#but its his talent for intimacy
charliemwrites · 18 days
Unfamiliar Nobody
You are a witch preparing for winter. Luckily, you have an extra set of hands - if they'd ever help.
Content: Possessive behavior, Semi-Safe/Semi-Sane/Consensual Intimacy, implied (pseudo) cannibalism, Violence and Death, Unhealthy but Happy Relationship
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You haven’t been the same since the ritual.
Souls are tricky things, somewhere on that rickety fence between the Seen and Unseen, a bit of practical magic so common that people don’t think much of it.
Souls are like stones or plants. Abundant, but varied. Some are rare and precious, some are beautiful, some are poison. One soul does not weigh the same as another, and the beings that deal in their collection and sale value them differently. Souls aren’t rare and only some of them are powerful.
It’s a narcissistic misconception of humans - even the ones that can perceive beyond the physical world. That a soul is considered precious and coveted and powerful by all things of heaven, hell, and beyond.
Not so.
That said, like a bit of gold or a well-woven blanket, a soul can be commodified. Reshaped and displayed, butchered for parts, sold…
The selling of a soul has its merits, though not many. High risk, high reward sort of gamble. Tempting for clever witches - or desperate ones.
You were neither when you built the summoning circle that night.
You weren’t looking to forge any contracts or make deals beneath that moon. Didn’t expect to invoke any infernal beings or heavenly apparitions with the stars.
Well, best laid plans and all that - not that it had been an especially well laid plan anyway.
Baring your soul that deep into midnight had not yielded the results you intended. Or maybe it had and your expectations were just skewed. Souls are tricky things.
And yours hasn’t been the same since.
You always rouse as the sun begins to set. Late afternoon at the earliest, when most everyone else is finishing their suppers.
You can manage stark daylight, but poorly. It hurts your eyes and prickles your skin. A deep hood and long sleeves does the trick when required, but you don’t make a habit of it if you can help it, if only for the teeth that bury in your throat when you return.
Tend the garden in the dying rays, light the shop candles before night nestles in. Say your blessings, leave your offerings, wriggle out from beneath clingy weight to secure any provisions or materials from the town.
As the temperature cools and the shadows deepen, you settle into your work.
The shop once belonged to an apothecarist. Died in a plague some four decades ago, or so you’ve been told. No one of any skill or natural talent replaced them afterwards. Too frightened, perhaps, of what could be lingering within.
It wasn’t haunted until you (and your shadow) occupied it.
You’ve stocked it up quite nicely now. Herbs and spices, vegetables and fruits, roots and seeds. Thistles hang from the ceiling and bones rattle in the drawers. Mortars and pestles line a wall, weights and measures beneath the counter. Not a single thing labeled or organized, the latter of which disconcerts your… companion.
Fickle is not the word for him, but it’s the one you use.
(And he is a he, at least according to the long, thick cock he crams into you every chance he makes for himself. Though you suppose such trifles as gender are superfluous to nonhumans. A categorical fallacy for your own ease of reference.)
You told him once, that if he did not like the disarray of the shop, he was welcome to rearrange as he saw fit. In response, he left teeth rings around the base of each of your fingers, telling you how easy it would be to bite them off. He didn’t, of course - wouldn’t - but you spent a good portion of that evening updating the inventory logs (sat on that long, thick cock.)
The shop was never reorganized.
Tonight you wake to his tongue, a dark and wicked thing, improbably dexterous, lapping at your thighs.
“Winter comes,” he drawls into your skin. His voice is dredged up from the deepest pit in his chest, scrapes against his throat before nuzzling into your ears.
“I thought so,” you sigh, sleep laden and languorous. “Felt it on the wind yesterday.”
He hums. Or maybe it’s a growl. It’s hard to say when he’s sinking his teeth into the plush of your thigh, though he does it without hurry. 
For a creature without definite expiration, there is little need to be hasty.
You click your tongue when he threatens to break skin. His jaw locks like that, just on the verge of taking without being asked. This is his price for greeting the evening with you - or so he claims.
“We’ll have to begin preparations,” you muse to the inky ceiling. “I’ll make a list over tea. You’ll help, won’t you? What kind of winter will it be?”
He relaxes his bite, laps at the iridescent fluid left on your skin. His saliva, or what passes for it in this vaguely human form.
“Long,” he drawls. An unseen thumb rubs circles into your calf. “And frigid.”
You hum, can already see it in your mind. Howling winds and a silent earth. Still and peaceful, little creatures huddled down and hibernating. It was a good, warm, lush summer that promises a sweet, abundant harvest.
“A lot of snow?” you ask, fingers buried in something almost too coarse to be hair. 
He unseals his mouth from a fresh, livid mark on your hip. “Da. Snow.”
Your fingertips trail over the gnarled, raised topography of long-healed wounds. Marks that go beyond flesh, wounds of essence. No matter his appearance, he will always be scarred - disfigured, even.
Sometimes you fancy that he was some fearsome fae king or warlord of hell before retiring to become yours.
Sensing the direction of your thoughts, he nips at the meat of your thumb. Draws blood the time. You hook your index finger around a too-sharp canine and shake a bit. He grunts and slides his tongue over the pinprick of blood.
“Any storms?” you ask.
“Two,” he rumbles around your finger. “Maybe three.”
You didn’t used to love winter so. But this will be your third with him. As the climate chills and the nights lengthen, he comes into his patron season. It’s helpful to have a thing of the cold and dark when times are lean and everything (even people) lose their pretty foliage.
“Shall I expect more pelts, then?”
You balked the first time he brought (more) death to your door. Thought him cruel and ruthless. Perhaps he is without you to metamorphose the slaughter into necessity.
Furs for warmth, meat for food, bones for your work. Nothing gone to waste under your care.
“Pelts,” he agrees, “skins, down.”
You trace your thumb over the bridge of his crooked nose, press between his brows when he tries to tilt his head into the warm apex of your thighs. He bares his teeth against your wrist but cannot defy you.
“Tea for that drop of blood,” you bargain.
He sighs deep and vexed. “Mistress.”
Before slithering from your blankets, though, he buries his nose against your pubic mound and takes a deep, noisy inhale.
A village girl comes a little after the sun has fully set.
You finished your tea (and bread, for the price of a wet, filthy kiss) while making a list of preparatory chores. Have started grinding up rosemary to replenish your stock.
Nikto senses her before you do, pthalo eyes flicking up. She hesitates at the closed door, poised to knock, then decides against it and simply pushes in.
You pretend as if you’ve just glanced up from your mortar, an easy smile at your visitor.
“Good evening,” you call.
“E-evening,” she replies, lingering in the door.
While you’ve taken measures to keep the air of the shopfront clean and light, it’s something of a fruitless endeavor when Nikto’s made his den here. (Or more accurately, in the room behind the shopfront, where you dwell.)
Still, she only wavers another moment, finding nothing immediately alarming or perilous. She can’t see him lounging on the back counter like a lazy cat.
“Have you need of something?” you ask.
Your easy, friendly tone loosens her shoulders, coaxes her from the doorway.
“I’m here for something for my grandmother?” she says.
You tilt your head. “Anna?”
She blinks. “How did you know?”
Because Nikto grumbled it just now.
“You have her eyes,” you lie. “I have her medication just over here. One moment.”
You turn away to collect the little parcels that make up Anna’s bi-weekly order. Brews for her tea, ointment for her joints. You’ll mix extra as the chill sets in, fewer trips while seeing her through the harsh season.
“Usually Alexei comes to collect these things,” you say.
She rocks back and forth on her heels, a more curious eye trailing over your wares now.
“Mama and I have come to take care of nana. She’s getting older, you know. And this town has better prospects than our old village.”
You hum in agreement, neatly bundling all the items in a cloth and tieing a length of twine to secure it.
“Uncle Alexei is away with papa to finish sorting matters back there.”
“So you and your mother have come ahead, then,” you summarize.
“Well, Anna is lucky to have you. She speaks fondly of you and your mother,” you say.
The girl lights up, cheeks rosy with pride. You slide her grandmother’s order across the counter.
“Anything else?” you ask.
“No, thank you!” she replies, dropping coins into your palm.
You glance at them (overpaid as usual, oh Anna) and sigh fondly.
“Hold on,” you call, “here.”
You pass her a little jar sealed in wax. She accepts it with a bemused smile.
“What is it?”
“For travel sores, when your father and Alexei return.”
She absolutely beams. Any apprehension she had when entering your shop is long melted away.
“Thank you, Miss!” she chirps, waving, and sweeps out the door.
Niko pounces in an instant, arms so tight around your waist that you don’t even stumble from the force.
“What’s gotten into you this time?” you ask.
“You were thinking of those men,” he grumbles. You’d call it childish if he wasn’t damn near mauling your neck.
“They’re well-paying customers,” you scoff, “and more good will is never remiss.”
He snarls, but moves on quickly. “You were so kind to that little girl. She had stars in her eyes.”
You hum in question, surprised.
“Makes me think of you with little ones. Younger ones.” He’s near rambling, drool soaking into the collar of your dress. “My brood. Clinging to your skirts and your hips. Getting sticky hands in the beeswax.”
You huff out a startled laugh. “You’re thinking of babies?”
He moans into your ear, pressed tight to your back. Broad palms knead at your lower abdomen.
“Little voices calling ‘mama’. They would all adore you, want to be just like you. Mother is god in the hearts of children.”
“All?” you repeat, twisting to stare owlishly. “How many is ‘all’?”
“As many as you will let me breed into you.”
Another laugh escapes you, a bit bewildered. He’s never spoken like this before, never seemed interested at all by the women (or their husbands) that come to the shop to ease their pregnancies or births.
“You couldn’t stand to share my attention,” you scoff. Which is to say nothing of it even being a possibility. You’re not sure that you and he could produce viable offspring.
He pauses, nose in your hair, considering.
Finally, he grunts, “Maybe.”
You’d thought so.
It’s not just the change in your natural sleep rhythms. You crave the iron of raw meat and inhale deep the burn of black smoke. Sometimes, you’re too preoccupied with the spill of ink on parchment, or the length and depth of shadows.
Subtle things, perhaps. A change beneath the skin, in the dark parts of your eyes.
You used to ask your questions in the sun, and look for the answers in the bloom of flowers or swirls of clouds. Now you whisper into abyssal shadows and they whisper back with a man’s rasp.
Not everyone can see it, the unusual glint in your eyes or the sharp edge to your smile. For those that do, it’s something of an open secret - that you provide more than helpful tonic and tinctures for common ailments.
A serum against pregnancy. A syrup for unkind spouses. Cut cords for bad friends and bent coins for poor business partners.
Tonight it’s the smith’s daughter. She’s just come into adulthood this past spring. A crown of youth on her brow, vitality draped around her shoulders. Darkened, this eve, by deals made with her as the currency. You see it beneath the sweep of her skirt, a chain of her father’s own making, a key in the hand of the mayor’s son. It drags her step in your doorway, rattling along the wood floors.
“Irina,” you greet.
She doesn’t admit it right away, demuring to purchase her father’s usual burn salve. You don’t pry, instead taking your time to spoon the thick, cloudy mixture into a small jar.
You tilt your head to show your attention, expression open. She clears her throat, smooths her skirt, tries again.
“My father designs to wed me to Boris.”
She blurts it like the words escaped between the gaps in her teeth, looks shocked in their wake You flick Nikto a reproachful glance.
“Is that so?” you reply mildly, as neutral as you can manage.
“I don’t want to,” she whispers, as though it is a shameful secret. But there is little shame to be found in your presence, and when your expression only reflects polite interest, she repeats herself, stronger. “I don’t want to. Boris is a coward and his father is…”
Mean. Lascivious. A bastard with a heavy hand and wine for blood, kind only to coin.
You don’t make her say it all aloud, you’ve heard it just fine.
“Is it an ear you’re after?” you ask. “I’ll listen.”
You do not offer more. It is something she must request of her own will. For your sake as much as hers.
It only takes another breath for her to gather the courage.
“Would you help me?”
“I would.”
You don’t jump as Nikto pours himself over your shoulders, teeth already scraping the nape of your neck. He’s hard and insistent against your spine, where scars of his teeth have begun to blossom. You sense that you’ll have a new notch for the collection soon, already feel slick and achy with the promise of his maw.
“What will it cost?” Irina asks, fidgety.
Your cunt three times over. Your blood on my tongue. Your juices down my throat.
“That will depend on our solution,” you say over Nikto’s sibilant entreaties.
Irina’s brow furrows. “Not coin?”
“Maybe coin,” you correct. “Do you want any of these three men dead?”
She startles, pales. Nikto groans in your ear, hips jerking hard, cock catching on the laces of your corset. Irina mistakes the sound for your shop settling, eyes flicking nervously around as if either of you will be caught.
“N-no!” she answers. “No, that’s too - I just want papa to change his mind. O-or for Boris to… to wed someone else. Is that wicked of me?”
You shake your head, soften your smile to ease her conscience. Once upon a time, you stood on the other side of the counter like she is now.
“Then coin won’t be necessary. I have a different price.”
Her shoulders lower, just a bit, curiosity where she should be wary. Coin is a paltry payment in comparison to things a creature like you could request instead. 
“What is it?”
“Scrap from your father’s forge, as much as you can manage, and whatever Boris gave you for your hand. Bring them to me tomorrow night.”
You fish a shirt button from beneath the counter. Prick your thumb on a needle and press the droplet of blood that wells into the smooth surface.
“This is a contract of my services,” you explain as it dries in the open air. Nikto inhales deep and ravenous, tongue flicking over the shell of your ear.
“If you take this, there is no going back. Do you understand?”
Irina hesitates; she’s always been a smart girl. That’s why she knew to come to you.
“What happens if I don’t come back with the payment?”
You flick a glance at Nikto, but he’s too busy toying with the ribbon around your throat. Patience fraying with each beat of your heart.
“Even I don’t know, but I’d rather neither of us find out, yes?”
“Alright. I understand.”
She accepts the bloodied button and drops it into the pocket of her frock.
“Tomorrow,” she promises, and steals out into the night.
Nikto bends you over the counter, heavy body flattening you to the polished wood. It’s unnaturally warm beneath your cheek. You suck in as much air as you can while he paws at the hidden parts in your skirts. He growls to find you wet and willing (always, regardless of what your mouth says) between your thighs. 
“Tithe,” he rasps, sinking to his knees.
Massive arms snake around your thighs as he finds his home between them. Buries his nose in the soft crop of curls so that his tongue and lips and teeth can partake in the sweet offerings below.
“All this for a severed tether?” you gasp, hips twitching in a bid to escape the too much, too fast, too good of it all.
His grip does not relent. On the contrary, it only tightens, dragging you down to smother himself in your cunt.
“Yes,” he hisses.
He takes and takes and takes. Sucks your clit until it’s throbbing at the slightest touch. Licks at the rim of your cunt, forcing his tongue deeper and deeper. Impossibly deep, until you feel the tip of it curl against the hard wall of your cervix, the root of it as thick as two of his fingers.
Your knees have long given out, your voice but a weak trill in your throat. It’s only when he hears you sniffling that he wrenches himself away.
“Give me,” he demands, surging up.
Laves that slick, black, inhuman tongue up your jaw, over your cheek. Doubles back to swipe at half-dried tears that dripped down your neck and onto your hands. He makes an obscene sound when the salt mixes with the dried blood on the pad of your thumb.
“I want to eat you,” he snarls, baring his teeth against the tender veins of your wrist.
“Maybe one day,” you pant, “when I’ve passed on. You can have my corpse.”
His eyes snap open, a manic rage burning so hot it feels cold. 
“Never,” he snarls, cruel fingers plunging into your tender cunt.
You cry out and grip onto his shoulders, fresh tears sliding down your hot cheeks. There is no mercy in Nikto, not even for you. He strokes and pets your walls relentlessly, abusing all the sensitive places he’s long mapped out. Brutal as the muscles in his arm bunch and jump with the pace and force of it.
“Never,” he repeats. Teeth in your throat but you can still hear his voice. It’s so loud and rough that glass rattles. “Just like this. You stay just like this for me. Mine, all mine. Always. My little witch.”
He makes you cum on his fingers, then jerks his angry cock using your release to ease the way. Spends himself in burning, sticky ropes directly onto your clit. As you drag in ragged breaths, he draws his sigil inside your cunt with your mixed fluids.
The bond has long been formed, there is no need to renew it. Your soul is no more or less his than before. You still shiver with the memory, an echo of the sublime sensation of your soul taking new shape. Making room for something else to lace through it.
“S-someone is coming,” you whimper, weak in every sense.
“Dmitiri,” Nikto answers. You knew who it was, of course, but you don’t think he would abide you saying any other name right now.
“Leave his order on the counter and make sure he pays,” you sigh, limping away in search of water.
Nikto may be a bastard, but he manages to follow your orders most of the time.
Irina returns the next evening with all that you asked. A bucket of metal scraps and shavings. In a little velvet pouch, a simple gold engagement ring.
“The button too,” you request.
Nikto, raven-shaped this evening, swoops in to snatch it from her fingers. She yelps, moon-eyed as he perches on a tall shelf and swallows the button down his scarred gullet.
“Should… should it eat that?” she asks.
You don’t even glance at him. “Too late now, isn’t it?”
She doesn’t look amused so you laugh softly and assure her, “He’ll be alright. He’s done it before.”
You turn away, scooping up the items for the spell.
“Now then, take this pin. Carve your name into one candle, and Boris’s name into the other,” you instruct.
“Which one is which?” she asks, a green candle in one hand.
“Your choice,” you reply simply.
When she’s done as you ask, you tie a piece of twine between the two, about halfway down. Set them on a metal plate facing each other and light first Irina’s, then Boris’s.
“Pull up that stool. Watch the candles burn down to the wick.”
It takes nearly an hour. You keep half an eye on it. Watch the candle meant to represent Boris start to eat at the twine, a slow encroachment towards the midpoint. Only for Irina’s flame to latch onto its end of the tie and scorch through the knot, the remaining length falling away.
Irina gasps softly, glances up to find you already watching. Studiously turns back to observe the remainder of the melt.
In the meantime, you continue forming the other half of your spell. Irina has been too preoccupied to notice the raven’s disappearance. Nikto is behind you again, guiding your hands to carve the woodblock in neat little peels. His fingers are threaded between yours, dripping raw power that you shape with intent. If Irina were to look, it would just seem that the candlelight casts strange shadows down your forearms.
When the candles have burned down to nothing, and Irina turns to you expectantly, you press a finger to your lips.
“Do not speak again until sunrise. When you get home, throw this into the hearth, as deep as you can get it. No trace of it will remain, rest assured.”
You press the carved wooden key into her palm. Her eyes trace the unfamiliar runes in wonder, but she keeps her silence and takes her leave with one final, grateful nod.
It is only just past midnight, but you yawn. The connection between Irina and Boris was not a strong one, but severing the covetous teeth of the mayor’s greed was tedious.
He has a weakness for fair hair and light eyes - both qualities passed down to Irina in lovely spades. Qualities his own wife doesn’t possess, but he would gladly see in his son’s if he had his way.
“All for a severed tether,” he purrs.
You tsk at him, shove his face away when he tries to steal a kiss.
“Finish the spell and then you will be rewarded,” you huff, waving him off. “Useless thing.”
He moans softly, eyes burning into you. “Useless,” he agrees, sharp teeth grazing your cheek. “Worthless.”
“Out with you. We’ve not all night,” you chastise.
He sinks slowly into the shadows; his eyes are the last to disappear.
Winter preparations are well under way.
A small mountain of firewood is steadily accumulating in the backyard, stacking higher and wider by the day. You’ve already finished harvesting the last of the garden, drying, preserving, and pickling by the jar. Have knitted half a dozen more shawls and socks with thick wool yarn.
Cough medicines, warming tinctures, lotions and ointments. You’re accumulating your winter remedies along the back wall and in crates beneath the counter, well-stocked for the town and smaller surrounding villages that frequent your shop.
Thus far, Nikto has brought you two pelts, and promised two more before the season truly sets in. A new pillow has also been added to your nest bed, a puffy, heavy thing of feathered down and cotton.
You like it so much that you bounce on Nikto’s cock until morning when he brings it to you, spitting into his mouth whenever he opens it in supplication. You drop lavender buds into the casing and breathe it deep as he lays you down after daybreak. It makes an excellent throne for your pelvis when you’re too worn (or over-pleasured) to hold yourself up any longer.
Still, as promising as your preparations are, you need items unavailable even in town. The journey to the nearest city is one day's (or night’s) walk there, and another back. Well worth the trouble.
Nikto has no particular affection for any dwelling, so long as it’s yours. He’s just as eager to travel as you are.
Before nightfall, you drop off any orders expected in your absence, and receive well wishes from your customers. No one asks why you are traveling alone at night. No one warns you that it would be too dangerous.
Nikto accompanies you along the well-trod road, a hooded figure more likely to be mistaken for the grim reaper than your familiar. He’s human enough if you don’t look at him for too long. A tall man thick with muscle, broad-shouldered, built for labor. Likely malformed beneath the scarf hiding his features below those blue eyes - or perhaps just shy.
Just don’t try to peer into the depths of that hood, or ponder that mysterious scarf for too long. The moon acts as a strange prism, waters down the light into eerie refractions. One might start to imagine sharp teeth peeking through ripped lips. Or glimpse poorly sewn hills of flesh, nothing but dark, empty space between the seams.
Luckily, there are no travelers on the road this late into the night. Any errant gaze is that of night creatures, and those know well to avoid the shadow at your side - and you by extension.
The trip into the city is no great adventure, but you weren’t looking for one. Nikto, you sense, is something almost like disappointed. You arrive in the small hours of the morning, just as the earliest risers have begun their day.
The innkeeper seems surprised by such an early (or late) guest, but is happy enough to welcome you in. Bread has yet to be bought from the baker, but there’s stew that’s been simmering overnight. It’s warm and hearty and thick. You eat two bowls with a cup of peach wine, pay for food and board for the next two days, and retire to the second story of rooms.
The bed is not nearly as comfortable as yours. The blankets are thin and woven, though they are layered enough to be warm. The mattress and pillow are both straw - comfortable by most standards, but a poor substitute for your cotton and wool and furs and down.
You make due on Nikto’s rumbling chest (prideful that you miss what he has so diligently provided) and let yourself drift into slumber.
At midday, you wake. City merchants aren’t accustomed to your odd hours, and you don’t want anything to be out of stock - you’re not the only one that’s made the journey for winter.
Luckily, it’s an overcast day and the sun isn’t too obnoxious when you venture out. You get a sweet bun from the bakery to tide your hunger while you shop. Follow Nikto’s whispering for directions, or to pick the best items of any selection. Spoil yourself a bit on honey from abroad and a new grimoire.
Return to the inn at the brightest part of the day for a nap. Rouse again in the late afternoon for more exploring and shopping, as well as a drink at one of the alehouses.
You’ve no friends in the city - or anywhere, really, for that matter. But being surrounded by good spirits and bright noise provides an unusual source of energy. There’s a band to watch and strong drink, some gambling that you amuse yourself meddling in from afar.
There are eyes on you, but there always are in such a busy place. You tend to attract very few gazes, but the ones you do will return time and time again, musing at the lone figure by the wall. None are brave enough to approach - especially not when it grows dark enough for Nikto to reveal himself.
Even he is in unusual form, telling you stories of a bygone time. A time when perhaps he was more finite than he is now. He uses names you’ve heard before, in passing, and chuckles at exploits more mortal than he deigns to participate in now. You like to hear it, like to provide him with the excess buzzing in your veins.
When the crowd begins to thin, you take your leave. He stays at your side (always too close, nearly underfoot) all the way to the inn, and is waiting in your room when you come up with the meal. He manhandles you into his lap and feeds you with his fingers, pours water into your mouth from his.
You stave him off until your food settles, and then he’s taking you into his lap. Has you twice before you doze off. Wakes you three hours later with his tongue lapping at your swollen folds. Has you twice more before you settle in properly until dawn.
The second day passes in much the same fashion as the first. Your indulgence this time is a pretty, slender knife, a length of ribbon, and a simple burgundy frock. The combination has Nikto salivating by the time you return to your room to rest. Not that there’s much to be had with you splayed out over your new garment, his hands and mouth and cock working you over until a puddle of slick and cum forms beneath your writhing bodies.
You send him to wash the stains in annoyance, and it’s returned seemingly pristine - though he gloats that the scent of your coupling remains. At least to him.
Nasty creature.
“If I get tired, you will be carrying me,” you huff on the road home.
He nuzzles his nose into your temple, a silent assurance that you need only say the word.
Halfway there, a band of highwaymen makes the fatal mistake of trying to ambush the two of you. Aware that anyone coming from the city will be laden with coins or goods, they would be correct if you were anyone else.
You click your tongue, steps never faltering.
“Kill anyone that’s taken an innocent,” you call over your shoulder.
“Mistress,” Nikto churrs into the air, breath so cold it sinks in the chilly air.
An unnatural growl reverberates off the trees. You don’t spare a glance behind you, steps easy and light, crunching over dead leaves and dry twigs.
A hand lands on your shoulder - heavy… and then not. Heat splatters and soaks into your sleeve, dripping down towards your wrist. The severed arm falls with a wet, fleshy thump.
Always so messy.
You tilt your head, veer off the road and follow your intuition until you find a stream. Humming, you shed your clothes and saunter into the gentle current. It’s frigid, only just unfrozen. You sigh, minding your step for slippery rocks as you wade deeper. The water rises past your scratched calves, over bitten thighs, soothes your well-used cunt and the bruises on your hips. Tingles over the silvery flesh of your scarred back until it’s nearly to your breasts.
Only then does the water darken around you.
Nikto’s hand closes around your wrist, draws your arm back until he can lick away the smears of a stranger’s blood.
Feast before the season’s famine.
You moan softly at the drag of his serpentine tongue along your skin. The ball of your shoulder, the curve of your tricep and bicep. Tickling the bend of your elbow… up your forearm… and wrist. Twisting between each digit. You lean into the sturdy pillar of his body until his other arm curls around your waist. You stand with him in the water like that, cradled by shadow and bathed in moonlight.
He is never hasty, but tonight he’s unusually slow. Almost lazy.
Wait, no. Not lazy. 
Each flick of his tongue, scrape of teeth, brush of lips is applied with the same care and reverence afforded to an altar.
You tilt your head to rest against his shoulder, bare your throat. Peer through lidded eyes at the thick fingers twining with yours.
It’s as if he plunged his hands into a fireplace and didn’t care to dust away the charcoal and ash afterwards. It fades at the forearm into alabaster. In the crease of his elbow, it looks like he has ink for blood. You know from experience that it tastes of almonds and tannins, heavy on the tongue like thick wine.
You let him lay you down on the bank, dry and clean. He pampers you on his cock with slow, languid rolls of his hips. Grinds deep, pulls out only halfway to massage the head into that sweet spot over and over until you’re shuddering apart with a deep, heavy moan. He finishes on your stomach and thighs, drawing symbols into your skin before rubbing it in.
“Nikto,” you croon, thumb drawing a line down the left side of his face. From forehead, over his eye, down to the corner of his mouth where there’s an unnatural split. He lets you scrape your nail against the big canine, amusing yourself on the sharper bicuspid just beside it. “My Nikto.”
He purrs into your chest, drooling down your sternum.
“Who do you belong to?” he asks.
You smile, indulgent.
“I belong to Nobody.”
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There is a possibility of a second part. Maybe. If that's something people want.
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neuvistar · 8 months
— featuring ┊sunday x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings ┊all consensual! not proofread, cunnilingus, he plays w ur tits lol (t!tplay), established relationship, use of nicknames, mentions of breeding wooopeee (not rlly tbh its jus him yapping abt angel babies) a lil rushed but it’s okay! pt 2 will be out when i’m not lazy :3 | 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
— a/n ┊this might b a bit messy sincd it’s VERY late n i’m half asleep but i’ll correct things tmr! sunday has been on my mind 24/7 all day all night all morning it’s actually insanity.. sunday <33 tbh giys this doesn’t rlly have a specific theme.. it’s jus sunday eating u out n yapping abt giving u angel babies… instead of leaving n doing boring work business LMAO (the pt 2 will have more guys trust i’m jus a tad bit lazy..)
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“m—more sunday..”
the two of you spent a cherished night together in the hours before his impending departure to meet and discuss matters with the members of the IPC, catching news of them arriving to penacony a few days prior. in all honesty, you wanted this to last as long as it can.. you missed sunday’s touched, and he missed yours. as sunday caressed and kissed your body, your soft squirms and moans filled him with a pleasant sensation of affection for you. the halovian savored the moment as much as he could, cherishing every last bit of intimacy and closeness between the two of you. “you’ve always impressed me, my angel. it brings me pure joy hearing all sorts of sounds leaving your pretty lips.” soft moans that escaped your lips and the gentle caress of your fingers through his hair stirred up a pleasant sensation within him. even the sight of you wrapped up in his arms, his lips kissing your sensitive skin as your body writhes in pleasure, it made him feel the immense satisfaction and fondness between you two. even that, your presence itself brought sunday immense joy, and he made sure to relish every single moment together with you.
"please... don't stop..." your voice cracked slightly, betraying your own need. a chuckle rumbled from your husband’s throat as he leaned in closer. sunday grabbed hold of the hem of your shirt. with one powerful yank, it ripped clean off your body, revealing your lacy bra underneath. you gasped in surprise, your breasts jiggling slightly as they were exposed to his hungry gaze.. he could feel his cock throbbed even harder, practically leaping out of his pants at the sight of your firm breasts.
"so beautiful, my girl.” trailing his tongue along your collarbone, stopping just short of your neck. sunday’s hands moved downwards, roughly palming your breasts through the thin fabric of your bra.. aeons, they were soft and supple just like be remembered, heavy with anticipation. “it would be such a wonderful sight see these pretty things leak with milk don’t you think, sweetheart?” with a chuckle of desire, he ripped the bra apart as well, freeing your breasts from their restrictive confines. “think about it, my angel,” he pinched your nipples, earning another sharp gasp from you. “imagine.. your belly round and full with my heirs, your breasts heavy with their milk.”
his hot breath fanning over your sensitive nipples caught you by surprise, his talented tongue traced slow, teasing circles around your nipple, closing his lips around it as he sucked greedily. sunday’s tongue flicked and swirled around the sensitive tip, tasting your flesh.. breathing in your aroma, that same aroma that drove him to the edge. “talk to me, baby. what do you say? do you like the idea of that.. hm?” his hands roamed downward, lifting your skirt and pushing your panties aside in one swift motion, exposing your pussy to his hungry gaze.
“hng.. i mean, i’m not against the idea.. it’s just that..” you lost your composure completely when sunday went even lower down to your region, his tongue darted in and out of your folds unexpectedly. “ah.. hey! aren’t you supposed to be meeting with the IPC—“
“shush baby, work can wait.” sunday could feel your arousal building up, your body arched slightly as he continued his brutal attack on your sensitive cunt. his large hands and held your legs wide open, giving him full access to his feast as the wings that protruded from each side of his head tickled your skin. his tongue probed deeper, finding your core and teasing it with quick flicks. you were so vulnerable under him, and it turned him on even more. "i’ll make sure to take good care of you, but remember who's in charge here.. just enjoy my tongue. you should be grateful i’m here giving you attention you wanted for days rather than talking with them.”
your husband’s tongue flickered against your cunt once more, causing you to arch your back slightly. sunday was relentless in his pursuit of your pleasure, determined to make you feel good. "you’re so fucking small, angel.. it’s driving me insane." sunday’s voice was muffled by your flesh, he could feel the adrenaline coursing through your body every time his tongue explored every inch of her. "so innocent, yet so brave... fascinating." feeling your warmth envelop his face was like heaven to him, he wanted nothing more than to show you just how much he loved moments like these. the halovian reached up and grabbed your hips, guiding your movements against his face. goodness.. it was like he wanted you to suffocate him. “a place filled with life and chaos... much like your body." he licked and sucked at your folds, the rough muscle of his wetness swirling around your clit , his nostrils breathing in the scent of your arousal.
“to feel my tongue fucking and sucking this perfect little cunt.. this is truly an angel’s gift is it not, my wife?”
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pucksandpower · 8 months
Lessons in Anatomy
Charles Leclerc x medical student!Reader
Summary: studying can be hard … good thing your boyfriend is more than happy to let you get some hands-on experience
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You let out a heavy sigh as you flip through the anatomy textbook in front of you. As a first year medical student, you’ve been spending most late nights recently trying to memorize every muscle, nerve, and blood vessel in the human body.
Lately you’ve been completely absorbed in learning about the upper limbs — the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers — and it’s all starting to blend together.
Closing the textbook, you stand up and stretch your arms above your head, feeling the pull in your deltoids and biceps. You’ve read so much about the muscles, it might help to actually palpate and feel where they are on your own body.
You lift your right arm out to the side until it’s parallel with the floor, palm facing down. Gently, you place your left hand on your right deltoid and feel the round contour of the muscle. You trace your fingertips along the borders, visualizing how the muscle attaches on the humerus bone.
“What are you doing?”
You jump at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice behind you. Lost in thought, you didn’t hear him come home.
“Oh, I’m just, uh, palpating my deltoid muscle,” you say sheepishly as you drop your arm back to your side. “Trying to get a feel for where the muscles actually are.”
Charles grins, his bright green eyes twinkling with amusement at finding you in such an odd pose. “My talented girlfriend, always studying so hard,” he says.
You can’t help but smile back at him. The two of you met in school years ago, long before Charles became an F1 driver and your life became a whirlwind of travel, media attention, and hardly getting to see each other when coupled with your own studies. Moments like this — relaxed, easy, normal — have become few and far between.
Charles walks over to you and surprises you by taking your hand and placing it onto his upper arm.
“Here, feel mine instead so you don’t have to contort yourself,” he offers. “I’ll be your anatomy model.”
You laugh lightly and begin palpating the hard, defined muscles of his arm through his thin t-shirt. You locate the boundaries of his deltoid, impressed by the athletic development.
“Very nice delts,” you say teasingly.
“Why thank you, I work out sometimes,” Charles replies with a cheeky wink.
You roll your eyes but can’t hide your smile. His playful arrogance is one of the things you love most about him.
Slowly, you map out the contours of his shoulder, mentally labeling the muscles — supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor. Charles watches your focused expression with affection.
“How’s it going so far?” He asks. “Am I a good model?”
“Mmhmm,” you murmur absently, engrossed in your exploration.
You move down his arm, wrapping your hands gently around his biceps. You note the two distinct heads of the muscle.
“Can you flex for me?” You ask professionally.
Charles obliges, flexing his bicep and causing it to bulge up under your hands.
“Excellent, thank you,” you say, impressed by the muscle definition. Your fingers drift down his arm to his forearm, tracing the brachioradialis.
You are hyperaware of Charles’ eyes following your every movement. There’s an intimacy to having your hands on him like this that makes your heart beat faster. You try to remain focused, but with him standing so close, his warmth radiating onto you, it’s difficult to think clinically.
When you take his hand in yours, turning it palm up to examine the tendons along his wrist and fingers, you’re struck by its elegant beauty.
His hands may spend most days encased in racing gloves, but they still hold such graceful strength and capability. You find yourself tenderly tracing along the lines of his palm, the indentation at the base of each finger.
You look up to see Charles watching you, his expression soft and affectionate. Impulsively, you lift his hand to your lips and place a kiss along his knuckles. His eyes widen slightly in surprise before he smiles.
“I don’t think that’s part of the medical curriculum,” he says, his voice low.
You grin. “Just conducting some independent research.”
Charles lifts his other hand to lightly trace his fingertips along your jawline, leaving a trail of tingles along your skin.
“Well in that case, I think you need to continue your in-depth examination,” he murmurs.
Your pulse quickens as his fingers trail down your neck and along your collarbone. Gently, he turns you around so your back is to him and sweeps your hair over one shoulder. You shiver pleasantly at the feeling of his hands gliding along the slopes of your shoulders.
“It’s important to know the trapezius muscle,” he says close to your ear. His fingers skim down from the base of your neck, tracing the borders of the trapezius down toward your shoulder blades. You close your eyes, focusing on the sensation.
“Mmm yes, very important,” you breathe.
His hands span across your upper back, gently kneading into the muscle. You let out an appreciative sigh, the tension you’ve been carrying in your back dissolving under his touch.
Charles places a kiss to the curve of your neck as his hands work their way down your spine, counting each vertebrae.
“The vertebral column is quite elegant, don’t you think?” He murmurs against your skin. You hum in agreement, eyes still closed.
When his hands come to rest just above your waist, your breath catches in anticipation. His touch is driving you crazy but you don’t want him to stop.
Slowly, he slides his hands around your waist to your stomach, splaying his fingers possessively across your abdomen. He pulls your back against his chest until no space remains between you.
“How am I doing as your study partner?” He asks, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“Mmm, top of the class,” you reply a little breathlessly.
He grins against your skin. “Maybe we should move this study session somewhere more comfortable.”
You turn around to face him, draping your arms lazily around his neck. “I’ll have to clear my schedule. My boyfriend’s this really busy, important Formula 1 driver, you know.”
Charles smiles, leaning in close until his nose brushes yours. “I think he can make time for you.”
He closes the remaining distance, bringing his mouth to yours in a kiss that curls your toes. You melt into him, all thoughts of anatomy and studying dissolving from your mind.
In this moment, it’s just the two of you, wrapped up in each other. The chaos of life fades away and you’re reminded why you endure the challenges of his demanding career.
Because at the end of the day, you have this — your love, steadfast and true. The rest of the world falls away and you’re home.
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fiendishfables · 5 months
Lucifer is one of those guys who is really happy to love someone & to be loved in return. He would treat you right, that’s for sure. 💕👹
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Lucifer Morningstar Headcannons
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warnings: nsfw, fluff
words: 584
a/n: this feels a bit rushed because I tried to make it earlier, but tumblr loves to delete my progress on things so- blep. Also, whoever is sending these in, I LOVE YOU, these are fun, hehe <3
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Due to his questionable past, Lucifer has always been a bit skeptical of love
Unfortunately, he is used to the good things in his life, the things he so happens to love the most, up and abandoning him 
But then, Lucifer being Lucifer, he’s all too forgiving
He is quite the incentive driven creature 
If he goes into a relationship where he knows he will be granted the gift of receiving the same pleasures that he himself provides for his partner, he just might have to poke at you a bit to ensure that you are indeed a real being, and not some walking figment of his imagination
His motivations are similar to those of a puppy
Besides being a good boy as unintentionally as he does, he is lured in by the sense of some sort of reward
Bonus points if that reward involves some sort of physical contact, no matter the level of intimacy
This man is touch starved; put your hands on him in one way or another, please
Honestly, just jump on his back and hug him; he loves little displays of affection like that the most (even if you almost give him a heart attack the first few times)
You openly offering him the affection he so dearly craves from another person, it’s a for sure way to get him to stick around 
In fact, you may never be able to get rid of him
Lucifer, despite being in Hell, may just be the most loyal soul down in that shithole
Once the two of you have an officially established relationship, just the thought of being with anyone else other than you makes him cringe
He makes sure to mark his calendars for any sort of important date; anniversaries, date nights, dinners, etc
Yes, he has multiple calendars; he forgets things easy, but that just shows his devotion towards you is as true as he claims it is
Randomly will turn up at your domicile with a bouquet of flowers every now and again
Doesn’t have to be a special occasion or anything; just wants to show his love and appreciation for you
Finding someone that reciprocates his lovable energy and spirit is not easy, but you managed to snare his heart from the get-go
Speaking of reciprocating love for another, Lucifer is a natural at pleasuring his partner
He refuses to leave the bedroom unless you convince him that you are truly satisfied with his efforts
Won’t let you pleasure him and then not give you anything back
It's just not in his nature to leave his lover awaiting his touch; he can’t go a day without yours, so why should you have to?
His tongue is as talented as they come; he can eat you out like there's no tomorrow to do so
King of praise
Loves to praise you and make you feel good with his actions, as well as his words
Always asks if you’re enjoying whatever he’s doing to you; if he gets even a hint that you’re uncomfortable, he’ll freeze like a deer in headlights
Probably cries during sex sometimes, claiming that he doesn’t deserve you; then proceeds to go on a fifteen minute rant about how lucky he is to have found a kind soul such as yourself to make him happy again
Every time you two make love it’s as if its your last
You’ve done so much for him; the least he can do is make you feel good
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driverlando · 2 months
🗞️ oh whats that?? Lando norris caught proposing to long term gf in santorini! Get the scoop on who was invited and the large diamond he purchased! PS….she said yes 🫶🥺 congrats btw
EXCLUSIVE: Lando Norris Pops the Question in Santorini! Get All the Details on the Romantic Proposal, Guest List, and the Stunning Diamond Ring!
Love is in the air, and it seems our favourite McLaren driver, Lando Norris, has taken the plunge! The 24-year-old British Formula 1 star was spotted on the picturesque island of Santorini, proposing to his long-term girlfriend in a scene straight out of a fairy tale.
The Romantic Setting
Santorini, with its breathtaking sunsets and stunning caldera views, has long been a favourite destination for romantic escapades. Norris chose this idyllic location to ask the biggest question of his life. Witnesses say the couple looked utterly smitten, with Lando down on one knee against the backdrop of a golden sunset, creating a picture-perfect moment.
The couple has been dating for several years, keeping their relationship relatively low-key amidst the hustle and bustle of F1 fame. However, it seems they couldn’t keep this special moment under wraps, as eagle-eyed fans and locals alike caught glimpses of the magical evening.
The Sparkling Diamond
The talk of the town, however, is the dazzling diamond ring Norris slipped onto his fiancée’s finger. Sources close to the couple reveal that Lando went all out for the special occasion, choosing a stunning, large solitaire diamond set in a classic platinum band. The exquisite piece is said to be worth a small fortune, reflecting both his love and his status as one of F1’s young stars.
Who Was Invited?
While the proposal itself was an intimate affair, Norris and his fiancée were not alone. They were surrounded by a select group of close friends and family who were reportedly in on the secret and there to share in the joy. Among the guests were a few notable names from the racing world, adding a touch of glamour to the occasion.
Sources indicate that the guest list was kept deliberately small to maintain privacy and intimacy. However, with the couple’s wide circle of friends and Lando’s popularity, it’s no surprise that word of the engagement quickly spread. The event was said to be filled with laughter, tears of joy, and a fair share of champagne toasts.
A Look to the Future
The proposal marks a new chapter for Norris, who has quickly become one of the most beloved figures in Formula 1. Known for his cheeky sense of humour and incredible talent on the track, fans are thrilled to see him take this significant step in his personal life.
As the news breaks, congratulations are pouring in from fans, fellow drivers, and celebrities alike. The newly engaged couple has yet to announce any wedding plans, but speculation is already rife about when and where they might tie the knot. Will it be another exotic destination, or perhaps a more traditional ceremony in their native UK? Only time will tell!
For now, the couple is basking in the glow of their engagement, and we can only imagine the excitement building as they plan their future together. One thing’s for sure: if their engagement is anything to go by, the wedding is set to be an affair to remember.
PS: The Answer?
Oh, and in case there was any doubt, she said yes! With such a romantic setting and a beautiful ring, how could she not?
Stay tuned for more exclusive updates and inside scoops on this developing love story. From the racetrack to romance, Lando Norris proves he’s a champion in more ways than one!
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littlelovelyra · 4 months
The Change.
Astarion x F!Tav
Inspiration: What if Cazador got hold of Tav (Astarion's lover) first?
"My, my, it seems my most favoured spawn has been busy…"
Roughly 4,450 words. (I know its long, I couldn't stop)
Triggers: Cazador, abuse (as minimal as possible only there for the plot to do with the jerk), non consensual bite, blood, kidnapping, adult language, death, Fluff, angst(?), intimacy (near the end), PiV, CONSENSUAL blood drinking, finger stuff. If I have missed anything let me know.
18+ Minors DNI - Mild disclaimer I am not a great writer, but great at day dreaming, so I hope it all makes sense and you can enjoy my current day dream:
You have leased the top floor of the Elfsong Tavern, and it is the first night of your stay. Retiring to your bed for the evening after a long day of chasing leads to find the murderer causing chaos around Baldur’s Gate, you and your companions are woken up during the night surrounded by Cazador’s Spawns attempting to retrieve Astarion. In that moment, you decide to do everything in your power to keep him safe, even if it means sacrificing yourself to buy him time. What comes next is something you could have never foreseen.
“Just our luck, right? All we wanted was a place to stay, and lo and behold, we find the single inn that has had a murder take place in it. And, of course, we start investigating it straight away," Astarion says, practically steaming with annoyance as he helps you remove your boots. You watch him attentively. You love the way his lip curls and his nose scrunches when he is particularly annoyed at something. He looks up at you through his lashes, his crimson eyes looking confused as to why he’s caught you staring at him with a very goofy smile plastered upon your face.
"What?" he says, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing, I just think you’re adorable when you get annoyed," you say as you lean down and kiss his forehead softly.
"Adorable? Adorable?? Excuse me, but I am exactly the kind of person your parents warn you about when they tell you not to explore at nighttime. Thank you very much." His expression is mischievous and playful as he rises, pinning you to the bed.
"Can the two of you PLEASE just behave for ONE night?? You’ll have your private quarters from tomorrow, so behave for the sake of all of us. Please," Gale says exasperated, pinching the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb.
You and Astarion share a knowing look and burst into laughter as he loosens his grip on you. Your companions have graciously offered you the private room after the cleanup of the murder scene and changing of bedsheets takes place. They deserve some respite after enduring the sounds from your tent throughout this journey. Despite taking a break from your intimate explorations, you and Astarion find yourselves acting like infatuated teenagers, constantly joking and teasing each other. It must be exhausting for others to be around your lighthearted antics all the time.
Yenna, the child you found on your journey, has a remarkable talent for creating various soups, and you are delighted to see that she has taken the initiative to prepare dinner for you and your companions tonight. After savouring the soup and engaging in lighthearted banter, everyone retires to their assigned beds. Surprisingly, Astarion decides to join you in the small bed, refusing to sleep separately even for just one evening. After making sure the others had fallen asleep you silently offer him your neck for his nightly feed before bed.
It doesn’t take long for sleep to find you, nor does it take long for your rest to be interrupted.
“Get the hells away from me!” Astarion’s voice is angry but panicked. You shoot upright and immediately see two other vampire spawns circling him. One female and one male.
“Peace brother, we are here to take you home.” The female speaks calmly
The male continues; “The Master needs all seven of us for the ceremony. Come with us and be reborn. We’ll live again.”
“Oh, I’m well aware of what the Master needs. But don’t we deserve better? After all these centuries of torment, I know what you all want, more than power, more than to walk in the sun. You want to see him dead. The right of profane ascension will be mine and he won’t see a scrap of its glory. I am going to complete the ritual as the ascendant and then I AM GOING TO KILL HIM. This is your chance, stand with me, name me your new master, we will get our revenge and you will all live again.” Astarion is confident, you know he is lying to them, you steal a glance his way with hurt in your eyes. Does he wish to be the ascendant this much?
Before you can stop yourself you turn to your lover and plead “Have you no heart Astarion? You’re asking them to die for you in this ritual”
“Don’t look at me like that, with the sweet little disappointed ‘I’m not getting cuddly Astarion’ pout. I can’t take it, I can’t be what you want to see in me.” His eyes lock with yours and you see a glimpse of it. Fear. The fear of never being safe and the desperation that this is his only chance of never having to be afraid again.
“You’re lying! Quick grab him!” The female one yells as two other spawns blink into the room joining them.
The rest of your camp is now awake and begins to spring into action. It’s not long before the first drop of blood is spilled, as Karlach lunges toward one of the spawn, slicing an opening clear across their chest, they topple back and disappear before the killing blow lands. You break into a sprint to the other side of the room as poor Yenna is being picked up by one of them. Luckily Gale shoots a firebolt cantrip their way and they release their hold on the child.
Suddenly out of the corner of your eye, you see the two spawn from earlier still circling Astarion and your world slows down. The male leaps forward with his hand outstretched, you know it’s to take Astarion and he knows it too. His eyes lock with yours practically seeping with fear and you scream an incantation of misty step placing yourself between them just in time, knocking Astarion back. The hand grabs you and you are transported in a cloud of red ash out of the Elfsong Tavern and land in a dark, cold cell.
Gazing at the floor you see a pair of expensive loafers appear in front of you, slowly you raise your head. Standing before you is what seems to be an elf at first glance well dressed with blood-red eyes, pale skin and long black hair slicked back out of his face. Your gaze darts around the room as you see the spawns all kneeling around him.
“Cazador.” You spit out the word, your face repulsed as if the name itself tasted vile on your tongue.
He leans down and takes your chin in his hand, moving your face towards the left, exposing your neck and the two puncture wounds that are still fresh from the evenings’ feedings.
"My, my, it seems my most favoured spawn has been busy…" He says amusement dancing in his eyes. “My spawn may not have brought him back but you… I have big plans for you. You pretty little thing.”
You look across the room, searching for her. You know you are about to be taken, so you need to have one last look at her. You find her, and your eyes lock together. She knows it too; you can see it all over her face. Then the unthinkable happens.
You hear her scream the incantation. You see her appear in front of you as she knocks you back. Before you could blink, before you could get up, she was gone. They’ve taken her. And your world comes crashing down.
“TAV! NO. NO. No no no no no. This is NOT happening.” You are frantic, you cannot control the fear that has taken over. Your body shakes your breathing becomes shallow, your mouth dry. “We need to go. NOW. We need to get her.” Your companions are all standing there in shock as they watch you crumble. Karlach walks up to you gripping your shoulders and gives you a few shakes.
“Astarion, calm down. This is not going to help get her back. You need to breathe," Karlach pulls you in, squeezing you until you listen to her words. She's right, Tav needs you to be strong. She needs you to collect yourself. You need a plan, but it needs to be a good plan. You cannot afford to make one wrong step.
“We need to make a plan. I don’t know where he will be holding her, get me some paper, ink and a quill. I will draw out the layout of the palace and we will discuss options. Shadowheart, make sure we are stocked on healing potions and count the Revivify scrolls. Gale you need to learn the daylight spell, it is imperative, I know Shadowheart knows this spell but we cannot afford for only one person to know this. Karlach, gather the soul coins. We have to utilise everything we have.” You try to sound confident but the quiver in your voice betrays you. Everyone glances around briefly before attending to their allocated tasks.
I am coming for you, little love. Be strong for me just for tonight, I will not let him have you. You make a silent promise to her, to yourself.
“Fuck you.” Your words are laced with venom as you spit on his shoes. His hand comes soaring down across your other cheek and a familiar metallic taste settles in your mouth.
“Did Astarion not teach you what happens to those who do not obey me? Did he not tell you that mercy is not a word that lives in my vocabulary?” He lifts you by your neck and you feel your feet dangle off the floor.
Between your gasps for air, your voice is cold. “Get his name… out… of your… dirty… fucking mouth.” You spit what’s left of the blood and saliva in your mouth right on his disgusting face. A small improvement you think to yourself.
“I’ve had enough of this.” He hisses. “You will both learn. You see, I know my spawn better than they know themselves. He doesn’t love you! He is using you! You offer him protection, look how far you’ve pushed yourself just to protect him! And where is he? Do you hear him beating the door down? He knows where you are and yet, he’s not here.” Cazador spins around in a circle with arms spread open and a laugh escapes his mouth. “Stupid girl. You are but another number added to his list of fools.”
“You know nothing of him.” Your voice sounds so hoarse, so small. Astarion would never play you like this. You know him. The real him.
“Oh? I don’t? Why don’t we make a little wager then?” Amusement dances in his eyes. “Here is what is going to happen. I’m going to turn you into a spawn, just like him. I will return you to him once most of the change is complete and I can promise you my dear he will hate you the way he hates himself. Then when he realises that the game is done, he will hand himself over.” He places you down back on your feet, still gripping your neck tightly. Your body turns ice cold, your skin clammy as his crimson eyes bore into yours. He turns your head once again exposing your flesh. You feel a sharp excruciating pain pierce your neck, nothing like the ones you have shared with Astarion. It is at this moment you know that your time is up.
You feel yourself slipping away, tears spilling down your cheeks you close your eyes and hold your lover’s face in your mind, the face he makes after each kiss, the way his smile curls up when he’s being mischievous… how peaceful he looks when he rests next to you.
I love you Astarion. I am so sorry I couldn’t protect you, I failed you. The whisper in your mind dissipates as you can feel yourself leaving consciousness.
Something opens your mouth, you feel a single drop of warmth splash onto your tongue and everything goes black.
Your eyes snap open as you feel an intense burning sensation in your throat, you bring your hands up clutching at the base of your neck. You feel an immense pain and heaviness in your mouth, running your tongue over your teeth you feel something sharp scrape along the tastebuds. No. Your eyes dart around the cold cell and you spot a mirror in the corner. You rush towards it and raise it to your face only to find nothing. Nothing. No. No no no no. “No.” A small sob escapes your lips.
“There she is. Well my pet, you may just be my most beautiful spawn. Look at you… death becomes you, my dear.” Cazador is leaning against the wall outside the cell, a devilish smile runs across his face. “You are beautiful. If I am correct and he tosses you aside I may just keep you to myself. How does consort sound? Hmmm? No? Pity.” Words elude you, and a response will not come out from your mouth, not because of him, you still have the tadpole, but the words simply don’t form because you are in shock.
“Feed her a rat and then take her to him. He will surrender himself shortly after, I will win this little wager we have placed. I always do.” He turns to you again another smile spreading over his face “I’ll be seeing you again soon my dear, my most beautiful spawn.”
A smaller female spawn enters the cell, holds you down and pours a small helping of blood from a rodent down your throat. She then places her hand on your arm and once again you are teleported in a smoke of red ash back into the upper floor of the Elfsong tavern.
You look around the room, every single person in here is moving with purpose as fast as they can sorting out the final details, and gathering the supplies. Not one person has slept since her disappearance it has almost been a full 24 hours since she was taken but you promised yourself you would not wait a moment longer than that to finalise your plan. You knew he would use it as a trap to lure you to him and that’s exactly what you intended to do, just with reinforcements.
“ASTARION!” Shadowheart screams out to you from the doorway leading into the room. Your body is on full alert as you sprint towards her, she is on the floor holding something, no, someone. That’s when you see her, laying on the floor curled up, shaking and sobbing. You move quickly to her side and glance at Shadowheart, you see something in her eyes, sadness, rage and disbelief.
“What? Shadowheart. What? What is it?” You break your stare and glance down at your lover placing your hand under her chin. Something doesn’t feel right, gently you lift her to a seated position on the floor and as she turns to you you are met with crimson eyes.
“No.” You breathe out. “No… not you.” A crowd has gathered around you, their voices are muffled panicked noises in the background. You collect her in your arms and walk to your private quarters, close the doors and gently lay her down on the bed. She begins to sob uncontrollably as you scoop her up into your arms, crying with her. You have failed her and now she will never forgive you for not coming sooner.
“I’m… I’m so sorry Astarion. I… I couldn’t stop him. And now… now you won’t have me. He… he told me this would happen. He told me he would take me as his consort because once you saw me as a spawn you wouldn’t want me.” She sobs into your chest barely getting the words out. You stiffen after the confession is out. His consort? HIS? She had only been with him for 24 hours and he successfully derailed her mind, twisting her thoughts. You knew he was capable of this but still, it shook you to your core nonetheless. The way he gets into the minds of others and manipulates their thoughts. You are going to kill him, slowly and painfully for this. You swear it to yourself, to her.
“You will never be his.” Your words hiss out like venom. “You are mine. This changes nothing.” You bring her face up to yours looking deeply into her eyes as you plant a soft kiss on her lips, she lets out a small whimper that breaks you to pieces.
"This changes nothing." Gods you want to believe him, you really do. It’s been two days now since you’ve been back, and you have mostly stayed in your private quarters lost deep in thought replaying the events from the palace. Astarion hasn’t left your side once, always holding you, placing soft kisses on your forehead and whispering soft “I love you’s” and apologies into your ear.
“Little love, look at me. Please… please.” His voice is soft and tender. You regain focus on the feel of his hand cupping your face, you only now notice it doesn’t feel cold anymore, instead it feels warm and soft.
“Your hand… it feels, warm. Why?” You whisper into his palm.
“Our bodies run at the same temperature, I will feel normal to you now.” He brings his face to yours and presses his forehead to yours inhaling deeply.
“Are you… sure… you still want me?” Your voice is small, unstable and your body shakes with anxiety while you wait for his response. You feel him tense slightly and then relax as he pulls away to look into your eyes.
“You once told me that being a spawn doesn’t define who I am. That Cazador may have turned me but I am still me inside. That he has no control of that.” He grazes his lips slowly across yours. “You are still who you are. You are still my world, my life. Your appearance may have changed slightly but it would have also changed as you aged and I would have grown to love those changes. I love you the same now, the only difference is that I get to love you forever instead of having to go through the pain of outliving you.” He kisses you deeply and you feel the love behind his kiss, you were a fool to ever doubt his love in the first place. You were right, you knew him better than Cazador.
“Astarion?” You ask quietly, “Does this mean I can no longer help you feed?” Your voice breaks a little bit near the end of your question. The act of him feeding on you has become something extremely special for you and it hurts to think that you may never get to do this for him ever again.
“You have been taken… Turned into a vampire spawn and your main concern is that you won’t be able to feed me?” His face lightens and a soft chuckle escapes his lips. “Darling, we need to talk about your priorities. But if you must know, we can still share this, the only significant difference is that you will now be able to feed off me. Should you wish to do so.”
“But, blood flow? How does that work?” You ask puzzled.
Astarion raises an eyebrow and a flash of mischief runs across his face. “Umm well my sweet, I’m sure you of all people will know that blood flow is still very much a thing for us. If you know what I mean.” You feel your cheeks flush as the realisation hits you.
“Oh. Right.” That is all you can say to that.
The light moment is replaced with heaviness once more as the two of you lay beside each other, scanning one another’s faces.
“I’m sorry Tav, I should have come straight away to save you. I thought… I thought we needed a plan, something solid to get in and get you out as fast as possible. I failed you and I am sorry…” He pauses for a moment and continues “Why did you do it? Why did you come between us when they tried to take me?” His voice was barely above a whisper now.
“I love you. That’s why and I would do it all over again if it meant I kept you out of his grasp.” You lift your hand and run it behind his head, lacing your fingers into his silky curls. He leans in moving his body closer and brings his lips to yours. It starts slow and tender, but the pace quickens with the realisation that this could have ended differently. His kisses become sloppy and urgent as his tongue enters your mouth. You suddenly taste something metallic and a growl escapes your mouth, a hunger springs to life within you and you push him away flinging yourself back off the bed. “It’s okay my love. I can help, just, give me two minutes, stay there do not move. You’re hungry, you haven’t fed these past couple of days. I have a jar that I had kept for myself. I will be right back, I promise.” He quickly exits the room and re-enters not even 40 seconds later.
“Come here, drink this.” He sits you on the bed and hands the jar over. You open the lid and the smell hits your nose, your mouth starts to salivate as you bring it to your lips and take your first gulp. Your hunger instantly eases the moment you go for your third mouthful.
“Drink it all.” He says while he holds your hand. You listen and drink your fill and place the empty jar on the side table. “Do you feel better now?” He asks as he strokes your cheek.
“Much, thank you.” You offer a small smile to him.
“Good, because I believe we were interrupted. Where were we?” He asks as he slowly guides you back down onto the bed. His lips crashing into yours parting them instantly as he cautiously moves his tongue against yours. A soft grown escapes his lips, his hands roam up your body tangling up into your hair as he grinds against you.
“Astarion, stop - we don’t need to do this.” You say between kisses. “I told you we can wait when you’re ready.”
“Tonight my love I’m making an exception.” He says as he kisses you again his hands running down your frame and he lifts your shirt off with ease. He trails soft kisses up your torso over your bare breasts and pauses at your neck. You know he is looking at the fresh wounds.
“I’m going to kill him.” He hisses. “I’m going to kill him slowly. I will make him beg for mercy.”
“I want to be there when it happens.” You whisper. “Astarion? You can say no… but I don’t want his marks to be the last on me. Please… please replace them.”
“Darling, you need not ask. I was already thinking just that.” He slowly leans down and places a soft kiss on your neck before sinking his teeth in. His free hand slithers down your body, slips under your panties and starts running circles around your swollen bundle of nerves. You let out a soft moan and his paces quickens. The first wave of pleasure rolls through you fast and unforgiving as he releases his mouth from your neck placing another soft kiss onto the bite.
His gaze meets yours and a flicker of that mischief you love so much makes an appearance.
“Your turn now, little love. Replace my marks. Please.” He whispers his breath hot in your ear.
“…How? How do I do it?” You ask breathlessly.
“Listen to your body, go slowly and let… instinct guide you.” He rolls underneath you and turns his head to the side.
Slowly you mimic his previous movements, you think about all the times he’s fed on you and you focus on every single step. As you lower your mouth to his neck you plant a small soft kiss on the healed wounds, you open your mouth and slowly sink in. You feel a small amount of pressure on your fangs and then they sink deeper. The blood in the jar is nothing compared to his. You take slow, long pulls into your mouth, enjoying the way he moans and sighs in pleasure. You can feel him harden underneath you and you grind against his length. After two pulls you release him from your mouth and you hear a small moan of disappointment.
“My sweet, I was rather enjoying that, do it again.” He says while he removes his pants letting his length spring free. He then makes quick work of tearing off your underclothes and gently brings your head back down to his neck.
You sink back in but as you make your first pull he has moved underneath you making sure his hard length enters you, stretching you out deliciously. You growl against his neck as he starts thrusting upwards into your sex.
“Gods…” He breathes out as the thrusting quickens his hand finds your clit again and starts rubbing furious circles around the sensitive bud. You start to pull back but his other hand comes down holding you into place. “Drink.” He orders and you obey. “Fuck. Good girl. I’m.. I’m close.” His words send you into a frenzy as you match his thrusts with your grinding and it doesn’t take long before he cries your name as his hips start bucking in ecstasy.
“I love you. I will always, always love you.” He moans into your ear as you come crashing into another wave of pleasure. This time he allows you to let go of his neck and you fall beside him on the bed. The two of you slick with sweat while you hold each other.
“He really thought, that I wouldn’t love you anymore? Hasn’t he realised that he has unintentionally given me the greatest gift of being able to love you eternally.” He speaks the words into your hair while holding you close.
“Forever?” You whisper.
“Forever.” He says and places a kiss on your forehead. “But first, let’s go kill the bastard.”
Part two here
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lucrezianoin · 1 year
Interesting things that you can get from trying all the options but that reveal a general characterization and idea of astarion and tav's romance.
I wanted to talk about Astarion's feelings regarding intimacy and sex, and indipendence, and how this can give a small timeline of his relationship with Tav.
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If you don't get the confession or drow potion scene, astarion will still stop having sex with Tav, and at the start of act 3, if you ask about it he'll tell you that he's tired of paying with sex, and that you were a bad deal now. It was all transactional but he's done. If you say you're hurt, he'll reply that it hurts more to use his body to get nothing in exchange, basically. I think this confirms that up till some events leading to the confession, the relationship was transactional. He only says "This is the one talent I have".
Given that the only difference IS the confession, but that the game assumes there's party interactions that are not shown, we can assume that he started to genuinely fall for Tav somewhere around end of act 1 and act 2. This is confirmed by the fact that if you choose him over someone in act two, he'll be confused but immediately resorts to saying it's because of your good sexy times... But, he is surprised (positively surprised) if you say it want something real with him.
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The thing is... Astarion is a people pleaser. He manages to find autonomy because of finally being actually free and slowly regaining it on his own (if you end up in this wrong/broken romance situation). He stops having sex with Tav, he decides he does not need to pay anymore for whatever Tav is giving him or not.
If you choose the very bad choices during the confession, he will tell you that having sex with Tav has felt different "I supposes", but then he'll reveal that he didn't know how to say no after you push him. He also says that he never felt anything while having sex (does not exclude tav from this sentence, so it's assumed that this is true for their sexual meetings too), but after Tav pushed him he felt something for the first time (being that he felt horrible). I want to elaborate more on this but I need the next two points first.
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In a Karlach/Astarion party romance scene, Astarion gets very mean when he realizes he cannot have sex with Karlach. The dev notes reveal that its because he feels vulnerable and confused by the fact that his one method of connecting with people is not available to him in that situation. The notes also stresses that he really wants what Karlach is offering (just spending time together) but maybe even he doesn't realise it yet. Full scene and dev notes are here.
Furthremore, most of the scenes that people associate with astarion romance are actually scenes that happen even if you do not romance him. The bite scene, offering him to feed him your blood, the bear one, discussing character's blood, the mirror scene, and probably even the scars scene... these are all general scenes, not romance ones. The only romance scenes (as far as I know) in act1+2 are: him propositioning you if you have more than 40 approval, or him propositioning you at the party, the sex scene, the second sex scene ("cheeks all flushed"). It shows how he has a desire to connect. Some of these scenes are not connected with manipulating you, but really do feel like a true desire to connect.
Regarding these last three points, I think Astarion's "It felt different from you" does come from this desire to connect. It had felt different not because the sex itself was different, but because he honestly felt like he was connecting with Tav. That is why the options that you can offer him are so important:
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In particular, asking him "what do you want" will reveal that he doesn't know. From the devnotes of Karlach/Astarion we already know that he is confused about his own need to connect. But also it is important that one of the option is "we can be together without sex". Sex is what he knows, "the talents he has", and it is also the only way he knows how to connect with people because he has been made to do it for 200 years. Telling him that you can be together and show him intimacy and companionship without sex, means he will have the safety to explore other ways. And be seen as a person.
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What he needs/wants is the safety to pursue what he likes ("this", your relationship) and he thinks he might want. Safety being the important word.
That is why it is clear in the game that between the confession and post-Cazador Tav and Astarion do not have sex, even Astarion remarks twice about it to ask to Tav if he is really okay with it.
That is why it makes the cemetery scene so impactful. He is not fully healed, but he wants to reclaim sex as part of his way to connect with someone as an act of intimacy.
(Instead if you choose Ascended Astarion you confirm that you only see him as sex and not a real person. The sexy kinky vampire - I will talk about this in the last point, where I talk about the bite).
I wanted to write a little bit about the way he defines the relationship in act 2, post confession. The confession doesn't mark a clear "we are in love from now on", it is more like offering him this step, slowing down, making sure that you can be there for each other, allowing him to be free and supporting him.
If you ask him "what we are" he will say:
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This could even imply that before the confession he did see you as a victim or a target, but that is just how he saw EVERYONE. Everyone was a target or a vicim, or a night of disgust/abuse. His knowledge and ability to identify intimacy and relationships has been so beaten down that he actually expresses confusion now that he finds himself with a real relationship. That "whatever in the world could you be?" is asked with genuine surprise and bafflement.
Another important and fundamental side of his romance is his indipendence. There are some choices that I would normally go for and then I realized gave no approval, or low approval. I will make a full posts of these approvals, but for now I wanted to focus on three.
Someone here on tumblr already noticed and wrote an amazing meta about how offering your blood to Astarion (the next day) gives NO approval.
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You can see that telling him to feed on you gives no approval. Be it because the game explicitly associate bite = sex (seen from the drow woman) and he sees this as you seeing him as some sexy vampire or be it because you are making dependent on you, I am not sure.
But if you agree instead with his suggestion:
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Another occurrence, is the two times you can tell him you will protect him. DorianDarkstar on twitter also noticed and made me realize that he does this twice. There are two occasions where you can tell him "I will keep you safe" and he doesn't fully like that.
There is a scene where you can tell him that you will watch his back if he watches yours and he approves (5 points!). If you tell him he is safe, instead he finds that pretty annoying.
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There is also a dialogue in late act 3, where you can tell him that you will protect him. To which he answers with almost resigned annoyance.
It is important for him to be an equal. He says so in his romance talk after Cazador. (and that is why I love Durge Astarion so much as I explained here).
So yeah, there is I think something interesting to be found not only in non used scenes (not used by the player, as some of these choices are very bad), but also in finding out what he approves or disapproves of.
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koiiiji · 7 months
windbreaker characters & their possible love trope (part 2)
warnings : smut part with wooin but i tried to make it more sensual then sexy, prob fluffiest stuff i ever wrote, as usual it might be ooc, not proofed read on your own risk!!)🧣💞🦢
thank you all guys for 287 followers!!(i wrote when it was 260!!) i hope my works makes your day a lil bit better and set some mood. i really appreciate all likes, reposts and especially!! comments and replies, in love with @sugardollie-907 @hjunsjoy @cozyunderworld @dialoguestetatet and wildylisa but idk why i can’t tag((( and so so many other people who comment (but i swear this holy five lives rent free in my comment section and it such a blessing🙏🏻)
thank you to every-everyone who supporting me, my works, it’s so gratifying to come here and see all notifications about your feedbacks!! also want to say thanks to all wb authors who ever posted and posting!! another source of motivation and inspiration🫵🏻😌💋💯🎀
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
vinny - a friend’s sister. you were definetely dom's or jay's sister, and vinny was so annoyed by you in the first place. not because of your personality or you annoyed him directly, but you were that "genious" in your sport, and vinny unitentionally compared you to jay jo, who were gifted with talent from birth. he was angry or annoyed to the point of goosebumps, he didn't even understand exactly what he was feeling, but he understood that this was a very strong storm of emotions and he was fixated on you. honestly? when your brother watches your competitions or casually tells about your successes, Vinny records it in his memory and will congratulate you later(dom as an older brother will 100% hype you up, fight me. he would show his phone to hummingbird crew with tearing puppy eyes “look, my lil gremlin winning those competition of hers”🥹🥹)Vinny would rather die by biting his neck than admit his feelings to someone, so it happens accidentally, maybe your chat went further than congratulating each other on winning competitions or your calls to him to find out where your brother is hanging around today. but because you were tired after the competition, you fell asleep leaving the chat open and not responding to his messages, leaving him on read. not to say that Vinny was offended by you, he just snapped at you for 3 days in a row, refusing to respond to messages. you had to take the situation into your own hands and hold his hand after another training and talk. “ta hell you want?” he said, frowning down at you. “just to talk and clearly” - you explained the situation to him and told him why you didn't answer, but since Vinny didn't know how to apologize and he had certain trust issues, it turned into another skirmish. it was evening and it was unnoticeable how the clouds thickened and the rain began to fall, but it didn't seem to bother two of you much because you were standing and yelling at each other for a reason you both didn't understand. Vinny's patience had always been zero, but now it seemed as if he was on the verge of reaching another stage of rabies. while you were shouting at him that you didn't understand why he started this quarrel at all, he just exhaled irritably and unknowingly blurted out “FUCK! because i was worried about you!!” as the argument reached its peak, Vinny's frustration peaked, his heart pounding with a mixture of anger and apprehension. yet, amidst the chaos of their exchange, a surge of emotion overcame him, compelling him to act on the impulse he'd long suppressed. with a sudden surge of courage, Vinny closed the distance between you, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. eyes met, mirroring the intensity of emotions, as Vinny leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. the rain continued to fall, its gentle rhythm enveloping both of you in a cocoon of intimacy as you melted into each other's embrace. Vinny’s body pressed to yours, rain-soaked and trembling, as the warmth of the spring evening mingled with the cool touch of the rain. in that moment, amidst the soft glow of the night lights and the soothing patter of raindrops, time seemed to stand still. the world around you faded into obscurity, leaving only the two bodies locked in a passionate embrace. as your lips parted, a sense of relief washed over, breaths mingling with the cool night air as you savored the sweetness of the moment. in the gentle caress of the rain and the warmth of each other's touch, you found solace, knowing that despite the storm raging around two of you, they were anchored in the calm of their love. as you kissed beneath the spring evening sky, a sense of peace washed over them, the tension of their argument melting away with each tender caress. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by the gentle embrace of the rain and the comforting glow of city lights, they found solace in each other's arms, their love renewed and strengthened by the storm they weathered together.
wooin - fake relationship. he commited it in the first place. since his work wasn’t permanent and he was constantly on the move, hanging here and there, Wooin thought it would be nice to have something permanent in his life. he needed excuse to tell his family why he can’t visit them on weekends - his girlfriend doesn’t feel well. them asking him all this “start a family” questions? sorry, y/n isn’t ready yet. some unforeseen situations? oh, y/n can be his trusted person. something didn't go according to plan? he can rely on y/n, if it isn’t something too difficult or dangerous. as a substitute he will gift you something, or will took you somewhere, thanking you for being his backup. genuinely it wasn’t something like friends with benefits, no, you two clearly share a bond, but it was something on the edge, as everybody thought you were dating. and in fact all this acts, you being his backup, him giving you small gifts, taking you on dates, sharing a bed - it all feels more like a relationship. but you never had this conversation, after another hot sex you could fall asleep together, for sure, but in the morning one of you definitely woke up in an empty bed. of course, it also happened that you woke up together, but in the morning Wooin was simply unbearable, and more often it ended with too caustic jokes. and it was always on the edge, you weren't in a relationship, you weren't friends, you weren't strangers, you were all together at once. at some point, it started to get exhausting. you noticed it first, but Wooin started talking about it first... well not actually talk, but mutter in the crook of your neck… today’s sex was different, the encounter was filled with a blend of sensuality and intensity, both of you asserting your desires while maintaining a balance of power. you bite each other, when it feels like too much, but immediately kissing and licking bite place, each of you tried to get leading role while another didn’t let it happen. today, Wooin's approach was different - not sloppy, fast and erratically, but slower, more deliberate, his touch gentle yet his thrusts firm. you were suffocating in his arms, and it seemed to him that he was drowning in the smell of your hair, your moans, how you trembled slightly from his hands on your chest, hips and neck. Wooin burrowed his nose deeper into the crook of your neck, breathing heavily and sniffing your scent. it was intoxicating, that feeling when you were next to him, when his hands slid over your body, your soft sobs, how the emotions on your pretty face changed depending on his pace. now, with his whole body pressed against you from behind, one hand holding your hip, and the other between your head and the pillow, his palm rested on your collarbones. while he was slowly sinking into you, and you were smiling and almost purring with pleasure, he caught himself thinking that he liked your smile. he likes to spend time with you, he likes to use an excuse in front of his parents and call you his girlfriend. his. Wooin liked the idea of you being his. he liked you. along with these thoughts, his pace increased, now he was digging his fingers into your thigh, and the other hand slid to your breast, squeezing it a little harder. you were both lost in your pleasure as you moaned louder and louder, he pressed his nose harder into your neck, whispering something that you couldn't make out. at one moment, he lifted his head, biting your earlobe, and pulling it slightly towards him, in a burst of emotion, he whispered "i like you"*
kwon - stranger to lovers/soulmetes - for the first time it seemed like someone corsed you. you moved to new flat in different district of Seul and now it was time to transport your stuff from old flat. everything started when you recieved message from a men who drove the car with your stuff, saying that he is stuck on a street because there are some stupid cycling competition and usual road is closed. amazing, you already were so stressed and here some cycling competition, but thankfully in the evening you finally recieved your stuff, mostly some boxes, small and big. when you were about to pick another heavy box you felt that it seemed strangely light. when you rise your eyes you saw a young man around your age. you thanked him for helping and he turned out to be almost your neighbor, one floor above and to the left of your neighbor's wall. next time you saw Kwon Hyeok in evelator…and you two were stuck there…for 3 hours…you were about to meet with your friends and, as you learned later, he was about to pick something to eat in nearest market. week later you met him in random cafe, where you decided to have a dinner alone, the owner of the cafe came up to you, saying that all the seats are occupied, but since you are alone, there was an empty place, behind the bar, just next to a guy your age (the old man grinned and has obviously already married you two in his head) so when you sat down carefully and apologized for the intrusion, you recognized that it was Kwon. you ordered your food and few drinks, and had a nice time together. and after a month of such unexpected encounters, you began to suspect 2 things - either fate brings you together, or he is a stalker. thankfully when you ran into each other again in the same cafe and drank a lot more this time, you admitted that you suspected him, and he, in turn, thought the same - that you were weird stalker girl who followed him around, and in that evening you laughed together from many things. when it was time to leave he understood that you were so drunk that you couldn’t even stand straight, so he took you by the elbow, hugged you with his free hand a little bit higher than your waist and led you home. along the way, of course, you mumbled something about how you like one handsome boy and he seemed like not paying attention to you and probably not even interested and why you're still alone…and then, under the soft glow of streetlights, amidst the hushed whispers of the night, it happened. in a moment that felt both inevitable and surreal, your lips met in a tender kiss, sealing the bond that had been silently growing between you. in that stolen moment, amid the chaos of the city, you found solace in each other's arms, knowing that fate had finally brought you together as more than just strangers in passing.
‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
* i’m sorry, i don’t really know how to finish this part with wooin, as it already feels too ooc, it was more self inserted, like i was inspired by my latest situationship, bc i was in fucking same situation(it didn’t end well) , and it’s still kinda my roman empire, so i leave space for your imagination… if u don’t mind of course…🥹
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puppyplayhouse · 3 months
Stray Kids x puppy best friend!
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Warnings: pet play (puppy), Daddy kink, cnc (barely but still), somnophilia, praise, degrading, all around filth :3.
Sweet, eager puppy who is always ready to be groped like the cutest lil stress ball! Someone's always got a firm grip on their chest and more often than not it's combined with a warm mouth lapping diligently at their nipple! ♡
Daddies Chan and Changbin who are always scolding their puppy for being insatiable, telling them they only get a treat if they sit real quiet until Daddy is done with whatever task he's currently working on. :(
Poor Puppy always having either Jisung or Jeongins face shoved between their legs, maybe some talented fingers easily working their way into Puppys dripping hole.
Minho loves teasing their sweet puppy. Lots of light, dreamy touches and seemingly innocent brushes against their skin that make them feel like they're gonna burst!
Oh, and HYUNJIN. He's always taking his cuteness aggression out in them! There are so many bruises on either their thighs or their hips, maybe even their arms from being tugged around all the time. He can never resist the urge to shove them over the nearest flat surface and grab at their tender, soft skin. They sound so pretty when he does!
Felix and Seungmin who love mindlessly rutting against their puppy. They don't have to think about it and can run entirely on instinct! They love getting lost in the intimacy and pleasure, spilling messy kisses across bare skin and groaning between pants.
"Silly dog. Haven't you had enough?" When Puppy thoughtlessly presents their needy cunt to everyone during movie night. Jeongin kept grabbing them every time he walked past and it just happened without them realising!
Daddy Chan knows its not their fault, of course. The Maknaes are always so mean to the poor thing and it can't help itself.
Channie always tells Felix to help you because Felix is the nicest, and he always takes such good care!
But sometimes you're mouthy and Changbin has to be the one to pin you to the floor face down and remind you that they're the ones who keep you full and satisfied and that it's incredibly rude of you to even think about barking at the men who fuck you so good. Thankfully, you can't think much after that.
When you're really bad, maybe even getting bitey, they'll leave you alone with Minho. He's usually so sweet and so sensual, but that's why it's such torture! He'll wind you up and edge you until you're begging him to give you something more, something to really curb your appetite. He always makes sure to treat you after, though, and you know you'll be leaving with his cum dripping down your thigh.
Your favourite thing, of course, is falling asleep on the floor during movie night. You'll be laying peacefully beside Seungmin and you've drifted off before you know it, always waking groggily to the delicious feeling of someone's fingers thrusting deep inside of you and a hand petting your hair softly, unknown voices whispering "shhh puppy. It's okay. Go back to sleep."
You always do fall back to sleep, too. You faintly remember someone biting at your neck, and there's marks to prove it, but you're feeling too satisfied and rested to care!
So many treats!!! Hyunjin is always bringing you sweet treats, and every time Changbin reaches for one, he has to swat his hand away and tell him, "It's for the dog, not for you!"
Cuddle puddles! The most common form being your head in someone's lap, your feet over another's, and someone lying with their head on your tummy.
So so SO many head pats. They love playing with your hair, and Lixxie gives the most to die for scalp massages.
"Good dog!" Whenever you do... well, anything! They'll use any time achievement as an excuse to shower you in praise!
Having 8 protective guards of your own! They want you to be as happy and as carefree as possible and unlike you, their bite is much worse than their bark.
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otkuhotgirl · 1 month
─── 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐙𝐎𝐍 .
# with : black-leg sanji.
at last, having been granted enough privacy, following your lover’s catastrophically failed wedding, you’re determined to remind him who he belongs to.
⎰ & smut. post whole-cake island. sub!sanji. amazon position. oral (reader receiving). dom!reader. pathetic sanji (😍). praise kink. fem!reader. no y/n used.
W.C: 4K.
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sanji prided himself in a select — yet useful — number of crafts. he was a terrific chef. he had an innate talent to find the ripest fruits at the street market. he had muscular legs and quite a vast list of attacks. and the most important of them all: he turned out to be a master in pleasuring his woman. one could count the manner with which he treated women in general, yet upon learning of his love, sanji had ceased to flirt without a purpose, rather focusing on the one whose finger he meant to put on a ring one day.
by the end of those miserable two years of training — apart from those he cherished, running without a second of rest —, sanji was thrilled to, at last, reencounter his crewmates. it was enough a blessing to bear witness to nami and robin’s perfection, yet nothing had prepared him to the sight of you, a breathing deity; the epitome of all that was sacred. and when his captain proudly stated that you were given the allowance of your empress to join his crew? sanji learned of heaven.
it proved to be a complicated task — earning the trust of a kuja, as a man. particularly because, upon first meeting the strawhats, your idea of the behavior of a man was based on luffy. and luffy was far from normal.
nevertheless, sanji had refused to quit. he memorized your favorite dishes and introduced you to ones you never had; he paid attention to your stories; he seeked you out amidst the others. at first, it was mere attraction — born from the idealization of the island of women and the warriors born and raised in amazon lily. however, soon enough, sanji was left dumbfounded at the realization that he fell for you — and hard —, during those shared moments.
luckily for him, it seemed that the kuja were also prone to falling madly in love in a scarce interval of time.
being your partner was the biggest marvel of his life, and quite the accomplishment of one of the wildest dreams of a clear pervert — to teach his partner the wonders of sexual endeavors and to be aware of the fact that she’d learn it all from him. sanji adored the thought of being your first — and only —, as you were his as well. sex began with its rough patches due to mutual inexperience, and your absolute cluelessness regarding a man’s intimacy and even the act of masturbation, yet time proved itself to be a blessing; you caught on to the act pretty quickly, learning of his most sensitive spots and taking advantage of them during those intimate moments.
sanji was on top during the first instances, his experience — consisting of porn magazines and eavesdropping on past conversations at the baratie — gave him the upper ground. yet, as your confidence grew with repetition, sanji found himself struggling to maintain his dominance. it started gradually: you, riding him more than often; a hand to the nape guiding itself to his throat; his tie wrapped around one of his wrists. it was a matter of time until he surrendered himself entirely to you, unashamed to be at your feet.
and the time at hand came after the unfolding events of his failed and arranged marriage; the freedom of wano; and the brief peace thereafter. the sunny docked at the boisterous deck of a town for supplies, and before sanji had the chance to venture it with the means of restocking the kitchen, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him to the women’s quarters.
the ship was oddly quiet due to the absence of the rest of your crewmates, and he watched as you searched underneath your mattress for something in particular.
“are we… alright, my beloved?” he inquired, fidgeting.
you had long understood and forgiven him for his past acts, yet sanji was neither a fool nor blind to the ever-growing tension lodged in your shoulders; the clench and unclench of your fists when you were lost in thought. it made him nervous — terrified, even —, wondering if you meant to leave him.
rather than answering, you turned towards him with a magazine in hand, your finger marking a specific page with quite graphic illustrations.
sanji recognized it immediately, his eyes growing wide and throat drying up. it was one he bought ages ago, back in loguetown, that had at least seventy sex positions listed in it.
“i want to try this one,” you stated matter-of-factly. “it has the name of my island.”
he felt his legs tremble as he approached you, wary in his steps. sanji glared at the page in question, the amazon written in black ink above the illustrations, seeming to taunt his resolve.
at last, his eyes softened as he placed one hand above your cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb, aiming at a loving encounter. “i could never deny you a thing, amoureuse.”
sanji should have known better than to expect you to be tender. your eyes were sharp as you threw the magazine somewhere meaningless, gripping the front collar of his shirt.
“take off your tie,” you demanded, the intonation of your voice unallowing protests.
he shuddered; fingers trembling as he complied. your eyes remained glued to his movements, the famine stare of a predator facing its cornered prey. sanji let out a breath of awe, feeling a heat reach his cheeks and neck, painting the paleness of his skin a shade of pink. the erection jailed by the knitting of his clothing became painful within a second. he was too hard; grinding against nothing for an ounce of non-found solace.
you cooed at the action, tangling your fingers amidst golden threads of hair, caressing his scalp. “so eager, sanji-kun. you missed me, haven’t you?”
behind the lust and the command, he caught on the briefest glimpse of uneasiness — as though you longed to be reassured. he felt weak and ashamed, wishing to punish himself for having ever made you believe such a sour and untrue thing of your importance in his life.
sanji knelt in front of you, hugging your legs with both arms as he claimed the flesh of your thighs and bones of your knees with his lips and tongue, his eyes trailed to your face as he rested the side of a cheek against your skin.
“there’s no life for me without you in it, dearest,” sanji whispered, voice meek as you softened — for the merest of seconds — before the loving touch in his hair turned into a bruising grip.
“get up and give me your tie, will you?”
sanji’s mouth fell open to produce a shameful whimper at your touch. he felt your fingers moving down to his chin, nails digging in the skin as you forced him to meet your eyes.
“don’t make me repeat myself, lover,” you demanded, to which he gulped.
sanji’s legs had been crafted into a wonder of itself. muscular and firemade; unbreakable flesh and bones meant to shield and serve. yet, as he raised from the ground, those same legs trembled and faltered under the pressure of your glance.
the fabric of his tie — expensive, at that —, was crushed between your fingers, and sanji found himself not caring in the slightest, mouth foaming at the sight.
his teeth clashed once your thumb forced his jaw shut. he observed you with widened eyes as you soothed the region, skin scraping against his goatee.
“lay down on my bed,” you instructed, pressing your palm flat against his chest to push him further.
sanji complied, his back meeting the soft surface. he whined, observing your knees digging into the mattress as you hovered over him, not quite meeting his clothed thighs. sanji observed you with certain desperation, his fingers trembling due to the overwhelming desire as he aimed at your waist.
“now, now,” you cooed, gripping his wrists as you tied them both to the bed. “we have the entire afternoon, why the hurry?”
sanji tested the binds, well aware that he had more than enough strength to tear it with the merest of pulls. your glance hardened, not an ounce of sympathy offered towards his actions. sanji ceased immediately, accepting his fate.
“please,” he mumbled, his voice sounding odd to his own ears, lacking its usual fire.
“please what, sanji-kun?” you taunted.
“touch me!” he found himself begging, tearing his head from the pillow; buckling his hips as he searched for the contact from your figure.
you gripped the middle of his shirt, pressing a kiss to his forehead. sanji closed his eyes, whimpering as he clung to that faintest touch as though one would to the lingering taste of a most favored food. he chased your lips, nearly losing the sense of the words that graced his sore ears.
“don’t be mad at me for that,” you whispered, breath fanning above his earlobe.
sanji meant to protest. to remind you that there was not a thing you could do or say to ever grant his distaste. yet his voice failed and melted into a yelp, his eyes widening as he observed the buttons fly across the room, the fabric of his shirt tearing open and your eyes drowning in the sight of his bare skin.
sanji’s head fell against the pillow as your hands traveled down his chest, pinching the skin; massaging his abdomen. he tried — he really did — to maintain his composure. sanji was still when your fingers unraveled him, and remained still when your lips, teeth and tongue greeted his flesh, leaving a trail of bites and kisses and bruises in its wake. he was in a pathetic state of broken moans and pleads, yes, but he was obedient. that was, of course, until your mouth closed around a nipple.
sanji’s hips buckled. he moved with pure desperation, chasing friction, whimpering, fighting against the tie. your own hips lowered, forcing his back against the mattress. you applied force, ceasing his movements all at once, and observing him with a glint of disapproval.
“stop that,” you grounded him, gripping his wrists.
“‘m sorry,” sanji caught himself saying, a pool of tears threatening to spill at the pressure of your figure above his aching cock. “‘m sorry. ‘m sorry.”
“you won’t move unless i tell you to,” he nodded fervently. “repeat it.”
“i won’t move unless you tell me to.”
“and i’m your one and only.”
“and you’re my one and only,” he started, refusing to stop at that. “i’m your devoted servant. your loyal dog. i’m nothing if not born to be yours.”
“that’s good, beloved,” you said, and sanji could have melted if not for your next words. “because you’re not being a good boy right now.”
sanji felt himself flush with shame, devastated at the prospect of having disappointed you in some sense.
“i’ll do better,” he whimpered with clear desperation, eager to serve.
“of course you will,” you answered, pleased with his reaction. “you won’t get to cum otherwise.”
ruthless, he thought to himself. his dick twitched. sanji never loved you more.
your lips returned to its previous ministrations, claiming each and every inch of his skin; torturing the most delicate spots of his neck. when you bit down on his pressure point, sanji moaned. his mouth clamped shut thereafter, nervous-struck tears rolling down his flushed cheeks.
he cleared his throat, forcing himself to meet your piercing gaze. “c-can i—”, his voice toned down, embarrassment overcoming him.
“use your words, sanji,” you reminded him, lightly pinching one of his nipples.
he shuddered, swallowing down a whine. “can i make… noises?”
sanji was unsure; meek, even. you pressed a single kiss to his chest, humming. “you must.”
his throat went dry, and he mumbled incoherences, clinging to the tie. a harsh bite to his flesh stole a moan from him — a reminder that he was to speak.
“alright,” sanji whispered, losing a sense of sanity as he observed you unzip your shorts and toss the fabric somewhere amidst the lost buttons.
sanji whined at the sudden lack of contact once you aimed to position your core above his awaiting lips.
“would you mind?” you teased, refusing to remove your panties, while well aware that he had no means to do it himself.
“please,” he pleaded, feeling pathetic at his own despair. yet your eyes held neither pity nor disgust, but burning lust and passion; the intrinsic pride of having him into such a position.
sanji had prayed to be loved; to be desired. he wasted ages pursuing such a thing, at last to comprehend that one did not capture love, but was rather captivated and lured into it during the least expected instance. love was the sight he was faced with as in that moment; love was what he meant to pour in his tongue once it met the drenched patch of your panties, seeking your warmth.
slowly and with certain sadism, for he wasn’t allowed to move a mere inch, you lowered yourself, at last offering him the solace he chased. sanji latched his mouth on your clothed clit, circling his tongue around the sensible bud. he whined at the sounds of your pleasure, sending vibrations through your core.
the first moment in which he begged you to sit on his face had been surrounded in reassuring words from his side. you once hovered, hesitant to have him uncomfortable or trapped in between your thighs. sanji, then, had a vice grip on your flesh, pleading you to use him for your pleasure. and once you complied, it became clear that you had taken a particular liking to that position — and sanji would never complain whatsoever.
he buried his nose in your cunt, coating your panties with his saliva, attempting to have his tongue inside your pussy regardless of the fabric in between. you gripped his hair, bruising the scalp, forcing yourself further down his mouth. sanji drowned in it, controlling the urge to rut his hips, eyes trailed to your reactions.
sanji adored the sight of your face once it was contorted in pleasure; thrived in the fact that he was the one responsible for it. he fastened his pace, teasing your clit with his nose while biting the vexing panties that stole him the delight of tasting you fully. you were nearing an edge, melting at the teasing of your folds — he could sense it. before sanji could demolish your resolve whatsoever, you raised your hips, tearing your cunt from the ministrations of his lips. he whined, observing you; a pout threatening to form in his lips.
“don’t complain,” you reprimanded, returning to your previous position above his thighs. “i’m not cumming on your tongue.”
sanji’s erection was painful, constrained by the fabric of his clothes. his eyes filled with tears yet again, and your gaze softened ever-so-slightly.
“my love—”
“shhh,” you reassured, working to unbutton his pants. “i got you.”
sanji’s grip tightened around his tie as you stripped the lower half of his body bare. your panties were thrown above the pile of his trousers and underwear, and you touched his calves softly. with sudden tenderness, you raised both his legs, pushing them beyond his shoulders, eyes wide.
“you are flexible, aren’t you?” you mused, the compliment causing him to nod with fervor and melt.
“for you, mon cheri, i can be anything,” he breathed out, lost with the sight of your intimacy.
your palms remained on his calves, forcing his feet to meet the headboard. “don’t move.”
“i wouldn’t dream of it, my heart,” sanji proffered, missing the warmth of your palms as you guided one of them to his cock.
you tightened your fingers around the hard shaft, teasing the reddish head. sanji whined, struggling to contain his squirming. yet, he remained still — as you had instructed him to.
“what a good boy,” you complimented, aligning his dick to your entrance. sanji offered you a meek smile, moaning as you teased your folds with his erection.
your walls enveloped his cock as you sank into him. sanji closed his eyes, his cheek against the pillow. you pressed your chest against his own, wickedly satisfied with his reaction. sanji trailed his glance to your covered chest, trembling with desire, his fingers twitching due to the urge to touch your figure.
the fabric of his tie scratched against his wrists as sanji squirmed, struggling to keep his hips tethered to the mattress, as you were unmoving. if he was to switch the angle of his legs ever so slightly, he would feel his feet brush against the side of his head. yet your palms held his calves with an ironmade grip, nails digging in the surface.
“what do you want, love?” you inquired, and he poured his adoration into his glance at the sound of your voice.
“to touch you, ma perle,” he answered with near desperation, struggling to maintain his voice stable.
you tilted your head to the side, grinding your hips. your walls clenched around his shaft and sanji whined, tearstruck eyes born from lust.
“you are touching me,” you said, raising your hips for a mere instance before sinking all the way down. the sound of your moan pushed him through the bottom of a cliff.
“please, please,” he pleaded. “i’ll make you feel so good, mon amour. let me touch you properly, i promise—”
“oh, but you’re making me feel good already,” you mumbled, moving your hips to tease his cock — sheltered inside your warmth. “let me have you this way for now, hm? could you do that for me, sanji?”
“yes,” he broke down, his resolve melting in a puddle.
you hummed, pleased at his willingness. after what seemed to be a thousand ages, your feet sunk into the mattress as you sat above him, holding his raised legs into place. the bed creaked and complained with your bouncing, the tip of his cock reaching newer and deeper spots due to the angle; spots that had you mewling above him, a fruit of ecstasy that sanji so eagerly devoured.
a choir of whimpers tore through his throat as you rode him, raising your weight until his tip brushed against your entrance, to at last slam yourself back down, allowing him to brush against your sweetest spot. you held his wrists for further equilibrium, mouth agape and drool dripping down your chin to his chest as the base of his cock disappeared amidst your folds.
sanji’s glance was tethered to your face — contorted with pleasure —, while he fought against the urge to roll his eyes. the sensitive flesh of his cock was painted white with your essence; the alluring sound of your flesh meeting his own, his balls caged under your ass for the briefest instances. he teared up at the stimulation, his voice assuming a louder — yet shriller — intonation.
sanji felt the warmth of your essences on his skin as it dripped from your intertwined bodies to the silken sheets. he struggled with the tie, repeatedly hitting the back of his head against the pillow. sanji was muttering incoherences — from meaningless pleading to the broken syllables of your name —, a desperate fool of aching feet that could not cease to dance at the tempo of your music.
sanji was barely able to make out your figure through the blurriness from his tears. your hips halted to a slower pace, taunting circles that had him gasping and squirming for a deeper contact.
“what do you want, dearest?”
sanji glazed at your hardened nipples, hidden behind a slim fabric. a harsh grip to his chin — one that guided his eyes to your face — brought him back to the matter at hand.
he cleared his throat, struggling to find the words, lost in the feeling of your walls clenching around his cock.
“want to help you,” he mumbled, aware of your trembling legs, threatening to crumble. “want you to use me.”
you hummed, sinking your knees on the mattress. his tip brushed against your cervix, the position granting him deeper access. sanji cried out, arching his back, his legs diligently obeying to your commands as your palms spread them open. the room filled with the sounds of skin-on-skin, and your pace wavered due to the previous effort; your hips rolling, rather than rising.
your palms met his bare chest, and you yelped when sanji — out of sheer instinct — buckled his hips upwards, matching the tempo of your bouncing. sanji prepared a choir of apologies for the haste; for disrespecting your commands. yet, he was graced with the sound of your mewls, arching your back and digging your nails as you conceded to his actions. your breasts followed the pace you settled, and sanji’s mouth all but watered at the sight, his tongue rolling past his lips due to the desire to have your nipples covered in saliva.
you spared him a glance, eyes losing focus as your thighs burned and your release fled from your grip.
“sanji,” you drawled out, placing one hand on his cheek. the man followed your touch with his lips, pressing wet kisses and sucking onto the skin, observing you through his lashes; eyes glassy.
“y-yes, mon amour?”
you gulped, falling prey to his flushed cheeks and fucked up expression. so much for following-in with the dominance.
“touch me,” you allowed him, emitting a groan of frustration with one last descent.
your cunt swallowed him whole, his balls brushing against the flesh of your ass. your moan got lost between the sound of his ripped tie. sanji lowered his legs and sat up with such haste that his forehead met yours with a particularly unnecessary strength.
“ouch,” you mumbled, giggling as sanji cradled your cheeks with worry.
“‘m sorry, my treasure,” he breathed out, pressing kisses to the extension of your face, not leaving a single inch unattended. “allow me to take care of you.”
you brushed the sweaty hair off his face, wishing to have both of his eyes focused on your figure. you rolled your hips, fueled by his reaction. sanji cranned up his neck, and dug his digits on the flesh your ass as he set the pace, moving his hips to meet your own as you rode him.
the cook latched his lips to your collarbone, unable to reach your breasts due to the angle, yet refusing to have your skin without a trail of hickeys. you hugged him, pressing his face closer. your back arched, eyes rolling with pleasure as your tired throat failed to produce a single moan.
sanji sobbed at the clenching of your cunt around his sensitive cock. gripping his hair, you adjusted the angle of your head to allow him to lick the sweat off the side of your neck. somewhere in that haze there was the sound of frail wood — not that neither of you cared.
“i’m c-close,” you moaned, hips giving in as sanji did his best to rut into you, claiming your insides as his tip continued to meet your sensitive spot.
“c-can i cum too?” he inquired through trembling lips, his voice close to giving in. “please, my star, let me cum with you. i’ve been—ngh, good, right?”
you felt his tears dripping on your skin, mixed with his saliva and your own sweat. your fingers caressed the blonde locks of hair as you nodded, attempting to reassure him through the broken moans as your hips rolled against his.
“cum for me, love,” you encouraged, feeling the familiar twitch of his cock within you.
sanji whimpered, burying his face on your shoulder as he bottomed out, spurts of his seed filling your insides and dripping on the sheets. you rode him, ignoring his pleas and sobs, chasing your own high.
“so good for me,” you cooed, pressing your lips to the crown of his head. “you’re always so good.”
a last bounce undid the invisible knot that held your own release. as it seemed, it also demolished the structure of the bed, and you heard the cracking wood before you, sanji and the mattress were thrown on the ground. your essence mixed with his, and sanji’s cock remained deep inside as he hugged your figure to shelter you from the impact.
“oh shit—”, he worried, anxiously observing the surroundings as you guided him to the soaked sheets.
both of you whimpered, sensible, when you removed his softened cock from your cunt. sanji’s fingers settled on your back, drawing hearts on your skin as you laid above him.
“it’s fine,” you soothed, pressing the side of your head to his chest to hear the wild beating of his heart. “want to stay like this for a little longer.”
the cook peppered kisses on the crown of your head, allowing the silence to engulf the room. musing how he had managed to live for such a long period without your guiding light.
“missed you,” you confessed, kissing the spot above his heart.
he stifled for a second, before his arms hugged you tighter, as if fearing that you were but a dream that he was soon to be woken up from.
“i’m so sorry for leaving so suddenly—”
“you’re back and you’re mine. and i love you. that’s all that matters to me.”
his throat dried up as he swallowed. “i love you more.”
“enough to take the blame for the bed when nami returns?”
he shuddered, observing your face as your chin pressed against his chest. “anything for you.”
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— 🐈‍⬛ : hiiiii (mouth foaming) it’s been a while (i need to impregnate that man) hope everyone’s having a great week (clenching my fist) let’s all do our best!! (if i don’t have sanji by saturday i’m going to crawl up the walls and eat a tree).
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absolutebl · 2 months
Top 10 Most Underrated BLs of the last 3 years
(mid year 2021 - end 2023)
This list will not include BLs that ended their run in 2024. I need some distance to know if something is actually underrated (We Are maybe?) or justifiably ignored.
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1 I Cannot Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan 2023 Netflix?)
This classic friends-to-lovers BL is everything Japan does best. Angsty. Emo. Aching. Driven by real thirst. Yamato is deeply in love with his childhood bestie, Kakeru, and has been for ages, increasingly unable to hide his ungainly damaging high school need. He wants Kakeru in every way possible and it oozes off of the screen. Kakeru is silly and a little simple, but not frenetic or overly camp about it. He is earnest, and genuinely wants to keep Yamato in his life, which means giving a romance (and gayness) a fair chance. We watch him realize his affection and what form it can take in a truly authentic way. This show was impossibly kind to both of its lead characters and I felt almost honored that I got to watch something so lovely and rare play out on my screen. Full review.
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2 My Ride (Thai 2022 Gaga)
Thai BL grew up with this pulp (the first ever pulp to make my end of year top 10). It’s a truly lovely and special little show featuring the extremely rare pairing of sunshine/sunshine (AKA a cinnamon roll couple) plus mature explorations of relationships using one of the softest, sweetest, and most innocent friends to lovers vehicles. Kindly, overworked doctor meets broken-hearted motorcycle taxi rider in an “other side of the tracks” slow burn romance. The support cast is excellent, making for great friendship groups and family dynamics. With honest queer rep that adds to, but doesn’t impede, the story, and genuine conversation about the nature of class, wealth, and classism, not to mention communication, honesty, and respect for boundaries, you can’t go wrong with this show. In other news, I am a sucker for a single dimple. Full review.
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3 Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan 2023 Gaga)
A lonely salaryman (+ talented cook) gets accidentally adopted by a college kid (and his little brother). I was always gonna love this show if they stuck to the original yaoi (which is very dear to my heart). And they did! Paralleling it almost exactly. It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. Possibly too slow for some but definitely high up there for me as the best of what Japan can do with softness (like Restart After Come Back Home). It’s only flaw (if I dare say such a thing) is that it is not really “romantic.” Lovely & sweet but the romance beats are being used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy, but that's OK with me. This is a very safe show for anyone to watch.
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4 About Youth (Taiwan 2022 Gaga)
A truly lovely little coming of age high school BL with a classic YA low drama but high angst and earnest depth. I didn’t even mind the singing, and that’s saying a lot. A weak seme/uke dynamic but tons of BL tropes (both rare in a high school setting but common for Taiwan) makes this one feel both sweet and colored by real world authenticity and grit. Full review.
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5 Step By Step (Thai 2023 Gaga)
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loved about that show I loved about this one. This office romance between a stern boss and sweet subordinate felt more authentic to cubical work than previous Thai BLs of this ilk. That authenticity added tension to the narrative and its characters development (how novel). I also really enjoyed the charming side characters and the brothers' relationship to each other (although I could have done without that brother's side BL). Full review.
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6 DNA Says Love You (Taiwan 2022 Gaga)
DNA deserves extra marks for an upbeat approach to a queer story arc that other shows have systemically mishandled with sadness (in the guise of realism). There is a twist, which I found predictable, but knowing what would happen didn't spoil this show. The leads are luminous and engaging, and it’s full of queer found family representation and an unexpected amount of domesticity, plus it’s Taiwan, so the kisses are great. The first few eps are rough going but have patience, it's worth it I promise! The second half is really special and life/love affirming - and the end is big-grin charming. Full review.
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7 Unintentional Love Story (Korea 2023 iQIYI)
Of all the BLs on this list, this is probubly the MOST underrated. OMG the plot! Uke forced into a totally understandable betrayal, falling in love despite himself, put into a corner he can't get out of, the AGONY, the PAIN in those gorgeous eyes. Gah. Okay, so: A boy loses his job due to trumped-up corruption charges accidentally discovers his ex-boss's favorite artist, now a recluse. Evil manager offers him his job back, if he can convince the artist to rejoin society. Instead, they fall in love. I found the artist a bit stiff and reserved but Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) is a fucking GIFT - he carried this show (which I do not expect from the idol element). He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes, just drown in the emoting abyss. The external conflict, social tension and pressure is complex and beautifully executed, plus Korea gave us legit side dishes (NOT a love triangle, hally-fucking-luya). Full review.
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8 Dear Doctor I'm Coming for Your Soul (Thai 2022 iQIYI)
This is a romance between a doctor trying to save his patients and a reaper who is both his enemy and (eventual) lover (basically the genius premise of a gay Doom at Your Service). High concept looks good on you, Thailand. It’s lovely to see KarnNat back on screen together and they are still great, and Karn is just as painfully beautiful as ever. I enjoyed this one more than its ending deserved, and the best I can say is that it’s not strictly HEA but if you’re okay with Life: Love on the Line, you’ll be okay with this BL. It’s set up well, there’s no surprise unpleasantness like HIStory 3: The BL that shall not be named. Full review.
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9 Destiny Seeker (Thai 2023 WeTV)
A darn near perfect pulp featuring 3 likable grumpy/sunshine pairings with uncomplicated iterations of enemies to lovers. At least one half of each does a decent amount of pining and there’s good chemistry, classic tropes, and excellent communication rep. It’s fun and full of linguistic jokes. Sublimely cheesy but a good rainy day offering with tons of rewatch potential. (Also WAR PEANUTS!) Full review.
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10 Make a Wish (Thai 2023 grey)
A doctor who can see the dead strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love (from Sammon: Manner of Death & Triage). Stars Fluke Natouch opposite not Ohm, but who cares because Fluke has chemistry with everybody. Once again the Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but still satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay AF - fag hag bestie and made of swagger. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings are a bit overblown and tonally off. It has sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency.
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10 others I rarely see anyone talk about:
Triage - Many would put this at the top of the list, but I don't find it very rewatchable and that weighs a lot in my assessments. Still it is GOOD and very underrated. BL does Groundhog Day featuring a doctor stuck in a time loop who must save a poor little rich boy from death by seducing the stuffing out of him, then PLOT TWIST, poor little rich boy must do the same for doctor! Unfortunately… stuffing keeps leaking. I thought the plot was engaging if a little redundant and occasionally exhausting. The pairs were all well done, low heat but with decent chemistry and the support characters were likable (or unlikeable, as required). My reason it's not in the top 10? If anything, the romance arc detracted and distracted from the main plot, but that doesn't stop this from being a genuinely good show it's just time loop is not a trope I personally enjoy. Review here.
See You After Quarantine? - This under appreciated gem is Taiwan’s answer to Gameboys and is just as charmg and adorable yet still as quintessentially Taiwanese as one might hope. It features a Japanese love interest and the cutest most confused disaster gay. Slow burn because the two have almost no actual screen time together and yet manage some truly amazing chemistry. Honestly how does Taiwan do it?
The Tasty Florida - I don't know, maybe it's Speed nostalgia, but I love this one, classic Korean BL with all those strengths and flaws... but The Prettiest.
You Make Me Dance - it's Korea but somehow they got this one, maybe by featuring mature characters and a real world crisis? Also they both ve hot.
Blueming - at the time it got a lot of attention but it seems to have faded into obscurity under the shod of The 8th Sense and Love of Love's Sack. This was a precurser to both and well worth a watch if you like it when Korea gets a little gritty.
Love Stage!! (Thai version) - I liked this IP alerady more than most. But this is the best of the 4 adaptations, and the first full Thai version of Japanese IP. It's both charming and notable in the industry. Hard to find and that's why it gets so little creddit but I think it's well worth the effort to track down.
Oh! Boarding House - I think most who watched this din't jive with it because it's an ensamble piece witha wicked love traingle. But I really enjoyed it. It felt like the move Kdrama BL that Korea has given us and I like me some Kdramas.
What Zabb Man! - one of the better BLs to come out of Star Hunter in the last few years. I like this pair a lot more than most, and the sides are wicked great. This is probably one of my favorite food themed BLs, actually.
2 Moons The Ambassador - possibly the lowest scoring BL to appear on this list but I just really like the leads. Nothing else is good, but they are kinda awkwardly fantastic. I also like how gay af the seme is.
Stay By My Side - This show was an interesting take on the "ghost boyfriend" trope. About a boy who is tormented by hearing the dead, except when he is around one other boy - desperation+proximity = love. Despite a strong initial premise it ended up mostly being enjoyable for sappy domesticity but nothing more. Still, I always give extra credit for the diabetes-inducing sugar content and rewatch capacity.
Requested by the lovely @l1xyz
FYI: I judge “underrated” on the strength of what I see people talk about (or more precisely not talk about) on social media, MDL reviews, and YouTube watch numbers (when available, as compared to comparable shows from the same country). 
Because of this, statistically, there will always be quite a few BLs that are difficult to get hold of.
Here's my pulls of the Top Underrated BLs prior to 2021. Considering the amount of content generated over the last few years, the pool to draw from is likely about the same.
My Top 10 Most Underrated BLs prior to 2021
Seven Days
Restart after Come Back Home
Wish You
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding
He’s Coming to Me
My Day
Most Peaceful Place
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong
HIStory: Obsessed
I'd throw Great Men Academy in there, but I always dither over whether it actually is a BL.
202 notes · View notes
bg3ficreviews · 6 months
Thunder reforged: Rolan x Dammon - #BG3 FanFic Review
Review by Aivu (@aivuthedragon)
Happy timezone, dear readers! Today I'm happy to bring you this incredible series of works by velocitross on AO3. What's hotter than a tiefling wizard with a knack for a well-timed thunderwave? Said tiefling wizard having a rendezvous with his tiefling blacksmith paramour, of course.
A note from the BG3FicReviews team: The entire BG3 community was been rocked by the recent controversy surrounding Dammon's VA, including the various fanwork creators who've fallen in love with Dammon, included him in their work, and are part of the LGBTQAI+ community themselves. We want to express our support and love to Dammon fans, Dammon fan work creators, the LGBTQAI+ community generally and all those adversely affected by what's happened. As such, we have decided to feature such works in our reviews this week. Make your love louder than the hate. 💜
As always, mind the tags! Our review is continued below the fold due to the NSFW nature of the content in these works.
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This incredible artwork by @arczism was inspired by velocitross's Rolan x Dammon fic Working Steel, which is included in today's review.
Working Steel, the first of velocitross’ three works that include this rare pair, is a masterwork in character portrayal. The author adeptly captures the at-a-glance somewhat incompatible personalities of the two tiefling refugees who fled Elturel together and now reside in Baldur’s Gate. In this work, the relationship between Rolan, the ever-surly wizard and the newly ‘appointed’ master of Ramazith Tower, and Dammon, the gentle yet infernally talented blacksmith of the Forge of the Nine, has grown far beyond mere friendship.
Rolan, frustrated by his attempts to catalogue the mindless chaos remaining after the untimely death of the tower’s former owner, approaches Dammon to ask for his help and visits him at his forge. But what could a blacksmith possibly offer a wizard? Well, a good fuck, for one thing. Rolan is pent-up, impatient, and needs a good lay. And, it turns out, so does Dammon. The smut that ensues is not only blazingly hot but also beautifully captures the tender affection between the two tieflings through not only their words, but small, unique gestures of love and care. (Mind the tails. I mean, tags. No, tails.)
In Up in the Tower, it’s Dammon’s turn to visit the wizard’s domain. But the blacksmith receives a less-than-warm welcome, as the ever-grumpy Rolan becomes highly annoyed at having his work interrupted. But considering Rolan is dressed in little more than his underwear and an open robe, I’m more than willing to forgive him for his surliness. Dammon, however, being the sweet, gentle soul that he is, insists on taking care of Rolan beyond his carnal needs alone. In this work, the relationship between the pair deepens, and the author has wonderfully captured the intimacy of the pair. Lastly, we have Within the Storm. This work takes us back to the Shadow-Cursed Lands as the tiefling refugees attempt to cross its desolate lands on their way to Baldur’s Gate. When the Absolute’s forces ambush the group, Rolan expertly wields his magic to stave them off. But when something happens to Zevlor, the battle takes a turn for the worse. In the chaos, Rolan’s siblings, Cal and Lia, are kidnapped and several of his friends and co-travellers are brutally murdered.
Once at Last Light Inn, Rolan is a fucking mess, devastated by his siblings’ capture. Lost in the depths of his despair and way too much drink, the tiefling wizard finds comfort in the arms of a fellow refugee he’d known since childhood - Dammon. And thus the gentlest embers of affection between the pair begin to spark to life. This lovely one-shot serves as a prelude to the author’s much-anticipated long fic about the pair, their growing affection for one another and what looks to be a truly beautiful love story. If you would like to follow velocitross’ incredible work about the love between a tiefling wizard and blacksmith, please be sure to subscribe to the author on AO3 and follow their work and the pending long fic. We have included a snippet of Working Steel below for your enjoyment. As always, please support the writers of our incredible fandom by leaving kudos and comments on their work. 🫶
Working Steel
By velocitross on AO3
The ring of his hammer fills Dammon’s ears and his attention as he works. A soft frown of focus curves his lips. It’s a simple enough repair—restoring a blade for the halfling woman standing outside the forge watching him work. Still, there’s a satisfaction to it: the rhythm of his strikes, the heat of the day in Baldur’s Gate warming him beneath his layers of apron and clothing. The ordinary busy noise of the city goes on just outside his focus, a subtle, stabilizing comfort even months after the Netherbrain’s defeat.
When he glances up from his work, a distinct figure catches his eye amongst the passersby. Rolan, with his proud bearing and his regal blue and red robes, coming toward the smithy with a tense, bothered scowl and his tail lashing behind him. A smile touches Dammon’s lips. He knows that look.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” he says as Rolan comes to a stop an awkward few feet from the halfling waiting on her sword.
“Well, don’t take too long,” Rolan snaps, and then reddens further when Dammon raises an eyebrow at him. “Sorry. I’ll just—I’ll wait.”
Dammon lifts the blade off his anvil to study it. He smiles at the halfling as he passes her the sword.
“Give that a try. Come back if you need anything else.”
She moves off to the side to examine the blade, allowing Rolan to step up to the forge. He stands, arms crossed, his face flushed as he fixes Dammon with his bright yellow stare.
“Anything I can help you with, Rolan?” the blacksmith prompts.
Rolan sighs. He places his hands carefully on the edge of the anvil, glances again toward the halfling woman, and leans in toward Dammon.
“I need . . . Steel.”
Dammon breathes a good-natured chuckle.
“Come on,” he says, nodding over his shoulder toward the building. “I could use a break, anyway.”
201 notes · View notes
atinyniki · 4 months
mistakes and apologies.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: ex-cupid!hwang hyunjin x human f!reader
genre: angst, fluff, suggestive
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, hyunjin is referred to as jin, jinnie, hyune, blood (ish?), reader kinda is a dumbass, intimacy, mentions of sex (no smut), ANGSTTT, taehyun is readers ex-boyfriend, harin is taehyuns girlfriend, pregnancy, mentions of cheating, new relationships and the pain thata goes along with it, hyunjin starting his life as a human being, hyun = taehyun hyunjin = hyune (its meant to sound similar so jinnie gets jelly >:)) ), crying, drinking and alcohol.
authors note: (pt. 2 of cupid's arrow) repost of an old fic but took out the smut part of this bc... it didnt seem important. there are still sexual parts in this fic !!! remember that before reading please :) this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 5892
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“y/n! i’m home!”
you walk over to the door, excited to see your boyfriend after he went out for groceries. he took a lot longer than you usually would, but you guess it’s because he’s never been grocery shopping before.
the second you saw him though, you realized you were completely wrong. your heart felt like it was going to explode again.
“how do i look?”
you walk over to him, twirling a couple strands of his now black hair around your finger. you beam at him, “it looks so pretty, jinnie...”
hyunjin’s heart swells in his chest. you’ve done this so many times before. when in bed, doing his makeup, while you’re reading, you always have your hands in his hair, but you’ve never done it simply just to admire it.
the look in your eyes slowly has him shying away, averting your gaze and settling his eyes onto your shoulder instead. “thank you…”
you grab some of the bags from his hand, bringing them to the kitchen and putting some things in the fridge. “i’m sorry, i wanted to look more… you know… human i guess? the pink stood out a little.”
you walk over to him and smile, tucking some of the black wisps of hair behind his ear. “why are you apologizing jinnie? i said it looks pretty on you! i love it.”
“oh. i dunno, i just- i know how much you loved my pink hair.”
he sets down the bags onto the counter, eyeing you as you approach him. you cup his face in your hands, smiling at him. 
his cheeks burn red at the proximity of your faces, and you finally give him a quick peck on his lips. “i love you hyune, you know that right? a hair color isn’t going to change how i feel about you, dummy”, you giggle.
he hasn’t gotten used to the whole relationship thing, but it’s safe to say he’s loving it so far.
“thank you, i love you too”
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“i got the job!”
you jump up, walking over to hug him. “i’m glad, you deserve it. you’re really talented hyune” 
though it’s happened many times, he’ll never get used to your praise. it seems like you always know what to say in the moment, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
he holds onto you tight, pulling away a little to kiss your cheek. he giggles, “thanks y/n…”
after a moment of comfortable silence, you pull away and take his hand in yours. “come eat, i made dinner”
you both sit down at the table, talking more about his new job as a dance instructor. “when do you start working?”
“monday, and i only work weekdays”
you hum in acknowledgement, taking another bite of the jjajangmyeon you made. “how long do you work? just so i know in case we have to schedule things.”
“four hours a day, i start at four”
“hmm… okay”
he continues eating, surprised he’s never had this dish before, but then again, food was different up there. you grab onto his hand, smiling at him while you wait for him to finish eating.
he finishes his bowl not too long after, only to turn and see you staring right at him. you giggle, trying not to sputter out a laugh. “is something wrong?”
you smile at him, “you have a little sauce on your face”
“what? where?”
you point to where it is, but he misses. “here, let me”
you swipe the sauce away from his lip, and look back up into his eyes. he stares back with wide eyes, inevitably getting flustered at the little action. you pull him down by his shirt to kiss him once, pulling away not long after and bringing the bowls to the sink.
he stays sat at the table in surprise, is it normal to be so flustered all the time?
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“hyune? are you in- oh…”
the pale yellow glow of his wings lit up the room just enough to see what was in front of him. he quickly shuts off his phone, where he has the reference photo, and almost knocks over the canvas in the process.
“don’t look…”
you giggle, walking over him and hugging him from behind. “awh… jinnie”
you watch as his cheeks flush red, and he brings his hands up to cover his face. “shut up…”
you pry his hands off his face and kiss him on the cheek, exaggerating it with a loud ‘mwah’. you see the smile erupt on his face, and you couldn’t stop anymore. you begin peppering kisses all over his face, sitting down on his lap somewhere in between.
he finally pulls away, only to finally kiss your lips. you deepen it, running your tongue along his bottom lip, silently asking for permission. of course, it’s not like he can resist anyways.
you tug some of his hair, earning a groan from him, and your heart feels like it’s going to explode. “hyune…”, you whisper.
he doesn’t let you continue, kissing you again and standing up, holding you against him. you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to the bedroom, the painting long forgotten. 
he climbs onto you, tugging on your shirt with his hands. you quickly throw it off, taking his off next.
“need you…”
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“are you okay? do you need anything?”
“hyune, you’ve asked me that like… six times”
“oh… sorry”
you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and pulling him back down onto the bed. “come here”
hyunjin has put on a shirt already, but you’re still completely bare. you hold him close to you, giving him little kisses on his face and watching him giggle. 
his eyes are fixed onto your face, practically unable to wander anywhere else when he has this gorgeous sight in front of him. “you’re so beautiful”, me mutters as he kisses your cheek.
“i love you hyune”
his eyes widen again, it seems like he hasn’t gotten used to you saying it yet. he nuzzles into your chest, looking up at you again and kissing over your collarbone. “i love you too”
he wraps his arms around you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “you know, i look forward to this everyday.”
you giggle, “what, sex?”
he smiles, “no, just to hold you.”
you blush, “oh, i-“
“shh… just rest now. need you close to me…”
your fingers graze his wings a little, and he immediately relaxes into your hold. yeah, you can definitely get used to this.
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“open it!”
“i’m scared, is a spider going to jump out of it or something?”
“what?! no! just… just open it.”
you slowly take off the lid, spotting what looks like a mini photo book inside. “what’s this?”
“my sketchbook.”
you look back up at him, “don’t you need this?”
“it’s my old one, look inside”
you hold the book, admiring the work done at the front. pretty flowers are scribbled onto the cover, and you run your fingers along the grooves. you open the book, and your jaw drops instantly. 
you flip through the countless photos he’s drawn of you, even one of you on your first “date” at the cafe. you still remember how your nose bled so bad that day, and you smile to yourself.
“well, do you-“
before he can get his question out, you pull him into a soft kiss, smiling when you hear his surprised yelp. 
“i love it. its beautiful, hyune…”
his heart swells in his chest again, something about these moments felt so special to him. he hopes he’ll remember these moments forever. 
the honeymoon phase can only last so long, right?
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you walk over to the snacks section, trying to find those chips that hyunjin really likes, but you can’t remember what they’re called. you stroll through the aisle, looking for the packaging.
you spot the light purple bag, picking it up until you hear a voice from beside you. “y/n?”
you turn your head to where you heard it come from, “hyun? hey!”
he walks over to you, it’s been a while since you’ve seen him last, only ever seeing his posts with his girlfriend. “how are you?”
he giggles at the question, but you’re not sure why. “good, i see you’ve been doing well.”
you give him a questioning look, until he begins playfully nudging your shoulder. “so thankful for my hyunnie”, he says in a mocking voice.
you quickly push him off of you, “shut up, taehyun”
“awhh, but you love him don’t you?”, he asks with pleading eyes. “yes, i do, now shut up about him.”
he giggles again, “is someone getting flustered?”
you finally turn towards him, rolling your eyes, “fine then, how’s your girlfriend hyun? don’t you love her so much?”, you giggle.
you watch as he flushes red, god you’re both in deep shit. after laughing at him for a little, he speaks up. “i actually came here to um… get a pregnancy test”
your eyes go wide, and your head shoots up to look at him. “wait… really?!”
he smiles, nodding at you. “we’ve been trying for a while”
“that’s great! you should probably get going now then, i don’t want you to worry her.”
he hums in agreement, smiling and bidding his goodbyes. you remind yourself to text him later to ask about it. 
you’re glad you stayed on good terms.
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“what? really?! she’s really pregnant?”
“oh my gosh! i’m so happy for you guys!”
“how are you and hyunjin?”
the conversation went on for hours, it’s been a long time since you’ve really talked. you missed taehyun. not as a lover of course, but as a friend. he always knew how to listen to you and help you.
you try to block out the bad memories, the rejection and heartbreak. you wished you stayed friends, maybe it would be a lot easier to talk to him without all that history.
you start making the jjajangmyeon, hyunjin’s new favorite dish, with the phone at your side. “yeah he’s really come to like my jjajangmyeon so i make it a bunch”
“ah i see, harin loves jjajangmyeon too! maybe we should plan a double date”, he giggles.
you were so lost in the conversation that you didn’t even hear him coming through the door. he hugs you from behind, almost causing you to drop the pot you were holding. 
“god! you scared me…”
you pick up your phone, “sorry hyun, hyunjin just got home. i’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
“of course! enjoy the food”
“thanks, bye hyun!”
“bye byeee”
you end the call, turning around to hug hyunjin properly. “dinners ready, i made you your favorite”
he gives you a tired smile, and you both sit down at the table with your plates. “who were you talking to earlier?”
you know he wasn’t being suspicious, and it was just out of pure curiosity, but the way he said it made you giggle. “oh, that was taehyun”
he hummed in acknowledgement. “never heard of them before”, he smiled. “yeah, he’s an old friend”
“ah… i see”, he takes another bite of his food, almost deep in thought. he knows very well who taehyun is, hyunjin was your cupid after all. but it seemed to fly over your head, you thought of hyunjin as a normal person now, your lover. 
“hyune? you okay?”
he looks up at you, smiling again and kissing your cheek. “just tired. missed you…”
you giggle again, hyunjin never fails to make you smile. “i missed you too hon.”
the silence felt truly comfortable with hyunjin. not too long after, you bring him to the bedroom, running a bath for him and slowly undressing him. 
“thank you…”
you give him a little kiss, “don’t thank me. this should be the bare minimum.”
after a moment of silence, you wonder why he hasn’t gone in yet. “is something wrong?”
he quickly undresses you, and you let him of course, although you’re a little confused. you expected him to be tired, not wanting any intimacy right now. 
instead of sitting on the bed, he picks you up and sets you down in the bathtub, settling in with you not long after. 
“need to be close to you…”
you massage his aching limbs with the foamy bubbles, smiling and kissing his face every so often. you know he’s working hard, and you just want to take care of him for now. “sorry for being so clingy.”
“don’t apologize, i need you just as much.”
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you’ve finished the movie you were watching with hyunjin, finally grabbing the new book you bought to read. hyunjin stays put in your lap, enveloping himself in your warmth.
you start to read, the room completely silence aside from your breathing. “y/n?”
you were a little startled by his voice, but answered him. “yes jinnie?”
“can you… um- read to me?”
you giggle at him, poking his nose. “of course darling.”
you continue to read the romance novel, reading most of the soft scenes. hyunjin can’t help but imagine the both of you two in the book instead of the characters. 
his breathing stills, but he’s still awake. you don’t know that though. you continue to read, until you get a phone call. “hello? taehyun?”
hyunjin continues to act like hes asleep, scared that you’ll get mad if he interrupts. “hey y/n! how are you?”
“oh i’m pretty good, just reading a book right now. why what’s up?”
“well, harin wanted me to invite you over! i think she’s crazy but she really wants to meet you. says you remind her of her sister.”
you giggle, “oh yeah of course! when?”
“when are you free?”
“well, i can come over right now if that’s okay with you”
“of course! will you be bringing hyunjin?”
“no i don’t think so, he’s sleeping right now”
you both say your goodbyes, and you carefully slip off the couch, setting hyunjin’s head down into a pillow and covering him with a blanket.
you quickly get ready, leaving hyunjin a note on the table and giving him a peck on the forehead. you enter your car not long after, driving over to taehyuns.
hyunjin quickly got off the couch to check the note. 
‘going to taehyuns! he wanted to see me. i’ll be back soon love, make sure to eat!’
of course, hyunjin couldn’t hear the other end of h the phone call. he didn’t really know that taehyun had a girlfriend, or that you were going more to meet her rather than see taehyun. 
maybe you should’ve worded it better…
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it’s been happening a lot now, you’ve been leaving the house to talk to harin and taehyun almost everyday. 
of course, hyunjin didn’t want to talk to you about it though, he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. he didn’t want to be jealous, he really did trust you but… he just couldn’t help himself.
he didn’t know how to approach you about it, so he planned on telling you when he got home. he just wanted to talk to you for a little bit, because truthfully, he just missed you.
“y/n? i’m home!”
he continues looking for you, but you’re nowhere to be found. he lets his wings out, wanting to relax for a bit. he looks for the note you’ve probably left on the counter. 
picking it up, he reads it, but it’s no surprise you’re at taehyuns. at least you leave a note, right? he walks over to the kitchen. maybe it’ll be better to talk about this over dinner?
it probably would be, if his wing didn’t get stuck between the door to the pantry. “fuck-“
he tries opening the door, but only folds the part of the wing. he screams in pain, trying to get it out carefully. it doesn’t budge. tears start leaving his eyes, he can’t escape. he does the only thing he can, and grabs his phone out of his pocket.
he calls you. no answer. he calls you again. no answer. fuck it.
hyunjin: y/n i need your help.
hyunjin: it’s urgent, come home please
hyunjin: y/n please?
no. answer.
shit. what now?
he tries prying himself out, but he pulls too hard. a loud scream echos through the empty house, hyunjin falling onto the floor. the half of the wing that’s been torn off has completely disintegrated into various colors of glitter.
a pink liquid drips from the inside of his torn wing, and he quickly grabs a tissue to stop it. he waits for it all to dry, and puts away his wings. 
maybe it’s better to rest for now. all of a sudden, he gets a phone call from an unknown number.
“hi! is this hyunjin?”
“yes it is, what can i help you with?”
“oh! im taehyun, im sure y/n has told you about me. long story short, we went clubbing for some fun and she got incredibly drunk… i don’t think she’s in proper condition to drive. is it okay if she stays over for the night?”
his heart sinks into his chest, he prays taehyun won’t take advantage of your vulnerable state right now. 
“oh yeah, of course. thanks for taking care of her.”
taehyun can hear the pain in his voice. “hyunjin, are you okay? i can drop her off and pick her up later to get her car if you’re more comfortable with that?”
“oh i’m okay! sorry… just hurt myself a little earlier and im a bit tired”
“ah i see, hope you feel better soon!”
“thanks taehyun. have a good night, text me if you need me”
he couldn’t stand waiting for a goodbye from taehyun, only hanging up and opening his messages again.
he unsends all the messages he sent you, scared you’ll feel bad for not being there. it’s okay, you were just drunk right? you wouldnt ignore him.
at least he hopes so.
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“hyune? i’m home!”
“hey baby”, you hear from the couch behind you.
“oh gosh! you scared me”
he lets out a giggle, but you heard a different emotion laced into the sound. “sorry, just wanted to relax here for a bit.
“is something wrong? you texted me yesterday but it said you unsent the messages.”
“oh, no nothing happened. i was just asking about if you were coming home, but taehyun called me”
“oh okay! do we have any juice?”
“yeah, i bought some for your hangover. check the fridge.”, he replied a little coldly.
your heart clenched a little, confused as to why he was acting like this. you grab the juice and pour yourself a glass. 
you notice traces of glitter on the floor outside of the pantry. “hyune, why is there glitter on the floor?”
“oh, just residue from my wings.”
it’s quiet once again, and you walk towards the couch.
“are you okay?”, you ask a little quietly.
“just tired”
“oh… okay”
a moment of silence passes. normally it’s comfortable in eachothers presence, but this time it felt suffocating.
“i love you hyune”
he doesn’t say anything for a moment, clenching his fists to ease the pain coursing through his veins.
“i love you too”, he answers, a little slower than usual.
you sit down next to him, nuzzling into his warmth. he has every right to be mad, but he wraps his arms around you anyways. he’s still upset, but he’ll talk to you when you’re in the right mind.
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that time never came. you went over to harin’s every day since then, normally coming home to see hyunjin already asleep. 
this time though, you don’t expect him to be standing right at the door waiting for you.
“where were you?”
“what? you know where i was. i was at hyuns”
he didn’t mean for the next question to come out so harsh, but he couldn’t help it. “are you cheating?”
your eyes go wide, “w-what?”
“are you cheating on me with taehyun?”, he asks again sternly.
“hyunjin that’s crazy, why would you even ask that?”
“you’re really gonna say “thats crazy” instead of denying it?”
you scoff incredulously, “no, i’m not cheating on you.”
“i- i don’t know if i can believe you anymore.”
“then why would you even ask if you’re so certain?”
he goes silent. a tear leaves his eye, his entire façade cracking. your heart felt like it was going to explode… not in the good way.
“i… i wanted to trust you. i wanted to believe you- but you… i don’t know anymore.”
“fine. text me when you realize you’re wrong. i’m sleeping over at harins.”
“who’s harin?”
“taehyuns fiancé.”
his heart stops.
“what? why didn’t you say he had one?”
“because, i thought you’d trust me to begin with.”
hyunjin’s eyes go wide, but before he can say anything, you turn around and leave. his heart feels like it’s been torn into a million pieces.
was it his fault then…? no… surely not…
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life felt empty without you. hyunjin didn’t even have a life before he turned human, but it felt even worse without you. the person he’s been with since birth. the person he’s been through everything with, even if you weren’t aware of it.
his life was basically ruined without you. he doesn’t know when you’re coming back. it’s been two days already. the house is cleaned, he makes your favorite foods for dinner just hoping you’ll come back, but you don’t.
he spends his time painting, but he’s painted all he can. he has no reference photos of you anymore, he’s run out.
days pass… he’s forgetting the sound of your voice. he doesn’t want to. he sends you apologetic voicemails everyday praying you’ll send one back. you don’t.
taehyun has been calling him a lot too, assuring him that you just need time. he didn’t say it, but he knows you should’ve told hyunjin about his fiance first. maybe this could have all been avoided.
hyunjin can’t help but think it’s all his fault. he let his insecurities get in the way of rational thinking. of course you would never cheat! but… was the love you had even real?
it was all because of that stupid arrow, right? what if the spark you had was finally gone? he doesn’t want to think about it.
he quickly picks up another small painting, laying in bed and holding it in his hands. he doesn’t know if it’s right, or if it’s obsessive. all he knows is that he misses you. it’s been almost two weeks.
he’s been off at work, not as great as he used to be. he’s not the same without you, and it’s eating him alive.
“hey y/n… it’s been almost two weeks now. i miss you a lot. i’m sorry for not trusting you even though ive said it so many times, im just scared you’re going to fall out of love with me. maybe you already have… im sorry i have no way to get these feelings out other than to talk to a photo. i’m sorry i ever summoned that arrow, and im sorry i tore my wing. i wish i was good enough for you, i really do, and im sorry im not. i love you, and i miss you. please, come home soon. i just want to see you again. goodnight”
it’s become a regular routine after you didn’t answer his text or voicemails at night. he couldn’t call you, he couldn’t reach you in any way, but talking to you, or something that resembles you, helped him get those feelings out.
he drifts off to sleep almost and hour and a half later, he’s been having a lot of trouble with that lately.
you walk up to the house and unlock the door, trying to be as quiet as possible in case hyunjin was sleeping. 
you almost cry at the sight of him again, various paintings piled up onto the dresser on your side of the bed. you take off your clothes and change into more comfortable ones, sliding into bed and being careful not to wake him up. you don’t succeed though.
hyunjin notices you in bed, but waits till you’re asleep to say anything. he knows you need rest, and you need a lot of time too.
you fall asleep not too long after, your breathing becoming even. should he really do this right now? it’s not like he had a choice, anyways.
he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest and burying his face in your shoulder. he whispers to you, afraid you’ll be mad again if he wakes you.
“hey y/n… i missed you a lot. im so sorry for pushing you away from me. i shouldn’t have done it, and ill take the blame for what happened. i know i should’ve trusted you, and im sorry i didnt. i also really regret summoning that arrow when we met. why did you have to stab yourself with it? you know you’d be much better off without me, right?”
you feel a teardrop fall onto your neck, but you don’t dare make a noise. you need to hear all of this and plan out your apology.
“i’m glad you’re back. i was scared i’d forget your voice. ive learned how to cook just for you, and i made your favorite foods in case you came home. i made so many paintings of you. i even… i even read that book. the one you read to me that night before you went to taehyuns house for the first time. i read over the paragraphs that you read to me, trying to hear your voice say the words again. it didn’t work.”
you turn around finally, almost sobbing when you see him again. his eyes go wide, scared that he’s hurting you even more, and he backs away. “no! hyune… don’t go. tell me how you feel, please.”
he hesitates for a moment, but when you hold his hand in yours it all comes crashing down. 
“i love you so much y/n, but i can’t help but think you’d be better with someone else. im trying my hardest, but i always let insecurities get in the way of us. i should’ve trusted you. i don’t know why, but i just can’t see myself with you anymore because i know you don’t deserve it. you don’t deserve someone like me. you were forced to love me. you didn’t have a choice… but now you do. now you can get over me and fall in love with someone else, now that you know what it feels like. and… i can go back to being your cupid again. is that… okay with you?”
your heart stops. “what? no! no that’s not okay with me?! how could you even ask that hyune? i… i love you… i needed time to figure out how to apologize because… hyunjin- none of this is even your fault! it’s mine. i always went out with taehyun and never invited you, and i never even mentioned his fiancé! no wonder you got jealous… and even then i- i didn’t even give you any time. i always came home when you were asleep and that… that’s not okay. that’s on me. this is my fault hyune… please don’t blame yourself.”
“i’m sorry im asking you this again, and i really don’t want you to say anything to just sugarcoat it. promise you’ll be honest?”
“i promise. whats going on hyunjin?”
“do you really love me? it’s okay if you say no! i’ll understand, i promise… it’s just because of the arrow, right? i’m sorry i-“
you cut him off with a kiss, you couldn’t stand it anymore. teardrops dripped everywhere, collecting at the bottom of your chins as you began to sit up. “no… you’ve got it all wrong. i love you hyunjin. i promise”
more tears leave his eyes, small whimpers leaving his lips too. your heart cracked at every noise he made, but you hugged him tight while straddling him, splaying a hand across his cheek to soothe him.
“i’m so sorry hyunjin… this is all my fault, really. don’t blame yourself for anything. i’m sorry you had to deal with all these thoughts alone. i should’ve been there for you.”
“it’s okay… i just need you close now. can we talk tomorrow? please?”
you nod, kissing him again and laying down with him. you held him close to you, wrapping yourself around him to provide comfort. light sobs from him filled the room. you chose not to comment on it… it would only make you more upset.
you’ll make it up to him. you know you will.
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“good morning, hyune”
his eyes flutter open, tears instantly run down his face as he looks at you, taking in your features in the light again.
“woah woah woah, what’s wrong?”
“nothing… i missed you”
your heart cracking more and more, this had to have been worse than the pain of rejection.
“i’m sorry. i should have come back earlier… i just wasn’t in the right mind.”
“it’s okay, love… just stay for now.”
you pull him closer to you, burying his face in your chest. “you know… my mom asked about you. i didn’t know how to tell her what i did, but it just all poured out. she told me to come here.”
“coming back into the house felt like a dream. i haven’t been here in so long, but i think what scared me was the paintings.”
“what… like my ‘shrine’?”
you giggle, “no hyune, not your little ‘shrine’, the ones outside. there were paintings in our house, and i had each stroke memorized by heart. our first picnic date, and the coffee date we had… i remember everything. but when i came home… they were all replaced with paintings of just me. i thought you left…”
you could feel your sleep shirt getting wetter and wetter from his tears, but you just pull him closer. “im sorry for hurting such a pure heart like yours, hyune. you didn’t deserve it.”
“i love you.”, he mumbles.
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too.”
he leans up to kiss your cheek. you know you have to make everything up to him, but for now you just wanted to enjoy this moment with him. 
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it’s been a couple days since then. you’re getting settled again with him, and it’s not going too terribly. he’s been opening up about his feelings more, and you’ve been listening to the voicemails he sent you while you were away.
you walk back into his art studio, rushing to him when you see his wings out. “hyune? what happened?”
he turns to you, “hm?”
he quickly traces your eyes, realizing that you’re looking at his wings, and he immediately hides them. “take them out again… please? i want to see…”
he sighs, taking them out again. “oh baby… how did this happen?”
“it got stuck in the middle of the door hinge. i tried to get it out but it tore.”
“oh… why didn’t you call me?”
he stays silent. you think back to the day you came home, and the glitter you found on the floor near the pantry.
“shit… it was- you did call me… but i was drunk, wasn’t i?”
“don’t feel bad about it please, it wasn’t your fault. you were just drunk”
you kneel down next to him, grabbing his legs and pulling so he’s staring at you. he drops his paintbrush onto the easel. “what are you doing?”
you quickly pull his shirt off, earning a questioning look from him. “y/n, is this really the time to be-“
you cut him off when you gently touch his wing over the tear, finally reaching up to kiss it. you kiss all over the edge, earning giggles from him. “stop! it tickles”
you look at him, hugging him at his waist again, then leaning over to kiss his chest. “my mom always used to kiss my scars. i’m sorry i can’t kiss the ones ive left on your heart.”
his eyes widen, tears flowing down his cheeks, and you bring your hand up to swipe them away. 
“don’t cry baby… you don’t deserve it. i’m so sorry i hurt you.”
he kicks his chair to the side, kneeling so that he’s level with you. “thank you… but that’s not your job. you know that. you’ve apologized, i forgive you.”
tears leave your eyes again, he sounds so sincere, even though you’ve broken his heart already. “i love you… im so sorry.”
“i love you too. please don’t apologize.”
you pull him into another hug, still sniffling from your tears. “i’ll be better. i promise, hyune.”
“you’re okay… calm down, my love”
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“wow… hes so beautiful…”
hyunjin cradles little minjoon in his arms, watching him thrash and blubber. 
“thank you, hyunjin”, harin smiles at him. taehyun is right at his side, watching hyunjin play with minjoon.
your heart swells in your chest, he looks so cute with him, you can’t wait to have one of your own.
not long after, the two of you leave, walking into your home together and discussing your little trip. “thank you for letting me meet them… you didn’t have to.”
“of course i did! they’re my best friends now, it’s kind of required”
he giggles, picking you up and setting you down on the counter. “i really do love you, y/n.”
“i know… i love you too”
he lets his wings out, a purple glow filling the room. “baby?”
he picks you up, bringing you to the bedroom. “let’s have a baby.”
he sighs, “fuck… seeing minjoon…”
“oh my god… because of minjoon?!”
you pull him closer, “fine… but you’re doing all the work this time.”
“i’ll do anything for you, darling”
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he rushes to the bathroom, a big smile on his face. “yes?”
“i’m pregnant!”
he picks you up, spinning you around and kissing your face repeatedly.
“really? are you sure?”
“im sure! i took three to check!”
“agghhhh! i love you so much!”
“i love you too, hyune.”
he looks at you again, a lovesick look in his eyes, and he promptly sinks to his knees. he pulls your shirt up, kissing over your tummy and hugging you close. 
“can’t wait to see you all swollen with my baby…”
“god hyune, you’re so whipped”
“i know i am, but only for you, dear”
you pull him back up from the ground, bringing him to the bedroom and laying down with him. “you’re so cheesy.”
“and you love me”
“so much, hyune. you don’t even know.”
“you’re the light of my life.”
you nuzzle back into his shoulder, smiling until you feel a teardrop hit your cheek. you look up at him, slightly confused. 
“you’re so pretty my love…”
“why are you crying?”, you giggle. “i can’t believe you’re really mine…” you hug him tight, kissing his shoulder.
“always yours. only yours.”
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captain-mj · 9 months
Just SoapGhost being healthy and shit. Ghost is open about his problems with intimacy and touch and they work through it.
Ghost sat across from Soap, watching him silently. He was beautiful. Kind. Fierce. Everything he looked for in a partner. 
Their date had been perfect. Soap picked a restaurant He thought they’d both like and he’d been a stupid fucking gentleman, even going so far as to request a secluded booth for privacy. 
Ghost tapped his fingers against the table, feeling very nervous. This was a first date. He didn’t have to bring this up. But if he waited, it would hurt more for both of them. Especially if Soap couldn’t handle it. 
Soap paused his chatter to look at him. “Simon. Don’t use your serious voice right now. I got other plans after this! You can’t end the date so soon!”
Ghost smiled at him softly. “No. I don’t want the date to end.” He sat back. “Its something else. I just… don’t want to lead you on.”
Soap frowned. “What do you mean?”
Ghost tapped his fingers for another second, surprisingly having to gain the courage to say this. “If we never had sex, do you think you could handle it?” He refused to look at Soap. 
“I… I don't know. I guess I hadn't thought about it. Is it the mask thing? We can find work arounds. I'm okay with whatever makes you comfortable.” Soap reached over and grabbed Ghost’s hand. “Whatever boundaries You need.” It was so sweet. It made it harder for Ghost to push but he knew it wasn’t fair to let Soap have some… misconception. 
“Its not the mask. Johnny, I’d take the mask off for you right now if we were alone. I have… issues. Let’s leave it at that for now.”
“Don’t tell me you can’t get it up. I’m just fine topping.” Soap joked, clearly trying to lighten the mood but also make it clear that wouldn’t bother him. 
Ghost took Soap’s hand and kissed it softly. “Intimacy. Its the touch. I wish it was that easy. I could pop a fucking pill and ignore it. The mask is part of it, but Johnny, a lot of… horrible things happened to me. And some of them.” Ghost cut himself off at the horrified expression on Soap’s face
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. Trust me I don’t believe you’ll try it or anything. I know you’re not an idiot. But… touch is hard for me. You’re an exception. Usually. But what happens when its more than just your hands? When there’s no clothes between us? No buffers. I’d love to believe I’m fine. That it’ll be easy. But it won’t. I’ll have to initiate things. Put up boundaries.”
Soap was quiet, clearly mulling over his words. “Do you not want to try at all?” It was light. Purposely devoid of tone so Ghost couldn’t detect anything. He hated that Soap could pull that off. For a man so open, it was an unexpected talent. 
“I want to try. Just… if i never get there, i don’t want you to have wasted your time.”
Soap softened. “No time with you is wasted.” 
Ghost sighed. “You’re so sweet. It’s complicated. I just didn’t want you to go into this thinking it would be easy.”
“Never easy with us, Lt. But I’ll get it figured out.” Soap smiled at him. 
The very first time they properly touched each other was Ghost initiated, just as they talked about. His hand went to Soap’s back as he was talking to someone. They were just getting a bit close and he decided he needed to do something about it. 
The moment he was touching Soap’s, the man basically purred and the unwanted pest trying to catch Soap’s attention quickly got the message. Ghost rubbed his thumb in circles as Soap melted into him. When the man left, Ghost gently pulled his hand away, not missing that Soap tried to follow. 
Their first kiss was messy. It was mid mission. And it occurred to Ghost that their situation had suddenly gotten so much dire than expected. 
The hood he was wearing, along with the blades, made him look scarier than he was. But not to Soap. Never to Johnny, who kept smiling at him even when everyone else seemed to panic. 
Ghost knew he needed to do this. An epiphany of sorts. 
“Everyone stare at the damn wall.” He barked and people scrambled. Soap went to as well but he stopped him. Ghost gently turned him towards him and, with as little thinking as he could manage, worried he’d talk himself out of it, he kissed him through the mask. It wasn’t the best. If he could, he would’ve taken it off, but they didn’t have time. 
Soap froze in his arms before eagerly pressing back as much as he could. His arms went up to his biceps and he squeezed tight. “What was that for?”
“Just… in case.”
Soap nodded solemnly before grinning wildly. “Let’s go get him.”
That night, when they were done with the mission, Ghost took his mask off and gave Soap a proper kiss. It got no farther, they just kept kissing, hands barely touching each other. Soap’s kept hovering right over Ghost’s shoulders, holding just a hint of apprehension. 
Ghost didn’t reassure him. 
Holding hands came after. For some reason. Somehow it was easier for Ghost to kiss rather than touch hands. 
Soap’s hand wormed over to him, sitting between them now. His hand just barely brushed against Ghost’s thigh and he jumped so hard he almost rattled the table. Soap went to pull away but Ghost caught him by his wrist, gently tugging him closer until he sat his hand in his lap. Carefully, with the same care taken for defusing a bomb, Ghost tangled their fingers together. Even through his gloves, he could feel his warmth. 
It felt uncomfortable. He didn’t want to be touching right now. But like usual, Soap was… better than anyone else. And he could put up for it if it meant Johnny kept smiling like that.
Ghost had… agreed to try. Soap had simply asked him what their plans for the night were when he informed him of this. He had blushed bright red and just nodded. 
Ghost was regretting all of this when he actually stood in his own bedroom. 
Soap smiled at him reassuringly. “What do you want to keep on? Let’s start there.”
“Okay. You can just undo your pants for now. And what would you like me to take off?”
Ghost swallowed and thought about it for a minute. “All of it. Take off everything.”
Soap’s breath caught and he slowly started to strip down, maintaining eye contact the entire time. He was gorgeous. Nice, tight body. Broad shoulders and so much tanned skin. 
Ghost took a deep breath and slowly let it all out. It was just Johnny. Just him. 
“What do you want from me, Si?” Johnny asked softly, his body already happily reacting. Despite what Ghost was seeing as the most awkward encounter of his life, Soap was achingly hard. “I’d do anything for ya. You know that.” 
Ghost reached for him, gloves abandoned at the very least. Soap’s body was… very responsive. He jerked and his breathing would catch and just a small brush against his chest had Soap’s nipples hard. His thumb rubbed against one and Soap tried to press into him. 
Ghost pushed him on to the bed and gently used his hands to stroke him. He could tell Soap was a little disappointed it was just his hands but he just needed a minute to psych himself up for more. Soap moaned softly as he kept stroking him. 
“Feels good, sir. Feels so good.”
Ghost’s head started to swim. He was hard. He could tell physically he was enjoying but mentally, he felt miles away. 
There was blood. Had to be. He was bleeding and hurt and someone else was gonna hu-
Soap grabbed his hoodie and pulled him closer. “I love you, Simon.” 
Ghost was taken back by that but he pulled up his mask and kissed him. They settled into a rhythm as Ghost continued to stroke him. He grabbed one of Soap’s hands and pulled it under his shirt so Soap could feel his abs. Soap cursed and squeezed him.  
“I love you so much. I love you. So much.” Soap promised as he kissed his lips and down his chin. “You’re beautiful.”
Ghost wanted to sob for some reason. But god did he love Soap. He pulled his mask completely off and started to kiss down his chest. Soap’s hands tangled in his hair instead, gently tugging. 
Ghost pulled away, feeling his cock strain against his pants. He pinned him down and stroked him faster, finding himself rutting against Soap’s thigh. So good… Fuck so good.
They kissed and tangled themself together further. Soap’s hand found it’s way to his belt he undid it and slipped it off. He reached into Ghost’s pants and as soon as he touched him, all thoughts flew out the window. It was just them. 
Ghost didn’t last very long. He was a bit embarrassed so he just focused on Soap. Tentatively, he licked a stripe up Soap’s cock and his lover followed immediately, coming all over his chest. His face was flushed and he bit his lip to keep any sounds in. Ghost could feel how tense he was beneath him as he finished. 
“I love you, Johnny.”
He got a short affirmative in response. 
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clairedaring · 8 days
Sneak Peak of the Cutting-Edge Futuristic Netflix Thai Original ‘Tomorrow and I’
What happens when hyper-advanced technology collides with traditional Thai beliefs and customs? Discover the answers in Tomorrow and I, a four episode anthology series that takes viewers on a journey through a futuristic Thailand where technology has become an inescapable part of daily life.
The cast includes Pakorn Chatborrirak, Violette Wautier, Waruntorn Paonil, Treechada Hongsyok, Ray Macdonald, Timethai, Thongchai Thongkuntom, Aelm Thavornsiri, Pongsatorn Jongwilas, Chananticha Chaipa, and Wanichaya Pornpanarittichai.
This groundbreaking series is directed by Paween Purijitpanya a trailblazing filmmaker known for his genre-defying works such as Body, 4bia, and Phobia 2. Paween has also showcased his talents with the feel-good series Seven Something, the boundary-pushing film Ghost Lab, and his exceptional direction in the episode “Liberation” of Girl from Nowhere Season 2. In Tomorrow and I, Paween reimagines four everyday scenarios in intriguing ways, starting with…
Episode 1: Bringing your loved ones back from the dead. Imagine a future where innovation has reached its peak, testing the boundaries of life and death. In this world, the cycle of birth, death, and being reborn may become an everyday reality through the technology of cloning.
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Episode 2: Welcome to a place where technology meets intimacy. Have you ever felt that your partner couldn't quite meet your desires, or felt uncertain because you're still new to relationships? What if there's a city where technology might provide the solution? Enter a world where intelligent sex robots are designed to cater to every emotional and physical need.
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Episode 3: What if a Techno-Monk joined the Buddha and the Dharma in the Triple Gem, replacing the Sangha? Imagine AI continuing ancient teachings preserved and upheld for over 2,500 years, revolutionizing Buddhism. Could this challenge traditional faith, or signal the end of the monastic order?
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Episode 4: And if an entire city were submerged underwater after years of relentless rainfall, how would humanity survive? Would people fall into despair as the waters rose, or would they have to rely on "octopuses," potentially the last hope for survival? When this moment arrives, everyone will face a crisis beyond our species' abilities.
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Unveil the future in Tomorrow and I, the year-end series that will spark your imagination and challenge your perceptions of a world where technology seamlessly integrates into every facet of our lives. Coming soon, exclusively on Netflix.
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animehideout · 8 months
Hi ! I hope you are doing well um I never requested something so if it was something you didn’t wanted to write then feel free to not to 😭🩷
So there was a song it’s called nobody knows by kiss of life the choreo that the song has is really something!!! I mean that part when they swing their hips
I wanted to ask if you can write like when the reader is doing that dance how would jjk men ( any of them that you like but maybe sukuna and Gojo and toji?) react to her ?
Have a great night ! Or day ! :)
JJK Men Reaction to Reader Dancing
a/n: thank you anon for this request, I hope you enjoy it tho <3 and I truly apologize for the late update! ✨.
Choreography of Nobody Knows - Kiss Of Life.
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Gojo Satoru :
Gathered with your boyfriend Satoru and friend group in a cozy living room, laughter and chatter filled the air as you settled in for your weekly game of truth or dare. The bottle spun around the circle, its rotations slowing until it came to a stop, pointing directly at you. A smirk played on your boyfriend's face, anticipating your choice.
"Y/n truth or dare?" Asked Geto.
You hesitated, the thought of revealing your deepest secrets to your friends suddenly feeling daunting. With a flicker of uncertainty in your eyes, you opted for the safer choice, daring to take on a challenge rather than risk revealing too much. You already know what kind of question Geto would ask anyway.
"I choose dare!!"
"Oh no you're spoiling the fun Y/n!" said Mei Mei.
You shrugged waiting for Geto to dare you to do something, hoping that it's not making out with Gojo in front of everyone, you wanted to keep your intimacy private and both you and Gojo agreed on that even though he had no problem with kissing you infront of everyone. Suguru's eyes gleamed with mischief as he pondered his dare. After a moment of consideration, he grinned and announced his decision,
"I dare you to dance to your favorite song!" he exclaimed in excitement.
Your eyes widened in surprise, a blush rising to your cheeks as you realized the playful nature of the dare. But you accepted the challenge with a determined nod. You've always enjoyed dancing but the thing is, none of your friends or even boyfriend knows that you're a professional dancer. But now it's time for them to discover your talent. With a confident stride, you made your way to the center of the room, grabbing your phone and clicking on your favorite song ' Nobody Knows - Kiss Of Life '.
The melody of your favorite song filling the air. As the music swelled around you, You let yourself be carried away by the rhythm, your body moving in time with the beat as you danced with abandon, as if you were on stage. A hush fell over the room, as they watched you in awe. Finally, reaching your favorite part, swinging your hips with a smooth flow, you moved them naturally, owning each move, having control over each muscle in your body. Your hips moving under your command. Mouths hung open in surprise, expressions ranging from shock to admiration, as they witnessed your grace and confidence on display.But none were more surprised than your boyfriend, Satoru, who watched with a mixture of astonishment and admiration. His eyes widened in disbelief as he took in your movements, his jaw dropping slightly as he realized he had underestimated your dance abilities.He never expected you to move so gracefully like that, never seen you dance before, and the sight of you moving with such fluidity and power took him completely by surprise. He had always known you were special, but in that specific moment, you seemed to shine even brighter, making him fall head over heels for you over and over again. As the song ended, the music fading into nothingness, you stopping in your ending position, the room erupted into applause and cheers, the sound of their praise filling the air with warmth and joy.
Your friends surrounded you, their voices filled with admiration as they showered you with compliments for your impressive performance. Your boyfriend Satoru, couldn't contain his excitement any longer. With a wide grin on his face, he rushed towards you pushing them away from you, his eyes shining with pride and admiration. Sweeping you into his arms, he twirled you around in a whirlwind of affection, planting kisses on you cheeks, forehead and lips as he expressed his amazement.
"Damn babe you killed it!! you always amaze me!!"
You chuckled at his enthusiastic state,
"It's not a big deal Satoru haha"
"I had no idea you could dance like that!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight. "You were incredible!"
As your friends tried to continue with the game, Gojo stopped them. With a playful smirk he said,
"Well sadly, you'll have to continue without us"
He took your hand, his excitement palpable as he led you away from the group. With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he whispered in your ear,
"Come on, let's continue the party just for the two of us...I need a private performance just for my eyes".
With a shared smile and a twinkle of anticipation in your eye, you followed your boyfriend eagerly, ready to give him a private dance, to unleash your full talent, and maybe teach him some dance moves if he's interested.
Ryomen Sukuna:
You accepted your fate, you lost a bet and you had to do it. You had to dance in front of him as a punishment. Your cheeks flushing red in embarrassment, you've never danced in front of him before. Sukuna; your boyfriend on the other hand, wore a mischievous grin as he eagerly prepared to capture your performance on his phone. Playfully, teasing you about your lack of dancing skills even though you didn't start dancing yet so he just assumed. He promised to make sure the video went viral among your friends. You've always been like this, teasing each other and having fun is your love language.
Sukuna played Nobody Knows by Kiss Of Life. Of course he knows it's your favorite song since you're always blasting it in your shared apartment, he almost memorized the lyrics by heart. As the music began to play, you put all of your shyness aside and chose to surprise him with your dancing skills. As you started to move flawlessly with each beat, his smirk dropped and his eyes widened instead, his jaw hanging open. His phone slipping from his grasp falling on the floor as he became completely transfixed by your performance especially when you started swaying your hips with the melody.
Completely dumbfounded and astonished by your moves as you displayed the choreography in front of him. In that moment, any thoughts of teasing or making fun of you vanished from his mind. Instead, he felt an overwhelming sense of admiration and pride swell within him as he realized just how lucky he was to have you as his partner in life. Slowly sitting down on the chair to try and compose himself. And as the final notes of the song faded away, he finally spoke pulling you to him, making you sit on his lap while his arms wrapped around you protectively.
"I...I had no idea! you were amazing"
"Hmm no longer interested in teasing me?" you joked.
He leaned in closet with a smile, trapping you between his arms,
"Well change of plan, I was too quick to judge. So that's why you're always blasting music huh? secretly learning how to dance"
"Yeah something like that, I can say I discovered a new skill" you chuckled.
"What about you dance it again? You know I was taken aback since you surprised me with your power moves so Um I wanna see again, you know practice for better outcome" He grinned, pressing a kiss on your lips.
Toji Fushiguro:
Dancing alone in the comfort of your house, you lost yourself in the rhythm of your favorite song 'Nobody Knows - Kiss of life'. You were too shy and embarrassed to dance in front of Toji, your boyfriend. You've been dating for not too long and it felt awkward to dance in front of him, scared that he might judge you or laugh at you even though dancing is your therapy. So you practiced your favorite activity whenever he leaves the house. Oblivious to the world around you, you lost yourself in the melody. Hitting each and every beat flawlessly. However, you didn't notice that your boyfriend Toji had returned home earlier than expected and stood silently in the doorway, watching you with a smirk. He was captivated by the sight of you, your carefree movements and infectious enthusiasm lighting up the room.
He couldn't help the way his heart started beating so fast when you started swaying your hips. As the song ended, you stood in your ending pose, breathing heavily from how powerful you were dancing. Suddenly, you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his lips press against your neck. Startled, you jolted in surprise, the sudden touch breaking your trance-like state.
"Omg– Toji you scared me" you said putting a hand on your chest.
His arms still strongly holding you protectively, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on your soft neck, tickling you a bit.He mumbled against your skin,
"mhm didn't know you can move like that, that was hot"
Turning to face him, you blushed furiously, embarrassment flooding your cheeks as you realized he had been watching you the whole time.
"Were you watching me?"
"Of course baby! I couldn't tear my eyes away from you. You're amazing you know that?" .
A surge of happiness washed over you at his words, your heart swelling with love for the man standing before you..Toji never fails in boosting your confidence.Without a word, he took your hand and led you back into the center of the room, where he pulled you close to his chest and started swaying to the gentle melody of another song.
"Let's dance together! I've always wanted to do this with you".
He held you so delicately yet so fiercely in his arms, swaying side to side together, dancing in perfect harmony, lost in the music and in each other's eyes. Let's say dancing together became your favorite habit.
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