#but if you like belaf you should follow me : ))))))
burinazar · 5 months
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My take on translating Belaf’s Lullaby. Original Japanese text posted earlier today to Tsukushi's twitter here. At the time of my writing this, early this afternoon in the hours after he posted it, the only translations available were machine-based, and even with my poor language skills I could see some things were being unfavorably, un-lyrically chopped up by autotranslate, so I put this together for friends.
For my notes on a few potentially quirky choices as well as some limited analysis on the song itself (warning: rambling. but i could ramble a lot more about this), please see the comments section on this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HJi6GNl2T2-9V44ue5mRIqhEGKevoPMvw-dWjqALO28/ Commenting is enabled if anyone has constructive criticism.
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space--cadet-glow · 6 months
Theory/Over-Analysis: "…Infinite Pleasure Spawning" Part 2: Random Observations
Following what I'm working on for "A Certain Sage…", this Part will be a series of random observations for "…The Infinite Pleasure Spawning Drama". There's not as much to note as in "A Certain Sage…", but… Whatever. This one's just WEIRD.
The title card is a lightly-cracked egg
How and why did Belaf start laying eggs? …Even the narration has no fucking clue. ---[insert the "Anything goes in Wonderland~" joke from Phelan Porteous here]
Belaf is male, yet has somehow spawned a birth canal ---Transmasc Belaf confirmed??? ---Or did the Abyss do this, too?
Vueko says "otsukare-sama" to congratulate Belaf on laying the egg, which is basically a catch-all phrase for when someone has finished a job and/or finished doing hard work ---I bring this up because it's written entirely in hiragana, and may I remind you of that one 2chan thread where this dude basically trolled everyone by writing "otsukare-sama" entirely in hiragana??? ---This will be expanded upon in Part Three ---Also in this panel, Vueko is literally wiping Belaf's ass
The eggs look just like chicken eggs ---Apparently, the Sages were too scared to check what's inside of them
As the days pass, the eggs gradually get bigger and bigger ---And, naturally, the bigger the egg, the harder it is to "birth" ---YES, THE NARRATION SAYS "BIRTH"
Belaf disappears into his room for a few days ---He even refuses to eat, claiming that his portion should be saved for Irumyuui because she's "a growing girl" ---Speaking of which, WHERE THE HELL IS IRUMYUUI?! ---This is the only time she's mentioned; she is never seen, either. ---You'd think she'd be right up there trying to help, given her tribe's obsession with fertility???
Turns out, the eggs got stuck ---Belaf literally looks pregnant now ---That's why he was avoiding everyone and trying to starve; he didn't want anyone to see his huge belly ---He is full of eggs ---He was terrified of having to "birth" the increasingly-bigger eggs because of how painful it was getting
Wazukyan may or may not have been a chicken farmer at one point??? ---He mentions chickens and how they'd occasionally get eggs stuck; and mentions something about a "land base"??? ---If anyone can make better sense of this panel, be my guest
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10. Wazukyan borrows Vueko's sex dungeon-- I mean-- "workspace"
11. The Interference Units give Belaf some sort of medicine/pain reliever ---Where was the medicine earlier when he was literally laying an egg in front of Vueko??? ---Why didn't he ask for it sooner??? ---It, like, worked instantly, soooo…????????
12. Wazukyan's bright idea? "Let's lube up the eggs! Make 'em slippery~!" ---The worst part? IT FUCKING WORKS.
13. Belaf lays eight eggs all in one go ---WHY ARE THE EGGS SURROUNDED BY HEARTS ---ANSWER ME, ANNOUU-SAN
15. Belaf's breasts start producing milk ---This implies that his body was producing hormones for the eggs as if they were human??? ---If the eggs ever hatched… Would they be sentient? Would they even BE human??? ---I'm scared
16. I present to you, the feminine equivalent to the "papa pole": the "mama nipple"
17. Belaf panics because he has to deliver one gigantic fucking egg ---He is terrified and Wazukyan continues to have a dopey smile on his face
18. Wazukyan gently wipes away Belaf's tears…
20. The egg is, in Wazukyan's own words, "about the size of a baby's head". ---Meanwhile, Belaf's just sprawled there on the floor and hasn't moved an inch ---Like seriously; his eyes are rolled back in his head ---Is he okay?
21. There's one last egg. A teeny-weeny little one ---AND WAZUKYAN IMMEDIATELY DROPS IT AND BREAKS IT
22. There's a Gory Discretion Shot, and we never see what was actually IN the egg ---Wazukyan doesn't react in horror or anything at all really; but then again, should we be rating gore based off of the dude who eats rats?
23. Time skip of an unspecified amount; and Vueko's out in the new garden ---The eggs were buried there to be fertiliser for the plants and flowers
24. But then, Vueko notices the grave ---Where did it come from? ---Who made it and why? ---Who or what is buried there…? ---This is never answered
THE END. I'm not joking. That's how it ends. Now, onto the theories in Part Three~!
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burinazar · 2 years
I understand that the numerous Japanese, Chinese and Korean people i follow on Twitter because of shared Sages/Ganja brainworms are highly unlikely to have awareness of all the nonsense JKR gets up to and perpetuates on both the internet and real life since both most of her bullshit and most of its pushback are in English-speaking contexts. I don’t follow the nonsense that rich and powerful celebrities get up to and perpetuate in their home countries and languages*, after all (ostensibly I should at least follow the evils of Indian celebrities but erm, i pay very little attention to any of their doings good or bad until my parents tell me.) So I don’t really hold this against them, unlike the English-speaking people who very proudly proclaim they just don’t care and are playing it anyway, because I’d bet money they just *don't know* …
But it’s a little funny-sad that a lot of people I followed specifically for Belafposting are like, making statuses about playing the Hogwarts game and their house headcanons for the Sages and I’m like…Guys. Guys. Guys. If you even partly explained Tsuk’s Belaf-gender-weirdness word of god to Rowling she would absolutely start chasing the poor thing around with a big stick and screaming about women’s rights.
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