#but it does look like i'll get a bit of a break this weekend
ovenmade · 3 months
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Happy Peach Blossom Release Day!!
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alienzil · 11 months
Okay so I saw this post and you know the types of fics where adult Danny moves to Gotham and winds up emotionally adopting one or more of bat kids or accidentally coparenting with Bruce (with or without a relationship between them)? I had the thought, what if Danny parented the bat kids but he started doing it out of spite?
Like, Danny moves to Gotham and runs into Batman and Robin one night while out for a late night flight and drops down to the rooftop to say hi.
Bruce sees this 5'6" twink that looks like a stiff breeze could knock him over and is so obviously new in town and thinks Gotham is going to eat him alive, he needs to leave before he gets killed.
Batman: Looming menacingly and in his deepest scariest Batman voice, "Leave. Metas aren't allowed in Gotham."
Danny: Offend! Excuse?! Who does this guy think he is?! 😡 Danny was trying to be polite here! "First of all, I'm not a meta. Second of all, rude much?!"
Batman: Does scariest bat glare. "Leave." Swoops off into the night.
Robin (Damian): "My father is correct. You should leave the city for your own safety."
Danny sees this tiny vigilante child with fierce expression and a sword and is just like awww, so cute! 😍 Then he noticed Robin had a small cut on his arm and his inner gremlin activates. If the rude flying furry can't take care of his own kid properly, Danny will do it better!
He bandages up Damian's arm, gives him a cookie and teaches him a neat sword trick before sending him on his way with a hug telling him he needs his sleep.
Danny goes out of his way to run into the bat kids and be the absolute best dad.
He takes Nightwing flying and throws him in the air so Nightwing can do all the fanciest acrobatic tricks.
He tracks down Red Hood and starts a book club with him (Danny may or may not have used his connection with Ghost Writer to get ahold of some rare books).
He eats waffles with Spoiler and trys out weird topping combinations that make them both make faces and laugh.
He makes new gadgets for Red Robin but carefully breaks them just a little bit and takes them to the teen so they can fix them together (it's enrichment!). He always insists RR keep them as a reward.
He follows Signal around during the day invisibly, making faces and doing tricks only Signal can see (he made him laugh in front of the police at a crime scene twice!).
All of the kids get his attention and love and Danny smugly thinks how Batman must be absolutely seething about his kids bonding with Danny and Batman missing out on all of it.
Danny started it out of spite but he does wind up genuinely loving the bat kids.
Batman definetly hates it when the kids are bonding with Danny and is extremely jealous (sulky Batman brooding in his cave about it).
Bruce's repeated attempts to intimidate Danny into leaving Gotham don't work and him telling his kids to stay away from Danny had zero effect (the terrible children don't listen to him at all).
So Bruce starts spending more time with the kids to compete against Danny. The bat kids love it and (little gremlins that they are) use the two of them against each other constantly.
Bruce:"Sorry Tim, I can't make it to your photography exhibit this weekend, there's a meeting with the Justice League."
Tim:"Oh that's fine... I'll just ask Danny to come." 😏
Bruce: Narrows his eyes and grits his teeth, "Actually, the Justice League needs to have contingencies in place to manage without my input. This would be a good time to test their capabilities. I'll skip the meeting and come to your exhibit."
With both of them competing to spend more time with the kids it leads to the two of them spending time with each other to be around the kids more.
After Damian catches a terrible flu bug, Danny spends an entire weekend at the manor babying him. This is when Bruce finds out Danny has known their secret identities for months and tries to get mad about it but Alfred puts his foot down, raises a judgmental eyebrow in Bruce's direction that puts a stop to that nonsense and sets up Danny with his own room in the family wing.
Eventually, Danny gets to the point where he spends most of his nights at the manor and he and Bruce consult each other on all major household decisions.
The whole family is at the manor one morning including Danny. Bruce has a meeting at WE and he and Danny are absently discussing their plans for the day at the breakfast table.
Bruce: " The meeting should take most of the morning and then I have paperwork this afternoon and a scheduled walk through on one of the new engineering projects. I probably won't be done by the time school let's out. Can you pick up Damian today?"
Danny: "That shouldn't be a problem. Would you mind swinging by the bookstore on the way home and getting my preorder? Jay and I just finished rereading the first book and we were wanting to start the second tonight before you all go on patrol. I'd rather not try to make it to the bookstore in school rush hour traffic"
Bruce: "Sure."
Stephanie watches Danny reach out and absently straighten Bruce's tie as they both get up to leave. Bruce grabs Danny's coffee thermos and hands it to him while they walk out the door.
Stephanie: "Sooo, bets on how long until they realize they're basically married?"
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bellaxgiornata · 6 months
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If We're Being Honest [2/2]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 6k [Part1]
Summary: It's been a couple of months since you drunkenly kissed Matt and you've been avoiding him ever since, but Matt realizes that your absence from his life afterwards pained him more than he ever could've imagined.
Warnings/Tags: Angst with a happy ending, confession of feelings (with a twist), delayed comfort, anxious/depressed inebriated Reader, fluff at the end
a/n: The second and final part of this little fic is finally here! Hopefully the comfort is satisfying enough after the angsty first part. You also get Matt's POV in the first half of this one. Feedback is always appreciated!
Matt Murdock One Shot Tag List: @pazii @shouldbestudying41 @kmc1989 @ebathory997 @mattkinsella @yeonalie @shiorimakibawrites @xxdrixx @wkndwlff @leikelle @pinkratts @lazyxsquirrel @1988-fiend @marvelcinematiquniverse @carstairswife @stilldreaming666 @kiwwia-wiwwia @willwork4dilfs @will-delete-this-later-probably @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @theetherealbloom @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @ladywholikesreading @sleepysleepymom @tartbeanpuzzles @harleycao @sunflower-tia @lotrefcp @gamingfeline @juskonutoh @kezibear @ninacotte
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Matt slid his desk chair back with a sigh, relieved the frustrating work day had finally come to an end. Standing up, his hands felt around his desk for the mess of papers he’d had scattered along it. He gathered them up, neatly stacking them together before he stuffed them back into the folder they'd initially been inside. Bending over, his back muscles protesting the movement from his previous night out as Daredevil, he picked up his briefcase that was leaning against his desk on the floor. Placing the briefcase on top of his desk, he packed the folder inside before closing it up and tossing the strap of the bag over his head, taking a moment to position it comfortably along his shoulder. 
Making his way around his desk afterwards, one of his hands absently grabbed his folded up cane from off of it as he headed towards the door of his office. He could already hear Karen and Foggy in the firm's main room, the pair of them clearly talking about wedding related things. As he stepped out of his office and into the room, he could feel the air shift minutely as both of them looked over in his direction.
“More wedding details, Fog?” Matt asked, walking over to where the pair were leaning against the front office desk.
“Did you know that absolutely everything is a detail?” Foggy complained. “Like napkins. Did you know napkins mattered? Because I didn't. They're literally meant to wipe your dirty face and hands on, why does it matter what they look like? Or what material it’s made out of? It's a napkin!”
“Don't let Marci hear you say that,” Karen teased.
Matt could hear the way her fingers were tapping away at the screen of her phone. Probably sending a text message from the sounds of it. 
“I just want a break from all the wedding planning,” Foggy grumbled. “I feel like half our place is currently storage for some binder or seating chart or wedding magazine or stack of business cards and pamphlets.”
“Well you'll get a bit of a break from it this weekend,” Karen assured him, setting her phone onto the desk beside her. “When we go wedding dress shopping with Marci on Saturday. She'll be talking all our ears off about the details for the whole day instead of yours.”
Foggy let out a dreamy sigh at the thought. “And I'll be relaxing at home by myself thinking about literally anything else while all you lovely bridesmaids, who I'm sure are vastly more interested in color schemes and table decor, discuss all of that,” he replied. 
At the mention of bridesmaids, Matt's mind immediately jumped to you. He hadn't seen you since the night he'd offered to walk you back to his place and let you sleep over after you'd had a little too much to drink at Josie’s. The same night you'd randomly kissed him and told him you'd had feelings for him–something that had come as a complete shock to Matt. 
You had actively avoided him ever since then. Ignoring his phone calls and texts. Never returning a single voice-mail he'd left asking to talk to you about what had happened that night. You'd stopped meeting up with everyone at Josie’s, only spending time with Karen and Marci over the past couple of months. Foggy even only ever saw you whenever you'd stopped by to see Marci at their apartment when helping with the wedding planning. 
Matt expected you to be embarrassed after the incident, especially because he could feel the way your body had reacted before you'd sprinted out of his apartment and back into the rain outside. He'd felt bad, wondering if he'd really done something wrong that night to accidentally lead you on. He hadn’t meant to, he’d just wanted to make sure you were alright. You’d seemed off all night to him, but you had no idea about his heightened senses, so it wasn’t as if he could ask you why your body was all over the place that night. It had been confusing, and the amount of beers you’d drank certainly hadn’t helped him get a read on you, either.
He thought he’d been doing the right thing that night. The fling with that woman wasn’t worth risking you walking home in the rain drunk–which he’d overheard you talking to yourself about doing. He hadn’t wanted to risk something happening to you, because Matt damn well knew what could happen to drunk women walking home alone at night in Hell’s Kitchen. He’d certainly rescued a few himself. But somehow you must’ve misread the entire situation and thought he’d been after more than that. Which was absurd because you’d always just been a great friend to him since he’d met you. A really close friend who he’d been sorely missing lately.
Snapping out of his thoughts, Matt said your name aloud, catching the attention of both Karen and Foggy. “Is she…going to be there this weekend, too?” he asked, trying to sound casual.
“Yeah, she’s one of the bridesmaids,” Karen answered. “So of course she’ll be there on Saturday.”
“I’m guessing she’s still not talking to you then, huh buddy?” Foggy asked him.
Matt sighed, shaking his head. He’d hated the silence from you and he had no idea how to fix things.
“No,” he replied. “She’s still very much ignoring me.”
“I don’t exactly blame her,” Karen cut in. “The whole situation sounded incredibly embarrassing and awkward when you told us why she was avoiding you. Especially considering how quiet she naturally is. For her to just kiss you and then to be rejected by you right after?” 
“Ouch,” Foggy muttered. “Yeah, she’s probably never speaking to you again, man. Sorry.”
Matt ran a hand across his mouth, his shoulders sagging in defeat. The thought of never spending time with you ever again physically hurt. He’d never again hear another one of your ridiculous jokes or have another surprise drop-in lunch visit at the office from you. You always somehow remembered his favorite sandwich from his favorite sandwich shop, too. He’d always thought it was sweet that you’d made a mental note of his particular order, considering you had no idea how delicate his palate was with his heightened senses. Though he supposed now knowing that you’d had feelings for him all along had that attention to detail making more sense.
Standing in the office, an uncomfortable feeling twisted his stomach into knots, his heart squirming in his chest as the realization that you might really be gone from his life fully hit him. He didn’t like it one bit.
“You okay, Matt?” Foggy asked him. “You sort of look like you’re going to be sick.”
Slowly, Matt shook his head. “I just wish I could fix things,” he confessed. “I wish she’d just talk to me again. I don't like this weirdness between us.”
He heard the way the air shifted in the room again. As if both Karen and Foggy had looked at each other. Matt’s eyes narrowed curiously behind his glasses, his head tilting to the side. Both of their heart rates had slightly elevated at almost the exact same moment when they’d done that. 
“So uh, you really miss her, huh?” Foggy asked.
“Of course,” Matt answered easily. “She’s one of my best friends.”
“Yeah?” Karen questioned.
Matt’s head canted curiously to the side at the odd tone in her voice. What were they getting at?
“Yeah,” Matt reiterated. “She’s been an important person in my life ever since the pair of you introduced us a while back. We always got along so well, and she always had such witty things to say. I miss talking to her. Josie’s just doesn’t feel the same without her anymore.” He ran a hand through his hair in growing aggravation. “I hate that I can’t just call her and hear her voice whenever I want anymore. And that she never randomly stops into the office just to say ‘hi.’. It–it hurts that she’s just gone now.”
The air shifted again as Karen and Foggy clearly exchanged a look with each other. Frustration began to fill Matt at whatever it was they weren’t saying.
“What?” Matt snapped. “You both keep looking at each other, I can feel it. What’s that about?”
Foggy cleared his throat, his attention returning to Matt. “It’s just…are you sure you just miss your friend?” he asked carefully. 
Matt pulled a face at the ridiculous question. “What? Of course I do,” he shot back.
“No,” Karen said, shaking her head. “He means, are you sure you miss her because she’s just a friend to you?”
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to–”
Matt abruptly stopped short, his mouth hanging open for a second as Karen’s words suddenly registered in his mind. Lips pressing together seconds later, Matt’s hands landed on his hips as he shifted his weight on his feet.
“What’re you trying to say?” Matt asked the pair. “That you think I like her? As more than a friend?”
“Well, buddy,” Foggy began carefully, “you’ve been acting pretty moody lately. Ever since she stopped talking to you. And you haven’t been as interested in the ladies, either. We’ve both noticed you turning them down. I don’t think you’ve brought a single person back to your place since that night.”
Matt scoffed, shaking his head. “So? I just haven’t been interested in that exactly,” he replied stiffly. “That doesn’t have anything to do with her.”
“You perk up at her name every time she’s mentioned,” Karen added. “And for the past couple of months you always find some way to randomly ask how she’s doing or what she’s been up to.”
“And when we told you she’d gotten onto that dating app,” Foggy chimed in, “you were in a horrible mood the whole day afterwards. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so grumpy for no reason to quite that extent before. I mean,” he continued with a chuckle, “that was like a Matt Murdock record level of moody. And there was no reason for it that day except for, well, that .”
Matt licked his lips, his fingers digging into his hips through his dress clothes. He’d just been worried about the jerks you might meet on that site, that was all. And he’d been jealous that you were still talking to Foggy, Karen, and Marci but not him. That had been all it was.
Karen leaned up against the side of the desk, her arms crossing over her chest as she focused on Matt. He bristled under the attention, feeling like he was suddenly on the stand and she was about to interrogate him.
“Let me ask you something,” she began, “and I want you to be honest and really think. How’d you feel when she kissed you that night?”
Matt frowned in her direction. “I told you, it’d been a shock,” he answered. “I hadn’t anticipated her to do that. Then I was worried I’d given her the wrong impression and I felt horrible that I’d upset her.”
Karen was roughly shaking her head at him. “No, how did it make you feel Matt?” she asked again.
“I mean I–” he stopped short again, his mouth closing almost immediately.
In all honesty, with everything that had happened that night, he hadn’t really thought about that. He’d been afraid of you thinking he was trying to take advantage of you when you were drunk, something he’d never do. And then he’d been upset and worried about you running out of his place crying and trying to make it home that night. He couldn’t even follow after you because it wouldn’t make sense that a blind man could navigate his way down the stairwell after you like he knew he’d be able to. And he was certain if he’d called your name down in the lobby–because he shouldn't have been able to know you by the sound of your heartbeat and scent of your perfume–you’d only run out of the building and ignore him. Chasing after you hadn't been an option.
But he had��wanted to. Something he hadn’t even thought about after the fact because he’d been so upset at you ignoring his calls and messages. All he'd been focused on was how much it hurt that he'd lost such a great friend. He hadn't really stopped to think about how he had wanted to follow you or how that surprise kiss had made him feel. 
Had he enjoyed it? It had been timid and hesitant, only a brief kiss, but it hadn't been horrible. He'd just…never thought about you like that before. Because you weren't the kind of woman who blatantly threw yourself at him, the type he'd bring back to his apartment for a fuck and then be content to never see again. 
You definitely deserved more than that. 
You were the type someone brought home to meet their parents, the type a guy planned dates for, wanted to spend holidays with. You were the long term, committed relationship type of woman. The type Matt avoided because the thought of something serious scared him, especially with how he spent most of his evenings. 
But he missed you. He missed the scent of your perfume you always wore, the smell sometimes even lingering on his clothes when he'd return home from Josie’s. He missed the way you'd try to fill awkward silences whenever you were with him, always saying whatever random thing was on your mind. He missed the way your heart usually jumped whenever you first spotted him–because he'd always known you were attracted to him but he'd never thought more of it than that. He missed the sound of your voice after a difficult day at work, on days like today. 
“Well?” Karen prompted, breaking through his thoughts. 
“I uh,” he began, pausing to clear his throat, “I guess I never really thought about her like that before. I've always avoided anything possibly serious, and I've always tried to keep her at a distance because she didn't know about Daredevil. So I never really gave it much thought. Especially since she'd always just been there before. But now that she's not…” Matt trailed off, aware of the strange and unfamiliar feeling growing in his chest. “I guess I miss her more than I think I even realized,” he finished softly. 
“So wait, let me get this straight,” Foggy began, excitedly waving his hands in front of himself. “You're just now realizing that maybe you really do like her? Like for real? As more than just a good friend?”
A small smile slid across Matt's lips as he thought of the sound of your laughter and how he wished he could hear it tonight after the shit day he’d had. His hands dropped from his hips, that stupid smile growing a little at the thought of you. “I suppose I am,” he admitted. 
Foggy pushed off the desk and crossed the few steps over towards Matt. Both of his hands flew forward, grabbing Matt's shoulders in a tight grip and lightly shaking him. Back by the desk, Karen tried to hide her laugh behind a hand.
“Then dammit, Murdock,” Foggy ordered, “Go tell her that!”
The smile grew wider on Matt's face, an idea forming in his mind already. If you weren't going to answer your phone, he'd find a way to make sure you couldn’t ignore him. 
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Straightening up your kitchen now that you'd finished with dinner, you paused what you were doing when you heard your phone alert you to a notification. Turning around, you picked it up from where it had been sitting on the counter, curious to what the notification was about. 
Unlocking your phone, you noticed you'd received another message on the dating app you'd downloaded weeks ago. Leaning your back against the nearby counter, a smile drew itself across your lips. It was the first message you'd gotten this week and the sight immediately lifted your mood. The prospect of someone possibly being interested in you had your stomach excitedly jumping up into your chest.
You opened the message, beginning to excitedly read it over. Though the more you read, the faster your smile shifted into a frown. It was yet another sleazy sounding guy clearly trying to talk himself up in a way that sounded both fabricated and disrespectful. You cringed at the things he’d said about your photos–things he clearly thought were meant to be compliments but were vastly inappropriate and made you feel uncomfortable instead of flattered. Reaching the end of the brief message, you were shaking your head and closing out of the app before setting your phone back onto the counter with a roll of your eyes. It wasn't even worth your time responding back to the guy after a few of the things you'd read because he absolutely wasn't a match and you had no interest in ever meeting him.
With a sigh you made your way towards your fridge, your mind now focused on that unopened bottle of wine in there. It looked like you'd be having another night in with yourself tonight. But just as you'd opened the door to your fridge, your hand about to reach in and grab the bottle of red wine, there was a knock at your apartment door. 
You paused, half-bent in front of your fridge as your eyebrows drew together in confusion at the interruption. Assuming it might’ve been Karen or Marci stopping by to go over something for wedding dress shopping which was planned for Saturday, you gradually stood back up and closed the fridge door. You figured that bottle of wine could wait a few more minutes.
Making your way out of your kitchen, you cut through your living room and over towards your door. Unlocking it, you pulled the door wide open without even glancing through the peephole first. Expecting to see either blonde woman standing there, you were stunned to instead find Matt standing in your hallway with a small smile on his lips. 
Your heart lurched its way into your throat at the sight of him, your lips parting in surprise. Hand tightening around the handle of your door in a death grip, you fought your initial urge to just slam it in his face. What the hell was he doing here? Matt was the absolute last person you wanted to see standing at your door after your last interaction with him. It had been a few weeks since that nightmare of a night where you'd drunkenly kissed him and you still became insanely embarrassed at the memory of it. You certainly had no interest in talking to him about it further. You'd already apologized for just kissing him like you'd done, now all you wanted to do was never speak to him again. You figured he had to have gotten the hint already with how you’d been ignoring him.
So why was he suddenly at your apartment?
He said your name, that smile still on his mouth as he held up his right hand. Your face twisted into a look of confusion at the sight of a bouquet of beautiful flowers you hadn’t initially noticed he’d been holding. 
“Can I take you to dinner this Sunday night?” he asked.
Teeth gritting down hard together, your eyes narrowed back at him as anger quickly ignited within your gut. You immediately remembered drunkenly confessing to him that you couldn’t remember the last time a guy had brought you flowers or asked you on a date. Now here he was doing both after he’d just very obviously and clearly rejected you. Did he think this was some way to break the ice between you both after what had happened? Some sort of way to turn everything into a joke?
“Do you think that's funny?” you asked sharply. “Making fun of me like this? As if I don’t feel like an absolute dumbass already, now you come here rubbing it in my face? You don’t like me like that, I got the message loud and clear already, Matthew. I don’t remotely find this funny.”
Matt's expression quickly morphed into one of shock and surprise at your reaction. He shook his head quickly, a crease forming between his dark brows.
“No, that’s–that’s not what I’m doing at all!” he exclaimed earnestly. “I guess I shouldn’t have led with that. Can I just come in and talk to you? Explain everything? Please?”
You were about to tell him no, wanting to hide your hurt, disappointment, and embarrassment behind a wall of anger instead of crying over Matt yet again, especially in front of him once more, but the solemn and desperate look on his face gave you pause. Matt and you had your jokes, but even this would’ve been a bit ridiculous for him to have planned out as a way to smooth things over between the pair of you after what had happened. He’d never seemed callous like that in the past. But the only other thing that would make sense was him actually coming here to ask you on a real date. Which also seemed equally absurd since almost seven weeks ago he’d already told you that you were just a friend.
“I swear if you let me explain, this will seem far less confusing,” he assured you. “Just–just give me five minutes?”
With an irritated sigh, you stepped away from the door. “Fine,” you relented. “Five minutes, Matt.”
An almost nervous smile spread across his lips as he made his way through the doorway and into your apartment. You closed the door behind him, your body a confusing mix of emotions that you were struggling to make sense of right now. You were upset about seeing him again after that embarrassing moment, your anger quickly giving way to discomfort. It didn't help that the tiniest spark of hope had reappeared in your chest at the prospect of him truly being here to ask you out on a date, but you immediately reminded yourself of what happened the last time you’d stupidly thought there was a chance Matt had feelings for you. You didn’t want to wind up misreading things with him a second time.
Turning back towards him, you were met with the bouquet of flowers in his extended hand. It was a stunning mixture of dahlias and greenery that couldn't have been cheap now that you were really looking at it. 
“Dahlias are your favorite, if I’m not mistaken,” he said softly. “I remembered you mentioning that before at Josie’s when Marci had been talking about flowers for the wedding.”
Eyes darting up from the bouquet in his hands, they landed on his face. He still looked nervous and you weren’t entirely sure what to make of that. Matthew Murdock never outwardly got nervous. You also weren’t sure what to make of him remembering your favorite flower months after you’d brought it up around him just once. 
Not knowing how to really respond, the confusing mix of emotions in your body only growing, you hesitantly reached a hand out and accepted the flowers. “Thank you,” you murmured. 
In an attempt to keep your hands busy, and because you weren’t remotely interested in being the one to lead the conversation, you made your way back into your kitchen. You were aware of Matt following after you as you searched for the lone vase in one of your kitchen cabinets. Eventually you found it and began to fill it with water, impatient for Matt to say something as you kept your back to him. 
“About that night,” Matt began cautiously, “when I’d invited you to stay over and you kissed me?”
Turning off the kitchen faucet, your eyelids slowly lowered. Your body tensed, bracing yourself for whatever was coming next. Keeping your back to him, you knew you couldn’t bear to look at him right now with whatever he was about to say. The jumbled, drunken memory of that evening came flooding back to you and you were immediately hit with a wave of embarrassment, tears stinging at your eyes behind closed lids. You remained silent though, waiting for him to continue.
“I hadn’t anticipated that, if I’m being honest,” he finally continued, still speaking in a measured tone. “My intention had been to make sure you made it somewhere safe that evening because I knew you’d drank a bit more than usual. I couldn’t stand the thought of you walking home alone drunk at night in the rain. So I’m sorry if I was giving off signals to you that were other than that at the time because they weren’t intentional.” He paused, clearing his throat lightly. “And it–it wasn’t exactly until this afternoon that I realized maybe some of them were subconscious because I hadn’t quite realized what I actually felt until today.”
Your hands tightened around both the vase and the bouquet of flowers as you held your breath. That flicker of hope had grown just marginally in your chest without your permission, and now it was teetering on the edge of growing larger or diminishing itself entirely. You felt like you couldn’t take another breath as you waited for him to clarify what he meant.
“It’s been weeks since we’ve talked,” Matt said, pain in his voice. “Weeks since you’ve come to Josie’s or stopped by the office. Or answered one of my phone calls. And everyday has just felt off because of it. Because I miss you. And I thought for the longest time it was just because I was missing one of my best friends, but then Karen and Foggy apparently caught onto something that I hadn’t even noticed in myself.”
With shaking hands, you opened your eyes and slipped the bouquet of flowers into the filled vase. Nervously you turned around, reaching your hand out to set them onto the counter next to you before your gaze finally landed back on Matt. He was standing at the other end of your small kitchen now, and it was almost as if he knew your eyes were on him as a gentle smile began pulling up the corners of his lips.
“If we’re being honest,” Matt confessed, “I’ve always tried to avoid relationships. I haven’t had the best of luck with them, and well, there are things someone actually dating me would need to be made aware of–something I generally don’t open up about. But I think I’d be ready to discuss that with you after dinner Sunday night if you’d let me take you out.” 
He paused, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet as he gripped his cane tighter between both of his hands. Briefly you wondered what things he meant, but he was speaking again before you’d had long to contemplate that comment.
“The truth is, I didn’t truly realize what you meant to me until you were no longer a constant in my life,” Matt admitted. “And I can’t stand not having you around. Not just because you’re my friend, but because I have feelings for you, too. Feelings that are more than friendly that I’d like to explore further if you’d still be willing to as well.” 
Heart skipping a beat entirely in your chest, you exhaled a quivering breath at the admission. Matt liked you. You . He’d really come here to bring you flowers and to ask you on a date, not to mock you or make light of your currently sad and lacking situation of a love life. You heard him let out a nervous laugh as your mind continued to race at everything he was saying.
“I uh, really wish you’d say absolutely anything right now,” he continued, “because your silence is scaring the hell out of me. I can’t tell if you’re still mad or just trying to process everything.”
Swallowing hard, you tried to find the words to express how you were feeling. You could barely understand your own mind right now after he’d dropped all that on you. You'd gone so long never believing he'd be interested in you like that, and then after what had happened weeks ago when he'd blatantly rejected you, you really figured you'd never be anything more to him. But now here he was telling you the opposite and you could hardly believe it.
“I’m still sort of processing,” you replied, voice just above a whisper. “I wasn’t exactly expecting to hear you ever say any of that. Certainly hadn’t been expecting to hear any of this tonight.”
A sheepish smile tugged at his lips just before he hung his head, nodding lightly. “Yeah, it sort of surprised me earlier, too,” he told you. “I’m shocked I wasn’t quite as aware of my own feelings as Karen and Foggy seemed to be, but uh…that probably has a little something to do with some other things going on in my life.”
Chewing your lip nervously, you continued to take in the sight of him standing across from you in your kitchen. He was still dressed in his dress clothes from work, clearly having finished late and having come straight here to see you afterwards. The nerves in your stomach gradually intensified as you took in the smile on his handsome face that you could somewhat make out despite the way he’d ducked his head. Seconds later his covered gaze rose up, falling back on you. You only gnawed on your bottom lip faster, something electric feeling like it was sparking between you both in the small space all the sudden. A feeling that hadn’t been there seconds ago.
“So I suppose now I’m curious to know if you’d let me take you to dinner Sunday night, since I know you’ve got plans for Saturday?” Matt asked hopefully. “Would that…be something you’d like?”
“Yes,” you whispered, nodding immediately.
Matt took a few steps forward, the smile that had been lighting up his face growing warmer. His hands reached up, removing the glasses from his face before he slipped them into the inside pocket of his suit coat as he continued to make his way towards you. You leaned further back into the counter behind you, your hands landing on either side of the countertop as you tried to steady yourself. You weren’t entirely sure what he was doing, but there was a glint in his eye that had your breath coming in sharper than usual.
“And in that case,” Matt continued, his voice dropping a few octaves to something sultry and soft, the sound increasing your pulse as he continued to close the gap between you both, “would it be alright if we had a redo of our first kiss? This time with both of us sober and actually anticipating it?”
Breath still coming in shallow, it was difficult for your brain to send the signal to your mouth to actually formulate a sentence. You’d managed a quiet noise in response as he came to a stop just in front of you, his body mere inches from yours as he set his cane to the side. You could practically feel something sparking between the pair of you as he just stood there, his eyes focused along your chin. His head tilted to the side as if in silent question when you hadn’t given him a verbal confirmation.
“I–yes,” you finally answered.
He leaned in, moving so painfully slow as he came to rest his forehead against yours. His hand was suddenly on your neck, delicately gliding his fingertips upwards until the palm of his hand cupped your cheek, cradling it in his warm hand. His thumb rested just beneath your jaw, somehow knowingly tilting your mouth up further towards his at just the right angle. You felt lightheaded beneath his touch and the close proximity, your body involuntarily sinking forward into his when the tip of his nose just barely brushed against yours.
Matt shifted just the slightest bit before you felt his lips finally land on yours. Your eyelids immediately fluttered shut, a faint sigh sneaking out of your throat at how soft his lips were–softer than you recalled them. With the way he carefully began to move them against yours, you felt your knees going weak. Hands releasing the grip you had on the countertop, they darted forward and grabbed fistfuls of his dress shirt, just beneath his suit coat. 
As you held onto him like a lifeline, his mouth pressed more firmly against yours. Fingers curling into his dress shirt, you pulled him roughly into your body. He stumbled forward into you, a rumbling growl coming from his chest in response. The delicious weight of him against the front of you only pressed you farther into the counter behind you as his other hand landed on your hip, gripping it tight.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that Matt gently broke away, his own breath heavy as he rested his forehead back to yours. Your tongue darted out, licking your damp lips as you tried to catch your breath. You could still taste him on you, the realization causing you to actively have to stop yourself from leaning forward and kissing him again. 
“Well there's–there's certainly something there,” Matt said with a breathy laugh. “But uh, maybe we should leave things there until after Sunday night?”
You nodded, though it was hard to fully agree when his hips were still pressing you back into your kitchen counter and his mouth was mere inches from yours. Especially knowing how damn good of a kisser he was now, you wondered what else he did well.
“Right,” you breathed out.
He shifted against you, burying his face against the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you. You couldn't fight the smile on your face at how he clearly didn't want to pull away from you, instead getting closer to you. You'd never seen him this affectionate with anyone else before.
“I missed you,” he murmured against your neck. 
Tentatively your hands released their grip on his shirt, your own arms snaking their way around his waist and drawing him closer. You came to rest your forehead against his shoulder, eyes closing as you relaxed into him. 
“I missed you, too,” you admitted. “And I'm sorry for getting drunk and kissing you like an idiot and then ignoring you for weeks.”
“Well, I admit it wasn't great being ignored by you,” he said, his lips tickling you as he spoke. “But at the same time, if you hadn't done either of those, I might never have realized how I felt about the woman who'd always been right in front of me the whole time.”
Your smile grew, your arms holding him a bit tighter. “I suppose that makes me feel a little less embarrassed, then.”
Matt nuzzled his face further into your neck, the bit of stubble on his cheeks pleasantly tickling you. You couldn't fight the giggle that slipped out of you in response. Seconds later you swore you felt his mouth pulling into a smile against your skin. 
“So Sunday night,” Matt began slowly, “if I show up with flowers for you again, you're not going to yell at me, are you?”
You couldn’t resist the laugh that fell out of you. Burying your face further against his shoulder in slight embarrassment, you replied, “No, I'm definitely not going to yell at you for bringing me flowers again.”
“Good,” he said, amusement in his tone. “Because that was admittedly a terrifying experience.”
The pair of you fell into a fit of laughter in your kitchen, arms still wrapped around each other as you did. As the pleasant sound filled your apartment, the pair of you holding onto each other tightly like neither wanted to be the first to let the other go, you couldn't help but think about what a turn everything had taken all because you'd drunkenly misread a situation and kissed your friend.
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fullsunstrawberry · 7 months
Singles Fest
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genre: friends to lovers, very fluffy (extremely)
synopsis: Valentine's Day has always been a sore spot for you, never having a Valentine. This year, Haechan proposes a gift exchange among single friends. You find yourself paired with Chenle, reluctantly at first, but as you prepare your gifts, you start to look forward to it. Back at his apartment, an innocent gift exchange takes a turn.
warnings: Mature content, strong language, vanilla sex, no condom mentioned…(oops)
word count: 4.5k
a/n: my english class has been assigning poetry so sorry if this is a little too much 💀
a/n(2): also gift for @lowkeyjaemle <3 happy valentine’s day >_-
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"Valentine's Day has always been a sore spot for you, never having a Valentine. Sure, friends have offered tokens of affection like chocolates or stuffed animals, but it never quite fills the void. This year seems to be heading in the same direction.
Which leads to Haechan, equally disappointed with the lack of romantic gestures in his life. He proposes a solution: a gift exchange among the single members of your friend group, mirroring the Christmas tradition you all do every year. Jeno, Jaemin, and Jisung all agree without any protests, while Chenle needs a bit more persuasion. Mark and Renjun, both already in relationships, found this all amusing.
₊˚⊹₊˚⊹♡ ⊹ ˚ ₊ ⊹ ˚ ₊
The weekend before Valentines, you're rudely awakened by Haechan's loud pleas.
"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" he begs, shaking you awake.
You groan, not entirely sold on the concept. "I'm not exactly keen on being someone's Valentine, especially not a friend. It feels a bit... strange."
"Come on!" Haechan persists, undeterred. "Fine, I'll pair you with Chenle."
You scoff, tossing a pillow in his direction. "And why on earth would I want that?"
"He's loaded!" Haechan retorts with a mischievous grin. "You won't be getting cheap chocolates, that's for sure."
Well, he does have a point. You find yourself considering. "You know what? You've sold me. I'm in."
Your plans of having a pity party are now over. But at least you’ll have some expensive chocolate to get you through the day. Maybe you can still watch romcoms afterwards.
₊˚⊹₊˚⊹♡ ⊹ ˚ ₊ ⊹ ˚ ₊
"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Haechan's voice echoed through the room, prompting immediate silence. Not out of respect, mind you, but everyone knew he would get even more annoying if they didn’t.
"For this year's singles fest, I've gone ahead and randomly paired you all up," Haechan declared, his enthusiasm bordering on excessive.
As the collective groans of the guys filled the room, Haechan shot you a sly wink. You exchange an amused glance with Haechan, wondering what kind of mischief he's cooked up this time.
Haechan dramatically produces a hat from behind his back, adorned with hearts and glitter, and swirls it around dramatically before dramatically plucking out slips of paper bearing the names of each participant's assigned gift exchange partner.
Jeno's eyes widen as he unfolds his slip, revealing he's been paired with Jaemin, while Jaemin's face lights up with a mischievous grin. Jisung lets out a resigned sigh upon discovering he's partnered with Haechan, who looks a little too excited.
Chenle, who had been reluctantly dragged into all of this, reluctantly opens his slip and discovers he's been matched with you. He raises his eyebrows in shock. You shoot Haechan a playful smirk, knowing that he's probably rigged the pairs for maximum entertainment value.
Haechan flashes you a devilish grin in return, clearly pleased with the chaos he's created.
As everyone breaks up into pairs to plan what they are going to do, you find yourself warming up to the idea of participating in the gift exchange with Chenle. Despite his initial reluctance, Chenle seems open to the idea of making the best of everything.
₊˚⊹₊˚⊹♡ ⊹ ˚ ₊ ⊹ ˚ ₊
The night before Valentine's Day, you couldn't help but feel butterflies as you prepared your gift for Chenle. You had settled on a handmade scrapbook, filled with memories and inside jokes that the two of you had shared throughout the years. Yeah, it was very heartfelt but you knew you couldn’t buy him anything he didn’t already have. Regretting that one time you bought him a sweater that he already had, in secret santa.
On Valentine's Day morning, you woke up actually excited. As you got ready, thoughts of Chenle's reaction danced in your mind. Would he appreciate the effort you had put into the gift? Would he like it?
You and Chenle had agreed on meeting at a cute little café in town, where you would exchange your gifts over a cup of hot chocolate.
As you step into the warm café, your eyes search for Chenle. Spotting him in the corner, you made your way to the table where he's already sitting, his eyes lighting up when he sees you. He stands up to greet you with a warm smile, and you can't help but notice how his cheeks turn a subtle shade of pink.
"Hey," Chenle says, his voice filled with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. "Happy Valentine's Day."
"Happy Valentine's Day," you reply, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. Despite this being a casual gift exchange among friends, the environment felt a little too romantic.
With trembling hands, Chenle pushes the gift bag towards you. "I hope you like it," he says, his voice filled with nervousness.
You reach into the bag and pull out a small box wrapped in colorful paper. Carefully, you untie the ribbon and lift the lid, revealing a delicate necklace adorned with a charm shaped like a music note. It's simple yet elegant, a perfect reflection of your shared love for music.
Your breath catches in your throat as you realize the thoughtfulness behind Chenle's gift. You look up at him, speechless, and he blushes under your gaze. "I know how much music means to you," he says softly. "And I wanted to give you something that represents our friendship."
Touched beyond words, you feel tears welling up in your eyes. This gift exchange has far exceeded your expectations; you expected silly pranks or meaningless gestures from Chenle, not this.
As you wipe away a stray tear, all your initial reservations about Valentine's Day fade away. Haechan's mischievous plan may have kickstarted this gift exchange, but Chenle has truly made it special. At that moment, you realize that this Valentine's Day will forever hold a special place in your heart. Even if he views you two as just friends and nothing more.
Grateful for the beautiful necklace and touched by the sentiment behind it, you reach into your bag and retrieve the scrapbook you've created for Chenle. Handing it to him with a shy smile, you watch as his eyes widen in surprise. He flips through the pages, laughter and nostalgia mixing in the air as he rediscovers precious moments you've shared together.
"Oh wow," Chenle breathes out, his voice filled with emotion. "You put so much thought into this."
"I wanted to capture all the incredible memories we've made," you reply, your voice filled with warmth. "Our friendship means the world to me, Chenle, and I wanted to show you just how much."
Chenle's eyes shimmer with unshed tears as he closes the scrapbook gently, holding it against his chest. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice filled with gratitude. "I couldn't have asked for a better gift."
As you sit there, basking in each other’s presence, the café fades into the background. It feels as though it's just the two of you at this moment.
With a sudden burst of courage, Chenle leans forward, his hand reaching out to brush against yours. The touch is electric, sending a jolt of excitement through both of you. And in that split second, something shifts in the air between you. As quickly as he reached for your hand, he took his away. “I didn’t even ask if you wanted anything to eat or drink” Chenle awkwardly chuckled.
You laugh softly, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment at the sudden change in atmosphere. "I'm fine, really. Just being here with you is enough," you reply, giving Chenle a reassuring smile.
He visibly relaxes, his shoulders dropping slightly as he returns your smile. "Okay then," he says, his voice filled with a newfound confidence
Well, in that case, let's skip the hot chocolate and go straight for dessert," he suggests, his voice laced with a teasing tone.
A playful smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you raise an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting we indulge in something sweet, Chenle?"
He nods, the mischievous glint in his eyes growing stronger. "Absolutely," he replies. "Life is too short to resist temptation, especially on Valentine's Day."
You chuckle and play along, feeling the spark of excitement between you grow even stronger. "I couldn't agree more," you say, your voice filled with a newfound boldness.
Chenle got up from his seat and asked “the usual you like?” You nodded before Chenle smiled and went to order, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You’re a little scared, this feels a little too real for just friends. But before you could farther your thoughts, a random man came up to your table
“A girl like you shouldn’t be alone on Valentines Day” He sat down in front of you
and you immediately felt a wave of discomfort wash over you. His presence was intrusive and unwanted, as he continued to make inappropriate comments about your appearance and how lucky he was to have stumbled upon you. You glanced around the café, hoping for someone to intervene, but everyone seemed in their own world.
“Suprised you don’t have a boyfriend, how about I change that?”
Just as you were about to stand up and ask him to leave, Chenle returned with two plates of heart-shaped desserts. He froze in his tracks, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. Without missing a beat, he swiftly placed the plates on the table and stepped next to you, shielding you from the man's view.
"Excuse me," Chenle said firmly, his voice carrying a subtle edge. "I believe you're unwanted."
The man scoffed and looked Chenle up and down dismissively. "What's it to you? This lady looks like she could use some company."
Chenle's jaw clenched, his hands curling into fists at his sides. “She’s taken.”
The man hesitated for a moment, taken aback by Chenle's sudden assertiveness. Sensing the underlying determination in Chenle's voice, he slowly stood up, glancing at you with a mix of annoyance and disappointment. "Fine," he grumbled, before sauntering away from your table.
As soon as the man disappeared into the crowd, Chenle turned his attention back to you, concern written on his face. He reached out and gently grabbed your hand in his, silently asking if you were okay. You nodded, grateful for his protective gesture and the way he had quickly dealt with the situation.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that," Chenle said, his voice filled with sincerity.
You smiled at him appreciatively, feeling a surge of warmth. "Thank you for standing up for me," you replied softly.
You started to laugh, a mix of relief and amusement bubbling out of you. "You really came to my rescue, didn't you? My knight in shining armor."
Chenle chuckled, a playful glint returning to his eyes. "Well, someone's got to keep the creeps away," he said with a wink.
You took a bite out of your dessert and chuckled again “So I’m taken?” You raised your eyebrow at him.
Chenle grinned mischievously, a hint of newfound confidence in his expression. "Well," he began, his tone playful, "consider it a way to ward off any unwanted attention. Besides, who wouldn't want to be taken by me?" He winked again, his charm and wit in full swing like always.
You laughed and playfully nudged him with your elbow. "Oh, so now you're getting cocky, huh? Just because you saved me from that guy doesn't mean you can go around proclaiming how great you are to the world."
Chenle feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Hey now, who said I was boasting? I'm just stating the obvious." He chuckled, leaning back in his seat.
The two of you continued enjoying your desserts together, the lingering tension from the encounter slowly dissipating as conversation flowed effortlessly between you.
The sun was starting to set but you didn’t want to go home yet. Chenle could tell something was wrong by the way your face shifted.
“What’s wrong?”
You sighed, feeling a mix of vulnerability and uncertainty wash over you. "I guess... I just don't want this day to end," you admitted softly, your eyes meeting Chenle's. "I've had such an incredible time with you, and I don't want it to be over."
Chenle's expression softened as he reached across the table, his hand finding yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Me neither," he confessed, “Let’s go back to my place, daegal misses you anyways.”
You smiled, “I miss her too! We can take her out for a walk or something”
Chenle nodded eagerly, your heart fluttering. "That sounds perfect," He replied, unable to hide the excitement in his voice. “Oh and remind me when we get there, I bought you something and I didn't have time to wrap”
Chenle paid the bill and you both made your way out of the café, hand in hand. The chilly winter air hit your cheeks as you walked side by side, the cityscape twinkling with streetlights. The walk to Chenle's apartment was filled with comfortable silence, the kind that only true companionship could bring.
As you entered the apartment building, Chenle opened the door for you. "Welcome to my humble abode," he said playfully, gesturing for you to enter first.
You stepped inside, feeling a wave of familiar warmth embrace you as soon as you walked through the door. The apartment was cozy and inviting, filled with soft lighting and a faint scent of home. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of Daegal, Chenle's adorable mini-bichon wagging her tail.
“Take a seat on the couch, I’ll go get your other gift.” Chenle gestured to the couch before jogging up the stairs to his room.
You got comfortable on the couch, thinking to yourself, what could he have got you? The necklace was already the best gift ever.
“Okay, now I have no idea what these are…” Chenle started as he brought down a couple of amazon bags “I just asked Haechan to buy stuff from your amazon wishlist with my card”
Confused you asked him “Wait, which one?”
“Uh he said the one with a heart would be the best?” Chenle spoke unsure.
You started to laugh, of course Haechan would do this to you! “oh god!” Your face started to get red.
“What? Oh no, did Haechan do something…?” Chenle sounded disappointed
“I probably shouldn’t open these in front of you” You grabbed the packages out of Chenle’s hands but he started to protest “Wait but I bought them! I should at least be in on the joke!”
You hid your face in your hands, “this is so embarrassing”
Chenle's curiosity piqued as he watched you hide your face, his eyes narrowing with intrigue. "Come on, now you've got me really curious," he insisted, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I promise I won't judge."
Feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, you reluctantly grabbed one of the bags from Chenle. With a deep breath, you unveiled its contents, revealing a red lace set of lingerie. Your face flushed an even deeper shade of red, and you couldn't bring yourself to look Chenle in the eye.
Chenle's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the contents of the bag. A mix of shock and amusement flickered across his face, but he quickly composed himself and let out a hearty laugh. "Well, well," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"You... You have a red lace lingerie set on your wishlist?" Chenle managed to say between fits of laughter. "I never would've expected that from you!"
You peeked through your fingers, feeling both mortified and entertained by Chenle's reaction. "Well, you know... It was just a little something for myself," you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
Chenle's laughter subsided as he smirked, his playful nature taking over once again. "So, are you planning on modeling this for me?" he asked with a wink.
You playfully swatted Chenle's arm, unable to hide your laughter any longer.
“You did buy me some expensive sets…it’s only fair”
Chenle’s eyes narrowed and he slowly licked his bottom lip, “I mean it’s the same thing as me trying on the jacket you bought me for Christmas”
You raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile forming on your lips. "Oh, really? So you're saying that modeling this lingerie for you, is the same thing as you trying on a jacket" you challenged.
Chenle's eyes widened, realizing he had walked right into a trap. He chuckled nervously, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Well... um... I suppose it would only be fair," he stammered, unable to hide his growing excitement.
You couldn't help but giggle at Chenle's flustered state. "Okay then," you said playfully, "deal. But only if you promise not to laugh or make fun of me."
Chenle held up his hands in surrender, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I promise," he declared. "No laughing, no making fun. Just two people having a little harmless fun."
After slipping away to change into the lingerie, nerves fluttered in your stomach as you wondered how this would play out. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself that Chenle had promised not to laugh or make fun of you. You walked back into the living room, feeling a mixture of self-consciousness and a little excitement that you didn’t know where it came from.
Chenle's eyes widened as he set his gaze upon you, his mouth slightly agape. The playful smirk he had worn moments ago disappeared, replaced with an expression of awe. "Wow," he breathed out, his voice barely a whisper.
A blush spread across your cheeks, but you couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence at Chenle's reaction. You slowly walked toward him, savoring the anticipation that hung in the air. As you came to stand in front of him, you noticed how his eyes glittered with desire and admiration.
Chenle reached out and gently traced a finger along the lace of the lingerie, his touch causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. "You look absolutely breathtaking," he murmured, his voice thick.
Getting nervous from how he is looking at you, you start to cover yourself with your hands.
Chenle's eyes widened with concern as he noticed your sudden change in demeanor. He gently took hold of your hands, easing them away from your body. "Hey," he said softly, his voice filled with reassurance. "Don't hide yourself. You're beautiful, and you have nothing to be ashamed of."
His words brought a surge of warmth to your heart, and you took a deep breath, willing yourself to let go of your self-consciousness. With a newfound sense of confidence, you allowed Chenle to guide you toward the couch, where he sat down and motioned for you to straddle his lap.
As you settled onto his lap. Chenle's hands cupped your face, tilting it gently to meet his gaze. The intensity in his eyes made your heart skip a beat.
"You don't have to worry about a thing," Chenle whispered, his voice husky. "Just trust me, and let go. We'll take things as slow as you need."
With his words, any lingering unease melted away, replaced with a growing hunger for a connection between you. The air grew warm as Chenle leaned in, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. The softness of his touch sent shivers down your spine. As the kiss deepened, Chenle's hands explored the curves of your body until his hands landed on the curve of your back.
The constraints of the lingerie became nothing more than an afterthought. With each piece that he admired, you both became more eggar.
Chenle pulled away from your lips, his breath coming out in ragged gasps. “Should we move to my bedroom?” You nodded eagerly.
Chenle stood up, his grip on your hand never faltering as he led you to his bedroom. The room was bathed in a soft, warm glow from the bedside lamp, casting shadows that filled the walls.
As you entered the room, Chenle turned to face you, his eyes filled desire. His voice was low and husky, sending shivers down your spine as he spoke, "Are you sure about this? We don't have to if you're not ready."
With a gentle smile, you reassured him, "I'm sure, Chenle. I want this." Your voice was filled with sincerity.
In an instant, Chenle's arms were around you, pulling you into a passionate kiss. His hands roamed over your body with purpose and adoration, leaving trails of fire as they traveled over your skin.
You reached down, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it up and over his head. As the shirt fell away, you were greeted with a sight that took your breath away. Chenle's body was a masterpiece, chiseled and defined, but his eyes were focused on you.
You took a step back, breaking the kiss, and let your gaze travel over his body. It was then that you realized just how much you truly desired him. The hunger in your eyes was reflected back at you, and you could see in Chenle's that he felt the same.
Your eyes met, and he gently led you to his bed. As you lay down, he kissed you once more, his lips tender yet fiery. His hands continued to explore your body, sending shivers down your spine. You reached up to unhook your bra, revealing your bare chest to him. His eyes widened at the sight, and he leaned down to kiss your chest, his tongue tracing the outline of your nipple.
You moaned softly, a mix of pleasure and embarrassment coursing through your body. You had never felt so exposed, yet so intimate with someone before. Yeah you’ve hooked up with people before but this is different, this is your friend.
Chenle continued to kiss and lick your chest, slowly working his way down your body. He reached your waist, undoing the clasp of your lingerie and sliding it down your leg. Kicking it away, revealing your naked body to him.
His eyes locked on yours, and he slowly started to kissing your inner thighs.
Your breath hitched as he moved closer to where you wanted him most.
You bit your lip, trying to hold in your moans, but the pleasure was too much. Chenle's tongue found its way to your most sensitive area, and you could feel his lips and tongue working their magic. Your body trembled, and you let out a soft cry.
Chenle looked up at you, his eyes filled with a hunger that matched your own. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him, and he knew it.
He slowly made his way up your body, his lips trailing kisses across your skin. When he reached your lips, he captured them in a deep, hungry kiss. His tongue explored your mouth, tasting your sweet lips.
You pulled away and fumbled for his belt. Chenle let out a small laugh when you couldn’t get it undone. He took hold of your hands and pulled them away.
Chenle's eyes never left yours as he unbuttoned his pants, revealing his hardness beneath. You bit your lip, watching him as he took your hand again, guiding it to his erection.
You gripped him gently, feeling the warmth and firmness. Chenle's eyes still locked onto you, he titled his head down and his breath quickened, mirroring your own.
You leaned in, kissing him once more, your hands still wrapped around him. You could feel him growing harder in your grasp, and you knew this was it. You were ready.
Chenle broke the kiss, his eyes filled with desire and adoration. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice hardly more than a whisper.
You nodded, your breath catching in your throat.
He slowly leaned your body back down and groaned softly, as he slowly eased himself into you. You let out a soft gasp, your body adjusting to the sensation of him inside you.
Chenle's hand gently cupped your face, pushing your hair off your forehead as his eyes locked on yours. You felt his breath hitch as he began to move slowly, the rhythm of his body matching the pace of your heart.
With each thrust, he deepened the kiss, his lips devouring yours as his body moved against yours.
As Chenle increased his pace, you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you. You felt his body tremble, and he groaned softly, matching his rhythm to yours. The sensations were overwhelming, and you knew you were close.
Chenle's eyes locked onto yours, his expression filled with raw emotion. His thrust got harder, his gaze never leaving yours as you both started to breathe heavier.
Your body tensed, your breath hitched, and you could feel the climax building within you. Chenle's eyes never left yours, his expression filled with raw emotion. The pleasure coursing through you was overwhelming, and you knew this was it. With one last thrust, Chenle cried out your name, his body shaking as his climax took hold.
You felt him pulse inside you, you felt your body give into the pleasure as well. You cried out his name and a series of cuss words, your body shook with the intensity of everything happening.
The room was filled with the sound of your ragged breaths and the thud of pounding hearts. Chenle slowly pulled out, his gaze never leaving yours. He leaned down and kissed you, his lips gentle and tender.
He pulled away from the kiss as your mouth followed him for more, “I have to get you all cleaned up, I promise ill be quick”
You chuckled lightly, nodding your head.
It didn’t take Chenle long to help you clean up and give you some pajamas for the night.
As he got comfortable in his bed you spoke up, “We should really talk about us”
He turned to look at you, "I agree. But first, can we just enjoy this moment?"
You nodded, snuggling closer to him. "Of course."
Chenle smiled, his hand gently stroking your hair. You looked up at him and giggled “You owe me a date”
Chenle laughed “This was a date!”
You rolled your eyes playfully, "An official date!"
Chenle chuckled, "Alright, alright, we'll do that.”
As you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you.
For the first time in a long time, you felt truly alive and connected to someone. You never expected it to be with one of your friends, let alone Chenle. But as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that this was only the beginning of something truly special.
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permanent taglist (18+): @vvsmydiamonds127 @haechansbbg
dreamie taglist: @loveforred @rmslover
(to be added to any of my taglist, please state which one and you have to be 18+)
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chrissdollie · 8 months
dad!matt or dad!chris u choose :)
let me tell youuu-- matt is a girl dad! i guesss i could see him with boys but i cant stop thinking of tough matt with little princesses who dress him up for tea parties 🥹
when they're babies, he's always taking pictures. especially when u dress them up in cute fits with matching head accessories :(
gets pissed off whenever nick or chris (more chris tho) swear infront of his kids !!! he does not give a shit, they could both be babies, but he'd worry about it being their first word lmaoo.
"shit, they're so cute." chris grins, tickling both girls gently. cut to matt smacking his arm aggressively
pretends to fight them LMAOO one of your girls is really tired but refuses to go to sleep, so you pull out the big guns-- your husband. u guys know how he always has beef with the camera? 😭😭 he swings (much more cautiously) at the chunky baby and when she jabs his shoulder, he winces dramatically in pain. this tires her out and she eventually falls asleep right next to her daddy
they won't stop crying one night, you're on the verge of breaking down with them and matt gets out of bed, walks over to the crib, picks both of them up (their sobbing winds down a bit), and kisses your lips. "i'll be back in a few. get some sleep sweetheart." and walks out of the room
you didnt wake up all night. and like your husband promised, he was right next to you in bed, snoring softly.
he has a hard time saying no for sure. its sunday and the kids have school tomorrow but they wanna go out. "daddy can we go to the park?" he shakes his head, "dinner's soon, baby, maybe next weekend" both of your girls pout and shrug without arguing, but still! he has to give in
pushes them to be social. he'll be at the store and ask one of them to ask someone where the tripods are or something. she does it without a problem because matt's teaching them that they don't have to be so nervous like he used to be
now in their pre-teens, they're starting to explore the world of beauty. "daddy." your oldest taps matt's shoulder who's on facetime with nick on the couch. "can you ask mommy if i can use some of her makeup?" she plays with her fingers impatiently. he raises a brow. "you don't wanna ask her?" to which she shakes her head. "she might say no to me, but she'll say yes to you."
he chuckles lightly, "baby, why would she say no to you?" and she just shrugs. "i dunno." her answer made herself realize that there's no reason not to ask. so with confidence, she nods to herself, and skips away to find you
one night, you're braiding their soft hair while humming a song the three of u like. the girls sing the lyrics aloud, causing you to giggle and start singing with them. it's a really girly song by the way, so when matt stumbles into the room and the girls plead him to sing along to 'call me maybe', he looks at you with a goofy look to which you grin. he mocks you dramatically before joining in hehehe
now you think your girls are very mature teenagers. they've both already had the sex and drugs/alcohol talk. anyhow one night, you and matt are getting it on in the bedroom (the door is locked!). you thought you were being quiet, but was proven wrong when you heard both of them giggling to themselves outside of your room. matt hears too and pauses his movements altogether. you whine quietly before he whispers a small "shh" and turns his head to stare at the door. "go to sleep!" he yells, hearing them run away laughing. and he gets right back to work when they're gone, pretending that never happened LMAO
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kaliforniahigh · 2 months
slow down, you're doing fine - n.s.
In honor of fluffy friday and Noah being back on stage this weekend, I decided to write this ball of fluff. Hope you guys enjoy it!
You can listen to Vienna by Billy Joel to get in the mood if you'd like. This song never fails to bring tears to my eyes and I feel like it goes with the fic.
Warnings: Noah is a little sad, mentions of insomnia, a little self-deprecation but it all ends well.
WC: 923.
Request something for fluffy friday!!!
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You and Noah were roomates, and it wasn't atypical for you guys to knock on each other's door and slip into their room when one of you was having a particularly rough night, or when you couldn't sleep and just needed someone to chat with. Even though you did it way more often than Noah, there were still times he seeked your comfort.
You usually could tell when this was gonna happen. As much as he liked to think he could hide his feelings, you could always tell when he was having a hard time. In the hustle and bustle of preparing themselves to perform at Upheaval and Inkcarceration this weekend, you could tell something was plaguing his mind.
You knew he felt guilty about cancelling the other dates, even if you reassured him a thousand times that his health always comes first. You waited for him to say something, knowing if you confronted him about it, he would close himself off and say that everything is ok.
So when you laid down on your bed to sleep tonight, you waited for the soft knock and your door to open and reveal his figure coming into your room. But as you tried to keep yourself awake, you realized that it might not happen tonight, so you closed your eyes and opted to sleep instead.
A couple of hours later, you were awoken by a soft shake of your shoulders, and whispers of someone calling your name. Opening your eyes slowly, it didn't take much to adjust, since the room was still dark. But youou could make out Noah's sillouete in the shadows.
"Hi. What's wrong?", you asked him, still a little groggy from sleep.
"Can I sleep here?", he asked in a small voice, resembling a child waking up their parents to tell them they were scared of the dark. Noah wasn't a child anymore, but you could tell he was scared of something.
Not answering verbally, you just scooched over to the other side of the bed, lifting your comforter for him so slip under. He instantly curled into himself facing towards you. You gently ran your hand through his hair. You waited for him to make the first move, to tell you what was plaguing his mind. But even if he just wanted you to hold him, that's what you were gonna do.
"I just feel so sad", he admitted, with a shaky voice.
"Scared of what?", you kept your voice quiet, as if afraid to scare him away.
"It's just been so long since we've performed. What if I'm shit? What if people boo me for what I did? What if I don't sound right?"
You silently shushed him, stopping his rambling and self-deprecation "It hasn't been that long and you didn't do anything, it was a mutual decision", you pointed out, trying to get him to reason. You knew he always carried the weight on his shoulders, even if the other boys were completely ok with the decision.
"I know, but stil", you felt him fumbling with his hands, picking a nail here and there, showing you just how nervous he was about this.
"And if people boo you, I'll come out from the side stage and tell them to fuck off", you looked down and saw a hint of a smile on his face. You tapped the top of his head twice, a signal for him to look at you, as you continued "you're an amazing artist. And this rough patch does not define your career from now on. You were born for this, you just needed a little break to remind yourself how much you love doing what you do", you could sense you were getting through to him a little bit, by the way his body seemed to relax and his hands were no longer tied together in an act of restlessness.
"And if this weekend, you get up on that stage and you still don't feel comfortable being there, you're gonna take another 10 or 12 months. You're supposed to enjoy it, and if you don't, there is still some work to do", you paused, giving him the space to talk if he needed.
"I feel ready, I just feel nervous about how things are gonna go", he kept his eyes on yours, now feeling more confident to make eye contact.
"You don't have complete control over everything that happens during the show, so don't worry your pretty little head about things that are out of your control. Besides, you trust Matt and everyone else, right?" he firmly nodded, confirming what you already knew. "And you promise me you're gonna tell me if you still don't feel ok when the show ends?"
"I promise", you knew he meant it by the look in his eyes, that were now a little bit droopy with tiredness. You guessed he kept turning in bed, restless, until he decided to come to your room.
"Do you wanna sleep or do you wanna keep talking? I'll let you pick the subject", you wanted to give him a choice, just in case he didn't feel ready to slip into his mind yet.
"I feel like I'm ready to sleep now. I actually feel kind of tired", he gave a small smile, but one you welcomed anyway.
"That's good. Let's sleep then"
You got yourselves comfortable, and in a few minutes, you could hear his steady breathing hitting your clavicle, and you let yourself slip under the cover of sleep with him.
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At first, I wanted to write about reader taking refuge in Noah's room. But after thinking about it a little more, I decided to write it the other way around. There is just something about men being vulnerable that pulls on my heartstrings.
I hope everything goes well for everyone attending the festivals this weekend. I hope y'all have so much fun. Stay safe and enjoy!!!
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pookietv · 5 months
small pause | arthurtv
requested!! an arthurtv x reader social media break up, but with a happy ending :)
hope u guys enjoyed and i loved doing this so if you have anymore requests please send them in!!
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liked by arthurtv, freyanightingale and 5,278 more tagged bambinobecky
yourusername: forcing becky to take me on museum dates that she doesn't care about
bambinobecky: you stared at the paintings and i stared at your arse
↳ yourusername: sounds like a good trade tbh x
gkbarry: your haiiiiir i would kill for mine to be that thick
↳ yourusername: love you endlessly girl
sabinablair: looking gorgeous
↳ yourusername: need to see you soon! missed u like crazy x
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liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 6,839 others
arthurtv: went back to jersey for a while, sorry for the lack in uploads! wanted some time at home and with family for a bit, will be back and uploading next week :)
georgeclarkeey: come back i miss our cuddles
↳ arthurtv: you weren't supposed to tell anyone about that
arthurnfhill: looking good!
↳ arthurtv: are you flirting with me??
user1: omg him going home to feel better after the breakup, arthurxy/n heart is breaking
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liked by yourusername, arthurtv and 7,208 more. tagged arthurtv
theuselesshotlinepod: had the lovely @/arthurtv on with us this week to talk UK youtube, dating, and growing up with chris md!
arthurtv: is george allowed to touch everyone like that in the workplace??
↳ maxbalegde: well we tell him not to due to HR but he just couldn't keep his hands off you x
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liked by faithlouisak, taliamar and 6,302 more
yourusername: dragging the girls to come out for cocktails has become a too often occurrence (not that i'm complaining)
taliamar: ugh was so good to see you
↳ yourusername: ditto, literally have been rotting in bed so the girls was exactly what i needed
faithlouisak: ur so hot
↳ yourusername: coming from my favourite milf x
bambinobecky: what is there on this earth that cocktails can't fix?
↳ yourusername: i'll not go too deep on the main insta x
yourusername has posted on their story!
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liked by yourusername, georgeclarkeey and 6,893 more
arthurtv: a silly little last min trip to greece :)
georgeclarkeey: any excuse for you to take your top off
↳ arthurtv: your mum wasn't complaining last night
arthurnfhill: literally didn't even realise you had left the flat, you're in greece?
↳ arthurtv: glad to know i'm appreciated
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liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 6,390 others
yourusername: i went away for the weekend and thought i'd share some of the cute photos (ps: there were so many cats i loved it so much)
taliamar: literally the prettiest!! i didn't even know you were going on holiday
↳ yourusername: was a last min long weekend thing, i didn't even know i was going away until the day before lmao
username3: anyone think it looks really similar to where arthur is rn???
gkbarry: you're so hot oml
↳ yourusername: no u
bambinobecky: could have at least taken me with u
↳ yourusername: next time next time x
username1: y/n's single hot girl summer era is gonna go so hard
↳ yourusername: about that ...
↳ username2: what the fuck does she mean 'about that'????
↳ yourusername: hehe
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liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 6,389 others tagged arthurtv
yourusername: okay so i may not have been on holiday alone
user1: oh my FUCKING god i called it
user2: mrs television is back i been waiting for thissss
georgeclarkeey: we all called it, knew it wouldn't be off for long
↳ yourusername: get lost loser
↳ georgeclarkeey: you mock but living with him in his mopey missing y/n era was no fun
arthurtv: you did me dirty with that second photo of my entire plate of beans
↳ yourusername: i mean what are you gonna do, break up with me again?
↳ arthurtv: way to kick a guy when feels guilty
↳ yourusername: being guilty is a small price to pay if it means you'll take me on holidays again :)
↳ arthurtv: i think i owe you a million holidays
↳ yourusername: i can live with that x
maxbalegde: possibly the shortest breakup i've ever seen (but i knew it wouldn't last long, arthur literally looks lost when ur not in a room let alone not in his life)
↳ yourusername: just means i'm stuck with him for good
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liked by yourusername, arthurnfhill and 7,839 others
arthurtv: she only got back with me to make me take nice photos of her
yourusername: absolutely not!!! (it's also for the banging cuppas you make)
↳ arthurtv: ah, makes sense
user1: favourite couple are officially back together
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pinkynana · 2 years
cw : stepbro!nahyuck x fem reader, stepcest, mention of somnophilia (but not written in detail), pussy eating, threesome, blowjob, degradation, praising, unprotected sex, breeding kink, breast play, dumbification, tell me if i missed anything
a/n : i'm sorry for being away for a month. i'm gonna disappear for another month, i think. sorry. also, this was an anon request that i wanted to do longer (and might be a series)
living away from your parents bcs of college was normal. what (didn't) irritate you are your two annoying step brothers, hyuck and jaemin, who constantly visit you. and by constantly, this means everyday and sleepovers during the weekend. you always say they bother you but it actually gives you company. living alone can be scary for young women like you. 
one morning, you bent down to grab your bowl in the lower cabinet. what surprises you is the feeling of jaemin's hips meeting yours. you squeaked and gasped when he even pulled you closer to him. "good morning. having breakfast?" he asked innocently. 
"yeah, you want some?" you pushed him away gently. "sure. you'll make some for me?" you nod, taking two bowls instead of one. "how do you like to eat your oatmeal?" you finally turn around to see your step brother's face. 
"aren't you such a good girl?" you felt shivers run down your spine when he slid his finger down from your chin to your jaw. you didn't know why he was looking at you with such eyes. "huh?" 
"asking me what i like." this time, he trapped you in between him and the counter behind you. both his arms next to your hips and his head tilted. you blinked, feeling a weird hot tension. 
"i like mine with honey." you said with an awkward smile, trying to break the tension in between you two.
"sweet." he kisses your cheek. 
he does that all the time. so does your other step brother, donghyuck. you thought it was just a sweet gesture between step siblings but these days it felt different. 
jaemin finally left you alone so you could make him the breakfast you promised. but just few minutes after, donghyuck came along as he smacked your ass with no guilt whatsoever. "hey!" you frowned. "that's not very nice." you weren't sure why you felt embarrassed. siblings joke around like this all the time, right? including step siblings, right? 
donghyuck licked his lips before saying "you've no plans today?" he asked, looking at you in your pajamas still. he knew that if you had plans, you'd wash up before breakfast or sometimes you'd just grab breakfast outside. but you're here in the kitchen with no signs of going out. 
"it's a lazy day, i think." you shrugged. "how's this?" you scooped a little bit of your honey oatmeal to his face, asking him to have a taste. if only you knew that he couldn't care less about whatever the fuck you're cooking. so he pushed away your spoon. 
"wanna have plans with me?" 
"i said it's a lazy day." 
he rolled his eyes. "yeah, the plan is to have a lazy day together." 
"i don't mind but you know, if you're gonna stay here might as well-" 
"i'll be in your room." and there goes your hopes of having your brother to pay rent with you since they've been hanging around a lot with you. of course you love them but it's a capitalist world you live in. 
"jaemin, if you don't get here and eat your oatmeal, i'll put strawberries in it." 
"we can just watch movies?" hyuck suggested. "that's boring." jaemin pushed him slightly. "i can teach you guys how to crochet? or maybe cross stitch?" you smiled at your own suggestion.
"honey, it's a lazy day, remember?" hyuck looked at you. 
"fine, i'll just take a nap. you guys do whatever you want." you stomp your feet to your room, acting upset to your step brothers. 
"look what you did, you upset our baby sister!" jaemin complained. "shut up, let her sleep. she said we could do anything." donghyuck smirked, which made jaemin immediately understand his ideas. 
having a dream where both your step brothers grope you in your sleep shouldn't feel that good. waking up with wet panties with no one by the side of your bed shouldn't feel this lonely. is lonely even the word you're looking for? 
you wonder if it's a bad thing that you want to touch yourself to the thought of those two. you've never touched yourself for someone in real life. it's always fictional men that make you feel this way. so why is it that your brothers are the ones you thirst for at the moment? 
riding your pillow with nothing but your undergarments on while thinking of hyuck's fingers that touched you in your dreams. the kisses that jaemin gave you on your stomach, your breast. thinking that your step brothers had leave your apartment, you let out loud moans, calling out their names. 
you felt your body jump when suddenly your bedroom door opened with jaemin and donghyuck. you don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that donghyuck literally had his dick out, jerking himself off. you blinked in confusion. 
"i thought you left." you said. 
"when our baby is this sexually frustrated? of course not." jaemin held your chin up so you'd look at him. embarrassment was the only thing you felt at the moment. you probably looked like a disgusting whore to your brothers. 
they loved it. 
"want us to help you, baby?" though you were ashamed, you couldn't help but say "please." 
"up, now." you sat up so jaemin could remove the pillow you were riding. he sees the wet patch on it and on your panties. "dirty girl." he smirked. "i gotta clean you up. lay down for me, pretty." you obliged. 
as your head fell on your pillow, you see donghyuck still jerking off on his dick. it made your mouth water. his cock looked so delicious to you. 
while you fantasized of giving hyuck a blowjob, jaemin had taken off your panties and gave your pussy a kiss. "you can move whenever you want, okay?" he said before finally devouring your nasty clit. with just the feeling of his lips there, you were already pulling his hair and moaning like a bitch. 
"fuck, you look like a cheap slut like that." you hear donghyuck said. "ride his fucking face, whore." you weren't even aware that you obeyed donghyuck's order. you moved your hips on jaemin's lips like they had their mind of their own. "wanna suck you.." you looked at your step brother who was degrading you. 
"oh, you really are a fucking whore." hyuck was nowhere gentle with you. he pushed your face down into your pillows as he climbed on your bed, kneeling in front of your face before giving you what you thirsted for. 
in just a few seconds, hyuck was already thrusting his cock into your throat. "that's right. since i made you cum in your sleep you gotta make me cum in your mouth, got it?" and when he said that, you couldn't help but smile.
so what happened before wasn't a dream? they really did touch you while you were asleep. or could this situation still be in your dream. 
"so fucking sexy. you look so sexy smiling with my cock in your mouth. of course i gotta reward you with my cum, right? wanna swallow my cum, huh? you dirty slut?"
before you could nod, you felt jaemin's dick enter you hole that he made out with earlier. and suddenly everything felt so good. you were practically in heaven. you couldn't believe that you questioned your morals while you masturbated earlier. who cares about morals when you could have big dicks inside you? 
"her real reward is my cum in her womb. gonna make sure she gets pregnant today." jaemin said as he thrusted into you harshly. "my good girl. always obeying me. always make me feel good." your head went dizzy with the praising from jaemin and degradation from donghyuck. "you're squeezing me so tight, baby. that feel good?" jaemin's balls hitting your cunt felt like the thing that has been missing in your life. you finally understood the tension you felt from earlier this morning.
you wanted to have sex with your step brothers. 
"gonna cum." hyuck grunts, still thrusting at your mouth. "gonna cum and you're gonna swallow, alright? be the fucking whore that you are." donghyuck holds your face on his last thrust, keeping it steady like that so he could cum deep in your throat. he sighed once he released his hot liquid and pulled out. "what are you?" he strokes your hair. 
"lee donghyuck's cumslut." your answer gave you a kiss from your step brother where he could even taste his cum on your lips. you then smiled happily before you continued to moan from the feeling of jaemin's cock throbbing inside you. 
the moans went louder as his hips went faster. it didn't help that donghyuck was now sucking on your bouncing tits. 
"fuck fuck fuck, need to fill this hole up." jaemin groaned as you felt him pour his cum into your pussy. it was no surprise that you loved every feeling of it. 
as jaemin pulled away and went to the bathroom, hyuck stayed right there with you, still sucking on your boobs.
"dude, i'm going home." the both of you hear jaemin half yell from outside of your room. 
"yeah, you go do that. i'll have fun with my little fucktoy." donghyuck intertwined his fingers with yours, adjusting his position so his dick meets your pussy.
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Brat pt. 2 (dbf!Captain Price.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, unprotected p in v sex, John being a gentleman 🥰, virginity loss, mention of body shaming, thigh riding (sorry if I missed any.)
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“How has Y/N been lately?” John asks your dad.
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen him. “Oh she’s been great, I’m not sure what was going on with her.” He shrugs. You were off at a friends house right now, it was just John and your dad. They’re in your back yard, making burgers for dinner on the grill. “Maybe she just needed out of the house.” He smiles. “Yeah maybe. I’m sure she’s going stir crazy being done with school and all that.” He laughs, flipping one of the beef Pattie’s with a spatula. “She’s been out so much lately.” He sighs. “Is that bad?” John asks. “No of course not, it’s just hard. She’s eighteen now yeah but she still had to abide by my rules. I just hate that she’s growing up. I don’t want her getting herself into trouble thinking she’s more mature than she actually is.” John is listening, choosing to let your dad vent versus talking.
“I mean.. even when she was a little girl, she always liked older guys. Like.. thirties and above. She’s never liked guys her age. And I understand. Boys her age are nothing but.. sex driven assholes. I just worry so bad about her walking into the arms of the wrong man.” He sighs. For a minute, John feels bad. Like he’s taken advantage of you. You seemed so mature for your age, maybe he’d missed it.
“I’ve always monitored her stuff. Cell phones, computer. Everything. Behind her back of course. Just to make sure she never started talking to anyone online or any of that but I stopped because she’s adult now, deserves her privacy n all that. I never found anything out of the ordinary.” He shrugs. “She’s a smart girl. I’m sure she’ll be just fine.” John shrugs. “Yeah, I know. I just worry cause it’s my kid. Even though her attitude kills me sometimes.” He laughs. John smiles. “She does got quite the attitude.”
Your dad shakes his head with a smile. "Sometimes she's real nice, a real good girl. Other times I just wanna strangle her." He groans. John laughs, taking a drink of his beer. "She'll get better mate, it takes a while. I'm sure she's just figuring everything out." Your dad nods. "Yeah. You try saying that when she's being a brat." He rolls his eyes. "Send her my way. Little military training wouldn't hurt" He laughs. Your dad smiles. "That's a great idea actually. Although with how mean she can get she might humble you a little bit. Got a bite just like her dad." He laughs. "Sure it's nothing I can't handle."
He laughs. Just then, they hear your car pull into the driveway, an awful squeak coming from your car as you come to a halt. "Fuck." Your dad grumbles. "What?" John asks. "I told her I'd look at her breaks last weekend and never got around to it." He sighs. "I'm not doing anything, I can look at 'em while you're at work." He shrugs. "Oh that'd be great, thanks John." He smiles. You step out the back door, smiling when you see the both of them. Sundress blowing in the wind. "Are we gossiping out here?" You smirk. "Yeah about you. John's gonna take a look at your brakes so you can quit bugging me about it." He nudges you. "It just needs new brake pads." You roll your eyes. "I'll find something else to bug you about just because you said that." You smirk. "Yeah. I'm gonna send you John's way when you’re acting like a brat. He'll get you whipped into shape." He winks. Patting your shoulder. Your heart falls into your stomach, and your dad passes by you into your house, John nearly spits his beer out at your expression. Your cheeks are bright red and your eyes are wide. "He meant.. military punishments. We were joking about it." He laughs. "Oh.. Okay." You breathe. You needed to get the hell out of there. "Bring your car over, I'll look at it." You nod your head, hurrying off to hide your blushing cheeks.
Your heart settles in your chest as you climb into your car, starting up the engine. You notice John’s garage door opening. You pull out of you driveway and maneuver your car into his, pulling into his garage until he tells you to stop. He closes the garage door behind you. “I already have the brake pads and rotors.” You fidget with your hands nervously, you’re alone with him again. “Alright, so this will be easy than.” He smiles.
He gathers everything he’ll need. Tools, car jack. He even had some extra oil laying around. Figuring he’d just do it while he’s working on your car.
As he’s working on it, he starts asking questions. Not easing into it, jumping in head first. “So. I’ve heard your dad mention more than once that you’re into older guys. There a reason?”
His blunt question sends crimson up your cheeks. “Uh…” you pause. “Because guys my age suck.” You breathe. “Well yeah, but there’s got to be a reason. Have you ever even dated someone your age?” He asks. “Yes.” You breathe. “That’s the reason I don’t like them.” You laugh awkwardly. “What happened?” He asks. “Um..” you shift uncomfortably. He emerges from underneath the car, he’d finished up already. He leans up against it, crossing him arms. You’re sitting on a bench by his toolbox. “Go on.” You sigh. “Tried to pressure me into having sex with him. I wasn’t interested.” John nods his head. “That’s it?” He asks. You groan. “No. He was controlling. Wouldn’t let me wear shorts, monitored my social media, told me my thighs were too big and that he didn’t like my stretch marks. And I know it could be all guys but older men have been much kinder to me than guys my age.” John smiles. “Sweetheart.. I hate to break it to you.” He adjusts his beanie that he’s wearing. “But guys will be nice to you no matter what if they want something from you.” His eyes travel to the sweet spot between your legs, noticing you shift yourself uncomfortably. He can see the way you’re sitting now, eyes filling with tears. He feels like an asshole. You probably weren’t ready to hear that.
“Not all of them. Especially if I don’t tell them that I’m a Virgin to begin with.” You avoid his gaze. He nods his head. “Y/N. You’re a sweet girl and I’m not trying to be a prick here. But all men have some kind of flaw, even your dad does. I can be mean when I don’t want to be.” He shrugs. “You have to find someone you tolerate the most, because we all suck.” He laughs. “I didn’t mean to upset you, darling.” He moved toward you, placing his hand on your thigh. “It’s okay.” You mumble. “I can be mean too.”
He smiles, looking down. “Did you only touch me because.. because you want to use me?” You look up at him. “No, no.” He breathes. “I gave you a bad example.” He sighs. “What happened between you and I Y/N.. it wasn’t right. I wasn’t right to touch you like that.” He chuckles. “I’m not right for you, you deserve far better than anyone like me. The reason I brought this up is just because I don’t think anyone will be good enough for you. You’re the perfect, pretty, bratty girl.” He smiles. “And you deserve the fucking world.” His hand is still on your thigh, he’s close to you. “John?” You look up at him. “Yeah?”
“You said what happened was bad..” he nods his head. “Am I a bad girl if I liked it?” You bite your lip. Your tone of voice, the way you’re looking up at him. It’s killing him. He hisses under his breath, the way you’re looking at him should not be allowed. It’s pure sin. “No. Because it feels good. It was wrong of me to put you in that position.” He breathes. You sigh. “I liked it.” You breathe. “I think about it all of the time, try to replicate the way I felt myself but I can’t even come close.” You whimper, pushing your hips toward the end of the bench, clenching your thighs together. His eyes travel down, seeing your reaction to just the thought of him alone. He turns away from you, he needs to get the fuck out of here before he does anything else. “You’ll learn. It’s best you figure out what your body likes best before you trust someone else with it.” He reassures you. You nod your head. “It’s been years and nothing makes it feel better.” You laugh. A part of you knows that you’re teasing him. But another part of you doesn’t realize just how hard you’re making him. “What do you mean?” He asks. “I.. I’ve been getting this.. tightness in my stomach. I didn’t know that.. it was.” You blush. “I didn’t know it was because I was turned on. Until I was talking to some friends at school a couple years ago and heard them talking about sex and what felt good. No matter how I touch myself, it just doesn’t feel right.” You breathe. “But.. when you did it..” you shift in your seat. “Changed everything.” You breathe. You’re a horny mess on his bench right now, and he’s doing everything he can to hold himself back.
He notices your dad pulling out of your driveway though the small window in his garage, off to work. Your mom had already left for her night shift job as well.
You were completely alone with John. For hours.
“What does it feel like?” You ask. Looking up at him. He moves forward, sitting next to you on the bench. Turning himself toward you. “What?” He asks. “Sex?” You chew on your lip. “For me? It’s amazing. It feels.. you know how I touched you? It feels like that but a hundred times better.” He breathes. “But for you? It’ll hurt. Because you’re still a Virgin.” He sighs. “Does it always hurt?” You ask. “No, just the first time. The second time may be a little uncomfortable. Your body just has to get used to it.” He explains. “How bad does it hurt?” You look up at him. “It.. it depends.” You tilt your head. Looking confused. “Depends on the size of your partner.” He avoids your curious gaze.
John had to clench his eyes closed so that the thought of you, whimpering as you take him down travels through the depths of his mind. “Would you take advantage of me?” You ask. “What? Of course not.” He breathes. You reach out, grasping his hand and pulling it into you. Setting it onto your thigh. “Y/N.” He breathes. His chest is tight. He hasn’t felt this riled up in forever, how on earth you’re making him feel like this is beyond him. It’s wrong, so wrong.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, John.” He draws his hand away from your thigh, pushing it up passed your cheek. Resting it there. “I was wrong. To touch you like that. I shouldn’t have done what I did.” He breathes. He can feel the frustration radiating off of you. “Please..” you mewl. “I can’t do it, no matter what I do.” You whimper. You’re breaking him. He sighs. Placing his hand down on your thigh. Sliding it up a little bit. “It’s wrong darling. I don’t want to take advantage of you, you’re just desperate.” He breathes. You climb up into his lap, breathing out as you straddle one of his thighs. “Shit-“ he breathes. You rock your hips into his thighs, whimpering at the friction you feel. He hisses at the warmth between your legs. He can’t keep it together anymore. Something about you using him to get off just sends him spiraling. He rests his hands on your hips, pushing your dress up onto your hips. He guides you into him, groaning out. “John..” you whimper. “Yeah?”
“I want to know what it feels like.” You look up at him. “What?”
“Sex.” You whimper. He holds your hips steady. Looking deep into your eyes. “Y/N.” He sighs. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. I’ll hurt you, real bad.” He breathes. “I trust you, John. I want you to do it.” You breathe. “You said so yourself, you wouldn’t take advantage of me.”
He sighs. “Of course not, but.. this is so important and it should be with someone you love.” You look up at him. He sighs at the look you have in your eyes, gleaming so bright, so full of trust for him. He feels like a creep for having such relations with you. He lifts you up, walking you inside of his house. He sits down on his couch with you still in his lap, looking at you. “I can help you out, but you should save yourself for someone special. Yeah?” You nod your head. He moves your panties to the side, rubbing gentle circles into your clit and you whimper, rocking your hips into his hand. He circles your wet hole with one of his fingers and pushes it into you. You grind down into his finger.
“So desperate..” He trails off, admiring you. You’re basically riding his fingers and he’s enjoying it, lifting his hand into you. “John.. please.” You whimper. “Baby.. you don’t know what you’re asking for.” He chuckles at your desperation. You look at him, wiggling away from him. “What are you doing?” He asks. You slide down onto your knees and his eyes widen when you slide your hands up his clothed thighs. He rests his hands at his sides, letting you do this even though he knows he shouldn’t let you. “Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into?” He smirks down at you. You glare up at him, that same bratty attitude showing through.
John never thought he’d see the day, you’re pouting because he won’t take your virginity.
You nibble at your lip nervously as you unbutton his jeans, they needed to be washed because he smelled like gear oil and dust but something about him, dirty hands, messed up hair since he’d discarded his beanie somewhere between here and there. He looked messy and that’s enough to want him. Aside from the fact that he’s who he is. The first man that’s ever put his hands on you, drew fire into your skin and put it out with his cold touch. You’re zoned out as you work his cock from his jeans, thinking about that day on his boat. What he did to you. What he started. He lit a fire inside of you that day, made you crave him. You can’t sleep without thinking of him. Can’t eat without imagining him and his tongue and the way he devoured you like it was the tastiest meal ever put in front of him.
His fingers moving through you expertly, painting out the finest art, drawing the sweetest symphony from your lips and calming the harshest ocean brewing in your stomach with just a swirl of his tongue.
Your breath hitches in your throat when you reveal him to you for the first time and you’re realizing exactly why he’s said what he said.
You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
But there’s some beauty in the unknown right?
You take the tip of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue over the tip, and his eyes widen. A gasp leaves his lips as you suck gently on the tip, taking him further and further with each bob of your head. “Huh- oh fuck-“ he breathes. Hands clutching at the cushions of his couch. You’re nervous to do something wrong, worried about hurting him.
The lewd noises coming from your lips as you suck him harder, his eyebrows raising as you cup his balls, showing them some attention too. He lets his head rest back onto the couch. Wrapping a hand in your hair, guiding you to take him further down. “You’re so pretty.” He breathes. “Such a good girl, could fool me with how good you are at this.” He smiles, knowing his praises egg you on more and more. He rests one of his arms over the back of his couch and when you look up at him, pretty eyes, gleaming with need. He’s got his answer.
He pushes you off of him, nearly busting right then and there with that look in your eyes. He lifts you up, helping you wrap your thighs around his waist. He holds you into him, only one arm wrapped around your back. He walks with you back into his bedroom. The walls are a dark grey color, silk sheets to match. He has dark curtains that keep the daylight out and he sets you down on the edge of his bed. He grasps the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. You don’t fully register what’s going on, but excitement settles into your stomach because a part of you knows what he’s going to do to you. “I can’t imagine fumbling a girl like you.” He breathes. Pushing you back onto his bed. “I just realized through all of this I haven’t even kissed those pretty lips yet, such an asshole of me.” He breathes. He hovers over you, leaning into you and kissing you. He holds a hand over your throat, not putting an pressure against you but holding you still as he attacks your lips with his. You’re a mess, turned on and desperate for him. His facial hair scratches you, leaving a permanent burn behind as he pulls away. He cups your breasts through your dress, massaging them gently. He kisses your bare chest, moans slipping passed your lips. He pushes your dress up onto your hips, pulling you forward so that he can help you take it off. He missed the sight of you, exposed to him. “If I would’ve been your age, had a chance to be with a girl like you…” he trails off, shaking his head with a laugh as he pushes your legs apart. “I would worship the fucking ground you walk on darling, and you’re telling me they’re out here- insulting the sexiest parts of you..” he kisses down your stomach, the attraction you feel for him is overwhelming, you want his hands on you.
You want him between your legs.
Your wishes are granted as he presses a gentle kiss to your clit and a whimper leaves your lips. At long last, he’s finally touching you again. Panties pulled to the side.
It doesn’t last long. He laps at your entrance with his tongue for just a couple minutes before he’s pulling away, licking his lips. “If I do this..” he breathes, moving himself up the bed once more. “You can’t take it back.”
You nod your head. “I know.” You whimper. He sighs.
He’s an awful friend. An awful person.
He pushes his jeans down the rest of the way, pulling your panties down your legs, discarding everything between the both of you, in the way of him taking what’s his.
“I’m a little out of practice. I have nothing..” he breathes. “It’s okay.” You look up at him.
He spits in his hand, slicking up the tip of his cock. Pushing your legs up on him and brushing the tip of his cock over your opening. Your heart is pounding in your chest, pumping blood through you at a rapid rate. “I’m going to hurt you okay? You just have to get through it once and I promise I won’t hurt you anymore.” You nod your head. “I trust you John. It’s okay.”
He’s such a scumbag. He’s got to be at his lowest. He shouldn’t be doing what he’s doing.
But he can’t pull away from you. He’s too far gone.
He pushes the tip of his cock through your folds and you clutch hard at the bed as he starts to slide himself into you more. He’s surprised how easy it is despite the way you’re clamping down around him. “Fuck.. you’re so wet pretty girl.” He gasps. A whimper leaves your lips as he slides deeper, a sob leaving your lips as he wraps his arms tight around you and burying himself into you in one deep thrust. You’re shaking a little bit, he knows it hurt. Knows how uncomfortable you are. Tears are gathering in your eyes, filling up the channel of your tear ducts. “It’s okay darling. It’s over.” He breathes. He nudges your cheek with his nose, kissing you as an attempt to soothe you. You’re panting hard, biting your lip.
That’s it.
His cock is nestled inside the tight cavern between your legs. He’s taken it.
He slides out of you, and you clutch at his blanket, whimpering out. Tears stream down your cheeks. “It’s alright baby. You’ll get used to me. Just relax.” He kisses you again, rocking his hips into yours. He’s going slow, letting you get used to the way your walls wrap around him. It takes a few minutes but eventually, you’re pushing him away from you slightly, widening your legs so that you could see him, all of him. His cock is wet, a little bit of your blood from the tear but mostly your arousal and you’re watching him slide into you.
“Oh my god-“ you whimper. “I.. I feel so full.” You cry. He chuckles at your reaction. “Yeah.. you’re taking all of me.” He smiles. Pushing your thighs up so that you could see him disappear inside of you, burying his cock to the hilt. “Fuck.. I can’t believe.. you just took my-“ you moan out when he picks up his pace. “Your pussy is so fucking sweet.” he shakes his head, in complete disbelief that someone could feel this good. He speeds up his pace even more, you can’t keep yourself together at the feeling of him. You’re a mess, moaning out, whimpering his name. Just like he imagined you would be. He rests his hand on your lower stomach, holding you steady. He lowers his hand, pressing the pad of thumb against your clit, smiling at how swollen it is. You’re so horny, so needy for him. He rubs gentle circles into it, knowing how easy you’re going to get overstimulated. “You’re such a brat.” He chuckles. “My spoiled little brat. Can’t make yourself cum so you have me do it all for you.” Your eyes are closed and your head is tilted back but you’re smiling. “Are you complaining?” You giggle. “Not at all.”
A gasp leaves your lips as he pushes down on your clit harder. Feeling your hips squirm away from his touch. He feels you clench down around him, and he knows you’ve got to be close. He tilts his head back, adams apple bobbing as he swallows hard, he’s got a death grip on your thighs. “John!” You mewl. “That’s it baby. Cum for me. Cum on my cock.” He breathes.
Those 4 words, you’ve heard in every filthy movie you’ve ever seen, never imagined that you’d ever hear them for yourself, from John Price, your dads best friend of all people. You’re tumbling over that abrupt edge, coming around him with the loudest moan you’re sure you’ve ever let out. You’re clamping hard down around him. Pussy pulsing around him. It’s the hardest you think you’ll ever cum, vision going white. John shivers at the tightness of you, barely remembering to pull out of you as he reaches his own orgasm, gritting his teeth as he coats your stomach in thick white ropes of his cum.
He relaxes, taking in deep breaths. “Fucking hell.” He pants.
He smiles, turning his head away from you to hide the way he blushes at the sight of you. Watery eyes, swollen lips. Your cheeks are flushed red. You look completely fucked out.
He lays next to you, calming himself down.
He helps you get cleaned up and holds you close to him for a few hours, talking about random things until your eyes are growing heavy. “How about we go get you tucked in Ah?” He smiles. He’s let you borrow one of his shirts, and you swim in it. It smells like him.
You nod your head. “I want you to stay but.. we’d both fall asleep and your dad would freak out.” He laughs. You smile at him. “Damn right he would. Thank you for working on my car John.” You smile. He leads you out to his garage once more. “No problem. If it has anymore issues just let me know. I’ll take care of you.” He kisses your lips one more time before you climb inside. He opens the garage door and you pull out, giving him a small wave.
His touch lingers on you, traces of his fingers where they permanently etched into your skin.
This was a night you’ll never forget.
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@sonyanightmare @kou00 @queen-ilmaree
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coveredinsweetpea · 1 year
Do you think Eddie lets his girlfriend hold his dick while he pees? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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👀 I'm only like 100% sure he does?? I wanted this to be shorter but um I got carried away?? So like 1.4k smut ahead, of the first time you ask Eddie to let you do this and a little bit of how it goes!! 18+ pls OBVI!!
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"... oh yeah, mhm, I heard about that…" Eddie hummed along to his neighbors rant about whatever affair they spotted during their daily cigarette break by the window. He lied though, he hadn't heard about it before, and didn't care one bit, but it was the most polite way he could come up with in order to extract himself from the conversation as soon as he could - nod along and wait for an opportunity to mention he left something on the stove. 
"... and he had no shame about it, that little rascal …" the neighbor went on. You weren't listening either, but when you squeezed Eddie's ring and pinky finger into your hand and he showed absolutely no signs of taking the hint, you knew it was time to take matters into your own hands. 
Nodding along to the rest of the story, you leaned in to grab the groceries bag from Eddie's free hand, hoping the commotion would help speed up the conversation. And it did. 
"Ah, you're probably busy" the neighbor said, hands clasped in front of his chest as he prepared to resume his walk, "I'll let you two do your thing, but if you want, I'd love to have you over for a coffee some time"
"Absolutely" Eddie bowed, a huge smile on his face, his enthusiasm most likely rooted in the chance to finally bolt inside. "Maybe during the weekend"
"Sure, of course, let me know. You know how retirement is…"
"Thank you for inviting us" you smiled too and then waved at the man as he said his goodbye and turned to leave. 
Eddie barely managed to mumble a poor and hurried "Bye" before forcing the door open. "Fuck!" he cried, throwing his jacket on the floor, the keys on the counter and then rushed further into the trailer. 
"Eddie, wait!" you dropped the bags and sprinted after him, barely managing to grab a handful of his shirt as he stepped inside the bathroom, "Eddie, I-"
"Just a second, sweetheart!" he cringed, peeling your hand off his shirt. He kissed your knuckles though and sent you an apologetic smile before disappearing behind the bathroom door. 
With a deep frown and a disheartened pout, you stomped your way to where you had dropped the bags earlier, fished out one of the chocolate bars, and plopped down on the couch. 
Despite furiously munching at it, you weren't even halfway done with the desert by the time Eddie walked out of the bathroom. 
"Ah, fuck!" he stretched, walking over to you, "Sorry about that, I thought I was gonna piss myself for a second there. What did you wanna tell me, love?"
"Nothing" you spat and sank your teeth into the chocolate.
"Sweetheart?" his tone softened, "Is everything alright?"
"Can you look at me?"
He knew what this was - didn't know what it was about, but knew you well enough to be able to tell you got upset over something trivial. Whenever it was something serious, so were you, starting a conversation with him and being mature and reasonable about it. However, the less serious the matter was, the more dramatic you got. So he knew there was space to tease you. "Puppy, come on, look at me, my angel" Eddie parted your legs and kneeled between them on the floor. He grabbed your hips in his hands and leaned down to get himself in your field of view. "Sweetheart?"
"You don't love me anymore" you huffed and raised your chin. You faced the kitchen, still frowning, and refused to look at him. 
"Why would you say that, baby?" Eddie pushed himself up to sit beside you. When you still refused to engage, he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "Tell me what made you upset, you know I make everything better."
"You slammed the door in my face" you exaggerated, knowing damn well he didn't even fully close the door. He always did though, and you were fully aware the only reason he didn't properly shut it was because you had been still standing there. But you were upset, and that was good enough of a reason to push his buttons. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he played along, "Forgive me, sweetheart, I'll make it up to you. But right now, please tell me what you wanted to say earlier"
"I don't want to anymore"
"Please? If you tell me, I promise I'll do absolutely anything you want"
You raised an eyebrow. "Anything?"
"Anything!" Eddie energetically shook his head. "I promise"
"Will you let me hold your dick while you pee?"
For a second, all he was able to do was blink. "Hold my what?" he did a double take. 
"Your dick, Eddie. Please" you pouted, completely unbothered by the absolute shock on his face. 
It took him a second to gather himself, "And then you'll tell me?"
"This is it. This is what I wanted to ask you but you ran and then locked yourself in the bathroom" 
Realization hit him like a rock and as soon as the thought settled and the information got processed, he visibly relaxed. He swung one arm around your shoulders and leaned for a kiss. "I'm sorry, baby" he spoke against your lips, "Of course you can do that. I promise, I'll let you know next time I have to go"
"Really? You don't think it's weird?"
"No, it's definitely weird" he shook his head, "But when has that ever stopped us before?"
"Ok, thank you" you giggled, suddenly nervous enough to make you hide your face into his shoulder, but not nervous enough to remain there for long, as another idea popped up in your head. 
Curiously, Eddie watched you stand and hurry to the kitchen, only to burst into laughter when you returned to him with a bottle of beer in your hand. "To speed up the process" you said.
"How long until you're done with that?" Eddie popped up in the reflection of your mirror, peeking over your shoulder at the makeup you just put on. 
"I think I'm done?" you frowned and turned to face him, "Why?"
"We didn't take into consideration the fact that I drank today at lunch. I can't drive us to the movies, so we'd better get going if we want to make it there on time"
"Ok, right. Yeah, I'm done here anyway, let's go" You didn't pay too much attention, just walked past him and into the hallway, making a beeline for your shoes. "What?" you questioned when Eddie grabbed your boot from your hand and then dragged you back deeper into the trailer.
"Promised you'd help me piss" 
"Oh!" you exclaimed, "Yes, yes, yes! Please, let me, let me!"
"Of course, princess," Eddie laughed, guiding you into the bathroom. He undid the belt himself and hooked his thumbs around the waistband of his jeans and then pulled them down his thighs, along with his underwear. 
You looked at his cock and then up at him, "Do I just grab and aim?"
"Basically" Eddie chuckled and then wrapped an arm around your shoulders when he saw you hesitate. "Don't be nervous, you literally touched my dick thousands of times before"
"Yeah, but what if I miss?"
"I don't think you will, but if you do, I'll clean it up, don't worry" 
"Ok…" you mumbled but still hesitated. 
"Y/n, I don't wanna pressure you or anything. I don't know what's wrong with me right now, but there's a sliiiiiight possibility that I'm gonna get real hard, real soon if you keep staring at my dick with that look on your face, so-"
"Oh, no, yeah!! Sorry!" you giggled and went straight for it. As gently as you could, probably the most carefully you had ever been with his dick, you grabbed it into your hand, angled it however your brain figured appropriate and then looked at Eddie, "Is this ok?"
"Perfect, fuck. Ok" he hissed and then let himself go. 
You didn't know what exactly you were expecting, but excitement took over your body when you saw the stream coming out of his tip, a huge dumb smile on your face as you refused to look away. 
Nervous all of a sudden, Eddie raised your hand a little so the stream would hit the toilet bowl and not the water - the sound was making his cheeks burn, why was he like this? Why was he hot all of a sudden?
"Can I spell my name?"
"Technically yeah-" Eddie laughed in disbelief, "But next time? I'm almost done right now"
"Can you do it?" 
"Can I watch?" 
"You're insane" he shook his head, amused - and in awe, kissing your temple as the last droplets of piss left his tip. "But of course you can"
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ef-1 · 2 months
A 10 day timeline of statements by Christian Horner and Helmut Marko in the lead up to keeping Perez
- July 19, Hungarian GP FP | Horner: "I think he's been in a bit of a headspin the last the last few races, but hopefully today were the signs that he's coming out of that - and the team are working very hard with him to support him and make sure that he does re-find his form, because we desperately need it." [source: Sky Sport F1]
- July 19, Hungarian GP FP2 | Helmut is asked to confirm if Perez has performances clauses in his contract that can be triggered by summer break: "There are various forms of performance clauses and, ultimately, it doesn't matter what a contract looks like, you just have to perform.” + “We'll have a look at the two races and then we'll sit down together to decide what and how things will continue after the summer break."
Helmut is asked who the favourite is among Ricciardo, Tsunoda and Lawson to replace Perez, he replies: "That was a nice question. I'll give a nice answer: everything is open." [source: ORF]
- July 20, Hungarian GP post-quali | Horner: "I think I have shown that I am very patient, but this was really the last thing he and the team needed. We now have to get everything back together, repair the car and see what we can get out of it during the race.”
Asked about Perez’s future, Horner replies: "Any discussions we have with him will of course take place internally and not in front of the media. But of course we can't run on one leg." [Racingnews365]
- July 24, commenting about Hungarian GP | Helmut: “It was a typical grand prix weekend for Perez: unpredictable. He continues to have this up and down, nobody knows when he will shine or when he will make a mistake, he simply lacks consistently good performance.” [source: Speedweek]
- July 26, Belgian GP Free Practice | Horner: "Checo’s future is in his hands. He has to have a good weekend, because we need his points for the constructors’ championship and McLaren has recovered a lot in the last races." [source: FormulaPassion Italia]
- July 27, Belgian GP pre-quali | Helmut: “Sergio knows that for the constructors' championship we have to have both cars ahead of McLaren if possible, and that hasn't been the case in the last few races”
When asked to set a specific goal for Perez, Marko refuses: “No, the goal is to win both the drivers' and constructors' championships, and we'll discuss the best way to achieve that on Monday [the 29th].” [source: Motorsport.com]
- July 27, Belgian GP post-quali | Helmut: “But it’s great to see Sergio, who has really improved. He will start on the front row due to the relegation and now things are looking much better again.” [source: Motorsport.com]
- July 28, Belgian GP post-race | Helmut: "Sergio had the opportunity to achieve a good result from second place. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Especially in the last stint, he completely collapsed, driving 1:48 times. What looked so positive in qualifying unfortunately didn't come true in the race." [source: Sky Germany]
- July 29, Red Bull Racing factory, Milton Keynes | Horner: "Checo remains a Red Bull Racing driver, despite all the speculation of late. We look forward to seeing him perform on circuits where he has done well before”
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[2] Seeing Each Other Around Town
Summary: James discovers his favorite student and his mom are his across-the-street neighbors and now he can't stop seeing her everywhere.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Tiny little bit of angst in this one but it's negligible. Y'all this is gonna be a slow burn but we'll get there. Also I'm updating sorta regularly now yay!!!
A/N (23/5/24): FINALLY edited this. I'm out of school, so hopefully I'll have time to continue this series <3
Previous Part: Parent-Teacher Conferences Next Part: Career Fair Series Masterlist here
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Poor James is completely infatuated with you after parent-teacher conferences
He just can’t get you out of his head
And Sirius and Remus are usually the ones who suffer the consequences
Their apartment is on the way to school from James’ house, so they almost always carpool
And lately, the entire car ride, James Cant. Shut. Up. about you
(“Boys, you should’ve seen her—she’s so sweet—of course she’s Liam’s mom—Pads, you don’t understand—they’re so similar—Remus, she’s gorgeous—did you see her????”)
By the end of the week, Sirius and Remus are very amused with James’ adoration for you
But it also gets kinda irritating after a while, so they’re pretty thankful when the weekend rolls around and they (hopefully) get a small break from his incessant enamored babbling
Saturday rolls around, and James is up at six thirty (hard to break out of the habit when school starts at eight) and shuffling out to the lobby of his apartment building in his pajamas, robe, and slippers to get the mail and the newspaper
But just because James’ body wakes up early doesn’t mean James’ brain wakes up at the same time so he’s out by his mailbox looking confusedly at the newspaper and wondering why he suddenly can’t read
And after like a solid thirty seconds of him just squinting really hard he finally realizes it’s because he left his glasses inside
He’s doing his best guys, he’s doing his best
So James is about to turn around and go back to his own flat to get his glasses (and probably a cup of coffee) when he hears his own name— —just … well, kinda
“Mr. Potter?”
James just about jumps out of his skin because what teacher expects to see one of their students outside of school???? Like no thank you
Don’t get me wrong, James loves his kids to death and he’d die for them any day
But it’s the weekend
So no thanks
But then James realizes it’s Liam and he’s lowkey relieved because like
If he has to see a student outside of school, he’d rather it be this one
And then it occurs to James that if Liam is in his apartment building at six thirty in the morning, then he probably lives here
And if Liam lives here, then …
Poor James can’t help the full-body flush that rushes through him at your voice
Boy looks like someone dunked him in tomato juice
His head snaps from Liam (or at least the blurry shape that has Liam’s voice) to where your voice is coming from, and it hits him that you’re whispering (very tiredly and cutely, if you asked James) from the floor below his own, leaning over the railing to watch as your son presumably gets the mail
How the hell didn’t he notice you lived in his apartment building????????
Not that he’s complaining ofc :):):):):):)
James realizes after a minute that Liam asked if he’s alright, and he’s just like “Yeah!!” and utterly beaming
(Unbeknownst to James, you realize who exactly Liam is talking to and blush just as terribly as James does when you realize you’re still in pajamas and aren’t at all presentable)
You say good morning to him as well (from the balcony) and James is pretty sure he’s about to melt
(You call him Mr. Potter tho and it lowkey makes him cringe and remember that Liam is like RIGHT next to him)
So you and him exchange pleasantries like Romeo and Juliet with the balcony :) you get it?? :):):) while Liam gets the mail from your own mailbox and walks it up the stairs back to you
(he says “here you go, mama” in his sweet little voice as he hands the small stack to you and you say the gentlest “thank you, baby” back and James’ heart feels like goop in his chest)
James barely makes it back into is own apartment before he’s squealing and doing a goofy little dance out of overflowing joy
And the best part?
That's not the last time he sees you. Not even close.
Over the next several weeks, James begins to notice you everywhere around town
He sees you and Liam at the grocery store (you’re there with Liam and give him the choice between dino nuggets and spring rolls; he decisively choses the latter)
And on his way to work (on one of the few days where Remus and Sirius aren’t carpooling with him, as Remus was sick and Sirius stayed home to care for him), James sees you in your own car on your way to work
And when you and Liam go on walks on the weekends (James had taken to mowing Remus' mother's lawn, which was on your walking path, shirtless every Saturday morning—for entirely unrelated reasons, of course, and he will take no questions on the matter …)
James still isn’t sure how he hadn’t noticed you before because how could he have missed you?? You’re gorgeous????
(Of course, poor Remus and Sirius get to hear about his fawning even more now)
(They both find it cute though and they like to give him advice, so it’s fine)
So eventually one Friday night, James can’t sleep and is done with his lesson plans
And he’s just bored, so what does he do?
Go to the grocery store, of course
So James ventures out, once again in his pajamas, to the grocery store to get some treats to eat while he watches Antiques Roadshow until he falls asleep
And of course—he should’ve known at this point honestly—there you are
(Also in your pajamas)
And James says hi before he can really stop himself, and you look a little spooked for a second (because who tf would be talking to you in the grocery store at ten at night?) but then you realize it’s him and you say hi back with a sweet little smile that turns James' insides to warm fudge
Apparently, Liam is at Draco's birthday sleepover (Draco's a little shit, and James never understood how Liam could stand the kid) and you don’t have a shift at the hospital tonight, so you decided to indulge in some celebratory ice cream
James ends up helping you choose which ice cream you want (chocolate chip cookie dough—a classic) and as thanks, you go with him to the candy aisle to help him pick out treats
James ends up getting a container of pretty much every candy, cookie, and chip that grocery store because he didn’t want to leave yet lmao
And when you’re in line to check out, James mentions that there’s a career fair at school in a month and he’s wondering if you’d maybe want to come and talk about being a nurse????
Pretty please??????
James doesn’t notice how your face falls ever so slightly. You kind of forgot for a second that he’s your son’s teacher and not just some pretty guy that you’ve sorta had a crush on for the past couple weeks. Nothing could happen between the two of you—not if it meant messing with or—god forbid—hurting Liam’s education. But it’s okay. You’ll just suck it up and stick to your job and your son. It’s fine. It’s fine.
You’re agreeing in an instant, and James promises to email you the details so you can plan around it
James leaves the grocery store with like ten pounds worth of treats feeling full to the bursting with warmth and his eyes are glowing the rest of the night
He sees this really pretty pearl and gold necklace on Antiques Roadshow and catches himself thinking about how pretty it would look on you, but he doesn’t bother trying to stop himself at this point
It wouldn’t be any help anyway
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Next Part: Career Fair
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sssilverstoned · 8 months
while you can still smell them ꩜ ln4
type: full length fic
word count: 3.9k
title from: i wish you roses by kali uchis
warnings: some fluff, angst, but like it's a happy ending. cursing bc i'm me, italics are memories
lily said: you know me i can never leave well enough alone. i thought this little snapshot of the break that was never really a break would be cute! for context, i'd suggest looking at the ig au linked below! this would be taking place in between part 2 and 3.
part 1
part 2
part 3
You've only seen Lando cry on occasions that called for it. When family members died, when racing got too much for his mental, in some awful, awful moments. Maybe that's why it hurts so bad to see him cry now.
"A break feels a lot like you should add 'up' to that statement," he had said, turning away from you, looking out at the stars. You were sat on his balcony, feeling suffocated by the apartment. But the AC was on and working fine, and windows were open. Your emotions were suffocating you, that was more fitting.
"We can't keep on like this, Lan," you say in a broken voice, the lump in your throat thick and threatening. "It's not fair to either of us."
He doesn't realize he's crying until the drop hits his nose, making it quirk up in surprise. He swipes at his face, a pawlike move to get rid of the teardrops.
"Do you not love me anymore?"
His question makes you sob. Full body, head dropping to chest, your hands writing in your lap. The sound of you breaking down turns him back to you, rushing to the chair you've melted into. He lifts your face in his hands, and you take a breath when you see his face, discolored with tears.
"I'll always love you," he makes out of your words, just barely. "I, I just, it's not the same,"
"We can fix this, us. We can work on it together," Lando's brain is whirring at hyper speed, damage controlling the last 8 months of your lives together.
The cracks began to become schisms when he committed your largest pet peeve, which was ignoring things out of ease. Blissful ignorance, if you will.
It was small things, like forgetting about date nights in lieu of longer trainings or prolonging trips. Sometimes he forgot to water the plants, or didn't move laundry over, and that was manageable. That's what every couple encounters. What every couple does not encounter, was the intense pressure of racing a car for a living.
He was frustrated, with Zak, with anything papaya colored, and with his own self-doubts. He carried that frustration in his chest, and it came out in some of the words he spoke to you, and actions he took. You eventually stopped offering to come over and cook, because dinners were becoming continuously tense, and you were uncomfortable. Felt like a nuisance.
But at the same time, you were both so codependent. Without anything being said, you two began to avoid things you assumed the other wouldn't like, and asked for permission to do the smallest of things. You first noticed it when your sister pointed had asked you to come go with her out of town for the weekend, and you hesitated. "I'll have to ask Lando," you had told her. She bit her tongue.
Lando was just as bad, he had quite literally lost the ability to sleep when you weren't around. It made Grand Prix weekends an actual nightmare when you weren't there, calling you at any times in the day or night.
"Are you alright, it's 4am,"
"Sorry, can't sleep again. The melatonin does nothing,"
"Did you try the tea my mum got you?"
"Baby I just," he scrubs a hand down his exhausted face. "I just need you here."
"I can't just get up and go to Australia."
"I'll get you a flight, or maybe we can-"
"Lando," you say in a sterner voice. "I can't."
He's quiet for a moment, and you wonder what's going through his head. You hardly raised your voice or got intense, certainly never at him. But then again, recently, you seemed to never know what was going through his head.
It was silly to think that Lando was the same man that you began dating. You were 19, you would pray that he had changed somehow over the span of 5 years. But there was something missing that once was. The relationship was becoming more of a task, and that wasn't right. Which is what brought you to this moment, brought you to telling him you needed to talk.
"Lan," you whimper, bringing a hand up where his hold your face on either side. You don't even have to say anything more, he knows you better than you know yourself. And he begins to cry harder.
"I've never loved anyone but you, baby."
"I know."
"I can't, I really don't want to live without you," he shakes his head, standing back up to his full height. His hands stay busy, though, ripping through his hair.
"I'm not going to go away," you explain, agonized that you're calmer than he at this point. You stand from the wicker chair, but don't edge closer to him. "But my career is unpredictable right now, 6 months in Marbella is a long time. And you're, well, everywhere. And you need to focus on that."
"I've multitasked for 5 years," he says bitterly, making you sigh. His eyes are back on the stars, and his back to you makes your eyes blurry again.
"I'm not happy." You finally blurt, making his body stiffen. "I'm really not."
When he looks at you again, his expression reads clearly with fatigue, with anguish. "Please, baby, don't,"
It's your turn to clutch his face, bringing his forehead to touch with yours. Through your contact, you feel the heaves of his body, the breaths he's trying to control. "It's not forever," you whisper, mustering courage. "But we need to stop acting like everything's fine."
"I don't see myself without you."
"You're not," your hold tightens, he leans further into your palm, "but we've grown up together. The flower pot's too small now," you try to joke, he barely can fake amusement.
"I'll buy a thousand new pots."
"We need to clean up the broken one, first." His jaw clenches, you soothe it with your thumb. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He says back, almost silently. "Still wear that Mclaren shirt on race days, I need the luck."
You finally crack a smile. "I'll wear the hat too if my hairstyle permits."
He kisses you, almost convincing himself this if is the last fix he can get for a while, he needed it now. Not that either of you know it, but you both have the same thought. You both notice that your cheeks have each other's tears on them now, not sure which ones came from whom. You were on the same page in that regard, at least.
"You should ask y/n out," your best friend says to Lando in the middle of a party. He chokes on his drink, not expecting her to come up to him like she did, and not expecting the words out her mouth.
You all were freshly 19, still congregating in someone's living room to try to have a good time. He knew your friends better than he knew you, the newest of the group in town, only having moved to the area with your family when you were 16.
"Should I, now?" He says, recovering from his fright.
"Yeah," she replies, ignoring the sarcasm. "She goes on about you, it's cute. She'd hurt me if she knew I told you, though. Not sure what she sees in you," his eyes narrow at the girl, which she ignores once again. "You'd be lucky to have a girl like her in your life."
That much, he knew. You were fiercely loyal to your friends and family, and treated him with a kindness that made him melt every time. You were funny, and genuine, and not to mention, the most beautiful person he's sure he knows.
When he bumps into you later at the party, he asks you what you're doing the following evening.
That was the story he'd tell people with a proud grin when they ask how you two got together. All you recount is how he nearly ruined your cute top with a shitty guinness.
He's struck with the memory when he sees the guinness logo in the ads on the walls of a restaurant. "Mate," Max all but snaps his fingers. Lando locks back in, humming for what he missed.
"Was just curious if you wanted to go out tonight. They've been texting in the chat about it, I saw you never responded."
Clubbing wasn't as fun as it used to be, not when you weren't dancing your heart out beside him, or waiting in bed with your nose in a book when he came home because you weren't feeling like going out. It felt like a waste of his time, and like he was sucking the fun out of other people's nights.
"'M alright," he says with a tight mouthed grin. "Gonna sit this one out."
Max looks at his friend, seeing through his response. "When's the last time you went out?"
If he had to take an educated guess, you last graced his apartment that night on the balcony, 4 weeks ago. So, 4 weeks ago. Perhaps longer, judging by the schisms. "A while. Not up to it."
"You're torturing yourself."
"I'm not interested in getting shitfaced, Max."
Max looks away for a second, quickly weighing the pros and cons of asking what he's been wanting to for the last, well, 4 weeks. "Do you think Y/n is wallowing too?"
The sound of your name makes his fingers twitch inadvertently, almost like a flinch. "That's not fair."
"I'm serious, Lando. You said she needed a break because she felt like you two were co-dependent and not actually working through problems, and look at you. You're not functioning without her. I mean, it's your fucking birthday next week, and you haven't brought it up once, you realize that, right?"
He knows he's right. Nothing he said was out of line, or wrong, and that's why Lando has nothing to say back. He wants to argue, to prove him wrong, but he can't. He's seen your ads and campaigns, the beautiful shots of you promoting luxury brands and names that your fans only dreamed of owning. Despite the distance, he was so proud of you still. You worked hard, were disciplined and humble through your success. He had texted you when the Dior campaign had launched, and the message of your thanks, with a smiley face, made him, for just a second, think that things were back to normal.
When they left the restaurant, and ran directly into fans, Lando tried to put on his best face for them, smiling for selfies and signing what was gestured toward him. When a sweet looking girl with glasses shyly spoke up, telling her favorite driver where she was visiting from, his tired eyes light up. "You're from there?" He confirms, and she smiles with an eager nod.
"Y/n is too," he almost mumbles, but every fan in earshot heard it. The typical squeals followed, the hushed whispers amonst themselves on if they'd push the questions they were itching to ask or not. And heard it they did, as the encounter made its way onto social media and gossip pages. But Max was right, his mourning period needed to be over, if anything was going to change for the better.
You call him on his birthday. It was nerve wracking, which made you bitterly laugh, because never did you think you'd be nervous to talk to Lando Norris of all people. One of the few people in the world you wholeheartedly trusted.
It had only been about a month since you requested time apart, and he had honored that. The texts were sparse, the calls nonexistent. Although, that was sort of what had brought you to this point anyway. But you were working on yourself, and your career at the same time, and things were looking better. Change never happened overnight, but the journal your therapist recommended, and the disappearance from social media besides professional posts were great starts.
You bite at your cuticle as the phone rings. You take your cell away from your ear, chest panging at the contact name "Lan <3" at the top of the screen. Was he really going to screen your call? Is that what you deserved, possibly?
"Y/n," he finally answers, and you quickly bring your phone back to your ear.
"Hi," you say awkwardly. "Happy birthday, Lando."
"Thank you," he says stiffly. "I'm happy to hear from you."
"Yeah I um, haven't really been on my phone here," you bite harder on your finger. "I think it's nice here, you'd love Marbella."
"I'm sure I would," he says with what you can hear is a smile. "I miss you, you know?"
"I miss you too," you concede, "how have you been?"
"Not great, I won't lie. Much rather would hear about you."
"'s not my birthday," and he smiles a bit at that.
"Well, racing's fine. But Max is sick of my shit, says I've been wallowing."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
You don't really know what to say, you've rarely been the perpetrator of his negative feelings. No relationship was perfect, but you all hadn't really hit a communication wall until now. It was uncharted, scary territory. "Well, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, that was all. Have a good day, really. 24 is a big one. Kobe year, that's what someone said to me. I hope this year is great for you."
"Y/n, wait," he halts your beginnings to hang up. "I'd like to come to see you soon, I've got some time before Abu Dhabi and maybe I could swing by Spain on the way."
"Lando," he absolutely hates that you're calling him by his whole name. Lan, that's what would you called him almost exclusively. Lando feels so formal from you.
He needs to hear it, you know he does. He needs to hear that you want to see him, that you need to see him just as much as he yearns to put eyes on you once more. But you were constantly afraid of accidental manipulation, holding him by some invisbile garotte. But this was his first birthday you hadn't celebrated together since you were 19, that meant something.
"Please focus on racing," you implore, and squeeze your eyes shut before adding, "but you if you'd like to come and it won't be an issue in your plans, you're more than welcome."
You saw the posts, it wasn't very hard. Fans utterly disappointed that you and Lando hadn't been seen together in ages, putting pieces together quickly after you didn't post for his birthday. It didn't make you feel worse, to be truthful, and to your surprise. You were sure there'd be a barrage of insults hurled your way, maybe a cheating rumor or two. But really, all there was to see were requiems for your relationship, nostalgia for what once was. What did cause you to delete instagram from your phone, was the response to the podcast.
You were single for the time being, that's what you and Lando had agreed on when he visited you. It wasn't an invitation to go out and find the next man to lay in your bed, but you both had agreed that it wasn't healthy to hold out in anticipation of your rekindling.
"You're the only girl I've, you know," he awkwardly trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. He sits up in bed, linens pooling around his hips. Hooking up with your now ex-boyfriend, might've not been your brightest idea, sure, but you were both human, at the end of the day.
"Fucked?" you tease, remaining comfortable against your plush pillow. "I know. First few times kinda showed that."
He looks back at you pointedly. "You cried the first time."
"It hurt!"
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head in fake annoyance. You grin. "I'm sure the girlies are gonna have a field day with you being single now,"
He rolls his eyes again, laying, or rathing slumping, back into the pillow next to you. His arm instinctively comes around the top of your head, you try not to lean into it. "I think I really will finally listen to you and focus on racing."
You turn on your side, admiring his profile as he stares up at the ceiling, probably tangled in his thoughts. His nose sloped perfectly, the little freckles dotting his skin like constellations. Your boy.
"I told my mum."
He snorts. "She hates me now, I'm sure."
"Mm, no, her first ask was what I did," your mom was Lando's biggest fan, through and through. Of course, you were her daughter, but she was convinced he was cosmically made perfectly for you.
He looks at you then, realizing your eyes have been on him the whole time. He copies your position, turning to you so your bodies lay parallel, nowhere to look but each other's eyes.
"Do you regret that I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had?"
You immediately shake your head in denial of the question. "No, not at all," you were lucky, if anything. "You?"
"Well, I've had other girlfriends,"
"You knew that," he chuckles, and yeah, you did. "But I don't regret that you're the only one I've been serious about. I still am."
"I know. I am too."
"An ex-boyfriend doesn't lay in bed with you, you know."
"And an ex-girlfriend doesn't still remind your team when your doctor's appointments are,"
"Fair enough, guess we're just weird."
You share a matching grin. "So weird."
So once Alex uploaded the Call Her Daddy episode you were a guest on, and it was official to the masses that you had been single for now almost 4 months, the articles came in. The timelines of you and Lando's relationship, the rumors of him leaving clubs with random girls. You'd be lying if you said you didn't zoom in on some of their faces, relaxing when you recongized most of them as friends or even family members. He wasn't yours to be worried about, you suppose, but you also knew that any girl he decided to share his time with would be a lucky one.
Your friends had tried to get you on dates, that wasn't a lie when you said that on the podcast. But you weren't ever excited to get to know someone new, small talk was painful and you didn't feel comfortable going home with them.
But then, a few weeks later into February, you get a phone call from Lando. "Hi," You answer, pleasently surprised.
"Hey there," he says, sounding slightly out of breath. "How are you?"
"I'm good, great even. Finished up everything down here, leaving Marbella next week to head back home." Home was London to you, not Monaco. You constantly visited, had a family flat there and everything, but couldn't leave officially becuause of your career.
"Congratulations, everything looked stunning," he compliments, and your stomach flutters.
"But um, how are you? I'd ask if you were relaxing, but I'm sure training's well underway."
"Meh, more or less. I'm heading to Surrey next week, actually. Got some stuff to do at HQ."
"Oh," Surrey was only about an hour and a half from where you were in London. "Would you, well, not assuming anything, but if you'd have time to spare, it would be great to catch up?"
This isn't why Lando called you, you fully know this. Who knows what he picked up the phone for, he could be calling to let you know he's eloped with someone he's met in the 6 months you've been apart.
"I'd love to," you hear his grin in his voice. "You haven't moved, have you?"
Not only had you not moved, but you haven't changed much about your flat either. Same bedding, same color schemes, same photos decorating your tables and walls of your friends, family, and Lando. He never took the photos of you down either, and that photo from your 21st birthday was still stuffed in his wallet.
You order takeout, sitting across the kitchen island from each other acting like it didn't feel like your first date again. He acts like he doesn't want to reach out for your hands as you animatedly use them to share stories of Spain, and you act like you don't want to push the curls back that threathen to land over his eyebrows.
The food gets cold as you two catch up, a few glasses of wine becoming a whole bottle gone. You actually can't remember the last time the two of you had done this, and perhaps, absence had truly made your hearts grow fonder.
"Bahrain is on leap day," Lando says, making you gasp.
"That's got to be good luck, no?"
"It's just the first practice,"
"But still, you're starting your first weekend of the year on a special day like that," you muse, "so exciting. I'm excited for you,"
His chest warms at endearment in your voice. You truly and honestly rooted for him through everything, that was one of the things he was most grateful for about you. He knows you don't truly care about all of this, if he won or lost, but that you care about him and his development, how he sees himself and his profession. He fell in love with that about you.
"Would you come?"
You hesitate, daring to look at him from where you had begun to clean the countertop. "To the race? "
He nods, and turn back to the counter. "I don't know, Lan. Is that where we are?"
He hopes so. He's missed you something horrible, prays you missed him just as bad.
Lando takes the cloth from your hand, replacing it with his own. "I know it's only been about 6 months, and that's not enough time to say everything's well and dandy," you fight a smile. "But I want to work through things, with you. I've had nothing but time to consider what was off with us, and I want to be better. For you, more than anything. Yeah, I learned how to be just Lando. But I know I prefer being Lando and Y/n."
You bite your lip, finally meeting his eyes. "I want to take it slow."
"We can do that,"
"So, I don't know if I'm ready for the race. But, my birthday's coming up,"
"It is,"
"And we'll be in Dubai. My sister did it up, got this crazy plan going since it'll be my 25th."
"Quite the old woman you're becoming,"
"Oh get off that," you scoff, pushing his chest. He chuckles and pulls you back into him, where you go willingly. "But, if you can, I'd love for you to come to the dinner."
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "You want me to fly to Dubai just for your birthday dinner?"
"You'll be in Saudi Arabia then anyway,"
The smirk gets bigger. "You know my schedule already, love?"
"You're so fucking cheeky, can't stand it," you feign annoyance, but never move from his arms.
He holds you, as your arms delicately find themselves behind his neck, not daring to kiss just yet. To really be honest, you're not sure if you're ready to take that whole plunge.
"I'm happy to be back, even if things are slow. They can be molasses for all I care."
"Thank you for being patient with me," you lean your forehead against his. However, this time, neither of you are crying. Nice, for a change.
"I'd wait decades for you, my love."
After a beat of sweet silence. You speak up once more. "One thing though," he hums to prompt your continuance. "I'm pretty sure, when it's said, it's Y/n and Lando, just so you know."
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
Warning: infantilized Whumpee. Whumpee is baby and Whumper agrees.
"Are you my cute little baby?", Whumper cooed at Whumpee as they changed their diaper, "smelly baby is more like it, geesh."
Whumpee wiggled away while Whumper cleaned up.
"Don't go too far", Whumper spoke over their shoulder.
Whumpee tried to reach up for a higher shelf. They climbed up on their feet to get a better reach.
"Whumpee no", Whumper came from behind and smacked Whumpee's butt.
Whumpee jumped from the warning and slap. They fell to the floor with a bang.
They looked up at Whumper with tears threatening to fall.
"Oh no, did baby go boom on the floor", Whumper knelt down, "did that cause an owwy?"
Whumpee's lip quivered as they nodded.
"It's okay baby", Whumper scooped them into a hug, "that's why babies shouldn't be standing up", Whumper grinned and kissed Whumpee's forehead, "let's put on your bootys."
Whumpee struggled to get away, "ymhmm", Whumpee shook their head no.
"We have to Whumpee, you know better than to say no to me", Whumper reached for the slippers, "do you want another spanking?"
Whumpee watched Whumper for a second before pointing at the item they were trying to reach.
"Does baby Whumpee want their chewy?", Whumper reached up and grabbed it.
Whumpee nodded as they watched Whumper carefully.
"Alright, come here then, let's clip it on you", Whumper held it up.
Whumpee crawled to Whumper and stopped a few steps away.
"Very cute attempt", Whumper watched them stretch as far as they could, "you need to come a little closer."
Whumpee scooted a few inches.
"You're being ridiculous. These don't hurt you unless you stand up, and you know better than to stand up", Whumper sighed, "come here before I get up and get you."
Whumpee huffed in annoyance.
"Don't huff at me", Whumper warned, "I'll give you the icky syrup if you keep being disobedient."
Whumpee quickly scooted closer... anything to not have that sludge go down their throat.
"That's what I thought", Whumper clipped the toy holder onto Whumpee's outfit, "I have a feeling my mind control is losing its edge on you", Whumper tickled Whumpee's sides playfully, "do we need to fix that?"
Whumpee quickly put the toy in their mouth and happily chewed on it.
"You're probably hungry. We'll get breakfast once these booties are on you", Whumper grinned, "is my baby grumpy because your hungry."
Whumper slipped the booty onto Whumpee's foot, and made sure the bottom sat right, they then buckled the boot and locked it.
Whumpee whined as cold metal touched their feet.
"I know Whumpee, just don't stand up. The spikes won't hurt you then", Whumper started to put the other one on.
These boots were a soft padded slipper with a belt around the ankle. They could be adjusted and locked into place . Inside the slipper, a removable insert with a few dull spikes waited for the wearer to stand up. This would cause severe pain and cause the person to fall over. It normally didn't cause bleeding though.
Whumpee rolled onto their stomach when Whumper was finished.
"Let's go get breakfast", Whumper watched Whumpee try to pull at the slipper, "nuh-uh", Whumper smacked Whumpee's hand away, "do you want me to add the mittens?"
Whumpee cowarded away and shook their head no.
"Let's go get breakfast then", Whumper sighed.
Whumpee sat in a highchair type seat in the kitchen. Whumper fed them while also eating their breakfast and packing lunch for work.
Whumpee realized the weekend was over.
"Please don't leave me", Whumpee whispered, "I-I don't want to be alone."
"Wow a baby who can speak... amazing", Whumper turned, "who gave you permission to speak."
"I-I'm sorry, I just don't want you to leave me", Whumpee looked down.
"As much as I enjoy hearing that, I do, in fact, have to go to work", Whumper frowned as they gave Whumpee another spoonful of food, "trust me, I'd rather stay here and play with you all day, but I can't. I had a feeling you were breaking out of my mind control. You've been a bit more difficult than normal this morning."
Whumpee let another tear fall.
"No need to cry, little baby, I have something fun planned for you. Considering you just talked to me, I think you already know what that means for you."
Whumpee panicked, "no master please....I-I'll be go..."
Whumper forced another spoonful of food deep into Whumpee's mouth making them choke harshly.
"Save it", Whumper grinned, "sometimes the brainwashing wears off and you lose your edge. Nothing a little coaxing won't solve."
Whumpee was strapped into a sleep sack and tied into their crib. They could only wiggle now.
"It's a shame, you normally get to play while I'm gone now you have to lay here until I get home. Don't worry though, I'll let you have plenty of screen time."
Whumper adjusted a screen directly in front of Whumpee's face. They gave it a few wiggles to make sure it didn't fall on Whumpee.
"Please, I promise I'll be good", Whumpee panicked as Whumper attached an electrode sticker onto Whumpee's neck.
"I know you will be. It's okay, you just need a little mind adjustment, it happens occasionally", Whumper grinned as they attached a wire to the sticker, "this will send a small shock every ten minutes to make sure you stay awake while I'm gone."
Whumpee whimpered, "please."
Whumper showed Whumpee a pacifier gag, and forced it into Whumpee's mouth and locked it into place.
"You'll be able to drink water through that, you have a full container of water to keep you hydrated", Whumper laughed as they turned on the screen, "I'll be checking in on you throughout today with this camera here."
The first shock stung Whumpee.
"Ymph", Whumpee jolted, "pwease."
"Enjoy the screen time", Whumper chuckled as they snapped a picture and left.
Whumpee screamed into the gag as the video started. A never ending black and white spiral took over the screen. Next an extremely annoying song played in several different volumes: extremely loud to almost quiet.
Whumpee fought against restraints. They squeezed their eyes close and wished they could cover their ears, especially knowing what was coming next.
Another shock went into their neck, making them scream again.
"Whumpee open your eyes you cute little baby", Whumper's recorded voice came on. This video was a continual loop of Whumper saying the same de-aging triggers over and over. This mixed with the hypnotic spiral and sensory overloading music would put anyone in a trance. Then, to add being shocked every ten minutes to make sure you do not fall asleep, which is both painful and torturous, Whumpee was doomed to go numb again.
They had already felt their body stop fighting. Their eyes widened as they stared at the screen.
Their mind kept yelling to move... or do something to fight for their freedom.
All fight left them. The spiral was just to beautiful and Whumper talked in such a soothing voice. They wanted their master back to see how good they were being. This song was so catchy.
"Ah, ah, ah", Whumpee tried to sing along until their eyes closed.
A shock jolted them awake again.
Drool pooled down the sides of their mouth now.
'Pretty colors', Whumpee thought to themself.
Whumper grinned as they watched Whumpee from their desk at work.
"They are long gone", Whumper chuckled, "they still have a long time to. Their brain will be like jello at the end of this."
A little before Whumper was to leave work they logged on to see Whumpee again.
Whumpee was crying uncontrollably. The overstimulation had gotten to them more than Whumper had wanted.
Whumper watched as Whumpee's back arched up in pain as another shock came through.
"Yep, you have definitely had too much now", Whumper sighed, realizing nine hours was probably too long for the mind control program to be watched.
Whumper hurried into Whumpee's room and hurried to turn the program and shock mechanism off.
Whumpee shook weakly.
"Aww, is my little baby okay?", Whumper cooed.
Whumpee sobbed as they tried to get out.
"That was scary for my baby... I'm here now. You're okay", Whumper hurried to untie Whumpee and free them from the sleepsack.
Whumpee quickly rolled to the further side of the crib and sniffled.
"It's okay baby come here, we'll get your diaper changed, and we can have a snack before dinner", Whumper tried to reach for them.
Whumpee tried to stand up.
"No Whumpee the slippers", Whumper tried to stop them.
Whumpee screamed as they fell over.
"Whumpee, it's okay, I need you to take a deep breath for me little one", Whumper tried to pull them out of the crib, "come here."
Whumpee continued to cry as Whumper finally got a good grip to pull them up.
"My poor baby", Whumper lowered themself and Whumpee to the ground, "I over did it."
Whumpee struggled for a second before finally burying their face into Whumper and crying.
"I know, it's okay. Let it all out", Whumper rubbed their back, "you've never had to go that long with that video playing. That was not a good idea for my little baby."
Whumpee quieted, but their body shook. They jolted again as though the electrode was still on them.
"Ahh, my baby", Whumper sighed, "come on let's get your diaper changed, and we can have some cookies while I make dinner. You are such a good baby."
Whumpee thought for a second before weakly nodding.
They laid quietly while Whumper changed them. No happy babbles like normal.
Even after watching the video for a while, Whumpee hadn't been this disoriented by it.
Whumper sighed, "I guess next time I'll just tie you down and regress you later. I shouldn't play with mind control so recklessly. I don't want you brain dead... not yet at least."
Whumpee watched them, but they didn't react to anything Whumper was saying. Their eyes were dull.
"Look at those lifeless eyes of yours", Whumper sighed while booping Whumpee's nose, "let's see if my little baby is in there still."
Whumpee was sat in their play pen in the living room. Some of their favorite toys were spread out for them to play with. Whumper then carried in a sippy cup of milk and a container of cookies.
Whumpee crawled to where Whumper sat the cookies and grabbed one.
"Well that's a good sign", Whumper stated in relief, "you're still food motivated."
"Hu-hu", Whumpee mumbled.
"I bet you're hungry... dinner is almost ready", Whumper smiled, "is my baby coming back?"
That evening Whumper lifted Whumpee to the couch and started to cuddle them.
"I see a little more life in your eyes now", Whumper grinned, "I bet you're sleepy though."
Whumpee rested their head on Whumper's chest.
"Aww my poor baby.... so sleepy", Whumper patted their head, "tomorrow will be a better day."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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xetswan · 7 months
The Switch of Daylight- Steam
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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Nine | Ten | Elven
I sat with Mike, Angela, Jessica and Eric like usual. Listening to them rant about the illness going around.
I then look up to see Bella carrying her tray of food to her normal table but then looks at us. I smile, encouraging her to do it. She takes a deep breath and joins us. I watch as the others take note but continue talking.
"I'll kill Tyler if he gave me his flu." Jessica threatens. "It's going around. My sister was so sick she couldn't come on our hike this weekend... so she didn't see it." Angela frowns, they were talking about a large animal. "Ang, maybe you should keep that to yourself." He whispers to her.
"We saw something Eric." Angela argues with him. "I believe you." He assures her. "No he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky." Jessica calls him out.
"Is that an option?" Eric asks in a hopeful tone. "It was jet black and huge; on all fours it was still taller than a person. A bear maybe." She explains what it is and I stiffen up.
That's definitely one of the Quileute boys...
"Or Big Foot." Jessica interjects. "Or an alien. Lucky you didn't get probed." Mike jokes. "We saw it." Angela whispers and my face softens, I believe her but I can't be the one to speak up. "You're not the only one." Bella says, everyone then stares at her, shocked that she actually spoke up. "My dad's been getting reports at the sheriff's station. A couple hikers went missing. People are scared." She explains, everyone's now sitting a little straighter due to what she said. "I did hear some guy talking about it at the store." Mike admits. "Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend." Eric puts his arm around Angela, now they all continue to another conversation.
Angela moths a thanks to Bella. Sharing a smile before they both join in. Bella rejoining the group again.
"You look scared." Jacob tells Bella, I stand there with my arms crossed. "I'm not." She's lying, she's now on one of their completed motorcycles, Jacob stands next to her, holding the bike up.
Now on the La Push forest clearing, a dirt road, Jacob runs through the instructions. "Brake?" She taps it. "Clutch?" She squeezes it. "Right. Gas?" She then grips it, he smiles up at her. "You ready?" She nods, he then grins, kick starting the bike. "Slowly release the clutch."
She does as told, the bike moves forward an inch. Jacob nervously steps back and she moves another inch forward. I notice her turning to find something. Her hand slipping off the clutch and the bike bucks and falls on top of her. Jacob and I quickly lift it off of her. "You okay? Bruises, breaks?" He questions her and I stare down at her. "I'm going again."  She tells us. "I'm not sure that's a good-" She's already up and hopping back on the bike. "Guess we're going again. Now what are you going to do with the clutch?" He asks her.
"Release it. Slowly." He nods, kick-starting the bike again. She releases the clutch and moves forward. Slowly at first.
Now she keeps going, a tiny bit faster. I notice as she is looking around and then the curve up ahead gets closer to her. "I don't- How do I turn!?" She yells to us. I drop my arms and I want to run to her but it would give myself away to Jacob. "Bank it! Bank- hit the brake!" He shouts. "Hit the break, Bella!" I scream. Both of us running to her. I try to match my pace with his, She reaches the turn, not banking and goes straight.
Flying right into a wall of trees. As she lies on the ground dazed, we hurry to her. "What are you training for the X-games?" He questions her. My nostril flares as I can already smell her blood. "I want to go again." She says. "Forget it. I'm revoking your motorcycle privileges. Man, look at your head." He tells her, I back away from the sight. Holding my nose. Normally blood doesn't affect me, but it's been a while since I've been hunting.
"God, I'm sorry." Bella shrinks as Jacob pulls his shirt off to wipe the blood. "You're apologizing for bleeding?" He questions her. "It uh bothers name." She points to me as I then pretend to gag at the sight.
Knowing it's really just making my mouth water like feigning animal. "[Name] you alright?" He asks me and I just put my thumb up. "I uh, I'm gonna go over there." I look away from them , hurrying away.
I go into the woods, far away from them. I can hear them talking but I know that they won't be able to hear me.
Shit, why haven't I gone hunting in so long. I feel the pain of smelling her blood. My nose stinging as my mouth waters tensely. I cover my mouth to muffle the sound of my groans.
I then see a deer walking, my body starting to shake as I try to control myself. I squeeze my eyes. Looking back to the entry of the forest. They can't see me. I'm going to have to not be messy with this. I then surprise attack the deer.
Wiping the blood off of my face, I cover the deer with leaves, cleaning myself off as well.
"[Name]!?" Jacob calls after me. I curse mentally. Checking myself one more time and I walk over to him.
"I'm right here." I laugh. "Sorry, blood really freaks me out. I had to throw up." I lie to him, walking up to him. His facial expression shows confusion. "You never had that problem when we were kids. You were the one who practically played doctor when one of us got hurt." He remembers and I bite my bottom lip thinking of what to say.
"Yeah, then in Arizona a kid broke his leg, bone out and all. I've gotten sick at the sight of blood ever since." I pick up a quick lie, he seems suspicious but shrugs it off, both of us leaving the area.
Charlie and I are watching a game, well more Charlie than I am. I'm more focused on Bella doing homework, she's on edge. Jacob hasn't respond to texts or calls after they went out to the movies together with Mike. She wanted me to go too since it was going to be awkward for her, knowing both boys like her. I refused though, not wanting to be caught up in that mess. She told me Jake wasn't feeling good at the end of the night, feeling extremely warm.
She's been trying to call him, she had the flu too so she wanted to make sure he's alright too.
As the next few days passed I heard her try to call him over and over again. Now we're in the kitchen, she left yet another message. Charlie comes into the room.
"Harry and I will be back by three." His sentence stops when he sees her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's mono, Bells." He softly reminds her. "He's too sick to even call?" She exclaims. "You just gotta wait it out. You know, I don't have to go fishing..." He says, even though he desperately wants to go. "No, go. I have [Name]. I'll just call Jessica or something." She forces a smile. "Good but you two stay here or at Jess's. No hikes or anything. We're issuing a warning about those bears." Charlie sternly tells us.
But of course Bella and I don't listen, After we watched Charlie and Harry leave we went to the woods. Bella tries to navigate her way to the meadow with a map and a compass. "You know I could just get the top of a tree and probably find it easily right?" I remind her, she just hums in response. I just let out a sigh, continuing to follow behind her. I know it's a wolf that everyone's seeing but I want Bella to feel a little safer so I can along.
After a while I see Bella notice the clearing ahead, hurrying towards it. Once she goes into the opening she seems hopeful. Like something... someone will be there waiting for her. She told me about the sun that would be out but instead it's cold, gloomy and cloudy. Bella sinks to her knees, I frown at the sight.
Before she can even cry, we hear a rustling noise. We turn towards it, I move my body to cover hers. Another noise coming from a different area of the woods. Then we turn to another noise and Laurent is a few yards away. My body stays in front of Bella.
"Laurent?" She questions.
"Bella. [Name]." He acknowledges my existence as well. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you two here." He admits to us. "We live here. But you- I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend." She brings up.
"Tanya, I was. It was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria. The enemy." He smiles to himself. "You tried to help us." Bella disagrees with the last part. Laurent begins to stroll in a slow arc around us. Bella grips onto the sleeve of my jacket. Every movement he makes I follow. "I went to visit the Cullen, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you two behind. As you were some sort of pet and you... you turned." He grins. "Congratulations." I roll my eyes in response. I begin to feel Bella's fear. "Um... something like that." She tells him.
"Do the Cullen visit often." He looks between the both of us. "Absolutely. All the time." Bella lies. Good call. "I'll tell them you stopped by." She's trying to soothe her body. I begin to focus on my energy while also on him. Any step closer and I'll tear his head off. "Will they be able to reach you in Alaska?" She questions.
"I don't think so. Tanya's vegetarian family was pleasant enough. But the dietary restrictions were difficult- living on nothing but animals." He then looks at me, smirking.
"Something you've been finding difficult lately, hm?" He whispers, only audible to me. I give him a look. I haven't tried human at all. What is he talking about?
"Tell me Bella. Do you ever fell compelled to cheat?" She tries to step back while also holding me but I keep my stance. "But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favor to Victoria." She
"You're still friends."
"More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullen. Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you." He informs her. "That's too back." She responds. My eyes glare him down, he's not focused on me. He doesn't know my ability. "Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate, given he killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for mate." He tells her, Bella's heart quickens each word he speaks.
"Edward will know who did it. He'll come after both of you." She knows to not bring up my ability. "I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected?" He then glances at me again, he thinks I'm not a threat. "Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about my killing you." He hums. "No, Laurent..."
"No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you both slowly. Painfully, whereas I'll make it very quick." I'm apart of it now too?
"And you smell so mouth watering." Laurent inhales my sisters scent which grosses me out. He then shoves me out of the way, taking Bella into his arms.
I hear her whisper something. I stand up, then look over to see a black wolf. It's Sam. He skulks out of the darkness of the woods. Letting out a disturbingly deep growl, his sharp teeth gleaming. I smile at the sight of the others coming out. I go over to Sam. Laurent goes to bolt across the meadow. I use my ability to slow him down, weaken him.
"What is-" He stares back at me, noticing it's my doing. The wolves then spring out, seemingly towards Bella but then leap above her. It's impossible for Laurent to fight back as my ability weakened him into an almost human state.
"Run, Bella." I push her towards the way we came in. "What about you?" She panics. "They're good. It's okay." I tell her. She then runs like she was told.
Once she's out of sight I run to the mess they've made of Laurent. His limbs all over the place. Sam and who I think is Jacob come up to me. I smile.
"Good timing." I pet who I think is Jacob. "I'm sorry you turned." I sadly look at him. He whines a bit, backing away from my hand. Sam makes a low grumbling noise.
"I'll make the fire and then meet you guys at the rez." I tell the five wolves. Sam huffs. Paul comes up, purposely bumping into me, whipping me with his tail. "Hey, get going now." I order them.
Sam does a quiet howl, they make their way away from the scene and I pick up Laurents limbs, putting them in a pile.
After putting out the fire I rush back to my house. Charlie is already angrily storming out the door. "I'm going to the station, you want to come?" He asks. "No thanks, I'm gonna go to the Rez." I tell him, he comes over and gives me a quick side hug and kiss on the forehead before getting in his car. Bella comes out.
"Can you come with me to get Jacob?" She asks, storming towards her truck. "Uh-" "I'm going either way." She opens the truck door. I let out a groan, she's already taking off so I look around and then jump onto the back of the truck bed. She looks in the back and I irritably wave, she tries to hide her smile as she continues to drive. I stay sat in the back.
Feeling rain droplets start to fall on me. Lifting my hands I feel the rain. Then notice my hands steam, I begin to panic. Going to yell to Bella but then it stops and I close my mouth. What is happening? I feel my chest begin to pound and the steam emits once again off my body.
Stop stop stop stop.
Bella's truck goes to a halt and I stand up from the truck bed. The steam stops again. The rain only getting harsher.
Bella and I head to the door, she knocks. No one answers. Then a second time and finally Billy is at the door. "Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but-" "He's out with friends." He cuts her off. She seems taken aback. "Oh." "I'll let him know you came by." He begins to close the door but Bella stops him. "Wait- he's got mono, right? That's what you told my dad." She interrogates him. "You should go home, Bella." Then he finally closes the door.
Bella storms down the stairs, getting into her truck and slamming the door behind her, obviously pissed. She begins to start the truck but then stops, tossing the keys aside. I slowly walk down myself, instead of going towards the truck I go to where I can hear five boys rough housing in the woods.
I speed off to where I hear them, peeking out from a tree as they don't even notice me.
"You know for wolves. It was pretty easy for me to sneak up on you." I fold my arms in front of my chest, they all jolt, getting into an attack position but once they realize it's me they calm down.
"Jake you're hurting my sister." I point a finger in his face. "I don't have a-" "Ah," I cut him off. "I didn't ask for excuses. We all have choices." I then look over to Sam who doesn't look me in the eye. "He really doesn't have a choice." Paul speaks up and I laugh. "He does, everyone does. You guys just choose the dumb ones!" I throw my hands up in the air.
"Well here's a choice you have, you're a bloodsucker who has the choice to be something better." Jacob throws in my face and my eyes widen. "Excuse me?" I step closer to him, Sam places a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "Jacob that's not-" "You told him!?" I glare at Sam.
"I can't control it, wolves read each others minds. I don't get to hide anything." Sam defends himself, I close my eyes tightly, now angered. "Jacob apologize to my sister or so help me." I spit in his face, shoving him against a tree before I walk away. I hear Sam jog after me, the boys looking after Jacob.
"[Name], I swear I didn't mean for anyone to know." He tells me and I just ignore him. "[Name], I'm sorry." He's practically pleading and a part of me wanted to stop to listen to him. That child in me who had the biggest crush on Sam Uley wanted to stop. But the other part, the person I am today, refuses to even look him in the eye after the betrayal he committed for his own selfish reasons.
I then see Jacob at Bella's truck, her climbing out. "You cut your hair." She announces. "Go away." Jacob turns away and bite the inside of my mouth. She grabs onto his arm. "What happened to you?" She asks him and he turns back as the others wait for him, out of earshot.
"I can help." She lowers her voice. His face is stern, shaking his head. "Sam got to you. What did he do?" Bella questions, obviously concerned for her friend. "Sam's trying to help me, don't blame him." He retracts. "Then who?"
"How about those filthy, reeking bloodsuckers you love? The Cullens... your sister." He says, he obviously didn't realize I was there, if my heart was working it would be broken by the fact that he just said that. "I... don't know what you're-" "You know exactly what I'm talking about." His body was shaking with anger.
"The Cullens are long gone. How are they to blame? And [Name] is still her how could you say that..." Her face falls. "They started all this by existing. Goddamn leeches-" "Jacob." Sam gives him and look and Jacob takes a breath, then he finally notices I'm there, rolling his eyes before going back to talking to Bella.
"I can't be friends with you anymore." He tells her. "Jake, I know I hurt you, I should have been more up-front but I needed you, I still do. I don't know what that means yet, but if you give me time-" "Stop. Don't it's not you." His humanity is still there, Sam is making him do this.
"It's not you it's me? God." Bella shakes her head. "It's true. I'm not good." He tries to find the right words. "You're wrong-" "It's doesn't matter. This is over." He tells her.
'"I can't take losing my best friend too." Bella's voice breaks.
"You already have-" "don't say that- you promised!" She tries to remind him, it was an effortless fight though.
"Go home, Bella. Don't come back." He runs away, joining the group to leave Bella standing in the rain.
I helped Bella into her truck and it felt like that day all over again. Only this time I was filled with a rage I've never felt before.
And when we got home I knew there was something wrong with me as Bella said the only words I never wanted to hear again. "[Name], you're really hot. Like burning." She mutters to me, backing away from my body. "I think you're hallucinating." I wave it off, lying to her is my best option right now. Charlie comes out and helps her inside. I sit in the truck, nervous about the steam with the rain again, it would prove that I'm heating up instead of being cold.
I can't turn. I can't.
I curl up in the truck seat, wanting to cry.
A&J M.L.
I guess I’m posting a lot right now. lol might post another tonight🧍🤷‍♀️ What are your theories for future chapters🤪🤭
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Wrong Number 6
one again i lied and we have probably a couple more parts after this
Morning came, and Steve had never been happy at the fact that his date wasn't lying next to him. He liked to imagine it now though, Eddie lying shirtless in bed, his curls strewn about the pillows. He wondered how far those tattoos went. He woke up around nine, but since Eddie said brunch, he let himself laze about for a bit before rolling out of bed. He had taken the soiled panties off last night, so he was bare from the waist down.
He grabbed a robe and wrapped it around himself, then went to the kitchen to start making something to eat. To his surprise, Eddie started the call. He picked up, smiling as Eddie's face filled the screen.
"Mornin' beautiful."
"Good morning. Sleep well?"
"I bet it would've been even better with you in bed", Eddie said.
Steve heard the familiar sound of a toaster popping something out. "And what are you making for brunch?"
"Pop Tarts", Eddie beamed, reaching over to put them on a plate. "And you?"
"Just a Hot Pocket", Steve said, half-honest.
"....And some toast."
"What kind of bread, Steve?"
"...It's homemade milk bread."
"Aha! Culinare Extraordinaire strikes again!"
"Okay, but I made it days ago and it's just down to the nubbin and I thought I might as well go ahead and use it and-"
"The what?", Eddie interrupted.
"Did you just call the end of the loaf the 'nubbin'?"
Steve's toast popped out and he began to butter it. "What do you call it?"
"What everyone else does: kiss bread."
"Alright, you gotta explain kiss bread to me", Steve said as he took his plate to the table.
Eddie was already seated with his food and some orange juice. "Because it-well the two ends...you know I don't know why, but that's what it's called. Not a nubbin."
"Well you can be wrong wherever you are. If you want to change my mind, you'll have to hop on a plane and come here."
"Speaking of...", Eddie started.
Steve raised a brow. "Are you ready to talk about it?"
"I think now is good. Last night my higher brain functions were, let's say preoccupied", Eddie smirked.
Steve crossed his legs, wondering how Eddie would feel if he knew he was currently bottomless. If he was here, what would he do? Probably feel him up under the table...God, it would break his and Robin's rule but he'd let Eddie take him right here in this kitchen if his actions were as good as his words last night.
"You still with me, Stevie?"
"Mmm, I'm thinking that I might need to invest in a few more pairs."
"Baby you could get me to commit murder with the right lingerie", Eddie admitted. The 'right' kind being any kind really. The panties had been a much appreciated surprise but anything that showed off his thick, hairy legs and that bulge would have seduced him thoroughly.
"Could I convince you to meet me somewhere? In person?", Steve asked, batting his lashes without meaning to.
"You can put those eyes of yours away, darlin'. I was already thinking of how we could meet. I really wanna see you. And touch you. All of you, not just your dick."
"Me too. So um, we could probably figure out a good, like middle ground?"
Eddie nodded and Steve was already running the numbers for taking a plane across the country and when he'd have a full weekend to do so when Eddie told him that he not only lived in the same state but in literally just the next town over.
"Eddie...are you telling me that you live thirty minutes away?"
"Steve, are you telling me that my town is thirty minutes away from yours?"
"Are you telling me I could've passed by you on the street?"
"There's a lot of telling-not-telling going on here", Eddie laughed.
"Looks like I won't need a plane ticket after all."
"Not unless you're gonna shell out for a crop duster. We could make it real dramatic", Eddie said. "Picture it. You step out of the plane in a suit and fedora. I'll be standing there, the wind blowing my coat as I run into your arms."
"Sounds romantic", Steve sighed.
"Well if it's romance you want, I might have an idea of where to go..."
While Steve and Eddie hashed out the details of their meeting, Robin came in, looking for pleased for just finishing a 'walk of shame'.
"Hey Robs. Good night with your date, I presume?", Steve smiled.
"Is that the infamous Robin?", Eddie asked.
"Is that the infamous Eddie?", Robin asked right back. She went to the coffeemaker to start brewing a pot.
"I'm told I have you to thank for Steve's outfit last night", Eddie smirked.
Robin stuck her tongue out at Steve in an 'I told you so' move. "You can thank me by not going into details."
"She doesn't like details?", Eddie asked Steve.
"Only when they're gross or embarrassing", Steve answered.
"Hmm, so she wouldn't wanna hear how gorgeous you looked while you were-"
"Lalalalalaaaa! I don't hear this!", Robin sang while waiting for the coffee to be done.
"Oh but I looove hearing it. Tell me more, Eddie. How good did I look when I-"
"LA. LA. LA! If you're gonna be gross, you make my coffee! I'm taking a shower!" Robin shouted her demand while covering her ears and rushing out of the kitchen.
"Don't we know how to clear a room?", Eddie grinned.
"Looks like we won't ever be strapped for alone time."
They talked some more and by noon, Steve had a date to Eddie's axe range next weekend. And damn if the week never felt so long. Even though he was getting more Eddie than ever. They still texted at least once a day, called every other day, and even started following each other on their socials. Steve even stalked the account of Bullseye Axe Throwing just to watch the couple of promo videos that had Eddie in them.
The night before their date, they were talking on the phone, too excited to sleep.
"I can't believe I'm actually going to see you tomorrow." Steve was lounging in bed, looking at his date outfit as it hung on his closet door.
"Me neither. I'm still not totally convinced you're not just some dream made up by AI."
"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended. AI images can be downright scary."
"Take it as a compliment", Eddie said. "I get more points when you like me."
"...And you're still okay with Robin coming?", Steve asked for what must be the third time.
Eddie understood her concern. Meeting someone could be risky, no matter how much you talked. And he was the one that invited Steve to a place filled with weapons. It wasn't the most traditional date spot but Eddie had always dreamed of bringing someone there and showing them how romantic axes could be. Maybe Steve was that someone.
"Baby, I don't mind. I already told you. I'd love to meet the person who has intimate knowledge of your underwear drawer."
Steve blushed. He and Eddie hadn't really done anything since their last date, besides a couple of suggestive texts. He was sure that on Saturday night, all Eddie would have to do is shake his hand and he'd crumble.
"You know if you're good, you'll get to see it all first hand", Steve reminded him, his voice low now.
"Oh I can be good. You know I can be good."
Steve knew very well. So well that he'd touched himself to the idea this past week and after saying so to Eddie, Eddie had admitted the same.
"You shoulda called me, baby", he had said. "We could've coordinated our horniness."
Suffice to say, the anticipation for their first in real life meeting was thicker than a souffle pancake. When Saturday morning came, Steve felt like he was going to throw up. What if Eddie saw him and decided he didn't like him? They'd only seen each other through screens and Steve tried to only let his best angles be seen.
What if he didn't like....what if he didn't like his ears? Or his elbows? Or something else Steve had never even though of? What if he said the wrong thing and wasn't interesting enough?
"I can tell you're spiraling", Robin said from the couch where she was eating cereal and watching the news.
"Eddie is-"
"Just a man. A man who would be lucky to have you."
"Lucky to have me. Eddie would be lucky to have me", Steve repeated like a mantra, then sat next to Robin.
"You're a catch."
"I'm a catch."
"With an ass that won't quit."
"My ass has never taken a day off", Steve nodded to himself. "Okay. I'm good. Any cereal left?"
"Only the health stuff."
"Why do we buy that again?"
"So we can live long enough to grow old in the same retirement home", Robin reminded him.
Steve smiled. She really was his forever girl. And tonight she'd be going with him with what could be his romantic soulmate. No pressure? No pressure.
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