#but it addresses nth sufficiently
achillvs · 1 year
'barbie' is lucky because it has a smart audience and that smart audience produces smart commentary, but love, none of that is in the movie, that's all you
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aronarchy · 2 years
still incredibly salty abt the repeated unaddressed microaggressions from Mouse i.e. ignoring & blocking me when I called them out for slandering (for the nth time) a marginalized person w/bigoted double standards, accusing me (a CSEM survivor) of “having a Twitter page posting CSEM” on zero evidence on basis of my identity alone and blocking me afterward, and more
Not to mention their 2019 thread on him, and their constant garbage bigoted takes (“uwu social media doesn’t have sufficient nuance to address that topic properly (but I can bc I’m Academic and Official and know everything uwu) 🥺🥺🥺”), and their attempt to (completely inaccurately) speak for Aggy with the exact assimilationist bigoted takes she was calling out in the first place, and their general treatment of paras and cluster B’s as fascinating freakshows to be stared at in a zoo/studied under a microscope and observed for their fucking grad thesis
I am never ever trusting a cracker lib ever again in discussions of the carceral-industrial complex, fuck your nice polite reformism, fuck your appeals to academic/institutional authority, fuck your fucking psych major course
And ofc none of their assimilationist “proship” buddies ever call them out on their bullshit bc they have the same motive of trying to deflect fascists’ attention from themselves by throwing us under the bus and joining in on the dogpiling and harassment
99% of the self-proclaimed proship community is utterly pathetic and worthless and will never go anywhere, not with that internalized reactionary bullshit and your constant need to suck up to oppressors
Seeing the difficult times come really helps you figure out who’s decent & who’s yet another lying grifter, those friends who abandon you and turn against you and take back everything they’ve said the moment the pressure on them becomes a little too hard for them
Stop trying to get us to be One Of The Good Ones. We owe you nothing, and we have no obligation to prove ourselves to you. Stay the fuck away and don’t mention us ever again until you’ve learned to be respectful.
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dccomicsnews · 6 years
[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Storytellers: Yvel Guichet,Cary Nord & Scott Hannah, and Steve Orlando
Colors: Jeromy Cox
Letters: Carlos M. Mangual
Firebrand and Neon the Unknown travel to Gotham to learn more about this Nth metal isotope and what they’re up against, but Huntress won’t let two questionable individuals with an unstable weapon just waltz into her city!
The art in this book continues to be super cool in unique.  We definitely got to see more of Firebrand’s fiery side during this issue, and I love the brilliant reds that were shown in the artwork.  The paneling, once again, seemed very intentional, and each frame shows a different angle without revealing the whole picture until the storytellers truly want to.
I also love how Orlando and Nord are not afraid to pull underutilized ideas into their narratives.  The Bat Cove, Huntress, and the Signal were all not really being used, so it was great to see them being used here.  Orlando is able to make connections between different characters and stories like no other writer that I know, so a book like this is always very exciting to me.
I love the connections and using underutilized elements of the DC Universe, but there has to be a sufficient reason to use those specific elements.  It made sense for Signal to be there because his unique photo-kinetic vision. It also made sense for the Bat Cove to be used since it is a rarely-used location that would not compromise anyone and could be used for potentially untrustworthy individuals.  It did not, however, really make sense for Huntress to be there.  There us no unique reason why Huntress or the Birds of Prey needed to address the situation as opposed to any other vigilante in Gotham.  Things like that just frustrate me sometimes.
  #gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
I love where the story is going and I hope it builds up to something soon.  Orlando always has a plan, and luckily, Hawkman’s presence in next issue is a lot more warranted.
  Review: The Unexpected #4 Storytellers: Yvel Guichet,Cary Nord & Scott Hannah, and Steve Orlando Colors: Jeromy Cox Letters: Carlos M.
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your-dietician · 3 years
The Role Of Battery Recycling In The Circular Economy: Part 1
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/economy/the-role-of-battery-recycling-in-the-circular-economy-part-1/
The Role Of Battery Recycling In The Circular Economy: Part 1
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Editor’s Note: The Role Of Battery Recycling In The Circular Economy is a three-part series. Part 1 focuses on Key Technologies. Part 2 focuses on the Battery Supply Chain, Logistics and Profitability. Part 3 focuses on Challenges and the Role of Policy.
Only a few major battery innovations (Lead Acid by Plante, Nickel Cadmium by Jungner, Lithium-ion by Goodenough/Sony) have reached significant market penetration since the 1800s. As of 2018, over 90% of large‐scale battery storage power capacity in the US was provided by batteries based on Lithium‐ion (Li-ion) chemistries [1]. The demand for Li-ion batteries for consumer electronics and electric vehicles (EVs) is projected to grow about tenfold until the next decade. By 2025, the global revenue from Li-ion batteries is expected to reach $71 billion USD [2]. The volume of retired batteries follows an S-like curve, with less end-of-life Li-ion batteries today, but an estimated 315 GWh (1,619,000 tons) available for recycling by 2030 (assuming a lifetime of 10 years) [3], a volume roughly equivalent to current annual battery production [4]. 
Recycling Li-ion batteries is critical to address safety, environmental, and supply considerations. Retired batteries pose a fire hazard due to volatile components such as the electrolyte, particularly dangerous given the possibility of HF formation [5]. Additionally, an EV battery can be responsible for up to a third of the vehicle’s life-cycle emissions from cradle to grave [6]. Mining of raw materials for Li-ion batteries can be environmentally costly, as the process consumes excessive amounts of water, uses strong acids, and can contaminate underground stores of fresh water. Finally, there are varying predictions of critical supply shortages such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, and copper to meet EV demand.  Recovering and recycling allows for more independence from geological mining and potentially a reduced cost of raw materials.
Many companies see the opportunity to turn the Li-ion battery waste problem into profit given to the increasing prices for Li-ion battery raw materials such as lithium, nickel, and cobalt. Currently, the Chinese market is well advanced in recycling (for example, Ganfeng has a capacity of 100,000 tons/year), followed by the European market (30,000-40,000 tons/year which includes Umicore and Glencore). The US needs to catch up in battery supply, refining, and recycling in order to be competitive. This article focuses on companies and organizations and how they fit into the Li-ion battery recycling ecosystem.
Key Technologies in Recycling
Li-ion batteries consist of a cathode, anode, electrolyte, separator, current collector foils, and packaging. Today’s Li-ion battery recycling companies primarily rely on some combination of two well-established processes, pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. Direct recycling is a research-stage approach promising a shorter recycling loop at lower cost (see Figure 1). Electro-extraction (not shown) is in the early stages of deployment, focused on modularity and reduced costs and emissions by providing upgraded feedstock for the final stages of hydrometallurgy.
Pyrometallurgy, or smelting, is the process of melting battery packs or the shredded and separated cathode materials and reacting the molten metal oxides with carbon, which acts as a reducing agent to decompose the ore into metal, slag and carbon dioxide. Smelting has been used for centuries to refine ores into metals. In the context of Li-ion battery recycling, it is used today to recover elements such as copper, nickel, and cobalt. The benefits of smelting are that it is well-tested and simple, eliminating the need to shred or separate the Li-ion battery components. However, the process is very energy-intensive and materials recovery rates are significantly lower than competing processes. In particular, smelting is not suitable for the recovery of elements such as aluminum and lithium or the plastic packaging.
Further, the treatment of toxic air emissions (such as fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur, and particulates containing heavy metals) during smelting is costly. Pyrometallurgy is the predominant recycling technology used in China and Europe. In the US, Redwood Materials first collects batteries from a variety of partners. Rather than relying on fossil fuels for smelting, Redwood uses residual energy in the batteries to produce an alloy [8]. Afterwards, Redwood employs hydrometallurgical methods to reach recovery rates of 95-98% for nickel and cobalt (80% for lithium) [9]. This allows them to reach the quality necessary to sell their output raw materials to battery manufacturers.
“Today the EU [using pyrometallurgy] can achieve a Recycling Efficiency Rate (RER) of 50% (targeting 65-75%)…compare this to the Functional Material Recovery Rate (FMRR), which can be optimized economically but if you volatilize other components, like graphite and plastics, the RER will go down,” says Ajay Kochhar, CEO, Li-Cycle.
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Figure 1. ReCell Center is focused on closed-loop recycling by directly recovering materials from spent batteries for manufacturing in a process that minimizes energy use and waste. ReCell Center’s main goal is to improve the economics via direct recycling [7].
Hydrometallurgical methods, also known as chemical leaching and extraction, are less capital- and energy-intensive and can recover lithium, but rely on large volumes of potentially environmentally harmful chemicals. Various companies, such as Accurec and Toxco Inc. (now Retriev Technologies Inc.), have developed leaching and extraction processes using these technologies. Spent Li-ion batteries are recycled through the following steps: pretreatment, leaching (typically using sulfuric acid), solvent extraction (typically using large amounts of sodium hydroxide for neutralization and additional acid for stripping), and precipitation. Multiple solvent extraction steps are necessary to separate all raw materials, and the process flow must be optimized to obtain high recovery rates (>90%) for each material. For example, Neometals first shreds batteries to obtain plastic, steel casings, and metal foil.
Next, they implement hydrometallurgy to leach and extract in the following order: copper sulfate, aluminum and iron oxide, manganese sulfate, nickel sulfate, and finally cobalt sulfate. It is possible to collect byproducts for additional sources of revenue. For instance, Neometals collects their ammonium sulfate ‘tailing,’ concentrates the material, and sells it as a liquid fertilizer. After each of the desired products and byproducts are recovered, there is generally a large amount of wastewater remaining (>10 times the amount of feedstock initially fed into the process on a mass basis). Costly processes are then needed to treat and dispose of this water and the constituent contaminants. As a result, reuse and recovery of solvents can dramatically impact the economics of the process (Neometals has an 85% solvent recovery rate). Nevertheless, these processes still require large economies of scale to have compelling unit economics (on the order of 20,000-60,000 tons).
Direct recycling is still under development, but typically relies on physical separation of battery components (such as crushing the cell) and then recovering materials based on density. Automation of sorting, disassembly, and recovery would increase efficiency. The value from directly recycled Li-ion batteries could be significantly higher by relithiating cathodes rather than fully dissolving or smelting cathodes and recovering the individual elements to then remanufacture the cathode structures. ReCell Center is pioneering the technology. Direct recycling has high potential as a cost-effective route to recover lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, which offer almost no economic value because they are composed of relatively low-cost base materials. These batteries are widespread today in hand-held tools and EVs in China. LFP batteries are expected to increase in EVs in North America and Europe in the coming years for lower-cost models. The challenge of direct recycling is the fast turnover cycles of next-generation material and the high rate of change predicted for cathode technologies. It will be difficult to forecast changes in chemistry over the next 8-10 years, and consumers are likely not willing to buy EVs with dated battery chemistries and performance. Additionally, while re-lithiation of cathodes has been shown to be successful with defective or lightly-aged cathode materials, it is unclear if these regeneration processes will be able to sufficiently repair cathode structures that have undergone severe degradation over a full vehicle lifetime. Nth Cycle employs a unique electro-extraction flow-through process that uses carbon filters and electricity to recover the metals of interest. This process is inherently more energy-efficient than pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy and requires less volume of material to achieve profitability.
This translates to higher margins and lower price sensitivity in the short term given their lower upfront CAPEX requirements and operating costs. In particular, Nth Cycle’s modular approach can be placed onsite at existing recycling locations (separating copper, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and graphite from black mass) to improve economics and lower emissions for the final hydrometallurgy stages, or at mines to upgrade ore before transportation. Their output material (high grade hydroxides) are sold to late stage refineries to be converted into sulfates for cathode manufacturing.
[1] Sylvia, T. (2020, July 15). Battery adoption skyrocketed in the 2010s and lithium-ion reigns supreme. pv magazine USA. https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2020/07/15/battery-adoption-skyrocketed-in-the-2010s-and-lithium-ionreigns- supreme/.  
[2] Statista. (2021, February 5). Global lithium-ion battery market 2020–2025. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1011187/projected-global-lithium-ion-battery-market-size/  
[3] Circular Energy Storage Research & Consulting. (2020, December). The lithium-ion battery life cycle report 2021. https://circularenergystorage.com/reports  
[4] Statista. (2020, July 3). Lithium-ion batteries – statistics & facts. https://www.statista.com/topics/2049/lithium-ion-battery-industry/  
[5] Anderson, M. (2013b, March 1). Potential Hazards at Both Ends of the Lithium-Ion Life Cycle. IEEE Spectrum. https://spectrum.ieee.org/green-tech/fuel-cells/potential-hazards-at-both-ends-of-the-lithiumion-life-c ycle  
[6] Union of Concerned Scientists, & Nealer, R. (2015, November). Cleaner Cars from Cradle to Grave: How Electric Cars Beat Gasoline Cars on Lifetime Global Warming Emissions. https://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/attach/2015/11/Cleaner-Cars-from-Cradle-to-Grave-full-rep ort.pdf  
[7] Kuntz, T. (2019, February 15). DOE launches its first lithium-ion battery recycling R&D center: ReCell | Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne National Laboratory. https://www.anl.gov/article/doe-launches-its-first-lithiumion-battery-recycling-rd-center-recell  
[8] Oberhaus, D. (2020, December 3). The Race To Crack Battery Recycling—Before It’s Too Late. Wired. https://www.wired.com/story/the-race-to-crack-battery-recycling-before-its-too-late/  
[9] Former Tesla CTO JB Straubel tackles battery recycling with Redwood Materials. (2021, April 10). CNBC.
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maltedmilkchocolate · 7 years
My Retail Experiences: The Let’s-Keep-Stevie-On-The-Cash-Registers Saga, where everything is Too Much, and Hella Overwhelming. Customer: *says a thing* Ears: *Suddenly do not work.* Me: *stares blankly at customer with smile as brain furiously tries to process what was said.*
Me: Can I take your receipt for your email? Customer: *stares blankly* Me: I’m sorry. I said that completely wrong. Can I have your email for an e-receipt.
Me: *gets so distracted talking to customer, completely forgets to give change* Customer: Oh you didn’t give me my change. Me: :’D Letmegogetmymanagertoopenthetills.
Shop: *runs out of music tracks* Me: *basks in blissful silence, can hear the customers, can think in a straight line. Shop: *music returns loudly.* Brain: Time. To. CEASE FUNCTIONING.
Customer: Can I view this jewellery item. Me: *internally freaks out because I’ve only done this a few times and do not have the sufficient memory for the steps involved.* Sure.
Manager: *I’m disappointed in you tone* Why did you do that? Me, internally: Because my brain was somewhere in the nth dimension, and it’s really hard to focus when I can’t hear, and there’s music, and screaming children, and so many sounds, and so many steps to remember, and I assumed someone already checked the giant boxes because they were by the counter, and I didn’t have enough memory function to remember to check them anyway.* Me, out loud: I forgot...
Customer: *speaks 100mph/incredibly quietly* Me: Sorry, could you repeat that. I’m a little deaf/it’s hard to hear. Customer: *repeats at the exact same tone/volume* Me: :’D Okay then.
Customer: *has speech or hearing difficulties, or limited english comprehension* Me: *already apologising to the universe for the ordeal I’m about to put them through with 10,000 regulation questions about product care, in-store cards, and email addresses that I have to ask.* Customer: *clearly displeased* Me: me too buddy me too. Customer: *Wants a thing* Me: *Explains the thing is out of stock everywhere/there was a delivery delay or cancellation* Customer: *expects me to MAGICALLY SOLVE A STORE WIDE STOCK ISSUE*
Customer: *wants to buy £100+ worth of items on a points card with welllll over £1000+ on it. Me: I’ll need to speak with my manager, because they’ll have to contact the card company to verify the amount on there. Fraud prevention, i’m sure you can understand. Customer: *Gets 900000% defensive, angry, and snappy* Me, internally: Oh Boy, you sure aren’t making yourself any less suspicious.
Manager: Can you go navigate? Me: *VAULTS THE COUNTER, FLEES THE TILLS, LAUNCHES SELF ONTO SHOP FLOOR* I was born for this.
Less terrible and more just annoying: 
Customer: You don’t sound like you’re from around here/You sound foreign. Me, born and raised in the SE of England: Where do I sound like I’m from? Customer: Ireland/America/Australia Me: Thank you??? (Also HOW?!)
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Pink Full Moon in Libra, April 7 (or 8, depending on where you are) 2020 - Plus Updates on Post-Jupiter Pluto Conjunction - Timeless
Hi all, how was the 4/4/2020 Gateway doing for you? I hope it was OK. This will be just a wordvomit update on the energies and possible aftermaths of the energetic gateways that opened up in the same time as the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius on April 4 (or 5), a few days ago.
If you got to join the global peace meditation on that same gateway, I pray that the energies were gentle, healing and eye-opening. But if you got tired, dizzy, really emotional, and felt like your life just couldn’t fall apart even more, well, I feel you fam, I feel you. Same here. I was participating in some group meditations a few days before that and when the portal opened I just felt really weak and tired and my old back pain issue popped up again, it’s inflamed. Talk about the body telling you things. **sigh** It’s like Dark Night of the Soul for the nth time, again. And I was like “Really? SMH” T_T It’s like opening another can of worms, it just takes so much of the happiness away (read: dementors). It also pushed me to just hide even more and ruminate and do everything I can to process the emotions away. I did all of the tools that I knew and despite still feeling icky, I am believing that things can still get better. But truth be told, if you have been doing the inner work, crummy things like these have been cyclical and have been going through our lives each time we unearth some parts and release them. The energetic portals and gateways just unclog the collective in general, and as way-showers (we can also be called frontliners, energetically) we get to face the low vibrational stuff first hand. Not all of them are ours, but are really just the collective gunk that gets released even though it feels like they are entering through our bodies and making us face the dark parts of ourselves, again (because they’re in layers and thus we have to remove them in layers too. It sucks but that’s how it works, it can’t be helped).
And fighting all the demons will take time. - Dishwalla, Angels and Devils
Yeah you might wanna listen to the track above, just to get some sort of insight if you feel called. I just love the acoustic version so it’s what I linked lol.
But kidding aside, yeah, fighting all the demons really take time, and even though it does suck big time, I’m already at a point that I had to remind myself to use the low vibes to help me heal what needs to be healed, because at this point I can’t do much with the lockdown still going on (I am about to go really, really crazy staying stagnant AF). It’s also frustrating when the entire household is just glued to the news, like THIS ISN’T A TYPHOON WHERE YOU NEED HOURLY UPDATES T_T It’s just frustrating, and everything just went downhill for me when the gateway opened. All of the anger and frustration that had almost eaten me alive for a good chunk of my life all came rushing forward. I haven’t crumbled into a crying heap yet, maybe after I post this lol but despite meditating for heccin long hours, doing more physical activities than the usual (despite the sweltering heat) and still getting no absolution of the frustration, I was really about to give in to lashing out, just to free me from the pain. I had no idea how to transmute these complex emotions (aka they’re all crumpled into one big heap of NOPE) in the fastest and most efficient way possible but I also didn’t want to vent out and trigger anger within the household (me commenting on every death toll count as fear mongering was already too much lol) so I just ended up venting my anger on leveling up in Tetris 99 because GAH I NEED TO GET SOME SORT OF CLARITY ON THINGS. It felt nice, but now each time I close my eyes I only see all of the tetraminos trying to fit snugly into the slots. Still better than getting angry and stuff.
And later will be the Pink Full Moon in Libra, so I guess it’s going to be another strong full moon since it’s the first one after the gateway opened. Since Libra is a sign that wants balance, and makes sure that everything gets balanced by hook or by crook, this is also a great time to reflect on what needs to get balanced in our lives. Because despite being all lovey-dovey and smooth and silky, Libra is still a cardinal sign that can really unleash the beast if there is a strong imbalance of some sort. It’s just a bit more flexible than Capricorn, more level-headed than Cancer, and a lot more forward-thinking than Aries. If you need to know, I have all of these in my natal chart and it’s not exactly a fun party when all the cardinal energies have not yet figured out how to have fun with everyone else.
OK after this line is a personal rant ,you can end the reading here. =)
For me, personally, I really need to balance listening on what others tell me to do, and what information I channel for myself. I guess trying hard to try to fit in by tuning in to the collective like most of the card readers elsewhere dulled my senses and I just felt my oversoul just said HECC IT and cut me out of the general collective altogether. Now I find it hard to tune in to the larger chunk of the collective since the Lion’s Gate of 2019 so I just don’t post anything collective-based in my cartomancy side blog. Now it’s mostly my own personal energetic stuff. The flipside of this is that aside from feeling the general fears and whatnot of the collective unconscious (hence my rant on feelings lol) I still find it a lot more manageable to do readings for other people or events, even thoughI have to unblock a ton just to hear the Divine realms say HI to me. T_T
And that is why standing out instead of fitting in is a strong lesson in balance for me. It sucks but it’s not like I can keep escaping my life path.
Personal ranting ends here lol
I am still feeling a bit woozy even though it’s been a few days after the energetic portal so I won’t be posting an infused photo in this post, but I’ll make a special one once my energies get stabilized again. I hope you all don’t mind.
Oh, and one last thing before I end this post. The huge energetic shifts that happened since the wildfires started in the new year, and other tectonic activities within the ring of fire region are only the beginnings of things that are about to come, so if you’re wishing that things will get back to normal, I am here to tell you that nope, not gonna happen. If anything, this is a time to update all systems and revise time-consuming protocols because honestly, calamities like these will become more common and thus streamlining methods will become more than inevitable. Self-sufficiency up to certain levels will also be even more important, as would be the de-centralization of various services and whatnot in order to bring back the power to the larger members of the populace.
But do not fear, just because the changes are annoying and inconvenient does not mean that things will eventually get suckier. Just imagine the time around the early 20th century when electricity wasn’t even a thing and then all of a sudden transmission lines were being installed in each household. Sure, there’s a risk of fire and getting electrocuted, but look at what time we’re living in now. Can’t even read this post without relying on electrical lines. You can think of it that way.
And so this ends my Full Moon message, for everyone who feels called to this. It’s also somewhat timeless so if you read this in the future and it still resonates, it just means that you were able to receive what you needed to know right now.
Thank you for walking this weird journey with me, see you on the next update, and may you grow into the person you seek.
PS. If you found the information in this post to be very helpful, insightful, and of great value to you and your own personal journey, please feel free to reblog, share and heart/like, or if you feel super-generous, energetic exchanges are welcomed! Please click here and use this email address: [email protected]
Thank you so much and be blessed!
PSS. If you’re interested to get a personal card and energetic reading, for inquires please send an email or an anonymous ask in this page. Thank you! =)
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mmiblog1 · 5 years
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n thing. Well they thought wrong, yeast infections in males are actually standard. There’s no special distinction, in fact, a lot of guys have had a yeast infection without even knowing experienced it. This particular example could be the man who goes towards doctor to complain about his constant „bloated” feeling.In it, Hansel and Gretel consider they have befriended an old time woman who lives in a house constructed from gingerbread and containing one of the most delicious foods of a variety. She tells the children that they are more than welcome to consume and eat and eat some more until offer had their fill. Along with the children do that. They gorge themselves on the puddings. They become fat and plump and perfect for her very own ends. Him / her ends, degrees of training forgotten, are that she intends to eat the your children.Is it a coincidence that „ED” aka, ed is a sugar coated more comfortable sounding ailment than, Hey doc, Cannot get it up”? ED sounds in order to AC, or DC right. Now for the fun part. It’s a mere coincidence that pharmaceuticals come forth with E.D. aids titled like viagra? Doesn’t Viagra seem like vigor, or vigorous, relating kind of to a macho drug? Is viagra a legal performance enhancing medication? Cam athletes take Viagra without fear of prosecution?Great Holiday Deals!: „Find out innovative facts about the original Swiss things! Leather wallets, authentic jewelry and Swiss watches – end up being the main details in your.” Click the hyperlink and pay a visit to a fraud based retailer that supplies you with fake goods and services.Now another drug for ED fades. I am unsure of it’s spelling provides you with will every single day phonetically spell this compound. It sounds exactly like „See Alice.” Commercials might point to to some that in „See Alice”, that Alice will fix you right? Alice must be something else . Now if a guy cannot perform in bed and he has been prescribed a pharmaceutical drug and whether it works indeed there coul
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