#but im using the same tag for filing purposes
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I find your tagging system fascinating /pos would you care to elaborate on/explain it?
Oh well tbh its mostly just for my own refrence, the majority are inspiration stuff for various ttrpg games id like to run some day. This'll probably ruin the mystique, but here's some of the most common ones-
Dungeonpunk- more of an aesthetic or vibe, for the sort of stuff i think would be neat to see in a western fantasy style game like DnD. Sort of a mix of eastern artist's take on the genre, stuff like fromsoft games or old fantasy anime and rpgs, plus that sort of casually anachronistic vibe. Ive described the energy as being like, dungeon crawling with a sword and shield, but while also wearing a hoodie and sneakers. Saved for inspiration not just for dnd, but other ttrpgs like Fellowship, Dungeon Bitches and more.
Motw- Monster of the Week, a ttrpg you may be familiar with based on urban fantasy mystery series like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural. Two of my other tags, Curiosity and Pierce Cove, are for different campaign ideas ive got. Curiosity is set in a small tourist trap town of the same name in the middle of the Nevada desert, and takes inspiration from stuff like Resident Evil, The X-Files, and the SCP Foundation. Pierce Cove is set in a dying east coast town beset by mysterious fog and missing persons, inspired by Stephen King's It, Silent Hill and The Magnus Archives
GBG- Ghoul-B-Gone, a Ghostbusters-pastiche short story i wrote a while back and still consider expanding on
Apocalypse World- inspiration for a campaign of the post-apocalyptic ttrpg of the same name. My particular idea is for a world plagued by creeping, ever expanding masses of meat and flesh, taking inspiration from TWD, Mad Max, Annihilation, and Dogscape
Strain- personal project, sort of a biopunk bodyhorror version of shonen battle anime like One Piece or MHA
Tendies- inspiration for a game of Tendencies: Spirits and Glamour, a ttrpg created by a friend meant to emulate battle anime like those mentioned above, but especially Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Also my de-facto fashion tag.
Masks- for teen superhero ttrpg Masks: The Next Generation. Also a general purpose superhero universe and worldbuilding inspo tag
Lancer- Started out as a tag for the mech ttrpg Lancer, but became a general purpose mech, robot, spaceship and cyberpunk tag.
WoD- World of Darkness, well-known urban fantasy ttrpg brand. Im more compelled by the worldbuilding than anything else, and while vampires and werewolves are what the setting is more famous for, im mostly interested in Changeling the Lost and Promethean the Created, as well as the fan games Genius the Transgression and Leviathan the Tempest.
Mons- a general category for funny monster befriending and catching, digimon and pokemon esque stuff. I put stuff here that inspires my ideas for two radically different games, Animon and Monsters And Other Childish Things, so the tone might rapidly oscillate
Voidheart- inspo for Persona-inspired ttrpg Voidheart Symphony. Debated creating a tag for this one for a while, as i used to just fold it into other tags like Motw, Tendies and Dungeonpunk
Slasher- honestly just a tag for slashers, im just kinda intrigued by the idea of them as a monster archetype in the same vein as vampires and werewolves and such
Gulm- a character I made for an god rp game that I grew quite fond of, a primordial ooze god of life. I use the tag for all sorts of nature, specbio, and paleoart as well as vaguely elder god type stuff that reminds me of it
Zorn- similar oc, an evil wizard god of knowledge and magic, a giant eyeball squid that was also his world's moon. Tag is just for stuff with his vibes.
I may have missed some, or left out the most self explanatory ones. Hope that clears stuff up, sorry if it was a long and unfulfilling read!
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I thought my inner child died but
I don't think she grew
Inspired by Peter Pan
Now I'm just a 25 year old little black girl
I play make believe and pretend and tag and hide and seek and dress up
I play dress up in adulthood
And make adult decisions and have grown up relations
I play dress up in adulthood
I pay bills and buy organic produce
I play dress up in adulthood
I use credit cards I don't understand and file taxes
I play pretend to be in motherhood and raise a son
Tell him I love him
I play pretend to be in motherhood and raise a son
Teach him how to write his name and tie his shoes
He asks how I got so big and I get confused
Cause inside were the same height
Im just pretending. Can't he tell.
I play make believe and believe this body is mines
That when I say no it matters.
I play make believe and believe this body is mines
That it's not a graveyard for trauma and failed tribulations
I play make believe and believe this body is mines
That I'm strong enough to fight off greedy stares and grubby hands
I play make believe and believe this body is mines
That one day I'll wake up and be the owner and not an tenant
I play make believe and believe my voice matters
I speak up assuming they're listening
I play make believe and believe I have a purpose
That I'm not just US capitalism fattener and fodder
I play make believe and believe in myself
That I'll grow too one like the rest of you
I play tag with self destruction
Im always it
I play tag with depression
I'm always it
I play tag with my imposter syndrome
Somehow I'm always it
I play tag with the grief
Im always it
I play hide and seek with toxic men who see a little girl
In the end they always find me
I never hide well enough
I don't camouflage my daddy issues
I don't shrink enough in size to fit in best cramped spaces
I can't seem to make them believe my dress up is real
I can't fool them into thinking that I was born when I say I was
I play hide and seek with healthy relationships and boundaries
And I can't find them
Have you seen them ?
I play hide and seek with a self love
Why is it so good at hiding
Have you seen it ?
I play hide and seek with growth
It does not know the rules of the game
It always cheats
I find it and it runs again
I find it then it hides again
I find it then we go to the first square of hopscotch
Why does it love hop scotch .
I'm constantly playing
Putting on costume jewelry and costume clothing
Dancing on the cracks of the sidewalk
Playing in adult make up and adult money
Teetering between pretending till I'm caught
Or confessing to my mom that I'm too small for all of this.
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The Best Worst Day Of Your Life: Bucky x Reader
It was an incredibly awkward way to meet one's’s future spouse, but looking back on it later, you realized it would make an incredible tale to tell your future children. It started with you being dumped at the altar, because the man you were crazy in love with and had promised to marry changed his mind.
You’d fled the church, unable to face your friends and family, and wandered until you found a bench, just inside the nearby cemetery.
Throwing yourself down on it, you cried your eyes out. How could he do this to you? He’d told you many times he’d looked forward to being your husband. He’d been counting down the days with you and eagerly planning the future. You couldn’t figure out what had suddenly changed and how you hadn’t seen it coming.
As the sobs turned to sniffles, you heard footsteps coming up beside you and someone cleared their throat.
“Ma’am? Are you alright?” a deep voice asked.
You blinked away the tears to see a tall brown haired man standing there, looking at you with concern. He wore a lot of leather and was a bit scruffy and you probably wouldn't have acknowledged him if you’d been thinking straight. However, You were too heartbroken to care about stranger danger.
“No,” you said bluntly, wiping away more tears. So much for that mascara.
“I just got dumped at the altar. The best day of my life just became the worst.”
The stranger winced.
“Aw. That’s terrible,” he sympathized. “I’ll never understand why people wait until the last second if they can’t go through with it. A real Dick move.”
“Clearly, he didn’t have much of one,” you said bitterly.
You noticed he had a bunch of flowers in his hands and you realized that your ugly sobbing had probably disturbed his graveside vigil.
Very embarrassed, you buried your face in your hands.
“And I’ve been making a spectacle of myself in this cemetery. I’m so sorry to bother you, Mister. I promise I’m not that inconsiderate normally.”
“I wouldn’t say Crying is generally considered out of place in a cemetery,” the man observed. “And you aren’t bothering me. I was just paying my semi regular respects. My parents have been gone for years and I like to bring flowers for them.”
“That’s very sweet of you,” you said.
There was something very familiar about his face, but you couldn’t think what it was. It was a very nice face, though.
Picking yourself up, you dusted off your dress, hoping it wouldn’t be stained. Your attempt to walk forward, however, didn’t go well as your heels sank in the damp grass.
“Argh!” You groaned. “I did not think this through.”
Sitting back down, you removed your shoes. Better to get dirty feet than a dirty expensive dress.
“Can you get back okay?” The stranger asked.
“I think so,” you nodded. “You seem like a good guy. I hope your special someone appreciates you.”
Cute stranger cracked a very attractive grin. (His chin had an adorable dimple that you tried your hardest not to stare at.)
“I don’t have one, but thanks. I hope your ex realizes what an idiot he was.”
“Thanks,” you said with a grateful smile, glancing back toward the church. Your stomach churned, but you couldn’t avoid it much longer. “I’d better get going before they send out a search party. Time to face this mess.”
“So long. Hope your day gets better,” offered leather guy.
With a wave, you started back toward the church, thinking it was a shame such a nice guy was still single, never dreaming you’d meet him again.
Nearly three years later, after having sworn off romance in the wake of your own disaster, you were finally persuaded by an old college friend to go on a double date with her. It took a lot of pleading from Darcy, but when she said she was dating the new Captain America, you were more inclined to go through with it, if for nothing else than to meet the amazing Sam Wilson.
“Ok, fine. But his friend better be worth this,” you told her. “I’m not breaking my drought for some average dudebro.”
Darcy grinned in delight.
“There is nothing average about either of them. Trust me,” she said with a naughty grin.
Turned out Sam Wilson was a very charming guy and super cool when being introduced to you. You could see right away why he and Darcy were so good together and your misgivings were somewhat eased.
“So, please introduce me to your mysterious friend that no one will give me any clues about,” you said, looking pointedly at Darcy.
Sam pulled his friend out of the corner where he’d been lurking and pushed him toward you.
“Y/N, meet James Barnes, otherwise known as Bucky, otherwise known as a pain in the ass.”
You and Bucky looked at each other and then a shock of recognition had you exclaiming in unison, “Cemetery guy!!” “Jilted Bride!”
You stared at each other in disbelief, Sam and Darcy also wide-eyed, before the realization of who he was sank in.
“You’re Bucky Barnes?” You gasped out.
Bucky was looking very nervous now.
“Is that going to be a problem?” He asked, in a wary way that suggested it HAD been a problem before.
“Nope. I’m just flabbergasted I didn’t recognize you before. There was something about you that made me instinctively trust you, even though you were a stranger. I could tell you were a good guy.”
“Awww,” Darcy crooned as a crooked smile appeared on Bucky’s face.
“Let’s get our table and you can fill us in on your mysterious meeting! I demand details!” And Darcy herded you into the restaurant with unbridled enthusiasm.
When you and Bucky had finished your story, Sam and Darcy both went “awww!”
“So, you know about me, then?” Bucky asked quietly.
You nodded and he gave a sigh of relief.
“Well, I’ll take it as a good sign you’re still here.”
He looked hopeful and your heart was filled with emotions. This man was a hero who’d spent years brainwashed and forced to do horrible things, but he really was a very good man.
“This is the first time I’ve gone on a date since he dumped me,” you admitted. “I haven’t really wanted to, unless the guy gave me the same vibes you did.”
Bucky smiled at you very warmly.
“Thanks for giving it a chance, Y/N. I haven’t had much luck dating either. I think I was subconsciously comparing them all to you.”
You felt entirely too giddy at this statement.
“Their loss,” you said with a wink. “So, do I get to see your other hand, or is that a third date kind of thing?” You asked boldly, glancing at his left arm, which he’d kept mostly concealed in the leather jacket.
Sam snorted and Darcy chuckled, but Bucky turned pink and almost sheepishly placed his metal left hand on the table.
“Force of habit,” he said. “Freaks people out.”
“Not me. I think it’s gorgeous,” you told him, admiring the intricate design. “Wakanda?”
“Yep,” Bucky said, flexing it. “They’re geniuses. Fixed my brain and everything. No more worrying about being turned into the soldier again.”
“I’m very happy for you, Bucky,” you told him, feeling genuine joy for his good news. “I can’t imagine what a relief that must be.”
Sam and Darcy took charge of the conversation for a while and you and Bucky mostly stole glances at each other. Somehow, though, your hand ended up clasped in his metal one.
“So, were you able to resell your dress then?” Bucky asked. “I’ve heard they can put quite a dent in one’s wallet these days.”
“Yeah, actually I was,” you told him. “A friend of mine bought it and wore it to her wedding, which had a much happier result. At least one good thing came out of that mess.”
“Only one?” He asked, squeezing your hand gently.
“Well……..I guess we’re about to find out,” you told him, smiling shyly.
A couple years later, you were wearing white again, but this time the groom showed up, looking unbelievably handsome and grinning ear to ear.
#bucky barnes x reader#wedding drabble#not really a drabble#but im using the same tag for filing purposes#bucky barnes#Fem! Reader
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More Divaz confos
Mod: Round two of these, previously: link. There’s some interesting customer reviews in this batch (5 and 8) which may be useful to readers.
1.Vic3mage "the secret bjdivaz vip group is just pictures of boxes coming in and going out". Yeah, between the bitching about d0llshe, asking people to post on doa for them, dunking on ex-customers, posting pics of random doll parts that they can't identify which doll they're supposed to go with, whining about how little money they make, whining when ppl e-mail them, whining. Yeah, other than that it's just boxes, and alpacas u can buy off amazon anyway lol.
2.The butthurt users crying and guilttripping under every Divaz confession who have never been seen before elsewhere on this blog are extremely unsuspicious and unproblematic and definitely unconnected to Divaz and unbiased in every possible way
3.idk shit abt bjd1vas but v1cemage i can absolutely tell you the shit about ch0o is 100% accurate, fucker's got a long, long history of being an awful little man that stretches well beyond his involvement in the doll community. between the two i'd still trust bjd1vas over ch00 ch00 the fool any day!
4.The Z3st and Div4s thing is really silly and both entities were being shady but did they really have to take the DZ waiting room down with them? :( He had even made a separate thread about it......
5. RE: BJD Divaz
I’ve been a customer of BJD Divaz since they first started, when it was only run by Chart3rline. I even contacted other BJD companies trying to persuade them to work with Divaz as their US representative. Most declined because they didnt like D's commission fee, but I was able to persuade a few of them.
I asked them to purchase a doll off DOA because I couldnt afford the asking price, and while they did, I found out later that instead of agreeing to purchase the seller's price, they negotiated the price to be lower. This significantly cheaper price was not passed down to me. I paid the full price +the commission fee based on that full price. I am disappointed I was not told this. This is when I stopped viewing them as a "friend" and instead, as a business. I dont hold this against them, it’s context to what Im going to say later.
I’ve stopped purchasing from D after my recent order from them. This company usually takes 3 or less months to make a doll. I’ve ordered the doll from D and it took 11 months. They let me know it arrived to them in March and that it will be shipped soon, except it only shipped on July, and only after I sent them several "reminder" emails. Before people in the comments try to put the blame on me for not sending a reminder soon, please keep in mind that I acknowledged the email in March and confirmed everything and they keep stressing to not send them emails because they are busy, I’ve emailed once every month since. I’ve since switched to ACBJD and Ive been happy with communication and the dolls ordered. I imagine ACBJD gets the same amount of emails, but they dont berate their customers if they email more than once.
I regret when people wanted a D0llshe, but not deal with him, I always recommended D. I would warn people of ordering directly and instead go through D. They assured buyers they would be handling communication and all the efforts so they wouldnt worry, except they didn’t. A person that I’ve recommended D to, who surpassed 2 years, keeps messaging me for help because D wouldnt reply to their emails. She is respectful, sweet and a timid person, not a Karen. This person, emailed D without a reply so would email a week later, only to be told that their email would be pushed down to the bottom if emailed again. No response, so she goes to FB and IG, who both tell her to email because they arent the person running orders. Finally got a response that they would get their refund, after D0llshe sends D's payment, but minus the PP fees. 3 months later and theres no refund, only a promise of them getting it later. Why is the customer missing out on fees when they have no doll? Customer emails d0llshe and he says he cant offer refund, because they didn’t order through them, which is understandable, but when all options are out for a customer, do you blame them for chargebacks?
If anyone files a chargeback, D will be blacklisting them from every company they rep, as in blacklisting you from buying direct from those companies. I urge everyone who has negative experiences with D to email the companies they rep instead of venting on confession blogs, and writing your experiences on social media. Make it count and send letters to the companies they represent, and please provide proof because they will try to make you out to be a liar.
Speaking of, they made vague posts on cl0ver singing for charging paypal fees, and that they offer guarantees as an official dealer, except when offering refunds, to non delivered products I might add, they are keeping the fees, and offered no help with d0llshe, even before they ended their dealership with them. Someone on DOA was told to not email them unless the wait time surpassed 1.5 years. They are even so petty that they post screenshots with the full name and address (dox) of the customer on purpose and then delete it out a day later as if they just realized their "mistake".
Before you try to make excuses for them about the fires, keep in mind, I am dealing with a business. The lower price negotiation with the DOA sale, I am in no way obligated to give them a pass or treat them as a friend when they made it clear that our relationship is strictly business. Their issues, are not my issues. D0lk got dragged for not shipping in time, others, including artisans, got dragged for being so late with communication and sending back refunds for cancelled orders. Why does D get to be exempt?
The supporters are the worst part of this, because of instead of being honest so D can improve, they support them for being "real". For example, look how micemage words it, to make it seem like this criticism is from one person, when there are people on addicts who didn’t have good experience. Check the bjd dealers tag here, you will see the supporters in the comments going off on any and all criticism of D. Some have sane comments, but the majority are cult like and try to identify the person venting as if it’s one person. Addicts deletes threads with criticism asking people to instead direct it to their feedback group; which lets be honest, no one is going to do because its "not that bad", and most dont want to join a new group, which is mostly dead.
This is my first and last confession on D, I’ve emailed each company they rep and told them my experience as well as contacting the 3 month wait company, with screenshots of my order, how they handled it, and the excuse they used to put blame on the company for being so late (package arrived march to D, 4 months to be shipped is on D, not the company). I’m not using company or order details because I know they are petty enough to try to identify me and publicly shame me like they have to others. This and the threat of suing is why not many people like to go public with their experience. They just keep feedback neutral, move on and never deal with again.
6. Listen, I can't take you seriously in regards to BJD!vas because you're posting on a confession blog. If you were serious, you would have posted in buyer beware groups, DoA reviews or the board to get things resolved, or you would have made a complaint to the BBB. And your language makes you come off more as someone with an agenda rather than someone who is trying to warn people. If shipping is the issue, stop buying with standard shipping and pay the extra price for express shipping. I saw one of you complain that it sat with them for 20 days; that's probably because you're not the only one and they more than likely have a queue to check and then ship out. Do mistakes happen? Yes, because we're human. I've been in this hobby for a few years now and it seems like most people know you're going to have to wait, sometimes even outside the expected wait time. And shipping something as big as a doll is a timely endeavor. I shouldn't have to say that.
My point is simply to stop complaining on an confession board and either take it to the places previously mentioned. Posting here behind the anonymous mask makes you sound like a petulant child who didn't get their way right away.
7.My only issue with BJD Divaz is how I never get any updates. Every email, they tell me to join their facebook page for status updates. I dont have a FB and I dont want to create one. I bought my doll through their website, updates should be posted on their website, or they could send me an email. That isnt asking much.
8. Since there seems to be a lot of either "completely negative everything sucks" or "everything was sunshine and rainbows" confessions about bjd!vaz I thought I'd chime in with a neutral review.
-They were always polite and professional in their emails, and gave me very detailed answers to my questions.
-I got exactly what I ordered, so no mix ups or missing parts or anything like that.
-I think them being forthcoming about personal issues (only one person on staff, illness, the flooding isue etc.) on social media is good, since it keeps customers updated as to why there might be delays.
-If you live in the US their shipping is very reasonable.
-Reply times were varied. Sometimes it could take over a week, sometimes a couple hours.
-My order took about 10mo which, when comparing to other people who ordered through the same company around the same time, was about 3x as long as if I bought it direct and 2x as long if I had gone through a different dealer. I get some of the waiting time is out of their control, but it was kind of ridiculous.
-They dont necessarily ship the same day they send you a tracking number. I wish they said something like, "Here's your tracking number, our pickup is Xday so it should start moving after that" just so I could be aware.
All in all no major complaints. I got my doll and all that. Their lone employee is clearly overwhelmed. I hope they hire another person, if only to give the one a break.
Truthfully, I most likely won't buy through them again. I'd rather pay the international shipping and go direct, than deal with the extensive wait time. I'd still recommend them to someone looking for a very long layaway, though. I paid in full, but if I had a 12mo layaway I would've never known they weren't ready to ship my doll until month 10.
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The Flannel Giant
(Flip Zimmerman x Black!Female Reader)
A Flip Zimmerman One Shot
Rating: Mature
Request: flip zimmerman x black! female reader ?? it could be literally anything im just so desperate 😞💕 thank you if you do and even if you dont thanks for writing ! - @pastelhybristophiliac
Author’s Note: This man is a literal thirst quencher. So this fic did not take long to form. I did take some time to write it cause I wanted it to be as perfect as it possibly could be. Plus, my very first Black! Female Reader fic. Hope y’all enjoy!
Colorado Springs Police Department.
The sign just said it all.
Exhaling deeply, you began to walk towards the building. Your steps were slow, as if you were doubting yourself. And you could not help remembering the phone conversation you had with your friend Patrice an hour earlier.
“But Patrice! Why do I have to be the one to do it ?” You asked.
“Because you’re the one who saw it happen...” She said, “We can’t just let this go...” persuasion was strong in her voice.
“I know ...but-“
“Do you not want to go to the police Y/N?”
You paused. For she caught you there. “Maybe...” You began, as you twisted the phone chord “Can’t trust those pigs”
“Not all of them are...” Patrice said, “Ron isn’t a pig. And even his coworkers are nice”
You scoffed. “Maybe that’s cause they all know you through Ron”
“Just go will you” Sighing, you nodded to thin air. “Fine”
Unwilling to break the promise, there you were, walking towards the building. With another deep breath, you entered with a cause.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Ma’am? Can I help you?”
A man in uniform inquired upon seeing you in the hallway. Directed towards the Intelligence Division, you stood there confused in the hallway. You noticed his name tag: Sgt Trapp.
“Uh yes Sergeant...” you said softly, entering the room he gestured you into, “I’m here to see Ron Stallworth”
“Oh, I’m sorry but he’s not in today” Sergeant Trapp replied.
As you glanced upon the empty desk next to you, you realized he was right. Embarrassingly, you sighed heavily. But that realization came at a cost when there was a room full of men at work, possible detectives typing away reports in their typewriters. Yet now, they were all looking at you.
Except one particular person, who kept busy with his files.
All this staring made you quite uncomfortable. But being a black woman, this was nothing new.
“It’s just that...” you began “I was told to give a statement...” you continued, “... about the attacks that ...that happened last Friday” taking a deep breath, You added , “...during the Black Student Union meeting”
Suddenly, the sound of scribbles were stopped, and the occupied man looked up from his files. As you only saw his back, you could only notice the full head of raven locks that was filled with.
“Flip...” a grey haired man addressed the raven haired man, “...aren’t you working on that case too?” Standing up, Flip finally turned to face you.
“Yeah. Why don’t I-“ He paused, a few seconds upon seeing you, “...take...your statement” He said softly, his eyes never leaving your sight.
It had been a while since a man had left you with quite an impression. You thought you were so hard to please.
Until that very moment.
He was taller than the others in the room, almost gigantic. His dark blue flannel shirt along with the leather holsters complimented his wide shoulders perfectly. With his raven long hair elongating his face, you swore you were breathless.
And surprisingly, you weren’t intimidated by the room anymore.
“Flip Zimmerman...” he said in his deep, soothing voice, “Please. Take a seat” ushering you to Ron’s seat as the sergeant pulled it out for you.
“Thanks...” you replied, “Y/N Y/L/N”
Like a spell wearing off, the others quickly resumed working as Detective Flip Zimmerman took your statement.
His pace was comforting, you felt calm. You answered all questions with confidence and detail. But at the same time, you wondered how you were able to maintain that whenever he looked at you. You could tell he listened to you with intent. And whenever he was not jotting down notes, his eyes were always on you.
“...and just like that...they just ran off from there” you said, crossing your legs.
Reaching out to one of his files, Flip took out a photograph. “Did they happen to look like this?” He asked, showing it to you. In the effort to being polite, you merely leaned forward to look. Your eyes widened.
“Yeah! They’re the ones!” You replied with enthusiasm.
Snapping his fingers, Flip nodded. “Knew it!” He said, looking at his partner, “Jimmy, Ron was right...” he muttered softly.
Jimmy looked at you. “Okay...” he said, “Thank you Ma’am for coming in...I think we got all that we need”
“We did?”
“You did?”
Realizing you and Flip both inquired Jimmy in unison, you could not help but stifle a chuckle. And you hide it well. Clearing his throat, Flip began as he looked back at you.
“Yeah...we did” he said, standing up, “Thank you...Miss Y/L/N?”
Smiling warmly, you stood up in kind. “Yeah ...Miss Y/L/N...” You said, as you exited the room.
Smiles were abundant on your face as you walked out of the precinct, which was quite the contradiction compared to a few minutes before. Quite the interesting interaction it turned out to be. And you weren’t the only one to agree.
“Man...” Jimmy began, watching you walk out, “She is a beaut, huh?” “Mmm...”
Flip merely acknowledged as he sat down. Looking at his partner, Jimmy was no fool to not notice.
“Well well...look who’s getting chummy now?” he said, inciting a chuckle out of Flip.
“Fuck you, Jimmy” he said while laughing, trying to hide his subtle blush.
“No really Flip...“ Jimmy teased, “I’ve never seen you like this...”
“Fuuuck Youuu!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Days went by. And all was just as it should be. You carried on with everything.
Except, there was a new distraction in your head.
Detective Flip Zimmerman. The Flannel Giant.
The mere thought of him made you smile to yourself every single time. So much that sometimes you’d get in trouble when others asked you what was wrong.
“Y’all! she found herself a brother to love. All good!”
You’d smile shyly and cleverly move on to another conversation. You did not know how everyone would feel about you having a soft spot for a white man. Let alone a white police detective. But it wasn’t for you to choose. You couldn’t steer the heart. The heart steered you. And you did not mind.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The soapy bubbles covered your hand like a glove as you washed the dishes over the sink. The radio softly played in the living room on a Thursday afternoon.
The ring of the doorbell forced you to finish the washing with haste. You wondered if it was Patrice, needing a textbook for class. Wiping your hands with your apron, you opened the door, only to find yourself lose your breath.
For it was Flip Zimmerman standing there.
“Ms. Y/L/N” he said softly, giving a soft smile. You involuntarily smiled back.
“Hey” you breathed, “Wait! How did you know where I live?”
“You gave it to us...” Flip said, “When you came to the precinct”
“Oh...of course”you chuckled embarrassingly at your own carelessness, “Please...come in...”
You found it surprising how you just let him in without even asking the purpose. He was just that easygoing.
“I’m sorry about this I was Uh...washing dishes...” you said embarrassingly as you invited him to sit on the sofa.
“Yeah Hehe...I can tell...” Nodding, Flip chuckled, watching you toss away the apron and sit on the armchair across from him.
The detective had come bringing forth good news. The two perpetrators behind the attacks were indeed members of the organization. Thanks to your valuable information they were arrested and will be tried. A huge wave of relief washed over you upon hearing the news. You couldn’t help but clasp your hands together with happiness.
“Oh, Detective Zimmerman, this is just wonderful”
“Flip...” he corrected in an instant, “you can call me Flip”
“Okay...” you nodded, “Flip” you added with the sincerest form of affection.
With lips parted slightly, Flip nodded back. As if he was in mid contemplation.
“Anyways, Thank You very much for your cooperation Ms. Y/L/N”
Your heart sank upon hearing those words, when he stood up to leave.
“I-I’m so sorry I couldn’t even offer you a beverage” you said, standing up“You came all this way-” “Oh no no...” shaking his head, the flannel giant responded, “I was in the neighborhood”
Unwillingly yet enslaved to politeness, you made your way towards the door.
With your grip on the handle, you knew this could be the last time you’ll ever see him again. The case was closed, faster than you imagined.
“Thanks do much for coming, Flip” you said, halfway opening the door. “My pleasure, Ms. Y/L/N”
“It’s Y/N...” this time you took the opportunity to correct him. “Y/N...”
His voice, you never heard it softer than you did just then. Standing merely inches away, he stood so tall before you. As your heartbeat began to quicken, as your cheeks started to burn, you knew the effect this man had on you was no joke. You did not want this to be the last time.
With the blink of an eye, his face seemed to appear centimeters away ,only to glue his lips on yours. And that was when you knew he felt the same.
The kiss was gentle. It was sweet and innocent. His facial hair sent shivers down your spine. But that just the first taste.
Lips were met once again for more experimentation, signaling your hand to push the door back and lock it tight.
The silent attraction that was developed between both parties from the first meeting seemed quite evident now.
Flip’s masculine hands made themselves home on your waist, moving behind to grab onto your buttocks. The way his hands felt you, made the white cotton of your short dress seem nonexistent when he pulled you closer to him.
Jumping into his arms felt effortless as he held you with ease. With your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck, you were comfortable as expected, body lines fitting with his like puzzle pieces.
The sounds of heavy breathing and kisses began to infuse with the soft sounds of the radio. Making himself comfortable on the couch, Flip was hospitable with you straddling him.
The kisses grew heated as his tongue caressed your own, deepening its connection and weakening you by the knees. Your moans echoed within him, urging you to hold him tightly by the collar. Indulging in pleasure, your body was naturally inclined to roll your hips against him.
But, all plans seemed to fly out the window when the telephone rang loudly, forcing both of you to pull away with surprise. Stretching out, you clumsily grabbed the phone.
“Y/N? It’s Patrice”
“Oh hey!” You greeted her breathlessly, keeping your balance as you held on to Flip.
There was a slight pause.
“You alright?” Patrice sounded serious as she inquired , “You sound weird”
“Yeah yeah I was just uh....dancing”
Covering the bottom half of the phone, you playfully slapped Flip on the shoulder in order to stop him from breaking into loud laughter.
“Oh...anyways, you coming tonight for the party-”
“I’m busy...” you cut her off, “Sorry Pat. Busy night tonight”
Finally hanging up, you blushed deeply upon seeing Flip‘s eyes that burned with desire. For there you were, with lips so swollen, straddling a man you barely knew oh so casually. Shyly, you allowed yourself to fall back on the couch next to him.
“Well...” Flip began, panting “this was-”
“....unexpected?-“ you guessed, panting alongside him.
“...Great...” clearing his throat, he revealed his final answer ”...this was really great”
Giggles erupted out of you in response , only to stop when he leaned towards you. Fully meaning well of what he just expressed, his lips greedily captured yours, enabling you to catch his scent easily while doing so.
“Bet your partner is wondering what’s taking ya so long to get back” you breathed into his lips, as he pulled away once again “Do you think he knows something’s up?”
“Maybe..” he said, staring at the wall ahead of him in thought. “Or maybe...with the case successfully solved, you invited me out for a drink....” Flip added, looking back at you, fueling inspiration, “...only if you wanted to-”
“I want to...” Your answer, it was so quick, so certain. And hearing his response was simply worth answering.
#adam driver#flip zimmerman#flip zimmerman x reader#flip zimmerman x black! reader#flip zimmerman x woc reader#blackkklansman#flip zimmerman imagines#adam driver fics#adam driver imagines#adam driver fanfiction#kylo ren#reylo#tros#star wars#adam sackler
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Man’s Best Fang
This wasn’t what I intended to be working on last night, but then @verfound had to go and do this and here we are.
He should have know it wouldn’t be that simple. He should have known, because it was Jagged, and despite being an international rock star, a pioneer in his field, and, apparently, Luka’s biological father, when it came to getting his way, Jagged Stone was twelve fucking years old and absolutely not above glossing over some things if it meant he got what he wanted. And apparently what he wanted today was Luka and Fang out of the hotel suite.
Take Fang for a walk, mate. Nah, it’ll be fine, he loves you! Penny ordered some macarons for ‘im for afterward, so take your time, wink wink.
Jagged rambled something about inspiration but Luka was pretty sure he was getting kicked out so that Jagged could make out with Penny, which was gross on so many levels, especially now that he knew Jagged was his dad and had apparently once done things like that with Luka’s mother and—
That train of thought had led to Luka giving in so that he could flee the scene of those very uncomfortable thoughts, but of course walking Fang wasn’t as simple as Jagged made it out to be. Of course.
And now Luka was stuck wrestling an 800 pound crocodile in the lobby of Paris’ fanciest hotel, all because Fang decided to throw a hissy fit (Luka had recently learned that crocodiles could, in fact, hiss) during his morning walk because the carpet had snagged one of his claws, and Fang, it turned out, was kind of a wuss.
Luka was far from a weakling to begin with, growing up working on the boat, which always needed repair in some tight and uncomfortable corner. After months of tagging around as a roadie and occasional backup guitarist to bond with his wanna-be father, lifting sound equipment and setting up stages and wedging himself into improbable positions to hook up sound equipment, he was probably in the best shape he’d ever been. So he was almost, sort of, holding his own against the thrashing crocodile, pressing his weight down on Fang and trying to get the dumb beast to hold still, damnit. He managed to get astride Fang’s neck and get a hand on either side of his massive jaws to hold them shut all while trying to reassure the hotel patrons that the situation was under control.
“Now, you big baby,” he growled, lifting Fang’s muzzle up and back to keep him from thrashing. “Hold—” He glanced up at the small crowd that had gathered—and promptly forgot about them as his gaze locked on the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. She blinked big blue eyes with long lashes and her cheeks pinked and he suddenly felt like Fang had kicked him in the gut. “Still,” he finished breathlessly.
Unfortunately, Fang sensed his distraction, jerked his muzzle free, and with a wild thrash and half-spin that required more energy than Luka had ever seen the lethargic creature use, he threw Luka off.
The crowd scattered out of his way as he tumbled across the floor towards them, except for the blue-eyed girl in the pink dress, who didn’t move. Luka rolled to a stop at her feet on his back, and for a moment they stared at each other
“Hi,” Luka panted, and a giddy grin spread over his face.
“Are you all right?” she asked anxiously, crouching down beside him and brushing his shaggy bangs out of his eyes. It shouldn’t have been possible for his heart to beat any harder considering he’d just been wrestling a crocodile four or five times his size, but it sure did its best as she stared into his eyes. It took longer than it should have to register that she was checking him for a concussion.
“Yeah,” he gasped. “Yeah, I’m good.”
She frowned and held up her index finger. “Follow my finger.”
“I’ll follow you anywhere,” he said, eyes tracking that delicate finger automatically. She blushed and lowered her hand to her lap, where it curled automatically around the pink bakery box in her lap.
Luka blinked. “Wait, are those macarons?”
“Um, yes?” Blue eyes blinked back at him. “I’m supposed to be delivering them to Jagged Stone.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Luka groaned, rolling over. “I work for him. Sort of. Can I have one of those please?” He got to his feet and pulled off his hoodie, tossing it to one side. It was one of the only articles of clothing he owned that wasn’t ripped and he wanted to keep it that way. Those big eyes got even bigger, roving over his shoulders and arms for a moment before she fumbled the box open and offered him a cookie.
He grinned, holding up the macaron between them. “Thanks, uh—”
“Oh,” her eyes widened again. “I’m, uh, m-my name’s Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
“Hello Ma-Ma-Marinette,” he chuckled, thoroughly charmed, “I’m Luka, and I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
A small hand caught his arm as he turned away and he looked back in surprise. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” she asked him anxiously, looking between him and Fang with concern. Marinette didn’t look frightened of the crocodile, but she looked up at him with a worried expression that had Luka ready to melt into a puddle at her feet. She was too sweet.
“Don’t worry,” he reassured her. “He looks scary, but he’s basically a big baby throwing a temper tantrum. I’ll be fine.” He winked at her and faced Fang with renewed purpose.
“Fang,” he called, waving the macaron in the crocodile’s field of vision. “Hey, boy, fancy a snack? Who’s a good croc? Fangy want a treat?”
Fang’s massive head followed him, and the crocodile’s jaws gaped wide.
“That’s it, Fang,” Luka coaxed. “You want the treat? Let’s have a trick. Down, Fang.”
The crocodile flopped on his belly obediently. “Good boy, Fang!” Luka praised. “Now, stay...just hold still a bit…”
Fang’s head turned as Luka held out the macaron at arm’s length, trying to reach Fang’s caught claw while keeping his attention on the macaron.
It didn’t work; Fang lunged for the treat, forcing Luka to jump back, and pulled hard on his trapped and probably now sore paw. Fang chomped the cookie, which Luka had dropped in his surprise, and then made what should have been an angry bellow but was really more like a big whine as he began to thrash. Luka spared a moment of grudging admiration for whoever had made this damn carpet. Fang’s claws were filed religiously so he wouldn’t be slicing through it anytime soon, but you’d think he’d have managed to break free by now.
But then again, he was kind of an overgrown pampered poodle instead of the apex predator he should have been.
“Aw, c’mon, you big baby!” Luka groaned, throwing his weight back on the grumpy animal to stop his thrashing before he hurt himself. “Would you just hold fucking still for two seconds—” There was a flash of pink at the corner of his eye and he looked quickly to find Marinette at his elbow. She shoved another macaron into his hand, and Luka quickly leaned over Fang to wave it in front of the croc’s face. “Hey Fang, you want another?” he called, and the massive head swung away from his caught claw in pursuit of the macaron. That was great, for the moment, but Luka couldn’t figure out any way to tempt Fang with the macaron and get his claw loose at the same time.
Suddenly there was a weight against his leg, and Luka looked back in surprise just in time to see the girl of his dreams grab Fang’s foreleg and force it down until there was some small amount of slack in the loose threads that had trapped him. Then she reached over with her other hand and did something Luka couldn’t see.
Just like that, Fang was free, and Luka, bent over nearly in half and hanging off the side of a crocodile, lost his heart completely. The love of his life sat up and her unfairly perfect lips curved in a triumphant smile as she brushed blue-black bangs out of her eyes. He stared as she tucked the seam ripper that had been in her hand back in her purse, and cooly tossed Fang another cookie.
He entertained a brief fantasy of grabbing her gorgeous face and kissing her stupid right then and there, but it seemed a Jagged kind of thing to do, which meant it was probably a bad idea. Instead he slithered off of Fang’s back and sat next to her on the carpet.
“So, uh,” he said, still rather winded but giving her the most charming grin he could muster under the circumstances. “Thanks for the assist.”
She giggled. “My pleasure.”
“Well, Ma-Ma-Marinette,” Luka said, turning slightly so his back was resting against the now-docile crocodile and drawing up one knee to prop his arm across it. “Will you marry me?”
She burst into bright laughter that touched his musical soul, and he longed for his guitar. “Too soon, huh?” Luka sighed dramatically. “How about dinner, then? I promise I’ll leave Fang at home. Whoa!” He nearly fell backwards as Fang abruptly moved away from him, swinging around to nose the box of treats and then—and then the fucker turned and put his head in Marinette’s lap, blinking up at her ever so innocently.
Marinette giggled and reached for the box, plucking out a macaron and droppinging it into Fang’s mouth. She patted the crocodile’s head as he munched happily. “Aw, you’re just a puppy dog with scales, aren’t you?” she cooed, and Luka had never in his life believed he would be jealous of a fucking lizard, but here he was. Then Marinette looked up at Luka and smiled and blushed and he was ready to kiss Fang himself for giving him the chance to meet her. “Um, dinner sounds good,” Marinette said shyly, shoulders hunching slightly. “What did you have in mind?”
Luka could only hope the grin that was spreading across his face wasn’t as dopey as it felt.
Luka drifted back into Jagged’s suite wearing that same dopey grin and a dreamy look in his eyes, Fang waddling along contentedly at his side.
Penny frowned as he wandered past her. “Luka, everything okay?”
“Fantastic,” Luka replied, grin widening. “Can’t talk right now, Penny, I need my guitar.”
He went into his room, Fang still waddling along with him. A few minutes later the sound of Luka’s guitar drifted through the suite.
His door was still open, so Penny peaked in to see Luka on the floor, leaning back against Fang, strumming as he stared into nothing with that dreamy look on his face. Fang’s tail thumped lightly in time with the melody.
Penny turned and whisper-yelled for Jagged. She waved him over. “Do you think he’s okay?” she asked, nodding toward Luka’s room.
Jagged listened for a minute, and then began to cackle. “Aw, leave him be, Penny,” he chortled, clapping a hand on her shoulder. “Boy’s got it bad. Let him work it out for a bit and then we’ll find out who the little lady is.” Jagged rubbed his hands gleefully. “It’s about time he found a muse. I told you Fang was a chick magnet. He was good before, he’s gonna be brilliant now. Every great musician needs inspiration, right love?” He chucked Penny under the chin and she blushed.
#fang is the best man at the wedding#i am lukanette trash i admit it#lukanette#quickspins#meet-cute#luka couffaine#marinette dupain-cheng#miraculous ladybug#ml fics#miraculousladybug#i'll never not know you
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Role of Messaging in Real-time Communication
Instant messaging is a common component of the Unified Communication experience.
We are all living in an agile world where people need access to information as quickly as possible. Instant messaging enables this by allowing people to communicate with each other in real-time, through IM software on the internet.
Way back when Instant Messaging (IM) first began, in the 90s, it was primarily a solution for people who wanted to chat with friends and family over the internet. Instant messaging, today has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses too, and the messaging revolution is growing.
Communication at the core of business.
As we discover new modes of communication that make connecting and collaborating with colleagues easier, the faster will the businesses grow. For example, messaging applications today not only gives you an alternative way to send content to a co-worker but will additionally provide:
Real-time communication
Integration with web and mobile apps
File-sharing solutions
Presence feature (to see who’s online)
Data recording for information governance
In the days prior to instant messaging, you either had to hope someone was available to take a call, visit them in person, or send an email and wait (potentially days) for a response. Instant messaging helps share a persistent stream of information in real-time. With messaging, staff in an organization can see which of the team members are available at any given time, and access the help they need to complete tasks, serve customers or excel at projects
Before the days of instant messaging, if you wanted to share a file, or connect with a colleague who was not in the same office location as yourself, you had to schedule a call or send an email. While emails provide a great opportunity to share easy-to-track knowledge around the world, it also comes with a host of problems, all the way from unreliable servers, to poor security. Instant messaging, on the other hand, offers:
Real-time communication, with instantaneous insights into who is online and available to answer your questions.
Persistent connections for people around the world. You need not have to worry about someone from across the globe being left out of the conversation loop. Direct messaging systems allow users to scroll back through previous messages. Some even allow users to tag important posts.
Convenience: Instant messaging also works just as well on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer. In some cases, you may not even need to download an app, as WebRTC makes it possible to connect through a web page
Team-building: Instant messaging allows for a more natural flow of conversation than email, which will help in better team-building, and enhanced communication and collaboration environment.
Enables Better collaboration: People around the world can collaborate in real-time and this means that tasks get done faster.
Archiving: A few instant messaging platforms are equipped with record-keeping functionalities, to enable you to search through past conversations for important information and maintain data for compliance purposes.
In a remote working environment where both employees and customers would want instant answers, we no longer have time or patience to wait for emails to load or files to open. Instant messaging supports the speed and agility required by the workforce, with a real-time approach to constant communication.
Team Collaboration
Teams have long collaborated over projects within an office or work environment. However, as work becomes more remote, the methods we use to collaborate are changing. We are moving away from the individual and siloed groups within an organisation, to embrace a wider, more connected team.
In fact, according to a report from Microsoft, we are currently operating in twice as many teams today as we did five years ago. When you combine that knowledge with the fact that we are seeing four times as many people working remotely these days, then you will realize, why so many companies are searching for the right tools to help people work more efficiently together.
As corporations continue to spread around the world, driven by remote and flexible working, collaboration tools are how we can connect the professionals who simply cannot engage in face-to-face work. Studies show that collaboration tools increase team efficiency by more than 20%.
With collaboration tools you can:
Track Projects easily
Connect with Teams from anywhere
Evolve projects faster
Access Expertise Anywhere
Enable easy Document Management and Reporting
Finally, the cloud-focused all-in-one collaboration application from UnifiedRing help you access, communicate and collaborate from anywhere in the world be it mobile or desktop devices.
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giflinsky’s gif tutorial
ok so !! before i start, a disclaimer: i do not claim to be a professional at photoshop or know how to do everything omg i know there are multiple ways to make gifs, but this is just how i personally learned how to make gifs from a mix of tutorials that i’ve found over the years
now onto the tutorial !! i’m gonna be gif’ing my baby ofc & here’s the end product
step 1: pick the video you wanna gif
usually i get my videos from youtube or instagram, especially since i mostly gif jack gilinsky & insta is where i get like 90% of his content from lol. for this tutorial, i’m gonna gif jack & jack’s day dreaming music video ok cool
i use keepvid to download youtube videos, making sure to get the highest quality available ( 720p — 1080p ) & that the format is mp4
step 2: opening in photoshop
so i currently use photoshop cc, but i’ve used photoshop cs5 & photoshop cs6 to gif in the past. tbh i can’t remember the differences so i’m pretty sure the process is the same?? if not lmk
anyway so to import the video, go to file > import > video frames to layers
upload your video & this thing will pop up
depending on the length of the video & what scene you wanna gif, you can either click from beginning to end or selected range only. if the video is 10 seconds or shorter i usually pick the 1st option, but since this is a whole music video & i only wanna gif one tiny part of it, i chose the 2nd option. either way, check the box for limit to every 2 frames (tbh i’m not sure what happens if you change the number; every tutorial i read just said leave it at that lol)
to clip the video to the part you want, use those lil’ sliders. it doesn’t have to be exact bc you can delete frames later
once you click OK, the gif should open in photoshop. make sure the timeline is open at the bottom & if it’s not go to window > timeline
step 3: trimming the frames
so since i imported some extra scenes from the video, there are frames that i don’t want in the gif. all i have to do is select the unnecessary frames & click the lil’ trashcan at the bottom
this next step isn’t really required, but i found that it helps load things faster ig? so i select all the layers in the right sidebar by using the shortcut option + command + a (control + alt + a on windows) then i press command + g (control + g) to group them together
then i click the 3 stacked lines button & flatten frames into layers so that it’s only the frames that i want
then i delete the original group bc i don’t need them anymore
step 4: cropping
it’s just like cropping a regular image. it depends on the video (i.e. if it’s horizontal or vertical) & you can do whatever you like, there’s really no rules? for this gif, i used the 2:3 ratio to isolate gilinsky’s face
step 5: resizing
since the video size is pretty big, i have to resize it to fit tumblr’s guidelines. these are the photoset sizes for 2019 for reference

i usually make my gifs a little bit bigger, for example i size up 268px to 300px. i don’t really have a reason lol i just prefer things a little bigger i guess? anyway so to resize, go to image > image size or the keyboard shortcut option + command + i (control + alt + i)
i made the width 245 pixels & it automatically set the height
step 6: sharpening
this step is optional, but i’ve found that it can make a difference in quality a lot of times. i use this sharpening action. in order to use it, you’ll have to load it onto photoshop, so click the play button thing on the right sidebar or go to window > actions
click the 3 stacked lines, go to load actions, then select the sharpening action i linked
once it’s loaded, make sure the 1st frame in both the timeline & layers are selected, then click play selection on the action bar & it will work its sharpening magic
step 7: gif speed
after you sharpen the gif, all the frames should be highlighted/selected. click the drop down arrow next to 0.06 on any of the frames & some numbers should pop up
these are the options for how fast you want your gif to be. i usually use 0.08 seconds for gifs with more frames, but 0.1 seconds is a good general speed for most gifs
oh and make sure that drop down is set to forever, which loops the gif
step 9: coloring
this step is also optional. it’s really for aesthetic purpose, especially if the color isn’t to your liking
i’m not creative enough to make my own colorings lol so i usually use one of these PSDs to color my gifs. for this particular gif, however, i used this one. you can find a bunch of other PSDs just searching through the tumblr tags
i just open the file onto photoshop, drag the group over to my gif & it makes it pretty?
it changed the gif from this
to this
step 8: saving
your gif is made! now all you gotta do is save & you’ll be able to use it however you please. go to file > export > save for web
there will be another pop up window. these are the settings i have (based on the tutorials i’ve read). colors should be 256, but you can mess around with the selective and/or diffusion to see how your gif looks
the last thing to check is the gif size. i believe the maximum for tumblr is 3.00M? any larger & the gif will freeze
& that's all i have for y’all !! i hope this made sense omg i really tried to be thorough & provide enough screenshots but like tumblr made the quality booty so if you can’t see something or if you have any questions at all please feel free to send me an ask or hit up the IMs & i’ll try my best to help you out :)
thank you to the anon who liked my gifs enough to request a tutorial, i really appreciate you & anyone who cares to like/reblog my posts !!
#gif tutorial#how to make gifs#how to edit gifs#photoshop#photoshop help#???? idk what else to tag#*#*personal
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About the Mun
Name: Jax
Pronouns: he/him/they/them
Zodiac Sign: leo.
Age: 18
Blogs: this one (rp related stuff but ooc), @jcfoxington (ooc & whatever i wanna post), and @arcticartings (art blog), as well these rp blogs: - @conflictedenergies - @hugs-not-anonymous - @once-upon-a-memoir
How long?: oof, that’s a tough question. 4-5 years, i believe?
Platforms you’ve used: movellas forums, tumblr, discord, & dms on various sites
Best experience: another tough question, wow! im awful at picking favorites; putting value to things & having some value be worth more than other value is just not a thing my brain can comprehend, so every fond memory i have w/ rping is valued equally. recent highlights, tho: - jasculs ramming into a tree & rem ( @thornbolts ) having to file down his horns & now they finally fit what ive been imagining them to be - zatna & uriel ( @rimeforge ) beginning to make up except it goes wrong & now she has even guilt ( thanks, dencrest )
Writing preferences
Fluff, angst or smut: a healthy mixture of angst & fluff. i dont write smut
Plots or memes: there’s something truly special abt an rp friendship & partnership when you can come up w/ plots & ideas that both burn to do, but at the same time, memes can open up unseen doors & opportunities, with or without plotting, that weren’t there before. so... both?
Long or short replies: medium-long replies, tho i do tend to ramble a lot & accidentally write a lot. it’s not on purpose i swear
Are you like your muse(s)?: there’s something abt each of my muses that i relate to, in one way or another. the way jasculs defines & values family; zatna’s state of mind & mood & spite & reckless caution; vy’cenin’s curiosity & value of balance
tagged by: @pumpkaboospiced tagging: @rimeforge @latildarommel @unabashedrebel @the-real-arcanist-val @koszmar-zycie @stonestridernerd & anyone else who’d like to do this!
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Chapters: 7/? Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Post-IT Chapter Two (2019), Domestic, Light Angst, Family Feels, Childhood Trauma, Adoption, Kid Fic, Adopted Children, Richie Tozier Loves Eddie Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak Loves Richie Tozier, Marriage, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier Are Parents, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Minor Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Beverly Marsh & Richie Tozier Are Best Friends, Catholicism, Richie Tozier Has Issues, Extended Tozier Family, Medical Examinations, Stephen King References
Eddie and Richie embark on the most terrifying experience of all—parenthood. Or, the author desperately needed a domestic, family fix-it for Richie and Eddie and it turned into a much longer, angstier exploration than I expected.
Chapter VII: Eddie struggles while he and Richie search for answers about their daughter. But perhaps there's light in the darkness.
“This is crazy,” Eddie muttered, straightening and walking away from the desk. “Absolutely fucking crazy.”
“Eds, come on,” Richie implored him, turning away from the open laptop screen where Mike’s face gazed up at him. “This is interesting stuff.”
“Interesting but bullshit.”
“You don’t know that,” Richie insisted.
“No, but I do know our daughter isn’t a fucking science experiment,” Eddie declared, whirling around, his hands waving wildly. “This is real life, not that show on Netflix.”
Richie sighed as Mike hurriedly said, “I’m not saying Tess is that, I’m just saying, we have evidence of children with...with…”
“Powers?” Eddie provided, raising an eyebrow. “Like fucking Superman or something? Come the fuck on.”
“Charlie McGee claimed to start exhibiting pyrokinetic abilities as a toddler,” Mike said, flipping through a stack of papers. “It’s all right here in that Rolling Stone article from 1980.”
“And in the same article, it’s explained that her parents were mentally ill drug addicts and that the ‘explosion’ she caused with her mind was from an anti-government terrorist attack, Mike,” Eddie continued. “It says it right there in the link you sent us. Besides, even if this is true, our daughter isn’t exactly setting things on fire with her mind.”
“No, but I did find something that sounds an awful lot like what Tess is doing,” Mike continued.
“She’s doing nothing but being a kid,” Eddie said, exasperated. He looked at Richie. “I’m done with this. You want to stay up all night talking conspiracy theories and thinking our daughter is something out of The X-Files, go ahead, but I’m not listening to anymore of this.”
“Why not?” Richie begged. “How is any of this any crazier than what we went through?”
Eddie closed his eyes and sighed, a prickling of fear spreading through his body. It had to be crazy, it had to be, because if it wasn’t, then Pennywise wasn’t the worst of what this universe was capable of.
“Here,” Mike said suddenly, “I’m sending you some more links.”
A new email appeared in Richie’s inbox and he quickly opened it, clicking the first link. It was an article from an academic journal.
“The fuck’s this?” Richie mumbled, trying to make sense of the scholarly jargon in the first paragraph.
“There’s a girl out there, well, a teenager, and she has exhibited a lot of the same things Tess has done,” Mike explained. “She’s been studied by several different universities and they all admit, no one has given such accurate results in multiple tests.”
“Tests in what?” Richie asked.
“ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, even astral projection,” Mike said, sounding terribly excited. “And she’s not the only one. She claims there are others like her out there.”
“That’s it,” Eddie groaned, rubbing at his eyes, “I’m going to bed. You and Mike have fun. I’ll handle the Tooth Fairy tonight since you’re so busy.”
Richie waved his hand distractedly as he squinted at the screen, clearly engrossed with the article. Eddie rolled his eyes, said good night to Mike, and walked out of their home office. He glanced at his watch. It was near midnight. He hadn’t stayed up this late on purpose in a long fucking time.
Quietly, he inched into Lydia’s room and reached into his pocket for his wallet. She was fast asleep, starfished on her bed, and Eddie allowed himself a relieved smile. He glanced at her nightstand, on which sat a piece of paper with the words FOR THE TOOTH FAIRY written on it in crayon with an arrow pointing to said tooth. Eddie was once again grateful he had had the forethought years ago to insist that the Tooth Fairy was too busy to go digging under pillows all night. Quickly, he slipped the dollar bill in the tooth’s place and, just a quickly, crept out of her room and down the hall.
He passed the office, and could hear Richie and Mike talking behind the closed door. His shoulders drooped, and he fought the desire to walk in there and demand Richie stop freaking himself out and come to bed. But Eddie had the sneaking suspicion Richie needed this, even if it was all bullshit.
And it had to be. It was bad enough they lived in a world where an ageless entity from space could terrorize children, erase their memories, and know their deepest fears. Eddie had to draw the line somewhere. Superheroes, magic, whatever, didn’t exist. His daughter was just that; his daughter. A little girl...with just an odd ability that had to have a somewhat rational explanation.
He opened his hand and gazed down at the tooth in his palm. He sighed, went to their closet, and found the leather travel bag. He unzipped it, took out the tiny jar, unscrewed the top and placed the tooth in it. He returned the jar and bag back to the closet. He still found it a somewhat creepy practice to keep their daughter’s baby teeth but Richie had insisted it was totally normal (“Besides, she can make a necklace out of them when she gets older, Eds!”).
Eddie closed the closet door and turned towards the bed. It looked terribly inviting. He was about halfway to collapsing in it when the door creaked open, and a little face peeked through.
“Tess?” he said softly. He headed to the door and opened it fully. “What are you doing up, sweetheart? It’s the middle of the night.”
“Daddy,” she whispered, her voice thin.
“What is it?” he asked, crouching down. “Did you have a bad dream?”
Her mouth fell open, and for a split second, Eddie thought she was about to vomit. Instead, she slumped, as if she was a marionette whose strings had just been cut. She remained standing, but her eyes dimmed and her body appeared boneless.
“Tess? Tess, answer me,” Eddie said firmly, gripping her little arms as cold fear gripped his heart. “Tess, sweetheart, look at me. Answer me.”
A great shuddering gasp escaped her and this time, her legs gave out fully. He gathered her into his arms and stood, repeating her name desperately.
“Daddy,” she repeated, slurring slightly and her head lolling, “Papa’s...get ‘im.”
“Tess, baby, just breathe with me and keep your eyes open, okay?” Eddie hurried to the office and kicked open the door. Richie jumped and immediately paled when he saw Tess languid in his arms.
“Oh, God, Tess, Tess,” he gasped, rushing up to his husband and daughter. “Tess, look at me, please, kiddo.” “Get your car keys, and wake Lydia, we’re taking her back to the hospital,” Eddie said, shifting her in his arms.
Tess turned her bleary gaze to Richie. She reached out for him.
“Papa,” she mumbled.
“I’m right here, baby,” Richie said, his voice thick, taking her little face in his shaking hands.
“You…” she shuddered, blinked, and all at once, was their daughter again, her eyes clear and her voice strong. She burst into tears. “You almost flew away!” she wailed, as she all but launched herself out of Eddie’s arms and threw her own around Richie’s neck. Both men stumbled.
“Tess, I…” Richie looked at Eddie over her head, his own eyes wide and frightened. “I’m right here. It’s okay, kiddo, I’m right here. Are you alright? Does your head hurt or something?”
“Don’t fly away,” she begged through tears.
“Hold her,” Eddie said and maneuvered her into Richie’s arms. “I’m starting the car. We’re going to the hospital.”
“What was that?” Richie demanded over Tess’s sobs. “Another seizure?”
“I don’t know what it was,” Eddie said. “But I’m not waiting for another one.”
Pennywise couldn’t have been all-knowing, Eddie realized, because if It had, It would’ve shown Eddie and Richie this—their daughter sedated and lying, helpless and vulnerable, on the table before the yawning mouth of an MRI machine. This was worse than the leper or Paul Bunyan’s grinning razor-sharp teeth; worse than losing your childhood memories—because now, now they were really fucking helpless.
“It’ll take about ten days before we get the results back,” the neurologist explained. “And she’ll definitely be feeling the effects of the sedation afterwards. She should spend the next twenty-four hours resting.”
“Neither of us are working today,” Eddie muttered, clutching the shitty, cold coffee a nurse had given him earlier. He glanced back at Richie, but he was clearly lost inside his own head and not listening. He was sitting in a seat against the wall as they waited for the procedure to finish. Lydia—poor, patient Lydia who had been woken up in the middle of the night and thrilled by the sight of a dollar bill on her night stand, only to be told to put on her shoes, they were going to the hospital—was curled up, asleep in his lap, his jacket around her protectively.
Eddie sighed and rubbed at his forehead. The MRI technician smiled sympathetically at him.
“I know it seems to take forever,” he said, “but we’re nearly done.”
Eddie nodded. He was familiar with the process, having gone through it when the migraines became too much. Myra had insisted on second and third opinions. Eddie clenched his eyes shut and shook his head. The idea of Tess waking up after an MRI only to have Myra, or worse, his mother, waiting for her turned his stomach.
“How can she sleep through all that banging?” Richie muttered suddenly. Eddie remembered that Richie had never even seen an MRI machine until now.
“It’s loud, I know,” the technician said gently, “but between the earplugs and sedation, she doesn’t notice a thing.”
If he had said that to make them feel better, it only did the opposite. Eddie stood and stepped towards Richie, brushing his husband’s hair off his forehead.
“You need a haircut,” he muttered.
Richie glanced up and somehow, smiled.
“That’s the least of what I need right now,” he sighed.
Eddie leaned down and kissed the top of his head, uncaring that the technician was less than three feet away. Richie smiled again and for a moment, Eddie thought that if he could keep Richie smiling, then maybe they could get through this.
Recovery rooms had always been Eddie’s least favorite part of a hospital. He hated the waiting, the fact that you were trapped with other patients, that you had virtually no privacy. But now, he especially hated that they were surrounded by other children and their families, all nervous and on-edge.
Tess was one of the lucky ones. She hadn’t gone through surgery, but the doctor still wanted her to sufficiently recoup from the sedation before she went home. Richie and Eddie were miserable.
Eddie sighed and shifted Lydia, still sleeping, in his arms. Richie had needed a break and also desperately wanted to hold Tess’s hand as she slept. Eddie remembered how despondent he had been when he had woken up after surgery in Derry, only to discover he was the one patient in the recovery room without any visitors waiting for him. It was only later that he discovered the doctors had not allowed a single Loser in, seeing as they were not family and not listed as an emergency contact. Luckily, Mike knew one of the nurses, and when Eddie was transferred back to his own room, they were all there, beaming at him—except for Richie,who still looked terrified, as if certain he was gazing at a mirage.
“She looks so tiny,” Richie suddenly whispered.
Eddie blinked and turned his gaze to his youngest daughter, her little chest rising and falling steadily. He nodded.
“Even tinier than when we first got her,” he agreed.
“She was underweight,” Richie continued, his thumb running over her little hand. “Remember how light she was?”
Eddie nodded again and rested his cheek on the top of Lydia’s head. He closed his eyes and immediately saw Tess in their doorway, hours earlier. He sighed.
“She looked like you,” he whispered. Richie turned towards him, confusion on his face. “During her seizure tonight. She looked like you when you were caught…” he lowered his voice, “when you were in the deadlights.”
Richie swallowed.
“Maybe that’s what she saw,” he replied quietly.
“The deadlights?”
“No, me,” Richie said, reaching with his other hand to stroke Tess’s hair. “She said, don’t fly away. Maybe she saw me in the deadlights, too.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie noticed movement. He glanced over, and spotted a nurse hovering across the room, who quickly looked away. Eddie frowned. He doubted the nurse could overhear them, but he felt nervousness form in the pit of his stomach. Perhaps he was a fan of Richie’s, but surely no nurse would dare approach him in a recovery room, right?
“Eddie, that girl Mike told us about,” Richie whispered, his eyes wide, “I think you should read what he sent.”
“Rich, not now, please.”
“It sounds like...like this is real. She’s seeings things from before she was born. How is that possible?”
Eddie spotted the nurse again, who was making quite a show of reading a chart a few beds away. Eddie frowned.
“Can we at least wait for the MRI results before we jump to conclusions?” he begged.
Richie followed his gaze and spotted the hovering nurse, too. He swallowed and looked back down at their sleeping daughter.
“Alright, Eds,” he sighed. “Whatever you say.”
The next ten days went by in a blur of family visits and constant check-ins from the Losers. Apparently when a small child gets her brain scanned, it’s all hands on deck. Richie’s parents and sister babysat, brought food, and distracted the girls while Eddie and Richie walked around in a daze, waiting for the results that could potentially change their lives.
Mike Facetimed everyday, never bringing up any of his research, but simply listening. Bill, stuck in Europe with limited wifi on a movie shoot, sent goofy videos and uplifting emails when he could. Bev called multiple times a day and Ben fucking flew in, because he was just that sort of kind-hearted bastard.
“Bev can’t get away from work until Sunday,” he explained gently. The results were due to come in on Friday. “She wanted to be here.”
“It’s fine,” Richie said, faking a smile. “You guys are acting like this is a wedding. We’re just getting a bunch of paperwork telling us what the fuck is going on in our daughter’s brain. No big deal.”
Ben offered one of his patented You’re making jokes about being sad and that’s sad faces and Richie just shrugged.
“We’re glad you’re here,” Eddie admitted softly. “Besides, Lydia’s thrilled.”
“That’s true,” Richie said, “Lyds loves you, Ben. I think she wants you and Bev to adopt her.”
Ben laughed gently and ran a hand through his hair.
“Tess still needs to warm up to me,” he said.
“Tess still needs to warm up to me,” Richie shot back.
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“She adores you, Rich,” he said, brewing another pot of coffee. “She even lets you read to her now.”
“Yeah, Berenstain Bears, not Dr. Seuss,” Richie muttered. “I hate the fucking Berenstain Bears.”
Ben laughed and squeezed Richie’s shoulder affectionately.
“Having kids seems a lot more complicated than I thought,” he admitted.
“Trust me, man, you have no idea,” Richie said, scrubbing his hand over his face.
Friday came in a blink. Ben and Richie’s sister Sarah watched the girls while Richie and Eddie went to get the results. They drove together in tense silence, waited in the waiting room silently, and when they were finally called into the office, still said very little.
Later, Eddie would realize that for something that caused such overwhelming anxiety for so long, it was all very anticlimactic. The results showed nothing in Tess’s brain. Once again, the doctor insisted there was no physical reason for her apparent seizures. It was good news...right?
As they walked out, stunned and exhausted, both men were lost in their own thoughts. Eddie felt weak with relief but he still couldn’t get the image of his daughter in that MRI machine. Time to make another appointment with his therapist, he figured.
By the time he reached the door, he suddenly realized Richie was not beside him. He turned around and spotted Richie down the hall, hurrying after him.
“Where were you?” Eddie asked tiredly.
“Nowhere, nothing,” Richie said quickly. “Let’s go home.”
“I wanna see the girls,” Richie continued, rushing through the doors.
Eddie sighed and shook his head, following his husband.
“But that’s good news!” Ben exclaimed when they got home. “Isn’t it?”
“It is,” Eddie said, running a hand through his hair. “I mean, she has nothing physically wrong in her brain so thank God. But we still don’t have clear answers.”
Sarah frowned and shook her head.
“There has to be one,” she insisted. “Did they talk about medication or anything?”
“A bit,” Eddie sighed. “I just...something about it feels wrong. I can’t explain it.”
“What does Richie think?” Ben asked.
“I...I don’t know,” Eddie admitted.
“Where is Richie?” Sarah asked, suddenly looking around her. She peeked into the living room where Lydia was playing with the Wii. “Lyds, did you see where your dad went?”
“I think he’s in Tess’s room,” she answered. “Aunt Sarah, it’s your turn to play. You promised.”
“I know but—”
“Please,” Lydia begged, putting on her best puppy dog eyes.
Sarah sighed but smiled affectionately. “Duty calls,” she said, and walked into the living room.
“I should go check on Richie,” Eddie said tiredly.
“Sure,” Ben said before placing his arm on Eddie’s shoulder. “Listen, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, but is there something else going on? Like, you and Richie don’t seem...yourselves.”
Eddie tried to offer a smile but Ben saw right through it. He looked genuinely concerned and Eddie had to admit, it was nice to have someone else worry, too.
“It’s fine, we’re just...figuring this out,” he admitted softly. “I’ll be right back.”
He walked down the hall and knocked on Tess’s half-opened door. He peeked in. Richie was sitting on her bed with Tess on his knee, speaking quietly to her.
“You two okay?” he asked.
“Eds, come here,” Richie said quickly. “And close the door.”
Eddie did so with a sense of unease. He stepped towards the bed and gazed down at his husband and daughter expectantly. Richie turned back to Tess.
“Now, kiddo, tell Daddy what you told me,” he said gently. “Just the same.”
“Okay,” Tess said, shrugging as she looked up at Eddie. “‘Member when I fell down?”
Eddie huffed a laugh.
“Yes, I definitely remember that, sweetheart,” he said.
“Well,” Tess began, fiddling with the hem of her shirt, “I fell because Papa fell and it hurted.”
“Papa fell?”
She nodded vigorously.
“Yep, he was flying,” she said. She turned back to Richie. “How come you don’t fly at home?”
Richie shook his head.
“Because I can’t really fly,” he admitted.
“But you did in the cave.”
“I wasn’t flying,” Richie explained gently. “I was floating.”
A wave of nausea rolled in Eddie’s stomach.
“Richie, stop this,” he insisted.
“Wait, listen, go on, Tess. Tell Daddy the rest.”
“Daddy saved you,” she said, shrugging. “And then Daddy got hurted. And you was sad but now it’s okay.”
“Yes, it’s all okay now,” Richie agreed, kissing her on her forehead. “Why did Daddy float?”
“‘Cause of the light. Aunt Bev saw it, too,” she answered nonchalantly. “Can I have a snack?”
“Of course you can,” Richie said happily, hugging her tightly before placing her on her feet. “Go on, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Ben are in the kitchen.”
She rushed out. Richie and Eddie stared at one another.
“You can’t deny it, Eds,” Richie said, his voice oddly light. “She sees our past. I don’t know how or why, but she does.”
Eddie swallowed and suddenly realized his hands were shaking. He closed them into fists.
“It?” he whispered.
Richie shook his head.
“I don’t think so,” he said. “This is something else. Like something you’re born with.”
“And earlier, at the hospital, a nurse stopped me,” he said, standing and reaching into his pocket. “He was in the recovery room with us last week. I saw him looking over at us and I thought he was just being a dick but he heard us. He stopped me on our way out today and gave me this.”
He pulled a crumpled piece of paper out and handed it to Eddie. Eddie looked down at an unfamiliar name.
“What’s this supposed to be?” he asked.
“He said he used to work with this guy, he has what Tess has,” Richie said excitedly.
“For fuck’s sake,” Eddie sighed. “This could just be a crazy person. That nurse could be a crazy person.”
“His name is in one of the articles Mike sent us,” Richie insisted. “About that girl.”
“And? What are we supposed to do about it?”
“We can reach out to them.”
“No fucking way,” Eddie said, raisng his voice in shock. “You wanna read articles or look up theories on the Internet, fucking fine, but there is no way we are opening ourselves to some fucking lunatics. Especially when it comes to our daughter.”
“I’m not saying we introduce Tess to them, I’m saying we ask some questions.”
“Absolutely not,” Eddie hissed.
“So what do you want to do?” Richie asked angrily. “Wait around until this happens again? Throw some meds at her and hope for the best?”
Eddie threw his hands up and turned away.
“This is crazy, Rich, totally fucking crazy,” he gasped.
A knock at the door. Ben stuck his head in.
“You guys want lunch or something?” Ben asked gently. “Tess and Lyds are hungry.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Richie said, taking a deep breath. “We’ll be right there.”
He nodded, gave a penetrating look at his two friends, and left. Richie stood and gazed down at Eddie, his eyes soft. He took Eddie’s face in his hands, caressing his cheekbones with this thumbs.
“We need to figure this out,” he whispered, “and I can’t do it alone.”
Eddie sighed, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded. He didn’t see Richie smile but he felt it in his kiss.
Life went back to normal—or as normal as it ever was in the Tozier household. Bev still offered to fly out but there wasn’t any point, so after thanking him profusely and offering to visit soon, Richie and Eddie sent Ben back home to his wife. He looked oddly reluctant to leave, but he hugged his two friends tightly and told them he loved them before his flight. Eddie caught Richie blinking rapidly before turning away.
Sarah still visited often, along with Richie’s mother, but they had their own responsibilities, too. And, as far as the medical world as concerned, Tess was physically fine.
Soon, they had less than a week until the new school year, and the Tozier family was busy. Last minute supplies had to be bought, schedules finalized, Tess reassured constantly about the safety and fun of preschool, and teachers informed about her seizures. The preschool took the information well, and assured them that they had plenty of experience with children with epilepsy. Richie and Eddie considered explaining that Tess did not have that, but let it go. Perhaps it was easier to pretend she had an ordinary diagnosis.
Lydia and Tess’s first days started together and, in an effort to make the preschool drop off as easy and meltdown-free as possible, Richie volunteered to take Tess alone. She’d still freak out but it wouldn’t be as violent if Eddie was there, they figured. Eddie agreed reluctantly. He hated the idea of his daughter breaking down at the front steps of the preschool, but he hated the idea of missing her first day even more.
“I’ll film everything,” Richie promised. “It’s only for half a day, anyway.”
Eddie nodded and finished packing her snacks and blanket. Lydia was practically vibrating with excitement, showing off her back to school outfits and re-organizing her Batman backpack. She was, both men had to admit, better at distracting and empowering Tess than they were. She spent their last day of summer vacation going on and on about the excitement of school, of how much fun she has with her friends and the nice teachers, and when Tess starts kindergarten next year, she’ll just love it.
Tess listened carefully and asked many questions. Lydia, always a fan of being in charge and all-knowing, was in her element. Eddie smiled and felt his heart twist as he watched his two daughters. Perhaps everything will be okay, he thought hopefully.
That night, he and Richie helped the girls wash up, change into their pjs, lay out their first day clothes, and climb into bed. Lydia needed very little encouragement and simply kissed them both good night before asking for her copy of Ramona Quimby, Age 8, and promising not to stay up late reading. They left her room, content in the knowledge that Lydia was quite fearless and adept at rolling with the punches.
In their younger daughter’s room, Richie tucked Tess into her bed, her night light on and her eyes heavy. Eddie brushed her hair from her face and she smiled sleepily.
“You’re going to have a great day tomorrow,” he said gently.
“Yeah, you’re going to have so much fun,” Richie agreed. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
Tess yawned.
“Yep,” she said, “a good day.”
“And you’re so smart and brave,” Richie continued. “You’re gonna blow everyone away tomorrow.”
“I know,” Tess replied, rubbing at her eye with the back of her hand. “‘M not scared. ‘M not scared of anything anymore.”
“Good,” Eddie said, impressed. Lydia should become a motivational speaker, he thought briefly. “You have nothing to be afraid of.”
“Nope,” Tess replied. “The nice girl showed me.”
Unease, like a blanket, fell over Richie and Eddie. They glanced at one another, both frozen. Richie licked his lips and swallowed before asking, “What girl?”
“The girl who visited me,” she yawned. “She showed me lots.”
“What did she show you?” Eddie whispered, terrified of the answer.
“Magic,” Tess replied, closing her eyes. “She says I’m magic, too.”
She smiled as her breathing slowly evened out, and they knew she was falling asleep.
“She says I shine like her,” Tess whispered.
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a post.
been awhile, hasnt it, tumblr.
i have a fair amount of followers, half of which are probably old spam and porn accounts, so i doubt anyone will read this and i doubt anyone cares. venting, self indulgence, i guess.
im not sure if im back. i hope not. not to sound condescending, but im trying to spend my time doing meaningful and purposeful stuff. tumblr is just another social media app that sucks up my time when procrastinating. but i might try to get back into art, and tumblr is maybe the best place to put that, so.... idfk.
i came back once, fleetingly, when white diamond was revealed- knowing tumblr was my best place for content and info and craving it. same goes for right now. i just finished the homestuck epilogues and needed to see others thoughts, some content, i need it for my own catharsis.
ill give my hot take on the epilogues. im sure you could already tell what my opinion is from the posts ive shared. to my relief, this seems to what the majority of others are feeling, too (based on my scrolling through the homestuck epilogue tag for a few hours). they were fucking awful. felt like an edgelord's "pain is the epitome of human emotion" fanfic. it solidified my feeling that hussie no longer cares about homestuck. no, it confirmed to me that he violently LOATHES homestuck, and perhaps even (or especially) its fanbase.
i always thought homestuck would be the most important thing to me. it was, ever since i started reading it 6 or so years ago. there will never be anything that even comes close to what homestuck was for me. it was the only thing that kept me alive through some of the hardest parts of my childhood. i made some great friends at the time because of it (not that any of them stuck around). i was planning on doing homestuck cosplays for the rest of my cosplay existence, to prove that homestuck was still my #1. i wanted to get homestuck tattoos once i was free of debt!
but the ending of homestuck left me bitter. imo, the fandoms bullshit and the hiveswap fuckery left no love in hussies heart for his creation. he wanted it over, and just ended it. but nobody was satisfied with that of course, including me. so i was ecstatic to hear there would be an epilogue. but as weeks, months, years went by with nothing... i began to accept that wed probably never get epilogues. id just love homestuck for what it was, be salty about the ending, and that was that.
then, they came.
reading the epilogue tags, i thought they were a joke, just as many others did. it sounded like every sensitive subject that could ever be tagged was in there, including shit that just seemed ludicrous. but i persisted, like a fool, desperate for the sburb-logo hole on my heart to be filled.
the prologue already gave me so many red flags. my husband had hope, liked where it was going. a huge time skip, ten years we just have to accept went by. all of the characters had drifted apart so bad it was jarring. johns depression and mistakes and regret was daunting. everything felt so off.
and it only got worse. i started with candy. i was confused that thered even be the option all written out for john to stay. at first, i thought i was going to get some good ship shit. rosemary was the only good thing about candy. johnroxy started, took the fuck off, then just... it all fell apart. not a singe character consistently behaved in a way that felt like a natural progression of the characters we followed for so many years. what was the point of jane becoming trumphilter? to angstily show the duality of man? what was the point of all of the weird ass sex? it just feels like such a forced thing, like "oh, everyones grown up now! gotta fuck, and dont you dare even THINK any of it is going to be vanilla fluff and not.... anything but that...."
im not usually one to get upset over content that most find triggering, unless its real or shown in a very real way. but, for example, i honestly felt sick when dirk killed himself. i could go on about candy but it just felt like there was so much bait for a semblance of happiness, just to make it all as bad as possible.
meat was worse. hastily attempting to tie up plot points (like lord english) while also making dirk akuma homura...
also, apparently the author of family never ends had a hand in this? ive never been one for fan fiction, but for some reason i read that one, and it fucked me up. bad. i had the worst bout of depression and even suicidal thoughts for the first time in a while because of that fic. so, it feels like hussie wanted to recruit some ruthless-ass people to make something to intentionally hurt the people who demanded so much of him for a work he clearly hates now.
i... i think i dont like homestuck anymore, EXCLUSIVELY because of this. it feels like im throwing away one of the biggest parts of myself. it hurts so much, i feel so, SO betrayed. i would rather hussie have just announced he no longer had passion for homestuck, give us a shitty .txt file of a true ending (or the gist of one), and have left it there. but i guess that wouldnt have made him money now that viz bought the franchise.
i think, i will not come back to tumblr. it hurts. i had plenty of reasons for leaving, including everyone dipping out of homestuck. and i have other interests now that just dont align with the tumblr ive made and the followers i have (not like, core shit like lgbt+ rights or anything, im just really into health/fitness and particularly nutrition and i doubt my followers signed up for that plot twist). without homestuck, its even more just a painful past that haunts me here.
thanks for everything, if anyone ever even reads this. it was fun while it lasted.
-Hanna, aka hungoverterezipyrope
#i dont even remember my personal tag anymore...#the sickest thing about all of this is i will might always keep up with homestuck.#if i come back- it will be a completely new account#with no fandoms. just health and fitness and nutrition and shit like that i guess.
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Birb answers random questions you probably thought about asking!
Might as well do this. *shrug emoji*
Q: When did you start working on Borderline?
A: September 18th, 2015 is when I sort of started working on Borderline? beforehand I actually wrote a fanfic.. it was terrible.. then again, the first few updates even more terrible. It’s been 3 years since I started working on it, and I’ve made quite a lot of progress over the course of a year.
Q: What do you use to make assets?
A: Sai to draw, and gimp and paint.net to save them in 8-bit format (if it has textures, use gimp. paint.net just.. fucks it up even if you lower transparency on that bitch). For voices and edits, I use audacity, and my laptop mic to record my voice.. not sure what wolf uses to make their music, you might have to ask them, as for chii, she doesn’t use sai, i know she uses medibang now??? again, ask them!!
Q: What got you to write the story in the first place?
A: uuuuu.. too much fangames inspired me to make my own thing. It wasn’t as much solid as it was, but the premise was still the same: Max has to deliver food to the Guardians. Of course, I had to make several changes to the story, because the first variation, you already knew what you had to do. In the current version, Max has no idea why Puppeteer is there, and what their intention is, other than to help you with your job. There might be more changes to the story in the future, probably minor changes and shit like that, but the main premise still stays the same!
Q: You accept cameos in your game?
A: YES, ABSOLUTELY, GIVE ME YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT NOW AND I WILL EMBED THEIR CHARACTER FILES INTO MY GAME FOREVER!! ... yes, yes I do actually! From time to time, I do accept cameo appearances in my game, but these cameo appearances don’t like.. uuuh.. how to put this. usually cameo appearances are done where like the character simply exists and doesn’t contribute anything other than just.. existing. In Borderline however, each cameo has it’s own purpose in the game, as I want the cameos to DO SOMETHING other than just stand idly and exist, so of course, each cameo is given a purpose. So when you give me your character, I make sure to do them a lot of justice!
Q: Can we use your assets?
A: I’d rather you ask first, but chances are that I would say no, and instead would offer to make assets for you. Even with school, I have lots of time on my hands and always need some kind of excuse to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff. I also make free assets from time to time, so you’re allowed to use those as long as you provide credit. In short, if you want some assets, don’t hesitate to ask me to make you some assets. Again, it gives me an excuse to do stuff.
Q: Are you in need of aid or suggestions maybe?
A: ... always! I’m just either too anxious to ask for help, or I’m unsure of how to organize myself and tell people what I am in need.. The most important thing I am ALWAYS in need of are beta-testers, and of course, the more the merrier! Not everyone might point out the same bugs as everyone else when they play my game, and most of the time I beta-test the game.. every. single. time I set up an event to MAKE SURE it works the way I want it!! ...But sometimes I happen to miss a couple.. or maybe a little bit more. (and I burned myself out doing that oops.) But even if you decide to offer your help, I’d be utmost grateful!
Q: Is your game crossover friendly?
A: The fuck you saying, Borderline is the biggest crossover you’ll ever get to play! ...Yes my game is crossover friendly dun worry! ;w; Not sure why I’d answer that question but if you’re curious, refer to two questions above (the cameo one).
Q: Where do we report bugs?
A: You can use the submit box to report any bugs you find. If possible, provide a screenshot and submit it there. You can also personally IM me if you feel comfortable ;w; Just please.. be specific when you’re reporting a bug. I really can’t fathom at all, as I’m but a slow dunce and might not understand what you’re saying at first... I’msosorry!!!
Q: What program are you using to make the game?
A: Rpgmaker 2003. It’s only 20 bucks both on steam and on the official site (doe I did buy it from the official site cuz steam is hecc.. and my laptop can only handle so much. :’3)
Q: I am stuck somewhere, and I need help!
A: There is a solution folder which can be found within the game, not only does it contain images, but it also contains videos as well.. Remind me to uh.. fix a couple of dem.. puzzles.. yes..
Q: Is it okay to make fanart/ask/rp blogs of your characters?
A: Why yes, it’s actually okay! I really appreciate the gesture! For art, because the tagging system (on tumblr) can’t get any more wonkier than it is, so if I don’t see something that you drew for me, please don’t feel bad! It’s just tumblr is fucking garbo. :’3333 Instead, you can use the submit box or IM me. If it’s of lewd nature, I ask of you to NOT DRAW THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS IN LEWD IMAGERY (and I am copying this from the main blog): Basically the protagons of the game (Max is ace who shames people for fun, doesn’t care about sex at all, Sam is a fucking child, Seneca is not even my own character, Puff is also ace and very sex repulsed, and Aleyes is.. he’s not a tentacle monster that’s for sure.), Asriel (He might be his own character, but.. please don’t fuck the goat!! He’s supposed to be innocent!!!!), Baka (not even mine), Pipscrap (not even mine)., Now.. Regarding ask/rp blogs however, I am okay with it, but do consult with me about it (hey, those are my children, I wanna interact with my own children!!) Plus, I can provide you with a bit of an in-depth detail regarding the characters so you know what’s up.. Which brings another question to light.
Q: Can we ship <insert character here> with <insert character here>???
A: I’m a thotticus for shippings, but I’m a huge ass sucker for chemistry(tm) and relationship development between two or more people! I really wanna see what y’all can come up with really so go crazy!! But, keep in mind..
There are... restrictions however.. mostly with Max and Puff who are in a canonical relationship; this should also apply for AU’s as well, please pleaaaaaase don’t ship them with any other characters other than each other! Not only because I can’t see those two being shipped outside their pairing, but also because their relationship is very critical to the lore itself! So.. please be respectful of my decision! ;; There are other restrictions, but I won’t list them here, because we’d be here for an eternity. ;; Just don’t do illegal shit that can get you called out or worse.. please do ask for restrictions.. ;;
Q: Is it okay to add Easter Eggs/references regarding your game or your characters in our work?
A: I’d cry? I’d appreciate you ask me about it first so we can consult and shit, but I’d be hella fine with that!!
Q: You inspired me to start my own game!
A: I know it’s not a question, but I can’t just shrug this one off, please excuse me while I go and scream into the void! *sniffs* I am glad that my work actually inspired you to make your own game, and I cry?? Like I literally feel the feels?? <333333
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I posted 26,998 times in 2022
That's 26,998 more posts than 2021!
99 posts created (0%)
26,899 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,271 of my posts in 2022
#fav art - 433 posts
#fave - 231 posts
#save - 116 posts
#toby talks - 63 posts
#for later - 45 posts
#me - 29 posts
#yeah - 28 posts
#juicecore - 24 posts
#so true - 22 posts
#what - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also am i the only bench trio person who became a bench trio person cause no one liked clingy duo any more so i had to learn to like ranboo
My Top Posts in 2022:
@wilburians is being a misogynist! on INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY!!!!
8 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Hello hello hello and welcome to:
Nep’s Downloading Homestuck Walk through!!!
im on desktop and i dont know how to make colored text on desktop so just pretend thats a rainbow!
also going to at @ @ghostdragoncookie because they needed help but feel free to use this whoever u are!
(also dropping the typing quirk for clarity cause maybe people want to download homestuck but dont have nepeta puns dictionary bookmarked for easy access)
OKAY SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: the ramblings of a teenage boy who just woke up from a three hour nap and also knows like 4 things about computers but just used brute force to get his way through it
Step one:
go here https://bambosh.github.io/unofficial-homestuck-collection/
Step two:
press Download and then download the file that corresponds to your operating system, i have windows so screenshots that will be included will be for windows. but i will learn how to use linux or mac if needed i am a servant to the people! and the people must read homestuck!
also make sure to put it in a place you can find easy that will be important later
Step three:
Downlaod the asset pack. Now this is the hard part, imo, because they say all asset packs are the same but not all work with all the computers. “but nep, that doesnt make any sense! why dont they just tell you what asset packs work for what computers?” and to that i say: thats the joy of homestuck! nothing works, about three things make sense, and we all just guess until it works out. so if your asking what asset pack to download, just start at the top and work your way down ig i dunno man thats what i did.
Step four:
Assuming you magically picked the right asset pack (and if you didnt dw there will be a trouble shooting thing at the bottom of this) you will go into your files and find homestuck!
Step five:
Unzip your files. How I understand for macs if you click on a file it automatically unzips itself. (why does it do that apple? whats the fuckin purpose?) I dont know for linux but once again if asked i will learn. and for windows theres a nifty button to press pictured below.
Step six:
so now you will go into actual homestuck and open it! process pictured below!!
first you want to make sure ur asset pack and hs are in the same place, that is just for ease of finding things later
See the full post
9 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
who tf r u and whyd u send me a random post abt a terf?
10 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Rowan/Toby/Nepeta | he/him | minor

See the full post
12 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
what r ur opinions on this photo
when i was young i used to go into a room that was as empty i could find and then i would spin around in circles for up to 45 minutes.
i think that carpet would be too damp and it would smell too bad for me to be able to do that.
16 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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11 Questions
I got tagged by @pomegranate-belle <3 I'm sorry this took for fucking ever?!!??
I’ll tag @lioness--hart @fox-in-the-library and @whitegodiva if you guys want to do it? And anybody else, obvi <3
1. How long have you been writing?
Actually sitting down to type stories out? Eight years old. I've been making shit up since I could talk. I have it on good authority I am entertaining to listen to.
2. What are the major themes of your current wip(s)? LONG ANSWER
omg I really dont know. I spent several hours over several days banging on this question in my head both in front of the computer and away from it only to come to the horrified realisation that I Don't Know. *gay panic*
I know the things I like to write about. I like to write about free exchange of culture, of mutual respect and fraternity with your fellow humans (which leads to themes of unity, unconditional love not only of people but of the world, and the gray area of what it means to protect those things without giving in to hate, indifference and intolerance. THE GRAY AREA IS WHERE I THRIVE.)
I like to write about intergenerational relationships (which leads to themes of obsolescence, changing of the guard, and how people, in general, not individuals, never really change. Like, there's For a Good Time graffiti on the walls at Pompeii. That is HILARIOUS.)
I write a lot about family, both born and found. (Everybody has a place and everybody is loved.) I write about mental illness and being queer (which all by itself leads to themes of not knowing your place in the world even if you have one. Frequently comes up against the previously mentioned theme)
So yeah. I don't know. My big WIP, the Aalee Rise series, is about a young woman on the cusp of adulthood going out into the world for the first time. It's her idealism vs reality. The other main characters in that cast are all foils re: various facets of societal structure and ideologies. One challenges her idea of government, another her idea of religion. She falls in love, her loyalties to her brother and parents are tested, she makes mistakes, she fights monsters and saves the world. A lot.
tldr; It's my sandbox and I just wanted to build castles in it. I don't really know if the castles will mean anything when I'm done. I hope they do.
3. What do you want people to take away from your story once they’ve read it?
My greatest ambition is that I could ever write a hero as beloved as the heroes I read about growing up, figures that reminds not to give up hope, to get back up when we're down, that the dark times ahead of us will come to pass.
At best, if I've done that, I'll be ecstatic and satisfied.
At worst, as long as you had a good time, if you didn't throw the book across the room in disgust, I'll take it.
4. Would you be excited if people write fanfiction about your wip(s)?
YAAAAS. I would literally never read it because Im terrified of accidentally absorbing someone's ideas and making them my own bc Christ alive that's a legal nightmare, but yes that would make my life.
And you can have my firstborn if you send me fanart.
5. What’s your go-to writing beverage?
Tea. Really strong and sweet. I make a fresh quart each morning and usually go through it by the end of day.
6. Who is your favorite oc? Tell me about them!
Aalee Dering is the eighteen-year-old protagonist of my Aalee Rise series. When we meet her in volume one (Worldwalk) she and her twin brother are setting off on their coming-of-age journey around the country. Her people, the Noruahai, have defended humanity for generations from unearthly creatures called asmic, and if she wants to become a licensed Marshal like her famous mother (and wow, she really, really does) she'll have to prove herself on her Worldwalk.
Aalee thinks with her heart first and always. She loves beautiful things, and all things are beautiful to her. She's quick to cry and struggles with anger, as well as distraction; she has trouble keeping focus. Good for getting into trouble. Not so good when it comes to being a responsible adult.
It would probably be easier if she wasn't of two minds on every single decision she has to make. She empathises with everyone, which can be paralysing-- how can she fight someone whose point of view she gets?
7. Do you feel that mistakes are important learning tools in the writing journey?
Mistakes are learning tools of life, darling. In writing they generally aren't the types that will destroy friendships, health, financial status, etc, which means they're generally easier to bounce back from. Unless you commit career suicide in some way...
8. Rank your ocs by their capability in a footchase (either running after or from smth, your choice)
1. Fall from the Aalee Rise series. He's a complicated human. Without getting into the context of the world he's from, he's hard to explain; but the short version is he's half-ghost so he can basically turn himself into the wind.
2. Rosie Frey from Color of the Stars but only when she's a lion. In her human form she's pretty normal.
3. Lynn Blythe (or any of the other vampires) from Echoes of Eden, because they're cheating cheaterfaces who use mystical vampy powers to be stronger and faster than humans
4. Sendmarshal Henley from the Aalee Rise series. Probably the fastest regular human. Imagine the most beautiful, tall, leggy black woman you can, all lean muscle and elegant grace, and now imagine her scooping you up and zipping out of danger with an easy smile on her face... *fans self* I stan.
5. When running headlong into danger to save someone? Aalee Dering. When running away? Frustratingly, satirically slow. She's one of those idiot heroes who stops to make sure everyone got away okay so Fall's always running back to grab her ("MOVE, IDIOT" "But that little old lady--" "FIRE-BREATHING MONSTERS. MOVE.")
9. Does your wip have romance? tell me about it!! if not tell me about a friendship/important relationship in your wip!! MORE LENGTHY BLAH
Relationships are the driving force of my writing. How one loves or is loved by other people, how they relate and engage with others, is how one grows, in real life and in fiction. There are a number of relationships in all my series that I'm fond of for various reasons. (For instance, even though she cannot STAND him, I'm eager af to write Eden and Lynn's relationship in Echoes of Eden because of how complicated it is.)
And as a rule all of my characters are queer or questioning unless otherwise stated, and I ship everybody with basically everybody else, and almost everybody has a love story in their history. (at least, their parents certainly do because I am a gross vile romantic and these fuckers came from somewhere.)
That having been said, for the sake of brevity I'll stick with Aalee Rise and limit myself to the Big Three: Aalee and her brother Elles, Aalee and her best friend Norah, and Aalee and Fall.
FAMILY: Aalee and Elles are twins. Born together and never separated, which stands out in a world where families are broken up by chaotic circumstances and random death on a regular basis. Aalee is easily distracted and has difficulty communicating her thoughts, so she tends to act on impulse; Elles is forever the cool head and the hand grabbing her by the back of the shirt to stop her from walking into danger. And after eighteen years of this... he's tired of it. He loves his sister, but he longs to see the world on his own terms, walk his own path. And Aalee doesn't share that sentiment. Not only doesn't share it, but is blown away when it comes into play. Her partner in crime wants to break away, and she does not take it very well. The first volume (Worldwalk) explores how their relationship suffers, grows, and changes due to this break.
FRIEND: Aalee's best friend of ten years is Norah. They met as little girls in a monster-ravaged town; Norah was entertaining the youngest orphans with a story and Aalee joined in. The pair of them spent a long night keeping civilians from panicking while Marshals battled asmic beyond the walls of the bunker. They exchanged addresses and became penpals over the next few years, since both of their parents travelled and they were rarely in the same place at the same time. That changed suddenly when Norah lost her father. Since then, Norah's family and Aalee's have lived in the same town. Norah is her warm hand in the dark, her shoulder to cry on, the first person she tells any good news. for Norah, Aalee is the only person (at the beginning of the story, anyway) with whom she can be her real whole self. They love each other no matter what.
ROMANCE: And then there's Fall. Aalee meets Fall when she rescues him from being murdered in a back alley-- except, oops, turns out it was a sting operation to catch the killer because he's not actually the helpless filthy vagabond she assumed he was; he's actually a powerful Marshal who was on assignment. Stuck together for various reasons, he becomes a mentor to her on her worldwalk, while she blatantly digs into the mystery of who he is, which turns out to complicate their lives, the lives of their friends and families, randos they happens across, their enemies, and also God's. To say they fall in love with each other is an understatement of cosmic proportions. They choose each other.
10. Do you believe in the advice kill your darlings?
Yeah but I take the advice as intended; which is not, as most assume, kill your fave characters, but to get rid of that which does not work, even if you love it. That pearlescent line of dialogue, or that golden bit of allegory? Doesn't matter how much you love it and how proud of it you are, if it does. not. work. it HAS. TO. GO. (save it in a new file to reread when you feel down and scrap that shit from the main file.)
that said re: killing characters, in my youth I was very much of the George RedRum Martin camp of "KILL THEM ALL" but as Ive gotten older my main focal point has been "What purpose does their death serve?" Death is not the only sacrifice worth writing. So while I am not afraid to kill my characters, I do take the nature of their deaths in the writing very seriously. There has to be a point.
11. Do you prefer plotting or worldbuilding? Why?
WORLDBUILDING MANYEXCLAMATIONPOINTSGOHERE! Plotting is like the maths of writing. It's measurement, it's brickwork, it's demolition when the wall you put up last week is three feet too long and now you have to scrap it and start over. Vital. But not my favorite part.
Worldbuilding is the art. It's the music your OCs hum and the stories that they treasure and the faith that holds them up when the crap you throw at them might tear them down. It's the story behind the jacket they wear and it's the reason they nod to the altar when they enter a place of worship and it's the meaning of their names. It's the magic. How the world works, the little details that make it real to the reader because it's real for your characters, is my favorite part of writing.
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Speed: Oh goodness, right now? It depends... I’m slowly incorporating things from my old blog’s drafts, so a while on those, but decently fast on new things. When I get back to college though, I MIGHT have time to do a draft a day, but more likely, I’ll only have time on the weekends, if even then, so as slow as molasses in January.
Replies: I try to match or surpass length... and I find that I even have a tendency to match writing style. For example, if the person uses a lot of descriptive words, I find myself doing it too. Plain prose? Same. I have a love for icons and slightly formatted text, but as anyone can see, I’ll match whatever my partner likes.
Starters: They can be anywhere and with any purpose or length. I love to plot, even though I have a horrible time of going into other people’s ims cause I’m shy when it comes to this. However, I’m just as much a fan as let’s run with it, especially if we have just a basic idea like A does this and so B has to react. Or just me making something. And they can run from one liners to multiple paragraphs.
Inbox: I like drafting memes and answering riight away or as soon as possible any questions or like... mun memes. So usually I have an empty inbox.... anons or not are always welcome to fill it.
Selectivity: I decided to make my blog private when I moved just because I needed to stop following blogs that don’t follow me first.... unless they are of the two fandoms (even with WWII as some of you know, I’ve hit some... *cough* problems.) But if a blog follows me first and I want to write with them... I almost always follow back. As for once followed, yeah, I’ll admit that there are a few on here that I’ll almost always answer their stuff before others cause I love it so much, especially people who take longer with their replies and I really want to answer (so poor people... they take two weeks+ to reply and YES.... my draft is out of their file only to be back in probably an hour or so... XD) but otherwise, it just might be what i have the most ideas for at the time.
Wishlist item: So mannnnyyyyy..... that I haven’t written out yet so I have a wishlist. Um, I’ll list a short one and a longer one... Short one is, like many people I’ve seen reblog it, especially in historical plots, arranged marriages. YEP. Long one... hmm.... for my main verse, either plots in my modern AU, where Kat still works for Smith but hey... it’s our day and age so it’s the FBI and it’s counter terrorism (and Kat is NOT a secretary) or three to five years down the road from where the show is at (which is where my friends and I estimate an uprising for freedom might occur, so to speak). So, war plots but not WWII war plots. :P
Honest note: Um.... I follow a lot of people who are actually at odds with one another (not like the characters, I mean the muns)... If you ask me to take a side, especially to not write with the other side, I will drop your ass. Also, if you pissed me off, chances are I forgave you within the first hour afterward. Apologize and I’ll give you another chance. And finally, as some of you know, if you’re having a hard time IRL and you need someone to talk to, I’m always here, even if we’ve never or don’t really talk ooc otherwise. I’ve been told I’m very good at that sort of thing. :P Also... am I still logged into my old blog on the mobile app....? Um.... Yes.
Tagged by: @soldierboynamedern
Tagging: I’ve seen so many of you do this that I say..... whoever wants to and hasn’t, do it!
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I have wondered the same nd have deliberated this in legal terms.
Since in Fae lore giving them your name gives them power over you, i do beleieve giving them your dead name has the same power over you as you allow it.
Really, thats not your name anymore but of a life that once was and giving the Fae a name of some one whom no longer exists is the same as giving a name of another person entirely.
Still, i have some deliberations of modern legality and how some names are closely associated with federal id numbers so realistically just dont give the fae your ssn (or equivalent).
To me, your name is the number (for law and court purposes mostly). So if your dead name is still linked to that number use a different name.
Im all for unique tags, names, urls, magick names and the like of which people truly identify with over their given/birth name because of the reason that much modern society and institutions only knows you as set of assigned and unique numerical associations. [Like id numbers, medical cards, case numbers, social security, birth certificate filing number, tax file, so on... But im arguing from a devils point not in sentimentality of namesake]
In conclusion, keep your numbers and legally related names secret. (From the fae but really anyone outside of legal institutions).
[On a personal note, im not trans i just really hated my name and the expectations/history associated with it so i changed it through legal means.]
what happens if you give a faerie your deadname? does it count?
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