#but like hot take? if ppl being shitty in tts is so common maybe u shouldnt have tts
clamsjams · 1 year
i got back in mcyt about a year ago, and although that was through empires, i mainly got introduced to the new minecraft streaming ecosystem (or at least new to me, there were probs streamers back in 2012 when i was first into minecraft but for me youtube was the main thing) through joe hills streams. and joe is awesome, but now that i’ve gotten a bit more into some other streamers through qsmp, i’ve seen that the way joe does things is very much not the norm. but i feel like it should be. i think starting with joe set my expectations and standards pretty high, and then going from that to other streamers was kinda a bit of a letdown. like obviously everyone’s an individual and no one’s artistic process is going to be exactly the same but also i see posts floating around about discourse and i always think to myself like “oh this is why i rlly like the way joe does stuff bc of this thing etc ect.” and obviously it’s not the streamers fault that ppl are shitty but i do also feel that like it can be indicative of the community that a creator builds and what they choose to tolerate vs what they choose to deal with and how they deal with them, there are ways to encourage a better kinder community that i feel big creators just don’t do. of course joes not perfect and he’s only human and it is different bc of the difference in audience sizes, but i feel like these creators are just completely absolved of all responsibility when it comes to community culture and that’s not great. so going from joe, who is very open about his rules and the way he expects ppl to conduct themselves in his chat and his measures that he takes to deal with that stuff, to creators who are almost entirely removed from those processes, was pretty jarring
idk if this makes sense it got away from me a bit but i may make more posts about this another time
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