#but like damn they really went we’re gonna make you wait until the very end
danrifics · 9 months
them letting the captain be outwardly gay at the last possible second of BBC Ghosts is so iconic i’ll be real
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lonelystarrs · 9 months
𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚, 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕’𝒔 𝑴𝒚 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆?
Satoru Gojo x FemReader
He just couldn’t leave his pretty wife alone, as long as he hears his nickname.
This is part of my Him & I story on ao3 linked here. But can be read as stand alone, hence posting here :) see end for story details if interested.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI + Public sex + FemOral receiving + praise + HusbandGojo! +
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You had no idea how he managed to work his way into the changing rooms and the question was so far at the back of your mind when his tongue circled your clit. The low moan he gave out was enough to make you clench, his ridiculously long fingers pushing in to the hilt spreading you open so his tongue give your clit the attention it wanted.
“S-Satoru you gotta -oh fuck, hah-“ your nails threaded through his ridiculously soft white hair, gripping it into your fingers and tugging at a weak attempt to get him to stop “-mmm, you need to stop, we can’t-“
“Satoru? Babyyyy, c’mon that’s no way to talk to your amazing husband,” he slurred against your cunt peering up at you over his glasses, blue eyes shining like the slick on his chin “-what’s my name, hmm?”
He was rough with his tongue, his timing damn perfect as he slid his fingers out, back in and scissoring them not letting you respond, your head rolled back against the wall behind you, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip but it didn’t stop the whine behind them. Your hips rolling against him, ignoring the shadows of people dancing under the gap at the bottom of the changing room door. Their chit chat voices dulling out into distant noise.
“Sorry, what was that?” He taunted, humming against you in some faked obliviousness that he wasn’t causing your frustration “-you really want me to stop huh?”
You whined when he pulled back, giving you a fake pout with a little tantrum like sigh, lifting his thumb to rub a circle around your clit gaze focused on how his digits spread you open, seeing how your cunt glistened with slick and spit, watching you clench around him as your cunt pulsed.
“Such a shame, taste so good, m’wife’s pussy is perfect, could eat you up everyday y’know? But guess we’re gonna have to wait until we get home.”
He went to stand instead he groaned as your hands moved to either side of his head, fingers roughly tugging his hair keeping him down. He looked up at you, trying so hard not to smirk but his endless blue eyes were sparkling with victory.
“What’s up wifey ?”
“Toru-“ you warned, glassy eyes trying so very hard to give him some half assed glare, ignoring your stroppy tone he beamed a grin at the use of his nickname.
“Well done, baby-“ he dipped his head, licking a stripe along your pussy, dipping his tongue into your fluttering hole before the tip pressed into your clit. His fingers dancing at your drooling hole easing his long fingers back in again. You gasped, hands gripping his hair harder and his hips rolled in reaction to try aid his own relief cock throbbing in his jeans, moaning into you.
He shifts his position to hike you higher up the wall on his shoulders with you still sat on the changing room bench but your knees moving closer to your chest, remaining on his knees but successfully spreading you open.
“ Shit , that’s it, that sweet little clit just got harder, y’gonna feel it all now sweetheart.”
His lips moved against you as he spoke, his voice with a slight moany whine to it hinting gratitude.
When he wraps his lips around your clit and sucks, you know it’s game over, Satoru too because he smiled into you, lips still wrapped around your clit and tongue flicking away with the pace and pattern he knew you needed. Your eyes rolled back, strained and stuttered sigh leaving you as you tried to keep the noise down to prevent being caught.
His wrist aching as he uses his entire arm to finger fuck you, those stupidly long fingers curling against your walls until he hit that spot that drew a noise from you he’d never heard, glancing up you looked down at him and he swore he could cum alone from just that.
Fuck, you were so pretty for him like this, making noises he’d never heard, seeing you practically going crossed eyed and drooling from how sloppy yet accurately he could eat you out. His dick was so painfully hard in his jeans, he could feel pre was leaking from his slit, hips moving as he ate you using the little friction the tightness against his jeans gave him. He was edging himself, teasing himself by doing it and he was living for it, slobbering his tongue against you like you were keeping him alive.
A moany ‘fuck’ left him, slurring into your pussy whilst inhaling air.
Your cheeks pink, eyes glassy and your mouth agape looking almost worried about what was coming.
“Ah, there it is huh? You gonna give in to me, cum on my tongue like a good wife?”
You nodded at him, a silent beg of please, please, formed on your lips as you tried to keep quiet.
“Words sweetheart,” he slowed his tongue against you, the panicked look on your face as the build up tingled across your skin, borderline on the edge but ever so slightly starting to fade.
“T-Toru please, I wanna cum- please ,”
“Then do it, cum for me, let me taste it, do it f’me,”
One hand left his hair to brace against the changing room wall behind you, back arching off it leaning into his mouth more as his tongue picked up that pace you needed, the pace he knew he so well to make you cum.
“M’cumming, Toru -“
And it was explosive, your vision went white as your breath hitched, hips rolling slowly against his tongue as he slowed to a pace that helped you ride it out, to feel everything so he didn’t overstim you. The way he moaned against you was only making you clench harder on his fingers, those digits that were squelching as you came around them.
“Atta girl,” he coos against you, “-that’s it, look how hard you’re cumming for someone who said stop.“
Your breathing was heavy as you came back from the stars, looking down at your husband as he pulled his fingers from you, placing a kiss on your stomach before standing. His hand lifted, his fore and index finger spreading as he watched your cum coat them, linking together as it glistened under the lights, just like his lips and chin.
His tongue reached out to clean his lower lip before his fingers joined.
You were wobbly as you stood, pulling your skirt down and trying to tidy your shirt. His hand gripped your chin, tilting you up to meet his eyes that were looking at you like you hung the stars and the moon.
“I used to beat myself up thinkin’ I’d never get you, y’know that? ‘Cause fuck-“ his other hand reached down to grip his hard dick through his jeans, an airy moan leaving him “-the shit you make me feel drives me insane. M’still gonna be humpin’ you at 70 years old like a rabbit.”
You laughed at him and his goofy little remark, always having to add some humour and deflection when he tried to show his genuine side. He beamed a goofy grin, blue eyes sparkling watching you laugh at him, knowing he’d made you see stars and after was the reason for your laughter.
His other hand rose to cup your face completely, leaning down to brush his lips across yours, letting you get a taste of yourself on him.
You leaned into him, one hand palming his solid dick through his jeans, an airy moan left him as he rolled his hips against you.
“This is still gonna work at seventy years old?”
“Duh, I’m gonna have the hottest old lady around with her zimmer frame and granny pants added bonus of her tiddies tucked into’em.”
“She does sound hot, who could resist tits to the knees? Maybe you could wrap them around you like a scarf for winter.”
Satoru cackled at you, his nose wrinkled a little at the image of it.
“With that pussy and those thighs, I’ll wear you as a scarf any day until these-“ he reached forward, palming your boobs in his hand, “-get to your knees!”
The knock on your changing room door made you freeze, the amusement and loving feeling all but draining from your face the reminder in reality of where you both were came crashing down, Satoru however lit up like damn Christmas over it.
He could just teleport you both out of there, or even just himself, but with how he was looking at you, you knew his intentions were anything but those logical, face saving options.
“Excuse me miss, are you okay in there? You’ve been in for quite some time.”
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©pharix/lonelystarrs 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
This is part of my Him & I story on Ao3.
Not every girl is a damsel in distress, unfortunately for two women jumpers you were their last stop. A cheating husband, a widowed bodyguard and a malevolent fling of the past who owes a favour isn’t a combination for the faint of heart.
Gojo Satoru X Reader x Toji Fushiguro
Past Reader x Sukuna
Final: ??? x Reader
You can read it here: clickie clickie
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thelovelyruin · 8 months
𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖊 𝖙𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗.
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : you heard choso was an eater, and you wanna find out if it’s true.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, HORNY, let's be honest, porn with very little plot, oral sex, praise, teasing, fingering.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 2.7K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from tongue twister by cash cash.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! probably the horniest shit i’ve ever written. i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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I want your tongue twister; got me beggin' for your head spinner!
Now, when you heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that Choso was an eater, you took it with a grain of salt. You hadn’t seen him talk to anyone since about a year ago, but that was when he broke up with his ex (who you’d assume was the one who started the rumor); she cheated or something like that; you didn’t give a damn because you had a boyfriend at the time. But that was a year ago. And Choso looked fine now. He’d had a bit of glow-up since then, doing a new hairstyle since he let his hair grow out, some tattoos, and working out a bit. He also became a little more social, still keeping to himself but a little more outgoing at parties and whatnot. You’d never really had a conversation with him, only ever seeing him on campus, both of you wrapped up in conversations to really notice each other. That was until right now.
I want it, I want it; let's get loud!
They’d all been doing a strikeout competition, which pretty much consisted of taking a hit of a blunt, doing a shot, chugging a beer, and then, finally, exhaling. Most guys throw up or can’t even make it past the shot, but Choso had won three times now, which everyone was pretty damn excited about. You’d think he’d be hammered now, but technically, it had only been three shots, so no biggie, but they were tequila shots. He was a little tipsy, laughing as Yuuji raised his hand in celebration, the other guys getting hyped and banging on their chests, walking up to give him dap. Once the main event pretty much ended, you went to walk away until:
“Wait, wait, wait, you guys gotta see him do this thing!”
“Nah, Yuuji, I don’t think I can right now.”
“Nonsense, we got you; somebody get the damn cherries out the fridge.”
Now what the fuck were they gonna do with that? They brought them up to Choso, sitting them on the counter as everyone watched him pull one out the case.
“Fuck it.”
Choso put it in his mouth; what, he was gonna take a shot with a cherry in his mouth? That’s pretty basic compared to what he was just doing. Except he hadn’t taken a shot after. And did he eat the whole damn thing? What about the-
Choso stuck out his tongue, the stem of the cherry tied into a heart. Everyone went batshit, completely impressed by the trick. His friends, yet again, hyped him up. He looked around at everyone smiling, that was, until he made eye contact with you. And what did you look like? Flustered as fuck. When he pulled it onto his tongue, you felt something in the pit of your stomach, which shot straight on down. It was pretty fuckin’ hot. But why were you so excited? Because it proved, he really was an eater.
‘Cause I can't fight the feeling of your tongue twister, I want it!
You’d walked away after that; he’d gotten a rise out of you for sure, and you had to go cool down. You’d found Nobara and Mai by the pool, drinking some punch and smiling at you as you walked up to them.
“Told you!”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t think he was gonna do that!”
“It’s a party trick, ya know. Yuuji on his shoulder, it was bound to happen.”
“You say that like you’ve seen it before!”
“‘Cause we have. He’s just not my type.”
Nobara shook her head in agreement, leaving you surprised. 
“Now, go get some punch and loosen up; we’re about to play beer pong soon.”
So fine girl, I must be dreamin'...
With that, you walked back to the kitchen, grabbed a cup of punch, and headed back to-
You almost jumped out of your damn skin. You knew it was him, you’d recognize his voice from earlier, but when you turned around, you hadn’t expected to see him like this. His eyes were half-lidded, bloodshot from being high probably, and flushed a bit from the alcohol. He leaned against the counter, eyes looking up at you.
“Um, hey.”
Now, Choso wasn’t a homewrecker. He thought you were pretty damn cute, but he knew you had a boyfriend, so he backed off. That was until tonight when he caught eyes with you and asked Yuuji about you, who told him you’d broken up with your ex a year ago, but Yuuji wasn’t always a reliable source. So, Choso was feeling a little hot, in a horny way; you possibly being single put a fire under his ass. So now, he was talking to you.
“Saw you earlier; why didn’t you play?”
“Oh, not really my type of game?”
“No? Why’s that?”
“I’m not a big tequila drinker. Um, my friends are waiting, so I should probably get going.”
You felt so hot; you had to go back to Mai and Nobara. There was no way you could keep doing this, especially when he looked like that, like some sort of animal that wanted to eat you alive. But then again, after tonight, that wasn’t so bad. You shot him a little wave and walked off; now you just had to find out where-
“Wait a second.”
He’d grabbed your arm now, not enough to hurt you, but enough to shift your attention back to him with a look that said you weren’t going anywhere. So, you didn’t.
“Um, what’s up?”
“You know, I gotta tell you somethin’.”
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“I think you’re real pretty. Usually, yeah, but tonight, your curves look pretty damn good in that dress.”
You wanted to respond; truly, you did, but you completely froze when he looked you dead in your eyes. You were about to die; your panties were probably fucking soaked from all this interaction with him. You were fuckin’ melting when he brought his hand behind your waist, bringing you closer to him. Choso brought his lips up to your ear, licking the skin there. He didn’t really give a fuck if you had a boyfriend at this point.
I’m comin' in, and you got me talkin'…
“Can I eat your pussy?” 
“Can you do wha-”
”You heard me, princess.” 
“Um, I uh-” 
“Meet me, upstairs bathroom, five minutes.”
With that, he let you go, walking off somewhere in the party. You were nearly panting. The fuck did he just ask you? You found Mai and Nobara at the ping pong tables, unable to speak.
“Oh, there you are. You okay?”
“Yeah, I just- um, I gotta go, uh, use the bathroom! But, I have to, um, just don’t check on me, I’ll be fine.”
“Uh, okay, girl. Call us if you need us.”
“Yeah, no problem!”
You walked away from them, still in shock from what was about to happen. He’d said 5 minutes, right? You could use the other 3 to get in there and cool off; try to act normal about this. You scurried up the stairs, controlling your breathing as you opened the bathroom door.
 It's about time; let my lips start walkin'!
“Here early, huh?”
Choso pulled you into the bathroom, making sure no one was looking and locking it behind him. He turned to look at you, walking up and kissing you softly. You felt like someone was putting you on ice, calming down a bit, but mostly because you didn’t want him to feel you shaking in anticipation. He was so laid back, pulling away to look at you.
“Why ya so nervous?”
“Is that even a question? You told me a couple minutes ago you wanted to eat me out, and now, we’re here for you to do that.”
He chuckled and brought his hands under your ass, lifting you to sit on the counter. He massaged your hips as he looked into your eyes, kissing you again, bringing his hand up to the back of your neck to deepen it. You couldn't help but bring your hands up to his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hand found its way to the arch in your back. Your fingers ran through his hair, and you swore you heard him groan a little into the kiss. He pulled away from you, half-lidded eyes looking at you up and down.
“Got a question for ya.”
“What’s that?”
“You got a boyfriend?”
“No, but it’s a little too late for that, huh?”
“Nah, I’d have you in here either way.”
Now you wanna make my head drop…
You blushed at his confidence as he brought his lips back to you, this time on your collarbones, sucking lightly as his hand rested on your thigh. When he got to the top of your dress, he came up and gave you a quick kiss, letting your straps down and hooking his fingers in the front of it to pull it down; your tits falling out. He brought his hand up to massage them, his mouth next to your ear again.
“Nice tits, princess.”
You felt your body perk up at his comment, making him chuckle as he brought his mouth down, taking a nipple in his mouth. That tongue of his was just getting started, sucking in and kissing your nipples as you moaned into his touch.  He’d been smiling at your positive reaction, bringing a hand down your body, feeling your pussy through your thong. He came up to your mouth and kissed you, smiling as his hand kept massaging your panty-clad pussy.
“This wet for me? I’m honored.”
God, you wished he’d shut the fuck up. Not because you didn’t like what he was saying, but because it was a little too physically effective. Choso was a little excited now, high on, well, high in general, but also on how worked up you’d gotten for him. Hooking his fingers in your thong, he pulled it down your legs, kissing the skin that led to the way back up. He had your body like putty in his hands, grabbing your ass and bringing you closer to the edge of the counter so he could get a good look at you. With two fingers, he spread your lips, precum soaking his fingers as he smiled at your reaction to him finally touching you.
Getcha in ya sweet spot…
“So fuckin’ pretty…”
Choso brought your legs over his shoulder, kissing your inner thighs as you squirmed, dying for him to touch you how you wanted. He chuckled at your reaction, then got to work. He brought his lips down to your pussy, letting his tongue split your folds like he was knocking on the damn door. That is until he opened the door for himself, sticking his tongue inside of you, dipping deep to make sure he could really taste you. You’d been moaning out, trying to keep as quiet as possible to ensure you didn’t alert anyone that the bathroom was extremely occupied.
Meanwhile, he was shamelessly groaning, exploring you like a hidden treasure. It was really when he moved his tongue to your clit that you were groaning his name, fingers in his hair as he lapped you up. He started slow, but then anticipation got the best of him, licking you up like his life depended on it. He felt too fuckin’ good, your pussy basically screaming at the satisfaction. 
He’d opened your legs with his hands at this point; you were so stimulated you couldn’t keep them closed. Then, there was that fuckin’ eye contact. He shot darts at you, watching your every move, closing your eyes, throwing your head back; he wanted to see it all. You’d arch your back every time he licked your clit up and down and pulled your body forward every time he circled it. Like a fuckin’ movie, and he was the director. You knew you couldn’t take it much longer; that fire inside of you was burning up, getting hotter by the second. At this point, you were grinding your pussy against his face, feeling him smile as you begged him to make you cum.
“I’m close…”
Choso kept going, this time a little slower, teasing you to hold out a little longer. He wasn’t quite done having fun. He’d decided he wanted to feel your pussy on his fingers before you came, pumping them in and out of you real slow but curling them up to hit that spot inside of you. With a final look at you, he picked up the pace with his tongue again, bringing his fingers out so his hands could keep your legs still. You were goin’ crazy, gripping the sink, his hair, anything, trying to brace yourself for what was about to come. And then, you came. You threw your head back as your body tensed up, hand steady in his hair. He brought his hand up to cover your mouth before you could get loud, feeling you screaming his name into his hand. 
Choso stood up now, wiping his face off and kissing you on your neck. He held you as you came down, head falling on his shoulder from how hard you came. He found your dress on the floor, putting it on you as you came to. You were spent. You had to hold your arms over his shoulders as he slid it up your body, kissing you when he brought it all the way up, and lastly, bringing his mouth to your ear.
“Such a good girl for me.”
Gonna make your body go crazy!
I want it; I want it one more time…
When you woke up the next day, it felt like almost nothing had happened until you saw the hickeys on your neck and legs. And you in Choso’s T-shirt. And his sheets. You immediately called Mai and Nobara to see what the hell happ-
“Oh, you’re up!”
Choso walked into the room, freshly showered, briefs hanging low on his waist that were quite thin, despite the very, um, thing they were meant to cover up.
“What happened last night? I know we-wait, did we?!”
“No, not all. After I ate you out, you damn near passed out, so I brought you back here to my place and gotcha all cleaned up, ya know, shower and took your makeup off. Then I put a shirt on you and laid you in my bed, so I took the couch. Didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything.”
“Oh, um, thank you?”
“No problem, princess.”
He walked over to his dresser to get some clothes out, hanging his towel over the back of his chair. You know you probably shouldn’t, but you had to know; the thought was itching you.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I just wanted to talk to you about your, um, reputation.”
“Oh, you talkin’ bout the rumors and stuff?”
“Yeah, those.”
Choso came over and sat with you on the bed, rubbing your thigh as he spoke.
“Yeah, I’ve heard ‘em. What people don’t know is that it originally came from Yuuji. The first time I did that cherry thing, he joked and said I looked like an eater, you know, like someone who, anyways, then it pretty much caught on. A lot of girls walk up to me these days, asking about its truthfulness and if they can test it out, but I’m not a very promiscuous guy. My last girl was last year, and that ended pretty toxic.”
I can't find the words to sing it: tongue twister! I want it, I want it!
“So, uh, why did you eat me out?”
“Well, I told you last night. I think you’re cute. I’ve seen you around for a while, but you're always in conversations with someone, I’m not one to interrupt. When I got a little fucked up last night, my dick pretty much told me to make a move, so here we are. I totally get if you’re not like looking for anything more than-”
“It’s not like that at all, um. It’s just surprising to hear you say all that.”
“So, what you’re saying is you do want that?”
“Um, I uh, yeah…”
He brought his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. When he pulled back from you, he gave you a smile as he blushed, but that ended pretty quickly when he brought his mouth to your ear.
“So, wanna go again?”
I wanna get you in a tongue twister, tied up in a tongue twister!
♱ the song used in this story is tongue twister by cash cash. 🖤
(this work is very different than my others! I encourage you to read speed. or fruit.)
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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Pairing : Lee Felix x SoftDom!F!Reader TW : suggestive ; mainly fluffy though ; 1 use of the word "cock" Word Count : 1.9k Request : Anon : Hi! I was wondering if I can request something fluffy and suggestive for Felix where you visit his dorms while he’s playing video games and (you being the soft dom) end up straddling him and distracting him from his gaming and you guys end up making out with each other until a member walks in 🥵 thank u!!
The phone rang and rang until it went to voicemail while you sat at the bus stop. This was the fourth time you had tried to call him to let him know you were on your way, and it’s not that he didn’t know you were coming, you just liked to let him know before you showed up so that he knew to open the door for you. “Hey, Lixie! I’m at the bus stop now… I’ll probably be there in like… 20 minutes maybe? I can’t wait to see you, I miss you!” 
He had just finished another comeback, and the entire time he had been preparing for it you could barely see him. It’s not that it was a particularly bad thing, it seemed like after a couple months of not being able to see each other as often as you’d like to it was like… The relationship was brand new again and you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. 
The bus ride over to the dorms was pleasant, their newest songs playing in your headphones as the smile that you had been wearing since you woke up that morning only grew wider the closer you got to the building, closer to him. Your legs were bouncing with your excitement, and once the bus squealed to a stop, you practically raced to the doors to be the first one out. 
Three quick knocks at the door and it was opened for you, your immediate reaction was to wrap your arms around the person in front of you, and that’s exactly what you did, squeezing him tight as you let out a little squeak of excitement. “I’m excited to see you too, Y/N, but I don’t think Felix would be very fond of you hugging up on me like this.” The voice definitely wasn’t Felixs, and when you quickly stepped back, you now understood why the person you were hugging was much more awkward than he should have been. 
“Ah… Sorry, Jeongin.” You whispered, embarrassment taking over almost completely as you shuffled awkwardly in the doorframe. “Is he not here?” You asked, looking around the wide room and noticing that Felix wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Had he forgotten that you were coming over? 
“He’s in his room right now, I think he just got out of the shower.” Jeongin answered awkwardly, trying not to make direct eye contact, knowing damn well what went on inside of Felixs room when the two of you were together. “Chan said to be ready for dinner by 8 though, we’re going over to his dorms.” Jeongin called after you as you already started walking down the hall to Felixs room. 
You gave him a quick thumbs up to let him know that you heard him before slipping into the bedroom. The lights were dim and the only bright light was coming from the computer screen, completely illuminating Felix who was absorbed in whatever game he was playing. You thought that maybe he’d notice you coming in, but clearly he had tunnel vision at the moment and the only thing he was focused on was the game. 
“Felix…” You whispered his name, leaning against the door and staring at him, but of course, you realized that his headphones were not only on, but turned up so loud that you could hear the people he was playing with from across the room. “Really?” You groaned, trying to fight back the irritation that you felt. He knew that you were coming over but he still decided to get deeply invested in his computer. You tried to excuse it, he had been so busy that he probably hadn’t had much time to play… You just wished that he hadn’t chosen today to do it. 
“I told you to go around the back! Shit!” Felix shouted into the headset, his head falling back against the chair before shooting forward to focus once more on the screen. “We’re gonna fuckin’ lose! I swear to god I’m carrying this whole team!” His fists slammed against the desk as he let out a loud groan and that’s when you decided it was time to intervene. You walked over to the desk, leaning over it and resting your chin against your knuckles as you stared at the screen. “Oh! Hey angel…” He said, although the greeting was nowhere near as enthusiastic as it usually would be. “No! Not you! Fuckin’ losers! Shut up!” You rolled your eyes, moving to the back of his gaming chair and running your hands over his chest, hoping that maybe your touch would excite him enough to get him off the game. “I’m almost done, babe… Let me just finish this game…” He murmured, taking a second to grab your hand and kiss it during the load screen before letting it fall back against his chest once the game had started up. “I do have a girlfriend! No! I’m not making shit up just to leave the game! Shut the fuck up!” 
You huffed loudly, but even that didn’t seem to get his attention, so you walked away, dropping down on the bed and falling bad, pulling your phone out of your bag to text him. You could hear his phone vibrating against his desk, but he didn’t even pick it up. Was this what he had been doing the entire time? Is that why he didn’t answer your calls? It was time to take desperate measures, and it’s not that you were desperate… You just missed him and you wanted to kiss him and love him and be loved by him. 
“Ha! Get fucked!” He shouted when he hit a particular shot that put his team in the lead. You wished he had gotten that excited when he saw you. Quick steps carried you over to him once more, and this time, you weren’t going to beat around the bush about what you wanted. You pulled his chair back just enough, and strangely enough, not even that got his attention. He really was hyper focused on the damn game. “What do you mean I’m cheating?! Get good dumbass! Oh… What’s up, angel?” Now you got his attention as you climbed onto his lap, your legs straddling his waist as you draped your arms over his shoulders. 
“Just missed you…” You hummed as you nuzzled into his neck, placing kisses along the exposed skin. You were glad that you had worn a skirt today, it was really coming in handy now as you pressed yourself down against him and you could hear his breath hitch in his throat as you felt his cock twitch in his sweatpants. 
“I… I missed you too… Just finishing up this game…” He stammered, and you could feel his body heating up as his hips seemed to instinctively buck up against you. “Yes! I’m talking to my real girlfriend! In real life! My real life girlfriend that I have!” He was still so fixated, it was time to up the ante. You rolled your hips against him, and you could feel just how hard he was already, the friction causing you to gasp softly against his neck. Muttered curses rolled over his tongue as he leaned back a little in his chair, his hands momentarily moving away from the mouse and keyboard to grab your hips, adjusting you just enough so that you both would feel each other better. “Right there, baby…” He whispered, and you could have sworn his eyes rolled back for a second when you pressed down on him again. 
You took it upon yourself to move back one of his headphones, kissing up his neck before stopping just beneath his ear. “Want you so bad, Lixie…” You whimpered, and you felt his body shudder beneath you before his hips bucked up once more, causing your head to fall forward, your moan stifled against his shoulder. You were enjoying this, and while it was extremely hot to listen to him try to hold back his own whimpers and moans so the people in the game wouldn’t hear him, you were becoming impatient. 
Once again, you began trailing kisses up along his neck, but this time, you weren’t going to stop, and he wasn’t going to stop you either. Your lips moved along his jaw until they were pressed against his, your hips rolling faster against him now and he seemed almost grateful for the kiss, moaning into your mouth as his hips continued to push up against you. “Baby… The game…” He murmured, although he wasn’t stopping either, his lips moving against yours so desperately you’d think it was the first time he had kissed you. “Don’t care…” You muttered, your hands moving to tangle in his hair to deepen the kiss. “Hold up… One second…” He gasped as he pulled back, adjusting the mic and you could hear the quick clicking of the mouse. “Gotta go! Girlfriend needs me! Yes! Real girlfriend! Fuck off!” With a couple more clicks and then the removal of the headset, his hands were now on you, running up and down your hips and along your thighs as he smiled sheepishly up at you, his freckled cheeks blushed a light pink. Where were we?” 
You didn’t even respond, crashing your lips against his once more, and now his hand was fisting your hair as he groaned deeply, the sound vibrating in his chest, his other hand moving down to slip under your skirt, kneading your ass and landing light smacks against it that had you whimpering out curses and begging for more. 
“Fuck, I missed you so much, angel…” He whispered breathlessly when he pulled back, his eyes lidded as he looked you over, his tongue dragging across his bottom lip. “Do you wanna go to the bed or… Ah… Fuck it… I need you now…” His hand pressed against your back, pushing you down to him once more, his tongue slipping into your mouth and wrestling with your own as his hands moved down to hike your skirt up before slipping his thumbs into the waistband of your panties and yanking them down. 
“Oh shit my eyes!” The screech was heard from the doorway without any kind of knock to warn you. “Chan said it’s time for dinner! Nasty! I’m never sitting in your chair ever again! Why do you even have a bed!? Disgusting!” Jeongin shouted, and Felix was fast, faster than you thought he’d be in this kind of situation, grabbing one of his hoodies from off the floor and draping it over you before gently lowering your head so you could hide in the crook of his neck. 
“Get out!” The scream rang out in your ears and Felix quickly murmured an apology as his hand pet over your hair. The sound of the door being slammed shut had you slowly lifting your head, your lips squeezed tightly shut as you tried not to laugh. “Can we just go to your place? I’ll order us something?” He pleaded, and from outside the room you could hear Jeongin ranting about what he had just seen. 
“Hmm… Nope.” You chimed, pressing a kiss to his cheek before getting up and adjusting your skirt, the stain of precum on his sweatpants extremely noticeable against the gray fabric. “If you would have ended the game faster we would have already been done. You played yourself, now let’s go eat.” 
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
movies I think every demigod loves
Focusing on CHB for now but we’ll get to the Romans eventually
These nerds all know the whole entire soundtrack for every single one with the choreo and everything
Massive viewing parties in the winter in random cabins that definitely can’t hold everybody and the amphitheater in the summer with a projector
Hecate campers have enchanted a fuck ton of those old plastic popcorn containers with the same magic as the dishes in the pavilion— every kind of popcorn, the perfect amount of butter, kettle corn, for some reason a blue one that apparently tastes like cotton candy (or so Percy says; no one else has dared to try it)
Sharing endless amounts of blankets and pillows
Everyone usually passes out towards the end of the night, resulting in the hugest bed nest known to man full of shreepy demigods
Literally every streaming service ever plus premium Hephaestus channels
Anyways onto the movies
We’re starting with Mamma Mia
Because let’s be honest— a big pretty Greek island with a ton of hot people and fabulous music?? Yeah they’re into it
Who doesn’t love Abba?
Everyone gets into groups of three just to sing it with each other, including
Percy as Tall, Annabeth as Tough, and Grover as Tiny
Jason as Tall, Piper as Tough, and Leo as Tiny
Connor and Will even convinced Nico to be the Tiny to their Tough and Tall once
Anyways everybody screaming the lyrics and dancing around, swinging each other in chaotic circles until they collapse laughing
By FAR the loudest they ever get is Dancing Queen— Chiron says it’s something to rival their battle cry and Dionysus pretends to be annoyed by it, but he’s always caught humming it to himself the next morning
”Well what do you suggest we do with three men?” “Well now that takes me back.” WHEN I TELL YOU EVERYBODY SCREAMS
Couples singing Honey Honey and Lay All Your Love On Me suuuper dramatically at each other
They’ve turned it into a challenge: how long can you two go, mercilessly flirting and teasing, before either of you break and end up making out? (The answer is not very long)
Splitting into two groups (mainly girls v boys but really it doesn’t matter) to scream Voulez-Vous at each other
It’s a competition
After the end of the movie, everyone goes and jumps into the lake in their clothes— this massive, shouting, laughing mass of magical teenagers booking it across camp just to go flying off the docks into the water
Moving on to another movie
You c a n n o t tell me they wouldn’t love Disney’s Hercules
I mean they hate it, obviously, but like. A Disney movie about them. What!!
Especially the littles
The littles looove this fucking movie you don’t even understand
They sit eagerly waiting to see the garbage caricatures of their parents onscreen, collapsing on each other in giggles when they do
The older kids still get a kick out of it, but Connor sulks in Malcolm’s lap anytime his dad is on, hiding his face in his chest and refusing to look
(“Mal, he looks so dumb.”
”You’re so dramatic—“
They make Chiron sing One Last Hope every damn time
Funny thing is, the projector they have now is not the first one. There was one before, which mysteriously went up in purple flames the first time Mr. D watched with them… coincidentally at the exact moment Disney Dionysus popped up on screen in all his drunken fuscia glory
Poor Nico di Angelo wants to say no to watching it every time, but his favorite of Will’s little siblings, Lilac, begs him to because it’s her favorite Disney movie
So there he is next to Will, Lilac watching eagerly from his lap, Nico bonking his head on Will’s shoulder every time the TERRIBLE interpretation of his dad is on
Will laughs at him
Nico pouts and says he’s mean and threatens to shadow travel Lilac to the nearest candy store and get her whatever she wants just to hand her back to him for the night with a raging sugar rush
When the 7 dress up as the Avengers for Halloween one year, it’s added to the rotation.
Percy was Black Widow
Leo was Spider-Man
Jason was Captain America
Piper was Iron Man
Annabeth was Thor
Hazel was Black Panther
Frank was the Hulk
Nobody was prepared for the level of hotness that they brought to the table, but the Marvel fanatics were definitely prepared to start watching the movies
Eventually it devolves into a big war over who the best character is
The smash or pass is getting out of hand guys
lmk if you think of any more I’d love to write them
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withlovewriting · 2 years
You’re On Your Own, Kid
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Summary: You and Steve were best friends, until one hot Indiana summer, that didn’t seem enough.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Non-descriptive F!Reader.
Words: 3,556
Warnings: Angst. A kind of happy ending but not in the way you’ll want. Very brief implied mentions of sexual situations. Not so much Toxic!Steve, but he’s defo on that King!Steve shit. I am absolutely ignoring the entire story line of Strangers things, as am I ignoring the timeline of college applications etc. The story just fits better this way so i am uprooting everything anyone knows about american university. My bad. No use of y/n.
I also have really bad writers block, so I’m hoping this will help me pull through it.
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Summer went away, Still the yearning stays, I play it cool with the best of them, I wait patiently, He's gonna notice me, It's okay, we're the best of friends
This years heatwave felt like no other. Indiana Summers were always hot, but this year it felt unbearable. Wiping the back of your hand across your forehead, trying in vain to stop the beads of sweat from dripping down your face you knocked loudly on the double, red doors.
"Alright, alright. Keep your hair on."
As soon as the door opened, you pushed yourself past your friend, making a beeline for the kitchen, grabbing a large glass of water and gulping at it.
"You were only out there for a couple of minutes." He smirked, watching you from the door frame that he leaned against.
Rolling your eyes, you placed the now empty glass into the sink and sent him a sarcastic grin, "So glad to know you can count, Harrington. Are the others here?"
Before he could reply, you heard Carol's loud screech, causing your head to jolt around and peer out of the window just in time to see Tommy throw Carol into the Harrington's pool.
Making your way outside, you placed your tote by a deckchair that hadn't already been claimed, laying out your towel and pulling off your loose fitted t-shirt and shuffling out of your shorts.
A loud wolf whistle came from Tommy, resulting in you sending him a finger as Carol's swift elbow to his ribs shut him up.
Relaxing back onto the deckchair, you could finally enjoy the sun's burning rays.
"Got you a beer."
A eye opened, watching as your best friend placed the opened can down by your deckchair, another in his own grip as he sat on the chair next to yours, "You know it's really not safe to lay out in the sun like that. Bet you haven't even got lotion on."
Sending a glare, your retort was quickly cut off when he pulled his own shirt over his head, revealing his lean torso, the tuft of hair on his chest thicker than you'd imagined.
Considering you'd known the boy since you were both in diapers, you could attest: Puberty had hit Steve Harrington hard.
His time as captain of the swim team and his previous summer of being a life-guard down at the community pool had done wonders, helping him grow into his gangling limbs. His position on the basketball team didn't hurt, either.
"You good?" His voice pulled you out of your own head, for once thankful of the absurd Indiana heat as you watched a single bead of sweat trail down his stomach, disappearing when it hit the band on his swim trunks.
Shaking your head a little, you sent him a tight-lipped smile before taking your beer, downing a few large mouthfuls to try and cool yourself down, "Totally. Just, hot, you know?"
"You know, I've heard a really, really good way to cool down in the hot weather."
His devilish smirk sent chills down your spine as he stood, moving closer to you. Your own playful smile tugged at your lips, knowing damn well what he was planning, "Don't even think about it, Harrington. I will kill you-"
His large hands heaved you into his arms bridal style as he made a sudden run for the pool, leaving you to tighten your grip around his neck, your own screeching that resembled Carol's from earlier falling from your mouth as your friends hollered and cheered Steve on as he leapt into the pool.
When you emerged, his arm now around your waist, you shoved at his chest a few times, spluttering as the chlorine filled water dripped from your nose, "Harrington!"
One of his hands left your side, helping to wipe the water from your face and out of your eyes before pushing his own hair back from his forehead. Between the humid weather and the pool activities, he had no point of styling it today anyway.
As he held you in his arms, you realized for the first time, you were crushing hard on your best friend.
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I hear it in your voice, You're smoking with your boys, I touch my phone as if it's your face, I didn't choose this town, I dream of getting out, There's just one who could make me stay, All my days.
As the hot temperatures fell with the browned leaves of the trees, something had changed between yourself and Steve.
Twisting the phone cord, you could barely keep the gentle upturn of your lips as bay, "You really didn't have to call tonight, Steve. I know you're busy, really. I don't mind."
"I just missed your voice," he sighed softly down the phone, his altered state of mind made his lips a little loose.
"Are you high right now, Harrington?"
"Only a little," he sighed.
A few moments of silence passed between you both, his deep sighs showing that he was close to falling asleep. Deciding that maybe his his good mood might soften the blow of your news, you swallowed hard before softly saying his name,
"I, uh… I got an acceptance letter this morning."
"Awesome, Indianapolis?" You could almost see the grin that would stretch at his face, eyes full of pride, all to be shattered in your next sentence.
"UCLA," you whispered, almost hoping he didn't hear you, but your news seemed to sober him up.
After a few seconds of shuffling, you heard him much clearer, "Wait, what? I know you mentioned it but… I didn't think you were serious."
"Well, I didn't think I had a shot. But the letter came this morning and so long as I get my predicted grades, I'm in."
"Are you gonna accept?"
You remained silent for a moment, swallowing the lump that had crawled its way up your throat, "Would you be mad if I did?"
A small scoff fell from the boy's chest, but his words remained steady, "Mad? No way. Sad, though? I mean… You're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Please, Harrington. We all know you'd do just fine without me."
"You know what? Give me 10 minutes, I'm coming over."
"Steve, you've been smoking and-"
"I'm fine, trust me. I didn't smoke that much, I can still drive."
True to his word, just under 15 minutes later, Steve Harrington came barreling through your open window as he sneaker caught on the frame.
"Holy shit, be quiet, my parents are asleep."
"I just, I needed to see you. You can't just drop a bomb like that over the phone."
You took a seat at the end of your bed, fiddling with your hands as they sat in your lap, "I applied to a few places. I'm still waiting for the letters back… California isn't set in stone."
Steve was pacing in front of you, hands threading through his hair as he tried to get his thoughts in order, "I know, I just… I thought the plan was to stay close to home. Close to me."
Grabbing the sleeve of his sweater as he passed you, you gently dragged him toward you. Taking a seat next to you, he finally seemed to settle a little.
"You know that me leaving Hawkins doesn't equate to me leaving you, right? You're always gonna be my best friend. No amount of miles will change that."
Steve placed his hand over yours, still cold from the autumn air, "That's not true, and you know it. You'll go off to sunny California, and some hot guy from your class will teach you how to surf, and you'll join a sorority and… Once you're gone, you'll never look back. I'll just be some guy from your hometown who's name you don't remember."
"Steve," you whispered softly, as if he were some cornered animal ready to bolt at any moment, "you know that's not true. I could never forget you."
The boy watched you for a moment in the low-light of your room, his eyes growing softer with each moment that passed. You knew that Steve – no matter how much he'd reject your opinion – had abandonment issues that stemmed from his childhood.
His father, a chronic cheater, would constantly be off on business trips, his shoes barely hitting the welcome mat before he was packing another weekend bag.
His wife, eventually found out about one of his out-of-town trysts, and Steve thought that would be the end of it. He expected a blow out fight, his mother to send her father packing, but it just never happened. Instead, his mother – despite being a respect woman of affluence around town – feigned ignorance and continued her role as housewife with only one exception. She now joined his father on every business trip.
Whilst it did mean his father couldn't continue his rendezvous as easily, it had a domino effect on the way he treated his son.
From a childhood of broken promises of camping and fishing weekends, to a back hand whenever Steve might dare toe the line of respect, Mr Harrington always seemed displeased. With his life, his wife, his son… You couldn't tell.
And still, his mother just sat by, putting the blame on her child, telling him not to provoke his father.
If Steve was honest, he thinks he preferred it when they weren't in town. At least that way he could be left to his own devices without someone scoffing at him over a newspaper during breakfast.
"Steve," you cupped his face, his downcast eyes glancing over your own, "I'd never leave you behind."
Before you could take another breath, the boys lips were pressed against your own, hard and demanding as though he was scared you'd vanish into thin air.
You'd be waiting for something like this, ever since the summer. Your friendship had changed along with the seasons, and you felt there was no going back now. You'd both crossed a line that couldn't be redrawn.
And as Steve's body pressed you down onto your mattress, his lips caressing your neck, small, soothing pecks after sharp nips, you realized that maybe you didn't have to leave. Maybe you had everything you'd ever need, right here in Hawkins.
Pulling his face into your hands and making him look at you, you whispered, "Ask me to stay. Ask me to stay, and I will."
His lips crashed back into yours, the passion exploding like fireworks on the fourth of July, the intensity of your words acting as an igniter.
And although he never muttered those words, you knew after that night, leaving just wouldn't be an option anymore.
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From Sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I waited ages to see you there, I search the party of better bodies, Just to learn that you never cared
The Christmas lights hung around the Harrington household were Mrs. Harrington's parting gift before she left for a Christmas cruise with her husband, not planning on being back until after New Years.
You watched as they twinkled, the soft glow of reds, greens, yellows and blues illuminating the living room in a warm haze, just like the alcohol that swam through your veins did.
Neither of you had brought up the evening you'd spent together a few months ago, but it seemed you had settled into a softer relationship. You would hang out after school as usual, trying to force him to at least attempt his homework before giving up and munching on popcorn as you lazed around watching whatever film he'd picked up from Family Video that evening.
The conversation of your future didn't always come up, but even the slightest mention of California seemed to send Steve into a frenzy, barely giving you time to pull off your underwear before he was gently easing into you.
Soft words and even softer touches would remain for hours after, he'd keep you tight in his arms, but never allow himself to fall asleep. By the time you'd awaken the next morning, his side of the bed would be cold.
But your father knew of Steve's reputation around town as a ladies man – as did most of the parents in Hawkins – so you couldn't blame him for making a quick exit.
Taking another sip from the red solo cup you'd been refilling almost as quickly as you'd been draining it, you peered around the party, hoping to spot the host.
Steve was always busy at his own parties. Between the swim team and the basketball team, he remained on a tight loop of schmoozing, just like his mother had taught him. You'd lost sight of him about an hour ago, and as the minutes ticked down before you'd have to leave for curfew, you decided your best option was to just go find him and tell him the good news.
The acceptance letter from Indianapolis burned in your back pocket, and although you wanted to keep the secret until Christmas day, you knew the words would fall out of your mouth the moment you saw him.
You were going to accept Indianapolis. You were going to turn down UCLA. You were going to stay here, with him.
You'd no longer have to send small, knowing glances followed by fleeting smiles across the lunch table, and once you'd moved, he could come with you. You weren't overly optimistic about sharing an apartment with three other girls, anyway.
He'd no longer have to sneak out before he'd be noticed, and you could continue your nightly activities long into the morning if you so wished. You could finally be together, away from the gossip and reputations of the town.
Placing your cup on the small end table, you began to push your way through the room, the crowds of bodies dispersing just enough for you to squeeze by as they continued dancing the night away.
Tommy and Carol were off in the corner sucking face, and you'd seen a few of the basketball team grinding against the cheerleaders in the living room, and decided to head out toward the pool, where Steve would most likely be upside down, cementing his crown as Hawkins High's very own Keg King. A title you couldn't help roll you eyes at.
Sure, he had set a pretty impressive record, but Steve Harrington was not a boy who could handle his drink, which granted, most teenagers couldn't, either.
Thankfully, nobody was stupid enough to go for a winter's night swim, despite the heated pool, but it did mean that there were a lot more people hovering around outside, blocking your view.
"Hey, you seen Harrington anywhere?" you asked one of the cheerleaders from your Math class. She simply shrugged before returning to the drinking game she was playing.
With only two options left, and 10 minutes on the clock before you definitely had to leave, you decided to head up to Steve's bedroom, where he was most likely already face-down on his mattress, snoring the night away.
Few people hovered on the large staircase, chatting over the music as you pushed by. Taking a left at the long hallway, you knocked softly on the door, as if that would prepare you for what you were about to witness.
Steve was, in fact, face-down on his bed. Unfortunately, however, another body happened to be under him.
Sure, they were seemingly both clothed, the only item of clothing that had been removed was his yellow sweater that was crumpled up in a pile at the end of the bed, but the site still caused your heart to plummet.
"God, can't a man have some privacy in his own- oh. Shit, sorry."
Steve looked between you and the flushed girl, as if he genuinely didn't know what to do. A deer caught in headlights, or a fly caught in the spider's web.
The girl grumbled your name, an annoyed scoff falling from her plump lips, "God, get out!"
Despite all of the oxygen leaving your lungs, you quickly hurried back down the hallway, taking the steps two at a time.
You could hear Steve's calls from behind you as he tripped over his own feet, trying to tug on his sweater and ignore the staring eyes of the students he passed by. He didn't managed to catch up with you until you were half-way down the drive.
Panting, Steve grabbed your arm, forcing you to turn toward him. Letting your palm fly, you struck him against the cheek, guilt still somehow crawling up your spine when the red mark bloomed on his skin almost imminently.
You both remained silent for a moment, your chest heaving as you tried fruitlessly to catch your breath. Taking advantage of his few seconds of shock, you turned once more, marching away from the boy, the acceptance letter burning a hole in your back pocket.
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You're on your own, kid, Yeah, you can face this
Packing up the last of your bags, you released a deep sigh before heaving them down the stairs of your family home. Sure, it wasn't necessarily a permanent move, but something about leaving felt so… final.
Of course, you would be back during the holidays whenever you could, but you weren't made of money, and it was a long car ride for just for a few days of home comforts.
Your father placed your last suitcase into the trunk, slamming it shut before wiggling the handle. The last thing you needed was to lose most of your packed clothes on the I-70.
You felt like you had been preparing for this day longer than you realized. A bittersweet feeling, dipping your toes into adulthood, even if you did still have the security of falling back on your parents if you needed to. But after everything that had happened, everything you had lost, you refused to allow college to be one of them. Especially when you'd already almost lost it once.
The screeching of tires caused you all to halt your actions, a loud huff from your father when Steve Harrington almost fell from his maroon BMW, tripping over his white sneakers to get to you.
His hair was a mess -- something that was unbelievably unlike Steve -- and his eyes were shining with what could only be guilt.
He had tried to speak to you after his Christmas party, but you'd managed to escape any interaction with him so far. You hadn't outright told your parents what had gone on between the two of you -- you weren't looking to get the boy killed, and yourself grounded for life -- but it was evident something had transpired between you both, causing the rift.
"Can I speak with you?" his eyes darted toward the direction of your parents, suddenly seeming a little meeker "Alone?"
Despite the delay his sudden arrival would have on your travel time, you agreed, waiting until your family made their way back inside.
"What do you want, Harrington?"
"I just... I needed to come see you, before you left. Carol told me about UCLA and I... It just didn't feel right to let you go without seeing you first."
Rolling your eyes, you opened the driver's side, throwing your back onto the passenger seat, "Well, don't worry, Steve. Now your conscience is cleared. Have a nice life."
His hand caught the car door before you could settle yourself into the seat, blocking you from entering the car, "Please, I didn't mean that. I just... You told me, that night. You told me that if I asked you to stay, that you would."
It felt like such a long time ago, yet his weak and wobbly voice still tugged at your heartstrings. you knew what he was getting at before he'd even began to say it. Steve Harrington knew that with one word, he could change the whole trajectory of your life.
"Stay, please. Stay here with me."
And if this had been Summer, or Fall you. Then you would've. In a heartbeat, without hesitation. It was hard to think about what your life could be. A small, one bedroom flat with Steve, the new friends you'd make at the University of Indianapolis would fawn over your love story. Boy meets girl. Girl falls in love with boy on hot summer. Boy asks girl to stay. And she does.
Except this time, she didn't.
Steve watched from his car as your own vehicle pulled off the drive, bags all packed, goodbyes said, and promise of calling as soon as you arrived at your first stop in your cross-country road trip.
You took a moment as you passed him, sending him a small wave, the ghost of a peaceful smile tugging at your lips when his downcast eyes met yours, hand raising to return to wave regardless.
Winding down the window as you made your way throughout the small town of Hawkins, passing by the 'Thank you for visiting Hawkins, Indiana. Drive safe' you released a deep breath that you were certain you'd been holding in all of your life.
Hawkins wasn't the end of your story, and Steve Harrington wasn't the be-all and end-all.
California was only the beginning.
You're on your own, kid, You always have been
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Cloud City, Chapter Thirteen - a Malevolent AU
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Parker touches his cheek. “Few more days. I’ll make them good.”
“Good?” says Arthur, very tiny. “I just want to hurt John.”
“You will.” Parker’s tone is vicious. “But you don’t have to hurt, too. Come on. I’ll treat you like a king until it’s time—and when it is time, it won’t fucking hurt. You have my word.”
It’s a lie. Arthur knows it’s a lie. He sniffles. “Okay."
TW: major character death
AO3 || Masterpost
Arthur waits, sitting against the wall by the window, head back. He isn’t sure how Parker found which building he was in, but he’s not hugely surprised when Parker arrives.
The door creaks. Parker stands in the opening, taking in this room; the mirror, the table. Taking in the fact that Arthur has used his tie to knot his left hand to the leg of the table.
“What the fuck is this?” says Parker.
“Where Asenath told me to go. Hi.”
Parker’s approach is slow and cautious. Of course it is; this screams trap. “So what did Asenath tell you when she let you go?”
“She said the ritual we’re trying to stop is yours.”
“Did she.” Parker hasn’t even crossed half the room.
“Yeah. Got me real worked up over it, too.”
“Obviously. You went pretty nuts at the end there.”
“Oh, no, that came after. I went nuts because that’s when I found out what John did.”
“Ahhhh,” Parker breathes. “That makes sense. No wonder you lost it.”
“I couldn’t—” Arthur’s voice breaks, and he takes a moment to look away.
His left hand suddenly tries to get loose. It yanks, jerking against the table, but that's old wood, and heavy, and it makes no progress.
“Quit it!” Arthur snarls. “You’re getting what’s fucking coming to you!”
“Wow,” says Parker. “Wow.” He straightens. “What the hell happened to you?”
“You know what,” says Arthur, gasping.
Parker crouches in front of him. Reaches up; thumbs his tears away. “This really messed you up, huh?”
“My daughter,” Arthur whimpers.
Parker’s shoulders lose tension. “All right. So what’s your actual plan here?”
“The one I told him? Luring you in. The actual one? Trapping his ass. I meant it, Parker. I’m dying either way. I can feel it.”
“Shit,” says Parker, looking him up and down.
“I don’t… I don’t care anymore,” says Arthur. “But I won’t let him have me after everything.”
“Funny,” says Parker.
“What's funny?” says Arthur.
Parker tilts his head. “After all that, he didn’t tell you who did kill your daughter?”
Arthur stares.
Arthur! Don’t listen to this!
“No,” says Arthur slowly. “He did not.”
“Figures,” says Parker with a shrug. “If you mean it, then… just come with me. I’ll make it better.” He reaches into his jacket and takes out a strange piece of twine; even in Arthur’s failing vision, it glows a sickly green. “This’ll stop him from acting. You sure about this?”
“I’m sure.”
No! No! Arthur, you idiot! That’s real! I can’t fight that! Arthur! Ar-
Parker ties it around his left wrist, tight; it’s scratchy.
And Hastur goes silent, voice cut off.
Arthur exhales, head down. Very softly, he starts to cry.
“You sure you want to do this?” says Parker.
“I’m dying anyway. You think I don’t know? It’s over for me. Maybe I just…”
“It won’t hurt,” lies Parker, who’s always been good at lying, and takes out his pocket knife to cut Arthur’s tie from the table. “Got a few more things to prepare before it’s ready, but… if it helps, you’re not damning the world.”
Arthur laughs weakly. “That room was pretty awful.”
“Yeah, that was on me,” says  Parker. “This close to His ascension, it’s gonna be messy. But listen: that’s because He wasn’t here to clean it up.”
Arthur’s untied. He’s free. He could move any way he wants. He doesn’t move. “Clean it up?”
“Arthur… you think I’d serve some weird rot-god? That’s what they fed you, and you think I’d do that? Me?”
“Yeah, it didn't add up,” says Arthur. “But I don’t understand.”
Parker lifts him. “Come on. To your feet. He’s going to fix it, Arthur. That’s what He’s going to do.”
Arthur knows his eyes are wide. He doesn’t have to try to fake anything. “How? I won’t see it. Tell me. How?”
“No, you won’t see it.” Parker looks regretful. “I’d hoped it wasn’t you. I really did. Thought I could keep you.”
“Keep me? What, like a budgie?”
Parker snorts. “Come on, pal, you’d at least be equivalent to keeping a rat.”
Arthur’s laugh is unplanned. He wipes his eyes. “Sure. So tell the rat what he’ll be missing.”
Parker looks intense. “Freedom. From all of this. The gods, Contracts, all that shit. He’s going to bring the Dreamlands to us—fuck, you don’t know what that is.”
“Sort of? Asenath tried to explain, but she went way over my head.”
“I can believe that,” says Parker dismissively. “Think you can walk?”
“Almost. Her stupid mirror hurt a lot more to use than I expected.”
Parker touches his ruined earlobe, and Arthur winces. “That’s ugly.”
“Feels ugly,” says Arthur. “Hurts.”
Parker leans in slowly and—as though this weren’t creepy in the slightest—licks Arthur’s torn earlobe.
Arthur inhales.
“Thought you’d like that,” says Parker. “Yeah. He’s fixing it. No more gloom in the sky. No more fear from the Wastes or the water. It’s gonna be rough for a few years. You have to destroy the bad before you can build the good, you know? Like tearing down an old building.”
“So that’s what I saw in that room,” says Arthur.
“Yeah. That’s what that was—but He’s not here, so He couldn’t fix it.”
Arthur exhales, head down.
Parker touches his cheek. “Few more days. I’ll make them good.”
“Good?” says Arthur, very tiny. “I just want to hurt John.”
“You will.” Parker’s tone is vicious. “But you don’t have to hurt, too. Come on. I’ll treat you like a king until it’s time—and when it is time, it won’t fucking hurt. You have my word.”
It’s a lie. Arthur knows it’s a lie. He sniffles. “Okay.”
“Come on, Arthur,” says Parker, as tender as he ever has, and holds out his arms.
“Thank you,” Arthur whispers, and leans into him, breathing into his neck, returning his embrace.
Parker gasps.
Arthur’s shoulders shake. He straightens, crying, and steps back, wobbling badly.
Parker stares down at the dagger in his stomach.
They’re both still, other than Arthur’s quiet sniffles. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“That…” Parker steps back unsteadily, as though about to fall over. “It’s so sharp, I didn’t even feel it go in. Feeling it now, though.” He looks up. His eyes are wide; it’s the first time Arthur has ever seen fear in them, in five years. “Why?”
“You know, I almost didn’t?” says Arthur. “I meant what I said. He betrayed me. I’m furious at him. And I want to believe what you said.”
“I didn’t lie!” says Parker.
“I know. You told what you believe. But you know what did it? Do you?” Arthur wipes his face on his sleeve. “You know who killed her, don’t you? The way you asked that. You know, too. And you kept it from me just as much as he did.”
Parker sways. Dark blood—too dark—spills down his front, staining him, pouring on the floor like a bottle of overturned oil. “Yeah,” he says, and now he sounds angry. “Of course I fucking know.” And he falls to his knees, splattering his weird blood.
“So you both fucking betrayed me,” says Arthur. “And so this is what I chose.”
“You don’t know what—” Parker coughs, and a bubble of blood pops from his mouth, staining his face, dripping everywhere. “You don’t know what you’ve done. It all has to keep going now! All of it! We’re fucking slaves, puppets for their entertainment!”
“That’s the thing, isn’t it?” says Arthur. “Both of you told me you needed me to save the world.” His lips are tight. “Maybe I don’t think a world where a little girl gets murdered and the murderer is let go so her fucking dad can be manipulated is a world worth saving.”
Parker stares. His mouth works. And he laughs.
It’s wet, unsteady, and he’s already swaying. Dark veins like some horrible fungus have poked out from beneath his collar, climbing his face, sliding from beneath his sleeves to cover his hands.
Arthur’s breath quickens.
Parker goes down on all fours, breathing wetly, dripping so much blood. “Figures,” he says, and looks up. “I’d pick the one son of a bitch so stupid that he doesn’t even know he…” Parker falls over. He thuds onto the floor and lies completely still. His exhale is his last; the black veins continue to grow, distending his skin, and their rope-twisting sound is the only thing that remains.
Arthur tries to step toward the door and can’t. He overbalances, flails to avoid touching Parker, and falls back onto his ass, gasping.
He’s sobbing. He can feel his heart stuttering. The Contract, he supposes, is probably safe, given what Hastur said, but he’ll never see it done. He doesn’t want to die in silence. Not alone. Not after everything. “Did that banish you?” he says. “Did… did this thing do that?” It would figure. He sobs again. It just would figure. Weakly, he works at the twine on his left wrist.
He lacks the strength to just snap it, so he chews it. Whatever’s on it makes his mouth slightly numb, but teeth work, and it finally comes loose. He expects to tune in to Hastur yelling, to a rant in progress, but he does not. The silence… "Hastur?" he says, tiny.
His left hand rises and caresses his cheek. I'm here, Arthur. I’m here.
Arthur grips that hand with his own and cries on it, clutches it to himself.
Hastur lets him, stroking his cheek with fingertips. There, there. Arthur… I’m very impressed.
Arthur laughs thickly. “Sure.”
You’re dying. You know that, don’t you? He sounds warm. Gentle. Calming.
It’s a kindness, that tone, and one Arthur does not feel he deserves. He makes a small sound.
I do enjoy those little whimpers of yours, Hastur says, pulling his hand away. I thought they were distracting in the very beginning, but they’ve grown on me.
“Good for you,” Arthur says, searching for his handkerchief.
Arthur. I am about to do a very necessary thing. Brace yourself. You can weather it.
“Huh?” says Arthur, wiping his eyes. “Weather what?”
This. Y' mgahnnn nglui!
Arthur’s whole body jolts.
He feels like he did the one time he touched a lamp cord that wasn’t properly shielded; feels like he did when he got shot, three years ago, right in the side. That jolt, that punch of force strong enough to knock a man off his feet, that burning tingle racing through his veins, and he can’t even cry out.
Y' mgahnnn nglui!
The floor shakes, rumbling as if with an approaching train.
Y' mgahnnn nglui!
The air changes, the pressure shifts; Arthur’s ears pop, painfully, and then his good eye flickers dark.
He cries out.
Is this Harvesting? Is that what this is? This doesn’t feel like being poured out like holy wine, but maybe this is preparation. Maybe this is necessary.
He knows it’s deserved.
Arthur can’t even breathe in, can't move or make a sound. All he can do is endure.
It all stops, just stops. Arthur's panting is loud.
Then his sight flickers back, both eyes suddenly working, filled with golden light. Slowly, he turns his head.
The mirror is ablaze. It’s so bright his eyes water, briefly blinding, but he can’t stop staring, can’t stop trying to see, and he blinks at it, one hand raised against the glare.
There’s some… place… through that mirror.
He can’t see it right. It’s like it’s more than three dimensions; gold and black seem to be the primary colors, and there is a depth to it, a weird feeling like if he somehow could step into that mirror, he’d fall and fall forever and never stop.
“Hello, Arthur Lester,” says a voice he knows, a voice he's lived with for five years, but it’s no longer coming from his head.
It’s coming from the mirror.
“What?” Arthur whispers.
“It’s good to see you with my own eyes. My, we have some work to do, don’t we?” And what comes into view is—
What he sees is—
It can’t fit in the mirror. It’s too big, too much. It can’t fit in his mind. It’s too big, too much; it’s more than anything he’s ever seen, its upper half humanoid, its lower a mass of writhing black tentacles. It wears a gleaming yellow cloak, brilliant and beautiful, and its face is covered with a white mask.
And it is—
That is a god. Arthur knows. Has never seen one before, and it doesn’t matter. He knows: he is staring at the King in Yellow, and he cannot look away.
“My little detective,” says the voice, which rumbles under Arthur’s hands and knees with every syllable (and his left hand feels it, too, but he can’t parse that now). “It’s time to go.”
Art by by luneatic-art on Tumblr.
[ID illustration: A drawing of Arthur and the King in Yellow.
The King is coming out of a golden mirror that sits in a corner of a dusty, bare room.
Black tentacles are sprouting from the mirror and slithering towards Arthur, who is sitting on the ground and recoiling.
He has his hand up in front of his face as if to brace himself, and the King in Yellow’s giant form looms over him. A tall window illuminates the room in a harsh green glow.
At Arthur’s feet rests a bloodied dagger.
/End ID]
“This can’t… you’re… Hastur?” Arthur whimpers.
And it’s that laugh, and it has never sounded so wicked and so eager and so dark. “Oh, Arthur… yes. It’s me.”
“Can’t… where is… how can you be this?” And in spite of the shock of his soul and his mind, a tiny tendril of rage lifts its head. “You lied again?”
That laugh. He could drown in that laugh, or pull it over him and sleep safe, or hurl it at his enemies to make them explode. Arthur cries out.
“Arthur… I lied to you. I did. And now, I am no longer. You’ve done well. You stopped my brother from his foolish plan. The makers and jugglers of the universe celebrate your uncertain victory. You’ve won some interesting bets! I am very pleased with you.”
Arthur stares. It’s becoming harder to think the longer he does; the King fills his thoughts, shoves them aside to make room for himself.
The King—Hastur—holds out one enormous black hand. “I am the King in Yellow, Arthur—and it’s time to fulfill our Contract.”
Arthur can’t blink, can’t look away from that mask, and so doesn’t notice the tentacles sliding out of the mirror like curling mist. Doesn’t notice until they grab him, around his ankles, around his waist. He cries out and panics, struggling. “No! Wait! Wait!”
“Shhh,” says Hastur, says the King in Yellow, slowly sliding him nearer. “I told you I’d arranged everything. Don't you want to know who took your daughter's life?”
Arthur freezes. Even now, in this moment, this takes precedence over all. “Who? Who did it?”
“You did.”
The words make no sense. He stares. He laughs, sharply, then falls silent again “Wh… wh… what? What?”
“You killed your daughter, Arthur. You didn’t mean to; it was an accident. But it. Was. You.”
No. No, this can’t be happening.
Memory flashes—
That night, that horrible night, case gone to shit, bad guys off on a technicality. They’d done a drive-by, shot up his office, and after a long and fruitless day trying to deal with cops and damages, he’d gone to Jack’s Bar and gotten fucking drunk.
He’d wished Bella was alive to take the kid for a few days. He wished he had anyone to lean on, anyone he could ask for help, but he didn’t. He didn’t.
And he was so fucking drunk as he got home that the quick tap of running feet almost didn’t get through, but it did, and he panicked.
Those punks, those criminals, coming at him because it was his testimony that nearly got them hanged, which meant someone had told them where he lived though that was off the books, and rage joined the fear in his head.
And he raced into the apartment and closed doors and windows, and was that them pounding on the door or his heart pounding his head? And there was a fight, a firefight, a bad one.
Neighbors called the police.
He had no idea how long it lasted. Probably only moments; he couldn’t tell.
And by the time it was over, it no longer mattered. He’d managed to shoot none of them. They’d managed to shoot his kitchen, his living room, his huge, heavy radio.
They’d managed to shoot his daughter.
In her bed, asleep. Clean through, not even time for her to wake up and struggle.
And Arthur—
The sharp flash of memory, unnatural, in a wave, rising like Dagon’s sea, Hastur doing this somehow—
Screamed and screamed, clutching his girl, wouldn’t even let anyone take her to try to help, because why bother? She was cold when he found her, so it had happened early enough on that she…
She lay there, and he hadn’t known.
She died because of him, because of his involvement in this case, and—
“We don’t have any way to know who shot her,” they told him, and they wouldn’t listen, and he screamed and clutched his child and yelled in the police station and yelled at the morgue, and the bad guys got away, and—
" What do you mean, they all had alibis?"
It hadn’t been them, hadn’t been the men he assumed, but someone had shot his daughter.
And no human could ever tell him who.
So he—
And so he had—
Arthur gasps as though he hasn’t breathed in years, and finds himself held in the air before the mirror, face to face with a god.
With his god.
“This will hurt,” says Hastur, “but then… I’m fairly sure you want it to.”
That night.
Panic that night, hearing (he can see them now, as if from a million other eyes) just some stupid teenagers running down the street.
Panic, hiding in his apartment, heart pounding, incredibly drunk.
Hearing neighbors overhead, just talking, maybe dropping something heavy.
Remembering earlier that day, ducking in terror as they shot his old office, remembering the spray of wood chips from his desk hitting his face, hitting the wall, remembering the terror of nearly being murdered.
And panicking.
Panicking and shooting.
Certain they were here, Certain they were coming for him. Too drunk to see, to aim. Him shooting his radio, him shooting his fridge, him shooting through his ugly living room sofa.
Continuing to fire—click, click, click—after the bullets ran out, because in his head, THEY were here again to take his life.
They weren’t.
And he did not stop until Yang and the others came, shaking him, shouting at him, trying to hold him back as he remembered his daughter and ran to her room.
Arthur sobs.
It was there, in his head. All of it was. He’d forgotten. Maybe he’d even forgotten on purpose.
He couldn’t live with this.
Hastur lets him sob, tentacles through the mirror, holding Arthur off the ground, stroking his sweat-damp hair.
Hastur had known.
So had Yang.
No wonder they hadn’t told him. They couldn’t use him if he’d known.
Arthur’s whole body shakes with weeping. “My girl… my little girl…”
“It was an accident, Arthur. Preventable… but an accident.”
He doesn’t care if it was. He’s done. This is done, more than he’s ever been. “Do it,” he manages.
“Hmm?” says Hastur, and one tentacle touches under his chin to lift his face.
“Do it!” Arthur screams, and spits at him.
It goes through the mirror, but misses Hastur’s masked face, falling to the void below. “Do what, Arthur Lester, murderer?”
Arthur feels like his heart is in his throat. He can barely talk. “Do it! Harvest me! Get it over with!”
“Is that what you wish?” says Hastur, and he sounds so gleeful, like this is exactly what he planned.
Why? Why? He already has the right, “Yes!”
“Then I so fulfill our Contract, Arthur: I will not give you what you want.”
“Wh… what…”
“‘Make them suffer,’” Hastur hisses, repeating Arthur’s words from his Contract so long ago. “‘I don’t care who they were. Find them. Make them pay. Make it slow. Make it long. That’s what I want.’”
Arthur stares at him.
“I will not give you the death you crave. In fact…I will prevent it,” says Hastur. “Thus, I fulfill our Contract.”
And Arthur can feel the whispers of power like unseen tentacles, sliding over and around and through them both, sliding out of his soul, and knows it is true. Their Contract is fulfilled. “No,” Arthur whimpers. “No! Do it! Don’t… you can’t leave me alive!”
“As if I would so willingly waste you. I like you, Arthur—for which you won’t be grateful for a very long time.” That laugh, so much more outside of him, shakes his bones, and Hastur draws him nearer. “Justice must be done, after all. There will be roses… but not on your grave.”
“Please,” Arthur whispers.
“No. You have been laid bare. I will take you unto myself and remake you as I will.”
He fills Arthur’s vision, fills Arthur’s mind, and Arthur can’t think, can’t recall why he demanded something that isn’t happening, but he knows this isn’t what he wants, and he tries to struggle, like a fish in a net.
“Shhh,” Hastur says, and adds more tentacles.
Arthur is worn out. He stops struggling, panting. He can’t think. He can’t see beyond the god. His anger and the god seem to be all that is left inside him, outside him, anywhere.
“Fear not, Arthur. In time, you will love me. You, Arthur Lester, are forever mine.”
Arthur is carried through the mirror, and trembles as he crosses worlds, as he travels further than he even knew it was possible to go. Hastur fills his vision and his mind. He calms.
“Good boy,” rumbles the King as the last of his limbs pull back through that mirror like cloth through a keyhole.
Like shutting off a light, it flickers back to dull gray, not quite silver. The mirror trembles. All on its own, it shakes, and falls forward. The Black Mirror lands face-down in Asenath’s empty shrine, and it shatters into a billion pieces, and for just one moment, each and every reflective piece echoes the sound of cruel laughter. Then, there is only silence.
(Artwork for this fic)
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Some idea for fic i think? Marina have a haircut so after it Pearlina have some octotrooper in house
listen, i laughed so much thinking about this idea like they wake up and pearl turns over in bed and theres a baby octarian staring at her *vine boom*
AND UR WELCOME!!! THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING AND READING!! I present to you all now, a very crack drabble of marina cutting her hair (and ending up with a child)
"Rina you look so damn cute! Like when we first met your hair was about this short," Pearl exclaimed, admiring Marina's new haircut.
She had been complaining about it getting in the way of DJ-ing while she was on stage, so she decided to finally make the chop. Her once long brown and green tentacles now framed her face, the length only coming down to the tops of her shoulders. It was reminicent of the haircut she'd had back when first escaping the octarian army, when she met Pearl on Mt. Nantai for the first time.
"Thanks Pearlie, I'm actually really liking it, I feel so free to spin and dance without worrying about getting my hair caught in everything!"
"You gotta post a pic, our fans are gonna love your new look," Pearl took out her phone and went to open up the camera, but she stopped for a moment. "Oh- hey just out of curiosity, you told me before that a lotta octarian military agents or whatever are born asexually from tentacle clippings, right? We aren't gonna end up with a random tentacle baby, right?"
Marina couldn't help but laugh, it was true that tentacle clippings were used to reproduce some octotroopers but the conditions had to be perfect in order for the specimen to actually grow into a new life form. It would take even longer for them to develop coherent thoughts and be considered a real living thing, up until that point it just kind of... mindlessly stumbled about.
“No, we’re fine I promise. It’s just like any other hair!” She giggled, thinking the idea was ridiculous.
Until it wasn’t.
It was a few nights later when Pearl woke up to Marina’s hair stuck in her mouth, gross. She hated being woken up just to get her girlfriend’s long hair away from her face so she could flop back down in bed and- wait. Marina cut her hair recently, why was she still having this problem if it wasn’t long enough to reach past her shoulders?
In her half asleep state, the inkling moved the tentacle hair away from her mouth and cracked open her eyes, only to be met with a tiny pair of unblinking eyes staring back at her. She screamed, loud and piercing even without the help of a microphone which startled Marina awake.
“What?! What’s happening?” The octoling bolted up straight and looked around frantically for the source of her girlfriend’s screaming. When her eyes landed on it, she could only stare in shock- a tiny, brown and turquoise colored octarian was sitting on the covers of their bed. What the fuck.
“Marina! How the hell did your hair manage to turn into- whatever the fuck this little shit is?” Pearl shouted, kicking her legs to move herself farther away from the baby tentacle... thing. It didn’t seem to be fazed by her panic, nor the fact that the host who created it was sitting in front of it. 
Marina blinked rapidly, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes enough to convince herself she wasn’t dreaming, “I- this should be impossible, the tentacle clippings require very intricate incubation techniques in order to develop at all, and from a non-sterile host there should be no way-”
“There should be no way, but obviously there is!” Pearl pulled herself out of bed, the force of the blankets being thrown off of her made the octarian fall over, unable to get itself back up. Not that it seemed to mind, it didn’t really have a mind yet at all. “That’s it, I’m going to Eight and Three’s place to get them to dispose of this.”
“Wait! This is an absolute scientific mystery! If this one tentacle was able to survive then there must be some sort of mutation that allowed it-”
“Rina, can we please save the nerd talk for after we don’t have a living piece of hair in our room?”
Marina pouted slightly, but complied and pulled herself together to be dragged along by Pearl. Even if she did want to study it, there was hardly any reason she could come up with that her girlfriend would actually agree to letting her do so. Not to mention if it continued to develop into a full fledged octarian... then it would just be unethical. Neither of them wanted to deal with that situation.
Later, when both girls had returned from stopping by Three’s apartment and they settled into bed again, Pearl broke the silence, “Next time you get your hair cut, go to a salon. We’re not doing that again.”
23 notes · View notes
haunted house ~ billy loomis;scream
word count: 1489
request?: no
description: when his girlfriend is terrified by a haunted house, billy promises to protect her no matter what
pairing: billy loomis x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
*to celebrate the start of spooky season!*
Tumblr media
I looked up at the abandoned building turned haunted house. I don’t know who decided it was a good idea to make a haunted house out of a place that was supposedly haunted. I definitely don’t know what possessed me to go with my group of friends to the damn haunted house either.
“Do you think we’ll see, like, an actual ghost or something?” Tatum asked as we waited in line to enter the haunted house. “What if we see an actual dead body and we just think it’s a prop?”
“What if we get possessed?” Stu added. Tatum giggled excitedly and leaned into him.
“We’re not gonna get possessed,” Randy said. “Or see any dead bodies or ghosts. The place is an old abandoned home, not a murder site.”
“Not that we know of,” Stu whispered to Tatum, causing her to giggle again.
I crossed my arms and looked up at the scarily decorated building. Not that it was something I was about to admit to my horror crazy friends, but I was terrified to go into the haunted house. I hated haunted houses, I always did. I went once as a young child with my parents and some asshole thought it would be funny to chase after a five year old with a fake chainsaw. I didn’t know it was fake at the time of course cause, you know, I was five.
Noticing my discomfort, Billy put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. “Hey, don’t listen to Stu. We won’t see any ghosts or dead bodies, it’s just gonna be a harmless haunted house.”
“Harmless, sure,” I said, trying my best to smile at him.
Stu and Tatum excitedly ran into the haunted house once we got to the front of the line. I could hear Tatum scream the moment she passed through the door, which only made my stomach turn even more.
Randy entered next, followed by an also hesitant Sydney. I was glad not to be the only one who wasn’t excited by this idea. When it came to me and Billy, I was also hesitant at first. Billy pulled on my arm slightly, finally getting my legs to move.
The minute we walked through the door, the air was stuffy from the fog. The lights were so dim that I could barley make out the figures of my friends in front of me or Billy beside me. There was a bright, blinking strobe light that showed the outlines of the bodies around us; whether they were real people or just dummies I couldn’t tell.
The first scare was some kid jumping out from a room wearing a Jason Voorhees mask wielding a fake machete. I screeched and clung to Billy’s arm as he laughed and kept walking. I could hear screaming from the other attendees and jeers from the people playing the characters.
Billy’s hand slipped from mine and my panic began to rise. I still couldn’t see very well and now the strobe lights were starting to disorient me. I just wanted to get to the end and to go home.
I had my arms around myself, as if that would protect me, when a group of kids ran past me, giggling and screaming. They startled me slightly, but not as much as one of the haunted house workers jumping out at me, a mask over his face and a fake chainsaw in his hands. Flashbacks to my first haunted house played before my eyes as I screamed and covered my face. I backed away until I hit a wall, but my attacker kept coming, chainsaw raised over his head. I began to sob in terror as it became evident that the chainsaw wielding maniac wasn’t backing away.
“Hey man! Get the fuck away!”
I recognized Billy’s voice as the chainsaw finally shut off. Through the dim light I could see Billy shoving my attacker away before kneeling down next to me.
“She’s fucking crying, alright? That means back the fuck up and leave her alone!” he snapped as he knelt down next to me. “Are you okay, babe?”
I shook my head, unable to speak due to my sobbing. Billy put an arm around me and pulled me to my feet.
“Keep your head ducked, I’ll get us out of here,” he said.
I tucked my head against shit shoulder as he led me out of the haunted house. I jumped with every scare that came at us, but for the most part I was able to avoid any further upset. Once we walked out through the exit door, I took a deep breath and savored the fresh air in my lungs.
Stu and Tatum were already out and basically dry humping on the fence as they waited for us. Tatum shoved Stu away as Billy and I approached, eyeing me specifically. “What happened to you?”
I shook my head. “I d-don’t wanna t-talk about it.”
“Man, they really got you, huh (Y/N)?” Stu asked. “Which was it? Was it the dude with his guts spilling out everywhere?”
“Leave her alone,” Billy said. “I’m gonna take (Y/N) home, I’ll meet up with you guys later.”
“Awe, why do you guys gotta be such party poopers?” Tatum asked, but Billy ignored her as he brought me to his car.
I looked at myself in the sun visor mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy and my nose was as red as a tomato. I could see the tear streaks now stained on my flushed face. I looked like hell, or at least that I had been to Hell and back.
“You don’t have to drive me home, Billy,” I said when he got into the driver’s seat. “I can call my parents to give me a run home.”
“It seems like you need someone besides your parents right now,” he said. “Besides, I’m not jumping to spend the night with a sexed up couple, my ex-girlfriend, and the horror movie aficionado who would likely talk about how lame that haunted house was the whole night.”
This was enough to put a small smile on my face. Billy smiled back at me and started driving towards my house.
The beginning of the ride was silent besides the static sounds of Billy’s car radio. I rolled down the window to let the air blow on my warm face. I sighed, a sense of guilt eating away at me still for pulling Billy away from our friends.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asked.
“Not really,” I responded.
“Okay, then we don’t have to talk about it.”
It was something I appreciated about Billy. He respected my wishes and didn’t push me further than I wanted to go. There’s not a lot of guys, or a lot of people for that matter, that would do that.
“I hate haunted houses,” I said, resting my head against the seat. “My parents took me to my first one when I was a kid and I got chased by a guy who had a fake chainsaw, like the guy who cornered me back there. That shit stuck with me, I’ve never been to a haunted house since. Not until tonight anyways.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? We didn’t have to go.”
“Cause you seemed so excited by it, and everyone else was going. I didn’t think it would be that bad until I lost you and had a repeat of that episode from when I was five.” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “God, why couldn’t I just fucking get over it?”
“Being traumatized isn’t exactly something you get over,” Billy said. “You were a kid brought into an environment where a kid should never be.”
We pulled up to my house and Billy reached over to put his hand on mine. I looked up at him and smiled. It was nearly impossible to be upset when I had such an amazing guy on my side.
“Next time, I want you to tell me when you don’t want to do something,” he said. “It’s not fair to you, especially if it’s something that will bring up old memories like that.”
“I promise,” I said.
“And I promise to always protect you, no matter what. No one will ever hurt you as long as you have me.”
“I know.”
I leaned forward to kiss him. All the upset I had been feeling just moments before seemed to vanish from my body as his lips pressed against mine. His hand was gently as it caressed my face while the other closed in around my hand.
When I pulled away, I glanced at my house to see that the lights were off, indicating that my parents were likely gone to bed.
“Park down the road and I’ll sneak you in for the night?” I asked.
Billy smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. “Deal.”
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
The Shield
Paring: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 5595
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, John Walker, Emotions, Character Death, Mentions of Blood, I know people had a hard time with that last scene so please take caution because it is in this part! GIF at end is the ending scene, so be careful when you get towards the bottom! I feel like I’m forgetting some, so just know this one’s a bit more than the others.
A/N: Here it is, folks! The Part we’ve all been waiting for! It’s the longest one I’ve written so far but so much happened and I couldn’t find a better spot to end it than where the episode ended. Thank you all for being patient with me today. I know I didn’t get this out as quickly as I would’ve the past few weeks, but you guys are so awesome! Seriously! I love that you understand I do have a life and work comes first! Thank you, thank you!
This Part is a doozy, guys, and…I’m sorry? But not really. I’m SUPER excited to see where this is gonna go, especially considering Episode 5 is supposed to be the real tear jerker. I can’t believe there’s only two more episodes! I’ve grown so attached to these characters just in the past month! I’m so glad I’m able to share some of my thoughts and feelings with you guys, too! You’re honestly the best!
I’ll be doing more One Shots this week, so look for those on the Masterlist. I’m still taking requests for them, so if there’s anything you want explored about the reader and her relationships that you don’t think will be explored in this Series, just ask and I’ll try to add it to the One Shot list.
As always, this isn’t beta’d so please excuse any mistakes! Thank you for reading, be kind to yourself and others, enjoy this part and stay tuned!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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(I couldn’t decide on which GIF to use because there are so many good ones! Thank you Tumblr Creators!)
“Doll…hey. Doll. C’mon, sweetheart. We gotta get moving.”
You cracked your eyes open begrudgingly, squinting up to see Bucky’s amused grin, head tilted and eyes soft. “Huh?”
He chuckled as you rubbed your eyes, confusion lifting an eyebrow. “The funeral. Zemo said we’ve gotta go if we’re gonna make it in time.”
“Wait, but…huh?”
Sniggering again at your reaction, he held up your phone. “You passed out in the middle of a chapter, sleepyhead.” He teased lightly, grabbing your hand and gently pulling you to sit upright. “It’s almost been an hour.”
You huffed tiredly, stretching and placing your feet on the floor, taking back the phone he held out to you. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You haven’t been sleeping well.” He stated, like it should’ve been obvious. “How’s your arm feeling?”
“Better than earlier. It’s just sore. That’s all.”
He studied your features for any hint of a lie. Not finding one, he nodded, holding out his hand. “Okay. But tell me if it starts bothering you.”
You placed your hand in his, marveling for a split second at how big his hands were compared to yours - something you noticed every time but still it never ceased to astound you. He tugged you up, and you looked up to meet his worried eyes, remembering his question.
“I will, Buck. Promise.”
He nodded, tilting his head towards the door. “C’mon, cuddle bug. We don’t wanna miss this.”
A groan passed your lips, but you nodded and followed Bucky out into the main room, where Sam chuckled at you from his spot at the table. “Sleeping beauty has finally awoken.”
You flipped Sam off groggily. “Are we going or not?”
“Do you wanna wake up s’more first?”
“No.” You answered the one armed brunette. “I’ll just splash some water on my face or something. I’ll be fine by the time we get there. Where’s-”
“Looking for me?”
Zemo strolled out, now dressed in that coat of his, that smug smirk on his lips. You scowled. “I wish I wasn’t.”
Sam stood up, standing subconsciously between you and Zemo. “Let’s head out.”
You nodded in agreement, shooting the Baron one more glare, before following him out the door and into the city, Bucky right besides you, shoulders brushing as if you weren’t ignoring him just hours prior.
The walk was mostly silent, a few jests between Bucky and Sam plus a couple comments from Zemo here and there. You talked about strategy, with Sam bringing up the fact that he wanted to try convincing Karli to step down. Zemo didn’t look pleased with the arrangement, but both you and Bucky relented, agreeing to let Sam at least try.
It wasn’t until you were close to your destination according to Zemo that anything exciting happened.
“Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit!”
Hell. No. 
The moment the voice registered in your brain, your jaw tightened, your teeth starting to grind together as you held back the very not nice things you wanted to say. 
“Ah! How’d you find us now?” Bucky called out, tucking you into his side protectively, and a little possessively you noted, as Walker and Hoskins came down the steps, the two groups nearing each other.
You were relieved when the subject of Zemo escaping jail went by relatively quickly, Walker latching onto the fact that you were going to talk to Karli instead of focusing on the escaped fugitive in front of him.
You very nearly punched him when he ran in front of you after Sam told him the plan, making the four of you stop in your tracks, but Bucky’s arm tightened around your shoulders, holding you in place next to him.
“You’re gonna let him do this?” Walker questioned Bucky in disbelief, self righteous judgement practically dripping from your tone. “You’re gonna let your partner walk into a room with a super soldier alone?”
Bucky’s jaw ticked. “He’s dealt with worse. And he’s not my partner.”
“And you?” Walker narrowed his eyes towards you. “I expected more from you; the last original Avenger.”
You snorted, shaking your head. He obviously didn’t know how chaotic the Avengers were. What Sam was proposing? You’d seen it a million times with Steve alone. Not considering Nat, Clint, Thor, even Bruce and Tony. All of them willing to try to negotiate before running in, bullets raining and hell rising. “First, I’m not the last original. I’m technically not even an original. Second, I trust Sam with my life and I’m standing by his decision. He’s my brother. As a soldier, I would’ve thought you understood that.”
Before he could respond, Sam stepped around Bucky. You saw the reluctance in Walker’s eyes as he admitted a temporary defeat once Hoskins agreed with Sam. The fact that he was so unwilling to try to save more lives - including Karli’s - made the truth that he wasn’t, and would never, be your Captain harden deeper into your heart.
Ignoring Walker’s confusion as you followed the little girl Zemo befriended - which was weird, you’d admit, but it was getting you closer to Karli - Bucky’s arm slipped from your shoulders, hand sliding across your back and skimming down your arm to grip your hand. Even through your jacket, you felt goosebumps erupt along his fingers’ trail.
You finally came to your destination and you let out a small breath. If everything went smoothly, this mission could finally be over and you could go home and take a bath, get take out, get out a bottle of wine, watch TV, and just relax.
What a dream.
“Hey.” You stopped Sam before he could go through the entrance of where the girl said Karli was, holding his forearm. “You want me to come with you?”
He shook his head. “I think it’ll be better if I go alone.”
You nodded, letting go without any hesitance. “Okay. Be careful.”
“Always.” And despite all you’ve been through, no matter how many times he’s followed Steve’s lead in doing something stupid, you knew he meant it. You nodded again, before he disappeared around the corner.
You leaned back against the wall, Bucky once again wrapping an arm around your shoulder now that you weren’t walking - he liked having mobility on the move, hence the reason he held your hand instead - leaning besides you and pulling you against his chest.
Ten minutes. You tried looking at Bucky’s watch, which was on the wrist of the arm around you. He noticed and turned his wrist slightly, bending his elbow more, which brought you even closer to him, showing you the time.
Giving a small sigh, you nodded slightly and dropped your head back against his bicep, your hands shoving in your pockets, one of your feet coming up to rest against the wall. Bucky shifted to your other side so he could stand in front of the doors to where Karli and Sam were, pulling you against his back, arms wrapping around your shoulders tightly.
It was a long ten minutes. You kept eyeing Walker, and you couldn’t help the anger burning through you as he held the shield in his hands. That damn shield. It wasn’t his. It would never be his. And he would never understand it. The fact that the shield didn’t make Captain America. The shield isn’t what made Steve a good man. Not even the Serum did. He already was one. Steve made the shield what it was, not the other way around.
But then you remembered a conversation you had, years ago, and your eyes flitted up to Bucky’s hardened face, the brunette staring intensely at the ground.
You didn’t get it. You were confused. You knew how important Barnes - Bucky - was to Steve. But apparently you didn’t understand it quite yet.
You watched from the entrance of the hallway, leaning against the wall, as Bucky went under once more.
Steve stood there for a moment longer, before turning and walking towards you. “Why’d you do it?”
He raised an eyebrow at you while you turned to walk with him down the hall. “Do what?”
“Give up the shield. And don’t say it doesn’t belong to you. It does. Howard gave it to you. You’re the reason it’s…a symbol.”
He hummed. “And what exactly is it a symbol for, honey?”
You scoffed. “Uh, freedom? Justice? Resilience? The defense of the whole life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness thing?”
He stopped, facing you with a strange expression on his face, thoughtful. “I dropped it because I can’t be that anymore. Not right now. People don’t have the same beliefs they used to have. How can I stand up for freedom and let the Sokovia Accords track every person they deem a threat, just like HYDRA tried doing? How can I be a symbol for justice and let Bucky take the fall for something that he wasn’t in control of? I can’t. And until the world is ready to change…I can’t be Captain America.”
And suddenly, it seemed to click. Steve gave up the shield for Bucky because the world wasn’t ready to admit it was wrong. Just like Sam gave up the shield for himself and his family because the world wasn’t ready for the truth that would come with him becoming Captain America.
God…when did a metal circle become so complicated?
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty lil’ head’a yours?” His whisper in your ear startled you out of your thoughts, his nose brushing against your temple tenderly as he placed a chaste kiss on your cheek.
You looked up at him and shook your head. Of all the things Steve gave up, he never gave up Bucky. And it used to confuse you, but you understood then. His blue eyes sparkling with curiosity and slight concern, his fingers tracing patterns along your collarbone with a barely-there touch that was so light it didn’t seem to exist. You finally understood. Not just Steve’s decision, but Sam’s too. And maybe you didn’t understand it fully, and that was okay, because you weren’t them, so you never would, but you understood a little bit.
“Nothing.” You shook your head, keeping your voice down so the others couldn’t hear, the conversation being a private one, “I’m just waiting for this to be over.”
He hummed, nodding in agreement, setting his chin on your head. “Me too.”
Walker started pacing the room about half way through, getting too antsy for your liking. “Shhh.” Bucky mumbled under his breath, feeling you tense as Walker started talking. “It hasn’t been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t patronize me.”
“He knows what he’s doing.” Bucky stated confidently, straightening slightly from his leaning position, arms falling from your form. The two of you exchanged glances as Walker checked the clock over on the far wall, blocked from your view.
“I’m going in.” Walker strode across the room, heading for the entrance, no doubt willing to steam roll anything - anyone - in his way.
Bucky stopped him with a hand on his chest. You glanced back and forth between the two as Walker spoke, arms crossed tightly over your chest. “Buck…we promised him ten minutes.” You reminded him, seeing his resolve crumble a bit. You could guess he was thinking of the nightmares. The people he couldn’t save. The blood he already considered on his hands.
Walker used his moment of hesitation, shoving past him roughly. “I’m not waiting.”
You followed after him, you and Bucky arguing with him and Hoskins about giving Sam more time, but it was too late.
“Karli Morgenthau! You’re under arrest!”
“Fuck.” You hissed out when you saw Sam’s panicked expression, looking at you confused. Walker was flown across the room when Karli punched him, Bucky shoving Hoskins out of the way to run after her.
You threw your hands up. “I tried, Sam! C’mon!”
You and Sam ran over to some stairs, turning corners and trying to remember what the building looked like from outside to cut her off, but you only ran into Bucky again. 
“I wish we had the layout or something.” You grumbled. “We were that close-”
“We’re not done yet, doll.” Nodding, you followed the boys out, Bucky pausing every so often to try to hear anything. “I’ve got gunshots.” At that, the three of you took off towards the sound, Bucky leading the way.
Just around the corner from where Bucky heard the gunshots, you thought you saw a couple people slip around another bend. Noticing you had stopped, Bucky backtracked. “You okay?’
“Yeah.” Deciding it wasn’t worth the pursuit, you turned to him and nodded towards the doorway Sam already went through. He gave you a look, but nodded and the two of you jogged into the room.
You sighed heavily, seeing Zemo knocked out on the floor, Walker standing over him and broken vials that were previously full of, what you assumed was, the Serum. Hoskins ran in right after you, meaning no one but Walker and Zemo knew what happened. Meaning you would probably never get the full, true story.
What fun it is to work with manipulators and liars.
“I don’t like him.” Bucky grumbled, the two of you walking up to the place you were staying in, Bucky holding the door open for you.
“I know you don’t, Buck. I don’t either.” You had asked Bucky to go with you to get some fresh air once you got back, Zemo having woken up a few minutes after and Walker and Hoskins had to make a call or something official like the good soldiers they were. “He’s hiding something.”
“You think?” Bucky scoffed, giving you a look.
You rolled your eyes. “I mean…I don’t know. When we found him and Zemo…my gut twisted.”
He nodded in understanding, his face twisting into a scowl. “Yeah. Mine did too.”
You stopped him before you could walk through the door to the main room. “Do me a favor?” He nodded again with a little hum. Catching his chin between your fingers, your free hand moved to smooth out the creases between his brow. “Stop brooding so much. It makes me worried.”
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, features softening slightly. “Are you really gonna leave in the morning? I know you’ve had a lot of people telling you to take a break, and it’s selfish for me to ask you to stay, but…I dunno if I can finish this without you.”
“I-” You sighed, ducking your head as you thought of a response, before looking up in his wide eyes, begging for you to stick around longer. “Let’s just finish the day and see what happens next. Okay?”
He bit his lip, nodding slightly. You gave him a smile, before tugging on his hand. “I need a drink.”
He chuckled at that. “That I can fix, doll.” He, again, opened the door for you, and the two of you walked in.
“What a gentleman. Straight outta the 40’s.” You joked, making him roll his eyes.
He took off his jacket, heading to the kitchen, while you sat on the opposite side of the island. “Somethin’s not right about Walker.”
Sam gave you two an amused look. “You don’t say.”
“Well, I know a crazy when I see one.” He opened the lid of the bottle he grabbed, starting to pour two glasses of whiskey for the both of you. “Because I am crazy.”
You rolled your eyes as Sam responded, “can’t argue with that.”
“You shouldn’t have given him the shield.”
Giving Bucky a disapproving look over the rim of your glass, you sipped your drink, narrowing your eyes when he ignored you. “I didn’t give him the shield.”
“Well Steve definitely didn’t.”
Your glass slammed down on the counter. Why did he have to bring this up right now? Seriously? You were just having a nice conversation about places you wanted to visit while taking a walk outside. Why was he suddenly snapping?
Before you could scold him, the doors burst open, making your head whip over as Walker stormed in, “ordering” you to hand over Zemo.
You stayed sitting, leaning on the counter and facing the opposite wall as Sam told him off, giving an amused snicker as you sipped your drink. Bucky sat besides you, facing Walker, and you recognized from the angle he was positioning himself that he was blocking you from Walker’s view, whether intentional or not.
You raised an eyebrow, turning in interest when Walker put down the shield, knowing Sam wasn’t about to fight the man. What an ego the blonde had.
Before anything could happen, however, a spear pierced through the air, lodging in the pillar next to Walker’s head.
Your frustration with Bucky’s comment flew out of your head as Ayo and a few other Dora Milaje walked in. Bucky sat up straighter and you stood up, leaning ever so slightly against his arm.
You nearly facepalmed, a sound of complete disbelief leaving you as Walker introduced himself. Sam looked over at you two, an entertained, slightly incredulous smile on his face.
Sam tried warning him. He really did. But Walker, you’ve come to find, was an arrogant, egotistical narcissist who only wanted to win and would do whatever it takes to do so. Even when there wasn’t really a winner. At least, not in that situation. It seemed that Walker liked ignoring the gray area in the world, which wasn’t good. Not in the least.
Which is why you couldn’t really feel sorry for the man. You saw it coming as soon as he told them they didn’t have jurisdiction. And the moment he touched Ayo?
You put your chin on Bucky’s shoulder - who had stood up from his spot - watching the Dora Milaje kick Walker’s ass, wincing and cringing mockingly at the right moments, making Bucky smirk at you.
“We should do something.” Sam said, although he didn’t look thrilled about the prospect.
Bucky crossed his arms. “Looking strong, John!”
You gave a slight snort, not wanting to encourage anything, but unable to hold in your amusement. Bucky winked at you, clinking his cup of whiskey with your own, before taking a gulp.
You huffed and stepped back at Sam’s tone. “C’mon, Buck.”
“Fine.” Bucky grunted. “But ‘M not happy about it.”
Soon, the three of you, plus Walker and Hoskins, were all occupied with a member of the Dora Milaje. You knew you couldn’t take them; they were on a higher level that Natasha, and you could barely beat her. But you weren’t necessarily trying to win.
It was a strange fight, knowing that no one - except Walker, probably - actually wanted to hurt anyone. Of course, that didn’t stop one of them from exploiting your injured shoulder that she spotted rather quickly. The hits were quick and precise, the tip of her spear cutting along the graze, hitting the spot just perfect enough to reopen it. The stitches that had been placed only a couple days ago ripped, making you wince and clutch your now bleeding shoulder.
“Oh fuck.” You groaned. “You were always good with those things.”
She gave you an almost apologetic look, before she looked over to Ayo, who stepped through the room towards the bathroom where Zemo had locked himself in during the chaos.
When you caught sight of the shoulder thing she did to Bucky, his metallic arm now laying on the floor, his eyes wide and his stance stunned, your jaw nearly dropped. You guessed it made sense that they had a way to do that, but, still. None of you were expecting it.
“Did you know they could do that?” Sam asked once they started leaving, Bucky picking up his arm and connecting it to his shoulder.
“No.” The arm whirred as he swung it, getting it back to normal.
You couldn’t help the little giggle that left you, making Bucky raise an eyebrow at you. You tried holding in more laughs, but they just kept coming. “She-she...she disarmed you!”
Bucky rolled his eyes as you chortled, holding your stomach and bending over. “Ha ha. Very funny.”
“Oh come on!” You straightened and wiped your eyes. “That was good! Wasn’t it, Sammy?”
Sammy chuckled and nodded. “I’ll admit, it was pretty good. This, however, is not.”
Your laughter died as Sam made his way over to the bathroom, the light air that came with your cackles dissipating as quickly as it came.
“I can’t believe he pulled an El Chapo.”
You stared at the drain that was uncovered - large enough for Zemo to slip inside and escape. He did it. The son of a bitch finally did it. It took him long enough. You would’ve betted against him days ago.
“I can.” Bucky turned and grabbed your hand. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“I thought you told them.”
Bucky looked up from wrapping your shoulder, an eyebrow raised. “What?”
“I thought you told them. The Dora Milaje. Wakanda. T’Challa. I thought you told them about Zemo.”
He leaned back with a sigh. “It was kinda a last minute decision. You know that. You were there.”
You nodded. “I do. But I also know what they’ve done for you. Shuri and Ayo. I was there for that, too. And you know what he did to them. To their country. Their king.”
“I know, I know. I almost died several times because of it.”
Your eyebrows pinched in confusion. “So why-”
“I thought it’d be quick. I thought, maybe, I could do it without them finding out and then we could get to Karli and they wouldn’t be disappointed. Win win.”
Your cheek caught between your teeth as you thought. “You could’ve just asked-”
He shook his head. “They would’ve said no. You know that.”
“Okay. Fine. Yes. I know that. But…but giving them a warning would’ve been better than this.” He hung his head, closing his eyes. “Bucky. Hey,” hooking a finger under his chin, you tilted his head back up to look at you. “I know it’s been hard for you. Everything has. And I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I shouldn’t have let you come along. You should be healing, and it’s my fault you’re not.” He opened his mouth, face scrunching up in disagreement, but you shook your head. “It’s true. I just…I didn’t know it would come this far.” You gnawed on your bottom lip studying those captivating eyes, before sighing. “Which is why I’m not leaving.”
He perked up, those pretty eyes going wide, jaw slackening. “You-you’re not?!”
You shook your head. As much as you wanted to run away, you couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right. “It wouldn’t be fair to you or Sam. I promised to help, and I brought you into it. So I’m gonna stay.
“Are you, uh…are you sure? You don’t hafta if you don’t wanna, doll. I know I kinda pushed you earlier, but-”
“I’m sure Buck.” You nodded firmly. “Just…do something for me?”
“I dunno if I can promise not brooding, sweetheart.”
You giggled at his words. “Not that. Just…stop giving Sam a hard time. About the shield. Please.”
His soft features hardened and he scowled. “If he didn’t give it up-”
“He thought it was going to the museum. I told you about that, remember? I told you we’d go when I got back.”
Giving a slight nod, he sighed. “We never did.”
“We will. But, I’m serious, Buck. Please. It’s not his fault. He did exactly what Steve did.” At Bucky’s confused look, you pursed your lips, looking down at his hands, starting to play with his fingers. “Remember how I was thinking during those ten minutes we had?” He nodded. “I was thinking about how Steve gave the shield back to Tony. After saving you. In Siberia. You remember that?” Another nod was given, so you continued. “It was for you, James. Because you made him realize that he didn’t want to be the face of a country that preached one thing, but did another. And that’s what Sam did. He did it for his family. For himself. Because no one wants to fight for a country that goes against your personal beliefs, no matter what they say.”
“I-I don’t understand.” Bucky’s eyes squinted, his brow creasing as he tried processing what you were telling him.
“That’s okay. Not everyone will. Really only they can understand their own reasoning. But you have to try to understand that he did what he thought was best for himself. For Steve. For the shield. And I know - dammit do I know - that it’s the last thing left of him. But it is just metal. Isn’t it? Steve’s the reason it is what it is. No one else. And no one is going to change that.”
Bucky took a breath, glossy, worried eyes meeting yours. “Walker’s going to ruin it. I know he is. I can feel it. Everything Steve worked for. I don’t care about Captain America. I care about the kid from Brooklyn who wanted to make a difference, no matter how little he was. I trusted him. I followed him through bullets and blood, with only that shield between us and them. He was home on a battlefield in Italy across the ocean from New York. And that shield was the welcome mat. It doesn’t matter what it says, what it looks like…but it protected my home when I couldn’t. But now? I feel like it’s tearing my home down. Pulling out the bricks. And it hurts. It was never about the shield, Y/N. It was always about the man it protected when I couldn’t be there for him. And now?”
Gathering him in your arms as he trailed off, you gave a couple little sniffles, pressing your face in his hair, nails scratching the nape of his neck lightly. “I’ll be your welcome mat, Buckaroo.” You offered.
He shook his head, pulling away to hold your face between his hands. “No, sweetheart. You’re not the welcome mat. You’re the new bricks replacing the old. You’re…you’re my home, now, doll.”
You swallowed thickly, unable to handle the rush of emotions that just poured through you, the sudden change in topic making you feel more vulnerable than you’d like. You leaned forwards, placing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, feeling him go lax in your arms. “And you’re mine.” You murmured softly, before getting up and heading out for the room, unable to stay any longer. You still had a mission to do. One that became even more desperate with Zemo loose, Walker unhinged, and Karli being so close.
There was a silent agreement to not bring up your conversation. Not yet, at least. Sam had eyed you both when you came out of the room, saying you were ready to get moving, but he didn’t say anything either.
None of you really knew where you were going, only what you had to do. Find Zemo and get to Karli before Walker could. Both of which were a lot easier said than done.
Until Sam got a call from Sarah, who told him Karli contacted her personally and threatened her and her sons. She left a contact number for Sam, evidently wanting to meet. His phone dinged not a minute after he texted the number.
“She said come alone.”
“Well that’s not happening.” You opposed, crossing your arms.
Bucky nodded with your sentence. “We’re coming with you.”
Sam didn’t say anything against it, the three of you exchanging glances, before heading out to the location, changing into your tactical suits along the way.
Karli didn’t seem to mind you and Bucky tagging along, and you understood why the moment she mentioned not killing Sam because he wasn’t hiding behind a shield. It was a distraction. They were going after Walker.
It was confirmed only moments later when Sharon contacted Sam. “Looks like he found them, or maybe they found him.”
As soon as Sam announced that it was Walker, you jumped into action, Sam disabling Karli for just the right amount of time for you to get a head start. “I’ll send you the location. Go.” He told Bucky, who nodded and took off in his super soldier sprint. “You hitching a ride?”
You rolled your eyes at his slight tease. “I hate this so much.” You grumbled, catching his hand as he took off in the air with his bird costume. He held onto you tightly, like the millions of times you’d done this before, although it didn’t make you any less dizzy, traveling that fast, that high, with only his hold keeping you from dropping. “You’re lucky I trust you so much!”
He gave a small chuckle at your shout over the wind. “We’re landing! Brace yourself!” You followed his order, just in time for him to break through the glass ceiling of the building Walker was in. The both of you landed on a platform on the staircase just as a Flag Smasher was thrown through double glass doors, down the stairs, and into a power box. Your eyes went wide as Walker strolled down the steps, oozing a confidence that made you nervous. The moment Walker stopped the Flag Smasher - the Super Soldier - from hitting him with the pipe, you knew even before he twisted it like a pretzel.
“Sam.” You breathed out. You couldn’t even do anything, only watching as the Flag Smasher got up from being thrown again, and running down a hall.
“What’d you do?”
“They got Lemar.” Was the only reply he gave, brushing past you and Sam. You gave Sam a look, but he just jerked his head down the hall, in the direction the Flag Smasher went and the way Walker started heading. You nodded, willing to drop it for now to save someone’s life, but you were so bringing it up once this was done.
Jogging into the room, you should’ve expected the ambush in the room, but, to be honest, they didn’t take as much advantage as they could’ve, so it wasn’t too difficult of a fight. You had trained with Steve millions of times before, so you knew how to go against a Super Soldier. Granted, your Cap wasn’t trying to kill you while training, but it was better than nothing.
You protected your shoulder, knowing that was your weak point, while trying to disguise it so whoever you were fighting wouldn’t realize your Achilles’ Heel. Something you often found while dealing with Steve, and even Bucky, was that Super Soldiers, as quick as they were, tended to favor the super strength side of their enhancements. This made it easier for you to dodge the attacks, knowing most of your blows wouldn’t do much.
Knowing you wouldn’t be able to stay on the defensive for long, you decided to try to get an advantage over them. Disarming them and taking their knife was easy enough. A small advantage, yeah, but now you had a weapon, and you could work with that.
You weren’t exactly sure when Bucky joined the fight, but he did, immediately coming over to you when you body kicked your opponent, helping you up. “That was a Steve move.” Your eyes caught sight of the Flag Smasher behind him and you shoved his shoulder down, throwing your knife, making it land solidly in the man’s shoulder. Bucky looked up at you from his crouch, impressed. “And that was a me move.”
You shrugged. “I’m a visual learner.”
You, Sam, and Bucky were about to go for another round with the guys when a sickening crack sounded behind you, and you whipped around. 
Hoskins was against a split pillar, a crimson streak running down his forehead, head lolling to the side, lips red and cracked. The fight stopped as Walker rushed over to his friend, but you knew there was no way he survived. A punch from a Super Soldier? That hard?
Eyeing the Flag Smashers, you turned to Sam and Bucky when they started dispersing, Karli running out as well. They nodded towards you and the three of you took off after her, not wanting to let her get away again and, for you, at least, wanting to give Walker some time.
You weren’t expecting his grief to turn into such raw hatred. 
Running up to the city square, you didn’t actually see it happen. Just the aftermath. Which was good, considering you nearly threw up just seeing that.
You heard the change in Bucky’s breathing, barely recognizing the way he stepped in front of you, only realizing you stepped closer when you felt his sleeve against your palms, fingers tightly wrapped around his forearm. A choked sound came from somewhere, but you didn’t know it was you, even as Bucky reached his arm around to hold your waist, keeping you behind his shoulder. 
Tears leaked down your face silently, eyes unable to look away as Walker straightened, sliding the shield on his arm, too nonchalantly for someone who just murdered another in front of a crowd full of people, cameras pointed towards him.
The shield. That piece of metal you had been wondering so deeply about the past couple of weeks. The link to the first person you’d ever loved. Ruined. Tarnished. Stained.
You could barely breathe, your throat clenching so tightly it was a wonder you were able to get anything out at all.
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eremiie · 3 years
hi PLEASE i neee stoner eren amd stoner reader😩
high off of you
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❥ 8k words | nsfw | eren x reader
❥ you’re dragged to a smoke session by your roommate, and you actually enjoy yourself— maybe a little more than you should have; and eren jaeger is to blame.
❥ content: choking, lowkey breeding kink ish, praise kink, slight orgasm denial, overstimulation, drugs (weed)
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content is how you were feeling.
you had just gotten done with your shower, your covers were finally draped over your almost bare legs, your laptop was sat in your lap and you had put your hair up to get it out of the way. you were relaxed, you were calm, and you had decided you were gonna finish off your night with an episode of your favorite show, no matter how many times you had saw it.
"c'mon, we're going to get high."
your peaceful vibe was interrupted, and in the most abrupt manner your roommate could muster; he swung the door open not even bothering to knock, leaned against the doorframe and let his eyes survey your slightly mess room before landing on you and giving you the most goofy grin.
"connie, what the fuck?" you frowned and went to pause your show only to realize you hadn't even started it. with a sigh you looked back up at connie with clear irritation written across your face.
"what? don't you want to get high?"
"i just got out of the shower, i'm in bed now," you moved your laptop and threw the covers off of your legs and pointed to your shorts. "i have pajamas on and i was about to watch my show, no i don't want to get high right now." wasn't that the obvious? you couldn't lie, the offer was tempting since you weren't the one paying, and it gave you the opportunity to see your friends again, but the getting ready process had made you shove the offer down.
as if on cue connie seemed to read your mind. "you don't have to get cute or anything. it's literally just our regular smoke circle. just throw on a jacket and let's go."
you groaned and leaned your head back letting your arm drape over your eyes. "didn't we just come from sasha's house earlier this week? who the hell is supplying y'all this fast?" you tried to come up with an excuse to stay home, but connie was clearly one step ahead of you.
"it's not sasha's house it's eren's." the stupid sly grin on his face appeared and he leaned further into your room already knowing he had you trapped. he knew, much like the rest of the friend group about the undying tension between you and eren, but nobody could pinpoint exactly what it was. it wasn't that the two of you necessarily liked each other but you were... friendlier than friendly best friends. eren and you would flirt with each other more often than not and were very hands on. not to mention how excited you'd get when you got to see him, and vice versa.
connie didn't even give you the chance to respond to that comment, your answer was evident just by the way your attention spiked at the mention of eren's name, and the way your body stiffened in the slightest. he shut the door to wait for you and couldn't help but laugh at your feeble attempt of getting out of a session with your circle.
you lost, and you were slightly upset. any other words in your defense were stuck down your throat, and connie was already long down the hall. the only thing you were able to mention was a loud, "and knock next time, dumbass!" before you did as he said, grabbing your jacket and slipping out the door with connie.
that's how you handed up where you were now, at eren's shared apartment with mikasa and armin, although mikasa's car was missing from the parking lot.
"i love the outfit. it's giving me very much... hobo." connie looked you up and down stifling a laugh while the two of you waited at the door after the first ring.
you followed his eyes looking yourself up and down as well. you did look a little silly, black crew socks with crocs over top. you didn't even take it upon yourself to zip up your jacket all the way, the black fabric draping off your shoulder on one side revealing your shoulder only adorned by a single white strap to your cropped tank top. of course the jacket was a little big, covering your sleep shorts slightly. you weren't even sure if the jacket was yours.
"shut the fuck up." you kicked connie with your croc and he hissed, grabbing his shin before being a fool and hopping towards the door some more, spamming the doorbell.
"help! i'm getting abused!" and in that moment you wondered how you managed to share an apartment with the clown.
connie's ringing only stopped when the door flew open, sasha's figure standing there with a small smile. "hey!" her tone was cheery and loud as she grabbed connie's hand pulling him into a dramatic hug before reaching a hand out to you and pulling you into one too. "i missed you guys!"
"sasha we saw you earlier this week." you forced yourself out of her grip with an apologetic smile just in case your gesture came off as rude. connie nodded in agreement and stepped aside already heading towards eren's room. i mean seriously, wouldn't it have made more sense for you not to come if he was that eager to smoke? they could've had more rounds!
"that doesn't mean i couldn't miss you." her hand embraced yours once more and she slammed the door shut, locking it and leading you to the door opened ajar on the other end of the hallway, of course eren's as he always had those red led lights bleeding from underneath the doorway. "connie told me you didn't want to come also, so this is a surprise."
you rolled your eyes. "so he knew i didn't want to come and still asked?"
"well it was worth a shot; and look where it landed you, you're about to be faded." and she wasn't wrong. she finally let go of your hand and opened the door, the bright LEDS hitting you straight on making you squint for a second before your eyes surveyed the room. jean was already chatting with connie on the futon while eren was sat on his bed with a tray in his lap, rolling the blunt.
what you didn't see was the glance he gave you when you first started scanning the room, immediately trying to look focused on rolling the blunt while attempting to hide his boyish grin. you likewise, you bit the inside of your cheeks to stop from smiling at the sight of the pretty boy; his brown locks pulled back into the sloppiest ponytail, and the hairs in the back of his head skimming the black top he wore.
"so she actually came?" jean voiced looking over to you and making his way over to you from his position on the futon to embrace you in a side hug.
"jean boy," you used his nickname to mock him before returning his hug causing him to grimace at you and pull his arm back. you started to laugh and rolled your eyes at his dramatic actions once more. "yes, yes i did come."
"doesn't she look stupid?" connie looked up from his phone at you and jean giggling under his breath. jean took in your appearance and tried not to laugh, a small smirk on his face that was wiped off when you slapped his chest then flipped connie off.
"shut your bald ass up, connie." you retorted.
"i'm growing hair, i keep telling you that!" and the whole room burst into laughter, sasha doubling over because there still wasn't a trace of growth on his head.
"connie, you have no room to talk you are actually stupid." sasha added before going over to sit with the boy after grabbing a bag of chips from the desk next to the open door.
you shut the door behind you and continued to stand awkwardly until eren spoke, "you're laughing but as soon as she takes that jacket off you're gonna try to jump on her, kirchstein." he said with a raise of his eyebrow before letting his eyes wander over your frame.
now you were really trying to hide your smile, and you cursed yourself when one graced your face anyways. "eren," you dragged out his name walking over to him on his bed before plopping yourself down and resting your head on his shoulder. "get me away from these idiots." you faked a sigh before eren chuckled and gave you a side hug much like jean’s before continuing to roll his blunt.
"damn jaeger, you were so quiet i forgot you were here." connie said, not looking up from his phone that sasha peered over as well.
"and stop making slick jokes and hurry up with the blunt." jean huffed scooting off the futon and resting his head on his palm. "i'm tryna smoke."
you watched eren look down at jean with a negative expression before continuing to roll, and you watched intently loving the way he looked while he did it. the way he let his tongue slide over the gutted blunt was enticing  and you looked from your position on his shoulder.
he let his eyes drift over to you without moving his head and then he placed the blunt on the tray grabbing the grinder and holding it out in front of you. "you wanna grind it for me?" he asked with a small smile and it caught you off guard. you took a minute to process what he said before you grabbed the grinder and let it come apart in two.
"i mean, i guess." he slid the tray over to your lap and did that chuckle again.
"do you even know how? i bet you've always had someone roll for you, huh?"
you couldn't help but break out into another smile, this one out of slight embarrassment before you bumped his shoulder playfully and setting down the grinder on the tray. "bye... i've only rolled once."
"she doesn't know how, and plus just earlier she asked me who our supplier was. even sasha knows that!" connie looked over and you met his eyes with a glare, a deadpanned expression crossing your face and the group broke into laughter again besides you.
"connie i'm gonna fuck you up." you muttered. your mood shifted once more though when eren began placing the weed into the grinder and closed the lid handing it to you.
"work some magic, babe." you were really trying not to show how excited you were, butterflies flapping their wings and flapping them hard in your stomach, especially at the nickname. you began twisting the small container and eren's calloused hands stopped yours from grinding too much. "that's good, that's good." he took it from your hands then pulled the tray over. "i got it from here."
"yeah cause she's gonna fuck it up." jean laughed and connie joined in his eccentric laugh filling the air as well causing you to groan.
"can y'all shut up? damn. you can't roll either jean."
ooohh's from connie and sasha bounced around the room and jean looked up at you amusement dancing in his eyes. "better than you."
"at least i look good while doing it." you sassed playfully while moving invisible hair behind you ear. you could've sworn eren nodded his head from next to you, and those dumb butterflies in your stomach began moving again.
"got that right." jean snapped back just as quick a flirtatious tone to his voice that caught you off guard and you raised an eyebrow at the sudden demeanor. eren looked up for a split second before glancing at you again, his eyebrows furrowed in... confusion maybe?
"weren't you just making fun of me earlier?"
"chill, we were just playing around, girl." jean responded with a shit eating grin before forming a heart with his hand and pouting at you.
"you better stop for eren gets on your ass, you know that's his girl." connie scrunched up his nose then looks towards you and eren for a reaction that he succeeded in getting. both you and eren looking up at him; eren's eyes holding more of a curious stare and yours more threatening. eren continued sealing the blunt soon after seemingly unfazed by connie's comment.
sasha gasped and widened her eyes at you. "stop! you know they don't date." she winked at you and wiggled her eyebrows and you pretended not to see her.
"yeah, they don't even date." jean added on, wondering how the conversation flipped from you to your relationship with eren so fast. it was annoying to him in the least, the group constantly commented on how you and eren should just get together and were clearly not just best friends, but the two of you seemed to haven't taken action yet.
"might as well." connie shrugged his shoulder. "anyways, jaeger finished rolling, let's get high." connie sat up, sasha lifting her head off of his arm as he did so and clasped her hands clearly ready to hit the blunt much like everyone else.
"you want the first hit?" eren rolled the blunt between his fingertips while letting the flame singe the end looking at you with those jaded green eyes, flecks of blue dashing across them in a way that made your heart melt.
"she gets the first hit too?" connie exclaimed staring at you and eren with a bored look on his face.
"who rolled the blunt?" eren asked raising an eyebrow at connie before letting his tongue run over his bottom lip and lifting the blunt from the lighter to watch the smoke float into the air, and ugh did he look good. when connie didn't answer he answered for him, "i rolled it, i choose who goes first."
"plus shes low key a newbie, this is what? her third session with us?" sasha chimed in grabbing the pillow that connie was laying on previous and rolling onto her stomach on the floor in front of the futon.
you pursed your lips before grabbing the blunt from eren, not even noticing that his arm was placed behind you until he rubbed your side in slight encouragement, his warm smile aimed at you. you put the brown wrap to your lips and inhaled the smoke, the gas irritating your airway causing you to let out a cough you tried to hold back.
eren began to laugh at you as you broke out into a fit of coughs, your throat attempting to clear up for you, and the worse the coughs got the more of your friends started to laugh, the only thing you could do was stick your middle finger up while sasha crawled to the same desk near the door to grab you her water bottle.
"i'm crying!" sasha laughed as she rolled the bottle over to the foot of eren's bed. eren's laughs died down too after he hit the blunt and then bending down to pick it up for you, untwisting the cap and passing the drug towards connie.
"woah, chill." he said before blowing the smoke from his mouth in your face causing you to suppress more coughs and fan it away. he tilted the water bottle to your lips and you let it swim down your throat, relishing in the sweet gesture from the boy next to you.
"eren," you mumbled his name taking the water bottle from his hand. you didn't get time to finish your sentence before his door opened revealing armin standing there in his pajama pants and sweatshirt.
all gazes turned towards him as he scanned eren's room growing accustomed to the new faces and scenery. "hi." he mumbled rubbing his eyes. "when did you guys get here?"
"did you just wake up?" eren asked slight concern lacing his face.
"yeah... i heard laughing. don't forget we share a wall." armin gestured towards the wall in which eren's futon laid against.
"i didn't even know you were here. i didn't see mikasa's car so i thought both of y'all just dipped." connie passed the blunt to sasha and fanned the air of the smoke letting the rest disperse after speaking.
"mikasa is at the library. she can't stand the smell of smoke and how loud you all are. i don't blame her." armin chuckled before walking over towards sasha who hit the blunt and gave it to armin's outstretched hand.
"armin you smoke?" you couldn't help but ask, the last two smoke sessions you went to with connie, armin wasn't there. as a matter of fact you never saw much of him because he excelled above you by some and the two of you didn't share any classes, yet you definitely knew him through eren.
"everybody hear smokes except for you." sasha said hoping her words would coerce you to come to join the smoke circle more indefinitely, not just pass by a few times here and there.
armin let the smoke inhale his lungs then removed the blunt from his soft lips. "i smoke with eren sometimes. not usually with all of you guys but... sometimes?" his response came more like a question than an answer as he bent down to give the blunt to jean.
"let armin hit it a couple times." eren used his head to motion the blunt in jean's hand to armin and armin nodded in agreement.
"yeah, i'm about to go back to my room anyways." armin took the blunt back holding it between his lips while leaning against the doorframe.
"why aren't you staying?" sasha pondered sitting up and cradling her pillow to her chest. armin took one last hit then walked over passing it to you which you accepted with a kind nod.
"i should be studying with mikasa but i fell asleep. i have a test tomorrow, eren does too."
"so eren's here getting high and he has a test tomorrow?" you give eren a playful disappointed glance that lasted a little longer than it should've. he met your eyes and then let his drop down to your lips before breaking out into a smile and leaning forward, burying his head into your neck. his chain dangled almost touching your lap and you felt the strands of his hair brush against your chin causing you to twitch at the tickling feel while inhaling the smoke from the blunt. when your hand dropped down to your lap he replaced your hand with his and put the wrap in his mouth while nuzzling into you.
"mikasa made me study with her for like a week straight, i'll be fine." he whined. you let a sigh leave you and found yourself stroking the hair on eren's nape while fiddling with the clasp of his gold chain adorning his neck. the smell of his cologne was mixing in with the weed, but yet that woody pine still overpowered the plant and you couldn't help but rest your head on top of his in efforts to get closer to the source of the fragrance.
"i still don't understand why the two of you haven't gotten together." armin announced eyes flickering back and forth between you and his roommate.
sasha flailed her arms out and her expression was relieved, although her eyes went wide and her eyebrows went up, "that's what i been trying to say! they already act like they date." armin nodded his head agreeing with her.
"we don't like each other, we're just friends i don't know why you all say that." you said a little too quickly, eren pulling away from your neck finally and giving you a once-over. you missed the warmth he brought but then turned your head back towards armin.
"yeah, yeah." he giggled rolling his eyes. "okay well goodnight." eren stood up and passed the blunt to armin who took one last hit then handed it back to sasha, then the rest of the room murmured a goodnight to the blonde relaxing in silence for a minute after his leave.
eren took it upon himself to scoot back on his bed until his back was hitting the wall once he sat back down, using his hand to beckon you to follow him. "c'mere." and you obliged until you were next to him, shoulders touching.
jean looked over to connie and sasha, connie still scrolling through his phone aimlessly giggling at his home screen for whatever reason and sasha looking up at the ceiling on her back now, bag of chips on top of her stomach as she got lost in her thoughts.
"remember when we used to like each other?" jean took it upon himself to abruptly reminisce on the past in the presence of his friends. he took a hit of the blunt thats length was beginning to falter, it on the verge of becoming a roach. he leaned over and passed it on to you, eyes trained on yours, completely ignoring eren's gaze
you furrowed yourself eyebrows trying to recall the time once you figured jean was talking to you, his stare telling, which you actually could. "...oh yeah, last year. i guess i did."
eren pulled one of your legs overtop of his and let his hand settle onto your thigh.
sasha's head perked up at the sudden conversation. "oh my gosh... you did like jean for a little bit. you used to gush over him-"
"sasha! i know, i know, but that was last year."
"i wonder why we didn't get together if we both liked each other, hm." jean looked upwards and tapped his chin in almost a mocking manner. "we used to hang out a lot actually now that i think about it, me, you, sasha and connie."
connie let out another burst of laughter and let his phone to drop to his chest. "yeah, remember that one time we got kicked out of the library because sasha got caught eating like four times and she wouldn't stop after that lady told her to?"
you chortled and sasha's mouth dropped open. "i don't even remember that, i thought you got kicked out because you wouldn't stop fucking laughing and that same lady told you to shut up like seven times!" and more laughter erupted from the ones who were there that day.
you passed the blunt to eren for the umpteenth time watching him take a quick drag then beckon to sasha to grab it as he didn't want to get up. "you both got kicked out, those were two different days." you shook your head at your friends antics and looked up at eren. "they're so dumb."
eren returned your stare and only then did you notice the way his eyes were half lidded, you were sure red was rimming them even though you couldn't really tell because of the red emitting from the lights in the room. he squinted at you and scrunched up his nose. "you look high." he ignored your last sentence wanting to stray away from the conversation he was barely apart of.
"i am high, stupid."
a small 'hmph' came from the back of his throat and it happened again, his eyes dropping to your lips causing him to lick his before he brought those same eyes back up to yours. you could've kept getting lost in them if you didn't jolt at the sound of jean clearing his throat and holding the blunt out to you.
you leaned over to grab it once more. "careful, it's a roach. don't burn yourself." he warned you, so you pinched it between your pointer finger and thumb and started to put it up to your lips but eren grabbed your wrist.
"wanna try something?" he asked you, plucking the faltering blunt from your hands and using the lighter beside him to fire it up a bit more. "wanna shotgun it?"
you had to trace back where you hear those words again... like a shotgun when you get to sit in the passengers seat? no, that wasn't it... you couldn't recall, but by the way sasha widened her eyes for the several time that night, the way connie's mouth dropped into an 'O', and the way jean's features were exasperated, him looking down to the bright light of his screen, you could only wonder eren's intentions.
he didn't even wait for a response from you, pulling through with his actions anyways. "inhale slowly, okay?" he inhaled as much smoke from the blunt storing it in his cheeks, the skin expanding from the inside and then leaned over his face mere inches from yours. he grabbed your chin with his fingers and you opened your mouth slightly watching as he opened his and let the smoke pour out of his tinted lips. you followed his instructions; inhaling very slowly hoping the moment could last a little longer, both of you staring at the transition of the smoke from one mouth to the other.
eren glanced to the side for a second to see if the others were watching, mainly searching for one pair of eyes. you saw his upper lip curl upwards slightly and you inched forward a little more subconsciously. eren watched the smoke grow thinner and felt the way your hands grabbed at his shirt tightly. he watched your eyes flutter and felt your noses brush together.
eren watched both of you lean in a little more until your lips brushed and came together, and felt the fireworks go off in both of your bodies, electric like sparks getting sent through his.
he ignored the gasps and groans of your friends and instead focused on the gasp that left your lips when they first connected with his, and the groan you elicited from him, lips meeting so fervently. he couldn't admit it until today but he wanted your lips on his so bad, your body on his so bad. he was so infatuated with you and the two of you being around each other majority of the time didn't help. he could only reminisce in the little touches and flirtatious gestures you passed back and forth on a regular day and use that to fuel his thoughts at night.
"eren," you mumbled against his lips your voice coming out like a whimper that went straight to his dick, causing him to wrap his arms around your body and pull you into his lap letting your legs swing over either side of him. eren didn't forget about the guests in the room, and as much as wanted to put on a little show in spite of jean, he pointed towards the door snapping his fingers twice.
"five dollars that they fuck?" sasha nudged connie's shoulder as they stood up and walked towards the door while she rolled up her chip bag bringing it with her. jean's figure was already halfway out the door, slamming it hard and making his way to the living room with the other two following.
"hell no, you're gonna owe me five dollars instead. i'm betting that they fuck."
"no, cause you know they're going to that's why i said the bet first, peanut head." sasha stuck her tongue out at connie and he shoved her out the door closing it softer than jean.
he kisses you even harder just basking in the feeling of your smooth lips against his slightly chapped ones, lips working in synchronization like they were made for each other and he felt so needy. his hands roamed your hips and waist, going underneath the jacket now hanging off your shoulders and feeling the bare skin of your stomach. your skin was so hot underneath his hand, just like the air surrounding the two of you.
you ground down into his lap and he hissed stilling your hips at the feeling, his mouth dropping into a circular shape, his eyebrows pointing up until a sigh left his lips once yours disconnected from his. you studied his face; his eyebrows scrunched up in lust and his lips parted slightly already missing the feeling of your lips. his nails dug into your hips as if you would run for whatever reason.
"_____... fuck." his tone was low and light and he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your cheek, his skin warm on yours. "you're so pretty,"
your face grew hotter than it already was and you leaned your forehead against his while your arms draped around his neck. "thank you,"
"i want you."
you closed your eyes and relished in his grip that became impossibly tight on your hips. "i want you too-"
"i wanna fuck you... i wanna feel you." eren's eyes fluttered shut as well, his forehead moving from yours to the crevice of your neck, planting his lips and nibbling on the thin skin. your breath hitched and your hold on his neck tightened. "i wanna have you."
"i'm right here, eren."
he held back a moan at how gentle and soft your voice was when you said those words, but you caught on and wanted to actually get one out of him. you wanted to pleasure him, you wanted him to shudder because of you, and you wanted your name to leave his lips like a song; but he wanted the same from you.
he was high, and high, and high off of you.
"lay down."
eren obliged with a smug smile, turning himself to the side while steadying you on his lap until his head hit the pillow, his flyaways bouncing to the sides of his face. "c'mere." just like earlier you listened to his words and leaned down so he could press his full lips against yours. his hands cradled either side of your face as you rutted your hips against him and swallowed his groans. his tongue swiped against your bottom lip and his teeth pulled at it as well until you gave him entrance to slip his tongue inside your mouth. you moaned at the feeling of your tongues colliding and dancing around each other even though both of your mouths were somewhat dry from the earlier smoke session, it still felt all good.
you felt fuzzy and your body felt like it was melting into his. when you pulled back for air eren gave you that same smile he gave you earlier, and you moved your kisses down his neck. once you reached the crevice between his shoulder and neck you moved his chain aside and licked at the spot, the feeling of your warm tongue against the shy skin causing eren to hold you a little tighter. you nibbled at the pretty skin and wondered if the mark you proceeded to leave would even be visible under the gleaming red lights.
"i don't know why you're trying to give me a hickey, they already know we're fucking." eren taunted letting his hands travel up your spine until they reached your neck, smoothing his fingers over it. you bit down on the mark as a way to punish eren for his comment then kissed it, finally pulling back.
"shut up."
eren let out a low laugh, and his low eyes raked over your figure with his lip trapped between his teeth. "when did you get my jacket?" he raised and eyebrow and began to remove the fabric that was resting at your elbows after unzipping it the rest of the way to reveal your top.
oh, so it was his jacket. you let out a laugh at your idiocy; you knew it was a couple sizes too big. "you look cute in it, but i want to see you now." he threw the fabric off of his bed and let his warm hands travel up until they cupped your breasts, your back arching in the least. his thumbs ran over your nipples, the feeling making you clench on top of eren. "like this," he pulled them hem of the white top up until you lifted your arms, now only left in your shorts and socks. he didn't even question the fact that you weren't wearing a bra. "shit..." he pushed you down until he could latch onto on of your breasts his tongue swirling around your nipple and you let the tingling feeling go down your spine until he popped off. eren begins to remove his shirt swiftly throwing it somewhere near his jacket.
you make work of your position on top of eren, scooting down on his legs and pecking his chest, abs, then v-line until your head was leveled with his dick. he stared down at you with a look of sultry while your hands worked to pull down his sweatpants. his hips lifted to help you out and you palmed at him with your hand watching him throw his head back when such a simple gesture relieved some of the tension he was feeling.
your mouth connected with his dick through the fabric, feeling for his tip that rested on his thigh and smirking against it when he hissed, hand flying to your ponytail that you threw up earlier that evening. "fuck, don't tease me like that baby."
"i wanna take my time with you." a pout formed on your face and your hands made their way to his waistband, the elastic material detailed with 'calvin klein' circling his hips.
eren's hands grabbed your jaw forcing you to look up at him before you could pull down his boxers. "and i want to fuck you... make you feel good."
your stomach twisted and even though you were just trying to do the same you couldn't help but rush pulling down the brunette's briefs until his cock slapped against his lower abdomen, your pussy squeezing around nothing at the view. his tip red and leaking and you knew that it'd be heavy on your tongue.
"eren..." he watched the way you eyed his aching dick, and he took it in his hands rubbing himself up and down with his hand while basking in your expression.
"hm?" you didn't even know what you wanted to say, you were just mesmerized and wasted no time prying his hands away to replace them with your own. your nimble fingertips ran over his tip to gather his precum and slide it over his length and he twitched, no, his dick twitched, and his fists clenched in anticipation for your hot mouth on him.
he decided to be courageous, to look down and try to watch you without spilling over himself too fast, i mean could you blame him if he did? your hands, the feeling of you over him, the way you would feel around him... he'd had wanted this forever and now it was in front of him.
in a way, he wanted to ruin you, not let this moment go in fear it wouldn't happen again.
so you finally attached your lips to his throbbing member, and he sucked in a breath hand trying to choose between flying to your head or to keep his hands to his self for now, but he chose the former his fist keeping a grip on your locks while you began to bob your head up and down. small sounds of pleasure left him and his eyes closed again, him trying to focus on not fucking your pretty throat so early in. he just wanted you and him to be one in every sense for as long as possible.
a mantra of 'yes,' and 'fuck,' left eren's mouth while your worked around him slicking him up and drawing lines up and down his cock with your tongue watching his reactions for a particular sensitive spot he might have; and you found it.
you went back up to his tip kissing it gently before letting the heat of your tongue slide down a vein on the side of his dick. "_____," eren moaned lifting his hips although he wasn't engulfed in your mouth. "i need it, shit, i need your mouth."
you giggled and placed his heavy dick back where he liked it for now. you felt it brush against your throat and you wondered if you could go any farther, sucking fervently and coming back up to spit on his head, adding more slick to him. when you went back down eren couldn't help it, he had felt when his tip touched your throat earlier and he most definitely wanted to feel that again.
his grip on your hair tightened when your swollen lips were wrapped around him again. he pushed your head down a little bit causing your hands to put more pressure on his thighs. eren opened his eyes to stare at you again, your mouth stretched out so lewdly over his cock, saliva starting to slide down his length from your mouth and your eyes shut as you tried to focusing on breathing. this only encouraged him further.
"i know you can take more, c'mon, go a little further." he said in a tone near a whisper while he lift his hips up more so that he could feel that ridge of your throat and hear another gag.
you pushed yourself, letting him take more control and then he felt it again; "mhm, right there baby, right there." he moaned when you whimpered, groaned and gagged, but this only pushed his animalistic fervor and he tried to push you down more but you lifted your head to catch your breath. "fuck, that feels amazing, angel."
you let the praise run over your body and went back down on him seeing how far you could go without his extra nudge then focused some more attention on his tip.
eren could feel the curdle in his lower abdomen but he tried his best to ignore it, letting your work him more. he let you swirl your tongue around him and pepper kisses down his length. he watched you try to deep throat him again and watched the tears spring from your eyes before you came back up, and all of this built up further until he tumbled over the edge spilling white heat into your mouth with a shout.
you were satisfied.
aching for him? yes, but satisfied at your job.
eren's thigh twitched and his eyes screwed shut as you didn't remove yourself from his length yet, cupping his balls and paying attention to his tip, overstimulating him, watching him shudder and gasp under you like you wanted. his dick hardened again while he contemplated whether to remove you from his length or let the over sensitivity go until he had no choice but to stop, and once again he picked the prior. "_____, please i want to be inside you now, wanna fuck you still."
you slipped off of him and crawled forward only now aware of the wet spot on your panties.
eren brought your face towards him kissing you with no hesitance despite him just being in your mouth. he pecked your lips and you smiled as he praised you. "you did so good, so good..." another peck and then his hands trailed down to the shorts you were still wearing, giving your ass a squeeze and spreading them. "but now i want to see that pretty pussy on my dick, yeah?"
you let him slide off your shorts and underwear simultaneously until your slick heat was exposed to him and to the air, feeling it brush over you before eren's hands could. your head fell to his chest feeling the cold metal of his chain underneath you, and your sore jaw parted when you felt his rough fingers gather up your wetness on them, rubbing through your slit. "eren..."
"c'mon, sit baby. we're not done yet; fuck yourself on me." he placed his lips on your the top of your head. "please?"
you picked yourself up and scoot back taking eren's dick in your hand once more. you didn't even care that he didn't have a condom, you trusted him, and you trusted the birth control you were on too.
finally you slipped down onto him and for him it felt like you were sucking him up inch by inch until he bottomed out inside of you. "so fucking tight... you're so wet." he groaned with his hands on your hips and yours on his chest steadying you. it had been awhile since you had been fucked and feeling so full again felt good, the stretch felt good and the slight pain subsided so quickly.
slowly, you guided yourself up and down eren's cock until you could find a good rhythm. your chest bounced above him and your ass clapped together, mixing in with the sound of your slick getting pushed in and out of you. "yeah, like that," eren hummed watching you focused, your pussy squeezing around him and you putting in the efforts to fuck yourself on him for both your pleasure.
eren's hands helped guide your body up and down him, and you leaned forward a little to add some more pressure to your clit. everything felt so good, the way he hit your cervix, the way your bud rubbed against his lower abdomen, you could definitely say this was one of the best fucks you had in a while. eren slapped your ass for encouragement before massaging the same area and relishing in your gasp.
"this feels good... and so much better when you're high." you sighed out while your face contorted in pleasure.
"or is my dick just that good?" eren joked looking up at you after your comment.
"shut it, eren.. and," you leaned forward some more. you were somewhat exhausted from riding already, thighs aching and body shivering from the pleasure. "i’m tired..." you admitted almost shamefully.
"you're tired?" he spoke in the way you would to a child while turning you around so you were on your side. his chest was against your back, the cold gold material resting between your shoulder blades and your ass snug against him. he lifted your leg and held it up while you guided him back inside of you until he was buried deep once again, this angle hitting even better.
"i got you," eren murmured against your neck while starting his pace slow. his hand trailed up to your neck and he gave it a light squeeze while pushing you further against him. he loved the way your ass bounced against his lower stomach when he started going faster, making him speed up his pace. "'m gonna fuck you so good."
you let out a slutty moan at his dirty talk, bringing a hand over to your mouth and shutting your eyes. he found that sweet spot inside of you and you couldn't help but react as well as he hit it over and over again. eren's hand on your throat went up to pull your hand off of your mouth. "don't try to hide that pretty voice, i want to hear you, i want them to hear you. get loud baby."
you were sure he felt the way you clenched around him, suffocating his dick as it slid in and out of you at a steady speed, and this time when you let out a moan you let him hear it, you were loud like he asked and tried to put your leg up even further so he could hit deeper.
"eren, fuck!" you were left pondering why you didn't think about this earlier, why you didn't listen to everybody who told you to get with eren. you could've been getting the best dick you'd gotten in years but both your stubborn, wavering feelings got in the way. "yes, oh my god, yes!" you cried out while eren bucked his hips up into you tightening his grip on your neck.
he turned your head towards him and engaged your lips again swallowing your cries and whimpers as he abused your pussy. your hand shakily made its way down to your clit to give you another push but he was quicker, dropping your leg and grabbing your wrist causing you to yelp. "eren, please."
"beg me." that same fervor from earlier returned. being edged on by your cries and shouts of his name, knowing how good he was fucking you and making you feel was such a turn on. "tell me how you want me, how you want my cum."
your breath was ragged and your leg was aching but you wanted it stretched out again where you could feel it deep. you were on the verge of tears. your hips rutted against eren for any boost, any pressure that you could get you to your high. the hand around your neck only gripped further as you didn't respond yet.
"c'mon, beg me baby."
"eren," his name came out broken, your back leaving his chest as your arched hard. "please fuck me, fuck me... please," he started to move again in the least, after all he was on the verge of cumming as well. "fuck, cum inside me, i want it, please." the sobs that left your mouth were so hot and of course he gave you what you wanted.
he fucked up into you after lifting your leg again and letting the fingers that were choking you slip into your mouth while he kissed and nibbled at your neck, speaking in between, praising you and marking you. his hand slipped from your mouth and he brought his wet fingers down to your clit rubbing for you until you toppled over the edge with a loud cry of his name. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your cunt gripped him like a vice over and over again as if you were trying to milk him.
"ah, fuck," the way you were squeezing around him caused him to unravel himself, white painting your walls as he filled you up with his cum, shaking himself. "_____," he heaved as the two of you tried to come down from your escapade.
your breathing was beginning to steady again but you could still feel yourself pulsing around him causing him to pull out before it became too much. "eren.." you answered back as your head relaxed against his pillow while you rested in his grip. you felt his lips against your neck again, then stopping at your shoulder blades.
you were blanking out from tiredness, only then did you realize the state you were in, hair in somewhat of a mess, a sheen of sweat covering both of your bare bodies, and marks littering your body. not to mention the cum trying to ooze out of you. you didn't even realize when eren had gotten up until he came back, wiping you clean and only assuming he did himself too. he locked his door on the way back in and slipped his boxers back on, reciprocating on you with your underwear.
you could feel the bed shift, eren crawling in bed beside you after drawing out the covers from underneath both of you and wrapping them around you and him, bringing you against him before you fell back asleep.
༄ ༄ ༄
you woke up to a hand shaking you, your eyes lazily opening.
"wake up, _____."
the pretty boy smiled at you and studied your features as you tried to wake up completely. you were no longer naked, or in the same position you were from last night, now wearing a plain white shirt and your underwear.
"morning, i gotta head to class soon, remember i have a test, or did i-"
"don't finish that sentence." you rolled your eyes as you sat up completely eren laughing at you. you followed his eyes, them resting on your lips like always and you took it upon yourself to lean up and kiss him, this time quite innocently, domestic almost. "sorry, morning breath, but,"
eren this time cut you off with another soft kiss, his cheeks rising from his smile as he pulled you closer to him.
you didn't want to talk it out yet, you were somewhat fine with where everything was at now, although you knew your friends and eren wouldn't want to coax a direct answer out of you sooner or later.
but you were content with the way eren kissed you just seconds ago, content with his jacket and sweats you had to wear, you were content with having to use spare bathroom products at his house, you were content with the wave armin and mikasa gave you out the door, content with the walk you and eren shared to the college, content with the last kiss he gave you before his class.
content is how you were feeling.
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captains-simp · 3 years
hey! so i love wanda and i was wondering if you could write one kind of enemies to lovers or something like that where reader and wanda don't get along well, jealous scene or maybe a very suggestive fight. very angst but happy fluffy ending please
Enemies to lovers owns my whole gay heart and I CANNOT write it without there being sexual tension so xksksjsks smut alert
@g-cordelia hope it's okay to combine your request with this too so there's a healthy dose of angst and fluff with it
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"Please don't go."
"Don't you fucking lie to me."
Warnings: choking, fingering, spanking, strap on sex, mentions of oral and hints at mild injury
6k words
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Buy me a coffee ☕
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"Your actions jeopardised the whole mission." Steve said sternly before raising his voice when he saw he received no reaction from you or the redhead. "Whatever is going on between you has to stop!"
"You say that like it's ever been any different." Natasha added.
The pair that usually felt like the protective big brother and sister of the team where acing the role of disappointed parents. Admittedly that did make you feel bad, but Wanda showed no signs of giving an apology and you would be damned if you did first.
Natasha and Steve waited for any kind of response from either of you and got nothing. You and Wanda continued to glare at each other from opposite sides of the table, your stubnorness stopping either of you from looking at the two standing at the head of the table.
"Just write up your reports." Steve sighed, giving into the tension of the room before anyone else. If it had been just you, Wanda and Natasha there was no telling how long you'd be in there.
You both got up from the table at the same time, still refusing to break eye contact.
"Y/n stay behind a minute." Oh so they're switching it up to disappointed teachers now. Your attention fell to Steve in a look of confusion although that didn't mean you missed the smirk that played on the corner of Wanda's lips. You cursed her like a sailor in your head and hoped she heard but her back was to you and she was strolling out the room.
"I thought you guys were getting better." Steve sighed as he leant against the table.
"We were when we didn't have to talk to each other." You said honestly. There had been a few weeks prior where you and Wanda had had no missions together and therefore had no reason to talk or train with one another.
"You can't resort to avoiding each other as a way to solve your problems. All that does is make things escalate even more when you're actually together which will inevitably happen. Because believe it or not you two are on the same side and have to act like it." Natasha said sternly. You stared down at the table and thought about how how her words were. But it wasn't like you had that warning before.
When the pair infront of you knew you weren't going to say anything in response Steve filled the silence once again. "You're both suspended from missions until you can learn to work together." He decided.
"What?!" You cried as you snapped your head towards them and stood up. "You can't be serious."
"Deadly." Natasha said. You looked frantically between the two in disbelief.
"Alright." You said finally and clenched your jaw. You turned around and left the room without objection from the two Avengers, heading straight towards Wanda's room.
You never really knew why you and Wanda never got on. Maybe it was because she reminded you so much of the popular girls in high school you always envied while wanting them in your bed...no, it definetly couldn't be that. You just didn't know what.
It didn't take long to get there when you were walking like you were out for blood, that wouldn't be an unexpected result of what you planned. You banged on her door several times in a closed fist so it didn't take her long to answer.
She looked concerned when she opened the door and as soon as she realised it was you that same smirk from the meeting room fell back into place.
"Did they ground you?" She asked as she leant against the doorframe.
"Suspended." You spat. A shit eating grin started to appear but you wiped that off her face instantly. "Both of us."
"What the fuck? I didn't-"
"Yes you fucking did and now I'm paying for it too. You wanna know the best part? We can't go back in the field until we can work together nicely." You said bitterly.
"Why don't they just keep us on separate missions?"
"You can go ask them that later. Right now we're training." You said simply and you grabbed her forearm and pulled her out of her room down the corridor.
"We just got back." Wanda argued but followed you anyway after slapping your hand off her.
"Not prepared to put the work in, witchy?" You mocked, not looking at her as you marched through the compound.
"Don't call me that?" Wanda warned as she kept your pace.
"What are you gonna do? Read my mind?" You continued to taunt as you arrived in the gym and made your way to the mats.
Wanda put her red jacket on the floor and stepped away to take up her position as she eyed you. "I could snap all your bones into pieces so small they could be mistaken for ash." Wanda said stoicly.
"I don't think that's gonna get you another mission." You replied calmly, knowing that while there was a truth to Wanda's words she would never give you more than a split lip or bloody nose in the worst training sessions.
"Don't be a smartass y/n, it doesn't suit you." Your jaw clenched at her words.
Without warning, the entirety of your right arm lit up in flames and was aimed at Wanda in an instant.
You sent a wave of fire her way that she swiftly engulfed in her powers and sent back towards you. She looked less than impressed from your warningless attack.
"That was tacky." She said.
"I know, seemed fitting for you." You grinned but stopped when the red mist surrounded your body and lifted you into the air before a larger wave of fire was sent hurtling down to the redhead. The wall of fire blocked her view of you and subsequently dropped you to the ground as she dealt with the flames.
As soon as you landed and the fire parted you sent another blast Wanda's way only for her to do the exact same thing. You both ducked at the same time, your powers hitting opposite walls and leaving marks Tony would be on your asses about when he found out.
Wanda was clearly thinking the same thing. "We can't use our powers in an enclosed space, especially not yours." She said, her accent thickly woven into her voice.
"Okay then, let's see if Natasha's lessons have paid off." You said as you raised your fists and got into your defensive stance. Wanda mirrored you the way she had been taught and narrowed her eyes.
"They definelty have." She insisted as her eyes flickered over your form to try and identify your weak points already in a very obvious way.
"Just try to keep up." You mocked and swiftly moved to swipe her legs out from under her but she was surprisingly prepared. She jumped up to avoid your attack and kicked her leg out mid air and landed it on the center of your chest. You stumbled back in shock while Wanda looked very proud of herself. The last time you saw Wanda train it was clear she wasn't familiar with close range hand to hand combat. You hadn't expected her to improve so significantly in such a short amount of time.
You gritted your teeth and went for her stomach this time which she easily avoided but wasn't expecting another attack to follow so quickly. She blocked the continuous blows from you until you saw your moments and kicked one of her legs out from under her. Your mistake was thinking you succeeded the moment she was down because she spun around and kicked both of your legs out. You caught yourself partly as Wanda stood up so you were on kneeling.
Wanda's smirk was quick to take place when she saw your position, not missing the opportunity. "You look good when you're on your knees." She quipped.
Your eyes widened at her boldness and a heat rose up your neck that you knew wasn't your powers. You rolled back on the balls of your feet and swiftly stood up to look anywhere but the smug redhead infront of you.
"No snarky remark for that?" She challenged and you charged at her again. Anger feuled your attacks making them miscordinated and all round bad.
"Shut the fuck up, Maximoff." You huffed and made her grin even more at the clear signs that she was getting to you.
One of your punches was pushed to the side and Wanda took the chance to show you just how much she had learnt from Nat. You weren't entirely sure how she even did it it was so quick. Your arm was outstretched behind your back painfully due to Wanda's unrelenting grip on it and made it that much easier to push one of your legs down onto the floor. She held you like that for longer than necessary, soaking up the view of you struggling in her grasp.
"Get off." You snapped and winced when she pulled your arm back more.
"What's the magic word?" She teased.
"Now." You demanded. She tutted and pulled harder. "Maximoff!" You ordered through the pain. She leaned down beside you as her voice dropped to a low whisper.
"Beg." It was one word but you couldn't deny the effect it had on you. It was as though her light breath on your ear shot throughout your body and settled in a place you really didn't want it to.
You were about to object and tell her to stop being a bitch but her grip tightened and she pulled to a point where you thought your arm might just snap off under any more pressure.
"Please." You cried through gritted teeth. She instantly let go all too quickly and you collapsed onto the mat on your front. You heard her chuckle menacingly but cut herself off when Nat appeared in the doorway.
"We told you to write up your reports, not train." Natasha scolded as she watched you massage your shoulder and glare at Wanda.
"Sorry, just got a bit carried away." Wanda smiled, her innocent and sweet act that she put up for everyone except you returning. "Y/n's had enough now anyway." She smirked to herself.
"Fucking psycho." You muttered loud enough for her to hear but not Nat. Her jaw visibly clenched from that making you revel in the small victory as you finally got up from the mat.
"Just get on with the reports." Nat sighed and turned to leave as Wanda called out.
"On it."
"Aww, you trying to be a good girl, Maximoff?" You mocked as the pain subsided and your need to overrule what had happened came through.
"I don't have the time to stress over that, not when I'm busy putting brats in their place." Wanda said as she advanced towards you with a look you had only ever seen aimed at those you were fighting against.
"What?" You whispered as you backed up and felt your back hit the wall. Wanda's hand came up suddenly and wrapped itself around your throat firmly and cut off your breathing. Your eyes widened as you grabbed at her hands but she didn't budge. She looked amused at your efforts as her head tilted slightly to the side.
"And you certainly need to learn your place." She took her hand away and left you gasping for air for a split second before grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the gym.
You stumbled a little as you tried to keep up with Wanda's long strides you could usually match. Your whole body was already trembling in anticipation, more so by the tension filled silence between you both as you travelled through the compound and ended up outside the redhead's room.
She opened her door and shoved you into her room swiftly. You didn't have much chance to take in your surroundings because the Sokovian gripped the back of your neck and forced you to lay on your stomach on her bed.
She made quick work of your clothes, discarding them to some soon forgotten about corner.
You turned your head to the side and gripped the sheets as you felt Wanda's slim fingers trialing up the back of your thighs before she gripped them roughly and forced them apart and lifted your lower half up. Her fingers returned and glided along your drippikg folds, collecting your arousal as she reveled in the effect she had on you.
"What was it that made you this wet, slut? Was it being on your knees for me? Begging me? Or did you enjoy the pain? I bet you enjoyed me choking you too." She chuckled darkly and didn't wait for you to respond.
She slipped two fingers inside your soaking cunt without warning making you gasp out in pleasure. Her fingers curled inside you beautifully, brushing some kind of nerve ending every second they were buried inside you. She had you a moaning, quivering mess in no time.
"Wanda...fuck! Right there, oh God!" She snickered against your skin as she worked her fingers expertly. Even then she wanted to test you. Well it was more that she was setting you up for failure.
"Shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear another sound from that whiny mouth." She ordered and you couldn't help but shiver from her dominant nature.
Of course it didn't last long. Her fingers felt so damn perfect inside you and you couldn't help but moan at the unspeakable pleasure.
She brought her hand down fast and landed it on your ass with a harsh smack that echoed through the room. She did it to both of your asscheeks until they were bright red and you were trembling. The sadistic redhead didn't stop there, she continued to rain down smacks that edged you further to your edge with the pleasurable pain.
Soon, you were moaning into the air as you came around Wanda's slim fingers, desperatly clenching around them in an attempt to prolong the pleasure. Thankfully, she kept pumping her fingers inside you, not caring when the overstimulation kicked in. She even started scissoring her fingers inside you, stretching your walls in a way that has you whimper loudly.
"Gotta stretch you a little to get you ready for my piece, sweetheart." She said in a sinister tone. "There's no way you'd be able to take it otherwise, it's already going to reck you with its size." She husked into your ear and withdrew her fingers, spanking you again when you whined.
Wanda got off the bed and disappeared into her closet, shortly returning with a large strap secured around her waist and pointed at you. You whimpered at the sight of it, not sure you could handle its size.
The Sokovian kneeled behind you and gripped your hips with both her hands as she lined up the strap with your entrance.
"I'm going to fill you up so nicely, Princess. Gonna have your cumming in no time." She husked, her voice dripping with lust.
A scream was ripped from your throat when Wanda thrust the entirety of the strap into your pussy. She set about her harsh, abusing pace instantly and preened at the sound of the pleasure filled cries that left you.
She grabbed a fistful of your hair and slammed your head down into the pillows on your side do she could still hear all of your desperate moans. The rough action earned the redhead a cry of her name.
Her pace was unrelenting, everytime she thrust back into you she somehow managed to hit deeper, pounding the toy against the most sensitive and pleasurable part of your cunt.
"Mommy!" You moaned loudly, not realising your slip up until the words left your lips. Your eyes widened and you feared Wanda's response, but what you got was a smack from the redhead that stung your ass in the best way. Her fucked you with increasing vigor too, wanting you title to spill from your lips again. And it did. Over and over, each time going straight to Wanda's pussy.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." You whimpered as you gripped onto the sheets tighter to prepare yourself for your release. But Wanda pulled the strap out the the very tip and held it there as she leant over to whisper in your ear.
"Beg me." She ordered and you whimpered again. It wasn't like you hadn't already submitted to the red head you hated but begging would be something that would loom over you for a while.
Your thoughts clashed with the overwhelming need from your pussy as it desleratly tried to clamp down on the tip that didn't provide nearly enough pleasure.
"Please, Wanda." You whispered.
"Please who?" She asked sweetly, clearly testing you making you groan.
"Please, mommy just let me cum." You whined and Wanda smacked your ass hard. She edged the dildo in further ever so slowly and stopped again.
"Mommy, please! I need to cum." You tried again, desperation seeping into your voice. Wanda hummed.
"I can see that." She mused as she rubbed small circles on your throbbing and soaked clit. "I just don't see why I should, brat." She punctuated the name with a harsh slap to your ass again and you caught onto what she was hinting at.
"Please, I'll...I'll be so good for you, mommy."
"Yeah, baby?"
"Yes! Please mommy I'll be so so good for you. Just please please let me c-" You were abruptly cut off by your own whorish moan as Wanda snapped her hips forwards and filled you up entirely.
One of her hands tangled itself in your hair and forced your head down into the pillows, not stopping your incoherent babbles filling the room along with the sound of your pussy being fucked by Wanda and her thighs slapping against yours.
The Sokovian tugged on your hair again so your head was off the pillow.
"I'm gonna cum!" You cried out into the air.
"That's it, baby. Soak my fucking cock." And with that demand you came harder than you ever had around Wanda's strap and moaned continuously as the redhead prolonged your pleasure by continuing to pound into you.
But it soon became too much for your sensitive pussy. You squirmed away from Wanda but she placed one hand on the middle of your back to keep you flat against the bed.
"Too much." You managed to say, however the redhead didn't seem to care.
"I'm nowhere near done with you, Princess."
Laying panting and gripping onto Wanda's bedsheets like a lifeline wasn't exactly what you expected to be doing on a Thursday night. You were drenched in sweat and although Wanda had pulled out the toy minutes prior, you were sure you could still feel it filling you up, the faint throbbing a forewarning of what was to come.
It took you a while to gather the strength to get up. With anyone else you probably would have just stayed the night in their bed, but you weren't sure you could do that with Wanda. Although she wouldn't kick you out, you didn't like the thought of sleeping beside the redhead. It seemed far too...soft? Whatever it was, you were sure Wanda would agree.
You searched for your clothes while she took a most likely deliberately long shower, images of her naked figure covered in water invading your mind.
Once you cursed them away they were just replaced with flashes of what you had been doing for all those hours, remembering how she pulled on your hair as she praised you when you went down on her. Of course you did that while on your knees.
What happened between you and Wanda wasn't a one time thing. In fact it became increasingly common until you were in each other's beds almost every night. You would have been fuck buddies if you had considered each other a friend.
It worked. You and Wanda were able to work out your pent up frustration towards each other in a way that didn't hurt one another....well, if that didn't include the scratches along Wanda's back and the constant aching between your legs.
You didn't even make snide comments about each other in meetings or during training. You were able to keep everything in the bedroom.
The success of what you two had going forced you to ignore the noteable change in feelings you had towards Wanda. You saw her differently but couldn't quite tell how. Sometimes it was as though the unplaceable emotion you had towards her from from start spiked and other times you were purely confused.
It was always most prominent after she made you crash over the edge of bliss or when she came undone beneath you. Those moments when your bodies went limp and you were caught up in each other's embrace because you didn't have the energy to move. Hearing her exhausted breathing match her rising and falling chest and faint heartbeat if you had your head on her chest. Those tender moments were the ones that caught you off guard.
You refused to make a big deal out of it though. You refused to investigate your feelings or even acknowledge them. What you had with Wanda was the most efficient thing you could do. You didn't want to muck it up but you knew it couldn't go on forever. Another labelless feeling emerged at that thought.
Natasha was the only one who knew what you were doing. Neither of you told her, the spy was able to figure it all out on her own quickly and confronted you both about it once, only saying to be careful. That was the only time she addressed it verbally but you could always feel her watching you both carefully when you trained.
You thought it was going great. You and Wanda had finally been cleared for a mission that you would both be on, the team certainly needed the man power. That was until Nat told you otherwise.
"What do you mean I'm not going?!" You exclaimed across the room. You had seen Nat in the meeting room looking up something on her tablet and had gone in to enquire something about the mission that was long forgotten.
"I've thought about it and you and Wanda still aren't deemed the most reliable when put together for a mission, with this one being as important as it is we can't afford to make mistakes." Natasha sighed.
"So why don't you take Wanda off the mission? I have more experience."
"Her powers are perfectly fitted to this mission, we need her."
"And not me." You knew you came across as petty, but you had been dying to go back into the field.
"Y/n." Nat tried but you scoffed and glared at the screens with those assigned to the mission. Your eyes found Wanda's picture first and your jaw clenched at the sight of her ridiculously attractive face.
"What did she say to you?" You demanded as something clicked in your brain.
"She didn't say anything, this is my judgement." Natasha began but you didn't buy it.
"We both know if it was you you would have told me as soon as you decided it. You had no issue with me and Wanda being on this mission before. Hell, you cleared us both for the field." Nat glanced down at her tablet guiltily as she searched her brain for another hopeless lie.
"This is unbelievable." You scoffed and turned sharply on your heels to storm out of the room, ignoring your name being called by Nat.
You soon found Wanda in the kitchen making herself a coffee as she hummed softly. You willed your brain to ignore the warmth you got from seeing the redhead in her own, peaceful world.
"Do you have a problem with me?" You demanded, snapping her out of her trance. She visibly figited when she saw you approach her and lean on the edge of the kitchen island on you hands with an expectant look.
"No?" She said, seeming unsure.
"Don't you fucking lie to me." She seemed startled by your increasing aggression.
"What are you talking about?" She asked as she stirred her drink.
"Don't play dumb with me, Maximoff. You got me off the mission!" Wanda stopped her movements as she froze, clearly caught off guard by your discovery. Given how Nat had acted you guessed you weren't meant to find out it was Wanda who said something.
"It's for the best." She finally said but avoided your eye.
"It is not your place to decide what's best for me, you don't get to do that." You argued.
"There should only be a few people on the mission." She tried.
"I know that, I've seen the intel. But we already discussed that those people should be powered. Why am I being taken off?" You demanded again.
"It's dangerous." She muttered as she stared down at her drink.
"It's my fucking job. You think I don't know that."
"Of course you do, but there's a bigger risk than the usual missions we've been on. A bigger risk of you getting hurt." She muttered the last bit, like she wasn't entirely sure she wanted you to hear her. Granted, Wanda showing concern for your safety was new.
"Any one of us could get hurt." You said, lowering your voice marginally.
"But it's you I'm worried about." She insisted. It was your turn to become uncomfortable, shifting slightly under her gaze that held something new.
"I can take care of myself." You said as you crossed your arms, feeling a sudden defensive need to protect yourself.
"I know... but I care about you." You exhaled slowly, becoming increasingly uncomfortable at the tone of her voice. "If something happened to you..." She continued, "I don't know what I would do." Her voice was barely above a whisper, the softness laced in it undeniable. It sparked something in you. Something you didn't want to accept.
"Good luck on your mission, Maximoff." You said through gritted teeth and went to leave but Wanda was behind you instantly and took ahold of your hand to pull you back.
"Wait, I wasn't done-"
"Well I am." You snapped and yanked your hand out of her grip.
"What..?" She said slowly.
"If you don't want to work with me then we won't, no need to keep fucking anymore." You huffed and went to walk away.
"That wasn't what I-"
"Stop!" It wasn't a cry of anger. It was pure desperation. Your pleading look took Wanda by surprise and pained her to see. "Just stop before you say something you can't unsay." You said shakily. Your unspoken message was received. You didn't want to hear about Wanda's feelings towards you. She just didn't know it was because you were afraid that it would uncover what you had been feeling all along. You couldn't handle it. You were scared.
Wanda nodded, defeated, and let you go. You were filled with grief as you walked away, your footsteps feeling heavier than usual. You wanted to look back, to go back to her. But you couldn't.
You distracted yourself with a particularly ruthless training session the day of Wanda's mission. Carol showed you no mercy in sparring, weight lifting and boxing - even encouraging power use every now and then. But your mind still wandered to the redhead the way it usually did.
When you finally collapsed on the mat in defeat Carol chuckled and tossed you your waterbottle before encouraging an ice bath and strolling out of the gym for her evening flight.
You stayed on the floor for a while after you finished your water, only stopping staring up at the ceiling when Nat's outline blocked the lights. You sat up and looked at her hopefully, seeing that she was back from monitoring the mission and didn't seem distraught or upset.
"How did it go?" You asked as she sat down across from you.
"It was a success." She said but she didn't seem all that happy.
"And everyone's okay?" You asked cautiously. Nat gave a half shug and sighed lightly.
"There was ice - a lot if it and it was so cold. Dangerously cold." Nat started. You tried not to clench your jaw or show any signs of annoyance, knowing there was no need to point out that mission was fitted for you and your powers that would have guaranteed everyone's safety.
"Wanda got a little cut up, it was impossible to fight on that ground." You eyed the door and bit your lip, refraining from giving in to the urge to go see her.
"She doesn't want to talk to anyone right now, but she needs seeing to the cut." Nat said as she placed a first aid kit down infront of you. She was back already? And why did you have the kit?
"She won't see anyone either." Nat said before you could verbally question her. It took a moment for you to understand what she was saying.
"I don't think she wants to see me, Nat." You said as you pushed it back her way only for her to toss it into your lap.
"Goddmit, y/n. Can you two stop dancing around each other and actually talk?!" She exclaimed.
"We tried that-"
"Talking, y/n, not shouting or arguing. Talking." She said firmly and got up before you could protest further.
You pondered over what Natasha said for a while. You knew she had a good point, that talking was exactly what you should have done from the start, but it was just another thing that frightened you.
"Your job is facing your fears." You muttered aloud to yourself.
You finally got up from the ground, first aid kit in hand, and trudged along the compound towards Wanda's room. You tried to figure out what you could say on the way. But it all came out a jumbled mess that made no sense. Multiple times you stopped in the hallways and considered turning back before convincing yourself to keep going.
You knocked softly on Wanda's door and was surprised that it opened for you. The redhead in question was sat on her bed with a pillow in her lap, fiddling with her hands the way she always did when she was anxious or deep in thought. That evening it was both.
She glanced up at you as you closed the door but turned back to her pillow quickly when you gave her a short smile that didn't quite meet your eyes.
Regardless, you cautiously walked towards her bed and sat down next to her with the small box between you. You brought one of your legs up under you so you could face Wanda and eyed the cut above her eyebrow in concern. She still didn't say anything, neither did you.
You opened up the small box and got out a pack of wound closure strips and carefully unwrapped one. Wanda didn't object to you gently holding the area around her cut as you placed the strip on and lightly smoothed over the edges until you were sure it would stay on.
"I let my emotions cloud my judgement." She mumbled as you prepped another strip.
"It happens to all of us." You said.
"But I didn't listen to you. I should have." You sighed and stopped unwrapping the strip to look up at the redhead and watch her closely. She looked back at you with a guilty and pained expression that was full of regret.
"Yeah." You nodded slowly as you went back to the medical tape and raised your hands to put it on but the Sokovian held your wrist to stop you. "What's done is done, so just let me put these on and we're good." You said but she still didn't let go.
"Just like that?" She questioned.
"The mission was a success. If I'd had been there you wouldn't have gotten hurt, that's all."
"You were really mad though." She continued and you put your hands down to rest them, not failing to notice that Wanda was still holding your wrist but with a much lighter grip.
"It's hard to stay mad at you." You admitted.
"You've always been mad at me."
"Well it wasn't exactly like you were the friendliest person to me." You pointed out. "I was never mad at you, Wanda. I just hated that... that you made me feel something I've never trusted, so I didn't trust you. It was never your fault, I was unfair." You admitted as you stared down at the tape the whole time, afraid to meet the redhead's eyes.
"What did you feel?" Wanda asked, her voice void of emotion making it more difficult for you to say. You gulped as you continued to stare at the tape, willing yourself to give Wanda the answer she needed. The answer she deserved.
"Love." You voice shook. "I loved... love you." You were shaking more as you finally looked up at Wanda. Her eyes were wide and her lips slightly parted like there was a million thoughts trying to be heard but without the ability to.
She didn't say anything for a while. A long while. She stared at you in disbelief then at her pillow as though it would give her all the answers.
Tears rushed to your eyes that you tried to blink away as your head swam with curses to yourself for admitting your feelings. You had opened up and been vulnerable to Wanda, and the result was the exact reason you had sworn to never do it again.
Once you were sure she wasn't going to say anything to you, you took it as your cue to leave. To leave so Wanda could prepare her rejection speech for you. However, as soon as you put your hand to the door she spoke out.
"Please don't go."
You turned around slowly and met her light brown eyes you had always found impossible not to get lost in when you had your fingers or tongue inside her. You timidly went back to the bed and paused before sitting down next to her, facing the wall instead of her this time.
"I thought it was one sided." She started and you felt yourself begin to shake with nerves again. "I thought you didn't love me back." You looked to Wanda quickly and searched her features for any signs of a lie, any signs that she was setting you up to push you down but she was gazing back at you longingly with tears glistening in her eyes.
"When you confronted me about the mission, I was going to say it then, you knew that." You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded, remembering the fear you felt in that moment.
"I wasn't ready, I thought I wouldn't ever be but," You took a deep breath "I want to try, for you." You took ahold of Wanda's hand to reiterate your point. "I care about you too Wanda, so much. More than I could ever express or even handle and I didn't know what to do about it. I mean we've tried a fair few things now," You both laughed a little, "but it I don't think any of them are going to work as well as accepting it and...and I don't know." You looked to her for guidance because fuck did you need it. You needed Wanda to guide you down whatever path you chose to take, as long as she was there with you.
"Maybe we could start with something small." She suggested with a small smile that made her eyes shine.
"Like a coffee date?" You tried.
"Exactly like that." She confirmed, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Then I'll pick you up around 2." You said cheesily making Wanda laugh. "But first, I have to finish tending to this cut." You declared as you turned around to face her entirely and crossed your legs under you, pausing for a moment to give Wanda a short and sweet kiss.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 5
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You find yourself in the middle of a predicament.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: SMUT as always, sort of public sex??? Unprotected sexy times, emotional damage lmao
A/N: Buckle up, babies!!! You’re in for a rollercoaster ride for this chapter ajckjasncjak I apologize in advance and please don’t hate me
AND BTW if you guys haven’t seen, I found the perfect playlist for this series lmao I saw the title and I was like HOLD UP this is perfect https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Eg5ZH6wMq4iocF5fWSesb?si=aff157a6198a4446
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Still awake, baby?
You screamed into your pillow upon reading Bucky’s text. It was quarter to midnight and you couldn’t sleep, especially not after Bucky told you that he wanted to make the relationship official.
It’d only been three months and you felt like he was moving too fast. And when he promised that he would find a way to snatch your heart the old-fashioned way? You wanted to explode because obviously, he already did.
But you weren’t going to say that to someone who already had a huge ego (and cock, too).
You composed yourself and typed in your reply, throwing your phone to your side after sending it.
Yeah. Why are you still up tho?
Not even a minute later and your phone began to ring. You sat up on your bed and squeezed your pillow, hating how Bucky had such an effect on you. Jesus, what are you, a high school student?!
You stared at his name on your screen before swiping and accepting the call.
“What’s up?” You answered as calmly as you could.
Bucky’s low chuckle sounded so fucking sexy that you had to bite your lower lip to prevent a moan from escaping.
“Still working. Can’t concentrate though, I keep remembering how you looked like with my cock in your mouth.”
You exhaled through your nose, “Jesus, you’re insatiable.” You said.
“Only for you, baby. You know that.” He said and your heart did a little somersault inside your chest.
“Don’t stay up too late, you have an early meeting tomorrow, right?” You asked, trying to change the topic because if you didn’t, you were sure how things would go.
Bucky let out another chuckle, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll just finish signing some papers and then I’m off to bed.”
You hummed and laid back down on the bed. It was completely silent but it wasn’t awkward. You heard the shuffling of paper on Bucky’s end, followed by the squeaking of a chair.
“You still there?” Bucky asked.
“Mhmm, you done?” You asked back.
“A few more papers left, baby. Can you wait ‘til I finish?”
There was something about talking to Bucky on the phone like this, so casual and so...mundane. It felt natural and comfortable, to think that this was the first phone conversation you had with him. He only sent you texts previously so this was new, but you had to admit, you loved it.
Bucky heard you yawning and let out a soft laugh. He sounded sleepy too when he spoke, “Almost done.” He reassured.
“Let’s have dinner tomorrow.” He added.
“Yeah, okay. As long as it’s not in the same restaurant we went to after my promotion.” You groaned at the memory.
Bucky snorted, “We’re banned there, babe. Even if I wanted to go back there, they wouldn’t allow it.” He said.
“No shit, Sherlock. We got caught in their bathroom, of course they’ll ban us.” You huffed out.
“I was looking forward to dessert, you know.” You pouted.
“I got my dessert though.” You could hear Bucky’s smug smirk through the phone.
“Are you done?” Bucky whispered into your ear as he placed an arm on the back of the booth.
You shivered at his voice and nodded, grabbing your champagne and drinking it in one go.
“I promised you something, didn’t I? That I’ll give you something right before dessert? Meet me in the bathroom in five. Again, don’t be late.”
And with that, Bucky slid out of the booth and adjusted his suit before leaving for the bathroom. You clutched your heart and waved at the waiter who passed by, requesting for a refill and downing it before following Bucky.
You adjusted the black dress that Bucky bought you, you were surprised at how perfect the fit was. The lovely dress though, made you uncomfortable because of its length and the fact that Bucky still had your panties with him was making you feel even more conscious.
You were immediately pulled into the men’s bathroom as soon as you got there. Bucky tugged you into one of the cubicles and wasted no time to bend you over, lifting your skirt up to squeeze your ass.
“I knew I picked the right dress, you look good enough to eat.” Bucky grunted as he unbuckled his belt.
You moaned and pressed your palms against the door, pushing out your ass towards Bucky until you felt him line his tip up to your entrance. In one swift move, Bucky bottomed out and didn’t give you enough time to adjust.
It was fast and violent, the way Bucky fucked you inside that stall. Both of you were too caught up in the pleasure to even hear the commotion happening outside.
“Not gonna last long, Bucky...” you whimpered, feeling your legs tremble.
You’d been on edge the entire time, having been denied your orgasm earlier. And Bucky kept on squeezing your thigh teasingly during dinner, palm always inching higher until it settled close to your bare mound.
Of course, you wouldn’t last long!
“I know, baby.” Bucky said, sucking the skin on your exposed shoulder as he continued to fuck you from behind.
Once done with the sex escapade, the both of you were welcomed by the restaurant’s manager with a disapproving (and scarred) look on his face.
You blushed at the memory, “Let’s not do that again, please?” You said.
Bucky laughed, “Fine, fine. But dinner tomorrow, okay?”
You yawned at the same time you hummed, “Just dinner.”
“Wholesome dinner.” He confirmed. “Alright, I’m done with work. Sleep now, baby.” He cooed and you nodded even though Bucky couldn’t see you.
You heard footsteps and then the sound of the door closing shut.
“Good night, baby.”
“Hmm, good night, Bucky.”
To say you were giddy the next day was an understatement. You were on cloud nine after having a phone conversation with Bucky last night. You even greeted Janet the snitch a very good morning when you shared the elevator with her.
You entered your floor and offered everyone a smile, but you also noticed that they seemed to be preoccupied talking to each other.
“What’s up?” You asked Martha and the other girls who were huddled together.
“Haven’t you heard?” She asked. “Sophia shared an elevator ride with Mister Barnes earlier. He called a flower shop, asked for their most expensive bouquet and then went on to make dinner reservations at an elite restaurant!”
You paled at the discovery and cleared your throat, “And that’s a big deal because?”
Martha snickered, “Girl, we’re talking about James Barnes here, a rich and eligible bachelor. It is a big deal. And ugh, I wonder who the lucky lady is! What I’d do to be her.” Martha dreamily said.
“Do you think it’s an employee here? Fuck, I’d be so envious if that girl happens to be working here!” Sophia added.
“Is that even allowed? Sounds pretty scandalous to me.” Kate chimed in.
“Oh my god. Remember the pantry incident that Janet reported? What if that was Mister Barnes and his girl? Damn, that’s juicy. It’d be horrifying if they get caught.” Kate added.
Your head felt light-headed at all the information that was going on. Hearing their conversations felt like a bucket of iced water was being poured on you. It was like a moment of a major realization.
Shit, what has gotten into you, getting all tangled up in this mess? Damn you, Tinder!
Even if Bucky agreed to take things slow, you realized that it wouldn’t really help. If news got out that you were dating the CEO of your company, you’d still receive some backlash for it.
Maybe making it official wasn’t the right thing to do. At least, not yet.
“Ladies, gossip time is over.” You announced and tried to stay calm. “And speaking of Barnes, I need to submit a report.”
You nervously knocked on Bucky’s door, hoping that he was back from his early morning meeting. You could hear him talking inside and thought that maybe he was busy.
“Come in.” He called before you could even turn around.
Slowly, you opened the door and slipped inside his office. Bucky was on his chair, talking to someone over the phone. When he saw that it was you, he quickly put his phone on mute and smiled.
“Yes, baby? What do you need?” He asked softly.
Goddammit! Bucky was surely getting used to that pet name. Initially, he’d only call you that in the throes of pleasure. But somehow, Bucky began to use it so casually that it made you nervous. What if he slipped and called you that during a meeting, in front of everyone?
You hated how Bucky was becoming soft and gentle around you, well, except maybe when he was in a certain mood. It was confusing the hell out of you. But you also enjoyed being the only one to witness his soft side.
Was his offer to make things official because he truly liked you or was the fucking that good to make him want to commit all of a sudden?
“I uhh, I think I’ll just come back later if you’re busy.” You stammered.
Bucky held up a finger and then unmuted his phone, “Hey, something important came up. I’ll call you again later.” He said and quickly ended the call before turning to you.
“You know I’m never too busy for you.” He said, his eyes the softest you’d ever seen.
There goes your heart.
“I think...” you trailed, not sure how you were going to say it.
Bucky raised his eyebrows at you, urging for you to continue. You heaved out a deep sigh. Your hands balled into fists at your side as you walked closer to his desk.
“Can we raincheck on the dinner tonight?” You asked.
Bucky frowned, “Why?”
You shrugged, “No reason.”
“Lie to me one more time and I’ll have you on my lap for some spanking.”
How the hell does Bucky do that? Become all sweet and soft and then rough and dominating all of a sudden?!
You squeezed your thighs together because the image of Bucky’s hand landing on your ass was doing things to you. You willed yourself not to give in, you came here for a reason.
“There are rumors about you. Someone heard you making dinner reservations and now everyone’s talking about it. I just...” you paused to check Bucky’s reaction but as usual, you couldn’t read his face.
“Maybe making this official isn’t...the right thing to do.”
Bucky pushed himself up from the chair slowly and stalked towards you. Was he mad? Fuck, you hoped he wasn’t. When he reached you, his hand came up to brush your cheek with his knuckles.
“What do you want then?” He asked.
Shit, you never actually thought about it. What do you want? Keep things casual between you and Bucky? Completely stop whatever it was that was going on between the two of you?
“I don’t know.” You shrugged.
“I like you.” Bucky stated and stepped back. “You’re intelligent and you don’t take shit from anyone, myself included. When you said you wanted to take things slow, I agreed to it. Hence, the flowers and dinner. Now that I’m giving it to you, you still don’t want it.”
Bucky’s livid. He was composed but the way his jaw tensed as he spoke was enough proof that he was mad, really mad. It’s his calm demeanor despite being angry that somehow scared you. The calm before the storm. What the storm was going to be? You didn’t know and honestly, you weren’t sure whether it was something that you even want to find out.
Maybe you were being confusing or indecisive but only because things happened too quickly for you to even properly process it. To think that you addressed your concerns last night, you actually that Bucky understood where your feelings were stemming from. However, it seemed to have gone over his head.
“Bucky, I don’t think you’re getting my point here.” You explained, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“If you heard what your employees have been saying about you and your...girl, you’d understand.” You said and placed your hands on your hips.
Bucky made a face, “Then make me understand. What did you hear?” he asked.
“We already talked about this last night! They’d think that the promotion was given to me because we fucked! That’s going to taint my image for the rest of my life.” You huffed out.
Bucky rubbed his face with his hand as he paced back and forth, “They’re idiots if they think of that. What do you want me to do? Give a detailed presentation why I decided to promote you? Go through your evaluation one by one? He sarcastically said.
“Oh my god, Bucky. You really don’t get it, do you?” You let out a humorless laugh.
He shrugged, “You’re confusing the hell out of me. Just tell me what the hell you want to happen.”
“Maybe I just want keep things professional.” You blurted out in the spur of the moment.
You didn’t mean it. You so didn’t mean it. Fuck. You word vomitted and now you were going to regret it.
Something in Bucky ticked, you saw it. He approached you until he was towering over your frame. It was intimidating to say the least, the way Bucky stared down at you with a blank expression on his face.
“What if I don’t want to?” Bucky asked, his eyes looking down at your lips for a quick second before moving back up to your eyes.
“I wasn’t asking for your permission.” you retorted and you’re not sure why.
Bucky exhaled through his nose and this time, you could read his face. He was fuming.
“I told you, you’re mine.” He said through gritted teeth.
The tension in the air was thick. The close proximity was making you dizzy, Bucky was so close that his scent was invading your senses. His jaw was clenched tightly as he looked down at you with piercing eyes and you were so tempted to just grab his face and kiss him and tell him that you liked him too.
But of course, your pride just had to be in the way.
“You don’t own me, Bucky. I am my own person.”
Another word vomit. You were Bucky’s the moment he laid his hands on you and you liked it.
Bucky inhaled and shrugged, loosening up before taking a step back. “So you want to keep it professional, huh?”
Bucky nodded, “You’re lying. I know you are. But okay then, professional it is. Let’s see how long you can keep lying to yourself.”
You watched Bucky walk back to his desk, sitting down on his chair with his arms crossed over his wide chest. His face was void of any emotion all of a sudden, he didn’t even look angry anymore and you hated how you couldn’t seem to figure him out.
“Anything else you’d like to discuss?” he asked, the professional tone of his voice sending chills down your spine, but not in a good way.
You slightly nodded, placing a folder on top of his desk before backing away. “It’s this month’s report.”
“Okay. You’re dismissed.” He casually said, grabbing the folder and skimming through your report as if you weren’t standing right in front of him.
You felt a pang of pain hit you right in the heart when he looked up at you questioningly, as if he was wondering why the fuck you still haven’t left his office. At that moment, you wanted to take back all the things you said and just give in to your damn feelings.
But would you really let your career nosedive just to be with Bucky? You weren’t sure if you were ready for that.
You straightened up and maintained a calm demeanor, “That’s all. Thanks, Bucky.”
“That’s Mister Barnes for you.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
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The Match Special Tags:
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eternqlvestigiql · 2 years
Wait, Ming is still getting hate? Wtf?
I actually had my tempers under control when people went beyond the limit with Abuela Alma. Now I’m just gonna let it out.
Look, I don’t want to sound offensive in this post, but if the story isn’t for you and/or you have nothing good to say, maybe keep it to yourself? Or just say it in a manner that isn’t offensive?? I was already so done with white chicks on TikTok and Twitter and YouTube who just kept going at Abuela like, “Oh mY gOd, her trauma isn’t an excuse for her abusive behaviour” LIKE JESUS FREAKING CHRIST!!! FIRST OF ALL, nobody, I mean nobody, not even Abuela, tried to justify her actions using her trauma. She literally said, “I was so afraid to lose it, until I lost sight of who our miracle was for. We’re all broken because of me.” She didn’t say that for ya’ll to shit on her just like that. And she apologised. Right there. With zero hesitation. Without having dumb internal battles with her pride and ego. And I don’t understand why that’s not hard for people to digest.
And now Ming. How do people just so easily say that she didn’t love her daughter when she was literally all about Mei’s safety and health, so much so she believed her daughter wouldn’t make a single mistake and blamed it on everyone else possible? Like, which movie did y’all watch?
And yes, the both of them were pressurising their children. Pushing them beyond their limits. And that’s the whole fucking point of the story!! To push their kids so that they ultimately end up erupting and telling the 2 that they weren’t doing the right thing. That was the WHOLE. GODDAMN. POINT.
These are 2 women that had horrible, painful, unhealed trauma which they internalised, ignored and lived with. And for what? For nothing but wishing for the best for their families. Hoping that being perfect, not making even a single, small, teeny-tiny mistake, would help their families live happily. That’s the strongest shit someone can do. And that’s kinda just how it is for minority families.
That’s kinda just how they live. I don’t live in the West, but I’ve heard too many irl stories to know that that’s just small communities and Asian and other immigrant families doing their best. Being perfect. To be acceptable in this new world that judges them for being different, physically and culturally and what not. It’s not easy for them to understand it and change it all in one night when that’s how they were raised and that’s just how they’ve been living their whole damn life.
Yes, both movies were targeted to specific demographics, just to be more pain-inducing 🥲 but why does nobody wanna point out that both Abuela Alma and Ming had their best intentions at heart? Please, as much as it’s embarrassing, Ming didn’t fight with a school security to give her daughter some sanitary napkins, chase her daughter across the city when she was running away in fear, and run on roads barefoot, worried about her daughter, for y’all to say she didn’t even care.
They’re both strong women, that carried themselves with an amazing deal of strength and grace, and ultimately realised their mistake and apologised(may I point out, in timelines where I, personally, wouldn’t really expect a parent to actually genuinely apologise, which just makes them even more human and likeable). And yes, ignoring your trauma is not a very encouraging action and rather unhealthy, but they really put their families (and in Abuela’s case, her entire fucking town) first and disrespecting that is just pathetic.
And on a personal note, am I the only ones that actually isn’t a big fan of elders apologising irl? Because, as much as I argue with my parents a lot and point out their mistakes, the only ever times I see them apologise, they truly mean it. And they just look so…broken…and it’s so painful…it literally breaks my heart to see my family that way…maybe that’s just me but idk…
So yeah, y’all better respect the two women. (Jeez, ya’ll had me losing my temper over a fucking animated movie)
(Yes I made something don’t make fun of me I was proud of this pic shutup)
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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jakesavocado · 3 years
Who Would Have Guessed? || P.SH
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Pairing: Sunghoon x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (Unprotected Sex)
Words: 1.48k
Warnings: 18+ content, read at your own discretion
Synopsis: Your brother's best friend comes over for some video games, only to end up spending the night with you.
“Y/n! Can you get the door? It’s probably Sunghoon,” your brother Heeseung shouted from the bathroom. Groaning in annoyance, you got up off your bed and quickly stomped to the door, pulling it open to reveal your brother’s best friend. He smiled at you, brushing past your shoulder without a word. You watched the way he sauntered up the stairs, most likely entering Heeseung’s room for another night full of video games. Rolling your eyes, you went back to your room, getting back to the book you had been reading.
Hours passed, but the boys’ yelling didn’t cease. You wondered why your parents didn’t tell them to keep it down. But then you remembered, if they were home, Sunghoon wouldn’t have been here in the first place. Having enough of their chaos, you huffed and walked over to your brother’s door. As usual, it was locked. You pounded on the door with your fist, not stopping until you heard the lock click on the other side. Instead of Heeseung, Sunghoon poked his head around from behind it, giving you that same, kind but forced smile.
“Can you guys be quiet? I’m trying to sleep.”
Sunghoon’s smile widened. It only looked more insincere. “Sure thing. We’ll try our best.” He didn’t wait for a reply, slamming the door shut on your face. Scoffing, you turned around and returned to your room, trying your best to fall asleep before their chaotic shouts reached your ears again.
Spoiler alert; it didn’t work. You stared at the ceiling, completely exhausted. It was almost 4 in the morning and though your body was tired, you couldn’t seem to get any rest. There was no noise coming from your brother’s room, a sign that the two boys had put their games away and most likely gone to sleep.
Unsure of what to do, you left your bed and ventured downstairs, in dire need of a glass of water. You didn’t bother turning on the lights, mind too fatigued to worry about anything spooky. As you sipped your water, you heard a creak near the stairs. Whipping your head towards the sound, your eyes widened when you saw a tall figure standing in the shadows. “Heeseung?” you called, setting the glass down on the counter. The lights flickered on, revealing the silhouette’s identity. “It’s me,” Sunghoon said, walking into the kitchen. He saw your half-empty glass and picked it up, downing the water inside it, all in one gulp. “You could’ve gotten your own glass you know,” you said, unamused. Sunghoon tsked. “You were done with it anyways.” Scoffing in disbelief, you crossed your arms over your chest. “No I wasn’t. I just put it down cause I saw you creeping around in the dark.” Sunghoon grinned. “I wasn’t creeping around. I just couldn’t sleep.”
He kept his eyes fixed on yours, poised expression not faltering even in the slightest. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Stop looking at me like that. It’s weird,” you said, in an attempt to disturb the unsettling silence that fell over the room. “Don’t flatter yourself y/n,” he said, licking his lips while running a hand through his hair.
“Why are you even awake,” he asked? Why was he trying to keep up a conversation with you? Never once in his five years of knowing Heeseung, had he ever spoken to you for so long. You were breaking records tonight. “I’m awake because you and Heeseung were being too damn loud,” you shared, still quite bitter that you were missing out on some much-needed sleep.
Sunghoon laughed apologetically. “Sorry about that. We were having a tense match.” You didn’t care how serious their match was. It was no reason for you to lose sleep over. How very inconsiderate of them both, especially Sunghoon. He seemed to read your mind, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
You weren’t expecting him to ask you that, but now that he had, you didn’t know what to say. You shrugged. “How about you put me to sleep?” It was a sarcastic remark, but you noticed the way Sunghoon seemed to consider it. Somehow, you went from standing at the kitchen counter to being tucked under the covers of your bed together.
Sunghoon made sure to keep a fine gap between you. This was new for both of you.
“I can’t believe you’re in my room right now,” you said, thinking out loud. He smiled. “Me neither.”
You sat up, turning towards him. “How come we’re actually getting along? I mean, I always thought you were a douche like Heeseung, but honestly, you’re not that bad.”
Sunghoon surely hadn’t expected to be perceived that way. He shrugged. “I guess it’s just my charming personality that really draws you Lee’s in.”
You threw your pillow his way, rolling your eyes at the ridiculous comment. “You’re delusional.”
Sunghoon caught the pillow and tossed it back at you. Yelping, you threw it back at him, this time more forcefully, and took another pillow in your hands to defend yourself. Sunghoon chuckled and got on his knees, raising the pillow above his head. “Are we seriously having a pillow fight,” he asked dubiously? You shrugged and hit him with your pillow. “I guess we are.”
He managed to dodge your next attack, lunging forward to slam his pillow on your head. You fell on your back, holding your pillow above your face protectively. Sunghoon whacked it out of your hands, toppling over and falling flat on top of you. He froze, as did you. You could feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest, breath hitching when he pushed himself up hovering over you. His eyes locked with yours, shining in the dark. You had no idea why you were having such a hard time looking away from him. Sunghoon’s eyes wavered from your eyes to your lips. Without so much as a second thought, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You found yourself closing your eyes and kissing him back. Sunghoon grabbed your waist, moving his lips against yours passionately. The kiss escalated quickly, with you tugging at the hem of his shirt, wanting it off. Sunghoon sat up, pulling you with him and made you sit on his lap. He threw his shirt to the side, doing the same with yours. His lips were back on yours in a matter of seconds, fingers reaching behind your back to unhook your bra. He didn’t bother pulling it off, choosing to leave it be. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, playing with the hair on the back of his head. Sunghoon hummed as you rolled your hips over his. You could feel him starting to harden up underneath you. The sensation made wetness pool in your panties.
“Is the door locked,” he asked, pulling away from your lips for a moment? You glanced behind your shoulder. “I don’t think it is but what’s there to worry about? Heeseung sleeps like he’s dead anyway.”
Sunghoon laughed and kissed your shoulder, going down till the valley of your breasts. Your head fell back, lips parting in awe. Sunghoon groaned against your skin. He was going to cum in his pants if you kept grinding on him like that. So, he made you sit up, tugging your shorts down your legs. He pulled his own pants down, throbbing member slapping up proudly. You took it in your hands, angling his tip at your entrance. Sunghoon held your waist, biting his lip as you sunk down on his cock. He was bit, stretching you out incredibly. Sunghoon guided your hips over his cock, lips finding yours again. You moaned into his mouth, clinging onto him desperately. “Hmm you feel so good,” he praised, squeezing your thighs. You cursed and pulled his body close, nails digging into his shoulders. Sunghoon ran his tongue over your collar bone, sucking on it softly. You mewled and kept bouncing over his cock, feeling a knot begin to form in your stomach. “Are you close,” he asked, feeling the way your walls clenched around his cock? You nodded frantically, not able to form the words to say it. “Me too,” he said, starting to buck his hips up into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you warned a while later, toes curling in bliss. Sunghoon grunted, pulling your hips down on his one last time before his cum spurt out into your walls. You moaned, feeling your orgasm hit as a result. Sunghoon dragged your hips over his, riding out your high.
You smiled giddily, placing a small kiss on his lips. Sunghoon returned your smile, not wanting to let go of you. “This was nice,” you spoke, biting back a grin. Sunghoon agreed. “Your brother’s gonna kill me.”
- ♡ -
requested by anon
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