#but im my heart. i am wearing eyeliner and lipstick
eclipseatdawn · 1 year
im fully aware that i dont need to and no one is expecting me to wear makeup but the outfit i wanna wear today would fuck so hard with some heavy eyeliner but i really dont feel like putting on makeup... the struggle
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alluralater · 11 months
okay okay so i ran into one of my little sister’s old friends from high school when i was out on saturday night. and i was sending my little sister this voice note when i went outside to hit my vape and i sent it to her being like “we walked to a pizza place next to this bar we’re at and i pointed out this gorgeous girl in the window. i said ‘corner window. brunette, pink heart sunglasses.’ and im outside now and she’s out here and i think it’s this girl i knew in high school but im not sure. i think she was in our mentor peer group. but she’s fucking gorgeous and i honestly don’t know but- oh wait i just saw her from the side and she’s coming over here. it’s definitely her.” i was a little drunk so i accidentally left the voice note rolling.
she comes up to me and im like, “did we—” she finishes my sentence and then continues “go to school together? yeah i thought i recognized you. i was watching you the whole time inside with your friends by the counter ordering and i thought it was you but sometimes you can’t tell because we’ve grown up a lot since then. it’s been what like 4 years?” and we’re laughing and talking and i’m telling her it’s been probably like 5 years. and she’s complimenting my costume and how i look even better now and i am nearly melting onto the sidewalk. it’s like 40 degrees out. im in a bodysuit, a cloak, and fucking fishnets. i should be freezing but she’s smiling at me with those pretty lips and laughing. and we’re just talking for like ten minutes? (hard to tell when drunk) and she’s in a group costume with her two friends, one of whom is still inside. she’s telling me their group costume is fuck, marry, kill. and of course, she’s fuck. and she’s wearing this white lingerie with hearts all over it, red eyeliner, striking red lipstick, etc. the whole thing. like fuck me actually because she looks amazing. and anyways okay so here’s the thing.
i was so worried that she might not be gay. i know you’re probably thinking, “allura, she was hitting on you, clearly she’s something.” but you HAVE to understand. i went to an arts high school and we had these mentor peer groups which is like you and 15 other students + your mpg parent (a teacher). and we had those groups for the entirety of our school time. she and i talked like on occasion but i specifically NEVER talked to her for very long even though she tried to start up conversations with me because i was kind of attracted to her and dating within your mpg is totally not cool. though i have impeccable gaydar and i did get some sapphic vibes from her in high school, i was not even going to THINK about her that way because i was known as such a slut and i didn’t want to have anyone thinking i would fuck her because i would but i WOULDN’T if you know what i mean.
anyway so we’re talking and im still not totally sure because it REALLY seems like she’s flirting with me but im just being really fun and casual and trying not to be too gay about the whole thing. so at some point i look down at my phone and i send the voice note to my little sister. oh i should mention, this guy walks by us and he’s nice, not annoying or weird which is great. and he’s talking to us here and there and of course one of my best friends is tearing into him because he touched me for like one whole fraction of a second. but while he’s talking and joking, she’s like completely ignoring him and looking at me and wanting to talk more with me. like she almost seems to give a vibe like he’s intruding if that makes sense. i noticed that for fucking sure. we hang out with (fuck it let’s just give her a name for the sake of this because there are so many hers) valentine for awhile longer and then we end up taking the table she had with her friends inside when they leave and i say my goodbyes to her and she tells me it was really great getting to see me again after all this time. and she does this little look thing up and down my body and i almost want to ask for her number but i don’t because i’m fucking stupid. but i’m smiling like an idiot for the next hour just thinking of how gorgeous she is and how her smile is absolutely beyond. like seriously… when i tell you that valentine is drop dead gorgeous you need to believe me because she seriously is that good looking and yummy to the eyes.
so it’s the next day (tonight) and my sister texts me being like “oh my god you ran into valentine??!” and i was like yeah! she goes on to tell me how they were super close in high school which honestly, i had completely forgotten about. and she’s like (i’ll paraphrase), “wait is valentine gay?? i can HEAR the smile in that bitch’s voice talking to you. you’re being really casual and she sounds like she’s all over you. i never thought that girl was gay but tell me why she sounds like she was ready to risk it all. i don’t even have to see her to know she was eyeing you. and i know her so i know it’s true” and i was like FUCK. so i really should’ve asked for her number then. and my sister is trying to give me her snap or her number and i’m like NO WAY i don’t do that, i have to get it from her if i see her around again sometime.
seeing valentine for 25 minutes had me absolutely fucked up and remembering what it was like to try not to ever look at her for too long. what in the hell. i could’ve been so smooth!! FUCKKK!!! anyways, i hope i see her again sometime and if i don’t then i’ll have to just go fucking die about it <3
btw i asked my sister to save the voice note and she didn’t because she is basically an old man when it comes to technology so that’s tragic but at least it was HEARD
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tzimiscequeen-blog · 2 months
In the Heart of the Flames Chapter 10 (NSFWish)
Synopsis: Jinjer has a serious talk with Kid, along with some serious flirting. She also shares her backstory.
Additional Tags: AFABReader, She/Her Pronouns, past violence, past child abuse, past domestic violence, murder, fire, mdni, NSFW content is just mentioning a clothed erect penis (tagged it to be safe)
WC: 5900k+ (sorry it's a longer one, couldn't find a good place to break)
Available on AO3 (can't get it to link)
                         You awoke to the weight shift in the bed and heard voices in the hallway. You rubbed your eyes and saw Killer talking to kid. They were talking softly when they noticed you.
                         “Hey, songbird. Since you’re awake. What’s your name?” Kid asked as he stood next to you.
                         “Hmmm…oh yeah, the concussion questions. My name is Jinjer,” you said sleepily.
                         “Who am I and who’s he?” Kid asked.
                         “You’re Kid and that is Killer,” you answered.
                         “Good girl,” the captain said as he kissed your forehead and headed out of the room.
                         “I’m gonna stay with you for a while. You need to use the bathroom or anything?” Killer said.
                         “Yeah, might as well,” you said as he gently helped you up and walked you to the toilet, left the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
                         He helped you back into bed once done and took Kid’s spot next to you over the covers. You wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his side.
                         “We found him, alive. Papas and Quince are working on him now. We’ll let you know when you can see him,” he said as he stroked your head.
                         “Quincy said he would be in bad shape. Be honest…did he try to kill himself?” you asked as you squeezed him tighter.
                         “Hon, none of this was your fault. His injuries were not self inflicted. He was jumped. He fought back though. His fists were pretty banged up and there were two charred bodies around h
im,” Killer explained.
                         “Why were there charred bodies?” you asked.
                         “Heat didn’t explain…it’s not my place to tell you. Let’s say he can manipulate fire,” Killer said.
                         “Oh OK,” you yawned.
                         “Get some sleep hon. I’ll wake you in a few hours to ask you more questions,” he said.
                         “OK, goodnight Kil,” you said. This was the first time you called him Kil. It usually took a year or two for him to be OK with someone calling him that, but with you he couldn’t help but smile under his mask. You fell back asleep not long after.
                         You awoke again a few hours later for another switch. Wire took Killer’s spot. His cloak and bladed necklace off, along with his boots.
                         “Hi sweetheart. What’s my name and what structure are you in?” he asked.
                         “You’re Wire and I’m on the Victoria Punk,” you said as you stretched and you heard the tall man chuckle.
                         ‘What?” you asked.
                         “Kil must really like you.”
                         “What makes you say that?”
                         “He left lipstick on your forehead.”
                         “Huh?” You got up and stumbled to the bathroom, Wire helped to stabilize you.
                         You looked in the mirror and saw a purple lipstick kiss mark on your forehead.
                         “He wears lipstick under the mask?” you asked.
                         “Yes, eyeliner too. Only Kid, Heat, Papas, and I have seen his face.”
                         “Oh, wow,” you replied as you stumbled back to the bed and Wire helped you crawl back in.
                         “Can I get underneath?” he asked as he lifted the blankets on the other side.
                         You nodded, eyes half open and crawled on top of him once he was in.
                         “Make yourself as comfortable as you need,” he chuckled.
                         Your legs straddled his waist while your torso laid across his and your arms wrapped around him. Your head settled in the crook of his neck. He wrapped one arm across your back and stroked your head with the other.
                         “I’m glad you are alright. Heat is too,” you jerked your head up to look at him.
                         “He is sleeping now. He lost a lot of blood but his wounds are surprisingly minimal. He had two stab wounds that caused most of the blood loss. He was calling for you when we found him. He passed out after we told him you were safe,” he explained.
                         “I’m so happy he’s alive,” you said as you began to cry into Wire’s chest.
                         “It’s alright. He’s strong, he’ll recover. Papas found that you were both drugged. You with a custom stimulant that heightened your irritability and put you in almost a rage state, or at least your equivalent of a rage state. Heat was given a large dose of depressants to counteract the anti-depressants Papas has him on and they heightened his depression,” Wire explained.
                         “How?” you asked.
                         “We suspect the bartender. She’s the only one who had access to yours and Heat’s drinks to be able to get the drugs in and make sure it was going in the right drinks. We were on the Punk the rest of the time,” he said.
                         “Why would she do that? I’ve known her for years,” you said.
                         “Oswald. He hired thugs to grab you and we suspect hired more to take out Heat.”
                         “Of course he would,” you said with a sigh.
                         “Get some more rest. I’ll wake you for breakfast.”
                         You dozed off again while you listened to the steady beat of Wire’s heart as he stroked your head.
                         You awoke again another handful of hours later.
                         “Sweetheart, you want some breakfast?” you heard Wire whisper to you.
                         “Hmm…breakfast already?” you asked as you wiped your mouth and then realized you drooled all over Wire’s chest.
                         “It’s alright, Heat drools too. So does Kid. And yes, breakfast is ready. Can you walk to the mess?”
                         “Maybe? I could barely walk to the bathroom earlier. My head is still kinda fuzzy,” you replied.
                         “Not a problem,” he said as he sat up with you and pointed to his back. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso. He gave you a piggy back ride to the mess while he asked you more questions to check you concussion.
                         It was noisy as usual and you heard Kid’s telltale laugh. You focused and saw a blue haired figure at your usual table, an IV stand next to him.
                         “Heat?” you called as Wire reached the table.
                         “Hey, love,” he smiled at you. His face had multiple bruises and a few cuts. His right arm and torso were bandaged from the shoulder down and the the arm was bound snug against his chest. Both of his fists were bandaged too.
                         Your heart raced at seeing him. Tears of happiness flowed down your cheeks as you saw he was alive with your own eyes. His smile was like a cure-all, as long as you got to see that you knew you would be OK.
                         Wire placed you next to Heat and you immediately gave him a needy kiss. He groaned but didn’t pull away. His free hand reached up and caressed your face and wiped a few of the tears.
                         “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any of those nasty things I said last night! Can you ever forgive me?” you pleaded as you locked eyes with him. He gave you a sweet smile and moved some strands of your hair behind your ear.
                         “Of course I can. I knew it wasn’t like you to act that way, but I was drugged too and couldn’t respond the way I should have,” he replied and then noticed the partially smeared purple lipstick on your forehead. He pointed to it and chuckled as he looked at Killer.
                         “What can I say? She’s adorable when she sleeps,” Killer said.
                         “Yeah, she fuckin drools like you too, Heat,” Kid added.
                         “You too asshole,” Heat jokingly bit back at his captain.
                         Everyone had a good laugh while Papas and Quincy brought food for you and Heat. Breakfast went by like you had gotten used to, almost like nothing happened the night before. You and Heat took your time eating. You found you couldn’t keep your hands off of him, it was like you were subconsciously making sure this was real. Your free hand rested on his leg and drew soothing circles while he would lean over and give you sweet kisses on your temple.
                         Papas and Wire took Heat back to the med bay after breakfast so the doctor could check his vitals and make sure the chemicals were out of his system before he returned to his normal meds.
                         “Kid, can I talk to you before you head out?” You asked him.
                         “Yeah, lets go talk songbird,” he offered his hand and then squatted and carried you like Wire did. Normally you thought this would be embarrassing but right now you enjoyed the close touch of some of your favorite people. He brought you to the lounge and cleared out the few crew members who were hanging out. He sat next to you on the half-moon couch your group usually occupied.
                         “What would I have to do to join your crew?” you asked quickly, you didn’t want to chicken out so you just blurted it out.
                         “You wanna be a pirate?” he replied with a furrowed eyebrow-less brow.
                         “I uh…I want to continue to be with the Kid Pirates. I’ve grown very attached to you all and after last night, I realized…” you found it hard to put your feelings to words. You couldn’t properly convey how being with this crew made you feel.
                         He hooked his finger under your chin to make you look at him.
                         “You’re in love with Heat,” his face was stoic, like he was studying you.
                         “Yes. Along with feeling like you all are supposed to be in my life. I can’t really explain it. I want to spend time sailing, fighting enemies, laughing, and living with you all,” you said, your eyes pleaded with him, you didn’t think your heart could take it if he said no.
                         His thumb gently stroked your chin as his eyes studied you for what you assumed was any deception.
                         “You are positive? You have a family?” he asked, his voice calm.
                         “Yes. I finally realized that they are safer without me. Since Oswald has shown himself, I am a bigger target than I was before. I can’t bring him to their doorstep,” you said, your face serious. He gave you a nod of acceptance of that answer.
                         “I need to know that you will stick by Heat. I don’t think Killer, Wire and I could emotionally or physically deal with the fallout if you decide he was just a fling,” you could hear the pain in his voice as he protected his friend.
                         “I’ve never in my life felt this way. I felt my heart begin to shatter last night at the thought of him being dead. If I wasn’t so disoriented last night, I would have joined you in your cries of pain,” you said as you cupped his cheek.
                         He took a deep breath before he released your chin, removed your hand from his cheek, and held it in his hand.
                         “I need to tell you a few things about Heat before I agree. If you change your mind after I tell you, I will forget we ever had this conversation and we will help you in whatever way we can to deal with Oswald. We’ll stay until he is gone,” he carefully explained.
                         “Understood,” you responded. In the brief moments between your response and him speaking, you brain went into overdrive on what he could possibly tell you. You took a deep breath to calm your thoughts so you could hear the truth of the man you loved.
                         “The Heat you know is pretty laid back and can even be shy sometimes. He’s one of the most loyal people I know and will always have our backs. I already told you about his depression and I think if this works out, you will be the best medicine for him. We all fuckin’ care about him, but we are just not capable of giving him what he really needs, gentle compassion. Though I think we all need that here if I’m to be honest,” he paused and took a deep breath before he continued.
                         “The other thing about Heat is that he is the ships interrogation specialist, along with Wire. Kil and I get our hands dirty too, but Heat and Wire are the experts. He is like a completely different person when he’s working. It’s almost like he’s possessed and relishes in his work. The both of them are alluring to watch if you have the stomach for it, but I realize it can be fuckin’ intense and or disturbing for a lot of people,” he explained while he watched your face for any hint of fear or disgust.
                         You knew the purposes of the types of interrogation Kid was talking about. You knew that becoming a pirate meant a hard and difficult life with blood, violence, and sacrifice. You took a deep breath before you looked Kid straight in his amber eyes and spoke without hesitation or fear.
                         “Any enemy of the Kid Pirates deserves whatever bloody and brutal fate they have coming to them,” you replied, your tone was absolute; your face was firm and determined. He studied you for a moment before his eyes lightened and he mumbled a “fuck” under his breath as he palmed himself.
                         “You have quite the dark side songbird,” his tone was dark and the gravel in it came out as a purr.
                         “You have no idea what I am capable of doing to those who deserve it. I will treat threats to the Kid Pirates the same way as threats to Bea, her kids, and my sisters,” your reply was unforgiving.
                         Kid squeezed your hand and let out a deep growl. You could see the lust building within him, but he was good at keeping it at bay. The smirk on his face reminded you of a demon. Dark eyes filled with lust and a hint of mischievousness.
                         “You save that desire for later, captain. You and Heat still owe me that viewing session but I would also like to fuck Heat’s brains out before we or I involve the rest of you,” you replied with an equally devilish smirk. You slid your hand from his and ran it dangerously close to his cock.
                          You no longer felt you needed to guard your heart from falling in love with Heat or with how much you cared for this crew. They had cracked the hard shell you placed on your heart and there was no turning back. All Kid had to do was say yes.
                         “Oh, Heat and I have been planning, songbird. We now just need to wait for his shoulder to heal up some. Welcome to the Kid Pirates Jinjer,” he smirked as his hand covered yours on his thigh, ready to move it if needed.
                         “I look forward to your show. I can’t wait to see my new captain on full display,” you said as you bit your lip. His hand squeezed yours again and he let out small groan.
                         “You’re gonna be soakin’ your panties, songbird. I can’t wait,” he smirked.
                         “You’ve made an excellent decision captain. I want to tell Heat myself before the whole crew knows. So if you could keep those crimson lips shut for a bit longer I would appreciate it,” you replied. The sweetness had returned to your voice.
                         “Don’t wait too long, I’ll need to get some things prepped,” he smiled.
                         You weren’t sure if he was talking about your lodging or solidify plans with Heat.
                         “I’m gonna go talk to him now. I’ll let you know when I’m done. Thanks Captain,” you said as you leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He jerked for a second due to the surprise, but then cupped your face and leaned into the kiss. You were surprised at the sudden tenderness the loud red-head was capable of.
                         “You can kiss me like that anytime you want songbird,” he smiled.
                         “I’ll keep that in mind. Can you walk me back to Heat’s room?” you asked.
                         “Absolutely.,” he said as he helped you up and pulled your arm into his and escorted you out of the lounge.
                         Heat sat on the stool behind his easel. His free hand touched the canvas in front of him as he smiled at the painting he had been working on for weeks. When he saw you enter with Kid he flipped it around and watched the two of you with a smirk.
                         “Thanks,” you said to Kid and gave him a soft kiss that was too short for the captain and he leaned farther to keep his lips pressed to yours.
                         “Oh, anytime songbird,” he smirked at you then turned to his friend, “She’s all yours Heat. Shit is she feisty,” he chuckled then sucked his breath in as you lightly trailed your fingers along his erection.
                         “See you later Kid,” you winked as he turned and left.
                         You heard him shudder and release a slow “fuck” before he walked out of view. You walked to Heat and nestled yourself in between his legs and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a deep kiss. His good arm wrapped around you and you could feel his bound arm struggle to try to get to you.
                         “I see you’ve gotten close with Kid,” he smiled as he kissed your neck.
                         “I was just thanking OUR Captain for the conversation we had,” you said as you ran your fingers through Heat’s hair as he continued to kiss your neck.
                         “What did you talk…wait…OUR?” he pulled away and looked at you confused.
                         “He agreed to let me join the crew,” you said with a huge smile.
                         “What? Are you sure?” he asked shocked.
                         “I am 100% sure. After last night I realized my family is safer without me and I can’t live without you,” you said as you placed your hand over his bound chest where his heart was. He took it and kissed your bruised and cut up knuckles. You put up a hell of a fight before you got knocked out.
                         “Oh, love, that just made me the happiest man in the world,” you had never seen him smile so wide. His eyes began to well with tears.
                         Heat didn’t know what to do. He loved you so completely but he never thought he would get to have you, permanently. He was overwhelmed with happiness.
                         “Oh, baby, don’t cry. I think we’ve done enough of that to last a long while. Kid’s condition of me joining is that I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me and I didn’t give it a second thought,” you smiled and kissed him again.
                         When he pulled away his face was sad and he stroked your cheek.
                         “I want nothing more,” he said as he brought his other hand to cup your other cheek, “but I’m broken. I’m not good. I’ve done, and will continue to do some very bad things,” he confessed. Your hands cupped both sides of his jaw and his hand moved to rest on your hip.
                         “You’re talking about being the ships torture and interrogation expert?” you asked softly. He nodded.
                         “And you think that because you enjoy your duties it makes you a bad person?” you added. Your eyes were kind and you held no judgment in your face.
                         “How do you know about that?” he asked, his voice was quiet.
                         “Kid told me when I asked to join. He said you have a very dark side when it comes to interrogating enemies of the Kid Pirates,” you explained, still no judgment in your tone.
                         “Oh…see I’m not good,” his eyes dropped, but you refused to let him drop his head.
                         “You’re perfect, Heat. I’ll tell you the same thing I told Kid. Any enemy of the Kid Pirates deserves whatever bloody and brutal fate they have coming to them. I know none of the Kid Pirates are Saints. This is a violent world and sometimes we have to do unpleasant things. I judge you based on how you treat me and those we care about. I’m broken too and have some dark things in my past and I assume my future, that will stay with me. If you don’t mind then I think we are good,” you said calmly and looked into his eyes with nothing but love.
                         “I…I don’t know what to say,” he mumbled. His face was filled with a combination of shock and happiness.
                         Your thumbs slid over his Glasgow Smile scars and you leaned down.
                         “Say you’ll let me be yours,” you said as your lips hovered over his.
                         “Yes…of course, yes,” he said enthusiastically and pressed his lips to yours. His kiss was hungry and impatient, never settling in one spot. He just wanted you, any part of you he could touch.
                         “How long until you’re well enough to participate in some vigorous activity?” you asked with a small gasp as his teeth nibbled a particularly sensitive spot on your neck.
                         “I can’t use my right arm extensively, but the rest of me works just fine and I’m sure if I had someone helping me then I would feel even better,” he explained as he continued to ravish your neck and lips.
                         “Oh don’t worry baby, I’ll do all the work,” you said as you leaned over and nibbled his ear.
                         “I want nothing more than to devour you but, this is my last bag of fluids. We’ve gotta wait until it’s done. Can you wait an hour or so?” he replied as his breath became ragged.
                         “I’ve been waiting months baby. An hour won’t kill me,” you cooed in his ear.
                         “Fuck,” he whispered and gave a small moan. He ran his free hand down your scarred arm as his lips met yours. He gently pulled away and glanced at the burns.
                         “Love, there is one more thing I need to tell you, or ask you,” he said as he tried to calm his lust.
                         “Anything,” you said as you looked him in the eyes.
                         His free hand glided over your burn scars and then he brought your hand to his lips and kissed your fingers.
                         “I breathe fire. Not like a circus performer, but like I have a flamethrower in my mouth. That is my main form of combat, though I am a swordsman as well. Will that be a problem?” he asked tentatively.
                         “Nothing about you could change my mind. Fire doesn't bother me, but now it makes sense as to why Kil said that there were two charred bodies when they found you,” you said as you smiled at him.
                         “Yeah, they tried to get me from the front,” he said, “those two were done immediately. Another jumped on my back and that’s who stabbed me. He got away but not before I beat the shit outta him. He had two more with him. One was unscathed but I got the other with fire too.”
                         You smiled at him and kissed his forehead before you took a deep breath.
                         “Since we have an hour or so to kill, let me tell you how I got these,” you said as you gently pulled him off the stool.
                         “Love, you don’t have to if you’re not ready,” he said as he released your hand and moved his IV stand over and got onto the bed.
                         “I’m ready, and it’s relevant to what is happening now with Oswald. Can I play with your hair while I tell the story though. I need to keep myself busy while I talk,” you asked.
                         “Anything for you love,” he said as he pulled over one of the chairs and sat it against the bed. He took a seat while you grabbed his brush. You positioned yourself behind him on the bed; your left leg draped over his shoulder. He began to gently stroke your shin and your right leg curled under his right shoulder and the lower part settled on his stomach.
                         “My real name is unimportant now, but my father was a very wealthy merchant who was striving to become a noble. He’s the one who cared about his name and his legacy, not me. I was the first born. He was mad that I wasn’t a boy and punished my mother,” you explained as you slowly brushed the small knots out of his long blue hair.
                         Heat didn’t say a word, he sat and let you tell your story.
                         “I was an infant so of course I had no idea what was going on, but I know how he acted towards my mother and me as I got older. I don’t remember my father ever playing with me, holding me, or even smiling at me. I was punished for being born and my mother was punished for bearing me,” you worked the next set of knots out.
                         “He never sexually assaulted us, just beat us. Below the neck of course so his disgusting friends, which included Oswald’s father, wouldn’t see his beaten women. The only time he stopped beating my mother was when she finally fell pregnant again. He couldn’t hurt his potential son. It took my mother 10 years to conceive again after me. She of course got blamed for that too,” you moved to the next chunk of hair. He continued to idly rub your leg.
                         “When Lyla was born, he was furious again. Since my mother was going to be on bed rest anyway, he beat her pretty bad. Broken cheek bone, dislocated jaw, black eyes on top of the bruises on her torso. I feared what he would do to Lyla so I would hide her while he was awake and I got beat for not telling him where she was. Riley was born 2 years after Lyla and you bet, he was mad again,” you started on the last section of hair to brush.
                         “At only 2 years old, Lyla knew she needed to protect Riley so she helped hide her when my father came looking. With both sisters missing, I took the beating for three, regularly. A little over 2 years after Riley was born my mother fell pregnant again. This time with twins. She got her pregnancy reprieve until she gave birth. Marguerite and Cooper were born. My father was ecstatic to finally get his boy. He cared less that my mother died in childbirth with them. He said, ‘at least the cow gave me my son before her pathetic body gave out,’” Heat gently squeezed your legs like a hug.
                         “We got somewhat of a reprieve for a few years. He had his boy so he mostly ignored the rest of us. Then…the sickness hit. It was fast moving and seemed to spread at random. It took a portion of the people in the city which included Bea’s husband, two of her children, several of our staff members…”
                         “And Cooper,” Heat finally spoke. It was a gravelly whisper.
                         “Yeah,” you sighed and began to braid small sections.
                         “We were getting beaten while we had to mourn the loss of our beloved little brother, Marguerite her twin, along with the staff that us kids considered family. Bea was the one pretty much raising us anyway. During all of this, I had made friends with a boy close to my age. He was what my father would have called a commoner, but I called him my friend. His name was Henry. He was my respite away from my home. He taught me how to use a sword and some basic combat moves. He was the son of a town guard and had plans to be one too. When we were old enough, we became friends with benefits and were each others firsts. He’ll be relevant shortly,” you sighed again and laid a gentle kiss to the top of Heat’s head.
                         “Two years after Cooper died I took a chance on a Marine Captain that had come to town and told him of the abuse. He followed me home with feigned concern and was easily bribed by my father and went on like nothing happened. That was the first time my father ever beat me above the neck. He just told his friends that I was clumsy and got kicked in the face by a horse,” Heat squeezed your legs again.
                         “When I was 18 my father entered me into an arranged marriage with Oswald. His family were lower nobles and my father was a successful merchant. Oswald's family would gain contacts, assets, merchandise, etc. My father would finally get the status he oh so coveted, along with a replacement son in Oswald,” you said as you tried to keep your braiding loose to not accidentally pull out Heat’s hair.
                         “Oswald was just as bad as my father. He thought of me as nothing more than a thing to provide him heirs and a pretty toy. He beat me like my father did when I was too opinionated. Luckily since we weren’t married I continued to stay at home, where I could protect my sisters. On nights where I was ordered to stay the night at Oswald’s family estate, Bea would whisk the girls away, using the excuse that she needed the young hands to help her,” you took a deep breath.
                         “Finally I had enough when I was 20. I began to slowly store expensive items from around the house in a few storage areas around town. My father never noticed. Within 6 months I had sold or stashed most of the valuable items I had taken and replaced them with cheap knockoffs. The last things were from his office and I’d get them soon. Henry secretly got Bea, her kids, and my sisters out of the house and snuck in 6 cadavers. One Bea sized and the rest the size of the kids. I confronted my father. Told him what a pathetic excuse for a man he was and only weak sad little men would think beating children and an already beaten wife was acceptable. We fought, physically and his old, fat, pampered body was no match for my young and practiced one,” you took another deep breath as you continued to braid. Your voice was flat and almost cold.
                         “I stabbed him in his chest and he watched as I repeatedly stabbed and beat the shit out of him. When his breathing stopped finally, I continued to beat him. 20 years of rage came out of me and I did some very brutal things to his body. I looted his office and then set fire to the house. That’s how I got these,” you pointed to the burn scars.
                         “I fell on my way out and managed to get myself up and out. Henry found me and brought me to safety where Bea nursed me back. I wasn’t a suspect initially, but when they realized there was a Jinjer sized body missing, they made me the number one suspect. I planned it that way. My father was so obsessed with his name and legacy, that I needed to ruin it, forever. He wasn’t going to go down like a martyr for his scummy friends. He will always be known as the man who had the crazy daughter who killed her family and then burned down the their home. A daughter he refused to send to a sanitarium. Our family name will be used with ridicule and as a cautionary tale, until the name fades into obscurity,” you took a huge sigh and finished the braid you were working on.
                         “If your family name is trashed, how come Oswald is still after you?” he asked quietly and kissed your shin.
                         “Oswald is deranged. If he can’t have his toy, no one can. He’d use his contacts to change my name and just use me to produce his children. He would make up some story about how his poor wife is sickly and he would never want to cause her harm, or some bullshit like that. I know he’s not done looking for me. He will try again and I’m afraid for Bea and the kids,” you said as you laid a kiss to the top of his head.
                         “We’ll make sure he doesn’t touch them,” he said with a crack to his voice.
                         Heat reached behind him and pulled you off the bed and signaled to sit on his good thigh. His eyes were welled up and he had tear streaks down his face. You had long processed your trauma, mostly. Retelling the story of your past didn’t upset you anymore, but seeing him cry for you made your eyes well up too.
                         He pulled you into his chest and held you tight and ignored the pain his wounds caused him.
                         “I am so sorry that happened to you. You have endured so much. I am so proud of how strong you are,” he whispered.
                         “Thank you. My family is finally safe from the abuse of my father and I’m finally happy. That’s what matters, right?” you added.
                         “Right,” he agreed and kissed your cheek.
                         He got up and moved the chair back and laid down in bed. You cuddled up to him the best you could. You pointed to the ceiling.
                         “What are those for? Wire has similar ones in his room,” you asked as you pointed out the reinforced beams and hooks and pulleys.
                         He gave you a devilish grin, “You’ll see what those are for when Kid and I give you our show.”
                         “Oh, so they’re a sex thing?” you asked.
                         “They can be, not always though.”
                         “Well, I look forward to it then.”
                         The two of you rested for a little while. You took in his campfire scent and let it relax you. His deep steady breaths helped to regulate your own. He made you feel safe, always.
                         Kid stopped by and you told him that it was alright to tell the crew now. He said something about a party and that he’d talk to you about it later.
                         A while later Papas came in and removed the IV from Heat and gave both of you a check up. You vaguely asked about strenuous activity, but he knew exactly what you were asking about. He sighed and said it was OK as long as you both knew your mobility and physical limits at the current time. He left and came back a few minutes later with a pocketful of condoms and said he’d talk to you about birth control for you later. He had it on the ship for the other menstruating crew members if they wanted it. You agreed and would find him that afternoon.
                         “Let me know when you are done so I can make sure you didn’t pop any stitches, Heat” he sighed as he undid the bandages that held his arm in place and covered his torso.
                         Heat had gauze that covered the top part of his right pectoral muscle, just below his collarbone. Papas removed most of the bandages over his chest since they were just to contain his arm. He wrapped the top of Heat’s chest along his collarbone to firmly hold the gauze in place. He reiterated to take it easy and to not push through pain. Heat smiled at having movement in his right arm again even if it was limited as he could already feel the tug of pain as he tried to move it a few different ways. You could still work with that.
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coquillage-moved · 4 years
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[Start Image ID: A young adult aged nonbinary person is smiling, with their hand raised as if they are waving. They are wearing minimal makeup (black eyeliner, pinkish lipstick), and have black straight hair. They have the Heart Freckles Snapchat Filter on their face. End Image ID.]
hiii so my name is luci-marie and my fiancée and i are trying to get out of our miserable living arrangements and move in together!!
i live with parents that are detrimental to my extremely poor mental health and recovery,
and kinzie is disabled and lives in a disaster area in which the home owners who literally do not give a shit about a healthy, clean, not stressful living environment (i.e. theres dog shit and piss everywhere and these guys, who are the owners, wont pick up after them).
i only work a minimum wage job that isn’t even giving me the full time hours i was hired for, and thus am unable to save up nearly quick enough to be able to get us out ASAP, and so im opening up my emergency writing commissions to be able to boost my savings and make this happen faster.
my commissions details are found here, and you can reach me most preferably on discord (luci-marie#2000), but if you don’t have discord you can definitely still reach me on here, or on twitter (@rosenoaks). i will only take commission payments after i complete a commission and i know you’re satisfied with it!
but if youd like to donate without a commission you can find our p*yp*l pool here!! whether you choose to commission, donate, or just reblog to boost (likes do nothing) i really appreciate you reading!! thank you so much 💜
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fukurodaze · 4 years
can i have (timeskip?) kuroo with a fem! s/o who is a sophisticated introvert that intimidates people because she doesn't smile or talk much but when she's with friends she's actually really nice, funny and outgoing, and she has really good fashion sense? (i'm sorry if this is too specific lmao you can ignore this i'm just yearning for kuroo HAHAHAHA)
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this is so funny because this dynamic is literally THE cutest
so you know how kuroo works in pr right so this is The Office Romance Of The Century
the meeting <3
so kuroo works on the ninth floor and you work on the twentieth floor
though you guys work in different departments, you guys are both around the same age so you guys kind of have the same workloads because yall are still starting
different departments eventually do have different schedules, but as newbies you guys kind of follow one (1) basic timetable that is really just 9 to 5
one thing you never expected about the office: good ass food.... like you thought the bread at your school canteen was good? wait till you find the sandwiches on the fourth floor
and since you quite literally have no friends in this big ass building and there aren’t many co-workers who are your age you kind of hold onto the nice yakiniku sandwiches on the fourth floor
it gets rough in a new workplace for the first time ://
so the sandwiches become your routine - around 5-6pm, you’re coming down a whole sixteen floors otw home but also to get that nice thick yakiniku sandwich
guess who else comes? 
despite telling himself that he’s really easing into the work life well because his senpais tell him he’s smart, he really doesn’t know anyone
he also finds it weird asking his co-workers to drink as he feels like they should be the ones inviting him so he ends up just chillin it out with some surprisingly good sandwiches downstairs
he likes the chicken ones bc they’re just so nice n crispy yay
he kinda feels shit about it sometimes but thats just how it is huh... corporate work... no friends... and all the rest of his friends r like in other places... yeah
ay but at least he finds this cute girl ordering the same thing over and over again at the same time he’s there
he ignores it at first but you know the saying that the more you see someone the more likely they become more attractive in your eyes?
yeah... that’s kuroo @ u...
and usually he’s doesn’t really pay no mind to people who just do their own business
but your fits r just too cool for this workplace... like mans has been coming to work with suits and youre out here with some combo streetwear power suit... sometimes u wear the highest heels and sometimes you wear the chunkiest sneakers but still manage to look so sleek n sophisticated like 24/7
could it be... he finds you... attractive??? even though you don’t smile much?
kuroo doesn’t stall, so he just goes “i like your style”
my my... you love hearing that dont’cha
but u were like “thanks” 😐
he’s like sheesh
and as he’s about to leave you ask, “what department do you work in?”
kuroo does a double take and is like “um... PR...?” he literally looks over his shoulder to see if you’re talking to anyone else because yo... is this you showing interest???
spoiler alert this is the introduction to his chapter in your love life <3
look it’s not hard for kuroo to get along with quieter people because he used to be siiiiilent, and he’s also grown up with kenma, who was much more introverted throughout middle school and high school
god, you felt so comfortable
and he was SO hot.... WTF
but yeah you’re always like 😐 but make it chic because your fits r fire and your eyeliner SLAYS
this may or may not have turned into a little date at the bar nearby
yes the sandwiches are good but you know what’s even better? drinking some good food in tokyo as Official Employees of the Japanese Volleyball Association
this night was pretty flirty, what can u expect... compliment here, hand brush there, cute laughs n chuckles everywhere
hahaha when kuroo saw you laugh and get super talkative... is that a turn on or what... youre also like funny too??? oh cmon...
safe to say you said yes when he asked you out again, and he swears he would do anything to see you laugh again 🥰
and yes, he does see that laugh again. a lot of times, actually.
the relationship <3
first off: he likes seeing u all professional... good food 
second: him in a suit??? yessir. him making connections??? YESSIR
you guys end up hanging around a lot with each other at the office even when you’re busy. and yknow, since it’s the honeymoon phase, might as well sneak a kiss. or a lot of kisses.
people get so surprised when this happens at first, since theyre like... why r they both disappearing 24/7... they cant be going together bc hes... kuroo... and you’re... you... aren’t you guys are supposed to be DIFFERENT??
he always goes heart eyes for u even though it seems like you’re always shooting daggers at him from everyone else’s pov
eventually, as you two get more comfy with each other and spend more time, you find yourself at his place like 4 days out of 7... his place is closer to the office anyways so it’s just convenient especially when you’re busy with your department when kuroo isn’t, and it demands later nights and earlier mornings
when BOTH of you are busy... expect stress makeouts in the kitchen
the way yall would shower together not because of sexy vibes but because yall both overslept and literally have no time 😭
but that doesn’t mean yall dont enjoy it!! u think he’s hot, he thinks you’re hot, works well (you two still end up arriving late)
eventually people see how you guys walk to work together in the mornings a lot... and go home together a lot... and drink at bars together...
and they’re like holy fuck how did kuroo snatch her... like other than the fact that he’s hot... she literally doesn’t smile and is so scary
the sandwiches on floor four have become breakfast burritos because none of yall go home at 5 all that often anymore
but on a lucky day where destiny aligns itself with the stars and time and the volleyball league you’re lucky to get a yakiniku. or maybe chicken.
you guys influence each other, and it’s so funny seeing kuroo come in with some more colourful suits after you told him to experiment with colour
the other people at work r like: kuroo ur gf controls u
kuroo’s like yeah she’s like powerful huh 😏
you kind of laugh it all off, since now you have your own friends at work too, and so does kuroo
they surprisingly ask a lot about your relationship... and though you would like to brag about your very good boyfriend, you keep it pretty vague
you do like to talk about important days though, like anniversaries
but being with kuroo has genuinely made you more comfy in the workplace even though yall are in different departments
you love hearing kuroo’s stories about his co-workers, and you wondered if you could kind of have those kinds of relationships with your co-workers too
your closest co-workers have always been kind to you, albeit intimidated at first
but they’re great shopping buddies, great listeners, and great gossips <3
you normally wouldn’t care about gossip but it’s fun to laugh about sometimes when you’re getting ready for bed and he’s like “by the way... have you heard of [person A] doing ... ” on call
and you’re like oh yeah, actually i have
even he’s surprised at first because you seem like that cool introverted employee but you do have your fits of laughter and bouts of humour
you guys become more comfy with your jobs, and before you know it, a year has passed
you’ve moved in lol
kuroo’s just 100% heart eyes for u pls
the vibes you guys are as a couple?? immaculate. everyone looks at yall like holy fuck. opposites attract and it’s HOT
and it’s so good because you guys know each other so well, from personalities to bodies to work
when you’re on a low, he holds you close and tells you such sweet things, but makes sure to give you space
when he’s on a low, you make sure to talk to him to take him off of his thoughts, to reassure him
kuroo kind of realises he’s actually... like REALLY in love with you and it just hits him a week before christmas when he looks into his cupboard and hates how it’s so messy but ends up swooning 😭
so the next day LIKE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING he’s like “hi. im renting a car. and i am in love with you. do you wanna go on a christmas trip together?”
you don’t even react when he says that... it’s just two seconds of silence and then “okay. i’m in love with you too.”
he’s like “cool. cool.”
proceeds to smother ur lipstick when he kisses u right after work... 
but u love him anyway 🥰
and in that trip... just you two in a strange place together... with nobody else...
he sees you with him for a long, long time
and honestly, with the feeling of his hand in yours, you don’t think you’ll be going anywhere either.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
i know youre just as obsessed with the save your tears song as me, please make a fic with peter of it🙏🏾😭
lololol sorry i got this a while ago, but yes. i have an unhealthy obsession with this song. 
P.P~ Save Your Tears
warnings: none?? language??
words- 1.8k
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You and peter...you and peter were special. When there was peter, there was you. No matter where you went, no matter where he went, you both were with each other, until you werent. 
“Y/n, i love you but i need this college, it means so much to me, tony wants me to go-” “tony wants you to go? He matters more then me? Peter ive been with you since forever” you said, tears pooling from your eyes, standing up in his room while he sat on his bunkbed- his cheeks and nose red as he looked at you. “So this is what its about, making tony proud? What about me peter? What about me?!” you waited for his answer, but when he didnt say anything, you just gave him an empty, sad look, a shocked look,”so this is it, huh? You go to college and you leave me and may in shitty new york, and for what?” you chuckled, “to make your” you did quote on quote “dad proud?” he became angered, staring daggers at you. “He cares about you but i clearly care more, you wouldnt even be thinking about college if it wasnt for me. Youd be stuck as spiderman still trying to make him proud!” you laughed.
“Peter, did you hear what i said, “STILL PROUD”. He doesnt even give you fuckin validation. You know what. Fuck you, have fun in missouri, i hope you make him proud” you said, stomping out and slamming the door behind you, power walking out and accidently ignoring may with your own crowded thoughts while you walked out.
But that was 2 years ago. 
You went to a college in Atlanta, peter long forgot, you and ned decided to go together. So there was a huge party in Atlanta, Harry knew about it causing Peter to know about it too. 
“Yeah theres this huge party in atlanta and i wanted to go” he said, in the kitchen of the apartment, eating chips as he looked at peter, who had his textbook in his hands and his glasses on, he looked at harry “your going out of state...just for a stupid party?” he said, his eyebrows furrowed. “Yeah i go every year,” “and your telling me this….for?”
“I want you to come with me” harry smiled, walking over and hopping on the couch while peter set his text book on the coffee table “i dont think so” he said, “oh come on! The most baddest chicks are their peter! And you need to get over y/n-” “shut up, harry” peter looked at him with a clenched jaw, your name was his kryptonite, making him weak in his stomach and his knees woozy as if they were gonna fall out. “Look, your doing it again” harry called him out. “Ive dated her for over 7 years harry, what am i supposed to do, toss her in the trash?” “Yes actually” he shrugged, making peter grumble before taking off his glasses and setting them down. “i’ll think about it” “i’ll pack your bag” harry did a quick grin at him before standing up and tossing the chips at peters chest. 
So there they are, moving into another apartment for three days, only taking out a few pairs of clothes and leaving it on the bed. “Party is tomorrow, we need drinks and stuff” “if its a huge party what do we need to buy stuff for?” peter asked, harry said, “You're too innocent” before walking off. 
“Ned! I do not need a plus one!” “it wont be a plus one it’ll be a plus two!” “im not going in there as a throuple” you turned to him, he didnt want you to look lonely inside of the party, so why not just go on an open date with betty and him? Because it weird, or thats atleast what you thought. You picked out your dress, your body has changed since senior year, making your curves more evident, which you didnt mind, it was nice. The dress was quite tight in the right places, making you feel confident, you asked betty how it looked, she said if she was a lesbian shed try to dig, which was unusual for someone like her to say that, but youd take it. “Are you sure, y/n?” he asked, genuinely, you turned to him and sincerely nodded. “Yes, thank you” 
And so there it was, harry and peter went to buy the drinks, two bottles of each just for home, which harry made peter try, peter wasnt pleasant but harry said hed need it. 
So there the party was, harry helping peter pick something out, making sure it wasnt too “nerdy” which ended up in harry having to give peter something to wear, an oversized orange shirt and jeans, a black hat backwards and some of peters normal shoes, vans. “Im proud of my creation” harry said while they both looked in the mirror, peter sighed in disgust “i hate you” “love you too bud” 
You and ned got ready, helping him out with which colognes he should use, you made him help you out with the makeup, it was a simple black dress but there was no harm in trying to pop it out, “red” “red? Are you sure? Does it bring out my skin??” you said, he nodded “wear it! And hurry! We have to pick up betty!”
It was 9 o’clock, the party already started as you and your best friends pushed past people to get something to drink, but one drink turned into two, and then to three, and then continuing on. Ned ended up with red lipstick and lip marks all over his face and a tie around his eyes, everyone cheering him on when he was in a drinking competition with the famous gregory, of course ned won, making the boys chant his ned “ned ned ned ned!” and you were in the front row with betty, a red cup in your hand and everyone letting out a deep “wooooo!” and whistles when ned stuck his arms out in the air before taking the tie off, you laughed as the party stopped the challenges and it was dancing time, so betty pulled you to the dance floor, you let out an “ahhh!” as in you didnt wanna dance but she gave you a stern look “loosen up” she smiled, dancing around and her grin widened when you started to slowly loosen up, drinking the forbidden juice in your cup before you threw it wherever.
Peter and harry finally arrived, drinks in hand as he looked around, “there really is hot chicks” peter said making harry laugh hysterically before grabbing a cup for peter. “Just make sure you leave before i do” “yuck” harry passed the cup to peter, and he took a sip, his throat burning before he looked at harry “dont give up, the party has just started! I have to use the bathroom” harry walked off, peter looked around at the different sections, he could sit on the couch but there was people making out there, he could join some of the shot gunning but it was clear they were already thirty drinks in, which left him to the dance floor. 
Dancing in the crowded hall, stood you, as before, his stomach turned and his knees felt woozy as his mouth slightly opened, it was really you. Your hips moving loosely with a huge smile on your face, you looked so much more happier without him, he started to feel bad, his mind coming to memories before you caught him looking at you, making your movements falter. Your mouth open with shock, a single tear coming down your face before he called out your name, you ignored him walking the other way. “Dammit!” he said, placing down the cup he didnt need before pushing past people, he could see the back of your head, he groaned when a girl pushed him “watch where your going dumbass!” she said, peter ignored her and came upstairs still following you, now into an empty hallway “Y/N!- Y/N- i know you can hear me theres literally nobody else in this fucking hallway!” he said, his walking stopped as yours did to, you looked back at him, turning to him. “Please” you made eye contact with him, your face empty as no words came out of your mouth, you walked to him, a hopeful smile on his face, until you walked passed him, your shoulder thumping against his that made him fall, he looked back at you and furrowed his eyebrows, his heart shattered in pieces as he swore he heard it break like glass, it was already cracked. 
You could have asked him why he broke your heart
You could've told him that you fell apart
But you walked past him like he wasn't there
And just pretended like you didn't care.
He ran away from you and now it was your turn, you told yourself not to cry, to save your tears for another day, or for another, he wasnt worth it, at least thats what you told yourself. He watched as you disappeared, sadness engulfing him as he sat against the wall. “Fuck” he ran his hands through his hair before he looked your direction again, tears threatning to roll down his cheeks as he couldnt believe that happened, but it was his fault, and once he noticed that, he broke down in tears.
he made you think that he would always stay
He said some things that he should've never said
 He broke your heart like someone did to his, 
And now you won't love him for a second time.
He didnt know it would make you cry when he ran away, he didnt even know why he ran away. He wanted to chase after you, for you to take him back because this time he really wanted to stay, two years, much too late. He didnt deserve you, you deserved better, not someone who left you for someone he didnt even talk to anymore, tony. 
“Save your tears, y/n” you told yourself, but you couldn't take it, you ran to your car and opened the door, getting in the driver's seat you cried, slamming the door shut as your back hunched and you hit the hunk, kicking and hitting the steering wheel until you couldn't anymore, tears ruining your makeup as you looked at yourself through the rear view, your hair a mess, your eyeliner ruined, you, ruined. you couldn't save your tears, you couldn't save them for another day, or another. Peter, the love of your life, ran away, and you cant love him again, because, he broke you.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
hii! so great to see the creepypasta fandom alive still!! i'd like to req a romantic nsfw matchup! :) i hope this is enough info
-firstly, i'm 22, she/her and bisexual but preference for men. around 5'2-5'3 and pretty pale. kinda sick looking ngl (thx anemia) and currently my hair is dyed like a silvery blonde kind of color? was more lavender ish before. my hairs pretty long (and annoying, gets tangled easily bec heat dmg), maybe bottom of rib length w sidepart/curtain bangs, and big gray eyes. i'm pretty into wearing a full face of makeup too! so eyeliner, lipstick, falsies, the whole thing. body wise, dcup committee, hip dips n thick thighs (i have a thigh tattoo as well, its a cat:))
-style wise i fluctuate constantly, but mostly i wear sweaters and neutral colors constantly. my style does tend to lean towards dark academia the most i think but i do have a softspot for more grunge inspired fashion and also pastels. you'd most likely either see me in a longsleeve and skirt or a sweater and jeans tbh
-personality type wise, i'm an intx 6w5 ! my astro stuff is aries sun, taurus moon, leo rising and gemini venus !! i was in college for library science major w classics (history) minor but dropped it and now i'm working on getting a certification for floral design.
i'm extremely opinionated and outspoken when its something i need to be vocal about, but i am first and foremost an introvert. i get extremely anxious in social situations, but sadly also have a slight temper. this leads to a bit of a confrontational attitude because letting bad situations sit just upsets me more LOL. but i do like to joke around with those close to me and i tend to ramble a lot about my special interests/new things i've learned about quite often if allowed. i can be blunt and very sarcastic usually, and to people who don't know me it comes off a bit rude? idk ALSO i am always tired, no matter how much i sleep.
-relationship wise, i am a bit clingy but not physically. i do love physical affection (preferably more so in private) but my love language is definitely quality time. even if it's just sitting together and doing a task like reading/writing or watching something. being around them makes me happy. i am pretty big on communicating thought so if theres an issue or insecurity, i will bring it up. i'm a bit of the jealous type, and vocal about boundaries in my relationship, and mutual respect is very important to me.
LIKES: i love slasher films go figure, but i'm also the biggest sucker for rom coms and historical movies (like jane austen type, not war ofc.) my music taste is anywhere from rock 2 indie n pop. (my favorite artists though are mitski, hozier, twst, and the nbhd.) baking is one of my favorite activities, and i also love comfy games (animal crossing, minecraft etc.) fall is my favorite season + i'm addicted to iced coffee and the white monster (only flavor i've ever had but extremely caffeine dependent) i love reading and writing n also photography. the sound of rain and the look of snow falling make me really happy. my comfort drink is either earlgrey tea with milk and sugar (maybe honey too) or a big cup of hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream.
(halfway through + i feel like this is TOO MUCH WRITING ALR IM SORRY)
-i dislike the ocean/lakes etc,, i'm just not fond of being in them but they're nice 2 look at. i hate bugs too LOL
AAA hope i have enough of the regular stuff but heres nsfw:
-very much a sub. i've tried to dom before and it's not for me. rough stuff is definitely up my alley!! i'm v into being choked. i love size diff to an extent (height wise) but considering my height its not that hard to be pretty much taller. breeding 4 sure. degrading is really nice but also love praise. possesive!!partners!!own my heart. i just rlly like to put my partners in a position of power also w titles bec i like having smth to call them ( uncomfortable w mommy title to a fem partner though, but daddy is open for male p ) and uHHHH yeah i think thats it. maybe marks too?? also rlly like nice hands LMFAO
thank you sososo much if you decide to answer mine whenever you're able to get around to it <3
Your matchup is… Eyeless Jack!
Read more because of NSFW :}
In general:
Everything about you seemed to match up with EJ but it’s always the kinks that solidify it lmfao. SO, let’s elaborate on why.
What he likes about you:
Physically speaking, EJ adores your eyes and your hair. They’re both so captivating and beautiful to him and he can just get lost looking at you. Your height is alo really cute to him because the dude is fucking tall, probably like 7 ft lmfao. He appreciates the aesthetics of makeup even though he doesn’t understand much about it, so your full face of makeup also lowkey fascinates him. I’ll get,,,, I’ll get into the other stuff about your body in the NSFW section. EJ just adores your sense of style as well, even when it changes around. Grunge and pastels are weak spots for him ngl. He loves your personality as well and wants to know all about floral design. He likes that you’re opinionated as well. EJ is really big on spending time together as well and he’s also pretty physically affectionate in private. I can also see EJ being into communication, because he’s just y’know, trying his best and wants you to see his best as well. All of your likes match up so well with him!! I would be here all day listing them, but just know that you and EJ match up so well in terms of your likes.
General cute things:
ALRIGHT SO, going off your likes, i don’t think EJ actually really likess war movies? He’s secretly a softie to Jane Austen stuff ngl. He likes your music choice and will y’know, listen to it with you. Is he into baking? Not really but he will absolutely eat whatever tf you make. Sometimes EJ has a bit of a sweet tooth. He’ll also cuddle with you on the couch as you play your comfy games, he’s not too big on games himself though. Just wants to spend time with you, y’know? EJ loves fall too and will go on leafy walks with you and enjoy the scents of nature. He’s such a sucker for fall too. Pumpkins, spooky stuff, all of that atmospheric stuff makes him lose his mind. He likes hot coffee but will get you iced coffees and monster. He will read with you! Just those quiet little dates y’know?? He will also teach you calligraphy, because I really do think EJ has beautiful penmanship. He will make your comfort drink for you on snowy days, and cuddle with you when the rain is falling. Just WHOLESOME stuff.
You two as a couple & NSFW:
EJ is a BIG protector. Like, huge. I have no other way of saying that. Like, the man is a bit possessive, he’s actually a lot possessive, but he’s a protector through and through. He will give you his hoodies and sweaters for you to wear if you’re ever cold! He also likes you being bathed in his scent so like,,,,,,, He understands that you’re a bit of the jealous type but lowkey so is he. So please talk with him about that. It seems like you prioritize that stuff though so like it works lmfao. He will do whatever he can to calm you down and keep you steady in social situations that might make you uncomfortable. Just wants to keep you safe. He’s also a tad confrontational? But, he’s really respectful about it. He loves to listen to you ramble and he loves to hear you talk about things you are passionate about. EJ doesn’t mind you being blunt and sarcastic either tbh. He’s exactly like that as well.
So here’s what did it. It’s literally always the kinks that do it. He adores your body. Your breasts are a favorite, your hips are a favorite, your thighs are a favorite, literally everything about you is a favorite. He likes your thigh tattoo and will trace it with his clawed fingers. Lucky for you, you cannot pay EJ to sub, he’s 1000% a dom! He will choke you with his big, clawed hands, and is very, very rough in general. He will cover you in bites and claw marks, love bites dripping down your thighs and neck. He will mark you!! EJ is 7ft tall so like, you got the size difference thing down really good here. He’s also big into breeding too lmfao like I hate bringing up the knotted dick thing again but it’s making a comeback here, he will push that thing in and just CUM. Won’t stop unless he’s filled you to your absolute brim, towering over you, growling and hissing as he ruts into you still connected. You can call him whatever, daddy, master, it’ll all make him hot and bothered. He’s good at praise and degrading, honestly degrading over praise though. EJ also has really nice hands. Overall, it’s the kinks that do it time and time again.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, thank you so much for sending in this ask! The creepypasta fandom is still very much alive, I just like to think a lot of us grew up alongside it. You gave me a wonderful amount of info! Sometimes, people send me like a sentence and I have no idea wtf to do. The more detailed, the better, and you really came through! Furthermore, you sound really, really pretty omg? Like, I adore makeup and just don’t wear it for myself besides eyeliner (RIP my monolids) and mascara but people who wear full faces have ALL MY LOVE. It’s so beautiful. Also your tattoo sounds super cute as well! Everything about you is cute as all hell, and that’s coming from both me and EJ. EJ absolutely adores everything about you and will just LOVE YOU endlessly, and in more ways than one. ;) As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I both really want to read a conversion camp fic and really fucking DONT lol but I trust you to do it well and not absolutely destroy us so... I am asking for you to write the conversion camp fic please.
Oh, my plan is to absolutely destroy you all with this one.
This is modern bc it wasn’t gonna be but then I wrote a part and it kinda had to be lol
TW: religion, homophobia, transphobia (nd Steve), conversion camp, anxiety, depression, physical abuse, the word r*pe is thrown around, suicidal ideations, basically, it’s a DOOZY
Seriously, this shit gets DARK. I have A LOT of untapped emotions.
But it has a happy ending, don’t worry
Steve’s hands were shaking as they dug through his bag.
They had already pulled out the eyeshadow palette he had tried to sneak in, needed something to make himself feel okay in this inevitable Hell.
“Did you receive our guidelines?” They had found the lipstick he had shoved in one of his shoes. “We specifically outlined prohibited items.” He took a shaky breath. “Your perversion is much deeper than anticipated, Mr. Harrington.” He just nodded.
He was shuffled about, led to a cold blank room.
His first meeting with a conversion specialist.
“What is your infatuation with women’s things?” The man’s voice made Steve feel like there was cold water dripping down his back.
“I just like pretty things.”
“Why do you deny your manhood?”
“I don’t.”
“You say that, but you do. Every time you pretend you’re a woman-”
“I don’t pretend I’m a woman. I just like makeup and stuff.” He gave Steve a disgusted look.
“By denying your true self, you have turned your back on God. You have allowed the devil to infiltrate your soul, to convince you that these perversions are okay.” He looked down at the paper in his lap, the forms Steve had been forced to sit and fill out with his parents. “You were not close with your father, were you?”
“Um, no. Not really.”
“So you pushed away your male role model?”
“He pushed me away, more like.” The man pursed his lips.
“A father does not push away his son unless there is something evil within him. A father can always tell when there is something wrong, something disgusting in his offspring.” He stood up, towering over Steve.
“You are disgusting, Steven Harrington. You are perverse and foul. You turn your back on your Creator. But you are not without a savior. You can be saved. Denounce the devil that tempts you to this life. Follow your savior, and He will lead you to safety.” He held out his hand. Steve took a breath, and shook it.
Steve’s first day was a fucking nightmare.
He was led to his room, a small room with two bunked beds and no doors. He was told he’d have three roommates, and if they were caught touching one another, the punishment would be painful.
And then it was group therapy.
He sat in a circle with ten of the other boys from the program. They were forced to discuss every attraction they had ever felt to anyone besides women. They were forced to discuss sexual encounters they had had with men, and call themselves disgusting.
And as it was Steve’s turn, and he talked about wearing panties, and fingering himself, and sucking Tommy’s dick, and he felt disgusting.
At dinner he met one of his roommates, and his heart sank.
“Where’d they scrape you up?” The guy was fucking gorgeous.
“And you just a homo? Or...?” The guy’s voice trailed off as he looked Steve up and down. “You one a’ them crossdressers, too?” Steve flushed deeply.
“How, how did you know?”
“Because you look like they got to you already. Means they got something on you. Make you feel real bad about yourself.”
“How, how long have you been here?”
“Long enough. Seen plenty a’ boys come and go. Some cured, some just a lost cause.” He was so nonchalant about the whole thing.
“Why, why so long?” He grinned at Steve, sharp and beautiful.
“Because I’m immune, Pretty Boy.” Steve’s breath hitched. The guy licked over his teeth. “Can’t beat the gay outta me if they tried. And they fuckin’ have.”
“But why, why don’t you want to change? I mean, they’re, they’re right.” His blue eyes went cold.
“They got you deep. Damn, you might be the quickest turn around I’ve ever seen.”
“I just, I don’t want to be wrong anymore.” He leaned closer to Steve.
“You have never been wrong.” Steve felt like he was gonna cry.
A firm hand clapped down on Steve’s shoulder.
“William, I hope you’re treating our new guest nicely.” William’s face fell immediately.
“Yes, Father.” Steve looked up to see a priest holding onto him. His hair was greying and neat. His eyes were cold and dead.
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to take Steven with me.” Steve followed him, eyes downcast, all the way to his office. “Steven, my name is Father Andrew. I’m here to help you.” Steve didn’t like his smile. “We’re going to meet everyday at 8:30 pm for your therapy.”
He pulled out a folder from the bottom drawer of his desk. He placed a photograph in front of Steve with a flourish.
It was porn.
It was fucking gay porn.
He stood in front of Steve, leaning against the desk, off to the side of the image.
“Tell me what you see here.” One of the men had dark hair. He was being taken from behind by the other man, his blond hair and bright eyes stirred something in Steve.
“Two men. Having sex.”
He didn’t see Father Andrew’s hand, just heard the crack of it against his cheek.
His eyes watered, his cheek burned.
“What do you see?”
“Two perverts.”
“What are they doing?”
“Defiling one another.”
“Good, Steven. You’re learning.”
He placed another photograph down. This time, the man being fucked had a full face of makeup, tears making the dark eyeliner run as he was on his back, hands cuffed to the bed. The man fucking him was smirking at the camera, tongue between his teeth.
“How does this make you feel?”
“That they, they would touch each other like that.”
“Do you have fantasies like this? Of being tied up by another man? Raped by another man?”
And the answer, the answer was technically yes. He had plenty of fantasies of being tied up, taken rough, taken dirty.
But rape. That’s a strong fucking word.
“No, Father.” Another crack. Another slap.
“Lying is a sin, Steven.”
“I, I don’t want to be, to be raped.” Another slap.
“Lying is a sin, Steven.”
“Yes, yes Father. I have had fantasies.”
“These are not fantasies, these are perversions planted in your mind by demons, by the devil trying to pull you away from Christ our Lord. Do not let these demons lead you astray.”
He pulled out another picture.
Steve’s heart fucking stopped.
It was a picture of himself. A nude he had taken for Tommy.
He was wearing pretty lingerie, pouting to the camera. He remembers taking it, remembers putting on his makeup, posing over and over until he took one he liked. They must’ve gone through his phone, through his texts.
“Why do you dress like a woman?”
“Be-because I’m disgusting.” And the thing is, Steve had been told plenty of times that day that he’s disgusting, and he had begun to believe it.
“Good, Steven. You are disgusting. Do you believe you’re a woman?”
“No, Father.”
“Then why have you been experimenting with women’s things?”
“I believed I wasn’t a man.”
“And are you a man?”
“Yes, Father.”
“God made you a man.”
“Yes, Father.” Steve still didn’t like his smile.
He switched the image.
And it was another one of his nudes. This time he was in a skirt, kneeling with his back to the mirror, one hand spreading his cheeks, showing off the silver plug in his ass.
He even remembers the text he had sent with it.
Tommy had been studying for a test, so Steve sent that picture and said but im lonely :( and Tommy had replied I’ll be there in twenty.
“Why do you have an obsession with your anus?” Steve could feel the blood drain from his face.
“I, uh, it feels good.” Another slap.
“How does spitting in the face of your Heavenly Father feel good, Steven? Sodomy does not feel good.” Another slap. Steve’s face felt like it was on fire.
“I’m sorry, Father. I am vile, and disgusting.” Steve was sobbing, felt so fucking pathetic, trying to look anywhere but the printed image of himself.
“I think that’s enough for tonight. I expect you here tomorrow after dinner.”
Steve fucking ran back to his room.
The other boys were asleep. He climbed into the top bunk, curling into himself.
He felt disgusting, he felt foul and wrong and bad.
He tried to stifle his sobs into his pillow, the scratchy case muffling his panic attack.
“Hey, Stevie.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be quiet.” There was a sigh, breath fanning over his face.
And then the boy from earlier was swinging himself into bed with him, curling against him.
“They said-”
“I know exactly what times they patrol. I’ll leave your bed before then.” He sighed. “First night’s always the hardest. You just gotta get through. Tell them what they wanna hear, but remember that they’re fucking wrong. You are valid, and real. Being gay is not disgusting.”
Steve curled into him, letting himself be comforted.
“Thank you. Thank you, William.”
“Oh, Christ. Call me Billy.”
“Thank you, Billy.”
As time passed, it was easy to retreat into himself.
He met with Father Andrew every night, got slapped and hit when his answers weren’t condemning enough.
But each night, Billy would crawl into bed with him, would hold him when he broke down.
The kiss was inevitable.
It happened after Steve had an extreme day, the beating he received when he had admitted to being nonbinary, that he had asked his friends at home to use other pronouns.
And Billy had said you’re perfect the way you are, Sweet Thing.
And Steve kissed him.
And Steve wanted to die.
“Forgive me, Father. For I have sinned.” Steve took a shaking breath.
He was kneeling in the small confessional.
They had Mass every three days, and confession each Friday.
“It has been one week since my last confession.” He took a deep breath. He needed to get this of his chest, needed to get the punishment he deserved. “Father, I, the feelings have not gone away. There is, there’s a boy, and I, I love him. And I try not to. I try not to look at him, to remember the devil is leading me astray. But Father, I think about him. I think about him often.”
“This is an extremely grievous sin, my son.”
“I know, Father. Please help me. I want to, I want to be pure. To be free of this sin, this temptation.”
“I offer, as penance for your sins, to pray a rosary for each time you have had an evil thought about your fellow man this week. As you ponder the Mysteries of the rosary, consider how God created you, how Jesus died for you, and you wipe your feet on their love.”
“Yes, Father.”
“And our meeting will be arduous tonight, Steven.”
“Yes, Father.”
“Now please, recite the Act of Contrition.”
Steve’s hands shook as he recited the prayer, finishing his confession with Father Andrew.
“Now, Steven. You discussed having impure thoughts today.”
Steve’s knees ached from praying the rosary so many times earlier today. He hadn’t eaten, had gone straight to the Chapel after his confession.
He wanted to pray, to cleanse himself.
And he didn’t want to risk seeing Billy.
“Yes, Father.”
“And you mentioned that you love another boy.”
“The devil is trying to make me think it’s love.” Father Andrew smiled his empty smile down at Steve.
“That’s right Steven. Because love cannot exist between two men. Love is a beautiful thing created and given to us by The Lord God.” Father Andrew leaned over Steve, made him shrink back in his seat. “Which is why you are unlovable as you are. You are foul and vile. You may be loved if you change.”
He grabbed Steve’s hair, holding his head still as he slapped his face.
And Steve let him.
He was foul, he was vile.
He deserved the pain.
Two months.
That’s how long it took Steve to “graduate”.
He left the facility in clean khakis, a nice sweater his mother had sent him to wear home.
Billy had left a week and a half prior.
He was deemed a lost cause.
Steve’s mother was there to pick him up, hugged him tight and told him how happy she was that he was fixed.
He was quiet as they drove, watching the shadows the summer sun cast on the side of the plain flat road.
“Your father will be pleased. You’ve made such wonderful progress. Free of all those delusions.”
They passed Tommy’s house.
He felt sick.
The first thing Steve did when he got home was destroy all his make up.
He took everything feminine from it’s hiding spot in the back of his closet.
He scraped out the eye shadow, smeared the lipstick all over his dresses.
He cut up his lingerie, shoved everything into a black garbage back, driving into town to toss it in the dumpster behind the gas station.
He wanted it away, he wanted it gone. He wanted to be pure.
His hands shook as he zipped up the suitcase.
He didn’t have much in there, was planning on taking enough to get him through a little while, then maybe buying some things, some pretty things.
His parents were asleep downstairs, he was planning on being long gone by the time they woke up.
He put on his backpack, taking his wallet and tiptoeing down the stairs, his shoes in his hand.
He had a plan, would drive to the bus station, leave his car there.
Someone will find it, and at that point, he’ll be long gone.
He bought a bus ticket to Chicago, paid in cash and gave a fake name.
He was fucking out of here.
They were fucking out of here.
“As I live, and fucking breathe.”
Steve startled as a hand came down on their shoulder.
They startled again when they turned around, came face to face with a ghost from the past.
“B-Billy?” Billy’s hair was longer than it had been at the camp. His smile was lazier, his eyes brighter. Steve’s gut gave an excited little flutter as he looked them up and down.
“You look fuckin’ gorgeous, Pretty Boy.” Steve flushed, adjusting their dress. It was new.
It had been three years since the camp. One year of Steve living in pain, until they packed their shit, and moved to the Golden Coast. They left in the middle of the fucking night, ran away like a scared child, never looking back.
And here was the love of their goddamn life, in some hole in the wall coffee shop in San Fransisco.
“It’s uh, it’s not Pretty Boy, anymore.” Billy’s grin got even wider.
“Thank fuck.” He swung himself into the seat across from Steve’s, upsetting some of the papers they were working on.
“What happened to you, Billy?” Billy’s smiled slipped, just a little.
“My dad was tired a’ paying for that joint if I wasn’t getting better. So he said if I wasn’t fixed in like, a month, he would stop paying, and I would be kicked out. Stayed true to his word. Haven’t seen the bastard since.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Getting kicked outta that place is the best fuckin’ thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I graduated. Went through the whole thing. Took me a year to realize how fucked up it was.”
“Jesus. They got you deep.” Steve shrugged.
“I’m okay now.”
“Yeah? What’re you doin’?”
“Goin’ to school. Gonna be a counselor. Hopefully work in an elementary school, or something.” Billy’s eyes were bright.
“That’s amazing. Gonna tell all the little queer kids that they’re valid and all that?”
“That’s the goal.” Billy grinned. “What are you doing now? You with anyone?”
“I own a bar, actually. Kind of a dive, but it’s a good time.” He looked at Steve through his lashes. “You should come by, sometime. Be good to see you.”
“I’d like to see you too.”
“And to answer your question, I’m not with anyone. Not right now.” He smirked. “But I could be.” He leaned over the table, drawing one finger down Steve’s hand. “I like seeing you happy. Feel like I only ever saw you cryin’ in that joint.”
“Well, spent a lot of time crying there.”
“For good reason.” Billy took their hand. “It’s really good to see you.”
“Y’know I told Father Andrew I was in love with you. Got beat black and fuckin’ blue for it.” Billy’s face was grave.
“Why’d you do that?”
“Wanted to be fixed. Took me a year to realize I didn’t need that.”
“You stop lovin’ me in that year?”
“Not even in the two after that.” Billy took a shaking breath.
“You know, I uh, I love you too. Always did. It broke my fucking heart to leave you in that place. Was gonna wake you up that night, get you to run away with me. But they took me out, uh, forcibly.”
“Bet you put up a real good fight.”
“Broke Father Ryan’s nose.” Steve let out a burst of laughter, clapping one hand over their mouth.
“I was wondering about that. He had a splint for like, a month.”
“Yeah, well, bastard kept tryin’ to exorcise me. Headbutted him right in the face.”
“Good for you, Bill. Sometimes I wish I could light the whole place on fire.”
“Me too.” Billy took their hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “I gotta head, but I wanna see you. Soon. Later today, if you can.”
“Yeah, uh, I’m just doing some homework, but I could stop by the bar tonight? I don’t have shit to do tomorrow.”
“Lemme pick you up. We can go to dinner before I take you to the bar.” They smiled softly at him.
“I’d like that.”
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Get To know Me:
hi i'm lydia (she/her), chosen after lydia from the tim burton film “beetlejuice.”, as it is not my birth-given name. lydia is a feminine name meaning, “noble.” or “beautiful.” i enjoy tim burton's portfolio, especially corpse bride. i was born in monroe. now i live in brockport, new york, although i hope to move to los angeles someday. as i am still a minor, i have idols. specifically jim adkins, melanie martinez, heart, grimes, marilyn manson, audrey hepburn, strawberry switchblade, lana del rey, courtney love, and nicole dollanganger. i get quite a bit of inspiration and motivation from them. i am an aspiring musician (preferably alternative). my favorite sub-genres are definitely emo, gothic rock, skatepunk, death metal, and ambient rock. i usually find new music on the website everynoise.com. my favorite songs at the moment: nicole dollanganger - angels of porn II hole - doll parts
slutever - maggot melanie martinez - cake
crawling - linkin park nirvana - sappy strawberry switchblade - trees and flowers my favorite quote is a song lyric: “i love him so much, it just turns to hate.” - doll parts - hole i love these artists, and definitely think they have good albums. you should check them out! i don't like much about myself (i sorta hate myself, currently). but i guess i like my ability to be creative. im passionate about art, and not just the painting or drawing type. there are many art forms. it's not a hobby, but in the future i'd like to start a rose garden, so i can pluck them from the dirt when they're finished growing. i like dead things, they're pretty. cemeteries are so mesmerizing. i'd also like to take up sewing. to stitch wounds. i use to want to be a doctor. since im quite off topic i might as well tell you, i'd like to shave my head and wear brunette wigs (with bangs) and get a couple peircings. i'm called rebellious but in reality, at least right now i'm quite average with odd interests. including aesthetics, carnivals, vintage things (mostly the 60s/70s/80s) taxidermy, skateboarding (i'd like to learn how to again) film making (mostly horror), oddly specific, but the meanings behind nursery rhymes, because they're usually quite dark. and anything about music. i go to wiki aesthetics list for more aesthetics, my favs are 'nymphet.', 'morute.', and 'trad goth.' i particularly enjoy horror, true crime, and sometimes romance. my favorite movies/tv shows (currently): my friend dahmer my mom's a werewolf trick 'r' treat (the bus scene was cool, i liked the masks) friday the 13th (not the plot too much, but jasons design is well-done, in my opinion) jackass american horror story although i enjoy “morbid.” stuff, at the end of the day i do agree that i'm quite the 'coward'. i also think i'm a loser; but that's ok it doesn't bother me 2 much. heights scare me A LOT. i'm also apart of the lgbtq+ community. i like girls and guys. i am anti-bigotry and an anarchist. i do not like bigots, but i try to negotiate with them, without using any forms of hate. i agree with socialism and anarchist polotics for the most part. my goals currently: - becoming a musician. - writing a self biography (because i don't know who i am). - writing a book about someone infamous, such as a serial killer. - enjoy nature more i'm unsure if this is a goal, but i don't want kids. i'd rather not make someone suffer by bringing them into this world. i maybe will get married, weddings are pretty, i want to wear a lace black (or pink) gown with a white rosary. and a black (or pink) veil, if i do get married. oh, and the flowers should be deep red. with red lipstick and eyeliner on my face, no matter what i'm wearing. i like clothes, i don't have a lot i find pretty right now though, i like floral and pastels, but i also like dark colors and lace. i've always wanted a victorian bonnet. ribbons and buttons also amuse my fashion taste.
Extra: BEANIES ARE HOT!!!! also, emo people r ♡
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Juniverse Retail AU
this post was too good not to turn into a fic, so I got permission from @acadieum and @rae-kl and went off.
He’s at that point in his shift where nothing is real, his feet have lost feeling, and every single soccer mom with fake blonde hair has decided to descend on his location at once. 
“No,” exclaims the woman in front of him, rapping her long-nailed hands down onto the counter, “I told you, I can only use products that are gluten free, vegan, free of dyes and parabens, free of natural pigments, and lack fiber.” Her roots need to meet this perfect touch-up Juno just got in stock. He could give her so much help if she’d just be nice and let him. 
“Yeah, lady, this is a Sephora.” Juno rubs his eyes and resists the urge to look at the clock. “Everything we’ve got in here has dye or natural pigments. If you don’t like what we’ve got, check Lush at the other end of the mall.”
The woman huffs, props up her sunglasses. “I want to speak to your manager.”
“I am the manager.”
She storms out, already whipping out her cellphone to give his location a bad review. Juno doesn’t care. He honestly doesn’t care about anything at this point.
“Cheer up, boss!” says Rita over the Rita-sized box she’s carrying to the dumpster. The front reads Unleash Your Inner Artist palettes. “We only got two hours left!”
Juno huffs. “Yep. Two hours.” He can see someone winding through the aisles towards his help desk. Instantly he is awash with that rush of overwhelming rage that fills him whenever he has to actually do his job and assist someone. I am so not paid enough for this.  “Hey, how can I.... help you...”
The person standing in front of Juno’s counter is the most beautiful man he’s ever seen. His dark brown eyes are expertly framed with green eyeshadow, his full lips lined with a matte color just a few shades darker than his tan skin. He arches one stunning brow and Juno almost melts. “Excuse me,” says the man. “Do you happen to have this foundation in shade 290?”
It’s the most seductive thing anyone’s ever said to him. “Uh, uh maybe,” stammers Juno, “Let me check in the back?”
“Thank you. I would appreciate that.” 
Thank you, I would appreciate that. God, his voice is so hot. Juno grabs a bottle from the back room and brings it back. “That’s $35,” he says. 
“Alright.” The man reaches into his purse for a credit card but doesn’t hand it over just yet. Instead, his eyes sweep once over Juno’s face. “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” he says. 
“Yeah, uh, I used to be one of the makeover artists, but just got moved to manager, not sure how.” He laughs and then wishes he hadn’t. A blush creeps over his face, but the man is smiling. 
“I see. Are you here every day?”
“Pretty much. We’re short on managers right now.” 
“Ah.” He hands over his card. “Well, maybe I’ll see you again sometime...” His eyes dart down to the nametag. “Juno.” 
Juno is as much of a mess as a red lipstick spilled in a white Valentino bag. “Uh, uh yeah! Maybe! That’d be great, so here’s your receipt, have a nice day? Have a nice day.” He drops the receipt. “God, I’m sorry. Hey, uh, what’s your name?”
“Call me Rose.” Rose picks up the receipt and tucks it neatly into his bag. “All my friends do.” 
And he saunters away, taking most of Juno’s heart with him. 
Rose visits again a few days later. He says he’s just picking up a bottle of nail polish, but ends up standing by the shelf as Juno restocks. They chat for half an hour. After Rose is gone, Juno realizes he must have counted inventory wrong, because the shelf he just filled with what was supposed to be twenty blending sponges is only nineteen blending sponges. 
But he thinks nothing more of it after he gets another sponge from storage, and the next day Rose visits again. And again, a few days after that. They talk about makeup at first, but then about themselves, and the things they like, and the way they live. 
“I’m just doing this to pay rent, save up some cash.” Juno explains. “I wanna go back to school, get a degree in criminal justice.”
“I didn’t take you for a lawyer.”
“I was thinking more like a detective, actually. Private investigator or something. How about you?”
“Oh, I’m between jobs at the moment.” Rose doesn’t quite meet his eyes on that line. He’s a man of mystery just as much as he’s a man of glitter highlighter. And damn he kills that glitter highlighter. 
It’s nice, for a while, having someone to visit him at work and someone he can flirt with when shifts get slow. But then a few problems arise. 
The first is that Juno gets distracted by Rose, and doesn’t service his other customers as well. Which is fine, because he has other employees and, thank god, he has Rita, and all of them are very capable of handling the store without Juno. But they complain about it plenty. 
The next problem is brought to his attention by Rita herself: “Boss, have you ever noticed that this tall guy uses a new credit card each time he comes in here... an’ none of ‘em have the name Rose?”
And once he notices that, he notices another problem: makeup goes missing when Rose visits him. Like, a lot of makeup.
“That’s nice eyeliner you’ve got today,” Juno tells Rose. “It’s Maybelline?”
“Neat. On a totally unrelated note, half of our Maybelline shipping vanished last week.”
“Hmm, how unusual,” muses Rose with a straight face. “You know Juno, I’ve been thinking...”
He doesn’t get to say what he’s been thinking, because at that moment a screaming toddler smashing up the perfume aisle demands a manager’s attention. 
The next time Juno sees Rose, he’s wearing dark red nail polish the same color as the ones Juno was reshelving last time they spoke. But he’s brought Juno a smoothie from the mall cafeteria, and there’s a smile on his gorgeous face, and Juno decides to let it slide. 
“I’ve been thinking,” Rose says. “Perhaps one day we could meet up outside of your work.” 
Juno’s heart flip-flops. “Oh?”
“Certainly. I could - well. Buy you lunch, for example - because you see, Juno...” He fidgets with a spare thread on his jacket. “I’d like to spend time with you, somewhere that isn’t also full of flouresents and stress.”
Juno laughs a little at that. “Yeah, sure,” he says. “I’ll think about it.” 
Rose grins, those sharp teeth flashing behind black lips. Juno’s pretty sure he’s just signed up for a date with a criminal. 
“May I ask you something?” asks Rose one day while Juno’s filling in ledgers. The store is closed, but Juno can’t bring himself to kick Rose out. 
“Do you like working here?” 
He snorts. “Want the honest answer or the cute one?”
“I’d hope you can always be honest with me.” 
Juno thinks about that for a moment. He sets down the pen and turns his head to see Rose’s eyes better. “I don’t like it,” he says, “that the only way I can pay my rent is to come to this store and give up a small piece of my humanity. You know?”
Rose nods, like he really does know. “I...I may have an idea,” he says. There’s caution in his words. “In my line of work, I’m, shall we say, self-employed. Reliant on myself for financial stability. But recently I’ve begun to consider taking on a partner. I wondered if you would be interested.”
It’s all he can do not to say “Hell yes” and sign up there on the spot. Instead he ducks back to the ledger to hide his blush and says, “Oh yeah? What’s your line of work?” 
“I suppose I can tell you more when I take you out to lunch.” And Rose winks with his eyeliner wings sharp enough to cut. 
They don’t end up going out to lunch. 
“Did you hear?” asks Rita as soon as Juno walks into the door for his shift the next day. She drags him to the back room, practically bouncing foot to foot; and once they’re out of earshot of the customers, she says, “Your friend Mistah Rose got ARRESTED!”
“Yeah! Mall cops nabbed ‘im with five thousand dollars of designer merch after he left visiting you yesterday! An’ you wanna know the real kicker?” She leans in closer. “He got away. No one knows where he is now!”
“Oh.” Juno’s not entirely sure how he’s supposed to process all of this information at once. “That’s... I wish I could say that’s surprising.” 
What he means is, he wishes he could say he isn’t crushed. 
He was right about Rose, but it’s worse. He might never see Rose again. And it’s still worse: they came so, so close to having something, it’s just so unfair.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go tell the others!” Rita skips off, leaving Juno alone with his emotions, office files, and a clutter of still-boxed makeup. He sits down at his desk, just to think for a minute before going onto the floor. 
And that’s when he sees the note. 
By this point you’ve likely uncovered the truth. What you haven’t surmised from the security footage and accounts of your workers, I will trust to your inner detective to piece together. 
Where do I begin? You are wasted as a makeup manager. The world deserves to be seen by you, and suddenly I wonder if I could be the person to show it to you, even if I am no longer the person you think I am. If you still want to take me up on my previous offer, hold out hope. I’m sure we’ll meet again.
I’ll be counting down the minutes until we do.
Peter Nureyev
Master Thief.”
And sealed with a red lipstick kiss. 
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bl00d4v4mps-com · 5 years
💞✨my ~aesthetic~ over the last 10 {9} years✨💞
2010: boho skirts and tank tops and lots and lots of headbands but also graphic t shirts and short shorts. struggling artist tings. obsessed with macaroons and paris. kinda wants to move to london or new york to be a fashion designer.
2011: nerd chic but also apparently im “grunge” and edgy and emo i love hot topic. i want to be a book publisher.
2012: fully emersed in theatre. cat ears. acid wash jeans and flower crowns and owls and lots and lots of jewelry. think bethany mota and michelle phan. one direction stan. im gonna be on broadway.
2013: full on “im not like other girls” i chime in havent u ever heard of. MUCH NEON. i look liked a failed extra in the carrie diaries. also rachel berry. very much wanted to look like molly ringwald in pretty and pink and was VERY PRETENTIOUS. but also space buns and MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS.
2014: loom bands. loom bands. rompers. flower crowns. flower power. free spirit. #livelaughlove but also shut up im listening to the arctic monkeys. im an artist. ✌️ styel icon: alex russo in the tea party episode
2015: REALLY EMO AGAIN. also kpop stannie. if they wore it i wanted to wear iT FLANNELS FLANNELS FLANNELS LEATHER PANTS I LOVE DAN AND PHIL BUT ALSO ZOELLA. o2l 😳😳💞 still used the laughing emoji. dressed like she was in harry potter. heathers was quoted every day. i know like all the nirvana songs dude. im in love with lana del rey. fishnets and chokers. hearts under eyes like marina.
2016: IM NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS PEAK! only wore combat boots. black is not as dark as this girl’s soul. melanie martinez and mac demarco and the neighborhood and bts wow she was obsessed. read all YA books. esp mortal instruments. thought she was deep for reading 13rw. am i goth yet? sex pistols make me punk right????? yes i am a liberal. wait what’s a conservative again?! jennifer’s body changed my life
2017: dark academia. i am an intellectual. i have read donna tartt. i love the perks of being a wallflower. the smiths??? yes. joy division. i am better than you. black eyeliner!!! skins effie stannie. wished she was in teen wolf and gossip girl. carmilla😳 but also art hoe. yellow is da best colour. it’s FILM not MOVIE! but also got baddie at the end with giant hoop earrings and tear away pants and bejeweled chokers. RED LIPSTICK 24/7. let’s start a band. tyler the creator 😳frank ocean 😳anthony fantano ruined my life.
2018: yes i have better music taste than you. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO GRETA Gerwig is??? wes anderson??? i dont think so. #brockhampton #localshows look at my golf le fleurs im so cultured. eyeliner to the max. RIOT GRRRL. white patent knee length boots. mini skirts. weird earrings. lucky charms cereal. painted jean jackets. gibson epiphone. guys come on already when is the revolution. fuck all republicans and democrats. i love contrapoints. think brie larson as ivy and knives in scott pilgrim had a baby.
2019: fur jackets. electric guitars. neon lights. tarot cards. cardigans. more big earrings. dark glossy lips. cowboy hat apprentiation. more is more. flowers and hearts all over the face. euphoria ✨ tricot 💞 lemon twigs. less pretentious but more niche interests. grandma long skirts and thriftef shoes. homemade jewelry and clothes. norman fucking rockwell. monster high girl come to life.
2020 predictions: more editorial make up. more horror disco. 60-70s makeup and hair but avant-garde clothes
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Still Human chapter 7
(Word count: 1,392 Tag list: @tinkslittlebelle )
Roman grinned to himself, watching Virgil draw in silence. Even when he wasn’t in art class, he always seemed to be drawing. A warm feeling spread through his chest as he watched him. He knew who he was going to be drawing for his profile art project. The professor did say draw whoever made them passionate, maybe if he asked Virgil would come over so he could draw him- He suddenly noticed Virgil’s dark eyes on him. He blushed and hid his face, catching Virgil’s huff of laughter. He peeked between his fingers to see him smiling slightly, shaking his head. Roman’s blush deepened. He wasn’t sure why he felt so warm but he really liked it.
“That’s called a crush.” Roman tilted his head, watching his friend Remy as he sat cross-legged on his bed back at Roman’s house. “You’ve got a hot crush, big R.” “This is not a crush, Remy, this is bigger!” “Do tell.” Remy leaned forward, an amused smile spreading across his face. “Tell me, R. What’s this guy look like?” “Well…” Roman rocked slightly, starting to flap his hands as he thought about the object of his affection. “He’s got long hair, but not too long-like your length, and long fingers, and eyes that are the colour of dark chocolate, and his hair’s soft, and he smells like vanilla, and-“ Remy waved his hands to stop him. “Okay okay, I get it! That’s definitely a crush, big R.” His smile grew wider. “And I really want to meet this boy. When’s your art class?” “I won’t have it again until Wednesday-oh, but he’s coming over to my house to help with a project!” Remy moved off his bed. “I’m staying over. I’m intrigued. When’s he coming over? Did he say?” “Um…” Roman paused. He wasn’t sure Virgil actually gave him a time or if he was just going to text him when he was on his way. Explaining this to Remy got a chuckle. “Your boyfriend doesn’t sound terribly organized.” “He’s not my boyfriend!” Roman glared at him, ignoring the blush creeping up his cheeks. Remy winked at him. “Not yet, you mean.” “Remy-!!” His phone buzzed, cutting him off. He pulled it out to see what was up.
V: im on my way
“He’s on his way,” Roman relayed to Remy. Remy grabbed his hand and dragged him to the closet. “Well, you aren’t greeting him like that.” “What do you mean?!” Roman pulled himself free. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” “It’s…” Remy grasped for words as Roman watched him expectantly. “It’s bland.” “I like bland!” “Well then it’s ratty.” “I like ratty!” Remy rolled his eyes, turning to the closet and started pulling clothes out of it. “Costume, Disney, Disney, Costume…My god, Roman, do you wear anything else?!” “I have a pair of shorts!” Remy looked over his shoulder so fast, Roman thought he snapped his neck. “Where.” “In my dresser drawer! They’re a little short, though.” “Even better.” Remy dove into his bag, pulling out a pair of scissors. Roman backed up. “Wh-What’s going on?” “Don’t fret, Roman,” Remy purred. “Just a bit of a makeover for your boyfriend, is all~” Roman perked up, eagerness drowning out his irritation at Virgil being referred to as his boyfriend (again). He liked makeovers!
 “230 Peter Street…This is it.” Virgil pushed open the door of Lily’s car, almost falling out of it. He smiled nervously at his driver when he got out. “Ah…Thanks, Lil.” “Anytime, V! Glad I could help. See you at 9?” “Y-Yeah…See ya…” The green minivan pulled out of the driveway as Virgil eyed the house Roman and his mother lived in. A small, 2 floor condo, it didn’t have much to offer in the way of space, but it seemed snug and cozy at the same time. Virgil-having grown in almost a slum for as long as he could remember-felt like he didn’t belong. Have I ever? Pushing the disheartening thought from his mind, he started up the neat little steps to the front door. Roman answered at the first knock, and his new appearance made Virgil’s heart jump into his throat. Roman’s hair had been curled slightly, making it fall in soft little waves. Someone had convinced him to wear eyeliner, red lipstick, a crop shirt and shorts-both too short to be standing at the door in mid-November. “Hi V!” Roman chirped. Virgil’s voice seemed to be lodged into the back of his throat and refused to budge. He managed a wave, jolting when Roman grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the house. “Don’t just stand there, you’ll catch a cold. I don’t bite!” A male in shades lowered the glasses down his nose when the pair entered, smirking at Virgil and causing him to blush. His blue eyes seemed to read his mind. “Oh that’s Remy.” Roman stopped suddenly, barely flinching when Virgil plowed into him from behind. “Remy, this is Virgil!” Virgil reeled slightly from the blow, putting a hand to his head to collect his thoughts. The man laughed slightly. “This is the guy you were going on about? He’s not that impressive.” Virgil hunched his shoulders as Roman scolded his friend. That stung. “Yeah…Sorry…” “No! Don’t you apologize. You did nothing.” Roman turned back to him, coaxing Virgil’s head up to look at him. Virgil turned red and looked away, freeing his chin from his hand again as Roman spoke. “He shouldn’t have said that to you!” “It doesn’t really matter…Can we just get this drawing done with?” “Charming,” Remy muttered to himself. Virgil’s shoulders bunched again as Roman shot him a glare over his head. This was going to be a long visit.
“Just stand there! I’ll get the stuff!” Roman half-shoved Virgil towards the window. Remy perched on the bed to watch as Virgil stood awkwardly. “Should I…Do anything in particular?” “Just stand in any way that’s comfortable for you!” Roman hauled his sketchbook out. “If I find anything I like, I’ll ask you to hold it.” Virgil’s pale cheeks dusted in pink. Roman couldn’t help the grin. He was so sweet! He shot a glace at Remy, who met his eyes and winked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Roman smiled slightly as music was set up, watching Virgil lean against the wall and look out the window. Oo, perfect! “Stay there!” Roman grabbed a pencil and started sketching the base for the painting. He saw Virgil glance over at him before looking away again. Roman couldn’t help smiling as the picture came together. Virgil agreeably didn’t move much, gazing out the window at whatever was out there. An early snow had started as the sun had started going down, making everything fall dark. Virgil eventually changed positions once to check his phone, the soft light making his eyes glitter. Roman cursed himself. He was in love. He thinks. Augh, this was so confusing! “Okay, that’s all for now!” He admired the base coat briefly, letting Virgil move. He came over to see the painting, leaning in beside Roman from where he was sitting. Roman glanced over and saw his purple-dyed bangs were falling into his eyes again. How does he see through that? “Looks good.” He squeezed Roman’s shoulder gently, straightening up again. Roman flushed slightly. “It’s…Not that good.” “It is, hon,” Remy piped in, kissing Roman’s cheek. Roman giggled and wiped at the spot. “Remy!!” “So, what, am I going home early?” Virgil stuffed his hands in his pockets. Remy shared a look with Roman. “I mean, if you want to. But I thought we could…You know…Watch a movie? And then I could help you with your project.” Virgil perked up slightly, then jumped when his phone buzzed. He pulled it out to check it. “Ah…Shit, I can’t.” Virgil sighed, putting it away again. “My ride’s early anyway. Said she was in the area and thought she’d pick me up.” “Can she go back and wait?” “It’s an hour drive here and back.” Oh, right. Roman stood reluctantly. “Well…Thanks for coming over, Virgil. I’ll see you later…?” Virgil smiled slightly, making Roman’s heart rate pick up again. “Sure. Later.” Remy was trying to hold back giggles as Virgil left. Roman glared at him as he tried to compose himself. “You, sir,” Remy choked out. “Are lovesick.”
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iphisesque · 2 years
how do you do your makeup? it looks so good in that photo you posted!
thank you dear!! i've only started wearing makeup this year-ish, and only for special occasions like parties, so im very much not good at it, but i've learned what works for my face and what can give me the greatest effect with the least effort: in general, i find that less is more for me, so high-impact low-effort dark makeup and a thin gold necklace with gold earrings are my go-to to make a simple b&w clothing ensemble pop.
aside from concealer on my undereye dark circles, i don't wear foundation or skin products at all, especially now that the weather is warmer, i usually just focus on eyes and lips: i like to go for a vintage, vaguely 1920s look, mostly because i have no idea how to navigate eyeliner or mascara and the 20s are a bold makeup era that doesn't rely on them at all. i will occasionally put on blush on the apples of my cheeks and my collarbones, but it's a risky gambit to not look like a circus performer with it, so i usually skip it and rely on the heat to make my face flushed.
i don't really use makeup brushes either, but i shade my eyelid with my fingers using a shitty little eyeshadow palette of golds, browns and blacks my sister owns, trying to blend a few shades into a sort of round smokey eye: the lighter colours closer to the brows and the darker ones on the lid, culminating in black. i do the same thing with the lips, mostly: lighter reds and maroons on the outside, black lipstick on the inside, in a sort of round shape. in that pic i posted i also attempted to draw hearts under my eyes with eyeliner, but again i am hopeless at it, so it's not a common feature of my looks.
i promise that despite all my overexplaining it's really a simple process, one that gives a really pretty look without having to spend more than 10 minutes on it! i walked through the steps how i would want them explained to me if i'd never worn makeup before, but like everything else the key to it is practice, which is why i'm okay with not being very good at it.
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mackenzie-wolf · 6 years
I'm Here all Week p.2
MC = Emily/Milly
- Emily meets some new writers and a few new friends who are taking a keen interest in her, much to James' dismay -
Part 1
James passed Emily the key-card to her room. As she took it, her nerves started to settle in.
"Hey, James?" She said abruptly, gaining his attention as he walked towards the next door. "You... you really think I should be here? I mean I know I've had a few successes, but... I don't know. Impostor syndrome?"
James took a tentative step towards her and placed his hands on her arms, gingerly brushing them with his thumbs. "Emily, you may not see it, but your writing is well above the average monotonous pages that are published every day." He smiled at her but she never met his eyes. Instead her head was hanging, but James could easily see the blush that she was trying to conceal. "If I'm honest, when I finished the second book of your series, I tried looking for your other works; I was sure that you had written before."
"Why?" She finally looked up at him. Her eyes were tearful as self doubt took its toll on her confidence.
"Because, when I first started writing, it was texts like yours that I aspired to. To hit off with a winning series on your first try is amazing enough. But the intricate way you write is something that would only be expected from seasoned authors."
"You're supposed to say that... You're my friend." At the sound of her words, James' thumbs stopped brushing the soft skin of her arms.
"Yes I am. Which means I owe it to you to tell you if your books are terrible. And when you release one that I dislike, I'll do just that" He said, ever reassuringly. "And furthermore, as your friend, im taking it upon myself to buy the first round tonight. We can meet some other authors, or just drink. Its your choice."
"Ok.." she grinned with new energy. "Give me an hour and I'll be ready. Meet you in the lobby?"
"See you soon" he smiled as he turned back towards the door to his room. As he closed the door behind him, James let out a long sigh that seemed to have been trapped inside of him. He thought about Emily sitting next to him, the whole car ride over, soaking wet. Her clothes clinging to her skin... the way that.. 'Damn it! I can't think way!' James thought to himself.
'Sure we've flirted but she's never admitted to being interested in going further than friends. But...' His mind wandered again. James thought back to the first and only other time he and Emily had gone for a drink.
James checked his phone again, rereading the text that Emily had sent him, giving him directions to the bar. As he saw it come in to view, James gave a laugh when he noticed the sign.
MacKenzie's Bar & Video Arcade
As he walked inside, his eyes strained against the flashing lights of the machines. Walking through a small crowd of people he glanced over at what had their attention. Just over the heads of the crowd, he could see a mess of wavy, brown hair being thrown back and forth to pounding music. James made his way to the front of the assembly and saw Emily playing on the dance machine with practiced ease. The short guy playing opposite her was struggling to keep up. Taking note of the plastic cup of beer in Emily's hand that she was somehow managing not to spill, James went to the bar and ordered two more before walking back to the machine. As the music came to a stop, Emily was the winner by more than double her opponent's score. The short guy flung his arms around Emily, yelling cries of defeat. As Emily turned, she saw James stood a few feet away from the crowd. Finishing her beer, Emily linked arms with her friend and walked over to where James was waiting. Before she had a chance to say hello, her friend said something to her, just out of reach for James to hear it. Then he gave her a long hug and a quick kiss on her cheek before running off and calling back. "LOVE YOU, MILLY!"
"LOVE YOU TOO" Her words made James' stomach sink. He hadn't come here just because he was interested in getting closer with Emily, he genuinely just enjoyed her company. But still...
Emily practically ran the last few steps towards James, enveloping him in a tight hug. James returned the hug. "Hi Emily" He said with a smile.
"Hey James, thanks for agreeing to come. I planned a night out with Zack, but as you saw, he ditched me."
"Oh, I'm sure he must have had a good reason?"
"Knowing him, he's got his eye on someone who he'll be too shy to ask out all night until they eventually catch on and give him their number just because of his big sad eyes."
"Oh. I thought.. isn't he your..."
"Oohhhhh" Emily laughed loudly. "Sorry. No he's definitely not. He's my roommate, and you're more his type than I am" she winked.
"Well he is very handsome" James mused.
"Want me to go get him for you?" She asked with an arched eyebrow before the two of them shared a laugh. The evening went quickly. Emily confided in James that she was under pressure from her publishers to finish her most recent book but she had no idea how to end it. James listened and reassured her. Giving her advice right now would be pointless. She was at least 4 beers in and full of an endless energy.
Nearer the end of the night, Emily had taken to the pinball machine. Her movements were blurred by the alcohol. Looking over her shoulder, she called back. "Hey James, give me a hand"
James positioned himself around her as she studied the movement of the ball. Her fingers linked in with his, making his heart beat harder and harder. As the ball almost fell, Emily managed to hit the button just in time. The jerking motion snapped James out of his slight daze. As she played, Emily seemed to be moving closer, closing the small space between James and her back. As she pressed against him, James let go of her hands. The game ended.
"Is... something wrong?" Emily sounded embarrassed through her slurred words.
"No. Not really, but I don't want to do... that. Not when you've been drinking."
"James, give me some credit. I'm perfec.. perfectly in control." She stammered.
"Even if you were able to speak properly, it wouldn't be fair. For either of us. But I wouldn't mind revisiting this." He said with a laugh. Emily's embarrassed look dissolved in to a warm grin.
James set his bags aside after pulling out the well stored clothes he had brought. He hung them over the roof of the four poster bed before turning on the shower.
He waited in the lobby of the hotel. Having arrived 5 minutes early he sat down on one of the armchairs to wait comfortably. As minutes flew by, James checked his watch. '20 minutes late.' He quickly remembered Emily's earlier nerves and got up to go and make sure she was ok. Upon turning the corner back towards the elevator, James feet stumbled as he suddenly stopped, nearly knocking over Emily. James was speechless as he looked at her.
Emily's was wearing a black dress that hugged her body with the back done up in a corset. Her hair was pulled back and styled in an intricate series of plaits. Her smokey eyeliner matched the dark lipstick she was wearing, making her pale skin more prominent.
James' eyes moved over her body. The dress was classy but not without alure, the hem of the skirt sat around half way up her thighs. Her flat stomach gave way to the curves of her hips and breasts that the black material did little to hide the shape of.
"Emily.. you look..." Words didn't often escape James entirely, but he was at a loss.
"Dammit. Did I overdress?" She asked timidly, rubbing the top of her arm in a nervous way.
"Not at all. You just caught me off guard. You look beautiful Emily." James grinned at her. Emily's confidence was still shaky but she believed that James had meant what he had said.
"You're looking pretty hot too" She mockingly fanned herself with her hand.
"Pretty hot? I suppose I'll take that in stride" he laughed.
The two of them sat at the bar and nursed their drinks, looking over the function room that would tomorrow, be bustling with all manner of writers. A few people were dotted around already. Some were laying out the furniture that the room would be using.
Emily looked around the room, taking in all of the signs and posters that had been put up. She was is awe of the names she recognised, as it dawned in her that she would soon be conversing with them.
As the evening wore on, Emily noticed James' attention falter. "Is everything ok?" She asked with a concerned tone.
"Everything is fine" He said stifling a yawn. "I think the journey here took it out of me."
"I hope you're not staying up on my account" she said sheepishly.
"Not at all. Im staying up because I enjoy your company. That's on me."
"James..." she smiled. "Remember we have all week together." It was music to his ears to hear her say it. James considered that maybe he had gotten ahead of himself. They did have all week and there was no pressure to pursue anything right now.
"Prehaps you're right." He said, somewhat reluctantly. "Besides, we should be on top form tomorrow." He stood up and offered Emily his hand.
"I think I'll drink some water first. If I wake up with a hangover tomorrow, this hotel is going to go very Shining very quickly."
James laughed. "I don't doubt it. If you need me just knock. Im a light sleeper anyway"
"Got it... no overnight guests" she laughed. James wrapped her in a tight hug before bidding her good night.
Emily sat at the bar, waiting for the bartender to step back through the divide that lead to the next function room. Her phone began to ring. Trying her best to shake off the effects of her drink, Emily answered.
"Emily? Hi, this is Maddison from D&E publishings."
"Hi Maddison, whats up?"
"Oh, not much. I just got back from my vacation to China. Have you ever seen a panda cub? They're amazing! Like little black and white balls of...."
"You mean, why am I calling don't you?"
"Yeah kind of" Emily laughed
"Sorry. It was a great vacation though" Maddison said nostalgically.
-- "MADDISON!" Another voice called across the phone. "Stop treating our clients calls like they're social engagements. --
The line went quiet for a short while.
"Hello?" Emily asked tentatively.
"Hello. Who is this?" The other voice answered.
"Emily Murphy..."
"Ah yes. Hello Miss Murphy. This is Rebecca Davenport."
"Hi Rebecca. Is everything ok?"
"Everything is fine, we just need your authorisation on the final edits to your book. Annoyingly it's not something that I can get over the phone or by email. I need your signature on the original documents. Can you come in at some point tomorrow to sign?"
"I'm actually out of town at the moment. I've been invited to a convention and..."
"Say no more. Send me the address and I'll mail you the papers."
"Thanks Rebecca, what are your thoughts on the book?"
"I don't really read horror novels."
"Oh.. ok" Emily said, disheartened.
"But if I did, I'd tell you that Devon should end up with Stacy. And that the idea of keeping a crow as a pet is weird."
"So does that mean that you..."
"I'll have them sent out tonight Emily. Have a great week"
"Oh, thanks. You too Rebecca."
"You can just call me Becca" she said, almost flirtatiously before hanging up the call. Emily's attention turned back to the bar where the bartender was waiting with a patient smile. As Emily's eyes landed on him, the quickly swept over his tall body. The dark jeans he wore making the bright white tshirt almost glow as it fit tightly to his abdomen. Emily's eyes were held on the shadows of definition that the muscles underneath were causing. As she met his eyes with her own, she noticed the small tuff of hair that hung down over the olive skin of his face.
"Need another?" He asked. His voice was strong and deep. Looking down at her glass, Emily noticed that she had finished her drink.
"Um.. sure. Why not" she smiled.
"What are you drinking?"
"Whiskey, neat" she said, gesturing toward the bottle of Jameson's just behind the bar. He took the bottle and poured her a generous helping. As she lifted the glass, he leaned back on his hands and let out a long sigh. "Is something the matter?"
"Isn't that what I'm supposed to say? People don't go to bars to listen to the bartenders problems" he grinned at her. His teeth caught Emily's attention. Pure white and perfect. It was a strange thing to focus on, but the smile they produced was blinding.
"If I don't listen to the plight of the bartender, then who will?"
"You must be a saint" he laughed. "Its nothing really. Just a busy night." Emily looked behind her at the nearly empty room before turning back and raising her eyebrows at him. "Oh you don't believe me?" He said, approaching the door to the other function room. He pushed it open slightly and the loud bass of the music almost shook Emily where she sat.
"Wow... so that's..."
"Pretty loud?"
"At least it sounds good" she smiled at him.
"You're a punk music fan?"
"I don't know about that, but I like what I hear."
"Want to join in?" He said, opening the divide of the bar.
"I..." Emily looked around her. With a short sigh, she walked behind the bar where the man stood waiting with a charming grin. "I'd love to."
"By the way... I'm Zig." He said confidently as his hand extended to her.
"Emily." She said, placing her hand in his. Zig raised her hand to his lips, touching them gently to the back of her knuckles.
"Very pleased to meet you Emily."
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ultraviolencced · 6 years
Do the rest of the bi asks that haven’t been done yet
1. vanilla coke bi or cherry coke bi?-                                                                        i really like them both
2. smoky eye bi or sharp eyeliner bi?-                                                                     sharp eyeliner, its my Brand™️
7. pastel bi or neon bi?-                                                                                          pastel all day 
8. PwP (plot without porn) bi or PwP (porn without plot) bi?-                                  im guessing this is about fanfic and i dont read it so neither?
11. cat bi or dog bi?-                                                                                              cats i have so much love in my heart for cats they are too good
13. coffee bi or tea bi?-                                                                                           lately tea, i used to drink coffee everyday but it makes me sick now :(
14. dyed hair bi or natural hair bi?-                                                                          oh boy as i sit here with hardly any extremely damaged hair from bleach, chemo and lupus i wish i always kept my natural hair but i love dyed hair. right now i would love any hair
16. matte lipstick bi or glossy lipstick bi?-                                                            both it depends on my mood and my look which one i do
17. dragons bi or dinosaurs bi?-                                                                              dinos
19. nicki minaj bi or beyoncé bi?-                                                                            nicki 
22. highkey bi or lowkey bi?-                                                                                   in this blue hell highkey irl im not out so very lowkey
23. bowtie bi or tie bi?-                                                                                            i literally thought it said bowie not bowtie. i have no strong opinion on either?? so im just gonna say bowie bc i cant stop thinking about bowie now
26. black nailpolish bi or colorful nailpolish bi?-                                                      both! i change my nails all the time, with paint, with fake nails, with all colors        
28. *NSYNC bi or backstreet boys bi?-                                                                   as a young child in the late 90s/early 2000s it started as backstreet boys i had a poster a keychain cds and then i got an nsync cd and loved it so both
29. kinky bi or vanilla bi?-                                                                                      kinky……vanilla is one of my fav scents and my fav cake and ice cream flavor 
31. norse mythology bi or greek mythology bi?-                                                     im not big into mythology but i guess greek mythology 
32. velvet bi or cashmere bi?-                                                                                 velet, i dont wear animals
34. book quote bi or tv show quote bi?-                                                                 tv show quotes idk who books are
37. melon bi or grapefruit bi?-                                                                                melon. grapefruit is not good
38. bubblegum bi or breath mint bi?-                                                                      breath mint
41. jeans jacket bi or leather jacket bi?-                                                                  i like them both even tho i dont own either one 
43. heels bi or sneakers bi?-                                                                                    heels like the more extra the higher heel the better heels are so iconic
44. friendship crush bi or romantic crush bi?-                                                         right now friendship crush i dont want any kind of relationship or relationship feelings rn i love being alone
46. going to sleep at 8 am bi or getting up at 8 am bi?-                                        going to sleep at 8am i never fucking sleep
47. messy bun bi or ponytail bi?-                                                                            messy bun, i live in messy buns literally 98% im wearing a messy bun (1. bc im lazy 2. im desperatley trying to hide my thinning falling out shitty hair)
49. parks & rec bi or friends bi?-                                                                            the office
52. acoustic bi or remix bi?-                                                                                   acoustic i fuckin love acoustic like ive been listening to the acoustic version of youth by shawn mendes and khalid everyday bc its beautiful 
53. message bi or ask bi?-                                                                                     ask i love getting asks
56. pop bi or indie bi?-                                                                                           pop 
58. astrology bi or mbti bi?-                                                                                     astrology i really love astrology and i dont care if its fake (its not) i love it
59. pride parade bi or celebrating in ur PJs bi?-                                                     pjs babey. mostly bc im not out irl and im really sick
thanks bitch i love you bitch i aint ever gonna stop loving you bitch 
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riskeith · 4 years
hi boo!
you do be taking up my heart too.. ;)
honestly i’m really worried about that actually. i know that genshin is coming to switch so i’m not /that/ worried but i want it to come quickly before my phone like 💢 explodes. sometimes it overheats so much i get so nervous sjdjsk.
i am! also idk how unpopular this opinion is but i like paimon’s english dub more idk she sounds Adorable in the english dub. what do you think? i see why he’s popular like aside from being diluc his voice is just hot he was talking during a battle and i almost died bc heh 🥴
his s7-8 hair was a mess after spending two years in the abyss without getting a damn haircut, that’s for sure. but it’s keith and he’s always cute so.. hm. anyway OOOOO oh my god? those two look soooo good though like minghao’s mullet isn’t bad at all. it kind of looks ‘natural’ :o you’ll prob rock that ahh.. dude you Are tomboyish. the dudebro of my heart. if i’m cold i’d steal your hoodies babe. and you’re right street clothes are so expensive for no reason at all.. have you considered thrifting? and for me, well my clothing is quite girly i think hdskdhdk. i wear a lot of proper clothes like dress shirts and plaid and coats. dark academia style if you will... :p
tongue piercings are kind of scary.. they look cute af but like,, how ?¿ shdjdks oh helix are my favorite piercings i think those looks sooo good. especially double helix! your dream is trying to push that punk rock energy in your subconscious hehe. i have my lobes, upper lobes and one helix pierced but i haven’t worn earrings in ages so idk if the holes are still functional.. SLEEVE!!!! it’s a dream of mine to have one too sleeves are soo sexy like ughhh. have you considered smaller tattoos? i know doctors that have tattoos and it doesn’t effect their job. and i do have tattoos! two in fact on each wrist.. ;) i’m getting another one when i graduate this summer and i can’t wait..
a goal of mine is recommending a song to you that you’ll seriously enjoy. wish me luck! (aaahhh????? will do.. 😳)
RUIN GUARDS ARE ONE OF YOUR FAVES? girl that’s atrocious. i literally hate them with my entire heart every time i see one i’m like UGH FUCK OFF WHY DON’T YOU? and you’re right omg and suddenly there’s vines all over you and you keep getting hit by them. fuck dendro slimes. speaking of, i can’t wait for us to get dendro characters i feel like their attacks would look Awesome. if dropped by lvl 60+ hilichurls why not mask?
really? i gotta try it again if you recommend it. maybe i just had it at a bad place or something shskdhsk. like always, i trust your taste on things.. 😏 OOO good! water is so nice....
speaking of, bc we talked about clothes and stuff, are you into makeup?
(i will! i’ll probably send it tonight so you’ll get it in the morning... 😳 holy shit. actually i have no idea how that works you’ll have to explain to me. like do we just chat in game and start a co-op sesh or?)
OF FUN! :D LITERALLY shkshdkshshskdjdnd god i love them so much. actually i’ve started to read some fics bc like,, can’t stop thinking about them and so far i’ve seen some good things actually! i recommend it!
YOU DID? CANT WAIT TO SEE IT AAAAA! <33333 hopefully i answered before you fell asleep today? <3!
hi hi!! fasted time i’ve responded to you yet? LOL
;) ;) <333
FSDFDSJ omg noooo that would scare me too i was playing on my phone once and as soon as it started heated up i just stopped hfshfksdjskd. you’re so brave for playing through it 😩
:o! i can’t actually remember paimon’s eng dub voice (or maybe i can’t remember the japanese one hahaha) but i think she’s cute always? fhdskfj wait do we even know much about her.. she really is just helping an outlander for nothing in return (except food i guess lol) wow what a sweetie. HFSKFHSDJFHK that’s such a mood in the darknight hero cutscenes w diluc fighting and using his weapon.. 🥵🥵
if you’re cold you’ll steal my hoodies... have you forgotten how small i am 😭 HFKSHFKJDSJF more like i’ll be stealing yours 🤪. i have wanted to go thrifting!!! but i don’t think there are too many shops here? or maybe not big ones, i know my friend went once but it was super far away rip... i do want to start being more like environmentally conscious with my clothes tho so i’ll def look into it. omg dark academia you did not just say those words to me.... there was a time dark aca playlists were all i listened to.... if you’ve read “what are you without your name” or whatever it’s called FHDSKJF i wrote that w dark aca vibes.... also i was reading some hogwarts 8th year drarry fics at the time i think so omg.... 👀😍💘 (also proper clothes wow that’s so. professional and ‘actual member of society’ vibes i could not relate hfkdshfjsdf)
yeah i can’t imagine the healing process for tongue piercings either yike... oooo!!! very cool.. i don’t wear my lobe piercings either LMAO but maybe i should now that i have my helix too 🤪 sleeves are so sexy and for what omg. i have! they were what i always considered before i for some reason wanted a sleeve all of a sudden hfksjhfds. YOU HAVE TATTOOS?!?!??! omg can i ask what they are 😳 (unless you think they might out you!) and you’re getting another? omg that’s so sexy for you..... i am captivated <33 idk for some reason i feel like at the end of the day i would chicken out of getting a tattoo bc it’s permanent... and like what if my skin stretches or shrinks or something.. and then it looks off hfskhfdskjfhfj (which is ironic considering i got piercings which are also permanent.. but i feel like i don’t have to see it unlike tattoos? LMAO)
good luck!!!!!! my goal will in turn be to seriously enjoy a song you rec.. fdsfjsh 
dude just wait until you meet the other ruin *whatever* variants and you will Understand what i mean. 😭 omg what if it’s just like .... manifesting plants everywhere. WHY NOT MASK!!!! EXPLAIN >:(
maybe!! ngl quite a few places i try matcha stuff don’t do it well either, they use super artificial flavouring and it tastes bad and too fake-sweet ughhhhhhh. ooo on that note. thoughts on bubble tea/bubble tea places? do you guys have a lot there? water is the BEST!!! 💦
i am definitely not!!! im really just a like. doesn’t care too much about my appearance does no upkeep kind of person hfskdjf but also last year... i was thinking maybe i should try... like i kinda wanna see what would happen if i did like intense eyeliner and smokey eye or something... dark lipstick... goth look.. fhskfhksd but that shit be expensive right and in all honesty i would not be bothered to do it every day or even once a week hfskdf. i’m assuming you’re into it?
(yeee! so i’ll add you and you’ll (hopefully hehehe) add me back. and then we can chat whenever, and any time we’re both online i can request to join your world! and then you gotta accept and voila.. i’ll be there 😩😩😩)
oooooo feel free to gimme some recs!!!! 
you have!! i’m staying up doing some other stuff and i wanna use up my resin again before sleeping so hehe maybe i’ll be able to reply once more before then? we shall see.
kisses!! c.r.
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