#but it wasn't really right to keep the keep the human conspirators so much in the dark. they were largely rich powerful white american men
baileys-3 · 9 months
Sneak Peak:
Tim knows that this wasn't the smartest move of his life. He knows he should have controlled himself. Had to control himself. He knows that she had the situation under control. He knows that Nyla could have intervened too. But he also knows that he can't just stand there when someone talks to Lucy like that. Not under any circumstances. Because that would go against every fiber of his being. And he's only human.
He's still got a grip on this big moron, holding him tighter than he should. He forces himself to open his fingers a bit. But just a bit. It might hurt a little. Just not too much. Not so much that he leaves marks that could cause issues if this idiot decides to push for an investigation. He doesn't think so, even though he wasn't gentle, but he didn't necessarily cross a line. But there's no need to provoke it unnecessarily now.
The rather fresh morning air brings him down a little. He hands the suspect over to Aaron, who is standing right outside the entrance to the furniture store and is being briefed by the someone from nightshift. He went inside because he knew Lucy was there and he just wanted to catch a glimpse of her. Hoping to share a few private words with her before they went their separate ways again.
He did see her. He wasn’t able to talk to her though.
"To the station and into custody." He lets go of the arm and must tighten and relax his fingers for a moment. Then he looks for Sergeant Willowy, who is the supervisor in charge of the nightshift and from whom he is supposed to take over the assignment. So that the nightshift can go home. The dayshift will manage the rest.
He finds her shortly afterwards on this curved ramp or staircase or whatever you call it on the second floor. The furniture store really does look like it's been hit by a hurricane. How just eight people can produce such a chaos is a mystery to him. On the way here, he learned from Aaron that "The Horny Ones" - who call themselves that, by the way? - are a popular group among young people. And have hundreds of thousands of followers. They have already carried out many stupid campaigns and have made negative headlines several times. But they have never been prosecuted. As Tim surveys the situation, that's all about to change. He now has to oversee the operation and coordinate everything else.
He deliberately keeps his distance from Lucy because there will certainly be enough gossip after his performance. There's no sense in adding fuel to the fire or providing the gossipmongers and rumor mill with even more ammunition. Regardless, he keeps an eye on her most of the time from the corner of his eye. Their eyes frequently meet, but Lucy also understands that it's wiser to maintain some distance now. Yet, another chance to talk to her has slipped away, as if someone is conspiring against them.
Shortly afterwards, he sees Lucy leaving the scene. Their eyes connect once more, exchanging a brief nod as she vanishes through the doors of the store. And that's all there is to it. After that, he concentrates on his job. The day drags on, it’s one of those days that’s filled with witness statements, reports, and paperwork. He despises paperwork. Although he can hand in most of it, he still has to review and sign everything again.
He doesn't even make it in time for his lunch break, which means that he can’t even enjoy his usual exchange of messages with Lucy. By the time he finally has a few free minutes, she is already sleeping and has switched off her phone. He's aware that his mood isn't the best at the moment, making him even more reserved than usual. Fortunately, it seems like Aaron has picked up on this and surprisingly gives him space most of the time.
He sends a text to Lucy saying that he thinks it would be better if they were careful and keep away from each other in the station during shift change. Because, word has already spread about his actions, but not in a way that implies anything inappropriate. Most of his colleagues are aware of their friendship, but they don't really know the details of Tim's connection with Lucy. It's just common knowledge that Tim Bradford tends to be overly protective when it comes to Lucy Chen.
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l0v3lyr0ses · 3 years
Anon that asked for the singer!bf x Monty, what about the Glamrock's going on tour with Monty's bf, and they find out that they're in a relationship because they walked on them getting all snuggly lol
omg jhsjs i love this!! umm, i kinda wasn't expecting anyone to request again! but uh, sure thing <3
um, I feel like I suck ass at romantic or like snuggly descriptions bc personally, I've never been in a romantic relationship um I kinda go by what my friends tell me and like movies n stuff
this might kinda suck bc I decided to edit it a little when im sleep-deprived
um this is a bit shorter than other fics I've written bc I wasn't sure how to make it long as fuck but I hope it is still to your liking!
characters: Montgomery Gator. ft. the rest of glamrock
type: fluff,
TW: um mild swearing
summary: Glamrock's and y/n going on tour but they don't know your in a relationship until they catch you being snuggly and lovey with Monty
it had been a long day of performing then interviews, and finally being able to go to your hotel room. y/n yawned dragging his feet tiredly towards the hotel room which he was sharing with Montgomery.
"Would you like your dinner, or would you like to head straight to bed, y/n?" said Amy, his current manager, all y/n wanted to literally collapse on the floor.
"I'd like to go to bed, food can wait 'til tomorrow." y/n tried to seem less drowsy, however, it didn't help that he hadn't slept properly before the tour began, touring just made it worse.
he loved performing with the plex but y/n was drained by the time the day was over.
y/n drowsily walks down the hall, taking the elevator up to the second floor, and pretty much dragged his body inside the hotel room.
his spirits were slightly lifted that Monty was waiting for him on the bed. "Hey, Monty" Y/N collapses next to the alligator animatronic, heaving a sigh.
"Today must've been exhausting, huh?" Monty turns to face y/n, and clearly, the singer was exhausted from the day he somehow endured, today the universe seemed to be conspiring against him, even the interview was shitty.
"Yeah, it didn't help that we had multiple performances and then I had a fucking interview. and they were absolutely shitty and had no respect for my personal boundaries." y/n said his brows furrowing in frustration, it was all so irritating honestly. there were times like this when y/n wished he was a little less well-known.
"No worries, you can relax now. y'know I do hate it when them kids ask me fucking weird shit." Montgomery pulls y/n closer to him, in an effort to give him some comfort.
"well, my handsome boy. you can relax.." Monty softly ran his claws through y/n's soft strands of hair. however...
the door burst open, y/n's cheeks reddened in embarrassment, and it was the rest of glamrock their mouths agape at the sight of Montgomery being calm and snuggling with a human? wasn't he acting violently and rudely towards the night guards at the pizza plex?
at first, both of them were in shock, y/n was sure he wouldn't need to lock the door right? they would be able to be left to their devices.
"Nice, Monty" Roxy comments with a wink, "you got a pretty one."
"I know! aren't they cute and a bunch of other amazing things! my toots truly are the best." Montgomery said, entirely too proud, he was not embarrassed in the slightest.
"Uh." y/n clears his breath before at least attempting to explain, what on earth he was doing, snuggled up against Montgomery Gator's chest.
"I was just.." y/n said, anxiously. he really didn't risk his career, but he'd choose the ladder if it ever came to that.
"No worries, we'll keep it a secret." Chica giggles reassuringly, and the animatronics nod in agreement.
"Well um, we will leave you to it" Freddy excused himself and the others' leaving your own devices. which meant you could happily scoot closer to Monty.
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lycanthrop-ee · 3 years
Hello hi yes I am respectfully asking you to elaborate on that Portal post? If you want? I'm intrigued, please and thank you
OHOHO!!! thank you very much for asking, friend, I've been waiting for this moment my entire life KRHSHDH
My escape room au is one of my favorite kinds - actor aus !!! the main premise is just human!sides running a quite elaborate horror escape room,,, which is a tad strange considering that I can't handle any measure of horror myself krhshdjd
Logan plays a mad scientist - as is his right - refered to as Doctor Logos. he's kind of the big bad of the storyline, a volatile genius running tests on human experiments. He's the one who gets most exhausted after a day of performing. His method of acting can seem very understated at first bc his character is so detached and cold, but when Dr Logos lashes out it's. genuinely terrifying. Logan can just go from zero to a hundred so quickly
Patton, or Professor Pathos, is his assistant and most recent (and most successful) experiment. Pathos greets the players and leads them from room to room. He seems cheerful and polite, and stays that way - no matter what the situation, he has the exact same level of detached enthusiasm. He talks Logan up for the players - "you're so lucky to get to meet Dr Logos, he's a true genius, I'm so lucky to be working with him" ect. Patton has a lot of fun, and is usually the one most perceptive to the players - yes he's sticking with them as a guide, but it can get kind of intense in there and he's also making sure to keep an eye on their responses and make sure everyone's alright.
Remus plays one of Dr Logos's first experiments - the Duke can be found in a large, trashed cage. He's really just hanging out tbh, he's pretty far gone. From Logos's perspective he's an early attempt gone wrong, but he's cooperative so he gets what he wants ,,, which is, in this scenario, clown makeup and the occasional can of spraypaint for further vandalism of his cage. He can be persuaded to help the players if they stick around long enough and he finds them entertaining!! this is. practically Remus's dream job. he's the opposite of Logan - acting energizes him. He's always the one to suggest they go out for smoothies or pancakes after work,, though not many people take him up on it, seeing as it's usually 2-4 am
Janus plays Dr Ethos, Dr Logos's former business partner gone astray. Once he realized what Logos was doing, he disappeared into the expansive laboratory, and is now trying to find a way to free the victims without becoming one himself. Finding Ethos is crucial to the players success, but if they're caught conspiring with him it's extremely risky. Janus also does the groups makeup for performances !!
Virgil is Dr Logos's most recent patient - the Knight. He can be found in another cage nearby, but isn't great at communicating due to his constant state of panic. Though all of the npcs other than Logos can technically be 'saved', Virgil is the easiest, considering they don't need any convincing to escape. Performing can be kind of intense for Virgil seeing as panic is something they struggle with in real life, too. Everyone pays extra attention to make sure they're doing okay and can handle another group of players
Roman - who would have possibly guessed - is referred to as the Prince. He's wasn't exactly chosen to be a victim, but after running in attempting to save his brother he might as well be. The Prince can be found tied up in a random room, trying desperately to find the Duke but becoming increasingly delirious and incomprehensible. Roman Loves his job, he loves his coworkers, and he loves working on set design with Remus - even if they're not brothers in real life.
This au hasn't existed out of rants over discord, but that does mean I have some incorrect quotes built up krhsjdjs
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yamaoni · 4 years
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The Second Great War of Remnant has begun. Once more, Vale and Mantle are embroiled in a massive conflict, only this time, they are on the same side against Atlas.
I don't think it was a coincidence that so many people drew parallels with the last episode and WWI. We've never seen people fight that way in RWBY. Grimm don't use projectile weapons the way humans do, so the benefits of the trench are diminished; especially if you compare it to the drawbacks.
Now, I understand not everyone in the Atlas military has their aura unlocked and the squishy soldiers need some cover, but if The Long Memory didn't nuke every grimm on Atlas, the lines would have been overrun and then there would have been nowhere for them to retreat to.
You think the very real hand to hand struggles in the trenches of WWI were bad, imagine being trapped in a narrow trench with a bear. Or having this thing explode out of the ground under you.
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I refuse to believe no-one in Atlas ever thought, "if we put the dirt from the trench in a box, no only can we give our soldiers cover, we can also give them an elevated position to fire from."
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The top of a wall has been the primary defensive position for the people of Remnant for a long time. You can see them in the establishing shots of most settled places the team has visited. So why are we seeing a trench now?
Show, don't tell.
RWBY has done a pretty great job, especially in the last few seasons, of showing the audience what it is trying to convey without explicitly telling them. They especially like drawing from well known folk lore to give insight into the future of the show.
Only difference here, instead of drawing the parallel between characters, they're drawing parallels between worlds.
Remnant's first Great War started with Mantle suppressing freedom of expression, the destruction of Art and Color. Ironwood always has little in the way of color, but in his first broadcast since everything started hitting the fan, he has none.
That broadcast also included evacuation ships being blown up by fighter-bombers, Dunkirk. It threatend to level a city if they didn't surrender, Battle of Brittan. All delivered by a dictator trying to scare his opponents into submission through careful use of film.
If the rest of the season is WWII, I have several theories on plot direction. Considering how well they did keeping up with both ends of the battlefield it wouldn't surprise me if they followed all of them at the same time.
Operation Dunkirk
Or, the evacuation of Mantle.
Players: Penny, Nora, Ren, Happy Huntresses
The Happy Huntresses involvement is a given. Not only has saving Mantle been their goal the whole time, they're also stuck in the middle of it right now.
Penny is the Protector of Mantle. It would be a shining moment for her character to fully throw off the virus Watts implanted and overcome Ironwood's threats to do so. Just crossing my fingers that it doesn't end like the Iron Giant.
Nora is currently Penny's tether to sanity, so she has to go with, and I doubt they would separate Ren from her for the next arc so he's going too.
Surprise twist for this plot I'm betting will be the Starwars "they aren't warships, just people" scene everyone loves to rag on. After all, the broadcast went out that they needed help and, at least at Dunkirk, it was fishing boats and pleasure crafts that retrieved the 338,000 surrounded on all sides.
Why We Fight
Or, countering Ironwoods propaganda.
Players: Robyn and Qrow
For one, these two are unaccounted for and in the heart of Atlas' military machine. If anyone has means to do so, it's them.
The film, Why We Fight, also countered the dramatic cinematography of Goebbels propaganda by painting it as ridiculous and making a folksy call to action much like Robyn has done in the past.
Operation Fortitude
Or, the deception of Ironwood.
Players: Emerald, Jaune, Oscar
This is the mission to make Ironwood think the team is going after the relic. This theory is why I actually thought of and wrote out this whole thing. Thanks @maxiemumdamage, I had things I was supposed to do tonight.
Only difference in my theory and their's, is Jaune is going to be playing the part of Penny.
I say this for two reasons. One, Joan of Arc pretended to be a man. While we've gotten both Jaune pretending to be something he's not and him in a dress, this would pose the first time in the story he could do both. Two, it would put him on a direct collision path with Cinder. It needs to happen at some point to bring his arc to a conclusion, but man I hope we're not about to watch him burn.
With Ozpin active again, Oscar has to go along to direct them to the vault. He's also one of two backing the idea of Emerald joining the team and Jaune wouldn't be willing to work with her without him.
Operation Overlord
Or, busting down the doors of Atlas Acadamy.
Players: Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Yang
Where Operation Fortitude was the faint, Operation Overlord was the real deal. For those that aren't history buffs, this is D-Day.
I think this is the reason we've only seen the main team fighting together once since their split from Beacon. And even then, that fight was at most pairs of fighters and not all four of them supporting one another.
RWBY tricked us into thinking season 4 was the post-timeskip level up we come to expect from anime when really we ended up watching the training flashbacks as they happened instead.
We've seen hints of it with the various team ups and combinations, but are we really ready for how much ass kicking they are about to do?
I'm hoping for a One Piece level of badass entrance that can give me shivers whenever I go to watch it again like the walk to Arlong Park still does to this day.
(Aside: if you try telling me RWBY isn't anime, I'm just going to ignore you. Anime is an art movement. If you don't understand what that means, watch this video. https://youtu.be/uFtfDK39ZhI)
Now last and certainly not least
Operation Valkyrie
Or, the death of Ironwood.
Players: Winter and Marrow
The long awaited defection. Plenty of speculation has already floated around about if and when these two where going to cave to their morals and jump ship. I don't know how many of us were expecting the straw to break the camel's back to be a nuke held over Mantle, but I certainly wasn't.
What worries me, is Operation Valkyrie failed and all its conspirators were executed. As if there weren't enough death flags for Winter before.
Even if it's not Winter that kills him. I don't see Ironwood surviving this season. Even if it means he goes out like another hated dictator. It's not like it would be the first time RT had a fallen hero chose to use his own sword.
Or, Murphy will have his due.
Players: Cinder, Watts, Neo, Tyrian, Mercury, Clover
These players can go any which way. Three we know for sure are going to be active in the coming episodes and I wouldn't be surprised if the other three play a part as well.
Oscar made a hell of a light show for Tyrian and Mercury to see behind them. Not to mention, Salem will still need a ride home when she pulls herself back together.
Clover keeps getting mentioned even though he's hospitalized. If he was truly out of commission for the rest of the season, they would have made us think he's dead before bringing him back like they did with Penny.
Up to now, what we've seen is a three way conflict. But one of the hallmarks of Remnant's First Great War, was making temporary alliances to fight off grimm.
The grimm might be gone, but the wild cards can't complete their own objectives if they are dead. The question is who's goals better align with their own.
Two surprise twists I can see here. One, Mercury stabbing Tyrian on his way to defection. He was raised by an assassin and has not going to get a better chance than that. Two, Clover joining Operation Valkyrie. He might have accepted that sacrifice is a necessary evil to ensure Atlas' survival, but might go Schindler's List on us and find horror in what Ironwood plans to do.
I spent way too long writing this out. All the WWI imagery means we're getting a WWII movie with RWBY characters. Major death flags for Penny, Jaune, and Winter.
Also I finally figured out how to do a readmore. Apparently it's just been a long time since I updated.
Note: kept seeing things talking about clovers death and I kind of went ???? Isn't he barely alive in medical? Went back and watched that scene and though I am 90% sure he is dead still kind of weird that they have him in his own room instead of a morgue and the initial framing made my mind instantly think he was propped up on a hospital bed. I mean, I guess we needed to have all the ACEOPs there for their reaction to Ironwood... but it definitely made me think he was alive. That and they have a bandage on his chest wound... when he's supposedly dead. Also have a phantom memory of Harriet saying something about him being in critical but I think that's my memory playing tricks on me.
Having his face exposed instead of covered by the sheet and seeing him in the same frame as Winter being treated also didn't help my gut reaction of "Oh Shit! He's alive? How?!" If I'd followed up more on the "how" might not have made the blunder of writing his return as the final twist in my theory. Oops
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: If you read carefully, you knew this; if you didn't: reader was drugged at the party. Hangover from Hell ft. boys being cute, Loki being best friend material and reader fully integrating him into the Gen-Z community via Monster energy drinks and depressive music whilst being sad. I live for Loki/reader friendship tbh.
So folks, this is the last big plot thing before the endgame. I reckon it's about 10-15 chapters left until out happy ending and the next bit is going to focus on developing reader's and Stephen's relationship. There will be smutty parts too - either chapters or interludes, idk, depending on how well they'll integrate into the story.
I love y'all.
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Ow, was my first thought upon waking up. My head throbbed something fierce, the pressure behind my eyelids was unbearable and my mouth tasted like a bog on a sunny summer's day. I was warm, from both sides, and one of the bodies felt foreign in everything besides the smell - sandalwood leaked through the lead curtain of alcohol and sex.
Needless to say, I had trouble piecing together the fine details of last night but had enough coherence to remember our... Activities. I was sore and Strange's long arm was still possessively draped over both me and Tony. The luck was on my side as I carefully wiggled out of his grasp, padding to the bedroom on quiet feet. The sorcerer barely moved, only grumbling briefly at the loss of my warmth and immediately quieting, shamelessly snuggling into Tony.
I would have not exaggerated if I said it was the worst hangover of my life. It was baffling, really, because I'd gone way wilder and didn't suffer half as much after effects; my first attempt to brush my teeth ended with my face resting against the toilet bowl, my empty stomach rejecting what little liquid in it was left as the room spun on its axis. That was incredibly embarrassing and I hoped my boys wouldn't wake up to witness my best impression of a bum - and they didn't, both men still sound asleep and interwined like snakes when I put on the shirt closest to me and departed in search of coffee.
My mood only worsened. Steve and Bucky were already up, shoveling an impressive amount of eggs and bacon, as Bucky quietly teased Steve about his own hangover. The blonde man was slightly greenish, disheveled - we traded equally glum looks and nodded to each other in silence. The smell of food made my stomach churn and I retreated, one black coffee in hand, towards Bruce's lab, having been informed by Friday that neither Tony not Stephen planned on waking up.
"Morning, Princess," Bruce smiled kindly, pushing his glasses out of the way to hold me close and give me a sweet kiss. "Had fun? The boys still asleep?"
I giggled at Bruce calling Tony and Stephen boys. "Yeah. I wouldn't be wearing Stephen's shirt if he was up and about, I think." I pointed out the obvious.
Bruce chuckled, holding my face to give me a long, thoughtful look. I stared back, hoping convey my respect and adoration without having to say a word; like Tony, I wasn't particularly apt when it came to talking feelings. Whatever Bruce was looking for, he found it, and sealed it with another kiss, twice as long and twice as sweet. We stood like that, my head on his shoulder and my arms firmly holding him to myself, until the elevator dinged behind the glass wall, revealing a shirtless Stephen and Tony in his pajama pants, both men bickering animatedly.
"Aw shit, here we go again," I rolled my eyes, unhappy about the possibility of the magic being broken. I rather preferred all three men to be like yesterday: friendly, kind and relaxed.
"I will kick them out if I have to," Bruce shrugged, turning me around to face them.
Tony smiled, seeing me, stopping mid-conversation. "Princess, I am disappointed in your lack of manners. You left me with Merlin and he is mean." The engineer unceremoniously snatched me from Bruce and smooched me, hangover breath and all.
"Gross, Tony," I rolled my eyes, giving the man a light shove in the chest. "Morning, Steph," I addressed the third man who had gone back to his usual stoic expression. Just to see his resolve crack, because I loved pushing his buttons, I gave him a good morning kiss too, and was unexpectedly blown away by the eager response from his side. As I pulled back, I noticed his cheeks dusting a light pink.
"I came to get my shirt but I think you'd rather keep it," The sorcerer's fingers caressed my skin beneath the collar of his shirt, voice still low and scratchy from sleep and those magnetic eyes fixated on the exposed flesh of my chest, no trace of previous awkwardness.
"You sure 'bout that?" I pushed one of the sides off, exposing my shoulder, seeing Tony gulp the remainder of my coffee, one hand already messing with the screen that Bruce was focused on. "I think I look better without it," I would never miss an opportunity to tease the uptight man.
"Quite," He grinned, "It's a shame I didn't get to see much last night..." Two could play this game, okay.
"Oh, but you will," Tony piped up suddenly, a hint of smugness in his voice barely covered by Bruce's fond chuckle. I really didn't know what to say, suddenly overwhelmed with the attention, my emotions amplified by the hangover - party drugs tended to exaggerate my anxiety on the comedown.
And what a comedown it was. My social energy ran out very quickly so I complained about a nasty headache and retreated into my room, Bruce's gentle hands pressing a bottle of Ibuprofen into my own. Despite my attempts to tame my rioting body, it got worse before it got better and shortly before lunch, I had thrown up twice more. Pissed off, I ran a bath with cold water and sat in it until I felt somewhat human to prepare myself for a journey to Wanda's apartment - as a last resort, I was going to chug on of Pietro's Monster energy drinks that I knew he kept hidden there.
The retrieval was a success. Cans securely hidden in the kangaroo pocket of Tony's oversized hoodie I had thrown on, I had to make a haste detour to throw up once again - the closest bathroom was in Loki's apartment and I only managed to knock twice before throwing open the door and making a mad dash for the porcelain throne, a very confused Asgardian following my movements with raised eyebrows.
"Hangover from Hell," I croaked once the first wave subsided. Loki nodded in understanding, waved a hand to summon me a water bottle and shut the door behind himself.
As I sat there, desperately trying to understand why was I feeling like utter shit... It clicked. Bile rose to my throat once again, and I just dry heaving, mulling my revelation over and over again.
I didn't take any drugs. I had been drugged. My memories became hazy and dream-like shortly after someone had given me the drink... Someone, who? It was a split-second moment; Sam, even in his drunk state, didn't keep his eyes off me for too long. Maybe it had been someone the team knew? Possibilities began playing out in my head. Cursed was my overactive brain - the anxiety from the leftover drugs was making me panic.
"Fuck, FUCK," My hands shook - I only noticed it because I had spilled water on myself, adding cold and wet to the unpleasant sensations I was already experiencing. "Why am I such a fucking fuck-up." Taking a drink from a stranger seemed downright idiotic now. Middle school bullshit.
"Are you alright?" Loki's worried voice interrupted my inner monologue.
"Yes," I replied, voice cracking. "No. I don't fucking know."
The door all but flew open, the Asgardian taking several long strides to take a good long look at me. The frown on his face tells me all I needed to know about my physical and mental state.
A slender hand tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "What happened?"
I laughed tersely, feeling tears to begin welling in the corners of my eyes. "I'm an idiot," Seeing his face get annoyed briefly, I conceded: "I got drugged yesterday. My drink."
The hand that he had slid between my shoulder blades froze. I felt his whole body go rigid and his nostrils flare, the smell of ozone and something foreign - magic - filling the small space. The air around us became charged with the power of his anger. "Pardon?" His voice was dangerously quiet.
I physically fought with the need to flinch away from him, settling for lowering my eyes and staring at the dark stain on my hoodie. "I got carried away dancing. Someone handed me a drink and my stupid ass just shotgunned it," I confessed, picking at the wet spot. "And I can't tell anybody because I had a threesome with Stephen and Tony," I suddenly realised, my voice raising in pitch. "They're gonna think I didn't want it and feel bad. You know how Tony blames himself for everything under the sun..." Another wave of dizziness and nausea hit me as I leaned against the wall closest to me.
"Alright," Loki conceded after a brief pause. "We absolutely are telling the others. I'll make sure they understand," The Asgardian stated firmly in a tone that bore no argument. Seeing me lift my head to protest, he interrupted me before I could say anything: "Did you... Did you want it?" He asked me, hooking a single finger under my chin to look me in the eye.
I nodded, feeling my face heat up.
"You're not lying. The team knows of my ability to detect lies. Nobody will blame anyone..." Loki trailed off, obviously already plotting something. I wished it were a prank both of us were conspiring on instead of... Trying to make sense of this cluster fuck of a shit show. The circus called, they seemed to have left their clowns behind. "Although I will have a word with Sam." The Asgardian muttered darkly.
"No, it's not his fault. I just got too relaxed, I need to pucker up and be responsible for myself," I protested, damn well knowing it wasn't the Bird's fault. Everyone was drunk and I should've known better.
"It's not yours either," Loki sneered, seeing right through my self-loathing. It took a deep, slow sigh for him to calm down. His expression softened and the hand that was on my back resumed the gentle stroking as he scooted closer to me to press my side against his chest. "Vile people of this kind aren't exclusive to Midgard. It could have happened to anyone."
I nodded, my logical part briefly taking over as the waves of nausea and dizziness waned. I stifled a giggle, coming to another sudden revelation. "You holding up my hair as I barf out my hangover? That makes you qualified for the position of my Best Friend," I stated with a snort.
Loki chuckled, relaxing bit by bit. "I accept the position," His voice was unusually soft and a little bit shaky; I chose to tactfully ignore it. "Shall I call for assembly in the war room?"
I sighed, the dread and anxiety creeping it's way back in. "Can we just... Wait a bit? I have something- hold on-" I rummaged around my pocket, taking out two cans of Monster. Loki eyed them curiously and I extended one to him. "It probably won't do much for you but for me it's a last-resort hangover cure." I popped open the metal cap, seeing him do the same. "Be warned though, it tastes kinda funky if you're not used to it," I announced the disclaimer but it simply egged Loki on.
The scrunched up face he made was pretty funny. "It's sour but sickeningly sweet at the same time? I can't tell," He briefly eyed the written ingredients on the can.
"There are a bunch of flavors. Pietro likes the plain one, I like the purple one better, it's not so tongue-burning." I paused to inhale loudly. "If this is what college life looks like, I don't want to go," Mustering up my courage and gathering my balls in a knot, with one broad motion I closed my nose and poured the carbonated acid down my throat until my eyes watered. "Gimme a minute," I hiccuped, trying to keep it down.
Wide-eyed, Loki took a chaste sip of his own drink, eyeing me warily. He looked part impressed part disgusted with the little stunt. "I am pretty certain that is counter-productive."
"Caffeine make brain and body go skrrt," I argued back. "Friday, play my "grant me the sweet release of death" playlist. I'm upset," I announced and the AI obliged silently, the first notes of Placebo's 'Exit Wounds' beginning to play. If I was going to mop in a stranger's bathroom, I was going to do it with style. Even if said style was just simply stealing in my own misery with emo background music.
Loki stared at me, I stared back, both of us lost in our respective minds. At one point, he began swaying to the music slightly, resting the cool tin of the can against his cheek; I followed suit, mouthing along to some of the lyrics. It took us about a dozen songs to finally finish the liquid acid that was Monster energy drink and my ass felt like the bathroom tile itself: flat and hard.
"Do you ever feel like the universe just hates you for no fucking reason?" I groused, taking Loki's outstretched hand and slowly feeling the blood rush back to my legs.
"You wouldn't believe," He rolled his eyes in solidarity, vanishing away the empty containers. "Norns, give me a Hel-damned break."
I laced his arm through mine as we exited his apartment, feeling considerably less upset than I was before. I couldn't protect myself, but one look at Loki's sullen, irritated expression was bound to scare off anyone who dared to interrupt our mission.
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wedreamerz · 5 years
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I've had this AU Spiderfrost in my head so long I thought I'd throw the prologue out here... as a teaser...maybe the first chapter... and see if anyone wants me to continue... No underage stuff. But eventual relationship/explicit.
Post IW - After Loki saves Tony's life they become best friends. Before Tony leaves to save the world he asks Loki to keep an eye out for Peter if anything happens to him.
In the aftermath of Tony's death, Loki becomes Peter's unseen guardian, friend and eventual lover. Soonafter, a gift they receive the Ancient One makes Loki believe there's more to the relationship than Tony's machinations.
Thinking of calling it As The World Falls Down.
"It's the boy. Peter. You do this for him."
"It's the boy. Peter. You do this for him."
Tony considered Loki’s question as he swirled the whiskey in his glass, questioning his motivation for the millionth time.
"And the friends we lost," Tony shrugged.  "But yeah. Peter was…" Tony sighed and smiled to himself.  "Peter was an amazing human being, Lokes. So fucking smart. He had so much potential. And it just blew away in the wind. I feel responsible for that."  
Tony closed his eyes to the sting of tears, breathed deep and let the song of the insects and nightbirds calm him.  It was so dark down by the lake. Nothing like the bright lights of New York City. But he'd found contentment here, happiness in the wake of such devastating loss.
Out of the ashes, he and Pepper had managed to build something so perfect.  Nothing he had ever created would live up to the perfect little life they were raising.  Morgan was brilliant and beautiful, everything he never thought he'd have. Everything he didn't deserve.  When his friends had come to him for help, he'd turned them away, sent them packing. How could he risk everything he'd found in the little slice of Heaven they'd carved out for themselves? 
But Peter's face, his smile, and the memories they'd conjured.  They had inspired him. Could he really raise his daughter in a world in which Peter Parker wasn't there to help with her homework or teach her about Star Wars?  And then he’d seen the photo of him and Peter holding that Stark Industries certificate, held upside down. They’d had such a good time at that photoshoot, done for the sole excuse of having an official picture for May.  Tony couldn’t remember who had flipped the certificate. But that had been the key to key to everything.
Tony looked at Loki over the rim of his glass.  Loki sat with his back to the house and the porchlight shone around his head like a halo.  He sipped his own drink, a wine that he’d found in town and prefered to Tony’s whiskey. Loki - his once upon a time enemy, turned saviour, turned friend.  Tony wouldn't be alive if Loki hadn't saved them from that ship. Now he needed help again and there wasn't anyone on the planet he trusted more to do this job.
"Ask it," Loki said softly, crossing his long legs at the ankles, one eyebrow raised in query.  "Ask me anything, Tony Stark."
Tony heaved a breath.  I need you here while I'm gone," he said, finally.  “I have no idea what sort of Pandora's box we'll open with time travel. I need you here with them in case a fight comes to this door."
Loki pressed his lips together and nodded.  "You know I will protect them with my life. But there's more. I can feel it."
Tony smiled and took a sip of his drink.  “You know me too well,” he said. “Alright, look, if this goes sideways, if I...if I don't come back...I need you to watch out for Peter. I need you to make sure he's okay.  Sometimes...sometimes he'll need you to kick him in the ass and remind him he's not responsible for all the evil in the world...that he can't save everyone. But…" Tony took a shuddering breath, eyes hot with unshed tears.  "Mainly just...be there. Pepper's gonna have her hands full with Morgan and Peter...he's gonna want answers. He’s gonna need someone to tell him that whatever happened...wasn’t his fault. Because that’s exactly what he’s gonna think. And he's gonna need someone to help him out with the super hero gig."
Loki didn't argue or try to tell Tony he was being silly - of course he would make it. Loki merely smiled and took Tony's hand.  
"It will be my privilege to know him," Loki said.
And that was why they’d become so close.  Because Loki was a realist. He saw things like they were and not how he wanted them to be.  Would he fight against it? Of course. But for being the God of Mischief, the God of Lies - Loki did not blow smoke.  He called Tony on his bullshit and if things were going to shit he didn’t waste time telling you everything was fine. He just found a way to help in the most unexpected, sometimes illegal and morally sketchy ways.     
Tony nodded, relieved.  The knot of anxiety in his gut unraveled just the slightest bit.  He sighed and stared across the lake, Loki's comforting presence beside him.
"Do TRY not to die though," Loki said dryly before taking a sip of his drink.
Tony chuckled.  "You know better than anyone how the best laid plans can get away from you."
Tony wiped his face and turned to find Morgan, feet bare and in her nightgown.  Pepper stood behind her, with that guarded smile. That smile Tony remembered from before.  She knew that Tony planned to leave in the morning and she was afraid.
"Morgan wanted to say goodnight to Uncle Lolo," Pepper said, holding Tony’s gaze.
Morgan climbed into Tony's lap and hugged him.  "Mom said if I go to bed now you'll make pancakes tomorrow for breakfast."
"Did she now? Well then I guess you better run off before that offer expires," Tony said.
Morgan's eyes widened.  She tried to hop down but Tony held her till she giggled, "Daddy! My pancakes are expiring!"
"Sorry, baby girl, my arms seem to be broken. You're gonna have to push a little harder," Tony teased until finally she wiggled free.
"I still gotta hug Uncle Lolo," she said to Pepper with her hand on her hip, pointer finger up.  “Daddy took up all my time."
Pepper pressed a smile between her lips and nodded.  "Make it quick."
Morgan flung herself into Loki's arms and squeezed him hard.
He groaned with feigned exertion, "Norns, child. You grow stronger daily. It will not be long before you can best even the mighty Thor in battle."
Morgan grinned and made a muscle which Loki felt at her insistence.
"Truly impressive," he said and then bent to whisper in her ear.  "Have you been drinking the magical elixir I hide for you in the back of the refrigerator?" 
Morgan nodded, eyeing Tony and Pepper, who pretended they couldn't hear them. Loki's magic elixir was a smoothie he blended for her that tasted amazing but was full of the vegetables she refused to eat at meals.
"Can't you tell? My muscles are bigger."
"Indeed. Continue as I said. One serving after every meal."
They nodded together, conspiring a few more moments before she hugged him again.
"Night, Lolo."
"Goodnight, Lady Morgan." 
Morgan turned back to Tony but stopped, that pointer finger out again, this time aimed at Tony.  "Are your arms okay?"
Tony moved his arms around.  "Yep. They're working just fine, baby girl. One more hug and off to bed. I'll be in in a minute for story time."
Morgan hugged him quick as though she were afraid his arms might break again and then ran back to Pepper.  He watched them walk up the path to the house, hand in hand. As they disappeared through the front door, he sighed.
“This is my only shot to make this right, Lo. Not just for Peter, but for everyone.”
“Just as we planned, my friend,” Loki said said softly.  “I will not leave Morgan's side. And if something should happen to you, I swear that I will be here for your family - including Peter. Let the past and the future take care of themselves for now, Tony. Spend some time in the present.”
Tony smiled and got to his feet.  “I think I’ll do that,” he said and then bent down to hug Loki.  Loki hugged him back, just a little too long and a little too tight.  But Tony pretended not to notice. Because although Loki didn’t blow smoke, Tony knew a goodbye hug when he felt it.  
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sksks12356 · 2 years
We saw a shooting star the night we first kissed
Our love story was made for suckers: enemies to lovers.
We walked in the dark in search for alcohol, saw a shooting star explode right before our eyes, and made out in the bathroom at a party that night
I always thought that might have meant something. That the universe conspired to send a message.
When our friends asked us how we started, I'd always say how romantic it was- that not a lot of people could say that it was almost like destiny.
I told that story to whoever was willing to listen- and he would sit back and let me, like I was the official representative for how our story began.
We've been together just over a year now, and 5 days ago I found out how many people he was seeing that time. I found out he was fucking a mutual friend he used to talk so much shit about- that he would invite me for walks in the morning, while this girl sucked his dick at night. That he would call her a disgusting human being for most of our relationship, but the times we kissed his mouth had already tasted her vagina. That while I was gushing and feeling special over the attention he was giving me, 10 other girls probably felt the same way too.
I found out that when we agreed about being okay with sexual discourse with our friends- he understood this as a signal that he could ask a girl he used to send nudes to how many times she touched herself everyday. That 'open sexual discourse' meant that he could ask her if she had seen his dick pics lately. Or how her bed must be feeling her up.
I found out that he and his girl bestfriend- whom he swore was like a sister to him- had exchanged nudes right before the start of our relationship. The girl best friend he was calling for 2 hrs while i waited for him to answer my call when I was alone and depressed. The girl best friend who would cry to him and ask for comfort when her boyfriend broke up w her. The girl best friend who would send pictures of her cat with her legs in full view. The girl best friend whom we asked for sex advice, when all along she had already known what his dick looked like. But it's all 'platonic' he says, it's back to 'platonic' like he didn't shoot cumloads to the photos of her boobs.
I found out that he regularly contacted all the people he had emotional and sexual ties with in the past. Asking them how they were every month, starting conversations and telling them 'i love you'. That he had listed down all their names on new years eve to message each one how happy he was that they were in his life- while I couldn't even send a text to the guys I liked before without feeling guilty. Like I felt like /I/ was a cheater for even responding to guys who just wanted to ask genuine questions. That he did not consider any of his acts cheating, just because he wasn't having sex with them.
I found out that all these girls thought he had told me- how they were all surprised to see me asking them about it; that the 'Non Disclosure agreement' he went on and on about was just a b*llshit plot so he could keep close ties with all these women without me getting suspicious.
Now if anyone asks us about our story, I might just end up saying we
And finally, I found out the night we saw the shooting star, that on THAT very morning, right after we kissed in the bathroom, Kelly was already sucking his dick.
I don't really know what the point of all this. I suppose I just wanna let it off my chest that even the best people can lie to you. That even when your relationship feels secure and steady, they can pull down the rug right under you and leave you bleeding on the ground. That you should never trust fuckboys like Matt Pernes. They will always. Always cheat on you.
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