#but in all that hype it's easy to forget the down moments
warsamongthestars · 1 month
I became curious about something; how different do you think things would go if someone else but Crosshair had a 'functioning chip'? Say Hunter was the one 'loyal' to the Empire. Because then the rest of the Batch would suddenly stand leaderless for instance. Ignoring the bad writing of the show of course. (Sorry if you've covered this somewhere already.)
I prolly have covered it? I don't think so, but I also don't remember, and I am doomed to inevitably repeat things as all who forget their history are will to do...
I think that the situation is an interesting story to explore.
But if it followed TBB's logic, it would be one that, unfortunately, would inevitably done the same things that occur in TBB, without fail and maybe with only minor to insignificant one-line differences.
( Almost word per word, exactly like a fanfiction rewrite that spends a majority of its time just copy pasting lines word per word without taking it stories into new directions... just merely adding scenes that get a Mature Rating slapped on )
Because TBB is not, in fact, written to tell stories but sell you something for attention and subscription money. It was never going to be deep, it was only going to bank on hype, rush and attention-of-the-moment; and it was never going to follow any kind of character or character arc beyond how it affects their OC and the OC's rival character.
So to follow the lines of this logic, to follow TBB, is to place Hunter as Omega's anime rival... and it would be just like Crosshair's arc, if not exactly. Maybe a change of planet, maybe a change from sniper rifle to combat knife, exchange the energy bow for a vibrosword, but the result wouldn't be any different.
If we were to follow the line of thinking, with the idea that unique characters make the plot, they are not made by the plot... And that means following the character as they are introduced and presented, with all implications in mind, with the world build of Star Wars and the set up of the Clone Wars...
And of course, adding the best parts-- human experience and human imagination in a beautifully gruesome mesh-like disaster...
It starts with the fact that the Bad Batch are killers first and foremost. They brag about putting down insurrections and killing the people involved [the Yalbec story from the Bad Batch arc of season 7. The implications behind their bragging are horrifying, so I grabbed popcorn.], as well as the fun additional information that suggests why there was an insurrection [ I'd be pretty pissed too if my giant bug mother was hunted down and killed because her stinger was delicious to some cultures, and even more so if the Republic we're apart of does nothing about it. ]
They all follow the Empire, because its easy. Even better, they're highly regarded for their skills, probably finally get a paycheck with benefits. To the bad batchers, there really isn't much difference between the Empire and the Republic, the Empire is just the Republic with the shackles off anyway, and they're just continuing what they've been doing since deployment.
But because the chip runs on regular clone genome, not their mutant modified brains, that's when conflict would begin arise.
That's the sciencey-bullshit explanation.
The narrative-bullshit explanation, is that the strongest parts of each character can break through the evil-artifact's influence, provided that what is strong about them isn't what the evil-artifact attaches / attacks.
That's a general set up. So let's add your suggestion as a spark point to get stories going moving forward. Setting up the setting is all nice and dandy, but we need Ideas now.
So let's add in the idea that while everyone knows something is probably wrong, but can't quite put their finger on it, they know that there is obviously up with Hunter.
He's colder, he's more vicious, he's not the anxious compulsive snarker now, he's seemingly more a perfect soldier than any reg. Orders are absolute and be damned to anyone in the way.
( It was already noticed that the regs are acting like that too, regardless if they were like that before, and this on the backburner of the minds of the Bad Batch. But because most of the Bad Batchers are "special" (save Echo, who is freaking out) they don't consider themselves to be as knee deep in the cacky as they actually are. )
Echo is the very first one to call it out. He knows something is wrong. His brothers aren't acting right, the Bad batch have been getting these odd headaches, and Hunter has done a total 180. But given that Echo is new, the rest of the Batch try to confront Hunter.
( The jedi are dead. Echo saw the massacre reports and recordings via his new built-in hacking skills. Rex is dead, Jesse is dead, Kix is dead--everyone he has ever known, is gone. And if they're not gone, they are certainly not them anymore. Echo wants desperately to trust his squad--they're the only ones left... )
They send Wrecker first, because its hard to do anything to Wrecker. Wrecker's general warmhearted rough housing, results in being yelled at and given a vicious cold shoulder. Wrecker leaves Hunter alone, and becomes depressed.
Then its Tech, who isn't a socialite by any means, and tries to break the ice, so to speak, with fun information facts he's learned. When Hunter ignores him, Tech skips right into direct confrontation, breaking down that there is something wrong going on and they're in the middle of it, Hunter shuts him down. Tech leaves Hunter alone, and copes by putting his mind to a nearby droid project, and never saying a word to anyone.
Then the big one, Crosshair. Second in command, confident and in control, and the biggest asshole when he has had it with someone. He straight up confronts Hunter, no preamble, though unlike the avoidant Wrecker or the bullheaded Tech in confrontations, Crosshair hits his marks.
"You weren't like this before." "You're acting like a Reg." "Since when did we care about Orders?" "Since when did we care about missions beyond surviving them and the GAR?" "You notice how the Empire is killing regs enmass?" "You're going to led us to our death with that attitude."
( It should be noted, that Hunter's original self, has just enough capacity over his chipped brainwashing to not report his brothers, nor to execute them for defying Order 66. )
( This is not enough, however, to stop him from retaliating with the full force of a wild animal. )
Hunter and Crosshair end up in a fight. Hunter, at his worst, is a vicious dirty fighter who uses his environment and flexibility and stealth, to take down an opponent. He is wicked wiht a knife and small arms, Crosshair's absolute weakness as a primarily long ranged fighter. Hunter, chip or no chip, does not attack to kill his brothers, but Crosshair is dragged to medical afterwards for an "incident with a training droid".
Echo has had enough. Lines have been crossed, he has been told to sit back and wait for the team to handle it, his own feelings are a chaotic mess, and now his alarms are going off.
Whatever is going on with the clone army and with Hunter, its not something that can be reasoned with, and its certainly not something that can be done about when under the scrutiny of these natborn officers.... These new officers who would order public staff executions, and gods knows what else they do to the planets they occupy...
The only decision is to run and maybe, find a way to help from the outside, because they're not doing shit here.
( with dragging of feet and looming disaster in their minds ("We're just, leaving Hunter behind!?"), it doesn't take much for Echo to convince the remaining squad that they can't handle Hunter right now, but maybe, just maybe, they can find help and get him later. )
( "He'll be fine, he has to be fine, they aren't going to kill him because of our failure, that'd just be a... waste of resource," says Echo, "We just need to sell it like its a mutiny." )
They do. Hunter is hard to deal with one on one, but collectively (well, minus a wounded Crosshair) its easy to cause a scene and punch his lights out in front of cameras.
The tricky bit is running to the Havoc Marauder. They are, of course, successful, but not without some strange, unseen, outside help from a blond haired clone cadet we haven't seen up onto this point. To CF99, it just seems like coincidence that the blast doors reopen as they're closing, and that training droids are suddenly flooding hallways.
They fly off.
And that would be... well, at least the first five episodes maybe? No TV show movie or 1 hour episode start, just, full on first quarter of season 1.
This is just my idea of it... but it starts with setting Echo up as the leader of the Bad Batch, and it does not involve Omega having center stage, but merely being an implied part of plot to be revealed later.
As for what happens going forward, that depends on what we want them to face. Do we want them inevidably heading to Wayland? Does Wayland even exist as it does in TBB or is it something else? Does Pabu exist or maybe are we canonizing old media planets into the Disney verse? Does Cid exist or is someone else around?
The best thing about a over arching episodic story... is that you can literally do anything, as long as you know the world build and the rules of the "game". There's a lot more that can be done in the STar Wars sandbox than just rehashing familiar shit for kudos and likes.
But we can set up a few things from what we know prior and from what this set up already has.
Rex is out there, starting the Rebellion, and he's working to free clones--which is perfect in order to get Hunter back. This also sets up the reveal of the chips as well as the fact that it was Fives who discovered them, and it was only by slim chance, that Rex ever escaped in the first place.
Crosshair would understand the logic of leaving Hunter, but the emotional impact of leaving a brother for potential dead, would immediately make him a rival challenging character to Echo. The writing rules of this situation, however, is to make him merely a rival, not a saboteur. Just because someone is a dick, doesn't mean they're going to unscrew the ship engine and tell the enemy where you're at. This is very important to keep in mind.
Each Bad Batcher would have an episode to come to terms with leaving Hunter, facing what their relationship with him meant to them, and dealing with the possibility that he may or may not come back. Part of this is returning to a post-battle Kamino and finding 99 was killed, which would play into why each Batcher is anxious.
Just as well, for emotional character scores that doesn't involve the plot or grief, each Batcher gets an episode to face the galaxy on their own merits, potentially leading them to a finale arc later on for when this initial over-arching plot is over, as a way to either allow the next over-arching plot or to retire the character for now. Rule of writing? It has to bee on their merits alone, not detailing their relationship with their team.
Of course we're going to have team episodes that help define to the audience what kind of relationship with batcher has with one another.
And we're gonna need episodes where the Bad Batchers butt heads with Echo as Echo leads a team that he wasn't a vital part of, and didn't share much history with.
Obviously we have to save Hunter. None of this 3 years separation-dangle-him-in-your-face shit. And Just as the other batchers get their own character episodes, both for their histories and themselves facing the world--Hunter needs those too without the looming threat of the chip. But before we get there, we're going to have fun with his chip episodes but allowing him to have an evil arc with obvious internal conflict--as his true self fights with the evil outside forces controlling his life.
I know I don't like her as she's treated in TBB, but Omega would be an interesting character to use without putting her in the spotlight. We do need someone around who knows their medical. Just maybe she's integral to freeing Hunter...
Because I love a dose of self indulgence, and every writers needs that in their stories, each Batcher gets a Chip episode or Chip Arc in some fashion. Enough to ensure character conflict and growth, and also to inspire fans to create their own Chip AUs. Could be that, because of how CF99 was made, removing their chips are a lot more complicated than just a brain operation on a derelict ship.
New Clones introduced of course. Perhaps those who would've filled in for clones who died in TCWs--like, since Commander Ponds die, who was Windu's new Commander for the rest of the war? And those from TBB, cos let's face it, thems were awesome too. Mayday might just survive this time!
No Guest Characters. If there are, they need to have a serious connection to clones, other wise, someone is robbing story and character for cameo rights, and that's not how you make a story. This is a clone story.
If we're gonna have Rex, we need Cody. Cody needs to be totally chipped as a foremost example of how bad the chip gets. He's meant to serve exactly as he's intended, as he's done in all his appearances, and in this case, he needs to additionally be Rex's rival and antagonist character.
And the final writing rule, the most important one...
Clone stories need to have an element of tragedy and finality. You don't have to kill a main character to get it, but there is no happy ending here.
The happy ending is performed by Luke Skywalker in "Return of the Jedi".
We can only achieve Bittersweet, at best. Everyone can live, and still lose.
Its by this rule, that Order 66 really is the tragedy its born to be and not just an excuse for the plot to get rid of all the Jedi characters.
We should see its direct effects as a clone story, and not just some one handed episode that never becomes relevant again. When this story ends, the loose ends should be on purpose as a message of "Because of the events leading to this story, this rope is permanently cut and can never be tied again. This is not a place of honor, we are survivors of the worst and the world cannot be fixed."
I wasn't expecting to write a full episode with a concept board attached, but damn, here you go, a full novel for your question.
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thataaabattery · 5 months
Ragatha has a finger-gun trend.. 👀. (And my rambles on Ep2)
SPOILERS for ep 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus
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Background looks lesbian flag colored
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Not to mention her face includes a pink eye, blue button, then purple dress. :)
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Sunset upside down.
Does this make sense of anything? No.
But do I find it silly and funny? Yes.
Loved getting to see more of the character’s personalities and development along with existential crisises. Ragatha’s coping mechanisms, dependency, and insecurities had a large indirect focus here…
Not to mention, the philosophical spur. What really makes someone human? Is it the ability to reason? Biology? Sentience? In a world built like theirs, what says they themselves are still human after all? Will they soon lose their grasp on humanity far more than they already have— NEXT ON POMNI’S ASSORTED TORTUROUS EVENTS
Pomni and Ragatha’s flaws and humanity are outlined in this episode a whole lot and I found it scrumptious. Pomni’s ability to empathize really stood out here along with the fact that she’s decidedly not “innocent” despite having a kindness to her. I wonder if she’s been infantilized in the past? What made her feel like nothing?
“I don’t want you to feel like nothing.” This sentence and the entire conversation hits. The validation of the feeling, the existence itself being represented in the show by the characters is incredible. Pomni realizing she isn’t alone is definitely one of the central moments of the episode. The beginning and conclusion were finely weaved with the use of Pomni’s nightmare to the moment she is caught by the others’ hands. Her falling into the darkness along with the other character gave a foreshadowing feeling adding to the unease.
Pomni’s approach to the other character breaking down is admirable and satisfying. This is also true of her stating how their experiences aren’t the same but how she can still sympathize. It’s put in simple words which come across meaningfully.
Ragatha and Pomni’s dynamic shifted a bit and it’s easy to forget it’s only been a day for them. I was super hyped by how the funding changed the project’s style and such. Loved the variety of all that they used. Pomni’s room is soooo cool! Pomni has trauma and I’m living for that being shown.
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lunatic-pudge · 11 months
Scout SFW Alphabet
(I'm gonna do this for all 9 mercs. I plan to write a Sniper one next. So be on the look out for more of these!)
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Extremely affectionate, loves giving and receiving affection. He's all up in your business 24/7. PDA is an absolute favorite of his cause he gets to love all over you and show others who you belong to
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Very loyal best friend. He's a great person to go to if you wanna get away from everything. He's naturally up in everyone's business so it was natural for you two to become friends, bonus points if you like Tom Jones cause he'd get you two VIP tickets to his concerts
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Like affection, he's feral for cuddles. He will try to cuddle you every second he can, especially at night when you two are going for bed. Is the big spoon but secretly wants to be the little spoon. It'd melt his golden retreiver heart
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
Right now, settling down isn't something on his mind cause of how young he is. He does plan to, just in a few years when he feels comfortable with it. Is not the best with cooking and is decent with cleaning. He tries his best. He tends to be more on the messy side but does make an effort to clean when trying to impress you
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Absolutley horrible at it. He's not good with break ups and struggles with it. Rarely can he bring himself to do it cause he's such a lovesick baby. It'd be quick and he'd immediately leave afterwards. I can see him being the type to snuggle up with a blanket, ice cream, and watching cheesy romcoms to cope
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It'd take a bit for him to have to courage to propose. He'd propose when he's finally ready to settle down. He'd be trying to pull Spy levels of romance for the big night. Poor thing would try to give a hearfelt speech before popping the question but he'd be blushing and stumbling over his words. Would be the type of person to propose with a Ring Pop ring
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Cause he's such a rambunctious fellow, sometimes being gentle isn't easy. It's unintentional though. He's just so hyped up on whatever the hell he's on that he forgets to be gentle. Though, he does know that there are moments when he needs to be, and those moments are good ones. He do be a good person to go to for comfort
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Loves hugs, they're his drug. He's constantly giving hugs to you. The hugs are as good as they can be for a twink like him. He's thin and lanky so the hugs might not be as comfy like a hug from someone like Heavy would be. I feel like Scout just RADIATES warmth though so hugs from him on a cold day are amazing
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
Wants to say it right away but knows he can't. Tries to wait for you to say it first but he might become impatient. But once that barrier is broken, he's saying it constantly. You could be just going to the bathroom and he's holding on to you saying how much he loves you, acting like you're leaving the country. He's very dramatic
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Can get jealous pretty easily. He's insecure and thinks you could do better. He's a pouter. He'll sit around and pout until you go and comfort him. But if he's hammered, he will throw hands at the person while you're trying to pull Scout away
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Constant kisses. Is very much a sloppy kisser. He doesn't mean to be. He just loves you so much and wants to show it. He's a cheek kisser. If he can't kiss you on the lips, then you're cheeks are enduring it. And it isn't just one kiss, it's a barrage of kisses for each cheek. Thank god he doesn't wear lipstick cause your cheeks would be painted red cause of him
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Loves kids. He's basically a big brother to kids. He loves being able to be such an important and guiding figure for them. But I feel that he wouldn't be a good father figure though whenever he has kids. He'd be trying to be his kids' best friend instead of their father. He needs help learning how to be a parent
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings start off with cuddles and trying to convince him to get out of bed and get some breakfast. After breakfast, he goes on a run and would love it if you joined him, it's okay if you don't. But after his run, it's back to cuddling. On days where the mercs don't have to fight, he refuses to get out of bed for the whole day. Preferring to stay locked in his room with you, junk food, and an endless supply of movies to watch
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights can be a little chaotic with Scout. He's still got a lot of pent up energy he needs to expel. When winding down for the night, he likes to snuggle up with you and read some comic books. He loves to be cuddled up, telling stories about the past.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
He's naturally open about almost everything involving himself. The really personal stuff takes time for him to talk about. It might take him a few years before confiding in you about his father and how he's on the fence about whether Spy is or isn't his father
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Surprisingly doesn't get angry quick. It's mainly cause of how self centered and dense he can be. There's two types of angry Scout: the fighter and the pouter (just like when he's jealous). When he mad he doesn't throw hands though, just verbally aggressive unless the person throws the first punch. I feel. But yeah, he's just not someone who gets angry, he's too busy barely having a thought in his head
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Even though the doesn't have a braincell, he's very good at remembering facts and info about you. He's super good at remebering the most some of the most random facts about you. He loves when you try to quiz him of random facts about you
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory with you is one of the nights where you two are locked away in his room, suggled together, watching some zombie movie. At some point, you both get distracted and compare hands, noting the differences between each other. While that goes on, Scout's already forming a devious thought of a suprise tickle attack. Pinning you down and tickilng your sides while you're helpless to his attack. Such an innocent and fun moment has his heart in a chokehold
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I'd say he's fairly protective of you. He would be the type of person to bark at people if they look at you the wrong way. Plus he's got his baseball bat, he's got guns, homie's ready to fight for you. He thinks of himself as the dominate one in the relationship so he doesn't expect you to protect him, but when that moment happens, he's melting. He's running to the jewelery store and picking out the most expensive and pretty diamond ring he can find cause that man is marrying your ass right there on the spot
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Literal try hard. Puts a little too much effort into everything. It's the self-consciencous part of him. The part that thinks he's not good enough for you and you'll leave him if he doesn't go all out for everything. Please tell him he's good enough. Plz do something special for him plz
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Again, he doesn't have good self-esteem so plz help him. I feel like he's also someone who bites their nails when anxious. I don't have much to say about this gremlin
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very big on his looks. You've all seen him oogling his muscles on his Meet The video and how that one moment in Expiration Date where he's gesturing to himself when Spy said he was terrible with women. This man thinks he's a hot shot
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. You're his world and he's dedicated himself to you. He's a wreck when he can't be with you.
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
He's a memer. He's making memes contantly. It's an addiction. He's also someone who could quote an entire Spongebob episode, word for word
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like people who are cold and distant. He's an extovert who needs constant attention and if you can't give that to him, then things won't be able to work out. He's not really an opposites attract person
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He's a restless sleeper. Constant tossing and turning. Also loves to cuddle when sleeping as well. He's a bed and blanket hog so make sure to have an extra blanket... and you might wanna consider getting a big bed like a Wyoming king or an Alaskan king bed
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valyrfia · 6 months
what's your top 5 best drivers on the grid (based on pure skill, not cars)
Excellent question anon. Let's get to it.
5. Oscar Piastri
A bold choice perhaps considering he's one of the greenest on the grid still, but Oscar is a future WDC. His attitude and approach to the sport is cool, calm, collected and reeks of a future WDC. The mental aspect is such a large part of F1, I mean, look at his teammate for example. Lando is a brilliant driver but he can't seem to overcome a mental block he has to being in P1. Oscar, on the other hand, seems almost unfazed at the idea of winning, or if he has an issue with the car he seems almost zen about it, still trying to drive to the best of his ability. And Oscar has ability, lest we forget his pedigree as F3 and F2 champion in his rookie seasons. I think Oscar will ultimately have to move teams in order to mount a proper WDC campaign, since McLaren have made it fairly clear they'd prefer to centre Lando, but I have no doubt that from 2027 onwards Oscar will be competing for WDCs.
4. Fernando Alonso
Crazy consistent and he's our beloved Shakesperean villain who just can't seem to die. He puts that Aston in places it should not be and can still pull off some pretty insane racing (his overtake on Checo in Brazil 2023?). He's still got it. Nothing more to be said really.
3. Lewis Hamilton
I physically could not place the GOAT, the greatest driver this sport has ever seen anywhere outside the top three. In fact, the only reason why he's not higher is because P1 and P2 are younger and have the benefit of having easily a decade to improve their skill further. But make no mistake, Lewis Hamilton is the greatest of them all. He's had a rocky couple of years with Merc, and I honestly think his results now are just a reflection of his and Merc's relationship breaking down and should not be taken as a deterioration in skill. I have no doubt that from next year, we will start to see Lewis wins again and maybe even a WDC campaign in 2026.
2. Charles Leclerc
We all know my heavy Charles bias is a thing that exists, but Charles is truly probably the most naturally talented driver on the grid at the moment. The way he handled that brake balance in Bahrain when probably any other driver, save the two others in the top three here, would've had to DNF. Charles's F2 season was also absolutely insane, to the point that he was drug tested more than any other driver IN THE PADDOCK (F1 included) in 2017 because the FIA were convinced he must be cheating. The hype around Charles is justified and true, and the ONLY reason why he doesn't have a WDC yet is Mattia Binotto. But I truly think 2025 could be a year for a Charles WDC, for reasons ranging from Red Bull hitting a development ceiling and Lewis Hamilton drawing in an insane amount of talent to the Scuderia. I think in a lot of ways some of the drives that Charles pulls off get overlooked because he makes them look so effortless and easy. He will be the next driver to win a WDC, make no mistake, and with the way that Fred Vasseur is setting up Ferrari, I think it's likely that we will see a period of crazy Charles Leclerc dominance before this decade is done.
Max Verstappen
I debated between Charles and Max for n1, but ultimately I think Max's consistency speaks for itself. I mean, he's won from the most positions (P1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14), and has an average race placement of 1.27 last year. Yes, Max has had the gift of a consistent car and a brilliant team for the past few years, but even before he started his crazy winning streak, his average race finishing position minus DNFs was 3rd in 2020. Max is on peak form right now, and to place him anywhere other than first would be ridiculous.
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chishiyasleftnut · 10 months
Here you will find an easy overview of all of my writing.
As of right now I only do Chishiya x Reader stories. If this changes, I will update this text with what characters.
Requests: I accept requests! Whether it’s smut, fluff, headcanons or other things you are more than welcome to request it. Feel free to suggest anything and I will get to it as soon as I can :)
Click here to see all of my writing:
♥ The Meeting Room (part 1/x)
Chishiya catches fem!reader looking at him during an executive meeting. He decides to take advantage of her obvious attraction to him.
♥ The Hotel Room (part 2/x)
Unable to forget what happened in the meeting room, fem!reader seeks out Chishiya again. Continuation of The Meeting Room.
♥ Cold Hands and Laughter
Quiet morning sex with Chishiya always calms down fem!reader. Smut w/ lots of fluff.
♥ Positions
Fem!reader presents Chishiya with a Kama Sutra book she found. Chishiya takes it as a challenge and doesn’t want to back down. Comedy smut.
♥ Merry Christmas, Chishiya
Fem!reader is upset that Christmas in the borderlands is so somber. Chishiya cheers her up by being cheesy.
♥ Nothing but short, short skirts
Chishiya made fem!reader upset during an argument, causing her to withhold sex until he apologises. Of course, that’s easier said than done, so fem!reader decides to seduce him.
♥ Tongue
Chishiya is tense after an executive meeting. Fem!reader decides to make him relax with a blowjob.
♥ Panic Button
Virgin!Chishiya had recently become curious about sex - does it really live up to the hype? With the help of fem!reader, Chishiya explores this aspect of life.
♥ Safeword
In the heat of the moment, Chishiya accidentally pushes past fem!reader’s comfort zone, prompting a needed talk on consent and boundaries.
♥ Stuck With You [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
After getting separated from Arisu and the others when the King of Spades attacked, Chishiya and fem!reader camps out together on the outskirts of Tokyo.
♥ [REQUEST] Seven Minutes in Heaven
Awkward med-school!Chishiya and med-school!reader gets challenged to do Seven Minutes in Heaven at a get-together.
♥ [REQUEST] Groupwork
Awkward med-school!Chishiya and med-school!reader have to work together on a group project for school. They quickly realise their attractions to one another which sidetracks them for a bit.
♥ [REQUEST] "Look"
Chishiya brings fem!reader to a love hotel with a room covered in mirrors.
♥ [REQUEST] Slow and Steady
Virgin-fem!reader is finally ready to take the leap with Chishiya. He guides her through her first time and makes sure it’s a nice experience.
♥ [REQUEST] Thinking of You
Chishiya can't stop thinking about fem!reader. However, as she was off partying and therefore not available to help him out, Chishiya decided to take matters into his own hands.
♥ [REQUEST] Delayed Valentine's
Chishiya wants to surprise fem!reader with something special for Valentine’s Day, but his plans don’t go as expected.
♥ [REQUEST] Behave
After a long and tiring day, Chishiya and fem!reader cockwarms on the couch. The power position Chishiya gets from cockwarming gives him energy to take things further, making sure to make fem!reader beg for his touch.
[REQUEST] Sexting Chishiya NSFW. gn!reader tries to sext Chishiya while he is at work.
SFW Stories:
♥ [NEW!] [REQUEST] Silly Thoughts
Gn!reader suffers from social anxiety, leading them to cancel an event hosted by Chishiya’s work. Chishiya, who does not understand anxiety, tries to figure out why and attempts to help gn!reader overcome their anxiety.
♥ [NEW!] 2+1
After a long day at work, dad!Chishiya contemplates about his new role as a father. Is he even cut out for the job?
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soundslivemagazine · 15 days
In Defence Of Oasis
Exploring the hype behind one of Britain’s most loved and raucous rock n roll bands.
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Unless you’ve been living under the most soundproof of rocks this week, you will have heard the news. After a decade and a half of the alluring ‘will-they-won’t-they’ drama, the Gallagher brothers Noel and Liam have rekindled just as suddenly as they’d ended it all backstage at a gig in Paris in 2009.
The rumours abound on social media suddenly began to feel a lot less like fantasies when Oasis, Noel and Liam’s accounts all teased an announcement last Saturday. Oasis had made announcements since their split, usually about anniversaries, merchandise and documentaries, this wasn’t out of the ordinary. In fact, the band would soon be marking 30 years since their era-defining debut album Definitely Maybe came out in August 1994. Singer Liam Gallagher had also threatened to reunite the band on plenty of occasions in the ensuing decade, but never made good on his word. Why should this time have felt different?
In theory, it shouldn’t have. The village eventually loses interest in the boy crying wolf. And yet, when Liam Gallagher stepped onto the Main Stage at Reading festival to perform a headlining set on Sunday and opened with nostalgic on-screen visuals of Oasis, any doubt left in fans’ minds quickly evaporated.
The following Tuesday, the band confirmed what we already knew: Oasis, the biggest Britpop band of the 1990s, were back in action.
The avalanche of articles followed like they hadn’t in over 20 years: Oasis had undoubtedly reignited the fantasies of music magazines and publications that were otherwise scaling down in the face of rising operational costs. We’ve now seen over 20 NME articles, news on the BBC website, a revived radio documentary on BBC 6 Music, countless Rolling Stone thinkpieces, news in SPIN Magazine, the Manchester Evening News, gossip in the rags of the Sun, Mail, Metro. The mural in Manchester. The millions of people that tried to get tickets for the reunion dates that sold out in hours. It’s easy to be sick of it all, to think there wasn’t a band more overrated, overhyped or beloved than Oasis.
But let’s forget the hymns for a moment. Let us re-examine the appeal of the band before the myth: five boys from Manchester who believed in nothing more than the rock ‘n’ roll dream. And certainly, nothing less.
Cast your mind back to 1994, before the success and idolatry, before their songs would be turned into design-for-life anthems, before the band would be permanently woven into the fabric of British music history. Strip all that away and try to imagine hearing a then-relatively unknown Oasis for the first time. Imagine being told that half the band was not yet 22 years old, that they were a new band, releasing their third-ever single? Can you imagine, however simple it may have been lyrically, hearing Live Forever for the first time? In particular, just 4 months after Kurt Cobain’s suicide, after many fans were left feeling like they were staring at the definitive end of an era of honest independent music?
In 1994, Oasis were ’77’s punk all over again. Entering a landscape of artists (a term Liam Gallagher has derided) who internalised their music and recoiled at the notion of explicit success, Oasis were a brash rejection of shoegaze and indie’s philosophies, even going as far as to instruct the presenters of BBC Radio 1’s Evening Sessions to tell the world that Oasis were not an indie band. They were a rock ‘n’ roll band, and a band that dared to aim high, openly and with no apologies (all apologies for the pun). 
That was a philosophy they would live by until the bitter end, for better or worse. In a world of falling ambition and no hope, as Britain emerged ravaged by the Thatcher years to find there was nowhere left for its young to go, Oasis were determined to write their own destiny, largely for themselves, but invariably, for their entire generation. 
Keep reading
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autisticempathydaemon · 7 months
could I please get a match up?? 💗
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Wanderlust by Eloise and my favorite line is “How I’m with you is beyond me��� bc I just feel really lucky to be with my partner 
What is your Enneagram type?
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I don’t really watch essays, but I like cake-decorating tutorials and I watch them a lot
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. 
I didn’t really have an imaginary friend, but I used to dress my poor baby kitten up in doll clothes and make him sit through tea parties
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
I read and journal for a little bit and then put on my sleep sound machine
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I would want something really unique and go with no last name. Just Echevaria
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
I think Caelum is really cute and there is more to him than anyone realizes. I miss him 🥺
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
David. I do understand why people like him, but he’s just too much for me. I think if someone talked to me like that I would cry.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
I can recite Goodnight Moon from memory. I did a lot of babysitting.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Lasko and I have a lot in common
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? 
Baking again. Especially weird combinations. I hardly ever make up my own recipes but when I do it’s because I’m not all there
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Redacted is my guilty pleasure omg if anyone knew…
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Ahh, a fellow Type Nine baker who relates to Lasko, my kinfolk. This may be a little biased then, but hand to heart, it’s gotta be Huxley for you.
Peacemakers tend to be diplomatic and thoughtful- sometimes to a fault, putting the needs of others ahead of their own. Huxley is a good match for you because he would never let that go too far, the king of taking care of his loved ones and being their rock. I also like that, if you don’t like kids, you’re definitely good with kids, and Huxley would love that in a partner and would just melt if he saw you reciting Goodnight Moon to a child from memory.
Huxley would be such a sweet partner to a baker. He raves about absolutely everything you make, calms you down when something goes awry as they inevitably do, goes out to the store when you had way less sugar than you thought you did, just an absolute treasure. Huxley constantly shares the leftovers with the DAMN-ily and his team, raving about you and your skills whenever he can. Also, he loves the story about the time you dressed your cat up for a tea party. As someone who definitely had a loving childhood with his moms, he’d love to hear about similar stories from yours and sharing his, revealing the parts of each other that existed before you two met, you know?
Such a cozy room, the windows are illuminated/ By the evening sunshine through them/ Fiery gems for you, only for you/ Our house, is a very, very, very fine house/ With two cats in the yard/ Life used to be so hard/ Now everything is easy 'cause of you
I love the idea that Huxley listens to old-school music- like, that’s what his moms played while he was growing up, so that’s what he listens to. I also love this song’s vibes for you, because it’s so cozy, warm, and happy, perfect for the two of you hanging out, resting on the couch, and waiting for bread to proof.
Geordi is a runner-up because I also think of him as a baker (a la @romirola and her gorgeous fics), and who doesn’t love a team and power couple? Anton is a cute runner-up because I think he sucks at baking, which makes no sense, but he does, which makes him love and admire your skill all the more.
note: thank you for your entry, I hope you like it!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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always-andromeda · 2 years
𝐌𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐩 and Joel (tlou)??
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– 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: none of you folks understand how hyped I am to write about my man Joel. I have loved this man for four years now and that love has increased tenfold with Pedro portraying him. that being said, hope you all enjoy the double feature of fluff and angst...lmao...
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: usage of the pet name "sweetheart", the first half is pure fluff, second half is pure angst, mentions of violence, nothing else I can think of!
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Joel is a man of actions, not words.
He'd love you long before you even knew of it because it would all be in the details. First of all, he would remember things...occasionally. He remembers exactly how you take your coffee in the mornings, knows just how toasted you'd like your bread to be, and knows which radio station to turn on for you before he leaves in the morning. 
And these details are so endlessly important because Joel has a tendency to forget, especially if work is a bit busier than usual. He's a scrambled up single father who can barely remember to take care of himself on the best of days. 
And words...words don't come as easily to him. He'll tell you all the time that he isn't a smart man in that sense. But when he does use his words, boy, they are few but they are also mighty. You start to think that maybe he does it on purpose, reserving all those kind things just to knock the breath out of you when you're least expecting it. Either way, it isn't fair, you figure.
So when he's tiredly sauntering through the door at the end of the night about two hours later than he said he would, you can't wait to hear what he has to say.
Before you can utter a word, he begins, "Sorry, one of our guys got hurt earlier so I had to pick up the slack."
You groan. In other words, he's probably already exhausted. Too tired to do anything on a night where his daughter conveniently decided to stay the night with a friend.
You reply softly, "That's alright." But Joel knows you better than that.
He sniffs lightly and finally comes into view of the living room, holding a plastic takeout bag. When your eyes light up at the sight, that sniff turns into a deep, hearty chuckle as you grab at the bag.
"You are very easy to please," he mumbles.
"Yeah, which is lucky for you," you shoot back. You don't really notice when Joel furrows his brow at you while you crack open the first styrofoam container of food you see and rip a plastic fork from it's clear plastic.
Quickly, you take a heaping scoop of food and shove it in your mouth. The bite– though it's a bit soggy from condensation in the box – hits your empty stomach so satisfyingly that you smile and groan once more.
"Joel Miller..." you start to say dreamily and turn towards him, confusing still written all over his expression.
"Am I interrupting something?" he chuckles hesitantly.
You begin again, "Joel Miller, I love you so much."
And as silly as the moment is, he knows that you mean it. Because as long as you want this – a quiet life – with him? He believes it. He may not think too much of himself already, but this means the world to him.
When he finally fully meets your gaze, he gives you that sideways grin and says earnestly, "I love you more, sweetheart," before shaking his head and grabbing the TV remote, finally ready to settle in for the night.
When the world turned upside down, Joel turned with it. That's what you had to do in order to get by. 
Now, more than ever, he's a man who lets his actions speak for themselves. He's quick to pull his gun on anyone who threatens you. When you're hurt, he's there to dote on you, scolding you for being so reckless and careless with your own life even though he knows full well that you can take care of yourself. But he can't help it. He holds your survival in higher regard than his own.
It's been a very long time since Joel had something he could lose like this. And he'd never forgive himself if...no...he doesn't even like imagining it. That's a cut that bleeds far too much for his liking.
So any sweetness that may have once existed within slipped through his hands along with the bits of his old life. That warm and sometimes sentimental man died with his daughter in that field.
Sometimes you could even be convinced that he actually hates you, even though he really thinks the world of you. What he really hates is the fragile reality of fate. What he hates are the hundreds of thousands of factors that could one day contribute to him losing you, all of which he has no control over.
One could say that Joel treads a mighty thin line in this way; knocking you off your feet with the absolute lengths this man will go to in order to keep you alive one minute and then the next he's coddling you like you're an incompetent toddler.
It's frustrating to say in the least, but the one thing you can be sure of is his protection. It's most on display in the middle of the night when he wraps an arm around you and pulls you to him. You fall asleep to the soothing rhythm of his deep breaths.
Sleep doesn't find Joel as easily; for almost two decades it hasn't. But in an odd way, he's grateful for it. Because it give him a chance to do a deadly thing that you'd never catch him doing while you're both awake.
He plants his lips on the top of your head, not for a goodnight kiss, but to mouth three sacred words that he doesn't dare speak aloud. I love you. So small and so scared that you couldn't even hear the sound of his tongue moving in order to form the words. But it's there. I love you. As sure as his asshole tone and his hard stares, Joel's love is right there. And in that moment, it stays trapped between his lips and your head.
Joel pictures the words seeping through your skull and sinking into your brain; the only kind of communication he can handle. I love you.
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opalroots · 11 months
Netflix's new Castlevania Nocturne is an indulgent, incredible mess - a review
Following up the original Netflix Castlevania series was never going to be an easy task. Though it had its shortcomings, Warren Ellis' Castlevania redefined what a video game adaptation is supposed to be, and it managed to entice rows upon rows of non-fans through its complex characters and incredibly flashy action sequences. It's a modern classic, and one of the best things to happen to animation in the last decade.
Along comes Castlevania Nocturne, a new series created by Clive Bradley set a few centuries after the end of the original series, already ladened with heavy expectations. Not only was it forced to carry on the legacy of the Castlevania franchise through adapting one of its most popular and beloved games, but it also had to live up to the expectations set by the original series.
I've only barely played the games, but the original Castlevania show holds a special place in my heart. So when the announcement of a followup series came, I was stoked. I read reviews, watched and rewatched trailers, all the stuff. And Castlevania Nocturne was shaping up to be incredible.
Did it live up to the hype? WELL-
I finished the first episode with a bad taste in my mouth- and not in a good way. It's filled with pacing that falters, dialogue that feels unnatural and preachy, and blatant references to the original series and the games that sound like they're going "hey! look at this! don't you remember This Thing That Was Important?"
I think this is a good point to mention that I'm not one of these "Wokelvania" "Netflix is shoving the homosexual agenda down our throats" people. The show takes place during the French Revolution, guys. Of course it has anti-establishment themes. People forget that in the very first season of Castlevania, the main antagonist was the Catholic Church.
In fact, I think Annette's backstory, which touches upon slavery and colonialism, is a very welcome aspect of the show that reflects historical events of this time that aren't as often brought up in media of this kind. Annette herself is also a very strong character in her own right, and while the writers do her a little dirty towards the end of the season, her arc is very compelling and she's an excellent addition to the cast. Don't listen to the racist weirdos guys.
That's not to overshade the other two main characters: Richter and Maria. Both have deeply complex personalities and backstories and the force of their characterisation is felt deep in the plot. Richter, in particular, is a fascinating and incredibly well-developed departure from his predecessor Trevor Belmont. Where Trevor was a tired, depressed man in his 30s, Richter Belmont takes on the more conventional "plucky young hero" archetype. Don't let that make you think he's shallow, though: Richter has a deep, rich character arc and his youthful naivety and lust for life is genuinely captivating. There's no better character to be driving this new plot forward: I fell in love with Richter multiple times throughout the season's runtime. And not just because he's hot.
Outside the main trio, however, the characters grow shallow. Tera, Maria's mother and a mentor character of sorts, has the personality of brown bread, and her purpose in the show's writing is essentially as a vehicle for plot exposition. Save for at the very end of the season (if you know, you know) there was not a single moment of the show where Tera was onscreen that I enjoyed. Her story together with the Abbott (another major character the writers want to pretend is complex) is insulting at best, and her backstory just feels unnecessarily edgy.
This shallowness extends to the cast of villains that the show presents. One thing that the original Castlevania was known for was its excellent antagonists: unforgettable characters like Dracula, Carmilla, and Isaac, who all had deeply human characterisations and complex reasons behind their actions. Compare this to characters like Drolta, whose name I'm struggling to remember not even an hour after the credits have rolled, or Vaublanc, who starts off as nemesis character of sorts for Annette but gets shafted halfway through the series in an admittedly cool but wasteful moment.
As of writing this, I'm not quite sure what to think of the series' main villain, Erzsebet Bathory. Unlike most characters in the show, this one has no allusion to the video games whatsoever: she is a wholly new creation on the part of Bradley and the writers. She's foreshadowed almost immediately as a "vampire messiah", a phrase that makes Bram Stoker spin like a centrifuge in his grave. When she finally appears, she certainly commands respect, but as opposed to the previous series' villains, there is not a single layer of depth to Erzebet's character. She's just evil for the sake of being evil, and that's a real disappointment. She's not bad at being evil- there's a moment at the very end of the season that left me in pure shock and disgust in the best way possible (IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW). She's just disappointing when compared to the masterfully executed villains that defined the original series.
The one exception to this rule of shallow antagonists is Olrox. He appears very early on in the show and acts as a nemesis of sorts to Richter. While not nearly as complex as, say, Dracula, Olrox had my interest early on and only got more interesting as the season progressed, eventually becoming an anti-villain of sorts, without sacrificing what makes him imposing. The effect he has on Richter is palpable and their relationship feels extremely real. As does the relationship between him and another character, Mizrak. And when I say relationship I mean they have gay sex with one another.
This brings me to one of my biggest irks with Castlevania Nocturne. Olrox, the series' so far most prominent and active antagonist, isn't just queer-coded: he's gay. Very gay. And on one hand, wow he's just like me, but on the other, it makes you raise an eyebrow when every single "good" character is either explicitly or implicitly cis and heterosexual. As a queer trans person, it bothers me that the only explicit representation we get is the vampire who murdered the main character's mom and who will probably play a very antagonistic role for the rest of the series. Everything about Olrox's queerness is doomed to fall into all the classic pitfalls we're so used to in media, and so far, we've seen no representation from the "good guys" to counteract it. Olrox isn't the only one, either: Erzsebet Bathory (you know, the woman who wants to Eat The Sun) is also ever so subtly queer-coded, though the show is too busy turning her into a lion to make her explicitly gay. Count your blessings, I guess.
All in all, Netflix's new Castlevania Nocturne is a show of breathtaking highs and devastating lows. The animation is just as on point as it always was, and the new cast of main characters are a fresh new addition to the Castlevania franchise. There are times when the writing feels deeply triumphant and powerful. Other times, it feels slow, repetitive, and at its absolute worst, downright lazy and sluggish. From a rough first few episodes, to a well-paced and exciting second act, to a weirdly staged but deeply engaging ending sequence, I often felt myself losing patience with Castlevania Nocturne. But, every time I did, the show pulled out all its stops to win me over - and it succeeded, every single time.
The series, as a whole, has a sense of incompleteness at its core. It's a first draft of an otherwise excellent brand new story in the Castlevania universe. And now that it's finally found its footing and been renewed for a second season, I'm hopeful future seasons will be able to better live up to the legacy of the original series, even if it'll never quite reach the original's icon status. Netflix please pay your writers.
Thanks for reading.
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djsangos · 7 days
The smoke screen clears to reveal a crowd a good bit larger than you'd anticipated all staring up at you, cheering wildly. If you weren't sitting on a stool behind your turntables, you think your knees would've probably buckled just from the sight.
You don't really talk much at your gigs, just letting the music keep the crowd hype, but this is a special occasion, so you grab the mic from the stand, steeling yourself. You've practiced this probably hundreds of times.
“Helloooo, Grand Festival,” you say, and cod, you're excited as hell, you couldn't sound more disinterested could you? All the same, the crowd roars. “I'm having fun this weekend, how about you guys?” More cheers.
“Arright, so here's the deal,” you continue. Did you really just say 'arright??' Get real. “We're starting another intermission so our idols can take a break. Even celebrities gotta take a breather after all.” Dude. Shut up. “So you got me here, you got Dedf1sh over on Seashell stage, and a couple more artists after us to keep the party going in the meantime. That cool?”
Once again, screams of approval. Maybe you're a little too in your head, or maybe they're just cheering to get you to get to the music faster.
“Booyah.” Most of the crowd returns the call, and you can't help but smile a little. “Let's get started.”
As you put your hands on the turntables, the crowd fades away, and it's just you and the music, flowing from one track to another, mixing and sampling and keeping it hype. Hype for who? Who the fuck cares, you're keeping it hype and fresh. Just don't look up, and it's as easy as breathing. Swaying and bopping to the beat you've got going, maybe you should be standing up? But you've got a long set, better preserve your energy.
Except in the blink of an eye, you've already reached the end of your set. As you let the final note fade out, there's a split second of deafening silence that hangs forever while your brain tries to catch up with reality, which you're violently brought back to by the audience going buck fucking wild.
You just stare blankly for a second or two before you realize you're supposed to actually end this. You grab the microphone with it and fumble with it for just a second, shit, you're shaking like a fucking leaf, aren't you?
“Uh,” you say, forgetting that the mic's already amplifying your voice. Cod damn it, you're ruining the moment. “Thanks.” Come on, Sango. Give 'em more than that. “You guys've been great, hope I made your weekend just that much fresher. We got, uh. DJ Octavio up next?” You honestly still can't believe he's actually performing here, but the crowd cheers for the announcement all the same, many Octarians in the audience screaming their lungs out for him. “Yeah. And there's Riot Act on Seashell Stage once Dedf1sh's done with their gig. So stay tuned for those guys. Thanks again, have a fresh rest of the festival.”
The smokescreen obscures you from the crowd once again as they cheer you off. Stagehands come to take your turntables and replace them with Octavio's much larger set about as soon as you stand up. Eight's already there at the top of the stairs, and you practically fall into her arms when you reach her.
“You did amazing, Three,” she says, voice full of admiration.
“I think I'm gonna pass out.”
She giggles a bit uncomfortably. “Okay. Let's go sit down.”
The two of you end up taking over the merch stand while Octavio's doing his gig, with Gramps apparently nowhere in sight. You've got a perfect view of the performance, and you'd never tell Octavio to his face, but it's pretty coddamn fresh.
Until about halfway through, when Cuttlefish makes his reappearance by bursting onto the stage and nearly blowing out his back in the process.
Octavio just keeps going like nothing happened. Did they plan this??
“'Tavi and Craig bringin' the pain, we're not just here to entertain!”
Holy fuck.
“Takin' over this festival grand, that's always been our master plan!”
This fucking rules.
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
uhhh what would ur other ocs think of gort (me personally i love thinking about how he would break each one of my characters mentally & physically in a way specifically crafted entirely for them but that’s not an ask i should send i think)
so i thought the question was “how would gortash manipulate your ocs” and answered that question as well so. you’re getting the answer to both cos i don’t wanna delete. its kinda long so 👇
Leo Hawke, Dragon Age 2: kill kill kill bite devour mutilate. Gortash is everything he hates and everything she wants to be. cool, commanding, smart, feared, respected, loved, powerful. swag off the charts, i know he’d love the outfit.
How he’d manipulate him: easy. kill the only family he has left, Anders and Isabela, or keep them from her. actually yeah locking Anders up in solitary confinement, somewhere he spent an entire year before, that she regularly holds him about when he gets claustrophobic or has nightmares about. the thought of Anders in a small dark cell all alone with his thoughts would break him and he’d simply do Anything to ensure he’s not in there a moment longer than he has to be :/ that being said her first instinct would simply be to kill the man, and he’d definitely try, even if it’s a dumb idea. and honestly not to hype my own oc up too much but if anyone could, it’d be her. one woman (not really a woman) army of a reaver when a loved one is on the line. monster. could probably cleave his way through a dozen lackeys and at least 2 steel watchers solo before getting tired, and that’s only if they’re even in the way.
Slater Adaar, Dragon Age Inquisition: she’d be smart enough to know to be terrified of him. just be a useful tool while keeping as much distance as possible and keeping an eye out for the exits at all times. run at the first opportunity, no heroics.
How he’d manipulate her: i am realising i don’t actually know her all too well. autistic qunari sera romancing artificer pursedog butch lesbian who just wants a normal life away from politics and armies and magic and sainthood, damnit. that’s all i’ve really got on her. so, i guess using the promise of a normal life. tell ya what, she’d make a great deep cover secret agent. she is definitely an oc i could stand to make more interesting lmao
Vice, Skyrim: competition, quite simply. he has a thing about dragon imagery, right? subtler than the sun stuff, but it’s there? but is it about being a dragon himself, or subduing them. either way, they’d scoff at his posturing. underestimate him for sure, letting their ego and lack of respect for humans stop them from being smart. they have lawful evil no empathy aroace megalomaniac in common, so they’d definitely have an interesting time together :)
How he’d manipulate them: power. specifically the power to do their human experiments in peace. freedom from legal consequence, basically. it would be difficult to dominate or even get a good read on Vice and their desires tho, even for Gort. i mean. they don’t speak. and have pretty good control over their emotions. they’d be playing psychological 4D chess and it would be so entertaining. (remembers it doesn’t have to manipulation, it can be about breaking physically) OH YEAH. YEAH that’s the one. it would still be HARD to keep them down, draconic force of nature that they are, but i’m sure the gorster would be able to figure something out.
uhh . oh man is that all my ocs. i mean no, there’s my newish tav, “we have Romeo’s zeke at home” Ginger (half elf, same face shape, ranger, shart romancer??! i promise this is a coincidence idk how it happened) uhh i have a Khajit oc i’ve never talked about whose name is Ace and i have nothing else on him. OHHH GALE MY DRAGON AGE CIRCLE MAGE OC WHO DIDN’T WORK AS SURANA. uhh yeah he’d simply have no use for that old woman sorry. i need to change her name man can’t let her get confused with the bg3 wizard.
how could i forget Jack, Jack Valentine, my gta 5 guy i’ve had for like 3 years and also never once talked about despite loving him forever even if i’ve kinda forgotten him lately cos i haven’t played it in ages. kind of a self insert type, or at least the closest oc i do have to one, so. he’d make an alright lackey, i think. he’d probably hate the gort but ultimately fall for his shit after a while. like with gale he’d be very disposable.
man i need to think of better ocs these guys are boring
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kohakhearts · 23 days
its wip wednesday and guess who ISNT writing pokemon fic for once? [dipper pines voice] this guy!!!
anyway yeah the gf hype train got me, ok? dipper being canonically kinda angsty about his parents got me. i've always thought it'd be interesting if in the space between when stan's memories get erased and the twins' birthday party it actually takes some time for stan to get his memories back. cartoon logic suggests it happens right away, but well. where's the fun in that! tl;dr this fic is basically "what if stan remembers mabel (and everyone else lol) better and sooner than he remembers dipper" because it's been like 10 years and i'm still not over dreamscaperers. i guess
“Your mind is all about logic and order,” Mabel goes on, “but Grunkle Stan’s isn’t. He loves you, Dipper, c’mon! You’re being all worry-y!” “I am not!” “You are, and it’s not gonna help with anything! It’s only been a couple days. Isn’t it a little early to be jumping to those kinda conclusions?” He flops down on his bed again with a sigh. “I just don’t want to be the memory he never gets back.” “You won’t be,” Mabel says confidently. “I wouldn’t let Grunkle Stan forget about you. Promise.” The remaining bit of fight left in him expels itself on his next breath. “Thanks, Mabel,” he mutters. “Sorry for being all worry-y.” She grins at him. “Don’t worry about it, bro. Now let’s get some sleep, or you’ll be worry-y tomorrow, too.” She’s right, of course, but that doesn’t mean sleep comes easy—for either of them. Mabel has been tossing and turning in her sleep these past few nights, muttering nonsense Dipper isn’t even sure he wants to try to understand the meaning of. As for him, every time he closes his eyes, he sees Bill again. The moment he turned Ford to gold and burned the journals, holding his sister hostage, shaking Stan’s hand… Whenever he does manage to fall asleep, it’s that same dream he’s been having all summer. Not worth it, too hard, forget about it, I’ve had enough. This doesn’t do much to curb his worrying the next morning, which has him feeling defeated before he’s even made it to the breakfast table. Mabel attempts to cheer him up with a glass of Mabel Juice in spite of his vehement refusals, while Stan walks into the kitchen and says, “Sheesh, why the long face, kid?” Dipper rubs at his eyes, sighing. He looks around the kitchen suspiciously. “Where’s Great Uncle Ford?” Stan shrugs. “Said somethin’ about going into town.” “Really?” Mabel frowns and scratches at her head. “Does he even know how to do that?”
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bbtoni · 2 months
Bart Verbruggen x reader [angst and fluff]
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His smile something I will never forget, his eyes brown like my childhood tree outside older than we know eachother but still the tree reminds me of him ever time I see or pass it.
The person I love, the person I see in my future, the future that always contains him in it.
But does he see me in his future? Am I by his side in his future, giving him support, strength? Someone who is there who hypes him up before a big game? Who his there good and bad, up and down?
Who doesn't leave his side when his emotions take control of him, when training his longer than usual, when they lost or won?
Am I easy to replace?
Tears filling my eyes as the questions taking head of me, taking me in a big hole of sadness. Tears swelling in my eyes, felling the hot salt water touching my skin, slowly rolling down as the questiona are getting worser and worser.
The angst to loose him taking over me completely, this was not often the case but today was rough.
Seeing him there in the bus, other players coming home to there family and friends but I'm still sitting alone on our bed.
Our bed we share when ever we can, which was sadly not often due to his training and his games. Often I heard of cheating, those other women in the beds of the men, but he wasn't like that, right?
Bart wasn't like that.
My heart fully knowing he loves me and taking me as the person I am but my stomach saying other way again and again, making me go crazy over nothing but there as to be something.
Something why he isn't here when everyone else is in the arm's of there loved one, so why is mine not here? Not in my arms?
Bart wasn't the one living so far away that he's the last one in the bus, so why don't I hear, smell or feel him?
Those soft hands getting rougher per training, the soft hands that are making me feel so safe and so at home.
But where is my home at the moment? Where is Bart at the home?
The tears rolling down my cheeks, felling the hotness of them, the frustrating with myself that I can't wait longer for him.
Our bed so cold like I didn't use it in the past hours although i'm sitting on it balling my eyes out for the person in my future.
The coldness that I felt the last days trough the phone, the short and cold answers as if Bart already as a replacement for me while I'm waiting in our home or just my home?
Did he just wanted my body? Did he really was like all the others? Did he wanted someone less annoying than me?
My body collapsing on myself, fully crying, fully believing he left me for someone else. Someone better, someone less then me
Arms wrapping around me as I cry, making the bed less cold than before. Making me feel safe.
"You're home"
I bring out as my body collapses on his, arms wrapping around his neck, sniffing from the crying as I let everything out.
The fear, that he left me, leaving my body as his fingers trace up my back making small hearts and cycles.
'Why shouldn't I come home, schat?'
Tracing small kisses on his neck, the tears slowly stooping as I take his presence in.
"Because they always leave the other when they are so often seperate or at least take someone else for a time"
Tears coming back as I think about what they told me, told me he wouldn't come back one time, finding soccer more important then me.
Quietly he talkes about everything, the feeling he had playing those big games, the missing me and planing to surprise me when he came home, which was why he were so distance towards me.
Not knowing it would have this effect on me, making me so sad that I cry in his arms on our bed.
'I brought you flowers, red roses, you know why?'
Red roses, the flowers of love and closeness, of trust and passion for eachother.
I nod the only why I can answer as this was the finale time he showed me I don't have to worry. That he is indeed not like the others.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
(Hi idk if you opened your asks yet but Imma go ahead and ask so I don’t forget and miss my window, I’m a huge fan of yours:))
What about papa and some of the ghouls with s/o who likes to be tickled in a fun playful manor?
(Hey, I'll go ahead and let it slide since it was submitted just as I was opening everything. So no worries! :) For future ref you can always check if my asks are open by looking at my blog header and the ask box prompt itself! I'll always change them both for every time it opens and closes. So when my Blog head says ASKS OPEN and my Ask box prompt says ASKS OPEN, that's your green light to submit!
and thank you for all the kind words!! Please enjoy!! :) )
Papa Emeritus IV (Copia) + Ghouls with an S/O Who likes to be Tickled
Papa IV: He thinks it's adorable but you have to be careful if you ever reciprocate! Particularly when Copia is working or spacing out. He can be quite jumpy and easily startled! When it comes to playing with you he gives you those half committed, wiggly finger type of tickles you'd use to play with a toddler or a pet. Not entirely enough to really tickle you, but enough to play! Copia enjoys the way you react, and finds you so endearing when your face lights up! The one time you play tickled him he actually got startled and fell off the couch you were goofing around on. He still hasn't lived it down!
Rain: Despite coming off as the calmest and easy going, Rain is actually a master deceiver and ambusher. He LIVES for hunting you down to tickle you! Absolutely adores the way you laugh and squeal when he gets you! It's hilarious to him. He makes a game of giving you a warning to run or hide before coming for you. He always ends up having you pinned so he can tickle the life out of you until you give up! He's also the type to poke you where it tickles most if you aren't expecting it.
Cirrus: Only does it playfully for you, but DESPISES being tickled herself. She will let you get one or two pokes in before her claws come out. On the flip side, she only tickles you once or twice when she's in a rare goofy move. Cirrus knows you enjoy it, so that's enough reason for her. She rather goof around doing something else. She tends to be the ghoul that does light hearted punches to the shoulder, and the occasional football butt slap of encouragement. If you are ever extremely sad, where you haven't smiled all day, she will bust out the tickles to make you feel better.
Aether: He's actually incredibly ticklish, so he has to be careful when he initiates a tickle war! Because Aether knows the moment you decide to retaliate it's over for him! He laughs hard and his pitch goes up to a falsetto laugh when he's being tickled. But he finds you so damned adorable when you are being tickled! You have the cutest laugh, and you just get this goofy look on your face after you catch your breath! You two love to have surprise tickle wars. It's been a game of who can surprise the other first! So far you are about 75 - 25 with Aether in the lead (actually with him being a ghoul it should be 100. But he wants you to win sometimes, too!)
Swiss: As far as this lovey ghoul is concerned? This is a new and fun way to flirt!! Swiss LOVES to play all the time, so tickling comes naturally with you both. ESPECIALLY if you are the type who loves to gently rough house! His favorite is to do playful have you at his mercy, and tickle you until you can't breathe! Swiss even has a goofy smile and air of smugness when you finally give up! He thinks it's incredibly fun, and it makes him adore you so much.
Mountain: He's actually not ticklish, AT ALL. So he doesn't quite get the hype of being tickled. Is it that bad, as people tend to make it out to be? Doesn't it hurt you? But Mountain won't complain, because it makes you happy! He was afraid to try and tickle you for the longest time. He's a very strong ghoul with long fingers, so he doesn't want to end up jabbing you too hard. But he finds out you are just as ticklish just by being lightly poked! And he finds that funny the way you giggle and twist and pretend to bat his hands away.
Sunshine: Sunshine LOVES to play, so this is another way you two bond! Tickling is so fun and they love to laugh! One way Sunshine likes to tickle is getting you both rolling around on your bed or the ground. Basically having a tickle battle of who can tickle the other more! She likes to sometimes surprise you with a poke to your side before running away and seeing if you will chase her! You both basically have your own version of tickle tag, with rules and everything!
Cumulus: She thinks it's so fun the way you like to be tickled. That physical touch and play are some of the ways you show affection. Cumulus has always loved light hearted people, and you are her absolute favorite. She's not as sensitive to it, but she will put on a show for you if you try and tickle her. A lot of the light, teasing, "STOOOOP" or running from you giggling. On the flip side, she also likes chasing you very slowly. Threatening to tickle you for any small thing. Oh, you got to the shower first? Tickle time! You left without a good bye kiss? You're coming back to TICKLES!
Ember/Sodo: Will tickle you happily, but do NOT fucking tickle him back! He's serious! Claims it's annoying and dumb... but he's actually SUPER ticklish and a bit embarrassed by it. Ember has no problem tickling YOU, however. He can be an evil gremlin about it when he wants to be. His favorite time to attack is when you are carrying something or about to sleep. Loves watching you throw whatever you are carrying and try to tickle him back! You rarely get him back, due to his ghoul strength keeping your wrists back. But the times you do you make him blush from laughing hard and kicking his legs, begging you to stop!
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sayakxmi · 5 months
[Magi reread] Night 72: Wisdom of Solomon
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Honestly, I just think it looks kinda funny.
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Look at all the shits Aladdin doesn't give.
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Sth about the way his smile falls.
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Idk I just think it's a pretty cool pose
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Honestly, he looks so cool this chapter.
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You go, boy
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Honestly, I'm only putting it here bc it's Judar saying that. I sometimes forget that he's pretty smart. When it comes to magic, at least.
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I still love it so much that Ugo was teaching him this entire time, because he knew he wouldn't always be there to protect him;;;
And also Aladdin raising his hands like a conductor. Looks awesome.
Honestly, so far, pretty hype chapter, which Imma be honest with you, it was very needed. After all these chapters of misery and desperation, we finally have something that turns the tides, something that makes us breath a litte easier, because not all hope's lost.
It's totally random, but it made me think about a post of the screenshot from Twitter about somebody complaining that Dune has no humor in it - and, just for the record, the entire explanation of that person's point is very good and exactly what I'm referring to. That is, the humor lets you calm down a little so that whatever awful comes next fucks you up even harder. And I thought about it, bc it's kind of like that here? The tides are turning, as I've said, so we feel like things can still turn out ok.
But they won't. Cassim will have his heart-to-heart with Alibaba and die, people will see their dead loved ones and calm down, and Balbadd will still be lost. We're made believe things will be alright and that we'll win, but in the end we'll lose so much. I think looking at it like that is pretty neat.
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I forgot Alibaba's still next to him.
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Get wrecked bithc
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Oh, right, you were still kinda impaled.
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He's sending Sinbad & Morgiana somewhere else, but I'm kinda putting it here bc it reminds me abt one scene in the Magnostadt Arc?
"Gimme a sec," I say, as if it wasn't my post that I'm only gonna publish after writing the entire thing.
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Anyway, so this is Aladdin's gtfo pose.
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Give it a few more arcs & you're not gonna be so happy.
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First of all, I love that Aladdin's able to read the situation here & conclude that, nope, no can do. There's this humility to him, which in this moment is pretty horrifying - he came in & gave everybody hope, only to admit that he can't win against Judar as they are now. Scary as it is, though, it's much smarter than hoping they can just... power through. Sometimes you can't, and admitting that you can't is more likely to help than trying to force it. At least this way, they can begin to come up with other ideas.
The other thing is, Alibaba's reaction. I might be reading too much into this, which, fair, I tend to, but I'm thinking about Alibaba's tendency to just... trust others so much, so easily. Which is fascinating, considering he has every right to have severe trust issues, given how often he gets betrayed, but at the same time, it kinda connects. Alibaba is quick to trust and believe (given at least one reason), and he can be a bit naive in this. If he trusts somebody, he trusts them all the way. When Hakuryuu goes nuts, he still goes to him to try to talk, believing Hakuryuu isn't too far gone (which is proven very wrong), or in the Magnostadt Arc, the moment Sinbad & SSA arrive, he just. Fuckign faints like that. He's been keeping himself up with sheer willpower, and the moment somebody he believes in appeares, he just relaxes. He can let them handle that, right?
And it's kind of the same here. Aladdin, who'd bailed him out of pretty bad situations a few times, is here, so things are going to be alright, right? But no. Aladdin admits, he can't win. There's no easy way out, leaving it for others to handle. Alibaba needs to put in his work, too.
I wouldn't describe Alibaba as selfish, but when you really think about is, his self-confidence issues are making him selfish in situations like that. It's one thing to let somebody help you, but it's another to have somebody do all the heavy lifting, you know? It kinda makes me think about the contrast between Alibaba & Sinbad. Alibaba's belief in everybody but himself vs Sinbad's belief in himself only. Obviously, the right choice is in between. Early SnB!Sinbad wasn't so bad, but the seeds were there, and he just kept digging himself deeper and deeper into the extreme. Alibaba, on the other hand, started off on the extreme, and slowly learnt to believe in himself to eventually find himself in that healthy middle ground.
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Man, I really dislike putting entire pages, but, honestly, this is so good. Aladdin reminding him why he fights, and showing him how people feel the same, how he was the one to push them forward.
"Everyone's hopes within their hearts." Small reminder that all Amon's spells have hope-related names. For example, from the wikii: "Amol Dherrsaiqa [...] is a corruption of the Arabic phrase صاعِقة ظِرّ الأَمَل Ṣā3iqa(t) Ẓirr Al-Amal, which means "Flint Lightning of Hope"."
I really love that. This is Alibaba's role in the story, after all. But if you think about it, it's all the King Vessels' role, Alibaba's just the one who ends up the most succesful.
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It looks kinda funny
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RIP Alibaba
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All we know about that Wisdom of Solomon thing is the hype and that Al-Thamen freaks out. Neat.
Also, I really like what it turned out to be. It's not some deus-ex-machina trick to fix everything. Frankly, it's not all that useful on its own. But Aladdin is capable of making use of it, because he puts in the work to make use of it. I'm not feeling the right kind of wordy today, but basically, he isn't just given a power up, he actively works to turn it into a power up.
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thedeal-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react if the MC try’s to kiss them but their too smol?
Omg (´ ε ` )♡ cute
Dante is kinda insecure about his height so he'd actually be immensely happy with a shorter MC. It's not hard to embarrass him, though. As soon as he sees MC kind of get on their tiptoes his entire face is RED. Like— he can handle shameless flirting (he wouldn't be Lilith's friend otherwise), but WOW that's 😳. He'd be so surprised he forgets English and starts mumbling in Italian ("merdamerdamerda"). As soon as he gets over himself Dante draws some sort of confidence from somewhere, and he leans down to kiss MC, a quick peck on the lips.
Lilith is one smug bastard. She realizes MC is trying to kiss her and she just smirks and watches them struggle for a short while. "Do you need help, love?" She wouldn't allow MC to kiss them just like that (it'd be too easy and Lilith loves complicating things). Lilith would drag the moment on. She would lean down, kiss MC's forehead softly, and enjoy whatever their reaction happens to be. She would cover MC's face in kisses like that, smudging her lipstick over their cheeks, until she finally gets to their lips.
Josh is quite perceptive, so he would realize MC is trying to kiss them. That being said, he would deny the thought just as soon as it crosses his mind. He knows but he can't bring himself to believe it. Josh would worriedly ask whether MC was okay, and MC would eventually be forced to outright tell him they want a kiss. As Josh fully processes MC's request, he doesn't even give himself any time to be embarrassed. He hypes himself up through his thoughts and leans down—
Villanelle is pretty short herself and she would be genuinely surprised to meet someone shorter than her. It's usually her being the victim of height: staring up at her crush's lips (as if she could magically get them to somehow appear closer). Being on the receiving end is strange for Villanelle but in a good way. She would be so cheeky about MC's struggle, cooing at them and peppering kisses all over their face.
Victor would feel genuinely confused. He would just tilt his head to the side and stare at MC for a couple of moments. When Victor does realize what MC is up to, he just feels the urge to roll his eyes (fondly). He can't possibly fathom why MC wouldn't just ask for a kiss?? And so Victor (reluctantly) complies. He tilts their chin up ever so slightly and presses a kiss against their lips— one which seems impossibly soft and out of character.
Aliyah would laugh, a genuine, loud (and slightly mocking) laugh. She would find the entire situation hilarious. If MC gets mad or frustrated by her reaction she would attempt to reel it in and tease a little—though she can barely hold back the jibes in her comments ("How eager can you be...? Honestly, try to get a hold of yourself"). When MC least expects it, she would lean down quickly and peck their lips, a brief kiss that barely lasts a few moments. Anything more, according to Aliyah: "You don't deserve it. Yet."
Nathan is used to situations like this, though something about MC makes it more endearing than what he remembers. Nathan is the kind of guy who would see MC like that, say "fuck it", and hoist them up so the two of them are at the same level. He would teasingly ask MC "What were you up to down there?" (he thinks he's actually funny). And if MC can hold back the urge not to punch him, they would be able to kiss Nathan while he holds them tightly.
Eden would take a couple of seconds to fully understand what MC is up to before leaning down and allowing them to do whatever they want to do. It's more convenient for him to grant control over the situation than to have it to himself. So he's content to go along with whatever MC wants or needs.
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