#but if we're mutuals here we're mutuals there ya feel
pretty-little-mind33 · 5 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader / bonus: platonic!Lemon x fem!reader
Summary: Tangerine and Lemon care for the kidnapped girl they were paid a lot of money to save.
Genre: Fluff, hurt & comfort
Warnings: kidnapping, abuse, banter, cigarette burns, trauma, swearing
next part
~ @kpopgirlbtssvt here you go, lovely 🤍 ~
"Remind me again why we're here?" Lemon deadpans, his clothes drenched from the rain as he stands in the middle of the abandoned building, blood splatter evident on his shirt from the men he'd already killed outside. 
Tangerine shakes his head, his hair wet from the rain as he grunts and checks his gun. "Because we're gettin' paid 300 million quid for this job," he snaps and runs a hand in his hair to tame it down, "And for once it's an easy one. Kill those fuckin' bastards, find the girl, and return 'er to whoever is paying for 'er. Easy."
"Ya, easy as pie," Lemon rolls his eyes sarcastically, "She some kinda princess or what?" he asks but he doesn't really complain about the amount of money. 
"Blood hell, I don' know, but it doesn't matter, does it? Cover me will ya," his brother retorts and lifts his gun, kicking down the door and shooting whatever scumbag appears in the dirty apartment room.
Lemon covers him as he shouts curses. It's a bloody mess by the end and both of them are drenched in blood. 
"Shit," Lemon curses again as he walks by a broken mirror in the hall, "Tis bad luck, mate."
"Can ya shut your mouth for once, Lemon?" Tangerine snaps as walks by, unamused by the comment. He looks purposeful as he walks to the closed room he assumes you're held in. He opens the door slowly, afraid to scare you, and his breath abruptly leaves him. 
Lemon stands behind him, looking past him and his eyes widen. "Tan," he whispers as if his brother hasn't already seen you.
You look so fragile, so scared, and so alone. You're pressed against the wall near the broken bed frame, the dirty mattress caved in and blood-stained, and you're trembling harshly.
Your arms and legs are covered in bruises, bleeding cuts, and cigarette burns. Tangerine and Lemon's hearts mutually shatter. 
You let out a whimper once they walk closer and Lemon instantly grabs Tangerine's shoulder. "She's terrified," he whispers, holding his brother back so he doesn't rush towards you too quickly.
Tangerine's shoulders tense as you continue to stare at them, tears and mascara stains running down your cheek. "I know," he answers and asks Lemon, "What do we do?"
Lemon thinks for a moment. "Show 'er we aren't a threat to ´er," he says and crouches down, putting his gun on the floor as he raises his hands in surrender. Tangerine copies his brother and he even removes his gold knuckle brace, putting it in his suit pants pocket without hesitation. 
You don't move, too afraid to stand or attempt to run from them. Your body feels so weak and beaten down. Lemon and Tangerine crouch down near you and you just continue to stare at them.
You look terrified.  
"What's your name, sweetheart?" Lemon asks calmly. When he doesn't get an answer he sighs and puts his palm on his chest, "I'm Lemon, and this is my brother Tangerine."
Your eyes drift from Lemon to Tangerine but you still don't move or speak. Tangerine nods his head as if to say "hello" and he keeps his eyes focused on yours. 
You shift away from them, exposing more of the bruises that litter your arm. Tangerine grimaces. "Do those hurt?" he asks, his voice low and hoarse. 
You nod and his heart swells when you answer him. Tangerine looks at Lemon, who sighs and tilts his head towards you. "I promise we mean you no harm. Can ya come with us? Can ya walk?"
You blink, breathing harshly, but you nod again. Lemon stands and allows Tangerine to be the one to extend his hand to you. He does and you stare at his hand for a moment. You look up and Tangerine's chest tightens again.
You look so damn scared of him.
He shakes his hand, "Don' worry, I gotcha, luv," he says in a whisper and then he holds his breath when you eventually take his hand. 
He helps you up, resisting the instinct to steady you with his arm around your waist as you stumble a little. He has a feeling you wouldn't welcome his touch right now. Still, you clutch onto Tangerine's hand, moving closer to him and flinching when Lemon wraps a blanket around your shoulders. 
"There, there ya go," Tangerine's words of encouragement swirl around as you focus on breathing and walking in a straight line.
The Twins bring you to their car and help you into the backseat. You still have aven't spoken a word as you fumble with your hands and pick at your nails.
* * *
A few hours pass and Tangerine is really starting to become impatient. He's leaning against the hood of his car, trying for the seventh time to light the lighter he presses against his cigarette—but once more nothing but sparks come out. 
Lemon stands next to him, wearing an annoyed expression as his arms are crossed. "What time did those fuckers say they'd pick 'er up and pay us?"
Tangerine glances at his watch and then mumbles around his cigarette, "Three fuckin' hours ago, mate," he finishes and with an angry huff, chucks his lighter to the side.
"And why're we still here?" Lemon deadpans. Tangerine turns to look inside the car and his eyes land on you.
You're sleeping in the backseat. Lemon follows his gaze and rubs his temples, understanding a little better now. "What are we supposed to do with ´er now?" he asks his brother softly. 
"I don't know."
"Should we bring her to the coppers?"
"Absolutely not!" Tangerine glares at his brother, "I mean—doesn't this all feel a little fishy to ya? A promise of 300 million, with a 200 thousand advancement, all for nothing because the bastards don't even show up?" 
"It's bullocks is what—"
"No, you don't understand," Tangerine continues, his stare hardening, "What if they want us to abandon her? Or bring her to the police? What if that was their plan all along?"
Lemon raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms, "Since when are ya into conspiracies, bruv, this doesn't sound like ya—"
"Are ya saying we just leave her?!" Tangerine snaps. 
Lemon instantly frowns, "That is not what I'm saying."
"Then what are you saying? We don't know who she is, why she was taken, and now we don't know where to bring 'er," Tangerine rambles, his eyes a little wild. Lemon pauses and examines him. He seems weirdly worried for this girl. 
"So, you want us to take 'er in," Lemon deadpans, reading his brother's body language. 
Tangerine's cheeks turn a little pink, "No—that isn't what—"
Lemon interrupts him and looks at you in the back of their car. "I think we should. I mean, look at 'er! She's harmless and she's hurt and we'd really would be fuckin' arseholes not to help 'er!"
Tangerine rubs his jaw, "Yeah, such fuckin' pricks."
Lemon nods in agreement "The biggest fuckin' arseholes." 
So that's what they do, they bring you to their house; a mostly hidden mansion on the outskirts of the city. You stay quiet and meek as they show you to your room.
Hours pass and you still haven't spoken a word to either of them and as much as it does annoys the hell out of him, Tangerine understands.
"Do ya want some tea, darlin'?" he asks from behind the door to their guest room. 
No answer. 
Tangerine squeezes his eyes shut and curses himself. He opens the door a little and peeks in. He needs to make sure you're okay. Sure, Lemon has been the one to clean up your wound and give you some clean clothes—but that wasn't because Tangerine didn't care. 
Instead, it was because he couldn't stomach seeing how badly you'd been hurt. It makes him want to puke (and he's usually good with things like that).
"Hey're ya alright?" he asks, seeing you sitting on the bed. Stupid, stupid question. Your eyes are bloodshot and you're clutching the covers over you, silent tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Fuck, Tangerine doesn't know how to deal with this. Should he get Lemon? Lemon could probably turn your tears into laughter. 
You look up and quickly wipe at your tears, staring at Tangerine as you nod an answer. His heart breaks and he clears his throat, weirdly timid as he rubs his nape. "Y'know, ya don't have to be okay. What happened to you was traumatizing and fucked up. It's okay to not be okay, luv."
You blink at him and then you nod again. Tangerine's shoulders relax. It's a start. 
"Do you wanna call anyone for ya?"
You shift and pick at your nails again. Tangerine wonders if you even have anyone to call and he sighs. Why can't he be better at conversations?
Suddenly, the door opens again, and this time Lemon walks inside with an all too familiar sticker book in his hand that makes Tangerine groan. Lemon sticks out his hand and shushes him. 
"I'm helpin' 'er talk," Lemon says and sits at the end of your bed. 
You look at him, obviously concerned but Tangerine sees you shift closer and peek at the sticker book. "Have'ya seen Thomas the Tank Engine?" 
Tangerine opens his mouth to protest. 
You nod.
"See, this is how I read people," Lemon starts and shows you the sticker book. He unsticks one of them and just as Tangerine walks closer and sits next to him, Lemon smacks his hand on his brother's forehead and leaves behind a sticker, "See, my brother here is a Gordan. He's the fastest, the most important, but he doesn't always listen to people," 
Tangerine looks downright offended. 
"He can, in other words, be an arrogant prick."
 You turn to look at Tangerine, your glossy eyes taking him in, and Tangeirne's stomach sinks so far he's afraid he'll drown. For some reason, he doesn't want you to think of him like that. A blush creeps on his cheeks. He pulls off the sticker immediately.
"Obviously, I'm Thomas," Lemon boasts and sticks the Thomas sticker on his own forehead, which ears a grunt from Tangerine, "Because main character energy, hello?" 
Both men swear they hear a small, almost non-existent, chuckle from your lips. 
Lemon unsticks another sticker, not wanting to make a fuss over one almost-chuckle. He turns to you and raises his arm. You look at the sticker, understanding what he wants to do, and hesitantly, you lean forward to give him permission. 
He gently sticks the sticker on your forehead. "And you, you're an Edward. You're kind, gentle, and smart. I can just tell."
For once, Tangerine agrees with Lemon's stupid Thomas the Tank Engine analysis. 
"Ignore Lemon, he still plays with toys as if he isn't a grown man," Tangerine interrupts, his tone playful as he sends Lemon a glare and then turns to send a small smile your way. He almost chokes on his saliva when he sees that you're also smiling as your fingers delicately probe the sticker on your skin. 
When Lemon nudges his side Tangerine wants to tell him to shut up but he's too immersed in your beauty. 
"I always thought I was more of Percy," you whisper and look up at them. Both men look completely star-struck and it takes Lemon less than a millisecond to make a joke (much to Tangerine's horror).
"Ah, so she does speak," he cracks a grin, which you return and unstick the sticker from your forehead. 
"Lemon," Tangerine hisses and looks at you, his concern obvious, "How're ya feeling, darlin'?"
Lemon rolls his eyes. "Smooth, bruv," he chuckles and then tilts his head and makes another joke, this time intending to make you laugh fully, "Ignore my brother, he has a permanent stick in his ass. He's fuckin' allergic to fun and laughs, apparently, the poor doctors couldn't find a cure." Tangerine's eyes widen so wide at this and he looks embarrassed. "Ya don't have to answer him right away, sweetheart. Breathe."
You look between the brothers as they argue. 
"I am not allergic to fun!" Tangerine hisses. 
"So you admit ya do have a stick up your ass?" Lemon chuckles and it takes all of Tangerine's restraint not to smack him. 
"I'm gonna kill ya," he whispers harshly and Lemon pretends to gasp but his expression remains blank.
"How gentlemanly, threatening me in front of a lady."
"You prick—"
Your laughter cuts the tension and both of them shut their mouths. They look at you again and when they see that your shoulders look less tense and you're laughing now, your breathing calm and your tears dried, their bickering ceases. 
Lemon looks at his brother and when he sees the look in Tangerine's eyes, he knows. He's done for, Lemon thinks with a smirk. 
Tangerine watches the way you move as you laugh and as the sound dies down all he wants is to hear it again.
However, the sound of your voice will have to do for the moment because you look at them timidly and say, "My name is Y/n." You sound almost embarrassed by your own name. 
Tangerine's heart swells and he swears Lemon might have to pry him away from you at some point because he's never voluntarily leaving your side again.
He grins wide and he's sure he looks like a smitten fool, which to Tangerine's dismay is confirmed when Lemon opens his mouth to make another joke.
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fairlyang · 1 month
Missing You 🕷️
w/c: 944
tags: 18+ smut. mig's turn, masturbating, realization, teasing, down horrendous, phone sex, mutual masturbation,
part one
imagine going on about your day but unlike miguel you don’t let him get a word in because you need to say every single detail or else you’ll forget things. so you don’t even question why he isn’t responding just assuming he’s politely listening like always.
but in reality he's stroking himself, listening to you ramble. 
he couldn't help it. he was just like you in the sense that he loved, loved your voice.
he couldn't help if he got turned on just by hearing your pretty voice. it was so soft and sweet in his ear, how could he possibly be blamed when he gets hard just hearing it? 
you were oblivious to the fact that he wasn't really listening, keeping your story going while he stroked himself over his sweats. he was already so hard and leaking precum through his boxers. 
he laid his head back against his headboard and closed his eyes, imagining it was your hand slowly stroking him and not his own. he bit his lip to keep quiet and slid his hand under his sweats, starting to stroke himself over his boxers. 
he's missed you so fucking bad, his own hand was practically useless but for the time being, he genuinely had no other choice but to use it. if it were up to him, he'd have you jerking him off while he sucked on your tits. or he'd be between your legs and eating you out for hours because he's missed being there desperately. 
what he's missed the most is being inside you. it's been too long he swore he forgot how you felt. how you squeezed him to perfection. how you let out those beautiful moans and cries for him. 
his hand finally went under his boxers and he didn't wait a singular second to jerk himself off fast. he nearly let out a moan but he disguised it for a cough. his eyes shot open when you stopped talking for a second, not catching the moan but instead hearing the sounds of him masturbating. it was identical to how it was just a few days ago so it was hard to miss.
you stifle a laugh and grin, "aww did someone miss me?" you teased, making him roll his eyes and groan. 
"so happy to hear it baby." you say with a little giggle. 
he couldn't help but grin, he didn't think he'd be the one who'd get so turned on just from a normal conversation, now he didn't have anything to have other over your head. "been missing you so much nena.. couldn't help it." 
you swore under your breath and quickly got into a comfortable position so you could join him. "ahora somos iguales huh?" you tease earning yourself a chuckle from him. (now we're the same huh?"
"pues ya que…" he joked, making you roll your eyes. (i guess…)
somehow having the upperhand wasn't enough to help your case but help his. 
after a few seconds you both started to touch yourselves, trying to hear the noises the other would make but you were both too quiet. finally he sighed and just admitted defeat because he wanted to hear you already. "si somos iguales y te necesito aquí ahora mismo." he murmured, it coming out nearly as a desperate plead. (yes we are the same and I need you here, right this moment) 
"fuck-" you moaned and he was somehow already able to hear your wetness in the background.
"estoy contando los días…" he murmured and started stroking himself faster. (I'm counting down the days.)
"I am too baby.. wish you were in our bed." you whimpered, making him groan. 
"yeah? where would you want me?" he asks breathlessly, feeling himself getting closer to the edge just from hearing everything from your side of the line.
everything was practically crystal clear and it drove him insane. 
"on top of me." you cried and the noises only got louder. 
and before he could ask you to be more specific, you kept going, "wanna hold you close while you fuck me."
the moan that came out of him sent shivers down your spine and to your core. spending so much time apart was driving you both insane and all you needed was each other but you still had to wait a few days. 
it was torture.
luckily this was the next best thing and you both had strong voice kinks so these calls were able to help your urge to not just beg for him to come home. he'd do it in a heartbeat which was the problem, he needed to finish his job.
so you'd both torture yourselves by just getting off together. making each other moan and praying the days would go by faster.
continuing the back and forth of dirty exchanges just to make your need for one another even worse.
"doing so good for me baby." he purred, closing his eyes once again and envisioning you on top of him. 
he needed you in every position as soon as he could get to you, he's missed it all. 
his hand went even faster and your moans were becoming louder, just the motivation he needed. 
his orgasm quickly came when you whimpered out his name and let out the most needy moans he's ever heard. that coil in his stomach erupted and he spilled his load over his stomach, and the last bit of it on his thighs. 
he tried to calm his breathing as he heard you also having an orgasm. loud moans and desperate pleas to come home filled his ears and he nearly came for a second time.
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azzo0 · 8 months
See You Later
Inspired by this song: see you later (ten years)
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
tw's: angst with happy ending, manga spoilers, bad writing?? (idk bro lmk more in tags)
Summary: In middle school, you see a red string on your finger. It leads you to Bakugo Katsuki, a boy with fire and anger, less than pleased to see you as his soulmate. After several attempts of befriending and getting to know him, he shuns all your efforts to break through. Letting him go, you drift apart.
But the red string of fate hasn't broken yet. Ten years later, you cross paths again.
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It had been a week since you moved into the fancy new neighbourhood. Your father had gotten a better job offer here in Musutafu. Of course, that meant a new middle school and new friends. You weren't sure what to expect on your first day of school, but it definitely wasn't seeing a red string on your little finger. 
You were just looking for your class in the early hours of the morning, feeling extremely lost. You frowned, the only one in the hallway, looking sideways for your class. Why was the school so big? Giving up, for the time being, you went down to the little pond with fish you spotted on your way here. You'd just ask someone to help you find your class once there were more students around. 
You kneeled, watching fish of different colours idly swim in the little pond. Were it not for the slight tug you felt on your pinky, you'd probably have stayed there wasting your time. You looked down at your hand, eyes widening, when you saw a crimson string attached to your little finger. Your lips parted in surprise.
You knew your soulmate was somewhere around.
Along with quirks, some people had the gift of recognising their soulmate. You'd heard countless stories of people with tattoos of their soulmate's first words on their bodies or a marking of where their soulmate first touched them. Sure, you had a quirk, but no soulmate marking. 
You slowly stood up, gulping. Who was the person on the other end of the string? Letting out a shaky breath, you followed the string to the school garden. Was your soulmate in the garden? You heard footsteps coming in your direction and then suddenly stopping. You nervously bit your lip, daring to look up.
There he was. A boy with spiky ash-blond hair that pointed in every direction, his eyes just as red as the string connecting you two together, his eyebrows furrowed as he glared at you. You noticed he had two coat and shirt buttons unbuttoned and his tie missing. He was the most handsome guy you met, were it not for the fact that he looked like he was going to murder you and hide your body. 
"Are ya going to gape at me all day or say something?" He snapped, making you jump back, his voice deep and raspy.
"Umm- looks like we're soulmates?!" You cringed when your voice came out squeaky. 
"No shit." 
The red string slowly disappeared after having led you two to each other. You twiddled your thumb nervously, wondering what to say to him. You were surprised when he walked past you like he hadn't just found out you were his soulmate but a random stranger he bumped into. You jogged after him, tightening your grip around your school bag. 
"Hey, wait up! What's your name?"
"Fuck off, shitty extra." 
You stopped in your tracks, taken aback by his snarky reply. Why would he say that when you asked something so simple? Was he unhappy to find out you were his soulmate? Did he not like the idea of you being his soulmate? You opened your mouth to say something but then decided against it. You sadly turned around, walking in the opposite direction.
Unbeknown to you, none of these were the reasons why he brushed you off. Truth was, he couldn't believe he had a soulmate. Whenever the topic of soulmates came up, everyone had mutually agreed that Bakugo Katsuki could never have a soulmate. He was too proud and angry to have one. 
Maybe they were right. 
He was surprised that someone as pretty as you was his soulmate. You wanted to know his name, and he couldn't even give you a proper reply. He wasn't sure how to react to you. Maybe everyone was right. He was too proud and angry to have a soulmate. 
He glanced back to see that the girl with h/c hair had already left. 
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Much to your horror, you were placed in the same class as your soulmate. You took a fistful of your skirt as you sat behind him. Was he always going to be mean to you? Was he even going to bother talking to you? He didn't even bat an eye when you passed him to sit in your assigned seat. 
Blinking tears, you flung thoughts of him aside. So what if your shitty soulmate didn't want to talk to you? It wasn't like he was the last person on earth. You decided to leave him be for the time being and try to make new friends.
By the end of the day, you had befriended the shy greenette from your class. He chatted with you animatedly as you packed your bag to leave class. It was difficult to hold a decent conversation with him at first since he kept blushing and turning away, flustered, but you managed to get him to be comfortable. 
And that irked Bakugo to no end.
You tried over and over for that damn Deku hut you couldn't bother even talking to him again? Maybe if you asked his name again, he would have replied. But now you were making him furious. On his way out of the class, he dumped the contents of Deku's pencil case on the floor and stormed off, making sure to at least crack a pen or two under his shoes before leaving. 
"What's with him?!" You scoffed, helping Midoriya pick up his stationery. 
"He's always been like that..." he mumbled. Your fists clenched at your sides, your nails digging into your palm. 
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
"Yeah, it's just that," you looked down at your shoes, confused with the whole soulmate deal, "he's my soulmate."
Midoriya's pencil case fell from his hand, his stationery clattering everywhere. You gave him a deadpan look when he gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "KACCHAN? YOU? SOULMATES?"
"Announce that in a loudspeaker next time." 
"I can't believe this. Y/n, maybe you can change him!"
"Don't be silly. We can't change anyone."
"But- maybe you're the one that will bring out Kacchan's nicer side!"
"Totally." You rolled your eyes.
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In a month, you learned to ignore Bakugo's presence. You regularly hung out with Midoriya, much to bakugo's annoyance. He never talked to you, but I made sure you knew he hated you talking to Midoriya. Either way, you ignored Bakugo and managed to steer away from him and his so-called friends.
That was until Midoriya called in sick one day.
Brooding, you left the school building alone. You heard footsteps and snickering behind you and glanced back to see Bakugo's friends. Your eye twitched in annoyance, and you continued walking ahead. But his friends had other plans. They pulled you back by your backpack, almost making you fall. 
"Hey, you're the one always hanging out with that sore loser." One of them snickered, taking your bag and unzipping it. "Got any cash? Oh, look, candy." 
"Put it back, zip the bag, and hand it over." You said firmly. 
"Or what?" 
You hesitated, unsure of what to do. They tossed your school bag amongst each other as you tried getting it back. Annoyed, you opened your water bottle, manipulating the water to come out and splash them all. They glared at you, their uniforms wet, rolling up their sleeves. You backed away into a pillar, feeling intimidated. 
"What do you fuckers think you're doing?" Bakugo's voice boomed, pushing his 'friends' away from you, stepping in front of you almost protectively. 
"Really Bakugo? You're standing up for that quirkless runt's friend?" One of them said.
"You're not laying a hand on my soulmate." He hissed. Realization dawned on their faces, and they stepped back, apologizing.
"Now screw off." Bakugo barked at them. 
Sure, you and Bakugo never talked, but when he stood up for you, your chest warmed, and the slightest grain of hope was planted in your heart. You had to put some sort of effort for your relationship to work. 
"Uh... Thanks." You mumbled. 
"Whatever." He looked away from you, pretending to be uninterested, but stayed put. You gathered your belongings and faced him, scratching your cheek awkwardly. He glanced at you once and made a move to leave, stopping when you held his sleeve.
"Do you want to hang out sometime?" You asked shyly. He stared at you blankly, eyebrows knitted together. You let go of his sleeve, stepping back a little. "We're soulmates, so I thought it would be a good idea to get to know each other a little bit..." you trailed off. 
I'm so stupid. What made me think he'd want to get to know me? I'm just another extra in his way. He doesn't care that we're soulmates, so why do I?
"Give me your number." He demanded, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Are you deaf? Give me your number so we can decide where to meet over the weekend." He grumbled, handing you his phone. 
"O-oh." You took the phone from him with shaky hands, adding your number to his contacts, internally cursing yourself for being this excited. 
But this was progress, right?
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You sighed, glancing down at your phone for the millionth time that afternoon, waiting in the café he told you he'd meet you. He was thirty minutes late. You allowed yourself to wait for fifteen minutes more, before getting up from your seat, tears pooling in your eyes.
What made you think he wanted to get to know you? He probably agreed to a meetup so you would get off his nerves for some time.
"I hate this." You mumbled to yourself, walking out of the café. 
"Hate what?" A familiar voice asked. You glanced back with a frown, freezing when you saw Bakugo. 
"I get caught up in the rush hour, and you decide to ditch my ass?" He rolled his eyes, voice sarcastic.
"Can you blame me?" You grumbled, looking away.
"Klutz." He clicked his tongue. You followed him back into the café, sitting across from him. He stared outside the giant glass panes, elbow on the table, chin in his palm. The sun cast a soft glow in his hair, his maroon eyes almost glowing. His gaze turned to you again, a frown replacing his once neutral features.
"Done orderin' yet?"
I was supposed to order? You picked up the menu, feeling flustered. You ordered your favourite drink while he ordered a cup of cinnamon tea. 
"So what's yer quirk?" He asked. 
"Water manipulation," you replied. "I can basically make the water do what I want it to. Pretty lame." You pointed your finger at a glass of water, having drops of water dance around your finger.
"It's not lame. Can you make weapons?" He asked a hint of amusement in his eyes. You nodded, making a small needle. 
"It's perfect for a hero."
"You want to be a hero, right?" You asked, smiling. "Your quirk is really strong."
"Damn right." He crossed his arms across his chest, sporting a devilish grin. "What about you?"
"I don't know, to be honest. I don't think hero-ing is my thing, so I'm just going to see where life takes me." 
Bakugo snorted, and the little confidence you gained to talk to him went crashing down again. You looked down at your hands, wondering why fate had to put two completely opposite people together. You two would never get along. You felt like he was sitting there across from you solely because he felt obliged to since you were soulmates. 
You silently sipped on your drink once it arrived. Bakugo's eye twitched in annoyance as he watched your glum expression. His jaw clenched as he took in your hairstyle and that stupidly cute white colour sundress you wore, a weird feeling surging in his stomach. What irritated him the most was that you barely looked up at him as if you were scared of him. 
"Do I scare you, Y/n?" He asked, his voice surprisingly calm. You almost jumped when he used your name.
"Er- a little bit, I suppose?" You replied honestly.
He let out a 'tch', taking a sip of his tea. "It's not like 'm gonna kill you."
"It's not just that... are we going to be like this forever?"
"Like what?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Ignoring each other, you being unnecessarily rude to me and many other obvious things."
"First of all, you're the one that doesn't bother even looking at me," Bakugo growled. "Stop making it sound like it's my fault."
"Because the first time I asked for your name you snapped at me!" You reminded, glaring at him. He bared his teeth at you in a scowl. You shook your head, leaning back in your chair, looking out of the window. 
"Look," He ruffled his hair, averting his eyes from you, "this is new to me. I don't know how to go on about this soulmate shit, so give me some time to get used to it."
Your eyes shifted up to him, your gaze softening. He was right. You two were suddenly forced together. Two completely opposite strangers. It was going to take some time for both of you to get used to this. 
"Looks like we both need some time to get used to this." 
Bakugo's breath hitched at your smile. He grumbled, looking away with the faintest pink dusting his cheeks. Maybe you weren't that shitty of a soulmate.
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He was slowly warming up to you. Slowly, but surely. When you greeted him in the morning, he at least looked at you and grumbled back an incoherent response. He was getting used to your blabbing during free periods and found himself, God forbid, enjoying your voice. 
One random day, he decided to walk home with you, much to your surprise. You walked beside him in silence, stealing happy glances at him now and then. You were finally getting somewhere with him. "Where do you live?" he asked, stopping in front of a modern Japanese-style house. 
"Just around the corner." You replied. "You?"
"Right here, dumbass." He replied, opening the residency gates. 
"Oh. Looks like we live really close." You grinned. His heart almost leapt out of his chest at that stupidly cute grin. 
"Whatever..." He stepped on the other side, slamming the gates shut and disappearing into his house. 
"Sometimes he acts really strange..." you muttered.
Over the months, you two grew even closer. He respected you enough to let you step into his abode, also known as his room. You two would game or do homework together and then laze around together. If it got too late, he'd walk you home. He made sure to flick your forehead and tease you in greeting every morning. 
Even Midoriya noticed. 
His jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw you talking to him, your hands making exaggerated gestures as you told him something. The Kacchan he knew would usually yell a 'shut up!' and move on with his day.
It seemed to be going perfectly fine until there were ten months left for Bakugo's entrance exam. 
Today, you guys would be filling out forms for the high school you wanted to attend after this academic year was over. Of course, almost everyone in your class wanted to attend hero schools and courses. 
"Oi, where are ya going to be attending?" He asked. You held your form up for him to read the name of the high school. It was a regular high school where students who didn't want to pursue hero careers studied. 
"It's obviously U.A. for you?" 
Midoriya hopped over to you with his form in hand. The class was almost empty now since the lessons were over. "Y/n! Where are you applying?" He peeked at your form, giving you a beaming smile. "You said wanted to run a business after high school, right?"
Bakugo glared at Midoriya, a vein popping on his forehead. That damn Deku knew you wanted to attend a business course, but he didn't. Why didn't you ever tell him? Were you scared he'd belittle you? Bakugo stood up, snatching Deku's form. As if on cue, his little minions gathered around him, snickering at Midoriya. 
"Look who's applying to U.A. Did you really think a quirkless fuck like you could get into U.A.?" Bakugo cocked his head at Deku, daring him to speak back.
"Kacchan, please give me my form back."
"You want it back? Beg."
"Katsuki, give it back." You said sternly. Ignoring you, he burnt Midoriya's form to ash.
"You'll never be a hero," One of Bakugo's minions cackled.
"If you want to be a hero so badly, take a swan dive off the roof. Maybe you'll be born with a quirk in your next life." Bakugo snickered as he left, glancing back to give Midoriya a smirk. Your eyes widened at Bakugo's words. Deku glared at Bakugo, the angriest you ever saw your green-haired friend. 
You never intervened in Bakugo's vendetta against Midoriya before. But when Bakugo spat such venomous words, you couldn't hold it back anymore. You marched out of the class, catching up to him. You put a hand on his shoulder, making him glance back questioningly. You took his hand, pulling him away from his friends.
"Oi, what are you doing?" He asked in confusion as you led him to the staircase. You shoved him against the wall, taking him by surprise. 
"What the fuck-" Before he could finish, your palm crashed into his cheek.
"What's wrong with you?!" You screamed. "What would you do if he actually killed himself?!" Bakugo held his cheek in shock, guilt washing over now that he repeated his words to Midoriya in his head. Then rage clouded his senses. You were standing up for Deku instead of him.
"You always do that." He scowled. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "You're always standing up for that fucking Deku! What do you even like about him?! He's just a quirkless nobody!"
"He's my friend!" 
"Well, you clearly care for your damn friend more than your soulmate!" Bakugo yelled. 
"What- where did that come from?!"
"Hah, don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. That damn Deku knew you wanted to go in the business course, but you didn't bother telling me?" He took an intimidating step towards you. "Is it because you think I'm so shitty I would have made fun of you for choosing the business course?"
"It's nothing like that." You replied, unfazed by the steps he took towards you. "I never told you because you never asked since you were too busy flaunting your quirk."
"Just tell me how much you fucking hate me at this point." He scowled.
"You're right. I do hate you and your pride you can't put aside for one minute."
He held his head in his hands, pacing back and forth. He glanced at you, dropping his hands to his sides. "This is why I hate soulmates."
"Don't worry. I'm not very happy about being bound to you for the rest of my life either." You snapped. You turned away from him to descend the stairs, glancing behind your shoulder for the last time. "Good luck being a hero with that mindset of yours. Heroes are meant to protect the weak. Not bully them to death."
Bakugo seethed in his place, his fists fuming. "You know what? I wish I had a scissor the day I found you were my soulmate so I could cut that damn string that made me meet you."
Wordlessly, you left him on the staircase.
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When you weren't there in class the next day, Bakugo assumed you called in sick. But when the teacher told him you were moving to another school, his blood chilled. Were you transferring schools because of him? 
After school, he found Deku leaving the school building. He ran up to him, stopping the boy. "Why is Y/n changing schools?"
"Umm..." Deku knew the reason you changed schools was Bakugo, but he couldn't say it to his face unless he wanted a fracture in his skull, "she said she found a better school."
Bakugo let Deku go, his eyebrows knitted deep in thought. Were you seriously going to transfer schools without saying a word to him after your fight? Was he a little too harsh? When he paid attention to his surroundings, he realized his feet had taken him to your house. He brought his finger to the doorbell, hesitating. What would he say after the door opened?
I do hate you and your pride you can't put aside for one minute, your voice echoed in his head. He gulped and pressed the doorbell. 
An older woman with the same h/c hair as yours opened the door, "Hello. You are...?"
"I'm Y/n's-" Y/n's what? Friend? Clearly, you guys weren't friends anymore. Soulmate? You both expressed you didn't want each other. "I'm Y/n's classmate."
The woman nodded and called for you. He heard you reply, 'I'm coming!' in the background. You appeared behind your mother, peeking over her shoulder to see who it was, freezing when you saw it was Bakugo. You stepped outside, closing the door behind you so you two could have some privacy. You sat on the porch beside Bakugo, playing with a thread on your pants. 
"Changing schools, huh?" He was the first one to speak, looking anywhere but at you.
"Yeah," you replied, "it's better this way."
There was thick silence between you two, followed by the buzz of the hot afternoon. Bakugo broke the silence first. "Is it because of me?"
You looked up at the deep blue sky, shielding your eyes from the sun. "I don't know," you admitted. "I want to spend the rest of my months in junior high stress-free. This seems like the only appropriate solution to me." 
You met his crimson eyes, giving him a smile, "I want to end this one on a good note. So forgive me for my sharp words yesterday."
Bakugo wished you'd slap him again instead of being so nice to him. He did not deserve this. He did not deserve your kindness. He bit his tongue, trying to ease the surging emotions inside his chest. He wanted to apologise. He really did. But he couldn't.
"Is this goodbye?" He asked. He watched you get up and walk back to your door. He got up, facing you, waiting for a reply. 
"See you later." You smiled as you closed the door. 
That day was the last time you talked to each other.
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Bakugo magnificently failed his provisional licence test. He was curled up in his bed, buried under a blanket, his entire body aching after confronting Midoriya earlier. There was too much running in his mind. It was overwhelming. His hunch of Deku getting All Might's quirk proved to be right, and then there was the fact that he was slowly going to rebuild his friendship with Midoriya. There was also you.
He was fixing his mistakes, working towards being a better version of himself, but he never got to fix his relationship with you. It had been so long since he last saw you he was starting to forget what you looked like. The bond between you two was still there. He knew because every time he held his hand up and closed his eyes, he could still see the red string. 
Bakugo got out from under the blanket. After the house arrest, he'd visit his neighbourhood and talk to you again. He wanted you to give him another chance. This time, he wasn't going to let you go.
As soon as his house arrest was lifted, he took the bus and stopped by his neighbourhood. He ran past his house and turned to the corner where your house was. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing outside with a guy your guys' age. Your hair had grown longer, and your facial features seemed to have matured from the last time he saw you. You smiled at the mysterious boy standing next to you. Your smile was still pretty as it was before. 
Bakugo's jaw clenched when the boy leaned in and grabbed your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. His heart fell to his stomach. Who was he kidding? Did he really expect you to wait for him all this time? 
He slowly turned back to where he came from, cursing the tears that formed in his eyes. He wiped them away, convincing himself that you deserved someone better than him anyway.
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Schools all over Japan shut down due to the war. You were lazing on the couch, re-reading a novel. Every now and then, you tuned in with the news. You found out Katsuki and many other hero students would be on the frontlines. 
If you were being honest, you missed him. Or it was more like you missed the idea of what it would be like if you two remained by each other's side instead of drifting apart. In your freshman year, you got into a relationship with a guy you thought was your type. But you couldn't seem to let your soulmate go, and your ex didn't seem to like the idea of you already having a soulmate. That was the end of your relationship.
You sighed, putting the novel over your face. You suddenly felt a sharp, piercing pain in the left side of your chest. You sat up straight, cupping your breast, trying to breathe the pain away. Unexpectedly, the red string on your little finger appeared again. Your eyes widened, and you stood up. 
This time, you did not have the chance to follow it. Because the red string of fate snapped in two.
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You picked up the tray with coffee and cake, setting it on your customer's table with a smile. It had been a few months since you opened this café, and business was booming. 
Ten years had passed since the incident with the red string snapping in two. After the war was over, you found out that Bakugo died for a short period of time due to the rupture in his heart. It was fixed by the Ninja hero, edgeshot. Bakugo was okay. When you closed your eyes, you could still see the red string. It gave you some sort of comfort knowing he was alive.
At the end of the day, you closed the café, dropping the shutters and securing the lock. You yawned, bringing a hand to your mouth to cover it. You were closing awfully late today. You pulled your long coat tighter around your body, shivering in the cold midnight breeze. 
You walked the empty streets, hands in your pockets to keep them warm. You let out a long exhale, watching your breath condense. You felt a slight tug on your little finger and slid your hand out. You stopped breathing when you saw a red colour string around your finger. 
You stood there, staring at your hand. After a few seconds of trying to calm your dancing heart, you looked up, your breath hitching. There he was. Standing a few feet across from you, watching you through his ash-blonde bangs, was Bakugo Katsuki.
Tears pooled in your eyes as you took in your soulmate. He'd grown so tall since the last time you saw him. You were just teenagers then. He had gained more muscle, the streetlamps highlighting his gains hiding behind his winter hero suit. He looked ethereal. 
He gaped at you in disbelief. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw the red string appear again. He took a step towards you, admiring the beautiful woman you blossomed into. How long had it been? Ten years?
You ran up to him, putting all your uncertainty aside and throwing your arms around him. Bakugo put his hands up in surprise, unsure where to put his hands. 
"I missed you, Katsuki." You whispered, your ear on his chest, eyes closed. You felt strong arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him. 
"I missed you too, Y/n" He breathed, his voice reverberating in his chest.
You pulled away, admiring his vermillion eyes shining in the streetlight. He looked so different yet the same. You put some distance between you two, clearing your throat. 
"What're you doing out here so late?"
"Patrol. What about you?"
"Just closed the café. I got busy with the transactions and lost track of time." You finished with a small laugh. Bakugo's chest warmed at that sound.
"Opened your own café, huh?" He smirked. 
"Yeah," You smiled. 
You guys stood across from each other with so much to say, yet no words would form. You shifted on your feet, putting a hand behind your neck, averting your gaze. "I thought... I'd never see you again. When you almost died in the war... it scared me, Katsuki."
"Sorry..." He mumbled.
You shook your head, taking his hands. "I'm sorry, Katsuki. I never gave you a chance. I- I left after saying some pretty mean things. I'm so sorry."
"Shh," His big, calloused hands cupped your cheek, wiping the tear under your eye before it rolled down. He wanted you to know he was a changed man. Sure, he was still a little quick to temper, but his rage had calmed down over the years. 
"I'm sorry too, Y/n," He murmured, bringing his forehead to yours. "I said some pretty messed up shit too. I never got a chance to apologize. I'm sorry. Im sorry I pushed you away."
"It's alright, Katsuki," you said, holding the hand cupping your cheek, "we were both immature teenagers. It's okay."
"Will you... will you give me another chance?" He asked, watching your expressions carefully. "Unless you're still with that guy."
"Eh?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Which guy?"
Bakugo's face went beet red, and he stepped back from you, coughing. "You know... that guy you kissed."
Your mouth formed an 'O' in realization. You burst out laughing, making Bakugo sweatdrop. "I didn't even last a week with that guy!" You wheezed, wiping a tear from your eye.
"Whatever..." He blushed, scratching his cheek.
"How did you find out though?"
Bakugo huffed, a small pout on his lips. "I wanted to apologize, but when I saw him kiss you, I wasn't sure you wanted me anymore."
You smiled up at him, your eyes softening. "I'll give you another chance, Katsuki. So please give me a chance, too. Let's fix this together."
He brushed the hair away from your face, tucking some away behind your ears. His index and thumb came down to your chin, tilting your head, eyes drifting down to your lips. You leaned closer to him, your eyelashes fluttering shut. He pressed his lips to yours, his heart racing at the feeling of your soft and warm lips on his. 
You went on tiptoes, finding it difficult to crane your neck for him. He smiled against your lips, lowering his back so it would be easier for you. You pulled back for a few seconds, your hands on his shoulders, your cheeks flushed. He dived in for another kiss, this time with more passion. Your back arched when you felt his tongue in your mouth, your hand travelling up to his hair to gently tug on it, his hand behind your neck. 
Time might have not been your favour previously, but time doesn't stay the same forever. Both of you were willing to redo everything and close the decade-long gap away from each other. It wasn't too late yet. 
Your intimate moment with Bakugo was broken when his pager cracked to life. He almost jumped, pulling away from the kiss. "Dynamight, are you still in the area?" A voice asked, "We need backup."
"I'm comin'" He replied. 
He looked down at you, his cheeks red. It was cute. "So, uh- Looks like I gotta go."
"It's alright." You replied, breathless from the kiss. 
"Give me your number." He unlocked his phone, handing it to you. You took it from him, saving your contact number. 
"See you later, Katsuki." You smiled, handing him his phone. 
Bakugo took his phone, feeling content. He pressed another quick kiss to your lips before taking off with explosions, his heart thrumming in his chest. He finally felt at ease after years of wanting to chase you. 'See you later.' You said that ten years ago as well. Bakugo knew it wasn't goodbye this time. Because you would be there with him every day from here on.
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dixonrising · 4 months
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We're Together
pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
summary: After someone else try's to get with you Daryl makes it known your his.
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"Im goin' on a run with Glenn" Daryl said as he entered your cell, "Be back before dark."
You nodded turning to him," Be safe," you smiled at the man before you. You stepped closer placing a kiss to his cheek before he turned to leave.
You and Daryl never defined what you were but, there is a mutual understanding that you were more than friends.
"Hey, Ronnie!" You said as you took the seat next to him.
"I’m glad you're on watch," He smiled. Your face looked questioning as you spoke again, "Why is that?"
"I have been meaning to ask you something," He spoke nervously as he turned to face you even more.
"I noticed it's just you in your cell, I was wondering if maybe, you wanted to maybe," he paused taking your hand in his," maybe, try us? like together?" He questioned.
You nearly laughed," Ronnie, that's sweet but, I’m not interested," You spoke softly, moving your hand from his, "Daryl, is well," You paused unsure of how to continue, "I'm not sure what Daryl would call us." You laughed.
"Dixon?" He questioned,” Doesn’t seem like the type to settle down.”  
“Like I said I am not sure what we are?” You said, genuinely feeling as though you and Daryl might never become anything.
“Well you know where to find me, if that cell of yours is still empty’” He said laughing.
“You got it, Ronnie.” You smiled knowing that would never be happening any time soon.
Little did you know though Daryl had heard that whole interaction between the pair of you.
"How, was your shift?" Maggie asked as you entered the prison.
"Terrible," You nearly laughed," Ronnie, asked me out.” She joined in the laughter barely believing what you had said.
"Well, we're on duty together tomorrow," She smiled.
You were more than happy with that. "Alright, Mags, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow, I'm beat." You smiled at the girl before heading to your cell.
You were confused to see bags, outside of the door and a mattress being pulled into the cell. You headed to the door hearing a rather loud groan.
"Daryl?" You questioned stepping into the cell," What are you doing?"
"Nothin'" He said, lifting his mattress onto the top bunk. He moved past you bringing his bags into the room.
"So this is a thing now?" You questioned sitting on the bed.
"You don't want me in here?" He asked sitting next to you.
"I am more than fine with you being in here." You smiled, "But, why the sudden want?"
"I over heard that douche, Ronnie, hittin' on ya," He said looking down twiddling with his fingers.
You smiled, "Jealous?" You questioned.
"No." Daryl responded now looking at you.
"You crazy, you know that right?" You asked.
He smiled shaking his head.
"Just don't bring anything you catch in here," You smiled laying back on the bed," And I guess you can stay."
He laughed laying back next to you, "If you don't want me in 'ere, I can go," He laughed as you snuggled into his side. His arm moving behind your head.
“oh no, your staying,” You laughed into his chest.
Thank you all so much for reading!! Request are open! Please share and comment I love to hear your thoughts!!
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milla-frenchy · 1 year
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The agreement (Blackmail part 2)
4k3 | Javier Peña x fem reader x Joel Miller (post OB) Chapt summary: you can't get Javi out of your head. You and Joel go back for more Warnings: 18+ mdni. sharing, oral (f/m receiving), unprotected piv, spitting, cum eating, anal play, threesome, double vag penetration, double creampie, degradation. a/n: @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog thank you so much for beta-ing me again 💕💕💕🫶🫶 And helping me with the title 😭 Playlist | ao3 | series masterlist | masterlist
Part 1
“Look at me, sweetheart.”
You opened your eyes and looked at Joel, whose cock was buried deep in your pussy. He stopped and looked at you thoughtfully. He gently stroked your hair.
“Are you with me, darlin’?”
“Yeah, sure. I'm here, baby.” You put your hands on his hips and pushed your pelvis towards him, so he could continue fucking you.
Joel began to fuck you slowly again, scrutinizing you with his eyes. He slipped his hand down to your pussy and rubbed your clit under his thumb, gently, the way he knew how to do so well.
“Come for me,” he murmured.
In a few seconds you were cuming, followed by Joel pulling out just before jerking off, and shooting his cum all over your lower stomach. He grabbed a towel from the nightstand and wiped you off.
He lay down next to you, his elbow bent and his hand holding his head up, facing you.
"Tell me what’s happening."
“I’m fine, Joel. Just tired."
You had returned from Bill and Frank’s the day before, after your supply trip.
“You’re thinking about him, aren’t ya?”
You lowered your gaze feeling the guilt. 
“I’m…I’m sorry.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, and Joel wiped them away with his thumbs when they started to fall.
“Sweetheart… It’s ok. We went to his apartment after a  mutual agreement. I know that what happened was unexpected. For both of us. But… I liked it too.” He was trying to meet your gaze.
“I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I should have… stayed detached.”
“Baby… it’s not like we can block our emotions. This is the principle of emotions. And isn't it better this way? Rather than fuckin’ a guy who would have disgusted you. I'd rather have seen you enjoying it."
You hugged him and said “I love you, Joel.”
“I love you, baby.”
You hadn’t talked about that night before this moment. Joel showed no resentment. But you were disturbed and had trouble getting the images of the evening out of your head. When you were making love to Joel, Javi's face would sometimes appear in your thoughts.
And you felt guilty.
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You went out to do the planned tasks. You sorted the clothes collected by the patrols, and Joel cleaned the sewers. His task was arduous but it paid the best in ration cards.
You were walking towards your apartment late in the afternoon when you ran into Javi who was obviously going to take his night shift. You hadn’t seen him since that night.
“Hi, hermosa. Miller.”
“Peña”, Joel replied.
“Hello”, you whispered.
“Glad to see you returned safely from your outing.”
Joel grumbled “thanks.”
You tried to regain your composure and said “have a nice day” to Javi. He was looking at you, smiling. You blushed and said “let’s go, Joel.”
You continued on your way, Joel placing his hand against the small of your back and Javi watching you leave.
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Joel and Javi crossed paths the next day.
“Did your outing go well?” Javi asked.
“We’re not friends, Peña.”
"Of course. We're doing business, that's all. You still seem a little tense. More than usual, I mean. Well, you're not exactly the most relaxed man I know,” Javi said with his usual insolence.
"Fuck off." Joel left without looking back.
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The next week, you were finishing your work when you heard “Hi, Hermosa” behind you.
You froze before turning around and saying “Hi, Javi.”
“How are you, Hermosa?”
“Javi… you can’t call me that. It was business, that’s all.”
“Really?” he smiled kindly.
You looked at him annoyed but his soft teasing smile disconcerted you.
“I am available if you need to do business together again.”
And he left. You were stuck in place, feeling your panties getting soaked and said “Fuck!”
When you got back to the apartment, you lay down on the couch and quickly slipped your hands into your panties. You slipped your middle finger into your pussy to recover some wetness before sliding it over your clit and rolling it under your fingers. You put your other middle finger in your pussy and came quickly, feeling the spasms contracting it.
You said “Fuck…fuck!” again.
Joel returned shortly after. He hugged you and asked how you were.
“I saw Javi today. When I was leaving work. We just said hello.”
“You don’t need to justify yourself, sweetheart. It’s ok.”
You had been hugging for a few moments, then he said “you want to see him again, don’t you? Like the other night”
You pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes.
“Joel I… No… No. I don’t want to see him again.”
Joel took your hands and said “I understand why you do baby. Really. The way he behaved towards you… I understand.”
You looked at him questioningly. You couldn’t believe he was saying that to you. Joel had always been a gentle lover, attentive to your desires, but possessive. And there he was, proposing you to see Javi again, with the possible risks that this could entail for your relationship.
He hugged you again holding you close, and said “I love you, sweetheart. I'm not worried about our relationship. We are the survivors of a damn apocalypse, in a QZ where our life is reduced to picking up shit. What if we allow ourselves more? And if we can do it through him, then I'm ok with it."
“I don’t understand why you don’t wait for this desire to pass, baby...”
“Because I don’t want the temptation to consume you and be more difficult to manage. I prefer to anticipate it.”
You hugged him tighter and said “I love you, Joel. But are you sure?”
“100% baby. I loved it too, you know.”
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The next day, Joel went to meet Javi.
“I’ll be quick. She liked the evening at your place. She liked you, and she’s everything to me. I told her that if she wanted we could do it again. No need to ask if you agree with this idea, I think?”
"Course not. Are you ok with that?”
“I told you, she’s everything to me. So yeah. But no chair for me this time.”
Javi smiled and said “You impress me Miller. I don’t know if I'd be able to do it.”
“You would be.”
Javi smiled. "Tomorrow evening?"
Joel nodded and they went their separate ways.
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The next evening, you arrived at Javi’s place. His apartment was as clean as the last time.
“Good evening, Hermosa. Joel.”
You noticed that it was the first time he called him by his first name.
“Good evening, Javi,” you replied.
“Javier,” Joel greeted him back.
“Come in for a drink.”
He suggested that you sit on the couch while you had a drink. You downed your drinks, enjoying them more than last time, even if you and Joel were slightly uncomfortable.
“Pe… huh… Javier. The conditions are the same as last time, okay?” He turned to you and added “you’re in charge.”
You nodded and Javi added “of course.”
Joel and Javi looked at each other and nodded. They stood up and took off their tops: brown shirt for Javi, denim shirt for Joel. They kept their jeans on.
You wondered where Javi had found such a dated shirt. Oddly enough, it suited him very well.
You looked at them, standing in front of you.
Two men with dark hair, Javi's darker.
Of equivalent size.
Javi was slightly more slender than Joel. His body was more agile, while Joel's was all strength.
Joel, a little older than Javi, stood more hunched.
His face was serious, marked by hardship, while Javi's was mischievous with a sparkle in his eyes.
Both were stunning, breathtakingly beautiful.
And both were just waiting for you.
Javi offered you his hand, and you took it getting up from the couch. You barely dared to look him in the eye. 
Javi leaned down to kiss your cheek, and said “there’s no reason to be embarrassed, Hermosa. The three of us are here because we want to, because the other evening went well. We want to have fun again. Joel and I, as well as you. Ok?
You looked at him, then Joel, who told you “he’s right sweetheart.”
You nodded and smiled, and said “ok.”
You held out your hand for Joel to come closer, and you kissed Javi on the lips.
Joel kept your hand in his as he moved closer to you. He came up against your back and kissed your neck. You moaned. Having these two men against you gave you butterflies in your stomach. You turned to Joel to kiss him while Javi was now against your back with his hands on your hips. He ran his hands up along your breasts and then down to your hips, breathing in your hair and neck.
Joel took off your shirt and Javi unhooked your bra before taking it off. Joel took the opportunity to take your breasts in his hands and caressed them gently. Javi placed kisses on your cheek, then up to your earlobe, his nose brushing against your skin. He moved down to your neck, his hands still on your hips, before sliding them down to your stomach and unzipping your jeans. He slid them down to your feet, kissing your body as he knelt down. You lifted your feet to remove each leg of your pants, as you kissed Joel. Javi stood up and ran his hand over your soaked panties, saying “mmm Hermosa” softly in your ear.
Joel took you by the hand and said “follow me, sweetheart” and led you to the dining room table where he leaned you against it, butt against the edge while Javi took off his jeans.
Joel pulled you closer to him, pressing his crotch against you. He was hard. He kissed you, hands on your hips, before leaning down to your breasts and taking one in his mouth while he caressed the other. He sucked on your nipple and swirled his tongue over it, before moving on to the other.
You looked at Javi then at Joel, waiting for his approval. He looked up at you and nodded. 
You said “Come here, Javi”. Javi approached, his cock erect and hard. You kissed him and took his cock in your hand, running your thumb over the tip and spreading the precum. He growled into your mouth. Joel stepped aside and removed his jeans and boxers, while Javi faced you. He placed his lips on yours and slipped his tongue into your mouth, mingling it with yours as you jerked him off.
Joel moved closer to you and you got on your knees. You looked at them in turn, before taking Javi in your mouth and jerking Joel off. You looked at them again. Joel's gaze was intense. You moved away from Javi before taking Joel in your mouth and jerking Javi off.
“Damn Hermosa… you’re fucking hot.”
“Get up, baby” Joel said before grabbing you to help you. “Sit on the table.”
You leaned against the table and Joel lifted you to sit on it. He spread your legs with his large hands before kneeling between them. “Lay down, baby” he said.
As you lay down, Javi moved closer, jerking himself gently. He said “fuck… Hermosa you’re so beautiful.”
Joel ran his tongue over your pussy and you moaned under his tongue. He spread the folds with his fingers and ran his tongue more gently before coming to tickle your clit.
“Will you suck my dick Hermosa?” asked Javi.
“Yeah, come here, Javi”, you replied.
You turned your head towards him, he was holding his cock at the base. You ran your tongue over it before placing your lips around his tip and caressing it with your tongue.
You felt Joel’s fingers dig into your pussy, while he focused on your clit with his tongue. You moaned, making Javi groan in turn as you sucked his cock further and further, depending on the rhythm of his hips.
Joel sat up and stood up, and said “make her cum Javier.”
They switched places, Joel bringing his cock to your mouth. “Wanna suck your cock, baby”, you said.
“Take it sweetheart. Suck my dick. Make me feel good in your mouth” you nodded and took him in your mouth, before feeling Javi’s breath on your pussy. He ran his tongue, his saliva mixing with Joel’s in your pussy.
“Doesn’t she taste good Javier?”
“Yeah… You taste so good Hermosa. Joel, you're a lucky bastard.”
Joel smiled at Javi for the first time, and looked back at you “You’re doing well, sweetheart. So good for us.”
You looked at him, before lowering your gaze to his cock which was sliding into your mouth.
Javi stuck his tongue into your pussy and was fucking you with it, while his nose rubbed against your clit. He held your legs apart with his hands. You placed your hand on his head, moaning more and more.
“You’re gonna cum baby, right? Come in his mouth baby. Soak his tongue.”
You stopped sucking him as your pleasure mounted, keeping him in your mouth until you came in Javi's mouth. He held his hands tight around you to keep your legs from moving too much and keep you within his reach, continuing to lick you until the spasms stopped. Joel pulled out of your mouth as Javi stood up, and bended over to twirl his tongue over your pussy again. You jumped at his touch on your overly sensitive clit, before caressing his head with your hands.
While Joel helped you get up, Javi went to sit on the couch and said “Come sit in my lap, Hermosa. Facing him."
You walked over to him before sitting on his thighs. He slid his hand up to your pussy, avoiding your overly sensitive clit for the moment, but sliding his middle finger into your hole.
“Come get sucked Joel,” Javi told him.
Joel came closer to you and said “open sweetheart. Stick out your tongue.” You did as he told you, waiting for him with your tongue out. He placed his cock on your tongue, grabbing your chin with his hand to lift it up, and dripped his saliva onto his cock, watching it slide down to your tongue. And he slid his cock into your mouth. Your eyes were fixed on him. Javi grabbed one of your breasts with his other hand, continuing to gently slide his middle finger into your pussy.
You didn't move, letting Joel handle the movements. He pushed himself deeper and deeper into your throat, his hand resting on your head, the other falling down his body.
Javi said “give me a second Joel” and Joel withdrew. Javi grabbed his cock in his hand and lifted you up, pushing his cock into your pussy and you impaled yourself on it “oh god… Fuck, Javi…”
“Missed my cock Hermosa?”
You looked at Joel before answering, who nodded.
“Answer him baby. Tell him.”
“Yeah fuck… yeah I missed it.”
“I missed you too, Hermosa. You have quite an effect.”
Javi lifted you with his hands, and moved his hips to start fucking you. His movements were slow, and allowed Joel to come back into your mouth. You let him resume his pace, your lips wrapping around his shaft.
“Are you still too sensitive, baby?” asked Joel.
“No… I don't think so Joel. It’s ok.”
Joel knelt down and watched as Javi’s cock slid into your pussy. Your wetness slid down to his balls. He came closer and licked your clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh god, Joel!” The sensations were indescribable. Javi’s cock was buried in your pussy, your legs raised. Javi held them apart. Joel sucking on your clit.
“Fuckin hell hermosa… you’re so hot. So good for us.”
You placed your hands on either side of Joel’s face and leaned against Javi’s chest, letting him lead the pace. You heard Joel grunting against your clit.
“Fuck… I’m gonna cum again. Fuck…”
“Come on, baby. Come on his tongue and on my cock. I wanna feel you squeeze me again and soak me. Couldn’t stop thinking about it since the other night.”
You came, throwing your head back and squeezing Joel’s head so hard he groaned.
Joel pulled away to look at where your two bodies met and said “fuck baby… such a fuckin’ slut. Let’s go to the bedroom now.”
As you were about to get up, leaning forward to support yourself on your feet, Javi held you, hands on your hips and fucked you at a fast pace “fuckin’ soaked hole...” before letting you get up.
Once in the room, you lay down on the bed and said “come fuck me Joel.”
Joel lay on top of you and thrust into you, making you moan.
Your gaze was fixed on him but you were lost in your emotions. You loved everything about this evening. The way they fucked you, the way they shared you.
You stared at Joel. Intensely.
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
“I want you to…” You bit your lip.
“Tell me,” he said, thrusting hard.
You cried out in surprise, and said "I want you to talk to me. Dirty. Joel, please…"
“Fuck… you want me to tell you what a slut you are? Wanna hear it out loud?”
“Yes Joel…fuck…yes, please.”
"I can't believe you were reluctant to come back here, when your slutty holes just wanted to be filled by both of our cocks."
He grabbed your chin in his hand and added "That's what you wanted? To be filled by two cocks? Mine isn't enough for you, you need two big, fat cocks?"
He brought his hand down and squeezed your throat. His gaze was black. He held you so tightly that you could just nod your head.
“We’ll give you what you want.”
He released his grip on your throat, continuing to thrust into you.
“Javi, I want you in my mouth.”
Javi knelt on the bed, holding his cock in his hand. You looked at him, and stuck out your tongue.
“Fuckin christ, woman,” Joel said, fucking you harder.
Javi placed his cock on your tongue, just the tip. He jerked himself off while watching you, then Joel fucking you. And he slid his cock into your mouth, you rounded your lips to welcome him. He placed his hand on your cheek, and felt his cock through your skin.
Joel buried his head in your neck, kissing it, then came to bite your earlobe. His head brushing against Javi’s hand, before pulling out of you.
“Come fuck her Javi.”
Javi smiled, before saying “you like being shared by our two cocks, huh?” You nodded, looking at Joel.
Javi came and lay down between your legs and slid his cock inside you.
Joel was standing next to the bed, jerking off gently. “You take both of our cocks so well darlin. You’re doing so well for us.”
He walked over and fondled one of your breasts, still jerking off. He leaned towards you and said “open up baby”. As you opened your mouth, he spat in it and clamped your jaw shut with his hand.
“Fill her up javi. Then I’ll fill her cunt too.”
You groaned at his words.
“Look at me hermosa. You're going to get filled by two cocks, like a little slut. Is that what you want?"
“Yes! Yes Javi, that’s what I want.”
“Yeah? Want your pussy filled with both our cum? Wanna feel them running down your thighs?”
You nodded.
"Ok baby. I'll give you what you want.” He picked up the pace and put his arms under your shoulders to fuck you harder. Joel was still jerking off next to the bed.
“Fuck…I’m gonna cum hermosa. Gonna fill this tight cunt.”
He thrusted in two more times before spreading his cum deep inside your pussy. Once his balls were empty, he withdrew, and Joel took his place instantly. He looked down at your folds to see Javi's cum starting to leak out. He ran his fingers around picking some up and stuffing them into your pussy.
“You want both of us, right? Can't miss a drop baby.”
He lay down between your thighs and bottomed out in one go. He put his fingers covered with Javi's cum in your mouth for you to lick them.
“Fuck. Such a slut. With your pussy dripping with the cum from another man. You’re so fucking soaked of his cum and so wet, I'm sure you could take both of our cocks in your pussy."
He growled against your ear, and his words hurried your orgasm.
“You’re such a whore, you know that?”
“Yes Joel…yeah.”
“Tell me what you are.”
“I’m a whore. I’m a fucking whore.”
Javi sat in the chair watching the whole scene.
Joel picked up the pace, unable to stop talking. “Can’t believe it, I thought you were a nice girl who wanted only my cock. But one cock isn’t enough for you anymore, is it?”
You couldn't answer anymore. He smacked your cheek. Not too hard. “Fuckin answer me.”
“Fuck. I want two cocks Joel. I want your two cocks. So bad.”
“Shit… I’m gonna fill you too.”
He grunted before thrusting deep inside you and shooting his load. Your orgasm rushed over you.
“Oh god Joel…” 
He collapsed on top of you, trying to catch his breath.
He finally got up while you were still lying down, and said “come see this Javi.”
The two men were standing at the foot of the bed, looking at your sore pussy, with their cum leaking out.
You heard the curfew sirens and Joel looked worriedly at Javi, who replied “stay here tonight. It's too late for you to go back. The bed is big enough, we’ll squeeze in.” The two men came to join you, each from one side.
You fell asleep.
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You woke up a few hours later, Joel and Javi’s bodies pressed against you. You felt some of their cum still leaking from your pussy but you didn't have the courage to go to the bathroom. Javi was against your back, his cock resting against your ass.
You stretched your ass towards him, at the same time as you took Joel’s cock in your hands, jerking him gently. You felt them wake up at the same time.
Javi’s hand came to squeeze your breast, before moving down to your thigh. He lifted your knee to give himself access to your pussy, and you felt the tip of his already hard cock directly slide into your hole.
Looking at Joel, you saw that his gaze was on you.
“Looks like you don’t need any preparation to take his cock baby? Still full of our cum huh?”
You bit your lip and just nodded, while Javi was pounding in you.
“Don’t stop jerking me off,” said Joel. You resumed your movement, stopped when Javi entered you.
“How is her pussy, Javi?”
“Ruined. I slide in so easily.”
“Mmmm” Joel muttered. Lie on your back Javi.”
Javi withdrew before settling in as Joel asked.
“And you sweetheart, come ride him.”
You moved on top of Javi, before grabbing his cock in your hand and pushing it inside you.
“Is the lube still in the top drawer?”
Joel went to get it and coated his cock with it, before putting the bottle down.
"You’re gonna prepare my ass, Joel?”
“It’s not your ass I’m gonna fuck."
“Wait what? I never…”
“There’s always a first time, baby.”
You looked at Javi with a panicked look, but he just said “come on Hermosa. You’re fuckin’ soaked and still dripping our cum from last night. You’ll take us easily.”
Joel kneeled behind you and spread your ass cheeks.
“Fuck… you’re gonna be so full….”
He leaned against Javi's cock, which had stopped his movements. Joel started to thrust and told you to lean on Javi’s chest.
You leaned forward and felt Joel’s cock sink into you.
“Fuck…Fuck! Joel, wait. It's too much. I don’t think I can -”
“Yes, you fuckin’ can.”
He didn't stop. He felt the walls of your pussy adjust to the two of them. He continued to thrust until his balls were against Javi's.
Looking up, you saw the look in Javi’s eyes, who nodded at Joel. And they both moved. 
“Oh fuck… Cant’ believe… God. Cant’ believe I’m getting fucked by two cocks."
Javi smiled and kissed you, before telling you “you’re really doing well Hermosa, you’re so good for us.”
“You can do better, darlin’.“
“What? What do you mean, Joel?”
Joel put his thumb in his mouth and spat on your ass. He caught the saliva with his thumb before applying it to your asshole.
“Shit Joel…”
“Stop whining. I know you like it” and he pushed his knuckle into your ass.
“Fuck..Yeah. Yes I do.”
Joel smiled as he looked at Javi.
You felt full. Two cocks in your pussy, Joel's thumb in your ass.
Joel told you “I’m sure if there were three cocks here, you’d take one in your mouth.”
“Fuck yeah…I bet she would”, added Javi.
They continued for a few minutes, and you heard Javi breathing harder.
“You’re gonna cum Javi? You’re gonna cum in my pussy?”
“Yeah Hermosa…I’m gonna fill you again.”
“Go ahead Javi. Cum in her pussy, and don't pull out until I fill her too. Not gonna be long.”
Your clit had been rubbing against Javi’s crotch for several minutes, and you felt like you were going to cum soon too.
“Fuck… yeah… ‘m gonna fill you Hermosa. Oh… oh god….”
Javi's cock twitched as he came, his cock crushed against Joel's.
“Fuck. I’m gonna fill you too baby.”
Joel growled louder and louder, and you felt Javi’s cum starting to leak out of your pussy.
Joel stiffened and shot his cum into you. 
He collapsed on top of you, still straddling Javi and you came for the last time that night, full of their cum.
Before pulling out, Joel said, “You’re gonna have to help me find more after pills, Javi.”
Part 3
Thank you for reading 🙏 Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated ❤️
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jungle-angel · 1 year
A King's Home Is His Castle (Admiral!Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob have worked so hard to build lives for yourselves and for your family and despite what others say, home will always be a special place for you, Bob and your little ones.
Warnings: Misogynistic remarks from a Naval officer, language, Admiral Bob popping off and pulling rank etc.
Tagging: @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia @floralfloyd and any other mutuals who have kept me going since day one. Guys, this is for you
Bob couldn't really stand having to go to half of these Navy functions, especially now since the weather was shitty and everyone was coming down with seasonal illnesses. Already he could feel the onset of it, the scratchiness in his throat, the body aches and pains, the swollen nodes in his neck and the achy wetness that had settled in his chest.
The last place Bob had wanted to be was at the Seaport Hotel, his clammy skin pricking with goosebumps under his Navy dress blacks as the snow had begun to fall. In he went, heading to the ballroom where all the other Navymen and women had gathered to celebrate Cyclone's birthday. Good God he felt terrible, just plain sick and terrible.
"Admiral Floyd!" boomed a gravely, deep voice. "Good to see you."
"Admiral Hauser," Bob greeted, shaking his hand. "Likewise."
"How's the family?"
"Never better," Bob said with a smile. "(Y/N) and I are excited, we've got a new little one due in a month."
"Good on ya kid," Admiral Hauser replied. "I'll see if I can bring back a case of cigars from Southeast Asia when my carrier crew ships out for duty."
"Oh that's right," Bob said, suddenly remembering. "You're training with the Royal Thai Navy SEALS aren't you?"
"None other," Admiral Hauser chuckled. "Admiral Nataya said he wants his units in shape for duty and that's what we're gonna do."
Bob and Admiral Hauser shared a few good laughs, but it couldn't do much to suppress the annoying tickle in his throat.
"Jeez Bob, you look like hell," Jake remarked.
"I feel like it," Bob answered, taking a deep breath and letting it out. "I think Auggie caught something at school and brought it home."
"Uh oh, speaking of diseases," Jake muttered under his breath. "Here comes one right now."
"Oh God no," Bob whispered.
Sure enough it was, Admiral Terrance Hamilton, the bane of the unit's existence. Bob couldn't stand the prick for the life of him let alone work with him. The shithead had already gone completely grey, the results of self-induced stress and problems that had been of his own creation. A bore to the enth degree, Admiral Hamilton talked excessively of finance, a hobby of his that seemed to overtake his mind, a man unable to understand the outside interests of others. He had profusely made fun of Bob for enjoying books that weren't about hard, cut and dry facts and couldn't stand the fact that Bob and the other Daggers had chosen to send their children to a school where creativity and imagination were the prime focus of the curriculum. Hell, Hamilton had even gone so far as to make lewd and rather unseemly jokes about (Y/N) Floyd, Bob's beloved wife and the mother of his children. Bob could practically smell the arrogance radiating off the man as he approached, the self-righteous gleam in his eyes and the stiffness of his perfectly pressed Navy dress blacks.
"Admiral Floyd," Hamilton greeted, shaking Bob's hand.
"Admiral Hamilton," Bob said with a rather curt politeness. "How are you?"
Hamilton replied with only a scoffing chuckle. "How do you think I'm doing?" he questioned. "I've been dealing with a passive aggressive woman who can't seem to wrap her head around what's going on lately."
Bob only nodded and gave him a polite smile. He could feel the cold negativity creeping in under his skin. "Sorry to hear that," was all Bob said.
"Ah, there's nothing that can be done," Hamilton answered with a wave of his hand. "How about the wife?"
"We're uh.....we're getting ready for a new baby in the family," Bob told him. "This is our fourth."
"Hah!" Hamilton laughed. "Must be doing something right if you can keep her full of you."
Bob and Jake cast a glance at each other, scrunching their eyebrows together. "I beg your pardon sir?" Bob asked.
"Can't keep her off you huh?" Hamilton said with a chuckle. "Sweet and demure on the outside but a fiend in the bedroom?"
"Sir I'm sorry but I don't....."
"It's a joke," Hamilton cut in.
"Doesn't seem like a joke to me," Jake said rather coldly.
"Oh c'mon Seresin," Hamilton chuckled. "Laugh a little bit. That's not the worst you've heard I'm sure."
Bob could feel the heat filling his face and something coiling in his chest. The audacity of this man.....the pure, sheer audacity to make those remarks and in public of all places!
"So I hear the boy's in school huh?" Hamilton enquired.
"Yes," Bob answered, swirling the amber whiskey and half melted ice cubes in his glass. "Just started the kindergarten program at the Waldorf school near where we live. The rest of the squad's kids are in his class as well."
"One of those hippie schools I presume," Hamilton said, scoffing a little. "If I had kids I wouldn't pay to have them waste their education on art and music."
Oh now he was getting mad. Bob knew that there was nothing worse in the world than feeling sick and angry all at once. He couldn't tell if it was heat from his sore throat or from the anger that boiled in his blood, but something was about to boil over.
"You said your on what? Your fourth kid too?"
"Jeez," Hamilton sniffed. "I'd have no patience for that, a bunch of kids running around the house screaming, talking back and being undisciplined. And let me guess, your little wifey wants a whole baseball team?"
That was it......that was officially the straw that had broken the camel's back. Jake saw a flash in Bob's eyes as Bob calmly took a sip of his whiskey, never once breaking eye contact with the slimy little twerp.
"Let me tell you something Admiral Hamilton.....Sir," Bob said, sharply emphasizing the last word. "Do you have any idea what family actually means or are you just that blind and ignorant?"
"You have no idea what (y/n) and I have been through in our eight years of marriage so far," Bob said icily. "You don't have a clue what we've both given up to be together and to build the lives we have now. In fact I think you might be a little bit jealous."
"Jealous?" Hamilton questioned.
"Yes, jealous," Bob answered sharply. "Because you walked all over the people who have tried to help you, the very same people you deemed to be out to get you because you always thought you were in the right about everything."
"Admiral Floyd, I....I never...." Hamilton chuckled nervously.
"And another thing too," Bob interrupted. "You've always been jealous of what everybody else has. I've heard you, day after day complain about people that are married, have kids or have this or that. Don't think I haven't heard you complain about Lieutenant Avery and her wife celebrating fifteen years together or Lieutenant Parker and his husband finally adopting a kid they've been fighting for, for the last year and a half or even Admiral Seresin and his wife, Rachel, celebrating their own wedding anniversary."
Admiral Hamilton simply froze, a dead look in his eyes and unable to speak.
"One more thing," Bob said, the heated hardness in his tone becoming obvious. "If I ever and I mean ever.......catch you making unseemly remarks about my wife or any of the other Navy wives every again, I'll make sure that your Navy career is ruined and that your reputation has a huge yellow stain. Hell, that might even be a good nickname for you, now that I think about it. How do you like that Admiral Seresin?
"I'm starting to think that's not such a bad idea," Jake said with a huge, shit-eating grin crawling across his face. "Old Yellow-Stain....it's got a nice ring to it."
He could see that Hamilton was fuming, Bob having hit him right where it hurt the most.
"You think you're better than everybody else don't you?" Hamilton fumed. "If it's one think I can't stand it's privleged little pricks who think they're better than everybody else."
"So you?" Bob questioned, raising his eyebrows.
Hamilton's face began to turn bright red.
"Sorry Admiral," Bob said, his cheeky, lopsided grin forming on his face. "But the only person you're hurting is yourself."
Oh could he feel the anger beginning to radiate from the insulted Admiral, his eyes were like ice, his eyebrows turned down in a scowl that would have a brand new seaman running scared.
"So might I propose a toast," Bob said. "To Admiral Hamilton, the greatest insult to the Navy since Admiral Richmond K. Turner."
It was a split second before Bob flung the remaining whiskey in his glass into Hamilton's face, the slimy gimp's jaw hanging open in shock as the amber liquid ran down his face and dripped onto his dress uniform. Admiral Hamilton huffed and stormed off, leaving the ballroom and the two other higher ranking Admirals in his wake.
"Well that went over like a fart during Christmas Mass," Jake laughed.
Bob laughed but it was interrupted by a bone cracking wet cough.
"Alright," Jake said. "What do you say we stay for the cutting of the cake and then go home?"
Bob grimaced and nodded, trying to take in a breath. They stayed just a little while longer before at last, they were able to jump in Jake's truck and head for home.
The snow was coming down a little bit harder, the plows just having gone by and the heat blasting as music played from Jake's phone in the cupholder.
"Nice pop-off by the way," Jake chuckled.
"That actually felt really good," Bob laughed.
"You got nasty though! I'm proud!" Jake exclaimed.
They laughed the whole way home until Jake pulled in the driveway, the two huge Victorian homes side by side in what was known as "Admiral's Village". Bob gathered his cap and walked along the sidewalk, up the path and onto the front porch where he lived with you and your children. Much to his surprise, the lights were still on inside which meant that the babies would still be awake, more so if school was called off the next day.
He opened the door and headed inside, the house warm and cozy and the smell of a fresh dinner wafting from the kitchen. The scritching of nails on the hardwood floor signaled the arrival of the family dogs, Tank, Bandit and the two newest additions to your family, a little black Scottish terrier that Auggie had named Jock, and a little Pekingese puppy you and Bob had named Dolly after she had been found outside the Dolly Madison house in DC. She was still so tiny, only half the size of Jock and dwarfed in comparison to the others.
Bob gave them all the scritches they could possibly ask for, scooping Dolly up off her stubby little legs and into the curve of his elbow before he made his way into the kitchen.
There you were, just having seated Auggie, Patrick and Diedre at the table, the smell of a warm, freshly roasted chicken out of the oven and resting in the pan on the stove while the smell of your homemade cinnamon spice cake cooling on the counter.
"DADDY!!!!!!" The babies chirped as they practically jumped off their seats at the table.
"Come give me hugs babies!" Bob laughed as Dolly sprang to the floor, leaving him to throw his arms around your children and litter their cheeks with kisses.
"Baba! Baba I want kissy!" Diedre demanded as she tried to push past her brothers.
"C'mere princess," Bob chuckled, scooping her up off her feet and pressing a big, wet kiss to her cheek which made her giggle.
Bob looked over at you in your burgundy colored shawl sweater, He could almost feel the hot flush himself, though it might have been due to the burning clump of mucous in his throat more than anything else.
"There's my handsome king of the castle," you teased as you took each other in your arms.
Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips before nuzzling your cheeks. "Sorry sweet cheeks," he said. "I think I'm getting sick."
"I'll say," you remarked, holding the back of your hand to his forehead. "You're warmer than usual. Auggie must've brought something home from school."
"Sorry if I get you sick sweetheart," he apologized.
"Oh Bob c'mon," you assured him. "I teach at that same school and my first graders this year still don't know how to cover their mouths."
Bob laughed a little before the coughing caught him again. You called the babies back into the kitchen to come and get their plates, plating everyone's dinners before you, Bob and the little ones were all seated in the dining room. Once grace was said, the five of you dug right in and went back and forth about how the day and evening's events had gone.
"How was the birthday celebration for Cyclone?" you asked him.
"Well," Bob said before finishing the last bite of asparagus. "Funny you should ask that."
He explained every little bit about what had happened, even the parts that he knew might upset you. Yet despite the awful remarks made by one of the naval commanders, you remained level headed and calm.
"You watch," you chuckled. "He'll say the wrong thing at the wrong time and Hamilton's Navy career will be over."
Once dinner was eaten, you loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, cleaning up and putting away the leftovers for the next day while Bob lit a fire in the living room fireplace. He went away upstairs to switch into something more comfortable, the flannel pjs you had gotten him for Christmas the year before.
You made him a hot green tea, slipping in one of your herb packets for seasonal illnesses and let it steep before handing it off to him. "Mommy! Mommy!" Auggie chirped, bouncing with excitement as he tried to hand you one of the books off the shelf. "Can we read a story?"
"Go right by the fireplace and we'll read a story before bed ok?" you told him. "I've gotta get Daddy settled first."
Auggie giggled and ran off to get nice and warm by the fireplace, all three of the kids having just slipped into their pjs and dragging a blanket and their favorite stuffie down from their bedrooms.
“Chivalry!---why, maiden, she is the nurse of pure and high affection---the stay of the oppressed, the redresser of grievances, the curb of the power of the tyrant ---Nobility were but an empty name without her, and liberty finds the best protection in her lance and her sword.” You read.
You, Bob and the babies were completely engrossed in Ivanhoe, the strange and wonderful tale of a Saxon knight and his adventures during the reign of Richard The Lionheart. He loved the way you read, your voice comforting and soft, like the cozy wool throw blanket he had wrapped himself in. Bob didn't care what anyone said. He loved nights like this, when you and him would gather around the fire with the babies to read to them before bed, losing yourselves in the adventures, fantasy and fun of it all.
It wasn't long before the babies had all fallen asleep with Bob carrying them upstairs, one at a time and not wanting you to hurt yourself since his sister had insisted on no heavy lifting at all. Once they were all asleep, it was just you and him, the two of you on the comfy old sofa in the living room, warming yourselves by the fire and his big, gentle hand rubbing soft circles on your obvious bump.
"Jeez (y/n) he's going nuts," Bob chuckled, feeling the tiny little feet kicking against his palm.
"He knows it's you," you hummed happily, a lazy smile worn on your face as you leaned against Bob and relaxed into his touch.
Bob bent a little lower and pressed a loving kiss to your bump. "I love you my precious boy," he whispered. "You, your momma and your brothers and sister mean everything to me."
You both snuggled close together, letting the troubles of the day run off like rain on a roof. The snow kept falling hard outside, but the warmth and coziness of your home enveloping the two of you fully as you and your husband fell asleep with the fire crackling away through the night. When you woke up the next morning, greeted by the look of pure love on Bob's face, you were both grateful beyond words for each other and the life you had built.
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lawqual1ty · 9 months
Why...? (College AU! Trafalgar Law x Gn! Reader)
Pov: Hanging out with some of your mutual friends results in you having a new doubt that racks your brain for a bit... Unfortunately (or not) thanks to a twist in fate you end up having to be attended by your roommate where finally your questions are answered...
I got the idea thanks to me actually going through the same thing rn
This is a part 2 following the story line of this fic! Since so many people seemed to want more and who am I to say no?
Warning: Sort of angsty (I was feeling sad sorry), Hurt to comfort, Migraine, curse words
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"Say what now...?" You stopped stirring your coffee with your straw as you looked flabbergasted at the two guys sitting in front of you.
Sachi and Penguin nodded as they looked at you with a same level of shock while Bepo just seemed a tad bit confused by the situation, although judging by his worried eyes it was pretty serious.
"Yeah... He never lets anyone hang around him when he's studying..." Sachi started, a hint of concern in his voice.
"Or worse let them touch him..." Penguin added with a small sweat drop rolling down his temple.
Your brain took an awkwardly long time to process everything... You kept going back and forth between their words and the memories you had shared with Law during these two years that you had been roommates. Something didn't seem right, although yeah he wasn't the warmest or openest guy in the universe he was never very shut off to you... Going from casual hang outs while you two studied to you sometimes helping him out with caring for his tattoos after the previous shirtless incident (you grew used to seeing him bare chested as he began asking you for help with placing some hydrating creams or sunscreen on his back tattoo). Silence surrounded the three of you as you slowly narrowed your eyes in almost a comedic manner.
"You're lying..."
They yelped making both you and Bepo flinch with wide eyes as the poor bear started apologizing profusely while you patted him on the back, he could be quite the fragile guy sometimes, although it was adorable. You looked back at Sachi and Penguin with a confused look.
"But then... Why is it different with me? I guess it's because I'm his roommate right...?" You were reasoning more with yourself than with the two males, you turned your head over to Bepo with a furrowed expression "He's your best friend right? He must let you do that same stuff because he trusts ya'..."
Bepo looked over at you for a minute before gently shaking his head "Not one bit..." His demeanor then turned apologetic as you flinched at his words "Sorry"
You couldn't help but sigh as you kept gently stroking his back "Don't be..."
"That's what we're telling you! It's super rare..." Penguin started out as he tapped his fingers on the table only making you grunt further as you squeezed your eyes shut "There's something weird going on here... Maybe something..."
Although you had your eyes closed you could sense how both Sachi and Penguin looked over at each other with a creepy blushing face, the faintest scent of blood coming out of their nostrils making you sigh deeply "Don't..."
They gently stopped although you had a feeling that the idea of it being because of "something else" never left their mind as they started giggling on their own. You rubbed the temple of your nose as you tried to process everything, the mere idea of what you considered to be normal in Law now being rare raised so much questions which, based on your previous experience, know they were going to go unanswered...
One thing to know about having Law as your roommate is that he usually kept a lot of fitness stuff around, being a medicine student he cares a lot about his health together with yours so it wasn't unusual to find some stuff organized to the side of the room where he usually worked out when he had time. You occasionally used some of the equipment since he convinced you to... Much to your complaints, but it's something you have slowly gotten used to.
One of these mechanisms was a bar that was placed at the top of the door frame that lef to the kitchen, it should be perfectly safe if it wasn't for the fact that well it wasn't screwed onto the door... It just was placed there, it had never given you much of a problem until today.
You just got back to your dorm with an exhausted sigh, you kept on pondering about the conversation you just you had with Sachi and Penguin... A confused glint in your eyes as you processed their words about you and Law... You had never seen his behavior as unusual so for them to say it's rare out of the blue sure caught you off guard. You dropped your keys on the key bowl (as you liked to call it) with a loud exhale, the sound of the keys clanking being a clear signal that you could finally relax... Or well...
"I need to study..." You muttered to yourself with a soft grunt, you never got to really catch a break... And honestly it was nerve-wracking...
You walked towards the kitchen to get something to snack on while you studied hoping the small treat would keep your sleepless ass awake in some way shape or form, you were in a pretty grumpy mood so you didn't pay much mind at your surroundings as you leaned a hand on the door frame.
Out of nowhere you heard a loud thud and felt your mind go numb for a moment... You froze, not out of shock but rather because you couldn't move, your body didn't seem to respond at all... You looked at the ground and saw what had produced the loud thud, it was the weird bar thing on top of the kitchen door. As soon as you gained consciousness you started to feel a sharp pain at the top of your head, your vision began to get blurry with tears as the pain was changed from a sharp sting to a numbing rumble that made you dizzy, you didn't want to move at all... Finally everything clicked in your brain: The bar had fallen on your head.
You didn't yelp, you didn't move... You just... stood there trying your fucking hardest to keep yourself a foot, luckily you weren't alone at the time... A loud pair of footsteps came running over to you, Law had heard the loud thud and made its way to you in an instant, you raised your eyesight to meet his... Your eyes blurring with tears as the pain turned into a sharp migraine.
"Ouch..." Those were the only words you could utter as you tried your best to chuckle so that the scene didn't look all that bad, unfortunately for you Law had never been one to fall for your strong acts... If anything he grunted as he gently approached you and with a steady hand touched your head gently, the sudden contact made you jolt away, or well as best as you could in your state, as his skin felt weird against yours... That was never a good sign. He silently looked at you with a stern expression as he analyzed the scene.
"Did the bar fall on you?" His words came out in a concerned yet gentle tone. You nodded, words didn't come out of your mouth and if they did they were a muttering mess, he frowned.
"Do you feel like puking?" You shook your head
"I just..." You paused for a bit, the mere fact of taking seeming like a struggle "Migraine..." You spoke as best as you could, he gently took your arm and guided you to the table for you to sit down "Just stay here... I'll go get something"
He headed off and before you realized he was gone he brought a pill with him together with some water and an ice pack, he offered you the pill and you silently took it... The act of kindness made your tears start to roll down your cheeks in rivers and rivers of salty water, why were you being so sensitive? Was it because of the strike? You had no clue, you just placed the pill in your mouth and washed it down with the water, you suddenly felt a ting of coldness at the top of your head finding yourself with Law who stood really close to you as he placed the ice pack on the spot the bar had fallen on you "This should calm down the pain..." He spoke gently as he looked at you with a furrowed expression, your eyes never left him as a comfortable silence surrounded the two of you... The pain was still there but it was no longer unbearable, the one thing that was a bit annoying to you was how much you were crying... Your mind was racing, going between being completely blank and drowned in pain to being fully covered in weird thoughts about you wanting for Law to stop caring for you that much... Why would he do such a thing? Oh right he's a medicine student... This is normal work for him right? Right...? Then why did it hurt...? You hated feeling vulnerable... You got back to blank thoughts as you played with the glass of water and took a few sips. A caring hand took you out of your trance as it wiped a few of your tears away, gently squeezing your cheeks as it did so... You turned to face the one responsible for such gentle care, finding yourself with those grey eyes that confused you so much... They somehow looked so much... Warmer than usual, almost as if you were a delicate piece of pottery that he really appreciated and wanted to fix as best as he could without breaking it further, you couldn't help but cry more.
"Why...?" You muttered catching his attention
Your lips started trembling, the words not coming out of your mouth as you kept crying.
"Why... Are you so nice to me...?" Your words came out in shaky breaths, your lips trembling as you started crying even more than before... A sense of fear surrounding you as you waited for his answer in between whimpers and hiccups, his eyes widened at your question, you were never one to go ask this kind of stuff and it was rare seeing you in this state. He sighed deeply as he kept his hand on your head with an ice pack.
"You remember when you asked me how I was single...?" He looked away as he spoke, you were surprised... You thought he would have forgotten about that moment but it seems it made quite the impact on him, much to your luck, You just nodded... He took a deep breath before continuing. "Well... It's mainly because I never found a reason for me to be nice to others... Some people could be nerve-wracking in my opinion so I just never thought much of actually dating someone..."
You listened to him attentively as you saw the faintest hint of a smile on his lips, almost as if remembering this amused him, he paused for a moment... His eyes gently closed shut as he thought about his next words and actions, he slowly fluttered them open and looked at you in the eyes but there was something... Different in his gaze... You noticed a small hint of warmth behind those cold grey eyes, it was odd, you assumed your brain was starting to hallucinate thanks to the hard hit from the bar but you had a gut feeling it wasn't the case...
He parted his lips to speak once more, his breathing soft as he looked at you "But then you came... And... Although you were pretty irritating at first I got to enjoy your presence..." He chuckled ever so slightly "I even got worried about you whenever you... Got hurt..."
Your eyes started watering even more... He wasn't usually the one to talk so for him to be so open about it all was... New... It was almost as if he had rehearsed this a thousand times before he talked to you but didn't feel ready until he saw you so vulnerable and felt obliged to do so... To finally open up, to finally show himself bare to you. He took another deep yet shaky breath, he seemed to get even more nervous the more he spoke... Like there was a truth behind his words that he wasn't quite ready to admit, a level of fear that covered his heart as he laid it bare with doubt.
"I just... Didn't want to lose you..." He spoke gently, a soft tear drop rolling down his cheek as he looked away into the distance... Your eyes widened in shock.
"You have... Lost someone already haven't you...?"
He looked at the ground and you regretted your words immediately.
"I'm sorry..."
"I did..." He looked back at you "That's why I acted like a coward in front of you... Always caring but never..."
He stopped in his tracks, his words getting stuck in his throat, you felt a sharp sting in your heart as you looked at him... Something in your gut told you he felt the same way as he saw you get hurt and cry... Your shaky lips parted slightly.
"Is that... Why you're so kind to me...?" You looked up at him "Because you're scared...?"
He chuckled gently "Not just because of that..." He admitted with a soft yet sad smile "You have a knack of getting into people's hearts... And unfortunately I was no exception..."
He gently turned to face you with a warm smile, you must be hallucinating already... There was no way he was smiling to you that way... Was there...?
"I fell for you, Y/N..." His words struck your heart strings, if you could move you would have jolted up but you were still kinda numb thanks to your headache... All you could do was stare in disbelief. There were no formalities in his words, his usual '-ya' was not added at the end of your name... Making it all the more... Close... You felt your heart beat rapidly.
Slowly but steadily your lips started shaking even more as you felt like crying your whole heart out, trying your best to hold it in you bit your lower lip as you let out a few hiccups and whimpers... But alas you weren't that strong... You bawled your eyes out as Law stared at you warmly... He froze for a moment not really knowing how to proceed, with a hesitant hand he pulled you closer to him letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you cried everything you had inside...
"It's okay... I'll stay with you..." He spoke gently as he stroked your back lovingly, now his touch didn't feel so foreign in your skin...
He loved you... He really did...
And you loved him...
You loved each other...
You kept crying on his shoulder for what felt like an eternity, snot and tears ruining his hoodie as you kept trying your best to compose yourself... You wanted to talk... You wanted to yell out to him that you loved him too, you really did... But your headache didn't allow you to do so... You only had the strength to cry, not that Law minded at all... He loved being your pillar of support.
You sniffled as your crying came to a stop (at least for a bit) slowly incorporating yourself, the gentle taps of Law's hands on your back giving you a level of reassurance that made you be able to ground yourself...
"I..." You started out gently "I have fallen for you too, Law... Heck I think I did for longer..." You started chuckling nervously as your hand tried to clumsily dry up your cheeks, to no avail "But I... I was a coward... Fuck... Still am!"
You admitted with a sort of bright smile, Law looked at you with wide eyes before chuckling gently... You almost started blabbering your thoughts, unlike him you didn't take much time to think what you were going to say... You just spoke your heart out, and right now it turned out even messier than usual thanks to your dizzy brain... He rolled his eyes with an amused smile, not that you could notice in between your rambles, and then leaned closer to you...
Silence once more surrounded the two of you as he made you freeze... Not with a glare... Not with words... But with the gentle graze of his lips on yours.
You felt like crying again...
You didn't move... You just drowned in the feeling of his warmth against you... His lips stroking yours in a gentle and loving kiss that none of you realized how much you needed it until it happened... All your emotions, your truth, your hearts... Laid there, bare, a show of love and acceptance for only the two of you to witness...
You gently closed your eyes as the kiss dragged out for longer. He slowly pulled away and smiled at you with a hint of red in his cheeks.
"Did I answer your question now?" He asked with a playful tone, you froze for a moment only to laugh, he sure liked being sarcastic even in moments like these huh? You hugged him by the neck, a soft smile grazing your lips...
"You sure did..."
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quoththemaiden · 5 months
I hope everyone enjoyed the finale of @mrghostrat's Big Name Feelings Good Omens AU as much as I did. While ghostrat ended his story perfectly with a beautiful and realistic close to the part of their relationship we as an audience get to see, I had one more scene idea close to my heart and so I'm putting it out here because my heart still sings with love for this story and its characters.
These fanscenes now also appear on AO3. Along with the four I've already posted here (1, 2, 3, and 5), you can find a scene I kept off Tumblr ("Ch. 12"). You can read the final scene ("Ch. 17") below, but you can also find it on AO3, where it shows the text messages in graphical form.
Bilv, thank you once again for creating such an amazing story! I'm happy to say that my mind is no longer filled with your middle-aged men and their middle-aged-man problems. Instead, please enjoy these 3k words of pure fluff.
Crowley dumped his bag on the hotel room floor and did a lazy spin to take in the space. "Not bad, eh?"
"It's very posh," Newt agreed, setting his bag down more gingerly. "You're sure we can't pitch in for it?"
"I'm not dealing with you setting your phone on fire trying to do a transfer." Crowley waved the offer off and flopped onto the couch. The hotel suite had two small bedrooms plus a nice little sitting area that would be perfect for board games. It was set up to mainly accommodate a family with kids, albeit a family that could afford to splash on a multi-room suite for the family vacation to Spain. Crowley stretched out, shamelessly taking up the whole couch in a bid to ease the stiffness in his hips. "Tell ya what, if you're feeling guilty, you can buy my drinks tonight."
Anathema laughed and gave Crowley a poke in the side, looking quite satisfied at his jerk and yelp. "Knowing you, that will end up being a fair deal. And I'll take care of renting the wheelbarrow to cart you back here."
Crowley rubbed his side dourly. "Maybe I preferred you on the other side of the ocean."
Anathema grinned at him, unrepentant. "If you want to stay at my place while I'm here, I'll lend you my keys." She ducked a thrown pillow with a laugh.
The weather was perfect for sipping cocktails outside, and their mutual agreement to all try drinks they'd never had before helped keep the night from slipping away from them too quickly. Being able to chat without the artificial framing of a webcam was a delight, too, but all of them were too continuously connected to be interested in a strict phones-down policy.
Anathema rolled her eyes and took another sip of her drink before answering the text that had just popped up on her screen.
Aziraphale: Are you certain he doesn't know I'm nearby? Anathema: I didn't tell him, Newt doesn't know, and he doesn't have a magical angel-detecting sense does he? Aziraphale: I'm not so sure about that last point. Some of his last texts seem awfully pointed. Anathema: You're being paranoid
Anathema slipped her phone away before leaning over to look at Crowley's phone screen, where he was lining up a very artistic shot of his drink, showcasing as much of the swanky beachfront seating area as possible. She blinked at him slowly. "Have you been sending Aziraphale 'wish you were here' texts?"
Crowley glanced at her sideways, his thumb paused over the shutter button. "Maybe."
Anathema sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Are you an adult who can handle a vacation with friends or are you going to pine after your boyfriend all night?"
"I'm here, aren't I? It's not like we're tied together at the hip."
Anathema shook her head in fond exasperation. "Getting these printed on postcards for him would be funnier than this text spam." Crowley barked out a laugh and sent Aziraphale his next promise to take him here sometime anyway.
Anathema pulled out her phone again, tapping out a quick message.
Anathema: He says he's a full-grown adult who can handle being away from you.
There was a pause before Aziraphale responded to her — probably due to dealing with a barrage of messages from Crowley.
Aziraphale: A very convincing claim.
Anathema looked up as Crowley put his phone away. "All done?"
"Yeah, he's taking an early night." Crowley took a languid sip from his drink.
"How have his workshops been going?" Newt asked, fiddling with a vibrant russet cocktail in a type of glass he couldn't name.
"Good!" Crowley's eyes lit up with excitement, his cheeks pink. "We polished his presentation before he left—"
"I heard about that!" Newt cut in. "He said it was more like beta-testing than beta-reading."
Crowley snorted. "If you want to see what happens when someone goes against the script, I'm your guy."
"The reception's been okay?" Anathema asked. "I know getting audience participation at workshops can be pulling teeth."
"Nahhh, it's different in the library world. Those weirdos actually care about their jobs."
"So do I, but it would be pulling teeth to get me to do a 'group active learning exercise.'"
"Fair." Crowley grinned. "They know how to talk like humans, then. And they really are interested in anyone with tips on how to break into digital spaces in an authentic way."
Newt hummed thoughtfully. "He's really okay with talking about his online presence at work like that? I'd be way too embarrassed."
"Nah, you stop caring about that stuff when you get older."
Anathema snorted. "I'm still saying it's pure luck you didn't chase him offline again with that con nonsense."
"Pfffft." Crowley made a sound that was all plosives and no vowels. "Never even close."
"Right," Anathema replied with tasteful sarcasm.
Crowley cut her teasing short by slapping a yellow canvas pouch down on the table. "C'mon. Let's play a game!"
"Oh, Bananagrams!" Anathema accepted the diversion and unzipped the banana-shaped bag, pouring the Scrabble tiles out between them. She deftly started flipping them letter side down. "I don't think Newt's played?"
Crowley nodded and waggled his fingers at the pile of tiles. "Rules are easy: Everyone's building their own board-free Scrabble grid. You start with 21 tiles. Say 'peel' when you've used yours up to make everyone take another tile from the stock. Say 'dump' to trade one of your tiles for three from the stock. The first person to say 'peel' without enough tiles left for everyone to take one wins. Simple, right?"
Newt nodded slowly, watching as Anathema divided the tiles out neatly. "So they're putting Scrabble in bananas these days."
Aziraphale: Is he up yet?
Crowley gestured Anathema towards the table where their phones sat in a cuddly pile of charging pads and wires. "You got a message while you were in the shower. From Aziraphale?"
Anathema kept her face carefully schooled as she sauntered over and picked up her phone, using the need to adjust her towel turban as an excuse for not making eye contact. "Mm." She picked it up and read the incriminating message, then snorted. "Bracing himself for when your wall of texts will start, I imagine."
"Nahhh, he loves it!" Crowley snagged the glasses cleaner out of his bag and sauntered into the bathroom. He'd be wearing them all day and he'd murder someone if he had to deal with the scummy film left by hotel soap.
"Whatever you say, lover boy." Anathema breathed a tired sigh.
Anathema: Yeah, and he saw this. We should be at the conservatory by 11
She should have just taken the phone into the bathroom with her, steam be damned.
The botanical conservatory was, frankly, gorgeous. The greenhouses were so large the ceilings weren't even noticeable, and the outdoor gardens were a riot of native plants. Crowley devoured the signs about plants he was unfamiliar with with gusto, and pointed out those he recognized with the enthusiasm of a man determined to prove he wasn't hungover. Newt listened with unfeigned interest, while Anathema wasn't shy about slowing them down to take photos of particularly artfully arranged displays.
They'd been there about half an hour when a patter of English broke through the background chatter of Spanish. "Could you spot me the entrance fee for the butterfly room?"
"Aziraphale!" Crowley immediately spun to his right, his whole face lighting up in delight before realizing that seeing him here was, in fact, quite odd. "What are you doing in Spain?"
"I left right after my last workshop. I thought it might make a nice surprise."
"It made the best surprise." Crowley pulled him into an ardent kiss that went on long enough for Anathema to cough something about public displays of affection. Crowley eventually relented on the kiss, as much for the sake of their breathing as anything else, but kept his arm slung firmly around Aziraphale's shoulders. "You're a bit of a bastard, you know that? I could've been looking forward to this the whole time."
"Only as much of a bastard as you deserve," Aziraphale teased right back with easy familiarity. His heart kept pounding hard anyway.
"Heh. What a way to butter me up while you're angling for a free ticket." Crowley snuck another kiss onto Aziraphale's cheek. Aziraphale laughed as he slipped his arm through Crowley's, relishing the contact after their weeks apart.
The butterfly room, when they got in, was a riot of fluttering wings. The promise of iridescence was enough to get Crowley to remove his sunglasses, and a quiet compliment on his eyes from Aziraphale was enough to get him tucking them into his pocket instead of putting them right back on afterwards.
They left the butterfly room — with some careful mutual inspections to make sure no one was harboring a stowaway, involving perhaps a bit more care in running fingers through another's hair than was strictly necessary for the task — and emerged near the exit to the rose garden. Crowley's hand moved towards his sunglasses but Aziraphale put his hand on his arm. "Just a couple more minutes? There's something I want you to see first." Aziraphale glanced over at Anathema, who nodded slightly but otherwise kept her expression carefully uninterested.
Crowley looked between them and shrugged. "Not exactly subtle as far as hangover tests go, but a'ight." Aziraphale laughed breathlessly and kept a firm grip on his arm, drawing him deeper into the garden.
The rose garden featured small offshoots to the main path where groups could sit for a little while to rest. It wasn't until the third one that they came upon an alcove that was empty, and Aziraphale promptly pulled Crowley aside, Anathema holding out her hand to keep Newt just outside it with her.
"Crowley—" Aziraphale began, his breath catching in his throat as he caught Crowley's full attention. "I, ah. I actually came here because there was something I wanted to say."
Crowley's hand twitched reflexively towards his glasses again, but this time he kept it down himself, even as his heart started to pound. "...yeah?"
"Yeah," Aziraphale breathed out as he sank to one knee, reaching into his pocket. His fingers were trembling, and his smile was nervous but so very adoring. "If I ask you something, will you promise to laugh?"
"—huh?" Crowley blinked in confusion, then stared as Aziraphale opened a jewelry box to reveal a simple ring.
"Anthony J. Crowley, would you be my snouse?"
It took a few seconds for Crowley to register any of the words Aziraphale had just said, but then he barked out a laugh as the last one hit him. "Really? That's how you ask?"
"You don't like it?"
"I just... I thought if you did it, you'd do a whole speech for it. You even brought us out to a rose garden!"
"I'll be honest, I had one of those planned. I just... couldn't quite seem to bring it to mind." Aziraphale had no idea how he was managing to talk even as much as he was around the tightness in his throat. "You haven't answered my question, dear."
"Pfft..." Crowley closed both his hands around Aziraphale's. "Yes. Yes, of course I'll be your... your whatever. Forever and always."
"Thank goodness." Aziraphale half rose and was instead greeted by Crowley also kneeling, both of them moving together for a kiss that was slow and deliberate. Aziraphale could feel the pounding of his own pulse against the tight hold Crowley had on his hands, and he could tell how Crowley's heartrate had risen to match his by the way their kiss kept shifting for quick intakes of air. Aziraphale finally broke the contact only so he could gently extricate his hands from Crowley's. It took every scrap of concentration he could scrape together to find Crowley's left hand and slip the ring onto his finger. "...it fit okay?"
"Nggh," Crowley replied before pulling him into another kiss.
They might have stayed there all day if Anathema hadn't cleared her throat — snapping another quick photo as they looked up at her, flushed and frazzled. "We are still in public, I'm afraid."
"Yeah," Crowley breathed.
"Huh..." Aziraphale added, just as coherently.
Newt shook his head at the unlikely prospect of them getting up anytime soon, and looked over at Anathema instead. "How were you so prepared?"
Anathema flashed him a smile. "I knew this was coming. Aziraphale asked me to take the photos."
"Is that why you're here?"
"It was the other way around," Anathema replied. "Aziraphale realized he could arrange his schedule to join our trip partway, and we worked out how to take advantage of the situation."
"Bastard," Crowley muttered in response to nothing and everything, pressing tender kisses to Aziraphale's left ring finger like he could imprint a ring there with his lips. "Did you measure my finger while I slept?"
Aziraphale smiled as he watched him, his heartrate finally settling closer to normal under Crowley's reassuring touches. "It's scarcely my fault you're so easy to send to sleep, dearest."
"You're ridiculous. Adorable. Incorrigible."
"Are those all synonyms in your mind?" Aziraphale leaned in to steal another kiss.
Crowley laughed breathlessly at how easily they'd returned to comfortable teasing and carefully pushed himself up. He tugged his clothing straighter and tried to pretend he was put-together as he glanced at Anathema, who was grinning unabashedly at them. "I'll want those pics for... for everything. All of them."
Aziraphale put his hand on Crowley's arm for support as he straightened his own creaking knees. "I'm claiming Tumblr first, if you don't mind."
"Eh—" Crowley gave him his full attention again, not that it had strayed for more than a moment. "This will really get you notice, Angel."
"Good." Aziraphale took Crowley's hand and leaned in to kiss him. He rubbed his fingertip over the ring settled firmly onto a finger that had never borne one before. "Let them know who's claimed you."
Crowley snaked his arm around Aziraphale's neck, chasing down another kiss that went on long enough to have Anathema clucking behind them. "We're gonna get kicked out of the garden, Angel."
Aziraphale smiled against Crowley's lips. "Let them. The one we made is better."
Three bottles of wine sat open and mostly-drunk on the table, divided between four glasses that were using the remnants of the previous night's game of The Quiet Year as a coaster. ("We set it in an idyllic countryside and it all went downhill from there," Crowley had explained when Aziraphale came in and started examining the hand-drawn map. "I think the arrival of the dog was the real turning point to madness," Newt had chimed in. "It was doomed from the start," Anathema declared with a resigned sigh.) The red rings of wine stains could have added as much to the group narrative as anything they'd purposefully drawn.
"I came in like a wrecking ball~! I never hit so hard in love~!" Newt sang raucously, a broad grin on his face while Anathema laughed into her hand. Aziraphale tilted his head as he watched them, visibly processing the music.
"All the other kids with their pumped-up kicks, you better run—!" Anathema joined in as the tune jauntily transitioned to a new melody. Aziraphale's face froze into an expression of fond but intense confusion.
"Problem, Angel?" Crowley drawled, utterly amused as he watched the tableau.
"I'm fairly certain that isn't how those songs go. And isn't that polka?"
"Never heard of Weird Al? Bit bigger overseas, I s'pose." He gestured to Anathema's phone, which was supplying the impromptu karaoke party.
Aziraphale nodded, confusion dissolving and leaving just a hint of distaste in its place. "And a different generation, I suppose." He took another sip of his wine, a nice Syrah, as the melody shifted to a new and equally abrasive polka.
"I wear your granddad's clothes," the millennials continued singing, until one of them glanced at Aziraphale and started laughing and the other followed suit, wineglass held out in an attempt to insulate it from deep belly laughs. Crowley snagged it deftly and set it on the table, another drop of wine rolling down to stain the paper there. Aziraphale rolled his eyes, much more amused at their drunken good humor than offended.
Crowley patted Aziraphale's thigh. "Want to take the rest of that Syrah back to my room and leave the loverbirds to it?"
"It would still be rather noisy if we stayed here," Aziraphale replied with a tempting smile. "Why don't you come back to mine?"
Crowley leaned forward eagerly, only a fraction away from jumping up at the unexpected invitation. "Oh?"
"Well, the room may not wind up being quite as nice as the one you got, but I thought for our first night together as a formally promised couple..." Aziraphale's smile said everything.
"You're a genius." Crowley kissed his cheek and grabbed Aziraphale's hand to pull him up with him, then firmly refused to let it go despite the challenge of tucking a wine bottle under his arm while juggling a wine glass and his phone.
Aziraphale laughed. "We can take two trips, since you'll want your bag. Did you leave it packed?"
"Like always." Crowley grinned. "Not going to rib on me for that ever again, huh?"
"One occasion of convenience is not worth the wrinkles, my dear," Aziraphale responded with all the primness he could muster around a wide grin.
Crowley laughed and took the opportunity of Aziraphale opening the hotel room door to crowd closer and steal an eager kiss that was just as eagerly given. "You really managed to hold in that you'd gotten us a room all day?"
"I kept the trip secret from you too, didn't I?"
"Age will not wither," Crowley chuckled and nipped Aziraphale's ear. "C'mon, let's see that room. Coming back for pyjamas optional."
The two of them left the hotel suite hand-in-hand, with everything they truly needed already right there with them.
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pedroscurls · 7 months
Dirty Little Secret (Part 6).
Character(s): no-outbreak, age-gap!Joel Miller x fem!Reader Summary: Drew finds out about you and Joel and more confessions are made.   Word count: 2.9k  A/N: We're getting close to the end of this story! I just want to extend my gratitude to everyone who's read this, who have left comments... It really means a lot!🫶 Warning: age-gap (Joel is in his 50s, reader is in her early-30s), very brief mentions of childhood trauma (neglect) SERIES MASTERLIST - ultimate masterlist
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“Do you love her?” 
The question repeats itself in Joel’s mind as he’s staring at Drew. He only takes a quick glance in the direction you walked in when he sees a figure in his peripheral. It isn’t you and he’s become very aware of the disappointment that settles in the pit of his stomach. 
“I’ve fallen in love with you!” 
It’s all Joel can think about. Joel can hear the crack in your voice, can see the tears in your eyes. He knows how conflicted you must feel because this was never meant to happen. This was never meant to become more serious than it did - Joel knows. 
But he never planned on falling in love with you either.
“I ain’t answerin’ that, Drew.” Joel finally replies. 
Drew tightens his jaw. He can feel the protectiveness wash over him, can feel the tug in his heart when he sees you walk away on the verge of tears. Drew had always felt protective over you, almost like an older brother wanting to shield you from the pain and hurt of this world. What he didn’t expect was that his soon-to-be father-in-law would be the source of your tears, but also the reason why he had noticed a shift in your behavior in the last two months. 
“You know she doesn’t ever open herself up to the idea of being loved like that,” Drew says, stepping closer to Joel. In that moment, Drew forgets for a split second that this is Sarah’s dad, that this is going to be his father-in-law in a matter of a few days. “And you–”
“I suggest you take a step back from me, Drew.” Joel interrupts. “I don’t need to answer your question.”
“You can’t hurt her.” Drew says, ignoring Joel. Instead, he takes a step closer, nose-to-nose with the older man. Drew is the same height as Joel, but definitely not as broad. “She deserves–”
“I know!” Joel exclaims. “Ya don’t think I know that she deserves the goddamn world, Drew? Ya don’t think I know that she deserves someone better than me?” 
“She loves you,” Drew whispers. “I never thought that she would… That she would allow herself to ever fall in love. Not after her parents, not after her mom…” He takes a step back and looks at Joel, taking note of the look in the older man’s face. He doesn’t need Joel to answer, doesn’t need a verbal confirmation from the older man because he can see it. 
“I know,” Joel repeats. “I didn’t– This wasn’t planned. We just… It just happened.”
“When did this start?” 
Joel sighs. “About two months ago.” 
“You met her two months ago.”
“Oh my god, did this happen the first time you met her? When I introduced you to her?” 
Joel nods. “There was a mutual attraction, sure. But it didn’t happen until–”
“Okay, okay. I get it.” Drew shakes his head and then continues, “Sarah’s going to lose her shit.” 
Joel runs a hand over his face and then takes a long swig of his beer. He thinks it’s going to help, that the alcohol will somehow numb him of the feelings that are threatening to surface after so long of pushing it down and ignoring it. “I know.” 
“We can’t,” Drew sighs. “We can’t tell her. Not until after the wedding.”
Joel nods in agreement. He looks inside the building and catches a glimpse of you. He can see the smile on your face but notices how it doesn’t reach your eyes like it usually does. Your arms are crossed over your chest, almost like you’re guarding yourself (and your heart). He wants nothing more than to take you away from here and admit to you how he really feels. 
“I didn’t expect for this to be something more,” Joel admits. “But she– she’s somethin’. She just makes me feel like I matter, y’know? Ain’t no other woman’s made me feel the way she does.” 
Drew nods. “You’re happy,” he points out.
“Since meeting her, yeah,” Joel replies. 
“Then you better make things right.” Drew says. “Don’t let her go, Joel. Knowing her, she’s not going to want to fight for this. She’s going to want to run from it… So, don’t let her.” Drew sighs, looking inside the building and noticing you and Sarah talking amongst one another. “I’ve never seen her like this and I should have known something was different, especially in Vegas. She deserves the world, yeah, but something’s telling me that it’s you.”
“But the age gap–”
“She always liked older men,” Drew interrupts. “Her life… She never had it easy, but if she really does love you, then she deserves to know whether or not you love her too.” 
“Right, and this ain’t weird?” Joel asks. “Me and your best friend?” 
Drew shrugs. “A little bit, but she deserves to be happy for once.”
Joel’s about to respond, but he’s interrupted by a few people calling him and Drew to join them inside with the rest of the party. Joel nods and shares a look with Drew before following the younger man inside. 
After the wedding rehearsal, you manage to leave the party without encountering Joel. In fact, after your sudden confession, you ignored him the entire night and he actually gave you the space that you asked for. Still, your eyes would meet his and he’d just give you a single nod. You know he wants to talk to you, wants to address what you had said earlier, but you don’t let him. 
So, when you finally make it back home, changed out of your dress, make-up wiped off, you’re surprised to hear a knock at your door. Expecting it to be Joel, you don’t answer it. Instead, you stay in your room, curled up in your bed with his side vacant. You had gotten so used to him spending nights at your apartment that it became second nature for you to keep his side of your bed open for him. 
The knocking on the door continues, followed by the continuous sounds of your doorbell. You realize that it isn’t Joel because Joel wouldn’t be this annoying. Then, your phone rings. 
You don’t answer it. It rings again. 
You’re starting to get irritated. So, you stand up and walk to your front door, opening it to see Drew standing on the other side of it. 
“Are you ignoring me?” 
“I just want to be alone.” 
“I heard everything.” 
“I know.”
“So… You gonna let me in so we can talk about it?” 
“And if I say no?” 
Drew sighs and steps inside anyway. “That’s not an option and you know it.” 
“Sure, Drew. Come on in. Take a seat. Let me tell you how I’ve fallen in love with your father-in-law.” You roll your eyes and close your front door, walking towards your kitchen to pour him a glass of water. You’ve always been known to use sarcasm as a defense mechanism, to hide the pain, but Drew knows better.
Drew says your name and you look over at him to see the serious look in his face. You sigh and set the glass down on your dining table. Drew doesn’t take it. Instead, he walks over to you and looks into your eyes. 
“You love him.”
“I’m not supposed to.” 
“You can’t control who you fall in love with.” 
“I can try.”
Drew sighs. “You’re not your parents. You’re not your mom.”
“You don’t know that.” You can feel tears threatening to spill over again. “It was never meant to be like this…” you whisper. “It was just supposed to be– We were only supposed to have fun.” 
“Yeah, well, feelings do usually get involved. Eventually.” 
“Not me,” you shake your head. “I’ve told myself that I’m not meant to settle down. I’m not meant to–”
“But you are,” Drew finishes. “You deserve to love… to be loved.”
You shake your head, tears slowly beginning to trickle down your cheeks. Your entire life, you’ve always felt like you weren’t worthy enough to have that kind of love that’s written in books, shown in movies. Growing up, it seemed like your mother made it her mission to let you know just how unworthy you are. 
And it also didn’t help when your father didn’t want anything to do with you after he and your mom divorced. 
“He deserves someone better than me,” you whisper, voice shaky. “Joel deserves someone that isn’t broken…”
Drew bites his lower lip and pulls you into his arms. He knows it’s coming, knows that you’re about to break down and so, he just holds you. Drew becomes your anchor (like he always did) but you find that you’re missing something - someone - because while Drew has always made you feel safe, this doesn’t make you feel better.
You want someone else’s arms around you. 
You want someone else to console you.
You want someone else to tell you that you’re worth it. 
You want Joel. 
But instead, you allow yourself to release the pent up emotions that you kept bottled in all day. You cry against Drew and he rubs your back, tries to help you calm down, and urges you to take deep breaths. He’s used to this. He’s used to consoling you, but it’s never because of this. 
Because of your fear of opening yourself up to someone. 
Because of the love that fills your heart for Joel. 
“I really do love him, Drew,” you whisper, pulling away only to wipe your eyes. “And I didn’t plan to. I know– I know he’s Sarah’s dad, and your father-in-law, but–”
“You can’t control who you fall in love with,” Drew repeats. “If he makes you happy, makes you feel safe, that’s all that matters to me. We’ve been by each other’s side for most of our lives and I’ve never seen you like this about someone.” 
“Sarah’s gonna kill me,” you sigh. 
Drew shrugs. “Maybe not. You might be surprised.”
“Oh my god, does she know?” 
“No,” Drew sighs. “Joel and I agreed not to tell her until after the wedding.”
“Oh, so you talked to Joel.”
“I did.”
You nod and move to sit at your dining table. You grab the glass of water instead and down half the contents then look up at Drew. “I told him to give me space.” 
“Do you really want him to give you space?” 
You shake your head. “I just–”
“You want him here,” Drew finishes.
You nod, biting your lower lip.
“Then stop being stubborn and just go after him.” 
“I’m not–”
“He might love you too,” Drew interrupts. “Wouldn’t that be a good thing? That someone you love feels the same way? That everything you feel for him is exactly how he feels about you?”
“But what if… What if it doesn’t work out? That everything I put into it just isn’t enough?” 
“I won’t lie. That’s a possibility, but every relationship takes a risk.” Drew answers. “But are you willing to take a risk for something that can be worth it or live the rest of your life wondering what if I just tried?” 
“I’m scared,” you confess. “I’m scared of becoming like my parents, of becoming like my mom...”
“Your parents’ relationship will not be your own,” Drew says. “You are nothing like your mom.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, for one, you’re not selfish. You care about the people you love and you’d do anything for them. Your mom… She wasn’t like that.”
You nod, biting your lower lip as flashes of your childhood enter your mind. Drew’s right. Your mom only looked after herself, always looking for love in the wrong places, especially after the divorce. She cared more about getting alcohol and being loved by toxic men that she didn’t care much about you. 
“I don’t know what to do, Drew.” 
“Yeah, you do.” Drew sighs. “Just get your head out of your ass and just go to him.” 
“What if he doesn’t want to see me?” 
“The entire time we were talking, he kept looking over to see if he could find you. Something tells me that he doesn’t want to give you space like you asked, but he’s respecting your choice. He’s giving you space like you asked, even if it’s hurting him.” 
“Okay,” you finally say. “Okay.” 
“Great. Grab your bag. I’m taking you.”
“Wait, right now?” 
“Yes, right now.”
“It’s almost midnight!” 
“Yeah, but I know you. You can change your mind quickly, so I’d rather take you now so you don’t have the chance to go back on it.” 
You narrow your eyes and stand up to gently punch his shoulder. “You know, sometimes I hate that you know me so well.” 
Drew chuckles and stands up to pull you into a hug. “I just want you happy and it seems like Joel helps you become the person you’ve always meant to be.”
“And what type of person is that?” 
Drew nods. “It just seems like since meeting him, you’re not so concerned about… Everything.” 
“He makes me feel safe, Drew…”
“Then, let’s get you to your safe place then.” 
Drew pulls up to Joel’s house a half hour past midnight. It’s dark, the lights in the house are off, and you’re sure that Joel’s asleep. Your mind is all over the place, but Drew is there to hold you accountable, to make sure you see to it that you at least have a conversation with Joel. He’s right, though. Throughout the car ride, you want to tell him to turn back, that you changed your mind, that you’re not ready, but now that you’re at the front of Joel’s house, you can’t go back. 
Especially since Drew turns off his car and steps out to knock on Joel’s front door. You don’t have time to think anymore because you see the porch light turn on, followed by the door opening. You can see his shadow, can see him bring his hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes. Then, he steps out further into the light and you see that he’s wearing a dark t-shirt and boxers. His hair is disheveled, almost like he had been tossing and turning in bed. 
Drew points in the direction over his shoulder and you step out of his car. You see Joel finally notice you and you can see the relief in his features. Drew calls your name once, twice, before you begin walking in his direction. Once you’re standing in front of Joel, you yearn to reach out for him, to have him pull you into his arms like he usually did. 
“You gonna be okay?” Drew asks, turning to look at you.
“You brought me here. A little too late to be asking me that, don’t you think?” You bite back. 
Drew chuckles and pulls you into a hug. “You’re worthy,” he whispers. “Believe that.” 
He pulls away and looks over at Joel, reaching out to shake his hand. “I know she’ll be in good hands.” Drew says and turns on his heel to walk back towards his car, leaving you and Joel standing on his front porch.
“Um, ya wanna come in?” Joel asks. 
Joel steps inside and holds the door open for you to step inside. Once you do, you remove your shoes and feel the warmth of his home. He turns on the lights in his living room and hallway before he leads you towards the kitchen. He begins making a pot of coffee when he suddenly feels your arms wrap around him from behind. Joel lets out a sigh and turns around in your arms, looking down at you as his arms snake around your shoulders. 
“Y’okay?” Joel whispers. 
“Wanna talk ‘bout it?” 
“I think we should.” 
Joel nods. “Okay, darlin’. Coffee first?” 
“Yes, please.” 
“Black, right?” 
You let the corner of your lips curl upwards. “You remember.”
“‘Course I do. I remember everything when it comes to you.” Joel kisses your forehead lightly, lingering for a second longer, before he pulls away to finish making the coffee. 
You bite your lower lip at his words, feeling the butterflies begin to swarm in the pit of your stomach like it usually did whenever you were around him. You lean up to press a gentle kiss on the back of his shoulder before you pull away to walk towards his living room, sitting on his couch and pulling your legs underneath you. 
A few minutes later, Joel walks into the room holding two mugs of coffee. He hands one over to you and you take it willingly, taking a careful sip before you place it on the coffee table. Joel does the same and then takes a seat next to you. It’s quiet, the tension thickening in the air. 
“We don’t have to talk about anything, darlin’,” Joel says first. “Not if you don’t want to. I’m just fine with you bein’ here. With me.” 
“I owe you an apology… for earlier.” 
“No, baby… You ain’t gotta apologize–”
You sigh. “I ran away because I was scared.” 
“I know,” he says quietly. Joel hesitantly reaches out for you and you scoot closer to him. When his arms wrap around your frame, you let out a contented sigh and lean against him, shutting your eyes. “I ain’t ever wanna let you go, darlin’,” he admits quietly. “And I’m scared too… But I think you’re worth it.”
“I think you’re worth it.” 
The words echo in your mind and you open your eyes to look up at him. Joel’s already staring at you, the same look he always gives you. 
“And what if– What if I don’t think I’m worth it?”
taglist: @she-could-never | @joeldjarin | @janaispunk | @jessie8605 | @untamedheart81 | @paleidiot | @vickie5446 | @casa-boiardi | @ashleymsnodgrass | @lizzie-cakes
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yenalogyy · 11 months
Nakamura Kazuha | Been a while VI
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The dim light from Y/N's apartment cast a soft glow as the two friends sat in silence, the clicks of the game controller providing a comforting back sound. The familiar chimes of the Kart game theme echoed through the room, a playful counterpoint to the unspoken tension.
“Ya! How dare you use the banana peel on me?!” He complained, having slipped down the ranks as Kazuha maneuvered into first place.
“Skill issue,” she replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
His laughter filled the room, temporarily dispelling the heaviness that hung in the air. As the last lap approached, a determined look crossed his face, revenge was on his mind.
Kazuha glanced at him, her eyes searching for something unsaid. The room seemed to shrink, suffocating both of them with the weight of unspoken words.
Unbeknownst to her, he would also steal glances at her, thinking of whether he should tell her of the lingering feelings in him.
The game finally came to an end, his stomach rumbling in protest. Breaking the silence, he suggested ordering comfort food from a local restaurant. After selecting their dishes, they went for one more round of the game.
The aroma of familiar dishes filled the apartment, but the air between them remained unchanged. Memories from their high school days resurfaced, and Kazuha decided to break the silence.
"Y/N, do you remember our last day of high school?"
He nodded, his eyes distant as he recalled that poignant day. "Yeah, we promised to stay in touch, but life happened, and we drifted apart."
She looked at him, a mixture of nostalgia and sadness in her eyes. "It's strange how life turns out. We used to be inseparable, and now we're here, facing the reality of our separate paths."
He sighed, setting down his chopsticks as he met her gaze, as if preparing to share something profound.
Her gaze intensified, searching for more in his words. "Y/N. These past few meetings, I-“
Just then, a ring echoed throughout the room, interrupting the moment. Y/N, looking relieved, got up and headed for the door.
In the silence that followed, Kazuha reflected, remembering Chaewon’s advice not to confess hastily.
As he answered the door, a mutual friend, Chaewon, appeared. “Hello, Zuha-ya~. Hope I’m not interrupting anything. I just got bored and decided that I’d drop him a visit.”
“Oh.” Kazuha giggled. “Looks like this isn’t your first time coming here.”
“I came a few times with Yunjin, of course. Anyways, you seem to be enjoying your meal. Can I play on your console instead?”
“Yeah, sure. You two can play after we’re done eating. I’m gonna take a quick shower once I finish my meal.” Both Kazuha and Y/N continued to eat, engaging in small talk with him before he left the two.
“Looks like I wasn’t too late, Zuha-ya.” Chaewon remarked, though she had arrived due to Kazuha's request. The fact that they were left alone, with feelings untold made Kazuha fear that her words might slip, hence Chaewon’s arrival.
“You were almost~ late. I was about to-“
“Wow. Really? Now I’m curious. Should I leave then?”
“No! Please, stay.” Kazuha hugged Chaewon’s arm, preventing her from leaving.
“Alright~. Anyways, you haven’t told him about ‘that,’ have you?” Kazuha shook her head, implying she hadn’t.
“I see. Just make sure that you convey it to him properly, okay?”
She nodded, and shifted their focus to the game playing in front of them.
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mwolf0epsilon · 9 months
The 501st Gang Meet their 105th Counterparts
A prequel to my last post
Rex, staring uneasily at the fully kitted captain Carno who is just silently staring at him: ...Uh, welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll feel right at home with the 501st and, should you need anything, we're more than willing to accomodate. Carno, continuing to stare menacingly before finally speaking up in a raspy and very hushed tone: I don't like your face. Rex: Wh-- Carno, shoving past him rudely: Stay out of my way, Blondie. I don't need some flashy Jedi's pet putting a spotlight on me. Rex, starting to think this might not be as easy as the briefing made it sound: Oh boy...
James, looking Jesse up and down while playing with his braid: So, is like, the tat supposed to be some kinda statement, or are you just really into licking boots? Jesse, pausing: I... Excuse me?! -staring at James wide-eyed- James: Oooh, it's a statement isn't it? Dang boy, they should slap you on a poster. Every battalion needs a show fathier, I guess! Jesse, glaring: I don't like you. James: Feeling's mutual. This ship ain't big enough for two token pretty boys. Jesse: No, no it isn't.
Hardcase, excitedly showing Clearcut around while talking like a ship running a click per second: Clearcut, allowing Hardcase to drag him around while sort of tuning him out and only picking up on vital pieces of information like emergency hallways, weapons storage and other such things: Hardcase: You don't talk much do ya? That's fine I'll talk for the both of us! Clearcut: By all means, carry on. Hardcase, happily carrying on: I can tell we're both gonna get along really well. Clearcut: I agree.
Kix, staring at Bon who's been shaking and on the verge of tears since arriving: Bon, staring back at Kix with very wet eyes while holding a fully stocked medkit in hand: I get to use this on anyone who comes in here? Kix, blinking: ... Yes. This is the medbay after all. Bon: And I'm allowed to treat them? I'm allowed? Kix, feeling a little uneasy: Yes...? Bon, openly crying now: This is the happiest day of my life... Kix, incredibly uncomfortable: Ah...
Echo & Fives, having a stare down with Wallflower & Nowt: Wallflower & Nowt, staring back at Fives and Echo with an impassive and a smug look respectively: Fives, opens up his mouth to say something: Nowt: Bitch. Wallflower, turning to slap his brother across the face: Captain said to put a sock in it. Nowt: The captain can suck it! If it wasn't for me he wouldn't know half the kark the others get up to when he's not looking! Wallflower: Karkin' snitch! Fives, closing his mouth and looking at Echo: Echo, nodding at Fives as both of them slowly back away from the now furiously arguing Jenga Twins:
Tup, sitting on the floor wrapped in a thin blanket because he was kicked out of his bunk and had his belongings taken: Can I at least have my brush back? Lobo, tossing him a pair of scissors instead: No amount of brushing will make that rat's nest look any less like osik. Tup, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the scissors and now standing up angrily: I'm gonna knock your teeth out. Lobo, equally angry: I'm gonna make you eat your own hair. Tup & Lobo launch themselves at each other and proceed to start a fight:
Dogma, a little overwhelmed as Caprichoso pulls him along while he's supposed to be the one giving him a tour of the ship: Caprichoso, wide-eyed and extremely excited about everything he's seen so far: Wow! You 501st lot have EVERYTHING! Good eats, tons of new gear up for grabs, full training room setup, clean showers, clean barracks, fully stocked medbay... Your Jedi spoil you so good! You must be the greatest troopers ever! Dogma: I... I wouldn't say they spoil us... That'd be a sign of unfair favoritism and would go against the no fraternization rules. And while the 501st certainly has a degree of great competency among many of the GAR's forces, those things you've listed are all requirements that were put forward to the Republic since the beginning of the army's first year of deployment. An ill-prepared and ill-equipment battalion wouldn't serve properly. Caprichoso: I know what you mean. But our general didn't see it that way. Thought we could push ourselves to be better without extra help... But eh! Who cares? The blighter is dead an' buried while we're here now! Gosh... You think your medic could give me a once over? Or or or, maybe we could hit the mess? Or uh! A shower yeah! I haven't had a shower in two weeks... My armour's getting more rank than I am ehehe! Get it? Dogma, moving slightly away from Caprichoso out of mild disgust: I, yes, a hot shower and a hot meal, then I can continue giving you the to-- Caprichoso: YOU GUYS GET HOT WATER?! I LOVE IT HERE ALREADY! -hugging Dogma tightly- We are gonna be such great friends! Dogma, eyes watering at the intense stench of B.O as well as the bone crushing hug of the rather clingy trooper: Stars have mercy...
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evilminji · 4 months
OKAY. *slams open door in manic about to have opinions*
MAYBE i am binging so, SO much unhinged bnha fics? Have already sent this to all my mutual and is not ENOUGH? But everyone is focused on these BABIES and not the MOST unhinged of them all? You COWARDS!!!
That's RIGHT! Ya girl has been hitting the "yandere/obsessive/possessive" behavior tag on Ao3 and is REFUSING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT! I have THOUGHTS DAMN IT! AaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA-!!! *Flips table*
Why the FUCK everyone focusing on BABIES?
I get it, don't yuck someone else's yum. To each their own. I respect that. But ALSO? What lvl of unhinged could they POSSIBLY HAVE? They are FIVE. SMOOTH FACED TODDLER BABY BOYS! A CHILD!
Like? Listen...
You know how Quirks are basicly evolutionary advantages? Random protections that are hit or miss? I have touched on this before in my naruto WIP (that i never posted but shush), but there must exsist a theoretical opposite of killing intent.
A sort of loving/peaceful intent if you will. A SAFETY intent. Or, for the purposes of THIS scenario and slightly to the left of that, a "love me" field. Which? Unlike what the perverse might believe or suggest? Just makes the target... love you.
Not sexually desire.
Love. Care about. Emotional connection.
And, yeah, maybe i've just been reading too many fics where shigiraki do what shigiraki does, and he is his unhinged obsessed lil self. Too many unhinged yandere fics where i darkly mutter "you are forgetting their Core Character Motivatioooooons! Just write an OC!"
Because you can twist a characters personality WITHOUT forgetting who they ARE. Thats what makes it INTERESTING, after all. Seeing how it could go so very, very wrong. How a good emotion, taken too extreme, can corrupt! N it's not just "oh that means violence n cursing right? Immediately jumping to cruelty?"
Its the obsession. The need to consume. The manipulation and care in which they try and maintain the illusion. It isn't one crack and "whelp, fuck it I guess!". Every character is different! Breaks under the strain of 1000% loving someone, DIFFERENT. And it brings up FASCINATING dynamics n potential quirk reactions?
Cause a emotional quirk WILL work. Even on people who supposed "dont have any" emotions? Because thats not how the human body FUNCTIONS. They HAVE all the necessary components. They just have a disorder. The Quirk would be forcing their body to MIMIC "feel-Y.exe" and their body would go with that. How THEY would process that data? What would it FEEL like to THEM? Whole different story.
But they WOULD feel "love" in what ever capacity THEY understand it.
You don't want to hurt your BEST FRIEND do you? You love them. Your BELOVED SISTER? This CUTE CHILD? She seems so NICE. Or maybe it's a precious and to be protected PET? She doesn't know what she'll get, "love" is nebulous and multifaceted. Could be platonic, familial, romantic. The love of a comrade. But it's never failed BEFORE. (Not, that I imagine, she being a well adjusted young lady, would feel morally comfortable USING said quirk in such times of peace. On anybody.)
We're all friend here, right? No need to be aggressive! Hurt anybody! Let's all put our weapons down, yeah?
But! This runs into a PROBLEM. The fuckin Yandere. Your bog standard sociopath. Those to whom this love field/targeting/ray/what-have-you is either so completely foreign too or NOTICEABLE as to be ineffective. Or to whom "love" is AGGRESSIVE.
Who's concept of "love" would actually make the problem WORSE.
I bring this up? Because I am FACINATED by the concept of AfO falling in love.
He... he would be COMPLETELY unhinged about it. The very act would unlock LAYERS to his deeply fucked up, highly obsessive, mind games and bank vaults, squirrel brain.
But I don't think he'd ever WILLINGLY fall in love. Or even be capable. Might be a brain chemistry thing, honesty. But the very reason his CLINGS to his his brothers quirk? Is because his brother was HIS. They were connected. It was... the closest thing he understood to love. And he is unhinged even to this day about it.
So like? If he spooked some poor soul? With a "love me" quirk? And she, in terror, tried to blast this Scary Supervillian into Not Hurting Her? She would have NO WAY of knowing that she just made a HUGE fucking mistake. Like... conceivably, the WORST mistake.
Because all it would take? Is her NOT instantly dying. No reflexive "how dare you use your Quirk on me". And? The altered brain chemistry starts to kick in. He's suddenly getting?? All these NICE happy brain chemicals that his body has been fuckin STARVED off? Fascinating new sensations? Elevated mood?
It's fake. He KNOWS it's fake. :) But that doesn't mean he won't murder her if she STOPS :)
Looooove yoooou~♡
Does it shift in to real, deeply deranged, love? Impossible to tell. Someone for the LOVE OF GOD call All Might. But?? He's just such an unhinged MESS it's fascinating to explore how emotional quirks would even react to him? Fascinating to think about how he would REACT if he had a SECOND "little brother" scenario. A person he CARED about. But this time... WORSE because it was in a way he could somewhat comprehend AND he had FAR more power then before.
Would it derail everything? Would he be able to focus on his Machiavellian plans while being able to fold them into them? Would he fuckin CONSUME THEM like he did Tomura? Ultimate form of love, after all, to become HIM.
How long could she, the hypothetical Quirk holder, keep that Quirk ACTIVE? Fear is a powerful motivator.
Just?? Why are there not more fics about the Ultimate Creep, BEING CREEPY AND UNHINGED??? He's VERY GOOD AT IT. Has had a LOT OF PRACTICE. LET AfO be deeply insane, 2XXX!
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friend-crow · 2 years
Alright since we're apparently all writing tips for folks just joining witchblr (and frankly, some of the folks who have been here for a while), here's a few more:
You don't need to set up shop as a teacher, content creator or influencer here. You can participate and be a respected member of the community without all of that. It's fine if that's what you're into, but you're not really expected to be or produce a product here.
Along those lines, understand that a lot of us are keeping personal blogs, and yes we will talk about personal experiences, which might not be intended for other people. If it's helpful to you, great. If you disagree* or (gasp) feel that it is UPG... yeah, it's a personal blog. Move along.
Witchblr is kind of a small world, and tumblr's block feature only works so well. If you can avoid unnecessary drama with people, that'll be helpful in the long run, 'cause you're gonna be seeing them around, and you'll probably have mutuals in common. Not to mention unnecessary drama is unpleasant for everyone and, well, unnecessary.
You don't have to share every moment of your craft. Most of us don't.
Have fun, be silly, make friends. There's a lot to learn and contemplate here, but also a whole lot of silliness (and terrible fire safety. Just absolutely piss poor).
You may find that the liberal use of disclaimers will keep people from jumping on every post you make to be like "BUT WHAT ABOUT APPROPRIATION AND OTHER HARMFUL BELIEFS??" Example: *Usual disclaimer about how this is not about appropriation or other genuinely harmful beliefs. Feel free to vocally disagree with those things, like ya do.
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burnt-to-cynders · 1 year
Alright, time to actually make one of these for real, since this is looooong overdue. Hi! I'm Cynthia! I'm...a lot of things, and I struggle to describe them without it feeling inadequate! I play games, I write software for a living, I write non-software things for fun occasionally, I'm wildly horny, neurodivergent, a massive nerd who constantly wishes she knew more about everything.
Property of: @synthbang and @stalesweetrolls
Let's start with some ID stuff, I'm a pre-HRT(for now!!!) transfem, I go by she/they/it pronouns. My friends call me any fun variation of my name they can come up with, like Cyn, Cyndy, Cyndicate, etc. If we're mutuals, we're friends :3. I'm white, American(New England), poly, t4t, atheist, wildly sapphic, and physically, but not visibly, disabled.
As for interests, I've got literal dozens. Gaming, anime, manga, movies, writing, reading, music, pole dancing, ttrgps, game design, hiking, conservation, activism, fashion, just to name a few, each of which splinters into dozens of little sub-interests. Ask me a dragonball question, I dare you.
Actually, ask me any kind of question. Asks are open all the time and so are anons. Go wild ya horny fools
Seriously, minors, this blog is very horny
Ageless blogs
Sissy kink blogs
Race and ageplayers
I have two sideblogs atm, although in actuality there's just one that's even remotely active.
@den-of-cyn is where I used to do my hornyposting. The big thing that's there now is the pinned post with a list of my kinks, for those of you interested in the horny side of the Cynner. The account got flagged as NSFT and I haven't been able to get that revoked yet, and moreover I decided to stop worrying about it and just started posting horny on main anyway. There's quite a few good ones on there that I haven't reblogged to here, and a few pics I haven't reposted, so if you somehow don't get enough horny nonsense on this page, you can always go there to see some vintage Cyn >:3
@thebookofcyn is my writing sideblog. It's where all my original stuff will one day live, when I get the spoons to put all my old stuff on it. It is SFT FOR NOW, IT WILL NOT BE IN THE FUTURE! Soon there will be a pinned post there explaining my tags and how to find stories. I'm hoping to post more there as time goes on and I actually embrace this hobby more.
I layer my tags and usually don't do content tags, and I don't tag reblogs except to do responses. The tags that mean things on this blog are as follows:
#cynposting - Any post by me that has text outside of tags, including reblog replies. Searching this tag will get you everything I've written in text on this blog.
#cynful thoughts - Any post I think is horny. You can filter for this post if you want to see me being a degenerage, or filter it out if you'd rather not.
#pics of the cynner - Any picture of myself, pretty self explanatory. Most are accompanied by #cynful thoughts
#Cyn fits - pics of myself taken specifically to show off an outfit and explain why I chose it for that day.
#I asked - Reblog of an ask that I sent someone
#ask and ye shall receive - Tag for when I answer an ask
#get tagged idiot - Tag for when the only content of a post is me @ -ing someone in the reblog.
#pinned post - Last one, tag for the previous pinned posts I've made. This should be the last one. In theory.
And that's it!!!! For now. Probably. I'm a wordy bitch, so I expect this'll get longer and longer.
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lucy4-ever · 1 year
can you do a smit where bill and teader get caught by tom,?
thanks in advance 🙈🙈🙈
bill kaulitz x reader get caught by tom
Got Caught
Bill and you were smoking weed, trying to kill time before you went on stage. You were starting to have fun and get touchy in your small room. You have been making out for 20 minutes now, but you both wanted more.
"baby, i have an idea, let's play a game", you told him.
"as long as we'll get to fuck", bill laughed. "i'm joking, sure my love, what game do you wanna play?"
You laughed back and proposed to play never have i ever. He happily said yes and brought a bottle of vodka for you to play.
"so, never have i ever had high sex?" you asked.
Bill stared at you when you took a sip.
"seriously? i mean, i'd love to try one day, you could teach me someday, i mean we're both high af and in heat too" he said, smiling at you the whole time.
"weed really affects you" you laughed, "im not disagreeing though, we sure could try. ive already tried with my ex, it would have been great if he had a bigger dck."
You both burst out laughing like crazy. Weed is the reason you guys are so flirty and honest. You would have never said that directly.
"well, i think i can help with that" he answered after chuckling.
You laughed, but still tried to reinitiate the game, you wanted to get him even more excited in order to have really needy sex. plus, you were playing the hard to get with him.
"you could yeah..." you kissed his cheek and stopped him from kissing your lips by saying "your turn now"
"what is it with you Y/N? what are your intentions? to keep edging me? can't we just have sex right now?", he complaints.
"we will, but i can assure you, high sex is way funnier like that." you smiled.
"alright baby, never have i ever ... been caught masturbating? haha"
You both take a sip and brievly explained why.
"never have i ever enjoyed being edged" you said
Bill looked at you smiling and letting out a small laugh.
"pretty sure we can both sip vodka now" he smiled with all his teeth.
You approached him and finally kissed deeply and passionaly those so impatiently waiting lips. You feel that the kiss is wet, messy, sloppy even. But you can feel his hands running down your back inside your shirt. You feel his hands touching your chest by guiding his finger on your skin. You feel chills by the soft touch.
"may i?" Bill asked knowing damn well you'll let him sensually touch your breasts.
"sure" you answered out of breathy. "you can do what you want except putting it in. dont think im spoiling the fun... im just going steps by steps"
"dont worry baby, it's your choice anyway, i'd never think it spoils the fun, you tell me if anything's wrong, okay? i just wanna make you feel good here, and we dont have to do it because i want to.
"i love you, billy." you answered, as you felt his hands grabbing your ass to lift you and lay you down on the bed.
"i love you so so much darling. can i go down on you?" he asked in an innocent way.
"please" you moaned lightly, feeling his tongue on you neck first, than lowering to your collarbone. you loved the way he tickles you with his tongue piercing.
The kisses were soft and left all little purple bruises on your body, Bill said something like, i just want people to know we're together and it made you whizzled so hard because of how jealous he acted.
"dont worry baby, i'd never fuck with any other guy, knowing how much we have compatible libido and mutual needs, i have nothing to look for."
"obviously you don't." he smiled as his head was in between your thighs while he held them apart while he was gently licking your clit.
"that feels really good!!" you almost screamed. you started bringing your thighs together, causing them to surround Bill's shoulders.
"ya like that huh? let me know, dirty girl how you feel?"
"kee-keep going" you moaned loudly his name and immediatly covered your mouth with your whole hand, "oops" you said.
"we're gonna get caught if you keep moaning my name so loudly, baby"
"so-sorry love"
"it's okay", he reassured you
You felt his tongue once again caressing your downstairs lips and sucking on them. You also felt his hands on your thighs, your low belly, your hips. he was touching everything.
"i- i think i'm gonna cum bill, bill, bill" you said, stimulated.
"not yet my love" he whispered and completly stopped, moving his head to your chest
"what? no, no please bill don't do this to me, please i wanna cum so bad, make me cum, baby, no please" you begged
"you're acting really needy now" he said as he kissed your breasts, "look, i'm gonna go back in there and i'm gonna make you cum so bad, you'd want to me fuck you in all the way possible" he teased
"yes please, please my baby, i'll make you cum too" you laughed a bit
Bill chuckled and entered his fingers deeply in you, which made you to moan loudly as you started pulling his hair. he whimpered at your touch. you then heard the door open and looked at eachother in shoked.
"guys, we're going on stage in 5 minutes, get read-, oops, wow, you guys are really having fun", Tom laughed loudly and closed the door again.
You and Bill started laughing a bit but still really embarassed by what just happened. Weed made you feel a bit less awkward though.
"oh my god, did we just got caught fucking by your brother?" you said smiling yet blushing.
"well, we weren't actually fucking but i find this actually very funny. now the second we'll get out of your room, we'll be bullied by everyone for at least 3 months. fuck. plus it's tom, he already told gustav and georg for sure."
"oh no" you answered
"what do we do, doll?"
"let's get dressed i guess", you said, laughing a bit.
"don't you want to perform naked? you'd be really hot and you're prettier with nothing on" bill said randomly.
You laughed and declined the offer.
"let's keep my naked body for your eyes to see only." you flirted.
"true" he answered.
author's note : thank you so much for requesting @lwdywk :D
don't forget to request 😝
love yaaa!! 💕💕
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britney-gvf · 1 year
Troubled Mind: Part One
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Josh Kiszka x fem reader
Warnings: Unprotected penetrative sex, male oral sex, mild teasing, mild horror
Synopsis: You and Josh spend your spare time on tour exploring old abandoned buildings. When an old church gives you more than you bargained for, you find yourself in the middle of a tale of danger and intrigue.
Troubled Mind: Part One
Josh was on his way and you still weren't ready yet. Sitting on the bed of your hotel room overlooking Charleston, you were desperately trying to achieve the perfect dutch braid, but your nervous fingers just weren't working like you wanted them to. Josh always had the abilty to make you clumsy and unsure of yourself with his presence. Not on purpose, of course, but he'd flash you a knowing, toothy grin or squeeze your arm or leg with just the right amount of pressure and it made you melt. It felt like you had been in a will he/won't he limbo for a while now and you weren't the type of girl to come forward and talk about your feeling. No way in hell.
You had just gotten your braids exactly how you wanted them when a knock startled you. You shot up like someone lit the bed on fire. As you walked to the door, you adjusted your olive green tank top that hugged you in all the right places and did a quick mirror check to pull out some baby hairs from your braid and flatten out your black linen shorts. You opened the door and he gave you the biggest, most perfect smile that made his brown eyes sparkle. "Hey, you! How's it goin?" He said excitedly. Josh was always like this. He always greeted you like you were the most important person on earth to him. It made your stomach do cartwheels, which seemed to double when he pulled you in for a tight hug.
"Oh hey! Let me get my shoes on and I'll be ready," you replied, grinning as you broke away from the hug. "Well come in, I'm not gonna make you wait in the hall." He followed you into your hotel room and sat on the office chair by the desk. As he looked around the rather nice hotel room, he remarked, "We put you up real nice, don't we?"
"Yeah, this is one of the nicer ones! They have room service!" You blushed a little after you said that. You weren't used to hotels with room service outside of touring with Greta Van Fleet. In fact, you weren't used to any of the lavish perks that came with being their makeup artist. They took a chance on you, a girl who was just dipping her feet in the entertainment industry doing hair and makeup. He gave you a knowing, kind smile and changed the subject. "So this place we're going to is pretty far out. I didn't want to go to one of the usual spots where people go to explore, ya know? Off the beaten path and all that."
"You mean you didn't want to go on a guided tour of the Old Charleston Jail? I'm SHOCKED, Joshua," you said with a laugh. You had gotten your shoes on and grabbed your flashlight by this point. "Well, I'm ready!" He stood up and let you lead the way out the door and out of the hotel.
These little adventures you went on with him started at the beginning of the tour. You both had a mutual love for Ghost Adventures and laughed about Zak Bagins' dramatic "demon attacks" often. One day, you both agreed that you wanted to try exploring abandoned building yourselves. Every time there were a couple days of break in the tour, the two of you would find a spot and explore it for an evening. There was usually nothing there but the excitement of possibility and spending one on one time with him made it all worth it.
You hopped into the truck the he rented. It smelled like him: Clean and woodsy. The drive through Charleston was filled with ethically questionable horse carriages, tourists, ghost tours, and beautiful old buildings. Despite being here several times, you were always taken with the charm of this little town. Pretty soon though, you were reminded that Charleston was, in fact, in South Carolina. Beautiful cobblestone roads were replaced by highways in disrepair and trees. So many trees.
"So, what do you think will be at this church?" you asked. Josh raised his eyebrows and turned down the music. The ride had been mostly quiet. You both were deep in thought, it seemed, and he was a little surprised at your awkward break in the silence.
"Well, uh," he chuckled a little bit. "The guy I met at the bar said it had a bit of a reputation. People usually don't last long before they hightail it outta there. Something's there, but he *said* that he doesn't know what. Speaking of which, we're almost there."
He seemed more nervous than usual. Josh was usually a chatter box but he seemed to have a lot on his mind. You did as well, as your feelings for him seem to grow with every little glance in his direction.  You pulled down the truck mirror to check your makeup. It was very light, just a little blush, concealer, lip gloss, and mascara. Of course it looked fine, but you were doing it to distract yourself from him.
The truck slowed down as he pulled onto a bumpy dirt road. There was a sign that was faded and dirty. It looked hand painted: "First Baptist Church." Josh seemed to hit every pot hole on the short road to the church. When you finally got to the building, you could feel the heaviness that surrounded it before you even got out of the truck.
It was small and dilpitated. The steeple was missing boards and the cross was barely hanging on, which felt particularly ominous. The paint was peeling off. What was once a pristine white church was now rotting and falling apart. You might've felt sad if it wasn't for the exisitental dread that was consuming you. "Fuck, thats so creepy," Josh said, barely above a whisper. You looked over and he was smiling and excited. Did he not feel the dread?
Maybe his excitement that he gets to spend time with you is stronger than that, you thought.  But that felt silly, almost egotistical, to assume that you were the reason for his happiness. You chose to say nothing and walked closer to the church, despite every fiber of your being begging you not to. Josh caught up to you and gave you hand a little squeeze.
"Are you scared? You're not saying much," he said. It was like the little bastard knew that you had such big feelings for him. You don't know if it was the stifling heat or blushing but your cheeks turned red.
"I'm fine," you lied. "You haven't been talking much either. You're usually such a chatter box."
"Oh I have things on my mind, love," he replied. "But now isn't the time to talk about them. Let's go inside."
Love? LOVE?! You almost fell to your knees. You entered the church with him, hand in hand. The inside was in slightly better shape than the outside, but it was clear that time and the elements had done their work. There were a couple of pews still there and the alter was still in tact. The floor was covered by leaves, debris, and trash from other people who used this place as a hangout. The sunlight, orange as the sun was setting, peeked through every little crack and missing board on the walls. It was haunting and beautiful. You looked over to Josh, who seemed just as taken with it as you were. You both saw the beauty in things that other people didn't and it bonded you.
You started walking toward the nearest pew, watching the ground closely for snakes. The dread and heaviness had only gotten worse since you entered the church. You were nervous and felt like you were very much not welcome here. You braced yourself on the pew to collect your thoughts. What the fuck is going on? Have you guys come to a place that's actually haunted? What happened here? What has made this place its home?
Your thoughts were interrupted by your waist being grabbed from behind. You let out a scream and turned around. Of course it was Josh, laughing at his very unfunny, shitty little prank. You must've looked as terrified as you felt because his face fell as soon as he saw yours.
"Hey, hey," his voice was low and calm. You were trying to catch your breath and you were angry at how stupid you felt and how embarassed you were. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't realize that would scare you so bad. Come here."
He beckoned you into a hug. You let him embrace you. Despite how sweaty he was, he somehow still smelled fresh and clean. You closed your eyes and let the hug take you over, feeling almost immediate comfort. Josh broke away slightly, just enough to lift your chin just enough so your eyes met.
  You knew at that moment why he'd be quiet all day, why you'd catch him looking at you, why he wanted to spend time with you. You knew for sure, in this moment, that he was just as in love with you as you were with him. His big, beautiful brown eyes told the entire story. He gave you a little questioning nod and you smiled back. He leaned in and your lips met.
  Josh's lips were soft and yet he was kissing you hard, as if he had wanted this his entire life. Your hands were exploring each others' bodies. He grabbed your ass while you entagled your fingers into his slightly damp hair, his other hand on your face and you pulled him in closer. You couldn't remember either of you shedding your clothes but soon you were both naked and you couldn't tell where his body ended and yours began.
You wanted show him exactly what he meant to you. You broke the kiss and he gave you a sad look...which turned into excitement as soon as he realized what you were doing. You kneeled down in front of him. HIs cock was perfect, just like the rest of him. His hair was perfectly groomed and his dick was just the right size. You could see the precum coming out of the tip. You lightly licked it off, causing him to let out a moan. You started to squeeze his balls as you lightly flicked your tongue up and down his shaft. Your other fingers were lightly tapping whichever part of his dick you weren't licking. He moaned and jerked, occasionally thrusting his cock like he wanted to fuck your face.
  "Baby, please. Please suck it," He said breathlessly. You gave him a coy little grin. "What? Like this?" You popped the head in your mouth, sucked it a little and pulled it out like a lollipop. He groaned. "Oh my fucking god, suck it. PLEASE." You giggled and he growled. Finally, you took his whole dick into your mouth. Oh, how amazing it was! You sucked on it with various pressure, sliding your mouth up and down the shaft. You let your tongue dance around it, paying close attention to the head. Josh was slightly fucking your face and moaning. You enjoyed giving him pleasure almost as much as he enjoyed receiving it but you wanted him inside of you desperately. You pulled him completely out of your mouth.
  He said nothing. Instead he growled. You barely stood up before his mouth was on yours and he was kissing you hard. He pushed you against the nearest wall and hiked your leg up by his hip.
"Tell me you want it," he said in a low voice. It caught you off guard. "What?"
  "Tell me you want my dick, y/n," he was smirking. You HAD control, but not anymore. It was his turn now.
"I want it," you said. He took his cock in his free hand and rubbed it over your clit several times. You whimpered a little. This fucker was paying you back. He positioned his cock at the opening of your pussy and pushed in just a little. Just enough to make you squirm. "What is it that you want, honey?"
"Your cock. I want your cock inside of me. Please, Josh. Please," And just like that he pushed all the way in and you moaned. This was pure heaven. He stayed all the way in before he started fucking you. At first it was slow and hard. He was taking you all in, staring at you with hungry eyes, grabbing your tit and rolling your nipple in his finger. You didn't know where you ended and Josh began, you just knew that this is what you always wanted. You could see sweat rolling down his face and chest. His hair, once slightly damp, was soaked now. He fucked you faster and got into a groove. He went balls deep inside of you with every thrust and it made you see stars. You were no virgin but you had never been fucked like this. He put every feeling he had been bottling up into every thrust and you knew, for the first time, a man was going to make you cum with his dick.
He kissed you hard, cupping your face with his hands. He started fucking you harder and you knew he was close and you were too. Your body began to shudder and you let out a loud scream at the same time as he let out a final moan. As he filled you up, you could feel every muscle in your body tense up, then release. Pure fucking ecstasy. He stayed in you for a few seconds and your eyes met. His dark honey eyes were soft and sweet and he was smiling like he was looking at the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. You couldn't believe that he was choosing you.
He finally broke the silence, "I've been wanting to do that for so long."
You returned the smile and gave him a deep kiss. He finally pulled out and walked over to his clothes. You didn't notice until this point that he had a small bag with him. He bent over and pulled out a few napkins and handed them to you. You gave him a look. "Did you plan this?"
He chuckled, "Like I said, I've wanted it for a while. I wanted to be prepared!" You gave him a smile. You were putting your clothes on and the feelings of heaviness and doom once again creeped in. Fucking around with Josh had been a nice distraction from it. At this point, the sun was almost completely set but it was still bright out. Of course it was a full moon. Crazy shit always seemed to happen on the full moon.
"Ah, a full moon," it was like Josh was reading your mind. "Do you think we'll find something here? The guy I talked to said strange shit always happens." "What guy?", you asked.  You hadn't thought about how Josh might've found this place.
  Josh began to tell the story of him and Jake going to this old dive bar in Charleston. A hole in the wall, so they could drink and eat oysters without anyone bothering them. They began talking to an older regular who told them all about this place and the strange encounters. Everything from people hearing whispers, to people being threatened by things they couldn't see, to people even getting shoved or scratched.
"Scratched? What the fuck?" you said. The stories made you a little more worried than you already were.
"Yeah, fucking scratched. But this church seemed so cool, I really wanted to check it out. Does make me feel a little weird-"
CRACK. You screamed as a massive beam broke from the ceiling. Josh pulled you towards him as the piece of wood crashed onto the ground below, right where you were standing. He pulled you into another hug. You were shaking. God, that thing could have killed you and he saved you. You felt tears well up in your eyes.
"Shhh, shh, now, honey. You're safe, I'm here," once again, he broke away from you, this time to wipe the tears from your eyes. You composed yourself, feeling slightly embarassed that he had to save you like a damsel in distress. "You know, anyone would be scared from that. Fuck, I'm scared, that could've been so much worse."
It was like he read your mind. He let you go and gave you a little kiss on the forehead. "We can go if you want!"
"No, no, I'm fine now," you lied. You weren't fine but you didn't want to show any more vunerabilty tonight than you already had. It was fully dark by now so Josh pulled a small lantern out of his bag. Somehow, seeing everything around you made it even creepier. It made everything look...wrong.
  Your eyes seemed to focus on one thing: the window across the church. Most of the stained glass was gone, except for the edges at the very top. It felt as if someone or something was watching you through it. Josh must've felt it as well because he was squinting at it when you looked over to him. You were still on edge from the beam falling, but you were curious as to what had its eyes on you.
At the same time, you both stepped forward to investigate. "You feel it too," he stated. "Someone is looking at us."
He grabs your hand as you both slowly continue to lessen the distance between yourselves and the window. You had been in many abandoned, haunted buildings with and without Josh but this one felt...real. Dangerous. It was as exciting as it was terrifying. As you got closer, your stomach started doing backflips. Josh squeezed your hand, giving you a small bit of comfort. At least you were not alone.
You were within a yard of the window when you started making out what was beyong it. Trees covered in Spanish moss, an old, unkempt graveyard with headstones cracked and lying on their sides. A worn statue of what looked like a little girl, which made your stomach turned. And just beyond the closest tree, someone.
  "Do you see...?" Josh trailed off. " Hiding behind that tree on the left."
"Yeah, I-" then you realized the tree you were looking at was on the right. You looked to the left. There was another person. Your stomach dropped and you stopped breathing. "Josh, there's two of them."
"If only that was the case, sweetheart," Josh said. His voice was a low whisper. He was right: everywhere you looked outside, there was a figure. They all had hoods and robes so you couldn't see their faces. None of them moved and despite not seeing their faces, you could feel all of their eyes on you.
  "We gotta get the fuck out of here," you could barely hear your voice come out of your mouth. You were frozen in fear. THUMP THUMP THUMP.  Your heart was beating so hard you were sure everything out there could hear it.
You saw one stir out of the corner of your eye but before you could process it, you were being pulled towards the door. Josh had seen it move before you did and was taking you to the truck. Your legs were involuntarily running. He opened the doors up with his body and led you through towards the truck. The slightly cooler air would've felt great in any other circumstance.
  You glanced behind you and those hooded figures were no longer stationary, they were running after you. The truck was only a few feet away but it felt like a mile. Josh unlocked the truck as you approached it. Your hands broke free of one another as he got into the driver seat and you in the passenger. The doors slammed at the same time and he locked the doors just as the first figure caught up and slammed his hand on the window. It then that you realized...
The hooded figures were not human. They had human features: skin, eyes, nose, mouth, but they weren't human.  Everything was there, but slightly...off.  Like a very realistic mask. You had never been more terrified than you were in the moment when that creepy fuck was banging its very large hand on your window. You felt the car lurch backwards and there was a thud. "SHIT! FUCK!" One of them had been hit and you could feel the wheels roll over them. Josh quickly put the truck in drive and ran it over again as he sped down the dirt road. You turned around and they had all stopped and stared at you. The one that had been run over, the one you were sure was dead, lifted itself up and stood back up. 
What. The. FUCK.
Josh pulled onto the highway so fast the tires squealed. You couldn't see the church from the highway but you could see those humanoid creatures had walked onto the highway to stare at you leaving. They weren't trying to catch up, they were just...staring.
Josh didn't let off the accelerator until the truck hit 90 and you begged him to slow down.
"What if they're following us?", his voice cracking a little. It was a little comforting to know he was as scared as you were.
  "I promise you they're not. They would've gotten us by now," you replied. He nodded and took several deep breaths. For a while you sat in silence, both trying to process the events of the night.
  After what felt like hours of silence, you pipe up. "Did you know they have alligators here?"
Josh started to laugh. His face lit up as if you'd brought him back to life. "We just ran for our lives from inhuman creatures and you bring up alligators to break the tension? You're so cute."
You blushed and held back a smile. "I just thought, you know, a fun fact would make you feel better."
"Baby, just your presence is enough for me, but thanks," you could tell he meant it. He reached over and grabbed your hand. When he stopped at the next stop sign, he leaned in and gave you a passionate kiss.
You finally arrived back in Charleston. As you pulled up to your hotel, you expected him to stop, but he drove right past it.
"Did you forget to take me back?" you asked, but you already knew what he was about to say. Your stomach was doing back flips again, but this time it was out of excitement.
"You're staying with us," he said. He seemed serious. "I don't want you to be alone. You can stay in my bedroom and I'll take the couch."
"That's absolutely not happening, Josh. You're not sleeping on the couch. Unless you just don't want to sleep with me."
  "Of course I do," he scoffed. "I was being a gentleman!"
You gave a little coy grin as he pulled into their rental house. It was exactly what you expected from a home in Charleston. An old home on a narrow lot, lawn perfectly manicured and home beautifully restored. It had a wrap around porch with a matching balcony. As you walked up the brick steps into the side door, you noticed the haint blue ceiling on the porch and brooms by every outside doorway. Those old southern tales ran deep.
The side door led right into the kitchen, which was huge and gorgeous. Equally as gorgeous were the men in the kitchen. Danny and Sam were making themselves cocktails while Jake was making a massive meal.
"HONEY I'M HOME," Josh yelled, causing all three of them to look up. Not a single one of them looked surprised.
"Well, its about time!" Sam said, almost as loudly as Josh yelled. "Dinner's almost done and you just roll on in last minute!"
Jake looked over his shoulders and gave you a smile. "Did he finally make a move?"
"-you don't have to answer him, y/n," Josh said. "Sorry, you know how they can be..."
"We're just...joshing around hahaha," Sam gave Josh a nudge that earned him a dark glare. Then he made his way over to you and gave you a big hug. "How ya doin?"
"Good, good," you manage to reply. The Kiszkas were loud and joked around a lot but they were all so kind and caring towards you. Danny finished his drink and walked over, giving you a tight hug as well.
"For real, we're happy for you," he said. "Josh has been carrying a torch for you for a while."
"OKAY, well, we're going to freshen up bye now," Josh pulled you through the kitchen and up the nearest stairwell. It led up to a hallway lined with doors and he led you to the last one.
"It was my turn this time, I get the biggest room," he said. It was massive. Facing the door was a huge, brick fireplace. Across from the fireplace was what looked like the most comfortable bed you've ever seen. Then you noticed the French doors that led to the balcony.
"God, its beautful," you whispered. You had never been in a place so nice before. You crossed the room straight to the doors. You opened them up and the breeze hit your face. The night air was cool, a stark difference from the day time. You could see lights everywhere and tourists walking excitedly down the sidewalks. The steeples of churches in the Holy City were everywhere. You sat down in the nearest rocking chair. Josh sat down in the one beside it.
"Sorry about them," he said again. "Brothers, you know?"
"Oh," you laughed. You honestly expected their reactions. "I don't mind."
Josh didn't respond. You were confused because his expression was odd..melancholy, inquisitive...dark.
"What are you thinking about?" Dread filled your body because you already knew. The air seemed to get colder, the night seemed to get darker, and the only person that mattered at this moment was Josh.
"What do you think those things were?" he asked. You had spent the entire ride home thinking about the creatures. They weren't human, that was for sure, but beyond that, you only had guesses.
"Zombies?" you blurted out, knowing good and damn well they weren't. Josh shook his head. "You and I both know they weren't zombies."
You turned your attention back out to the streets. A ghost tour was walking by. The guide was carrying a lantern at eye level, leading all the tourists to their next spooky destination. You wondered how they would react to the creatures you saw at the old church. You turned again to Josh, who was deep in thought. The silence on the balcony seemed to drown out the people below, as your focus was only on him. You knew what he was going to say next and your heart sank when he finally said those five words.
"I want to go back."
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