#but it closely created along with their actual personality & gives their dynamic colorful variety of choices
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ryllen · 5 months ago
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appearance wise, at least
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pommpuriinn · 5 months ago
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November 2024 DAZED Magazine
Featuring Txt’s Joohyung and Beomgyu
cover one with photos in the magazine
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Beomgyu and Joohyung’s outfit
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Joohyung’s hair (has baby bangs sharp tips like the bangs in the makeup pic)/color | makeup | nails
cover two with photos in the magazine
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Beomgyu and Joohyung’s outfit
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Joohyung’s hair/color | makeup | nails
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What’s the issue about?
In this November issue we show sides of the couple people haven’t seen along with finally getting so information from the couple about their dynamic relationship like; how is it working side by side constantly? Does the relationship ever create tension within the group? What’s the couple’s future plans? This issue also covers each person’s own individual lives and their own path with music.
Thank you again for accepting the shoot. *interviewer smiles brightly at the couple*
B: oh, thank you for having us. *smiles backs*
It’s quite hard to get you two together like this and talk about your public relationship. So, my first question is why is that?
J: *stuck air between her teeth* honestly…I don’t know? *laughs* We honestly don’t really go talking about our relationship when we’re on variety shows. Like if the mc asks who’s dating yeah we say it, but other than that we are quite private about it.
B: It's like something we unconsciously do. We never talked about it behind hand *shakes his head ‘no’* like it’s not planned, plus we don’t really act much different with each other.
How is the dynamic in the relationship?
B: despite my goofy attitude on cameras I’m more serious behind closed doors and it carries on within the relationship. I’m more sentimental when it comes to our relationship. I like to have long, serious conversations and just hang out inside our places like very calm and chill. *shyly smiles and nods his head*
J: I don’t really recognize that I’m more…cuter? *looks at Beomgyu for confirmation* I heard from not just Beomgyu, but the members that I’m the complete opposite when I’m not on camera. I guess I tend to be warmer and clinger.
B: We balance each other out. She’s definitely the mood maker in the relationship, at least to me she is. *looks at Joohyung longingly*
Does working together get in the way of working with each other in the group?
J: never. It has never affected the group
B: Yeah, being in a relationship together didn’t really change anything at all. There was no awkwardness between anyone or tension. We act exactly the same as before.
You two have known each other for quite a long time, do you have any future plans with each other?
*the two look at each other before bursting into laughter causing the interviewer to smile at the young couple*
J: I’m sorry, it’s just we have been asked that question many times from my aunt and Beomgyu’s parents. Umm…I mean we don’t like thinking too much ahead. We’re still so young, but I would be lying if I say we didn’t fully think about our future sometimes.
B: Yeah I agree. *chuckles*
I heard that Joohyung-ssi has moved out of the dorms and actually lives alone and I wonder if Beomgyu-ssi has plans on moving in?
J: lives alone? *jokingly scoffs* they all come and sleep then eat like they own the place. *everyone laughs*
B: *clears throat* I do visit often, but I want to give Joohyung the space she never had for like 6 to 7 years. She has always been next to us since day one plus since before we would practiced for hours on end she would never leave to go back to her little room to sleep. Joohyung would sleep with us on the practice room floor, and once they chose us to be the final group line up we became even more attached to the hip.
J: I can finally have girl time with my cats without hearing them yell at their computers, tv, or at each other whenever they’re playing an intense game. Though I do miss when the younger ones would come to my room in the middle of night and ask if they could sleep with me, like little babies. *laughs* I could tell cats do miss them sometimes too because when they come to visit me the cats could hear them talking while coming through the door and they jump off their cat tree and sprint towards the door to greet them.
B: they would be like MEOW MEOW sometimes dragging their meows out then they start rubbing themselves on our feet, it’s really cute.
Joohyung-ssi I wanted to ask during the American leg of the group’s tour moas would ask about a new album and I too am curious if you’re working on anything new?
J: That’s quite a difficult question. *laughs bitterly* Mm…all I’ll say is that I had quite some time thinking over a few things about my own music away from the group, and it’s complicated right now with everything going on. But I don’t want moas to lose hope since everyday I see their kind messages waiting for my music and I just want to say I’m so thankful that moas are so understanding and patient when it comes to my music, and I won’t disappoint them when the time comes.
And Beomgyu-ssi we know your love for creating music and I wonder if you’re going to release any of your very own some day?
B: I do constantly love writing and making music and I’m happy that sometimes the company goes with my work, but it does happen rarely. I really hope in the future I could release some music I worked on fully for moas.
Lastly, what do you want to tell moas?
B: I want to say thank you to all the moas who support us being together and for sending lots of love and support for tomorrow x together. Please stay with us and show lots of love for our new album the star chapter: sanctuary
J: I’m not usually good at this *chuckles* moa thank you so much for staying by our side and always defending and fighting for us, I know it’s hard right now. We tomorrow x together will always repay you with lots of love back and constantly giving you amazing music that we put in lots of time and effort. Please listen to our new album with the title track ‘over the moon’
J & B: thank you~
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intergalacticfop · 3 years ago
Muskrat fur cuffs and the North American fur trade
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In this post, I am focusing my research on the fur trade up to the mid 18th century. On a superficial level, this is because the armlets in question are based on a 1732-35 painting. But, more importantly, any attempt to expand beyond this using this format would be far too limited to responsibly grapple with the history. In addition, the end of the French and Indian wars in 1763 resulted in changing fur trade dynamics which would not be easily integrated into the research I have been able to do. There are many facets I had to leave out like religion, trading posts, and more, simply because a comprehensive history of the fur trade, even before 1763, is a book topic, not an Instagram one. For this post, I chose to focus largely on the material aspect--tangible goods and how they were experienced by Indigenous communities as both suppliers of pelts and consumers of trade items. The latter slides will also look into human relationships and enduring consequences as much as space will allow.
“Indigenous” in this post is a catch-all descriptor that tries to encompass a vast variety of different nations who had varying contacts and concerns within the early fur trade. In the north, Hudson’s Bay Company traded primarily with Cree, Dene, Inuit, and Assiniboine groups (Chan 79). The Great Lakes region was dominated by Anishinaabe groups, including the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi (Warren 124). In the Ohio River Valley, trade was largely divided among the Miami, Wyandot, and Shawnee (Sleeper-Smith, Indigenous Prosperity 95). Additional fur trading occurred along the southern British colonies as well, but I did not find scholarship that has covered it to the same extent. The history of the North American fur trade, at least in its earlier decades, challenges the paternalistic idea that Indigenous groups were helpless against the arrival of Europeans and their trade goods, as if European culture was so potent that mere proximity was enough to degrade centuries-old traditions. Rather, Indigenous peoples used their knowledge of the land, access to pelts, and kinship networks to enter into the trade on their own terms and use it to further their own material and cultural ends.
While the fur trade was dominated by beaver pelts, Native American trappers caught and traded a variety of pelts. Muskrat made up a fairly minor part of the overall trade, but still had moments of demand. In the Ohio River Valley, the muskrat fur trade grew as a result of beaver pelt oversupply in the late 17th century. Between 1696 and 1716, indigenous peoples in the valley developed a fur trade that focused on pelts like muskrat, otter, raccoon, and marten. These pelts had become more valuable as trade goods, and more prized in the European market, because of the drop in beaver prices (Indigenous Prosperity 192-194). Further north, the Hudson’s Bay Company acquired an estimated 6000-7000 pelts annually between 1710 and 1725, 15,200 pelts in 1739 and 24,600 pelts in 1750 (Obbard 1015). Notably, this rise towards the middle of the 18th century corresponds to both an overall boom in the fur trade in the 1730s, and a drop in beaver trade by 1750, both factors that would encourage the trapping of muskrat (Carlos 111-112). 
European traders were highly sensitive to the material preferences of their counterparts. Indigenous trappers and their families had very specific standards for trade goods. Cloth is the most significant example of this. European textile mills produced cloth specifically for Native consumers, with close attention to color, pattern, and weight (Levine). The importance of cloth also highlights the extent to which the European goods provided in the trade shifted fairly quickly from utilitarian goods to luxury items. Silver, for instance, was in such high demand even as early as the late 17th century that it actually endangered the currency supply in New France as French traders sought to melt down silver coins into tradeable items (Indigenous Prosperity 193). For Indigenous artisans, especially women, this influx of luxury European goods offered opportunities to enhance their own artistry. Native women used cloth and its attendant sewing implements, beads and trim, to create elaborate beadwork and patterns on clothing, creating exquisite wearable artwork with deeply meaningful expressions of their own cultures (Indigenous Prosperity 175). Indigenous relationships with European trade goods were highly transformative. Even old kettles were taken apart and transformed into jewelry and other items of personal adornment. Indigenous consumers readily adapted trade goods into their own cultures, rather than performing a simple 1:1 replacement of traditional goods and ways of life for European ones.
In 1852, William Whipple Warren wrote a history of the Ojibwe, his mother’s people, based on oral histories he collected. The accounts in this history accord with a general impression that the fur trade in the 17th and 18th centuries was actively managed by and productive for the indigenous participants, rather than reducing Native peoples to mere clients of European trading houses. The book includes several anecdotes that depict the fur trade as a way for the Ojibwe to further their own personal and national goals, especially in relation to other Indigenous groups. One story recounts an Ojibwe hunter who, after his family was massacred by enemy O-dug-am-ee (Fox/Meskwaki), trapped for pelts until he had enough to convince the French to help him get revenge (Warren 153). In instances like this, European traders were used as tools by indigenous operators rather than the other way around. The Ojibwe also used the fur trade for their own territorial ends. Through trade, they acquired weapons with which to fight against the Dakota/Santee Sioux, pushing them out of favorable grounds (Warren 160, 178). The Ojibwe thus gained yet more opportunities to trap valuable pelts for the fur trade (Warren 126-127). In this instance, as in many others, the fur trade with Europeans had markedly different effects on different Indigenous nations.
The histories also specifically highlight the difference between French and English traders, praising the French for their respect of Ojibwe customs and integration into Ojibwe communities, which later English and American settlers bypassed in favor of assimilation and domination (Warren 132). Successful integration into Native communities and kinship networks was crucial for the success of early European fur traders. For one thing, European traders were largely dependent on Indigenous communities to provide them with food (Sleeper-Smith, Women Kin & Catholicism 429). Indigenous women in particular attained importance for their role in agricultural production and through their ability to create profitable trade relationships for both sides through marriage (Women Kin & Catholicism 430). Warren’s history gives an example of the centrality of women in the fur trade when he mentions the Ojibwe wife of French trader Jean Baptiste Cadotte, who was notable for the influence she could sway over her extended family (Warren 213). The influence from these kinship networks enabled Cadotte to convince the Ojibwe of Lake Superior to stay out of Pontiac’s rebellion, keeping them from being destroyed like some other tribes that had gotten involved in European wars (Warren 211).
An overview of this trade, no matter how general, still has to acknowledge the enduring negative consequences that have been wrought by the presence and encroachment of white colonists into Indigenous spaces. The North American fur trade evolved into something much more exploitative with the European occupation of Indigenous peoples’ traditional territories and the proliferation of unfair treaties. For instance, the accounts of the early fur trade in Warren’s oral history of the Ojibwe were colored by the tellers’ awareness of the negative impact that contact with European settlers had ultimately caused by the 19th century. Guns and alcohol are singled out as the most significant trade goods, reflecting the compounding detrimental effect that these items had Native populations in later decades (Warren 119). In addition, even benign contact with European groups carried exposure to devastating diseases like smallpox. The disruptions caused to Indigenous communities by disease, warfare, and European settlement affected traditional supplies and made them more reliant on a fur trade that was increasingly stacked against indigenous traders.
A 1972 documentary called “The Other Side of the Ledger: An Indian View of the Hudson's Bay Company” describes how the Hudson Bay Company exploited Indigenous fur traders into the modern day. The company traded for furs on unequal terms, and Indigenous trappers were unable to try to trade elsewhere for more favorable terms because for many remote communities, the Hudson Bay Company stores were the only nearby sources of food. These supplies were sold at high mark-ups, forcing customers to buy on credit. This crediting system kept Indigenous communities in perpetual debt to the Hudson Bay Company, as their principal provider of food and buyer of pelts. The particular involvement of the Hudson Bay Company in operating these stores ended in 1987 (Gismondi), but even today food insecurity remains high among Native families living on reservations, owing to limited and expensive groceries and low incomes. The early years of the fur trade held promise as a zone of cultural and economic exchange in which Indigenous participants were often equal, at times dominant, partners in trade. Nevertheless, contact with European traders initiated a perpetual drive for settlement, territorial expansion, and the attendant marginalization of Native peoples in their own lands by European colonizers.
Works Cited:
Carlos, Ann M., and Frank D. Lewis. Commerce by a Frozen Sea: Native Americans and the European Fur Trade. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt3fhbsp.
DeFalco, Martin and Willie Dunn, dir. The Other Side of the Ledger: An Indian View of the Hudson’s Bay Company. 1972; National Film Board of Canada. https://www.nfb.ca/film/other_side_of_the_ledger/.
Gismondi, Melissa. “The untold story of the Hudson’s Bay Company.” Canadian Geographic.May 2, 2020. https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/article/untold-story-hudsons-bay-company.
Levine, Mary Ann. “The Fabric of Empire in a Native World: An Analysis of Trade Cloth Recovered from Eighteenth-Century Otstonwakin.” American Antiquity 85, no. 1 (2020): 51–71. doi:10.1017/aaq.2019.81.
Obbard, Martyn E. et. al, “Furbearer Harvests in North America.” 1987. In Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America, edited by M. Novak, J.A. Baker, M.E. Obbard, B. Malloch, 1007-1034. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1999. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275353911_Furbearer_Harvests_in_North_America_1600-1984 
Sleeper-Smith, Susan. Indigenous Prosperity and American Conquest: Indian Women of the Ohio River Valley, 1690-1792. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018. Accessed August 11, 2021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5149/9781469640600_sleeper-smith.
Sleeper-Smith, Susan. "Women, Kin, and Catholicism: New Perspectives on the Fur Trade." Ethnohistory 47, no. 2 (Spring, 2000): 423-452.
Smith, David Chan. "The Hudson's Bay Company, Social Legitimacy, and the Political Economy of Eighteenth-Century Empire." The William and Mary Quarterly 75, no. 1 (2018): 71-108. doi:10.5309/willmaryquar.75.1.0071.
Warren, William Whipple. History of the Ojibways: Based upon Traditions and Oral Statements. Saint Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society, 1885. https://www.loc.gov/item/rc01001074/. 
Further Reading
Allard, Amélie. “Relationships and the Creation of Colonial Landscapes in the Eighteenth-Century Fur Trade.” American Indian Quarterly 44 (2020): 149–70. doi:10.5250/amerindiquar.44.2.0149.
Nassaney, Michael S. "Decolonizing Archaeological Theory at Fort St. Joseph, An Eighteenth-Century Multi-Ethnic Community in the Western Great Lakes Region." Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 37, no. 1 (2012): 5-23. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24571259.
Snow, Deborah. "Impact of the French Fur Trade on the Lives of Native Women in the Great Lakes Region during the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries." Order No. EP77052, University of Michigan-Flint, 1999.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years ago
Square Enix has released new information and screenshots of Final Fantasy VII Remake highlighting the Turks, Avalanche, more of the battle system and materia, the Chocobo & Moogle summon, and the church and Aerith’s house in Sector 5. Additionally, Square Enix revealed two new visuals featuring Aerith and Barrett and shared 11 developer comments.
Get the details below.
■ New Visuals
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■ The Turks
The Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department of the Shinra Electric Power Company. A small, elite organization that carries out special operations, the Turks operate behind the scenes and handle everything from scouting out SOLDIER candidates to protecting VIPs, intelligence activities, and even assassination.
Reno (voiced by Keiji Fujiwara)
A member of the Turks, the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department of the Shinra Electric Power Company. With fiery red hair and a cynical smile, he always does his own thing. He is agile in battle and uses a specialized weaponry to unleash a multitude of attacks.
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Rude (voiced by Taiten Kusunoki)
A member of the Turks, the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department of the Shinra Electric Power Company. A giant with a shaved head and sunglasses. He is not one for mindless chatter, and faithfully handles his duties. He does not carry a weapon, but rather fights using only martial arts that put his strong body to work.
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■ Avalanche
An anti-Shinra group acting to protect the planet. Mako is the life energy of the planet, and Avalanche alleges that Shinra Company is draining the planet’s lifespan. There are currently several factions within Avalanche, and the group that oversees Midgar, which consists of Barrett and company, is a dynamic one that does not hesitate to use force.
Biggs (voiced by Shuuhei Sakaguchi)
A member of the anti-Shinra group Avalanche. The sharpest and most capable person on the team, he is in charge of strategic planning. He calmly follows Barrett, who has habit of going wild one way or another. He has a tidy personality, and loves taking showers and cleaning.
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Wedge (voiced by Takayuki Asai)
A member of the anti-Shinra group Avalanche. He uses his connections and charm to gather information and conciliate with opposing forces. He also plays an important role in taste-testing new menu items for 7th Heaven. A mood maker, he is the indispensable lubricant of the team.
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Jessie (voiced by Satomi Moriya)
A member of the anti-Shinra group Avalanche. She is in charge of procurement for Avalanche, getting everything necessary to carry out its operations, from explosive to fake IDs. She is also a skilled engineer, and manufactures and sells things such as water filtration devices to earn income. She is caring and has a weakness for handsome men.
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■ Battle System: Classic Mode
By changing the difficulty level to “Classic,” you will switch to “Classic Mode.” In Classic Mode, characters automatically take action while the ATB gauge accumulates. Players can battle by selecting commands such as “Ability,” “Magic,” and “Item,” which consume the ATB gauge, similarly to the command-based battle system of the original Final Fantasy VII. While in Classic Mode, you can switch back to action-based gameplay at any time.
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■ Battle System: Cloud
Cloud can “Attack” with his sword at close range with the Square button and build up combos by repeatedly pressing Square. By holding Square, Cloud can unleash a radial attack.
Unique Ability
Pressing the Triangle button activates a character’s unique ability. Cloud’s unique ability switches him from his balanced “Assault Mode” to the attack-specialized “Punisher Mode.” In Punisher Mode, Cloud’s movement speed is reduced, but his attack’s become more powerful.
—Assault Mode: “Attack.”
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—Punisher Mode: “Strong Attack.”
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—Triple Slash
Cloud slashes surrounding enemies with three consecutive strikes. Its power increases by hitting multiple enemies.
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—Blade Burst
A long range attack in which Cloud fires a magic burst from his blade.
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■ Weapon Enhancement
By unlocking the abilities of the core materia in weapons, you can upgrade them to increase their power.
—Cloud’s Buster Sword. You can also increase the character’s stats and increase the materia slots.
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Weapon Abilities
Each weapon has a dedicated weapon ability that increases in proficiency each time it is used. By increasing a proficiency to the maximum level, you can learn the weapon ability to use at any time, even when that weapon is not equipped.
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■ Materia
Materia that enables the use of flame-attribute magic such as “Fire.” It evolves from “Fire” to “Fira” to “Firaga.”
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Materia that enables the use of “Sense.” By using Sense on an enemy, you can see that enemy’s traits, resistances, and weaknesses.
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■ Summons
When equipped, summoning materia adds an additional gauge that, when filled, grants you the ability to call forth otherworldly entities to fight alongside you for a limited time. These summoned beings possess a will of their own and will engage enemies independently, culminating in a devastating attack they execute before departing the battlefield.
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Chocobo & Moogle
A world-traveling moogle riding atop his partner chocobo. It is cute on cute, the simple sight of which provides healing.
—Ability: “Mog Bomb.”
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—Ability: “Stampede.”
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■ Locations
Locations from Final Fantasy VII have been faithfully recreated in high quality. Several locations that could not be explored in the original version have also been added.
Church in the Slums
The old church at the edge of the Sector 5 Slums. The building is old and houses the crashed test rocket launched by Shinra. One of the few places where flowers grow in the ruined slums, Aerith takes care of the garden there in her spare time.
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Aerith’s House
A house located in a corner of the Sector 5 Slums. Aerith and her mother Elmyra live there. They grow a variety of colorful flowers in their garden, and every day Aerith delivers them to the residents of Midgar. Clear water flows down from the cliff behind the house, which coupled with the loveliness of the house itself, make for a beautiful scene unseemly of the slums.
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—Playing darts in 7th Heaven.
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—A bike battle against Shinra with Jessie on board.
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■ Developer Comments
Yoshinori Kitase (Producer)
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In the several years following 2009, when I was running around all over the world promoting the Final Fantasy XIII series, I had opportunity to speak to many fans and journalists. The question that I always got as we got up to part ways was, “When are you making the Final Fantasy VII Remake?”
It was to the point where it almost felt like an alternative way to say goodbye, so eventually I started pre-emptively giving my response to the question before they’d even asked it. “If we were to create a remake of that now, it would be an enormous amount of data, and who knows how many years it would take. But, if the ‘right time’ comes along, we might just do it someday!” This is how I’d respond back then, who knows how many hundreds of times. To all the people I had a chance to meet with back then, the “right time” has finally arrived.
For the Final Fantasy VII Remake, developers who worked on the original game have come onboard once again as core members, including myself as Producer, Tetsuya Nomura as Director, Motomu Toriyama as Co-Director, and Kazushige Nojima on Story & Scenario.
Additionally, we also have people like Co-Director Naoki Hamaguchi who are now part of the core development team, who was just a fan of Final Fantasy VII back then. And, to my delight, creators from younger generations all over the world have come forth upon hearing news of Final Fantasy VII Remake’s production. While ensuring that the spirit of the original game is kept intact, these members are adding to it the power of a new generation.
As a result, the game that is about to be born surpasses even my own expectations as the one who voiced the desire to take this endeavor on in the first place. In fact, the one who’s looking forward to playing this game the most right now might actually be me.
Tetsuya Nomura (Director / Concept Design)
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I started up the Final Fantasy VII Remake project around the time of Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. We’d gone through Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus, and I was planning this by myself for about a year as the fifth and final entry in the compilation.
Since that initial plan and my first ideas, other projects took-shape and I became very busy as they moved forward, but I never stopped thinking about VII. As such, I feel like I’m looking forward to the release as much as anyone, as I’ve been carrying around these ideas for a long time.
Opportunities for discussing our true intentions are few, but with regard to the size of the game that many are asking about – there’s no reason at all to worry. Even in this Midgar portion alone, the density and volume are so great that I had to give directions to lighten them.
With regard to new characters, of whom I said during past interviews that there would be “none” – though they aren’t main characters, their numbers ended up growing considerably in the process of creating a rich depiction of Midgar. When you think of Midgar’s final boss, you probably think of the M.O.T.O.R., but in this game new bosses will appear and add to the excitement of the story even more.
We’ve already begun working on the next one as well, but I’m confident that playing through this title will expand your expectations just like the world that extends beyond Midgar.
Until next time.
Kazushige Nojima (Story / Scenario)
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It must have been in the very beginning stages of developing Final Fantasy VII Remake that I got to see the Remake version of Cloud for the first time. It wasn’t post-Advent Children Cloud, with kindness brimming from within. Rather, here was a young man with fiery features, looking straight at me through the screen with aggression in his eyes. I knew right t hen: “Oh, this is it.”
This time, it was this Cloud that I needed to depict. When Cloud came to Midgar and was hired by Avalanche, this was the sort of look that he would have had on his face. So I revisited the experiences that he’d had in his life so far, thinking of the effect that each individual event would have had on him. His attitude toward his childhood friend Tifa. How would he act toward Barret? What sort of distance would he keep while interacting with passers-by on the street? I picture the scene of Midgar in my mind and imagine Cloud moving through it. Write new lines of dialogue to add for him. This is how Cloud in the Remake Version came to be.
It was an exciting task to introduce a new current of wind to Final Fantasy VII, but at the same time, there was some fear. The original game used cartoon-like, stylised art, and the story was completed by players using their imagination to supplement portions that couldn’t be depicted as a result. Even if they were seeing the same scene, the information they took away from it and how they interpreted it differed depending on the viewer. Perhaps it’s what might be considered a narrative form of storytelling nowadays.
In Final Fantasy VII Remake, there will be much less room for player imagination. This fact will probably change the feel of the story considerably. People who know the original might not know quite how to take it. Such is the fear that I have. But I also have conviction. It should be possible to feel a much deeper connection to Cloud as you join alongside him. It would be amazing if you could feel that fiery flame together with him.
Naoki Hamaguchi (Co-Director / Game Design / Programming)
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When the original Final Fantasy VII was released, I was just another student who dreamed of being in the gaming industry. I of course played the game, but I also re-read the guidebook over and over again, my heart stolen by the engaging universe. I remember wishing strongly that I’d be able to create a game like it someday.
Twenty-two years later, that student who dreamed of Final Fantasy VII is now involved in developing the remake. I can’t help but feel like it’s fate.
In this title, I handled overseeing the development team overall, such as deciding development milestones, constructing a workflow using Unreal Engine, and taking responsibility for game design.
Here, I met staff members who were involved in the original game, who entered the industry with childhood dreams of Final Fantasy VII just like me, and those who were drawn by the allure of Final Fantasy VII and joined the dev team from overseas. It was a gathering of amazing creators with passion and ambition towards the game. All I have is gratitude for having the opportunity to meet this team.
With all this in mind, I’ve considered the following phrase important: “respect for the original.” Final Fantasy VII Remake takes on the challenge of creating something that’s created specifically thanks to the technological power and entertainment quality that matches the current generation, while treating the captivating elements of the original game with respect.
For those who’ve played it: “new but familiar.” For those who haven’t played it: “experience the charm of Final Fantasy VII which moved the hearts of many, now created with the most exciting modern technology available.” I hope you enjoy it!
Motomu Toriyama (Co-Director / Scenario Design)
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For the original game, I joined the project as a planner who was just starting out on my career, and I worked on Sector 7 slums and Wall Market.
In producing Final Fantasy VII Remake, the thoughts and feelings I had when I was just starting out back then were revived, and at the same time, I took on the challenge of new methods of expression that I’m able to execute now that I have the experience.
The original version was a forerunner when it came to RPGs that used 3D CG, but the characters were made of polygons, the dialogue was in text only, and cameras weren’t able to be used for cutscenes.
In Final Fantasy VII Remake, we’re using the newest visuals, voice acting, and character facial expressions to redesign the Final Fantasy VII universe to be more realistic. By increasing the realism of the universe within the city of Midgar, which is made prosperous by mako energy, we of course also reimagined the characters who reside there, like Cloud and Tifa, more vividly as living and breathing human beings, depicting their daily lives and feelings in a more in-depth manner.
We took care to remake not only the main characters, but also characters like Johnny and the Shinra Middle Manager who I created back then. Please keep your eye out to see how they make their new appearances. Additionally, when remaking the Honey-Bee Inn at the Wall Market, we revived it is as a pantheon of entertainment, which couldn’t be realized back then. Here, the scene that many of you have been eager to see, where Cloud disguises himself. Please enjoy.”
Shintaro Takai (Graphics / VFX Director)
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I created the effects for the original Final Fantasy VII. Back then, the scope of development was so exorbitantly massive that I just threw myself into the tasks for which I was responsible, without even fully understanding what sort of game we were creating.
Near the final stages of development, when I finally tried playing the test version, I remember being surprised by the graphics and the depth of the story, as well as how fully realized it was, and I remember enjoying the game as a player. It’s been 22 years after that, and I’m participating in the Final Fantasy VII Remake project as a developer, and today, I’m able to experience the impact and fun similar to that of the previous title.
For the remake, I’ve mainly directed the effects section, while also crossing over into other sections for decisions and directions on overall graphics.
Among the many major games that are celebrated for their photorealistic graphics, FINAL FANTASY VII is a little different. Not only is it realistic, but I believe you’ll notice that it incorporates “playfulness” in the design and colours for an originality not found in other games. Effects are an area that is particularly conducive to expressing various elements of “playfulness.”
I hope you’ll enjoy various effects that are not only beautiful, but also convincingly portray realism and magic!! Various elements of game design and graphic design have been packed into every corner of the vast Midgar. I hope you enjoy it!!
Teruki Endo (Battle Director)
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When I played the original version, I wasn’t on the game creation side of things, and I remember enjoying it as a player and feeling constant surprise at the evolution of games. The three-dimensionality of the stage and the dynamism of the battle scenes have left a strong impression on me. Back then, I never even imagined that I would someday be on the side of creating games, or that I would be able to be involved in that game.
Speaking to my own personal experience, I had mostly been creating action games thus far, so for this title, I took on the challenge of remaking a system that was not of an action game originally and incorporating action elements into it.
Production was completely different than that of a pure action game, and the need for new design philosophy often arose. Production involved constantly searching for the best balance between action and command elements, but I believe we’ve managed to do this in an exciting new way.
In order to create battles that are surprising and never boring, we worked hard to create a variety of strategic elements for each boss and enemy. Also, in constructing battle systems for each character, we wanted to respect the image of the original version while additionally introducing many new abilities. I hope you’re able to find your own style of battle by combining those abilities with Materia.
Takako Miyake (Environment Director)
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For Final Fantasy VII Remake, the graphics team worked to the theme of “how would Midgar look if it existed in real life?” As such, as the environments team, we examined those portions that were once left to the players’ imaginations, fell outside of the on-screen area, or were between scenes, and tried to supplement them in detail.
For all the fans out there, we worked our hardest in hopes that you’ll be able to relive an experience that also surpasses your memories.
For all of you who are playing for the first time, we worked our hardest with the sole hope that you’ll experience this amazing universe that has remained beloved by so many for 22 years, and to be able to convey its charm.
Additionally, in order to create a fitting backdrop for the drama unfolding around the main characters, and in order for it to be a stage where the various characters living in Midgar can be their vibrant selves, all of teams, including the environments section, came up with ideas and worked collaboratively. Midgar is a closed city. However, I would be very happy if by experiencing the drama unfolding around its residents and the main characters who go through it, you feel as though Midgar actually exists.
I am a Final Fantasy VII fan, so being able to take part in the Remake was something that made me happy but also nervous. It’s been an unforgettable development experience. I truly hope that everyone enjoys it.
Iichiro Yamaguchi (Lighting Director)
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Final Fantasy VII, for me, at the time when I was in school, was a very impactful game. It really pierced my heart as I was at such a sensitive age, with not only a rich story, but charming characters, world setting and music, not to mention that it was the first in the series to be in 3D polygon format. This was the piece that really brought out my interest in CG in general.
When I was able to join the Final Fantasy VII Remake team, I started by thinking back to how I felt when I first played it. Midgar, with its’ abundant mix of different elements and original characters like Cloud, became something unbreakable and the “standard” for me in Final Fantasy VII.
In the world of the game, just like in real life, if there is not some form of light then you won’t be able to see anything. So when putting up lights just anywhere, Midgar could lose its token Midgar-ness, and Cloud wouldn’t be Cloud anymore. I’ve taken as much care as possible to recreate the world that I had saved in my mind and attempted to remake it to a fresh and modern standard.
The positions of the few lights that illuminate the entirety of Midgar, the adjustments made to each and every voluminous cut-scene… it’s all a lot of work to do! However, alongside the rest of the wonderful lighting team we feel that we’ve brought something great to the table. We’ve left in the elements that will have you going “Ah, that’s what it was like!”, and yet you’ll still be able to enjoy the world of Final Fantasy VII in its new and fresh style!
Masaaki Kazeno (Character Modeling Director)
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I was among those who bought the original game on the day of its release and played it constantly, clearing it in under a week. Those that also have cleared it will understand this, but I also wasn’t quite satisfied with the locations, so I continued to play it after clearing in the same places as well.
And so, my memory of Final Fantasy VII was how I actually started studying CG, after being left with the strong motivation to want to create a Final Fantasy game when playing it and truly being moved by it.
So I just made my mind up and bought a PC to help me study – something that I had never even touched before. So for me, someone who had been so strongly influenced by the original, to be working on the characters of the remake, I want to do everything I can to make them in a way that shows both a charm and freshness whilst keeping that nostalgia.
So I want them to reflect in a fresh way that that also allows players of the original to remember the time that they played the original, as well as make them detailed and charming enough to give first-time players the understanding of just how charming they are.
I’ve ensured to arrange things like hairstyles and outfits to re-create the design from the original, so I encourage anyone to take time with their camera angles when playing to take a look. Also, there are several characters that stand out other than just the main characters that you’ll find. So please see for yourself as to what kind of appearance and characteristics they have! Other than that, we’ve got enemies in there perhaps too close to the original, and there are many surprises coming in the Remake for you to all look forward to! Keep your eyes out!
Yoshiyuki Soma (Animation Director)
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When Final Fantasy VII came out, I was actually more of a Sega Saturn fan, so I didn’t play it straight away. However, when it was decided that I was to join SQUARE, I was put on the development of Final Fantasy VIII, and so I thought to myself “I’m screwed if I don’t know about Final Fantasy VII!”. That’s when I bought a PlayStation and played it so much.
Those memories feel like only yesterday. So I can’t say this too loudly, but I actually started it out of obligation rather than as a fan. However, I was absolutely enthralled by the world and lore as soon as I picked it up!
For the animations; each and every member of the team – from those responsible for battles, fields, simple events, cut scenes, mini-games, facial expressions, to swinging things in the background, actual behavior settings—have all worked together to improve as one.
We’ve done our best to ensure that whatever you do, it feels like the characters are alive there with you. We really hope you enjoy the story of Midgar on a huge screen, with Cloud and his friends.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 3, 2020.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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dwyer74boyd-blog · 6 years ago
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thisseomarketingguide · 4 years ago
The Dog Thinker and The Truth
I love Dogs, so I regularly think, how, what, where and why canines do what they do? My central goal, has been to notice, and be dynamic locally, and anyplace to energize canine mindfulness. Why? Since canines need us. They rely upon mindful people to really focus on them. Be that as it may, as a canine scholar, I know more. The people NEED the canine more!
What caused me to choose to compose this article? Indeed, I am a canine mastermind, and am excited about canines' conduct any place they are. At home, on strolls, at the recreation center, at the sea shore, in a vehicle, on a level bed truck, stuffed behind a bike, simply sitting, or setting down, standing and woofing, and simply being a canine.. Allow me to make it understood, I'm not a canine watcher, but rather a canine scholar. Each canine that crosses my way, my considerations begin thinking about the thing they might be encountering. For instance, I think, about the data, canines are getting smelling as they stroll along, or what makes them bark at certain individuals and not others. I notice and think how human conduct change, and consistently to improve things, when canines are important for their lives. I unfortunately think how canines go into damaging conduct in their own home when left alone for significant length at an at once. I think what canines might be dreaming about with the peculiar shenanigans they show during rest. All so retaining and testing.
Numerous individuals settle on choices about adding a canine to their family, and acknowledge the duty really focusing on their necessities. In any case, notwithstanding canine mindful, other family duties and occupations occupy time and energy. On the other hand, there is another "relative," the PC. Helpful, proficient, educational, slick and coordinated, the web has gotten a vital "relative!" Easy openness to data, individual associates, relatives, schools, specialists, houses of worship, outsiders, organizations and out and about associations has make life plentifully full. The ruin for some, is its addictiveness. Such a lot of consideration given to the expanding marvels of the web has caused numerous individuals to lose face-to-actuality individual associations.
Canines' don't utilize the web.
Canines' ears, nose, and mouth are, their web.
Accommodation, speed, and long for data has become a need in the present way of life. Online media programs compensate for the absence of vis-à-vis individual associations. We have Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, StumbleUpon, web journals, sites, email, Merchant Circle, LinkedIn, Skype, YouTube, Flicker, Snag-A-Job, Wikipedia, Search Engines thus substantially more to be appreciative for in acquiring kinships around the planet.
Canine's don't utilize the web.
Canines' social scene is any place they are.
Ways of life in all monetary levels are haute, while having the most recent in web embellishments. We go through cash, to make it helpful to NOT have vis-à-vis individual contacts!
Canines' don't utilize the web.
Canines' way of life is giving of themselves.
Meeting with others for inventive reasoning versus web conversations are decisions, yet the web wins constantly The energy for eye to eye contact has been lessening. An in-person contact happens unrepentantly.In different words, why go across the road to visit somebody, when you can email? Why in your own home, walk higher up to tell your teen supper is prepared, simply email the "supper ringer!"
Canines' don't utilize the web.
Canines' exhibits steady mindfulness..
Canines' "quiet" way has been underestimated. Since they can't talk, doesn't mean they don't know about the climate or your faculties. As a canine scholar, canines don't need over-whelming consideration. They make the most of their space to search out environmental factors with their sharp detects. So when you nestle, or scratch them to an extreme, they may leave. They lean toward consideration just when they sense they are rewarding you.. They need to serve you, not you serve them "constantly. " Their free craving, expect you to keep down now and again, without something over the top "picking or pressing their body." especially they don't mind when you play a lot with their tail. Importantly, canines need to be effectively focused, so they can "read" how they can best reward you.
The canines' set of experiences returns more than 15,000 years back when they were domesticated.Due to particular rearing by people, the canine has formed into many differed breeds. Today we keep on being acquainted with new varieties, for example, the now famous Labradoodle a combination of a standard Poodle and a Labrador Retriever. Cross-rearing whether intentionally, or arbitrarily, the canines' attitude with human connections doesn't change. Canines observe each move proprietors make, and know when their hide group is expected to give comfort. Trust me, I am the canine scholar.
Canines don't utilize the web.
Canines' steady sense continue as before... reliably mindful.
More individuals are receiving, buying, and gifting canines at a disturbing expanding rate today. Canine medical services experts are expanding. Pet shops are developing all through the world to fulfill canines' practical necessities. Claim to fame canine shops for toys, apparel, and home frill are blasting organizations.. Land is saved for exceptional canine parks. Laws are creating in canine networks for better upkeep. The canine food industry has become so enormous, and keep on doing as such. We can acquire and make a benefit with canine organizations. With expanding interest in canine mindfulness, canines have their contemplations about these also! Canines of all sizes,colors, examples, loads, and perspectives are chosen with such consideration and pride to turn into a family expansion. Canines, love experiencing the decision stage. They need to be picked by somebody who needs them. Not somebody who will utilize them as a prop. It is my deduction from the canine's perspective, they could do without the extravagant dress, shoes and frill.. Canines think, simply keep me clean without the extravagant stuff..."my hide is my apparel." They need treats and expanded dinners solid for them. They were not intended to wear chains, however to run and romp.in enormous fields unreservedly. Notwithstanding, they do realize they would be more secure as a rule when guided by their chief on a chain. They acknowledge the free chain, not the stifled rope. They love yellow, and delicate blues. They can't see reds and greens. Be that as it may, the principal thought in a canine is their lord. Trust me, canines know that each bustling family unit long and need them. Canines need to be there for their proprietor and offer the quiet, harmony, love and faithfulness missed during the proprietor's day by day connection with the web and absence of individual up close and personal contacts.
Canine's don't utilize the web.
Canines PROVIDE for our HUMAN LACK.
"Dog!....come to daddy!
Shockingly, canine has been directly close by constantly.
Canine promptly wakeful to your sound.
Canine promptly bounces up to your knee, energized with affection in his eyes.
Canine loves the stroking on his neck, as you do, so you stroke once more.
Canine satisfies you with a serene and euphoric energy, and in this manner loosens up you following full time work.
The arrival of endorphins for both human and canine, sprouts with comfort, no human, or web can give, and that is THE TRUTH.
0 notes
aion-rsa · 5 years ago
Halo Infinite Graphics Explained by 343 After a Week of Craig Memes
In July, fans finally got a look at the gameplay of Halo Infinite, the next major chapter in the beloved first-person shooter franchise. Touted as a showcase for the power of the Xbox Series X, the game has been positioned as the next-gen console’s flagship title. Unfortunately, while the long-awaited gameplay demo should have been a victory lap for Xbox and developer 343 Industries, it’s actually become a hotly debated topic among Halo and Xbox fans.
The major point of contention on social media, forums, and across game outlets? Halo Infinite‘s art style and graphics, which some fans have criticized as a “step back for the series” and not what they expected from a next-gen game. Some on social media have even created a meme inspired by one of the Brutes in the demo who has (unfortunately for him) become the poster child for Halo Infinite‘s “current-gen” graphics. Meet Craig the Brute:
I'm Craig pic.twitter.com/QIEqW0jtKx
— Craig (@ImCraigTheBrute) July 24, 2020
Halo Infinite Craig may be my favorite meme of 2020. Not sure Microsoft likes it tho… pic.twitter.com/LobCEFveLz
— Michael (@LegacyKillaHD) July 26, 2020
Eurogamer’s tech-centric vertical Digital Foundry has also chimed in, dissecting the demo’s use of dynamic lighting and shadow effects to explain why the footage might have looked a bit “flat.”
Since the demo dropped online, 343 has been very open about its approach to the game’s visuals. In a closed-door Q&A after the release of the demo, 343 creative director Chris Lee said that the studio had chosen the brightly colored, Halo: Combat Evolved-like art style on purpose, saying it “harkens back to some of those iconic looks that we’ve had in Halo.”
The art style isn’t the only way in which Halo Infinite is recalling the past. In the nine-minute demo, we watch as Master Chief shoots and melees his way through ranks of Covenant enemies with assault rifles, shotguns, plasma weapons, and the franchise’s iconic, high-precision pistol. We watch as he maneuvers a Warthog across the rocky landscape of a Halo ring, mowing down Grunts and Jackals on his way to take down one of three land-to-air cannons. The demo even mirrors an early mission in Halo: Combat Evolved where Master Chief has to save three groups of stranded space marines after they crash land on the first Halo ring. It’s more than clear that 343 is looking back to chart the future of the series.
Now, in a new blog post on Halo Waypoint, 343 community manager John Junyszek has further addressed Halo Infinite‘s art style and what the studio is doing to improve the game’s graphical fidelity and presentation.
“Based on our learnings from Halo 4, Halo 5, and Halo Wars 2 – along with strong community feedback – we decided to shift back towards the legacy aesthetics that defined the original trilogy,” Junyszek explained. “With Halo Infinite, we’re returning to a more ‘classic’ art style which was a key message going back to the very first reveal that garnered enthusiastic and positive responses. This translates to a more vibrant palette, ‘cleaner’ models, and objects with less ‘noise,’ though it doesn’t mean less detail. While we appreciate this may not be everyone’s personal preference, we stand by this decision and are happy to see it resonating with so many fans around the world.”
Junyszek noted that, after the debut of the gameplay footage, 343 had heard “far more positive than negative” feedback, but he also admitted that there was still work to be done when it comes to the game’s graphical fidelity.
“Negative feedback in this area includes comments around characters and objects appearing flat, simplistic and plastic-like, lighting feeling dull and flat, and object pop-in. We’ve read your comments, we’ve seen the homemade examples of retouched content, and yes we’ve heard the Digital Foundry assessments. In many ways we are in agreement here – we do have work to do to address some of these areas and raise the level of fidelity and overall presentation for the final game.��
Junyszek echoed what Xbox Marketing general manager Aaron Greenberg told Inside Gaming in the hours after the gameplay demo was released, stressing that the game was still a work in progress. While Greenberg suggested that it was difficult to present the game at its graphical best over a live stream anyway, Junyszek explained that “the build used to run the campaign demo was work-in-progress from several weeks ago with a variety of graphical elements and game systems still being finished and polished.”
The 343 staffer reiterated the team’s commitment to the Halo community and making Halo Infinite the best experience is can be.
“While some of the feedback was expected and speaks to areas already in progress, other aspects of the feedback have brought new opportunities and considerations to light that the team is taking very seriously and working to assess. We don’t have firm answers or outcomes to share yet but the team is working as quickly as possible on plans to address some of the feedback around detail, clarity, and overall fidelity. The team is committed and focused on making sure we have a beautiful world for players to explore when we launch.”
Junyszek also revealed that, while the team is shooting for 4K 60 fps on the Xbox Series X, PC gamers will have more freedom to push the graphical fidelity of the game.
“As PC players expect, there will be plenty of settings that you can tweak to create the experience you want and we’ll have even more details on that in the coming months.”
While it does sound like Halo Infinite‘s art style is here to stay, it’s good to know that 343 is working hard to improve on other aspects of the game as the release date gets closer. Hopefully, we’ll get to see another look at the game when things are a bit more polished.
The 343 community manager concluded the blog spot on a lighter note, giving fans an update on Craig, who seems to not only be coping well with being meleed in the face by Master Chief but also all the attention he’s gotten since: “We’ve all laughed very hard at the nonstop stream of Craig memes the community is cranking out. Craig is thick-skinned and seems to be taking it in stride though all of this fame and attention seems to be going to his head.”
Halo Infinite is coming to Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.
The post Halo Infinite Graphics Explained by 343 After a Week of Craig Memes appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2XegitA
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daisyk89-blog · 5 years ago
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Free photo editor for PC download
Photo editor for PC free download and software to edit a picture to colorize a picture
Once in a while there certainly will be a single thing in a picture that you absolutely do definitely not desire to be certainly, there, such as a troublesome pimple on another person's nose. This is very simple to clear away in all the leading photo editor for PC. It is really very simple to remove any type of items out of a photography however the photo editor for PC performs very well on unique, small-sized items that are usually closed in by even color tones. This is due to the fact that the heal device needs to replace the area you want to get rid of with another thing, and also this works ideal when it has an area close by that looks similar. For instance, dark point on a face is surrounded by a lot of likewise tinted skin, so the heal device can easily compute what to change the pimple based on the bordering area. That is probably for the photo editor has to remove and replace the area you need to take out together with something else, and also this function perfect when it gets a spot close by that seems identical. Photo editor has actually turned into really complicated and effective and it is actually possible to control images so they end up being totally various from the original. There actually are dozens of photo editor for PC and plenty of means of achieving the same or very similar end results. The objective very most for many pictures I publish procedure is actually to help make them appear being normal as possible. I strongly believe this is a great point to start, also if you wish to go on as well as develop much more unique looking photographs.
Tone array in a picture is just one of the biggest worries. Your eyes are able to normally see a broader series of hue than your electronic camera most likely shot. The meaning of image editing is the process of altering a photograph, simply put. Still, that is simplifying a theme which is rather intricate. You can generally execute simple image editing techniques like photo printing relatively conveniently and also promptly however complex strategies as well as digital modifying may require photo editor for PC as well as more knowledge. Photo editor is a gadget that anyone can work with to manipulate and also beautify photos. Because pictures include a raising variety of uses, increased firms are discovering techniques to reutilize photos and also make use of them on lots of ways.
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zionozuj101-blog · 5 years ago
Crop an image with the easy to understand photo editor for Windows 10
Helpful hints to enhance photos with the photo editor for Windows 10 download and useful photo editor for PC and experts for convenient rotate photos. Photo editor for pros or program to edit photos to rotate photos and insert texts in photos. Download for free the photo editor for Windows 10 for quick and simple colorize photos.
It's alluring to center in on something details you are go for to record when a person shooting a photograph in a special span. Yet it's in fact far better not to zoom in, doing so can make the picture will be fuzzy and rough. Rather, try to get near to the object, unless it is a fast thing, in this instance we would certainly advise maintaining the area or else shoot the picture from a default area, and also crop it after. That way, you will not endanger high quality, as well as it's less complicated to try out and optimize a larger photo.
Photo editor for Windows 10 performs possess a few of the functionalities is actually known for, which happens somewhat helpful when you have actually chose you've like to try your give on something extra extravagant than insert objects into photos and print single photos. Photo editor can easily also import screenshots from video clip, along with varying data. As well as when you are actually feeling a little bit idle or it is actually simply ordinary unaware concerning how to utilize a few of the devices, an assistant may help you to change the basics like lighting, emphasis, color, and also sharpening of photos. For those that like their images in widescreen editions, the software program app aids you effortlessly assembled images to generate a beautiful photo. And when it is actually time to printing off your digital photography abilities, you may selection amongst the photo package deal design templates to instantly print all of them in a particular size.
Photo editor for Windows 10 free download or program to edit photos to blur a photo or photos colorkey
This photo editor for Windows 10 is actually most effectively for ecstatic students with a considerable amount of attend their hands to determine the also technical attributes that would certainly scare quite very first time picture changing consumers. It similarly comes geared up with a 360 degrees view plan. Perhaps the glossiest treasure in the bunch will be the lovely skin influence, which gets rid of reddish places and evens out the skin layer tone. As there is actually no self-regulating different colors repair choice rather critical to remedy the low quality illuminating very most electronic cams squeeze, there are still the typical components of contrast change. Among the most misconstrued components of electronic photography is what happens after you made the photo shot actually modifying your picture. This is where you edit the pictures you have actually taken, to produce the end product. Editing your images is the equivalent of the room dark from the time long period of time ago. We are most likely to be discuss some concepts for editing your pictures, from the basics like photo sepia as well as dynamic blending, with much more complex activities. The crop technique allows you to alter the size of your image, as well as also to transform the facet ratio. As an example, you can chop an image from a rectangular form to a square shape. There are many factors you would certainly want to cut out, including for posting in various styles and also aspect relations. Contrasted to the initial, I have chopped the picture with photo editor to remove the lightning part of the right-hand side of the image and also reassembled using the guideline of quarters. This makes the coloring screw extra the focus of the shot. You might ask yourself why I did not simply make up properly when taking the image. Well, in this instance, I was working on a long presence photo shot without any a tripod, so had actually the electronic camera balanced on the side of the sidewalk for security. That quite restricted my capacity to perfectly mount the minute, so I simply photoshoot bigger, recognizing I had the ability to chop the picture appropriately shortly after the reality. In this both situations, cutting out is very basic and also it is just involves you choosing the crop item and afterwards choosing the area you wish to keep with your mouse. You use the adjustments and your brand-new cropped picture is ready to go. Discover more about brighten images with the photo editor free download and top photo editor for PC for experienced to functional flip pictures and very easy dynamic blending. Easy cut images with a photo editor for pros to color splash. Download here free this photo editor for Windows 10 for fast and simple blur an image.
Discover more about crop photos and photo effect brush with the photo editor for Windows 10 free download or functional photo editor for PC and professionals for uncomplicated saturate a photo. Photo editor for Windows 10 for practical text in photos and powerful sharpen a picture. Download free the photo editor for Windows 10 for speedy and intelligent resize a photo. Among one of my personal petty nuisances in photography is when the perspective boundary in a pic is not degree. Occasionally if we are actually caught up in the minute, this fundamental rule is forgotten however the bright side is that modifying your photos with the photo editor for Windows 10 to make them level is also very manageable. Leveling the cam at the side of the boat dock meant that the picture was not degree that is specifically easy to see to the sight when the picture has actually a plainly identified perspective line, like the ocean. A focusing device becomes part of the cropping device, as well as you can simply turn the photo to fit. The moment you choose the focusing method, a grate will definitely show up to help you become the alignment right. Leveling a picture is a really simple job that will certainly take simply a couple of seconds, resulting in a lot more aesthetically hitting the spot pic. Occasionally if we take a picture, components of the picture may finish up being darker than we desire. I refer to the less colored spots of the picture as shadows, as well as the brilliant locations of the image as high light. Contrast is actually concerning highlighting the distinction between the light and also dark parts of the photo. Increasing the comparison of a picture can drastically improve the visible impact in which had, by creating the borders between these light as well as dark components more clear. Color or texture modification is an additional vital part of the photo editor for Windows 10. We are able to change picture shade in every kind of means, from altering the total warmth of the photo such as how blue and yellow it shows up, to individually altering the shade and also concentration of details colors within a photograph. I simply would like to go over some very helpful color scheme variations you may utilize to make your pictures just a little a lot more creatively effective. The fastest means in order to change the color or texture in regard to a picture is actually with the hue tool of the photo editor for Windows 10. That changes the appeal of any coloring within a photo to produce it essentially condensed. As with many modify, the secret is actually to find a good evenness way too much saturating the images often tends to look instead abnormal. Color images can easily be very efficient, as well as naturally black and also light is an exceptional decision for every type of scenarios, specifically, family portraits, as well as particular garden scenes.
More helpful hints about the photo editor for Windows 10 download for trainees and pros with a lot of new functions. Additional resources about Photo editor for Computer and edit a picture software to crop photos. Download the photo editor for fast and intelligent colorize pictures. In certain cases there certainly can be a single thing within a picture that you totally do just not intend to exist, just like an undesirable beauty spot on someone else's face. This is quick to clear away in every the significant photo editor for Windows 10. It is usually quite easy to clear away any items out of a photography but the photo editor performs best on distinct, tiny objects that are circled by the same shades. This is because the recover device needs to change the area you want to remove with another thing, and this functions best when it has a location close by that looks comparable. So for instance, a red spot on a face is surrounded by a great deal of in a similar way tinted skin, so the recover device can easily determine what to change the pimple based on the surrounding area. This is actually for the photo editor for Windows 10 has to remove and replace the area you like to remove together with another thing besides, and this function optimal anytime it gets a sector close by that seems identical. Photo editor has actually turned into quite complex and also impressive and it is usually possible to manipulate photos so they end up being totally various out of the original. There are definitely lots of photo editor for Windows 10 and plenty of techniques of accomplishing the very same or very much the same effects. The intent very most when it comes to a lot of photographs I upload procedure is definitely to help make them look being all-natural as you possibly can. I believe this is an outstanding point to start off, even in case you want to go on and also develop more surreal seeming images. Shade variety inside an image is generally one of the biggest worries. You are able to generally see a wider variety of coloration than the electronic camera can shot. The definition of picture modifying is the process of adjusting a photo, basically. Still this is oversimplifying a theme which is extremely complex. You can generally execute basic image editing and enhancing methods just like scaling photos rather easily and also rapidly yet complicated methods as well as electronic modifying may require photo editor for Windows 10 and more knowledge. Photo editor for Windows 10 is a helper which you can easily use to adjust and also enhance images. Because images have a boosting variety of uses, numerous companies are finding means to reuse pictures and also work with them on a few networks. Helpful resources about crop a photo with the photo editor for Windows 10 free download or brand new photo editor for Windows 10 for Computer with a lot of awesome gadgets to very simple saturate a picture. Blur an image made easy with the cool modern photo editor for https://www.storeboard.com/blogs/general/photo-editor-for-windows-10/1471380 PC. Free download photo editor for Windows 10 for pros and software to edit an image to saturate an image and add symbols in a photo.
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martin9395 · 6 years ago
A Datacard Printer For Premium as well as Market value
A really good location to begin appearing at memory card ink-jet printers is actually through company. The ink-jet printer's shipment qualified quality functionality and also promotion prices that matches in every spending plan. ID Management
  This ink-jet printer is actually tiny, however provides vivid photo high quality memory cards swiftly. The ink-jet printer may simply imprint a number of memory cards a moment giving a fast edge to a sizable project.
 One laser printer to search at if needing to have a general I.D. memory card is actually the Datacard SP35 Plus laser printer. The laser printer possesses an on-line consumer aid functionality.
 The Datacard Sp75 Plus ink-jet printer additionally gives the excellent quality memory cards that you relate to anticipate from Datacard along with the enhancement of surveillance alternatives. Staff member and also pupil IDs along with affinity card may be imprinted along with universal product code, magazine red stripes or even the latest closeness and also clever memory card functionalities.
 This color printer is actually jazzed-up adapted as well as may conveniently deal with sizable printing work. The printing project may be specified as well as the end results transcend photo high quality memory cards along with an easy, effective result.
 The SP55 Plus likewise includes an amount of safety attributes for the memory card and also for the color printer on its own. Coming from a basic I.D. to an extremely practical as well as protected memory card, the ink-jet printer enables you to manage the memory card layout as well as carries out located on the performance required Cardiff.
 Coming from straightforward I.D. memory cards to complicated memory card publishing needing safe and secure, ingenious functionality, Datacard is actually the maker that can easily supply the end results you are actually searching for.
 The ink-jet printer is actually understood for being actually effective as well as likewise heavy duty. Higher amount tasks are actually anticipated through this degree of laser printer. Including less relocating components that the ordinary color printer, the laser printer is actually tough as well as gives constant functionality every year Cardiff.
 Determining to purchase an I.D. memory card color printer to give improved safety and security for your company is actually effortless. Choosing which of the producers as well as laser printer versions to pick from is actually testing if you are actually need to have to the sector of customized memory card publishing.
 New as well as Improved Datacard Printer Options
 The most recent ink-jet printers are actually the Datacard SR200 as well as SR300 retransfer memory card ink-jet printers. These color printers deliver full-color, over-the-edge publishing on either an imprinted solitary edge memory card or even a twin edge imprinted memory card. The color printers possess the possibility of a laminator to even further boost as well as protect the imprinted memory card.
 The SR200 color printer is actually suited for companies that need a singular edge memory card printing. The SR300 laser printer is actually a double sided color printer.
 Datacard Group is actually a top quality producer of I.D. memory card color printer bodies. The business is actually headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota, yet possesses a globally customer bottom in over 120 nations. The business, along with over 1400 workers, offers reducing advantage color printers readily available for business to huge federal government ventures that demand the highest degree of protection feasible.
 These ink-jet printers are actually altering the dynamic of the existing popular straight to memory card I.D. memory card laser printer. The retransfer ink-jet printer makes certain first-rate memory card outcomes through moving a photo coming from the printing lace onto the transactions movie. Straight to memory card color printers give to the side.
 These color printers possess a straightforward, small layout and also the innovation is actually budget-friendly for a wide variety of uses. The color printers refine the memory cards making use of garden positioning to lessen unnecessary color move.
 Along with over 40 years of reducing upper hand advancement along with I.D. memory card ink-jet printer production, the Datacard Group gives a huge profile of color printer remedies. The provider gives professional company as well as help for business, economic, authorities and also various other markets around the entire world. The firm feels they are actually the sector's leading label of safe memory card customization choices.
 Lately, the firm has actually been actually cultivating extra retransfer memory card color printers to their high quality product line of Datacard printer designs. These economical retransfer laser printers provide outstanding high quality for services as well as associations that are actually cost-conscious.
 Added functions certainly not on call on straight to memory card laser printers feature the safety and security wipe out attribute that obstructs out dark content on made use of bows. Given that these color printers imprint on retransfer component, an added perk of these laser printers is actually that the memory cards carry out certainly not possess to be actually a lowest of a picture level PVC memory card.
 What a Datacard Printer Can Perform For You
 The CP80 Plus is actually the following Datacard Printer our company are actually going to inform you approximately. This ink-jet printer will certainly carry out brilliant memory cards and also magnetic html coding. Datacard possesses numerous additional color printers.
 The Datacard provider has actually been actually providing I.D. memory card publishing developments to the marketplace for over 35 years. Their addition to the assembly-line production of individualized plastic memory cards for banks has actually altered the skin of services around the planet. In 2008, the company accomplished accreditation along with the ISO 9001:2000 - a global quality control specification that clients may count on.
 It is actually needed that individuals have actually ID memory cards. They can easily be actually an id memory card or even a chauffeur's certificate. Our experts can go on and also on along with all the factors that you require an I.D. United Kingdom.
 The initial our team will definitely inform you approximately is actually the CP40 Plus memory card color printer. This is actually a really beneficial as well as very easy to utilize color printer.
 There are actually various type of a memory cards laser printer offered on the market place today. In this particular short article our experts are actually heading to inform you concerning a Datacard printer.
 Datacard I.D. Card Printers Overview
 The cause our company mention this is actually due to the fact that there is actually even more sophisticated laser printers that arrive out on the market all of the opportunity. If you acquire the ideal ink-jet printer right now it will definitely be actually of the greatest innovation as well as it are going to maintain you coming from possessing to acquire yet another color printer for a lengthy opportunity. You may acquire improved software program and also be actually capable to utilize it on your color printer United Kingdom.
 Digital image I.D. options cultivated through this provider are actually a stand by for authorities and also business atmospheres; latest breakthroughs in holographic noting carry their memory card surveillance to brand-new amounts. On top of that, each one of this maker's tools coming from hands-on feed personal computer ink-jet printers to higher quantity devices may combine magnetic red stripe and also intelligent memory card encrypting alternatives. On-line aid is actually additionally accessible for the whole pipes of laser printers so you are going to consistently possess assistance when you require it Datacard Printer.
 This color printer possesses wise memory card, closeness memory card, bar code as well as magnetic red stripe alternatives. This ink-jet printer can easily carry out one sided or even dual sided memory cards.
 There are actually workers that are actually right now making use of a memory cards color printer to produce up staff member I.D. memory cards. Staff member memory cards are actually made use of for a number of causes.
 SP25 Plus
 Rewording a memory card "while you hang around" does not take a lot of a consumer's opportunity either because the method takes a lot less than 12 secs. If you wish to imprint complete shade photographes on one edge of your memory cards and also rewritable text message on the various other, the special SP25 is actually the only ink-jet printer in its own lesson that can easily perform this for you.
 The SP25 Plus helps make superb eco-friendly and also economic feeling for business that such as to maintain a really good deal with on their circulation of materials. Acquiring consumables to release all new memory cards is actually merely required when extending your consumer or even worker bottom (or even when you have to substitute the periodic misused memory card). This device utilizes thermic modern technology to create rewritable memory cards for business in several markets.
 SP35, SP55, and also SP75 Plus
 All the laser printers within this set component Datacard's bow saving idea modern technology that reduces your container expense to a lowest by utilizing simply as a lot span as needed for every task. Advanced Image Technology included on these ink-jet printers guarantees neat, tidy upper hands for images, message and also upc code. Include source holder and also tools padlocks to maintain your I.D. creation in the right-hand men in all opportunities.
 The frontal loading/dispensing SP35 is actually best for workplace where room is actually restricted. Area upgradeable alternatives as well as ongoing cleansing are actually simply a number of the conveniences this easy to use tool promotions. Include the smooth sided holding instance to your purchase if you prepare to take this 9 pound color printer along with you to off-site celebrations.
 Each color printers operate properly for mid/high amount usage and also may be actually furnished along with innovative encrypting components for intelligent memory cards as well as distance units. It is actually likewise the only Datacard printer presently providing the neon ink possibility Datacard Printer.
 RP90 Plus as well as RL90 Laminator
 The RP90 carries you retransfer publishing for raised longevity as well as printing premium on every memory card. For using DuraGard overcoats as well as laminates, you can easily possess the PL90 component combined in to your ink-jet printer package deal.
 The Fargo Printer
 The HDP5000 Card Printer/Encoders is actually swift coming to be a famous memory card ink-jet printer. This color printer may transform along with the necessities of the service as similar to updating as well as the innovations of memory card encoding. The DTC400e Card Printer/Encoder is actually the Fargo ink-jet printer extra suitable for the little to the middle of sized organisation.
 These are actually just 2 of the Fargo ink-jet printer set. Fargo gives the greatest ink-jet printer for any type of company setting. If a company gets on a purpose to spare funds as well as boost the possibility for profits revenue; a Fargo color printer for the identity memory card development procedure is actually absolutely an understandable option.
 Several organisations are actually swiftly finding out that one primary opportunity for conserving amount of money exists in the personal development of identity memory cards. Identity memory cards are actually a crucial component of the safety method in a lot of functions today. In add-on, those finding a Datacard printer to generate these memory cards are actually discovering that a Fargo color printer is actually an innovator in the business.
 Picking the correct laser printer relies on the demands of the company. The service requires an ink-jet printer that will certainly match straight in to the procedure. The possibilities are actually a lot of as well as the Fargo color printer is actually out there certainly that will definitely complete the objective.
 In add-on, they demand an ink-jet printer that provides on all of their memory card assumptions. Fargo gives a wide array of price welcoming information memory card laser printers that are actually created to help make the memory card generating procedure straightforward as well as efficient. Somewhat an organisation requires an easy plastic PVC memory card along with overall details or even an intelligent memory card encrypted along with biometric elements they may discover a Fargo laser printer to fulfill their demands.
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dragonnan · 7 years ago
Sherlock Musings (will include spoilers throughout)
I VERY recently concluded the entire collection of Sherlock episodes (currently aired with VERY high hopes of more to come!).  I’ve rewatched most of them more than once and accept, with zero hesitation, that these are some of the most amazing hours of television that I’ve ever experienced.  Astounding scenes, incredible cast, heartwrenching/brilliant/stunning stories...
I loved it.  I loved ALL of it.
If I were asked about changing anything it would just to have even more.  I would not bat an eye to add three hours to every episode.  Even if those hours just involved John and Sherlock drinking tea and sniping or Mrs. Hudson going into detail about her past or Molly and Sherlock having a heart to heart or a LOT more scenes with Irene or Greg or Mycroft or the Holmes Mummy and Daddy or the variety of villains and random other characters - just GIVE IIIIT!!!
Prior to going into this, I had a peripheral awareness of some fandom unrest.  As with many fandoms (including Supernatural.  Oh Supernatural....) there is occasionally a faction that becomes, I guess, volatile.  Which is not the same as passionate or even disappointed with stories not progressing as they may have wished.  I mean, I don’t feel ANY disappointment, myself.  I delighted in ever square inch of it all.  Also, to throw gas on the fire, so to speak, season 4 was my favorite.  Hand’s down.
I think, really, that’s the point of this little post.  I’m not here to call out anyone for feeling differently - I’ve certainly had my go rounds with disappointing seasons from other shows.  But Sherlock hit the mark, for me, on every level and I can’t help but be infatuated.
So getting into WHY I am massively addicted to season 4:
“It is what it is.”
I cannot hear that phrase, ever again, without bursting into mental tears.  It hurts and twists and shreds and makes my breath stutter.  And yet there’s so MUCH - too - of love and friendship and caring...  The embrace of empathy that went with those words, repeated, makes me collapse.  It was sublime.
Mary Watson.  ADORE her.  Even in her darkness, I adore her.  I don’t see her, at any point, as evil.  I see her as conflicted - tormented - terrified - and desperate.  I see her as having a tremendously short time to make a journey of a thousand years and doing it with amazing growth.  And I see everything within her that both John and Sherlock see and it’s no mystery, to me, why they both love and adore her in their own ways.  And what she brings to the dynamic is some of the most gripping scenes I’ve ever watched.
His Last Vow.  God yes.  Every second of it glitters!!
Closely followed by The Lying Detective - of which I sobbed more than any other episode.  SO. MUCH. HURT!!!!!  And of course it shredded me to see John’s violence - I HATED it.  But I actually don’t see that as out of character.  I know that will trigger disagreement but I’m only going on my personal observations and how i feel about it all.  I go back to the very first character analysis of John.  He wasn’t a man afraid of war and it’s violence.  He was a man who missed it.  Later - much later - Mary pointed out how he married her because he saw who she truly was - though he battled that descriptive of his motives.  Let me be clear - John, also, is not remotely an evil man.  He is a man with a bottomless well of compassion - caring - tenderness - LOVE.  But there is often a flip side to those passionate emotions.  “That's a crack shot you're looking for, but not just a marksman. A fighter. His hands couldn't haven't shaken at all, so clearly he's acclimatized to violence. He didn't fire till I was in immediate danger, though, so strong moral principle. You're looking for a man probably with a history of military service, nerves of steel...”  When broken too far - having the last shred of foundation pulled out from beneath him by that final person left in his life to provide ANY stability - I’m not surprised that John snapped. Utterly.  It was ugly to see - and it hurt.  But Sherlock understood it even though, he himself, carried a blame that wasn’t his to carry.  But if it provided John with any sort of solace he’d carry it, gladly.  That moment - horrible as it was - showed the depths Sherlock would go for John.  He would destroy his own body, dose by dose.  He would allow his best friend to beat him nearly senseless.  And he would allow himself, even, to be murdered.  Yes, he was saved, but surely Sherlock understood there was always a chance John wouldn’t quite make it in time.  
The Final Problem: It took me a minute to go along with the “secret sibling” trope.  Only because it has always felt somewhat silly to have a random sibling out there that the audience knows nothing about and is never mentioned by the characters.  And yet, how they utilized that trope, I cannot be mad at.  Because it explains SO MUUUCH!!!  WHY not just Sherlock, but also Mycroft, developing into the men they became - with minds gripping tight to deductions and science and logic and so, frankly, terrified of intimacy.  Why the sight of a disrobed woman with clearly amorous intentions would strike Sherlock speechless (to a lesser degree, in Study in Pink, when Sherlock at first thought John was hitting on him).  Why something of the same happens to Mycroft wit regards to Lady Smallwood and just NOT getting that she was actually flirting with him.  The way Mycroft, and Sherlock to a degree, despise the concept of friendship yet find themselves drawn into it nonetheless.  That they even push away from one another - Mycroft even able to watch his brother being tortured - as though they share none of the love they obviously do feel.  These things don’t happen in a vacuum - especially given the, seemingly, emotionally stable environment created by their parents.        
So admittedly I missed a crucial bit the first time I’d watched that episode and had thought Redbeard was Sherlock’s brother - spinning mental theories that even wondered if he was a twin.  I wasn’t at all disappointed, though, to come to understand he was Sherlock’s best friend.  It created this amazing flood of thoughts regarding Sherlock and friendship - including his ironclad NEED to have John as his friend - including a willingness to allow John to beat him nearly senseless.  Because even without understanding “why” he simply could not lose John - regardless what that meant for himself.  He would die before losing another person so important to him.
And I go back to the incredibly hurty scenes of John’s violence.  And I guess I will add two things that were missing that I needed - the second being a true apology.  Apology was kindof implied during John’s hallucination of Mary (and doesn’t THAT just color his meltdown all sorts of new shades??) [as an aside I find them fascinating in the way they each handle trauma - Sherlock and John.  John lashes out and hurts others whereas Sherlock lashes out at himself - the only pain he brings to others being sarcasm and... well... that one time he murdered a guy - but that bastard had it coming].  What John did was wrong.  I don’t condone it and I don’t support it - even I do sort of get “why”.  
Another thing I’ll add is how much I appreciate that BOTH John and Sherlock were shown speaking to therapists - and that it was sincere and vulnerable and open.  In spite of the fact John’s therapist turned out to be... well, you know.
Anyhow that’s the blast of thoughts in no fantastic order!
Here’s hoping for more episodes in the future!!
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stunningvacationtips · 7 years ago
Top Tourist Attractions in Tokyo
Tokyo will be the resources of Japan, situated on the eastern side of the landmass Honshu. The name Tokyo essentially suggests eastern capital, referring to its location inside the nation. The city, among the 47 prefectures of Japan, was officially identified as Tokyo Metropolitan area. Tokyo has taken a famous area inside the world map and also become an international city as well as a mega city. There are in fact a great deal of places inside the city, where you might discover its rich culture and also heritage. Though the style provides us a short right into worlds of the background of the location, the quality of modernity is purely shown with a number of the remarkable top traveler attractions. Check out additional on the products to do and locations to see in Tokyo.
To obtain an actually feel of the original Japanese common day of life, after that take a trip to Asakusa. Asakusa will allow visitors to truly feel the unique method of life of the preferred people of Tokyo's 'downtown' area where the 'Old Edo' still exists. Requirement products that include robe as well as hand-made combs are transforming into offered along the great deals of narrow back streets that are lined with old buildings and shops. The Nakamise Dori, a vibrant shopping arcade, is an additional incredible place to buy mementos. The Asakusa Kannon Temple situated here is called promptly after the Kannon, or the Siren of Mercy, to which the tall crucial hall is devoted. Imperial Palace Formerly identified as Edo Castle, the Imperial Palace is still coming to be bordered by its original inner moat. Considered as amongst one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, you could see handsome entrances as well as old guard towers evaluated intervals around the premises. The crucial entrance is approached by the elegant Nijubashi Bridge (Dual Bridge) and throughout special events it's going to be open to the general public. Whatever which is left of the central keep of the old Edo Castle is frequently noticed inside the East Yard (Higashi Gyoen). The yard is open to the public as a best area for leisure as well as for them to value the blossoms and also blooms of every single period. Art functions of the 20th century is typically seen at the National Museum of Modern day Art though the Scientific research Museum, a five-storey creating, homes three-dimensional display screens of exhibits covering all fields of modern day scientific research ranging from farming to area scientific research. The Kitanomaru Park, with a comprehensive garden having a path running using it, is situated alongside the two galleries. Visitors will absolutely would love to stroll along the Chidorigafuchi, a park around the moat of the Imperial Royal residence, to take a look at the charm of cherry blossoms throughout spring.
If consuming is your activity as well as okonomiyaki is your preferred, then ensure you not missed mosting likely to Tsukishima for the factor that it can be an area with extra than 50 okonomiyaki as well as monja dining establishments to choose from. Okonomiyaki is really a dish where the food it can be barbequed on a warm pan as well as resembles a pancake with vegetables, meat, fish and shellfish or noodles inside. Monja is rather significantly like okonomiyaki but is softer as well as contains added soup. It can be additionally generated from flour, veggies, meat and also seafood.
Gothic Lolitas as well as Japanese Princesses will try you attention in Harajuku. Takeshita Dori is household to shops that cater to the areas denizens as well as provides understanding right into trendy Tokyo road style. Harajuku is actually a colorful visitor attraction of Tokyo. The place is renowned all over the world as a result of its unique and historic society. Persons actually prefer to use distinct costume based upon their culture.
Ueno Park
Ueno Park is house to a zoo, a variety of holy places, a few of Tokyo's most reliable museums and is among city's most renowned areas for seeing the Cherry Blossoms every single springtime. Simply outside the park is Ameya-yokocho, a dynamic street marketplace filled up with small shops and vendors' carts - grab an area snack or keepsake or generally give up for a drink instantly after a walk by method of the park.
Tsukiji Fish Marketplace
An morning fish industry may perhaps not sound like basically one of the most traditional of traveler destinations yet Tsukiji Fish Industry has turn into a not likely draw for visitors. With its endless rows of frequently unidentifiable maritime types, bustling employees plus a rowdy pre-dawn tuna public auction, it could be the excellent antidote for the jet-lagged. Its emphasize is certainly tucking right into the best sushi breakfast likely in amongst the places that cling to the edges of the marketplace.
Shibuya is full of stylish and amazing shops that cater to Tokyo's younger generation. The distinguished Hachiko Crossing is amongst the busiest crossways inside the globe and is house to enormous video clip screens, fashionable signboards as well as one of Starbucks busiest stores inside the world.
Meiji Shrine
Standing in a considerable thick-wooded parkland of approximately 100,000 trees will certainly be the appealing Meiji Shrine which is dedicated to both the Emperor and also Empress Meiji. The shelter is an exceptionally fine instance of Shinto design and also boasts the highest possible variety of site visitors inside the country in the course of the New Year holidays.
Roppongi is an area with great deals of international embassies and also it could be a special area in which great deals of foreigners like to collect right here. It can be the center of Tokyo's exciting nightlife as well as has great deals of restaurants, nightclubs and also bars. The Roppongi Intersection is simply outside the subway departure and it could be a very amazing place which is generally complete of persons. Located here will certainly be the Roppongi Hills.
Ryogoku, Asakusabashi as well as Akihabara
Ryogoku is determined as the sumo fumbling town for the factor that for those who take a stroll along the town, you could discover great deals of spots connected to sumo wrestling. The Kokugikan Sumo Arena comes to be the arena of sumo competitions for 3 times a year kept in January, May maybe and September.
Yanaka, Nezu and Hongo
Yanaka as well as Nezu area is really a sloping puzzle of roads as well as alleys close to the Nippori Station. Besides the great deals of temples situated here, there are in fact also great deals of classic cafe, a tofu manufacturing facility, tatami weavers, an old burial ground as well as smaller sized galleries and also galleries. Tokyo is one of Tokyo's most popular traveler's places referred to as the Rainbow Town.
This prominent traveler attraction associates a large mall plus the interesting Joypolis amusement park as well as this location is typically packed to the max throughout the weekend breaks. Its Ferris wheels, amongst the globe's largest, will be the sign of Rainbow Community as well as it can be quite popular among young couples throughout the evening taking into consideration that it offers a mesmerizing evening sight from its encased pills therefore generating a romantic environment. When you're in Japan, a journey to this appealing nation is in no chance overall without having checking out Mount Fuji.
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carolinaforte · 7 years ago
7 weeks had gone and although there is still a lot to explore in Riyadh, as a sea lover I knew it would not take me longer to get on a flight and land in neighborhood Jeddah.
It’s definitely not a hidden gem for us Saudi expats, actually extremely popular within the borders of the kingdom but still hidden from the eyes of the world. Take the opportunity now to experience it before tourist visas start to be issue in Saudi. You certainly want to taste it raw with its strong cultural identity without being disrupted by fast globalization process introduced by international tourism. Don’t miss its authenticity!
Located in the center of the west coast of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah also known as Bride of the Red sea is home for some of the most beautiful beaches in the Red sea. It is also a massive urban center, with 4 million people is the second biggest city after Riyadh and Saudi Arabia’s commercial capital. It is also the principal gateway to Mecca and Medina, two of the holiest cities in Islam.
What to do in Jeddah ?
The Corniche
I am sure if you are in Jeddah you will be looking for enjoyment, water sports activities and a little bit of a more touristic feeling than you can find in most of the kingdom. If that’s you Cornish is the place to be. With more than 120 km of coastal area, Corniche has a lot to offer!
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From Al Hamra’a district, the King Fahad Fountain in the south to the most exciting beaches, water activities in the north don’t be surprised if you end up in road trips throughout the coast at least once.
The true is if you want to get the most out of your stay in Jeddah you will be forced to travel up and down the coast but stick to it and take the opportunity to enjoy the great diversity of monuments, malls as well as international artwork and sculptures alongside the coast. Every few meters you will see a masterpiece and every roundabout will come with a great piece of art. Although the art industry is not yet well developed in Saudi you can tell by the Corniche how much Saudis appreciate European art with some big names behind the scenario such as British artist Henry Moore, as well as work by Spaniard Joan Miró, Finnish artist Eila Hiltunen and Frenchman César Baldaccini.
South Corniche
Al Hamra’a district is where you can get the real sense of Old Jeddah. It is never quit but gets crowded after sunset prayers and doesn’t seem to get any less congested as the night goes by. Slowly the small groups of men gathering and students stooped over books are taken over by families and more female groups. Saudis have a bit of a different life style to what I am used to, although it makes totally sense considering the weather condition I could not stop to find impressive to see families heading to the park at midnight to share a picnic with their families. The younger are not excluded from this family activity, after all Saudis are very united as a family, regardless their age anyone is left out and all the activities they do have to be inclusive for all the family members no matter what!
Alongside the coast there are a few fancy restaurants with rooftops and a great view over King Fahad Fountain. Hopefully if you are luckier than us it won’t be close and you will be able to watch the biggest and apparently most impressive fountain in the world. Head there a bit before the sunset to get a good spot and watch the fountain coming to action as the sun goes down while drinking a cup of Arabic coffee, or nibbling some food. Among your options the one I tried was the Culture Cafe & lounge that I highly recommend. Although the food menu is not the spotlight, there is a great selection of coffees, teas and milkshakes as well as cakes and ice creams. The Location, lighting, decoration and spacing combined creates the perfect atmosphere to enjoy the moment!
If you are willing to hang around a bit longer after dinner you will be able to witness the invasion of cats coming to the park to eat the leftovers, people fishing along the shore, as well as the kids enthusiastically running around, riding bicycles and playing games well passed 1 am. Feels like as the night goes by the district gains more and more life and diversity.
If you want to get a closer contact with ancestral Jeddah and contemplate the exquisiteness of its historical heritage head to Al Balad Historical district, also known as Old Jeddah. It is been considered a UNESCO world historical heritage site since 2014. Here you can experience the authenticity and integrity of the traditional old economic market, from retail shops, traditional souks, small cafes, popular restaurants, and street food vendors. This is a surprisingly rich human and material environment place where Yemeni, Sudanese, Somali, Pakistani and Indian migrant workers purchase and market their products in crowded traditional souks. The simplicity of life, the tangible heritage from its history and unique architecture, as well as the multi-cultural social framework where Muslims from all over the world live and work together make it a real travel time experience!
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My best advice here is really to go in mind that there is no way you could get lost as it is hard to know exactly where you are.  Just wonder around the narrow streets while contemplating the old and distinct architecture of the buildings, engaging with the locals, appreciate the different specs of colors, smells and artwork. Go to the souk and don’t be afraid to ask, try, touch and engage with the sellers they won’t force you to buy anything just practice kindness and they will be grateful for you to stop by. Also, visit the Naseef House museum and head to the top floor for an overview of the city. Although I have not personally done it is supposed to be magic to go there during Maghrib prayer, and listen the call while watching the sunset.
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There is also Matbouli House Museum which is a small house where you can visualize and get the feeling of what life was like centuries ago. It is a bit imperceptible as it is just a random house. We were taken there randomly by a friendly local who speak no English but had the kindest smile ever.
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North Corniche 
The journey on masterpieces continues, laying over both sides of the roads, alongside with fancy malls, huge compounds contrasting with some substandard houses and dry land field where you can see the young generation playing football on bare foot.
It is very popular and ‘’touristic’’ due to its fancy beaches, boat trips, diving, jet sky and many other water activities.
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North Cornish was the start point for our diving experience, if you are a newbie in the field of diving and you would like to start by a discovery experience before investing time and money on obtaining a license, here is a great place to start. Desert Sea Divers offer a Dive Discovery Experienced in sea water, an entire day of fun on a boat with all meals covered, great company, good music and highly qualified instructors that will ensure your safety. Just make sure you do not go on a big group of newbie divers as you will need a personal instructor for each one of you and there is just a limited number of them. But do not hesitate to contact them, they are very attentive and I am sure they will do what it takes to accommodate your needs.
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To visit desert sea divers and all the offers available go to: https://desertseadivers.com/
Even if you are not keen to dive, the red sea is great for snorkelling. There are tons of corals that you can touch by the reach of a hand with a variety of ocean life than you can witness passing by right in front of your eyes.  I personally have done snorkelling in many different countries and continents and so far the red sea offer such an incredible ocean landscape in such clear waters that is impossible not to love above all of the previous experiences.
I doubt you won’t fall in love as soon as you dive into this fantasy-land of vibrant colors, shapes and life. The Red sea is indeed house for surreal stunning coral gulleys and valleys with a wide variety of ocean life.
As it is not advised to flight within the next 24 hours post diving you will certainly be left with a day in hands to enjoy and relax in the beach. Silver Sand beach was the most recommended by friends and another travelers we met on the way. Although I can’t compare to any other private beach in Jeddah, it is indeed a little gem. It is a little oasis of simple beach perfection. If you want to enjoy its tranquility head there early in the morning. It does not ever seem to get crowded but as the day goes by more people come to enjoy this little paradise.
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It is a bit tricky to get there as there is no signs indicating it but make sure you follow the GPS (see the link bellow), it will take you to a compound with a big white gate, there will be a window with a security on your left hand side just stop and ask, don’t waste your time trying to find any sign or indication. Private beaches are a bit costly but it is indeed worth the money you pay for it!
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Google maps location of Silver Sand Beach: https://goo.gl/maps/f156qEZ2i8U2
If you are a lover of locals’ dynamics take some time to contemplate the life of the public beaches. It can get extremely crowded and is a totally unlike experience!
My last piece of advice, do not leave Jeddah without a great sea food meal. There are plenty of offers alongside the coast. We tried Twina Al-Hamra’a branch, it is a chain of seafood restaurants in Jeddah. As a sea food lover and coming from a country that has more water territory than land it’s hard to impress me when it comes to sea food. But I will give it credit by the restaurant experience on itself. It is well decorated, good service and helpful staff. I personally enjoyed the Arabic coffee they offer at the end so if you are there give it a try but be ready for an intense flavor of cardamom!
Find more information about the menu and locations of Twina restaurants: http://twina.net/
Hope you enjoyed this quick overview of what to do in Jeddah in a short weekend. Although the time in hands was not much to get to know this truly amazing city into details, was enough to experience its beauty and get a sense of its identity. If you would like to know more about Jeddah just drop a comment or email me.
  A getaway to Jeddah 7 weeks had gone and although there is still a lot to explore in Riyadh, as a sea lover I knew it would not take me longer to get on a flight and land in neighborhood Jeddah.
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rebelians · 7 years ago
In my previous post about Presentation, and positive Representation, I listed many of the first times I saw Myself. Because of shows like The Cosby Show and A different World, we now have so much Black Love and Excellence seen on TV today. I am proud to be a youth in a society where my people are renaming what is is to be Black, the ivtersectionalities that exist in our community. I am proud to see a vast color spectrum, a variety of Continental Africans, Western African Americans, Caribbean, and West Indians. The fact that I can choose which beautiful melanin drenched scripted magic that enforces our Glo. It is trailblazers like Donald Glover, Issa Rae, Ava Duvernay, and Mara Brock Akil, that continue to push us forward and make it alright for us to Shine. This list encompasses my favorite shows that promote healthy living healthy black plight and success in the black community. The shows don’t glamorize or dehumanize black people to un-attainable level but rather show the real in the black community, giving real models not role models. I’m blessed to have such positive and real representations in my life that are relatable while being a guide and versions of what life can be in both negative and positive reinforcements. The first of the many beautiful productions is Queen Sugar.
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“Queen Sugar is a visually stunning production, making the most of the waterlogged bayous and swampy farmland of rural Louisiana.”(Saraiya) This colorful description of how Queen Sugar’s production is a visually pleasing aesthetic that takes the mud and swamp and makes it powerful and poetic. Queen Sugar is epic with its glossed frames and natural back drops. Using the actual land to bounce of the melodic skin tones of its leading stars Rutina Wesley, Dawn-Lyen Gardner, Kofi Siriboe playing the conflicted Bordelon siblings. The rough lives of community organizer, wife coping with adultery and separation, and a convict turned business man makes for many interesting tales. This contemporary drama, created by Ava Duvernay (my shero) with writing credits from Anthony Sparks, and on Oprah Winfrey’s network, stands in the sun and speak Confidence. I am Here is the theme for almost all of the positive shows on this list.  The impactful and strategy dedicated filming is important to note. From the director of photography Ava Berkofsk of Insecure, to executive producer Ava Duvernay of Queen Sugar new tactics of shaping black faces has become major in creating these needed figures.  “The sunlight filters through the clouds and over the shoulders of the Bordelon family with celluloid fluidity, rendering everything within the frame weirdly beautiful”(Saraiya). The importance of Queen Sugar is the humanizing of the south and the softening of our stereotype’s of it. The south is gorgeous, hot, sweaty, has good food, ghetto/country people, very masculine, behind in the times, and all about cooking, farming, and family. These are many stereotypes and fantasies of what the Black South life looks like. Queen Sugar stands up to the bar in order to show some discourse in the dehumanization of people with African ancestry. Although Aunt Vi can throw down and prepare food for her family she has aspirations for her talents. Being an ex-con doesn’t make Rah an unjust person it doesn’t take away from his heart. He is the personification of Tough Times not Lasting but Tough People lasting. While Nova likes to dance and enjoy the herb of the earth she also stands for a cause that isn’t just herself, she stands for her people. To be honest we all found Charlie extremely strong, to leave Davis, along with others I thought she was a role model of how to act with strength in abundance. But that over examination of black women has been in our movies, shows, and literature. Charlie’s character defies this. Having moments of breaking down, and being vulnerable is okay, and even better we will go on. I thank them for the tearing down and rebuilding of the black face. Thankful for the representation.
“…Because the lens so actively humanizes the Bordelons even as others in the narrative would diminish them.”
If we don’t tell our stories and show our face who will?
Continuing to look at how production and media representation is changing, the next show that is standing in truth and reality is Insecure. The white director of photography on Insecure, Ava Berkofsk, wants every scene to be aesthetically pleasing, like a photograph or painting. She says “When I was in film school, no one ever talked about lighting non-white people. There are all these general rules about lighting people of colour, like throw green light or amber light at them. It’s weird.”(Eweniyi)
 The reason for this teaching is because the world we live in and the society we stay in have said white people are the worthy, they are going to be the ones on tv shows and movies so we need to not worry about how to light black skin because there will be no black skin in our all white cast. It is important that we are treated and seen as the prepossessing, light defying kings and queens that we are. Insecure captures that. With its writing on real issues that affect young black adults navigating who they are in their communities how to impact their communities and societies for the better, how women are viewed especially black women, and who is the narrator of our experience. The show brings to the table discussion of sexuality and how women are hindered by what they pursue, and how double standards afflict the black community by destroying itself from the inside out. It touches on losing our selves on the journey of life and how we can find our identity once again. There is talk about this show alone saving the “Black Sitcom,” and I believe in it. The ideals of teaching lessons thru humor and good dialogue are what our 90s Black sitcom was built on. The resurgence of genuine music and reality balancing each other out is giving us Soulful renditions of our movies and childhood. We are yet again given a model who exemplifies what is it like to be flawed and living in it day by day. Issa has repeated over and over that she didn’t want to create a show about “the struggle of being black,” but rather, one about “regular black people living life.” Which is a poetic way of giving different perspectives into how we live and continue to rise higher. I am thankful for this representation, and I am thankful to Issa Rae, Melina Matsoukas, Yvonne Orji, Amanda Seales, Natasa Rothwell, and Ava Berkofsk, I see you.
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Honorable Mention: On January 10, 2018 at 8:30 on Freeform formally known as ABC family, Grown-ish the clever spin-off of Black-ish will premiere. The parallel of Cosby Show and A Different World, Brownish is exactly what college students like me are looking for. Similar to Denise’s story on The Cosby Show, Zoe goes to a fictional school, away from home leaving behind her younger siblings. Gratitude for this much needed series is more than overdue. For young-adults like me who love A Different World and aspire to be like the characters, having our own A Different World will be powerful. We Thank You Kenya Barris.
Dear White People, even with the freaking title we stepping on necks. Like honestly, this show was one of the best things to come out of this terrible year. With the alternative perspectives and new faces the meaning of what it is to be unapologetically black push through. The show is close to my own experience now, besides the bomb ass love life Sam has, with the pulling of many black groups, the division we face at PWI’s both from white people, disconnect with authority, and the hard journey of one of our most thought of attributes. Being black isn’t saying Dear White People you all are racist, insensitive, horrible, malicious people, but the show focuses on the pointing out of differences not ignoring them but the steps to readjust and fix the oppression that continues on our community. From intersectionalities and finding oneself through characters like Lionel, to the common feeling of trying to make black parents proud despite your goals in Troy, the outright nobility and courage in Reggie, the fear of failing and heavy value on americanization in Coco, and the restlessness and eager spirit of liberation and logic of Sam. Dear White People excels. I’m thankful for the experience of a black community at a White Institution. For me going to Towson is similar to DWP description of Winchester College. Issues like having more Black organizations than you can recall, and all being different in their own right, to slightly being attracted to a white boy, and feeling this betrays your Pro-Black personality, to the dynamic of having all white classmates who aren’t remotely close to you and all under the direction of a White Male teacher. So I thank Justin Simien for your bravery and transparent authenticity.
     Another Honorable Mention: Survivors Remorse gives us a glimpse into why many of our pro athletes go broke, get caught up, or loose the bag all together. This show has taken many turns but I am glad to say I still love it- Even tho they killed off my Unc Julius. Still salty on that one.
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Everyone’s favorite show to hate and love, Power always ignites a fire in black people to see a Boss like Ghost battle with keeping his footing in his place with success. From Black mothers being mad because Ghost starts falling in love with a white girl (who isn’t even really white, but because she isn’t black- she’s white), and siding with Tasha. To Tommy being a completely impulsive and un-resistable tough guy, who men love to watch. To Ghost making us fall for his charisma, fear his ambition, and be weary of his choices. Only one word sums the feeling of this show- Power.
From Mahershala Ali’s unforgettable, incomparable, and unbelievable performance as Cotton-mouth in only seven episodes, to Mike Colter’s  irresistible stone face, Luke Cage makes us proud to be one of the newest Black Supper Hero series.
Honorable Mention: The Get Down and The Life of Jessica James. The series takes place in the Bronx during the 70s, and is all about the discovery of self through the arts, essentially music.
The parallels of different in the black community which usually end up being represented as weird. The fashionable love the 5 Kings have for each other. The rejection aesthetic that Jessica toys with. The love for the moments they all encompass. I’m thankful for both of these representations. I was initially so sad, and heated that Netflix pulled this all POC/black show, due to ‘funding,’ because I felt this was about race. But the way we can look at this is in the aspect of shows like Freaks and Geeks who only had one season and stand as Iconic, so Will the Get Down. Also sidebar Jessica James should be a series, she is literally a style, and self icon. I appreciate the representation.
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This show made me wish the people who left my life wellness, had me write a new post-it every minute I felt ANYTHING, and made me see a glimpse of what my life could maybe consist of. Being Mary Jane. A show that doesn’t get enough attention or notoriety,  but doesn’t need it. It pulls its weight in dialogue and interest in the community and isn’t affected by its lack of awards nor nominations. Of course as a day one fan of the show since the movie/pilot, I wish that one year my girl Gabriel Union would’ve swept best actress, or we would’ve won best  Drama, but so is life. Being Mary Jane does a purposeful job and is deliberate. Of-course it has its times where we do not agree with the subject matter or find it demeaning, but this is seldom. The show gives us enough to be proud of and even more to relate to as growing black women in our careers. It gives light and passion on who we are and can be. I am thankful for this representation of a successful women who truly doesn’t have it all together, a real model. I praise you Mara Brock Akil and Gabriel Union.
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Lastly and principally on the list is Golden Globe and Emmy winner, Atlanta. A dream winner who deserved all the accolades we wished them. This epic triggered so many emotions and did so in only one season. Remarkable is the only word to describe the progress. Many counted the rapper Childish Gambino out, thinking how can a rapper know anything of how to make a realistic and interesting show. But the realness Donald Glover brings to the screen is unbearable. From the light and cinematography to the use of trap music, rap, and social issues that strictly matter to the exploration of self, Atalanta is a crazy representation for real life. I praise Donald and Stephen Glover, Lakeith, Zazie, and Brian.
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As I said in the first part of this two series epic, these beautiful people continue to promote positive energy for us as adolescence and young adults. It is major to my perspective especially, going to a PWI, that I have loved forced on me in different ways. The shows and short film up top have done just that. As the great hood scholar Tupac Amaru Shakur said “Marvin Gaye use to sing to me, He had me feeling like BLACK was the thing to be…” These souls are speaking to me and re-enforcing in me that Black indeed is the thing to be. We are More than Enough, Worthy, Beautiful, Important, and Needed, we continue to Shine, and to be amongst this ensemble of historic past and future makes me intensively proud each day. Peace x
  Positive Representation: How We continue to Shine In my previous post about Presentation, and positive Representation, I listed many of the first times I saw Myself.
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our-beginnings · 7 years ago
Jill Wetzler, Director of Engineering at Lyft
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What does your job look like day to day? What’s your favourite aspect of it?
Most of my day is spent in various types of meetings! I spend a lot of my time having one-to-one chats with my direct reports, peers, and skip levels. You might also find me in more strategy-related meetings, giving or receiving updates on critical projects. I also like to reserve at least an hour a day for myself, which allows me to catch up on email, prepare for our next All Hands, or reach out to someone I’ve been meaning to check in with. My favorite aspect of my job is seeing my colleagues and teammates learn how to take risks and step outside their comfort zone  and succeed! I love being a part of that journey in someone’s life.
Is engineering where you expected to find yourself when you were a kid? If not, what did you think you’d be when you grew up?
I was ambitious, but I wasn’t exactly focused— I just wanted to be challenged, and I considered medicine, law, and engineering because I wanted to be financially successful. When it came time to pick a major, I thought about how much I loved tinkering with my computer at home, and settled on either CS or Computer Engineering [at Carnegie Mellon University]. I never took a programming course in high school, so I wasn’t sure where I’d end up or if I would actually love engineering, but thought I’d figure it out as I went along!
What kind of tinkering were you doing?
I was never one of those kids who wanted to take apart a computer or figure out how it worked, but I’d spend hours playing any game or exploring any program I could get my hands on. I had a stack of 5 ¼ inch floppy disks my parents had acquired through friends and I’d run through all of them. Then, once we got the internet, I started teaching myself how to build websites, monkeying with HTML and building in Dreamweaver.
I had a stack of 5 ¼ inch floppy disks my parents had acquired through friends and I’d run through all of them. 
If you could pick one moment which sparked that initial interest, what would it be?
I went through a rough patch where I questioned whether I’d chosen the right major. I wasn’t feeling inspired, and couldn’t grasp how the assignments would translate to the real world.
This enormous sense of pride that I felt knowing my code had real-world impact was what made me want to make this my career.
But between my junior and senior years, I landed an internship with a company called BodyMedia, a wearable tech company. In one summer I worked on a huge variety of products, from an armband which measured calories burned, to an internal log viewer that helped engineers investigate customer issues. My last project was building a prototype display for a temperature sensor that could monitor a newborn’s temperature in the ICU, and it was something the CEO actually demoed to external partners. I remember the feeling the first time I pinched this sensor between my fingers and saw the display on my screen start to climb. This enormous sense of pride that I felt knowing my code had real-world impact was what made me want to make this my career.
Describe the path that followed, however meandering. How did you get from that to where you are now?
Like many Carnegie Mellon students, I found my first full time job through the school’s career fair. Salesforce was just starting up their university hiring program (engineering was <100 at the time) and I was their first hire through the program. It was a great time to be there, and I got to work closely with very experienced engineers and managers.
I stayed for 7 years, which is unusual in the Bay Area. I switched teams often but in my last year there, I decided to move into management. I was always interested in team dynamics, dependency management, and career development, so this felt like a natural move! My impact could be greater than it would be as an individual contributor.
A year later, I ran into a former manager of mine named Pete Morelli who had gone to Twitter, which got me thinking about working for a consumer company. I felt more comfortable making that drastic change with the help of someone familiar who’d look out for me.
So I ended up at Twitter, running all of the San Francisco teams in the Data Products org. When our external partners connected Twitter with their products and businesses, our tech did that. 
After two years, though, I was craving a change. I found out Pete was leaving for Lyft, and immediately added it to my list! I didn’t necessarily set out to follow him, but I loved my interviews and the team I’d be working with— and that’s where I am now.
Do you see a “typical” journey into the tech industry for the people you hire? Does the continued focus on CS degrees (and insistence that they’re not required) indicate that a bias still exists towards them?
I hire people from all sorts of backgrounds. There’s people with CS degrees from all sorts of programs, there’s bootcamp grads, and self-taught engineers. Some came from startups, others from big name Silicon Valley companies, and some worked in the government or military. They all approach crises and challenges differently, and that’s why we’re such a strong team.
I don’t think it’s wrong to place value on a CS degree; I think it’s very helpful to have several people on my team with a traditional CS background– but I don’t require it, and I make sure it’s not mentioned in any of the job postings I write.
[My team] all approach crises and challenges differently, and that’s why we’re such a strong team.
Do you ever feel pressure to be a mentor, an example, or a role model for other underrepresented folks in tech? 
I would argue that if a leader doesn’t feel a responsibility to mentor or be a role model for underrepresented folks in tech, then they should not be in leadership. It’s not so much a pressure as it is a part of my job. I got to where I am today because people advocated for me and modeled great management. It’s essential that I pay that forward, and do so in a way that benefits groups who are typically marginalized.
I’ve heard you say before that women and minorities should know their worth, but (in the interviewer’s opinion) just as much about others recognizing that worth. How does that problem get addressed?
This is an important point, and I'm always skeptical of putting the onus of responsibility solely on underrepresented people without also addressing the issues of the systems that oppress them. So when I say “know your worth” I mean two things:
Women, people of color, and all marginalized individuals should never feel like we have to stay in a bad situation (a job, a team, or even a relationship) if we have the means and the privilege to leave. We don’t owe anyone our time or presence.
If marginalized individuals do need to stay in a non-ideal situation (like needing money or stability or a big name on our resume), we shouldn’t let those situations influence how we feel about our own self-worth.
In terms of others recognizing and appreciating our worth, the bulk of the responsibility lies with leadership and with majority groups. That’s why I say it’s my duty as a person with power and privilege in my organization to represent the voices of those with less power and privilege. It comes with the job. I advocate for the underrepresented folks in my circle and I encourage my peers to do the same. When opportunities come my way, I’m quick to either share or defer them to those who deserve the spotlight. Every leader with privilege must do the same.
I'm always skeptical of putting the onus of responsibility solely on underrepresented people without also addressing the issues of the systems that oppress them.
Your open letter to teammates struck a chord with me. What prompted it? Did you notice any change as a result?
People know they can come talk to me about anything, whether it’s professional or personal. They will always get real answers from me, and I’m not afraid to be vulnerable and share some of my own hard-fought lessons. However, I wanted all the people I work with (not just those on my immediate team) to know that I care about them, and they all have the same invitation to talk in a forum that I feel is more productive. I don’t ever want my title or my busy calendar or the fact that we don’t work together directly to prevent someone from reaching out to me. Since then I’ve met with several people, and it’s great to have new connections as a result.
I don’t ever want my title or my busy calendar or the fact that we don’t work together directly to prevent someone from reaching out to me.
What was the most fraught thing about making the transition from individual to manager, as a woman in engineering? Any advice? 
Regardless of gender, most people who make the jump to a leadership role struggle with handling the simultaneous increase in responsibility for others while also needing to give up control and delegate. Where this gets interesting with regards to gender is that women are often conditioned to put others before ourselves. That can make it even more difficult to delegate work (especially if it’s not exciting work), or to feel okay letting some important things drop when your workload is overwhelming, or to prioritize time for yourself rather than your team.
women are often conditioned to put others before ourselves. That can make it even more difficult to delegate
All managers should view their role as one of service to their teams. I always want to put them first, but with the help of an executive coach, I began to see how some of my ingrained (and gendered) behaviors weren’t benefiting anyone. I’d forget to delegate or create time in my schedule for my own development in favor of taking care of my team’s day-to-day needs. It’s something I still fight, and it’s the opposite of great leadership.
The leap to management can leave you feeling lonely, and it’s really important to have a diverse support group of mentors and peers. I love this blog post by Lara Hogan about developing your “manager crew.”
If you could do everything all over again, do you think your journey would be the same? Would you want it to be?
There are a ton of different decisions I might make that could have potentially led me down a different path. But I don’t believe those paths would be any better or worse than the path I’ve chosen today.
Is there anything about the internet or technology that you remember from your childhood/early years that makes you feel nostalgic?
The only thing I’m really nostalgic for is privacy. Like many people my age, I’m glad social media was not around during my high school years!
What excites you most about the industry now? What scares you?
When I see people like Arlan Hamilton (founder of Backstage Capital) getting the shine she deserves—and the money that goes along with it!— I get excited and inspired. I can’t yet say that tech is a place where everyone can belong and succeed, but there are pockets you can find that will give you hope and signal that a change is coming. I’m here to be a part of that change too!
data is only as unbiased as the people who are querying it
What scares me is the frequent assumption that data is objective and unbiased, especially as companies rely more and more on data to make decisions. But data is only as unbiased as the people who are querying it. The way we act on this data can have a real effect on our communities, so it’s really important that we feel some type of personal responsibility for what we’re building. A diverse team can help each other recognize their blind spots and ensure they’re using this data responsibly.  
Thanks very much to Jill for her time and speedy responses to my questions, as well as Jenna Stokes for facilitating! You can find Jill on Twitter and LinkedIn. 
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havingstyles-blog · 7 years ago
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The most recent in packaging, delivery, and corrugated cardboard containers. In conditions of method, gentle pastels are all about what you do with them once they're already on the surface area. That's method pastel performers talk a lot about ‘lounging down' pigment in a method that at first makes them appear a little like they're protecting a house! Once the pigment is certainly set down, the musician can after that manipulate it in a web host of methods, by blending it, mixing it with additional colors, burnishing it into the paper, lounging down a second and third level of different colours on top of it, scratching it to disclose a lower coating, and therefore on. used and eliminated to your car with no period or headache necessary. Therefore if your business or product changes, or you purchase a brand-new car, getting rid of your custom made car magnets is definitely no issue. And when you need a new custom car magnet to advertise your brand-new item, remember how inexpensive and easy purchasing automobile magnets actually is usually! Most people most likely do even realize how many of their personal belongings make use of Velcro. From closing backpacks and laptop cases to attaching upholstery to furniture and securing pockets, it has a sizable variety of uses. Also if the Velcro on whatever you are using becomes much less sticky, it can be extremely simple to get some more and replace it with the older stuff so it is normally simply because great as brand-new. Later that night time he called, stating he wanted to explain. He noticed I found his put. He stated it was his private ‘point' and nobody else experienced noticed them. Relating to him, it wasn't a big deal since no one got harm. I held it to myself for a couple of days. I knew once I informed someone it would be real. I sensed so many feelings - betrayal, humiliation, anger, sadness. I did not understand how to start dealing with everything. Halls wish to suggest DJ's that will give them good reviews and happy customers, therefore if you perform a great work through a hall's suggestion you will be certain to get many more jobs, at not really price of advertising Recording u haircut, or popularly known as as the razor fade , taper change, bald change or skin change have emerged can be considered the most popular designs for guys irrespective of age simply because well as the kind of hair. Many variations of haircut make it appropriate to all hair lengths. Watch the type of banner ads that are produced in banner advertising. How the company's items and brands are proven in banner advertisements. From there you will get idea about what to place inside your banner style. Get smaller film labeling device region of covered paper with a considerable cost, but because of the fairly large size bottle affixed, the general cost somewhat higher than the one container paper brands. But the brand-new regular gives diminishing beverage product invention and impact, customers willing to pay out even more for its value-added. And however the deceptiveness produced by such actions and paranoia will not really end generally there. Its fingertips creep out into culture and affect us all. Many do not also understand the degree to which the data corruption offers spread. The mainstream press refuses to inform the general open public which many of the old people are still addicted to. Many in this old era refuse to think that their public servants are no longer servants of the community, but are rather qualified to control and change. The servants possess become the professionals and we are to abide by them or become crushed. They will prevent at nothing to perpetuate the conception that they are always in the best and will stoop to the least expensive low to promote the illusion that they can perform no incorrect.
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