#but if you would like to join me on the floor thinking about dean verbally reciprocating you're more than welcome!
monstermoviedean · 2 years
thought about dean saying i love you too and now i am on the floor
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Chapter 2 | | Lamplights and Lonesome Bridge
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warnings; mention of assault (being bullied)
word count; 3k
Tapping the end of her pen on her bottom lip, Zuli took a moment to close her eyes and breathe in the fresh air. She sat cross-legged upon her burnt orange blanket on a grassy square outside the Astronomy and Astrophysics building, writing pages and more pages for her thesis.
The transference of energy in the universe and its inability to be created.
So far she’d handwritten sixteen pages, the words just flowing from her mind but now she’d hit a wall. Slowly laying down onto her back, Zuli looked up at the sky. How could it hold so much space? Matter, particles, chemicals, stars, meteors, planets. And yet all she could see was clouds; aerosols consisting of liquid particles and crystals. The sky is just plain azure; like a door hiding so much beyond it. A crisp orange and brown leaf swivelled down from a nearby branch, landing only centimetres from her head.
She was truly fascinated by everything the world and the galaxies had to offer, intrigued by discovery; obsessed with learning. Letting out a deep exhale and closing her eyes, she almost began to drift off; her brain realising it needed a few minutes to reboot and recover. But a ruckus of sarcastic laughter and shouting stirred her from her relaxation.
Sitting up and shielding her eyes from the glowing sun, Zuli looked around to see where the noise was coming from. Sight finally following Sound, her stomach dropped as she noticed what was happening.
All too familiar she recognised five grown seniors underneath the arches by the Mathematics classrooms surrounding somebody, whoever it was being thrown around like a rag doll. Passed between each student, they were being shoved, hit, laughed at and verbally abused. While she knew she could be quite assertive and intimidating, that really only applied to people her age or younger. Seniors were different.
Continuing to watch at the same time as keeping an eye out to see if any staff were walking past.
“Ha ha, won’t be able to read your sappy love letters without these huh?” One older guy shouted, holding up a pair of clear framed glasses. Oh no. Her heart sank. Something began tingling in her stomach, flowing through to her feet and her arms and hands; she grew angry, scared, overwhelmed.
Collecting her textbooks and notepad, Zuli stood up and marched straight over to the group of boys. Adrenaline and dopamine worked evilly beside each other, triggering Zuli’s instincts of fight or flight; both of them somehow coming into play.
“If you don’t leave him the heck alone, I’ll report you to the dean of the CARE team. I know you. You,” Zuli addressed two of the group, “are from Chemistry. You others are from Mathematics. It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. Back off.” She spoke with such a seething tone to her voice, regardless of her being a small 15 year old kid; the boys listened, gathering their things and jogging off in a different direction.
“Spencer?” Zuli’s tone changed immediately, as she whispered to the boy curled up on the floor clutching his bag. His glasses were thrown just a bit away from him so Zuli picked them up, wiped the lenses with the hem of her sweater and handed them back to Spencer. He snatched them, scrambling to get himself together and stood up.
“It’s a silly question, but are you alri-“ Zuli couldn’t even finish the sentence before Spencer ran off, the back of him becoming a small shape as he got further and further away.
Shrugging her own backpack on her shoulders properly and adjusting her own glasses on the bridge of her nose, she tried to tell her brain not to take it personally. She probably wouldn’t want to talk to anybody after being exploited like that in public.
As she took a step forward to follow him, her foot nudged against something thick on the floor. A book covered in tight lavender coloured woven cloth lay on the floor, as if discarded like trash. Picking it up to observe, she noticed it had S.R embroidered down the spine. Holding it to her chest, she looked up to see if Spencer was still visible.
Watching as he became a little dot in the distance, she watched as he stopped underneath a junction of trees. Go left. Go left Spencer. He looked to his right before running off to the left and Zuli sighed with solace.
The sunshine and clear sky was quickly a thing of the past as the weather turned into what should be expected of the fall; darkness creeping in early, and light raindrops hitting the ground. And as Zuli creaked open the recognisable doors to the library, it was the rain against the windows that made the soft sound of sniffling even more melancholic.
Following the soft sniffles to where she hoped in foresight Spencer would be, she sighed at the confirmation. Curled up in one of the big leather armchairs in what they’d both christened as ‘their’ corner of the room, Spencer had his knees tucked into his chest and his head tucked into his knees.
Arms wrapped tightly around his legs, he squeezed himself tighter at the sound of soft footsteps creeping toward him. He wanted to be alone. He didn’t want to speak to a dean or a librarian or another student.
But as he peeked underneath his elbow and saw Zuli’s maroon Doc Martens standing by the chair, he lifted his whole head to see her smiling down at him.
“Hey you.” She spoke, for the first time, truly gently.
“Hi.” Spencer sniffed hard, clearing his throat and wiping his eyes with his sweater sleeve and trying to sit up properly.
“You don’t have to get up for me Spencer, I’ll sit over there,” Even though her instinct was telling her to give him a huge hug, she knew he wouldn’t want it, “I think this is yours though.”
Holding out the mysterious book, Spencer’s eyes widened and he let out a breathy chuckle of disbelief.
“I thought they took it,” You shook your head as he took it timidly from your hands, “It was a birthday gift.”
“Wait. Did I miss your birthday?” Zuli asked, eyes widening and mouth open in surprise. Had she been so caught up in her thesis she didn’t notice her own friend’s birthday? As her brain attempted to figure out his birthday, he spoke.
“It’s today.”
“What? Why didn't you say anything?” Zuli supposed also, how hadn’t she noticed from the years before? She would’ve got him gifts, made him some cupcakes, anything.
Spencer shifted in his seat a little, fingernails stretching at a loose bit of cotton on his pants. He was evidently uncomfortable, for reasons that Zuli didn’t know and didn’t want to press on. Looking over Spencer’s shoulder at something happening outside in the hall, Zuli let out a little giggle.
Joining her in looking, Spencer too giggled at the sight of some students carrying a range of pumpkins and running down the hall with them.
A tradition they’d both learned takes place every Halloween at Caltech; students dropping pumpkins from the 9 floors up, watching them smash into tiny pieces at the bottom. It was one of the first things that Zuli and Spencer had done together besides study, laughing at the atmosphere of excitement and madness as the pumpkins shattered on the ground.
Zuli had picked miniscule bits of pumpkin out of Spencer’s hair for hours after.
“Shall we go watch?” She asked, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose and holding onto her bag straps, “It might make you feel a little better.”
Spencer smiled at the doorway before turning to look at Zuli, overwhelmed by her kind soft voice; also wanting both to feel better and see the tradition.
“Let’s go.” Spencer stood up, brushing down his pants and running his hands over his face, removing evidence of his upset minutes ago.
As they both walked towards the doors, Zuli nudged Spencer’s shoulder with her own; getting a little chuckle out of him. Reaching down to turn the doorknob, Zuli leant her full body weight on the door to push it open.
But it wouldn’t. Jiggling the door handle over and over, the realisation creeped in that it wasn’t going to budge. Turning to Spencer, she let out a splutter of anxious giggles, his eyes wide however returning the same laughs.
“Well, looks like we’ve been locked in.” Spencer said, attempting to look through the glass and down the hall in case anyone was still walking around. He knew that everybody would be outside watching the pumpkins, but surely they would’ve seen them both in there.
Looking over to the corner they were sat in, he realised that the chairs were tucked in a corner behind some bookshelves, out of sight from the entrance door. Brilliant.
“Let’s just use the desk phone and call the caretaker or somebody?” Zuli suggested, pulling out her planner from her backpack and heading over to the phone sitting on top of the librarians desk. She’d taken all the emergency numbers of staff and authorities down in case anything ever happened. Preparedness was a relatively strong suit for her.
Spencer paced around the front of the desk as Zuli tried different numbers, stopping only when she began talking to somebody. It wasn’t that he was worried about anything, he adored the library; however he was exhausted and wanted to go to bed. Spending his birthday trapped in a library almost sounded fun, and it was only counting on the fact that Zuli would keep him entertained and busy.
“Okay, that’s fine. No it’s not that bad actually. See you soon. Thank you sir. Bye.” Zuli sighed as she put the phone down, hopping down from where she was sitting on the desk, “They’re sending a caretaker out to come and unlock the doors, but they won’t be for another two to three hours because of the rain.”
“I suppose that’s significantly better than staying here until 7 tomorrow morning.”
“The lady asked if it was cold in here, because the heating turns off at six-ish, buuuuut-“ Zuli unzipped her backpack and pulled out the blanket she was sitting on earlier, “I came prepared. Oh my god! I have an idea!”
Spencer just smiled and pulled his bag strap back over his head, settling it down on a nearby chair as he watched his hyperactive friend begin to push one of the leather chairs forward. He had no idea what she was doing, but whatever it would be he was going to just leave her to it.
*********************************************************“Is your neck hurting too?”
“Yeah. I completely misjudged the size of the blanket, and the distance between the chairs.”
They were both crouched underneath Zuli’s blanket that she had draped over the backs of two chairs; attempting to make a small fort in which they could hide from the cold threatening to creep in. But the blanket was only a small kind of throw, the chairs were absolutely huge and she and Spencer were squeezed so close together they might as well have been fused.
“I’ve got shoulder cramp, how is that even possible?” Zuli chuckled, rolling both shoulders back and wincing. The sudden movement tugged on a part of the blanket dipped behind them, and it soon fell to cover them entirely.
“If a muscle is overused or held in an awkward position over a long period of time, it can spasm. While only temporary, it seems like yours would be in the trapezius muscle, so before it entirely locks up I’d recommend a few stretches.” Spencer spoke, voice muffled by the blanket covering his head.
Bursting out into laughter, Zuli pushed the blanket back off of their heads, letting it sit around their shoulders. Rolling her head around in semi-circles, she sighed as the pain began to drift away. She knew it wasn’t just the way she was sitting, her posture had grown awful. Constantly hunched over books, or telescopes, she barely had time to stand or sit straight.
“Spencer…” Zuli mumbled, her voice coming out in the same way a person would sneak down the hall to the fridge at midnight.
“May I ask what was so important about your book? Is it a first edition?”
Spencer smiled sadly as he reached for it, the spine poking out of his bag. If only he just told her everything with his mom; she wouldn’t have to ask these things and he wouldn’t have to answer them. He knew she would be kind and considerate - that’s just her in general - but he felt like it was too much to offload to somebody else. He didn’t want a pity party, he didn’t need one. But at the same time, if there was somebody to understand a tiny part of his struggle, it could make it easier. He wasn’t sure what was harder. So he calculated the simplest, vaguest answer possible, so as not to attract any further questions.
“It was a gift from somebody special. My favourite poems, mostly romantic, sonnets etcetera. Those seniors thought it was funny so used their own insecurities to lash out.”
There was a sadness behind his words, Zuli knew he wasn’t saying everything but trusted him enough to know if he wanted to share, he could. Deflecting slightly, her brain held on to the words ‘somebody special’ and ‘romantic’. No, it wouldn’t be something like that, he’d tell her. Surely?
“I feel like I can hear your thoughts, Zuli.” Spencer snapped her out of her thinking, eyebrows furrowed with intrigue, “It’s not what you think at all.”
“No, oh my god, it’s fine, I was just thinking that's all. I want you to feel like you can talk to me if you need to, but also you don’t have to, I just can see that you’re upset by something and I’m here if you-“
“It’s from my mom. She’s um…she’s not well. But she remembered my birthday and sent it to me. I read hundreds of books, but this one means the world to me.”
Zuli watched him with intense eyes. She felt full of adoration, sadness, love and contentment for Spencer. She could see he was hurting, but the lavender book gripped tightly in his fingers clearly brought him fondness. Spencer looked up at Zuli to see why he got no response, to find her smiling with enamour. Two lamplights on the table next to them cast a tuscan glow over the two of them, and he suddenly felt overwhelmingly warm.
“Do you know what?” Zuli sat up quickly, keeping the mood from dipping down and switching it to popping up, “I have something that makes me feel like that.”
Reaching into her own knapsack, she pulled out a medium sized leather book and handed it over to Spencer.
“You can look inside if you want.”
Spencer ran his fingers over the carved outline of a tree on the cover, the flat grain of the leather smooth and cool underneath his fingertips. It was beautifully made, and he could tell from the feel of the leather bindings and the smoothness of the handmade paper. He laid it down in between them both, gesturing for Zuli to open it herself.
She excitedly unravelled the leather strips wound round the outside and opened it up to her cover page. Written in magnificent calligraphy the words;
My Dream Adventures
lazuli aged 6
“It was a gift from my mom too. I’ve written a lot of hopes and dreams here, some of which I’ve achieved and some I’m yet to. She used to say to me that ‘adventure is out there.’” Zuli articulated, flipping the first few pages and pointing at different coloured writings.
“Own a lemonade stand and make fifty dollars.”
“Achieved,” Zuli spoke proudly, “age eleven. Made ninety dollars and bought this new backpack.”
Spencer laughed with true merriment before going back to some of the other scribbles.
“Keep bees and sell my own honey.”
“Yet to.”
“Quite the businesswoman it seems, Zuli.” Spencer giggled at her straightforwardness. Zuli’s smile was wider than the Amazon river, her passion and true self coming out as she expressed herself through her past stories.
“This one looks cool, I like your artwork. To fly a house to Lonesome Bridge and live there forever. Where's the Lonesome Bridge?” Spencer asked, trying to rack his brain and think where this ideal living space was.
“It’s in Utah. I love how you don’t care about how I get there, just where I’m going.” Zuli smiled, looking down at the drawing she’d made as a young kid, a white wooden house with multicoloured balloons poking out of its chimney.
“Not to crush your dreams but how do you expect to fly a house. If I’m not mistaken, Utah is at least six hundred and seventy miles…” Spencer’s voice trailed off as a dark frown dropped over Zuli’s face.
It was replaced with a burst of laughter and an excited flap of Zuli’s hands. “Okay so, I estimated that my dream house would be roughly around one hundred thousand pounds in weight, and if I used balloons that were around six feet in diameter, I’d only need, oh what was it..” She hurried to flip to the next page, covered in scribbles of calculations and more drawings of coloured balloons across the page, “Ah! Thirteen thousand, two hundred and eight balloons.”
Spencer watched as she smiled down at her drawings, continuing to explain how the impossible was actually possible. Although he definitely didn’t have a life threatening disease in which this was a symptom, he felt as if his heart was swelling. Unfamiliar with this feeling, he should’ve been uncomfortable but he couldn’t feel more at ease and peace as he did then.
Zuli felt the same unknowingly to him, her heart pouring out of her mouth within her words as she unravelled her future and shared it all with Spencer. She hoped deep, deep, deep down inside that he would stick around and see these wonderful things with her.
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deliontower · 4 years
A little bit of magic
Summary: Cas works on a case with Sam and Dean they call Y/N for help. After the case is over they found bond and Cas realises that Y/N can give him everything he's missing.     Pairing: Cas and Reader Word count: 2k ish Square filled: for @spnquotebingo​ -  "Can we skip it? Can you just be kissing me now?" Warnings: kind of self hate and doubt, fluff and swearing A/N: written from Cas' point of view because I feel like you can get a better sense of him and his feelings. Wrote most of this at 3 am so mistakes are there, did read thought it but probably missed a few.  
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Castiel had been to earth many times, he had taken different vessel over time. His current vessel was a man called Jimmy Novak,  he still felt guilty when he thought about what his presents had done to him and his family.
Over all the years of his life he had been told many times that he was beautiful, mainly by humans and sometimes by monsters. He never used to understand the point of the comment but as he spent more time with Sam and Dean he understood the point.  Especially the time he spent as a human when he lost his grace. It was the first time feeling things and first time doing other things.
After the fall he felt even worst blaming himself for it and how all the other angels were lost without heaven. He spent most of his time with the Winchesters feeling like they were the only ones who understood him and being the only ones he could trust.
The most recent case wasn't far from the bunker so they were able to stay there and not a motel. It didn't affect him much as he never slept but he knew that Sam and Dean were more than grateful.
With no good leads they resulted to calling an old witch friend. Castiel had only ever heard of Y/N but always good things, that they were brave and strong, had no trouble dealing with Dean and his humour.  
They all had planned to meet near a witnesses' home, Sam lead the way over to a person standing by a car. They had their head down looking through a phone. Once Sam called their name they looked up and grinned wide, Y/E/C shining.
Sam pulled them into a tight hug which they gave back laughing. Dean joined them, Y/N hugged him the same way they had with Sam. Cas  joined them and when he did Y/N's smile went to him.
"Y/N this is Castiel" Dean introduced the two of them, Cas nodded to her his own greeting.
"The angel" Y/N said in as a fact and not a question like everyone else did. "Dean and Sam talk very highly of you".
"They speak well of you as well" after he said it, Y/N smile grew even more if it was possible and turned on Dean most of all.
"Do you now? So Deanie what wonderful things do you say about me?" she teased him pocking his arm.
Dean only rolled his eyes "Thanks Cas" , Sam laughed watching everything unfold.
" oh yeah" you suddenly pulled away from the small group and spun around. "What ya think of my FBI suit? "
Everyone looked her up and down Sam nodded of approval, Dean gave them the thumbs up. But Cas was the only one to give a verbal comment. "It suits your eye colour very well".
All Y/N's attention went on Cas, "That's what I was going for" they bit their lip and smiled. "I didn't think everyone would notices" they said a bit more quietly and looked to the floor.
When their eyes went up again they went straight to Cas'. Blue meeting Y/E/C.  They didn't break apart until Dean cleared his throat. "We should get on with seeing the witnesses".
Y/N was the first to look away, nodding at Dean's statement. "So what's the plan? Four 'FBI' agents on one case is going to look weird."
"Y/N's right. Only two of us should go in and one needs to be Y/N" Sam stopped everyone from moving.
"Y/N and I will go in. You two wait out here" Dean told Cas and Sam who agreed to save time.
While they waited outside Cas couldn't help but wondered about Y/N. "How did you meet Y/N? You've mentioned them but not how you know them "
"mmm. Dean and I were on a case, a ghost was going after psychics and Y/N helped us find out who it was. After that we would call them if we were sucked on something"   Sam said. "They're really talented, we're lucky they're on own side."
He then went on to thinking about them, how they socialised with the Winchesters, almost like a sibling would. How their eyes rested on him when he commented on their suit and the smile they wore when they spotted the boys.
His inner core tighten  when he first saw all of them. He could feel their  power vibrating off them and into the air. Sam said they were powerful but did he really know how.
"Hey boys" Y/n's voice sang from a distance. Cas and Sam look around and saw Dean and Y/N walking over to the impala. They both looked like they had been in a fight. "You never guess who did it".
Sam jumped forward checking if both were okay. "Why didn't you shout for help?".
"Y/N had it covered. Son of bitch didn't even see them coming" Dean high fived Y/n who laughed with Dean.
"They guy was a shapeshifter, wasn't hard to take down. Little magic here and a little sliver there" Y/N rubbed their hands together making a purple light form, which busted into glitter. "I didn't know I could do that!" they exclaimed then repeated the act until everyone was covered in multi coloured glitter.
Cas looked confused, Sam even more and Dean was trying his best to be mad. Y/N clapped their  hands together and it all disappeared.  "an allusion?" Cas raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah" Y/N looked happy but shocked at someone guessed what happened. "You're something else Castiel". The way his name left their lips was like honey sweet.
"I suggest we get out of here before the police show up" Dean chimed in.
"You finally going to show me at bunker of yours, maybe even have a drink?" Y/N question was directed at Dean but still held Cas' eyes.  
"You earned it" Sam patted Y/N on their back.
"want to ride me with me angel, show me the way?" Sam raised an eyebrow while Dean chucked.
Cas tiled his head to the side, "If you'd like me too".
"You heard him, go ahead in your car and we'll follow" Y/N waved them away with a smile. "So Cas tell me about yourself".
"well I'm an angel which you know already. I help  Dean and Sam with cases and I had sex with a reaper " Y/N nodded as he went on but the last one took them by surprises, losing control of the car momentarily.
"Sorry what was the last one?" they asked, once they grain control of the car again. " sex with a reaper?" Y/n repeated it slowly careful that they didn't miss hear.
"Yes. Dean had a simply reaction" Cas was looking straight ahead, not seeing how bewildered they looked. "I was graceless at the time"
"You lost your grace?" Y/N asked eyeing him side ways. " When did that happen?".
He looked to Y/N unsure if he could tell them everything. They carried themselves so light but deep inside their power held precedence as the main core.
"When all the angels fell, it was my grace that allowed it. I was human for a time and it was the strangest time in my long life. I got in back but I still remember what it was like" their eyes met again.
"Being human is hard sometimes, I'm a lot older than I seem and I have lived many lives,  as time passes you think you know how things are,  but then everything is different. From fashions tends to laws" Y/N gave him one more smile but sadder and looked back to the road.
It was a short drive back to the bunker, once everyone had arrived Y/N looked around.
"How outdoorsy. Tell me Dean what do you see when we're here. Just want to make sure you haven't gone mad" Y/N moved their hand around area.
"just wait" Dean shook his head and lead them to a hidden door. Y/N looked at him like he was even more mad.  "Trust me and if not me then Sam"
"Don't worry Y/n we're not mad" Sam laughed at the look they sent him.
"I wouldn't go that far"  Y/n muttered. "I'll knock you both on your asses  if you try anything."
"What about Cas?" Dean joked looking back.
Y/N also turned around and looked to Cas, "He's too cute to knock on his ass" they said with a side ways smile.
A strange feeling of hurt fluttered into his chest. It was a complement but it wasn't truly about him and how he really was. No one saw the real him.  
"You okay?" Y/N sat down next to where Cas stood. "You seem a bit, mmm out of it" their hand rested just where his wings would be. If they were visible.
"I feel lost" Cas eyes squinted as he tried to find the right words. "I don't think Dean or Sam would understand if I told them. They would try but I think I remain a mystery  to them in some ways"
"They're good people, it might take time but they would understand. They love you" Y/N words hit deep,  it was right to say Sam and Dean loved him and he knew it but he caved a different type of love one he couldn't reach.  
But here was Y/N saying all the right things, touching him in all the right places. And smiling giving him the same feeling he felt when the sky was made, when he first felt the warm the sun offered. And those Y/E/C eyes  like his favourite flower that grew in the garden.  
Y/N hand  still played on his back, he swore he could feel their figures blushing along the few feathers he had left. They  sighed deeply, eyes moving across the empty room. "I should probably get going, They've both gone off to bed". Their hand left his back but the spot stayed warm like a touch magic left there.
"Are you able to drive?" Cas studied them careful, the way their chest moved as they breathed, the small movements that their hands did with no real thought to it and how their lips moved when they let out air.  
Y/N eyes seemed to be on him and his movements too. Their mind working through everything all at once.  "At the risk of ruining this moment and the bond I feel with you. Can  we skip the doubt of questioning this and jump straight in.  Can we skip it? Can you just be kissing me now?" they sounded hopefully and scared at the same time.
Something over took him and in a moment at was so unlike him he made the first move. Y/N made a surprised noise when their lips met. Y/N arms went round his neck to pull him closer. Both kept their eyes shut.
Y/N was the one to pull away, lips slightly swollen but eyes shining more than every. "You are probably the beautiful person/angel I have ever met" they were breathless .
"Yes, I suppose I got lucky when it came to my vessel" Cas felt disappointed that once again it came down to looks and not him.      
Y/N shook her head, "no, I don’t mean your body. It is a lovely body but I mean your soul" They placed a hand over his heart. "I never got a chance to explain all I can do. I can do spells like any witch but I can also read souls and see the true forms of creatures" They looked him up and down , wearing the same smile they wore when Cas had met them. "You and your light. " they swallowed before carrying on. "You wings as well, they may be broken but god they look amazing. Everything about you is beautiful"
Once again something Cas didn’t understand took over and they were kissing again. Y/N hands ran through his hair this time, while his held their neck bring them even closer. They were so close that their chests were pressed against each other. He felt the fluttering of Y/N chest, the small breaths they managed to get out in between the kissing.
"How do you expect me to leave now?" They whispered with their forehead against his, longing in their voice.
"Don't. I don't want you too" he whispered back with the same distance longing.  
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
For Blue, Blue Skies-Part 1
Title: For Blue, Blue Skies Pairings: Steve x tony Part: 1/5 Warnings: swearing, bullying, abuse (physical and verbal), blood, angst, fluff. Summary: Steve was sure he’d aced his latest test in his forensics class but as it turns out, Professor Fury failed almost everyone. In order to get extra credit Steve and his friends join a program that Fury called The Avengers to deal with a bullying problem at the nearby high school. Hidden behind the glitz and glamour of his father’s money, most people can’t see that Tony Stark’s life is a nightmare. All Tony wants is to get out of this hellish school as quickly as possible and get as far away from his abusive father as soon as possible.  A/N: This is based off of a nonnie’s request, hope you enjoy.
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 Tony knew three rules.
Rule number one: remain invisible-hence the overly large black hoodie that disguised him amongst the crowd.
Rule number two: never tarnish the Stark name-homework was completed and assignments were ready to be handed in over a week early.
Rule number three: never let anyone know how much pain you’re in.
Rule number three was the rule that Tony struggled with the most, but if he kept to the first two rules then he didn’t really have to worry about the third rule. He stuck to the edges of the hallway to ensure he didn’t get jostled by any of the other kids. They were all so much bigger than Tony. He made it to his chemistry class and practically collapsed into his chair in the front row. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he sensed the attention of some of his classmates shift to him. He squeezed his eyes shut and wished he could turn invisible. Wished that he could vanish, just so they’d stop looking. Just so he could get through the end of high school. It was bad enough that Tony had skipped a grade, bad enough that his clothes were all too big on him, bad enough that he was the short scrawny kid, but he had no friends and his father was rich. Everyone knew it and they all hated him for it.
“fuck you.” he whispered underneath his breath as the others around him stage-whispered insults.
“look at his hair, is he growing a mullet?”
“Would go with the homeless look, wouldn’t it?”
“do you think he’s just rebelling? No kid that rich dresses like that.” He wanted them to leave him alone. But he knew that ignoring it was better than addressing it. so he let them whisper, let them talk. And then Justin Hammer walked in, and Tony’s stomach dropped down and out of him. Please keep walking. Don’t notice me, take your seat at the back and move on. Please.
But Hammer didn’t take his place at the back, he kept walking towards Tony’s desk. The bright fluorescent lights perfectly illuminated the malice on Hammer’s face and Hammer reached into one of his pockets.
“Morning Stark, have you lost your marbles today?” Hammer asked and sat down in the empty seat beside Tony.
“Justin.” Tony said by way of acknowledgement and stared down at his homework. Justin was laughing, at what Tony wasn’t sure. He shifted uncomfortably, wishing he could just float away.
“Stark raving mad, that’s what you are. Just like your mother.” Tony flinched and dug his nails into his palms. They didn’t know what they were talking about. They were just dumb kids and one day Tony would be free of them. He could go to college and be surrounded by people who cared about learning just as much as Tony did. They wouldn’t bully him for being smart, they’d encourage him.
“Alright class, settle down.” It was Mr Coulson but Justin didn’t move to his assigned seat. Just watched Tony with eyes like a hawk and Tony’s stomach began to twist and churn.
“Stark raving mad.” Justin whispered right before he spilled water all over Tony’s homework. Tony shot up and out of his seat, but stopped before throwing a punch. He squeezed his eyes shut, let out a deep breath and counted to ten. He wouldn’t be violent, he wouldn’t be like his father. He couldn’t allow that kind of darkness to infect him. Tony sat back down but knew he had the attention of everyone in the room.
“What’s up Stark? Having an aneurism or something?” Justin asked and Tony gritted his teeth. He would keep calm, he wouldn’t lose it. he couldn’t afford to. If he got suspended he’d be left to his father and Tony couldn’t do that. This school, this hellish nightmare where he was teased and taunted and pushed to the edge, was Tony’s safe haven.
“go sit down in your seat Justin.” Mr Coulson snapped but said nothing about Tony’s homework. Tony slumped down in his seat and stared blankly at the whiteboard. He wasn’t insane, they were wrong. he just liked to learn and that made him different. But being different wasn’t so bad, right?
Steve walked to class, chewing some peppermint gum and carrying way too many books. He had to stop by the library to drop them off after class. But when he stepped inside his forensics class, the room was silent and grim.
“Take a seat.” The professor said and Steve dropped down into his chair beside his best friend Bucky.
“What’s going on?” Steve whispered while they waited for the last couple of students to show up.
“I don’t know, he just said he needs to talk.” Professor Fury could be a bit of an asshole, but he was an excellent teacher. Steve had originally hated the idea of taking a forensics class, but he soon found he enjoyed it. and he was pretty sure that was because Professor Fury was teaching it.
“someone said it had something to do with our last test.” Natasha whispered as she dropped into the seat on the other side of Steve.
“Good now that everyone is finally here,” Fury shot a glare at Natasha and Steve and they both sank down lower in their seats. He was in a bad mood today. “I would like to discuss the fact that almost every student in my class is failing.” Uh oh.
“Failing?” someone called out and Professor Fury nodded.
“Correct. Not one student got above thirty percent on the last assessment.” Shit.
“But I thought I did well on that!” someone cried. Steve forgot how to breathe. If he failed this class then he could be at risk of losing his scholarship. And then what? all his money went into his share of the rent, he couldn’t afford to fail this class.
“no, you all overthought it. you were so….clinical. there was no humanity in any of the answers. The subject suffered from a laceration to the throat which must have been difficult for the witness to see.” He read from someone’s test.
“Well it wouldn’t have been easy to see.” Bucky grumbled and Steve couldn’t help but smile a little.
“I’m disappointed in all of you. on the very first day of class, I told you all to hold on to your humanity. And you all failed me. but I’m going to go out on a limb here and offer you a second chance.” Steve straightened, his heart pounded in his chest. A second chance?
“There’s a program that the Dean has developed in collaboration with the local high school. He’s called it the Avengers Initiative. The high school has a serious bullying problem and you will be tasked with a student to look after. You will get to the bottom of the bullying and you will solve it. you will do this for the rest of the semester and earn extra credit for doing so.” Fury crossed his arms but Steve relaxed in his seat. That wasn’t so bad. And extra credit sounded nice.
“Aren’t there better qualified people to do this?” someone complained and Fury rose a brow.
“the dean hopes that your youth will enable you to connect better to the kids. Each student that solves one kid’s bullying problem gets an A.” Steve’s jaw dropped and the whole class was suddenly way more interested. An A would look excellent on his report card. It could help him keep his scholarship, and how hard could it be to tell a kid to stop bullying someone?
“When do we start?” Steve called out and Fury grinned.
“Tomorrow. I’ve emailed you all the details. Now, back to the lecture…” but Steve wasn’t listening. He could do this. he could get an A and save his scholarship. This would save him.
Lunch was its own infested nightmare. Everyone was shoved into one room for an hour and expected to get along. Tony would have hidden in the bathroom during the whole hour if it weren’t for the fact that this is Peter’s only opportunity to eat. So he got in line with all the other kids, tray in hand and he scooped everything that looked like it wouldn’t give him food poisoning onto his tray. Someone grabbed his shoulder and he flinched, dropping his tray.
“don’t touch me!” Tony hissed and found it was Justin, grinning and Tony frowned.
“What’s wrong Stark? It was just a friendly pat on the back.” He punched Tony in the arm and Tony had to count to ten again. He just had to get through this lunch hour.
“Leave me alone.” Tony bent down and picked up his tray off the floor, most of the food had spilled everywhere. Fuck.
“what’s wrong Stark?” justin asked tauntingly but Tony shook his head. Stay calm. He told himself and moved to sit at a table. He sat down and began to eat the one remaining half of his mac and cheese that hadn’t been utterly destroyed. Tony ate slowly, salvaging the taste, finally. His stomach rumbled loudly at just the taste, glad to finally get food. Tony couldn’t wait until he was old enough to move out. Then he’d be free.
“Stark raving mad! Stark raving mad! Stark raving mad!” Justin had started a chant and the others all chorused the words, booming around the cafeteria. Tony ignored it, food was his top priority right now. making it through the day, healing.
“come on Stark!” Justin pulled on Tony’s arm, dragged him up to his feet.
“Leave me the fuck alone!” Tony hissed, his anger rising.
“Oooh I’m shaking.” Justin laughed and Tony took several deep and calming breaths.
“Leave me alone.” His tone was pleading and Justin fed off of that.
“Are you going to cry? It looks like you’re going to cry. God, you’re such a fucking baby. Go back to your own year group.” He shook his head and slapped Tony’s back again, the cafeteria cheered. But Tony was seeing red from pain.
“Don’t touch me!” he shoved Justin back and Justin crashed into the closest table. The whole cafeteria fell silent. Everyone was staring, but Justin began laughing.
“you’re going to fight me?” he asked and came closer, getting right in Tony’s face. Justin was two heads taller and Tony had to crane his neck to look up at him. He was shaking, he didn’t want this. he wanted this to stop, but he felt trapped. It was going too far, too fast.
“Leave me alone.” Tony ground out, surprised at how steady his voice sounded. But justin pushed Tony and Tony stumbled back. He regained his balance, grabbed his backpack and began to walk away which made Justin laugh harder.
“I knew you were pathetic.” Tony faltered, his mind rolling back to the previous night. pathetic murdering piece of shit. Unwanted spoiled brat. Ungrateful beast. Monster.
“Fuck off.” Tony snarled, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Justin swung, landing a punch on Tony. Tony immediately dropped to the floor, hands over head and breathing heavily. No. he wouldn’t be able to cover that up. Howard would know. Justin landed a kick to Tony’s ribs and Tony snapped.
Steve, along with his classmates, stood in the office of Midtown high school. The school, while famed for their harsh program and intelligent students, had a severe bullying problem and that was evident from the short walk to the front office. Steve was starting to feel nervous about this whole thing, what if he couldn’t pull it off? What if he failed? Then what?
“We’ve all matched you up with a kid who we want you to help out. Some of you have been matched with the bullied and others with the bullies. Help these kids find their way and professor Fury will give you an A.” god, it sounded so simple when he put it like that. The headmaster started calling out names and they all waited patiently, Bucky was paired with some kid called Justin.
“Steve Rogers and uh, Bruce Banner.” Steve nodded his head and took the slip of paper that said where Bruce’s first period class would be. He had an English class first period. The principal called out a few more pairings and then showed them all to a pile of school maps.
“good luck.” Were his parting words before he retreated back to his office. Steve shared a look with Bucky as they grabbed their school maps.
“I’ll meet up with you after and we can get some pizza.” Bucky said and Steve nodded.
“I’ll see you around.” And then they went their separate ways, entering the belly of the beast.
“You broke his nose.” The headmaster said yet again and Tony rose a brow.
“Did i? I don’t remember that. Think I might’ve blacked out.” Tony admitted and the principal sighed.
“And your father called, apparently you didn’t go home yesterday?” Tony stared up at the ceiling. He’d slept in a park, well, sleep was putting it generously. He’d closed one eye and been on edge the whole night. but it had been better than going home.
“So?” Tony asked and the principal shook his head.
“tony I really don’t want to suspend you, that will go on your record and your brain deserves to be challenged at a great college. But I will have to suspend you if you keep this up.”
“What was I supposed to do sir?” Tony asked, growing angrier with each passing second.
“from what’s been reported by other students, you were very violent. I want you to start seeing the school counsellor.” Tony crossed his arms and shook his head.
“It’s that or suspension.” Tony sighed and looked up at the fluorescent light that was flickering.
“Fine.” He ground out, he had no other choice apparently.
“Excellent, your first session will be during lunch break.” Tony shot up out of his seat at that, his stomach growling at the mere thought.
“Lunch?” his only meal, vanishing.
“It’s quite alright Tony, I’ve already informed one of the lunchladies to bring a meal to you. now you should get to class.” Tony relaxed and nodded.
“Oh, okay. Thanks.” He grabbed his backpack and practically ran out of there, the hallways were quiet and empty. He was late.
“Ah, Mr Stark, finally decided to make an appearance?” the teacher rose an unimpressed brow and the whole class snickered.
“Sorry, I was with the headmaster.” Tony said as he sat down in his seat. The teacher rolled her eyes and turned back to the board. Tony glanced to the kid next to him-Bruce, and glanced at Bruce’s notes.
“You were an idiot for attacking Justin.” Bruce whispered and Tony’s eyes met his.
“Someone had to do it.” Bruce rolled his eyes and when Tony saw he hadn’t missed anything, he settled back into his seat.
“Entitled rich boy.” Bruce muttered and Tony sighed. He wondered what Bruce would say if he knew that Tony had slept in a park like a homeless person. What he would say about the bruises underneath his clothes, the ribs that stuck out a little too much to be healthy and the welts on his back caused by his father’s belt. Would he still be called an entitled rich boy then?
Ten deep breaths.
“Can’t believe he broke Justin’s nose, imagine the law suit that’s waiting for him. They’ll send his ass to juvie, that’ll teach him a lesson about assault.” Someone stage-whispered.
“I guess Justin was right afterall, he really is Stark raving mad.”
“Did you know he killed his mom?” Tony’s temper snapped and he turned around in his seat, he couldn’t calm the temper, couldn’t silence the rage, how dare they accuse him of that?
“Shut the fuck up before I break your nose.” Tony hissed and the girl rose her brows in surprise. She then burst into tears and her friend shot Tony a glare.
“That’s enough.” Miss Hill snapped and Tony hung his head, the anger dissipating. He’d given in to the anger, he’d made a girl cry. It made Tony feel all sorts of angry and ugly inside, angry with himself, angry at the world.
“Steve could you please escort Tony to the office.” Fuck.
“Sure.” The voice was unfamiliar and when Tony looked for the source he found it was someone sitting in the desk next to Bruce’s. the guy was undeniably attractive, with his messy blonde hair, fair skin and bright blue eyes-who wouldn’t be attracted to him? The guy stood up out of his seat and Tony followed in suit, only to notice that the other guy-Steve- was a full head taller than Tony. Tony followed Steve out of the classroom, keeping his movements slow and careful, his back ached from sleeping on a park bench all night.
“why do you feel the need to attract so much attention to yourself?” Steve asked and his voice echoed ever so slightly in the empty hallway.
“would you just sit back in silence if people said those things about you?” Tony snapped and Steve rose a brow. Tony could practically hear the thought go through Steve’s head, entitled rich boy.
Steve stared at the Tony kid in disbelief. Bruce had mentioned that there were kids who had it worse, had even mentioned Tony specifically, but Steve felt like the kid almost deserved it.
“You can’t just bully people out of retaliation.” Steve said and Tony rose his brows.
“bully people?” Steve crossed his arms, this kid practically had it coming.
“Yeah, you show up to class late, with a weak excuse might I add, and then you disrupt everyone and make some poor girl cry and-“
“She said I’d killed my mom.” Tony interrupted and Steve rolled his eyes.
“you interrupt people, I noticed you trying to copy Bruce’s work without even asking and you broke some kid’s nose.” Tony shut his eyes and Steve could’ve sworn the kid was counting. Steve felt like a jerk then, his purpose here was to improve the high school, not make things worse by upsetting one of the students.
“Are you like new here or something?” Tony asked at long last and Steve tilted his head.
“No, I’m a college student.”
“and you just usually hang around in high schools?” Tony asked, sounding more annoyed with each passing second. Steve just rolled his eyes.
“The Avengers program, my classmates and I are here to sort out your bullying problem.” Tony snorted and Steve stared up at the ceiling, the lights all glaringly bright.
“And so you decided to come on in here and judge me?” Tony asked and Steve felt a wave of guilt crash into him.
“That wasn’t my intention.” Steve admitted and Tony shook his head. Steve was aware that they were wasting time and that he really should get back to Bruce. But a part of him felt compelled to stay, to help this kid who was entitled and acted as if the world owed him.
“Let’s just get to the headmaster’s office.” Steve said after a long silence and Tony didn’t argue. They walked the rest of the way, Steve felt like he was supposed to say something to make things better. But he didn’t know what to say, so he dropped Tony off in the office and headed back to class.
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SPN- Devil’s Trap (1.22)
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he was so SMOL
Pairing: Olive Winchester (OC)
Summary: The siblings go after their dad, but Olive is left behind because Dean wants her safety guaranteed.
Warnings: cursing, screaming, demons, uh, mentions of death, reckless driving, the usual
Word Count: 1337 (she’s a shorty)
Dean hung up the phone. “They’ve got Dad.”
Dean nodded.
“What did she say, De?” Sam was growing even more frantic.
“I just told you.” Dean huffed. “Okay.” He ran a hand over his face. “Okay.” He plucked the Colt off the table and tucked it into the back of his jeans.
“What’re you doing, Dean?”
Dean grabbed the duffel bag from our bed. “We gotta go.”
I tugged my shoes on as Dean grabbed his jacket and clipped Jinx’s collar on. “Sam, let’s just move.”
“Because the demon knows we’re in Salvation, alright. It knows we’ve got the Colt. It’s got Dad, it’s probably coming for us next.”
“Good. We’ve still got three bullets left. Let it come.”
“Listen tough guy. We’re not ready, okay? We don’t know how many of them are out there. Now, we’re no good to anybody dead. Especially not Dad. We’re leaving. Now!
“I’m telling you, Dean, we could’ve taken him.” Sam’s face was morphed into a scowl.
“What we need is a plan. Now, they’re probably keeping Dad alive, we just gotta figure out where. They’re gonna wanna trade him for the gun.”
Sam shook his head.
“What?” I spat.
“If that were true, why didn’t Meg mention a trade?” He sighed. “Dad, he might be-”
“Don’t.” I warned, shaking.
Dean was already freaking out, and the last thing I needed was for Sam to verbalize the boy’s worst nightmare.
“Look, I don’t want to believe it any more than you do! But if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can still finish the job.
“Screw the job, Sam!”
“Dean, I’m just trying to do what he would want. He would want us to keep going.”
“Would you quiet talking about him like he’s dead already?” Dean sped up.
I glanced at the speedometer. We were going 80 down a dark, wet, twisty road, where the speed limit was 30.
“Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything.”
Sam sighed. “So how do we find him?”
“We go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where he was taken.” I shrugged.
“Come on, Ol. You really think these demons are gonna leave a trail?”
Dean scoffed. “You’re right. We need help.”
He gunned it once more.
“Here you go.” Bobby handed Dean a flask.
“What is this? Holy water?”
“That one is.” He held up his own flask. “This is whiskey.”
He took a swig before handing it to Dean, who took it and did the same. He cleared his throat.
“Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure we should come.”
Sam and I were at a crowded desk, looking through old books of lore.
“Nonsense. Your Daddy needs help.”
“Well yeah, but the last time we saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot.”
“Cocked the shotgun and everything.” I spoke up.
I had only been a few years old when that happened, but I most definitely remembered it.
“Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people.”
Dean sighed. “Yeah. I guess he does.”
“None of that matters now. All that matters is that you get him back.”
“Bobby, this book…” Sam let out a chuckle. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Key of Solomon?” Bobby moved to sit on the edge of the desk. “It’s the real deal, alright.”
Jinx ran at Bobby and jumped at his feet. Dean’s eyes bugged out of his head and he reached for her, but Bobby beat him to it, holding Jinx against his chest.
“Good girl.”
“And these, uh, these protective circles. They really work?”
“Hell, yeah. You get a demon in one and they’re trapped.”
Dean stared out into the distance, looking worried. I forced a cough and he glanced my way.
“Powerless. It’s like a Satanic roach motel.”
Sam let out a giggle and I made a face at Dean. He came to stand by my side.
“Man knows his stuff.”
“I’ll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you kids stepped in.” Bobby scowled.
“Oh, yeah?”
“How’s that?”
“Normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops.”
“This year I hear of twenty-seven so far. You get what I’m saying?”
I nodded. “More.”
Bobby nodded. “Oh yeah. More and more demons are walking among us. A lot more.”
“Do you know why?”
“No, but I know it’s something big. The storm’s coming, and you kids, your Daddy- you are smack in the middle of it.”
Jinx started to flip out, barking and squirming until she fell out of Bobby’s arms. The dogs outside were barking and howling too, screaming their version of bloody murder.
“Rumsfeld.” Bobby got up and looked through the windows. “What is it? Something’s wrong.”
The door busted open, and Meg saunted in. Dean shoved me behind him, slipping the flask of holy water out of his pocket. I yanked Jinx off the floor and pulled her under my hoodie.
“No more crap, okay?”
Dean went at her, flask in hand, but she struck him away with a flick of her wrist. He knocked into a stack of books, out on the ground.
“Dean!” I shouted.
Sam stepped in front of Bobby and reached out for me with his other arm, preventing me from running to Dean’s side.
“I want the Colt, Sam. The real Colt. Right now.”
Sam had a grip on both Bobby and I and he slowly inched us across the room, past Dean. I let out a whimper to cover Jinx’s whine. Meg followed.
“We don’t have it on us. We buried it.”
“Didn’t I say no more crap? I swear, after everything I heard about you Winchesters, I gotta tell you, I’m a little underwhelmed. First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads. Lackluster, men. I mean, did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
I cleared my throat as Dean stepped behind her.
“Actually, we were counting on it.”
She turned to glare at him. He looked back, then looked up at the ceiling. She did the same and let out a frustrated scream.
“Gotcha, bitch.”
“What the hell do you mean the Richmonds are coming to get me?” I glared at Dean.
“Baby girl, I do not want you involved in this.”
“Dean, he’s my dad too!”
“Olive. This is for your own safety.”
I groaned. “Bullshit. I’m safer with you than I am anywhere else! What if something happens to you guys? You know I can help!”
“Ol, the last time we went up against a demon, you got that nasty scar. Remember? It slashed your fucking throat, Ol.”
I touched my neck, tracing the line that went across it. I sighed and shook my head.
“I can help, Dean.”
“I know. But I don’t want you near this. I don’t want you near any sort of demon. Okay? The Richmonds are hunting a spirit. You can be with them, it’s safer.”
“I am not safe without you.”
“And we aren’t safe without you either, I know.”
“I don’t want you guys to go without me.” I looked up through tears.
Dean sighed. “I know you don’t. But we’re going to anyway.”
I bit back tears, but they slipped down my cheeks anyways. “What if I lose you?”
He shook his head, hands on my cheeks. “You will never lose me. Never. Do you hear me?”
I nodded, sniffling. “Yeah. I hear you.”
He pulled me into a hug, cradling my head against his chest. “I promise it’ll be okay.”
“Hey, Ol? They’re here.” Sam knocked on the open door.
I wiped away tears and held a hand out for him. “They can wait.”
Sam sighed and joined the hug, arms around both of us. I leaned into them.
“I love you guys.”
Previous Ep: Salvation (1.21)
Next Ep: In My Time of Dying (2.01)
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no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 5 years
Sibling Jealousy - Chapter 2
Fic’s Summary: Reader has known the Winchesters for a long time, almost two years before Cas entered their lives. After that, since Reader was the only one actually teaching the angel about humanity customs and stuff like that, properly, they developed a closer relationship, on the parent-kid way. But it was never verbally acknowledged. Now, with Lucifer’s child on the way, life stabs some sense and realizations onto Reader, but there’s no time for feelings in this house.
Author’s Note: This is mainly a fic with the purpose of developing a family relationship with the characters, of mutual support, and I don’t plan on adding romance for Reader, because that’s not my final goal.
Pairings(?): Castiel/Reader (Parental like), Jack Kline/Reader (Platonic/Sibling like), Dean and Sam Winchester/Reader (Platonic/Friends)
Warnings: Usual canon violence and conflicts, as well as injuries and blood mentions, emotional struggles such as feeling unloved, like an outcast, low self-esteem issues and if you think something else should be mentioned let me know.
<<Last Chapter — Next Chapter>>
Chapter’s Author’s Note: The first chapter (or prologue?) already has more than 20 notes and that’s more than I expected tbh. Within less than a day, @thewnchstrs added my fic to their September Fics Recommendation List, and I can’t be more flattered that even with just one part out, they decided to add me. Thank you so much.
Chapter Two: Such a Rush
Word Count: 1,327
For the next few months, you were sent the address where Cas was staying with Kelly, and you would send him some pictures and stuff “a normal kid” might use or want. You also got on the phone with both Kelly and Cas when the brothers left to do the FBI work and you stayed in the motel to do research or went for food.
Not a lot of words were exchanged, in your opinion, but hearing Castiel’s voice and encouraging words about The Men of Letters issue did relaxed you, and Kelly said it was a good thing for the baby to hear to his family’s voices.
Not sure how you felt about that yet.
Time passed, you found the microphone hidden in The Bunker, you were almost buried alive, then you and Sam went to raid the British Men of Letters base, using how stealthy and small you were as your bargain excuse as to why you should go (which did come in handy, thank you very much), went back to The Bunker to find Mary was on her right mind again and Ketch dead on the floor and then head all the way up north because the brothers had finally found where Cas and Kelly were AND you all learned Lucifer was out there walking on his old vessel.
You didn’t know if warn Cas or not, but with the Impala filled with the Winchester’s family you couldn’t, and praying to Cas might not be wise since angel radio could get hire wired. That’s not how it works, but yes, essentially. You could hear him tell you.
After hours on the road and Sam convincing Dean onto letting him drive for some of those because of his leg, you arrived at the small house you knew those two, three?, were staying in.
You hesitated into entering the house, looking up to see the windows’ lights on. Something didn’t feel right about this.
When you got in, Castiel seemed to already have talked to the Winchesters and Mary was making her way up the stairs to check on Kelly.
You went straight to him and hugged him, hoping he was getting the message on how much you missed him just from the strength of your hug. Apparently he did, because he was quick onto caressing your head and rubbing small circles on your back, all while you felt his grace heal the injuries you had earned on the raid against the British.
You stepped yourself away from him, and noticed Dean was no longer limping, meaning Castiel had already healed him.
“There’s something you need to see.”
After the tear on the time and space that led you to an alternative universe issue and Crowley joining you, a plan was made to trap Lucifer, and not much to your surprise, you were told to wait inside the house with both Kelly and Mary.
“So just you veterans can risk yourselves and have fun?” you really wanted to help, something about the whole situation made you uneasy.
“(Y/N) you know is not like that, but we can’t keep risking people into this, keep putting you on the fire line.” Sam tried to reason with you, his voice soft but nervous about whatever was about to happen, and you had to repress a snarky remark about how just living with them put you in said line by itself.
You sent Cas a look, but his eyes were sad and…a silent request was there, but you weren’t sure what was it. You didn’t like it.
Before they went outside and you upstairs, Castiel handed you an angel blade.
“Cas, you need this, as little protection against an archangel as it can give, you need it.” You tried pushing it back to him. “Besides, I already have my own from Ishim. The most recent one at least I mean.” talking about whom you had gotten an angel blade always seemed to be a sensitive topic.
“This one is not mine. I mean it is, but is a different one. I engraved some stuff in it, for extra protection. No demon can grab it and if any other angel besides the ones I allowed to touch it does, they are going to be slightly burned by it.” Now that you were looking at the blade, you could see enochian symbols written in the blade and handle. At the bottom of it, was an enochian symbol you became familiar with while doing research: Castiel’s angel symbol.
You looked at him and wanted to say something, but Dean was already calling for him.
He patted your head and signaled you to go upstairs. And so you did.
Births were always one of the things that made you more nervous about medical stuff, so much stuff could go wrong.
Kelly smiled at you when you got to the bedroom, and started rubbing at her belly while talking to it, to him.
“Look Jack, your sibling is here already. You are gonna be just fine.” The whole idea of Mrs. Kline wanting you to be some kind of guardian yet not exactly to Jack was kind of surreal.
You weren’t as young as Claire, yet you weren’t near your 40’s as Dean was, so they treating you like a kid always weirded you out, yet it made sense. You were closer to Claire’s age though.
You were bringing water to her lips as she kept having contractions and pushing, and suddenly, during one of her pushes, she whispered an ‘I love you’ before a bright light engulfed the room and you just felt energy soaring the entire house.
While you tried to rub the blindness from your eyes, you heard Mary leaving the room and going down the stairs.
When you opened your eyes, you saw Kelly wasn’t moving yet she was…clean. All the sweat and fluids that were covering her mere seconds ago were gone, and she looked peaceful. You arranged her laying form and covered her with the blankets, before starting to follow the shining foot marks on the floor.
They were directed towards what was supposed to be his room, if you took the giant paint on the wall with his name on it as a clue.
Everything was pitch black and when you looked at the floor and followed with your sight the path upwards, you saw golden shiny eyes looking at you.
Part of you was scared, well, more like on edge, and the other was confused, because you weren’t looking at a baby, nor a little kid.
“Hey Jack. That’s your name, you know?” you said as you reached half of the bedroom, as close as your instincts allowed you to go.
“…Father?” Now with your eyes a little more adjusted to the shadows, you were able of seeing how he hugged himself and titled his head a little. Heh, must be an angel thing.
“Uh, no, I’m not your father. My name’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Without noticing, you were sitting on the floor.
“(Y/N)? Mom said (Y/N) would be my big sibling. Are you my big sibling?” oh boy…
You looked at him, and saw…not a trace of a threat, just pure curiosity and he seemed a little afraid.
“Yes Jack, I’m your big sibling. I’m, going to take care of you, as best as I can.” You saw him smile a little, but when you both heard foots inside the house, Jack went serious again, and you pulled your new gifted angel blade out and got on your feet.
It was Sam.
You wanted to relax a little, but you weren’t sure what he was about to do. He noticed, putting his gun away and his hands in the air, which led you to sheath your blade again.
“Father?” there was Jack again, asking the same thing he asked to you some minutes ago but this time addressed to Sam.
When was Castiel gonna show up?
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Heaven: Part three
Chapter Summary:
Anna recalls her past and Sam and Dean understand why Castiel and Uriel want her dead. Anna recognizes Ariel from 'work' but doesn't remember her as the new and improved angel she is now. Ariel and Dean finally steal a moment for themselves
Character(s): Ariel, Dean, Sam, Ruby, Anna, Castiel, Uriel, Lucifer, Michael
Pairing(s): Eventual Dean x Ariel, Ruby x Sam, (former) Lucifer x Ariel
Warning(s): MAJOR Angst, Little bit of Crack, Angelcest??? Typical SUPERNATURAL Violence, Mild Language
A/N: I've been struggling to write this chapter since I have to write more than 3 characters than what I'm used to. Writing for Sam, Ariel and Dean is easy peasy but Ruby, Anna, Pamela, and the others are very difficult. I am publishing this chapter into two parts since I feel like that would be the easiest and because it's very long.
Also, I have no idea how Angel relationships work. They don't share the same DNA at all but only the same creator so under that, they are somewhat 'related' but not technically. Ariel and Lucifer have a strange, toxic, codependent relationship to begin with because of the bond- so I can expect them to be strange and touchy but with Michael and Ariel, she shuns it.
Please feel free to leave feedback.
Beta'd by Zoe (a friend)
Word count: 2,640+
"I'm telling you that Father said NO" Michael's voice carried through the observation room, startling a few of the lesser angels in the next room over. He folded his arms over his chest, puffing it out as he glared down at the small archangel. "You can't go...This isn't your job anymore." Michael's forehead puckered.
"But they need me, I can help, I specialize in the human and nature category-" Ariel took a shaky breath before recommencing, "I sit and watch them all day, It's my job on gathering the reports, Micah." The redhead's eyes bored into his, making Michael's steel facade crack.
The dark-haired angel shook his head disapprovingly, "You know I can't let you...not while he is there. He hurt you, Ariel... He will corrupt you. Why are you so fond of him?" Michael took a step forward, slipping Ariel's soft, dainty hand into his, but he was met with disappointment when she retracted her limb.
"Why is it always him? I cannot understand- He...manipulates you... He wanted your grace for evil- And you only want to go to earth to see him." Michael pivoted on his heel, "You don't care for the humans." He always tried his best not to speak out against Father's actions but this, watching Ariel tear herself apart for a corrupted angel- it ate at him.
Ariel inhaled a great amount of air before nodding her head, "Alright." She gnawed on her bottom lip, slipping past the eldest angel but before she had the chance to turn down the hall, he gently snatched her wrist.
"It's for your own good. Okay?" Michael squeezed her wrist, stroking his thumb against the back of her hand.
Ariel pursed her lips and nodded, "Okay."
Michael pressed his nose against Ariel's cheek, nudging her a bit before giving her a small kiss on the cheek. The kiss lingered, the eldest angel shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Ariel's brows snapped together as she could still feel the lingering kiss to this date. It always made her feel...strange; especially around Michael. She could see the difference in his eyes then and now.
The sound of the impala driving down the driveway toward the house dragged Ariel out of her fever dream. She wasn't ready to face Pamela and was sure that Pamela didn't want to see her, metaphorically of course.
The celestial entity shot up from her seated position and hastily made her way inside and down the basement steps.
When she came bustling down the steps, Sam looked over in her direction, concerned. "Everything okay, Elle?" Sam inquired, stepping over a few things in the basement before reaching Ariel who had a panicked look.
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"Did you just call me Elle?" Ariel's cerulean eyes met Sam's warm pools of honey. She pursed her lips, waiting for a response but he just flashed her a sheepish smile and looked down at her pendant. It was a hunting knife; He assumed for Dean.
"Yeah," The corner of his eyes crinkled as he gave a half-smile. "I think I did," He added.
The redhead took a substep back and glanced down at Sam's soul. She took a deep breath before her mouth curved into a quizzical smile, "I like it." She beamed.
Ruby stood across the basement, picking at things on the shelves. She listened to this exchange, a bit worried that maybe Ariel had something with Sam. Though it was clear she had a thing for Dean so why did she look at Sam that way? The demon let out a peeved sigh, as she couldn't afford to catch feelings for someone, let alone a Winchester.
Inside the devil's trap, Anna stood perched against the door with her arms folded across her chest. She was in her own little world, kicking at the trap on the floor. She had no intention of breaking it, she just had nothing else to focus on since Dean was gone and the others were immersed in their own worlds too.
"It's just- Dean, he calls you Red and I felt like I should call you something else, y'know?" Sam chuckled, with his eyes fixed on her soft features. His mouth set in a hard line as he caught her mid-action, drawing her lower lip between her teeth. The tall hunter's brows snapped together as an unfamiliar feeling came over him. He stared at her lips as she spoke, but didn't comprehend a word.
Ariel ran her tongue over her bottom lip before drawing it between her teeth, "No one has ever called me that so... I appreciate it." She pursed her lips paying no mind to where his eyes were, as hers were on his soul.
Ruby peered at the two best friends, scrutinizing Sam for his eye placement. She furrowed her brows and took in a short breath as if she were about to confront him but Dean's voice cut her off.
"We're here!" Dean shouted from the top of the steps. He held Pamela close and tight as he led her down the stairs.
At the sound of his brother's voice, Sam briskly walked over to the steps and greeted Pamela, "Pamela, Hey!" He grinned.
Ariel steeled herself before turning around and facing the three humans by the stairs. She slid her hands into her back pockets, lightly kicking at the concrete as they talked. She felt like the odd one out now, and that should mean a lot considering there was a demon in the room.
"Sam?" The psychic asked, stretching out her hands in front of her to feel for her surroundings. Her fingers brushed against Sam's hard chest, she ran them along the hem of his jacket before gripping his arms.
"It's me," Sam smiled softly. "It's Sam."
Pamela milked out the blind person trope, squeezing his arms and grinning, "Sam, is that you?"
"I'm right here." Sam placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it tight. He glanced at Dean who stood behind the blind woman, smiling. The tall hunter beamed with joy as the psychic took this as an opportunity to feel him up.
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Pamela stroked his jaw, "Oh. Know how I can tell?" She lowered her hand near Sam's leg and slid it around the side before groping his ass. She chuckled, "That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing. Of course, I know it's you, grumpy."
Pamela turned her head in the girls' general direction before resuming, "Same way I know that's a demon, that poor girl's Anna, and-" She studied Ariel longer, her brows snapping together.
"What are you?"
Dean glanced at Ariel who was standing incredibly still, her eyes wide. He nodded his head toward the stairs, hoping she took the hint to get the hell out of there.
She didn't take the hint, instead, she spoke, "I am... Elle. Why don't we focus on my friend Anna?" Ariel's eyes shot over to Dean whose lips were pressed into a tight smile. He did not want that apparently.
"Right," Pamela nodded her head with a raised brow. She directed her attention to Anna with an ecstatic smile, "Hey, Anna." The psychic sauntered over to the girl, holding out her hand for her to shake. "How are you? I'm Pamela."
Ariel stepped around Pamela with caution, as the blind woman made her way over to the human girl. Anna held her hand out in return, taking Pamela's and squeezing it. "Hi," She said with a nervous smile.
"Dean told me what's been going on and I'm excited to help." Pamela smiled at Anna.
Anna flexed her arms outward, "Oh." She felt flattered that someone would go out of their way to help her out. "That's nice of you."
Pamela rolled her eyes behind her glasses, "Oh, Well, not really. Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it."
Ariel perked up at Pamela's comment. She glanced over at Sam who gave her a pointed look and shook his head. Anna asked the one question that Ariel was dreading, "Why?"
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The psychic pulled her lips into a thin line, "They stole something from me." She brought her hand up to her face and removed her sunglasses, revealing her white prosthetic eyes. "Demon-y, I know. But they're just plastic. Good for business and it makes me look extra-psychic, don't you think?" Pamela wiggled both her brows, making Anna laugh. "Now... How about you tell me," She slipped her glasses back on before finishing her statement. "What your deal is? Hmm? Don't you worry."
Ariel watched the two women turn and walk away before snapping her head in Dean's direction. The hunter held up his hands as if he were saying 'What?' Before Dean got the chance to join the others in the Panic room, he was stopped by a hand on his chest. "What's up?" He asked.
"Maybe...I should go upstairs." The archangel spoke with uncertainty heavy in her voice.
Dean scrutinized the ginger, reading her face for why she all of a sudden changed her mind. His forehead creased as he prepared himself to verbally ask her, "Why?"
Ariel turned slightly, "Um, nevermind. It's okay." She made her way to the room, leaning against the wall. The short-haired hunter entered shortly after, a stoic expression etched onto his face.
Sam caught a glimpse of Dean's face which prompted him to do a double-take. "Everything okay?" He whispered, folding his arms over his chest as he overheard Pamela putting Anna to sleep.
Dean gave him a curt nod, "Yeah." Folding his arms over his chest, he glanced at the psychic and then back at his brother before whispering, "Why?"
The giant nodded his head toward Ariel who was perched against the oxidized iron wall, her arms crossed with a worried expression etched on her face. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth, nibbling at what little skin she had left.
Sam returned his attention back to Dean, whispering, "She's worried about something. What do you think it is?"
"Don't know," Dean muttered before he walked over to Ariel, who was now biting her nails in anticipation.
In the background, Pamela had asked Anna what her father's name was, "Your father... What's his name?"
A small "Rich Milton" fell through Anna's lips as she laid across the cot.
"Nerves?" The righteous man perched himself against the metal desk by the cot, setting his foot on the chair as he gazed at Anna with furrowed brows. He awaited a response.
Ariel shuffled closer to Dean, "No...I'm okay." Her eyes were fixed on his combat boots. She gave him a small smile before turning her full attention to Anna and Pamela. She dreaded Anna receiving her memories. What would the boys think? The archangel set both hands by her sides, gripping the edge of the table.
Pamela turned her head in Ariel and Dean's direction, "Shh." In order to do her job, she needed all parties to shut the hell up. The psychic leaned back in her chair, "It'll be okay. Anna, just one look- that's all we need."
Anna tossed in the cot, "No." She cried.
Ariel tapped her fingers on the metal desk, her vessel's heart thumping frantically behind her chest and filling her ears. She wanted nothing more than to get out of there now. The ginger peeped at everyone before deciding on what to do. Sam and Ruby were staring at Anna with worried looks, while Dean kept his eyes on the back of Pamela's head. She couldn't leave now, Sam had already started suspecting something was wrong and if she left now, it would only prove how guilty she was.
All while this was happening, Pamela moved on with her process. "What's your dad's name? Your real dad. Why is he angry at you?" The psychic asked, only receiving frantic gibberish from Anna before words actually fell from her lips.
"No. No....No!" Anna breathed, a light above her flickering.
A small "Calm down," came from Pamela but it was already too late. Anna arched her back high off of the cot, screaming, "No! She's gonna kill me!"
Ariel quickly straightened, taking a few steps back before bumping into Sam who latched onto her arm for a small moment, "Whoa, are you okay?" He quizzed.
"Anna, you're safe," Pamela tried her best to calm down the frightened girl but nothing seemed to work. It only earned her another scream from Anna.
"No!" The lights above flickered before exploding, sending sparks everywhere. The panic room door shut so suddenly, some force locking it. Anna screamed, "She's gonna kill me!" And arched up from the bed.
Ariel stood by the opposite wall now, her eyes wide.
The Winchesters flinched at the sparks flying above them. Dean jumped from his seated position and went to help but a "Dean, don't" came from both Pamela and Ariel.
Anna subconsciously threw Dean back and into a chair prompting Pamela to get up, waving her hands over the human girl's body, "Wake in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Anna....Anna?"
The intensity of the situation settled down, everyone's hard breathing filled the room. Pamela brought a soft hand to Anna's face, pushing her hair out of her face before asking,
"You all right?"
Sam helped his brother up from his fallen state, glancing at Anna with wide eyes.
The girl's eyes opened, with her mouth wide. Sher raised herself from the bed, turning her head only slightly to look at the blind woman. "Thank you, Pamela. That helped a lot." She affirmed.
Ariel stood with her back pressed flat against the iron wall.
There it was, she could make out the faint glow behind Anna's head.
The archangel inhaled deeply, recollecting herself before she was confronted by Anna or anyone else.
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"I remember now," Anna recommenced.
"Remember what?" Sam asked, contempt clear in his voice.
"Who I am." Anna clarified, watching the Winchesters as well as Pamela.
Dean glanced at Ariel who was quiet the entire time. He would have thought that maybe after he got thrown that she would jump in, but she didn't. She stood there, staring at Anna like there was something going on between them.
The hunter held out his arms, "I'll bite. Who are you?"
Anna took a short breath, looking at Dean with a small smile creeping onto her lips, "I'm an angel."
All of the air had then been sucked out of the room, making this exchange between Pamela and Anna awkward.
Dean, Sam, and Ariel stared at the angel, the brothers with worried expressions and Ariel with a guilty look. The silence was soon broken by Anna shifting on her bed, turning her body, and hanging her feet off of the sides.
The wayward angel caught a glimpse of Ariel's copper locks, sending Anna into fight or flight mode. Anna lunged for the nearest thing she could find and held it out as if she were about to attack Ariel but it was more for defense.
"Anna...Put the knife down..." Dean slowly closed in on Anna with his hands out.
Anna shook her head, her eyes darting from Dean to Ariel then back to Dean. "No," She muttered.
Ariel glanced down at the hunting knife and held up her hands, surrendering to whatever this was.
"Anna put the knife down. You know that won't hurt me..." Ariel took a substep toward the fallen angel but Anna lunged forward and pressed the knife against the archangel's throat and pinned her to the iron wall.
The Guardian grunted at the sudden charge, her head thudding against the wall. Ariel did nothing but kept her hands up as she looked Anna dead in her eyes.
Anna shot out, "Why is she here?!" And peered over her shoulder at Sam.
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malereader-inserts · 6 years
Repeating Actions
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin & Son!Reader Summary: Remus is terrified about your actions, maybe because he realises you’re just doing what he would do for his friends. Word Count: 2632 Request: @smorey-o-malley  “ as the reader grows up, he and his friends (the golden trio) always get in trouble just to save lives, and at some point, Lupin probably got mad at the reader for being so stupid yet so brave and he didn't want to lose his son. Then at the battle, the reader jumps in and saves Lupin's life when he gets hit and almost dies (?)“
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“Dad’s gonna murder me,”
The four of you had been sitting in Ron’s room, days before Bill’s wedding. The four Gryffindors had sat around talking about their quest to retrieve the Horcruxes, you had to mention how your father was apprehensive to find out that you were joining.
You looked up from the floor to see your best friends, staring at you with mixed expressions, “Dad and I are having this constant argument...”
“I’ve heard,” Ron commented as Hermione and Harry nodded, agreeing that they also had heard you in the third year screaming at your dad.
As much you were excited to have your dad as a professor when you were thirteen, you didn’t realise how overprotective he would have become. Most of the year, you found yourself arguing with him that you were just helping your friends - often leaving you with the last words when you say, “You would do the same for your friends, why can’t I?”
Remus had a breather when the fourth year came, but he was still stressed to find out your involvement in sticking by Harry’s side. He was constantly getting letters about Harry’s journey and how you became Fleur’s date to the yule ball, unfortunately making you the victim for the water task, it was supposed to be her sister, you heard, but many teachers were against putting a child under water so they had stuck in the next good person close to Fleur.
That happened to be you, Fleur liked you a lot. It was mostly how you treated her normal, not some boy in love with her looks. You were interested in her, her school, her intelligence. She found you more inviting to talk to than her friends from her own school, she thinks if she hadn’t met Bill there could be something between you two.
She was forever grateful for you and always sorry for not able to save you in the second task. When Remus heard about the stint, he wrote five foot of parchment to you expressing how worried he was, how furious he was with the school and how he was glad that you were fine. 
It was a reason why Remus was a bit apprehensive about meeting Fleur. In the fifth year, he hoped that nothing drastic was going to happen, but with the formation of the Order, he knew that you being in danger was going to increase.
Especially when letters from you had suddenly halted. He often lied awake wondering if you were angry with him, but when he saw you in Christmas - he knew there was a different story. His heart rate increased, when he saw you with a shiner on your face, scaring on your hand, up to your arm with various werewolf discriminatory.
“Slytherins and he had a fight,” Hermione explained, looking up from her book and at Remus, turned her gazed back at you, asleep, “Those writings on him? Umbridge.”
“Little toad,” Ron commented just as Mrs Weasley was about to scowl at him, he continued, “She just hates (Y/n) because Remus is a werewolf, all she does is mentions how monstrous you are. (Y/n) always ends up being furious.”
“Like how he almost attacked her, Hermione had to hold him back before he got expelled,” Harry piped up, “He got a month worth of detention because of that, he refuses to say what else happened in detention.”
Remus stared back at you, your friends softly smiling at your state. Thinking it’s probably the best sleep you’ve had all year.
“We told him not to say anything back to her,” Harry continued, “Lasted a week and yet she still found a way to drag him into his office.”
“And you’d think she’s hate Harry, but (Y/n)? He even said that he doesn’t wish what he’s going through upon his greatest enemy.” Ron hummed, looking up at Remus with an apologetic smile before Hermione had wrapped up the conversation.
“He’s proud to be your son, werewolf or not.”
It still didn’t make him feel good, Sirius and Molly had to convince him that he was good enough. It was only you who could talk him out of depressive thinking that year. Of course, the argument of you being in constant danger arose again in the Ministry.
Somehow you managed not to get too much involvement with your sixth year, but you couldn’t abandon your friends when they needed you most. So, as they wait for your decision to join them in the hunt, you replayed every argument points your father raised against you.
“I’m not ditching you guys,” You looked at your best friends, “He can get pissed at me for all I care, Harry needs me.”
Harry chuckles before Hermione saying they needed to get some rest. Just as you were about to fall asleep to Ron’s snore, Harry shook you.
“What’s up, Harry?”
“I’m going to make sure you’re going back home safe.”
You sat up, looking at the chosen boy, “You have enough on your plate, Harry, I can cope on my own.”
“Yeah, but you’ve kept me safe, it’s time I return the favour.”
“You’ve done enough, Harry,” You reassured him, a gentle smile on your face as he returns it, “But I don’t think that’s where we’re going.”
“We’re family, right? So, we keep each other safe? Technically, my dad and your dad were best friends, so does that make us like cousins? So, you’re the real last of my family-”
“Harry, you’re terrible with words,” You mused out as Harry looked sheepish, switching the lights on, “We’re family, that’s why it’s hard to pick between you and my dad - you need me more, dad’s got Tonks. You need me.”
“I think I’m lucky to have you.”
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You were enjoying the wedding, Bill and Fleur had the dance as did the parents with their children. Everyone was on the dance floor dancing, you managed to snag yourself a dance with your best friend Fleur. The pair of you giggling like two kids, making fun of each other’s dancing abilities. Out of breath, you excused yourself before you witness the wedding turn into shambles.
Ron and Hermione managed to find each other but you were across the room. Your wand instantly out on show as you started to flash out spells. Remus was fighting his way over, whilst Harry tried to get to Ginny’s side.
“Harry, we have to go!” You shouted, chaos enhancing.
Harry shoves you off, stumbling back into Ron’s grip. You watched how Remus blocked Harry’s pathway, making it no choice for him to run to you. Remus finally looks up to your direction.
His eyes widening realising you about to leave, as Hermione touches Harry’s blazer. Remus sees you make eye contact and then you were gone.
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The hunt was exhausting, running around, disguising and almost on the verge of death was exhilarating, to say the least. But, every night you couldn’t help but remember the mix emotions in your father’s eyes. 
You saw disappointment, you had promised him you weren’t leaving and you broke the promise.
You saw anger, you disobeyed him. Rebelled against him, he was furious.
You saw worry and fear, scared maybe just maybe you won’t come back.
You saw pride because at the end of the day you really did live up to the Gryffindor traits.
You managed to get out of the hunt with little injury, even when Remus had visited Harry you had avoided him. Hiding behind the doorway, listening to the conversation as Harry angrily shouts at Remus from fleeing his wife and son. 
Hermione looks past Remus’ shoulder to the doorway, softly huffing as she passed the angry men she approaches you. You looked at her before shaking your head, perhaps the brave man you once knew in your father was a lie, he wasn’t much of a man in the end.
There was no communication with each other the whole year, the pair of you being angry with each other. When you had arrived back at Hogwarts for the final battle, you couldn’t look at your dad in the eye, he wanted to say something but you were quickly ushered out.
“Harry,” You murmured, watching Hermione and Ron go off to the Chamber of secret, “I can’t-”
“You can’t what?” Harry asked, hurryingly, he had depended his life on you so much.
“You brought me back home, but my dad-”
“Go,” Harry nodded, he could see the guilt in you, he always knew to go with your gut instinct so if you were feeling bad in the gut he was definitely allowing you to find your dad.
“I’ll see you later.”
Harry nodded, running off. He didn’t want to think about the what if’s, as of now you were strictly talking in a positive way. Harry didn’t want to think about you dead, you didn’t want to think that the next time you see Harry was because he was gone.
Running down the stairs, waving your arm about as spells shoot out your wand, with verbal and non-verbal incantation, you search to find your dad. All you could think was the bad feeling in your stomach building. 
“You look like you need sleep,”
“Thanks, Neville,” You muttered as you both run down the school’s corridor, watching how the death eaters had broken into the castle, “I haven’t had a good night sleep for a few months.”
Neville nodded, “Are you looking for Lupin?”
Your head snapped up at him, “Where?”
“Probably at the quad battlements, last I heard Dean said we needed back up,” Neville mentioned, “Most likely Remus was there.”
“Thanks,” You steamed up the stairs, leaving Neville to be swept away with the crowd. 
Using every fibre of energy, you had left, pushing through the tiredness as you apparated to the stairs of the quads. Dodging a spell aimed your way behind a pillar before sending a spell yourself.
“Fuck me!” You shouted, finding yourself battling with a death eater, beams of blue and red were being sent to each other before blasting the death eater into four more behind him and out the window. 
Kingsley and Remus looked at the empty space the death eaters were just threatening them to turn to see you, barely looking like you were hit with sweat dripping from your forehead. You smiled sheepishly before using a spell to push them away as your quick reflexes used another spell to hit an incoming death eater apparating through the window.
“(Y/n)?” Remus calls out.
“I don’t think this is a great time to have a talk, dad,” You called back as the two Order members were back on their feet.
The three had been pushed back to the ground floor, death eaters continuing to march onto them. Aid was coming, you heard from Dean. Your heart was racing, you didn’t know if your dad could hear it against the flow of things. Your hands were sweating as you knock your opponent down, looking over you see your dad against Dolohov. 
Pausing for a moment, you could see how your dad had the upper hand for a moment. Yet, the feeling in your gut hadn't washed away. Next thing you found yourself doing was shoving your dad and getting blasted back. 
Your back collides with the brick wall and you go limp.
Remus’ eyes widen as he gets up from the fall, his heart broke into a million pieces as he grips his wand. Dolohov chuckling, mocking the poor werewolf. Out of rage, he was cursing and jinxing every death eater, murdering the smirk of Dolohov.
“Remus, we have to go!” Kingsley shouted, over the rumble of collapsing walls.
“I’m not leaving my son!” Remus cried, wanting to run to your limp state but both Arthur and Kingsley grabbed his shoulder, dragging him away.
The last he saw was the dust flooding the corridor, leaving behind the deceased in crumbles.
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“Where’s (Y/n)?”
Harry walked down the empty corridor with Rony by his side, the one-hour armistice allowed Harry to calm down, but his mind else were. He couldn’t bear to see the Weasley mourn. He couldn’t bear to look at Remus and Tonks when Tonks looks shocked at Remus’ news.
His heart dropped, his mind went blank and the next thing he needed was you. Hermione was kneeling down by some wreak, she had been sobbing but small laughter has escaped her lips.
Overjoyed to see her best friend alive, pulling you by your wrist and engulfing you into a hug.
“What did I miss?”
Confused, dazed as you held a sobbing Hermione in your arms. Ron and Harry quickly catching up to the pair of you and joining the hug.
“I thought you were dead,” Hermione hiccupped, “What happened?”
Your eyebrows were knitted, recalling the last before you got knocked out. You looked at your best friends.
“Is my dad okay?”
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“I’m pretty sure I’ve done a rib in,” You whined to Hermione when Harry throws his arm over you.
“Or maybe ten, you got crushed by the school, mate.” Harry laughs as you rolled your eyes.
You had been put on the bench for the second half of the battle, though you could barely make movements anyway. You tried to search for your dad but you couldn’t see him as everyone was busy watching the final showdown.
You were sure you had broken a few ribs, there were dirt and dry blood on you. The dry blood on your temple with scratches on your hand and patches of staining on the sweater that kept you warm.
The four of you had entered the hall, seeing friends and family gathered together. Your eyes scan the hall, not wanting to see your professors waving their wands to take the dead out of the hall. You see Madam Promfrey assisting the injured. 
“Come on,” Harry beckons you over, you limping your way to the direction of the starving redhead family.
“(Y/n)!” You heard your name called out by a French accent, you looked over and saw Fleur running up to you, her arms instantly around your neck as you caught her in your arms, letting out a small oomph noise.
Remus looked up from his hands, he was unable to find you lying with the dead and Tonks had tried to be a little optimistic, saying that Teddy was waiting at home for them. He had heard your name being called and familiar laughter.
“You were-” Fleur started but you shrugged.
“Takes a lot to kill me.”
Remus stood up, making his way to you and stopping behind Fleur. You looked over her shoulder and Fleur took her cue to leave. You smiled sheepishly, tired eyes seem to smile and light up to see your father alive.
Your dad’s heart swells three times bigger as he takes a step towards you.
“I guess we have a lot to talk about, hey dad?”
Remus almost broke down as he engulfs you into a hug, his mind at peace that you were alive. You softly chuckled as you hugged him back but as the seconds passed his grip was getting tighter.
“If you keep squeezing I’m not going to have any ribs intact at all.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He lets go, you patted him on the arm.
“Come on old man, we’ve got to talk.”
Remus smiles how you brushed it off, he ruffles your hair, happy to have you back. He looks at you before walking to sit down. 
“I’m proud of you, even if you’re reckless and idiotic.”
You grin at him, teeth all on show, for a moment you looked just like him when he was younger.
“I know dad, just doing what you would do.”
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sweetness47 · 5 years
Pairing Sam x reader
For @samwinchesterbingo
square filled: enemies to lovers
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Hate is a powerful emotion, one that can have dire consequences. Except in my case. Well, I guess I would have to explain better, since I sound like a complete blonde.
So, I’m a hunter, and I have on occasion found myself paired with the infamous Winchester brothers. Not that I mind, well more specifically, I don’t always mind. They are great hunters, and they always have my back and I will always have theirs when we are on a case. But buddy wise?
Dean and I get along great. I join him at the bar when he goes, we joke, banter, and he treats me like family. He’s like the brother I never had. He’s like the perfect gentleman, opening doors for me, making sure I get home safe, chasing away unwanted visitors at the bar. Like I said, family.
Then there’s Sam. He’s so fucking annoying. Yeah I said he’s good when we’re working a case, but outside of work? Forget it. He whines when I have to bunk in the same room as them, or when Dean lets me use the washroom first. You’d think I killed his best friend or something, but nothing could be further from the truth. I have tried everything known to man and beyond to change his view of me. From my perspective, he treats me like I’m a gnat…annoying as all hell, and can’t wait till I leave. He wouldn’t give me the time of day outside of a case, and god forbid I was ever stuck on the side of the road with a blown engine two miles from a vamp nest. He would leave me there to be bear chow or vamp chow, whichever came first.
Well, the beginning of my current predicament happened about 9 months ago, and yeah that’s what the time frame is. We were on a case, and had gotten separated from Dean. The large mansion had so many halls and rooms it was hard to navigate, especially when the ghosts kept changing everything, in other words they had literally taken possession of the entire house. And they weren’t letting us leave. Then we came across two ghouls, and they chased us, till we managed to take refuge in a room that wasn’t locked, and pour salt across the threshold. Then we grabbed our iron rods and waited for what we thought was to be an attack.
The attack didn’t happen, but my heat did. The adrenaline rush from the chase, paired with whatever was in these bottles that lined the shelves in the room, triggered an early heat, and it was bad. Not only did I not have any toys or privacy, I had the unfortunate pleasure of being stuck in here with the one Alpha who hated my guts. Lucky me…not!
Well, turns out that while he did not like me, his Alpha nature was not immune to the scent of my arousal. He turned to me as his eyes grew dark, and I swear he was plotting my demise while he was imagining me naked under him. Talk about opposing sides. Then his voice whispered to me, and it was dripping with dark lust, laced with what I thought was hate and disgust.
“Omega! YN, what the fuck? Why didn’t you take your suppressants?” he whined, sounding sexy as all hell…fuck did I just say that? Well, I mean he’s a dick but he’s a handsome dick.
I glared right back at him, my eyes gold. “I did, asshole! Whatever is in these jars triggered my heat, bypassing the suppressants. The last thing I want right now is to be stuck in a locked room with you!”
He grunted, and I flinched. “Well, whatever it was, your heat isn’t going to go away. And that scent is gonna attract jackasses from god-knows-where. I guess I will have to knot you to relieve the heat.”
“Oh fuck off Sam! You want to knot me? Pfft, yeah right, and I’m related to the Queen of England.” I scoffed. “Go piss up a tree. Wouldn’t want to inconvenience you in any way. How about you find us a way out of here, pretty boy.”
He growled and turned away to try the door.
That’s when it hit.
I was overwhelmed with the most excruciating cramps ever. I doubled over, screaming as the pain tore through my abdomen. This was definitely no ordinary heat. Never, in all my years, had I ever experienced anything like this. I was pretty sure childbirth was a piece of cake compared to what I was feeling at that moment. Beads of sweat covered my forehead as my fever reached new heights. I crumpled to the floor, unable to do anything.
I was dying.
Then he was there, helping me to sitting, his lips seeking mine as he worked to shed my pants and undies, then his own pants and boxers. He stood, bringing me with him, lifting me onto his hard shaft, and pushing me down slowly, breaking the virginal barrier, sheathing himself in my slick. He found a wall to hold me against as he fucked me, pounding into my wet core, sending my body into the most blissful climax known to man, well it was my first orgasm…but still. He followed soon after, his knot swelling inside me, filling me, ropes of cum shooting into my womb.
We stood there, trying to catch our breath as we waited for the knot to shrink. Finally, we were able to separate and we got dressed. Dean’s voice echoed through the halls about 5 minutes later, and with his help we were able to get the door open, then vanquish the spirits in the house and get the hell out of there. The ride home was more quiet than normal, especially Sam, but even Dean didn’t talk much. I was pretty sure he had caught some whiff of something, but I wasn’t sure what exactly he’d been exposed to. All I knew was he wasn’t acting like himself.
Well days came and went, Dean seemed to be his old self by that evening, and everything else fell back to normal as well, including Sam being an ass toward me. It wasn’t till about 3 weeks later that I began to feel off. I was staying with Jody when I knew my next heat was due, except it never came. Two more weeks ticked by, then Jody brought me home a pregnancy test. I balked at the very idea, but realized it was a very real possibility. It was only one time, but it was also unprotected.
I stared at the stick that I had peed on, watching as the plus sign slowly appeared.
I was going to have pups…Sam Winchester’s pups.
I sighed and sent a text to Dean that I was gonna take off for a while, citing that I needed some space from that asshole brother of his. Dean didn’t buy it, but was gracious and didn’t press, instead he told me to stay safe and keep in touch. I smiled and said I would, then I hung up and cried. Jody came to sit with me, and I ended up telling her what had happened. She hugged me, and told me I was welcome to stay as long as I needed. I thanked her and decided to take her up on the offer. It was going to be much easier to go through the stages of the pregnancy if I had someone to help me.
So fast forward to present day, and I decide to go to the store for some groceries. Yes, I look like I’m carrying a fucking planet under my clothes, but I’d been feeling fine, and I was going to cook a surprise dinner for Jody for everything she’d done for me to this point. She had taken me to all the appointments, taken me shopping for baby clothes, crib, car seat. She’d also begun to help me with bathing and dressing, because apparently having a belly the size of the moon makes it a little difficult to manoeuver. But cooking was ok, I’d planned for a meal that didn’t require any heavy lifting or bending, and it was going to be amazing.
Then two things ruined my day.
Well one of them didn’t really ruin the day, but it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
I was waddling through the pasta aisle, when I heard screaming, then snarling, then gunshots. My mind was racing through infinite scenarios…robbery, psychos, werewolves, monsters…the possibilities were pretty much endless, mostly because I knew what was really out there.
Then I came face to face with said snarling creature. Yup, it was a werewolf.
Then, just as he was going to charge at me, three gunshots went off in succession, and the lycan collapsed, lifeless. Footsteps came toward the heap of fur, and it just happened to be none other than Sam and Dean. My jaw dropped to the floor, about the same time their eyes looked me over, stopped at my monstrous tummy, then back to eye level.
And that’s when my water broke, and not just a little trickle. Nope, it was almost like the flood that swept Noah’s Ark across the world, just one big WHOOSH, all over the floor, my shoes, my dress, literally everything. The contractions started right after. I clutched my abdomen as pain tore through my body. Dean shoved his gun inside the back of his jeans and ran over to me. Sam did the same, reluctantly, or so I thought as it took him nearly a minute to reach my other side.
I was in too much discomfort at the moment to care though. “Call Jody. Tell her to meet me at the hospital.” Was all I could manage as another contraction ripped through me. I couldn’t even stand on my own.
After a quick call, two strong sets of arms were helping me up and walking me to their car. Sam got in one side of the back seat to support me as Dean helped me in the other side. Then the elder brother climbed into the driver seat and practically flew to the emergency ward. Sam held me as the contractions continued, and I could do nothing but use his scent for comfort. At the emergency, hospital staff rushed out and helped me onto a gurney, rushing me to the maternity ward so they could monitor the labour as it progressed.
Jody appeared at the entrance after YN been wheeled in, and met up with the boys. She took one look at Sam nearly strangled him as she tore a strip off the younger Winchester.
“You have some nerve Sam Winchester! How dare you knot YN and not give her another glance! Those twins she’s gonna have are yours.” He shot her a surprised look. “Yeah numbskull, I said yours. YN told me everything.”
Dean looked between Jody and Sam. “YN apparently didn’t tell me everything, otherwise I’d have beat his ass for you Jody.”
Sam blushed. “It wasn’t up for public discussion thank you both very much. She hates my guts anyways, so I never bothered to see if the knot had produced any…aww hell.” He gave an exasperated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.
Dean cuffed Sam upside the head. “She hates your guts? Look at how you treat her Sammy. She’s never been anything but nice, trying every which way to get you to see her as anything but an inconvenience. You treat her like shit when we aren’t working a case.”
Sam’s resolve fell then and he lowered his head. They were right. He’d been an ass right from day one. And the reason he’d kept pushing her away? He was attracted to her, had been since the first time he’d laid eyes on her. But he didn’t want to fall in love with her then have death separate them, so he decided to play indifferent. It worked too well, since she hardly looked in his direction anymore. Then he knots her and doesn’t even bother to check if she ended up pregnant. Ass didn’t even begin to describe that kind of behaviour. If his mom or dad were here, they would have kicked his ass, and he would have deserved every single second.
Before another word could be spoken, the doctor interrupted. “YN is asking for Jody. There are complications. One of the twins needs a blood transfusion, and YN isn’t enough of a match to be the donor. We may not be able to save the child. Our only hope is to find the father.”
Sam interrupted. “I’m the father. You’re more than welcome to test my blood if it will save my child’s life.”
The doctor ushered Sam to the maternity ward and left Dean and Jody to sit and wait. The hours ticked by with no word. Then finally they saw a very tired looking doc come down the hall.
“We were able to use the father’s blood to save the child, and the twins are now resting comfortably with the mother. YN said the father could stay for a while. She asked to have privacy for now, and said you both could come back in an hour.”
Dean and Jody looked at each other, nodded and headed to the cafeteria for some sustenance. Meanwhile, a very sheepish Sam sat in the visitor chair, holding the baby he’d helped save, while YN fed the other twin. YN spoke softly so not to disturb the sleeping infants.
“I don’t expect you to become part of their lives if you don’t want to. But I also won’t stop you from visiting them either.”
Sam stopped her there. “I want to apologize for the way I acted, every single moment. YN I was trying to push you away so that if anything bad happened, neither of us would be heartbroken. This life, it’s not meant for love and romance stuff. It’s harsh, dangerous, and full of uncertainty.”
“I know what this life is, remember? I can’t figure out why you never saw me as a hunter. I am strong, capable and I’ve been in love with you forever. It tore me apart inside when you rejected me, shoved me aside like a used piece of tissue? All I ever wanted was your love.  When you knotted me, that was the happiest moment in my life, and I prayed that you would follow instinct and make me yours. But it never happened. I was crushed.”
Sam wiped the tear from my cheek. “I wish I could go back and undo all those horrible things I said to you. I wish I had claimed you when I knotted you, fought against my stubbornness. But I can be a little hard-headed. Can you ever forgive me? Allow me to be your Alpha?”
YN giggled. “Yeah you are definitely hard-headed, and stubborn. And a jackass.”
Sam winced. “Ouch, truthful, but oww.”
That moment, the small child in Sam’s arms chose to stir, tiny cries filling the room, causing her brother to stir in YN’s arms. The two parents traded children so little Mary could be fed, and Samuel Jr. could be burped and changed. Once that was done, and the room was quiet again, Sam spoke up.
“So, how about it, will you let me be your Alpha? Once you’re healed up and ready, I will claim you as I should have months ago.”
YN grinned. “Yes Sam. To all of it. it’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
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balorclubbabe · 6 years
Take Care
Dean Ambrose/OC (smut): You and Dean have been friends with benefits for a few months now, but as time has gone on, you see him as way more than just a friend. Roman and Seth always insist that Dean is into you, but you know that Dean isn’t interested in you in that way. Or at least, that’s what you thought. (A lot of various smutty scenes plus some fluff because of who I am as a person).
Woah hey this took way longer than expected. Sorry I’ve been so fucking busy, but hopefully now that I have a little more free time I’ll be able to write more! Enjoy!
Tagging: @1dluver13xx @tornsart and @helplessly-nonstop
I let out a content sigh as I settled down onto my couch with my Chinese takeout in front of me, clad in my favorite pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Flipping my T.V. on, I randomly ended up switching to some cooking show that was currently in the middle of demonstrating how to make a rather decadent looking chocolate cake with some kind of filling.
I had the rest of the week off and was planning to spend a good chunk of my time doing not much at all, effective immediately. Traveling and working with WWE got exhausting, between the long car and plane rides and the endless string of hotel rooms, I was grateful for the opportunity to finally be able to relax in my own home and sleep in my own bed.
As I continued to dig into my dinner, making a mental note to maybe do a little more baking soon because damn that cake looked good, a loud banging on my front door reached my ears, causing me to practically jump out of my skin. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting anyone this late, and pretty much all of my friends were usually courteous enough to call or at least text if they were stopping by for a visit.
After waiting a few seconds, the banging continued, this time accompanied by the doorknob jiggling, causing my heart to sink. Whoever was at my door was trying to invite themselves inside. I scurried up off the couch, quietly hurrying over to grab the baseball bat that I kept next to the coatrack by my front door. I lived in a fairly safe neighborhood, but as a female living alone, I knew it was better to be safe than sorry.
Bat in hand, I stood pressed against the wall, straining to listen for something, anything else happening outside my door. The knob continued to jiggle and I could hear the faint sound of what sounded like a man’s voice, mumbling something in frustration that I couldn’t quite understand. After a few more seconds, I whipped the door open, ready to swing at whoever stood there, only to be greeted by the sight of a disgruntled Dean Ambrose.
“Fuckin’ shit doll it’s just me.” Dean’s hands shot up in front of him as he stumbled back a little bit, eyes wide. “Since when do you own a fuckin’ bat?”
“Jesus Christ Dean, you scared the shit out of me! I almost hit you with this!” I groaned, propping the wooden bat back up against the wall. Dean stood outside my door in his usual type of attire; an old pair of faded jeans, black boots, a slightly stained white t-shirt and his black leather jacket. It only took me a second glance to realize that he was wasted, something I could tell not only by the look on his face but by the fact that he could barely stand straight. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
He didn’t answer verbally, but instead gave me a sheepish grin, leaning against the doorframe so as to not lose his balance. I grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, amazed that he somehow was able to make it to my front door in one piece. “You’re staying here tonight. There’s no way I’m letting you try to get home like this.”
Dean smirked. “You sure that’s the only reason you want me spendin’ the night baby?” He reached down to give my ass a squeeze, “Not that I’d mind fuckin’ you ‘til mornin’,”
I playfully rolled my eyes and was about to swat his wandering hand away when I noticed the knuckles on both of his hands were badly bloodied. “Shit Dean what the hell happened?” I gently took his right hand in mine, the blood obscuring any chance of me being able to check just how bad the damage was.
He shrugged his shoulders, gaze avoiding mine, something he did when he wasn’t being completely honest or was afraid to tell the truth. “Just some asshole at the bar. Nothin’ you gotta worry yourself about sweetheart.”
I shook my head, helping him to the bathroom, deciding not to press him for the truth right now. “You really expect me not to worry about you? I don’t want you getting in any trouble,” I flipped the handle in the shower on, running my hand under the flowing water to check the temperature. “Get in. I’m going to get you some clean clothes and bandage you up when you’re done.”
“You’re not gonna join me?” Dean shrugged off his leather jacket, a lecherous grin on his face. “I could use some help getting…cleaned up.” He took a staggering step closer to me, biting his lip flirtatiously, deliberately trying to get me to cave. “Or…we could help each other get dirty, babe.”
The sound of our bodies slapping together underneath the stream of hot water echoed throughout my small bathroom as Dean grunted into my ear. “Fuck baby you’re so goddamn tight for me.”
I whined, my arms tightly wrapped around his neck as Dean held me up with my back pressed against the tiled wall as he pounded into me. “Dean please I’m so close!”
He smirked, mouth latching onto my neck, biting down just enough to make it hurt. I knew he’d leave marks that I’d have to cover up in the morning, which was something I not so secretly enjoyed. “C’mon baby, cum for me. Don’t’ wanna run outta hot water again.”
I hurriedly shook off my thoughts of our previous shower experience, giving him a look that could hardly be considered stern, “Go wash up, Dean. I mean it.” Before I could listen to any more of his pleas or attempts to woo me into the shower with him, I walked to my bedroom to fetch him some clean clothes. Dean stayed over so often that it became a habit to make sure that he always had a set or two of clothes around, along with a spare toothbrush.
I had known Dean for a few years, but only began sleeping with him about 5 or 6 months ago, and coincidentally it had started with the both of us being more than a little drunk. We were heading back to the hotel together after a night out with our co-workers and friends, stumbling out of the taxi, through the lobby and into the elevator.
“You alright? You’ve been quiet.” Dean asked, struggling a few seconds before pressing the correct button in the elevator.
“I think I drank too much.” I leaned my head against Dean’s shoulder as we rode the elevator up to our floor.
Dean nudged me once the elevator stopped moving, nodding to the open door. “Not what I meant. You were all happy n’ shit a little while ago, but now you seem sad.” While he wasn’t the most nurturing guy, Dean and I have known each other long enough and spent enough time together to the point where we both know when the other was acting odd. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing. I’m just being dumb.” I mumbled as Dean and I made our way to the room we were sharing.
Whenever we were on the road, Dean usually was the one that I’d end up rooming with. Not that I didn’t love Roman and Seth, but Roman was way too much of an early bird for my taste and Seth was a night owl who snored like a damn bear. How the two of them roomed together as much as they did, I’ll never know.  
Dean grumbled, finally sliding the keycard correctly before opening the door. “You’re not being dumb. Tell me what’s on your mind babe.”
I flopped down onto my bed nearest to the window, surprised when Dean settled down next to me instead of on his own bed (Not that I minded). “It’s just…seeing Miz and Maryse and all the other couples together…gets to me sometimes. I try not to think about it but I just get so fucking lonely, Dean. It’s not like I’m looking for a soul mate or anything but I just want someone to be there, you know? Someone who doesn’t mind the schedule that comes with our line of work; someone who just fucking gets it.”
Dean was quiet and for a minute, I thought my rambling had put him to sleep but he, as gently as he could, wrapped an arm around me, doing his best to comfort me. “Hey it’s alright. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with wantin’ someone to be there. Everyone gets lonely sweetheart. Shit I feel it sometimes too.”
We were both silent again, me mainly because I was doing my damnedest to fight back drunken, over-emotional tears. I didn’t want Dean to see me cry over something so silly.
Suddenly, his arm was no longer around me and instead both of his hands were grasping my face, bringing it level with his so that our eyes met. “Feel free to tell me to fuck off if I’m overstepping here, but…you’re lonely, I’m lonely,” He paused, running his tongue over his bottom lip, almost as if he were choosing his next words carefully. “So let’s do somethin’ about it, sweetheart.”
And the rest, as they say, is history. I had been relieved, to say the least, that the next morning wasn’t awkward or weird between the two of us. Quite the opposite actually, as I discovered after Dean and I practically pounced on each other for another round. Even when we were just friends I absolutely found him attractive, but ever since that night, there was always something a little more there that only seemed to grow as we spent more and more time together. We both knew we didn’t want things getting too weird in the workplace, meaning the only ones who knew of our “relationship” were Seth and Roman. I think we had both eventually wanted to tell the two of them at some point; only we didn’t get the chance to do it ourselves.
“Deaaaaan stop teasing me.” I pouted, squirming beneath him. He was on top of me leaving small kisses (and the occasional bite) down my stomach, conveniently stopping right above my panty line with a devilish smirk on his face.
And instead of going lower like I hoped he would, he rose back up, claiming my lips with his own. “Mmm can’t help that you’re so much fun to tease, sweetheart.” He grinned into the kiss as I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him even closer to me.
We were both usually so careful, since this had been going on for about a month at this point so I’m not sure how it happened, but we both had no time to react when the door to our hotel room opened.
“Hey guys are you-“ As the voice stopped, it felt like everything in the room had as well. My eyes drifted towards the source of the voice to see our dear friend Seth Rollins, frozen in the doorway, eyes wide. I think Dean was so shocked that it didn’t immediately register to him that he was still on top of me.
Seth cleared his throat. “Fuck sorry I uh, just wanted to see if you guys wanted to come to breakfast with us and you both weren’t answering your phones so I-” Seth continued to ramble, his eyes desperately trying to find something, anything else in the room to focus on.
Dean finally snapped out of his daze and in one swift movement, threw himself off of me while tossing a blanket over my barely clothed form, adjusting himself in his boxers to make sure he was covered as well. “Listen it’s not-“
Seth took a step backwards, motioning towards the hall. “I should probably go before-“
“I thought we were getting breakfast! Is Ambrose still asleep?” The teasing voice of our other friend Roman Reigns interrupted Seth.
As I removed the blanket from my head, something Dean did during his haste to cover me, I saw Roman come into view in the doorway as well, his playful grin fading quickly.
His eyes travelled between Dean and I a few times before realizing what was happening, his mouth forming an “oh”.
After what felt like an eternity of silence between the four of us, Roman cleared his throat and gently elbowed Seth, “We’ll let you guys get dressed and meet you there. We’re going to the diner across the street.” With that, the two of them left us to change into something a little more presentable while we quietly freaked out amongst ourselves.
While it began as one of the most awkward breakfasts I’d ever experienced in my life, thankfully things ended on an all right note. Seth profusely apologized, assuring me over and over that he barely saw anything and that Dean had successfully blocked his line of sight, while Roman dryly joked that exchanging extra hotel keycards for “emergencies” wasn’t the best idea.
Dean and I explained briefly how things got started that very first night, while leaving out some of the more X-rated details, of course. I think the worry had quickly shifted from Dean and I being caught to our hooking up causing an uncomfortable dynamic in our friend group, which is something that he and I considered pretty heavily as us sleeping together became more and more frequent. It was definitely something that scared me, the thought of my relationship with any of them, especially Dean, changing for the worse, but Dean and I made a pact that no matter what, we wouldn’t let what we were doing interfere with us being friends.
I made my way back into the bathroom, placing his folded clothes on the edge of the sink, staying quiet so I didn’t have to listen to anymore of his begging. As much as I would have loved joining him in the shower, there was no way him drunkenly trying to lift me against the wall would be a smart idea.
I willed myself not to glance at Dean’s silhouette through the fogged-up glass where he stood, scrubbing his scruffy hair, as I quickly retrieved the first-aid kit from underneath my sink.
I left the bathroom and placed the first aid kit on my coffee table, popping it open to double check that I had what was needed in order to nurse Dean’s “battle wounds”. I walked over to my linen closet, pulled out a spare set of sheets and arranged them on my couch along with a spare pillow.
I heard some shuffling coming from then bathroom and shortly after felt a pair of arms wrap around my midsection. “Mmm you’re gonna make me sleep on the couch baby? Jeez am I really in the doghouse for scarin’ ya?”
“No Dean, you’re taking the bed. I’m sleeping on the couch.” I laughed. “And for the record, I think the only one who was scared was you when you saw the bat.”
He grumbled, ignoring the last part of my sentence. “Why would you wanna do a thing like that when you could be all cuddled up next to me, huh? I’m real comfy, you know.”
Turning around, I saw that, unsurprisingly, Dean chose to forgo the t-shirt I had left him and only wore the black sweatpants. If it were up to him, he’d probably be close to naked as often as possible.
I ignored his words, gesturing towards the couch. “Sit down and let me bandage you up.”
I swore I saw Dean’s face soften for a moment before he plopped down on the couch, holding both of his hands out towards me. “Always takin’ such good care of me.”
I opened my mouth to say something in response but decided against it and took a seat next to him. Upon closer examination, his wounds weren’t nearly as bad as they had appeared since all the blood was washed away. The knuckles on his three middle fingers were all split open, but nothing severe enough that would require any serious medical attention.
“So do you feel like telling me what actually happened?” I glanced up at him only to see that he was eyeing my dinner that lay long abandoned on my coffee table.
Dean let out a “pffft”. “Told you, just some asshole causing trouble. Had to straighten his shit out.”
I gently began to wrap his quickly bruising knuckles, raising a quizzical eyebrow at him. “Somehow I get the feeling that you were causing trouble too. As usual.” I had seen my fair share of Dean getting into brawls at bars, though usually Roman, Seth, or myself (or sometimes a combination of all three of us) are able to stop him before things could get physical.
“Who me? Never.” Dean gave me a lopsided grin, reaching for the fork with his free hand, using it to dig a dumpling out of one of the takeout boxes and popped it in his mouth. “This from that place down the street? Good shit.”
He also dug into some more than likely cold lo mein noodles before I finally finished addressing his wounds. “Alright let’s get you to sleep.” I somehow managed to get him into bed after he ate a few more bites of my dinner. He frowned, giving me his best attempt at puppy dog eyes when I continued to stand next to the bed.
“Dean that’s not fair.” I giggled, unable to hide my amusement. Sober Dean never begged, playfully or otherwise. When I’d tease him about it later on, he’d claim to not remember or flat out deny it. “The only one who begs here is you, doll.”  
“C’mon doll, just lay with me? I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.” He held his left hand up while he patted the empty space next to him with his right. “Scout’s honor.”
I let out a sigh as if I were conceding; when in reality it wasn’t that much of a fight for me. I absolutely loved the feeling of being snuggled up against Dean while we slept. Drunk Dean tended to toss and turn like no tomorrow in his sleep, prompting my makeshift bed on the couch, but when he was like this I could never really say no. “Alright boy scout just let me go clean up first.”
Dean flopped down on the bed, grinning victoriously as I made my way back to the kitchen, tossing the empty takeout box into the trash while sticking the leftovers in the fridge.
My phone suddenly buzzed from its place on my counter, the screen showing a message from Seth.
Hey sorry to bug you so late but have you heard from Dean at all?
I “heard” him drunkenly banging on my front door if that’s what you mean.
Shit sorry. Ro and I pried him off some drunken idiot he was kicking the shit out of and turned our backs for a minute. Next thing we know, Dean stumbled off. Had no idea where the hell he went.
It’s cool Seth, he’s crashing here tonight. Honestly, I’m pretty sure he’s already sleeping. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. :)
Thanks a million. He’s lucky he has you around to take care of him. ;) Night.
I rolled my eyes, choosing to ignore Seth’s winky face that he decided to include and silenced my phone for the night. Seth was always a little more brazen whenever he’d tease me about Dean, as opposed to Roman, yet the two of them seemed like they were both a little too eager to play matchmaker.
That was also the second time in the evening where the idea of me “taking care” of Dean came up. I mean, don’t get me wrong, a lot of times I did, especially if I was playing designated driver and Dean drank a little too much. But that’s just what people who care about each other do, right? They take care of each other. And despite me being possibly the more “responsible” one, there were plenty of times where Dean took care of me too. Like when he punched a guy out at the bar for bothering me. Or like the time we were on tour for my birthday, but he still made it a point to order pizza to our hotel room and watch movies with me all night long.
When I got back to the bedroom, as predicted, Dean was already fast asleep, sprawled out smack dab in the middle of the bed, leaving me very little room, despite my bed being queen sized.
I crawled next to him, nudging him over as gently as possible so I could at least get some blanket for myself. “You’re such a handful, you know that?”
A loud snore was the only response I received, as Dean remained unmoving on his back for now.
I rolled my eyes, managing to pull a pillow from his side of the bed, finally making myself comfortable. “You’re lucky I love you.”
I woke up the next morning relatively early with Dean’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist, his front pressed against my back as he softly snored in my ear.
Squirming out of his grip, I made my way to the kitchen and began brewing a pot of coffee. Figuring that Dean would probably wake up feeling like absolute shit, the least I could do was whip the two of us up some breakfast and maybe get him some aspirin if his hangover was that severe. I wasn’t sure exactly how much he had drank last night, but something tells me it was maybe more than usual.
I began getting out the ingredients necessary to make pancakes, Dean’s all-time favorite breakfast food. Although he absolutely loathed waking up early, Dean loved breakfast. Mostly for the food, but partially for the all too familiar sight of me in the kitchen wearing his t-shirt from the night before.
“God damn you feel fuckin’ good baby.” Dean had me bent over the countertop, my cheek pressed against the cool marble as he pounded into me from behind. “This pussy is so fucking tight for me, fuck.”
I let out a whine as his hand ran over my ass, spanking each cheek once before squeezing harshly. “Mmm fuck Dean, harder!”
“Yeah? Want me to fuck you harder baby? What about breakfast? Maybe I should stop.” he teased, having the nerve to slow down, and I almost thought he was going to completely pull out of me and stop all together.
About 5 minutes prior to our current position, I had been brewing a pot of coffee and asking Dean what he wanted to eat for breakfast. Not surprisingly, he had responded with, “you” which I brushed off, but apparently, he wasn’t kidding around this time.
Of course, I slapped his wandering hand away, telling him that he should really eat something, that it’s no good to work out on an empty stomach, that Roman and Seth would be waiting for him. I quickly found myself melting underneath his touch as his lips found their way to my collarbone, his fingers tugging my shorts down my legs, but leaving the oversized white shirt on before angling me over the kitchen counter.  
“No! Please don’t stop! Please!” I knew he wanted me to beg. Wanted me to show him how much I really wanted it. We had just started and I already felt myself coming dangerously close to the edge, my hands slid across the smooth marble, desperate to hold onto something.  
I could hear him chuckle in response as he promptly sunk his cock back into me as deep as it could go. “God you’re so hot like this. No worries baby, I ain’t stoppin’.”
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, thankful that I did so before I could accidentally burn our breakfast.
I flipped a few more pancakes, piling them high on a glass plate before bringing them to the table, spraying a cute little whipped cream smiley face on top as a last-minute touch. I usually made plenty since Dean had a pretty hefty appetite, and I knew hungover Dean could be especially ravenous.  
As if on cue, Dean stumbled out of the bedroom, hair unruly and sweatpants hanging low on his hips. “Morning darlin’.”
“Morning,” I shot him a smile, pouring him a cup of coffee. “Made your favorite.”
“Well ain’t you just a regular homemaker?” Dean teased, plopping down in his seat, chuckling as I gasped playfully, feigning offense. “Kidding. You’re an angel, thanks.”
We ate in comfortable silence, Dean practically inhaling his pancakes without bothering to fully chew them first, one of the telltale signs of a grown man with a terrible hangover.
I laughed, “Take it easy, I can make more you know. Don’t go choking to death on me.” And leaned forward, wiping away some whipped cream that had found its way onto the corner of his mouth in his stubble. Before I could move back, Dean grabbed my wrist, pulling me so that I was sitting on his lap, noisily sucking the whipped cream off of my finger, eyes locked with mine.
I bit my lip, admittedly finding the sight more than a little arousing as Dean’s free hand slowly crept up my thigh. “I think I’d rather be eatin’ something else right now,”
Suddenly a knock came to my front door, causing Dean to groan into my neck in frustration. “Leave it doll. Please? S’probably nothin’ important.”
I wiggled out of his arms and stood up to answer the door, much to Dean’s (and admittedly my own) disappointment. At my front door stood Roman and Seth, both clearly dressed for the day unlike Dean and myself.
“Ambrose you’re awake and functioning? After last night? I must be dreaming.” Seth cackled and stepped inside, ruffling my hair lightly as he did so.
Roman followed behind him, wrapping an arm around me in a hug, “Thanks for looking after him. Seth and I were worried when he disappeared on us last night.”
I gave the large Samoan’s tattooed arm a squeeze, smiling. “What kind of person would I be if I let this knucklehead stumble home drunk by himself?”
Dean let out a long yawn, “Oh shit. We supposed to train today?” Sure enough, Seth and Roman were all decked out in their typical gym attire of basketball shorts and t-shirts.
“Yeah and we’re gonna be late. Get your ass in gear, Ambrose. Chop chop.” Seth motioned towards the door.
Dean grabbed the clean shirt he had left in the bathroom the night before and tossed it on over his head. “Catch you later, doll.” He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me in for a surprisingly long kiss. “Thanks for breakfast.”
Roman lingered behind as Seth and Dean went out the door, Seth giving me a 10-mile-wide grin as he did. “So…did anything interesting happen last night?”
I shot him a playful look, “I think it’s a little invasive to be asking about my sex life, Ro. But no, just drunk Dean being drunk Dean.”
Roman’s chest rumbled with laughter, “You know what I meant. And believe me, I don’t need to know the…intimate details. Especially after seeing you two almost naked.”
“I do, and the answer is still no, Roman.” He was most likely asking because of the kiss Dean gave me before leaving. It wasn’t unusual for Dean to plant one on me in front of Roman and Seth every so often, but admittedly it was never long or dare I say, loving, like this one had been.
“I just think you’re making a mistake sweetheart. I know for a fact he really cares about you. Don’t you think you should tell him how you feel?” Despite his gentle words, Roman was frowning at me. I knew he didn’t approve of me keeping my feelings from Dean.
I didn’t really want to talk about this much more, mainly because I’d get upset thinking about how Dean will never really want a relationship, not just with me, but with any other girl. “I didn’t say he didn’t care, Ro. I’m just being realistic. Dean isn’t a relationship guy. And that’s fine, I just have to accept that.” I was almost certain that Dean and I were exclusively sleeping with just each other, but the thought of him with anyone else admittedly left a pit in my stomach.
With a disapproving look and a shrug, Roman headed for the door, “I’m just telling you I’ve known Ambrose a long time. And I’ve never seen him with anyone the way he is with you.” And bid me a goodbye, going to join Seth and Dean in the car downstairs.
I tried not to let Roman’s words affect me as I went on with my day, but it was proving to be more difficult than I thought. There was no way Dean felt the same way about me as I did him. He probably just kissed me like that as a “thank you” for taking care of him and making breakfast this morning. Just something that a good friend would do. A really, really good friend.
A few hours passed and after running errands and doing miscellaneous things around the house, my phone buzzed with a text.
Picking up the phone, I saw it was from Dean. He wasn’t much of a texter, so it was a little unusual to say the least. Dean was more of a talk in person type; always frustrated with texting and that he can never show how he really feels. I had recently gotten him to try “facetime” though, which he was surprisingly really excited about, especially since he seemed to loathe the smartphone he received after having a crappy flip phone for the longest time. “You mean I can talk to people face to face without having to deal with them in person!? That’s fuckin’ great, holy shit.” It also helped on nights where we weren’t on the road together but were feeling particularly…needy.
“Shit stop teasing me baby. S’not fair.” Dean’s groan sounded from the other side of the phone as I ran my camera over my body.
I giggled. “I’m not teasing. Just showing you what I bought at the mall today. Nothing wrong with that.” I knew Dean would want to facetime me once he was back at the hotel, so I had picked up a lace, baby pink lingerie set from Victoria’s Secret when I had gone shopping earlier in the day.
“It’s teasing because I ain’t there to rip it off you.” Dean practically growled as I fiddled with the strap of my bra, sliding it slowly down my shoulder, “Can’t wait ‘til this week is over.”
“Hmmm? Why’s that?” I gave him a coy smile, biting my lip as I saw his free hand slide down and grab the now prominent bulge in his jeans.
“I’ll have you all to myself. Then you’re gonna get it, cupcake.”
I stopped myself before my thoughts could wander any further and opened the message.
Doing anything tonight?
Nope, nothing at all. What’s up?
Good. We’re going out to dinner. Wear something fancy.
Ok? Can I at least ask what the occasion is?
Nope. Picking you up at 7.
I raised an eyebrow, knowing full well that he wouldn’t give me any more details, even if I asked. I knew it wasn’t anyone’s birthday, so my mind was a blank at what could be cause for any type of celebration.
It didn’t take me too long to get ready; I didn’t do anything too crazy special with my hair and my makeup was what I usually went with plus some red lipstick as an extra little touch. Going based off of Dean’s decently vague description of “fancy”, I decided to wear a simple, yet elegant off the shoulder black cocktail dress and a pair of matching black heels.
A knock came to my door at a surprisingly punctual 6:58 pm. Dean wasn’t exactly great when it came to being on time for things, so I was surprised to say the least.
I opened the door to see him standing there, wearing a black suit jacket over a gray button-down with dark pants, and a way too large bouquet of pink flowers clasped tightly in his hands.
“Woah. Shit babe, you look amazing.” He held the flowers out to me, a grin on his face. “Here. I know you like pink and all that.”.
“Aww thank you Dean, they’re beautiful.” I took the flowers from him, retreating briefly back to the kitchen. I fished a vase out from under one of the cabinets, quickly filled it with water and placed the bouquet front and center on my coffee table.
Dean held his arm out to me in a rather dramatic fashion, grinning. “Shall we?” We walked down to his car, where he opened the passenger side door for me before sliding into the driver’s seat. “Shit I’m happy I picked you up. Hate driving in this part of town; way too much fucking traffic.” He put the car into drive, lightly grasping my left hand with his right as we pulled onto the road.
Whether it was between hotels in different cities or just around town to meet up with friends, Dean always liked to have me in the car with him while he drove. Mainly because I was able to keep him calm during his frequent bouts of road rage. In more ways than one.
“Ugh Christ doll you’re so fuckin’ good with your mouth…” Dean groaned, his right hand entangled in my hair while the left gripped the steering wheel as my mouth moved up and down on his member. Dean and I were driving to the venue for Monday Night Raw, and he was quite grumpy after sitting in about half an hour of traffic on the highway. Thankfully we were now in a rather rural area on some back roads, and the only car at that.
Usually I could get him to calm down a little just by making sure he didn’t get out of the car and strange whoever was driving in front of us, but today he was particularly on edge. So, I decided to help him de-stress in one of the only ways I knew wouldn’t fail.
I felt a brief stretch of bumpiness on the asphalt beneath us as my tongue worked the head of his cock. “Keep your eyes on the road, Ambrose.” I playfully scolded before he urged me to continue my ministrations.
“Can’t help it when I got something so gorgeous in my lap. Love seein’ that pretty lil’ mouth ‘round my dick.” He hummed, and I could tell he was turning something over in his mind. “You know I could just pull over. So the both of us could have a little fun. Backseats got plenty of room…” I could tell he was grinning as he sang the last part.
I knew he wasn’t wrong; we had wound up with a rather spacious rental this time around. “We’ll be at the hotel soon, Dean. I think you can wait.”
“Mmm but we have over an hour until we get there, sweetheart. Don’t know if I can wait that long.” I felt the car slow down and before I knew it, we had pulled to a stop on the side of the road.
I sat back up, sighing loudly in order to cover up the grin that was creeping onto my face, “If we end up being late, I’m blaming you.” And began to climb into the backseat.
Dean smirked, “The only thing you’ll be blaming me for is when you’re walkin’ funny through the lobby.” And gave my ass a slap before following me. “Now get your ass back there so I can fuck your brains out.”.
“Hey, you in there?” I jolted as Dean lightly shook my shoulder, taking me out of my daydream. We were parked in the lot adjacent to the restaurant.
“Oh jeez, sorry. I was zoning out.” I hoped my face wasn’t as flushed as it felt.
Dean chuckled, thankfully not pressing me any further. “All good. We’re here.”
We got out of the car and made our way towards the restaurant; an all too fancy place that I had never tried, mainly because an occasion had never arisen until now apparently.
We were led over to our table after Dean gave his reservation name. Dean hurriedly pulled my chair out for me, as the waiter left us with our menus.
I was thrown off suddenly as I sat down. It was a table for two. It was pretty common practice for the four of us to go out together, and I had just assumed Seth and Roman were meeting us here, as they usually would. “Are…Roman and Seth not coming?”
I saw a brief look of disappointment flicker across his face and I instantly regretted my words. “Oh. I uh, thought it’d be nice if it were just the two of us tonight, doll. If that’s alright with you?”
I was more than all right with it, but my heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute. “Yeah of course. I’m just so used to being a group of four, you know? Thank god too, you’ve seen the way they eat.” I teased, hopefully lightening the mood. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I didn’t want to be here with him.
Dean smiled at me from across the table as the waiter came back with a bottle of red wine, pouring each of us a glass, giving us a few minutes to decide on what we were ordering. I was about 75% certain Dean didn’t like wine all that much so I wasn’t sure why he requested a bottle be brought.
“Be right back, just wanna wash my hands.” Dean got up and made his way towards the bathrooms.
As I tried to calm myself a little, the realization of this being a “date” of sorts dawning on me, my phone buzzed within my purse. I fished it out, only to be greeted with a text from Roman.
Hope you’re having a good time.
You knew about this!?
The next message came with a picture attached, a selfie of Roman and Seth, sitting in what looked like Seth’s apartment with takeout in front of them, playing video games with Seth’s dog curled up in his lap. You’re eating better than we are. Enjoy your date. ;)
Meanwhile Dean was splashing some water on his face, his phone vibrating in his pocket. Dean hurriedly grabbed the device, seeing that the message was from Seth.
How’s it going?
Great, except that I’m hiding in the bathroom.
For the love of God, the fucking bathroom, Dean?
Can’t help it. I’m fucking nervous.
Trust me man, she’s crazy about you.  Just get your ass back out there.
Dinner had gone on relatively well. Dean’s always been a pretty easy guy to talk to, and we found ourselves going on as if we weren’t on what could be considered a date. Not just us hanging out at the bar with other people, or relaxing at my house, but a real, actual, legitimate date. It was like nothing I had ever experienced with a guy, especially not Dean, who let’s face it, usually wasn’t into the whole “wine and dine” thing.
After we finished our meal, Dean paid the bill and we drove back to my place in comfortable silence. Dean lingered at the door, almost as if he were unsure if I was going to invite him in until it actually happened.
“Thank you for everything tonight, Dean,” I smiled as he threw his jacket over one of the chairs in my living room. “Also not that I didn’t enjoy myself, but you never told me what the occasion was?”
Dean chuckled, plopping down onto my couch. “What I ain’t allowed to take you somewhere nice just because I feel like it?”
“Not for nothing but “somewhere nice” is usually my couch with a bottle of whiskey and some burgers and fries.” I giggled, taking a seat next to him and kicked off my heels with a content sigh. It was certainly rare for me to dress up like this, especially with the heels, so being barefoot again was a welcome relief.
Dean put his hand over his heart, as if I had actually hurt his feelings and turned away from me. “Ohhh one fancy dinner and suddenly you’re too good for the best burger joint in town? I see how it is. Last time I take you to any of my favorite places.”
I gasped just as dramatically, “First of all, that’s the absolute worst thing you’ve ever said to me! You know I love their cheese fries!” I tugged his arm so that he faced me again. “I’m trying to be serious, Dean!”
Dean chuckled again, his eyes barely meeting mine. “I know doll, I’m just havin’ a real hard time saying this. Not great at…expressin’ my feelings n’ shit, you know?”
I didn’t respond this time, giving him the silence that I had a feeling he needed in order to say whatever was on his mind.
Dean’s gaze finally met my own as he nervously licked his lips before opening his mouth, “God I just want so much more than…all this. I love driving with you, I love getting drunk and doing stupid shit with you, I love waking up with you next to me. Jesus, I just fuckin’ love you, ok? And I’ve been trying to think of a way to tell you for the longest goddamn time.”
My heart felt as if it were in my throat as he sat there, anxiously wringing his hands together, his eyes finding sudden interest in my living room carpet. I had no idea what to say. I mean, I knew what I wanted to say to him; how I felt absolutely, without a doubt, the same way and that I too had been keeping it to myself for the longest time. “Why did you wait until now to tell me? Why tonight?”
Dean shrugged his shoulders, “You said you weren’t looking for a “soul mate” so I didn’t wanna bring it up. Thought you didn’t want me like that. Thought you weren’t interested. But I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Felt like I was gonna fuckin’ burst every time I saw you.”
I don’t know why I kept asking so many questions, but I was truly at a loss at the moment, gently gripping his hand. “How long have you felt this way, Dean?”
“Since I first kissed ya, babe. Shit maybe even before that.” I could tell by the smile on his face that he was looking back fondly on the memory, even though it may have been a little fuzzy. “All I know is I fell for ya, real fuckin’ hard. And I just…I had to tell ya. I know it’s a lot for you to take in but-“
I abruptly cut him off by pressing a kiss against his lips, causing a noise of surprise to arise from his throat. The longer I let him talk, the more I knew he would overthink the whole situation, and being that I couldn’t come up with anything to say at the moment, I figured I’d just show him how I felt. Dean seemed to have put two and two together and feverishly returned the kiss, all teeth as he nipped my bottom lip with a low growl.
He pulled away suddenly, practically gasping for air, “You wanna know the real reason I nearly killed that idiot at the bar?” He didn’t wait for me to answer and continued talking. “He was talkin’ about you. Made some gross comments and I lost my shit.” He sounded as if he were nearly out of breath talking, as if he was hurrying to get all of the words out of his mouth before he forgot them. “If Roman and Seth hadn’t held me back I probably would’ve knocked that son of a bitch’s teeth out. That’s why I told you today. Because of all things, that stupid asshole made me realize just how much I fucking care about you, princess.”
Before I could reply, Dean’s lips were against my neck, a rumble sounding deep within his throat. “Not to ruin the moment or anything, but you look fuckin’ smokin’ hot in this dress.” I felt him smirk as his fingers ran down my back, toying with the zipper. “Still wanna get you out of it though.” I could barely hold back the whimper the escaped my lips, chills spreading over my entire body at the sensation of his teeth nipping at the skin near my collarbone.
Dean stood me up and unzipped my dress from behind, slowly kissing down my shoulder blades as he did so, the scruff of his beard rubbing against my skin. “So fuckin’ gorgeous for me darlin’. Always so fuckin’ gorgeous.”
He carefully helped me out of the dress, letting it fall to the floor to pool at my feet, leaving me in only my matching bra and panty set, the plum-colored one I knew he loved. The sentiment that was affirmed by the low groan and the “fuck” he uttered under his breath as he lightly pushed me so I was on the couch, laying on my back.
“Promise I’m gonna take real good care of you, angel.” He positioned himself between my legs, dropping down and running a finger over my clothed core, causing me to shudder. “Least I can do since you’re always takin’ such good care of me.” He didn’t even bother removing my panties, instead simply pulled them to the side, “Gotta taste you, baby. Can’t help myself,” and grinned before leaning forward and burying his face in between my thighs.
I almost jolted off the couch from the contact but Dean’s firm grip on my legs kept me in place. His tongue immediately went to work on my clit, dipping down every so often to run over my folds, gauging his movements based off of how loudly I would moan or gasp in response. “Mmm so nice and wet for me doll.” He glanced up at me as he placed an achingly slow and long lick directly on my clit, grinning as he did so. “This pretty little pussy always so ready for me.”
“Oh fuck Dean!” I cried out, arching against each lick and stroke of his tongue as my hands found their place in his hair, tugging at his light brown locks. The sensation of his mouth on me combined with the slight burn of his facial hair rubbing against my thighs was sending me into sensory overload. 
With each swipe of his tongue I felt my orgasm creeping up almost embarrassingly close. Dean must have been able to tell I was close to finishing, stopping to shoot a smirk up at me. “Fuck baby, almost there already?” I chewed my bottom lip, nodding, a blush spreading across my cheeks. I don’t know if I was just way too aroused or if Dean was doing a particularly good job (or maybe it was both), but either way I wasn’t complaining.
Dean seemed incredibly smug, always proud of the wonderfully dirty things he could do with his tongue and mouth. Sometimes, for his idea of “fun” he’d try to see how quickly or how many times he could make me cum. Like it was some sort of accomplishment worth bragging about. Thankfully (at least I hoped) he never did.
“Don’t worry. You know I ain’t gonna let this be your only one.” With that, Dean resumed, his tongue going into overdrive as it circled my clit at a more rapid pace. Dean didn’t take his eyes off of me as my first orgasm ran through me like a freight train, a satisfied “mmm” coming out of him, the vibration drawing one last, loud moan from me.
Dean sat back up, hurriedly tossed his shirt off behind him and undid the buckle on his pants, somehow kicking them off his legs without tripping. I sat up, my legs still a bit shaky, watching as he stripped his boxers off. He seemed downright frantic, as if I would change my mind if he didn’t strip fast enough.
Dean shot me a grin when he saw me admiring his naked form and sat on the couch, pulling me towards him. “Get on top, baby. Wanna watch you. Wanna really look at you when I fuck you.”
With my legs still wobbling, I climbed over so I was straddling him and slowly sunk down onto his cock with very little effort, my eyes fluttering shut as I did so. “Ohhhh fuck.” Dean and I had done this dozens of times, but the feeling of him filling me up was something that I could never get enough of. “God Dean, you feel amazing.”
Dean groaned loudly, his hands immediately grasping my hips as I settled myself in his lap, a knee on either side of him. “Shit just like that, so fuckin’ good, baby. So tight.” Slowly, his hips began to roll against mine, drawing out each and every motion, a stark contrast to the rough, fast-paced sex we would usually have. His movements felt deliberate and calculated, with every thrust brushing up against my core in just the right way.
My fingers dug into his shoulders as he moved me up and down on him, each and every thrust hitting me in just the right spot. “Dean just like that, oh my god.” Though it was more gentle than usual, each of his slow-paced thrusts were sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.
Dean always made me feel sexy when we were together. Sometimes it was with his words, telling me how gorgeous I looked with his cock in my mouth or how good I looked on my hands and knees. Other times the noises I’d elicit from him with my mouth would be the only indication I would need from him. I was always pretty sure of myself when we had sex. But now? It felt like the first time all over again. Only this time I didn’t have the liquid courage of one too many whiskey cokes in me. Just the tangible nervousness that seemed to be lingering in the air.
I didn’t voice these thoughts, but it turned out that I didn’t have to. It seemed as if every word out of Dean’s mouth was some sort of praise of how beautiful I was or how much he loved me. It was like the first time he said it broke the dam and now he couldn’t stop saying it.
Usually, Dean’s mouth would stay attached to my breasts or his face would be buried into my neck, leaving a trail of marks, pausing here and there to whisper filthy things into my ear. But instead, his blue orbs were locked with mine, occasionally squeezing shut every so often as I continued to bounce in his lap, only breaking eye contact when he’d lean in to kiss me.
“God you’re so beautiful. Shit, you’re always beautiful but something about when you’re like this, doll…” he trailed off, slowly thrusting his hips back into me, pressing another soft kiss to my lips. “You are just…so fuckin’ perfect baby.”
I leaned forward, claiming his lips again as another moan escaped me. “Dean please, I’m so fucking close. Don’t make me beg for it, please let me cum.” I was trying desperately to keep it together but failing miserable as my second orgasm was quickly sneaking up on me much faster than I had anticipated. “I need to cum Dean, please. Please?”
“Oh you can cum, baby. I ain’t stoppin’ ‘til you cum for me again.” he chuckled. I could tell by his thrusts becoming more and more shallow and by the look on his face that he was also nearing the edge. He slid his right hand between us, quickly finding my clit and rubbing in small, hurried circles, holding me tightly pressed against him with his other arm. “C’mon gorgeous cum for me just one more time. Show me how god damn pretty you look when you cum all over my dick, baby.”
I bit down on my bottom lip, letting out a cry that was a mix of his name that trailed off into a bout of incoherent moans. Dean growled, slamming me down onto him one last time before spilling himself inside of me, his mouth hanging open slightly. “Holy shit, babe.”
I slid my arms back around his neck, breathing out a laugh as he kissed me again, pressing our foreheads together. It took us both a few minutes before we had the energy to move again, and after separating, Dean scooped me up into his arms, carrying me towards my bedroom. “Lemme go pick those up.” He gestured towards our discarded clothes that littered the living room floor. “I know you hate when I leave my clothes all over the place.” He wasn’t wrong; I never let him hear the end of it if we’re at his place and he hasn’t done his laundry, which is more often than not.
Dean laid me down in the middle of the bed and retreated briefly back into the living room to clean up.
I stood up, my legs still slightly trembling as I walked over to my drawer, grabbing a pair of panties and one of Dean’s shirts to sleep in. I had a feeling he’d protest seeing me in clothes, thoroughly enjoying having me naked next to him in bed.
Instead, Dean walked into the room in the middle of me changing, wolf whistling as I pulled his shirt over my head. “Well ain’t you lookin’ cute.” Dean grinned, pulling a clean pair of boxers on before flopping into bed. “Starting to think you should only be allowed to wear my clothes from now on.”
I crawled into bed next to him, adjusting so that my head laid against his chest. I closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, which sounded as if it was just slowing down to a normal speed.
I could feel Dean fumbling around for a few seconds with the arm that wasn’t around me, and I assumed he was being a saint and shutting my alarm for the next day. I heard him mumble to himself a few times before I heard a loud, familiar cackle followed by Dean’s “Oh shit”.
I opened my eyes and discovered what the issue was. Dean, phone in hand, had apparently facetimed Seth in what I can only assume was an accident. “Fuck I was trying to text you how the fuck-“ Despite him sort of having the hang of it, I was really going to have to teach him how to use his new phone properly someday.
“Well I was gonna ask you how dinner went but I can see that ya’ll just finished dessert.” Seth laughed again. “Also, thanks for not being naked by the way. Was worried I’d have to throw my phone to make sure I didn’t see anything I shouldn’t.”
I groaned, taking a handful of covers and pulling them over my head. “Can’t this wait until tomorrow, Seth?”
Dean cleared his throat and I could tell by the way he was speaking that he had the biggest grin on his face. “My bad, meant to text you.” Dean tugged the covers back down so that I could see him again. “You cool with me telling him, babe?”
“If he hasn’t figured it out already then be my guest.” I nudged his arm over slightly so that I could get comfortable again.
“What’s up? What did you guys-“ Seth’s eyes suddenly widened with the realization of what Dean and I were implying. “Oh no. No way. Are you fucking serious!? Holy shit man, finally! You hear that, Roman!?” Seth was practically shouting at this point, hurriedly passing the phone to Roman.
“About damn time, uce. Between the two of you being so damn stubborn I almost thought it’d never happen.” The large Samoan grinned at us from the other side of the screen. “And I’m also happy you two are halfway decent this time.”
Dean shooed the two of them off facetime after another minute with the promise of catching up over lunch tomorrow and tossed his phone off to the side. “Shit sorry ‘bout that angel. As you can tell, I’m still sorta gettin’ used to the whole “smartphone” thing.”
I laughed, “All good. We were going to have to tell them at some point. And like they said, at least we both had a little more on.” I quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Hey don’t gimme that look, babe! I had you covered last time, didn’t I?” Dean scratched his stubble, grinning sheepishly.
I gave his hand a squeeze, smiling at him softly. “Mmhm. Always taking care of me.” As I readjusted in his arms, a rather large realization suddenly dawned on me. “Oh my gosh!”
Dean raised an eyebrow at my exclamation as he pulled the sheets up over our bodies, “You good babe? What’s up?”
“I just realized I never said it back! What’s wrong with me!?” I quickly scrambled so that I was sitting back up and grasped his face in my hands, peppering small kisses all over his cheeks and lips. “I love you too, Dean. So so so much.” Finally saying it out loud and seeing the look on his face when I said it was something that made me happier than I could ever imagine. Not having to hold it in every single time I was with him filled me with relief beyond compare.
Dean let out a laugh, “S’ok. Figured it was sorta implied. Jesus how’d I get so fuckin’ lucky huh?” and kissed me again as I settled back into his arms. “Let’s get some sleep baby. Been a long ass day.” As my eyes shut, I felt him lean in, whispering in my ear, “Gonna be takin’ care of you for a long time, so get used to it doll.”
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lashtons-dirtbag · 7 years
Sixth - Part 3 (Harry Potter Avengers AU)
A/N: Here is part 3! This is probably my favorite part so far.
Based on this post.
Summary: Reader attends Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry alongside her friends - Peter, Michelle, and Ned - all entering their sixth year. All the while, Lord Thanos becomes a stronger threat to the wizarding world as the days go on. The four friends are desperate to do whatever they can to help.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (eventually)
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: The first bit in italics is kind of angsty? (I’m sorry I just can’t help myself) Other than that maybe some cursing?
Check out the Sixth Playlist!
Part 1 Part 2
The woman sighs deeply as she slips her shirt back on, eyeing the man who still lay sleeping snug in his bed. His arm is sprawled out next to him, once having cradled her as she slept the night before. She smiled softly at the sight. She knew this friends with benefits relationship would not end in the way they both insisted that it would. He had convinced her in the end. Of course, she wanted him. But her inner demons got the best of her. How could a man like that ever want someone like her? Someone who runs from their problems. Someone who drinks to forget everything and everyone that has ever wronged them.
Want her maybe. But love her?
But she would take what she could get. And if casual sex and a broken soul was what came out of it, she would deal with it.
She allows herself one last glance at him, before Valkyrie quietly slips out of Thor’s cottage on the edge of the school grounds, and makes her way back to the castle.
Loki Laufeyson watches the woman make her way across the grassy hills of campus. He had always admired her. She had a quick wit and a fierce personality. He prayed for the soul that dared to cross her. He had once, of course – crossed her. He’d quickly learned never to do so again when he found himself pinned down with her wand to his neck in about five seconds flat.
Not that she ever paid him much mind. Not when he had a brother like Thor. Sure, he coveted her sometimes. Wondered what she tasted like. Wondered what it would be like for a woman like her to want him. He would never know. For she was in love with Thor, and regardless of whether he would admit it or not, Loki knew that Thor loved her too. And Loki would never take that away from his brother, regardless of how much he pretended to hate him.
As the sun rose higher in the sky and Valkyrie got closer to the castle, Loki quickly turned away and hurried towards his classroom. Best to prepare for the first day of classes and attempt to get her off his mind.
You groan loudly, rolling over and finding your movements hindered by the sheets that were entangled around your legs. You sit up, twisting to get out of the binds of the sheets. Walking into the bathroom you make quick work of changing into your school robes, not having the time for the shower that you so desperately craved as you had slept in until the last possible second. You rush down the stairs, almost plowing over Peter who is waiting for you at the bottom. He grabs your arms just under your shoulders, steadying you.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” you rush out.
“I’m good, I’m good.” He looks you up and down, almost like a concerned parent. “The real question is are you okay?”
You smile brightly at him. “I’m wonderful.”
“Well I know that you’re wonderful, I just meant are you hurt?” he looks smug. You smack him across the chest, giving him a warning look. He puts his hands up in surrender, before quickly slipping one of his hands in yours and intertwining your fingers.
The two of you make your way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Ned and Michelle had already headed down there, having been tired of waiting.
You enter the Great Hall, you and Peter taking your respective seats – his next to Ned and yours next to Michelle – across from each other.
After breakfast, Ned leaves the three of you to head back to the common room as he has a free period. Peter, Michelle, and yourself all had Potions together first. You rush down the halls to get there in time – having been late to breakfast – and walk in just as Professor Laufeyson is beginning class. He turns towards the door.
“How nice of you to join us.” He muses. “Take your seats.”
Having dealt with Professor Laufeyson in years past, you knew it best not to verbally answer, rather to just take your seats and pull out your textbooks.
“Now, I need everyone to pull out your textbooks and turn to page 394.”
“Why are we starting in the back of the textbook on the first day of class?” Peter whispers under his breath.
“I don’t know, just go with it.” you shush him.
He shrugs, flipping to the correct page.
Polyjuice Potion.
“Now can anyone tell me what exactly it is that Polyjuice Potion does?” Professor Laufeyson looks around the room, completely bypassing both you and Peter’s raised hands. “No. How disappointing,” he pauses, “Polyjuice Potion allows any witch or wizard to take on the appearance of another person. It is a very complicated potion, even some of the most advanced witches and wizards can struggle to brew it.”
He pauses once more to look in Flash’s direction, who is sat on the opposite side of the classroom. “And before anyone asks, we will not be attempting to brew this potion in class, nor should you attempt to outside of the classroom. You wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a Polyjuice Potion gone wrong. Isn’t that right Ms. Jones?”
Michelle glances up in surprise (having been engrossed in her sketchbook) not sure how to respond to the accusation.
“Maybe in the future you might pay attention in class Ms. Jones. That’ll be detention after classes end today.”
Michelle groans, rolling her eyes. This would be a long year.
It isn’t long before you find yourselves entering the classroom of one of your favorite Professors – let alone most students’ favorite class. Defense Against the Dark Arts.
“Good morning class.” Professor Vis greets, strolling down the staircase from his office. “I hope everyone’s had a good summer. But like all good things, it must come to an end at some point.”
Vision straightens his tie tucked under his sweater, the collar of his white button up poking out of the top.
“Now, I know that we’re all excited to get into the spells and the combat and what have you, but for now, we will be focusing on some of the creatures that you may find yourselves stumbling across. If you’ll open your textbooks to page 23, you’ll find the chapter covering nocturnal creatures. I know it’s the first day of class so to make things a bit easier on you, we’ll be spending the majority of the class covering the basics of the chapter, and then we’ll get more in depth with each creature as the week progresses. Understood?”
The class mumbles their agreements. “Oh, come on now! It’s the first day of class, yes, but I’m sure that we can all have a bit more enthusiasm than that. Now once more, or we may just jump straight in to the section on werewolves.”
The class responds with a bit more enthusiasm and Vision seems satisfied with the response.
“Right, so to begin…”
You sigh in contentment as you throw yourself down onto the couch in the Gryffindor common room. Your first day of classes had gone surprisingly well, much to your relief. You had just returned from visiting Thor in his cottage, aside from Michelle, who was serving her detention with Professor Laufeyson. Michelle grabs ahold of your ankles, slipping under your legs to take a seat on the couch. Peter sits on the floor by your head, and Ned gets comfortable on the armrest by your feet.
“I still can’t believe Professor Laufeyson called me out like that. It was one time. One time! In year three for goodness sake. Will I ever live that down?” Michelle falls back in her seat dramatically. “What do you think makes him so insufferable? Does he thrive off the misery of others?”
“I don’t think it’s that,” you muse. “I think he’s hurting, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it. So, he just takes it out on other people.”
Michelle doesn’t say anything, but you know she agrees with you by the way she nods slightly and shifts so that she’s facing you. Your fingers absentmindedly find their way into Peter’s hair, carding through it. You feel him lean into your touch, and you can’t help the ghost of a smile that graces your features for a quick second. Michelle notices, given her keen attention to detail and her tendency to constantly be observing her surroundings. She pretends not to though, which you’re grateful for. Before long, you feel yourself drifting off, the warmth of the fire drifting you to sleep.
You awaken shortly after, Peter and Ned are both gone, likely having gone to the boys’ dorms for the night. Michelle’s hand is on your shoulder, and you figure she must have woken you up.
“Where did Peter and Ned go?” you say groggily, rubbing your eyes.
“Oh, they ran upstairs when Dean came down jabbering about some candy he got from Scott’s shop last week. The two of them couldn’t get up the stairs fast enough.” Michelle rolls her eyes lightly, a grin spread across her face. “Speaking of: when are you going to tell Peter that you’re, like, completely and totally in love with him?”
She says it so nonchalantly, almost like it’s common knowledge. Like she’s surprised no one else seems to have figured it out yet. Let alone Peter.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, cut the crap Y/N. we both know you’re totally smitten with him. Hell, I’m surprised he hasn’t figured it out yet.”
You twist your body into a sitting position, turning to face her. “Look I’m sure I’ll tell him eventually. I’m just not ready to risk ruining our friendship yet.”
Michelle nods, dropping the subject, although you can tell that she doesn’t really want to. You’re grateful that she doesn’t push you though. Instead she stands.
“Come on. We should get up to the dorms before we get caught up past curfew.”
You nod, the both of you heading for the staircase across the room. Trudging tiredly to your bed, you barely have your shoes off your feet and your head on the pillow before sleep overtakes you.
Thank you guys so much for reading! I should have part 4 up within the next few days. Also I’m thinking about creating a taglist for this fic so if anyone would be interested in that just let me know.
Feedback is always loved and appreciated.
Part 4
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Library Love
A/N: I AM SO SORRY that I haven’t been posting anything. School has been kicking my butt, and life has been super crazy. This wasn’t a request and I actually started writing this one in July in a library in Arkansas while with family friends, and I finished it in August, and wanted to save it for a plan I have, but I realized I needed to give you all something to hold onto as I write more. It’s super long, I apologize for that, also it’s a little different from the normal Winchester!sister stuff! I hope you all like it!
Requests are open and so are the tags!
Warnings: Fluff, possible angst???, and maybe a few swear words! ALSO ROMANCE!
DISCLAIMER: I used Logan because that’s what felt right at the time so, please know that I don’t know any hot Logan’s and this story was legit all random inspiration and nothing personal!
Tags: @percussiongirl2017 @metaphysicalmisha @winchesters-favorite-girl @sisterwinchesterwriter @staticweekes @lil-sister-winchester @hi-my-name-is-riley @the-third-winchester-warrior @fandom-queen-of-wonderland
You uncomfortably shifted in the plastic library chair. You were stuck in one of those remodeled gems that the whole town took pride in. Except, the pride had seemed to have worn off because it was mostly empty, minus the three-people scattered amongst the different shelves. The librarians had given up on quiet, and now joined in with the locals on conversations about everything from the corn, to the deaths you were supposed to be looking into.
You never minded libraries, in fact they had always given you a sense of home. Being on the road and traveling from place to place was the lifestyle you were born into, and you never questioned it, that is until you grew older and longed for relationships other than the few you had in your tight circle of family. Home seemed to be a place where you could create more relationships, friendships, and find true heart in every crack and crevasse. Never having that made you feel slightly disadvantaged. Your brothers had had it once, even if it only was for a limited time. You longed for something more than a car as a home base.
You loved the library, yet it always reminded you of your lack of home, while still giving you the same feeling you imagined a home might. You had no community library to walk to, or even a place to walk from. Libraries had so many treasures, each carrying so many stories, and you wished to have the time to stay and inspect each and every one. But, you did not and this idea was the exact one you were pondering as the plastic chair creaked beneath you.
Your legs were swinging back and forth as you rapidly typed out your school assignment. You were home schooled, as Sam called it, but you always dropped the home whenever someone would ask. Usually no one did, but on that rare occasion, you had it perfectly planned out.
Your brothers sat at the table over, bickering about the type of case they were dealing with. You were eavesdropping as you continued your essay. You stopped typing at times, but when they looked up at you your fingers flew back onto the lettered pads. You hated having to turn things into your brother. You loved him, but you felt as if you could never actually be free in your writing. You always worked with a filter on the words you were putting down, never wanting him to get a hint of your true emotions.
You finished typing up your essay, and emailed it over to his laptop. You swung your legs off the chair and lingered at their table. “Can I go now?” you asked, bending your fingers this way and that on the edge of the plastic wood.
Dean looked up, sighing, as you waited for Sam to check his inbox. He looked up from the screen and raised his eyebrows. “You titled your paper with a sarcastic remark, should I even ask you if I need to close this before you go?” he asked.
You shook your head, “You see, you’re just reading it sarcastically when in reality I’m just trying out a different tone with my writing”.
“And what would that be?” he asked, folding his hands. Dean was watching the duel go down, holding onto his imaginary patience to get back to work.
“The annoyed, because I’m writing another essay and my brother clearly doesn’t understand the hints I’m giving him about not making me write essays, but still professional author,” you grinned.
Dean cleared his throat, clearly annoyed with the entirety of the conversation, and reaching for another laminated pamphlet from one of the libraries records.
Sam looked to Dean, before looking back to his screen and then shaking his head. “Go ahead, but don’t think we won’t be revising this together later”.
You rolled your eyes but skipped off to the Young Adult section. You had spent too much time in the records and nonfiction areas already. Craving a juicy novel filled with teenage angst, somewhat to cope with your own emotions, you dove right into the shelves. You pulled at a book, put it back, then repeated. This went on for several minutes, adding in a scanning of the covers from a select few. Finally, you settled on one that looked newer, hoping it would get you through the next few hours. You began to walk off, nose already pushed into the smell of pages and ink, and the taste of the words forming in your mouth and mind as you silently mumbled to yourself.
That’s when you rammed right into something, and your novel hit the floor with a loud thud.
You quickly bent down to grab the story you so badly craved to continue as another hand gripped the covers, and bent up to meet your eye level. You were quickly hit with the most beautiful eye you had ever seen. Your breath fell short and you could feel the quick palpitations of your heart, and the numb of meeting someone who looked so…cute.
This boy was full of all the positive emotions the libraries you had visited countless times would give you. A sense of safety, and relationship, and home. A home in a small conversation, and a smile worth all the rooms your heart wanted to create inside his.
“I’m sorry, I should have dodged it,” he looked down with in warded eyebrows.
“No, it’s fine really, I should have been watching where I was going,” you smiled, but it faded, “I should have been watching where I was going,” the idea you had fallen short on being aware of your surrounding sunk in. Sam and Dean would have scolded you. You tried to plaster another smile on your face, but when you hit those eyes you immediately blushed and needed to hide the redness more than the disappointment you felt in yourself.
He held out his hand, and you hesitantly took it as he raised you and himself back up to standing position. He was handsome, and had a subtle yet rebellious tone to his words and look. He had strong cologne, but nothing compared to that of Dean or Sam. You smiled at him, nervously pulling your hand away.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to pull away.
You smiled again, and he nervously rubbed his neck. His hand awkwardly rubbing the ends of his hair, smashing them down into his skin. “So, you from around here?” he asked. You shook your head, he nodded but wasn’t satisfied, “Then where?”.
You had thought of all the ways this question could have been asked and your answer for days, weeks, months that eventually turned into years, but now that this boy was asking you, your mind blanked and the only thing you seemed to muster was an answer you had never practiced or calculated previously. “Nowhere”.
You cringed internally, knowing he would give you that sympathetic smile everyone did. You were surprised when he just shook his head, taking in your presence with a smirk that made you feel devilishly good.
“How ‘bout you then?” you asked.
“Nowhere,” he smiled.
You shook your head, “That’s cheating”.
“What?” he asked.
“You can’t copy my answer, it’s not how the game works,” you crossed your arms.
“Oh, so we’re playing a game?” a smile pushed into his lips.
You nodded, “Twenty-One Questions is serious business”.
His eyebrows raised, “Well then let’s go find a place to play instead of the middle of the shelves”.
“Why, scared someone’ll see us?” you snarked, then the doubt set in, “Someone like your girlfriend”.
“No, remember genius, I’m from nowhere, meaning no dice, meaning no girlfriend,” he laughed. It was a nervous laugh.
You turned and began to walk, mostly so he wouldn’t see the pink your cheeks were illuminating. The fact he was nervous too making you smile.
Laughter was unusual compared to the normal chatter of the locals, but you and the boy you grew to know as Logan could not have cared less.
Although the conversation had taken a turn when you learned of his broken home, a single, alcoholic father raising three kids. Dodging broken glass and verbal threats was a normal task for him. Your stopped when he told you, its usual pace sinking to one low and harsh as you wished to fix his broken home and make it better…wished to make one for just the two of you.
“So, what’s the one thing you wish you could do in your life time?” you asked.
He sighed and looked towards the ceiling. You were both sitting up against the leather chairs found in the corner of the back section. You had decided the serious question game needed something better than clichéd comfort. 
Even though you had only just met him, Logan seemed to give you a calm and peace you had never had before. Suddenly, you weren’t afraid of the future, or anxious for what was in store as more monsters popped into your life. You also weren’t aware of the lack of home you had felt walking into the place.
His eyes drew back to yours, and the look they wore held a whole new definition to the word sorrow. “I wish I could rid myself of the responsibilities being forced onto me,” he sighed again, closing his lids.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, feeling the rush of guilt hitting as your tongue barely made out the last word. You knew too well what it was like to want to throw down the cards life had dealt, but the knowing you could never truly leave the cards at the game table made your thoughts painful.
“I just want to be able to be me, and not have to deal with the line of…the line of shit that’s coming every damn day, of every month, of every freaking year,” he ran his hands through his hair.
“Yeah, I get it,” you sighed. He looked to you.
“You do?” he asked, eyes wide.
You nodded, and he moved a little closer to you, “Well in that case,” he then bent over your face and his lips awkwardly met yours. Eyes wide, but then closing at the feeling of soft skin meeting your chewed at lips. It was messy, and awkward, but you liked it.
You both pulled away with childish grins locking onto your faces. He sat back as you relaxed into the base of the leather chair behind you. Your jeans rubbing against the carpet as you slowly slid back.
“That was my uh, my first kiss,” he laughed nervously again, “How’d I-,” he began to ask but you cut him off.
“Perfect,” you smiled. It was far from it, but your little mind could have never imagined anything better in the moment.
“Wish we could do that all day,” he chuckled. You looked over to him, seeing the lights in his eyes flicker on. “We could do it, you know! We’re both from nowhere! My old man wouldn’t give a shit if I left, and we could hit the bus station right outside town,” he started rambling the plans carefully unwrapping in his head.
“That would be,” you started excitedly, but looked down at your hands, “I can’t run away with you”. You felt the tears forming.
After only kissing Logan once, you could already feel the desire of wanting to kiss him more, and the home you had created in his touch was the closest to four walls you had ever gotten.
“But if we’re both from nowhere, we have nothing to get back to, nothing to-,” that’s when you cut him off again.
“I have things I have to do,” you started.
“But you don’t want to, so why make yourself into something you-,” he began.
“Because not all of us get to choose!” you whisper yelled. A tear slipped down your cheek.
“But you can, “he wrapped his hand in your, but you pulled away, “We can together,” he reached out for you again.
The somber truth of knowing you couldn’t choose was swarming over you like a shadow would a sidewalk on a sunny day. Sam and Dean liked to pretend you would have choice, but both ultimately knew it was too late. You did too, this knowledge leading to your constant arguments over writing essays and school work. You knew your fate, you knew you were on the Earth to only kill the things that killed your kind. You knew you would die young, but knew you had to. You knew you had no home, but would never amount to someone who could grasp one, and use it as intended.
You stood up, and gripped the side of the chair. “It was nice meeting you, but I have to go,” you sighed.
“Y/N, wait!” he clambered to his feet.
You were trying to keep the tears from falling, “No, there can’t be any waiting because I can’t keep kissing you and learning to love you when I’m leaving. Besides, we’ve only known each other for a few hours and the idea of running away is a little absurd, I mean clearly, I’m coping with feelings of loneliness by using you. I know what my screwed-up life is, and I know what it’ll do if I get close to you. Goodbye Logan,” you pecked him on the cheek, and pushed all screaming signs saying to continue building your home on the floor with him. You hated the words of “using you” and them hitting Logan in the chest made your pit of despair even deeper.
“But if you’re from nowhere where are you going to leave too?” he reached out and grabbed your arm. “I don’t mind being used”.
“Please don’t make this harder than it has to be,” you pulled away from him, but before you got too far came up and smashed his lips onto yours.
You enjoyed the taste of his lips, and the smell of his hair and skin. When you pulled away, you were desperately wishing there was a way to stay with him. “I’m sorry,” you cried.
“You’re the best damn girl I’ve ever met,” he smiled, but it faded.
“You’re the closest thing I’ve had to a home. Thanks for that,” you looked up to him one last time before making your way back to your brothers, who were packing up.
The roads were long, and the years grew longer as more challenges stood in your way. You never forgot Logan, and he way he had given you a safe space, a home per say, in those short few hours.
You were older and wiser now, a demon blade swinging in your bloodied hand as you made your way through the halls.
That’s when you dropped to the floor in a scream of terror, pure terror.
This wasn’t just any man’s home, it was Logan’s. The sweet boy who wanted it all, who had gotten it all. He did it, he had made himself better than the hand he was dealt. Better than cliché leather chairs, and remodeled shelves. Better than some pseudo home made in a teenager’s game of questions and answers.
The boys came rushing in at once, gripping your shaking form. “I did what I was supposed to do, I left, I left,” you repeated over and over again.
Logan was bloody and ripped apart from the torture of the cold, blackened eyes that were breathing moments before.
“Shhhh, little sis, I got you,” Dean tried to soothe you but utter confusion surrounded him.
“I left his home,” you cried, hoping it was all a twisted dream.
Sam and Dean could only look at you with sympathy as they had no idea the true reason behind your tears.
The home you had created in him, and the one he carried with to his own family later was now destroyed. Your only home, your only love, was destroyed.
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Anger Issues [1]
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, little Winchester sister!reader, Bobby Singer.
Words: 1960
Warnings: Swearing, verbal fight.
A/N: Just found this finished fic I wrote months ago, but never posted it, so I just dusted it off and here it is. It was a bit long to post in one piece, so I’ll drop the next part in a couple of days or so :) Reader in this story is younger than Sam, and it’s also in the nursery to her Mary dies, when she’s 6 months old. Also, Bobby is alive. Just ’cause he’s awesome and I miss him. He also fills a purpose in this fic, so yeah.
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You hated witches. Just like Sam. Just like Dean. They were hard to gank and always played without rules, moral. And they always had the attitude, even worse than the vampires, that made you want to rip their heads off, it bugged you so much.
They often were smart, you had to give it to them. This one was no other than the others. She had realized it — she didn’t have to torture all three siblings to make them all hurt. Only one. So, she picked who she judged to be the easiest victim, and then returned to the shadows to watch the show.
You weren’t surprised to find yourself on the line, once again. Why in hell did people — well, monsters, but then again, humans did too — always assume that you were the weakest out of you Winchesters? You didn’t see it. Sure, Sam and Dean were both taller. Sure, they had more muscle mass. But heck no, that didn’t mean you were a larger threat. Because strength wasn’t only physical. Skill was more than just that.
But however, here you found yourself again, in a situation that you were quickly becoming used to. It was always you — dammit.
What could they possibly do this time? They had already made you super emotional once, yeah that was embarrassing. And once, you were turned into a dog, hilarious — not. And then it was that time when they made you translucent. That was a tough one but it was probably the worst for Sam and Dean because they were constantly freaking out, not being able to see you, where you were or how you were. Or all the times they simply knocked you unconscious. Oh, well.
This time it was different though.
You raise your gun, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you aim the gun. The witch is facing Dean, hurting him and you are not going to let that happen. No one hurts your brothers.
But as if she can sense it, the witch turns around and with a flick of her hand sends you flying. You drop your gun as you are slammed into a wall, knocking all the air out of you and causing you to momentarily lose your vision. Then she does some other movement, chanting some words and then something hits you. It feels like you’ve been shocked by electricity, but it doesn’t hurt too much though. But, it does make you tired. The last thing you hear before you slip into unconsciousness is gunshots.
You blink as you start to wake up. It takes a while for your eyes to adjust, and they kind of just drop shut several times before you actually can see clearly. You felt like you hadn’t slept in a year, even though you just wake up. You hear a soft humming, and you lift your head slightly to see that you’re in the backseat of the Impala, like you expected.
”Dammit, she’s awake.” You hear Dean’s displeased voice speak up and he sighs.
You frown, what the hell? If you hadn’t heard his tone you would have thought he was joking. Your eyes wander to Sam as you see him shift in his seat, to turn around to see for himself after hearing his brother’s statement. And there’s annoyance in his hazel eyes when he sees that it’s true. You send him a confused glare in return.
Okay, maybe you aren’t the best person; but you’re pretty sure you don’t deserve that. You feel a spark of anger in your chest, that you don’t exactly know where it comes from, besides Sam and Dean’s rude behavior, but you don’t deny it. However, you are to tired to fight them right now, and you fall back into slumber.
When you wake up the next time, you’re in your room back at the bunker. You groan as you start to become aware of the throbbing headache, and you slowly sit up in your bed.
You are pissed. Your anger makes you clench your fists and you breath out slowly to remain calm. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… You’re not good, but better. You fling your legs over the edge of the bed, and then push yourself of it. You rub your eyes, trying to wake yourself up a bit more, because you’re still tired. Then, you walk out of your room in search for your brothers, maybe they had lost their attitudes by now.
They hadn’t.
”Look who’s up.” Sam snarl and nudges Dean, who rolls his eyes by the sight of you.
They are sitting in the main room, by the large table, sipping on a beer each.
You’re offended, and you clench you fists once again but can’t stop yourself from lashing out. ”What the hell is your problem?” You exclaim.
Dean closes his eyes for a moment, and looks like he’s trying to contain himself too, but then decides on the opposite.
”You are our problem, (Y/N).” His voice is low and almost threatening, in a way that he hadn’t talked to you before. Chills are sent through your body at his words.
”I’m sorry?” You can’t believe his words. Sure, you aren’t perfect, but you do try your best. His words hurt but not as much as they feed your anger. You are, in a way, thankful for them, because they make it easier to be furious.
”She can’t even handle one simple witch hunt!” Sam laughs cruelly, looking at Dean as if you’re not even there. Dean joins in.
An odd feeling fills your body. It’s more than anger… it’s power too. And this feeling is flowing through your veins like a poison, but instead of weakening you, it strengthens you.  You have a fire within. And your brothers are begging for it.
”Shut up, Sam.” You growl, and it isn’t a request, it’s more of a threat. You burrow your nails in your palms as you try to fight the urge to run up to him and strangle him.
Sam smirks as if your words doesn’t mean a thing to him, as if they’re pathetic. ”You’re the reason for everything that’s gone wrong in our lives.”
”You killed mom.” Dean’s eyes are dangerous. Everyone knows how close he was with Mary. And now he looks like he’s about to take his revenge out on you. ”And now you’re killing us too.”
”Don’t you say that to me.” You’re more than angry now. And you’re done listening to their words. You start walking towards them, force in your steps. As you reach Dean, you smack the beer out of his hand just as he’s about to take a sip out of it. It lands on the concrete floor, and smashes into shatters of glass as well as creating a dark stain on the floor as the beer spills on it. ”Don’t you fucking say that, you piece of shit.”
Dean looks at his hand that’s now gripping air instead of a bottle.
Sam slowly shakes his head. ”Oh, that’s tragic.” He scoffs, and before he know it, he receives a slap across his cheek.
”Didn’t I tell you to shut up?” You retort, your hand burning, but content as you see the red mark forming. And you’re starting to feel like you’re not in full control.
”Can’t you see?” Dean speaks up from where he’s seated right next to you. ”You’re unwanted.”
”We’re better off without you.” Sam adds, his nostrils flared and his tone toxic.
You get ready to punch them both right in their noses, wanting to feel the crack under your knuckles. But, you stop yourself with your remaining bit of self control. You’re not completely lost, not yet.
”Fine.” You speak with a frighteningly calm voice. You don’t feel like yourself anymore, but it feels good. ”I’m leaving.”
You don’t give them a chance to respond, instead you turn around on your heels and walk up the stairs.
”Glad to see you go, (Y/N).” Sam’s voice echoes through the bunker before you have the time to slam the door shut.
”Don’t go, (Y/N)!” Sam begs, but you slam the door shut.
Dean already has his phone out and calls Bobby. As the signals go by, he watches Sam, who turns around to face his older brother. His eyes are beyond sad, and he looks genuinely hurt by the words you just had spoken. Neither brother understands what just happened, no matter what they said you just had become angrier.
A relieved ’look who’s up’ was met with ’what the hell is your problem?’. A simple ’are you okay’ had been met by ’shut up.’ And when they had tried to calm you down, you had smacked Dean’s beer out of his hand, and then slapped Sam over the cheek. You were completely out of it, and now you are gone, out in the night.
”What is it?” Bobby asks as a greeting as he picks up on the other end. He must’ve seen who was calling.
”Bobby, it’s (Y/N). She’s acting crazy, we don’t know what’s wrong.” Dean’s voice is stressed, and although Bobby can’t see it, his green eyes are equally worried.
”Something must have happened.” Bobby urges, keeping calm but focused. He needs every piece of information from the Winchesters to be able to help as much as possible.
”We were hunting this witch, and she struck (Y/N) with some spell, but she seemed fine at first…” Dean’s words trails off into nothing.
”How was the witch? New, old? Experienced or not?”
”She was old, and experienced. I think nearly 200 years or something…” Dean looks at Sam, who has been trying to concentrate on listening in on the conversation. He nods at confirm Dean’s statement. ”Yeah, two centuries.”
”And, you idjits did what? Try and go after her by yourselves, guns blazing?” Bobby scolds his surrogate son through the phone line.
Dean’s silence validates the older hunter’s suspicion. Sam looks down at his feet.
”And that didn’t work out for ya, I guess.” Bobby paused. ”Well, how has she been acting crazy?”
”She’s been hallucinating. She’s furious, like full on anger issues. She’s been having this one sided, made up, argument with Sam and I these past 10 minutes and now she’s stormed off outside.”
Bobby hums in the other end. ”I think I know what you fools are dealing with.”
”What?” Dean asks, slightly on edge, wanting Bobby to spill rather than drag it out, even if it was for mere seconds. He couldn’t even recognize his own little sister, for god’s sake.
”I think you’re dealing with some sort of a reverse type of a curse.” The older man declares.
”Now, what the hell is that?” Dean questions, and he looks at Sam, who just shrugs with a frown on his face, he doesn’t know either.
”It’s one of those spells that can be completely different, depends on the person who’s cursed. Makes a person act the opposite of what they usually do. The worst people turn into the best, but an angelic type of person can turn into the devil himself.”
”Except that angels aren’t much better than demons more often than not.” Dean mutters under his breath, for a moment forgetting that Bobby can hear him.
”It’s hypothetical.” Bobby retorts, and it doesn’t even sound like Bobby with that fancy word until he adds, ”dumbass.”
”Thanks, Bobby.” Dean says, not feeling the most optimistic. But, when does he ever?
”Be careful. (Y/N) is a great girl, which means that she can be real dangerous.”
”We will.”
”Say hi to Sam for me, would ya?” Bobby finishes.
”Sure thing.” Dean responds before hanging up, although he knows that Sam already heard the hunter.
And then they left, uneasiness and worry wrapped around their hearts as they went out in the night to bring home you, their sister.
Tags: @winchesters-favorite-girl @straightasdeanwinchester @daughters-and-winsisters I don’t know how often you guys are on Tumblr right now, feel free to ignore if you want :)
@evyiione @samanddeanshotsis @darkestgrungeuniverse @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog @mariairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati--et--obliterati @stillcooli0 @sammysbeanie @ocean-calls-me @deepbreathssammy @extreme-supernatural-lover @lemonadegazeelle @mogaruke @winchestersmut @i-kdog-posts @steve-rogcrs @wordshowers @27bmm @jjsoccer11 @ivebeenraisedfromperdition @bluecookiesandbooks @disappointeddinosaur @nicolevanderstar @frayedphan @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @straightestgay-voice @legend-o-zelda @holysheeppanda @mynameisdesolation @to-stars-and-back @forevershadeddark @stonergirl4life95 @wxnchestervevo @captainemwinchester @rosie-winchester @justanotherwinchester @violinmyhead​ @magical-cas​ @quackerstheduck663057​ @falloutofmymemez​ @messy-buns-and-shotguns
If you want on or off the taglist(s), just send me an ask! If you change your url and still want to be tagged, please tell me! It’s REALLY hard to keep track of.
This is a two-shot so the next and final part will be on my blog in a couple of days. Again, it was just a bit too long to keep in one piece :)
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no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 5 years
Sibling Jealousy - Chapter 5
Fic’s Summary: Reader has known the Winchesters for a long time, almost two years before Cas entered their lives. After that, since Reader was the only one actually teaching the angel about humanity customs and stuff like that, properly, they developed a closer relationship, on the parent-kid way. But it was never verbally acknowledged. Now, with Lucifer’s child on the way, life stabs some sense and realizations onto Reader, but there’s no time for feelings in this house.
Author’s Note: This is mainly a fic with the purpose of developing a family relationship with the characters, of mutual support, and I don’t plan on adding romance for Reader, because that’s not my final goal.
Pairings: Castiel/Reader (Platonic), Jack Kline/Reader (Platonic), Dean and Sam Winchester/Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Usual canon violence and conflicts, as well as injuries and blood mentions, emotional struggles such as feeling unloved, like an outcast, low self-esteem issues and if you think something else should be mentioned let me know.
<<Last Chapter - Next Chapter>>
Chapter’s Author’s Note: Yes so, a long time has passed, and well, I still am halfway through the next chapter, and I’m still kind of stuck on the same episode from season 13...not having a supportive team for school work sucks u all, don’t be like that. Hope you enjoy this, and remember, comments are highly appreciated, and if you see a typo let me know, it helps me improve ^^
Chapter Five: Therapy and Emptiness
Word Count: 3,170
It’s been almost a week since the discussion on the map room took place, and Dean had been really silent the whole time, while Sam had made small talk to you and Jack, borrowing him a computer he didn’t use all the time.
Jack was spending most of his days on his bedroom, the first two with you teaching him to make his bed, how to work the computer and a few lessons on how to heal people when you bumped against some equipment on the makeshift gym, where you were spending up to three hours divided along the days, a coping mechanism that allowed you to let steam and anger out and left your body tired enough to almost black out at night after touching your bed.
So far he’s been able of healing (yet not every time) from paper cuts to small scraps you had made on your hands while sharpening swords, blades and knives with a sharpening rock - because you also found the process soothing and kind of relaxing, but your mind still wandered making you lost focus, ending on said cuts.
Yet, you told Jack to not tell Sam and Dean about the healing, and when he asked why you were going to lie, you told him the truth...mainly because he still didn’t have a concept of morals good enough to just know why.
“If we tell them you are able of healing injuries, they are not even gonna listen to the fact they are small ones, much less to how exhausted it makes you. They are probably going to expect you to heal their deep cuts, and claw marks and everything they get from hunts. And one, you are not ready yet, second they haven’t earned a right to be healed by you after all what they’ve made you gone through. Maybe Sam, but he’s on thin ice.”
“Ice? But, the floor here is not thin, is it?” Ah, another thing you’ve been up to has been teaching Jack the meaning of some words and expressions, like right there.
The moment Sam told you to get ready because you were going hunting, you immediately asked who was going to stay with Jack.
“No one. He’s coming with us.” He seemed unbothered by his idea, proud even.
“Come again? Jack is going with us to a hunt? Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“He could use some fresh air, and being coped up in here is not going to help him (Y/N). We all need to go out a little.” He almost sounded like he was both asking for permission and just announcing the facts…
“Have you talked to Jack already? What does he thinks about this? Does he wants to tag along?” Even if his answer was a yes, you would be having a talk with Sam to tell him how not just because Jack looked old enough to be on hunt meant he was mentally prepared to be on them.
“Yes, I went to him after talking Dean into letting him come along. And he wants to be good, and with hunting we save people.” He shrugged as if it was the most normal and obvious thing.
“Fine. But we have to make sure Dean doesn’t throw him into the fire line.” You rolled your eyes at the idea, but you were also frowning, so Sam just gave you a grateful smile before going out of your room and telling you how you were leaving in 30 minutes.
You still were going to have to talk to Jack after this, letting him know how things could go wrong. Just, warn the kid.
As usual you were riding on the back of Baby, but Jack was with you this time. You weren’t surprised he wasn’t in a suit, since he barely had clothes (Dean didn’t allow you to take him into town just to get some for him, so you had to go out and get a few things in hopes they would fit and he would like them), but when Dean slammed the car’s door closed you flinched. You could almost touch his despise for Jack.
The first lady’s information didn’t really help, and after finding out Jack had gotten out of the car, you quickly went to close it before getting inside the crime scene, where they were staring at a blood stain, and talking about going to the grave of the wife to salt and burn what seemed to be a ghost issue, or a revenant.
You weren’t so sure it was either of those options, and you told them that, but you were ignored. Well, Jack did pay attention, but he didn’t know a lot about monsters so he couldn’t back you up or give his own opinion...not like Dean would let him anyway.
As night fell, you went to the graveyard, and took the shovels out of the Impala’s truck.
After explaining to Jack why seeing the inside of the grave was of relevance in this case, Dean put him to dig, and went to grab a beer from the car.
Sam went after him, telling him how he was transforming into their dad. You shivered at the memories of John, for both your experiences with him and the stuff the brothers told you about...mainly Sam, but you could see the aftermath of said stuff on Dean almost every day.
You decided to keep Jack company and actually help him, since neither of the brothers seemed like they were going to help after screaming at each other.
Well, the grave did had a body, which left the two main options to just a vengeful spirit.
Sam helped Jack out of the hole and Dean helped you after he saw you were kind of struggling. The soil wasn’t as compacted as you might think okay? I kept crumbling beneath you.
“My mom could be a ghost?” You weren’t sure if what you heard on Jack’s voice was fear or hope.
“No, we burned the bodies. And what burns, stays dead.” At least Dean was kind of talking to Jack…
A quick glance at the green eyed brother told you he meant Castiel. You burned Castiel’s body. And that was his way of accepting Cas wasn’t coming back.
You had to swallow the lump on your throat, and went back to look at the flames consuming the body inside the giant hole.
Turns out, it wasn’t a ghost nor a revenant, as you suspected.
Another person ended up dead, and you had to go to the police station to get more information, finding out all the victims had the same therapist, and deciding that giving her a visit had to be the next step.
The only issue was, how to see her and get to talk to her and see if you could gather more information, more clues about the case and what you were up against.
The solution? Going in as a family and pretend you wanted the family group program.
What could go wrong, right? Right.
Everything could go bad.
First, Jack almost blew your cover at saying he had lost his mom when you all were asked who you’ve lost, issue Sam fixed by saying you all where siblings. Then, after said incident, Dean ordered Jack to not speak unless he told him to, at which you pushed Dean off of Jack.
Inside the room, Sam and Dean took the couch closer to the therapist, while you and Jack took the one across them, yet slightly more afar from Mia, and you could feel how rigid Jack was, and you weren’t even sure if he was paying attention to what was being told on the room.
...But maybe that was for the best.
The therapist quickly wanted to address how Dean handled things, and without warning, Sam and Dean started almost shouting at each other, about how Sam didn’t want to accept Mary was dead, and then about how Dean at least had a relationship with her and how Sam just wanted to hold onto the hope of having the same if Mary was alive.
Welp, that went great.
Sam stormed out of the living room like place, closing the doors behind him, leaving a very awkward silence behind him, which was quickly filled by Dean drinking from his whiskey wine pot bottle, earning a glance and scoff from Mia.
“What? Got a problem?” Please don’t anger her, please don’t anger her...
She first scolded him about his anger issues, and how it wasn’t her business if he wanted to fix that up or not, but she told him about how he directed his anger at everyone around him.
“Jack? The poor kid can even look at you. Look at him he’s terrified of you.” You glanced at him, and saw how indeed he tensed even more at being mentioned in the conversation yet not asked anything directly.
“And (Y/N)? I can see you probably boss them around, if you even acknowledge them to begin with. They don’t feel comfortable here with you, yet stands you because of...I’m going to guess because of Sam and Jack.” Ok, what?
You sent her a confused and undignified look, because well yes, you were bossed around, and got along better with Sam, and now that Jack had joined you did felt like drifting more apart from Dean but you...well, Dean didn’t really spent time with you before if Cas wasn’t around, or if you weren’t watching a movie, because that didn’t involve a lot of talking.
...You didn’t like to think about not really fitting with the Winchesters the latest years and now this woman has brought up all of your doubts to the surface again. Thanks.
“Jack? Pff, we are just peachy, right kid?” Dean’s voice did scare you, like he would snap at any moment.
“Just peachy.” Jack’s reply was a copy of what Dean said and sounded almost robotic.
“And (Y/N) is just fine, if they didn’t like us they would have run away a long time ago. Sam sure did for a while.” Dean didn’t even look at you, at neither of you, and took another swing of the alcohol.
Actually you’ve wanted to leave the brothers since a while ago and go with Cas, but since he always went back to them, to Dean, it wasn’t really an option. And even after all these years you really thought you’ll end up being part of their family again. After all, before Sam left for college you felt like family.
The sound of doors slamming open cut your thoughts and sent you standing up and pulling Jack with you, instincts ticking in.
“Careful! She’s a shifter!!” Screamed Sam while pointing a gun at Mia.
Now you put Jack behind both Sam and you, taking your own gun out. That one didn’t have silver bullets, but they would slow her down enough for you to pull your silver knife from your belt.
Turns out a creature read you all so easily. Well, that couldn’t be good.
After deciding Mia might be telling the truth about wanting to help people, Dean and Jack went to check if it was true she was somewhere else when the first murder took place, while you and Sam stayed behind, checking the footage to see the eyes of everyone who came in and out.
You didn’t really wanted to leave Jack with Dean, but Sam reassured you it was fine.
Since your computer was slower than Sam’s, you decided to go get some water and stretch your legs, and when you came back Sam was gone, Mia informing you that Buddy, her ex, was acting as one of her patiences and Sam went to the address in hopes of finding him and killing the shifter.
Great, he left without a word.
Your face must have shown your hurt, because the therapist answered your unspoken question.
“He told me to let you know he was gonna be fine, and needed you here for whenever your brothers were back...but, the four of you...you are not really siblings, are you?” You let a dry chuckle leave your mouth.
“Nah, just Dean and Sam. Neither Jack nor I are blood related. Dean and Sam, we used to be closer before, as if we were actual family, but, at some point, a distance started forming, and even when it gets slim at moments between one of them and me, there’s always this, feeling, of how if they had to choose they would save each other, leaving me to perish.” It had happened before, that one time they left you in a vampire’s nest. They proclaimed they didn’t know you were held hostage, but Sam was there with you before you were taken.
Talk about trust issues. Castiel was the only one who made sure the three of you were safe and healthy most of the time, taking special attention to you.
“You lost someone too. If their mother isn’t yours, then who did you lose?” When you blinked, you saw how your vision got blurry with unshed tears.
“Uh, a friend of them? Us? He’s older than me, and, well, might as well say it out loud now. I saw him as a father figure. Castiel, he uh, sacrificed himself to save us all, including Jack, and I did get to say bye, but not like I wanted. And I haven’t been able of mourning him, we haven’t had time to rest since…” You stopped talking as soon as you hard the Impala engine outside, and went to wash your face.
You heard Dean being told by Mia about Sam going out, but you didn’t heard Jack requesting Mia to have a chat.
When you got out of the bathroom, you heard shushed voices from behind a door. Recognizing Jack’s you walk closer, and hear him talking to...Kelly? But, she was dead and...oh.
Mia took Jack’s mom form and he was not talking with her. At least what Mia was telling him was good, actual advice and good words.
You left a sigh of relief out, realizing how bad Jack’s been doing, and well, at least he was getting help.
You started to get up, after you heard Jack thanking Mia, but you were soon yeeted threw against and through the door, crashing against a lamp and a small table, and finally landing hard against the floor, bleeding cuts covering your left arm.
When you lifted your head, you saw Dean knocking Jack out, and then he came to do the same to you.
You woke up at the sound of Jack screaming, your blurry vision seeing Buddy flying by that energy Jack created, and Sam on the room’s door.
You were just starting to notice your hands were tied when everything was already over: Mia refused to kill you, Sam had shoot Buddy, the room was all bloody and destroyed and you saw Jack was not very conscious.
After being released, you stepped as far from Dean as you could without looking like a scared, kicked street dog, and went to check on Jack, who was already getting better.
Mia insisted on the four of you to get out, that she would take care of everything (meaning the body and the room), but Sam and you weren’t so sure. It was Dean the one convincing you to leave, and the first one to walk out of the room, Sam following close behind but stopping when he didn’t heard steps behind him.
You saw Mia talking to Jack, and the later giving her a hug. Unconsciously, you hugged yourself, trying to find some comfort. Jack looked like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, meaning the conversation he had with Mia-Kelly did worked.
You were just left feeling emptier than before.
After Jack let her go, he went to walk past you, standing besides Sam.
You looked at Mia, who had a raised eyebrow, making you realize you were still hugging yourself.
“I’m just a little cold, the blood loose dropped my temperature a little.” You made a dismissive gesture with your hand, but you could see you weren’t fooling her. Maybe she was prepared to be a therapist after all.
“Talk to them, you are not alone.” You barely heard her, and nodded to let her know you did.
As if that was easy.
When you got back to the Bunker, you went straight to the sink on the kitchen to clean your arm again, since it was closer than the bathroom.
You were redoing the bandages when Jack came in to get a glass of water, but as soon as he got in, Dean came in too. The tension on the air raised tenfold immediately.
Jack and Dean exchanged little ‘hey’s, but neither was looking at each other.
“Listen kid, you saved Sam back there, I’m grateful...you did good back there, okay? Good job.” You saw the exchange, and noticed how Dean was really trying to look ad Jack, and the almost newborn Nephilim gave him a little smile, nodding.
You now knew the one knocking Jack and yourself out was the shifter, but it triggered the fear you had against Dean from his demon and Mark of Cain days, so when he walked past you, patting your shoulder, you couldn’t help but flinch.
Dean noticed, but didn’t say anything, just murmured a soft ‘sorry’ before leaving the kitchen, probably to find Sam.
Jack, on the other side, went to sit in front of you, and asked with a calm and quiet voice tone.
“Uh, (Y/N)? Are you alright? Does your shoulder hurts?” he was really concerned for you, so maybe you should be honest. After all, he still needs to learn about lies and you didn’t want to be the one teaching him that.
“My shoulder is a little sore, but that’s not why I flinched. Part of my mind thinks Dean will throw or hit me again. I know a few hours ago it was the shifter the one that knocked us up, but my instincts haven’t caught up with that yet.” Okay, you weren’t lying, just leaving certain info out. He didn’t need to know that. Not yet anyway.
He hummed and nodded, understanding what you meant, stood up to pick another glass and filled it with water. You were about to tell him he could use the same glass when he offered it to you.
“Drinking water is vital after losing blood, right?” 
“Water is important in general, but yes. Thank you, Jack.” You washed both glasses after finishing yours and then called for Jack.
“Let’s use the fact I’m already covered in cuts to keep practicing your healing skills, shall we?” the kid glowed at the idea of practicing not hurting people, and catch up with you on the alley.
Maybe not thinking about Cas, but focusing on good things might help you…
Sibling’s Tag List:
@carryon-doctor-lock @theferretkids @sapphysaph(idk why i can’t tag u m8) @hazelle-uvu @tiggytaylor​ @a-door-into-my-mind @crazy-obssesed-fangirl @ladymarvelite
(If you wanna be added, please say so in the comment’s section of THIS post)
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iwantthedean · 7 years
Can’t Forgive, Wanna Forget
Summary: After Mary tells Sam and Dean some news they don’t want to hear, the reader is there to console Dean.  Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 2070 Warnings: Smut, angst.  Spoiler Alert: Set directly after 12x13.
A/N: I think I say this every time, but smut is not my forte, so be kind with your feedback, please! 
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“So there’s the door.”
You heard Dean’s boots against the hard floor of the bunker, so you stepped quickly away from the wall you had been standing at, listening to the whole conversation. You figured he probably wanted to be alone, but you couldn’t stand the thought of him writhing with his anger alone. Waiting in his room was a taking a risk of getting ripped up one side and down the other, but it was a risk you were willing to take for a friend.
Dean stopped when he saw you standing in the middle of his room. His hands were on his hips and he was angry; you could see it in his eyes. You stayed put, waiting for the rage. Let him take it out on you, not on his mother – he had already said enough to regret. You were waiting for him to get the anger out, to yell at you, maybe even shove you against a wall. You knew Dean well enough to know that he would never put hands on you, but he was just so angry.
While you had never thought about Dean as anything more than a friend, it hurt you so greatly when he hurt. Really, that should have been a sign for you, but you pushed it away.
He closed the door behind him, and you knew you were really in for it then. He wanted to keep Sam out of whatever he was going to say –
Or maybe he was going to cry. Dean’s hands stayed on his hips, but he looked away before making eye contact with you again. His eyes welled with tears, and he held his hands up in surrender.
“You don’t have to say anything, Dean. I just didn’t want –”
Dean’s steps were too big for you to process he was coming so close to you before his lips landed on yours, his arms pulling you flush against his body. You reacted in kind for only a couple of seconds before you took a step back, your hands firm on his chest to separate the two of you.
“You’re angry,” you told him. “You’re angry and hurt, and I understand that. This is not the way you and I do things, though. If you need to fuck your way out of this, then you should find someone else.”
But Dean didn’t find anyone else. He pulled you against him again and pressed his lips to yours. You didn’t kiss him back, but you could taste the salty flavor of tears on your lips.
“Please,” he pleaded, his voice a raspy version of its normal sound. “I can’t – you’re the only woman in my life, Y/N, who has ever given me any kind of stability. You’re not even in this life – you don’t hunt, you don’t research. For fuck’s sake, I can’t even remember how we crossed paths or why I told you about all of this but … I need this, Y/N.”
His tears became too much and he couldn’t finish. You had seen Dean cry before, but not like this. Not to where he couldn’t speak. Knowing that it could very possibly ruin everything, you stepped forward, pulled Dean’s arms around you again, and pressed your lips against his.
Calloused hands pressed against your face before Dean’s hands clumsily felt out the hem of your shirt. You pulled it up and over your head, tossing it aside before frantically searching for his lips again. You felt the dried stains of tears on his whisker-covered cheeks, and that only made the whole thing seem more right.
As you continued to kiss him, slower than before, your hands snuck under the t-shirt he wore, tracing lazy shapes over the skin of his back. How long had you been waiting to touch him this way? Longer than you had even realized.
Anxious to have your hands all over his bare skin, Dean removed his own shirt. His eyes were still red from crying as they looked down into yours, his hands carding through your hair. He opened his mouth to talk, but only shook his head instead.
Before Dean’s lips met yours again, you pulled your face away, your hands running up and down his sides. You settled at his hips, pulling your fingers forward to the buckle of his belt. It came out of the loops of his jeans with a quiet snap, and settled on the ground with only the sound of the buckle against the cement floor.
You stepped back and shimmied your own jeans off of your thighs and down to your ankles before pushing them off along with your socks and shoes. Kneeling in only your bra and panties, you locked eyes with Dean as you undid the button fly of his jeans before pushing the garment down to the tops of his boots.
The outline of his arousal was apparent in front of you as you came face to face with his boxer briefs. Your lips formed a flat O, and you let out a slow breath as you hooked your fingers into the waistband of his underwear and joined them with his pants.
He wasn’t entirely hard, and you knew that his emotions more than likely played a role in that. Nothing you couldn’t fix.
A sharp gasp left Dean’s teeth when you wrapped one hand around him and guided his sex into your mouth. You rolled your tongue in wave-like motions along the base of his dick before wrapping your lips around the head, suckling softly at first and slowly gaining in not only the force of your suction, but also the depth at which you held Dean in your mouth.
Dean’s groans grew louder the longer you sucked and licked, all the while pumping with your hand to make up the difference of the length you could not get into your mouth. His emotions had been pushed to the side, it seemed, as he became rock hard in your mouth.
“Not like this,” Dean said, pulling you up from your knees before toeing out of his boots and pushing away his socks, pants, and boxers. “I mean, I still want this, but I don’t want to – you know, finish … like this.”
You nodded, wiping away the spit that had gathered at the corner of your mouth. It wasn’t as though you had never slept with a man before, but you were unsure of what to do now. When Dean’s fingers tangled in your hair again, however, everything after that came naturally.
Your arms went around his neck and Dean’s hands gripped just below your ribs. The two of you were caught in a frenzied, tongue-tangling kiss as he backed you towards the bed. Your knees caught the edge of the mattress, and you were too distracted by his kiss to keep yourself upright. Dean pulled off your pants and panties in one slightly clumsy motion, while you undid the clasp of your bra and threw the garment to the side, not caring at all where it landed.
Dean’s lips almost immediately wrapped around one nipple, while two fingers pumped slowly but deliberately into your core. You squealed before slapping a hand over your mouth at the self-reminder that at least Sam was still in the bunker.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Dean whispered against your skin, “I need to hear it. I don’t care about the rest of them.”
Your hand fell away from your lips, allowing every moan, audible exhalation, and squeal to be heard as Dean worked over your breasts and brought you from aroused to soaking wet in a matter of minutes.
As though his fingers hadn’t done enough work, Dean went straight from your nipple to your clit, latching on and sucking while simultaneously licking.
“How in the world …”
No one had ever pulled that move before, but you were definitely a fan. As Dean continued his ministrations, you ran your hands through his hair, tugging at the roots every time he hit a particularly pleasant spot.
You were on the edge, ready for that coil in your belly to snap. Gripping Dean’s hair, you pulled him away from the V between your legs.
“If you don’t get to finish that way, neither do I.”
Dean didn’t bother verbally responding to that statement, only worked his way up your body, stopping along the way to leave marks that he had been there.
Still kneeling beside the bed, Dean took a deep breath. He looked deep into your eyes, caressed your face. At first it seemed as though he was seeking your permission, but you saw the tears well in his eyes again, and you knew that he was considering the possibilities if the two of you moved forward.
Your breath was still heaving in your chest when you sat yourself straight up, ran your fingers through Dean’s hair and kissed him softly.
“It’s okay, Dean.”
He kissed you once more, then placed his hands under your thighs, pulling your legs up on either side of him. You scooted forward, making it that much easier for Dean to push his sex into yours.
There was no steady start, no slow rhythm for you to adjust to Dean’s size. The two of you clung to each other, emotions running high and lust even higher. Dean’s hips jerked back and forth, pounding against you and into you with an intensity that nearly overwhelmed you.
The tsunami of an orgasm hit you after only a few minutes; you dug your fingers into his back and bit into his shoulder. Dean growled over your shoulder and a couple of minutes later, he came with his body pressed against yours, his hips jutting into the backs of your legs.
There was no counting the minutes that the two of you stayed like that, catching your breath and processing what had just happened. You were the first one to move, kissing Dean before going to his drawers for a t-shirt, then pulling on your panties again.
You pointed towards his bathroom. “I’m just going to … um …”
Dean nodded, reaching for his boxers and jeans. “I’ll grab us a drink, and maybe a couple of those burgers she brought.”
You splashed some water on your face, dealt with your sex hair, then went back to the room. Dean returned a few seconds later with a bag with two burgers and an order of fries, and four beers. All was silent for a few minutes while the two of you ate and finished off the first of your beers. After discarding the trash, Dean settled back against the pillows, and you crossed your arms over his chest, setting your chin on your hands.
“This isn’t going to make it go away.”
Dean looked over at you, his thumb tracing along your jaw. “I know. But you helped me forget for a while. Thank you.”
One end of your mouth tugged up as you thought about the amazing pleasure you had just experienced. With a small kiss on Dean’s lips, you nodded.
“Anytime.” He ran his hand through his hair, and you went ahead and said it. “You have to talk to her. I know it wasn’t easy to hear what she had to say, but you said some harsh things.”
Dean nodded. “I know. I just – she’s been gone for so long. And I spent a really long time thinking that she was taken from us before we found out that she brought this on. Then I was mad at her, and then Amara brought her back and I thought – I thought it would be like it was before. That she’d be a mom again.”
You nodded, sitting up. “But she was never just a mom. Stop – before you say anything, I’m not taking her side. I’m taking yours. I think if you understand a little more where she’s coming from. She made a choice, yes, but she sacrificed, too. She sacrificed a life with her love and her sons. She sacrificed, albeit unknowingly, a better life for her children. She’s trying to make up for it by working with those tea-drinking, snooty bastards. She’s trying to make the world a better place for you and for Sam.”
Dean’s eyes filled with tears again. “I don’t know how to forgive her.”
“I know,” you said, pulling him in for hug.
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