#but in fanfiction they’re less terrible I think
Late ahh dnp 2024 predictions:
- Valentines Day Heartthrob episode (they love this game so much) with another twist of some kind is the first dapg video of 2024
❌ first video back on the gaming channel is “will you press the button?”
- WDAPTEO 2023 comes out on very last day of January
❌ technically I predicted wdapteo but it wasn’t put out on January 31st
- Playing the next chapter of poppy playtime during spooky week
❌ they played it in February
- Sims episode of Spooky Week following Daliens emo ass
- Bob and Eliza die of old age, Dil befriends the Grim Reaper when he comes to collect their souls
- Dan and Phil Crafts revival video is taken down no more than 24 hours after it’s posted
✅❌1/2 points. Dnpcrafts video did not get deleted, but it was posted
- Dan makes it his mission to do the worst spon breaks ever/sabotage Phil, whose actually trying (like NordVPN)
✅ counting this as a successful prediction after Dans NordVPN fanfiction moment
- Heart Eyes Howell mention
- Phil wears an Extremely Expensive Shirt and everyone freaks out when those blogs that find people’s clothes post the price
- More crazy conspiracies about a wedding/child/pet/honeymoon
✅ these Phagenda theories are getting out of hand guys…
- Phil goes to the ER at least once
✅Good Lord I didn’t think it would be that bad…
- Dab and Evan make a science baby because Phil wants to know how it works
- They both get Hotter
- They finally rid the Howlters of Drago, only for the game to crash and the progress to be lost. They view it as a sign that Drago cannot be removed from the household or terrible things will happen
- Alluding to a popular Phanfic that they Shouldn’t Know About
✅ok I know they’ve referenced some before now but the visceral reaction I had to Phil saying “lets not mention any sunburn or hamsters.” Made me qualify it here
- They continue to talk about cursed Lore and make fun of old conspiracy theories that get gradually more niche
✅ yeah that’s happening
- One of Daliens high school friends is abducted while they’re hanging out at the Howlter residence
- DITL of Dan and Phil at Pride
❌wishful thinking tbh
- Some kind of house tour that shows little to none of the actual house
❌dnpcrafts came close…
- Less frequent posting on the gaming channel
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
can you do bubba x kickin headcanons plz I’m starving content them 🙏🙏 they’re the oh sh*t they’re my dumbass x the dumbass if is alright :)
As always, you ask, I SHALL DELIVER!
Literally, the nerd x dumbass cool guy wanna-be.
Of course, while Bubba works as the brains of the group and the man of reason, Kickin does the complete opposite. This guy gets in trouble ALL the time, constant dangerous and reckless situations, and most of the time it's either for a dare, to prove a point, or to "salvage his reputation" of a cool guy facade. Of course, due to that they didn't at first get along that well. They didn't fight, not at all as a matter of fact, but Kickin always disliked Bubba's scolding and lessons of things he did and often irritated him how he took him as an example to the group not to do something stupid.
That of course, caused Kickin to always stomp his way into his house to slam the door behind him, Bubba being able to recognise Kickin's frustration. Soon enough, and even to Kickin's dislike, Bubba attempts to have a talk with him about his behaviour and attempts to brighten his day by recommending some safe yet fun activities he could do. Even though it didn't entirely satisfy him, it was pretty much enough for him not to get too upset at Bubba. So then, you could imagine that it was becoming clear that, little by little, began to get along. Attached even.
I love to always headcanon Kickin being pathetic at flirting, which always amused Bubba and earned him some chuckles from him each time. Sure, he wasn't entirely 'charmed' as Kickin would say, but it was charming enough to see Kickin grin at thinking he had succeded.
Oftentimes, Kickin would actually attempt to defend Bubba when people disagreed with him or didn't pay attention to what Bubba was saying (ironic enough since out of all people, Kickin was the one who paid LESS attention).
Wouldn't it be so cool to see them matching in bracelets?
If they ever eventually got to date, Kickin would be proud asf of it. He be walking around the neighbourhood, announcing it wherever he goes. Surprisingly, Bubba never stops him from doing so.
They're so gay for each other but they don't wanna downright admit it.
Kickin would one time jump down a rooftop and break a knee, just because he heard from Bobby that she would let Bubba burrow a nurse outfit if Kickin ever got a terrible injury. And oh man, Bubba was NOT happy at all
Their date? Oh, it would be a chaotic MESS of a mixture of sports and reading. It would be fun to see Kickin trying to surf into the beach while Bubba just lays on the sand, making sure that Kickin wouldn't trip and down himself... which... has happened. Twice.
I love to headcanonize Kickin trying to impress every single partner he has. Bubba isn't an exception.
They would jokingly call each other "nerd" and "reckless", lovingly.
They um... are not that good at SHOWING affection, but, well-... at least they try? Veyr awkwardly try.
Nor would Hoppy, oh no, she not bothering Kickin about it is an UNDERSTATEMENT.
While Bubba wants to eventually be a scientist, or more or so, a doctor, Kickin wants to be a great actor in Hollywood. A superstar. Yet, of course, they care too much about each other to never let that separate them.
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francesderwent · 9 months
since apparently in 2024 I’m just saying stuff
I do not want fictional characters to go to therapy.
therapy is a great way to begin to see yourself more clearly, to pinpoint the ways you’re self-sabotaging and make changes which will allow you to strengthen and deepen your relationships. and obviously, we here at redemption.com want to see our favorite characters do that. after a while a character with no self-awareness starts to grate; we usually want them to figure out what they’re doing wrong and have some positive forward motion.
however. therapy is not the only way to have these epiphanies about yourself, or the only way to learn a new way of living, trusting, being a friend. sometimes a series of coincidences will put you in the one situation which will throw a mirror up in front of you and allow you to see and recognize yourself. sometimes you meet just the right person at just the right time who will love you in such a specific way that you’ll realize how wrong your old understanding of love was. it’s less purposeful and less sustained a method of growing than therapy is, it’s more of a winding road with occasional lightning strikes.
and I don’t know how to explain why I only ever want to see characters growing in this way, except to say that when they aren’t, then precisely what you’ve failed to create is a cohesive story. at best you have a story going on while the character privately sorts out their issues at the same time, with themes and climactic moments occurring in neat parallel. (I think Ted Lasso does something like this in season 2.) at worst, you don’t have any story at all, you have a character study in the form of a soliloquy, which happens to be delivered to a therapist. (a lot of fanfiction is like this.) it might be a very good character study! but it’s not a story.
it seems to me that fiction should be a window into the way we can learn from our experiences in the world and from our relationships with others, by being open to seeing ourselves anew and being open to change. and I’m not saying I want all the supporting characters to therapize the protagonist. I’m saying I want my protagonist to listen to the supporting characters and glean the truth of what they say as if they were a very good therapist—even if what they say is delivered in an incomplete way or in the middle of an argument. I don’t want an oracle to appear and point-blank tell the protagonist their fatal flaw. I want the fatal flaw to become exquisitely, inevitably clear in a moment of terrible dramatic irony, when the knowledge seems to come too late. and personally, I want this to happen always in the most dramatic way. I do not want my friends to reach rock bottom in order to start learning and changing. I do, sometimes, want to see fictional characters reach rock bottom. why? well. because there’s a story there.
I don’t just want to see characters changing. I want to see a story about characters changing.
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kawaii-angelanne · 2 years
shot to the heart | xavier thorpe x reader
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CW/TW: none i can think of!
KEY TAGS: spoiler-free (can be interpreted as pre-canon), gender neutral reader, second/third pov (told in xavier's perspective), strangers to ???, flustered xavier <3
OPENING NOTE: thanks for clicking on this! please do not repost, copy, modify, or overall plagiarize this work anywhere else please. plagiarism is never acceptable, both in mla 8 format and in fanfiction! for translations, message me, and we can talk about it! reblogs, comments, and likes are super appreciated :>
SUMMARY: "The moment the words leave your lips, he lets go along with a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding in. In the blink of an eye, the arrow shoots no more than an inch above the target’s red center. That was the closest he’s ever been to bullseye, and his heart pounds from both the achievement and how your body is still pressing against his."
Or where you teach Xavier how to properly shoot a bow and arrow, landing an arrow straight into the target and into his heart.
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“So, are you the only member of the Archery Club?” 
Xavier Thorpe, caught-off guard by your unexpected entry, prematurely lets go of the recurve bow’s string. The arrow sails weakly in the air before sinking sadly into the leaf-covered grass and not into the target. 
“Uh, yeah,” he awkwardly lowers his bow and turns to look at you, confusion coloring his features, “Are you…interested in joining?” 
“Maybe,” you shoot him a playful, close-lipped smile before launching yourself off of the small pyramid of hay you were sitting on, “How long have you been doing archery for? A few weeks?” 
“More or less,” he returns to shooting arrows while paying you no mind, “What about you? Ever shot a bow and arrow before?” 
“I have,” you answer just as ambiguously, whistling as his last arrow lands on the blue outer ring, “For the two arrows that are on there, you don’t have terrible grouping. At least they’re all in the same ring! What’s the distance? Fifteen to twenty yards?” 
“...Fifteen,” his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, slightly irritated that you’re acting like you’re the member of the Archery Club, not him. 
“Can I see your stance again, please?” you move closer to him with your hands behind your back.
His brows furrow with an unwelcome sense of inferiority, “Why?” 
Your lips curve into another impish grin, eyes gleaming with unknown intent, “You’ll see.”
With a grievous sigh, he follows your request, placing his feet apart and standing perpendicular to you. He adjusts his posture, squaring his shoulders.
“Okay, so far so good.… Now, pull back on the bow, please.” 
What are you, an archery instructor or something? 
Still, he does as you ask. After slotting an arrow below the nocking point and above the arrow rest, his three fingers grip the bowstring. He pulls back on the string. With minimal struggle, he tries to remain as still as possible, refusing the bow to lean one way or the other. His expression pulls into itself, brows furrowed even more for better concentration. 
“I see, I see…” you merely mutter to yourself, leaning in closer to further observe his archery ability, “Now, release.” 
At your command, he wastes no time shooting the arrow, relieved after having to pull back for so long. Due to the prolonged drawback, Xavier’s accuracy severely declined, the arrow plunging its tip into the upper-left corner of the target. 
“Your problem,” you point a finger up, as if you solved the mystery, “is that you seem to have a little difficulty maintaining a stable posture when pulling back on your bow and when releasing the arrow. Not enough to be concerning, but enough to affect your performance. Do you know how much your drawback is?” 
“Uh,” he searches the bow for an answer but to no avail, finding only plain wood, “This is just the bow the school has. I have no idea.” 
“You’d think the school would offer better recurve bows then, with the money we pay them,” you crack a joke, lightly jabbing him in the ribs, and then extend a hand out, “May I?” 
Xavier just stares blankly at you and then your outstretched hand, confused as to what exactly you’re asking for. With an urgent wave of your fingers towards the bow, he finally understands and quickly hands it over, slightly embarrassed that he didn’t understand you at first. 
You get into position and pull back on the bowstring with ease, soon letting it go and returning the bow to him, “Yeah, this bow’s drawback is a few pounds outside of your range. You should be handling a bow with a drawback of forty to fifty-five pounds. For today, you can use that bow, but let’s see if we can ask Weems for another bow.” 
“…Okay…” he replies, uncertain as to how to respond to such a level of authority from someone he’s never even met before.
Really, he’s grateful for all your help, but, as a member of the severely underpopulated Archery Club, he feels as if he should be the one telling you this. However, he will admit, even though he has no idea as to what your skill level actually is, you do sound like you know what you’re talking about. So, he supposes he can play along for now. 
“I have to go to the Weathervane soon to meet up with some friends, but let’s improve your shot first,” you now move behind his back, “Reload your arrow, please.” 
With a resounding click against the taut string, he sets the arrow in place and pulls back. He adjusts his posture and is ready to release before a set of palms suddenly rests on his shoulders, your chest brushing against his back. He flinches greatly at the surprise contact but not enough where he would have to reset his posture entirely. His eyes saccade rapidly between you and the target, unsure as to where he should be focusing on. 
With a hard swallow, he tries his best to form a coherent thought before speaking, “What…what’re you—?”
“Relax your shoulders,” you’re practically whispering in his ears due to your close proximity, which sends his heart beating so fast, he’s afraid you can hear it, “Lower your aim a little to the right…. Now down…. Perfect. Steady your breathing, remain calm…”
How is he supposed to “remain calm” with you so close to him!?
You remove your hands from his shoulders but still stay right behind him, your voice prickling his skin, “Now…let it fly.”
The moment the words leave your lips, he lets go along with a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding in. In the blink of an eye, the arrow shoots no more than an inch above the target’s red center. That was the closest he’s ever been to bullseye, and his heart pounds from both the achievement and how your body is still pressing against his. 
“Great job!” you cheer and step away, picking up your bag that was slumped against the haystack you were sitting on before, “Well, I got to go now, but I’ll see you next time! Toodles!” 
Too overwhelmed from what just happened, he watches your retreating form become smaller and smaller. Unlike him, you weren’t fazed at all, even bobbing your head to whatever music you were listening to with your headphones. 
Just who are you? He never even got your name! Are you in the same year as him? How come he’s never seen you? 
Questions flood his mind, and, before he ends up drowning in them, he decides to end the day and packs away the bow and arrows. He feels his cheeks heat up remembering how your body felt against his and how your instructive tone, distinctly different from your lighthearted one, sent shivers down his spine. 
Run. He needs a run before his memory of you, albeit brief, consumes him entirely. 
Zipping his bag, he slings it over his shoulder and heads straight to his dorm to change into more comfortable wear, hasteful to try to forget about you until the next Archery Club meeting. 
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ENDING POST: xavier thorpe is my everything. i eat, breathe, and sleep xavier thorpe.
no, seriously, this is the product when you multiply my hyperfixation of xavier thorpe, my toxic trait of "i can shoot a bow and arrow better than xavier thorpe can even though i have not touched a bow in years," and my procrastination of homework.
and i have just been so inspired by the fanfiction everyone is making for this man! seriously, i have not found a greater treasure trove of fanfiction for a character in so long (the jealousy and friends to lovers trope <33) ; amazing kudos to the talented authors of this fanbase! i hope i contributed to such an incredible collection of stories for xavier thorpe just as much as everyone else has <3
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ilovebeingaturtle · 10 months
JUST SAW THE MONDO GECKO HC POST AND CAN I ASK IF YOU HAVE ANY SHREDDER AND KRANG HCS 🥺 (they're living rent-free in my head smh. i should charge them)
I gotchu bud here’s some evil husband rambles-
While he definitely neglects his other passion these days, I think Shredder still finds the time every now and then to pursue his interest in writing. In the few quieter moments of the Technodrome, you can probably find him curled up somewhere with a notepad and muttering to himself. Connected to his interest in writing, I had an idea where Krang is dissatisfied with the ending of his comfort show-so Shredder, in a rare moment of consideration (that will still fuel his ego) offers to rewrite the ending for him. The two then end up spending the afternoon writing fanfiction together basically, and if they ever manage to cooperate enough to produce a final draft, Krang likely forces Benop and Rocksteady to act it out like a script. Their acting is terrible and it results in Shredder taking over as the leading role. He can’t stand watching amateurs.
Shredder hates taking of his armour, it makes him feel unprepared but he also just likes the sensory pressure it provides (because this man is ABSOLUTELY autistic I can claim him). That’s his comfort armour dang it, however he has a secondary set with less spikes on it for relaxing purposes after that time he accidentally tore up their couch and Krang REFUSES to buy another one because of that. If he must appear in other clothing, he prefers pinks and purples. Purple is the colour of royalty after all, and pink just always suits him so well.
Krang had a small fortune he inherited from his family that he was allowed to keep after being banished, plus all that money he’s gained since. He’s started needing to hide all his cards though, Shredder has a habit of stealing them and he’s absolutely an impulse buyer. If they get random shipments of useless items, he knows who’s fault it is, despite Shredder always trying to pin it on Bebop and Rocksteady.
I also like to think Krang probably enjoys singing, his voice is always lilting naturally anyways so I can see him having a secret interest in it. Shredder thinks he sounds god awful and like a cat dying in jelly, but Krang always snipes back that he’s amazing by dimension X standards, which Shredder can’t disprove but still doesn’t feel is right.
Shredder low key has a complex over being replaced, it’s why he gets so hostile whenever Krang brings in a “replacement” for him. He loves attention, he wants to take over the world for the glory of it (it’s why in the timeline where he wins he doesn’t actually know what to do with himself and does shit like make the “I love Shredder” show) and because he wants everyone to see how amazing he is. It’s not that he feels the need to prove himself to Krang, what are you talking about-he just thinks that someone as intelligent as Krang should know better than to think he’s a worthless and if Krang can’t respect that he’s leaving. Sure he always comes back to him after saying that every time but-shut up!
Krang meanwhile I think detests the occasions he has to rely on Shredder, especially in the beginning. He hates feeling helpless, his constructed body gives him security, makes him feel safe and powerful, and without it anything could happen. He feels weak and he hates it. He needs that power over people, to feel taller than them-but I also think that, eventually, after all the times Shredder saves him when reason stands he could have just abandoned him, the fact that Shredder has stuck around this long at all...him being nearby makes Krang feel safe and powerful too. Not that he’d ever admit that.
They’re equals, they snap at each other, betray each other, shift the balance of power back and forth but at the end of the day there has to be respect there for them to work together this long. They need each other, and both know it, so their dynamic will always bend and crack but always snap back into place. I just think they’re neat 💖
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lajulie24 · 6 months
jaina solo is mary sue
What an interesting assertion to leave in my inbox! Especially because without context it’s not entirely clear whether that’s meant to be a question (do I think Jaina Solo is a Mary Sue?) or a challenge (e.g. “Jaina Solo is a Mary Sue, prove me wrong”).
And, assuming we conclude this statement is true, is that supposed to be a bad thing? If Jaina is a Mary Sue, am I not allowed to like her as a character? Or is she supposed to be my guilty pleasure or something if I do like her? (I don’t really have guilty pleasures, anyway, I prefer just to have pleasures.) I do have lots of thoughts, so thank you in advance, dear Anon, for the ask and the opportunity to share them.
At this point I will freely admit that I have not read a ton of Jaina Solo stuff in Legends. A lot of Wookieepedia articles and fics in which she appears, yes, a lot of the actual books in which she appears, no. I do have a version of the character that I put into my Sequel Trilogy fix-it fic series, but she has some significant differences from her Legends canon counterpart (a couple big ones being that her turned-to-the-Dark-Side brother isn’t her twin, and she’s the younger sister by quite a lot).
However, being around the fandom one does glean some general opinions, so I’ll take a shot at talking about “Jaina Solo is a Mary Sue.” Buckle up, I’m going to be very wordy here.
I really recommend the @thisweekinfandomhistory podcast episode they did on the concept of “the Mary Sue” — it’s a great rundown of where the concept came from, how it evolved over time, how it has affected fanfiction writing as well as mainstream characters in books, TV, and film, and some of the not-so-subtle ways it’s been used to police how we write or how we enjoy femme-presenting characters. The general concept of the Mary Sue is of a (almost always female) character who is sort of a blatant self-insert, where they have all kinds of amazing skills or powers, and are so attractive that everyone is in love with them or wants to be their friend, and they’re friends with all the main characters, and the story sort of starts being about how awesome they are, they saved the day and everyone clapped. The idea is that writing a Mary Sue into your story makes your story terrible and boring and they’re just a flat character who sucks. I think.
So — Jaina Solo. In Legends canon she is:
Strongly connected to main characters we know and love (eldest child and only daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa and niece of Luke Skywalker)
Extremely strong in the Force and a Jedi with the crazy Skywalker-brand Force lineage
An incredible pilot and very mechanically savvy as well (also probably helped out by the whole extremely-Force-sensitive thing as well as having at least two incredible pilots in the family)
Able to speak Shryiiwook (makes sense given that Chewie is her father’s best friend, has a life debt to her father, and is pretty much part of the family)
Very attractive (some combo of her mother’s and her father’s good looks, probably more so Leia’s)
Everyone is in love with her (there is an ongoing war among various love interests, including Jagged Fel, Zekk, and Kyp Durron, plus Ta’Chume once tried to marry her off to Isolder when his wife (also the mother of Jaina’s close friend Tenel Ka) was still alive and very much still married to him)
Super-special because of her twin bond with Jacen and being the Sword of the Jedi and having the Vong think she was their trickster goddess
Okay, so there could be some ingredients here that point to Mary Sue for Jaina, particularly the “she’s extremely skilled and the best at all these things” and “everyone is fighting over her affections” business. I would argue the fight of Jaina’s love interests is less about Jaina and more about the fact that in the era many of those books were written, apparently the only way they knew to give women conflict was to a) have them fight with other women (this is a problem they gave Leia a lot too) or b) have them worry about which man they should choose. Or the typical back and forth among authors who had competing love interests and wanted theirs to win. (Side note: Jaina and Tenel Ka should have gotten together at least for a while. Or Jaina should have pulled a Kelly Taylor from 90210 and said “I choose me.”)
Here’s the thing about Jaina having mad skills at multiple things, though. As you can see from most of the bullets above, her skills aren’t just out of the blue so someone could make an overpowered self-insert character. There are solid reasons for those skills. And why do we hear so much about her adventures and her skills? Well, the book series in which adolescent/adult Jaina appears are called Young Jedi Knights and The New Jedi Order. If she’s one of the titular Young Jedi Knights, or a member of the New Jedi Order, she’s one of the beings the book is about! And honestly, however you feel about those series, you’re gonna have a bad time if the whole New Jedi Order series is about Jedi who have no skills and always lose and suck.
Hey, you know who else has a lot of skills and is an excellent pilot and does crazy bonkers things with the Force and often comes and saves the day and has lots of love interests in Legends? Luke Skywalker. Is Luke a Mary Sue? (Well, he’s a man. Being a Mary Sue is apparently reserved for women. So I guess not.)
I don’t think Jaina is a Mary Sue, but let’s say she is and go back to my earlier point: so what?
Women are not exactly featured in the Star Wars universe. My girl Leia is a main character, but there are more women dancing for a Hutt in Return of the Jedi than actually have speaking lines in the original trilogy. (The minuscule number of humans of color in the Star Wars universe is a whole other issue, so blatant that SNL once did a skit about it featuring Lando.)
Maybe we get to have a female character who is beautiful and smart, crazy powerful in the Force, a kickass Jedi, an ace pilot with more kills at nineteen than several of the Rogues put together, who brings all the boys to the yard. (And probably plenty of beings of other genders, let’s be real.) Who is Han Solo and Leia Organa’s beloved daughter, Luke Skywalker’s beloved niece, Chewbacca’s beloved family, Jacen and Anakin’s beloved sister, Mara Jade’s beloved niece and Jedi apprentice, friend to many. Who struggles with her identity and her purpose, who grieves, who grapples with the Dark Side, who worries about winning peace for the galaxy but ending up alone in her life. Maybe I want to read about and write her adventures — which could, yes, include which being she ends up with romantically. Maybe I put a little of myself in there, or a lot of myself, or what I’d want to be if I had even half the talents she has and lived in the Star Wars universe.
Maybe we get to have a kickass Organa-Solo daughter with a purple lightsaber, as a treat. And maybe we get to have as many treats as we want.
TL;DR: “jaina solo is a mary sue” 1. No, she isn’t. 2. Maybe she is, and maybe that’s okay. Great, even.
Congratulations if you waded through this whole thing, Anon, and thank you for the very intriguing ask!
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
I think an AU where the One Piece world has its own version of tumblr and Ao3 and Sanji introduces his siblings to them during WCI would be really funny
🦇 anon! It's so great to hear from you again! So I hope this is about what you wanted, I gave everybody cellphones for the sake of ease. Let me know if this isn't what you wanted or you'd like me to try again. I'm always happy to write.
Warnings: mentions of raunchy fanfiction, Sanji being a little petty, slight violence
Word Count: 1320
     Scrolling through his timeline, Sanji sighed. It was one of his only solaces, he still had access to his phone and his social media. He’d blocked the others so that they couldn’t check his posts or anything, but he hoped that it would be temporary, even as they slapped the bracelets on his wrists, threatening to blow off his hands. Reading the various fanfiction stories had helped, stories of Sora, warrior of the sea, and how he’d rescue people, how he’d beat the bad guys and get the girl. The man’s love life and women fawning over him. At the moment, he was writing some of his own fanfiction, though his had less to do about love and more about how ‘stealth black wasn’t a bad guy’! Stealth Black who was forced into Germa’s evil doings by his evil father and siblings! Except Poison Pink who was actually very supportive of Stealth Black. Was he telling the story from his side? Yes. Did he care? Not a bit!
     “‘You’re a weakling, Stealth Black. How could someone like you be related to us?’ Sparkling Red sneered, kicking his brother, sending him flying back. ‘You’re just the pathetic reject, we’d be better off without you!’ Electric Shock Blue mocked, standing over the dark haired young man. ‘It would have been better if you didn’t exist.’ Winch Green added, punching Stealth Black as he tried to stand. This was a constant for him, to be bullied by his siblings, all he wanted was to run away.” Sanji muttered as he typed on his phone. The sound of someone scoffing drew his attention away from his writing, looking up to see his brothers. 
     “First cooking, now fanfiction? You really are a worthless disgrace.” Ichiji said, the three looking at him with contempt. Sanji gripped his phone tightly, it took all his willpower not to simply crush the device as he glared at his brothers. Pausing, an idea came to mind as he smirked.
     “Why? I’m just portraying you in the proper light. The Sora comics paint you to be absolute villains and the writers online portray you as something… else. I figured they need someone to show the world who you really are.” Sanji said, making the description of the fan’s portrayal deliberately vague. They hated it when Sanji hid something from them, or when they couldn’t mock him, they wanted to know what he knew so they could hold it over him somehow, as if it would prove their superiority. 
     “What do you mean, something else?” Niji asked, his eyes narrowing behind his goggles.
     “Oh it’s nothing, they just get your characters completely wrong. I can understand the Sora comics, you’re supposed to be the villains. You’re terrible enough people that you make great villains, but the fan writers. They’re just… no, it’s better if I don’t tell you, I doubt you could handle it. I can barely handle it, you three would have no chance.” Sanji taunted as he tilted his head back towards his phone, though he made sure to keep an eye on his brothers, watching their reactions as they glared at him.
     “What are you implying, Sanji?” Yonji asked, the three of them stalking over to the blond, looking down at him. Sanji smirked inwardly as he pulled up some of the raunchiest stories of his brothers.
     “I suppose this one will do. It’s not one of the more tame stories, but it’s about what most of the writers online write.” he said, trying to look nonchalant, his legs crossing, “A Rainbow Love by GermaLover667.” Sanji said before launching into the story. It was one of the stories that he knew would bother them. Filled with emotions, impossibilities, incorrect character depictions, and the part he knew would bother them most, the ‘forbidden love between brothers’. It was about 20 minutes later as he was halfway through the story that he looked up. This was probably the most emotion he’d seen on their faces outside of cruel glee. Ichiji was glaring, looking like he was about to murder somebody, Niji was shaking with rage, and Yonji looked greener than usual. Granted, the story highly disturbed Sanji as well, but the blond was able to put it aside simply for the joy of causing his brothers some of the same torturous misery that they typically inflicted upon him. 
     “Hm, maybe I should stop reading, you three don’t look like you can handle much more. I mean, I’m not exactly pleased about the… content either, they make you three out to be way more caring than you really are and I don’t think I’d ever do some of the things happening in the story, but if I finish the story, no, it’s best if I don’t finish this.” Sanji said dismissively, once more gaining their ire.
     “Are you saying you can handle it better than us? Finish the damned lousy piece of shit, Sanji!” Niji barked, his hands clenched into fists. He’d prove that he was better than Sanji! He could handle this shitty smut story better than his little brother! Sanji sighed and shook his head as if he didn’t believe the blue haired boy but returned to reading the fic, glancing back up at them once he’d finished it. During the second half of the story, Ichiji had tossed a guard out the window and punched a hole in the wall, Niji had ripped the couch apart as he tried to contain his anger, and Yonji had damn near destroyed the ceiling. 
     “Hm, I suppose you guys took that a little better than I expected. How about I send you all something a bit tamer to read in your spare time, it’s more romance related, but it’s not ‘brotherly love’ romance, just x reader romance.” Sanji said with a shrug. 
     “Tch, like we have time for that crap. Unlike worthless rejects, we’ve actually got important shit to attend to.” Yonji said, turning away and quickly leaving.
     “Besides, why would we care about the worthless crap that shitty writers make up.” Niji spat, following Yonji out, leaving just as quickly though trying to make it look less like he was running away. Ichiji stared at Sanji for a moment. 
     “I swear, if you show anyone these stories, I’ll blow your hands off myself.” Ichiji hissed before finally leaving, slamming the door so hard it destroyed the hinges, falling to the ground shortly after he’d left. Sanji stifled his laughter as he tapped on his library. He felt like reading some Stealth Black fics, they were surprisingly accurate about his character despite the fact that Stealth Black in the Sora comics was vastly different from how he actually was.
     “That was quite brilliant, little brother.” a feminine voice said for the doorway, a pink haired female smiling at him.
     “Hey, Reiju. I just thought they might want to know what people are writing about them.” Sanji said with a smirk, the woman chuckling in response.
     “Personally, I like some of the Poison Pink stories, they usually aren’t too bad. Though there’s a few that are as terrible as the one you just read to them.” she said, pulling out her own phone and scrolling through some of her favorites, sending the links to Sanji.
     “I’ll check ‘em out later, right now I think I’d like to mess with them a little more.” Sanji said as he pulled up a new page, preparing to write something that he knew would bug his brothers. Was it petty? Probably, but they deserved it for everything they put him through, so he honestly didn’t care. Besides, it was a lot of fun and it got them off his back. It might be disturbing to write things about his own asshole brothers, but if it meant seeing the looks on their faces, it might be worth it to write some of his own.
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zalrb · 1 year
Red White and Royal Blue Review
I'm sorry but as the president's son, wouldn't you know not to get drunk at an official engagement like this?
Is that cake about to get ruined because it feels like the cake is about to get ruined. I didn't see the trailer.
2. Yes, it was ruined. I feel like I should be drunk for this.
3. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY REPUTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. I was like what’s going on with Uma Thurman but I realize she’s trying to do an accent. I do not think it’s working.
5. This ... looks weird to me
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It almost looks like photoshop, idk.
6. I’ve only been watching this for ten minutes but .. why can’t I remember his name, whatever president son dude, I think he’s the weakest link. The dialogue isn’t as snappy as it thinks it is although I did chuckle at the “you’ll act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin D deficiency” but Zahra sells the quick “snappy” wit with more ease than he does. He isn’t comfortable with it.
7. Equerry dude is hotter than both of them.
8. Alex. His name is Alex.
9. Honestly, out of the two of them, Alex is acting like the bigger jackass.
10. Yeah, Alex kinda irritates me.
11. He flirts better with Miguel. Those eyes?
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like I know we’re not at the flirty part with Henry yet but I can already tell we’re not going to get the same energy.
12. I don’t think you understand the laugh that came out of my mouth when I saw this
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because it’s basically like they each got their own Black Best Friend and I know this is supposed to be like DIVERSITY.
13. “Omg people would kill to come to my NYE party” so far, this is a pretty basic party, sir.
14. So Henry is supposed to be uptight and posh and Alex is supposed to be more carefree, the drunk partier dude, but the thing is, the actor doesn’t come across carefree, he feels like he’s trying to be carefree so he actually makes me feel more uptight than Henry because I’m like, you’re not letting loose but you’re supposed to be the loose one.
16. LMAOOOOOOOOO. Honestly, I don’t know if them choosing Get Low as the song they’re supposed to see each other across the dance floor and look at each other longingly is brilliant or terrible.
17. Aww Henry wanted a NYE kiss. Sad face.
18. Henry, I just feel like you could do better than Alex?
20. Well at least they’re not Malec when they kiss.
21. He’s reminiscent of a a young Al Pacino -- I’m actually thinking of Al Pacino in Scarface but they did darken his skin for Scarface, which is you know.
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22. “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” this line is wasted on these two. Jesus, give it to people with chemistry.
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he deserves a better scene partner.
24. I can’t believe I’m not even an hour in.
25. Alex, do some work!
26. Oh, this banter is terrible. People are comparing this to Merthur?
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27. Wait, but I want to know which other famous boys he’s shagged.
28. This is probably the most I’ve cared about them so far
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29. And he's blinking rapidly to show he's nervous but it should be in the body language, Alex is kind of just standing there. It should be nervous and exciting and intimate and thrilling, it's just ... kind of happening. Like the dude who plays Henry, his back must be TIRED from carrying all of this.
30. Ah yes,
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it's giving
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but way less intimate.
31. OK. So. I was going to add a screenshot but I was afraid tumblr would block it if I did so when they're making love, Alex -- who I almost called whatshiface -- says "I can't believe how wrong I was about you" and here's my thing with dialogue during sex scenes and I feel really bad for comparing these two movies because no one deserves this but it reminds me of when anons were like please watch some clips of the um, what's that movie series based on Harry Styles fanfiction -- After -- WE ARE GOING TO PAUSE TO BRING ATTENTION TO THE PROCESS I WENT THROUGH TO GET THE NAME OF THESE FUCKING MOVIES:
I typed in movie based on harry styles fanfiction and then Google was like Anne Hathaway and I was like what no, there's another movie based on One Direction fanfiction?? HOW MANY ARE THERE? then I was like wasn't Jughead in the movie? but then I forgot his real name so I had to be like Riverdale cast and it was like Cole Sprouse and I was like RIGHT! then looked up his fucking filmography and it wasn't there and I was like I swear I saw a clip with him in it and then I was like RIGHT, he is a twin so then I Googled his brother's name then I got Dylan Sprouse and then I looked up HIS filmography and got the name of the movie JUST FOR THIS BRIEF MENTION IN THIS STUPID POST and I was like, but anons can't search the masterlist??????????
anyway there's that scene where they're having sex in her office or something and like in the middle of them having sex he's like "SAY I'M THE ONLY ONE" or something and it just made me laugh because his voice is unaltered, he just delivered the line like they were having a regular conversation and that's what happens here, Alex just says this line and it takes me out of the moment because I'm like you're not being breathy or moaning or something as you talk, you're just talking like normal? THEN DON'T SPEAK.
32. But what does Alex do? Is he in school? Is he ... what does he do? I know he wrote a memo that nobody read and will probably end up being a huge meaningful contribution down the line but he's talking about wishing he could help more and I'm like what's your job? Like you can still help people in whatever job you're doing, like are YOU going to hospitals and talking to dying children? Like what's happening here?
33. And he's going on and on about making his dad proud and being someone who can do something but you're the guy who got drunk at a wedding and made a 75,000 pound cake fall. I...
34. Ah he's a law student. Volunteer at a free law clinic then, jesus christ.
35. OK their together texts are infinitely worse. "I CAN'T HAVE SMUT FILLING MY INBOX".
36. I mean, Miguel is a journalist, Alex, I...
37. So I'm guessing Miguel will break the Alex/Henry story. Because duh.
39. "Dad, what is this music? It's so not the vibe" I'm sorry but I find Alex insufferable.
40. Oh so Henry DOES read nonwhite authors, jfc.
41. Ohhhhhhh whatshisface, Alex, is having the IT ALL MAKES SENSE moment, which MUST happen when the love interest is singing, HENRY IS HIS FOREVER BOO. And then of course, princes can't be gay so even though Henry feels the same way, I'm sure he'll be all I TOLD YOU NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME.
42. This movie seems like there'll be a rain kiss in it.
43. "Yeah, he's tougher than he looks." You guys were drinking tequila shots, doing karaoke and playing volleyball, not chopping wood for your only source of heat during winter in the Appalachians. Relax.
44. "You can understand my life a little more" which is cool but what about HIS life, Alex? I don't know I just find him extremely self-centered.
46. Aww, he's in the pool with his hand over his heart. I needed a better couple for this.
47. And here we go with the downturn before the uptick.
48. He's trying so hard to be melancholy and this is what we get?
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A furrowed brow?
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I mean are you? What is this, Stefan about Caroline? Please be serious.
50. Well, there's rain. But they're not kissing.
51. "I flew across an ocean" which would be more impressive if you weren't the president's son, Alex.
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You didn't actually storm the castle, though. Who are you now, Damon?
53. This should be way more frenzied than it is. He should be yelling, out of his mind, and Henry should be doing exactly what he's doing now.
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Well that's because he's amazingly self-centred.
55. ON. HIS. BACK.
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56. Stephen Fry being in this is kind of perfect though. I just wish the movie was better.
57. OK well that's over.
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awholelotofladybug · 2 years
Therapy 2: A Stammering Adrien AU Story
Based on this AU.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit, fan based fanfiction. The only characters or locations I own are the ones I make up.  All other fictional characters and locations of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir are the property of Thomas Astruc. Please support the official release.
“I’m glad you came to see me today, Chloé,” said Beatrice “Bea” Lavigne, Chloé’s family therapist.
Chloé sighed. “At this point, I think I should just move in to your office.”
“I don’t think you can do that,” said Bea. “But we can, as always, talk. Your parents are very concerned. Your mother tells me you’ve been having nightmares and your father says you’ve been stress eating.”
“I work it off,” Chloé said, blushing.
Bea shook her head. “Doesn’t make it any less concerning, especially when paired with your stress nausea. Talk to me, Chloé. Why don’t we discuss one of your nightmares?”
Chloé gulped. She didn’t want to. She REALLY didn’t want to. But she knew she had to if she wanted any chance at sleeping that night. So with a deep breath, she began.
“Okay, so in this dream, there's me and four clones of me, except they're taller, have green, warty skin, long nails and sharp teeth. They put me in a glass box, and then start torturing Marinette...”
“The way you used to,” said Bea.
Chloé sighed. “Yes. Anyway, I try to stop them but I just can't break the glass. They start beating her up and mocking her. The things they did, they just got worse and worse. Next thing I know, there’s blood, Marinette starts crying, and she... she...”
Chloé couldn’t continue. She just couldn’t. The guilt, the shame, the fear, they stilled her tongue, and pierced her heart. The floodgates opened, and Chloé’s cheeks were soon stained by tears and mascara. Bea heard all she needed to hear as she handed Chloé a box of tissues.
“It all felt so real,” said Chloé as she blew her nose. “And the worst part is that I really did do those things to her. I was the bully. It was all me.”
"Yes, a very ugly truth, Chloé. But you acknowledging it is a good sign,” said Dr. Lavigne.
Chloé sniffled. “Marinette said that too.”
“Chloé, something I think you and a lot of people your age need to understand is that you can’t erase the past,” said Bea.  “All you can do is improve in the present, and hope for the future.”
Chloé sniffled again as she began to calm down. “I don’t know why I’m upset. I’ve apologized to pretty much everyone.”
“I can think of one person you haven’t apologized to. And you need her forgiveness as much as anyone else's, ” said Bea, holding up a mirror. “And you’re looking right at her.”
Chloé took the mirror, and sighed. She knew what she had to do.
“H-hello, um, me. I’m, uh, glad you’re here, because we need to talk.”
Chloé felt so awkward. She looked to her therapist, who urged her to go on. Another sigh escaped her lips before Chloé continued.
“Okay, look,” she said to her reflection. “I get it, our mom was negligent. She even taught us some bad stuff, but at the end of the day, I’m the one who decided to listen to her. I’m the one who made you, which is to say me, do all those awful things. To Marinette, to Sabrina, to Juleka, to Rose, to Nathaniel, to everyone. I did this to you, to myself. I’m the reason we were so awful, and, well... I’m sorry, Chloé. Can you ever forgive me?”
The room went quiet.
“Well, what’s your answer?”
Chloé had a picture in her mind. There was her, another her in tattered clothes and chains, and the four terrible monsters in the shape of her. Chloé helped her chained clone up and hugged her. This resulted in a blinding light that destroyed the Chloé monsters. The two Chloés merged into one. The chains came off, and back in reality, Chloé smiled at her reflection.
“I forgive you.”
Chloé sprung out of the office with a huge smile on her face. Andre and Audrey saw their happy child, and smiled themselves.
“I take it the session went well?” Andre asked.
“I think Chloé is going to be just fine,” said Bea. “The bad feelings and memories might pop back up once in a while, but I think she knows now not to beat herself up over them.”
Audrey smiled as she looked Chloé. “Bea, whatever we pay you, it’s not enough. Thank you very much.” 
Bea nodded. “All part of the job.”
The Bourgeois family left the building, and Bea felt a spark of satisfaction, knowing that another young Parisian left her office with hope for a brighter tomorrow.
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thesafecafe · 1 year
Listen y’all, this has been on my mind for WEEKS now, and I’ve already discussed it partially with a friend of mine (and she wrote me a labyrinth fic and I died), but I wanna say it here. Here is the list of idols I think could’ve played/could be casted as a modern day version of Jareth from The Labyrinth (1986) and what I think they’d be like. (I know there could probably be more, but these 3 specifically give me “ethereal mythical being/fairy type creature who is better than you” vibes and I must explain. Also, this is x adult readers, MDNI, tyvm).
Kim Hongjoong: Now, to me, Hongjoong can pull off the whole playful, immature rogue with anger issues (he is the leader of Ateez, the anger issues part comes naturally), and I see him more in tuned with the song “Magic Dance” from the soundtrack, and the runner up being “Within You” because his expressions in that would be so deadly, like, have y’all seen him? And he could knowingly lure you to his palace without much other than his looks, he knows the effect he has on women and men alike, and yet, he’ll still probably take someone or something valuable to you as extra incentive to keep you playing his game longer. A devious goblin king indeed. If you resist him, his mood becomes increasingly sour before he’ll make your life harder as you travel through the maze, putting up extra obstacles and problems until he feels like stopping. (he won’t put up too many though, if you accidentally hurt yourself because of him, he’d never forgive himself).
Nakamota Yuta: “Within You” fits him so well, I feel like he’s less on the soft side as Jareth, he’d have one for you of course, but I feel he’d be more on the temperamental side of Jareth’s immaturity. And “Magic Dance” would be less about making the brother happy, but more about shutting him up as he played with the goblins so that Yuta could think of ways to lure you closer to him. He’s a sneaky goblin king, and he will stoop to whatever level he needs to get what he wants, and if he  is met with any level of resistance, a temper tantrum will be thrown. It might be one of the most terrible and yet beautiful things you’d ever get to witness, if you ever did catch him in the middle of losing his cool that is. He’d probably be the most heartbroken if you rejected him with the line from the movie.
Kang Yeosang: The perfect all rounder imo (he can mesh well with all the songs). I don’t think he’d be as immature a goblin king as the others, still selfish, but he knows better ways to play mind games and he won’t immediately get angry and throw a fit if things don't go his way. “As the World Falls Down” fits him, and y’all have seen him with long blonde hair, he’d totally pull off that scene. And he’s sarcastic asf sometimes, so his comebacks would scathe anyone who challenged him with serious third degree burns. He’s more of an elegant and refined goblin king, but prone to selfish outbursts of possessiveness, jealousy, and occasional rage should things turn out differently than he planned. His anger is not hasty and quick, but cold, slow, and deep, and he holds grudges. He’ll be satisfied when he receives a tearful apology or until you feel just like him, upset and annoyed.
That was my list, (I’m a nerd, I know), and I am willing to talk about it further, but for now, I shall sleep and wish for a spectacular ball gown and a non toxic version of the goblin king/k-pop idols (they’re a lil toxic as goblin kings, but it's only fanfiction, never fear).
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shadesinbetween · 9 months
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These are just some goals off the top of my head that I’d like to see if I’ll be able to accomplish any of them this year. I have, what I personally call, bad habits as a writer that I’d like to have better control over.
These aren’t things that I wish to continue beating myself up over. These are things I want to look back on and say, “look how you’ve grown”.
Writing Goals: These are goals I’ve picked based on how chaotic I’ve been in 2023 - there are a lot of ones I don’t want to keep beating myself up over for continuing to do.
- Write a minimum of 2-3K words a day.
- Keep WIPs/new ideas to myself until I’m closer to publishing them. We all know I’m terrible at this one.
- Only have one ongoing work posted to AO3 at a time. I always let my excitement of wanting to share new ideas that I post things ASAP, which has lead to other ongoing works that others wait for updates for to get lost. I also hope to have at least two chapters always written in full before posting/updating new chapters. In my dream writing world, I’d only have one work focused on at a time and not let anything new creep in until I finished the one I already have ongoing.
- Posting oneshots sporadically when having an ongoing multi-chapters fic, and if they become excessively long still write out the entire work before deciding on whether or not to post it into split parts. For one of my ongoing works (that has all of my bad habits going for it), I thought it was just going to be a 20K one shot. It’s turning into something much longer than that. I still feel like it reads more as a oneshot that a multi-chapter work, and I already planned on posting a part of it before finishing the rest. This is the last time this will occur.
- Do not share posting dates ahead of time. AKA don’t make promises you can’t keep. So far, I’ve broken every single one I’ve made. I don’t like keeping others waiting on things they’re excited for and then not receive them. Another thing in my writing dream world would be to have one set day and time during the week as a posting day.
- Separate Outlines into colored sections to make writing and editing less of a stressor. In the past I’ve always waited until I’ve written a work in full before editing, which has usually been late in the night where I’m exhausted. That leads to skim editing. I want to write in sections and edit those sections before moving forward.
- Do not feel like I have to sign up for every exchange or challenge I come across. I signed up for a couple for the end of this year because I felt like having more fun in this fandom and wanted to introduce my writing by joining in! I just don’t want to overwhelm myself by signing up for too many, or feel like I can’t meet deadlines. Again, for me, this goes back to not following the through with promises.
- Don’t be afraid to write the ideas you think other people won’t enjoy, write for your own enjoyment. This partially comes from a work I wrote as a gift for someone else for the a gift exchange. I had so much more fun writing this than I thought I was going to! I enjoy watching shows and movies with supernatural elements and never thought I’d ever write this genre in this fandom. I thought I should stick to purely human/realistic writing BUT this is fanfiction and it’s a creative and fun space! Don’t hold back due to letting others peoples’ interest and low numbers speak louder than my your words. And, you never know, there’s most likely someone out there secretly wishing more unique ideas existed!
- Do not discard ideas you’re excited about just because there’s already one like it posted, or if a more well-known writer has written it. I am extremely guilt of this. This entire post could have been shorter if I just wrote “stop being so hard on yourself”. Your base ideas may be similar but that doesn’t mean your mind won’t take it to different places. Writing isn’t a race. If there’s a trope that’s enjoyed, I promise as a reader we want them all!
AO3 Goals: These goals aren’t about the stat numbers, just personal ones I hope to accomplish by the end of the year.
- A new pen name. Yes, I’ve said goodbye to the firstsprinces name for my writing accounts. It is still my main fan account! This one probably seems silly but I think all of you have really amazing names and I look at mine, feeling meh. If this user has been someone else in the past I apologize if this name has once been you/or a friend of yours. I saw that it was available and changed it without the knowledge of it as a once existing account.
- Have at least 8 works posted and completed by the end of the year. This number may seem like nothing to the veterans out there, but since my ideas never stay in a small contained space, this is a number I feel like I can reach. Let’s get through these WIPs that are backlogged!
- Go through every work that’s already posted and save works to “Mark for Later”. I think I stopped on page 19, but I’ll have to start again with all the brand new works that have been shared since my last run through.
- Check for new works daily to add to “Mark for Later”. This way I can follow ongoing works and I won’t have to go through every page of the works.
- Engage with other works and authors. At the end of the day, we’re a community. A community of devoted readers and writers. Put the numbers to the side and spread love and kindness wherever you can! You never know how much a simple engaging gesture will make someone’s day! And you never know what beautiful and chaotic friendships will bloom!
Final Thoughts: I’m already looking forward to seeing what progress I’ll make this year. And have this post saved in a document in hopes of remembering to make a comparison post to see exactly how I did by the end of the year. I always get brain bursts of excitement when it comes to these and have never followed through. Let 2024 be the year!
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siriusly-sapphic · 2 years
any of 1, 2, 19, 20 (they’re v similar so please feel free to answer them together/ pick whichever you want to answer!!)
Femslash Shipping Questions!
Thank you for these!! and omg this got a little more personal than I was expecting lmao here you go
1/2: What was the first time you encountered canon/fanon femslash? How old were you? How did it make you feel?
Canon wise, I was a Pretty Little Liars girly. I was SO in love with Emily Fields and her girlfriends, and 10/11 year old me was smitten. Even then, it never occurred to me to seek out more content online? I was reading PLL fanfiction, but it was all ezria (Ezra Fitz/Aria Montgomery, a teacher/student thing that I thought was so romantic). I didn't actually see much fan content around wlw except some background ships in the drarry fanfic I read. I took a step into femslash fandom when I added past Narcissa/Lily to my lucissa fics at.. 14? but never really engaged much with other wlw content bc it made me feel Weird (even though I identified as bi at the time and was fine with that, the internalised homophobia was Strong) and I hated lesbian headcanons for a long time... not a good time. Then around 17 or so I found Extinction by @rubikanon which got me into cissamione overnight, and I think that is really what jumpstarted my love for femslash as a fandom section?? But even then, it's taken a while from then until the time I started really writing femslash fic regularly.
I'm about to turn 22 now, and I love femslash fandom with all my heart. But I'd say it's honestly really been the last? two years? That I've also let myself enjoy that wholeheartedly without feeling icky or ashamed around it. It's been a blast.
19: Thoughts about lesbian tragedy and bad endings?
Okay so I know that as a general trend, they're bad. I know the history of them, and I do very much oppose the idea that in order to tell an interesting lesbian story, the lesbians gotta die and be miserable. I wish we had more content where we lived and weren't hidden away while married to men, you know, absolutely. In terms of mass media, 100%.
That said.
I love it.
I love tragedy, I love tear-jerk stories where people die and can't be together, I love forbidden love, I love stories with infidelity. I love it regardless of if it's femslash or not. I think here though, my condition is that I love these stories, if they're about queer women being miserable, I want them told by queer women. Let us indulge in the stories of our own suffering when it's not a condition for our stories to exist in the first place.
Yes, mass media telling us our stories are worth telling only if we die, terrible and should not be a thing, I hate it. But god do I love a good tragedy.
20: Thoughts about (purely fictional!) lesbian unhealthy relationships?
All in favour of this, honestly. A lot of the femslash I personally write is actually quite wholesome compared to other ships I write? And I think part of it is that I'm legit kinda scared to indulge in darker content with femslash bc it feels like there's this Thing around femslash that it's supposed to be cute and wholesome to offset the mean evil dyke stereotypes around wlw. The darkest I get between women is a consensual age gap, whereas with ships like Sirius/Narcissa, I love exploring how genuinely fucked up a relationship can be. I'm more hesitant to do that with femslash, even though there's plenty of ships it could work for.
I like to read darker femslash, though, and I love the authors providing us with it. Maybe one day I'll actually be comfortable enough to let my sapphic characters be less than good and sad-at-worst.
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iloveyou-writers · 2 years
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I posted 446 times in 2022
That's 418 more posts than 2021!
366 posts created (82%)
80 posts reblogged (18%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I thought it would be fun to share this with you all. So here's sourpatch-encouragement's year in review for 2022:
I tagged 298 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 146 posts
#writing tips - 142 posts
#writing advice - 141 posts
#writeblr - 117 posts
#anonymous - 110 posts
#writing encouragement - 110 posts
#writing - 109 posts
#writing motivation - 109 posts
#dynamic encouragement dames - 101 posts
#writing inspiration - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#sorry for reblogging another post on here but i have no clout on my personal blog and this one is kinda important
My Top Posts in 2022:
Notes For Writers:
1. Write what you like without shame
2. Your writing doesn’t have to be morally “just” to be good writing/storytelling
3. Being “good” and being “righteous” are not one and the same
4. Your writing doesn’t have to meet any guidelines to be good - just write it
5. It doesn’t matter if your writing sucks now. Get the words down; you can always edit later
6. We all have self-doubt. Yes, even the famous author you think could never possibly because you think they’re that incredible. One day, if you don’t already, there will be people that think like that about you. Keep going.
7. Your writing is not less important than anyone else’s. All writing has its purpose. Yours may not be something that’ll start a social movement, but it has a purpose to the people it matters to.
8. Stop comparing your writing to others. You’re insulting yourself and them. Your writing isn’t meant to be like theirs. Your writing is meant to be like yours.
9. You are better than you give yourself credit for.
10. ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE PROUD OF YOUR WRITING WITHOUT FEELING SHAME. It is not self-centered, conceited, selfish or anything similar to be proud of what you create. YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF IT.
11. You’re allowed to be proud of your writing, even if you think it sucks. You are allowed to be proud of your writing, even if you think it sucks. Be proud of the growing you’ve done. Be proud of the fact that you push forward in spite your self-doubt. Even terrible writing has things to be proud of.
Remember: What you do is incredible and hard. Let yourself feel pride. Let yourself struggle and find what does and doesn’t work for you. Allow yourself to learn and grow. That’s what life is about - growing into yourself. That means creatively as much as any other way. <3
Happy writing, my friends.
🤍 H
3,346 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Dear Writers Everywhere:
1. It’s okay if you lose interest in your story. It doesn’t mean you wasted your time; it means you’re growing in your hobby.
2. It’s okay not to want to publish your work; that doesn’t mean your writing isn’t worth reading. It means you have different goals than some other writers.
3. It’s okay if you need a break sometimes. It’s frankly unrealistic to think you never will.
4. It’s okay to write fanfiction; that doesn’t make you any less of a writer but makes you that much more of a fan.
5. It’s okay to sometimes have self-doubt. After all, you are human and sometimes as humans it’s easy to fall into that trap. Sometimes the feeling doesn’t even have anything to do with the writing but has everything to do with being overwhelmed, mentally exhausted and ready to give up. Don’t give up.
6. It’s okay to feel relief and happy upon reading this. Give a like if you did and spread it to your writer followers and maybe make their day a little.
🤍 H
4,960 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Am I still considered a writer, even if…
“I don’t write every day?” Yes.
“it goes weeks or months between sessions?” Yes.
“my stories don’t get any or much interaction?” Yes.
“I only write fanfiction?” Yes.
“I only write for fun?” Yes.
“someone criticizes my skill?” Yes.
“my family are the only ones who read my stories?” Yes.
“I only write for myself, with no intention of sharing it with the world?” Yes.
“I don’t know writing terminology?” Yes.
“I’m not very good at what I’m doing?” Yes.
“I don’t believe myself worthy of being called one?” Yes.
“the publisher turned me down?” Yes.
“I only write one genre?” Yes.
“I use clichés?” Yes.
“I lack motivation?” Yes.
“I excel at dialogue but suck at description, or vice versa?” Yes.
“I keep abandoning projects to start something new?” Yes.
“I say screw the rules?” Yes.
- D
11,362 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Tumblr media
11,674 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Reblog to give your writer friends, or yourself, a pat on the back, to let them know you’re proud of them. This is a message of love and encouragement.
15,386 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tabbyclaw · 2 years
I did warn you all that I was going to post my exchange letter here. Under the cut so it’s not interrupting those who aren’t interested.
(note: As with all of my fanfiction and AO3 activities, I’m signed up under ‘hematitebadger.’)
Hello, assigned creator or person who is considering creating for me! Thank you for reading this; I look forward to seeing what you make and I hope you enjoy making it. This is the first exchange I've done in many years, and thus the first exchange letter I've written in many years, so forgive me if it's a bit unpolished and feel free to ask for clarification if I've been hazy or left unanswered questions. General Likes: humorous stories, happy endings, casual physical affection between friends/family members, banter, unexpectedly romantic moments, imitation of canon style (but don't feel like it's required!), low-stakes/personally important adventures, "what if [canon event] had happened differently?" AUs, character exploration, mutual pining. First and third POV both welcome. I signed up specifically for fanfic, but I am open to treats in any medium! DNWs: porn (implied/referenced sex is fine, but no detailed on-screen sex), unrequested non-canon pairings, non-canon character death, tragic/bleak endings, mundane/modern/setting change AUs, non-canon severe illness/injury (canon-typical comedic, non-permanent injuries in comedy canons are fine), animal harm. Fandom-specific The Murderbot Diaries This is one of those canons where I really like the narrative voice, so stories that imitate that are always appreciated. I love how prickly Murderbot is, and the way it expresses itself when it's being emotional and trying to pretend it's not, and the way it gets annoyed at how much it cares about the people around it. I would love to see something with Murderbot settling in on Preservation, and the survey team trying (with varying degrees of success) to help it acclimate and feel included. Maybe something about the documentary, as well? If you're writing about Murderbot and ART, possibly something about Murderbot going on extended missions with ART and its crew, and the little adjustments to their relationship that come from interacting while having other people around for an extended period of time. My prompts for this fandom are less specific than most of the others, but it's not because I'm any less interested in it! I just love these people in a very broad and general way and want to see more of them interacting with each other. Miraculous Ladybug PLEASE NOTE THAT AS I WRITE THIS I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY OF SEASON 5 YET AND MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CATCH UP BY THE TIME THE SIGNUP PERIOD ENDS. I know a little about what's happened so far, because this is the internet and spoilers are inevitable, but it's a vague knowledge and I've been avoiding leaks about the series bible and episodes that haven't yet aired, so I'm writing these prompts without taking any of what I think I know about the new season into account. As is probably clear from my requests, the complicated dynamics of the Agreste household are my favorite part of the show. All the adults involved have done terrible things but I love them dearly (including Emilie, if you choose to include her), and so I'm hoping for a "flawed but sympathetic" portrayal of them. I would love to see what the household and the people in it were like before canon, the kind of parent Gabriel was as Adrien was growing up and there was someone else there to act as a buffer between them, and I'd like to see him trying to be better at it. I would also be interested in a scenario in which they have to work together in their Miraculous identities, and the tension that arises from both their adversarial relationship and from the things they're saying to each other unwittingly hitting home a little harder than expected. For Gabriel and Nathalie I would be equally happy with &, /, or something that blurs the line between the two. Once again I'd love to see a pre-canon story showing the evolution of their relationship over time, and its translation into the working relationship between Hawkmoth and Mayura. For a more shippy route for these two I'm less interested in an established relationship than I am in sexual tension, pining (mutual or otherwise), and/or an emerging relationship. What was the moment when Nathalie realized she was in too deep, and what will it take for Gabriel to have his own realization? And when are they going to notice the other person's feelings, as well? I would also be interested to see an exploration of how this interacts with their secret identities, where maybe it feels "safer" to flirt as Hawkmoth and Mayura and they're more willing to take risks and cross lines. And while I would hope for something hopeful for these two and I don't want one of them to unilaterally reject the other, I wouldn't consider a mutual acceptance that they can't act on their feelings because of the complicated situation they're in to be a violation of my 'tragic endings' DNW. Megamind Roxanne and Megamind were already pretty flirty in their first interaction in the movie! I'd be interested to see a pre-canon take on that, with the two of them gradually getting bolder and more flirtatious in their interactions as Megamind starts to develop an interest in Roxanne and Roxanne realizes that a) Megamind is basically harmless and b) it's really fun to push his buttons. Possibly even an exploration of what they would have been like if "Bernard" had never happened, and if they would have ever gotten to an 'openly interested in each other' stage on their own. Alternately, post-canon it would be fun to see the two of them learning to live in each other's worlds, with Roxanne helping Megamind get used to being around people and interacting with the public like just another citizen, and Roxanne getting used to being with someone who approaches romance with the same level of drama and spectacle that he approaches villainy. Even when they're in conflict in the movie there's a level of familiarity and sincerity between them that I love, and that's what I'd love to see reflected in a fic. Oxventure These incredibly silly people and the incredibly silly ways they solve their problems while still being lovable and sincere and that special mix of antagonistic and caring towards one another. I would be equally happy with a canon-style problem or mystery they need to solve, or just all of them having some down time and bothering each other. Maybe something goes wrong with the dragon eggs and one or more hatches early, and these people who should not be trusted with anything are now responsible for a baby dragon for a while. Or maybe the less murder-y members of the Guild decide it's finally time to have some kind of intervention with an unrepentant Merilwen regarding her various crimes. For Prudence/Corazon specifically I love them being terrible people who are trying very hard to pretend not to care and failing at it. Anything that involves accidentally realizing and/or revealing their feelings for each other would be great, but specifically I think these two would be perfect for a fake dating plot (as part of a plan that made sense at the time? To piss off Corazon's dad?) that gets more real than either of them ever intended it to. BBC Ghosts I love how sweet and ridiculous this show and its characters are, and it's one of those canons where my prompts are more like "Really, I just want to see more of them, whatever it is they're doing." Alison trying to come up with some new kind of enrichment for the ghosts, both for their sakes and so they'll give her a little more time alone and not bother the guests. Mike doing his best to keep them happy while Alison is out of the house for a couple days (with Julian attempting to communicate their needs via the laptop keyboard and other small gestures), or maybe temporarily gaining some ability to perceive them and trying to rearrange his perceptions of them now that he knows a little bit more. I also think it would be fun to see Alison try to use the ghosts as an excuse to lie to Mike to get out of something she doesn't want to do, but that's entirely because I want to see it backfire on her in some ridiculous way. I have never in my life known how to end a letter gracefully, regardless of the context, so I'll just end this one by thanking you for reading it again. I hope your exchange experience is awesome.
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 3 - Grover Unexpectedly Loses his Pants
Theme of the day: Generosity
(Lately every time I try to reread a book I end up getting lost in related fanfiction and it happened again sjkdfhdf)
It’s kinda interesting comparing the difference between 1st person and 3rd person narratives in terms of like.... the vibes you get in a story. Idk how to properly describe it but ig it’s the difference of a character telling the reader directly through their own voice vs. a narrator telling the story. Like a second-hand narrative.
Anyway, my point about this is just how descriptive Percy is about his mom compared to everyone else we’ve seen so far lol. When a character is introduced, we get a basic description on their physique and personality in Percy’s eyes. If they’re closer to Percy, we get longer paragraphs and their little quirks as the story progresses. At this point, Grover is the only character introduced where we get a sense of how close he and Percy are: he has a muscular disease, but will nyooom when enchiladas are for lunch; his bladder acts up when he’s upset; he’s a terrible liar; stuff like that.
But like, all of that doesn’t compare to when Percy talks about Sally Jackson. She gets an entire page dedicated to her when she’s introduced. He continually notes how her eyes change color, how warm her smiles are, how loving and caring she is towards Percy. It just shows how much Percy focuses his mom and how close the two are. I absolutely love the paragraph “As we got closer to Montauk, she seemed to grow younger, years of worry and work disappearing from her face. Her eyes turned the color of the sea.” He pays such close attention to Sally... it’s so cute 🥺 He’s like I LOVE my mom she’s AMAZING and she deserves the WORLD. And she absolutely DOES.
This is a nice segue into the theme of generosity bc Sally! Jackson! is such a generous person. I think Percy mentioned how despite how hard a life Sally has had, she’s still very warm and loving. She prioritizes her family constantly, like her quitting high school to take care of her uncle even though he never really cared for her as her guardian. She also gives up so much so she could raise Percy and keep him safe, marrying the bastard that is Gabe, sending Percy away to various private schools, and she never regrets the decisions she makes as long as it means that Percy is safe. The only “selfish” thing she does is keep Percy away from Camp Half-Blood I suppose, because in reality that is the one place that’s guaranteed to protect Percy as a child of the Big Three (at least better than leaving him out in the world for the most part lol). But we also can’t blame her for leaving that as her last option, because sending Percy off to camp could potentially mean that she’d never see him again. How could you ask a mother that loves her son to that extent to do that?
I can’t talk about generosity in this chapter without also talking about greed. If Sally is all about spirit of giving and kindness, Gabe is the complete opposite of that. As soon as Percy walks into the door of his apartment, Gabe asks for cash to use in his poker game. Not a “hi how’ve you been it’s been 6 months since I last saw you” lol. He’s stingy only when it comes to spending money on Sally and Percy and he only agrees to let the two go on their trip when Sally offers up dip for the weekend in return. We’re left to wonder why Sally decided marry and stay with him, maybe for stability’s sake to raise Percy. Although obviously we later find out why, but it makes me think about how sometimes we settle for less than we deserve when we’re in a desperate situation.
Trailing back to Percy, we see more of his very low self-esteem in his interactions with his mom. He’s like, I can’t believe my mom does all this stuff for me, I don’t make her life easy; I’m a neurodivergent kid who gets bad grades and constantly gets into trouble, why is she proud of me; the only similarity I have with my mom is our rebelliousness. He only sees his negative sides when he’s truly a caring person and has a strong sense of integrity, and all of these other good qualities that he got from his mom but doesn’t acknowledge.
I didn’t talk about this in my initial analysis on Percy’s core qualities, but something that came up in this chapter is how Percy doesn’t really complain about things that truly bother him. Like he doesn’t exactly bottle things in because he doesn’t want or know how to express his negative feelings, (he’s fairly direct and straight forward tbh, and often uses sarcasm when he’s irked). But it’s more like... he doesn’t want to make a person’s situation worse by adding on his own troubles to their plate? Which is definitely something that formed from the environment he grew up in. Because he already knew that he was a handful for Sally to raise, why ruin the little time we have together by making her more anxious about me? And then it just grows worse as he fits into the role of a leader.
Small things:
Percy leaving Grover at the bus terminal was not very generous of him lol
The way Sally is always like how are you doing? and giving Percy loving touches makes me go uwu
I also now realize that’s probably why Percy is so touchy with Annabeth?? Like that’s just what he picked up from his mom as a way to show love and now I’m like ughhhhhhhhh
Or maybe that’s just a fanon thing but either way I am Soft
In case anyone was wondering, Grover says “Oh Zeus and all the gods!” when he curses. Thank you Ancient Greek classes for sticking with me enough that I can still translate things for fandom purposes 😂
Previous: Chapter 2 - Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death 
Next: Chapter 4 - My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting
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theriddlettesblog · 2 days
I'm in Love With a Vampire…Kid,
a South Park fanfiction
All characters portrayed are 18+
Chapter 1
My name’s Pete Thelman, and I’m a goth. Like all goths, I dwell in the dark pit of despair and depravity that is my soul… more or less. At South Park High, the goths have a sworn enemy: The Vampires. They’re kids who like to dress up and act like they’re real blood-suckers while they drink Clamato juice out of plastic wine glasses. They actually stopped doing that last part in eighth grade but everyone still thinks they’re posers, especially the goths. But I don’t hate them as much as my other goth friends, I don’t hate them at all, to be honest, but regardless, I’m supposed to. I also have a crush on their leader, Mike Makowski, so that doesn’t help.
Right now, I’m standing with the other goths, Michael, Firkle, and Henrietta, in front of Michael’s locker, all staring holes in the floor.
“Shitty morning,” Michael sighs, “nothing terrible’s happened and yet it still sucks.”
“Well it looks like it’s gonna get a whole lot worse.” Henrietta states as she rolls her eyes and points to a group of vampires walking toward us.
Shit, I think to myself, Mike is with them. I gotta act disinterested.
“Hey, guys.” Mike greets as he walks up.
“Fuck off, Count Cuckula.” Michael spits out at the vampire leader.
“Jeez, okay chill out, man,” Mike replies offended and a bit noticeably scared, “we’ll get out of your hair, per se.”
“Yeah, your stupid boring ass hair. Where’s the color? Ha ha ha!” Mocks one of the shorter vampire boys with neon purple highlights standing next to Mike.
“Hey,” Mike begins, elbowing the kid, signaling to him to be nice, “Peter’s got some really nice crimson.” he compliments while looking at me.
I start turning redder than the dye in my hair, trying my best to keep a deadpan expression.
“I really love the scarlet.” Mike says, “Later.” He finishes, smiling at me and walking away with the group of fake blood-suckers following.
“S-see ya!” I shout back nervously.
I sigh while letting my smile grow, “Man, he’s cute..”
At that moment, my grin immediately vanishes, my eyes go wide, and my whole face goes pale… paler.
Oh fuck, I said that outloud.
My gaze darts to Michael when he asks, “What in the actual hell did you just say?”
“I think he just called Mike freaking Makowski ‘cute’.” Henrietta accusingly cuts in.
I start panicking, “I, uh.. meant that he wasn’t bad looking for a complete tool! It looks like he tried to kiss the front end of a car while it was moving! Ha, ha…”
Everyone looks at me with piles upon piles of skepticism as my eyes move around to meet theirs.
Michael is the one to finally break the silence, “I would have gone with ‘face-planting a radiator,’ but that works too.” After Michael says that, the other goths go back to being impartial and blankly staring at nothing.
I let out a quiet but labored breath, Jesus Christ, that was too fucking close.
*Riddlette note*
Since all of the characters are 18+, I just wanted to clarify that Mike is a 19yo super senior and Pete is 18 because Mike is canonically a year older than Pete.
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