#but in happy au theyve known each other for a WHILE….
mushywutty · 1 month
You and shin are so kyute together I love it gimme more (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (affectionally of course, no obligations hehe)
the implications.... Literally you saying you could beat his ass and him lovingly sighing "I know...(⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)" HEART IN HIS EYES.
Yours truly, Oversharing Anon
shin is just so silly okay… hes a goofball.. hes my little sugarplum honeypie…..
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bugflies00 · 6 months
I continue to wonder since you said fostering au wilbur continues to be entirely in denial and Not Realizing for some time after he and quackity re-meet how exactly DOES the Feelings Realization TM go down qcihdtiwdzgd
OOOH well its very gradual and very much a disaster because. well. its him .
i think i said they remeet when theyre around 22-23, and at the time wilbur was in a really bad relationship that he only breaks off two or so years later. his girlfriend was very controlling and always bringing him down and making comments about him, his appearance, his interests, what he ate, etc. so needless to say wilburs already absolute dogshit self esteem is so further down the gutter it’s actually Wow look it pierced a hole into the ground from how far down it is.
this is important context because it’s part of why he takes soooo long to realise his feelings, he’s just so deeply entrenched in trying to make his girlfriend happy and love him and to appease everyone that he doesn’t realise. its what i call his “ghostbur” era - none of this stuff is actually strictly based on the bursonas, but i find he does follow a similar pattern of evolution, and at that point in his life he’s trying to be the biggest people pleaser possible after realising that being the unapproachable loner he was in high school would only leave him alone (also bc his abandonment issues got worse after sally left). his new relationship makes that worse also.
in the beginning him and q are just sort of awkwardly tiptoeing around each other considering they last left each other with a bajillion things unsaid and they are extremely determined on keeping said things unsaid. they start to grow back into friends, albeit more normal friends than the absolute mess of a situationship/frenemies they were in high school. theyre still themselves meaning they can’t go a second without aggravating each other, but its definitely friendlier.
and as time goes by some of their joke flirting gets a tad bit too real sometimes- quackity will make a joke and stare at him a moment too long, or wilbur will stutter out of nowhere, etc.
but wilbur still has a girlfriend!!! so as usual he shoves his head in the sand and he takes melatonin so at night he falls asleep instantly without having the time to yearn or reflect lmao. (for the record i do not condone this if your feelings change communicate that with your partner etc)
time progresses, every stranger they meet think theyre either married, sworn enemies, or fucking each other. meanwhile wilburs relationship grows worse and worse, he’s fallen deep into an eating disorder (while he was already struggling with bad eating habits pretty much his whole life it gets much worse then), hes struggling with self harm a lot, and its just not a great time. his friends keep trying to convince him to break things off, especially tommy who, since he lives with them, has seen a lot of shit and absolutely despises wilbur’s girlfriend’s guts and makes this very well known.
eventually they do break up (its a longer story than that but it would require its own post) and wilbur falls deep into a depressive episode. it makes him doubt for so long if he did the right thing, if he just should’ve sucked it up and taken whatever scraps of love he was given, but in reality the depressive episode had been a LONG time coming its just his brain was in survival mode. he never felt safe enough with her, so subconsciously his brain only allowed falling into depression again once it was safe to do so.
and so my point is that with all these things happening he’s absolutely nowhere near ready to accept his feelings. meanwhile q is pining hard - that man is going through it LMAO trying to support his friend (they still pretend to be frenemies) whilst shoving down his own shit. he’s one of the few people wilbur feels safe with (even though theyve gotten into fistfights and q has sincerely threatened his life on several occasions), mainly because, in a way, q knew him at his worst (high school) and still came back. so he has more trust in him than some of his other friends because hes convinced he’s manipulated them into thinking hes better than he is.
anyway q is planning this trip for an internship he’s doing for his law degree, and he has to leave for a month or two. wilburs 25th birthday rolls around, and he knows q wont be able to be there. he’s already still feeling shitty, not really entirely out of that depressive episode, and he’s ready to just have a lame birthday and go back to rotting in his bed.
and then (this is so cliché LET ME LIVE) theyre about to do the cake whatever and tommy yells announces they have a surprise and he turns around and wham! quackity standing there looking downright exhausted, with his suitcases around him and the airplane neck pillow still around his neck (he came straight from the airport). wilbur runs to hug him and, to me, that moment is the kickstarter that forces him to start actually realising whats happening.
first off because theyre not exactly huggers but that one was so spontaenous and it felt so right!! second because hes already sad and a bit emotionally volatile and the fact that q cared enough to rush and try his best to make it to his birthday moves him a whole lot. and finally because well yeah he’s madly in love with him but the only thing he says is to ask whether the eyebags q got from jetlag are a fashion statement in europe or if hes just reaching for the raccoon look.
theres definitely more moments after that (they take a LOOONG time to get together. and so much pining. its so bad) but i just think that moment is really sweet and also i love how their relationship progresses over time
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vsagis · 21 days
ya bitch is feeling soft today so hey lets have a shoutout to my beloved rp partners 💚
first and foremost my dear friend bee, @rigelig! we clicked so quickly, and i am so happy that i followed you and messaged you, because i cant imagine what it would be like if you werent my friend. youre such a kind-hearted person, and i can never thank you enough for always being by my side and helping me through the low points and celebrating the highs. and of course our muses! god, how much i love ibuki and izuku, theyve grown so much together, and i cherish their every interaction, and every thread we have with your other muses! wouldnt change it for anything. thank you for being in my life, because it got so much better when you appeared in it.
then of course caitlin, @spungolden. if someone were to ask me, how long do we know each other? i would say, havent we forever? joking around and talking with you never fails to brighten my day, and i am immensely grateful for having met you. i can always count on you if i need advice because of your logical mind, but also because of your big heart. when it comes to izuku and blake, we created so much together, angst and fluff and drama and funny moments, the same with dio, and with blake and shouto. we have our own lil shared universe (and then all of the aus!, and i love it so much!
last but not the least it's time to talk about raine, @huntershowl. we havent known each other for a long time, and while i do get attached to people easily, i know this friendships not going to fizz out. youre stuck with me youre always a pleasure to be around and throw ideas at each other, and the shit(tm) we went through together showed me whos my real friend (thats you). it was hard and painful, but i wouldnt go back and change anything about it, because it all lead to a healthier place. (doesnt mean we cant be a lil mean in our little group of two and have a shittalking session!) then comes our timeline of izuku and seph and boy! you know how much i enjoy these two, i keep talking your ear off about them all the time, but thats my love speaking. theyre rotting my brain, but in a good way.
theres many more people who made my experience on tumblr a happy place, but you guys are just. top notch. chefs kiss. never let anyone make you feel low, because youre all amazing. 💚
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poison-rat · 3 years
For the ask thing: intrulogical! P.s. I love your work
Thank you!! I havent written a proper fic in like a year but Im just itching to write lately.
I love Intrulogical so much but my wife doesmt ship them so I never get to talk about it.
Logan and Remus are both chaos but in different ways. This will also borrow from my human AU. I have set ships in it, it is its own thing I may try to write for, but I like using the characterisation Ive made.
Who is the most affectionate?
Remus loves PDA. Hes always holding onto/draped over/sitting on Logan in one way or another. Always dropping sloppy kisses on his face or yelling that he loves him, despite Logan sitting right next to him.
He feels shy in front of other people, but in private, Logan is just as much all over Remus. Hes not nearly as vocal about it, but he also enjoys leaning against him or kissing his cheek or lays with his head in Remus' lap. Its a silent affection and Remus loves it all the same.
Who initiates the handholding?
Remus typically. Loves PDA, again. But Logan will sometimes reach over and just... hold.
Who worries more for the other?
Logan doesnt try to show it, but hes always worried about Remus. He always worried Remus is going to embrace the wrong intrusive thought and hurt himself somehow.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Logan for sure. He understands that he doesnt know everything and is more than happy to stop and ask for directions when theyve passed the same gas station and souvenir shop 3 times. Remus says would rather die than ask for help, but even he can admit when he needs it, and will typically only ask Logan for help, or maybe Janus.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Remus loses everything. If he doesnt have it attached to him, its gone. Hes gone through six pairs of sunglasses while on a vacation, has his phone on a stretchy lanyard when hes out and about (and a good phone insurance in case rhe lamyard falls off), and his keys are on a locking carabiner on his belt loop because the dealership wont give them another set. They really shouldnt have give him the extra 4 that that did.
Logan will lose small things like books or his glasses and occasionally his phone, but he always finds them. His keys stay hung up on a hook by the door and Remus isnt allowed to touch them.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Logan loves to leave post its everywhere. Not just love notes, but reminders for himself and Remus. The notes are all the sort of generic, "I love you!" and, "Remember to commit atrocities against your fellow man!" and Remus steals them all and keeps them in his pillowcase. Its extremely impractical because he has a tendency to pull the pillowcase off with his tossing and turning, but he manages to keep the notes in. Logan will sometimes find more vulgar notes left for him, but also some that say, "Hey nerd, youre cute," or similar, and he hides them in his books for safekeeping.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Both sleep fairly well on their own. Logan wakes more easily without him there. Remus is a sprawling bed hog, so he doesnt typically notice when Logan isnt there.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Logan has been planning it for a long time. He wants things to go according to his plan, but he forgets to factor in that Remus is erratic and unpredictable. He loves that about Remus but its frustrating to his logical brain. Eventually, when he does propose, its out of the blue, in the middle of a crowd, and he doesnt make a big deal of it. Its unpredictable just like his boyfriend. Remus screams in joy, effectively scaring the shit out of many nearby, and of course says yes.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
(Borrows from AU. Remus has an okay relationship with Roman and his mom, Remus being the younger twin, Logan has a tense relationship with his absent parents. All of the sides live in the same house near a college most of them attend.)
Remus met Logan when he and his brother were living together, so Roman knew about Logan the entire time. When Remus told him they were dating, Roman was thrilled for him and also teased him a lot. His mom also knew about Logan the whole time, and when she found out, the first thing she did was ask Roman when he was gonna get a boyfriend, that its improper to marry off the younger child first. She loves Logan and is so happy for her son.
Logan doesnt talk to his parents often. Theyre busy with their business, he knows that. In fact, he doesnt even tell them hes dating someone until theyre getting married. His mom acts all upset that he didnt tell her, but he doesnt believe her. They congratulate him, and thats about it. The nanny that raised him, she's absolutely thrilled and so happy for the two. Shes known about Remus since Logan starred to develop a crush and he called her in the middle of the night to ask for advice. She meets him in person a bit before their wedding.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Remus is a tactile person. He loves to touch and play. When he doesnt have a fidget toy, he demands Logan's hair. Its difficult to read and also not doze off when someone is playing with his hair, but he tries.
Logan also plays with Remus' hair because its long and a bit wild. He mostly does it when he needs to help Remus brush it out, but when Remus is sitting in his lap with his head om his chest, Logan cant help as his hand just wanders up and starts carding through his hair. Remus melts every time, touch starved and desperate for affection.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Both of them are terrible at keeping up with needs. Logan will get into a focus and just not remember the world around him until Remus sets a sandwich and a glass of water down next to him. Hes very grateful. Remus is more an active person, so he'll be running around causing chaos, typically with Janus or Virgil and occasionally Roman, and Logan will make sure he has something when he gets home, because Logam cant focus on anything but making sure Remus is okay when hes gone.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Remus will defend Logan to the death. Whether it be he has to throw hands or yell at someone, he'll do it. Logan is forever glad to have Remus in his life because he is a very passive person.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Remus' surprises are not always safe for work, but he loves to just... have a surprise waiting for Logan at any given moment.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
They both agree the pinky promise is the best way to do things for them. Its childish like Remus likes, and feels a little official like Logan likes.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Janus does because they both just fall asleep draped over each other. Logan doesnt like to sleep anywhere but his bed and Remus will sleep anywhere, and always while laying on top of Logan so he has no choice but to stay there. He denies a blanket, saying hes gonna get up in a bit, but he never does.
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secondhello-moved · 3 years
WhatEVER random bj nd rock hcs
Starting off with some basics - bj is 5'10 nd rock is 5'3 (sorry queen) bj's 32 nd rock's 33, hashtag girl. Bj has soo much swag autism, rock is adhdautistic. More serious junk uhh bj ptsd swag (just like me) also noise sensitve (just like me!!!) rock is definitely traumatized too . (My way of saying ive thought abt it but do not feel confident in anything just yet)
Deeper junk: bj nd rock have known each other since childhood nd while I do think rock got adopted at some point I think its into teen years nd shes not far from bj. For the most part up until collage theyve been together as boy best friends. When bj went to medical school rock stayed behind nd may or may not have messed w a bunch of vampires idk. Since ive been using space au's timeline for most recent writings bj nd rock do not reunite till their 30s. While bj tries to act upset about this its hard for him not to show how happy he is to see rock. Rock 100% hides her excitment though which kinda makes things rough for both of them at first.
Its not like rock isnt happy, he just doesnt want to show that kind of vulnerbility. Rocks actually the one who planned the sudden meet up, but still her excitment is very hidden. Since this goes off an au timeline they stick together after this, settle down or something idk (in the actual au it starts here nd well. This isnt an au post.)
If we're staying very close to canon uhh ig rock goes to jail after this meet up, im very convinced he breaks out .do not talk to me about a, "rock dies there" scenario if you do im allowed to kill you .
While rock is much more closed off bj on the other hand can become a bit open when hes with people hes close to, especially someone like rock whos known him since forever. They're a lot less cold nd reservered than they set up - rock knows this - bj mostly grew into that but still given the enviorment will be less bottled up. Despite this he still struggles to talk directly about his feelings, both of them do. Bj's definitely loved rock longer, but its taken him years to actually realize it, only when they meet again does it really click. Nd still this is after A Lot. Rock rarely picks up on folks liking her cause shes so used to the opposite, even though the two reunite nd get closer theres still a lot they gotta get through before actually being able to love each other. The two have to work on themselves before it, yknow.
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SINCE ALL THE FICS ARE SAD im going to go ahead and make a happy one. (Well... its bullet notes so maybe more of a fic outline?). Can be consider as Free Day or AU Day since its canon divergence
Ive been dying to see a Tai comes to Atlas fic so im making this one a reunion in Atlas fic
Qrow isnt in Atlas when Tai arrives. Hes out on a Amity Tower mission with Clover
Qrow and Clover are actually in the middle of flirting with each other when Qrow gets the call
Its Ruby and shes talking so fast Qrow cant understand a single thing. "Woah Ruby slow down. Whats going on" theres a deep gasping breath and then "DAD IS HERE. DAD IS IN ATLAS"
Qrow is stunned. Tai made it to Atlas?
Clover is thinking about how on Earth he could of gotten into the Kingdom.
Qrow finds out through Yang (she had to take Ruby's phone away since she wouldnt stop screaming) that the girls are waiting for Tai since Ironwood is having Winter personally escort him (Qrow figures that either he got arrested on arrival like they did or that Ironwood wants to know everything Tai knows about Salem despite being removed from the situation since STRQ fell apart)
Clover notifies him that they wont be able to get back to the city for another three hours, and then Qrow tells the girls, who are disappointed but tell him theyll "let Dad know when he gets here"
Most of the way back Clover is trying to get information out of Qrow about what Tai is like. Its both friendly small talk and adding to what Clover knows about this group of children + Qrow. The group is part of Ironwood's inner circle now which makes them important
Qrow briefly wonders how his reception will be. These days hes always the one coming to see Tai, and its 50-50 on if Tai's happy to see Qrow. Qrow considers running away from the encounter entirely but hes trying to be a better man now and that means sobriety and facing his problems. Besides he'll have to see Tai eventually
So lets backtrack a bit. Tai and Qrow used to be a thing wayyyy back in the day. Defining their romantic relationship is complicated. They tried dating before Tai ever got with Raven and it only lasted a few days because they realized the attraction was just sexual so they went back to being teammates who makeout when theyre drunk (thats how they decided to start dating in the first place). So through the early years they were Friends With Benefits. After the dark years of Raven and Summer they became Friends With Benefits That Only Get Together When Theyre Feeling Heartbroken. Its sad sex and half the time one of them is crying. Their friendship is good while the the girls are young. They disagree on a lot of things when it comes to the girls as they get older. That animosity plus arguments about Qrow's  espionage job plus Qrow's worsening alcoholism are the reason theyve drifted far apart today. Theyve still been through so much together so that history and Qrow's dedication to being a uncle are the only things holding their friendship together.
So anyways lets get to the good stuff. The reunion:
Tai is actually waiting for Qrow at the garage
The girls are with him because they missed him. Ruby has her arms around him while talking and Yang is standing besides them smiling
Qrow gets a little scared. The fact Tai is waiting for him doesnt bode well. Him and Tai try to have their disagreements when the girls arent present. Qrow thinks its fair to assume that Tai is so absolutely pissed at him that he cannot wait another moment to yell at him. Clover goes "i guess you wont have to hunt him down after all. He mustve really missed you all" and Qrow really hopes thats the reason
Qrow decides to break the ice before it forms by insulting Tai as he's getting out of the truck
"Two and a half continents away and i still cant escape the sight that is your hideous cargo pants" "says the man who's idea of fashion is a 25 year old ripped cape"
As soon as Qrow gets close enough Tai puts his hands on his shoulders, takes a deep breath, and yells "YOU GOT POISONED"
Turns out Tai was just worried about him after Ruby explained what happened on her trek through Mistral
After answering his questions they hug and its the kind of hug where you sway a little bit
For the next few hours Tai yells at Ruby for running away, Tai yells at Qrow for going sober and not telling him, and Qrow goes with Tai to meet Ironwood (and stop Ironwood from asking too many questions. Hes actually soley focused on Salem and he doesnt even ask Tai how he got through his military blockade)
That night in Qrow's room Tai explains to Qrow how he got there. He lied to the girls. Made up some story that had plenty of holes in it. It was Raven. She opened her portal to Yang as far away as she could and Tai landed there. She had come to him after Haven, told him a few things but clearly left most of it out. Tai managed to get her to promise to take him to the group whenever they got to Atlas and had adjusted.
He came for two reasons. 1) to see exactly how close his children were to Salem. 2) to see if he could protect his kids any way he could, knowing they wouldnt back out now. But the reason he was telling Qrow all this (instead of sticking to his if-it-involved-Raven-i-dont-talk-about-it mentality) was because of one of the few things she mentioned about Haven: the disowning.
Tai wanted him to know that despite all their problems that Qrow was still his family. Not because Raven is still legally married to Tai, not because hes Yang's blood uncle, but because Qrow has been apart of Tai's life and chosen family as far back as STRQ.
Qrow's felt like a outsider to Tai ever since (and every time) things got serious with whoever Tai's dating. Qrow felt like a third wheel when Tai was with Raven, and Qrow was to raw from the increasingly strained relationship with Raven to let go of Summer and Tai when they got together. And ever since Qrow has felt like he was there in Tai's life but no longer apart of it. Even after Tai recovered from his depression, Qrow felt like a visitor in the house he still considers his home despite being called "uncle".
And Tai knows Qrow broke ties with Tribe soon after Beacon, and Raven hadnt truely been his sister in 20 years, but to have what you known from literal birth taken from you still hurt. And now Tai knows Qrow isnt drinking so the only way he can cope is by not thinking about it.
So Tai had to tell Qrow what he meant to him
And when he found out about Tyrian he realized Qrow couldve died not knowing Tai still loves him
Tai ends up ranting about all the things he loves about Qrow, about how he regrets that almost every word said to Qrow in the last 15 years has been unkind
Qrow is now confused to if this is a fixing my mistakes kind of thing or a love confession
So he asks
And Tai gets a little sheepish because it was a fixing my mistakes because i love you thing but a little past halfway into his rant he realized hes IN love with Qrow and has been for a while now
And Qrow decides f it. Tai is doing his embarrassed thing Qrow still finds cute even now when theyre middle aged adults getting their first gray hairs. So Qrow gets up from the cheap academy table theyre sitting at and kisses Tai
"After the world stops ending do you wanna try that dating thing again?" "You think we'll make it past one week this time?" "I actually meant since you havent gone on a date in about 15 years." "Oh. Well im pretty sure you havent been on a proper date since Beacon" "Are you gonna take me on a proper date then?" "Yeah"
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msiopao · 4 years
Nobi with the Members
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one yell from her and jin’s running in with a spatula, ready to beat the kids
thinks a lot of her outfits are revealing but gave up after nobi told him to stop complaining to the stylists
cooking buddies
feeds into jin’s ego at being handsome
‘kim seokjin? no. art? yes.’
babies nobi TOO much
even though she’s literally 24, he still treats her like she’s 12
thinks she can do no wrong and sees her as an angel
but nobi is such a bad influence
‘my hair is bothering my eyes and it makes me want to just cut if off’
*nobi handing him scissors* ‘do it’
constantly telling him that his dancing is perfect bc jin is insecure about the lack of his ability :(
even though he’s a better dancer than most
nobi tries to get him riled up so he talks all weird
the one who is actually genuinely tickled with jin’s jokes
eatjin’s legendary moments always have jin and nobi in it
goes to his hotel room just because he always has food and jin doesn’t have it in him to refuse her
the one who nags nobi the most regarding her eating
just her mom periodt
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gets hyper when nobi messes around
incredibly and ridiculously protective of her
helps her go through rough times as her therapist
yoongi mumbles under his breath and nobi is usually the only one who hears and will laugh as he curses someone quietly
nobi’s sense of humor is the closest with his
nap times are their bonding times
also composing
army always amazed bc nobi is the only who gets yoongi on crack mode
nobi always pinches his cheeks and she shrieks when he does that cute awkward smile
nobi absolutely flipped out when yoongi got really sick
always seeks yoongi’s approval so he’s the first one to see her lyrics
doesnt beat around the bush w it
if its bad, needs improvement
if its good, its the BEST LYRICS HES EVER READ
nobi hides her feelings well and he’s the only one who can get her to open up
during bst era, she hit her lowest
yoongi got very concerned and when she did finally talk, his heart just broke in half
she hates the fact that she can’t be the daughter her parents wanted
she hates the fact that she’s weak and breaks down easily
she hates the fact that she’s seen as a whore because she’s surrounded by boys she calls her brothers 24/7
she hates the fact that everything about her is considered wrong
that talk got them really close and yoongi makes it mission everyday to see her genuine and pretty smile
he lives for her happiness
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nobi hugs him a lot
whenever he dances, nobi has this look in her eyes that looks like hobi is the stars and the universe
both of them are the ones who keep the group’s mood up and tries to prevent fights
even when they’re tired from practice, they still smile and yells ‘hwaiting!’
while hobi is just a moodmaker in general,
nobi does it bc she hates confrontation and gets uncomfortable so she just blurts it out
nobi’s also a dancer so her and hobi dance ALL THE TIME
vlives w them are always filled with laughter and teasing
‘everyone, nobi just fell after hitting that spin’
hobi is known to be a choroegrapher and nobi puts her input here and there and boom!
tbh idk why they even have a professional choreographer in the first place
hobi is a trained singer so nobi asks him to sing for her constantly
hes happy to oblige
armys live for the moments of them in run bts or vlives bc they have this vibe or bond that is just something you wished you had
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they’re the philosophical duo
nobi loves poetry and literature in general bc she tends to think really deeply 
their bonding time is those deep talks
as their leader, nobi goes to him for confirmation or approval for a lot of things
she’s always having english lessons w him and he tries his best to teach her so she could speak to int-army
bts calls them the clumsiest bc of joon’s usual clumsiness but nobi is always looking out for him so she doesnt pay attention to her surroundings and runs into something too
she loves his studio and hangs out the most even though joon’s always telling her to stay away
props up her feet on that fortune dollar table of his
when he speaks english in interviews, she watches him with a smile on her face
her dad
pats her head when she walks over to him
her and jimin crashes his vlives all the time 
there’s nothing in the world that changes the way she sees joonie
to her, she’ll always be the joonie who welcomed her to their group even though she was a brat at first
thats another story for next time
now she respects him so much and he’s probably the one she looks up to the most
overall, she idolizes him and talks about him like he put the stars in the sky while joon just sits there all flustered
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oof look at that beautiful manjfkalj;dlfsjkf
cannot sleep without her chimmy plush
when they first met, he was the first one she got really close to
his cute chubby cheeks were victims of her uwu moments
learns a lot fo ballet videos from youtube and they dance it in vlives all the time
remember when i said she had an eating disorder?
yea, it happened around the time he had his too
nobi was always trying to eat little ever since debut but she stopped eating for days at a time and with jimin doing it too, bts kinda derailed for a hot minute
a long emotional time of sufering until bang pd demanded they stop it immediately
after that, they had an emotional sit down where they just cried and spilled all their insecurities and they had each other’s backs
knowing she was already skinny, jimin disapproved but she also disapproved and again, more tears
nobi always hides snacks in her and kook’s room that kook doesn’t even know about and she always brings the box over to jimin’s room if hobi is out for schedules
when hobi went to america, nobi slept in jimin’s room
kook was real pissed off about it
eyesmiles for days
giggles 24/7
has the picture of one of jimin’s unreleased baby pictures as her home screen
dies a little inside when nobi reaches over to him with sweater paws bc OMG she’s so cute
jimin really coos and giggles at nobi bc of her small height and her uwu energy
sorry i used uwu a lot
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the dumpling accident omg
jimin mentioned it in a vlive earlier and nobi also talked about it a day later in her own vlive
‘tae was very hungry at that time and just wanted to eat it immediately and when he got angry, he curled up to nobi and refused to acknowledge me’
again, nobi hates confrontation so fights between the members always brings her down and so she tries to comfort each member
she bought tae some dumplings after practice and tricked him into meeting jimin so they could meet up
tbh, tae would be a mess without nobi
she helps him clean up his room but gives up w the amount of clothes on the floor
‘honestly, you shouldve just stayed roommates w joonie-hyung. we cant trust you to room by yourself’
she goes to his room sometimes and just lays on his bed bc he has the softest bed in the whole dorm
tae is already known to be very regal and royalty like whenever he steps outside
combine that with graceful queen nobi?
oof armys fanfiction royalty aus pop up everywhere
nobi is still angry that tae isn’t a gucci model w her bc she feels out of place being the only member w a clothing sponsorship
but underneath that stiff and cold facade, they both are seen making faces and goofing off all the time
nobi can only stand being a queen for so long
in one concert, she danced w him in a duet w singularity and lets just say, armys died that night
always stands next to each other and if they cant, always seen giving each other longing stares and smiles
the 2nd most popular ship in the fandom and they know it too so they keep feeding armys for their compilation videos
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the only member who’s younger than her
actually would it be considered if they’re only 10-months apart?
kook refuses to call her noona unless he wants something
initially didnt like her but there was a time she bought him banana milk and it was all good
our boy was crying bc he was hungry and tired and he was trying to control his weight and he just wanted some banana milk
they’re a superior ship
one of the most popular ship in the whole industry
actually the superior couple and kai and jennie can square up
there’s fan edits of them and they both purposely do stuff to help them make au videos in youtube
theyve seen it before so we arent safe bois
the 2nd pair of roommates in the bts dorm
nobi is usually the first one to sleep while kook is watching something in the living room
when he goes to his room, he takes a minute and stands at the doorway and just looks at nobi with love in his eyes
nobi loves warmth so she gets out of her own bed at like 3 in the morning and just goes into kook’s and cuddles to him
sometimes, they just lay in bed and nobi is holding his hand just inspecting his tattoos
‘should we get a matching tattoo?’
their closet is large and tbh, they share the same clothing anyways
more like nobi wears mostly kook’s stuff
like, really, nobi has pants and a few shirts and thats it
they share everything like family but kook refuses to share her w anyone else but him
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
YOOOOOOO MY FREN........ THAT TROPEY BEACH AU IS GIVING ME L I F E RIGHY NOW!!!!! id love to hear some of the other LAMP scenes you mentioned...... as well as any angst you didn't include............ 👀
Tw for not exactly abusive parenting? Just kinda toxic. -Roman has known since he was 3 that his parents expected a lot from him Sit up straight and be polite and be nice to Mommy and Daddy's friends and we'll let you play on the beach later 
  -Remus always had the same expectations, but to a lesser degree. Roman was already the Golden Child after all, an 'heir and a spare' and all that nonsense But if Roman was good, then they got to go to the beach, and Remus liked the beach too, so he put up with being Slightly Worse so his brother would look even better 
   -Their roles solidified when Roman woke up to Remus sitting straight up in bed, white as a sheet, and turning to him with haunted eyes. Remus couldn't talk, that night. But his parents did take him to talk to a really nice lady named Ms. Picani((yes i AM making emile a legacy therapist)) who taught him that many people are subjected to nasty thoughts but that doesn't mean they were bad 
Their parents called him imaginative. Remus felt like it sounded like a curse next to when they called Roman creative
-So Remus and Roman both wore a mask. Roman pretended to give a shit about meetings and mergers and getting a law degree and taking over for his parents. Remus pretended it didn't hurt when they told him he could be "whatever he wanted" but laughed when he said CEO
Remus didn't think his parents even know the dichotomy they created. Roman was bitterly sure that they did. They clung closer to each other, spending every spare hour out on the water, their surfing prowess unquestionably on the same level and keeping them from turning on each other
-Remus quietly helped Roman stay awake in school when he stayed out all night sitting and waiting for the perfect waves to catch. Roman quietly fed Remus the information he learned when their dad had him sit in on "man to man" chats with other leaders.
-When they turn 14 they both tell their parents in no uncertain terms that they will absolutely be working at uncle Thomas' restaurant like Remy did when he turned 14, thank you very much. Their parents think it's a good lesson in responsibility. The twins think its a great reason to get out of the damn house.
-They drag their friends along with them. Virgil becomes a junior lifeguard with a passion Roman had yet to see in him, watching over everyone like a hawk. Logan gets to read under an umbrella. Patton is charming as hell as a bus boy and he and the twins quickly become waiters despite technically being too young(they just can't carry the alcohol for two years)
-There's still stuffy dinners that alternate with nights alone just the two of them in the house as their parents jet set around the world, but now they have somewhere to be every single day Thomas Actively encourages them to use the private beach for surfing when they have time off, and they love it because they can just grab their boards on their lunch breaks and go
-It is out on these lunch break surf and chats that a plan falls into place, as it normally does, when Remus just says the first thing that comes to his mind Roman knows what he wants now, and so does Remus, and who better to get it than the Creativitwins(coined by Patton, LOVED by the twins)
-By the time the Main Timeline happens(when they're all 18) the brothers have Solidified the plan 
They've both enrolled at the same elite school(much to their parent's condescending surprise, seeing as how Remus' grades are actually better than Roman's), both majoring in business, but they swap majors without telling their parents. Remus takes Entrepreneurship and Business Analytics, and minors in pre-law, and Roman takes Management.
-Roman knows, deep down, that once the jig is up he might lose all the money they put away for him. So, when he sees that there's an amateur competition on the island with enough prize money to get them both through at least a few semesters of school he leaps at it
-He trains Non Stop. He hasn't told LAM about the plan and they get super duper concerned about him 
-Thomas and Roman end up in a screaming match because Roman is clearly not sleeping and when Remus can't get through to him he sends Thomas and tells Roman he’ll handle their parents
This is when it comes out that Thomas is living Roman's dream that he feels he doesn't deserve, feels like he's failed as the Golden Child and hasn't earned the right to go after what he truly wants
At the Same Time Remus has shown up in Roman's place to a Very Important Dinner because he knows its just time to let the cat out of the bag. His father pulls him aside and tells him that he cannot afford any "outbursts" and that this is a "very serious meeting". Remus gives a sickly sweet grin and goes in anyway, smoothly makes rounds to say hello to all the customers who come to the resort and is joking and laughing with three of them within 15 minutes. His father is so taken aback he actually doesn't hear one of his other colleagues ask if he's alright.
Janus shows up to back him up about 30 minutes in and Remus brings him around to introduce, and the two of them charm the pants off of the few people they hadn't met yet, forcing the Twin's parents to confront their own biases against their son. Roman turns his phone off so he won't see his father calling. Him Remy and Thomas are having a disney marathon, anyway
-Roman doesnt go home til morning. When he gets there, both his parents are sitting at the table with Remus. They all have tears in their eyes and look like theyve been there all night. He'd gotten the text from Janus when he turned his phone on, knew that it had gone well, or he'd be genuinely concerned. The first thing his father says is, "We're sorry"
They have a discussion, and it feels a little bit like the business discussions he always sits in on, slightly stiff and with everyone still not really comfortable with each other, but at the end his mother hugs him for the first time in what feels like years and tells him she's proud that he worked so hard towards what he really wanted, and that he reminds her of herself at his age trying to break into the business world, and he cant truthfully say that isn't the best thing he's ever heard in his life
-Their parents arent perfect. Remus will say something slightly off kilter and they will visibly wince before they can correct themselves. Their mother will still attempt to baby Remus and put Roman on a pedestal. Their father will still turn to Roman for his opinion before Remus. They both pitch a fit when Roman insists on transferring to a local school to save money. But there's progress made.
-And on the day of the competition, Thomas comes up to Roman when he stops by the restaurant to get Luck with a key on a lanyard that says "Thomas Sanders Beach Emporium - Surf and Swim Shop". He'd purchased the small surf shop next to the resort from a local who'd wanted to move inland. 
"Ro, I know you still want to go to college and that's fine. But know you are the only one I want running this, even if I have to wait." 
Roman bursts into tears IMMEDIATELY and Patton has to hug him for like a full 20 minutes to calm him down
-And then, as we all know, THEY WIN THE COMPETITION. And they don't need the money for college anymore, so they take it and give it all directly to Thomas for the shop, and the twins own it together but Roman runs it while Remus is off being one half of the Ultimate Power Couple on the mainlaind
And Now That You’ve Survived the Angst Train, here’s EPILOGUE
-Roman takes over the surf shop as soon as he graduates, of course. 
-Patton becomes a Divemaster/Ocean Archeaologist and gets to spend all his time in the water 
-Logan becomes an Oceanographer who creates super detailed and beautiful diagrams 
-Virgil becomes a marine biologist specializing in rescue and release and they buy a house across the street from the restaurant
-Remy takes over the restaurant and Emile opens a practice right on the island and Remile live in the apartment above the restaurant
-Dukeceit move inland towards the city so Remus can get his MBA and Janus can have some Night Noise and Janus gets his law degree and they are a Power Couple 
But they always take at least a month where they are either off or working remotely and rent a house on the same block as Remile and LAMP and surf and hang out at the restaurant and beach and relive that One Summer Of Pure Happiness and Freedom
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bellasflannel · 6 years
imagine, if u will
an au in which bella isnt in an unhealthy love triangle with jacob and edward, theyre actually in a sweet but kinda awkward poly relationship. 
After edward leaves, bella takes her sweet time healing and jacob holds her hand the whole way thru it. After a while, they kinda just blur the line between affectionate friends and “officially dating”, and bella goes along with it bc she allows herself to be happy and move on bc she realizes that edward doesnt have to be the center of her universe. 
When he comes back, she rightfully takes time to rebuild her trust with him, while still insisting that she will not dump jacob just because edward finally got his head out of his ass. They all spend time together and yeah at first its real awkward but somehow that jealousy/competition between edward and jacob melts and turns into a sort of frenemy sexual tension that they both refuse to acknowledge and bella delights in subtly poking at it to see how long itll take them to figure it out. Alice gets a tickle out of it too and they definitely scheme to get them together. Also they occasionally fuck on the side but its not like, a huge deal. They’re both openly bisexual disasters and immortals get bored ya know?
the whole will they/wont they aspect of eclipse is more about the fact that their species have been at war since they’ve known of each other, PLUS the more mundane homophobia and confusion with polyamory in general. They all feel semi isolated from their community bc they experience different types of disapproval. The cullens are confused and a bit uncomfortable but their heart is in the right place. Their main issue is the species difference, but they get over it. Emmett and Jacob end up being Best Buds For Life, and Rosalie ends up opening an auto shop him. 
That weird fucking exchange in breaking dawn when edward offers to let jacob fuck bella so she could have a kid?? Yeah no fuck that. What if, instead, bella and jacob were already going at it and edward was taking his sweet time getting comfortable with it bc hes an eighteenth century dandy just trying to get over his crippling catholic guilt. Bella wasnt pressured into marriage just bc she wanted the D and edward didnt have to tie himself into knots over the fact that he might hurt bella. Hes comfortable with just making out and sometimes watching bc theyve all got their own kinky streaks. Turns out edward is an absolute bottom and a bit of a voyeur. Bella is a switch and definitely has a strap and a bit of a masochistic streak. Jacob is a top and super dominant in bed but outside of the bedroom honestly they’re both bella’s bitch and none of them would have it any other way. They’re all super queer, like obviously edwards a bit of a twink and bella is still a disaster flannel bisexual, and jacob invents a new category between bear and otter, (a wolf, naturally. everyone makes fun of him for it but he INSISTS on making it a thing.)
As much as I love the thought of them being wild and carefree forever, IF resume MUst exist, Jacob imprints on her because he’s also her dad and he has just a strong of a bond as edward and bella. Plus she spends a lot of time with rose and emmett so they still get weeks and months to themselves to fuck around. 
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twoweekhome · 5 years
Larry Playlist Prompt Challenge
I was tagged by @goldbootsandvans to choose 5 songs from a playlist and make prompts based on them!
1. All or Nothing - Wild Youth
A childhood friends to lovers au; maybe they grew distant when Louis moved away to pursue his dream to the point it was just one line birthday texts. And after years and years it's like a highschool graduation/ birthday weekend for the youngest kid(s) and his family is having a big party and ofc Harry is invited bc he's basically family and someone let's it slip Harry has been in a relationship for a while, so Louis spends the whole trip home hating this guy he's never met and wondering how they became practically strangers, so he avoids him until the last second but of course they end up going off together with a bottle or two of wine and they start talking and they end up really tipsy and somewhere between drinks as they drift closer Louis kinda realizes he's in love with Harry, always has been. Cue dramatic exit because Harry's in a relationship and Harry's confused and kinda sad because he's always had feelings for Louis and he and mystery guy broke up ages ago. The next morning Louis' gone, but they're not far from their secret hideout they made when they were kids so Harry treks up there to find Louis and there's tearful confessions and hugs.
2. Without Me - Halsey
I'm thinking a strangers to friends to lovers au, Harry's a singer and his ex bf is a publicity hungry mess™ and used their relationship and created drama with him for headlines and finally Harry dumped him and so he's getting all kinds of bad press and bad industry rumors about it and so everyone is sort of avoiding him but Louis (who is a well known dj I think) comes up to him one night at a party and he found him to tell him he has sombody on his side because he looked like he needed it and he's impressed with how Harrys handled it all and Harry kinda just bursts into tears over the small kindness this stranger (that he totally stans) is showing him, and after he calms down Louis convinces him to ditch the party and do something reckless so they do and they end up staying out all night and Harry's the happiest he's been in a while so they just keep doing it, they'll go to industry parties only to find each other and ditch until finally they exchange numbers and start doing it more and more and months pass and Harry gets back into the studio and pens a diss song and Louis is like, over the moon for him and kisses him but ofc Harry's ex has sent paps to watch him and ofc they catch it and it's all over the internet and Harry starts ignoring Louis calls etc because he's panicking and he realizes he has Feelings ™ for him and his ex tries to publicly ~win him back and Harry is just. Over It and releases the song and finds Louis and confesses his love and there's kisses and a happy epilogue.
3. Shut up - Greyson Chance
I'm feeling cliche uni roommates who are inseparable au, Louis is the cool bad ass who has Strong Opinions and not afraid to voice them and Harry is slightly more reserved but still shares Louis Strong Opinions and usually ends up being the one keep them from getting punched. Lots of pining and silent convos with their eyes and then the jealousy when some guy starts flirting with Louis one night and Harry cannot Deal with it, starts drinking and gets into a fight and without Louis there to mediate he gets decked and Louis ofc finds him and drags him home and is taking care of him and grumbling about him being reckless and Harry (still tipsy) says something like "you talk too damn much." and Louis (also tipsy) and is like "then do something about it. " and Harry's like "wait wtf" and Louis is like "I know I talk to much I've been waiting for you to shut me up. " and Harry (bless him) still doesn't get it so Louis is like "maybe if you give me your two lips I'll shut up" and Harry finally gets it and they kiss. Then there's cuddling and Serious talks in the morning.
4. Ruins - Jade Bird
An au where Louis is Harry's new neighbor (Harry has a small farm because I said so) and Harry is instantly smitten and Louis is charmed but he lost his husband a few years ago and isn't ready to date yet and Harry is super understanding but he can't help that he falls totally in love with him over the next few months and Louis, he starts to fall too but he's not ready yet so he's unintentionally hot and cold with Harry and eventually Harry's like "it's ok if you can't love me." as he's leaving one day and Louis' like "I do one minute and the next my minds in ruins" and Harry smiles sadly and kisses his cheek. That night some of Harry's animals get loose and it's storming and he's trying to round them up in the pouring rain and the power goes out and Louis is on his way to check on Harry and sees him out in the field and he goes to help him and as they're locking them in the barn, lighting strikes a tree really close and he thinks it knocks Harry off his feet and he panics but Harry's fine and they go inside and it's dark and they're wet and Harry asks him to stay rather than walk in the rain again so he borrows clothes and there's cuddling and bed sharing and Louis has a Revelation and when Harry wakes up they Talk and kiss and an happy epilogue. ( they have two big dogs and a mini pig that thinks it's a dog. )
5. No plan - Hozier
Angel/demon au where theyve been in love and pining for centuries and world ends in like five days and not all evil demon!Harry wants not all good angel!Louis to just leave with him to go to another galaxy because he'll give up the world he's grown pretty fond of to be with Louis and angel!Louis is actually super tempted but he's an angel! and Harry's a demon! and maybe the angels will actually not totally destroy humanity to prove theyre better then the demons! and besides they just! can't! run away together! they're not even supposed to be friends! So the obvious answer is they have to save the world so they can be together for eternity (yes it's basically the plot of good omens, shhh)
I'm really awkward with tagging people but I'm going to try and be less awkward tag a couple of mutuals that I believe write (unless you don't/don't want to that's fine, no pressure) but whoever wants to do this consider yourself tagged! @2tiedships2 @thepeacering @thedarkestlarrie @jimmytfallon @idareyoutotakealook
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