#but im already so proud of tsuki
brazil-hinata · 4 years
FRACK NO CAUSE CAN YOU IMAGINE how PROUD kuroo and bokkun was when tsukishima just a club kei JOINED THE VLEAGUE
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manicgoblin · 3 years
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abandoned-ax · 3 years
Im on the team pt - 4
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Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
Haikyuu x ftm reader
Summery: 1st day of the training camp
When we came back for the longer training camp I was much more relaxed. Last time it was only one night but just a few weeks later and were back. Everyone’s been starting to try new things, I think last training camp had everyone realizing we don’t match up at all. Iv been working with Noya a bit more on receiving and everything a libero does as well as working with Tanaka on spiking. But the most interesting thing Iv been doing is helping Kagayama out, he’s working on a new kind of set and asked me if I would throw for him one day after practice, I was hanging back a bit myself just not wanting to leave the gym and so I decided to help him out. I’m seeing a new side to him I didn’t know, I’m used to seeing him as the perfect setter like he could do anything, but seeing him struggling and frustrated is new. The day before we left for training camp we were practicing his set and he got angrier then I had ever seen him, he threw the ball and shouted.
“Ahhhhhh! Why can’t I get it!”
I’m immediately on the ground trying to figure out what to do to help calm him down, but the only thing I can think of that he likes is volleyball. Sooo
“Kageyama!” He pauses to look at me, “umm I was wondering if you wanted to take a break from your set and maybe help me with mine instead.” I guess that got him to pause since he was now just looking at me, “is just Iv been wanting to work on it for a while now but it’s just, your so good at it and I just wanted to ask for some pointers, and it just seems like you could use a break so.” His breathing has started to even out a bit more, he looks a bit caught off guard.
“Ughh yeah I can do that.” So for the next half hour we worked ok my set, I made sure to praise and complement him on his set to make sure he knew how talented he was, I’m sure working so hard on a set and not being able to get it is really frustrating. After a while we were both tired so we moved to sit down drinking our water in silence.
“Thank you for helping me out, and you know for calming me down.” His voice got quieter as the sentence went on but I understood what he was getting at.
“It’s all good kageyama. I bet it’s frustrating.” He looks over at me and we make eye contact, it’s nice.
“Iv always been able to get it, and I just haven’t had to do something new like that in a while.”
“I know it’s frustrating, and I know I don’t know a lot about volleyball but even I know your one of the most talented players, you’ll get it, it’s just going to take a bit of time.”
“Thanks (Y/N)”
I smile over at him happy I could help in anyway, he pulls out his phone to check the time, “holy shit it’s late.” I look over at his phone and realize it’s 12:30 already!
“Oh wow.” Kagayama looks over at me and we start laughing, both realizing how wild it is that we stayed here for that long, “oh my god our buss to head to training camp is going to be here is like 4 hours!” Kagayama starts laughing louder.
“Holy shut we should head home huh?!” Both of us calm down our giggles before moving to walk home, we walk mostly together till we half to part ways, “well I’ll see you in a few hours Kags.”
He smiles at me a little “yeah I’ll see you in a few hours.” And with that we split ways.
It’s before the sun comes up that we have to be at the busses so naturally everyone is very tired. I meet Tsuki and Yams there but once Kagayama shows up I move over to him, he’s looking through his bag and so I ask “making sure you packed everything?” He look up startled but his gaze softens when he sees it’s me, “yeah after how late we got home last night I didn’t really have time to pack properly.” I giggle at him, “lucky I pack like a week in advance.” He chuckles “maybe I should start doing that to huh.” Coach gives a little speech and tells us all to get on the bus, I was originally planning on sitting wish Tsuki and Yams but they ended up sitting together and Kags asked if I wanted to sit with him so that’s what I did. Not long into the drive I ended up falling asleep with my head on Kagayamas shoulder, and he fell asleep with his on my head. But we were rudely awoken by Daichi “come on idiots were here.” I know I have a massive blush in my face so I get up and move to get off the bus quickly, I hear Daichi chuckle at us but ignore it and move quickly, one off the bus I move to find Tsuki and Yams, “so I see you’ve become friends with the king?” Tsuki says skeptically, “oh shut it Tsuki.” Yams laughs at us as we see Nekoma come out to greet us.
I walk over to where Kenma is talking to Hinata excited to see him again since we talked a bit at the last training camp and he seems super cool, “hey Kenma!” He looks away from Hinata and smiles at me “hey (Y/N), I was just talking to Hinata about the camp.”
“Oh yeah! It’s in a different place, do you know why?” Kenma chuckles at that question “yeah it’s a bigger space and a bit cooler here, but there’s a lot of bugs.”
“Fuck I should have brought bug spray.”
“It’s ok you can use mine if you wanna,” he says smiling a bit.
“Are you sure that would be ok?”
“Yeah I don’t mind!”
“Thanks Kennma.” I smile at him but the moment is cut short by a super tall guy yelling over at Hinata “hey did you grow taller yet?!” The two start bickering and I give Kenma a surprised look,
“that’s Lev, he’s the new kid for us.”
I giggle at the distressed look he gets looking over at the tall kid.
“I’m guessing he’s...a lot.”
“How’d you know?”
“I mean he did interrupt our conversation by yelling at Hinata about his height.” Kenma laughs at that.
“So (Y/N) you play any video games?” Me and Kenma talked the entire walk to Karasanos room, finding we have quite a bit in common, from our love of the same video games to our inability to sleep most nights. He’s nice to talk to, his calm and quiet tone is relaxing to listen to and his more subtle demeanor is cute.
We all put our bags in the room and got ready for our first game today. I didn’t play in the first few, but after a couple they switched me into the libero spot for a while and then I played middle blocker. We aren’t doing too good tho, haven’t won a single game, and after the 8th time doing the run for the loosing team I think I’m gunna die. When the end of the day came around we all collapsed after our last run.
“Ughhh I don’t think I can breath” I hear tanaka yell.
“We lost every game, how’d we lose every game.” Suga asked
We looked into the gym to watch the one game that’s still going, we are nowhere near that level. Daichi sits up and says he’s going to work on the synchronized attack, so everyone started to scatter.
I look over and see Tsuki walking away from the gym most of our team was using and Yams yells over at him “you aren’t going to practice Tsuki?” Tsuki turns around “no, we practice enough already.” And starts walking away, I knew Yams was probably itching to go practice his serve so I tell him, “go, I’ll follow the giraffe.” He smiles gratefully at me and I starts chasing after the blond boy.
“Tsuki wait up!” He doesn’t turn around so I start running faster till I catch up with him. “ughhh why are your legs so long!”
“There not that long yours are just short.”
We pause for a moment, it’s awkward. Me and Tsuki have never had an awkward moment, I don’t like it.
“Aren’t you going to practice?”
“No, we do that enough, everyday for hours we practice, I’m done for the night.”
I’m so lost on what to do at this point, I want him to come practice but I can’t force him too,
“Hey glasses kid,” I hear a voice say and turn around Tsuki stopping in his place, “oh and (Y/N)” it’s Kuroo from Nekoma.
“You guys wanna come practice with us? We could use another blocker!” I look over to Tsuki hopefully, maybe this will be the opportunity to get him motivated. Tsuki looks up and with the fakest smile on his face he says “sorry, I’m all done for the night.”
Kuroo and one of the other guys I think from Fukurodani are both appalled by his response,
“You know he may not look it but he’s one of the top 5 aces is Japan.”
The owl looking guy stands up taller and puffs out his chest looking proud. It’s cute!
“Yeah I think he’s still upset he’s not in the top 3 anymore.” I chuckle, there fun, you can tell they all joke around a lot.
“Well I’m in.” I say walking up to the gym and yelling back at Tsuki “don’t make me do this alone.” The three others stay in the door continuing to try and convince Tsuki to join.
I’m walking through but jump when I her “oh hi” from the floor, looking down it’s the tall kid who was talking to Hinata earlier. He looks like a baby dear before it can walk!
“What happened to you?”
“Kuroo did.” I laugh back at him. He sits up more going over to sit agains the wall and I move to sit next you him.
“Your a first year right? How long have you been playing?” A guy like him is clearly a powerhouse, I assume he’s been playing for years.
“Oh I just started!” He says with a goofy grin on his face,
“You just started!!”
“Hey! How long have you been playing!” He says in an amusing accusatory tone
“Well, I kinda just started too!”
“Haha were tied.” I smile over at him, he looks kinda intimidating but he certainly doesn’t act it as he giggles at our interaction. I think back to when I first saw him earlier he was with Kennma, I wonder where he is?
“Hey your on the team with Kennma right, I just talked to him earlier today and haven’t seen him around much since?”
“Oh Kennma?” I hear Kuroo yell jogging over to us “he went to go play some video games, he’s not really the type that needs to practice, nor do I think we could get him too!” He chuckles.
“Oh that reminds me! Did you get Tsuki to join?”
Kuroo gets a cocky smile on his face looking over his shoulder to see Tsuki looking angry. I get up but before I Kuroo I say “great, you made our tall guy with glasses angry.” I laugh at him sarcastically, he laughs back loudly and we go to start our first practice game of many.
An: hey guys sorry it’s been too long, I’m currently thinking I’ll make this a Kenma x Reader X Kuroo or maybe a Tsuki X reader not sure yet!! Let me know what you think!!!
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1tsnoya · 4 years
ok I have such a specific scenario it might be weird but 🥺 can we get some hcs with noya, tsuki, kageyama and tendou REARRANGING their s/o guts in the club room and then when they get out the rest of the team was waiting outside like 🤯🤯😳 tf
UR MIND!!! big brain here. i love this sm ty
✧・゚getting caught in the clubroom✧・゚headcanons
warning: nsfw
pairings: noya x reader + tsuki x reader + kageyama x reader + tendou x reader
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it was a water break during practice and noya was like “babe can u come with me to get something in the clubroom?”
so y’all held hands while walking down but then he pulled u inside the room and just started kissing u
it slowly became more fast-paced and rough
since u guys were kind of getting in the mood, he started moving down and planting kisses along ur collarbones
so y’all were.. starting to yk (; and u heard something fall on the other side of the door
u guys had to stop😔✌️and u were NOT prepared to leave the clubroom
so back to that crash..it made noya jump a bit and he accidentally bit down on your neck a little too hard
u didn’t notice this...
so u guys finally made ur way back, hinata was weirdly quiet so everyone was like ???
“finally you two are ba-what happened to your neck?”
noya went RED but u still were ?? huh ?? wdym
then it kinda hit u
the other third years were embarrassed for u, hinata was still dead silent, kageyama was ??clueless?? tsukishima just SMIRKED and was ready to say some cocky ass comment, oh and tanaka was like a proud father
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i feel like clubroom sex has definitley happened before, you two were just very careful ab it
HOWEVER this one particular time, tsuki was more in a rush
like he was mad and during a water break he was just like “come here for a second”
off topic but angry sex with him would be ✨immaculate✨
ceo of teasing and degradation
so anyway y’all snuck off to the clubroom and he was already super into things
like as soon as u got into the room and closed the door, he was kissing u hard while unbuttoning ur shirt
so why he was literally railing u, there was a knock at the door
it just had to be hinata, yams, and kageyama
and ofc yamaguchi knocked and called for tsukishima r u kidding me
tell me why this boy KEPT GOING
and covered ur mouth with his hand
“umm yeah?”
“the break is over”
u made a small noise and this just made tsuki more aggressive😳
“i’ll be right out”
they were confused but just walked away
im sure that someone on the team definitley knew wtf was going on and would forever tease u about it
the rest of the team would probably eventually find out bc of all of the terrible comments
and yes tsukishima goes dead silent whenever they joke around about it
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sigh u would definitely get caught with him. 100%
you went to one of tobio’s practices and kiyoko had asked you to go grab something for her in the clubroom
u played dumb - “where is that?”
kiyoko was busy with something so had just asked tobio to go with u
that was ur plan afterall nehehhe
you wanted to do something risky with kags, he wasn’t usually that type but u were in the mood
so once to got to the clubroom, you pulled him inside
u took initiative. ofc baby boy was worried ab being caught
but that thought eventually left his mind because he was just so distracted by you and the way you kissed him
i feel like kags can be kinda whiney
especially when u take the lead
and that’s why u got caught...
poor hinata
he started walking towards the clubroom and was rambling like “kageyama hurry up i wanna try this new thing becau-”
and then he heard some...things
scarred. SCARRED i tell you
when u guys went back to the gym, hinata didn’t wanna make eye contact with u two😳
third years were concerned bc hinata is usually talkative
“hinata dude ur quiet” “yeah what happened bro” -noya and tanaka
kageyama couldn’t focus the rest of practice and hinata STAYED QUIET BAHAH
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he asked u to come to one of his practices during the week
u didn’t tell him when so u just surprised him on a random day
baby was SO EXCITED
tried his absolute hardest that day
however during practice he kept looking back over at u
u definitely noticed this
during a break he snuck off with u
just totally disappeared
it was just something yk? something u did with ur hair or the way u only kept your eyes on him when he was playing
and he just couldn’t keep his eyes off u
so he dragged u to one of the storage closets and u two were 👀🙈💕💓
and um. everyone else was looking for u guys
and when walking around they came around the storage closet where u guys were yk hehe!
and when they tried opening the door, it was locked
and then they heard some moving around/thudding noises in the closet
no one said anything
they just looked back at one another and 😳😳
they were too awkward to do anything so they left and subbed someone in for tendou HSJSKSJ
tendou def brought it up to ushijima later and he was trying to act all surprised
even though he uh knew and had heard some things
“oh..really? cool...ha”
tendou never found out that his team heard HSHSHS
let’s just say that the team gets a little...quiet whenever u show up to one of their practices
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dioko · 3 years
bakugou x reader
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Pairing -> bakugou katsuki x gn! reader
Word Count -> ~623
Genre -> flash-fiction,oneshot
Content -> fluff, birthday stuff | lemme know if i missed something
Summary -> it's bakugou's birthday, how'll the two of you celebrate it?
A/n -> happy bday to bakugou im proud to also be a 4/20 bby 😩 i kinnie but would lowkey hate him irl so luckily hes got character development <3
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Was it just you, or were the UA building floors very creaky? 
Maybe it was an off day today, and the weather was so horrible it temporarily ruined the floors. Maybe it was the pile of DVDs in your arms, or the packets of facemasks dangling between your teeth. Maybe it was your shoes, or maybe, it was because at 11:54 PM, everything was loud. 
You swallowed, moving as slowly as possible. If Aizawa caught you now, you were mincemeat, but there was no turning back. If he caught you tomorrow, well, that was future-you’s problem. 
On the second floor of the building, towards the right of the stairwell (yes, the stairwell. You couldn’t risk any more noise than you’d already created) stood a door like any other, except the birthday boy was inside. 
“Kat,” you tapped the side of the door; were you gonna have to do this the hard way? “Kaaat. Kaattssuuki.”
“Katsuki,” you snapped, “Katsuki, Katsuki, ‘tsuki, ‘suk-”
Bingo! The door slid open. 
“What the fuck do you want?” He groaned, “I was sleeping.”
“I know, I know,” you grinned, “but happy birthday!”
“S’not my birthday.”
“Yes it is, look!”
“I told you, it’s no-” you pulled out your phone, “oh. I guess it is.”
“Yeah, let’s do something,” you tried to worm your way into his dorm room. 
“Good idea,” he snorted, “we should sleep. G’night-”
“No, c’mon! I brought movies and everything! 
Bakugou’s shoulders slumped forward briefly, like a tired attempt at shrugging. A bunch of incoherent ramblings spewed out his mouth before he finally began to make sense, “Nghh, fuck it. Fine. Get in here before we get caught, moron.”
You settled into his bed like it was your own, and neatly lined up all the movies you’d carried over. “Wait, wait. We should put these on, first.”
“Dunno how to use them.”
“I’ll teach you-”
“Just gimme, I’ll learn myself,” he huffed. “And all of these are horror movies!”
Finally, Bakugou Katsuki was waking up a little. 
“Yeah! That’s what makes ‘em interesting!”
“It’s midnight - no, I changed my mind - I’m not doing this shit with you,” he growled, as he slapped on his Raspberry-Spring Bloom Sparkle face mask, far too easily for someone who ‘didn’t know’ how to use one. 
“What?” You threw yourself backwards against a spare pillow, “I’m already here and sooo cozied up! You can’t take that away from me.”
The blond boy furrowed his eyebrows. If he’d really wanted you gone, you’d be back in your own room by now, or dead. You were neither of those. 
“We’re not watching a horror movie,” he snapped, which is why you plugged the one with the goriest cover right into his laptop. 
“Dozing off already?” He breathed a sigh of disbelief. 
“Yeah, no shit, droolin’ all over the place.”
“Ah - sorry,” mildly embarrassed, you pushed off his covers, right before you yourself were shoved back into the warmth. 
“You’re gonna catch a cold if you go now,” he slammed the laptop shut, just as a jumpscare came on, “sleep.”
“And take off the face mask, you’re not s’posed to keep it on for that long. It’ll dry your skin.”
“Thought ya didn’t know much ‘bout ‘em,” you slurred, eyes closed and breaths slow. 
“... I don’t.”
“Wh’tever y’say… happy birthday, you grump.” 
“Shut it,” he muttered.
He didn’t know that you knew, but you’d most certainly heard the quiet ‘thank you’ that’d slipped from Bakugou’s lips. You didn’t move to tease him, though; it was too late and you were too tired for that. Instead, you just immersed yourself in the warm of his room - in his warmth, and enjoyed your time with him in the dead of night. 
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peach-pops · 4 years
Huwaaa. I just read your noya hc with kageyama's older sister and I am going to say that IM TRULY IN LOVE WITH NOYAA 😔❤ But here's the thing, can I request a hc where kageyama (or ushijima) crushing on oikawa's younger sister that also goes to karasuno (or shiratorizawa) ? you can do both or one of em if you want 👉🏻👈🏻
I did Kageyama cause I love him and he deserves love PERIOD! Also, I love Oikawa, he’s my baby I just like being mean to him so that’s a PSA. 
Kageyama Crushing on Oikawa’s Younger Sister HC
Kageyama doesn’t really ever have the time to think about girls. No girl has ever really caught his attention and he’s pretty content with not having a girlfriend since it would only distract him
Or so he thought
Because when he sees you in the gym one day doing a playful 3 v 2 match with his teammates, his lil milk carton slips out of his hands and spills all over the floor 
Hinata shouts over to Kageyama to come play and Kageyama feels his stomach twist and turn as he stands on the opposite side of the net 
You give him a friendly smile and he curses at himself because he doesn’t want his teammates to see how flushed his face is 
It doesn’t really matter but just in case yall are curious the teams are:
Team one: Kageyama, Hinata, and Tanaka
Team two: mystery girl, Noya, and Tsuki 
He also almost has a heart attack because you’re a setter too and you’re so frickin good like he can only describe your style of playing to be similar to Oikawa’s but screw that guy why would he be thinking of him??? 
After the playful game, you shake his hand cause duh sportsmanship and Kageyama is so nervous because he knows that he has a definitive crush on you now 
All he can think about is how your hand is surprisingly soft for a volleyball player
Come to think of it he’s never actually held hands with a girl 
“ Wow, you really gave me a run for my money, I’m impressed. Did you play volleyball in junior high?” 
He couldn’t believe you were actually talking to him but he swallowed down any nerves before speaking 
“ Yes, I was a setter at Kitagawa Daiichi.” 
When he saw you smile, that’s what instantly killed him because you checked all the boxes for him
Likes and plays volleyball ✓
Friendly and Sweet ✓
Literally what could go wrong?
“ No way, my brother was the captain for Kitagawa! He goes to Aoba Johsai now!”
Kageyama felt his heart drop as he thought of Oikawa but maybe, just maybe you were talking about someone else
“.....Who’s your brother?” 
“ Toru Oikawa, do you know him?” 
His brain can’t even comprehend how someone so nice is related to that bastard 
“ No”
“ Oh that’s probably for the best, he’s kinda an ass.”
Kageyama thought it would be rude to agree so all he did was shrug nervously before you broke the awkward tension 
“ I have to get back to class, I only stopped by to talk to your captain for a second but it was nice meeting you Kageyama-kun.” 
You waved goodbye to everyone else and walked out of the gym, being careful to step over the spot where Kageyama had spilled his milk
Kageyama was still in shock because not only did he feel like he completely messed up his shot with you, but his brain was going crazy because he actually wanted to see you again 
He always kept an eye out for you in the hallways but it seemed like every time he caught a glimpse of you, you were gone which only made him like you even more
For weeks, all he could think about was the chance to see you again and he would even practice in the mirror on how he would talk to you because he really didn’t want to mess things up with you
He even tried to ask Tanaka and Noya for advice because he thought they had the most experience with girls but Kageyama started to feel too overwhelmed with how much information he was supposed to remember so he just decided that it would be better if he figured it out on his own 
Kags thought he would have enough time to figure out how to talk to you right?
Wrong HAHA
 the thought of you showing up to the Spring High Preliminaries didn’t even cross his mind so when he saw you sitting outside the gym doors, his hands got extra sweaty and his heartbeat was all over the place
Cause duh, of course, you would show up since Aoba Johsai was playing
He thought you looked even prettier than the first time he met you in the gym and even though you were wearing an Aoba Johsai jersey to support your brother, he still wouldn’t change anything about the way you looked at this moment 
All of that courage he was building up over the past couple of weeks was long gone but Tanaka and Noya being the best wingmen they could be each grabbed Kageyama’s shoulders and shoved him over to you 
“ Please don’t do this-”
“ Aw come on Kags, it’s not everyday you get the chance to make a move on a smokin babe! We’re only here to make your life easier right Tanaka?”
“ Yep! Come on, we’re not going to just stand by and watch the love of your life slip away! Go and make your senpais proud!”
You looked up from your phone right as Tanaka and Noya gave Kags one last push, sending him falling over into the seat next to you
“ Kageyama-Kun! Are you okay?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at how nervous he was being, this was a totally different side to Kageyama than the one on the court but you didn’t mind at all 
“ Are you excited? I saw the bracket and you guys have a really good shot to go to nationals.”
Kageyama’s stomach shifted as he hesitantly took a seat next to you and did his best to ignore the stares coming from his teammates
Luckily Daichi and Kiyoko shooed off the rest of the team so you guys could get some privacy 
“ We’re going to have to beat Aoba Johsai if we want to win.”
“ Well it might not seem like it but I’m rooting for you to win- look!” 
Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows together as you lifted up the bottom of your pants and showed him your Karasuno black and orange socks 
“ I would’ve worn a Karasuno jersey but my brother gets kinda superstitious. The socks are like a secret weapon to support you guys without getting my head ripped off by Toru.”
Kageyama knew that it was just a pair of socks but he couldn’t even wrap his head around the fact that you were ‘rooting for him to win’ instead of your own blood
“Maybe one day I’ll give you my jersey to wear on game day”
He couldn’t help himself it just came out of his mouth so fast and he meant for it to be in his head but the socks made him think about you in his jersey. He tried so hard to calm himself down and his face was flushed a deep red at this point 
Kageyama didn’t even know what to say he just sat there with his hand covering his mouth in shock
“ Really? I would love to wear your jersey!” You smiled as Kageyama stopped breathing,” I mean I can’t wear it now but if you guys win, I’ll definitely wear it to all of your games.”
 Hold up, did you just AGREE TO WEAR HIS JERSEY?!?!?!
Before he could even process what was going on, he felt his heart sink to the floor when he saw Oikawa walking over to the two of you
“ Tobio-chan with my Y/N-chan? I gotta say little sis, if you’re trying to dig up dirt against Karasuno by getting cozy with Tobio-chan, you’re already too late. I can read him like a book. Maybe you should try Shiratorizawa, I could use a spy to get in close with Ushiwaka.”
The thought of you getting close to him just for information stung Kageyama but you were quick to roll your eyes at the accusation 
“ First off, Ushijima terrified me and second, I have better things to do with my time than to pretend to be interested in someone Shittykawa. Unlike you, people actually enjoy my company.” 
“ You’re so vulgar, you’re spending too much time with Iwa-chan,” Oikawa huffed as he turned to face Kageyama 
Kageyama mentally braced himself because anytime he ever interacted with Oikawa, it always ended badly 
“ And you-”
“ Nope, Toru if you’re going to say some snarky ass comment, keep it to yourself,” You interrupted which startled both Oikawa and Kageyama,” focus more on the match than worrying about Kageyama, that’s my job.” 
Kageyama was SHOCKED you would speak to your older brother like that, ESPECIALLY since you were going out of your way to defend him
Truth be told he was falling for you even harder than before
Oikawa stuck his tongue out at the two of you but walked away with whatever dignity he had left 
Kageyama felt a new rush of confidence; if you could stand up to your older brother for him than damn it, he was going to man up and ask you out
“ Do you want to go on a date? With me?” 
When you smiled at Kageyama, his heart was beating so loud against his ribcage he could’ve sworn everyone around him could hear it 
“ I thought you would never ask.”
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yoichichi · 4 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: ok this is for my baby, my shawty, my luv xoxo, my bitch, my world, my EVERYTHING 😩 @plutowrites her request was sent in private so imma keep it that way ❣️ please enjoy baby 💓
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a/n: ok so I know you got boyfie kenma but this is who I’d match you with excluding that scary mf 😌😙 sooo say hello to boyfie #2 & #3
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ�� ³ ̄)づ Tsukishima Kei
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I just knew eventually we’d come to this Pluto 😪 let’s address the mental illness that is being with Tsukishima 😪 IM JUST KIDDING PLS
Ok but no fr everything you’re looking for in a relationship? ^ this guy got
Tsuki is so funny idc
He’ll constantly be whispering snarky remarks in your ear about people around you and just absolutely dog on them and it’s SO funny
And sometimes he’ll just look at you after Hinata said something stupid like 😒 and ITS SO HARD TO NOT BURST INTO TEARS
Like this boy is gonna have you in stitches
And he’s so smart with it too like he’s so witty
He’s also the kind of guy where if you’re dying after he said smth he’s gonna look you up and down with a smirk cause he’s proud of himself LMAO
He’s also not clingey but a lowkey simp
Like he’d never in his fucking life admit to being a simp
But the speed at which he flips his phone when he thinks he might have a notif from you
And the way he will listen to the SAME song on rpt in those mf headphones if it reminds him of you
Cause he’s using his phone to text his mom or smth and sees the home screen and is just 🤭😳😏 ~tsukiii
And Tsukis just
“Give me my phone, you can walk home.”
Tsukishima is so decisive too I-
You’d be taking like 3 seconds too long to decide and he’d decide for you LMAO
Or you’d just give him a ~look like 😳🥺 and he’d just know and he’d roll his eyes and figure it out LMAO
Pls you’ll be somewhere and won’t know what you want to eat and you’re getting nervous cause your guys turn to order is coming up and he’d just order something for you he’d know you’d like and after just pull you into his side and kiss the top of your head
“You’re such an idiot.”
you’re VERY lucky he’s good at making good decisions LMAO
Ok he is going to be squishing your cheeks literally all the time????
Like you do anything and he’s grabbing your cheeks with one hand and moving your head back and forth while he talks to you in the mocking baby voice ya know?
“Oh you think you’re so smart baby~”
He’s mean but like, it’s ok cause it’s him and it’s h-hot 😦🤢 and he loves you obviously 🙄
 bitch you said banter that borderlines mean? This bout to be your favorite song^ all he DOES is bully
It’s his love language at this point
Your name in his phone is baby 🧡
But he says it’s just your name LMAO
Until you call his phone so he can find it and you see your contact name
Pls bully him about it he deserves it
It does not matter that you’re tall he will call you tiny literally any chance it makes sense
Can you reach things on the top shelf?
Does he care?
And he will grab it for you and be like
You’re too tiny I got it 🙄✋🏼 LMAO
Okok you mentioned you have eczema
One of Tsukis ways of showing he really does love you is taking care of you
He notices you’re getting low on your cream?
He already went to the store to get some for you
You’re having a flare up and feeling a little insecure?
He’s kissing your temple and whispering how beautiful you look today in your ear, hoping you’ll think about the way his hand is running up and down your arm and how he’s breathing down your neck, and the way the skin behind your ear is burning now from the second kiss he placed, rather than the way you’re eczema is making you feel
He’s a little more affectionate in public that day than he normally would choose to be
It’s subtle, things like intertwining your fingers and kissing your hand before pulling you in his direction rather than the way he’d usually hold your pinky and lightly tug you his way
Or coming up right behind you to look at something you’re showing him, towering over you with his chest against your back
“That’s awesome.” He says it sarcastically but still leans down to press a kiss to your cheek
“C’mon let’s get what we actually came for stupid.”
Even when he’s driving you guys there and back his right hand is resting on your thigh instead of the wheel, only moving to adjust the radio
He notices and his solution to bad thoughts is “think of me instead then bitch”
He keeps literally any and everything you’ve EVER made him
You met in highschool and now live together while you’re in college?
He still has those first things you made him in highschool in a little scrapbook album he made after a couple years of being together
Ok he eats the treats you bake in moderation in front of you ,,, but you’ve come across him more than once getting a midnight snack
Crumbs around his mouth and all LMAOOO
ok while he wouldn’t understand the basketball obsession completely he WILL put on a Raptors jersey and sit and watch every game with you and love your reactions
He’s even recorded games for you if you were too busy to watch it and then when you have the time to watch it he IS WEARING HIS JERSEY AND TURNING IT ON ALREADY AND YOURE JUST 🥺🤲🏼
But he’s just 😒 don’t make a big deal out of it
He takes things you’ve baked him to lunch every day bye
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Jean Kirschtein
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I was reading and I was using my brain HARD I almost said Eren but I don’t think he’d be making smart decisions for y’all... and that mf is too indecisive y’all would really get nothing done LMAO
Apparently I just really love you and Jean
Literally the most reliable and attentive mf
He’s a MASTER at being a simp without being too clingy
Always buying things you need from the store (he’s a lil bit of a rich boy too cmon now)
He remembers ALL of your favorite snacks and drinks
And when they change he makes a mental note of it
Literally a quarter of his brain is a roladex of your favorite Haribo gummy’s it’s ridiculous LMAO
He absolutely refuses to share things you bake him with literally anyone
God forbid Sasha gets a whiff, he swears he’ll fist fight her
He thinks it’s so special cause you made it for ~him so why tf should someone else get a taste 🤨☝🏼
He’s not even a lowkey simp at this point
The way he’d spoil you pls...
Like at some point you’re like Jean I- I only need so many necklaces
Yeah he’ll just move on to the next thing
Ok this a lil saucey but he’s definitely the type to buy you lingerie he wants to see on you
And if you’re feeling nervous or insecure he’s gonna be all over you and saying all kinds of things in your ear since you’re too shy to make eye contact
Your face is buried in his chest and he’s just running his hands down your sides and whispering little things in your ear like how pretty you are for him and how good you are for trying this on for him
He would love to bake with you as a date 🥺🤲🏼
I don’t think he’d be that great ... but he tries!!
And he gets to spend time with you, even if you are laughing at him 🖤
Another one who’s a decision maker
He’s gonna ask you more than tsuki would LMAO but ultimately he’s taking charge in the relationship
He just loves you so much pls
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Baby I hope I did this justice 😪🤲🏼 I’m literally in love with you they better watch out... 🔪🧍🏻‍♀️......
Requests are open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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