steele-city · 4 years
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Winter Captain by vongue
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steele-city · 4 years
YAS. This was the fic I didn’t know I needed.
Honey & Whiskey [Pt.1]
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Pairings: Alpha!Billy Russo x Omega! Reader
Summary:   Falling was sweeter than honey and warm as whiskey.
Warnings: None for this chapter. Typical A/B/O dynamics.
A/N:  I know I am your dealer for soft Bucky but I’m trying out some new product. Soft Billy Russo. Just take a little taste. I promise It’s worth it. This is largely a self-indulgent fic and also for my beautiful beta @moonbeambucky​​. If you like it write me a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me.
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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You heard his car in the driveway before you caught the sound of the front door. This probably wasn’t the way to handle something like this. Prominent families didn’t behave like this. They didn’t cause a scene, and they certainly didn’t question a match this good. It was hard enough to find an Alpha that came from a good family, but one who wasn’t a complete knothead and genuinely cared for you? That was next to impossible. You managed to find that one in a million, and here you were pulling a stunt like this.
When you were a little girl, you read stories about the princess finding her prince, being saved from the tower, and living happily ever after in a big castle. So, you waited for your very own to come. You waited and waited by your window, but your prince never showed. You stayed locked in your tower with no sign of a savior. As you became older, you realized you didn’t want to be rescued, taken from one dungeon, and moved to another. You could take care of yourself without an Alpha there to defend your heart and fight the evil queen on your behalf.
Turned out you could handle her on all on your own.
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steele-city · 5 years
I’m a sucker for soulmate AUs and this one is amazing so far!
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Steve Rogers x Reader | Soulmate AU
“Even when I was numb, I felt you. It’s like I’ve always had you.”
Soulmates are connected through pain. Steve always wanted to find his and protect them from all the suffering they had to go through. He imagined meeting them a thousand times before, but he never thought that a pair of cold, empty, emotionless eyes would stare back at him. They are so different, yet so alike.
Prologue Chapter 1
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steele-city · 5 years
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Someone stop me from buying the French versions of the Shades of Magic trilogy just for the covers
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steele-city · 5 years
I am a veterinarian and I approve this fic.
Coffee & Kisses
Summary: A visit to the animal clinic leaves you in shock after discovering that the veterinarian is a certain someone you would’ve never expected to run into. (Vet!Bucky AU)
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This is my entry for my love @moonbeambucky’s 5k Writing Challenge. Congratulations again Tara, you deserved it!! To another 5k!! Thank you to @suz-123 & @coffee-with-bucky for beta’ing 💕
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steele-city · 5 years
The two of them are such idiots <3 Excited for the next installment!
Astrophile (Pt.9)
Chapter:  Stardust 
Summary:  Bucky & Y/n spend the day apart, but find themselves struggling to make it through the day.
Warnings:  Flirting. Fluff. Sweet Tony. Sweet Bucky. Slightly sad Bucky but only for a second! 
A/N: Bucko is a little sad at the start, but I don’t consider it angsty at all. Progress babies. Progress. 😉Send me love because I’m needy, okay?!  Plus all your comments make my day. Beta’d by the beautiful and talented @lokissoul I love you 3000.
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are welcomed! Thanks!**
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“What’s been going on with you lately?”
Bucky rolls the glass bottle between his palms and shrugs, glancing up at whatever game was on behind the bar. They have been in this pub for over an hour now, and Bucky has no idea what game he’s been pretending to watch, and he hasn’t heard a word Steve has said. As much as he wants to throw himself wholeheartedly into tonight, he can’t. Bucky hasn’t seen Y/n in over a week, he had to take an extra shift, so he’s had less time with Comet and with everything going today, neither he nor Y/n have had a minute to talk to each other. The last message he got from her was a quick good morning text, but he had a feeling she only sent it because he sent one first.
Today was not Bucky’s day.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Bucky answers, distracted and withdrawn.
“We haven’t talked in weeks. I don’t know even know what’s going with you. Clint knows more about you than I do. You’re always glued to your phone waiting for a certain bookstore owner to call, and if you’re not on the phone with Y/n, you’re talking about her.”
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steele-city · 5 years
So. This is going to be a rant about the most topical of subjects: the ending of Avatar: The Last Airbender!
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This is something I discussed with @harunohoe but I remember when Avatar finally ending there was a lot of bitterness. Now I’m in the zutara side of that shipping war. (The right side.) But there was a lot of bitterness among people I talked to that had little to do with the ship. It felt like it did, because Katara centered the discussion, but it wasn’t. Later, when Harry Potter ended, I noticed an interesting echo, and I think it comes from the same place.
The finale for Avatar: The Last Airbender felt wrong with the rest of Season 3. It had the same feel, scope and depth as season 1. Season 1 was epic. It’s easy to forget because seasons 2 and 3 so blew it out of the water, but Season 1 was large. It was deep. It had pathos and engagement and fun. If the finale had come at the end of Season 1, I don’t think a lot of people would have the feeling that something was off the way they did when it came at the end of season 3. I think this because I think the finale was written before episode one ever hit the air.
(This is a good thing, btw. When writing serial fiction with a solid end point, you need to know what the end is if you want to keep working towards it. That’s how you avoid ended up in the reeds with no way back except how you got there in the first place.)
But things changed. The Avatar crew was very vocal in they changed things in response to fan criticism. (The amount of female characters in season 2, for example.) And that change included adding depth and character struggles that were so much more than season one Avatar. Especially in season 3 which dealt with adult themes of redemption and darkness with a maturity that I’ve never seen in an adult show. The biggest examples being: Katara’s flirtation with murder and Zuko’s redemption.
Katara is a dark female lead. It’s easy to forget, because she’s the Mom Friend™ and she’s so loving and she’s the healer but Katara is also a person that about a month after promising to never use bloodbending again, USED IT. She premeditated an attack to use it and she used emotional blackmail to carry out that attack. Katara has, from season 1, put her friends first, but her feelings before that. She wants to do what’s right, mentally. But emotionally? Katara wants what Katara wants. It’s a complex side of female characters we do not get in fiction. That someone can be both the light and the dark. She is the moon, always shifting between the brightest and darkest points during this very long night.
Then you get Zuko, the masterfully written redemption of a character. I don’t think anyone can argue that Zuko’s change from one dimensional whiny villain to desperately trying to redeem himself boy wasn’t amazing. You could argue it’s the best thing written for television, never mind a kid’s show. And his redemption. His confrontation of his abuse. Him receiving everything he ever asked for and realizing it wasn’t what he needed, then taking the steps to fix his mistakes. All that was beautiful and complex and hard and understated within the show. Which is perfect. The show trusted us with knowing more than they told us, and that’s hard to do.
Both Katara’s darkness and Zuko’s redemption were confronted the most during season 3. They told us this show understood moral complexities without losing its optimism. Katara didn’t kill because she couldn’t. Zuko did the right thing because he wanted to. For all the greyness of them and their actions, they chose the light. Which, again, isn’t something you’re likely to get on an adult show.
Then we have Aang.
One of my, and many people’s, biggest complaint with Aang in the finale was the spiritbending/stripping of bending power. I remember watching a lot of people discuss the morality of that choice. How it wasn’t “better” then killing. How it was more evil and Aang was wrong to do it. And I don’t agree. It was a fight to the death and Aang found an option that wasn’t death because he chose his morality over the easy answer. That should be a good choice. It should be powerful. It should be the culmination of everything Aang has grown to be.
But it wasn’t. Because Aang lost nothing in making the choice.
Season 3 showed us again and again that it was morally complex. This theme continued with Aang realizing everyone expected him to kill Ozai.
(Tangent! This was also something I saw people complain about. I don’t think anyone, really, had an issue with Aang being anti-killing Ozai, but it does not make sense that the death didn’t come up before it did in season 3. Death rules this world. Reminder: Katara was a small child, eight, when she watched her mother get murdered in her own home. That means, from young childhood, Katara knows death can come to anyone and from anywhere. Sokka likewise, was ten, maybe eleven, when his father left to fight in the war. Sokka declared himself a man and asked to go with him. He was a CHILD. And he wanted to go KILL people. That’s brutal. He only agreed to stay because his father framed it as needing him to protect the villiage. Sokka has, since young childhood, decided that his job is to kill to protect his family. Death is a part of these kids in a way most first world people will not understand. You think Sokka or Katara would use “stop” and “destroy” every time they discussed the finale battle? No. They’d use kill. And Aang would have had to have the debate sooner than the last quarter of season 3. End tangent.)
Aang’s character arc, from episode one, is a painfully simple conflict between Want and Need. In writing, the easiest way to create tension in a story is to have your characters Want a Thing, and they do whatever it takes to get that thing, but they Need something different. And if that Need conflicts with their Want, then bam! You get instant story tension.
Aang wants to be Aang from day one. He wants to be the fun loving monk boy who doesn’t hurt anyone, gets along with everyone and always had a hand outstretched. He wants the world to support this boy. He wants to be a child who helps people and travels and makes friends everywhere and has no care greater then taking care of Appa or what his next prank is.
Aang needs to be the Avatar, savior of the world, master of all four elements. In a world that’s desperately unbalanced, he needs to find and maintain balance. Not just in himself, but in everyone around him. He needs to know not only how to solve surface issues, but the deeper issues that arouse from a 100 years of war and conflict.
And in all three seasons, Aang turns down being the Avatar for being Aang. We get told this rather blatantly in the season 2 finale. His love for Katara is holding him back from becoming a fully realized Avatar. And one thing this show fails at in all this telling, is it fails to show it’s not about Katara the person, but Katara the representation of the love he’s found in this time. Aang failed at being an Avatar before the show began because of this same love. They were going to take his beloved master away from him, and so he ran away. Now, a hundred years later, and everything a hundred years worse, he’s making the same choice. His love, his heart, over his duty. Aang doesn’t want to kill the boy in service to the Avatar.
(And if the show focused on this rather than if Aang could totes bang his first crush, we’d not be left feeling that Katara is a rather literal prize that Aang is fighting for, but instead Aang choosing between his humanity and his destiny.)
Now we return to Season 3. Aang has lost contact to his Avatar spirit. But he’s growing closer and stronger with these people he surrounds himself with. By being himself, Aang has formed a family that is as diverse as he has always wanted. He has Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Toph, Suki, and more allies always reaching out to him. Aang has gotten his want, and he thinks he has married it with his need. He is both a boy who is Aang and the Avatar who is going to save the world. He did it. And in the finale we got…yeah. That’s it. Three quarters into Season 3, Aang stops growing as a character and he never starts again.
But here is where things should have changed. Aang has achieved balance, he thinks. He’s not a fully realized Avatar, but he shouldn’t have to be. Being the Avatar in this world is more about being the spiritual guide to the world, the one person who is not attached to any one country and so can help lead them all to balance. Aang can do that as he is. He already has! He has brought balance to his friends and united a group of people from around the world to join him and believe in him. And it can all stay that way.
But he has to kill Ozai.
We remember, I’m sure, the scene where Aang talks to his past lives and they all say, “Yeah, no, smoke the asshole. Kill him dead.” And that was a weird scene. It was supposed to be a dark moment, before Aang figured out a third answer, but…he…didn’t. He talked to a lionturtle, we don’t see what really happens, and then end of show, BAM! Magic answer from no where.
What should have happened, what would have been stronger, is if he’s told in all his lives, there is faint memories of a non-lethal option. He can find and learn that option, but only if he becomes a fully realized Avatar. Aang knows he can’t. He doesn’t want to pay the price, his heart, his self, for that. So his past lives agree. That’s fine. You can do that. You can do everything you’re supposed to do and never reach that finale pinnacle. Many Avatars, great Avatars, never get there. You are best as you are, Aang.
But you will have to kill Ozai.
That’s the cost here. Kill the boy, or kill the man.
And I want to focus on something: neither of these options are evil. Aang would have to make a choice that echoes the very first one he ever made in the series. He can chose the world or himself, but before, when he chose himself, he doomed thousands (at least) to die. This time, no matter what he does, he will save the world. He is not choosing between dooming humanity or dooming his own heart. He is choosing between his heart and his morality.
(Something that, btw, would echo Katara’s journey. She had that choice when she faced her mother’s killer. She chose her morality over her heart. Something Zuko knew she would do because she’d done it once before, with him. In the season 2 finale, Zuko and Katara had their moment and Katara offered the water from the spirit well to him to heal not a debilitating injury or to save his life, but to heal his scar. He is someone who chased her across the world and has tried time and again to kill her best friend but when he showed her weakness, her response was kindness. That’s why Zuko took her to face her mother’s killer. He knew she’d chose empathy in the end because that’s who she is. If Aang was going on this journey, Katara could be brought in to echo what Zuko did for her.)
I also want to say it is very clear what Aang would chose as well: himself. Aang has, from the beginning, been selfish. He’s caring, empathetic and giving, but he is always selfish. From day one, he put the world on hold so he could do what he wanted. The more he started to understand what the world was going through, the more he clung to what he wanted. That’s why Katara became this giant sticking point in the series. He wanted something to make all this worth it. And she, his crush, became that something. That thing he could want and have and hold. And though he and Katara are friends. Though they are best friends, he still turned her into an object in his head. Something for him to clutch to. “You can have this world, but I want this in return.”
And I think, if we confronted this head on, it would give Aang what he needed. Clarity.
Here’s the scene in this story: Aang has learned the price of his Want and his Need. To get what he wants, he only has to kill someone that everyone agrees should be killed. To get what he needs, he has to kill the part of himself that is so desperate to live. And Katara talks with him about it. She relates it to her mother’s death and what Zuko did for her. She tells him that she knows he’ll do the right thing. That he’s a good person, and a good Avatar, and that he will–
And Aang kisses her. Not on the dock before a battle. But here, in this private, intimate moment. A moment where it’s just them as they are, at their best. Friends who love each other. He kisses her and he thinks, yes, I choose this. I chose her. I will always choose her. I love her.
And Katara pulls back. Because she doesn’t love him. Because. She. Doesn’t. I don’t care if she’s kissing Zuko or not. (Though she is.) But she doesn’t love Aang. She, at best, doesn’t like it when the boy who likes her show interest in other people. And as a former fourteen-year-old girl? MOOD. Even not wanting someone, you can get pissy when their attention is given elsewhere. You feel like shit about it, but damnit, it’s yours even if you don’t want it.
Now Aang is kissing her. He crossed that line she put up a long time ago. And made his feelings clear. And her response is, at best, “Not now.” And she leaves. And Aang is alone. And Aang has to come to some realizations about himself.
He expected Katara to fall into his lap. All his stress and angst and fighting for her, he never realized that…he never asked her how she felt about it. In his head, he was fighting for his future with Katara, but it was never about Katara the person. It was always about Katara, the symbol of all his new love he found in this dark future. 
And Aang would look over his friends. He’d watch them go through the nightly routines. He’d see the joy they had (Sokka and Suki flirting casually together.) and he’d see the growth (Toph, loud as she ever is, bullying Zuko, able to take it and smile) and he’s see the darkness (Katara, alone because of him and his feelings and his choices and him not doing the blindingly obvious) and Aang will realize something.
The problem has always been him. Aang, the boy, has been the issue this entire time. The good he’s done, the good he will do, isn’t what this world needs. This world doesn’t need empathy. It needs balance. And Aang gets up. And he leaves.
He goes to the lionturtle. He learns what he needs to know. The finale battle happens. And he is still Aang, the boy. He’s hoping he can make a third choice. He’s hoping, Aang, the boy, is enough. But he isn’t Ozai isn’t willing to be anything less then ruler of the world. Aang fights. Fire, rocks, wind, water. All of it flying at him. At a pivotal point, a dagger of rock is snapped free from the ground around him. Aang throws it, and it’s aiming for Oazi’s neck. And it would kill him, but at the last moment Aang stops it.
Because he made his choice.
He will kill the boy.
And in that moment, he becomes the Avatar.
He takes Ozai’s bending. No longer a cop out “yay no death in our kids show” ending, but the price of peace. Something must die. In this case, it was Aang.
He doesn’t smile as bright after this battle, (though he does still smile.) And he doesn’t laugh as hard (though there is so much laughter to come.) His pranks are smaller (but they do still happen.) Aang still lives, but as a man, and a man who carries the lives of everyone he killed because he was a boy for too long. (And not near long enough. Spirits help him, not nearly long enough.) And he still has his love. His friends gather around him. 
The ending isn’t Aang and Katara kissing. It is Aang, held and loved by the family he formed on his journeys. The reward for Aang isn’t a girl he earned by virtue of saving the world. It is the family he made because Aang, the boy, chose mercy at every turn. Now Aang, the man, still has them. All of them. They all lived. All grew. All loved.
Aang won.
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steele-city · 5 years
Awe yis! The kids are back together! For now at any rate. Super excited to see where this goes!
Swallow (Pt.6)
Chapter: Barely Holding On
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Can two hopelessly damaged people find healing in each other?
Warnings:  Adulty themes. Yes, I’m a grown-up, and I said adulty themes. Heavy Angst (I know. What else is new with series right?) 18+
A/N:   I’m sorry it’s been so long between updates, but tbh this fic takes a lot out of me when I write it – it’s emotionally exhausting to write. If you want something to listen to while reading, I would recommend ‘It’s been a while’ and ‘Everything changes’ by Staind. I know some of you will be surprised by this chapter, but this has been a clear theme throughout the series. Send me love because I’m needy.  No beta read at your own risk. ;-)
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam though! Thanks!*
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The days apart stretched into weeks and the weeks turned into a month, and with each passing hour, you found yourself struggling to put one foot in front of the other without completely falling apart. You wanted to run. It would be so easy to start your life over. You’ve done it once you could surely do it again. Nothing was keeping you in this shit hole of a town. You were still jobless after all this time. So much for nursing always being in demand and as much as you loved Clint, you were starting to suffocate under the weight of all the memories encompassing you. The only real tether to this town was the one reason you should leave it.
If there was ever going to be a reason for you to leave and never look back, Bucky was it.
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steele-city · 5 years
Tony is betting America’s Ass. It’s getting real.
Heart & Soul (Pt. 2)
Character: As Black as Night
Pairings: Bucky & Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Violence. 
Summary: Bucky has to find a way to his mate and Y/n wants to stay as far away from Alphas as she can, but it turns out she may need one after all.
A/N: Did I mention this was going to be a slow burn? Whelp, it is.  ***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Thanks!***
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steele-city · 5 years
“Yes, I panicked”
Dying. can’t wait for an update!
The Five Times He Heard You Moan and The One Time You Heard Him. (4/6)
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Credit to the owners of the pics
I have been thinking about this story for awhile, and I thought I would drop it really quick in between my other series that I have been working on.
It’s going to be a quick Steve Rogers Mini-series (six chapters) because well, he’s hot, and I have been on a Cap kick lately.
**There will be smut in the last chapter.**
Hope you guys like it! If so, throw me a reblog if you would be so kind! 
Thank you so much for reading!!
If you asked me to tag you, and you don’t see you name, please let me know. I may have copied them wrong, or missed one. My notifs have been awful lately.
I also edited this at 1 am, sorry if there are any mistakes. 
Summary: Steve Rogers was a complete fool for you, only you had no idea. Everything about you drives him wild, and his body craves to be near you. How long can he hold back before he finally breaks, and gives you a night you will never forget.
Word Count: 7,679  (I am the worst. I am so sorry.) It’s worth it, I swear!!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, a lot. Feels? is that a warning?
The day had gone by a lot faster than you had anticipated. The incident this morning with Steve had left you fuming, but Bucky had manage to calm you down as you treated his injuries. Reminding you that he was just going through a rough patch and that things would get better, but more importantly that his brain was still a bit frozen, and he still had the mental maturity of a young and stupid man.
Wanda had come to help you finish up your cookies, giving him a chance to take his leave, promising to still help you with setting up the last minutes decorations.
You were ready to party, or at least you should have been, but you couldn’t get Steve off of your mind. How can a man be so perfect, so kind hearted, so gentle half of the time, yet be such an incredible giant, idiot dumbfuck of a man for the rest of it.
“So, that’s when he handcuffed me to the bed, and hit me with a loaf of bread until I passed out.”
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steele-city · 6 years
If you haven’t yet read this fic, you’re missing out. It’s fantastic and portrays Frank and Karen accurately and as they should be: in love.
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nobody else will be there
a kastle fanfic by tuntekorpp
Chapter 1: Gone Girl
When the bus stops in Cleveland, Ohio, she needs to decide if she goes south or if she keeps on going west. Staying isn’t a possibility, New York is still too close, but then again, it feels like New York will always be too close.
Karen Page is missing and no one will find her. She died somewhere between Indianapolis and Sioux Falls in a rundown Greyhound bus.
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steele-city · 6 years
Due to personal reasons I will be shipping Kastle until the end of time
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steele-city · 6 years
since i have a lot of free time, here’s the Black Panther Chase scene from Civil War but i put the Grass Skirt Chase song from SpongeBob.
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steele-city · 6 years
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@thirtydaysofzutara  : Vigilantes
They hadn’t gotten as far as he would have liked after their confrontation with Yon Rha when Katara had broken down. Silent, heaving sobs wracked her body and as much as they needed to make their way back to Appa, to escape the Fire Nation authorities that were no doubt on their trail, Zuko couldn’t make himself interrupt her grief.
He averted his eyes from her to keep watch and not because seeing her like this made him feel the need to hold her. He knew– because he knew her now– that her crying was just as cathartic, just as important as confronting her mother’s killer had been. The emotions could no longer be ignored and stockpiled. This is what she needed. But when he looked at her, small and trembling in the fresh mud, he wanted to be able to protect this moment. Once they moved, it would be broken. Once they were safe in the sky, miles away, he knew she wouldn’t continue on like this. And he wished she would allow herself to scream now while the emotions were erupting. He would fight a troop of fire benders if it meant she could add a voice to her anguish.   
Instead, any sounds she made were easily drowned out by the heavy rain. Even broken and crying she was determined to do what needed to be done. So he kept watch and promised them both she would never have need of another moment like this ever again.
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steele-city · 6 years
These are beautiful! 
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Recent things on paper. 🗒🖊🖤
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steele-city · 6 years
Thor: how much for the horse tornado?
Tony: that’s a carousel
Thor: I must have it
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steele-city · 6 years
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Avengers: Comics vs. Movie
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