#but its september i will be good and i will be fine. or *else*
jabberwockprince · 19 days
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takes a long drag out of my cigarette. wao september got hands
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bonestrouslingbones · 1 month
btw what they dont tell you about socializing more & putting yourself out there more often is that after 3 days of doing so you will find yourself alone in your room in a perfect recreation of the family guy death pose
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piplupod · 1 year
me: damn i am exhausted and pushing myself past my limits, i should rest
what i do: continue to do strenuous activity and more things than i am accustomed to doing
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mellifexfarm · 1 year
My flock has contracted Marek's Disease.
Since 2019, after I brought home Lyra and Wren, my flock has been a closed flock. Meaning I take biosecurity very seriously, and opted to not bring any new chickens in or allow other poultry-keepers access to the yard where they are kept. The only birds that were added from 2019 until now have been from hatching eggs. There are a select few diseases that can pass from mother to egg, but not Marek's.
But within the past few weeks one chicken displayed symptoms of leg weakness and became unable to walk. I brought them indoors and started treating for vitamin deficiency, since that is by far the most common cause of sudden lameness in poultry. But she didn't get better, and then Lyra started walking unsteadily, and I knew something else was wrong. I suspected something was wrong with my feed and sent off a sample to get tested for mycotoxins, and switched feeds, because I know a lot of people have had issues with that lately. But then one morning I found Moss deceased in the coop, and it all kind of went downhill from there.
Sebrights are known for having extremely low resistance to disease. They are very inbred. It is the reason I lost Kip to fowl pox when everyone else recovered fine. And why all but one (her unnamed cockerel "emo" son) of the members of my flock who are descended from Lyra are affected. But none of the other tiny breeds I have, Seramas or Kikirkis, are known for being particularly disease resistant either. So. I am extremely cautious at jumping the gun and saying they wont be effected.
I sent off Moss's body for a necropsy on monday and got the results today, September 29th.
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I do not know how this got into my flock. Our nextdoor neighbor got chickens a few months ago, but our birds don't have any direct contact. That is the only way I can think of.
There is a vaccine but it can only be administered to day old chicks. Vaccinating to prevent this was not an option.
It generally takes 4-10 weeks for the disease to develop after the chicken has been exposed, so it had to have been fairly recent. My flock has not been carrying this sub-clinically.
I genuinely don't know how this is going to go from here. There is no treatment for marek's disease. It is a virus. I have ordered a few herbal remedies with vague studies to back up some kind of efficacy helping reduce the damage the virus does and boost their immunity, but its mostly a crapshoot. The only good news I have with all this is that older birds are somewhat less likely to succumb to this disease. And the fact turkies and pigeons can't contract it.
The only birds displaying symptoms right now are Lyra, and Moss's unnamed pullet daughter.
Lyra is tentatively okay. I have crafted a sling for her, and she has been increasing in mobility over the last few days. She did not ever have full paralysis, so I am hopeful. Her daughter and Mouse, one of the younger keep-back pullets from this summers chicks, are the only casualties so far.
I'll be doing all that I can in terms of supportive care, but if any symptomatic birds get to the point I don't think they will recover from I will be euthanizing them. I will not be selling chickens anymore.
This disease has been a nightmare of mine for such a long time and now it is really happening. I am pretty crushed.
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smytherines · 3 months
Okay I'm already seeing some faint rumblings upset about Curt Mega not playing Agent Curt Mega in the Spies London show. So... some thoughts
1. Don't blame Adrian Hansel for it. He seems lovely and very talented and if anyone gets pissed off at an actor for playing a role in a concert maybe take a good hard look at yourself and then don't do that
2. We have no idea what happened there. Maybe TCB couldn't afford to bring someone else over that they weren't already bringing for Solve It Squad. Maybe Curt Mega has other commitments for September. Maybe its a secret third thing that is none of our business. We don't know. They aren't talking about it, so it isn't fair to TCB or Curt Mega to speculate online about it
3. I'm also feeling some kind of way about it. I mean literally yesterday I was posting about hoping that somehow Curt Mega would be there. We're a passionate fandom, we are very attached to Curt Mega playing... Curt Mega. I think it's okay to be curious about what happened, or even disappointed that Curt won't be there, but again its not fair to anyone involved to start shit online about it
4. If, somehow, there were some sort of issue between TCB and Curt Mega (which I have absolutely no reason to believe is true), posting about it is definitely not going to help things. Selfishly, I would like more Spies stuff with Curt Mega playing Curt in the future, so please god do not create drama where we have no reason to believe drama exists
I get it, truly I get it, probably a month ago I made a post about how it was really weird to me that Curt wasn't going, and then got gently called in about it and deleted it. I get it.
We all love this character so much, and we're all very attached to the actor who has been playing this character for the last eight years. I think it's fine to feel protective of someone we all admire, to feel sad that he won't be there, but we can't do that at the expense of the London show or TCB or Adrian Hansel or Curt Mega himself. Okay? Okay.
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black-arcana · 1 month
TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN Reveals His Favorite Thing About Each NIGHTWISH Bandmate
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In a new interview with Bear Wiseman of Off The Record, NIGHTWISH keyboardist and main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen was asked to name his favorite thing about each one of his bandmates, guitarist Emppu Vuorinen, multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley, singer Floor Jansen, drummer Kai Hahto and bassist Jukka Koskinen. He responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "They are the only other people in the world that I think about when I'm writing songs, because it's really important that they would be inspired about the stuff as well.
"I've known Emppu for more than 30 years, and he's just an incredible persona in the way that everything's always good with him," Tuomas continued. "He's the easiest-going bandmember there is. He does his job — his guitar playing is as professional as anybody — but other than that, it's always, like, 'Yeah, whatever.' 'Yeah, that sounds good. I'm fine.' He's so carefree, I'm almost envious about that because I worry about stuff constantly. So to get into his mind every now and then would be something else. He's a wonderful character. Same goes with Troy. He's just the most positive guy in the world. An incredible musician. Every time he enters the room, the room is filled with light and happiness and comedy. Yeah, he has definitely realized something thorough about life. Yeah, wonderful."
Tuomas added: "Floor is the best in the world in what she does. Really passionate about music, really understands the core of NIGHTWISH. And for me as a songwriter, that's such a relief because I know that whatever I do, whatever I want her to do, she's able to do. And a good example of this was when we recorded her vocals for this new album [the upcoming 'Yesterwynde']. We hadn't rehearsed once because we didn't have a chance. And we went to her home studio in Sweden. We had reserved two weeks for the recordings, and she was done in six days. Incredible, just incredible in what she does. Then Kai, too, again, the most amiable guy there is. I think he has like 25 guests on every single show we do and he doesn't know half of them. Yeah, everybody's his friend. So easy to be with. Pro musician, of course, obviously. What a drummer. But just fantastic guy. And same goes with Jukka. I mean, I've never, ever seen him angry or even agitated. He's just, like, 'Yeah, things will be okay. Let's talk about this.' And yeah, just a grounding personality. When you feel a bit agitated yourself, Jukka comes to you and you're, like, 'Oh, okay.' And a great bass player, of course. So lucky to be surrounded by these wonderful people. I really am."
NIGHTWISH's new album, "Yesterwynde", will be released on September 20 via Nuclear Blast. It marks the band's tenth studio LP, following on from the release of "Human. :II: Nature." in 2020.
In 2023, NIGHTWISH announced that the band wouldn't stage any tours in support of its then-unannounced tenth album. In a statement, Tuomas and his bandmates explained that "personal" reasons were the reason for the live hiatus and clarified that it had nothing to do with Jansen's then-pregnancy. The singer gave birth to her second daughter in October 2023.
In an interview with Metal Hammer last month, Holopainen said that NIGHTWISH still have no plans to tour after the release of "Yesterwynde".
"The reasons [for the live break] are personal," he said. "We're not going to go into it, but it was something that had to be done for this band to continue. There's no bad blood between the members, nothing like that. We just have to take a long breather."
The follow-up to 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", "Human. :II: Nature." was a double album containing nine tracks on the main CD and one long track, divided into eight chapters, on CD 2.
In August 2022, NIGHTWISH announced the addition of Koskinen as an official member of the band. Koskinen, who made his live debut with NIGHTWISH in May 2021 at the band's two interactive experiences, had spent the previous year touring with NIGHTWISH as a session musician.
In November 2022, Jansen revealed that she was "cancer free" after undergoing surgery to have a tumor removed following a breast cancer diagnosis.
Photo credit: Tim Tronckoe (courtesy of Nuclear Blast)
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putschki1969 · 1 month
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2024/08/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第12回目‼️〜人生最高の枕を求めて〜
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Talk Garden Vol.#12‼️~In Search of the Best Pillow of My Life~
Vol. 12 of "Wakana's Talk Garden" has just been uploaded! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
This time, I was able to hear a lot of very interesting stories about everyone's pillow situation at home 😍 Seems like quite a lot of people have tried using a so-called "custom-made pillow" 😳 But many of you are also overwhelmed by the sheer endless choice of pillows so you just end up using a traditional Japanese pillow or even just a bath-towel. The most common choice was definitely a "buckwheat pillow" 😳 I was surprised! I didn't really know much about them 😂 I had the impression that buckwheat pillows were packed full and even if you reduced the contents, they would be kind of lumpy and difficult to sleep on… I'm sorry 🤣 I looked into it and it wasn't what I thought it would be! 😳 It wasn't at all the super high shogun pillow I had imagined😂 Apparently, it doesn't lose its shape even when you turn over in your sleep, and the buckwheat helps to absorb moisture and release heat, so it doesn't get hot even in the summer. It seems that buckwheat pillows are still popular to this day😃
I'm kind of… intrigued!! 😳💓But…I already have so many old and current pillows …(Look at this tower of tears made up of pillows I tried out through trial and error, unwilling to give up on them) There's no way I can make this tower any taller… for the time being🥺
By the way, the new pillow I bought last month has now made it into main line-up but I still feel like I need to improve my sleeping style. It's a medical pillow for children. It's really small. The other pillow in my main line-up is this one here. The "Dr.Recommended Pillow for Shoulder and Neck Support". ↑ You can adjust the height by adding or removing stuffing, just like with buckwheat pillows! (It comes with a lot of extra pipes like these.) I've reduced the stuffing quite a bit so the pillow is rather flat but it still doesn't feel right so I'm considering adding more pipes.
What I learned from everyone's messages this time is that it's really important to find a good match for your mattress/futon… I realised it's hard to judge a pillow just by its appearance 🤔 Even if it's custom-made, you might not know unless you try it out in an environment similar to the one you usually sleep in 😞 The other thing is the position of the pillow! Personally, I put my pillow rather high up so my head is barely on the pillow 🤔But the troth is, your entire head and even your shoulders should rest on the pillow🤔I tried it last night and my neck was fine but the area around my shoulder blades was really stiff 😂 It's difficult… 😭My pillow journey continues!! I hope we can all find the "best pillow of our life!!"・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+
Thank you so much to everyone who submitted messages!!
The theme for the next podcast on September 10th is "Everyone's Strange Experiences"!! Please share stories that can't be explained by science or something that's mysterious which made you question everything you just experienced. Maybe a story you heard from someone else? Anything is OK!! However, please only share stories that aren't too scary😂 I'm easily scared *laughs*. Please don't tell me anything that will make me too scared to even wash my hair in the bathroom at night😂←I know it's tough, I'm sorry about that *laughs* Of course, you can also share "stories of miraculous experiences"!! 😊 I'm looking forward to hearing your stories of strange experiences that will hopefully cheer us up and keep us cool at the end of summer!! \(^o^)/
Well, for the time-being, it's still hot so please continue to take care of your health!
Until next time~☆( '▽')/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #12
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Episode #12 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——«« ・ What kind of pillow do you use?/What’s your pillow situation? ・Anything you’d like to ask Wakana/Anything you’d like Wakana to talk about
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on September 10th, the following two topics have been chosen:
・Share a strange experience ・Anything you’d like to ask Wakana/Anything you’d like Wakana to talk about
The submission deadline is 08/31.
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addisonstars · 1 year
"mornings with you"
written for day 29/30 of september for @jegulus-microfic with the prompts "permanent/draw"
565 words
Regulus had already gotten up by the time James had awoken. His side of the bed was cold and made, just like typical Reg. 
Feet quietly sounding on the hardwood floor, James walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where he knew that Reg would be. He came up behind him and hugged his hands around Regulus' waist, fingers brushing the James tattooed right above his waistline, in between his hips. It was another permanent, not so subtle reminder that he was James’ and nobody else's. 
A while ago, Regulus had asked James to draw his name out for him on a little piece of paper. James didn’t question it, happily complying with whatever his husband wanted. But later, when Regulus came home with a new tattoo, James probably should have. Seeing James in black ink in that perfect sight had James drooling. 
It was all that James could do to shag him right then and there in their living room with Teddy, who they were babysitting for the afternoon, napping in the guest bedroom. However, James had enough self-control to wait until Sirius and Remus came and picked Teds up and they had left the driveway. Then, it was all over for him. 
“Good morning love,” James drawled, voice heavy with sleep. It was a noise that made Regulus weak in the knees. 
“‘Morning.” Regulus replied. He handed one cup of coffee to James, loaded with creamer and then kept the other one for himself, black. “Hey, Sirius called earlier this morning and he needs to watch Teddy again today. He should be over to drop him off in a couple hours. I already set up his crib, we just need to Teddy-proof the rest of the house.” 
James laughed. “”Kay love. And you're not gonna come home after work with another surprise like you did last time right?” He added, referring to the tattoo. 
It was Regulus’ turn to laugh. “Not unless you want me too, love.” 
James smirked. “Well, if you make any plans on a whim, call Sirius and Remus to pick Teddy up when you're done, so that way I don’t have to wait.” 
“Wait for what exactly?” Regulus asked, feigning innocence. 
Rolling his eyes, James said with total confidence, “Wait to fuck you upon every surface of this house. You don’t know how fuckable you looked with that tattoo. With my name, right there, just begging, pleading, for something. I think I’d take you first on the couch, start soft, then move-”
“James.” Regulus cut through his sex fantasy with a stern look. “Don’t start that this morning. I have to get to work and I really don’t want to be late because you're acting like a teenager who can’t control himself.” 
“It’s not my fault that you look like, well you, every day.” 
Regulus smiled and left to go to take a shower and get to work. Just as he was leaving the kitchen he called out to James. “Jamie! Teddy-proof the house while I’m getting ready please!” 
“I can’t join you today?”
Of course James would want to join Regulus in the shower, even though he just got onto him for not having self control. But alas, Regulus wasn't going to complain if James wasn’t. 
“Fine. But only because I love you.”
James hurried after Regulus, not wanting to waste any moment of his time.
well well, its the end of the month and the last day of september microfics! we made (i missed a couple days whoops, but i have a life lol) hope you guys enjoyed reading these!! i enjoyed writing them! i wont stick to any one specific ship next month, it'll be a whenever i want to type of thing lol. have a great rest of your saturday lovelies, take care. <33
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Recording “Don’t Bother Me” at Abbey Road Studios on September 12, 1963; photos by Norman Parkinson.
“The first song he wrote was ‘Don’t Bother Me,’ ‘and that pretty much summed up my state of mind at the time,’ he admits. ‘John and Paul were really getting into writing songs. I took a look at them and thought, “Well, I’ll get in on this game. I’m gonna try hat.” But having them as the other writers in the group, it was very difficult,’ he notes with considerable understatement. ‘So I tended to just write on my own for years and years, because I didn’t know how to communicate like that with somebody else. And it was very difficult to write songs that would be good enough for the albums.’ As a consequence, Harrison’s relatively small output with the Beatles — about 20 songs — are mostly gems. In any other ‘60s groups, a guy who wrote ‘If I needed Someone,’ Taxman,’ ‘You Like Me Too Much,’ ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps,’ ‘Here Comes the Sun,’ ‘Something,' 'Within You Without You’ would have been hailed as a pop savant; within the Beatles Harrison might as well have been playing Graham Greene’s The Third Man. And as the Lennon-McCartney copyright was more or less sacrosanct, Harrison’s contributions to their songs were never credited. ‘I had my one or two songs occasionally, but really I was more involved than that,’ he says. ‘I know now, writing with friends, that when you’re all sitting around and a song comes out, you have to think carefully about assigning how many percent each person gets. ‘Cause there’s nothing worse than being involved in a situation where you think, “Wasn’t I there?” ‘A lot of Lennon-McCartney songs had other people involved, whether it’s lyrics or structures or circumstances. A good example is “I Feel Fine.” I’ll tell you exactly how that came about: We were crossing Scotland in the back of an Austin Princess, singing “Matchbox” in three-part harmony. And it turned into “I Feel Fine.” The guitar part was from Bobby Parker’s “Watch Your Step,” just a bastardized version. I was there for the whole of its creation — but it’s still a Lennon-McCartney.’ ‘Tell me about it!’ Paul McCartney smiles when told of George’s comment. ‘I wrote “Yesterday” singlehanded and not only do I share it — now with Yoko — but the Lennon names comes before mine.’ Paul concedes the point about ‘I Feel Fine’ but suggests that ‘if you were together picky about all that stuff there’s a million woes and a million reasons to sing the blues. In actual fact we just decided to split it down the middle. Me and John were the writers, unless George came up with something. Anybody who threw half a line in, it just really didn’t count.’” - Musician, March 1990 (x)
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3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
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Then Because She Goes
Instagram AU (volume ii)
volume i — back to masterlist — volume iii
a/n: These are far too fun make lmfao so expect more in the future maybe no promises tho
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Liked by patriciavillirillo and 322,992 others
trumanblack Tell me you like my hair or else
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1975adam Covid crazies at its finest
_fake_nudes_ sickkkkkk
este.manansala 2013 you wore it better
↳ Liked by rass1975 and 112 others
↳ trumanblack You love it
-- ↳ este.manansala K fine u look fit
whatashaaame i like it ..? i think?
19 April, 2020
trumanblack added to their story
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1 May, 2020
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Liked by trumanblack and 5,065 others
este.manansala a studio-matty pic on main since Notes is out today✨ it is without a doubt the1975’s best work and well worth the wait
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softsoundd_ Fav song???
↳ este.manansala tough to pick but probably Then Because She Goes or Me & You Together Song :)) or Jesus Christ bc i’m a _fake_nudes_ stan
-- ↳ trumanblack Good taste👍
jamieoborne ❤️
22 May, 2020
este.manansala added to their story
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28 May, 2020
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Liked by endofurcigarettte and 365,777 others
trumanblack Fuuuuck I miss being on stage💔 but happy pride, my girlfriend is bi so does she deserve rights yes or no?? Comment below👇👇👇
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_catekeeling no none of that gay shit
↳ g3orgiaheadley Agreed x
parisagain GIRLFRIEND........????????
↳ elsie.ahmed babe this is old news where have u been
-- ↳ parisagain Omg fr?😭😭
---- ↳ elsie.ahmed yeah literally i've been following her since he reposted a pic of hers in like Jan of last year💀💀 they're really cute
este.manansala Drop the f slur again like in Roadkill. As a gift to me and the gays
↳ trumanblack Yo chill wtf
2 June, 2020
este.manansala added to their story
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7 June, 2020
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Liked by sc0tt__street and 210,248 others
trumanblack Getting healthy so I can be more toxic
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este.manansala Stop bragging about the fact that you've read Infinite Jest
↳ trumanblack Well have u read it???? No
este.manansala cute pic tho very wholesome & Pinterest
↳ trumanblack Thank u love u
11 July, 2020
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Liked by newamericana88 and 6,843 others
este.manansala currently streaming folklore as u all should be as well ! but not my tears ricochet bc that's MY song...
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loveitifwemaadeit_ sooooo gorgeous wow
trumanblack Holy shit
trumanblack How are u real
trumanblack Give me a fucking break
↳ este.manansala are u saying I should delete ?
-- ↳ trumanblack I mean if u do I've still got the real thing so
_catekeeling goddess xx
↳ este.manansala I miss uuuuuuu call me !!!!!!!
25 July, 2020
trumanblack added to their story
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25 July, 2020
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Liked by tchalamet and 385,942 others
trumanblack If low rise jeans are rlly coming back here's a pic of me wearing them last year so that u know I was ahead of the trend
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este.manansala Hi x
↳ trumanblack Heyyy
poesiedanslarue Oh the hip tatt wow
bedforddanes75 Gay
20 September, 2020
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Liked by rass1975 and 6,555 others
este.manansala This weekend
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trumanblack God what’s with my hair
↳ este.manansala u literally made it that way
9 November, 2020
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marisatomay · 1 year
(private) am i going insane because from all objective metrics dead reckoning is doing great? im not american but where I am we are getting positive reviews about the milestones it's crossing here but all American origin media seems to be hell bent on crying doom about it for some reason? what is happening?
there are quite a few things contributing to this attitude and they boil down to the fact that the trades have a very myopic, US-centric view and so they have decided on a narrative for DR (flop) and they’re sticking to it and are just ignoring that the entire rest of the world exists, the movie lost ALL of its premium screens and quite a few of its standard ones after it’s first week (and no he couldn’t have released it any later because you cannot tell me he did not smell this strike coming (he’s been fighting the studios about AI for decades) and knew no one would be around to promote DR in fucking august) and yet has still made back its entire covid-inflated budget plus another $200mil and is still going at a good clip, and that cruise guaranteed the movie would get a minimum 90 day theatrical release which means it’ll still be there into *october* but more than that they’re definitely ignoring the fact that DR’s super-inflated budget isn’t like the ones that people have been mocking for indy5 or fastX or whatever because DR’s includes the roughly 40% of DRpart2 that’s already been shot, an estimated $100mil in covid safety costs that were already paid off by insurance, and the *7 months* between having the evacuate venice in february 2020 and the beginning of principal photography in september 2020 that tom cruise forced paramount to keep his entire blockbuster film cast and crew on the payroll when everyone else in hollywood just laid everyone off. but if the trades talk about that then they would have to admit that everything is fine actually and the sky isn’t falling on tom cruise. so they stick to their chosen narrative.
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Can I ask for Scarecrow x an s/o who loves Halloween?
"Spooky Season" Scarecrow x Reader
Its after Christmas but you know something? It's always Halloween in my HEART, so it's fine.
TW: implied drug use (fear toxin)
Heart after his heart...! At minimum, his person would need to like his spooky side and all consuming love for Halloween. You loving it is a bonus. The only other holiday he seems to like even a fraction as much is Thanksgiving (pumpkin pie and other baked goods...).
He's prepping in September, sometimes even earlier depending upon how big the plans are. Is he doing a haunted house? A themed crime that'll drive Gotham into the ground with fear? Party with full costumes? Now that you're here you can help him decide! It's rather exciting, he's never had someone else he makes these sort of plans with outside some in the rogues gallery. Never a partner. His granny wasn't exactly supportive of any of it when he was a child.
People outside his circle thought the crow and the hearse were overboard? They had no idea now that his partner is encouraging it! While there aren't many sweeping yards to decorate in Gotham, the two of you can decide on a theme for the apartment doors and windows. Something special for the balcony. And of course... the funeral home needs to be tastefully decorated as well.
It's difficult to truly decorate inside the shared apartment however, if only for the fact that it normally looks Like This. Halloween decorations double for everyday home decor for the two of you and it's everyone else's problem!
Despite how exhausted the old man can be some nights juggling both sides of his persona as well as a relationship, he'll attempt to make even the smaller October nights special. Horror movie nights. Your favorites on the screen as you order cheap takeout. His gangly arms over you on the couch, his fingers brushing the collar of your shirt at the tense moments.
One year he'd like to take a road-trip for the month with you. Do a cross-country haunted house tour! Historical sites, actual mazes... As long as you can stand being in close quarters with someone for extended periods of time, it'll be a joy for him to experience that with you.
And... well. If you ever needed a "heightened" fear experience... He could cook up a special batch of fear toxin for you. Nothing that will drive you to the edge. Just take you there and keep you in a delicious state where he can catch you if it gets to be too much.
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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remuswriting · 6 months
Cut the Cameras
Invisible Cut
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Sunday, September 20. 2:01 PM
The apartment door has never been quiet when opening.  It either slams too loud or creaks on its hinges.  That paired with an excited Masaru opening the door and throwing his shoes off, causing them to hit the wall, makes it known all throughout the apartment he’s there.  Y/N quickly saves his project and tears his headphones off, not caring about the state they end up in.
He hurries out of his room, and Masaru is near his door.  Masaru looks just about how he always does with his hair being far too messy since he hates fixing it and his green eyes are glimmering under the lights with mischief he hasn’t even thought of yet.  He looks exhausted, though.  Almost like the last four days out of the hospital and sleeping at his parents’ home wasn’t enough to cure his exhaustion.  Yet, he’s still there.  He’s there and breathing and smiling at Y/N.
It reminds Y/N of the last time Masaru was in the hospital nearly three years ago.  Although things had been different last time, Masaru causing more destruction to the world around him instead of just buying things and baking, his smile is still the same.  His smile is bright and real.
Y/N’s eyes burn, and it’s the only warning he gets before he starts crying.  Masaru walks over to him and pulls him in for a hug, and it’s so reassuring.  Masaru is there and alive, and Y/N can breathe again.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N says into Masaru’s hair, his snot most likely smearing in it. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” Masaru says, and he’s crying too. “You’re not a terrible person—You’re one of the best people I know.”
“You mean the world to me,” Y/N says, and he pulls away so he can look Masaru in the eyes.  Masaru’s face is splotchy from crying, and his eyes are rimmed red.  Y/N doubts he looks any better. “I will stand by your side before anyone else.  Never, and I mean never, think otherwise.”
“Even Tooru?” Masaru asks, and he tries to laugh with it as if making a joke.
“Even Tooru,” Y/N says, and then he hugs Masaru again.  He knows the urge to protect Masaru is what makes things difficult, because he’ll put Masaru before himself.  He’ll sacrifice his happiness to ensure Masaru has his own. “I missed you.”
“I missed you more,” Masaru says, and Y/N lets out a wet laugh.  Masaru squeezes him a little. “Can we get sushi now? I’m like really hungry.”
Y/N laughs again as he nods and pulls away. “Yeah, I just need to change clothes.”
Masaru looks over Y/N’s outfit, which is simply a white t-shirt and green flannel pajama pants.  He had planned on getting ready earlier, but then he got sucked into editing and forgot to set an alarm.
Masaru tilts his head a little. “I think you look fine like that.”
Y/N rolls his eyes. “You just want to leave right now.”
“Yes,” Masaru says, not even trying to hide it. “You take forever to get ready.  Don’t you wear the same thing every day?”
“Sorry that I want to look good when we see your famous boyfriend Kageyama Tobio,” Y/N says, and Masaru stops.
“Tobio is joining us?” he asks, and Y/N slowly nods.
“Is that okay?”
Masaru nods. “Yeah.  I… I just didn’t know he had the time.”
“He made the time,” Y/N says, giving Masaru a pointed look. “He loves you and would do anything for you.” Masaru doesn’t look entirely convinced. “You have people in your corner who love you and are here for you.”
Masaru slowly nods. “You do too,” he says. “I know sometimes you think people are better without hearing your feelings, but they aren’t.  The people who want to hear you will feel better if you tell them.”
“I know,” Y/N says, even though he doesn’t entirely.  He knows in theory, but it’s always felt so embarrassing and like a burden to actually share who he is with people.  It’s dangerous as well, so he stays quiet, even to Tooru.  Sometimes he just can’t find the right words, even though he desperately wants to. “Now, I’m going to get changed.”
He’s not even made it two steps into his room when Masaru speaks. “I should just make Tobio my boyfriend, shouldn’t I?”
Y/N looks over his shoulder at Masaru with a sad smile. “Only you can decide that.  You wanted to be in a better place in your life before you two properly got together.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be in a ‘better’ place.” Masaru bites at his bottom lip. “I think I’ll always be this way, and I need to accept that.”
Y/N’s sad smile turns a little more genuine. “I think you’re already in a better place if you’re thinking like that.” He lets out a dramatic sigh, trying to clear the tension. “Now, can I get changed or do we need to talk a little more?”
“You can get changed,” Masaru says as he laughs. “Thank you for listening.”
Y/N grins at him. “Of course.  I’m always here to listen.”
“Same for you,” Masaru says, and Y/N’s chest is so warm.  This is what he prefers between them, not the hostility and fear that had built over the months.  Things are back to normal—how they’re meant to be.
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Standard Cut | Invisible Cut | Jump Cut
Note: I know this is mainly a subplot chapter. More concrete plot will be happening, though, so I wanted to have this bit be resolved before other things start.
Tag List: @chaoswrites @princessmidas @adriivette @riahyayarii @that-bi-bitch-writes @magmagicstyle @yeoshwan @seijohiselite @tfstuffs @zawadni @kennylovesberries @starlight0faith @nyxmania @akki-teru
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imsiriuslyreading · 8 months
Let your spotify predict your 2024! shuffle your on repeat playlist and the first twelve songs represent your 2024!
Thank you @emjayeingray for the tag!
okay well i've done mine and all i can say is.. its not lookin' good bruv
January: Burn - David Kushner
February: Jackie and Wilson - Hozier
March: The 1 - Taylor Swift
April: Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra
May: Fine Line - Harry Styles
June: Would That I - Hozier
July: The Great War - Taylor Swift
August: Evergreen - Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners
September: The View Between Villages - Noah Kahan
October: Nobody - Hozier
November: You're On Your Own Kid - Taylor Swift
December: Lady Stardust - David Bowie
tagging @greenvlvetcouch @blitheringmcgonagall @eyra @kbeebss @solmussa @soliloquy-dawn @industrations @imdamagecontrol @greyeyedmonster-18 @dahlliiances @colgatebluemintygel @heartsoncover
no presh but also anyone else who wants a nice healthy scoop of depression this lovely Friday evening - enjoy! xo
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ashleywool · 2 months
why are menstrual cycles
I began birth control meds a few years ago when my periods went from "tolerable nuisance" to "incapacitating sensory nightmare." I stopped taking BC as of June 8 so they wouldn't interfere with the cortisol testing.
Mind you: I'd had some intermittent spotting when I was on BC, but it was so brief and occasional that I was getting used to not even needing to keep maxipads around anymore, just an "emergency" bundle of pantyliners. I never bled enough to justify even attempting to use a tampon.
Yesterday, for the first time since 2021, I got my FULLLLLL period.
I was JUST beginning to come to terms with having to stay off BC at least through September to fully determine if my current health problems are a result of BC or if Otis (the cyst/tumor/both on my pituitary gland) is the real culprit. I thought, meh, it's annoying to have to wait, but I don't need this medication THAT badly anyway, it'll be a good way to see how my reproductive system calibrates itself--
Y'ALL. I forgot how AWFUL this is.
I forgot what it's like to be able to smell EVERYTHING--and in New York, there's even more of everything. Like, I can wash the dishes in the dark and know when the pot isn't entirely clean because I can smell a trace amount of olive oil. I can be awakened from sleep because I can SMELL the exact moment one of the cats uses the litterbox (the pine litter absorbs the smell almost instantly, which is amazing, but in the 0.2 seconds between the crap leaving their butt and the litter absorbing the smell, I SMELL IT).
I forgot what it's like to feel EVERY SINGLE ATOM that touches my skin and overthink every article of clothing in my closet before I get dressed for the day. Like, I can shave my legs and then FEEL my hair growing back. I put on a face mask in the doctor's office and my lip eczema is lurking right there with a taser like, "hahahaha, you say you care about public safety, but do you really? How much? *taser zap* HOW ABOUT NOW?"
I forgot the LEG CRAMPS--like, why? Yeah, the uterine liner is shedding, what does that even have to do with my legs? My back, fine. But leave my legs alone.
I forgot, most of all, what it's like to just cry at the smallest things. Like, not JUST the things that make sense to be sad/stressed/angry about, but like, I'll open a box of Scotch-Brite pads and then cry because they're all so perfectly positioned in that bag and I'm about to take one out and separate it from its brothers and sisters and they'll never see it again and now I'm so sad I want to jump off a bridge but I can't because my cats will miss me and I could never do that to my parents and--
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KEEP DOING THIS EVERY MONTH until we figure out whether or not the meds that prevented me from having to do this every month are causing MORE harm?
And if they are, then I'll have to...I don't know, stop taking them? Try something different? And if they're not, then I need to do whatever else we need to do in order to prove that the only reasonable next step is LITERAL BRAIN SURGERY LIKE--?!
Ok. I'm gonna go cry into my iced coffee about Scotch-Brite pads. And maybe put on real clothes. Maybe.
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