#but if you just want silliness then this one is the way to go
transmascissues · 24 hours
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i clicked on the original tweet just to see if anyone else felt as weird about it as i did because at this point i’m just tired of seeing people going on and on about trans men dating cishet men who try to convince them not to transition as if it’s a funny joke about a trans man doing something silly and not a manipulative and generally very unhealthy relationship dynamic that can hurt the trans man involved really deeply (as forcing someone back into the closet tends to do.)
did i find anyone else feeling that way? no. there were a few people pointing out that it was weird in general, and plenty saying it’s a weird thing to say about a cis woman, but nothing expressing any sort of concern about the tired stereotype it’s perpetuating.
but you know what i did find? replies like the one in the second screenshot, using the tweet as their chance to tell the world how much they hate trans men and how repulsive they find the idea of ever being compared to us. and replies like the third one, shaming trans men in relationships like that as if the fact that they’ve found themselves in an unhealthy relationship makes them deserving of public shaming, as if their relationship is hurting anyone other than them.
stereotypes like this just feel like yet another way of indirectly calling us stupid little girls who don’t know what’s good for us, and the fact that a picture of a woman is being used (even jokingly!) as an example of what trans men “like that” look like should make the implications of rhetoric like this all the more obvious.
it’s relationships like these that keep us miserable in the closet for so long and drive up our sexual assault rates even more. they’re not funny and if anyone is going to be making jokes about them, it certainly shouldn’t be people who have never been in that situation. if you actually cared about us you’d be looking for ways to support the trans men you know who are in relationships like that instead of hopping on twitter to joke about how stupid they must be.
i don’t care if it’s a joke. if it victim blames trans men for the transphobia we face in our personal relationships, adds to the common idea that we can’t be trusted to make decisions about our own lives, and invites even more blatant transphobia against us by people who unabashedly admit they see all trans men as “disgusting and phony”, it’s not fucking funny.
(i also want to note that the people making these jokes never like to mention that this also happens to trans men in relationships with queer women. they also hate those trans men, of course, and are happy to express that when they get into fights about trans men who date lesbians, but they’ll never talk about it in the context of this particular stereotype. it’s always a man being manipulative in a relationship and pressuring trans men to not transition, as if a woman would never be capable of such a thing.
they also like to conveniently ignore the existence of older trans men who transitioned after already being in a committed relationship with a cishet man and were able to make that relationship work despite their transition, because acknowledging that would require recognizing that trans men can be in seemingly contradictory relationships and genuinely be happy with their partner. who needs nuance when you can simply choose to judge all trans men for our relationships regardless of what they’re actually like?)
do you think they also would call me “a trans man being purposefully misgendered” with this kind of vitriol because i’m still living with parents who don’t recognize my gender instead of moving out before i’m ready to be financially independent? at this point, i’m starting to feel like they might, with the way every decision a trans man ever makes is the subject of a public debate and people have decided that trans men are secretly using being misgendered as a weapon to somehow hurt other trans people.
as a general rule, i’d say the only people who should be making “X looks like a trans man” jokes about literally anyone/anything are trans men, and posts like this show exactly why those jokes being made by anyone else (even by other trans people) just isn’t a good idea.
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moonstruckme · 1 day
What if you wrote something with like... Poly EMT marauders or poly doctor marauders.. with a reader who is a type 1 diabetic, but is horrible at managing it. So like... Their omnipod or dexcom expires and they just don't realize it. As to why? Idk, like they're forgetful or maybe they were just diagnosed with it recently? Whatever sounds more interesting to you lmao
Thanks for requesting! Funnily enough I got this request the same week my uncle was in the icu with a blood sugar of over 1000 (the highest the paramedics said they'd ever seen!) so this was one of the only emt marauders drabbles I've ever done where I didn't actually have to do a bunch of research because I already knew about it haha
cw: diabetes, reader is impaired/faint, mention of needle
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 628 words
The television blurs in front of you. You have the vague impression that you used to know what was happening in this show, but now you can hardly tell one character from another. A hand touches your face, sweeping hair away from your eyes and scratching nicely at your scalp. 
“Getting tired, dove?” 
You hum. 
“Want to go to bed early?” 
“I think I could sleep here on the couch,” you admit. 
For a moment, there’s no reply. You feel the couch shift, and then a hand is gently turning your chin, directing you towards three concerned faces. It always makes you shy, being at the center of their combined attention, but right now the usual effects don’t feel as intense. 
“Are you feeling okay?” James asks you. 
“Yeah, I’m just tired.”
Later, you’ll learn you’d been slurring terribly. 
“Where’s your phone, baby?” Sirius starts looking for it as you try to recall. He finds it before you can, clicking it open and tapping at the screen until he finds what he’s looking for. “Her blood sugar’s at 300.” 
Remus’ brows push close together. “How’d that happen, hm?” he asks you. The sleeve of your pajama top gets pushed down. “Where’s your pod?” 
You blink, working hard to remember. Sirius gets up from the couch. “It’s…I don’t know. It expired,” you say. 
You hear the sound of the freezer opening, and a shrill beeping fills your kitchen. “Found it,” says Sirius. 
“Fucking hell, you’ve got to stop putting it in there.” Remus sighs, though you don’t think he’s really angry with you. “I heard it earlier, but I thought I was going mental.” 
“Sweetheart, why didn’t you get a new one when that one expired?” James asks. He rubs your calf from further down the couch, infinite in both sweetness and patience. 
“I was going to. I forgot.” You’d gotten distracted with something or other, dishes that needed to be done or something outside the window or an attention-deprived Sirius calling you from the next room. 
“You can’t just forget, silly girl.” Sirius gives your knee a mean (loving) squeeze as he sits down again. He sets a new omnipod on the table, filling it expertly with a syringe of insulin. 
“Do you have a swab?” Remus asks, and Sirius hums, passing him one. “Thanks.” 
Remus cleans off your arm, using one hand to ensure you’re still while Sirius gently presses the new omnipod to your skin. He runs his fingers around the adhesive a few times for good measure. 
“4 units, yeah?” James asks, thumbing something into your app after the others agree. You wince when you feel the needle, still not used to it, and he makes a sorry sound. Presses a conciliatory kiss to your knee. 
“There you go, babylove.” Remus sits back against the couch cushions, a tension you hadn’t noticed before dissipating from him. His hand finds your hair, carding through the strands close to your scalp. “You’ve gotta start taking better care of yourself. We can help if you want us to, but this is important, yeah?” 
“I know,” you sigh, leaning against his shoulder. “Sorry, I just forget.” 
“We’ll help you remember,” James offers in his easy way. 
Sirius nudges both you and Remus over so he can squish in on your other side. “Can’t believe we were about to go to bed with you sky high.” He pokes your thigh. “That wouldn’t have been very nice to wake up to tomorrow.” 
Your heart heavies, thinking of your boyfriends panicking and you nearly comatose in bed the next morning. “I’m sorry,” you say again, meaning it. 
“It’s alright, dove.” Remus drops a kiss to your hair. “We don’t mind taking care of you. We’ll help you get the hang of it.”
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sanakimohara · 3 days
Hold on….dating Minho has so many perks!-….p*rn links!
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explicit content ahead + masterlist > + OT8 list >
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- You’ll have his hands on you all the time! Discreet touches and taps that get your heart racing and your skin all warm under his touch! It feels so nice and right!
- You have all his focus when you’re alone. From the moment you wake up to the minute you’re back in bed with him! He’s partial to spending his off days with you in bed just because it’s way too comfortable to leave and you’re way too warm to separate from!
- You can be a little mean to him sometimes -just a little, though! Minho likes a challenge, loves to see you struggle when he’s the one driving you to the edge, and god do you love it when he does!
- You’re so entitled and so talkative. Sometimes the only thing he can do to shut you up and try to get some work done is by playing with you until there’s not a thought present in your head! And that’s just what you need!
- You have the chance to watch him practice. Admiring how he dances and runs through his vocal lines like it’s second nature. You could watch him for hours and he wouldn’t mind in the slightest because when he’s all done you’re the help him unwind! A nice treat after a session of hard work!
- You can overwork yourself sometimes -be a little stressed and overwhelmed and he’ll completely understand! Minho doesn’t mind helping you get your mind off things. Always ready to soothe you just the same way you do for him!
- You get to send him all the cute videos you want! Even silly ones of cats or simple interests you have. He’ll respond to every single one -sometimes a little more enthusiastically than you expected but you’re not one to complain!
- You’d be his second half. The person he can confide in and relate to when others fall short of doing so.
- You’d be his whole world -even when he’s a bit rough with you!…
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Had some fun with this one…🖤
I refuse to call Twitter…”X”….like be so fr…it’s still TWITTER !! Anyways good night my loves! I’m going on a shopping spree tmr and I need my beauty rest for it! 🖤
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ikeuverse · 1 day
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PAIRING: jake x fem!reader  GENRES: smut, fluff, slight angst, a pinch of humor WC: 9.4k+
WARNINGS: swearing, drinking, sexual tension for a while. jake is frustrated for the most part (poor thing, let's understand him here). unprotected sex, oral sex (f. receiving), holding the neck, but no hanging. cum inside (make it safe and cover it up), aftercare. lmk if i forgot anything.
SYNOPSIS: how much the universe could hate you and jake to conspire against you every time you two came close to kissing? it was driving him crazy, jake needed to do something about it.
NOTES: i honestly don't know how this idea came about, it just popped into my head and i let it flow. it was something so natural, so i just let it happen and here it is. i hope you like it!
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Anyone in their right mind could tell what was between you and Jaeyun whether it was the extremely palpable sexual tension or the mutual desire that coursed through both of you as you became closer and closer.
It was always like that. Ever since the day Sunghoon introduced the two of you as an excuse for his best friend to meet new people. Not in a sexual sense because he didn't want to interfere that much, but he also knew that Jaeyun needed to talk to someone other than him and Heeseung. The boy was completely lonely and it was driving him crazy.
The idea of you becoming someone to talk to, since you were the social butterfly of the group, fit like a glove. So well that Jaeyun quickly opened up to you and the two of you started chatting. But he was so much calmer than Sunghoon and Heeseung when approaching.
Jaeyun was subtle when he arrived, making eye contact first before greeting people. He would say hello to everyone until he sat beside you and brushed his hand against yours to get your attention. At first, it was innocent, you would even intertwine your fingers in his quickly as a response to the greeting, Jaeyun maintaining the grip for a while before being interrupted to greet other people.
What changed was that Sunghoon and Heeseung weren't like that with you. The two of them would come and hug you, and Heeseung would mess up your hair because he knew you'd complain, he liked to annoy you. But no one was able to hurt you because he would break up with anyone. Sunghoon treated you like a little sister, not least because he was dating your best friend and you were responsible for introducing the two of them. He was grateful for that, so he always took the best care of you, hugging you from the side and running to his friend.
Whereas Jaeyun never held anyone's hand during greetings. He didn't make a point of touching anyone other than you or his friends for a quick handshake. That sparked something in you… So this was something just for you and him? An intimate thing that you could call yours and Jaeyun's alone?
Not to be hasty or emotional, you never even asked him, not least because it might put him off or simply make him stop holding your hand. You remember the first day before you met him when Sunghoon told you how shy Jaeyun was around anyone. That's exactly why you approached him: so that he could meet and talk to more people.
But the touching of hands became the least of your problems when you and Jaeyun started to get more physical. He didn't mind holding your waist as he walked up to the bar of the nightclub where you two were with your friends, whispering in your ear whatever silly conversation you and he were having at the moment. You'd notice the way his eyes would leave any corner of the room to focus only on your lips, even if you weren't saying anything. Just listening to him and the words coming out of his mouth.
It was a game of cat and mouse where you and Jaeyun were cornering each other more and more until you couldn't take the pressure.
If you asked him what was going on, he wouldn't hesitate to say that he wanted you. He doesn't know when it started, whether it was the first look you gave him in the living room of Sunghoon's apartment or the warm and welcoming way you greeted him. But Jaeyun was charmed at that moment. He was truly enchanted by you.
Your beauty was unreal and he lost count of how many uncontrollable, low sighs came out of his lips every time you did the slightest thing.
Get a grip Jaeyun, she's Sunghoon's friend and she's being nice to you. He was trying to convince himself of this because a shy university student who didn't have many friends would never win over a woman like you. Outspoken, self-assured, smiling and so beautiful. Not to mention every curve of your body that he swore he wouldn't pay attention to, but it became more and more impossible as he spent more time with the guys and with you.
Jaeyun was terrible at hiding the fact that he was staring, sometimes with Heeseung's help with a gentle push. A push or a hold because you could tell. Not that Heeseung wanted to stop Jaeyun, he was a great supporter of the – almost – couple, but he also wanted to know if you were comfortable with the advances. So he just tried to make everything seem a little more normal.
“How about you get her a drink instead of staring?” Heeseung asked, leaning away from the dimly lit kitchen counter of the decadent party he and his friends had decided to go to that weekend. Jaeyun sighed, turning his back to you who was in another room, but in his view of the kitchen.
“Dude, that's not gonna happen” Jaeyun almost cried at the mention of hitting on you, knowing that he got nervous just by looking at you.
“Of course it will” meanwhile, Heeseung was filling two glasses with concoctions that the other didn't even pay attention to. He was in a dilemma between running out of that kitchen and not listening to Heeseung, or following his friend's advice and bringing you a drink “Now, take this and call her somewhere more private. Trust me.”
He wanted to trust, that's for sure. He wanted Heeseung to be right enough to drop those two glasses, run to you, and kiss you. Holding the plastic cups in his hand, with a little more confidence from his friend's encouraging smile, Jaeyun straightened up.
“Anything, I'll pretend nothing happened, that I was drunk and it's your fault” he said before leaving the kitchen, hearing his friend's laughter behind him before entering the busy, noisy room.
Without losing sight of you, even if his eyes weren't on you, he walked slowly towards you. You were talking to Allie, your best friend, and Sunghoon's girlfriend. Other girls were also around, but as he didn't know many people, just his best friend was enough for him to know that he was surrounded by trustworthy people.
At a moment when Allie decided to pay attention to some questions from another girl, you were speechless for a few seconds, looking around to stop your eyes automatically on Jaeyun. It was as if your body and brain were aware of his approach and where he was.
“Hey” you moved your lips, he knew what had been said just by reading your lips. And because he always looked at your mouth.
“Hey” he greeted back, coming close enough to you to offer the glass of drink. Your throat was screaming for something wet to wash away all the talk from before because when you got together with your friends, there wasn't a minute when you were quiet.
“How did you guess I needed it?” you asked an amused tone in your voice making Jaeyun smile at you.
“Thought transmission?” he suggested, shrugging and sipping his drink.
“Uh girls, I think it's about time” Allie looked between you and Jaeyun, a small smile forming on her lips. You'd say you were innocent if it weren't for the double-entendre noises coming from your other friends.
At that moment you wanted to crawl under that filthy party mat and never leave. Or you wanted to be drunk enough to pretend that your cheeks weren't burning fiercely and that you had nowhere else to look but at him.
“I'm sorry, I—” you began, your voice breaking as there was only you and Jaeyun left in that corner.
“It's okay, I suffer a bit from that with the boys too” he said.
You bit your tongue to ask why, if it was for the same reason as yours since that could mean he had feelings for you too. But instead of asking, again, you let Jaeyun grab your hand as he always did and pull you to another corner of the party. No protest came from your lips as he left with you and went to the balcony of the busy house.
No one stayed there at that moment, even though it was dark and quiet. People seemed to want the movement and loud music, or the rooms stinking of sweat and sex from who knows how many people who had passed by. You and he preferred the calm of the wooden gang with their almost empty glasses of booze.
He sat down first, stretching his arm on the back of the bench while you sat down next to him and, without thinking, snuggled closer into his body.
“Can I…”
“Of course, you can” he didn't even need your continuation to know, you could be like that with him, even more so outside where the small gusts of wind were hitting you both. Jaeyun wanted to go back and get his coat to warm you up, but that would have meant leaving you alone, and that wasn't the plan. He wanted to follow what Heeseung had said in the letter and it was already a big step to have your head resting on his shoulder at that moment.
Not that it had never happened before, the two of you had been like this before. On the sofa in the boys' apartment, when you two went to the movies with Sunghoon and Allie, or during class breaks in the library when you shared a headset. It was so good to be close to him. The glow of the night added a finishing touch to what you and he needed.
The minutes of silence became a little longer, but at no point did you and Jaeyun feel like saying anything. He just listened to the sound of your breathing and, sometimes, your fingers touching his hand, which was resting on your shoulder. It was intimate and cozy, and he wished he could do more with it. The internal dilemma about raising one hand and touching you, pulling you close, and kissing you was screaming in the back of his mind.
What if he was such a coward? What if you thought he didn't like you or didn't feel anything, even if all the sexual tension was seen by anyone outside? It made him a little dazed, maybe even nervous, he could tell.
But Jaeyun hadn't counted on the fact that you could be a bit quicker, with more attitude. Or he could have waited since you were his opposite.
Raising your head enough to look at him, you noticed that Jaeyun was already looking in your direction. The dark, curious orbs shone a little more brightly than usual. The drinking glass had long since been emptied and placed next to the foot of the bench you were both sitting on. So you had your hands free to lift and hold his face between your hands. Jaeyun sighed at the tender touch of your fingertips, almost living a little dream as your thumbs slid across his cheeks. The tickle of tiny stubble ran down his smooth, well-drawn chin.
“Jake” you whispered, as a warning that he could stop you if he wanted to. But his response was the opposite, taking his free hand to your waist to pull you closer to him. The touch of Jaeyun's fingers reached the little bit of exposed skin between the waistband of your pants and the T-shirt you were wearing that night. He pressed his fingers there to know that you could go further, that he wanted to too.
Then slowly you leaned in. Jaeyun's other hand slid from your shoulder where his arm was resting to go to the back of your neck and hold your face closer, afraid that you would regret it and abandon him. He couldn't miss it.
When your breath hitched against his ajar mouth, his lips red and kissable, you saw him moisten them with the tip of his tongue before moving in too. The softness of Jaeyun's mouth brushed against yours before the bang of the door caused you and him to break apart in shock.
“What—” you turned towards the door, your eyes widening with the slight fear that invaded your body and Jaeyun's too.
“You two…” Heeseung stammered, his Adam's apple bobbing in a dry, regretful swallow. He looked between you and Jaeyun with wide eyes, his hand going back and forth from the bench to the inside of the house “I— I got in the way?”
“No” you said slowly.
“Yes, Heeseung” Jaeyun replied, abruptly getting up from the bench and walking over to him “What happened?”
“I'm sorry, I— Shit” Heeseung looked like he was going to cry at that moment, his eyes glazing over at the two of you as he watched you slowly get up behind Jaeyun “I just wanted help because Sunghoon's drunk and I thought I should look for you, but—” he stopped looking at his friend and his eyes went towards you “I can't believe I did that, what the fuck.”
“Hey bro, calm down” Jaeyun seemed a little less nervous, trying to understand that Heeseung really was worried about Sunghoon and wouldn't do that on purpose. You understood too, even though your heart was pounding frantically. Both from the fright and the near-kiss with Jaeyun.
“You can continue, I—”
“No, let's go after Hoon” Jaeyun held Heeseung by the shoulders, giving him a little squeeze before pushing his friend back into the house. You would have breathed a sigh of relief if he had gone in with Heeseung, but instead, he turned towards you.
Jaeyun's eyes stared at your face while you looked everywhere but at him. Come on, you were the one who had leaned in minutes before, so why be embarrassed when he was approaching you? His fingers found their way to your chin and you were forced to hold the man's gaze. A small, shy smile played on the lips you should have been kissing at that moment.
“Do you mind if—” Jaeyun asked.
“No, go help him, please” you knew that the three of them were inseparable, but you were sure to end Heeseung's life when he sobered up.
Jaeyun smiled a little wider, sliding his hand around the curve of your neck and pulling your face to his chest. His lips slowly kissed your forehead and sniffed your hair as if he needed to smell you before he pulled away.
He smiled once more, this time pulling away for real so that he could enter the house and help Heeseung with the task of taking his drunk friend home. While you felt your whole body tingle, even more so in the parts where Jaeyun had touched you, like an addictive drug you hadn't even tasted yet.
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Anyone could live with being interrupted just once when they were about to kiss someone they liked. But Jaeyun already felt flames coming out of his ears because it had happened more than once. He couldn't count the number of times he'd tried to be alone with you, looking for more intimate contact with you beyond that party.
First, it was in the apartment he started sharing with Heeseung and Sunghoon. Movie night could always add Allie, you, and any girl Heeseung was interested in. Jaeyun felt lucky to be sitting next to you with his fingers tangled in yours. The small moment when he stared at you, like a silent request to go to the kitchen and make more popcorn with him. Even though the bucket on Allie's lap was practically full. It was just an excuse to sneak away and be alone with you. Slowly pin you against the counter and completely forget about the popcorn that neither of us wanted. His gaze would alternate between your lips and your eyes, the sliding nibble of Jaeyun's teeth against his lower lip to make him suppress a smile, driving you crazy without even realizing it.
He would lean towards you, his breath hot against your mouth again as your heart pounded in anticipation. Only for Heeseung's girl to arrive the next second looking for a glass of water. She was oblivious to everything the two of you were having but didn't fail to apologize for the interruption, listening to Jaeyun's masked response of affection as he pointed out to her where she could get the drink.
The second was at university, late at night, where Jaeyun always ended up staying to study a bit more on Tuesday nights. Calculus was the core of his course, but even so, it was a subject he liked to dedicate himself to, even if he found it easy. He always studied alone and had the company of the famous headphones or a few snacks to pass the time until he returned to the shared apartment, but that changed as soon as you started attending at the same time as him.
Your advanced literature lessons could be a good companion to his calculus classes, while the two of you shared snacks and exchanged furtive glances, Jaeyun could smile slowly every time your hand touched his as you went to pick up the package or simply sneak forward to get the water bottle. He didn't even bother to change seats so that he could sit next to her, get a little closer, and feel the warmth of your body in those last few minutes of studying. Finishing the task with the smell of your perfume in the air was the only thing that could calm him down at that moment.
“I'm almost done” Jaeyun whispered to you, looking in your direction, although your eyes were still on your reading material. He studied your whole calm and relaxed profile, only to almost swallow a sigh when you looked in his direction.
“There's no need to rush, I'll wait for you” you smiled so sweetly that he couldn't help himself. It was now or never, he would have to kiss you because there was no one else there to interrupt. After so long he could finally feel your lips.
Giving a fuck about any personal space rules or anything like that, Jaeyun wrapped his hands around your face and pulled you close to his. He no longer wanted to waste a second without feeling your lips and that's why the rush had to be in his favor now. If it wasn't for the damn librarian and that demon encyclopedia that fell on the floor.
“Fuck” Jaeyun wanted to shout at that moment, his hands still on your face as he felt his whole body tremble.
Your shy laughter only made everything seem worse because you were just as embarrassed as he was. There was no way this could be happening.
“The universe can only hate me, it's not possible” he finally said, moving away from you to collect the materials.
Those were the few times he clearly remembered that he didn't get to kiss you, although there could have been more, but Jaeyun simply wanted to erase them from his mind because he got stressed about that kind of thing.
He knew that it affected the mood of his friends and of everyone around him. It wasn't just you who was a social butterfly, but his best friends too. Living on the university campus with a bunch of talkative people at least gave Jaeyun more to talk about. But he wasn't in the mood. His head was spinning with the thought that the stupid universe was playing tricks on him and he'd never get to kiss you. He could even settle down to know that the attraction between the two of you would be nothing more than physical touches and the light brushing of lips – which was the closest you ever got to each other.
It took his sleep away in an inexplicable way, because how could this be happening? How could someone be capable of bringing him to the brink of collapse just because they'd never managed to kiss? It was humanly impossible, wasn't it?
“Jake” Sunghoon caught his eye, throwing the bath towel over his friend's head as he watched him entertain himself on his cell phone. However, Jaeyun's thoughts were far away from the device in his hands.
“Hm?” he asked, lifting his gaze to look at his friend just out of the shower. Sunghoon was already dressed from the waist down, for which Jaeyun was grateful, so he ran from one side of the room to the other in search of his shirt.
“Are you ready? I need to call Allie and Y/n, they're meeting us at the party” he sighed defeatedly. One more moment he'd be close to you and nothing would happen because there would always be something to get in the way.
“I'm already there, just waiting for you and Hee is having a snack” he muttered.
Sunghoon knew Jaeyun's obvious frustration and how he dealt with it all. He couldn't blame him, after all, if he had been in his friend's shoes, he would have lost his mind. But it turned out that Jaeyun was calm about it, otherwise he might well have locked you in a room at the university and kissed you right there. But everyone was talking about Sim Jaeyun, the calmest, quietest boy they knew. Even if he was collapsing with desire, he would never get past that point. Even if now, in addition to the desire, he felt anger and frustration that nothing had happened.
“Then go get something to eat too, I don't want to see you looking ugly all night” he joked, knowing that Jaeyun's countenance wasn't due to hunger.
With no room for discussion or any jokes, he just headed out of Sunghoon's room and into the kitchen. His steps were slow, contemplating what would become of his and his friends' evening together, yet another university party where he knew he'd be bumping into you all night and being interrupted at every turn. It was frustrating to unravel the evening when it hadn't even happened yet.
“Peanut butter and jelly or just a slice of cheese?” Heeseung greeted Jaeyun as soon as he entered. The sandwich ingredients were spread out in front of him on the counter, making the newcomer's smile widen a little. Heeseung was funny without even trying.
“Peanut butter and jelly sounds good” he said.
“And we can hold our drink for longer” added the other, preparing a sandwich for Jaeyun while keeping his eyes on each slice “You know, man, I think you should bring Y/n to the apartment today.”
“What? What do you mean?” he couldn't take his eyes off Heeseung's movements, the swipe of the knife with jam on the bread, the mixing of the peanut butter until he closed the bread and handed it to his friend. It was all so fast, but Jaeyun focused on each movement just so he wouldn't have to deal with a pair of curious eyes staring at him.
“We can see your anger smoking from afar, Jake” he laughed a little, “Get to the party, find her, and bring her here. So you two can be alone.”
Determined to take a bite of bread and get it over with, he didn't want Heeseung to be so sure of his thoughts. But it turned out that Jaeyun had also been avoiding you for a few weeks because he knew he'd get frustrated every time he got close to you and it came to nothing.
“I'd better let it go” he chewed a little, wiping the corner of his lips with his fingertips when a bit of jam almost got on his cheek “I don't think that's going to happen. I have to accept that and that the universe must hate me so much.”
“Come on, bro, stop being an idiot” Heeseung wanted to throw a slice of bread at him, but he knew he'd be scolded by Sunghoon as soon as he saw it. So he settled for taking a deep breath and biting into the bread he had made for him a while before Jaeyun arrived “You and her just need a space where there won't be anyone, and our apartment will be empty.
“But someone will come” he finished his snack in a few bites, surprising himself with how much he needed it. Searching for a paper napkin, he finished cleaning up the small mess before looking at Heeseung “Some neighbor is going to knock, the cell phone of one of us is going to ring… Anything” he huffed, irritated “It feels like I'm living in the worst romantic comedy of my life.”
“That's why you have the two best friends in the world to help you with this” Sunghoon appeared, stealing the piece of bread Heeseung was about to eat. Avoiding any protests as he made his way to the other side of the kitchen counter.
“And how, exactly, would you two do that?” Jaeyun asked “Heeseung has already gotten in my way once.”
“And I blame myself every day for it, I really do.”
“He almost cries just remembering it” Sunghoon laughed out loud, being joined by Jaeyun in that little implication with the older man “But Hee's right, you two need to come here. It's making even me and him angry.”
Seeing his best friends share that feeling would have been comical, if it hadn't been so tragic for him. Everyone knows the internal drama Jaeyun was going through just for not kissing someone he wanted to. He didn't want to get his hopes up because he knew how the universe wrote things for him and you, so he just shrugged and nodded in agreement.
“Great, then let's go” Sunghoon grabbed Jaeyun by the shoulders, pushing him out of the kitchen.
“Just don't use the armchair in the living room, please. I love snoozing in it” Heeseung whined one last time before turning off the lights in the apartment, bidding a small farewell to the sacred place Jaeyun could take you at the end of the party.
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The familiar scene made Jaeyun's body tremble in anticipation. Parties weren't a big deal, but at least he could have some fun and talk to some people before he had to take you out of there. It was his only goal after Sunghoon and Heeseung had convinced him to take you out of that party. He just didn't know how to approach you, since he had been avoiding you for a while.
There would be no need to avoid you if he thought that exchanging a few words was enough since the last time you two were interrupted. But there was no way to think straight and he knew his feelings were confusing, fighting them wasn't working, so the only thought was to keep quiet.
Jaeyun didn't know what it was like to touch your hand or feel you so close for a few weeks. He skipped a few study sessions and even pretended to be tired the times you went to his and the boys' apartment with Allie. A goodnight wave was the only thing you received, not counting the unread messages and some with apologies: I'm busy today, can we talk later? He was a complete jerk, for sure. Now, besides fate denying all of this, you could have lost interest in him just because Jaeyun couldn't deal with his own feelings.
He tried not to focus on that, after all, the party was going on and he just needed to find you. He only needed a few seconds to talk to you and get you out of there, so that was the mission as soon as Sunghoon received the call from Allie, that the two of you had arrived at the party.
It's now or never. He thought. His hands were in his jeans pocket trying to camouflage his nervousness while he had Heeseung and Sunghoon by his side, waiting for the two of you to arrive, which didn't take long. Just like every party, Allie quickly found Sunghoon, consequently finding his friends too.
Jaeyun's eyes quickly found yours, without even needing to know where you were looking because, to his surprise or not, you were already looking at him. Your smile wavered a little, not knowing if he would ignore you again or treat you coldly like he had been doing for the past few weeks, and Jaeyun felt that as you approached Allie. Your eyes wavered, although they didn't leave his for a minute until you were finally close.
“Hey, we found you all” Allie smiled, hugging each one until stopping at Sunghoon, where she remained in her boyfriend's arms.
“We were waiting for you two” Heeseung sang, hugging you and then standing next to the newly embraced couple “How about we get a drink?”
“I think that's a great idea” Sunghoon sang, pulling Allie with him and hearing Heeseung's footsteps right behind.
Your eyebrows narrowed, your gaze confused because neither of the other two spoke much to you and only led Allie away. Not even she had talked that much to Jaeyun in the short seconds that the two of you had appeared. Your gaze followed where the three had disappeared and that made you even more curious, they didn't even bother to call the two of you.
Was this something between them or were your friends wanting to give you and Jaeyun some privacy? You didn't know and it made you apprehensive because after some time you were alone with him with no one around – besides the strangers from the party – so looking in his direction again was different this time.
“Do you—” your voice broke a little, nervous for the first time in Jaeyun's presence “Do you want to accompany them? They're going to drink and we—”
“No” he interrupted you quickly, praying to the heavens that he hadn't sounded rude in his tone or he wouldn't know what to do next. You just raised your eyebrows, surprised by the way he spoke to you. Jaeyun's tone had been nothing compared to his actions as he walked the few steps that separated the two of you, extending his hand to you. The small touch in your hands finally returns little by little. He slid his fingers between yours as calmly as he had ever done since the first time. You smiled involuntarily at that, your heart skipping a beat when Jaeyun's eyes landed on yours. “Let's get out of here.”
“What?” you asked. “Jake, we—”
“Please? Come with me.”
You knew a little about Jaeyun’s vulnerability. The sweet protests he made when there was an argument between his friends, or when he pouted because he couldn’t understand something about college. Even the way he messed up his hair when he was nervous was adorable. But you never thought that seeing him say please with those eyes would make you give in to anything for him.
Your nod was all he needed to grab your hand even tighter and walk to the kitchen door quickly. His friends were still busy preparing drinks without realizing that Jaeyun was standing there.
“Hey, idiots” he shouted enough to get Heeseung and Sunghoon’s attention. Allie smiled when she saw you behind him. “Don’t knock on my room door, or I swear to God I’ll kill you the second that happens.”
It was a short warning, but understanding enough to know that he had finally gathered the courage. Heeseung held back a scream when he saw you holding hands with Jaeyun, waving your free hand without really knowing what was happening, but praying that whatever he had thought of, could happen.
“What does Jake mean by that?” Allie asked as soon as you and him were out of sight, now looking at her boyfriend.
“We left the apartment for him and Y/n tonight” he said. “This kiss needs to happen.”
She laughed at the idea, not being able to believe that this was happening. This almost task force just to make a kiss happen. But she was happy that it would finally be fixed, because neither the boys nor her, could stand to see you and Jaeyun almost falling over because of this.
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Arriving at the shared apartment had never been so torturous for him, even more so with you by his side and in silence the entire way back. Jaeyun knew you had countless questions about what was happening, perhaps focused on an explanation as to why he hadn't spoken to you so much in the last few weeks. But the truth behind taking you to his and his friends' apartment was now even more explainable. He wanted to look into your eyes, without interruptions, and be able to tell you that he couldn't stand another second without having to kiss you.
The same silence that stretched in the car was followed by the walk to the lobby of the building, the elevator, and, finally, the apartment where Jaeyun unlocked the door and let you enter first. Quiet and silent, dark and with the wind blowing against the window. That was how the environment was if none of the three boys were inside.
Turning to you after he locked the door, Jaeyun sighed slowly.
“Can we go to my room?” it was almost begged at his request, his voice wanting to scream, but it was as restrained as the desire he had to grab you right there. You just agreed, without protesting at all to his requests since you found him at the party. Although your mind made a few more notes to ask him later what was going on.
You followed Jaeyun with careful steps down the hallway, feeling the scent of masculine lotions mixing in the environment. There was a bit of Heeseung, Sunghoon, and Jaeyun everywhere. At least it was clean and smelled good, unconventional for any apartment where only boys lived. His friends were careful, at least that made you feel relieved.
When the two of you reached the door to his room, it was your turn to sigh, thinking about what awaited you while you were there with the boy. Even though it was his room, Jaeyun didn't let go of his gentlemanly manners and made way for you, his back against the frame and his hand on the doorknob to give you a better view of the room. It was cozy and so… Sim Jaeyun. You couldn’t explain it, but everything in that room was definitely him. From the frames and photos to the trophies and the bookshelf with things on display. Some medals and full bottles of liquor. One of the boys could have given him a gift and he didn’t even open it. You smiled at that, imagining that in the short time you had known him, Jaeyun was the one who drank the least among the boys.
“Sorry if this is all sudden, but—” his voice radiated to your ears, alerting you to the current situation you two found yourselves in. You turned to him, noticing how shy Jaeyun seemed inside his room. The click of the key locking the door didn’t scare you, especially because it wouldn’t be a threat to be locked in there with him regardless of how long the two of you spent. It could be a precaution while the two of you were alone “I needed this time with you.”
Slowly, Jaeyun approached where you were in the middle of his room. Your hands didn't have a clear path, a little nervous about what to do with them, so you left them at your sides and just watched him walk towards you. His head lowered and his eyes wandered all over the floor until he finally looked up at you.
“We're here now, aren't we?” you asked softly, the sound of your voice echoing through every fiber of Jaeyun's body and making him feel electric.
“We are” he said in the same tone, moving a little closer until there was finally no more space between you and him “Y/n…” Jaeyun tilted his head enough so that his height was no different from yours. The same slow ritual that was done before anything got in the way of the two of you. One of his hands slowly reached your face, pushing away any strand of hair that had been left there as you took the steps until you reached his room. His other hand went to your waist, holding you in front of him so that you had no chance of escaping.
You didn't want to be left behind, you needed to touch him too, so your hands slowly moved up Jaeyun's chest until they grabbed the collar of the shirt he was wearing. Your fingers played with the fabric before one of them entered the shirt and held him by the shoulders. That touch made him shiver all over.
Jaeyun tilted his head to one side and you, like a rehearsed dance, tilted it to the other. There was no need for any conversation between the two of you to know what you both intended to do at that moment. Your lips curved into a small smile when your eyes met his, so close and bright to yours. Those eyes that were seen in every way were now staring at you with so much repressed desire that you wondered if you two might have been feeling the same thing.
His hand slid from your face to your jaw, slowly tracing the line until it went down to your neck and anchored between it and your shoulder. The perfect place. As if Jaeyun's hand was literally made to be there. He held you subtly until he brought your face closer, his mouth finally brushing against yours. You weren't ashamed of the groan you let out when his lips finally brushed against yours, feeling the softness that was his mouth for more seconds than you had ever felt before.
But nothing would be so easy for the two of you if it weren't for another interruption. Not so direct this time, but the honking of some son of a bitch on the street startled you and Jaeyun at that moment, almost making him hesitate and let go of you.
“Fuck off” he cursed without caring, not caring that his heart was still in a frenzy from the small scare and interruption. He wouldn't let anything else ruin that moment.
Without thinking about anything else, Jaeyun finally joined his lips with yours in a slow kiss, even though his desire was overwhelming. Pressing his mouth to yours and feeling the heat of your lips, he could melt at that very moment. Your mouth was as delicious as he thought it would be, and as you slowly opened it to let his tongue pass, Jaeyun wasn't ashamed of the pleasurable sound he made at the touch of your warm, wet muscle against his.
The kiss was slow, although loaded with an underlying desire that the two of you had been keeping for so long. Jaeyun's hand remained on your neck as your tongues played in sync, your mouths sliding against each other as if they were made to fit together in that kiss. Your hands slowly ran to his hair, pulling the small strands on the back of his neck as he slid his teeth along your lower lip, just in time to suck on the tip of your tongue before kissing you again with even more intensity.
A shiver ran through your body as his hands began to grope your sides, bringing you even closer and pressing your body against his. You could feel every muscle in Jaeyun's body tense at your touch, but relax as you and he intensified that kiss. You had both waited for so long that now you could die in each other's mouths if it were possible.
“Y/n” he moaned your name, sliding his mouth along your jaw and spreading a bit of shared drool across your skin. You didn't mind the sloppiness, it was turning you on much more than you could admit. Jaeyun found a space between your neck to scrape his teeth and suck a good amount of your skin in a slow hickey.
“Jake” you moaned back, your hands running over his shoulders and down his body until stopping at his hips. It was all involuntary, but you were unable to stop yourself and grabbed him by the waist to press his hips against yours.
“Holy shit” Jaeyun gave an even more passionate hickey on your neck, running the tip of his tongue to soothe your skin when you moaned in response. He wanted to apologize for the carelessness, but he didn’t know how to react to that “You’re going to drive me crazy doing this, for God’s sake” panting, he lifted his face to align with yours. His slightly sweaty forehead was now against yours, his breathing practically irregular as he opened his eyes to look at you.
Unreal. That was what Jaeyun was like after a full session of making out with you. His lips had become even more annoyingly beautiful when they were red and drooling with your drool. His eyes were dazed and downcast from your touches. His entire state in front of you was because of you. It made your panties feel wet.
“Sorry, I—” you sighed, your hands still on Jaeyun’s hips as you tried not to focus on his kissable mouth in front of you “You brought me here and, well… We…”
“I needed to kiss you” he blurted out. His mouth went down to yours again to slowly kiss you again. Jaeyun traced your entire lower lip with the tip of his tongue before feeling you sucking on the tip of his tongue like he had done to you before. That was going to kill him, for sure “I had to bring you here to do this because I couldn’t stand anyone interrupting us anymore. It got on my nerves and—”
Your laugh escaped softly. You looked at him and now reality hit you. It had all been part of a scheme he created so he could finally kiss you. Sim Jaeyun had made all that effort just for a kiss from you… It couldn’t be more perfect.
You leaned into him, your arms wrapping around Jaeyun's neck as you pulled him down and brought his mouth close to yours.
“Now we have plenty of time to do more than just kiss, Jake” you brushed the tip of your nose against him, feeling Jaeyun's breath hitch “What do you think?”
“Would you… Would you let me—” your nod was the confirmation he needed for this to happen. Not that he was intending to, especially since Jaeyun didn't even know if he would be able to kiss you. Let alone have you in his bed that same night. It was a bonus he wouldn't miss for anything in the world.
His heart was beating hard inside his chest, the sight of you slowly moving away from him as you walked backward to the bed was the most perfect sight he had ever seen. There was no way anything could disrupt that moment and he swore that if any noise made, or something happened, he wouldn't stop. There was no way. Nothing could take his focus away as your hands went to the hem of your shirt, slowly pulling it off and showing him the bra you were wearing. Jaeyun was left breathless by all of that. If you were perfectly covered up, without your clothes on he was thinking he might go crazy.
As your hands tangled in the waistband of your pants, he couldn't stay behind and started to undress himself too. Without taking his eyes off you, the eye contact was very vivid as each piece of clothing was discarded on the floor of his room. Neither of you wanted to waste a single second without looking at each other until you were completely naked.
Jaeyun approached, holding you by the waist and gently placing you on his bed. The mattress hugged you like a comfort while his body fit perfectly between your legs. His eyes traveled over every curve of your body, every little detail to record in his memory until he finally looked at your face. So close, so delicate, and at the same time breathtaking. It was then that he kissed you again. This time with a little more intensity than before.
He settled between your legs, one hand holding your hip while the other went to hold your chin, steadying your face as the kiss became hungrier. Tongues fought for dominance and a small trickle of drool ran down the corner of your mouth, but neither of you cared about that. Both you and he wanted to make up for lost time forget any disagreements with the outside world and focus only on each other.
Jaeyun's mouth separated from yours, thirsty to taste you in every corner. He wanted to know what you tasted like beyond the kiss he had been waiting for. Still holding onto your waist, he held your body in place as he trailed his lips down your chin, trailing a teasing path of drool and hot breath against your skin. Down to your collarbone, where his tongue made a longer path up to the top of your breasts.
You moaned his name so beautifully that Jaeyun never thought his cock could vibrate so much because of a sound. It was pathetic for him to admit, but he would say if anyone asked, that you had been the only person on the face of the Earth to get that from him.
“You are simply unreal to me” he whispered against your skin, licking up your chest and down to your nipple. He circled the tip of his tongue and sucked on the sensitive bud.
“Fuck, Jake” you grabbed his hair, almost crushing the boy’s face into your chest. His mouth made a warm place against your nipple as he sucked slowly and deliciously. The sucking made you even wetter.
He smiled against your breast as he gave the other one his due attention, bringing his hand to the one that was already containing his drool to squeeze the soft flesh between his fingers. There was no way you could go any further for that man between your legs. You wanted to pull out every strand of Jaeyun's hair for the little provocation, even more so every time you moaned his name softly and he made sure to suck on your nipple a little more.
Jaeyun's mouth went down between your breasts this time, running his drool over your skin up to above your belly button. He circled the tip of his tongue there, looking up to meet your closed eyes and delighting in the sensation.
“Eyes on me, Y/n” he asked softly, his mouth blowing hotly above your pussy when he finally aligned his head down there. You didn't know if you were able to see him in that state, but if he was unreal kissing you, what was sucking you? There was no way to know that if you didn't look. So you just obeyed him, opening your eyes and finding him looking at you “I promise I’ll be quick, I just need to taste you.”
You don’t even know why you nodded at his request and much less why he wanted to taste you, but you wouldn’t be crazy enough to stop him. Not when the tip of his tongue touched your clit so slowly. As hot as when he touched your nipple.
“Shit— Jake, what…” you moaned once more, a little more prolonged when he stretched out his tongue and licked a large stripe on your pussy. Collecting your essence with the tip of his tongue.
Jaeyun licked your pussy as if he was kissing you in the mouth. Each pass of his tongue through your inner lips and each circle on your clit was another reason to make you moan even louder, intertwining your fingers in the dark strands of his hair and controlling yourself with the urge to push your pussy against his face. It was surreal the way Jaeyun was eating you. The alternating between fast and slow licks, circling your needy hole that was clenching around almost nothing, was too much for you to handle.
And he felt it. Jaeyun felt every contraction of your entrance as he passed the tip of his tongue, circling the area and feeling your taste even more. It was addictive. Like everything about you was. He held his hands on your hips as you fixed your fingers in his hair, slowly letting you ride his tongue as he left the muscle erect for you to delight yourself as you pleased. He wanted you to feel pleasure on his tongue at that moment, although Jaeyun was already feeling his cock ache, pressing it against the mattress of the bed.
“Jake” your voice brought him back to reality as you rubbed your pussy on his tongue, Jaeyun taking the break between keeping it still and, sometimes, sucking on your clit when he felt your pussy descend completely into his mouth “I’m going to cum—”
“No” he stopped quickly, lifting his head from your pussy to look at you.
Jaeyun’s chin was covered with all your juices in addition to the amount of saliva he deposited while sucking you. Your eyes didn’t leave his face for a second as he lifted his body so that his face was close to yours again.
“I said I just wanted to taste you a little, you’re not supposed to cum right now” he sighed, his breathing still fast from being so fixated on your pussy that he almost forgot to breathe. You smiled tiredly at him, even though you weren’t even halfway through what the two of you were going to do.
“Why not?” you pouted, feeling Jaeyun settle between your legs and your hands quickly ran up to his face. Your thumbs ran over his chin, wiping away any traces of you or his mouth, even though your scent was still there. He leaned in a little more, capturing your lips in a slow kiss. The slow sharing tried to calm the nerves between the two of you for what was about to happen.
Neither you nor Jaeyun were nervous about this, just apprehensive about the fact that it would be your first time with each other. The kiss had been magnificent. Everything had been perfect so far, and he wanted this to end up being perfect too. So, slowly, he brought one of his hands to his cock and held it firmly. He ran the head of his cock all over your wet and drooling pussy, wanting to collect as much essence as he could so that his entrance inside you wouldn't be painful.
After a while he finally managed to do that, the head of his cock circled your hole and, carefully, Jaeyun inserted himself inside you little by little. The slow burn of his cock makes your hole mix in pain and pleasure. He filled you with every inch since he entered and you don't remember anything having filled you as well as the few seconds of Jaeyun's cock inside you.
“Because I want you to cum on my cock” he lowered his face into the crook of your neck, pressing his lips close to your ear and with a shit-eating grin on his face even though you weren't seeing it.
Jaeyun's hands went to your hips, using them as leverage to start thrusting into you. Starting the slow and sensual movements, moving his hips to a point where he could go all the way deep inside you and slowly pull it out. The coming and going of each veiny inch of his cock inside your walls only gave more fuel to your moans with his name and your hands desperate to touch something. The target this time was Jaeyun's bare back where his nails dug in as he began to pick up the pace.
“You feel so good— Fuck” he groaned as he thrust hard for the first time. Your groan almost made him back out and apologize because he was so lost in the pleasure that he didn’t even ask if he was hurting you. But as soon as he heard your groan and felt your nails burn on his back, Jaeyun knew he was doing the right job.
“Jake!” your hands ran up to the back of his neck, sliding to Jaeyun’s face and holding him facing you. It got even more intimate as he thrust a little harder into your pussy. “Don’t… Don’t stop, please.”
“I don’t plan on doing this, baby” he was panting, his cheeks flushed and his lips even redder. God, you couldn’t cum just from that sight, you had to pull yourself together with this.
Jaeyun felt the encouragement in your eyes and your words as he watched your mouth part and the hold of your gaze each time he went deeper into you. His balls slapping against your pussy made the wet noise between your legs even more erotic as it accompanied your moans and his. The slaps on your skin were getting faster and louder as Jaeyun's hips gained strength to go deeper inside you.
He was stretching you too much, your pussy getting wetter and wetter as he went deeper. The head of his cock nudging your spongy spots so well and rubbing against your tight, sensitive walls.
You pulled Jaeyun's face close to yours, your mouths inches apart sharing each other's breaths and swallowing the moans you both spilled without caring about each other's names.
“You're going to cum with me, aren't you?” he whispered against your mouth, outlining your lower lip with the tip of his tongue. You only moaned in response and Jaeyun thrust deeper, earning a scream from you when his cock hit your cervix. His hand slowly grabbed your throat and he lifted your face, although you two still had your mouths close to each other.
“I want to cum all over your cock, Jake” you replied, your hand circling his fist that still had his hand on your throat. Jaeyun didn’t apply any pressure to the spot, but having you at his mercy like that was already creating countless scenarios for next time.
Unconsciously his thumb slid over your lower lip, seeing how red your mouth was from the whole session you two shared. In an act of lust and excitement, you circled the tip of your tongue on his finger, putting it inside your mouth.
“Holy shit—” he moaned.
“Faster, Jakey” your pleading eyes and your voice muffled by his thumb were too much for Jaeyun to handle. And Jakey? That had never been said to him, and even more so in such a sensual way and with such a delicious moan that it made his hair stand on end.
He felt something rush into his blood at the combination of your lips sucking on his thumb and your pussy sucking on his cock in equally delicious and wet ways. Jaeyun was feeling on cloud nine having you like this. His hips rocked even harder, using his free hand to support the side of your hips and gain even more momentum to slam mercilessly into your pussy. The slaps on your skin burned his pelvis each time he met your drooling pussy hard. His cock being swallowed deliciously by every wall of yours.
“Oh, fuck” your lips slipped from his thumb as Jaeyun hit you deep again, his pussy-covered cock filling you in every corner. He decided to abandon his hand from your mouth to replace it with his own, feeling your hips stutter as his cock pulsed violently inside you.
“Can I—” he whispered, lips hovering over yours in ragged breaths as the sweat and sheen of Jaeyun’s skin reflected in his eyes. “Can I cum inside you?” he asked so gently, unlike the relentless movements of his hips slamming against yours.
“Please” your moaned plea was enough for him, there was no way to push Jaeyun’s buttons any further like that.
So he focused on kissing you again, sharing the movement of your tongues frantically as he drank in all your moans as his hips gained strength against yours again. Jaeyun’s heavy balls slapped against your clit with each thrust, the hot sound of wetness between the two of you and that was when he lifted your body a little as he pulled your hips that aligned the perfect angle. You felt your entire body tremble as the knot in your stomach broke and you came. So hard and intense, squeezing the walls of your pussy and almost making Jaeyun stop thrusting into you.
But he wouldn't give up, and as you came and squeezed him, it was too much to take. He moaned your name loudly followed by the curses he could remember as he emptied his load of cum inside you. Feeling your walls milk his cock as the jets of cum bathed your walls in a thick, hot white.
Jaeyun could still feel your walls convulsing around his still throbbing cock and spilling the last drops. The two of you stayed still in that position for some time. Countless minutes if you were to notice, but the feeling of still being like that was surreal.
“I think…” he breathed deeply, his mouth still close to yours breathing the same air as you. Rough and warm, irregular and comforting “We need to clean up.”
He didn't want to hear your protests, although he wanted to stay there and he knew that if he pulled out quickly, it would make both you and him sensitive. Then, carefully, Jaeyun pulled his cock out of your pussy with a hiss, earning a moan from you at how empty you felt. The sight of your hole leaking from how much he came could make him jump you for a second round, that wouldn't be a bad idea. But he had to be rational and try one thing at a time. At least for now.
So quickly, running to the bathroom, he grabbed a towel and wet it before wringing it out and only dampening the cloth. Running back to the bed to clean up the remains of his and your sex as carefully as he could. Wearing the towel in the laundry basket before getting back into bed with you.
“Hey, Y/n” Jaeyun whispered your name as he lay down next to you, pulling your body close to his and snuggling you against his bare chest. You grunted softly, feeling the tiredness take over every fiber of your body, but gathering some energy to lift your face and rest your chin on his chest.
“Yes, Jakey?” you smiled slowly, the redness on your face still evident and Jaeyun felt his heart pound even more at that. You looked beautiful in every way.
“Thank you for that, it was so…” he sighed “Amazing, seriously. Thank you.”
“You were amazing at everything, you know that?” you lowered your face to kiss his chest, moving his aching body up just enough for your mouth to be close, kissing him slowly there “I thank you.”
“Let’s thank the universe for conspiring in favor of this, then” he smiled against your mouth.
“Finally. Thank you, universe” you smiled too, kissing him back before feeling Jaeyun’s arms around your waist to make you lie down next to him. Snuggling you a little closer and enjoying the moment that the two of you should have had a long time ago.
Because both of you would enjoy the truce that the universe gave you two, after all, you and Jaeyun deserved it. Nothing else conspiring against what you and he should have had from the start.
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© ikeuverse, 2024. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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cressidagrey · 3 days
Stars all aligned - Chapter 3
If there was one thing that both Azriel and Zahra Archeron had in common, it was that they were both very good at blending into the background.
They just never thought that their family were going to be the ones who never saw them at all.
Bashing of like...every IC member? Especially the Archeron Sisters, discussion of chronic pain
(Lovely dividers thanks to @sweetmelodygraphics)
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Her father had had three ships. The Nesta, The Elain and The Feyre. 
There had never been The Zahra. 
Of course not. 
She wasn’t truly one of his daughters, was she? 
The ships were reserved for his legitimate daughters. Zahra was a bastard. And bastards didn’t get ships named after them. 
And still…still she had loved him. Loved her father in that stupid way that every child loved their parent. 
She still had yearned for his love, his affection and praise. The praise that only her sisters ever seemed to get.  It was such a stupid, childish thing, she thought to herself. 
And when he had died...it had still broken her heart. Because it had taken from her the...hope. The hope that one day he would look at her with something other than...regret.
He had looked at her with cold distaste, disdain clear in his eyes. Her mother…a common maid, that he had dallied with on a whim during his wife’s pregnancy with Nesta. And she had been the result of that particular choice. 
He had paid the price for it in his marriage, with the woman he had actually loved.
The woman who had hated Zahra…and made it very clear to everyone that Zahra wasn’t wanted or welcome around them. Her half-sisters were beloved. The beautiful daughters of their father. And she was the bastard child. An abomination. 
For Nesta and Elain the years at the cottage had been horrible. They had lost their status in the world, the hope for a match with a man in possession of a fortune.
But Zahra…Zahra had known that she would never marry a man with a fortune. She had hope at all to marry a man from a good family anyway…her options had been thoroughly limited from the time she had been born…because even servants didn’t often want a bastard born wife. 
And after the cottage…
Her options were just further limited. 
Still, she had loved the years at the cottage for one thing and one thing only: She had just been one of the Archeron Girls. 
(Everything else that happened…that was another thing entirely.) 
She had lost that when her father's wealth had been returned...to be thrown back to being a maid, a servant, not a member of the family, but the staff...it had been bitter. And still...still she had hoped. Hoped that one day, her father would...change his mind. Accept her properly as his daughter and not just as...as something he had been saddled with because her mother had died.
But the day never came. He continued to look at her as if she stained the very air around him. As if she was worse than dirt to him.
Maybe she was. 
But Zahra foolishly didn’t give up. She clung to that hope like it was the only thing that was keeping her alive. 
And then he had died. And Zahra had lost that hope.
She had been a fool to hold onto the delusion that one day her father would love her as he had his real daughters.  Such a silly, stupid, little girl she had been. To cling to something that could never be. 
And still, Zahra went and visited his grave. Still, she came there every week and laid some flowers near the headstone...
She never knew why she still did. It seemed….pointless. After all, it wasn’t as if her coming to his grave would bring him. But still, she continued doing it. Every single week. Without fail. 
And this week…this week she wasn’t alone. 
Zahra froze, the flowers clutched in her hands, as she saw them. All three of them. Standing in front of the headstone. Talking amongst themselves.  As if not even noticing that she was there. 
They probably didn't.
"Thank you for coming with me," Elain said softly. “I wanted him to hear it from me.”
"He would be so happy for you, Elain," Feyre said. Her voice was softer than usual, but it was clear that she was happy. "He would be so happy for you and Lucien."
“He would be,” Nesta agreed. “Sad that he won’t be there to walk you down the aisle, but happy that you would be happy.”
Her sister got engaged? And nobody had...nobody had bothered to tell Zahra?
Her breath caught in her throat…the realization hitting her. They didn’t want to tell her…no, they didn’t care if she knew or not. To them…she wasn’t even worthy enough to get an invite for such a thing. They hadn’t…they hadn’t invited her. 
The numbness returned. Full Force.
The numbness she always felt when everything was too much. When all the feelings and emotions got too overwhelming. When she just simply couldn't handle it any longer and her brain shut down.
Numb was good. When she was numb, nobody could hurt her. When she was numb, she could survive. 
Her hand clenched around the stems of the flowers. And then, suddenly, her feet listened to her and she managed to turn around. To turn around and walk away, like her heart hadn't been shattered...like it was completely normal.
Her eyes had glazed over, her mouth was a thin line, but otherwise not betraying any emotion. As quietly as she had walked to the grave…she walked away. Her sisters clearly not noticing the fact that she had even been there, to begin with. 
She returned home to her broken little cottage.
It was probably a good metaphor for her as well, wasn’t it? she reflected weakly. 
That cottage…broken, dirty…a fucking mess. 
Her hands were cold as she clutched the flowers, her heart aching like it had just been pulled out of her chest. And no tears. No tears. Why wasn’t she crying? She wanted to cry. 
She wanted to collapse and sob until she passed out. But no. The feeling of numbness was still around her, like a cloak that just wouldn’t go. The one that always came in situations like these.
It was the only thing that kept her from completely shattering into a million pieces. 
She stumbled through the door, her body moving all on it’s own. She walked over to her small kitchen, and filled a bucket with water. Her hands shook so badly that the water sloshed over the top and on the floor. 
There was nothing Zahra could do against the grime that would cover her for the rest of her days…but she could scrub the floors.  
That's all she was good for, wasn't it? She was a maid's daughter, not a merchant. She would always just be a bastard daughter. Always just be a half-sister, on the edges of her family. 
It didn’t matter what she did, what she had done…what she had given to keep them alive, to keep them fed.
She swallowed the bile back down, forcing herself not to think about what she had done. 
It was over. She should be over it. She should be…
She kept scrubbing the floor, her hands reddening with the harsh lye soap she used. 
Sometimes she wished, she could scrub herself with that as well. 
Why was she even surprised? Was she seriously that stupid? Of course, her sisters wouldn’t bother to tell her. Why would they? She was just a bastard-born daughter. A half-sister. Why would they bother to invite her? 
She was a nobody. She had always been a nobody.
A bastard that no one wanted. That no one loved. It had always been like that. Why did it surprise her now?
Why did it keep hurting her?
A single drop of water landed on the stone floor. Then another. And another. Slowly trickling down her cheeks.
Why did it keep hurting?
She should be used to this by now. Should have gotten used to the pain. But she wasn’t. 
So she kept scrubbing the floors until they were sparkling. Washed off the walls, until they were clean.
She kept scrubbing and cleaning. The floors had to sparkle, the counter gleamed, and the windows shone. 
Something needed to be clean. Needed to be pure. Because it wasn’t going to be her. 
Never going to be her. 
Anything to distract her from the fact that her sisters had just kept her out of a very joyous occasion. Like she wasn’t even worthy of being invited. 
She wasn't worthy of being invited. She should get that into her thick skull. 
She kept cleaning. She cleaned the floors and the walls and mopped and dusted and did her laundry.
She wondered if Azriel knew. The thought came unbidden to her. Did Azriel know that Elain and Lucien were engaged?
She had to stop the scrubbing and she was clenching the brush so hard that her knuckles had turned white. 
Did Azriel know that Elain was engaged? Elain? The one he had...this flirtation with? The flirtation that Rhysand must have put an end to, because nothing else made sense?
She understood completely why Azriel had fallen for her sister…for beautiful Elain. Who didn’t love her? Who didn’t find her beautiful? Elain, who could be sweet and kind to seemingly everybody she came across. 
Zahra looked at the clock she kept in the kitchen. 
There was a family dinner this evening at the River House, just like there was every week. She was expected to attend. Of course, she was. 
Granted, most of the time that meant that she sat through Nesta’s pointed comments and was otherwise ignored. 
But if Azriel didn’t know…she didn’t want him to be alone when he found out. 
Though, maybe he already knew…just Zahra didn’t. 
She didn't believe that though. He would have told her. She was certain of that.
He was a good man. There was no doubt about that. 
She glanced over at the clock, her hands clenching on the brush. 
Zahra had 2 hours. Just enough time to bake a cake to bring along and appear there...to pretend like her sisters hadn't broken her heart.
Two hours to pretend that her heart wasn’t shattered to a thousand pieces. Two hours to act as if she hadn’t been just completely left out. Two 
She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. No tears. No tears.
2 hours to act like everything was well.
2 hours to pretend that everything was alright. That she was fine. That her world hadn’t just shattered into pieces. Two hours to shove all the pain to a little corner and not show anything at all. 
She could do that. 
She had done that before. 
Azriel would have realised that something was off with Zahra far quicker, if his hands weren't trying to kill him that day.
It was hit or miss if Azriel’s had feeling in his hands at all...and that day...they decided to be far too sensitive. The weather wasn't helping. Velaris had had another cold snap a few days ago and Azriel paid the price.
The bones in his hands and fingers ached, the nerves on fire. The cold had settled deep in his bones and there was nothing he could do to alleviate the pain. It was rubbing his nerves raw.
He had even considered not showing up for dinner at well...but he didn't want Zahra to face the rest of their family alone. 
Granted, most of the time, they just ignored them both…but sometimes they didn’t. 
And when they didn’t ignore her, well, then sharp comments were the norm and quite frankly…he was over it. For both Zahra and himself. 
His temper was on a far shorter tether than normally. 
His fingers were aching and burning. He never wanted to touch anything ever again.
He tried to ignore the pain. It was only a few hours. He could push through for a few hours. 
The first thing that should have told him that something was wrong was the bright pasted on smile on Zahra's face. It was...too much.
The smile on her face was too tight. Too forced. Not like her normal, natural smile.
Something was wrong. He could sense it. 
And then Elain showed off her ring.
The engagement ring. She and Lucien were engaged.
He saw Zahra’s face freeze for a split second before the smile was back to being plastered on again.
“I wish you two every happiness,” Azriel said softly. He found that he was even saying the truth. He was wishing them every happiness.
And this was what they all wanted him to say. It would hopefully get Rhys off his back as well.
Now, that wasn't that difficult, was it? Rhys drawled in his mind. Azriel was half tempted to reach for his shadows and wrap them around his brother’s throat.
But he refrained himself from it.
He was glad that they were happy. He truly was...but Rhys’s smug voice in his head was not something that was appreciated at all.
He could practically feel the shadows twitch with annoyance. But he held back from doing anything...stupid. 
You got what you wanted, Azriel gave back, his voice icy.
Indeed I did, Rhys drawled back. Azriel could practically feel him leaning back in his chair, smugness seeping from his voice.
Azriel very much wanted to strangle him. 
But he didn’t. Because quite frankly…he was more worried about Zahra. Zahra who hadn’t said a word yet. Whose smile was far too tight, her eyes dull. 
Like a mask that was pulled over her face, hiding whatever laid beneath it. 
Something was definitely wrong with her. 
But nobody but him seemed to notice it. 
Especially not when Zahra was very good at making the mask as enthusiastic as Mor on her best days. 
“I am so happy for you! Congrats!” she gushed to Elain. “I hope you have a long and happy marriage.”
“Yeah, because you absolutely respect the sanctity of marriage,” Nesta muttered under her breath, low enough that Azriel nearly wouldn’t have caught it, if the shadows hadn’t snapped it up. 
The sanctity of marriage? From where was that coming from?
But then Zahra continued, her voice too high pitched. Way too cheery. Not like how normally she spoke. But no one else seemed to notice.
Her words were clearly fake, but no one but Azriel seemed to notice. 
"I know Father would be so pleased for you," Zahra continued, Nesta snorting under her breath and making a face like she had bitten into a sour lemon. Elain's face seemed to nearly freeze but Zahra just continued smiling brightly.
Even the mention of their father would usually cause Zahra to falter slightly…but today she didn’t even skip a beat. The smile stayed on her face, even as she continued to speak. Her voice was far too cheery, it was almost painful to listen to. 
Azriel glanced around the table at his family. None of them seemed to notice how...off Zahra seemed. Her cheerful voice and her overly bright smile.
How come no one else noticed? How could they not see how obviously fake she was acting? 
But then, nobody really cared, did they?
The rest of the family dinner was taken up with talking about Elain and Lucien's upcoming nuptials, an nothing else seemed to matter to them at all. 
Nobody gave them a second glance either when Zahra said her goodbyes and he followed after her, minutes later.
He caught up to her on a bridge crossing the Sidra. "Tell me what's wrong," he demanded sharply.
"Nothing is wrong," Zahra said, her voice, smooth and bubbly. He would give it to her: She was one hell of an actress. It was near imperceptively how well she was lying. But the dead look in her eyes gave her away.  "My sister just got engaged, what could possible be wrong?"
"Don't lie to me," Azriel bit out. “I can tell something is wrong. Now tell me what it is.”
His patience was fraying at the edges.
"What's wrong with your hands?" she shot back. "You have been clenching and unclenching them continuously."
“They hurt if it rains,” he gave back tightly. “Now you.” 
She stared at him, obviously not having expected him to actually answer that question. 
And then Zahra crossed her arms, nearly hugging herself as he had seen her do often, whenever there was something…something that brought up memories she didn’t want to think about. 
“Feyre, Elain and Nesta went to visit our father’s gravestone. I wasn’t invited," Zahra whispered, not looking at him. She kept walking, staring down at her feet. Clad in leather shoes that had already seen much better days.  
He could just stare at her. 
"You...you weren't invited?" He repeated back, stopping on the bridge.
She was their sister. And they had just not…not invited her? 
“I went to lay flowers there this morning, and I saw them,” Zahra said thickly. “Elain told him about her engagement….All three were there. I wasn’t invited.” 
He clenched his hands into fists again, the pain returning to them with a vengeance. 
“It’s fine, it shouldn’t hurt me," she said thickly. "They are his daughters. He had three ships named after his three daughters. And then there is me."
He was still trying to process her words. "It’s not fine,” he snapped out, anger rising in his chest. How could they just exclude her like that? “You are his daughter as well. You are their sister,” he continued, following after her. “They shouldn’t have just excluded you like that.” 
Zahra just shrugged, her shoulders caving in.
He felt her wobble on her feet and he reacted without even thinking about it. His hand shot out to grab her arm to keep her upright. He held her by the elbow gently to help balance her.
He watched as she continued walking, her shoulders slumped in. Her voice was quiet, like a whisper. “I know where I stand now...right?” 
They both knew it, didn't they? Rhys got what he wanted and was happy about it and how Azriel felt didn't matter...and Zahra...
Their family had never been normal by any means, but he had never thought...no, he had hoped. He had really hoped that they would never leave Zahra out like that. But they had done that this time. Left her out, like she was nothing. Like she didn't matter at all. 
And he hated that realization. He was used to solving problems. But this…there was no solving this. No way that he could fix this mess. 
"How bad do they hurt?" she asked him suddenly, her voice still broken. Or again.
He was surprised by her question, but he quickly looked down at his hands...his hands were clenched into fists, and his knuckles were turning white. He loosened his fists a bit and grimaced.
“Like hell, but I’ll be fine,” he muttered out. 
“Don’t you have a cream or salve from Madja or something?” she asked him, still holding onto his arm as they made their way to her cottage in unspoken agreement. 
“I do,” he agreed with a sigh. “It just doesn’t help much.” Or at all. A drop of water onto an inferno. 
“Let’s go home and try that,” Zahra said nonetheless. “I  have a hot water bottle you can have as well…does warmth help?” 
“It does,” he answered, surprised by how…much she was trying to help. Even now. Even when she had the most horrible day he could imagine…she was still trying to make him feel better. 
Her cottage was sparkling clean that evening…spotless and immaculate. 
The shadows fetched the salve as he sat down heavily at her kitchen table. Zahra returned just seconds later, bandages in her hand. 
He had expected her to hand him both and was startled when she grasped his hand.
Azriel had been expecting her to just hand him the salve and the bandages. He had not been expecting her to actually just take his hand in hers. To not even hesitate. 
To touch the scarred skin like it didn’t even matter.  People flinched back from the scars. they didn't just...He had people flinch away from his scarred hands before. He had never had someone just grasp them in theirs and not even blink at the sight of the scars. 
But she wasn’t done shocking him. Not when she started spreading the salve over his hands, gently and thoroughly.
Her fingers spread the salve over his skin with gentle, circular motions. The salve was warm on his skin and it brought immediate relief. He could feel his hands slowly relax under her touch. 
He felt it more than he saw it at first...though then it became visible as well. Her hands warmed up against his skin, something like a prickling sensation under his skin, but the feeling was....nice. soothing. And then he could just stare at the glowing golden light that radiated from her skin as she cradled his hands.
"Sorry," she apologised meekly, the light stuttering. "Normally it's just sparks."
He was staring, mesmerized almost at the light.
It was only after a moment that he finally processed her words. “Sparks?” He questioned, his voice much softer than usual. 
Zahra nodded. 
Seconds later, sparks started to dance across her skin. Tiny, golden sparks. Like little stars, dancing across her skin. 
“It’s beautiful,” he found himself saying, his voice sounding a bit raspy. He was completely transfixed as he stared at the lights dancing across her skin. 
Azriel had never seen anything more beautiful in 500 years of life. 
It was…utterly mesmerising. 
Only then he realised that his hands didn't hurt anymore.
No ache, no burn, no stiffness. Nothing. It was just...the soft, gentle touch of her hands on his.
"Since when...Since when can you..." he asked, his voice raw.
He could not even form a proper sentence as he looked down at his hands. No stiffness, no ache, no pain. For the first time in years, he was feeling...nothing in his hands. 
He gently flexed the fingers of his hands, curling them. He felt nothing. Just the smooth, pleasant glide of the skin. Not a single throb or ache. Nothing. It was completely...incredible. 
He continued to stare at his hands, still completely and utterly speechless. His hands...the pain he had been dealing with in his hands for as long as he could remember...it was just gone. 
The scars were still very much there. Visible, and the sight of them would always cause his heart to ache. But the pain he had come to know so well...it was gone. 
The scars were still visible, but the pain…
He slowly looked up to her face, still completely, mind-numbingly stunned by what had happened. “How...what did you...? How?” He managed to ask, his voice breathless. 
"What?" Zahra asked him, her voice shaky. "I didn't hurt you accidentally, did I?"
He quickly shook his head “No, no, you did not hurt me at all," Azriel quickly assured her. “Quite the opposite, actually…” He said, flexing his hands again. He still felt no pain.  “They don’t hurt me anymore.”
He flexed and curled his fingers again, watching as they did so easily. No stiffness, no pain. He felt...nothing. 
"The sparks came after the cauldron," Zahra answered quietly.
“The cauldron?” He repeated back. The cauldron. 
Of course. 
"Can't see the future or be pure death, but I do have sparks," Zahra quipped weakly. “Useless, I know.“
No. Not useless at all.
Pure Golden Light. Healing Light. Similiar to Dawn’s gift maybe…but then he saw the sparks still dancing around Zahra and corrected that. 
No. Not similar. Completely unique to her. Cauldron-wrought. 
"No," he disagreed, unable not to stare at her. "Not useless at all, sunshine. You are pure light."
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requiemforthepoets · 10 hours
now that i’ve found you, i can’t let you go 𖦹 LN4
PAIRINGS: lando norris x alonso!reader
SUMMARY: you never imagined that a silly crush from 2018 would turn into something years after or you and lando are just idiots in love, and letting the nerves gets the better of you every time.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: can’t believe i just wrote a story that’s over 10k hdhfhdhd i’ll be inactive until next week (or until i’m done with my midterms). remaining requests will be done after my midterms. hope you’ll enjoy this one! :)
REMINDERS: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: not proofread, typos, photos and videos are taken from pinterest, single dad!nando, no use of y/n, overthinking, anxiety, google translated spanish, reader has no socmed accs, and idiots in love
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You had always understood the reason why your father, Fernando, had kept you out of the spotlight. The media could be ruthless and vile, and being his only daughter, he wanted to protect you from the harsh glare that came with being associated with his world, and truth be told, you were very grateful for it. Just the thought of being under constant scrutiny would always make your skin crawl. You had always preferred the quiet life, the privacy, and to just focus on your studies. After all, you had spent the last several years pouring your energy into earning your degree in International Relations at the National University of Singapore.
The only time you had ever come to the paddock with Fernando was back in 2018, during his last season in F1. He had decided that he would leave F1 for a while because he wanted to take on bigger challenges outside of F1. That was also the first time you met Lando Norris, the bright-eyed young driver who would go on to replace your father’s vacated seat. You remembered that day clearly—Lando’s easy smile, the playful way he joked around the garage. You were shy, as always, but there was something about him that drew you in like a moth to a flame. You had managed to develop a small, harmless crush on him, a fleeting thought that never went beyond that single interaction with him. Then, you disappeared from the paddock, along with it are also your feelings for Lando, and began burying yourself in university life.
But now, here you were again, stepping into the paddock for the first time in years, a full-fledged adult, and very much out of your comfort zone. Fernando had invited you to join him for the season, and after much internal debate, you agreed. You had missed your father, not to mention that you weren’t there for him when he scored his first podium after seven years back in 2021, and you knew how much he wanted you to be a part of his world, even for just a short while. Yet, as you walked alongside Fernando, you felt a familiar knot of nerves tighten in your stomach. The cameras, noise, bustle—it was all overwhelming for you.
Fernando must have sensed your anxiety because he gently placed an arm around your shoulders. “You alright, princesa?” He said softly, voice calm and familiar. “Yeah, just…a lot of people.” You admitted softly, eyes darting around at the bustling crowd.
“Hey,” he said softly, leaning in closer, “remember that time when I visited you in Singapore, when we got lost looking for that restaurant, and I almost walked into a fountain?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory. “You were so confident about the directions too, compared to your daughter who had been living in Singapore for years now.” Fernando grinned, the familiar warmth of his presence wrapping around you like a shield. “I’m never wrong about directions, mi vida. The fountain just got in the way.”
You shook your head, but the knot in your stomach began to loosen—his humor always works on you, as it always did, and you found yourself feeling slightly less on edge. You know that you would always be safe with your father, even in the paddock, where the eyes of the world could easily fall on you.
As you scanned the paddock, getting yourself familiar again with the surroundings, your heart skipped a beat when you spotted a familiar figure—Lando. He was walking nearby, assuming he just arrived, laughing at something, and for a brief second, it felt like no time had passed at all. Your old crush for him came rushing back, definitely unexpected and uninvited, bringing a sudden warmth to your cheeks. But just as quickly, your hope deflated when you saw a girl walking next to him, her hand wrapped around Lando’s arm. Of course, someone like him would have a girlfriend by now. Lando’s a handsome man, charming, and well…he’s Lando Norris. What were you even expecting?
Once you had settled in, Fernando had headed off for a meeting, and left you to your own devices. Until he had texted you to get something he had forgotten from his bag. So you found yourself on your way to his driver’s room at the Aston Martin motorhome. Your footsteps were quick, wanting to avoid any more awkward run-ins. As you rounded a corner, you bumped into someone, hard enough to make you stumble. But strong hands caught you before you could fall, and you found yourself face-to-face with Lando.
“Oh—hey!” Lando said, his voice bright with surprise. He paused, his gaze locking onto yours. “I remember you. You’re Fernando’s daughter, right? It’s been years since I last saw you.”
You froze for a moment, blinking in disbelief. Lando remembered you? After all these years? You never really expected him to remember you to be honest, you only had a brief interaction with him before.
“Uh, yeah,” you replied, feeling your face heat up. “It’s been a while.”
“I didn’t think you’d come back to the paddock,” he said, still smiling as his eyes looked at you, and for a second, you wondered if he noticed how much you had changed since you last first met. “You look…different. Good different,” he added, a bit awkwardly, as if he hadn’t meant to let the compliment slip.
“How’ve you been? What’s going on in your life?” He added.
You were stunned by how he had effortlessly struck up a conversation with you. You hadn’t been expecting any interaction with him, let alone such friendliness.
“I’ve been good,” you managed to say. “I just recently graduated from a university…in Singapore.”
“Wow, that’s impressive!” Lando said with a nod of approval. “What did you study?”
“International Relations.”
“Smart and beautiful, huh?” He teased lightly, his compliment catching you totally off guard.
You blinked, really unsure of how to respond. His words were casual, but they hit you harder than they should have. You spent so long thinking he wouldn’t even remember your name, and here he was, not only remembering but also showing genuine interest in your life. It was enough to make your heart race.
Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out, “I saw you with your girlfriend…”
Lando raised an eyebrow, confused for a moment. “Girlfriend? Oh—” he glanced behind him before laughing softly. “No, no. That’s just my cousin, she’s visiting this weekend.”
Your face burned with embarrassment. “Oh my god…I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to assume.”
“It’s alright,” he reassured, still smiling warmly. “But really, it’s good to see you. I hope we run into each other more often now that you’re back.”
Just as you were about to respond, Fernando appeared, his expression amused as he glanced between you and Lando. A smirk appeared on his face, and you immediately knew what was coming.
“There you are!” Fernando said, his voice carrying a hint of teasing. “I thought the media people had kidnapped you.”
“Nope, just me.” Lando laughed.
Fernando’s eyes twinkled knowingly as he rested a hand on your shoulder. “Well, we should get going, cariño. We don't want to keep you away from your busy schedule, Norris.”
“Alright,” Lando laughed. “Don’t be a stranger.” He said as he smiled at you and said his goodbyes.
You turned to leave, Fernando placed a hand on your back, gently guiding you forward. When you were a few steps away, he leaned in closer, whispering just loud enough for you to hear.
“So he remembers you, huh? I wonder why that is.” You glared up at him, but the blush on your cheeks gave you away. “Papa, stop.”
He just laughed, a warm, teasing sound. “It’s very cute, mi vida,” he teased, ruffling your hair. “I’m just saying. I know how you act around boys you like. Don’t forget, I’m your father.”
“I don’t like him,” you protested, though your voice lacked conviction. “Okay, okay. Maybe just a little.”
Fernando only chuckled, pulling you closer as you walked. “You know, I may be protective, but I’m not blind. Just remember, mi amor, no one will ever be good enough for you in my eyes. But if anyone makes you smile like that…well, maybe I can reconsider.”
It has already been a couple of months since you’re back in the paddock, and it still felt surreal. So much had changed, and yet, certain things remained the same—like how Fernando’s protective nature never faded, or how Lance had effortlessly stepped into the role of being your older brother, with just being older than you for two years, during this season. Ever since Fernando introduced you to Lance, he had taken it upon himself to watch over you, especially during race weekends when his and Fernando’s had their hands full, Lance would always make time. Honestly, Lance was like the cool big brother you never had, and though his playful teasing could get on your nerves, it was always in good spirit.
“Hey, you alright?” Lance asked, nudging you gently as you both stood near the garage, watching the mechanics prepare the cars. Fernando had been whisked away for an interview, leaving you with Lance, as usual.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied with a small smile. He gave you a knowing look. “You sure? You’ve been pretty quiet since we got here.”
“Just getting used to all of this again,” you admitted, gesturing vaguely to the track. “It’s been a while.”
Lance nodded thoughtfully. “True, it’s a lot to take in, especially with all the media and fans around. But you’ll get back into the groove. Besides, you’ve got me to help you out.” He grinned, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Thanks, Lance. I appreciate it.”
“No problem. I know Fernando can’t be here all the time, so I’ve got your back,” he said, slinging an arm around your shoulders in a casual, brotherly gesture. “Now, let’s go grab some coffee. I’ve got some time before we have our team meeting.”
As you walked through the paddock with Lance, he made it his mission to introduce you as well to a few people, keeping things light and easy. He was good at making sure you didn’t feel too overwhelmed, chatting away with everyone from the mechanics to PR staff. You felt comfortable around him, like you could just be yourself. However, Lance had also caught on to something that you had been trying to keep under wraps—your little crush on Lando Norris.
“So, Lando’s racing well this season, huh?” Lance commented casually as you passed the McLaren hospitality, his tone far too innocent for your liking.
“Don’t even start.” You glanced over at him, narrowing your eyes.
“What? I’m just saying,” Lance said, holding his hands up in mock surrender, though the smirk on his face betrayed his amusement. “You’ve been watching McLaren a lot today, just an observation.”
“I told you, I met him back in 2018. It’s not that big of a deal.” You rolled your eyes, but felt your cheeks warm.
“Uh-huh.” Lance’s grin widened. “So, you were surprised that he remembered you after all these years, huh? Sounds like someone made quite the impression.”
“Just like what Papa said,” you groaned, nudging him in the side. “Stop it, Lance.”
But he wasn’t letting up. “I mean, I get it. Lando’s a good-looking guy, charming, funny…oh, look! There he is!” He pointed ahead, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw Lando walking toward the McLaren hospitality, chatting with a few team members.
“Should I call him over?” Lance teased, raising his voice a little as if he were actually going to shout Lando’s name at any given moment.
Your eyes widened, and you quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. “Don’t you dare!”
He laughed behind your hand, his eyes sparkling with mischief. You dropped your hand, glaring at him, but he just grinned. “Relax, I’m just messing with you. I wouldn’t actually do it…unless, of course, you want me to.”
“I swear, Lance,” you mattered, glaring at him while he continued to laugh. “You’re impossible.”
“Hey, what are big brothers for if not to embarrass you in front of your crush?” Lance said, folding his arms across his chest with a smug grin. “You’re not even my real brother,” you shot back, though your tone held no malice.
Despite his teasing, you appreciated having Lance around. He made the chaos of the paddock feel more tolerable for you, especially when Fernando was busy with meetings or media obligations.
“Technicalities,” Lance said, waving a hand. “Besides, Fernando practically trusts me to look after you when he’s not around, so that makes me your honorary big brother—and as your big brother, it is my duty to tease you about your crush on Lando.”
“Can you please stop calling it a crush? It’s just…he’s nice, okay? That’s all!” You groaned in frustration, though a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
Lance raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying any of what you had said at all. “Right. Nice. Handsome, and funny, and…”
“Okay, okay!” You cut him off, your face burning with embarrassment. “I get it, you can shut up now.”
Lance chuckled again, then glanced over at Lando, who was still chatting nearby. “You know, he’s not that far. I bet you a hundred bucks that if I yelled out his name right now—”
“Lance, no!” You quickly covered his mouth with your hand again, “don’t even think about it.”
He pulled your hand away, laughing. “Fine, fine. But you owe me for holding back.”
“Owe you?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, for not embarrassing you in front of your ‘not-crush,’” he said, air-quoting the last part with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes, but there was a fondness in the gesture. Lance had a way of making the most nerve-wracking moments feel lighter. Though you knew he’d never actually go through with his threats to call out to Lando, he kept your mind off your nerves and made being in the paddock a lot more bearable.
Just as you were about to give him another half-hearted glare, Fernando returned, fresh from his interview.
“Everything okay here?” He asked, glancing between you and Lance, clearly sensing the playful tension. “All good.” Lance replied with a grin, but you could see the mischief still twinkling in his eyes.
Fernando looked at you, raising an eyebrow. “You sure? Lance hasn’t been teasing you, has he?” You shook your head, biting back a smile. “No, nothing I can’t handle.”
Fernando smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Good. Come on, let’s go. We’ve got a bit of time before the team meeting, and I want to catch up with you.”
You and Lance followed your father, then you turned to him. “Thanks, Lance,” you said, voice soft.
Lance looked at you, slightly surprised by the sudden sincerity, then smiled warmly. “Don’t worry, I always got you.”
What you didn’t know, over the McLaren, Lando had also been dealing with his own set of nerves ever since that first conversation with you on your first day back at the paddock. It had been brief, but it left a mark on him. He couldn’t help but think about how much you had changed since the last time he saw you all those years ago—how you had grown into someone graceful, gorgeous, and kind, not to mention incredibly smart, which only made him more nervous to be around you.
Every time he would pass by the Aston Martin hospitality, he would always take a peek discreetly looking for you or when he saw you walking around the paddock with Fernando or Lance, his eyes would linger a little too long. But there was one problem—your father. As much as Lando respected Fernando, the idea of asking out his daughter was…intimidating, to say the least. The fact that Fernando was fiercely protective of you didn’t help. Yeah, he and Fernando were good mates on the grid, but that didn’t mean Lando was ready to risk his life, or his career, by doing something reckless, like trying to date the legendary driver’s only daughter.
So instead, Lando had been venting his frustrations at his teammate, Oscar, who had been on the receiving end of it and had quickly become the unwilling listener of Lando’s dilemma. Like the one he’s having right now. At this point, Lando is on the verge of a mental breakdown, and maybe possibly losing his mind about how he can ask you out.
“I don’t know, man,” Lando groaned as they sat in the McLaren garage, waiting for their next session. “She’s just…different. She’s smart, amazing, and don’t even get me started on how gorgeous she is. How am I supposed to ask her out when her dad is Fernando Alonso? I can’t compete with that.”
Oscar, who had been half-listening while scrolling through his phone, glanced up with an amused smile. “You’re overthinking it. You and Fernando get along just fine.”
“Yeah, on the track. This is completely different, mate!” Lando huffed, running a hand through his hair. “And what if she doesn’t even like me? I mean, she’s so quiet, I can’t tell if she’s interested or just being polite.”
Oscar leaned back in his seat, finally giving Lando his full attention. “You said she remembered you from 2018, right? That’s pretty much something. She’s been hanging around lately as well whenever Fernando would drop by at McLaren, so maybe she’s interested too. You’re never going to know unless you ask.”
Lando sighed, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “But what if Fernando finds out and kills me? Or worse, what if he doesn’t kill me, and I have to deal with the awkwardness for the rest of the season?”
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Mate, if you’re this scared of Fernando, you’ll never get anywhere. Plus, he’s not going to bite your head off. He’s a pretty reasonable guy, you just need to grow a spine and ask her out already.”
Lando shot him a glare. “Easy for you to say! You didn’t see the way Fernando looked at me when she and I talked last time, it was like he was reading my mind. Oh I swear he knows. Plus, you’re not the one trying to score a date with his daughter or the one that he’ll be running off of the track!”
“Okay, first of all, Fernando wouldn’t actually run you off the track. He’s a professional, mate, and maybe he does know, and maybe that’s why you need to stop hiding and just get over it.” Oscar laughed, shaking his head, “and second, yeah, that’s true. But I am tired of hearing you whine about it. Either ask her out or move on, you’re driving me insane man.”
Lando groaned again, but Oscar’s words stuck with him. Maybe he was overthinking it. Maybe you did like him too. After all, you had seemed genuinely surprised when he remembered you from all those years ago, and there was also something in the way you looked at him sometimes—shy, but with a glimmer of interest, at least that gave him hope. But then, he’d remember your father, Fernando’s face popping in his mind. Fernando Alonso. One of the most respected and competitive drivers on the grid. How was he supposed to approach that conversation?
“Alright,” Lando said after a long pause. “I’ll think about it. I’ll ask her out…eventually.”
Oscar groaned. “Mate, if you don’t do it soon, I’m going to ask her out for you, or better yet, I’ll just tell Fernando.”
“Okay, okay!” Lando laughed, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’ll do it. Just…give me some time to figure everything out.”
“Well, better figure it out quickly. Chop chop!” Oscar warned with a smirk. “Or else I’m really going to tell Fernando that his daughter’s got a secret admirer.”
He paled at the thought, Lando knew that Oscar would completely do it, without a doubt, and there was no escaping it. He had to do something, or he’d never live it down.
Lando had spent the better part of the week agonizing over how he would ask you out. After days of pacing, internal battle, and driving Oscar up the wall with his endless worries and overthinking, he finally devised what he thought was a foolproof plan.
“Okay, here me out. I’m going to ask her out during the Singapore Grand Prix,” Lando announced confidently, arms crossed over his chest. He looked over at Oscar, who raised an eyebrow.
“Singapore? Why there?” Oscar asked, clearly skeptical and a little bit confused. Lando shifted nervously, but kept his chin up. “Think about it. If she says no, I’ll have the whole month off before the US Grand Prix. Plenty of time to move on, right? It’s perfect. No awkward run-ins at the paddock, no weirdness during the races, just time to get over it.”
Oscar leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, smirking as he listened to Lando’s outrageously insane logic. “You do realize that even if you have a month off, you’ll still see her at the US Grand Prix, right?”
Lando blinked, his confidence faltering for a moment. “Well…yeah, but that’s like, way down the line! By then, things will have settled.”
Oscar snorted. “Or you’ll just be dragging it out longer, and it’ll be just as awkward when you see her at the US GP as it would be anywhere else. Let’s also not forget, she’s Fernando’s daughter, no way can you just avoid her.”
Lando’s shoulders slumped slightly, but he quickly straightened up again, determined to defend his plan. “Nah mate, it’ll be fine. If she says no, I’ll have a whole month to, like…recalibrate. By the time the US GP rolls around, I’ll be good. Plus, Singapore has always been special to her. She lived there, went to university there—it’s got sentimental value. It’s a good place to ask.”
Oscar sighed, shaking his head. “Mate, honestly, that is the worst logic I’ve ever heard. You’re going to see her whether she rejects you or not. A month isn’t going to magically make it less awkward.”
“Yes, but—” Lando tried to defend himself, but Oscar cuts him off.
“No, seriously. Just because there’s a break between races doesn’t mean your feelings are going to magically disappear in four weeks. You’ll have to see her, you’ll still have to deal with it. You’re not just going to poof get over it because the calendar says so.”
Lando opened his mouth, then closed it, frowning. “Okay, fine, maybe it’s not the best plan, but it’s the only one I’ve got! What else am I supposed to do?”
“How about this,” Oscar said, leaning forward, his tone dead serious. “Ask her out because you like her, not because you’re trying to time your emotional recovery between races. You’re just over complicating everything, man.”
Lando groaned, running a hand through his hair. “But what if she says no?” Oscar gave him a deadpan look. “And if she says yes?”
What Oscar said definitely threw Lando for a loop. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, if she says yes, what’s the point of your ‘one month to move on’ plan? You’ll see her even more. Mate, you’ll have to be ready for things to go somewhere, especially with her dad around.”
Lando rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous laugh escaping him. “Yeah, but—well, I mean, that would be the ideal situation, right? If she says yes, then great! No need for a break, and she and I can ride off into the sunset.”
Oscar sighed, clearly amused but trying to help his friend make sense of things while he himself is currently on his wits end. “Look, I’m just saying your logic is a bit off. If you like her, just ask her out. Whether it’s in Singapore or the US or wherever, the outcome will all be the same. You either take a chance or keep overthinking it.”
Lando sighed dramatically, plopping down in the chair next to Oscar. “I know, I know. It’s just…I want it to be perfect, you know? I’ve liked her for a while, and it feels like I’ve only got one shot at this. As the wise words of Eminem and I quote, ‘you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.’”
“Can’t believe that you really quoted Eminem,” Oscar laughed, though he couldn’t resist teasing him. “You’ve already got a shot, mate. She talks to you, she remembers you, and you’re the only one who keeps making excuses.”
Lando groaned, burying his face in his hands. “Fine, okay. Singapore it is. But if I get rejected, you’re the one driving me to the airport.” Oscar laughed, patting Lando on the back. “Deal. But if she says yes, you owe me free dinners until the end of the season.”
“What?! That’s insane!” Oscar rolled his eyes, but gave a small smile, “it’s enough to cover as a compensation for what you had put me through. Driving me insane with your crazy ass.”
“Alright, fine! Deal.” Oscar grinned, “that’s more like it! Now shake on it.” He held out his hand for Lando to shake, to seal the deal that they had made.
“Now, don’t you chicken out, or else I’m really telling Fernando myself.” Lando shot him a glare. “You wouldn’t!”
“Try me.” Oscar said with a smirk.
Despite Oscar’s teasing, Lando knew he was right. Whether or not the timing was ideal, he has to shoot his shot with you. Singapore was coming up fast, and with it, the moment of truth. He just hoped that whatever the outcome of everything, he wouldn’t end up regretting it—because, at the end of the day, you were definitely worth the risk.
The Singapore Grand Prix had finally arrived, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and comfort being back in the place you now considered as your second home. The familiar street, the warm tropical breeze, and the breathtaking skyline that always felt like a protective shield—all of it made you feel grounded. However, this year felt different though. You are here with your father, Fernando, but now you are grown, with your own life in Singapore. A part of you wanted to stay here permanently, and you knew that this kind of conversation with your father was coming.
You had also flown back to Singapore a little bit earlier than Fernando, so right after the race in Baku, you flew back to Singapore, and you would just meet up with him once he arrived. You made plans with some old university friends for a brunch date, and it had been very refreshing, catching up with familiar faces and feeling part of the city again, laughing over stories of your time during your undergraduate days and just listening to their life updates.
It was Tuesday when Fernando arrived in Singapore, and it felt like a reunion, even though you had been apart for a short period of time. You met him at the hotel he was staying in, and the moment you saw him, a gentle warmth spread through your chest.
“Papa!” You called, rushing to give him a big hug. He enveloped you in a tight hug, lifting you off your feet for a moment. “It’s so good to see you!”
“Good to see you too, mi pequeño campeón,” he replied, a proud smile on his face.
Despite the happiness you were currently feeling, the upcoming conversation with your father about your future was creeping at the back of your mind. You wanted to properly talk to him about staying in Singapore permanently, though you knew it wouldn’t be easy. The bond between you and your father had always been strong, and you didn’t want him to think that you were drifting away, especially that you’re the only one he has. After all, you were still his daughter, and no matter where you were in the world, that wouldn’t change.
“You’ve grown up so much,” Fernando said with a proud smile on his face as you walked through the bustling streets, the sounds of the city surrounding you. “It feels like just yesterday you were running around the house in your diapers and wearing your underwear in your head.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the memory.
“Yeah, well, I’m all grown up now,” you replied, playfully nudging him. “But I’m really happy to be spending the time with you, Papa.”
You walked through the bustling streets, visited the Garden by the Bay, and took him to Sentosa, where you went to Universal Studios and rode the famous cable car. It felt good, just like the old times, where it was just you and him, with no race schedules or media obligations pulling him away.
As you strolled through the bustling hawker centers, savoring the delicious local food, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you, and with Fernando seeing you order the food you wanted to eat, he can perfectly see how you fit right in this kind of environment, it was like as if your were a true local. It made him happy to see that you are happy, comfortable, and content with the country that you were living in for the past years. Right after a satisfying dinner at the hawker centers, you decided to stroll at a park, and sat down at a bench, watching the Singaporean skyline.
“Papa, can we talk about something serious?” You said, glancing at him.
“Of course, mi vida,” he replied, leaning back comfortably on the bench, his expression turning earnest. “What’s in that little mind of yours?”
You took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. “I’ve been thinking a lot…about staying here in Singapore. I love it here, and I want to pursue my masters degree and build my career. I know it’s a big decision, but…I really feel at home here, Papa.”
He turned to you, his expression soft but curious. “I figured as much. You’ve always seemed at peace here,” he said with a smile, though there was a flicker of emotions in his eyes. “But does this mean you won’t be coming to visit me anymore? I’ll miss you, you know.”
You smile gently. “Of course I’ll visit you! I’m not disappearing, I promise. It’s just…I feel like I’ve found my place here. But you’ll always be my home too, no matter where you are.”
Fernando nodded, his arm draping over your shoulders. “As long as you’re happy, safe, and chasing your dreams, I will always support you. Just don’t forget to visit your old man, alright?” You leaned into him, grateful for his understanding. “I could never forget.”
“However, we’ll need to discuss the logistics and what that means for your studies.” You nodded, “of course! I’ll figure everything out.”
There was a pause, a comfortable silence that stretched between you, but you knew there was something else you needed to come clean about. Something more personal and had been on your mind for a while now. As much as it makes you nervous, you trust your father enough to talk about it.
“Papa, there’s something else I need to tell you,” you said, your voice quieter now. Fernando turned his head slightly, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?”
You took a deep breath, fidgeting with the edge of your sleeve. “It’s about Lando.”
That got his attention. Fernando looked at you more intently, a mixture of surprise and curiosity crossing his face. “Lando? What about him?” You bit your lip, feeling your heart rate pick up. “I—I think I like him. It’s not just a silly crush anymore. It’s something more.”
For a moment, Fernando didn’t say anything, his face was unreadable as he processed what you had just said. You braced yourself, really unsure of how he would react. Would he be overprotective? Would he laugh? Or would he be mad? You couldn’t really tell.
But then, he sighed, his expression softening as he just smiled at you. “I had a feeling,” he said, surprising you. “You…did?” You asked, blinking.
Fernando chuckled. “Soy tu padre, mi amor. I always notice these kinds of things, and I have seen the way Lando looks at you too.” He shook his head slightly. “I just didn’t think it had gotten this serious.”
“It’s not serious, serious. But I can tell that it’s more than just a crush,” you admitted, feeling relieved that he wasn’t upset. “I don’t know if he feels the same way, but I want to be honest with you, I don’t like hiding things from you. You’re my Papa, and I wanted you to know.”
Fernando sighed, pulling you closer. “I appreciate that you told me, princesa. I trust you to make your own decisions, just…if things ever get too difficult, or if you need advice, don’t hesitate to come to me. Lando’s a good kid, but relationships are never easy, especially in this kind of world. But no matter what happens, I’m going to be always here for you.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his hand resting comfortingly on your shoulder.
You smiled, your heart feeling lighter now that you had told him the truth. “I will. Thank you, Papa.”
Fernando chuckled softly, shaking his head in disbelief. “You know, it’s hard to keep up with you sometimes. One moment you’re my little girl, and the next you’re talking about pursuing a career and potentially dating a race car driver.”
You laughed, feeling a mix of relief and warmth. “I guess I’m just growing up. But you know that I’ll always be your little girl, Papa.”
“Well, if Lando makes you happy, I don’t see why you shouldn’t explore that,” he said, his tone softening. “Just be careful, okay? You know how the media can be, and I want you to be safe.”
“Of course, Papa. I promise.” You smiled at him.
As you sat there at the bench with your father, the weight of the conversation lifted, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. You didn’t know what would happen with Lando, but you knew you had the support of the one person who mattered most—your father, and for now, that was enough.
The atmosphere inside the Aston Martin garage was buzzing with the pre-race tension as you stood by, watching your father make his final preparations. Fernando will be starting in P7, and while you had been through countless races with him, the familiar knot of nerves still twisted in your stomach. You couldn’t help it—racing was unpredictable, and no matter how many times you had seen your father take on a track, you would always be worried. Just before he climbed into the car, you walked over and wrapped your arms around Fernando, squeezing him tightly.
“Good luck, Papa,” you whispered, your voice slightly muffled against his racing suit.
Fernando returned the hug, holding you for a moment longer than usual. “I’ll be fine, cariño,” he assured you, pulling back to smile at you with that calm, reassuring look he always gave before a race. “Just keep your eyes on the screen, and remember, I’ll be coming back to you after this.”
You nodded, managing a small smile despite the nervousness you’re feeling. “I know. But still, just be careful out there, okay?”
“Always,” he promised, giving you a smile before heading toward his car. You watched as he climbed in, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline that always hit just before the lights went out.
As the race began, you settled into the garage, your eyes darting between the live feed of your father’s car and, admittedly, a certain McLaren that had started from pole position. Lando. You weren’t sure why, but every time he appeared on the screen, your heart would always skip a beat.
Lando had an incredible start, holding his position from the first corner. You watched as lap after lap, Lando built a commanding 20-second gap over Max, pushing through the relentless humidity of Singapore. It was clear by the midway point that he had the race in the bag, and that didn’t stop you from feeling a strange mix of pride and nervous energy for him too.
Fernando, on the other hand, was fighting a tough race. It wasn’t easy, but you knew he’d give it everything he had, like he always does. When the checkered flag finally waved, Lando crossed the line first, successfully claiming his third win of the season. Max came in second, and Oscar rounded out the podium in third, making it a double podium for McLaren, while Fernando finished on P8. You exhaled a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding, relieved that the race was finally over and that both Lando and your father had finished safely.
You waited for Fernando to make his way back to the garage, you couldn’t help but feel a small flutter in your chest. Lando had won, and while you were genuinely happy for him, you were also unsure of what to do next. Should you congratulate him? Would he even have time for you amidst the celebrations?
When your father finally walked into the garage, you rushed over to him, wrapping your arms around him again. “P8! That’s great, Papa!” You beamed, knowing it had been a tough race.
Fernando chuckled softly, patting your back. “Not bad for your old man, huh? It was a bit of a struggle out there, but I’m happy with it.” You pulled back and looked up at him, the warmth of post-race moments settling between you. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Singapore can be brutal.”
He nodded in agreement, wiping sweat from his forehead with a towel. “You’re right about that. The heat doesn’t make it any easier.”
The two of you just stood there, catching your breath, Fernando gave you a knowing look. “So…you’re not going to congratulate Lando?”
Your eyes widened slightly, caught off guard. “Uh, well…I mean, I was going to, but I thought he’d be busy celebrating, you know…podiums, interviews, all that.”
Fernando raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh, come on. He just won the Singapore Grand Prix, I’m sure he’d appreciate hearing it from you, you know.”
“I know, but…I don’t want to interrupt. It’s his moment,” you said, shifting on your feet, feeling unsure of yourself.
Your father shook his head, a smile playing on his lips. “You’re always so thoughtful, but you should give yourself more credit, cariño. He’s not going to mind talking to you, even if he’s celebrating.” You sighed, half-laughing. “I’ll think about it. Maybe later, if we bump into each other.”
Fernando put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as you both watched the scene unfolding by the McLaren garage from the distance. “You’re overthinking it, as usual. Just trust yourself. Lando’s a good kid—and he likes you too, you know.”
Your eyes widened as you looked up at him, surprised by his comment. “What do you mean by that?” He just gave you a knowing smile. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I might be your Papa, but I’m not blind.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, looking away to hide your embarrassment. “Papa!” He just laughed at you, giving your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “I’m just saying, hija. Don’t be so nervous, and if you do talk to him tonight, just be yourself. That’s all that matters.”
You leaned into him, grateful for his constant support. “Thanks, Papa. I’ll try not to overthink it too much.”
“Good. Remember, if he gives you any trouble, I’ll have a word with him,” Fernando teased, though you knew very well that he wasn’t entirely joking. You laughed, shaking your head. “I think I can handle it.”
“That’s my girl.” He said, ruffling your hair playfully before letting go.
It was late by the time you and Fernando finally left the paddock. The post-race chaos had kept you there far longer than you expected—interviews, debriefings, team meetings, but you didn’t mind too much. As the two of you exited the Aston Martin motorhome, you were feeling tired, but the evening breeze helped clear your mind, cooling your nerves after the long day.
You and Fernando walked side by side, heading towards the parking lot, and you were mentally replaying the events of the day. You both feel relieved and happy that your father had finished the race safely, but at the same time, your thoughts kept drifting back to Lando. The memory of him winning the race, standing on the top step of the podium—it had all been imprinted in your mind. You still hadn’t congratulated him, and now, the internal debate was in full force.
Just as you and Fernando reached the parking lot, you spotted Lando. He was about to leave as well, freshly showered and looking relaxed, though the sight of him made your heart race all over again. The internal conflict within you wasn’t exactly that subtle—your hesitation must have been really visible, because Fernando glanced at you but chose not to say anything, giving you space to decide.
Right before you could make up your mind, Lando had noticed you. His eyes lit up as he called your name, voice breaking through your thoughts.
You froze for a second, then offered him a shy smile. Before you could even form a proper response, Lando began walking over to you, his expression bright and boyish. Your nerves kicking into high gear, and for a brief moment, you wished you had more time to properly collect yourself. But Fernando, always one to notice, just smiled and took your handbag from your hand.
“I’ll be waiting in the car,” he said, tone light and teasing as he glanced between you and Lando. “Take your time.” With that, he left, giving you an encouraging wink as he walked away. Now, it was just you and Lando.
The moment felt heavier than what you had expected, both of you standing there in the dimly lit parking lot, nerves getting the better of you. You could feel your palms starting to sweat, unsure of how to start a conversation. But Lando, surprisingly, seemed just as equally nervous as you, rubbing the back of his neck and shifting on his feet awkwardly.
“So…uhm, congrats on the win,” you blurted out, your voice a bit quieter than what you had intended. “You were amazing out there.”
Lando’s eyes softened, his grin widening at your words. “Thanks. That means a lot, coming from you.” He paused, as if debating his next move. Then, in one breath, he blurted out, “Do you want to go out with me? Like, on an actual date?”
The question hung in the air for a second longer than it should have, and you blinked, too stunned to even respond right away. Did you hear that right? Did Lando Norris just actually ask you out on a date? Your mind raced, trying to process the suddenness of it all. Lando’s expression faltered slightly at your silence, his cheeks turning pink as he took a step back, clearly assuming the worst.
“Oh, uh…you don’t have to answer right away if you don’t want to. I mean, it’s totally fine if you’re not interested—”
“No, no! I mean yes! I mean—” you are fumbling, trying to get the right words out, waving your hands in front of you. “I’m not saying no. I just…I didn’t expect you to ask, that’s all. I—” you stopped yourself, realizing that you were rambling and it’s sounding so ridiculous and embarrassing. “Of course I’d love to go out with you.” You said finally, voice more even now.
Lando’s face brightened instantly, his nervousness giving way to a wide grin. “Really? You would?”
“Yeah,” you said, feeling your cheeks heat up. “I’ve kind of…liked you for a while now. I just didn’t think you felt the same.”
Lando laughed, a light, relieved sound. “Are you kidding? I’ve been wanting to ask you since…well, since forever, really. I just wasn’t sure if you’d say yes.” He scratched the back of his head, expression sheepish. “I thought your dad might…you know, run me off track or something.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, your nerves slowly starting to melt away. “He might, but I think he likes you, so you’re safe. Don’t worry.”
He chuckled, visibly more at ease now that the awkwardness had passed. Then, he hesitated, his expression turning curious. “So, are you staying here in Singapore after the race? Or are you going to be with your dad during the break?”
“I’m staying for a week,” you explained, feeling more comfortable now. “I’ve got some things I need to work on here, but after that, I’m heading off to St. Moritz with Papa. We’re going to spend some time there before the next race.”
His eyes lit up with a hopeful look. “Do you think we could…maybe squeeze in our date before you leave? I mean, if you’re not too busy.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the idea, and you nodded, a soft smile forming on your lips. “Yeah, I think we can definitely make that work.”
“Great! I’ll figure something out and text you, then.” Lando grinned, looking as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
As you both stood there, a comfortable silence settling between you, Lando glanced towards the car where Fernando was waiting and then back at you.
“Come on, I’ll walk you to your dad’s car before he thinks I’m keeping you hostage.” You laughed softly and replied, “He’s probably watching us from the rearview mirror right now.”
He fell into step beside you, his hand grazing yours for a moment before he hesitated, unsure if he should take your hand with his or not. The gesture was so innocent, so sweet, that without thinking, you reached out and took Lando’s hand in yours, giving it a light squeeze.
When you reached the car, he paused, giving you one last, nervous smile. “So, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, definitely.” You replied, feeling a little giddy now.
Lando looked at you with a soft smile, and before you started overthinking again, you leaned in and pressed a quick, gentle kiss to his cheek. The move surprised even you—you had no idea where you got the confinement all of the sudden, but it felt right.
“Goodnight, Lando.” You said softly and smiled at him, “Goodnight.” He replied back shyly.
You climbed into the car as he walked away, you swear you saw him cheering with himself as his figure disappeared into the night.
Fernando glanced at you, a knowing smile on his face. “So, how did it go?” You rolled your eyes, but your smile gave you away. “It went fine, Papa. Really fine.”
“Fine, huh?” He chuckled, shifting the car into gear. “Looks like it was more than just fine to me.”
You laughed softly, settling into the passenger seat as the car pulled away from the paddock, your thoughts still on Lando and your upcoming date.
The evening air in Singapore was warm and soft, carrying the sounds of the city as you walked beside Lando through the quieter streets. It has been an eventful week for you, but you were happy that your date with Lando had finally happened. Your date had been more than what you could have hoped for. He had picked you up from your apartment earlier in the evening, and you had taken on the role of his guide, showing him the city like a true local—taking him to places that tourists rarely visited. The city was your second home, and it felt special to be sharing it with him, especially since he’d only known it through the brief lens of race weekends.
Lando seemed eager to soak it all in. “So, where to first?” He asked, glancing over at you with a smile as you walked side by side with your hands intertwined.
“You’ll see,” you teased, knowing he’d enjoy the places you had in mind.
You had decided to take him to the quieter parts of the city—away from the tourist crowds and into the hidden corners where you had spent most of your time. You led him through the winding streets, showing him local markets, narrow alleyways adorned with colorful murals, and cozy cafés that are tucked between old buildings.
“This is incredible,” Lando said after a while, his voice full of admiration as he looked around. “I had no idea Singapore had all these little spots.”
“Well, it’s different when you’re not here just for the race,” you replied, smiling softly. “I love it here. It’s home.”
Eventually, you brought him to one of your favorite places—a small, family-run restaurant hidden away from the bustling city, where you had frequented during your college days. The smell of home-cooked food wafted through the air as you approached, and a warmth spread through you as you saw the familiar faces of the elderly couple who owned the place.
“Ah, you’re back!” The old man greeted you with a wide smile, coming around the counter to hug you. “It’s been too long, my dear. How have you been?”
“I’m good,” you said, hugging him back. “This is Lando, by the way.”
Lando smiled and offered his hand, but the old man pulled him into a friendly hug instead. “Welcome! Any friend of hers is always welcome here.”
The woman joined her husband, her eyes twinkling as she looked you over. “You’ve brought someone special this time, I see,” she said softly, her tone playful.
You felt your cheeks flush slightly, but Lando laughed, giving you a teasing look. “She’s showing me all of the best spots in the city.”
The couple fussed over the two of you, bringing out plates of food that smelled and tasted like comfort, making sure that the two of you are comfortable and well-fed. The conversation flowed easily, with Lando making both of them laugh with his stories. It was nice—being there with him, surrounded by people who cared for you like family. After the meal, you thanked the couple, promising to visit again once you’re back in Singapore. They handed out a takeout bag for each of you, containing one of their desserts that you loved very much.
“Take care of her, young man,” the old woman said, patting Lando’s arm as you both stood to leave.
“I will,” Lando promised, voice soft but sincere.
It was already past ten in the evening, and the city lights are casting a gentle glow around you. Streets were peaceful, and the warmth of the evening breeze made the city feel even more intimate. Only the sound of your footsteps can be heard on the pavement as you and Lando strolled side by side.
“I still can’t believe I’ve never seen this side of Singapore before,” Lando said, his voice warm with admiration. You smiled, glancing up at him. “I guess it helps when you have a local guide. There’s so much more to Singapore than just the Marina Bay and the usual tourist spots.”
“I’m starting to see that,” he said with a soft chuckle. “And I like it.”
For a moment, the two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the night around you quiet and serene. There was something so comforting about being with Lando like this—no cameras or media, just the two of you walking through a city you loved. The ease of it all made your heart swell with affection.
As you reached a small park, Lando slowed his pace, glancing at you with a thoughtful look in his eyes. You smiled, remembering your father’s request.
“Oh, right! I almost forgot, before Papa left Singapore, he asked me to extend the invitation to you. He wants you to join us in St. Moritz for the break. He said he would like to get to know you better, outside of racing. Only if you’re not too busy.”
Lando raised his eyebrows in surprise, then grinned. “Really? He actually said that?” You nodded, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. “Yeah, he did. He’s a bit overprotective, but he likes you.”
Lando laughed softly. “Well, that’s a relief. I was kind of worried he’d be ready to send me into a wall or something.”
You shook your head, laughing with him. “No, I think you’re safe. He just wants to make sure I’m okay.”
Lando’s expression softened as he looked at you. “I get that. I really would love to go to St. Moritz with you. It sounds…nice. Meeting your family, spending time with you.” He paused for a moment, then added, “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page about…us.”
Your heart raced at the shift in the conversation. You had known this topic would come up eventually, and now that it had, you felt a mix of excitement and nerves.
“You mean…our relationship?” You asked softly.
Lando nodded, his gaze steady. “Yeah. I really like you—a lot, and I want this to work, but I also know that it won’t be easy. You’re living in Singapore permanently, and I’m always traveling for races. It’ll be a long distance.”
“I know. I’ve thought about it too. I’m planning to stay here, especially since I’m going to start my masters at the end of the season. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and Singapore is home now.” You sighed, feeling a knot form in your chest.
He nodded, his expression thoughtful. “I get that, and I would never want to get in the way of your plans. But we’ll make it work, right? I mean, we have to try.”
“Yeah, we’ll try. It’s not going to be easy, but if we both want this, we can make it work.” You smiled softly, feeling a sense of comfort settle over you.
“Exactly. You know, it’s not like I won’t ever see you. We can visit each other during breaks, and I’ll be in Singapore for races. Plus, there’s always the off-season.” He smiled at you.
You laughed, feeling lighter now that the conversation had been laid out so openly. “True. I’ll visit you too in Monaco when I can. It’s just going to take some balancing.”
“Yeah, but I think we can handle that,” he said confidently. “Besides, it’ll be worth it.”
“You’re right. It’ll be worth it.” He stepped closer, grabbing your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“You don’t have to worry about anything. We’ll figure everything out together.” Lando brought your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. “I don’t want to lose this, lose you. If that means I have to fly halfway around the world to see you, I will.”
In that moment, you knew you felt the same. You didn’t want to lose this either—whatever it was that had sparked between you two. Maybe it was new, maybe it was fragile, but it was real, and you were both willing to fight for it.
“Yep.” You smiled up at him. “And in the meantime, we’ve got St. Moritz. So, will you come?”
Lando grinned, pulling you into a playful hug. “Try and stop me.”
You laughed as he twirled you in the quiet street, your heart feeling lighter than it had been in a long time. You both walked back toward his car, hand in hand, the future didn’t seem so daunting anymore.
The flight to St. Moritz was filled with quiet excitement. You and Lando had spent most of the time talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other’s company without the rush of the race weekend hanging over you. It felt peaceful, like a little bubble where the outside world didn’t matter. But as you began to descend into the Swiss Alps, your nerves started to pick up again, especially knowing that this trip would bring Lando one step closer to your family.
When you both arrived at the chalet, the crisp mountain air filled your lungs, and you felt an immediate sense of calm. Waiting outside the chalet was your father, along with your grandparents, who waved warmly as you and Lando got out of the car. Fernando greeted you first, pulling you into a tight hug. Then he turned to Lando, giving him a welcoming hug too, but there was a knowing look in your father’s eyes.
Lando smiled, trying to hide the bit of nerves you knew he must be feeling. “Good to see you again, Fernando.” Lando said.
“Good to see you too, Lando. Glad you can make it, and welcome to the family vacation.” Fernando replied, clapping him on the back before gesturing for you both to come inside.
You were quickly enveloped in the warmth of the chalet, and your grandparents greeted you with smiles, your grandmother pulling you into a soft embrace.
“Look at you, mi hija,” she cooed, brushing some hair out of your face. “How are you? And what have you been up to in Singapore?”
You smiled warmly. “I’m doing great, Grandma. Just finished my degree and I’m now working on settling down in Singapore. I’ve got my plans for my masters lined up.”
“¡Oh, nuestra hermosa y inteligente chica! Siempre haciéndonos orgullosos.” Your grandmother beamed proudly, as your grandfather gave a nod of approval, his eyes twinkling as he looked over at Lando, who stood patiently beside you. “And who’s this fine young man?” He asked, his tone playful but curious.
You introduced Lando to them, feeling a blush creep up on your cheeks. “This is Lando, Grandpa. He’s a driver too in Formula 1, just like Papa. We’ve…gotten close recently.”
Lando offered a polite smile, shaking your grandfather’s hand and exchanging greetings with your grandmother. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
Dinner was a lively affair, filled with laughter, light banter, and plenty of teasing. Fernando, as you expected, couldn’t resist throwing in a few playful jabs at Lando, especially whenever the conversation turned towards racing. Your grandparents, however, were more interested in hearing about how Lando and you had met, gently nudging the conversation toward stories about the two of you.
“So, Lando,” your grandmother began, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “do you plan on visiting Singapore often? You know, to keep this one company.”
Lando grinned, glancing at you before answering. “As often as I can. I’ve already promised her that I’ll make the long flights.” Your grandfather chuckled, patting Lando on the shoulder. “Good man.”
After dinner, you and Lando lingered in the living room, soaking in the warmth of the fire while your grandparents shared stories with Fernando. It felt comfortable, like a real family gathering, and you could tell that Lando was starting to relax, even under the weight of the situation. Eventually, Lando turned to you, his expression a little more serious but still soft.
“I think I’ll be joining your dad and grandfather for a drink,” he said, his eyes betraying a hint of nerves.
You knew exactly what that meant—a talk. The one where Fernando and your grandfather would grill Lando just enough to make sure he had good intentions, but also bond with him in the way only family could. You smiled reassuringly at him. You knew your father and grandfather weren't going to scare him off—they just wanted to make sure that Lando understood the importance of looking after you.
“Good luck. They’ll go easy on you, I think.” Lando let out a small laugh, standing up and leaning down to give you a quick, comforting kiss on the cheeks. “I’ll survive.”
As Lando, Fernando, and your grandfather settled into a more private part of the chalet, you stayed behind with your grandmother, who started making tea and fussing over the details of dinner, especially the topic of you and Lando. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit nervous for Lando, but you trust your father. Even though he could be overprotective, he just wanted the best for you, and it was obvious that he saw potential in Lando—enough to invite him to St. Moritz.
Meanwhile, in the other room, your father and grandfather wasted nontime diving into their questions.
“Lando,” your grandfather began, his tone warm but firm. “Tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do outside of racing? What kind of man are you, really?”
Lando smiled nervously, but answered honestly. “Well, I enjoy a lot of things—gaming, playing golf when I can, running my own company, but mostly just spending time with friends and family. Outside of racing, I try to keep my life simple. But…I think I’m just someone who’s passionate about what I do and the people I care about.”
Fernando nodded, sipping his drink slowly. “And my daughter? How serious are you about her?” His voice was calm, but the weight of the question hung in the air.
Lando didn’t falter, he glanced toward the door as if picturing you on the other side before he spoke. “I’m very serious about her. I’ve liked her for a long time, and I know it’s still new, but I’m willing to put in the work to make it last. I care about her a lot, and I respect her decisions, her life in Singapore, everything.”
Your grandfather exchanged a glance with Fernando before leaning back in his chair. “She’s settled in Singapore, and you’re constantly traveling. Long distance relationships aren’t for the faint of heart.” he said thoughtfully.
“I do understand,” Lando replied earnestly, meeting both of their gazes head-on. “And I’ve thought about that a lot. I know it’ll be challenging, but I’m willing to make it work. She means a lot to me, and I don’t want to let the distance be the thing that keeps us apart.”
Your grandfather nodded thoughtfully, leaning back in his chair. “That’s good to hear,” he said for a moment. “We’ve always wanted the best for her, and if you’re willing to put in the effort, that says a lot about the kind of man you are.”
Fernando didn’t say much after that, but you knew he was taking everything in, assessing the way Lando spoke about you, he just smiled widely at him. It was clear that he appreciated Lando’s honesty and sincerity, he just wanted what's best for his only daughter—which is his whole world. But as a father, he would always be protective of you.
After the conversation wound down, Lando returned to your side, visibly relieved but still wearing that charming smile oh his, and putting an arm around you as he sat beside you on the couch. You raised an eyebrow as he sat beside you.
“Hey, how did it go?” You asked, intertwining your hand with his over your shoulder, half-teasing but genuinely curious.
Lando exhaled, running a hand through his hair with his free hand. “Well, let’s just say that your dad and grandfather aren’t easily won over,” he said with a grin. “But I think I passed.”
“I had no doubt you would.” You laughed softly, leaning into his chest.
The night wound down and the chalet grew quieter, you found yourself sitting with Lando by the fire, the two of you are wrapped in a comfortable silence. The warmth of the fire and the steady rhythm of his breathing next to you made everything feel perfect. St. Moritz had a way of making everything feel more peaceful, and with Lando by your side, you knew this was just the beginning of something special.
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liked by aussiegrit, oscarpiastri, pierregasly, sebastianvettel, lance_stroll and 127,839 others
fernandoalo_oficial Vacaciones! Decided to take the kids skiing 😁🏂❄️
view all 34,847 comments
sebastianvettel is that little alonso? she’s all grown up now! i remember when she was still too shy to even say hello. time flies!
fernandoalo_oficial she’s still shy 😁 and she’s already catching up to me!
user1 kidS? hmmm
user2 last time i remember, fernando only has 1 kid 🤨🤨🤨🤨
jensonbutton little alonso! i remember when she used to hide behind you in the paddock! look at her now!
fernandoalo_oficial she still does! 😂
aussiegrit you’re making us feel old, mate! lovely to see you two enjoying St. Moritz.
fernandoalo_oficial ❤️
user3 we need little alonso on instagram!! 😩
fernandoalo_oficial she’s a social hermit, good luck convincing her to be on any social media 😂
user4 nando out here calling his own daughter social hermit HEUHFJENDNX I CANT
user5 imagine if little alonso has her own instagram, there would be world peace
user6 omg i KNOW! we all know that her instagram feed will be so gorgeous and aesthetic
user5 but we still love our social hermit queen, even if she’s not chronically online 💔
user6 always getting our little alonso crumbs from fernando himself
user7 little alonso crumbs LESGOOOO
user8 when is she joining social media? we need to know more about her!
fernandoalo_oficial she’s a social hermit, trust me, not happening anytime soon 😂
user9 LITTLE ALONSO!!! 😭😭😭😭 we used to pray for times like this
landonorris posted a story!
liked by oscarpiastri, georgerussell63, lance_stroll, maxfewtrell, fernandoalo_oficial and others
user10 SIR???? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
user11 did you just yeet ur girl 😭😭😭
oscarpiastri THANK GOD! I’ll be expecting that free dinner soon until the end of season 😁
landonorris yeah yeah smh 🙄
oscarpiastri 😁😁😁
fernandoalo_oficial ❤️
fernandoalo_oficial you take care of her, alright? i trust you 👍🏻
landonorris don’t worry, she’s in good hands!
fernandoalo_oficial good.
lance_stroll i know fernando already gave you the talk, but still wanna say that you take good care of her
landonorris fernando and her grandpa gave me the talk, but don’t worry, i’ll take good care of her
user12 is this what i think it is????
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, georgerussell63, lance_stroll and 3,749,837 others
landonorris ⛷️❤️
view all 45,748 comments
user15 lando out here winning sg gp and then having a new girlfriend 😔
oscarpiastri i’ll claim that free dinner until the end of the season ticket, please and a thank you as well
landonorris THANK YOU! 🫵🏻
user16 why can i hear lando’s reply 😭
georgerussell63 i see that you’re getting well acquainted with the family, huh? 👀
landonorris well, what can i say? 🤷🏻‍♂️
alex_albon so…you really bagged her, huh?
landonorris rizz god. all in a day’s work 😮‍💨
maxfewtrell you really had to take a photo before helping her…classic lando
landonorris can’t help it, too funny not to
maxfewtrell well, can’t wait to meet her!
carlossainz55 taking a selfie first? thought you’d be a gentleman, cabron
lance_stroll is that who i think it is? 🤔
landonorris 😁😁😁
pierregasly well well well, norris finally bagged the most elusive catch on the grid 😂
landonorris all thanks to oscarpiastri for giving me the pep talk. my #1 cheerleader 😍
oscarpiastri you guys don’t know the suffering i went through. almost wanted to drive myself up on the wall. better thank me on your wedding speech, i deserve it
maxverstappen1 oh ho ho ho someone finally grew some spine!
landonorris 🫣🫣🫣
charles_leclerc have you already talked about the garage situation?
landonorris i believe that it’ll be non-negotiable, i’m afraid 😔💔
user17 garage situation??? gARAGE SITUATION??? WHAT WHAT
user18 guys, remember that time ages ago when he was spotted chatting with little alonso? that could be her?
user19 yeah, but she’s a really private person. girlie doesn’t even have socmed accs 😭
user20 that’s a bit of a stretch there
user19 not to mention that’s she’s literally shy by nature
user20 i know who’s also on a ski trip 👀
user21 the alonsos? nah, girlie’s shy af and mostly keep herself away from the spotlight
user20 but didn’t she came back to the paddock this season? could be her yk and lando’s just keeping it lowkey
user22 you guys are all over the place! it could literally just be a friend. RELAX! 😂
user23 not y’all really busting your braincells out there with just this post 😭🫵🏻
user25 you guys need to stop assuming stuff. that’s literally not little alonso 🤥 she’s a really private person, never seen in public unless she’s with nando. it’s just probably one of lando’s friends…
user26 SPEAK YOUR TRUTH SIS!! people really out here assuming things 🤡
user25 TRUE
user27 i second that. can’t multiple people ski at the same time without connecting all these nonexistent dots together???
user28 if it’s really little alonso…how did he manage to bag nando’s daughter 😭😭😭 this man is playing 4d chess, i swEAR 😭😭😭
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tojbnuy · 8 hours
boyfriend!satoru and boyfriend!suguru when their gf is sick 🤒
“come on baby you’ve been asleep for ages,” suguru calls down the corridor towards your shared room. he makes his way over to your sleeping form smiling at the little lump you had become under the pile of blankets.
“hi princess-“ he stopped his petting of your head when he made contact with your forehead, the heat permeating from your skin immediately drawing his attention.
“oh no baby you’ve got a temperature.”
you weren’t understanding anything he was saying, he almost looked like a ball of colour to your disassociating yourself.
“i know baby, i know. satoru! satoru come here. gimme a second princess.”
“hello what am i missing out on?”
“go and get me pain killers and a cold towel, oh and an orange and a bottle of water.”
“why what’s happening oh my god what is happening?”
“satoru stop it she’s fine it’s just a temper-“
“A TEMPERATURE? i’m sure hospitals have stuff for that?”
“satoru. get the stuff i asked for please.”
you barely registered the blankets being stripped off of your body until you felt a slight breeze on your torso.
“noo no cold please.”
“baby i’m sorry, you have to regulate your body temperature okay?
then he was lifting your head and adding extra pillows under your neck.
“sugu i don’t feel good :( “ you said in your tiny little voice. just barely a whisper but he heard you all the same.
“i know baby, it hurts doesn’t it?” he was practically petting you between your brows like one would do to a kitten.
“you’ll be better in no time hmm? we can sit and watch movies and then when you’re feeling a bit better i’ll make you some nice warm food yeah?”
and before you could reply there was a loud bang at the door signaling your other boyfriend’s arrival.
“where’s the casualty!”
“satoru not so loud, what’s all that?”
you turned your head towards your white haired partner and took in his arms, full to the brim with nearly everything from your kitchen cabinets.
he had every fruit from the fruit bowl, three flavors of juice, 5 types of painkiller, 2 couch cushions, what looked like four bath towels? and even some chocolate bars. he dropped it all dramatically as he climbed next to you on the bed.
“oh my god baby we’re gonna overcome this don’t worry. aw look at you.”
and his hands were pawing at your sweaty hair and back.
“satoru she’s okay don’t worry, a temperature isn’t anything to be worried about.”
“we should take all the necessary precautions.”
“do you know what the necessary precautions are?”
he stared blankly before kissing you all over your cheeks and eyelids. suguru couldn’t help but chuckle at his boyfriends actions, he knew satoru was only trying to lighten your mood with his silly antics. suguru took a dampened towel and started to gently wipe your back with it as satoru stroked your hair and whispered words of love to you.
“baby you want us to run you a bath?”
“yes please.”
with the amount of love in the very room you were bound to recover in no time.
a/n : hope u guys like them as much as I do 🧸
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toruskiii · 3 days
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"That's my wife!"
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Synopsis: Your husband is consumed with jealousy. Genre: Fluff Characters: Yingxing x f!reader Warnings: Yingxing's personality might be a little ooc, you guys are married!!! (SHOCKER!!), he's so silly (I want him in me) A/N: this was supposed to be a multi character fic with all the Xianzhou men but I got lazy [masterlist] [about me]
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Yingxing's hands glided over the gleaming steel, carving intricate patterns as he meticulously sharpened the sword's edges. He was a master swordsmith, and a skilled swordsman as well. Anyone who laid eyes on his creations could see the devotion and precision he poured into each piece.
But today, he couldn't help but notice something was off— his work felt sloppy.
He was in the middle of fulfilling a commission, with the client standing right before him, watching his every move. Normally, Yingxing preferred to work away from prying eyes, but today was an exception.
The real distraction, however, was that the gentleman in front of him kept stealing glances in your direction, as you assisted at a neighboring stall near his workshop.
"You're really skilled," the man remarked, admiring the sword in his hands. "Your craftsmanship is as fine as that woman over there." He chuckled, his eyes flicking over to you as you carried boxes to assist an elderly woman.
Yingxing felt a vein throb at his temple, his hands pausing briefly at the man's comment. "Thank you," he responded curtly, his tone icy. Normally, he was a man of few words, but rarely did his voice carry such a sharp edge.
Yingxing continued to etch the custom designs into the sword, his hands steady despite the occasional glance he cast toward his client. He wasn’t one to get easily jealous— his bond with you was secure, as was yours with him, but something about the way the man looked at you sparked an unfamiliar tension within him.
"Does that lady work at that stall?" No.
"I wonder what her name is..." You don’t deserve to know.
"She’s quite the beauty. I wonder if she’s spoken for." She does, me.
"Maybe I should ask her ou—"
Suddenly, a sharp screech echoed as Yingxing’s tool scraped harshly against the metal, causing the man to jolt and snap his attention back to the swordsmith.
The man watched Yingxing with a growing sense of uncertainty as he polished the sword with an almost aggressive fervor. "Hey, are you supposed to polish it like that? Isn’t that going to damage my sword?" he yelped, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he flinched at the fierce glare Yingxing shot his way.
"I apologize," Yingxing replied, his brow arching in challenge. "Are you the expert here, or am I?" He deliberately intensified his focus, sharpening the sword even faster, each stroke deliberate and precise.
The man's throat tightened as he gulped, his nerves getting the better of him. He shook his head, mumbling an apology as he realized he was facing the renowned calm and patient swordsmith— though the man before him seemed anything but calm in this moment.
As silence enveloped the workshop, soft footsteps echoed from the back door. You stepped inside, a warm smile on your face, only to be greeted by Yingxing’s soft voice. He noticed the client’s eyes widen in surprise. "Ah— miss, don’t you work at the other stall? You can’t just waltz into Yingxing’s workshop like this."
You blinked in confusion, your smile turning to one of bewilderment. "Huh?"
Yingxing felt a surge of irritation at the sight of the man's smug expression, wishing he could wipe that insipid smile off his face with a single strike. "Yeah, you—"
"That’s my wife you’re talking to," he interrupted, his tone firm and protective.
The air grew heavy with tension as the implications of his words settled in, leaving the man momentarily speechless. Yingxing’s eyes bore into him, a silent warning that was unmistakably clear.
The man stood frozen, shock washing over his features as embarrassment crept into his cheeks. He had just let himself compliment and gawk at you— right in front of your husband! The realization hit him like a cold wave.
"Oh— uh, I wasn’t aware," he stammered, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, his confidence evaporating. His eyes darted between you and Yingxing, desperately searching for a way to defuse the suddenly tense situation.
Yingxing’s expression remained stoic, but the protective glint in his eyes made it clear that the man’s floundering attempts at an apology wouldn’t erase his misstep.
"...No worries," Yingxing replied tersely, completing the final steps of the sword before turning to head toward the back to package it up carefully.
You stifled a laugh at his annoyed expression, finding amusement in his irritation. "Oh, don’t be so upset, 'Xing. The man didn’t know." You gently patted his back, watching as he meticulously wrapped protective layers around the sword before placing it in a sturdy box.
"How could he not know? Everyone has heard of me; there’s no way he hasn’t heard of my own wife," he grumbled, his voice thick with annoyance. He handled the sword with an almost fragile grip, despite the protective layers surrounding it. "Perhaps this man isn’t a true Xianzhou civilian if he hasn’t even heard of my wife."
You shook your head, relishing the glimpse of jealousy that flickered across his features before your gaze landed on something unusual etched into the sword.
Did he really just—
"Dear, did you carve that on purpose?" you gasped, noting how deeply he had engraved the word into the steel. Yingxing could only huff in response, a subtle nod confirming your suspicion.
"You can’t just do that to your client because you’re upset!"
"It suits him," he shrugged, finally placing the sword into its box and scribbling the client’s name on a piece of paper. "Besides, I’m not charging him any extra for that little addition."
"Every time he swings his sword, his enemies will see just how foolish he truly is."
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tpwk-formula1 · 2 days
Hiii, could i order a Thin Crust with Red Sauce with Pepperoni, Green Peppers, Gouda Cheese, Parmesan Cheese and to drink an Boba, Coke, Mt. Dew (sub) and Root Beer with desert served by Lewis and Max <3
Pleasee thanks!!
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
thin crust brother's best friend red sauce rough sex pepperoni "Be a good girl, and you'll get what you want" green peppers "I'm gonna have that ass glowing red by the time I'm done with you" gouda “Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl” parmesan "Awe... did that hurt? Tuff luck I'm gonna do it again" boba anal coke spanking mt dew dom/sub root beer daddy kink dessert yes served by Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton
Max x Lewis x Norris! Reader
TW - fighting, slight daddy kink, rough, spanking, multiple orgasms, anal, double penetration, creampie, and anal creampie (is there another name for an anal creampie?)
WC 2500+
"Max please leave me alone about it," I snap at one of my boyfriends after he had been complaining about the same thing for the past hour.
"I love you to death but you're complaining about my brother. I will not pick sides between you guys," I add on softly when Max just looked at my with a raised brow.
"I understand that and I'm not even upset with your brother he had a great race I'm mad about the car I've been fucking given," Max tells me back making me nod my head.
"I understand that, but you have to see it from my perspective. I love you both and I want both of you to do well and I'm sorry your car is actually shit but I don't like that you make me feel guilty for being happy for my brother," I explain back knowing this has been needing to be a conversation for awhile. Max, Lewis, and I have all been together for the past year and a half, this year specifically Max and I have been at each other's throats because being Lando Norris's twin sister has made it really interesting when he's doing really good but I also have to be supportive of my boyfriends who were starting to struggle a bit this season.
"Are you fucking kidding me? I make you feel guilty for being happy for Lando? You make me feel like shit everytime I talk about having a bad race and I can see it on your face it's like you don't even care because you brother did good," Max snaps back making me look at him with a dead stare.
"Max, I'm really sorry if I made you feel like that. It was never once my intention," I tell him softly wanting him to know I value his feelings even if I don't feel like he's even think about mine in this moment.
"It's whatever, I knew you would always have more loyalty to Lando anyways," Max says completely disregarding it like it was nothing.
"I think we just need to be seperated until Lewis gets home," I tells him softly while getting up from the couch and making my way into our shared room where I find Sassy and Rosco cuddling on the bed.
I climbed into the bed with them and fall asleep into a short nap wanting to forget this whole afternoon.
"I heard you and Max got into a fight," I hear Lewis say softly while rubbing my back to wake me up.
"He's been making me feel bad for being happy for my brother, and I've been making him feel bad because I'm happy for my brother. It's a lose lose and I want this whole season to just be over. Hope he gets the fucking Driver Championship and I never have to talk about this season again," I mumble making Lewis chuckle softly.
"I think you guys need to talk it out," Lewis tells me making me nod my head in agreeance.
"I'll go get him," Lewis tells me softly while leaving the room to get Max who was in the sim room passing time.
When they got back into the room I could see the frustration still lingering in Max's eye making me sit up a bit more ready for a serious conversation.
"Okay, let me just start with I think both of you have a right to feel the way you feel. Max you make her feel bad about being happy for Lando. She is allowed to be excited to see him win and support him in his fight for his first title. Just because she is extremely happy for her brother doesn't mean she wants you to lose either. She's in a tough spot. However, Y/N Max has every right to feel slightly hurt watching you go into the Mclaren garage after your brother had a good race while he struggled. It's selfish yes but he's allowed to wish his girlfriend was in his room comforting him," Lewis states making me grow frustrated.
"See, you said it yourself. It's fucking selfish is what Max is. I try to be there for him but everytime I am he's always shit talking my brother, and I get it, it's post race frustration coming out however I won't stand for that. Back in Baku when Lando finished 4th and you 5th I didn't even want to be in the same room as you when I heard you telling Lewis that being overtaken by Lando who started P15 was one of the most embarrassing moments in your career," I rant clearly getting frustrated with everything.
"Oh boo fucking hoo, grow up Y/N. You knew getting into this relationship it would be like this. I'm not gonna apologize for the things I say in the heat of the moment. I'm allowed to be mad and upset," Max says making me throw my hands up in defeat.
"Maybe I should go stay somewhere else for the night," I say softly while climbing out of bed to prepare a bag.
"That won't be necessary love, we can work this out," Lewis says softly following me into the closet.
"He's impossible right now, he's hurt I don't get to only be a fan of him. He has to share me with you and my brother. I get it, I would be frustrated too but I will not apologize for being happy for him," I tell Lewis softly making him pull me in for a hug.
"It'll work itself out," Lewis tells me softly.
"Go get back in bed," Lewis continues making me groan but slowly go back into our shared room and into bed next to Max who had Jimmy in his lap.
"Both of you need to fuck it out or fight it out, but neither one are leaving until you guys can come to an understanding. I don't give a fuck what it is but I will not let either of you leave until something is resolved. You guys have been fighting nonstop since before summer break and it's time to set aside differences," Lewis tells us while softly picking Jimmy up and placing him outside the room while making sure the other pets where out of the room as well.
"I'll start," I say softly making Max scoff and roll his eyes.
"You always fucking start," Max says clearly annoyed with everything.
"Cut the shit out Max or I'm gonna have that ass glowing red by the time I'm done with you," Lewis says clearly getting frustrated with Max.
"You can start," I tell him making him sit in silence for a few minutes.
"I don't know, I think Lewis is right, I am selfish and a part of me wishes that you can be a fan of me and only a fan of me. I don't even like seeing you walk around in Mercedes merch let alone fucking McLaren stuff. There's days where I wish you could just be a fan of me," Max explains softly making me smile lightly. It was the most mature conversation we had been able to have about this.
"I can understand that. I wouldn't like seeing you repping another team if I was a driver, however I wish you could see it how I do. I love you more than just about anyone in this world but that doesn't mean I don't love my brother and want to support him too. I think I have an idea," I explain to Max before thinking of a plan.
"What if when we come back next month in Austin I spent the whole weekend only wearing Max or Redbull things. I will of course still visit my brother and Lewis in their respective garage but I will only wear stuff for you the whole weekend, and then maybe next season we pick a day of the race schedule that I only wear Redbull things," I tell Max softly making his face light up at the thought of only wearing Redbull for a weekend.
"I would like that," Max says after a moment of thought.
"Can we please stop fighting about this? Whatever happens at the end of this season win or lose you and Lewis will still be my number 1s," I tell Max making him nod his head softly.
"Yes, and if we have further issues we talk it out with each other and not put Lewis in the middle of things," Max agrees and further comes up with a plan making me smile and nod my head.
"I love you Max Emillian," I say softly making Max groan at the use of his middle name.
"I love you too Y/N YM/N," Max replies back making me smile softly. I lean over to Max and pull him in for a kiss that quickly turns heated as he pulls me into his lap and lets me start grinding against him.
"I've missed you," I tell Max softly knowing that this season we have been so at odds that we haven't been nearly as close with each other as previous years.
"I've missed this," Max says with a groan leaving his voice when I start grinding down harder into him.
"You horny boy," I joke making both Max and Lewis laugh softly reminding me that Lewis was still in the room with us.
I turn my gaze to him to show him that I want him to join. When Lewis quickly climbs into bed with us my lips are on his within moments before he moves his lips down to Max's pulling him in for a heated makeout.
I start grinding into Max's lap a bit harder while begging for more.
"Be a good girl, and you'll get what you want," Lewis groans against Max's lips before pulling me in for another kiss.
Lewis drags me off of Max's lap and strips me down to nothing before pushing me onto all fours where he starts laying harsh slaps on my ass.
"Daddy, Why," I whine out when I feel the spanks become progressively harder, leaving me to become a whimpering mess.
"You know that you're not allowed to leave in a fight. We agreed we would talk everything out. I'm gonna give you 10 more and I want you to count them out," Lewis said making me whine in retaliation.
"1" I call out softly when the first one lands on my right cheek.
""5" I gasp out after Lewis lands 4 hard spanks on my left cheek all landing in the same spot."
"It hurts," I cry out trying to shift my hips away only making Lewis grip onto them tighter to keep me in place.
"Awe... did that hurt? Tuff luck I'm gonna do it again," Lewis teased before landing another spank.
"6" I cry out when I feel another really hard one in the same spot. I'm only 6 in and I'm already a sobbing mess under Lewis.
"10" I gasp out after Lewis landed another 4 all in the same spot on my right ass cheek.
"Why did I punish you?" Lewis questions while pulling me up to his chest while he softly rubs my ass to soothe it.
"Because I got up and started packing a bag even though we agreed that I can't leave in the middle of a fight," I hiccup out into Lewis's chest still slightly crying from the pain my ass had endured.
The no leaving in a fight became a rule after our first fight when I just left the apartment mid-fight because I didn't know how to express myself properly and I became anxious when we fought. When I finally came back Max had tears streaming down his face and was fighting Lewis to report me as a missing person. After that, we had a long tough conversation about how we would be moving forward.
Max pulls me back up into his lap already stripped into nothing before easily sliding into me making me whimper. Lewis climbed behind me teasing my ass with a bit of cold lube before sinking 2 fingers into my ass to make sure I was stretched enough to take his cock.
"Fuck, Daddy," I whimper when Lewis pull his fingers out before shoving the tip of his cock into my ass making me scream out at the stretch of having 2 cocks filling me up.
"Oh my god," I moan out when Lewis starts pushing his thick cock into my tight ass.
Once Lewis was all the way into my ass both of the boys gave me a few seconds to adjust to the stretch but started thrusting into me when I started grinding my hips showing them that I was ready for more stimulation.
"Faster, please," I beg before leaning down and capturing Max's lips with mine while both boys instantly sped up throwing me over the edge and into a loud shakey orgasm.
Even once I had come down from my massive orgasm neither one of the boys slowed down leaving me to become a mess in their laps. I was shaking me moaning trying to get away which only made Lewis's grip on my hips tighten.
"Slower please," I gasp when I finally find my voice.
“Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl,” Max scoffs showing no clear signs of slowing down.
"Fuck," I moan when I feel myself starting to build to another orgasm.
"Look so pretty when you cry," Max says with a smirk making me whine slightly.
"God, she's gonna cum for us again," Lewis gasps when he feels my ass clenching around him in preparation for another orgasm.
"Cum for us," Max groans before pulling me down for another kiss making me scream into his mouth when I start cumming all over their cocks.
I could tell Max was cumming from the way his grunts turned into higher-pitched whines while his hips faltered slightly while filling me up.
Lewis wasn't too far behind sending one final harsh thrust before he was filling my ass up with his hot cum.
Once the three of us have come down from our highs the boys slowly slip out of my abused holes letting their cum leak and start to pool on the bedspread.
Lewis was the first to get out of bed grabbing a towel and some cooling lotion. He cleaned both Max and I up first before softly rubbing the lotion on my ass to help it cool down after the brutal assault Lewis gave me with his heavy hand.
Once the room was picked up a bit and Max and I were clothed and comfortably in each other's arms Lewis opened the door letting all three of our fur babies into the room. Sassy and Jimmy instantly crawled onto Max's lap while Sassy nudged my hand with her head clearly wanting some attention before Rosco and Lewis followed and comfortably got into bed with us. Rosco had found his way to me before he made himself comfortable on top of me making Lewis laugh and shake his head.
"The guy loves you more than he had ever loved me," Lewis jokes before petting his head and placing a soft kiss on my head.
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beenbaanbuun · 2 days
cupboard door w/ choi san
words - when do i ever know the word count…
genre - smut/fluff
warnings - dom!san, making out, fingering, big cock san, cockwarming (kind of at the end), unprotected sex, i think that’s it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
your eyesight goes blurry, just for a second or two. it makes your head spin and you can’t help but take a few stumbling steps backwards, away from the open cupboard door. the pain of the whole ordeal is pretty slow to kick in, and for just a moment you’re not even sure if it will. but just as quickly as that thought comes to mind, it’s there, splitting and harsh as it shoots through your skull. you groan as your hands fly up to cup at your forehead, catching the attention of the other resident of the flat.
“shit,” you hear movement from the living room; the sound of a game pausing on the playstation followed by someone scrambling to their feet. the thud of his feet hitting the floorboards is loud as he rushes towards you, moving quicker than you think you’ve ever heard the gentle giant move before. “what happened?” he sounds concerned, “what did you do?”
warm hands grab your face and tilt it up until all you can see is him; san. he’s pretty, even when his expression is scrunched up into one of concern. it’s strange, you note, for someone so carefree, it’s hardly taken anything for him to fall into a panic. you’ve seen him calmer than this in much more stressful situations, so why now is he holding you in his hands like some fractured vase that could shatter at any moment? you’re sure it’s nothing; at least that’s what you tell yourself to stop your heart from jumping to any conclusions.
“you left the cupboard door open,” a habit of his that you’ve been trying to work him out of since the first day the two of you moved in with one another, “and i wasn’t paying attention and walked into it,” just like your clumsiness is something that he’s been trying to cure you of. not too long ago you asked him why he cared so much about your susceptibility to bruises; he answered with ‘i worry about you,’ which you could only assume was a joke.
san hums, letting your face slip from his gentle hands. they fall back to his sides and it’s only now that you realise just how close he’s standing. a sigh tumbles from his lips and you feel it on your face, his chest rises as he pulls in a deep breath and it brushes every so slightly against your own. if things were different, you could quite easily lean forward and press your lips to his own. it’s just a silly fantasy, but you can’t help but let the idea echo around your mind like a voice in a cavern.
if things were different, you could kiss him.
you could kiss him.
kiss hi—
“you’re such an idiot,” he purrs with something akin to affection in his voice. it doesn’t help calm your overactive thoughts at all, spurring them on until they’re frenzied and begging you to close the gap between your lips and his. it’s no surprise when you feel your face heat up and a shiver of electricity trail it’s way slowly up your spine. “i’m going to have to wrap you in bubble wrap one day, just to stop me from worrying every time i let you out of my sight.”
there it is again, that cruel joke that has every part of you tingling with glee. you want him to mean it; reminding yourself that he doesn’t hurts your heart far too much. it’s so much effort to recover from your mini-heartbreak quick enough for him to not notice anything wrong, and even more effort to think up some equally flirtatious joke that means so much more to you than it ever will to him. it’s tiring, unrequited love.
“i guess you’ll just have to keep me by your side forever, then,” a fake giggle leaves your lips, just realistic enough to keep him from thinking something is wrong. you want him to laugh too, to bask in this joke with you before going back to whatever he was doing and leaving you to wallow in the heartache of being so painfully close to the man you’ve been in love with since the very day you met him. you want him to rejoice in the thin veil of humour you’ve plastered over the top of your pain. you want him to not care enough to look into your eyes and see exactly what you’re so desperate to hide from him.
but he doesn’t laugh, and the smile that was already there slips from his expression like it wasn’t even supposed to be there in the first place. have you said something wrong?
your own giggles come to a halt, the two of you being thrust into an abrupt silence. you watch his expression nervously, scanning for some sort of sign that everything is actually okay, but the way san holds his face is almost statuesque. if it weren’t for his slow blinks and hard gaze flitting around your face, you’d maybe think he was one.
“san?” you can’t raise your voice above a whisper, scared it might break. the sound still makes him flinch out of whatever trance he’d found himself in, and you’re grateful to see just the tiniest bit of life flicker across his expression once more. “san, have i said something wrong? i’m sorry if i offended you, i didn’t m—”
the words are cut off when a pair of lips come crashing down on your own. the speed of it all pulls a squeak from your throat, your shoulders tensing as san’s large hand snakes around the back of your skull to hold you in place. its not that you don’t want it, it’s just that it’s the very last thing you were expecting to come from hitting your head against an open cupboard door. fate works in mysterious ways, you suppose.
it only takes a moment before san is pulling away again, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks as he lazily blinks at you. there’s a fog covering his pupils, making him look as though he’s lost in a haze. you feel the very same way; dizzy and full of some sort of fuzzy warmth that now you’ve tasted it, you’re not sure you’ll be able to live without.
“sorry,” he whispers as he slips his hand away from the back of your head. he doesn’t look it, nor is his tone remorseful in any way, shape or form, but you don’t really care. you don’t need an apology, anyway; why would you when he’s just given you everything you never knew you needed? you’re on top of the world, right now, thoughts buzzing through your mind too fast to grab hold of one and focus on it. “i wasn’t thinking,” he adds, just as insincere as his apology.
you don’t really care about the insincerity of it all; you just want more.
“i don’t care,” you murmur as you lean in closer, just enough so that he can see your intentions. a wandering hand finds its way to his bicep, squeezing the oversized muscle once before inching its way up to his shoulder, and then his neck. your fingers tug at the short hairs at the nape of his neck as you stare into his eyes with need. if this doesn’t tell him that you want him to kiss you again then you don’t know what will. “i liked it,” you say for good measure.
a few seconds of silence pass you by, san’s vacant gaze flickering around your face as if to search for signs that you’re lying. that for some reason you’re being untruthful about the fact that you liked it. while yes, ‘liked it’ may be a bit of an understatement, it certainly wasn’t a lie. you’ll be replaying that barely-there kiss in your brain for years to come. it was short and weak, and yet it’s left your lips tingling with a desire for more. you need san’s lips on you more than you need air right now; you need him to kiss you again.
and while it takes a little longer than you would’ve liked, he seems to get the message, lips parting in a small smile before he leans down to close the gap. his lips barely brush against yours when they meet; you can’t help but chase them. the chuckle san lets out goes straight to your core, tightening a knot in your stomach that you didn’t even know had been tied. you need him. mind, body and soul, you need him. it’s not hard to tell him as such with a pleading whine against his lips, to which he responds by conceding—he presses his lips to yours once more.
just like that you’re in heaven, floating on a cloud as san gives you the kiss you crave so badly. it’s slow and meaningful, as if he’s been waiting to do this for almost as long as you’ve been waiting to receive it. if that is the case, you regret not showing him how much you need him sooner. it would’ve been so easy to drop a few hints here and there, to tempt him and tease him until eventually, he’d snap. you guess you got there in the long run, and you suppose the wait has made this kiss even sweeter; it doesn’t help quell the what-if’s that float around your brain like fallen cherry-blossoms atop a lake.
you dive in deeper, hoping that it will silence the questions you can’t help but ask yourself. as your lips move against his, breathless moans falling from them each time you part to suck in a much needed gasp of air, your thoughts shift to silence. a fog settles over your mind, blocking out anything that isn’t the complete and utter desire for san to do more. you want his hands all over you, touching and squeezing at every inch of skin you own. you want his arm around your waist, his tongue down your throat, his fingers in your pussy. your thighs squeeze together of their own accord; a desperate attempt to apply pressure to a clit aching with need.
“san,” you whisper as you pull away briefly. he follows your lips, barely letting his name slip out of them before they’re caught in a desperate whirlwind if want once more. it only last a few seconds before you pull away again, but it’s enough to send you into a dizzy stupor. “san,” you repeat his name, “touch me, please.”
another kiss, just as hot and heavy as the others, and equally as short as the last. before you know it he’s pulling away again so he can slip a hand between you to meet with the waistband of your sweats. your breath hitches in your throat as his warm fingers slip beneath the elasticated fabric, brushing against your stomach so softly that you barely feel it. it sends shivers through your body and you find yourself unable to stop your hips bucking forwards in a search for more. he chuckles again, but the humiliation that you should feel is nowhere to be found.
“you’re needy,” he purrs as he slips his hand south, bypassing the waistband of your panties and heading straight to your leaking core. no time is wasted before he’s tapping a finger against your clit, a high pitched keen echoing through the kitchen as he applies pressure to the bud. “i should’ve known, huh baby? you’ve always been this way,” he gives your clit one last kiss with his fingertip before pulling his hand completely free from your sweats.
“san,” you whine, to which he rolls his eyes in jest.
“give me a second, baby,” he grins as he wraps his hands around your waist and hoists you onto the counter behind you. it seems like it takes almost no effort at all for him; a thought that sends your already clouded mind into a frenzy. it makes you feel so small, so insignificant, like a human at the side of a god. if that’s the case then you’re more than prepared to be the head of his temple. you’ll worship him every day, if he lets you. you’ll give him your everything as an offering if he wants.
“san, please,” you pray. he listens with mercy, parting your legs and stepping between them until his pelvis slots against your own. he’s hard, you note as his cock rubs up against your clothed core—big too, it seems. you wonder how it’ll feel stuffed inside of you, dragging deliciously in and out of your dripping hole. it’s all you can think about as you connect your lips with his once more.
only this time you don’t pull away to say anything, or to take a breather. why would you when san already seems to understand exactly what you want? his hands are on you in seconds, tugging at the waistband of your sweats, lifting you up slightly to drag them under the curve of your ass, groping at your newly exposed flesh with hands heavy enough to bruise. the counter is cold against your skin but you can barely feel it amongst the trails of fire his fingertips leave against your skin. they burn you, etching invisible scars against you. you might not be able to see them, but you’ll know they’re there. you’ll feel san’s touch until the end of time.
“want me to touch you?” he growls against your lips, “want my fingers? i’m gonna need to stretch you out for my cock, sweet thing.”
you don’t answer straight away, simply delving in for another kiss. he’s more than happy to comply, devouring any answers that rest upon your tongue. when you pull away seconds later, he’s already panting like a dog.
“i want your cock,” you sigh, “need it inside of me, sannie.”
he chuckles as he trails his lips against your jawline.
“fingers first,” they shift to your core once more, one of them experimentally delving into your weeping core, “don’t want to hurt you.” he pushes it in to its hilt, bending it slightly in a way that rips every shred of lucidity from your mind for just a few seconds. every thought is just him; choi san, choi san, choi san. it’s louder than the moan you let out, your thoughts blocking it from your ears with ease. it’s only when san whispers, “that feel good?” into your ear that you sink back down to earth, nodding fervently in response. he smiles against your ear, teeth softly nipping at your earlobe before pulling back.
he tests the waters with a second finger, barely dipping the tip in before his eyes meet yours for confirmation. “please, sannie,” you whine, bucking your hips a little, “i want you inside of me.” it’s all it takes for him to finish pushing his fingers in, the stretch making your body melt. you’d never taken notice of how thick his fingers are until now, but as they drag against your walls it’s all you can focus on.
he works diligently, pumping them in and out at a fast pace to get you used to the stretch. every so often he pauses, scissoring them open and pushing them against your gummy walls. your whines become less coherent as he works, but he shushes each of them with a kiss, stealing your pretty sounds for himself.
“so noisy,” he breaks away with a grin as his fingers continue to open you up, “if the neighbours put in a noise complaint, i hope you know i’m not taking the fall for you.” if you weren’t drunk on lust, perhaps you would’ve given a snarky response, but as his fingers hammer away at your most sensitive spot, all you can do is take it.
“shut up,” you mewl as he moves in for another kiss, a mocking giggle on his lips.
“you first, baby.”
he draws his fingers from your pussy, wiping them on his shorts before moving to take hold of his waistband. you hold your breath as he pushes them down, his cock springing free and standing to attention. it looks bigger than it felt, and you almost feel nervous as you watch him give it a few pumps with his fist. the way his fingers only just connect around the circumference is daunting, and you can almost feel the ache of it inside of you already.
“can i?” he purrs as he taps the head gently against your folds. precum smears against them, mixing in with your own slick that drips from you like a faucet. you nod, silently begging for him to hurry up and fill the hole his fingers left within you. he hums disapprovingly, “your words, baby; give me your consent.”
words are hard when you’re so needy. “please, sannie,” comes out as a desperate whimper, and your cry of “i want you inside of me,” sounds utterly pathetic even to your own ears. it doesn’t really matter as long as you get what you want from him, and as he lines himself up with your waiting hole, you relax in the knowledge that are. you tip your head back against the recently closed cabinet door and stare him down with half lidded eyes, watching how his face shifts to pleasure as he slips just the tip in.
even that is thick enough to have your eyes rolling to the back of your head, already feeling fuller than you did with his fingers despite having next to nothing inside of you. a hand flies to his shoulder, nails biting the skin as he slowly pushed forward. it burns a little as his cock bullies it’s way inside of you, stretching you open uncomfortably. it isn’t all pain, a wall of pleasure hiding behind the thin veil of pain; you can’t help but moan a little as his cock drags deliciously along your sensitive walls.
“sannie,” you whimper as his tip brushes up against your cervix and causes you to flinch. part of him is still unsheathed, but he halts before he can even try to fit it in. there’s a look of understanding in his eyes as he leans in to press his lips against your forehead and you know that you’re safe with him.
“is it okay?” he murmurs between pressing small kisses to your face, “does it hurt?” you find yourself whispering an affirmative. san pulls back just enough for him to study your face. “too much?” absolutely not, “i can pull out and make you cum a different way, if that’s what you want?”
“no,” you whine, saddened at just the thought of losing that feeling of fullness, “i just need to get used to it. you’re fucking huge, sannie.”
he giggles at that comment, a blush making its way up to his ears. you’ve seen a similar look on his face when the two of you have been drinking, though you suppose right now he’s equally as drunk, just on you as oppose to alcohol. it’s cute, and if it weren’t for the fact that you want to get fucked sometime soon, you’d be more than happy to just sit here and watch him.
“i’ve seen bigger,” he shrugs humbly as his face gets pinker; he looks so pretty with a dusting of salmon across his nose, “but if you need to get used to it then that’s okay. we have all the time in the world, sweetheart. there’s no rush.”
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i-starcreamed · 2 days
Hi!, can I get some headcanons of transformers one character being jealous and the reader teases them.
D-16, Orion, Sentinel, Badassatron, and elita.
I tried to make this silly I'm feeling silly...enjoy
Post includes all of above :3
Tries to act unaffected by it, but doesn’t make a huge deal
He’s usually nice about it
Let’s say a bot is being really friendly with you, they’re making you laugh and everything. D sees from the distance, then comes up to you. Placing a servo against the small of your back-frame. “Heyy what’s so funny? I want to hear too :)”
He’s forcing a smile so bad.
He’s harmless, man, he trusts you completely
If another bot is for real flirting with you though, he's going to be so passive-aggressive
It’s more like he wants ur attention lol
If you teased him about it he’s going to deny it so hard
"What? No, no no.. I’m not jealous..pfft"
If you’re extra sweet maybe he’ll admit it
NOO y/n.. I’m funnier than them anyway.. I’m cooler too..
Don’t get jealous often either
He trusts you, he’s trustful of most bots
He gets jealous when you don't give him enough attention too
You’ll be talking to someone and he’ll just be in the background like,
“I’m..Y/N? Hey I..y/n? Uhm..I'm..right here..”
He’s so awkward, he doesn’t want to be rude to either of you but he’s lonely!!
If you tease him about looking sad when you’re not looking at him all the time, he’ll softly scoff.
"Well...yeah. They were flirting with you.."
sad puppy eyes
"Orion..they were asking me about Sentinels speech yesterday.."
Oh boy
It’s a mix of irritation and jealousy
Why are you looking at someone else! When you can be looking at him!
He might be an attention seeker. He’ll just say things to catch your attention.
“Hey sweetspark, come look at my new paint job!” He calls you over as you're busy talking to someone else, he looks exactly the same btw
If you teased him I feel like he’ll take it way too seriously
“Jealous? What is there to be jealous of?? I’m literally Sentinel??”
But then his insecurity starts
“Wait…do you like talking to them more?”
evil sad puppy eyes
He'll only be content if you feed him compliments. Also erm..never talk to that bot again
If he can’t demote the bot he was jealous of, he’ll try to one-up them, otherwise they are FIRED
After he gets over it he’ll be extra affectionate. You also get affectionate when you tease him so maybe it’s not so bad after all
insert makeout session
He’s definitely a bit attention and touch-starved after being stuck in low levels for who knows how many years
It’s only logical that he’s glued to your side for the rest of your life
If he’s jealous it’s very obvious. He tries to do something to get your attention or awkwardly stands there
Hey y/n look at this! - Does a backflip and falls
Tease him about it and he gets flustered
"Whattt? No, I’m not jealous!" He lets out a cocky laugh
“Ok maybe a little..”
Kiss his faceplate all over and he’s yours
He's definitely the least harmful
If he's jealous about a bot he particularly dislikes or they're flirting with you out and about, he might be more passive-aggressive about it
"Hey don't mean to intrude or anything, but uh, I'm kinda busy with my PARTNER. And by PARTNER I mean we're together. Yeah, uh huh! So, if you don't mind, my PARTNER and I are going to ignore you now. Since we're y'know..busy being together."
She’s smug about her jealousy, but only you could tell
“No, I’m not jealous. What makes you think that?”
Meanwhile, she’s giving the nastiest glare to the other bot.
“You really need to stop bringing their hopes up. Did you hear the way they were flirting with you?”
“Elita...they were just thanking me."
“Don’t even look at them actually"
If you tease her, she either denies it or is very proud
Like yeah she got a little jealous, she has such an amazing partner and anyone in their right mind would see that too.
Or no..she's definitely not jealous. She's just speaking her mind
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1d1195 · 10 hours
Honey VII
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Read Honey here | ~6.2k words
From me: I just want Harry to be jealous literally all the time. I'm sorry that's so toxic. I know Cece has aged like two months in a very short frame. But we're gonna slow time down a little. Only a few days are passing (if any) right now.
Warnings: angst - some more Miss Honey trauma, pining (both parties), fluff and some MORE angst
Summary: “Say bye, bye Daddy,” she whispered to her and kissed the top of her head. “Say bye, bye,” she repeated. Cece just giggled making her heart fill to the brim with love.
“Bye Miss Honey,” he hummed and hung up. “Well, Cece,” she turned the little one toward her and held her out in front of her before bringing her close. “I don’t know about you, but I think Daddy needs a pick-me-up."
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It was incredibly awkward for the next three days.
The weather was still crummy. The power continued to go out at random intervals. Harry had been working nonstop, coming home to see his baby before she went to bed but then getting right back to work in his home office. His goal was to make it so that when he took his leave, he wouldn’t have to do anything extra outside of the days he was going to go in. He decided he would have to go to work two days a week. Which days were best was still something he was figuring out.
Regardless, Miss Honey was leaving for the first two weeks of his leave, in which he would have uninterrupted Cece time. While that was grand, he was already dreading the days without her around as well.
He hoped the days he was home with her and Miss Cece were the days he was going to make her fall in love. Make him trust her. Make her believe that he loved her for her and not what she did.
How the fuck was he going to do that?
The awkwardness was most palpable when he got home from work. Mostly because she didn’t change a single thing about her routine. Dinner smelled delicious. The house was always clean, his laundry was folded. He found Cece and her giggling on the floor as they played with her toys.
All he wanted to do was kiss her and thank her for doing those things and being herself.
Then he wanted to strip her in the middle of the kitchen and enjoy her body like it was a meal she prepared especially for him.
But instead, he gave her space. He didn’t beg her to sit around and watch TV with him. She went to the basement and ran on the treadmill. When the pipes whined from her shower, Harry wondered if it was normal for him to be jealous of a shampoo bottle that got to see her naked form. Instead, he thanked her for dinner and asked how her day was. He tried not to think about how pretty she looked coming on his couch and how her smile made him feel like he had won a trophy.
They didn’t talk about their night together.
Even though it was just about the only thing he thought about when he was alone and not actively worrying about Cece. It was definitely the only thing he had been dreaming about.
Hopefully, when he took his leave, and she returned from her trip he could convince her that this wasn’t some one-off. This was something he was very serious about.
Having sex with Harry was simultaneously the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced and also the dumbest thing she had ever done.
Whoever settled down with him was a lucky lady. She already envied the blissful feeling that woman would experience probably on the daily. It made his heart skip a beat. She was an idiot, fucking her boss. Who did that?
When she woke up holding the little baby that she loved wrapped in the arms of a man who made her feel... good and cared for... All the thoughts of her first nanny family came rushing back. It terrified her and made her spiral. This was almost worse in some ways. At least last time she wasn’t painfully aware of how attractive her boss was.
Harry was right, she didn’t talk to her best friend very often. But Eliza was a busy woman, and this was an idiotic thing to do. It seemed silly to bother her when she didn’t even know what she was doing. But she texted her anyway. It was probably a phone call worthy conversation, but she wasn’t sure she could have it without giving up part way through.
I slept with Harry🤦‍♀️
Eliza. Seriously.
Was it good?
Oh who am I kidding, I’ve seen pics of him of course it was good. Wow I’m getting tingly for you.
I’m just want to make sure I understand. He’s hot as fuck, babe. Good for you.
No. Not good. That was stupid. I just complicated my career.
Did you force him?
No of course not!
So what are you worried about? You OBVIOUSLY like him
...Tell me it’s not obvious please.
I mean... It’s obvious to me. But that’s only because he’s so goddamn hot
You are supposed to be helping me!
I AM helping you
Do you think he didn’t like it or something?
Oh, sweet Jesus. She hadn’t even thought of that. I think I have to end it.
What your job?
No my life 😭
Oh, for the love of God 🙄 You’re a grown woman and you slept with your boss. So has almost a third of the country has too.
Not helping.
Her phone rang with a FaceTime call. Eliza looked like she was at her house. Hopefully alone. She didn’t need her husband knowing all the details of her epic fuck up. “What do you want out of this?” She asked. Eliza was her extraverted, bold, wonderful friend. She was the one that dragged her to parties and was the dad-friend to their group. They were a team, and it was nice to have her. She got right to the point. Hence her congratulatory text. She perched the phone on the floor, resting it against the bottom of the entertainment center while Cece rolled on the floor. “Oh hello,” Eliza cooed. “Cece, you are so precious,” her face looked on with adoration a faux frown pulling her lips down.
She smiled proudly, unable to keep it in. Like Cece was hers which only made things worse. It was like her first nanny family but worse. Maybe it was because her second family didn’t have little babies, just children. She had been with Cece for extremely formative months, helping the little baby discover the world. The last time she was around a baby for these formative months, she became too attached. What if something happened down the line where she and Harry were something and then weren’t? It wasn’t like last time.
Her whole life was wrapped up in Cece and it had been hardly any time at all.
“Eliza,” she whispered, her throat catching on her name as tears overwhelmed her. “I love Cece. So much.”
“So tell Harry,” she said softly. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you on FaceTime, he adores you.”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “What if...”
“It’s not like last time,” Eliza finished already knowing where her spiral was going. She swallowed and looked away from the screen locking eyes with the sweet baby who babbled nonsense and giggled about her feet. “Babe?” She asked. “It’s not like last time. You know that, right? Harry appreciates your opinion. He wants you there. He is kind and thankful to have you. He wants you there. But he wants to be there too.”
She nodded. “I know.”
“He would let you love her completely.”
“If her mom was alive,” she whispered.
“Then you wouldn’t have met him, okay? Don’t... don’t do that. This is different. This is something good that you deserve. You love Cece. You love Harry. And quite frankly? You were going to love whatever baby was lucky enough to have you in their life so it may as well be Harry. I get why you got so worked up over Tucker,” she said. She flinched hearing his name. Her sweet little friend. “This is different. You’re lucky, of course. Harry adores you. You could have this. It wouldn’t be selfish. He’s nothing like Cody thank fuck.”
She smirked and watched Cece she rolled onto her tummy and then pushed herself towards her. “Cece!” She shrieked.
“What?!” Eliza asked, alarm falling over her face.
“She crawled!” She gasped. “Oh, my goodness, Eliza, I have to call Harry, I’m sorry!”
She didn’t even say goodbye before she hung up and called Harry. She never called him so she should have realized he probably would have answered immediately—worry etched on his perfect features. “Hi, love is every—”
“C’mere Cece! Show Daddy what you just did!” She cooed and held the phone out at Cece’s eye level turning so it was in a selfie position pointed at her. Cece scooted toward her (and Harry) again and her hand went to her throat.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” Harry praised. “Look at you, baby,” his voice was so soft and happy. “No solid food, but you’re going t’crawl, hmm? Jus’ determined t’make me sad with y’growing up,” his voice was a little forlorn. But he was happy and proud. She was glad she couldn’t see him, she would probably cry. She wiped the corner of her eye, as it was. Cece giggled rolling onto her back as she got close to the phone.  Harry chuckled. “Thank you, love. That was really nice t’see,” she turned the phone back to her. When she answered she didn’t see Harry’s face. He was in his office, the sunlight hitting his face and hair so perfectly. His dimple and smile made her melt. The adoration was plain on his face. “M’not having a very good day,” he admitted. “I was nervous t’see y’calling. But that was... that was really nice.”
She grinned shyly. “Of course. I wanted you to see it.”
“Thank you,” he repeated. “I think m’going t’be late,” his beautiful smile turned into an exhausted, frustrated frown. “Y’don’t have t’leave any food out or anything,” he said. “I’ll order something here later,” he assured her.
But she knew he would forget. Because she texted Niall to make sure he ate lunch or dinner or whatever you called the half-assed meal he sometimes ate between lunch and dinner time. Most days Niall said he didn’t. “If you’re sure,” she said quietly. “I don’t mind.”
“I know, kitten,” he had been using kitten now that he had made her come three times in one night. It made her heart flutter. Made her feel flushed and happy. “Thank you,” he hummed. “If...if you go t’bed before I get home, I hope y’have a nice night and sleep well.” Her heart felt achy knowing he was having a bad day. “Can y’show me Cece again? I want t’say goodnight t’her,” he smiled, unaffected by his bad day with the thought of his sweet girl. She scooped up the little babe into her arms who was crawling into her lap at that point without her even noticing in because she was so focused on Harry’s worry.
“Good night, my love,” he smiled. “I love you so, so much. Be good for Miss Honey,” he winked and waved at her.
“Say bye, bye Daddy,” she whispered to her and kissed the top of her head. “Say bye, bye,” she repeated. Cece just giggled making her heart fill to the brim with love.
“Bye Miss Honey,” he hummed and hung up.
“Well, Cece,” she turned the little one toward her and held her out in front of her before bringing her close. “I don’t know about you, but I think Daddy needs a pick-me-up,” she stood from the floor and headed for Cece’s room to get her belongings and change her before she attempted to make Harry’s day better.
Niall invited himself into Harry’s office while he was eating lunch. His sticky note with his name and a heart in her handwriting was pressed on the collar of his shirt like a badge of honor. “Hey,” he smiled. Harry’s eyes narrowed at the thoughtfulness of her sending lunch to Niall. He hated that they chatted. Hated that she laughed at his text messages.
Because Harry was jealous. Extremely, completely jealous and felt it was unfair she could talk so breezily with Niall and walked on eggshells around him. “She doesn’t like me,” Harry grumbled and continued looking through the documents on his desk and all the meetings and schedules.
“I doubt that’s true.”
“Oh?” Harry raised his eyebrows. “You and your new best friend talk ‘bout me?” Curiosity was in his voice but so was his unwavering envy.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” Niall grinned. “Are you jealous of her or me?” He asked. Harry kept his eyes on his work again. “Don’t worry Harry, I’ll always be your best friend.”
“If you caught on fire, I wouldn’t help,” he grumbled.
Niall put a hand over his heart. “So sweet,” he smiled. “Why do you think she doesn’t like you?”
Harry sighed and ran a hand over his face and glanced at his open door behind him. Niall shut it with a kick of his foot and then sat in the chair across from Harry. Then Harry began pacing. Running a hand through his hair as he explained all the sweet things she did and the power outage (he mentioned but glossed over the things he did to her body). Niall didn’t even flinch. Unsurprised and simply kept eating his meal. When Harry finished rambling, he smiled, delight in his eyes. Then his expression softened at his friend. Because the teasing, while hilarious, wasn’t so funny at the moment. Harry didn’t just like her. He didn’t just enjoy her personality or even her body.
“You love her.”
Harry dropped to his own chair and laid his head on his desk ignoring what Niall said. He couldn’t love her already. Right? But maybe Niall, with an outside view, knew more than he did. “Niall, she’s gorgeous, funny, sweet, and she’s probably the smartest person I know,” he swallowed. “How can she think I only like her for the stuff she does?” he asked.
“Maybe because that’s all anyone has loved her for in her mind?” Harry frowned knowing that he was probably right about that too. She said just as much. “Do you love her for only the stuff she does?”
“Of course not!” Harry grumbled. He frowned and ignored the fact that Niall said love again. “S’kind she cares so much. She doesn’t want t’be noticed; s’not t’say she’s helpful. She just is. But it’s the only thing I notice. Maybe people only loved her in the past because of the things she did but I love why she does it,” he didn’t even pause to think about the L-word. “She jus’ genuinely loves the people in her life. S’probably her love language or something,” he shrugged.
Harry and Niall talked about a lot of stuff together. They discussed their business, golfing techniques, music, new restaurants, girls, and sex. They gushed about their families and even video games.
Talking about how he felt about someone so lovely was new to Harry. He had been in love before—or so he thought. This was different. She was different. Niall could see it. It wasn’t anything in particular. It was just her.
Harry swallowed. “She probably thinks she’s convenient,” he murmured.
“I mean...” Niall shrugged. “She is, isn’t she?”
Harry scowled. “Whose side are y’on? You’re supposed t’be my friend.”
Niall shrugged with a smirk. “I am. It’s just... you’re thinking about how you feel. Not the way she feels.”
“She’s not convenient,” he repeated.
“Harry, she is your nanny, and she does... everything,”
Harry frowned. “Did she say something t’you?” Harry was going to unceremoniously gouge a paperclip in his eye if he made her feel less than.
“I had no idea you had sex with her, if that’s what you’re asking. Can’t wait to Lord that over her for another three months’ worth of lunches.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “I know I’m stuck with you. Why is she friends with you?”
“Oh, we just bond about how much we love you, Harry,” he winked.
Harry’s phone beeped with his secretary at the other end before he could respond to his friend. “Mr. Styles, are you in a meeting?” He asked.
Harry liked Stephen well enough. He was well aware of the procedure for his daughter and Miss Honey. He was organized, punctual, and good at his job. He liked to golf like Niall and enjoyed chatting with Harry about music. He fit in well and it seemed like a great addition to his office. Especially after it took several weeks of temp people to find the right fit after he fired the incompetent woman he had before.
“No, Stephen. Jus’ talking with Niall. S’matter?” Harry gathered the papers he was reading in his hands prepared to pause his conversation with Niall, regardless, so he could get home at a semi-reasonable hour. Which was already going to be hours later than he wanted.
“Please don’t fire me, Mr. Styles, but your nanny is really gorgeous. And she’s here, asking to see you,” Stephen had a smile in his voice.
“Oh man, poor kid is toast,” Niall chuckled as Harry wrinkled the papers in his hand.
“She said your door was closed and didn’t want to disturb you, so she let me know. She’s in the break room with your daughter... is she single? Holy shit, I swear I’m blushing.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Harry growled. “Can’t have a woman because she’s jealous of her, can’t have a man because he’s obsessed with her,” he rubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath before he did something insane like smashed the button on the phone to answer Stephen. “Please refrain from drooling over her, Stephen,” Harry’s voice was clipped. Niall snickered. He put the lid on his Tupperware and left it on Harry’s desk for him to take home so that it could be refilled with her next yummy creation. He watched the agony on Harry’s face as he listened to Stephen talk about the girl he adored so much.
“I’m trying not to, but holy shit,” Harry knew all the inappropriate thoughts he was thinking because he thought them himself. “Watching her with the baby?” he sighed dreamily. “I think I’m ready to start a family.”
Harry yanked the phone cord out of his phone so hard, he was lucky plaster didn’t come with it. He shoved his chair back with so much force as he stood it tipped over and without caring he strode out of his office. All while Niall cackled behind him. “You.” He pointed at Stephen angrily as he approached the main desk on the floor. “Don’t even fucking look at her,” he strode past to the breakroom. Stephen stared at him wide-eyed and confused while Niall laughed behind him.
“So she is taken?” Stephen asked.
Harry turned to glare at him, but Niall leaned down on his desk. He mumbled something, quietly to Stephen, his eyes nearly laughing as hard as he did in the other room. Niall waved him off toward the breakroom again and Harry turned toward it but bumped into someone as he spun back around sharply.
“Oh!” She wasn’t prepared for Harry to be so solid (even if she knew he was) or for him to be right there as she approached him hearing Niall’s loud laughter before she saw either of them. Nor was she prepared for him to be mid-stride with the momentum of him turning and walking sent her already unbalanced body while holding Cece knocked her entirely off kilter. Which landed her right back onto the floor.
“Jesus Christ,” Harry grabbed his crying daughter immediately even though she was perfectly fine, Harry watched her clutch Cece tighter to her chest as she fell, even though it meant she landed so hard on her butt and back it had to have killed. “Niall!” He snapped.
Niall didn’t have to run far but he did all the same. “Hey, darling what an entrance,” he reached for her but Harry passed him Cece immediately before his hands met hers. Niall didn’t pay any mind to the change in which of Harry’s girls he held but he smirked thinking about how Miss Honey was one of his girls anyway. “Oh, I know, Miss Cecelia,” he cooed and kissed her temple. “That was a big fall, hmm?”
“Are y’okay?” Harry asked, crouching and grabbing her hands to help her sit up. “M’so sorry, love,” he cupped the side of her face. “Are y—”
“Is she okay?” She asked brushing Harry’s hand away gently. Her eyes were watery. Maybe it was the impact of falling or the embarrassment—Harry wasn’t sure. But if she was in pain, she didn’t seem to care. Her gaze was trained on Cece, alarm all over it.
“She’s fine, love,” Harry promised, ignoring Cece’s dramatics for the moment while he looked at her. “Are y’sure you’re okay?” He repeated.
“I’m fine, just embarrassed,” she put a hand on her face and winced as she stood and turned to Niall. “Are you okay, pretty girl?” She cooed. “Did I hurt you?” She frowned.
“No, not even a little,” Harry put a hand on her lower back. “Y’hit the ground hard, love. Are y’sure you’re okay?” He repeated.
“Harry, I swear I’m fine.”
Cece reached for her tearily, trying to wiggle her way out of Niall’s grip. “Aw,” he clucked. “You just want to make sure Miss Honey’s okay, little Miss?” He asked with a wink in her direction. As soon as her arms were around his daughter, Cece nuzzled into her embrace against the front of her shoulder; her little hands gripped either side of her shirt right around her chest. It was adorable and Harry was very jealous of the attention his daughter could give her like that.
“Are you alright?” Stephen approached.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Harry’s voice was quiet as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I’m fine,” she kissed the top of Cece’s head and rocked her gently. “Just pretty embarrassed. Any chance you can erase that from your security cams?”
Stephen chuckled at her. “No one gave me a straight answer, I’m sorry to be so blunt—I know it’s poor timing since you just had a little tumble there...but I have to know. Are you single? I would love to take you on a date. You are so beautiful and—”
“Alright, Stephen,” Niall gripped his shoulders and steered him back toward his desk. “If you want to keep your job you’re never going to speak to her again,” he winked at the blushing girl over his shoulder. Harry was trying not to scream, fingers pressing to both his temples and covering his closed eyes. He was taking deep breaths to quell the angry jealousy that was boiling in his blood. How did this get so goddamn messy in such a short amount of time?
“Are you alright?” She asked.
He exhaled deeply, totally frustrated. “Am I alright? I asked y’that at least three times,” he grumbled.
“I told you I’m fine!”
He opened his eyes after rubbing his hand over his face. “What are y’doing here?”
She frowned. “Do you want us to leave?”
“God,” he wanted to slam his head into a wall. This day couldn’t be worse. “Can we get out of the fucking hallway?” He asked.
She nodded, her cheeks turning red again. The moment he entered the breakroom with an angry expression on his face, the few of his employees in the room made a swift exit. He pulled a seat out for her and watched as she winced as she sat. The table had a plethora of bags on it. A food bag, the diaper bag, the car seat, and her purse. “M’going t’ask if you’re okay, again,” he said quietly. “Please don’t lie t’me if y’feel uncomfortable.”
She smiled and nosed at the top of Cece’s hair where she was still snuggling. “I feel a little awkward telling you my butt is definitely going to be bruised.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes. But at least she told the truth. “Are y’okay?”
“Other than a little embarrassed and a little bruised, I’ll be okay.”
“Good,” he sighed and ran a hand on the back of Cece’s head. “Hi baby girl,” he cooed, smiling for the first time in what felt like hours.
“Who’s that?” She asked. “Is that Daddy?” She giggled. “Do you want to give Daddy some of these snuggles? He’s having a bad day and needs one, I think,” she whispered and turned Cece toward him. She went willingly—excitedly, snuggling just as easily into his embrace. It felt like a warm glow settled over him. All the frustration he felt dissipated, and happiness started to bubble through him.
“That’s better,” he mumbled and kissed the top of her head. The only way it would be perfect was if he could hold her as well.
She smiled. “I brought you dinner,” she reached for one of the bags.
“Just Harry?” Niall asked from the doorway.
“Get. Out.” He growled.
Niall snickered closing the door behind him, which made her laugh as well. Harry rubbed his hand up and down her tiny little body while she set the food up—she even cut up Harry’s food into bite sized pieces so he could continue to snuggle his sweet daughter while he ate with one hand. She munched on whatever she purchased as well. “This is good,” he mumbled. “Where’s it from?”
“There’s a restaurant down the road. I stopped once after one of our visits,” she explained. “I would have made something myself, but I wanted to see you sooner rather than later.”
If he was questioning his love for her before, when Niall had asked earlier...
There was no question now.
He loved her with every breath. Every atom of his body.
He loved her.
Day four and five post power outage came and went without much fanfare. Harry worked late. She brought Cece to the library and made sure she was entertained, learning, and growing. When Harry got home late, he said goodnight to an already sleeping Cece in her crib before he returned to the kitchen where the woman of his dreams was setting a plate of food out for him.
They didn’t speak much those two days, but he couldn’t help but notice she didn’t leave the kitchen while he ate. She packaged the food neatly for him and Niall the next day. She cleaned the dishes and counters. Hardly looking at Harry while he watched her. His eyes roamed over her body as she worked, desperate to see what was underneath her clothes again.
“Are you staring at me?”
“Mhmm,” he didn’t even bother hiding it. She had to know how much she meant to him.
“Harry,” she sighed, turning around and leaning against the counter. Her skin was flushed that pretty reddish pink tone that made him imagine the other three times he saw her skin change to the same color.
“Yes, love?” He smiled innocently. “Jus’ thinking ‘bout your bruise.”
Her skin turned a shade darker. “I bet.”
He took another bite of his food, smiling less than innocently. “Are y’okay?” He asked. That was serious.
“I actually don’t have a bruise. Or at least surface wise,” she explained. “The bone is still sore,” she admitted.
“I could rub it for you,” he offered. She turned back around without letting him see what shade of red she was turning. She braced her hands on the counter and tilted her head up to the ceiling.
He smirked.
But that was nothing compared to breakfast. Harry came directly to the kitchen in nothing but his towel making her put a hand on her throat. She put Cece in her highchair and turned to the fridge. Was she cooling herself off in there? Harry wished he could find out.
This had to qualify as sexual harassment in the workplace. It was her workplace after all.It wasn’t that Harry didn’t care if it was harassment, of course he wanted her to be comfortable. But she was comfortable. Wasn’t she? He didn’t imagine that chemistry between them. There was no way he imagined it!
Her tank top looked so pretty showing off so much of her soft cleavage that he just wanted to bury his face against her body. There was so much more than just her taking care of Cece or taking care of him. He wanted her to crumble. Only because he wanted her to crumble right into his arms. He would give her everything she wanted. Whenever she wanted it. They could make another baby right then. Right at the kitchen counter (or maybe after she put Cece down for a morning nap).
Harry stood and moved beside her next to the fridge. “Harry,” she whispered. “Please...”
“Please what, kitten?”
Her cheeks burned bright red and she looked away holding yogurt in her hands for Cece to try next.
“Do I make y’uncomfortable? Because I’ll stop,” he promised.
Ever so slightly, she shook her head. “No,” she whispered. “You’re just... making it really difficult not to flirt with you.”
Harry chuckled his mouth close to her earlobe. He inhaled along her hairline aching for her pretty smell. “Y’can flirt with me any time y’want, love,” he assured her. He pressed a hand on her arm, squeezing just above her elbow. It was the least erotic place but it made her heart skip a beat and the heat between her thighs spread throughout her body. Her eyes fluttered close, and Harry moved back to Cece leaving her cold and ridiculously turned on and he didn’t even do anything other than exist.
She was so. Goddamn. Screwed.
Harry’s stupid, insanely hot body was the only thing she could think about while the rain poured outside. More of the storms that lined their region wreaked havoc over the last couple of days. Which meant she was stuck inside with no escape from all that smelled like Harry, reminded her of Harry, and screamed of how much she wanted to kiss Harry until she died from breathlessness.
Sitting on the sofa where he made her come was a poor choice. She put her book over her face briefly before she sighed, unable to read any of the words that were in front of her because all of the letters on the page seemed to turn into the same five letters over and over. Just her brain screaming for the beautiful man that was kind, sweet, utterly adorable with his daughter.
And also, really good at making her come.
Cece had just fallen asleep in her swing for her afternoon nap. The soothing back and forth motion made it easy for her to drift along with the sound of the rain against the house. She had a book in her lap and was listening to the quiet instrumental playlist she had playing to keep Cece asleep. A cup of coffee was right beside her and other than her heart freaking out that she had slept with her boss and now it was really awkward, it was really peaceful.
For half an hour.
The power went out again. Fortunately, it was a little lighter out than it was during the storm where she let Harry pleasure her. Despite the swing turning off from lack of electricity, she noted Cece hadn’t stirred an inch. Frowning, she grabbed her phone to let Harry know.
There was no service. The storm must have knocked out the cell towers as well. Or maybe someone hit the pole outside Harry’s quiet neighborhood. Or maybe still, a repairman had knocked it out again trying to fix something to prevent further damage.
But when she peered out the drawn curtains, she immediately realized that the streetlight at the end of the driveway was still on. “Huh,” she hummed trying to piece it together.
Of course she wasn’t a mother. But having children around in her life and taking care of them for so many years, she felt she had developed some kind of mother’s intuition that someone else wouldn’t have if they didn’t have her job. She didn’t want to see it, but she swore she saw something move. Someone. Something like a shadow but worse, and it moved along the side of the house just out of sight.
No. No more crime dramas before bed. She thought to herself.
No one would come here to harm them—to harm Harry or Cece, right? They were just ordinary people.
More than ever, she was grateful for the soundly sleeping baby—she prayed the six-month regression she was going through wouldn’t make its appearance known. She hurried to the living room, scooping her out of her swing. She grabbed her favorite stuffy too. She took the stairs two at a time, careful to refrain from jostling Cece and waking her. She brought her to Harry’s bedroom. She refused to go in there after... She shook her head at that thought. That blissful, perfect thought. Harry was going to be home in no more than a couple hours, but it didn’t make this any easier.
“Okay Cece, you need to dream for a while,” she whispered. “I love you so, so much, okay?” She placed her in the middle of Harry’s closet floor, found a notebook on his nightstand. She tore a blank page from the back and scribbled a note on it hoping Harry would understand she was doing what she needed to do. She left the note in the closet as well. “Just sleep,” she whispered and kissed her soft little forehead.
Silently, she prayed for Chloe knowing she would be around. Quietly begging her to keep Cece safe while she dealt with the sound of a window smashing on the floor below.
She hurried downstairs with a pounding heart. Two men were climbing their way through the window. “What are you doing!?” She shrieked.
One held a gun up at her. Her hands went up instinctively. “Who are you?”
“I-I’m the nanny. What are you d-doing?” She repeated her heart in her throat interrupted her normal speech.
“Where’s the baby?” The other one snarled.
She shook her head. Terror pulling at her in every direction.
No, she’s just a baby. They can’t want her. “She’s not here,” she croaked praying her lie wasn’t obvious. She would throw herself in front of them, by all means, but she wasn’t dumb. They were a lot stronger than her. They couldn’t get past her. “She’s... she’s with her aunt,” she prayed that Harry wouldn’t hate her again. She would do anything to protect Cece. Harry already lost too much and if he lost his baby girl…
She shook her head at that thought, willing it out of existence. Harry’s worst fear was leaving Cece alone and she had just left her in a closet. Even if it were for the greater good of her safety it killed a piece of her to do that. Worry strung her mind wondering if there was another, better option. Leaving her alone without a bottle? What if she was there for hours? How long would she sit in her diaper? What if she cried so hard she dehydrated herself? God, how was anyone supposed to make this kind of decision?
“Jesus Christ, you said she was here!”
The man without the gun looked nervous. Clearly, he wasn’t the one in charge, but he had been right. She was there. Hiding in the dark. She prayed that she didn’t wake or make a peep. She just needed them to get out of the house.
They almost ignored her while they talked through a plan, the gun never straying from her vision. Slowly, she made way for her phone just out of reach. The man chose that moment to remind her that they hadn’t forgot about her. He walked closer to her making her throat close around a sob. “Let’s go,” he ordered darkly.
“Go?” She whimpered. She was going to be sick. “Go where?”
The one not in charge glanced at his own phone. “We have three minutes.”
“Walk,” he ordered and shoved her toward the door.
“Wait, please let’s just talk about this—”
“There’s no time to talk. You’ve seen too much. Either I shoot a bullet through your brain right now, or you get in the car.”
“You don’t need to do this!” She was glad the tears and sobs were quieting her voice. It was anything but fake. “I won’t tell anyone—”
“Save it,” he snapped and put the gun on the back of her head. She choked out another sob. “Can you take us to the baby?”
Her heart ached something fierce. Like someone had ripped it in half. “No, I don’t know where his sister lives,” at least that was true.
“Then you’re stuck with us,” he snarled. “You better be worth a pretty penny.” Kidnapping? Kidnapping her? She was good at her job. But not that good. Harry wouldn't take out a ransom for her. Would he? No... his daughter, of course. But not her. She was just the nanny. Someone he slept with out of convenience. Harry would be glad that Cece was okay. Even if she left her alone after she told him he never would. God, her heart hurt. “We only have another minute. Kill her or don’t. We have to go.”
A fresh wave of tears filled her eyes as they walked out of the house. “Okay, okay! I’ll go.” She sobbed. She hoped they didn’t notice they were tears of relief.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
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@rose-girls-world @claimingharrystigertattoo
Honey: @jerseygirlinca @one-sweet-gubler
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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brittle-doughie · 1 day
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What? What did the Cookie Kingdom do? Don’t tell me that Burning Spice Cookie will be coming for your kingdom once he’s finished with Golden Cheese Cookie.
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Through a cookie’s binoculars, they could see the grand mass of the Spice Swarm slowly make their way through the forests and plains, right towards the Cookie Kingdom. The cookie tsks as they put down the binoculars, the cookies around them looking towards their comrade.
Cookie Kingdom Infantryman: “Is it them?”
Cookie Kingdom Crossbowman: “Without a doubt, raise the alarm. Inform Commander Salsa Cookie. The Spice Swarm is here…
Y/N Cookie: “They’re here already? Burning Spice Cookie must want that Soul Jam pretty badly. Prepare the cookies to defend the kingdom, I’ll join you at the gates.”
C.K. Mage: “Right away, Your Majesty.”
The mage leaves as you went into your room, to see a bruised and weakened Golden Cheese Cookie. She looked at you worried, she had overheard your conversation with your soldier.
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Golden Cheese Cookie: “He’s here for my Soul Jam. Please, no matter what, you cannot let him take it…”
Y/N Cookie: “He’s not making it through the gates. We’re putting a stop to his advance here. We have to…”
Suddenly, the loud call of a horn is heard outside that spooks the both of you.
Burning Spice Cookie: “Y/N Cookie of the Cookie Kingdom. I know you’re keeping what is rightfully mine in there! Leave your castle and face me!”
Y/N Cookie: “I have to go. Please stay here.”
Golden Cheese Cookie: “Please, be careful….”
Y/N Cookie: “I will, I’ll do my best to come back in one piece….”
You close the door and make your way to the front wall of the kingdom, where your troops as well as Salsa Cookie and Crowned Cupcake Cookie were waiting.
Y/N Cookie: “Crowned? You’re not a soldier…”
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Crowned Cupcake Cookie: “And what? You think I’ll just stand by and let my darling get hurt? Don’t be so silly! Besides, I’ve been looking to sharpen up on my skills~”
Salsa Cookie: “She’s deranged, but we’re going to need all the strength we can get for this. I’ve heard those Beast Cookies are not easy opponents to defeat.”
Y/N Cookie: “Fine, but leave the talking to me. It’s me and the Soul Jam he wants, do not put yourselves in any unnecessary danger…”
You leap down to the ground and walk forwards, whereas Burning Spice was doing the same until you meet in the middle.
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Burning Spice Cookie: “Finally, we meet….”
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
You're Never This Quiet
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Summary: Harry has been quiet all evening and you wonder why.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1330
A/N: From my 2016 collection, based on a prompt given. Fluffy reader fic with a little bit of trepidation in the beginning.
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You and Harry had been dating for two years. Actually, by this point, to say you were "dating" sounded a little silly and juvenile. You were in love. Simple as that. The way he treated you was the way you wanted to be treated, and you gave it back to him tenfold. Sure, it wasn't always easy. You'd had a few bumps in the road, some twists and turns. But to look back at your time together made you burst with pride. Nowadays, any celebrity romance that lasted more than a few months was not only shocking but commendable.
Tonight, you and Harry had gone to a party in Malibu. It was a casual affair on the beach, and like at most parties, you mingled with others throughout the evening, some people you knew, some you were meeting for the first time, but you always managed to circle back to each other. Harry would pull you close, kissing the top of your head before returning to his previous conversation, or perhaps walk with you to a nearby bar to get a refill on drinks.
This time, however, you noticed something different about him. Harry was never really one to stand still, always fidgeting if he wasn't chatting or telling a silly joke. Even if he was being affectionate with you, he wouldn't be serious for long before doing something like tickling you or commenting to others about how great you are. Tonight, he wasn't doing any of those things. Tonight, he was almost...quiet.
You watched him from across the room as he sat in the middle of a semi-circle sofa. For once he wasn't the center of attention. He sipped on his drink and nodded a few times, but you barely even saw his mouth move. A couple times you even saw him rub one of his palms down the leg of his jeans before switching his glass to his other hand and repeating. It was a little disconcerting to be honest, and you felt your stomach tighten. Someone said something to you, but you barely heard. Instead, you smiled politely and excused yourself.
"Hey," you whispered in his ear from behind the couch.
Harry nearly jumped up from his seat before turning to look at you.
"Oh, hey," he grinned when he realized it was you. "Come 'ere."
He gestured with his hand for you to sit next to him. You walked around the sofa and squeezed in. He gently took your hand and threaded his fingers through yours, making you feel a little more at ease. But you were still a little concerned.
"You okay?" you asked.
Harry nodded, giving your hand a little squeeze. But the fact that he swallowed hard was not lost on you. You knew something was up.
You continued sitting with him until his glass was empty and he set it down on the coffee table in front you. When he sat back and ran a hand through his hair, he leaned toward you to whisper.
"Wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure," you nodded apprehensively.
You knew your eyes had to be big as saucers and your heart was just about beating out of your chest as you followed him outside to the large deck. The summer wind hit you in the face, the temperature warm even in the late hour.
Heading toward the edge of the deck, you were surprised when Harry took the stairs and stopped at the bottom one.
"We're going on the beach?" you questioned as you saw him take off his shoes.
"Yeah," he replied, trying to roll up his jeans. "Although I probably shouldn't have worn these."
You giggled lightly, feeling odd that this was the first sign of humor he'd shown all night. You slipped off your own shoes, grateful to be wearing a sundress, and took his awaiting hand before stepping out onto the warm sand.
You cringed slightly at the sensation of sand between your toes. You waited for Harry to say something, expecting to hear his usual comedic comments, but still he remained silent. As you got closer to the ocean and the sand became more compact, you gingerly swung your connected hands between you, hoping to lighten the mood. When Harry looked at you and smiled, you felt your heart flutter.
"I love you," you declared bravely. It was something you said regularly now, but somehow his reserved personality tonight made you a little afraid to say it out loud.
"I love you, too," he echoed.
If Harry heard the loud breath you exhaled, he didn't acknowledge it. You continued to walk together in silence, sans for the crashing waves and the wind in your ears. Finally, you couldn't take it any longer.
"Is something wrong, Harry?" you inquired.
"You've been pretty quiet this evening," you commented.
There was a slight pause before Harry said, "I have?"
You stopped walking then, releasing your hand from his.
"You're never this quiet, what's wrong?"
Harry turned to look at you, a mixture of worry and confusion on his face.
"Nothing's wrong," he blinked.
"Yes there is," you nearly choked. "C'mon, Harry. We've been together for two years. I know you. Something's up."
Harry bowed his head and ran his hand over his face.
"Yeah, it has been two years," he agreed.
You narrowed your eyes, now confused yourself, and also more worried than ever. Your stomach was now doing somersaults, and you swallowed and wrapped your arms around your middle to try to settle it.
"I...uh...was..." Harry took a deep breath, "trying to decide the right time to do this."
"To do what?"
You watched as Harry shoved a hand in his pocket and pulled something out, though you couldn't quite see what it was. But when he knelt down in front of you in the sand, taking your hand in his, you had to cover your mouth with the other to block the scream that was rising in your throat.
"[Y/N]," he said loud and clear, "I'm sorry I've been such a dope today."
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head.
"I'm so fucking nervous," he muttered before clearing his throat. "My love, will you marry me?"
That was when you saw the ring in his other hand as he held it up. It glistened in the moonlight, reflecting the colors of the night sky and the water.
"Harry!" you barely got out as the tears were already welling up in your eyes. "Oh my God!"
"Is that a yes?" he asked.
You half laughed, half cried. "Oh my God, yes!"
Harry grinned as he swiftly slid the ring onto your finger, giving it a kiss. Then he stood up, taking your face in his hands and kissing your lips.
"I'll make you so happy," he promised, his eyes twinkling.
"I know, baby," you nodded. "You already do."
He kissed you again, this time deeper and longer. Your fingers tangled in the back of his hair as you tried to get as close to him as possible.
"I love you so much," you murmured against his mouth.
After holding each other for a while, and much more kissing, you both decided to ditch the rest of the party. Instead, you continued to walk down the beach, hand in hand, as a newly engaged couple. The idea made you giddy when you thought of it.
When Harry suggested you walk up the beach and sit down for a while, you eagerly agreed. He put his arm around you, and you leaned into him, draping your arm around his bent knee.
"Sorry about your jeans," you said as you felt the wetness from the sand.
"What?" he wondered before realizing what you were talking about. "Oh," he laughed. "It was totally worth it."
You smiled as he nuzzled your neck.
"I'm sorry I was being so quiet," he added.
"It's okay," you assured him. "That was totally worth it, too."
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seikosas · 2 days
Do it for you | A.A.
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synopsis: How can she do for you, what she can't even do for herself?
contains: angst, homophobia, d-slur, Ow*n
pairing: Abby Anderson x Reader, Ow*n x Abby
a/n: based off cellophane by fka twigs!! I hope y'all enjoy.
"all wrapped in cellophane, the feelings that we had."
You were never really used to being the center of attention, the talk of the town. You tried your best to do everything in your power to not let it affect you, but for her, it was like she barely tried for you.
You knew that everyone always preferred Abby with Owen over with you. It's all their eyes say, what their expressions speak. You and Abby were friends before you decided to become something more. It's funny actually, she was the one who wanted to be with you, now it seemed every move she made in your small, prejudiced town, was to make them forget that she's with you. It was successful for her, of course it was. She's always been the town's favorite.
They loved her even more when she was with Owen, “such a beautiful couple”, was all that ever came out of everyone's mouth when they saw the both of them together. And sure, on the outside, they looked like a fairytale. But they didn't know how much it was eating her away, that the person everyone wanted to be with, wasn't who she wanted. And for a while, you didn't either.
“I don't want to be with him,” while your name spills out her lips, like the fountain that flows guilt, every syllable she made to form your name laced with shame, but moreso, hope. “All I want is you. I eat, sleep, work, fuck— even when we fuck you're all I ever think about. And it's eating me alive that It's not you everyone sees me with." You never knew until that moment that she felt this way, that she felt the same.
So you both decided to go against what everyone wanted. I mean, as long as you both had each other it would be enough, it could be. Right? Silly, young, naive. Just fucking stupid. You look back to the time you both were filled with hope that you could change everyone's mind about your 'unnatural relationship’, it's just comedic seeing it now.
Abby was a fucking coward. She promised. She promised that you both would get through this together, she'd do everything for you. But she couldn't even do this for herself. You were both inside her house arguing for what was what, the sixth time this month? It kept happening so often that you lost count. “You don't even fucking show them that I’m yours! You don't look at me when we pass by each other, you don't even hold my hand on the rare occasion that we're fucking walking together. You fucking promised me, Abby!”
“It's not that fucking easy, okay! It's not my fucking fault everyone preferred me with Owen.” Her face shows instant regret, and you just scoff, “so you wanna get back to fucking him or what?” “You know that's not what I mean—” “No. Fuck you, Abby. You don't get to tell me that you want this, want us, then start hiding all because you can't handle the older people in this fucking town to think that their little princess might be hanging out with that ‘homewrecking-dyke’ because she is one” she rebuts quick after you end your sentence, “they don't say that—” “Yeah, Abby. They fucking do. You're just not there to hear it. Not like you ever are.”
She stays silent. You're tired of her silence. Even when it's just the two of you, she can't bring herself to be true to what she feels. You decide to finally walk away from the living room and make your way to the door. But as you reach for the door, she grabs your wrist. You turn around and see tears hanging on to the edges of her eyes, threatening to spill. “I'll do better. I- I’ll hold your hand when we walk, I'll kiss you in front of anyone- I'll show everyone I love you, I don't care about what they think anymore. I just want you to be mine, please.”
How could you say no when she puts it all like that? So of course you pull her in again, feeling a type of happiness you haven't felt since the first month of your relationship, (that was because you kept it a secret in the beginning).
She was truthful to her words that first week. It honestly shocked you. She was so insistent in showing off your guys’ relationship that you started to become the more reserved one. Then she continued the next week, and the next, but weird. She seemed more cold as the days passed by, and then… ah, there it is. Out goes the new, In goes the old.
It was a quite stressful weekend, it was starting to overwhelm you again. The eyes of the people in your town starting to bore holes deeper than usual, the whispers seemingly growing louder, and Abby, growing colder, again. You decided to go to the local bar to get your mind off of things. When you get there you sit next to the bartender asking for the hardest alcohol he has in store. When he places it in front of you, you downed it in a second, then asked for another one. He probably should have told you how strong it was, but that would be bad for business. When you're on your third drink, you finally get up to go on the dance floor. Your body was moving freely, had you been sober you probably would have had more embarrassment in your body. But the alcohol let it all slide away.
Then when you stop for a moment, that's when you see it. Abby and Owen dancing together. Huh, she never took you out dancing. Then as the music grew louder, they got closer, until there was no distance at all. Abby pulls away first, and like an instinct she looks your way. You almost wouldn't have been able to see the blue in her eyes, as they were covered with guilt, shame, and fear.
Had she not cared about what anyone else would think, she probably would have punched Owen, run to you, apologize profusely, probably cry in the process, then laugh a bit, and kiss you until you both had to stop to breathe. But she did care. So, she gave in to the words of everyone, Owen is perfect for her. So she continued dancing with him, as tears fell from her eyes, watching you walk away from the bar, and from her life.
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bratzforchris · 2 days
bodyguard!chris i feel like a cute blurb could be if other princesses were making fun of y/n but at the same time attempt to flirt with chris. so obviously chris sees that theyre making y/n upset so he has to step in and claim his girl!!!
don't mss with princess ⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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you smiled to yourself as you sipped your drink, watching chris from across the ballroom. although he wasn't able to be by your side at such a high-profile ball, you knew he was still lurking in the shadows, making sure you were safe and sound.
"god, isn't he just so hot?" a princess from a neighboring kingdom sneered in your ear.
you turned to face her, cocking your head. "who?"
"that bodyguard," she sighed dreamily. "i know people like us aren't supposed to go for commoners, but oh my."
you bit your lip softly as you realized that your peer was talking chris. your chris. "he's taken." you said firmly.
"how do you know?" she giggled, turning her nose up. "surely you don't involve yourself with the lives of people like that."
"i know he's taken because i've seen him with his girlfriend." you said, hating the way your voice quivered.
"the way you're being so defensive almost makes me think it's you," the princess chuckled rudely. "wouldn't that be something? the perfect, precious, innocent princess of celestoria falling in love with a commoner. and he's your staff member too, no less. i doubt you'd see mommy and daddy's throne after that one, princess."
your eyes welled with tears, hating the way you knew that there was an ounce of truth to her words. you loved and adored chris with your whole soul, but you lived in two different worlds. he was a worker, you were royalty. before you could reply, you heard a deep voice next to you.
"is there a problem here, ladies?" chris asked, brow raised at the other princess.
"oh," she chuckled, pushing a strand of long, blonde hair behind her ear. "not at all, sir. i was just asking princess y/n here why she thinks such silly things, am i right?"
"i suggest you leave the princess alone, your highness," chris stated, voice cold as ice. "i don't want to cause a spectacle."
the girl's cheeks burned red. huffing, she gathered the long skirt of her dress in her hands. "fine." she mumbled, stomping off.
as soon as she was out of earshot, you began to laugh, clutching your sides. "there's no way."
"there absolutely is way," chris hummed, sneakily pressing his large hand into the small of your back. "no one messes with my princess."
you smiled up at that, mouthing a soft "i love you".
chris smiled, mouthing back. "me, you, your room at one.".
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author's note: chat. i need him.
tags: @gxldenlush @luzsturniolo @hearts4chriss @sturnioloxlver @1800-love-me @littlebookworm803 @fratbrochrisgf @starlace111 @oliviasturniolo21 @blahbel668 @sturnsdoll @jetaimevous @new2024cats4life
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