#but it felt fitting for Ven
starlightwayfinder · 10 days
How tall is swan lake Ven in comparison to Terra and Aqua? I assume swan ven isn't full adult size, but swans are pretty big :3
That’s a good question! For my AU, it’s truly a ballet/performance—so Ven being a ‘swan’ is a little more metaphorical. That’s also why I’m not planning to write a fic, since ballet (usually) doesn’t have dialogue. So in that case, he’s just Ven height!
But if I was going for a literal/magical interpretation…. Yeah, he’d probably be on the smaller side! Not a baby/cygnet, but not a full-size adult either. Heres a potential design… 🌌
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venomnectar · 2 years
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wileys-russo · 5 months
aitana , ”you’re comfy”, the couch
you're comfy II a.bonmatí
you'd woken up with a start to the sound of a sneeze, clutching at your chest from the sudden noise and seeing a figure hunched over at the end of the bed.
"tana? estás bien?" you rasped out rubbing your eyes as the figure turned. "lo siento for waking you mi amor." you frowned at the obvious croak in her voice as she suddenly sneezed again, covering her mouth with her hand.
"baby you're sick." you sighed in realization, reaching over her side of the bed to flick on the lamp, wincing a little as the room lit up. "no! it is just...dust." aitana frowned with a shake of her head as you cracked a small smile.
"dust in our bedroom? that you keep meticulously clean?" you questioned with slight amusement and a quirked eyebrow. "sí, exactamente eso." the midfielder huffed as your smile grew.
"and your nose sounds blocked because..." you trailed off expectantly, watching her mind reel for an answer. "i slept with my mouth open! idiota." she smacked her palm against her forehead gently with a tut as you only hummed.
"where are you going?" she reached for you as you started to swing your legs out of bed. "to get you some cold medication and call you in sick for training." you answered, standing and dodging her hands which tried to grab at your shirt.
"no! por favor mi amor i feel fine! no temperature, no cough, just a little sneeze." she promised, quickly standing to block you from leaving the bedroom as you gave her a look of distrust.
"you feel warm." you hummed skeptically pressing the back of your hand to her forehead before she pushed it away. "sí, i am just so hot princesa." the catalan flirted with a smile as you rolled your eyes.
"mmm, smooth. get back in bed bonmatí." you pointed to the bed as she huffed but did as you asked none the less. "ven aquí, you are all the medication i need cariño." your girlfriend grabbed your hand with a smile.
"laying it on thick tonight mi amor." you chuckled with a shake of your head, climbing over her and getting back into bed as she flicked off the lamp.
"buenas noches bebé." your body pressed into hers as your legs intertwined and her hand interlocked with your own, squeezing lightly as you kissed her forehead and closed your eyes.
you'd barely drifted off again before you felt your girlfriend pull away, bending over the edge of the bed as her body seized up with a coughing fit and you hurried to sit up and rub her back.
"oye tana, you are sick amor." you winced as her coughing continued, the girl clearly having been attempting to hold it back previously as you gently rubbed her back until she stopped enough to sit up, your water bottle pushed into her hand as she mumbled thanks and took a large mouthful.
preoccupied with chugging down the water you took her brief distraction to dart out of bed and head out to grab what you needed, ignoring her calls for you to come back before she gave up with a groan and laid back down in bed.
you returned only a couple of minutes later, your girlfriend covering her face with her hand with the blanket tucked right up to her chin. "cari can you sit up just for a little bit please?" you asked softly as she nodded and you helped her pull herself up.
you rubbed some vicks on her back and chest to help with the coughing, now a little closer and with the bedroom light on noticing how pale her face was and how her nose was slightly red.
you eventually had her swallow down some cold and flu medication despite her insistence she was fine and your refusal to accept that, placing a box of tissues down on her night stand.
"hey where are you going now mi amor?" your girlfriend frowned as you didn't join her in bed like she was hoping. "to make some soup for later rudolph." you ran a hand through her hair and gently smoothed her eyebrows out with your thumbs where they furrowed.
"what is rudolph?" she asked confused as you let out a small laugh. "nothing, but you need to rest amor." you warned again gently as she let out a small groan of annoyance.
"no ven aquí, por favor." she pouted and you almost melted, squeezing her hand gently which was locked with yours.
"if you sleep now then by the time you actually need to be up i can spend the entire day looking after you mi amor." you promised as your girlfriend sighed, which rapidly turned into a cough as you winced sympathetically and pushed a new water bottle into her hand.
"rest please querida. its four in the morning! i already called you in sick and i'll work from home today." you assured as she eventually gave in with a nod, slightly drowsy from the medication as you kissed her forehead which was still warm and her eyes slipped close.
now wide awake you wasted no time prepping your girlfriends favorite roast vegetable soup, tucking an airpod into your ear and swaying your head as you prepped everything.
by the time it was almost done you missed the sound of footsteps padding closer to you, a sneeze causing you to jump as you pulled your airpod out and whipped your head around.
"oh baby." you smiled at the face poking out from the blankets she had wrapped tightly around her. "tana go back to bed!" you chuckled as she shook her head, waddling in her blanket cocoon over to the couch.
"i will sleep here amor, i miss you." she huffed, wiggling around and you heard her kicking and tossing about to find a comfortable position. "i miss you too cari but you need to rest." you warned, sliding in the tray of vegetables to roast as you left the base of the soup simmering on low.
"i am resting." the footballer argued with a croak and a sniffle and you hid a laugh at the way she'd burrowed herself into a ball. "you don't look like you're resting." you hummed as she flicked on the tv, browsing for something to watch.
"i need...how do you say it? colourful noise?" she guessed with a frown as your smile grew. "white noise amor, and you need to rest so you can get better. not watch...love island?" you laughed at her choice of program.
"blame keira, she is always talking about it with lucy. now come rest with me!" the brunette ordered as sternly as she could manage with her fast fading voice. "i'm going to have to get up and down to finish the soup." you warned as she opened up her blanket fort and patted the space beside her expectantly.
"my favourite soup?" she asked hopefully as you motioned for her to sit up and slid your body behind hers. "of course." you promised as she again tossed and turned so she was laying on her side and wedged between your legs.
"gracias bebé." she smiled tiredly, wiggling her head out of the blankets as you laced your fingers through her hair, scratching gently at her scalp like you knew she'd want as her body immediately went limp.
"you're comfy." she yawned with a sniffle, hand patting your knee as you chuckled softly. "and you're sick, try to rest please mi amor." you warned as she nodded, eyes closing for a moment before they snapped back open as an argument ensued on the show in front of you.
"if we watch this you will not sleep, will you?" "no, i have to catch up to keira and she said this will help me learn more english phrases." "tana i'm english!"
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saturdaycitrus · 8 months
Ven and Vel getting jobs xD
Dancer AU!! (technically Veneer isn't a dancer in this but my explanation will be on the bottom! TLDR it was just cool so yippee [there's lore!!!!!!!])
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Also! sorry@imadumdumjewel for the late reply!
If you guys req anything, I'll get to it, just may be a tad late...
Anywho! I ran a lil poll on Twitter to decide on the types of jobs they would have so here we go:
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So I actually forgot to put dancer Vel/artist Ven because I kinda thought Ven would kinda fit the thing but after I finished this art I was pretty happy I didn't put it on there lol.
I honestly think that the other job options seemed pretty interesting, but no one really suggested any other jobs, and almost everyone was enthralled with the idea of dancer Ven & Vel.
For Veneer:
At first, my friend and I were planning this, but nothing really felt right to us. I did suggest Ballerino, but it didn't feel like something Veneer would do without Velvet, because they kinda come in pairs. Gymnast was also a suggestion, but after a couple minutes, it was swiftly discarded because I didn't want to draw Veneer's toes.
Anywho, while searching for other options, ice skating appeared, and my friend suggested an interesting idea as to
Lore time:
When Veneer was young, his parents pushed him towards traditionally male hobbies, such as sports and more sports. When his dad saw a flyer for an ice hockey team, he signed him up immediately. However, some mischievous kid had taped a different number to the hockey flyer, so Veneer's father ended up signing him up for figure skating instead.
At first, Veneer thought he was out of place, after all, the ratio of boys to girls was significant and he found himself to be the only one in that class. He didn't enjoy it much and regretted that he didn't join Velvet in her breakdancing course. However, as he unwillingly went to classes, he slowly started gaining a love for the sport and noticed how beautiful it was.
That led him to go down into professional figure skating and join competitions, eventually leading him to go down in history. For Velvet
My friend suggested swapping traditionally male and female dance styles, which led to the eventual conclusion: breakdancing. Velvet is a strong-willed character who would definitely try to get her way (as shown in the trailer of the movie) and take the classes that she liked.
Lore time:
When Veneer got signed up to do ice hockey, Velvet felt like she didn't have to deal with her little brother all day, and felt that she had a lot of time to herself. At first, she found a lot of things to do every day, running to places, going to parties, and just generally having fun.
At this point, Veneer was still unwilling to go to figure skating classes, (turns out Velvet was the mischievous kid who changed the number on the ice hockey flyer into a figure skating course phone number) but since his father had already paid for a year, he had to go anyways. Velvet would purposely use this to upset Veneer when she didn't get what she wanted, but then would accidentally make Veneer cry, resulting in her getting lectured by her parents, and Velvet holding back tears as she apologized to Veneer (she was totes in the fault here tho).
She realized that the more free time she had, the more her parents would lecture her. She decided right then and there that she would sign up for a class. She spent days, scrolling her phone and watching videos of different skills to decide what she wanted to do. However, nothing caught her eye.
Then, one day, she saw a kid do a flip, and slip and fall miserably. First, she took a video and laughed, and then thought to herself, "Hey, I could do that waaaayyyyy better. That kid's a failure!" And so she threw herself into learning it, but unsurprisingly, she fell flat on her face.
She was unhappy with this result, so she immediately went to her parents and asked them to sign her up for a breakdancing course. However, she had a tendency to give up when things got annoying/hard, so her parents turned her away each time. However, both the nonstop pestering and the fact that she no longer was bullying Veneer (because she was too busy following her parents around and throwing tantrums), they finally gave in.
From then on, she started breakdancing classes, and Veneer was upset because now his sister got to do something she liked, but Veneer was stuck in ice skating hell. He was very unhappy for some time, but then decided, "If she's gonna be happy, I gotta be happier. I gotta upstage her". So, he took to ice skating and started focusing all his efforts on it.
Velvet, seeing her twin brother become increasingly devoted to learning the trade she had forced him into while she had just started to get bored of breakdancing, felt a spark of competition and decided to practice harder.
Her parents were really impressed. Periodt. Now they are famous both nationally (Veneer) and on the streets (Velvet, for breakdancing, not giving up). YIPPEE
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yawarakaizai · 1 year
pmzai with an equally miserable s/o fem reader
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM Dazai Osamu (BSD) CONTENTS You sit and stare and wait for him to return to you. You've been bad and you've been good. There's nothing and no one that gives you purpose like he. NOTE reader+dazai are 17/18, implications of s/h, slight misogyny, death of parent, it's kind of angsty.. , soft couple, miserable couple, sui/cide mention+ideation COMPANY I'm Not Human At All
A/N ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ th is wa s har d to make b ecause i h ad sOOO OO m any ide as an d my playli st wa s feelin g good an d kept pla y ing song s th at g ave me diff fic ide as ;; th is is sad ,,, i do nt like sa d fics bu t ,,, this is kin d of a ven t? hehe FEE L FREE TO REQ UEST MOR E!
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Your tender heart would care for an injured bunny rescued from a bear trap.
You'd nurse the animal as best you could yet it would always die.
Your father was a hunter. He earned your living costs by selling animal hide and what meat he'd have spare after covering what you'll need. Your mother died when you were a little girl.
You were as sweet as your mother.
Your father would tell stories of how She would gaze out on the winter sky and say to Herself, "My daughter will be as snow. Gentle and graceful, yet freezing to those who demand more of what perfect she is already."
When your Mother died, they put Her in a box full of pink carnations and orchids. Surely to counteract the smell of Her decaying corpse, to display Her flesh as something beautiful before her descent under soil to where Her bones will return and fertilise what surrounds.
Rural life in Japan was not for the weak. Which you were.
You picked up what your Mother left behind.
Tending to the chickens in their coops and shearing the sheep, you'd milk the cows and free the rabbits when Father wasn't looking.
Your hands plush with baby fat would clench around your rosary every night and pray like a good girl.
By the time you reached puberty, your features resembled your Mother more than ever before. Your figure changed and as did your father.
He'd sneer at the dress that fit you perfectly just two years ago. You'd become defiant and bold, a rebellious child.
" Father, but why? "
Your protests and argumentative nature would anger him. And now, you weren't a good girl.
Shouting battles always left you sobbing into thick pillows until your throat hurt.
It was at the age of fifteen did you find out what lies beneath your thin flesh and blue pulse.
You are made of bright crimson and spite.
At sixteen, you ran away.
It was impulsive. You forgot how and what happened. You don't want to remember.
Your calves ached and your feet blistered with pain from trudging up and down hills and farms.
You are a mixture of love and loss.
Everything is a blur, and sometimes you question whether running away was the wisest thing to do.
You had collapsed the moment you stepped foot into the city.
A sad, lost soul who ran away from her father.
You had been a..
" Very bad girl. "
The voice startled you enough for you to spill the batter all over your clean white apron.
" Osamu! " You cried out in disbelief, the boy laughing hysterically. " That isn't funny, knock it off. "
In a way, Dazai reminded you of those bunnies you'd rescue in your youth. He was caught and wounded by the claws of Life. And although you may cup his cheeks into your hands and tell him 'You're alive', he had already died before you were able to cradle him to your chest.
" I told you not to wake up early, Y/N! I should have known to not mention my fondness of crêpes to you. "
You felt untamed, wild hair brush against the bare of your neck before soft lips made contact with your jawline. A soft kiss pressing into what was cold. He was grateful to have you in his sad miserable life.
And even if you two were not perfect for each other, you'd both die to watch the world burn.
" I did it on my own accord. " You lied. " You did not. " He calls your bluff like air. You huff in surrender.
Setting down the metal bowl of paste, you turn to face him. You think of the horrors that his empty, black eye must have seen. His other eye, obscured by bandages, was a mystery to you. You respected him enough to not budge him about it.
" I wished to make you something special. "
You confess, certain he already knew your intention. Your boyfriend was simply smarter than many.
" I don't need anything. Coming home to you is enough, bella. '' His hand stretches to you like death.
Your eyes were not as bright as they were when you were little. They reflected the bad girl that you've become. The one that left her sickly impoverished father in treacherous conditions alone because her feelings were hurt.
" Belladonna. "
He'd pull you back into reality when he'd notice you slipping.
" 'samu. You've barely been coming home anymore, okay? Let me do this, just this once for you. " You snaked your arms around his waist and he mirrored your action, twirling you both out of the kitchen.
Dazai was inexplicable to you. He was a man your father wouldn't like. A man your Mother would hate. A man your younger self would despise.
You willingly moved into a shared apartment with the mafia executive after a few months of living in Yokohama. It was him to have picked you up from the streets. Sensing you were worth more than the muddied appearance you showed at that time.
Your one-time use turned into a second-time use, and your second-time use blossomed like a flower in Spring. You interested him.
You both intoxicated each other. Dazai was able to make you feel light. You felt weightless and as fragile as a butterfly. Weak, small and at his mercy.
" Then don't hide yourself away from the kitchen when I'm right here, love. "
By the time your spinning head focused on what was around you again, he had toppled you both onto the living room couch. He loomed over you, fully dressed in his mafia uniform, his stupid tie obscuring your vision until he tucked it between the buttons of his revere blouse.
" What would you do if I were to die? "
" Osamu. Stop that. "
You muttered.
You feel his life. The warmth of his body, the tender flow of blood heating his body as his finger traced patterns into your cheek. Your heart keeps beating.
" Answer me, Y/N. "
You didn't enjoy thinking of your partners demise. You wouldn't mind if you were to die.
The problem was, you didn't want to be alive for your boyfriends funeral, yet you didn't wish for your boyfriend to be alive for yours.
You loved each other to the point it became hate. Hate for how the other made living seem worth it.
Dazai had an eventful life. You did not.
You had no education whatsoever. According to the government, you did not exist. You had no birth certificate. You were no one. You lived hidden in this cramped apartment.
When Dazai was away, it was only you and your thoughts. Your thoughts were a dangerous thing.
" I think I would kill myself too. "
Your voice caught up on an unexpected crack. You were puzzled until your vision became glassy.
" Pretty baby. I'm sorry. " His apology was belated as you'd already begun to sniffle, he lowered his weight on you, turning to lay on his side as he pulled you in close, coaxing you into silence.
" Don't die, 'samu. Not here, not now. " Your sad little beg mused him.
Dazai was all you had left. You were most certain that if you were to part, you would die.
With Dazai, you were still inadequate. Without Dazai, you truly were nothing but a walking corpse.
He thinks that you are something weak and soft, with a fire raging in you that cried to be extinguished before it could spread.
You hush yourself to enjoy the feeling surrounding you. You feel Dazai's ribcage rise with each steady breath he takes. The beating of a heart is somewhere far deep in, and yours is jumping in your throat.
" Not now. " He repeated after you, and part of you wished to believe it.
There was something mystical about Osamu.
Something that warned you to not feed coal to the flame.
And that if you reached your hand in, you'd burn yourself on what was forbidden.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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esquen · 2 years
More dad gavi cuz it’s the cutest shit everrrrr. Imagine gavi with 8 month old baby who looks exactly like him i canttttt😭💗
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dad!gavi pt 2
summary ;; gavi hangs out with his kids for the day
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“puedes quedarte quieta por favor?” “can you stay still please?” gavi spoke to his daughter, fully putting her diaper in place before sitting her up to grab her clothes.
before he realized, she had crawled to the other side of the bed and grabbed his phone, smacking her hand against it harshly and shaking it around.
“ven aquí!” “come here!” he scolded, wrapping his arm around her and putting her back in her original spot. she whined and tried to move away but gavi was quicker and stuffed her head through the top of the shirt.
“por que te mueves tanto?” “why do you move around so much?” he huffed and put her little arms into the shirt, pulling it down and clipping the bottom.
he sighed in relief as he walked back out to the living room with her on his hip, her chubby cheek dug into his shoulder. she rubbed her eyes softly and turned her head, allowing her other cheek to lay on his shoulder.
while she did this, he tried his best to warm up her milk with a baby in his hands and a toddler running around. “carlos, siéntate!” “carlos, sit down!” he yelled, his son giggling as he huffed in annoyance.
he could tell his daughter was getting antsy from the hunger as she whined and wiggled in his arms, tears starting to pool in her eyes.
“lo sé, nena, papá va lo más rápido que puede.” “i know babygirl, daddy’s going as fast as he can.” he spoke as carlos ran past him again. “carlos! qué te acabo de decir?!” “carlos! what did i just tell you?!” he yelled, carlos letting out another fit of laughter as he ran into the living room.
the microwave finally dinged as he took the cup out of it, dumping it into his youngest’s bottle and shaking it up to get rid of the bubbles.
scooching over by the couch, he sat down with a grunt and leaned his daughter over his arm, putting the bottle to her lips.
he finally got a quick breath in as she ate, watching carlos finally get tired of running and walking up to sit with them. he curled his body into gavi’s side and rubbed his eyes, yawning.
“cansado?” “tired?” gavi asks as he wraps an arm around carlos. carlos nodded with heavy eyes, gavi racking his hands through his hair as he felt carlos’ breathing regulate and his body go limp.
gavi huffed, tired from today and just excited for you to come home. he looked down at his daughter and payed attention to her little details. the way her eyelashes fluttered when she blinked and the heavy breaths she took in between drinks.
he was in complete awe of both of his kids, the whole dad thing finally settling on him as he laid there with both kids in his arms.
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simplydannie · 2 months
Trolls! Velvet and Veneer
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Inspired by and written for @grinnworld. Based on their ask, here’s part of it:
“Hey remember that time you drew Veneer and VeeVee as trolls but couldn't think of a solid for them then?
I think I might have something, the story starts out with both of them running from the mistress's goons. But then got separated and Veneer ended up getting captured, leaving Velvet to figure out a way to rescue him…”
This is probably going to be a more than one part story! I wanted to fit your idea all together but it would’ve seemed rushed. So here’s the first bit of your master plan! Thank you for the inspo 🫶 Hope you like it!
“Come on Veneer! Keeping running!” Yelled the small little pale Troll. Her high, green, braided hair swinging back and forth as she pulled her twin brother at her heels. The little male Troll behind her held on to his purple beanie, he held it tight as tears stung his eyes….he was scared. The footsteps chasing them grew closer, and closer.
“They’re getting close Velvet!” He cried.
“Down here!” She pulled him under a thicket. They made their way in as far as they could. She pulled her brother next to her, placing her fingers on her lips to hush him. Veneer held his hands over his lips to calm his breathing. The ground shook underneath them as the foot steps of the Bergens pursuing them closed in.
“Where are those rats?” A Bergens sniffed the air, “They’re close. I can smell it.”
“Tear down everything if you have too.” The other Bergens said. Both of them began tearing through the thicket, root by root, plant by plant. The two young Trolls hid as far back within the root of the tree, as far as they could.
“They’re going to find us!” Veneer’s heart began to race, sweat dripped down as his nerves kicked in.
“Shh! I’m trying to think!” Velvet scolded. Peeking around, there was nothing for them to climb. Rageous Trolls didn’t have the ability to stretch their hair like other Trolls. Velvet looked behind them….they had no other choice.
“Dig!” She whispered harshly. Both Trolls used their tiny hands to dig away at the root of the tree, hoping they could make an opening big enough for them to fit. They could hear the Bergens growing closer and closer as they continued to tear away at the thicket.
“Hurry!” She exclaimed….
…….“I see you…”
The twins turned around to find a giant eyeball peeking through the opening of the bush. Out of desperation Veneer continued to dig. Velvet wasted no time as she grabbed her brother by the wrist and pulled him out of where they were…just in time as the Bergen reached his hand in and attempted to snatch the siblings.
“Run Veneer! Run!” Velvet screamed. The made their way back out of the thicket and further within the woods. This time Velvet had not sense of direction, she was desperate, so she just continued to run. The Bergens scent for Troll made it difficult for them to hide. They were also ten times bigger making out running them difficult.
Veneer turned his head. He could see the brushes moving as the Bergens continued to push through the thicket and bush…. He failed to see Velvet had gone left as he continued to go right…..
…..She was quick. The Bergens didn’t see which way she went, but they kept their sights on the boy.
Velvet began to slow down as she heard and felt the stillness below her feet…. The Bergens…They weren’t following them anymore.
“We lost them?” Turning her head she saw that they were no longer being pursued. “Ven, we lost them!” She chimed…..silence…..
…..No answer…..
She turned and looked all around her….Her brother was no where to be found.
“Oh no, no, no, no!” Her heart raced as she began to panic. Velvet had no choice, she ran back the way she came….
“Vels! Vels!” Veneer cried as he realized he had lost sight of his sister. He ran in circles as he panicked. “VELVET!” He cried again. She couldn’t have gone far, she was only just in front of him moments ago!
“Velvet please answer me!” He cried and cried.
Desperation to find his sister took over that he didn’t realize the pair of big yellow eyes staring at him.
In one scoop, the Bergen grabbed the small Troll and dumped him into a glass container.
“Hey!” Veneer banged against the walls of his prison.
“Only one? Where’s the other?” One Bergen mentioned.
The one holding Veneer shrugged, “One is better than none. Let’s take him back to the boss.”
“Veneer! Veneer!” Velvet cried. She heard nothing, no one…soon she felt the vibrations beneath her feet. Looking over head she gasped and jumped beneath a bush as she saw the two Bergens re-emerge. They paid her no mind, they didn’t even notice her. Peeking underneath she noticed that one of them had something in their hand. It was a glass container and inside was something small…a swoop of familiar green hair…
….Her body shook at the realization of who it was…
“VENNIE!” She cried. Velvet ran out for the bush and dashed her way to the Bergens. Her small legs could only get her so far…She saw them grow smaller and smaller. Tears began stinging her eyes…
“Vennie!!!” She cried again in hopes that her cry, that her voice, the sound of his name, that something would bring him back…. She tripped and stumbled. Tumbling to the ground Velvet shook…
….Was he gone? Was her brother really gone? Just like that?…Looking up to the spot where the Bergens once were lay empty now. They were gone from her sight, Veneer along with them. Glancing at the ground with tear struck eyes Velvet noticed something. She mustered up the strength and stood to her feet. She walked to an indention left on the soil for the Earth, following the patterns she noticed something about them…They were footprints…The Bergens had left behind footprints!
Velvet closed her eyes as she held a small hand over her heart…She tried something she hadn’t tried in a while. Her green hair stood up and gave off a small glow…
Vennie, Vennie, where are you?
Veneer crouched hugging his knees, he cornered himself as far as he could as he lay in the trap. His entire body shivered in fear….
“You see a Bergen, you see a Rageon….Run…Run as fast as you can. And hold on tight to your sister.” Their mother had old them….That was before the attack…Before their parents were stolen with half of their village by both Rageons and Bergens….They never saw their parents again…
Tears began streaming down his face…suddenly, he felt something. Perking his ears up he could distinctly hear the voice of his sister…
Vennie, Vennie, where are you?
“Vels?” He whispered. Was she, was she trying to communicate with him? It was a talent Rageous Trolls shared, it was a talent especially powerful amongst twins as their bond was stronger…He casted a glance at the Bergens…They weren’t looking. The swoop of green hair on his hair stood up, a small glow coming to it…
I’m trapped….a car…a highway….mountains….no, buildings…Tall buildings standing out of the clouds…It’s bright and colorful…
Velvet could feel it…She could feel her brother. Good. He was still alive. But what he said didn’t make any sense: tall buildings standing out of clouds? He was giving her where they were headed. She continued to walk still trying to hold on to the connection…
Stay with me Veneer, let’s keep connected a little longer….
Soon her hair dropped back to its regular braided ponytail, the glow gone…the connection was lost. They weren’t strong enough to hold it long, it surprising they could connect from so far away. She wasn’t going to stop trying, she followed what lead she had for now and those were the giant footsteps the Bergens.
“I’m coming for you Ven. When I get my hands on you, you’re in BIG trouble.” She mumbled…
…..He lost it…He lost the connection with his sister…He felt alone again. Veneer hugged his knees as the tears came… A cloth was draped over the glass prison covering his view. He could feel the container be lifted and carried. Moving around the container, he tried to catch a glimpse of anything he could see that could help him explain to Velvet where he was at…but nothing….He could hear voices and noises…He kept his ears perked…
“We caught one boss.”
“Just one?” It was the sound of a woman’s voice, that much he could tell.
“We went to the area where they told us…There was nothing but two Trolls. The girl ran off, but we caught this one.” The Bergen replied.
Veneer heard the sigh of disapproval the woman let out, “Those bastards in the under-city…They lied to us…That or gathered most of the Trolls up for themselves….Let me see this one…”
The sound of the glass prison echoed as the Bergen placed it firmly on the table. The cloth was removed, Veneer looked up and saw the woman who had been speaking for the first time….She was a Rageon. Her skin was purple as well as her hair, it was tied up, loose curls falling around her face, bright green eyes staring at him.
“It’s a young one. That’s all you were able to find.” She scowled at her Bergen.
“Yes, Mistress.”
She looked down towards Veneer, “Let’s see what you’re made of.” Reaching into the glass container she grasped him firmly with her hand. He grunted as pain scorched his little lungs.
“Oh was that to hard? Weak.” She spat throwing him into a diamond bottle. Veneer tapped and banged against it.
“Hey!” He cried out.
Grabbing the small pouch that hung off the bottle, she began to spray herself….That’s when Veneer felt it….a pain scorching his body as he felt something being sucked out of him…as if all the air was disappearing around him. A small glow surrounded his body. Whatever she was doing caused her to glow along with him. His hair stood up and gave off a small glow..
Trapped….Diamond…Evil purple Rageon woman…it hurts…its hurts Vels…
The connection was cut off as he fell limp inside the bottle. The Mistress open hers eyes as a pink hue surrounded them….a Euphoria surging through her body…Euphoria and something else…something she’s never felt before.
“Oh, yes. This little one is definitely special.” She looked at the bottle as Veneer lay unconscious. Mistress tossed the perfume towards one of her Bergens, “Make sure he’s locked up safe and good. This one is mine. No word goes out to anyone else, do you understand!”
“Yes Mistress.” The Bergens walked off with the little Troll inside the diamond…
….As he lay on the diamond floor, eyes closed as he streamed in and out of consciousness, his hair began to glow slightly again…
…Velvet…. Stay away…. Don’t come….Danger…..
….He fainted.
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dreamersbcll · 1 year
You know what would be cool? Imagine if mybe christina was worse than we thought, and before the all scream 2022 events, something happens and tara calls sam and then she takes her away from that house.
“Long night?”
Sam looked up from scrubbing the grill, grinning at her coworker Zach.
Putting the grill brush down, she went to the hand wash station to clean her hands. “Well, we just worked two clopen shifts in a row and are starting our third. Also, I’m running solely on red bull and wafers, so you tell me, smartass,”.
He just smiled back at her, tossing a towel her way. “Yet you’re still here for another day with me. Face it, Sam, you’re in love with me,” he teased, bumping her hip with his.
She shoved him back, laughing despite herself. “Yeah, and what would your boyfriend say about that?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Let me ask,”.
Before she could retort, her phone started ringing in her pocket. It was the ringtone she had specifically for unknown callers. But this one felt different like her phone was burning her in her pocket.
Sam took it out, looking at the screen. It was indeed an unknown number, but the sequence of numbers made her stomach bottom out. It was the area code for Woodsboro. She thought she had gotten rid of all her ties to that place. Not.
“Uh… could you cover the window? I’ll be back in a second,” she asked, giving Zach puppy eyes.
He rolled his eyes but waved her off. “Joe catches you slacking, don’t bring me into it,”.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” she muttered, heading out of the store.
Once outside, she answered the call, nervous to find who may be on the other end.
“Hello?” she asked, unsure of what was happening.
The second she had the voice, she knew she was in deep shit. She recognized that voice. It was the one that she had abandoned four years ago.
Her breath caught in her throat, her stomach immediately souring. She tried to stop her hands from shaking, but it was useless.
“Tara? Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you?” she frantically asked, nausea rising inside her.
Tara paused, her breathing heavy. Sam could hear that something was going on in the background. Yelling. Someone was screaming and breaking something. She could listen to Tara’s breaths becoming wheezy and a woman crying in Spanish. Christina.
Switching to Spanish, Sam spoke quietly, sensing her mother was on another rage fit. The last thing she needed to do was alert Christina of her baby sister’s hiding place.
“Mi cielo. ¿Qué está pasando? ¿Estás a salvo?”
(My sky. What’s going on? Are you safe?)
She could hear Tara whimper at the words and shift in her spot. If Sam listened carefully, she could hear her mother breaking something against the hardwood floors. It sounded like glass.
“Sammy. No sabía a quién más llamar. Necesito ayuda. Se ha vuelto loca. ¡Loca! Por favor, ven a casa, rápido,” her sister whispered, urgency laced in her tone.
(I didn’t know who to call. I need help. She’s gone crazy. Crazy! Please come home quickly)
Another crash echoed through the phone, and she heard a door slam and Tara screaming.
“¡Puta! ¡Te mataré por lo que has hecho!” her mother yelled, clearly slapping Tara.
(You whore! I will kill you for what you have done!)
Sam didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t do anything from where she was. She was helpless, listening to her mother beat her baby sister over the phone. All she could do was yell for Tara to fight and run! Run! Get out! Get out, baby, get out!
Finally, the phone ended the call, the ringing echoing throughout Sam’s ears. Her voice was hoarse from screaming, her ears echoing with the sounds of her sister being abused. She never thought she would hear her baby sister cry like that again, especially not through the phone.
Without a second thought, she pocketed her phone and made her way to her car, peeling away out of the parking lot.
Everything got hazy after the first punch.
The fucked-up part was that Tara was having a good day. She has aced her AP Biology exam and got an A- on her English paper. Plus, Amber had given her her favorite hoodie back. And the twins had invited her to go ice skating with them.
Naturally, nothing good in Tara's life could stay. She was destined to be punished. She knew that deep down, she was a glutton for punishment. How else would she know if she was alive if she hadn't been beaten down by something?
But she wasn’t expecting her mother to go off the rails so soon. They had such a good run in the last couple of weeks. Tara keeps a wide berth from Christina, and in return, her mother gets wasted in the backyard—a win-win.
Within the last day, something had snapped inside of her mother. She had been on the warpath more than usual, smashing bottles onto the floor and breaking random pieces of furniture. It was only a matter of time before Tara would be next.
She was hoping for more time. One more day. If she had made it one more day, she could’ve been out of the house and safe with the twins. But luck was never on her side.
The surprise punch to the jaw once she walked through the front door was shocking, but it kicked her into high gear. Dizzy and disoriented, she shoved her mother back, sprinting up the stairs. She slipped on a broken bottle, falling to her knees, hissing as glass embedded into her palms and knees. It didn’t matter, and she had to move.
Barricading into her closet, she got her phone out, trying to decide who to call. Her jaw aching and her vision blurry, she tried to wrack her brain for somebody. Anybody.
She decided on the long shot. Her mother was making her way upstairs, screaming in a messy mix of Spanish and English. It was now or never.
Dialing the one number she saved under Unknown, she prayed for a miracle.
Luckily her big sister picked up, and Tara blurted out that she needed help. For a moment, hope fluttered in her chest, hearing her big sister’s voice. Maybe, just maybe, this would work.
If only her mother didn’t hit her with that chair. She had no idea if Sam had heard her or if she was coming. All she knew was that she potentially dialed the last phone call she would ever make.
Once she felt her ribs crunch and her nose break, did she give into the darkness creeping behind her eyes. Maybe when she woke, this would all be over.
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to wake up alive or dead. She just wanted the pain to stop. Whatever did that, she would take it mercifully.
The drive to Woodsboro took maybe an hour, hour and a half. Sam wasn’t ready to unpack why she only lived an hour away from her sister. She didn’t have time to blame herself when something was wrong.
Pulling into the lawn, she didn’t even bother to shut the car off. She threw her seatbelt off and tore across the property. Throwing open the door, she paused in the doorway, staring into the abyss.
It was strange. She wasn’t expecting everything to look the same. She would’ve thought that her absence would change everything. Yet the walls were empty of photographs, and the floor was still dirty from nights of sin.
The shrieks and yelling snapped her out of her trance, and Sam bolted up the stairs. The only light on upstairs was Tara's room, and that’s when she could hear the screaming.
“Sammy! Sammy, help! Help!” shrieked her baby sister above the noise of slapping and swearing.
Sam went to the room and saw her mother above her baby sister, hitting her with what looked like a trophy. Tara’s trophy. Second-grade spelling bee winner.
Her little sister was crumpled on the ground, with a bloody nose and a gash below her eye that stretched over her cheek. Tara looked dazed, her eyes unfocused and her hands shaking, trying to protect herself from the blows feebly.
Christina, on the other hand, looked about the same as the last time Sam had seen her. Long, dark stringy hair framed a gaunt face, eyes rimmed red, and a sneer so ugly that it made Sam cringe.
She sprung into action, tackling her mother against the wall. She pinned Christina there, one arm barred against her throat, the other wrestling the bloody trophy from her hand. Her mother’s eyes were wide in surprise, a snarl forming on her lips.
“So the prodigal daughter returns! ¡La hija de un asesino!” her mother sneered, choking a bit as Sam pressed harder against her throat.
(The murderer’s daughter!)
Sam finally got the trophy out, throwing it down on the ground. Tara whimpered from her crumpled state at the broken award, watching another childhood memory shatter. Sam didn’t fucking care. She had to end this.
Pressing her arm harder in the throat, she let her mother choke, her arms clawing at Sam’s to make her let go. But Sam wouldn’t budge. She grinned as her mother's eyes grew more panicked. She wanted to see the light die from her mother’s eyes; she wanted to feel the life leave her body. It would be the ending that she deserved.
But something nagged her to turn around and look at Tara. Look at her baby sister.
Giving in, Sam turned to look, ignoring the gasps of her mother. She looked down at her baby sister, taking in the little girl she had left before.
Tara looked up at her, her nose gushing blood, wheezing. Sam could make out a bruised ring appearing around Tara’s neck. A choke mark. She pressed harder into her mother’s throat, feeling the desperation set into her mother’s body.
Her baby sister just kept staring at Sam, her big brown eyes full of sadness, of tears that weren’t falling. Sam could feel shame prickle up her back, her face growing warm. Tara shook her head at Sam, silently pleading for her to let Christina go.
Even after all these years, Tara had some hypnotic grip on Sam. Her baby sister nodded at Sam, coughing a bit of blood up. Sam nodded back and let her mother crumpled to the floor, gasping.
In a heartbeat, Sam was on the floor, soothing her baby sister. She kissed Tara’s head and smoothed the hair out of her eyes. Tara cried in response, nails clinging onto Sam’s skin, sinking in. Sam let her hold on as she kept kissing her head and rocking her back and forth.
After a minute or two, Sam scooped Tara up, ignoring the whimpers of distress, silencing her. Tara cried out in pain but still curled into Sam’s embrace, her head tucked into her shoulder.
As Sam turned around to leave, she heard the raspy voice of her mother, forcing her to pause.
“Where are you going with her? She’s defective, you know. You’re not stupid, Sam- you’ve always been the stronger one,” she croaked out.
Sam shook her head, staring down at her mother. She didn’t succumb to the temptation to put Tara down and finish it for good. Instead, she stood ramrod straight, her eyes unforgiving, her hands unrelenting. Tara could sense the words about to come out, and she buried her face deeper into Sam’s chest.
“You never wanted either of us. I’m doing you a favor. I’m doing what I should’ve done in the first place,” she hissed back, staring daggers at her mother's broken body.
Tilting her head, Christina stared back in wonder. “And what would that be?”
“Leaving with Her. Just like I should’ve done,” Sam said.
Despite her mother’s pleas, and the broken bottles being thrown at the two, Sam marched on, cradling Tara tightly to her chest.
This was her redo. There would never be another one.
She wasn’t leaving without her girl this time around.
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tricerotopicpt2 · 7 months
Fable SMP Pokemon AU
Ok, so I've had alot of thoughts about a fable smp pokemon au. I definitely have full team ideas for some characters, but I have at least a partner pokemon and reasoning as for why for every character and thought that I'd share them! Some reasonings are definitely alot stronger than others 😅, but there is at least one!
Icarus: • Decidueye It's a bird-shaped (not flying type), ghost type, archer pokemon. It feel pretty fitting
Rae: • Espeon It evolves with high friendship, psychic type, incredibly loyal. These are all traits that feels fitting for rae (also a callback to heyhay's cosplay)
Athena: • Litten I mean it's a fire cat. I feel like that's reason enough.
Caspian: • Lycanrock (mid-day form) Guys its atlas For caspian, I have an idea for a full team, it's just hard to pick a partner pokemon for him, but i decided that since I have lycanrock on his team because of a pet, it felt the most fitting to be the partner pokemon
Fenrir: • Houndoom It felt like the most fitting wolf themed pokemon The rest of his pokemon are definitely more space themed (minior, aurorus, lunatone, ect.)
Ulysses: • Feebas Its known for being incredibly tenacious in tough situations, despite its appearance and being usually ignored. Its moon dex entry also says that its vitality makes it a subject or research. I also like the idea of Ulysses trying to get it to evolve, but just not figuring out how (Its totally because I think they look alike)
Aax: • Sharpedo An extremely powerful water type pokemon, also its dark typing makes it super effective against ghost types.
Jamie: • Dachsbun Its connor the dog. Also Jamie sure is baker and I think bread dog is a fun way to represent that
Momboo: • Meganium Can revive dead plants and grass. Also I just think it fits the vibe
Easton: • Bronzong It's a steel type bell pokemon, which feels fitting. it's also known for bringing rain
Haley: • Corsola I like the idea that something happens that causes it to somehow become a galarian corsola (which is a dead little ghost corsola) Idk how, but yeah.
Seven: • Klinklang It feels a bit obvious, but its fitting so-
Centross: • Ceruledge It's a very powerful pokemon that's exclusive to pokemon violet. "Ceruledge dons an old set of armor steeped in grudges and wields blades made of fire and ghost energy. In battle, these blades transform into great swords to increase Ceruledge’s power. Cuts from these great swords leave wounds from which life energy will flow." Also just look at it.
Ocie: • Basculegion Not only is it a hisui exclusive pokemon (which means its old as hell) and a water type, its dex entry says "Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream." Which feels fitting for Ocie.
Ven: • Alolan Vulpix Guys it's a little white fox. It's just like him.
Chaos: • Yanmega It's a dragonfly. And also extremely violent and powerful according to its dex entries
Galahad • Armarouge It's a warrior that's extremely loyal. Also fire type.
Original Arisanna • Togekiss I like the idea of the allays being togepi
Vexed Arisanna • Tinkaton I think it's a reasonable pokemon for arisanna to have already had, but pivoted more towards once she was vexed. Its and extremely intelligent pokemon, but its known for being mercilessly violent and stealing what it pleases.
Addie: • Spinarak It felt like the most fitting spider pokemon
Will: • Meowscarada I mean its got a mask. (Guys please I was so stuck on will if you have better ideas PLEASE give them)
I was too much of a coward to give the world sisters mythical/legendary pokemon, but if I did I think they might have their respective island guardians (tapu bulu and tapu fini) alternatively, ocie having suicune and momboo having virizion. Or Ocie having manaphy/phione and Momboo having shaymin
Anyways! Those are my thoughts on the characters partner pokemon! If you have suggestions PLEASE give them! I definitely want to come up with some pokemon for the npcs and gods aswell!
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ghostwise · 11 months
Matacuervos, ch. 2 Introduction to conversational Antivan Read on AO3
The word ‘honeymoon’ was exactly the same in Antivan: luna de miel. This coincidence delighted Hamal, as did the language, which, for all its associations with his beloved, was objectively one full of poetry and art.
Why was a sleeping shrimp a cautionary tale? What did it mean if something was from the year of soup, or fresh as a lettuce? And how could he not admire the way Zevran came alive when speaking Antivan, with all its twists and turns?
He had some time; though the proposal had been spontaneous, the wedding was anything but. There were rings to procure, a chapel to settle on, and assassins to evade. Still, Hamal was in a hurry most unlike him. The mystery of that tongue beckoned him. To learn it was to learn Zevran a little better, so he set about this task immediately.
Numbers and colors first. Days of the week and directions.
Hello, goodbye, please and thank you. Love songs and lullabies. All the vital parts of the language: kiss me, come here, yes.
Terms of endearment captured him the most. He’d already learned some: Amor, corazón, mi vida. Certainly he had many of his own: Ma vhenan, emma lath, mir atish’an. But he liked Zevran’s best, because he heard them so often in that sweet voice, whispered into his ear at market, or amid a flurry of sheets and pillows.
He devoted himself to all this and more.
“You are learning quickly!” Zevran observed, Antiva City far behind them. His smile shone, like the ironbark ring Hamal had gifted him.
“I have a good teacher,” Hamal said simply with a laugh.
Equally thrilling were Zevran’s attempts at speaking Elvhen.
In Zevran’s accent, ma vhenan became something like ven ( which in Antivan meant ‘come here,’ as in, stay with me always), or something like venas (which in Antivan meant ‘veins,’ as in, you are in my blood). As Zevran might say, the interplay of their mother tongues danced.
And when the time came, he said his wedding vows in Antivan.
The process of translating the words from Elvhen to Common, then to Antivan, took he and Zevran the better part of an afternoon—but time moved slower in love, it seemed. Thank the Creators for that. And Zevran had insisted on reciprocating the gift.
In the end they were left with three copies of their wedding vows: one in their respective mother tongues, one in that awkward yet vital bridge of Common, and one in the language of their chosen homes.
A charm, like turning a ring three times to make a wish. Such excess of love and language was like spring after a cold winter.
Such was marriage.
Following a quick ceremony in a rural chapel, they vanished into the northern region of the country. They moved quickly, careful not to be tracked—that bloody night in Antiva City remained fresh in both their minds—but their travel involved more pleasure than it did business. They were newlyweds, after all.
There were fruits here that could never grow in Ferelden, sold in little street carts, arranged with such artful skill that it almost seemed a shame to eat them. There were shops selling hand-made sandals and ornate patterned belts, and the smell of the leather damn near made Zevran cry with joy.
Hamal felt he could lose himself in this feeling forever, and with this thought came a startling realization: that Antiva with Zevran felt more like home than Clan Sabrae without Zevran ever could.
He promptly bought Zevran the sword and leather scabbard he’d been admiring.
Every night they went to a different inn, falling into one another; effortless and joyful, the way they fit together, almost like it’d been long-rehearsed. Hamal might whisper something he’d overheard a giggling couple say on the street. Whatever it meant, it caused Zevran to fall back laughing, unable to hide the blush rising to his cheeks.
And every day brought about a new vocabulary lesson so that Hamal could more easily navigate his new home. Over their shared morning coffee, Zevran coached him in important phrases. How to trade, how to ask directions.
“No entiendo. Necesito traducción, por favor.”
“No entendo, nescito…”
“Ne-ce-sito,” Zevran said, elaborating a little. “Like ‘necessity’.”
“Right,” Hamal said, trying again. “Necesito traducción, por favor?”
He’d stumbled through many an awkward translation error, but oh, he tried. It was as much a mark of commitment as the vows they had taken together; as precious the rings that now adorned both their fingers. It was like every word Hamal learned in Antivan translated simply to I do, I do, I do.
“Just like that,” Zevran said, satisfied. “That’s my boy.”
Hamal’s smile pulled at his peeling sunburn, his eyes glinting fiercely with pride.
“You know, I grew up near here,” Zevran told him one morning.
He had a map rolled out on the table in front of him. On it were the beginnings of something; a nebulous sketch of the task ahead, a road neither of them knew just yet.
“Did you?” Hamal asked. “Were you born near here?”
“Here, in Rialto,” Zevran said, gesturing. “I lived there before the Crows… acquired me.”
Hamal considered Zevran’s careful choice of words; he knew what he meant, so he didn’t ask for clarification. Instead, he gave him a warm smile, gentle and encouraging.
“I would love to see it, if you’re up to visiting.”
“Perhaps. If we have the time,” Zevran said. “But really, amor , the place means very little to me. I have no childhood home, unless you count the brothel my mother worked at. I had no family there. No friends. None that would remember me, anyway.”
“Still,” Hamal said, “It is your birthplace, vhenan . That alone makes it special. Consider it a sentimental request from your husband?”
The question lingered for a moment, then Zevran rolled up the map quietly. He planted a quick kiss on Hamal’s cheek.
“That, I can do,” he said. “Besides, what better place to continue our investigation into the Crows, than where I first encountered them myself? Perhaps the Crows are still active in Rialto, gathering their recruits the same way they did back then. We ought to investigate.”
“It seems a sound approach,” Hamal murmured. His eyes slid from the map over to Zevran. “So, ma vhenan. Back to business, is it?”
Zevran paused. “Yes. I suppose so.”
That single syllable carried more weight than either of them were prepared for; it heralded the arrival of something unforeseen. A change. An end. Or a beginning.
There was no shame in flinching from it.
Zevran smoothly tossed the map aside, and turned to his husband with a smile.
“For now, let us just enjoy the last day of our honeymoon. What do you say, amor? ”
Hamal laughed. The sound bloomed in Zevran’s chest. But it was settled.
The next day, they departed for Rialto.
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sissy-frydda · 2 years
Tumblr media
My uncle took me to the Burlesque house in the village, run by Frau Helga, a beautiful German girl maybe 50 years old.
"Miss Helga, I want you to make a little man out of my nephew, call me when you're done" was all my uncle said. And there I was, alone with that beautiful woman, knowing that I was going to have sex.
FH:"Come with me honey" he told me and took me by the hand. "Frau Helga knows what boys like"
I: "My uncle brought me because I'm a fag, Miss Helga", I said embarrassed.
FH:"Don't worry honey, you're going to enjoy today" and she began to undress until she was left in panties, a bra, and a garter belt. I took off all my boy clothes and there I waited. Frau Helga took on a corset, open crotch panties and black stockings.
FH: "Come here love, this will fit you perfectly" My erection was such that I couldn't hide my cock in my panties and then she made me lie down on the bed, I He spread his legs wide and told me "Close your eyes" His tongue began to play with my sensitive balls, my erect penis was held by his hand. His tongue went down my ass and a whore moan escaped me. "Ahh I see... Let's try this..." out of nowhere a beautiful purple vibrator appeared on the scene and its glans began to dilate my tail. I released another moan and she let me in, it was devilishly lubricated and it kept invading me. She settled between my legs and I rested the base of the vibrator on her pubis so that she felt like she was in charge. "Enjoy it baby, so feel it... And look into my eyes" she affirmed her vibrator on me and took my penis firmly, I fixed my eyes on hers and let me go in powerful spurts of semen while I moaned with pleasure with my ass full of woman's penis.
Mi tío me llevó a la casa de Burlesque del pueblo, la administra Frau Helga, una hermosa alemana de unos 50 años tal vez.
"Señorita Helga, quiero que haga de mi sobrino todo un hombrecito, llámeme cuando termine" fue todo lo que dijo mi tio. Y allí quedé, solo con aquella bellísima mujer, sabiendo que iba a tener sexo.
FH: "Ven conmigo cariño" me dijo y me tomo de la mano. "Frau Helga sabe lo que le gusta a los chicos"
YO: mi tío me trajo porque que soy marica Señorita Helga, dije con vergüenza.
FH: "No te preocupes cariño, hoy vas a gozar" y comenzó a desvestirse hasta quedar en panties, brassier y portaligas. Yo me quite toda mi ropa de chico y allí esperé. Frau Helga tomó un corset, bragas abiertas en la entrepierna y medias negras, "Ven aquí amor, esto te va a quedar perfecto" Mi ereccion era tal que no podía esconder mi verga en la braga y entonces me hizo recostar en la cama, me abrió bien las piernas y me dijo "Cierra los ojos" Su lengua comenzó a jugar con mis bolas sensibles, mi pene erguido era sujetado por su mano. Su lengua bajó a mi culo y se me escapó un gemido de puta. "Ahh ya veo... Probemos con esto..." de la nada apareció un hermoso vibrador morado en la escena y su glande comenzó a dilatar mi cola. Lance otro gemido y ella me lo hizo entrar, estaba diabolicamente lubricado no dejaba de invadirme. Ella se acomodó entre mis piernas y apoyo la base del vibrador en su pubis de forma que se sintiera que estaba a cargo. "Gozalo bebé, así sientelo... Y mírame a los ojos" ella afirmó su vibrador en mi y tomo mi pene con firmeza, yo clave mis ojos en los suyos y me deje ir en poderosos chorros de semen mientras gemia de placer con mi culo lleno de pene de mujer.
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emsprovisions · 1 year
sleeping in the same bed, as they’d often do, but one morning waking up cuddling
Please, this is such a wholesome prompt and I love your writing so much!!! I want to eat your writing /pos
Okay first, hi anon!! You are so so so sweet this compliment literally made my day, I haven't stopped thinking about it since I read it the other day. I'm sorry this took longer than I meant but please eat my writing all you want i <3 u
I almost took inspo from Ven's art for this but you asked specifically for wholesome so ask and ye shall receive 😂 friends to lovers prompts
Sleepovers were nothing out of the ordinary. Gus and Matt took turns hosting the other at their respective houses all the time. They both had single beds, but they were small boys who could comfortably fit in the same bed beside each other.
There was never anything odd or peculiar about this.
Until this morning that is.
Gus woke up to something warm and heavy thrown across his shoulder. He immediately opened his eyes, mind alert and scared for half a second until he registered the soft breathing at his ear and quickly remembered the sleeping boy beside him in his bed.
Gus cast a glance over his shoulder to look at Matt. He looked so...peaceful. There was something so soft about how relaxed he looked in his sleep, his head half on Gus's pillow, his arm around Gus.
Gus checked again to make sure he was still sound asleep before turning his head back around. Ever so slowly, he nestled into Matt's embrace, not wanting to wake the witch up. He also took up Matt's hand, lacing their fingers together before shutting his eyes again.
He had feelings for Matt that he wasn't ready to confront or admit to yet. At least he could pretend to be asleep and blame their current position on that in the event Matt woke up.
His cheeks felt warm and he found it hard to try and fall back to sleep with Matt holding him like this. His skin felt tingly where Matt was breathing on the back of his neck. There were pixies in his stomach at their closeness. He shut his eyes anyways and tried, figuring he could probably get away with another hour of sleep before they had to get up.
Unbeknownst to Gus, Matt had woken an hour previously and had noticed Gus shivering. He'd gently pulled the blankets up over Gus's shoulders and scooted in closer, wrapping an arm around the younger witch to try and keep him warm. He just hoped Gus wouldn't find out, or that would be embarrassing and how was he supposed to explain to his crush of all people why they woke up cuddling?
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therisingphoenixden · 19 days
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I *feel* like I'm close to finishing act 2 now. Or at least getting closer to the end?
I did wind up going back to do things a bit properly, which didn't cost me too much progress. As seen by the title screenshot, I found He Who Was and was very happy to see a Shadar-Kai npc in the game! He was pleased enough to give Ven some nice gloves to summon a raven familiar, which I'll put to good use at some point. I even managed to rescue Rolan this time around since I missed him earlier and he probably died. I had to fight Gerringothe again which sucked, but I got some nice goodies and a small stash of gold in my bags.
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Minthara was recruited through the power of bullshitting my way out of trouble for a change, Halsin was recruited after a fairly harrowing fight to keep his portal safe, I didn't have to fight the other two Thorm bosses in Reithwin because I finally caved and started nomming normal tadpoles for skills. At least monks got a special CON check on Thisobold that made drinking down the weird glowy brew that much easier to avoid that fight, but the amount of dread I was feeling all through the House of Healing chat isn't something I can easily put into words. Glad I was able to talk the nurses into "practicing" their surgical techniques on Malus because I've heard that fight's a nightmare. And in a hilarious uno reverse of my previous luck with persuasion rolls, the power of one Shadar-Kai's thirst beat the Absolute. A dirty 20 to go with those dirty thoughts to distract Z'rell! I'm stuck in the Gauntlet of Shar now, debating on finishing the trials for Shadowheart or just going after the relic that Ketheric has. I'll probably be kicking myself if I don't do the trials, since I killed a demon for Astarion and helped Karlach fix up her engine enough so that she can touch people again.
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I also got the best part of act 2: romance unlock time. I knew going into my first playthrough that I was going to romance Gale first and I'm not disappointed! It's soft, gentle, romantic, and suits Ven who's never really had that softness before. I wound up with the astral romance scene which also felt fitting for the pair since pre-tadpole Ven wasn't much for touching others or even feelings until they wound up with their merry band of misfits in Faerun. They spent far too long in Shadowfell, first as a Gloomstalker for the Raven Queen then as one of Her acolytes in a small monastery. And as for Gale...*gestures at the whole Mystra thing*.
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Definitely enjoying that Ven can ask Gale for a kiss whenever they want, although that's usually at camp when they're covered in blood from a day of fighting like a complete gremlin.
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multiverse239 · 3 months
Reposting my analysis on my qrt from Twitter
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*picks mic back up* NOW JUST LET ME EXPLAIN. Floyd was tortured for two months in the hand of two giant immature teens and the only one who actually felt sympathy towards him continued along cause he was too much of a pushover towards his sister.
Now, Floyd and Ven are similar irt to being treated like dirt by your elder/eldest sibling. Like, Floyd was known as the peacekeeper, the glue that holds the Brozone brothers together. John Dory, the oldest brother wanted perfection, he wanted nothing more than for the band to be successful cause if they weren’t they were nothing. Meanwhile, Floyd (and the rest of the bros) just wanted to have fun, to just go out there and sing and dance and all that kind of shit.
Then ofc JD’s obsession with perfection lends to the downfall of both the band and the brothers, this part’s a stretch (like a huge one) but, I think part of Floyd blames himself for this cause like I said he was the peacekeeper, the one who could’ve talked the brothers through their issues and kept them all together if they hadn't stormed off in a fit of rage (to quote the official art book) yet he couldn’t do that. Not this time.
So, basically Floyd is simultaneously projecting his guilt onto Ven (hell, I would care to argue that Floyd actually hated Veneer MORE than Velvet at first)
Btw this is all NOT me ripping on Veneer and do NOT use it as an invitation as one, this is just my personal interpretation on why Floyd opened up to Veneer and god, this two just make me so insane
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sunsetno4 · 3 months
Oh, mistakes were technically made but they were fun mistakes??
So I originally snagged this doll because I thought they would make a cute Themmy with a repaint buuuuuuuuuuut I really loved the face-up the previous owner did and it felt very Deja to me. And mhm.
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Deja it is! 😅 I think I want to enhance the face-up a little bit (thicken her brows and darken her eyeshadow a bit more), but it’s very darling as is! I almost never kept face-ups but I’ll make an exception here.
And I think I even have some yarn in that color so I can toss together a quick wig. >:)!! I’m waiting for her eye bases to dry atm. I plum forgot that Lillycats have the Smallest Eyewells and I have no eyes that fit inside them. Had I remembered, maybe I would’ve prepped a pair or two using Ven but alas. I didn’t. Eyes are simple things though, at least with my FHR dolls since I just make them myself in the most slapdash manner possible.
Bless you, Ven, and your terribly made eyes that I refuse to upgrade. :’)
But fun project! It’ll be a spell before I can fully work on her but it’s still nice to have an idea work out and not require any dyeing or mods. And it’ll add more motivation to find a sculpt for Mortum now. >:)
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dragonmasterhiccup · 20 days
"Great minds think alike, I guess." Mediae grinned.
Then he nodded, "I'm sure she'd be happy to. She always loves cooking for people."
Slowly, as he went to take another bite of the dough ball, he paused, looking at it as a small realisation came over him.
"You know, I.. I think I was wrong. To run." Mediae admitted quietly, not looking at Hiccup, still staring at the food in his hands. "Me and.. my dad. We'd gotten into an argument, the day I ran. He wanted me to go on the next hunt with him, to.. destroy some of the nests on the nearby islands."
Scavenger chittered soothingly, laying his head down beside his rider. "I'd already been looking after Ven at that point. I couldn't deal with the idea of killing and I knew my parents were already disproving of how I didn't want to fit into the mold they'd made for me.."
Mediae rested a clean hand on Scavenger's snout. "At the time, it felt like the right decision, you know? But now.. it feels, frankly, stupid. What I did. Running."
He took another bite of his bun, thinking for a moment.
"You can't change the past. The time apart...I think it was eye opening for the three of you. Eight years is a long time, but you have the chance now to start fresh with them. Not everyone gets that chance."
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