#but it’s totally in your best interest we’ll come get you both
unfinishedslurs · 2 years
aware of his bisexuality steve (steddie, buckingham)
“Is that a hickey?” Comes out of Steve’s mouth without permission. But there it is, bright purple and red against the slope of her neck. She’s been walking kind of funny this morning, too. He’d assumed her period came early, but… “Rob, did you—“
Eddie fumbles the coffee mug he was pulling down. Chrissy freezes, face turning white with fear. Robin whips around, face bright red, and slaps a hand over her neck. 
“Bathroom!” She yelps. “Bathroom now!”
“Wait,” Eddie says, setting the mug down with trembling hands. “It was me. Sorry, man.”
Steve stares at him, unimpressed. Why the fuck would he lie about—
He looks at Chrissy again, who takes a nervous step back, and it clicks. 
“Right,” he says, nodding quickly. “You. You gave Robin a hickey. Had totally awesome sex that she didn’t even tell me about.” He directs that last bit at Robin pointedly. He told her almost immediately when he lost his guy-ginity. Traitor. “Yep. Sure. Got it.”
Eddie blinks, confused. Robin buries her face in her hands. 
“Oh my god, calm down,” she groans. “That’s not going to work. Steve’s cool.”
“Cool?” Chrissy asks, still looking ready to bolt. 
“Super cool,” he assures her. “The coolest. So incredibly cool, even if my best friend didn’t even tell me when she lost her virginity.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he says. “But I am going to need details, Buckley. We can go over what worked, and what needs more oomph.”
“Oh my god, can we talk about this anywhere else,” Robin groans, at the same time Eddie asks, “What, so you can get off on it later?”
“What,” Steve says. 
“You think two girls are hot, is that it?” He’s got a sneer on his face now, but Steve’s more observant than Dustin gives him credit for. Even if he wasn’t, it’d be hard to miss how hard his hands are shaking, the nervous tilt to his mouth. 
“Ew.” Steve’s face screws up. “Dude, no. It’s Robin.”
“Hey, fuck you,” Robin breaks in, from where she’s started comforting Chrissy. “You thought I was hot for at least a summer.”
His mouth drops open in betrayal. “We agreed to never talk about that again!”
“Can’t help being sexy,” she coons. Chrissy giggles wetly. “You wanna get married, Harrington? Have my babies? Stay home and raise six little nuggets while I bring home the bread?”
“I hate you,” he informs her. “Hate you so much. We’ll have a nice, heterosexual wedding and share a sad, heterosexual kiss, and you’ll carry me over the threshold of our nice, heterosexual house, and we’ll have boring, heterosexual sex that gives us nice, heterosexual babies, because we are so heterosexual and happy in our suburburban house in our nice little heterosexual town.”
He’s honestly kind of proud of himself for saying heterosexual so many times. Usually he fumbles words with that many syllables, especially after that many times in a row. 
Chrissy is outright laughing, now, endearing little snorts making their way between giggles. Eddie is looking between them like they’re a puzzle he can’t piece together. Robin grins.
“I’ll cuck you with the secretary.”
“Not if I cuck you first. You’ll be away all day in that office of yours, and I need someone big and strong to carry all the new furniture I ordered.”
“I knew it! I knew Timmy wasn’t mine!”
“Oh, but I couldn’t help myself,” he swoons. “Mark was just so sweet, with his bulging biceps and hand flexes, all hot and sweaty from helping poor little me while you were away! You know I’m weak to curly hair and brown eyes, Rob, how’s a man supposed to resist?”
“Fag,” she says, not without affection. 
“Dyke,” he shoots back. 
“Okay,” Eddie breaks in, clapping his hands. He and Robin both startle, and so does Chrissy from where she’s been watching them like a particularly interesting tennis match. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Robin lost her virginity and didn’t even tell me,” Steve says immediately, like he’s tattling to the principal. 
“Steve doesn’t seem to understand the concept of waiting,” Robin retorts. 
“I told you when I had gay sex,” he whines, and Eddie chokes. “I hate you. See if I ever give you tips again.”
“Oh, is that what you meant?” Chrissy asks. “Please don’t stop. They were good tips.”
Robin flushes all the way down to her toes. 
“You like boys?” Eddie wheezes. 
“Oh,” Steve blinks. “Yeah? I thought you knew.”
“You thought I—how would I know?”
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Steve’s been flirting with him for months!
“Robin always says we can sense each other! You sensed her.”
“You told him?” Eddie’s mouth drops open, and Robin looks sheepish.
“She didn’t have to,” Steve snarks. “You’re flagging in Hawkins, man. Was I supposed to miss it?”
“You know what flagging is?”
“Again, in case you missed it, I fuck men.”
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters. “Fuck! Christ, I can’t believe this. You’re, like, the epitome of heterosexual. I spent half of high school having to hear about how much pussy you were getting. Why are you not straight?”
“Wow, Eddie,” he deadpans. “Are you saying just because I like men and woman, I’m not queer enough? That’s kind of homophobic of you, man.”
“Yeah, Eddie, wow,” Robin says. “I thought you were better than this.” 
“Fuck off,” Eddie says. “I feel like I need to lie down. My entire worldview just shattered.”
“I have a couch?” Chrissy offers shyly. “Or a bedroom, if you need a minute away.” Fuck, Steve kind of adores her. Especially since she’s apparently vicious n bed, if the five other hickies he counts just from Robin bending down a little to whisper in her ear are any indication. Good for her.  
“Don’t worry, Eddie,” Robin says, with a glint in her eye that means he’s either going to love or hate what comes next. “If it helps, Steve’s never fucked a man in his life.”
Eddie’s brow furrows, looking between the two of them. “So…you’re just making fun of me?”
He looks a little angry now, and Steve can’t make heads or tails of this conversation because, “What the hell, Rob, yes I have—“
“Oh, so suddenly you’re the one doing the fucking?”
“Stop making fun of me for taking it!”
Eddie lets out an honest to god moan that he immediately slaps his hand over his mouth to cover up. “Right,” he says fervently. “Okay. I need to lie down, like, for real.” 
They watch him stride down the hall, so fast he’s almost running, and slam the door closed behind him.
“I could totally top,” he mutters to Robin as something that sounds vaguely like muffled screaming echoes down the hall. “I top girls all the time. It’s not my fault prostates are a gift from God.”
“Uh, you top because all the girls you fuck are from small town Indiana. If one of them brought out the strap you’d drop to your knees so fast—“
“That’s—I like topping!”
“Your favorite position is cowgirl. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
“I will show Chrissy your baby pictures,” he hisses. Robin makes a face at him. Chrissy nods excitedly from where she’s still tucked under Robin’s arm. 
“Oh what’s that?” Robin practically shouts. “You like being pressed against walls and ravished? You want someone to tie you up and have their filthy way with you? Is that what you said, Steve?”
Another noise from the bedroom. He narrows his eyes at her. “What are you doing?”
“Helping,” she says sweetly. “You’re both hopeless.”
“I told you he’s shy!”
“Eddie?” Chrissy asks. “Shy?”
“Yeah, okay, I was confused too, but I figured it was the romance! He told me he hasn’t actually been in a relationship before, I assumed he was nervous to take that step.”
“Yeah, but dingus,” Robin says sweetly. “You’re missing a puzzle piece here. He thought you were straight. He thought he was flirting with his straight best friend he didn’t have a chance in hell with, and then he finds out that said best friend likes taking it up the ass and men with brown eyes.”
“Oh,” Steve says, realization dawning. “Oh, fuck. What if he doesn’t like me like that?”
Robin smacks the back of his head. “Why are you stupid?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” Chrissy says. “Like, really don’t have to worry about that.”
“I’m not coming over tonight,” Robin says. “I’m gonna stay with Chrissy again. Er…if that’s okay?”
“That sounds amazing.” Chrissy beams, and Robin turns red again.
“Yeah, I’m going to stay with Chrissy again tonight. You are going to invite Eddie to stay the night when he gets done with his little crisis, and then we’re getting lunch at the diner tomorrow and you can tell me about it before our shift.”
“Right,” Steve says. “Right, I can do this. I’ve invited guys over before, how hard can it be? It’s just Eddie. But that was hotel rooms, not my house and my bedroom with my shitty wallpaper. And it’s Eddie. Fuck, what if I’m shit at it? Robin, what if I’m actually bad at sex and everyone who’s ever said I was good was lying because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings? Oh my god, I’m totally bad at sex.”
“Woah, dingus, slow down. I think we took the mind meld too far, you’re turning into me.”
“If it helps, I don’t think you’re bad at sex,” Chrissy says. Steve and Robin look at her, and she flushes. “Because of the tips! Not because—I’ve never slept with you, but some of my friends did, and I got three orgasms out of last night, so…”
“Oh thank God,” he breathes. “I was worried for a minute.” Then he raises an eyebrow at Robin, and holds out his hand for a high five. She slaps it, begrudgingly proud of herself, and then takes the hand to pull him into a headlock that’s honestly more of a hug than anything. 
“You’re fine,” she whispers in his ear. “You’re great at sex, as you keep telling me. What’s more, you’re funny, charming, handsome, brave, caring—“
“Aww, Robin, are you getting sappy on me?”
“Plus Eddie literally moaned in front of you when he found out you bottomed. I really don��t think there’s a way to fuck that up.”
Steve grins. “He did do that. I’m going to make so much fun of him later.”
“So,” Eddie says with a smirk, “men with brown eyes?”
“Hey man, don’t look at me. Blame Jonathan.”
Now Eddie looks stunned, mouth dropping open. “Byers?” He says, sounding betrayed. “You have a crush on Byers of all people?”
Steve feels offended on Jonathan’s behalf. “What’s that supposed to mean? Jonathan’s a good guy!”
“I guess.”
“What do you mean you guess? He’s sweet, passionate, good with kids, nice eyes. Can pack a punch. I mean, what’s not to like?”
“Uh, didn’t he steal your girlfriend?”
He waves that off. “That was, like, years ago, man. We’re cool now.”
“Right, okay,” Eddie mutters. “Well have fun with Byers, I guess.”
It clicks. “Oh,” he says. “Oooh. You’re jealous.”
Eddie splutters. “Jealous? I’m not—I don’t—you’re jealous!”
“Oh, am I?”
“Yes,” Eddie says resolutely, not looking at him. 
“Right,” Steve agrees. “Well, if I am jealous, maybe I should know that I got over Jonathan years ago, and have since moved on to brighter, hopefully more attainable pastures than my ex’s ex.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“A different man with brown eyes?” He suggests. “Who is also good with kids, and passionate, and…” he trails off, suddenly realizing all those times Robin made fun of him might not be based on nothing. “Oh my god, I have a type. Shit, I have to tell Robin she was right.”
“I figured that was a common occurrence.”
“Shut up. Where was I going with this? I had a point.”
“You were telling me how awesome I am?”
“Oh, suddenly it’s you we’re talking about?”
“I mean,” suddenly Eddie looks shy, and Steve can’t help but think even with the change in context he might have been right when he told Robin Eddie was nervous about being in a real, romantic relationship, “isn’t it?”
He feels himself smile, slow and wide and probably more revealing than he means it to be. “Yeah,” he says, in a tone he knows Robin would call soppy, “it is.”
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elliemontana · 8 months
Ruin the friendship.
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Ellie Williams x Female reader
Summary: Ellie and you are best friends since you were teenagers. You never kept a single secret from her, and you have “helped” each other out to get the girls you’ve been interested in… but she has been lying to you. So, one day, you guys get stoned, and she blackmails you to fuck her. Could you ruin the friendship?
WARNINGS: dom¡ reader x sub¡ Ellie, strap mention, weed usage, oral, dirty talk, fingering, begging, degrading (slut, whore), edging, pet names (good girl, princess).
Ellie and you are best friends since you guys were 13 years old. You met in school and immediately clicked once you found out you were both into soccer and started practicing together.
It has never been a secret that you like girls, you told Ellie about your first kiss story the second day you met. And she also confessed you that she has always been into girls. Being queer is one of your favorite topics to talk about.
Ellie has always had game, and also you. You usually help each other out to get girls. If a cutie catches your eye, you immediately tell Ellie about it, you can’t keep your mouth shut around her, and she’s always happy to help you grab the courage to talk to them, and viceversa.
Today is gonna be a good day. It’s Saturday, and both of you were invited to the quarterback’s birthday party at 9 pm.
You check the hour in your phone. It’s 7:30. “Fuck. I’m gonna be late.” - you mutter. You’re wearing pijamas, because you’ve been laying in bed all day, watching tiktoks, and wasting your time.
But you have to pick Ellie up. You’re late.
You quickly dress up, putting on your black worn out jeans, black converse, black T- shirt and a Leather jacket. Full black is never a crime.
You pick up your keys and rush out of home, not saying goodbye to your parents.
You get inside your car and speed up to get to Ellie’s house, so you decide to call her.
“Waddup els? You ready? I’m on my way.” - you say as soon as she picks up.
“You have to be kidding me. I forgot.” - She mutters through the phone, with a low tone and a sleepy voice.
You frown.
“What the fuck Ellie. Are you sleeping or something? Get the fuck up. I’m literally 4 blocks away.”
“Shit. Wait.” - She says, and like that, she hangs up. She always does that.
You throw your phone in your backseat, and arrive to her place.
You get out of the car, and knock on her door, loudly.
“Ellie!!!!” - You yell.
“I’m coming!” - She yells back from her window.
So you wait, until she’s ready, right outside her door.
And just like that, after waiting for 15 fucking minutes, she opens the door.
“Hello there.” - She says, smirking. She’s wearing a green flannel, blue jeans and a black beanie.
“You made me wait too much, I thought we’d agree you’d be ready by 8 pm. But let’s go.” - You say and she nods, following you as you hop in the car.
You start driving and look at her again. She never fails to look amazing. She has this weird ass smile and look in her face. But she looks pretty cute.
“You look good.” - You compliment your friend.
“And you look like shit.” - She says back and laugh.
“Can you stop messing with me for one second, Ellie?” - You say, as you roll your eyes.
“No. How could I even do that? Besides…admit that I look better than you right now. I’m gonna get all the bitches for sure.” - She says, with a cocky smile on her face.
“Bye.” - You reply. “Bet I’ll get more girls than you but okay…”
She rolls her eyes. “We’ll see.” - She says and keeps looking at you.
She has always thought you were pretty attractive though. She has always liked the way your lips form a smile, and your glances, and your style, and your beautiful eyes, and your hands…even more when you guys are playing video-games…and the way you’re all focused, and get pissed when you lose. She loves that.
She’s a total tease, and loves to mess up with your mood, just for fun…because she’s your best friend.
She looks at you while your eyes are focused on the road. Her eyes travel to your hands, and how they squeeze the wheel. She bites her lip. She can’t help but squeeze her thighs. She imagines the things those hands do to other girls.
And suddenly she’s frowning.
Damn…why is she thinking about her best friend like this?
“You good? You’re too quiet.” - You say and that makes her flinch out of her thoughts.
“Yeah yeah. Are we almost there?” - She asks, as she clears her throat.
“Mhmm.” - You say.
You see all these random people getting inside of the birthday boy’s big house and you park somewhere near the house.
“C’mon els.” - You tell her and she walks with you.
The place is too crowded. There’s too many people, and they’re already drinking like there’s no tomorrow. The whole place smells like smoke and weed.
“God…I hope I can smoke some weed today.” - She says loudly, but you can still her through the music.
“Yeah? You brought some?” - I ask her.
“No. But I might know someone that has that.” - She says and winks.
This is gonna be fun.
The party keeps on going. You don’t know what time it is, but you’ve had a few drinks and you don’t care.
You and Ellie have been dancing together the whole night, jumping around, and laughing.
“Fuckkkkkkkkk….” - She says. “I’m having so much fun right now.” - She confesses, laughing.
“Me too!!” -You say smiling. “We haven’t even been on the pretty girls around.” - I joke.
She stops smiling.
“Yeah. Right.” - She says.
Suddenly, I see a pretty girl, looking at me. She’s drinking, and dancing with her friends, but she’s smirking at me. She’s wearing a tiny little black dress that reveals a little, and leaves a lot to the imagination.
Ellie makes me come back to reality.
“What are you looking at?” - She says, standing in-front of me with her arms crossed.
“That girl is cute, ain’t she?” - I say, pointing at her and she waved at us.
Ellie rolls her eyes.
“No, she’s not.” - She blurts out. She’s drunk.
“Oh c’mon Ellie! She’s so our type.” -You tell her, expecting a smile or a laugh from her but she just stays serious.
“Not my type.” - She says, grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the kitchen.
“Um…since when are you not into hot fems…” - You say, weirded out.
She ignores your comment, and takes a little bag out of her pocket.
“Holy fuck. When did you get that?” - I ask her in surprise. You were next to her the entire time….Maybe she bought them when she went to the bathroom.
“Don’t ask. Want some?” - She says, and takes a puff out, as she puts the little bag in her pocket.
“Yeah.” - I say and try to grab the joint out of her hand, but she grabs my wrist tightly.
“No. Not here.” - She says, too serious. Her eye contact is too fucking intense.
“Well…where then?” - I ask. “We’re literally in somebody else’s house right now.”
She doesn’t say a word and grabs your wrist to drag you somewhere again.
“What the-“
“Shut up.” - She says, and takes me to somebody’s dorm room in the house.
“Um…” - You say, and she lets you go to close the door behind you.
“Wanna smoke with you. But not in-front of everyone.” - She says as she sits on the bed and you sit on a chair, that is close by the bed.
“Come closer.” - She says, and takes the lighter out of her pocket to light the cigarette.
You get up and walk towards her to sit next to her as she takes the first hit. She looks like she’s really enjoying it, inhaling the substance and looking directly in your eyes while she exhales it.
“May I?” - You say, putting your hand on her hand, to take the joint.
“Mhm.” - She says, and you take it out of her mouth, and inhale. She’s looking at how you take your time smoking it.
“Why are you so serious Ellie?” - You ask her. “You mad or something?”
You feel certain tension between you two. Something you haven’t felt. Ever.
-“No. ‘m not.” - She says as she looks at your hand, offering the joint back to her. “Why would I be mad?” - She says, and inhales.
“Um…I don’t know. You tell me. Have I done something wrong?” - You ask, concerned. You care about her. “Was it because I rushed you to be ready when I picked you up?”
“No.” - Is all she says.
You look down. She’s definitely acting fucking weird.
“Tell me Ellie.”
“No. I’m good.” - She hums.
“Was it…because I had more game than you today?” - You smirk, remembering the cute girl that was looking at you and expecting her to react somehow. But she doesn’t.
“Don’t bring that shit up.” - she says.
“Oh so it’s that…” - You say, and take a hit.
She stays quiet.
“Talk Ellie. Fucking talk.” - You say, now getting a little bit annoyed.
“Yeah. It’s about her.” - She says, making eye contact with you the entire time.
“Fuck…you like her or something? Ellie, I would never get in between you an-
“I don’t want her looking at you.” -She cuts you off.
“Um.” That caught you off guard. “I mean…is she mean? Or is she a bad person? You’ve never been worried about who I mess around with…” - You say and she chuckles.
But that little laugh sounds sassy as fuck.
“I just don’t want her around you.” - She confesses.
Deep inside she feels like she’s saying too much, but she doesn’t really care anymore. She admits to herself that she has been swallowing her jealousy when you bring a girl into the conversations. She’s been trying to “help” you, while she threatens the girls you like, only for them not to call you back, or show up in the dates.
She’s been trying to fucking cockblock you, and you have no fucking idea why every girl you flirt with has been ignoring you after having sex.
“She might just be like all the girls you know?” She says, smirking. “And leave you waiting.”
That hurts your ego.
“Shut the fuck up.” - You say, a little pissed.
“You should listen to me, and stop fucking with all these girls, if they’re gonna keep leaving.” - She says, hiding her true intentions with you.
“You’re a fucking bitch for bringing this up. They like me!” - You reply.
“Do they?…” - She pauses. “Maybe you just don’t fuck them good enough.”
“The fuck did you just say?” - You say. You’re mad and that has her smirking like crazy. She’s playing with you, and you have no fucking idea.
“You heard me angel.”
That makes your head ring.
“Maybe you just don’t fuck them good enough. Your stroke game is weak? Maybe you don’t have them squirming beneath you like you should, and that’s why they go…” - She teases.
You cross your arms.
“Fuck you. I fuck them real good.” - You say and that makes her clench her fists.
She doesn’t like the thought of you fucking another girl. Making them squirt all over your strap, making them scream your name in pleasure. She swallows her feelings and says:
“Talk your talk. But I’ve heard them talk.” She lies. “Poor you, thinking you actually made them cum.”
“Fucking shut up.” - You say.
“Or what?” - She replies, and smirks.
Oh my god. She’s insane.
If she wasn’t your best friend, you’d probably be fucking her dumb like a slut right now, and proving her wrong. But she doesn’t mean it like that…Does she?
I mean, She’s fucking hot, but she’s not really your type….
Masc lesbian? Dominant in bed? A fucking tease?
Nah…you like pretty, bratty, submissive girls.
You flinch when you feel her hand on your thigh, and you look at her tattooed arm, and how she starts tracing circles with her thumb on it.
Why did that make your fucking pussy throb?
How could you fuck her? You could never ruin such a beautiful friendship like this, could you?
“What are you doing?” - you blurt out. You can’t think straight. Your best friend is literally touching your leg right now.
“I don’t know. What am I doing?” - She teases, with her hand still on your thigh.
“Ellie…” You start saying but she cuts you off.
“You know what? Maybe you should just..,get your reputation back, you know?” - She says and you raise your eyebrow.
“What?” - You say, truly confused.
“Yeah…you know…maybe I could tell them you can actually fuck.” - She says looking at her own hand on your thigh now, as she brings it closer to your crotch.
The way she’s touching you has your pussy clenching. And you hate it.
Or do you?
“Yeah…you should tell them that…” - You hiss.
“Mhm..” - She says. “But what will I get in return?”
“Uh…what? What do you mean by that Ellie?” - You say, when I’m the back of your head, and by the way she’s touching you, you know what she wants.
“Fuck me.” That’s it for you. “Fuck me good, and I’ll tell everyone that talks shit about you that you’re a god in bed.”
She’s fucking lying. Everyone says you’re good in bed, but she just needs you so bad. And she knows your ego is easy to hurt. She’s gonna get what she wants.
“You’re…you’re out of your fucking mind Ellie.” - You say, but then you feel her hand on your crotch. Touching you the way you’ve never thought you’d be touched by her.
And it has you fucking aching.
“Yeah? Am I? I’m just saying…If you wanna get your stupid reputation back…you’re gonna have to fuck me.” - She says, confident.
You look at her green eyes, the way her lips form a devilish smile and you wanna throw yourself at her.
What’s wrong with you?
“Fuck it.” - You finally say, as you grab her face and kiss her.
She moans into the kiss, and hums as she puts her hands on your waist.
You deepen the kiss, forcing your tongue inside of her mouth and she gladly takes it. Making out with you.
This feels good. Too fucking good, you’re a soaking wet mess, and you just wanna know if she is too.
You move your hand to her jeans, and quickly unbutton them, with one hand. Sliding your fingers inside of her boxers.
She’s soaked.
“Fuck.” You mutter on her lips. “Fucking wet already? Huh? Wanted me to fuck you so bad?” - You say and she nods in response.
“Don’t pretend like you aren’t fucking drenching for me too, bitch.” - She talks back.
“Oh yeah? You wanna talk back huh?” -You say, as you slide a finger inside of her with no warning, and you start plumping them in and out of her.
She moans in response and throws her head back.
“Cat got your fucking tongue huh? Gonna make you shut the fuck up.” - You say.
You enjoy being rough with her, and by the way she’s clenching your fingers, you can tell she likes it too.
You throw her on the bed and take her jeans off, leaving her with her boxers on.
You get on top of her kiss her neck, and all of her body.
You trail little kisses on her cleavage, down to her stomach and she’s a whimpering mess.
“Want me to taste you?” - I say.
“Lick my fucking pussy already.” - She replied boldly.
You lick her perfect belly, and position yourself in between her legs, and you decide to keep teasing her. She deserves it.
You pull her boxers down a little bit, revealing her little clit, and smirking at how wet she is.
“Fucking whore. You just wanted me to fuck you dumb didn’t you?” - You say, and before she can say anything, you put your tongue on her clit, and start tracing little circles with it, you flick your tongue all over it, and suck on it like a pro.
She feels like she’s in heaven, with your mouth pleasing her, and her only. But the thought of you with other women, with their legs spread open for you hits her again.
The thought of that fucking pisses her off, so she grabs your hair, and presses your head against her center, forcing you to suck rougher on her pussy.
she’s using your mouth like a fucking toy, and groaning in pleasure.
“Suck on it bitch, c’mon. Fuck.” - She cussed out, smirking as she thrusts her hips onto your mouth.
That catches you by surprise, but you make sure to tongue fuck her, just to hear how loud her moans are getting.
“Oh fuck yeah…just like that.” - You look up at her, and she’s a moaning mess, her grip on your hair is now weak, and she’s shaking.
You grab her thighs roughly, and slap them.
She immediately flinches.
“You think you can just use my mouth like that, huh?” - You slap her clit and she moans, hands gripping the sheets. “Trying to make yourself fucking cum? Oh no, princess…you’re gonna have to beg for it.” - You say, as you slide a finger inside of her.
She’s a fucking mess. She wanted this for so fucking long, and now she’s getting it. Her best friend is fucking her pussy so good, she feels like she’s about to cry.
“Holy fuck!” - She says.
“Yeah? You like it don’t you?” - You say, and you can’t handle the ache between your legs. It’s even painful. The way your finger goes in and out of her so easily from her soakness blows your mind, and has you creaming in your boxers.
“Fuck yeah. Please…” - She says, not giving a fuck about begging, even though she doesn’t even know what she’s begging for at the moment.
You add another finger, and slide them in and out roughly, feeling her clenching on them like crazy.
She’s about to cum.
“Fuck yes yes yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me just like that.” - She begs.
“Don’t you dare fucking cum yet, you filthy slut.” - You command, and she rolls her eyes in pleasure.
She definitely likes when you call her like that. She never imagined she would like getting dominated and degraded by another woman, but everytime she was alone, she fucked herself thinking about how good you’d take her from behind.
As much as she wanted to do the same to you, you’re too much for her too handle. She’s so close to cumming all over your fingers right now.
“Oh my fuck- fucking god!” - Your fingers keep going in and out of her pussy, and you lick her puffy clit while you finger-fuck her.
You lick it up and down, flick it slowly with your tongue, leave little kisses on it, own it like a fucking pro.
“Who fucking owns this pussy? Huh?” - You ask and she can barely talk. She’s too drunk in the feeling of your sweet licks.
“You. You do.” - She confesses as she starts clenching your fingers, she’s close again.
“You’ll cum when I tell you to fucking cum okay?” - You say and she nods. “Good girl.” - You compliment her.
“If you can take my fingers this fucking well, like such a fucking whore…imagine how good you’d take my cock.” - I say and she puts her hand on her mouth, to cover her moans and i quickly slap her thigh clit again.
“Don’t fucking cover your mouth. I wanna hear you.” - She nods and puts her hand on my head, now caressing it. “You like that don’t you? The thought of cumming all over my cock, milking me fucking dry.”
“Holy fuck. Let me cum…please let me cum, I’ll do anything, please.”- She says…And I feel her walls biting my fingers…
“So desperate.” - I smirk. “Fucking cum baby, cum like you’d cum on my dick.” - I tell her and she cums so fucking hard, i even hurts my fingers. But I like it so much, I’m edging myself so good to this.
“That’s it baby, good, good fucking girl.” - I praise her and press little kisses on her clit, with my fingers still inside of her.
“Fuck…oh my god.” - She bites her lip and runs her hands through her hair.
I pull my fingers out of her and get on top of her to kiss her lips softly.
“You did so good.” - I praise her, and lay next to her. She looks at me and smiles. “You fucked me so good, just like I thought you would.”
I chuckle.
“Yeah? You gonna tell them girls I’m good in bed now?” - I tease her.
“No. You’re mine.” - She says. Suddenly serious again.
“I actually lied to you, they never said you suck in bed. They always say you’re too good at eating pussy.” - She confesses and rolls her eyes. “They brag about it all the time. But the truth is…that I’m jealous.”
“They don’t talk to you after the first link because…I threaten them not to get near you…I tell them I’ll put drugs in their backpacks and get them expelled.” - she confesses.
Holy shit. She’s fucking Evil.
All this fucking time? She has been ruining your dates?
Why? Does she like you? She just said she’s jealous. But jealous as a friend or…
“What the fuck. And you lied to me right now?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I just…I just wanted you so bad. I’m…I like you. A lot.” - She says, looking straight into your eyes and you’re suddenly weak.
Your best friend, the girl that was screaming your name beneath you a few minutes ago, likes you.
Oh my god…
I’ve been so stupid.
You remember all those times she has frowned when you have mentioned those girls to her, that one time when she almost kissed you when she was drunk…that other time when you found her diary, and your name was written all over it.
You thought she just really cared about you as a friend…but after this?
What could happen?
Could you ruin the friendship?
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Funny valentine: (name) please..i love you so much that it physically hurts me, please accept my love, (name)...
Reader: don't you have a wife?? 🤨
Funny valentine: i don't know what you're talking about..
Proceeds to write on a divorce paper and immediately sends it to scarlet
Saved this for today since it’s the 4th of July.
Reader: *gets Scarlet to try and convince her husband to not divorce her* *you even plead how good of a couple they are, she knows him better than you do*
*proceed to butter her up too much*
Scarlet: I like your spirit, but it’s cute you think you can run off just like that. You won’t get married outside of myself or my husband , he won’t allow it. I could shield you, that’s the best thing you have right now. Reader: *looks at Scarlet freaked out* I- I can’t possibly stay here…
Scarlet: *expression softens she’s totally enamored with you* You still want to run anyway? I won’t stop you, *she proceeds to pull out a small piece of paper to write on it* “however, I have something in mind…”
she hums a short moment later sliding said bit of paper to you.
Scarlet instructs you to go to this address and that someone will be there to help you.
Scarlet: I’ll propose something to my husband, a wager of finding you. We’ll work separately,
Reader: that sounds insane!
Scarlet: Not as insane as you running away without a plan, this is the federal government we’re talking about here dear y/n. If my husband is head over heels for you as you describe then you’re doomed from the start.
She hurt to see the look of defeat on your face, the way you were vulnerable right in front of her. No wonder her husband liked you,
Whether you liked it or not, this probably was the greatest chance at freedom you had. But you couldn’t help but feel you were only marginally safer with Scarlet than Funny Valentine. Shakily you accepted her offer and she guided you out of her room and out the building. Making sure not a single guard would see you.
Funny Valentine later approaches her asking where dearest y/n went. Scarlet: Let’s talk about that shall we? *She gestures at the divorce papers* I’ll protect y/n one way or another as best as I can, to give them a chance to run away from you. They’re so cute I couldn’t stand to just squash their sense of hope right in front of them. I know how you work after all dear,
Funny Valentine : *His eyes furrow looking at his current wife in front of him* Are you trying to suggest something here?
Scarlet : *Nodding confidently* See normally I’d be upset at such an announcement you handed me, but something about seeing y/n coming through the door and begging me to talk some sense into you, stirred certain emotions within me. They listed everything about how I knew you so thoroughly like a lovely wife should, they paid attention…
Her fingers tapped on a nearby table she was leaning on
“I’d like to propose a wager on y/n, I’ll help her from my side, not once do you interfere in my end. However, you can continue looking for her however you see fit outside of that. If you find them, I’ll gladly sign the divorce papers you have served me…”
Funny Valentine : then I presume we’d stay married as long as they’re still on the run.
Scarlet : Either way, it works out for both of us. I won’t be having them marry anyone else, I’ll likely have them come back somewhere around this area, if I win. Not “here” so to speak, if they hold out long enough.
Funny Valentine: I’m sensing a time limit as another condition to potentially win.
Scarlet: more so for me to fall back on, but yes, about a year should do it. If I manage that I get to do what I see fit with them, as I suggested moments ago, with moving them back here. You’d still get to see y/n even, you have the simple restriction of being unable to marry them
If you manage to foil me and find them first, then they’re all yours my lovely husband.
Funny Valentine : So interesting….and such a clever way to torture me. Yet, a fitting punishment.
Scarlet: Are you’re changing your mind on this? You can just let them go and everything would be fine
Funny Valentine : *shaking his head* No, it’s the opposite I agree to your terms, testing me on my desire for y/n. Perhaps even you’re testing yourself here, I find it fascinating…
*In your desperation to run away you somehow made everything worse for yourself*
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kisses4kaia · 1 year
how about sub!ethan who is super sweet and tries to be the best he can for the reader
this is canon actually !! non-gf ethan! 17+, fem reader. please remember to reblog with tags if you enjoyed to support your favorite writers- k🩷.
do not repost anywhere
st tropez party girl💄- e, landry ,,
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ethan landry loves you. it’s an objective fact that practically the whole world knows.
except for you.
see, he’s been in love with you, from the moment he laid eyes on your gorgeous face in on of his econ classes.
you asked the smartest question, a question not him, nor any of his other classmates would’ve ever thought up.
you were witty, charming, and downright sexy. how could he not fall in love with you?
“hey, who is that?” ethan asked the girl next to him, pointing at you, completely oblivious to the fact that she’d been ogling him all class.
the excitement quickly drained from her features as she realized he held no interest for her.
so she told him your name. and as he whispered to himself, over and over, he never thought he heard a sweeter sound.
after class was dismissed, he tried to find you through the swarm of tired college students. and he thought he saw your pretty pink shirt in the wave, but it was gone within a blink.
he sighed and gave up, thinking he could try again tomorrow.
luckily, he wouldn’t have to wait that long.
at that following lunch period, he went to find chad and mindy.
and when he saw you, sitting on a bench with the twins and anika, laughing and talking, he couldn’t help but think it was fate.
he approached your quad and sat down beside chad, whom was sitting across from the couple and you.
“hey, ethan!” chad waved him over.
your heart immediately fluttered when you laid eyes of the boy. you thought you recognized him from a class of yours.
“ethan, this is y/n. y/n, ethan,” mindy waved to you both in an introductory manner.
“yeah, i think we have a class together, no?” you offered a kind smile to the boy.
he nodded, happy you recognized him. “yeah, we do.”
unknown to you, the twins and anika totally noticed the sparks flaring between you two.
“so, what were you guys talking about before i got here?” ethan regrettably tore eye contact with you.
mindy spoke up “oh, we were talking about the party tonight. y/n should come, don’t you think?” she smiled cheekily, knowing exact what she was doing.
“yeah, for sure!” you smiled at ethan’s enthusiasm.
“uh, mindy, chad,” anika spoke. “didn’t we have that thing?”
“oh, right. we’ll see you guys later tonight?” chad looked between the pair of you and ethan. “yeah, definitely.” you nodded happily.
as you laughed as you saw chad trip over nothing whilst trying to keep up with his sister, ethan swore he’d never wanted to hear something again more.
“hey, i’m done with classes for the day, you?” inquired ethan.
you nodded. “yeah, wanna grab something to eat?” you asked.
“you read my mind.” he joked as you both gathered your things.
you actually loved the time you spent with ethan. he was so sweet and funny and you definitely didn’t mind his face.
and ethan felt no different about you. you spoke with a lightness and positivity he’d never seen in anybody before.
before you knew it, you had to return back to your dorm to get ready for the party.
you kept it cute and simple. a well-fitted, short, black, silk dress. you finished getting ready by the time you heard a group laughing and knocking on your door. “coming!”
you grabbed your purse and opened the door to your new friends.
“hey, ready to go?” you smiled at anika and the twins, but mostly at ethan, who was very obviously staring.
you guys walked the short distance to the party, held by one of chads frat brothers. you walked side by side with ethan, chatting, laughing, smiling.
to anyone else, they would’ve added flirting to that list.
by the time you got to the party, chad had found a pretty girl to put on his arm and anika and mindy were quick to find the kitchen.
which left you and ethan stuck together as you both didn’t want to be alone.
you thought for a moment before turning to ethan and yelling over the music, “wanna dance?”
he smiled happily and accepted your offer.
you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room where every hot, sweaty, college students were dancing on the closest body to them, not even taking into account everything that could go wrong.
nonetheless, you wrapped your arms around ethan’s neck and began swaying your hips to the beat of the song.
he had his hands awkwardly at his sides, not sure what to do with them. you laughed once you noticed and grabbed them, manually putting them on your waist.
“relax, loosen up,” you giggled as you started to get more into the flow of the dance.
one of your favorite songs started playing, granted it was unreleased, but everybody else seemed to know it well enough.
as everybody screamed the lyrics of the tune, you turned around and pressed your back to his chest, grinding on his crotch.
you could basically feel the heat radiating off of his face, but you figured it was from the thick air he was surrounded by.
you felt something hard poke at your butt and laughed, “take your phone out of your pocket, eth,”
“my phone isn’t in my pocket,” he admitted.
it quickly set in what he meant.
your eyes widened as you realized what he meant.
as you turned around, his head was low in embarrassment, and you smiled at his sensitivity.
“i’m really, really sorry if i made you in comfortable, i didn’t mean to, i’m so sorry, please don’t be mad,” he began apologizing profusely.
you just laughed. “oh honey, there’s nothing wrong with getting excited when a girl dances on you. besides, i’m really not uncomfortable or mad,” you explain.
he slowly lifts his head. “you’re not?” you shook your head. “no, not at all. will you let me help you, though?” you asked with a newly found confidence.
his eyes widened before rubbing them, as if to check if he was dreaming before nodding quickly.
you smiled, keeping a confident stride but internally sighing a breath of relief that you didn’t make yourself look stupid.
quickly, you grabbed ethan’s hand and made your way around the seemingly infinite roomed house, looking for an empty one.
soon enough, you found an unoccupied bedroom. you pulled him into the space and without another thought, you smashed your lips against his.
your lip gloss smeared onto his lips as he pressed you against the wall, his mouth quickly migrating to your neck and collarbone.
clothes were flying off within moments until you were both completely nude, save for ethan’s boxers.
he suddenly dropped to his knees, kissing your calves all the way up to your soft thighs, just absolutely worshipping you.
“you are so fucking beautiful,” ethan whispers, more of an observation than a compliment.
he threw your leg over his shoulders and looks up at you with the most pleading eyes you’d ever seen, they were almost sad.
you quickly nodded. “yeah, baby. go ahead,”
it took no longer than a single second for ethan to flatten his tongue against your heat and lick a long stripe up your cunt.
your breath caught in your throat as he suctioned his plump lips around your clit, whilst teasing one finger into your entrance.
your hand quickly flew to his hair and tugged slightly, and the whimper that vibrated against your bud did not help the withering calmness you were trying to maintain.
the moans you let out simply could not be contained even if your life depended on it as he ate you out like a starved man, not even to mention the intense finger fucking.
it didn’t take long for your orgasm to approach. your body shook as ethan held your hips against his face, lapping up everything you were giving him.
even after you came down from your high, you were nowhere near satisfied.
“ethan,” you breathed, pulling him up to his feet. “hm?” he answered quickly, before pushing his lips onto yours.
you moaned at the tart taste of you on his tongue, somehow making you want him more.
“eth, i need you to fuck me,”
he looked at you for a moment, and in no time, he had you pushed on the bed, boxers pulled off, and his tip aligned at your entrance.
as he pushed into you, it truly took everything in him not to cum right then and there. you were so tight, and it felt to him like his body was made for yours.
he was big, bigger than most guys you’ve been with, but it felt so good nonetheless.
ethan’s thrusts started out slow and tame, but he really couldn’t contain himself, not when someone as gorgeous as you was underneath him, making the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard.
in between the sheer whimpers of pleasure, he asked “that feel good? yeah?”
you couldn’t even speak to respond, your eyes heavy in ecstasy as you felt the familiar twisting in your stomach, winding tighter and tighter until it finally snapped.
you threw your head back onto the mattress as you came, and not long after, ethan’s thrusts got sloppier and sloppier before he came long, hot, ropes inside of you.
he allowed a minute for the both of you to catch your breaths, knowing you’d need it.
after pulling out, ethan wasted no time pulling you into a deep, passionate, almost loving, kiss.
“that was fucking great, you’re fucking great,” you could feel his smile against your lips.
“why thank you,” you rolled your eyes sarcastically but couldn’t keep the smile that graced your lips at bay.
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berryhobii · 9 months
Late for Work couple has become my #1 comfort couple and i always come back a read their stories cuz they're just so in love and passionate abt each other and OC/reader is so me coded. ur writing literally makes me weak in the knees i get so emoooo 😭😭💜 can i request a New Years (resolution) drabble with them? either OC or JK wants to work out more or tweak their habits at the gym for New years and i wonder if you could incorporate THIS REEL somewhere cuz i thought this was so them?!!? fluff or smutty smut smut!!! ty ty ty 💜💜
even tho i feel like both of them are the type to NOT wait for the "New Year" just to get started on their goals i thought it would be cute!!!
Hi! Wow, I’m so happy you love that couple! I try my best to make them as lovey dovey as possible. Thanks so much for your request as well! I pondered a few ideas but then landed on this one! Also, that reel is so adorable and overprotective Jungkook is equally as adorable. Enjoy and please tell me what you think!
Super cute gym bag? Check. FitBit to monitor your heart rate? Check. Your ONE Stanley cup because you didn’t need a thousand? Check.
Alright. You were ready to hit the gym.
Truthfully, neither you or Jungkook were the types to do resolutions. Both of your perfectionist and ambitious ways made it so if either of you wanted to do something, you’d do it. And you’d do it to the best of your ability.
You started working out a little bit during December, enjoying early morning jogs before work in the crisp air to get you pumped for the day. However, you haven’t really dedicated yourself to a complete workout regimen.
That’s where your husband came in.
He didn’t make resolutions either but he did want to start spending more time with you and the gym was a great place to start. So you suggested you two start working out together and he could have broken something from how fast he catapulted himself over the couch when you brought it up.
Since your husband was a certified gym rat, he was very excited about your interest in working out. It was no secret that he was obsessed with going to the gym; he always dedicated at least 2 hours a day to pumping iron and if he couldn’t go to the gym, he’d go jogging or do some exercise at home. He was dedicated to keeping his body fit and healthy, mostly for himself but also for you. He knew how much you loved his body and it definitely stroked his ego to see how you drooled over him.
While Jungkook drooled over you regardless, you still wanted to work out and maybe even spend some extra time with Jungkook. A couple’s workout sounded like a lot of fun to you, honestly.
“Ready to go, baby?” Jungkook asked once he entered the living room where you were tying up your braids into a ponytail.
You smiled at him, nodding your head. “Yup! How do I look?” You gave him a little twirl, showing off your new leggings and the matching jacket.
Of course, his eyes went straight to your ass which looked extra plump in those pants. A part of him didn’t even want to leave the house, contemplating just bending you over and fucking you against the wall.
You looked so excited to go though and he didn’t want to rain on your parade. Pushing down his desire, he flashed you a smile.
“You look adorable.”
“Thank you. Now let’s go! I’m totally going to bench more than you.” You teased as you two walked out of your apartment.
He bellowed a laugh. “Yeah right. You get winded walking up the stairs.”
Pouting your lip, you playfully pushed him. “That was only because my legs were tired from riding you.”
His lip piercing sparkled as he flashed you a wolfish grin, one that sent shivers down your spine. You seriously thought about getting in a quickie in before leaving.
“Guess we’ll have to work on your stamina then.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll show you my stamina when we get back home.” You childishly fired back sticking your tongue out at him.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
When was leg day again?
The drive to the gym was quick and checking in was even quicker. After putting your things away in a locker, you and Jungkook found an empty space to start stretching in.
“Let’s start with toe touches.” Jungkook instructed with a clap of his hands.
“Okay!” Inhaling a deep breath, you bent over to touch your toes. Easy enough. Then you felt a hand on your back, urging you to straighten it a bit.
“Don’t hold your breath.” He said, his warm palm sneaking up the back of your jacket. Heat spread across your body. Damn fat ma! Not right now!
After enough of that, you two moved into more stretches: arm circles, lunges, jumping jacks and a few more. Jungkook stretched alongside you, only stopping to guide you through whenever he saw your form was off.
Overall, exercising with Jungkook was a bunch of fun. He was an attentive workout partner, reminding you to stay hydrated and motivating you whenever you wanted to give up. Not to mention, watching him get all sweaty was a bonus. He had abandoned his hoodie a while ago, leaving him in a tank top that showed off those muscular arms and bulging pecs.
You were gonna swallow his cock like a python when you got home.
For now though, you were focused on getting in some good squats while Jungkook moved just a few feet away to go fill his water bottle back up. He made sure you remained in his eyesight at all times, heart warming at the sight of you being so focused. He was so happy you had come with him to participate in one of his favorite interest. It really showed him how invested you were in his life and his hobbies. He hoped this could continue and you two would spend even more time together.
Also, your ass looked fine as hell in those leggings. It jiggled everytime you came back up and it made him want to rip those pants right off you.
Oh yeah, you were definitely coming to the gym with him more often.
Just as he finished filling his water, he turned around to start his walk back to you, only to pause when his eyes caught something.
A man was coming from the other side of the room, walking straight towards you, his eyes focused clearly on your ass as you bent forward.
Jungkook knew you were gorgeous which meant people often tried to approach you. His overprotective nature never allowed people to get too close, however. You could handle yourself and he knew that, he trusted you completely and never doubted your loyalty to him.
That didn’t mean he trusted others though.
Quickly walking towards you, his feet taking long strides to get to you faster, he stopped at your side just as you were coming back up from a squat. Jungkook immediately wrapped his arm around you, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. Never one to turn down a kiss, you reciprocated, laying a few more on his lips for good measure.
His eyes locked with the man who was approaching you, brow furrowing and eyes sending a message that said:
Try it if you want to
The man’s eyes widened, turning back around on the heels of his feet to scamper off somewhere else.
Ever so unsuspecting, you turned around to see what your husband was looking at, only to find nothing. You placed your weight down, removing the AirPod from your ear to ask him what was wrong.
He just squinted his eyes before finally looking at you, sending you his sweetest smile.
“Nothing baby. Let’s just finish up so we can go home.”
And because you trusted him so much, you just shrugged and nodded. “Okay. Let me do this final rep and then we can go.”
“Sure. Let me help you.”
Getting behind you, he ‘guided’ you through the squats. Although you didn’t really need the help, the feeling of his boner pressing into your ass was telling enough.
“I wouldn’t call this helping, coach.” You smirked, making sure to rub your ass harder against him when you went down.
“I would. 5 more.”
“J-Jungkook!” You moaned, your hands slipping off the wall where you were bracing yourself as Jungkook pounded into you from behind.
He barely let you cool down from your workout before he was forcing you into the gym showers, pushing you into one of the spaces and turning on the water. It was obvious you didn’t come in here to wash yourselves, judging by how quick he was on his knees and attaching his greedy mouth to your clit. Both legs thrown over his shoulders and your back pushed against the cold wall, he devoured your cunt like it was the last time he’d ever taste it.
Since it was so late at night, the gym was practically empty which meant no one was there to disturb you. Then again, it was only 35 minutes until closing so you didn’t have a lot of time before an employee came to check for any stragglers.
But that was all the time Jungkook needed.
Hands digging into the juiciness of your ass, he forced you back and forth on his cock, the tip hitting you so deep that you were sure he was rearranging your guts.
Your knees shook from the force, still a little weak from the orgasm he just ripped out of you from eating you out. Now another one was steadily building, ready to spill over like a full glass.
He couldn’t take his eyes off the recoil on your ass. He didn’t know if immediate results from squats was a thing(you sure acted like it was) but for some reason, your ass looked even better as it clapped against his pelvis.
“Fuck baby. This ass….” He groaned, swiftly bringing his hand down on it. The water caused it to sting even more but you loved it.
“Make me cum, Kookie.” You whined and who was he to deny?
His hips continued his rough pace, hands molding and squeezing at your ass as if it was a block of clay. As his head rolled to the side in pleasure, his eyes saw something, a mischievous grin that you couldn’t see spreading across his face.
Grabbing your body wash, he flipped open the cap. You were so lost in the sauce that you didn’t even hear it, too focused on the feeling of his cock jabbing into your soft spot.
Then you felt the cold gel hit your skin, a squeak of shock coming from you. You tried to turn your head to see what Jungkook was doing, only to drop it when he readjusted himself to start hitting your spot repeatedly.
Jungkook’s wet hands rubbed the soap all around, lathering it up all across your ass until the brown of your skin was covered in soapy bubbles. “Throw it back, baby.”
Using your arms as leverage, you tossed your ass back on him as hard as you could, the clapping noises drowning out the pounding water against the tile. It was too hot and hard to breathe but neither of you cared enough to stop, those delicious highs just over the hill. Your legs burned from your workout and you knew you’d be properly sore tomorrow but the feeling of Jungkook’s cock was just too good. You’d pop some IcyHot patches on later.
“I’m bout to cum, baby.” You cried, reaching a hand back to grip one of your soapy ass cheeks. Jungkook’s hot gaze followed the bubbles as they dripped down the crack and around his cock.
He was about to cum. Hard.
Reaching out to grab your shoulder, other hand still on your ass, he drove his cock into you so fast that the seat of your ass actually hurt from how hard his pelvic bones were hitting it.
Your orgasm hit before his, your mouth dropping open in a drawn out moan as fervid pleasure rushed down your back. Jungkook still didn’t stop as you came, a second orgasm hitting you right after the first. Your knees buckled inward from the pure force but Jungkook kept you balanced, thrusting a few more times before he reached his own peak.
“Ahhh….” He groaned, filling you to the hilt as his creamy cum painted thick ropes inside you.
After regaining your breaths, Jungkook helped you stand on your weak knees. You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck to place a smooch on his lips.
“My legs hurt.” You sighed.
“Told you you have bad stamina. Ow! That hurt!” He cried, rubbing the spot where you pinched him.
“Don’t push it, Jeon. Now let’s go home so I can rest my legs.”
“But I thought you said you’d show me your stamina when we got- ow!”
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iaminfourthwing · 27 days
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter XIII
The day that every first year, that is still alive, dreads, is finally here. Threshing.
The gathering hall is oddly quiet this morning, every first year lost in their own thoughts. Violet next to me looks a little green and minutes prior I saw Ridoc running to find the nearest bathroom or trash bin. I ate a little bit of fresh fruits because after all, I am nervous as fuck as well.
The general seemed so sure about me claiming a dragon, but right now … I am not so sure anymore. The fact that I have to see him again, if I claim a dragon today, makes me swallow anxiously. If I fail … I don’t want to know what happens then.
My eyes find the bright blue ones Liam owns and he gives me an encouraging smile. He is one of the best in this quadrant, there is no doubt of him claiming a dragon. I bet he isn’t as nervous as everyone else here. Even Barlowe is quiet, and that must mean something but after all, he is just human as well.
A shiver runs through me as I can feel someone staring at me and when I look up, the startling hazel-colored eyes, that even follow me in my dreams, are studying me. He looks like he is somewhere trapped in his mind and even over the distance I can see the worry and anxiety radiating from him. I give him a small tight-lipped smile, which he returns.
Half an hour later we are all gathered at the entrance of the bowl-shaped forested valley, where we’ll hopefully find our dragons or our possible death. I had to promise Violet that I’ll let her go alone but I will definitely stay near her. I won’t take the risk and lose her. She is strong, she has proven herself over the last months, but the way Jack and his entourage look her way … I’ll definitely trust my instincts and follow her through the valley. When it comes to the dragons, there isn’t much I can do, that’s when I’ll leave her.
Dain stands beside her and whispers probably some instructions into her ear. He looks just as worried as I feel about her but even as he knows what she is capable of, he still doesn’t appreciate her strength. Idiot.
When we finally get the go, some of the cadets eagerly run into different directions while others walk slow, unsure into the valley.
Violet is around 50 feet in front of me, so I take a deep breath and start to go after her.
For around half an hour I simply just walk behind her as quietly as possible. A few dragons could be heard in the distance, even cadets screaming. The short girl suddenly halts. “I know you are here” she says, without turning around. My eyes widen. Fuck, she is good. I should have expected that.
“Sorry Vi, but I am not taking the chance and risk your life, without trying to protect you” there is guilt in my voice, but I know, I am doing the right thing.
“You saw me fight these last months, you saw me getting stronger and even then, you still don’t trust me? Don’t trust what I can do? Am I really that weak to you, that you desperately try to protect me? I know you have to do this because of my moth-“
“NO! I do not do this because of your mother! I do this because you are my friend, no, more like a sister! I believe wholeheartedly in you! I am so proud of you and your growth; you have no idea. But I do not trust Jack and his hounds. We both know you all alone have no chance against the four of them. I really just wanna help you” I finish.
For a few minutes she just stands there, looking at me with nothing but adoration. “You know, if we would have been into girls, I would totally kiss you right now” she finally says as we both continue our walk through the valley. I laugh. “But here we are, totally into boys we aren’t allowed to have.”
She snaps her neck my way, wide eyed. Oh, fucking hell. “You what?! You too?!?! Who?”
Shit. Me and my loud mouth. “Well … I mean- maybe- a certain ... cousin … of your … little crush” I stutter, admitting my interest in the handsome male.
Her jaw drops in pure surprise and shock. “HIM?! Oh my-“
We hear a little growl somewhere in front of us. I try to look between the trees and see … something golden? Oh no. Violet seems to have the same thought.
“The feathertail” we whisper simultaneously. We both step forward into the clearing, where we get a better view of the little dragon.
“Gosh, it’s so cute” I whisper. As if the dragon heard me she looks up … offended?
“Oh god, sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you” I say, panic dripping in my voice while Violet snickers quietly beside me.
The dragon looks curious at us both and steps forward when we hear something snapping behind us. Like someone is walking into our direction. I have an extremely unsettling feeling, who that could be. To small and quiet for a dragon, it's definitely a human. More like, a bunch of humans.
“You have to hide or fly away!” Vi whisper shouts to the little golden one. “Go! Fly!” We both run to hide behind the trees, but Vi stumbles over a branch and falls. “Shit Vi, you okay?” I ask her while helping her up. I think I heard a pop but am not sure.
“Damn it, my ankle … go hide” she hisses in agony.
Reluctantly I let her go and hide behind another tree. In the last second, I decide to climb the tree, hovering a bit over Violet and see everything that’s going to happen. And just a few seconds later Jack with his lapdogs come out of the tree line. Shit. I hate when I am right in the wrong situations.
“We have to kill this little thing! It’s a danger for everyone!” Jack says loudly.
Tynan, Oren and Trevor are behind him. While the other three are determined walking to the little golden dragon, Oren looks unsure whether he should join this shitshow. They seriously want to murder a dragon? Are they really that dumb? I can only hope some other dragons are possibly near and hear, what these pathetic humans want to do. Or at least a third year, that could talk some sense into them, even though with Jack there is probably nothing we could do besides throw him into a cell and never let him see the daylight again.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if one if the third years see us” Oren says. “They aren’t allowed to interfere” Jack shrugs.
“You can’t do this!” Violet says loudly, stepping out from behind the tree. Shocked I look down to her. Fucking. Hell. Violet.
I stay seated.
“And why not, Sorrengail?” Tynan sneers. “It’s against everything we stand for and believe in!” Oren still looks unsure about Jacks plan to kill the little dragon.
While they are insulting each other and Violet trying to get the dragon to flee, I feel something prickling in my head. Like … someone tries to ... reach me? I definitely need more sleep. This is getting ridiculous.
‘Oh, so now I am ridiculous?’ a feminine voice says in my head. I- HELLO?!
‘No need to scream, I hear just fine. Just because my ears are old doesn’t mean I am deaf.’
Oh fantastic. It’s sassy.
‘I need to help my friend before I can deal with you!’ I hiss in my head. I need therapy. Is there any therapist in Basgiath?
‘Well now you sound ridiculous.’ I try to ignore her, for now.
“I would advise against trying to do that” a dark voice echoes over the field. On the other side stands our wing leader and behind him, between the trees, shimmer … golden eyes. Sgaeyl. His dragon. And the way her eyes are fixed on the boys in front of Violet tells me how annoyed she is.
“And what if we don’t listen to you? You can’t do anything, Riorson” Jack mocks him. “That may be true, but Sgaeyl isn’t really a fan of bullies” To underline the statement, there is a deep growl echoing through the trees. Oh, she is definitely pissed.
Xadens eyes find mine and he smirks.
“Besides that, it’s not Sgaeyl you should be worried about right now” he says.
“Whatever” Jack growls and leaps forward into Violets direction. She throws a dagger with unbelievable precision into his shoulder and with a shout he goes down. That’s my girl.
While Trevor stays behind, Tynan and Oren attack together. Now I am thankful for the bow and arrows I grabbed as my weapon of choice, because the arrow I aimed landed directly in Tynans thigh. I jump down the tree and join the fight.
“Oh fantastic, the Generals little warrior princess is here too! Have you found yourself a dragon already? Surely Codagh or daddy must have bullied them to claim you!” Jack sneers and runs. First he says THAT again, and in front of the dragons too??? And then he runs? What a coward. But I can’t keep my focus on him when Trevor is attacking me as well. I hear Violet grunting somewhere behind me. Fuck, I need to focus.
‘Watch out!’ the feminine voice shouts in my head. ‘I know’ I growl back.
With my dagger I land a deep blow in Tynans abdomen. He screams in agony as I cut through him. He’ll bleed out if he won’t get any medical treatment. So far, I am completely unharmed.
I join Violets side in front of the golden dragon, to protect the little thing.
‘If she hears you calling her ‘little thing’ she’ll try to bite you’ there she is again. ‘Oh, so it’s a she’
‘Andarnaurram. Andarna for short’
Well thanks?
‘You’re welcome’
Oh, for fucks sake.
“Are you okay, Silver one?” I ask the girl next to me. “I’ll live. Hopefully” she says.
“I won’t let anything happen to you” I growl pissed. During the fight Xaden must have stepped forward, because he is not leaning against his tree anymore. As if he wanted to… to help Vi? Damn, talk about whipped.
Oren lays unconscious in front of us after Vi knocked him out with the grip of her dagger, Tynan stands behind him ready to strike again and Trevor is a bit more far away. My eyes are fixed on him because I know for sure he wants his revenge for the challenge he lost against me.
Suddenly, both of them look ridiculously shocked and Trevor runs into the forest. A dark shadow flies over the field and when I turn around, I flinch violently. The black dragon. He is incredibly big but not as big as the black beast. And he looks pissed. I move out of the way the same time as Violet.
Tynan tries to run away but his thigh is still wounded due to the arrow sticking in it and the blood loss of the wound in his abdomen. The black dragon growls loudly and then … there is fire. In just a few seconds there is nothing but the smell of burning flesh and death in the air.
Xaden and Sgaeyl are long gone.
“I can’t kill an unconscious man!” Violet suddenly says while looking up the dragon. What?!
“Yeah, that surely says something about them but not me.”
Oh. Oh my god. My eyes widen. The dragon, THE black dragon is choosing her! I am a bit jealous of her I have to admit.
‘Excuse me?!’ someone is offended.
‘Well while you are watching your friend bond with Tairn, I am waiting for you! There is a boy here, trying to claim me but I am just bored by him. You think you can finally show up?’ she asks annoyed.
‘What boy?’ I ask curious while I make my way to her. My feelings are leading me through the woods, leaving Violet behind me. Whatever happens now is out of my control. I just hope she can stay seated, or Tairn is catching her if she falls.
‘The one that just ran away from you before Tairn showed up’ she says.
The boy that run- oh HELL NO! Trevor! That is MY dragon, you fucker! I run through the woods as fast as I can to reach them. She chose me, so therefore he can fuck off. I reach the part of the valley, where she leaded me and step forward into the clearing.
‘Oh, now you accept me, little flame?’ she asks amused.
‘Little flame?’ Where does this come from?
‘Your hair is resembling fire’ Ah, makes sense.
And that’s when I see him, Trevor in front of a … massive midnight blue dragon. Amari, she is gorgeous. ‘Thank you, I can say the same about you.’
Furious, the boy turns around and glares at me. This is going to get dirty.
‘Show me, what you are made of and you will never have to fight alone anymore, little flame.’
Come on Trevor. I’ll rip you apart.
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elvenisms · 2 years
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friday —; s.h.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader [3.5k]
summary: Robin orchestrates the best (and worst) Valentine's Day of your life.
cw: angst, fluff, cursing, no use of y/n, steve is an idiot (per usual), reader cries a lot (relatable), happy ending.
author's note: i got carried away with this, ngl. proof that i cannot write anything fluffy without angst. enjoy!
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It was Thursday.
Thursdays were good days. You didn’t work, giving you some well-needed rest from wearing that stupid vest, rewinding tapes, and dealing with late returns. You could throw on a movie you’d been meaning to watch for weeks, invite some friends over, and veg out. You could go see a show at The Hideout, if someone interesting was playing. Sometimes, Thursday was laundry day. But today wasn’t any Thursday.
Today was Thursday, February 13th, 1986. The day before Valentine’s Day.
“Vickie and I are going to do something, we just don’t know what.” Robin pushed her lips together, toying with a loose piece of thread on your couch. “I mean, obviously we’ll have a little date during the day, but we thought a group thing would be fun, ya’ know?”
Eddie had come over to watch Day of the Dead with you that day, and when Robin got off work, she called to see what you were up to. “Hanging out with Eds, pretending Valentine’s Day doesn’t exist.” You’d quipped, which is precisely how she ended up in your house, talking about Valentine’s Day.
“As much as I’d love to third-wheel,” Eddie stretched. “I’m going to see a show. Some new guys, but I heard they’re good.”
“Yeah, I’m…” You wracked your brain for something you had to do, trying to get out of it, just as Eddie had. “I’m, uh, working. And then… Oh, I told Max I’d help her study? Some test she has. Science, I think.”
Eddie and Robin both eyed you judgmentally. It was entirely unconvincing, and also a lie. The Max part, anyway.
“Oh, give me a break,” You grunted, their faces saying enough. “I already told you, Rob, tomorrow is just Friday as far as I’m concerned.”
“But you don’t want it to just be Friday,” She remarked. “You want it to be Valentine’s Day, but you’re lonely.”
A huff of air came through Eddie’s nose, trying not to laugh at her well-meaning bluntness. You gave him a sour look, and he quickly dropped it.
“Thank you for reminding me,” You muttered, leaning forward to pick up some empty beer bottles from the table, carrying them to the trash can in the kitchen.
You weren’t actually mad, not at Robin. You were frustrated with the fact that you cared about some stupid holiday, that you couldn’t just be like Eddie, who genuinely didn’t give a shit. Unwilling to admit it to yourself, you were also mad that every guy in Hawkins you’d gone out with was a total disaster; Matthew Campbell probably couldn’t tie a shoelace if you asked him to, and you told him that, so you didn’t suspect he’d be knocking on your door tomorrow.
You waltzed back into the living room to your unsuspecting victims, now on a tirade you’d created in your own head. “It’s not my fault that there is no one in this town for me, okay? I’ve officially given up. I’m tired of putting on makeup, going to Enzo’s, and making awful small talk, for which the reward is a lackluster trip to second base in the back of a ca—”
Robin gasped as if she’d seen a ghost. Your rant halted, staring at her, and she looked back with wide eyes, jaw agape. “How have I never put this together?”
She looked like she’d just had a stroke of genius, discovered a new element, or something. You looked at Eddie, then back to her. “Put what together? That I’m hopeless?”
“No, no no,” She leapt up off of the couch, starting to pace. “You sound just like—oh my God, this is incredible. I mean, this is actually perfect—”
“Robin!” You threw your arms out, exasperated, letting them smack against your sides.
“Steve!” She exclaimed, gripping your shoulders. “Steve, who is also lonely and has no plans for tomorrow!”
Your insides twisted. Steve.
You would’ve been lying to yourself if you said you’d never thought about him that way before. I mean, you had eyes, but your close friendship had never allowed it to last more than a minute. More than anything, the two of you poked fun at each other, constantly trying to see who could get the last word. But you were still close, close enough that you knew he’d come running if you ever really needed him, and that was… nice.
Everything about him was nice, really.
You blinked at Robin, your gears shifting at impossible speeds. She was still holding your shoulders, expectant.
“I think she’s on board.” Eddie piped up with a smirk, and you instantly held a finger out to him, still looking at the girl in front of you. “I didn’t say that.”
“You’re saying it with your eyes.” Robin was containing a giddy squeal. You could almost feel her vibrating. 
“No, no, I’m not.” You finally broke free from her grasp. Now you were pacing. “If Steve was interested in me, he would’ve said something a long time ago.”
Eddie’s brow furrowed. “Are we talking about the same guy?”
“Yeah, dingus, with a capital ‘D’,” Robin gestured with her hands. “I saw a bird land on his head once and he asked me what I was looking at. You think he’d notice he had a shot with you?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Okay, that’s… yeah, you’re right. But I’m not just gonna call him up and ask him to be my Valentine. I’d rather puke.”
“So don’t!” Robin spun around, another lightbulb behind her eyes. “I have an idea.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
This was a terrible idea.
You were staring into your mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles on your clothes. You’d gone for not-trying-too-hard cute; a black turtleneck with a calf-length, patterned skirt, and a thick belt around your waist. You’d done your hair and your makeup, satisfied with them, but this time felt… different. You weren’t going to Enzo’s with some tip-stiffing lowlife. You were seeing Steve.
Robin had suggested a gathering at your place. She, Vickie, Nancy, and Jonathan were sitting in your living room, sipping drinks, chatting mindlessly. When she’d invited Steve, she’d said that the four of them were going to your house—assuming he’d pick up the hint, and jump at the chance to be your date. 
And he did.
The real reason you’d never allowed Steve to infiltrate your mind was because, well, that’s exactly what he’d do. You could handle losing Matthew Campbell, or Ben Taylor, or any of these meaningless Hawkins guys you never realistically saw yourself with in the first place; but Steve was close. Close to your friends, close to your heart, inching ever nearer by the minute. 
It was terrifying. But then again, he agreed to come—–and that made your stomach flutter.
Deciding you’d spent enough time making sure every last hair was in order, you took a deep breath, venturing back out to the living room. You were greeted with warm, knowing smiles. 
“You look gorgeous.” Nancy rose from her seat, coming over to give your arms a comforting rub. “Really, he’s not gonna know what hit him.”
You nodded, trying not to look as nervous as you felt. “Thanks, Nance.”
“It makes so much sense, doesn’t it? I mean, I really should play matchmaker more often. I’m changing lives here!” Robin shook Vickie’s thigh where her hand rested, excitedly. It made everyone chuckle.
Jonathan took another sip of his drink. “Now you’ve just gotta find someone for Ed—”
A knock at the door. Fuck. In an instant, every ounce of confidence you had flew straight out of the window. And your face must’ve shown it, because Nancy began soothing you again. 
“Hey, look at me.” She whispered, and you did. “You’ve never been this nervous to see him before, right? Pretend this is just another day. Just… Friday.”
You swallowed. It definitely wasn’t just Friday anymore.
Nonetheless, you shot a weak, thankful smile at her, making your way up to the door. Usually, you’d be embarrassed to let your friends see you this way—taking deep breaths, shaking your hands to relieve some anxious energy. Right now, though, you couldn’t care less, much too preoccupied with the thought of Steve’s face. Just open it. Open the door.
So, you did.
And there he was, grinning adorably, smelling of his cologne, wearing a well-fitted sweater... Holding hands with a girl.
“Hey,” He spoke happily, though his eyes searched your face for just a moment, as if you’d let the shock slip through. “This is Brenda.”
Your whole body stiffened, knowing that the rest of the group heard him, and were now searing holes through the back of your head. Your stomach flipped over on itself, even your organs mortified.
“Hi, Brenda.” You forced a smile at the girl, as if every nerve in your body wasn’t on fire. “Come on in.”
As you turned around, you studied the expressions in the room, seeking some kind of escape. Nancy and Vickie at least tried to look normal, staring at the ground or taking a sip of their drink; Jonathan’s brow was furrowed in disbelief, and Robin’s mouth was hanging open, eyes locked on you.
You quickly walked to the couch where Nancy and Jonathan sat, just standing beside it, your fight-or-flight instinct physically unwilling to let you sit. At least Steve and Brenda would have a spot now, right?
The embarrassment was already making your eyes water.
As the two of them entered the uncomfortably silent living room, you saw his eyes scan the room, similarly to how you had—like he was searching for something. And when he didn’t find it, his eyes landed back on you, any trace of his previous smile gone.
“It’s so nice to meet you guys!” Brenda chirped to the group, the tension completely unnoticed by her.
You felt suffocated. Suffocated by your turtleneck, by the silence, by Brenda’s curly, blonde hair and perfectly pink lips—but mostly by Steve, who was still staring at you. You refused to look back. 
“Music!” You squawked, mind numb. “We should put on some music, it’s so quiet—” You strided toward your box of cassettes, sat beside the television, and began scrambling with them. “—I’ve got Tears for Fears, or, um, oh! ABBA, everyone likes ABBA, right? Uh…”
Without you even noticing, Nancy appeared at your side, gently grabbing the tapes from your hands. “Hey, hey. I’ll pick out some music, okay?” Her voice was quiet, forehead creased in concern.
Your movements slowed. You nodded, eyes half-welled with tears. The dam was definitely about to break.
“Okay, well,” You stood up again, arms swaying slightly, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. “You guys sit. I’m, um… I’ll be right back.”
You spun on your heel, making your way to your bedroom, closing the door behind you by leaning on it. The tears began to fall immediately, streaking your face with mascara.
You felt stupid. Stupid for ever letting Robin set this up, stupid for spending so much time making yourself presentable, when Brenda looked so effortlessly beautiful. You’d convinced yourself it would be some sort of magical night, which seemed ridiculous now. Why would Steve want you? More importantly, why would you ever let him affect you this way?
Your chest heaved, trying desperately to keep quiet. The last thing you wanted was more pity.
Soon enough, you heard a soft click from the living room, the faint sounds of Kate Bush coming through the speakers. You considered your options: hide in your room until the party was over, risk someone coming to check on you, go back out there and endure stares of sympathy, or… Leave. 
A rush of adrenaline surged through you, bringing you to your feet. You went to your mirror, attempting to smear away the black marks under your eyes—it was useless, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore. Eddie would call it metal. So, for where you were headed, it was actually perfect.
You snatched your purse off of the dresser, the hurt morphing from sadness to anger, and marched out into the living room, making a bee-line for the front door. Everyone’s heads perked up. Your hand met the doorknob, gripping it tightly, before Steve appeared next to you.
“Hey, can you just wait a sec—where are you going?” He spoke softly, avoiding the rest of the rooms prying ears. His voice was hoarse.
You didn’t look at him. “I’m going to see a show with Eddie.”
“Can you let me explain? Please, just—”
Your head turned sharply, reddened eyes daggering through his solemn, brown ones. “I’m embarrassed, Steve. I’m…” You swallowed, fighting back any more tears. “I can’t be here right now. Can’t I just go?”
He brought a hand up, running it anxiously through his own hair. He looked dejected, and despite how much you wanted to hate him at this moment, your heart panged. It wasn’t enough to make you stay; not when Brenda was still on your couch. Not when the rest of the group felt sorry for you.
“Okay,” He finally breathed, barely audible. You started to open the door, and he softly took hold of your wrist. “Just be safe. Please.”
You looked at him, heart thrumming in your chest, eyelashes stuck together from the mixture of tears and makeup. “Have a good night. I’m… I’m sorry I ruined it.”
And with that, you were out the door, despite his attempt to say something else.
 · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The show was an adequate distraction.
When you’d shown up at The Hideout, scouting Eddie out in the crowd, he was shocked to see you. He was even more shocked to see the state you were in—makeup destroyed, eyes puffy, a hand clinging shakily to your purse. He immediately threw an arm around you, eyes expectant for an explanation.
“He brought a girl,” you’d shouted over the music. Eddie couldn’t have rolled his eyes any harder, squeezing your arm in frustration. “He’s even dumber than I thought then,” He yelled back. 
Steve was dumb. Purposefully dumb? You didn’t think so, and that made it all the more difficult to stay angry.
You were thankful for Eddie more than ever. He was always great at taking your mind off of things, getting you to let loose, have fun; it may have been the worst Valentine’s Day of your life, but at least he had given it some kind of silver lining. It was almost impossible not to smile around him, especially when he was acting extra goofy, insistent on lifting your spirits.
When he drove you home, the events of the night began to set in again. You dreaded your next conversation with Steve, whenever that would happen—I’m so sorry, but I just don’t feel that way about you, you could hear him saying, shoving the embarrassment deeper down your throat.
You considered never speaking to him again, just to spare yourself that feeling.
“Do you want me to come in?” Eddie laid a gentle hand on your knee, his beaten-up car parked a few feet from your door. 
“No, I’m okay.” You assured him, unconvincingly, and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Think I just need to wallow tonight, y’know?”
He nodded, looking down at his lap. “I’m sorry, seriously. Kind of want to kill the kid.”
That brought a small smile to your face. “Don’t tempt me, I might just give you the go-ahead.” 
The two of you looked at each other, sharing a small chuckle. Eventually, you reached over, hugging him tight.
“Thank you for tonight. Really, I needed it.” You whispered, and he gave your back a comforting rub. “Anytime, you know that.”
You exited the car, already starting to wish you’d said yes to Eddie’s offer, and made your way to the door. Through the windows, you could see that most of the lights were off—everyone had gone home, thank God, though you were sure Robin and Nancy would be calling off the hook to talk about everything.
You jiggled the handle open, greeted by your dark living room, apart from the one lamp emanating warm light. And underneath it, Steve.
Sitting upright on the couch, head leaned back, arms crossed. Fast asleep.
You froze, a tightness in your chest. It was exactly what you didn’t want right now, to see him, have to talk to him. And for whatever reason, something in you was glad to find him there. 
You softly shut the door behind you, sat your bag on the coffee table, and took a seat beside him. The cushion dipping under your weight caused him to stir awake: his head lulled to the side, eyes fluttering open. They widened at the sight of you. 
“Hey.” His voice was gravelly from sleep, and he was quick to adjust himself to a more awake position. He cleared his throat, though it did little for his voice. “You’re home.”
“Yeah.” You mumbled, toying with your skirt. “Did… did you stay?”
“I was worried about you.” He looked into your eyes, and you wanted to look away, but you didn’t. “And I needed to talk to you.”
“What about Brenda?”
“I took her home. Came back.”
“Look,” You started, finding the strength to avert your gaze. “I don’t… I don’t want anyone else feeling bad for me. It was Robin’s idea, and of course you don’t feel that way about me, it was really stupid of me to assume—”
“Stop.” He blurted, somewhat forcefully. You blinked at him. “Please, just stop. I fucked up tonight, really bad. When I got the invite, I thought you’d have someone with you. It just… I’m an idiot. If I wasn’t an idiot, I would’ve never brought Brenda.”
Your stomach flipped familiarly, like it did when you heard a knock at the door earlier. “She was  beautiful, though.”
“She isn’t you.” His hand landed on your thigh, and his eyes darted to it for a moment, as if he hadn’t meant to. You both lingered there.
When he realized you weren’t going to push it away, he continued. “If—if when you went out with Eddie… I mean, if I blew my chance, I understand.”
Blew his chance. You wondered if he could ever truly do that.
“Steve, Eddie was just cheering me up.” You couldn’t help but smile a little, putting your hand over his. “He’s not my Valentine, if that’s what you’re asking. He does kind of want you dead, though.”
“They all want me dead, trust me.” He blew air out of his lips, eyebrows raising.
“What do you mean?”
“After you left, Brenda went to the bathroom, and I got a thorough bitching out.” 
You bit your lip, trying to hide the happiness that brought you. “You kind of deserved it, though.”
“Oh, absolutely.” He affirmed. There were a few moments of stillness, your touching hands drawing both of your attention. 
“Is Brenda your Valentine?” You wondered, voice softer. 
“Didn’t ask her to be.” He looked up at you, voice matching your tone. “Are you still… looking for one?”
Your eyes were locked, melting under each other's gaze. You could almost feel his breath.  His free hand came up to cradle your face, thumbing across your stained cheek. 
“There’s really only one I wanted.”
“Same here.” He whispered.
You quickly leaned forward, disturbing the stillness of the moment, and slotted your lips with his. He tasted like beer and strawberry chapstick, and smelled like a warm summer day—one that broke through the chill you’d been feeling all evening. Butterflies erupted inside you, fluttering in your stomach, your heart, your veins.
Your hands came up to clutch at his chest, the fabric of his sweater crinkling beneath your fingers. The kiss, which had started fervent, softened; the two of you broke apart, and he stole a peck at the corner of your mouth, foreheads resting against each other.
You both took heavy breaths, caused more by emotion than physical exertion, chests rising and falling in unison.
“I gotta make it up to you.” He breathed. You shook your head ever so slightly, a grin playing across your lips. 
“Steve, you already—”
“I’ll be your Valentine every day, for as long as you let me.”
You thought it might’ve been the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to you. Your forehead creased, trying not to let your eyes water, this time for a much better reason. As close as your faces were, you knew he noticed anyway.
“Deal?” His eyes searched your own, voice small, as if he was afraid you might say no.
You couldn’t stop a happy huff from leaving your lips, a single tear fighting its way out of the corner of your eye. “Deal.”
He beamed, pressing his lips into yours, as if he’d been awaiting the opportunity to do it again.
Steve Harrington became yours on Valentine’s Day, 1986. A Friday. A day you’d almost always ignored, until you didn’t. A day you were almost certain was going to be the worst day of your life, until it wasn’t. In fact, it might’ve been the best. 
Because Steve would continue to be yours each Friday after that—and every day in between, too.
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zweetpea · 7 months
He loves me, he loves me not
CW: F bomb gets dropped once (pg13 ish), Non Canon compliant, Third person, Fem reader, mean Gojo, some angst, some Geto/Nanami and Haibara x reader, some Utahime x Gojo, No (Y/n), Honorifics, the main character(reader insert) may suffer from Mary Sue syndrome.
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“Satoru, Suguru, Shoko.” Satoru looked up from his video game, Suguru closed his book, and Shoko hid her cigarettes from Yaga. They were lounging in the courtyard when Yaga interrupted them. “I’d like you three to meet our new transfer student. She’ll be joining the other first years. She’s from America and has only recently picked up Japanese so please be kind to her.” Yaga nudged her forward.
“Uh, hello. I’m…”
“Pfft! Ahaha! Yaga-Sensei, what is this?” Gojo laughed. “She’s a stuttering little idiot.”
“Come on Satoru be nice.” Geto smiled at the new girl.
“Tsk, whatever. She’s probably weak anyway.”
“Hey! Did you just call me weak?”
“Just speak English, your pronunciation is terrible.” Gojo mocked.
“If I don’t practice, I’ll never get better. Now look who’s being an idiot.”
“What did you just call me short stack?!”
“Gojo, shut up for a second.” Ieiri glared at him. “Something feels wrong.”
A tiny noise sounded from your backpack. It was like a mixture between a growl and a whine.
“Hey short stack. You’ve got a curse in your backpack.” Gojo stated bluntly.
“Okay newbie, we’ll take care of this-”
“NO!!” She cut off Geto and held her bag close to her chest. “She’s not a curse. She’s my best friend.” A little black Chow Chow head popped up from her bag. Yellow spiral eyes blinking furiously, adjusting to the light.
“Arf.” The curse squeaked.
“This is cub. I’ve had them for two years now. My friend Hannah named them. Hannah is an incredible person. She has the makings of a great sorcerer, but she’s not interested.”
“I’m sure she’s lovely.” Shoko smiled at her. Gojo just scoffed.
“Yeah, you should see her use her technique! It’s telekinesis, she was able to lift literal tons! …I miss her a lot.” She said meekly.
“That doesn’t explain why you have a curse with you.” Gojo rolled his eyes.
“Cub is a special curse. Their kind is able to reproduce, back two years ago my dad and I took out the rest of their family. They were cowering in the corner of an abandoned cave system and he let me domesticate them.”
“Great, curses can breed now.” Geto groaned.
“No, just cub and their kind.” She smiled at the three second years. “I’ll be nice and give you one warning. If I see any of you try to hurt them I will make your life hell.”
“I’d like to see you try.” Gojo smirked.
She lifted Cub from her backpack and carried them off. “Cmon Cub. Let’s go unpack in our dorm.”
“Yaga-Sensei! You can’t seriously allow her to keep a curse.”
“There’s nothing I can do about it. The higher ups themselves have ordered her transfer and approved her request to keep the curse.” Yaga sighed.
“Ugh, spoiled brat.”
“Look on the bright side Satoru. This could be interesting.” Suguru smirked.
“Since when were you an optimist?” Shoko rolled her eyes.
“Hey, I just think that could have fun with this.”
“Like what, Suguru?” Satoru moued.
“Don’t know, guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
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The next day the new girl introduced herself to her new classmates.
“…but you can call me whatever you like. I look forward to working with you both. Oh and this is Cub. Don’t worry, they’re harmless.”
Haibara gasped excitedly. “They look like a baby bear!”
“Yeah, they’re so cute!”
“Totally! You’re like their mama bear huh?”
“I suppose I am.”
“Can I call you Kuma-Chan then?”
“Of course! But you have to let me call you Yu-Chan.”
“What about you Nanami-San?” She turned to the blonde boy.
“Yeah! Use a nickname.”
“You don’t have to.” She assured him.
“Nickname! Nickname! Kuma-Chan! Kuma-Chan!” Haibara clapped along with each syllable.
“I’ll think about it… Kuma-San. Ugh that sounds weird.”
Haibara cheered excitedly. Yaga smacked him and started to teach.
After class Haibara invited her out to lunch.
“Hey Short Stack. Come over here.” Gojo beckons her over, curling his finger in a come here motion.
“You may think that you’re special, having the old farts drooling all over you and all, but you’re nothing more than a wet hole they can toss away at any moment.”
“Wow. If this is how you see women, it’s no wonder why you’re a virgin.” His smirk dropped, as hers curled tightly onto her lips.
He grimaced at her, stepping toward her to tower over her. “A weakling like you should watch your mouth. I’m the strongest sorcerer in the world, probably all of history.” He slammed her against the wall. “I shake the foundation of the world.” He placed his hand around her throat. “No one would even care if you were to disappear one day.”
She held her hands in a circular position and brought them up to her eye level. Before he knew what happened purple rope surrounded him on the ground then more apparated and entangled his limbs.
“What the Hell?” He grunted.
“Strongest my Ass.” You mumbled and limped away.
“Kuma-Chan! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, Yu-Chan. Just a little light headed. I hate to say it but that Gojo guy is pretty strong.”
“He’s a Gojo, of course he’s strong.” Nanami piped up.
“What do you mean?”
The boys explained the details of the Gojo Clan and Jujutsu society as a whole.
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After lunch the Higher ups brought her down to the basement of Jujutsu high. “What is this?”
“This is Tengen. Nullify their energy.”
She held her hands up in a familiar manner and purple rope surrounded the sorcerer.
“It didn’t work.” One of the higher ups remarked.
“Hang on.” She pulled off her backpack and pulled out Cub. “Come on now, Cub. Absorb Tengen’s cursed energy.” They winced and hid into her shoulder. “Please Cub. I know that you’ve been a bit sick but please, try for me.” Cub looked toward Tengen and tried to absorb their cursed energy. “Nothing? Okay bud.” She put them back in the bag.
“Wait.” Tengen called out. “You said that curse could absorb cursed energy?”
“They can transfer it to someone else too.”
“The Star Plasma Vessel will be here in a few days. I want you to absorb their energy and feed it to me.”
“May I know why? I’ve been flown across the world, to an underground bunker, in the forest of an island nation. I have no clue what’s going on.”
“Men, leave us.” The higher ups leave the two sorcerers and the curse. “I am dying, it is happening very soon. My consciousness will evaporate and I will morph into a higher plane of existence. The Star Plasma Vessel has the Cursed Technique to renew my form but they can only use it upon death, thus can only be activated once. I believe that your pet can absorb it and transfer it to me without casualties.”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
Tengen had gone quiet after that.
“Okay…” She turned and walked out.
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The day of the full moon was the day of the merge, and it was also the scariest day of her life. The day started out with Haibara and Nanami asking her to accompany them on a mission; she declined.
“Huh? But what could be more important than this?”
“Don’t worry about it Yu-Chan. The higher up’s gave me a different mission and I have to stay here.”
“Just let it go Haibara.” Nanami pat him on the shoulder and the two left.
Next she went to the armory to get a weapon just in case of emergencies. “Ooh a machete. What do you think bud? Should I go Jason Voorhees on their asses?” She swished the machete around as cub sits on the floor.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
She then spent the rest of the day chilling on the roof of one of the buildings, keeping watch over the school to see when the boys would return.
Eventually Geto ran past her and Cub. “Geto-Senpai!”
“Satoru is in danger! If you want to be useful go help him!”
“Take Cub with you!” She threw her pet down to Geto, Riko, and the maid.
She then went off to find where Gojo was. On the way she came face to face with Toji Fushiguro.
She assumed a fighting position and shouted, “Who the hell are you?” He didn’t respond as he pulled out a gun from his worm and shot her. The bullet pierced through her stomach.
“Out of my way.” He spat coldly as he stepped over her. She lay unmoving on the floor as he walked away. She didn’t need to give him a reason to think she wasn’t dead and risk him coming back to finish the job.
After he was a good distance away she felt that it was safe to get up. She pulled the bullet out with her hands as red vines surrounded the wounded like bandages. Then she pulled on them and they disappeared along with the wound.
She got up ran in the direction Toji left in. “No doubt he was already to the elevator by now.”
She got there just as the elevator doors closed and she saw Toji looking surprised at her. She used the Machete she had borrowed earlier to pry the elevator doors open. She then sliced the cables on the elevator. “Who says you can’t bring a knife to a gun fight?” She then takes a different elevator down and runs through the tunnels to get to Geto and Riko.
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On Toji’s end he had heard the snap of the elevator cables and been quick. He pried open the doors and used one of his swords to plunge into the space between the doors and jam the elevator still. He took a moment to catch his breath. He then opened the ceiling hatch and crawled up into the open. He looked between the cracks and saw that he was only a few feet from the bottom to if he hit it it most likely wouldn’t kill him. He hesitantly crawled back into the elevator and slowly pulled his sword out. The elevator plummeted down to the bottom and Toji lost his footing and hit his head pretty hard. “Ugh. That brat, I should’ve finished her off when I had the chance.” He rested for a few seconds before he got up and walked through the tunnel.
Halfway through a snarling wrathful creature came charging a him. Cub bit into Toji’s right side as he swung at the poor creature. Toji kept swinging but Cub started to jump around and claw at the man. He was getting tired of the creature but he couldn’t really do anything to them. After a few minutes he finally grabbed Cub and threw them hard against the wall. Cub whimpered and crawled towards Toji, not willing to give up fighting yet. Toji stabbed them in the side and walked on towards the other side of the tunnel.
When he finally got to the end he yelled exasperated. “OH COME ON!! I shot you, and you gave me a head start when you cut the elevator cord, but somehow you got here before me!”
“You’re not getting the star plasma vessel that easily.”
She apparated a glowing white metal chain to her and struck him with it. He grabbed it and pulled her closer to him grabbing her and threw her down the tunnel behind him.
She heard a familiar whimper come from farther down and she rushed to see Cub. “Oh shit! No no, please! Cub!” She surrounded them in red vines and smiled softly when they licked her hand. She sprinted back down the tunnel in a fury.
she handed Cub off to Riko who had been abandoned by the boys who were fighting. She summoned her chains and swung over to them. She struck Toji in the face and again on his back. She kept swinging. His arms his legs his sides. Geto had to physically stop her as she jumped closer to the assassin and was almost hit by one of his curses.
“Careful Kohai!”
“I’m going to kill him! He nearly killed Cub!” She screamed as tears poured down her face.
“I’ll handle this! You get Riko to safety.”
“No offense Kohai but you’ll get in my way if you jump in guns blazing. Go help Gojo, get him to Shoko.”
“Okay.” She swung away. “Senpai! Here!” She pointed at him and a light blue ribbon shot towards him and was absorbed into him. She pulled Riko and Cub away down one of the tunnels to get to the elevator.
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“Gojo!” She and Riko called out as he stood in front of them. He ran toward the two and hugged Riko. It did feel like a bit of a punch that he’d greet Riko first, but it’s not like the two were close so she shouldn’t feel bad about it, right?
“Hey Gojo-Senpai, Geto-Senpai wanted me to get you to Shoko Senpai.”
“No need.”
“Alright then, come on Cub, absorb Riko’s energy.”
“WHAT?!” The two scream.
“Riko can Absorb Cursed Energy and either transfer it to someone else or use it to amplify their attacks. I could boost their ability to do so if I had any energy left but I used the rest to boost and refuel Geto-Senpai.”
“Back up, back up. What can you do?”
“I have purple rope that nullifies, white chains that attack, red vines that heal, and light blue ribbons that buffs someone. I well it’s more complicated, I can use the last bit of my cursed energy to refill someone’s cursed energy as well as boost the strength of their attack.”
“You’re like Shoko and Utahime combined, but weaker.”
“I don’t know about that. She was beating up that assassin pretty easily.” Riko smiled.
“I don’t know what world you are living in but that was not easy.” She declared.
“Weak.” Gojo Whisper yelled.
“Shut up!”
“Here, if you need cursed energy have your little bear thing refill yours with mine.” Gojo held out his hand towards the curse. Cub nearly bit him.
“Do you by any chance have a high amount of cursed energy?”
“Yeah, it’s basically unlimited. Why?”
“So you’re why Cub’s been sick lately!” Cub started to consume energy as their human kept talking. “They get kinda sick and cranky when they’re surrounded by a large amount of Cursed energy.” The two did the transfer and Cub took away Riko’s cursed energy. “Now if you two will excuse me I’m going to go help Tengen.”
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A few days later and life was getting on at Jujustu High. Riko and her maid had gone home, Tengen was stable, Shoko had healed Geto, and no one had heard anything about Toji since he fled.
“Hm? Short stack! Where are you going?” Gojo called out as he saw her leaving the premises with her suitcases and Cub riding in her backpack.
“Good luck with your future endeavors Gojo-Senpai!” She smiled back at him. “I’ll be taking my leave now.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” He ran up to her.
“My purpose for coming to Japan is fulfilled. I’m going back to America.”
“What? You’re leaving?” He asked exasperated.
“Yes. Is there a problem?” She tilted her head slightly confused.
“You can’t leave!”
“Why not?”
“Because there aren’t as many curses anywhere else in the world. If you want to get stronger you have to stay.”
“I’m strong enough to protect myself and those I love.”
“Oh really?”
“Why do you even care?”
“I want to fight you. You beat me once but rest assured that will never happen again. I want you at your strongest so that I can destroy you.”
“Ugh. Can you be any more petty?”
“You’re not leaving Tokyo yet. I’ll talk to the higher ups and get them to let you stay.” He pats her on the head like she’s a dog.
“The world doesn’t revolve around you, ya know. I don’t want to fight you. And after this past week I don’t think that I want to become a sorcerer anymore.”
“Just… stay for the rest of the school year. If you really want to leave after that go ahead.”
“Is your ego really that fragile that anyone who can possibly crush the brittle piece of masculinity you have has to be “put in their place”?”
“You wish. Like I already told you. I am Gojo Satoru. I am the strongest sorcerer in history. Mountains crumble before me. Raging oceans calm at the snap of my fingers. I can destroy everything that you’ve ever loved so be a good girl and sit tight while I get ready to humiliate you.”
She just looked at him bored. “You know, your fly has been down this entire conversation.”
He blushes and looks down to see that she was lying and looked up to see her giggling to herself and walking back towards the dorms. “See you later Tomato Face.”
“I’m going to kill her one day.” Gojo mutters to himself.
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Weeks went by without her even realizing it. Everyday was rigorous training; her speed, strength, and stamina had all increased.
“Okay, let’s try domain expansion.” Yaga said as he held up a clipboard jotting down notes for an examination to determine her rank. They were out on the track field measuring the strengths and limitations of her cursed Techniques.
Haibara and Nanami came out to support her while the second year students came out because Gojo wanted to make fun of her.
“Oh, um… I don’t have a domain. See, because I can nullify cursed energy I can’t exactly use a domain to amplify my nullification. They kinda cancel each other out.” Gojo snickered watching from above at the top of the stairs. Geto elbowed him in the side as Shoko glared.
“Don’t worry Kuma-Chan! You’re doing great!” Haibara yelled supportively.
“Can’t you just put me in grade 4? I don’t really know if I want to stay here anyway.”
“Listen, I know that this isn’t the most ideal situation, but you’re here at Jujutsu High anyway and most people want you to succeed.”
“Look, I’m hungry, I’m tired, I want to go take a hot shower and finish up my day by watching Naruto. Can we please just finish this up?”
Yaga sighed and clicked his pen in. “Fine, we should have enough Data to sort you.”
Haibara ran over to her. “Kuma-Chan! Don’t you want the fame of a Jujutsu sorcerer?”
“No not really. I think you and Nanami-San will be great sorcerers. Ieiri-Senpai and Geto-Senpai will be amazing too.”
“What about me, short stack?” Gojo teleports behind her and wraps an arm around her shoulder.
“Yeah yeah, you’ll become the strongest sorcerer and you’ll have women throwing themselves at you, you’ll be so rich that you’ll use paper money to wipe your ass, and if anyone ever talks back to you you’ll kill them without a second thought.” She replied sarcastically.
“Wrong! I’m already the strongest.” He booped her nose. She rolled her eyes and pushed him off her.
“Drop dead SENPAI.” She said tauntingly, and walked off.
Geto smirked and walked alongside her. “You sure told him off.”
“…Can we not talk about him Senpai? How have the curses been.”
“Tasting like Shit as usual.”
“Do you want me to make you some sweets?”
“That sounds lovely sweetness.”
“Since when did they get so close?” Gojo side eyed the two.
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A year later Yaga sent Haibara and Nanami out on a mission.
“Can I come along?”
“Are you sure you want to?” Nanami asked worried.
“Can’t let you two have all the fun, now can I?” She smiled and left with the boys.
“Pfft. She thinks that she’s all that.” Gojo rolled his eyes.
“She is pretty nice.” Geto replied smiling at the thought of the yummy pasties that she’d cook when she got home.”
“Oh yeah. I bet you’d know all about it seeing as you two are best friends.”
“Are you jealous?” Geto’s voice held a bit of mirth to it as he teased his best friend.
“NO! I just don’t like that she’s taking away everything that is rightfully mine! My title as the strongest, my best friend, next she’ll take away my girlfriend.”
“You don’t have a girlfriend. And she tied you up once a year ago, I highly doubt that you could call her the strongest.”
“Okay second point first, it’s still a blow to my reputation, okay? And while I don’t have a girlfriend yet once I do she’ll probably go around spreading lies about me.”
“Who would you even want for a girlfriend? Riko? Shoko? Utahime?”
“Um… someone who can keep up with me. Someone who’s kind and thoughtful. Someone strong enough to keep my family off my ass but someone I can protect and provide for. She’ll have to be okay with me leaving for missions all the time though.” At Gojo’s confession Geto bursts out in laughter. Gojo blushes. “What’s so funny, Suguru?”
“Your ideal girlfriend sounds just like the woman you were bitching about not even 15 seconds ago. She doesn’t just kiss your ass, she’s made me pastries on many occasions to wash out the awful taste of curses, she has incredible power but overall doesn’t want to become a sorcerer, and since she’s been on several missions she’d understand the hardships of having to travel for work.”
“No, Suguru that’s crazy talk. I don’t love her and I’ll prove it to you.”
“I’m going to tell Yaga that she left without permission.”
“What? No, Satoru. Do not narc on the poor girl just because I said that you have a crush on her.”
“I do not!”
“Gojo has a crush on who now?” Shoko appeared to the boys.
“No one!” Satoru shouted.
“Okay, calm down!” Shoko sighed.
The next day the three came back, Nanami carrying her in his arms.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry!” Haibara sobbed into Geto’s shoulder.
“What happened?”
“She took a hit for Haibara… her Achilles tendon was slashed and she lost a hand. Haibara broke one of his ribs and the curse ripped his arm clean off. Eventually we were able to get her enough cursed energy to heal herself and Haibara, but she overdid it and she hasn’t woken up since.”
“HAIBARA!! NANAMI!! YOU ASSHATS WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!!” Satoru yelled as he ran into the room. Geto had to physically restrain him and explain the whole situation. “She wasn’t supposed to be on that mission.” Cub walked over on their hind legs and pawed at Gojo, sucking up some of his energy. They then rushed over to their human and refilled her energy so.
“Yu! Kento!” She shot up she pulled Yu into a tight hug and as the other three boys in the room watched on. “Jackass. I thought that I’d lost you.” She softly sobbed.
“Okay Short Cake I think that’s enough excitement for one day. I’ll bring you back to your dorm.” Gojo pulled her away from Haibara and picked her up.
“Hey! Put me down!” She screamed as he started to walk away.
“Call me Satoru and I just might.”
“This isn’t funny Gojo-Senpai!”
“Why so cold? Not even 5 seconds ago I you used Haibara and Nanami’s first names. Come on~ three little sounds Sa~To~Ru~”
“I’ll give you a kiss if you be a good girl and say my name!”
“Yu Yu! Kenny! Help me!”
“Now they have their own nicknames? You’re being so mean.”
“Sugu! He’s your friend! Do something!”
“Even my own best friend gets this special treatment. Oh how you wound me.” He pouted.
“Should we do something?” Kento asked.
“Nah, I’m going to love teasing him about this for the next month.” Suguru smirks recording the whole thing.
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At the end of the year She and Gojo finally battled; he wiped the floor with her.
“Congrats, strongest sorcerer.” She smiled at him.
“Thanks. In a year how about we have a rematch? Does best two out of three work for you?”
“Only if you count this round one. I don’t think I could go three rounds with you.”
“Technically this is round two since you beat me as a first year. Next year at your graduation winner takes all.”
“I wasn’t really trying back then but you’re on.”
“Gojo are you bullying this poor girl?”
“Look who decided to show up. Short cake this is Mei Mei and Utahime.”
“Nice to meet you both.” She smiled.
“Gojo! You should show me more respect as your senior!” Utahime glared. As the two started to bicker Mei Mei pulled the other woman away.
“Sorry hun. He’s taken.”
“I can tell that you have an interest in him, but look at them over there. Do you see his smile? The fire in his eyes when he looks at her? The way he laughs so carelessly? His heart belongs to Utahime.”
“Sa- …Gojo-Senpai, I have to go. I’ll see you in a year.”
“Wait. You’ve still got two weeks til you have to go back to school.”
“Yeah, um. I think I’m going to go back to America.”
“Why? You were just there.”
“Six months ago for Christmas break.”
“Oh… has it really been that long? Okay well. I’ll see you around!”
She went back to her dorm and sobbed into her Pillow. After a good hour she bought a ticket to go home, and started to pack.
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“Wow. Sweet Eighteen has done you well.” Gojo smirked.
“Tch. Don’t be a creep.” She said as the two assumed a fighting stance.
The battle was chaos. Attack after attack was fired. Eventually she nullified his cursed technique and jumped on him. She got onto his shoulders and started to hit his head.
“…Short cake… hang on for a moment… I’ll surrender if you do something for me.”
“What exactly.”
“Squeeze your legs together. As hard as you can.”
“Are you kidding? That’ll suffocate you!”
“That’s kind of the point sweetheart.” As he said that she just fell back in shock. He caught her as she fell. “Is that a no? If you’re not into that I’m more than willing to suffocate in your chest.”
“Shut up!”
“Short Cake, what happened to us? You haven’t talked to me in a year. We were so close after you nearly died.”
“Oh don’t act like you care about me! Just go off and marry that Utahime chick!”
“I don’t want to marry her.”
“Please. I saw the way you looked at her at your graduation.”
“Oh you mean like how you’re so touchy with Suguru and Haibara and Nanami, and all those assholes on your social media accounts!”
“Are you kidding? You have no right to judge how I chose to move on from my heartbreak. It’s not like you’ve been very chaste anyway. You’ve “supported” a few girls financially here and there over the past year and you have the balls to act like I’m in the wrong?”
“You ghosted me!”
“Because Mei Mei said that you were in love with Utahime!”
“Yeah? Well she lied. Utahime has never made me feel like I was at threat of being overthrown as the strongest. For two years you came at me with comeback after comeback and I finally felt alive! Two years I watched you give Suguru sweets and I begged him to share even half a crumb with me! Two years I watched you squander your potential because you didn’t feel like you deserved to be here! I’m done holding back.” He grabbed her by the back of her head and kissed her, he then whispered her full name lowly in her ear and vowed that one day soon he would marry her.
“Come here dumbass.” She kissed him again. “I love you Satoru.”
“I love you too.”
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“I could have been named Sasuke?” Her and Satoru’s 5 year old son pouted.
“Toru suggested that name and I shot him down. We already have one emo son in Megumi. We didn’t need another one.”
“Kakashi! Nezuko! Why is my very pregnant wife and your very pregnant mother out here in the cold?”
“Hun, it’s September, and 75 degrees out.”
“Sorry Papa.” The three year old girl teared up.
“Great Satoru. Now you’re making our daughter cry.”
“Sorry Short Cake. Megumi! Can you help your mother to the couch?”
“She is not my mother. No offense.”
“Non taken. I know that you only say that because then technically he’d be your father.”
“Hey! He’s a great dad!” Kakashi defended.
“Yeah! He’s the best daddy!” Nezuko adds.
“I suppose you are great, aren’t you Daddy~?” She teased. The children painfully unaware of the meaning.
“Are they like this all the time?” An unfamiliar voice called from the foyer of the Gojo Estate. Her face burnt up in embarrassment.
“Mrs. Gojo. Meet Itadori Yuuji and Kugisaki Nobara, Megumi’s new classmates.
“Please pretend like you didn’t hear me earlier.” She requested meekly.
“Done. Gone from my memory.” Yuuji smiled plainly.
“Yeah yeah, I don’t really care about Sensei’s bedroom affairs.” Nobara hand waved it away.
“Megumi. How about you show your friends around and put your siblings down for a nap?” Satoru suggested.
Megumi nodded and everyone left the two alone.
“I love you Mrs. Gojo.”
“I love you too Mr. Gojo.” And as Sakura petals fall the two embraced in a tender kiss.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Because I follow the "Elain Archeron" tag, Tumblr will occasionally make recommendations on my feed and some of those happen to end up being posts written by E/riels.
One of these suggestions mentioned that Elain and Az are well suited to one another due to their quiet and reserved natures and I had to shake my head because, what?!
The Elain in the Night Court who talks softly, has hands that shake around Az, is quiet and reserved is the Elain still experiencing the effects of trauma which we know she still has because she herself confirmed it in SF.
The Elain from before:
She had come alive here, and her joy was infectious. There wasn’t a servant or gardener who didn’t smile at her, and even the brusque head cook found excuses to bring her plates of cookies and tarts at various points in the day
Elain had taken charge of planning and finding me a last-minute dress, and … it would only be for an evening.
But I tried to smile, if only for Elain, who flitted about the room, personally greeting each guest and dancing with all their important sons.
Two in the morning, and yet the party was showing no signs of slowing. / Elain was laughing among a circle of beautiful friends, flushed and brilliant. Nesta had silently left at midnight, and I didn’t bother to say good-bye as I finally slipped upstairs.
Elain, to my surprise, had a horse, a satchel of food, and supplies ready when I hurried down the stairs. My father was nowhere in sight. But Elain threw her arms around me, and, holding tightly, said, “I remember—I remember all of it now.”
“We keep it secret—we send the servants away. With the spring approaching, they’ll be glad to go home. And if Feyre needs to be in and out for meetings, she’ll send word ahead, and we’ll clear them out. Make up excuses to send them on holidays.
Order them to leave now.” “I’ll do it,” Elain said, taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders. She didn’t wait for either of us before she strode out, graceful as a doe.
“My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles.”
Does that seem like a reserved and quiet female or does that seem like someone who, while kind, takes charge and is the life of the party? Someone who comes alive when in the right place?
Does the Elain of the Night Court seem to be the center of everything that's going on or does she seem to fade in the presence of the others?
And if that's not convincing enough:
“Elain is overwhelmed by crowds.” “SHE DIDN'T USE TO BE THAT WAY". Nesta swirled her glass of amber liquid. “She loved balls and parties.” The words hung unspoken. But you and your court dragged us into this world. Took that joy away from her.
Feyre then tells Nesta she's "readjusting" and sure, Elain isn't a total shell, she's doing her best to make a life for herself but she's definitely not the vibrant person she once was.
We are told point blank that the Elain in the Night Court is different and it's clearly not a good thing.
Show me a scene where Az ever happily wandered around from person to person making conversation in a social setting outside of the IC. Show me a scene where he's happily chatting up even a single person outside the IC.
Show me a scene where people are eager to do things for Az because he's such a pleasure to be around.
Feyre wonders if Az gets some of his information from "stone cold manners" but there's never any proof of it happening and even if it had, having manners in order to spy on someone isn't the same as actually enjoying the interaction.
The fact is that Az and Elain do not have similar personalities and any connections people are trying to make is based off Elain as she is after very recent and extreme traumas.
It's a problem in this fandom that I often notice with certain groups and something they seem to do with both Gwyn and Elain.
They think Gwyn can't be interested in Az because she started SF in a low place. They look at Elain as she is in the NC and have based their entire opinion of who she is off that.
They fail to realize that ACOWAR, ACOFAS and SF are poor representations of who these two females actually are (as who they are in those books are who they are because of trauma). They fail to consider who they'll be once they've fully overcome their traumas.
Gwyn isn't going to shy away from males forever.
We've already seen growth from her in SF and she's only going to continue healing. Thinking that it's going to take too long for her to overcome what happened to her and therefore can not go on to have a happy relationship before the series ends is a disturbing mentality.
And thinking that we're not going to eventually see the return of the Elain who took charge and convinced others what to do with smiles alone, who thrived when surrounded by friends and non friends (just people in general), who loved balls and parties is a bit odd because that's the Elain who is canonically the happiest we've ever seen her to be.
And if there is the acknowledgement that we will see the return of that Elain but someone still believes she'd be well matched with Az who Cassian tells us "likes his space", it's possibly the strangest thing of all.
Sure Elain and Az are physically attracted to one another, that can not be disputed.
However what also cannot be disputed is that the Lucien who easily makes friends wherever he goes and enjoys parties, who prefers to avoid violence is an exact match for the happy version of Elain who easily makes friends, enjoys parties, and is bothered by cruelty.
Someone can prefer the opposites attract trope but it's completely false to claim that Elain and Az are similar in personality.
But regardless of what tropes we prefer, in the end what someone wants to see won't matter because SJM doesn't seem to prefer opposites attract and she's the one calling the shots.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 4 months
Please ramble about Tedstina I’m a total truther lol. Their chemistry was SO intense and palpable from the second Teddy stepped on screen and I agree about them not getting together whilst Teddy was mentoring her but I always thought the Henry plot was a perfect lead in to them developing something long term. Like in my head Cristina dumps Owen after he makes her lie about Henry and in Teddy’s grief and Cristina’s guilt they get closer, eventually sleeping together and then dating. Out of all the couples something about them both being so stubborn but also so clear eyed, ambitious and somewhat cold makes them the most likely to last in my opinion. A little line with Burke but this time they actually know and like each other lmao. And it would definitely be a little twisted since Cristina technically ‘killed’ Henry and then dated his widow but also it’s no darker than other weird romance plots on greys lol. Plus they would’ve been hot as hell 😭
yess you get it. okay but be forewarned this is a true ramble- it may only be vaguely coherent as i’m just going off the cuff.
exactly the chemistry is genuinely insane!!!! the thing about greys that bums me out in the early seasons is that they had an aversion to making any of their main female characters canonically queer. like, i get it, bc getting the callie storyline out there was an uphill battle. but it’s like they want to be explicitly clear all the time that cristina and meredith are both very very Straight. and that’s a whole other thing i could go on about. all this to preface that i think if the show aired now, cristina would be canonically openly queer right out the gate.
by the time teddy came along, it was still pretty early in the owen/cristina and so he hadn’t really done anything yet to make him quite so hate-able. and after hahn there was a big gap left where cristina was sorely lacking in a good mentor. burke was almost a good mentor but then you know they started canoodling and he eventually got frustrating. hahn just straight up refused to teach cristina despite her clear enthusiasm and untapped talent. then teddy comes in and it’s like…. she’s brilliant, she’s not put off by cristina’s cristinaness and she actually seems to be interested in the teaching aspect of working at a teaching hospital (which was fucking rare at that point). so i was immediately drawn to the teddy-cristina dynamic. especially with the complication of owen being the common link.
i could go on a whole other ramble about teddy and the long lasting effects that stemmed from allison’s death and the guilt about that infidelity but suffice to say by the time we meet teddy she’s pretty messed up about love.
and as we know, cristina has a long history of being attracted to mentor figures.
i think that with teddy’s infatuation with owen being shut down on his end pretty early on (despite him doing a total one eighty in the later seasons and claiming to have always loved her 🙄) it opened the door for her to realize WHY she was attracted to him in the first place (a best friend she made in a war zone shortly after the allison tragedy, him already being in a relationship).
SO anyway teddy meets cristina. they’re both in love (?🙄) with owen, they are both passionate about the same specialty, they both have tragedy and failed romance in their pasts.
and i see what you mean about them being very similar. but they are also opposite (and therefore perfectly complimentary) in a lot of ways. i personally think teddy is a lot more optimistic than she appears. she’s not easily discouraged. i also like that right off the bat she recognizes cristina’s talent, takes a liking to her, and is kind of just impervious to cristina’s dislike/wariness of her. i think it’s so funny how almost everyone but meredith is at first really put off by cristina’s bluntness or outright offended by her but teddy is just like “i respect your skill, i’m not gonna take any shit, i know i’m great at my job so let me do it and we’ll be chill”
i think that the conversation about teddy wanting to leave and cristina begging her to stay and yelling that teddy can have owen was a turning point for both of them. i think they both had a lot of revelations.
AND THEN i think the saga of henry’s death was also a major turning point for their relationship. i don’t think this would make their relationship that twisted tbh bc i don’t think teddy ever saw it that way. i think if she blamed anyone other than herself, it was owen (which, yeah bc the way he handled that was fucking bonkers). and i’ve seen a lot of frustrating stuff (mostly on tiktok lol which i have to stay away from bc there’s rarely any nuance on there when it comes to fandom/media discussions) about how teddy repeatedly grilling cristina about henry’s death was the worst thing she ever did and she was punishing cristina or something. but i think that that isn’t true at all in the slightest. it was fucked up and brutal and it was a grief response that was terribly unfair to cristina, but i think it actually showed the two of them being on the same wavelength in a lot of ways. cristina isn’t fazed (at least visibly) by teddy’s need to hear it over and over. bc i think she understood why teddy needed to hear it. they both deal with grief by making it about the facts and about the medicine. teddy needed to know that there is nothing anyone could have done to save him so that she doesn’t feel like she has another death on her hands. and i think cristina gets that because of her backstory with her fathers death. AGAIN i think they just get each other in ways that owen never got either of them.
ANYWAY i personally have this AU idea in my head where they cross paths in europe and reconnect.
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stonesparrow · 3 months
All’s Fair In Love And War (And Video Games)
General Audiences, No warnings apply.
Crossposted to Ao3!!
Summary: Sai reinvents Super Smash Brothers and asks Senku and Yuzuriha if they’d like to playtest it for him. This leads to some interesting consequences.
Most people, if asked, would say that Ogawa Yuzuriha and Ishigami Senku got along quite well. Friends since middle school, the two of them hardly ever found themselves at odds, and even when they irritated each other it was infrequent and usually quickly amended with a simple sad look from Taiju. 
So it was quite a surprise to Gen when he walked past the rec room at the Tokyo base and heard a bloodcurdling roar of rage from within.
As Gen’s heart rate suddenly spiked, an icy cold voice slithered out from the doorway. “So what if I did? You totally had it coming.”
Poking his head inside, Gen saw Senku and Yuzuriha staring at each other down with the most terrifying expressions he’d ever seen on either of them in the nearly ten years he’s known them, a panicked looking Sai pressed up against the wall. 
Fire danced in Senku’s crimson eyes as he glared at his childhood friend. “You better prepare for a world of pain, Ogawa. I’m not going to be beaten so easily.”
Yuzuriha laughed, and it was such a chilling sound compared to her normal warm countenance that Gen could only stare. “By all means keep wasting your pitiful little life trying to bring me down.”
“The only pitiful little thing here is that smile you’re wearing, the one I’m going to tear off your face and burn until there’s nothing but a memory,” Senku growled.
“Uh…what’s appening-hay?“ Gen asked Sai.
“I don’t know!” The programmer yelped, arms flailing. “I just asked if they wanted to playtest the Super Smash Brothers dupe I was working on and then they started going crazy!”
Gen blinked. “What?”
Senku and Yuzuriha seemed to not even register that there were other people in the room. “You must be losing it if you think you have any hope of defeating me,” Yuzuriha said.
Senku’s chuckled. “Your confidence is adorable, but this is the adults’ time to play, princess.”
“Oh?” Yuzuriha snorted. “This from the little boy who slept with a Doraemon plushie for ten years?”
Senku’s eyes narrowed. “Best out of fifteen.”
Yuzuriha smirked. “Challenge accepted, Mister Ishigami.”
The screen in front of them beeped, and both young adults raised their controllers with such intense looks in their eyes that it seemed like they would melt the glass monitor just from staring at it. As soon as their game avatars appeared on the platform, they started mashing away at the buttons in a frenzy, barely even blinking.
Sai shot a desperate look at Gen, mouthing “help me.”
“I…I’m going to get Taiju-chan real quick,” Gen said hurriedly, rushing out of the room.
When he brought Taiju back to the rec room, Yuzuriha suddenly threw her controller down with a shriek. 
“That’s IT! You are DEAD TO ME!!”
Senku scowled. “YOU WERE DEAD TO ME FIRST!!”
“Please, Taiju—“ Sai gasped. Taiju blinked, glancing at Senku and Yuzuriha’s shouting match, then back at Sai and Gen.
“Is there a problem? This is how they always are during game nights.”
Gen and Sai stared at him. 
“What?” Gen croaked.
“They’re so loud though,” Sai whimpered. Taiju nodded sagely.
“Okay, I understand. I’ll calm them down then.” He cleared his throat. “Hey, it’s dinner time!”
Immediately the screaming stopped.
“Oh, dinner already?” Senku said. “Wow, I’m actually starving.” 
“Time sure flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?” Yuzuriha said as the two of them got off the couch and walked towards Taiju.
“No kidding.” Senku nodded. “Anyway awesome work Sai, plays like a charm. We’ll be back soon for sure.”
“Let me know when you get Zelda programmed into the game!” Yuzuriha called. “She’s my favorite!”
The two friends casually strolled out the door, and Taiju smiled.
“See? They were just having fun.”
He followed his friends out, and Gen and Sai stared at each other.
“Those three…really are something,” Sai said.
Gen sighed and rubbed his temple. “You said it.”
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rainisawriter · 1 year
Hi can I request an h&l fic where fujio finally gets the motorbike he wants and has become quite the happy menace. Then maybe something happens and now needs the someone maybe from sannoh (maybe cobra or Yamato or both) to talk him to calming down. Dunno how the transition of that will be but maybe because Yamato fixes bikes?? Or something?
Thanks in advance 🤗😘
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So, uh… I don't think this is what you had in mind when you sent this request I'm so sorry, I have no idea what happened lmao The fic just kinda… got a life of its own and took off, I guess. I totally understand if you hate this and feel free to send this request again if you'd like me to attempt sticking closer to what you wanted T-T)/
Genre: Fluff, friendship
Word Count: 5,853
“Oi!” Kiyoshi slammed his hands down on the table, his eyes sparkling as he looked between me and Yasushi. “I want to go to Kyomin Café!”
“Kyomin?” the blonde’s brow furrowed as he glanced at you only to receive a shrug in reply. “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a café,” you replied with a snicker. “Weren’t you listening?”
Yasushi rolled his eyes. “I know it’s a damn café, but what kind of café? I’ve never heard of it before.”
“It just opened up downtown,” grinned Kiyoshi as he sat down beside you, his body forcing you to scoot over so there was enough room.
“Downtown?” Yasushi and you exchanged a look and you frowned.
“That’s White Rascal’s territory. If they find a couple of Oya kids there, they’re not gonna be happy.”
The blonde scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. “Please, we can take them easily!”
“You can try if you want,” you replied with a scoff. “But you can count me out. I have no interest in going against those guys.”
“Call me what you want. I’m not a child like you, I won’t be goaded into it.”
Kiyoshi pouted at us. “Please? I really wanna go but I don’t wanna go alone!”
“Why do you wanna go there so bad, huh?” questioned Yasushi, looking suspiciously at his best friend.
His cheeks tinted pink as he lowered his gaze to the table.
The corner of your lips twitched upward as you realized the reason. “There’s a cute girl there, huh.”
His eyes widened, snapping over to you as his cheeks darkened. “How did you know?”
“You only have two interests - cute girls and fighting.”
Yasushi scoffed in disbelief. “No way in hell am I going to some cafe just so you can try and get a girlfriend. I have better things to do.”
“What?” you quirked a brow at him. “You mean glaring at Fujio’s group because you can’t beat them? Sounds like a bucket of laughs.”
“I don’t have to take this abuse from you!”
“Yet you’re not leaving.”
He glared at you for a moment, trying to intimidate you, but you just grinned at him, knowing you were right.
“Please!” cried Kiyoshi as he shot up from his seat, hands pressing together above his head as he bowed.
“Come on, Yasu,” you sent him a look. “This is clearly important to him and it’ll make him happy.”
He didn’t look convinced, narrowed eyes falling on the taller male.
“Besides, if we don’t do this we’ll have to deal with his sulking for the next week.”
Yasushi’s eye twitched at the thought, a scowl on his lips. “Fine.”
Kiyoshi’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. “Thank you!!” He threw his arms around the two of you, squishing you both to his body despite the table that separated you and the blonde.
“I already regret this,” muttered Yasushi.
You only sighed in agreement.
Kyomin Café was located in the heart of White Rascal’s territory and it was packed to the brim with customers, all dressed fashionably in bright-colored clothing. The three of you stuck out like a sore thumb but no one paid you any mind aside from a few confused or dirty looks.
“This is so stupid,” muttered Yasushi as he glanced around the brightly lit interior. The walls were a faint pink, the floor marble white and the fluorescent lights bright enough to replace the sun itself.
The majority of the customers were female, so you could see why Kiyoshi wanted to come here. Unfortunately for him, he failed to consider why it was such a hotspot for girls.
“Welcome to Kyomin Café!” A tall, attractive young man appeared in front of you, a bright smile on his face and little hearts drawn on his right cheek. The name tag on his chest read Kiku. If he was put off by the appearance of you three, he didn’t show it at all. “Is it just the three of you?”
Yasushi was glaring at him, clearly put off by his friendly demeanor.
Kiyoshi was staring at him with his mouth open as he fought between feeling annoyed and envious.
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, that’s right.”
“I’ve got the perfect table for you! Please follow me.” He lead us to a table near the back of the cafe. It was square and painted white, pushed against the wall with three chairs surrounding it. “I’ll give you a moment to browse the menu. Back in a jiff!”
Yasushi scowled at his back. “I hate him.”
“You hate everyone, that’s not saying much,” you commented, picking up the brightly colored menu. It was full of sweets in pastel colors with cute names you wouldn’t be caught dead saying aloud.
Kiyoshi whimpered, lowering his head. “How can I compete with that?!”
“You can’t,” scoffed Yasushi, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded over his chest.
You kicked him hard under the table, glaring at him before motioning toward the defeated male.
He frowned, his hard demeanor falling the tiniest bit. He leaned forward, slapping Kiyoshi on the shoulder. “Hey, if they don’t choose you, then they’re dumbasses. So what if you’re not a pretty boy like that loser? Can he take a knife to the gut and keep fighting? No, he can’t! He would drop to the ground and cry like the loser he is.”
“You’re right…” He slowly lifted his head, his confidence slowly returning to him. “I’m twice the man he is!”
The girls sitting at the next table looked at the two weirdly before getting up and moving to a different table. You briefly wondered how long it would take before the three of you got banned from the cafe.
You rested your cheek against your hand, glancing to your left, eyes locking with one of the servers. Time seemed to freeze as the two of you stared at each other and it took a moment for recognition to flash through your mind.
It was Fujio. His usually slicked-back hair now sat against his forehead in waves, earrings dangling from his ears. He wore the cafe's uniform and tiny stars had been drawn onto the skin beneath his left eye.
His eyes widened in shock, panic clearly dancing within them. He stumbled back, nearly running into the guy who had seated you before he darted into the backroom. You had no idea why he was here but something told you he didn't want anyone at Oya to find out.
You glanced at your two best friends and frowned. You knew better than anyone that, if they found out, they would tease him mercilessly. The boys at Oya loved to gossip more than little old ladies enjoying Sunday tea so it would only be a matter of minutes before the whole of Oya knew.
"This shit looks gross," you stated, scowling at the menu. "My stomach already hurts. No way can I eat this sugary shit. Can we go now?"
"Hah?" Yasushi scowled at you. "You're the one who insisted that we come here for Kiyoshi. Now you wanna leave?"
You glanced around the room before leaning forward, lowering your voice. "My stomach really hurts, okay? You know how I get around big crowds.”
Kiyoshi frowned, concern written on his face as he leaned toward you. “Why is your stomach hurting? Are you sick?”
You shrugged a shoulder, looking at him pleadingly. “I don’t know, maybe. I think the ramen I ate this morning might have been expired.”
Yasushi scowled at this. “I just told you to throw that shit away!”
“I forgot.”
“You’re a hopeless idiot,” he huffed, standing up. “Let’s get out of here.”
Kiyoshi nodded, standing up and waiting for you to do the same. “Do you need me to carry you?”
“No, it’s not that bad. Thanks, though.”
“Where are you going?” Kiku approached us with a frown, head tilted to the side. “You haven’t even ordered yet. Is the menu not to your liking?”
“Piss off,” Yasushi huffed, glaring at the male as he walked past, making sure to bump his shoulder against Kiku’s. Kiyoshi also sent him a glare.
You glanced over your shoulder, locking eyes with Fujio again as he peered his head around the door. He was watching you nervously, his bottom lip between his teeth. He was clearly waiting for you to rat him out.
“Excuse me?” Kiku called out wearily, looking between you and the raven-haired male. “Do you know Hanaoka-san?”
“Nope,” you replied simply before turning back around and leaving the café. The boys were waiting for you, leaving an empty spot between them so they could walk on either side of you.
“We’re never doing that shit again,” huffed Yasushi. “What a waste.”
Kiyoshi’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry…”
You patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry too much, Kiyo. You’ll find a girlfriend one day.”
“I hope you’re right…”
“I’m always right.”
Yasushi snorted loudly, sending you a disbelieving look. “Like hell you are!”
You returned it with a blank look. “You should really stop being such a buzzkill, Yasu.”
“I am not a buzzkill! Right, Kiyoshi?”
Kiyoshi paused, looking between the two of you. His lips parted but, instead of answering, he turned on his heel and took off down the street.
“Yah! Get back here!” Yasushi cried, taking off after him.
You chuckled, shaking your head.
“I’m hungry,” Yasushi complained, leaning back in his chair and staring up at the ceiling of the classroom.
“That sounds like a you problem,” you commented, not looking up from your phone.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Oi, go with me to the vending machines.”
“Are you paying?”
He rolled his eyes as he stood up, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Don’t I always?”
You followed him out into the hall, dodging students as they rushed past. It had been a few days since you saw Fujio at the café and you had the feeling he was avoiding you. Not that it mattered much since you guys weren’t friends, but you had to admit that you were curious. 
Was he having money problems? Did he get roped into it by someone else? The only one you knew who could work there was Tsukasa, but you doubted he would be willing to take the job. 
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Tsukasa was walking down the hall toward you, hands in his pockets. His eyes met yours for a moment before he looked away. You stepped to the side to walk past him but he went out of his way to bump his shoulder against yours. You realized why he had done so when he pressed a piece of paper into your hand.
“Sorry about that,” he smiled charmingly.
Yasushi scowled at him. “Watch where the hell you’re going, Takajo!”
“Right, right. Sorry,” he apologized again, his eyes flickering to your hand.
“Don’t worry about it,” you replied, sticking your hand into your pocket so Yasushi wouldn’t see the note.
“You should have punched him,” complained the blonde.
“It was an accident, keep your panties on.”
“I do not wear panties.”
“I hear they’re super comfortable for guys.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“You’d be doing me a favor.”
The two of you stared each other down for a moment before grinning and cracking up.
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom,” you told him and he nodded.
“What do you want from the machine?”
“The usual.”
You headed in the direction of the bathroom but kept walking when you reached it, glancing over your shoulder to make sure he wasn’t following you. You waited until you found an empty classroom before tugging the note from your pocket and reading it over.
'Meet me behind the school in 20 - H. F'
You hummed in interest, taking note of how pretty his handwriting was. Quite strange for a delinquent, but it somehow suited him. You considered going back to Yasushi and making up some lie about needing to go somewhere only to decide that it was easier just to go to the meeting. You could figure something out to tell him later.
Fujio was pacing under the large oak tree out back, his hand on his chin.
“Yo,” you called out, holding up the note when he looked over at you. “What’s up?”
He frowned at you, glancing at the note. “You didn’t tell Yasushi or Kiyoshi.”
“Did you want me to?” you inquired, quirking a brow.
“No!” he replied quickly. “No, I - I just figured you would."
"Not the first time you've been wrong, Hanaoka," you chuckled, trying to cut through some of the tension. It seemed to work as he grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I am curious, though. Why are you working there?"
His eyes lightened up at this and he dug into his pocket to pull out a page ripped from a magazine. "Look!"
You took it from him curiously, eyes scanning the page. It was for a motorbike, the price set at *. "Ho~? Are you planning to go the way of Murayama-san?"
"Of course not!" His brow furrowed and he folded his arms over his chest. "I just really want one. Have you seen Sannoh riding around town? They look so cool! I bet it's really freeing, too, like you're flying!"
You watched him closely as he spoke, taking in the cheerful and excited look on his face. He seemed so happy, so carefree, unburdened by the weight of being an Oya leader. You had to admit, it was a good look on him.
"What?" He pouted, shifting nervously under your watchful gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I think it's great that you have something you want and you're working hard for it," you told him honestly, handing the page back. "I hope you get it, Hanaoka."
"Thank you," he smiled softly before adding as an afterthought. "For everything."
"Sure. You don't have to worry, I won't tell anyone about your job. Later." You lifted your hand in a half wave before turning and heading back into the school. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you didn't have to check the ID to know who it was.
"Yah!" Yasushi's voice was so loud on the other end that you had to pull the phone away from your ear. "Where the hell did you go? Did I buy this shit for my own health, huh?"
"Keep your panties on, I'm on my way."
"I told you I don't - no, screw you! I'm giving your snacks to Kiyoshi!"
"Don't you dare -" But he had already hung up the phone. "Motherfucker," You muttered, rushing down the hall.
You stifled a yawn as you stepped into the café, the bright lights making you wince. It was dark outside but with all of the neon lights of the downtown district, it was as if the sun was still out. Even so, they couldn't compare to the overpowering fluorescents of the café. You couldn't help but feel as if it was completely ridiculous to have lights that bright.
Surely someone had to have complained, right? You glanced around at the customers, all of them young girls with stars in their eyes as they undressed the waiters with their hungry gazes. It made you shiver in disgust.
"Oh, you're back!"
Your gaze shifted to Kiku who smiled warmly at you. "Table for one."
"Your friends aren't with you?" he inquired curiously, glancing behind you.
"Wasn't really their kinda scene."
"Oh, I see," he giggled. "Follow me!"
Kiku led you to the same table you had been at a few days ago, promising to return soon. You still felt sick looking at the menu of pure sugar, but the iced hot chocolate looked appetizing. You made a mental note to ask if it was as sweet as everything else.
While waiting for the waiter to return, your eyes scanned the café but there was no sign of Fujio. You were sure he had been working tonight, but it was more of a hunch than hard fact.
Kiku returned a moment later. "Do you know what -"
"Is Hanaoka working tonight?" you interrupted him, not sparing him a glance. 
"He's supposed to be, but he's running late," pouted the male, his hand on his hip. "I was supposed to get off five minutes ago."
You hummed thoughtfully, wondering if he had gotten caught up in a fight or something on his way. You briefly worried that the White Rascals had found him and, for some reason, that made your heart clench up anxiously. It was a feeling you had only ever experienced when Yasu or Kiyo were in danger. Not just a fight, but genuine danger.
"I thought you said you didn't know -"
Fujio came rushing into the café, breathing heavily and his clothes askew. His eyes fell on Kiku and he hurried over, bowing with his hands pressed together in front of him.
"I'm so sorry, Kiku-san! I had a… family issue to deal with."
Kiku sighed dramatically, inspecting the black polish on his nails. "You're lucky the customers love you so much. In fact, this one was just asking about you."
Fujio's eyes fell on you before widening in surprise, his lips parted.
Kiku patted him on the shoulder. "Go get yourself together and get clocked in, yeah? My feet are killing me."
"Yes, sir!" He sent you one last look before rushing into the back.
"Do you mind waiting?" inquired Kiku with a kind smile. "If you do, I can take your order before clocking out."
"I've got nowhere to be," you replied.
"Awesome. I'll let Hanaoka-san know to come see you first," he winked before turning and leaving.
You turned your attention to the window beside you. There was a small alleyway there with a brick wall on the other side, nothing too interesting. There was a line of windows stretching across the cafe wall, though, so you could see people walking past on the street, as well as the neon lights flashing across the buildings.
Thunder rumbled softly overhead, sending the people scattering inside, not wanting to be caught in the rain in their party outfits. 
You glanced over as Fujio squatted down beside the table, a pad and pen in hand. "Late for work, huh? You're never gonna get your bike that way."
He pouted, folding his arms on the table. "It wasn't my fault! Those guys jumped me, I had to fight back."
You scanned his face for any sign of injury but saw none.
He realized this and gently patted his right side, only to wince in pain. "I made sure they didn't get my face. I'm pretty sure I'd get fired if I showed up with a busted lip."
"Not necessarily. Girls like them," you motioned around you with your hand. "They live for drama. All you have to do is tell them someone robbed you and they'll eat it up. Might even give you a bigger tip."
"I don't want to lie to them."
You clicked your tongue, leaning back in your chair. "Sometimes this world doesn't deserve honesty."
"I'd rather live in a world that does," he admitted, a soft smile on his face.
You frowned at this, eyes narrowed. You wanted to call him a fool, to tell him that he was being naïve, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Fujio was an honest guy through and through. He didn't hold back his intentions or lie about what he wanted, even if it would benefit him. 
That kind of person can be easy to take advantage of, to manipulate, and you didn't want that to happen to him. For whatever reason, you now felt protective over him. It was the same way you felt about Yasu and Kiyo yet… it was also different in a way you couldn't put your finger on.
"So," he broke the tense silence, clearing his throat. "What are you doing here?"
You hummed, tapping your fingers on the menu. "Well, I didn't get to try anything the last time I was here. I kept thinking about the iced hot chocolate."
"Oh, that's one of our more popular items!" He grinned. "Everyone says it's really good."
"Have you tried it?"
"I have and I really like it. Do you want one?"
"How sweet is it?" 
"I can make it as sweet as you want. Most people request the sweetest version but I tried it and it was gross," his nose wrinkled cutesy and you chuckled.
"Just lightly sweet, please."
"Of course!" He scribbled it down on his notepad before glancing up at you. "Anything else?"
"I'll see after I finish my drink."
"Okay, I'll have it out to you soon." Fujio stood up with a smile, turning to give your order to the guy making the drinks but he barely made it two steps before his name was being called.
"Hana-kun~!" A short girl with wavy blonde hair waved frantically at him, nearly bouncing in her seat when he turned to look at her. She pouted her glossy lips, batting her eyelashes. "I missed you!"
He smiled charmingly at her, no doubt having learned it from Tsukasa. "I'll be with you in a moment, Minnie."
As soon as he disappeared into the back, her eyes fell on you, narrowed in annoyance. She sized you up before scoffing, a smirk sliding onto her lips as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger. She clearly didn't think much of you but you didn't really care either way. You weren't here to please this random chick you didn't even know.
Her face lit up when he stepped into the room again, but it fell when he ignored her and came straight to you, carrying the drink you ordered.
"I made sure it's not too sweet for you. Go on, taste it." He watched you closely as you sipped the drink. "Well? I can have it remade if it's too much."
"It's perfect. Thanks, Hanaoka."
A grin slid across his face, rubbing the back of his neck. "Glad you like it. I'll leave you to it, then."
You hummed as he finally gave Minnie the attention she was seeking. She kept glancing over at you as if to rub it in your face, but you were paying her no mind, looking down at your phone. Yasushi had messaged in the group chat, asking where you were since he had gone to your house and couldn't find you.
-> Yasubaka: Oi, were u kidnapped or sumthin?
-> Kiyochan: Kisnapped?!
-> Kiyochan: kidnapped*
-> Yasubaka: pft, I feel sorry for the kidnappers
-> Yasubaka: they got no idea what theyre in for
-> Yasubaka: seriously where tf are u??
You scoffed at the two idiots but couldn't help smiling at their concern. No matter how much you annoyed each other, you were still family at the end of the day. You quickly messaged back saying you had gone on vacation before putting your phone on silent and slipping it back into your pocket. Fujio was running around the cafe, taking orders and entertaining the girls drooling over him. He continued to check on you, but you chose not to order anything else.
After an hour of consideration, you had made your choice.
You pulled out a wad of cash from your pocket, counting out how much was needed for the bill before adding a $20 tip. You glanced at Fujio, catching his eye. He was in the middle of taking someone's order so he couldn't come over, but that was fine. You knew he was gonna fight against the over-tipping and you were too tired to deal with it. You motioned toward the cash and he nodded before returning his attention to the customers.
"What the hell?!" Fujio slapped his hand on your desk, eyes burning as they bore into your own.
Yasushi and Kiyoshi were, thankfully, not in the classroom, but several of their followers were. They knew of Fujio's strength, though, and hesitated to attack him. They just stared at him with wide eyes and open mouths, trying to decide the best course of action.
You quirked a brow at him. "Hello to you, too."
Fujio glanced at the other students before lowering his voice. "We need to talk!"
"I know what you wanna talk about and I'm not interested."
"It's too much!"
"Don't care." You sent him a blank look before getting up and leaving the room, the raven-haired male hot on your heels.
"Take it back." Fujio grabbed your wrist, trying to stuff the bill into your hand but you clenched it into a fist, giving him a grin.
"I refuse."
"Why are you being so difficult?" he pouted.
"Why are you? Just take it, Hanaoka."
He bit his lip, seeming torn. "Are you sure?"
"A hundred percent sure?"
"A hundred million -"
"I'm going to punch you."
A smile slid onto his lips, his grip loosening around your wrist but not leaving it. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it. Seriously, don't," you warned him, but your smile betrayed you.
"I won't if you won't," he said softly, his eyes once again boring into your own. They were softer this time, filled with something you couldn't quite decipher.
"Deal," you replied softly, unable to tear your gaze from his. Were his eyes always that pretty?
"Senpai, is everything alright?"
You quickly stepped away, realizing just how close the two of you had been. Clearing your throat, you looked at the first year that followed YasuKiyo. "Yeah, it's fine. Come on, let's go."
You could feel Fujio's eyes on your back as you walked away, but you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
Over the next few months, you actively visited the café just to help Fujio with his bike fund. To be honest, the place wasn't terrible but you certainly regretted giving their food a try. As expected, it was full of sugar and made your stomach turn. How anyone could eat that drivel, you'd never know.
He continued to resist the extra tip each time but finally gave in when he realized you weren't planning on changing your mind anytime soon. Part of you was thankful for this while another part missed arguing with him about accepting it. With each visit, you felt yourself growing more attached to the male and it was starting to scare you.
Yasushi and Kiyoshi had also noticed the change in your demeanor, along with the constant disappearance acts you kept pulling. They knew something was up and, being the idiot brothers they were, they wouldn't drop the subject. Every time they saw you, they were demanding answers or glaring at you in a poor attempt to break you. Having to deal with them and the fact that you had no idea how you felt about Fujio now was annoying as hell.
Finally, you just started avoiding everyone just to get some peace and quiet.
There was a spot on the opposite side of the roof from where Fujio's crew hung out that no one used. Probably because the floor was super weak there and, honestly, was a death trap in the making. It was peaceful, though, so you found yourself hiding up there more times than not.
"Is that Fujio?"
"No way!"
Curious, you peered over the side of the roof, seeing the raven-haired male driving down the street on a shiny new bike. His smile was brighter than the fucking sun and it was obvious that he was pretty damn happy about finally getting his bike. He hopped off it as soon as he was in front of the school, showing it off to anyone who would look.
You snorted when one of the boys tried to touch it only to get a foot in the face and a scolding look from Fujio.
Seeing how happy he was to finally have the bike he had wanted for so long brought a smile to your face, but it also left a sour taste in your mouth. He didn't need you anymore, you realized. He was probably going to quit his job at the café since he had what he wanted.
It shouldn't have bothered you, but it did. It bothered you a lot, more than you were willing to admit out loud.
You rolled onto your back, hands behind your head as you stared up at the fluffy white clouds above you. 'I should be happy. Now I don't have to visit that damn café anymore. Yasu and Kiyo will finally get off my back, too. Not to mention how happy Hanaoka is. This is a good thing...'
You groaned, rolling onto your side and closing your eyes. "A good thing, huh..."
You stifled a yawn as you walked down the street, heading home after a long day of fighting. For some reason, everyone and their grandma seemed to want to fight YasuKiyo and, by association, you. It was something you had grown used to after so many years, but it felt as if everyone came out of the trenches today.
Someone yelled your name from behind and you held back a groan, turning to see who wanted to fight you now. To your surprise, it was Tsukasa and Fujio. You said nothing as they approached, quirking a brow at the blonde as he was the one who had called for you.
"We need your help."
"My help?" you echoed, scratching your cheek. "What for?"
Tsukasa nudged the ravenette in the ribs and you finally turned your gaze to him. The sadness in his eyes made your heart clench up painfully, anxiety coursing through your system. He looked as if he wanted to cry, an expression you had never once seen on the male.
He took a step toward you, his lips trembling as he searched for the right words. "There was an accident..."
Tsukasa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Do you have to be so dramatic? They're going to get the wrong idea if you say it like that."
"Oh," he frowned at his best friend before looking back at you. "My bike, she... she was hurt. Badly."
The blonde folded his arms over his chest. "A couple of the part-timers got ahold of the truck Seki used to drive and they didn't see his bike there."
"She didn't stand a chance!" Fujio cried, grabbing you by the shoulders. "Tsukasa said you could help. Is that true?!"
"Ah, well... I can't help -"
His head fell, grip tightening on your shoulders.
"- but I know someone who can."
His head shot up, hope in his watery eyes. "Really?!"
"We gotta go to Sannoh territory, though."
"I have to get back to Oya," said Tsukasa with a sigh. "They made a real mess with that damn truck. Can I leave him in your hands?"
"Yeah, I got him."
"Thank you," he smiled charmingly at you before giving Fujio a stern look. "Behave and don't cause them any problems. No fighting with Sannoh, got it?"
"You have no faith in me, Tsukasa," pouted Fujio.
"I wonder why..."
After parting ways with the blonde, you led Fujio toward Sannoh's territory, feeling nervous for a host of reasons. Despite Cobra and Murayama having long since squashed their beef, they were still wary of Oya. Probably more so now that Murayama had left. They were also super protective of you because of your cousin. By all accounts, it was a bad idea to bring Fujio here yet you didn't hesitate.
Fujio needed you and you loved it.
The metal door to Asahina garage was up and your cousin sitting inside eating some onigiri. There was a broken down bike off to the side and he had no doubt been working on it before taking a break.
Yamato glanced up when he heard you enter, his eyes widening when he realized it was you. He jumped up, throwing his arms around you and squeezing the life from your bones. "Oi, where the hell have you been, huh? I was beginning to think you forgot about your favorite cousin!"
"You're my only cousin," you grunted in annoyance, trying to shove the hulk of a man off of you. "And I was here like two weeks ago."
"To see Cobra!"
"And? Cobra is less annoying."
"Thank you."
You glanced at the stairs, seeing Cobra descending them with a bottle of water in his hand and a smile on his face. "You're here, too?"
"Don't sound too excited," he joked, but a serious expression came to his face when he spied the ravenette lingering behind you. "Who is he?"
Before you could say a thing, Fujio bowed at the hip and introduced himself with vigor. "Hanaoka Fujio!"
"He's my friend," you stressed, sending the two males a stern look. "And he needs help."
"We're not a charity case," scoffed Yamato, eyes narrowed at the boy.
"He needs his bike fixed," you explained, taking note of how your cousin's eyes lit up at the mention. "I'll pay for it if that'll make you happy."
"No!" chorused Yamato and Fujio, sending you a scowl.
You held your hands up in surrender, fighting back your smile. "You'll help, then?"
Yamato seemed to consider this for a moment before sighing. "Fine. Bring it to me and I'll see what I can do."
"Thank you so much!" cried Fujio, bowing to them again. His eyes weren't quite as dull now, regaining some of their usual happy shimmer.
"I'm not making any promises," muttered Yamato before returning to his snack.
You patted the ravenette on the arm before turning to leave the garage.
He walked at your side, a pep in his step. "Thank you for this. It really means a lot."
You hummed. "Don't think you're not paying me back for this."
A smile tugged at his lips and he nodded. "Of course! Whatever you want."
The words made you pause, brow furrowed at him. He made it a few more steps before realizing you had stopped. He glanced at you, tilting his head to the side. "What's wrong?"
"Do you mean it?" you questioned softly. "Anything I want?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "Did you have something in mind?"
"What is it?"
You closed the distance, leaning closer until your face was just inches from his own. You knew exactly what you wanted.
Fujio swallowed hard, his cheeks tinting pink. "W-What are you -"
You leaned toward his ear. "You're buying me lunch for a month." And then you pulled back, walking away as if nothing happened.
Fujio's lips parted, face burning as he tried to wrap his mind around what had just happened.
You grinned back at him. "Oi, you comin' or what?"
He tried to get a hold of himself, ignoring his racing heart as he rushed to catch up with you.
High&Low Masterlist.
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splatcat64 · 2 months
the same goes to you for getting excited LOL !! that was a very endearing talk about the both of them (all four of them) it was super interesting :) i love hearing other ppls thoughts on characters. honestly i see all ur points and agree with everything. :P one of the few ppl in the current blands tag (or overall, i know this place has been a nightmare) mentioning jack being a genocidal fascist so im like I Respect You . im a bit shy to babble on my thoughts but theres SOOOO MUCH. idk what u use for music so ill just tell u text so u can look it up - its on my general borderlands playlist but it was such a fiona song to me but the hand that feeds by the crane wives.. i know the lyrics are about not caring about money but the symbolism is important to me . i have parts that make me go nuts but you know . hehe
I am SO glad we’re on the same page lmao thank you!!! This really warms my heart :}
I totally understand being shy to spit out your thoughts, often, if I’m not having trouble just getting the words out in general, I’m too damn scared to say anything. Just recently I worked up the courage to actually speak what I think here. And I am GLAD I can be of service in that way oh my god. I respect u too it’s been. A huge honor, I stalk literally all the tags and it can be like a minefield. Like, It’s okay to like Jack as a character, he’s a compelling villain and I think he’s really well written. But he’s genocidal and a fascist… that can’t be ignored bl2 literally yells it at you. However an analysis of him is definitely not for this post and definitely not my strongest suit, we’ll see about that on my side.
And I use Spotify! Seeing you mention crane wives made my brain EXPLODE because not only are they a reaaaally Fiona like band, it gives real Sasha vibes, and just tales/borderlands in general. I’m definitely biased because of stuff with me and my friends own stories and headcanons and ocs, but even with a grain of salt if you or anyone wants to check more songs out pleaaase do. I definitely agree that I can see how the hand that feeds is soooo Fiona but I’m gonna go run and listen to it in the context of her now.
BUT I do have some Crane wives songs that I one, just recommend in general, and two, can fit the tales cast really well. High Horse, Curses [it’s popular I know but trust me I have a vision], and Arcturus Beaming.
High horse just reminds me of Fiona and Sasha a lot, it’s been influenced by stuff me and my best friend come up with so. Again. Biased, but it’s a GOOD song. Arcturus Beaming is new, and it’s not some people’s fav but because it reminded me so much of the tales cast I have a very good opinion of it. For lack of better words that shit was so good I immediately slapped that shit on my tales’ oc’s playlist cause holy shit. Good song. AND THE SYMBOLISM GOD. Anyways those are my recs if you wanna check them out, otherwise, Tysm and Ty for the song rec I appreciate it so so so much!!!!
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Taking some of the Gotham Boys to Spirit Halloween 🎃 | Headcanons
A/N: Saturday was the official start of Spooky Season™ (I mean it actually starts in August but yeah) so I had to make something to commemorate it 🎃Also I apologize that these are so short 😭
Warnings:Jerome, some nsfw implications here
Jerome Valeska
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Um…why are you guys here? He doesn’t need a costume, he’s literally terrifying all by himself!
Oh, you wanted a costume? Can he help pick it out please please please?!
He’s taking you to the section with the corsets and tutus Surprise,surprise 🤡
“Babe, look I found the perfect costume for you!” “Jerome that’s literally just a pair of spandex shorts and a studded bra…” “Exactly!” “Okay but what would I be in this?”
He said you’d be his 🤡
Jervis Tetch
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He has 3 different Alice costumes picked out for you within 5 minutes of walking in the door
None of them are particularly risqué but still very cute however, you love seeing him flustered, so you naturally go to find a “sexy” Alice costume
Success! You found it and Jervis’ eyes are as wide as saucers and he is blushing profusely
The poor man nearly dropped the costumes he was holding
“Um…d-dear, wouldn’t you rather wear something maybe a bit…longer to our tea party?” “Aw, but this one’s so cute! And look at these striped thigh highs I found, they’d look perfect with it!” GULP
Oh no, he can’t say no to you! Especially when he’s imagining you in that!
“W-well, perhaps we could get this one for just you and I and another one for our tea party with the other guests…” “I like that idea, just let me see if it fits before we checkout!” “No! …you can try it on once we’re home and if it doesn’t fit, we’ll simply bring it back! “
Well, it was a short trip but it was fun, nonetheless
But the real fun starts when y’all get home 🥴
Jonathan Crane
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Could he interest you in a scarecrow costume?
Never mind, all of them are either too cute or too…vivacious….
He likes the animatronics and the decorations though
Oh but what’s this? You found some stuff you could throw together to make a spooky scarecrow costume to match with him?
Has he told you he loves you today?
Can and will go back later with toxin and rob the store for decor and novelties you both like
Edward Nygma
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy! He has so many ideas for you two!
Ooh what about Frankenstein and his monster? Or Dracula and Mina Harker? GASP! WHAT ABOUT PERSEPHONE AND HADES?!
Ah dammit but there’s no hades costume other than the Disney version
Time to scrounge for supplies!
Okay you’ve both successfully found some cool things to throw together, time to see what you got before checking out!
He had to get a generic black robe but you managed to find a goddess costume that could pass for Persephone
And oh boy he’s blushing…are you sure you want to wear something with such a high slit up the leg to the Halloween party at the gcpd?
“Oh Eddie come on, don’t you want to show me off in front of all those jerks from the bull pen? Maybe get them to shut up for once?” “Well…when you put it that way…yes I think I would!”
Now he can’t wait to see you in your costume 😉
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Costumes? No offense, y/n, but you and him are probably a little old for trick or treating.
You have to remind him that there’s a Halloween party at his work and suddenly he’s all giddy and ready to go
Ooh how about he dresses as a police officer and you be his little jail bird?
You could get some handcuffs, maybe one of those adorable totally not slutty striped outfits and…Aw whaddya mean that’s not appropriate for a work function?!
Hm…well now that he thinks about it, maybe the entire gcpd seeing you in a spandex romper and handcuffs isn’t the best idea
He’s willing to compromise and get the striped dress
But you best believe this man bought that romper for some alone time with you
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d4t-webserial · 1 year
D4T: Page 6 (Alice POV)
//cw: transphobic slur// go here for more info on d4t
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Alice’s been able to get Lu to hang out very often (pretty much whenever they both have free time ;p). Having this large amount of time in person she’s been able to realize some more things about him.
First off he isn’t a chaser… well he is in that he’s a “man” (we’ll get into that later) who likes trannies, but he doesn’t fit with… what you'd call the stereotype of “chaser”, but that’s not what made her come to this conclusion. No, it’s whenever she calls him a chaser he’ll visibly cringe, most men who are shameless enough to use 4chan *and* openly admit to dating tgirls are more than comfortable using chaser to describe themselves, so something about it has gotta be off to him. Secondly he’s really feminine like *super*, don’t get her wrong she wasn’t one of those weirdy homophobic girls who usually call themselves allies but would rather their boyfriend cheat on them than be bisexual, and she always knew Lu wasn’t exactly… super masculine (the idea of him doing typical straight man posturing was both ridiculous… and upsetting), but he’s *so* feminine in how he holds himself and talks... and honestly even his body (his hands are so smooth). This leads her to a simple conclusion, he isn’t *really* a chaser but instead a repper in denial (honestly she should have seen this sooner it’s a classic chaser archetype), now other girls usually talk about these chasers as bad and to be avoided, she didn’t know if this was cause there was something inherently bad about your boyfriend trooning out on you or is it’s just about the gender, due to not knowing she assumes the latter and luckily for her she’s a **massive** bishit (she has decided this as of now) and if he (or should she switch to "she"?... nah, she’ll give him the benefit of the doubt) takes the pinkpill she can still make him her girlfriend… unless he was straight technically but he obviously isn’t (he’s the dictionary definition of agp t4t transbian… except he isn’t into diapers… she hopes).
While hanging out they tended to fall into an interesting pattern whether it’s at her house in her room or at his dorm when his roommate’s out, he’ll sit at some large but not too noticeable distance away from her (he isn’t as subtle as he thinks), then while they’re talking or watching one of his shows or playing video games (well he plays she just watches, unless it’s mario kart she’s the fucking best at mario kart) she’ll move ever so closer, bit by bit so he can pull back if he wants (he never does) until she’s right next to him, she doesn’t go overboard only the sorta interactions that’d make sense for… completely platonic friends (but like… gal pal friends). Whenever she leans on him he stops making much sense like his brain is malfunctioning, and she can totally hear his heartbeat. One time she caught him looking at her and could’ve swore he was gonna kiss her… but he didn’t, ever since then he’s been a bit more distant, not much tho… just, a bit.
gsrtgsgkgnrstlhnrturwlj okay… okay… it’s okay… she’ll just wait for him to be ready, she’s okay with that, he’ll make a move… eventually,... but he *is* autistic like sooooo autistic, he might not know she’d like it, maybe if she told him… oh god…
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “hey lu”
trashbag_minister (Lu): “hi”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “i have smth i wanna tell u”
trashbag_minister (Lu): “what is it?”
she starts typing
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “if you want to date i would like that”
trashbag_minister (Lu): “oh”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “i kno u said u werent dating a while back i just”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “if u wanted to kno i guess”
trashbag_minister (Lu): “i’m detrans”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “what?”
trashbag_minister (Lu): “i was a trans girl for,, a while, but i stopped”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “i kno tht”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “or i didn’t kno u were but i kno what detran means”
Tranny Mona Lisa (Alice): “why?”
Too anxious to wait for a response she put her phone down… fuck, he’s a detransitioner. What does that mean? Like why tho… the only detransitioners she’d seen were the bald ones on twitter saying she was in a cult, she didn’t even know trans women detransitioned, well like obviously they do at least one did, but like… she hadn’t thought about it. Is he like… one of those ex-gay people, using her in the same way an “ex” gay uses anonymous hookups on grindr to satisfy some repressed desire. Did he think his body was mutilated, or that hers was? Why did he identify as a chaser, or go on /tttt/? Did he actually like trans girls… she had thought he did but was “chaser” just an excuse to be a cis man in trans spaces? He always seemed so supportive, but she thought detransitioners hated the trans community for “ruining” their bodies. Did he hate all trans people or only himself… Was he still the same person, Her Lu?
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Little League
Little league
Percy wasn’t a big fan of early mornings. Especially on Saturdays when he wanted to do nothing all day. But having kids changes a lot of things in your life. Including your routine and your much needed sleep on weekends.
That was the reason behind him braiding his daughter’s hair at 7 am. “Come on, daddy. We’ll be late.” Zoe complained.
“We have an hour ahead of us. You have nothing to worry about.”
“But we have a game today.”
“They won’t start without you.” He smiled as he liked that his daughter was old enough to be passionate about her hobbies. “You’re ready.”
Zoe stared herself at the mirror. “Thank you, daddy.”
“I’ll go make pancakes.” Percy said as he took Zoe’s bag with him downstairs.
Charlie was in the living room, watching television and drinking a smoothie. “Hey, bub. What do you want on your pancakes?”
Charlie turned to face him. “Chocolate chips and maple syrup.”
“Coming right up.” Percy let down Zoe’s bag and took the batter he had already prepared and started making pancakes. Did they have enough time? No. Would they make it on time? To be announced. 5 minutes later everyone was eating pancakes and they managed to get out of the house on time.
Percy was sitting in the stands wishing he had brought an extra coffee with him. Annabeth was rocking Lana who was sleeping in her stroller, away from the other parents. Charlie and Theo were sitting on the grass close to her, looking very bored. Percy tried to focus on the game, but the lack of caffeine was making it impossible for him. Magically, a coffee appeared next to him. Well, Nico gave him the coffee as he sat next to him. “I love you.”
“I am not your wife, Percy.” Nico said as he drank some of his coffee.
“You would love that, wouldn’t you.” Percy joked.
“Fuck off.”
“There are little kids here.” Percy gasped. He knew that Nico was still bad at censoring himself even after 3 kids, something that Percy liked to take advantage of.
“And all of them are asleep.” Nico ran his hand through his hair and put on his aviators.
“Thanks for the coffee.”
“We should convince the coach to move everything an hour later. I can’t function this early.”
“I totally agree. It’s enough that I have to wake up early on weekdays, I am not doing it on weekends as well.” Percy complained. “And we have Charlie’s games on Sundays.”
“Still interested in hockey?”
“Crazy about it. Although, Annabeth is making him a Bruins fan which I am not a big fan of. Like there are excellent teams in New York. Like the Rangers.”
“I prefer the Devils.” Nico added. “Or the Islanders.”
“Not you as well. I need someone to agree with me. Will! Come here.” Percy said to Will who was a few steps bellow them. He climbed up and sat next to his husband. Soon Rachel came as well holding Jasmine. “Rach? What are you doing here?”
“Bianca wanted me to come, so here I am.”
“What’s the best NHL team?”
“Penguins or Bruins.” Will stated.
“What did I expect from a Harvard graduate? Rach?”
“Rangers.” Rachel replied like it was the only right answer. Which was in Percy’s mind.
“Thank you. One sane person around here.” Percy exclaimed.
The next 6 minutes were relatively quiet until a girl from the other team pushed a girl from their team. “Penalty! That’s unacceptable.” Will shouted making Nico sink lower in his seat.
Will was way too passionate in Percy’s opinions. Especially if you considered that they were watching 6-year-old girls play soccer. But it was fun to watch him. And even more amusing watching Nico telling him to be quieter. “Will, for God’s sake. It’s Little League, not NFL.”
“Technically, this is soccer not football.” Will snickered.
“Only in America.” Nico noted.
“The player should be disqualified.” He argued. Percy wished he had popcorn with him.
“The player is a 4-year-old.”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s illegal behaviour.”
“Like I haven’t seen the moves you were teaching Bianca.” Nico accused him. Rachel pulled a packet cookies from her bag and gave some to Percy as they were both interested to where their bickering would end up.
“That’s different.”
“How is that different?”
“It’s self-defence.”
“She isn’t allowed to touch the other players.” Nico said.
“How about both of you calm down?” Rachel proposed to her friends. Jasmine grasped their attention as she started pointing towards Bianca. “Yes, Jas. That’s Bee. Wave at your sis.” Rachel told to the stinky cute baby sitting on her. Jasmine started waving until she grabbed Bianca’s attention who waved back at her. Percy remembered his own baby and decided to go check on Annabeth.
He got off the stands and went to the grass area. “She’s still asleep?” He asked as he put his chin on Annabeth’s shoulder.
“Yes, she doesn’t do well with early mornings.”
“Go watch the game. I’ll watch her and the boys.” Percy kissed her cheek as he let her go.
“You’re the best.”
“I’ve been told before.” Percy smirked.
“By who?”
“My wife.”
Annabeth winked as she started walking away. “Your wife sounds like a keeper.”
“Oh she is. I am never letting her go.” Percy promised.
He turned his attention to the three boys sitting on the lawn, a few feet away from him. Theo was listening carefully while Ryder was talking enthusiastically about something that Percy couldn’t understand. Theo looked actually interested with what Ryder was saying which seemed a bit unusual as Theo dismissed 99% of the people that talked to him. I guess he liked that Ryder wasn’t pressing him to talk him like most kids their age did.
Then, Percy turned his attention to Charlie who was sprawled on the lawn playing on Annabeth’s iPad. “Bub? You’re good?”
“I am bored.” Charlie said as he closed the iPad. “Why should I come every week?”
“To support your sister. She comes to your games.” Percy said.
“If she doesn’t want to come, I won’t mind. Like they are obviously the better team. And they don’t even keep score.” Charlie argued.
“If they don’t keep score then how do you know that they are better?” He questioned his son who looked at him with the most ‘seriously now?’ Annabeth Chase expression in existence.
“I just know. And they aren’t even allowed to touch the other players. Where is the fun to that?”
“Not everyone likes Hockey, bub.”
“And they are wrong.”
“Don’t you like that we eat out after the game?”
“I guess the food is fine.” Charlie thought to himself. “And when I play for the Bruins I will want Zoe to come and see me play.”
Percy had heard Charlie say that he wanted to play hockey when he was older. He knew that it was one of the most common answers a kid gave to these questions, but Percy liked his enthusiasm about the sport. Bobby was fuelling to his son’s ambitions as he kept mentioning over and over again that his kid was NHL material. To which Annabeth reminded him that he was 6.
 “Bruins? Not the Rangers?”
“No, the Bruins. They’re a better team, dad.”
“You’re killing your old man. I hope you know it.” Percy joked.
“You aren’t that old.” Charlie replied. “And if they give me a million dollars I’ll play for the Rangers.”
“I’ll give you a million to play for the Rangers.”
“Deal. But I am not supporting them. I’m just going to play for them.”
“Enough for me, bub.” Then he turned his attention to Lana who was finally awake. When she realised she was noticed she immediately started reaching for him. Percy took her out of the stroller and on him. “Look at Zoe. How well she is playing.” He said to the little girl who was scanning her surroundings.
“Can I hold her?” Charlie asked as he put the iPad in Lana’s diaper bag.
“Yes, but you have to be careful.”
“No running or jumping.” He stated as Percy lowered Lana to his son’s arms. Lana squealed in delight as she realised Charlie was holding her. She loved her older brother, which reminded Percy to snap another picture of his kids.
“Dad, no more pictures.” Charlie replied annoyedly. “You have a gazillion pictures of us.”
“And I want a gazillion and one pictures of you. When you’re older you’re going to be glad that I was taking pictures of you.”
“They’re done.” Charlie said as he saw Annabeth and Zoe walking towards them.
“Excellent game, Zo.” Percy said as Zoe ran up to him. “You’re a talent. Show stopping.”
“Thanks, daddy.” Zoe smiled. “Can we go eat now? I’m hungry.”
“Absolutely.” Percy said as he motioned Theo and Ryder to come with them. A few moments later, Will, Nico, Rachel, Bianca and Jasmine came as well. “Are we ready to go?”
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