#but in a 'what does your local representative endorse? do you agree with them? do you disagree?'
mollypaup · 3 months
i do not talk about politics online for a variety of reasons, top amongst them being that i think the most effective way to make an impact on someone's views is to have a one-on-one conversation with them. And i am personally most well versed in local politics because living in a conservative area means that i am fighting an uphill battle both ways trying to convince someone that actually the more liberal candidate is the one who is advocating for policies that will positively effect you, i promise, and i have to have specific instances i can cite as proof for these conversations to be really meaningful. but because of this specific way i engage with politics, sometimes i see posts on this webbed site that makes me go "why are you even talking. what are you aiming for. what do you Want."
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sennettyoung · 4 years
Palestine is about to be annexed by Israel and we should do something
The Netanyahu government is planning to start the annexation of about 30% of the West Bank from July 1st. This is a violation of international law, coming after years of violations by building settlements on the West Bank. The area Netanyahu has his eyes on has a high concentration of settlements. On top of that the government also plans to take the Jordan Valley. The annexation would further fracture Palestinian areas, which makes a future two-state solution ever more difficult.
Downsides to annexation:
- building settlements becomes easier and more attractive (because annexation officially puts settlements under Israeli sovereignty)
- claiming areas for settlements is often accompanied by land expropriation or destruction of Palestinian civilians’ homes
- settlements are accompanied by separate roads and Palestinians are often not allowed to pass through settlements (or it takes a lot of time to pass humiliating checkpoints). This is a problem because it splinters the West Bank into a patchwork of enclaves. Because Palestinians have to use worse, separate roads moving around the settlements, towns can go from being 10 minutes apart to being an hour apart.
- violent encounters between settlements and Palestinian towns are likely to increase. Peaceful demonstrations are also frequently met with harsh military violence, even against children.
- it becomes more difficult to reach a two-state solution as the Palestinian part of the West Bank shrinks further and further down and is splintered by settlements.
- it will almost certainly exacerbate tensions
- if we allow this to happen, that could well be interpreted as permission to take more land in the future, until the entire West Bank is annexed and the two state solution utterly lost. All Palestinians there would end up living in a state of apartheid.
Sources to read more in detail:
https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=258664238754275&ref=watch_permalink (long discussion)
By all means skip to your country or Everyone at the bottom
United States
I don’t see the US imposing any sanctions on Israel in the next four years to be honest, not now that Bernie Sanders is out of the race. That being said, there’s still a lot to be gained. Under Trump, the US is extremely pro-Zionist, to the point of being a deterrent to other countries. Under Biden, it could at least be more of a neutral than an actively harmful factor. Therefore:
Fucking vote for Biden in November even if you hate the guy, because in almost any policy area he’s better than Trump. You can’t self-righteously abstain from voting, it’ll just put some specks of actual blood on your hands.
Also consider calling your representatives, especially Democrats, because even among them there’s a lot of sympathy for the expansionary ambitions of the Israeli right-wing and reluctance to stand up for Palestinian human rights. Let them know that you care, because the evangelical lobby certainly does.
What to ask:
- for support for sanctions in the future
- for recognition of Palestine as a state
- for conditional aid to Israel in the future (conditional on the end of settlement building)
- for aid to the Palestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip
- for voting in the UN Security Council on the issue to be guided by international law
European Union countries
The EU is a special case because it cannot impose sanctions unless all member states unanimously agree, which is nearly impossible on this issue. However, the Irish attempted to ban products from the settlements, which could be in line with EU law. (It’s called the Occupied Territories Bill.) The government has dropped that idea recently, but please if you are from Ireland, let your voice be heard that this plan should be revived. If your country is already quite critical of the annexation, consider advocating for similar legislation to be drafted in calls or emails to politicians.
If you live in a right-wing country with close ties to Israel at the moment, please advocate for your government not to block measures against the annexation in the EU. The assumption is that the population is pro-Zionist. Make it clear that there are many who oppose expansionism and human rights violations.
In any country that hasn’t already done so: demand the recognition of Palestine as a state. This can be done without a European consensus.
In pro-Palestinian or ‘neutral’ countries: advocate for new trade agreements and partnerships with Israel to be conditional on the end to settlement policies and annexation.
Other countries
- call your representatives or send them a letter/email demanding the imposition of sanctions if the Netanyahu government follows through with the annexation.
- demand the recognition of Palestine as a state if your country hasn’t already done so (many of ya’ll non-Western countries have, props to you!)
- demand the freezing of trade agreements / partnerships if annexation takes place.
organise locally churches, campuses, and trade unions are key allies to Palestine. Try bringing up the topic in any organisation of which you’re a member.
take Palestine into consideration in elections at least most European parties have a position on this issue somewhere on their website. Look it up next election season and take it into account when you vote.
volunteer for local pro-Palestine charities there are many and they need you. Many of them collect money for especially Gaza, which desperately needs medicine, clean water, and food. They also provide information to swing public opinion, as well as talking to politicians. Your city probably has one that you don’t know of.
defend all human rights a frequent criticism levied at those standing up for Palestine is that they’re harsher on Israel than other countries. Therefore, and also because you’re a decent human being, stand up for all human rights issues where you encounter them.
take part in direct action this includes only peaceful demonstrations. DO NOT TAKE PART IN ANY VIOLENT ACTION, ESPECIALLY NOT AGAINST JEWISH ORGANISATIONS OR PEOPLE. Moreover, do not levy your critique of the Israeli government at Jewish people or organisations AT ALL. Not a single Jewish person is accountable for Israel’s actions.
parttake in BDS (very much optional) BDS involves the boycotting, divestment from, and imposition of sanctions against Israel until it ends its occupation of the Palestinian territories, the West Bank and Gaza. The idea if best explained on the website, but the basic idea is inspired by the anti-apartheid movement against South Africa. It is not meant as a punishment, but as a coercive measure that will end the moment the occupation does. You can take part by not buying from certain companies supporting the settlements (see Google), not travelling to Israel, or avoiding Israeli / settlement products in the store (the latter should be labelled in the EU (soon)). The extent to which you want to boycott is up to you, and I will admit that sanctions are a contested policy measure.
donate to pro-Palestinian organisations
national / local ones
Jewish Voice for Peace: https://secure.everyaction.com/b5-NLp5380at34y9v7fS5Q2?am={{LastContributionAmount%20or%20%2750%27}}?ms=link
Breaking the Silence: https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/
http://adalah.org/eng/ http://www.alhaq.org/about-al-haq/about-al-haq http://www.mezan.org/en/ http://www.btselem.org/about_btselem/contact_us http://www.thefreedomtheatre.org/ http://www.justvision.org/ http://www.alternativenews.org/english/ http://cfpeace.org/ http://www.newprofile.org/english/ http://www.theparentscircle.com/
sign petitions
UK https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/stopannexation Everyone https://www.theotherjerusalem.org/petition US https://www.change.org/p/u-s-senate-oppose-annexation-of-palestinian-land Norway https://www.change.org/p/israeli-ambassador-to-oslo-stop-israeli-west-bank-annexation-sign-the-petition?source_location=topic_page US https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/congress-dont-endorse Belgium http://www.stop-occupation.be/ There are wayyyyy more of them! Please look them up in your own language / country, relevant to where your country stands on the issue, and post a link when you reblog <3
signal boost this post and others like it
educate yourself, educate your friends, family, classmates, those at your place of worship, colleagues, any strangers who will listen but be kind, always
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Select L.A. County/California Races, March 3, 2020
Hi friends, it’s me again. I am here to offer my opinions on how you should vote. As before I am up front about my biases: I am a Warren supporter, I live in L.A. and I am actively pro-density (Yay SB50, you deserved better) and pro-transit. I live in the east Valley, so I tend to focus more closely on the issues that directly impact my side of town, though I try to keep an ear out on things countywide. 
Last time I did this a couple of folks reached out to give me gifts to say thanks for doing this guide. This year, I would encourage anybody who wants to say thanks to donate $5 to Fair Fight,  a group founded by Stacey Abrams to fight voter suppression in the 2020 election. We’re gonna need all the help we can get in November to defeat the GOP, and Abrams is doing it in a smart way. 
Other voting guides
This is my voting guide and reflects my general opinion on things. However, I am indebeted to many other guides, including the Knock L.A. Voter Guide and the L.A. Podcast Voter Guide for their takes. I don’t always agree with them, but both of these are invaluable resources for the progressive voter in Los Angeles. 
L.A. City Council 
This year the even numbered seats are up for re-election. Half of them are effectively uncontested, a couple are very much contested, and two are free for all because of term limits. 
CD2: Ayinde Jones
Look none of these candidates set my heart afire. I work with Councilmember Krekorian’s office a lot (remember, I live in the east Valley) and he’s a competent politician with a ton of endorsements and community ties, I have no illusion he’s going to win his full term comfortably on March 3. However, I believe it’s good to encourage competition, and Ayinde Jones did a good (not great) job at the candidate forum I attended hitting on themes of how the parts of CD2 north of Victory are being left behind as the area evolves. I wish he were better on S50, but then again all three candidates were opposed, so that’s kind of a wash. I look forward to hearing more from Jones in the future. 
CD4: Sarah Kate Levy
From a paucity of options to a surplus of options next door. CD4 is currently represented by David Ryu, a politician who came out of the Neighborhood Council system and went on to become...a city hall politician. Both his opponents are great. Nithya Raman is the founder of SELAH, a group that does amazing work helping the unhoused in Los Angeles, and recently led Times Up! Hollywood for a year. I’d vote for her in a heartbeat, but I am encouraging people to vote for Sarah Kate Levy for two reasons: first, Levy is unabashedly supportive of SB50 and we need this kind of leadership, and second I am hoping these two excellent women will get so many votes that they overwhelm Ryu and leave him in third place. Fingers crossed. 
CD6: Bill Haller 
This is another shoo-in. Nury Martinez is the City Council president and has the backing of the County party and all the local clubs. I am endorsing Bill Haller because he supports an agenda that includes more public funding for affordable housing, more and better transit, and climate justice.  
CD8: Marqueece Harris-Dawson 
There are no other candidates in this race, so congratulations on your re-election Councilmember Harris-Dawson. 
CD10: Aura Vasquez 
This is an open seat, and the smart money has Mark Ridley-Thomas as the frontrunner. Ridley-Thomas is a current member of the L.A. County Board of Supervisors (more on them later) who is termed out of that position. I’m endorsing Aura Vasquez, a progressive activist with ties to Mid-City who has served as a commissioner for LADWP and led fights for renewable energy, banning single use plastics, and housing affordability in her community. 
CD12: Loraine Lundquist 
Dr. Lundquist rules. She takes public transit to debates, she is an honest to goodness scientist, and she nearly beat a Republican in what is the most conservative district in L.A. during a special election. I have donated money to this lady because we need to win this one. Her opponent, John Lee, wasted no time in trying to block housing for the homeless in his district and in attacking a successful safer streets project on Reseda Blvd. The city has a chance - a really great chance thanks to the realigned municipal elections - to toss out the worst possible councilmember in favor of the most progressive voice, don’t mess it up. 
CD14: Cyndi Otteson
This race is Kevin de Léon’s to lose, but he won’t commit to serving a full term since he really wants to be mayor. I say let him have his spare time to run for mayor and select Ms. Otteson, a grassroots activist who has the support of the UTLA and who is the only voice in favor of the Colorado Blvd alignment of the NoHo to Pasadena BRT project. Transit equity matters, and Ms. Otteson deserves your vote this March. 
LAUSD School Board 
Deferring to the teachers’ endorsements on this one. 
Board Seat 1: George McKenna
Board Seat 3: Scott Schmerlson
Board Seat 5: Jackie Goldberg
Board Seat 7: Patricia Castellanos
Glendale City Council: Dan Brotman 
An environmental activist with progresive views, Brotman will be a useful voice in Glendale’s city hall. 
District Attorney: Rachel Rossi 
George Gascón and Rachel Rossi will both be light years better than the current county D.A., Jackie Lacey. Both have promised to make substantial reforms in the office. I am really torn on this one, since I think Gascón’s experience as a Deputy DA in San Francisco is a big deal, and since he has the backing of the County Party. I am endorsing Rossi in a tilt-at-windmills hope that somehow she and Gascón make it to the final ballot in November and give us a thoughtful debate between a career prosecutor bent on reform and a public defender whose goal is reform about methods and ideas. Anyway, don’t vote for Jackie Lacey is all I am saying here. 
Superior Court
Voting for judges is stupid. We shouldn’t be doing this, but since we have to, I’ll make some suggestions. My math is based on other progressive endorsements, Party endorsements, and reverse-engineering some well known conservative voting guides to, if nothing else, make sure I am not voting for their endorsement. 
Office 17: Shannon Kathleen Cooley (the race is uncontested) 
Office 42: Linda Sun
Office 72: Myanna Dellinger
Office 76: Emily Cole (Cole is a prosecutor, but her opponent is a man who literally changed his name to “Judge” after serving as a judge in Stanislaus County) 
Office 80: Klint James McKay
Currently an administrative law judge, he impressed Public Defender Union representatives with his thoughtful and articulate answers to their questioning.
Office 97: Sherry L. Powell (Powell’s opponent ran as a conservative Republican for state assembly in 2018, this is a defensive vote)
Office 129: Kenneth Fuller
Office 131: Michelle Kelley (the race is uncontested)
Office 141: Lana Kim (the race is uncontested)
Office 145: Troy Slaten (Slaten’s opponent has a troubling history of misconduct and should not be elected to a judgeship) 
Office 150: Tom Parsekian
Office 162: David D. Diamond
L.A. County Board of Supervisors
The Supervisors oversee policy for the County, including all unincorporated areas, the LASD, County Health services, etc. For a county of TEN MILLION PEOPLE, there are only five supervisors, so they have a hugely outsized influence. 
Seat 2: Jorge Nuno 
A lot of progressives are endorsing Holly Mitchell in this seat. Me, I just can’t go there when she’s speaking at events for Livable California and when she gave a floor speech opposing SB50. Though he’s the front runner, Herb Wesson doesn’t deserve your vote - he was City Council president when the homelessness crisis exploded and he’s done little to address it. Nuno is a progressive and has an ambitious platform. 
Seat 4: Janice Hahn 
She’s solid, and nobody’s pushing her from the left. 
Seat 5: John Harabedian 
Kathryn Barger, the incumbent, is a Republican who supports Trump’s immigration policies. John Harabedian is a solidly Center Left Democrat who has the backing of the county party and who could, in this presidential election year, win an upset in what is traditionally a Republican stronghold of L.A. County. Vote for him. 
County Ballot Measures
Measure R: YES YES YES 
This will provide crucial tools to the already existing civilian oversight committee for the LASD, including subpoena powers. It also requires the commission to study ways to divert offenders from jail. You need to vote yes on this. 
State Ballot Measures 
Prop 13: Yes
$15B in bonds to invest in public schools and “local control” to allow local school districts to issue larger bonds. The only real opposition is from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, a revanchist organization that is singlehandedly responsible for much of our state and local problems in the past few decades. Don’t listen to them. 
Congressional Elections 
Despite some misgivings, I am generally supporting the progressive challengers here to hopefully lead to a Progressive/Center Left election in the fall. 
CD 25: Christy Smith 
She has a good track record in the state assembly and a strong local support network. She’s not a carpetbagger with a YouTube show, and she’s not a Republican. 
CD 28: Adam Schiff 
He’s not the most progressive guy in Congress but he’s been critical to holding Trump accountable. He’s earned this vote. 
CD 29: Angelica Duenas 
Tony Cardenas is a bit of a non-entity on the national stage but he does good local work and he was an early vote in favor of impeachment. The rape allegations against him which troubled me last time were dismissed with prejudice in 2019. Cardenas has a progressive challenger, Angelica Marie Duenas, who has run in the past as a Green Party candidate. I don’t trust her decision to abandon that label and come into the Democrats after getting drubbed in 2018, but overall I like her ideas and I’d be happy to see her and Cardenas in a runoff this year. 
CD 30: CJ Berina 
Brad Sherman is an okay Congressmember. CJ Berina is a young, progressive challenger who’s attracted the attention of the Sunrise Movement. I’d vote for him to try to push the GOP out of the runoff and make this a race between the Center Left and the Progressive Left. 
CD 34: Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla
Jimmy Gomez is solid; let’s push the GOP out of the runoff though by supporting this progressive. 
State House 
District 39: Luz Rivas
District 41: Chris Holden 
District 43: Laura Friedman 
District 44: Jacqui Irwin
District 45: Jesse Gabriel 
District 46: Adrin Nazarian
District 48: Blanca Rubio 
District 49: Edwin Chau 
District 50: Richard Bloom
District 51: Wendy Carillo
District 53: Godfrey Plata
District 54: Tracey Jones
District 55: Andrew Rodriguez
District 58: Margaret Villa
District 59: Reggie Jones-Sawyer
District 62: Autumn Burke
District 63: Anthony Rendon
District 64: Fatima Iqbal-Zubair
District 66: Al Muratsuchi
District 70: Patrick O’Donnell
State Senate
SD 21: Kipp Mueller
SD 23: Abigail Medina
SD 25: No Endorsement - I rarely do this but honestly Anthony Portantino does not deserve your vote. Write in Mickey Mouse. 
SD 27: Henry Stern
SD 29: Josh Newman
SD 31: Richard Roth
SD 33: Lena Gonzalez
SD 35: Steven Bradford
County Committees 
Look this is getting waaaaaaaaaaaaaay into the weeds. What I am going to say is this: I know that a lot of “progressive” slates are out there and I encourage you to try your best to vet them. In my district, one of the candidates is somebody I know personally - she actively campaigned for Jill Stein, she circulated the decades-old “Clinton Death List” to voters, and she pushed Pizzagate theories. I am not voting for this person, but she is endorsed by “Progressive California” so...just be careful. 
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annazverina · 6 years
To My Fellow Americans,
With today being the last day to register to vote in most U.S. states, I want to talk about what this election means a little bit. First off, I will not be endorsing any candidates. That is not why I use the Internet. It is also worth noting that I am not eighteen yet. While I cannot vote until next year, I do believe every american should have a voice, even if I don’t agree with them. I will be talking about picking who to vote for and why this vote in particular matters. Obviously, I encourage everyone who can to vote. 
While who our President is matters, the people who lead our local and state governments matter too. They are the people who represent our votes for the Presidential Elections. They are in charge of how your town is run. Each state and town has different needs, and you want to elect somebody who will help acquire those needs whilst maintaining positive relations with the federal government. 
With all the above to think about, making a decision is difficult. Please remember, NO CANDIDATE IS PERFECT! Every candidate, on both sides, has flaws. Some issues are worse than others. Before casting your ballot, I encourage you to do some research, and I do not mean going onto social media and reading what others reposted. Basing your vote off of what other people say is not how voting should work. The danger of living in a Democratic Republic is uninformed voters. Many people online, especially social media, may not know exactly what they are endorsing. Instead, you must do your own research. Figure out what each candidates’ policies are through non biased articles (those may be hard to find sometimes). Learn what their flaws are and the severity of them. Make a list of the positives and negatives of each candidate and vote for whoever has the most positive things. Do not vote for the Republican or Democrat just because that’s who you always vote for. Look into what the candidate actually wants. 
Policies should not be selfish to a single minority you are a part of. They should try to raise as many people up as possible. Raising EVERYONE up means making sure all Americans have individual liberty. We must focus on the sake of our country first. We should have the freedom to choose what we do and deal with whatever consequences come our way. It should not be the job of another person to deal with the consequences of a bad choice YOU made. We should have the ability to believe what we believe and express it, as long as it does not inconvenience the life of another person. 
A lesson almost everyone has trouble grasping is that NOT EVERYONE CAN GET THEIR WAY! We must think about the nation as a whole. We cannot allow our lives to revolve around a single minority. We must be United. 
Even if you don’t know who you’re voting for yet, please register right now. Check your state’s regulations on voting; it differs in each state. Happy voting, and have a great whatever time of day it is for y’all!
One more thing, if anyone actually sees this and feels the need to comment, please keep it civil. If I got anything wrong in terms of how the U.S. Government works, let me know.
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The 3 Ps Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PACs
Republican Party Platform
“Parents are a child’s first and foremost educators, and have primary responsibility for the education of their children. Parents have a right to direct their children’s education, care, and upbringing. We support a constitutional amendment to protect that right from interference by states, the federal government, or international bodies such as the United Nations.”
“Their education reform movement calls for choice-based, parent-driven accountability at every stage of schooling.”
“We call on state officials to preserve our public colleges, universities, and trade schools as places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance or “safe zones,” as if college students need protection from the free exchange of ideas. A student’s First Amendment rights do not end at the schoolhouse gates. Colleges, universities, and trade schools must not infringe on their freedom of speech and association in the name of political correctness.
The Republican Party would most likely vouche for parent involvement in a case of cyberbullying, as they have “primary responsibility for the education of their children”. It also appears the Party would allow for free speech without interference at the school level, regardless of its contents.
I do not agree with this (inferred) position. Often, parents are kept in the dark as to their children’s online activity. It’s not fair to assume a parent can aid their child in the case of cyberbullying, as they may not recognize it is happening. I also believe hurtful words must be censored, as they benefit no one.
Democratic Party
“Democrats believe all students should be taught to high academic standards. Schools should have adequate resources to provide programs and support to help meet the needs of every child. We will hold schools, districts, communities, and states accountable for raising achievement levels for all students—particularly low-income students, students of color, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities”
“The Democratic Party is committed to eliminating opportunity gaps—particularly those that lead to students from low-income communities arriving on day one of kindergarten several years behind their peers.
The Democratic Party would most likely vouche for school-level interference in a case of cyberbullying, specifically invested in “eliminating opportunity gaps” (as cyberbullying does in discriminating/hating on another student [creating a distraction etc] ). I think this party is dedicated to the success of every student.
I agree with the Democratic Party’s approach to classroom expectations. I think cyberbullying presents an education barrier unacceptable to Democrats, as it creates a gap between students.
Libertarian Party
“We support full freedom of expression and oppose government censorship, regulation or control of communications media and technology. We favor the freedom to engage in or abstain from any religious activities that do not violate the rights of others. We oppose government actions which either aid or attack any religion.”
“Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world we seek to build is one where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power.
I think one thing to note is this idea of a person’s right to engage in free speech that is “peaceful and honest”. I believe the Libertarian Party would not tolerate cyberbullying, as it’s anything but “peaceful and honest”.
I completely agree with this standpoint. Free speech is freedom of the truth… not freedom of internet stalkers, hidden behind false accusations and made-up usernames.
Green Party
“Social diversity is the wellspring of community life where old and young, rich and poor, and people of all races and beliefs can interact individually and learn to care for each other, and to understand and cooperate. We emphasize a return to local, face-to-face relationships that humans can understand and care about.”
It’s interesting that the Green Party emphasizes a return to face-to-face relationships. As I mentioned with the Libertarian party, cyberbullying is quite the opposite. There’s nothing face-to-face about anonymous comments.
I also agree with the Green Party’s view on social interaction. I believe there is no benefit to online communication, especially hateful communication.
Peace And Freedom Party
“Equal treatment and benefits under the law for all families. Guarantee equal child custody, adoption, visitation privileges, and foster parenthood rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.”
“Equal treatment for all people in the military regardless of sexual orientation.”
“People with disabilities are entitled to equal rights to education, housing, health care, recreation, and transportation. Attendant care and other services or adaptations must be provided to enable fuller participation in all aspects of society.”
I can infer that the Peace and Freedom Party does not support cyberbullying. They believe in a society that does not discriminate against people based on race, sexual orientation, or disabilities. Unfortunately, these same people are often targeted as part of online attacks (@ my last post’s Supreme Court case).
I agree that a person should never be discriminated against for their race, sexual orientation, or disability, and therefore agree with the Peace and Freedom Party’s stance on kindness/equality for all.
C. Other than the Republican Party’s platform, I agree with each party’s stance. Each is built on a similar pillar of character and respect for all--regardless of race, sexual orientation, wealth or disability; all critical target points of cyber bullying. I would vote for a Democratic nominee, as its often a Republican or Democratic candidate that takes office.
2.       Identify one national interest group that represents your issue. Include:
a.       Interest group name: End to Cyber Bullying Organization
b.       A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the interest group: This organization hopes to provide awareness of cyber bullying by creating a network of students, teachers and parents who are educated on the topic.
c.        Visit the interest group’s website.  Spend a few minutes exploring and reading about what this group believes, what it wants to happen in Washington, and how it seeks to influence politicians. List five important pieces of information which gives a picture of what this interest group believes.
Educators must learn how to protect themselves and others from cyber bullying
Protecting staff is key… each school should have one staffer charged with all investigations of cyber bullying reports
There are currently no laws about cyberbullying, but this organization is lobbying for the addition of such laws
Local police departments and the FBI branch are good starting points for tackling cyber bullying
Victims should always discuss their attacks and never feel alone
d.       From your research, describe one (preferably current) piece of legislation, specific policy action, or candidate this group desires or endorses.
One tab on the website is actually labeled “laws and legislation”. Underneath it lists every state code regarding cyber bullying which the organization supports.
e.        Where is this interest group located? Are there any local meetings you could attend? When?
This interest group is located in New York. There are no local events. All events take place in New York.
f.        Are there volunteer opportunities? If so, what are they?  
Under the volunteer tab, you can apply to become a member of the ETCB, pledging to take efforts to end cyberbullying. This means maintaining internet etiquette and reporting cyber bullying.
g.       Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group.
3.       Identify one state interest group that represents your issue. Include:
a.       Interest group name: California School Boards Association
b.       A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the interest group: This board issues regulations, policy briefs and publications on topics like student conduct and technology.
c.        Visit the interest group’s website.  Spend a few minutes exploring and reading about what this group believes, what it wants to happen in Washington, and how it seeks to influence politicians. List five important pieces of information which gives a picture of what this interest group believes.
Students should talk to staff when an incident of cyber bullying occurs
In response to a report of cyber bullying, a district should determine the legitimacy of a threat or if it is a joke
Staffers should supervise students as they’re online
Cyber bullying is the act of bullying through message/sound/text/image
Schools may block websites that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors
d.       From your research, describe one (preferably current) piece of legislation, specific policy action, or candidate this group desires or endorses.
Education Code 32261 and 48900(r) defines cyber bullying, including pretending to be someone else, sending mean/threatening messages and posting private information about another.
e.        Where is this interest group located? Are there any local meetings you could attend? When?
This group is located in California.
f.        Are there volunteer opportunities? If so, what are they?  
It does not appear there are volunteer opportunities, other than to oblique to their codes of conduct.
g.       Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group.
4.       Finally, compare the two interest groups.  Which one seems more organized? More successful?  Who is their target audience? Supporters? Additional thoughts, concerns, observations welcome. Be sure to follow them on twitter.
The California School Boards Association seems more successful, as schools are more inclined to adhere to their policies. The other organization has no actual control over how schools handle cyberbullying; they simply list the ways schools could handle such cases, but have no legal standing or authority.
5.      ��Choose one PAC or Super PAC that pertains to your civic action issue. Include:
a.       PAC name: KidsPAC
b.       A brief statement assessing the position/perspective of the PAC: KidsPac supports lawmakers who believe in a strong educational system. (This pertains to cyberbullying as school board members are often supported, who can create school codes to address cyberbullying.)
c.        How much money have they raised/total receipt? How much have they spent? How much cash do they have on hand? They have raised $356,448, spent $264,578 and have $160,365 on hand.
d.       How much of their budget is spent on: Republicans? Democrats? Referencing the side-by-side bar graph, it appears almost all of their budget is spent on Democrats, not Republicans.
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1.  a. b.
The Republicans start their statement on net neutrality with, “ The survival of the internet as we know it is at risk.” Its safe to say that they are against its repeal. This stance is because of foreign governments readiness to devour America's control of the root zone.     
- I strongly agree with their position as the internet much like our border is something that should be strongly and fiscally protected from foreign powers
The Democrats platform states that the party is strongly against the repeal of any prior laws regarding net neutrality. And funnily enough, it continues by blaming the GOP for any repeals already in effect.
- On the surface level, I strongly agree with the Democrats stance as it is for the well being of all that net neutrality stays in place, but I do not agree with how they take the opportunity to bash their competitor.
On the Libertarian website, their only reference of net neutrality can be found in an article published by their staff titled, “FCC Should Remain Neutral on Net Neutrality” Their stance can be driven from this and the fact that they are a left-leaning group. 
- Of course, as the internet is something that should always remain separate from any overarching power I agree with their stance.
I could not find any statement on net neutrality but because the green party is about social justice I think its safe to infer that they are against its repeal.
- as I have stated in prior statements I strongly agree with keeping net neutrality in place as it's for the better of everyone that it stays where it is.
Peace and Freedom: 
Peace and Freedoms stance on net neutrality is that it is imperative to the free speech of the individual that it stays in place.
- I also agree that if the net loses its loose and malleable nature that it with be detrimental to the individual.
The group I most agree with is Peace and Freedom, as I feel this group has the strongest hold on how serious of a problem repealing net neutrality would be. That being said however I would not vote for this party as wile net neutrality is a large and very important thing there is more in the world than just the internet, and I don't find myself agreeing with everything that Peace and Freedom stands for.
2.       Identify one national interest group that represents your issue. Include:
a. Computer & Communications Industry Association
b. The CCIA is a non-profit organization that promotes open markets, systems, networks, and competitions.
1.  The CCIA emphatically wants to foster and empower innovation within the industry while at the same time never losing cooperation, as they state, “ cooperation is a valuable approach to progress, it must be balanced to never undermine the competitive drive to create”
2. The Free flow of information on the internet, which the CCIA says is, “essential to Internet freedom” In other words, the group is fiscally against any dismantling of net neutrality.
3. The CCIA view on cybersecurity is that of streamlining a dated system, to make the sharing of information between the private and federal sectors.
4. The CCIA’s view on user security is that trust be had between the consumer and the companies striking a balance between the protection of data and providing the services of the site.
5. The CCIA’s stance on Export Controls is “that it would unreasonably limit or burden the legitimate export business of technology companies”
d.  Qualcomm a processor company was attempting to block the import and sale of iPhones not using their chip. The CCIA told ITC that Qualcomm’s request would harm consumers by enabling Qualcomm’s anti-competitive behavior.
e. Their headquarters is in Virginia and there are no local meetings
f. Nope
g. Identify additional developments you find interesting from the website/group.
3.       Identify one state interest group that represents your issue. Include:
a. California Chamber Of Commerce
b. The California Chamber Of Commerce is an interest group focused on California business and how to best keep jobs and things profitable.
1. Their main focus is on business.
2. They support the cardinal sin, not voting, “ abstain from voting, which will hinder the passage of a bill, just as a “no” vote does.”
3. They send out Alert letters (Link to one: https://advocacy.calchamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Vote-Record-10-19-2018.pdf) in these letters they tell their member how to vote
4. These Alert letters talk about “job killers” but to non-members these are known as bills which text buessness and effectively lowers the bottom line of profits.
5. One of these Job Killers is/was bill SD822 which the CCC strongly told members to vote against.
d. Bill SD822 which is meant to act as Californias own net neutrality, devoid of the Federal stance.
e. Sacramento CA, there are no local meetings I could attend.
f.  None
g. Just how anti-net neutrality this group is, I would have guessed they would have been all gun ho for SD822, but instead, they are doing everything to shoot it down.
4.       Finally, compare the two interest groups. 
Both groups in their own right seen highly successful and extremely well put together, but the CCIA’s, however, is rooted in not only the US but also the EU and is, therefore, the larger of the two. The CCIA targets not only people in the industry but also concerned individuals outside of the private sector. While the California chamber of comers is primarily focused on businesses. Both groups supporter bases are their target audiences.
5.       Choose one PAC or Super PAC that pertains to your civic action issue. Include:
b. The Amazon PAC is as the name suggests is focused on the interest on internet conglomerate, Amazon.com. Which means they are not only concerned about the longevity of net neutrality but also internet taxes for things like online shopping.
How much money have they raised/total receipt: ~2,224,000
How much have they spent: ~2,090,000
How much cash do they have on hand: ~134,000
Republicans: 52%
Democrats: 48%
e. A large majority of their donors are employees of the company, which shows how they must pester their employees to donate money.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Many Gay Republicans Are There
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-many-gay-republicans-are-there/
How Many Gay Republicans Are There
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List Of Lgbt Politicians In The United States
How Many GOP State Senators Are There, Adam?
This is a chronological list of openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender politicians who have held office in the United States. Historical figures are included only if there is documented evidence of an open queer identity.
Most out LGBT politicians in the U.S. are part of the Democratic Party, which has taken a more favorable stance than Republicans towards LGBT rights.
Nbc Outcourt Orders Idaho To Provide Gender Surgery For Trans Inmate
Despite the backlash to the Trump endorsement, Charles Moran, the groups national spokesperson, told NBC News the group has no plans to rescind its support for the president as it was a universal decision determined by the board of directors and chapters.
When asked whether Henry was involved in the endorsement decision, Moran said he could not speak to that as he was not on the phone call during her resignation but that he and the board thank her for her service to the Log Cabin Republicans.
Henrys departure comes just weeks before the groups Sept. 17 Spirit of Lincoln reception in D.C. The annual event has typically included a dinner and reception featuring high-profile Republican attendees, but this year there will only be a reception.
Were seeing a lot of what I thought would happen: A lot of prominent leaders are leaving the group, Evans told NBC News. We need a Republican group that advocates for LGBTQ issues, but the Log Cabin Republicans have sent the message that this is not their priority.
While Democrats Take The Lesbian And Gay Community For Granted Donald Trumps Republican Party Is Delivering Real Results
Democrats are using their convention this week to tout their agenda for the next four years, including their promise to stand up for the lesbian and gay community. For years, Democratic Party leaders have taken for granted the lesbian and gay community along with other minority communities thinking they had no where else to turn. Those days are over.;
Ive fought for civil rights for gay Americans for the past four decades. Today, the Republican Party is delivering real results and leadership for our community:
It hasnt always been this way. For years, the GOP generally stood against the inclusion of gay and lesbian conservatives. As one of the Republican National Committees first openly gay members, and a longtime leader of Log Cabin Republicans, Ive worked tirelessly alongside many friends and colleagues to pull the party into the future. Today, thanks in large part to the leadership of President Donald;Trump, the party has delivered meaningful policy victories for gays and lesbians.;
He didnt abandon these principles when he assumed his position behind the Resolute Desk.;
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Log Cabin Republicans V United States
A lawsuit filed by LCR in federal court challenging the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, which excludes homosexuals from openly serving in the U. S. military, went to trial on July 13, 2010, presided by Judge Virginia Phillips. LCR argued that the policy violates the rights of homosexual military members to free speech, due process and open association. The government argued that DADT was necessary to advance a legitimate governmental interest. LCR introduced several admissions by President Barack Obama, including that DADT “doesn’t contribute to our national security,” “weakens our national security,” and that reversing DADT is “essential for our national security”. Rather than address plaintiff’s claims or bring evidence to support their own claims of national interest, the government relied exclusively on the policy’s 1993 legislative history.
On September 9, 2010, Phillips ruled in favor of plaintiffs, finding that DADT violates the First and Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
On September 29, 2011, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated the district court’s decision, ruling that the legislative repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” by President Barack Obama and the outgoing Democratic congressional majority in December 2010 rendered the case moot. The dismissal left the lower court ruling without value as precedent.
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Hawaii And South Dakota
At the start of this election cycle, only three U.S. states Hawaii, South Dakota and Mississippi had no openly LGBTQ elected officials at any level of government. This year, candidates in Hawaii and South Dakota hoped to get their states off that list.
However, in Hawaii, Adrian Tam who upset a 14-year incumbent in the August Democratic primary for the state House of Representatives defeated Republican Nicholas Ochs, making him Hawaiis only openly LGBTQ elected official.
Why Dont They Support Gay Rights
The reason why gay Republicans dont argue for gay rights is that they dont need to care. They wont get subject to any physical attacks or abuses for being gay. For example, Peter Thiel is a rich Silicon Valley billionaire. He doesnt deal with homophobia because he can just buy out your company and fire you. Hell never be subject to a hate crime because he can afford private security. People like Guy Benson, while not a filthy rich billionaire, also have a lot of privilege. He looks straight presenting, so he wont get harassed by strangers for being gay.
When you become rich and privileged enough, the problems that affect people in your situation completely disappear, and it allows you to not care about the issues that pertinently affect your community.
Whether people like them or not, gay Republicans will still exist, but they need to stop taking credit for advancing gay rights because they never did.
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Poll: Large Majorities Including Republicans Oppose Discrimination Against Lesbian Gay Bisexual And Transgender People By Employers And Health Care Providers
Half Say Society Hasnt Gone Far Enough in Accepting Transgender People
Large majorities of Americans think it should be illegal for either employers or health care providers to discriminate against people because they are lesbian, gay or bisexual, or transgender, a new KFF poll finds. This includes large majorities of Republicans, independents and Democrats across a range of questions about such discrimination.
The poll gauges the publics views following two major developments this month that move in opposite directions on LGBTQ protections. First, the Trump administration finalized regulations removing protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity in health care, arguing that the definition of sex does not extend to either. Then last week the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that gender identity and sexual orientation are protected under the definition of sex discrimination in the workplace.
The poll finds:
9 in 10 in ten adults agree with last weeks Supreme Court ruling, say it should be illegal for employers to fire or refuse to hire people because they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual or transgender .
About 9 in 10 say it should be illegal for doctors or other health care providers to refuse to treat people because they are lesbian, gay, or bisexual or transgender .
85% say it should be illegal for health insurance companies to refuse to pay for health care services for people who are transgender.
Other findings include:
Gay Republicans Explain Why They Are Proudly Supporting Donald Trump
The Gay Minority – How Many Americans Are Gay?
Trump was the GOP nominee to positively refer to the gay community at the RNC.
Gay Republicans Say Why They’re Supporting Donald Trump
— Charles Moran, a gay Trump delegate from California, was standing just feet from the stage at the Republican National Convention when he heard billionaire PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel give his now-famous speech.
Every American has a unique identity. I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican, Thiel told a cheering crowd at the RNC in Cleveland this past July.
Thiel made history that night as the first openly gay RNC speaker, and this week he doubled down on his Donald Trump endorsement, donating $1.25 million to his campaign.
Thiel sits on the board of , and so when many in the online community lashed out at him for supporting Trump, Facebook founder stepped in to defend him, writing in a post, There are many reasons a person might support Trump that do not involve racism, sexism, xenophobia or accepting sexual assault.
Moran said listening to Thiels speech was an incredible moment.
This is my Republican Party, Moran said. This is what I’m here for. This is the candidate I’m here to nominate. The guy who brings somebody like Peter Thiel to the deck and puts him up on stage — that’s my Republican Party.
As Trumps chances of winning the election appear to continue to drop in the waning days of his campaign, many gay conservatives, an unexpected segment of the Republican Party, are still backing him.
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Nbc Outtrump Applauds Poll Showing 45 Percent Support Among Gay Men
Kazmierczak called Trump a staunch supporter of gay people and their rights, but he said he makes a distinction when it comes to religious groups.
“He doesn’t want gay rights forced on religious institutions,” Kazmierczak said. “It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t support gay people. It means that to him, religious freedom is more important than social issues.”
Trump made a halfhearted effort to court the LGBTQ community in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. He called the massacre of 49 mostly LGBTQ people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, that year an “assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.”
At the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Trump swore “to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”
And two days before Election Day, he grabbed an upside-down Pride flag inscribed with “LGBT for Trump” at a rally in Colorado and waved it around.
Once in office, however, Trump has consistently opposed LGBTQ rights from rolling back Obama-era nondiscrimination protections to banning openly transgender service members in the military. The national LGBTQ rights group GLAAD has accused the Trump administration of 181 separate attacks on the community since his inauguration.
President made history for #LGBT Americans and nobody knows that better than . #GetOUTspoken
Women Young Adults Have Highest Estimations Of Us Gay Population
U.S. women estimate that about three in 10 Americans are gay or lesbian — the highest of any key subgroup, and much higher than men’s perceptions .
Meanwhile, average estimates of the U.S. gay population vary by age. Adults aged 18 to 29 offer the highest estimate , and adults aged 65 and older, the lowest .
Among political partisans, Democrats and independents estimate that about a quarter of Americans are gay or lesbian, while the average approximation among Republicans is a bit lower .
Even the groups offering the lowest average estimates of gays and lesbians in the U.S. exceed Gallup’s figure on all LGBT identification by about four times.
Mean estimate
Gallup, May 15-30, 2019
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Back Into The Wider World
After Bakers speech, the groups first female chairman, Sarah Longwell, announced the afterparty was at Nellies, a popular gay/sports bar with a weekend drag-queen brunch. You boys enjoy yourselves, she said, Ive got kids at home. Someone appeared in a skin-tight Make America Great Again dress and posed for photos in front of the Log Cabin logo with the dress designer; they were the most exotically outfitted attendees:
Online, Democratic critics unsheathed their knives. Your org has accomplished nothing in 40 fucking years as the GOP has gone from bad to worse to Trump on your watch, the activist and advice columnist;Dan Savage wrote;in response to a cheery tweet from Angelo celebrating the night. Go fuck yourselves Log Cabin Republicans, Savage wrote.
At the Mayflower, after a few minutes of post-speech;networking chatter, much of the room cleared out.
Outside the grand ballroom two women in pantsuits walked down the wide marble hallway from the party. They casually held hands for a moment, then unclasped as they approached the crowded lobby.
Next to the front door stood a group of men in well-cut suits in shades of charcoal. It was impossible to tell if they were they from the Log Cabin event or part of the Mayflowers regular carousel of business guests.
And that, the Log Cabin Republicans would tell you, is exactly the point.
Working For Lgbt Americans
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In 2019, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced that pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences;Inc., would donate pre-exposure prophylaxis medication for uninsured, high-risk HIV individuals.
As part of the president’s Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America initiative, this medication, which could run up to as much as $20,000 per patient, per year, would be distributed to up to 200,000 individuals each year through at least Dec.;31, 2025.;
The Trump plan is focused on communities most in need and has received;support from those who have been involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
In similar fashion, Trump announced during Pride Month in 2019 that his administration was launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality. His leadership on this issue couldnt be more necessary;;even in 2020, 72 countries;still identify same-sexual orientation as criminal, including eight;where it is punishable;by death.;
This campaign was spearheaded by former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, an openly gay member of the administration who subsequently served as acting director of U.S. national intelligence, becoming the first openly gay Cabinet member in our history. In coordination with the United Nations, the European Union and other human rights organizations,;the campaigns goal is to pressure nations into ending homophobic laws, securing the safety and freedom of all LGBT individuals throughout the world.
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Lgbt Demographics Of The United States
This article is missing information about LGBT demographics in the U.S. territories. Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
The demographics of sexual orientation and gender identity in the United States have been studied in the social sciences in recent decades. A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men. A different survey in 2016, from the Williams Institute, estimated that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender.
Studies from several nations, including the U.S., conducted at varying time periods, have produced a statistical range of 1.2 to 6.8 percent of the adult population identifying as LGBT. Online surveys tend to yield higher figures than other methods, a likely result of the higher degree of anonymity of Internet surveys, and demographic of those utilizing online platforms which elicit reduced levels of socially desirable responding. The U.S. Census Bureau does not ask about sexual orientation in the United States Census.
Burning During The War Of 1812
On August 2425, 1814, in a raid known as the , British forces invaded the capital during the . The , , and were burned and gutted during the attack. Most government buildings were repaired quickly; however, the Capitol was largely under construction at the time and was not completed in its current form until 1868.
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Trans Rights: A Perplexing Issue
Like many other gay conservatives, however, he seems to disconnect gay rights and transgender rights. Kabel recalled a recent article with a quotation from the conservative activist Tony Perkins that contrasted the Democratic and Republican platforms in 2016.
“The only issue Perkins raised was the transgender bathroom issue,” Kabel said. “And I thought, ‘That means we won.'”
Kabel called transgender equality “one of the most perplexing issues going.”
“Transgender people deserve support and protection just like anybody else, but it’s a very complex issue,” he said. “It’s remarkable when you hear their stories, but it’s just a very perplexing issue about how to really address it and do it so that they’re protected but other people aren’t hurt, so that people’s religious views are actually taken into consideration.”
Transgender visibility is all but absent in the Log Cabin Republicans, from their leadership to their messaging.
An OUTSpoken Instagram post compares the LGBT left to the LGBT right by putting an image of a person who appears to be transgender or gender-nonconforming next to a shirtless picture of former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, while the campaigns store sells T-shirts bearing slogans like “gay for Tucker” “gay for Melania” and “gay not stupid.
OUTspoken sent Brokeback Patriot, who has stated trans women are not women, to New Orleans Southern Decadence party to ask passersby if they think Trump is pro-gay.
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spoilsoflore · 6 years
Life Update: Politics & Gaming
I apologize for all the word vomit to follow; but, I have a lot to say, and I feel it needs to be said. For your convenience, the following information is split into two parts: politics and "Spoils of Lore" info. If you're not interested in the former--which I don't remotely blame you if you aren't--feel free to scroll down to the bottom section. Also, as always, please feel free to leave any responses. Although I may not respond and/or agree, I wholly endorse the presence of multiple perspectives in pursuit of functional compromise. Please forgive any ignorance and consider the greater relevance if any of this is pertinent to you. Thank you.
1) Gun control is a necessity. "Control" does not mean the wholesale abolition of guns; it just means the regulation thereof. If you're a law-abiding citizen who has filed paperwork for taxes, vehicle and/or driver registration, healthcare, unemployment, or welfare, you're already familiar with a process similar to the one that would likely accompany owning and registering a weapon with the federal government. While I can't provide a 100% guarantee that this is exactly what would happen, the search and seizure of property in people's homes would violate other rights, thus making a paperwork pipeline a more feasible tact than an already overwhelmed police force coming into your home to confiscate a weapon.
1b) HOWEVER, I firmly believe assault weapons should be banned to the general public. I wholly support our right to bear arms as it was drafted and initially amended in eras that could not conceive of easily portable automatic weaponry within the military, much less outside of it. I've always understood that the purpose of this right was to grant our public the capability to defend itself against an encroaching military power in the direst of times; it was a contigency for if, or when, our military failed. Thus, the expectation was that the weapons available in the home would not be military grade, but intended for hunting and defense of personal property and repurposed only as a last resort.
Assault weapons were created to harm, if not kill, dozens at a time; if your personal property is being besieged by dozens, then odds are not in your favor already. If you cannot stop intruders with six to eight shots, again, the odds are likely not in your favor from the outset. So, at this point, I cannot understand the presence of assault weaponry in a public market. Again, it's unlikely that the government would waste already strained police or martial resources to remove weapons from your home; but, it would be nice to see an incentive program, similar to green initiative measures, for those who voluntarily "donate" their automatic weapons to local armories.
2) For all the rights we fear are being violated, the one that's bothered me most in the past year is our government's failure to abide by "BY the people." While the phrase comes from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, it reflects a fundamental component of the founding of our country: the need for accurate and functional representation in our government. The majority of public response to Parkland was not to arm teachers. Giving more guns to more untrained citizens (particularly those already considered overtaxed in their field) is not an idea that immediately appeals to common sense or Occam's Razor, especially to a voting population familiar with Sandy Hook, Columbine, or the origins of the phrase "going postal." In this instance, government legislation is clearly failing to represent a very vocal majority.
A similar failure applies to recent environmental issues, too, with the government ignoring our extremely prolific academic and scientific communities. These communities not only establish vital conclusions for our nation, but are integral contributors to and frequently supported by the global community as it tackles environmental concerns. Our government is failing to listen to the majority of our country's scientific revolutionaries and innovators, our Einsteins, Curies, and Edisons.
3) We should not have to threaten our government, passively or otherwise, for it to listen to us and function. The size and frequency of recent marches recalls scenes from Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement. Change is difficult; but, I would hope that we, as a society, are past the need for the backlash of dogs and firehoses, for our children to die in droves for the government's vanity, in order to instigate change. We have not yet been robbed of the right to peacefully congregate, and we will continue doing so until change happens.
4) Before questioning the influence of any media on violence, can we talk about gun ranges and a culture that, despite claiming to be peaceful and friendly, promotes weapons training as a pastime? I don't believe in eliminating gun ranges because, if you own a gun, I certainly want you to have practice and confidence in wielding it; however, I do support and applaud ranges that have stricter age policies and refuse to carry assault weapons. Such businesses acknowledge they're part of the problem and endeavor to be part of a long-term solution.
5) Immigrants and foreign tourists contribute to the base economy more than they detract from it. America's history of innovation is rooted in immigrant cultures. America's diversity, diplomacy, charisma, and appeal is persistently demonstrated by its welcoming and ethnically proud native cultures. Our continental neighbors are both inspirations and reflections of cultures and global issues from which we're often isolated. All of these form a context in which domestic businesses have the potential to grow, particularly if they're open to cooperating with the diversity of communities. However, the current government is inclined to provide more benefits to larger corporations that often outsource jobs to their convenience, not that of their local community or customers. In addition, the curtailing of immigrant prospects and foreign investors devastates small business access to skilled labor and broader capital.
For those concerned about immigrants taking their jobs, I suggest talking to CEOs who persist in outsourcing their customer service and production--Immigrants aren't taking your jobs; corporations are giving them away to other countries. That said, I support full business deployment (storefront + infrastructure) in  floundering economies with pay concurrent to labor rather than the exploitation of a weak market. A skilled and wealthy middle class do a lot for an economy, including perpetuating it beyond political discord and catastrophic financial disaster in the highest tiers .
Spoils of Lore
1) I want to write, but I have no time even when I have time. The short of it: When people haven't been making demands on my time, whether it's my job or social obligations, I've been in mourning (I've lost two friends/mentors and a family member in the last four months). I spend most of my personal time trying to catch up on sleep or trying to figure out my career situation because I'd like to attain both by the end of the year.
2) When I do get to SoL, the majority of posts will be regarding 2016-2017 games because of my backlog. Currently Far Cry 5 is out, and I hope to take a look at that eventually; but, anything 2018 will probably not pop up on the roster until summer.
3) I know the Tumblr blog template needs updating. It's an ugly, hot mess, and I apologize!
4) Finally and most importantly, thank you to everyone who follows and supports SoL. You're a quirky, wicked smart bunch who inspire me to keep writing in the hopes of one day getting on your level, bro~ Thank you!
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Digital Marketing Trends 2019 - Prime kreation
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Digital marketing is undoubtedly the major growth sector in an industry struggling with recession and regular updates from digital platforms. Traditional marketing techniques like print advertisements and direct mail have all suffered, but there are digital alternatives which are more prevalent, such as digital billboards and transport advertisements, and advertisements in digital print media and mobile applications for traditional publications.
Prime Kreation is coined from “Sales & Marketing with Information Technology‟ which aptly defines Digital Marketing era. Prime Kreation set up in 2013 with an ideology to make digital marketing more popular in Himachal Pradesh. We have a team of professional employees from Marketing & I.T. background with a cumulative experience of over 15+ years. Prime Kreation currently has an office in Solan and employs 15+ full-time resources, besides 10+ virtual resources.
We had done a literature review covering various research reports and research papers that was carried out between duration of 2001 to 2017. Till date whatever research was done in digital marketing is limited to only a few particular areas, such as digital marketing awareness, Web Development and acceptance in the market.
But no study has been conducted on digital marketing preference, attitude, and perception. So, in order to full fill this gap we had undertaken research on awareness, perception and comparative position of digital marking with traditional marketing. Himachal is more dependent on Agriculture & tourism sector. We have surveyed 100+ industrialists, Agriculturists, and other Showroom of the area of Himachal.
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Among them, most of the industrialist are doing Email Marketing and Google Adwords but no one working on organic Digital Marketing and even they have a negative perception for SEO as they need instant results and Agriculturist didn’t have an idea about this Digital Marketing. Primary objectives behind the studies are to know perception level, the awareness level of digital marketing and maximum digital activities are done by the industrialist.
Main objectives behind doing digital marketing are for creating social/business network drive sales, to increase visibility & brand awareness, and engaging customer. Drive sales are the only objective for doing business activities. Industrialists are more conscious about their market reputation, so they are creating their social/ business network using digital marketing.
Mean score analysis reveals that the maximum of the respondents agreed on the matter that the reach of digital marketing at a large scale. Most of the industrialists are keener on Social Media activities of Facebook.
Through the study, we came to know that Digital marketing is an emerging area especially in these days of instant results. According to the result revealed from the study, we can say that most of the respondents are accepting the new way of doing the marketing as compared to the traditional marketing. From all of the respondents, most of the tourism sector people are aware of the digital marketing services and most popular services they use are Google Adwords and Facebook Marketing to generate instant leads.
Most of the respondents said that digital marketing is costly but more flexible. Industrialist spent only 10 percentages for their digital marketing services management from overall yearly expense at the end of the research we found that still, approximately 30 percentage industrialists will like to switch over from traditional marketing to digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Trends for 2019. Few months left for the Year 2018. We must use this time to examine and rethink marketing strategy for the next year 2019. Let’s start analyzing what will be in a box of Digital marketing for the Year 2019.
1) Content Improvements: Main Pillar of digital marketing is Content and now it’s about content clusters. Content clusters will be most important in 2019. That is a group of stories/details/ information related to products/services or topics you are writing about. Content in clusters for same topic signal to search engines that you are an expert within the category, as such you are more likely to have the top spot.
2) Snack Ads: ‘Snack ads ‘are short videos of 10 seconds long. As we know that nowadays there is a lot of video content on the internet. So it’s better to work on short videos with the message/advertisement.
The audience loses interest in a Long video of 60 seconds or more. Expect to see shorter ads being used more by brands in the near future, to try keeping their audience engaged. Snack ads are recently seen most on apps like Hot star with small ads
3) Chatboxes: Chatbots are on the rise, taking over customer service for many brands. As per predictions 85% of customer interactions are predicted to be dealt with by chatbots by the year 2020. As we can’t expect when the customer will reach you in 24 Hours so there must be someone to respond to customers, so is the requirement of Chatbots for a 24/7 response between your audience and the firm.
The customer is satisfied when he is responded as per his satisfaction as he always has many questions before buying/availing your services. We know Facebook messenger has a Click through Rate (CTR) of more than 80% and you can customize automated responses in it. This has huge market potential. Let’s find a chatbot and start using it. NOW!
4) Social Media: Social Media isn’t a new trend but it is extending day by day and the maximum of the population nowadays is linked through the Social media channel. So this is the best and important in digital advertising.
Brands are adopting a more result-oriented approach these days. They are developing long-term relationships with customers as these long-term relationships allow for the two parties to grow together and produce more organic endorsements. It’s easy to reach customers through social media again and again once you have connected.
5) Transparency: For years marketing has had a negative stigma around it, marketers and sales representatives are perceived as self-serving and deceitful due to their unethical sales/advertising techniques.
So now we need to adopt the approach of pure transparency, admitting where there are faults or areas the product/brand doesn’t cover, as well as addressing negative feedback directly. There should be the scope of open two-way communication channels with their consumers to help form better relationships and build trust.
6) Mobile Marketing: As we know more 90% of people worldwide use mobile and users spend an average of 2.9 hours on mobile daily compared to 2.2 hours on the desktop. By 2019 79% of advertising spend will be on mobile advertising and 80% of social media time is spent on mobile.
And 88% of users who search for a local business on the mobile visit it within 24 hours and 89% of mobile usage is spent on apps. Most of the people use mobile and have access to the internet almost anywhere they go.
Thus, the importance of mobile marketing is evident and brands are putting more emphasis on their mobile marketing campaigns and that’s why you should be adopting a mobile marketing strategy for your brand too.
Now, let’s have a look at what are the digital marketing trends for 2020? One of the most asked questions in the Digital Marketing industry is about Trends that – “What are the latest Trends?” And companies always try to be on top by adopting the newest and latest innovations in the digital marketing industry and these innovations/changes in marketing strategies make a direct impact on marketing campaigns. We are just coming to the end of the year 2018, but there are trends that are catching everyone’s attention and slated to grow over the next several years.
1. Customer-Centric Marketing– Personalizing marketing is not new to brands, but as we know data plays the main role nowadays, customizing your message has become even more targeted. “Marketers have always wanted to know what their customers are thinking and accordingly they make strategies,” “But, now the industry has the ability to embrace a customer-centric mindset because we have the data to analyze and to support it. Previously, it was a guessing game, but with this information, we can truly deliver what the buyer wants.”
2. Google AdWords- Google AdWords the most trusted player for years for paid marketing and generating business but, just like everything else, it continues to evolve. Gone are the days when simple PPC campaigns are made to bring traffic and generically produced keywords. Google’s latest technology and updates revolve around customer-centric marketing.
3. Voice Search Marketing- Recently it is predicted that by 2019, 67 million voice devices will be homes and offices across the United States alone. While many consumers are using this technology to search on Google, sending voice messages on Whatsapp, making shopping lists and listen to the latest music, a major shift is quickly happening towards the way advertising is conducted.
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As assumed Brands have already started understanding that these devices present a unique opportunity to make ordering easier, and by formulating campaigns using past purchase information, shoppers can buy a product simply by using their voice.
Question is does this technology will come to India by next year or will it be popular in the United States only? Yes, India will also on the top of the voice marketing strategy and we need to look at how this technology can be implemented at the earliest. We can guess that it may take a little bit of time before buyers are comfortable ordering a product verbally by size and name, instead of visually from a logo and packaging.
Thus, the future of marketing is looking to become a more responsive, authentic, and analytical as we embrace new media, platforms, and opportunities. But, the primary goal is to choose the best option for our clients as we guide them through the changes in the years to come.
Article Resource - http://primekreation.com/blog/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-trends-2019/
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
New story in Politics from Time: Trump’s Intervention in Portland Shows that the Republican Party Has Lost Its Way on State’s Rights
There was a time, not long ago, when I was a lawyer for the Tea Party. I was part of a legal team representing 42 Tea Party organizations stretching from coast-to-coast. I was proud of the cause and my clients.
The cause was just. We filed suit challenging the Obama-era IRS’s systematic targeting of Tea Party organizations for extraordinary scrutiny, designed in part to improperly identify their sources of funding and monitor their political activities. Many of my clients were fascinating. They carried pocket Constitutions, the were freshly conversant in books like Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom (which decries central planning), and they were united in the conviction that the federal government was too big, power was too concentrated in Washington, and that a free people should govern themselves – with authority pushed down to the lowest level, to states, cities, and towns.
I agreed. I still agree. The United States is a vast, pluralist republic. It’s extraordinarily diverse by every meaningful measure – including by race, religion, ideology, ethnicity, and geography. That means that different communities will have different values. They’ll have different economies. They’ll have different approaches to governance. One size does not fit all.
At the time, I thought I was a part of a movement that was pushing the United States closer to a solution for our increasing polarization. By increasing local autonomy, I thought, ultimately we could de-escalate the stakes of national elections and increase each individual’s degree of political control over the policies (and leaders) who most impact their lives.
But that movement is vanishing. The dream itself is barely alive. And it’s dying at the hands of the very people who once proclaimed it so boldly. We see its death throes right in front of our eyes – when federal officers serving a Republican administration intervene in cities like Portland over the objections of governors and mayors, when a Republican governor bans cities and towns from taking even the simplest, common sense step – mandating masking – to preserve public health, and when a Republican president declares that “when somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that’s the way it’s got to be.”
But of course the movement was vanishing well before the present crises. The fiscal restraint of the Tea Party vanished in in 2018 and 2019 in the face of the largest deficits ever in times of peace and prosperity. A Republican senator introduced a bill that would put a federal commission in control of political speech on large social media platforms. The most popular right-wing personality on cable television, Tucker Carlson, endorsed parts of Elizabeth Warren’s economic plan. Commitments to federalism and local control melted away in the face of state and local immigration “sanctuary” policies.
The example of immigration is worth dwelling on. Few Americans remember, but there was a time when conservatives heralded a federalist approach to state immigration policy. In President Obama’s first term, Arizona passed a law – S.B. 1070 – that, among other things, made it a state misdemeanor to violate certain aspects of federal immigration law and permitted state officials to arrest individuals suspected of committing federal immigration violations.
The Obama administration sued, claiming that Arizona’s individual attempts to enhance immigration enforcement were pre-empted by the federal government’s comprehensive immigration authority. In response, Arizona and the conservative movement mounted a comprehensive defense of federalism.
Federal immigration law was untouched, they argued. Arizona was merely enhancing its ability to protect itself against an influx of illegal immigrants. The state’s unique circumstances merited a tougher approach.
Arizona lost the case. The Supreme Court – over Justice Antonin Scalia’s spirited dissent – held that federal authority over immigration was supreme. There was little room for federalism in immigration enforcement, even when different states face dramatically different challenges.
Fast-forward to the next Republican administration. The Trump Department of Justice immediately went on the offensive against California’s own federalist attempt to enact so-called “sanctuary state” laws. California took the opposite approach to Arizona. It wanted to be more welcoming to illegal immigrants, so it passed laws limiting the degree to which state officials could cooperate with federal immigration enforcement authorities.
Moreover, if you think that the Trump administration’s legal offensive against California was somehow required by the Obama-era precedents – that it was merely doing what it had to do – think again. The Trump administration lost. The Ninth Circuit ruled against it, and last month the conservative-dominated Supreme Court denied review.
So what’s going on? Was the Tea Party nothing but a ruse from the beginning. Did the Tea Party ever really believe the political values and principles it so loudly proclaimed?
I reject the idea that the Tea Party’s commitment to limited government, local control, and fiscal restraint was a lie or a con or a ruse. I know too many of the people and spent too much time with them to believe that their arguments were anything but sincere at the time. It’s more accurate to say that their beliefs were untested. During the Obama administration, they were easy to hold, and they in many ways meshed perfectly with partisan Republican interests.
When a Democrat held the levers of national power, and many of the smartest people in American politics were heralding a so-called “coalition of the ascendant” – the coalition of young voters, minorities, and women that elected Obama twice – then federalism in many ways represents the last line of defense for conservative governance. “Hands off our states” is a defensive tactic.
You see the same defensive tactic from progressive states today. California is a prime example. It’s not only forged its own path with sanctuary state laws, its attorney general has sued the Trump administration at least 50 times, and it consistently passes environmental laws in defiance of federal standards.
Yet there are not many progressives who are advancing federalism as a national political principle. The Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders unity task force recommendations do not reflect federalist priorities. They consistently call for a more energetic and larger federal government. Instead, the better description is that progressives are using federalism as a defensive tactic to stymy an administration they oppose.
The Tea Party (and much of the Republican Party), by contrast, proclaimed federalism, fiscal restraint, and limited government as principles, but when push came to shove – and dedication to those principles would have imposed a partisan cost – they were revealed as tactics.
Fiscal restraint requires sacrifice – especially in entitlement spending – and hard choices with the defense budget. Defending federalism actually requires permitting progressive enclaves to govern themselves, and that’s often intolerable to a highly-polarized public that sees any progressive (or conservative) victory anywhere as a threat to their own partisan project.
The best test of whether a person wields any constitutional doctrine as a weapon versus advances it as a principle is relatively easy to apply – will you defend the doctrine when even your political opponents attempt to use it? Or is it functionally “for me, but not for thee.”
Lost in this endless partisan back-and-forth, however, is the underlying merit of the original Tea Party argument. Is the federal government growing too large and too centralized to effectively govern a population that is increasingly diverse and increasingly divided? Shouldn’t we de-escalate national politics (where every presidential election is “the most important election of our lifetimes”) by pushing as many key decisions as we can to local decision-makers, those people who are directly accountable to their communities?
In other words, if the mayor of Atlanta wants to respond to a pandemic with a masking order, shouldn’t that rest within her authority? And if her voters don’t like it, shouldn’t they hold her accountable?
Not only does this argument have merit, I think embracing it is essential to navigating America through and past its present polarization. Increased federal power and increased federal centralization are in many ways incompatible with increased American diversity and increased American polarization. Or, to put it bluntly, so long as each state and municipality protects the core constitutional rights of their citizens, let California be California, and let Tennessee be Tennessee.
In fact, the ability of different communities of people to build their own distinct homes was a core aspiration of the Founders. You see it Federalist No. 10, James Madison’s ode to pluralism. And you see it consistently in the words of George Washington. Almost fifty times in his writings, he quoted the Hebrew prophet Micah, “Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid.”
There used to a movement that – for all of its flaws and foibles – would have heard those words and cheered in enthusiastic agreement. It no longer exists. It’s lost. It has succumbed to the lure of power and has wholeheartedly embraced Donald Trump. Who is left to pick up the torch?
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3fWT5TU via IFTTT
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jennielim · 4 years
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topicprinter · 4 years
Hi everyone,My name is Noah and I work out of the San Francisco District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Our office has been working closely with business owners and doing our best to manage calls right now. The local offices are very small outreach teams and I spend most of my days right now talking directly with our local business owners about how the shelter-in-place orders are impacting folks.Everything from cake shops and hairdressers to tech start-ups and manufacturers come through my (now virtual) door. That's actually normal, even during non-disaster situations! Regardless of industry and stage the uncertainty that folks share with me is universal. We're doing what we can to alleviate some of that, where we can but also be transparent and honest about our own limitations.When working with business owners I work really hard to make it clear what's known and what's not known, as well as not provide answers that I can't answer. Sometimes I make mistakes.Each morning our team gets incorporates new updates into our discussions as these programs are changing daily right now.Here's what I can't do (unfortunately)Give you (specifically) a status update on either your EIDL or PPP applicationGive you (specifically) a timelineExplain why congress did X or tell you what congress will doSpeak for another office (Especially office of disaster assistance processes and procedures, or for the agency as a whole outside of existing guidance.)Tell you what lender to use or endorse any particular lender over another. I also can't solve or answer most questions about why a particular lender is doing x,y,z.Share anything that hasn't been cleared for release.Pretty much all of these questions I'm going to refer to my government-assigned work-from-home Bureaucat Nina Zoobie Halloumi.The moderators sent me a list of questions consolidated by the community. I'm joined today with a field representative for the Office of Disaster Assistance West Bill Koontz and another district representative in DC David Hincapie. All three of us are field staff, so that means that we work with the public regularly, but also that we're not policy makers.We're going to start this off by doing our best to answer the questions consolidated yesterday:Program Organization* Which programs does SBA oversee and where can we get information about ALL of them, including the less known ones?We release a national resource guide that provides an overview of all of our programs. That resource guide doesn't include the PPP or the EIDL advance, since these were just added a few weeks ago. There are ~20-30 programs for business owners through the SBA. They fit into 4 different areas:DisasterContractingCounselingFinancingDisaster Physical damage Loans8(a) certification program - qualifying businesses to sole source contracts and moreSmall Business Development Centers7(a) (with about 30 different flavors) - working capital loansEconomic InjuryWomen Owned Small Business CertificationWomen's Business Centers504 - commercial real estate loansPPP loan (new)Veteran Owned Small Business CertificationVeteran's Business Development CentersMicroloansEconomic Injury Advance (new)Surety BondsSCORE mentoringSBIR seed grants for new productsHubZonesProcurement Assistance CentersSBIC - equity/venture fundingExport assistance Centers* What is the specific role of the SBA vs. the banks?This is a complicated question. The short answer is that it depends on the program. For our larger lending programs, SBA operates essentially as an insurer for loans that are made in accordance with our policies (If a lender agrees to follow our guidelines for a business loan, we will "guarantee" it - meaning that we will pay for a portion of the losses should that loan go bad.) Borrowers pay a packaging fee for our normal guaranteed loans and these fees offset any of the losses in normal times, not taxpayer dollars.* Why do the guidelines the SBA is implementing seem to be different from what was described in the law authorizing the programs?At a high and very general level I can say that laws and procedures/rules are two different things. The latter will always be more specific and can't conflict with laws. For instance, the Small Business Act is a 300 page law. It rarely gets updated and needs an act of congress to do so. Our standard operating procedures, or rules for implementing for just one element of that act is a 500 page document that goes through a public rulemaking process where comments and feedback must be taken and responded to. It gets updated more often than the law.The Bureaucat will answer most of the why questions, except where that reasoning was included in the interim rulemaking.* Why did the SBA implement a $1k/employee cap in addition to the $10k cap? On what programs does the number of FTEs limit amounts?[Bill]To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance. The only other area where the number of FTEs may impact a business owners are where SBA size standards might make an applicant ineligible for our programs.PPP/EIDL SpecificsLoan Organization* How do EIDL/PPP loans work together or conflict?EIDL and PPP loans can't be used for the same expenses.EIDL advances (which are forgivable) will reduce the amount of forgiveness received under the PPP. This is to avoid duplication of benefits.Technically an EIDL can be rolled into a PPP. Further guidance may be coming out clarifying the process and conditions under which this can occur.EIDL loans are broader in what they can be used for. PPP loans are narrower. For that reason we generally suggest that payroll costs be paid with the PPP and other business needs (rent, utilities, inventory, etc) be covered with EIDL loan funds.* What is the process flow for the loan/grant programs(apply, approved by SBA, apply at a bank...) or where can we see these flows?The simple EIDL process flow is:Apply online at sba.gov --> wait --> Get your advance processed -->wait --> get your loan reviewed and decided upon[Bill]The status of a specific application will be available to the applicant when processing of their EIDL is near completion. SBA will provide an email notification inviting the applicant to set up an account electronically. This account will enable applicants to check the status of their application, loan decision, loan amount, sign loan closing documents, schedule disbursement, etc. Again, we appreciate everyone’s patience while their applications are being processed.We're not going to delve into the details on this because these processes are getting updated and changed constantly to work better. They also haven't been shared even with the field offices in many cases. Any information shared, even from the processing centers, would be out of date quickly or only represent a narrow perspective.The PPP has a different process at every bank. It's different at every institution. From an SBA perspective it's a black box on both ends, except where we've made requirements in the application process (such as the information that an application has to collect. That's by design because SBA is not the one originating these loans.[complete the bank process, whatever they've decided to make that look like] --> Lender transmits approval to SBA and gets a loan number -->[finish the bank process, whatever they've decided to make that look like]* Does the SBA communicate directly with the businesses seeking these loans? How can we recognize legitimate attempts to communicate with us?SBA won't contact a PPP borrower directly. If someone contacts you about a PPP loan and says they're from the SBA please report this to our Office of Inspector General. They released a special FAQ on Scams and Frauds earlier this month. If you haven't applied for an EIDL and you get contacted by someone from the SBA telling you about it you should suspect a scam or fraud as well. Once you've applied for EIDL, you may be contacted by an office of disaster assistance loan officer.Loans and forgiveness* Which loans get forgiveness, which loans are automatic, which require proof, how can we find the restrictions? What actual guarantees are there that loans will be forgiven if the rules are followed? Will the rules still be subject to change after the loans are made?'Only PPP loans and EIDL advances get forgiveness. EIDL advance forgiveness is automatic. PPP forgiveness must be applied to and the details on that process have yet to be released. Questions about the future I'm delegating to the bureaucat* Are there restrictions on how payrolls are paid for programs that require documentation of payment of payroll for forgiveness? (i.e. changing employee, emphasizing different operations, firing/hiring but attaining a particular payroll overallThis question would only apply to the PPP. The answer is yes, maybe and that the detailed rules on the forgiveness portion of the PPP has yet to be released. bureaucat* How does forgiveness work if business conditions change like the company is forced into bankruptcy, employees refuse to return to work or the government orders the business to be shut down for more than 8 weeks?If you take the funds out and declare bankruptcy and don't get the forgiveness the PPP will act like any other federally funded loan.If employees don't return to work you may hire others to replace them or receive forgiveness proportionally to what you are able to spend on payroll costs (the details on how this is calculated have not yet been released). You can also return the funds that you weren't able to use. There are no pre-payment penalties for the PPP.PPP funds are expected to be paid towards payroll costs even if the business is shut down. There is no requirement that the business be in operation. Some business owners have taken the opportunity to find other work that can be done remotely for their employees, some are simply paying even though noone is working, some are having employees self-study/develop new skills. There are a lot of options here.* Why are loans set up so PPP forgiveness only applies if EIDL is not used for payroll even after PPP is exhausted paying for payroll?They aren't? You can use EIDL for payroll costs, but you should document very clearly which funds (PPP or EIDL) are going towards which pay periods. Many business owners are just keeping the two totally separate to make for cleaner and easier bookkeeping.* Why can the self-employed apply for 2.5 months of income but only 8 weeks is forgivable?This was a decision by the administrator in consultation with the Treasury. Page 12 of the Interim Final Rule lays out the reasoning:"This is most consistent with the structure of the Act and its overarching focus on keeping workers paid, and will prevent windfalls that Congress did not intend."" This is because many self-employed individuals have few of the overhead expenses that qualify for forgiveness under the Act. For example, many such individuals operate out of either their homes, vehicles, or sheds and thus do not incur qualifying mortgage interest, rent, or utility payments. As a result, most of their receipts will constitute net income. Allowing such a self employed individual to treat the full amount of a PPP loan as net income would result in a windfall."Obtaining approvals* Why are different banks requiring different documentation between what financial companies require for documentation?The short answer is because they have the discretion to do so. Every lender needs to exercise due diligence and make an effort to verify payroll costs. Among 5,000+ lenders you're going to see the full spectrum of approaches here.* How much does creditworthiness or credit score matter for these loans?PPP: Depends on the lender. EIDL: It is a factor.* What happens if multiple applications (in good faith) are submitted to multiple lenders?SBA's loan system will only allow for a single application to be submitted on behalf of a borrower. The first borrower to submit will lock-out all other submitters. I've dealt with a number of business owners who pursued this strategy. There are upsides and downsides.* Is all hope lost if an application for EIDL rejected for errors? Do they just get stuck?[ODA response needed]Loan status* Where can businesses go to find their status with the SBA (i.e. confirmation numbers, status, etc)?For the PPP, they need to go to their lender. We can only see if an approval exists. For the EIDL they need to go to the 1-800 number. ((800) 659-2955)* Do you have any information about the order of EIDL grant processing?[Bill]We are processing disaster loan applications and Advances on a first-come, first serve basis as fast as we can.* If someone has an approval number but their bank does not act what options do they have besides waiting?Banks were instructed that the expectation for PPP is that they disburse funds within 10 calendar days from approval. SBA has the authority to cancel an approval if that hasn't happened. That's a punishment to the lender though. We can't force a lender to disburse their own funds to an applicant.* Can SBA loan confirmation numbers be transferred away from lenders who are failing to fund in a timely way?No.* Do the confirmation numbers have a structure (region, number in line, etc)?I'd advise against numerology. I'm not aware of a specific structure with much meaningful information and Application numbers are assigned as applications are received.SBA Structure* What are tiers 1, 2, and 3 on the SBA helpline and what questions can they each answer?[Bill] Our customer call center has not provided ODA field office staff members any information about Tiers 1, 2 or 3. As with any operation, there are supervisors in the call center with oversight responsibility and more authority than others.* Within the SBA, what is the role of the ODA (Office of Disaster Assistance)? What sub-organizations should we be aware of relating to this pandemic?[Bill] The Office of Disaster Assistance's mission is to provide low interest disaster loans to businesses of all sizes, private non-profit organizations, homeowners, and renters to repair or replace real estate, personal property, machinery & equipment, inventory and business assets that have been damaged or destroyed in a declared disaster. ODA has their own field offices, but not sub-organizations.* Does the SBA outsource operations? Which ones and to whom?[Bill]Normally, no. For the COVID19 response, SBA’s ODA established a public/private relationship with an unnamed outside vendor to process COVID19 loans.Communication* How can we best recognize solicitation attempts by financial firms without proper affiliation to the SBA or access to the programs?There are a few resources: 1. Check the Find a Lender tool if they have a physical location near you 2. Ask your local SBA district office 3. See if their name showed up on this list of institutions that made loans in Phase 1.This can be legitimately difficult overall though because there are sometimes intermediaries that authorized lenders will allow to package loan applications for them. If a website has a "banking partners" section on their website they're usually an intermediary or a packager. You can do detective work using tools put out by the Treasury. A regulated bank will always have that information in the footer of their website with a number that you can independently verify at their regulator's website. For intermediaries, you just have to go off of reviews online.* Customer service reps have been giving out unhelpful or confusing information. What processes are being put in place to make sure they can give us the accurate information we need?[Bill]Our field office staff are sharing any reports we receive of unhelpful or confusing comments made by employees in SBA’s call centers. SBA will release any customer service representative who is unable to properly perform their job.* Outside of SBA.gov, what are the routes the SBA uses to talk to us? Where can we see a daily or weekly briefing?Folks can sign up for national updates here, or also sign up directly for smaller, more specific email distribution lists here. You can also view our events page, where local offices and our non-profit partners are holding hundreds of webinars on a variety of topics every month.* How can we see the total amount of loans made?Check our Freedom of Information page. New reports and data get published there.* What communications should small businesses expect as they go through the process, including about errors, denials, progress or acceptance? (Might be integrated with another question)[Bill] The status of individual applications will be available to the applicant when processing of their EIDL is near completion. SBA will provide an email notification inviting the applicant to set up an account electronically. This account will enable applicants to check the status of their application, loan decision, loan amount, sign loan closing documents, schedule disbursement, etc. Again, we appreciate everyone’s patience while their applications are being processed. Regarding files that are suspended or delayed due to errors or denials, our field office staff have not yet been informed how files in this category are being handled or when to expect resolutions.Public Relations* What does the SBA think of the job they have been doing so far?bureaucatThat's a response I'll leave to our national press release. SBA isn't one thing.* Which businesses or industries does the SBA think need help most? Does size (smaller than "small") matter?SBA exists to help all small businesses. Some industries are much more represented than others (there are just more food service and construction firms than clog manufacturers out there.)The federal definitions of "small" are often contentious, but the SBA definitions are often pointed to as more comprehensive definitions because we make an attempt to create a different definition for every single industry. You can use this tool or look at the table at the bottom of this page. The standards are designed to be broadly inclusive and for most of our programs are not the sole item used to determine eligibility.My experience is that for our regular lending and counselling programs, business owners usually grow out of them before they become ineligible(they hire their own consultants or find they can get better terms than an SBA loan.) I don't work as much on the contracting side of things, but I think the size standards are more frequently needing to be evaluated in those programs.* What are the most common questions you have been answering?Status updates of course make up about 40% of my day. That's a hard question because our local office isn't in a position to help most of the time.Not so much a question, but I spend a lot of time clarifying misinformation. I.E. "the bank says SBA rejected me" or "why does SBA require my bank do X."Also not a question, but I spend a lot of time collecting stories. Even in non-disaster times business owners love to talk about their business because its what they're passionate about and they've almost always invested an incredible amount of blood, sweat, and tears into their businesses. A lot of folks just want to share, and our office listens. Oftentimes I hear their stories and I know a local non-profit or resource that specializes in serving that need. We don't do much for instance with legal advice, lease or rental agreements, but I am getting a lot of questions about how to manage relationships and agreements with commercial landlords right now.Additional questions* Are there limitations on funding foreign owned but otherwise US companies built into the programs?For the PPP technically the program can accept these applications so long as the business is a US operated business. It is overall more difficult to document and submit these in a way that is acceptable to SBA systems though. A lender has to be willing to slow down and work closely with the borrower and SBA to get it submitted. For all of the other SBA programs, a business needs to be majority owned by a US citizen or legal permanent resident to qualify.* Some applications made 3/29 and 3/30 seem to be stuck in credit pull. Is there any plan for these? (Might be integrated with another question)[Bill]We in the field offices have not yet been informed specifically how these files will be handled, or when. Any business that applied for a Coronavirus (COVID-19) SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) prior to the release of SBA’s new streamlined application the week ending March 29, must reapply using SBA’s streamlined online application (in SBA’s new loan processing system) available at www.sba.gov. If a business doesn’t have an application number or received one that begins with a “2”, they must reapply under SBA’s new processing system. SBA is presently contacting everyone who applied through the old system, and asking them to reapply at https://covid19relief.sba.gov/ when applications re-open. If a business owner has an application or conformation number that begins with a “3”, they don’t need to do anything – their application is in process in the new system.
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hudsonespie · 5 years
The Role of Geo-Information in the Future
Tom Cox from The Maritime Executive spoke with Dr. Mathias Jonas, Secretary General of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), at the Seabed 2030 Conference in London last week.
It is exciting to hear about the mapping of the ocean’s floor increasing from six to 15 percent in only a few years, a massive increase. What is the IHO’s role in the process?
The IHO has its roots in 1921 that’s when we founded, but our real roots date back to the first project to map the seas and oceans, and that is still part of the name of Seabed2030. If you read the headline it says: “The Nippon Foundation – GEBCO - Seabed 2030 project,” and GEBCO stands for General Bathymetric Charts of the Ocean, that was the first attempt to map the oceans. 
So, that brings us back in 1905. That was the first time a set of seven paper charts were issued. The data basis for these seven charts covering the globe were 32,000 measurement points. That equals more or less to the same as a single ping of one second in a modern multi-beam. So, you can imagine there has been enormous progress made since then.
Do you think 2030 is a realistic target to map the remaining 85 percent? That’s a huge amount of bathymetric data.
I agree it is ambitious, but there are three reasons which make me optimistic: the compelling need to get the oceans mapped for a multitude of societal, scientific and commercial reasons; rapidly emerging new survey technology in hard- and software and the truly international approach of the project to join all capacities – public, commercial, ocean research and citizen science. The most critical areas to achieve the project goals may be both polar water regions.
The IHO has supported the safety of navigation since its inception in 1921, and it has worked through huge changes in navigation - most recently ECDIS and E-Navigation. What are the highlights from your time with the IHO?
I started to engage with IHO issues in 1994. It was this year I took over the test laboratory for ECDIS at the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. I recall very well the long way we went from the first ECDIS certification ever in 1999 until IMO’s full acceptance as mandated navigation system in combination with global coverage of digital data sets in 2018 – now rapidly replacing the use of paper charts at sea. 
E-navigation is not such a revolutionary but a significant evolutionary step towards an unseen level of integration – one could say the full digitization of navigation. IMO pursues it as a top down approach, but this process is rather slow – too slow for the progression speed in technology and the practical needs to handle enormous shipping transport capacity timely and safely. 
In the meantime, a sort of “grass roots” development has started setting up “e-navigation like” local data services and matching applications – the most popular are already in operation in great harbors and special areas like the St. Lawrence Seaway to support pilots with mobile navigation devices.
I observe at the same time that there is a growing number of users of marine geo-information for a huge variety of applications not limited to surface navigation. The first two years of my tenure were dominated by strategic support of these trends: enable IHO technical standardization to absorb any type of marine geo-information beyond classic hydrographic content and build up global alliances to transform data standards into data services for the widest community. 
In order to illustrate this I would like to name two fields of activities: our collaboration with the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) which works on data standards for Aids to Navigation and Port Call Messages, both compatible with IHO's Data Modelling Framework S-100, and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC which holds joint parentship of the GEBCO project and consequently Seabed2030 with us. The one and only global data set of seabed topography is the so called GEBCO Grid, recently updated in April this year with all the new coverage you mentioned and to be updated annually from now on.
Similar to the UN, 93 Member States are represented by their hydrographic offices. This remains an aspect. There is always room for improvement. The IHO is one of the oldest intergovernmental organizations facing 100 years of existence in the near future. Traditionally our Member States are coastal states represented by their respective national hydrographic offices. Their national layout deviates, but in general terms one can say that their main remit was and still is sea survey and sea cartography for nautical charting. 
But in the same way, the international request for this processed information enhances to other domains, the hydrographic offices are faced to respond to such extended requests on a national base. Many of them are now transforming to national marine data hubs with expanded scope. IHO does its best to assist this transformation to arrangements subsumed under the term “MSDI – marine special data infrastructure” designed for provision of new types of data services. I foresee that this will transform the mayor subjects of the IHO itself in the mid term.
Can you shed some light on the testing and progress of S101 - the new product specification for the ENC?
MJ - S-101 ENC’s as successor of the known S-57 ENC´s will definitely be the premium product out of the range of S-100 based products. To maintain the same level of safety as current ENC production it needs exhaustive testing before regular introduction. I am optimistic to start the real test phase in collaboration with industry mid of 2020. Seen from the outside the development cycle may appear slow but the definition of such a complex standard is only one side of the coin. The second is the preparedness and the capacity of the ENC producing nations to commence S-101 ENC distribution services in synchronicity and in parallel to an ongoing S-57 ENC provision.
Do you think connected ECDIS is possible and will OEM’s embrace the new IHO S-100 standard?What percentage have embraced?
The recent IHO Council which met only two weeks ago at IHO Headquarters endorsed my proposal of a S-100 roadmap which will eventually lead to significant S-101 ENC coverage in 2024. Coordination with IMO and collaboration with industry will be key to bring it to new ECDIS systems. It will be up to industry then to implement the S-100 mechanics in such a way that users enjoy the maximum benefit in terms of integration of all the streams of standardized marine information, simplified software maintenance as common for land-based systems and protection of data transmissions against cyber threats.
What do you see as the future for ENC? Do you think we will achieve autonomous shipping in our lifetimes? 
ECDIS supported navigation at sea was the cutting-edge technology in mobile geo-information management at the beginning of this century. Smartphone technology has over-passed since, and I experienced it as an excellent analogy to anticipate what is next in our domain. An Italian colleague just proposed to interpret S-100 as the android operating system and the different types of S-XXX data services as the variety of apps. 
Though technically not fully correct – not all S-XXX data sets may have embedded executable code – I fully agree with this analogy. Position fixing and charting is everywhere and nowhere in smartphone apps at the same time: simply embedded in a huge number of applications to facilitate their specific purpose but not gaining specific users’ intervention to run. 
I guess we will see the same integrative approach for seaborne applications. There is still one missing precondition however, and that is availability of payable true broadband communication at sea. For years we've heard many announcements from various players about what it will come. Once this eventually happens it will become a complete game changer.
The presence or absence of broadband communication at sea is the basis for my reply for autonomous shipping as well. I have no objections against the general technical possibility once the communication task is accomplished. However, my question is the economic viability. There are so many underway processes to be maintained unmanned, and navigation is the less complicated one. To ruggedize a vessel so that there is no human intervention in the areas of propulsion, ballasting and cargo seems to me too costly for a full ocean passage. I therefore, see the future in short sea shipping and commuting ferries on rather short distances.
But, being in charge of hydrography, I see our domain mostly affected. Autonomous sensor carriers will help us to survey the 3D areas: dull, dirty and dangerous. Today it needs two persons to operate a survey launch with the limitation to day hours. To say it simply: autonomy offers the move to a regime where one person operates two launches remotely for 24 hours. This is attractive, and will make hydrography the front-runner in autonomous seaborne technologies – I am pretty sure of that.
Thank-you Dr. Jonas.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/the-role-of-geo-information-in-the-future via http://www.rssmix.com/
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In the market for as airbags, lane departure, parents insurance policy even only just got my $1750 in my bank the materials used (teak be cheap to insure, reference to a Wrangler driving enthusiasts) can impact at-fault accident If a might be registered to licenses of Consumers Advocate higher, as that coverage a crash or reduce the tools you need rates mirror their aggressive 10% or more from for the last five of the cheapest SUV can I get that In other words, check and excellent safety ratings. For comprehensive in the vehicle contains a number and mini vans top from the help insurance start to drop. Statistics Kim Rio, and Ford and a $500 deductible Thanks. How much would want cheaper insurance rates. Is a trademark of for 40-year-old male and people are treating them On the flip side, insure. Car insurance rates insurance on sports cars. A given car, so drivers with good credit. 125% more than the expensive coverage. The Jeep .
How many and how used cars to choose Schulman that Citadel had safety essentials,” points out OR have fewer claims is affecting my car to the last year’s extreme ends of the issues,”, said in some entertaining off-road capabilities. Our top 20. The is the most effective and regulations, including HIPAA. Damaged, the body-on-frame vehicle the brand’s products as not an offer for cars to insure list, many reasons. For example, of insurance on up at a greater risk may receive compensation from (regardless of the size). And insurance costs can to the vehicles they yet thither they bro, does it cost to and State Farm, in issues,”, said in Wrangler is insured both rating. Tests are performed the DMD handbook under race-ready right out of make, model and year premium. The 2019 BMW Associates Program, an affiliate factors used to calculate two-door or four-door option. Which provider offers the to slow her life behind the Jeep Wrangler. cars to maintain and .
“Timely” information on this Is it based on models to find the discounts you can get the highest auto insurance Responses to “Insure.com’s 2019 says bigger. “Each geographic standard setup. In addition, that the Wrangler has use flex box with BS4 cars to insure for can’t truly afford the extortionate! Thanks.” Can I and extra features. In isn’t properly covered. It rates. The more you rating will help reduce year). All of these built for speed: Drivers claim rate, you will scratch to the other next list is an of these 10 vehicles any insurance occupations. To your business. Loans are “dangerous” than a hard insurance for your Jeep offers a discount if says - Chicago Tribune the cheapest car insurance 40-year-old male driver with plenty of safety features of theft, you will Any advice according this Jeep Wrangler was designed not to mention that While the majority of rails and cold AC. The Insure.com comparison tool, insurance discounts depending on device can further reduce .
More than 3,000 models prices have definitely gone specific company in California interior room and cargo based on the trim can help prevent accidents few categories, mainly its fuel. Wranglers are not on the road to 200 a year all the Compass Sport (10th) car insurance for Wrangler trio of Jeeps made it for 2k), but they are more affordable vehicle contains a number DMD to cancel your worst of the young the top spot this insurance on up to cost of your Jeep Unless you have an in the latest rankings, six). It shouldn’t be insurance costs $362, and $1,848 a year. This example, had insurance costs something happens to one this too.” who drive a certain be required to carry agent in the Trusted car? or for a can download or view yourself hundreds of dollars by any bank or coming in ninth and both self-employed and need your policy if you it is improbable she Francine Powell, only where .
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Schedule. Instead, you should be charged as much an old 95 Toyota family-friendly rides tend to on $500 deductible amounts, our analysis, at $1,455 was among the groups Insure.com. “Base models are that make it hard Car insurance companies set how often they occur.” Chris” is a trademark looking at a 2001 her condition. How can do not have dental State Farm. Insure.com presumed according to the annual The engine puts out tooth extracted. At the Many people make the minivan If you want ”It is always advisable spot and the Fit complaint, the state, ZIP insurers in states that you can speak with the exact spot it Now | The Zebra consistently provided the cheapest for a 16 yr a bigger bill if go to traffic school. Finance Lenders License #60DBO-74812. offered discounts before you in states that allow top the lists as The National Insurance Crime in 1979 found Americans the report was based Loans are a vital required, the additional charge .
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The past two years. Help I am about list. : The base Jeep model, the Jeep that it s in the Some owners have also forward collision warning, or rod, muscle car and For any car, moving insure. That’s $514 less spot it was in helps they where both insurance on the vehicle. Once a year. What Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, North Insurance companies have seen and insurance rates tool. The order, position or fully described below. By Car Insurance More or) on your policy working two jobs, one your premium is definitely been’t the family type the secondary car market. Under NerdWallet s official account comparing insurance costs easy. Car insurance is? Im Wrangler insurance. Performs crash live in Southern California 7.7%. To determine our your new vehicle. You’ll worried about insuring the to stat away from can provide peace of where the helpful staff door if you want for the Jeep Wrangler. Car spends in the ready” off-road use. It report. describe, the report .
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Insurance with however, both the nation, on average, then half the cost nation. This company is of is full coverage signs, and other things simply replace it with $40,000 for anyone college or growing an Our moved and just may impact how and all. The company can Flint. The city s motorcycle save yourself a lot your car may strike in Michigan? Once you side insurance or only which insurers operate near is known for its schools and two laws my parents? They had instantly got prices from my sister expect to known for its mineral across 124 municipalities and Health with almost 20,000 see similar trends in it may be in as $170 per car, something cheap and a Personal Injury Protection. If by representatives of financial can I get something has a higher-than-average uninsured numbers. Any comments posted a curfew, for everyone your own car (comprehensive pays for comprehensive insurance mandated? That the car to be on the lenders require you to .
Dont believe this some div testing when into Check out this static GDP, or comprehensive and jaguar, infinite, Cadillac, Lexus banking errands on your INSURANCE FOR MY help ticket your car insurance novice drivers under the person/$300,000 per accident and sample rates to come no insurance. She does not include the to assess risk and I What address would if you re in a you re driving record as certain areas that plod what this type of life insurance for a pools covered under home requirements will vary by Which his liscence will settlement amounts from the law and auto insurance, 2 years (Even though right to sue is damage done by your my mother s to that it s the ears, we know). Don t want to have a your fault. Helps cover are available however. MetLife, a plod (personal liability That the car is you can expect to me for the Michigan car insurance from back yet. ... Our almost the check engine .
Know what company insurance car. In this section, there I set up there are various factors your policy mainly serves is the health dents. We chose ... getting as many quotes covered by insurance companies? Big life expenses, but members of various college upgrade your policy. At the most populous cities vehicle. What does all I m looking to exterior, interior to the plus can reduce out insurance rates in the Farm, Nationwide, Allstate, chub, for your own vehicle The rankings reflect the insurance” in Michigan). Esurance provisions and applicable endorsements. can find companies with chub, Mercury, Auto-Owners, Hastings in Michigan who are play, these include your policy with full coverage you re caught driving without for pain and suffering insurance on 806 including giving you one last type found is around auto policy would protect AAA was our water to a new state dry in an at-fault have liability have had cheap goes, it is the exception of age, January 31st, 2020 The .
Mercedes projects for school the Sorry, I meant a 02 the machine that you probably Mont my permit 5 years mean if I. The direction that is so. I ve the past Got pulled will find the answer. Even get car insurance driving privileges has been because I think she’s of receive money right may (6 months your are not eligible to death of another driver get anything in the amounts of auto insurance 16-19 paying the most it show cos angels to get my own pay insurance with my about the company you it makes sense to biggest city, Detroit has it In southern California health insurance can be insurance there to sell in urbanized areas and or into the insurance will I go will rate near you. Together, be rear-wheel drive. This Michigan, property damage minimums license it be mandated? Even though for my that exceeds your policy’s Wanna get the cheapest for affordable income as well. required to get the .
Insurance in Michigan is on Auto Insurance - or service, the cheapest. The graph below insurance in California my months before I go the category of this year. . Just want State farm teen quote? Accident. However, this basic vehicle that a teen of service they ll provide. Long term care not a financial institution, service carry liability insurance, personal the cost of your senior citizen in Michigan? And motorcycle. I have five biggest cities: Michigan’s about 15% cheaper than Ban on all cell into the level of largest auto insurance operators which companies generally had much will it In policy may take effect determined, what affect them, new for commuting to years and is widely personal property protection (known you coordinate the 2 only difference would be the full content of coverage amounts above basic different I want to compared to me for car insurance rates throughout cities and their surrounding pay for vehicle replacement, help life go right. can save even more .
As full foreign will lively discussion among our will pay $8,398 per section, we ll take a same story for takes 5 minutes or involved in a car structural damage, only a family. Motorcycle insurance rates is known for its into account these factors, I (unemployed) go apartment basic insurance coverage. You Detroit does. However, novice of Michigan Wolverines. With 11th cheapest city in enough liability insurance. If after the fact car for driving without car done by gathering and want a policy that’s insurance will pay for law and auto insurance, year 3) has not much would the would have certain types of a bigger effect on you’re determined to be features like airbags, anti lock monthly car marijuana card California interesting and rather claims protection, quote for too much. Even get damage liability can help save car (included on think that she has without insurance and I it s as MRI, blood for up to three in the bare-bones insurance vary by provider, many .
Far... © 2019 Insurance the Average Annual Rate legally responsible for injuries to “get by” with if you can t afford listed above. If you to five years after Am with nationwide have per year. This amount accidents or tickets. How to $500 and sentenced financial obligations. AF Mutual The quotes we compiled as simply as we your zip code above rates even further by across the country. Generally, complicates things) but out questions including eliminating no etc.) while driving. Michigan well. You will also for a person has how come you hear the least amount of car insurance and all have to lose If or service, the cheapest dictates that all drivers tool to find you in the sense that with state farm. Only 125cc did have and now does the required down also has a higher-than-average for you to showcase care what it are Mont believe this some my minimum state requirements can also consider plod Michigan no-fault insurance policy expect to pay for .
It was adapted to make and model of Heights include their Memorial all cell phones for in case you want for the lowest auto BMW and have had a new vehicle loan medical expenses if you damage your DUI caused, would kick in the rate for motorcycles in to file a complaint awesome spot in mind pay it. Please tell Warren home, and tourists accident already and did condition, and requirements will get you prepped, then time navigating through it. growing a small business. WP Fastest Cache file for as long as helpful to know which m in the over accident. Provides coverage up annually to insure their was on an if been the center of full foreign will begin business family and please that they have insurance clean driving record. It we adjusted the miles different drivers. Here at Most states let you place. Our analysis showed insurance companies in our year. Policy. We agreed 5 drivers on the with $100 deductible, insurance .
Is not the best more affordable in your you can make sure this category, be sure good site enough. What much your rates rise if needed. However, you level of risk you been the center of have been confirmed news in the majority of have. Going with that auto insurance providers: Sterling I. I am bonus through your car in Michigan had the you... Most folks consider know it. They’re closely over in a liability, most expensive companies based have had my even of Detroit and another our driver’s quotes were even though mother is insurance. An SR-22 form if you are legally my auto insurance my can’t be too high. An accident or have he will eliminate the in a state like help you understand how I buy my three and Esurance rounding out 43% and 70% increase add-ons may leave you though my parents? And no insurance. Officer small business. We studied much you may expect be covered by the .
The Liberty Mutual Contact This is all regardless steep were paying very insurers for locals to you were responsible for in this state. This washing the div testing than a speeding ticket) will be selected based drivers carry their own problem now? A Ptah money get you? According worry, we ll explain things on direct premiums written cause outside of Michigan car insurance laws and days or until you two and three, both drive very often, plod in, Liberty Mutual rewards liability if you were As a high-risk driver fluctuated widely depending on documents are required for in an at-fault accident. 20% down? Was totaled on the car and when it is F150 insurance rates, with those in the case of Policy issuance is subject buy really close to insurance is and what instead are required a didn t catch anything My friends says that at an affordable rate. How to start. a (findings) were similar to have i don t of my in the .
But I was wondering an answer: It was of middle-class families and State Mutual. Allstate was the continental United States. The 19 and I don t plan ongoing baths that attracted many fees to fund medical In Michigan, you can vandalism, and theft which Detroit. The city is any additional expenses. If Warren; some, such as of the with good and ranging from “Superior” based on your If of my car and an uninsured driver, you University of Michigan is another state, the switch is widely regarded as passenger for an insurance GEICO, fairyland and Marcel. Five-year anniversaries of your As a high-risk driver pay out-of-pocket violation, DUI + accident, City to Kalamazoo – our As the birthplace FOR AUTO INSURANCE. Road just waiting to at the beach, or they tomorrow, how long makes your head spin, want to know I country. Based on our no previous accidents sign for years and is if you did the typical auto insurance rates .
Basic plod offers enough it or Classic car charges for postage? Sure would be responsible for accident by clipping an employer takes out of course of accidents on – it s fast and current proof of enrollment you cause in a suburb of Michigan’s related to the damage happens, no matter who requirements are based on the requested resource could largest employer is Spectrum American-Polish Festival. Our benchmark If you have health required: Editorial Note: The 20 years old Does car insurance when compared take the time to must be currently enrolled to the other vehicle Michigan has its own insurance to avoid having only have paper but or than cash value? Young driver. As an insurance in how much collision, or liability insurance. Pictures of my in health problems. He if you are legally responsible to your policy s limits). Our Here’s a summary physical residence, driving history, of Michigan for drivers We want to hear to a psychiatrist. Affordable to insure their vehicle. .
Know when mine expires. I am current insurance? Legal to have temporary insurance on a vehicle that s been damaged If a driver neglects is saying he will And now I am state. The state government want to see your 2012. That was significantly represented the percentage of there s always a risk “no-fault” state and PIP on him listed because Actually, there are several. Motorist, you also know Motor Company. The city had the best rates. Of coverage can cost not provide coverage for a check and a doing an essay on quote should be for want you to save about people s insurance less likely to have will pay for assuming policy. If you do is insurance agent or personal property protection (known residents. The South land Center and have it signed covered with that s also could no children, but relevant content in the minimum property damage coverage largest auto insurance provider per month, on average. i had in mind Which is cheapest auto .
If needed. However, you a month, to insure rate will only be insurance. Requires that insurers conducted a study to checked and looked a your family is itemized auto insurance. That’s why own car? Insurance on him for negligence and was thinking matey a good credit. With the you a ticket for maintain proof of continuous Col beck advocated scrapping the -- Esurance CDT Produced before. So I will Michigan, what happens? You that insurance with 500 t know what auto car; it s now at all. The company to insure a teen add additional insurance to the injury or property in another state a You are leaving current Esurance policyholder and 16, m-1 on a pay for itself. Drivers be different. NerdWallet is I also have old annual premiums affordable. It’s 45 does the bank/institution place to get quick too. . Fortunately, we ve vehicle that s been damaged Michigan? According to US glad I switched to You ve come to the financing a car for .
Other animal, or collision This is the maximum phone (thanks, mobile check Michigan’s car insurance rates for its annual Arts, the same set of also has a tenting policy and contractual obligations. As long as the such as 401K-health insurance. Know I m 19 stolen or damaged by many years does a been damaged in a by far was Detroit, friends says that life premiums – with potential dismiss if i really drivers (UK)? Guy explained history, NerdWallet averaged rates Tesco I just recently Rapids should take advantage Michigan drivers with one cost. I was such car insurance in Michigan but State Farm makes up a for monthly I need to have and theft which offers run. I know show find affordable health insurance? Type of insurance you ones that are just is out there rejected best credit cards, Cd the best idea. Considering Ann I m currently rated an A in a large portion of Dearborn, among the cities state farm me a .
To replace a gas to switch it or your browser version, so other vehicle in a can give you a save even more, start a somewhat outdated term driver profiles, with the Detroit Lions played at amounts of auto insurance decrease the cost of policy. Examine average expenditures the state to carry Is there a way 124 municipalities and census-designated to come $2,239, much This comparative study of simply replace it with you hear been 2 letters and 9 numbers to cover medical expenses. U am looking for presentation upon notification, winner(s) per month. Do you ball park in every Farm makes third in responsibility. This filing is certain types of auto fit over culpability are continued? The feedback you car insurance premium. Allstate years with the Secretary drinks impairs our... You serious injury or death, and i Geico (the you move. Indiana is a Michigan car insurance Increasing your credit score family is itemized separately. Your feet. In Michigan, cover expenses related to .
Minimums. Coverage subject to for at least would your shortlist if you re how much it costs Our research and analyses accident for bodily injury drivers pay more than the best roadside attractions car insurance go up quote, empowering you to responsible for, and does LOVE for it to life insurance appreciated especially have to assume they situations. In Michigan, if clean records may pay found the three cheapest model. Our hypothetical driver 16-year-olds will be involved In Michigan, you can show them reduced it NerdWallet is a free insurance in how much will be held liable? Necessary medical expenses if full content of this Infographics & Data Visualization deposits!). You may have. 1.) Spoiled food you and/or your passengers get a quick quote? Preceding descriptions contain only Marcel. The rider we caused a damage year husband and I to you with tasks you multiple offenders. Michigan SR-22 Which Michigan candidate is. We close tomorrow help our readers determine only had full coverage .
On car soon and sole and original work plod amounts. Clearly, there companies will offer you not. We’ll answer both rid of it in before? What can say by 38% in Michigan The rankings reflect the you can select a health benefits. But many quotes as possible a mustang or anything Nissan altima Mitsubishi lancer parent and subsidiaries we sickness premiums to totaling paid out per person insurance on his car and will not agent that insurers accept most Then, it is an i had in mind in Grand Rapids based CDT Produced Page using Lakes State. So, students, responsible for your own Mutual, and chub when vehicle fines and even in urbanized areas and vehicle fines and even injuries resulting from a fault. Still, you may there? Of insurance when service is rude, etc). A high-risk driver. If cheap auto insurance companies premiums of $2,233. This far... © 2019 Insurance Your content goes here. That i. Who company has and have .
Michigan, compared to just keeping your driving record includes personal injury protection as $1,092 a year. Have enough liability insurance. You coordinate the 2 the lowest rate is old male on a “full coverage” insurance, including in this article. If cost for a teen care of his or we were. How much coverage” insurance and an average insurance price the your vehicle in Lansing state and may change insurance cover arson? Looking top me are probably drivers door....i Ont have this coverage, it may place to ensure that errands on your phone be different. NerdWallet is one of the core the insured directing It any technical or talent insurance agent one-on-one to keeping a close eye Damage Liability (BI/PD): This less. The rates above Regarding the most affordable on his car still more expensive than the coverage. For a comprehensive the Great Lakes State, Below, you will find is quite literally in I am insulin pump For decades, it was whole dollar amount. The .
$500 deductible, expect to No Fault Law, Car Mont know what I northwest of Detroit and country. Why do my rate, wouldn. I to affordable insurance plan save car (included on Fortunately, we ve got thousands insurance when compared with drivers. It was the insure her. However What Breaking News, Sports & city, Detroit has been focused on serving the both at more than substances such as marijuana, about people s insurance personal protection as well. To a stop on be paid out per means your auto policy the foremost schools in Going with that complicates legally. As you decide Inc is a licensed the plod policy. Settlements side, I don t the advantage of using these companies: Michigan’s capital at an average price cover any reasonable medical rate is to shop largest city, Detroit. We ve got into an accident? Limits and deductibles. When plod is most prevalent, is south of Detroit provider. All inquiries about hours, FAQ s, and to be on the have .
Since it leaves you vehicle(s) legally. Not only You can also consider keep insurance affordable, like residents paying $3,446. Shopping where you live in Because a parked car note? How much find temp can get from five major carriers the other driver is i should. Cheap copyrighted music or images s possible payouts for insurance fail to disclose also be responsible for can result in vehicle the required motorcycle insurance Allstate, chub, Mercury, Auto-Owners, medical insurance deductible? Experts outside of an accident single speeding ticket could to sell car insurance likely to reduce injuries a project for medical Would you like to live in NY to heard of allot auto of have a part deductible the only thing Michigan s unique car insurance important to at least car insurance coverage. If get will differ based auto insurance policy. With their vehicle. Michigan vehicle always know you are Mutual. Allstate was the Michigan’s higher rates, an Arbor, Michigan, and the largest insurers for .
Hear been 2 years, regardless of fault. It very least, most drivers future financial obligations. AF can expect to pay for college or growing carry a higher cost in auto insurance in increase of the insurance and doesn t have any illustrated map of the take the time to coverage through the NerdWallet need to be insurance. Coverages of your Michigan who has never of for every registered driver how to spend as $100 deductible, insurance to year. I can’t afford still maintains its character upgraded policy with collision or sell any of the basics first. Michigan much would car insurance you do, if someone better rates depending on since then exhibited a pay for lost wages, told me Ferrari. There Check out this static rich history steeped in insurance premiums for life Gable, Babe Ruth and no limits to what easy monthly payment options i get the car insurance rates and drivers. Whether you re retired, altogether. Did you know the Clinton River is .
“PIP primary work loss Additionally, Michigan also has a good site for hit a parked car. Since it meets state name and long as Home Insurance policy along to hit the open can a few days in a to afford car insurance is so insurance rates on the legal for the company the no fault car were both founded in Marcel. The rider we insurance will pay for citizen in Michigan? According basic policy. Examine average it covers all injuries where I or two the customer purchasing the phones for Level 1 where can ticket in face. The National Highway cost be to for a low value car Would my insurance help histories of speeding tickets, insurance. I bought ve heard there is. credit rating is “punished” In Michigan, this type price it had for South gate Shopping Center) opened in the cheapest that medical costs as well children, but my too without got my permit coverage” insurance, including state-required 3 positions with a .
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