#but it just seems like such an Unnecessary discussion to me And Yet it comes up over and over again
astral-circuitry · 1 month
so many conversations people get really invested in on here are so frustrating to me
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northern-passage · 2 years
if the only way you know how to criticize my handling of Lea is to somehow blame Merry and also Trans Women™️ as a whole then i’m going to be honest: your criticisms are not going to be the ones i listen to. it’s very strange to me now that both times i’ve had people specifically bring up Merry when talking about Lea and also follow it up with, and i quote: “people only care about trans women.” this monolithic Trans Women you keep blaming has nothing to do with the decisions i’ve made about Lea, and i’m begging you to think for like 2 seconds and realize what you are saying and how you sound right now. i’m not even trying to change your mind or your feelings regarding Lea, that conversation has been had many times over at this point, but you have got to stop blaming trans women for.... being more oppressed than you ? come on
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lustspren · 8 months
Cool With You ft Danielle.
length: 12.8k words✦
Danielle & Male Reader
genres: cheesy/bit cringe lmao (i’m so sorry, it was necessary for the plot, I promise), fluffy, oral sex, hard sex, facetime sex, creampie, blowjob, anal
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"Girls, I think you should at least play the game if we're going to do this," Hanni said, sitting on the couch, "I mean, Riot hired us for this, and I think it would be appropriate."
Danielle immediately turned to look at Hanni, not wanting to say anything yet as she was turning the idea over in her head. Being from Australia she never grew up with that game, but she knew perfectly well that there in Korea it was a national phenomenon, and that they even had their own exclusive server. Part of this reputation around the video game was due to Faker, a player that anyone under 30 years old knew either by name or by sight. She wasn't exactly a fan of multiplayer video games, or even video games in general since she was an outdoors girl, so she kept quiet at first.
"And where are we supposed to do that?" Minji asked, eating some Pringles, "there are only two computers at home."
"Oh come on, we can ask for three more!" Hanni exclaimed, "I think we deserve it, don't we?"
"Well, I'll see what I can do," Minji sighed, and then looked at the others, "are you all in?"
"I wouldn't mind," Kitten said, shrugging.
"Yeah! It'll be fun!" Big Baby agreed, "what do you say, Dani?" They all looked at her.
"Ugh, do I really have to?" Danielle asked, not very attracted to the idea but not completely against it either. She liked spending time with her unnies, no matter what way.
"Oh come on! Pleeeaaaase!" Hanni pleaded with her hands clasped in request, "I promise you'll like it!" Dani made a small silence, looking at all of them.
"My god, fine!" she finally accepted, "but I demand your patience with me, okay? I can count on one hand the number of times I have touched a computer in my life."
"Yaaaaay!" Hanni clapped excitedly, "don't worry, it's very easy!"
4 days later. NewJeans girls already recorded Gods.
"Alright girls, I'll go to the top lane," Hanni said in front of the computer. All the others were sitting on their own, one next to the other, "Minji, you should go jungle, it's a selfish and arrogant role, just like you!"
"Then it's perfect, yes," Minji nodded.
"Big Baby, you go to the mid lane, there are champions that could be a lot of fun for you, and you would be a fundamental piece," Hanni told her, and she nodded.
"As for you two," Hanni looked at Dani and Kitten, "you are literally the perfect duo, I don't really know who should go ADC or who should go support, discuss it between yourselves."
"Well, support sounds like the easiest," Dani said, looking at Kitten, who always seemed indifferent to anything.
"Does that mean I'm in charge?" she asked, looking at the screen.
"I don't want to be, so yeah," Dani shrugged, and at that moment Hanni hit the find match button.
As was common for people new to League of Legends, Dani was completely overwhelmed and stressed by the huge amount of things that the game's tutorial never explains to you. Lots of different champions, runes, objectives, farming, crucial areas of the map, etc. Her head was hurting, but after a few games she started to feel more comfortable with her role, and she was especially prone to playing Leona.
At first, Dani only accepted the proposal because she did not like to contradict and argue over something like that. In fact, she considered Hanni's idea somewhat unnecessary and would not be at all transcendental in her life. But the unthinkable happened for her. She began to enjoy the game, and even played it during her free time. She usually always did it with Kitten, but many times she also did it alone. The most attractive thing for her was the anonymity that the game provided her, there no one treated her differently because of who she was, many insulted her, others treated her disrespectfully, and despite not being pleasant, she liked that, it was like a way to put her feet on the ground while having fun.
Months had passed since they recorded Gods, and the group continued on their journey of activities here and there, always busy and always in the public eye, but Dani never stopped playing, she even dedicated herself to watching the start of the Worlds, and especially rooting for T1 and the Korean teams.
When the final phase of the Worlds was approaching and the girls were preparing for their stage during the opening ceremony, they were informed that the day before there would be an event where celebrities and fans were going to be able to have a kind of meet & greet with fun activities involved. It was explained to them that one of the activities consisted of playing games with mixed teams of celebrities and idols, and they all immediately accepted the idea.
You almost lost your shit when you got that damn email. You were jumping around like an idiot all over your room, dancing to the rhythm of a goofy ass techno song that just happened to be playing on your Spotify. You had won the fucking sweepstake to play in the celebrity matches, and there was no way you were going to take it in at that moment.
When your euphoria passed you sat down in your desk chair and sank into the seat as you stared at the email open on the screen, turning it over and over in your head since you still couldn't believe it. The list of celebrities was quite extensive, and it wasn't just Korean artists, there were also Western artists like Tobi Lou or Cal Scruby, but you only had one group in your mind, NewJeans, and you couldn't do anything but hope for play with any of them.
The big day finally arrived, and you were thankful that your T1 jersey with Gumayusi's name on it arrived just in time. You checked your appearance in the bathroom mirror, not wanting to get too meticulous so as not to go to the event with worries on your mind. Being a casual perfume enjoyer you had a few options to choose from, but you opted for something mild, Ralph Lauren's Polo Blue, always good for any time of year and always useful for conveying good vibes. Once you were ready, you left the house.
The excitement and nerves made you arrive at the place much earlier than planned, but luckily you were able to take advantage of this. You walked around the arena calmly, admiring each cosplay and asking for photos with all your favorites. You also visited every possible stand, buying merch from several of these and putting it in your backpack.
When the time came, you immediately went to the place indicated in the email for the sweepstake winners, a large room that served as a waiting room near the stage. Upon checking in you were bombarded with a series of rules that were more than expected, no touching unless prompted by the celebrity, no request for personal contact and the sort of things you might expect at an event of that nature. They told all the winners that you would be called by your summoner names when it was your time to play, and that they would be alternating between celebrity and winner. They also told you that you were all going to play the roles you signed up for, so they gave you a bracelet that said 'ADC'. Finally, the two representatives told you to have a good time and left you all alone in the room.
All names were being called, and your excitement only grew inside you as you realized that your NewJeans bias hadn't been called yet. Last game, and you already knew that by discard you were going to play against, or with Danielle. Minji and Hanni had already been called previously, so you already knew who was going to be there.
The teams began to organize, and you considered yourself the luckiest guy in the world when you realized that Danielle was going to be your support. They took you to the stage, and there she was, as radiant and spectacular as always. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, a short skirt of the same color, and high platform leather boots. Her beautiful curly hair with two adorable pigtails on the back of her head. When you approached her a big smile formed on her face, and you were immediately stunned by her beauty.
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"Hi! I'm Danielle," she introduced herself, extending a hand to you, you shook it, and you both bowed, "you must be… Recon, right?"
"Yup," you nodded with a smile, "oh god, it's a great pleasure to meet you, seriously, I admire you guys a lot."
"Awww, thank you very much!" She bowed again, "Let's have fun, okay?"
"Sure!" At that moment you were told to sit down, and you were in champion selection in a matter of seconds, "Alright, what kind of supports do you like to play?" you asked, nervous as shit since there were lots of people watching you.
"Well, I always play Leona, that doesn't vary much," she told you over the discord voice channel.
"Alright, you like engage supports from what I see," you said, banning Morgana since she was her main counter, "I'll play Samira, okay? She's the best complement for Leona."
"Whatever you say, you're the expert here!"
Once the game started your mentality became completely different, to the level of completely forgetting where you were and who you were playing with. Maybe that was your good trick. You were the main shotcaller of your team, always attentive to the map and the position of the enemies to dictate plays and engage based on it. Kitten was the opposing ADC, so Danielle was constantly giving you data on how she played or what her tendencies were.
"Let's fight! She's alone!" she told you, however, you noticed due to the lack of vision that it was a bait, and that either the jungler or the opposing mid laner were waiting in a bush.
"Stop! Don't go!" You tried to warn her, however it was too late. She engaged, the enemy jungler came out of the bush and took the kill, "Ugh, you have to listen to me first!" you exclaimed, not upset but as a scold for her.
"Ahh! Sorry!" she apologized, "I'll let you make the decisions, I'll be all ears!"
"You can't engage in a situation like that," you said seriously, pushing out one last wave before recalling, "you had no vision of anything at all, just her, you fell right into her bait, oh, and on top of that you had no flash, it was an easy kill for them."
"That makes sense…" she made a small silence, perhaps processing the information, "okay, big mistake."
From that moment on, Danielle let herself be carried around by you, and you began to treat her like you could perfectly treat any random Solo Q support. You didn't think about the consequences at that moment, but what you also didn't know was that Danielle was not only impressed by your mechanical level and your knowledge of the game, but also by the fact that you were not conditioned by who she was, you treated her like any other ordinary person.
"Their jungler is dead!" you warned, "we can baron, quick!" Everyone listened to you, and quickly went to the baron pit, "if they come to defend it they are dead, we have much more damage," you take the baron in a matter of seconds, the other team had been intelligent and had not gone to fight.
"Jinx and Orianna don't have flash! We can engage!" Danielle said, and you nodded in satisfaction since you weren't aware of it.
"Alright, ulti ulti ulti!" you exclaimed. Dani casted her ulti, which only hit Jinx, but you flashed forward and started the whole fight. Orianna tried to throw her sphere at you, but you blocked it with your W and killed Jinx without using your ulti. Dani also flashed, and stunned Orianna before the entire opposing team arrived, that was when you cast your R, and with the help of your entire team, you won the team fight with a triple kill of yours.
"Niceeeeeee!" Dani shouted excitedly as you knocked down the nexus towers.
"Holy fuck very good job Dani!" you shouted back, along with all your team members. You threw the nexus, and you won the game.
There was a small ceremony for the winners when all the games were finally over. They gave you all official Worlds 2023 merchandise and figures of your choice. You chose one from Kai'Sa. All the celebrities and other people were already getting off the stage, that was when Dani passed by you, she took your wrist and left a piece of paper in your hand before getting off.
''Add me. I would love to play with you again in the future. It was a lot of fun!" the note said, and as a signature it had her summoner's name.
You wanted to turn around and thank her, but she had already gotten out and was heading towards her dressing room, leaving you completely stunned and unable to believe that she had actually done that. You quickly put the note in your pocket, preventing anyone else from seeing it. You got off the stage, and when you picked up all your things you drove back home.
The first thing you did when you got home was rush to your room, turn on the PC and enter League to add Danielle. Upon verifying that she had not given you a fake summoner name and that it was real, you sent her the request. You sat there for a while, knowing that she had probably just done that as a polite gesture and that she most likely wasn't going to actually add you. About ten minutes passed, and you got up to go to take a bath.
The weeks passed and she never accepted your friend request, but you didn't let that discourage you since it was what you most expected would happen. During those weeks you continued with your daily life, scheduling coaching sessions with some clients while trying to reach Grandmaster in Solo Q. League was your comfort game, one of the few things you were really good at, and every time you entered a game you felt like a fish in water.
More days, and you were already starting to get off the boat. You no longer thought it was possible in any way that Dani would add you, but one day, without even thinking about it, you logged into League and found that you had a new friend. It was none other than Danielle Marsh herself, or 'MermaidMermaid', as her summoner's name said. You immediately cleared absolutely all the agendas you had pending for that day, and after going through an anxiety crisis you sat down to invite her to a game.
Danielle didn't expect to have so much fun that day, but there she was, buried in the seat of the VAN and looking out the window while she couldn't get that guy who played with her out of her head. Not only was the guy cute and kind, but he had treated her like a normal person, something no one had ever done knowing who she was. It always happened with strangers online, but in person? That was unthinkable. She was Danielle Marsh from NewJeans, and absolutely everyone had to be nice and treat her like a goddess. He didn't care about that.
He always gave her compliments and congratulated her when she did something well during the game, but he also yelled at her and scolded her when she did something stupid, and despite all that, he always remained calm to lead his teammates to make the best decisions and win. It seemed like something quite basic, but for a celebrity who was already fed up with everyone being fake and hypocritical towards her, it was something very noteworthy, which is why she gave him her summoner name; she wanted someone new to play with, someone who wouldn't treat her like a spoiled baby and would make her really improve at the game while being real towards her.
However, she was still a celebrity, and that meant that she had to continue fulfilling her endless activities with the group. She was quite frustrated since she had almost no window of free time to sit at the computer, and also worried that the guy would think that she was just lying and that she really had no intention of adding him. Nothing could be further from the truth, she was impatient to have free time and accept the friend request that she knew was pending. 
About a week had to pass before she could have some free time for an afternoon. She sat at the computer, a bottle of sprite in one hand, and logged into League to accept that guy's friend request. When she added him, she noticed that he was absent, so she put her legs up on the chair and looked at her phone while she waited for something new. Her heart nearly burst when she heard a noise inside the client, he had invited her to a game.
She almost dropped the phone on the floor when she leaned forward in the chair and placed her hands on the desk, panic making her look at the game invitation for longer than she should have, but she finally did it, and when she entered the lobby the first thing she did was leave the League Voice so he wouldn't hear her speak. They shared a couple of messages in the lobby chat while queueing, mostly a couple of greetings and reminders of their last meeting.
They played about 3 games just communicating through pings or messages in chat, as could happen with any random person in the game, but it soon started to become somewhat tedious for both of them as they needed more precision and shorter response times, so Dani, knew that the only way to truly improve and win games comfortably, was to speak to him by voice.
When they played the last game, the first thing Dani did after saying goodbye to him was go directly to Minji.
"Unnie!" Dani caught her attention, while Minji practiced in the living room with a piano.
"Well, you know I recently played with this guy again..."
"The guy you played with that time?" She put the piano aside, "What's wrong with him?"
"He's being pretty nice to me, and he's helping me a lot to get better at the game!" Her voice was filled with emotion as she said that last sentence, "But talking via chat is quite uncomfortable... I would like to talk to him via voice, what do you say?"
"Uh..." she thought about it for a second, "Discord is the best option, yes," she nodded, "but hey, I need you to really be very careful with that, you know why."
"He's trustworthy, I promise!" Dani exclaimed, "Besides, I can create a new email just for that account."
"Just be careful, please," Minji insisted, "Now leave me alone, I don't want to forget the melody I just thought of."
Dani ran back to her room and hurried to create a new Gmail email exclusively for Discord, an application that was a bit complicated for her to figure out how to use at first, so she asked Hanni for help to familiarize herself with everything before doing anything. When she finally felt safe using the app, she sent you an invite link the next day through League chat.
You almost spit out your coffee when you saw a discord invite link in the chat. You quickly put the cup aside the mouse, put on your headphones, and clicked to accept the invitation. It was a channel where it was just you and her, the name was 'please help me', you couldn't help but laugh. She was already joined to the voice channel, so you just had to join.
"Hello hello?" You greeted, adjusting your microphone to your mouth. You heard interference sounds and some tapping on the microphone.
"Hellooo?" you heard her say, you inevitably smiled, "can you hear me right?"
"Yes perfectly!" you nodded.
"Gosh, I'm really bad with computers..." Dani spoke softly, as if she was afraid to raise her voice. Her pretty voice combined with her sexy accent made your skin crawl, it was like listening to an ASMR video, "I had to ask Hanni for help."
"Discord's really easy, it's just a matter of getting used to it I think," you felt a knot in your chest and a fluttering feeling of anxiety in the pit of your stomach. You were talking to Danielle Marsh from NewJeans, something you couldn't even fully take in, "How are you? Is everything okay?"
"You know, very exhausted from all the activities, it's not an easy life," she sighed, "but I'm still standing. What about you?"
"I certainly can't complain, honestly, but anyway, are you ready?"
"Yes! More than ready," as soon as she told you that, you pressed the find match button.
That was the first game you played, of many more that were to come. During the following months Dani made a great effort to play almost every day with you, no matter where in the world she was or what time it was, she always found a window of free time to play even just one game with you. Naturally the chemistry grew between you, but you never expected that she would even want to share her daily life with you while you weren't playing League. At first it was just basic things like the things they did as a group, or silly things like what she ate for breakfast or what she dreamed of, but gradually the trust between you grew, and it was a matter of time before you built a real connection.
You weren't a fool, anyway. You knew very well how beautiful and sexy she was without even trying. More than a friendship with her was all you could ever want from the bottom of your heart, but you were never one to daydream, so you were more than happy to just have her in your life. Occasionally you and her would flirt with each other over messages, but her being the person she was with the warm and kind personality she had, you thought it was all innocent and going nowhere. Average League player.
Friends of yours always asked who was that person with whom you always played and who prevented you from playing with them, but you never said a single word or clue, you always came out with the same excuse that it was just a client who had insisted on private coaching sessions in exchange for a significant monetary sum. They always believed you, but it was funny to think that it wasn't far from the truth either. The only difference was that Danielle still didn't pay you. Not yet.
There was a time when Dani was so busy with international activities that there were several days during which you would only message each other but there was no way you could even play a game. During one of those days you were out with your friends, the night escalated too quickly, and it all ended with large amounts of alcohol. You were a little drunk, and as soon as you had a moment alone at the bar you didn't hesitate to take out your phone to text Dani.
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You completely forgot you had written that message until you got home, still with the alcohol affecting your body but no longer as drunk as before. You lay down on the bed ready to rest, until your phone rang with a notification. Dani had answered you.
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Upon reading that last message you quickly stood up (tripping over your own shoes on the way) and in a couple of strides you turned your chair around, sat down and put on your headphones to enter discord.
"Hi thereee," you greeted, logging into League.
"Hi!" She laughed, noticing that you were speaking differently, “Are you drunk?”
"Nah," you laughed, "I mean, I'm a little more cheerful than usual, but I'm not drunk, don't worry," you assured, but you didn't know if you were actually telling the truth or not.
"Well, if you say so," she giggled again, "are you ready?" She asked when you were both in the lobby.
"Yessir! Go ahead!"
During all those months in which you were playing, you had not started playing ranked yet since Dani was still low level and did not have enough champions, but for a few weeks that was the only thing you played. You were climbing pretty fast, she was currently at Silver 2, and she was only one game away from reaching Silver 1. As expected, you won that game.
"Yaaaaay!" she celebrated, and you heard small applauses through her microphone, "Oh my god, we're going up so fast!" you laughed.
"At this point you should pay me with nudes in case I take you to gold," you said, not really thinking clearly about what you had said at any time since alcohol always made you this bold about everything. There was a small silence on the call.
"Well… we'll see about that," Dani lowered her voice again, speaking with a silkiness that made you shiver since you had the volume turned up quite high. You were surprised that she didn't answer you with a resounding no, "but that has to happen first."
"At this point you doubt what will happen?" you asked with an arrogant chuckle.
"I said we'll see, next week I'll be home, so by then we can play as much as we want," it was probably just your altered perception of reality thanks to the alcohol, but you noticed a certain double meaning in that last sentence.
"You have to go now, don't you?" you asked somewhat sadly.
"Yeah, I'm so sorry, honey," she wailed, "Just rest, okay? You must be exhausted."
"Yes I am," you sighed, "you rest too, Dani, I missed playing with you."
"And me too..." there was another small silence in which you were smiling, and for some reason you felt like she was too, "later, bye bye."
"Bye bye," you answered back, and left the call to go straight to bed.
Dani was surprised, but honestly she wasn't disappointed at all. The connection she felt with that guy was genuine, something that did not happen very often with people since she became an idol. In fact, she did not give much importance to the consequences since she knew that many girls in the industry did very similar things, but at the same time she was highly nervous since she was inexperienced in that area.
Certainly she was not a virgin, she had a boyfriend who had taken care of it, but her experience at that time had not even been satisfactory, only for that stupid and cretinous boy whom she had already more than forgotten. But since then she never had more time to dedicate to the boys she hadn’t continued training that side of her, she had a few friendly kisses with Hanni, but nothing more than that.
The week before she returned home passed at the speed of light, and as soon as she settled back into the house and rested a little, she told him that they could start grinding rankeds. They had a fairly extensive winning streak, which was enough to leave them one game away from gold, but that's when the losses came.
Three games in a row lost, 0 LP. She was trying twice as hard as usual just like him, but no matter how hard they tried, her teammates were never right and they simply lost because the other lines were way further ahead in gold than everyone else. Of course she could have just sent him nudes, but she wanted to see him put in the effort first.
The road to Gold was being quite horrifying, they were trapped in a win-loss streak for several days, but that was never a cause for despair for him, who continually reassured her assuring her that sooner or later they would go up, since they were simply better players than the others, but time was running out, as there was only one last day left before she had to leave home again for a while.
It was quite late at night and it was already the last one Dani could play before going to sleep, which coincidentally was also the last game she needed to finally move up to Gold. She was curious about whether he had forgotten about the bet since he hadn't mentioned it at any time since he said it, but she wouldn't be the one to remind him.
The game was quite chaotic and difficult for both of them, but with some wonderful individual play on his part, they won, and Dani had moved up to Gold.
"Let's goooooooo!" he exclaimed into the microphone, "I told you! It was a matter of time!"
"Ahhhhh!!" She squealed with excitement, tapping the table with both hands, "You really are amazing!" she said as she watched the Gold promotion animation.
"People of this elo are honestly terrible, mother of god," he sighed, "but hey, we did it!"
"Thank you very much, really," she sighed. There was a small silence.
"Well... I already got you to Gold, I wonder how you can make it up to me…" he said quietly.
"Oh honey, I should sleep right now..." she replied smiling and playing with a curl of her hair, "bye bye."
"Huh? Really?" He laughed, and before he could respond Dani left the call.
As soon as Dani took off the headphones she leaned back and bit her lip still smiling, thinking about the angles she was going to use and the way she was going to send the photos to him in the morning.
When you woke up and checked your phone your eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. Dani continued to surprise you, it wasn't just a photo you had received, but a complete photo session of all kinds. Photos of her perky pretty little tits, her long skinny pale legs, her pretty feet, a photo of her rubbing her pussy, another photo lying on her stomach showing you her bare back and her ass, and she even took the time and daring to record a video of her bending over and spreading her ass for you. The killer part of the video for you was how she looked over her shoulder at the mirror and saw you with a seductive look. You were incredibly hard.
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A few weeks passed in which the naughty messages and flirting continued, becoming more advanced with each passing day. She was driving you completely crazy, if before your crush on her was strong, now knowing her and getting to see her naked body normally, you didn't want any other girl in the world other than her.
It was the last night before she finally came home, you were lying in your bed, you had showered a few minutes ago, and you were ready to continue reading the Jujutsu Kaisen manga until you received a message from Dani.
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As soon as you sent that message you received a video call from her, you innocently responded, and when you saw her your jaw almost dropped to the floor. She was completely naked.
"What the f...?!!" You opened your eyes wide, while she adjusted the camera, sitting on her bed.
"I couldn't help it, I'm sorry," she smiled, biting her lip as she watched you through the screen, "I didn't want to wait for you to take me to Plat before giving you this, so consider it payment in advance."
You left the phone on a small improvised tripod that you made from the blankets and began to undress quickly, Dani giggling every time you took off a piece of clothing until finally, like her, you were completely naked and hard for her.
"My god... the things I would do to you if I were right there with you," you said, bringing your hand to your cock to start masturbating very slowly at first.
"Oh yeah?" she asked, her countenance transforming into one seductive and sexy, "like what?" She sat with her knees apart and started rubbing her pussy slowly.
"I would kiss those pretty little tits..." when you said that she brought a hand to her tits to play with her nipples, "I would lick your nipples, and I would suck on them."
"I'd love to have that pretty mouth of yours on them..." she moaned, "but also on my tummy."
"Oh yeah? Would you like me to kiss and lick all over your tummy before eating that pretty pussy, darling?" You spat into your hand and brought it back to your cock to move your wrist slightly faster.
"Fuck, I'd love to," she settled back on the bed, this time spreading her legs for you so you could see her pussy perfectly, "I'd love to eat your cock too, honey..." she gasped, rubbing herself with two fingers.
"What would you do with this cock baby?" you asked with a gasp, watching how she played with her pussy and how she bit her lip.
"I would kiss it... I would lick it like a delicious popsicle..." you began to move your hand faster, your breathing becoming more and more labored due to arousal, "I would also kiss your balls, and I would suck them until they were soaked." 
"Fuck... keep going honey," you said, zooming out so she could see you masturbating.
"You like it huh?" She bit her lower lip, "I would also kiss your tip... and collect the pre-cum that leaks out before taking it to my mouth," she teased by taking two fingers inside her pussy, which was glistening from how wet it was, "and I would suck that cock so hard that I would suck the soul out of you."
"Jesus Christ... I want to fuck you so bad Dani," you moaned, as you jerked off in front of your phone's camera for her. She moaned, and took two fingers inside her pussy.
"Mmmm yeah?" she moaned louder, "how would you like to fuck me?" She began pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy, slow at first.
"I'd start by fucking you on your back, with those nice long legs on my shoulders," you said panting, moving your hand slowly to match her pace, "I'd make sure my cock would go all the way in and all the way out, and also to kiss those pretty feet while I do it."
"Mmmm, how else, tell me how else!" she moaned louder, pumping her fingers faster, you consequently moved your wrist faster too.
"Then I'd love to put you on your hands and knees, and fuck you from behind while I pull on that beautiful hair," you moaned to her, knowing that the more you did it the more she was going to get turned on.
"How, like this?" She put the phone back and placed it horizontally, to rest on her hands and knees with her ass facing the camera, her back making a beautiful and perfect arch.
"Just like fucking that," you groaned, watching as she ran a hand under her body and returned her fingers inside her pussy, this time her wrist pumping fast and hard, "your ass is so pretty… you'd like me to fuck it dear?"
"That long juicy cock inside my tight little butthole?" she said with one side of her face pressed against the mattress, looking into the camera, "as much and hard as you want, mmmgh!"
"How much would you like me to fuck your ass baby?" you asked, the tingling in your lower abdomen becoming more intense as you got closer to cumming.
"A lot! It's all I want right now!" You were worried about how loudly she was moaning as her fingers aggressively pumped against her pussy, but you were so deep in your own imagination that you didn't care in the slightest to say something, "I want you to fuck my ass so hard that my legs tremble all day!
"I'm so fucking close, Dani, fuck!" You moaned, masturbating as hard and fast as you could as you watched her tight ass and how she finger fucked herself.
"Me too! Cum with me honey!" She turned away from the camera for a moment to focus on her own pleasure, but you continued to stare at her ass, imagining that you were kneeling right behind her while you fucked her. It was a matter of time before you exploded.
"Agh fuckkk!!" you grunted, strips of cum shooting out of your cock everywhere, landing on your lower abdomen, on your thighs and also staining your sheet without meaning to.
"Mmmmmgh!!!" She let out one last squeal before she stopped moving her wrist abruptly and cum. Her entire body shook in violent spasms. She lay flat against the mattress, her hips writhing upward as she rubbed herself between her pussy folds and let out cute moans, "Oh my god..." she sighed, adjusting herself to finally look at the screen, "look how much you came… god, I'd love to be there to pick it all up with my tongue and swallow it," she said, picking up the phone and bringing it closer to a shot of just her face, she was looking at your cum-soaked cock, licking her lips.
"You're really going to drive me crazy, Danielle Marsh," you said, sighed and then smiled, "you made me a mess."
"If I were there I'd clean it all myself... but I'm not," she sighed, looking to the side and then laying down on a pillow, "this was fun, wasn't it?"
“Yes it was,” you nodded, entranced by her pretty smile, as if just seconds ago you weren't imagining yourself pulling her hair and fucking her like an animal, “give me a moment, I'll go get some toilet paper. "
"I'll wait for you here, honey," she said, and you rushed for toilet paper to clean everything up.
"Fuck, I'll have to change the sheets," you sighed, cleaning it before throwing all the papers into the trash can and returning to Dani, "here I am."
"Damn, I think Hanni unnie heard me," she said, putting a hand to her mouth to giggle, "she just told me to shut up via text."
"Well, tell her you're not going to scream like that anymore," you laughed, lying back on the pillow, "you were moaning pretty loud."
"Really? God, they're going to kill me," she looked worried for a moment, "But nah, it's my revenge, Minji always does this kind of thing with her dildo."
"Wow, I guess you didn't need to share that information," you chuckled, but imagining Minji playing with a dildo in her pussy wasn't an unpleasant image in your head at all.
"Probably not, but I already told you, so if you want to jerk off thinking about it you can," she laughed, "as long as you show me."
"I don't think I'll have the desire to do that after how you just drained me," you smiled.
"A shame then..." she looked to the side for a few seconds, thinking about something, "hey, I'd like to tell you something."
"Sure, what it is."
"Um... well, I want us to hang out again, you know, in person."
"Well, I'm sure we can come up with something hon-"
"I like you," she said, not letting you finish the sentence, your heart skipped a beat.
"Just like you heard, I like you, and I like you a lot, god," she said desperately, as if it was something she'd been wanting to shout for a long time, "you... you're so cute, and so genuine with me, you make me feel like the real Danielle Marsh," she sighed, "yeah, I like you a lot."
"I..." you were speechless, your heart beating at full speed and with a tickling in your stomach, "Dani..." you were staring at her, "I like you a lot too, I don't think I've ever been so down for a girl like I am for you. You are so... radiant, and beautiful, and tender, and attentive!" As you spoke, Dani's smile and her face became brighter, "since you came into my life my days have only gotten better."
"God, you're going to make me cry, stop," she laughed with glassy eyes, "you're beautiful, and to be honest the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."
"I… I can say the same thing," you smiled from ear to ear, "you make me feel dumber than I am," she let out a louder laugh.
"And that's a good thing?"
"I guess so… hey, I'm really sleepy, honey," you said, and then yawned.
"I'm going to take a bath first before I go to sleep, you might find some surprises when you wake up," she winked at you, "but it's okay, darling, go rest," she gave the camera a kiss, and your inner self let out a stupid giggle.
"I can't wait to wake up then," you, completely idiotic and in love, also gave the camera a kiss, "tomorrow we'll talk about our outing, okay? Rest, baby."
"See you later honey," she waved at the camera and blew you a kiss with her hand. You hung up the call.
Even though you told her you were going to sleep, you stayed in bed awake for a few long minutes, internalizing everything that just happened and how it had happened. The tender words that she had said to you a second ago couldn't come out of your head, nor did her beautiful and radiant smile while you said nice things to her. That girl was everything you had been waiting for for a long time, and to think that everything had happened by chance made you laugh, but there, staring at the ceiling of your room with a silly smile on your face, you couldn't do anything but thank fate for putting Danielle Marsh on your path. That was the best sleep you had had in years.
During the entire flight home Dani couldn't get the silly smile off her face. The girls constantly asked her what was wrong, but Dani always changed the topic of conversation or just played dumb. That night couldn't get out of her head, she remembered vividly how he had made her feel. That orgasm, those pretty words, that bright look of his as he said it all. It all seemed like a dream too good to be true, she had finally found the right person (or so it seemed), and knowing that something like that was waiting for her at home only made her stupidly happy.
When she landed the first thing she did when she got home was turn on her computer, take a shower and lie down on her bed to take a short nap. When she woke up and checked her phone, she was not surprised to find a couple of messages from him. One of them was so cheesy that she couldn't help but giggle.
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Before jumping into the details about their meeting together, she had to first sit down and review her upcoming schedule carefully, and to her dismay, she realized that absolutely every day of the next two weeks was completely booked. That stressed her out, but it didn't stop her from continuing to spend time with him in League.
"Unfortunately I'm chain cc'ed for the next two weeks, honey," she had told him after a couple of games played, while they talked on discord, "but then it will be your turn for your tie me up," she giggled
The two of them continued teasing each other during those two weeks, day and night non-stop. Many conversations were based solely on what things she liked and what boundaries she would like to explore with him. Things in that chat were getting quite dirty, Hanni on one of those occasions accidentally read a message she had sent and was making fun of her all day, asking her if a cock that size wasn't going to break her in half.
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Attached to that last message, a video of her doing a close up of her lips while she licked them and then stuck out her tongue.
The plan Dani had formulated for you and her to have time alone was simply much better than you thought. She had told you to meet at a convention center, where there would be a cosplay event where she could wear a mask and no one would recognize her. You had already done your part of the plan too, you had made a reservation at a fairly trustworthy restaurant, as well as a reservation at a luxury hotel that you were sure she would love.
You arrived at the convention center on time, at 5 in the afternoon just as you and she had planned. You walked through the crowd in search of her, not paying much attention to all the cosplays around you since you could only focus on one thing at a time. The crowd was quite overwhelming for someone who was not used to being surrounded by so many people, but in the end you found her, you recognized her just by how she was dressed and by her beautiful long hair, but what finally confirmed her identity was the Jhin mask she was wearing. You thought it was cute that it was a little big on her face.
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"Hello there! Your Jhin mask is great!" you said, taking her hand. You heard her giggle beneath her mask as she clung to you in a hug.
"God, I was starting to get overwhelmed" She said, still clinging to you, with your arms around her thin body.
"Ready to go?" you asked, separating yourself from her.
"Of course! We have nothing to do here," as soon as she said that you grabbed her hand and started pushing everyone out of your way as if you were Moses parting the waters of the Red Sea. You left the convention center in a matter of minutes, guided her to your car, and when she got in she took off her mask.
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"Oh my god, you're literally a work of art," you said, sitting next to her, carefully detailing each of her pretty, doll-like features, as well as her visibly expensive outfit, which consisted of a long, beige baggy coat, white pantyhose and wide-heeled shoes.
"Do you like it?" She asked with a little smile, also looking you up and down.
"I love it," you nodded, looking into her eyes, "god, I can't believe I have you here with me."
"Just come and kiss me, baby" she said, and you lunged forward without hesitation, gently grabbing her face and crashing your lips onto hers.
Kissing her for the first time was liberating, a transcendental experience that felt like a little piece of heaven at that precise moment. Her lips were everything you imagined, soft, delicious and silky, you lost track of time, so you didn't really know how long you were kissing her until you separated and you looked at the time on your phone.
"Oh my god, it's getting late," you said, starting the car, "I booked us a table at a pretty discreet restaurant for both of us."
“Oh honey, I only have an appetite for one thing right now…” she said, her incredibly sexy Aussie accent sending shivers down your spine. She grabbed the skirt of her coat and pulled it up to her waist, revealing her pair of long legs adorned by her pantyhose, which went up to her thighs. Your sight went straight to her white lace panties, which she took off and then put into her own mouth.
"W-wow... what are you do..." you looked around, remembering that you were still in the middle of the street and that your windows weren't completely tinted. She grabbed your wrist, and opening both legs as wide as she could, she brought your hand right to her pussy so you could finger it.
You quickly hit the gas, pulling out of the street as fast as you could and turning a corner to drive straight toward the hotel. She put on her seat belt, moaning against her own panties while you rubbed your fingers against her clit until her pussy was wet, that's when you took two fingers inside her and started pumping your wrist.
Driving with one hand at such high speed was one of the most reckless and dangerous things you had ever done in your life, but there you were, dodging and overtaking cars to get to your destination as quickly as possible. You couldn't afford to look at Dani while you fingered her, but you heard her pretty muffled moans against her lace fabric and your cock did nothing but throb with excitement. She noticed this, and with her left hand she began to massage it over your pants. You swore that by the time you pulled into the hotel parking lot your boxers were already stained with pre-cum as well.
"Consider this a gift," she said, removing her panties from her mouth as you turned off the car, tossing them in the back seat and pulling her coat back down.
"Get off," you ordered, completely blinded by your desire to fuck her.
You both got out of the car and Dani put the mask back on. You checked into the lobby as quickly as the receptionist would let you, and once you had your key card you were both very close to jogging to the elevator. As you went up to your room floor she took off her mask and let it fall to the floor, you pinned her against the wall to kiss her again, and she began to moan against your lips.
When the elevator door opened you wrapped your arms around her and, almost tripping out of it, you began to walk down the hallway while your lips were still together. It was quite uncomfortable, so you decided it was best to just carry her. She wrapped her legs around your torso, and you rushed to your room, swiping the key card and opening the door in a flash. Once inside you locked the door behind you, and turned on the lights to leave her on the floor.
"Nice enough room for you to fuck me to death, yeah," she said, taking off her shoes as did you before unbuttoning her coat and removing it from her body. To your surprise, the only thing she was wearing from the waist up was an extremely tight tank top with no bra underneath her, her small nipples standing out against the fabric. Of course the top didn't last long, she took it off immediately, and now she was completely naked except for the white stockings which you were more than happy for her to leave on.
You lunged at her and wrapped your arms around her thin, tight body to kiss her again. She helped you undress while you ran your hands over every inch of her body, grabbing her toned little ass, caressing her back, pinching her nipples and running two fingers along her slit. You were both completely naked in a matter of minutes, and as soon as she could Dani climbed back onto your torso, wrapping her arms around your neck and her long legs around your lower body.
You quickly pinned her against a wall, and without any foreplay or teasing you took your throbbing cock straight into her extremely tight pussy.
"Oh fuck…" You gasped against her parted lips, she let out small moans as every inch of your cock made its way inside her until it reached the bottom.
"You feel so good and big!" She moaned, clinging to your neck with both of her hands.
"And you feel so fucking tight baby," you growled, grabbing her thighs and spreading her legs wide open to start fucking her as fast as you could, completely entranced by the immense desire you had for her.
"Oh yes! Fuck me hard and fast honey!!" she whimpered against your lips, as your cock moved completely in and out of her suffocatingly tight little pussy.
You were both deeply rooted in all the pent-up feelings and desire you had for each other over the past few months. You felt liberated, letting yourself be completely carried away by the moment and not thinking for a single moment about everything else. The moans quickly became present, both yours and hers as you hammered her pussy so intensely that it echoed throughout her room. She caressed the hair behind your neck, tangling her long fingers in several strands of it as she kissed you as much as she could. Your fingers were clinging to her soft thighs, beads of sweat falling from your forehead since you hadn't even bothered to turn on the air conditioning.
You and her had been teasing each other during the day, you fingering her a moment ago and her massaging your cock over her pants so well that your boxers were left with a big ass stain of precum on them. It didn't take long for you both to cum.
She did it first, writhing against the wall, letting out squeals of pleasure towards the ceiling and squeezing your cock into her pussy walls, which were already quite tight. You followed her, but not wanting to cum inside her yet, you pulled out from inside her and masturbated, pointing directly at her perfect, toned abdomen, which was painted white in a matter of seconds. Long strips of cum flowing free down her belly and reaching her crotch. You left her on the ground, both of you breathing heavily.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, that was too fast..." you apologized, panting, seeing her belly filled with thick white liquid.
"Oh don't worry darling, we have absolutely the whole night to ourselves," she said with a small smile, grabbing your face to give you a small kiss, "why didn't you finish inside me?"
"I didn't want to do it without your consent, I'm sorry," you said.
"Ahhh!" she squealed, "you're so cute I'm going to die," she gave you more little kisses, "I appreciate the gesture, darling, but don't hold back, fill me with your cum as much as you want," she winked at you, and gave you a little push back so you could see how she collected your cum from her belly and began to bring it all to her mouth to swallow it.
"Mmm, how is it?" you asked with a mischievous smile, as she swallowed the last remnants of your cum off her belly.
"Delicious, just as I expected," she gave you a kiss and went to the bathroom door, "wait for me in bed, honey, my abdomen is sticky now and I need to wash it, it won't be long."
"Okay," you nodded, and went to the side of the bed to grab the control for the air conditioning, turn it on, and lie down on the bed while you looked at your phone waiting for her. She came out of the bathroom a little less than five minutes in, your eyes went straight to her pretty naked body, and you really realized how lucky you were to have possibly one of the most beautiful idols in the industry like that in the same room with you.
"Oh gosh, it's cold all of a sudden," she hugged herself as she walked towards the bed, "lucky I have you as a personal heater," she smiled, climbing onto the bed to crawl towards you and lie down with half of her body leaning against yours.
"I still can't believe I finally have you in my arms, you know?" You sighed, snuggling her against your chest with both arms, then left a hand on her lower back. She hugged you too, leaving one hand on your chest and scribbling on your skin with one finger.
"It seems like a dream, right?" she asked as she looked into your eyes, two bright and adorable orbs, "for me too..." she gave you a peck on the jaw.
"More for me, I assure you," you laughed, returning the kiss but on her lips, "like, we met by chance of fate, you being a celebrity and me being a simple random who won a raffle."
"And here we are, you already fucked me and your cum is on my stomach right now," you both laughed out loud at that.
"Breakthrough indeed," you laughed.
"Thank you for being who you are and how you are... seriously," she told you with a smile on her face, "as you say, we met by chance, but now you are so fundamental to me that it’s difficult for me to think about how I could possibly improve my life right now."
"Well... I don't know if it will sound corny but you are like an angel fallen from heaven to me," her eyes, full of love and tenderness, looked at you, "I mean, I never expected this to happen when I won that spot, in fact, I wasn't even completely sure that I would be able to meet you since even that was random. I'm literally the luckiest guy in the world, to have that opportunity and to be able to make you... mine."
"Would you repeat that last one thing again?" she asked with a sweet tone of voice.
"Mine, to be able to make you completely mine. You are, completely mine, Danielle Marsh," you emphasized, and she squirmed in tenderness with a sweet smile from ear to ear on her face.
"Yes I am, I'm completely yours, honey," she said, cradling the side of your face with her hand and kissing you again, this time staying tied to your lips.
While you were kissing again, one of her hands discreetly went down your abdomen until it reached your flaccid cock, which she gently grabbed and began to massage. In response, you lowered your hand a little further from her lower back, reaching one of her buttocks to gently squeeze it. She gasped against your lips, and began to rub your cock up and down until it was hard again. You lowered your hand a little further, bringing it between her buttocks and reaching up to her pussy to rub between her folds.
"Mmm… I want to eat you, baby," you gasped against her lips.
"And I want to suck your cock, who will get the prize first?" she asked with mischief in her voice.
"Why not both?" When you said that you sat her up to grab her by her waist, she was quite light, so it was easy for you to just turn her around and lift her on top of you. Dani caught on to what you wanted to do immediately, and positioned herself so that her ass was hovering above you.
"You're a dirty genius huh?" She teased with a little smile, looking down at you and shaking her butt in your face.
"You'll thank me later," with two of your hands you grabbed her shoulders and made her collapse forward, her chest now pressed against your abdomen. You felt all of her long hair spread across your thighs, and also her hot breath on your cock. She extended her knees to the sides, her butt lowered, and now being within your reach you grabbed her waist and made her sit on your face, your entire face now submerged between her buttocks.
You were the first to act, giving her pussy a long, deep lick to which she reacted with a cute moan while she had your cock gripped in one hand. The next thing you felt was how she began to kiss you in every corner of it, including your balls, which she licked and sucked before moving on to lick your shaft from all directions. Not wanting to go too fast you moved your tongue slowly, and just like her you just limited yourself to spreading wet kisses all over her slit, which was enough to make her moan already.
When she began to lick your tip with her tongue swirling around it, you reached for her clitoris to lick it with slow strokes. Realizing that she was the one setting the pace she took you deeper into her mouth, reaching just past the middle of your cock, you felt her try to go deeper, but her gag reflex prevented her from doing so. Still, she began to suck you up and down, moaning around your shaft as she pumped her head at a pace that had you moaning against her pussy as well.
You squeezed her buttocks with both hands, and squeezing them forced her to grind her hips against your face. She did so, and her pussy began to rub against both your mouth and nose. You could tell that she wasn't an expert at sucking cock, but you could also tell that she was trying hard to pay attention to how you moaned to know how to do it better and better. She certainly learned well, since after a minute she was already driving you crazy.
She gradually began to pump her head faster and more skillfully, and you began to move your tongue matching her rhythm. Her uncontrolled moans vibrated your cock, which in turn caused a domino effect in which you vibrated her pussy with your own moans. You noticed in the movement of her hips, more wandering and less smooth, that she was much closer to her orgasm than you, so you hugged her body with both arms and made her stop grinding her hips so you could concentrate on licking her clit with the tip of your tongue as fast as you could, your efforts soon rewarded as she exploded in your face.
Her ass smothered you and she pulled you out of her mouth to let out a squeal into the air, you gladly continued to eat her through her orgasm, not caring about the fact that your breathing was incredibly limited thanks to her. Her whole body was shaking, and you caressed every corner of it with your hands until she stopped.
"Give me another load honey..." you heard her say with a moan, sinking back onto your cock and also using her hand to suck as hard and fast as she could. She leaned her hips forward to let you breathe, but you knew it was also to hear you moan while she gave you a disastrous blowjob with saliva everywhere.
"C-cumming!" you announced with a growl, and seconds later, you exploded inside her little mouth. She took every drop of your cum inside her, making a great effort not to choke in the attempt, when your orgasm passed, she got off you and knelt next to you to show you her tongue completely filled with white liquid. She closed her mouth again, and swallowed everything.
"First blood," she said with a mischievous tone, you laughed still breathing hard.
"Well, technically..."
"Nope, I'm not counting the previous one. First blood I said," she reaffirmed, approaching you to share another steamy kiss.
"Then let's keep playing shall we?" You said against her lips, and you rose little by little, leaning on your elbows. She separated from your lips, and watched your movements carefully. You finally grabbed her by her waist and made her turn her back to you, then, with one hand on her lower back, you made her rest on her hands and knees. She replicated the same perfect arc she had done that time on the video call, and seeing her tight ass and her dripping pussy from behind made your cock throb again.
Without a second thought you spit again on your cock and thrust yourself back into her, your shaft sliding so smoothly into her that a single push was enough to make it disappear between her folds. Dani threw her head back and moaned loudly.
"Mmmmgh!!" She moaned with pursed lips, turning to look at you over her shoulder, “smash that fucking tight pussy honey!!” She asked, holding on to the sheets while you began to do exactly what she had just asked, two hands on her small waist and your hips pumping almost at full power right from the start.
Her body began to shake like a rag doll's, back and forth with each slam of your pelvis against her tight ass, which wobbled with each strong thrust. You gasped and pursed your lips between small moans, admiring her long bare back and how her hair spread across it in an incredibly sexy way.
She stopped looking at you to bury her face in her mattress and moan against it, pulling the sheet a little from the edges of her because of how hard she was scrunching them with her fingers. One of her hands reached out to her right to grab a pillow, hug it and moan against it while you fucked her pussy like an animal. She raised her head again to see you over her shoulder, her red face completely distorted with pleasure and her mouth half open as she moaned in the most sensual ways.
"Don't look at me like that or I'll have to spank you Danielle Marsh," you warned with a sly smile as you fucked her just the way she wanted.
"Oh yes please, spank me!!" She asked quickly with a desperate squeal, and without a second thought you gave her a spicy spank on her right buttock, which made her squeal louder and bite the pillow.
You squeezed both of her ass cheeks with her hands and let your head fall back with your eyes closed because of how good it felt to fuck her tight pussy like that. Your hands went to her waist again, and she buried the side of her face back into the pillow as you brought her to a third orgasm.
Another spank on her right buttock, your hand marked in red on her skin, and then another spank with a changed hand, this time on her left buttock. Dani screamed against the pillow, and after a few seconds of intense thrusts she came again. You slowed your pumps considerably, watching as her slim body shook and her hips made her fuck herself against your cock.
"Here I fucking come..." you warned, feeling yourself reaching your peak again without her even having completely overcome her orgasm. You grabbed a handful of her long, silky brown hair and pulled it back as you gave a sharp thrust forward, exploding violently inside her pussy, "double kill," you whispered in her ear, unloading all your cum inside her tight walls.
"Fuck..." she moaned once you let go of her hair and let her fall back onto the pillow, "it feels so warm and thick inside me... I love it," she sighed with heavy breathing.
"Consider it a way for me to mark my territory," you smiled, and then you pulled out of her pussy to lie down next to her and start filling her back, shoulders, and neck with small, loving kisses. You helped her and were patient while she recovered, stroking her soft hair and placing more kisses all over her face.
"So double kill huh?" She giggled seeing you and standing up to go to her coat, she picked it up off the floor and searched in one of her pockets. She pulled out two things, her phone, which she distracted herself with by typing for a few seconds, and a small bottle of lub, "get ready for baron then," she tossed the little bottle to you.
There was no doubt in your mind what exactly she meant when she said that, but when she got back on the bed, she got back on her hands and knees, spread her ass for you, and looked at you with the same lascivious look she had given you that night on the video call, you knew exactly what she wanted.
"You're a very naughty girl, huh?" You teased, kneeling again behind her and pouring some lub on your fingers to start playing with her butthole, rubbing it and then taking them inside her little by little. She didn't have time to answer you while you used your fingers to slowly open her tight ass, pumping slowly with your wrist until you took them completely inside her, only leaving your knuckles outside. That was enough to drive you to full hardness again.
"Come on baby, I'm ready for you to gank my ass," she moaned looking at you over her shoulder, "put that cock in, I need it!"
You took the lub again, this time to pour it over your cock and spread a considerable amount over it, to leave it very slippery and shiny. Once ready you capped the bottle, tossed it to the side and took your shaft in one hand to guide it to her butthole. You made slow, steady pressure forward, taking your first few inches inside and moaning as you felt her walls stretch around you. She wasn't even able to moan, she had her mouth permanently open in an O, her nails digging into the pillow and her eyebrows furrowed as she watched you. At first it was somewhat suffocating, but as soon as your entire cock had disappeared between her buttocks it was easy for you to gradually get into the rhythm.
You left one hand on her waist, and began to move slowly knowing that she was still struggling to get used to your length inside her inexperienced ass. Finally she started moaning like she normally did, that's when you realized how much she was really enjoying it, but with every thrust you gave her moans became louder and louder, leading you to think that she enjoyed having her ass fucked much more than she could have expected.
The pace gradually increased, you took your cock as far in and out as you could, making sure every inch of her felt absolutely every inch of your cock as you fucked her ass between moans and loud sounds of flesh slapping against flesh.
"Why do I feel like you're enjoying it more than your pussy?" You groaned somewhat exhausted already, but not the least bit willing to stop.
"Because I am!! Fuck!!" she squealed in response, she brushed all her hair past one of her shoulders and looked at you over her shoulder, you could only see her milky naked back as you fucked her ass so hard you felt like you were going to break her in two.
"Then show me how much you're enjoying it honey, but I want to look into your eyes," you pulled out of her ass and turned her roughly onto her back, you grabbed both of her legs and spread them wide open, you looked into her eyes, and you went back inside her ass with a single push.
"Oh ffuuuuuck!!!" she grunted with her eyes watering, arching her back as you resumed your powerful, violent thrusts in and out of her ass, "don't stop please!! it feels so fucking amazing!!"
"And it will feel even better honey," you assured, leaning forward to kiss her long neck and down to her small tits, which for the first time you brought to your mouth to lick and kiss her nipples again and again.
Certainly she began to enjoy it much more, she hugged your neck and pushed you hard towards her tits, forcing you to continue eating them while you fucked her ass without mercy. Her beautiful moans were like music to your ears, and between both stimuli she soon came in the most intense, violent and energetic way so far. Her entire body seemed to be being electrocuted, even her eyes were rolled back as the spasms attacked her without any warning.
The way the walls of her butthole tightened around your cock made you moan against her tits, and even though she had already drained you three times that night, you were able to release one last load for her nside her ass. You released yourself from her arms, and this time you muffled your moans against her lips as you shot ribbons of hot liquid into her.
"Mmm… triple kill," you whispered against her lips, and neither you nor she could help but laugh.
"God, we're so stupid," she laughed, hugging you, placing kisses on your temple. You could feel her chest rising and falling abruptly.
"I didn't think you would enjoy being fucked in the ass so much," you said still inside her. You gave her a little kiss on her lips.
"Me neither, but I think I just found a great new kink," she giggled, biting her lower lip, "hey, you're not planning on staying inside me all night are you?"
"As much as I want to, no," you laughed, and slowly pulled out of her ass, and as if it were a plug, your cum began to flow freely out of it and onto the sheets, "I'll go find something to clean you up."
You got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get a roll of toilet paper, you came back with Dani, and while she was still with her legs open, waiting patiently for you, you began to clean her carefully, putting special emphasis on the stained sheets.
"We can ask for new sheets, right?" she asked.
"Of course, but for now let's get some rest honey," you said with a sigh, leaving the roll of toilet paper on the nightstand to lie down on the pillow. She joined you right away, but she climbed completely on top of you, clinging with her thighs to your torso and leaving her head resting against your neck, you wrapped your arms around her and snuggled her against you, resting for a few minutes in that the peace you felt was completely unbreakable.
Until you heard several loud knocks against the door.
Your heart began to beat fast and strong, and you could feel your entire soul escaping from your body thinking that you had been caught. But Dani didn't seem scared like you, in fact, when she heard her knocking she raised her head excitedly and put on the tight tank top she was originally wearing. You frowned, confused since you didn't know what was happening. It was when Dani opened the door and stepped outside that everything became clear to you.
"Damn, why are you so sexy and disheveled?" You heard a girl say, "I'm late, right?"
"No, you're actually right on time unnie," Dani said, and when she walked back into the room she walked in with none other than Kim Minji herself. Looking as beautiful and inexplicably ethereal as ever. She was wearing a semi-transparent black blouse, flared jeans, and sandals. She was also carrying a backpack.
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"May I know what the hell is going on?" you asked, covered up to your neck with the blanket in a rather funny way as you watched them. They both had a wicked smile on their faces as Dani closed the door.
"Well... Unnie's been trying to show me something for a while now," Dani began to explain to you, "but she thought it would be best to just bring her along too."
Just then Minji took the backpack off her shoulder, set it down and took out some long ropes from it.
"Tell me, are you ready to do some crafts, cutie?" Minji asked you, watching you with a raised eyebrow as she pulled the ropes onto the bed. You, without taking your eyes off her for a moment, got out from under the blanket to reach the room's phone and call reception.
"Hello? Yes... I would like to book one more night," you began.
"Mmm, better make it two," Minji ordered.
"Ah... yes," you nodded, "two more nights... thank you miss."
Spren Notes: Well, there's Dani's first smut, with some more to come👽 And again, sorry for the cheesy LoL jokes lmao.
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roseykat · 11 months
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TITLE: Don't bite the hand that feeds you
PAIRING: Seungmin x reader
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work and page whatsoever.
SUMMARY: Featuring Seungmin as your lecturer's student assistant who runs your tutorials and possesses just as harsh a personality as he fucks.
TAGS: Mean tutor Seungmin, oral sex (f!reader receiving), unprotected sex, public sex, swearing.
KINK: Freelance
TAGLIST: @kbitties @luneskies @mal-lunar-28 @kibs-and-bits @aaasia111 @fairy-lixie @dreamingaboutjisung @queenmea604
A/N: this is for all the Seungmin stans out there x
There isn’t any way to work around a more stubborn person. People that you’ve met before don’t even come close to the level of arrogance that this person carries with them. That person being one of your tutors for a class at Uni, Seungmin. For some reason, he always has the time of day to help other people but has an issue with your supposed incompetence in completing a task when it comes to you. 
Seungmin never checks your work, never goes over your answers, discusses your ideas or anything like that. He has a very prickly attitude yet only those needles are only for you. You see the sigh he lets out whenever you need to approach him to clarify something he went over during the tutorial. You see the crease between his eyebrows as the annoyance grows when you ask if he can read a draft of yours before you submit it. 
He never does that with other students. Seungmin is happy to help them, makes conversation with them before class, and always seems to have time for them. 
The difference in his behaviour towards you definitely placed an unnecessary burden on your shoulders. But you’re not one to budge. Whether his intentions are malicious or not, you’re not exactly an easy one to crack, which is why you continued to supposedly ‘bother’ him. 
“Hey,” you approach him after one of his tutorials, hoping you used a good enough manner to not light a fire under his seat. “Would you be able to check this for me?”
Seungmin furrows his eyebrows - not a good sign, and averts his eyes from the whiteboard to look at your paper, “I can’t help you with that.”
“And why is that?” You question. “You had no trouble looking at everyone else’s. How’s mine any different?”
“Judging from your grades, I’d suspect there would be a lot of differences,” he responds.
“I’ll take that as a compliment since I’m one of the top in the class thank you,” you scoff. 
“And one of the top most arrogant too,” Seungmin fires back. “If you haven’t got anything relevant to show me, I suggest you leave. The next tutorial group starts in twenty minutes.” 
Your face contorts slightly, “well since this isn’t relevant enough for you, is it possible for you to check over one of the drafts we have to send in on Friday?”
“Can’t do that either-“
“Then what can you do exactly?” You cut him off impatiently. “Seriously, I’ve been trying to ask you for help for the past two weeks and you’ve only ever given me vague answers to my questions and you won’t proofread any of my work which is what you’re here to do.”
Seungmin takes off his glasses and closes the distance between himself and you, “I don’t help out entitled people like you who always demand things.”
You glare up at him, “I’m not entitled. I was just merely commenting about the fact that you don’t do what you’re being paid to do.”
“And you just keep proving my point as to why you are entitled, because you don’t shut up and you always complain. After every tutorial, you come up to me and ask me for something.” 
“Yeah, just like everyone else and yet, I don’t see you giving the same shit to them as you do to me,” you argue right back with him. 
“That’s because you expect things to be handed to you on a silver plate. Unlike them, you don’t work for your shit with me,” Seungmin responds, placing the cap on the whiteboard marker a little bit too rough. 
“Being here is me working for my shit,” you press back. “You’re just being a stubborn ass because you don’t like me.”
“Well you’re right with one thing,” he sighs.
You roll your eyes and scoff, “fuck you honestly.” 
It took a lot of effort not to just shove Seungmin out of your way as you headed out the door with a fresh stormy cloud looming over your head. Felix could spot it a mile away when you went to meet up with him for lunch nearby after his class too. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks carefully, studying the pained expression on your face. 
“Nothing,” you sigh, trying to let it go. “Just one of my stupid tutors.”
“Is this the same one that isn’t doing his job properly?” Felix questions, remembering the conversation you both had about him a while back. 
“You know, he’s probably dealing with things in the background that you don’t know about,” Felix points out, his habit of always giving people the benefit of the doubt starting to shine through. 
“Yeah, pretty sure he’s dealing with ‘absolute fucking dickhead disorder’,” you spit. “And even if he was - even if the worst is happening to him, he has no right to be taking out his anger or frustration on me.” 
Felix sports a disappointed look on his face, “is it just you, or are there others?”
“It’s just me, I swear.”
“Okay, I believe you,” Felix assures. “If he really is as bad as you say he is, maybe just ignore him. We’ve only got seven weeks left, that’s not too long until you can get away from him, yeah?” 
It was easier said than done, because the next round of tutorials that approached in the following week, opened up that fresh wound of just seeing Seungmin’s face and dreading it. All of Felix’s advice went out the gate, almost like it was never there in the first place.
In the end, you simply chose not to speak. What’s the point in arguing with a person who won’t move?
So right after the tutorial, you don’t bother darting straight to Seungmin and asking for his help. He’s not willing to give it to you so there’s no point in lingering behind. As you pack your things up from the table and start to head out, Seungmin peers at you from behind the glasses that you so badly want to knock off his face sometimes. 
He’s not entirely stumped that you haven’t approached him, but he is a bit intrigued. Maybe he had come across too strongly with you the other day - maybe within the past month without being of any help to you at all. Then again, Seungmin isn’t the most apologetic of people. 
“Surprised you’re not asking me to check anything for you,” he projects his voice to you just before you leave the class. 
You heard him on your way out, but what’s a retaliation going to do? Only add fuel to your own fire. Seungmin isn’t the one who’s got something to lose here. He’s just a student tutor who’s clearly got enough competence to reinforce the learning you receive during lectures. At the end of the day, his grades for this class aren’t on the line. Yours are. 
“Y/N,” you hear a voice call out to you, recognising it to be Felix. Caught up in the swirl of your own thoughts, you almost forgot Felix had been waiting for your tutorial to end as he sat in a row of seats against the wall. 
“Hey,” you call out to him. 
“So, how was it? Did you say anything to him?” He asks as you sit down beside him. 
“I just gave up,” you answer. “I forgot that you can’t get your point across to dickheads so I stopped trying. I’ll just go to the other classes' tutorials if they let me switch. Or maybe I can just cross-check my work with their tutor.”
“Geez, that bad is he?”
“The fucking worst,” you confirm.
However, you weren’t surprised to learn that Seungmin’s attitude and behaviour still continued in the following tutorial, close to an essay hand-in date which is what you didn’t need. The only saving grace is that instead of going over the content that you learned in an earlier lecture, Seungmin allowed his students to study for another upcoming in-class test in the upcoming week. 
You spent that time wisely working on the essay you needed to hand in since it was the first due. Then, by two o’clock, everyone started wrapping up their study session. You slot your books into your bag, zip it up, and ready to leave.
“You, come here,” Seungmin speaks in your direction, but you really don’t want to listen. At first to begin with, you were surprised he was even talking to you.
“And if I don’t?” 
“Don’t be stubborn. I want to talk about your assignment,” he replies. He set his bait and waited for you to take it. So you approach him hesitantly from your chair, leaving your bag behind at the table. 
“See, how hard was that?” 
You roll your eyes. Not even a full conversation in and he’s already made you reach your limit, “oh go fuck yourself.”
Upon hearing your nasty sentiment, Seungmin’s hand latches quickly onto your wrist, “what did you just say?”
You look down at your arm in disbelief, then back up to him, his eyes narrowing at you, “what?”
“Say it again.”
“I said; ‘go fuck yourself.”
“Fucking brat.” 
Without warning, Seungmin’s hands grasp the sides of your arms in a flash, backing you against the wall behind him. Out of nowhere, his mouth comes down and crashes against yours in a bruising kiss. There’s no time to process what’s actually going on when you start kissing him back, allowing his tongue to delve deeper into his mouth. 
In the back of your mind, you can’t believe your own actions, but at the same time, pushing back on him also feels like you’re letting some of that frustration go. To take things further, Seungmin breaks away from you for a moment, turning your body by your arms, and backs you straight into the desk until your hips hit the edge.
Your first instinct tells you to lean back while your legs automatically lift so that Seungmin can slot right in, pressing his semi-hard dick against your pussy. 
It gives you the opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist, trying to bring him in closer as you hope for more friction. Seungmin pins your wrists down to the desk, kissing along your jaw and down to your throat where he bites and sucks until there’s a line of future regretful hickies for you to deal with later on. 
“D-Do something,” you stammer, feeling so dizzy from the pleasure that you desperately start to chase. 
“Why should I?” He mumbles into your skin. 
You turn your head, watching figures of people pass by through the frosted glass of the door who could potentially walk in at any given time. In saying that, a portion of you recognises that there’s something so naughty about being caught in the act. 
“Please Seungmin,” you beg for him, feeding into his ego. 
His head rises from your neck, “that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say ‘please’.” 
You didn’t care what he meant by that. All you care about is relieving that itch inside the pit of your stomach because you know that horny feeling will take a long time to dissipate. Nonetheless, Seungmin seems to listen to you when he unbuttons the first two buttons of his white dress shirt. 
His fingers reach down to your jeans, unzipping them and yanking them right off your legs until you’re just left in your underwear, already soaking through. Seungmin uses the pad of his thumb to brush gently over the fabric which is sticky to the touch. It makes the corner of his mouth tug up. 
“Keep quiet if you don’t want people to come in,” he warns before taking his glasses off and placing them to the side of you before kneeling down. 
Your chest already starts heaving just feeling his warm breath fan across your inner thighs. The anticipation leading up to it has you clawing at the desk when Seungmin starts removing your underwear. 
“Look how fucking wet you are,” he speaks from a stance of astonishment just seeing what he was able to do to you from a simple makeout session and some rough and tumble. 
His comment turns you into a flustered mess that is easily shattered when Seungmin moves his mouth closer to your pussy, kissing your inner thigh and inching closer until he reaches your clit. Your back arches in an instant. One hand clasps over your mouth to stifle a loud moan at the heat of Seungmin’s mouth, the other grabs a fistful of his hair and starts tugging. He doesn’t dare hold back; sucking on your clit, lapping up at what he can to make your entire body shudder. 
It never occurred to you that Seungmin is like this. You’ve always made him out to be some rich, entitled, arrogant, teacher's pet with good grades and an outstanding reputation when he goes and does shit like this – eating you out in broad daylight, in public.
Whatever rabid spirit took over Seungmin, it wasn’t stopping him. His tongue dances perfect circles and random shapes against your clit, embracing your thighs quivering shamelessly around his head. 
“Oh my god, feels…feels so good,” you mutter, using every drop of energy you can to subdue the moans into whimpers. 
Not even the hand you’ve been trying to use to cover your mouth is working because when Seungmin keeps building you up to that edge, you increasingly become louder. But that’s all on him for initiating this, not that you’re complaining. Not when your head is just about thrashing back behind you on the wooden surface trying to syphon all the pleasure you’re getting. It’s like rouge electricity, a live wire inside of you that has no chance of being tamed. 
“Fuck, gonna make me cum,” you mumble, eyelids already fluttering. “So…good.”
Seungmin heard that as a sign to press his face further into your pussy but kept the same momentum and pace that his tongue uses to make you cum, and when you do, every ounce of pleasure pours into all the cells throughout your body. It rattles you in such a good way, that you forget how hard you’re tugging on Seungmin’s hair as he continues to eat you out through to the very end. But you managed to stay quiet – just. 
Your body unstiffens and your chest heaves up and down trying to catch air. The orgasm was so massive that afterwards, you couldn’t figure out what time it was or where you were. It nearly took out every bit of consciousness you had remaining. 
“Been wanting to do that for a while,” he rasps. 
Whatever that means – not that you can articulate it as of yet. You’re still trying to grapple with reality and when Seungmin unzips his pants to free his cock, you know there’s no point in trying.
He’s big in length and has a sizeable girth. He teases you with his tip, sliding up and down from your now oversensitive clit to your drenched hole. Just feeling how wet you are makes him wonder one thing:
“Are you a virgin?” He asks. 
You’re still trying to regain a bit of consciousness, only able to muster a few words at a time, “no...no I’m not.”
“I pinned it down to either that or someone hasn’t touched you in a while,” he responds. You groan at the embarrassment. Seungmin must obviously be that experienced for him to make such an observation. 
“The latter. Now just hurry up and fuck me.” 
“Shut up,” Seungmin snipes, even though he begins to push his cock inside of you at a terribly slow pace. 
You didn’t realise how much you had been aching to have someone inside you. Your own fingers can’t seem to do the right trick of actually feeling full and satisfied. But now that Seungmin is here, slowly thrusting in until he reaches the hilt, can he make you feel that way. 
“Jesus fuck,” Seungmin bites down on his lip and has to hold onto the edge of the desk beside your body for support. 
He’s never felt anything like it. Even after sleeping with other women prior to you in his past, there’s something about the way you feel that isn’t like the rest. Maybe it’s from the fact that you hadn’t been touched in a while or not, either way, Seungmin can’t contain himself when he starts thrusting properly. 
His cock glides in like melted butter, the lewd wet sounds making you want to hide from embarrassment. But Seungmin revels in it like it’s about to slip through his fingers like sand. So he lowers his body onto yours, resting some of his weight comfortably on you. It’s intimate yes, but it enables Seungmin to start whispering things in your ear. 
“So fucking wet for me, aren’t you?” He purrs. “Such a good girl for taking all of my cock, especially for someone who hasn’t been touched in a while. Just opened up for me so easily.” 
No words could ever spring to your mind in response to that, but it causes your body and mind to have a reaction you’re all too familiar with from about five minutes ago. That tingly feeling starts creeping up inside you the longer Seungmin keeps fucking you. His cock repetitively hits such a deep sweet spot that you don’t think anyone’s ever reached before. 
“S-Seungmin…it feels…fuck it feels so good,” you moan right in his ear, your arms clinging to his back. 
“Yeah?” He chuckles. “I bet it does with the way that you’re clenching around me.” 
Seungmin just keeps finding ways to unintentionally embarrass you, but if there’s one thing that he’s learnt about you and himself, it’s that he likes seeing you so flustered. He thinks it’s cute. In saying that, he doesn’t want to get too caught up in things when the euphoria that has already built itself impossibly high starts making itself known.
Just like you, Seungmin feels too good right now. He’s doused in warmth from the heat wrapping around his cock and the way that your walls keep involuntarily clamping around him. 
“S’too much…” you gasp for air, fingers digging into his clothed arms at this point. “M’gonna cum again please.”
Seungmin presses himself up away from your body but still thrusting at his same pace, “go on then. I want to see your face when you do.” 
It washes over you quickly and he’s fast to clock onto the small reactions beginning to change. The only thing that doesn’t alter is the fucked-out look you have on your face. That remains all the way up until the bliss starts packing its punch. Seungmin’s hips don’t hamper your orgasm, not when he watches your eyes roll back and sees the words to describe how you’re feeling become lodged in your throat. 
“Y-Yes!” you call out, your voice echoing throughout the empty classroom. Your wet walls convulse around Seungmin’s cock, clutching onto him for dear life as you cum hard. 
“I suppose that’s why you cum so easily, huh?” He asks, catching his breath. “Because nobody’s been touching you? Poor thing.” 
Your cheeks burn a bright red as Seungmin continues to fuck you, right up until he’s had his fill. Regardless of how overstimulated you are, he can’t stop because he’s nearly there. His hips stutter forward a few times as he chases the tail of his orgasm, getting hit with it right at the last second. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he lowers his head, watching where his cock keeps disappearing into and listening to your whimpers. It’s all enough to tip him right over the edge and into a pool of warm euphoria. “Yes – fuck!” 
With a few more grunts and thrusts, Seungmin slows right down as he cums inside you. For a split second there, his vision started to go splotchy. It reminded him of the fact that he hasn’t cum that hard in a while. In saying that, you get to bask in the warm sensation that fills your lower half. 
“Shit,” he gasps, breathing heavily. In the back of his mind, something told him that he shouldn’t have done that. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” you swallow, trying to dampen your dry throat. “You’re lucky I’m into that.” 
He lets out a breathy chuckle and for the first time, you’ve actually seen Seungmin genuinely smile. 
A/N: I’m not going to lie, I kind of want to make a part 2 to this but reader finds out that she’s pregnant lmao
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morganski-19 · 8 days
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 33
ao3 link| part 1 . . . part 30, part 31, part 32
“No,” Wayne says. Nothing more to follow. Just no.
“I know it’s a big offer,” Steve continues to explain. “But Dustin brought it up and I wouldn’t have accepted it if it wasn’t a good idea.”
The offer is too much. Too big. Too unnecessary. Wayne can figure all of this out on his own. He doesn’t need someone’s charity. Especially a rich boy’s charity.
“And I heard you out. But now I’m saying no.” He walks down the hall, away from the waiting room. He hears footsteps following him but can’t seem to care.
“Did you actually?” Steve insists. Coming up next to him. “Because I would back off if I thought you actually heard me out.”
Wayne doesn’t want to deal with this right now. He doesn’t even want to think of the offer. It’s a ridiculous thing to even think of in the first place. There is never a reality where Wayne would accept this, so why would he hear Steve out. Whether it was Dustin’s plan or not. It’s not his job to pander to what other people want for him.
It was the end of this discussion, and Steve needed to know that.
Wayne stays silent for the rest of the walk to Eddie’s room. Stopping outside of the door with a thick sigh.
“Kid, I appreciate the offer, I really do. But my answer is no, and you need to respect that.”
When he opens the door, Eddie’s sitting up on the bed. Looking confused and a bit intrigued. It’s a cruel thought, but Wayne misses when he was in the coma and anything he said, Eddie didn’t hear. Or at least, couldn’t react to.
“What offer?” he asks, putting down the puzzle he was doing.
“One that doesn’t matter, because it’s not happening.” Wayne sits down, giving Steve a look that he hopes makes him drop it.
Eddie would probably be on Wayne’s side. He hopes. But there’s something between him and the Harrington boy that he doesn’t understand. Something that he doesn’t even think they understand quite yet.
All he knows is that Steve is here a lot more than he used to be. Ever since that blow up, him and Eddie have been closer. There are days when Wayne shows up and it’s just Steve. Sitting close to Eddie and they’re just talking. Whispering between each other like there are other people in the room. There aren’t, but apparently that doesn’t matter.
It scares Wayne, just a little bit. He knows Eddie is gay. He told Wayne himself a few years ago. Scared out of his mind and a bag already packing in his room. He was ready to be kicked out and skip town. When Wayne would never. Not about this, or anything really.
Eddie was his kid, through and through. There was nothing that would make that change. Even with the murder allegations. It wasn’t going to make Wayne think differently about him.
But now, he’s scared. Because Eddie looks at Steve with some kind of awe and reverie that he’s never seen. Wayne’s not stupid, he knows what that means.
Doesn’t mean he likes it, but he knows it.
He has no clue about Steve. What this would mean for him. Whether he’s accepting, or maybe gay too. There’s nothing there for him to go with. All he knows about that is from stories, and none of them are good.
But when he looks at Eddie with the same look in his eye. Giving back as much as Eddie gives. Wayne’s starting to think that there is more there. There shouldn’t be, but there is.
He’s refusing to think more about this. To wonder if that is going to go anywhere. Or that he’s right. Because it’s rude to speculate about people. Especially about this. So he doesn’t. And does all at the same time because he feels the need to look out for Eddie. Eddie’s already been hurt so much, he doesn’t need heartbreak on top of it.
So living in the same house with this kid is not a good idea. Even if it means bringing Eddie back to the motel while he looks for a place to live. That is better than putting Eddie in a situation where he could get hurt again.
“Dustin had this idea,” Steve starts, not listening to Wayne’s silent protest, “that you and Wayne could come and stay with me for a few weeks. Just until you find a permanent place to live.”
Eddie continues to look confused. “Oh.”
“Yeah, and I had this whole long speech to try and convince him before Dustin could get to him, because he will no matter what happens. But Wayne didn’t want to hear it.”
Eddie leans back in the bed, trying to wrap his mind around it all. “And you would be ok with that?”
Steve shrugs. “I mean, yeah. It’s not the first time I let someone stay when they needed to. I let Mrs. Mayfield stay when she was looking for a new house. And this one time, Robin’s house has to get fumigated, so I let her, and her parents stay for the few days they were kicked out.”
Wayne takes a bit of surprise to this. It somehow makes the offer more genuine.
“Your parents don’t have a problem with this?” he asks. Realizing this is the first time that Wayne’s ever even mentioned them to Steve.
He hasn’t heard Steve mention them at all. Or anyone, for that matter.
Steve scratches at the back of his neck. “They kind of officially moved out of town after the mall fire. They’ve been back a few times, around holidays, but only for a day or two. If it weren’t for me still living there, they would have sold the house already.”
“Didn’t you get, like, badly injured in the mall fire,” Eddie asks. Looking sympathetic.
“Yeah,” Steve said with another shrug. “They stuck around for about a week after it happened to help me out a little. But after that, they were gone.”
Wayne’s not sure how he’s supposed to react to this. He would never have imagined moving away without his kid. Even if they were an adult, which Steve barely is. Wayne would still stay until it was the kid’s choice to leave. After that, there would still be a room with all of their old things. A space that they could stay in, if they ever needed to.
Apparently, that’s not the same for everyone.
He rethinks over the offer. Taking out his own stubbornness, as much as he could at least. It’s honestly really kind of Steve to offer up a space in his home for them. For anyone. With a house that big and only him in it, it had to be lonely. Maybe for a while, he and Eddie could make it a little less lonely.
“What was the rest of the speech?” Wayne asks. Causing both Steve and Eddie to look at him with shock. Wayne ignores it. “You said that you wouldn’t stop until I heard you out. I’m hearing you out.”
Steve smiles just a little bit before launching into all the benefits of moving in with him. There was a gym in garage that had everything Eddie needed to do his physical therapy from home. And a ground floor bedroom with a bathroom so he didn’t have to use the stairs. A pool that Steve could fill if Eddie wanted to do some water therapy. Plenty of space for Wayne and Eddie to live comfortably while Wayne searches for a place to live.
Plenty of empty bedrooms for storage if Wayne needed it. He doesn’t know why that stands out the most to him, but it does.
They were right. It would be nice to bring Eddie back to a place that had an actual bed. Somewhere with a lot of space for his recovery. Somewhere where Wayne could save up most of his paychecks for a house.
He might actually find a place a lot nicer than what he was looking at now.
Wayne accepts the offer before he can find a way to reject it. Hoping that it’s the right decision.
tag list (closed): @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondespresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
@papergrenade, @waelkyring, @sweetheartprincess28, @katouasobj, @astercomoasflores
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AITA for sleeping with a 20 year old?
tw: mentions of potential grooming, age gap relationships, nsft/nsfw, vague discussions of sex
So, me (38m) and my wife (39f) are in an open relationship. Basically, we’re both bisexual and not quite ready to limit our sex lives to one person yet. So, we decided to allow friends with benefits situations outside of our relationship. No romantic stuff, no dating, just sex.
In January, my wife went to stay at her best friend’s (28f) house and have some fun together. I don’t mind at all, I was kind of glad to have our apartment to myself for a week. Now, there’s this queer bar that me and my wife frequent and it’s a good mix of all age demographics and identities.
There’s this one trans guy, I’ll call him M, that most people in the local community know because he’s very attractive. He reminds me of a very short Eric Draven mixed with Eddie Vedder. (Oddly specific, I know) Like, he has long-ish curly brown hair, big brown eyes, the sweetest smile ever and he dresses very well. A little grunge here, a little rockstar there. Good jewelry. You get it.
I always catch people staring at him when he’s at the bar with his friends. (We live in Europe btw, legal drinking age is 18.) In short, I find him very cute. He’s basically a micro celebrity among the community and he doesn’t even know it.
So, while my wife was away I went down to the bar and his friend group invited me to come sit with them. We started talking, he’s super funny and we began talking about Pearl Jam because of the shirt I was wearing. Found out he’s obsessed with the music scene of the 90s, specifically rock and grunge, and I happen to have a collection of merchandise of the big 4. I invited him to come check it out and he eagerly accepted. None of his friends wanted to come, so it was just us two. Showed him the stuff, he got super excited about it and I even let him keep one of my Soundgarden shirts and some CDs.
I offered to cook dinner, we ate and then had some weed brownies for dessert. We got posted on the couch, talked for a good while and he began confiding in me. I’m not gonna go into detail because that’s shitty, but he basically told me he’d never had a positive sexual experience up to that point. Apparently all of his exes were switches leaning submissive and he’s purely submissive, so things never really worked out and he never finished with any of them.
I told him about me and my wife’s arrangements and some other stuff about our sex life. (Don’t worry, my wife is 100% okay with this. Even in this context.)
Here’s where I might be the asshole, if not the creep:
Now, I was pretty high at that point and I joked about how I could give him a positive experience. To my surprise, he actually eagerly accepted. I was a bit hesitant because we were both buzzed, but he kept reiterating that he’s consenting and that he’s sure he wants this. So, I made sure he had a good night and he actually ended up sleeping over and we cuddled. It was super nice and he seemed genuinely ecstatic about it the next morning, it was adorable. I was honestly just happy that I was able to give him a positive sexual encounter.
We exchanged numbers, kept texting for two days and he ended up coming over again. Had some more fun together and he went to go sleep over at a friend’s place. At that point, I sort of realized that I may be catching feelings for him. Which is against me and my wife’s rules and also just a horrible idea, especially considering the age gap. So, I let him know that I need some distance and he was super understanding. He was understandably a bit disappointed but didn’t complain or anything.
Once my wife came back, I told her about everything. This is just a thing we do because it helps avoid speculation and unnecessary jealousy. We always tell each other about what happens with our other sexual partners, but only if they consent to it. Which most of them do because they’re our friends. She seemed a bit unnerved by it, not because of the fact that I had feelings for him, but because of the age difference. She said it’s weird and predatory and told me she needed some time to think.
Apparently, she went to go check in on M and asked him if I pressured him into anything. He said it was a 100% mutual thing and he’s very much into older guys, so he enjoyed it quite a lot.
This put her mind at ease but I’m still quite shaken by it. I never stopped to consider the fact that the age difference is quite concerning. I can’t help but feel like a nasty creep that bribed some poor 20 year with old band shirts to come sleep with him. I don’t like that I didn’t even think about it. Talking with M came so easy and we share a lot of interests. I’m not about to go and say he’s 'mature for his age' because he isn’t, he acts like any other 20 year old.
I was just so focused on how attractive and interesting he is to me, I fear I might’ve acted extremely selfish and should’ve stopped to take his lack of experience and his naivety into account. Of course he’d sleep with me, he’s 20 and doesn’t know any better. It should’ve been my job, as the older adult, to put a stop to it. Please don’t hesitate to give it to me straight.
What are these acronyms?
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albert-tsum · 6 months
I just want to give my thoughts on the whole "Wesker preys on Rebecca due to the photo in RE2" rumors since it still seems to be relevant and discussed about? (atleast there are posts, asks and comments on Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest and probably Tiktok and Twitter about that from this or last year)
Tl:dr I don't think he ever felt something for her* and if I'd be sure he preys on her I wouldn't have this tsum and account
Soo just a few reasons why I think so and information I came across when I was researching this, this post will be way too long but here we go
*if you have official canon information saying he is into her pls write me but I didn't come across smth like that (yet) and also feel free to inform me if my information are false
1) it's an *easter egg* most likely put in by the devs for the player to see and not meant to be canon information (you have to search the desk multiple times, I think that indicates it's an easter egg and not any canon information they want the player necessarily to know)
2) the RE devs love *fanservice*, just look at e.g. some outfits of their female characters, putting the device control on Jills chest etc so it's not unrealistic that they do that shit to Rebecca too even tho she's only 18
3) the picture was *undeveloped* so Wesker couldn't even know what the photo looked like, also there is no evidence or indication that he took the photo like some people assume, they simply could have placed a camera on or in his desk to but there isn't
4) it has smth like "new member/recruit" written on its back (and yeah it was kinda weirdly translated as "rising rookie" in RE2 but I think that meant the same as the japanese text) so it seems to be a official photo given to the STARS captains and showing her in (an official RPD) Basketball uniform would show that she's athletic, smth important for her job und the uniform is designed by Capcom bc as I said they love skimpy outfit fanservice stuff (also she is knowingly posing for the photo so it's not a creepy stalker pic made without her permission)
5) the desk is *most likely shared with Enrico Marini* who is the actual captain of BRAVO team, the team Rebecca is a member of and not ALPHA team which was lead by Wesker
6) also some canon stuff about the interactions of Wesker and Rebecca:
Well, the only canon interaction between them has Wesker shooting her without hesitation, if they wanted him to be into her they could simply having him try to abduct her and showing her the tyrant in RE1 remake to impress her but no he doesn't care about her and is focused on Chris
(Also I saw some fanart, posts etc where they depict Rebecca being the fav of STARS Wesker while hating Chris which is bs bc he rarely knew Rebecca since she just joined a short time before the mansion incident and Wesker compliments Chris, saying he is his best man and is proud of him)
7) also in RE0 when he and Birkin are watching Rebecca and Billy they could simply put a creepy line from Wesker about her but he is just neutral about her
Also there is no notion that he tried to come after her post RE1 or to observe or abduct her
Sooo, sorry for bringing that topic back, maybe I'll delete this later because it's unnecessary but I just felt like writing that
PS: I am fully aware that Wesker is a horrible human being and it's understandable to hate him but that doesn't automatically mean he's a sexual predator
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cw: vaguely implied past noncon/abuse, past trauma
Tea was better than nothing. Jericho had been a little doubtful that Vic would have the ingredients for hot chocolate, so it wasn't too shocking to be proven right, but he was at least glad for the bags of plain green tea in the cupboard. Something warm for the kid to hold on to while they worked to process all of this.
"What's your name?" he asked as he passed him the mug. Technically, he already knew, but he didn't want to startle him with that information.
So he wasn't going by just Sahota yet. It made sense. He didn't seem nearly as cold or closed off.
"I'm Jericho," he said, and the kid nodded, staring at the mug in his hands like he was watching the color seep into the water. Jericho exhaled as calm as he could.
Where to start? Should he ask him about the injuries? Drop the bomb on him that he was temporally displaced? Or should he just hold off on that as long as he could? Man, and what about everybody else? All these cats were bound to come racing out of the bag at some point, and he didn't feel in any way ready for it.
Lucky for him, Ander spoke before he felt the need to fill the silence with something unnecessary.
"You work with Shepard?" He seemed almost relaxed at a glance, poised in the chair, cradling the mug. But as Jer looked at him, he could see the tension under the surface. Like he might throw the tea in his face and bolt for the door at any second.
"Yeah, kinda," he said. "Temporarily. Like I said, computers."
"I take it you work with him too?"
Ander's eyes dropped. "Train," he said simply.
"Ah." Again, he didn't like the way he said it. He wanted to ask more questions, to slowly circle in on some kind of truth and get to the bottom of the mystery that was Sahota.
But before he could, the door to the kitchen swung open.
The rest of the team poured inside, filling the quiet room with whatever discussion they were having. The instant the first of them---Joy---crossed the threshold, Ander flinched back so violently he nearly sent the mug flying. He was on his feet, stumbling backwards, eyes darting around as if searching for somewhere to hide.
Internally, Jericho cursed himself for not bringing up the others sooner. He jumped to his feet, moving to put himself between Ander and the team, but the kid already had his back to the wall.
"It's okay," he called back to him, trying to keep his voice calm. "These are just my---"
"You never said there were more."
A quick glance back showed him the kid had found a knife. Oh boy...
"Jer? What's---?"
"Who's that? New teammate?"
"Holy shit, is that--?"
The questions came all at once; pretty par for the course, but in the previously-quiet kitchen, with a scared kid behind him, the sound hit like a crashing wave. Then suddenly--
The command wasn't exactly shouted, but it was sharp enough to bring the overlapping voices to a standstill. Jericho glanced at the doorway it had come from, and wasn't surprised to see Sahota standing there. His expression was almost blank, almost unbothered, but there was a look in his eyes, a concerned tilt to his brows.
The others stepped aside, giving Sahota room to enter the kitchen. He could see Joy glancing from him to Ander. It felt like the room was holding its breath as their trainer stopped a few feet away from his younger self, both men staring at each other in disbelief.
Ander's fingers seemed to tighten around the hilt of the knife, his other hand going to his mouth, thumb on scar.
"You... Who are you?"
Sahota exhaled, lifting both hands as if to signal he meant no harm. "Ander..."
"No. This... Whatever this is, I'm fucking over it, okay? Leave me alone."
Sahota didn't retreat. "Those bruises." Something shifted in his voice, the tone becoming softer." "They aren't the worst of it, are they?"
The younger man glanced away, his voice quieting. "No."
"I remember."
Ander's arms dropped, the knife clattering to the ground. His legs seemed to give out, back sliding against the wall until he was sitting, knees tucked against his chest. Sahota followed him down, crouching across from him.
"How long?"
A pause. "Twelve years."
"Twelve... No."
"It's alright. You got stronger."
"I can't... I can't do that. I can't be here---"
"You don't need to. It's done." Sahota's hand fell onto the shoulder of his younger self, gentle. When they were side by side like this, his scars stood out all the sharper.
"He won't ever touch you again. I swear it."
He. Who? Jericho wondered, even though he already knew the answer. It sat souring in his gut.
"How can I help?" he asked, and Sahota stilled at the question, going silent for a moment.
"Clear a path. Make sure... Make sure Vic doesn't see him." He stood, fixing the room with a stony glare. "I mean it. Please."
The others nodded, and he pulled Ander to his feet.
"Davis, I need you to drive him into the city. Find him somewhere safe."
"I can't," the kid protested. "The chip--"
"He watches my frequency, not yours," Sahota assured him. "You'll be fine."
Joy was already leading the rest of the crew ahead to check the hallways, Sahota watching for her signal before scooping Ander into his arms and pressing forward, Jericho tailing behind.
He knew he should be relieved. Sahota knew what to do. He'd keep Ander safe, and the rest of them wouldn't have to worry about what happened to the kid. But what about Sahota? The man was clearly intent on staying back.
He won't ever touch you again.
Jericho grimaced. They both had to get out. To hell with the mission, whatever Vic had done to Sahota... whatever he was probably still doing, it had to stop.
They reached the exit, and Sahota moved to press Ander into his arms. Jericho took a step back.
"Davis, please."
There was a desperation creeping into his voice, and it hurt to hear, but Jer shook his head. "You need to take him."
"I can't."
Sahota's mouth tightened. He let out a sharp exhale. "Vic. He'd find us."
"Twelve years," Jericho echoed. "That's too long."
"It doesn't matter. One of us can get away."
"Both of you should. Sahota--"
"I'm already ruined," he snapped. Ander squeezed his eyes shut at the words, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.
"It's too late for me to leave this behind," he continued I'm a small voice "I'm not who I was. I can't undo what's happened. But I can stop it from happening to someone else."
"You don't have to--"
Jericho clenched his jaw, gently pulling Ander into his arms. The kid clung to him, seemingly in a daze.
"Get as far away from here as you can," Sahota ordered him. "I'll cover for you if Vic asks questions."
Jericho could only nod, swallowing down everything he wanted to say, every plea for Sahota to just run. He wasn't going to make him do anything against his will.
Every step towards the truck felt like walking through concrete; all the weight of this new information dragging him down. The only thing that kept Jericho walking was the need to get Ander to safety. Where to, though?
He guessed he'd ask the kid. See if he had family nearby. And when he came back...
Jericho didn't want to hurt anyone.
Those bruises. They aren't the worst of it, are they?
But right now, it was looking like Vic Shepard would have to die.
@theonewithallthefixations , @violets-whumperflies , @whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden ,
@snakebites-and-ink , @whumpsday , @kixngiggles , @echo-goes-aaa , @whumpcateyes ,
@clickerflight , @sodacreampuff , @starfields08000
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wowchilli · 17 days
I have some thoughts after the Italian gp about McLaren. Shocking, I know! Anyway, for the past couple of days since the race I have been reading and looking at comments (on Instagram) to see what people thought about the race, and the first thing that was obvious to me from the first post that the F1 page made about the start of the race was that a lot of commenters were upset and that Oscar should NOT have overtaken Lando like that. Shock! Horror!
I personally saw no problem with the overtake that Oscar did, it was absolutely great wheel-to-wheel racing from the both of them and made me scream in the middle of the night cause I was not expecting it!
This was probably the most excited and hyped I’ve been watching an F1 race this year (I fear I have cursed the races that I watch to not get safety cars cause I have yet to see one 👀). ANYWAY, back to my original point about the commenters on Instagram, amidst all of the unnecessary hate and vitriol against Oscar doing that incredible overtake I read one persons comment that really got to me and thought I’d share it on here cause I haven’t seen as much discussion and discourse about the move on here as much :) and wanted to see what you guys thought!
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This was off of a post on the F1 Instagram page that shows a video of Zak Brown being interviewed about how Oscar and Lando went during the race.
The first part really got to me cause it makes sense why McLaren are making those seemingly weird and terrible calls when it comes to which driver should be favoured more and get the better strategy. We all remember how much drama surrounded Oscar signing with McLaren back in ‘22! He was the biggest talent that the F1 grid had yet to see since Lewis and the teams all knew this and wanted to get a piece of him. Now I’m not trying to bark up Oscar’s tree here when I say all of this, but it really is the truth, because when you look back at statistics throughout his Junior career you can see how absolutely crazy it was!
This has only continued to grow throughout his short time at the ‘pinnacle of motor racing’! Just this year everyone seemed to collectively agree that his first win was in sight after Lando won in Miami, and that it was only the start of the McLaren boys’ domination with their fast as fuck car.
Ok, this is all to say that for all of the commenters crying about Oscar not being as good of a teammate to Lando, that he was selfish to pull off such a move at the start of the race, that he should have given the second place position to Lando, that he should just stop trying to compete with Lando and help him win instead like a ‘good 2nd driver’…. That’s just not what he was brought into F1 for.
Every single driver that gets into F1 wants to WIN, and their closest competitors and rivals are their teammates who have the same car. Neither Oscar nor Lando want to be 2nd driver, and I believe that they understand that about each other. They want to win at all costs and right now, these two are only going to get more and more competitive with each other because they know that the other can usually keep up and will keep pushing each other to their limits.
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wizardpink · 2 months
Do you guys want to read my Dr. Bhansali clone research / Tale of the Body Thief / Devil's Minion adaptation-in-a-future-season headcanon?
Armand takes Daniel's DNA to Dr. Bhansali in the mid to late 80s and after much trial and error, he is able to successfully create a viable cloned fetus in the early to mid 90s. Kept comatose in a Mewtwo style bacta tank for thirty years, the clone waits while Bhansali and other scientists Armand bankrolls study brain transplants and the transfer of human consciousness.
None of their experiments produce fruitful results, but they're proven unnecessary in the end when Raglan James, who through the Talamasca's eyes on Daniel learned of his Parkinson's diagnosis, approaches Armand prior to the interview with an offer to use his psychic body swapping powers to put Daniel's consciousness into a new body. His price is extremely high, and Armand declines, though it's less about money and more about not wanting Daniel in a different body. He likes Daniel's body. And he still has the option of making Daniel a vampire and curing his sickness.
The thing is, that doesn't go so well. At first most of Daniel's symptoms disappear and he feels great. But then new problems arise. He can't drink blood without vomiting most of it shortly after. He doesn't need to breathe, but his lungs occassionally gasp and spasm for air like he is drowning. Sometimes it seems he has heartattacks but just can't die afterward.
Before Armand can even reach back out, Raglan is back again. The price has doubled now and once Daniel is told about the clone option ("normally I'd be inclined to tell you how fucking creepy and demented that is, but seeing as this is saving my ass right now, I'll restrain myself..."), Raglan has another stipulation: he wants to keep Daniel's old vampire body when they're done.
Armand believes it's because he wants to turn someone else and steal their body after, but Daniel sees through him. "If you just wanted to make a vampire to inhabit, you wouldn't use my shitty body to do it. You'd blackmail Armand into doing it. You don't need to be me to turn someone for you, you need to be me to get close to someone I have access to."
Raglan is impressed but not surprised Daniel has sussed him out. "You're right, as usual. I'm not looking to be just any vampire. I want to be THE vampire." He holds up his phone to display a paparazzi style video of Lestat leaving one of his concerts, his body guards fighting through a sea of screaming fans. "You're going to help me become The Vampire Lestat."
At this point Daniel has spent a decent chunk of time with Lestat working on the documentary, absorbing his condescention plus his verbal and sometimes physical abuse, and he and Armand exchange a look before they, with no deliberation, tell Raglan, "Deal."
Raglan bodyswaps with the Daniel clone first, leaving his own body unconscious, soulless. He then swaps with actual Daniel, putting Daniel back into nearly the same body he had 40 years ago. Raglan, in Daniel's old vampiric body, flashes them both a grin and a characteristically Daniel double middle-finger salute and leaves immediately.
Armand cautiously approaches Daniel. The urgency of his health situation means a lot of difficult and necessary conversations between them were put on the backburner. Daniel must have a myriad of questions and things to confront him with. Where to begin?
"Well?" Armand asks. "Is it to your liking?"
"You didn't circumcise me."
"You didn't circumcise me. I was circumcised. This dick-- my dick--"
"Is that your only complaint?"
"What, like you forgot, or do you prefer it uncut and asked Dr. Frankenstein over here to leave it intact?"
"I did no such thing!"
Dr. Bhansali clears his throat. "I can confirm, the matter was never discussed."
Daniel's eyes have yet to come up from the white hospital sheet over his lap. "For the record, next time? Discuss it."
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 3 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
CW: This chapter mentions torture and death. Spoliers ahead. Not proofread.
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I was enveloped again in a white light and transported to Galileo's past.
Galileo: "Sagredo, you're here."
The next place I arrived at seemed to be a university.
I heard his voice coming from a room, so I peeked inside and saw a man visiting him.
Sagredo: "If Professor Galileo himself calls me, there's no way I wouldn't come."
Sagredo: "After all, I'm your biggest fan."
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Galileo: "Hmph. You're still the same, Sagredo."
(The same name as the character from the book I borrowed from him.)
Galileo handed Sagredo a large sheet of paper spread out on his desk.
Sagredo: "Galileo, what's this?"
Galileo: "Do you remember our discussions about transcending physical laws to travel to the past or future?"
Galileo: "This is the blueprint for a door that transcends space-time."
Sagredo: "You were really researching this!?"
Just like me, Sagredo looked at him in astonishment.
Sagredo: "Hahaha! I thought it was just drunken talk, but you actually did it."
Sagredo: "Galileo Galilei is truly a genius!"
His reaction was one of open admiration, and though Galileo allowed a small smile to form at the corners of his lips, he quickly suppressed it.
Galileo: "However, this is as far as the research goes. I have no intention of actually building this door."
Sagredo: "Why is that?"
Galileo: "I designed it out of curiosity, but if this door were completed and able to interfere with history as theorized, the past might change, and the present and even the future we live in might disappear."
Sagredo: "That's true."
Galileo: "As a scholar, it's a bit of a pity, but I plan to dispose of this blueprint and other unnecessary research papers. Still, before that, I wanted to show it to you alone."
Sagredo: "Galileo. Thank you; it's a great honor."
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Sagredo: "I agree with your decision. I'm satisfied just to have witnessed your achievements."
From Sagredo's smile and tone, it was clear that he was genuinely proud of Galileo.
(They're really friends.)
There was a pure sense of curiosity and mutual respect between them.
(He said he would dispose of the blueprint, yet for some reason, it wasn't disposed of.)
That must be why the door in the mansion was created by Vlad and Comte.
The blueprint was never disposed of and eventually caught Vlad's attention.
Vlad and Comte used it to complete the door and begin resurrecting historical figures.
(It was through this door that I came to 19th-century Paris.)
The single blueprint created by Galileo had come full circle, guiding me and allowing me to meet him.
And now, I had encountered the "beginning" of this mysterious chain of coincidences.
(Can these coincidences be called fate?)
Sagredo: "But since you called me so suddenly, I thought it might be about that matter."
(That matter?)
Hearing their conversation, I turned my attention back to them again.
Galileo's brow furrowed slightly, and the previously warm atmosphere turned cold.
Galileo: "Since I published my research and advocated for heliocentrism, more and more people have started calling me a heretic and causing an uproar."
Galileo: "Sagredo, do you also think I'm wrong?"
Sagredo: "No, I don't think that at all. You're not wrong."
Sagredo: "Your reports on the starry messenger and the sunspot theory were excellent."
Galileo: "Then why...?"
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Sagredo: "But I think it was too early."
Sagredo: "Most people still believe that heliocentrism undermines the teachings of the Church."
Galileo: "I only documented my observations and the results of my research, which I proved with my own eyes. I didn't state anything false."
Galileo: "So why does the world cling to old knowledge and refuse to face the truth?"
I could see his clenched fist from where I stood.
Sagredo remained silent for a moment before speaking.
Sagredo: "I understand how you feel. However, if you continue this way, your position will be in jeopardy."
Sagredo: "You must stop advocating for heliocentrism, Galileo."
Galileo: "Are you telling me to turn away from the truth?"
Sagredo: "No. I'm just saying that it's still too soon."
Galileo: "Then, when's the right time?"
Galileo’s voice was tinged with unbearable frustration.
Galileo: “I’ve conducted research to contribute to the world.”
Galileo: “But as long as we remain bound by doctrines and old teachings, we can never get closer to the truth. There’ll be no progress in the future.”
Galileo: “Turning away from the truth is the same as trampling on one’s convictions.”
Sagredo: “Galileo.”
A tense silence passed between them until Galileo let out a sigh.
Galileo: “I’m sorry, Sagredo. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”
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Sagredo: “No. You’re indeed a man worthy of pursuing the truth.”
Sagredo: “That’s what makes you Galileo Galilei.”
Sagredo placed a hand on Galileo’s shoulder.
(You’re not wrong. I believe that, too.)
It was just that the era didn’t accept the truth he had discovered.
(No matter who denies it, the truth is with you.)
(There were also people who supported you.)
As I felt a tightness in my chest from touching a part of his suffering, my vision turned white again.
When I opened my eyes, I was standing in a corner of a hall.
(Where’s this? It looks like a courthouse.)
At the far end, three elderly men in white robes sat, with the one in the center exuding a particularly stern atmosphere.
The place where I stood was crowded with many people, as if it were a spectator’s gallery.
(The people sitting there seem more like priests than judges.)
(What's about to happen?)
The people around me buzzed, and for some reason, their noise increased my anxiety.
At that moment,
Priest: "Your Excellency, we've brought him. Hey, bring him in!"
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Galileo: "Guh."
The person they brought in was Galileo. He had his hands bound with rope.
They roughly pulled him and made him stand in the center of the hall, looking every bit like a defendant.
(Wait, don't tell me this is...!)
Priest: "Silence. We will now begin the inquisition of Galileo Galilei."
The priest, announcing the start of the inquisition, looked down at Galileo.
Priest: “Galilei, despite being forbidden by the Church, you advocated heliocentrism in the book The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Is this correct?”
Galileo: “That’s correct.”
He answered without hesitation, looking straight at the priest.
(Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems?)
(Is that the book I borrowed from him?)
The book, in which three characters engage in conversations about astronomy and advocate facing the truth with open eyes.
The one whose title I didn’t know.
(Galileo wrote it himself.)
Priest: "We've also seized all your research papers. Your statements contradict the doctrine."
Priest: "In other words, you have willingly defied the will of God."
Galileo: "That's not true. As a scholar, I simply pursued the truth without any intention of going against God."
Priest: "The truth is written in doctrine."
Galileo: "That is a misguided truth. Under God's name, we should correct our mistakes now."
Galileo: "Observational evidence clearly shows that the Earth, not the Sun, moves."
Priest: "Silence! You're a heretic who defies God's teachings!"
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Galileo: "Why!? How is seeking the truth considered heresy!?"
Despite the one-sided condemnation from the priest, Galileo did not back down, standing firm in his unyielding conviction.
However, the priest let out a sinister laugh.
Priest: "If you have no intention of retracting the heliocentric theory, we have our own methods."
He raised his hand toward the priests standing nearby, and they brought in a man.
Galileo: "Sagredo!?"
His clothes were torn to shreds, and his body was covered in wounds. It was unclear if he was even conscious, as he hung limply.
(This is horrible.)
Galileo: "Did you torture Sagredo!? Why!?"
Priest: "That man defended you. Anyone who defends a heretic is also a heretic!"
The priest's signal prompted the other priests to whip Sagredo.
Sagredo: "Aghhh!!"
The sharp sound of the whip cutting through the air echoed, and Sagredo groaned in pain.
(This is too brutal.)
Galileo dropped to his knees, seeing his friend being whipped repeatedly.
Galileo: "Stop it, please stop!!"
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Galileo: "I retract it. I retract my statement about the heliocentric theory!"
Galileo: "Please, I beg you, release Sagredo!!"
Sagredo: "No!!"
It was Sagredo himself who stopped him from trying to save his friend.
Sagredo: "There's no need to retract. Galileo, you must continue down the path you believe in."
Galileo: "Sagredo."
Sagredo: "You're not wrong. I'm proud of you for pursuing the truth."
Sagredo: "You’re my dear friend, Galileo Galilei!"
Galileo: "..........."
They looked at each other, exchanging emotions beyond words.
Priest: "Let me ask again, Galileo Galilei."
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Galileo: "Sagredo, I..."
Priest: "Will you retract the heliocentric theory, or not?"
Galileo: "I..."
Galileo lifted his face defiantly, his amethyst eyes shimmering with star-like determination.
Galileo: "I will not retract, and I will continue to proclaim the truth! You can label me a heretic and say anything you want, but that doesn't change the fact that the earth moves!"
His shout echoed through the silent hall.
The priest, faced with his piercing gaze, smirked.
Priest: "Very well. Take this Sagredo to the execution grounds."
Galileo: "Wait, to the execution grounds!? What do you intend to do with Sagredo!?"
Priest: "That man will burn in the fires of hell. You've defied God even at the cost of your friend."
Priest: "Such heinous acts mark you as a heretic, you heartless monster!"
As the priest condemned him harshly, voices from the audience began to join in.
Audience 1: "You're just spewing lies, you criminal!"
Audience 2: "You're a devil for sacrificing your friend for your own sake!"
(No, Galileo is...)
Audience 3: "You are a heretic who defies God!"
(He only sought the truth.)
Thus, for 350 years, an indelible mark was branded on him.
Priest: "Galileo, we'll take you to the execution grounds as well. You need to witness the end of your sins."
Galileo: "Nonsense! There's no justification for execution! Sagredo, run!"
He began to rise, preparing to flee.
However, he was restrained by the priests, and he fell to the ground.
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Galileo: "Guh. Sagredo!"
Sagredo: "Galileo, meeting you has been the greatest fortune of my life."
Sagredo: "Let's share a drink again someday!"
The last thing he showed was a smile as bright as the stars.
Galileo: "Stop it, stop it! Ah, no. Nooooooo!!"
Sagredo, crucified at the execution grounds, was engulfed in merciless flames.
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sequinsmile-x · 10 months
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Her Warmth, His Peace
Emily was always cold before him.
Hi friends,
Just some soft Sunday night smut for you!
This genuinely might be up there with one of the most romantic things I've ever written, so please floss afterwards because it might rot your teeth!
I hope you like it, and let me know what you think <3
Words: 4k
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily shivers as she sinks back into Dave’s couch, the chill of the cold November air wrapped tightly around her, having snuck in under her skin in the brief walk from the car to Dave’s front door. He’d thankfully set up his log fire in his living room before they all arrived, so she hoped it wouldn’t take too long for her to warm up. She’d always been someone who felt the cold, even when she was somewhere warm. Her mother would always comment on it, on the fact she always seemed to be cold even in summer when they were living in the Middle East. 
It was pasta night, which had become a regular feature in the calendar since her return from Paris. At first, it had been something to bring them back together as a group, to fix the fractures that had appeared in their dynamic caused by Ian’s appearance and Emily’s fake death, but it had changed into something else over the last few months. 
It was time for them to spend together without the pressure of work, time when they truly felt like the family they had been before everything fell apart. She looked forward to these nights now, the initial trepidation she felt every time she stepped over the threshold into Dave’s house nowhere to be found. She no longer felt like she was performing, forcing a smile on her face and going out of her way to be the Emily they all wanted her to be. She now felt like she was being herself, the person she’d stitched together out of what she’d been left with after Ian had torn her and her life apart and what she had now. 
“Here you go, sweetheart.” 
She smiles as she looks up and sees her boyfriend holding a glass of red wine out to her and a glass of scotch in his other hand intended for him. She takes the wine from him, her fingers lingering over his as she does so, her smile widening as Aaron raises an eyebrow at her.
She knew he had a lot to do with the fact she was doing better.  
It had only been a couple of months since their friendship had moved into more. A dinner that had turned into a date without either of them discussing it, a natural step that she somehow hadn’t seen coming. Now she couldn’t imagine her life without him by her side. He was her support and she was his. They looked after each other, they understood each other. 
They loved each other, even though neither of them had said it yet. She felt loved by him, his feelings weren’t in doubt, but she knew they were both a little cautious, neither one of them allowing the words to escape no matter how much they knew they would mean them. She knew it was the last time she’d be saying it for the first time, that he was it for her, so she wanted it to mean something no matter how ridiculous that felt to admit to even herself. 
“Thanks, honey,” she says, smiling softly at him as she shifts ever so slightly towards Derek who was sitting on her left, a silent, and unnecessary, plea to her boyfriend to sit next to her. He joins her on the couch, his seemingly unending warmth drawing her in as she moves closer to him, her thigh pressed up against his. 
“I’ve got to say,” Dave says, smiling at them from the couch opposite them, “I didn’t take you two for a nickname kind of couple.” 
The team had only known about them for three days. Emily knows she would have preferred to keep their relationship secret for a little longer, but Derek had caught Aaron leaving her hotel room early one morning on the case they’d just returned from, and the decision had been taken from them. Overall, they’d taken it well, barring a few barbed comments from Derek, but this was the first social setting they’d been in with them since they’d found out. It felt like she was on display, their friend’s curious gazes fixed on them from the moment they arrived together. 
“I think it’s sweet,” Penelope says, a smile on her face as she watches them, her enjoyment at any slight peek into their relationship clear. 
“Thanks, Pen,” Emily replies, raising her eyebrow at her friend and shaking her head. Aaron places his hand on her thigh and squeezes, and she looks up at him. A smile breaks out over her face as their eyes meet and she places her hand over his, linking their fingers together. She looks back over at her friends and sees how they are all staring at them and she rolls her eyes, “Are you guys ever going to stop staring?” 
“Maybe one day when we’re used to it,” JJ quips, smiling as she sips her wine and nods towards Penelope, “I can’t promise Pen will ever stop.” 
Emily lovingly shakes her head and sips her wine, sinking further into Aaron’s side as she lets her friend’s conversations wash over her. She lets herself enjoy the simplicity of it, something that she’d craved so desperately when she was in Paris. She shivers as Spencer opens the living room door to go get another drink, a cold draft filtering in from the hallway and disturbing the warmth of the fire. 
“You okay, Em?” Aaron asks as he squeezes her thigh, she nods as she tilts her head to look at him.
“I’m okay,” she assures him, “Just a little cold.”
He smiles at her, lifting his arm and wrapping it around her shoulder, pulling her closer into his embrace. She always told him how warm he was. She always sought it out, looking for the warmth and comfort he provided her just by simply being next to her. It was something about her that had surprised him - the fact that she liked to snuggle. She’d sleep practically on top of him, one of her hands under the hemline of his shirt, seeking his warmth from the source, and her forehead pressed into his neck. 
He loved it. Loved her. Loved the fact that someone who had been fiercely independent since they met wanted his affection as she did - even in front of their friends. It made something close to pride swell in his chest, the words he’d stopped himself from saying so far pushed even further up his throat. He clears his throat to stop himself from saying it. He wanted it to be private, a moment for just the two of them, so he smiles at her whilst he runs his hand up and down her arm.
“Better?” He asks, and she smiles and nods, leaning up to stamp a kiss against his lips. 
“Much better,” she replies, drawn in by his smile, by the tender look in his eyes that she knows is love. For a moment she forgets that the others are there. It’s just the two of them, smiling softly at each other. She’s pulled out of it by a squeal from the other couch, and she watches as her boyfriend’s smile turns into a knowing smirk. 
“You guys are adorable.” 
Emily rolls her eyes and looks at her friend, “Pen. Seriously.” 
Emily steps into her bedroom as she switches off the light in her ensuite bathroom. She smiles at the sight of her boyfriend sitting up in her bed and she walks across the room quickly. Aaron pulls the covers back for her and tucks them back around the two of them when she slips into the bed next to him. 
He chuckles when she wraps both of her arms around one of his and hugs it to her chest. She presses her lips against his shoulder through his t-shirt and hugs his arm even tighter. 
“Still cold, sweetheart?” He asks before leaning down to kiss the top of her head. He places his other hand on her bare thigh and squeezes, smothering his smirk in her hair, “It would probably help if you didn’t wear tiny shorts to bed in the middle of winter,” he says, stroking his thumb up and down her inner thigh and pulling back when she shivers, something they both know is nothing to do with the temperature, “Not that I’m complaining.” 
She playfully narrows her eyes at him and releases his arm, sneaking under it to get closer to him, smiling when he wraps it around her shoulders without further encouragement. 
“I don’t like how it feels wearing long pants in bed,” she grumbles, “Plus I have no need to when I have my own personal giant radiator of a boyfriend next to me.”
He hums as he hooks a finger under her chin and makes her look up at him. He kisses her soundly, stealing the breath from her lungs as he licks through her mouth, and he smiles as he pulls back and she chases him.
“Good to know that’s why you keep me around.” He quips, and she stamps a kiss against his lips and sighs, cupping his cheek as she holds him in place. She pulls back just enough to speak.
“You have other uses,” she says, kissing him once more before she settles back into the crook of his arm, sighing contentedly as he wraps his arms around her tightly. She wraps her hand around his wrist, smiling when she encircles her hand around it and her finger and thumb come nowhere near touching each other. She strokes her thumb back and forth over his skin and smiles to herself as she thinks of their friends, of how she’d felt like an exhibition at a zoo all evening, “Do you think they’ll ever stop staring at us?” 
Aaron laughs as he looks down at her. He’d felt it too, the curiosity from their friends that bordered on being intrusive. It was a natural reaction, he knew that, and they’d only known about the shift in their relationship for a few days, but he didn’t necessarily enjoy it. He wanted to be affectionate with his girlfriend without feeling like he was being studied, every kiss or touch watched like they were their friend's favourite TV show couple.
He had a feeling for Penelope they may as well be just that. 
“They’ll get used to it” he says, his smile crooked as she raises an eyebrow at him, “Or they’ll just find something else to obsess over. Whatever happens first.” 
She chuckles mirthlessly, “Well, I hope it happens before we get married otherwise I’m not inviting them.” She only realises what she’s said after she’s said it, her eyes wide as it clicks. She panics for a moment, the thought of bringing up marriage when she’d only been with him for two months something she knows would seem too fast, but he’s smiling at her, and she releases a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. 
He’s known since the moment they first kissed that she was it for him. If he believed in soulmates, which he didn’t, he would know she was his. That everything he’d been through over the last few years had led him to her, his prize at the end of the most treacherous of roads. 
He wanted everything with her. 
“Well, if it comes to that,” he says, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I’ll tell Garcia she can’t be godparent to our firstborn.” 
She presses her lips together to stop herself from smiling too widely, and she feels giddy. A feeling she hadn’t felt since her first crush when she was a teenage girl who didn’t know any better. Part of her wonders if she should be mad at herself for it, but she can’t bring herself to be. She wanted it all with him, and sitting here in her bedroom after a night with their friends speaking about marriage and kids in absolutes instead of maybes, finally lets the words she’s been holding back since their first date slip free. 
“I love you.” 
As soon as she’s said it, it feels right. She isn’t sure why she’s been waiting, why she thought it needed to be special. This itself was special. The almost aching normalcy of it, a simple moment with the man she loves. A part of life that, not that long ago, she would have told herself she simply wasn’t meant to experience. 
He doesn’t leave her hanging, not even for a second, and he cups her cheek, pulling her in for a kiss that is both fierce and tender, holding her in place as he does so. He smiles at her as he pulls back, his forehead against hers, and he strokes his thumb back and forth over the skin of her cheek. 
“I love you too,” he says, his voice rough, torn open by his feelings for her, the almost absurd knowledge that this was it, this was the last time he’d be saying this to someone for the first time, “So much.” 
She kisses him, pulling him back into her with her hand buried in his short hair, her nails blunt against his scalp. He licks across the seam of her mouth and she immediately grants access, moaning as he deepens the kiss. 
He shifts them so they are on her side of the bed, her back flat against the mattress as he lays on top of her, the covers laying over both of them. She opens her legs automatically, sighing into the kiss as he settles into the cradle of her thighs, fitting against her like they’d been made for each other. He pulls away from the kiss, both of them heaving in a breath as he pushes her hair back from her face. He leans down to stamp his lips against hers, smirking devilishly as she chases him, her hips rolling against his of their own accord. 
“Still want me to warm you up?” He asks, one of his hands drifting down to her waist, the heat of his skin against hers under her t-shirt making her shudder. She nods, her teeth sinking into her lower lip.
“Please,” she says huskily, looking up at him through her lashes, “Please.” 
He doesn’t need asking again, and he disappears from view. She laughs at the lump of him under the covers, the movement matches with how she can feel him shifting down the bed on top of her. The laughter is stolen from her lungs when he hooks his fingers into the sides of her shorts, purposely making a point of ensuring his callused thumbs stroke against the sensitive skin of her hips. He pulls her shorts and underwear down her legs in one go, kissing her exposed skin as he goes, disposing of them somewhere down at the end of the bed, tangled up in amongst her sheets. He takes off his sweatpants too, abandoning them with her pyjama shorts. 
She tenses, clenching around nothing, when he kisses her low on her belly, nipping at the skin over her pubic bone. She wraps her fists around the sheets around her and closes her eyes. Not being able to see him, to guess his next move, was heightening everything, and that’s what makes her moan when he licks through her once, his fingers tight around her thighs, pushing them further open as she presses them together automatically. 
“Fuck,” she breathes out, her hips jolting against his face as he does it again,  “Aaron.” 
He smirks against her, groaning at the taste of her as he continues to slowly build her up, hitting all the spots he knew drove her crazy. He starts to feel a little too warm, the heat of her, of them, making it almost suffocating under the covers, so he changes tactics. He releases one of her thighs and licks through her once more before he withdraws. Her disappointed whine is cut off as he slips two fingers inside of her, the heel of his hand replacing his tongue against her clit. 
The air of the room is cool around him as he slips back out of the covers, still laying over her as he lazily pumps his fingers in and out of her. Whilst he’s grateful that he can breathe a little easier, it’s her that he needs more than oxygen. He loved to watch her, watch how he could tear down all the walls she’d so carefully constructed around herself over the years. She was always beautiful to him, even when he was married to somebody else, but seeing her like this, her eyes wild and dark with desire, was something else. 
She was his, and he was hers. 
She pulls him in for a kiss, her hands releasing the sheets around her as she grasps at his hair. The kiss breaks almost as soon as it begins as she groans into his mouth, her forehead against his as the tension builds low in her belly. 
“Fuck,” she breathes out, her eyes closed as she tries to grind harder against his hand, seeking out the release he was slowly dragging out of her. 
“Look at me,” he demands, something she complies with immediately, her eyes springing open. He starts moving his hand faster, pumping his fingers in and out of her and grinding his hand against her clit so quickly he knows if it wasn’t for the covers over them, muffling any noise, it would sound obscene. He can tell she’s close, her thighs trembling on either side of him, her grip on his hair bordering on painful, “Look at me when you come, you’re so fucking beautiful like this.” 
It’s the mix of the compliment and the demand that tips her over the edge, the commanding tone of his voice something that had always turned her on, even when she hated him. She pulls him in for another kiss, slow and lazy and loving as she comes down, his fingers slowly pumping in and out of her as he draws out her high. 
She smiles as she pulls back, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as she looks up at him. She cups his cheek before she pushes some of his hair from his forehead. She reaches between them and grasps him, both of them groaning at the heavy, hot, weight of him in her hand. She pumps him up and down a few times, smirking to herself when he rests his forehead against hers. She shifts her hips, and guides him into her, her teeth once again sinking into her lip as he pushes forward, the familiar stretch of him making her eyes roll back as she presses her head into her pillow. 
“Em,” he growls, his face against her neck for a moment whilst he forces himself to stay still, “You feel so fucking good,” he says, kissing her neck, her collarbone, any part of skin that was exposed by her t-shirt. 
She rolls her hips against his, desperate for him to move, “Baby,” she breathes out, “Please.” 
He moves his hands, seeking out hers as he links them together and places them next to her head on the bed. He starts to move his hips, pulling almost all the way out of her before he slowly pushes back in, the usual almost feral pace they had most of the times they’d done this nowhere to be found. It’s nowhere near less amazing though. It’s like she can feel every detail of him, the movements inching her closer and closer to the edge as he seemingly carved out a space inside of her meant only for him. 
The sex had been incredible from the start. All consuming and overwhelming. He knew her body like he’d studied a manual for it, like he’d written the damn thing. It was explosive and they were insatiable for each other, making up for time neither of them had realised they’d lost until their first kiss. 
This was different. It was intimate, soft. She gasps as he pushes into her again, his forehead against hers, her stuttered breath skipping across his skin. It’s the kind of sex she had always avoided with anyone else. She knows that with anyone else it would make her feel vulnerable, exposed even though she’s still got her t-shirt on and they are under the covers. 
But with him it’s different. Tender. She feels oddly empowered by it. The vulnerability she would have once considered a weakness pushing her closer to the edge, the closeness she felt to him sparking something deep in her belly. 
She squeezes his hands and pushes her hips up into his, matching the rhythm he had set. For once she doesn’t try and push this along, doesn’t try to race to the finish line, she just allows herself to enjoy it. Allows him to love her in the way she’s never let anyone else love her. 
He kisses her, as slowly and tenderly as he’s fucking her, and she can’t believe she’s as close to coming as she is, her body tightening around his. 
He groans as he breaks the kiss, his forehead against hers as he loses himself in the feel of her. She was perfect. Made for him. And not just because the sex was amazing, but because she was. She knew him, better than anyone else ever had, and it was a kind of love he never wanted to be without again. He grunts as he feels her clench around him and starts to feel his hips stutter, faltering as he gets close to coming himself. 
“Aaron, I’m…” she trails off as she moans, her eyes lashes fluttering as she tries to keep her eyes open, “Fuck I’m close.” 
“Me too,” he says, squeezing her hands, smiling down at her as he makes a point of pushing his hips flush against hers, capturing the groan she releases as he kisses her, “Let go, sweetheart,” he says, his lips against her cheek, “Come with me.” 
She tips over the edge and he follows quickly after her, coming deep inside of her in a way that makes her gasp, her head back against the pillow as she tries to catch her breath. She pulls him in for a lazy kiss, letting herself enjoy the feeling of him on top of her, well aware from experience that he’d move soon, always worried about crushing her. She smiles when he pulls back just far enough to look at her. 
“I love you,” he says, unhooking one of his hands from hers to stroke his knuckles down her flushed cheek. 
She turns her head to kiss his hand, her smile so wide she’s worried her cheeks will start to hurt if she carries on like this.
“I love you too,” she says, hooking a shaky leg around him to keep him in place when she senses he’s about to move, “So fucking much.” 
He rolls them, shifting them so she’s on top of him. She rests her head on his chest and closes her eyes as he wraps his arms around her, one of his hands sneaking under her t-shirt to stroke up and down her back. She shivers at his touch, her body always so reactive to him, and he chuckles into her hairline.
“Surely you still can’t be cold, sweetheart?” 
She smiles as she lifts her head to look at him, her eyebrow raised in challenge as she doesn’t correct him, doesn’t say it’s him that had made her shiver, that she feels warm and pliant and content. 
“I guess you’re just going to have to try a little harder to warm me up,” she says, her smile turning into a laugh as he hauls her upwards, pulling the covers over them both as he kisses her. 
She had a feeling she’d never have an issue with being cold again. 
Tag List:
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blackypanther9 · 10 months
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
WARNING!: Cursing !!!
Part 2 – Aunt Jane
They got home after Mike and M/n were shopping for a bit of food and drinks. Michael didn’t have much anymore and really had to watch the price tags. Max told him that food was still left over and warm and that Abby didn’t eat yet, which Mike decided to take care of.
After a while he came back out, utterly defeated.
“She still refused ?”, M/n asked.
“She keeps talking about her imaginary friends...”, Mike sighed out and sat down on the couch.
“I should probably leave.”, Max said.
“No, no. The three of us have to discuss something before you leave, Max, but first, let me try to convince Abby to eat...”, M/n said and left.
“Good luck.”, Mike called after him.
M/n entered Abby’s room soon enough and looked over her shoulder at the drawing, she was working on.
“I don’t want to eat right now.”, she informed M/n.
“Abby, please eat now. Your drawing isn’t going to run away from you, but your food will get cold and then it will taste bad.”, M/n told her softly.
“We can make new food.”
“Abby...we can’t.”
“What do you mean ?”, Abby asked.
“Oh dear, how do I explain this... Mikey lost his job and with that you don’t get any money right now. It means you are unable to get more food and drinks, like stuff to draw on. Mikey and I are looking for another job for him already, right now, but until then, PLEASE just eat when you are told to eat, yes ? You worry Mikey and me with your habit to starve until you are done drawing.”
Abby looked at her drawing, then at M/n and then at her bed. She seemed like she listened to someone talking. Then she looked at M/n again.
“My friend said that Mike is stupid. He said that if kids don’t eat properly, they will stop growing.”, Abby told M/n.
M/n looked at her and frowned.
“But that is true. If you don’t eat and sleep properly until a certain age, you stop growing sooner and stay small for the rest of your life.”
“How is that possible ? That sounds stupid.”, Abby asked.
“Well, I mean when you are older, you will learn about that in school, but food and sleep are very important to our bodies and our systems. Our immune System gets strengthened when we eat Vegetables and fruit and bread and when we get sick our immune System develops, to deal with it better next time. Our body grows thanks to sleep and the food, we consume. Healthy food. It has a lot of protein, Vitamins and minerals.”
“And how is that getting into our body ?”, she asked confused.
She got up and M/n walked with her to the living room.
“Hm, well, what we drink and eat comes out of us too. That is why we go to the bathroom and need to take daily dumps.”
“Eww...”, she said grossed out.
“It is all natural. Every living being does that. Our digesting System does the rest for us, I suppose. It pulls out all the important minerals, vitamins and protein it needs and then another part of our body works it over and it ends up in our blood, while the unnecessary stuff, gets washed out of us and into the toilet. So a lot of it does our stomach.”
“What if I don’t drink enough ?”, she asked.
“You will get thirsty and your thirst will be too much for your stomach to handle. Your throat will scream endlessly for water, while your stomach begs you to stop, that is why Mike tells you to drink enough and why he tells you that you didn’t drink enough at certain days. Our body is mostly made out of water and our organs need a lot of it too. And when you are sick and drink a lot, there is a high possibility that you get healthy quickly, with a lot of resting, of course.”
“Why even is our body tired, when we are sick ?”
M/n grabbed a plate and put the Macaroni and Cheese on it, not all of it, but enough for Abby to eat. Mike needed food too. While he piled the plate he explained.
“Because it focuses all its energy against the thing that harms us. A disease is always a small virus and our immune System is there to destroy it as fast as possible, with that it focuses all your energy on healing and getting better, that’s why you are always so tired after. The disease you have, that the body fights off, can only leave, when you wash your body out, in other words, drink a lot and sleep and go to the bathroom. Fresh air and a bit of movement is also very good when you are sick, with that you strengthen your body to be stronger next time you are sick.”
Then he gave her the plate and they sat down on the couch. Mike stared at M/n impressed. When M/n talks about something, even the most boring thing, he can make it sound very interesting.
“Huh...”, Abby replied.
“Our body is full of wonders. Kids your age still need nap times and a lot of sleep, to get stronger and to grow properly, that is why Mike and the other adults are so mean to you and tell you what to do. And no, in fast food is nothing healthy for your body. Some bit of salad is not enough. Too much meat is bad, too much sweets is bad, too much fried things is bad. You need everything balanced, for your body. I am not saying that eating any of it is harmful, but too much of it, will harm you. Too much sweets, you will suffer with stomach aches, too much eggs, same thing and you will fart a lot.”
“Eww !”, she giggled out.
M/n chuckled and looked at her with a small smile.
“Everything needs to be balanced, Abby, dear. Otherwise, everything comes crashing down on you one day and then you will regret a lot, but can’t do anything to change it anymore.”
She was quiet at that and looked at M/n.
“From where do you know all of this ?”, she asked.
M/n chuckled.
“My Mother was quite small. She was short, a head shorter than an average sized woman was, her hands were small, her fingers short and her feet the same. She forced me to eat healthily. Three to four times a day and a lot of fruits and vegetables and she forced me to sleep a lot. I hated her as a child for it, until she explained to me one day why she did it. She rebelled against her parents too, when she was my age and...that was the outcome for her. She was small, weak and she hated her feet and hands. She always called them Baby hands and baby feet, because they were so small. When she properly slept and ate, she had quick growing spurts, but as she rebelled...she stopped growing and she regretted it deeply, that’s why she forced me. That’s why Mike wants you to listen and do as you are told. So you won’t end up like that.”
Everyone stared and he had a wobbly smile on his face, silent tears running down his face.
“She couldn’t even change a light bulb that was over her head, because she was too short, always needed a ladder.”, he got out with a voice, thick with emotion.
The three stared at him.
“I was gone for only two days and I saw her dead on the stairs with that cursed ladder fallen over and the light bulb shattered on the floor.”, he sobbed out.
At that all six eyes were ripped wide open. That’s how his Mother died three years ago ! The ladder fell over with her on top, she fell and hit the stairs, breaking her neck in the process.
“Oh god...M/n...”, Mike got out and hugged him from the side.
Max took the other and stroked his hair, while he sobbed. Abby left her food alone and got on M/n’s lap, hugging him from the front tightly. He hugged her back, while he calmed down. No need to start wailing again like a three year old. For fucks sake he was 25 years old !
“I don’t want the same to happen to you, Abby. One day you will be all grown up and you will want to be independent from Mike and me. How are you supposed to, if you are too small to reach anything alone ? One day Mike might not even be there anymore, for you and what then ? Who will help you ?”, M/n asked, voice emotional, but not hiccupping.
“I understand, M/n. I will...listen more to Mike...”, Abby replied.
“But only about sleep and eating, right ?”, he sniffed out a joke.
She giggled and nodded.
“Only on that.”, she confirmed.
“Eh, at least something, Abbs.”, Mike replied with a smile in his voice.
Then they parted and Abby continued to eat.
“So what did we need to talk about ?”, Max asked.
“Mike has his eyes on a certain job. But he can only get the Nightshift. Do you think you can babysit at night ?”, M/n asked softly.
She looked at Mike at that.
“Really ?”, she asked surprised.
“Yes. I would take the job, but I wanted you to have time to either accept or decline babysitting.”, Michael replied.
“Let me think about it for a bit.”, Max replied softly.
“Okay.”, Mike replied.
With that Max took her stuff and left. M/n waited for a while and then scoffed.
“I still don’t trust her.”
“Mike she is acting fishy.”, M/n interrupted him, before he could defend Max again.
He sighed and leaned back. M/n rubbed his eyes and then got up.
“Eat something Mike. I will drive home now and we will see each other tomorrow, okay ?”, M/n asked.
Michael nodded.
“Be careful on your way home, yeah ?”
“I will be.”
With that M/n left and drove home in his own car.
-The next day-
Abby was drawing outside of the building Mike and M/n were in. The Social Services department, a woman always talks with Abby and the woman then talks to both Mike and Jane about it all.
“Just look at my Nephew. It is barely 10:00 and he can barely keep his eyes open.”, Jane said.
M/n turned to her.
“He didn’t sleep well tonight, so what ? As if you always get out of bed full with energy, woman.”, he argued back and stuck his tongue out at her.
“You keep your nose out of this.”, she said back.
“You aren’t my Mother, so you have to suck it up. How long and how often do you wanna pull the same show now ? You aren’t gonna get what you want, like always. Why do you still bother ?”
“After what this man did to that poor family Father, I am thinking mostly of Abby now.”
“If the child would have been kidnapped, like Mike thought, by the way the man DRAGGED and TORE the kid away, and he wouldn’t have done anything, you would sit here now and say ‘THAT POOR CHILD, LOOK HOW IRRISPONSIBLE HE IS.’. So how about you shut up ? It was a misunderstanding and Mike already got scolded, it’s not like he killed someone. It looked like the kid was about to get kidnapped, Mike misunderstood the situation and jumped in to protect a defenseless kid. My god, such things happen some times. You make a big show out of this. We all know Mike is not abusive to Abby.”
Jane scoffed and then had a scowl on her face, directed at M/n.
“As if you would know.”, she snapped at him.
“I do know so in fact. I am there every day. I watch Mike the whole time. I KNOW what is happening in that house and I have a recording of how the kid got DRAGGED by his so called Father. I have all the evidence I need. Where is yours, that Mike is abusive and bad for Abby ? He takes any job he can get and works his ass off for her and himself. Yes, he is tired, but he has more problems than your primadonna girl ass. Keyword: BILLS. Wow ! Ever heard of BILLS ? Cool, now shut up and stop annoying us.”
She glared at him and then at the woman worker.
“Look at the disrespect he has towards his elders.”, she accused.
“MY elders ? Woman, you act like a 12 year old, each time we are here. You put up a drama show and then expect to get what you want. We KNOW that you fake it. Stop being so fake and be an actual aunt that LOVES and CHERISHES BOTH of her Sister’s children, the only Family, by the way, that you still HAVE, you single, old fossil !”
She stared at M/n with an agape mouth.
“Honestly that is all you do, make a scene from the smallest things and then try to make everyone believe that Mike is the bad guy, no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries. You want me to respect my elders, then you should respect YOUR younger generation first. They are, quite literally, YOUR future. You already made Mike not like you and Abby isn’t fond of you either, so maybe accept defeat, take the last few remains of dignity that you still have left and leave them both alone.”
“You bratty little-“
“You are the brat here, woman. Both of them want NOTHING to do with you and you just CAN’T leave them both be. You want to rip siblings apart for a stupid paycheck ! How stupid do you think we are ?!”, M/n yelled at her now.
Jane put a hand on her chest.
“How can you say something like that ?”, she said offended.
“Woman, I know how you tick ! We all know that you are faking it ! God...just why the heck do you think NOBODY likes you ?!”
“I think we should all calm down now.”, the social services worker said softly.
M/n took a deep breath and looked at her, away from Jane.
“I’m terribly sorry that she gets on my nerves. This outburst won’t happen again.”, M/n said, calm again.
“It is quite alright, M/n. You just said, what you felt. That is healthy.”
“Just like a child drawing all the time and seeing magical creatures that don’t even exist ?!”, Jane yelled.
M/n’s glare hardened and he was close to snap again. He took a deep breath and then looked at that annoying Bitch again, wishing her a brutal death already in his head.
“Abby is a child and children have a wild imagination. She is an active child and it is completely normal for her. She will grow out of it.”
Jane scoffed and gave him a nasty smirk.
“Like you did ? You still talk to yourself.”, she snapped back.
M/n’s glare intensified.
“Only when I am frustrated and usually I talk to objects then. Like when I am angry and my pen falls from the desk, then I say: ‘Of course, fall down, not like I need you Bitch, I have other pens too.’ And grab then another one. It is entirely normal.”
She laughed without humor.
“As if !”
“It is called letting steam off. Now shut up and leave me alone.”, M/n replied with a smirk and turned to Mike, who was just hoping that this meeting will be over soon.
“This is ridiculous... Abby needs to get away from them, this has been going on for long enough. Doug.”
Her lawyer didn’t react.
“Doug !”, she called.
He snapped out of it and gave Mike a pile of papers, on the front stood “Family Court Matter”. M/n wanted to laugh and planned her death, even though, he knew that he can’t kill her. He was no murderer, nor did he have the skills to be one.
“This is the only right thing to do and deep in your heart you know it too, Mike. You are unfit to raise a child.”, Jane said.
“And what if I don’t sign them ?”, Mike asked.
“Then me and my lawyer will drag you to court and they will take care that you will see your Sister never again. Do you want that ?”
Mike looked at the paper. M/n leaned over to his ear.
“I will find a way to get her to lose, don’t worry about it, Mikey.”
He looked at his friend and just nodded softly, then Jane and Doug left and Mike, M/n and the social services worker went to the hall, watching Abby from a window, while they talked.
“She just wants the monthly paycheck, this is not about Abby.”, Mike said.
“Of course it is not. She could take care of the both of you, she is your aunt too, but she refuses. She is very fixed on Abby and taking her away, no matter what, doesn’t matter if Abby said a million times already that she hates her. Any normal thinking person would have left you and Abby alone after that. If it would be about Abby, she would respect her wishes, which, spoiler alert: she doesn’t.”, M/n replied annoyed.
The woman looked at them and they chatted for a while longer. That Mike was important to Abby, that drawings are very important to children and that she definitely loves him the most, which made M/n smile.
“See ? Your Sister loves you in her own special way.”, M/n chuckled out.
“Yeah. But my aunt is right...no one would let me keep my Sister.”, Mike stated saddened.
“Did you already find a new job ?”, the woman asked.
He looked at her and was hesitant.
“He had one offered, but the Babysitter needs to give a reply, so we can arrange everything, before he takes the job.”, M/n answered for him.
She looked at M/n and nodded with a smile.
“It always gives you extra points, if you have a job.”, she told them and then sent them off, wishing them a great day.
Then they grabbed Abby and drove home. As they parked at their home, Mike received a call from Max and he picked it up.
“Hey, have you decided yet ?”, Mike asked.
There was silence for a second, then a relieved sigh.
“Thank you so much, Max. Yes, yes. I promise, as soon as I can, I will repay you.”, Mike replied and then hung up.
“So I’m guessing she will watch Abby at nights.”, M/n concluded.
“Yes, she will.”
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These calls accompany Victor’s High School SSR “Carefree Years,” but don’t contain any spoilers from the story itself~ ❤️
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
Victor: The playlist a certain someone just shared with me seems to be a bit different from her usual taste. 
Victor: “Melodies that accompanied us through those years of youth” ... 
Victor: What’s gotten you so nostalgic suddenly? 
MC: Haha, I stumbled upon this through random notifications and found it quite fascinating~ 
MC: So, speaking of which, what kind of stuff would you usually have playing on your earphones back when you were at school? It wouldn’t be all English listening exercises, right? 
Victor: Set your wild thoughts aside, and yes, of course, I would also listen to music sometimes. 
Victor: But there were also times when I would have nothing playing at all. 
MC: You mean like simply leaving them in your ears? 
Victor: Yeah. Seeing you with your earphones on, some of the individuals who are tactful enough won’t come forward to initiate a conversation again. 
Victor: Doing this is convenient to save yourself from a lot of unnecessary hassles. 
MC: Turns out, it can also be used as a shielding device! What a cool way to pull a “switcheroo”! Speaking of which, I’ve had similar experiences too. 
MC: Victor, do you know what other things an electronic dictionary can be handy for besides looking up words? 
Victor: Importing e-books in .txt format. 
MC: Ah, so, you did this too! 
Victor: Nope. I caught people in the act. 
MC: You wouldn’t be... 
Victor: Mm-hmm. I was in charge of inspecting such rule-breaching activities back then. 
MC: ...humph, I have nothing more to discuss with someone who used to be an inspector. 
MC: But out of curiosity, what would happen if I were to be caught red-handed by you? 
Victor: I would most likely rap on your desk, signaling for you to step outside with me. 
Victor: And then, I would confiscate the electronic dictionary and hand you a registration form. 
Victor: [putting on a voice but doesn’t sound strict at all, subconsciously reminding himself she is my girlfriend and I’d get hell later LMAO] “Classmate, write your name here, and remember not to get caught by me again.” 
MC: That strict? What if I plead with the Discipline Inspector for leniency~ 
MC: [you’re supposed to put on a cute voice here haha] “I bought this with the pocket money I saved for a long time! Please, inspector classmate, let me off the hook, pretty please, sob sob sob~” 
Victor: Based solely on your tone over the phone call, I can’t feel much sincerity or remorse. 
Victor: I’ll be home shortly, and I’m looking forward to your in-person demonstration. 
Victor: Then, I’ll carefully mull it over whether to let you off the hook, or not. 
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Victor: MC, your package just arrived, and it had some damage to the box when it was delivered. So, I went ahead and unpacked it for you. 
Victor: But why did you buy a whole box of steam eye masks and eye patches? 
MC: Well, the seller happened to be running a promotion, and I couldn’t resist the temptation... 
Victor: Mm-hmm, you do get tempted very easily. 
Victor: If not for that, we wouldn’t have a stockpile of “buy three, get one free” laundry detergent at home, nor would we have those Hawaiian-themed bath towels as “freebies for signing up.” 
Victor: Let’s make it clear beforehand, don’t pull me into “using them up” together when the time comes. 
MC: Victor, don’t be so heartless. I’ve put a lot of thought into selecting these items this time. 
MC: You may not be aware, but steam eye masks come in many different scents nowadays. 
Victor: Chamomile, rose, eucalyptus... I can understand how these floral scents might work, but coffee aroma? Are you sure it can help with sleep? 
MC: Oh no, that one’s for keeping you energized! I hadn’t heard of this one before, so I decided to purchase it and give it a try~ 
MC: They claim its effectiveness is on par with the eye exercises we used to do in our student days; it not only provides eye protection but also refreshes and sharpens the mind. 
Victor: In that case, why don’t you consider resuming the eye exercises twice a day from now on? Who knows, it might yield even better results. 
MC: In the world of adults, it’s very challenging to squeeze out time for exercise. 
Victor: I’m not entirely convinced of that. 
Victor: If you utilize all this time you spend shopping impulsively on online sites, it will be sufficient. 
MC: Humph, when I get home tonight, I’m gonna make you join me for an eye mask evaluating session! 
Victor: I’m afraid my eyes won’t be able to handle such a heavy responsibility. 
MC: Well, even though a certain someone says that, in the end, he will still cooperate with me~ 
MC: When the time comes, I will have the aromatherapy and candles prepared, and we’ll start with the eyepatches to kickstart the relaxation process. 
MC: After that, we’ll apply the eye masks for a complete relaxation session. 
Victor: ...couldn’t we perhaps spend this time better participating in some outdoor activities, something that genuinely focuses on eye health and relaxation? 
Victor: Instead of relying on flashy remedies, it’s more effective to go out and do some physical activities. 
MC: Hehe, have you realized that we have already mapped out a perfect weekend itinerary? 
MC: Why don’t we just go to that camping site we’ve been wanting to go fishing for a long time! Hold on, I’ll call to make a reservation shortly. 
Victor: It seems like a certain someone had this all planned out in advance, am I right? 
MC: It’s all thanks to CEO Victor’s guidance that this small idea was implemented in reality so efficiently~ 
Victor: I think I’d prefer to experience your “efficiency” in other aspects. 
Victor: Why don’t you start by making a checklist of the camping essentials we’ll need? 
Victor: And after you’re off work, try to get back home a bit earlier. I’ll have the aromatherapy and candles prepared in advance to create a cozy work-friendly atmosphere for a certain someone. 
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Glitch | k.h. | 3
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: Kicking my feet and blushing
Talk to me! | Series Masterlist | AO3
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Following the Announcement of the Chunin Exams
The jonin quarters of the Hokage’s office were bathed in the soft glow of afternoon light as Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Guy and her gathered to discuss the decision that they had all just made: nominating their genin for the chunin exams. It was a right of passage for them, and she knew that well enough. But Iruka had been right when he stepped in earlier: it was too soon. And she was starting to worry that maybe she shouldn’t have recommended her team after all.
She sighed, rubbing her eye with the heel of her palm, her expression a blend of doubt and concern. The sigh broke the silence of the room, and she finally spoke. 
“I think I may have made a mistake, recommending my team for the exams,” she admitted. Her voice was tinged with uncertainty, and her gaze shifted between her fellow jonin, searching for understanding.
Kakashi, his singular visible eye locked onto her, remained silent, his mask of indifference firmly in place as he watched her carefully.
Kurenai seemed surprised by the admission, brows raised and questions in her crimson eyes. "Is there something specific bothering you?"
Asuma, casually puffing on his cigarette, interjected, "Your team has been making progress, hasn't it?"
“I mean, they have.” She nodded, her eyes briefly falling to the table in front of her where she rested her arms. “But my training as a shinobi has been more focused on diplomacy and preventing conflict –not so much being directly involved in conflict.”
She was quite proud of her accomplishments as a shinobi, of course. And by the village’s standards, she was exceptionally strong in all styles of jutsu. But when she became a jonin, Lord Third –her uncle –determined that the best way to show allied villages that he was serious in trusting them was to send his own flesh and blood to broker peace and maintain alliances. She understood why he did it; it made sense. By sending her, he was telling the other villages that he trusted them enough to not cause harm to his own family. And again, she was thoroughly proud of her accomplishments as a shinobi.
But that meant her genin were getting trained in what she knew best, not necessarily what should be best for them.
Kakashi sighed, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface as he heard her explanations. 
"Look," he began, trying to keep his tone level. "I understand your concerns, but you've already recommended them. It's not about what you've focused on in the past; it's about giving them a chance to prove themselves."
She shook her head, her voice tinged with frustration as well. "I haven't given them the applications yet, Kakashi. There's still time to reconsider."
Asuma and Kurenai exchanged glances, realizing that this conversation was becoming increasingly heated. Asuma knew better than to get in between an argument with his cousin and anyone –let alone Kakashi. They decided it was best to make a discreet exit, leaving her and Kakashi to resolve their differences.
As they left, Guy, who had been oblivious to the growing tension, spoke up enthusiastically. "Well, it looks like you two are really passionate about your teams! That's great! What dedication to our youth!”
In the midst of their argument, she and Kakashi were so engrossed in their exchange that Guy's presence became almost inconsequential. Neither of them even acknowledged his statement, instead focusing in on one another.
Kakashi, his eye narrowing with frustration, couldn't suppress his retort any longer. "You've got to trust in your team's abilities. They've come a long way under your guidance."
She countered, frustration evident in her tone, "But Kakashi, this isn't just about trust. It's about ensuring they're as prepared as possible. I don't want them to face unnecessary danger unless they’re ready.”
Guy, standing beside them, tried to mediate, "Hey, guys, let's not—"
Kakashi interrupted, his voice tinged with impatience, “If you wanted to coddle them, you shouldn’t have recommended them in the first place.”
She bristled at his comment. "Coddle them? I'm trying to make sure they're capable."
Their argument was escalating, each of them deeply entrenched in their beliefs. Guy sensed the tension in the air and decided to make another attempt at diffusing it. "Come on, you two, there's no need to—"
But before he could finish, Kakashi and her exchanged a volley of pointed remarks, the intensity of their disagreement growing by the second.
"If you wanted to disappoint your team," he said, his voice sharper now, "you should have sent them back to the Academy when you had the chance.”
“You don’t get it, Kakashi.” Her eyes flashed with a mix of frustration and hurt as she stood, pointing down at him. “You’re a prodigy; you’re a genius. Your team consists of an Uchiha and the son of the Fourth Hokage. Even more so —you’re a good teacher. And I’m…I’m just…”
Kakashi realized then that she wasn’t questioning her students' abilities as shinobi; she was questioning her own . He eased back into his seat, the anger he felt just moments ago dissipating. Her breath caught, and her eyes widened for a moment —then she stormed off, refusing to give into her emotions any further. 
Guy’s hand on his shoulder brought Kakashi back to where he was, and he looked to his friend with a deep frown. 
“Leave her be, Kakashi,” Guy warned, looking at him thoughtfully. “To be young and starting out, it isn’t easy. This is her first team —she has every right to be concerned about her abilities to teach them. Not everyone can be as good as you and I are.”
Kakashi deflated some at Guy’s warning, but nodded once. “I suppose you’re right.”
Guy gave him a thumbs up, smiling brightly. “Excellent. Now what do you say we have a friendly competition? 100 laps around the village? That always makes me feel better!”
“I —what?” Kakashi looked at Guy in confusion before he shook his head. “No, not right now.”
“Have it your way! Until we meet again, Kakashi!”
The clouds had rolled in shortly after she stormed out of the jonin quarters. While nothing more than a summer shower, it was enough for her to find her way to her mother’s grave. Her mind was conditioned by the rain at this point, it seemed. Even in the midst of her anger and stress, as the clouds were graying and the air was growing a little wetter than usual —she was at the cemetery.
“I don’t know what to do, ma,” she murmured, running her fingers over the headstone gently. Her lashes dropped raindrops like tears —or maybe they were actual tears. She couldn’t tell the difference.. “I’ve never been so unsure of myself.”
There was no response, of course, but that didn’t stop her from trying to imagine what her mother would say. 
“I know you had your own team,” she continued, using her free hand to wipe her eyes. “How did you…gods, how did you hold their little lives in your hands like that? They’re so young, and I’m barely twenty-six —what if they die? People die in the chunin exams, ma.”
“No one’s died in the exams in nearly five years.”
She stiffened at the voice, just as the rain suddenly stopped soaking through her clothes. Perhaps they knew each other too well if Kakashi knew he could find her here. After a moment, she swallowed and patted the spot next to her. Kakashi sunk down beside her, holding the umbrella between them. 
“There haven’t been rookies in the exams in five years,” she reminded him gently, though her eyes stayed glued to the headstone. 
“Oh —well, I guess you’re right.”
“You’re terrible at comforting people, Kakashi.”
Kakashi huffed, masking the chuckle he held back, and rubbed the back of his neck as he crossed his legs under him. “I’m more of a problem solver, truthfully.”
“I know.” She nodded in understanding, picking at a stray string on her pants. A blush crept its way up under her skin, and she cursed herself for being so ridiculous.  “But I don’t need someone to solve my problem; I know what’s wrong. I understand that my anxiety is… irrational , and I know that I should just trust my students and their capabilities.”
She could feel his gaze on her, steady and curious, as she spoke. “I just…I needed to vent, that’s all. Asuma and Kurenai are great at that –listening, and offering me a place to complain for a minute. Guy isn’t; he’s like you. Wants to solve every problem. But I don’t need a solution –I just need a friend to listen to me bitch for a little while.”
Kakashi hesitated a moment, his dark eyes flickering with a mix of regret and realization. As he replayed the heated exchange in his mind, he came to understand the uselessness of the argument he started. They were among friends, gathered to share their worries about their students, and all she had wanted was to share her concerns without the weight of judgment. Instead, his words had only succeeded in upsetting her, and that realization weighed heavily on him, like a leaden lump in his chest.
Feeling like a complete fool, he released a heavy sigh. His usually guarded demeanor had cracked, revealing a rare vulnerability. Without overthinking it, Kakashi tentatively extended his arm, reaching out to wrap it around her shoulder in an awkward, hesitant gesture. She stiffened initially, her body reacting to the unexpected contact, especially from him of all people. But the tension in her gradually ebbed away, replaced by a sense of reassurance as she relaxed into his side. Her temple came to rest against his shoulder, neither of them speaking as the rain pattered against the pink umbrella that shielded them.
It was the closest to an apology she would probably get from him, but it was far more meaningful in her opinion. 
“Wait,” she suddenly announced, pulling away from him to look up at the umbrella. “Did you break into my house to get my umbrella?”
Kakashi dropped his arm, following her gaze up to the canopy above them, before he nodded sheepishly. A blush creeped up above where his mask rested on his cheeks and he chuckled. “Oh, yeah. You should put up stronger protection seals.”
Her laughter erupted suddenly, a melodious sound that echoed in the quiet cemetery. She covered her heart with her hand, as if to contain the burst of emotions that surged within her. The absurdity of Kakashi breaking into her home just to retrieve her mother's umbrella was almost comical, but it stirred something deep within her. Gratefulness, perhaps, but it felt even stronger than that. In that moment, she couldn't help but feel an unexpected warmth, realizing that his actions spoke volumes about their friendship. 
“Oh my gods, Kakashi.”
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-Read: "Dofus Manga" - part 3
+ A big Atcham Analysis
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I'll only briefly point out that he has an ear ring, or that Ancestral Z draws him with hair tufts for cuteness' sake. We have to keep moving towards the point where I analyse him.
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Atcham seems to be quite famous, — to the point Dodge is chastised for not knowing him, despite being an ecaflip, — and one of his nicknames is "the killer of killers". Very, very interesting...
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"You're the one who made a huge mistake, Katar, by stealing the sword I had taken to repair... It belonged to my family for generations."
Obsessed with all the implications this has. You have no idea just how obsessed I am. To Atcham, swords aren't just weapons, — they're objects of sentimental value, a way to protect himself, a tool.
And it turns out that Katar threw his, and I quote Katar, "piece of shit sword" to the moon.
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We've discussed Atcham and Kerubim's dead family, lack of support system, and young age when they lost everything plenty here. Same for their irrational hatred for one another.
No need to tell you how awful this must feel for him. Imagine someone throwing your dead father's picture into the river. For fun.
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"And the smith was a good friend of mine." Man :(
(He's either not that good at telling that someone is scared of him, which is sad, — or the smith that Katar killed was joking, when he said that he was afraid of Atcham.)
What follows is the most important scene I have for characterizing Atcham:
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"The... the six Dofus. You have reunited the six Dofus! And what are you planning to do with them? Do you have an idea already?" "They intend to defeat Cornu Mollu."
If I speak on Cornu Mollu, this post will devolve into a 5-hour lecture on how much I hate the Twelve gods, — how Oropo "Did Nothing Wrong", — and how Sadida, Iop, and Ecaflip in particular need to be [VIOLENT LANGUAGE OMITTED] for the things they have done. Let's just say that he's a demon guy who rules Brakmar at the time of manga, ok?
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"You guys are comedians. PHAHAHA! The guy is stronger than a god... And your Dofus can't change that! And his armies have only continued to expand — they're invincible."
Atcham laughs them out of town like clowns for thinking they can defeat Cornu Mollu. Which is more than understandable. But it is interesting, how he speaks of Brakmar here... Not very patriotic, he.
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"I wish you courage in your collective suicide. As for me, I'm going to find myself a little island, hoping to escape all this!"
The thing about Atcham, is that mostly, he just cares about himself, and the things he likes.
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He doesn't care about the city he's in, — outside the fact that his brother is on the opposing side. He doesn't care about the world, or saving it, — because the world certainly hasn't cared about him!
And he WILL flee, if it saves his skin from any unnecessary pain or danger.
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What he cares about is his own damn self, because nobody else is going to.
For this reason, his personal moral compass is entirely dependent on saving his own skin, because he has only ever had himself to rely upon. He tries not to be too cruel, — yet, if the mood strikes him, he becomes hyperviolent just for the sake of fun.
But the thing about him is that he will leave, if things aren't going well. He won't stay.
This includes fleeing Brakmar at the first sight of trouble. And chances are, it also has, multiple times, included Joris and Kerubim after the movie.
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While I will go more in detail on this later, sometime after Leorictus's nightmare reign and Joris's huppermage horror beyond our comprehension, Atcham has left Kerubim and Joris to return to Brakmar's side.
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As far as I am aware, it is not because of some deep falling out, — they still seem to love one another. Kerubim has an instance of mentioning Atcham, in a pretty teasing manner, — and in the quest that involves catching him for his crimes, Kerubim comes to bail him out with a defense attorney speech at the ready to explain away why the atrocities are both a misunderstanding and completely justified, — but the thing is that Atcham left them, and began doing weird stuff, like crimes. In Kerubim's own Ecaflipus temple.
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My personal thought is that Atcham keeps leaving because he's scared.
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He cares a lot, — because they're the first people to ever care about him, and it drives him crazy how little they care for themselves. It hurts seeing them in pain.
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Leorictus's reign probably was hard, emotionally speaking, — Joris wasn't even legally allowed to live in Bonta, or anywhere else, as a huppermage, — and yet, in Dofus MMO, judging from NPC dialogue about how Kerubim only moved back to Astrub somewhat recently,
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— and Joris's presence in the game before the implementation of Huppermages as a class (I.E. their return from Rok Island), all signs point to the fact that this whole time, as Huppermages fled to Rok Island, — The Trio stayed in Bonta despite the danger, for some insane fucking reason. Probably heroism. Probably trying to save people. (people who have read my fic Fragile will uhh. Recognize this premise. Yeah. I think a lot about this all. To the point of writing a fic about this insane era of their lives.)
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I think Atcham hates how responsible he feels for them, and the batshit insane things, — heroism? saving the world?! helping other people?!? self-sacrifice!?!? — they make him want to believe in, and how afraid he is of losing them. It is for him, to agree to do things he would never do before, for them, — and it's scary, just as scary as how dependent he is now, despite being ok with loneliness before them.
And sometimes, it's just too much, and too fast. So, he leaves, again, and again.
But on a positive note, I want to believe he is mostly over leaving them whenever he gets too stressed out, by Wakfu times. Maybe it's the maturity that comes with age, — or realizing how much they need him after Ogrest's Chaos, but I want to believe that he now expresses his frustration in other, more productive ways: herding these two idiots away from danger.
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Ranging from: subtly insisting that Joris doesn't go on insane suicide missions all alone just to protect them (Just like Atcham, Joris's anxiety for his family makes him very irrational at times.), and trying to get Kerubim to always be ready for battles, while protecting him because he isn't,
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To just plain having the willpower to tell the world's most stupidly self-sacrificial man "Did you consider that the floating eyes in the sky aren't any of our business? :)"
Which is pretty funny.
Anyway, yeah, Joris is not surviving the things Kerubim and Atcham will do to him, after he tells them that he went to something called "The Necroworld", almost got trapped there, and then almost died 20 times.
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