#but it was really fun to think about just what i like about zeri
biolightning · 2 years
five things you love about Zeri? Go!
an excuse to ramble about how much i adore my girl? 👉👈 don't mind if i do
i. first of all i really love and admire her spirit! it's what pulled me to her in the first place — the way she's all about fighting for a world where everyone has a right to belong and have a good life. she really believes in a world that can be good and in the strength that lies in connecting with others and forming a community. i find that sort of outlook inspiring in general — i wish i was more like that myself —and from a writing perspective it's also a character trait i find interesting since it's not the kind of life philosophy i've gravitated towards in the past when picking up a muse.
i think it shows that she's filipino rep from a filipino perspective. i'm not an authority to speak on this but it's so clear that her character and especially this side of her have been crafted with love and passion. i hate that her most memorable voice line — i belong here. we all belong here. — is a direct response to a real life hate crime because those things shouldn't happen but it really drives home how important she and characters like her are.
ii. this is in a similar vein but her personality!! zeri really isn't the type of character i tend to pick up and get attached to ( i usually like them moodier gfdigh ) but something about how full of life she is and how strongly she feels and how positive she is at her core really speak to me? she has a strong personality — bubbly and fun but still grounded. i really like that.
iii. i love love love love how physical she is. she's sooo punchy despite classifying as a spellcaster / lowkey a gunslinger. granted this is partly my personal portrayal but something about her just screams brawler to me and i've chosen to lean into it. her in - game mobility and the way she's described to move in her short stories is very parkour-y too and i just !! something about how she's all about movement ( and then how that translates so seamlessly into her magic ) tickles my brain just right.
iv. her magic!! specifically how uncontrollable it is and how she's still learning to deal with that. i love that the amount of control she does have is a community effort and labours of love from her mother and father specifically. "her jacket, a neighbor’s hand-me-down, was modified by her father to dampen her powers and let her hug her family." / "with the help of their neighbors, zeri’s mother had fashioned her a rifle made of materials given by those zeri fought for: the people of the entresol." help i will cryyyyy. i just really love how she was born with her magic and that it's connected to her emotions because it's shaped her life experiences and who she is—there's so much room to explore so many different emotions that comes from that, the good and the bad. also the electric eel imagery is cute and fun and i love it!
v. let's end this on a simple note: i love her hair!! and her jacket and gun. those aspects of her design are so cute. the fluffy bright hair with the half up pigtails and big jacket especially are such an adorable combo, i can't get enough of it. while i find the rest of her outfit a bit ehhh — especially the top — she embodies the aesthetic of the parts of zaun she represents really well and i love that. overall, her design from her looks to her powers to her backstory is a strong and cohesive whole from a lore standpoint; she's a well - made character which makes her easy to love and interesting to explore in writing. also? i know this is something of an unopular opinion and her patch history is a nightmare but i find her really fun to play as well (even if i suck lmao).
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gnegon-g · 9 months
Having finally watched Arcane I started thinking what other Piltover & Zaun champions I'd like to see in S2 and which I'd rather have the showmakers NOT include and so I assembled a simple list of yes's and no's just so I can be annoying with my shitty little opinions
who I'd LIKE to see:
Renata Glasc: seems the obvious choice, Silco's demise surely left a void to fill and frankly none of the other chembarons introduced in the series seem fit to be anything more than third-rate characters. Plus, Sevika's effectively lost her job and she'd definitely like Renata's business model
Urgot: my man, my boy. Same as above, really. This is a very good moment to introduce him, especially with the whole theme of Zaun barely becoming its own independent thing now. Unfortunately I have little hope since he's unpopular among players, is difficult to animate and would completely fill the frame in every shot
Twitch: what can I say I love the asshole rat. I'd be happy if he even appeared for just a moment, but there could be like a scene where characters end up in a sewer and realize there's something really fucked up there
Janna: I'm always a sucker for Janna representation, especially after her LoR redesign. But I don't so much need her to appear on screen as just be mentioned as something Zaunites believe in. Maybe a statue somewhere? I feel this isn't a good story to get actual deities involved
Ziggs: Heimerdinger needs a buddy now, come on. Ziggs could show him that making deadly weapons is actually very fun and productive and definitely safe
Camille: honestly I don't care much for Camille but I'm willing to believe Arcane could convince me otherwise. She has potential
and now why I DON'T want to see THESE guys:
Corki: who gives a shit about Corki? It's a badly designed character all around and I feel like that's irredeemable. His two paragraphs of entire lore put him in Piltover but honestly if you're not gonna delete him from Runeterra completely then move him to Bandle City with the Bandle Gunners and have him not interact with humans at all cuz there's no way that could work imo
Dr. Mundo: I love Mundo but there's no way in hell he could fit into this series. They'd probably delete everything that makes him funny and turn him into a generic tragic character and I don't care how well that'd be written or animated, I don't want the chadification of Mundo to continue
Orianna: same as above, I love Orianna but she'd require so much screentime to do her justice. Anything less would be an affront to the character
Seraphine: I wouldn't be surprised if they make like a bar concert scene with her or something but I just don't give a shit
Zeri: fuck Zeri all my homies hate Zeri
Ezreal: we are not ready for the YA Netflix side of Tumblr discovering Ezreal. trust me
Blitzcrank: beep boop boring
Zac: absolutely can't fit into the series' mood, don't even try (and 100% they won't, Riot clearly doesn't care about Zac)
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scarlet-moonlight · 14 days
Okay thoughts on the new Fright Night skins (I would usually just reblog the splash arts once they come out but I just have way too many thoughts about them and i don't want too much)
First off, I thought this was just gonna be a filler skinline like last time so I’m surprised that its actually the worlds event this year! I guess it did well enough last time that Riot thought its okay to bring it back.
Viegar-Veigar already had a legendary but it’s been 10 years since Battle Boss so I think it’s okay compared to other champions who had multiple legendaries, you go short king
Zeri-Zeri had a problem with getting put into skins that dont fit her (Why did she get Immortal Journey last year instead of Street Demon idk, to make matters worse some of her WR exclusive skins did a better job at making skins that suit her like Chromacrash) so I was kinda worried when I saw the leak, but they actually did it really well! Using her electricity as a frankenstein/mad scientist is just really fun and it's probably my favorite just based on creativity (Though the prestige one just looks like a True Damage Ekko with pigtails)
Pyke-He has the same problem with Zeri, I don't know what he's supposed to be here? I'm assuming he's going to be like a Ghostface serial killer type but Draven literally did just that? Maybe cause it's just a preview but I'm not feeling this one
Nunu-I also didn't feel this one until i found out that Wilump has a bed on his back where Nunu sits on him, so he's quite literally, a "monster under the bed", which is AWESOME and makes me appreciate it a lot more. I guess the snowball which I thought was paper is more like scrapped together pillows? Also they're just so cute, Wilump kinda gives me cheshire cat vibes too
Shaco-Is it just me or do I feel like Shaco has been getting a lot recently? Like Winterblessed/Soul Fighter+Prestige and now this in the span of two years (Is this a sign that he's getting a vgu riot/hj) but I also looks kinda boring because he's already kinda halloween themed and also his model is just too clunky. I don't know if its because of how the video was cut off in the preview, but what was that jumpscare in the recall?
I think my favorites are Zeri and Nunu, I wanted Gwen to be in this skinline instead of Battle Queen tho its so much better :/ I don't think they hit as hard as the original line but Nunu and Zeri are really good skins for now
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milktyama · 3 years
[ 12:18 am ] — OVERTIME
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timestamp, comfort for nanami, 1 mention of food, wc ~600
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nanami was just tired.
he was tired of working as a jujutsu sorcerer. it took so much more energy than he would've like to on a daily basis. the inevitable overtime hours, the constant physical extortion, and most of all, dealing with inconveniences, namely gojo satoru.
though he didn't have much of a choice. this was what he was most fitted for in life, though at times he does feel like he was trapped inside the job.
he unlocked the door to his apartment and shrugged his cream blazer off his shoulders, an exhausted sigh trickled out of his lips. he removed his glasses and loosened his tie as the couch shifted under his weight.
he looked up at the ceiling, indulging in the silence that he did not realize that he missed so much after picking up the job as a sorcerer once again. his mind was busy with the events that happened not too long ago.
nanami allowed the silence to envelop him once more, only to be soon disrupted with a soft knock on his door. a small groan gurgled at the back of his throat. the last thing he wanted at this point was to deal with a door-to-door marketer or maybe his angry landlord.
pushing himself off onto his feet, he made his way towards the door, trying to put on a nice face as if hours of fatigue were never present to begin with.
there, he was greeted by you, his neighbour, with a much brighter but soft face. you were dressed in comfortable loungewear with a small container in hand and a sweet smell lingering from your clothes. the scent comforted him and he allowed his shoulders to relax which he didn't even realize were tense in the first place.
"good evening. well, morning?" you giggled to yourself a little when nanami's words reached you with a drip of sarcasm.
"good eve-morning to you as well," you replied.
"uhm, how may I help you," he glanced down at his watch, "especially at this hour?"
"oh! i just heard that you came back from work and i thought as a good neighbour to gift you a little something. you know, for even working much overtime even on your birthday," you said. you extended your arms a little, pushing the container you had in your hands towards him. "i actually intended to give it to you normally got off work but you didn't come back so, well, i waited."
there was so much to unpack for nanami from the simple two phrases you just said to him. firstly, he completely forgot that it was his birthday. he didn't think birthdays were special, what was so fun about getting old? secondly, he couldn't believe that you waited for him.
in his mind, it didn't make much sense. he thought that maybe you were just too kind to be living in such a cruel world. at least, you had the benefit of not being involved in the jujutsu world.
his lips curled slightly upwards as he took the container with gratitude.
"you really didn't have to, but thank you, really." he really was grateful for it. when was the last time he felt a sudden warmth in his chest like this?
you two exchanged short goodnights and a polite bow and parted ways for the night. nanami settled the container gentle down on the counter and opened what you spent hours waiting for him to give.
his favorite roll of bread. it didn't have the fresh warm smell right out of the oven, but he could feel the warmth of the effort you put into it. it was indeed, a true reward for his overtime work.
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taglist (form here) : @kohi-zeri @guooky @yyvveess @chloikawa @katsulovee @shawtyybae @shoyotime @sugurus-princess
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Zeri, the Spark of Zaun build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Alex “alexplank” Flores. Made for Riot Games.)
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Holy shit I really like Zeri. But man are my teams always trash when I play her. Zeri has reminded me how much I hate ADC, the role that doesn’t get to play the game for the first 15 minutes of the match. And in soloqueue where your teammates DC in the first 5 minutes playing her has got me thinking about oh the misery. At least playing her top is fun. Ranged top bad btw.
Uhhhh what were we talking about again? Oh right D&D! Zeri has a backstory that almost feels tailor-made for D&D. I mean, a magic girl who fights against the unjust government to help her people? I’m sure you’ve already got some ideas what her build is! Dunno if my build will align with yours because I already know Doran's & Dragons built her differently than me. But there’s more than one way to build Zeri: AD or AP. It’s up to you!
Quick feet, quick trigger - Stick a current through a proper wire and it can really pack a spark! We’ll need to be able to run and gun our foes down with a custom-made blaster!
Ayy, this is cool; lotsa places to run! - In terms of overtuned Season 11 champs dashing through walls isn’t that bad, I guess. No worse than Akshan’s 200 word passive.
I am lightning! - When caught in the eye of the storm we’ll need to be able to overcharge and go all out!
Zeri may be human but she has innate magic within her. That combined with the fact that Monsters of the Multiverse updated a bunch of races gives me a great reason to use the Air Genasi! For one Monsters of the Multiverse made Tasha’s Ability Score improvements standard, so increase your Intelligence by 2 and your Constitution by 1.
You still have Unending Breath to keep cool under pressure, but you also have 60 feet of Darkvision (which I only mention because it’s new), 35 of movement Speed (which I mention because it’s more than the baseline), Lightning Resistance (which felt very in-character for Zeri!), and most importantly you can charge up your passive thanks to Mingle with the Wind.
Your innate casting of Levitate is now relegated to 5th level but you instead get Shocking Grasp at level 1 and Feather Fall at level 3, for some more defense and safety! And the best part is you can now cast these spells with your mental stats, meaning you can make Intelligence your casting modifier instead of Constitution.
IF YOUR AREN’T USING MONSTERS OF THE MULTIVERSE RULES: Unfortunately the Air Genasi from EEPC really doesn’t offer much to make it worth picking over another race. You can take the Mark of Passage Human if you’re in Eberron, but realistically just take the Variant Human with the Sharpshooter feat with a +1 to both INT and CON still.
15; INTELLIGENCE - Zeri’s a smart kid, even if she’s a bit of a newbie with her powers. Yes Zeri would technically be a Sorcerer but we need Intelligence for a very particular class.
14; DEXTERITY - Repeat after me: something something medium armor, and even though a breastplate would channel electricity your race’s natural resistance means you could probably fashion a medium electricity-resistant jacket.
13; CONSTIUTION - Health is always nice and we don’t need other stats much. Feel free to invest in other stats if you want better stats but worse health though.
12; CHARISMA - I mean, I like Zeri. But again feel free to swap your lower three stats around as you wish.
10; WISDOM - Zeri’s inexperienced and lets her ambition get the better of her sometimes.
8; STRENGTH - Zeri is a child. Well, teenager. But still a child.
If there was ever an example of a Folk Hero in Runeterra (who isn’t Poppy or Braum) it would probably be Zeri. That’s why we’re replacing her background skills with Acrobatics and History, right? (Acrobatics to zip around the streets of Zaun, and History to remember her family’s teachings!) I’m giving Zeri History proficiency because she’s the Intelligence character, but feel free to take a skill proficiency that’s more appropriate for roleplay.
Honestly you can take whatever tools or languages you want because what I mainly wanted was the Rustic Hospitality background feature. This makes it easy for you to find friends in the streets of Zaun who’ll be willing to help you fight the Chem Barons! As long as they don’t have to stick their neck out of course, but you wouldn’t want anyone to feel like they have to fight for you.
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(Artwork by @naiaru on Twitter.)
Starting off as Artificer because of course your family made your gun for you, and you keep it working yourself! But also for proficiency with Constitution saving throws, the Arcana and Investigation skills, and Smith’s Tools. Also Tinkerer’s Tools and Thieves’ Tools, which I don’t mention enough about Artificers!
As an Artificer you get Magical Tinkering, which is like Prestidigitation but only on small items and also kinda useless. You can do a bunch of small things like charge the item to glow with electricity, play a recorded sound, make sounds, or display a message. Try to find creative use for your lingering static charge, but really we’re here for the full-on Spellcasting.
You can learn two cantrips from the Artificer spell list: Guidance is also good when surrounded by friends, and I’m going to suggest you use your static discharge to zap your foes with Ray of Frost for now. (Don’t get too comfortable with it: we’ll swap it out later!) Also don’t forget that you get Shocking Grasp as an Air Genasi!
You can also prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier plus half your Artificer level (rounded down): for now that means you can prepare Faerie Fire to highlight your foes with static, Detect Magic to... detect magic, and Cure Wounds for the Heal summoner spell. (Even if Barrier is kinda better for Zeri.)
Second level Artificers get Infusions! These are magic items made by the good folk in Zaun that can help you give it your 110%. And guess we’re not taking: the Repeating Shot infusion! Put simply we’re going to be getting that for free, so make a Mind Sharpener, Enhanced Weapon, Goggles of Night, and... well the Bottle of Boundless Coffee is a downright overpowered item from Strixhaven that you can craft. (And for legal reasons this is a joke.) But I dunno make a Bag of Holding or Rope of Climbing: realistically you should keep the Mind Sharpener and Enhanced Weapon active, only turning on the Goggles of Night if you think you’ll need them.
Speaking of turning it on when you need it: Absorb Elements is great in a pinch if you get zapped by an element you don’t resist! Remember that Artificers are prepared casters, so you’re more-than-welcome to swap your spells around to what you think will be the most useful in the moment.
Third level Artificers get a proper rifle to channel their spark thanks to the Armorer specialty! You can turn any suit of armor into Arcane Armor, allowing you to wear it regardless of your Strength and also use it to cast your Artificer spells. (And a few other cool features that I won’t elaborate on as they’re not important.)
You have two Armor Models to choose from and for a lightning gun choose the Infiltrator armor! You get a Lightning Launcher with a short range of 90 and a long range of 300; it does a d6 of Lightning damage but once per turn you can do an extra d6 to an enemy you hit. You also have Powered Steps for 5 extra feet of movement (which as an Air Genasi adds up to 40 feet total!), and a Dampening Field for advantage on Stealth! Practically for free! Sure if you’re wearing armor that causes Stealth Disadvantage that cancels it out, but you can use this trait with a Breastplate or something similar to keep sneaky while also being hard to hit!
You also get new Tools of the Trade. Seeing as we already have Smith’s Tools... Calligrapher’s Supplies? Regardless of what you choose you can use The Right Tool for the Job to make... the right tool for the job with an hour of work to make them appear right at your fingertips!
Finally you get both Magic Missile and Thunderwave added to your spell list as Armorer spells: you can flavor Magic Missile as your passive (without a slow), and if you want to do Lightning Crash’s damage look no further than Thunderwave! Speaking of spells you are allowed to swap cantrips when you level up, so replace Ray of Frost with Spare the Dying to help those in need. Oh and don’t forget you learn Feather Fall as an Air Genasi, in case you slip while skating on sump pipes!
4th level Artificers get their first Ability Score Improvement, and with an uneven Intelligence that leaves you wide open for the Telepathic feat. Keep to team chat in your head while increasing your Intelligence by 1, as long as you’re within 60 feet of your friends and they know what you’re saying. You also get Detect Thoughts added to your spell list, and cast it once for free without using a spell slot.
Of course more Intelligence means more Artificer spells, but we’re going to wait for...
5th level Armorer Artificers get Extra Attack, to attack twice! Mash that Q key as fast as you can! You also get Mirror Image and Shatter added to your spell list as Armorer spells, both of which fit Zeri very well to either dish out damage or keep yourself safe!
You can also prepare more spells like Aid (assuming no one else has that spell available), and Vortex Warp from Strixhaven! I’d personally flavor Vortex Warp as zipping your allies (or enemies!) around at the speed of an electrical current, but I understand that you may not think that makes sense for Zeri (or might not own Strixhaven.) I just think Vortex Warp is a really cool spell, but if you want something else feel free to prepare something else! Heat Metal is once of those spells that never “fits” despite being insanely strong.
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(Artwork by @DanE_javik on Twitter.)
Time to get your AP half with some Wizard levels! Should Zeri be a Sorcerer? Yeah probably but we were taking Intelligence anyways. Regardless Wizards get Arcane Recovery equal to half their Wizard level rounded down; I’m bad at explaining this ability so just read it yourself.
But what we’re really here for is Spellcasting! You get three cantrips: take the Wizard grab-bag of Prestidigitation, Mending, and Mage Hand. You also get 6 spells from the Wizard list: take Disguise Self for the cosmetics you don’t have, Distort Value to make some coin in Zaun, Identify to tell how much coin something is worth, Jim’s Magic Missile for some unstable magic (very fitting for Zeri!), Tenser’s Floating Disk if you find any scrap worth saving, and Shield. Because it’s Shield.
Second level Wizards get to choose their Arcane Tradition and I’m going to stack some buffs from the Transmutation school. For now all you get is Minor Alchemy which lets you turn any wood, stone, iron, copper, or silver into another one of the listed materials for an hour, as long as you keep concentration. Sure this trait is a little weird but you’d be surprised how many interesting solutions come up by making a wall into wood so you can cut it down. And if all else fails you can turn some wood coins into silver and short-change some chem-barons!
Oh and you get two more spells: take Detect Magic and Comprehend Languages which are both nice rituals to have in your pocket at a Wizard. Don’t you need Transmutation spells? Well Transmutation Savant will make getting those spells cheaper. And don’t you already have Detect Magic as an Artificer spell? Well you can prepare something else instead.
Third level Wizards learn 2nd level spells like Blindness / Deafness to play dirty with the dirt if you want the upper hand on your foes. You can also grab Misty Step. For Flash.
4th level Artificers get another Ability Score Improvement and yeah: Intelligence kinda makes everything better so increasing it by 2 would be ideal.
You can also learn another cantrip: I’d recommend grabbing Mind Sliver to zap foes with high armor and low magic resistance to lower their MR even further. And to top if off you get two more 2nd level spells! Take Spider Climb to grind on some walls, and Rope Trick in case you need a bail out plan. But truthfully the reason for Wizard levels will make sense once we get...
5th level Wizards get 3rd level spells and honestly I just want Haste and Lightning Bolt. Sure casting Haste on yourself is extremely inefficient because if you fail your saving throw you self-stun yourself, and all it grants you is a bit of AC and an extra attack with your dinky d6 + 5 Lightning Gun. But it’s the best representation of Zeri’s ult (minus the AoE damage) and the best way to be faithful to Zeri letting it all out before tiring herself out.
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(Artwork by Jeremy Anninos. Made for Riot Games.)
Quickly hopping back to the 6th level of Artificer for two key Infusions:
Radiant Weapon - Literally a direct upgrade from the Enhanced Weapon if you have the Attunement slots, although I wouldn’t recommend holding onto it forever. Along with a +1 you can use it as a flashlight (rub your feet on the ground to light up your gun!) and in a pinch you can even blind someone trying to hit you! Just be sure to evaluate if the blind is worth it over the Shield spell.
Spell-Refueling Ring - IE a Pearl of Power hold the pearl, because more spell slots for more Lightning Bolts and Haste is great value now that you actually have third level slots.
Feel free to replace some of your older infusions with options like the Boots of the Winding Path, Boots of Elvenkind / Cloak of Elvenkind (this should go to a friend, not yourself; you already have Stealth advantage!), Lantern of Revealing, Repulsion Shield, Resistant Armor... Hell, even the Cloak of the Manta Ray or Gloves of Thievery are nice in a pinch. 
You also get Tool Expertise. For expertise with tools.
Back over to Wizard: level 6 Transmutation Wizards can turn their natural magic into some buffs, as long as they have their Transmuter’s Stone! While you got the rock in your pocket you can get 60 foot darkvision (which you already have, but your DM might allow to apply on top of your darkvision?), a 10 foot movement speed increase, proficiency in Constitution saving throws (which you already have), or resistance to one of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage.
Two of these you already have but 10 feet of movement on top of the 10 from your race + armor equals 50 feet of movement total, which is pretty freaking fast! And damage resistance is always useful in a pinch, especially since you can swap the stone’s effect by casting a Transmutation spell! If all else fails and you have no use for your cool rock you can also pass it to a friend; I’m sure someone will appreciate the Constitution save proficiency!
Oh and you can grab two more spells: Thunder Step is a bad spell but it fits Zeri well, and Melf's Minute Meteors is a weird spell that fits Zeri quite well! Sure it takes your Concentration for a couple of Bonus Action attacks, but it does more damage than a Fireball overall and you can split the damage up! But I mean, feel free to take something like Blink or Fly instead I guess.
7th level Wizards get 4th level spells and if you want to dash through a wall then Dimension Door is probably your best bet. Other than that there’s a lot of great spells at 4th level, but I’m going to suggest good ol’ Storm Sphere to keep to that lightning motif and zap the power straight out of everything!
Finally with 8th level in Wizard you can get one last Ability Score Improvement: now that your Intelligence is capped off I’d suggest the Sharpshooter feat to make your shots more accurate and more deadly!
If you went for Variant Human and already have the Sharpshooter feat Magic Initiate (Wizard) can be a decent choice. Get Shocking Grasp from there along with another cantrip you think is fun, and something like Feather Fall as your 1st level spell in case of an emergency. Yes I am basically saying “if you weren’t a Genasi take the Genasi spells from Magic Initiate.”
And finally you can grab your last two 4th level Wizard spells: after this you’ll have to either spend cash to get magic or bust! Again there’s a lot of great choices at 4th level but I personally chose Elemental Bane (in case your opponent can resist your Lightning blaster!) and Greater Invisibility, which perhaps isn’t something Zeri can do in-game but it makes some sense and is very strong.
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(Artwork by @art_kageyuki on Twitter.)
7th level Artificers get Flash of Genius, allowing them to use their magic to help those around them... or themselves. If an ally (or you!) need help with an ability check or saving throw you can use your reaction to give them +5 to the roll, since your Intelligence is at a 20 and all. This does only have a range of 30 feet though, and you can only use it 10 times (double your INT modifier.) And remember that it is taking your reaction that you could be using for Shield or Absorb Elements (or Feather Fall, I guess?)
Speaking of spells I’ve kinda been ignoring the Artificer spell list huhn? You got some Intelligence increases (and some spells that you should probably replace) so I’d suggest grabbing Kinetic Jaunt (it’s from Strixhaven if you don’t have it) to zip around the battlefield, Enhance Ability to... enhance the abilities of yourself or an ally, and Heat Metal. Because if Avatar The Last Airbender taught me anything, it’s that Lightning is secretly just really good Fire.
8th level Artificers get another Ability Score Improvement and by this point there isn’t much that we particularly need. So I’m going to be boring and take the Fighting Initiate feat and take the Archery fighting style, because put bluntly a 10% higher chance to hit is pretty huge numbers-wise.
You can also prepare another spell but I’d suggest waiting for...
9th level Artificers can (finally!) prepare 3rd level spells like Hypnotic Pattern and... Lightning Bolt? Hey didn’t we already have this one? Ah well you can prepare your other Wizard spells instead: did you really want to wait until total level 17 for big electric zaps? Anyways I’m going to cop out and suggest you take Revivify, mostly because there isn’t much for Artificers at 3rd level that we need. Carry some diamonds in your pocket and use your electricity to jumpstart their heart!
But most importantly Armorer Artificers get Armor Modifications! Along with turning your one suit of armor into 4 separate items that can be infused (armor (the chest piece), boots, helmet, and the armor’s special weapon (I think most DMs would’ve let you infuse that even without hitting level 9)) you can now have two extra infusions! They have to be on your armor but I’m sure if you use that armor to help people no one will mind. You know your infusions so pick whichever ones you think will help you the best. I mean, it’s not like we’re going to get the ability to fly or anything crazy like that.
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(Artwork by @MiushuStudios on Twitter.)
10th level Artificers get new Infusions that allow them to fly and crazy things like that. The Winged Boots may not fit Zeri but are you really going to pass up flight? Other than that the Helm of Awareness is very good, and something only you can make. The Alert feat on a stick is good for just about anyone.
I’d also suggest replacing the Radiant Weapon with your plain old Enhanced Weapon by this point, as it’s now a +2 weapon. +15 to hit is nice enough and freeing up an attunement slot is good too! I’m going to suggest replacing it with the good ol’ Cloak of Protection; you should probably give the cloak to a friend who’ll be taking hits since the +1 to both their AC and saves will add up! But if you don’t want those infusions for whatever reason there are other good choices too:
Eyes of the Eagle (probably not for you but a friend can make good use out of that increased vision!)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (your Strength is at an 8 so this is an effective +5 to your Strength modifier!)
Headband of Intellect (maybe for a friend?)
Periapt of Wound Closure (for your more reckless friend; maybe that reckless friend is you?)
Again Artificer is great because you can pick and choose infusions that will help your party. After all your attunement slots aren’t infinite... but Magic Item Adept does give you another attunement slot, as well as the ability to craft Common and Uncommon magic items easily.
Oh yeah and to top if off you can prepare another spell, and (finally!) learn another Artificer cantrip! For your leveled spell Blink may require you to get lucky but it’s good to evade some hits. And for your cantrip I dunno; you don’t have a Light source anymore?
11th level Artificers can keep their mana in check by simply putting their spells in a Spell-Storing Item. You can stick a 1st or 2nd level Artificer spell into a stick to allow your friends (or yourself) to cast it a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier. Now I know it can be hard to resist sticking 10 Shatters into it but consider your options: you have a couple of great spells that are amazing to give to your friends or to just have in your back pocket without spending spell slots:
Blur - Even at this level not all enemies have magic vision, so this can be a great buff to your Fighter’s AC!
Enhance Ability - A good buff that’s made better by allowing a non-caster to cast it on the party!
Heat Metal - This spell is dumb and kinda objectively overpowered ngl. Give it to someone who doesn’t have a good use for their Bonus Action; 2d8 Fire damage isn’t much but disadvantage on all attacks is!
Invisibility - Really doubt I need to explain why “become invisible” is good.
Kinetic Jaunt - One of the new ones from Strixhaven. This is great if you have someone in the party like a Rogue who gets value out of going zoomies!
Lesser Restoration - In case of emergency please break glass.
Levitate - Sure you can do it, but your friends can’t. It can work as a pseudo-disable or pseudo-flight!
Mirror Image - The main one from your subclass. Good on just about everyone. Give your friends the chance to take 3 hits without taking damage.
See Invisibility - Useful in a pinch on the party.
Vortex Warp - Another amazing utility. Being able to reposition an ally really opens up teamwork in this team game. I recommend this video for some ideas why Vortex Warp is useful.
But this isn’t a Spell Storing Item guide. Don’t let me stop you from sticking 10 charges of Shatter into a stick and going ham with it. I’m just saying you do have better options.
Our final level is the 12th level of Artificer for one last Ability Score Improvement. Again I don’t have any particular feats I want so I’m just going to cop out and suggest good ol’ Alert to keep aware on the streets.
Honestly if you want going for 9 levels in Wizard might’ve been worth it for 5th level spells, and 10 levels would’ve gotten you the purest form of a “free” Polymorph. Hell, even 2 levels in Fighter would get you Second Wind, Action Surge, and another Fighting Style. (I’d personally go for Defense if you already have Archery from your feat. Alternatively you could just take Archery from Fighter and grab Alert with your level 16 Feat!)
But I chose to stick to Artificer as it felt the most accurate overall. And because you can prepare one more spell, such as the “in case of emergency please break glass” spell of Lesser Restoration.
Run fast, charge up, shoot the bad guys - You’ve got plenty of ways to keep away from the baddies, be it blinking out of the way, running along walls, or zooming straight through them!
Come on Zeri; fight to win - Your spell slots go far above the average Artificer, maxing out at 7th level. Sure you only get third level spells but a lot of them are quite strong when upcast: Aid, Lightning Bolt, Shatter, Heat Metal; all of these spells still pack a punch when cast with something big. And Arcane Recovery gives you even more magic to spare!
Gun could use a little tinkering - Regardless of situation Infusions can help you and your party in a lot of ways. Use your infusions smartly and pass your Philosopher’s Stone around too to give back to the people of Zaun!
If I can just... get this to work...! - You don’t have the insane damage output of other ADCs I’ve built. Sharpshooter helps out yes but you don’t have any good damage-increasing spells nor abilities like Sneak Attack to max out your DPS late game.
Come on; charge already! - The point of an ADC (or rather a “martial” character) is to provide constant DPS without question, and unfortunately your spark can run out with extended use. You have a lot of Long Rest resources that can ware out quickly.
Ugh, might've rushed that one - This build kinda falls off a cliff in the late game where your spells outrun your infusions. Sure two extra infusions for your Armor is nice and all but if your DM gives you a couple of magic items it really won’t matter. This build is best around Tier 2 when your Wizard spells give you the nimbleness to survive with your Artificer damage output.
But you only need to start the movement: your can move even the biggest machines with the smallest spark. Zip around your foes and pepper them with bullets to inspire your fellow Zaunites to blast them alongside you! As long as you know when you contain your spark you’ll be able to change the world for the better. As long as you make sure not to go berserk!
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(Artwork by @JayalSantos on Twitter.)
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mochi-marie · 3 years
Compliment your mutuals
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‘m gonna do this one separately from the seven others i have! :’) i’m gonna try and do most, if not all, of my moots! <33 if i forgot you, please just reply to this post and ill add you!! my memory’s trash bbs! 😔 i’m also expanding this from not just mutuals, but also to people that i see in my notifs or asks that make my day so much better! <33
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@astrorae — reliable / stable / constant
you are super, super sweet!! i always see you in my notifs and it literally brightens my day every single time, no matter how insignificant the interaction may seem to others! you’re a very constant person that i truly appreciate having — it’s nice to know that there’s always at least one person standing by, and i really love knowing you’re always somewhere around hun!! <3
@catwithangerissues — sweet / supportive / constant
you’ve basically been around from the very birth of my blog, both you and sunalma actually — and ever since, you especially have been a constant source of support and encouragement!! when we do interact with one another, you’ve always been so kind and such a comforting presence around my blog that i’m so so happy to be your mutual! <3
@eunoianthia — support / excitement / daily
there is literally so many things i could say about you, and that wouldn’t even be able to cover the half of it. girl, we talk literally every day — you’re such a sweetheart, and so reassuring and nice about everything!! you are always so supportive of everything i do, and super super generous, and so so so talented!! and don’t you dare forget it!! you’ve definitely became one of the closest people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing here! <3
@fushiguroll — sisterly / supportive / kind-hearted
you’ve pretty much always been there for most things! you also give off such huge big-sister vibes that most of the time, i think I actually just view you as a sister? sorry if that sounds weird!! but anyways, you’ve always been so sweet, and you’re literally so kind and considerate to others around you, as well as the community as a whole! <3
@floralkawa — fun / comforting / sweethearted
babes, you are such a fun person to chat and interact with!! every interaction with you makes me leave feeling so much better about myself and my mood so much better than before — and your presence is one so comforting and safe, in a way? you just have this really sweet and home-y vibe to you ( but i also perceive you as my fun, sweet gremlin friend? ) <3
@hajkyyuu — talented / considerate / easygoing
you, you are so talented in what you write! and you’re so kind and laid-back, and such a stress reliever. speaking with you is so much fun, and watching your interactions and seeing you be so sweet and kind on my dash is so cute and nice and!!! <3
@kohi-zeri — friendly / dependable / charming
you’re another moot that has been around for a long while now, and i’m so happy you are!! you’re so charming and friendly, and you just have this presence that lurks around tumblr that leaves me ( and im sure a lot of others ) feeling better about themselves!
@kozu-zumi — good-natured / honest / courteous
we don’t talk often, but oh when we do you’re so so sweet and nice that i think i’m blessed to be a mutual with someone such as yourself!! you always seem to have the absolute best intentions, while remaining honest and respectful to everyone you encounter! you’re such a sweetie!! <3
@kirishimas-manly-eyeliner — creative / humble / sweet
you are SO affectionate?? and loving?? like, what did i do to deserve you? you are always such a cute and fun person, and i get so giddy when i see you cross my dash! and your content? *chefs kiss* it’s top tier work, bubs!! <3
@kozumegamecollection — sweet / kind / friendly
you have literally been around since forever! you’re always so nice to me, even though we never really talk!! I truly hope you know how much i appreciate you, especially with the loving pictures you send me when i’m feeling down!!! <3
@noir-blanches-blog — friendly / kind / wholesome
you. are. so. nice. need i say more? you’re so supportive, and when you interact you’re so friendly and such a sweetheart!! you’re always so nice to me, and i truly appreciate seeing you in my notifs!!
@serowotonin — supportive / dependable / sweet
you were literally my first follower, and first mutual on tumblr! you were the first for my blog, and i truly truly appreciate having you around!! it’s so nice when i do see or chat with you, because it reminds me how much I’ve grown, and you were the start of it. thank you so so much! <3
@shoyotime — sweetheart / affectionate / passionate
bubs — SUCH A SWEETHEART?! you are so passionate, and so kind, and so so creative and talented!!! your writing is god tier, and your personality as a blog owner is such perfection!! and your theme?? *chefs kiss*
@sobaluvr — passionate / bold / talented
honestly, i don’t know you that well, but from what i can tell, you seem to be very passionate and bold, not to mention the raw talent that shows through your writing!! and you’re so nice?? :0 i always get nervous when talking to you or when considering tagging you because you just seem to talented and so bold and charming!! <3
@sunalma — talented / home-y / charming
you! you! you’re another mutual who’s been around since the beginning, and you’re so charming!!!! i cannot stress enough how talented and on-point your writing and characterization is, and your general kindness to those who interact with you is so sweet — i genuinely admire you and your writing skills!! <3
@tsukkisfatsimp — kind / supportive / affectionate
i know we just became moots like a couple of days ago, but honestly, i couldn’t leave you out — from our brief interactions, you were such a sweetheart and so much fun to interact with!! you seem so supporting and affectionate, and i hope we can become better moots and friends!! <3
@tetsurouandushigirl — mature / talented / charismatic
hun, you were my inspiration to starting a blog. if i never found you, i don’t think i ever would’ve even started watching haikyuu as excitedly as i did / do now, and i don’t think i would’ve started a blog if not for you! you’re such a mature, kind person, and give sisterly vibes that truly make me feel appreciated!! and you are so talented with your writing too, plus your self ships?? immaculate!! <3
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you are all so, so talented and sweet, and i truly hope you don’t forget it! you all make my life so much brighter than ever before, and honestly, i adore and admire you all so much. thank you for being my mutuals! <3
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bluezeri · 3 years
Dare I ask... may I hear about some of your OC's?
ANYWAY ok there Nuzeri (Consular) and i originally headcanoned(? is that the right word??) him to be sweet and caring and amazing, which he is, its just that now he’d probably help you commit arson. no one really knows that ofc, except Senya who jokingly brought it up at some point and he showed up 3 days later at her quarters ready to go burn some shit. Senya is now slightly scared of him :) ALSO i might have mentioned it earlier but him and one other person (ill get into it later) are a species i made myself!!! (humans are boring) im v v proud of it despite it probably making things harder for everyone else ill probably get into it in another post bc its a lot and its mostly just a mess of hcs with my friend occasionally suggesting things. p lightsided overall. i think hes only made like 3 darksided choices.
S/O: Arcann
Tagaani!! my inquisitor and brother to Nuzeri. hes the other person thats the species i made. hes honestly p sweet even if he looks kinda scary. hes the more silent, observant type of person, always looking for weaknesses to use to his advantage. fun fact!! hes trans!! i needed someone to project onto so :// tagaani is kinda a grey area. more lightsided decisions than dark but its honestly not that many more so
S/O: twilek/togruta trooper whose name i cant remember
these two are both stuck on a planet (zeri on balmorra and taani on hoth) bc i used stealth too much and now theyre severely under leveled so ive kinda been neglected them :((
mm gonna put the commanders under the cut and more later when i have more hcs 
so ik its probably not a good idea or logical or how anything works at all but i dont really care so!! four commanders!! god im a disaster
Shirei Jorgan is the daughter of aric jorgan and another oc (his name is tanjii ill talk about him later). Tanjii rescued her from some small place in Mirial that was being attacked by the imps. there was a lot of explosions and Loud Noises™ and children do not generally have access to soundproof headgear so shes completely deaf! she has implants for her hearing. so for what happened to tanjii and jorgan, after shjirei eventually got into havoc, she eventually made third in command. dont have the details fully planned out yet but basically a mission went to shit and jorgan got a permanent injury that got him a transfer to a less,, active part of the military (he forces hi way back into havoc when shirei gets popsicled so its cool). tanjii just straight up went missing (captured) and now shirei is commander of havoc :’) shes a light sided trooper, even if it may not seem like it at times. shes trying her best
S/O: lana Beniko and azeme
Azeme is a jedi knight. she’s actually the least developed character bc i haven’t played her that much as i find playing jedi/sith characters wack (lightsabers in partciular) but!! shes basically the mom friend. and the only sane person amongst the commanders. usually acts as the public figure, giving speeches n stuff. light sided baby!
S/O: shirei and lana
Ne’ety (i finally remembered his name!!) is commonly reffered to (by me) as Chaos Jedi™. theres a lot of character development in there bc hes a v easily frustrated boi. rlly doesnt vibe w the jedi code. theres a reason hes the chaos jedi. anyway about two years after arcann attacked the core worlds he went no❤️ and fucked off to god knows where until oh shit is that knight attacking civilians?? and saved koth and crew from senya. tora decided his nasty, probably radiation soaked clothes were cool and decided to annoy koth until he allowed ne’tey to become part of the crew. hes equally annoying about senya joining the team as koth is, mostly bc senya stabbed him. multiple times. this does not help later on asylum when arcann stabs him. aaand later when vaylin attacks oddessan,,, she stabs him. hes basically the tirall family shish kebab at this point. poor him. anyway even tho he angy he lightsided bb
Sidenote added by Lana Beniko: Theron, I know its funny, but stop letting Ne’tey pilot the walkers. He’s dangerous enough as it is. 
S/O: Koth vortena
Ah yes. Kahsii. literally the only imperial there. besides lana ofc but thats not the point. hes not even a real imperial this double agent dumbass anyway this man is one (1) whole disaster. him and theron are disasters together its fine. He’s definitely the lesser known commander. and he prefers it that way. better for spy shit. goes on the more covert ops for the alliance. he also hasnt slept in 14 years. ALRIGHT BACKSTORY TIME so he grew up in the ascendancy ofc so theres that but his parents are like super important people. kahsii has seen their faces probably like a total of 3 times. anyway so some scandal thing??? happened?? with his parent so the empire started distrusting his parents and they were like ok but what if,, we give u,, one of the best agents ever and the empire was like what and that how kahsii was born and trained from way too young to be one of the best operatives in imperial intelligence. spoiler: the training was not kid friendly :) fun. also hes,, mostly lightsided?? he mainly makes ds choices for the sake of the mission so :// fun fact hes like. 16 when the revan shit happens. :’} everyone finds out at some point and kinda has a mental breakdown bc what the fuck. who let this child in here. what the fuck
ur probably wondering hey blue why are all ur characters lightsided?? well i tried being mean once,, and i cried. so.
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ruined-shaper · 5 years
Spirit of (X)! (Can I have one too? Either for this universe, or linked to the new one, or... however you think it could fit even if she was involved in the events already...?)
Mirabelle, Follower of Veigar
Unknown years after the Dawngate opened.
Not so long ago, in the world we knew then, a great shaper lived. Eidolus, his name. A western shaper, a grand engineer, brilliant mind, and hopeless lover for his mate, Imanna. It was said her beauty was-
“Writing is a process. It must be detailed! You can’t simply leave out details. What if the audience-”
“Ugh. Fine.”
-Imanna was pretty, she died, Eidolus got sad, and built the Dawngate to blow himself up.
However, our story takes place with the thieving-
“I prefer… opportunistic.”
“Can you please be quiet?”
However, our story takes place with the thieving opportunistic duo: a soon to be powerful master of the universe,
-and his sane, intelligent, stunningly beautiful associate.
“Sorry, she’s the one paying me.”
“Don’t worry about it, Veigar.”
Now, these two cunning individuals were made aware of the circumstances they were about to encounter thanks to some interesting experiments-
“He glued a stick to a rock.”
“A STAFF TO A FOCUS. I spent YEARS on that!”
- and a rare anomaly: True communication with the spirits. Words of wisdom from the Spirit of Insight itself.
“It says hello, by the way.”
“It says whatnow-”
“Just, ignore him. Keep writing.”
As such,
“Please, Quiet!”
As such, prepared for the new age of shaping to approach, the spirit realm exploded forth from the gate, and the world would be changed forever. Of course, they were absolutely prepared for anything…
1 minute after the Dawngate opened
Mimi, in a bit of a panic as the worlds collided in the nearby gate, the spiritual energy shaking the ground and air thick with a searing heat. Laying still nearby, a cheshire grin spread wide on his sleeping form, Veigar had fallen.
Anxious, full-fledged screaming echoed through the night.
“Can- Can we, skip this part? He was asleep for this anyway.”
“Nothing, Veigar.”
“What’s ‘oh’?”
“What, I don’t look irresistibly handsome and you DIDN’T take advantage of the situation? I TAUGHT YOU BETTER.”
“Spirits help me.”
“…Wuzzat, Insight?… It says no. And agrees that I’m deserving of a modelling career.”
“Can we FOCUS, please?!”
Careful so as not to raise alarm, Mirabelle carried the newly born-again shaper back to a hostel at the edge of the world’s heart. Passing in secret away from the prying eyes of pilgrims, paladins, and animals, the duo rested. While awaiting the rise of her unconscious-
“That’s not an issue here-”
“By Grace, you are NOT worth the money…”
  While awaiting the rise of her unconscious-non-consensually sleeping companion, another miracle glistened in the window, out of view of the masses seeking refuge from the Gate.
A simple, small being. A spirit of unknown nature. It seemed to be waiting, watching Mirabelle. For what purpose, she was unsure. Such things were unheard of. Veigar had performed what no one had done before by summoning a spirit to his bidding-
“Actually, it’s more of a bargain-sorta deal. You know, all-powerful beings have to respect each other.”
And yet, here was another. And it was calling. To her.
How was she supposed to respond? What if it was a ploy? A trick of the light? Perhaps she was hallucinating, maybe the blast had killed her and this was some odd state of purgatory leading a similar scenario.
“Mimi, what the HELL were you on about?!”
“I was stressed. It’s normal to be stressed in that situation.”
2 hours after the Dawngate opened
“ThIS IS AN ABNORMAL AMOUNT OF STRESS FOR THIS SITUATION-” She yelled aloud. Covering her mouth and pacing the room, she cursed herself for the outburst.
“This is fine! It’s, fine. Really. No problem. Just going to… touch it? But what if it burns me? What if I burn IT? Is that even possible- THINK, Mirabelle, THINK, DAMN YOU.”
A moment of pause.
“Sweet Grace, I’m starting to sound like him.”
You are not him. You are better.
“Gee, thanks brain… wait… that wasn’t me.”
It was a shock. Though it could not truly speak, there was another conversing with her in a language she could replicate, but could clearly understand. It respected her.
She was a more suiting candidate, in its eyes, for the incredible power contained within Veigar. She must have it. She WOULD HAVE IT-
“-No. NO! I-I’m not thinking this…. It’s YOU.”
Trust in me, girl. No one else… only in me. I can give you power. Purpose. What has he done to deserve this? Nothing.
Kill him. Take his power. His energy. IT IS YOURS. TAKE IT.
“No! You’re… NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!”
“-AGHAGH- PAIN, AGONY, AND POWER- power… Uhhh… Mimi, what are you screaming about? YOU WOKE ME FROM MY POWER NAP.”
It was his voice that caused the screaming in her mind to stop. A sense of clarity, and calm. Steadying herself, she looked to him, then to the window. The creature was gone.
“Ahhh, I feel… AMAZING! Like I could take on the world! LIKE I COULD RULE THE WORLD-”
Veigar attempted to stand from the bed triumphantly, instead falling flat on his face, causing the nearby dresser to topple on him.
“…Betrayed…. Betrayal… so that must’ve… no. It was nothing at all.”
“Of course.”
“Alright…. So, does that look good for a start?”
“I think it’s great-”
“I will compliment you later.”
“…Fine. I accept your offering.”
“Alright then, we’re done for today. When’s good for a next visit?”
“Whenever I feel like it.”
“I-no, that’s-”
“Whenever. We feel like it.”
“Fine! Fine. I’ll make due.”
A promising student, with dangerous hidden potential, Mimi is unknowningly accompanied by the Spirit of Betrayal. Though not bonded as spirit and shaper, the being is more than willing to manipulate and coerce those around it for its need and utmost desire to shatter the bonds of mortals.
Allies: Veigar (So much to know… to be… to own.)
Friends: Zeri (Another student. I mean, her teacher is… something, but they’re nice enough to ignore that fact.), Fenmore (He wants to bring upon a new age… maybe we can get ourselves ahead of the curve.), Amarynth (So violent. So powerful…. and yet, she’s sad. Why?)
Enemies: Dibs (Stop talking, stop talking, PLEASE STOP TALKING-), Kindra (I have never felt more uncomfortable around another person-), Sakari (… I stand corrected.)
//Another fun tale! This one was a doozy, but I really enjoy writing dialogue! I think a more comedic set of team rocket-esque deuteragonists with some oomph to them really fits well in the universe, and I find the dynamic Veigar and Mimi could have here very intriguing to build around.
The additional tension of having a terrifying, parasitic spirit lurking is another relatively unique property here. Sure, parasitic spirits exist, but they have immediately satiable needs, like Corruption or Consumption. Betrayal, by contrast, has to wait. It has to weave and earn its kill, like building a house of cards. Only then, will it be sated.
Big shout out to @veigarthevile and @assistant-of-evil! Thanks for the prompts!
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