#but its fun to mess around wiht
monalisamartian · 1 year
Morningstar vs smiling
so in the AU Morningstar has a chronic case of resting bitch face, and never really smiles. BUT she smiles ALOT around Hellboy. have have some silly thoughts about Hellboy trying to convince people that she smiles. enjoy.
(on a mission with other agents) (he sees Morningstar with her normal bitch face) "what's with the face? You look miserable Where's that smile? you always have?"
And the rest of the team is like "MORNINGSTAR SMILES?! WHEN??!!"
and Hellboys just like…." All the time…she smiles at me all the fucking time"
And no one believes him
(Morninstar's room mate and fellow agent)
Madigan: I live with her I'd know if she smiled, I just don't think it's an expression her face can make . *shrugs*
Hellboy: she dose it ALL the time?!
Medigen: the ONLY time Iv seen her crack a genuine smile was when Manning fell down the stairs.
Hellboy makes its his mission to prove she smiles at him.
HB : watch this, HEY! Morningstar!
(other agents hiding behind the corner to watch)
HB : i was thinking about ya, thought we could have a lil fun in the supply closet again?
M: that's inappropriate Hellboy, please don't suggest such things to your boss, id never do such a conduct. (biggest lier ever) (she can see Briggs big ass head peeking around the corner)
Hellboy trying to snap pictures of her smile but hes not good at stealth so every time he thinks hes got one when he looks its her wiht a dead pan expression looking directly into he camera.
Madigan knows M likes HB and teases her about it, she's the only one who believes Hellboy but even then it takes a lot of convincing and her own knowledge about the crush.
*an idea from trash that imma expand on*
HB "Huh, wonder why she does that"
Madigan "Hellboy you ignorant slut she likes you!"
HB "what? dont be stupid shes constantly calling me names and kicking my ass"
Madigan "shes like a 12 year old boy, she teases you BECAUSE she likes you, and if she really dose smile at you allll the time? shouldn't that tell you something?"
HB "that she's messing with me? she knows no one will believe me and is trying to drive me to insanity as i try to prove it?"
Madigan "NO YOU DUMB WHORE" *hits him with a rolled up news paper* "SHE LIKES YOUR BUTT AND FANCY HAIR I READ HER DIARY"
HB "she thinks its fancy?"
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the-firebird69 · 24 hours
Final wishes the oncoming of another hurricane in A. area. He is just completely. ignored and beaten on mentally and he is poor as dirt and annoyed all day long and threatened by everyone he encounters practically. It's very bad Very bad. And people are continuing. This is normal and they're not seeing it. So he mentioned this story again. and he said that it's very weird that. I was working at Toys R Us and it was a strange job to palletize toys and distribution. warehouse of theirs. is pretty good at he didn't do a perfect job and did it really fast and it worked. well enough He palatized them with it. They looked at a little awkward, but they were good enough. And really, nobody did much better. But he did it very fast. And the other side trouble keeping up. And he kept. doing it on. the slowdown and I guess he slowed down a little and he was making the pallets better So they told him to slow down. and to not make the pouts look so good. So he said I don't think I can sit here doing this all day. because he was kind of bored. So people thought that he left because he's. going to a better place. because the Mac proper or their own people are trying to get him to a point where he understands this kind of job is menial. It's not very difficult and some people aren't OK at it. And that's who should be doing it. And for reasons that are more important than normal, but it's not a huge thing. And a lot of people went around with that for years. everywhere They believe that strongly that it was a show or roost to educate him to try and get a better job And it's the one that they want partially. That's what it is. because we want him in a decent job. But really that's not what was all about.. When it was all about is somebody Was saying something by having him in this job and then. out of it, they were. announcing a message telling. people something in code and it was for those people to receive that code. its huge ok...and he didit for a week more was harrassed. they told him to leave no but would not eat withhim or sit. and he was fun and such. so he did not see it. and it was an alert to all, tons of ours bought that anwe used it for that. bul tno not that nope.
he leaves and hte managment are angry and did see them do things an he said it so whats your cause. and he said your in here alone saying it. nd h e sai nope not the math. nd he grinned ok handed him his last check they were getting and he left on his bycicle. nd yeh made him drive there and supposedly he lost his license and htey did take it but f these faggots. and he said it tell your boss he is dead..to the toys r us manager and it meant the one doing this asshole show bike riding and such. and the treatment was harsh.
and there are tons of other theories our son had one they are messing with tme and tons of times.
when paletizing made a game of it to ease teh stress. it was dark dingy clean but smelled of dust and he was alergic and cold nnot tempr but he worked alone. the others were hudnred of feet away.
the others did not aprove and it was is that way at all jobs he got. ll the workers did not like it he was adored no but valued htey were not and it is a paralelle. but they say our plan too. and he says ok. but still no that is not what it is. no.
we did crack it nd he says it is at each company. means the samething more or less and he is not sure what no sees. it . due to the toys. they all do no.
Thor Freya and the reason teh toys the key the mac prooper made it the code that is why but tii s seen at each job and why it is important. oconnor piced up on it and looked and was horrified ahnd has records and they see it no he will talk.
we are not enemies no and i helped. have it need to lose it to others rght now
need to
michael tew
and i am here and see it and the otheers
mac daddy and wow he has a hell of a story and ok is a colonel ned this
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zrllosyn-art · 3 years
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Sometimes, I work on this super edgy story for fun.
(its super tropey and extra. But hey, its for fun. I don't need to have standards lmao)
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xmalereader · 5 years
Javier Pena X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: And they were roommates *Le gasp*
Warnings: Language, Sarcasm, Javi being an asshole at first, Spanish. Italics means it’s in Spanish or I will write it in Spanish because this child speaks it!!
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“Senora, Rosa please.” A young adult male follows around a middle aged women as she walks around the apartment building that he was living in. “I said, I would allow anyone to live here but I don’t have the time for a roommate I need to focus on my projects and whoever this guy is they could ruin my life—!”
“Ya!!” Señora Rosa shouts out as she twirls around to stand in front of y/n with an angry look on her face.
Never anger a middle aged Colombian women.
“Estoy cansada de escuchando te!”
She was tired of listening to his complaints he’s been complaining to her all day about him not wanting a roommate at the moment but as the landlord she was either going to force him or throw him out. So of course, y/n silently agrees to allow his new roommate to settle into his own apartment.
He was going to regret sharing a place with a stranger, as much as he enjoyed having company around he just couldn’t help but want to be alone whenever he’s at home and not have someone on his constant back every single day.
“He’s a nice young man, you’ll like him.” Said Senora Rosa as she gives him a grin and hands him a spare key to hand to his new roommate to be.
Javier was moving back to Colombia for a short period of time, after being caught a couples of years back he was allowed to return back with new information and work in a much bigger position then his last. He’s going to be honest he missed Murphy, his trustworthy partner that he actually got a long with unlike the other partners he had in the past but that all ended once they caught Escobar, Murphy got what he wanted and returned back to America to live with his wife and daughter. Leaving Javi on his own once again.
Once he returned to Colombia to continued working for the DEA, he first needed a place to stay at and moving into his old apartment won’t work since they were all taken. So, before he could arrive he remembers finding any available place, he could stay there but as long as he can handle a roommate. Something that Javier wasn’t up to do but he had no choice but ot take the place wether he likes it or not.
He’s spoken to the landlord about his sudden roommate, she only told him that he was a quiet man and mainly stayed home focusing on his art work. Turns out that his roommate was a painter and worked over seas during a couple of months, but this year his roommate wont be going anywhere.
Javier made sure that his stuff was sent earlier to the apartment, he hasn’t gotten his key yet so he had to knock in order to get inside his new place. He stands outside and waits for the other to answer, he hears slight commotion on the other side of the door and hopes that his roommate wasnt having sex in the middle of the living room or something.
The door swings open to reveal a young man, he looked a little younger than Javier and more American looking but that didn’t matter to him. “Can I help you?” The other asks as he stands in front of the doorway with a rag in his hands, he noticed that they were covered in paint which is why he was cleaning them off. “New roommate? You Y/n?”
The other groans softly and sighs, “Yeah.” He pushed the door wider for him to enter as he walks back to the living room. His place was big, big enough for a family to live in. “So you’re Javier right?” Y/n asks as he tossed the dirty rag on the kitchen counter and turns on the sink to properly clean his hands. Javier watched him closely and nods. “Yeah, Rosa tell you?”
“Something like that,” y/n mumbles out and dries off his hands. “Listen; if you’re going to be staying here theirs going to be some rules.” Javier leans against the counter and pulls out a cigarette, putting the between his lips as he sighs. “And they are?”
Y/n approached him and removes the cigarette from his lips. “First rule, I don’t allow smoking. If you are going to be living under my roof then you are going to keep my air clean. If you want to smoke you’ll have to do it outside and if I notice that you smoked indoors I won’t hesitate to kill you.” He hissed out and tossed the cigarette in the garbage. “Second rule; No drinking either.”
“You’re kidding right?” This guy was taking away everything that he liked doing when he was alone but he was going to have to live with it. Sighing deeply he rubs his temples and nods. “Fine, anything else?” He was tired and just wanted to get some rest before he heads off to work tomorrow morning.
Y/n taps his chin in a childish way as he puts on a thinking face. “Oh right! How could I forget?” He laughs out, making his way around the kitchen, grabbing an apple and a knife. “If you want to have you’re little fun wiht your lady friends, you’ll have to do that at their place. I don’t allow that here.”
That was it, he crossed the line.
“Now, you can’t do that. I live here so I might as well and put some rules down myself!” Javier exclaimed in anger. “Oh, yeah and what’s that?” Y/n questions as he held the knife up and points it at javiers face, threatening him. “This is my apartment, I slaved and I slaved to earn the money that I need to move here. So don’t you dare say that you own this place when you don’t. So, if you so badly hate the rules then you might as well and find yourself another place to live.” With that he silenced Javier.
“You’re crazy.” Javier mumbled out as he watched him closely.
“Thank you, I take that as a compliment.” He finish’s cutting up his apple and smiles at Javier. “Make yourself at home.” He added and leaves back to the living room to continue on with his projects that he left behind.
Javier rubs his face in frustration. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
After living with y/n for two months, Javier was quick to get adjusted to the place and to the rules. Their morning routines for the first couple of days were horrible, the two would argue about one of them making coffee and the other wanting to make tea. Same with breakfeast, y/n would be up early making food and blasting music which irritated Javier so much. He knows that the other had to be up early as well and do his own work, but Javier just couldn’t stand the blasting music.
But the two were able to work it out. The two made a plan for every morning and were to stick with it for the last two months. The two were quick to become friends, sometimes Javier would come home late and would sometimes buy them a pizza and the two would sit together in the living room and just talk about their burdens.
“Anything new on your project?” Javi asks and leans back on the couch. After living with Y/n for the last two months he noticed that he was an artist and would often spend his time standing in the living room in front of a colorful canvas or a blank one when he can’t think of anything. He was quiet famous for his work and would sometimes sell his own pieces, he didn’t get much but it was enough for him to live here in Colombia and to get the materials that he needed.
“Not yet...” he sighs out and grabs a slice of pizza. Lying down on the couch as he eats it and stares over at his blank canvas. “I would go outside or out in the country but it’s not safe right now. So, might as well and find another way to get inspiration.” He shrugs his shoulders and chewed on his food.
Javier chuckled a little and rolled his eyes. “You usually paint things from nature, why not paint out a portrait of some one? Or of something that happens in the streets?” He asks.
Y/n blinks at the thought and slowly sat up. “You know what? That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I mean I’ve never actually painted anyone before so its going to take awhile for me to do at least one portrait.” He says with a smile. Smirking a little at Javier, he sits up properly with his legs crossed.
“Wanna be my model?” He wiggles his brows with a grin on his face.
Javier raised a brow himself and shakes his head. “I prefer not to.”
“Come on, why not?”
“I’m not a model.”
Y/n scoffs and rolled his eyes, “that doesn’t matter and besides its a simple tasks you just stand there and look pretty. I’ll draw you like one of my French girls.” He grins at Javier and laughs a little. Javier rolled his eyes. “Still, no.” And with that he tossed his pizza crust back inside the pizza box and stands up to go to the balcony and have a smoke. Y/n groans in frustration and shakes his head, he watched Javier leave the living room and go outside , he watched as he stands their and began to smoke which causes an idea to quickly come in mind. He scrambles out of the couch and grabs his sketchbook and a pencil, he sits in front of the entrance of the balcony and began to sketch out Javier. He makes sure that he isnt notice as his hand moves fast against the paper, making sure to get the smaller details so when he paints it out he’lol just have to look at his sketchbook.
He kept looking up at Javier and the back down to his sketchbook, he finishes his body form and his face. grinning as he draws out the eyes before he hears the sound of the balcony door being pushed open. He slaps his sketchbook closed and looks up.
“what were you doing?” Javier asks as he cleans up the mess that they have made. Y/n gives him an innocent smile. “Just drawing what catches my eye.” He replies back before standing up and tucking his sketchbook behind his canvas. “Need help cleaning?”
“Yeah, unless you want to live in a mess and from the looks of it you sort of do.” He gestured around the house where several paintings materials and finishes paintings were being laid around. “My house is clean you jackass.” Y/n says back and takes the trash with him. “Don’t judge me or else you can leave.” He pouts out.
Javier shakes his head with a laugh, he’s usually a closed off person and didn’t show much emotion but living wiht y/n, even though it was for a short period of time, he seemed to open up and be himself only around the other young man that he’s grown to like.
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Kiss Me
A/N: Hello my loves! Im so sorry that this is so shitty, it is currently 12:00 Am and my brain is melting as I write this, but I hope all of you enjoy hehe. Just a reminder that requests are open so please take advantage!!! Love y'all (:
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The faint sound of snoring interrupts my sleep as  squint my eyes, attempting to shield them from the light that is streaming through the curtains. Im unable to move, the weight of a six foot tall, curly headed boy keeps me trapped beneath the sheets. Shawn is sprawled out on top of me. His face is hidden in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling the exposed skin. His strong arms wrap around my waist making it impossible for me to move. I can't help but to reach my arm up and run my fingers through his curly hair. He looks so peaceful, I don't understand how someone can look so irresistible just by sleeping. 
I feel a sudden pain in my chest as I realize this is our last day together before he goes back on tour. Don't get me wrong, I am so unbelievably proud of him. He is living his dream, workings ass off to keep his success but sometimes I just want him to myself. He is going to be gone for sixth months and I have no idea how my heart is going to handle it. 
I wiggle out of his grasp, earning an irritated moan from his lips. He is now fully on his back, his eyes still closed as he tries to return to his comfortable position. I crawl on top of him, both of my legs on either side of his thighs. A big grin spills across my face as the sheets fall off of me, revealing my naked body. The events from last night replay in my head and I can't help but giggle from the butterflies and tingles that jolt through my bones.
I lean down and place soft kisses all over his face. I start on the right side of his cheek and move to the left, I kiss his forehead and move my way down to his chin and end with the tip of his nose. He doesn't budge for awhile, so I take matters into my own hands and go faster till I earn a reaction. He groans again but this time there is a smirk on his face.
“Wake. Up. Baby. Wake. up.wake. up.” I say between each kiss. I’m caught off guard as his arms wrap around my waist. He quickly sits up and pulls me back down on the bed  till he is  hovering over me. I can't stop the fits of giggles that erupt from within me. 
“You know you could have gotten me a lot up faster if you had started with my lips.” His voice is deep and croaky, his eyes puffy and red. I chuckle at the wildness of his hair, my god he is beautiful.
“I think I kissed you enough last night, I wanted to switch things up a bit.”
He slowly leans down and presses his lips to mine. The kiss starts off slow and innocent. His arms pull me closer into him as he depends the kiss. Our tongues fight for dominance, I can't help the moan that falls from my mouth. My hands find the nape of his neck as I lightly tug at his hair, an action I know drives him crazy. The effect he has on me will be something I will never understand. I arch my back of the bed trying to get closer to him if thats even possible. We both tilt our heads, getting completely lost in each other. He pulls away first, resting his forehead against mine. 
“You could never give me too many kisses, there will never be enough to completely satisfy me I'm always left wanting more.” His morning voice has me completely weak and he knows it.
“Well you better kiss me as much as possible, after today you will have to wait six months before I can shower you again.” He pulls away from me, resting his head on his elbow so he can look down at me as I turn to face him
“hey, we are going to be okay we’ve done this before.”
“That doesn't make it any easier.” He begins to run his fingers through my hair.
“I know baby, I know.” He leans down and places a sweet kiss on my forehead
I feel my eyes begin to water, I try my best to push back the tears but the thought of him not being here in a few short hours is unbearable.
“Shawn, I don't think I can handle saying goodbye to you again.” I intertwine our fingers.
“Baby, don't think of it as a goodbye, think of it as a ill see you soon. There are no goodbyes between us. I know this hurts and I am going to miss you like hell. But I promise you I will always be here. Just call me I don't care what time it is, if you’re ever missing me just call me.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you more.” I begin to push myself out of bed, but his hand stops me.
“Where are you going?” His bottom lip is pushed out like a child. I pull away from his hand and reach for his shirt that I tore off of him last night. I can feel my cheeks redden from the memory, as I slip it on. I hope to god he doesn't notice.
“I have to go shower, ill be quick I promise.”
“Or.....” He pauses
“Hear me out, we take a shower together.”
“Nice try Mendes, we both know what will end up happening if we shower together.” 
“I promise I won't try anything, ill keep my hands to myself.” I raise my brow at him 
“Okay, maybe not fully to myself but you get the picture.”
“Alright, but only because you are leaving.” He jumps out of bed and runs towards the bathroom. I roll my eyes as I gather my new shampoo and favorite bottle of body wash. Shawn stands at the shower with his hand under the water making sure the temperature is perfect. I quickly brush my teeth and slip out of shawns t-shirt. 
“Ladies first.” Shawn pulls the curtain back and swiftly moves his hand to the direction of the shower. 
“You're suck a dork.” I chuckle as I move passed him and into the tub. The warmth of the water feels amazing against my skin. I let the water spill down my hair as Shawn gets in. I feel him reach behind me as he enters. He moves the shower head higher so the water can actually reach his head. The boy is a tree I swear.
“Sorry shorty I gotta move this.”
“Don't call me shorty its not my fault you're a giant.” I watch as he repeats the same actions as me
Can I wash your hair?” The words crawl faster out of my mouth than I expected.
“Only if you let me do yours too.”
“Deal.” I squirt Shawn’s shampoo in my hand and turn to face him. Wow, this height difference is really hitting me right now. I can't even reach his head to wash his hair.
“Uhh baby do you think you could kneel?” He throws his head back as his laughter fills the bathroom 
“Oh my God you are so cute.”
“Stop making fun of me I can't reach.”
“Ill kneel for you, you always kneel for me.” he winks and I quickly slap his arm 
He kneels down in front of me, his hands firmly on my hips to keep his balance. 
He closes his eyes in pleasure as I massage his scalp, his hair is nice and soapy   and I waist no time playing with the curls on top of his head.
“Does that feel good Bub?”
“mmmhmmm.” he hums, I rinse his hair placing one hand over his eyes so he doesn't get burned by the soap. I repeat the same actions with the conditioner. This boy is in pure bliss. He stands to his feet.
“Your turn.” To say that his hands were made for this is in understatement. He laughs at my moans I ignore him getting lost in the pleasure that is coursing through my scalp. We both finish up and dry ourselves off. 
Shawn makes his way into the bedroom putting on a pair of boxes and hopping back into bed. I take a little longer washing my face, brushing my hair, and fixing up my eyebrows. 
“Babe do you mind if I use your speaker to put on some music?” he calls from the bedroom 
“Go ahead Bub.” I begin to straighten up the mess I made in the bathroom until I hear the song he chose. Kiss me, by Ed Sheeran. My heart skips a beat as I think of the first time he kissed me, this song was playing in the background.
I walk out of the bathroom and lean against the door frame. Shawn sits on the bed smiling like he fool. He slowly rises and makes his way into the middle of the room. He stops and opens his arms.
“Dance with me?” STOP BEING SO CUTE 
My feet move before I can even think. I walked s towards him and he wraps me in his arms. I rest my head against his chest as he sway back and forth to the music.
“You should wear my shirts more often by the way.”
“I will be,I'm stealing most of them. Oh and your Harvard hoodie, yeah you're never getting that back.”
“Thats my favorite one.”
“It smells like you.”
“You can keep it while I'm away baby, I don't mind.”
“I don't want you to leave.”
“I don't want to leave you.” I rest my forehead against his 
“What do we do when the music stops?” I whisper 
“When I'm wiht you, the music never stops.” 
“Kiss me.”
The End 
HEEEYY YALLL sorry this was TRASH. It is now 1:21 Am and I am dead ahahahahaha. sorry I'm acting like a crack head and I'm sorry for all the grammatical errors. My brain is dead right now. I promise I will post tomorrow. Hopefully I won't be as tired.But yeah gn and love ya.
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sweetnestor · 7 years
12 Days | Chapter 8.2
Two guys that lowkey hate each other are forced to walk in each other’s shoes in order to learn a lesson.
***in collaboration with @themarkiplierexperience
lmao soz its not actually x reader we’re just desperate for attention haaaa
“I want to ask what the origin story behind this is, but I think I’m better off not knowing,” Tom typed. He attached a “selfie” wearing a bright blue shirt with the word “Wowie” printed on it in a strange fashion. Then, he sent the whole thing to Ethan.
He did see the other texts from the boy that he received the evening before, but Tom was dying to show this to him now. He finally had a look at what Ethan’s “merch” was like. To say he was not expecting “wowie” on a t-shirt was an understatement. Why “wowie”?
Halfway through editing this video, Tom kind of despised Ethan… and he definitely hated the word “Wowie” with a burning passion. It wasn’t all bad, though. Tom had spent the day with a funny pair of people: Parker and Andrew. He didn’t have to consciously act like Ethan to get along with the pair. They were so graciously weird that seeing their friend act out of character was considered normal for them… if that made any sense. The three of them, along with Amy, made a video together that was about this awful blue t-shirt. A promotional video, and instead of having a whole filming crew complete with camera men and editors, it was all self made. It was impressive, don’t get him wrong, but Tom only thrived when he was on camera, not behind the scenes.
It was a minute and a half long video, yet it was taking ages for him to put it all together. Not to mention, Tom was awaiting an update from Ethan about Zendaya. Earlier, he had said that she wanted to talk, and god knows what that was supposed to mean. On top of that, Bella was getting a little harder to handle.
Tom had invited her to come along to shoot the video, but she had gotten immensely sheepish and timid when she heard about the people who would be joining them. She made an excuse about having emails to answer and business Skype meetings to have. She only returned to his apartment after hearing that Parker, Andrew, and Amy had left for the day, and even then she just stayed in the living room while Tom finished the video. Weird, but whatever.
A few hours later, Tom could say he was proud of what he had created. The video was very sarcastic, and kind of funny, but it got the message across: “Buy this ugly ass shirt.” Really, he didn’t see the appeal, but Ethan’s fans sure did. The shirt had been on sale on Ethan’s merch store all month, and as of today, there were only ten days left to buy it. Tom learned all of this through Parker, who had a hand in running the store. Thank god he wasn’t left in completely in the dark.
Thing is, Tom easily learned about different aspects of this kid’s life. He knew the girlfriend, a good amount of the friends, and just enough about his personality to get by. The hard part was the YouTube stuff, because everyone around him assumed that he knew what he was doing. They all assumed he was Ethan. How bizarre would it be if Ethan just suddenly asked for help on the basics of editing a simple video? How long would it be for someone to figure that this wasn’t Ethan, that it was somebody else? What would they do, besides throw him in an asylum?
A knock on the bedroom door snapped Tom out of his thoughts. He pulled off his headphones and granted access.
Bella came in, an unreadable expression on her face. “Hey…”
“Hi, love,” Tom greeted, turning in his chair to face her.
She stepped in, looking around the room as she tangled her fingers together. “I don’t mean to interrupt you, I’m just…” She sighed. “This is really stupid, like really stupid…”
“Oh, how bad could it be?” he asked, putting on a kind smile, despite how nervous the sudden tension made him.
Bella picked at her nails to fill the silence. But she finally asked in a soft voice, “why didn’t you ask me to be in your video?”
Honestly, Tom had been hoping she had that conversation with her real boyfriend. Even he found it weird that the “talking to women” bit from the video starred Amy. Why not Bella? It probably wasn’t something to fuss about, but the girl’s nerves radiated for miles, it made Tom himself feel like he had done something wrong. He didn’t even know how to respond.
“I mean, you and Parker came up with the video idea like what? Two weeks ago,” she rambled, “and you guys came up with the ‘talking to girls’ thing and your first thought was Amy? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I-I mean she did come up with the shirt design…”
Ah, so that was the culprit.
“I-It’s not that I wanted to slap you - uh, fake slap you for a video,” Bella went on, her voice getting shaky, “i-it’s just you didn’t think to ask me, I don’t know. Am I freaking out over nothing?”
“You freak out over everything,” Tom said without thinking. There was a small pause before he turned back to the computer.
“I know, it’s what I do,” Bella said, not seeming offended by that statement. “It probably wasn’t a big deal. I shouldn’t have bothered you, sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. Any other thoughts, concerns?” It was half sarcastic, but she took the bait.
“I’ve been… having dreams…”
Ethan was supposed to know that tone, what that particular phrase meant. Tom, on the other hand, was clueless.
“Naughty dreams?”
“No.” Bella’s tone was serious now. She paced around the small recording space, still picking at her nails. “Bad dreams. I’ve had dreams like this before… Ethan, please don’t make me say it.”
It had been five days since the switch, five days of being this girl’s boyfriend, and Tom was getting more and more impatient.
“Don’t talk about it then,” he said with a shrug. “If it’s really that scary, or disturbing, or whatever it is... then you don’t need to speak of it.”
Again, it was silent. Tom definitely said the wrong thing, but he didn’t know how to handle a girl with anxiety. He could barely handle Zendaya, even though he hoped to fix things with her.
“You’re probably right,” Bella spoke at last. She turned on her heel towards the door. “No one wants to remember that time, especially me.” She stopped at the doorway and looked back at him. “Oh, and I just figured out why I was freaking out over Amy. It’s been almost a year since Mark left me for her.”
Whoa. What would Ethan say to that? What would Ethan think about his girlfriend mentioning her ex?
Speaking of the ex, Tom’s phone dinged on his desk. Mark had texted him. Admittedly, Tom wasn’t really texting anyone consistently apart from Ethan. He had also ignored Mark’s texts from the other day, so there was a chance he wasn’t on good terms with the boss.
“Hey look man, I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but I need an answer. Are you going to be returning to work anytime soon? Or do we need to make a public statement that you don’t work for me anymore? I’m not trying to put pressure on you, or anything with malice. I just need to know what’s going on business wise.”
Public statement? So the fans knew Mark had editors? And there had to be something said publicly when something changed behind the scenes? Is that how YouTube works?
“I think my girlfriend is hung up on you, you’re the last person I need to see right now,” Tom typed for literally no other reason except to see if it sounded like something his other half would say. He chuckled to himself after deeming that it was too ridiculous and out of line and went to delete it…
You know when you mean to do one thing but instead do another? Yeah, Tom somehow mixed up the ‘send’ key and the ‘backspace’ key, and well…
“Fuck!” he snapped, sitting up in his chair, watching as the angry text sent. “No, no, no, no! Shit!”
Oh god, Ethan was so fired.
Tom didn’t have the heart to tell Ethan about the wonderful conversation he had with Mark following that text. He read through the messages he received while he was editing over and over again just to avoid telling him what went down. Ethan seemed excited to be in Montreal.
“So guess I have a workout tomorrow morning? Wish me luck bc I’ll actually die.” That’ll be fun to hear about, but it didn’t settle the knot in Tom’s stomach.
“I’m almost ok with the switch if it means getting to stay in this house dude it’s so nice?? I’m never leaving.” Tom was not okay with the switch. He wanted to be in that house right now, leave Ethan with the mess that he made.
“I finished the wowie video. I hate the word wowie. Please never say it again,” he typed and sent before reading the rest of the texts. He noticed that Ethan will either be completely silent, or send multiple texts at once. No in between.
“Also,,,,, fuck kinda friendship you got with Harrison? You give each other lap dances???” Ethan asked. Oh no. Oh god. “Not judging, just wish I’d known you were rejecting zendaya for ur best m8 lolol.”
Tom literally groaned out loud and palmed his forehead. Then, he frantically sent, “IT WASNOTHING WE DONT SPEAK OF IT SHUT UP.” No way he was getting into that with this guy. He wouldn’t understand.
The next message didn’t help very much. “Speaking of Daya, we talked today. She asked abot how you feel and what you thought you 2 had going on. Made it clear it was her choice what happened, but that you’re just friends? Idk man how DO you feel?”
“Anyway, the videos were good. Much better than Tyler’s first edits for sure. Good job, I’m impressed.”
“Shooting starts tomorrow so I’m off to learn everything there is to know about acting…….. By watching some movie wiht the guys, gn.”
Tom sat there for a few minutes, trying to word any of the thoughts in his head. Why couldn’t have Ethan made the Zendaya decision for him? He seems like a nice guy, he’s had a girlfriend for six months, and she didn’t seem tired of him!
“I’ll deal with her when we switch back… by the way when are we gonna switch back??? Anyway, have a good night mate, have a pint for me!”
tag list: @beardedsteveslut @marie-is-in-the-dark @ohsnapitzmoony
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babyawacs · 4 years
thegermancockroaches repalcedpthe phoens a r b i rr a r i ly 1145 on +-5 was it the main reasonwhy the mails failed allday itis heart murder trick day thegermans suffocat e gas mengel poison then germancure whichdamamges more thousands oftimes then resuff ocate then redamamge then regermancure then redamamge resuffocate then redamamge then r edamamge then resuffocate thenredamamge then replace the phone tbhen resuffocate red amamge what is the trick priorty heart backleg heart heart backleg h e a r t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t /// suffoca tion indicators and nox liek tricks: 1600 1620 gaserknows //// suffocaitongaser patho gengaser kilslheart bomboutthe cockroach  germancockroach murdertricks with gasin gs above above adjancent /// the v pn people maintain their servers around smtp or sth?! // since post app composition finds customers easily the mail sendout fails wahtsthe trick? destroywallisntalls /// 1522 say fangbar or gefang bar orso itis maybe prelude alibi to mess ahead prev ention by morons squeeze assmesser backlemgesser 1523 with abit luck they feel as k idnappers or sth use the chance to crrrrrr runkkkkkkkthe nuts of the authorities when the scums admit their alibis toteir crimes soon it becomes excess mosntrosity arbitrary implant tricks then murdering the cockro aches is the standard then they feel a yearlater insulted whentheyre cockroaches thatthey are cockroaches that try sth covered by authorites and an authroites caused mess quell immunisation trick quellfortune access trick and shuffle proxies and har ms d i r e c t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t accountabil tiy inthe f i r s t line the authorities whenthem andor their cockroaches try sth foolcockroaches admit their alibis? evenbetter wheres the ambiguity then acockroac h pretends sth and messes with that guy again //// check heart trombosis things fromdehydration // 1246 cautionwith supprot barely fixing whatcockroaches dmamgre ch amber ctaapulter chamber lymapbhtic aimer avove cockroachgerman gaser wallsintaller the lasers are red thecockroaches righthten typed and heartkiltlrick are the messer cautionwithsupprot /// 1244 mail didnt geotu still heart critical from earlier tr icks deedtyped /// 1235 dehydration heartkill tricks after suffocaitons and apthogen t ricks and backleg hearttrick on dehydration gutslock gutssubd ue h e a r t on edge mail blocked ////// 1228earlypahtic ai med is // 1227 suffocaitona ndor pathogen tricka ndor gutslockdehydraiton h e a r t effects andor backleg heart btw btw heart and pathogen relevant inhalerormess suffocat e email doesnt getout 1145 replacedphoen on whats teh trick //// replacedphone 1 145+-2 : this mail didnt getout 1155:  bysome theme some idddddiot pretends their ger man crimes are a matter of them quelling the anger with : behold: "so nicht" or sth ie pretend their crimes are ok whenthey quell it with a clear blunt message. som eone liekthat  cannot even grasp what they do? canthat be possible? frauded away b illions  treat worse like a dog rapes experimejnt mengele damages pedo orgies alldayt ime charged quelled asbatshitnuts to repeat not charging would continued which mix quell initiative fromwithinthe bubble eu humanrights a shitball nothing more thatthey c an continue which tricks tothis very year  tothis very week but they just need to fr audyou more bluntly and then it works can this be s o m e of the germans? this is not acceptable idont accept this maybe not clear enough that is inacceptable fraud bastards maybe its the early mid2000s directly bank fortune access demand where spoken means nothing in germany judicially each and every single signed fax is judicially valid any email any spokenword arbitrary any promise laadeeedaaa fan of blunt? when there was o n e ppppppenny from realtime fortune daytime demanded and they treaty ouworse like a dog because you shouldnt know ormind that i s germany /// ccautionwith suppo rt makesure scums we jail incontrary tokill thesystemdooms e m usually preventionpreventionprevention and authroities infirstlineof accoutnabili ty /// dont blame the minors they use or a kid from stolensperm even abit prevent ion made miracles usually protectem example : russia document was humiliate wiht acc ount ayearago  /// jailassmesser enfo rcprecention /// lawyers no debt titles exist isit systemic if they continued afte r daytimepay ifiit is not systemic andthey ceased to exist itis fraud by decentralis ed entities or fraudby resale of ceased titles demystify and harden it the german s game on fraud it as debt bum forthem itslike a heavens gift to chain and quellthe ca se with s  o m e t h i n g thatthey betrayed and frauded the case into misery fo r decades with fortune and then used it to doexactly that  to fraud and chain and qu ellthe case is laaadeedaa forem sero tolerance with cockroachgermans that game fo r keepit as dayfool sowhat itworks that is mmmmmmmmmy fortune itis 92billion euro o r just 62billioneuro idaytime charged my immunsiation and eachwasted year bites them ?theygot chow and arranged themselces intheir fraudsystem they get no healthdamamges th ey whore their children through and or sellem only they arranged themselves intheir ge rman german german german german german german german getrman german german swamp th is very day who averted fortune access to starve as daybum they quell any incom e its  fraudsystem that sorts sheeple youcando nothing if blacklisted blackballed alli s exploitation and chains and waiting lines  any smartie from mensa makes their own project ifpossible but the germans quell any income of any penny imade already quelli mmunisation and expose thecase to fringe quell kill harm or just to sexual assault theygive eachother alibis and the only reasontheyre civilised is because we forced themto /// 0043 wallisntaller is // / ddestroy the catapults inchamber checkinjury from dozens udnerway too destroy gasvalv es gaser 0037 is cautionwithsupport ser obulshit with terror bs itis unusuallymildsafe for an afternoon cautionwithsupport /// support werenot the bloody french revolution prevention is key ifwe got a ve rdict on lets stay stolensperm wecanchoose to enforce or not enforce  minors a l w a y s rescue /// xraybeamtricckery /// caution with support scums usually a re theproblem not support tryigntofix afterwards whatscums do allthetime /// a m oron cockroach damamged backlegs odlwoudns nwoimin heartpains the fix is headimapct find the trick amybe its oneofthose cockroachgerman cockroaches from masseldorn and their gay prisonor fantasies suckercockroaches didnt evenknow me until 2001 thought i replaced myself as evil ameri can assassin orsth  the trickusually is  karbiovaskulaere erkankung making gefaes skrankheiten s amking that wa sthe theme fiveyears ago repeated harms thereis no reason why heart is inthat conditions they flatlined it thousands oftimes thousands oftimes wiht implants  just for fun or to demonstrate hwomighty theyare withimplanting after daytiemcharging it the suffocati ons interoxidaustausch arsenide and such were critical ontopofit verybad as finedu st aimed for cardiomypathy and sudden heartdeath and such /// imallday ina heav y radarbeam isitabove orwinodwoaimed orabove adjacent /// cautionwithsupport and min ors alwaysrescue bysome theme akidofmine is 18  or soon  wheeeeeeey!! yeeeey!! whats her name  i so dontevenhave a foto andwouldloveto /// heres howit works thegermans s huffle stigmas and shuffleproxies usually deceit shuffled between pedotricks momf ool suicideweenie hatenut satanicposession terrorist hobograndurenut pedothejuror jurio r trick  or incestdad bllah itsalljustadream transvestite fraudtrickster pinkelephan thalluzinatorsosososoyouseecolorsherethenalonecopquestionin yourenotyoutonaswinn doghum per weepyweenie prisonor generaillissimo prostitute prostituteworkfromhome murderer  itshuffles with scums whenthe brainwave readout fucksup likethinking of some impostor w easelmurderer blah its theconfirmation for eitherofthsoe sayhomersimpsoy walkby h ooker trick buzzword? younameit this is howitworks someone wason backlegs agai n annow itis heavyheart andother clown messed foreheadleft bloodvesse$mess thats a suicideweenie mess arbitrary harm on an unusualmildday only onetwo dozen hea dimapcts underwaymostly acouple here mild occasional assmolest instead hosted pedo trickery  /// there is old t oothpaste and old handcream readthaotutloud too usually trickslike greenmix went intothe cookingpot the onions anything else but inside the old toothpaste surely th eydidnt dare thattt had i only not dayt imecharged it sothey can nut the case /// this is what we do we let wheoverisn ew readoutloud jarmixes and the coffee and thesugar and the cupboard waterfiltuere s andthenwe comapreit with readoutloud whatsin redbag then we figureout what happ ened mysteriously in sixyears persistent intent upto suffocationkilltricks yesterday /// xraybeam radar is maybe baeue rchen burb inspired em orsth // jailassmesser ifnonhostile makes transparency usu ally its pedotricks or implant messes nonhostile isnot theproblem scums usually are // 7 headimapct hotspot houise99 101  two andbeforeliekly toowith copdriveby buttonpusher same as in my chamber? caution withsupprot minros always rescue but prevention of mess i s prevented mess a y+ + would be situationally adequate  even asupersafe reliable efficient clunker may have averted alotofmesses  but the harasswalks were intent allal ong so 6 headimapct locals or mos Ls402 is trickdec eit is conflciting  thenassmess 1516 thinktopic is some bs video about asicko impostor orsth  like bad intel hellhole d oom crews or sth 5 ihate the germans and itis notjust tzhe headimpacts of godknows what underway theyre cockroaches theyre rapers poisoners mengeles and fraud cockroa ches ifyoudont like em after halfothat they germancure you ihate emtheyre criminal s in a criminal shithole system that will always try anytrick and anything itis ho wthey hare and howthey arrangedthemselves their shitholeswamp 4 bombout assmesser 1510 this is mildsafety 3  sayhookerbuzzword t rickdeceit 1505 1504 isit timed t o a chav fraudcall the transponder mischief is having been prisonor or sth idiotic /// catapul t heaidmapct before sbhitcops driveby headimapct isit locals localpark or theshit cops usually they spend drivebys as were watching tothe clowns and mess  ie must sp end it as presence unlikelyits them //// dicktoymess 1456 is jailscums makesafety cautionwithsupport prevention whyletem
thegermancockroaches repalcedpthe phoens a r b i rr a r i ly 1145 on +-5 was it the main reasonwhy the mails failed allday itis heart murder trick day thegermans suffocat e gas mengel poison then germancure whichdamamges more thousands oftimes then resuff ocate then redamamge then regermancure then redamamge resuffocate then redamamge then r edamamge then resuffocate thenredamamge then replace the phone tbhen resuffocate red amamge what is the trick priorty heart backleg heart heart backleg h e a r t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t /// suffoca tion indicators and nox liek tricks: 1600 1620 gaserknows //// suffocaitongaser patho gengaser kilslheart bomboutthe cockroach  germancockroach murdertricks with gasin gs above above adjancent /// the v pn people maintain their servers around smtp or sth?! // since post app composition finds customers easily the mail sendout fails wahtsthe trick? destroywallisntalls /// 1522 say fangbar or gefang bar orso itis maybe prelude alibi to mess ahead prev ention by morons squeeze assmesser backlemgesser 1523 with abit luck they feel as k idnappers or sth use the chance to crrrrrr runkkkkkkkthe nuts of the authorities when the scums admit their alibis toteir crimes soon it becomes excess mosntrosity arbitrary implant tricks then murdering the cockro aches is the standard then they feel a yearlater insulted whentheyre cockroaches thatthey are cockroaches that try sth covered by authorites and an authroites caused mess quell immunisation trick quellfortune access trick and shuffle proxies and har ms d i r e c t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t accountabil tiy inthe f i r s t line the authorities whenthem andor their cockroaches try sth foolcockroaches admit their alibis? evenbetter wheres the ambiguity then acockroac h pretends sth and messes with that guy again //// check heart trombosis things fromdehydration // 1246 cautionwith supprot barely fixing whatcockroaches dmamgre ch amber ctaapulter chamber lymapbhtic aimer avove cockroachgerman gaser wallsintaller the lasers are red thecockroaches righthten typed and heartkiltlrick are the messer cautionwithsupprot /// 1244 mail didnt geotu still heart critical from earlier tr icks deedtyped /// 1235 dehydration heartkill tricks after suffocaitons and apthogen t ricks and backleg hearttrick on dehydration gutslock gutssubd ue h e a r t on edge mail blocked ////// 1228earlypahtic ai med is // 1227 suffocaitona ndor pathogen tricka ndor gutslockdehydraiton h e a r t effects andor backleg heart btw btw heart and pathogen relevant inhalerormess suffocat e email doesnt getout 1145 replacedphoen on whats teh trick //// replacedphone 1 145+-2 : this mail didnt getout 1155:  bysome theme some idddddiot pretends their ger man crimes are a matter of them quelling the anger with : behold: “so nicht” or sth ie pretend their crimes are ok whenthey quell it with a clear blunt message. som eone liekthat  cannot even grasp what they do? canthat be possible? frauded away b illions  treat worse like a dog rapes experimejnt mengele damages pedo orgies alldayt ime charged quelled asbatshitnuts to repeat not charging would continued which mix quell initiative fromwithinthe bubble eu humanrights a shitball nothing more thatthey c an continue which tricks tothis very year  tothis very week but they just need to fr audyou more bluntly and then it works can this be s o m e of the germans? this is not acceptable idont accept this maybe not clear enough that is inacceptable fraud bastards maybe its the early mid2000s directly bank fortune access demand where spoken means nothing in germany judicially each and every single signed fax is judicially valid any email any spokenword arbitrary any promise laadeeedaaa fan of blunt? when there was o n e ppppppenny from realtime fortune daytime demanded and they treaty ouworse like a dog because you shouldnt know ormind that i s germany /// ccautionwith suppo rt makesure scums we jail incontrary tokill thesystemdooms e m usually preventionpreventionprevention and authroities infirstlineof accoutnabili ty /// dont blame the minors they use or a kid from stolensperm even abit prevent ion made miracles usually protectem example : russia document was humiliate wiht acc ount ayearago  /// jailassmesser enfo rcprecention /// lawyers no debt titles exist isit systemic if they continued afte r daytimepay ifiit is not systemic andthey ceased to exist itis fraud by decentralis ed entities or fraudby resale of ceased titles demystify and harden it the german s game on fraud it as debt bum forthem itslike a heavens gift to chain and quellthe ca se with s  o m e t h i n g thatthey betrayed and frauded the case into misery fo r decades with fortune and then used it to doexactly that  to fraud and chain and qu ellthe case is laaadeedaa forem sero tolerance with cockroachgermans that game fo r keepit as dayfool sowhat itworks that is mmmmmmmmmy fortune itis 92billion euro o r just 62billioneuro idaytime charged my immunsiation and eachwasted year bites them ?theygot chow and arranged themselces intheir fraudsystem they get no healthdamamges th ey whore their children through and or sellem only they arranged themselves intheir ge rman german german german german german german german getrman german german swamp th is very day who averted fortune access to starve as daybum they quell any incom e its  fraudsystem that sorts sheeple youcando nothing if blacklisted blackballed alli s exploitation and chains and waiting lines  any smartie from mensa makes their own project ifpossible but the germans quell any income of any penny imade already quelli mmunisation and expose thecase to fringe quell kill harm or just to sexual assault theygive eachother alibis and the only reasontheyre civilised is because we forced themto /// 0043 wallisntaller is // / ddestroy the catapults inchamber checkinjury from dozens udnerway too destroy gasvalv es gaser 0037 is cautionwithsupport ser obulshit with terror bs itis unusuallymildsafe for an afternoon cautionwithsupport /// support werenot the bloody french revolution prevention is key ifwe got a ve rdict on lets stay stolensperm wecanchoose to enforce or not enforce  minors a l w a y s rescue /// xraybeamtricckery /// caution with support scums usually a re theproblem not support tryigntofix afterwards whatscums do allthetime /// a m oron cockroach damamged backlegs odlwoudns nwoimin heartpains the fix is headimapct find the trick amybe its oneofthose cockroachgerman cockroaches from masseldorn and their gay prisonor fantasies suckercockroaches didnt evenknow me until 2001 thought i replaced myself as evil ameri can assassin orsth  the trickusually is  karbiovaskulaere erkankung making gefaes skrankheiten s amking that wa sthe theme fiveyears ago repeated harms thereis no reason why heart is inthat conditions they flatlined it thousands oftimes thousands oftimes wiht implants  just for fun or to demonstrate hwomighty theyare withimplanting after daytiemcharging it the suffocati ons interoxidaustausch arsenide and such were critical ontopofit verybad as finedu st aimed for cardiomypathy and sudden heartdeath and such /// imallday ina heav y radarbeam isitabove orwinodwoaimed orabove adjacent /// cautionwithsupport and min ors alwaysrescue bysome theme akidofmine is 18  or soon  wheeeeeeey!! yeeeey!! whats her name  i so dontevenhave a foto andwouldloveto /// heres howit works thegermans s huffle stigmas and shuffleproxies usually deceit shuffled between pedotricks momf ool suicideweenie hatenut satanicposession terrorist hobograndurenut pedothejuror jurio r trick  or incestdad bllah itsalljustadream transvestite fraudtrickster pinkelephan thalluzinatorsosososoyouseecolorsherethenalonecopquestionin yourenotyoutonaswinn doghum per weepyweenie prisonor generaillissimo prostitute prostituteworkfromhome murderer  itshuffles with scums whenthe brainwave readout fucksup likethinking of some impostor w easelmurderer blah its theconfirmation for eitherofthsoe sayhomersimpsoy walkby h ooker trick buzzword? younameit this is howitworks someone wason backlegs agai n annow itis heavyheart andother clown messed foreheadleft bloodvesse$mess thats a suicideweenie mess arbitrary harm on an unusualmildday only onetwo dozen hea dimapcts underwaymostly acouple here mild occasional assmolest instead hosted pedo trickery  /// there is old t oothpaste and old handcream readthaotutloud too usually trickslike greenmix went intothe cookingpot the onions anything else but inside the old toothpaste surely th eydidnt dare thattt had i only not dayt imecharged it sothey can nut the case /// this is what we do we let wheoverisn ew readoutloud jarmixes and the coffee and thesugar and the cupboard waterfiltuere s andthenwe comapreit with readoutloud whatsin redbag then we figureout what happ ened mysteriously in sixyears persistent intent upto suffocationkilltricks yesterday /// xraybeam radar is maybe baeue rchen burb inspired em orsth // jailassmesser ifnonhostile makes transparency usu ally its pedotricks or implant messes nonhostile isnot theproblem scums usually are // 7 headimapct hotspot houise99 101  two andbeforeliekly toowith copdriveby buttonpusher same as in my chamber? caution withsupprot minros always rescue but prevention of mess i s prevented mess a y+ + would be situationally adequate  even asupersafe reliable efficient clunker may have averted alotofmesses  but the harasswalks were intent allal ong so 6 headimapct locals or mos Ls402 is trickdec eit is conflciting  thenassmess 1516 thinktopic is some bs video about asicko impostor orsth  like bad intel hellhole d oom crews or sth 5 ihate the germans and itis notjust tzhe headimpacts of godknows what underway theyre cockroaches theyre rapers poisoners mengeles and fraud cockroa ches ifyoudont like em after halfothat they germancure you ihate emtheyre criminal s in a criminal shithole system that will always try anytrick and anything itis ho wthey hare and howthey arrangedthemselves their shitholeswamp 4 bombout assmesser 1510 this is mildsafety 3  sayhookerbuzzword t rickdeceit 1505 1504 isit timed t o a chav fraudcall the transponder mischief is having been prisonor or sth idiotic /// catapul t heaidmapct before sbhitcops driveby headimapct isit locals localpark or theshit cops usually they spend drivebys as were watching tothe clowns and mess  ie must sp end it as presence unlikelyits them //// dicktoymess 1456 is jailscums makesafety cautionwithsupport prevention  whyletem
thegermancockroaches repalcedpthe phoens a r b i rr a r i ly
1145 on
was it themain reasonwhy the mails failed allday
itis heart murder trick day
thegermans suffocate gas mengel poison then germancure whichdamamges more
thousands oftimes then resuffocate
then redamamge then regermancure then redamamge resuffocate
then redamamge then redamamge then resuffocate thenredamamge
then replace the…
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zoemurph · 7 years
blistering feet, ch2: warm up
on ao3  1
yup i dont know anymore. hope youre having a good week, im suffering and college is horrific
tw: panic attack. a lot is the same as that first day of school scene through waving through a window, so keep that in mind
Evan knows his mother means well, but he’s also pretty sure she’s somehow out to kill him.
Which isn’t true! She’s trying her best and works long hours and pays for all his classes and therapy and medication and he’s just a burden that— that’s a huge expense. Which is why Evan can’t understand why over the summer she brought up moving dance studios to a more expensive one (even if it’s a little closer). He also can’t understand why she wants him to compete.
Competition is terrifying. And the idea of it makes him want to throw up. His hands start getting sweaty and his breathing gets shallow and everything gets bad.
His mom had said something about putting himself out there in his last year of high school. Doing things he fears and going outside his comfort zone.
Evan doesn’t know how to tell her that everything is outside his comfort zone.
Which is why instead of thinking about the fact that he has his first class at the new studio in two days or writing a letter like Doctor Sherman always wants him to, he’s laying in bed scrolling through some dance forum Jared signed him up for a while back.
Most of the posts and threads don’t get much of a reaction from him— some people are very open about where they dance and use the forum to discuss classes and teachers and (if bribed correctly) studio secrets, but Evan tries to remain as anonymous as possible. He doesn’t have a name on his profile, his username has no indication of who he is, his icon is the silhouette of a dancer doing an arabesque against a tree, and the most anyone can tell about his location is his timezone. The only one who knows who he is is Jared.
Jared, who created an account for Evan, which Evan immediately deleted because he couldn’t figure out how to change the username and he could not have a username like that. Surprisingly and thankfully, Evan’s online persona is one of the few secrets Jared has managed to keep.
Evan rolls his eyes when he comes across of Jared’s posts.
(5:32 pm) yalikejazz: FUCK ballet ↳ (5:47 pm) checkyourattitude: Fuck you
After posting his response, Evan goes back to scrolling. The posts kind of blur together into a mess of advice, complaining, and screaming about song choices that no one can share without studio heads get angry. He’s squinting at a really long rant about fake eyelashes from someone with the username ‘fondueforfrogs’ when he gets a text from Jared.
From: here comes that boi To: fake friend      i know your username evan fuck you too
From: fake friend To: here comes that boi       I know you d o
From: here comes that boi To: fake friend       ha ha very funny       i had tech today so fuck off
Evan rolls off his bed. He hasn’t stretched in a few days and being in pain during warm up doesn’t sound like a great way to start at a new studio. If he can minimize the things he has to worry about, that’d be great.
From: fake friend To: here comes that boi       Id rather  be in tech than in a ocmpetition class
Evan is perfectly content spending the rest of his days privately practicing solos in the studio. One recital a year was bad. At least one competition a month during the season is too much.
From: here comes that boi To: fake friend       yeah but youre fucking weir d
Evan rolls his eyes and leans down and touches his toes. He lays the phone on the floor in front of him so he can still see Jared’s messages as he stretches. He turns his feet out into first position and does a slow demi plié, stretching out his back as much as possible. Something in his back pops and with a sigh, Evan stretches a little further.
From: here comes that boi To: fake friend       comps are great you get to spend an entire weekend wiht me
Evan ignores Jared’s text until he’s sitting on the floor stretching out his hamstrings.
From: fake friend To: here comes that boi       Yeah that sound s like a lot of fun       I sitll blame you and  your moms for thi s
Jared’s moms always go on and on about how great competitive dance has been for Jared. Whenever they talk about it, Jared rolls his eyes and calls them dramatic, but Evan knows better. Jared always seems happier after he’s spent long periods of times with dance friends. A group that Evan is now awkwardly edging in on.
Him and Jared aren’t actual friends, they’re just family friends.
From: here comes that boi To: fake friend       fuck off im super fun       dude i t might suck but youll get over it       its really not that bad       plus itll make your mom happy
Evan leaves the texts on read and works on his oversplits.
 Walking to the studio kind of sucks, but the shorter walk actually makes it worse. Now, Evan can get to the studio faster. And everything can go horribly wrong faster.
When he opens the studio door, he’s welcomed by a waiting room filled with loud elementary schoolers and their parents.
All classes start today, that includes non competitive classes.
Evan weaves his way through the yelling children to the front desk. “H-hi I’m um— I’m a competitive da-dancer? And...new so I’m just wondering where I—” He squeezes the strap of his bag and tries to stop himself from rambling.
The woman at the desk smiles. “Welcome to Elite, then, sweetheart. I’m Alyssa and I’m here most days if you ever need anything. I teach some of the babies.” She gestures to the kids running around the waiting room. “Most of the competition classes are in the extension of the studio.” She leans forward to point toward a set of stairs. “If you go up the stairs, there’s a room of cubbies where all the comp kids leave their things. Then if you go down the hall and to the left, you should see all the competition studios. They’re all labeled and there’s a schedule up in the cubby room that should tell you what studio to go to for what class. If you need any help, all the dancers are very nice and would be happy to show you where to go. Have a good class!”
Alyssa turns back to her computer and Evan has to take a moment to try and process all that information without freaking out.
Stairs. He can do stairs.
There’s no door on the entrance of the storage room. A few people are sitting on the floor, one stretching and the others scrolling on their phones while laughing about something Evan is not privy to.
He left early because he was anxious about being late, but now he’s anxious about being early. Perfect.
Evan takes out his ballet flats and puts his bag in a cubby by the door and sits down as far away from the other people in the room as possible. Not that it helps.
“Are you new?” the girl who’s stretching asks suddenly.
Evan looks up with a jolt, noticing that she is a lot closer now than she was before. “W-what?”
“New,” she repeats. “Are you new? I don’t recognize you.”
“I— yeah, yeah. I’m…new.” Evan ducks his head and hopes the conversation will end. He recognizes her from school — it’d be impossible not to considering she does everything — but it’s not surprising she doesn’t remember him. Evan isn’t sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
“I’m Alana.”
“Evan,” he mutters.
“What happened to your arm?” Alana asks.
Evan winces. “I uh— I broke it. I was climbing a tree…”
“Oh really? My grandma broke her hip getting into the bathtub in July.” Evan’s eyes widen. “That was the beginning of the end, the doctors said. Because then she died.”
Evan stares at her.
Is he supposed to respond to that? What’s the socially accepted way to react to someone you’ve just met telling you that?
Alana stands suddenly. “I have to go. Have a good class!” She steps around Evan and is gone.
Evan stares at the spot she was sitting in for a second before he pulls on his other ballet flat.
A bag is dropped onto the floor next to him and his heart almost leaps out of his chest.
“Hey nerd,” Jared says, tossing shoes into a cubby.
Evan takes a shallow breath. “H-hey.”
“Can’t believe you made it without getting hit by a car.”
Evan picks at his cast. “You’re— that’s not helping, Jared.”
“Yeah, yeah I get it.” Jared grabs Evan’s good arm and yanks him to his feet. Jared pats Evan’s cast. “How you doing, acorn?”
Evan furrows his eyebrows. “Can we, like, not call me that?”
Jared shrugs. “Think you can survive a few classes?”
Jared snorts. “Brutal. If you can survive a class with Oana, you can survive anything.”
Evan thinks otherwise.
Jared pulls them away from the doorway and further into the storage room to let the other girls in the room out. “Seriously, get over it. We all suffer for our parents.”
“Ha, yeah but—”
Evan cuts himself off as someone stalks into the storage room, dumping his bag into a cubby without giving Evan or Jared a second glance.
Until Jared decides to open his mouth.
“Hey, Connor. Haven’t seen the hair down in a while and I’m loving the length. Very school shooter chic.”
Evan wants to die. More than usual.
Very slowly, Connor turns around. He stares at Jared with scary and almost empty looking eyes and Evan realizes he knows this Connor. Because this Connor is Connor Murphy, who’s been in Evan’s grade for years but Evan has avoiding for almost as long because Evan avoids everyone.
“I was kidding,” Jared says. “It was a joke.”
Evan can literally feel the floor opening up beneath him.
“Yeah, no, it was funny. I’m laughing.” Connor leans forward. “Can’t you tell? Am I not laughing hard enough for you, Kleinman?” he hisses.
Jared laughs awkwardly. “You’re such a freak.” He darts around Connor and skids out the door.
Oh no.
Evan coughs. Laughs. Makes…some sort of noise. Because he’s panicking and doesn’t know what to do and his body is freaking out and everything is uncomfortable and awful and he doesn’t know how this day could go so bad so fast.
Connor’s eyes snap to him. “What the fuck are you laughing at?”
Evan freezes. “What?”
“Stop fucking laughing at me!” Connor snaps.
“I’m not—”
“You think I’m a freak?!”
“I wasn’t—”
“You’re the fucking freak!” Connor shouts. He shoves Evan back toward the wall. “Get the fuck to class.” Connor snatches his bag from the cubby and storms out of the room.
Evan stumbles backward until his back hits the wall. His knees give out and he crumples to the ground and his nails scratch at the plaster of his cast as he tries to figure out how breathing works again and he has class he has class he has class he has— 
“Are you okay?”
Evan’s eyes snap up and there’s Zoe Murphy. She’s frowning down at him with her hair tied up in a near perfect ballet bun and is offering a hand to him.
“I- I’m just—” Evan takes her hand and lets her help him up.
“Did something happen with my brother?” she asks, slipping a bag off her shoulder. “I just saw him storm out of here and— he can be awful. It’s probably best just to ignore him when he’s in a mood.”
“Evan, right?” Zoe asks. “Jared mentioned you. I think I’ve seen you around at school.”
“Yeah. Evan. It’s Evan.” Evan rocks back on his heels.
“I’m Zoe.” She shoots him an awkward smile.
“I know,” he says quickly. “I-I mean I’ve— I went to a jazz band concert? I like jazz— I love jazz. Jazz band, not all jazz but jazz band. That’s so weird, I’m sorry.” Evan can hear Jared laughing at him in his mind.
Zoe gives him a sort of confused look as she puts away her bags and pulls out a waterbottle and her flats and pointe shoes. “Uh, okay? Are you…going to ballet with Oana?”
Evan nods.
“Same. Most of the senior comp kids are in it. The ballet classes are the biggest ones, since they aren’t competitive, they’re just required.” She gestures with her pointe shoes. “Do you know where the studio is?”
“N-no,” Evan admits, trying not to cringe.
Zoe smiles at him again and it’s a little like an angel is saving him. “Follow me.” 
After Oana’s class — it’s really not that bad, Evan has no idea what Jared’s problem with it is — Evan pulls out a notebook and rips out a piece of paper and scribbles out the beginnings of a letter before he can forget what he wants to say. Whenever Doctor Sherman asks “how did you feel this week?” Evan feels his mind blank, so despite the fact that he trashes most of his letters, they do help him sort of place his emotions throughout the week.
It doesn’t take too long for Zoe to show up in his words.
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chris-hattori · 8 years
When the Future comes today ll
Hi at all Its part two of the story My English is really wors so sorry for the errors 😆 Have fun XXX Chris Part l ends when Chat viset Mari on her balcony. MY DA🐾🐾 KITTY “ Hey Chat” says Tikki and flew around his head. “ Nice to see you again Tikki” and smils at her, suddnly he realized thet he was stil holdig her hand. The looked intro each others eyes. He rubbed his neck. She take her hand back “Chat did anything happen?” ask she “ No, I just wanted to see you” “I’m fine you don't has to be worry about me.” Says she stuttered and her cheek were red. Chat smiles to her and stood beside her. “What I've just heard, you blush when you think about the model guy?”he wiggled with his eyebrows she sighed “ His Name is Adrien and not model guy. We’re classmates and he his a friend, not more” He grinned at her “ Wait wasn't it the Vulpina Gay too?” She grimack Why he still remeber it she tried to see Paris at night, a side view says her Cat was still look at her, his grinnd becams bigger “ Yes, it was the same Guy” she was still lookig straight, when he stabbed her “ So you like him” She gave him no answer. He turnend around and stood back, he wanted see her face expression ” Or do you want to tell me you've give your Miraculous for everyoe up, cause Princess i remember many situations wiht Chloe..” “ Shut up, stupid Chat” hissed she, put her face in her hands. She felt embarressd and he knows it, but he want to know what she relly felt for his other identety. He gestured at her "Oh lord why are you so interested? I don’t tell him, that i'm Ladybug. So don't worry, I even didn’t tell it you” he looked her surpise “ Why did you change your mind” she she smiles sad“ you're the only one that know Ladybug good enoug, you would noticed the difference to someone new, so i didn't want you, to be worry about the change” She looks so sad at him. He wish he could take her sadness away,like she it often did with him “When did it start?” aske he “ Hmm, since a few month, first i was just more tired then usually, but then start the pain” she touches her breast “ sometimes it feels like my heart is going to tear to pieces , sometimes i pass out” she said so quaietly that he could feel her pain. “ Can i aske you somthing” he tyed to change the subjekt“ sure” says she dismantling “ Why didn’t you invite the Modle guy to the Cinema or don’t go Models in a cinema?” she sighn “ okey first, it mostly ends in a chaos when i only try to speake with him and his much more then a Modle” she looks at Chat “ don't tell me his an Actor too” he said that amused, but he dosn't was prepared for her answer “He is nice to all, attentive for eveything, sensetive for the problems form other, although he dosen't have it easy either and if he could, he would make everyone happy. He is someone really specel for me Chat” Her cheek were red, she put her hands under her chin and lookt moony when she told him that " he’s eyes remember me alays on..“ he blushed too, he was surprised to hear what she think about him. “let me guess, Emeralds” “No, at yours” she looks in his eyes silence lay down. It was the first time that she tell that someone else, not even Alya knew that “So Baggaboo” she try to looked him angrily “ "Do like the guy? So under Partner” he wink at her, she roll her eyes “Yes” His heart made a jump “ I mean you really like him so with dating and the other stuff” she bekams red “Yes” He couldn't belive what he heard, she likes him, he put his eyebrows together ” How much is realy like in your eyes?” ask he it could be that he unterstand her wrong. “More then he likes me” whispered she ashamed. He looks surprised at Marinette, she was looking up to the stars. “ I hear that he had a crush for Ladybug why do yo don’t tell him all ” stuttered he quiet, She stared at him and sighed “ This don't change anythnig Chat. It would be to dangerous for him and i want somone that likes me even though i'm ladybug and not only for that” he looked her amazent “You're incredible Princess” She smiled sed “ Thers people who would say im stupid, but so its better for him, whene he don’t know the truth. Apart from the obvious....”. Suddenly he just wanted to be with her, he decided to tell her everythig “ Marinette I'm..wait” he raised his hands like he wuold say Stop “What means apart from the obvious?” she looks at him unnerved “ I'm really not in his liga Kitty under the mask i just this rush, carelesses girl and the worst thing you know Chat i'm clumsy, he would always have to save me and that for myself. You really deseve someone how is better at this then me as your Partner ” he put his eyesbrows together, he want tell her how amezing and beautyful she is, but Chat was the really wrong Person for that, he smiles about his plan “You are so much more and im glad to have you as my partnern“ says he touch her sholder “you’re quiet cold, you should go inn” says he “ No, im fine “ she want stay with him “ Then get a blanket I' ll wait “ Marinette went in her room and take the blanket, she knows his expression he was planing somthing. She shrugged, it was nice to talking with Chat she feel better when he was around, so she went out again, but Chat was disappeared. She look sad araond. Suddenly she saw a black Kwami flaying to her. She held out her hand and the Kwami sit there, he looks cute a little cat with his green eyes Oh Lord that is Chats Kwami she looked around worried “It’s all okey with him sweety, he just whant to tell you who he really is“ told her the Kwami “ Hi, I' m Plagg. The Kwami from a guy who s quayet shy now”he turn around and Marinette giggled “hi Plagg im Marinette and this is” she can't finished the answer Tikki cames and hugged him already “Plagg I've miss you so much” “ Me too sweetheart” he givs her a kiss. Marinette looks surprised ,” Hey Kid do you come or i have to get you?” says he “Plagg” hissed he. Then she saws Adrien, her eyes grew bigger he come to her and stretched out his hands. Marinette look in his eyes, she take his hands. Both Kwami giggle " I fell asleep isen't it?” Adrien smiles at her “ No, you don't sleep Mari. I’m here and i'm Chat” “I.. I Are you sure?” stuttered she and bekam red, she turned frantically around this can't be true she taks a side view Adrien has just sat in the bench, he took the blanket. Plagg whistle “ And i thought you were shy” “Plagg “ Tikki looks angrey to him “Perhaps its too much for one day” says she. Adrien looked at her worried and would make a stap to her. She lifted the hands up and start move around. ”To much for me? for onley one day?” aske she “ When I got up this moning I thought i was going to die, and i feel fine with that. I go to school and kick that damm Akuma in his butt. It was like every damm day since tow years for me” her face blushed “And now? I hed to passing a surpris examinations that will decide my future and know it will end in a mess. I am embarressed, because I talk to my Partner about the awsome guy that a like without knowing that he is that guy. Why i can't be a normel girl with normel problems. This damm Kitty” she hiden her face “ Thats a great mess like always” she heard a giggle from the bench, Adrien and both Kwamis where waching her the hole time “First oft all, you should sit down Master Fu says you have to reast , twice it's great that we haven’t any secrets more between us” his eyes were shaining, she stood there looking at him. Sighed he sit next to him down. Tikki hugged her face “ erything will go well I promised” says Tikki “yes, sometimes your clumsy Bagaboo, but you’re also brave and amazing” he prpared the blanker over them and take her hand. “I can assure you as your damm kitty, I'll be there to catch you no matter what happens” he was serious and she can feel it but “ and If i'm not Ladybug ,whene it was all just a joke, a trap to know you identedi?” he looks into her eyes “ I wouldn't care, I belive so” he put his eyesbrow together like Chat it does. “ The first time i saw Ladybug she pulled me into a spell, she was so impressive to me, she didn’t had fear“ he bekame slowley red “ but the first time i talk to you, let my heart beart faster and you surprise me always anew” now he was red “ okey it's really a dream” He couldn’t like her Or did he realy liks me? She was confused he looked at her and smiles “ What would you do if it really was a dream?” asked he intersted. He noticed how she came closer and put her arms around his neck at the next moment she kissed him. Her lips were very soft on his, he put his arms around herand take her closer . She put her forehead to his as she loosened their lips “ Thak you for all Kitty, i really wish that all where true” says she and put her head on his sholder. His surprised face and the laught oft his Kwami was the last thing she could remember about the dream. She wake up happy ”oh Tikki i had the most beautiful dream” “ Wait.. Ah Marinette whats happened in the dream exactly?” “ You, meet an other Kwami, it was like you know him well” she brushes her hair and lookt at the mirro “hmm to day i wear the hair openly” Marinette look to Tikki she made a linked face “what's wrong Tikki?” “I've got bad newes for you Mari” “Marinette you visited” called her Mother. She went the stairs down “It wasn't a dream” piped Tikki “for sure ?” “the kwami was call Plagg and belongs to” she stopped abruptly. “ Adrien whats “ I hop you had fun Part lll will come soon
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