#but it is terrifying how clearly this movement is being funneled into forcing the end
lunariarts · 4 years
people keep makin jokes about how Qanon shitheads keep making up days where “it’s all gonna start” and they keep passing by but... i hope yall can see how this is the worst scenario??  Qanon is a white supremacist, explicitly fascist, doomsday cult. they already have some real strong incentives to draw people into it (IE: you get to do some racism and fascism). it’s not like they even need to set dates, yeah? they could just be like “yeah this is gonna happen, but wdk when because of those meddling liberals...” setting these dates is a way of further radicalizing those already indoctrinated. obviously they are lies, and most people will see it and think “yeah okay this is bullshit” and dip. the purpose is to slowly concentrate their base into the type of people who are willingly to fully buy into this shit. 
to be in qanon you cant just be the worst kinda person imaginable, you have to also be susceptible enough to their brand of brain-rot that you can fully believe in the next “day of reckoning” and ready, once it has passed and been proven wrong, to immediately pivot into full belief of the next stupid thing
qanon pushes its believers into blind belief in their conspiratorial bullshit  it also has a much darker dual purpose. many doomsday cults share a trajectory as they continue to blatantly lie to their base, most will leave due to being frustrated with the lack of results. some will stick around after being overcome by the brain-rot, but it’s the third even smaller portion that is the most dangerous. the hardcore believers that have also become disillusioned and frustrated with the lack of results. this invariably ends to “Forcing the End”, a common end point in doomsday conspiracies where the most radicalized decide that rather than waiting and waiting, they are just going to do.  this is bad. this leads to terror attacks, murder, violence, and extreme action.  and the scariest part is that this is where we are currently at with Qanon.  i fully believe that the attack on the capitol was an attempt to force the end, and i wouldnt bet on it being the last attempt to do so now that trump is out of office, they cant pretend to change things internally anymore, all that’s left for them is to make moves from the outside all they can do now is try and force the end
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