#but it was like $20 more than the reprint
yoohyeon · 1 year
I just realized that I should make research for what version of the albums I may buy Sunday….cause I will be in that store for hours if I don’t HDJBSBS
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
For this 2nd day of Pride Month I decided to talk about a woman I mentionned yesterday in the post about Renée Vivien (that you should absolutely read by the way, Renée Vivien is amazing) :
Natalie Clifford Barney !
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I talked about her to say that she's had a love story with Renée Vivien, but that's not the only thing she's done.
Natalie was born in 1876 in the United States and died in 1972 in Paris, at the age of 95. Writer and poet, she was the first woman to use the word "lesbian" in her writings (in this case a collection of poems, published in 1899), instead of the word "tribade" (it's another word for lesbian in french) or simply "homosexual". The word lesbian back then was even more taboo than it is today, so you can imagine how important this fact was (and still is).
She was also famous for the parties she organised: she held a literary salon which she wanted to turn into the "new Mytilene". She invited the female artists, writers and intellectuals of her time, in response to the all-male Académie Française, and they all spent whole afternoons and evenings in the flat of the wealthy American.
Natalie never tried to hide her homosexuality. As she said in a sentence that quickly became her most famous one,
"Why would anyone blame me for being a lesbian ?"
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(Yes, that's her with Renée Vivien)
Natalie's mother (a renowned artist) and her tutor awakened her interest in the French language at an early age, and when she was a little older, she was sent to a school in France; thanks to this, she spoke French fluently and without an accent, and developed a soft spot for this country.
Natalie was 12 when she realized she was a lesbian, and decided right away to "live in the open, without hiding from anyone".
Hee first known relationship was with Liane de Pougy, a famous dancer of the time (whom she cheated on with many women). Natalie wrote about this love story in her collection Quelques portraits, sonnets de femmes. ("Some portraits, sonnets of women"). Liane wrote about it in her novel "Idylle sapphique", which so fascinated the French public that it had to be reprinted sixty times in the same year, with people torn between admiration and scandal. The two women eventually parted ways, however, due to Natalie's infidelities and Liane's "debauched lifestyle" (in Natalie's words).
As I said, this book caused a huge scandal. Natalie was forced to return to the United States, where her father burned all her writings he could find, and tried to marry her off. However, she categorically refused to obey him, and faced with her stubbornness, her father gave up, and Natalie returned to Paris, where she had a lot of lovers. Among these lovers, there's Renée Vivien (probably the most important, since Natalie never accepted their breakup and tried to get Renée back until Renée died at 32) Lucie Delarue-Mardrus, Colette, Emma Calvé, Olive Custance, Henriette Roggers and many others.
In 1902, on the death of her father, Natalie Clifford Barney inherited a large fortune and was able to rent a house in Neuilly-sur-Seine, where she gave parties that became the talk of the town.
In 1910, she moved into a house at 20 rue Jacob ; for nearly sixty years, this house was the setting for her famous "Fridays", one of the last influential literary salons. A LOT of famous people went there. Like really. The complete list is on Wikipedia if you're curious, and here's a screenshot with some examples :
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Marie Skłodowska-Curie went there. Albert Einstein went there. Apollinaire and Proust went there. Oscar Wilde went there. That's cazy to me!
She's had other lovers, like Elisabeth de Clermont-Tonnerre, but her greatest love story was with the painter Romaine Brooks, with whom she had a relationship similar to that of a married couple from 1914 to the end of her life. Of course, this didn't stop her from cheating on Romaine with other women: Natalie was known for her infidelities, believing that polygamy was necessary for a couple's survival, although she claimed that this didn't stop her from being deeply in love with Romaine. She cheated on her for example with Oscar Wilde's niece Dolly, and Nadine Huong, whose story I'll tell one day because it's so interesting!
She spent the years of the Second World War in Italy, and later returned to France to find her second home, which she shared with Romaine Brooks, destroyed. In 1949, she reopened her salon (which started to welcome more and more famous actors and actresses on top on everyone else).
Nothing much happened for the rest of his life. She never left Romaine Brooks (despite continuing to have affairs with a host of other women) and died in Paris in 1972, aged 95.
Natalie Clifford Barney's work and life were very important not only for culture itself, but also for the lesbian community. She made a major contribution to lesbian visibility, opened many minds, helped normalize (even if we still have a long way to go) homosexuality and, above all, helped many lesbian women accept themselves, understand that they were not alone and live the life they deserved.
The influence of her works and her salon on culture, literature, cinema, theater and even science is immense and deserves to be recognized. We should be talking about her much more than we are!
Here's some of her poems with an english translation :
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And she's written loads of other stuff that I really recommend you read! She was an interesting woman who wrote interesting things. Look her up on Google and read her writings and her life!
Anyway, that's it! Sorry for posting so late, and see you tomorrow for the 3rd lesbian pride post 🏳️‍🌈
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doctorwenqing · 10 months
Chiss Fan Survey 2023
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Here's the results of the Chiss fan survey for this year! We had a huge turnout, with 464 responses! Here's a link to the slide deck if that's more accessible for you.
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First some demographics: most people surveyed came from Twitter but we also had a pretty good turnout from Tumblr this year!
The majority of people surveyed still came from the United States, but we also had some new countries make it on the map this year.
Most people fell within the 18-34 age range.
As always, I love how Thrawn attracts the autistic audience. Interestingly, the same percentage of people said they’re neurodivergent this year as did last year, but the proportion of them that are autistic grew by about 7%.
Again just a disclaimer that these results are not necessarily representative of the overall Thrawn fan community as I reach a very specific demographic, but over half of the people surveyed are women and almost a third are non-binary. 20% identify as transgender.
About a third of people surveyed are bisexual or pansexual.
Another thing I love is how many people in the community fall under the asexual and aromantic umbrellas. Asexuality is the second most common sexuality reported on this survey.
There’s about 8% fewer single people and 4% more married people than last year so congratulations!
A new question this year is how people's partners feel about Star Wars. For most, it seems they’re the bigger Star Wars fan between them and their partner(s)
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Moving on to the actual Thrawn questions, the majority of people surveyed got into Thrawn around 2020.
The spikes on the read/watch order graph show the most popular reading/watch order, so Rebels> Thrawn> Alliances> Treason> Chaos Rising> Greater Good> Lesser Evil> Ahsoka.
Most people had seen Star Wars Rebels and read at least Thrawn (2017).
Over half of people surveyed have read Heir to the Empire, and overall more people report reading Legends than in last year’s survey.
To get the book ranking, I gave each book an average rank based on people's votes and ordered them that way. Thrawn 2017 was by far the most popular of the books.
The most popular choice for a new book book was an "Eli Vanto in the Ascendancy" book.
Despite Ahsoka filling in what happened after Rebels, the percentage of people who are interested in a Thrawn and Ezra Post-Rebels story has not decreased and has in fact increased slightly.
The love for Thranto is very apparent in the ship portion of the survey.
There’s also a good percentage of people who don’t ship Thrawn with anyone, and then OC or selfships are also somewhat popular.
I included a reminder as to what the Thrawn Designs options were. Ascendancy Thrawn was far and away the most popular design for Thrawn. People also liked the 2018 comic version. Least popular was the Heir to the Empire comic design.
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Despite what people may have expected, overall Chiss fans were happy with Live Action Thrawn.
In particular, they liked the casting and the dialogue. The most disliked bits were Thrawn’s storyline and inconsistencies with the books.
I also need it to be noted that more than one person wrote in that they liked “how cunty" live action Thrawn was.
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Thrawn fans get involved in several different ways
Almost a third have made Thrawn art and 40% wrote something.
Several people went to the Chiss fan meetup this year.
60% of people bought something Thrawn related.
Books was the top item purchased, with over half of people who bought something buying at least one book and most buying several books.
Comics were also popular with the reprinting of the 2018 comic.
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Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to cross-analyze anything!
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monstersdownthepath · 3 months
Herald of Nethys: The Arcanotheign
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CR 15
Neutral Medium Outsider
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 298
As we get closer and closer to the end of Misfits and Monitors Month, here we have the penultimate Neutral Herald, and possibly the most powerful of the Heralds... when she first came out. Like many of the Heralds of the main gods, the Arcanotheign first appeared in an Adventure Path, specifically Serpent's Skull: The Thousand Fangs Below, pg. 82-83, but her case is a special one. You see, whereas most of the Heralds became more consistent or stronger with the clarified vision of their powersets and the consolidation of their abilities into keywords or magic items on their person, the initial release version of the Arcanotheign was incomparably powerful, to the point she could have easily hovered around CR 18 or even CR 20.
She had not one but four at-will abilities tied to her ranged attack that would remove their initial target from the fight instantly (including one that was outright full death by disintegration on a failed save), the ability to ignore any spell or ability that relied on alignment, the ability to heal from both positive or negative energy damage, and an aura which dealt constant damage to everything around her (while healing her as it did so). Capping it all off? Alter Objects, an ability I'm a little sad she didn't get to keep in her reprint; Alter Objects allowed her to freely reshape anything she got ahold of, changing either its shape or the material it was made out of, OR animate it via Animate Object, with basically no limitations as to how dramatically she could reshape it or what material she could turn it into besides A) she can't do both transformations at once; no turning a teddy bear into a sword and no turning a stick into adamantine and then animating it, and B) the transformation always reverted 1 minute later unless she actively concentrated to maintain the effect. It was still a bonkers ability that gave her almost godlike control over her surroundings, especially since she only had to be within 100ft of whatever she was altering. Not even touching it!
Her final iteration in Inner Sea Gods is toned down considerably, to put it mildly. I wish she kept Alter Objects in some fashion, but with the severely compressed space in ISG, I can understand why it was trimmed. She's also lost more than a few of her bells and whistles, including a handful of her spell-likes, which must be especially painful for the servant of the God of Magic! But despite all of these nerfs, ALL of them, she remains one of the most powerful Heralds in the setting. Her might is all the more startling for any fiend or foul element which catches her in her mortal form as a gray-skinned beauty that seems to have a Disney Princess-esque magnetic effect on small animals and children (she's even got +35 to Perform (Sing) checks!) and thinks she'll be easy prey, her energy form exploding from its shell and raining terrible, eldritch energy upon the attacker until they're dead or gone. And then she folds back into her human(ish) form and goes back to playing with the kids, transforming their toys into new shapes to amuse them.
Most of the children visited by the Arcanotheign are blessed with magical genius or even magical power, blooming into casters (especially sorcerers) as they age, but whether the Arcanotheign unlocks these talents or is drawn to people destined to have them is left ambiguous. Planting the seeds for future generations of casters is but one of her duties in service to Nethys, though, the others being "encourage people to use magic" and "destroy anything that tries to stop people from using magic." While most parties would thus not have a reason to get on her bad side (even the most grumbling barbarian can appreciate a magic axe and a healing potion), she unfortunately DOES serve a guy who has the unenviable title of "Mad God," and as such she may be the party's ally--or at least a neutral force--for one session, only to turn on them the next for reasons only her god understands.
She's noted to ask "personal, direct questions" to anyone she's sent to interact with, whether it's to share a vision, heal them, destroy them, or teach them, and though her target will likely never know the reason for her barrage of questions, in truth it's because she wants to know why she was sent there. Why does this particular mortal deserve this blessing or punishment? She wants to know just as much as they likely do! Despite being directly formed from Nethys' will, not even she appears to fully understand it, and most of her free time is spent contemplating the purpose of her existence and her place in creation.
But we're not here for existentialism, are we? I mentioned she may be an ally one day and an enemy the next, so let's see what happens when that happens...
Let's begin with the biggest part of her kit: You're not hurting her with magic. She serves the God of Magic, so casters have to be very clever about how they use their spells against her, because most straightforward tricks simply will not work.
Blindsight out to 60ft and Arcane Sight out to 120ft besides, illusions, invisibility, and other such trickery won't work against her unless they're solidified from shadow magic. She has 31 Spell Resistance, the highest of any Herald besides the Grand Defender (who cheats by having "SR: Infinity"), which typically means a lvl 11~13 caster needs to roll an 18 or higher to affect her with most spells... which then have to contend with her saving throws, which are also higher than most Heralds at +18/+13/+17, which is increased by an additional +2 if the source is any alignment except true Neutral, because she's got ALL FOUR Protection From [alignment] spells on herself constantly. In addition to that, she has 30 Resistance to every element except Force, including a heretofore unseen 30 Resistance against typeless divine damage from effects such as Flame Strike and Hellfire Ray, and other, more esoteric spells and abilities, all but assuring those otherwise fairly reliable damage sources cannot harm her even if she fails her saving throw.
Able to resist every element, the Arcanotheign can also throw out consistent elemental damage in return. She's surrounded on all sides by a 30ft Energy Channel Aura, which... which in ISG is a little ambiguous in its function; in the original Adventure Path printing, the aura was always active unless the Herald shut it off and dealt automatic damage constantly to any target she desired like a proper aura, but in ISG the aura's wording has been changed considerably and seems to require the magical avatar's standard action to use, like a proper Channel Energy from a Cleric. This is supported by the fact she has the Command Undead feat but no normal ability to channel energy, but in my mind, a meager 2d6 damage (of Fire, Cold, Acid, OR Electricity, mind) is too pathetic to justify the use of her standard action, so I personally choose to believe the aura is constantly pinging every enemy inside (Will DC 26 halves) and she can switch which element is flaring out at will. If you want to add some extra spice, you can give her back her ability to also deal positive or negative energy damage with her aura.
It depends on how you want to run it, I suppose. I know I like automatic damage!
There IS an important bit here: this damage is tacked on to her two incorporeal touch attacks without offering a save to resist them. These attacks deal 4d6 untyped damage and 2d6 extra energy damage depending on what her aura is tuned to, but unlike many Heralds, she really, really doesn't want to get into melee to do that. Despite her considerable defenses against magic of any sort, she's actually got the least AC of any Herald at 27, and lacks ANY form of DR or protection from weapon attacks besides the fact she's incorporeal. Side note: This also means spells which deal physical damage affect her, provided they can pierce or ignore her monstrous SR.
Her full suite of Protection From [alignment] spells means she can't be touched by any summoned creature with an alignment and her 60ft of perfect flight gives her some evasion, but that does little to dissuade the Rogue and Fighter getting Fly and speeding up to her. She doesn't even have Dispel Magic to end such effects, which is a little weird and surprising to me. What she DOES have, however, is her Eldritch Blast, a pair of ranged touch attacks she can unleash at will which deal 1d10+her Chari-- whoops hold on, wrong game, 4d6 untyped damage as ranged touch attacks, and her blasts have one of three additional effects she can tack on which can be resisted with a DC 26 save (what kind of save depends on the effect). These effects are already bad, but a character who fails two saves against the Eldritch Blast effects in the same round suffers a debilitating status ailment instead.
The effects are:
Fortitude: Every round for 10 rounds, the affected creature teleports 5ft in a random direction at the end of their turn, potentially ruining any positioning they were trying to get going. If a creature is struck by this blast twice and fails both saves, they're shunted into a Maze automatically.
Reflex: The blast deals an extra 2d6 Fire damage. Failing two saves instead causes the victim to catch fire, taking 1d6 Fire damage a round every round from there on out until they use a full-round action to put it out.
Will: The blast confuses the creature for 1 minute. Failing two saves causes permanent insanity.
Functionally, targeting Will is typically her best bet and Reflex is barely worth considering; confusion has a 75% chance to neuter or entirely remove someone's turn, though one shouldn't sleep on what she does to people with low Fortitude saves. She's got Cloudkill at 3/day and is immune to poison, allowing her to cast it directly on her own position to gradually wear away at the party's Constitution and thus lowering their ability to resist being booped around or shunted into Mazes, removing them from the battle and leaving the rest of the party open to her shenanigans.
This is actually one of the most heavily nerfed parts of her kit, because her original incarnation in The Thousand Fangs Below, where her Eldritch Blasts could also choose to tack on 10 bleed damage (failing two saves instantly killed the target), paralyze the victim for a round (failing two saves inflicts a minutes-long Slow effect), and the Fire damage was doubled in every respect. She's also lost both Cone of Cold and Fireball, but she's managed to hold onto the reliable Lightning Bolt and Telekinesis (both 3/day) at least!
And you know what else she has? Both Heal and Harm at 1/day... and Limited Wish 1/day, with all the toolbox potential that comes with it. Though neither lore blocks presented offer it as a possibility, Limited Wish can mimic any Wizard spell of 6th level or lower, and Contingency falls into that bracket. Imagine finally catching the Arcanotheign off-guard, grounding her and beating her down to 10 HP... only to have a Contingency she prepared a week ago go off, instantly casting Cure Critical Wounds on her and restoring enough of her health bar to let her get a Heal off next turn (or, if the DM wants to be generous and round up, letting her just prepare a contingent Heal). The other options aren't much better, as she has both Greater Teleport/Teleport and Plane Shift available as emergency escape buttons, and those are just what she's got on her own sheet! With access to the minds of some of the greatest mages in the universe in Nethys' home realm in the Maelstrom, she can get a scroll of a wand of almost any spell in existence (which her +28 to UMD means she can easily use) to either prepare ahead of time with Contingency, or simply use as required.
It's almost a relief that she serves one of the more unstable gods, and is thus just as likely to be sent on some meaningless nothing task as she is an important and destructive one. Most of the time, she doesn't really need her magic because of how debilitating her Eldritch Blasts can be; knowing that she has a blank check in the form of Limited Wish almost feels like unnecessary overkill... which makes the actual Theme Finale of this month all the funnier.
You can read more about her here.
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prezaki · 2 months
Foundations of Mendel - Durandal in Context of His Biography and World
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The goal of this write-up is figuring out how Durandal's disparate backstory bits fit in with both each other and the chronology of the Cosmic Era as a whole. It's my attempt at taking the retcons presented in Freedom and turning them back into a coherent narrative. (As a side effect, I also recap a lot of important lore that was not directly mentioned on the show.)
I begin far before Durandal was even born, because I think the tumultuous context of the Cosmic Era is fundamental to the emotional development of the show's adult cast. I'm basing everything here on the official timeline, which was initially published around 2004 (in MSV, for example) and reprinted as recently as 2012 in "Gundam SEED Mechanics and The World". The timeline is translated on the Gundam Wiki here, but I'll recap everything I deem important.
Lore that is not taken directly from the timeline or the anime itself will be marked either with its source or clearly labeled as speculation.
In the year CE 15 George Glenn releases the blueprint for how to make Coordinators. Initially, the practice is outlawed. The first generation of Coordinators is born in secret, mostly to wealthy parents who can afford both the treatment and the secrecy required. Siegel Clyne, Patrick Zala and Aura Maha Khyber all belong to this generation. They grow up on Earth, hiding their genetic type from their peers.
The public view on Coordinators doesn't change until CE 29, when George Glenn brings back Evidence 01, the space whale fossil. Confronted with the knowledge that intelligent alien life exists for certain, religious organizations lose influence on public ethics, thus resulting in their objections towards 'violation of the natural order' being rejected. Fueled by the thought that humanity would have to compete with a much wider universe, the creation of Coordinators booms and becomes commonplace.
This is also where space station Mendel marks its beginnings. It's a research hub centered around genetics, one of the facilities where parents would turn in order to have their children modified. The first secretly born Coordinators are all between 5 and 14 years old by this point, and for the first time more of their kind are created outside of covert efforts. None have reached adulthood yet.
And it won't be until around CE 40 that a significant enough number of the earliest Coordinators enters the workforce and begin having children. This shifts public opinion and puts a damper on the wide-spread enthusiasm. It becomes apparent that the adult Coordinators have a significant skill gap that sets them apart from their Natural peers. The fears and anxieties caused by this observed reality sees to it that Blue Cosmos once again finds mainstream appeal
It's now, in the year CE 41. Gilbert Durandal is born. I think this makes it very likely that his parents were some of the first Coordinators, still born in hiding. While it's still possible that he is first generation and made by Natural parents around this time by sheer coincidence, I think the fact that Aura finds his genetics fascinating enough to want to study them also speaks for him being second generation rather than directly modified.
Then in CE 44, when Durandal is 3 years old, the first set of PLANT colonies (Aprilius) is completed. The PLANTs are named as such because they were intended as manufacturing plants that should help the Earth by outsourcing a lot of production to space. They wind up being pretty much exclusively staffed by Coordinators since their abilities make it easier for them to effectively work in space. They're forbidden from producing their own food, thus keeping the workers totally dependent on Earth.
I think it's interesting to keep in mind that colony living as a wide-spread phenomenon is incredibly young in the Cosmic Era, even as opposed to the Universal Century which already had millions of people living in space in UC 20.
While there are around 10 million Coordinators by CE 45, a sizeable amount of them still lives on Earth. Hatred against Coordinators continues rising and terror attacks on the PLANTs are common. This is the social climate Aura experiences during her formative teenage years.
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At the same time, dissatisfaction with the Coordination process is very commonplace as well. The (rich) people who shell out for designer babies are unhappy about even the slightest variation in their orders (let alone actual emergencies as they may occur in any pregnancies). The researchers at Mendel are at theirs wits end.
Trying to solve this perceived "problem", Ulen Hibiki works on the artificial womb. But he lacks funding, leading him to accept Al da Flaga's request to make a clone of himself in exchange for more money for his research.
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Thus, in CE 46, Rau le Creuset is born.
As mentioned, at this point the seclusion of Coordinators living in the PLANTs is by circumstance rather than design. The founding of an actual organization of Coordinators is not until CE 50, when Siegel Clyne and Patrick Zala found the Zodiac Alliance. In its conception the Zodiac Alliance is a movement for autonomy of the PLANTs, including a right to make their own food. It is not well-received by the powers that be and driven underground pretty much immediately.
With that, we arrive at CE 53. Exactly 20 years prior to the events of Destiny, all the key players we know have moved to their starting positions and the plot threads we are familiar with begin unraveling.
The scene is Mendel. Ulen Hibiki, one of its best researchers. Aura Maha Khyber, also on Mendel although presumably working for a different company. She is engaged in a fierce rivalry with Hibiki. (Freedom Novel) 8 year old Rau, undergoing a secluded and strict education to become Da Flaga's heir. (SEED Novel) And Gilbert Durandal, 12 years old... also on Mendel, about to meet Aura Maha and change both their lives. (I am guessing on the year number - technically this could have also happened a year later, when Durandal is 13.)
Why Durandal came to Mendel is a mystery. Did his parents work there? Was he specifically coming there as a test subject? Or was his genius intellect big enough that he was coming there to work? Either way, his intellect is noticed by Aura and found to be exceptional. She begins studying his genes. (Freedom Novel)
Having grown up in these troubled times, Durandal was already trying to think of ways to use science to improve the world and bring about peace. The Destiny Plan is born here, as the naive dream of a tween. And "maybe we can use our newfound genetic expertise to give everyone a life that makes them happy" is perfectly reasonable as the dream of a kid who has immense intelligence but not yet attained true emotional maturity. And maybe it would have remained as such a dream, if not for Aura. Aura, at this point 29 years old, decides that actually the tween is CORRECT and we should absolutely structure the world around the tween's ideals! (Freedom Novel)
Maybe Aura is inspired in her fervor by the precarious point in history that they are in. George Glenn is assassinated either briefly before or briefly after Aura and Durandal meet. Making matters worse, Earth is faced with a pandemic of a new strain of influenza, which kills Naturals left and right but to which Coordinators are immune. Rumors spread that Coordinators engineered the illness, further escalating tensions. With things turning upside down this way, Aura may well have felt that she was on the cusp of a new era and given her the resolve to try and shape that era for what she felt is the better. We can only speculate.
Either way, the end result is that in CE 54, Aura actually convinces a whole team of researchers of her and Durandal's idea and begins creating a mediator master race for the new world they envision: the Accords.
Aura, just like Hibiki, is hurting for funding. Where Hibiki took money from the earth elite Da Flaga, Aura seeks her money from the Coordinators living on PLANT. She works on devising an anti-aging treatment as it is becoming increasingly apparent that the second generation of Coordinators is incredibly infertile and thus concerns are rising about the aging workforce. (Freedom Novel) (While this is the reason we are given in the text, the oldest Coordinators would only be around 40 at this point and the second generation around 20. The realization of second generation infertility would be very very recent.) Further, Aura's relative, the Emperor Mihar Khyber from Earth, is sending significant support to her project. (Freedom Novel) (My personal conclusion is that these circumstances led to Aura's labs being far better off financially than Hibiki's at this point, further worsening relations between the two.)
Then, in CE 55, Mendel sees its own little baby boom.
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Via Hibiki gives birth to Cagalli. The first successful artificial womb gives birth to Kira. Lacusmama gives birth to Lacus. Aura gives birth to Orphee. An unknown researcher gives birth to Ingrid. (There is also a white haired baby in the movie screenshot, but Shura is two years too young to be the baby depicted. Mysterious!)
This is where I want to once again reiterate my belief that the Accords were carried to term rather than born from artificial wombs. Rau goes through great pains to tell us that an incredible amount of fetuses died in the attempt to get even a single live birth out of the artificial womb. It's absolutely nuts to think that Aura, two labs over, had successfully made three live births from artificial wombs just a few months before Kira was born.
The much less lorebreaking explanation is simply that Aura and Hibiki just had wholly different goals and priorities to start with. (Fukuda himself has stated at a live event that Aura's claims of Kira being a 'failed Accord' are nonsense, as Hibiki was never aiming to make an Accord at all.) Where Hibiki was trying to create a Coordinator that is 100% accurate to the genetic settings input by himself, Aura was much more focused on creating babies that had psychic abilities. It stands to reason that mild variations caused by natural pregnancy weren't a big obstacle.
In the same year, genetic modification is once again banned on Earth. From here on out, the only new Coordinators would be second and third generation Coordinators born to Coordinator parents. The creation of new Coordinators seems to have basically stopped entirely - if some secret births are happening, they do not impact canon significantly enough to ever be brought up.
Unfortunately neither the ban on making new Coordinators nor Mendel's scientists successfully developing a vaccine for the pandemic satisfy Blue Cosmos. They launch a terror attack on Mendel, as it is the epicenter of genetic research. Ulen Hibiki loses his life in the attack. Aura gets exposed to an overdose of her own anti-aging drug prototype and begins a painful months-long process of gradually aging in reverse until her body turns into that of a child. (Freedom Novel) Kira, Cagalli and Lacus are all brought away to their respective families. Durandal, now 14 years old, seemingly gets through the attack with no lasting injuries and decides to remain on Mendel, making more Accords with the now tiny Aura.
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Around this time (presumably by CE 57), things start heating up for the Da Flaga family. Rau is introduced to the Da Flaga main house (and Mu) as the new heir. It is implied that it is then that Da Flaga finds out that Rau suffers from short telomeres. (SEED Novel) This essentially means that his cells are the same age as Al's cells - middle-aged. Rau will die around the same time as Al, making him completely useless as a successor. It's possible that this prompts Al to call up Mendel labs to order a second clone - if Rey is born around this year that would make him around 16 by the time of Destiny, matching the timeline pretty well. Before Al can find out whether or not Rey suffers from the same defect as Rau, he is burned alive within his mansion. Rau has decided to do a little righteous arson in retribution for having been discarded.
With Rey now born, he winds up living a sad shadow existence on Mendel. In one lab, there's Rey, growing up isolated and alone. In another, Aura and Durandal merrily keep making siblings for Orphee and Ingrid and raising them all carefully (as specimens and tools). Knowing they were only separated by a few buildings sure is a terrible irony....
The last Accord (Redelard) is born in CE 60, when Durandal is 19 years old (and Aura is 35 going on 11). I feel like it puts a great amount of context to Durandal's messiah complex to consider how much his teenage years were fully dominated by Aura and her reinforcement. An idea for creating a simple utopia is something you might grow out of as you learn more nuance, but it's hard to learn that nuance when you have an accomplished older researcher constantly telling you you're right and literally making designer humans for you. I believe that at this point, Durandal is still fully convinced of the Destiny Plan (Masterrace Edition).
The Destiny novelizations feature a scene from when he and Talia were still dating, in which he gets all starry-eyed telling her about how he truly believes science will save the world and everyone in it. With the retconned-in knowledge that at that point he's hiding half a dozen of genetically-engineered children from Talia, the scene takes on an even more sinister tone... And yet his enthusiasm and desire to do good are sincere. The scene should take place sometime around this time. We don't know when Durandal and Talia started dating, but I imagine it's a year or two after Redelard is born. After all, Durandal and Talia already break up in CE 63 - when Durandal is 22 and Talia is 18. (Omake Quarters)
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At the time of this scene, there are 7 children who think of Durandal as their father - but he doesn't think of them as his children, both because they were made when he was too young to be a father and because they are not genetically 'his'. It's such bitter, bitter irony. Aura certainly created a mess for everyone involved when she decided that making custom babies for a 13 year old boy was a reasonable thing to be doing.
I tend to think of CE 63 as the big turning point year for Durandal's life another way as well. In my opinion, it is the year in which Aura and the Accords move to Earth.
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This picture appears to have been taken in a colony, so it must have been while all of them were still on Mendel. The Accord's sterile-looking outfits support that assumption. If you ask me, Redelard looks about 3, while Orphee and Ingrid could feasibly be 8. Durandal could easily be 22. Going with those ages would place the image squarely into CE 63. In my interpretation, this picture is a commemorative goodbye photo, taken specifically as a keepsake.
(Since the picture shows Durandal wearing his chairman outfit (that he shouldn't be wearing until a decade later), it's hard to take the clothes Aura and Durandal wearing seriously as indicators of timeline. They appear to have been chosen solely for being their most iconic looks. However, I'm still choosing to interpret the fact that Aura donned her queen garb here as supporting evidence towards this headcanon.)
My more relevant reasoning for Aura moving to Earth at this point is that it solves a major timeline conundrum: it gives an explanation for why Rau doesn't know about the Accords (as confirmed by Fukuda at a live talk session). If Aura and the Accords had still been living on Mendel while Durandal befriended Rau, it'd have been odd for Rau to not find out about them. But if Aura has already left for Earth, then Durandal has a much easier time lying by omission.
Besides, Aura has good reason to want to hide out on Earth. Due to her connections to a royal family, she's guaranteed to have a safe and comfortable living - and it gives her opportunity to amass more power and influence. Once the Mendel labs ceased being needed (for producing more Accords), why wouldn't she leave them behind to try and advance her plans elsewhere?
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I think that Rau and Durandal met shortly after Aura left. The exact year is hard to pin-point, but I assume it's been the same year (CE 63) and CE 65. This would make Rau between 17 and 19 years of age, matching his appearance in the flashbacks.
Why would Rau return to Mendel at this point? Funnily enough, Freedom provides a plausible answer to this!
With Aura gone, Durandal is presumably the new head of her previous research team. This also leaves him as the person in charge of whatever is left from her anti-aging program. Rau, who is literally dying of accelerated aging, has every reason to try and check out this research. It's plausible that the pills Durandal custom-makes for Rau are roughly based on the same medication that de-aged Aura. The de-aging itself is likely not an option for Rau as a) it seems to have left Aura incapable of ever going back to becoming an adult and b) it is unknown whether or not her physical transformation actually extended her lifespan at all. Further supporting this idea is the fact that Rey only goes symptomatic during the events of Destiny (Destiny Novel), when he is approximately ~16 years old. Being genetically identical, Rau might not have experienced any seizures or migraines until he was a teenager. His symptoms would make it necessary to seek out treatment in order to be able to continue his career unhindered.
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Over their time as doctor and patient, Durandal goes intrigued with Rau. And how could he not? Rau is the shadow-side of everything that Durandal had venerated. Durandal had been creating designer babies with good intentions, but now one such created child is staring at him with hatred in his eyes. For the first time removed from Aura's direct influence and confronted with a person entirely unlike anything he'd seen before, Durandal can mature for the first time.
Seeing Rau teaches him about the unhappy byproducts of ambitions, and it also shows him that Coordinator supremacy is a load of bullshit. Rau is a Natural, a terminally ill one at that, but he's blending in with Coordinator society without issue. Between that and the first-hand knowledge that Naturals like Ulen Hibiki were also able to keep up with Durandal and Aura just fine, Durandal's view shifts more strongly. Coordinators may be all-rounder talents, but a Natural (when doing what they have aptitude for) would not lose to them. Unlike Aura, who is stewing in anti-Natural sentiments, Durandal is open to seeing the talents of others and adjusting his ideas accordingly. The rift forms.
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Sometime into Durandal and Rau's friendship, they find Rey who's still been isolated in a different laboratory. Rey would be between 6 and 10 years old at the time. Testament to the trust between them, Rau leaves raising Rey to Durandal. Durandal, now well into his 20s, is now actually of an age to be having children and also actually loves the person the child is tied to. It makes Rey fundamentally different from Orphee.
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Then in CE 68, Mendel has to close down due to a bio-hazardous incident. (I am fond of the theory that Rau is the cause of that incident and that's why he told Durandal to take Rey and move to the PLANTs beforehand.)
In CE 69, the existence of a ZAFT military is made public knowledge. Some of the Junius colonies are converted for food productions as PLANT takes real steps towards autonomy. By then, most Coordinators have fled Earth to the PLANTs.
The first PLANT-Alliance war begins CE 70. It continues into CE 71, the year Gundam SEED is set. Rey, then 13 years old, enters the military academy to follow in Rau's footsteps.
Meanwhile Aura is plotting on Earth, still believing Durandal to be fully on her side. She seems to be sorely mistaken.
When Durandal tries to enact his new version of the Destiny Plan (notable not featuring a masterrace) in CE 73, he never once calls on Aura for assistance. It stands to reason that he has emotionally and materially abandoned Aura and the Accords after meeting Rau. Fukuda himself has questioned whether Durandal was truly on Aura's side. (Live Talk Event) Further, fandom friend made the pretty salient point that Durandal personally handpicked Shinn as his ace. Shinn is a super-pilot notable for fighting purely on instinct and thus being impossible to defeat with psychic abilities. He's the perfect anti-Accord weapon. Had Durandal won, would he have had Shinn wipe out Aura and her children? We cannot know, but it's definitely possible.
The Durandal we see on the show earnestly believes that the Destiny Plan will be an equalizer between Naturals and Coordinators, bringing out Naturals' full abilities and allowing them to compete fairly. He does not seem to hold any specific Coordinator-supremacist view. Some of the most important people in his personal life (Rau and Rey) are Naturals. This is fundamentally at odds with the picture of him that Aura tries to paint. Durandal on the show wishes for Kira's death so no 'Ultimate' remains to imitate. By the same reasoning, he would want to get rid of the Accords so they cannot inspire greed and jealousy that would lead to more suffering like Rau's.
That's why I say that taking what Aura says about him at face value wholly destroys the character as had been established prior.
But laying out the backstory like this, I think we can peace it all back together into a consistent character. Was this the intended read? I do not know. It's the read I am going with anyway.
Despite being a nihilistic murderous maniac, Rau le Creuset did manage to change one man for the better. Even if 'better' only means 'slightly less deranged' in this case, I appreciate it on a thematic layer. Even a man who thinks of himself as wholly unlovable, as destruction incarnate, can bring about positive change simply by existing and being loved in spite of it all.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 days
Hiding in plain sight? Is this dumb as dirt article about Tyler's allegedly big party proof that there was no party? by u/Positive-Vibes-2-All
Hiding in plain sight? Is this dumb as dirt article about Tyler's allegedly big party proof that there was no party? The other day there was a thread with many commenting on how weird it was there are no photos of Tyler's party other than the one of Harry and Meghan and Gail King and Oprah. I decided to do my own search and nothing. So I read a number of articles and all the articles are basically reprints, all have the same talking points.The article below from Tatler (imo it was a press release from Monteceito) sounds like it was written by a 12 year old. Besides how poorly its written the several main points in the article raise doubts for me that there was a big bash.According to the Tatler article (as mentioned all articles cite the same points) a worker from a nearby lighting company, which had been hired to help decorate Perry's mansion for the party said:"There was ‘a lot of music, dancing and singing,... ‘Lots of speeches and food too. Everyone was having a lot of fun. It was a good party. There were a lot of famous people but I cannot say any more,’ he told MailOnline."If Perry wanted everything hush hush and told hired help to not say anything about who he invited why were Oprah, King, Harry, Meghan, Brian and Tracy Robbins named? Furthermore what person below 80 says things like "there were a lot of famous people there", "everybody was having fun" and "there was a lot of singing and dancing" Who talks that way these days?2) Another oddity and I quote*"Another source also mentioned that a ‘*male person who sounded like Harry was heard making a speech’ at one point during the evening."Who is this source? Why did that unnamed source divulge the name of a guest when the other person apparently was under orders not to name names? How convenient that of all people who were named it was Harry! And how interesting that amidst that big crowd of famous people someone could hear but apparently not see Harry giving a speech. Am I the only one who thinks that ‘a male person who sounded like Harry was heard making a speech’ sounds suspiciously made up? How is that of all the famous people who were there only he got mentioned?Along with the lack of photos of other guests, I personally don't believe there was a big party. Maybe there was a small party of just the people mentioned but why would Oprah and King want to spend an intimate evening with Harry and Markle?The other weird thing about the lack of photos is why didn't backgrid snap other guests arriving at the party since they were in position to snap H&M and the occupants of Oprah's car?https://ift.tt/V1n5uT8 post link: https://ift.tt/rUmSMK5 author: Positive-Vibes-2-All submitted: September 20, 2024 at 06:32AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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one frequently asked (by me) question and one comment
I’ve gotten a large number of series submissions over the last while, so I want to emphasize that when you submit a series, you are indicating to me that you want me to queue each book in the series individually. I do not poll series as a whole.
when submitting a series, please ensure that this is actually what you want me to do. if you just want to use the poll to gauge whether or not people are aware of the series in general, usually the first book in the series is an adequate proxy — you’ll get progressively diminishing returns for later books.
I’d also like to emphasize that these polls are not a value judgment about any of these books (though it may sometimes feel that way for books we love).
firstly, if there’s one thing that running this blog has made clear to me, it’s that everyone (myself included) believes on some level that their taste in fantasy is universal and everyone (myself included) is wrong. a NO result isn’t a rejection of the book — especially for books published by small presses or for non-bestsellers, or for older books that haven’t been reprinted in the last few years, the book may simply not have crossed people’s radar.
similarly, the results tell us nothing about whether people enjoyed the book — a book could get a majority YES result while only actually being enjoyed by 20% of its readers, and a book with a majority NO result could be beloved by everyone who read it. everyone I’ve given Laurie J. Marks’s Fire Logic to has loved it (except my father, not a habitual fantasy reader), even when they have extremely divergent taste in fantasy, but I would be shocked if it got more than 10% YES when the poll for it comes around.
finally, I’ve gotten a bunch of messages to the effect of “this blog has gotten me to add a bunch of books to my to-read list!” — for many people, a NO vote is really a “not yet”. I’ve had to vote NO on a number of polls for things that I intend to read in the near future but haven’t yet gotten around to.
anyway, I’m glad people are enjoying the blog so far! I mainly made it to give myself a reason to make some new book spreadsheets, so thank you all for providing me with more useful and interesting data. :-)
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
while im here, lets get this out the door. this one... is weird
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[ID: An artificial life form that its in the shape of a large golden women's head declares herself. "...I am Auntie!" END]
tfuk arc Raiders of the Last Arc! getit? huh?? issues 18-21 early summer 1985.
Script: Simon Furman Art: Mike Collins and Jeff Anderson Colours: Gina Hart Letters: Richard Starkings (18,20,21) John Aldrich (19) Editor: Sheila Cranna Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, Editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee
my eyes may be skimming the preambles at this point but i caught glimpse of something like "weird they never reprinted this one" bud. ill tell u why. its not very good. its not, horrid. its pretty much just. oh yeah. this is a marvel tf comic...
which, if you trying to make the argument that all tfuk are unique and sophisticated and BETTER than the US ones, or just tryna make a dollar on the iconic stories.... you skip this one!!!
but in this house, we support preservation and revisiting of ANY art. including if it flops. and today that means you'll get a few black and white panels. huh? isnt that neat. you excited???
we'll get to it all. But first. Lets check out the funny pages.
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[ID: The back part of a panel with crudely drawn Autobots and Decepticons floating about, being restrained. Its charmingly goofy. END]
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[ID: Jazz firing off his flamethrower and saying "Let's see if Jazz can make things hot for you Soundwave!" Soundwave, a little singed but unbothered replying "Very impressive,but my armour's more than a match for your weapon…a pity the same cannot be said of yours..!" END]
are you two... flirting?
anyway, ill bite. who's autie...
As her troops fell, the computerised brain of the Ark swung into operation… Auntie, as she had been nicknamed, evaluated internal defences, calculated probabilities and finally arrived at the only logical course of action…
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[ID: Optimus looking towards an Ark security camera thinking "It would be another matter if the ark's defences were active, but Auntie controlled those directly…" He opens the door to a dark room, declaring to himself "Auntie! Of course! Until now, we've merely used the basic computer functions of the ark, but Auntie was far more than that… She was the Ark! If I can get her to even a fraction of her operational capacity… END]
oh. the space ship is a woman. right
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[ID: Caption box: And if Windcharger could have seen the tableau unfolding in the nerve centre of the Ark, he might have felt his fears justified. Auntie, who in scale is at least twice the height of Optimus or Megatron, using an unseen force to hold them captive. Optimus pleads reason: You must believe me Auntie, you brought us here from Cybertron and you were damaged in the battle with those murderous Decepticons... Megatron lying: No! That isn't what happened. As I've already told you, we were on a mercy mission. The traitorous Autobots sabotaged it - Forced you to crash. END]
correction. the spaceship is now a crazy women who might kill them all. awesome. lol. THANKS TF <3 what i always wanted >_>... (even if i do like the chance to see my guy's rhetoric strategies)
anyway pause all that we have a buddy cop adventure (no 20)
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[ID: Splash page that includes the arc title and creative credits. Windcharger and Ravage walking the halls of the arc, arguing. Caption boxes: Alone, Ravage And Windcharger Are unaffected by Auntie's magnetic force… They eye each other suspiciously, each suspecting treachery, each distrusting the other they are sworn enemies these two… But today they are Allies! Ravage: This goes against my every instinct! I dislike working with others at the best of times... But to have to fight alongside a puny Autobot..! Windcharger: Silence, you aggravating creature! I'm as unhappy with the situation as you… but for now it's unavoidable. Just keep those sensors of yours alert for… END]
they really like ravage in these comics lmao.
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[ID: Ravage gloating, with destroyed machinery flaming and smoking in his mouth, one paw raised to hold it. He looks over his shoulder to Windcharger saying "There, impressed?" Windcharger looks aggravated. END]
SMUG BEAST. are YOU flirting.
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[ID: B&W panel. Both reacting to something unseen, Ravage in a ready stance, possible aggressive or alarmed. Windcharger, slightly behind him looking scared/startled. END]
he said NO PICKLES!
okay back to the hostage situation
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ID: B&W panels. Optimus and Megatron still surround by a field of energy restraining them. Optimus his eyes glowing, says "You fool, Megatron! Do you think for a moment that she'll let one of us just walk away? She's playing with us. Unless we break free she'll slaughter us all!" Megatron has a brow raised: Oh… I see. Yes, you could be right. Well, in that case… I may be able to set us free! END]
ACTUALLY. hysterical. sorry i see any extremely funny megs moments and im like. how beast wars of him. i like other meg's too but. fgsdj. well...
btw he has a connection to a black hole? always has?? its from the toy box or smth idk
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[ID: In colour again. Caption boxes: Optimus Prime and Megatron await the judgement of Auntie. But, while she considers her verdict, Megatron concentrates... A strange, unearthly energy flows around him, threatening to engulf him... But he is Megatron, and he will make the power serve him! In full body, Megatron is tensed in effort, teeth grit. A dark and sparkling energy wreaths around him.
ENTER: his dark magical girl era....
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[ID: Caption box: Megatron lands well, Optimus Prime does not! Smaller drawings, Megatron lands daintily on the point of one foot, his arms raised above his head, somewhat like a dancer. Optimus plummets like a heap, landing on his side, thigh and forearm slamming into the ground. END]
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[ID: Tiny drawing. Megatron hands still raised, gracefully. One hand wreathed in glowing energy, being directed near Prime, still on the ground. END]
hes a beauty, hes a grace, he wants... to melt your face.
oh yeah anyway ravage gets auntie
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[ID: Caption box: But Ravage is faster... Ravage leaping passed or perhaps INTO Auntie's open mouth as she screams "Nooooo" Ravage tearing into whatever golden mechanical workings make up her physical being. Caption box: And Auntie 'dies' for a second time. END]
cool. i love what we did here today. really valuable addition to the lore. and a win for feminism
and then windcharger launched megatron out of the arc thru the volcano and into space. no yeah. he can do that i guess.
its dumb, tho also funny. it hates women. its comics. GOODBYE.
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[ID: Tiny drawing of Ravage pouncing. END]
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fruitkingfrog · 5 months
sorry if this is a strange question but you're like ceo of new gods stuff, what is the recommended reading order of new gods? i want to start at the beginning (yknow jack kirbys start) but i feel it may not be that simple
aaaa thank you thank you tbh I think fourth world IS that simple.. pretty much the original stuff
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #133-148/ New Gods / Forever People / Mister Miracle (Jack Kirby 1970s)
New Gods 1984 reprint issue #6 part 2
DC Graphic Novel #4 - Hunger Dogs
That will give u The Core of the series and IMO the best parts. The only other new gods comic i really enjoy is Orion (2000), but to me thats more of a "fix-it" for NGv3/NGv4/JKFWJB volumes in between and not a good direct follow up. i havent read any post-kirby Forever People at all yet, and i stopped reading Mister Miracle when Dematteis became the main writer, I can't stand his scott and barda. some of the Showcase issues have New Gods stories that are pretty good, I know theres one about Lightray confronting a Lightray Church, and one w Orion about a Shadow creature. This list on LOGC i think has everything chronologically, but keep in mind i was using DCUguide and hand-organizing wiki appearances when I read it
Oh and Honourable Mentions
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom. part of it's own timeline, but presents an alt universe where Shilo is biological legacy to the Mister Miracle title and Scott/Barda's existence is questionable, Modern Shilo is definitely his own character from original Shilo, also heavily features Oberon, and includes a brief but MUCH more in-character, respectful, fun&sexy take on New 52 Orion. I dont love everything about it but its a fun read and only like 6 issues i think!
Bug! The Adventures of Forager. parody-adventure comic that explains that Forager didn't die during CO, he was just displaced from the universe. Plays around with a lot of old Kirby stuff
Solo #7 (Michael Allred). Same author/artist, but about a decade older than Bug!. Features a 2-page parody with Orion, Lightray, Forager, and Scott taking bets on what things Scott can escape. One of the things that made me really want to give Fourth World a shot
Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015 movie & shorts + digital comic). Not a Fourth World story, but features Bekka as a lead. an alternate universe where the Pact never happened, New Genesis became corrupt and desperate, and a deathly betrayal leads Bekka to Earth to become Wonder Woman, alongside (effectively Lor-Zod) Superman and Kirk Langstrom vampire Batman. A scrapped sequel story would have had Bekka return home and introduce Lashina as Wonder Girl. Recommended more if you're looking to flesh out Bekka, this does it better than her Yellow Lantern run, but its not very kind to the Fourth World. The ultimate "dark" Justice League though, hands down.
1 day ill actually get around to
thank u for the ask!
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[ID: Pencil on paper of Orion from DC Comics, he is unmasked, pointing and yelling at something in the top right corner. End ID]
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cantsayidont · 5 months
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1986. This UK-market hardcover reprint annual (whose cover is allegedly by Bryan Talbot, although it doesn't look it) contains Grant Morrison's first Batman story, a moderately florid prose story with illustrations by the late Garry Leach, featuring a Catwoman obviously based more on the '60s TV show than the contemporary comics:
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Even 20 years later, Morrison's prose was frequently cringe-worthy, and this is not an auspicious introduction. If you're aching to read this literary gem, I'll put the full text behind the cut.
First page:
There are secret places under the city; closed-off storm drains, obsolete subway tunnels, the cellars of demolished buildings, Down in the dark where nobody goes, there is a network, a maze of buried galleries, Down in the dark a shadow is moving.
Listen! You can almost hear its soft and steady breathing. It has found something. Something very special. The most secret place of all. The woman with green eyes looked around. Her walk through the darkness had taken the best part of three hours. She had clambered gracefully over falls of debris and waded through flooded lightless tunnels. She had walked sure-footedly in places where the sun had never shone, until at last, shimmying her slim body through a crack in the rock, she had come upon the cavern. The eye slits in her mask held scotoptic lenses that allowed her to see in the dark and when she saw what was in the cavern, a smile spread slowly across her fine-boned features. Like the Cheshire Cat she vanished down into the shadows, grinning with strong, white teeth.
Bruce Wayne thumbed the remote control. He’d had enough of the Johnny Carson Show. Not even Superman’s guest appearance could hold his attention. He wondered why his friend agreed to these chat shows and how he managed to maintain his good humour even after the old joke about wearing his underpants on the outside had been trotted out for the thousandth time. The TV went dead and Wayne stared into space. When space became boring he decided to call his butler.
At precisely that moment Alfred Pennyworth, tall, thin and immaculately dressed, opened the door.
“Master Bruce …” he began.
Wayne turned around, startled. “Alfred!” he said. “Don’t tell me you’ve added telepathy to your list of accomplishments? I was just going to give you a call. Fancy a game of chess?”
Alfred looked uneasy. “I’m afraid I shall have to decline, Master Bruce, I just popped in to let you know that the intruder alarm has been activated.”
Wayne leapt up, with an athlete’s economy of movement.
“Where?” he said, making for the door.
“In the Batcave, sir. The Trophy Room …”
Wayne was already half-way down the hall.
“Will you be requiring any assistance, sir?” Alfred called after him.
“I’ll let you know.”
Wayne disappeared round a corner. Alfred sighed, tidied the cushions on the sofa and unplugged the TV set.
So  that there would be no noise, he went down by the stairs behind the grandfather clock instead of using the elevator. The lights threw his shadow ahead of him, casting a monstrous black bat shape on the
Second page:
whitewashed walls. He ran lightly through the computer vault of the Batcave and when he reached the Trophy Room he flipped a switch, activating banks of floodlights. In the sudden harsh brightness, nothing moved.
“Whoever you are you're in deep trouble,” said The Batman and his voice was deadly and as cold as December rain, “Come out!”
Nothing moved.
The Batman surveyed the Trophy Room with eyes as hard as diamond shards. This was the most impressive part of the Batcave; an enormous limestone cavern, as big as a cathedral. Down here were stored all the souvenirs of The Batman’s bizarre cases. There was a life-size mechanical Tyrannosaur from Dinosaur Island. There was a chess game with pawns as tall as men and a penny as big as a Ferris wheel. An enormous, eerily lit Joker mask leered down upon a giant dice shaker and a glass cabinet with a bat costume inside. There was an Egyptian sarcophagus and several dangerous umbrellas. There was a very tall penguin and a perfectly normal sized dollar bill. There were over a thousand trophies, free-standing or in cases, utterly strange or quite conventional. There were all these things and one thing more …
“Come out!” The Batman said again. He tilted his head and sniffed. On the edge of the slightly damp, subterranean smell of the cavern he could detect another scent He sniffed again and suddenly knew who was in there with him. He knew and was on his guard.
The woman with green eyes watched him move among the trophies and prepared to strike. She ran the thongs of a whip through her gloved fingers and waited for him to come closer, smiling all the while.
The Batman stopped in front of a shattered case and if he knew before, then this was the final confirmation of the intruder’s identity. He turned, with her name on his lips, and something came whistling through the air towards him.
“Catwoman …” He ducked and the whip smashed what remained of the glass in the cabinet.
“Fancy meeting you here,” said the Catwoman. She cast a critical eye around the cavern. “Wouldn’t stamp collecting take up a little less room?”
“How did you get in here?” The Batman asked, standing up, eyeing her warily. He knew better than to underestimate her. She cracked the whip once more, like a lion tamer.
“Oh, I thought I’d set up operations again in Gotham," she told him. “I came down searching for a new location for my Catacomb lair and instead I stumbled across this place. Lucky for me. A catastrophe for you.”
“Remind me to block up the hole after I’ve taken you back to prison,” said The Batman.
She only smiled wickedly. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that. Once I discover exactly where under the city we are, I’ll know where to find your front door next time. And so will everybody else. Your secret will be out.”
“But you won’t find out!” The Batman said, allowing himself one icy smile to match hers. “You might have done if you hadn't given yourself away. I smelled your perfume as soon as I came down here.”
He started to advance. “And then when I saw that your cat-o-nine-taiIs was missing from its case, I was sure.”
She backed off. “I was merely reclaiming what was mine. Like a closer look?"
Suddenly the whip snaked out, lashing across Batman’s face. He pitched back, briefly blinded by razor-edged pain.
“What’s a bat but a flying mouse, after all?" he heard her say. “Let’s play cat and mouse.” Her voice grew fainter as she darted away. The Batman shook his head to clear his vision. Blinking through bruised eyelids he heard, nearby, the sound of a ratchet being pulled back.
“I see everything’s in perfect working order,” Catwoman hissed. “Purr-feet working order ...”
There was a sharp detonation. The Batman hit the floor. Something heavy whined past his ear and clipped a strip out of his cape. He did not have to see to know she had used the harpoon cannon. There was a splintering thud as the harpoon smashed through the side wall of a doll’s house. The Batman rolled into cover and looked out through stinging, tear-filled eyes. He was on the chessboard but Catwoman was nowhere to be seen.
She came from behind. The Batman whirled too late to stop the toppling chess piece from pinning his legs. “Checkmate!” shrieked the Catwoman.
Hefting the huge rook off his legs, Batman groggily pulled himself to his feet. One ankle throbbed like a bad tooth. He scanned the Trophy Room for signs of his enemy. When he spotted her, his mouth corrugated into a grimace. She was running up the steep spine of the Tyrannosaur, as surely as a tabby on a fence. When she reached the shoulders, she pulled
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back the hatch that led into the head of the dinosaur and stepped inside.
The Batman ran, ignoring the pains that thumped through his leg. He ran, while the Trophy Room echoed to the noise of machinery starting to move. With a grinding shudder, the monster’s tail twitched. It twitched once more and then it swung in a flailing arc and demolished a helicopter.
“What a wonderful place you have here!” Catwoman’s voice came through the loudspeaker in the Tyrannosaur’s mouth. “Much more fun than Disneyland!”
The monster lurched and began to move. Its tail thrashed through a row of display cases which burst like bombs, showering The Batman with glass.
“This whole night’s been one long catalogue of disasters for you, Batman dear” mocked the monster, with Catwoman’s voice. His mind racing, Batman ran under the dinosaur, out of her sight. In that comparative safety he reviewed his situation. He had been taken by surprise. He was injured and things looked bad. His only hope lay in turning Catwoman’s own nature against her. Unclipping the radio from his belt, he signalled Alfred.
“Where are you?” purred his enemy. “Come out, come out, the game’s not over.”
The tail shuddered once more, then the dinosaur stopped. The hatch opened and Catwoman jumped down, landing on her feet. “Batman …” Her voice was a lethal whisper and she moved like a hunting cat, flexing the claws on her gloves. “Where are you?”
But he had gone, melted into thin air like a man of grey vapour. She drew her lips back over her teeth and padded off in search of him. She searched the lab and the garage; she searched the storeroom and she searched the computer vault.
And that was where she found the stairs. At the top of those stairs she would find the key to The Batman’s secret identity. She could wipe out his entire operation at a stroke. Or it could be a trap. Perhaps she should escape now and return at her leisure.
She looked back at the caves and she looked up the stairs and finally, overcome by the need to know, she ran up the steps, purring. With the contented expression of a cat that has gorged itself on cream, she opened the door in the grandfather clock.
And Alfred, waiting there, spritzed her face with gas. The satisfaction changed to surprise and then to rage until at last her face went blank and Catwoman keeled over like a doll. Batman caught her.
“Everything all right, sir?” asked Alfred.
“Fine, Alfred,” replied The Batman. “Just fine.”
When she woke up she was in the Batmobile, in downtown Gotham and headed for Police Headquarters.
“Tough luck, Selina,” The Batman consoled her. “Maybe next time.” Catwoman simply snarled.
“I knew you’d try the stairs” he went on. “You just couldn’t resist it. I suppose it proves what they say . . ”
She glared at him with eyes as green as gemstones. “I know. I know,” she spat “It’s not funny.”
The Batman smiled, pulling into the Police parking lot. “Oh, I think it is,” he said. “Just like in the old story: Curiosity Killed the Cat.”
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jeskaim · 6 months
Outlaws of Thunder Junction
I would say by now most of the set has been spoiled and I think it's time for me to share my thoughts.
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First of all I like the "Joins Up" cycle. It seems fitting for a setting like Thunder Junction with villains from all sorts of different planes joining together for one huge heist. From what I ready on the MTG Wiki This set was a villains set before it was a Wild West set. These are definitely a callback to the "Oath" cycle from the Gatewatch arc and it'll be interesting to see if we get any more in the future. These definitely have a lot of potential in commander since they support legendary creatures.
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With this being a set that focuses on villains from across the Multiverse thanks to Omenpaths it's not surprising we have some familiar faces in this set but some of them surprised me. Of course we have characters like Rakdos, Oko, Tinybones, and even Eriette but to me the characters that stand out are some of the ones from non-standard sets like Marchesa from Conspiracy and Bruse Tarl from the first wave of commanders with the Partner mechanic. The Cecani siblings I was surprised to see in this set but they seem to be a perfect fit. I also love how in MaRo's traditional teasers he teased at Gisa by referring to her as "a typical card for Skeletons and Zombies" because besides Liliana she's probably the most likely character to be associated with zombies.
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Now onto reprints. I definitely wasn't expecting to see enemy fast land reprints in this set but they're overdue so they're more than welcome. I like how we have the allied fast lands in Phyrexia: All Will Be One and now with enemy we're going to have all ten in standard at the same time. With these reprints the prices are sure to go down.
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Here are two more welcome reprints. With Archangel of Tithes at around $20 right now this is one reprint I wasn't expecting. I wasn't playing standard back when Origins came out so I don't know how much play it saw but I can definitely see it being used. I still prefer the original printing because of how special it is to me. Terror of the Peaks is also a solid reprint. It was a beast when it first came out and now it's back. I'm definitely expecting it to see play in standard now that it's back.
That's all for now. Next time I'll talk about the mechanics and other miscellaneous cards.
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saltminerising · 2 months
what’s the point of having a skin shop that runs on the basis of FOMO? especially with the new auto-reprint system? i’m just tired of artists releasing a set of like 5 different colored skins and the best one is the one that’s twice the price and limited to 5-20 slots.
it doesn’t make any sense to me, so if someone could just explain it i would greatly appreciate it. how is printing 10 skins at 1500g better than printing 40 copies at 850g with the ability to sell even more in the future?
it especially irritates me when the same artists that do that are also all “if you resell my UMAs for more than what you paid, i will block you and send every armed force in the world to your door”. whose fault is that?? you purposefully inflate the price of your work and then get mad when it happens. i don’t get it.
don’t get me wrong; i fully understand if it’s a custom recolor. i’m not talking about those. i own a handful of them.
i love buying UMAs! i have probably spent way more than any normal person should, but i enjoy it! the BIGGEST sugar to artists that are always willing to reprint skins. i love you and i will continue to throw my money at you. always. i will gladly buy multiple copies of a skin i like!! let me support artists i like!! please!!
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pawsnread · 1 year
The Making of Cubao Goes to Cannes
A lot of you may have seen the progress of Cubao’s suit on twitter, but I thought I would take a moment to note down my thoughts while progressing through the suit construction. So here’s a general summary of what I did, why I did it, and what I was thinking while making this tiny suit.
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It all started, of course, after seeing Gong Jun walk the red carpet in that gorgeous Jason Wu creation. I was able to watch his walk live between work things; the whole thing only lasted maybe 2 minutes but it was the highlight of my day/week/month.
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I was fixated on this suit for days afterwards, but it wasn’t until close to the end of May (probably a good 10 days later) that I decided to try and replicate this suit. It was partially motivated by the fact that my Cubao is the 15 cm version (the more common version is 20 cm) and it’s always so difficult to find doll clothes for that size (though it saves the wallet). Seeing as I have 13 years of cosplay experience, I was like “I’m used to frankensteining patterns to fit me, why not try in small scale? Less fabric, less stitching, how hard can it be?”
I was about to find out.
Having never made doll clothes before, I started by using stockpiled fabric to make mock ups while sourcing out fabric and other notions. First thing on my to-do list was pants. I had a pair of doll pants that were too small and short in the waist for Cubao’s rotund bum, so I deconstructed the pants and used it as a template for a mock up. I added about an inch to the top and about 1/4 of an inch to the bottom hem; after putting them on Cubao, I started pinning to the right height and length in order to determine where the hems and waist should be and the seam amounts. Last step was to add elastic and finish the seams.
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This is the mock up in progress (left) and completed (right). It was a pretty simple process and moved pretty easily. Once I found fabric I liked (after purchased 4 other types that didn’t match the color - good thing about doll clothes is you don’t need a lot), I constructed the suit pants. I lined the suit pants since they were a bit translucent, and the extra fabric made them as little more snug than I anticipated, but it still turned out fine. The leg hems were finished by hand because I wanted and almost invisible stitching, and I always finish suit pants by hand. The pants fit well enough that I made two pairs of doll pants out of chambray fabric for my dolls to romp around in with other outfits.
Next was the shirt, and that was a process.
I started off with a pattern I found on Pinterest but original came from Xiaohongshu (I think, I can’t really make out the watermark). There were no measurements on the pattern so I had to undergo some trial and error sizing the pattern up on my printer. The sleeves seemed odd to me, so I initially reworked them to be raglan type sleeves thinking they would work better with Cubao’s mostly straight arms. Mock up #1 ended up fitting very poorly with the collar too low.
I sized up the pattern a smidgen, reprinted, and went back to the original sleeves. For mock up #2, I attempted to change the collar to mimic a more traditional shirt collar, which has two pieces - one neck piece and the actual collar. That turned out to be too much fabric for a little bao.
In the end, with mock up #3, I went back to the original shirt pattern and only omitting the extra fabric piece for the front closure, folding over instead. The collar opening ends up being a little wide, but not as much as my first attempt so I can live with the little gap.
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Mock up #1 at the top, #2 on the left, and #3 on the right.
Overall the shirts were relatively easy, except for the sleeves. Sleeves have always been the bane of my cosplay/sewing existence; sewing sleeves on small scale was more difficult than I imagined given the tinier space to work with.
I actually made two suit shirts, one of a textured material and one of the same, slightly stretchy material used in mock ups #2 and #3. The textured material is more appropriate for shirts, but there was no stretch so getting it on Cubao was challenging.
Next came a little bowtie. I don’t have a lot to say about this process as it was pretty simple: sew two rectangles then attach them to an elastic band. Initially I wanted to mimic the double layer of Gong Jun’s bowtie, but that’s too much fabric for a tiny bao.
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Last up but the most important part was the jacket. I started with the same shirt pattern but sized up again to ensure there was room to get both bao arms and sleeves in, also to accommodate the lack of stretch in the final fabric. The first mock up had no changes as it was done to see the fit and determine how the collar would be cut. After making the necessary trims, mock up #1 was deconstructed and the pieces were used as a templates to cut out mock up #2. In working with mock up #2, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to do a set in collar as I had hoped. The jacket collar is an important element to the suit so I didn’t want to not incorporate it. In the end, I decided to do stitching to mimic the lines of the collar.
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Mock up #1 on the left with the front pinned down, and mock up #2 on the right with the collar stitch placement outlined in red.
Once the jacket was mostly sewn together, I laid it out on some pattern paper and traced around to get the general outline. I then used this outline to design the beading. There was little chance I would be able to replicate the beading exactly without seeing the suit in person, so I tried to incorporate some of the details that caught my eye (notably the swirl like patterns). Initially I had planned to do the beading on mesh fabric, cut it out, then sew it to the suit like actual bead work is done. After my initial attempts, I learned two things: that takes FOREVER on small scale, and the mesh fabric is very noticeable on a suit that small. My sketch was also way more detailed than feasibly possible on doll clothing. I ended up having to simplify the design and sew directly onto the suit jacket.
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Initial sketch work on top, and beading process below. I tried to keep a loose tension during the beading so as not to cause any puckering of the jacket.
Miyuki Delica size 15/0 beads were used. Silver beads were the main design element with AB crystal beads as accents. The AB crystals came in two sizes; the larger ones were mostly used to give the design a little bit of dimension. Pearl colored beads were later used for the dangles. 15/0 are tiny beads to work with; most of the silver and AB beads were able to be threaded through a thin sewing needle, but the pearl beads required me to switch between sewing and beading needles to get them strung and sewn. For the dangles, I attempted to follow a similar pattern to the original, looping and hanging in the same places.
After the beading, the arms were sewn up and the sleeve hems, bottom hems, and inner collar were hand stitched down. Initially I had planned to line the jacket to make it a proper jacket. However, after constructing everything I found adding the lining increased the bulk and would make it impossible to get Cubao’s arms + shirt sleeves in.
Last was to add the hand made pipa knot closure in the front and the button knots on the sleeves. Both of these were made with 2.0 mm nylon macrame knotting cord and surprisingly very easy once you get the hang of it. The final touch was the brown shoes; these were purchased off Taobao using Superbuy as a proxy, and they arrived just yesterday, the day after I finished everything.
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Overall, I am very pleased with the look. Construction was spaced out because of work and a bit of anxiety on my part. Concessions had to be made since bao clothing is on a much smaller scale. Naturally there was bits and pieces I’m not super pleased with, but overall I’m quite happy with the results. It was a feat, to say the least, replicating such an intricate design for a 15 cm doll. I’m glad I did it, but I’m also glad I don’t do this for a living. 😅
Hope you enjoyed this little insight into the process. If you have any questions, just pop in an ask and I’ll be happy to answer them. 😊
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historyhermann · 2 years
Bang, Bang, Pop!: Reviewing Girls With Guns Anime
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Created in Microsoft Paint.
In recent years, there have been even more anime featuring girls with guns, expanding the genre. I decided to examine this genre and offer my thoughts.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog on Feb. 17, 2023, and Wayback Machine. This was the fifty-first article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on August 16, 2022.
When you think of girls with guns in popular culture, you might think of Lara Croft, Sarah Connor, Alien, Foxy Brown, or Coffy. However, there are more than just hundreds of films featuring girls with guns. In anime, there are over 20 girls with guns series.
While there are many strong anime gunslinging girls, there aren't as many anime which are truly "girls with guns". It is a genre defined by series such as the 1980s sci-fi comedy and space opera, Dirty Pair, centered on two women: Kei and Yuri.
Since then, there have been many more series, including the recently-ended Vampire in the Garden and currently airing Lycoris Recoil. There are also older series such as Gunsmith Cats, El Cazador de la Bruja, Noir, and Otherside Picnic. This article reviews these six series and four others. It is sample of a much wider array of girls with guns anime.
This post contains spoilers for the ten series that I'm writing about. So, without further ado, let me begin!
Girls with guns are stars of the show in Lycoris Recoil 
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Chisato Nishikigi defends herself from those trying to kill her in the show's sixth episode
This original anime series by Spider Lily and Asaura is all the rage. The /r/yurimemes subreddit is filled with posts of Chisato (Chika Anzai) and Takina Inoue (Shion Wakayama), the show's protagonists, as is /r/wholesomeyuri. The show's yuri subtext is often noted. Furthermore, the show's subreddit, /r/LycorisRecoil, has over 4500 subscribers. The show's story, characters, animation, and dialogue make it easy to like.
The series begins when Takina brazenly uses a machine gun against criminals, threatening the life of a fellow "Lycoris", an armed intelligence agent. The covert organization, Direct Attack (DA), fires her. She is then transferred to Café LycoReco, a DA front organization, where she meets Chisato, a fellow Lycoris. She also meets a former DA member named Mizuki Nakahara (Ami Koshimizu) and an Afro-Japanese man named Mika (Kosuke Sakaki) who runs the cafe.
The series pulls you in due to Takina's struggle with fellow DA agents who resent her, and villains who attempt to take down Lycoris. The same can be said about Chisato's mysterious past and a hacker named Kurumi (Misaki Kuno) joins the show's heroes. The series often focuses on growing friendship between Takina and Chisato, arguably with romantic undertones. Unlike other anime about girls with guns, Chisato only uses rubber bullets. This means that those she does not kill anyone, a practice Takina adopts, as they work together as a team.
Momo shines through in Vampire in the Garden
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Momo defends herself from a vampire girl, Alicia
This original dark fantasy net anime features many girls with guns. Front and center is Momo (Megumi Han) who runs away from home, where she is a soldier, and trainee in a war against vampires. She meets Fine (Yū Kobayashi), queen of the vampires, learning to love life and experience music all at the same time. Unfortunately, her controlling mother, Nobara (Rika Fukami) sends out a search party to find Momo. She wants to bring her "back" to "civilization" and way from the purportedly "barbaric" vampires.
In the process, Fine and Momo grow closer to one another. Like many other girls with guns anime, there are many yuri vibes in the series. In fact, neither of these protagonists gets a chance to live together. They are chased throughout the anime and do not have a chance to rest. This is because society sees relationships between humans and vampires as "unnatural" and does not accept them.
The focus on the relationship between Fine and Momo parallels those who do not accept queer relationships and those othered by society. Rather than an anime solely about girls with guns, Vampire in the Garden is a mature dark fantasy filled with blood, death, explosions, and serious injury. Even so, there are scenes with a slice-of-life feel. This five-episode anime ends positively. Momo founds a society many years later where humans and vampires can live together in peace.
Gunsmith Cats exemplifies the girls with guns genre
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Irene "Rally" Vincent at the shooting range in the episode "Neutral Zone"
This adventure-crime series is based on an eight-volume manga of the same name illustrated, and written, by Kenichi Sonoda. It is different than other series in this post because it is loosely set in Chicago. It centers around Irene "Rally" Vincent (Michiko Neya), a 19-year-old woman who operates "Gunsmith Cats" gun shop. She works with 17-year-old explosives expert and former sex worker named "Minnie" May Hopkins (Kae Araki) as a bounty hunter in the underworld.
The anime is an original video animation (OVA), released between November 1995 and September 1996. It is only three episodes long.  Some reviewers praised the animation as colorful, fun, and a "solid piece" of filmmaking. Others praised the action, artwork, and said it sounded like a "gritty" suburb of Chicago. Moreover, there were those who described the animation as smooth, said it has the same amount of humor as the original manga, but complained that the series should have been longer.
Like Vampire of the Garden and Lycoris Recoil, yuri themes are implied. Although Yuricon's founder Erica Friedman does not write about the anime on her blog, Okazu, she did review each volume of the five-volume manga, Gunsmith Cats BURST. In her reviews, she notes the yuri subtext between Rally and Minnie. She also noted that mafia donna Goldie Musso is a stereotypical "evil" lesbian. In the manga, all three of them live together. Otherwise, the series fits within the girls with guns anime genre.
Love, amnesia, and guns in El Cazador de la Bruja
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Nadie, Ellis, and nuns shelter in a basement, hiding for people out to get them, in an episode
This 2007 series, a mix of modern Western, adventure, and yuri, is a classic girls with guns anime. It centers around Ellis (Ai Shimizu), a fugitive who has amnesia, an unknown past, and powers of some kind, and a bounty hunter named Nadie (Shizuka Itō). Both travel south in hopes of finding the key to who Ellis is, where she was born, and what she did.
In a review of El Cazadar de la Bruja first episode, Friedman noted that there were clear yuri vibes. But, she worried there would be another "ambiguously yuri" relationship like other Madlax series. However, in a review at the end of the series, Friedman praised the growing romance between Nadie and Ellis. She said it is different than Noir in more ways than one.
Others were more critical of this series, especially purported "filler" episodes. They noted that even the show's gun violence is restrained. This series is unlike other anime in this genre as it is set in the Southwest United States and Mexico. As a result, it shares similarities with Western animations like Nomad of Nowhere and The Legend of Calamity Jane. Both series have gun-toting female protagonists.
Girls with guns are at the center of Noir 
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Kirika and Marielle in the front, with Chloe in the background, in an image on the show's now-defunct official website in 2003
This adventure anime is as well-known as El Cazador de la Bruja. It is often noted as exemplary of the girls with guns genre in anime. It centers on two female assassins, a Corsican woman named Mireille Bouquet (Hōko Kuwashima) and a Japanese woman with amnesia, Kirika Yuumura (Kotono Mitsuishi). Both journey together to learn about their past. They ally together and assassinate "bad" people under a code name: Noir. They face a French secret organization named Les Soldats, led by Altena (Tarako), which is out to kill them, and a skilled assassin named Chloe (Aya Hisakawa).
Friedman, who I've mentioned earlier, criticized the series for weak animation at times. But, she praised the show's music, settings, and yuri vibes in the series. She added that people will put up with the series, despite absurd storylines because it has an attractive woman with a gun. TV Tropes, on a page about LGBTQ fanbase of anime and manga, stated that the series garnered a "sizable lesbian fanbase" due to the "ambiguous" relationship between Mireille and Kirika. They also noted the subtle lesbian attraction shown later.
Director Koichi Mashimo described this series, Madlax, and El Cazador de la Bruja, as his "girls-with-guns genre trilogy". Some praised the 26-episode series for redefining girls with guns series, with an elegant, and sleek story. But they criticized it for having repetitive actions sequences. Others said that Noir was an original anime which "stands out". In the end, the series changed the girls with guns genre for years to come, although no series since then has been exactly like it.
Girls with guns are focal point of Otherside Picnic 
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Sorowo aims a military-style weapon while Toriko sits next to her
This adventure sci-fi yuri series centers around two women. One is a college student named Sorawo Kamikoshi (Yumiri Hanamori) who enters parallel worlds named the Otherside. The other is the woman who saves her, a former Canadian special forces soldier named Torika Nishina (Ai Kayano). The series focuses on Nishina's quest for her friend, and their repeated attempts to return to the Otherside to gain artifacts, with the help of Kozakura (Rina Hidaka). However, the world affects them physically and mentally in ways they didn't expect.
Early last year, I began watching this series, excited to watch it since too many yuri anime are either set in schools or fantasies, with the implication that lesbian relationships will be short-lived and even replaced by heterosexuality. Unfortunately, this series did not deliver on that promise. Friedman criticizes the series for being a "children’s version of the novels". My bigger qualm is that the series did not deliver on the yuri that seemed present from the beginning, despite romantic vibes throughout.
Otherside Picnic remains within the girls with guns genre. Even in a few episodes, Sorawo and Torika save U.S. military soldiers from Okinawa who are stuck in the Otherside. Unfortunately, this becomes imperialist apologia. It glosses over problems with U.S. military occupation, and presence, in Okinawa, and Japan. It marks a low point for the entire series.
Girls with guns have an important role in Blue Drop
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Yūko takes out a gun to defend Mari from harm in the show's sixth episode
This 2007 yuri sci-fi drama contains some girls with guns. On the manga cover, a girl named Shōta has a gun. On the other hand, neither of the show's protagonists, Mari or Hagino, uses a gun during the series. Instead, secondary characters like Yūko and Tsubael have guns. Yūko even confronts Hagino at gunpoint. Otherwise, there are armed sentries on the ships from another world.
Blue Drop delivers more on yuri themes than Otherside Picnic or even, arguably, Lycoris Recoil. And you don't even need on yuri goggles to see it. It is more than a "fun watch" with likable characters, some of whom are morally ambiguous. Instead, it is an enveloping story which draws you in, with its plot and animation. Even the ending is heartbreaking.
Since the series is usually put into the sci-fi and yuri genres, reviewers don't often put it into the girls with guns genre. Although there are fewer girls with guns in Blue Drop than other series noted in this article, it has positives which go beyond other series. It is a classic that can be watched over and over. The same can likely also be said about the affiliated manga which ran from 2004 to 2008.
Badass girls with guns are central to Canaan
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Canaan about to fire her pistol during the show's opening
This 2009 mystery thriller is little-known, despite the fact that a Japanese game company, Type-Moon, created it. It's based on a special scenario originally outlined in 2009 game, 428: Shibuya Scramble. This anime centers on a gun-toting assassin and mercenary named Canaan (Miyuki Sawashiro). She faces a rival named Alphard Al Sheya (Maaya Sakamoto), a skilled assassin who heads a terrorist organization named Snake. Canaan also has a pretty reporter friend named Maria Ōsawa (Yoshino Nanjō).
Canaan and Alphard are both skilled at using firearms, as is ex-mercenary Siam (Akio Ōtsuka), Alphard's lieutenant, Liang Qi (Rie Tanaka), and many others. Predictably, yuri themes are spread throughout this anime. Canaan often saves Maria from sticky situations thanks to her ability to perceive people's emotions as colors. They clearly are attracted toward each other. The series ends with Canaan being, in the words of Friedman, "awarded equal status to Maria in her heart."
Otherwise, Canaan is action-packed, with fast-paced fight sequences and chases. In some ways, it makes me think of chase scenes in Carmen Sandiego, although the ones in that series are never filled with guns, but with other deadly weapons instead. This series is unique because Canaan is from an unnamed country in the Middle East, presumably Syria or Lebanon. It adds another dimension to the story.
Guns, love, and demons in Engage Kiss
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Shu, Sharon, and Ayano pictured on the show's official website.
In this ongoing, and currently airing, romantic comedy, one character stands out as a girl with a gun: Ayano Yugiri (Lynn). She is the former girlfriend of Shuu Ogata (Soma Saito). He lost his memories of their relationship after partnering with a demon named Kisara (Saya Aizawa). To give her the necessary demon powers to fight, he kisses her, which erases a memory every time he does so.
While it seems, at first, that she chooses his memories to erase at random, it is later shown that she can choose which ones to erase. She even eliminates a time that Shuu and Ayano have sex, enjoy each other's company. She also eliminates a time when Shuu had sex with the demon-hating priest, Sharon Holygrail (Rumi Okabo), and poisoned her in a devious way.
Ayano has the most skills at using firearms apart from Shuu. It has not been revealed how she is so skilled, but she may have on-the-job experience. Unlike Lycoris Recoil, the only other people who use guns are the police, as the villains often manipulate demons instead. None of the show's characters without faults, and have all likely done deplorable things.
A gun-toting protagonist in Venus Versus Virus 
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Lucia fires her gun in the show's opening
This dark fantasy and supernatural thriller centers around two girls with guns: Lucia Nahashi (Ayahi Takagaki) and Sumire Takahana (Minori Chihara). Although it has been rightly described as a series to avoid by Stig Høgset of THEM Anime Reviews. He argued that it is "lazy and dumb", with mild fanservice and violence. That makes it different from others in this genre, which are usually more violent and bloody.
In Venus Versus Virus, Lucia, especially, is skilled with use of a firearm. She works to protect Sumire, along with others, from harm that demons, known as "viruses", can inflict. Predictably they both bond in the process. Even so, the yuri themes in this story are not very strong, with neither Lucia nor Sumire appearing to be lesbians.
On the other hand, the series is strong as an anime that features girls with guns. As such, it is relatively well-established in the genre. In fact, when bullets hit Sumire, it causes her violent personality to surface, which can be harmful to anyone around her.
Closing thoughts
There are many other examples of girls with guns anime.  Some of the most prominent, apart from Dirty Pair, include Bubblegum Crisis, Miami Guns, Gunslinger Girl, and Burn-Up. One critic argued that while there aren't many true girls with guns anime, the ones that do exist have been so influential, it has created "an entire thematic genre and stereotype of anime."
Princess Principal and the film, Kite Liberator also fall into the genre. Even Izetta: The Last Witch might fall into the genre since Izetta rides an anti-tank rifle. Apart from Sabine Wren, Padme Amidala, and Zam Wessell, who tote guns in the Star Wars franchise, there's no Western animated equivalent of the genre. On the other hand, there are some gun-wielding women elsewhere, like Millie in Helluva Boss.
There are many girls with guns within anime, but even with newer series, it remains to be seen if the current trend toward more girls with guns will continue. Many of the series within the genre, such as Strike Witches, Michiko & Hatchin, Grenadier, and Upotte!! are years old. The same is the case for Madlax, set in the same world as Birdie Wing.
With anime production companies flush with cash, there is a possibility of further girls with guns anime in the future.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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untilyouremember · 10 months
Where can I read and request manga?
My mission with my tumblr is to help you find official resources to consume manga; doing it these ways will help the mangaka who work to bring you content and it encourages English publishers to bring over more series.
Check under the cut for legal websites, apps and retailers with detailed information. At the bottom you'll find surveys and ways to contact publishers with requests.
You can use regular retailers to buy digital and print: Amazon/Kindle, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Bookwalker, Google Play, Apple Books, Nook
There are apps available for buying volumes, chapters, using ticket systems to access free content, or with subscriptions.
Mangamo - $4.99/mo for 200+ titles; titles available for purchases with in-app library
Viz manga - $1.99/mo; titles available to purchase with in-app library (carries titles from Viz, but not their SJ series)
Shonen Jump - $2.99/mo; titles available to purchase with in-app library (carries specifically SJ titles, which are often popular shounen)
Comikey - uses a key system; ability to read for free with ads and patience
Kmanga - app maintained by Kodansha; chapters are often available to read for free through a ticket system and able to purchase
Kodansha - a website where you can create a free reading account. They offer 3 free chapters on all their manga, occasionally feature several free volumes, and run sales on their content somewhat regularly.
MangaPlus - $1.99 or $4.99 for a subscription; will allow a free read of their simulpub series.
MangaPlaza - 7 day free trial; $6.99/mo; [info incoming, seems to have more mature licenses]
INKR - 3 ways to access content; free, coins & 'Extra Membership'. Extra can cost $4.99/mo or $44.99/year and gives you access to content, extra savings and "free ink" that can be traded for their coin system. (Used to be Manga Rock and that was a fun read from them)
MangaPlanet - $1.99/week -> $47.99/year depending on which tier you pay for.
MangaUP - 1 month free trial, $4.99/mo; you can browse their 'vault' to see if things you like are included
Renta! - point system; 1 point = 1 cent; regular bonus points for higher purchases
Mangacat - [currently researching; seems to allow people to independently upload and set prices for viewing; people can also do translations for work. Acts as somewhat of a 'by fans for fans' site. Coin system where 20 coins=1$ with no discounts for larger purchases]
Irodori Comics - hosts 18+, specializes in doujinshi, more info incoming
ComiXology - $4.99/month; a service through amazon that allows you access to comics, manga and graphic novels. Specifically boasts {2400} manga titles.
Animeplanet - has a library of completely free comics and anime through partnerships; seems to host less manga styled comics but free is free.
Manta, Comicle, Webtoon, Tappytoon, Tapas, WebComics, Bilibili will be looked into but they host mostly webtoon style comics
Seven seas has a (mostly) monthly survey that is linked on their homepage at all times. {They will pull from any publisher, including digital only simulpubs}
If you have a bookwalker account, I found a Google doc that you fill out requests and they send them to publishers.
To send suggestions to Viz, use this survey that is listed through their Contact Us page (you select the "Series Suggestion" and will be redirected) {they mostly pull from shogakukan and shueisha titles}
To send suggestions to Kodansha, go to their contact us page and there are 2 useful drop downs; suggest reprints and suggest series, suggest series is also useful to request a print of anything they've licensed digital only. {They pull almost exclusively from Kodansha Japan}
TokyoPop has a discord server where they look at your suggestions in the channel #licensesuggestion
If you are able, in any way, support official English releases. It shows it is a lucrative business decision to continue the manga. Nothing is worse than starting something and being unable to finish it because it stopped getting translated and published.
I will update this post as needed, enjoy your manga! ♡
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meat-wentz · 1 year
Hi there I was wondering if you knew of any way to identify authentic vintage FOB merch from fakes/reprints, I only ask because it seems like you have a collection of vintage FOB shirts, sorry if this question is directed to the wrong blog ❤️❤️
yes i do have some pointers!!!
investigate sellers. if a deal looks too good to be true it probably is, make sure the seller looks legit and has legit reviews if any reviews. if a collector is getting rid of their collection, there’s a really good chance all of their stuff is legit and they will note any boots or reprints, so i always check a seller’s page to see if they have a series of similar listings (could be say a bunch of fob and clandestine stuff, or even just an experienced merch reseller who has tons of band listings) and if they are i know i’m probably in the clear. a lot of times the opposite is also true! someone might just have a holy grail piece they’ve kept in their mom’s garage for 20 years and decide to finally part ways with it, most often this will be the only listing of that band + other listings of high school clothes or other clothes they’re selling, etc. i’ve found more of the latter than the former, for really good prices! you can also ask questions about the piece, like if there’s a back print, if i can get a pic of the tag, if i can see details (zippers, closeups on design, ink wear).
there are lots of indexes of tags and their approximate date information available out there, gildan for example can be less identifiable because a lot of merch and bootleggers still use gildan as their go to, but gildan’s had a long history of different tags, and if you’re able to find a good resource on what, say a tag from 2004 looks like, you’d be able to see if it matched the tag you’re looking at or if that shirt was printed last week. there are some more easily identifiable tags from the time period like bay island tags are always typically a dead giveaway you’re dealing with authentic merch. tags CAN be faked but it’s not typical for items like merch. another good sign for printed tags is if there’s wear on the tag itself former, real soft, sometimes blank or fading, etc, you just wanna see this thing has been used and abused. lots of people cut out their tags but if you can see any wear on cut tags (lots of soft, loose, threading, obvious it’s been through years of washing), that’s a sign you take if there’s no tag.
item wear. much like the last point, i usually look at items that have been very loved. darker colors will fade, so if im dealing with black shirts i often look for a fade as well. ink will crack over the years, so i always keep an eye out for any cracking or wear and i always like to see if the ink looks a little TOO intact and flexible. ink is not ALWAYS the most reliable way to clock a fake, but it’s a tool you can use.
have a good sense of what merch from the era looked like, if you can follow merch archives or go in the waybackmachine and look at the merch store or follow collector accounts, there’s a good chance you will probably be able to find the design you’re looking at. fob has very distinct logos for each time period so if i see an infinity on high logo on a futct keyhole im like alright that’s not real. they have stylistic moments that adhere to their albums really well. tttyg era merch has a lot of bitey commentary and usually darker colors, more big and bold designs. futct has a whole lot of gold and red and deer and on the other side of the spectrum bright colors and a kind of 70’s-ish almost high school sports-leaning font and theme.
the plus side is i haven’t run into a whole lot of fob fakes! a dead giveaway is if the photo looks funky like it was snagged from off the internet or you’ve seen a pic of that shirt floating around, (you can always reverse image search and see if that photo was snagged from somewhere else!), i like when i can tell a photo was actually taken in someone’s house or space, walls, hangers, carpets, on someone’s bed, it’s just a good way to see someone is a real person. another dead giveaway is if you see multiple sizes and a low price of $24.99 for a shirt you know is super rare, that’s a fake and that is some weird internet swindler who most likely won’t even give you a decent print of what they’re advertising they have. i also appreciate sellers who list measurements, talk about the fit, just give more information than a “BLACK SHIRT 100% COTTON.” fob do have some weirdos on eBay who’ve been selling these bogus reprints, but for the most part i haven’t seen them anywhere else.
so many bootleggers are cool and they will not try to trick you into thinking you’re getting an original print. bootleggers will give you the information about what kind of shirts they will be printing on, what kind of ink they will be using, how long their print runs will be, etc, they will make it explicitly clear that this is a bootleg design, AND they will most likely give you one that’s killer in quality. i own a BUNCH of boots of certain designs im sure will never see the light of day again, at the end of the day i will prioritize my desire for a certain design over authenticity (and also support legit, cool bootleggers who are making sure these designs don’t get lost to time). there are certain pieces i won’t budge on my requirement that they be authentic. at the end of the day it’s your collection and you get to make the rules!
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