” I finished. Dean knocked back some tequila himself before throwing an arm over my shoulders and leading me outside.
“We stuck?” grumbled Ben.
“Yup,” said Dean, sitting down on a porch seat, leaving me to lean back against the railing, taking another swig from the bottle. “Happy fucking new universe to us.”
“It’s actually pretty nice,” I hiccuped. Ben groaned and drank down a fifth of the bourbon bottle without so much as a flinch. I blinked, staring at him as I felt flashes of a memory. “You were in special ops. You went to rehab twelve years ago for a drug problem but you’ve been clean since,” I said. Ben narrowed his eyes at me, smirking darkly.
“Your wife divorced you and left you for a rich schmuck. Oh, and your kid potentially wants nothing to do with you. Sheriff.” I turned away from him, Dean closing his eyes in his seat.
“Can we all just agree to shut up and drink tonight?” sighed Dean. 
“Agreed,” we both said. No one said a word as we silently passed the bottles between ourselves. 
I knew I’d have a killer headache in the morning but I didn’t care. If I was ever going to have an excuse to get blackout drunk in my forties, this was it. But even as the three of us lay on the porch hours later, everyone too far gone to even move, something tickled the back of my mind.
“We used to have sleepovers on our parents porch,” I mumbled.
“Are our parents nice?” breathed out Ben. I hummed. “Is our dad?” His voice was thick, Dean shifting beside me.
“Don’t worry about it man. Look at Beau. I’m sure his…our parents are really nice people, right Beau?” said Dean.
“Good. I don’t want anymore shitty ass parents,” said Ben. I forced my head to the left, finding his back to me. He was soon snoring, Dean relaxing comfortably close by.
Maybe when I woke up, I’d realize this was all a very intense dream that had never actually happened.
Somehow I knew in my gut though that in the morning when the sun rose, Ben and Dean would be exactly where they slept.
And they weren’t going anywhere.
I groaned as I sat up. Sleeping on the hard wood of the porch had been a mistake. I noticed a blanket had been tossed over myself, Ben snoring loudly off to my side with his own blanket and hugging a pillow to his chest. 
The smell of coffee hit me and I hummed, wearily following it inside. Beau was in the kitchen, sipping on a cup of nearly white colored coffee and the thought to tease him hit me.
“You like to drink a lot of cream in the mornings do we Beau?” I said before I could help myself. Beau slurped it back, his annoyed smile letting the tightness in my chest relax.
“Only if he bought me dinner first,” he chuckled. “And yes, I like cream in my coffee. Sue me.”
“Leave some for the rest of us is all,” I said. He poured me a cup as I got out the carton, the two of us working around each other like we’d done it a million times. It was only when I sat at the kitchen island did I realize he was freshly showered and dressed, a badge and gun on his hip. “You going to work?”
“Yup,” he said, pouring more coffee in a travel mug. “I don’t get the most time off in the world and I’d rather save my vacation days for…”
Emily. In my head I saw a clear picture of her, a protective instinct towards her I’d only felt towards Sam before. Glancing at Beau though, I sensed it too and somehow, I knew it’d be there for Ben too.
“I’m so jealous of you,” I said. Beau fixed the cap on his mug while he worked on putting together a ham and turkey sandwich. “I mean…”
“You want to be a dad. I know. I feel like we’ve had this conversation before,” said Beau. “I get the feeling my daughter adores you and Ben.”
“The bastard has to have a soft spot somewhere,” I said. I glanced over my shoulder towards the front door, a pang of guilt rushing through my veins. “I can keep an eye on him.”
“I appreciate the gesture but Ben’s a big boy. He makes his own choices,” said Beau, sliding his sandwich into a baggie, tucking it away in a soft sided lunch box. “You guys probably have jobs too you ought to get to. Maybe check your rooms?”
“Good idea,” I said. I quietly watched him finish packing his lunch, Beau rinsing out his mug before placing it in the dishwasher. “I guess we’ll see you later today then.”
“Yeah. It’s friday last I knew so maybe we can order some pizzas, try to get to know each other?” I smiled, a small twinge of jealously in my gut again. “Sounds like a plan. Text if you need something.”
“Sure thing,” I said, watching him gather his things and start to head out. He froze halfway down the hall though, spinning around to look at me. His face was curious and bashful at the same time. 
“When you say you fought monsters, that include demons?” he asked. I nodded, his eyes widening for a moment. “Does…does salt actually keep them away?”
I chuckled, looking him over. I liked Beau more and more. “It’s actually ghosts the salt works on. Demons you need either an enchanted amulet or something like that or an anti-possession warding.” I peeled down my shirt collar, revealing my tattoo. “Doesn’t seem like an issue in this world.”
“I’d rather not know the answer to that,” he said, smiling softly. “Later Dean.”
I nodded, the house quiet for a beat. I trudged upstairs, finding a bedroom that I instinctively knew was mine. It was the room the three of us had crammed in the night before, the memory of Ben shaking on the bathroom floor forcing an unpleasant ache.
Only Sam had ever elicited that ache.
But something about Beau, even Ben…it rushed in my blood, made me hope Beau got to work safely. Made me wish Ben didn’t have to endure that kind of fear. 
“This is what I get for complaining that heaven was too fucking boring,” I mumbled. I opened a closet, eyes darting around for clues when I caught a pair of coveralls with my name stamped on the front. “I’m a mechanic? That tracks.”
My phone on the nightstand rang, an unflattering picture of Beau eating a plate of nachos popping up.
“Hey,” I said, flipping through the closet. “I think I’m a mechanic.”
“Actually it looks like you’re a firefighter. Your work badge is sitting on my passenger seat,” he said. “And uh, you’re probably going to be pissed but your name is Dean Arlen according to it.”
“It’s whatever,” I sighed, resigning myself to that fact I’d be spending the next forty years in this world. At least.
“Any luck on what Ben does?” I slipped out of the room, going to the one across the hall. 
“Nope. I just checked…aw, this must be your daughter’s room. It’s so pretty. Will you be my dad?”
“No, idiot,” he laughed. “I might be oldest but-”
“No offense kiddo but I’m pretty sure I’m oldest,” I said, closing the door and heading down the hall.
“Tell you what? I’ll look up our birth records when I get to work. Loser has to make dinner.”
“You’re on, kid.”
“Asshole,” he mumbled. “I’ll drop your ID off at the firehouse, okay? It’s down the block from the station.”
“Ten four, Sheriff.” Beau sighed and hung up as I pushed open a door, this room neat and tidy, a framed children’s drawing on his dresser. I went to the only other room in the hallway, grimacing when I opened the door.
Ben’s room was a disaster. Clothes everywhere. A pungent smell of old spice in the air. There were beer cans and bottles on nearly every surface. I almost decided to give up and assume Ben didn’t have a job when a slip of paper on a covered desk caught my eye. I slipped inside, frowning at it.
“Guessing this one’s mine,” grumbled a voice behind me. I spun around, Ben walking in with a glass of something gross looking. He took a sip and closed his eyes. “We should get a maid.”
“Or you can clean up after yourself,” I said. He chuckled, his features dark. “Is that beneath you?”
“Listen,” he said, putting the glass down and walking up to me, pressing his chest against mine. I was not a small guy but this one…he had twenty pounds of muscle on me easily. He stared me down, narrowing his eyes. “I don’t know how they do things in your universe but in mine, people do what I say, understand?”
“We’re in Beau’s universe so tough shit. Here, you can be a damn man and clean up after yourself.” Ben leaned in close, smashing his nose against mine, a threat of violence in the air that reminded me of when I had the mark on my arm.
“Give me a reason to snap your neck, boy,” Ben growled. “Unlike that pussy cop, I don’t give two fucks about you or anyone else here.”
My instinct was to snap back, headbutt this asshole into the next century. But...if I couldn’t shake the feeling of giving a shit about these guys then that meant he couldn’t either.
“Then kill me Ben,” I said, raising my chin. “Go ahead. If you really don’t care, do it. I won’t even make it hard for you. Because I’ve died. I know where I’m going. You though? Something tells me you might end up going downstairs and trust me, you won’t like it one bit.”
Ben’s hand shot to my throat, a threat in the air. There was no pressure though, only his heavy pants in the air.
Suddenly it was gone, Ben storming across the room, throwing most of the things from the dresser onto the floor. Glass smashed against the hardwoods, items bouncing against the carpet before coming down with a hard thud. He kept his back to me, breathing heavily.
“I’ll take that as you aren’t going to kill me then,” I said. Ben mumbled something, shoulders shaking slightly. “Listen, you got crap? I get it. I get whatever the hell this is too. But it’s the twenty first century. You can get help and be a fucking man too. I have work. Can you survive on your own?”
“I don’t need a damn babysitter.” With a roll of my eyes, I left, going down to my own bedroom. After a minute, I wash changed into a fresh pair of jeans and had found a t-shirt with a fire emblem on it, one I assumed matched the fire station I worked for. I quickly grabbed a black flannel and a pair of white and dark olive green sneakers out of my closet, whistling to myself.
“You look new,” I said to myself, pleasantly surprised they fit so well. I jogged downstairs and noticed Beau had made up an extra pair of lunches while we were talking earlier, grabbing one and heading for the door.
“Wait.” I had my hand on the handle as heavy footsteps came downstairs, Ben changed into a baseball jersey and pair of tight jogger sweatpants. He slipped on a pair of sneakers in the tray by the door, staring at me. “Alright, let’s go, jackass.”
“I didn’t realize I was your fucking chaufer.”
“I’m drunk,” he growled. I nodded back at the kitchen.
“Beau made you lunch. Might as well take it before I drop you off wherever it is you’re going.”
“I’ll be back before then,” was all he said. Two minutes later we were on the road, driving in dead silence. For the first time I caught Ben smiling as we rode along in Baby, his hand running over the dash. “Ah. See this is a car I could drive. Don’t get me wrong. That cocksucker of a brother we have-”
“Don’t insult him.” Ben’s lips pressed into a thin line. “The man might not have fought monsters like I did or had super powers like you but he’s divorced with a teenage daughter. And he’s a cop, in charge of all the other ones. In charge of this town. The man is kind but don’t underestimate him. He’s got crap too. He’s us, remember?”
Ben crossed his arms and stared out the window for ten minutes until we hit the edge of town. I wasn’t sure where we were going but I let muscle memory guide me, eventually coming up to a small complex of doctor’s offices. Ben didn’t move when I leaned forward, recognizing the name on the sign from the letter on his desk.
“You’re an asshole,” I said. I saw his lip twitch up in the passenger mirror. “Go on before I kick your ass out. I got work.”
“You’re such a bitch,” said Ben, climbing out of the car and heading inside the building without a second glance. I shook my head, driving down the road for a few minutes, passing by Beau’s truck out front of the police station. I let instinct take over, eventually finding a fire station down the block. I found an empty spot out front and parked, inhaling sharply.
“Here goes nothing.”
Work was amazing. I wasn’t just a firefighter. I had seniority. I worked on arson investigations. I got to teach little kids on field trips all about fire safety. It was like tapping into these untouched parts of my brain. The more I let go, the more memories filled in. One’s about work, about Beau and Ben. 
Maybe Sam had a point about forcing me to live a normal life like he’d been able to. I missed the hell out of him but I knew I’d see him again and for him, it wouldn’t be that long. In the meantime, I knew two guys that could do with my help right here.
“Howdy, Sheriff,” I said late in the day as Beau and the pretty female cop my brain told me was named Jenny pulled up to the scene of a small house fire. “We just put out that fire, Beau. What you doin’ bringing more hot things my way?”
Beau’s eyes glared as Jenny laughed, smacking my arm. “Oh, I love you Arlen boys. All of you are such flirts. Except Beau. That some sort of big brother thing?”
It was my turn for my face to fall as Beau threw his arm over my shoulder, giving me a tight squeeze. “It must be. My little brothers are such flirts. Especially the baby, isn’t that right, Dean?”
“By twelve minutes!” I said, dread filling my veins as a memory popped into my head. I so was not the baby brother. I hadn’t spent a lifetime of being Sam’s big brother to suddenly be thrust into baby brother status.
“Enjoy it, kid,” Beau whispered in my ear, slapping my back as he pulled away. “Everything settled here?”
“Space heater caused the fire. Minimal damage. No injuries,” I said, Jenny looking me up and down, a twinkle in her eye. “Jenny, you want to grab a drink after work?”
“I would but I have a hot date with Cassie. Unless you want to join us?” 
“Sorry, Dean’s going to have to take a raincheck. We need a little guy time after the incident yesterday. Plus Dean has oh so graciously offered to make us dinner,” said Beau, narrowing his eyes when Jenny wasn’t looking. 
“Right. How is Ben by the way?” she asked. “I thought rehab stuck this time.”
“It did for the drugs,” I said, my mind filling in a gap it didn’t know existed a split second before. “We’re still working on the drinking.”
“He’s cutting down,” said Beau as I found myself nodding along with him. We shared a concerned look, Jenny polite enough to not say anything.
“Well, I know he’s a big softie deep down. He’s making progress which is something,” she said, clearing her throat. “Beau, I’ll do a quick interview and write up the report.”
“Excuse me, are you volunteering to do paperwork? What demon are you being possessed by?” Beau teased. I stared at Jenny, probably too long, Beau grimacing behind her. “Uh, sure. Need a ride back to the station when you’re through?”
“Dean can give me a lift,” she said, a curious smile on her face. 
“Alright. Dean, I’m ducking to the grocery store. You’re making me pizza tonight,” he said. He waved as he walked away, Jenny crossing her arms and staring after him.
“Your brother is something else,” she said, dipping her tongue out past her lips.
“Oh,” I said as it clicked. “You’re hot for your boss.” She grabbed my arm, quite hard for how small she was, dragging me around to the end of the fire truck. 
“Dean, I told you I don’t know how I feel about Beau. I just…don’t say anything to him. Or Cassie or Ben or anybody, got it?” I held up my hands, Jenny letting out a small exhale.
“Can I ask a personal question?” 
“Careful, Dean,” she said but nodded anyways.
“Why not me? What’s so different about Beau and me?” I asked. She smiled softly, resting her palm on my bicep.
“You’re sweet, Dean. A good friend. You boys are similar in ways but Beau’s friendship…it lifts me up if that makes sense. There’s a light to him that-”
“I understand,” I said, flashes of memories that weren’t my own but were popping into my head. “Beau’s the good brother, Ben’s the bad one and I’m the one that’s known for sleeping around.”
“You’re known for pushing women away when they start getting to close Dean. I know you boys have only been in town a year but I’d guess that’s who you’ve always been. It’s a shame. You’d really make someone happy if you just let yourself.”
Awesome. I was the same guy in this universe, just without a legitimate reason for being alone.
“Thanks, Jenny,” I said when she pursed her lips. “Honestly.”
“Life’s funny. It doesn’t mean it’s too late for anything,” she said, walking past me. “If you know what I mean.”
“Like you wanting to fuck my brother?”
“Shut up Arlen!” she said with a huff. “All you fucking men…”
I had the feeling Beau was still very much in love with his ex-wife. Yet…something told me Ben and I got on his back about Jenny. One man and two potential women to enjoy?
I’d rather deal with the devil all over again.
My head was fucking killing me and not just from the hangover. Everything was so fucking confusing. There was too much information in my head. It was too fucking much. I knew what the internet was and bluetooth and all those other fake fucking words Hughie had made up. Or I thought he’d made up.
I’d been gone almost forty years and in that time everything had changed so fucking much.
Funnily enough, I fucking enjoyed therapy. It turns out I wasn’t a complete piece of shit. If you don’t give a shit about everyone equally, you’re just an all around asshole which was a step up in my book. 
But apparently my language was “inappropriate” or some shit. It “hurt” those around me. Like my brothers. Yeah right. Those two little shits would get hurt walking to the damn mailbox in my world.
Maybe not Dean. He seemed…angry in a way Beau wasn’t. But they were both still pussies by all standards.
It was getting late in the afternoon as I walked down yet another sidewalk in downtown, the air slightly cool. It must have been early fall based on the few trees starting to turn color. 
“Hey Ben,” said a gorgeous woman with a small wave as she struggled to get her keys in the door. Cassie. She was Beau’s friend and by proxy, mine too. 
“Hey,” I said, walking over, resisting the urge to comment on her ass as I took a box out of her arms.
“Thanks,” she said, opening up the shop door. “Today’s been a disaster. I can’t believe it’s already after three and I’m only now just getting in.”
“I bet,” I said, following her inside, trying very hard to keep my mouth shut. I mean this woman looked good. The old me from before Russia would probably already be screwing her over the desk by now.
“You’re abnormally quiet,” she said, taking the box from my arms. “And no flirting? I bet your interview didn’t go as bad as you think.”
“Interview?” I asked, Cassie rolling her eyes at me. 
“You know, the one you were supposed to have today…the security thing?” Memories flashed in my mind about Beau and Dean pulling strings with a friend of theirs to get me an interview with a private security company. A job I could clearly recall not wanting in the first place.
“Oh. Yeah,” I said, catching a clock on the wall. This supposed interview was in less then fifteen minutes. “Doesn’t sound my style.”
She suddenly looked annoyed, setting the box on a counter off to the side. “Well I’m kind of busy so maybe you should go anyways.”
“I have a boyfriend, Ben,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “Go to the interview for your brothers sake.”
“Whatever,” I said, leaving and walking once again. It only took five minutes to find the place I was supposed to go but I didn’t want a fucking job. The only job I’d ever had was being a supe. A movie star. Model. All of those I’d made the rules.
Anyone who tried to make me do anything other than what I wanted could get fucked.
One Hour Later
I took the fucking job. Why oh why did I say yes to that fucking job? Worst of all, they wanted me to start on Monday.
At the fucking daycare. They wanted me to work at a fucking daycare at the front desk. Me. 
“Hey,” said Beau, pulling up to a stop on the street as I sat on a bench, a stack of black polos with the security logo stamped on them beside me. “You cool?”
“Just get me the hell home,” I grunted, grabbing the shirts and pilling into the passenger seat, grateful when he kept his mouth shut most of the way there.
“So uh, Cassie texted me.” I glared at Beau, his eyes on the road. “I guess you had a job interview?”
I mumbled the story to him, Beau making a surprised sound when I finished. “What’s that supposed to mean, dickhead?”
“Means they must like you, must think you have the capacity to deal with an environment full of kids all day,” grinned Beau. 
I would have slapped him in the face if he hadn’t been driving.
“If I’m lucky I’ll die snorting coke off a whore’s tits before Monday,” I said, Beau frowning as we pulled up to the house. 
“Don’t do that,” he said when I was halfway out the door. I rolled my eyes, Beau’s face so pathetic looking though that I closed the door and sat back in my seat.
“Why not? I don’t want to be here and the world don’t want someone like me in it. I was someone in my universe. Here I’m a mooching scumbag apparently. So who cares if I go out the fun way?”
“I do.” Beau shook his head at me, my annoyance growing. “God, Jack, whatever…that kid put you and Dean in my world for a reason. Dean, I get. He died young and this is a chance to live a normal life. Me? Maybe I do things differently and don’t bottle up my shit and move on from my ex. And you? Maybe you need to get rid of your superiority complex and learn to just be a normal person without superpowers or torture or whatever. So don’t do something stupid cause I will find you in the afterlife and I will kick your ass if you do.”
“Fine,” I grumbled. A minute later I was in my bedroom, frowning at the space. It was pretty fucking filthy. “Why don’t we have a fucking maid again?”
“Because we’re not rich,” said Beau as he walked past my open door. I heard him go into a bedroom and exit a moment later sans his firearm and badge, his shirt untucked. “Dean’s making homemade pizza when he gets in.”
“Good. I’m starving,” I said, following Beau downstairs. “How much to get you to clean my room?”
“What did I say to you not five minutes ago?” asked Beau, spinning around on the stairs, looking up at me. “Find a closet or bathroom. I’m sure there’s cleaning supplies in there.”
“Well I’ve never cleaned shit so how was I supposed to know that?” Beau raised his eyebrows. “What? I grew up rich and then got even richer.”
“Well I seriously doubt mom and dad would let you get away with not cleaning your room. Think and you’ll remember.” I frowned. Of course I knew how to fucking clean something. It didn’t mean I wanted to.
“Still stupid,” I mumbled.
“Ben,” said Beau, raising his voice. “I know you think you’re hot shit but you are a sorry excuse for a man. Start acting like one and maybe every conversation you have won’t be a fight.”
Beau went downstairs, leaving me standing there feeling for the first time in a very long time like maybe my dad had been right.
I really was a fucking disappointment.
I cleared my throat an hour later as I went downstairs to find Beau and Dean laughing in the kitchen. They turned their heads when I walked in, a strange awkwardness settling in my gut.
“I uh, cleaned my room,” I said, glancing at the three ready pizzas. “One of those for me?”
“Come on, man. You can make up your own,” said Dean. I settled next to him, looking at the different topping options. “I heard you got a job today.”
“Yeah,” I said, sprinkling some pepperoni on top of one. 
“So what was it like growing up rich?” asked Dean. “Personally we had jack shit after I was four. Nice to know I was well off in one universe.”
“It was alright,” I said, Beau passing me a bowl of peppers and onions. “Actually it sucked. I was never good enough for my dad.”
“Been there, done that,” said Dean. “I mean, I made up with my dad eventually but it wasn’t until after he died.”
“My dad’s nice,” said Beau softly. “Our dad. You guys will like him.”
“I’m sure we will,” said Dean, nudging my ribs. “Hey. Even if he’s not perfect, beats being tortured for forty years, am I right?”
“You have a point.” I put some extra jalapeños on my pizza before I was done, Beau hopping up on the counter. Dean grabbed a few beers from the fridge, handing one to each of us and then putting the first pizza in the oven.
“So,” said Beau, taking a draw from his bottle. “I know this situation is kind of crazy but not gonna lie, I don’t mind having some company at home again. Em stays with her mom a lot lately.”
“I lived with my brother most of my life,” said Dean with a small smile. “It’s not half bad.”
They both glanced at me, waiting for me to share something personal. I resisted the voice at the back of my head screaming for me to snap an insult back at them.
“I’ve kinda always been on my own I guess,” I said, fiddling with the bottle in my hands. 
“Well not anymore,” said Beau.
“Just stop calling us pussies all the time?” asked Dean, a smirk on his face.
“No promises,” I said, Dean slapping my back.
“Told ya you’d warm up to us,” he said. I rolled my eyes, Beau chuckling into his beer. “We’ll work on it.”
Beau held up his bottle, raising his chin. “To Ben working on his potty mouth.”
“To living in a world where we can have normal lives,” said Dean, lifting his. I tilted mine up, nodding once.
“To my new, weird as fuck, brothers.” 
“I’ll drink to that,” said Dean, throwing an arm over my shoulders, a strange warmth filling me up. “Now who’s hungry?”
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warping-realities · 20 days
Rebranding (Repost)
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"How can you be so reckless, Vincent? Be grateful I pulled your ass out of the fire and threw a coat over your sorry self, you idiot. But the fallout... Don’t you get that this could totally wreck your whole career?"
"I know, but that bitch..."
"Don’t you dare use that word again; it's already bad enough to have it on tape flying around all the gossip shows!"
"Sorry, that... woman..."
"Valery, your girlfriend."
"Ex-girlfriend, or do you really think I’d stick around after she cheated on me?"
"Understandable you broke up, but threatening her and calling her all those names in front of a bunch of paparazzi? Half-naked, no less! What were you thinking?"
"That’s what I’m asking; what was I thinking when I decided to date a brainless bimbo with fake blonde hair?"
"Be super careful with what you say; after all, that’s not the image you wanna project, Vincent."
"Ah, I’m sorry." He replied, eyeing his agent's long blonde hair.
"Apology accepted, asshole. But we’ve got bigger fish to fry. So, tell me, what am I supposed to do with you?"
"I didn’t get your question."
"But I was so clear that even a bimbo would get it."
"Look, I already apologized for how I acted..."
"It turns out that in our circle, just saying sorry isn’t enough. We’ve got an image to protect and sell. Like you said, the vibe Valery gives off fits perfectly with betrayals and gossip sites. But you? Not so much, at least not until this week’s fiasco. Honestly, I never understood what she saw in you. Sure, you’re a well-known gamer influencer, but you’re just a nerd. She’s on another level, with more followers than you, and I bet she’ll be a fashion icon in no time."
"If you called me here just to roast me, I’m out." He said, getting up.
"Sit your ass down and shut it." Inexplicably, he found himself compelled to do just that.
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"Hmmm, hmmm."
"Much better, right? I should've figured out your type way earlier, the nice guy who makes funny videos, the friend to everyone, protesting for minorities... but who, deep down, is just another sexist and misogynist like so many others. You’re way worse than a dumb jock, you know why, Vincent? Because they don’t hide who they are; women can smell the toxic masculinity from a mile away. But you, our so-called allies... what a joke... allies like you? I don’t need that. You come at us with your soft words and sensitive hearts, and women like us fall for it. We only catch on to all the microaggressions, the hits to our self-esteem when it’s gone too far, when that happens." She said, pointing to the eye prosthesis.
"I had a heart-to-heart with Valery this morning. Turns out, on top of all that, you’re a lousy performer in bed. That’s why she’s been sneaking around with her gym buddies. Poor girl, always picking the wrong guy, but at least the last dude had an enviable body and an even more enviable... tool, maybe the reason for your little meltdown. In your defense, she swore to me you never laid a finger on her. So, my dear, I’ve decided I’m not gonna bail on you, and Valery’s agreed not to press charges. But for everyone to be happy after the mess you made, you both gotta agree to clean up your images. And for that, you’re gonna participate in a reality show! Fun, right?" She finished with a smirk. Vincent's shocked look showed he wasn’t finding this fun at all.
"Now, Valery is perfect for the reality show in question, and as for you... we’ve got a few months until the next season drops, which I really appreciate, 'cause we need to let the dust settle to work on your image and do a total rebranding. Get up and strip down to your underwear; I don’t need to hurt my only eye with the sight of your tiny dick."
Vincent again found himself compelled to comply and robotically followed his manager's orders.
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"It really isn’t good material! But let’s change that; how about a few years less studying foreign languages and more time getting swole at the gym, Vincent?"
Suddenly, all knowledge of Spanish and French evaporated from his mind. Followed by a weird feeling in his body, starting in his feet, which ballooned from size 8 to size 11. Then his calves, a joke among his friends, widened and showed more definition, as well as his thighs, which grew to the point of making him move one leg away from the other, with a little help from his dick, which went from size 3 to 7. Then his abs started to show the shadow of a six-pack, with defined pecs to match, and finally, his skinny arms gained the size and definition of someone who actually lifts weights at the gym. As soon as it started, the feeling passed.
"Much better, flex those muscles for me, Vincent." And so he did, screaming in horror in his own head, but utterly speechless on the outside.
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"I think we still have room for improvement," said Monica distractedly. And Vincent, summoning all his willpower, finally got a moment of clarity, rushing to the table and trying to grab anything he could use against her. Not succeeding he just used all his remaining willpower to raise a fist in defiance.
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"Stop right there! A fist? Seriously, Vincent? I figured with all your big-brain intellect you’d come up with something better." She mocked the frozen man.
"Apparently, that intellect isn’t all that great. So how about we trade twenty IQ points for another twenty pounds of lean muscle, a few extra inches on your height, on that useless dick of yours, and on those big feet; for some reason, some women go crazy for that!"
Vincent was hit by that odd feeling in his body again, this time accompanied by a sensation of being sucked into his own mind, which prevented him from even thinking. His feet reached a gigantic size 14, giving off a pungent odor, his calves grew until they took on the shape of diamonds, and his thighs expanded to the size of tree trunks; his penis - little Vinnie, a name that popped into his head - reached an impressive 9 inches in length, along with the circumference of a beer can. That hint of a six-pack evolved into a defined eight-pack, and his pecs turned into two slabs of meat, completing the sculpt he developed with broad shoulders and huge, vascularized arms.
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"Almost there! The body’s perfect, and intellect down to just the right level. But something’s missing. How about we swap your obsession with game culture for an obsession with yourself? A few tattoos, and what were you saying about fake blonde tan and bleached blond hair? Let’s make sure the outside represents the inside well, my dear, and the main thing is that every woman who lays eyes on you knows what kind of man she’s dealing with.
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The two girls sitting on the sand tried to focus from a distance on who the man was approaching at the edge of the sea.
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"Is he mine or yours, Val?"
"I think he’s yours, Brit; from this distance, I can’t be sure, but he doesn’t look like any of mine... except... no way!"
"What, Val?" asked the other anxiously.
"Wait and see, Britt! But I can guarantee you this is gonna blow some minds!" answered Valery, seeing the young man approaching.
"Hello, ladies!" said the man, exuding cockiness.
"Vincent Parker?" Britt asked in disbelief as Valery just smiled.
"No formalities, girls. You can call me Vinnie!"
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Just more Steddie content because MY. BRAIN. WON’T. SHUT. UP. ABOUT. THEM!!!!
Senior Prom (Steve’s), Eddie’s hanging out by bleachers taking names for Hop who come up and ask to buy something other then weed (cough cough date rape drugs cough) (also also you can’t tell me that Hop doesn’t know who Reefer Rick and Eddie are considering season one Hop).
He hears someone wailing. Like out right sobs. Eddie being the bleeding heart he is has to investigate. He finds prom king Steve Harrington in his tux, just horrifically crying his eyes out.
So he goes over and asks what’s wrong. Steve tells him because why not everyone’s going to find out on Monday anyway. Apparently three basketball players hired a guy to honey trap Steve at prom and took pictures of the guy kissing Steve. Steve didn’t consent to either, but in the pictures it really doesn’t show that.
And he tells Eddie that if his dad finds out, he’s pretty sure he’s going to follow through on his threat to 12 year old Steve (who had been rough housing a little too ‘close’ for Mr Harrington’s ‘comfort’) where he got down his elephant gun and told Steve that if he ever saw him kissing a boy, he would empty both barrels straight into Steve’s face.
So poor Steve is just completely freaking out. But that’s not even the worst part of this whole shit show as far as Eddie is concerned (though the death threat is pretty bad). No, Steve is bisexual and that was his first kiss with a boy. Completely destroying Steve ever trying out that part of his sexuality ever. Because he’ll always wonder at the back of his head if it’s not a trap.
Eddie is livid. And vows revenge for Steve. He gets Steve to give him the names of the three other players and takes Steve home and gets his number. He’ll call Steve when he has word on the pictures.
The ringleader comes to Eddie the next day looking for a little ‘enhancement’. And Eddie pulls out a little leather notebook about the size of a deck of cards and begins to flip through it. Apparently ringleader dude has been buying these drugs the day before big games. And Eddie tells him he has two hours to bring the pictures and all the negatives or the cops and the board of student athletes will get copies of the pages that Eddie has in his little book.
The dude blows up and says that he’ll make sure no one buys from Eddie ever again if he tries it. Eddie reminds him that of the two of them who are they going to believe a drug addicted teen who just outed his drug dealer and cut off the supplies for the entire area for who knows how long until Rick got a new dealer he can trust, or the drug dealer who outed ONE basketball player who is clearly out of his mind?
They set up a place to meet for the pictures. The kid shows up with the camera they used. He hadn’t had time to get the pictures developed yet. Eddie pops open the back of the camera and just starts yanking on the film. Making sure to expose the film to as much light as possible. The kid is screaming about the other pictures on the camera. Eddie hands back the camera with a single ‘oops!’ He then tells him to call off the other two boys as well, because he as dirt on them too. And if they want to leave this town in anything other in handcuffs in the back of a police car, they’ll keep their head down and their mouths shut until after they graduate. (And if Hop gets them on graduation day anyway Eddie isn’t there for them to point fingers at, he didn’t graduate again, though he might be watching from the bleachers, hidden from view to laugh at them but who’s to say for sure).
He calls Steve up and tells him that pictures will never see the light of day and he’s safe. And if Steve takes Eddie out to dinner as a thank you, that’s their business. And if Eddie shows him that he can trust that Eddie would never hurt him that way, that’s no one’s business either. And if Steve and Eddie move in together after coming out to his parents, well that’ no one’s business but the cops and Mr Harrington when they take him away in handcuffs for threatening to murder his son.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody Loves You, You Got a Friend (part 9)
Other parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
Hello and we’re back to school, it’s a day after the last part. (With a time jump at some point) And I think I copied a lot from my notes, so you get an extra long part 😘
Also I don’t think I mentioned this before but the title is lyrics from Andy Grammer’s song Spaceship! (The song is him talking to his unborn baby)
Eddie drags himself to school, even if Janet suggested just dropping out of Hawkins High and going to the school Steve finished from. But he’s determined to finish just to flip all of them off for thinking he’s nothing.
Luckily, Gareth not only had his homework from yesterday but he also filled him in on what happened in at least their shared classes. Then he stayed for dinner and officially met Janet.
He stops dead in his walk to his locker when he spots Nancy Wheeler standing right by it, groaning he makes his way over, “Whatever it is, I don’t want to hear it Wheeler”
She bristles at him, crossing her arms, “You were at Steve’s yesterday”
Of all the things, she starts with. And it’s that? Well, he smirks and turns to her, and knows others in the hall are also listening in.
“I was, Stevie and I are just great friends” he easily lets out, and his smirk turns to a full manic grin when he hears gasps, he fakes a pout, “he and I were sick, I didn’t want my poor uncle also catching it, so I stayed with Stevie”
He can’t fucking wait to tell this to Stevie.
Whispers are immediate and Nancy looks completely taken back, so he sighs, “leave me alone, Nancy. You broke up with him, not the other way around and it’s been a year.”
He leaves with that and slams his locker shut before making his way to class.
Lunch rolls around and he’s listening to Grant and Jeff whine about not seeing Eleanor after Gareth bragged about seeing her. He rolls his eyes, “you do know she’s still sick, right? He only got to see her, he couldn’t even hold her”
That causes his two friends to shut up and Gareth laughs, “they can’t help it Ed, she’s just so adorable”
“Who’s adorable?”
He looks up and finds Dustin and Lucas sitting down, “eh just my-“
“His baby….cousin” Gareth
“His…cat” Jeff
“I don’t know who we’re talking about are we even sure it’s a she?” Grant
Eddie rolls his eyes and pointedly stares at Grant, because, what the fuck kind of excuse is that? He looks between the two freshmen and thinks ‘at least it’s not Wheeler Jr.’
So he clears his throat and catches all of their attention, “Gareth’s right, she is my baby….cousin” both Gareth and himself had a ridiculous long pause between the words, “she’s sick right now and only so many people can hold her”
That seems to hold them over and he eats his lunch in silence.
Just before lunch finishes, he’s happily resting his head on the table with his eyes closed and listening to his friends arguing over nothing important, when someone taps him on the shoulder, “I don’t care who that is, I’m beat. Go away”
“Munson, come on, aren’t you selling?”
His eyes snap open and he realizes his friends are all quiet, turning around he finds fucking Jason Carver’s crew behind him with Andy leading. “I haven’t sold anything in months, fuck off”
It causes the basketball team to laugh, “what you’ve gone clean?”
He rolls his eyes, “that’s usually what that means. I don’t have anything to give you”
The jocks all glare at him and Andy shoves him into the table, “full of shit” muttered under his breath and all that does, is makes him roll his eyes and hiss when his chest aches.
“Dude, you good?” Grant holds his shoulder, “that looks like it hurt”
Nodding, he touches his chest and winces. Already trying to figure out how to explain that to Steve. “It did, fuck, why did I ever think selling was a good way to life?”
That breaks whatever spell was over his friends, causing all of them to laugh. It’s only Gareth that shakes his head and mutters “all it took was knocking Steve up to get your head outta your ass” to him.
Which, well, he’s not wrong.
Once he’s at home, he finds Steve and Eleanor taking a nap. So, he checks out his chest and he winces at the red mark from the table.
He hears a groan and it makes him drop his shirt, looking back inside the room to find Steve tossing in bed. Peeking at Eleanor, she’s still asleep before making his way into bed, “Hey sleeping beauty” he presses a kiss to Steve’s shoulder.
“Hm, if I’m sleeping beauty, does that make you prince phillip?”
Laughing softly, he grabs hold of Steve’s arm to move him to his back, “hm, I guess it does”
Eddie puts what happened at lunch to the back of his mind and instead lazily makes out with Steve. Because this? This is what he’d rather be doing.
Eleanor starts walking at six months, which is also when Hawkins High unfortunately finds out what happened all those months ago.
Steve and Eddie aren’t embarrassed, they aren’t ashamed either. They just like having their privacy and enjoying life without all the expectations others had for them.
Their friends had suggested bringing her to the park and so, the six of them made their way to the only baby friendly park in town.
They’re an odd looking bunch, so almost immediately people notice them. Eddie is holding Eleanor’s hand and helping her walk and Steve is in front of them encouraging the little girl to move towards him. Their friends are all cheering her on.
It’s when Steve catches her and spins around while pressing kisses all over her face, and the praise, “my baby is so smart, gonna make all of us chase her soon!” That really makes those around whisper.
The group is sitting in a circle on the grass, trying to get her to go to each of them when Dustin and Lucas spots them on their bikes. Their friends nearly crash into them, “what the fuck dude?”
Both Dustin and Lucas have no words, they just point towards the group and they hear the giggles from Eleanor as Eddie presses kisses all over her face before letting her go and standing her up.
“Is that, Eddie?” Mike looks so dumbfounded, then his eyes go wide at who Eddie drags into his lap, “is that STEVE?”
“Eddie knows Steve?” “didn’t he leave town?” “Whose baby is that?”
Will is the only one that moves towards the group and it isn’t until he’s half way over that his friends follow over, catching the attention of Eddie and Steve. Eleanor wiggles out of Jeff’s hold and crawls over to her parents, Steve scooping her up easily as the four boys stop next to them.
“Aren’t you guys a little old for this type of park?” Gareth raises an eyebrow at them, “isn’t the age limit 5?”
Eddie giggles and looks up at the younger teens, “what’s up little sheep?”
Mike is just openly gaping at Steve, who’s swaying slightly and holding the baby as if he’s been doing it his whole life. Dustin is the one that points at the little family and cutting straight to the point, “uh, what? are you guys like a couple?”
It makes all of the older teens burst out to laugh, Steve hides his face by the little baby while Eddie is nearly falling backwards at how hard he’s laughing. It’s neither of the young parents that answer, instead it’s Grant, “Eddie and Steve are the absolute worst kind of couple. I swear it’s like they’re already mated sometimes”
It clearly blows their minds because their eyes widen and all the words die on their tongues.
Steve glared at Grant, “I already told you! We can’t, we both have to be eighteen!”
The rest of them roll their eyes, while Jeff leans over and poke at his cheek, “Ellie here would say other wise”
It brings a full blown blush to both their cheeks.
“Is- is she yours?” It’s Will that says this, he’s also blushing. He seems to be the only one to get out of the shock. The other three is still frozen with their mouths dropped at Eddie and Steve and Eleanor.
Steve sighs and looks between the boys, “Yeah, she is. I had her just before the school year started.” Eleanor lets out a whine, causing him to look down and he patted her back before look at his watch, “and it’s time to feed her, so Eds and I gotta go.”
The younger teens saw the rest grimace before standing up, Gareth helping Steve stand up while Eddie jumped up afterwards, “it’s been fun, young sheep.”
The five friends just know, come tomorrow, Eddie and Steve will be the talk of the school.
——— The next day ———
It’s nearly the second Eddie enters the school that eyes are on him. He doesn’t know how or who, but it’s definitely been said. It’s out and the only thing he’s happy about is that Steve is no longer in this school. That he’s at home chasing Eleanor around the house.
Steve has never admitted it and lies through his teeth when he says rumors don’t bother him, but Eddie’s spent enough time with him and has been told by Janet that rumors definitely do mess with Steve. That it gets to him like anyone else.
Luckily, he’s been the town freak long enough that most things roll off him. So, he’s not at all ashamed when the first set of whispers happen as he walks to his locker.
Somehow he makes it all the way to second period before someone finally is brave enough to actually ask him anything, which is frankly, amazing.
“So, I heard a rumor” it’s Chrissy Cunningham that whispers next to him, and he looks away from the teacher, her eyes wide as she speaks. She actually looks shocked, like she didn’t mean to say anything. He rolls his hand to get her to speak more.
She shakes her head and glances to the front, finding the teacher moving around the classroom. “Is it- true?”
“Is what true?” He’s a petty asshole, he knows exactly what she’s asking.
She opens her mouth, then snaps it shut when the teacher hands her papers. Then mouths, “after?”
Shrugging, he continues on doodling as he blindly grabs the paper from the teacher. Ignoring the annoyance rolling of them.
‘After’ turns out to be as soon as the bell rings, and not just Chrissy is looking at him. But several other people, and unlike Chrissy. They’re not at all ashamed or embarrassed to ask the unsaid question.
“Is it true that you and Steve Harrington have a baby?”
There’s poorly disguised annoyance or maybe disgust, he doesn’t know and honestly? That’s what makes him smirk at them, “Oh, is that the rumor? Well, it seems the secret’s out.”
All of them gasp and he pulls his bag over his shoulder and gives a bow before making his way out of the room with them speechless.
“What did you do?” He grins as Gareth falls into step with him, “I know that look all too well, Eddie”
He laughs and throws his arm around him, “Oh my dear Gareth, someone has loose lips and Stevie and I are the talk of the school” he fakes a gasp with his hand against his chest, “and you wouldn’t believe it! I didn’t deny it”
Gareth just shakes his head and doesn’t question him, which is a nice change to the whispers.
He gets asked the same question five more times between the first and lunch. The younger members of hellfire all question him the minute he sits down and he’s surprised to see them whispering between each other at first.
Then, as he’s listening to Jeff gush about Eleanor and Gareth explaining how much of a helicopter parent Steve can be, someone taps on his shoulder. He has a very good idea at who it is and he’s already grinning that manic smile that usually scares people away.
His friends’ voices die down as his eyes land on Nancy Wheeler.
“Is it true? Did you really get Steve pregnant and are now parents to a baby? Is that why he disappeared?”
She’s looking at him with the same determination like the week before when she was trying to say he wasn’t good for Steve. Like she knew his boyfriend better than him.
“Stevie and I are the proud parents of one six month old baby.” He says simply and then points to where Mike is, “Little Wheeler saw yesterday. She’s very much real, and no, Stevie never disappeared. We just don’t go to many places.”
Nancy isn’t the only one to grow silent, that’s when he notices so many eyes on them. He’s not surprised, it’s a little disappointing he wasn’t standing on the table for this.
“Six months?” Nancy whispers, “is, is that why he wouldn’t-“ she snaps her mouth shut and he notices the freshmen all widen their eyes.
Before he could ask what the hell happened just now, Gareth clears his throat and points at a very disgusted looking Jason Carver. He grins, hops up on the table with a point, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to address the rumors going around. For starters, I’d like to say that I’m so glad Stevie is no longer here, because all of you are fucking assholes, and secondly, those rumors are completely true. Not that any of you needed to know”
He jumps off the table and grins a little too crazy at Carver, “would you like something, Carver?”
The other alpha snapped his mouth shut and curled his hands into fists, spitting out, “you really are a freak, and you made King Steve one!”
His mood is instantly changed and his friends all widen their eyes as his scent is immediately giving away just how pissed off he is.
The whole cafeteria is silent.
“What was that? Did I hear you correctly?”
His words are nearly whispered, his face not giving anything away even with his scent betraying it. He narrowed his eyes at Carver, who is stuck still. Either from realizing how much he screwed up or by Eddie’s completely pissed off scent.
Eddie can handle rumors, he can handle people talking about him. It’s simple and he’s built up enough tolerance for it that everything rolls off him easier.
But speaking about Steve?
Yeah, he can’t handle that.
Someone could drop a pin and everyone would hear it as they watched Jason standing over Eddie. Still frozen while Eddie slowly stood up, using his height to his advantage.
“Speak about me all you want, Carver. I don’t give a damn, I know I’m a freak. But do not speak about Steve. I will make your life a living hell if you do” he whispers as he stops next to him, “I’ll be that little devil worshipper you truly believe I am, I will.”
It breaks the spell and Carver hightails it away with one last glare and the rest of the cafeteria comes back to life with whispers and laughter. Eddie just sits back down and controls his scent, his friends all staring at him. Only Gareth getting up, squeezing his shoulder before walking away with a promise to be back.
The rest of the day passes by without anyone else questioning him. There’s definitely whispers still and stares, but no one is brave enough to say anything to him.
Which he is so thankful for.
He’s making his way to the drama room, absolutely dreading hellfire mostly because it means another hour or three away from the two he really wants to be with. Sighing, he pushes the door only to be met with a squealing and the very noticeable scent of lemon and honey.
He’s met with a sheepish Gareth standing next to a grinning Steve, Eleanor already in Jeff’s lap trying to grab his dice.
I’m gonna end it there, the secrets out! Everyone knows of the cutie we all love Ellie 🩷
I have a little bit more written out, so nows the perfect time to give me some ideas for what else I can add to this! I haven’t really thought out where to go with the party or involving anything with the upside down. This was only supposed to be a slice of life fic between Steddie & their daughter. But maybe I’ll add a few more parts if people want it 😊 also let me know if you see any typos or mistakes lol
Taglist! @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings @tartarusfairy @mx-jinxous @zombiethingy @lunaticmarunatic @carlyv @thelittleclare @estrellami-1 @epiclazershark @bookworm0690 @forest-fogg @flustratedcas @p0lybl4nkk @tiny-enthusiast @a-gae-af-racoon @blackpanzy @marvelmwah @malicia62 @solliesolesito @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus
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bigkingxl0 · 3 months
A built god splitting logs in the backcountry of Vermont, glistening with sweat. Muscles rippled from his swift swing. He drove the axe head down and added the wood to the pile. He was nearly done collecting what he needed to fire up the wood stove through the rest of the year. A dream life built from the blood, sweat and tears of one ambitious man, on acres of land nobody else could say they owned. Far from civilization. Andy was surprised his phone even had reception at this part of his sprawling property. He was even more surprised to see Mom's contact photo staring back at him -- when did she ever call? -- but rested the tool against the chopping block and answered.
"Hey, what's up?"
"We need to talk."
Exactly what you want to hear from your mother. He offered to talk later but she rejected him, insisting they talk right there and then. He gathered up the flannel he'd discarded, phone pressed to his ear, and made his way back to his cranberry colonial.
She spoke sternly but vaguely. At first he didn't understand what happened and why he had to be recruited, at first. Sure, Andy lived through his shut-in gamer phase too, years ago, so he kind of understood it. He had his time with a carpet full of crumbs and 2 liters filled with piss. And other disgusting things. Lazy summers where WOW came first and everything else second. His parents had reacted the same way then. He grew out of it. Maybe it took a couple threats of military school and disownment, but he went to college and got his life together. Now look at him. A successful property manager and agricultural scientist who lived his truth and sold it to the masses. He wanted to laugh. Fly across the country and tell his brother to put up the controller and invest in deodorant? It was comical.
Arlo would grow out of it. He wanted to crack a joke about sending him off to the army, but Mrs. Menconi was not one to call and ask for anything. The subtle desperation got the best of himIf he didn't recover his brother from the dark side, he would lose access to the most powerful network in his life. Her image was on the line. It was also the least he could do was repay his dear mother. It had been a long time since he'd seen Arlo, too, so it was only fair. Half a decade of globetrotting for work, and his busy life had gotten in the way of things more than once before. He hadn't actually spoken to his sibling or anything in all that time. He'd be lying if he said he'd noticed, and that shook his reality. Too many years passed and not enough time spent together. No wonder his brother rebelled. Poor bastard probably hated his life. Now he had nothing in his upcoming schedule and his mother was practically begging him to intervene. He had to go.
Andy caught the soonest red eye with nothing but his laptop and farm clothes, unprepared for what faced him on the West Coast.
He hesitated at the bare condo door. He didn't actually know what to say to the kid. It wasn't like they had much in common. He shook his head and knocked, the charisma of a salesman taking over. If he could do it for work he could do it for family.
After several minutes, the door creaked open, and the stench hit before he could say hello. Andy tried not to screw his face up too much, and forced a smile at his younger sibling. "Hey, lil dude.”
"Oh... hey bro," Arlo groaned, caressing his stretchmarked gut. "Long time, no, URP, see. I hoped you were Domino's."
There was no life to his voice. He started his waddle back into the dark, dank house. Andy watched the sweat roll down his curves and drip from the ends of his greasy hair. Arlo plopped into his groaning gaming chair and pulled his headset on.
"Not even a how are ya?"
"I'm literally in a game, bro!"
He started to remember why they hadn't talked much in the past six years.
Stepping out with a phone call, he questioned what he was even doing there. What could he even do? Clean up after him until he decided to become a man? He dialed his mother but she didn't answer. At the end of the voicemail he left a text that said "Please." dropped in and knew he couldn't leave her hanging. He sighed and hung up the phone.
Andy slipped back into his brother's rotten, rent-free apartment and gently stepped around the landmine field that was the den. Heavy footsteps went into the kitchen, bags crinkled, then Arlo came in with an arm full of family sizes.
"We can hang out now, I guess.”
He dropped onto the disgusting couch with a groan. The greasy pile of take out boxes on the coffee table matched the swollen lard around his middle. He reached for the clicker and put on some annoyingly loud cartoon. The TV fueled his dead eyed stare.
"Arlo," he started, eyeing the blotchy, bloated sphere that was his brother. The words fell away from his lips without a sound.
"Yeah, dude?" His brother said it like the words were foreign, head too full of pretty TV shows too even listen.
"It's great to see you."
"UURRRRRAAP. Yeah..." His voice trailed off, thick with disinterest. His eyes were locked on the screen, only this time he brought chips to his mouth. "Same to you."
With his mind racing, Andy tried to figure out how deep he was and where the hell the shovel was. He rested on the arm of the couch, the most visibly clean surface in sight, and tried to seem as comfortable as possible. Part of him wanted to see the rest of his apartment. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to stomach it. He watched along with the dumb cartoon his brother occasionally chuckled at between dabs and blasting videos on YouTube and Tiktok at max volume. Not a word said for an hour until the eldest brother broke the vocal silence.
"So much for hanging out huh?"
Arlo rolled his eyes. "Bro literally... toxic vibes for real."
Andy sucked his teeth. "Nothing you say actually makes sense, you know that?"
"Honestly bruh, we aren't, like, hanging out." Arlo lifted his leg and let out a bassy fart. Andy was afraid to breathe in the toxicity. With a satisfied look he continued. "You only came 'cause, like, I blocked mom."
"I came because you're my bro and I love you. And care about you."
"Uhuh, 'bro'", he said, air quotes and all. "You lie for a living and you're trash at it? You're such a beta."
"First of all my business is very successful-" he was interrupted by another reeking fart and a giggle.
"Yeah, that was a good one, mother fucker!"
Andy could feel himself losing brain cells. He fiddled in his bag for his airpods but they were dead. Typical. He sank angrily into the armrest and then stiffened just as quickly. God only knew what his hand hit in the cracks of the seat. He steeled himself, trying to muster as little judgment as possible, just like he'd been asked.
Not everyone cleans as rigorously. Not every tidies. He eyed his brother, trying to mask his disgust - not that he'd notice. Not everyone showers regularly. Or at all. His face crinkled at the scent wafting off Arlo. Pungent BO, old food, and stuffed farts. He wasn't sure what smelled worse, him or his festering apartment.
He added more to the list and actually felt his prejudices wavering. Not everyone eats healthy. Not everyone watches educational programs. Not everyone makes something of themselves -- and can be content with it. By the end of his list of "not everyone" he didn't have a single thing left to judge.
Andy knew then that the next few months would be very, very long. His brother had fallen asleep sitting there, one hand in an empty dominos box, the other on his dab torch. There was no clock in the house, his Apple Watch had died in the airport, his phone done then, too, and he felt tired in the darkness. He didn't even realize his eyes were fluttering. Tomorrow he would make a game plan, just like he would for his business. Break down exactly what went wrong, where, and what the comeback would be. It might take some time, but nothing was impossible with enough hard work. Satisfied, he dozed off.
That didn't go as planned. Arlo slept at bizarre times, which gave him time to look through the rest of the house. He thought it might be a good time to clean, but the trash was so dense that it seemed nearly impossible. Arlo didn't even seem to own any trash bags, and even after buying a box, Andy couldn't throw a tenth of the mess in the overfilled dumpster in the parking lot.
His clothes were covered in mysterious trash juices and food. Dirty and exhausted, he tried to shower, but there was no soap, shampoo, conditioner, not even a washcloth. He damned TSA for their liquid rules. This was already the trip from hell and it only compounded with every minute.
Andy found acceptable clothes in the depths of the grungy apartment. They weren't anything he'd choose to wear--a graphic tee with some game he'd never heard of and a pair of sweats obviously too small for Arlo--but they sufficed. He wasn't going to buy real clothes to ruin in this cesspool. He figured he could just go into goodwill later and get some throwaways to tide him over if necessary.
It didn't work like he planned, not unlike everything else he'd planned so far. He'd taken an uber from the airport to Arlo's, with the idea of borrowing his brother's car for the week or even renting one. He came to find there was no car rental place for miles with a vehicle available, and his brothers beaten 90's Civic was long overdue for services and remained unstartable.
It felt like now, or never. Originally he'd planned to work during this whole debacle but he saw that was nigh impossible. He left a quick memo to his remote workers that he was taking an emergency leave and to continue any major projects and manage themselves for a little bit. He knew they were up to the task.
The next few days went that same, Andy bagging up as much trash as humanly possible until he was too weary to continue, and Arlo piling it up just as fast. It was fruitless, much like the kitchen fridge, and Andy felt as though he might genuinely lose his sanity holed up in the trash den.
They went back and forth with each other a hundred times over the weeks over this. Sometimes as friends and sometimes mortal enemies. Sometimes it seemed like his brother was coming around. He could get him to clean up after himself. Then he was cooking meals instead of ordering them, shaving, showering. Normal people stuff. Andy even got him to cut down on dope smoking and gaming. But he could never get anything truly clean or put together or even decent. It was always kind of cluttered, bad, stinky, or some other awful thing that drove Andy nuts.
"I'm going to take you out."
"Like, kill me?"
"Out to a bar or something! Around people your age."
"I'm good with that, chief," Arlo said, shaking his head.
"It's celebratory, and mandatory," Andy waved his hand. "No get out of jail free card."
"And walk there?" "I connected with some of my people and arrange a private transport to a-"
"Fine. But you're picking up the tab."
"I planned on it, turd," he said, the eldest brother snark returning as if they were kids again.
The way Andy saw it, a chick would steer Arlo on the right course, fast. That had worked for a million guys more than once, him included. What he hadn't expected was that most of the single ladies wanted to talk to him instead. He tried to distance himself from his brother and blend in with the crowd, but the bar was small and Arlo could spot the cowboy talking from a mile away. In the end, two drunk Menconi boys with a single plus one. She tangled herself around the chiseled body of the eldest brother, with half an outfit less than what she started with.
Andy woke up still drunk with a dead phone and no other belongings. He could tell it was afternoon from the sun through the blinds, but this was not Arlo's place. A mangled charger in the kitchen brought his phone to life and he escaped with an Uber, careful not to wake his new friend, who was sprawled out on the floor in front of the door.
Arlo had left the front door unlocked. Disgusting slapping and plapping and moaned nonsense echoing through the house when he walked in. Arlo, naked except for VR headset and headphones, tugging on himself and surrounded by take out boxes. He slammed the door shut and covered his mouth, turning away from that grotesque sight and running into the hall.
He couldn't get the picture out of his mind. Rolls wobbling and the squelchy fart noises and whorish groaning... he rubbed his eyes but it didn't help. All he wanted to do was lay on the couch. As far as he knew that was now all contaminated, not like he wanted to be in the house right now anyway. He slithered back into the elevator and made way to his rental car, kicked back the seat and slept his regrets off.
When he awoke again he felt sober enough to tackle that ordeal. Bounding up the steps and opening the door to a quiet house. He looked from side to side. It had never been quiet in here, between TV looping, gamer shouting and fat dude snoring. He listened and at the edge of his hearing he heard crinkling. He looked for the culprit under his feet or among the garbage and found nothing. Then he heard the heavy footsteps of Arlo and a belch that confirmed it.
"Got something for you broski," he said, coming from the back room. "But I gotta test it first."
"What? And look, about earlier-" Andy started but trailed off when he saw Arlo loading a familiar looking bong. He took a hit as if in example and ripped a fart as he stepped closer.
"This might be more your speed dude. Remember this shit?"
"You're joking-" he was interrupted by another reeking fart and bong rip.
"pffprprPRFRBFFTBT--nyeahehehe, smoke it!"
"Okay, you're not joking," he said, mouth watering with nausea but too shocked to move. "How the fuck did you get this?"
"I was nine, I wasn't dumb. I hid this first and then told mom about your stash." "You told them!?"
"Old news bro, just smoke."
"It's not time to smoke! I need to-"
"It's ALWAYS the time to smoke," his pothead brother blew a lungful of pen smoke in his face. "C'mon, like, relax!"
He hadn't done anything like that since college, and he wasn't sure he wanted to start again. He eyed the glass piece like it might blow up in his face.
"Arlo, you know I'm here to set you straight right? To get you off of this... stuff? Make you an adjusted member of society like the rest of the family?"
"Bruh... don't be a loser."
"You have to understand how worried everyone is-"
"C'mon, bro, like," he exhaled more smoke. "You're not even gonna, like, take a big rip? With your bro?" His tone was both inviting and mocking.
"Arlo, you're kidding, you can't just expect me to smoke weed of all things, at this point in my life-"
"Bruh, if you ain't hanging, you're not welcome. I don't G-A-F about an intervention," He let out a drawn out fart that smelled acrid, and took another hit. "Smoke, or go."
"Fine, yeah, okay... bro," Andy said, mom's voice spinning around his mind.
The faster he gained his brother's trust, the faster he could get on the redeye flight back home. Not to mention, Arlo hadn't exactly been welcoming - was this his way of bonding? Was this him letting down his guard? Andy rubbed his eyes and took the bong. "One, and that's it."
Arlo put a cap over the chamber and intense hot smoke entered Andy's lungs, making him cough and gag. He stopped immediately, hacking and spitting and snotting. He choked out some obscenities.
"Let's goo!! Hit that shit man!"
"What the fuck," he said between gasping coughs, spittle flying. "Was that even weed? Fuck is that!?"
"Moonrock, broski....weed and wax rolled in kief."
His head swam in circles. He must have sat there for an hour, infinitely sinking into the disgusting cushion of the disgusting couch. His mind was everywhere else but paying attention to how disgusting it all really was, and he almost understood how his slovenly brother had gotten to this point.
"Jesus H..."
"One more! One more!" His brother handed him the piece again, hot and ready to go. Somehow he felt that Arlo was influencing him, and not the other way around. He figured if he smoked enough he could just go to sleep and try again tomorrow.
So he smoked, coughed, smoked some more, floating through spacetime and drooling on himself while his brother played videos that soothed him. In his brain he was out on an undiscovered frontier and afraid of what he might face. In reality he was potbrained and glued to the couch while Arlo fed him chips and baby talked him.
"Poor dude. You're probably thirsty too, here bro," and let him drink coke, "sorry, bro, forgot you probably got the munchies, sorry I got you couchlocked," and gave him scraps of food. "Damn bro, you look totally boofed right now."
Andy couldn't figure out what that meant. He could see his brother's lips moving and he could hear this noise that really sounded like Arlo, but nothing made sense to him.
"What the fuck, dude?" Is what he wanted to say, but it came out as a groaning moan that his brother just laughed at.
"Aww don't worry dude, this won't last forever. I love being blasted... it doesn't last long enough! BRRAAAAAP. It'll all be over tomorrow."
Through the distortion he could understand that his brother was comforting and caring for him. It was the most emotion he had really shown towards him the whole time he'd be there. Plus, like Arlo said, his head would be attached to his body again by tomorrow.
Andy couldn't stop smiling. That might have been the weed making his head spin around the room. It felt nice either way.
The more Andy warmed up to his brother, the more often days ended like that. In one way or another. They were closer than ever. They no longer fought, but Andy didn't push him as hard either. He felt bad pushing him too much... it always ended up with a fight and more stress, and how could that possibly be helping?
It was also easy to lose track of time. Easier to give in to cravings with junk always available. He forgot about his disciplines slowly but surely, until he was only a more put together facsimile of Arlo. Though that whittled away too, as his slobbish tendencies grew and he picked more things up from his brother.
It was bound to happen.
It was impossible to escape.
Arlo was getting worse, and so was Andy. Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Forever. He'd slipped enough to make a habit of smoking again, but that wasn't the worst vice he indulged in alongside his brother. The mind-numbing channel surfing, the screen-casted tiktok thirst traps, the mountain of artery-clogging fast food they consumed daily... the worst part was the fact that Andy was enjoying it. A lot. He couldn't stop getting high and he couldn't stop stuffing himself. He had never gained weight this fast in his life: every meal stretched his stomach, grew his capacity, and made him greedier for more. He reasoned that as long as he wasn't as big as Arlo, it was okay.
In reality he'd basically polymorphed into his younger brother. His beard grew much faster than Andy's and he hadn't cut it, same with his greasy hair. His midsection was bloated with salt and even when it wasn't it was bigger than it had ever been in his life. His fingernails were dirty with resin. He'd blown up so many sizes he'd graduated into Arlo's old clothes.
"Wanna smoke again, bro?"
They shared the same glassy eyed look at the TV. What was one tolerance shredding dab going to do? He was already in too deep. He took the piece and ripped it like a pro, never taking his eyes off the tiktok thot his brother was obsessed with.
"I've followed her onlyfans, PRRFFTTT, like, since she made it," he said like it was an accomplishment. "She even shouted me out for like, bRRRAP, donating. Talking all sexy and flashing her titties."
"SHE shouted YOU out?"
"Yah, bro, I'm like her highest dono," he giggled at that, smoke oozing from his mouth. "And her highest sperm dono..."
Andy mindlessly rubbed the ice cold can of coke across his sensitive nipple. It was hard to think... and every time he noticed how hard it was to think his mind would drift to how hard he was. His thoughts thickened quicker than he had.
"She... she shouted you out...? For donating money?" He said his words like they were too thick.
"That's her job, dude, to like, get us off."
"Why am I so horny?" He thought, but wondered if he said it aloud.
"Yeah bruh, it's lit," Arlo said, winking.
Andy had never been into the whole scene. Okay, yeah, old playboys and stuff when he was younger, maybe some old school DVDs. When he really became successful he just didn't have time for it. He had real sexual encounters with real women that had real interest in him.
This still felt kind of real. He looked on at the TV, the only thing that made a lot of sense in his clouded head, and felt his shorts tent more.
"Dayummm she thick!" A glint of self recognition; he sounded just like Arlo. Then Ms. Tiktokverse bent over and he was thinking with the other head again.
"Facts bro... Don't worry, I'll leave you two alone. I got her snapchat so I've seen every sfw angle like a million times."
His brother scooted a lotion closer to him and waddled back to his room, farts and moans leaking out of him every other step. Andy could see his grimy tented shorts too, and knew his brother would be busy for an hour or two.
Andy watched the livestream, ignoring the thousands of comments pouring in. Months ago he wouldn't have believed he'd ever sink this low, yet here he was, ogling some girl that didn't even know his name, doing the most sex-adjacent things she could on a PG site.
"Heyyy Arlo, thanks for the donation, sweetheart.This one is for Arlo's brother...Hey, Andy!"
Correction, she did know his name. He eyed the comments that joked about his inceldom, needing his brother to get this girl's attention for him, but quickly went back to ogling. He reached down into his shorts he'd outgrown, but his arm was too fat to fit comfortably. He settled for sliding them down slightly and exposing his growing fatpad.
"Mmm, Andy, I hope you're enjoying every minute of this~"
She winked and smiled, before saying she needed to end the show because there weren't enough donations. With the screen blank, the reality of what he was doing hit him, even with his weed addled brain.
"What the hell am I doing?" He asked aloud, as if God himself might answer. There was no answer though. The only sound he could hear was his pounding heartbeat and the videos his brother blasted at all hours of the night. "Tomorrow... I'll fix this tomorrow."
Tomorrow he could start again, buy a handful of garbage bags, and cleaning supplies, and recruit Arlo into his own rehabilitation. Get his shit together and stop having fun. Since when do businessmen have juvenile fun like this? Never. He needed to get back to Vermont. He would finally be able to get back to work.
Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. His business!
Fuck, how many weeks had passed in this fever dream? He hadn't looked at his work email in ages. After a few failed password attempts, he opened the minimalist mail app, which overflowed with hundreds of emails from clients and coworkers alike. Probing about his return, wondering if he and his family were okay, curious if he'd quietly quit his prolific position. His fat fingers danced on the keys, brain working overtime to try and make an intelligent reply. Nothing came out except a run-on sentence filled with "bro" and "dude". Shit.
He closed the app without sending a single reply.
Tomorrow, he would try again.
Oh no. His heart pounded as he shifted on the couch as fast as he could, which wasn't fast at all.
"FRRRAAAP, nnyah."
He wiggled, wobbled, and rocked side to side, resembling nothing more than a bowl of pudding.
"Shiiit, BRRAAAAAP, URRP, nngh nnnnghhh,"
He couldn't fucking reach. He tried so hard but couldn't fight the weight of his fat long enough to do anything.
He looked at his phone with unfocused eyes and forgot what he was doing, but still trying to satisfy the twitching between his thighs. He let out another nasty burp that made him twitch harder.
He looked over at his brother who was groaning in hedonistic joy. Although he was censoring himself with his excess flab, Andy could still hear the buzzing of the toy underneath. His moobs jiggled in sync with the rocking motion he made and Andy wished that was him instead.
"Alexa, can you, like, BRRAPunghhh, order a vibrator?"
"I have found multiple orders in your previous history-"
"Order it!" He barked, trying to reach once more and finding himself red faced and spent.
Blinking blankly at his phone screen again, he suddenly remembered what he needed. He opened Twitter and scrolled more and more. He felt so brainfried, jaw hanging low and staring at flashing gifs. His eyes were too unfocused to read captions anymore, but he needed more.
"BroooAAAPPPP, we should order Doordash... Like a lottafuckingfoooooodnnnngh!"
It was half request and half orgasm. Andy's neck burned hot with desire and jealousy, then anger as the vibe kept purring.
"Dude, take that thing out, burrp, it's distracting as fuck."
"Dude, I can't fucking BRRAP reach it anymore, nyeheheh."
Andy twitched some more, feeling so close to the edge mentally. He wanted that so bad. Constant pleasure. He was so addicted to chasing dopamine. No more natural happiness like sunlight and exercise. Only artificial substitutes like smoking, gorging, and watching pretty girls do disgusting things on Twitter. What happened to him, and so quickly? He felt a pang of fear in the back of his mind but quieted it down with a big fat cloud.
This was the life he was meant to live.
Maybe Arlo had been right all along.
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callinskiiscalling88 · 3 months
"Prefect-san, is this....really necessary?" Azul queried as he stared at the shimmering blue car parked in the empty bank's parking lot. The streets were empty, so right now was the perfect time.
"Get in the car." They pointed at it.
"Ah yes, right away!"
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Word count:b2,557
Idea by: @r3dr3ality
Warnings: None
Extra: proofread this without sleep and it's been 18 hours at least so no promises
Azul hopped in the car and scowled at the twins' chuckles. Why did he let himself get dragged here by Yuu? Sure, he'd need to learn how to drive eventually, but he planned to hold it off at least a few more years, perhaps after graduation. But no! They were so insistent.
They hopped in the passenger seat and handed over the jingling keys. On the keyring was an angry octopus plushie, which he could heavily relate to right now (though he was more annoyed if anything).
"Insert it in the-"
"I know I know!" He thrusted the key in the hole and turned it until it revved on. The gauges adjusted to their proper points and the radio started playing Ozzy Osbourne's Mr.Crowley. Oh if only Dire Crowley was here! Actually he'd only care if he was liable. So it wouldn't matter. Unless it was his car. Where did Yuu get this from anyways?
"Hey be gentle with it!" They exclaimed. The sea creature turned his head to look at his comrade.
"Where'd you get this from?" He asked.
"Oh I got the keychain from an arcade game, it reminded me of you." They explained and flicked the purple plush. It made a little jangle the prefect was quite fond of.
"Reminds you of me?- No nevermind that. This car. Who's is it?"
"Oh don't worry about that. Come on start driving."
"I will worry it's im- PORTANT!" He yelped as Yuu put it in drive and it started moving...very slowly. A lot less climactic then he expected.
"Chill dude. It's barely moving." They said with an unimpressed look. He glared at them.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" He scolded. "Don't do that!" But he wasn't taken seriously, in fact Yuu was moving their hand and lip syncing. "Hey! I'm not playing!"
They stopped and pointed at the road in front of them.
"Yeah yeah whatever. You're going to take this until the stop sign. Then turn around." They directed their finger past some trees. Great, he couldn't even see it.
"Alright." He replied with a sigh. Being a fish out of water was hard, now he has to be a fish in a car? Ridiculous!
He got in his zone and was actually doing it. He was doing it! Driving a car!
"You can go faster than the snails you know." They stated sarcastically. Ashengrotto looked down at the speedometer and it didn't even pass the average broomstick speeds. And those averages were short.
"I am going my preferred speed, thank you very much! Driver makes the rules!" He announced. "And shut this foul tune off!"
He looked away from the road to shut the radio off. It made a little click.
"AZUL!" They screamed. In a panic he slammed on the breaks. The sudden force rocked them in their seats.
"What?!" He exclaimed. Yuu could see his chest moving up and down and his face didn't hide how terrified he was. They started laughing, which only irritated the driver.
"Hahahaha! Oh my 7 your reaction is priceless! Dude I was kidding around!"
But the latter didn't find it funny. He murmured some gibberish Yuu didn't understand and continued driving. He tried his best to calm his heart rate, but the poor guy was still horrified. They noticed him tensed up as close to the wheel as possible, which definitely wasn't comfortable. He attempted to anxiously tap the wheel, but when he caught himself he stopped and tightened his grip. They sighed.
"Thank you."
"Sitting like that won't help you. You need to be comfortable. Move back. And loosen your grip or you'll hurt your hands." They crossed their arms but pointed to his palms as they directed. Azul tried to take their advice and loosen up. He changed his position but he couldn't help his intense hold of the wheel.
"Good. That's a start. Now keep your eyes on the road, you're doing great."
"When's the stop sign?" He seemed to be starting to settle down.
"Just up here. You'll have to make a U-turn."
The car instantly stopped. Scratch that.
"A U-turn!?"
"Don't worry. It sounds a lot harder then it actually is. Plus you'll have a lot of room."
"Oh 7..."
The car ride was probably the slowest in their life. They knew he couldn't help it, but they almost fell asleep for Pete's sake.
They looked out their window and saw a shaggy man with a sign doing a dance. The sign read, "I am Pete! :D" with a stick figure drawing. Yeah not that Pete's sake. That one's obviously too far gone.
They were approaching the stop sign and they could see Azul mentally prepare himself. His eyes narrowed and- oh it was a lot more room than he thought.
"See, I told you." They reassured.
"I wasn't nervous."
"Whatever you want to tell yourself Octoboy."
"Don't call me that."
Finally the ride was over! Azul made it back to the starting point successfully, where the twins were waiting. Floyd looked bored out of his mind, but he had to wait a little longer for his turn. Right now it was...
Jade's! He got in right when his octopus companion got out. Yuu took it as him being a lot less patient than he put on.
"Okay so I kind of forgot to explain this to Az-" They pointed but were cut off.
"This is the speed gauge and this one tells me how much gas we have. I believe that's all I'll have to worry about."
"Yep. Dang you actually knew it."
"I studied up on it one time for a deal. " Yuu was about to speak but got cut off again. "No, I cannot elaborate. "
"Alright. Anyways good luck."
"Thank you, Prefect-san." He said as he put the radio on and turned it to the calm classical track. He got the car out of park and started driving. He even buckled and kept his steady pace.
Seems like he didn't need it, he did swimmingly! (Pun intended) They approached the roundabout quickly and he already started adjusting the car for the turn.
"You're going to make a turn around right here. Yep just like that." They stated as he turned. They didn't realize how good of a driver Jade oddly was. That's cool, fish can drive!
Their monologued congrats was interrupted with a sudden stop. Yuu put their hand on the glove box compartment and shot their head in his direction.
"What's wrong!?" They queried. The Leech unbuckled and left the car.
"One moment, Prefect-san. " It was almost like he was in a trance. He walked to a group of trees and kneeled down. Yuu couldn't see what he was looking at. They assumed he wouldn't be long and waited for him. However one minute soon became 5 which became 30 and they grew impatient. They hopped out the car to check out what was so interested.
"Yo Jade, we need to get back."
Of course...Mushrooms. The mushrooms were bright red. Wouldn't the vibrant hues mean they're poisonous? He didn't seem to care. He pulled them out the ground and scooped them into a large plastic bag he brought with him. Did he know these would be here? Or did he always carry the band around with him? They couldn't see his face but they imagined him practically beaming with a smile so wide it'd be long enough (if it physically could) to pull something out of a trench if it had fallen off a cliff. He didn't notice Yuu until he rose and turned around.
"Oh my apologies, I didn't mean to take that long. I couldn't miss up the chance of these Amanita muscaria." He apologized as he held the bag up proudly.
"Yeah... Okay come on." They started walking back to the car. They could care less about the mushrooms.
"You know these are considered Psilocybin mushrooms, or in other words they're like magic mushrooms. They affect the mind in-"
They blocked the rest out. He made it back to the car and finished the turn. But the way back was full of mushroom facts.
They finally made it back. They couldn't tell which ride felt longer, Azul's with his slow driving or Jade's with his boring rant. Oh well now it was
Floyd's turn. Yuu didn't feel like making the pitstop so they had the others ride in the back seat. Of course once they had to get on main roads they'd have to stop to switch drivers but they didn't think about it when they made the others get in.
"I did better than Azul." Jade remarked as the two buckled. Azul complained about it but the ones in the front seat ignored it.
"Which one is the gas?" He asked. Oh 7... This was going to be something.
"That one." They pointed.
He was an unpredictable one, so they didn't know how this would go. He could stop half way and make Yuu finish the drive, he could crash into a tree, or he could-
Zoom off with a trail of dust. They made it past the stop sign in an instant, but of course didn't bother to stop.
"WOOO!! NOW THIS IS MY KIND OF RIDE!!" Yuu exclaimed and put their hands in the air. Although the octopus in the back had a different opinion on the matter.
"Slow down Floyd!'" Azul demanded as he instinctively clung to Jade for dear life. "You're going to make us cra-AASH!"
A small bump made him yelp, which made Jade chuckle. Ashengrotto realized what he was doing and let go of the eel. Floyd didn't listen to his orders, and continued cruising. The scenery all blurred together, so they failed to notice the car on the side of the road with two officers inside.
"Hey Pete, what you got there?" The cop behind the wheel asked his comrade, who was a shaggy guy with a sign. He handed the sign to his friend. "Oh a sign. With your name on it. Is this why you disappeared? To make this?"
He responded with a thumbs up and hopped in the car. He slammed the door shut and grabbed one of the donuts from their cafe box. The two ate their donuts in peace until s blue car bolted past them.
"That's not the speed limit. Get the lights on."
Pete flicked a switch and the sirens turned on, along with blinding top lights. Then they were in pursuit.
Despite Floyd's illegal speeds he did great. He hit all the turns and- well nothing else. He didn't stop at any sign, who knew if they physically could stop in time at this speed. Azul was absolutely horrified in the back, and Jade was enjoying the nice breeze.
"Ugh change this horrible station." The driver said and switched the song to a heavy metal one. "There, much better."
The (for mostly everyone) peaceful ride was turned sour then he looked out the back windows.
"Kufufu, it seems like we have company."
Yuu and Azul turned their heads and gasped. Then screamed in unison.
Azul shouted fish curses but no one seemed surprised by it. Yuu didn't even understand it and the twins probably heard it all before. Floyd stayed focused on the road.
"Lame. How can I shake em?" He questioned.
"By stopping?!"
"Make a right then a left then a couple rights then a left. Should confuse them."
Floyd listened to the latter and made a sharp right. Azul slammed into the door with a loud thump, and Jade couldn't help but topple over him.
"FLOYD!" Ashengrotto shouted. He didn't even care about the tall fellow on him, he was more focused on the crime he was in the middle of. Jade watched merrily.
Floyd followed his instructions, which seemed to have chased off the cops. Yuu changed the station back to the classical hits for Azul's sake, even if it wouldn't do much.
"Okay you lost them now we have to return back to Night Raven." Yuu explained.
"Yes, but which way is that?" Jade queried as he rose off of the octopus. Said octopus dusted himself off, like it'd rid him of the diseases he was just given. Once he looked up he hollered.
Yuu turned their head.
"CLIFF!!" Screamed Floyd but he was much happier about it. He tried stopping but at this rate they would still fall. Jade quickly noticed their predicament and unbuckled Azul. This was it, they'd plummet to their deaths and their bodies would never be found. They'd be splatted all over and be undefinable. They'd die listening to dramatic classical opera.
Everything seemed to slow down. Like time specifically wanted this moment to last.
"Guys, I love you. All of you" Yuu needed to get something out before their demise.
"Love you too, Koebi-chan." Floyd was chill about it, like he just accepted his fate.
"I love you all so much!" Azul was sobbing.
"I appreciate the sentiments and you all are dear to me but I have more mushrooms to gather before I die. So, goodbye." Jade announced as he opened the door and pushed the octopus out. He followed suit.
"OH THANK THE 7S I'M NOT BUCKLED!" Yuu shouted as they pushed the door open and hopped out.
"Oh." The ex-driver said dully and copied the prefect. Just in time too.
The shimmering blue car flew off the cliff. It stayed in the air for what felt like a comedic suspense while, then plummeted. The 4 walked over to the edge, and watched it fall down the trench. It landed with a loud crash and combusted.
"We don't-." Azul sniffled. "Tell anyone about this."
"Deal." Everyone said in unison. It's a shame Azul didn't write it on a contract, he had everyone so willing! Jokes aside, everyone was thankfully safe and they could start their long journey back home. The group turned around and began walking in silence. It was the prefect who broke it.
"Well Crud, Crewel-Sensei just lost his car."
"The car was his!?""
*Insert ending sfx here*
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Final Thoughts
Sooo...I wrote this at like 2am and it's 530 now
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This is the post I got the idea from. Diasomnia is next on my agenda if I get another random burst of motivation. It'll probably be another latey! 👍
Anyways have a wonderhoytastic day!!
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st311ar · 11 months
Protective Redson x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
CW: Creepers (of the human verity)
summary?: Redson is getting car-parts while you stop for food at a grocery store.
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Of course, out of any night, it was Friday Redson was shopping for replacement car parts, and you were stuck grocery shopping late at night without him. You didn’t blame him, of course. The poor guy had a stained windshield that stunk like chicken broth every time it got over 80° outside. Not to mention he had to melt two full car windshields to fit his “blood fire”, as he named his prized car.
but none the less, you couldn’t not help him. Yes he was a bit of a brat here and there, but when he gets all sappy when you two were alone, it makes up for his “asshole-ness”. You can’t blame him though. Sometimes some things just get on your nerves and well…they get on his much harder.
Just as you headed into the drinks section though, you noticed a quite drunk looking individual spot you. Must be from one of the clubs down south… you think to yourself. The person dosen’t seem too drunk, but just enough you can tell they had a bit too much. You grab you Sunny’s fruit punch Gatorade and make your way out of the isle…but then the individual follows you. You think nothing of it at first, since they were drunk and all, they could just be aimlessly wondering, and coincidentally followed you…
just in case, your body sends shivers down your spine, making you jitter a bit as you went to get Redson’s spicy Doritos that he really wanted.
The person proceeded to follow you again.
okay, now was the time to get nervous. You picked out Sunny’s chips, and set them In the basket, pulling out your phone to text him.
“love somebody is following me”
is all you could type before you felt a hand on your shoulder, and the sickening smell of alcohol enter your lungs. You almost gagged at how strong it was.
“Scuse me, but you seem lost~” the following individual spoke In a husky tone. Oh this was not good. Now despite years of being told how to deal with such an encounter like this one, your fear has you frozen, and basically unable to do anything the second they aproached you. “Well, I’m not, thank you…” you managed to say. The drunken individual scoffed, giving a small laugh, “You sure about that sweet-cheeks?”
you internally cringed so hard it would’ve been physical In a normal setting. You figured you could try to walk away, since that was the easiest option here. But as you tried, they grabbed your shoulder again, more forcefully. “Ah-Ah-ah, where do you think you’re going sweetheart~?”
this was it. You had had it with this stupid drunk dude, and you debated punching them, right when the intercom kicked on.
sounds of fighting and arguing we’re heard, before your favorite voice kicked on over the com,
“If somebody could PLEASE get that ugly peasant off of MY girlfriend?” Redson sounded esteemdly annoyed, right as the intercom turned off, and you instantly heard running stomps from the other side of the store.
The person stopped to glare at you, and just as their fist was riled up, “YOU.” Oh sunny was fuming. You could feel the heat of his fire from over here, and that wasn’t a thing that could happen every day.
“Get your hands off of them before I come over there and burn them off for you.” He growled. The individual promptly did as followed, and stumbled over as Redson shoved them aside into the racks. He cupped your face In his hands, checking for injury “oh- Love! Love- did they hurt you?!” Well that was one hell of a mood swing. “no…” you murmured, a bit embarrassed by Sunny’s pampering.
“Come on, love. We can get groceries later…” Redson gave one last death stare to your attacker, and gently linked your arm with his.
Slowly, you both made your way to the parking garage that his truck was In. He helped you In, and shut his door behind him, letting out a dramatic sigh. “I’m so sorry love…i shouldn’t have just left you there when you could be hurt…” Redson looked oddly guilty. But then again, around you, he did soften up a bit.
“Love- no…It’s fine- it happens…” You try to reassure him, but oddly enough, her looks like he’s about to cry.
“Love if my phone wasn’t charged you’d be left alone with that- that creep!” He appeared to be trying his damndest not to cry, but it just wasn’t working, so instead, you wrapped your arms around him.
“it’s okay…love, my phone was charged…i could’ve easily called the police…” this information seemed to let sunny relax a bit, but he didn’t finish crying until about a whole five minutes later. He pulled up with a sniffle, and sighed. “Right…” he murmured. He looked out his stained windsheild, and sighed. “Well…let’s get home…aaaand I can make you some s’mores…how’s about that?” He turned to you with a slightly exited smile.
You smiled back, and turned to him, giving him a small kiss. “That sounds wonderful.”
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