#but if you come to ask me questions about them you might not like the answers so this is your warning
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valtsv · 1 day ago
can you pitch tsv to me fandom propaganda style… like sell it to me. hook me in. what is it about
the silt verses is a folk horror/political satire/weird fiction podcast set in an alternate ambiguously modern-day reality that asks the question "what if gods (and their saints, and angels, and miracles) were real? what if they formed the core infrastructure of the society you lived in? what if they were sustained by human belief and sacrifice? what if this was just the accepted Way Things Are?" and then introduces you to a cast of characters for whom this is their normal daily routine, and shakes them up through a series of intersecting arcs and plotlines. it deals with a lot of compelling themes - including identity and personhood, how institutions of power are formed and maintained and the potential for abuses of that power even by the most well-intentioned who wield it, action vs. rhetoric and the power of words; whose story is worth telling and whose is erased or adulterated by those privileged enough to write the version that becomes the widely accepted canon, and how struggles for control of something as conceptual as narrative can become very real and legitimate fights for the right to have one's autonomy and personhood recognised, human connection and why it's both so valuable and so destructive, etc. - but the central question it unceasingly begs is "why do we continue to live like this? why do we accept that this is all there is? what will it take for us to care about what's happening all around us, every day, right before our very eyes? what will you do when you realise you've spent your whole life drowning, and every option for relief comes at a cost? how long can you keep telling yourself that you're not really drowning before the water closes in over your head and swallows you like all those before you?"
tsv takes a magnifying glass to the horrifying exploitation and cruelty that so much of our own society runs on, and literalises it, leading to what is often rather heavy-handed satire bordering on the parodic - but it does so with such grace and unflinching, grounded honesty, without preaching to its audience but without letting them off the hook, either. it recognises that we are all both complicit in and victims of our own collective slow grind towards annihilation, and it asks us "isn't this absurd? isn't this horrifying? is this really all there is? is there nothing we can do in the face of this seemingly insurmountable, inescapable self-defeating routine-turned-ritual? why should we, or shouldn't we, care? why should we, or shouldn't we, try to make a difference?" and it's brave enough to admit that it doesn't have all the answers. but it still tries. because the silt verses is, fundamentally, a story about hope - real hope; the difficult, unglorious, unrelentingly in need of maintenance kind that is, nevertheless, still worth every effort to inspire it. the silt verses is a story about why we get up in the morning and try again, even though it might never be enough.
it's also a very character-driven story, and the character writing is truly second to none. every character is a person, in all their infinite messy, human complexity. every character has the capacity for abject cruelty and incredible kindness; to be a significant influence on their reality and to be utterly meaningless in the wider context of things; every character has the potential to be both the hand that pulls someone to their feet in their hour of need, and the boot that grinds them further into the dirt, and every character is both of these things, at some point or another, to someone. every character is both the martyr and the one holding the knife. no character is a saint - not even the actual, literal saints. and while this isn't necessarily something that should be used as a selling point, the way this podcast handles the diversity of identity is fantastic, and never used tokenistically, or as a character's sole defining trait (though not all aspects of identity get equal consideration; the creator has acknowledged that he didn't tackle race as a topic much beyond examining the developmental factors of broad strokes "us vs. them" nationalistic identities, and the arbitrary nature of patriotic loyalty to one's nation when it runs on the same oppressive systems as that which is painted the aggressor, and some fans have pointed out that while diversity of gender and one's lived experiences according to one's gender identity gets plenty of focus, some things are left to implication and inference in a way that doesn't necessarily strengthen the story's themes).
anyway. not sure this is the "fandom propaganda style" pitch you asked for, but listen to the silt verses. it's a brilliant work of fiction and to my mind deserves to be considered a landmark piece of art (even if that does mean that some of my more fandombrained takes would likely come to be seen as unflattering misconstrusions of the source material that betray my personal deficiencies. well whatever it was fun i had fun.)
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bubblegumgothglados · 2 days ago
So here's the thing about "praise kink"s; everyone has one*
Everybody enjoys having their positive traits noticed, everyone likes it when they do good and someone notices. That came free with being a social animal.
So if you want to "break" a dom you start with praise
Start small; things you appreciate about them, things they do well, just a kind word or two
Develop that into more consistent and direct praise but stick with things they're already doing don't try to get them to do anything yet
Eventually (exact time will depend on the dom in question, if they have a stronger support network it'll tale longer, but most doms are starved of praise because of the idea that they don't need it) they will come to you with something they have done which they see as praise worthy. This is a pivotal moment, you gotta make them feel so so good so that they do it again, and again and again
Once you've turned yourself into the thing that they go to to feel good you're ready for the next step
Ask them nicely if they would please do something for you, something small and fairly simple, something that they're good at. When they do praise them for it in a very thankful way. And then do it again, slowly increase how much you're asking of them. And then at a moment you know they'll say yes, change the wording from "can you please do this" to "do this for me please". The former is a request, the latter is an order. When they do change your praise just slightly from being thankful to praising them for obedience. You need to be very subtle here, there's a gap between what the subconscious mind interprets and the conscious mind understands and you need to sot in that gap.
You have given them an order, they have obeyed, and you've praised them for it. They are functionally "broken", now you just need to slowly expand the things they'll do for you and make the praise of their obedience more overt.
*yes there are exceptions, one in a million people is brain weird in a way that makes being complimented a neutral or negative experience, this might be because of some small neurological anomaly or because of past trauma. But even those people you can probably find a way to praise them that they'll accept, positive reinforcement is a powerful thing
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dfstolenart · 3 days ago
Home With You | Criminal Minds
.・゜✭・. Spencer Reid x F!Reader .・゜✭・.
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Summary: After a long and emotionally exhausting day, you come home feeling overwhelmed from the weight of your job but luckily your sweet loving boyfriend is there to comfort you.
A/N: so cuteeeee, love this one. Lmk your thots<33
BYR (B4 u Reid): sweet Spencer!, hard day at work, hints at abuse, child gets taken away, sad reader, sweet talk, flirting and feeling of not being enough. | kissing <— [warnings]
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Your home was dimly lit when you entered the smell of a vanilla candle filled your nose, and your boyfriend was on the couch with a book on his lap
The weight of the day still pressing on your shoulders, you shut the door quietly behind you and drop your bag down with little care to where it lands
The exhaustion isn’t just physical, it sits in your bones heavy and aching, like the stories you’ve heard today, the ones you can’t unhear. The ones that make you question if you’re even making a difference.
You forget you’re standing in the middle of the entry way until a soft gentle voice pull you out “You’re late.”
He’s still sat on the couch only this time his eyes are on you scanning your face the way he does when he profiles a suspect “I know.” You murmur as you kick off your shoes “Didn’t expect to be.”
You make your way towards him, and he quickly closes his book moving it to the side of him “Come here.” He softly says as he pulls you onto his lap “tough day?”
The laugh that leaves you is hallow “That’s one way to put it.” Before you can say anything else Spencer’s hand is cupping your face, his thumbs brushing lightly over your cheekbones
His touch is grounding, pulling you back from the spiral you feel yourself slipping into.
“Want to talk about it?”
You shake your head “not yet”
He nods, understanding in his eyes “okay”
You rest your head on him, and grab his hands interlacing them together
For a while neither of you speak. The silence is comfortable, a stark contrast to the chaos in your mind. But Spencer is patient, he always is. He knows you’ll talk when you’re ready. Eventually you break the silence, your voice barely above a whisper.
“There was a little boy today. Six years old. His mom.. she” your voice cracked “She wasn’t a monster, Spencer. She wasn’t some evil person, but she was sick, and he was the one paying for it.” You feel his arms tighten around you, and he presses a soft gentle kiss to the side of your head “I’m sorry” he murmurs
“I had to take him away. He cried the whole time for his mommy, telling me she didn’t mean it trying to convince me to take him back home.” Your eyes stung with tears and you squeeze them shut “I know I did the right thing, but it doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
Spencer sighed, and squeezed your hand “Do you know how many times I’ve asked myself if I’ve done the right thing? If all of us at the BAU have? We don’t always get happy endings. Sometimes we don’t even get closure, But what keeps me going, what keeps us all going is knowing that we tried. That we did everything we could.”
You met his gaze, searching for something understanding, reassurance. And you find it.
His hand leaves yours to brush a tear from your cheek “That little boy… he might not understand now, but one day, he will. And because of you he’ll have a chance at something better.”
You let out a shaky breath
“I just feel like I’m suffocating sometimes, like no matter how much I do it’s never enough for these kids. I want to do more for them, i wish I could just take all their pain from them.”
Spencer pulled you in closer to him “you’re doing more than enough.” You close your eyes allowing yourself to believe him, even if it’s just for tonight.
“I love you” you whisper
“I love you too.” He says, holding you tighter, as if he could shield you from all the darkness in the world.
Spencer holds you against him for a long time, his fingers tracing absentminded patterns along your arm. His warmth, his presence, it’s enough to keep you tethered even when your mind still lingers on the weight of the day
“You know.” He murmurs, his voice lighter now, teasing “cuddling releases oxytocin, which reduces stress and promotes emotional bonding. So technically I am scientifically proven to be good for you.”
You both look at each other smiles both plastered on your faces “oh, is that so Dr. Reid?”
“Mhm” he hums clearly pleased with himself “Also prolonged physical affection can also lower blood pressure and improve someone’s overall mood. So, really, I’d be doing you a disservice if I let you go.”
Amusement flickered through your tired eyes “To me, that sounds like an excuse to keep me in your arms.”
He smirked “It’s science. Don’t argue against it.”
You shake your head rolling your eyes “I think you just like having me close.”
“I do” he admits easily, his voice dropping just slightly sending a shiver down your spine, his fingers continue to trail lightly up and down your arm “You’re warm, you smell good and well I’m very fond of you.”
“Fond of me?” You raised an eyebrow “You’re supposed to be utterly obsessed with me.”
He let out a small laugh “what if I say I’m completely, hopelessly in love with you? That I think about you every second we’re apart, and when you’re not in my arms, I wish you were.”
Your breath catches, your heart flutters you feel so special to hear these words come from the man in front of you “That's better.” you say
Spencer leans in, brushing his nose against yours before pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. It's slow, lingering, and so sweet
Then he pulls back, you feel empty without his lips on yours “Then i’ll remind you every day for as long as I live.” your heart swelled
“You're really good at this whole comforting thing.” You smile as you rest your forehead against his, he grins “Well I do have an IQ of 18-”
“Shut up” you cut him off with a desperate kiss . . .
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clemswinecorner · 2 days ago
To be loved is to be known [Harry Lewis/W2S]
Summary: Y/N knows Harry, and Harry knows Y/N.
Wordcount: 775
Warnings: some swearing, nothing major
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Lots of people knew lots of things about Harry. People knew his favourite colour, his favourite football club, his favourite types of videos to film. His friends knew his favourite drink, Simon knew his favourite football top, Tobi knew his Nando’s order. But nobody knew him quite like Y/N did. She could tell whether Harry wanted to buy something within seconds of him seeing it, she could tell the difference between him wanting to leave a place and him wanting to disappear completely. 
“Are you joining us having a couple drinks at Cal’s place?” Lux asks Harry, leaning towards him. They’re out for dinner with quite a big group, which wasn’t too unusual for them, and Harry glances over at Y/N sitting across. She’s fixing her off-shoulder top when he catches her eyes. She gives him a questioning look, knowing him well enough to recognize he wants an answer out of her. “Are we having drinks at Cal’s after this?” He asks, and she shrugs. She notes the way his hands are tapping against the tabletop and his phone’s screen is facing upwards. “I don’t know, maybe one drink but don’t think we’ll stay out late, unless you want to?” She raises her eyebrows at him. She sees the doubt in his face, and how it’s different from his body language that tells her he’d much rather go home. “Won’t be too special, I think there’s people going straight home as well,” Lux mentions. He isn’t stupid, and after living with him for a couple of years, Harry’s face tells him that the day has been long enough. “Yeah, think we might do the same actually, but we’ll be there Saturday,” Y/N jumps in, and Callux nods. Harry gives her a smile, as she swiftly changes the conversation topic.
Later that night, they’re sitting on the couch, a pile of cards in front of them. “You fucker,” she curses as he puts down another plus four. She takes the cards from the pile as he puts down another card. “Thanks for saying no to Lux tonight,” He softly says as she puts down her card. “Hmm. I could tell your social battery would run out halfway through, I’m glad you listened to me,” She jokes, and he chuckles, grabbing a card from the pile. “When have I ever not?” He asks, and she raises her eyebrows at him. “Do you really want me to answer that?” He shakes his head with a laugh, chucking down another card. “No, no I don’t,” He confirms, and she laughs, looking at the cards in her hands. “We should skip nights out to play games more often,” She comments, before she smirks at him. “You didn’t say Uno, by the way.”
In the same way she knew him, he knew her. 
“Baby, have you seen my…” He trails off as he walks into the living room, where she’s sitting crossed legged under a fluffy blanket, invested in her book. She’s comfortably nestled in a hoodie slightly too big, bright blue and more importantly the exact one he’d spend the last fifteen minutes trying to find. He sighs, and she looks up with those adorable clueless eyes, “Never mind. Did you drink anything?” She nods before getting back to her book, “Yeah, have tea,” she absentmindedly says. He walks over, checking the temperature of the mug— completely cold, as he guessed. He picks it up, walking away with a small smile and a shake of his head. 
She doesn’t even notice him coming back until his hand is going through her hair. She looks up, waiting for him to speak. “Hi. My bag’s almost packed, my Uber’s here in fifteen minutes. I made you a tea,” She smiles, putting her book down next to her. “I didn’t realize it was that late already, you should’ve said,” she mentions. “Nah, you were too comfortable, thought I’d let you read. I get you to myself again after the weekend anyway,” he disagrees. She sits up and leans onto Harry, who’d sat down next to her, his shoulder. He lets out a content sigh, turning around to fully envelop her in a hug. She snuggles into his comfortable chest, loving how cuddly he could get. “Thanks for the tea,” she lowly says, and he presses a kiss on top of her head. “Don’t want you to dry out, do I? I know how into the story you can get,” he says, as if it’s nothing. To him, it probably was nothing, it’s just how he was. To her, it was everything. To be loved is to be known, after all.
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coldsaturn · 3 days ago
hiii! i have a question i thought you might be able to answer: how did aftg originally get so popular? i know it was mostly word of mouth on tumblr (still is, i think) (who says this website is unmarketable!!) but what were the early days of the fandom like? personally i've "only" been here since 2016, and by then the series was already decently popular. i remember at that time that the fandom was really welcoming and kind in a way that felt really exceptional to me, and it definitely contributed to me picking up the books, which is the only explanation i can really think of for why it got a bigger following than some to other books which did receive a whole big-publisher marketing campaign aside from it just being well-written. do you have any theories for why it got so massive on here? and do you know how the first readers found it? i hope you don't mind me asking you this, but i remember your blog from wayyyy back when and thought that if anyone had the answer, it would probably be you :)
Hello! I always get so happy when I can talk about the early days of the fandom <3 Sit down here around the fire, let me tell you about this wondrous tale.
So, story time: it was spring 2013, I had just finished a thorough read of In The Company Of Shadows and I was starving for another black hole. It was automatic for me to look up the goodread lists ICoS was featured in, to see what other titles I could pick up, and ended up on the list called "Online M/M stories that deserve to be published". The Foxhole Court was right there (it's not anymore because it IS published <3), so I read it. That was the start of the end lmao
If I remember correctly I didn't wait too long before reading TRK, but TKM didn't come out until the end of the following year, so in the meantime I all but shelved it as something that had incredible potential but that was possibly doomed to never be completed. Fast forward I think the start of 2015 when I accidentally stumbled upon TKM and I couldn't believe I could finally know how the story ended. Nora had a blogspot where she talked about the books (including updates between TRK and TKM), and I remember trying to get as much info as I could on this series. And that was it. For a bit.
So, by the first half of 2015, the fandom was made by people commenting on her blogspot, on her livejournal, the book pages on goodreads, and Ao3 literally had 2 fics ( webarchive gives you what we saw - btw Don't Speak Against The Sun is FIRE and instantly became a new standard for f/f for me). You can still find all this content online. Tumblr had a handful of scattered posts about TFC, mostly Nora's mutuals/friends on tumblr, and a couple of readers screaming into the void with no one answering their call.
I was pretty active on here, especially in the bellarke fandom, and I engaged with mutuals and other blogs often enough that I knew if I talked about something, at least someone would reply. A mutual was reading The Raven Cycle and got me curious enough to liveblog it myself. Instant love, of course, and if you've read TRC you know how strong the found family vibe is. So at the end of my liveblog (we've reached July 2015) I threw out a comment where I recommended AFTG as another worthy title. With the first book being free while the other two were only a dollar each, it sounded a fairly easy commitment. One mutual decided to read it (if you're reading, hi!!!) and liveblog it, and that got the party started.
A party of 2, and I'm not kidding. While we chatted and made up headcanon after headcanon on the phone, the intention was to get others interested in this story. But they'd never do it if there wasn't enough content around to engage with and motivate them to blog themselves, so we started with quote posts, liveblog reactions, a few timid edits and poems. An important choice was figuring out which tag to use (at the time tumblr search only scrolled through tags, not post content): "all for the game" was an actual sports tag, "the raven king" was the title announced for the next TRC installment, "the king's men" was the last book of the trilogy and it wasn't even the free one, so we settled for "the foxhole court" which was an empty tag. Even now my blog content is organized around "tfc" because of it, even though we took over all the relevant tags. A couple other mutuals I had from bellarke fandom got curious as well, and now we could consider ourselves a proper group. We were so starved for fan content that whatever you put out would be automatically reblogged and enthusiastically engaged with. It was a happy little fandom bubble. Then Nora noticed us and started interacting with us, and you got the birth of what would become the extra content page as she replied to our questions.
I possibly had a little bit too much time on my hands because I appointed myself as fandom archivist and tour guide. I reblogged every single post I saw in the tags, and I started a welcome page where I could keep track of everyone announcing they were reading the series. It was meant as a way to find mutuals to interact with since tumblr hadn't yet "canonized" all the tags, and it was entirely possible to lose each other in dashboard chains. I used to reply to everyone reading the series by "officially" welcoming them into the fandom, linking them the page where they could find mutuals, Nora's blog, and the extra content present up to that point. Oh and there was a fictional exy team where you could choose your position and then put it in your blog for fun or roleplay it. I also used smashword's gift system to buy the series for whoever said they couldn't pay for it, just to try and avoid pirating the book (good for word of mouth, bad for sales). This was on my side, but this fandom had so many people pouring their entire heart out I still get emotional thinking about it.
Everyone (before January 2016) made as much content as they could, be it meta, fanart, fanfics, headcanons, edits, wikia pages etc. We had fandom challenges where we pronounced the names of the characters and aftg keywords with our native accent, others where we said our favorite scene. Every headcanon was the first headcanon ever seen in the fandom. The fun thing was that at the time there was a strong etiquette toward "if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything" so fan content really went in all directions with basically no limits. We tagged for triggers and that was it, we had free reign. For those who were around at the time, the sin squad was a group of us fans churning out the saddest/filthiest/fluffiest/most problematic content we could think of.
Then we reached January 2016. We were around 300 in the fandom at that point (I know because I counted them, literally), it had been slow but constant growth where each new fan brought at least other two people with them, and we had around 20 posts per day in the main tag. Then someone bridged the gap between us and the TRC fandom. If you ask me how the fandom got really popular, that's it. The TRC fandom was stuck in hiatus waiting for The Raven King, and now you had 300 rabid foxes spamming aftg content on tumblr, using trk as tag, too. Popular fanartists that were active in that fandom helped making aftg known, and semi viral posts did the rest. We went from 300 to 700 people in a couple of months, and shortly after I had to stop adding people to the welcome page because the post broke. I didn't even know that could happen. It wasn't long after that we were featured in the tumblr end of year recap for book ships. We were so many it was suddenly possible to meet in real life! Cosplays, tattoos, merch. You name it, someone in the fandom did it.
But how did it feel when we were only 20 people and a cardboard dog cutout? It felt like the most chaotic book club ever, and every new fan was automatically a friend. Nostalgia is a lying bitch, but I really don't think I'm making shit up here. We had fun and made great memories.
By the way, if you want to see how things were in 2015, you can! Just go through my archive starting from July 2015 (I think 17th) and onward. You can also search my blog for the tags "fandom history" and "started from nothing and now we're here", whereas here you can find a list of aftg fandom tags I used.
Tl;dr We were starving for good content, we wanted to have fun together, and we were lucky enough to half-hijack a bigger fandom in hiatus. That was all the marketing AFTG needed on tumblr.
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sweetdispatch · 2 days ago
May I please have 9 pieces of wedding cake and warm apple pie with flavors of peppermint and vanilla topped with coconut flakes?
Vow renewal - C. Keller
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v' bakery pairing: Clayton Keller x fem!reader summary: You and Clayton got married in really young age and with time, both of you faced a huge problem in your marriage warning: none
It wasn’t an ideal scenario for both of you. You and Clayton started dating when you two were 20. Year later you found out that you’re pregnant and because of your parents' influence, you had to get married before delivering the kid. Both of you knew that you are too young to settle down, especially that you’ve been together only a year. To please your parents, you did it. 
At first, everything looked like a fairytale. You and Clayton were very much in love and when you gave birth, you two couldn’t be happier. You had a healthy boy and Clayton was more than happy to see his son being interested in hockey. The kid had your character but Clayton’ look. He was your little miracle. 
Because you two got married so young, two of you started struggling with keeping the feelings alive. Now, you and Clayton were 27 and the arguments had become your new reality. You tried to fight for this relationship but you felt like you’re in a lost position. Clayton was distancing himself from you and you couldn’t stop it.
The fights weren’t even hurting you anymore. As bad as it sounds, you got used to them. The only thing that was hurting you was the fact that your son was a witness of the screaming match between you and Clayton. This little 6 year old boy was hearing everything and you knew that you had to do something about it. 
It was another argument between you two but this time, you were tired. All you wanted was to know if you can rescue the relationship. You loved Clayton but you loved your son even more. 
“Do you regret it?” You asked Clayton in the middle of the argument. He was taken aback by your question.
“Regret what?” Clayton was confused about what you’re implying. 
“Listening to my parents and marrying me” You replied. You were tired of those constant arguments. You wanted peace for you and your son. 
“Yes” Clayton said and your heart broke. “I love you but I feel trapped in this marriage. If I could have a time machine, I wouldn’t marry you that fast” You could feel tears running down your cheeks.
“Is this your way of saying that we should get divorce?” You asked not to be ready to hear his answer.
“No, as I said, I love you but I think we need some time apart. You have to admit that those fights are not healthy for us, not to even mention our kid. I think separation is the best solution” Clayton admitted and all you could was to nod your head.
“Okay, if you think that might save us, I’m willing to try” You said sadly. 
“I’ll move to one of my teammates so you can have the house. I’ll be coming to see our boy when I’ll be having free time. Is it alright with you?” All you did was to nod. Clayton grabbed his clothes and left.
It’s been a week since you and Clayton made the decision. It was a quiet time at home without any arguments and screaming at each other. You missed him like crazy but at the same time you enjoyed the peace you had. Clayton felt similar. As much as he liked coming back without being bothered by arguments, he missed you by his side. 
Almost every single day, Clayton was trying to come home to spend time with his son. At that time, you two were acting like old times. No arguments, no screaming, just enjoying each other's presence. You two realised that this relationship is saveable but both of you were scared to bring up this conversation. 
Clayton knew that he’s the one who messed up and he had a great plan in his mind to win you back. He was aware that he hurt you by saying that he regret marrying you at such a young age, that’s why he wanted to propose to you properly and do vow renewal. The time you two got married, Clayton didn’t propose. You two had a small ceremony just to have the wedding rings. 
It was a sunday, Clayton had a day off and decided to pay you a visit. You were sitting at the table with your son and eating breakfast. He sat next to you two and ate in peace while listening to his son's stories. He started dreaming that this might be his everyday life if he managed to rescue what’s left between you and him. 
The whole day all three of you spent on playing games and laughing. It felt so natural like you two don't have any problems in life. Your son was the reason both of you wanted to fight for this relationship. None of you wanted him to go through the divorce. When your son fell asleep, you and Clayton sat down in the living room and watched a movie. 
“I need to tell you something” Clayton started and you were picturing the worst thing. 
“I’m all ears” You replied.
“I was thinking a lot in the past couple of days and I know that I want you in my life. I want to fight for it to be back to normal without any arguments. I want to be the best father and husband to both of you. I know I hurt you by saying that I regret listening to your parents but now…” Clayton took off the box with the ring in it and kneeled in front of you. “It’s my decision without any influence and I know that I want you as my wife. Will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to marry me and have the vow renewal?” He asked with hope in his voice. You broke down in tears.
“Yes, of course” You said excitedly. Clayton put a ring on your finger and you spoke. “I don’t even know what to say. I’m speechless. I’m just so happy that we have a second chance” 
Clayton smiled at you and put his lips on yours. This kiss was electric and full of the emotions that were hidden inside the two of you. This was a new start for both of you.
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coffeeaddictbluebird · 1 day ago
Limbo - Charles Leclerc
Summary: Charles invites her to dinner, and she doesn't know how to feel about it. WC: 0.8K Warning: None. Genre: Angst?
She entered the quaint restaurant that Charles had chosen for the evening. It did not go unnoticed that it was an Indian establishment—her favourite cuisine. She was beginning to regret this decision; it was starting to hurt her heart already. Her tired eyes scanned the mostly empty venue. He was sitting in a corner, facing the door, quietly perusing the menu as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world. He looked up just as she caught sight of him, as if he was subconsciously aware of her presence. He nodded at her— acknowledging her presence just enough. Nothing more, nothing less.
He didn’t even get up to greet her. She was vexed that it bothered her; even a little. She quickly crossed the small space and sat across from him. She glanced at the menu, as she waited for him to speak. Two could play this game. She asked the server for a simple chicken curry and rice, and a light frown appeared on her face for less than a second upon hearing his order—a decaf latte. Even more pins pricking her heart as she realised she had lost the right to comment on his choice for dinner. She sat there, staring out at the street and mulling over the fact that he could converse with the server, but not with her. What had happened to them?
They were here because he told her he had something to say. Minutes passed in silence. The server returned with their orders, and she began eating. The fact that the silence was still slightly comfortable between them, even after all this time, vexed her. She was content just eating in his presence. The memory of the last time she felt this kind of peace was just out of reach. She cursed her heart, realising that she did not even possess it. It was with him, tucked away somewhere, albeit securely. More pinpricks. That seemed to be the running theme of this meet.
She quickly finished her meal, still without a single word from Charles. She was trying not to shy away from the fact that he was observing her. His gaze scrutinised every bite, every sip of her buttermilk. The server cleared away their table, placing a bowl of lemon water for her. She glared at him as he picked up the bill, but said nothing. This whole ordeal had left her feeling like a fool for being here. She thought she might receive answers to at least some of the questions that have been keeping her up at night. 
She gathered her things. “Say what you need to say, or I’m leaving. I don’t have time for this.”
“I have nothing to say,” he replied, his calm exterior unchanged. She frowned.
“Then why did you invite me to dinner?” She was entirely frustrated now. This did not make sense.
“Because you haven’t been eating properly. You’ve lost weight.” He averted his eyes. She wished she had had some kind of warning for that response.
“I’m confused, Charles.” He frowned at that. He did not remember the last time she had called him that. “What are we? Are we broken up, or did we fight?” He noticed how her nostrils flared. He would never not find it cute. “What are we? Are we going to break up, are we still fighting, or did we break up? He flinched.
“I’m still in the process of getting over you,” was the only answer he could give. That was the only answer he had. He didn’t know why either.
“So you are still doing it.” A single tear rolled down her eye, her throat closing up as she tried to control herself from breaking down in front of him. The scene was a bitter reminder that sent him back to that cruel night.
“Please let me give up.” Why was he pleading? Maybe because she still held all the strings.
“Next time, instead of feeding me, answer me. Tell me whether we are breaking up.” She swiped harshly at her eyes.
With that, she stood up and left. He slumped down in his chair, staring at the door and hoping for it to open again. Waiting for her to come back, climb into his lap, and tell him it was all a stupid fight. And that they were okay.
His phone buzzed on the table. He picked it up, not knowing why he was expecting her to text him after this fiasco. All he found was a credit in his bank account, roughly equivalent to her share of the meal. It felt like a knife piercing through his heart. She had never paid him back. Not after their second date. She always reciprocated by doing something for him, buying him things, or paying the next time they went out. A grave realisation dawned upon him. Opening the banking app on his phone, he quickly picked up his keys and ran out.
A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading my work. Please like, reblog and follow for more content. Let me know if you want a part two.
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lightlycareless · 16 hours ago
the jealous y/n i promised. one of them, anyways :)
warnings: naoya used to like someone before you. the thought of it makes you... uncomfortable, by some reason. highschool au. minimal proofreading but sometimes you just gotta let things go...
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It all started because someone decided they just had to mess with you on your first trip to Kyoto, during your first school exchange event.
As yearly intended, the game would be hosted on the winning school; not that someone managed to defeat Gojo and Geto, but to shake things a bit the higher ups decided to break the rules and give the opposing school a chance—maybe fighting in their hometowns would help against them.
Coincidentally, this would mark your first time participating, and what better way to do so than by going to a city you’ve never been to?
We’re you excited?
Undoubtedly. How could you not consider these past details?
However, that wasn’t the only (not the most important) notion that had you feeling such way; what actually got you all giddy was the fact that you’d be going with your boyfriend! Which secretly turned this school trip into a small holiday of sorts, a promise of a good time once he offered to take you to the city and show you all kinds of enthralling experiences you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else.
It was bound to become a memorable visit, one that you wouldn’t be able to forget, worthy enough to share with your eventual children!
And it was… but not for the reasons you expected.
“Ooooh, you know what this trip actually means, right Y/N?” Gojo would begin to stir, as usual. You do your best to ignore him. “You can ignore me all you want, but I’m just warning you, it’s going to be awkward.”
“Awkward?” You blink, taking his bait. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t say it, Satoru…” Geto warns, going against his very nature, which is to rile him further, and instead, showing genuine caution that you’d come to lament later on. “You’re just being cruel.”
“What is? Tell me!” You cry, fallen victim to your curiosity.
“Probably not as cruel as Naoya taking his girlfriend to see his crush. Or past crush, I guess.”
“Crush…?” You blink, your heart dropping to your stomach at the thought of his affections once belonging to someone else. It shouldn’t be that way, of course. Whatever happened before you met him should be beyond your concern.
And yet, you couldn’t stop yourself from torturing yourself with the thought, needlessly wondering who was the lucky girl to previously obtain his attention.
Was she nice? Was she pretty? Did anything manage to happen between the two…?
Does she look like you?
You ought to know better than to ask questions you do not want answered.
“Naoya hasn’t told you?” Satoru worried. “He used to have this huge crush on Utahime, like you don’t imagine how big it was; he’d stalk her everywhere she went, turn all red whenever she was near—“
“Satoru!” Suguru condemned, but it was too late.
It’s safe to say you no longer looked forward to your trip to Kyoto.
“She was going to learn so anyways, might as well get it over with!”
“And?? That doesn’t give you permission to be an idiot about it!”
“I’m just preparing Y/N! It’s not my fault that Naoya hasn’t told her about it… which is quite suspicious if you ask me, more so since he’s been in contact with her quite recently! Did you know he asked me for her number? I think he might not be over—“
“Do you ever shut up, Satoru?” You coldly interject, retreating soon after before the tears forming in your eyes could further humiliate you.
Suguru was right, there was no need for him to be as imprudent when it came to the relationship you were clearly very happy with; but you should’ve not let his behavior affect you either, that’s just how he is—everyone knew that—since he was a little kid.
Satoru just had this need to make everyone miserable simply because he could; but now that your insecurities were stirred, all you could do was revisit Naoya’s enthusiasm for your visit… and tie it with Utahime.
Overanalyze every interaction you had with him and wonder if he ever imagined it was her instead of you.
Like when he complimented you for appearance, called you cute when decorating your hair with a bow, which after Satoru’s bold accusations, you come to find it might’ve been because of nostalgia, longing. Not because Naoya actually meant it.
Utahime’s beautiful, there's no denying that.
She's also taller than you, brighter, determined; with no patience for nonsense yet kind enough to help others when asked. You should know, on the few occasions you’ve had the opportunity to interact with her, she was nothing but gentle when explaining one of the assignments you were struggling with—even offering to tutor you if you continued to have questions.
Undoubtedly, a perfect match for Naoya; both politically and personally. A conclusion that makes your poor heart ache the longer you keep comparing yourself to her.
No one looks at her and thinks “she's too childish” or “she's unsuited for the life of sorcery”. In fact, she’s the type of person one would go to when in trouble, the one to look for when in need of comfort.
While you… well, you’re funny. And apparently, a bit childish too. But definitely not the hope for the next generation of sorcerers.
When weighing all these alleged facts, and after placing Utahime on a pedestal while desecrating your own worth, you question…
Did Naoya settle on you because he couldn't end up with her?
Or were you simply a steppingstone, a diversion while they reunite in the future?
Are you fated to never be good enough by yourself? Everyone’s second choice when their initial plan doesn’t work?
It's not something you'd discern at a simple glance, but when Naoya begins to act more and more secretive the closer the date of your trip got, the more you're inclined to believe so; his distance had been so glaringly obvious that the only time you’ve managed to spend with him was when accidentally bumping into each other in the hallways when going to your next class.
Still, your stubborn heart gave him one last chance. One more opportunity to deny all the ridiculous claims plaguing your mind and realize that the sole reason he’s glued to his phone is because of his family, tending his responsibilities as heir…
And not because he’s seeking another woman.
“Ah, Y/N… I'm a little behind with some of my projects right now so I don't think I'll be able to join you for lunch… but don’t let that stop you, go ahead, eat something. I wouldn't want my princess to starve because of me”
That’s when everything made sense.
Because Naoya, though he may hate paperwork, essays, and all that deviated from exorcizing curses, he was still an excellent student and always delivered on time. Might’ve coerced someone to do his work from time to time when not in the mood, but it still brought you back to the same conclusion.
A realization that sparked your anger, bitterness—jealousy.
But most importantly, sadness.
Which you could no longer hide the fateful day of your trip.
“Wait, Y/N—! Why are you in such a rush? We’re still on time for the train!” Naoya would say after catching up to you. The two had previously agreed to meet up just outside your dorm and go to the train station together from there; but alas, you were nowhere to be seen when he eventually arrived, and this caused him to be very surprised.
After all, you were virtually inseparable from him; you would’ve spent the night with him if only it wasn’t prohibited. So… why the sudden indifference?
One could only try to be compassionate when remembering this was his first, serious relationship, so there were many things he had yet to learn about having a girlfriend and how to treat her.
It’s just a misfortune he’d come to learn that lesson harshly so.
“I'm fine, thank you.” you frown, ignoring Naoya as you continue to pull your suitcase towards the exit. The faculty gave students two options, either take the provided transportation and ride with the rest of your classmates to the train station or go by yourself.
Solitude was only appetizing with the silent turmoil you carried.
Your boyfriend doesn't say much after that, though he does note the striking difference of your usually bubbly personality with this… muted version of his girlfriend.
When you once harbored excitement to travel to a completely new city, you now… well, it looked as if you'd rather get sick than do this. And it didn’t seem to be caused by anxiety either, he’d seen you nervous and this was not the way you behaved when such.
Not exactly the disposition he hoped for today's happening, and yet, he’s still light years away from figuring why!
Was it better to simply… leave you alone?
“Y/N, let me help you.” he decides otherwise, at least your stubbornness is something he’s familiar with and thus, not easily swayed to back off when you ignore him again. “Princess—”
“Don’t touch me!” You exclaim, pulling your hand away from his. “I said I'm fine, now leave me alone!”
Naoya blinks, at first startled by your sudden outburst, before growing irritated, never one to enjoy being lashed out on—less if it came from someone as important as you.
“What the hell has gotten into you?!’ Naoya scorns, trying to get a hold of your hand only for you to dismiss him again. “I'm just trying to help you!”
“Yeah, right. Just to get there quicker, huh?” you frown.
“I mean, is that not ideal?”
“You're unbelievable.”
“Huh??? Will you at least care to explain why you’re so moody out of the sudden??”
His choice of dismissing words stabs your heart in a sharp, painful way that only serves to ignite your anger even more. Naoya really had no idea, did he?
Or did he believe you were as naïve as he desperately intended to portray you?
“Oh, it’s nothing. Nothing at all! In fact, how about I just step aside so you can do everything you want in Kyoto? Go see who you want to see while I stay behind, quiet, so you won't have to worry about me?!”
“But—what?? Did you forget were supposed to spend time together over there?? Show you the city?!” Naoya exclaims. “What happens to that??”
“I don't know, you tell me!” You cry back. “No, you know what, don't tell me. I don't feel like hearing—”
“Oh, no you're not.” Naoya says, take ahold of your arm and forcing you to see him face to face—getting a good look of your red, swollen eyes from undoubtedly spending the whole night crying, that only made his determination to find out what ailed you even stronger.
And deal with whomever was responsible for this dreadful act.
Even if it was yourself, or unwittingly himself too.
“We're going to spend two hours on a bullet train which I don't intend to have by you ignoring me through the entirety of it.” He goes on.
“Who did this to you? Tell me who hurt you and I'll make sure they—”
“Just stop it already! You don't have to set up all these… theatrics just so you can feel less guilty about seeing her!”
“Her?” He breathes, of all things you could’ve sputtered, this is the least, most shocking one he could’ve received. Where did you even get this idea?? “Pray tell, who am I seeing?”
“I don't—I don't want to talk anymore.”
“Y/N!” Naoya exclaims, you flinch—a reaction that has him immediately regretting his act, softening his voice. “I can't help but feel there's a sort of misunderstanding here, just tell me what's going on… Please.”
“...I just want to know if you— if you still harbor feelings for that person before me?”
“Huh?” Naoya frowns. “Talk clearly, mochi. I don't understand a word you're saying—”
“I'm asking if you still like the girl you liked before me!” You cry. “Or perhaps never stopped liking…”
“Who did I like?” He asks back, genuinely confused.
“Are you going to make me say it?!”
“I mean, if we're to get anywhere.”
“Fine! I’m referring to Utahime! You like her, don't you?!”
“Uta—what?? Where did you get that idea?!”
“Don't—don’t act like you don't know what I'm talking about!” You insist. “Satoru told me…”
“Ah, and he's nothing but a reliable source, isn't he?”
“Suguru confirmed it too! Or at least his reaction did…”
Naoya pinches the bridge of his noise, exasperated.
“When are you going to stop believing the stupidities they spew at you?”
“Well, Satoru had no reason to lie about that!”
Naoya can think of many, thousands in fact, and they always boil down to malice…
It's hard to believe how he once used to admire him, even thought of himself as very similar to him. But now that he keeps needlessly tormenting his love, that sentiment is far gone—he’ll deal with that matter soon enough, right after reassuring you he doesn’t have feelings for his past classmate.
Not anymore, that is.
“... Just tell me if you still like her, so I can stay out of your way—”
“I don't like her, Y/N.” Naoya declares. “Honestly, I don't think I ever did.”
“Then why did he say that?”
All must’ve started back when he was still a first-year student, having just transferred from Kyoto after demanding to be close to one of his admirations.
Satoru, always the obnoxious one since the beginning of time, had the tradition of pestering all newcomers in hopes of finding a victim to let out all his frustrations on for the following years; however, his sights were specifically the Zen'in heir whom he was previously acquainted with and was quite surprised to see “interacting with the mortals”, since their families often preferred to homeschool their talents.
Of course, now that he was within reach, he just couldn't miss the opportunity of mocking him in any conceivable shape and form, beginning with questions intended to get a rise out of him.
“Are you trying to tell me you don’t like any of the girls here?” Satoru would begin, for the nth time that day. “Or perhaps left a darling back at home?”
“No, I do not” No matter the insistences, Naoya remained strong in his beliefs, much to Satoru’s disappointment. But if anything, this made it into a far more gratifying challenge.
“Oh, really? Do you expect me to believe the great Zen’in heir has trouble getting with girls?” He continues to tease. “Hm, should’ve known—the only way anyone could tolerate you people is by coercing—"
“Fine! Alright! I like Utahime!” Naoya promptly declared, making Satoru’s expectations… well, shatter. Whatever he had in mind was nothing compared with the seeming reality!
“No way, you like her???!!”
Obviously, for someone as aggravating, set to get the worst of people, he could never truly find enjoyment in Utahime that wasn’t from tormenting her.
But to Naoya… well, he’d soon find out there was more to his answer than just selecting the one he found attractive at the moment.
Just as it was stated, he found Utahime to be quite… alluring. She was fairly good looking, and conservative enough in certain aspects, at least the ones he considered his clan would care of.
Perhaps the only thing he didn’t enjoy was that explosive temperament of hers, how she always fell victim to Satoru’s provocations instead of ignoring him, as a proper lady would’ve.
But he still gave her a chance, tried approaching her, get to know what she thought of him, how much he knew of the Zen’in clan, and most importantly, if she enjoyed being a miko—because such lifestyle could prove detrimental if they got together, and the last thing he needed was more personal struggles to deal with.
Yet, as much as he insisted…as much as Utahime tried to ignore his preceding reputation and give him the benefit of the doubt, nothing would come out from someone that didn’t have the patience to see past of his rough exterior and understand why Naoya was the way he was.
Who he could truly be.
Such things were meant for soulmates, after all.
And all that could’ve been was effectively terminated the moment he decided to transfer to Tokyo.
But for the only other person who saw everything unfold, Satoru, there was still much, much more to exploit.
“...Satoru said you’d always get all flustered whenever she was around” you quietly continue. “So, if you really didn’t like her, why would he say that?”
“Because he'd follow me everywhere to tease me, it was becoming quite… irritating.” He answered honestly, but still not enough to ease your poor heart of its selfish, hurtful assumptions.
“It still doesn't explain why you were talking with her these past few days” you go on, as much as a part of you desired not to.  You just wish that whatever you found out, it wouldn't shatter you. “You’d even hide your phone from me…”
Naoya, understanding how bad this looked, sighs. Nonetheless, if he wishes to preserve your affection he cannot hold back on the truth.
“I… I didn't want to tell you, it was meant to be a surprise, really…  but, well, I managed to figure out where the exchange event is to happen, which is coincidentally, an area to which Utahime is native to. And since I promised to show you around, take you to the best places…. I thought it might've been productive to ask for her input.
I know I pride myself on being from Kyoto, quite arrogantly so, but the truth is… I barely know anything outside what my family has shown me. I wasn't much of a friendly person so I didn't have anywhere to hang out.
And I didn't want to disappoint you, I couldn't let you down, especially after instantly listening to your excitement. The thought alone of ruining your first trip to the city is enough to drive me mad, so… I believed that doing all this was the right path to take.
… But had I known this would be the outcome, I would rather face your disappointment that to never have you by my side again.”
At his explanation, conformed of genuine words and concerns, all you could do is cry.
Weep at the incredulity of your assumptions, ashamed of your distrustful behavior towards him for once again, believing the past that once plagued Naoya.
How long would it take for your insecurities to finally free you? To stop listening what others whisper at your ear, of how he was the wrong person for you?
Until he decides he’s had enough of your childish antics and leaves for good?
Naoya’s far from perfect, undoubtedly so, but he's trying his hardest and he's changing because of it: when he once cared for nothing but his needs, all he could think of now is your happiness.
Were you willing to disappoint him? Rupture this relationship and lose him forever?
You'd never forgive yourself, which is why you wept, and wept, and wept.
Because you had, right before you, the only thing you ever wanted in life— a man that loved you just as you are—and almost ruined it.
But Naoya, whom perhaps regretted this situation the most, didn’t see the reason behind your tears and instead, believed them to be caused by his own failure, the lack of oversight to realize the gravity of his acts and subsequently poorly attempting to bridge his misjudgment.
A part of him doesn’t worry about your solitude, because he knows you’ll always have your friends and family to support you.
But him… without you, he’s truly alone. And he can’t—couldn’t let you go.
 “Tell me, Y/N. What do I need to do for you to believe me? For you to trust me again?” he quickly begins to beg, spew just about anything that might earn him your compassion and forgiveness—one last chance.
Though a simple remedy was all that he needed.
“A—A—hug…!” You sob, and Naoya doesn’t need to be told twice to quickly wrap his arms around you and pull you close into his chest, hoping that by his warmth you’d be reassured into ceasing the one thing that always shattered his heart. “I’m—I’m sorry, I should’ve never distrusted you, it’s just that I—”
“You don’t have to say anything, princess. It was just a mistake.” He says, pressing his face against the top of your head.
“But I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did!” you retort. “I shouldn’t have accused you of something that I wasn’t certain of! Of something you would’ve never done, now I know…”
“Why did you believe that I’d have eyes for another woman in the first place…? Have I not shown you what you mean to me?”
“Ye—yes, but…”
You sniffle, before swallowing.
“I guess a part of me always felt undeserving of you.” You confess. “Skeptical to believe I found someone that truly loved me, that’d be willing to do all you’ve done for me.”
Naoya at first remains quiet, starting at you in complete disbelief before letting out a warm chuckle, making you frown.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing, I just… learned we’re not so different, after all.”
You look up to him. “What do you mean?”
“I too, at times, feel underserving of you.” He confesses. “You don’t know how many times I’ve feared the possibility of you simply… deciding you were no longer happy with me; that you might realize there is someone infinitely better than me and leave.”
A certain friend of yours made sure to revive such sentiment within him whenever nearby.
But just as him, you never had eyes for anyone else that wasn’t the love of your life.
“…I guess that’s another way to know we’re meant for each other.” You quietly discern, resting your face back into his chest while Naoya laughs once more. “Does that mean you’re not… upset with me anymore?”
“Upset? If anything, I was quite delighted to see you jealous; you’re quite cute when you are, you know?” He teases, gently pinching your cheek.
“I wasn’t jealous!” You cry, he raises an eyebrow. “I mean… not without reason.”
“Have I not told you already that you are the most beautiful, adorable, gentlest woman in the whole world?” Naoya continues, you turn bright red.
“Now you’re just embarrassing me!” you gasp, pushing your face deeper into his chest.
“The list is honestly endless, but we do have a train to catch.” He reminds you, making your eyes widen and gasp.
“Oh, my god you’re right! We have to hurry!” you say, ready to fetch your suitcase, before bashfully looking back to him. “…Are you still sitting with me?”
“Unless you’re saving it for a random person.” He raises an eyebrow.
“Nope, and I do not want to run the risk of being paired with a weirdo!”  you exclaim. “You have a lot to catch up with me, anyways.”
“I know.” Naoya responds. “Though I doubt talking about preparations and schoolwork will be any exciting.”
“I was thinking something a bit more… personal. Like kisses.” You murmur, and he smirks before leaning down to peck your lips, heart fluttering in return.
“Is that a good way to start?”
You smile, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him back.
Your trip to Kyoto proves to be just as exciting as you expected, if not more thanks to all his precedent planning, that you simply couldn’t wait for the day you’d come again.
Thankfully, you’d have plenty of time to do so once convincing Naoya to take you to visit the Zen’in… much to his chagrin. But anything to make you happy, he supposes.
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yes i love setting up more stories should I be blamed? NO. ahahaha
anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it 🙈 I couldn't (nor wouldn't) write anything that might be interpreted as slander against utahime cause i don't feel that way about her (though I feel incredibly disappointed that we didn't get to see more of her 😒😒😒😒) but also I couldn't write her in such way that would make one ask "well, if she was so good for naoya then why is he with y/n? lol"
yet I hope I was able to show how immature/selfish he was with her 🤣 asking questions like "I wonder if she's heard of my clan" instead of trying to genuinely get to know her and such. it's the power of love y'all.......................................
aaaah what i mean to say is, I hope you enjoyed this :') i think it's the first time I ever write Naoya taking interest in someone else, even though it was in the past 🤔 still...
take care and hope to see y'all soon!!
p.s. what do y'all think utahime's reaction was to naoya dating y/n? I have a few ideas but have yet to choose one lol.
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gingiesworld · 3 days ago
In The Stars (2/?)
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, violence
Word Count: 4.5k
Since the night the two had finally opened their hearts, embracing their feelings for one another instead of hiding away, they had begun to spend more and more time together. Although, they had kept it a secret from Pietro, wanting to enjoy the peace and tranquillity behind closed doors. Wanda was sat at the island, watching as Y/N moved around the kitchen, cooking a dinner they had promised her. She admired how they moved around, how they held themselves up on their feet, soon raising a brow as they turned to face her, leaning against the counter. 
"Do you think we should maybe tell Piet? About us?" Y/N asked her, Wanda sensed their nervousness, moving around to stand in front of them, taking one of their hands in hers. 
"Maybe." She answered, soon moving her hand to cup their cheek, looking in their eyes. "But, is it too selfish to want to stay in our own little world a little while longer?" She questioned, stroking their cheek with her thumb. 
"I guess not, but he's my best friend." Y/N replied, taking a deep breath. "He's always been there for me, and I hate keeping secrets from him, he's always been there for me, through everything. I just." 
"How about we tell them on Sunday?" Wanda suggested. "At Sunday dinner?" Y/N exhaled, nodding slowly before Wanda stepped up on her toes, kissing them softly. "But, I think dinner's going to burn if you don't concentrate. We don't want to burn the kitchen down, do we?" She teased them, patting their cheek before stepping away.
"You know, I have never seen you cook before." Y/N stated with a smirk, stirring the Bolognese. "It's like you might be just as bad of a cook as your twin." They chuckled as she shook her head, a smile forming on her face. 
"I can cook, I just haven't cooked in a while." She told them. "Not since I moved here with my brother and his wife." She moved to stand beside them, watching as they added some herbs to the sauce. "But, maybe I can cook for you next time." She bumped her hip against theirs. 
"You know, I may just take you up on that." They accepted with a smile, glancing down at her. She soon moved to help set the table as Y/N finished with cooking, as Wanda grabbed their drinks, Y/N grabbed their plates, following behind her, placing them down before pulling her chair out for her before moving to take their seat. Wanda watched as they started to eat, glancing at their left hand, seeing their ring finger bare. 
"You took of your wedding ring?" She questioned, Y/N wiped their mouth after swallowing what they had in their mouth. 
"Yeah, I figured it was time." They told her. "I honestly don't quite know what we are, or if we are even putting a label on us yet, but I want to be all in this between us." Wanda's heart beat rapidly in her chest, waiting for their next words. "I know that what Jean and I had was special, it was amazing but I believe that we could be just as or more than that. I want to believe that." 
"I do too." Wanda whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just, I'm scared to get hurt again, I can't go through that again." Y/N reached over, taking her hand in theirs. 
"I can't say that we won't have our disagreements, every couple has their disagreements." They started, looking in her eyes as a gentle smile took place on their face. "But we are both adults, we can always talk through everything, any problem that we come across, we will get through it all together. Love isn't always enough to keep a relationship working, there's more to it, it's give and take, compromises and sacrifices, but it's never all going to be one sided." They lifted her hand to their lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "I am all in this Wanda, as much as it scares me too, but I want this. I want us." Wanda only saw confidence and comfort in their eyes as they spoke. "But I need you to want us too." 
"I do." Wanda spoke shakily, their words taking an effect on her. "I just." 
"I'm not him, Wanda." They cut her off, already knowing she was going to repeat her previous statement. "I will never ever be him. I want to be your safety and comfort, I want to be someone who you can rely on when you need me, however you need me." 
"I'm sorry." Wanda looked down, her plate suddenly becoming more interesting until she heard their chair move. They got on their knees beside her, a hand resting on the back of her chair whilst her hand remained in their other. 
"You have nothing to apologise for." They told her tenderly, moving her hair from her face. "You're allowed to feel how you feel, there's nothing wrong with it, and I will always be here to listen if ever you need. I will give you reassurance if that's what you need." Wanda only nodded, a small smile on her face as Y/N kissed her hand once more. "Now, let's finish eating and we can watching your Dick Van Dyke before you go home if you'd like?" Wanda nodded, picking up her fork as Y/N got back in their seat, stealing glances at her every now and then. There was no denying that the two still had a lot of work to do on themselves, but there's no saying that they both can't heal side by side as they grow together. 
Y/N still found themselves in the cemetery, cleaning up Jean's headstone and replacing the wilting flowers. Soon sitting on the ground, leaning back on their arms as they looked up at the clear blue sky, the weight that they had felt in their chest for the past two years, barely noticeable. 
"I uh, I kind of fell for someone." They started, turning their attention to Jean's picture on the stone, a small smile on their face. "I don't know if it would be considered too soon, because it's only been a couple of years since, well you know." They chuckled lightly. "But I believe that I could fall in love with her, I can't quite explain it, but I've never felt like this, not since you." They sighed as they soon lay back, watching the clouds float along in the sky. "You would have loved her yourself, truthfully she reminds me so much of how you used to be, she's strong and beautiful, smart and she really is amazing." They rested their hands behind their head. "But she's just as terrified as I am, I guess we both don't want to be hurt again." They squeezed their eyes shut. "I can't lose another person who I love, I just don't think I would survive losing her like I lost you." They swallowed the lump in their throat, moving to their feet. "I just want you to know that you will always have a place in my heart, you were the person to show me how to love, that I could be loved and you have no idea how grateful I am to have had our time together." They wiped their eyes, taking a shaky breath. "Even if it was as fleeting as it seemed, the pain of losing you doesn't outweigh the time we had and the lessons that you taught me. I love you, my phoenix." Y/N pressed two fingers to their lips, pressing a kiss before placing them on the picture. "I'll be back again, I'm never going to forget you." With that, they made their way to their car, settling in the driver's seat, resting their head on the steering wheel, giving them a moment or two before they decided to head to Pietro's for Sunday dinner, before they were going to tell Pietro about the two of them. 
Once Y/N had pulled up outside their best friend's home, their heart was beating out of their chest, afraid of what Pietro would say about them and Wanda starting whatever they are. They reluctantly stepped out of the car, every step heavier as they approached the front door, taking a deep breath before they let themselves inside. The house already smelled of roast pork, quietly closing the door behind them, they made their way towards the living room, where they found Wanda sat alone with a book in her hand.
"Hey." They spoke softly, gaining her attention, a shy smile on their face as they nervously stepped inside, taking a seat on the sofa beside her. Wanda smiled gently, the butterflies swarming in her stomach, she was both nervous and excited.
"Hey." She greeted them, placing her book down on the coffee table before turning to face them. "How was your morning?" She asked them, knowing what their routine was.
"It was alright." They nodded, picking at their cuticles until she reached over and took their hand in hera. "I guess in someway, I feel somewhat lighter than before." Wanda's smile widened as she scooted closer to them. "How about you? You nervous?" They asked her, playing with the rings on her fingers.
"I am." She nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I have been replaying what we're going to say in my head, coming up with the different outcomes, but we won't really know what will happen until we tell him." She told them, Y/N nodded in agreement, lifting her hand to their lips and pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles, a gesture that seems to make her heart beat quicken everytime.
"We will do it together." Y/N whispered, the two separating as they heard footsteps approaching. Then Monica entered the room with Pietro following behind her with their drinks.
"I told you they would be here." Pietro told his wife with a triumphant smirk. "It's like clockwork every week." Monica shook her head as Y/N thanked Pietro for their drink.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, it's like the two of you are married." Monica teased Pietro, Wanda giggling as the two made disgusted faces at her statement.
"I'm sorry to say that your husband is most definitely not my type." Y/N told her. "If we were to be married, it would be more of a pity marriage on my part." Pietro looked offended as both women laughed. "It's true! Who would feed you otherwise, you'd kill yourself with your own cooking." They defended as Pietro scoffed, turning away dramatically.
"Well I have you know, I would bring more to our marriage than just bad cooking." Pietro told them.
"Like what? You're not exactly handy around here either." Wanda added, earning a glare from her twin.
"It's true." Monica agreed, sipping her lemonade with a smirk. Everyone burst out laughing as Pietro tried his hardest to fight his own smile.
"Anyways Y/N, I do have a question." Pietro started, turning to face them. "When did you stop wearing your wedding ring? I've noticed you've not wore it for a while."
"It's been a couple of months, at least I think." They answered him truthfully, remembering that they had stopped wearing it the morning after they had slept while on call with Wanda. "I figured that it's time, Jean is always going to be a huge part of my life, she helped me figure out the person I wanted to be and well, I can't keep living in the past and always wonder what if." They answered, half truthfully.
"I'm proud of you." Pietro told them honestly, a gentle smile on his face. "Jean would be proud of you." Y/N only nodded before taking a swig of their beer. As the afternoon went on, the four of them sat around the table, eating and bullying Pietro's lack of talent in domesticity.
"Before we finish here, we need to talk." Wanda started, her eyes finding Y/N's who only nodded for her to continue. "You know you're always going to be the most important man in my life, but you need to know that Y/N and I." She took a deep breath as a silence took over the room.
"We've kind of been spending time together." Y/N continued for her, looking at Pietro, whose expression remained stoic. "We don't quite have a label on what we both are yet, but we are figuring that out together."
"So, you both have been lying to me?" Pietro spoke calmly, too calm which made a chill run through them both. "You have both been sneaking around behind my back?" He looked between the two, ignoring as Monica gave him a pleading look.
"No, it's not like that." Wanda tried, watching as he just shook his head. "I have feelings for them, I can't quite explain really how it started between us, but it has. We were both afraid of tellin you because we didn't know how you would react." Pietro remained silent.
"I do really care about her." Y/N confessed. "More than I should, but I know what I feel for her isn't like what I felt for Jean, it's different. Completely different." Pietro's eyes softened slightly as he listened to them. "You know, I love Jean, I always will, but that doesn't mean that I won't love Wanda." Wanda reached over and took their hand as they spoke. "Because I am falling for her, more and more each time I'm with her." Pietro pulled a disgusted expression. "No, not like that, hell we haven't even took that step yet. You know yourself that I'm an all in kind of person, you know that, you saw that with Jean and I." Y/N took a deep breath. "What I'm saying is that I do believe that Wanda and I could have a future together, I do see that, I don't even know if she sees that herself, but I don't care if she doesn't just yet." Y/N turned to gaze at Wanda, who had tears forming in her eyes. "I'm a patient person when it comes to someone I truly care about, I would always be patient with you because I think." They shook their head with a chuckle. "No, I know, I know that I am falling for her, I am truly falling for you and the truth is, I don't want to stop falling for you." Pietro smiled as Y/N wiped a tear that had escaped Wanda's eye.
"I'm falling for you too." Wanda whispered shakily. "I really am and all I ask is that you would be there to catch me."
"Of course, I'll always catch you." They told her. "I'm not afraid of this anymore, as long as I have you by my side, I'm not scared." Wanda cupped their cheek and pressed a soft passionate kiss to their lips, breaking apart as Pietro faked a cough.
"As touching as all of this is." He started, a hard expression. "I just have to say this one thing, I am really happy for you both. You both deserve all the happiness in the world." He smiled at the two, both Y/N and Wanda smiled.
"You know, I thought this was going to end differently." Y/N stated.
"How so?" Monica questioned.
"Well, I thought I would be getting a punch in the face or something." They chuckled. "Especially with her being your little sister."
"Twin!" Wanda defended herself, struggling to hold back her smile.
"I am still twelve minutes older." Pietro stated triumphantly, leaning back in his chair whilst Wanda just shook her head with a smile on her face.
Wanda had decided to head to Y/N's after dinner, she was sat on the sofa, her feet tucked under her as Y/N brought her a glass of wine with their beer. She smiled and said a soft thank you as she took the drink from them, watching as they sat beside her, sipping their beer. She leaned her head on her hand as her arm rested on the back of the sofa.
"What?" Y/N questioned, a curious look in their eye as they watched her carefully.
"Did you mean it?" She asked them. "What you told Pietro, did you really mean it?" Y/N placed their bottle on the coffee table, turning to fully face her.
"I did." They answered her, rest their hand on her knee, rubbing small circles over her skin. "I meant every word, and I'm not always certain about my feelings, but I am certain about what I feel for you. I want this, you and I, it's what I want. It's what I crave and I." They chuckled lightly, Wanda tilted her head slightly, confused. "I can't get you out of my mind, when we're not together, and even when we are together, you are all I think about." They exhaled before continuing. "It's intoxicating, it's like you're all around me, even when you're not." Wanda moved to place her glass down on the table before settling back on the sofa. "I uh, I have been wanting to ask you this, maybe in a more romantic date or something." Wanda watched as they became nervous, her own heart beating rapidly in her chest. "Will you be my maybe, I." Wanda smiled at their nervousness, leaning forward and pressing her lips to theirs.
"I would be honoured to be your girlfriend." She told them with a smile, Y/N exhaled in relief before pressing their lips against hers, the two breaking the kiss with a smile.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now." They told her honestly, resting their forehead against hers.
"I'm sure I do, because you have made me the happiest I have been in a very long time." Wanda spoke quietly. Y/N shifted slightly, moving their hand to cup her face as they looked in her eyes.
"I will only ever want you to feel happy and comfortable with me." They told her, caressing her cheek with their thumb. Wanda moved to kiss them, more passionately than before.
Time seemed to pass by faster, the moments were filled with love and happiness. Although the two had never said those three words out loud to each other, but neither of them could really hide from their growing feelings for one another with each moment.
"So, you and my sister." Pietro said as he sipped his beer, the two deciding to hang out outside of the confines of either homes.
"Yup." Y/N nodded, finishing their drink before ordering another round, placing Pietro's in front of him. "I'm sorry if it's weird."
"No, it's not weird." He told them, turning on his stool to face them. "It's nice to see the two of you happy. I never knew what Wanda was like when she was with Vis, but I know she was unhappy, especially with everything she told us." Y/N listened to him, hanging on to every word. "But I've never seen her this happy since we were kids."
"She deserves to be happy." Y/N spoke softly.
"And so do you." He reminded them, watching as a smile formed on their face.
"I am happy, like really happy." Y/N admitted. "Being with Wanda is just, it's amazing. I can be myself with her, and she doesn't even care that I have some traits that are annoying to a lot of people." They smiled as they thought of her. "Even when I'm in the garage, she's always right there with me, she has been helping me with the project I'm working on, I've been teaching her about carpentry and how to use the tools and she seems to enjoy it."
"Are you sure she does?" A voice sounded from beside them. The two turned around to see a tall blonde man stood there.
"This conversation is kind of private." Y/N told him firmly.
"Well, you are talking about Wanda Maximofg right?" He smirked as he looked between the two. "If you ask me, she doesn't really have much good to offer to a relationship. Especially in the sack." With that, Y/N swung at him, landing a punch on his jaw.
"Y/N." Pietro spoke, a warning in his tone. "Leave it."
"Yeah Y/N, leave it." He smirked, rubbing his jaw. "Better yet, leave Wanda, you could do much better with paying for a hooker." His eyes remained on them. "Hell, she does actually give one good blowjob, that's about all she's good for." Y/N saw red, lunging at him and tackling him to the ground, punching him repeatedly in the face.
"Y/N! Stop!" Pietro yelled, pulling them off of him, leading them away from the bar towards the exit. "What the hell was that?!" He questioned once they were outside, standing on the pavement.
"You heard everything he was saying about her!" Y/N yelled, still angry at the words spoken about Wanda. "He completely disrespected her, and I will never let anyone disrespect anyone I love!" They took a deep breath, ignoring Pietro's eyes widening. "He's lucky I didn't kill him."
"You would have if I didn't pull you off of him!" Pietro shot, watching as Y/N shook their head, starting to walk away from the bar. "You need to be more careful with your temper, you don't want the same thing to happen as college do you?!" Y/N stopped in their track, turning around to face him.
"You know I'm not that person anymore." They told him, hurt in their voice.
"Really, I'm pretty sure that I just saw them resurface." He told them, Y/N hung their head, looking down at their hands.
"I changed." They told him. "Since Jean, I haven't been that person since Jean came into my life."
"Really, what about what you did to Scott?" Pietro questioned. "You were lucky back then that there were witnesses of how he tried to take advantage of her, you only got let off with a warning." He reminded them. "You put him into a coma, you lost control and almost killed him."
All Y/N could do was look down at their feet, not wanting to see the disappointment in their best friend's eyes once again. They flinched when he gently placed his hand on their shoulder.
"Come on, let's head home and clean your hands." He spoke softly. Y/N only nodded, turning around and walking in the direction to Pietro's house. The walk was quiet, only the sound of chatter from passers by and cars passing through the night. "So, do you love her?" Pietro broke the silence, Y/N's head shot up, glancing at him. "With what you said earlier."
"I do." Y/N told him. "I really do love her, it's not like how I felt for Jean, it's different, but then again every love isn't the same. We recognise it as love, but it's never the same as it felt for someone before."
"Have you told her?" He asked them, they shook their head no.
"I've told her that I am falling for her, but I haven't said I love you to her." They told him. "I just, I guess I'm scared because if I tell her, what if she takes a step back from us? What if she doesn't feel the same or see the same future as I do."
"You'll never know until you tell her." He told them. "I mean what I said before, she has never been this happy with you before, and with what that jerk was like, who I presume is her ex that she moved to get away from, she most definitely wasn't happy with him."
"I just, I'm waiting for the moment." They told him. "You know, a way to make it special, like under a beautiful sunset or something."
"You don't have to wait for a big time romantic moment, it doesn't have to be during this grand gesture." He told them. "It's much more meaningful and special when you don't expect it, in a quiet moment between the two of you. Whether it be while watching a movie or cooking together. It can be anytime." Y/N nodded as they took his words in, soon stopping the conversation as Pietro's house came into view. Once they both entered the living room, Wanda and Monica were sat watching one of their rom coms without Pietro making jokes all the way through it.
"Hey, what happened?" Wanda asked once her eyes landed on Y/N.
"We met your ex tonight." Pietro stated, taking a seat beside his wife. "He really is a piece of work."
"What did he say?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly.
"Just a load of crap." Y/N told her, remaining in their spot by the door.
"Yeah, then he got his ass handed to him." Pietro told her, Monica looked at Y/N, Wanda's eyes following as they both saw their hands, their knuckles bloodied and bruised. "I pulled them away before it got to far." Wanda stood up, looking over Y/N before gesturing for them to follow her. Y/N treaded lightly up the stairs behind her, following her into her bathroom.
"Sit." Wanda told them, letting the sink fill up with warm water, grabbing a cloth before gently taking their hand in hers, cleaning them as Y/N watched her closely.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered, Wanda's eyes shot up at their words.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." She told them. "I know first hand what he can be like."
"I just, he said all of these things about you, he overheard Pietro's and I's conversation." Y/N started. "I hated the way he spoke about you, I hated the way he was amused by his own words, I hated that I lost control and became that person I never wanted to be again."
"Hey." Wanda cupped their face, forcing them to look in her eyes. "I don't care about the person you used to be, but I do care about the person you are now. The person I am falling more and more in love with everyday."
"You love me?" They questioned, their eyes never leaving hers.
"I do." She told them honestly. "I have been trying to deny it myself, but I can't anymore. I love you so much, more than I have ever loved anyone before." Y/N wasted no time in pressing their lips against hers, their hands holding her close by her shirt.
"I love you." They whispered against her lips. "I really do. I love you so fucking much." The two smiled, Wanda then moved slightly, finishing her task, causing them to flinch when she grabbed the alcohol wipes from the first aid box. A fear that the two had unknowingly shared seemed to be a silly notion of what could have been. Finally accepting how deeply they both feel for each other.
Taglist : @mothertoall2 @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @reginassweetheart @machyishere @gemz5 @pawiie @duckiekong (If you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
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suzieloveships · 23 hours ago
Cybertron Pre-Sentinel's betray
AKA High Guard x B99 au [1/?]
Base on my previous post
Starscream: That's how we do it in the HG, sir. Fight bad guys and look good doing it ------ Shockwave: Could you make TC stop doing that weird thing with his face? Skywarp: Crying? ------ Starscream: Let's go! Chest bump me! Soundwave: You don't want to do this Starscream: No, I really do Soundwave: It hurts you every time Starscream: No, I know, but I'm fired up. The adrenaline is gonna carry me through. Here we go! [They chest-bump, and Soundwave effortlessly knocks Star to the floor] ------ [Megatronus enters the room with his wrist is in a splint] Starscream: Whoa. What's with the cast? Megatronus: I sprained my wrist. Skyfire: Oh no, what happened? Megatronus: Don't worry about it, I'm fine. Starscream: Yeah, Primus, Sky. Back off. Leave the guy alone [he cranes his neck to check if Prime is out of earshot] All right, huddle up, everyone. Bring it in, bring it in. So he wouldn't say what happened, which can only mean one thing. Skywarp: He's in a fight club. Starscream: No. He did it doing something he's embarrassed by. Like smiling. Only question is how do you hurt your arm smiling. Thundercracker: Could be a sports injury Megatronus: Attention, everyone! I can hear you speculating about the nature and origin of my injury from my office. I tripped over un uneven sidewalk. I did not think it was relevant to your jobs, the jobs you should all be doing right now. Get to work. Megatronus to Starscream once everyone in gone: Do you want to know how I actually hurt my wrist? Starscream: Yes. Megatronus: I was hula hooping. Prima and I attend a class for fitness and for fun. Starscream: Oh, my Primus. Megatronus: I've mastered all the moves. Starscream: Why are you telling me this? Megatronus: Because no one will ever believe you. Starscream: You sick son of a glitch. ------ Starscream: So how'd you convince the whole squad to betray me? What'd you offer them? Megatronus: I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you, and they instantly said yes ------ Skywarp: Oh, no. Despite what I've been saying for years, that aft just might quit ------ Shockwave: Come on, sir, the math thing isn't the problem. The war is keeping you and Prima apart. You two just need to bone. Skyfire: [chuckles nervously] Megatronus: What did you say? Skyfire: Don't say it again. Shockwave: I said you two need to bone. Skyfire: [whimpers] Megatronus: How dare you, General Shockwave. I am your Prime! Megatronus: Bone! Megatronus: What happens in my berthroom is none of your business. Megatronus: BONE?! Megatronus: Don't ever speak to me like that again. ------ Shockwave: So Starscream's doing the right thing instead of the selfish thing? [to Skyfire] You did this to him ------ Megatronus: I wanna show you a picture from last night that really upset me. Starscream: Okay, but in my defense, Shockwave bet me 50 shanix that I couldn't drink all that shampoo. Megatronus: That's not what I wanted to- You drank shampoo? Starscream: What? No. You're the one farting bubbles. ------ Megatronus: Please, keep an eye on Thundercracker today. He’s going to say the wrong thing to the wrong person and get himself punched. Skywarp: Sure, I would love to see Thundercracker get punched. Megatronus: Try again. Skywarp: I mean I will stop TC from getting punched. ------ Starscream: This is where we came the night we pass our first big exam and you fell in love with me. Skyfire: Star. Starscream: The night you flirted with me for twenty klicks and I became obsessed with you forever. ------ Thundercracker: Life is a party and I’m the piñata. ------ Soundwave: You could've died.  Starscream: The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the energon is supposed to be ------ Soundwave, holding kitten!Ravage: Prime was right. I've been so worried about my own kid, I forgot about my stupid grown-up kids [points at the seekers] Starscream: That's insulting ------ Thundercraker: Sexy train is leaving station, check out this caboose. Later sluts Everyone: Starscream: Just let him have it
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archiewantsheetmetal · 2 days ago
First Official Hello From Archie!
HELLO Layton Nation! Welcome to my Layton blog. My name is Archie, and I go by he/him. I am a minor!
DNI if you:
- Are a pedophile
- Ship any minors with any adult characters. This is also pedophilia
- Are a zoophile
- Are a strictly 18+ blog
- Are homophobic, transphobic, racist, or xenophobic I just post Layton stuff here and interact with the fandom. This is my only Tumblr blog. I really like Professor Layton. I don't tag triggers or spoilers unless it's something major, like if it's very mild blood or if it regards a Layton reveal, but if anyone has an issue, they can come to me through dms or asks! I am not a scary person. Like at all. I love interacting with the Layton fandom and to be honest I am probably just as scared of you as you are of me. So don't be afraid to be friends! I love getting questions and requests! I just won't respond to anything NSFW. I do not reblog NSFW content. On Archive of Our Own, my username is Archierot! You can find any fics I may post there. Currently, there are only three published works on my page, but there will be more to come. My askbox is almost always open! I just may be a little slower to get to some of them, or if you say something very nice or funny, I might just keep it in there so I can look at it when I need to.
Taglist and friends below!
@casualfr1days!! My best friend DREWWW!!!!! ! ! ! ! ^^ AMAZING person all around and very very pretty art. THEY ARE THE REASON. I am in the Professor Layton fandom. drew it is ALL your fault. Wonderful to be around and I feel like I can talk to you about my bugs forever.
@justkillingthyme MY LOVELY BEST FRIEND THYME!! ^^ FRIENDLY KIND FOREVER!! I love their art and their writing!! It's very distinct and has inspired several of my own creations. I'm very lucky to be friends with them. Very funny person and joy to be around.
@jesterday00 MY BEST FRIEND SKEETER!! HI SKEETER ^^ I LOVE this person, their art, and their writing. Very very kind and very funny. I'm glad to have met you! Gives you a BIG fist bump.
@hotsaucewmilk BEST FRIEND HOTSAUCE!! !HLELO ^^ FUNNY GUY ALERT!!! GREAT ARTIST ALERT!! And he's also british so maybe he knows layton. idk. were investigating the matter
@toonypow BEST FRIEND BEE!!! HI BEE HI BEE ^^ GREAT writer. Has made me cry on Bsky. Wonderful art that I've seen.
@mysterysnail APPEL. OLIVE. YOU. ^^ shares a similar sense of humor to me. thank you. SSHAKES your hand. VERY FUNNY PERSON AND I'VE SEEN SOME OF THEIR ART!! VERY GOOD!!
@speedygoreman speedy... ^^ I AM still scared of you KIND OF. a little bit. BUT I THINK YOU'RE COOL. AND I LOVE READING THE STUFF YOU POST. KLG. UGH. UURGH. @huevobuevo you/. i remember you. ^^ you're realy fuckin funny man. best first impression. i miss you heuevo............. @constantpan1c ^^ hi!! friend!! yay!! funny kind nice. not part of the layton fandom but i listed them here too. giggle If I didn't include you on here, I'm probably scared of you and I'm not sure if you consider us friends !!
#archiereblogs - what it sounds like !! these are just reblogged posts. #important - probably important ! #archiesfavs - MY MOST FAAAVORITE POSTS!! HIGHEST HONOR I CAN BESTOW!! They go here so i can look at them later. #phantom railway au - the 1930s-esque depression au i created for professor layton! #askarchie - just stuff from my askbox #archiesart - all of my art!! I'm trying to do more of it. #inbox thyme - all of or most of thyme's asks. because theyre in there a lot! #archiestupid - shitposts. this might be considered art too but if its too stupid it goes in there. #archierants - me talking. probably includes all analyses ive ever done. #pl creature au - my mythical creature/monster au i created for professor layton! #archierot - ALL of my fics and fic related content! #archiedoodles - doodle request answers! #pl/professor layton - professor laytong stuff! THAT'S ALL I CAN FIND!! Some tags may not have any posts in them! That's because, moving forward, I want to keep my account organized. That's what the empty tags are there for! So I can use them from now on. I'll try to edit existing posts to include these tags if I see them. I'll tag the taglist so you can use it to like. find stuff. if you need to.
I hope you guys like my stuff! -Archie!
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sweetfuchsia · 11 hours ago
ex bf! sae x reader who likes to play around w/ him pt 9
you wouldn’t say that you’ve been running out of ideas.. the right one just hasn’t come to mind yet.
i mean, you feel like you’ve pranked ex bf! sae in every way possible by now. sighing to yourself, you walk over to your bathroom. maybe you could.. hmmm.
after a few minutes of thinking very hard (laughing to yourself about ex bf! sae’s face when you visit him), your gaze snaps to something, and your thoughts immediately come to a halt. you’re momentarily stunned, before a bright idea suddenly makes your lips curve into a wide smile.
perfect, you think.
and that’s how you found yourself in a cute, short dress with really good makeup on. you’re walking down the street to your ex boyfriend’s house, adjusting your grasp on your purse.
what are you doing today? well, if you couldn’t tell by the wig and the different makeup… today, you’re going to infiltrate ex bf! sae’s house!
you step up to this front door after a little walking, and clear your throat. it took a while to perfect your voice, so you’re hoping that it’s believable.
you lift a hand, knocking on the door. taking a moment to admire your new nails— which were totally for the disguise— you smile to yourself. this is absolutely perfect.
when ex bf! sae reveals himself, he jumps slightly at the sight of— who.. are you? name? no, it can’t be… he sighs to himself. how crazy has he gotten to assume every girl he sees is you.
“what is it?” he questions pointedly, raising an eyebrow at your form. who even are you? a fan, he’s assuming?
he takes note of your attire, narrowing his eyes. not too classy, he thinks. you look like some sort of stripper. name wouldn’t wear something like that— it’s definitely not you.
wait, why’s he thinking of name again?
“hi, sae!” you beam, lightly flicking the hair of your wig over your shoulder before placing your hand on your hip. you look cute— maybe if you didn’t have an ex boyfriend to tease you would have gone out.
“it’s me from the bar. you remember me, right?” you tilt your head at him, glossed lips curling into an easy smile. just like you practiced— not that you were thinking of this too much, or anything… definitely not.
“the cutie you kissed.” you add, purposely being a little vague. if he really did meet a girl, you wouldn’t want to be different from her.
“…not really. but okay.” the man deadpans, expression unamused. he doesn’t recall going to the bar or kissing any girl— let alone a “cute” one. if he’s being completley truthful, the last memorable kiss he had was with you.
“uh, well.. anyways!” you cough softly, eye twitching slightly. man, you kinda forgot how difficult ex bf! sae can be. “can i come in? i just haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.” you ask, pretty lips forming into a pout.
you don’t notice the way you take a small step closer— a small habit that you don’t realise you have. but ex bf! sae does. how could he not?
maybe that’s why he feels just a little more comfortable letting you in.
the night goes on pretty well— and your plan is definitely progressing when you’re able to get ex bf! sae to sit closer to you.
you look around his living room, silently noting how similar it is to the last time you came over. everything’s in the same position, all the furniture is the same, your matching photo frames are still there.. wait, what?!
you narrow your eyes at them— and sure enough, those are the photo frames you and ex bf! sae bought together on one of your dates. thief, you scoff to yourself.
the man in question raises an eyebrow at you. what’re you looking at? his gaze follows yours, and he almost grins. so focused on your things, like usual.
ex bf! sae figured it was you as soon as you slipped out of your shoes— you set them in the same place you’d always put them. in front of his, every single time no matter what.
“something wrong?” he’d hum, adjusting his position slightly and throwing an arm (a very nice looking arm, might i add) over the back of the couch— right behind you.
“no, no.” you say immediately, shaking your head. did he catch you?! hopefully not!
“you sure?” ex bf! sae purrs, a smile, or more of a smirk, finding it’s way to his lips as he moves his hand to lightly touch your thigh. part of him wonders where you’d get such a dress from. it’s not like you to wear something like this— are you really that dedicated to bothering him?
ha, it’s working! you smile back at him, leaning slightly closer to him. and just like you planned, he leans closer— but…
everything’s going the way you wanted to. you infiltrated his house, had some fun, tricked him— so why do you feel so… you don’t know.
ex bf! sae hums when he feels the gentle brush of your breath against his lips. why are you holding back? he would’ve thought you’d taken the. chance by now— or at least revealed yourself.
unless this really is just some other woman and he’s going fucking crazy or something.
you both pause, thoughts a scrambled mess and intertwining with each other; “what the fuck have i gotten myself into?”
note: i will continue this in the next part :P
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marauders-brain-rot · 3 days ago
Okay kay give me
4. Mind meld/telepathy/mind reading
7. Trappend in an elevator
12. Turned invisible
42. True loves kiss/brraking a curse
60. Truth serum/spell
With Rosekiller
One of them, more then one or maybe mixed idk
Barty was absolutely losing his mind. He’d tried everything he could possibly think of, and yet Evan still wouldn’t make a move. He was one more disaster away from just accepting that Evan didn’t have any feelings for him whatsoever and cutting his losses entirely.
He’d tried getting them trapped in an elevator together, something that was impressive given that they were wizards and didn’t often use elevators. And yet, he’d managed to get them both on there and get the blasted thing to get stuck between floors, only for Evan to happen to know the perfect spell to get them out, the swot. A truth serum like Veritaserum was something he vetoed early on, not wanting to take Evan’s autonomy away from him. For that same reason, a mind-reading spell like Legilimency was also out of the question.
That all brought him to now, where he was trying his last desperate attempt and then never going to think about it again. He’d managed to find a potion that would put him into a sleep he couldn’t be woken from without a kiss. It would wear off within a week if unbroken. In retrospect, he’d translated the spell from German, and he decidedly did not know German. He’d had to use a dictionary to translate the text, and it had been an old text, so he couldn’t even be certain that his translation meant exactly what he’d thought.
All in all, this plan was definitely not one of his brightest, but he was desperate at this point and not above turning himself invisible if it all went horribly wrong. He’d been lying there for an hour already, aware of his surroundings and conscious in everything but appearance, and he knew that any minute Evan would walk into the room and find him there.
Almost as if on cue, Barty heard footsteps coming into the room and stopping short. He’d know the way Evan walked even if he were actually asleep; his very presence in the room lit his skin on fire as it always had. If Evan didn’t feel the way he felt, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could take feeling like this every time he was near.
“Bee? You okay?” Evan asked cautiously, stepping closer. Barty had laid himself out intentionally, in a way he never would lay normally, almost like he were set for a funeral. “Bee, wake up.”
Evan shook his shoulder, called out to him a few more times, and then contemplated for a few moments in silence. “If you don’t get up, I’m going to slap you.”
Barty didn’t move.
“I mean it, Bee.”
Barty couldn’t move.
“Alright then, I’m gonna do it.”
Evan slapped him.
If he could’ve, he would’ve jumped out of bed with a scream. That slap had, in fact, hurt. As it stood though, he was forced to remain motionless. He knew Evan could see him breathing, so he’d at least know he was alive. But, well, he hadn’t really thought about how Evan would think to kiss him.
He could hear as Evan moved around, looked for anything that might give reason for this. Barty could hear when he picked up the vial the potion had been in, which had been sitting atop the book with the potion itself inside. He listened as Evan picked it up and flipped it open to the bookmarked page. After a second, he scoffed.
“You don’t even know German,” he could hear the amusement in his voice and knew that if he could just open his eyes, he’d see Evan’s lopsided smile. “Mom absolutely insisted on me learning it as a child; did you know I’m still fluent?”
Barty had not, in fact, known that Evan was fluent in German and was kicking himself internally for that oversight. There was absolutely nothing he could do about it now though, not when he was locked inside himself as Evan read through the page and saw what Barty had planned.
“Oh, well, isn’t that just pathetic?” Evan’s tone was soft with a hint of condescension. He sat down on the bed next to him. Barty ached to reach out and touch him. The need increased tenfold when Evan leaned down next to his ear, so close he could feel his breath.
“Did you even translate this properly, Bee? Do you even know what you’re asking for?” The way the words were softly whispered in his ear would’ve made him shiver if he could actually move. Instead, it built up within him, making him absolutely ache.
Everything around him felt heightened. He was acutely aware of every movement Evan made next to him as he sat up. He felt the other boy’s eyes roaming over his face before his hand came up to cup his face. Barty was absolutely certain that he would burst into flames if Evan kept touching him like that, and Merlin if Evan didn’t kiss him, he wasn’t sure how he could take an entire week of lying here in this room. Agonizingly slowly, Evan leaned forward until their lips were so close Barty could practically feel them against his own.
Another breath, and then their lips were finally connected.
His body came back to him slowly, and then all once, he’d been urging it on so hard that the moment his arms were free, he was pulling Evan in closer and deepening the kiss. It felt like hours and minutes all at once when Evan pulled away, leaning his forehead against Barty’s with labored breathing.
“Bee?” He asked softly and pulled away to look at him properly. “What exactly did you translate that to?”
“Oh, um, just that it would put me to sleep for a week unless someone kissed me,” he answered a little sheepishly. It transitioned to full-blown embarrassment when Evan started laughing at him. “Well, it worked, didn’t it!”
“It wasn’t just any kiss, Bee.” Evan’s tone was serious now, all laughter gone, though a smile was still on his face. “It had to be true love’s kiss.”
“Oh.” His brain felt like it had stopped working entirely. If true love’s kiss had to break the potion, then… “Rosie?”
“Yes, Bee?”
“Does that mean…?” He couldn’t get the words out. Sure, he’d known he loved Evan, wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. That didn’t mean Evan felt the same, though, didn’t mean that’s what would actually happen. Evan nodded slowly. “How did you know it would work?”
“I didn’t.” And somehow, that was better than if he had.
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thelawfulchaotic · 3 days ago
Welcome to Part 4 of How Does Court Work Anyway???
Previous parts (1: Investigations and why police are bad at them, 2: Bond, pretrial probation, and counsel at first appearance, and 3: preliminary hearings, the fuck is a grand jury, and trials) all available.
Welcome to Sentencing: who is a nolle prosecui, this math isn’t mathing, jail vs. prison, and The Stank.
And yes, I take questions, for the curious and for authors/etc. hit me up.
Here are some good ways a case can end.
If a jury (or a judge) finds you "not guilty" or "dismisses" the charge, you are free to go.
Here is a somewhat good way a case can end.
You are also free to go if the prosecution makes a motion for nolle prosecui that is granted. A nolle prosecui is the prosecutor saying, I want to drop the charges. Technically, a prosecutor has to have "good cause" for this motion; this is because a charge that has been NP'd can be brought back (with the defendant rearrested, going through the whole bond process again).
Prosecutors have, in fact, used this to get around deadlines for speedy trial. If they can't get their witnesses here for the trial date that's 4 ½ months in, they might just NP the case instead of risking losing it to a speedy trial deadline. Then, a few months later, when they have their witnesses, they bring it to another Grand Jury, indictment issued, defendant arrested – lo and behold, it's gonna be another four months waiting in jail before trial.
In some jurisdictions, prosecutors can get only a certain amount of tries before the case is dismissed "with prejudice." This means that it cannot be brought back. In my jurisdiction, there is no magic number. If the prosecutor can justify it ("it's not my fault, Your Honor, that the witness went on the run to North Carolina") then maybe they can bring it back over and over again. Doesn't stop them from asking each time to hold the defendant without bond, because they know how much of a strategic advantage it is for them.
How about if the jury, or the judge at a bench trial, found you guilty?
Now you go to a sentencing hearing. At a bench trial, in front of a judge, it might just happen right then: the judge knows the facts, now she takes a look at the criminal history of the defendant and the sentencing guidelines and makes a choice.
Wait, rewind. What are sentencing guidelines?
Let's have a little history lesson.
Before the 1980s, my jurisdiction had a parole system. This is the system you're used to seeing in movies, especially older movies: prisoners are sentenced to an obscene amount of time, but after a certain number of years they can go before a parole board and make a case as to why they should be released. This is Shawshank Redemption shit.
Parole boards have flaws. They are vulnerable to being manipulated in many ways; inmates have no counsel at parole hearings; parole boards are racist (of course, isn't everything); there was no consistency in the sentences people were serving; etc.
Because of this, the state decided to reform to abolish parole. Instead, it became probation-centric, under a Truth in Sentencing system. The name is ironic, as you'll come to find out. Instead of parole boards reviewing after a certain period of time, the judge would sentence the person both to their total possible sentence and to the amount they would serve right away. The difference between the two was suspended time.
Okay, I know that sounds like a lot of nonsense. Here's how it works in practice.
Jane commits a grand larceny. Jane has a record. Jane takes a plea for one year of active jail time. The plea agreement says: Jane is sentenced to 3 years of jail time, with 2 years suspended on condition of 2 years of supervised probation. What happens is 2 of the 3 years are "suspended" – hanging over her head, as the judges like to say – so if she messes up on supervised probation, those years can be imposed. Jane serves 1 year and then she is released. She then has 2 years of supervised probation. If she adheres to their strict and arbitrary rules, she never has to serve those other 2 years.
In the former parole based system, Jane might be sentenced to 3 years with parole available after 1 year.
Wait, you say, so it doesn't fucking matter what they do in jail? If they get rehabilitated?
Of course it does. Though nobody is getting rehabilitated. Good behavior in jail – defined as failing to get any serious incidents or new charges – gives people a certain percentage of time off. (Working for steeply discounted wages in for-profit jails and prisons can also do this! You can slave labor part of your sentence away! Love the personal empowerment!) Before 2020ish, around here, that percentage was ~15% (not quite but close enough; the way they calculate it, you're actually sentenced to 115% of the sentence you serve, which makes it closer to 14%, but whatever) on a felony, and 50% on a misdemeanor. Yes, misdemeanor time is half off. Now, those percentages have changed; violent crimes are at ~15%, the rest at ~35%, misdemeanors still at 50%.
So, now, under Truth-In-Sentencing, Jane is sentenced to 3y/2y suspended. She serves 1y – no, wait, 1y is changed to 7 months and 27 days. She serves 7m – no, hang on, she's working for cheap mopping the hallway at a private jail, so that's another 30 days off. She serves 6 months, 27 days, and she's out. Mission accomplished! Sentencing is so much clearer now!
This is hoodwinking magic. Politicians still want to be able to say that they are tough on crime, but they also don't want to pay for people to be in prison. So with all these little tricks of bookkeeping, "we sentenced people to years in prison" is true but "these people served a little more than half that time" is also true. This is stupid. It's an excuse not to confront the overwhelming damage of the justice system by hiding it in the numbers.
But, on the other hand, my jurisdiction's prison numbers have dropped in the last year and we're one of the only states in America that did, so.
So what are guidelines, because you never said.
Sentencing guidelines are recommended sentences for crimes with similar defendants, based on what those defendants have been sentenced to or what they served under the parole system.
In other words, it's a statistical summary of what People Like This have to do for Crimes Like That: it's a perpetuation of our system as it is, codified. Judges are required to fall between the low end (the 25th percentile) and the high end (the 75th percentile) or they have to find a specific reason why they deviated.
If a judge wants to be less harsh, then they need to justify it to the legislature later on.
There is no other scientific basis for the guidelines in my state. They have recently added things like risk levels, recidivism potential, and the potential of dropping the low end of the guidelines 2 years if the defendant shows "acceptance of responsibility."
What happens in a sentencing hearing?
Leading up to the hearing, the probation/parole agency completes a presentence investigation, and they call it something like "presentence investigation report" or "social history" or "risk assessment." This covers basic history of the defendant (filled in via questionnaire that was mailed to the defendant), adds in any victim impact statements, and mixes it all up with the police version of events. It also has a full copy of the defendant's record, which often erroneously contains juvenile charges that should have been expunged.
Based on this report, and the guidelines, the judge decides what to sentence.
Oh, you're allowed to call witnesses. Sometimes they even make a difference! A real triumph in a sentencing hearing is knowing that you swayed the judge, even a little.
There's also the potential of being sentenced by a jury, if you want. And I promise, you do not want.
What is the trial penalty?
I mentioned this last post, but let's dig in now.
People who go to trial and lose get bigger sentences than people who plead guilty. This used to be even more true than it is now. Why?
1) People who plead guilty have bargained for lower sentences. This is true.
2) People who go to trial essentially can't get the "acceptance of responsibility" change in their guidelines.
3) Judges get mad at people who clog up the dockets with "frivolous" trials.
4) How it used to be was that juries did the sentencing in jury trials. This was horrendous, for many reasons!
a - At first, attorneys were forbidden from even telling juries that parole had been abolished!
b - Once they were allowed to say that parole was abolished, they were not allowed to explain the system that had taken its place. That's because –
c - JURIES CANNOT SUSPEND JAIL TIME. Judges can! But juries cannot. So if the sentence range for a crime is 5-20 years, a judge can sentence someone to 5y with all 5y suspended – essentially, no active jail time. A jury's FLOOR for the same crime would be 5 active years.
d - Juries are not allowed to see the sentencing guidelines and are not allowed to know what an appropriate sentence for a similar crime would be.
Juries land above judges on sentence a truly significant part of the time (I think it tends to shake out that juries are harsher ⅔ to ¾ of the time). So, the way it used to be was that jury trials were a huge gamble – win big, or lose enormous. Now you can have judge sentencing with a jury trial. You still have the other couple problems with the trial penalty.
And anyone who opts for a trial is probably going to spend more time in jail awaiting their court date than someone who goes for a plea. That's just how scheduling works. Trials also require more preparation and work. There's no way to change that, I think.
Sentencing Ranges
In my jurisdiction, misdemeanors carry up to 1 year in jail (so, six months, at 50% – Truth In Sentencing!!) and felonies are crimes that carry any more than that. I hear that there are places where misdemeanors go to 2 years and places where misdemeanors don't go up to 1 year. Who truly fucking knows.
Felonies here also carry a range of classifications, from Class 6 (0-5 years in prison) to Class 1 (life).
Jail vs. Prison
Jail is sentences for misdemeanors or less than a year (around here). Jail is local, chaotic, and contains many people awaiting trial. Jail is also shit and the people in it are treated like shit. They are also shamelessly exploited on every level. Most jails now have tablets that inmates can have. This is not a luxury. It is so that they can charge inmates $1 for every picture they send and $.50 for every text message. Pure profit.
Prison is for sentences longer than a year. It ranges in classification, generally, from low security to high security to solitary confinement 23/24 hours. People in prison are often treated better than people in jail, fucking buck wild, I know, but my clients are usually pretty eager to get moved on to the Department of Corrections. In prison they can get better commissary, they have more stability, some places they can get radios and little tvs.
Why does jail/prison exist?
I don't imagine many of you actually asked this question, and maybe seeing it in black and white will bring it home that jail and prison actually don't have to exist. There was a time before jails and prisons, where people got whipped, maimed, humiliated, or killed for justice; prisons were supposed to be a more humane alternative.
Prisons, in theory, had four purposes.
1) Punishment. Prison does punish. Unfortunately, as dog and dolphin trainers figured out like a century ago, punishment doesn't actually get good results, and it has a lot of negative effects. It feels good, to the person doing the punishing. It feels satisfying. It is self-reinforcing, in that way. We expect that people change their behavior in response to punishment. They don't, really; they become more covert, they become more ashamed, and they do bad behaviors more, because they believe now that they are bad. Positive reinforcement of desired behaviors is shockingly effective to produce long-term change, and the positive reinforcement can be simple and small.
Yes, I'm telling you that it's time to let go of the idea of punishment, completely and wholeheartedly. There is no room for punishment in a society striving for improvement. It does not work. You may think I'm full of shit when I say this. Please just remember that it was said, and think about it every now and then. Think about the consequences people suffer for crimes that go above and beyond any kind of punishment. Think of a world where, instead of blaming a criminal for their behavior, we gather together and tell them: how did we fail you? Because there are places in this world that are like that.
But prison isn't just punishment. The idea is larger than that.
2) Rehabilitation – maybe you come out a better citizen? This does not happen in American prisons especially, because if you treat people worse than animals and tell them they deserve nothing, they start to believe you after a while. Programs are scarce and out of the ordinary. This, admittedly, is better even than it was eight years ago. And that was better than it was eight years before that. We used to send people to boot camp-style programs for Getting Straight (not in the sexual orientation way, but maybe also in the sexual orientation way). We did figure out that boot camps increased recidivism, not decreased. Oops.
3) Incapacitation. This is the only purpose of prison that is often achieved: while someone is in prison, they're generally not committing new crimes on the street. For an incredibly, incredibly small proportion of offenders – serial rapists, serial abusers, and serial killers – incapacitation can prove a godsend. Unfortunately, we as a society wildly overestimate the numbers of these people who will offend forever, and we pass laws that lock up people forever for shaky reasons. These draconian overreactions have gotten us policies like Three Strikes, which manage to lock people up for the rest of their life just about when they're statistically gonna stop offending, or laws that allow for the imposition of life sentences on crimes that previously didn't allow for it. Most recently, there is a new law in response to a murder committed by an undocumented immigrant who was out on bond. The solution, clearly, according to the legislature, is to make sure that no one undocumented can get bond ever again, whether they were convicted of a charge or just accused of one.
Yes, if an undocumented person is charged with any kind of crime, they can now be taken into ICE custody and disappeared before the chance to prove their innocence.
4) Deterrence. Two types of deterrence – specific (man I got sent to jail last time for this so I'm not doing it again) and general (people get sent to jail for this, I'm not doing it). It seems like this should work, but it doesn't, not really, or at least it doesn't to the amount that people think it does, or maybe it's based on the likelihood of being caught instead of the likelihood of high prison time. Or maybe it's just because people literally don't know what the normal penalty is for any given crime.
So prison doesn't stop people from doing the crime beforehand, even though it does stop people while they're in prison. It doesn't make people better. It does punish them, but punishment is creating a cycle of pain and deprivation felt far beyond individual inmates and far beyond their families. It destroys generations.
What is jail/prison like?
Boredom, frustration, and terror, I gather. It smells like the worst of high school BO plus old people plus cafeteria food with a strong overtone of bleach. It's gross.
They ignore medical issues until they're life-threatening. (Actual quote: "We're just here to keep you alive." Said, ironically, after three inmates died in three days in the local jail.) A psychiatrist visits by video once a month in the one I'm most familiar with; this is considered pretty progressive and innovative.
Many of them have eliminated in-person visitation in favor of video visitation. No, that doesn't mean you can do it on your phone from home. It means you drive to the jail and set up where there formerly was in-person visitation, and instead of your loved one sitting across the glass from you, a screen turns on and they're in their pod.
Jail charges people money per day to be there. It will come out of whatever cash they had on them when they were arrested, or it will be billed later. It was very controversial when our state passed some laws preventing this kind of debt from suspending someone's driver's license.
It isn't legal to jack it, because everywhere in a prison legally counts as a public place and public masturbation is a crime.
I don't know. I've never been in jail or prison. I just visit. Often. The smell lingers. What I see there just haunts me. There's no reason a guy locked in a room across from me has to have cuffs on in order to talk with me over the stupid little phone. There's no reason the guy I'm preparing a jury with has to be cuffed to the fucking wall while I'm at a table with him in person.
What haunts me the worst is when addicts look healthier and happier after weeks or months in prison. No one ever uses drugs except to escape something. What were they escaping that makes prison look like a sanctuary?
I know I've said this, but, again, it's the constant background noise. You become accustomed to holding a piece of paper steady so a man in handcuffs shackled to his waist can stand up far enough to sign it. You pull out the chair for him, because God knows while he's doing the penguin shuffle he can't do it himself. You carefully and deliberately make sure that your body language is open towards your client and closed towards the court, because the court needs to know that you aren't scared or grossed out or appalled by your client. You get good at telling him via gestures alone how he needs to dial his inmate number on the phone in order to connect to your side of the glass, because you've had to do it for eight years. You let their pain pass through you, because if you hold on to it, you won't have room for anything else.
idk y'all, I've kind of written myself out on this one. Join me next time for supervised probation and how it's destroyed black and poor neighborhoods, families, and culture.
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therocketeer0501 · 2 days ago
Emptiness Machine
Starscream X Reader (Mech Pilot AU)
Author note: Hey everyone just for this chapter I wanna explain that in this universe scanning a spark signature can reveal a designation. If you have any other questions send me an ask. Enjoy!
Chapter 8:
Your optics come online and you sit straight up at the sound of your designation. How did he get ahold of this information? The Autobots had been so careful not to let any information slip about the secret project Dr. Antonov had been working on. Humans weren’t even involved in the conflict until a cycle ago when they were called upon to deal with an actual Decepticon on the surface. You narrow your optics at him as he smiles at you in a sadistic way. Chuckling he turns and addresses the drones stationed outside the door.
“Restrain the prisoner I wish to speak to them unobstructed by this.”
He waves a servo at the humming energy wall that separates you. At that you sit up ready to fight, but your servo immediately goes to your forehelm as dizziness overcomes you. you had taken the Energon, so why were you still struggling? Sifting through the error messages you can’t make sense of the situation. You hadn’t been poisoned or drugged so what was the issue? One message though sends alarm jangling through you. ‘Unable to disconnect. Disconnection unavailable.’ What on earth could that mean? You hadn’t even noticed the approaching drones or heard the energy field disengage. They wrenched your servo from your helm and had you in cuffs before you could react. Something was off with your connection and you didn’t like it.
Looking back up at Starscream where he was stepping inside your cell, he looms over you. Wings flared out and bent over slightly to keep his helm from bumping against the ceiling. Clearly this cell was made for much smaller bots. You sit on the bench restrained at the wrists but nothing more. They were underestimating you again. That or they knew more about your current status than they were letting on. You vent and meet his optics. There was no choice but to talk to him. You let your helm lean back against the wall behind you but don’t break contact with his optics.
“Alright. I’ll speak with you. I cannot promise answers to everything and for that you might have to take me offline. But I will let you speak.”
He seems surprised for a moment, looking awkward in the cramped space. He shifts on his peds and produces the data pad and speaks once more.
“So it can speak in something other than obscenities. Very well. We were able to obtain very little information about you from our sweep of the digital network here.”
He pauses and his optics flick to your chassis and back up to your faceplate. So he was curious. He was speaking to you like an intelligent being and that was a start at least. Though the tone of his voice suggested he thought of himself as the higher life form here.
“Shockwave was the only mech Megatron wanted interacting with the native life. Unwise in my opinion.”
You raise an optic ridge at him. Why was he telling you all of this? Wasn’t he afraid you were going to use it against them? Of course he didn’t expect you to make it out of here still online. That was most likely the reason. You nod and respond.
“Whatever his reasoning for that is I’m sure it’s monstrous. Especially if it has to do with that mech.”
He looks at you and then back at the data pad.
“As second in command, it’s my job to be an advisor to Megatron in matters of great importance.”
He seems to preen before continuing.
“He however, believes I should have disposed of you. But how is it…that you look exactly like us. Down to our very biology. It’s…”
He doesn’t finish but instead he shakes his helm as if trying to get rid of a stray thought.
“Just what are you?”
His voice a dangerous growl that rumbles through his entire frame as he asks the question. So he thinks you are an abomination of some kind. You look him up and down.
“You are the alien here. You came to my world. So what exactly are you?”
Your tone accusing as you turn the question on him. Of course you knew Cybertronians well and why they were here. For a moment he looks affronted and his wings flick up, tapping the ceiling. You suppress a wave of amusement as he looks for a second like a bird whose feathers had fluffed out in indignation. He sputters for a before replying and regaining his composure.
“I suppose…but that’s beside the point. Here I am talking to what I thought was a very offline Cybertronian femme. Shockwave had torn out your spark. But here you are sitting in front of me as if none of that happened. And that-”
Emphasizing the word Cybertronian as he says it, he lays a digit on the seam that ran down your chest. The very same one that opened to reveal your true self.
“-that is in no way a Cybertronian spark. It’s something different altogether. An abomination.”
The scientist in him became morbidly fascinated with the new scans that had been taken of your form when Knockout and Hook had done the repairs on your frame. Where once a newspark had been detected, there was now a fully developed spark signature. It had a designation assigned to it and everything. An EM field, a scannable signature, it gave all appearance of a Cybertronian spark. But he wasn’t about to tell you that. Something had happened in the aftermath of that broken connection. Something that made his plating crawl in an unpleasant way. He continued to speak.
“Whatever those Autobots are doing is just as unethical as whatever morbid experiments Shockwave is conducting.”
He mumbled and that made you sit up straighter with a snarl as you reply to him.
“Never compare us to the likes of him! You are the bad guys here. You are the reason I was created in the first place. So that Earth had some defense against you. You are the reason Cybertron is ash and you had to come all the way here to find Energon!”
You had taken it too far. In a flash his servo was around your throat lifting you as Megatron had done. He was visibly shaking in anger. His red optics flashed and he bared his denta. Rage barely contained as his wings flicked fitfully behind him.
“You dare! You have no idea what happened on Cybertron! You insect! We tried to save Cybertron and your so called chosen leader doomed it!”
He seemed to take a moment to calm himself as he took a shaky vent and released you. Your optics were wide at his outburst. You swear you could have seen a hint of regret and pain behind his expression. It made you wonder what exactly he meant by what he said.
“What do you mean? Are you saying Optimus doomed Cybertron? That’s not right. He said you bombed it all to slag. Trying to get rid of everyone but those who aligned with your beliefs.”
Starscream looked as if he might have another outburst but instead he just spoke through gritted denta. Leaning forward so his face was barely an inch away from yours. Barely contained rage seeping out of his every word.
“Those deceivers would have you believe they were the spotless victims of this war? What if I told you there wasn’t a war before Optimus Prime became what he is?”
He didn’t get to finish before several drones rush in and the main door to the circular room slides shut. There were distant klaxon to be heard before the noise was abruptly cut off. They hurriedly took defensive positions and Starscream looked around, more annoyed than alarmed.
“What the pit is it now?”
He places a digit on the side of his helm activating his communicator.
“Report. What’s going on out there.”
You couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation but he ducked quickly out of the cell. Throwing a brief ‘stay put.’ over his shoulder at you. The energy field hummed back to life caging you once more in the small room. Whatever it was must be big because there were now eight drones in the room with you.
Still reeling from the conversation you just had, you try to imagine what on earth he could have meant by that. There was no way Optimus Prime started the war on Cybertron. You couldn’t think about that right now. Whatever was happening most likely had to do with the Autobots and that made you smile. It was only a matter of time before they came for you. Their fierce protectiveness of the human race was one thing the Decepticons couldn’t flip around on them.
There was a thunderous crash and rubble bounced off of the energy field as the door to the cell block was blown open. Dust and smoke filled the air and there was shouting. Familiar voices made you stand, that hope filling your lines as you try to see through the smoke. Drones opened fire and were taken down with ease. Two familiar color schemes make their way towards the field. One pair of big worried blue optics stare through the field at you, making you almost sob with relief and recognition. The field drops and a flash of yellow was all you see before you are practically taken off your peds. The yellow mech clinging to you like you might just crumble in his servos. Of course you’d recognize him anywhere.
“Bee! Oh thank goodness!”
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slaymitchabernathy · 3 days ago
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Doctor’s Orders
| this drabble contains sexual content ;) |
Some things are just unavoidable in life.
A breakup, a spilt coffee on a brand new shirt, or in Soarynn’s case, a visit to the doctor.
She has nothing against the medical world, nor the professionals who work in it. On the contrary, she’s glad for the Capitol’s doctors who keep her happy and healthy. It’s their big, pointy needles that she hates.
But one cannot exist without the other it seems.
This visit, however, will not require any poking or prodding, she was assured by the receptionist that it was strictly a routine checkup. And besides, Dr. Kyte is a phenomenal doctor, always making Soarynn feel more than comfortable while taking a glance at her most intimate places.
She bounces her knee up and down while sitting on the counter with a small cushion and paper that crinkles every time she moves. It shouldn’t take more than an hour, not that she has anywhere important to be but once again, she’s not the biggest fan of the doctor’s office.
She’s been having some nausea, back pain, and tender breasts. But she hasn’t gotten to that time of the month yet which worries her. She’s two weeks late.
Still a virgin but it doesn’t hurt to check!
There’s a knock at the door and she straightens up, “Come in.”
Soarynn is fully expecting Dr. Kyte to walk in with her light brown hair pulled back into a bun and glasses to be on the bridge of her nose. So when a man, a very handsome man walks in, she’s surprised, to say the least.
He’s got a clipboard in one hand and is wearing the standard white coat so he must be a doctor. Perhaps he’s in the wrong room. He looks at her with a polite smile, “Hello, I’m Dr. Snow.”
When he extends his hand, Soarynn does not take it. “Oh, um, I think you might have the wrong room,” she tells him with a hushed voice, “I’m here to see Dr. Kyte.”
Dr. Snow nods, shutting the door behind her, “Yes, well Dr. Kyte left about an hour ago unfortunately, there was a small family emergency so I’m filling in for her.”
Soarynn is still like a statue while he scans over her file that’s on the clipboard, if she knew she’d be seeing a male doctor, she would have rescheduled. While he’s scanning her file, she does some scanning of her own.
Dr. Snow is very handsome. He has blonde hair, curls from the looks of it but they’re slicked back with gel. He had a sharp jawline and a prominent nose, with full lips. He’s very tall, even perched on the counter she’s shorter than him.
His blue eyes meet hers and she’s suddenly so embarrassed. He caught her staring.
“It says here that you’ve been experiencing a number of symptoms over the past few weeks.”
Soarynn manages to squeak out a response, “Mhm.”
Dr. Snow frowns, making his way over to her right where he pulls open a drawer, grabbing a pair of latex gloves to snap on. “These symptoms seem very common for women experiencing early stages of pregnancy. Are you sexually active?”
Soarynn blushes, dropping her gaze. With Dr. Kyte, she’s so honest and open. With Dr. Snow, she feels…nervous.
“No,” she says, barely a whisper.
He takes a step closer to her and she can smell the distinct scent of roses which is odd coming from a man but not unpleasant. “Ms. Nightingale, if you were the victim of sexual assault, I can assure you that this is a safe space to talk about it.”
Soarynn is more than quick to shut down any idea of being assaulted, "Oh goodness no! I swear nothing has happened to me. I simply wanted to see what the issue was, I assure you, I am not pregnant." That seems to make him feel a little bit better as he visibly relaxes, "Ah, good. When was your last cycle?"
Soarynn really doesn't remember Dr. Kyte asking all of these questions, even though they seem to be the standard procedure. It's not standard for a man who looks like a model to be asking them though. "About a month and a half ago," she answers, "that's why I'm a bit confused. I'm never late."
He eyes her curiously, she wonders how old he is. Is he married? Does he have a beautiful wife and children at home? She ever so casually glances down at his left hand, more specifically, his ring finger, and almost cheers when she sees that it's empty.
"I see, it could be a number of things, stress, diet, lack of sleep. I suggest we do the full routine checkup to ensure that nothing is amiss." Soarynn finds herself mindlessly nodding to his words, he could say anything and she'd go along with it, "Of course, I think that's more than reasonable."
Dr. Snow gives her a small smile, "Perfect, I'll have you get undressed then.”
Soarynn blinks once, twice, three times before opening her mouth, “Pardon me?”
“I’d like to do a full body checkup,” he explains, “the nurse has provided you with a gown I see.” Soarynn had barely glanced at the pink gown the nurse left for her to change in. And it’s not like what she’s wearing is very practical for a checkup right now.
With her heels and tights, her skirt and blouse. No, this won’t do, changing is the best option but also the most nerve-wracking.
Dr. Snow must notice how nervous she is, “Why don’t I step out for a moment?”
She nods eagerly, grateful for the privacy, “That would be wonderful, thank you, doctor.” After offering her a polite smile, Dr. Snow steps out momentarily so that Soarynn can change and gather her thoughts at the same time.
Soarynn undresses in a methodical fashion, first her blouse, then her skirt, then her tights. Her hands slightly shake as she neatly folds them and places them on the end of the counter.
She's so nervous, why is she nervous?
Soarynn has never felt at home when visiting the doctor's office, it's so sterile, so strict. And now, so sexy.
There's a knock at the door and she almost jumps out of her skin, "Just one minute," she calls, fumbling to slip on the paper dress. Considering how much she pays for healthcare, you'd think they'd come up with some cuter clothes.
With the dress on, she feels better, safer, calmer.
"Ms. Nightingale?"
"I'm ready."
He walks back in, looking more handsome if that's even possible, "Have a seat on the counter and we'll do the full body examination." Soarynn does as she's told, careful not to tear her dress, at least she kept her bralette and panties on, wouldn't want to flash the man.
"We'll start with the eyes, nose, and throat."
Soarynn holds perfectly still while he checks her ears with one of the many instruments she knows nothing about. Soarynn tries to ignore how close he is, how if she turned her head, they'd be face-to-face, almost nose-to-nose.
Then he checks her nose, hopefully no bats are in the cave.
"I'm going to turn off the lights so I can check your eyes," he explains, going to turn off the overhead lights. Soarynn stares up at him while he shines a light into her eyes, trying not to blink. "Your eyes are a fascinating color," he tells her, going to turn the lights back on, "normally I just see blue, but you have quite a bit of gray as well."
Soarynn blushes at his words, "Thank you, my mother had the same color."
"She's no longer with you?"
"No," she says quietly, Soarynn never got to meet her mother, she died giving birth to her. Dr. Snow clears his throat, "Neither is mine, makes you want to do right by them, doesn't it?"
She nods, although she never met her mother, she still feels as if she met her in another life. According to many people who knew her mother, she could be her twin.
"Alright, now I'm going to listen to your lungs," he says, grabbing at the end of his stethoscope, "this might be a little cold" he warns. Soarynn braces herself for the cold but still jumps when the cold metal touches her skin, "Sorry," he mumbles, pulling it away, "let me try to warm it up for you."
Soarynn watches Dr. Snow rub the stethoscope between his hands in an attempt to warm it up for her. Is this what good healthcare looks like? "Here, this should be much better," he tells her, pressing it to her skin again. And it is much better.
"Thank you," she says. He simply nods, "Now take a deep breath for me." Soarynn does as she's told, taking in several deep breaths while he moves the instrument around her chest, pressing it onto the paper dress.
"I'm going to have you turn around so I can listen from the back." Soarynn awkwardly turns on the counter so he can listen to her lungs more, "Good," he says quietly, "just breathe in and out, you're doing great."
Soarynn didn't think she had a praise kink, but she might have just formed one. With this man exclusively.
"Well, your lungs are in perfect condition," he announces, making Soarynn sigh in relief, "now I'm going to have you lie on your back so I can complete the exam."
Soarynn knows about this part of the exam, where she gets undressed and Dr. Kyte momentarily pulls her panties to the side just to make sure nothing is amiss.
The hesitance in her eyes tells him about her apprehension, "If you'd like I could have one of the nurses conduct this part of the exam." Soarynn thinks about the cute lace panties she chose to wear this morning, completely oblivious to who would be seeing them right now.
"There's no need," she decides, going to lie down on her back.
He looks surprised by her boldness but it's about time she started acting more confident. "I'm going to untie your dress," he tells her, fingers methodically undoing the three ties in the front of her dress.
It only takes a moment for the cold air to fully hit her almost naked body. Soarynn stares up at the ceiling while his fingers ghost over the soft skin of her stomach, "I'm just going to press down on your stomach," he explains, pressing his fingers into her soft skin. Soarynn squirms a the touch, a giggle escapes her lips and she clamps her mouth shut.
"Sorry, I'm a bit ticklish."
He smiles down at her, "Me too."
Oh, well, in that case, they should just get married.
"I'm going to have you unbutton your brassier for just a moment so I can examine you for any foreign bumps that might be harmful to your health." Soarynn's hands slip under her back, skillfully undoing her clasp.
His fingers are cold as they gently slide her bralette down, baring her breasts to him. And it's cold, which means...they're cold. Standing at high alert in fact. Her nipples might be the death of her.
His hands are large and he gently grabs her right breast, dutifully feeling for lumps before he moves to the left one, "Everything feels good," he informs her, "we can go ahead and put this back on."
A wave of confidence washes over her and she's speaking before she can even process it, "Or we could leave it off."
He looks down at her, blinking once, twice.
Soarynn's hands tremble when he moves down her body, stopping right next to her hipbone, "The last part of this exam might feel a bit intrusive, but it's only for a minute," he assures her, "I'll simply have you pull down your underwear, I'll do a quick inspection and you'll be able to get dressed again."
"Okay, Dr. Snow." Soaryn doesn't miss the way his throat bobs when she calls him that. "You needn't pull them down too far, I just need a quick look." Soarynn peels her lace panties down to about mid-thigh, farther than necessary but that's okay with her.
She doesn't mind.
His fingers brush against her folds and an involuntary moan comes out of her mouth. Fuck. Soarynn bites her lip to prevent any further noises from leaving her mouth, praying that she can get through the rest of this. His long fingers drag along her soft skin, not even touching her folds anymore but she's still so sensitive down there.
He presses against a pulse point, causing goosebumps to form all over her skin.
His hands are so cold.
"Alright, we're all done with the checkup."
Soarynn let out a sigh of relief, she didn't even know she was holding it in. "I'll step out again so you can get dressed, leave the gown on though," he says, already opening the door.
Soarynn nods and watches from her position on the cushion, waiting for the door to shut before she sits up. First, she pulls her panties back on, ignoring how there is now a wet spot forming between her thighs. Next, she puts her bralette back on, clipping it back into place before she begins tying the dress once more.
Another knock comes, but this time, she's ready.
"Come in."
Dr. Snow steps into the room with a smile on his face, polite and easygoing, calming her nerves instantly even though he's part of the reason she has any, to begin with.
"I reviewed your file mixed with the results from the full body checkup and everything seems to be in order. What I would like to recommend is a shot to help boost your hormones, it's possible that your levels have dropped."
Soarynn visibly pales at the thought of getting a shot, getting poked, a needle piercing her skin. And he seems to pick up on that rather quickly, "If you're not sure if the shot is necessary, we can always take a blood sample to see further into the issue."
Even worse!
"No," she shakes her head, quickly putting an end to getting her blood drawn, "that um, that won't be necessary. I trust you." Perhaps those aren't the most professional words to use with this man, but he does seem trustworthy, and if he just saw her hard nipples, there's not much else to hide.
"I'm just scared of needles," she explains, resting her hands on her thighs, "I usually need someone to hold my hand." Dr. Kyte always has a nurse come in to hold Soarynn's hand while she administers the shot, but she's not here.
He nods, looking down at the floor, he's wearing shiny black shoes. He looks very important right now.
"I see. Well, I don't think we have any available nurses at the moment, unless you'd like to wait for one."
Soarynn worries her bottom lip between her teeth, she doesn't want to seem like a baby, even though she definitely is one when it comes to shots. But maybe this can be a learning experience for her.
"It's fine," she decides, "I can handle it."
Dr. Snow grins, "Atta girl, it'll be quick, I'll have to inject the vaccine into your neck though."
He needs to work on mentioning everything before she agrees to it.
Her voice cracks, "Okay."
Soarynn watches Dr. Snow pull open several drawers, pulling out a syringe, a vial, a wipe to clean her skin, and a bandaid.
At least the bandaid is pink.
"Which side of the neck?" He asks, looking left to right. Soarynn shrugs, it's going to hurt either way, "Right."
He nods, stepping forward but then he pauses, it's a bit of an awkward position that they're in. "Maybe I could just spread my legs," she suggests, batting her lashes up at him, "so you can get closer." Dr. Snow bites the inside of his cheek, gripping the syringe tighter, "Sure."
Soarynn does exactly that, spreading her legs so he can stand between them. The paper dress rides up on her thighs, baring her lace panties to him. His breath trembles for a moment, "Alright, is it okay if I rest my hand on your thigh?"
It's suddenly very hot in here.
"Of course, Dr. Snow."
He places his right hand on her left thigh, his fingers are still cold but she welcomes the sensation. They're also very close to her cunt. She chooses to ignore that part.
Soarynn watches from the corner of her eye as he brings the syringe up, their faces are inches apart now. She tilts her head to the side, baring her neck, "Is it alright if I push your dress down off your shoulders?"
He gently tugs her paper dress down, exposing her chest once again and Soarynn closes her eyes, tensing and preparing for the piercing needle to penetrate her skin.
Instead, it's his fingers penetrating her cunt.
Soarynn moans, throwing her head back and arching her back at two of his long digits plunging deep into her cunt, pressing right against her sweet spot. "Oh," she gasps, her chest pressing against his, "oh please."
His breaths are on her neck instead of the needle, then his lips, sucking hard on her tender skin. His fingers thrust into her at a rapid pace, making it known how wet she was for Dr. Snow. It almost feels like a dream, a terrible, nasty, forbidden dream she should not be having.
"You like that?"
Soarynn whimpers, her eyes rolling back, "Yes," she whines, latching a hand onto his forearm, "yes Dr. Snow, I like it."
"I knew you needed something to distract you, to take your little mind off of the bigger things in life." Soarynn is at a loss for words, his fingers feel so fucking good. Her toes are curling and she can barely hold herself up so he removes his hand from her thigh to wrap his arm around her waist.
His lips travel from her neck to her jawline, then, to her lips.
It's a lustful, passionate kiss shared between them, a forbidden desire.
"So wet," he says against her lips, "so needy, so willing to take it, aren't you? Bet you'd spread your legs for anyone huh? A doctor, a lawyer, a President, anything and anyone to fill your greedy little cunt."
Soarynn tries to shake her head but it's pointless. He's right.
His fingers slam into her so fast, hitting that sweet spot every single time without fail. Soarynn shrieks when his thumb finds her clit, rubbing it in tight circles to bring her to a delicious orgasm.
"That's right," he says, panting, "gonna cum all over my fingers like a good girl huh? Can't take a shot but you can take other things right?"
Soarynn moans, her walls flutter around his fingers, and his words cause that wire inside of her to snap.
Dr. Snow doesn't let up one bit though, in fact, he starts going harder. "I can't," she whines, trying to push away from him but he's so much stronger than she is, bigger, taller, larger. His cock is probably huge.
"You can," he tells her, his voice laced with authority, "and you will. Be my good little slut and cum for me again Soarynn, I want this entire building to know what a slut you are for me."
His saying that reminds her of what a shameful, scandalous position she's currently in right now. Getting finger-fucked by her doctor at the doctor's office.
People are in the next room getting a prescription, she's in this room getting fucking pounded.
"Please," she mumbles, "please, please, please."
Her brain has been turned into mush, she can't think straight, talk straight, even look straight.
All she wants is another orgasm.
"Already dumbed down huh? Can't think about anything else but my fingers huh? That's all you want, all you need, isn't it baby? Just need to be filled all the time, keep your pretty little mind filled with pleasure and sex."
His lips are on hers again, this time more aggressively as he bites at her bottom lip. Soarynn gives him full control, letting him lead so she can mindlessly follow.
Her next orgasm is riding up on her and his fingers are going faster than before, her cunt is slick, making the most obscene noises right now in front of her doctor, a man who went to school for years. All for her to fall apart on his fingers.
"Cum for me Soarynn," he orders, his voice harsh, "cum all over my fingers like the little fuckdoll you are."
That's all it takes.
Soarynn sees white when her second orgasm hits her, her body goes limp in his arms, hoping he'll keep her upright while she moans loudly.
Soarynn's eyes begin to drift shut, growing heavier and heavier before they close and all she can think about is how he never gave her that shot.
꧁ ꧂
When Soarynn's eyes open, she's in her bedroom.
She looks to her right and finds a glass of water on her nightstand, along with a bowl of fruits. When she looks to her left, her boyfriend is staring down at her, a proud smirk on his lips.
"You really got into it this time," she mumbles, snuggling up to his side. Coriolanus has since removed his white doctor's coat, and the rest of his clothes for that matter from what she can feel, most likely just in his boxers.
Coriolanus chuckles, smoothing down her blonde hair, "You were much more confident this time," he replies, "telling me to leave your breasts exposed really threw me for a loop." Soarynn grins up at him, usually when they do these roleplay things, she's a shaking, timid, shy little thing. She's been a client for a lawyer, a secretary for the President, and now a virgin patient for a doctor.
It's a rush.
The first time he ever mentioned it, she hadn't been so sure about it. Pretending to be someone else? It was strange.
But then she learned to love it, getting to play around like she was someone else. And it was just extremely hot, the whole "forbidden romance" genre has always been a favorite in her books. Soarynn has read countless books about these types of relationships and now, she gets to live out her fantasy.
And Coriolanus gets to pretend to be powerful in every situation, holding power over those below him and thriving in his new role while fucking her senseless.
It's a win-win situation.
"I had to catch you off guard," she says nonchalantly, "and I thought you were going to fuck me, not finger me." He laughs, "Is there a difference?"
"There's a very big difference."
Coriolanus yawns, they always do these things late at night, and this time, they were in one of their spare closets, using spare counter space and floor space to create a believable doctor's office.
"Well that's because I plan on fucking you all night long darling, I'm still not done with you so I hope you're ready for an all-night affair."
Soarynn's eyes light up at the prospect of sex all night long, a weary concept to some people, but not to her. Sex with Coriolanus is amazing, whether they're playing pretend or being themselves.
It's always good.
"Is that so?" She murmurs, slowly pushing herself to sit up next to him, "I have to stay in bed with you all night?"
Even though they aren't pretending anymore, his throat still bobs. It's rare that she catches him off guard so she cherishes every moment she has of it.
But he recovers smoothly, pressing a kiss to her pulse point.
"Mhm," he responds, slipping a hand between her thighs. Soarynn sighs at the touch, always welcomed, always wanted.
"Is that an order?"
Perhaps next time he could be a Peacekeeper who arrests her.
The next words he whispers send a shiver down her spine.
"Doctor's orders."
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
| taglist: @lovelylove268 @kickmybark @iswearicanfixhim @wonderlandbound111 @melodyoflovee @thevoicesinmyprettylittlehead @erensrealgf @evilmenarehot @cervvsq @snowgirl12 @matcha-muses @anisangeldust @snowsgames |
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