#but in fact definitely just stole the crown jewels
nothing is funnier to me than the concept of Leon and Merlin meeting now, it’s so entertaining …
Leon bumps into Merlin while fishing and just bolts. Hell no he’s not dealing with whatever Merlin’s got going on it doesn’t matter how long it’s been.
Leon working at customer service and getting a call from a very old (and very angry) sounding man who reminds him of Merlin then realising it is Merlin and having war flashbacks to the sass king.
Merlin deciding to be an absolute menace and cause pure chaos (because if Arthur won’t turn up on his own Merlin will gladly help). Then Leon turning up as a firefighter and instead of helping Merlin off the top of the burning building he just waterboards him from below, sighing and shaking his head.
Honestly of course I look forward to the Merthur reunion but the crackfic energy between Leon and Merlin is unmatched and they would be terrifying with access to technology.
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thewickedjazzy · 28 days
𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆 : A vignette fic
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Pairings: Chuuya x fem!reader x Dazai
Tags: crack, mention of word 'crotch' , mention of words' S&M' 'ropes & belt' but overall nothing nsfw, swearing & curses. please let me know if I forgot any Xx.
Author's note: omg, omg!! So this is my first vignette, i love the idea of it sm (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝), so a vignette fic is basically a collection of multiple shot scenes. And the fact that it's crack? Tops it *mwah mwah* hope you guys actually enjoy it? Please let me know if you want me to do more of this.
P.S. I'm not sure who created Chuuya and Dazai's bantering scene in the photo, but I edited it a little, and UwU, it's cute.
Word count: 2.2k
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You and Chuuya Nakahara stand side by side, squinting down a narrow alley that reeks of old ramen and questionable life choices. The tension in the air is thicker than a badly cooked stew, but it’s not because of the mission. No, it’s because you’re stuck with Chuuya—the guy who seems to have skipped the tutorial on how to chill out.
“I still don’t get how we became friends so quickly,” you mutter, glancing at Chuuya from the corner of your eye.
Chuuya huffs, adjusting his fedora like it’s the crown jewel of his entire aesthetic. “You think I get it? The last thing I expected was to actually like one of Dazai’s friends.”
“Wait, are we actually getting along now? I should definitely blog about this—‘Unexpected Friendships: How I Learned to Tolerate My Frenemy.’” You said with an exaggerated british accent, your head tilted slightly to the side, giving a flirty pout and holding up a peace sign with a wink.
“Don’t push it,” he warns, though there’s no real heat behind his words.
The truth is, working with Chuuya is surprisingly easy—once you get past the short temper, the constant complaints about Dazai, and the occasional death threat. You had always thought you’d be in over your head dealing with someone from the Port Mafia, but instead, you found yourself enjoying his company. His straightforwardness was a breath of fresh air compared to Dazai’s endless scheming.
As you two began your search for the culprit who had pilfered sensitive information from both the Agency and the Port Mafia, you couldn’t help but throw a bit of sarcasm into the mix.
"Okay, but imagine stealing information only to figure out that the most feared Port Mafia member has a whole wardrobe collection of fedoras. heeehh," You sighed, rolling your eyes playfully.
Chuuya shot you a sidelong glance. “If you keep making jokes, I’m going to start thinking you’re the one who stole the files.”
“Please, I wouldn’t risk getting on your bad side,” you replied. “You’ve got a way of making even paperwork seem like a death sentence.”
“I’ll torture you one day,” Chuuya said with a sigh, more exasperated than serious.
“Oh, absolutely!” you said with mock enthusiasm. “I've always wanted to experience the classic ‘tortured by Chuuya’ scenario. Make sure to use ropes and belts, though—nothing says 'fun' like an impromptu S&M session.”
Chuuya’s eyes widened, and he froze in place, his face flushing bright red. “What?!” he stammered.
“Bestie, I’m kidding,” you said, stepping closer and whispering in his ear with a mischievous grin, “Even though I’m not entirely joking... I’d love to see you try it someday.”
Chuuya’s blush deepened, and he turned away, clearly flustered.
You chuckled and patted him on the back. “Come on, lighten up. Let’s get back to finding that bastard before you actually get the chance to use those ropes and belts.”
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You and Dazai were hanging out at Chuuya's house, enjoying some wine and the rare moment of peace that didn’t involve life-or-death situations. However, you should’ve known better than to leave these two motherfuckers alone together, even for a second. As you walked back into the living room, you were greeted by the sight of Chuuya looking absolutely furious while Dazai was laughing like he had just heard the best joke of the century.
As they both turn to look at you, their expressions shift from whatever chaos they were engaged in to sheer confusion. Why? Because you’re now wearing sunglasses—at 10 p.m.
Chuuya, barely containing his anger, is the first to speak. “Why the hell are you wearing sunglasses indoors? At night?”
You strik a dramatic pose, placing two fingers under your chin and lips bitten like you’re about to slide into someone’s DMs with a “Hey, baby girl, you up?”. With all the confidence in the world, you sit down across from Chuuya, leaning back nonchalantly.
“I’m wearing sunglasses,” you say, your tone oozing fake coolness, “so no one knows what I’m looking at.”
Then, you slowly shift your gaze to Chuuya’s crotch, your eyes completely hidden behind the tinted lenses. The room goes silent for a moment, tension hanging thick in the air. Chuuya’s face turns from angry to completely flustered, his eyes widening as he realises where your focus is.
“W-What the hell are you doing?!” Chuuya splutters, clearly thrown off by your audacity.
Dazai, who had been watching the whole thing, finally loses it, bursting into uncontrollable laughter. He nearly spills his wine as he clutches his stomach, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Oh my god! y/n you did notttt!!” Dazai gasps between laughs.
Chuuya shot Dazai a glare, his face still bright red. “Shut up, Dazai! This isn’t funny!”
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You stand in the middle of a crime scene in Yokohama, your head pounding like a drum solo gone wrong. Sleep? Who needs it when you’ve got coffee—enough to make your system hate you for life. You’ve been running on caffeine and sheer willpower, and it’s a miracle you haven’t started seeing pink sheep dancing on the rooftops.
Dazai is strolling around like he’s on a casual walk in the park, while Kunikida is already knee-deep in his notebook, scribbling down everything with the precision of a man who’s too serious for his own good. Meanwhile, you’re squinting at the crime scene, trying to piece together the puzzle through a caffeine-induced haze.
After what feels like a marathon of connecting the dots, you sigh heavily, shaking your head as the realization dawns on you. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you mutter. “It’s the dead guy’s girlfriend. Classic case of ‘hell hath no fury.’”
Dazai glances at you, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “Figured it out, have you? And here I thought you were too sleep-deprived to function.”
“I’m running on three cups of coffee zero hours of sleep I'm ready to fight god or become him, but I still have more brain cells firing than you, Dazai,” you shoot back, earning a chuckle from him.
The investigation leads you to the suspect’s location. Turns out, she’s an ability user, so the police are out of their depth. It’s the Agency’s mess now, and you’re not sure if that’s a good thing or if you’re just about to add another layer of mess to your already weird day.
The three of you burst into the room where the suspect is holed up, only to find her cozied up with another woman, their fingers interlocked like they’re the leads in a sappy romance drama. It takes you all of two seconds to figure out what went down: she killed her boyfriend because he cheated, and now she’s got with the girl he cheated on her with.
Before you can say anything, Kunikida charges in with the no-nonsense attitude of a man who’s had enough of everyone’s crap today. He knocks her out cold and cuffs her with swift efficiency. Meanwhile, Dazai’s just standing there, hands in his pockets, watching the whole thing like it’s the best entertainment he’s had in weeks.
As the suspect curses under her breath, you can’t hold back the joke that’s been bubbling up inside you. It’s too good to waste, and your brain is running on autopilot now.
“Well, well, well,” you say, grinning like a maniac. “It’s obvious she did it for the plot. You go, queen! Honestly, you better spill the tea when we get to the investigation room.”
Dazai loses it completely. He doubles over, laughter echoing through the room.
Kunikida narrows his eyes as he tries to process what just came out of your mouth. “This is serious! How can you joke about this?!”
“Come on, Kunikida-san,” you say, patting him on the back. “She’s in cuffs, the case is solved, and we’ve got a hell of a story to tell back at the office. Chill a bit, yeah?”
Kunikida just shakes his head, muttering something about needing a vacation. But despite his irritation, there’s a tiny, begrudging smile tugging at his lips.
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After what felt like an eternity drowning in paperwork at the Agency, you finally hit send on the last report and tossed your pen aside like it had personally wronged you. The boredom was suffocating, and you needed a break—preferably one that involved good company and even better wine.
You grabbed your phone and shot a quick text to Chuuya: “Yo, I’m crashing at your place before you head out. Got wine. Don’t argue.”
With the wine bottle in hand, you made your way to Chuuya’s place, already picturing the relaxation ahead. When you knocked on his door, it only took a few seconds before it swung open, revealing Chuuya in nothing but his black pants, the belt hanging loose, and his chest on full display.
You blinked. Then blinked again. It wasn’t every day you got to see Chuuya Nakahara shirtless—okay, maybe this was the first time, but still.
“Hey,” he greeted casually, as if this was the most normal way to answer the door.
“Sheeeshh, lord have mercy!” you giggled, not dropping your gaze off of him just yet.
He rolled his eyes, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks as he stepped aside to let you in. “Shut up. I was just about to get dressed.”
You sauntered past him into the living room as if you hadn’t just been blessed with the view of the century. You tossed your jacket and vest onto the nearest chair and unbuttoned the top few buttons of your shirt, trying to fight off the sudden wave of heat.
“How hot is it in here? Ugh, must be the humidity,” you muttered, though you knew damn well the real reason your face felt like it was on fire.
Chuuya, seemingly oblivious to your internal chaos, started yapping about something—what, you couldn’t quite tell. Your brain was too fried from the paperwork and the unexpected view to keep up. He eventually headed towards his bedroom to get dressed, leaving you to pour two glasses of wine. You took a deep breath and followed him, wine glasses in hand.
When you entered the bedroom, Chuuya was already half-dressed in his usual getup, adjusting his choker in the mirror. You couldn’t help but stare at his waist, so slim it could rival that of a top model. The words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“How many bicycle crunches do you do? Ain’t no way your waist is that slim.” You pouted, genuinely baffled at the injustice of it all. Like, seriously, what the hell?
Chuuya shot you a look that could only be described as utterly confused. “Say what now?”
Ignoring him, you walked over, setting the wine glasses aside before placing both hands on his waist, feeling the firm yet unfairly slim muscles beneath your fingers. “Ain’t no way you’re not wearing a corset underneath. Be honest.”
Chuuya froze, his face turning a shade redder than his hair. “Are you serious right now?” he sputtered, his voice rising slightly as he smacked your hands away. “Get a grip!”
You pouted dramatically. “I’m just saying, Chuuya. It’s not fair. I can barely do a sit-up without collapsing, and here you are, looking like you walked straight out of a fashion magazine.”
Chuuya headed over to his glass, holding it to his lips before drowning his wine in one go, probably regretting ever opening the door. “I seriously hate your guts.”
"Nahh, you love me," you say, raising your glass in a mock toast.
“Only because you bring wine,” he quips back, finally allowing a small smile to break through.
You clink glasses with him, both of you taking a sip. For a moment, you just stand there, enjoying the quiet. The mission can wait; right now, it’s all about enjoying the moment—and maybe, just maybe, teasing Chuuya a little bit more.
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You: [sends a photo of yourself in the arcade, holding an AK and posing beside the score] “Honestly? SLAYED 💅🏻"
Bandages Whore: Ah~,😫 my bella, it would be an honour to meet my end by your hand—your tight black dress has me mesmerised.
Tainted Wine: I will kill you, Dazai! And y/n delete that photo right now!!!
You: Too late, it’s already immortalised in the group chat, babe.😚
Bandages Whore: got my first death threat online ngl the world is healing.
Tainted Wine: Piss off shitty Dazai! But seriously, y/n you look absolutely gorgeous and with that gun? A real spitfire. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
Bandages Whore: Spitfire??? Chuuya, what century are you from? 😭😭😭
You: Spitfire? 😭😭 Where’d you dig that one up? I CAN'T- KSJEJWIW
Tainted Wine: Hey!!! I was trying to be nice! At least I don’t go around asking to be killed in every conversation, you damn weirdo!😠
Bandages Whore: Maybe, but at least I know how to give a modern compliment. You gotta keep up with the times, Chuuya!😭
You: It’s okay, Chuuya. I appreciate the effort. But next time, maybe skip the spitfire line and try something that doesn’t make me feel like I’m in a black-and-white movie. 😭😭😭😭
Tainted Wine: I HATE YOU GUYS! 😤
Bandages Whore: [sends a photo of Chuuya doing yoga, looking very zen]
Look at Chuuya here, so zen and peaceful.
You: Aww look at him, very demure, very considerate, very mindful. ๑(◕‿◕)๑
Bandages Whore: Very demure? I'm dying 😭😭😭
Tainted Wine: Stop with that trend and those slangs. You’re older than that! Seriously!!🤦🏼
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➵Want more of Chuuya & Dazai ?
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moonchildsaurora · 4 years
Running in Circles
✤ guard captain!Mingi x thief!reader  ✤ genre: Guard AU // smidge of fluff, (semi)enemies-to-friends. (feat. Yunho) ✤ t/w: sfw, none - except very brief mentions of some fighting, rated PG ✤ count: 3k ✤ [ part 3 ] of Lacuna miniseries
a/n - huge apologies for keeping Captain Song in for a so long but alas, he’s finally freeeeee. I really need to pick up the pace with continuing on with this mini series 😅 this idea sorta played out better in my head than out in words - I’m not 100% happy with this, it’s defs not my best but I shall practise writing more Mingi fics in the future! This is also probably the tamest of the lot in terms of cry-level. Just preparing you guys with an easy read before the shitstorm that awaits in the next member on the list one shot hahahahahahaha. @hereisleo​ & @barsformars​ hope you both enjoy this for ya man �� I couldn’t bring myself to hurt this giant teddybear too much in writing. Also everyone, let’s welcome back a familiar face within this one shot :P
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In all of his years of being a royal palace guard of Aethevintis, nothing would cause his body to seize up with tension instantly and hasten the greys that threaten to come through his still youthful auburn tresses than when he was requested at the interrogation chamber.
Heavy steps echoed off the dark granite stone floors, the sharp clinking from an array of medals that hung proudly to signify his prestige were in sync with his tense pace. Song Mingi had no problem exercising command and authority when it was needed, in fact, he prided himself in doing so.
He was good at his job, and he knew that.
Otherwise the title of Captain wouldn’t had been bestowed upon him that four winters ago. The real struggle was when his confidence in being assertive was mistaken for the ability to intimidate, broad body physique to further fuel that common misconception. And so Mingi often found himself sat in that bleak chamber with some poor unfortunate soul, who had been frightened into admitting nothing more than petty crimes.
He’d argue such tactics were unnecessary. Running his hand frustratingly through his hair for the umpteenth time, Mingi mentally braced himself for whatever...or rather whoever awaited for his arrival.
Rounding the corner, his brows arched up with surprise upon seeing the King standing in front of the chamber doors. The troubled look that replaced the King’s usual ebullient features prompted Mingi to straighten his posture immediately; this was sure to be a serious matter.  “Good afternoon Sire…”
Yunho turned towards the rich baritone voice of the Guard Captain and rigid shoulders relaxed ever so slightly at the sight of one of his most trusted.    
“Captain Song,” Yunho nodded in acknowledgement, “Although I’m not sure if it’s entirely good at all.”
Mingi’s forehead creased but remained silent to allow the King to further elaborate about his plight.
“The Queen’s aquamarine diamond parure has been stolen, and I suspect a selection of other jewels too. Those I care not for as much as the diamond parure…it’s got high sentimental value as it was passed down within the family from my great-great-grandmother.”
“That certainly isn’t good at all. Has the perpetrator been caught yet, Sire?”
“As luck would have it, yes actually. And I’ve been told that you would be the perfect person to know how to handle this….situation,” at saying this Yunho fully turned to face Mingi. The falchion in his belt’s scabbard felt heavy and a million and one thoughts were running through his mind at once.
Mingi could see the sincerity in Yunho’s eyes and the hesitation in spilling out the words that needed to be said.
“I hope you know that in any other circumstances, I would not be requesting you to deal with such matters that you have immense dislike for. I apologise for putting you in such a position. This…certain individual has crossed paths with you before and I’m hoping with that familiarity you may be able to coax them to reveal where the diamond parrure is. How you do so, I’ll leave that up to your discretion.”
Well that wasn’t what Mingi was expecting to hear. A certain individual he’s familiar with?
He straightened his back and gave a determined nod of his head, “I shall do my best Sire. That room may be the bane of my existence but this matter is clearly of importance to you, let us hope the thief can be convinced to comply.”
“You have my utmost gratitude Mingi,” Yunho said, reaching his hand up to give Mingi’s shoulder a comforting squeeze before making his way out of the grim dungeon hallway.
Mingi waited till the King was out of sight before turning to face the chamber. Taking a deep breath, he steeled his heart and pushed open the doors with slight force.  
“Well, well if it isn’t my favourite Captain of the guards. Come to keep me company for the evening?”
If he wasn’t already sweating before, he sure was now. That oh-so coquettish voice he’s grown to recognise almost immediately, fell on his ears.
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You sent a cheshire grin to the tall figure, legs propped up on the worn-out wooden table and hands idly fiddling with the heavy brass shackles around your wrists. This certainly wasn’t the first time your paths had crossed but it was the first for you both to meet in a more dire setting.
Mingi feared for the implications of your capture.
Not just a mere thief of the streets but being the leader of Dusk Talons, the Royal Crown surely won’t pass up a chance to make an example of a core individual from the renowned thief guild.    
“You ought to close your mouth, otherwise the flies will get in.”
One of the guards closer to you brought his fist down on the table, a mere tactic meant to frighten you. However, all it got out of you was the bored glance you sent to the guard who started berating you for talking back to Captain Song.
Mingi let out a sigh, “That’s enough. I can take it from here, you all are dismissed.” The command was given to the other guards in the room as he settled into the chair across from you. They left without a fuss and silence encompassed the room, though not for long.
“Would you please be a dear and help with this?” you asked, chains jangling as you held out your cuffed wrists towards Mingi.
“It would seem that’s not needed at all,” a ghost of a smile gracing his lips, “your handy work got the job done for you.”
“You’re no fun.”
Not admitting out loud, you were slightly impressed that the guard captain didn’t let your lock-picking slip by him. The shackles dropped on to the table and you made a show of stretching your arms out, body arching lithely off the chair. Your loose tunic rode up just shy of showing skin, causing Mingi to avert his eyes out of respect.
That widened your grin.
Mingi let out an awkward cough, any pre-planned script he had for questioning was abandoned. You weren’t entirely a stranger to him nor were you an acquaintance – if the laws even allowed for that. But Mingi didn’t feel right about making you go through the same interrogation protocol as previous criminals had to. You weren’t like them.  
“I can’t tell if you thrive off the riskiest raids or that you don’t fear anything nor anyone. Going after Her Majesty’s diamond parure? Of all things!”
An airy chuckle left you, “If I didn’t know better…you sound awfully worried for me, Captain.”
“Shouldn’t you be at least more careful? What would become of your family if something were to really happen to you?”
The grin on your face disappeared immediately.
Mingi continued when he didn’t hear a response, “I’ve seen you…giving food and gold back to those in the Lower Wrean. I know some of the funds for the city’s orphanages are provided by your guild. And that one time…the only reason why you led the attack on our eastern outpost was to rescue a few of your own and relocate some of the nomad camps away from potential crossfire. You don’t abandon family, right?”
These were the things that convinced Mingi, you weren’t really all bad. Questionable choices? Sure. Morals? A little grey. Although underneath the layers, your intentions have always stemmed from a compassionate heart.  
“What’s to the rich if they lose a few here and there? They have far more than enough, so to us, they’re top of the list of contributors.”
Mingi remembered you telling him that when he had first caught you escaping from one of the noble’s house. Your guild only ever stole from the rich and it was a bonus if the corrupted was targeted too. Mingi, who then was still under the command of the previous captain, hesitated to pursue. For his moral compass went spiralling. Being bound to carry out his royal duty or close a blind eye because he empathised with what you stood for.  
Nothing more than a weak link, according to his captain. There was little room for that, just as grey had no place among Aethevintis’ black-or-white justice system.
Hence, a thief was still a thief at the end of the day. Even for a good cause, by definition you were on the opposing side.
You continued to observe Mingi in silence, with a neutral expression, as you let his words sink in. Captain Song was much different than his predecessors. An unspoken level of mutual respect had developed between you both somewhere along the way of your encounters. The way he led with his heart rather than blind authority was admirable.
“We do what we must to get by. My family…as you so kindly put it…are capable of adapting to whatever circumstances are thrown their way. Risk is an inevitable norm for us.”
At least, you could appreciate Mingi looking at you without that faux sympathy.
“And I’ve lived doing what I do best…that is to survive. Being careful only gets you so far but being smart, well, you could go just about anywhere with that.”  
With a rather loud yawn you broke the tension in the dim room. The grin reappeared back on your face and you slinked backwards on the chair. Mingi was contemplating on whether switching back to the original subject of this…talk…would be a good idea or not. He needed a starting basis, a hint of sorts from you in order to give direction where he’d be searching for the missing parure.  
Betting on the fact that you don’t wholly despise him, Mingi tried his luck. “Now I do have a job to complete, and I’m sure we both would rather spend our time elsewhere other than down here…”  
“Aww, I thought we were having a good time getting to know each other better. Don’t get to do that as much on the streets now, do we?”
“What have you done with Her Majesty’s parure?” asked Mingi, keeping his tone levelled.
“You sure are set on that huh? What’s in it for you if you successfully retrieve the jewels?”
Tilting your head, eyes sparking a challenge. Only to be met with determination glinting off Mingi’s own pair of dark chocolate brown orbs.
“Nothing more than the satisfaction of returning a precious family heirloom back to my King. It’s of great importance and sentiment to him.”
You wished you could find fault in his resolution. Yet again, Mingi was nothing but honest in answering you.  
Surely, you could play a little nicer this time, right?
“Hmm, I’ll think about it. I’m feeling rather parched as well…any chance I could get some fresh water?”
Sensing you weren’t going to give in anytime soon, Mingi drew in a deep breath and exhaled. Standing up he offered, “And I’m guessing you haven’t had anything to eat?”
“You’re offering?”
“This is an interrogation chamber, not a torture one.”
Mingi left to gather the necessities. Head filled with too many conflicting thoughts, that he missed the growing grin on your lips and the space where the dungeon keys previously sat on his belt.  
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It was havoc.  
The thunderous sound of fireworks broke through the tranquil evening. Catching everyone by surprise and confusion arose as to why bursts of colourful sparks were going off within the palace grounds. When some of the flag banners and trees caught fire from the stray sparks, it caused a flurry of panic.
And to make matters worse – the guards had lost you.
Mingi finished over-seeing the last batch of palace staff into the safe area. “All palace guards are to stay by the doors to the throne room and west wing! No one is to leave or enter until my unit and I have done a final sweep of the grounds, “ he ordered.
Part of the team was put in charge of getting the fires under control. He deduced the fireworks were set off as an intended distraction and, a successful one at that too. Mingi’s priority was now to prevent you from escaping.
He heard the commotion and shouting before, “CAPTAIN! THE SOUTHWEST WALLS!”
You held your own and by the time Mingi had reached your location, the guards who were stationed there were knocked out cold on the ground. A minor cut bled slightly from your left cheek and you looked a little more roughed up than when Mingi had last seen you.
“Here I was thinking this would be a clean goodbye…” you said, securing the rope around your waist that Mingi noticed was tied to the stone merlons. He also saw a couple of dark-coloured pouches with you that weren’t present on your attire during the interrogation.
Three guesses as to what filled those pouches.
You followed his eyes to where they were fixated on, “Ah yes, amongst thieves it’s the number one rule to not hide our spoils on ourselves…lest we get caught.”
A series of sharp whistles was heard. The signal that your guild had completed their tasks and was awaiting to reunite with their leader down below at the meeting point. You blew three consecutive similar whistles back in response.
You paused with one foot up on the stone edge. Turning back to look, you saw Mingi’s hand hover slightly over his falchion.
“Are you going to try and stop me?”
‘No. But I will ask once more, where is the diamond parure? I know the cold season approaches and you’ll need all the resources you can get. Those gold and other jewels you’ve got there should be sufficient enough. So please….”
Having already made your decision the moment you slammed the doors to the chamber out, simultaneously breaking the noses of the unsuspecting guards, you knew what you had to do. But that didn’t prevent you from adding a little dramatic flair.
After all, you want to stay memorable in Captain Song’s books.
“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?”
Your voice dripping with light sweetness, eyes locked on his as you made your way right up to him. Your hand darted out to grab his falchion and on reflex, Mingi intercepted – large calloused warm hand latching around your wrist.
“But maybe that’s what makes so different from the others…” You flipped his hand so it faced palm up, and placed a familiar cobalt blue pouch on it. “You’re a good man, Captain Song. Thinking with your heart doesn’t make you weak…this world needs more of that, more of people like you.”
You watched his shoulders fall with relief and the look he had in his eyes change into something you couldn’t quite discern. Mingi nestled the pouch carefully towards his body, the delicate clinking confirmed its fragile contents within. And he didn’t feel the need to look inside for confirmation; he trusted you.
“If we were to meet in another lifetime, I hope we’d be on better terms then. Preferably one leaning closer to friends.”
A genuine smile crept up from the corners of your lips upon hearing Mingi’s words.
“That sounds rather nice, actually.”
You could definitely use a friend like Mingi in your second lifetime, should fate ever be so kind to give you another shot.
The clamouring of guards and blades being drawn drew closer and you could hear the running of feet up the stairs.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave. And I am so sorry for doing this but…”
And you physically winced when you sent a knee to his gut, causing Mingi to collapse and gasp for air.
“…Captain Song wouldn’t go down without a fight and this makes it look less like you just let a scummy thief off the hook.”
Mingi waved his other gloved hand, “I…understand – you ought to hurry…” he managed to cough out the words.
“Don’t be a stranger.”
With that, Mingi watched you leap over the wall’s edge just as back-up from his unit arrived. Not only did you leave him with the Queen’s jewels and potentially a bruise or two, you also left him with a new sense of comfort.
Two worlds apart. Two unlikely individuals who were both willing to cross the bridge that’s been built to fill the gap, to meet in the middle.
Yeah, this was a change he could get used to.
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“Thank you Captain Song!” cheered the orphans, watching with admiration at how effortlessly Mingi climbed the tree to recover their kite that got stuck in the tall branches.
He soon found his legs to be attacked with hugs from several pairs of petite arms.  
Mingi returned the affections with gentle head pats and a, “Be careful not to run too fast and watch where you’re going!”  
The townspeople greeted him as he patrolled his rounds. Even scoring a ruby red freshly-picked apple from one of the vendors. Today would be a breeze. Golden rays of the sun shone down warmly and the morning air was still crisp. Mingi was already planning to finish his shift early and go see if he could convince Yunho to sneak away from royal duties for a round of archery out by the fields.
Just like that, his trail of thoughts were cut short. Mingi snapped his attention towards the direction where the yelling came from. Jogging over to where the crowd had gathered, he was nearly bowled over by a fleeting figure.  
Upon making eye contact for that split second, he could recognise your mirthful eyes from anywhere.
Your eyes crinkled with delight and being bold as to send a wink his way. But your feet never stopped sprinting and within seconds, Mingi had lost you among the sea of townspeople who still went about their business on the street.    
Mingi looked back to see some of his unit tailing after a few hooded figures who disappeared into the maze of alleyways. Your guild sure knew the layout of the town inside out.
A sigh escaped him. So much for finishing up early for the day.
But if it was a chase you wanted, then it would be a chase you’ll get. Being the respectful gentleman that he was, he’d let you have a head start of course.
Maybe one day, when he’s old and cranky, worn out to his bones – he’d stop running in circles after you.
Luckily for you both, today wasn’t that day.
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
Since so many poeple liked my sleepy bois royal au I wanted to share a little one shot of the best bois :3 Also feel free to share your own headcanons and if you want you can make fanart!Just make sure to credit and tag me when you post something related to it!I appreciate every single one of you for the amount of positive feedback I have been receiving!!Love you all!Oh and the first chapter is going to be released soon on ao3! I will also be reconsidering the idea of posting it here on tumblr after a request to do so!👀
👑"Golden Fingerprints"👑
The blond boy stopped dangling his legs and slowly looked at the pink haired king infront of him.Techno's back was facing Tommy while the exhausted king struggled to keep his eyes open.His fingers slowly pushed up his loosely hung glasses that have fallen on the bridge of his nose.Techno didn't even take the slightest notice of the younger boy burning holes at the back of his head.He was too focused and way too tired to pay attention to anything happening around him.Tommy had bugged the elder if he was allowed to help him with his work,which Techno hesitantly agreed with as along as Tommy took it seriously.
Unsurprisingly Tommy couldn't focus for more than ten minutes so he just decided to hang around in Techno's room while the king took care of his tasks.Both Wilbur and Phil came to check on them and when they witnessed Techno groggily sitting at his desk and practically banging his head against the pile of papers and books forming on the dark oak table,they shared a simple amused glance and left the two alone.Not before Wil teased Tommy about him being so wild and unfocused,which resulted in Tommy almost charging at Wilbur and starting a huge ass fight. The warning look from Phil managed to stop both of them.
Tommy eyed the older man carefully.How is he able to pull himself together and stay focused for over four hours? The younger boy truly admired the king in every way possible, though he did also feel the slightest bit of jealousy.A small yawn brought Tommy out of his thoughts.He watched as the pink haired man took of his glasses and messily rubbed his face while groaning loudly.Tommy didn't say anything, he expected Techno to turn around and send him out of his room so he could relax in peace but instead Techno took off his crown and set it aside laying down his head on the hard surface of the wooden platform.
The much needed sleep immediately took over his senses and the pink haired King drifted off into a deep slumber. Tommy could only wonder if it is a dreamless one or not.He wasn't sure why Techno didn't send him out,did he forget that Tommy was still in the same room??Pushing his thoughts aside Tommy let his eyes wonder to the golden object next to the now sleeping Techno.The gold shimmerd under the pale illuminating light of the sun.The different colored jewels reflected themselves brightly.
A sneaky idea popped into Tommy's head as he propped himself up and precisely snuck over to the king's desk. Tommy lightly waved his hand infront of Techno's closed eyes to make sure that he did indeed fall asleep and not only taking a small break.Shallow and steady breathing confirmed that the king was in fact sleeping.Tommy tried his best not to break out into a fit of laughter as he continued with his plan.
He grazed his fingers along the heavy jewelry piece and gently took it in his hands.Tommy took a moment to quietly admire the object he was holding.It was heavier than he had imagined it to be but it was definitely screaming power and glory.The blue eyed boy glanced in Techno's direction one more time before quickly walking over to the door and closing it silently behind him.A wide grin tugged at his thin lips once he actually processed what was happening.
Techn-The king's crown was located in his grip.Tommy leaned his back against the desk matching oak door and took in all the details and features of the golden beauty.He noticed a small crack and a missing piece in two different gems.Tommy wondered what situations caused this.He snorted at the thought of Techno doing something as stupid like dropping it or tripping and making it fall.But he simply couldn't accept those facts so instead he imagined him having some sort of epic battle in which he turned out victorious.
"And what exactly are you planning to do with that?"
Tommy jumped at the sudden voice nearly dropping the important object.The younger turned his head to the direction of the familiar voice.His blue eyes landed on none other then musician boy,Wilbur.Tommy rolled his eyes proudly holding the crown infront of him.
"None of your buisness guitar boy-" Tommy retorted already trying to leave the scene.Wilbur on the other hand, was about to stop him but the wish to see the king's reaction to his missing crown would be priceless-
"Whatever you say." Wilbur reassured.Tommy eyed him suspiciously as the older simply shrugged and turned on his heels,Tommy followed his movements but after Wil turned a corner he kept going,the golden head piece safely secured in a tight grip.
His dark blue eyes(Fun fact Techno actually said that his eyes are indeed blue but they appear darker in different lightning!)fluttered open,the sun that was slowly disappearing behind the mountain horizons stinging his sight.Techno shut his eyes once again,this time not peacefully like he did before but reflexively and annoyingly. He adjusted his vision to the bright star and yawned loudly. His eyes fell apon the mess of books and papers on his desk where he just rose his head of.He cringed as he remembered how he fell asleep even though he didn't finish all of it.Techno's eyes scanned the room once his mind registered that Tommy was in his room during all of it.
After finding no signs of the younger in his room the pink haired ruler figured out that Tommy himself must have gotten bored and tired and left to sleep.He sleepily got up and stretched his tired limbs,the sound of him cracking his joints following right behind.That was another bad habit Techno happend to do on a daily basis,and Phil constantly had to remind him that it's unhealthy.
Techno was about to grab his beloved crown and return it where it belongs to put his palm was met with an empty surface.He blinked in disbelief as he clearly remembered that he placed it there before sleep took over.Nervousness washed over him as he started searching for his crown all over his room.Under the desk,on his bookshelves,maybe under the bed aswell?But the golden object was no where to be found- Techno started to panic.Where was it?Did someone steal it?The pink haired king clutched his fists, slamming both of them against the wooden desk making some of the books and papers fall off.
A soft knock on Techno's door made the king snap his head in the direction towards the sound.A small "come in" escaped his mouth as he waited for the person to step foot inside his bedroom.Phil's head poked inside first,he wanted to make sure not to be too hasty around his friend.
"Hey man,just wanted to check up on you."
Techno forced a smile onto his face but the constant thought of his crown being stolen kept him from doing so. Phil noticed his strange behavior and walked over to him. He gently placed his hand on Techno's shoulders and immediately feeling the tension in them.Techno twitched slightly at the sudden contact of another person but didn't make any movements to stop Phil from touching him.
"You okay man?There is so much tension in your shoulders"
Techno looked at Phil with frustrated eyes:"My crown is gone,someone stole my crown Phil."He made sure to clarify the part about it being stolen specifically.Phil blinked in suprised as he took in what his best friend just told him.
"Was there somebody else in the room with you when you took it off?"Phil questioned already preparing to set off and look for the thief.Both Techno and he were going to make them pay for stealing the crown of the king.Techno shook his head:"I'm pretty sure that no one except Tommy was in the roo-"He stopped mid sentence,eyes widening.The angry king threw on his crimson cloak with the faux white fur decorating it.Phil watched with confusion but also interest as he slowly caught on to where Techno was heading.
"You don't actually believe Tommy stole it do you?" Phil asked his best friend as they walked side by side through the castle halls.Techno's stern gaze was focused infront of him,but he still answered Phil's question while the older laughed at the thought of Tommy stealing Techno's crown. He has to admit,he would be pretty impressed if the younger boy actually managed to pull that off without Techno killing him,which Techno would obviously never even attempt but still,pretty funny to think about.
"Who else is stupid enough to do something like that Phil?"
Phil's laughter came to a stop when he realized that Techno might be right about this situation. "Holy shit you might be right about this-" Phil muttered in amusement.Techno only rolled his eyes gathering around a few of his royal guards, including Phil,and made sure to tell them that they need to start a carriage to take him down town,becouse Techno already had a pretty good feeling where Tommy might have went to brag about it.
"Holy fuck!How did you manage to get that thing!?"
"Tommy this is insane!How did you get you hands on it!?"
"Did you actually sneak in the castle or some shit like that?"
"The king probably wants you with a bounty on your head-"
Tommy only smirked,gladly welcoming all of the compliments and awestruck questions coming his way.On top of his head he proudly presented the king's crown,his pride and joy that Tommy managed to steal.He knew very well though that if Techno finds out he could only hope and pray that he stays alive long enough to explain himself.A shudder ran down his spine as he was't interested in dealing with a mad King Blade.He never saw him truly angry,but his stolen crown is properly a good reason for it to happen.
"Guys guys,please one after another!I'll answer all of your questions gladly!"
Tommy wanted to carry on with his attention shower but he only received terrified expressions and silence.
"Guys?Hellooooo?" He waved his hands infront of their faces,but their eyes were focused on something apparently more coller than the king's crown.Tommy's best friend Toby stepped slightly forward grabbing the blond boy by his shoulders and turning him around.
Tommy found himself staying perfectly still.His muscles tensed and his heart started to pound,it felt as it was about to burst out of his chest.He swallowed hard and released a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding in.His trembling hands slowly wandered to his mop of blond fluff and he lightly removed the golden object away from it.He chuckled nervously as he felt the scary glare coming from the pink haired royalty.Techno stood now infront of the blond boy tapping his foot on the dusty ground impatiently. His hands were crossed over his chest and his brows were furrowed together.His eyes glued themselves onto Tommy, more precisely the golden crown in his hands.
Phil stood next to Techno shaking his head amused at the clearly awkward and scary tension between the two men.All the other guards stood a few feet away next to carriage watching and waiting patiently for their king to make his next move or atleast to let out a few words Techno watched Tommy twirl his foot into the dirty ground avoiding his gaze.The king lightly shook his head at the immature acts of Tommy but then again he was only sixteen years young and had alot to learn and witness for him to decide the correct decisions.
"Tommy." Techno warned,his deep and raspy voice dangerously low.Tommy shivered at the scary tone the king used on him.His pale blue eyes locked with Techno's deep blue ones."Technoo!How's it going buddy!How did you sleep?" Tommy questioned the elder with a crooked grin. All of Tommy's friends watched in horror at the way he addressed the king himself so nonchalantly by his birth name.They kept telling him to apologize if he doesn't wanna end up six feet under or even worse,and the fact that he was still holding his crown made it even worse.
Tommy quickly turned to his friends reassuring them that he's "got this" and "no need to worry".Techno still waited for Tommy to make the first move and step closer,but it was very clear that the poor boy was afraid to move,but he somehow still had the guts to talk so casually with him but that didn't really bother Techno since he allowed Tommy to talk to him in that way.The pink haired man sighed,pinching the bridge of his nose together."Tommy if you give me the crown now I'll let you of the hook,okay?" Techno smirked.
Tommy's eyes widened and he cautiously eyed him up and down while carefully taking a few steps towards the king. He was now standing directly infront of Techno with him towering atleast 2 heads over him.Techno held out his hand while Tommy shamefully handed over the golden crown. Techno smiled happily as he admired the crown now back in his hands.He trailed over all the cracks and jewels relaxing after receiving it back the way he remembered it.
Tommy looked at the ground still managing to catch as Techno excitingly placed the crown on his pink hair.The king's chest rose proudly at the feeling of his power sign. Tommy internally rolled his eyes becouse he knew that doing that would ruin the atmosphere even more.Phil only continued to watch them fully caught up by the amusement that he didn't notice the king smacking Tommy at the back of his head causing the younger to yelp.
"What in the world were you thinking?!" Techno asked him seriously upset.Tommy rubbed his aching neck from the hard slap on it.He shrugged and explained that he wanted to show it off to his friends.Techno could have already figured that the reason behind the things Tommy does are usually brainless and simple.He sighed and whispered something to Phil.Phil laughed lightly and nodded.He turned to his coworkers and shouted that they should get the horses ready to carry them back to the castle.Phil patted Techno on the shoulder and winked at Tommy while he walked over to the carriage and stepped inside.
Everyone was waiting for Techno and Tommy to return so they could get going,which didn't take long.Tommy excused himself from his friends and started walking towards the vehicle,Techno following suit.All the kids watched in shock as Tommy carelessly jumped in the carriage and talked to the guards.Toby waved at him as the horses started moving yelling to Tommy that he should visit them again tomorrow.Tommy frinned widely yelling back that he totally will.
The ride back to the castle was like always.Techno couldn't stay mad at Tommy for long.Like I said(I just broke the fourth wall upps-)he has a soft spot for children.And since he has a special bond with Tommy and treats him as his own son he can't act the way his father did with him.Techno made Tommy promise him to ask for his permission before he took the crown and that he could only wear it around the castle and not through the whole tavern.Tommy happily agreed to the rules and pinky promised him to always ask Techno for the golden piece of jewelry before taking it.
The king,the gaurd and the misfit all carried on with their conversations,mostly just Tommy ranting on about his day and how he was shocked at the amount of focus ability has even due to him having adhd.Techno would tease Tommy back always coming up with a great comeback which made Phil laugh hysterically.Tommy couldn't help the smile on his face even if the teasing comeback was for him.His blue eyes lit up once he saw the crown restored on his original owners head.It was as if the crown was ment for his head. Tommy looked out the carriage window quietly listening to the running hooves of the horses and the chatter between the king and his guard.
The only thing on the crown that Tommy left behind were now his golden fingertips.
THIS TOOK WAAAAAY TO LONG!But It was definitely worth it!I hope you guys enjoyed this little one shot I wrote!Like I said I'm currently working on the first official chapter of the fanfic so this was only a little side project.The chapter release will probably take a while since my family and I just moved houses and we are still pretty busy!!👑☀️ I'll do my best though and keep you updated!!Love u <3
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decennia · 3 years
also HI I LOVE YOU pls tell me about your GOT ocs i need crossovers 🥺 also we need stranger things crossovers pls pls pls i just love you and your ocs and crossovers 💖
I have about three OCs at the moment (though there is room for more to be made because I'm feeling particularly Game of Thrones-y this month and am contemplating a binge):
Maris Baratheon
Lynora Lannister
Beth Lannister Arryn
They're more Robert's Rebellion OCs than GoT ones, as their stories primarily takes place back then, aside from Lynora, who becomes one of Sansa's allies at King's Landing purely to spite her family. I am definitely thinking of creating an OC for the Game of Thrones period, perhaps a Gendry pairing?
A crossover with Maris would be a bit difficult unless the crossover pairing would be a Greyjoy, or working for Euron, as a majority of her story takes place on his ship, The Silence, where she is being held captive to ransom the salt throne from her brother, the freshly crowned Robert. An alternative pairing could perhaps be a worried fiancé awaiting her return at court?
Lynora, on the other hand, would be gloriously messy and perfect for any and all crossovers. Her story begins in Lannisport, where she is the Jewel of Casterly Rock. She's favored by her father above all his children. Unfortunately, his death brings about a new family patriarch, and her older brother, Tywin, has no love for her frivolities. He knows of her affair with their sister's husband, Jon Arryn, and he orders it be put an end to. What's more, is that he's arranged for Lynora to go to King's Landing as handmaiden to the Princess Elia Martell, and to find herself a suitable husband. Lynora, being Lynora, decides that she deserves not just any husband, but a prince. And honestly, it just spins more and more out of control from there: she seduces Rhaegar, somehow finds herself in an engagement with Benjen Stark, genuinely falls in love with Ashara Dayne, is perpetually on the cusp of getting caught for her many deceptions, discovers Cersei and Jaime's relationship is more than sibling appropriate to her ever increasing disgust, and is ultimately responsible for Robert's Rebellion by — in a fit of jealous rage — being the one to tell Robert Baratheon that Rhaegar stole Lyanna away, when in fact she went willingly, setting in motion a string of events that would result in the death of her true love, Ashara. She's a whole ass mess.
When we see her in the Game of Thrones era, she's older, tired, still mourning Ashara. I haven't thought much about her interactions other than being Sansa's ally, and her continued relationships with everyone from the Rebellion. I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of Daenerys executing her after Lynora confesses to her in Winterfell? But she has eight seasons worth of things to do before then, and she could literally be anywhere, meet any one.
Beth is tied to Lynora's story. She does not have her own fic, she mainly acts as a recurring side character. She was wed to Jon Arryn, and upon the discovery of his affair with her sister, he agreed to her demands for annulment. She maintained her title of Lady Arryn, however, and does not begrudge his new bride, Lysa Tully. If I were to liken her and Lynora's relationship to anything, it would very much be like Claire and Fleabag from the show, Fleabag.
And Zara Mathers is open to any and all crossovers, tbh 😭💕 The honour
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thecrenellations · 3 years
Return of the Thief Notes, Part Two: The Book of Pheris, Volume 2, Chapters 1-5
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part One | Part Three | TaT)
Contents: Me losing my mind in multiple ways each chapter, helpful links, nighttime garden cousins, an Irene pun, notes from my second read, “mwt is just like going for it,” and “this is so fucked up and heartwarming.”
Format: Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Volume 2
Book 2 bro
Now we’re caught up and changed forever by lots of things
What printer’s apprentice made this?
Chapter 1
175. me too, Costis, me too. I am so tired. (it’s hard to sleep when your brain and heart and everything are fizzing because you’re reading Return of the Thief for the first time and a new Queen’s Thief book for the last time) 
176. Klimun + Gerosthenes vibes [moon doodle]
Holes in documents. That’s cute
Gen!!! <3
Wtf Ansel was hoodwinked!
177. The Queen waited
They’re ridiculous
Hi Pheris
Wtf he stole her earrings for Melheret?!?
178. Excuse me??? What is this book (sleeveless leather tunic)
He still roams!!!
179. a sentence I never fucking expected to read ever “The absence of tattoos…”
180. that’s interesting
Stacked like kindling wow oh dear
181. She wants him to move in lol
Lol sorry Ion
Did she just want them to leave the room?
182. I can’t with this… I can’t. Why is sex symbol Relius canon. (the play that featured him! It’s great, it’s great, it was just a lot to take in!)
Silver crown?
183. Cleon! Rude!
Did they call Costis to deck him?
Queen scene!! <3
184. This is an epic. Abt Costis. Dirty stranger
185. he’s “the high king”
187. prophet (Pheris sure makes Costis sound like one)
Shut up Piloxides
188. resources for war! (book launch foreshadowing part two! She talked a lot about this kind of thing as well, and recommended the book Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army)
189. “we”
What were you gonna say (Gen almost says something to Costis part one)
193. RIP The Magus Archives … it was not to be. Yet.
194. Melenze’s doorstep. Why? Bc Melenze is Ferria’s dog. (idk dude that line from ACoK has just never left me)
195. This is … a big war
196. Oh gen
Nighttime garden cousins.
Chapter 2
197. wtf did Relius think of that play
Also … not a peep from the sacred mountain huh
198. wtf will happen with Cleon
with Erondites
a lot going on
everyone was in that room but Kamet! So close!
199. Cute Fordad + Gen friendship (I never said these notes would make me look smart)
Same 2 T + R! :) It’s not them is it? (I NEVER SAID THESE NOTES WOULD MAKE ME LOOK SMART)
Poor Teleus
200. gdi Gen
Excuse me? Is he worried for Pheris??? (taking his tablet)
They trust each other! C’mon!
Sure he has reasons
202. oh dear. :( that’s … the worst cover story
Also falling
203. wow almost like a story huh
Ula’s altar :(
Why haven’t we had a Gen and Costis scene IN THREE BOOKS
205. I just … I don’t know if he’s just miserable or if it’s all a plan. I feel like I should know it’s all a plan. But he really feels like he has far to go. He’s just a mess and the same and so different. (having a small Gen meltdown)
205. he did give him the gun
Odd that he missed Quedue
206. he’s gonna bite them (buckle up! it’s abdication time!)
207. Power. Power. Power. Power.
Thx 4 the editorializing Pheris
208. Gen is making choices. That’s a choice.
209. There’s KoA down the drain
Aaaand he’s Eugenides
“Eugenides stared into the future”
The page of like 3 different tumblr posts: Trophy husband, Library, No! yes!
210. make sure he doesn’t leave lol
211. Pheris :(
Also fucked up timing for Irene
I love them
212. again with the birthday book
He’s still the king in the narration
Go on the roof! So close!
Viper! Bastard!
Oh shit. I love them.
214. “our treaty” “our queen”
AAAH! Wedding night!
Asked her to leave!
Smash Erondites and peace out, literally
215. a frank talk
216. The Bructs?
Wait is this his grandfather (taking a moment to remember all about Susa)
Also that’s Costis territory
217. who is this lion
218. #3 to Gen.
219. hmmm ring
There’s been a lot to unpack wow.
Did this happen, Pheris? Pheris?! 
220. Atté atté!
(Dear reader: for some strange reason, I completely forgot about taking notes on the final pages of this chapter. These notes are from when I reread those pages a few minutes later.)
Erondites full cup to brimming
The Pherises…
We must think of others before ourselves … occasionally
I do not like Orutus
Don’t fence Costis in! Does this count as prison? No (I had a square on my bingo board for “someone ends up in prison” ... but it turned out to be for someone else)
221. damn Costis
Costis …
Irene… your jokes (I mean, it’s a joke, but also it is very real for her.)
My heart
222. where is Relius going?
What you see and what you think it means (I love these instructions/this quote so much)
So are Susa + Erondites 2gether or what (listen ... proximity generates meaning in these books)
Also, like
What can
I say
WHAT CAN I SAY (Hell yeah! Never more glad to be wrong about the magus)
[page long list of doubles and parallels - from Cleons and Pherises and Ions to god-character and character-character connections]
Also the fact that in KoA and TaT Relius was like … oh … no … I just live a gentle life being friends with my king and queen and being scholarly. But no. He’s SPYING and TRAVELING MYSTERIOUSLY and has MANY LOVERS and also has been WITH TELEUS ALL ALONG and there is a PLAY written about him and he has a ~messenger~ network and PLAYS THE FLUTE and DOESN’T MAKE HIS BED and DISLIKES MATH and oh and he’s VERY HANDSOME! (Yes I was losing it, I hope my note from after the poem helps show some of the feelings behind this rant.)
Fucking … Wine shop. Should have known.
Chapter 3
224. ominous
Hello magus!
Sophos … babe (his impatience!)
225. Magus … cool your socks that’s your bff (he’s just describing Helen’s dead body! Fun!!!!)
In the van
That was good I love them
Why is it Couples Hour?
226. finally we’re out of the capital of Attolia
Ok they’re so cute
She was NEVER Helen in ACoK narration! 
Also – Pheris. This is all Pheris. (Pheris plus information others told him!)
227. Bringing each other up to date – that’s their thing. Talking forever
All this talk of shooting Therespides
228. EX FUCKING SCUSE ME (time to learn a lot about the country of Eddis)
He was 15! (or almost 15)
He didn’t know! Or did he!
The MoW!
All thru Pheris
Fuck you magus
When did he know
The emeralds?
Assumed the worst?
That classic quote about little to do with winter but with “seducing other people’s lovers”
230. yeah Sophos that’s a lost cause (“spare me my blushes”)
Also she didn’t answer you
What are they laughing about (the generally nameless men we’re learning many things about this chapter)
233. Gen I think it’s fair to say that was a mistake
234. wtf Gen
GEN! he just. Had those. (the jewels!)
Her crown
I cannot
235. Gen!
237. Crash
239. called annux
Yeah it’s like … a family meeting (the war council)
Bring your father to work day
241. Oh no.
Stenides! Boagus!!!!!!!
Wolves! Lol
mwt is just like going for it
243. aww
Eddis > Boagus > Gen
244. Yeah I’m with her on this. (“if that doesn’t frighten you, it should”)
Chapter 4
245. Gen and Magus scene yes!
Two people affected by his long hair (Gen and the magus? I think?)
Pheris are you there?
Gen … you used to wish yourself out of existence
Hair vanity
Yeah also battlefield
Ion is a darling tbh
248. Is he. Is he going to fight all of them
Also they are all his cousins huh
AULUS! I liked you!
Same, Hilarion
Taking a page out of Costis’s book?
You have definitely seen it before. (I mistook his lie for truth!)
Will Costis hear about this? (please)
249. #4 to Gen!
Pheris where are you
Why doesn’t the Continent want to conquer them (do I get partial credit for this)
A tattoo!
250. “Do not offend the gods”
Honestly … too bad Helen DIDN’T do this
251. he said he’d give all he had
I’m sure there are rules
253. Just men? :( (let everybody fight him!)
Ornon is back! I mean, of course he is
Also yea they practice
A house being built … or one knocked down. Nice
Is Teleus in on this?
254. Pheris called him my king!
255. I wanna know which guards though
:( he’d been faking
Kicked him in the head (ouch)
256. “when he fell”
I … don’t like this
He never gives up. The thieves don’t have limits. They have flash points.
Stepped on his hand
“Enough Gen” – what Irene said?
257. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
The magus. I forgot he was there.
The magus said … nevermind …
The magus is probs very into this as a cultural thing. Also he was talking to the MoW
Pigeon. The sky. :( Like in TT (OH BOY, THE SKYYYY)
If there was a god, Pheris would see…
258. They’ve, they’ve been through a lot.
Oh god what’s next
259. I … no. not in his arms to the palace.
The palace where….
The stairs…
They are all 3 lookers. Basilisks and brass and lead
I hate this. But I love this.
I will someday see this differently.
Ah yes… the grunt. Approval.
260. Honestly, this is so fucked up and heartwarming. These books.
Lol don’t defend Hilarion, we know him
Eddis visits him.
Attolia watches him.
261.WTF Gen. I knew it. Why.
Crying or laughing? Crying? :(
How does this not undermine her now that he is her king?
But … what he wouldn’t do for her.
262. “he did fine”
This book is like… Reasons Gen Says Sorry
So, so… - Helen
263. I am right. I am always right. It’s a curse.
Helen :( :( :(
The amount of times these people have seen him beaten.
He’s like … self destructive, but in a way that gives himself more power. Which he hates.
Gen, let them in. Let them in.
Chapter 5
264. honeycomb
OH NO. is it happening?
266. I’m just supposed to accept this?!! What does it mean?!
267. … a my king moment … important
But like … now can he fight?
Caryatid? [doodle after I looked it up]
268. Teleus!
C’mon Teleus. Everyone you love or respect loves him!
Honestly Pheris and Teleus … not a duo I expected
THESE TWO ARE SO DEDICATED TO TELLING HIM THAT! Ok I should chill. At least he said “may.” These are like … Pheris’s life lessons.
Honestly… I love that Teleus likes poetry, or at least likes it for Relius.
269. Lol Legarus. It’s been years! I mean, I guess that was a big deal for him… (almost being executed is a big deal for most people.)
Does he not love Gen because of Relius? Because Gen manipulated him? Because he keeps sending away his successor? Why on earth not! Hop on that train! (...)
It’s interesting that their relationship is the one that touches Pheris, not Gen and Irene. Hm.
Also … “Idiot.” The parallels.
“relatively gently” (it’s so good)
~Teleus here to talk about love~
This book is full of surprises.
270. That is NOT the bright side, Gen (“I could use my newfound authority to insist on going into battle”)
271. BUNNY! Wtf is a wineglass warrior
Very cute everyone, good job.
Still sad about Helen’s tears.
271. Gen. Don’t say these things. [volcano doodle]
272. SEE I was worried about this! The doubt!
I am not ok
This is TOO MANY Eddisian Revelations (Lader time)
Yeah. Wow.
273. Cleon x5
I … his grandfather
Baby Helen begging
How did Pheris get this scene
Gen chose Cleon for his plan
276. lol Gen
My brother Sounis!
277. Missing Relius club.
Where is he though
Yes! Sophos Gen food fight!
He’s “the king” here and in KoA bc that’s the story but also that’s who he is to Pheris and Costis
278. So how did that Irene and MoW meeting go anyway?
How does Aulus know???
Thief short story! Probably terrible to reread, oh no
279. Are … are Aulus and Boagus together???! (“his slightly smaller partner”)
This feels … potentially traumatic … but fun? Idk
280. This dang book. No rules!
The chandelier! So dramatic!
Mwt had … a lot to put into this one. A lot. A lot.
283. “not the Thief he was chasing”
284. The queens! The salute!
He can’t give this up.
Official Worries:
100,000 soldiers heading towards Kamet
Re: Lyopidus, Gen called Sophos his brother. Helen apparently might BE his sister. Temenus and Stenides are also going to a war where 9/10 will probably die.
the MoW could have been a king if he’d stolen Helen’s throne. A lot there.
why does this book have the vibe of the library post, my comic from 2010, the king and queen interactions here, and the military tactics dream
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luninosity · 4 years
Chapter 5 of Ember & Serenity up now! (Has it really been since October last year? In my defense, Character Bleed ate my brain.)
In this chapter: some sharing of information, and some of you were probably right about a villain... (Also Ember’s still-theoretical future niece is almost definitely named Penny.)
Read at AO3 here! Teaser below...
Chance, in the breakfast room, had made tea and found the end of a loaf of rye bread and some goat’s milk cheese and a few more apples; he was sitting on the corner of the table, swinging a leg with deliberately casual poise, when Ember and Serenity came in. His eyes took in Serenity, dressed in Ember’s shirt, and Ember’s slowly building embarrassment. The swallows in the wallpaper swooped, entertained. “Tea? Sugar, or not? I think we’re out of milk.”
 “We’re not,” Ember said. “It’s in the back of the ice-box, in the pantry. You just weren’t looking.”
 “Oh, well, obviously I wasn’t.” Chance held out a teacup, the final one of the outrageously expensive blue-and-gold enameled set; their father had broken most of those in fits of petulance. “I’ve been trying very hard not to look at certain things in the last few moments. Someone explain how that happened, before I have to explain my brother’s decisions about bedroom partners to any royal ministers.”
 Serenity took the teacup and put a decent amount of sugar in. Chance gave him an approving nod.
 Ember sat down heavily in the chair closest to his brother’s legs. Chance handed him another teacup—the last ruby one, with the chipped handle, and no sugar—and waited.
 “I told your brother you wouldn’t like what I have to say.” Serenity perched on the broad arm of Ember’s chair, a message about allegiances and also about not being tied down. “And that, as you put it, happened because we both wanted to. And it was splendid, and it will most likely happen again, in case your ministers would like to know. Shall we get to the terms of our sharing of information? I want some assurances, first.”
 Ember shifted, opened his mouth, subsided. Guilt nibbled along his bones and kept him quiet. He drank some tea instead. It was very hot.
 “I’m open to negotiation, generally speaking.” Chance waved a piece of bread and cheese grandly, a king leaving crumbs for accidental emphasis. “Start with what you want, aside from my brother.”
 Ember winced.
 “I do want your brother,” Serenity said. “I…enjoy his company. Leaving that to one side, I would like protection from any retribution, both from the client in question and from the Crown. I would like your promise, with documentation to prove it, that no one will send guards or wizards or soldiers to toss me into some sort of prison after the fact. And I want to be free to leave. Whenever there’s a ship bound for Alba. Passage arranged by you, naturally.”
 He was delicate and pretty and young, dressed in Ember’s borrowed shirt; he was built of brazen self-confidence and sharp experienced eyes, sipping tea from a king’s mismatched teacup. He had not asked for money or personal gain; he had asked for security and for freedom to go. Ember was baffled by him and delighted by him and abruptly overcome by a swell of want for him, an aching desire to kiss him or put arms around him or kneel at his feet.
 I do want him, Serenity’d said. About him, Emberly Lyon. Unflinchingly. To Ember’s brother and King.
 “Most of those should be possible.” Chance slid the tea-tray over; Serenity picked up some bread and spread goat’s cheese atop it, unhurried and leisurely. “The ship will depend on the captains themselves and their schedule, though we should have some wool shipments coming in next week, and I expect at least one merchant trader would be happy to take you along with stores of salt and mead and woven carpets, upon departure. Protection…I’m hardly planning to do anything to you, given that you appear to be making my brother happy, and—”
 “Is that a condition? My freedom will depend upon his pleasure?”
 “Not at all,” Chance said. “Only pointing out that you’re in fact already sleeping with the person who’s the best equipped to protect you. I told you we can’t afford any regular guards. I would, however, prefer that you not steal from anyone else, while you’re here.”
 Their eyes met, sparkling green and calm hazel, across teacups.
 “I’m here,” Ember grumbled. “Do I get an opinion?”
 “That depends,” Chance told him promptly, “on whether you’re thinking with your…happiness, let’s say. How are you at being a bodyguard? Protective magic?”
 “You certainly get an opinion.” Serenity set down the teacup just to take Ember’s hand. “Heroes often have them. Though your choice of taking a thief you’ve just met to bed might not inspire confidence.”
 “I’m beginning to think it was an excellent choice,” Chance said. “Would you like a job? Some sort of, oh, chief negotiator or representative for dealing with local guild masters on my behalf.”
 “Ah, but you can’t afford to pay me.”
 “I’m pretty good,” Ember said, “at protective magic, concealment and misdirection and shields,” and his brother caught his glance, and it was Chance who looked away and then back up, awareness of their shared past visible in his silent apology for momentary doubt.
 “Very well, then.” Serenity picked up the teacup again, eyes flickering between them, taking in emotions. “Ember will protect me, and you’ll provide me with written assurances regarding immunity, and safe passage as soon as might be reasonable. And on my end, I’ll tell you everything I know about this particular commission. And about magic, though I truly don’t know much. Mostly what everyone knows. But that’s everyone outside of Lyonheart, of course.”
 Chance looked briefly surprised by the last point, having not been privy to discussions in Ember’s rooms, but nodded. “And you also won’t practice your profession while you’re here.”
 “Which profession?” Serenity widened eyes at him. “I’m an exceptional cartographer, translator, dancer, knife-thrower, courtesan, acrobat, and judge of fine jewelry, cosmetics, and fabrics, particularly in terms of how well they flatter a man’s backside.”
 Chance outright laughed.
 “I’ll promise to not accept any proposed commissions here on your island,” Serenity said. “In my other profession. Will that do?”
 “I think so,” Chance said. “Ember?”
 “Oh, I do get an opinion…”
 “As my magician and my brother,” Chance said, serious now under the teasing, a king with a trusted advisor, “yes.”
 Ember exhaled. He still had Serenity’s hand in his; he slid his fingers down to encircle that slim wrist. Harder, holding on; Serenity did not flinch, only smiled slightly.
 A prickle of shared sensation hummed and sang. A susurration of sea-salt and cherries, a distant murmur of sun-warmed stone and billowing pleasure.
 “I trust him,” Ember said. “Not around the crown jewels, if we still had any, but when he says he’s telling the truth, he means it.”
 Serenity’s smile grew. “You did, in fact, trust me with your crown jewels, as it were.” But his expression was pleased, even a bit startled: Ember believed in him.
 “I’m so thrilled you’re finally enjoying yourself,” Chance said, to Ember. “And also thrilled that you’ll vouch for his honesty.”
 “Honesty might be going a bit far.”
 “How dare you,” Serenity said lightly, and slid down from the chair-arm to land squarely and weightlessly in Ember’s lap. “Insulting my honor. After we’ve had lovely discussions about preferences and popped corn.”
 “You stole a book from me and then told me I owed you a favor!”
 “Don’t you?”
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cheshiremadd · 5 years
Chapter 2 A flashback already?!
sometime late last year
Chat found her at Patrol Starting Spot #13, looking for all the world like she intended to become this generation’s Thinker statue. She didn’t turn her head or acknowledge him as he approached. Even when he took a seat beside her, she stared resolutely forward.
He slowly leaned against her, giving her the opportunity to pull away. He gave her his full weight when she didn’t, putting his chin on her shoulder. “What’s the matter, Bug? Wanna talk about it?”
She stayed quiet. Chat gave her a bit of a head nudge and prompted again. “Or I could talk about my problems? They are many, and I can make more when I run out.”
“Love problems.” It was a soft warning, her accompanying shrug saying that he could give the conversation a pass if he wanted.
Chat, though, apparently liked pain and heartache. So of course he pressed on. “Ah, trouble with the boyfriend? Wonder Boy not everything he’s cracked up to be?”
And, wow, that wasn’t exactly how he meant for that to come out. They’d talked a lot about boundaries and relationships in general, and their boundaries and relationship specifically, and he hoped she knew that wasn’t meant to be a dig.
“I wouldn’t say we progressed to the ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’ stage.” She trailed off. Scrubbed her face with her hands, and blew out a gust of air. She waved a hand, and Chat took his cue. He flopped away from her, keeping his butt in the same spot beside her but laying back across the rooftop.
“Oh, LB, I’ve got a big problem.” He ran his claws through the part of his hair that he could reach without moving too much. “So I don’t think I told you that my girlfriend and I broke up.”
Ladybug gasped and looked his way. “Oh, Chat. I’m so sorry.”
He waved her off. “Eh, don’t be. It kind of sucked, but it was very mutual. We both decided that we were better friends. She realized that, while she is- was- something interested in me, she also really likes women. And I realized that- well..”
He huffed.
“Look, I am not telling you all this so I can get another ‘I told you so’.” His hand mimicked a talking puppet with the phrase. He was very tired of it by now, thank you very much.
She pushed her arms in the air, stretching her back, and then leaned back with her arms to prop her up. “I won’t give you one if you’ll refrain from using it on me.”
“Deal. My good friend that I apparently talk about too much? She got a boyfriend right before we broke up. He’s a mutual and honestly a real nice guy. Very chill.”
Ladybug gave him a knowing look. She could already tell where this was going. She knew him too well, just like he knew her. He sighed.
“Yeah. I hated seeing the two of them together. Hate. Ongoing thing. Problem not resolved. I was -am- so jealous, and I didn’t understand why because I had just the tiniest crush on her, not a big deal, not any bigger than anyone else who knows this woman. Seriously, Bug, everyone who ever meets her gets at least a small crush on her. It’s a fact of life. Minus, you know, those who aren’t female attracted.”
She finally allowed herself to relax all the way back, laying on her side facing Chat. “I know someone like that.”
“Mm-hmm,” she nodded. “She’s kind. Very strong. Bold and determined. Sometimes she messes up, but she always tries. I would have wondered if she were Ladybug, if I weren’t.”
He shot her a bright grin. Such glowing praise for his princess! “Exactly! My Lady, I almost wonder if we’re talking about the same person.”
The air between them turned somber just as quickly. “We can’t confirm it.”
A reminder that was for her as much as it was for him.
“I know.”
Silence fell between them, the world as quiet as it was noisy. A city as big as Paris always had some activity going on, and this building was on a busier road. It was several minutes before Ladybug prodded him.
“So. Crush not as tiny as you previously thought?”
He covered his eyes with his forearm. Hoped against hope that the ground would just swallow him. “Noooo. Plagg was actually helpful for once. He suggested comparing my feelings for- well. To be perfectly candid, my Lady, he suggested comparing my feelings for each of you. And I-”
He sighed.
“I don’t even know when I started to love her.” The declaration came out softly. It still felt like betrayal to utter it. “I can’t think of a time where I didn’t think about her, strive for her approval, want to just..be in her presence.”
Ladybug let out a humorless laugh. “We just love to make life complicated, huh.”
She fell to her back and picked at her fingers.
“So, the jealousy is a problem?” She seemed to be grasping at whatever conversation threads she could find.
He shook his head. “No. I mean, it is. But not, like, in a way that’s going to cause problems for our relationship, or her relationship with her boyfriend. I’m doing better at keeping it a me problem.”
She turned over to lay on her belly. Buried her face in her arms.
“Did you really think she could be me?” And, yeah, she was definitely stalling.
“I considered the pawsibility once, my Lady, but I’ve seen the two of you at the same scratching post more than once. Unfurtunately for this poor Tom’s heart, it seems I’m destined to love two Queens, instead of one.” He could see her blush, which spread all the way to the tips of her ears. An interesting development. But she giggled, too, which had been his goal.
It was a long moment before she spoke again.
“I wasn’t dating Wonder Boy. I didn’t know that I’d given you that impression. He’s still as wonderful as ever.”
Oh. Yep. He could have this conversation. He would rock this conversation. He’d be the best, ever, at this conversation. He took a deep breath. She’s his best friend. He could do that for her.
“Everything was nice! My not-quite-boyfriend and I got along great. It was...calming. Easy. But my brain decided it was too easy.”
He released the breath in what he hoped was a measured way, and reached a hand over to rub between her shoulder blades. Just enough to give support without interrupting.
“I just. The anxiety wasn’t there, which was nice. But...I knew that if we ended it, I wouldn’t be heartbroken. I’d call one of my best friends and we’d use the excuse to stay up all night and eat too much ice cream. Maybe I’d cry a little. And I’d be okay the next day. He could stop being my friend, and that would honestly be awful, because he’s fun to hang around, but I know that I’d get through it.”
It was her turn to take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“It wouldn’t be like losing Wonder Boy...or you.”
Chat stopped the motion of his hand and stared at her.
“You’re one of my needs, Chat. Right up there with food and water and shelter. And Wonder Boy...I think it’d kill me if he walked out of my life.”
And wasn’t that just what he’d always wanted her to say. He’d heard her gush about Wonder Boy, and here she was placing them on the same level. Yet. He found that he was glad she’d never said it before. He loved Marinette, and he wanted to love her.
He turned over to match her, threw an arm over her, and did his level best to bury his head in her shoulder.
What a mess.
She turned to face him more. “Why are hearts so complicated, Chat?”
He shook his head against her, still not quite able to speak.
Sometimes they defined ‘patrol’ as training. Sometimes a break from hectic lives and grabbing a bite to eat. It was helping that little old lady over on Rue Clément Marot bring her flower pots in. And sometimes it was having an emotional conversation and keeping watch for butterflies.
They stayed like that for some time. Until he had to do something to change the mood, because his first priority had to be her, had to be them, and akumatization was not an option.
“Want to hear something funny?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Is it actually going to be funny?”
“Hey! Don’t lie! You cat get enough of my humor.”
“Yay. The low-hanging fruit puns.”
Chat narrowed his eyes and scrutinized her. She looked away and picked at her thumb. One of her nervous ticks. “You stole that line from Marinette!”
“Did I? Or did Marinette steal it from me?”
He paused at that, thoughtful. “Hmm. My princess is a majestic thief. But I’m certain that was her crowning jewel before it was yours.”
“Oh, all right,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “What was your ‘something funny’?”
“I don’t know if you deserve to hear now, after such blatant thievery from the Kingdom of the Pink Lands.”
Ladybug huffed. “Fine, don’t tell me.”
He chuckled, enjoying getting a rise out of her, before he told her anyway. “I wanted to break up after I figured out how much I liked my Good Friend, and that I was happier having my ex-girlfriend as a good friend. She wanted to break up because my Good Friend was her gay awakening.”
He heard a startled laugh, and turned to see Ladybug covering her mouth with her fist. “Way to ruin the moment, Chaton.”
He shrugged, unrepentant. “It needed ruining.”
two and a half months ago
Adrien lay on his bed, arm propping his head up, and stared at his phone. Pictures took up the screen. Kim walking towards the camera, holding Max and Ondine’s hands. The three sitting at a cafe table, Kim making exaggerated motions to Ondine, Max forgetting the computer in front of him to stare at him with her. Ondine and Max surprising Kim by kissing his cheeks.
The caption below the three pictures read: Sassinette: Look who Kagami and I ran into!
To Adrien’s knowledge, Max and Ondine weren’t interested in dating each other. But they got along well enough, and they both loved Kim, and they were okay with (encouraged, even!) Kim to love both of them. The arrangement worked for them. And Kim didn’t have to choose.
Adrien had never imagined having this problem. When he and Kagami started dating, he hadn’t dreamed that Ladybug might have feelings for him. Even when he and Kagami split, he didn’t know. But then that conversation happened, and they’d sat on the information for months. Each of them unwilling to pursue one while they still thought about both.
And now a crazy solution presented itself. Deceptively simple, until he considered the secret identities in play. Ladybug would understand, but could he ask Marinette to be in a polyamorous relationship when he couldn’t introduce the two?
A new message came through. Marinette’s text tone was reminiscent of collecting coins in a retro video game. He chose it for her because he felt like he was gaining every time she texted him, and she rocked at video games.
Sassinette: I think Mme. Tsurugi is warming up to me. She asked about the competition that I’m prepping for?
Sassinette: I mean Kagami and I were talking about it in her hearing, and all she asked about was who was putting it on, then nodded and said ‘They’re a prominent company; worthy of your time.’
Rapunzel: That’s not ‘warming up’, Maricakes. That’s downright approval.
He still smiled when he saw his contact name. Marinette had stolen his phone and changed it in retribution for what he did to hers.
“Disney Princess, golden hair, questionable parent.” She’d ticked each point with her fingers. “All you need are the magical powers!”
Joke’s on her. I do have magical powers.
….That he needed to use soon. Joint patrol started in twenty minutes.
His phone collected more coins.
Sassinette: I’m not convinced, but I kind of only care as far as it lets Kagami hang out without the subterfuge.
Sassinette: Between you and me, we’ll convince her of the importance of socializing with one’s peers!
He covered his eyes with his free forearm and whined. If he didn’t do something soon, Kagami was going to ask her out. He just knew it. She kept saying she wasn’t going to, that Marinette didn’t like her like that, but Adrien could see how well the two of them got along. They’d make such a cute couple.
Coins again.
Sassinette: Still alive over there? I’m getting up to take a shower and find food in a few minutes, in case you come back later and wonder why I’m not answering.
His eyebrows drew together. That was odd.
Rapunzel: Those sound like things I should be doing. No dinner with the parents tonight?
Sassinette: Wednesday night is their night to work on business accounts, and my night to sleep early!
He snorted and turned to his belly, gathered a pillow in his arms to lazily prop himself up.
Rapunzel: Tell me the truth. Are you actually going to sleep?
Sassinette: Your lack of faith astounds me! Of course I’m going to sleep! ….after I finish the rough draft of this commission.
“Soft and gooey Cancoillotte, you’re still mooning over your phone?”
Adrien startled at the harsh sound of Plagg’s voice in his ear.
“What do you mean, ‘still’? I haven’t been laying here for long.” It was funny how admitting to his crush on his good friend took most of the sting out of Plagg’s teasing.
The Kwami wasn’t buying any of his bullshit. “I napped near two hours. You haven’t moved.”
“I moved! I turned over.” He indicated his new position with a grin.
“You’ll miss Bugsy if you don’t move some more. Unless we’re skipping tonight. In which case I’m going back to napping.” Plagg exaggerated his yawn.
Adrien most certainly did not yelp and tangle his feet and fall out of his bed. And if Plagg told anyone he did, well, Plagg wasn’t always a reliable source for information.
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themosleyreview · 5 years
The Mosley Review: Best Films of 2019
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Wohoo! 2019 has come and gone and man did it fly by. This year we had sooooo many fantastic films and this year was probably the hardest list to put together. I really wanted to include alot more, but I had to make a few cuts. Now I tend to keep my list to the traditional 10 films, but on some occasions I've extended it to 11. This is one of those occasions. I have one runner up that is worth mentioning and I think it should not be missed.
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Missing Link: Many animated films are computer generated now and the art of hand drawn animation is rarely shown. The one type of animation that is all but extinct is stop motion animation. It takes time, patience and passion to bring to life characters with such sophistication and care in an almost forgotten art form. The masterminds at Laika are truly imaginative artist and this film shows that in every frame. Not many films take the story of the myth behind Sasquatch to fun places without being hokey and I was relieved that this film took it seriously and pumped so much fun and heart into the story and I think this was a hidden gem of 2019. Click the title for my full review.
Now, on to my list of 2019's best films of the year. If you want my full review of each film then go ahead and click the title of each film. First one up is definitely a fantastic sequel to a film that the author hated, but loved the film adaptation of his second book.
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Doctor Sleep: The Shining is a classic that can never really be touched. Stephen King is famously known for disliking the film adaptation of his novel, but with his blessing placed upon Mike Flanagan's vision for the sequel novel, we got this magnificent film. Not only does this film pay tribute to Stanley Kubrick's film, but it also follows the same rules and visual structure while keeping the film fresh. The tone was consistent and the performances were across the board amazing. Ewan McGregor, Rebecca Ferguson and the talented Kyliegh Curran deliver absolute greatness. This film features stunning and intriguing dark moments, but definitely has one of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen and its all because of Jacob Tremblay's performance in THAT scene.
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Ready or Not: How many times have we seen the family initiation story in a romantic comedy? A dozen times I tell you! Well how about you take the same concept, throw in a fun horror version of hide and seek with a hint of the supernatural and great dark comedic writing. You get this fantastic film that is all of that and more. Luckily I stayed away from any major trailers for this film because in retrospect, the R rated trailer gave away too many of the fun gags. The performance of each family member was awesome and this was a standout performance for Samara Weaving. Every year from now on, this film will be on my Halloween watchlist. I loved this film and I can't recommend it enough.
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Shazam!: Batman (1989), Superman (1978), The Dark Knight Trilogy and Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse are just to name a few of perfect adaptations of a comic book character to screen. This film was beyond perfection in many ways and the best DC film to date. This film had the right amount of fun, darkness and heart that embodies the life of the titular character. I could see the amount of genuine fun the cast was having on screen and the heartfelt performances of Asher Angel and Zachary Levi were outstanding. Jack Dylan Grazer stole the film with his amazing comedic speed and wit. This was truly a film I had high hopes for and it didn't disappoint.
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Avengers: Endgame: How do you start a story in 2008 and bring it to an amazing and satisfying conclusion that wraps up 11 years of storytelling? You have a plan, a clear vision from the very beginning and with that it'll special success. Producer Kevin Feige set out on a journey to bring to life some of the best superheroes and keep them together in a cohesive and long formed narrative to complete a saga that's never been done before. He did it with the best talent behind each film's camera and The Russo Brothers have delivered the most epic film the superhero film genre has ever seen. I have waited my entire life to hear Captain America say "Avengers Assemble!" and I'm so happy I've lived long enough for my dream to come true. This was an emotional journey and end to The Infinity Saga. I really can say so much more about this crowning achievement in storytelling, but I'll keep this summary short.
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Rocketman: It was only a mater of time before we got a biopic about the incomparable music legend Elton John. I was hoping that it would not shy away from his sexuality, addictions and his bright and explosive since of style. Well this film jumped right in and held nothing back and I loved every bit. It was truly a fantastical film that had enough gravity and style. The musical locations illustrate his most important moments in his life and are visually stunning and accurate recreations of his most iconic performances. Taron Egerton was Elton John and I loved that he sang all the music. This was truly a masterpiece.
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1917: World War II films are a dime a dozen, but the World War I films are rare. Sam Mendes is one of the best directors and all of his films take you on a journey through the eyes, mind and soul of a character and he did exactly that in this film. The fact that this film is almost shot completely in one continuous take, gives every moment gravitas and tension as you watch our main character go along and across enemy lines to prevent an ambush. The score was truly haunting by Thomas Newman and my favorite piece from this film was from the flare scene. Such an stunning achievement in filmmaking should not be missed.
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Joker: The clown prince of crime has had many iterations over the past 80 years. The most influential and canonical version of the character came from Frank Miller's The Killing Joke. Heath Ledger's take was iconic and made you scared because of his unpredictability. Joaquin Phoenix has taken the character and given a truly disturbing and authentic performance. As Arthur Fleck, we see through a constantly unraveling psyche, a man become a new and real kind of monster. Not only is this version the most unsettling, but it was beautiful. The cinematography was great and I loved how we got into the mind and heart of the character when he wasn't even speaking. This is a definition of how a person being pushed through horrible conditions can truly become a monster and yet be free. I loved this film and I think it will be studied in many acting classes from here on out.
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Ford v Ferrari: There needs to be more racing films of this caliber! I love racing films that are not just about the cars, but also the drivers and their stories. This film was based on the true friendship between Carol Shelby and Ken Miles and I can't say enough how much attention to detail and heart that was put into every frame. The sound design in this film was crisp and powerful. The performances by both Matt Damon and Christian Bale was truly amazing and they had the best chemistry. Their fight scene was the funniest and most realistic fight I've ever seen between 2 friends. James Mangold is one of my favorite directors because of his focus on characters and story first before the action. This was a love letter to the world of racing and a respectful look at the lives of these pioneers of ingenuity and racing.
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How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World: How do you make a perfect trilogy? How do you wrap it up with a satisfying and emotional ending? You focus on the story and stay true to the message and heart you started with in the beginning. You let the character bonds naturally grow and make each adventure a learning experience. This film was a perfect ending to the franchise and I can't stress how much I felt like I was with Hiccup and Toothless on their journey to this conclusion. The performances from the cast were stellar as always and although the villain may not have been as great, he still was a good addition. The visuals were the best and the textures in the scales and sand were out of this world. The score by John Powell truly brought me to tears as I got to say goodbye to my favorite companions. If you ever owned a pet, you known the emotional bond that is forged. This was the ultimate pay off and as a pet owner I saw my dog in Toothless' eyes. I will miss this franchise. If you're not crying by the end of this film then something is wrong with you.
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The Peanut Butter Falcon: There are some independent films that take a risk in going outside of the norm and telling a story that nobody would have ever dreamed. This film was truly something special and I can't tell you how happy I was throughout. This film focuses on an individual with down syndrome whose dream is to become a wrestler and it is something truly inspirational and heartwarming. Zack Gottsagen was truly brilliant and awesome in this film. I loved his journey and his will to keep going. Shia Lebouf delivers an equally powerful performance and his chemistry with Zack was very sweet. This is one of the best films of 2019 and the most important films of the decade.
And here we are ladies and gentlemen! This is the moment you've all been reading toward. This film was an automatic choice for me the moment the end credits rolled. The crowing jewel of 2019 is none other than.....
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Booksmart: I have seen so many high school teen comedies about partying or loosing your virginity before graduation, but never have I seen a film so engaging and focused on the bond of two bestfriends. Their bond was the heart and soul of the film and you couldn't have asked for a better pair of actresses. Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever were beyond perfection in every moment of this film and they had me cracking up left and right. Their adventure over the course of one night was truly fun and you are along for the hilarious ride. Billie Lourd nearly stole the whole film out from under them with her surprising and hilarious appearances. The music choices in the film were awesome as well. The comedy in this film was so fresh and from the first 6 minutes of the film you’re locked into these two ladies chemistry. I can't stress enough how much joy this film brought me and for a film to be on my mind for the entire year and to have me constantly recommending it to everyone I know is an achievement of itself. Olivia Wilde has directed a true masterpiece and new definition of a coming of age story. I can't stop gushing about this film so I'll finish off by saying WATCH THIS FILM!
And that is my list of the best films of 2019 and man has it been a great year in film. Lets hope 2020 starts off the decade with a bang! Thanks for reading everyone.
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mavda · 4 years
Ch.1 |  Ch.2 |  Ch.3 |  Ch.4 |  Ch.5 |  Ch.6 |  Ch.7 | Ch.8 |  Ch.9 |  Ch.10 | Ch.11 | Ch. 12 | Ch.13 | Ch.14 |  Ch.15 |  Ch.16 |  Ch.17 |  Ch.18 |  Ch.19 |  Ch.20 |  Ch.21 |  Ch.22 |  Ch.23 |  Ch.24 |  Ch.25 | Ch.26 |  Ch.27 |  Ch.28 |  Ch.29 |  Ch.30 | Ch.31 |  Ch.32 |  Ch.33 |  Ch.34 |  Ch.35 |  Ch.36 |  Ch.37 |  Ch.38 |  Ch.39 |  Ch.40 | Ch.41 |  Ch.42 |  Ch.43 | Ch.44 |  Ch.45 |  Ch.46 |  Ch.47 |  Ch.48 |  Ch.49 |  Ch.50 |  Ch.51 |  Ch.52 |   Ch.53 |  Ch.54 |  Ch.55 |  Ch.56 | Ch.57 |    Ch.58 | Ch.59 |  Ch.60 |  Ch.61 | Ch.62 |
Ch.63: Melted
Robert could not hide the smugness that filled him. Link had already started to avoid Robert in order to escape his remarks about her Highness' wedding but nothing could stop Robert from going beyond that. "Who would have thought a Keen would achieve such close friendship with a King," Robert grabbed an appetizer from a passing maid who gave him the stinky eye.  
Richard had to fight rolling his eyes at his brother, "The fact that you annoyed The Hero to death is a feat in and of itself, but I see you want to go beyond that."
A couple of rushing servants bowed to the brothers and Robert waved back. Richard glanced at the smiles on the boys as they went ahead with their duties, "Please don't let this get to your head."
Robert groaned, "Oh, shut it and enjoy people smiling at you, I know it will be long before someone smiles at you again," he stressed.
Richard shrugged and looked away. As much as he nagged his brother, as much as his gut feeling warned him about everything that could possibly go wrong, as much as this felt to good to be true, this felt nice. He glanced out the windows towards the impossibly intricate decorated gardens and as the feeling of relief washed over him, he let himself smirk.
Robert turned his head at the speed of light and the unassuming face of his brother greeted him, Robert huffed, "Remember to keep your eyes peeled, brother, Link has outdone himself this time in his hiding."
Richard thinned his lips. He had seen Link a ways back from the corner of his eyes but even he wanted to give him a moment to himself.
Link trotted towards Ashei. "Everything all right?"
Ashei shouted a few orders around, "Robert was looking for you."
Link groaned and looked around trying to catch Robert before he could see him.
"Don't worry," said Ashei.
Shad stood next to her and nodded at Link, "we sent him to the gardens over there."
Ashei stood with her hands on her hips, "I can always make him behave," she said with menace.
Link shrugged, "He's just being annoying, I can lose him."
Shad shared the development on the preparations to Ashei, Link smirked, "So, anything I can help with?"
Ashei looked at Link with half-assed contempt, "How about getting lost and letting me handle this for once in your life, yeah?"
Link raised his hand in defeat, "Fine, I was just asking."
Shad glanced at Ashei and then got closer to Link, "Let her have this, all right? She's happy to be able to let you off the hook of something."
"I can hear you, Shad!"
Shad raised his shoulders and gave Ashei and apologetic smile, then he turned to Link, "I heard William say that Princess Zelda was nervous, how about checking in on her?"
"I did," Link sighed, "her maids politely told me that I was to be away from her till the ceremony."
Shad frowned and crossed his arms, "Well, maybe that was before William saw her? He was looking for you."
Link stood straight, "You know what? You're right. Also, doesnt' hurt to check again, if they kick me out again I'll come back."
"Don't," shouted Ashei, "You get kicked out you go find William to give you something, yeah? I've got nothing for you here, I'm handling this myself." Ashei stomped her feet on the ground and glared back at Link.
Shad shrugged as Link walked away laughing aloud.
Link did not find William on his way to Zelda's quarters but he did find Cade.
"Hero," Cade bowed and Link let his head fall to the side.
"Really, now?"
Cade snickered, "Get used to it, though. On your way to her Highness?"
"Yes, sir. Have you seen William?"
"Not William, but I did see Robert," Cade pointed towards the gardens Ashei had told him about, "keep away from him, he had an air about him I did not like one bit."
Link had to fight back a chuckle, "Where are you going though?"
Cade shrugged, "Just going around helping with shores, nothing fancy."
Link kept on walking and bowed slightly, "See you around then."
"Yeah, yeah, hurry up to her Highness, she was getting nervous."
Link waved as he started trotting.
A guard saw Link comming down the hallway and went inside the room immediately, by the time Link was arriving the guard bowed his head and opened the door to let him in.
The room was quiet and all whe windows were open. Zelda was sitting in the middle of the room, there was a vanity near her but she had her body turned to the windows in her room and her head turned as Link entered.
The maids that had chased him before were nowhere to be found. They were alone except from the guards outside.
"Link," Zelda said but didn't move. Her hands were clasped in front of her and Link walked to her.
"I came before, you know, but your maids told me to scram."
Zelda chuckled and Link loved the way the sun played with her dress. She was the definition of regal, her dress was filled with jewels but were not overbearing and the way silver, white and gold weaved around her body was enough to make him unable to keep his eyes away from her.
"So I heard. I was too anxious to do much then, but after I was done and I was alone..."
Link kneeled beside her, put one arm on her lower back and the other on her legs and rested his head on her lap, "You became nervous?"
Zelda caressed his hair, felt her body relax slightly, "Yes. I am a little bit nervous."
"Everything will be all right," whispered Link, and Zelda could believe him.
Zelda bent over and kissed his cheek, "Where you running around dressed like that?"
Link chuckled, "Yes, ma'am," and before she could say anything else, "It's still spotless, ma'am, promise."
"I know," another kiss to his cheek, "I just found it funny you were dressed like that while offering to help."
Link raised his head and locked eyes with Zelda, she was still bent over and could feel his breath on her.
"Do you really don't want to put on the other tunic?"
Link grimaced and Zelda chuckled. The 'other' tunic was a gift from the Council and looked heavy and too ostentatious to Link, it had too many jewels and the patterns could rival Zelda's dress. Zelda had warned Link that the Councilpeople would be disappointed he wouldn't wear their gift but Link had huffed in annoyance and had settled for a simple white tunic and cape with silver embroidery.
"People will be looking at you, though," Link blinked innocently, "why would it matter what I wear?"
"You're being a handful."
"Am I?" Link rose slightly and pressed his lips to Zelda, he squeezed into Zelda's lower back and raised the hand on her legs to her thighs. Zelda let her hands fall from Link's cheeks to his shoulders and tightened as Link pressed on her body. Zelda opened her mouth to breath and Link insisted on following her, she could not control the slight moan that left her.
Link had a smirk in place as he kneeled again on the floor. Zelda puckered her lips and Link stole another peck, "I'm sorry to say, you Highness, but I think you'll have to call on your maids and have them fix the makeup on your lips."
Zelda glared back and Link couldn't hide the smile that blossomed. "I can't believe you," she said.
Link caressed her cheek, "You look beautiful."
Zelda blushed, "You're being a handful."
"Am I?" Link got closer again and Zelda's laugh died in between kisses.
The ceremony was open to the public and Link fixed his eyes on Zelda. She barely showed it, but she was nervous. She never had had many chances to talk publicly and now she was doing so not only to be crowned Queen but also to get married, Link tightened the grasp on her hand.
Her Crowning went without a hitch and Link soon found himself next to her, Zelda was the one to search for his hand. They moved from the Temple to the entrance of the Castle where the majority of the citizens where gathered and as the crowd roared Zelda found herself pushing into Link.
Link gave a once-over and waved to everyone, he turned to the priest but a scream made him wince.
"LINK!!!!" Link turned, half-fearing to hear what the man had to say.
Robert screamed his lungs out and the people around him were expectant. Link found him, far but not so much to not see him, Loran was besides him grabbing him by the neck and looking relaxed. Link wasn't sure whether to feel worried or relieved.
Robert inhaled with force and shouted, "CONGRATULATIONS!!"
Link let out a snort and soon everyone around them started clapping and shouting as well. The priest and the Councilpeople looked bewildered but Zelda had a shy smile in place and Link wouldn't have it any other way.
As the ceremonies came to and end, Zelda stood with Link to give some last words. She looked radiant and Link couldn't keep the smile away from his face. As the ending approached Link moved closer and pressed his mouth to Zelda's ear as he whispered, Zelda's reaction would become the most talked topic among the populace.
Some of the people would later say that the King had a mischievious smile seconds before whispering to her Highness' ear. Some even swore they had seen her Highness giggle back.
Rumor had it, however, and no one could agree on anything. What everyone felt and talked about, though, was the faint smile her Highness' had worn throughout the ceremony. Faint, barely there, but a smile so pure and filled with feeling that everyone who spoke of it afterwards would smile back a little and get lost in thought for a second before raising their heads again and join the conversation, feeling their hearts a little bit thawed, a little bit warmer, a little bit melted.
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke Reviews Xtra: Maleficent
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Continue Our Look At Disney...
And Last Sunday On Duke Reviews, I Reviewed Walt Disney's 16th Animated Classic, Sleeping Beauty So, Today On Duke Reviews Xtra We'll Be Looking At The Remake/Retelling Of Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent...
No Synopsis Today, Let's Dive Into Maleficent...
Long Ago In A Faraway Kingdom Where There Were 2 Kingdoms One Ruled By The Ruthless King Henry And The Other Simply Called The Moors, Ruled By No One But Guarded By A Fairy Named Maleficent...
But Our Story Actually Starts One Day As The 3 Good Fairies Named Fittle (Played By Lesley Manville), Thistlewit (Played By Juno Temple), And Knotgrass (Played By Delores Umbridge) (Who Are Nothing Like Flora, Fauna And Merriweather And Are Basically Complete Idiots) Tell Maleficent About A Human Who Stole A Jewel From The Pool Of Jewels...
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I Guess...
With 2 Boarder Guards Cornering The Boy, Maleficent Tells Him To Hand Over The Jewel Which He Does Reluctantly. After Tossing The Jewel Back To Where It Came, Maleficent Takes The Boy Named Stefan To The Boarder Of The Moors...
Once There, Stefan Tells Maleficent That Someday He'll Live In The King's Castle, Before Telling Her That He's An Orphan Like Her, So Despite Being Forbidden To See Each Other Again, They Form A Friendship Which Over The Years Blossoms Into Love...
But Ambition Takes Us To Places That Some Cannot Go, And It Was That Ambition To Live In The Palace That Pulled Stefan Away From Maleficent...
That And Threatening Attacks On The Moors By King Henry Didn't Help Things...
Becoming Her Kingdom's Protector, Maleficent (Now Played By Angelina Jolie) Meets With King Henry And His Army At The Boarder Of The Moors...
(Start At 0:50)
Injured In The Fight, The King Lies On His Deathbed, Proclaiming That Anyone Who Can Avenge Him By Killing Maleficent Will Become The New King And Marry His Daughter. Overhearing This, Stefan (Played By Howling Mad Murdock) Journeys To The Moors To Find Maleficent..
Forgiving Stefan For His Folly And Ambition, They Spend The Night Together Like They Used To But When Stefan Tricks Her Into Drinking A Tainted Drink That Makes Her Fall Asleep, Stefan Attempts To Kill Her But Hesitating, Stefan Instead Decides To Burn Maleficent's Wings Off With Iron (Which Is Basically The Moors Equivalent Of Kryptonite)...
Presenting Maleficent's Wings To The King, He Decides Then That Stefan Will Be The New Ruler Of The Land As Maleficent Wakes In Agony...
I Realize That This Is Supposed To Be Pain We're Looking At But To Me It Looks More Like An Allegory For Rape...
And You All Know How I Feel About Rape And Sexual Abuse In Movies, It's Icky And Shouldn't Be Done. For More See My Duke Reviews Tv Episode On Episode 9 Of Season 1 On Mighty Morphin Power Rangers...
Creating A Staff To Help Her Walk, Maleficent Journeys To An Abandoned Castle Where She Hides In The Shadows, Broken And Alone...
A Few Days Later, Maleficent Comes Across A Farmer Who Has Captured A Raven, Taking Pity On Said Bird, She Turns It Into A Man. Introducing Himself As Diaval, He Offers To Be Her Humble Servant Which Leads Maleficent To Send Him On His First Task To Find Stefan...
Flying To The Castle, Diaval Witnesses Stefan Being Crowned King With The King's Daughter As His Queen. Informing Maleficent About This, She Becomes Enraged And Returns To The Moors With Dark Clouds Looming Across The Forest....
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Building A Throne, Maleficent Becomes The New Evil Queen Of The Moors...
A Few Years Later, The Queen Gives Birth To A Daughter Named Aurora And A Royal Christening Takes Place With Knotgrass, Thistlewit And Fittle Endowing The Princess With Magical Gifts...
But Before Thistlewit Can Give Hers, Maleficent Shows Up...
And Yeah I've Heard People Complain About How The Fairies Didn't Give Her The True Love's Kiss Spellbreaker And How Maleficent Doing It Just Makes Her Curse More Complicated But To Those People I Ask...
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Building A Wall Of Thorns Around The Moors (Don't Worry, Stefan Will Pay For It) Stefan Ends Up Shutting Himself Behind The Walls Of His Castle While His Soliders Attempt To Hunt Down Maleficent...
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Burning All The Spinning Wheels And Locking The Ashes Into The Dungeon Of The Castle, Stefan Has The 3 Fairies Take Aurora Into Hiding To A Cottage In The Woods...
Even Though They Have No Sign Of Competence Or Any Signs That They Know How To Take Care Of A Baby...
In Fact, Over The Years, It's Maleficent That Raises The Kid More Than Them As They Spend Most Of Their Time Arguing And Bickering With Each Other...
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Yeah, She Finds Them But Who Cares Either Way These Scenes Are Funny...
Becoming Extremely Darkened And Consumed By Paranoia And Vengence, Stefan Obsesses Over Hunting Maleficent Down By Having His Blacksmiths Create Suits Of Iron While The Queen Grows Gravely Ill And Dies...
Showing No Remorse Over His Wife's Death, Stefan Continues His Obsession With Maleficent...
Now 15, Aurora (Now Played By Elle Fanning) Finally Meets Maleficent, Believing Her To Be Her Fairy Godmother As She Remembers Being Watched By Her All Her Life...
This Leads Maleficent To Allow Aurora To Spend More Time In The Moors With Her, Forming The 2 To Develop A Mother-Daughter Like Relationship To The Point That Maleficent Attempts To Remove The Curse...
But She Is Unfortunately Unable To As No Power On Earth Can Do It But True Love's Kiss.....
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The Next Day, Aurora Tells Maleficent That She Wishes To Stay In The Moors With Her Which She Happily Accepts. However, As Aurora Returns Home, She Meets Prince Phillip And It Is Love At First Sight...
With Diaval Seeing Phillip As The Key To Breaking Aurora's Curse, Maleficent Disagrees Believing There To Be No Such Thing As True Love's Kiss...
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With The Fairies Revealing The Truth To Aurora When She Returns Home, She Tells Maleficent That She Knows Everything And That She Hates Her Before Furiously Returning Home To Her Father...
Despite Being Happy To See Aurora, Stefan Is Furious Because The Fairies Were Supposed To Bring Her Back The Day After Her Birthday. Telling The Guards To Lock Her In Her Room, Stefan Continues Preparing For Maleficent's Arrival...
Feeling Ashamed, Maleficent Takes A Chance On True Love's Kiss And Searches For Phillip While Her Curse Is Enacted As The Sun Sets...
Finding Phillip, Maleficent Races For The Castle But Arrives Too Late As Aurora Falls Into A Death Like Slumber When She Pricks Her Finger On A Spinning Wheel...
Sneaking Into The Castle With Diaval And Phillip, Maleficent Watches As Phillip Kisses Aurora But Sadly It Doesn't Work...
So Maleficent Looks Upon Aurora, Realizing That While She Was Lost In Her Need For Revenge, She Forgot About Love And Happiness, Till She Met Her
This Leads To Her Kissing Aurora And It Wakes Her Up...
Attempting To Flee With Both Aurora And Phillip, Maleficent Falls Into A Iron Net Trap, Set By Stefan...
(Start At 0:16)
With Peace Made Between The 2 Lands, Maleficent Brings Down Her Wall...
As She Passes Her Crown To Aurora, Making Her Queen Of Both Worlds, Forever Unifying Them As Phillip Looks On...
And That's Maleficent And It's Ok...
I Admit It's Not The Best Of The Disney Live Action Remakes But The Visual Effects And Angelina Jolie Is Pretty Good As Maleficent But Some Of The Acting Isn't That Great, The Fairies Are Idiots And I Don't Really Picture Elle Fanning As Aurora...
Don't Get Me Wrong, Elle Fanning Is Very Cute But Beautiful And Attractive She's Not...
The Animated Sleeping Beauty Was Very Beautiful And Attractive To The Point A Man Would Have To Be Nuts Not To Be Attracted To Her And Lips Red As The Rose Where Elle's Aurora Is.... Something...
So, Yeah She Doesn't Really Look The Part, You Know Who Does Look The Part, Brie Larson, She Looks Like She Could Definatly Play Aurora In A Sleeping Beauty Movie As She Looks Like Aurora To A T. From The Beauty To Shame To The Blonde Hair, She Is Absolutely Perfect...
If Maleficent 3 Is Ever In The Works (Which I Doubt It Ever Will) Recast Elle Fanning And Cast Her As An Older Aurora...
But Aside From That Problem I Definitely Say See It...
Tune In Tomorrow As We Look At The Sequel, Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil, Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
0 notes
jastersmohnson · 5 years
Rewatching Masters of Sex: Volume 3
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Season 2 Episodes 1-4
I’ll get to the start of Masters of Sex’s second season and that “Fight” episode and all that in a minute, I just need to get something off my chest:
What the hell does “to darn a sock” mean?  This was a line that Ethan Haas used in “Phallic Victories”.  Apparently it’s a sewing term or something, but of course Ethan Haas would know what that is.  At the end of season one, Ethan Haas has clearly become one of those lame dads who uses phrases like “what’s cookin’ good lookin’?” who claims to have had a rough background and done things he’s not proud of.  Only in Ethan Haas’s case, those things include woman-beating and being one of the most despicable characters in TV history.
But Masters of Sex fans rejoice!  For Ethan Haas is no more.  This season begins with Virginia dumping him in the most humiliating way possible (via long-distance) and calls of their marriage, making Ethan Masters of Sex history.  The fact that I’m staring down the barrel of 33 Ethan Haas-free episodes is cause for celebration.  I could give these first four episodes of season two an A+ just for that reason alone.  Although he does make an appearance at the end of the season to remind us we hate him, but that’s like fifteen seconds.  No more long-winded and hasty subplots of Ethan Haas getting it on with a candy striper, no more of any of it!
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That’s right, Masters of Sex fans, we begin season two in a relatively bright place!  Bill and Virginia have admitted that there’s something there outside of the “work”.  Libby Masters has delivered a baby who is now three weeks old.  Barton Scully got to keep his job as provost.  Austen Langham has been faithful to his wife.  All is good, right?
Wrong!  For a season opener, “Parallax” is an awfully unpleasant one, to an admirable extent.  In fact, I left this premiere feeling more unsettled than last seasons miscarriage episode, because that was meant to be a tearjerker.  There are an abundance of borderline-disturbing scenes and storylines in this episode that set a grim mood for the rest of the season, including:
Child neglect
Financial woes
Sexual dissatisfaction
Barbaric conversion treatments, including electro-shock
Shame in one’s own homosexuality
Attempted suicide, resulting from a shame in one’s own homosexuality
Watching a loved one attempt to commit suicide
Public defamation
Sexual harassment
Damn Masters of Sex.  Save some misery for the rest of the season!  Seriously, I’m shocked they didn’t find a way to fit cannibalism in the premiere.  Although, “Kyrie Eleison” does add nymphomania among a minor and unwanted pregnancies into the mix, and don’t even get me started on “Fight”.  I’d have to crack open my old psychiatry textbooks (that I stole) to be able to analyze that episode!
Things look a lot less grim in “Kyrie Eleison”, which is definitely one of Masters of Sex’s slower episodes.  I may be wrong, but I believe it’s the only episode of this season where we don’t get a Bill/Virginia sex scene (or, in the case of the impotence saga later this season, an attempted sex scene).  Episode two certainly feels like table-setting, but it's an episode that I enjoyed much more than I remembered, similar to season one's "Race to Space".  "Kyrie Eleison" is certainly the spiritual successor to "Dirty Jobs", which is a marginal improvement and delivers small pay-offs on what "Kyrie Eleison" establishes.
Watching "Kyrie Eleison" made me jealous that the show didn't use Masters' Memorial Hospital office beyond two episodes.  To be honest, it might be my favorite office Masters had.  It has a real 1960s Mad Men vibe to it and I love it.
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I don't think I can add any more insight into "Fight" than what has already been transcribed endlessly.  It's nothing short of a masterpiece, and the strongest written episode of the entire show, although my personal favorite episode of the show is coming later this season.  Stay tuned... Hospital scenes-aside, it honestly could fit in at any point during this season (apart from the impotency saga, which I do realize takes up almost half of it).
I will take this moment to declare Amy Lippman the crown jewel of Masters of Sex writers.  She has never written a season premiere for this show nor a season finale.  It's always been somewhere in the middle of the season itself and almost every episode she writes is a series standout.
She's penned some of the most critically acclaimed episodes of the series ("Fight", "Party of Four", Coats or Keys", "Phallic Victories"), as well as one of my personal favorites ("Three's a Crowd").  Even her lesser episodes ("Story of My Life", "Thank You for Coming", "One for the Money Two for the Show") manage to act as standalone episodes without feeling tedious, boring, or just plain filler.
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"Dirty Jobs” is the last episode of Masters’ time at Memorial Hospital.  Masters’ job search at the beginning of season two is one of the reasons why this is my favorite season.  Apparently season two was originally going to begin with a time jump.  It was a very smart choice to save that for the middle of the season.  The immediate aftermath of last seasons events is the most captivating part of this first half of the season.
Parallax: B+

Kyrie Eleison: B+
Fight: A+
Dirty Jobs: A-
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Request: Similar Gifts. (Stefan x Reader)
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You respected personal space now that every time someone touched you, you got their whole life story. It was annoying a lot of the time. Too long of contact just meant a rerun of memories and a constant noise. It took a lot of work to push it to the back of your head so that you didn't notice it anymore. Your mind finally becoming silent.
You were a nomad and had met Carlisle in 1850. When he was building his coven, he asked you to join him. You declined although the offer stayed open to this day. Carlisle didn't think you were a loner, like Alistair. He had met many and you didn't fit. You were unhappy, looking for your place in the world where that happiness resided. The place you felt content. He caught a glimpse of that when the Romanians unexpectedly turned up. A piece of him was glad they did because they seemed to get you talking and out of your bubble of solitude in the corner. More specifically, Stefan coerced you into talking to him. Vladimir seemed to encourage it. You smiled at them. Carlisle hadn't seen you smile in such a way in decades. Like many, Carlisle enjoyed your smile, not the small, contained smile but the genuine one, a grin that showed your perfectly white teeth. Not many could drive such a smile out of you, Carlisle noted that Stefan did so in two hours. As the days passed, the two of you got closer and closer. Stefan had only reached out to put a hand on your leather jacket. Luckily you wouldn't get anything from the contact, your clothes being a block. Other times he played with your long, low hanging necklace, twirling it around his fingers as he spoke to you.
One night, a bonfire was made and the vampires, along with a wolf, surrounded it. You sat on a log beside Stefan. By the time the Romanians were telling their story, you had your arm propped over Stefan's shoulder and leaning against it. "When we ruled, everything came to us, prey, diplomats, favour-seekers...such was our power but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints." Vladimir said. "We were honest about what we were." Stefan piped up. "We sat still, for a very long time. We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify." "Perhaps, the Volturi did us a favour when they burned our castles."Stefan turned to Vladimir. "We've been waiting 1500 years to return that favour." 
You began asking questions, you knew nothing of the Volturi and the Romanians mentioning of them perked your curiosity. You heard about what one of the leaders, Aro could do and immediately caught the snarky comments the Romanians made about him. It worried you that if they found out you had the same gift then they'd be very different towards you. In turn, just as the thought crossed your mind, you were asked a very untimely question. "Do you have any stories (Y/N)?" A blonde, Tanya, asked. You shook your head. "No." "You must have. No one reaches even fifty years of this life and not have a story." Kate leaned forward with a smile. "Not to that extent I don't." You said uncertainly. "Tell us anything! It doesn't have to be a war story." Jake leaned over to catch eyes with you. "Uhh, alright." You never noticed how Stefan's head rested against yours. "So one day, I was passing through North America and a soldier stopped me...when I say stopped me, I mean scream at me in German and point his gun at me. It turns out, he was quite trigger happy and fired. I'm still not entirely sure what scared him, the fact that he shot me or the fact that the bullet did absolutely nothing to me." There were a few chuckles. "He immediately started properly screaming and ran away. The sight was so bizarre I had to take a moment to process what had just happened. Then, of course, I remembered -thanks to Carlisle- that he saw a bit too much and we all know how that ended." "(Y/N), are you really not going to talk about the crown jewels thing?" Emmett grinned with a pointed look. "That isn't really much of a story Emmett." You huffed. "I wasn't the one who broke in." "Come now, tell us." Vladimir grinned. "I was in a museum where the crown jewels were being displayed temporarily. A human tried to steal them. I saw an opportunity and took it. Carlisle nearly beat me senseless for it." "Wait, you stole the crown jewels!?" Jake exclaimed. "No, no. I took the opportunity to wear the crown. Let me tell you," you smirked eyeing everyone including the Romanians. "you should see me in a crown." "What a tempting offer." Stefan commented with a smirk of his own.
Things were very different the next time you were alone. Whatever it was that you felt for Stefan before had just been amplified. It seemed Stefan was more than happy to be vocal about this since it wasn't long before he approached you on the matter. You couldn't help but feel guilty. You hadn't told him about your gift. You were scared to. You didn't know what he'd think. Stefan noticed your unease. "Are you alright, my love? If you aren't comfortable-" "It's not that." You said quickly. "It's just that, I feel guilty because I haven't told you everything about myself." "Oh? Is there any particular reason?" Stefan didn't seem bothered about this until he saw just how much this bothered you. He took your face into his hands, encouraging you to tell him. "You can tell me anything, my sweet. It saddens me to see you in such pain because you're worried of my reaction." "I feel that if I tell you... there's a chance you might never look at me the same again." You said quietly but was met with silence. Stefan took a moment. "Go on, you can say it." "I... I'm gifted." "You are?" Stefan gave you a small smile. "Is this why you're worried? I don't mind that you are gifted. That changes nothing." "No, I'm more specifically worried about what you'll think of my gift when you know what it is... because you've seen it before." "I have?" You nodded with a grimace before placing your hands over his that were still on your face. "Everytime you touch me, I can read every thought you've ever had. I can see and hear them. Just...just like-" "Aro Volturi." Stefan finished. You looked up at Stefan, almost pleading. "I know I should have told you sooner, and I'm so sorry-" you didn't get to finish as Stefan's hands slipped out of your grasp to wrap around you in a tight embrace, pulling you into his chest, his head resting a top of yours. "(Y/N), you're being very silly." You stayed silent. "You've worked yourself up into such a state when there was no reason to. You are not him or any other Italian scum. You have no reason to fear or apologize." "Really? You're okay with this?" You felt Stefan's hand fall from the back of your neck to find your hand. "See for yourself." Relief washed through you. He didn't think any different of you even after your confession. You were so relieved that you barely caught Stefan's words.  "Look at me." When you did, he immediately caught your lips in a kiss. When he pulled away, a thought rushed to him and a smirk grew. "I suppose you'll just have to convince me you're not like him." "Well for one thing, Aro can't love you like I could." Stefan screwed his eyes shut. "Yes. That is most definitely an advantage!" Stefan shivered.
You weren't certain if Aro was intrigued by you because he'd never met you, a rarity for him or if he was intrigued because he noticed Stefan's hold on your elbow. Once greeting Carlisle, his gaze fell to you. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure. Come forward, I'd very much like to make your acquaintance." You took a step forward but were yanked back by Stefan who hurriedly protested. "Trust me." You looked over your shoulder. "I'll be fine." Stefan slowly and reluctantly let go. All the while, Caius' smirk grew, pleased to be making the Romanians squirm. "I believe you're Aro? I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you." You said simply as you moved closer to the Volturi. Aro wasted no time snatching up for hand to drink in your life. Little did he know, that was a two-way street.
Stefan shifted as he watched your face contort into one of discomfort. Aro's hand latched onto yours. He knew you'd know more than he'd like about his past. He didn't want you knowing too much detail, wanting to protect you from such but now he could do nothing but stand and watch. "It's uncanny, isn't it?" You spoke up, your eyes still glazed over slightly as you continued to his life, as he did yours. "Almost as if we were twins." "Well, that's certainly... something." Aro chose his words carefully, your hands in his. "Whoa, your past is dark." Your eyes were wide and your jaw stiff. You shifted again. "I got a rerun of my own life and yours. That is something el-hey! That's not very nice!" Aro pulled away sharply, remembering he was just as vulnerable as you were and you had most certainly heard his very low opinion of you. "That's a very big lie you told." You muttered to yourself. "I don't tell lies." Aro sneered. "You what!? You don't tell lies!?" You began to hysterically laugh, intentionally in an obnoxious way to really put across how wrong Aro really was.
Aro was like a child who just got the attention snatched away by his sibling, feuled with jealousy. He didn't like that he wasn't the only one with his gift. It made him replaceable by anyone. You could make many comments about killing his own sister but you wouldn't stoop to such a level...just dancing along the borderline would suffice. Perhaps even, with a light push. You could strike a deal with the devil himself.
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lesbrarians · 6 years
Omg ALRIGHT SO @cheesehound​ wanted to hear my take on @outback-mistakehouse​’s post over here about Roadhog’s character and it turned into a goddamned ESSAY and I felt bad reblogging it with. This behemoth of a post skfkk I didn’t want to entirely hijack it.
I don’t think there’s three versions of Roadhog necessarily, but with the order of how Blizzard’s chosen to release all their content about Roadhog, I get how it feels that way. They didn’t do the best of jobs in that respect, but looking at everything as a package, I get the impression that there are two sides to his personalities, and yeah, they’re not mutually exclusive. And the third like, version, is part of his growth arc. 
In the base game interactions, he was occasionally hostile w Junkrat, telling him to shut up/I’m tired of hearing your voice. But I really do think that’s indicative of a Roadhog at the start of their relationship? When we saw him in Wasted Land, that’s who he was. He didn’t like Junkrat when he saved him. He said he was a liar and loud, and the world that he hates deserves someone as awful as that, just like it deserves someone as awful as the angry, bitter man he’s become.
But every piece of content since base game, they’ve only gotten closer, and it has resulted in Roadhog’s attitude towards him (and his loudness) softening, and you can see that with the change from “You hook em, I’ll cook em!” “Don’t you ever shut up?” to “I’ll hook em!” “And I’ll cook em!”
And I really didn’t take Roadhog’s lines in the new interactions as like… him not liking Junkrat?? Like, just based on Junkrat’s reactions. They’re teasing each other: “I never imagined you’d have such an ugly house.” “Wow okay then stay in your outside room, you little shit.” This is literally how I talk w my best friends. And Junkrat’s sarcastic, melodramatic response to Roadhog being like “get your stuff off the table” really like. Kind of paints a picture of his things being everywhere and Roadhog being like “can we please have some semblance of order” “first of all how dare you, I’m deeply offended, can you not see how respectful I’m being right now.”
Obviously, without visuals, that’s projecting a little, but it’s been pretty well established that Roadhog has a blunt, forceful way of talking, and everything he says sounds a little rude — but Junkrat’s responses give it a context that, to me anyway, give it a more friendly vibe. They’re comfortable with each other and messing around, because that’s what they do. Also, the third interaction — Roadhog laughing and going “You’re dreaming.” Such a marked difference from his silent initial “He lies to everyone, even himself” observation in Wasted Land. At the start of their relationship, that was his internal monologue. In present day, he can affectionately call Junkrat out on his deluded bullshit, when Junkrat convinces himself that the Queen fancies him.
So I guess what I’m getting at there is I think that what Blizzard is attempting to show, between the Wasteland comic and his initial in-game interactions, and the present day and his new interactions, is how their relationship has evolved from Roadhog being that bitter “I hate everyone including this idiot to “I hate everyone except for this idiot.” With how like patchily they’re portraying that, I think it’s not coming across great tho.
I definitely agree that there is a distinct difference between what we’ve seen of “I’m gonna hang out the back of Junkrat’s truck and blast music” and “silent and passive Roadhog who lets Junkrat get up to his antics and doesn’t react except to pull him out of the line of fire.” But I don’t think it’s that hard to reconcile these two personalities that Blizzard’s shown us.
We know that Roadhog likes to have fun. We’ve seen that in all his emotes, the headbanging and belly laugh and squeaky pachimari, and the “Moment of Crime” video with him robbing the ice cream truck and pachimari machine, and him and Junkrat and their getaway car at the amusement park in the Reflections comic. He’s totally happy to be all involved and gungho about the crimes that made the “Moment of Crime” video. The fun crimes. And the well planned ones like stealing the crown jewels and robbing El Dorado. “Pretty sure they're still mad about those jewels we stole. I miss that crown...” “Oooh, they stocked up again.” Those were successful and decently planned.
It’s just the poorly planned ones where he takes a backseat. “Going Legit” is where he just silently follows Junkrat and lets him do whatever he wants before saving his skin. And that’s because he knows it’s a bad plan. Right off the bat, trusting a suit is a bad idea, and Junkrat’s an idiot for falling for it. And when they had a mission objective, Junkrat immediately blows up a building and Roadhog just looks at him and it’s like “Oh, roight, hostages, why didn’t ya say so?” never minding the fact that someone else already told them that. But Junkrat was just like “roight, sure, whatever” and proceeded to make his own plan anyway. He doesn’t listen to anyone.
And in “The Plan,” we see how Junkrat needs to talk his ideas out and get Roadhog’s seal of approval. But Roadhog’s only criteria are “get rich and don’t get killed.” He doesn’t offer any verbal input here either, and I think that’s just because he knows to keep quiet when Junkrat’s having a fit of “genius inspiration” because it is like watching a train go off the rails: you can’t stop it. And you can’t look away. Junkrat will do whatever he deems best, but by silently staring at him or cutting off his fuse, Junkrat has to take a step back to reevaluate and think, actually think about what he’s doing and how he can fix it.
And even though he nods his approval at the end of the short, on the Junkertown map, if you play as Roadhog on escort, you can hear him go, “Aw, this is not a good idea.”
But he does it anyway because he will quietly follow Junkrat anywhere. He can cut loose and have fun when it’s time to have fun. But when his partner has a scheme like this, he knows there’s no sense talking him out of his exceptionally zany ideas, because to Junkrat, they make perfect sense. They’re foolproof, and who’s Roadhog to argue otherwise.
Junkrat’s an idiot, but he’s his idiot.
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #238 - Men in Black 3
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes, #159.
Format: Blu-ray
1) For some reason it took ten years between the second and third films in this series, after five years between one and two. At this rate we’ll see Men in Black 4 in 2032.
2) The escape from Lunar Max is actually a very well done opening to the film.
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It does well to re-establish this world which audiences haven’t seen in ten years. The sense of humor, the eccentricities, all of it. But more than that you get a sense for how dangerous Boris the Animal is.
3) Jemaine Clement as Boris the Animal
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There are two absolutely incredibly performances this film gives us and the first of them is Jemaine Clement as the villainous Boris. Holy crap, Clement is just amazing in the part. Nearly unrecognizable under Rick Baker’s masterful makeup, Clement embraces the prosthetics and otherworldly nature of the character to make Boris something truly special. Every scene he’s in Clement just commands. It’s hard to top Edgar the Bug from the first film but honestly I think Clement’s Boris is my favorite villain in the entire film. He is uniquely memorable and totally fun to watch.
4) I love that, even after 15 years on the job, J still has fun with the neurloizer.
5) The first scene of the film does well to re-establish the dynamic between J and K. We never really got to see them as seasoned partners in the first two films but now they’ve been on the job for ten-fifteen years depending on how you count. This shows in the as-always strong chemistry between Smith and Jones, making for a unique facet of the film.
6) Zed may be dead, but that doesn’t mean Rip Torn isn’t in this movie. Did you see him?
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7) Emma Thompson as O is a welcome and fitting addition to the world. A remarkably talented actress, it feels like O has been here the entire time and I love it.
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J [to K]: “How did you get to be like you?”
Unlike Men in Black II, which I felt introduced a number of interesting ideas but didn’t develop any of them well enough to be interesting. This film on the other hand puts a considerable focus on the question of how K ended up where he is. It’s a very personal story and we can tell the stakes are higher because of how K acts. He loses it on Wu, he gets really upset by K standards, which shows the audience something is up. That’s important moving forward.
9) The Chinese restaurant shootout is a very classic Men in Black action scene. Fun alien surprises, a bit of the gross out factor, good action, solid laughs, everything you’d want from this film in one scene.
10) The conflict between J and Tommy Lee Jones K, however brief it may feel, is incredibly rich and interesting. It sets up the relationship with J and Josh Brolin K very well.
11) The changes brought on by Boris’ time travel are fun to see. The fact that the woman who lives in K’s apartment is the waitress from the second film, a different guard at the door, and a random but appreciated Will Arnett cameo. The added detail of those who have experienced a disruption in the time stream craving chocolate milk is a fun element also.
12) I love how J is able to recall super specific details about K when he’s proving he didn’t imagine him. It speaks greatly to their relationship.
13) We never FULLY get an explanation for why J can remember K but no one else can. I think it’s because J saw what K did at the very end or something, but it’s never really fully explained. And even if that is the reason, why can Jeffrey Price remember it?
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14) Time Jump.
Visually speaking, this scene is the crown jewel of the entire film. The way time moves and changes around J as he falls is unique in the time travel genre and incredibly fun to watch.
15) I love, J.
J [after getting pulled over by cops in the 60s for being a black guy driving a nice car]: “Just because you see a black man driving in a nice car DOES NOT MEAN IT’S STOLEN! [Beat] I stole this one, but not because I’m BLACK!”
16) Josh Brolin as Young K.
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Brolin is tied with Jemaine Clement as the best damn part of the whole movie. Because holy freaking shit, his Tommy Lee Jones is kickass. It’s beyond freaky how believable Brolin is as a young Tommy Lee Jones, but what makes his role as K so good is that it’s not JUST an impression. Brolin is giving a performance which matches Jones’ while also making it his own. He’s playing a younger K, a K who is a bit happier. This K is the same character that Tommy Lee Jones plays but a different version of him, a line which Brolin wakes with finesse and perfection. His chemistry with Smith matches Jones’ and he just has a fun time on screen. I freaking love Brolin in this film.
17) I’m surprised it took them three movies to make this joke.
J: “Yeah, I was an agent for three years before I learned all models are aliens.”
18) Bill Hader as Andy Warhol/Agent W.
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Hader’s cameo is one of the best gags in the entire film. He has probably five minutes of screen time but it’s Bill Hader and he totally steals the scene. The entire concept that Andy Warhol is an agent of MIB who is just bullshitting his art is such a unique idea that it’s hard not to laugh at the scene that follows.
19) Michael Stuhlbarg as Griffin.
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Stuhlbarg is one of the finest character actors in modern day cinema, having appeared in such critically acclaimed films as Lincoln, Hitchcock, Steve Jobs, Miles Ahead, and most recently The Shape of Water. His work in Men in Black 3 is no less up to snuff as his performance/character adds a unique level of intelligence and wisdom to the film. Griffin is a hopeful, soft spoken, gentle creature who helps give the film an extra layer of sympathy and emotion. I think while we have absolutely stellar performances in Brolin and Clement, it’s Stuhlbarg’s Griffin who helps elevate the story as well.
Young K [to J]: “Ask me any question. Anything you want.”
I love that. It gets to the heart of their relationship, a connection they didn’t have before, and further illustrates the difference between Brolin’s K and Jones’ K. It’s a great moment.
21) Griffin showing J & Young K the game.
There is one unique detail in this scene which I think helps make it so smooth and that’s the lighting. Anyone who sees the game Griffin is watching is lit in sunlight, but when J steps back he’s in darkness even though Griffin is still lit. It helps keeps the sense of place and action, anchoring it in physicality and reality.
Beyond the technique of the scene, Griffin’s entire philosophy on how miracles work adds a nice level of philosophy to the film which helps differentiate it from previous Men in Black movies.
22) The cycle chase is a great action set piece while the cycles themselves are a great addition to the franchise’s gadget canon.
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Boris [to his 1969 counterpart]: “You pathetic waste of Boglodite flesh!”
The scene with 1969 Boris and 2012 Boris just shouting at each other/shitting on each other is a unique and fun way to show the character’s self loathing. It helps you understand him a bit more.
24) I used this line in a paper I wrote for an AP English paper my junior year of high school.
Griffin: “But where there is death there will always be death.”
My teacher wrote something along the lines of, “I don’t think you should be using a Men in Black quote in this paper,” to which I ask: why not? I still got an A and it fit. Check your genre basis, public education system.
25) I ship K & O (OK? KO?). That is all.
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26) Hey look! It’s Luke Cage!
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The twist that comes about from Mike Colter as the Colonel makes the character extra important, but the fact that five and a half years later I know who Mike Colter is gives the scene an extra bit of rewatch value.
27) The Cape Canaveral climax.
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The climax of the film plays with the idea of the two Boris-s in a fun way. The entire thing is well paced, well choreographed, and notably intelligent (especially in the way J uses time travel to his advantage). All in all, it’s just really fun to watch.
28) The truth about the Colonel.
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This moment retcons a little bit of the first movie, of the relationship between J and K. But it packs a considerable amount of emotional punch to it, answering the question of, “What happened to K?” in a meaningful way. It’s remarkably sad, giving the film an extra layer of heart and emotion which makes me tear up a bit now for personal reasons. I love it.
29) It’s nice to see 2012 K with a little more heart to him, that he’s come out of this time travel adventure for the better and his relationship with J is strong.
30) The ending gag of the film does well to match the intelligence and organic nature of the marble gag from the first movie without feeling forced.
I really like Men in Black 3. There’s a chance it’s my favorite of the the trilogy (although objectively I think the first is the best). It moves past the problems of the first film to deliver an emotionally interesting, high stakes story. Jones & Smith’s chemistry is top notch but they’re joined by INCREDIBLE new additions to the film such as Jemaine Clement, Josh Brolin, and Emma Thompson. I definitely recommend this film, it’s a lot of fun and I think the most underrated of the trilogy.
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magepie · 7 years
My theory on the Junker Queen
As you arrive at the gates of Junkertown as either Junkrat or Roadhog, the Queen “greets” you: - You are either braver or dumber than you look, Junkrat! - You know better than to show your face around here, Mako.
I find it really interesting that the Queen calls Roadhog by his real name, because his official bio states that he abandoned it long ago…
Adapting to his environment, he donned a mask and took to the broken highways of the Outback on his ramshackle chopper. Little by little, his humanity was forgotten. The last vestiges of Mako faded away and the ruthless killer Roadhog was born. 
This is kind of played with in their (datamined only, I guess?) in-game dialogue as Junkrat realizes that he has no idea what his loyal bodyguard’s name is and Roadhog tells him. 
Junkrat: Ahh. Remember that time we stole the crown jewels? All hail King Jamison Fawkes the First! And, ehm, Duke Roadhog? What is your name anyways? Roadhog: Mako.
While this dialogue is endearing and probably shows a growing trust between the two partners in crime, Junkrat never uses Roadhog’s real name in game or in comics, preferring nicknames such as “Roadhog” or “Pigface”. We don’t know if their King’s Row dialogue is not canon like some of the in-game voicelines and Roadhog never told Junkrat his name, or Junkrat just forgot it in the next five minutes (very likely) or rather chose not to use it because Roadhog doesn’t wish to be reminded of his past (less likely but kind of sweet). 
Then, the Queen surely knows his name and uses it despite the fact that Roadhog has not been known as Mako Rutledge for many, many years. I got the idea that she could be a former member of the Australian Liberation Front, because her “WE won the war, WE reap the spoils” rhetoric would make no sense if she wasn’t one herself. This puzzles me because the Queen looks really young in her poster. Too young to be of Roadhog’s generation. While this could be simply the case of Blizzard’s inability to draw realistic older females, there is another thing that got me thinking that the poster art is not representative of the Queen’s actual appearance and has not been representative for quite some time…
Her description as the former mech battle champion. 
There is nothing that indicates that the Queen is still fighting in the arena herself. She clawed her way to the top, she got her ultimate prize. While other champions’ posters are only present in vicinity of the arena, hers are all around the town. Could they actually be leftovers from her gladiatorial glory days, now used as propaganda? It’s not like aging post-apocalyptic dictators are above vanity and trying to look like their younger selves…
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I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if future depictions of the Queen in comics or elsewhere will reveal that she is actually much older now than fans imagine her to be from the teaser alone. However, not to get my hopes too high, it is still more likely that she is just a map-specific NPC/announcer with no ties to future lore, and her design simply wasn’t given much thought from the originalty/diversity standpoint. Like, nobody critisized Katya Volskaya design (or the fact that “Katya” is not an actual name, but a hypocoristics) or praised Blizzard for making the mayor of London a woman of colour. This just flew under the fans’ radar. The Queen is probably the first NPC to get this much attention, because of her voice actress’ astounding work and Youtube hype that followed. Her design is not a future hero’s design and definitely is not the extent of what Blizzard artists can do with their female characters.
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