#i think octarians produced from tentacles are more like clones i suppose
Some idea for fic i think? Marina have a haircut so after it Pearlina have some octotrooper in house
listen, i laughed so much thinking about this idea like they wake up and pearl turns over in bed and theres a baby octarian staring at her *vine boom*
AND UR WELCOME!!! THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING AND READING!! I present to you all now, a very crack drabble of marina cutting her hair (and ending up with a child)
"Rina you look so damn cute! Like when we first met your hair was about this short," Pearl exclaimed, admiring Marina's new haircut.
She had been complaining about it getting in the way of DJ-ing while she was on stage, so she decided to finally make the chop. Her once long brown and green tentacles now framed her face, the length only coming down to the tops of her shoulders. It was reminicent of the haircut she'd had back when first escaping the octarian army, when she met Pearl on Mt. Nantai for the first time.
"Thanks Pearlie, I'm actually really liking it, I feel so free to spin and dance without worrying about getting my hair caught in everything!"
"You gotta post a pic, our fans are gonna love your new look," Pearl took out her phone and went to open up the camera, but she stopped for a moment. "Oh- hey just out of curiosity, you told me before that a lotta octarian military agents or whatever are born asexually from tentacle clippings, right? We aren't gonna end up with a random tentacle baby, right?"
Marina couldn't help but laugh, it was true that tentacle clippings were used to reproduce some octotroopers but the conditions had to be perfect in order for the specimen to actually grow into a new life form. It would take even longer for them to develop coherent thoughts and be considered a real living thing, up until that point it just kind of... mindlessly stumbled about.
“No, we’re fine I promise. It’s just like any other hair!” She giggled, thinking the idea was ridiculous.
Until it wasn’t.
It was a few nights later when Pearl woke up to Marina’s hair stuck in her mouth, gross. She hated being woken up just to get her girlfriend’s long hair away from her face so she could flop back down in bed and- wait. Marina cut her hair recently, why was she still having this problem if it wasn’t long enough to reach past her shoulders?
In her half asleep state, the inkling moved the tentacle hair away from her mouth and cracked open her eyes, only to be met with a tiny pair of unblinking eyes staring back at her. She screamed, loud and piercing even without the help of a microphone which startled Marina awake.
“What?! What’s happening?” The octoling bolted up straight and looked around frantically for the source of her girlfriend’s screaming. When her eyes landed on it, she could only stare in shock- a tiny, brown and turquoise colored octarian was sitting on the covers of their bed. What the fuck.
“Marina! How the hell did your hair manage to turn into- whatever the fuck this little shit is?” Pearl shouted, kicking her legs to move herself farther away from the baby tentacle... thing. It didn’t seem to be fazed by her panic, nor the fact that the host who created it was sitting in front of it. 
Marina blinked rapidly, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes enough to convince herself she wasn’t dreaming, “I- this should be impossible, the tentacle clippings require very intricate incubation techniques in order to develop at all, and from a non-sterile host there should be no way-”
“There should be no way, but obviously there is!” Pearl pulled herself out of bed, the force of the blankets being thrown off of her made the octarian fall over, unable to get itself back up. Not that it seemed to mind, it didn’t really have a mind yet at all. “That’s it, I’m going to Eight and Three’s place to get them to dispose of this.”
“Wait! This is an absolute scientific mystery! If this one tentacle was able to survive then there must be some sort of mutation that allowed it-”
“Rina, can we please save the nerd talk for after we don’t have a living piece of hair in our room?”
Marina pouted slightly, but complied and pulled herself together to be dragged along by Pearl. Even if she did want to study it, there was hardly any reason she could come up with that her girlfriend would actually agree to letting her do so. Not to mention if it continued to develop into a full fledged octarian... then it would just be unethical. Neither of them wanted to deal with that situation.
Later, when both girls had returned from stopping by Three’s apartment and they settled into bed again, Pearl broke the silence, “Next time you get your hair cut, go to a salon. We’re not doing that again.”
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