#but im dehydrated :) and it hydrates faster than water
sleepy-toasted-bunny · 7 months
Drinking my nasty health potion.
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multifan2022 · 1 year
Golden Lies 7
Im gonna apologize now..
My Masterlist
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The next morning when you woke up, Hardin had laid you down and was gathering all of your things. You were tucked into the sleeping bag, and Hardin had his jeans and sweater on. The temp had dropped again overnight, everything around you looked frosted. “It got colder last night, probably down in the twenties. I think they are hoping people will freeze to death, or their bodies go into shock from the temperature difference. Thankfully we are used to it.” 
Hardin's words were soft, like he was worried about spooking you. You nodded, standing and rolling the bag up. Your jeans were thrown on before you stood and looked around. Your mind was slightly scrambled still but you were doing your best to not show it. “We should move, we need to find some water to clean you off so we can treat your cuts again.” Hardin said as he slowly reached for your hand, he was thankful when you didn't flinch away from him. 
Just like the day before, it got hotter and hotter. The grass around you was now dead and brown. The leaves falling from the trees as they dried up, meaning shady spots were far and few between. You held your jackets up to shield yourself from the sun when you could, but you were getting tired. Your shoulders and cheeks were starting to turn red and burn, but more importantly you were dehydrated. 
The one bottle of water Haymitch had sent was long gone. By the time the sun was high in the sky you could hear babbling. You both walked faster as you found a pond, small in comparison to the Superior Waters (Lake Superior) that you lived near. But it didn't matter, you leaned down and smelled the water, relieved to realize it was fresh. When Hardin went to dunk his head you stopped him, your mind turning slowly. 
“We have no way to know it's not poisoned, and even if it's not it could have bacteria that would kill us faster than the lack of water.” You sat back trying to figure out what to do as a now familiar beeping was heard. You looked up blinded by the sun as a parachute slowly fell from the sky. 
When you opened it you found another note and water purifying tablets. ‘Drink up, Look around.’ It didn't take you but a few seconds to start looking for your canteen. Two tablets, two now full bottles of water, two semi hydrated tributes. Once you cooled down slightly from the cold water the second part of the note came back to your mind. 
You stood looking around, Haymitch obviously could see something he thought would help you. It took a long time, but eventually you saw a black hole. “It looks like there's an opening over there, maybe it's a cave? A cave would be cooler than out here, but we would have to swim across..” You talked out loud as you thought. 
Hardin didn't have time to speak before you were pushing your jeans off and toeing your boots off. Your body plunged under the water and thankfully it was clear enough for him to watch you swim over. After a few minutes you swam back and smiled up at him. “It's a cave, it's empty. I'll take our stuff over there so it doesn't get wet. Watch for anyone then you can follow me.”
The cave had helped tremendously. Your bodies cooled down out of the sun, and the rock floor felt amazing. Another bottle of water and some of the rations made you feel like you were at the peak of your strength. Well what strength you were going to have after being in here for who knows how long. 
Hardin had fallen asleep, as you watched the cave's mouth, listening for any signs that someone was in the water. There was only a small lip that kept the water out of the cave, any change in the water outside would result in water falling to the rock floor inside. An easy give away for anyone hiding inside. 
He had been acting distant and twitchy all day, like he was trying to hide something from you. The entire day and yesterday he wouldn't walk in front of you, always behind. He was quiet too, almost too quiet. But you figured maybe watching you smash Bauers face in had traumatized him. Maybe he was looking at you differently and now didn't know how to talk to you. 
But when he started mumbling and it was all slurred together your heart sank. You flew off the ground and over to him, your jeans ripping a little as you fell to the ground next to him. “Hardin.. Hardin wake up.” You said as you rolled him over, shaking him and tapping his face. When his dark brown eyes opened they were glossy and lost looking. 
You shook your head as tears started to fall, you hadn't seen him look this lost since he first got sick. Your hands trembled as you grabbed his bag, ripping things out as you looked for the gold bag. When you didn't find it you started emptying his pockets, “Where is it.. WHERE IS IT!” You yelled your voice echoing off the cave walls. 
Haymitch looked down, his eyes stinging slightly. He had watched Hardin take his last pill three days ago. Even though it only seemed like 6 days in the arena it had been almost 10 since you lifted from your tube. Hardin had stretched his 5 pills out to last 7 days without realizing it. He figured the boy just took it when his body told him too, but the last one had been 3 days ago. 
He had begged and pleaded with the game makers to do the feast early. But they said no, there were still 8 districts in play, it was too early. Then he had begged to allow more medication as a sponsor gift, but was again denied. That time he was told if he didnt let it go he would lose his clearance to work for your district at all. And he couldnt afford to lose that, so he was forced to let it go. 
He and Chaff watched as Hardin grabbed your hand and shook his head. He had a sad smile on his face as he wiped tears from your cheeks. “You're going to have to kill me.” Haymitches head dropped to his hands, he knew that this would be the breaking point for you. This would either kill you, or give you the final push to win. When he heard the disbelief and pain in your voice, he was worried it would be what killed you. 
“What did you just say?!!?” You said in disbelief, shaking your head as you pushed yourself up off the ground. Hardin sat up, his head spinning as he closed his eyes. He knew what he was asking was horrible, but he had too. He had to make you understand that this was the only way. 
“Y/n.. I ran out of pills.. I don't even know how many real days it's been since I took one. I'm starting to hallucinate.. I don't want to die slowly. It's the only way.” 
You scoffed and looked at him, “Oh my god you're serious..” You watched him look at you with pleading eyes. “No.. No I won't do it.. If I can find the other tributes.. If I can get rid of more of them, we can make it till the feast. They might give you more during the feast..” You were rambling, you knew that, but your mind was trying to do anything but think about him dying. 
“There's.. There's what nine.. Ten people left? 7 maybe 8 districts.. If I can find the girls from 2, 6 and 7 and the boy from 8 that will drop it down to 4 districts and they can do the feast with 4.. That's what I'll do.. I'll start hunting, you stay here.” You walked over, throwing your shirt on and checking your bag as Hardin's hand grabbed your wrist. 
“Don't ask this of me.. It's too much..” Your voice cracked at the end as he stopped you from leaving. You looked up at him, both of you had tears in your eyes. He bit his lip, trying to think of what he could say to make you think straight. 
“If you leave, and I start to hallucinate again, I could try to leave. I would drown or someone would find me stumbling around the woods like I did back home.” He grabbed your face and forced you to look at him when you turned back to your bag. “What If I'm here hallucinating and someone gets in and kills me. They could then wait and by the time you realized someone was in here it would be too late. You could win this, but you're gonna have to go on without me.”
You shook your head as it fell to his chest, his arms wrapped around you. You felt his lips press against your head as he squeezed. “I'm sorry.. I tried holding off on taking them.. I think I probably stretched it a few days. I only had 5 to start with, not ten like I said. If I'm going to die, I would prefer it to be quick and by your hands.. Don't let them kill me. Don't let this sickness kill me..” 
It was quiet between the two of you for a while, you knew he had made his mind up. And you knew he was right, you couldn't leave him on his own. You definitely didn't want the careers finding him, they would drag it out. Make their own game of killing him. When you pulled away you nodded and spoke softly, “Lets go.. See if we can find somewhere to watch the sunrise like we do at home..” 
The two of you made your way from the cave, walking silently trying to find a cliff or an edge that overlooked the arena. When you walked the trees started to thin and the world seemed to start to shimmer. You had no idea what was happening, as the game makers changed the arena around you. 
There was constant information coming in about how the citizens of the Capitol wanted the games to go. It helped the Game makers change things around to appease them. They knew when things were getting too boring, or who they were hoping would win. Who they didn't like, and who they wanted gone. 
And right now, there was a lot of sympathy going around for the Capitols ‘Little Goddess’. 
So Morel Pitpetal, the lead game maker, had decided to set the scene. He pulled up what a sunrise from district 9 looked like. He found that the part of the district you lived in was right on Superior waters. And he had to admit that the sunrise there was one of the best he had ever seen. Maybe even better than the ones here in the Capitol. 
So he started taking trees out of your path, leading you to a clearing filled with large rocks. When you reached it your breath stopped. “This looks just like back home..” Hardin said as he looked up at the sky, even though he knew it was the middle of the day the sun was rising again. Trees behind the two of you, and a rocky cliff with waves splashing up in front of you.  (picture up top, is actually Lake Superior #GoMichigan)
You sat down, trying to even out your breathing. You were trying to force yourself into whatever part turned on when you killed someone. It felt like you had two personalities, the one that hated being here.. And the one that was born for this. The second one being what you needed right now. 
As the sun unnaturally rose, orange, pink and purple filled the sky as you and your best friend watched the waves crash onto the rocks. It was silent, in a comfortable way. But you knew you needed to get on with it, the game makers wouldn't let you just sit here. Hardin knew that too, because as you stood up he spoke softly. “Remember that spot we found on the beach? The part that we weren't technically supposed to be at?” 
“This is going to be heartbreaking.. I can't imagine how this must feel for her.”
“Yeah.. I remember..” You said as you moved to stand behind him, you placed your hands on his shoulders. Tears filled your eyes as you looked out over the water. You were surprised to feel how relaxed Hardin's body was, like he had fully accepted it was his time. “I know you cant really bury me.. But put something there so it's always marked for us.. And try to win, don't let this be what gets you killed.. Please..” 
You nodded, even though he couldn't see it. You knew this needed to be fast, and done perfectly to prevent him from suffering. If you did it wrong his brain would fight for his body to recover and it would take him at least two minutes for his brain to start to turn off from lack of oxygen. If you did this wrong, he would suffer in silence for the last five minutes of his life. 
But if you did it correctly, up and at just the right angle you could sever his spinal cord. This would result in instant death, which is what you needed to happen. “I love you Hardin.. You're the brother I never got to have.. I don't know how I'll go on without you.. But I promise to try.”
He sniffled a little, knowing he wouldn't get to see whatever happened next in your life. He just hoped that there really was an afterlife for people like his mom had always said. "You and I will meet again, when we're least expecting it, one day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, for you and I will meet again."
You didn't give yourself the chance to start crying. Nor did you give him the chance to speak again, afraid that whatever he said next would break you. Side stepping quickly, one hand landed on his cheek running down to his chin just as the other reached the top of his head. Pulling down with your left arm and pushing up with the right, it took all your strength before you heard it. 
Haymitch, Chaff, Mags, Finnick, Cashmere, Brutus, President Snow, Seneca Crane, all the game makers and everyone watching at home watched as you slowly lowered Hardin's body to the ground. They could all see you shaking as you reached for his neck, checking for a pulse. 
When the cannon went off alerting you to the death of your friend, they all watched you vomit into the water. They watched as you sobbed loudly, screaming in pain as you clutched your chest. This was a feeling none of them knew, Mags was crying into her hands. 
Sure the victors had all killed people, they were all winners of the games. Each of them had blood on their hands, but never like this. Never had any of them had to mercy kill someone, never killed someone they grew up with. 
The pain in your scream was something different then the pain of winning this game. Something different than the pain of being sold for others pleasure. All of their hearts went out to you, Finnick couldn't imagine killing Mags. Enobaria didn't really like Brutus, but never thought about killing him. 
Haymitch knew he would rather die than kill Chaff. Cashmere would never ever be able to kill Gloss. But here was an 18 year old girl, who had killed 3 other people to protect someone. Someone she ended up having to kill in the end anyways. The only thing that they could think after that was that if someone else won, it wouldn't be as deserved as if you did. 
Seneca Crane watched with three other men from inside his apartment. They all looked at each other, nodding with sadistic grins. It had finally been decided between the four of them, they would do what needed to be done to get this girl out of the arena. 
She was the one they had been waiting for.. And they wouldn't wait any longer. 
And with that, Crane stood, straightened his jacket and went to find Haymitch Abernathy. 
@avis15 @liballer @avoxrising
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pacifymebby · 2 years
lol Hi😂 I hope your doing well! I saw your post about swimming becoming and an healthy addiction and it made me chuckle (in a good way and respectfully!!!) because it reminded me of me little cousin does swimming for her middle school and is at the pool like every other day of the week plus weekends! And like last time we hung about at a pool she was just zooming around like a little mermaid while I was holding to a noodle b/c I'm not good at floating 😂 but yeah.... also I guess what I'm trying to say is that 4+ times a week probably isn't a bad amount to go swimming! It's exercise remember and exercise if good for all types of health!! Exercise is good for you!! Also plus's I think I've heard that some soreness can be a good think because it (can be) an indicator of muscle growth! There's some medical stuff there too but I can't think of it off the top of my head! Just remember to stretch I guess and stay hydrated especially because id your swimming in salt water I can dehydrate you faster then normal water because salt. Idk how you're swimming but maybe if you are doing like certain strokes you could try rotating to different ones that work some different muscles? Idk? It is also important to rest though! Maybe it would help if you like made out a schedule of sorts for like they days you go and don't go to get a good mount of rest in between? If it's something you find comfort in too it can be good to help relieve stress! And yeah, that's about all I got. Sorry for rambling! I hope I'm not overstepping! You're brilliant!! ❤️❤️❤️
Omg do they swim for the team? Thats actually really cool and something i never could have done in school!!
I had an older cousin like that who could zip around the pool like a shark, i remember him and my dad trying to teach me to swim when I was like 5 and had a big fear of water, i used to think he was the coolest but he was so naturally zoomy and stuff even my dad (who's actually athletic) couldnt beat him in a race.
Yeah i think Id be less para about it if i didn't get the intense feelings of guilt when I don't go swimming. Like this morning I got up to go swimming but missed the bus, so now i have to wait until this evening and I'm genuinely really upset with myself about it. Like I'm pretty prone to eating disordered behavior and I do kinda wonder if I'm attatching more importance to an hours swim than i really should be.
Yeah you're right about the soreness, I've been doing lots of stretches because i want to learn to do the splits and increase my flexibility again (i used to do gymnastics as a child and I'm hypermobile so i have a complex about not being the bendiest bitch in Aldi haha)
I did end up taking a rest day yesterday and not feeling awful about it in the end, and I'm going to go tonight and then tomorrow too, i can maybe even go on Saturday or Sunday which would be cool.
I only swim breast stroke because i dont like putting my head all the way under water (i have ptsd and having my head under water when I'm swimming makes me panic so bad lol) (im slowly working on it) but I'm really only going swimming for my mental health as a way of burning off all my anxious energy. It does do wonders for my anxiety on a good day tbf.
Anyways thank u for ur message and like, giving me the chance to get a different (probably way more rational) perspective on the whole thing, i feel a lot calmer and less paranoid now.
U definitely havent overstepped dont worry!! ❤️❤️
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Ask a doctor: ‘Can I be dehydrated even if I’m not thirsty?’
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/ask-a-doctor-can-i-be-dehydrated-even-if-im-not-thirsty/
Ask a doctor: ‘Can I be dehydrated even if I’m not thirsty?’
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While dehydration is often associated with being thirsty, that’s not the only warning sign our bodies share with us.The condition can occur when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, which can impact the body’s ability to perform its normal functions, say experts.The body loses fluids and water through sweating and urination, according to Cleveland Clinic.HATE WATER? HERE ARE 5 HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES, ACCORDING TO AN NFL SPORTS DIETITIAN”In warm and hot weather in particular, your body loses water and fluid faster,” Mike Sevilla, M.D., a family physician with Salem Family Care in Salem, Ohio, told Fox News Digital.”If these fluids are not replaced, the body becomes dehydrated.”Although anyone can become dehydrated, it can be especially dangerous for vulnerable groups, such as young children and the elderly.HERE ARE THE DRINKS YOU SHOULD HAVE ON A FLIGHT TO PREVENT DEHYDRATION — AND WHAT YOU SHOULDN’T Doctors shared with Fox News Digital some of the signs of dehydration that go beyond thirst.It may come as a surprise that excessive sweating could be an indicator of dehydration. Water is lost when you sweat, so if you’re engaging in vigorous activity and don’t replace fluids, you can become dehydrated, according to Mayo Clinic’s website.”In heat and humidity, we lose more water in the form of perspiration, which is what triggers the body to tell the brain that it needs water and the actual feeling of thirst,” Lauren Fine, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist with Fine Dermatology in Chicago, told Fox News Digital.Illness is an often overlooked cause of dehydration. With excessive vomiting or diarrhea, the body can quickly become depleted of fluids — especially with younger people and older adults, Sevilla said. NEED MORE WATER INTAKE? THESE 4 FOODS CAN HELP YOU STAY HYDRATED ON HOT SUMMER DAYS”Having a fever or an infection can also lead to dehydration, because fever can cause you to sweat and thereby lose fluid,” he cautioned. One of the initial signs of dehydration is fatigue. “People usually ignore this symptom, thinking that they are just tired,” Sevilla said — but it can progress to dizziness and lightheadedness.To combat fatigue, he recommends consuming beverages with electrolytes to boost energy levels.If your urine is amber- or honey-colored, or dark orange, this may indicate that your body isn’t getting enough water, according to Health.com. “If you’re dehydrated and are holding onto more of the actual water itself, the urine will become darker and darker,” Michael A Palese, M.D., chair of the Department of Urology at Mount Sinai in New York, told Health.com. Dehydrated skin can look dull and dry, and can also show premature signs of aging, such as surface wrinkles. “Skin cells need water to survive,” said Fine.To keep the skin hydrated, she recommends drinking water while working out, reducing intake of coffee and other caffeinated beverages, and eating more fruits, vegetables and legumes.The longer dehydration continues without intake of sufficient fluids, the worse the symptoms become, according to Sevilla. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTERSevere dehydration leads to dizziness, confusion, increased heart rate and low blood pressure, the physician said.”The more severe the case of dehydration is, the more difficult it is for people to drink enough fluid to help the situation,” he said. In cases of severe hydration, the person may need to visit the hospital or emergency department to receive fluids via IV.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/healthBoth doctors emphasized the importance of being proactive and drinking water or electrolyte-containing fluids before exercising or playing sports.
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parentplus · 1 year
Congratulations!!! Your creating a new life... Your body is putting in some major work and alot of changes are happening inside of you very quickly. One of the side effect of this beautiful and exciting time is the not so glamourous morning sickness. Constantly leaning over the sink or toilet reevaluating your life choices every 30 minutes. If you are lucky enough to be one of the 30% of women that this doesn't effect then count me super jealous... lol... I am currently pregnant with my second child and it's just been the worst. Every morning, most afternoons and half the night i'm nautious or sick but some of the methods I cover here help me out alot. In this article i will be going over several different options and techniques that did and didn't work for me. Make sure to keep in mind that just like every person is unique so is every pregnancy. Some of the things that worked for me may not work for you, and vice versa, some of the things that didn't work for me might be just what you needed. The good news is that for most women the morning sickness gets better as the pregnancy progresses. Before you try any of these options always consult with your doctor about it first.
Lets begin with what I have noticed that makes my nausia worse... The fact that im having a girl I believe is a large contributing factor and so do alot of other people. Most likely because the levels of the pregnancy hormone HCG tend to be higher in mothers that are carrying girls than mothers carrying boys. There is no definative proof that this is the reason for it and anyone can have intense and severe morning sickness. As I mentioned earlier every pregnancy is unique and there is no guarantee that if you have terrible morning sickness that you're carrying a baby girl. Even though it's not a proven fact all but two people I know (including a female doctor) said that for the most part women report that their nausia was much worse with a girl than a boy. I guess it could be classified as an old wives but some of those tales end up being true in the end.
Another thing that makes me sicker was my prenatal pills, more often than not it's the iron in them. The iron can sometimes cause stomach irritation and make you feel sicker. Also iron gets your blood flowing and can sometimes clog up digestion. I suggest trying these methods below, make sure you eat first before taking them (even though it's probably very difficult sometimes) and to drink more water. Never skip your meds as it is vital to the babies development and health, as well as your own.
The next on this list is laying down just after eating, laying down after eating can cause gastric juices in your stomach to rise, hinders digestion and can cause you to feel nautious. This is a little difficult for me because I feel a food coma coming on after I eat sometimes and desperately want to lay down. I would recommend eating small frequent meals throughout the day, avoid greasy ones as this might make you feel worse. Drinking herbal tea with your meals, preferrably ones with ginger in them should also keep your nausia at bay. Not all teas are safe for pregnancy so consult your doctor on this as well.
There is a rather large list of things that can worsen nausia and i'ts very important that you stay hydrated. If you are having to much trouble keeping fluids down make sure your doctor knows because dehydration, especially in pregnancy can cause very real problems to rise. Drinking stuff like pedialite and some hydrating sports drinks like gatorade will help keep you hydrated and improve nausia as well. Plus, on a positive note they taste very good and arent that expensive. If sports drinks are not available to you immediatly then my doctor told me to add a little salt and sugar to some water and try that for hydration as the salt causes your body to absorb the water faster.
Now moving on to the options that did and didn't work to ease my intense sickness, some of these might be very helpful and other may not. Remeber to listen and pay attention to your body and always make sure your health professional approves.
It has been proven that ginger reduces nausia and can help immensely. Even though I believe that alot of natural remedies can be very effective I was extremely sceptical of this one. The main reason is because my constant sickness was so bad that it made me feel like this wouldn't be strong enough to help .There are two types of compounds in ginger, gingerol and shogaols. They are thought to act on receptors in the digestive system and speed stomach emptying. My doctor recommended ginger ale or ginger candies, so of course the first thing i reached for was the ginger ale. Getting liquid into my system was always easier than getting food in there. After sipping on a couple of cans, and it actually helping me, i dove right into it and overdid it. I started drinking them all the all the time...This turned out to be a very bad idea as i all of a sudden got very sick again. I leaned out my car door and basically begged it to stop. If done correctly and in moderation i think this is a very good option and could bring much needed relief. GInger did seem to help some so I decided that ginger candies were worth a try. The only thing I could find around here was crystallized ginger candies. It's baby ginger root covered in cane sugar and it worked. I couldn't stand chewing on root of ginger because it kind of felt like it was burning my mouth for a second. The kind I tried was "REED'S craft ginger candy, all natural" and I recommend trying this option, or some kind of ginger candy, it's not that bad and you might enjoy it, I just couldn't aquire a taste for it. Ginger tea is always a good idea though. It's relaxing and easy on your stomach, extremely enjoyable and very soothing.
The best way to stay ahead of your morning sickness in alot of cases is to always keep something in your stomach. I was told to eat every 2 hours, i've never found a task more difficult for me than this but probably 8 out of 10 times it worked. I have to be careful not to overfill myself tho or food wont even stay down. Even if your just snacking on crackers until the nausia goes away and you can eat something substantial it's a huge help. As it turned out a little salt (Saltine Crackers) actually worked and have worked for pretty much everyone I know. I think keeping some crackers by your bed on the nightstand and snacking before you get up is a must.
It usually settles a stomach pretty instantly anyway and has been an answered prayer for me on many occations. This for me is also a must, a couple drinks here and there during the day usually does the trick and has been a serious lifesaver.
This works best of all because it helps our bodies process certain amino acids (proteins) and significantly reduces nausia. My doctor told me about this and tried to prescribe it to me. My insurance wouldn't pay for it because it can be bought over the counter so i had to go to walmart and pick up a bottle from there. It wasn't expensive like I thought it was going to be and I take it every single day in the morning. This has helped me more than anything else on this list and I don't know how I could ever live without it again.
In conclusion, I would just like to add that you know your body better than anyone else. You know what is working and you know what isn't, so listen closely to it... This is a beautiful, exciting time and you should really be enjoying every second of your pregnancy. I hope this article was helpful and useful for you and that your morning sickness gets better. Good luck on your new journey mama.
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ohgoddard · 5 years
What’s Faster? My Heart or Light Speed? Chapter 2
Space is the truest representation of space between atoms, the astounding nothing that exists is truly mindboggling. While billions of miles away I can see the shimmering lights of stars and the swirling masses of gas clouds and galaxies, I still find myself surrounded by nothing. An apt representation indeed.
Except I’m not truly alone. Mere days ago I was expecting my slow and uneventful death to occur, where I was then saved by the( and I sound like a school girl when I say this) illustrious Dr.O’Reilly, who has yet to tell me her first name. She and I spend a lot of time together right now, being the only ones awake on the ship. But, its mostly been my laying down on a bed due to my not eating and dehydration affecting my abilities to move. But that hasn’t stopped me from struggling around the ship when she’s not around (doing literally God knows what, there is no one else on this ship).
The ship seems to be made for so much more life, and I guess that makes sense. It would serve as our base when we got to the new planet. The good Doctor has a room to herself on this ship, one reserved for the Captain. She told me that he wouldn’t be using it for a few hundred more years, so he wouldn’t mind.
A few hundred more years. That is how much time was left in this little expedition we were on. I wouldn’t even eclipse one of those hundred years, let alone the other five or six. I tried to ask the Doctor about what we’re going to do for the rest of our lives here, but she just kinda smiled and said “Don’t you worry, i’ll think of something.” And let me tell you, right there no solar flare could match the level of heat that rose in my face when she gave me that smile. Could she have been flirting with me there? That little smile? Usually I talk to someone about this kind of stuff, but...no one appears to be here.
In a way I could say i’m trapped again, but this time its far worse. No, it is truly the worst. I am trapped by myself this time. Not in the “I am trapped and alone”, no no. Me myself is trapping me. Which sounds really dumb but i’m panicking ok?! What am I supposed to do when a VERY beautiful woman looks my way and gives me a sly smirk and potentially flirtatious sentence? I need to clear my head.
I,very slowly, throw the covers off of me and  (once again) very slowly move myself onto the crutches I've been provided. My ‘”room” was no more than a bed and dresser. A small TV screen hung over me, having the entirety of Earth’s media lexicon (how they got those companies to agree to put everything together a feat more impressive than space travel). Other than that, barren. I hobble over to my dresser to change out, and I sigh as I pull out an almost identical colorless white and blue streaked suit to the one I wore in my “coffin”.
It was a struggle to get on, what with the pain and general reluctance to leave my room at all. A trait I carried on from my childhood I guess. Eventually I do get everything on and I hobble outside my room to the communal area that was intended for far more people than who is currently using it. I.e. Me. And, surprisingly today, Dr. O’Reilly.  If one could stumble awkwardly in crutches as I could, then I would like to see them. It was like a new born deer. The doctor today was dressed in a yellow sweater, her usual lab coat,and Jack Skellington pajama pants. Her fluffy bunny slippers were as red as her hair, and i’m thinking my face as well. Her freckles mirrored the stars outside, her eyes like two planets obscuring them. I could get lost staring at her, and I would’ve had she not looked up from the book she was reading and cocked her head at me, her glasses slipping down her nose as she did so.
Now, I was never good around those I had a crush on. I act pretty much that same every time. This lead to my perpetual singularity. It comes in stages, whenever I talk to someone I’m interested in.
“G-good morning Doctor! Y-you’re here , why’re you here?”
First I stutter and try and be casual, which never happens.
She smirks (AHHHHH) and gets up from the lounge chair she was sitting in. “Ms. Derringer, are you having a cold? Your face is heating up and you’re shaking quite a bit.” Yeah there’s the second part, the shaking.”Now, this absolutely cannot go on. Go back in your room and I will take care of you.”
“W-wait im fine really. I-i’m not sick!” “I will not take no for an answer on this one, I am the doctor after all!” . She physically picks me up and turns me around. Which, left me in quite a bit of shock on a number of things. 1. The doctor was WAY stronger than I originally thought.I guess when you’re alone a ship what’re you to do? 2. I didn’t know I’d lost that much weight, but pretty happy I cut that down a bit not gonna lie. 3. AHHHHH THE DOCTOR TOUCHED ME, WHAT .
“Come on now, lets get back to bed. I’ll be right back.” She guided me back to my bed and laid me back down. She placed her hand on my head after wrapping me up. “Wow, you’re burning up! I think I was right on the money. I will be right back with something to help with this.” She was so close to me. I could smell the vanilla perfume she used. I think this is a kind of torture in countries, to be this socially awkward around someone who you absolutely cannot stop thinking about. Except its worse for me, because she is literally the only other person on this ship and I can’t help but think of her. Her being drop dead gorgeous is NOT helping me either.
A few minutes pass, me lying in my bed slowly dying of embarrassment. The door opens once again and the doctor is is back. And she is carrying a small tray. On it is a bowl and a water bottle. “ We’re going to give you the good old-fashioned medicine. Rest, soup, and hydration. And, company! I don’t believe you’ll get me sick, so i’ll spend some time with you today!” She closes her eyes and gives a huge smile. I’m reminded of my 8th grade literature class, saying that starting a war over one girl because of something as dumb as beauty. 
I wish I could eat my own words.
I was never much to be attracted to anyone, mostly because they never were back. However, now I find myself absolutely head over heels. A million reasons race in my head. Could it be because she saved my life and im just really thankful? Is it because she is the only one on the ship and we’d just naturally gravitate towards each other? Or do I truly feel these feelings for her.
“Oh! Let me bring in a chair so I can sit with you. And put on something cool! Like Firefly.” 
“What’s Firefly?” I ask. She stops in the doorway and turns around with an incredulous look on her face. “ Something that we’re going to watch immediately. We have all the time in the world, so you’re going to learn about the best shows to ever exist.” And as she left, I sat there in a state of utter...joy? It was in this minute that I knew I truly did like the doctor that way. Perhaps this could be the start of our relationship?
She came back in with one of the lounge chairs and pulled it up to my bed. As the show started, some scifi cowboy thing, I turned to her. 
“Doctor, I..I dont believe I got your name?”
She smiles.”Leah. And don’t worry, I already know yours.” 
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promereste1989-blog · 6 years
I super confused. I know I didn over exfoliate prior because I only use a 2% lactic twice a week. Any ideas what is going on? How do I fix the tightness? I hear it dehydration but im using multiple hydrating products.. Ambassador to NATO, that aired Sunday, July 8, 2018, on "Face the Nation. "  MARGARET BRENNAN: And that was a memorable moment from last year's NATO summit. During President Trump's first trip abroad, he brushed past Montenegro's Prime Minister. It messy, stinky, and nearly impossible to use. If you bleach it or put any other kind of chemicals on it, it will turn green and disgusting. Don henna your hair 6 8 weeks after having a chemical process like a perm or salon dye on your hair because it won take or it react weird. My love affair with cream blush runs deep. It was there at the beginning of my makeup buying journey in high school, and remains with me to this day. But my face has this uncanny habit of eating all the powder blush I apply to it I just feel like any color turns into some weird muddy orange shade with minimum pigmentation. Attempted suicide, because mom thought killing herself would be a better option than to feel the guilt of placing her daughter in a facility. What quality of life is that for them? By the way. Their other children suffered greatly. Attacks have also frequently occurred when humans were spear fishing in ocean waters. Sharks are attracted to the signs given off by dying fish the smell of blood in the water and the electrical impulses given off as the fish struggles. Sharks detect these signals with their ampullae of Lorenzini, a set of "detectors" under the skin on a shark's snout. Reports of focusing speed differences between EF lenses on a SLR compared to a mirrorless mostly comes from the fact that mirrorless cameras focus differently, and that technology hasn caught up to the speed of traditional SLR focusing mechanisms. Mirrorless cameras essentially analyze the live image hitting the sensor and use that to focus, which is slower and more processor intensive. SLRs have a separate focusing sensor mechanism that the image is reflected into by the mirror, and it a much faster technique. RAW: It appears to apply to 울진출장안마 creatures, objects, everything. That can run into issues with what defined as an object. If you open the door in a dusty plain do you need to make sure every particle of dirt is clear before you shrink it? Well, that not terribly practical. And you are deleting comments 울진출장안마 because you think they are "mean" or whatever. And earlier I saw interject in a discussion that was really rather friendly if pointless because you thought it was "off topic" which honestly? Is just another way you support the spiral of silence going on in the sub that shows itself in the way that relevant but unpopular comments are constantly downvoted on here. 2 points submitted 1 day ago. Currently, aesthetician training does not include learning how to thread. Many owners of threading boutiques are Indian or Middle Eastern and opened their shops because they could not find quality places to have their eyebrows threaded in their cities [source: Kazakina]. In many cases, they were trained in their native countries before bringing the practice to the United States.
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kangdan101 · 7 years
questions tag :)
tagged by @hwangminyeo :’) lmao im sorry my life is so uninteresting but it was fun to answer these still heh
·        drink: water! Recently I’ve been trying to drink more water bc I am extremely dehydrated; i tend to drink like 1 cup a day (lol) stay hydrated kids
·         phone call: this morning!
·         text message: like one min ago I was just arguing with my friend whether or not our math teachers first name is jose or not (update: I was right, it IS jose xD)
·         song you listened to: ENERGETIC BY WANNA ONE!!11
·         time you cried: maybe like 15 min ago…????? Lmfao I was watching wanna one sing always and I got emotional (i cry about everything)
·         HAVE YOU EVER
·         dated someone twice: it’s hard to date someone twice if you’ve never dated someone at all lol (motae solo like minhyun)
·         kissed someone and regretted it: no
·         been cheated on: no
·         lost someone special: yes :’(
·         been depressed: yes. This last year was really really hard for me. Balancing dance and school and everything made me super stressed and I started to pull myself away from ppl :/ tbh produce kinda got me out of it lol and im 100% ok now
·         gotten drunk and thrown up: nope (lol bc I’ve never drank before hahaha theres so many things I haven’t done)
·         Baby blue
·         Mint green
·         Peach pink ;)
·         made new friends: yes
·         fallen out of love: no 
·         laughed until you cried: literally I laugh way too much for my own good
·         found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so :o
·         met someone who changed you: yes, many of them! (esp kangdan tho)
·         found out who your friends are: yes :)
·         kissed someone on your Facebook list: yikes no
·         how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: mostly all my fb friends go to my school but I don’t actually know some of them? So I’d say like 70%
·         do you have any pets: I’d like to think my little brother Anthony is secretly a dog bc he resembles one and can get hella wild sometimes lmao
·         do you want to change your name: my name is legit the most basic Chinese name ever I know like 3 other people with the exact same first and last name and alskdjgowaei;lskdfj it gets on my nerves sometimes I always liked the name lilia / lily but in 7th grade I met this girl whose name was Philomena and its now my favorite name ever
·         what did you do for your last birthday: lmao I studied bc I had a hUge test the next day and your girl’s serious about her grades man
·         what time did you wake up: LMAO I woke up twice this morning: first time at 4:40 to catch WANNA ONE DEBUT and then went back to sleep @ 6 am; woke up again at 7:30 am for class
·         what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on tumblr watching everyone hype about wanna one it was gr8
·         name something you can’t wait for: finishing junior year + SAT shit :/ lol my junior year hasn’t even started yet but im so nervous I hope I don’t screw up and thinking about it is making my heart beat faster yikes (wish me luck guys hopefully im still alive by june)  
·         when was the last time you saw your mom: a few min ago~
·         what are you listening to right now: my little brother Anthony is singing shape of you and its not pretty lol (he’s eleven)
·         have you ever talked to a person named tom: I don’t really remember
·         something that is getting on your nerves: the SAT omygod I just really want it to be over and im SO NERVOUS also anthony’s singing is starting to bug me (he changed songs and now he’s singing gibberish and it’s very distracting)
·         most visited website: probably youtube/fb/tumblr
·         hair color: blackish-brown. my roots are black but the ends seem to be browning a lil? Probably since it’s summer now and the sun is working its magic 
·         long or short hair: medium length! Like halfway down my back???
·         do you have a crush on someone: nope & haven’t had one for like two years
·         what do you like about yourself: my monolids? But my mom wants me to get surgery lmfao also i like that i have a naturally high foot arch bc its helpful for dance :)))
·         blood type: a… I think?
·         nickname: name: sarah; nicknames: sawa, sala, salad, swisso (I promise this makes sense in context), moon, moonmoon (these make sense in context too lol)
·         relationship status: single mom of my 98 produce children and always have been lollll
·         zodiac: capricorn
·         pronouns: she/her
·         favorite tv show: descendants of the sun, suspicious partner, I hear your voice, once upon a time, produce aka a horrible show that hurts u in all sorts of ways (pls rec me some bc I wanna binge some tv shows before school starts)
·         tattoos: none atm but maybe when I’m older I want a tiny star, or a tiny moon, or maybe my Chinese name?
·         right or left handed: Right
·         surgery: I got eye surgery done when I was rly young bc the gland between my eyes and nose was blocked which basically made me cry ALL THE TIME (like even when I’d be staring at nothing)
·         sport: I dance! And I used to do rhythmic gymnastics but I had to quit bc school was getting too busy I miss rhythmic gymnastics so much u have no idea
·         vacation: I think I’m going to go out touring colleges along the east coast near the end of august!!!
·         pair of shoes: I wear my converse a lot as well as my nike free runs. But other than that my shoe collection is p limited rippp
·         MORE GENERAL
·         eating: just finished dinner
·         drinking: nothing atm xD gdi in the beginning of this tag I wanted to be more hydrated and look where I am now lmao
·         I’m about to: wash the dishes that we used for dinner
·         waiting for: the day I graduate high school so I can go to college and take classes I love and alskdgjaowlfkdsfj (lmao im such a nerd im sorry)
·         want: to eat some ice cream (I love ice cream)
·         get married: that would be a miracle tbh
·         career: high school student / summer school teachers assistant  THE KIDS I TEACH ARE SO LOUD AND WILD theyre legit animals everytime I step into the classroom i can’t believe these 8th graders are capable of such chaos
·         hugs or kisses: I luv hugs and I luv kisses
·         lips or eyes: both???
·         shorter or taller: taller (its not hard to be taller than me lol)
·         older or younger: older
·         nice arms or nice stomach: I think…. Arms 
·         hook up or relationship: relationshiip
·         troublemaker or hesitant: jesus idk I’ve never dated so I really wouldn’t know alskdjgoalkdsfj (but i mean troublemaker is a gr8 song??)
·         kissed a stranger: no that sounds scary :0
·         drank hard liquor: no
·         lost glasses/contact lenses: I LOsT MY GLAssES IN FLORIDA ONCE agldkgjaosdfkj I swear I put it down on the airport seat and when I turned around THEY WERE GONE I spend a good 2 hours looking for them but they legit disappeared :/ to this day I am still wondering where that pair of glasses went
·         turned someone down: yes
·         sex on the first date: no 
·         broken someone’s heart: i sure hope not 
·         had your heart broken: no
·         been arrested: no
·         cried when someone died: so many times
·         fallen for a friend: lowkey yes but they still don’t know about that
·         yourself: I try to
·         miracles: yes or else what will happen to me in the future I need miracles to carry me bc my luck is trASH
·         love at first sight: no
·         santa clause: maybe for the first few years but then I caught my parents
·         kiss on the first date: no
·         angels: idk actually… I guess?
·         eye color: brown; I feel like my eyes have been getting lighter over the years bc the outside of my iris is like brown but near the pupil its more of a hazel
·         favorite movie: I have so many omg I luv spirited away, howls moving castle, the book thief, and I recently watched wonder woman (pls rec some movies too im always in the mood for one :D) 
im tagging anyone who wishes to do this! 
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johnclapperne · 6 years
“What Is Creatine? How to Start Supplementing with Creatine”
Most supplements in the fitness world are a complete waste of money.
Some supplements aren’t even absorbed well, making for some expensive urine![1]
Others, like “weight loss pills,” can actually be outright dangerous.[2]
However, there are a few supplements which could be an exception to this rule.
And one of those supplements is creatine.
Creatine is one of the most popular and tested fitness supplements on the market.
Technically, it’s an amino acid derivative, but you don’t really need to know that.
That is, unless you are a chemist.
We get loads of questions here at Nerd Fitness on using creatine correctly, so today I’ll jump right in and give you the low down.
We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this supplement:
What exactly is creatine?
If you were to take creatine, how much should you use?
What time of day is best for taking creatine?
What are some of the best creatine supplements on the market?
Let’s go!
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in muscle tissue.
Right now you have creatine, specifically creatine phosphate, in your body. All vertebrate animals do.  
Yes, even corgis.
Think of creatine as an energy reserve your body taps into when it needs a boost. Or like, an extra energy tank in Metroid or Mega Man.
Our bodies naturally produce creatine in our liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
We also obtain it from certain foods, because all vertebrate animals contain creatine in their muscles.
So if you eat meat, you are getting extra creatine in your diet. Red meat in particular (beef, lamb bison), has the highest levels of dietary creatine.
(Don’t eat meat? Cool. Read our plant-based guide.)
Outside of diet, people often supplement with creatine. It’s one of the more popular supplements taken, and in fact, is THE most popular supplement taken amongst college athletes.[3]
The reason people supplement with creatine: the more creatine you consume – whether through nutrition or supplementation – the more will be found in your muscles.
Why should you care? What does creatine do, exactly?
Science time! To discuss supplementing creatine with any justice, we need to talk about ATP.
All cells rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. It’s our body’s energy currency.
Sort of like “Mana” in World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, ATP is a fuel tank for doing awesome things like running, doing pull-ups, or summoning lighting.
But much like “Mana,” ATP can be replenished only so quickly by your body. With intense enough exercise, you’ll use more ATP than your body can produce. Which means you’ll run out.
It’s why people can only sprint at 100% maximum effort for a short amount of time. You just plain run out of juice, or ATP.
And depending on how you are exercising, your body will replenish its ATP through one of three ways:
Less than 10 seconds, for exercises like short sprints or heavy lifting, ATP is replenished with creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissue.
30 seconds to 2 minutes, for activities like swimming a few laps, ATP is replenished with glycogen found in your muscles.
Greater than 2 minutes, ATP is replenished with oxygen and glucose. You can think of endurance activities for this stage.
I get it, there’s a LOT more to it than that (The three systems often blend into each other, so it’s not so clear cut).[4]
Why I bring all of this up: your body can quickly convert creatine to ATP (in seconds).
This means the more creatine you have stored in your muscles, the longer you can utilize the phosphagen system – short and intense energy – to produce ATP.
It’s math: the more creatine you consume, the more will be found in your muscles. The more creatine you have in your muscles, the longer you should be able to sprint at max effort (or lift heavy, etc.).
Granted, there’s a point where your muscles become saturated with creatine and your body can’t hold anymore.
We’ll talk about dosage and absorption rates shortly. But first…
There is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation does, in fact, allow for longer periods of intense exercise by helping to produce more ATP. [5]
One such study found that supplementing with creatine for 28 days allowed users to increase their bike sprint by 15% and bench press performance by 6%.[6]
This is generally why people supplement with creatine. If you can produce more energy for more intense exercises, you can workout harder.
Instead of stopping at 10 reps because of exhaustion, perhaps you can squeeze out that 11th rep if you are storing more creatine. Or instead of slowing down your sprint at 10 seconds, you keep going until 12.
If you’re looking to improve physically, being able to achieve one more rep or just a few more seconds of a sprint can be critical.
Creatine has a boatload of other benefits too:
Cell signaling. Creatine has been shown to increase satellite cell signaling, which helps your body communicate its “needs” better. I personally picture a little cell crying out “help me, I’m broken” when thinking about cell signaling. However, improvements in cell communication can have an impact on muscle repair and growth.[7]
Cellular hydration. Creatine helps your muscles retain water, which helps them work more efficiently.[8] Hydrated muscles perform better than dehydrated muscles, so creatine as a performance enhancer seems appropriate.
Muscle growth. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for muscle growth.[9] In fact, the International Society and Sports Nutrition states “Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.”[10]
Don’t get thrown off by the “creatine monohydrate.” We’ll talk about types of creatine shortly. Just know that creatine has been shown to aid in muscle growth.
Brain health. While not technically a muscle, your brain stores creatine. Can more stored creatine help with brain health?
There is research and evidence that suggests some conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy can all be helped by supplementing with creatine.[11] A creatine supplement might also help with memory and cognition in the elderly.[12]
Also, I have to highlight this study linking creatine supplementation with working memory and intelligence.[13] This makes sense because your brain also uses ATP, which remember, creatine helps produce.[14]
All of these studies are going to lead to a natural question…
The use of creatine has been “extensively studied,” which makes my job of recommending it easy.[15]
The International Society of Sports Nutrition analyzed over 500 studies on creatine usage and concluded: “There is no scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine monohydrate has any detrimental effects on otherwise healthy individuals.”  
However, we should acknowledge there is anecdotal evidence that taking creatine can cause kidney damage, dehydration, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.[16]
Kidney damage would be the most serious of these, let’s talk about that specifically for a moment.
Again, no study has been able to verify the claim of organ damage, and kidney function with creatine supplementation has been looked at specifically.[17]
However, if you have a history of kidney problems, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start supplementing with creatine. Better safe than sorry.
The other concern would be dehydration and diarrhea, which actually might have an easy cause and solution.
I mentioned earlier that taking creatine can help with muscle hydration. Because your muscles are holding onto more water, this leaves less water for other places. So if you start taking creatine, you should also increase your water intake!
Shoot for 16-18 ounces of water (a half liter) for every 5 grams of creatine you take. We’ll devote an entire section to dosage in just a moment.
It should also be noted, that being dehydrated puts extra stress on your kidneys. It can also cause diarrhea.
Drink water.
The reason creatine is so popular is because of its impact on athletic performance.
For you to receive most the benefits of supplementing creatine, you’ll need to work out. The creatine won’t lift that barbell for you.
The interesting thing about creatine: nearly any type of physical performance has been linked to improvement when combined with creatine supplementation:
Strength training. If you’re looking to grow strong, you need to lift heavy. Taking creatine has been shown to increase muscle strength.[18] In other words, taking creatine can help you lift slightly heavier or slightly more. If you do this consistently, you could start to achieve gains faster than you would without creatine supplementation.
This is the number one reason people take creatine.
Endurance. Despite creatine’s popularity for strength training, it can also be used as a tool for endurance athletes. That’s because creatine has been shown to increase glycogen stores.[19] If you remember our example from earlier on different metabolic ways to replenish ATP, you’ll recall that glycogen is a medium to long term energy source.
Meaning the more glycogen you have, the longer you can run. If you’re looking into improving an endurance sport, creatine might be worth checking out.
Recovery. Creatine has been shown to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.[20] Shorter recovery times, means you can get back to training sooner. More gym time can equal a stronger you.
No one likes being overtly sore. Creatine may help a little here.
When you start to learn more about creatine, it makes sense why so many athletes take this supplement.
However, I do need to mention that a majority of the benefits of creatine supplementation kick in with the conjunction of a regular exercise practice.
Supplements must be combined with a good solid workout! You don’t get big muscles or faster speeds from only protein and creatine.
They need to be combined with a proper training program!
If you’re not quite sure how to get going, I’ve got a few resources for you.
The first is our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
It’s a circuit – where you quickly go from one exercise to the next – that you can start doing tonight in your living room or basement or spaceship. It’s one of our most popular routines here at Nerd Fitness, and it’s something you can do from your own home. No gym required.
If you want someone to help guide you – and hold you accountable – we can help with that too! We have an uber-popular 1-on-1 Online Coaching program where we work with busy people just like you to complete life overhauls. We can help you start strength training, offer nutrition recommendations, or provide you with accountability and structure to start working out from home. No matter where you need to go on your fitness journey, we can help guide you there.
If you want to learn if we are a good fit for each other, click on the big box below:
So far this article has more or less come out as an advertisement for creatine supplementation.
While there are a lot of great benefits of creatine, and not much in the way of studies showing harm, we need to talk about one potential downside.
Since creatine helps you retain water, you might feel a little bloated after taking it. Granted, hydrated cells perform better. But it can still be uncomfortable and cosmetically unappealing to hold onto a bunch of water.
The dosage and timing of taking creatine might be a factor, which we’ll talk about soon.
However, if bloating continues to the point that it’s interfering with your life, stop supplementing with creatine.
Speaking of creatine challenges, there’s also the fear that taking too much creatine could upset your stomach.[21]
We’ll get to proper dosage of creatine in just a moment, which might solve this.
It should be noted, that certain types of creatine are sold as “anti-bloating” and “easy on the stomach.”
Let’s talk about types and brands of creatine right now, by looking into these claims.
Creatine actually exists in multiple forms. We’ll go over each one briefly, plus give our recommendation on which type to take.
We’ll then leave you with a brand or two to try out.
First, some different types of creatine:
Creatine Monohydrate is the most common, and thus the most studied form of creatine.
It’s essentially a creatine molecule and a water molecule combined.
This would be the form of creatine we recommend. When we discuss the benefits and safety of creatine, we mean creatine monohydrate, because it’s the form that ends up being used in research.[22]
If there is a downside to creatine monohydrate, it would be that your body might have trouble absorbing all of it.[23] Which means you can pee a lot of it out. When people sell other types of creatine, they’ll generally claim their version has a better absorption rate.
Creatine Ethyl Ester is thought to be absorbed into the body easier than creatine monohydrate. There may be some evidence this is true.[24]
However, when it comes to body composition, creatine monohydrate still looks to be superior.[25]
Creatine Hydrochloride is another form of creatine that is touted as being absorbed easier than creatine monohydrate. You’ll also see claims that it won’t make you bloated.
Early evidence may back some of the claims of better absorption rates, but I would hold off on this form of creatine until more studies are done on its safety.[26]
Buffered creatine attempts to solve the stomach issues that are anecdotally reported as a side effect of creatine consumption. This form of creatine is mixed with an alkaline powder, with attempts to make it easier to digest. So far studies on the results of these benefits are mixed.[27]
Again, for now, I’d avoid buffered creatine until the research concludes its safety.
Hopefully, I convinced you to stick with creatine monohydrate. Again, it’s the most tested version of creatine there is, which makes it the most recommended.[28]
Want some recommendations on brands?
The brand of creatine monohydrate I personally take: Bulk Supplements.
dotFIT is another good brand for you to check out. MyProtein also carries a good choice. Both of those are creatine monohydrate options.
If you are going to take creatine, take creatine monohydrate. Which leads to the next question…
The question “How much creatine should I take?” will lead us to the topic of creatine loading.
The theory on creatine loading goes like this: at first, you’ll want to take more creatine so your..
0 notes
albertcaldwellne · 6 years
“What Is Creatine? How to Start Supplementing with Creatine”
Most supplements in the fitness world are a complete waste of money.
Some supplements aren’t even absorbed well, making for some expensive urine![1]
Others, like “weight loss pills,” can actually be outright dangerous.[2]
However, there are a few supplements which could be an exception to this rule.
And one of those supplements is creatine.
Creatine is one of the most popular and tested fitness supplements on the market.
Technically, it’s an amino acid derivative, but you don’t really need to know that.
That is, unless you are a chemist.
We get loads of questions here at Nerd Fitness on using creatine correctly, so today I’ll jump right in and give you the low down.
We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this supplement:
What exactly is creatine?
If you were to take creatine, how much should you use?
What time of day is best for taking creatine?
What are some of the best creatine supplements on the market?
Let’s go!
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in muscle tissue.
Right now you have creatine, specifically creatine phosphate, in your body. All vertebrate animals do.  
Yes, even corgis.
Think of creatine as an energy reserve your body taps into when it needs a boost. Or like, an extra energy tank in Metroid or Mega Man.
Our bodies naturally produce creatine in our liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
We also obtain it from certain foods, because all vertebrate animals contain creatine in their muscles.
So if you eat meat, you are getting extra creatine in your diet. Red meat in particular (beef, lamb bison), has the highest levels of dietary creatine.
(Don’t eat meat? Cool. Read our plant-based guide.)
Outside of diet, people often supplement with creatine. It’s one of the more popular supplements taken, and in fact, is THE most popular supplement taken amongst college athletes.[3]
The reason people supplement with creatine: the more creatine you consume – whether through nutrition or supplementation – the more will be found in your muscles.
Why should you care? What does creatine do, exactly?
Science time! To discuss supplementing creatine with any justice, we need to talk about ATP.
All cells rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. It’s our body’s energy currency.
Sort of like “Mana” in World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, ATP is a fuel tank for doing awesome things like running, doing pull-ups, or summoning lighting.
But much like “Mana,” ATP can be replenished only so quickly by your body. With intense enough exercise, you’ll use more ATP than your body can produce. Which means you’ll run out.
It’s why people can only sprint at 100% maximum effort for a short amount of time. You just plain run out of juice, or ATP.
And depending on how you are exercising, your body will replenish its ATP through one of three ways:
Less than 10 seconds, for exercises like short sprints or heavy lifting, ATP is replenished with creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissue.
30 seconds to 2 minutes, for activities like swimming a few laps, ATP is replenished with glycogen found in your muscles.
Greater than 2 minutes, ATP is replenished with oxygen and glucose. You can think of endurance activities for this stage.
I get it, there’s a LOT more to it than that (The three systems often blend into each other, so it’s not so clear cut).[4]
Why I bring all of this up: your body can quickly convert creatine to ATP (in seconds).
This means the more creatine you have stored in your muscles, the longer you can utilize the phosphagen system – short and intense energy – to produce ATP.
It’s math: the more creatine you consume, the more will be found in your muscles. The more creatine you have in your muscles, the longer you should be able to sprint at max effort (or lift heavy, etc.).
Granted, there’s a point where your muscles become saturated with creatine and your body can’t hold anymore.
We’ll talk about dosage and absorption rates shortly. But first…
There is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation does, in fact, allow for longer periods of intense exercise by helping to produce more ATP. [5]
One such study found that supplementing with creatine for 28 days allowed users to increase their bike sprint by 15% and bench press performance by 6%.[6]
This is generally why people supplement with creatine. If you can produce more energy for more intense exercises, you can workout harder.
Instead of stopping at 10 reps because of exhaustion, perhaps you can squeeze out that 11th rep if you are storing more creatine. Or instead of slowing down your sprint at 10 seconds, you keep going until 12.
If you’re looking to improve physically, being able to achieve one more rep or just a few more seconds of a sprint can be critical.
Creatine has a boatload of other benefits too:
Cell signaling. Creatine has been shown to increase satellite cell signaling, which helps your body communicate its “needs” better. I personally picture a little cell crying out “help me, I’m broken” when thinking about cell signaling. However, improvements in cell communication can have an impact on muscle repair and growth.[7]
Cellular hydration. Creatine helps your muscles retain water, which helps them work more efficiently.[8] Hydrated muscles perform better than dehydrated muscles, so creatine as a performance enhancer seems appropriate.
Muscle growth. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for muscle growth.[9] In fact, the International Society and Sports Nutrition states “Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.”[10]
Don’t get thrown off by the “creatine monohydrate.” We’ll talk about types of creatine shortly. Just know that creatine has been shown to aid in muscle growth.
Brain health. While not technically a muscle, your brain stores creatine. Can more stored creatine help with brain health?
There is research and evidence that suggests some conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy can all be helped by supplementing with creatine.[11] A creatine supplement might also help with memory and cognition in the elderly.[12]
Also, I have to highlight this study linking creatine supplementation with working memory and intelligence.[13] This makes sense because your brain also uses ATP, which remember, creatine helps produce.[14]
All of these studies are going to lead to a natural question…
The use of creatine has been “extensively studied,” which makes my job of recommending it easy.[15]
The International Society of Sports Nutrition analyzed over 500 studies on creatine usage and concluded: “There is no scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine monohydrate has any detrimental effects on otherwise healthy individuals.”  
However, we should acknowledge there is anecdotal evidence that taking creatine can cause kidney damage, dehydration, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.[16]
Kidney damage would be the most serious of these, let’s talk about that specifically for a moment.
Again, no study has been able to verify the claim of organ damage, and kidney function with creatine supplementation has been looked at specifically.[17]
However, if you have a history of kidney problems, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start supplementing with creatine. Better safe than sorry.
The other concern would be dehydration and diarrhea, which actually might have an easy cause and solution.
I mentioned earlier that taking creatine can help with muscle hydration. Because your muscles are holding onto more water, this leaves less water for other places. So if you start taking creatine, you should also increase your water intake!
Shoot for 16-18 ounces of water (a half liter) for every 5 grams of creatine you take. We’ll devote an entire section to dosage in just a moment.
It should also be noted, that being dehydrated puts extra stress on your kidneys. It can also cause diarrhea.
Drink water.
The reason creatine is so popular is because of its impact on athletic performance.
For you to receive most the benefits of supplementing creatine, you’ll need to work out. The creatine won’t lift that barbell for you.
The interesting thing about creatine: nearly any type of physical performance has been linked to improvement when combined with creatine supplementation:
Strength training. If you’re looking to grow strong, you need to lift heavy. Taking creatine has been shown to increase muscle strength.[18] In other words, taking creatine can help you lift slightly heavier or slightly more. If you do this consistently, you could start to achieve gains faster than you would without creatine supplementation.
This is the number one reason people take creatine.
Endurance. Despite creatine’s popularity for strength training, it can also be used as a tool for endurance athletes. That’s because creatine has been shown to increase glycogen stores.[19] If you remember our example from earlier on different metabolic ways to replenish ATP, you’ll recall that glycogen is a medium to long term energy source.
Meaning the more glycogen you have, the longer you can run. If you’re looking into improving an endurance sport, creatine might be worth checking out.
Recovery. Creatine has been shown to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.[20] Shorter recovery times, means you can get back to training sooner. More gym time can equal a stronger you.
No one likes being overtly sore. Creatine may help a little here.
When you start to learn more about creatine, it makes sense why so many athletes take this supplement.
However, I do need to mention that a majority of the benefits of creatine supplementation kick in with the conjunction of a regular exercise practice.
Supplements must be combined with a good solid workout! You don’t get big muscles or faster speeds from only protein and creatine.
They need to be combined with a proper training program!
If you’re not quite sure how to get going, I’ve got a few resources for you.
The first is our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
It’s a circuit – where you quickly go from one exercise to the next – that you can start doing tonight in your living room or basement or spaceship. It’s one of our most popular routines here at Nerd Fitness, and it’s something you can do from your own home. No gym required.
If you want someone to help guide you – and hold you accountable – we can help with that too! We have an uber-popular 1-on-1 Online Coaching program where we work with busy people just like you to complete life overhauls. We can help you start strength training, offer nutrition recommendations, or provide you with accountability and structure to start working out from home. No matter where you need to go on your fitness journey, we can help guide you there.
If you want to learn if we are a good fit for each other, click on the big box below:
So far this article has more or less come out as an advertisement for creatine supplementation.
While there are a lot of great benefits of creatine, and not much in the way of studies showing harm, we need to talk about one potential downside.
Since creatine helps you retain water, you might feel a little bloated after taking it. Granted, hydrated cells perform better. But it can still be uncomfortable and cosmetically unappealing to hold onto a bunch of water.
The dosage and timing of taking creatine might be a factor, which we’ll talk about soon.
However, if bloating continues to the point that it’s interfering with your life, stop supplementing with creatine.
Speaking of creatine challenges, there’s also the fear that taking too much creatine could upset your stomach.[21]
We’ll get to proper dosage of creatine in just a moment, which might solve this.
It should be noted, that certain types of creatine are sold as “anti-bloating” and “easy on the stomach.”
Let’s talk about types and brands of creatine right now, by looking into these claims.
Creatine actually exists in multiple forms. We’ll go over each one briefly, plus give our recommendation on which type to take.
We’ll then leave you with a brand or two to try out.
First, some different types of creatine:
Creatine Monohydrate is the most common, and thus the most studied form of creatine.
It’s essentially a creatine molecule and a water molecule combined.
This would be the form of creatine we recommend. When we discuss the benefits and safety of creatine, we mean creatine monohydrate, because it’s the form that ends up being used in research.[22]
If there is a downside to creatine monohydrate, it would be that your body might have trouble absorbing all of it.[23] Which means you can pee a lot of it out. When people sell other types of creatine, they’ll generally claim their version has a better absorption rate.
Creatine Ethyl Ester is thought to be absorbed into the body easier than creatine monohydrate. There may be some evidence this is true.[24]
However, when it comes to body composition, creatine monohydrate still looks to be superior.[25]
Creatine Hydrochloride is another form of creatine that is touted as being absorbed easier than creatine monohydrate. You’ll also see claims that it won’t make you bloated.
Early evidence may back some of the claims of better absorption rates, but I would hold off on this form of creatine until more studies are done on its safety.[26]
Buffered creatine attempts to solve the stomach issues that are anecdotally reported as a side effect of creatine consumption. This form of creatine is mixed with an alkaline powder, with attempts to make it easier to digest. So far studies on the results of these benefits are mixed.[27]
Again, for now, I’d avoid buffered creatine until the research concludes its safety.
Hopefully, I convinced you to stick with creatine monohydrate. Again, it’s the most tested version of creatine there is, which makes it the most recommended.[28]
Want some recommendations on brands?
The brand of creatine monohydrate I personally take: Bulk Supplements.
dotFIT is another good brand for you to check out. MyProtein also carries a good choice. Both of those are creatine monohydrate options.
If you are going to take creatine, take creatine monohydrate. Which leads to the next question…
The question “How much creatine should I take?” will lead us to the topic of creatine loading.
The theory on creatine loading goes like this: at first, you’ll want to take more creatine so your..
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joshuabradleyn · 6 years
“What Is Creatine? How to Start Supplementing with Creatine”
Most supplements in the fitness world are a complete waste of money.
Some supplements aren’t even absorbed well, making for some expensive urine![1]
Others, like “weight loss pills,” can actually be outright dangerous.[2]
However, there are a few supplements which could be an exception to this rule.
And one of those supplements is creatine.
Creatine is one of the most popular and tested fitness supplements on the market.
Technically, it’s an amino acid derivative, but you don’t really need to know that.
That is, unless you are a chemist.
We get loads of questions here at Nerd Fitness on using creatine correctly, so today I’ll jump right in and give you the low down.
We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this supplement:
What exactly is creatine?
If you were to take creatine, how much should you use?
What time of day is best for taking creatine?
What are some of the best creatine supplements on the market?
Let’s go!
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in muscle tissue.
Right now you have creatine, specifically creatine phosphate, in your body. All vertebrate animals do.  
Yes, even corgis.
Think of creatine as an energy reserve your body taps into when it needs a boost. Or like, an extra energy tank in Metroid or Mega Man.
Our bodies naturally produce creatine in our liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
We also obtain it from certain foods, because all vertebrate animals contain creatine in their muscles.
So if you eat meat, you are getting extra creatine in your diet. Red meat in particular (beef, lamb bison), has the highest levels of dietary creatine.
(Don’t eat meat? Cool. Read our plant-based guide.)
Outside of diet, people often supplement with creatine. It’s one of the more popular supplements taken, and in fact, is THE most popular supplement taken amongst college athletes.[3]
The reason people supplement with creatine: the more creatine you consume – whether through nutrition or supplementation – the more will be found in your muscles.
Why should you care? What does creatine do, exactly?
Science time! To discuss supplementing creatine with any justice, we need to talk about ATP.
All cells rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. It’s our body’s energy currency.
Sort of like “Mana” in World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, ATP is a fuel tank for doing awesome things like running, doing pull-ups, or summoning lighting.
But much like “Mana,” ATP can be replenished only so quickly by your body. With intense enough exercise, you’ll use more ATP than your body can produce. Which means you’ll run out.
It’s why people can only sprint at 100% maximum effort for a short amount of time. You just plain run out of juice, or ATP.
And depending on how you are exercising, your body will replenish its ATP through one of three ways:
Less than 10 seconds, for exercises like short sprints or heavy lifting, ATP is replenished with creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissue.
30 seconds to 2 minutes, for activities like swimming a few laps, ATP is replenished with glycogen found in your muscles.
Greater than 2 minutes, ATP is replenished with oxygen and glucose. You can think of endurance activities for this stage.
I get it, there’s a LOT more to it than that (The three systems often blend into each other, so it’s not so clear cut).[4]
Why I bring all of this up: your body can quickly convert creatine to ATP (in seconds).
This means the more creatine you have stored in your muscles, the longer you can utilize the phosphagen system – short and intense energy – to produce ATP.
It’s math: the more creatine you consume, the more will be found in your muscles. The more creatine you have in your muscles, the longer you should be able to sprint at max effort (or lift heavy, etc.).
Granted, there’s a point where your muscles become saturated with creatine and your body can’t hold anymore.
We’ll talk about dosage and absorption rates shortly. But first…
There is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation does, in fact, allow for longer periods of intense exercise by helping to produce more ATP. [5]
One such study found that supplementing with creatine for 28 days allowed users to increase their bike sprint by 15% and bench press performance by 6%.[6]
This is generally why people supplement with creatine. If you can produce more energy for more intense exercises, you can workout harder.
Instead of stopping at 10 reps because of exhaustion, perhaps you can squeeze out that 11th rep if you are storing more creatine. Or instead of slowing down your sprint at 10 seconds, you keep going until 12.
If you’re looking to improve physically, being able to achieve one more rep or just a few more seconds of a sprint can be critical.
Creatine has a boatload of other benefits too:
Cell signaling. Creatine has been shown to increase satellite cell signaling, which helps your body communicate its “needs” better. I personally picture a little cell crying out “help me, I’m broken” when thinking about cell signaling. However, improvements in cell communication can have an impact on muscle repair and growth.[7]
Cellular hydration. Creatine helps your muscles retain water, which helps them work more efficiently.[8] Hydrated muscles perform better than dehydrated muscles, so creatine as a performance enhancer seems appropriate.
Muscle growth. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for muscle growth.[9] In fact, the International Society and Sports Nutrition states “Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.”[10]
Don’t get thrown off by the “creatine monohydrate.” We’ll talk about types of creatine shortly. Just know that creatine has been shown to aid in muscle growth.
Brain health. While not technically a muscle, your brain stores creatine. Can more stored creatine help with brain health?
There is research and evidence that suggests some conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy can all be helped by supplementing with creatine.[11] A creatine supplement might also help with memory and cognition in the elderly.[12]
Also, I have to highlight this study linking creatine supplementation with working memory and intelligence.[13] This makes sense because your brain also uses ATP, which remember, creatine helps produce.[14]
All of these studies are going to lead to a natural question…
The use of creatine has been “extensively studied,” which makes my job of recommending it easy.[15]
The International Society of Sports Nutrition analyzed over 500 studies on creatine usage and concluded: “There is no scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine monohydrate has any detrimental effects on otherwise healthy individuals.”  
However, we should acknowledge there is anecdotal evidence that taking creatine can cause kidney damage, dehydration, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.[16]
Kidney damage would be the most serious of these, let’s talk about that specifically for a moment.
Again, no study has been able to verify the claim of organ damage, and kidney function with creatine supplementation has been looked at specifically.[17]
However, if you have a history of kidney problems, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start supplementing with creatine. Better safe than sorry.
The other concern would be dehydration and diarrhea, which actually might have an easy cause and solution.
I mentioned earlier that taking creatine can help with muscle hydration. Because your muscles are holding onto more water, this leaves less water for other places. So if you start taking creatine, you should also increase your water intake!
Shoot for 16-18 ounces of water (a half liter) for every 5 grams of creatine you take. We’ll devote an entire section to dosage in just a moment.
It should also be noted, that being dehydrated puts extra stress on your kidneys. It can also cause diarrhea.
Drink water.
The reason creatine is so popular is because of its impact on athletic performance.
For you to receive most the benefits of supplementing creatine, you’ll need to work out. The creatine won’t lift that barbell for you.
The interesting thing about creatine: nearly any type of physical performance has been linked to improvement when combined with creatine supplementation:
Strength training. If you’re looking to grow strong, you need to lift heavy. Taking creatine has been shown to increase muscle strength.[18] In other words, taking creatine can help you lift slightly heavier or slightly more. If you do this consistently, you could start to achieve gains faster than you would without creatine supplementation.
This is the number one reason people take creatine.
Endurance. Despite creatine’s popularity for strength training, it can also be used as a tool for endurance athletes. That’s because creatine has been shown to increase glycogen stores.[19] If you remember our example from earlier on different metabolic ways to replenish ATP, you’ll recall that glycogen is a medium to long term energy source.
Meaning the more glycogen you have, the longer you can run. If you’re looking into improving an endurance sport, creatine might be worth checking out.
Recovery. Creatine has been shown to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.[20] Shorter recovery times, means you can get back to training sooner. More gym time can equal a stronger you.
No one likes being overtly sore. Creatine may help a little here.
When you start to learn more about creatine, it makes sense why so many athletes take this supplement.
However, I do need to mention that a majority of the benefits of creatine supplementation kick in with the conjunction of a regular exercise practice.
Supplements must be combined with a good solid workout! You don’t get big muscles or faster speeds from only protein and creatine.
They need to be combined with a proper training program!
If you’re not quite sure how to get going, I’ve got a few resources for you.
The first is our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
It’s a circuit – where you quickly go from one exercise to the next – that you can start doing tonight in your living room or basement or spaceship. It’s one of our most popular routines here at Nerd Fitness, and it’s something you can do from your own home. No gym required.
If you want someone to help guide you – and hold you accountable – we can help with that too! We have an uber-popular 1-on-1 Online Coaching program where we work with busy people just like you to complete life overhauls. We can help you start strength training, offer nutrition recommendations, or provide you with accountability and structure to start working out from home. No matter where you need to go on your fitness journey, we can help guide you there.
If you want to learn if we are a good fit for each other, click on the big box below:
So far this article has more or less come out as an advertisement for creatine supplementation.
While there are a lot of great benefits of creatine, and not much in the way of studies showing harm, we need to talk about one potential downside.
Since creatine helps you retain water, you might feel a little bloated after taking it. Granted, hydrated cells perform better. But it can still be uncomfortable and cosmetically unappealing to hold onto a bunch of water.
The dosage and timing of taking creatine might be a factor, which we’ll talk about soon.
However, if bloating continues to the point that it’s interfering with your life, stop supplementing with creatine.
Speaking of creatine challenges, there’s also the fear that taking too much creatine could upset your stomach.[21]
We’ll get to proper dosage of creatine in just a moment, which might solve this.
It should be noted, that certain types of creatine are sold as “anti-bloating” and “easy on the stomach.”
Let’s talk about types and brands of creatine right now, by looking into these claims.
Creatine actually exists in multiple forms. We’ll go over each one briefly, plus give our recommendation on which type to take.
We’ll then leave you with a brand or two to try out.
First, some different types of creatine:
Creatine Monohydrate is the most common, and thus the most studied form of creatine.
It’s essentially a creatine molecule and a water molecule combined.
This would be the form of creatine we recommend. When we discuss the benefits and safety of creatine, we mean creatine monohydrate, because it’s the form that ends up being used in research.[22]
If there is a downside to creatine monohydrate, it would be that your body might have trouble absorbing all of it.[23] Which means you can pee a lot of it out. When people sell other types of creatine, they’ll generally claim their version has a better absorption rate.
Creatine Ethyl Ester is thought to be absorbed into the body easier than creatine monohydrate. There may be some evidence this is true.[24]
However, when it comes to body composition, creatine monohydrate still looks to be superior.[25]
Creatine Hydrochloride is another form of creatine that is touted as being absorbed easier than creatine monohydrate. You’ll also see claims that it won’t make you bloated.
Early evidence may back some of the claims of better absorption rates, but I would hold off on this form of creatine until more studies are done on its safety.[26]
Buffered creatine attempts to solve the stomach issues that are anecdotally reported as a side effect of creatine consumption. This form of creatine is mixed with an alkaline powder, with attempts to make it easier to digest. So far studies on the results of these benefits are mixed.[27]
Again, for now, I’d avoid buffered creatine until the research concludes its safety.
Hopefully, I convinced you to stick with creatine monohydrate. Again, it’s the most tested version of creatine there is, which makes it the most recommended.[28]
Want some recommendations on brands?
The brand of creatine monohydrate I personally take: Bulk Supplements.
dotFIT is another good brand for you to check out. MyProtein also carries a good choice. Both of those are creatine monohydrate options.
If you are going to take creatine, take creatine monohydrate. Which leads to the next question…
The question “How much creatine should I take?” will lead us to the topic of creatine loading.
The theory on creatine loading goes like this: at first, you’ll want to take more creatine so your..
0 notes
Dry Fasting for Fat Loss: Burn Fat 3X Faster than Water Fasting
A lot of people have tried typical intermittent fasting but have never tried a “dry fast”.
A dry fast is fasting without even allowing water of liquids.
Literally, eating or drinking nothing during your fasting period.
This video explains why dry fasting can burn fat up to 3 times faster than water fasting.
I prefer fasting with water, tea, and coffee.
Here’s a detailed post about my experiences and tips over almost two decades of using intermittent fasting.
18 Years of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
That being said, I haven’t actually attempted a water fast. I was curious so I looked into it in more detail and here’s what I’ve found.
What is Dry Fasting?
Dry fasting is a true fast with a zero intake of food or liquids. You don’t drink water during a dry a fast. In fact, an “absolute” dry fast doesn’t even allow showering.
I think that not showering or brushing your teeth is a bit extreme.
A “soft dry fast” allows for showering and brushing your teeth with water.
There has been no proven additional benefit of skipping a shower (unless you enjoy smelling funky).
I can’t even fall asleep if I don’t brush my teeth, so that is a no go.
I’m talking about a prolonged dry fast here.
If I was doing a short daily intermittent dry fast where I was allowed to shower at night and brush my teeth I would be fine.
I’ll explain the difference between the two different soft dry fasting methods: prolonged dry fasting and intermittent dry fasting.
What is Intermittent Dry Fasting?
Intermittent dry fasting is done by only eating and drinking water during a specific window of time each day and fasting for the rest of the day. Food and water is typically allowed for a few hours at night.
This is how the Muslim religion fasts during Ramadan.
They eat a meal in the morning then no food or water during the day, then resume eating food and drinking water with a late-night dinner.
Going without food for 16 hours is pretty easy.
I’ve done intermittent fasting for years and it is surprisingly easy to go without food once you adapt to it.
I haven’t gone without water.
I imagine dry fasting could cause some dehydration during intense exercise or simply being in a hot climate.
…but since you are only going without water for around 16 hours, it probably isn’t a huge issue.
What if you extend that time without water longer?
This is what happens with prolonged dry fasting.
What is Prolonged Dry Fasting?
Prolonged dry fast is when you go without food or water for 24 hours or longer. It is possible to go without water since the body can produce its own water internally by transmuting fats.
This body accelerates the burning of fat in order to get water. This is one of the reasons dry fasting can burn more fat than intermittent fasting.
Here’s how the body makes water internally during a dry fast.
The body enters a state of ketosis
Body fat is broken down
Free hydrogen molecules are released
The hydrogen binds with oxygen molecules in the blood causing water to be formed internally.
I have to be honest the prolonged dry fast seems a little extreme.
Typically the longest people go is 3 days, but that is a long time to go without water.
Dry Fasting Dangers.
About 60% of the body is water. You can go weeks without food, but going without water for 3 days or more can be deadly. Short dry fasts like Ramadan are safe, but prolonged dry fasts are quite risky.
I don’t think the discomfort and risk of prolonged dry fasts are worth the results.
I do NOT recommend prolonged dry fasts.
You can lose fat at a faster rate, but why not just take a slightly slower but safer and less miserable approach to fasting.
Either a water fast or intermittent dry fast.
You still can get tremendous weight loss benefits from a short water fast.
Being hydrated will allow you to workout and sweat, etc.
I would be paranoid to train when dehydrated.
That being said, I do want to give a balanced view.
Dry Fasting Results: Before and After
This is a dry fasting before and after video of a woman doing a 5-day dry fast.
This was the best one I found because you see her visible weight loss progress day-to-day.
She is even doing the hard dry fast version (no showering).
I sweat quite a bit when working out, so there is no way I would attempt this.
Intermittent Ramadan-style dry fasts are a safer way to go.
If you struggle to go without food for more than 4+ hours, I have another diet hack you may want to try instead.
A 3-5 day ALL-Potato diet called The Potato Hack.
I’ve written a blog post on exactly how to do this…
The Potato Hack for Rapid Fat Loss
I have had friends who have lost 15+ pounds in 5 days with this little diet tweak.
Works well.
My blog post recently went viral after Kevin Smith from the movie Clerks lost 48 pounds with an all potato diet.
So if fasting isn’t your thing?
Give this a try.
The post Dry Fasting for Fat Loss: Burn Fat 3X Faster than Water Fasting appeared first on Visual Impact Fitness.
source https://visualimpactfitness.com/dry-fasting-burn-fat-3-times-faster/
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trendyelle · 7 years
The Best Drugstore Anti-Aging Concoction So You Can Put Off Botox Without Smashing The Bank
IDK about you but I feel like Ive aged 20 years the coming week and its scarcely Thursday. Theres something about Americas impending doom and a prejudiced Cheeto in the oval role thats reaching “i m feeling” v v old-time rn. Its either that or the 3-5 glass of wine I chugged last-place night in order to cope with the position of our country and likewise the icky moods I had while watching address sexual assault accusations to a gang of world TV rebuffs in casual beachwear. Its candidly 50/50 at this detail. I intend, just looking at Twitter gives me crow’s hoofs. CROWS FEET. Nope, I wont give a soul the color of a Halloween peep and Chris Harrison do this to me and my selfie recreation. You wont get away with it, you bastards! And if I cant combat the signs of aging with sheer push of will then I approximate Ill resort to hurling fund at my questions anti-aging beauty commodities. Now, weve already devoted you a v important template to anti-aging beauty products for every stage of your life( youre welcome btw) but, like, some of that shit is expensive. If Im going to accept the fact the I wont be young forever I need to do so by claiming those suffers dont prevail with a considerable amount of booze a decently priced bottle of wine-coloured. At the very least. But thats not going to happen if Im shelling out $80 plus for a tube of seeing cream the dimensions of the my index finger. So here are the best drugstore anti-aging produces that will continue you gazing young AF. ^^ Honestly, high-pitched compliments 1. Aveeno Positively Radiant If you want to do the absolute least with your skin then invest in a good AF daily moisturizer, particularly one with a good SPF. Your skin does not have epoch for you and your era drinking for the Insta antics. So if you, like, wish to avoid fucking up your skin Id start realise moisturizing a bigger priority than downwards stalking your ex. Ive repped Aveeno before but thats because this shit is amazing. I use it every day and it is the reason I still ogle damn good in my selfies underneath the dog filter and manufactured lighting . Fucking duh. 2. Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Eye Cream If people say the eyes are the windows to the person, then my feeling is necessary announcing expends 2-3 hours googling Kardashian boys outfits a night. Gravely, guys, Im available. Dont all line up at once. Apparently, I involve all the help my money can buy I can get from the clearance part of a CVS. Neutrogenas eye cream is more legit than your last boyfriends job as an influencer* cough* Robby Hayes* coughing* and its inexpensive AF. Retinol-packed gaze ointments are the only way to banish wrinkles from your face, and Neutrogena’s is fast-acting so you can watch younger by Fridays happy hour. 3. L’Oral Hydra Genius Water Cream Getting old-time too means your skin starts to retain less water and my younger ego is literally reeling her seeings at me and all my dopey self-care notions* internally sobs *. If your skin needs some major hydration before the age of 30 then Im approximating its 40 percent age, 60 percentage the fact that your daily liquid intake consists of coffee and wine-coloured( hi ). I show boozing more sea, which is v suffering but will stimulate you seem little like a dehydrated being. I likewise indicate incorporating L’Oral Hydra Genius Water Cream into your daily beauty routine ASAP. Mixed with aloe sea, this commodity feels like youre going a facial every damn day without the sketchy Groupon. You should use it before you put on any makeup and at night for amaze results. 4. RoC Retinol Correxion Sensitive Night Cream Investing in a good retinol commodity is going to be the key to everlasting boy. And here I suppose is was actively not recognise the section of time. Huh, the more you are familiar with. Though retinols have amazing anti-aging helps, sometimes the retinol-based creams can be harsh AF on your scalp. The RoC Retinol Correxion Sensitive Night Cream contains a milder concentration of retinol, so your surface won’t appear ratchet while your cells work to erase your fine strands. Plus the hyaluronic battery-acid in it is helpful hydrate and plump surface, so you are able to looks just like a college newcomer again( sans the sign on your forehead that screams, “I AM BEGGING TO BE GROPED IN A FRAT BASEMENT DANCE FLOOR BY SUPER SENIORS! ” ). 5. Boots No 7 Protect& Perfect Intense Beauty Serum This is the shit youll need in your 30 s when youre pleasing it was still socially acceptable to bong brews on a Tuesday reminiscing about your youth. Beauty serums like this one are super important because it induces the production of collagen AND keeps you from you and your shitty life selections environmental parts. This serum including with regard to has vitamin C and glycerin in it, which will leave your scalp examining softer, brighter, and dewierand it labours faster than Donald Trump crafting a racist tweet. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/the-best-drugstore-anti-aging-products-so-you-can-put-off-botox-without-breaking-the-bank/
0 notes
johnclapperne · 6 years
“What Is Creatine? How to Start Supplementing with Creatine”
Most supplements in the fitness world are a complete waste of money.
Some supplements aren’t even absorbed well, making for some expensive urine![1]
Others, like “weight loss pills,” can actually be outright dangerous.[2]
However, there are a few supplements which could be an exception to this rule.
And one of those supplements is creatine.
Creatine is one of the most popular and tested fitness supplements on the market.
Technically, it’s an amino acid derivative, but you don’t really need to know that.
That is, unless you are a chemist.
We get loads of questions here at Nerd Fitness on using creatine correctly, so today I’ll jump right in and give you the low down.
We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this supplement:
What exactly is creatine?
If you were to take creatine, how much should you use?
What time of day is best for taking creatine?
What are some of the best creatine supplements on the market?
Let’s go!
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in muscle tissue.
Right now you have creatine, specifically creatine phosphate, in your body. All vertebrate animals do.  
Yes, even corgis.
Think of creatine as an energy reserve your body taps into when it needs a boost. Or like, an extra energy tank in Metroid or Mega Man.
Our bodies naturally produce creatine in our liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
We also obtain it from certain foods, because all vertebrate animals contain creatine in their muscles.
So if you eat meat, you are getting extra creatine in your diet. Red meat in particular (beef, lamb bison), has the highest levels of dietary creatine.
(Don’t eat meat? Cool. Read our plant-based guide.)
Outside of diet, people often supplement with creatine. It’s one of the more popular supplements taken, and in fact, is THE most popular supplement taken amongst college athletes.[3]
The reason people supplement with creatine: the more creatine you consume – whether through nutrition or supplementation – the more will be found in your muscles.
Why should you care? What does creatine do, exactly?
Science time! To discuss supplementing creatine with any justice, we need to talk about ATP.
All cells rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. It’s our body’s energy currency.
Sort of like “Mana” in World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, ATP is a fuel tank for doing awesome things like running, doing pull-ups, or summoning lighting.
But much like “Mana,” ATP can be replenished only so quickly by your body. With intense enough exercise, you’ll use more ATP than your body can produce. Which means you’ll run out.
It’s why people can only sprint at 100% maximum effort for a short amount of time. You just plain run out of juice, or ATP.
And depending on how you are exercising, your body will replenish its ATP through one of three ways:
Less than 10 seconds, for exercises like short sprints or heavy lifting, ATP is replenished with creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissue.
30 seconds to 2 minutes, for activities like swimming a few laps, ATP is replenished with glycogen found in your muscles.
Greater than 2 minutes, ATP is replenished with oxygen and glucose. You can think of endurance activities for this stage.
I get it, there’s a LOT more to it than that (The three systems often blend into each other, so it’s not so clear cut).[4]
Why I bring all of this up: your body can quickly convert creatine to ATP (in seconds).
This means the more creatine you have stored in your muscles, the longer you can utilize the phosphagen system – short and intense energy – to produce ATP.
It’s math: the more creatine you consume, the more will be found in your muscles. The more creatine you have in your muscles, the longer you should be able to sprint at max effort (or lift heavy, etc.).
Granted, there’s a point where your muscles become saturated with creatine and your body can’t hold anymore.
We’ll talk about dosage and absorption rates shortly. But first…
There is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation does, in fact, allow for longer periods of intense exercise by helping to produce more ATP. [5]
One such study found that supplementing with creatine for 28 days allowed users to increase their bike sprint by 15% and bench press performance by 6%.[6]
This is generally why people supplement with creatine. If you can produce more energy for more intense exercises, you can workout harder.
Instead of stopping at 10 reps because of exhaustion, perhaps you can squeeze out that 11th rep if you are storing more creatine. Or instead of slowing down your sprint at 10 seconds, you keep going until 12.
If you’re looking to improve physically, being able to achieve one more rep or just a few more seconds of a sprint can be critical.
Creatine has a boatload of other benefits too:
Cell signaling. Creatine has been shown to increase satellite cell signaling, which helps your body communicate its “needs” better. I personally picture a little cell crying out “help me, I’m broken” when thinking about cell signaling. However, improvements in cell communication can have an impact on muscle repair and growth.[7]
Cellular hydration. Creatine helps your muscles retain water, which helps them work more efficiently.[8] Hydrated muscles perform better than dehydrated muscles, so creatine as a performance enhancer seems appropriate.
Muscle growth. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for muscle growth.[9] In fact, the International Society and Sports Nutrition states “Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.”[10]
Don’t get thrown off by the “creatine monohydrate.” We’ll talk about types of creatine shortly. Just know that creatine has been shown to aid in muscle growth.
Brain health. While not technically a muscle, your brain stores creatine. Can more stored creatine help with brain health?
There is research and evidence that suggests some conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy can all be helped by supplementing with creatine.[11] A creatine supplement might also help with memory and cognition in the elderly.[12]
Also, I have to highlight this study linking creatine supplementation with working memory and intelligence.[13] This makes sense because your brain also uses ATP, which remember, creatine helps produce.[14]
All of these studies are going to lead to a natural question…
The use of creatine has been “extensively studied,” which makes my job of recommending it easy.[15]
The International Society of Sports Nutrition analyzed over 500 studies on creatine usage and concluded: “There is no scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine monohydrate has any detrimental effects on otherwise healthy individuals.”  
However, we should acknowledge there is anecdotal evidence that taking creatine can cause kidney damage, dehydration, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.[16]
Kidney damage would be the most serious of these, let’s talk about that specifically for a moment.
Again, no study has been able to verify the claim of organ damage, and kidney function with creatine supplementation has been looked at specifically.[17]
However, if you have a history of kidney problems, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start supplementing with creatine. Better safe than sorry.
The other concern would be dehydration and diarrhea, which actually might have an easy cause and solution.
I mentioned earlier that taking creatine can help with muscle hydration. Because your muscles are holding onto more water, this leaves less water for other places. So if you start taking creatine, you should also increase your water intake!
Shoot for 16-18 ounces of water (a half liter) for every 5 grams of creatine you take. We’ll devote an entire section to dosage in just a moment.
It should also be noted, that being dehydrated puts extra stress on your kidneys. It can also cause diarrhea.
Drink water.
The reason creatine is so popular is because of its impact on athletic performance.
For you to receive most the benefits of supplementing creatine, you’ll need to work out. The creatine won’t lift that barbell for you.
The interesting thing about creatine: nearly any type of physical performance has been linked to improvement when combined with creatine supplementation:
Strength training. If you’re looking to grow strong, you need to lift heavy. Taking creatine has been shown to increase muscle strength.[18] In other words, taking creatine can help you lift slightly heavier or slightly more. If you do this consistently, you could start to achieve gains faster than you would without creatine supplementation.
This is the number one reason people take creatine.
Endurance. Despite creatine’s popularity for strength training, it can also be used as a tool for endurance athletes. That’s because creatine has been shown to increase glycogen stores.[19] If you remember our example from earlier on different metabolic ways to replenish ATP, you’ll recall that glycogen is a medium to long term energy source.
Meaning the more glycogen you have, the longer you can run. If you’re looking into improving an endurance sport, creatine might be worth checking out.
Recovery. Creatine has been shown to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.[20] Shorter recovery times, means you can get back to training sooner. More gym time can equal a stronger you.
No one likes being overtly sore. Creatine may help a little here.
When you start to learn more about creatine, it makes sense why so many athletes take this supplement.
However, I do need to mention that a majority of the benefits of creatine supplementation kick in with the conjunction of a regular exercise practice.
Supplements must be combined with a good solid workout! You don’t get big muscles or faster speeds from only protein and creatine.
They need to be combined with a proper training program!
If you’re not quite sure how to get going, I’ve got a few resources for you.
The first is our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
It’s a circuit – where you quickly go from one exercise to the next – that you can start doing tonight in your living room or basement or spaceship. It’s one of our most popular routines here at Nerd Fitness, and it’s something you can do from your own home. No gym required.
If you want someone to help guide you – and hold you accountable – we can help with that too! We have an uber-popular 1-on-1 Online Coaching program where we work with busy people just like you to complete life overhauls. We can help you start strength training, offer nutrition recommendations, or provide you with accountability and structure to start working out from home. No matter where you need to go on your fitness journey, we can help guide you there.
If you want to learn if we are a good fit for each other, click on the big box below:
So far this article has more or less come out as an advertisement for creatine supplementation.
While there are a lot of great benefits of creatine, and not much in the way of studies showing harm, we need to talk about one potential downside.
Since creatine helps you retain water, you might feel a little bloated after taking it. Granted, hydrated cells perform better. But it can still be uncomfortable and cosmetically unappealing to hold onto a bunch of water.
The dosage and timing of taking creatine might be a factor, which we’ll talk about soon.
However, if bloating continues to the point that it’s interfering with your life, stop supplementing with creatine.
Speaking of creatine challenges, there’s also the fear that taking too much creatine could upset your stomach.[21]
We’ll get to proper dosage of creatine in just a moment, which might solve this.
It should be noted, that certain types of creatine are sold as “anti-bloating” and “easy on the stomach.”
Let’s talk about types and brands of creatine right now, by looking into these claims.
Creatine actually exists in multiple forms. We’ll go over each one briefly, plus give our recommendation on which type to take.
We’ll then leave you with a brand or two to try out.
First, some different types of creatine:
Creatine Monohydrate is the most common, and thus the most studied form of creatine.
It’s essentially a creatine molecule and a water molecule combined.
This would be the form of creatine we recommend. When we discuss the benefits and safety of creatine, we mean creatine monohydrate, because it’s the form that ends up being used in research.[22]
If there is a downside to creatine monohydrate, it would be that your body might have trouble absorbing all of it.[23] Which means you can pee a lot of it out. When people sell other types of creatine, they’ll generally claim their version has a better absorption rate.
Creatine Ethyl Ester is thought to be absorbed into the body easier than creatine monohydrate. There may be some evidence this is true.[24]
However, when it comes to body composition, creatine monohydrate still looks to be superior.[25]
Creatine Hydrochloride is another form of creatine that is touted as being absorbed easier than creatine monohydrate. You’ll also see claims that it won’t make you bloated.
Early evidence may back some of the claims of better absorption rates, but I would hold off on this form of creatine until more studies are done on its safety.[26]
Buffered creatine attempts to solve the stomach issues that are anecdotally reported as a side effect of creatine consumption. This form of creatine is mixed with an alkaline powder, with attempts to make it easier to digest. So far studies on the results of these benefits are mixed.[27]
Again, for now, I’d avoid buffered creatine until the research concludes its safety.
Hopefully, I convinced you to stick with creatine monohydrate. Again, it’s the most tested version of creatine there is, which makes it the most recommended.[28]
Want some recommendations on brands?
The brand of creatine monohydrate I personally take: Bulk Supplements.
dotFIT is another good brand for you to check out. MyProtein also carries a good choice. Both of those are creatine monohydrate options.
If you are going to take creatine, take creatine monohydrate. Which leads to the next question…
The question “How much creatine should I take?” will lead us to the topic of creatine loading.
The theory on creatine loading goes like this: at first, you’ll want to take more creatine so your..
0 notes
albertcaldwellne · 6 years
“What Is Creatine? How to Start Supplementing with Creatine”
Most supplements in the fitness world are a complete waste of money.
Some supplements aren’t even absorbed well, making for some expensive urine![1]
Others, like “weight loss pills,” can actually be outright dangerous.[2]
However, there are a few supplements which could be an exception to this rule.
And one of those supplements is creatine.
Creatine is one of the most popular and tested fitness supplements on the market.
Technically, it’s an amino acid derivative, but you don’t really need to know that.
That is, unless you are a chemist.
We get loads of questions here at Nerd Fitness on using creatine correctly, so today I’ll jump right in and give you the low down.
We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this supplement:
What exactly is creatine?
If you were to take creatine, how much should you use?
What time of day is best for taking creatine?
What are some of the best creatine supplements on the market?
Let’s go!
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in muscle tissue.
Right now you have creatine, specifically creatine phosphate, in your body. All vertebrate animals do.  
Yes, even corgis.
Think of creatine as an energy reserve your body taps into when it needs a boost. Or like, an extra energy tank in Metroid or Mega Man.
Our bodies naturally produce creatine in our liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
We also obtain it from certain foods, because all vertebrate animals contain creatine in their muscles.
So if you eat meat, you are getting extra creatine in your diet. Red meat in particular (beef, lamb bison), has the highest levels of dietary creatine.
(Don’t eat meat? Cool. Read our plant-based guide.)
Outside of diet, people often supplement with creatine. It’s one of the more popular supplements taken, and in fact, is THE most popular supplement taken amongst college athletes.[3]
The reason people supplement with creatine: the more creatine you consume – whether through nutrition or supplementation – the more will be found in your muscles.
Why should you care? What does creatine do, exactly?
Science time! To discuss supplementing creatine with any justice, we need to talk about ATP.
All cells rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. It’s our body’s energy currency.
Sort of like “Mana” in World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, ATP is a fuel tank for doing awesome things like running, doing pull-ups, or summoning lighting.
But much like “Mana,” ATP can be replenished only so quickly by your body. With intense enough exercise, you’ll use more ATP than your body can produce. Which means you’ll run out.
It’s why people can only sprint at 100% maximum effort for a short amount of time. You just plain run out of juice, or ATP.
And depending on how you are exercising, your body will replenish its ATP through one of three ways:
Less than 10 seconds, for exercises like short sprints or heavy lifting, ATP is replenished with creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissue.
30 seconds to 2 minutes, for activities like swimming a few laps, ATP is replenished with glycogen found in your muscles.
Greater than 2 minutes, ATP is replenished with oxygen and glucose. You can think of endurance activities for this stage.
I get it, there’s a LOT more to it than that (The three systems often blend into each other, so it’s not so clear cut).[4]
Why I bring all of this up: your body can quickly convert creatine to ATP (in seconds).
This means the more creatine you have stored in your muscles, the longer you can utilize the phosphagen system – short and intense energy – to produce ATP.
It’s math: the more creatine you consume, the more will be found in your muscles. The more creatine you have in your muscles, the longer you should be able to sprint at max effort (or lift heavy, etc.).
Granted, there’s a point where your muscles become saturated with creatine and your body can’t hold anymore.
We’ll talk about dosage and absorption rates shortly. But first…
There is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation does, in fact, allow for longer periods of intense exercise by helping to produce more ATP. [5]
One such study found that supplementing with creatine for 28 days allowed users to increase their bike sprint by 15% and bench press performance by 6%.[6]
This is generally why people supplement with creatine. If you can produce more energy for more intense exercises, you can workout harder.
Instead of stopping at 10 reps because of exhaustion, perhaps you can squeeze out that 11th rep if you are storing more creatine. Or instead of slowing down your sprint at 10 seconds, you keep going until 12.
If you’re looking to improve physically, being able to achieve one more rep or just a few more seconds of a sprint can be critical.
Creatine has a boatload of other benefits too:
Cell signaling. Creatine has been shown to increase satellite cell signaling, which helps your body communicate its “needs” better. I personally picture a little cell crying out “help me, I’m broken” when thinking about cell signaling. However, improvements in cell communication can have an impact on muscle repair and growth.[7]
Cellular hydration. Creatine helps your muscles retain water, which helps them work more efficiently.[8] Hydrated muscles perform better than dehydrated muscles, so creatine as a performance enhancer seems appropriate.
Muscle growth. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for muscle growth.[9] In fact, the International Society and Sports Nutrition states “Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.”[10]
Don’t get thrown off by the “creatine monohydrate.” We’ll talk about types of creatine shortly. Just know that creatine has been shown to aid in muscle growth.
Brain health. While not technically a muscle, your brain stores creatine. Can more stored creatine help with brain health?
There is research and evidence that suggests some conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy can all be helped by supplementing with creatine.[11] A creatine supplement might also help with memory and cognition in the elderly.[12]
Also, I have to highlight this study linking creatine supplementation with working memory and intelligence.[13] This makes sense because your brain also uses ATP, which remember, creatine helps produce.[14]
All of these studies are going to lead to a natural question…
The use of creatine has been “extensively studied,” which makes my job of recommending it easy.[15]
The International Society of Sports Nutrition analyzed over 500 studies on creatine usage and concluded: “There is no scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine monohydrate has any detrimental effects on otherwise healthy individuals.”  
However, we should acknowledge there is anecdotal evidence that taking creatine can cause kidney damage, dehydration, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.[16]
Kidney damage would be the most serious of these, let’s talk about that specifically for a moment.
Again, no study has been able to verify the claim of organ damage, and kidney function with creatine supplementation has been looked at specifically.[17]
However, if you have a history of kidney problems, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start supplementing with creatine. Better safe than sorry.
The other concern would be dehydration and diarrhea, which actually might have an easy cause and solution.
I mentioned earlier that taking creatine can help with muscle hydration. Because your muscles are holding onto more water, this leaves less water for other places. So if you start taking creatine, you should also increase your water intake!
Shoot for 16-18 ounces of water (a half liter) for every 5 grams of creatine you take. We’ll devote an entire section to dosage in just a moment.
It should also be noted, that being dehydrated puts extra stress on your kidneys. It can also cause diarrhea.
Drink water.
The reason creatine is so popular is because of its impact on athletic performance.
For you to receive most the benefits of supplementing creatine, you’ll need to work out. The creatine won’t lift that barbell for you.
The interesting thing about creatine: nearly any type of physical performance has been linked to improvement when combined with creatine supplementation:
Strength training. If you’re looking to grow strong, you need to lift heavy. Taking creatine has been shown to increase muscle strength.[18] In other words, taking creatine can help you lift slightly heavier or slightly more. If you do this consistently, you could start to achieve gains faster than you would without creatine supplementation.
This is the number one reason people take creatine.
Endurance. Despite creatine’s popularity for strength training, it can also be used as a tool for endurance athletes. That’s because creatine has been shown to increase glycogen stores.[19] If you remember our example from earlier on different metabolic ways to replenish ATP, you’ll recall that glycogen is a medium to long term energy source.
Meaning the more glycogen you have, the longer you can run. If you’re looking into improving an endurance sport, creatine might be worth checking out.
Recovery. Creatine has been shown to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.[20] Shorter recovery times, means you can get back to training sooner. More gym time can equal a stronger you.
No one likes being overtly sore. Creatine may help a little here.
When you start to learn more about creatine, it makes sense why so many athletes take this supplement.
However, I do need to mention that a majority of the benefits of creatine supplementation kick in with the conjunction of a regular exercise practice.
Supplements must be combined with a good solid workout! You don’t get big muscles or faster speeds from only protein and creatine.
They need to be combined with a proper training program!
If you’re not quite sure how to get going, I’ve got a few resources for you.
The first is our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
It’s a circuit – where you quickly go from one exercise to the next – that you can start doing tonight in your living room or basement or spaceship. It’s one of our most popular routines here at Nerd Fitness, and it’s something you can do from your own home. No gym required.
If you want someone to help guide you – and hold you accountable – we can help with that too! We have an uber-popular 1-on-1 Online Coaching program where we work with busy people just like you to complete life overhauls. We can help you start strength training, offer nutrition recommendations, or provide you with accountability and structure to start working out from home. No matter where you need to go on your fitness journey, we can help guide you there.
If you want to learn if we are a good fit for each other, click on the big box below:
So far this article has more or less come out as an advertisement for creatine supplementation.
While there are a lot of great benefits of creatine, and not much in the way of studies showing harm, we need to talk about one potential downside.
Since creatine helps you retain water, you might feel a little bloated after taking it. Granted, hydrated cells perform better. But it can still be uncomfortable and cosmetically unappealing to hold onto a bunch of water.
The dosage and timing of taking creatine might be a factor, which we’ll talk about soon.
However, if bloating continues to the point that it’s interfering with your life, stop supplementing with creatine.
Speaking of creatine challenges, there’s also the fear that taking too much creatine could upset your stomach.[21]
We’ll get to proper dosage of creatine in just a moment, which might solve this.
It should be noted, that certain types of creatine are sold as “anti-bloating” and “easy on the stomach.”
Let’s talk about types and brands of creatine right now, by looking into these claims.
Creatine actually exists in multiple forms. We’ll go over each one briefly, plus give our recommendation on which type to take.
We’ll then leave you with a brand or two to try out.
First, some different types of creatine:
Creatine Monohydrate is the most common, and thus the most studied form of creatine.
It’s essentially a creatine molecule and a water molecule combined.
This would be the form of creatine we recommend. When we discuss the benefits and safety of creatine, we mean creatine monohydrate, because it’s the form that ends up being used in research.[22]
If there is a downside to creatine monohydrate, it would be that your body might have trouble absorbing all of it.[23] Which means you can pee a lot of it out. When people sell other types of creatine, they’ll generally claim their version has a better absorption rate.
Creatine Ethyl Ester is thought to be absorbed into the body easier than creatine monohydrate. There may be some evidence this is true.[24]
However, when it comes to body composition, creatine monohydrate still looks to be superior.[25]
Creatine Hydrochloride is another form of creatine that is touted as being absorbed easier than creatine monohydrate. You’ll also see claims that it won’t make you bloated.
Early evidence may back some of the claims of better absorption rates, but I would hold off on this form of creatine until more studies are done on its safety.[26]
Buffered creatine attempts to solve the stomach issues that are anecdotally reported as a side effect of creatine consumption. This form of creatine is mixed with an alkaline powder, with attempts to make it easier to digest. So far studies on the results of these benefits are mixed.[27]
Again, for now, I’d avoid buffered creatine until the research concludes its safety.
Hopefully, I convinced you to stick with creatine monohydrate. Again, it’s the most tested version of creatine there is, which makes it the most recommended.[28]
Want some recommendations on brands?
The brand of creatine monohydrate I personally take: Bulk Supplements.
dotFIT is another good brand for you to check out. MyProtein also carries a good choice. Both of those are creatine monohydrate options.
If you are going to take creatine, take creatine monohydrate. Which leads to the next question…
The question “How much creatine should I take?” will lead us to the topic of creatine loading.
The theory on creatine loading goes like this: at first, you’ll want to take more creatine so your..
0 notes
joshuabradleyn · 6 years
“What Is Creatine? How to Start Supplementing with Creatine”
Most supplements in the fitness world are a complete waste of money.
Some supplements aren’t even absorbed well, making for some expensive urine![1]
Others, like “weight loss pills,” can actually be outright dangerous.[2]
However, there are a few supplements which could be an exception to this rule.
And one of those supplements is creatine.
Creatine is one of the most popular and tested fitness supplements on the market.
Technically, it’s an amino acid derivative, but you don’t really need to know that.
That is, unless you are a chemist.
We get loads of questions here at Nerd Fitness on using creatine correctly, so today I’ll jump right in and give you the low down.
We’ll discuss everything you need to know about this supplement:
What exactly is creatine?
If you were to take creatine, how much should you use?
What time of day is best for taking creatine?
What are some of the best creatine supplements on the market?
Let’s go!
Creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in muscle tissue.
Right now you have creatine, specifically creatine phosphate, in your body. All vertebrate animals do.  
Yes, even corgis.
Think of creatine as an energy reserve your body taps into when it needs a boost. Or like, an extra energy tank in Metroid or Mega Man.
Our bodies naturally produce creatine in our liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
We also obtain it from certain foods, because all vertebrate animals contain creatine in their muscles.
So if you eat meat, you are getting extra creatine in your diet. Red meat in particular (beef, lamb bison), has the highest levels of dietary creatine.
(Don’t eat meat? Cool. Read our plant-based guide.)
Outside of diet, people often supplement with creatine. It’s one of the more popular supplements taken, and in fact, is THE most popular supplement taken amongst college athletes.[3]
The reason people supplement with creatine: the more creatine you consume – whether through nutrition or supplementation – the more will be found in your muscles.
Why should you care? What does creatine do, exactly?
Science time! To discuss supplementing creatine with any justice, we need to talk about ATP.
All cells rely on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for energy. It’s our body’s energy currency.
Sort of like “Mana” in World of Warcraft or Magic: The Gathering, ATP is a fuel tank for doing awesome things like running, doing pull-ups, or summoning lighting.
But much like “Mana,” ATP can be replenished only so quickly by your body. With intense enough exercise, you’ll use more ATP than your body can produce. Which means you’ll run out.
It’s why people can only sprint at 100% maximum effort for a short amount of time. You just plain run out of juice, or ATP.
And depending on how you are exercising, your body will replenish its ATP through one of three ways:
Less than 10 seconds, for exercises like short sprints or heavy lifting, ATP is replenished with creatine phosphate stored in muscle tissue.
30 seconds to 2 minutes, for activities like swimming a few laps, ATP is replenished with glycogen found in your muscles.
Greater than 2 minutes, ATP is replenished with oxygen and glucose. You can think of endurance activities for this stage.
I get it, there’s a LOT more to it than that (The three systems often blend into each other, so it’s not so clear cut).[4]
Why I bring all of this up: your body can quickly convert creatine to ATP (in seconds).
This means the more creatine you have stored in your muscles, the longer you can utilize the phosphagen system – short and intense energy – to produce ATP.
It’s math: the more creatine you consume, the more will be found in your muscles. The more creatine you have in your muscles, the longer you should be able to sprint at max effort (or lift heavy, etc.).
Granted, there’s a point where your muscles become saturated with creatine and your body can’t hold anymore.
We’ll talk about dosage and absorption rates shortly. But first…
There is good evidence to suggest that creatine supplementation does, in fact, allow for longer periods of intense exercise by helping to produce more ATP. [5]
One such study found that supplementing with creatine for 28 days allowed users to increase their bike sprint by 15% and bench press performance by 6%.[6]
This is generally why people supplement with creatine. If you can produce more energy for more intense exercises, you can workout harder.
Instead of stopping at 10 reps because of exhaustion, perhaps you can squeeze out that 11th rep if you are storing more creatine. Or instead of slowing down your sprint at 10 seconds, you keep going until 12.
If you’re looking to improve physically, being able to achieve one more rep or just a few more seconds of a sprint can be critical.
Creatine has a boatload of other benefits too:
Cell signaling. Creatine has been shown to increase satellite cell signaling, which helps your body communicate its “needs” better. I personally picture a little cell crying out “help me, I’m broken” when thinking about cell signaling. However, improvements in cell communication can have an impact on muscle repair and growth.[7]
Cellular hydration. Creatine helps your muscles retain water, which helps them work more efficiently.[8] Hydrated muscles perform better than dehydrated muscles, so creatine as a performance enhancer seems appropriate.
Muscle growth. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for muscle growth.[9] In fact, the International Society and Sports Nutrition states “Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes in terms of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.”[10]
Don’t get thrown off by the “creatine monohydrate.” We’ll talk about types of creatine shortly. Just know that creatine has been shown to aid in muscle growth.
Brain health. While not technically a muscle, your brain stores creatine. Can more stored creatine help with brain health?
There is research and evidence that suggests some conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy can all be helped by supplementing with creatine.[11] A creatine supplement might also help with memory and cognition in the elderly.[12]
Also, I have to highlight this study linking creatine supplementation with working memory and intelligence.[13] This makes sense because your brain also uses ATP, which remember, creatine helps produce.[14]
All of these studies are going to lead to a natural question…
The use of creatine has been “extensively studied,” which makes my job of recommending it easy.[15]
The International Society of Sports Nutrition analyzed over 500 studies on creatine usage and concluded: “There is no scientific evidence that the short- or long-term use of creatine monohydrate has any detrimental effects on otherwise healthy individuals.”  
However, we should acknowledge there is anecdotal evidence that taking creatine can cause kidney damage, dehydration, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.[16]
Kidney damage would be the most serious of these, let’s talk about that specifically for a moment.
Again, no study has been able to verify the claim of organ damage, and kidney function with creatine supplementation has been looked at specifically.[17]
However, if you have a history of kidney problems, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor before you start supplementing with creatine. Better safe than sorry.
The other concern would be dehydration and diarrhea, which actually might have an easy cause and solution.
I mentioned earlier that taking creatine can help with muscle hydration. Because your muscles are holding onto more water, this leaves less water for other places. So if you start taking creatine, you should also increase your water intake!
Shoot for 16-18 ounces of water (a half liter) for every 5 grams of creatine you take. We’ll devote an entire section to dosage in just a moment.
It should also be noted, that being dehydrated puts extra stress on your kidneys. It can also cause diarrhea.
Drink water.
The reason creatine is so popular is because of its impact on athletic performance.
For you to receive most the benefits of supplementing creatine, you’ll need to work out. The creatine won’t lift that barbell for you.
The interesting thing about creatine: nearly any type of physical performance has been linked to improvement when combined with creatine supplementation:
Strength training. If you’re looking to grow strong, you need to lift heavy. Taking creatine has been shown to increase muscle strength.[18] In other words, taking creatine can help you lift slightly heavier or slightly more. If you do this consistently, you could start to achieve gains faster than you would without creatine supplementation.
This is the number one reason people take creatine.
Endurance. Despite creatine’s popularity for strength training, it can also be used as a tool for endurance athletes. That’s because creatine has been shown to increase glycogen stores.[19] If you remember our example from earlier on different metabolic ways to replenish ATP, you’ll recall that glycogen is a medium to long term energy source.
Meaning the more glycogen you have, the longer you can run. If you’re looking into improving an endurance sport, creatine might be worth checking out.
Recovery. Creatine has been shown to help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness.[20] Shorter recovery times, means you can get back to training sooner. More gym time can equal a stronger you.
No one likes being overtly sore. Creatine may help a little here.
When you start to learn more about creatine, it makes sense why so many athletes take this supplement.
However, I do need to mention that a majority of the benefits of creatine supplementation kick in with the conjunction of a regular exercise practice.
Supplements must be combined with a good solid workout! You don’t get big muscles or faster speeds from only protein and creatine.
They need to be combined with a proper training program!
If you’re not quite sure how to get going, I’ve got a few resources for you.
The first is our Beginner Bodyweight Workout.
It’s a circuit – where you quickly go from one exercise to the next – that you can start doing tonight in your living room or basement or spaceship. It’s one of our most popular routines here at Nerd Fitness, and it’s something you can do from your own home. No gym required.
If you want someone to help guide you – and hold you accountable – we can help with that too! We have an uber-popular 1-on-1 Online Coaching program where we work with busy people just like you to complete life overhauls. We can help you start strength training, offer nutrition recommendations, or provide you with accountability and structure to start working out from home. No matter where you need to go on your fitness journey, we can help guide you there.
If you want to learn if we are a good fit for each other, click on the big box below:
So far this article has more or less come out as an advertisement for creatine supplementation.
While there are a lot of great benefits of creatine, and not much in the way of studies showing harm, we need to talk about one potential downside.
Since creatine helps you retain water, you might feel a little bloated after taking it. Granted, hydrated cells perform better. But it can still be uncomfortable and cosmetically unappealing to hold onto a bunch of water.
The dosage and timing of taking creatine might be a factor, which we’ll talk about soon.
However, if bloating continues to the point that it’s interfering with your life, stop supplementing with creatine.
Speaking of creatine challenges, there’s also the fear that taking too much creatine could upset your stomach.[21]
We’ll get to proper dosage of creatine in just a moment, which might solve this.
It should be noted, that certain types of creatine are sold as “anti-bloating” and “easy on the stomach.”
Let’s talk about types and brands of creatine right now, by looking into these claims.
Creatine actually exists in multiple forms. We’ll go over each one briefly, plus give our recommendation on which type to take.
We’ll then leave you with a brand or two to try out.
First, some different types of creatine:
Creatine Monohydrate is the most common, and thus the most studied form of creatine.
It’s essentially a creatine molecule and a water molecule combined.
This would be the form of creatine we recommend. When we discuss the benefits and safety of creatine, we mean creatine monohydrate, because it’s the form that ends up being used in research.[22]
If there is a downside to creatine monohydrate, it would be that your body might have trouble absorbing all of it.[23] Which means you can pee a lot of it out. When people sell other types of creatine, they’ll generally claim their version has a better absorption rate.
Creatine Ethyl Ester is thought to be absorbed into the body easier than creatine monohydrate. There may be some evidence this is true.[24]
However, when it comes to body composition, creatine monohydrate still looks to be superior.[25]
Creatine Hydrochloride is another form of creatine that is touted as being absorbed easier than creatine monohydrate. You’ll also see claims that it won’t make you bloated.
Early evidence may back some of the claims of better absorption rates, but I would hold off on this form of creatine until more studies are done on its safety.[26]
Buffered creatine attempts to solve the stomach issues that are anecdotally reported as a side effect of creatine consumption. This form of creatine is mixed with an alkaline powder, with attempts to make it easier to digest. So far studies on the results of these benefits are mixed.[27]
Again, for now, I’d avoid buffered creatine until the research concludes its safety.
Hopefully, I convinced you to stick with creatine monohydrate. Again, it’s the most tested version of creatine there is, which makes it the most recommended.[28]
Want some recommendations on brands?
The brand of creatine monohydrate I personally take: Bulk Supplements.
dotFIT is another good brand for you to check out. MyProtein also carries a good choice. Both of those are creatine monohydrate options.
If you are going to take creatine, take creatine monohydrate. Which leads to the next question…
The question “How much creatine should I take?” will lead us to the topic of creatine loading.
The theory on creatine loading goes like this: at first, you’ll want to take more creatine so your..
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