#but it didnt really influence my main stories either
wszczebrzyszynie · 10 months
are your stories are influenced by where you are from, like aside of being polish, more like a concrete area? just curious if anyone else has it like this
(also I'm SO SO SORRY for spamming u with likes in past hour it won't happen again I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭)
jest oki. I would say no, as my main stories take place outside of lower silesia? I like living here but its not much inspiration wise, which makes sense considering that 2/3 of my original stories are also set in the 19th century. DNS is set in eastern poland, KHK in upper silesia, and the Václavs story is a fantasy version of polish and czech silesia
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xwiedzmax · 10 months
Fable lore made me cave
so.. recent lore huh? never posted anything on here before, but todays lore made me cave. so.. welcome to my rant? Icarus' agression towards Rae/Enderian upsets me on a personal level, but it is explainable from their pov. for a very long time they have struggled with many things, from not remembering their past, to being corrupted by Enderian and issueswith Quixis. their first problem that someone else has heavily impacted (well.. i do have a theory about the resets but thats a rant for another day) was getting corrupted by Enderian, at least in their eyes. Enderian did not force them to kill Haley (or any other bad stuff they did), nor did she propose it, they were doing it on their own accord. they were trying to gain Enderians approval. and I believe they have been doing that for a very long time in the past. Fable ignored Isla, focusing on his job a lot more, so I dont think he was a very good father either. therefore, I think Icarus would try to gain Fable's attention and respect. I think Fable influenced their childhood a lot, they learned and followed him, and he realized that they were becoming a 'mini him' from a young age. I dont think Fable necesarily cared about them, more about their potential and what they could do in his benefit. because of that I think they followed Fable around, and Fable let them follow him and learn from him, but everytime they tried to say something of their own or had their own opinions, they would be quieted (yes, this is more of a theory/headcanon than anything else, but it seems correct based on what we have). connecting this, to how they're acting now makes sense to me. they're following Fable and agreeing with him, they haven't said a single thing that voiced their disapproval or their own opinion on the matters Fable is discussing. they just smile and nod, everytime he says something. Icarus also said to Rae that he's blindly trusting Enderian, and they were upset about him wanting to find inconsistencies in the overall story, as well as getting more than 1 point of view of the events from the past. they are upset that Rae even listens to Enderian, because in their eyes, she has done nothing good, she only manipulated and lied. they dont fully know, or dont want to accept how much control over them Enderian actually had during the corruption. they simply despise Enderian, and want to believe nothing she says or does. Fable appeared in their time of need. they were struggling with their memories, and Quixis was still around. Fable seemed to give them hope of actually progressing and getting information. they also discovered a family member, someone they didnt think they had. the idea of a family gave them hope to trust Fable, thinking he would have more information about them, their past and generally just helpful information. Fable promised them some sort of safety that they believed, and that was really their only actual lead, because none of the gods have proven to be of some sort of help. when they got Fable out, he immidiately helped to 'stop' Quixis which gave them another reason to trust him, but he immidiately used that to his advantage, first trying to create a bond between them, gain their trust and give them some sort of comfort and safety. after the incident in the library, he immidiately took over any sort of control Icarus had. he placed his opinions and ideas in them, giving them a straight line of thought and absolutely no place for disagreement. he manipulated them into not trusting Rae, and since they already were in some shock and distrust because of their own brother hurting them, they believed everything he said. involving Enderian in his logic made it even easier to believe for Icarus, since theyre very much not a fan of her and already disagree with everything she has done. blaming Enderian for basically every trouble they stumble upon is Fable's main card to getting Icarus to agree with what he's saying, not including just the overall manipulation (helicopter parenting, isolating them n stuff).
besides that I do think the pure instinc of following what Fable says and does is kicking in for them, since thats what they did as a child, it is some sort of safe ground for them to not get punished and it is easier to follow what their father figure says, instead of thinking about what is true and what is not, what does and does not make sense. it is easier for them to follow the lead, and they have been choosing the easier path before, so it doesnt come as much of a surprise
anyways.. i shouldnt be allowed to write a long post like that. if anyone read through that all, first of all thank you, second of all have a nice timezone mate (oh and sorry if there are spelling mistakes and/or formatting errors in the text)
i shall disappear to the void now
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kingcunny · 3 months
so stupid how some ppl dont have the gals to admit they have a side and come with this "team smallfolk" bullshit, i noticed it only happens when there's targaryens at play, when there are other houses its more "fuck smallfolk".
the smallfolk liking viserys is what we deserve, the common people loving him
‘team neutral!’ ‘team smallfolk’ 🙄 okay *switzerland*. but you have a *preference* switzerland. you have a group of characters you *prefer*, switzerland. you say youre team neutral but you only talk about how cool and sexy and hot and sexy and cool and deep and hot and complicated and sexy the greens are? interesting.
thats an interesting point though i hadnt thought about that before but i Do think it fits…. you Do only really see ‘team smallfolk!’ when it comes to the targs. i wonder (genuinely, not being sarcastic) if it has something to do with the widespread misunderstanding of the difference between ‘conquerors’ and ‘colonizers’. and if because so many people incorrectly believe the targs are colonizers if that influences the pushback against them. the human desire to be morally ‘right’ and ‘correct’. even though, iirc, Most of the great houses either did or where descendents of people who did exactly what the targaryens did, minus the dragons. and maybe its because the targs are Main Characters and got their own history book, there isnt iir, any other books breaking down the history of the other houses. also like, iirc, wasnt there Thousands of years of the seven kingdoms before the targs came? theyve been around for a relatively short time. like didnt they barely even break double digit kings. that could be used as a mark either for or against them. either theyve managed to have *such* an impact (because of their dragons. lets be real) in such a short amount of time. or, time is Long. whos to say in another 300 years the seven kingdoms havent broken apart again and a single kingdom ruled by dragons isnt just an ancient story. OR maybe its Because of their dragons they get so much pushback. since hotd started airing ive seen a lot of people comparing dragons to nukes and while im not necessarily Against that analogy… i dont think it totally works either. i dont think dragons are just work animals like dogs or horses, i think theyre sentient And sapient. dragons arent interesting to me if theyre just dumb animals. the interesting part of dragons is a human (or near human) intelligence in an animal form.
as for your last statement…. my contrarian nature means i need to play devils advocate even to my own statements. the smallfolk also wanted aerys ii back. just because people like someone doesnt make them good. i love the proletariat, i am one, but sometimes the people are stupid. all my ‘aegon ii is just like his dad!’ posting means viserys was also just like aegon. he also wanted, tried, to be a Good, Just king. kind to the smallfolk. (before otto trained it out of him) but because of when hotd was set and the breakneck pace they set, they have to *tell* us this instead of *showing* it. (thats bad storytelling. thats bad writing.) but it also means if push came to shove i think viserys wouldve responded in the same way aegon did (maybe not as hasty, but the same Feelings. Instincts) everyones favorite marxist smallfolk loving king mindlessly executing dozens (if not hundred(s?)) of innocent smallfolk because One of them was guilty. shattering endless lives. viserys tells lyonel he wishes he had been tested and lyonel responds by telling him many who have only wished to be spared it. viserys would not have been able to handle being ‘tested’. aegon ii Will not.
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 23 days
More Bluey nonsense because mlljhgfffg I wanted to lol
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My interpretation of Mort's family! Including Auntie Mary!
My headcanon for their backstory, although trigger warning for young parenthood, running away from home, and controlling communities. These probably make their backstory seem a whole lot darker than it really is but I would rather be safe:
Mort's parents are both from a gated community specifically consisting of Heelers, however their main population is mostly Red Heeler families. A lot of unspoken social rules were set in place and it generally did not favor rowdy behavior, they wanted everyone to look and behave their best whenever they left the house. These rules did not stick well with Mort's parents, both of which were proudly rambunctious teenagers in love, and often stayed up past communal curfew just to be together. They wanted to marry someday, but Mort's maternal grandparents thought her boyfriend was a bad influence and didnt consent to the union. Being she was their only child, they chose a specific community member to try and hook her up with to set her for life, but she did not like that boy at all, and refused to even acknowledge their suggestion. Mort's paternal grandparents didn't like their relationship either, but also didn't try to sabotage or split them, thinking it would only end up being puppy love in the end. At only nineteen years old, Mort's mother fell pregnant, and it scared both of them. Having no access to termination (assuming it even existed at the time), they both made the hard choice to steal some physical money from their parents, pack their things, and run away to find somewhere else less restrictive to live. Mort's father had to say goodbye to his younger sisters in the process, but he refused to let his girlfriend go alone.
After walking around from town to town for almost a week, just when the couple was running out of money, they stopped by a farm to see if they could squeeze out some cheap breakfast and buy some eggs. When the farmer's wife (the neighborhood chef, as many called her) answered the door, both were surprised to see each other. Mort's mother was taken aback, gasping and saying "Y-you! Your the legendary runaway!" The farmer's wife told them to shush, but nodded her head in shame. She told her story about how she too was from that gated community, and ran away to the village she currently resides in because she just couldn't live like that anymore. In this village, she was unofficially adopted by one of the families, and got married to a Red Heeler/Dingo mixed breed, something that'd never be allowed back at home. Having this experience, the farmer's wife allowed the couple to live on the farm, on the condition that they help with farm chores if physically and mentally capable (which ended up with Mort's dad doing most of the extra helping once his girlfriend's pregnancy was apparent.)
Their firstborn child is their daughter, Mary. She's a tomboy who loves to help on the farm, especially when feeding the chickens, she just thinks they look silly. Mort always described her as his best friend. As an adult, she'd grow up to come out as a lesbian, and lived with her wife until her death. She'd help Chilli through her mom's death, acting as her new mother-figure and helping her brother raise her, passing down her home recipes to her beloved niece.
Their secondborn two years later was Mort, and the last child they had. He was just as rambunctious as his sister, and the two had a habit of wrestling over petty nonsense. But when worse came to worse, Mort could rely on his big sister to defend him. Mort would always try to herd the cows and sheep as a child, with Mary, his parents, or the farm family having to save him last minute before he would be trampled. He kept that energy for years to come.
After their children grew up, Mort's father managed to find the new location of his sisters, who both moved out of the community after seeing the way their beloved older brother was treated after his disappearance. They're both leading wonderful lives, one being married and childless while the other has four kids. The three siblings met up, bringing their kids and spouses, and even a few grandkids along, giving the family a moment to reunite, finally able to be their true selves around one another.
(Original screenshot i used as a base for the drawing)
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hijackedhoneybeeez · 1 month
Can you tell us your history of being in fandom? You have so much on ao3 and I'd love to know the pipeline
oh woof buddy the pipeline youre asking for is a tough one! im just gonna speedrun reliving my shipping history right quick
HiJack, or ROTBTD: it all started when i watched Hot To Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Guardians during the same summer. i somehow ended up googling the two together, and boom, i discovered HiJack (Hiccup/Jack Frost). Hi, does the "hijacked" in my url make sense now? anyways i started writing for them and, by extension, the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fandom for a while. had a couple HP AUs for them as well, so thats why that series is dinged in my ao3 history as well lol theres some fics for them that didnt come with me from my travels from fanfic.net to ao3, so theres more out there LOL! (38 fics on ff.net, some crossposted to ao3. so its safe to assume ive written close to 100 fics. OOF)
AbeMiha, Big Windup: this was before i had tumblr. one of my favorite artists for HiJack, someone ive long since lost track of, posted their fanart on tumblr, and i noticed while diving through their art tag this show called "Oofuri" or, Big Windup. turns out, it was a baseball anime, and was the first anime i ever seriously watched! AbeMiha was my main there, and i wrote a few things for them too!
KageHina and KyouHaba, Haikyuu: one sports anime led to another. theyre like crack, okay? anyways of course i shipped kagehina, wrote a couple things there, but really tripped and fell for kyouhaba, a semi-rarepair who really took off. i stayed there for a bit! had a lot of fun!
Klance, Voltron: i ran into the loving arms of this one too. forced my little brothers to watch the show as well. it was a great time. i think i also submitted some fanfics to a short story class i was in at the time? it was wild
BakuDeku, BNHA: how could i not have started with this one? theyre amazing and perfect to me.
InoTan, Demon Slayer: dude, these guys were so silly and dumb i had to love them. fun fact: my highest viewed and kudos on the entirety of my ao3 is for InoTan! i love them
Creek, South Park: i have no excuse. they're cute! they infected my brain like a parasite and wouldnt leave for the longest time
Chilaios, Dungeon Meshi: my current beloved who i would lay down my life for!!
really, every single fandom ive gotten into has either been recommended to me, or i have been influenced to watch via my beautiful and amazing tumblr or twt moots. i owe them my life.
but yeah, thats my shipping/fandom history! this all started in 2013, so ive been fandom strong for roughly 11 years now! yippee!
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bladeoftruths · 1 year
ok so while im at it i guess i'll just share my thoughts on ff16's story overall since i have a fair share of yays, nays and other abt it. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!
the yays:
- the prologue is still a banger no matter how many times u watch it. it was such a solid opening.
- cid's arc is a banger, even tho im sad that he died halfway thru the story but this is final fantasy. your cid can either live or die so that mid could run, or vice versa.
- jill's arc is my favourite. killing your abuser is ok but again, i have a bias with her.
- i like that they give each of the main cast a time to spend with clive in respective arcs.
- kaiju battles. yes i am a sucker for that. i grew up watching tokusatsu so this is nothing new to me. titan fight is my favourite among all, bahamut second.
- clive and jill's slowburn romance is just AUGHENSKSKDKS I FRICKIN LOVE IT. the mutual pining, the slowburn and the payoff just feels... AUGHHHHHH GRAAAAHHHHH SO EFFING GOOD I CANT DESCRIBE IT IN WORDS *eats a brick everytime i see them hold hands, hug or kiss*
- the worldbuilding is also good especially in the sidequests.
- i like how they portrayed dion and terence's relationship. its not everyday u get to see a well written gay relationship that didnt feel fetishized. we need more of this. also they are both childhood pals to lovers so it hits a soft spot on me.
- the side characters are also loveable in their own right!! enough to be in the top 10 even.
- i think im lowkey glad that they decided to go for an all white/white passing cast for the game bcos god some parts of the game is super fucked up esp wrt the bearers and how the ppl of valisthea treated them. i cannot imagine the sheer backlash yoshiP and his team will get if they have a brown/black/asian character in especially if they are bearers/dominants :')
- i didnt like how benedikta just comes and goes at the same arc. like i really wish we get to know her more or at least, after she went berserk she could at least be saved so that cid could take her in and we get to know her more. GIVE US A DLC, CBU3!!!
- waloed arc to me is my biggest downer. i want to know more abt waloed. i want to know more about barnabas and how did he get influenced by ultima. the part after jill gives away shiva's power to clive at the shadow coast just... drops and until they arrived at drake's spine it just feels... eh to me. kinda like the idyllshire/hinterlands arc in HW (given that ff16 story is written by the same guy who wrote HW in FFXIV, i am not even surprised).
- i understand that they want to make waloed and origin arc the time where clive and joshua finally gets to bond together but damn i wish they didnt just leave out jill like that in the last two arcs. poor girl, let her fight even tho she can no longer use her eikon power anymore.
- i know i have beef with waloed arc but god, odin fight is so underwhelming. no kaiju battle??? i sleep.
- i want to know more abt the rest of the dominants apart from the rosfield bros!! jill's life before she was sent to rosaria, dion in general, kupka's backstory and his relationship with benedikta, cid in general, benedikta again and again, barnabas. hell, i also wanna know more abt leviathan. GIVE US THE DLC OR FIT IN THEIR LORE IN THE ULTIMANIA!!!
- i think most of us agree that the sidequests were better at telling the worldbuilding and character insight more than the msq itself. the msq focused a little too much on clive over how he and the comrades react to the world around them.
- i think we also agree that we need more characters bantering over each other especially the dominants. im sad that dion didnt get to interact with clive and jill more, nor even we get to see the rosaria trio bantering and reminiscing the good times together at the hideaway.
other thoughts:
- i'm very mixed abt the ending tbh. i like the ambiguity and open endedness a la FF tactics but at the same time WTF??? i was high on copium when i first see thru the ending but now that i looked back my brain is just on hopium. im just gonna cling to the subtle hints that were mentioned in the game where they point out clive, dion and joshua SOMEHOW survived.
- i dont get people saying that ff16 didnt feel like final fantasy... like all FFs are different in its own right?? ff15 is like contemporary modern meets fantasy, ff6 is steampunk fantasy, ff4 is fantasy with airship... the settings are different sure but as long as you have crystals being the core part of the story, as well as anime fights with giant monsters and summons plus its own unique FF-schtick its still a final fantasy.
- i also dont get the hate on 16 for being more game of thrones-ish... like this is not the first FF to have gone this route. you have effing FF tactics being the first one to do that. the only difference is how they present it. i personally feel that 16 deserves the M-rating so much bcos of how technological advances gives you more creative freedom on how u want to tell the story. back in the day you could only work with what u have so yasumi matsuno really had to restrict with how he want to write the story for tactics. also his writing inspired the ff16 writing team a lot if u notice. and while this is not the first final fantasy game to get an M-rating (FFO did it first) it is the first mainline to get one.
overall i think the game isnt bad nor is it perfect. it manages to hit the right spot but at the same time i have my fair share of nitpicks. i just hope that it makes enough sales on ps5 and wait for the announcement of a pc release bcos god i would still love to play this game even if i probably suck at action rpg games.
omake: my favourites among the cast overall:
boys (top 5):
- dion, clive, cid, joshua, gav (bonus: byron)
girls (top 5):
- jill, mid, tarja, martha, isabelle 'the dame' (im so sorry benedikta u deserved better :'))
all (top 5)
- jill, dion, clive, cid, joshua
i have a soft spot for jill bcos she is very much reminded me of ysayle and im weak to ice coded ladies, and dion is just aymeric but a dragoon and bahamut fucker. i know what u did there CBU3
and this comes to no surprise but i fucking love clive/jill. i am weak to childhood pals to lovers with a mix of mutual pining and angsty slowburn romance, and they just hit the right spot for me. im so glad they managed to pull off an adult slowburn romance for them so well auuughhhhhh
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cfrog · 1 year
OC-tober Day 1: Fav OC
[full prompt list]
I'm gonna have to award the title of "current favorite" to Rat. I'm sort of taking a break from drawing LEDDlabs, but I am still thinking about that guy so much. Have some rambles.
I cycle through which of the lab rats is my fav, I wouldn't say either of them is more favorite over the others. They take turns. And right now, it's Rat's turn. Which is good, cause it means he finally got some songs over on my neocities. Good for him!
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[Woe, Rat be upon ye]
I've always loved writing about immortal beings, they're just such unique sorts of characters. The threat of death influences so much of a normal character's motivation, so when you remove that, you end up with some real freaks. I think Rat is the closest an immortal character has gotten to what I would do with eternal life: mind my business, enjoy some art, and take a lot of naps. Not that his life is entirely worry-free. Rat also has one of my favorite moral dilemmas to write, the idea of a "good" demon. The implications of existing as a being explicitly intended for evil deeds, and choosing to act differently. The consequences of that choice, objectively "correct" from our perspective, but. Is it really a good thing? Does it matter in the end? Who knows :3c
Writing Rat also comes with one of my other favorite activities, worldbuilding. Specifically what demons are and how they work. I don't have, like. LOTR level of lore. It's pretty minimal right now, I've got just enough figured out to tell Rat's story. But since the main source of demon knowledge in-comic is gonna be from Rat, and he's the most unreliable and unhelpful source of information ever, I can lie and leave out whatever I need to. Even Astaroth is probably only going to be around for a handful of pages, being locked to a single room. She isn't exactly helpful or clear either.
Rat's uncooperative personality also helps me with writing about his "past lives" (i collect info for these on TH if you didnt know). Like, Rat is never going to share any of his old names. Because that's deadnaming? Because he genuinely forgot? Maybe. But it's mostly because I don't feel like coming up with 20 more names. I have two old Rat names, and that's more than enough. I don't want to refer to Rats of the past by other names because I feel like it'd distance them too much. I call them "past lives" but I don't want to give the wrong impression, they're all Rat. it's always been the same guy, continually living for hundreds of years. If LEDDlabs had an actual fandom I fully believe someone would onceler-style selfship some Rats. Like a true tumblr sexyman.
We'll see how much I write for the rest of these. I feel like this was a lot.
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thenextchapterbegins · 11 months
Durge thoughts
This includes spoilers for alot of the game and important story beats.
i have alot of thoughts surronding the DUrge as my brainrot has been directed towards him.
like i think the DUrge overarching story slots really well with alot of the companions.
With astarion its CONTROL. Both do not have control of their own lifes and depending on their paths they either gain the control over their existence..or fall victim to being controlled whilst thinking they control themselves.
Shadowheart could be loyalty or ACTS OF LOYALTY. Durge goes through the game being given tasks, perform acts of horrible murder, terror, chaos and in doing so be rewarded with power, armor, weapons, etc. Whilst shadowhart also is being tasked with an act of loyalty. The artifact, killing the nightsong, killing her parents. Both struggle with these acts pondering if its really them...and maybe even defying them in order to take back agency of their own lifes.
Karlach slots with FREEDOM. However by the time you find karlach she has her freedom and instead you learn of the trials, tribuluations, the risks and all to easy paths that could have been taken. Whilst the DUrge stands at the beginning of his journey. Karlachs talks can serve as guidance that whilst harsh and hard you can fight for your freedom and see the beauty that life truly is. Or you can fall prey to easy outs losing yourself along the way.
Wyll is defiantly SACRIFICE. Wyll sacrificed his family, his soul, hell even his title to doing the right thing, the noble thing, the good thing. Wyll shows to the DUrge that sometimes choosing the right thing yo uhave to be willing to give everything even your own life to doing the right thing. To being a better nobler person. and this sits extremely well with a redemption run. As a redemption durge you sacrifice alot. You sacrifice power, you sacrifice wealth, you sacrifice control. fighting the influence of bhaal you sacrifice the comfort that just existing as a puppet on strings would give. And finally you have the greatest sacrifice of all. your own life knowing you will die if you defy in a final moment but knowing if you do. You die as your own person free from the corruption, free of influences. Ofc withers comes in with the BAMF move of the day but in that moment you wouldnt know that.
Lae'zel Is defiantly FINDING YOURSELF. Starting out the DUrge really isnt a person. you may have flickering knowledge of some form of a previous life, memories of your crimes, knowledge of your pact if you choose warlock or your patron. But besides that you a fresh slate. Whilst lae'zel is basically built by an empire, molded by a queen, formed by a way of life but outside of these things she isnt much of anything. In the game you can either defy the path put before you and become something, become your own person and very much the same could be said of lae'zel.
Halsin. Maybe its HEALING, i dont know i didnt talk to him alot in my game XD but there defiantly is a connection i just need to explore him more in my second playthrough.
Jaheria is great for ADVICE. She knows alot. Shes faced alot, hell she was a main companion in the first 2 games..maybe just one of them i dont havent played the first 2 much. But shes faced bhaal and shes the first to clock what you are and more importantly shes the only one that can offer advice and a shoulder to deal with these issues, to explain what you are, what you can become but offers the hand to guide.
finally theirs minsc. Idk he has a hamster. He was def in the first 2 games but he was given the act 3 treatment. Maybe theirs a connection i dont think so though. I honestly and this will get some flames i dont really like his character. i think its sorta boring. thats just me tho XD maybe its just the fact he appears in the least developed zone of the game.
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i know you left this as the tags on some old post but im interested in hearing your thoughts on d-vilman crybaby especially as someone who didnt read the original manga ^_^
yo ok so i haven't actually read the manga however. i have seen devilman crybaby and its got Issues imo. i can tend to break down most of my main complaints into 4 or 5 points. it might get a bit long so imma put it beneath the cut :) also because spoilers for specific things perhaps
possesion anime in general is kind of a hit or miss concept to me. imo the only "possession"/gets powers type anime i really care for is parasyte. tokyo ghoul didnt do much for me from what i saw, havent seen csm but it doesnt do much for me either. likewise devilman just... doesnt really do it for me as far as its premise and initial set up goes (side note: does code geass count here? i have so many thoughts on that series it wouldnt fit here but regardless)
i feel bad for saying this but i really do not like devilman crybaby's artstyle. like it just does not look good to me. im okay with different artstyles but this one just looks ugly. sorry
i feel like the story is just. poor. not good. it starts much too slow for how insane the story gets on later. if you take a show it influenced (evangelion), its pretty up front with its premise up front. i know people have made jokes for years about how eva gets weird and its a bait and switch but like.... not really? like at its core it is a mecha show about kids fighting aliens in robots and even with the character study stuff it doesnt veer that far from that initial premise. devilman crybaby has... a nightclub rave where akira gets posssessed so some white boy can play god while akira does good at track? like its not a strong start and it only gets worse from there. again, i know the reason the end of evangelion ends the way it does is BECAUSE of devilman but like. they just did not execute that ending correctly at all the final few episodes feels so constrained and so much happens in such a short period that it feels like the ultimate anticlimax. its hard for me to care about any of what happens because so much happens in so little time. its worthless and makes me feel nothing as a viewer. these bitches gay! good for them. good for them. what's not good for them is the story. cuz it sucks.
this ties in with my general distaste for the story but i also feel the characters are super weak. again, i feel nothing towards them and they all feel like cardboard cut outs with little personality to them at all. it all returns to nothing so i have no reason to care about them when theyre all gonna be killed off screen in the most contrived and terrible battle sequence maybe ever. ryo is the worst offender by far. his character fucking sucks dude. i dont think he even does anything in the story besides ruin akira's life and then sit in his ivory tower and act gay until the narrative decides "actually he was Satan the whole time!!" fuck you. and fuck those rap battle dudes too your bars fucking suck
i think a final point to end this on is that it is just far and away so much worse than everything it influenced. even if i read the manga or watched the original devilman, im pretty sure the story would remain much the same. and as such, there is literally not reason to watch devilman (much less crybaby) in 2023 when literally everything that came after it is better. i realize this is kind of a silly argument given how i listen to music but im standing by it. just watch evangelion. watch parasyte. watch berserk. play shin megami tensei. consume literally anything else that isn't this trite
i think that's all my main points. im sure i had more but i wrote this over the course of my day whenever id think of something else so. if i think of any more criticisms i had and forgot i'll reblog this and amend the post. sorry it's so long i just had way more to say that i originally thought. lol
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hi-there-cake · 1 year
do u have anythingf u want to say about ghost eyes so farrrR????
hm!!! i think its very inch resting!! there are some parts i dont like (emilio is. Like That without pills + carmello’s whole deal seeming unrealistic like when he stops bullying rudy after rudy pleads and his crush gets a hold of him (though i still need to read more of it!!) but otherwise i like it a lot! it feels a bit like a case study almost both due to being “uncensored” as well as the either intentional or unintentional themes. i like how pobodys nerfect in this story, like lots of them are just kind of dicks but in the end theyre still good people. expectations are kind of toyed with like when yfirst meet luther you think hes going to be one of those . stereotypical abusive angry uncles(IM SO SORRY LUTHER) BUT HES NOT!!! despite or even because of the way he is hes one of the most positive influences in tobias’s life ever. or rudy seeming sweet (he is) but theres always that undercurrent of him being sharper than he seems to be. i say sharper not as an allegory for smartness but like in tobias’s analogy- a cupcake but with needles inside. sweet but it can hurt. rudy is also interesting just for how he plays with the idea of being kind? like hes kind and he cares for others but hes not a doormat. he has self respect and will stop being friends with someone if they continue to hurt him (at least thats what i think so far). part of the way he is being in part due to ben and his experiences is very smart like. that Seems like it should be character writing 101 past being important but like. i guess i dont see it much (<- guy who is a botw fan and does not often read other media, i guess it feels like the past of other characters besides the main characters isnt really developed. though rudy is technically a main character but not The main charscyer. i could be very wrong however. the detail about the horror movies is something i like to see (not for rudy but as a writing detail). tobias being naive and opening up more/caring for others the more hes at school is so nice to me. that feels #real, and tobias learning and growing is just fun to see. the advocacy for rebelling with luther is my favorite part i think like YES KING ROB A BANK!!! LIFE IS YOUR OYSTER!!! and the life is your oyster despite the circumstances also feels a bit like a theme, what with tobias breaking the cycle of being totally sheltered as well as possibly being able to save himself from the edburt cycle. also i do like how misunderstandings arent played so… dramatically i guess? like when edburt takes control of tobias and says Shit to rudy and tobias breaks free instead of like. acting betrayed and trying to run from tobias/whatever is common with misunderstandings hes still there for tobias, for worse and for better. he still invites him to go to halloween and tobias is able to explain why he talked to carmello. he didnt mention edburt which is. understandable but worries me for their friendship but they were still there for each other. this is all surface level stuff im sure but it feels impactful. like a well written psa about friendship and instead of the problem being something like. small like “i forgor it was their birthday” youre actually a dick but you can still make it up to them (tbf i do also like psas like that (pokemon) but this isnt targeted for kids. its trying to get a very real message out there). at the same time it also doesnt tolerate abuse and shows the side effects of said abuse, as well as showing abuse that doesnt Seem major but still affects the person all the same (ben and rudy to me). dissing christianity like that is so based. it also shows how abusers are people all the same but it doesnt excuse their actions (ben). edburt having lore and metatext Reasons is very cool to me, like edburt himself is a metaphor in my eyes for. well i would say suppressing yourself and the consequences thereof but i dont think thats Really It. idk that scene of toby and rudy together before edburt comes for him means Something i just dont know what yet. its also interesting how emilio calls toby “a perfect creature” despite tobias
being . Like That (though its not his fault). i also dont know what that means but it means something especially with the pobodys nerfect notion. i wish i could say more but i dunno what else to say. well simons theology is very based. yeah Man i really do wish i could say more…….
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] I HAVE TO BE FRFRFR WITH U IT TAKES JUST AS MUCH PRACTISE. AS WRITING I THINK. altho with my current experience in Writing thats not walls of texts of Ramble and Self Indulgence i be thinking writers wud have it harder esp vocabulary.... like man how u words how do u get the pacing right YOU DID GOT IT SO RIGHT HAVE U ANY IDEA REREADING UR TWO SILLY FICS + VIOLENCE FIC STILL GETS ME IN TEARS or i am just that of a sucker to specific emotions in general SKDFJHSDKJFH LIKE IDKKKKK like holy facken shit it took u a decade and my first attempt at just Writing even 500 words it felt like forever...... turns out intense eyeballing on chunks of words in great fics do not work like i do to improve in art nods nods [takes notes] yes that is my only way of even Understanding how art works LMAO
"words of someone who would KILL to be able to accomplish this tone and such in So Many Fewer Words but who does Not Know How To Do That so ten hundred billion words it is" HAHRGKADFKSDJH I WONT STOP UUUU ALTHO ITS A BIG BEEG STRETCH I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YEW WITH MY LITTOL ANON HANDS SHIELD U WITH MY COOL ANON SHADES....... in these cases u shud not stop someone from burnout by blocking da way u shud JOIN THEM AND PUSH ON TOGETER AND DAS A MOTTO
NO BUT THAT SILLY GENUINELY MAKES ME A LIL SILLY A LIL UEUEUEUEUEUE i didnt expect that extra comment like srsly cus like UHUHUHUHU IM GLAD U THINK THAT WAY and i honestly think its either a natural response to me or not cus me with my own circle of close friends we'd always support each other in ways it's on equal respect depending on what need to be treated like yknow?? altho by default we're all nice to the other its always a main thing not to let another person's slip ups slide, bad moments carry them away or get our egos inflate so hard so that sort of morals we had tgt kinda ingrained on me to treat any other person like dat like its normal... im nawt gonna lie to u i used to be Way more insensitive and impulsive before and our exchanges coulda been wildly different if it werent for my own besties and it helps me gather!! more besties out of my safe space!!! LIKE YEAHGHHHHAHHHH KDSJFHSDKJH AND IT GOT ME TO U!! AND I WANNA BE GENUINELY NICE AND SUPPORTIVE TO U WHEN I CAN EVEN BEHIND THESE LIL ANON SHADES!!!!!!!!!!! cus its always been. a normal human thing 2 do. like yknow. and i am not gonna keep contradicting myself when dats something id want to influence on my stories and silly lil brainrots too anyways i also got a lil silly but idc ilysm <333333333333333 AND U DESERVE ALL DA KINDNESS FROM ME AND ALL UR BESTIES TOO :muscle_arm: x2743573495 cus i am sending this ask thru pc sob
vocabulary 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 my bestest friend my worstest enemy im so srs it is Everything to me and also i cannot stand it. horrible. awful. beautiful. perfect.
YOU CANT JSUT TELL ME YOU RTEREAD THEM ILL FUKINGCCG EXPLODE OH MY GODFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i need to write violence fic part 2 and maybe even a part 3 where its not the same little world and the violence is scaramouche himself hunting dottore down ohhhhh that'd be so lovely but also i dont think im good enough or creative enough with gore to do that thought justice im gonna be SO fr. YOU CANT JUST SAY THEY GET YOU IN TEARS I WILL FUKCVINFG EXPLOFDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dies. dies. dies. anyways. i will never forget being like 11 or 12 years old and roleplaying warriors cats on my kindle <- genuinely my introduction to writing for fun outside of just school stuff. i wrote for YEARS and then i all but stopped writing for Also Years to the point where i genuinely thought i just. couldnt do it anymore. gone. i barely managed anything no matter what i tried and i got sooo frustrated and also just didnt really enjoy it? but thats bc my mental health was fucking horrific and the better i started doing the more i started really writing who would've thought LMAO no bc like 2?? years ago ??????? id basically given up !!!!!!! and then there were a couple tiny fics and then photosynthesis and i was like oh. i Can still write and i Do still have so much fun with it. and now i am unstoppable amen
writing is weird bc reading fics CAN help but i think reading books helps better? and its this constant state of like. ive heard with art that tracing genuinely helps, ofc you cant claim it for your own or anything but there's that sort of muscle memory and learned proportions and the practice of doing the same thing over and over again i think is a good thing? i think ??????? and in writing you rly cant copy anyone word for word and get anything out of it, it doesnt teach you anything it doesnt get you any further there's no sort of muscle memory connected with it. but what ive done a lot is looked at writing i rly loved and been like. okay so if i wanted to do this how would i accomplish it? i cant guess other writers thought processes but i can figure out how id reach a similar end goal ig ?? and in my own writing if im failing to accomplish what i want its a matter of ok, what DO i want, what if i change pov, what if i change the setting, what if i change the circumstance, etc etc which i think you could probably do the same thing in art if smth felt off or wasnt looking right ?? maybe ??? idk at this point my writing is a massive patchwork quilt of countless other authors and fic writers and a surprising amount of my own experience and ive noticed a lot of repeating elements in my own writing whether fics or original content and i dont really know How i got here but here i am. and ON TOP OF THAT actually seeing fanart ALSO helps my writing because ill see an expression or design or setting or anything that i really love and immediately start thinking of how to describe it in words yknow ???
im literally rambling so much today this is so fucking awful. awful day for the pinkseas community or at least pinkseas herself god help me
JOIN THEM AND PUSH ON TOGETHER............ UR LITTLE ANON SHADES............................. crying shaking sobbing bawling ily so fucking bad :((((((((((((( /pos we r pushign forward Togehter...
my rly close friends and i are the same way its SO so so lovely, having that constant respect and support and helping each other grow and learn its soooo. dsfmgndfmgfd. and trust me i also used to be a lot more insensitive and impulsive than i am now but ive learned sm and my own friends have helped sm and !!!!! we are soooooooo handshake emoji rn 10 million handshakes for us
UR SENDING IT ON PC AND IM ANSWERING ON PC </33333333 no bc organizing my thoughts on my phone is the worst ever but on my pc i dont have a bunch of heart emojis to spam at my fingertips its so sad....... sometimes when i rly wanna include them ill save as a draft and just put the emojis in and post it on my phone LMAO
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thefirstknife · 2 years
im gonna be honest, the discourse left me feeling like i should completely rewrite my ocs story so i wouldnt be lumped into who those people are -- my oc had a crush on cayde, most her actions were influenced from his death and her development stemmed from the fact she couldnt do much to save him
i care a lot about the two of them but seeing how everyone has reacted left me thinking maybe i should stop oc x canon all together? i havent said anything on my main and would prefer to keep it that way but you know..
it hurts more that these people did interact with my content and even asked questions about my character/brought me into spotlight of some destiny artists i really look up to which made me think they really cared! but they didnt care about my character. they just wanted cayde and the second i took a break from content they stepped away and sent the same asks word for word to other new content creators who have done anything for cayde in the slightest :/
sorry about this i still feel pretty disheartened by all this haha. dont feel the need to answer either, keep being awesome and talking about lore :)
They sound like genuinely horrible people. It's up to you of course, but you don't have to let them ruin your own enjoyment of the content. I'd say you can keep making your content and as long as they can't interact with you, it should be fine. There's plenty of people who have oc x canon ships and those aren't in any way inherently bad!
It sounds so awful that the only thing they wanted from you and your friendship and time was Cayde :/ I feel like that's how they interact with most other people as well. Possibly even each other. I mean, they're okay with bigotry as long as the bigots are posting about Cayde. It's appalling.
Your OC sounds interesting! My own Hunter OC had a familial relationship with Cayde and was wrecked when he died. He's her main nightmare and while she's over his death and is friends with Crow, it's one of those things that's difficult to get over for her. Since she feels like she should've been there to save him.
Plenty of people have similar stories! You're definitely not going to get lumped in with others just because of oc x canon ship. Most fans handle it normally and don't get unhealthy about it.
Also thank you! Feel free to ramble any time.
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My Honest review of Kinnporsche Ep 14 and of the series all together.
I highly enjoyed this series, would I say it lived up to the hype? No. It came close but it definitely got overhyped. Did I stop that from letting me enjoy the series? Also no. I'm the type of person who tries their best to let the work speak for itself and not be influenced by everyone else's reviews. So I hope you all can do the same. Enjoy the series for what it is. A gay mafia show. Literally, that is what Kinnporsche is. A mafia story about the heir to the main family and his bodyguard falling in love. The rest of it is either a bonus side story or a "why did they put this in here?" Side story. Not everyone is going to enjoy everything in a series. Will that stop me from watching the series again or recommending it to people who enjoy BL's? No. Because the side stories are there for people who would like that kind of thing. So please people. Just enjoy Kinnporsche and stop worrying about the series finale(?). The actors, film crew, set design, costume design did a phenomenal job and that alone should be applauded.
Moving on, my thoughts and opinions of episode 14.
Honestly, for a finale, it was pretty good. A couple of weird story decisions but hey, it is what it is.
So basically I've decided to take this episode with a grain of salt. I'm extremely happy that Kinn and Porsche get to live out their gay mafia dreams together (although neither of them wanted to be in the mafia at all (Kinn's dream was to be a singer, Porsche wanted to open a bar on the beach)) but they decided to change their dream so they could be together and I think that's beautiful.
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Kinn saying that there is no more main family and minor family because they are going to become one. Like did the dude seriously propose in the mafiaest/corniest way possible using the mafia family rings?? Because I'm here for it. Porsche being all like "I'm on your side". They are married your honor. I rest my case.
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The three brothers in one room at the same time and none of them know how to act brotherly towards one another. Seriously, Kim, I applaud your efforts to be compassionate. Kinn, you get a C- for trying. The awkward hand pat, I just can't. But everyone grieves in their own way.
Speaking of:
He wins the category of: he deserved better, Big being a close second (he lost points when he briefly tried to use homophobia to get Porsche away from Kinn).
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More awards: the winner of most badass character:
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Detective Kim who doubles as secret agent man by day, musician by night. God he is so pretty to look at and a force to be reckoned with when you come for Porchay.
Speaking of: Most oblivious character award goes to:
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Seriously, Porchay, you didnt even know Kim was there? At all? Like the dude was sitting at the bar in the shadows like the secret agent he is but still. You need to gain some self awareness.
Also side note: I dont really ship these two characters together. They lead two very different lives. That being said, would I watch a series starring Porchay fumbling through life trying to be normal with secret agent man Kim trying and often times succeeding in keeping him safe without Porchay ever knowing he was there and just seeing the destruction and chaos Kim leaves behind? Yes. Yes I would.
Moving on: Kinn. Sweetheart. This is what I meant when I said, without Porsche, I fear for the people around Kinn.
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The literal next thing this man does is shoot two of the main family's partners (with one bullet) for the suggestion of handing over his ring to his uncle. The man can become unhinged if Porsche is not in his life. So let's all hope to whatever higher being you all pray to, that nothing ever happens to Porsche. God, what was Kinn like before Porsche again? Oh yeah, he was just slightly unhinged but still holding himself together.
Going back to my little awards:
The couple I simultaneously didnt want together but also wanted together goes to: Vegas and Pete.
I love the characters on their own but together they are/were a hot mess.
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Like Vegas is clearly a psychopath and while he was verbally and physically abused by his father. He still chose to make horrible decisions. However, the few times he made decisions for other people, ie, helping Porsche (for realsies this time), he was actually helpful and almost kind. The relationship between Vegas and Pete started off with torture and kidnapping. While the show tried to downplay that and turn their relationship into a consensual BDSM relationship. I still can't ignore the book. I havent read it but from what I've heard, it's clearly Stockholm syndrome. And even though they downplayed it. The signs are still there. So for that reason, I didn't want them to be together.
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Seeing this scene, they can really make this relationship work. They (being Pete and Vegas) can heal together and move past the events from before. Vegas can improve his mental state with Pete's help. Macau can help protect Pete if Vegas slips. I do however, also fear for anyone in Vegas' path if something were to happen to Pete. Because while Kinn might go unhinged, Vegas is already unhinged and will not hesitate to harm the people around him and that includes himself. So before VegasPete shippers jump down my throat. Please note. I do love these two characters and I have hope for their future therapy sessions. I just worry about how they started and how that will most likely effect them for a long time.
Now. For the grain of salt.
I love good story telling and I feel like the book will give me better insight to this particular story direction. But. And I mean this in a "love the series, you all did great sweeties" kind of way. But what the f*** was that?
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This story line honestly lost me. I don't get why it was done the way it was done. I think it could have been explained a bit better and perhaps it's a lost in translation kind of thing but. First of all. Their mom is alive. I get that. What I dont get, is "oh she took a bunch of pills and now has amnesia because of it." Like. No. No that is not the reason. Taking pills can mess with you sure, but I've never heard of someone taking pills to off themselves, only having memory loss because of it. Anyways, that isn't my issue with the story. My issue is that throughout the entire series, we get no inclination that Uncle Gun here is obsessed with Porsche's mother. We get "oh by the way, I saw a picture of her on my dad's desk, lol" moment from Vegas, we get that he is abusive towards Vegas and possibly Macau. But never before the last episode do we get, obsessive sexual offender vibes from the man. Every time he is on the screen prior to episode 14, he is calm and composed (unless yelling at Vegas). In episode 14, they take his character and do a 180 degree flip and turn him into "nows my chance to get "revenge"/seize power from my brother"/"You're alive, sobs, I thought you were dead, sobs, come here, I'll protect you" character. So it's like they did a character rewrite/assassination on the guy. Speaking of, Kinn's dad. Seriously? You really think Porsche would have ran and told Gun where his mother was if you had just told him that his mother was alive and due to traumatic events I'm protecting her? No. The guy just wanted to know how his parents died. Why did you have to give him the run around? Why did you have to continue to give him the run around until he quite literally saw his mother alive. You didnt need to tell him that the man who hit his parents is alive and give him the address. You then didnt have to tell him she was dead when he confronted you. Seriously people. Communication is key. Also, for someone who wouldnt shoot his brother at the table, you certainly had no problem shooting him then.
Anyways, her memory loss is due to trauma and not wanting to remember, not the pills. I hope now that she has her children back, she can get her memory back.
So minus that confusing and pointless story direction, I do highly recommend this series to anyone who wants to see gay mafia members find love and ignore the bafflement of that story line. The series is available on IQIYI.
Gelato out.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 107- 108
se03, ep 6 is weakest ep in se03 despite it being tohru’s long waited focus & having the biggest plot keys & character impactful moments & one of the best pining hug scenes in anime history “ thro the laundry sheets at sunset”. Reading the chapter that starts this ep in the manga made me feel so happy & so angry.. I lament all the subtle yet effective changes & the powerful character-influenced changes that the anime ditched for cheap drama or unexplained wide shot.
-The Art of Subtlety: Power Resides in Words:
In se03, ep 6 when tohru tells kyo that Isuzu will be staying at Kazuma’s, kyo responds that” then Master won’t feel lonely”. Meaning after his imprisonment. Huge gut wrenching moment since kyo doesnt know that tohru knows abt his imprisonment.
The anime chooses to displayed it in their mandatory style of “ kyoru-moment inside shigure house : which is widen the shot so much to include yuki & shigure & flatten the emotional impact to include other characters reaction that has nothing to do with the moment itself... They never consider zooming into the kyo-tohru reactions to their words, then widen the moment o include yuki, shigure, the tv, the woods, kyoko’s grave or the moon if they want to.. Complete lack of understanding of the emotional impact. This isn’t abt romantic lovey dovey moment. This is abt character development. The biggest loser i this design is : Tohru’s emotions. God, I hate how bland she is in the anime in regards to situations that affect HER.
Also, the anime chooses to squeeze in another moment here, which is kyo’s reaction to tohru’s grave visit & still lacks in showing the emotional depth even here & opted for what? yup! you guessed it. Widen the shot to include yuki & shigure. At this point I wonder why kyo & tohru didnt adopt yuki & shigure & took them with them in their house by the end of the story. To complete the tradition of these two poor guys witnessing everything..-_-’. Jokes aside, This doesn't just affect kyo-tohru. But also reflects badly at shigure & yuki. They become an unwanted third-wheels without proper plot or character driven reason. In good story-telling “ forced-third wheeling has a purpose!!”, such as to transfusion to the 3rd character moment or to be later used for the 3rd character driving emotional moment. not just a reminder that characters X & Y live here & therefore see this & that.. This is an example of missing the impactful design of the moment. I dont even understand how can someone miss such basic story-telling devices... 
Lets look at only 3 panels from the manga:
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See how in the above panels in the focus is on tohru’s emotions. This is Tohru’s focus why not show her emotions instead of her stupid wide eyed, new eye lashes face & zooming out on tohru to include yuki for no reason!!!!! The anime is capable of focusing on characters pain, we saw that wioth yuki dozens of times. The anime is capable of focusing on showing facial emotions, we saw this with kyo in all his focused eps! Why can’t they give tohru half of that.. Just look, she looks like spacing out thinking of what to cook~ lala~ gotta feed the boys.!! zoom out on her & her purpose on the story~~~~~
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-The power of words is unbelievable~~
Kyo’s little sentence of being happy Isuzu will stay with kazuma, destroyed tohru. Look how the manga makes tohru continues to think abt it. You might wonder why will the author do this? The author is building towards tohru realizing her romantic love & uncovering her traumatic attachment to her mom. Reminds you of sth? the 6 or 7 eps that se02 dedicated to yuki where every sentence established his journey towards facing his emotions. In se02, yuki thought abt the words of many characters until he reached his conclusion. The anime refused to give tohru ONE sentence.
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-Powerful Character-Influenced Moments:
The manga made rohru leave screaming abt wanting the curse to break before spring. Why? because (a) tohru must be giving time to think abt HERSELF, not the cat or the curse, so tohru wander around thinking abt her mom, we saw that in the anime.  the the moment of shigure tells tohru abt the zodiacs ugly spirit & delight at seeing the cat suffers happens right before kyo finds crying tohru. Why? because (a) it was established that kyo will visit kazuma, so no weird out of no where lover finds lover in the streets for loving support moment, (b) to make kyo’s emotional support to tohru reasonable. In the anime, he saw her crying & comforted her assuming she cried cuz of the grave visit or sth, it was never hinted at anything, cuz kyo never gets any inner thoughts until it is his dramatic moments, but here he comforts her cuz he thinks she’s upset abt Isuzu, why oh why you write this thing out??????????????????????????????????
Not enough eps? but you gave motoko half an ep?!!! Why write off your main protagonist? I dont get it??? why intentional make tohru one-denominational character. Either yuki’s momma or a girl in love.... Is that what women are for the anime? a caring loving mothers & good lovers?
-Shigure’s words are to tohru are so watered down in the anime. Here he connects everything to the major plot of “ zodiacs turing into cute animals ” premise of the story, this is not sth cute as the early story made it out yo be. I love this!!!! why the anime cut it! Tohru screams when shigure brings an unavoidable question. Ask yuki & the the others whom tohru loves & believes they’re the kindest. Ask them of they KNOW kyo will be locked & are relieved! so cruel & shocking thing to thin abnt that shatters tohru’s world! shigure knows tohri will NEVER ask! so true to his character! epic moment! My best shigure-tohri moment! both of them NOT hiding anything & both in theit lowest moment!!  INGENUOUS WRITING!!! so plot-worthy!!! WHY CUT IT!!!
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Kyo finds tohru cuz he saw her sad! bringing the realistic aspect of story-telling & ditching the dunb superficial coincidence.
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Look at how tohru uncovers her trauma little by little:
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parallel between loosing her mom & loosing kyo. By showing this, the readers/ viwer will begin to be prepared to question tohru’s “ I cant love mom more than kyo”. The following chapters will for sure dive into this deeper, writing tohru as more understandably, more flawed., more real. Nothing like a the fixer for grown men, nothing like an angelic mom, nothing like the princess saved by the prince’s love. Basically, nothing like her shallow anime self.
Side Notes:
I was right abt the anime wanting to close Isuzu & Haru’s arc in ep 5, cuz in this chapter we have a lil scene that is the follow up with their plotline. Haru wanting to thank Kureno & asing Isuzu to never risk herself. It’s the little things that add depth to characters.. but I get it Haru in se03 can no longer support yuki cuz yuki have Kakeru, so his plotline is reduced to isuzu’s lover & that was closed in ep 5. Isuzu still had few things to add to the plot in ep 6 which is be tohru’s unfiltered deep talk partner. 
The sad reality of the anime focusing on wide shots lost us yet another good emotional impact besides kyo-tohru moments. This time, we lost kazuma’s reaction to isuzu being held in cat’s room & haru/yuki’s reaction to kazuma’s sadness.. The anime gives us wide shot to include all the room. so,Screw haru & yuki’s reaction???.. they dont care abt the cat? is that it? nope, cuz this reasoning requires emotional depth of hate & disgust. The anime just loves wide shots “ so artistic~” but the real reason, the anime is flying in bullet speed in this ep to include as much as it can to save place for the “ new added moment of kyoru’s united shock” & still include the intro & outro... yep, ep6 is the weakest ep in design...
More on ep 6 in the following chapters, I guess. I’ll stop here this time. I’m so mad.. I’ll calm down & read the flowing two chapters later to articylate proper thoughts.
 I hate hate how tohru was done so dirty! I’m loving everything abt her so far in the manga, but when I remember her in the anime! ugh! I still love kyo & yuki’s anime stories. But tohru, nope. I stopped loving her in se02 once the beach arc is over & she became a full mother to yuki & nothing more. I adore her character & she’s so endearing, but My God, she’s so bland in the anime, just the lightest version of her manga self... so light, it’s a shame she’s a protagonist...
I really wonder how manga readers feel abt the lack of tohru’s focus & lost emotional depth? is tohru even popular in the manga days? I know kyo is popular & i know lots adore yuli’s growth. but what abt tohru? I’m curious how manga readers felt watching her butchered arc in se03?
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
way to gaslight your own fans on the annabeth racechange in adaption
comments on youtube
I’m so happy you’re talking about this, Rippa.  I read Percy Jackson in the 5th grade.  It spoke to me, it influenced me, and I grew up idolizing Rick Riordan.  I read his statement yesterday and my heart dropped into my stomach.  I couldn’t believe this guy who had been such a great childhood inspiration had just basically called me racist for wanting the character to look how he told me she looked. I really don’t understand why having an actor that actually looks like the character they’re portraying is such a bad thing to these people, makes me even more surprised that Nami wasn’t race swapped in the live action One Piece show, and she’s a ginger. The thing is that race swaping a character for the sake of inclusion is insulting to both ethnicities involved. They're basically saying that the original white characters are either worthless, bad or defective and they need to change; and that the black race being use as a substitute doesn't have original heroes or historical characters worth exploring and that the only way for them to be worthy of attention is to give them the character/positions of previously established white characters.
I am beyond happy that you're tackling this, Eric. I've been a Percy Jackson fan since 6th grade. This is criminal like you wouldn't believe, this is not Annabeth. Annabeth is white with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, a daughter of Athena. She ain't black and never will be, I've been reading Rick's books for years and this feels terrible. I know he's been going woke in his latest series, but I truly thought that's PJO fans were getting the show we deserved. Never again, I'm not buying any other book from this man ever again. Not even the new Nico book that he's writing.Show less
Rick is such a liar. On the one hand he admits that he was beholden to Disney’s hiring practices which is nothing more than a racial and sexual quota system. On the other he suggests it was an open casting and they were going to hire the best person for the job regardless of their intersectionality traits. Sorry, but you can’t have both. Unless of course he is suggesting that after the year-long auditioning process there was a possibility he was going to cast three blonde haired blue-eyed actors in the three main roles. I’m fairly sure that was an impossibility.Show less
The thing that's crazy is that there are characters of different races in the story. Especially in the sequel series. Niko and Bianca are from the first story and Leo, Hazel, Frank, and Piper are from the sequel series. All of them are major characters in the story My best friend is a huge fan of the books and was looking forward to seeing this series. But not anymore, because of the casting of Annabeth. She loves those books, but now believes that the author is a sellout. Also, if the show makes Athena black, I'm gonna be pissed.
Basically any white character (or even historical real life person) is free game to be changed for whatever reason. But any POC character is absolutely never ever allowed to be changed in any way, ever.
I have seen people try to defend changing annabeths race  by going annabeths race didnt have anything to do with her story  so its okay to change it and have her played by a black actor when would that logic apply to a character from a book series who was black but then in the adaption was played by a white actor if you would ocmplain you have no right to complain about someone getting upset if say a character who was white in the original story was played by a black actor ( the claim that they were just looking for the best available actor is bs for they wouldnt ever do this  in reverse where was say a character who was black in the books but then they had a white guy play him even if he was better than the black guy they would pick the black guy
no diversity/representation doesnt make it different
( its not different
lets be real here if say a black person and a white person tried to audition for blade ( who in the comics isblack) the black person should get the role ( I doubt that they would even accept/allow any white person to audition for the role 
I never saw leah act but it really doesnt matter if she is a good actress or not the fact is annabeth is white she is black the actress should match annabeths features  so it doesnt matter  whether or not leah is a good actress she shouldnt play annabeth just like a white person shouldnt play blade(Eric Cross Brooks) from marvel comics  regardless of whether or not he is a good actor ) no one would use the what if he was the best actor for the job argument for a case like that and the attempts to justify it by going but there arent many black characters makes me roll my eyes it doesnt matter ( make your own you dont get to complain  about a character being whitewashed then claim racism if someone isnt okay with blackwashing   ( one bad justificationto the other to misusing the term racism  )  I wouldnt be okay with miles morales being played by a white person )  we both know that the race change isnt because she is best actress for the job its because they had a problem with the fact that keeping it accurate to the races meaning the main characters would mostly be white ( which isnt a problem unless you would have a problem with most of the main cast being nonwhite)
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vaugarde · 3 years
For the PMD questions, 5, 11 and 12? (Unrelated but I love your mobile layout! It looks so nice!)
aw thank you!! oneshot is such a pretty game and i really wanted to use it <3
5. Which Pokemon from Gen 7-8 would you consider potential hero/partner options, outside of the regular Starter Pokemon?
ohhh rockruff is def one... spike chunsoft owes me a Puppy hero after not making lillipup a starter option in gates. yamper and impidimp are ideas too... alolan vulpix too if that counts!
11. Any headcanons that take place after the games that you want to share
dusknoir becomes a world renowned explorer again but for real this time, though this is after he makes amends for what he did under primal dialga. he also gives the sableye a home and acts more paternal towards them
grovyle has a long time figuring out what he wants to do, he had hinged his life on his mission and now he feels confused. im thinking he actually does make a full fledged team with dusknoir and celebi and theyre all famous like dusknoir is :D but itd take a bit! he experiments, trying to see what he likes
the future trio time travels to see rin and nimbus again bc i said so
jay and mimi (psmd hero/partner) play a big part in mega evolution research later on in life (but that is tech a spoiler for something so keeping quiet abt it for now)
mimi learns about mewtwo and actively seeks them out. she jokingly adopts them and calls herself their mom, but the two make a genuine bond and it helps mewtwo integrate into pokemon society more after they isolated themself from it
espurr eventually joins the expedition society once she feels confident enough. she primarily becomes mawile's apprentice in archeology, but is also a formidable member in her own right and eventually steps up as one of the strongest members once mawile retires and espurr evolves into meowstic.
azalea (rescue team hero) befriends gengar after the latter takes a major break from the town post-murky cave. azalea had also not been the greatest human before turning into a pokemon, and she genuinely wanted to help him reform once he showed interest/signs of improvement. leopold (partner) takes a while to come around, but a bond is eventually formed between the 3.
eris (gti hero) is eventually trapped in the pmd world due to the dimension being locked, but he's honestly okay with it. his home life wasn't the best and he really only felt the "but we are FAMILY so i cant leave" obligation to return home before. he's since accepted that it was toxic and was honestly just relieved the lock was put up while he was in the pmd universe instead of the human world. he also either never evolves (bc i can never find a thunder stone in gti) or evolves into alolan raichu while his partner elliot evolves all the way into samurott, and elliot lets him ride around on his back. horse.
12. If you could change one thing about your favourite game(s), what would it be?
the darkrai plot hands down. ive rambled before abt why i hate it but basically my idea would be to either keep darkrai as a postgame villain but leave temporal tower and palkia out of it, or to keep his intervention in the main plot but make him a more impactful character. my ideas include
-making him appear earlier ffs. or at least be mentioned/alluded to multiple times in the main story.
-make him more of a character beyond "i want to rule the world" type. like maybe we do go the "tragic villain" route where he didnt HAVE to end up the way he did. like he was feared and hated due to his influence over nightmares that he cant help, but there was also a time related crisis or a drought or something happening at the lakes and treeshroud forest. so darkrai decides to take the time gears from temporal tower to put in those areas, get the lake guardians to look after them, and fix the anomalies there.
-this gets him adoration and love from the region and he's upheld as a hero. he revels in it and loves the affection.
-unfortunately he wasn't aware of the long term disaster of temporal tower's collapse... he panics at the thought of people hating him again once he learns (probably through dialga telling him or something), but then he has a thought like "wait. what if i LET that happen and i can swoop in and save everyone in the aftermath, dont connect it to the time gears and instead make it out to have been this unforeseeable disaster, and he keeps everyone together and they still love him! so he basically leaves dialga high and dry bc he's rather do that than admit his mistake.
-cresselia then tries to stop him and thats how shes involved. maybe he puts her in a nightmare
-darkrai kinda just. REALLY wants to die on this hill basically, hes desperate to keep the love pokemon have for him now and doesn't want to lose it.
-he probably doesnt interfere with the time travel bc darkrais cant naturally time travel. in fact he has no idea what the future is even like. hes CONVINCED hes gonna be this grand hero in the dark future
-darkrai is also seen or mentioned a lot throughout the story explaining his connection to the time gears.
-ofc hero and partner stop temporal towers collapse and pokemon put two and two together abt the time gears and start to be wary abt darkrai again. he starts to despise them and plots for them to be... "removed" from the world so to speak. so in postgame, where his plot usually takes place, he starts trying to manipulate them like he does in main game. but what hes also trying to do is frame them. he puts nightmares in other pokemons heads about hero and partner, exaggerating their space distortion and saying theyll be the end of the world if they arent eliminated. basically he's trying to do what gengar did. i dont think another witchhunt deal will happen both bc the pokemon do genuinely trust and love them + we wouldnt want to just repeat the first game anyways, but it DOES isolate them just enough to create a divide (that wigglytuff/cresselia eventually fixes up) and make the hero/partner really doubt themselves and basically plants that seed of doubt in everyone. darkrai then gets it in his head to ACTUALLY distort space so that the pokemon blame it on hero and partner, and the stuff w palkia happens as it does ingame. darkrai is exposed again by cresselia (idk if azurill gets a permanent nightmare here? i kinda wanna keep that bc i love that dungeon but idk if its narratively appropriate now) and he runs off to dark crater
-basically the dark crater confrontation happens except darkrai doesnt have a band of pokemon. a boss battle happens and he rants about how the hero and partner ruined everything for him, his backstory is revealed, and he says that he wanted hero and partner to go through what he did. everything would've been fine if they hadnt meddled, if they had just stayed put in their respective timelines and let everything go as planned! they didnt have to ruin him a second time! if they had just let time go, he wouldve kept the respect he had, and he wouldnt be an outcast again! he wouldve kept everyone happy even with the ruined world, it wouldve been fine!
-... and then partner drops the fact that they hadn't heard a whisper of him in the future. it's not to rub it in his face, its a genuine question: "if you were supposed to save everyone... where were you? we were in the future... if you had been there, surely you would've been mentioned?"
-this breaks darkrkai. the fact that his future was just a desperate attempt to cling to a fantasy, it makes him realize just how ridiculous he'd been this whole time. all this time, he had just been hurting the same pokemon he wanted adoration from. this is where he flees, maybe into a dimensional hole (palkia might have made it?) and i'm not sure if he loses his memory here, but it does leave him in a place where he can be recruited and reformed if the player so choses.
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