#but in tanners case. bro what happened to you.
creaturefeaster · 1 month
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oh how little i care about established color pallets..........
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kitybur · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 | 𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜𝐰𝐡𝐲
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⌦ in which you, your silly friends and silly boyfriend move in together & what i think would happen.
— warnings: gn!reader, craziness, fluff, swearing
| can you write some headcannons abt how y/n would be with the rest of the group! or how the group would react to isaac and y/n hehe ANYWAY THANK U SM , love all of your content |
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
• to start off, i think we can agree that living with the boys would actually be HELL.
• like you’d have to be scrubbing the house top to bottom after filming a groupchat video. but for the sake of this, let’s ignore the bad side 🤗.
• the boys would definitely love you, and treat you like their sibling (everyone but isaac ofc). they would probably be a little overprotective of you, but that’s them showing they care.
• you’re getting ready for a party? when and where. someone’s making you uncomfortable? who needs to step in. you feel me??
• these men would never fail to make you laugh if you were having a bad day. like if you had a bad day at school or work, they would instantly have you in cackles.
• they always make sure they try to include you. if you weren’t a streamer, they would make sure that you get some screen time if you like to be on film. if you don’t, they make sure that you at least go on adventures with them (especially willy vlogs)
• okay independently tho.. i feel like softwilly would be the one to include you in most things (if you weren’t a streamer like we just established). idk he looks like the type of person who wouldn’t want to leave anyone out or behind. if you were a streamer, he’d still try to include you on recordings.
• yumi definitely would not give two shits im ngl 😭 he does his own thing so i feel like he just wouldn’t bother with you (in the nicest way possible) if you didn’t want to hang out or go film a vlog. but he’s definitely like one of the funniest people when you get to know him so he’s basically your main bitch when you’re sad.
• larry would definitely be your best friend. he’s got such a sweet personality that you’d instantly click and just do stupid shit together. like you’d play loud music at four in the morning and wake everyone up because you saw a tiktok dance you wanted to try ☠️ i just feel like larry would be easy to get along with.
• along with larry, i also feel like grunk would be easy to get along with. you’d both go out shopping since he’s lowkey got drip and you’d bond over it. i feel like if grunk got close enough to you, he’d ask to watch spongebob together. whether it’s over discord or irl. it’s a special moment y’all get to have to hang out.
• tanner would be your workout buddy. he’d make sure that he spots you and vice versa, and make sure that you aren’t breaking your bones doing a new workout. if you don’t workout, he’d be your horror game buddy. tanner would even just have you in the room because he gets jumpy. and if he gets too pissed off he’d make you play. and just constantly grab your shoulders to scare you.
• and lastly, we have isaac. in this case, isaac is your bf and lord he would be the best boyfriend. 🙏 like he’s actually super tall and muscular that he would give GREAT hugs. bro and the best cuddles. literally could crush you and that’s lowkey hot 🫡.
• but no, isaac would definitely be your muse. he’s definitely got that golden retriever type vibe, maybe slight black cat. isaac would be the best at massages. idk why that came to my head. i feel like with his large hands he’d be able to give great back or shoulder massages.
• isaac would buy you a bunch of shit, like he does for the house. it could be something totally stupid and he’d be like “but it’s useful in so many ways” or “it’s cute!” when it’s really fucking ugly but you’d never tell him that.
• you WILL constantly hear gagging sounds from the rest of the members whenever you and isaac are in mere 2 feet of each other. mostly from yumi and softwilly. but it’s all jokes! most the time..
• they will also make kissing sounds when you two walk out of isaac’s bedroom and ask if you used protection. even if you have literally just woken up.
• larry and tanner would recreate any lovey dovey thing you guys do, but make it 10x more funnier. any photo y’all post together, they copy it and tag you both.
• ^^ stop tell me you can’t see that happening 😭😭
• grunk would be the supportive bsf but will threaten isaac if he takes you away when you’re supposed to watch spongebob together.
• overall, i think living with them would be such a hassle, but if you plan it right it may be fun. if you love cleaning and screaming children at midnight, this is right up your alley ‼️
• ‘kay but y’all gotta agree that living with them would actually be so fun cause they’re funny and have an amazing time doing actually anything. like they could make any regular night into an eventful night that would end in the kitchen a mess, empty cans in the floor and bodies sleeping anywhere they can find comfortable.
• and those are our youtubers/streamers 🥹
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
a/n: okay pls tell me if you agree or disagree with any of these cause i was just going off the top of my head but i wanna hear what y’all have to say about it too! i didn’t really know what to write for this so it’s all based on my opinion and how i see it. i hope this fulfills your request!
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nonotnolan · 2 years
Soul Stones: The Easy Life
“Jordan-- I mean, Alfie-- what are you doing here?”  It was weird seeing my roommate’s body on the couch, playing videos games.  It had only been a few days since my roommate somehow swapped bodies with one of the team’s official tutors, and I was still struggling to get his name right.  "Do you think being an athlete is easy?  Just because Football season’s over, it doesn’t mean you get to slack off!  I thought you were going to the gym today?”
He responded by rolling his eyes at me.  “I did, okay?  I drank the stupid shake, and I lifted weights for... I dunno, fifteen minutes.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m in the middle of a round?”
“No, you’re not excused!”  I grabbed the remote, shut off the TV, and threw the remote back onto the couch.  “What happens when Jordan gets his body back, but he loses his spot on First String Defense because you’re too busy playing fuckin’ Fall Guys, of all games?”
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He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and started talking to me without making eye contact.  Dunno if he was too nervous to make eye contact with me, or what, but since the real Jordan would have been up close and in my face yelling at me, it really hit home that I was dealing with a different person.  “Look, Tanner... I’m doing my best, okay?  I don’t know what I’m doing!  I don’t know how to gain muscle-- how many reps, how much weight, what routine, which foods?  I’m an Engineering student.  I don’t know the first thing about Health Science, and I can’t even ask for help because no one will take me seriously when I look like this!  Also, in case you had forgotten, I’m not the one who absconded with someone else’s body.”
“I... Alfie, I’m sorry.”  I had to admit, he had a point.  I just assumed he would know enough about fitness to keep Jordan’s body in shape, but... why would he?  Alfie was a super skinny dude.  “Look, what if... I’m done with classes today, right?  What if we both go to the gym?  Everyone will think we’re just two bros talkin’ gym talk, and I can teach you what you need to know.  Sound good?”
A wave of relief washed over him.  “I would really appreciate that,” he said, smiling at me.  “It actually seems kinda fitting.  With as much tutoring as you’ve gotten from me, it feels a bit like a trade.”
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The proofs from my first professional photoshoot were back, and I was loving the results.  In my old life, the only time anyone ever wanted to photograph me, it was for the football team.  Massive shoulders, threatening posture, harsh expressions, deep shadows... everything I hated about masculinity.  But here?  Here I was slender, stylish... and handsome.  Cute, even.
All I ever wanted was to make people happy.  Growing up in the Texas suburbs as I did, that meant playing football.  By the time I figured out the difference between what I wanted and what others wanted for me, I was already 200 pounds of solid muscle.  And once I figured out that I was also a gay man?  Well, I didn’t see the point in getting disowned by all of my friends and family until after I had a steady career to my name.
So when the weirdo at the antique store told me about the body swapping stones, I couldn’t help but daydream about being someone else.  I mean, of course I was skeptical... but they were only $5.  Honestly, I had forgotten they were even sitting on my desk until Alfie asked me about them.  Tanner’s Chemistry mid-term was the next day, so Alfie was in our room, trying to give him a crash course on the five weeks of material he’d skipped.
I just told him they were paperweights, of course-- who’s dumb enough to believe in magic?  But when he picked one up and started tracing the grooved carvings with his thumb, well... maybe I was dumb enough to believe.  I hadn’t told anyone else about them, so if they didn’t work, no one would have any reason to laugh at me.  But if they did work... if there was even a chance... this was my moment.  I took a deep breath, and pressed my index finger onto the polished agate.  By the time Alfie realized he was no longer sitting next to Tanner, I had grabbed the other stone off of my desk and ran out of the room.
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I don’t even feel guilty about it, to be honest.  We had followed each other on Instagram back at the start of the year, so I’ve been able to use that to spy on Alfie as he lives my old life.  That is not the face of someone who is unhappy with the way things shook out.  He’s even managed to bag a girlfriend so, like... good for him.  I wish him the best.  It’s the least I can do for stealing his life.
As for me?  Well, I really hadn’t thought too far ahead-- honestly, I’d kept the stones in case I needed a safety net-- but it turns out that Alfie’s parents are crazy loaded and crazy supportive.  When I told them I was thinking about changing majors to something in the Fine Arts, they didn’t even blink.  Hell, they bought me a new apartment downtown, and offered to pay for the transfer to a different college next semester.
I think I might still take some business courses, just in case I need to fall back on something a bit more dependable, but... in the meantime, I’ve been trying to pursue both modeling and photography.  Maybe I’ll hit it big, maybe I won’t... but for once in my life I’m setting aside the grindstone and putting my happiness first.
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sweetlittlevampire · 4 years
Rima’s Wangxian Fic Rec
So I’ve compiled these specifically for @inessencedevided , but hey, we’re all here to spread the love, so please, share and reshare to your heart’s content! :D
I’ll start with “Personal Favourites” - there are many more that I would consider a Personal Favourite, but I’ve picked those specifically because I thought you’d enjoy them. AU fics will also be included, because there are some real gems out there, and some still take place in canon universe, but with a twist, so...yeah.
Main pairing is Wangxian; I somehow don’t tend to read much else. ^^;
This thing is going to be loooong, so please find everything under the Read More. And feel free to let me know if a link doesn’t work so I can fix it.
Personal Favourites
爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Length:  68713 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: “Wei Wuxian has certainly hoped so ardently in his two lifetimes, for so many different things, in so many different ways, that he could have summoned the demon to his front door with his bare hands. His eyes wander to Lan Zhan, settle on the back of his head, the blue-black curtain of his hair. Oh, how he has hoped.”
A case fic! And one of my personal all-time favourites as well! It is so well-crafted, with an engaging and captivating plot, a TON of OCs who actually do contribute to the story, and a few scenes that are so beautiful I could weep. Got hyped up on twitter, and rightfully so. It’s a delight to read.
Rabbit Heart by  Suaine
Rating: Mature
Warning: N/A
Length:   56590 words in total
Chapters: 6
Status: Completed
Author’s summary: “ Wei Wuxian walks his lonely road, but he’s not going to leave Lan Wangji entirely alone. That would be boring. “
Another case fic! Set after the show’s ending, Wei Wuxian goes his way, but leaves the paper man behind to keep Lan Wangji company. I loved this one to pieces - it has intriguing subplots and will make your heart melt several times.
Those are actually thonly two case fics I’ve read so far, but for more, be sure to visit @wangxianfics ‘s Case Fic section. It has many more, and I am planning on reading several of them.
the earth remembered me by  remux
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  30321  words so far
Chapters: 2 out of scheduled 4
Status: Ongoing
Author’s Summary: “All around him, summer throbs like a heartbeat, undeniably alive. Wounds begin to heal. And Wei Wuxian, with sweat on his brow, feels ripe. Wei Wuxian, with his hands deep in the soil and mud between his toes, remembers something simple and primitive and utterly transformative: It feels good to make things grow. OR: Wei Wuxian’s travel guide to finding your place in the world.”
This fic changed me. Like, literally. It’s still ongoing, but I don’t even care. It’s not a case fic, but I’m 100% sure you’ll love it. It’s pure poetry and catharsis, and it hurts so much, but it’s so necessary. I think I cried several times while reading each of the chapters, and I’m eagerly but patiently awaiting the next one. It follows Wei Wuxian’s journey after he leaves the Cloud Recesses in episode 50 and tells the story of what he does and experiences before he returns back to Lan Wangji. So it’s absically only Wei Wuxian, Lil’ Apple, and the people they meet along his way.
Begotten by  ecorie
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   37279  words
Chapters: 6
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “He’s mine.” He echoed what had once been teasingly said in jest, and added, “This is my son.” Against all odds and without a choice, Lan Zhan brings A-Yuan back to Cloud Recesses. Xichen keeps his brother’s secrets, and shields the child when Lan Zhan could not.“
Also known as: Filling in the blanks with everything that happened in those 13 years. I loved this one. Wangji = Best Dad, Sizhui = Best Son.
Canon Universe
(not necessarily canon compliant though)
the soft animal by  cafecliche
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   5046  words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “You don’t think that’s strange?” he says. His voice, his new voice, is familiar now. But sometimes it almost startles him, hearing it come from his mouth. “It’s been nine months. I’ve used them almost every day. I should know how long these legs are.” (Or: Wei Wuxian has a plan to train Mo Xuanyu’s body. The results aren’t quite what he expects.)“
A very interesting take on Wei Wuxian, and how he comes to terms with his new body. Something I had not seen previously explored, and I really loved how the author handled it.
Come let me love you (Come love me again) by  obsessivereader
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  9105   words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “The notes from the dizi cut off as Wei Ying goes absolutely still. Over the quiet whisper of the wind through grass, Lan Wangji can hear the rapid beat of his own heart. Wei Ying's hands drop to his side slowly, so slowly, as though time has slowed down for both of them. He turns, a look almost of fear on his face. And then...And then, Wei Ying smiles—slow and beautiful and warm and relieved as though Lan Wangji standing before him is a treasured dream fulfilled. "Lan Zhan," he breathes.“
A “What happens after the end of the last episode?”-fic. I’m kind of a sucker for those. This one is very sweet and tender; I absolutely loved the interactions between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, and the gentleness of it all. I also adore the song it’s been titled after (”Annie’s Song” by John Denver, if you’re curious).
Death of a Ghost by  Gotcocomilk
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Length:   107397 words in total
Chapters: 30
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “There was a ghost that haunted the decks of Lotus Pier, it was said. If you stepped across the wooden planks at night, walked along the endless docks and flying purple banners, he would appear. He was always in darkest black, dressed as specter and shadow. In the emptiness where a face should be was a thick fog, features washed away and leaving behind only glimmering red eyes. He looked ferocious as a ghoul, it was said. Jin Ling thought he looked sad.“
Full disclosure - I am five chapters into this thing, and I am already recommending it, I am that intrigued. There is some serious Yunmeng Bros stuff in there which I think you are going to love, and the interactions between said ghost and Jin Ling are - aaaah! Cannot wait to continue!
wrap your name tight around my ribs by  sasukepositive
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   8728 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “ In true Wei Ying fashion, his return comes with a dose of mischief. “
Another “What happens after the end of the last episode?”-fic, with a good dose of Wangxian family feels. In fact. the whole thing is a huge chunk of feels. A very soft, delicate, and sweet fic, which will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.
please linger by  sasukepositive
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   5636 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “ When A-Yuan begins crying, Lan Wangji knows it makes sense. He understands that crying will not harm him — he logically knows that. However, A-Yuan’s little face turns red so quickly that it leaves Lan Wangji a little panicked.“Ah,” he begins helplessly, stepping forward in an attempt at — something. He doesn’t know what. “It’s okay.” or: sometimes the man you love assures you that his mysteriously acquired child will nap until he gets back from shopping. for sure. “
If you liked the Dad Date Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had with A-Yuan in Yiling, then you’ll love this one. It’s a fill-the-gaps fic in which Lan Wangji returns to Yiling several times to see Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan. Still follows canon events though, hence the bittersweet ending, but it is still so so lovely.
I hope that you will come and meet me by  feyburner
Rating: Mature
Warning: N/A
Length:   28385 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “ The second time Lan Zhan said Wei Ying, come back, Wei Wuxian did. “
Another one of tehse post-show-canon fics. I love everything feyburner writes, and this was the first fic of theirs I came across. I love the feeloings described in it, and just how sweet it is. One of those fics in which the way the mature part is executed just makes the whole thing even sweeter.
Alternate Universe
(but sometimes within the canon universe?)
Merman Lan Wangji!AU by  FleetofShippyShips ( @fleetofshippyships here on tumblr)
- which is a series of connected fics, and not one long fic with chapters, hence why the formatting is different here. 5 entries so far; ungoing. Teen And Up Audiences
...which is definetely a personal favourite of mine, - you might have noticed, since I’ve been drawing a ton for this particular AU. But since I don’t know if yu’re into merfolk!AUs I didn’t list it up there with the personal favourites.
It is following canon so far, only that Lan Wangji is, as the title suggests, a merman - with secrets.
I adore the atmosphere of this series so much, and the way Zoe writes it is just so beautiful. It’s a story in which I could live, and if you’re in for the ride, I can assure you that there will be many surprises to come.
Welcome to Gusu  by  perkynurples ( @bilboo here on tumblr)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   30853 words so far
Chapters: 5 so far
Status: Ongoing
Author’s Summary: “ Deep in the lush forests of Gusu hides an aging resort that hosts dozens of children every summer for an unforgettable couple of weeks. It’s where Lan Wangji grew up alongside Wei Wuxian, and when his childhood friend (for the lack of a better term) surprisingly returns years later in the position of Senior Counsellor, seemingly hell bent on causing the same kind of mischief that got him kicked out of Gusu in the first place, but also taller, broader and tanner than ever before, Lan Wangji knows he’s In Trouble. Or, this fic has it all: longing looks over campfires, found family dynamics, ill-timed skinny dipping, teenagers inappropriately shipping their counsellors, LAKE MONSTERS “
Annie wasn’t lying when she said this fic has it all. What started as some kind of crack fic turned into something beautiful that completely owns my heart.  The interactions between the characters are so heartwarming, and while I sense that some major drama is going to occur soon, I also know that this will eventually have a happy ending. It’s delightful, and it does belong to my personal favourites as well.
Some of You by  tangerinechar
Rating: Mature
Warning: N/A
Length:   60640 words
Chapters: 7
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Lan Wangji gets drunk and tweets a love confession, Wei Wuxian panics, and all of twitter decides to matchmake Lan Wangji and his mystery guy. “
A social media fic! And a hilarious one at that! If you’re in the mood for an extra panicky, extra obnoxious Wei Wuxian? This is the fic for you. It has one of the sweetest love confessions ever. There’s some background Xicheng too.
Window Shopping by  thunderwear
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Length:   18000 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Lan Wangji didn't look out across the other apartment building often, but now, as he scooped up his escaped rabbit, he looked over only to see a piece of paper taped to the window of the apartment across from him. It was written on purple construction paper in big block letters, like a child had written it. WHAT'S YOUR BUNNY'S NAME???“
I did already rec this one to you, but WHO CARES? A Quarantine fic! The first one I came across, and I loved it! A friend of mine thought Wei Wuxian was OOC, but I disagree - he didn’t exactly grow up in the same circumstances as in canon, and his life situation isn’t 100% the same, so I still think it fits. A-Yuan makes an appearance, and the interactions between Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, and the boy are just so very cute!
Home is Where the Heart is by  Alipeeps ( @alipeeps here on tumblr)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  10036 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Wei Ying’s expression is tight and unhappy, his entire body held rigidly away from Lan Zhan.He doesn’t look at Lan Zhan as he says, “You don’t have to worry, Lan Zhan, I’m never going to touch you.”The distaste in Wei Ying’s voice makes Lan Zhan’s blood run cold.“Just because our families have arranged this marriage, we don’t have to be together… like that…” Wei Ying’s mouth twists unpleasantly. “It can be a marriage in name only. A...” he swallows, looking like he might be sick, “...a business arrangement.”
Arranged Marriage AUs are also one of my weaknesses, especially if the two soon-to-be-married people are actually in love with each other but have yet to confess, This one does the trick. It’s modern era with no cultivation, and the mutual pining is REAL in this one.
what else is there? by  mme_anxious
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:   12917 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Did you hear the terrible news? Yiling Laozu Wei Wuxian has gone beyond the pale! He has murdered Hanguang-Jun!”This is the first thing the swan hears flying over Yiling, and it sets him to hissing. It’s the kind of sound he would never make as a human, but as a swan—a mute swan— hissing is the only form of communication available to Lan Wangji. So he hisses. -Jin Guangyao transforms Lan Wangji into a swan. Only an act of love will break the curse.”
A fairytale!AU based on Swan Lake. You might have seen my Swangji drawing; this is the fic it was drawn for. It takes place in canon universe and is super lovely and magical. I may have cried a bit.
all your life you’ll dream of this by  Attila ( @attilarrific here on tumblr)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning: N/A
Length:  22668 words
Chapters: 1
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: “Lan Wangji should refuse. He should. He looks back down at the mask. Beneath it is the soft creamy paper of the invitation. He could present this at the door and slip into the palace and—“Go see him, Wangji,” Lan Xichen says quietly, and Lan Wangji feels his resolve crumble beneath him”
Another fairytale!AU - this time, it’s loosely based on Cinderella, with Lan Wangji as Cinderella and the forehead ribbon as glass slipper. Such a lovely lovely fic. May also have cried a bit; it’s heartfelt and magical and so warm and sweet.
Love wakes me by  dea_liberty
Rating: Explicit
Warning: N/A
Length:   42812 words in total
Chapters: 4
Status: Completed
Author’s Summary: "It starts with a bet. All mistakes, Wei Wuxian thinks, start with a bet. It’s starts with a bet and ends with Wei Wuxian losing everything. Nine years ago, Wei Wuxian made a bet with disastrous consequences. Now, he is part-owner of the popular and eclectic Yiling Cafe, years and miles away from his old life, making the best of things and trying to leave the past where it belongs. When Lan Wangji walks into his cafe by accident, Wei Wuxian finds himself doing what he thought he'd never do again; reclaiming some small part of his past, and hoping for a future he'd given up as lost.”
If someone had told me that I would fall head over heels in love with a Coffee Shop AU, of all things? I would have laughed...yet here we are. I’ve read this thing in one sitting and cannot stop thinking about it. I absolutely have to reread it; it’s slowly but surely becoming one of my personal favourites.
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Little John and the Tanner of Blyth
Summary version with some dialogue quotes
Robin and his men were chilling in the forest when Robin remembered it was time to pay his men. But they were out of the green fabric they need for the uniforms he promised every year. So he asked Little John to go into town to get it because he’s gotten fat and needed the exercise. Little John says something to the effect of “Yeah, I’m fat now but even fat, I could still beat you on the bridge like when we met.” and everyone laughs but Robin makes him go into town anyway.
Little John has a moment where there’s an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The angel tells him to go do what he was sent to do but the devil says he should go get drunk. Little John makes up some excuse about how the weather might get bad and it would make more sense for him to drink now just in case it rains later and Robin wouldn’t want him to be rained on. (he makes a point of saying that there is no bad weather. He’s just looking for an excuse.) He got too drunk and ended up staying at the pub overnight. The next morning, he started on the way to get the fabric.
There was a leather maker in town who was a good fighter and only stopped fighting because someone had broken his rib once. But he was still unmatched with a staff. And he also loved hunting. He left for nottingham the same day as Little John. He wore a cap that doubled as a helmet and carried a staff with him. He passed the forest and decided to try to find a deer in the meadows.
Little John wasn’t paying attention as he walked and eventually ran off the road and caught sight of the man quietly going through the woods. Little John assumed the only reason to sneak around is if he’s a thief and that he was going to steal from Robin and his men. He started following the man who was following the deer. Eventually, Little John snapped a twig under his foot and was caught by the Tanner. Little John accused him of being a thief after the kings deer.
The tanner: “I’m not a thief! You’re sneaking around too. Aint you the pot callin the kettle black.”
Little John: “Ohhhh you talkin back bro??? I should knock you out. I work for the king... Technically... we take care of them. And they do belong to the king.”
The Tanner: I dont care who you are. And unless you have backup, you couldn’t beat me anyway.
Little John: are you challenging me?! (he gets angry) You’ve just dug your grave with those words cause I’m gonna beat you like you’ve never been beat before. Get your weapon dude. I won’t hit an unarmed man.
The Tanner: you’re a raving lunatic. (He lost his temper too) You’re all talk and no action. Who do you think you are, threatening me? If I don’t skin you like I skinned a cow earlier, destroy my staff and make it animal feed because I wouldn’t deserve it. Now square up dude.
Little John: wait a minute. My staff is longer than yours. I dont want an unfair advantage.
The Tanner: no way. Mine is definitely bigger. You better look again. (((penis jokes)))
And so they started to circle each other in order to fight.
Robin Hood had heard that Little John hadn’t gone to get the fabric he was sent for. He was angry enough that he was going into town to find him and yell at him. He heard the two men arguing. He recognized Little John’s voice and could tell he was angry. He thought that Little John had been captured by the Sheriff again. He sneaked through the forest and spied on the two men who were about to fight. “Oh its just a regular old fight. I’d pay money to see Little John get a walloping. Serves him right for disobeying me. Too bad it wont happen since Little John is such a good fighter.” so he sat down and decided to watch the fight.
The tanner and Little John went at it furiously enough that it sounded like 10 men fighting each other. They fought for a half hour until the ground was all messed up beneath them. Little John was starting to lose because he had gained weight and hadn’t worked out in so long.
Robin was enjoying the fight. He was amused to see Little John evenly matched for the first time ever. “he would have beat him a while ago if they’d run into each other before John went to the Sheriffs.”
Little John hit at the tanner as hard as he possibly could but the helmet saved him from death. The tanner regained his balance and swung back at Little John. Little John went down and dropped his staff. The Tanner hit him again in the ribs.
Little John: Wait a dang minute! What kind of person hits a man when he’s down?
The Tanner: Me. Happily. ( he hit him again.)
Little John: Stop! Someone Help! I give up. You win. You win.
The Tanner: Have you had enough???
Little John: more than enough
The Tanner: Say that I’m the better man!
Little John: yeah sure. You’re the better man. (then he whispers to himself; I hope you get rabies.)
The Tanner: then get gone and thank your God that I’m merciful enough to let you go
Little John: Plagues are more merciful than you. I think you broke every one of my ribs. I didn’t think there was a single man who could beat me like this.
Robin Hood: me either.
Robin stepped out of the thicket, laughing so hard he cried. “Oh man! I’m so amused! You went over so easy! I never thought you’d ever give up a fight! I was on my way to yell at you for not listening to me. But this was definitely punishment enough.” Robin shook the tanners hand and congratulated him on making Little John look so weak. Little John sat on the ground and stared bitterly at them.
Robin asked the man what his name was and recognized him as someone who beat one of his other friends in a fight at a fair. Robin introduced himself and Little John. The tanner recognized them too. He apologized for fighting Little John because he didn’t know who he was. He held a hand out to help John up. Little John knocks it away.
Little John: “I can get up on my own. And if it weren’t for your stupid ugly helmet, I’d have killed you today.”
Robin asks the tanner, named Arthur, to join the merry men.
Arthur, the tanner: You want ME? I would LOVE to! (he fangirls) That sounds amazing. I’ll even make the best leather you’ve ever seen. And I promise to never ever hunt one of your deer again!
Robin orders Little John to finally go to get the fabric and tells him to stop going off to different pubs until the job is done.
0 notes
penniesforthestorm · 3 years
“Me and dead owls don’t give a hoot”: Justified Season 3, Episodes 2-4
We’re back at it, as the major conflicts of Justified’s third season begin to take shape. My recap of Episode One, “The Gunfighter”, is here; the previous season’s notes are tagged with ‘#justified season 2′, and the general tag for related business is ‘#did you miss my heart on purpose’.
Episode Two: “Cut Ties”
-In the aftermath of the encounter with Fletcher Nix, Raylan wakes up in the house Winona shared with Gary, only to have his morning routine disrupted by an ill-timed visit from the new realtor.
-Raylan goes to visit Boyd in jail, and the two of them muse on their unconventional relationships-- Raylan’s contemplating moving in with his pregnant ex-wife, and Boyd is, as he describes it, sleeping with “his dead brother’s widow and murderess”. Raylan also drops a hint that he knows why Boyd was so keen to get himself locked up this time around.
-Marshal Service Case of the Week: Art Mullen gets a visit from his old pal Bill Nichols, who works in Witness Protection. Nichols gets cornered outside a diner and shot in the leg. Following up on his disappearance is Agent Karen Goodall (Carla Gugino) up from Miami, and it’s implied that she and Raylan have a shared past. As the two of them track down a possible lead, Art sends Rachel to the home of one of Nichols’ witnesses--a woman with two small children-- with orders to watch and wait. Art tracks down the man who shot Nichols and, after interrogating him, establishes the link: he sold the addresses of Nichols’ other witnesses to a mob boss named Little Joe DeLaHunt (the man Raylan and Agent Goodall are tracking). Raylan, Goodall, and Art show up to help Rachel, who has managed to fend off two attackers and keep the witness and her children safe.
-Meanwhile Boyd, acting on a reluctant tip from Dewey Crowe, engineers another fight to get himself placed in solitary confinement, where his new neighbor just happens to be Dickie Bennett. Boyd sneaks into Dickie’s cell and holds him at knifepoint, demanding the location of Mags’ money. Dickie informs him it’s with a man named Ellstin Limehouse. Next morning, Boyd is released into Ava’s arms, and explains that getting the money will be trickier than they anticipated.
-In the final scene, we meet the mysterious Mr. Limehouse (Mykelti Williamson)-- aside from Rachel, he and his assistants, Errol (Demetrius Grosse) and Bernard (Cleavon McLendon) are the first major Black characters we’ve seen on the show. While carefully carving up a pig, Limehouse lectures Bernard for falling asleep on watch duty, and offers a choice: Bernard can submit to having his hand burned with lye, to settle the affair, or he can promise not to screw up again, knowing, if he does, the consequences will be dire. Bernard takes “Door #2.” As the camera pulls away, it lingers on Errol’s hand, which is marked with a heavy burn scar.
Episode Three: “Harlan Roulette”
-Ava makes a nocturnal visit to Limehouse’s BBQ shack-- clearly, they know each other well. She brings him to meet with Boyd, who is decidedly out of his comfort zone. Boyd offers to dispatch Dickie Bennett, but Limehouse doesn’t bite, and instead, slyly hints at Boyd’s “weed problem”. Boyd takes a swing at Devil for not burning the marijuana as ordered.
-Trooper Tom Bergen calls Raylan down-- they’ve caught scent of Wade Messer. They’re looking at him for a series of armed robberies, possibly connected to OxyContin trafficking, and Raylan expresses surprise that the generally benign Messer would be caught up in such business. Messer escapes the roadblock, but his buddy JT is caught and arrested.
-We catch up with Dewey Crowe and Dickie Bennett, bro-ing out in the prison yard. Corrupt guard Ash Murphy, who assisted Boyd in the previous episode, bends Dickie’s ear about the Bennett money. Jeremy Davies, as Dickie, gives possibly my favorite line-delivery in whole series when he tells Murphy to “h-h-hold your horses.”
-Messer and JT show up to apologize to their dealer, pawn-shop owner Glenn Fogle. Fogle makes JT play a few rounds of “Harlan Roulette” in punishment. “Maybe it’s just your lucky day, son,” Fogle says, as JT escapes round after round. “Maybe not,” Fogle intones, after shooting him.
-Errol arrives at the Givens home to offload the ruined weed stash, and Boyd directs Devil to help. Arlo puts a flea in Boyd’s ear about their discontent. Inside, Boyd pulls Devil, Arlo, and Ava in for a meeting and lays out his plans for the new Crowder empire. “We will not work with outsiders,” he declares.
-Off to Lexington, where Robert Quarles is describing his plans to take over the Oxy racket to Wynn Duffy. Quarles takes a phone call, and Duffy asks for the restroom. He takes a wrong turn, and discovers a seemingly naked man, gagged and bound on a bed. Quarles cheerfully redirects him- “Other side, buddy,” and Duffy turns away, visibly creeped out.
-Raylan visits Glenn Fogle, on Messer’s trail. Fogle makes a panicked call to Wynn Duffy, and Quarles, listening in, suggests that Fogle arrange for Wade Messer to kill Raylan.
-Step one of Boyd’s agenda: re-taking control of Johnny’s bar. Johnny, who has been conspicuously absent up to this point, unveils some new recruits to the crew: young punk Jimmy (Jesse Luken), about whom Johnny affectionately says, “We never know what he’ll do, so that’s a problem,” and the menacing, longhaired Rip.
-A very glum Wade Messer, having summoned Raylan to his house under the pretext of surrender, finds Raylan already waiting on the front porch. It turns out that Raylan went inside and found the gun Messer was supposed to shoot him with. Messer lures Glenn Fogle to the scene, and a standoff ensues, with Fogle and his henchman each offering Raylan information before unwittingly shooting each other.
-Boyd drinks with Devil, who reminisces about the glory days of Crowder’s Commandos, to Boyd’s obvious discomfort. Finally, Devil comes to the point-- which Boyd Crowder is he being asked to follow? Boyd responds that he’s the same as he’s always been, which, while probably true, isn’t the answer Devil thinks it is.
-Raylan, acting on a tip from Fogle, pays Wynn Duffy an impromptu visit, just as Robert Quarles is showing off his new wrist-gun rig. Raylan roughs Duffy up a little, and then, in an escalation of his previous threat, drops a bullet on Duffy’s chest. “Next one’s comin’ faster,” he growls, to Quarles’ obvious amusement.
Episode Four: “The Devil You Know”
-Devil meets with none other than Robert Quarles, at the recommendation of his friend Tanner Dodd. Quarles claims to sympathize with Devil’s plight (as told to him by Dodd), and suggests Devil join forces with him. Devil isn’t an idiot, repugnant politics aside-- he knows an opportunity when he sees one.
-Speaking of joining forces, Dewey Crowe jumps in to defend Dickie Bennett during a ruckus in the prison yard, and Murphy, who planned to help Dickie escape, expresses profound irritation. The infirmary nurse Lance (Clayne Crawford), on the other hand, seems to think Dewey might be useful.
-So, there’s a thing in dog training called the “blanket test”, used to measure problem-solving skills. You put a towel or blanket over the dog’s head (gently), and most competent pups will be able to extricate themselves in less than 30 seconds. As Murphy goes to let the two miscreants out of the van, Dewey Crowe falls out, and begins flopping around in a panic, still inside the body bag, failing the blanket test in spectacular fashion.
-Raylan goes to visit Loretta McCready, to ask if she might have any ideas about Mags’ missing money. She gives him a hard time, but clearly, both of them enjoy the interaction, and she mentions Limehouse.
-Next, Raylan and Rachel go to visit Limehouse, and Raylan explains the history of Noble’s Holler-- founded by emancipated slaves, and kept in self-willed isolation ever since. When Raylan mentions his surname, Limehouse pretends not to recognize it. He reluctantly agrees to let the marshals set up a roadblock, watching for Dickie Bennett. Dickie and Murphy see the police lights and head back to a motel, where Dickie makes new arrangements with Limehouse.
-Raylan heads to Johnny’s bar, trying to sniff out Boyd’s angle on Noble’s Holler. More history is revealed: Limehouse has offered sanctuary to white women looking to escape abusive husbands, including Raylan’s mother Frances. Raylan witnessed Arlo receive a beating at Limehouse’s hands when he attempted to get Frances back. Raylan then pulls Boyd aside, alerting him that Dewey and Dickie are out and looking for Mags’ money.
-Back at the motel, Murphy, Lance, and Dickie squabble-- Limehouse is supposed to call Dickie when the money has been delivered, and hours have passed with no word. Murphy goes out for fried chicken.
-At the bar, Johnny finds Devil lurking in the back office, and asks what’s on his mind. Devil says he’s through with Boyd Crowder, and he knows how to get in some “deep pockets”. Johnny drily says, “Start talking, Devil.”
-Raylan tracks down Murphy, tray of chicken in hand, and literally runs him down, as Dickie and the others escape from the hotel room. Murphy details the plan, and makes a remark about things potentially getting “weird”. Dewey tries to run away at a gas station, and Lance takes him, while Dickie and the others head to the store.
-Rachel stops Errol’s truck, which he claims is full of pig manure, and makes it clear she has every intention of searching it before she’ll let him through the roadblock. He turns back around, and a dismayed Raylan realizes that he was probably carrying the money. “Goddamn if I don’t have to save Dickie Bennett,” he mutters, driving off.
-Sure enough, Dickie is about to meet some unpleasant fate at the hands of the two men from the motel when Errol and Limehouse arrive at the store. Dickie opens a cooler, only to find that there’s significantly less money in it than expected. He angrily hands it back to Limehouse, saying their business isn’t finished until the whole $3 million is recovered. Raylan shows up, and Dickie surrenders.
-Devil makes his play-- with Johnny at his side, he corners Boyd for a “come-to-Jesus” meeting. Boyd sighs with regret, calling him “son”, and seeming to surrender. He asks for one last word, and Devil nods. “Knowing me the way that you do,” Boyd says softly, “What ever led you to believe you could pull this off?” Johnny raises his pistol to Devil’s head, and Boyd shoots him in the chest. He’s clearly furious, but there’s also grief in his voice-- no doubt Devil reminds him of his younger, angrier self. The episode ends with Boyd firing directly into Devil’s forehead, to ease his passing.
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starrysteel · 7 years
Fav LGBTQ+ Webcomic Masterlist
→→The following recs are my favorite lgbtq comics I've read- most are still updating and I usually have a habit of forgetting to keep track of what I’m reading but these have stood out to me and pulled in my attention enough to keep me intrigued. Summaries are *mostly* accredited to the creators. ‘Strong themes’ refers to references toward alcohol, drugs, sex, strong language etc. All comics are listed in alphabetical order to avoid making this seem like favoritism lol.←← 
Almost Touching
creator: https://www.patreon.com/rospez
genre: romance, slice of life, contemporary, drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: Wyatt's got a huge secret and Aiden is a nosy pest who becomes intertwined in it. Though he doesn't seem to mind much...
my experience: This comic is fucking hilarious I seriously laugh so hard reading this!
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic
Always Raining Here ~completed
creator: http://bellhasabat.tumblr.com and http://hazeldrop.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, romance, comedy, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: Adrian is heartsick, Carter is horny. This is a story about their misadventures as awkward teenagers as they fumble through unrequited romances.
my experience: This was the first gay webcomic I read so it had pretty special meaning to me. Re-reading it now only reminds me how cute the story is and how relatable the characters are. 
available on: website
support their store!
Avialae ~ongoing
creator: http://misslucid.tumblr.com
genre: romance, comedy, contemporary fantasy
warnings: 18+, strong themes, nsfw
summary: ‘Avialae’ is a webcomic about a gross bird boy and his nerdy ornithologist boyfriend--I mean neighbor who helps him out during the painful and bloody process of growing wings.
my experience: An interesting story with hilarious characters and a troubling situation that you’ll definitely want to read about. The art is well done and Gannet’s freckles are adorable :)
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic
Breaks ~ ongoing
creators: https://twitter.com/Emmavieceli and https://twitter.com/malin_ryden
genre: romance, comedy, contemporary drama
warnings: violence, strong themes, trauma, bullying
summary: A love story…but a little broken. Everyone wears a mask. What we see of people on the surface is so rarely what’s ticking underneath. And, in Cortland Hunt’s case, what he’s hiding might just be more than Ian Tanner is prepared for.
my experience: It has an old American comic style which is quite fun to read and the characters are well developed in what has been updated. I like how realistic the world is depicted as and there’s also some pretty good humor put in there too,,
available on: website, taptastic, tumblr
Brooke Street ~ongoing
creator: http://blinkstep.com
genre: drama, mystery, romance
warnings: strong themes
summary: Detective Richard Wang has a lot of problems. He should just be grateful the local mob boss is asking him for help instead of starting a gang war.
my experience: The story is so intriguing! Great artwork and lots of angst. 
available on: taptastic
Check Please! ~ongoing
creator: http://ngoziu.tumblr.com
genre: comedy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: Eric Bittle—former Georgia junior figure skating champion, vlogger extraordinaire, and amateur pâtissier—is starting his freshman year playing hockey at the prestigious Samwell University in Samwell, Massachusetts. And it’s basically nothing like co-ed club hockey back in the South. For one? There’s checking. It’s a story about hockey and friendship and bros and trying to find yourself during the best 4 years of your life.
my experience: A super cute comic about two super cute hockey players. I love the art and the laid back style that it is updated in. Definitely worth a read. 
available on: tumblr
check out their store! 
Countdown to Countdown ~ongoing
creator: http://velocesmells.tumblr.com
genre: drama, romance, mystery, adventure, dystopia  
warnings: mental illness, strong themes, gore 
summary: Iris is a young man with the gift to bring pieces of artwork to life. 5 years into an apocalyptic outbreak, he’s holed up in a lab that shelters “problem” children. Between his failed experiments, deteriorating mental stability, and being ridiculed by other members of the lab, he doesn’t think life could get any worse. Life agrees to disagree. 
my experience: I truly love this comic- the artist makes an apocalyptic storyline seem very realistic and the art is so gorgeous. This is one of my all time favorites. 
available on: website, taptastic
support their store!  
CRUSHED!! ~ongoing
creator: https://twitter.com/Himalayaa
genre: romance, slice of life, comedy, contemporary drama  
warnings: 18+, nsfw, domestic violence, bullying, some BDSM
summary: Carter (Crush) is what you call a fuckboy and pulls two hockey teammates into affairs with him. But Reuben and Scott have different opinions about dating then Carter ... and sharing is not always caring. With some more issues and really bad communication skills, trouble ain't far.
my experience: Updates are frequent and I enjoy the aplenty of smutty scenes this comic has ;) 
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic, webtoon
Dancing On Embers ~ongoing
creator: http://blaynefox.com
genre: historical, drama, romance, mystery
warnings: strong themes, violence, reference to war
summary: ‘Dancing on Embers’ follows the story of Giuseppe (Beppe) Bartelemucci and his family through their world of chaos in Piedmont, Italy during early WWII. Since the arrival of Coyote, a rugged freedom fighter with a mysterious past, the family's mission of building a resistance has proven more complicated with the dangerous temptations of self-discovery. Not to mention the enemy always lurking behind every corner and the challenges of being only a small town in the middle of a military hot-spot. To bring freedom to Neive, the Bartelemuccis will face obstacles out of their darkest nightmares, and the price may even cost them their very lives.
my experience: I really enjoyed this interesting take on a love story within a historical time period. I love the art and the characters are very interesting. 
available on: website, smackjeeves
Dear Boy ~ongoing
creator: https://www.patreon.com/blauerozen
genre: slice of life, romance, drama, contemporary fantasy
warnings: too pure :,)
summary: "We learn love differently. So in turn, we give it differently". Or so they say. Follow a group of not-so-human college boys as they whine about their tangled love lives.
my experience: Honestly the cutest comic, the characters are so lovable and the art is amazing. I think it will be interesting to see how a rabbit could date a lizard and a goat a centaur.
available on: webtoon, taptastic
Decked Out! ~ongoing
creator: http://nezkovsou.tumblr.com
genre: romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes, trauma
summary: Wen Jin has no interest in relationships but oddly enough, he has been confessed to many many times. On the other hand, his roommate Lovell Seymour is all about sex. Two distinct personalities in a four-sided room with circumstances brewing in, their friendship will be tested.
my experience: This is a fun pair I love reading about and I’m intrigued to see where they end up with their conflicting views on love. 
available on: taptastic
Demon of the Underground ~ongoing
creator: http://www.bob-artist.com
genre: urban fantasy, paranormal, romance, action, mystery, drama
warnings: violence, nsfw, strong themes
summary: ‘Demon of the Underground’ is the story of Pogo, a big-mouthed young thief who falls through a hole in the ground and finds himself in a brutal underground world where survival is based on strength and intimidation. His only hope for escape is his telekinetic ability - and the help of a stray ferret named Annie.
my experience: An interesting take on an underground world, I like how it deals with the tensions between two societies of people. The characters seem well developed and the art is amazing.
available on: website
Dragon Husbands ~ongoing
creator: http://dragonhusbands.tumblr.com
genre: fantasy, romance, dystopia, comedy, mystery, drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: Fai lives on colony 88HK3 in the year 535 After Ascension, and he's pretty sure fairy tales ain't real. Then he meets a strange person, and a stranger fate.
my experience: I love the world in which this story is set in and the characters are so cool, especially Kick lol. The art is simple but I love that it conveys a great story.
available on: website, smackjeeves, taptastic, webtoon
Forget the Distance ~ongoing
creators: http://www.smackjeeves.com/profile.php?id=64256
genre: comedy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes, nsfw
summary: Logan's mother hasn't had a good eye for good men since his father left them so when Brian comes along, he is automatically disliked by the hesitant son. Any man who his mother brings home receives the same treatment: sarcasm,pranks and vile language. But unlike the others, Brian doesn't give up. He doesn't leave. Doing so earns him some respect from the teen and even though they begin to get along,the competition continues. They both love her dearly and neither will give up the game. Brian won't lose to a child such as Logan, and Logan won't lose to a man such as Brian. In the end are they really competing for his mother's love or for each others? Who will lose?
my experience: Great buildup and a super cute story of a man and boy turning hate into love. I also love the art style and the side characters are fun as well. 
available on: smackjeeves
Ghost Lights ~ongoing
creator: http://fantakoi.tumblr.com
genre: fantasy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: When Noah's dreams begin to overlap with reality he doesn't know what to think anymore. But then he and his best friend Robin get lured into a place of their past. Slowly, they start remembering that they might have known each other for far longer than they thought, and that they weren't always human...
my experience: Super interesting plot and I love the art as well as the ‘friendship’ between these two.
available on: taptastic
Green & Gold ~hiatus
creator: http://lisadorina.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, romance, comedy, contemporary drama
warnings: none
summary: There's a tradition on this school: Every new seventh grader gets an older sister or brother/mentor from the tenth grade. Since they are separated from their families most of the time, they should have someone whom they can talk to if they need anything. Every pair must work on a project together until the end of the school year. But this isn't the only possible source for problems to evolve. ‘Green & Gold’ is a story about teenagers at a German boarding school experiencing everything from new friendships, rocky rivalries, first relationships and more. 
my experience: This is a cute comic to read whenever you want a little light hearted drama. I especially love that the author draws their own fan art :)
available on: taptastic, tumblr
Griefer Belt ~ongoing
creator: http://kalesbug.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, romance, comedy
warnings: violence, gore, strong themes
summary: Griefer Belt is a slice of life series about queer criminals in the black market of Montross City. Light-hearted dark humour ensues. Scott works for The Belt, a black market company that deals in harvesting and trading human organs. His boss and partner (in crime), Lars Van Allen is heir to the organization but lacks certain abilities to properly run a business.
my experience: Love the assassin au and the characters are so lovable! The story is so funny I always enjoy reading a new chapter. 
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic
Heartstopper ~ongoing
creator: http://chronicintrovert.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, romance, contemporary, drama
warnings: strong themes (mostly the beginning)
summary: Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more...?
my experience: I honestly love this comic so much it’s seriously so cute and it always leaves me smiling. 
available on: taptastic
Hell Eyes ~ongoing
creator: https://askhelleyes.tumblr.com
genre: action, adventure, romance, dystopia  
warnings: strong themes, gore, violence 
summary: An apocalyptic world filled with angels and demons. A new threat is approaching and the only way to save the remaining humans on the planet is to  strike a deal between the two rivaling groups. The journey that will ensure will not be peaceful. 
my experience: An intense plot and fun characters always makes for a chaotic (but cool) story. 
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic
Hendrix & Julian ~ongoing
creator: http://electronicyaoi.tumblr.com/
genre: romance, drama, contemporary
warnings: strong themes
summary: Hendrix and Julian are natural enemies- a cocky jock and the school's gay punching bag, but will all that change after one cold night alone in the gym cupboard?
my experience: Sad bullying in the beginning quickly turns around with a super cute (and realistic tbh) romance. 
available on: smackjeeves
Icebreaker ~ongoing
creator: http://www.smackjeeves.com/profile.php?id=276809
genre: romance, drama, contemporary
warnings: strong themes
summary: The talented ice hockey player Isaac gets bullied by his teammates. Just when he's about to say bye to his skates, he meets a charming boy who teaches him the beauty of being on ice again.
my experience: Cute comic of a figure skater and a hockey player, tragic backstory but a pure romance.
available on: smackjeeves
Indigents ~ongoing
creator: http://spectrewaves.tumblr.com
genre: post apocalyptic, romance, comedy, drama
warnings: gore, strong themes
summary: Dakota and Kennedy are thrown together in a world ravaged by a single disease. Fast spreading and corrupting sanity, civilization was razed to the ground. For those fortunate to have immunity, life isn't easy. Avoiding the diseased is one thing, but without law and order those left take complete advantage of a world they can now build for themselves. Stranded together in the ghost of the country they once knew, Dakota and Kennedy fight through whatever obstacles lay in their path, seeking peace and quiet and maybe something to eat. 
my experience: Super cute and hilarious- this is a zombie comic you do not want to miss!
available on: smackjeeves
Insomnia ~ongoing
creators: https://paperjeansss.tumblr.com
genre: comedy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes, violence, nsfw, rape 
summary: This is the story of how several people's lives intertwine at the nightclub 'Insomnia'. Let's see what the nightlife will bring them.
my experience: I like how all the characters are related but each of the storylines are so different! A lot of hotties in this one,,
available on: smackjeeves, tumblr
Jamie ~ongoing
creator: http://ndgo.tumblr.com/tagged/ndgoart
genre: slice of life, romance, comedy
warnings: none
summary: New friendships and experiences blossom when Jamie, a young hopeless romantic, bumps into Aiden, a socially inept pretty boy (with his own set of problems) in this coming of age story with themes of: Identity, peer pressure, heartbreak, sacrifice and the difficult journey to self acceptance.
my experience: Such a cute story- honestly just a few awkward boys coming of age. 
available on: taptastic, tumblr
Long Exposure ~ongoing
creator: http://smokeplanet.tumblr.com
genre: supernatural, romance, drama, slice of life
warnings: strong themes
summary: Long Exposure is an ongoing webcomic about a nerd and a bully who are forced to work on a class project together. The story revolves around them developing super powers after an incident at a strange research center, and finding themselves followed by a mysterious car, overcoming personal challenges, and (most importantly) discovering how gay they are for each other.
my experience: Honestly just an adorable romance between a delinquent druggie and a wallflower :)
available on: taptastic
creator: http://asteroidzart.tumblr.com
genre: thriller, romance, drama, mystery
warnings: strong themes, nsfw
summary: Alexiy Serebrov is a sharp hired gun working within the shadows of Western and Eastern Bloc governments. Until, that is, one specific target completely botches his setup. He becomes entangled in a mass-scale cover up and has to decide whether to kill his target, or join him on the run.
my experience: This comic is incredible- I love thrillers and this one integrates a gay character so well! The artwork is amazing too. 
available on: taptastic, tumblr
A Matter of Life and Death ~ongoing
creator: http://the-snipster.tumblr.com
genre: comedy, romance, fantasy, drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: Death's job isn't really his favorite, but it's not like he could change it. It doesn't help that he's attracted to his opposite who seems to detest his very existence. 
my experience: This is a hilarious comic to read, I love the idea behind the story and the characters actually have great personalities. 
available on: taptastic, webtoon
Miles of Painted Darkness ~ongoing
creator: http://archiaart.tumblr.com
genre: fantasy, romance, drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: In a land ruled by mythical giants that are worshipped as gods, a sacrifice survives, and an ancient prophecy is set into motion.
my experience: From the creator of the God in the Field is an amazing new story with an adorable peasant boy. I have a lot of hope for this one!
available on: taptastic
Narcotic ~ongoing
creator: https://narcott.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, romance, drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: The story of a high school junkie and his studious best friend.
my experience: Honestly adorable I love the characters so much!
available on: taptastic
No End ~ongoing
creators: http://erlie.tumblr.com and http://kromitar.tumblr.com 
genre: drama, comedy, romance, adventure, dystopia 
warnings: strong themes, gore, violence
summary: No End is a webcomic about a group of people struggling to survive in a post apocalyptic country ravaged by an unyielding winter and hordes of undead. Living amid a world of horror doesn’t erase the cast’s day-to-day worries about identity, family, friendship and betrayal, as they seek people they can trust, as well a legendary place called “Haven” rumored to be free of the cold and horror. 
my experience: I love how the creators focus on strong character development amidst a post apocalyptic world, it's really fascinating. The art style is bomb and I've laughed wAY too many times at some of the jokes, lol. 
available on: smackjeeves
Novae ~ongoing
creator: http://kaixju.tumblr.com
genre: historical, celestial, romance, comedy, drama
warnings: none
summary: It is 17th century France, the age of discovery and revolution. Sulvain, a mysterious traveler, is absorbed in the Parisan academic scene. Through his friendship with the renowned Christiaan Huygens, Sulvain has the chance to study the latest discoveries of the distant cosmos. Deep in the library of Academy of Sciences, however our traveler will meet Huygen’s apprentice- Raziol Quamar who will truly spark new lights in Sulvain’s universe. But as the two grow closer, trouble brews in the city. 
my experience: Wow this is an amazing comic, I was honestly stunned with the incredible artwork and the really intriguing storyline. I highly recommend!
available on: website, smackjeeves
Out of the Blue ~ongoing
creator: http://wonderarium.tumblr.com
genre: fantasy, slice of life, romance
warnings: none
summary: Some summer in the mid-century American South a blind dam worker meets a fish monster trapped in his lake.
my experience: This is adorable and the characters are so cute,,wow I love mermen. 
available on: taptastic, tumblr
Peaceful Mind ~ongoing
creator: http://sweetpeamomote.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, comedy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: Eunwoo isn’t the regular boy, even though he appears to be. He has a power, the ability to read minds. He’d lived his whole life dealing with it without problems until a boy called Hyun-wook enters his life and changes it forever.
my experience: It’s so cool that Eunwoo can read minds, and I just think these two are so cute not knowing how gay they are for each other lol.
available on: taptastic
Quédate a mi Lado (Stand by Me) ~ongoing
creator: https://twitter.com/NeKoChAnK
genre: slice of life ,romance, contemporary drama
warnings: nsfw, bullying, violence, strong themes
summary: Kat conoce a Kian durante la adolescencia, llegando a ser novios durante esta etapa, sin embargo, Kian regresa a su país para seguir estudiando. Durante la etapa de joven adulto Kat conoce a Miráh, con quien retoma su vida amorous. ~~Kat and Kian meet during their teen years, becoming boyfriends, however when Kian goes back to his country to continue with his studies during the early years of his adult life, Kat meets Mirah, which whom he resumes his love life.
my experience: I love the art and the characters were fun to follow along with. A pretty tragic love story if you ask me, I’m excited to finish it!
available on: taptastic (spanish), taptastic (english)
Rainflowers ~completed
creator: http://midgart.tumblr.com
genre: romance, slice of life, drama
warnings: sadness
summary: Rainflowers is a BL comic about a clueless, but cheerful human puppy who falls in love with a temperamental, hard-working flower-lover.
my experience: Interesting short story, really tragic ending and an overall great comic. 
available on: taptastic
buy the physical copy!
Raven King ~ongoing
creator: https://ameoname.tumblr.com
genre: fantasy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: The college student Yoni Arao gets abducted by ravens on his way to a workshop. As he comes around he can't believe his eyes. Before him is standing a mythical creature beyond words, Garvan, the Raven King. This is planning to do with Yoni? And what’s with Yoni’s family and friends who are desperately looking for him back home? Will they ever see him again...?
my experience: I love the art of this comic and I think the Raven King is a great idea. So far I’m anticipating each new page. 
available on: website, smackjeeves, taptastic, webtoon
RU Screwed ~ongoing
creator: https://www.patreon.com/ruscrewed?alert=1&ty=h
genre: slice of life, romance, comedy, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes, nsfw
summary: Howie and Sooch are friends and floormates at Raisley University. Howie secretly has a thing for Sooch. Sooch just wants to make it through the semester. Will they lose their minds?
my experience: I love the alluring cast in this comic and their misadventures are quite funny. The art and the layouts look really pretty too.
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic
Something Like Summer ~ongoing
creator: http://www.gaywebcomics.com/creators/
genre: romance, slice of life, contemporary, drama, adaptation
warnings: too cute!
summary: Something Like Summer began life as a novel back in 2011. Originally envisioned as a standalone release, it soon grew into series of eleven full-length books. Since then it has gone on to win awards and has even been adapted for film by Blue Seraph Productions. 
Much like the web comics, Something Like Summer tells the story of Benjamin Bentley, a gay teenager whose greatest problem isn’t coming out—as is so often portrayed in mainstream stories. Instead, his conflict is finding someone to love who is willing to love him back. That’s something we can all relate to, isn’t it? While the web comic draws heavily from the novels, it doesn’t follow the same plot exactly. After all, what’s life without a few surprises?
my experience: Honestly such a pure story, and adapted from a great series too! There’s a lot of good humor in here, a fantastic summer read,,
available on: website
Spurs and Stripes ~ongoing
creator: http://www.smackjeeves.com/profile.php?id=230559
genre: comedy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes, nsfw
summary: Ever wonder what would happen if an emo kid got stuck on a cattle ranch with a hot cowboy? Gay things would happen, that's what!
my experience: A pretty eccentric pair and an unfortunate situation makes this comic really fun to read!
available on: smackjeeves
Starfighter ~ongoing
creator: http://hamletmachine.tumblr.com
genre: drama, romance, action, sci-fi
warnings: violence, strong themes, 18+, trauma, nsfw, light BDSM
summary: A fighter- Cain and a navigator- Abel are paired together as a starfighter team with a common mission to overtake an alien race at war with the humans. Despite a rough beginning, the fighters grow accustomed to each other and even begin to have feelings for one another. But there’s a bigger mission underneath it all and motives, trust as well as love will all be tested in this futuristic comic. 
my experience: An interesting art style and a well thought out plot line, I felt myself really pulled into this story. The characters are pretty cool as well and there’s definitely a fair share of drama. 
available on: website
support their store!
buy the visual novel!
Sugar & Splice ~ongoing
creator: https://twitter.com/DelgadoZee
genre: romance, drama, contemporary
warnings: strong themes
summary: Darion was bored with dating women but his friends took it seriously. They joked that he was gay and dared him to kiss an unwary passer-by. Unknowingly, the man was actually a popular and rich actor. Mad by what Darion has done, he urged him to take responsibility and proposed to him.
my experience: Such an angsty story and although it takes two stories to resolve it, I highly enjoyed this one. 
available on: taptastic, sequel
Theurgy ~ongoing
creators: http://midgart.tumblr.com and http://tulomnedraws.tumblr.com
genre: romance, slice of life, paranormal, comedy
warnings: strong themes  
summary: ‘Theurgy’ is a BL comic about a lazy demon and the idiot who accidentally summons him.
my experience: A cute take on a paranormal classic. The art is great and the characters are pretty cute. 
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic, tumblr
The Boy and the Wolf ~ongoing
creator: http://z-pico.deviantart.com/
genre: romance, drama, contemporary
warnings: strong themes
summary: Two Boys meet, for the first time, they deeply feel like they exist for someone else. They will have to fight against their own worlds to stay together.
my experience: I LOVE the art of this comic! The story sounds promising and I’m excited to continue reading.
available on: taptastic
Together at The End ~hiatus
creator: https://togetherattheend.tumblr.com
genre: adventure, action, romance, dystopia 
warnings: strong themes, gore, nsfw, violence, rape
summary: At the end of the world, all they have is each other. Two broken men survive together in a post apocalyptic world of zombies while they harbor growing feelings.
my experience: A unique art style and an interesting story with fleshed out characters- a zombie comic that isn't excessively cheesy. 
available on: smackjeeves
Toxic for You ~ongoing
creator: http://jocabako.tumblr.com
genre: drama, romance, slice of life, contemporary
warnings: strong themes, nsfw
summary: Calisto is a university student who struggles with the idea of happiness, and needs to understand what love really means.
my experience: Super fun to read and the best love triangle you can ask for!
available on: taptastic
Tripping Over You ~ongoing
creators: http://akasuzana.tumblr.com and http://whitedowt.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, comedy, romance, contemporary drama
warnings: strong themes
summary: The story of two boys, Milo and Liam, and their misadventures growing up and falling in love. 
my experience: Another one of my first comics, I feel attached to Milo and Liam tbh. A great coming of age comic that follows them throughout their relationship. 
available on: website
check out their store!
Until Sunset ~ongoing
creator: http://smutindevelopment.tumblr.com
genre: slice of life, fantasy, romance, comedy
warnings: none
summary: Isaac has resigned himself to being stuck alone in his family holiday house for 2 months – that is until he meets Derek, a merman that got wounded when swimming too close to a fishing boat. Now Isaac gets to spend his holiday nursing his new friend back to health, and finds that he wouldn’t want to spend it any other way.
my experience: such a cute comic I always love reading this one- lowkey Isaac is me though lmao. 
available on: taptastic
Victim Gate of Spirits ~ongoing 
creators: http://winblade.deviantart.com and http://insanealbino.deviantart.com
genre: fantasy, romance, adventure, mystery
warnings: strong themes, nsfw, violence
summary: The story is about the people living in a small village near a huge primordial swamp. The main character - Ivo - several years ago his best friend Dragosh went missing in the swamp. They say that people who disappear in the marshes are sure to die. But Ivo never gave up… Will he be able to get along with his old friend who changed dramatically over the years?
my experience: A savory romance between two long lost friends living in an interesting fantasy world with amazing art. 
available on: smackjeeves, taptastic, webtoon
Wham Bam! ~ongoing
creator: http://experi-sketches.tumblr.com
genre: contemporary, romance, comedy
warnings: explicit content, strong language, depictions of violence
summary: Harvey is nothing. He's a nobody. Trapped in a small Texas town where nothing ever changes, doomed to waste away in the scrub brush and withering sun, he figures the best he can do is keep his head down and stay out of everyone else's way. After all, who would be crazy enough care about a deadbeat redneck like him? Then one day an old Dodge rumbles into the parking lot of the gas station where he works, and Harvey learns that some folks wear their crazy like it'll never go out of style.
my experience: This is so hot, both the sweltering gas station and the spontaneous hookup between these two! Great read at 3am ;)
available on: spackjeeves
150 Days ~completed 
creator: http://theartofknightjj.tumblr.com 
genre: historical, adventure, romance
warnings: none
summary: A Chinese prince has lost his way in the middle east of the 9th century when a mysterious guy saves him. Together with a little company they decide to travel back to China to get him home. But letting go of eachother get’s a bit harder along the way.
my experience: This one is short but amazing. I love the story and the watercolor art is absolutely incredible. 
available on: taptastic, tapas
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