#but if they weren't live she wouldn't have killed him. maybe tortured him at worst. choked him out at best. but not killed him
light/moderate spoilers for 3-MS but do you think jenny would have Done That if she and jeremy weren't on camera? because personally i don't
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foreverfangirlsblog · 4 months
Unresponsive (Husk x Mute!Reader)
3356 Words
Husk wasn't at the Hotel when you were first introduced to the residents so how was he supposed to know you couldn't talk? He would try to make conversation with you but to no avail. Was it something he did? Did you simply not like him? You seemed to get along with everyone else...so why not him? And even more so, why did it bother him so much?
**This is cross posted
The most recent extermination was a rough one...you didn't double die but you did run into some extremely heinous exorcists. Instead of killing you the group of exorcists decided to have "fun" and torture you. The torture included many beatings, cuts, and degrading. But worst of all...they decided to rip your tongue out after you threw some vulgar words their way. Even though they didn't kill you they may have well left you for dead, who knows maybe after all their torture and mutilation they really did think that they finished you off. Not you, you wouldn't give that easily. No way in hell.
The next couple of days after the extermination you went from alley to alley trying to avoid as many people as you can. Your apartment was also blown up by the bastards and without the ability to talk, well what were you supposed to do? You couldn't get a new place without talking, you had no phone to help you translate, so sleeping on the streets honestly seemed like the easier option.
One night as you were huddled up in the corner of an alley trying your best to drown out the surrounding noise someone came up to you. You tried ignoring them as the approached but they were coming straight for you and then tapped your shoulder, can't avoid them now.
You sighed as you raised your head from your fetus position. The girl standing before you was a tall girl with light blonde hair and red circles for cheeks, dressed in a red suit. "Hello!" she said way too enthusiastically. "My name is Charlie! I couldn't help but notice you over here..." she took a look around you, noticing your belongings in some dufflebags to the side of you. "...are you living on the streets?"
You slightly nodded annoyed that she would ask such an obvious question.
"Oh that's great!" she said as she bounced, clapping her hands together in glee.
Your face was deadpanned, as you tilted your head to the side to show confusion. 'How the fuck is that great' you thought to yourself instead of speaking like you would've liked.
"Oh no no I didn't mean-what I meant is that's great because I have a place you can live!" she said trying to clarify, but you were still confused and waited for her to continue. "I have a hotel, the Hazbin Hotel! It's a place where sinners can live for free while they try to atone for their sins, redeem themselves, and hopefully get into heaven!!!" she finished stating as she did jazz hands.
You stayed silent thinking over her proposal. You didn't really know if getting "redeemed" was actually possible but what better option did you have? Continue living on the streets? No thank you. You stood up and dusted off your pants before extending your hand out to her with a shy smile, trying to show that you'd like to take her up on her offer.
She squealed and gladly took you hand, shaking it wildly. "Oh my goodness that's amazing!! You're my first recruit!!! Well besides Angel of course...oh never mind! I'm so excited for you to come! Here come with me we can go right now! Oh! Here let me carry your bag for you too!" she rambled excitedly.
You simply laughed at her and helped her with the bags as you followed her out the alley, before she stopped."Oh wait I'm so sorry I didn't get your name."
You stiffened and stopped walking, you opened your mouth to try and say something but had no luck. 'Dammit' you thought
She looked at you puzzled so you did something you hope you won't have to do again...you open your mouth to her and pointed to show her why you weren't answering her question.
She gasped a little and gave you a look of sympathy. It's easy to assume how this happened to you so she didn't ask anymore questions. "Don't worry I have an idea" she said softly as she took out her phone from her pocket and handed it to you with it unlocked, notes app ready to go. You typed slowly into the phone and then show it to her 'My name is YN'
She grinned happily before taking the phone back "Well Y/N its so nice to meet you! Let's get you to the hotel shall we?"
---Flash Forward to arriving to the hotel with Charlie---
Charlie burst through the doors of the hotel suddenly, eager to tell everyone the news about the newest resident. "EVERYONE GET TO THE LOBBY NOW I HAVE EXCITING NEWS!!" She yelled to an empty room.
Slowly a group of demons entered the room and gathered in the lobby space, expectedly looking to Charlie for her announcement. You saw 5 demons in total. "Everyone this is Y/N! Our newest resident!! Y/N this is Alastor, Sir Pentious, Angel, Niffty, Vaggie, and Hus-oh where's Husk?" Charlie introduced everyone one by one but then stopped, asking no one in particular.
The red deer like demon who you now know to be Alastor answered her "Oh I sent old Husker on an errand for me" His voice was filled with static like an old radio and had a tone of slyness to it.'He looks like a deer but sounds as sly as a fox' you thought to yourself.
"Oh okay no matter!" Charlie waved it off as everyone said hello to you then waited expectedly for you to return a greeting. But instead you simply waved shyly and looked at Charlie for help. "OH!"Charlie exclaimed, "I forgot to mention uh..." she hesitated "Y/N can't really talk. But no worries! I'll be going out later to get a phone for her to communicate and participate in our exercises!"
Majority of the group really didn't know how to react and just stood there looking at you with that same look of sympathy that Charlie did earlier. 'Is it sympathy or just pity?' you thought to yourself before Alastor broke the deafening silence, "Welcome my dear! In absence of our normal concierge allow me to get you settled in hm?"
With that Alastor guided you away from the others and thus started your journey to redemption.
You decided to mostly keep to yourself that day after Alastor got you settled in, besides you didn't know when Charlie would give you the phone to help with communication and you didn't really want to play charades to make conversation with anyone.
Despite you wanting to stay away from the others your stomach betrayed you, you had to get something to eat and drink or else you'd go mad. You slowly made your way out of your room and towards the lobby. As you entered the lobby you immediately noticed someone who you weren't introduced to before. 'Is this that Husker guy they mentioned before?' you thought to yourself. The person, or I guess cat in front of you is black and white with speckled gray here and there, a top hat and matching bowtie. 'Not bad looking'.
As you advanced further the cat stopped looking down the bottom of his beer bottle and instead looked in your direction, finally acknowledging your existence. "Who the fuck are you?" he scowled.
You were shocked for a moment but then scowled right back at him 'Who pissed in his drink' you thought, put off by his unprompted sour attitude.
He stared at you expectedly. But when you didn't responded he spoke again, louder than before "Are you stupid?? I asked who-"
Before he could finish Charlie interrupted. "Y/N! There you are I was just about to bring you the phone!"
'Thank goodness'
Charlie quickly walked over to you and presented the new phone to you. You gave her a grateful smile as you held the phone close to you.
"Haha you're welcome!" She responded before realizing Husk was still staring at you, annoyed. "Oh Husk I'm sorry this is our new resident Y/N! She arrived earlier today while you were out on an errand" Husk nodded. "Husk Y/N, Y/N Husk!"
"Nice to meet you Y/N" Husk mumbled grumpily, a bit embarrsed by his rashness from before.
Your smile faded as you awkwardly waved to him.
"Y/N you must be starving come let me show you to the kitchen!" you were grateful to Charlie for getting you out of that situation.
As the day passed you ventured out of your room more and more frequently but gradually. You kind of developed a routine. You'd sit in the lobby and hang out with Angel on most days, sometimes Vaggie too. You'd converse with them as best you could then later at night when most everyone went to sleep you'd visited the bar for a drink. You were a bit embarrassed having to use a phone to talk to people, so if you could get away with it you wouldn't use it. Answering questions with a simple nod, shake, or shrug seemed to do the trick a lot of the time. Often when you talked to Angel and Maggie you were comfortable enough (and they were patient enough) to allow you to use the phone to have better, meaningful conversations with them...but other people....or cats.....weren't the same.
The first time you went to the bar Husk quickly asked you "What do you want?".
'Blunt isn't he' you thought. You didn't know what was available and didn't really care to go through the efforts of asking so you just shrugged.
"Dammit you'll drink whatever I give you then" Husk turned his back to you a muttered some other choice words before presenting you with a drink. You awkwardly had a few more then went away to your room.
Things continued like this for quite sometime, a month even. Every night you'd make your routine visit to Husk at the bar, have a mostly one sided conversation with Husk-throw in some nods and shrugs consume a handful of drinks the leave.
Husk wasn't use to people not trauma dumping their problems onto him. You didn't really open up to him at all. You'd get your drink and HE would be the one having to pry a conversation from YOU. Even when he'd ask you a bunch of questions to try and get to know you better the most he'd receive is a nod confirming his question, or shrug indicating what? It was none of his business. This annoyed him GREATLY. Man was frustrated. He wanted to get to know you, everyone else seemed to love you. You bonded well with everyone,..but him. You intrigued him.
One night you and Angel were having such a fun time hanging out in the lobby together. Your laughter even filled the room, and much to Husk's annoyance, his ears. Usually Angel had to work late nights with Val so he never joined you for your late night bar trips so this was the first time he was able to join you at the bar for some drinks. "Come on bitch lets go get wasted"
Husk stiffened, mentally preparing himself to be a third wheel in this conversation.
"Get us allll the drinks Husker! I'm finally getting this hot chick wasted" Husk rolled his eyes at Angel as you blushed at Angels confidence
"Alright alright, don't kill the poor girl"
"She can handle her liquor!" Angel laughed and turned to you, but you just shrugged.
You and Angel sat right next to each other, as close as possible so Angel can quickly see your responses on your phone as you typed.
After many drinks and jokes Husk was growing more and more irritable. He didn't know what you both were talking about and it was driving him mad that neither of you bothered to include him in the conversation. 'At least speak loud enough for me to eavesdrop damn...' he thought.
"Alright toots ill be right back I gotta take a piss, don't wait up have a couple more rounds" Angel said quickly as he winked at you before leaving to the bathroom "Keep her entertained whiskers!"
"Fuck off!" Husk yelled after him before he was out of sight from you both.
Now it was your turn to tense up. You were a bit tipsy now and it was growing harder and harder to communicate via typing with your agility becoming so discombobulated. Husk sighed and leaned closer to you. "Do you even know how many drinks you can have before you black out? Cause I'm telling ya right now I'm not carrying you to bed and neither is your long legged buddy after he's done" Husker teased and you responded with a small laugh and shrug.
Not as reactive as he would've hoped but it was still something.
Husk slipped another drink to you before asking his next question, "So, I hope you don't mind me asking...' he started much more serious "but how'd you wind up here? I know almost everything about everyone here, except for you. Ms. Mystery" Husk teased slightly.
You took out your phone and started typing a response to him sloppily and slower, much slower than usual.
Husk showed a hurt expression on his face before contouring it into anger and annoyance. 'Who the fuck just blatantly ignores someone like that??' Husk thought. "Listen if you don't want to talk to me just tell me there's no need to be a bitch about it!" He said angrily.
You stopped typing and looked up at him shocked.
"Don't act innocent now you just straight up ignored me! You can leave my bar for all I care! You-" Husk was growing louder and angrier by the word but before he could continue Angel came running over to you both.
"Husk why the fuck are you yelling at Y/N?!" Angel asked Husk glaring at him.
"Tried to keep her company like you said but this bitch just pulls out her phone and ignores me! Like I don't have better things to do than have a one sided conversation with her" Husk stated as if it was obvious
"Oh my god you fucking idiot"
"What??" Husk said growing even more annoyed. Oblivious to the situation.
"Huh?" His voice was significantly quieter now, almost not audible, "the fuck you mean she can't talk?"
"She's been here for almost a month and you didn't know she couldn't talk??? Are you stupid or just dumb??"
Husk didn't know what to say. He looked over to you and his heart broke. You were looking down trying not to cry in from of them. Angel followed his gaze to also notice the fight against your tears. "Look what you did you asshole" Angel glared at Husk before holding your shoulders, leading you away from the bar and towards his room "Come on Y/N lets go play with Fat Nuggets he missed you the other day"
'I fucked up.....' Husk thought to himself.
Husk couldn't sleep at all that night. He felt so incredibly guilty for yelling at you like that, and even more for not knowing that you couldn't talk. How did he not notice it before?? No one is that shy. Why didn't anyone tell him? That's kind of an important detail to mention when you introduce someone. Then he remembered Charlie didn't mention it when she introduced them. 'Where's Charlie?!'
"Charlie!!" Husk said, almost yelling as he knocked aggressively on her door.
"Husk?" Vaggie said with a raspy morning voice "it's like 5 in the morning why are you knocking on our door like there's fire!" She was obviously irritated by being woken up.
"I need to talk to Charlie" Vaggie gave him a questioning look "Please, it's important" Husk practically begging? Vaggie woke up Charlie to talk to him.
"What's wrong Husk? Did something happen?" Charlie asked before yawning.
"Um, well. Not exactly. But I need to know something" Charlie looks at Husk confused as he stumbles on his words "Y/N can't talk?"
"HE DIDN'T KNOW Y/N CANT TALK?!" Vaggie practically yelled
Husk groaned as Charlie hushed her girlfriend.
"Ya I know im a fucking moron hahaha." He deadpanned, "Why can't Y/N talk????"
"Husk....Y/N had her tongue ripped out by an exorcist"
Husks face dropped even more than it already had, he felt like he was gonna throw up "What?"
"You really didn't know?? That's why I gave her the phone the first day I introduced you remember? She uses it to communicate"
Husk facepalmed and dragged his paw down his face "I'm so stupid." He hit his head "Stupid stupid UGHHHH"
"Why?? WHAT happened Husk?" Charlie insisted.
"I may or may not have yelled at Y/N because she was on her phone instead of talking to me?" Charlie's mouth was open from shock "I thought she was ignoring me...I don't know. I messed up"
"Royaly" Vaggie said.
How was he going to fix this?
Over the next few days your normal routine changed. You ignored Husk as much as you could. He hated himself more and more everyday for the misunderstanding and wanted to apologize as soon as he saw you, make it up to you. But he never saw you.
Husk was at the bar late in the evening as Angel got back to the hotel from work and tried to pass him to get to the hallway. "Angel wait please"
"Wow never thought I'd hear you say please. What do you want Husk?" Angel said annoyed, just now noticing the bags he carried.
He could't help his curiosity "What's all that?" Husk questioned motioning to the bags
"Uhh its drinks for Y/N actually...since you know"
Husk felt sick again. Angel turned away to continue to the hallway "Wait let me bring those to her"
Angel turned to husk confused "Why the hell would I let you do that?"
"Please" Husk begged "I want to apologize to her but she's been avoiding me, let me do this, she'll answer the door and I'll make it better." Angel was hesitant and skeptic "Please, I'll owe you one'
Angels eyebrow raised "Tempting....fine here, don't tell her I approved this"
"Thank you" His quickly took the bag of drinks from Angel and went to your door.
'Okay Husk don't fuck this up'
*knock knock knock*
Husk could hear rustling behind the door. Then a few moments later the door cracked open and Y/N peaked her head out to check who it was. Upon seeing Husk there, in his tired form, Y/N's mouth made an O shape. "Y/N" he breathed "Can I come in please. I brought a peace offering" he referred to the booze.
Y/N opened the door wider for him, allowing him in her room.
He was instantly hit with the aroma of her scent. It made his fur stand up a bit straighter.
After she closed the door and took the offering away from him she looked at him expectedly.
"Listen uh. I wanted to apologize for yelling at you. I really am an idiot I genuinely, GENUINELY didn't know about your...situation." You broke eye contact with him for a moment but then you locked eyes with him again before he continued "Im an asshole. You didn't deserve that I just-just didn't know why you didn't talk to me like you did the others....You seemed to bond so well with everyone else but you never opened up to me. I just, I don't know"
This time you held up your finger, indicating for him to wait a moment. You took out your phone and typed 'So what you're saying is you were a jerk because you want to get to know me better?'
He laughed and shyly responded "Yeah basically"
'Lets. sit down and crack open these drinks. Seems like we have a lot of catching up to do' you typed to him and he blushed. Thank hell you were so understanding.
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animentality · 9 months
You ever think about how the fandom will go nuts trying to explain how Astarion is ~basically~ an elven child and how he’s absolved of all guilt for everything he’s done by the abuse he endured and yet… on the other hand we also have Gortash, who very literally was a child when sold to the hells and put through who knows what manner of abuse, saw who knows what messed up shit, who has had chances to do better, yes, but has also had to fight to survive and be more than just a beggar on the streets once he escaped. And he’s the totally evil and irredeemable one according to most fans. I’m not trying to woobify him btw, it’s just always interesting how every other character gets defended on the basis of “but cult conditioning/abuse/etc” but Gortash is uniquely the worst man alive. Which he is, but also. Cmon. Astarion has a long list of innocent victims and is a razors edge away from becoming the next cazador in any given play through and yet he’s a perfect uwu angel apparently. This isn’t about saying Gortash isn’t evil, this is about saying he’s not drastically more evil than a lot of other nuanced characters in this game who get defended by the fandom masses.
ANON if I could kiss you, I would commit tax evasion with you.
Like I know Gortash is awful, but so is fucking everyone.
Shadowheart can become a Dark Justiciar and do awful things for Shar. Lae'zel and the githyanki are a bunch of pricks who kill their own kids for showing weakness and kill innocent people all the goddamn time. Minthara obviously slaughters a bunch of innocent refugees, if you allow her to, and as a drow, probably committed a cavalcade of evil actions.
Gale's blind ambition could've nuked a fucking town. He might not have intended to become a living bomb, but he did, and by running around Faerun, he WAS putting literally everyone within like five miles of him in mortal danger. Wyll would've killed Karlach if you weren't there, and he expresses this horror, because he has definitely killed innocents for Mizora before.
Astarion would've gladly become Cazador 2.0, if you didn't stop him. He might've started out ok, but he would descend into that same evil, using you until there was nothing left of you, and treating others the way he was treated, because he sees himself as a god now.
Even fucking Karlach...who is a sweetie, and god I love her...well fuck, didn't Gortash accuse her of knowing just how shady his shit was? She was a desperate kid, yes, and he definitely took advantage of her, but he explicitly calls her out for working for him, even though she knew he was shady (if not a Banite). Plus she was his bodyguard for years. As if your bodyguard wouldn't know you were being a peace of shit?
The WHOLE POINT of Baldur's Gate 3 is that you and your companions are defined by your choices.
The game gives you the option of seeing him die one way or the other way.
I'm just SAYING it's not totally fair to act as if Gortash is truly irredeemable, when out of all the villains, he at least had an idea of a better world, even if it was still self serving and frankly awful.
He was slightly better than the Dark Urge, and they GET the choice of redeeming themselves.
He never does. And maybe he wouldn't have taken it, but that's really not the point.
You hit the nail on the head, bud.
Gortash is evil, no doubt, this is true, he is not just a victim of circumstances, he made every wrong decision he could've made...
But the fandom has no problem woobifying Astarion even though that scene with Sebastian is fucking soul wrenching.
They raise their hackles at Gortash, as though he's been alive for 200 years and lured thousands to their deaths/vampirism, and they forget that Lae'zel is absolutely awful, and approves every time you murder children in front of her.
And Shadowheart spent her childhood learning to torture people.
You can say well their crimes aren't equivalent- and yes, that is true, HOWEVER.
Remember that you have met them when they were powerless.
If given power...if they had never been mindcontrolled by parasites...well shit, they might've fucking killed you.
They might've become tyrants themselves. I know it's purely conjecture on my part, I just kinda...I don't even necessarily want a redeemed Gortash storyline.
I'm fine with him just being a villain!
I just also have a working brain that doesn't understand the reflexive urge to say, he couldn't redeem himself if he tried.
I think, in this fictional world of course, that redemption should be possible. I think if they are honestly trying, and they repay the debts they incurred, then it might be justified.
But we didn't get that choice, and neither did he, and honestly, with what the game presents...I can whole heartedly say no, he wouldn't have redeemed himself. Even if he could, he would not have done it.
But the possibility does exist.
Trying to deny it makes you look like a hypocrite as you insist Ascended Astarion is still an uwu baby.
Like nah, sweetie. Good luck with that.
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This Love
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 11
"Timing is a funny thing"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 6,196
Warnings: angst, nightmares that include: panic attacks/catcall with a light fight, fluff finally!
A/N: I love this song so much! We are so close to the end! I got into a writer's block when I started this chapter, so it took me a while to get to writing it, and in the end it turned out into my favourite chapter that I have written! I hope you'll like it, comments are appreciated! Also, there is a literary reference here, if you notice it you're awesome!
A/N2: thank you @chrissquares for the beautiful dividers! And @nacho-bucky for beta reading!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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The darkness in your room was darker than you remembered. Usually when you were awoken in the middle of the night, it was because of Loki.
But now as you realized Loki wasn't in your room, you got up and walked sleepily to the hallway from your room, then you heard it- and you knew that the heavy footsteps you heard on the floor of the living room were not Loki's.
You held your breath, feeling the panic take over you but you refused to let whoever was in there hear your short intake of breath. Padding quickly into the bathroom, you closed the door and locked it.
Then you let yourself breathe.
The beat of your heart was ringing in your ears, you tried to breathe but all you could think about were the possibilities of whoever or even whatever is in your house right now. Loki had told you all about the magic of the universe, but you also saw him getting back from battles with nasty scars and he wouldn't tell you about the creatures that made them.
You looked around the room, which proved to be difficult when your watery eyes blurred your vision.
You forgot your phone, you couldn't call anyone. Fear took over you again, it felt as if you were drowning, your own tears were making you weak and you couldn't seem to control it.
Hiding yourself in the corner of the room, you took the first thing that resembled a weapon and held the hair straightener protectively as you made yourself as small as possible when the sounds outside of the door got louder.
All you wanted was for Loki to show up just in time and get you out of here.
The fear took over you yet again and the door was knocked down. All you saw was a blue creature at your door. You screamed in fear and your vision went dark, all you felt was fear.
Loki watched your body lying there motionless besides the minute movements behind your eyelids that he was sure only he and the supersoldiers could see. Doctor Cho and Doctor Banner were running every test they could on you. It wasn't long before they figured out what Hydra did to you.
Barnes was the first one to figure it out. He was stuck inside his own mind for so long, he saw you going through the same thing. But for you, for you they trapped you using your own powers against you. Capturing you and keeping you awake by horrible emotions that you felt.
Loki stood next to you, wiping a tear that escaped down your cheek.
Sitting down at the edge of the white bed you were lying on, he tried to calm his nerves enough to leave his physical form and feel you, feel your powers, search for a way in.
And he found you there, just barely within reach. He could almost touch you, he could feel your powers caressing his own- that was before he was thrown back into his own body with such force that he regretted giving you such powers.
"I gave them to you, and now you won't let me in?" he grumbled and rubbed his eyes. He looked at you bitterly, but no it was not at you but rather your aura that surrounded you, your powers keeping you in place- supposedly trying to keep you safe.
All he wanted to do was to keep you safe, that was why he got here in the first place. He knew though, he knew that this love he has for you will eventually overpower any ancient spell there could be. He couldn't doubt it.
Your love died and was brought alive back from the dead, fate brought you back to him like the tides, and now currents swept you out again from his reach but you said so many goodbyes before that surely you will say hello again. He held onto that hope. Hope was such a ruinous thing, he never dreamed of having it or accepting it into his life.
When he was in the darkest of places, with the most horrid torment being forced upon him- you were the one thing that kept him sane even when you weren't there. You were the permanent mark on his heart that no torture could wipe off.
And now he was sitting right next to you, and he couldn't help ease the torment that you were in.
So he sat next to you, his fingers on your temples as he tried to somehow reach you, if merely for a moment. But all he got was resistance, and he was growing tired.
"Loki? Cho wants to run some tests." He saw the captain standing at the door, the bags under his eyes were dark and noticeable even for a super soldier. "Would you mind joining me?"
The captain tilted his head to outside, and Loki merely nodded.
Steve stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows in the common room, waiting as Loki came and looked outside next to him.
He was at a loss of words as they stood there in silence, not knowing how to approach the conversation. Steve knew his backstory, he knew what drove him to attack New York- but he still attacked it. The man who stood next to him was still the man who terrorized earth, brainwashed his friends, killed 80 people in 3 days, and hurt you twice. Steve wasn't there to protect you from the hurt the first time, but he was there the second time when he had to hold you in his arms.
Then you got taken away and Loki came back to help him, to get you back.
"Just say what you want to say, don't mewl it over." Loki simply said in his elegant but impatient voice. Was it impatient now, or nervous?
"Is there any progress in getting through to her?" Steve cleared his throat.
"As of right now, no there isn't. The witch is trying to lower her defenses but even she can't reach her." Loki knew his options, and for the slim chance that you would be okay and take him back- he knew he needed to be on the good side of the captain. He wasn't one to reveal his thoughts and intentions, but he knew the captain means a lot to you, and for you he would do anything. "I am still trying, Captain. I'm not going to stop until… we get her back."
He kept looking forward even when he felt Steve's gaze turning to look at him. He let Steve analyze his words, and then he matched his gaze. It was quiet before Steve spoke up again.
"Thank you."
"I'm certain that if we have one thing in common it's that both of us would do anything for her. I recognize my mistake of leaving her." He leaned away from the window pane when the captain turned to face him.
"While I appreciate the help, Loki, I had to sit with her while she cried after you left her. Hurt her again, and I assure you that not even Thor will be able to protect you from me."
Seeing the dark look in Steve's eyes made Loki want to scoff at Captain America's threat, but he couldn't blame him. Watching you cry the first time almost made him stay.
"I already deserve worse, so I won't fight you if that were to happen." With his hands clasped behind his back he, with certainty, stated. "It won't."
Then he went around the captain back to the room you were in.
With a reluctant and a little frightened Helen Cho, Loki brought you back to your room, enchanted the door shut and put your limp form on the bed, with your back on the headboard and your head lightly lulled back onto a pillow he put behind it.
Sitting next to you, he took both of your hands in his and suddenly he got reminded of that fateful night in your apartment when he held you scared in the dark.
He let his green light shine and he saw a soft purple aura surround your body. He closed his eyes and tried to reach you.
Focusing on the feeling of you, touching him with your aura, he let you take his all.
Then your head fell onto his shoulder and he saw you.
You were in a crowded street, walking towards where Loki stood now watching you.
You faltered in your step and looked to your right when you heard the sentence that was uttered by a guy that was half leaning on a red building brick, blocking the passage of a blonde girl who tried to step away from his frame.
"Oh come on, don't play coy, you wouldn't have worn this tight outfit if you didn't want the attention." His smirk disgusted you and you changed your pace to go to where they were standing.
"I told you to go away." She replied to him, but he didn't budge.
"Sweetheart lighten up, I'm complimenting you, so come on got a smile for me?"
"Hey, she told you to back off so back the hell off and stay away from her!" he laughed at you.
"Maybe you should stay out of this conversation, I am talking to the pretty girl here-" he sent a hand to grab her arm but before he could catch it you threw him back and twisted his arm.
"Do not touch her." Your voice was dark, and while Loki didn't know what he was seeing, he couldn't help but smile at your actions. You pushed him back and muttered, "I really wish the worst for you."
Thinking it would get him to go away, you were about to turn to see if the girl was alright when you felt pain in your stomach as the man hit you and threw you onto the curve where people cleared away from the fight. You looked up at him and you felt something different inside you, it was probably the adrenaline. But the second your eyes met his, you watched his eyes go wide and he started to let out screams, they never stopped, you never stopped looking at him. He fell to the floor, curling in on himself and you went to stand up.
The feeling inside you was strange now, you could feel the anger subside and now you watched him still breathing hard on the floor.
"Stop it, stop it- please." He tried to look up at you, your heartbeat sped up and you felt sick- Was he talking to you? He looked up at you and tears were on his face.
You looked around at the people that where watching you and suddenly like dominos they began to sink down onto the floor, crying and shuddering. Your heartbeat got faster with each scream you heard and they only got louder.
"What is happening?" your voice was shaking and you couldn't move.
Loki realized what scene he was looking at in your life, then he watched the girl in the black suit next to you, she seemed to hold her own against the pain that he knew you affected her with and she pulled out a black device. He recognized her, but he knows you didn't so he didn't put his attention on her.
He went back and looked at you, going forward to try and calm you down but before he could touch you, you collapsed on the floor and he was sent back and out of your dream.
"Please stop this, I don't know what's happening." He heard you cry from a distance.
Steve sat in the kitchen alone with a cup of hot tea. It was hard for him to see you that way and being so helpless because he couldn't help you. So he tried to stay away. But as he stared down at the mug, he couldn't help but think about the first time he met you.
Steve was walking out of the elevator at the ground floor of the Stark tower with a file in his hand, he looked up and saw four men with weapons surrounding a girl in civilian clothes and Sharon walked with her. When the blonde saw Steve she dismissed the guards and walked towards him with the girl.
Steve studied you now that you weren't blocked from his view. Your y/h/c hair fell lightly on your face and he noticed you keeping your eyes down on the ground even when you were near him already.
"Hey Steve, did you get updated on the new mission?" Sharon asked him and when he nodded she saw him looking at you partially.
"Yeah, I did."
"This is Y/N. Y/N, meet Steve." Steve put out his hand to shake your hand and it took you a moment before you raised your hand to his.
"Hi." You said to him and when you finally looked up at him he sent you a smile.
"What are you doing here with Sharon?" Steve didn't ask about the guards and he tried to maintain eye contact with you, it seems to be a struggle for you.
"Oh, she just-" you looked over at the agent looking for some help but she only nodded at you. "Found me, I accidentally ruined her operation and she took me here to- to help me."
You hated the way your voice stuttered, then again you couldn't really blame yourself, your day took a turn you weren't expecting, you didn't even know what happened.
Steve's eyes proved to be nothing but comforting though.
"Well, is there anything I can help you with?" you began to shake your head and Steve thought he lost you when you looked back at the floor, shutting your eyes for a bit.
Heavy steps came behind Sharon then.
"Agent 13, we need to get the girl to the lab now, she cannot be here." He heard the guard say and saw you flinch momentarily at his voice and the weapon he held. He did not like that reaction.
"Everything is fine here. I'll protect her." He straightened up and looked at the guard.
"She doesn't need protection captain, she needs to be contained." He chuckled but Steve's features stayed stern.
"The captain said we are okay here." Sharon dismissed the guard.
She started to take you away and towards the elevators when Steve stopped her.
"It's alright, I'll walk with you Y/N is that okay?" he smiled when you looked up at him and nodded.
"Yes, thank you Steve." Sharon told you that she will come to check on you in the lab later, and you entered the elevator with Steve.
"Don't you have other stuff you should be doing?" you asked him, breaking the silence and he laughed.
"Maybe, but you seem much nicer."
"He was right though, he was there to protect other people from me."
"Well," he turned to you with a slight smirk. "I don't know what happened but I doubt you are going to hurt me, besides- I'm sure I can take you down myself."
You scoffed at him, suddenly forgetting about what made you end up in this situation.
"Well how can you be so sure? I can be dangerous when I want to be."
"Is that so? I do not think so." You raised an eyebrow.
"What if I am a super assassin? You can't know!"
"I'll still win."
"Oh fuck off." You huffed at him but a small smile played on your lips.
"Language!" he said and silence took over the small elevator as you looked at him in shock and he looked at you, before you started laughing at him, unable to control yourself.
Steve let himself smile a bit as you laughed beside him.
You didn't know where you were. All you knew was the pain in your heart and the rain drenching you as water surrounded you. You were drowning and it was never ending.
The wet wood of the ship floor under you turned ever so darker in the midst of the storm and rain. You looked around you only to see nothing but rushing waves you tried to shout for help but it came out as silent screams with the sound of the thunder, the sinking ship you were trapped on tilted to the side as you tried to get to the top of the deck.
You clung to the closest wooden poll you could find, trying to get to the figurehead on the deck when the ship rattled and tilted as it sank farther.
Then you saw him.
"Loki!" you called out to him, momentary relief flooded you when he showed up just in time. You tried to reach out to him, grab his hand when he offered his hand forward, but it was out of reach.
"Jump to me, I'll catch you." You heard him tell you, you clung to the poll before taking a leap and reaching out as much as you could for him.
But you couldn't reach him, and he let you fall. You didn't know what pained your heart more. But all you felt was pain.
Loki lied in your bed. He had taken over it while you were in the med bay for the last couple of days. It wasn't a question, and he was not one to ask permission.
He tried to get some sleep, tossing and turning, there was always a new struggle sleeping through the night when you weren't next to him. He turned to face your side of the bed. You weren't there but he still smiled to the ghost of you. Sometimes in a flicker of light he thought he could see you, but you were still gone.
You were laying in bed with Loki, turning out the lights and then jumping back on the bed, getting under the covers and cuddling to Loki, putting your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"So, you still haven't answered me."
"My response is clear then." He shrugged off and you playfully slapped his shoulder.
"I am really asking, we have been dating for a long time now and my birthday is soon so don't you think I deserve it?"
"You can't play the birthday card with me, darling." He chuckled into your hair and planted a kiss there. "How do you even remember that? It was so long ago and it is just nonsense."
"You said that you will take me one day for a ball in Asgard, now I am taking you on your word. That silver tongue of yours that got you me will also be the one to take you down. I want an Asgardian ball." You poked his chest
"I said that I will one day, I did not specify when, so I am well within my rights to turn your request down, darling. You should know better than to argue with a trickster god." He poked your side which made you giggle. "We have an eternity together, why rush it?"
You looked up at him and the love in his eyes seemed to glow in the dark room. You only smiled at him.
"What's in that pretty little head of yours, petal?" he stroked your arm and looked down at you.
"I feel like I'm falling in love with you all over again." You whispered.
"You're already in love with me." He chuckled and nudged his nose with yours.
"I fell in love with you once, I can and will fall in love with you again." He couldn't help the grin on his face, oh the things you did to him.
"Well then, I'll always catch you when you fall."
Loki was back where he started, in the cold med bay. He wasn't cold of course but he saw the goose bumps on your skin.
"I'll get you out of there, petal." He brushed his thumb across your cheek when yet another tear slipped.
He leaned in to kiss your cheek before he cradled your face in his hands, focusing on your energy yet again.
You were in your apartment with your head down as you listened to Loki talk more and more.
"I just can't understand why are you leaving me like this?" you lifted your teary gaze to look at him, but he was cold.
"Mortals are so naïve," he darkly huffed at you. "Did you really think you meant something to me? Pathetic."
"We had such a good time together, you're my best friend, my lover and I-"
"I am none of those, it was simply interesting to study the humans, to pass the time with one of them. But you're not interesting anymore."
"So, you're just throwing me away? You promised you'll stay with me!" you sniffed, trying to wipe the tears away but they just kept pouring. He was breaking your heart like all the other promises he made and you couldn't find any emotion in his eyes. "Have you ever even loved me?"
"No." it was a simple word, and you hated the small smile on his face. "I'm just being honest with you now, don't you think that is rather kind of me? I am a god after all, and you're just a puny mortal, a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore me and think it is returned."
"You're not being nice, Loki, no. you're just being so casually cruel in the name of being honest." You fell to your knees, with a new fresh wave of tears.
Loki stood behind you as he watched all of the things that are being said to you- from him, you think he is saying those things. You were on your knees in front of him, believing he could ever hate you.
You were paralyzed in time, frozen by his words. You couldn't stop the tears, you've never felt this hurt. It felt like the room was filled with invisible smoke.
Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, grabbing you fiercely. You dropped the hands from your face, hopeful Loki will take you back. But when you looked up, he was still standing, sneering at you. You felt a new wave of pain but then the hand on your shoulder tightened and you turned back to see-
"Loki?" your voice was low and it almost broke his heart.
"Yes my love, I'm here you're okay." You turned your head and saw Loki still standing above you.
"I'm sorry Loki, please stay with me, you're all I have." You cried to him, then the hand on your shoulder turned you around fully and you saw Loki yet again, he was crouching down next to you.
"No, don't listen to him. I love you, I'll always love you. You have to believe me, I will get you out of this- you are not alone anymore." You shook your head at his words, your head was feeling fuzzy.
"No, you hate me." You said it with certainty. And Loki had to clench his jaw, he needed to treat this delicately if he wanted to get you out.
"Don't listen to what he said, he is not real. I'm sorry I left you, but it's different now, just let me show you." Loki begged to any gods out there that your powers will let him get through to you and alter them. He put his fingers on your temples, closing his eyes for a second, he focused on you- fighting every barrier your mind was posing in front of him.
When he finally found you, you could suddenly breathe again despite still having a headache. You looked around you and saw you were now in a different living room. You looked back and the other Loki was gone, the only Loki was the one in front of you and looked at you with so many emotions in his blue eyes.
"Loki, what is-" you still felt another pain in your chest and Loki was back at getting through to you.
"Let me show you why this is different," he gestured to all the people you saw laughing and having conversation on the couches in the room. "You have me now, I'm not going anywhere. And you have a family now."
One guy on the sofa suddenly raised his beer towards you and smiled at you.
His name is Steve. You knew him. You smiled back at him a bit.
Then you heard a small laugh followed by a giggle.
Her name is Natasha, and that's Wanda next to her.
New tears streamed down your face.
"I don't understand." You looked to Loki, who was now standing up.
"You have a family now, and you have me and I'll never leave you alone." He extended his hand to you, looking down at where you still sat on the ground. "Come back to me, love."
You kept looking at him, and then back at the people who seemed more and more familiar.
You took his hand and slowly you got up, he was right beside you, holding you up.
Now that you were standing and could see him better, he looked like the Loki you knew, the real one.
"Help me hold onto you." You begged.
"I'll catch you, just come back to me."
With another step you fell forward onto his chest, the next second it was gone and your eyes blew wide when you rose up from the bed you were in.
Before you could get your bearings, still in shock, you felt Loki's comforting embrace take you.
"You came back to me." His voice was but a whisper murmured before he lightly kissed your cheek. You noticed his heaving breath matched your shocked one.
Your mind couldn't wrap up around where you were or what was happening, but all you knew for certain now was that Loki was here with you, holding you, and so you knew you were safe.
"So that was all me?" you asked Loki.
He nodded and still kept you close to his chest for comfort, he didn't know whose.
"What they did to you, I assure you they will pay for it. Each and every one of them will know that they should not have laid a single hand on you, my love."
He sealed it with a kiss to your forehead. But you didn't respond to it, still lost in your own head.
"No. It was all me, my powers did that." He took your hand in his and traced circles with his thumb on the back of your palm.
"Your powers are my fault." He admitted, Loki let the feeling of your skin on him ground him before he said the next words, "That night a long time ago, I casted an ancient spell on you- to protect you- but I must have got something wrong or I didn't think about how it would affect a human, and now you got the powers."
"I know, Loki. They used your wand to control my powers so I assumed my Asgardian powers were related to you." You then, to Loki's dismay, lifted yourself up on one elbow and looked sternly at the god in front of you. "You protected me, don't you dare blame yourself. Not even a bit."
You were met with a smile, his clear blue eyes were caressing you softly like water.
"I missed you." He leaned up to reach you. "You came back to me."
You looked at your entwined hands.
"You are the one who came back to me, into my life." Loki kissed you shortly when a cough came from the door.
Steve stood there with wide eyes, and his hands clasped together. For his huge form he looked so little. You sent a smile to Loki who reluctantly got up from the bed and walked past the captain.
Once the door was closed Steve rushed to you as you got up from the bed and walked to him, meeting him halfway. He enveloped you in his tight embrace, you wrapped your hands around his neck and let him hold you, and you could feel yourself being slightly lifted from the ground.
You let your tears fall, you didn't know you needed to cry until he hugged you, you missed his comfort.
"I am so glad you're okay, I was so afraid," He said, and you could hear the strain in his voice.
"I was too, but now I'm here." You remembered flashes of what Loki showed you when you were stuck in your head. "I'm home, with my family."
He nodded and pulled you back to look at you.
"You are, of course you are Y/N- you're with me." You smiled, he wiped the tears from your face, and you put your head on his chest. "Kid, you mean so much to me, you know that right?"
"I do, and you mean a lot to me too, old man." He tickled your side and you laughed.
"That is not a way to talk to your elders."
The two of you swayed, you were still cradled in his arms when he broke the comforting silence. You could hear the hesitation in his voice.
"He is okay." You pulled back and looked into his eyes- he was serious.
"Really?" he closed his eyes and nodded with a groan. "I can't believe it- my big brother and my boyfriend getting along. And all I had to do was get tortured."
"Y/N, don't push it." You shrugged him off and went back to use his chest as a pillow.
"Oh give me a break, my ex kidnapped me." You could feel him glaring at you at the comment. "Sorry."
After sitting with all of your friends, you went back to your room, not surprised to see Loki lying on your bed, all ready to go to sleep.
"You could've joined us. I heard you and Steve talked. It would have been nice if you were with me." You changed from your clothes, Loki had healed your physical scars already, but you could still feel them.
"I figured you would want time with them, with your family." He stretched a hand out to you as you got onto the bed and under the covers.
"Well, are you-"
"Yes. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." You leaned in to kiss him before settling on your side next to him, facing him.
"You still didn't actually tell me why you left in the first place. You changing colours is not an excuse." You smiled a bit teasingly, his eyes left yours then- afraid of your reaction. "Tell me."
You asked him and he had to obey.
"Just before I left you, right before Thor's coronation,"
"Yeah I remember we talked about it, you said it'll be soon."
"Yes, well I decided to test how worthy he is of being a king, and then it turned into something bigger that I couldn't control and-" he stopped to take a breath, you put a hand on his cold cheek. "Then I found out I am actually a frost giant, a monster. Don't say I'm not, my love, let me finish."
You stayed silent and let him continue, tracing patterns on his skin, where you remembered the markings on his blue skin were.
"After that, I knew I had to let you go- to keep you safe. And with everything that happened afterwards- everything I went through- I don't regret leaving you when I did. It was the right choice."
You tried not to get overwhelmed by the new information he was giving you, and while it hurt- at least he told you, and you could somewhat understand.
"You didn't have to break my heart when you left."
"I'm a monster, Y/N you don't know what my kind is like." He raised his eyes to yours now.
"It doesn't matter at all, you are your own person- well god- you are Loki. You are mischievous and funny, cunning and loyal to those who are worthy of knowing you. I still know you Loki, and you are not bad- you're good. The fact that you hide it doesn't mean you're not."
He lowered his eyes again, and you knew he was holding himself together now, but you didn't push it. Apparently you weren't the only one who went through a lot. You knew there was so much more to his story, but that was for another night.
"Darling, we separated all those years ago, and it might have been for the best. I never thought I'd see you again." He brought you closer and held your chin so you will look up at him. "But timing is a funny thing; sometimes you never know what will find its way back to you again, so maybe now the timing is right. Maybe we weren't meant to be back then. The timing back then wasn't right, but maybe now, after we both grew, the timing is right."
You couldn't help but smile at him while you pondered his words.
"So, did you write that all down? Or was it just off the top of your head?" you teased and he laughed, you could swear that it was glowing in the dark.
"You're forgetting my silver tongue, dear." He smiled brightly at you and wondered what he could possibly have done right for him to have you in his arms again. "All I'm saying is- maybe these hands had to let it go free, so now at the right time you, my love, came back to me."
You knew those smiles and those laughs were reserved just for you, in the intimate moments where he let all of his guards down, and found his old happy self, when the two of you were alone.
"I love you Loki, so much." You connected your lips for just a moment and let yourself relish in the warm feeling that swept through your body as the soft touch. "This love that I have with you left a permanent mark on my heart, Loki I'm forever yours."
"I assure you then, my love, that it is returned. I'm yours." He said it so simply that it made your heart soar and you moved closer to kiss him again, this time fiercely. You pulled him down to meet your lips, pulling at his hair to stay close to you- not that he needed it, he will be damned if there was any space left between the two of you now.
He sucked on your bottom lip, biting on it just the way he knew you liked, and you moaned softly, letting his tongue slide past your lips. You felt the growl in his chest that was pressed against your own when he tasted you, and it only ignited the fire within you that only he could spark.
"Loki," you moaned and then he deepened the kiss further, making sure you felt everything that he was feeling, tasting every love he held for you- only you. He would stop the entire world, all the galaxies, so this night with you could be longer. He will make time stand still and make this last forever, let every god know that you were his and that he was yours and that a simple thing like time will not be able to keep you apart.
Your love was eternal, you could feel it with every beat of your heart with every touch of his skin with yours, and you could never doubt it. Oh if only the gods would lengthen the night so you could catch up with Loki about anything and everything.
Getting impatient by the second, you put your hands on his hips as he hovered over you and slowly lifted them up his torso and under the thin white shirt he wore. You let your hands wander, pulling him towards you and exploring him as if you didn't have every inch of him memorized in your very soul. You started dragging your hands lower and lower until Loki pulled back from you slightly, you couldn't help the whine that you let out.
"Loki, I need you." He caressed your cheek.
"Darling, you need to rest now. I said I will take care of you, so I will."
"You're not taking care of me now…" you pouted and tried to bring him closer, but he only fell onto his side and turned you around so your back was pressed against his chest.
"Get some rest now, I promise you will need it later." He whispered in your ear and with a kiss to your neck he murmured a good night into your hair.
"Good night, Loki." Your heart was still beating fast, but you were smiling like an idiot as Loki's steady rise and fall of his chest eventually made you match his breaths.
You were home. You were safe. You were loved.
Sleep took you easily once you realized that.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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sapphicwhxre · 3 years
back to you
♥︎ pairing: luna lovegood x fem!houseneutral!reader
♥︎ summary: hunting horcruxes takes so much from you and the others. but you always have luna to come back to.
♥︎ requested: yes | no
♥︎ warnings: almost dying, mentions of umbridge, creepy snatchers, hermione's torture, arguing, crying
♥︎ a/n: i'm not sure i like how this turned out :/ anyways ─ look, it's a luna gif that didn't make it into my gifset <3 and side-note, this is based off movie events since my last rewatch was more recent than my last re-read.
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life-threatening, the feeling that was at this point all too familiar.
there was the wedding, bill and fleur's. death eaters attacked and you couldn't get to luna before hermione grabbed your hand, apparating into a muggle city for safety. in the heat of the moment, you'd cursed her, screaming at her for leaving your girlfriend behind.
not to mention how you'd gotten there, polyjuice hiding your identity and protecting harry's, racing through the sky and evading death eaters. you weren't entirely sure just how you escaped the killing curses shot at you, but you had, just barely.
then there was the attack in the diner, where your heart pounded so hard as you dodged sudden spells that you barely heard your friends’ screams for you to take cover. your assailants were obliviated, wiped of any memory that could implicate the four of you. grimmauld place was safe, for now, but there were still a bloody lot of scares and a bloody lot of nights where you barely slept.
coming face to face with umbridge again at the ministry, even in another poly-juice disguise, brought back the worst of your hogwarts years. the sheer terror of running until you could apparate was thrilling in the very worst way possible. the blood that spilled from ron's splinched arms paired with hermione's cries of distress were too much, you ran off harshly biting down sobs and got started on protection spells.
nasty fights amplified all of your pettiest grievances when you took turns wearing the locket. harry's built up anger lashed out, ron's jealousy turned him bitter, and your aching for luna and fear that she wasn't even alive anymore had you blaming the people who'd loved you through it all.
luckily, hermione got you and harry out of it, but ron stormed off after a heated exchange of poisonous words. he left and your stomach wrenched for days, becoming weeks.
nagini, that bloody snake. tricked the three of you who were left and you almost paid with your lives for it. narrowly escaping, but yet more stress and tension came ─ ron hadn't been seen or heard from and hermione had broken harry's wand in the fight for your safety. you all went to sleep drained that night. except for harry, of course, who stayed up and miraculously found the sword of gryffindor. he almost died for it, but ron returned and things were better. somewhat.
and there was today, when you'd followed a lead from harry's intuition and hermione's reading. the four of you made your way to xenophilius lovegood's home for answers. the excitement of seeing luna again thrilled you, gave you the hope you'd desperately needed as of late. but, of course, danger followed and that's not how the day went.
mr. lovegood revealed your greatest fear and everything stopped. “what the hell do you mean luna’s been taken?”
guilt and sympathy filled his eyes when he looked into yours and he didn't need to tell you that he was sorry as he summoned the death-eaters that would come to take harry. “stop!” you yelled, fighting to get out of harry's grasp. “stop it, they have luna!”
you went shrieking, screams not even audible amidst all the chaos. the four of you were together and in the blink of an eye, were now in the woods. “no!”
“y/n, calm down!” hermione grabbed your shaking hands and forced you to look at her, though your line of sight trembled since you were falling to your knees with sobs. “you wouldn't have done her any good dead, you know that. we’re going to save her, i swear it, but we can't do that if we let our emotions take over.”
you understood but that didn't lessen the pain. head falling between your legs, you didn't have the energy to shove off whoever's hand was on your shoulder.
“what good is saving the world if she's not in it?”
you managed, so quietly that you'd be surprised if any of your friends heard you. they must have, gauging by the deafening silence that followed. there was no answer, just the shuffling of feet and the sudden comfort of your friends holding you. they didn't judge your soft turned raw cries, instead showing you the love merlin knew you needed right now.
next came the snatchers. looking for any way to make their bank. after putting up a hell of a fight, it didn't matter because the snatchers, much too interested in young women, took you away. to malfoy manor.
“i don't know,” draco snapped when asked to identify you. you could tell though, it wasn't out of kindness, but out of fear. ron and harry screamed to take your place when bellatrix lestrange wanted to be alone with you and hermione, girl to girl.
“leave her alone!” you cried, being held back by narcissa malfoy. hermione was taken and you screwed your eyes shut, feeling hot tears escape into your sobbing mouth. every scream of hers was ear piercing and you hated every second of it. “please!”
“quiet, girl!” bellatrix spat at you, momentarily stopping her torture on hermione. in the blink of an eye, your friends and dobby were now with you, spouting spells of defense.
disarming and cries became background noise to you when you spotted luna. you met her blue eyes and ran right through shot spells, stopping only when you got to her. no words were needed, your hands cupped her dirtied face and you kissed her. your end was desperate, emotional, but luna's radiated gentle comfort. there was a crash and a sacrifice, “y/n, we've got to go!”
luna's hand intertwined with yours as you rushed to hermione's side. mumbles of assurance met her from all of you and her saddened gaze rose to you and luna. she smiled, softly. her eyes told you it was okay. go. she was well taken care of. returning her smile, promising to check on her later, you walked just a few feet away with luna. “i was so worried,” you breathed. “i was so scared that i'd lose you.”
“you won't lose me, y/n,” luna reassured you. her usually soft but now roughed fingertips brushed your skin, full of love. “but you know you can't stop now, what you've been doing with harry and the others.”
tears stung your eyes, realising she wanted you to let her go again.
“i don't want to leave you.” you answered stubbornly, the same tears that stung now falling down your cheeks. “i can't, luna, i love you.”
“i love you too y/n, so much,” she sighed sympathetically. it hurt her as much as it hurt you, maybe even more. “but we'll come back to each other in the end, won't we?”
of course, was your first thought. one day, you'd be married. this would all be over and you'd spend every day by her side. that made it worth it, even if you'd have to leave for now. cherishing the limited time you had together right now, you squeezed her hand tightly.
“i'll always come back to you, luna.”
and that was a promise.
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henbased · 3 years
For the horror asks, can I get 4,8,13 for Jude & 16,21,26 for Logan pls???
ABSOLUTELY thank u sm <333 these were really good ones!! esp for logan i had to Think
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4. How does your oc feel about blood and gore? Does their opinion change between fake gore in movies and real gore?
Jude hated it lmao even in movies. She was that kind of person who would gag anytime the really gnarly part of a movie came on and hide her face behind a pillow and say "tell me when it's over".
Her time in Hope County has obviously desensitized her. She can handle real blood better, now, it's just a fact of life. But maggot-infested corpses and seeing people get their brains splattered still makes her feel Some Kinda Way, not that she'd ever show or vocalize it. She's able to disassociate herself from the killings, but the gore that remains is an uncomfortable reminder that grounds her in the reality.
8. What would your oc do if they knew they were going to die in the near future?
Have a fun, very loud, very long romp with Joseph, kick back with a beer and enjoy what she's got. Jude would never kill herself but if Death came a'knockin' on her front door, she'd invite it in for coffee.
13. Has your oc ever tortured/hurt someone else without killing them?
Joseph Seed. She beats the shit outta him on the reg. He's into it but that's not on trial.
Bunker time of mutual torture. A lot of their time down there when they weren't fuckin' was spent finding ways to get on each other's nerves in exceedingly small ways.
In s2 now that Johnny-boy is alive and forbidden from killing her, Jude likes to hang out at his ranchsion blasting music and drinking his very illegal wine. John would claim it's torture, but it's also John Seed talking.
[Send me some Horror Themed asks!]
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16. What's the worst thing that has happened to your oc?
The reapings began when she was at some party, just beginning to peak in her trip, so she ended up scattering into the woods with a bunch of other's when peggies turned up shooting and kidnapping folks. While she's peaking. And then she gets lost in the woods, at night, while she's peaking, and still had like 5 hours left of her trip. Safe to say it was the worst trip of her entire goddamn life.
21. If given the choice to become a monster, would they do it? Would they give up their humanity for power?
are you kidding me. absolutely, no hesitation.
26. What would it take to “break” your character? What would destroy them completely?
This! Is interesting to think about. Because Logan is very strong willed. Unlike Jude, Logan's not lost in her wrath, but she's too cocky. Things to get to her like they should with other people. You could kill her family and, yeah, she'll be upset, but she won't stop living her life because they decided to go and up and die, y'know?
Prolonged isolation would be the trick, I think. Logan's entire schtick is based around people. She loves people. Loves interacting with them, cuddling, pissing them off, getting reactions and seeing people just live. Being stuck with only herself- it wouldn't bother her, at first. A neat little vacation. But soon enough she'd grow bored and go looking for some type of reaction, and having no one but herself to keep her entertained for however long? She'd lose it. Would finally admit that perhaps, just maybe, she really is fucking annoying.
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
Every The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies Ship Ranked
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53. Daroline (Damon Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Our first ship is our worst ship because we can't find literally anything nice to say about Daroline. Consent issues, mind-control, and death threats are not exactly the stuff of great romance, and Damon should thank his lucky stars Caroline forgave him for this abominable period when they were together.
52. Calaric (Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman)
Ew. Gross. No. Kill it with fire. We've got no idea what The Vampire Diaries was trying to do with this ship, but we hated every second of it, and we're not ashamed to say it. We don't care that years had passed since Caroline was his student or that there were weirder ages gaps on the show, trying to ship a student-teacher relationship feels wrong no matter which way you slice it.
51. Klenevieve (Klaus Mikaelson and Genevieve)
Klenevieve was a blink and you'll miss it kind of ship on The Originals, but it still technically counts. Ultimately though, Klaus and Genevieve's connection was mostly physical, and there were far too many double-crosses and manipulations on both sides of this relationship to give it much credit.
50. Parkwood (Liv Park and Tyler Lockwood)
Liv and Tyler's love story kind of flew under the radar on The Vampire Diaries, but that's probably just because there were like 18 insane storylines happening at once in Season 6. This ship was actually pretty cute, and the only thing keeping it from a better ranking is the fact that Tyler, you know, killed her with his bare hands to activate his werewolf curse.
49. Malaric (Meredith Fell and Alaric Saltzman)
Talk about ships that flew under the radar. Alaric and Meredith Fell shared a brief tryst in Seasons 3 and 4 of The Vampire Diaries, but this relationship always felt like it was built to move the plot forward instead of the other way around. Kind of too snooze-worthy to deserve a good ranking.
48. Menny (Matt Donovan and Penny Ares)
We're not going to pretend like we cared even a little about Matt and Penny's romance on The Vampire Diaries. However, we're also not going to pretend like the scene where Matt hallucinates her ghost and begs her to take him with her after his car crash was anything other than devastating emotional torture that came out of nowhere and has stayed with us to this day.
47. Jolaric (Jo Parker and Alaric Saltzman)
Jo and Alaric really got the rough end of the stick as far as TVD ships go. They'd only just started to find their groove when Jo found out she was pregnant with twins, forcing them into a shotgun wedding that ended in tragedy. If these two had been given the time to start their family together the way they should have, we have no doubt they could have become one of the show's best duos ever. We'll have to settle for them creating one of the best duos ever -- Josie and Lizzie Saltzman!
46. Rizzie (Rafael Waithe and Lizzie Saltzman)
It's hard not to ship all of the Legacies kids with each other considering the great chemistry that cast has, but Rizzie is one we just never loved. Lizzie seems too intense for Rafael, and Raf doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy that would give her the level of attention and devotion she requires. This ship was kind of a flop in Sesason 1, and we'd prefer it stay that way.
45. Debekah (Damon Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
Damon and Rebekah shared one night of tearing ballgowns and tuxes off each other, and then it was never really spoken of again. It's hard to properly rank a ship that basically came down to "that one time we had hate sex," but hookups like this were what The Vampire Diaries was built on.
44. Haylijah (Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson)
We really wanted to rank Haylijah higher on this list, but all the passion and angst in the world can't distract us from the cold hard truth: Hayley and Elijah had issues. Major issues. Not the least of which being that he killed her in the final season of the show. Whether you consider their love story to be one of the best or worst this shared universe ever created, at least you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that they gave it all they had.
43. Klaurora (Klaus Mikaelson and Aurora de Martel)
For as long as we've known Klaus, he was always teetering on the brink of insanity, which is kind of what we loved most about him. Aurora, on the other hand, has been batshit crazy her whole life and it's so not a good look on her. This weird, obsessive, "let's see who can out-crazy the other" romance was not to our taste at all.
42. KymG (Kym and MG)
We can't claim to be huge fans of the romance between Kim and MG on Legacies, though their names fit together so perfectly for a ship name that we almost demand they be endgame based only on that. Unfortunately, the show never really gave them the screen time they needed to get us invested in their love story before Kym decided she'd had enough superantural shenanigans and left Mystic Falls.
41. Elijah Mikaelson and Antoinette Sienna
On every TV show, there are ships that just make us shrug, and Elijah and Antoniette are definitely one of those. They don't even have a ship name, that's forgettable this tryst was. Even with memory loss, hidden pasts, and romantic pinao duets, this couple was kind of just meh.
40. Sizzie (Sebastian and Lizzie Saltzman)
Sebastian and Lizzie may have had potential, but in the end it turned out to be wasted. Their chemistry was off the charts, but like many teenagers swept up in romance, they never really took the time to connect or learn about each other. Maybe that's why they ended on such a sour note. Still, at least Sebastian went out a hero?
39. Jicki (Jeremy Gilbert and Vicki Donovan)
You know, we were really rooting for Jeremy and Vicki when The Vampire Diaries first started. They had that whole, rebels who are too cool for school, but not too cool for love thing going on. Ultimately though, we don't think Vicki would have ever calmed down enough for Jeremy, who was really only pretending to be a wild child to deal with his parents' deaths. This ship just wasn't to be.
38. Maroline (Matt Donovan and Caroline Forbes)
You know those Season 1 ships that you know are never going to make it, but every time you look back on them they make you nostalgic? That's what Maroline is for us. A cute relationship between two characters we love dearly that just never quite fit perfectly together. That being said, if there had been no vampires or life-or-death scenarios in Mystic Falls, Maroline absolutely would have been endgame material.
37. Stalerie (Stefan Salvatore and Valerie Tulle)
Stefan and Valerie had one of the weirdest love stories we've ever seen, but there was still a small part of us that was rooting for them. In a world not besieged by curses and vampire hunters and prison worlds, these two could have really been something! Sadly, Stefan has like five more appealing ships, which is probably why they never really made it that far.
36. Hafael (Hope Mikaelson and Rafael Waithe)
Legacies made a solid attempt to recreate another brotherly love triangle, but we weren't really feeling it with Rafael, Hope, and Landon. Raf and Hope have a great friendship going, but it's probably best left there considering how much more fans seem to prefer her relationship with Landon.
35. Marcille (Marcel Gerard and Camille O'Connell)
Remember when Marcel and Camille were a thing for a hot minute? Neither do we! Sorry to Marcille fans, but though these two had decent chemistry, they just never got a lot of attention as a couple, and so their love story kind of faded into obscurity.
34. Jasie (Jade and Josie Saltzman)
The Vampire Diaries universe sure does love its enemies to lovers ships, doesn't it? Josie and Jade started off on opposing sides in Kai's prison world, but after Jade turned her humanity back on, things started to change between them. At least the sex dreams they started having about each other did. Jade and Josie might be perfect for one another, seeing as they both understand having a dark side that's hard to deny.
33. Carenzo (Caroline Forbes and Enzo St. John)
While Caroline and Enzo never made it past the friendzone, we wouldn't have hated it if they'd had a thing. There was a lack of "epic love story" vibes between them, and when Enzo was at his worst, Caroline brought out the light-hearted, carefree side of him. Plus, all things considered, he really was her type - morally scrupulous Brit, who would burn the world down for the people he loves -- why does that sound familiar?
32. Mizzie (M.G. and Lizzie Saltzman)
Every day we go back and forth on whether MG and Lizzie are soulmates or whether they're the perfect best friend duo of all time. Could they possibly be both? Sure, Lizzie takes MG for granted sometimes, and MG can be a little thoughtless sometimes, but that doesn't mean these two aren't connected in a deep, meaningful way that most people can only dream of.
31. Noralise (Nora and Mary-Louise)
Though we only got them for one season, Nora and Mary-Louise had us from the moment they said hello. We do love a bad girl, and two bad girls together? We're toast! Our favorite thing about this ship is that while it was clear Nora and Mary-Louise didn't care about much in this world, they cared about each other, and that was more than enough for them.
30. Klayley (Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall)
When The Originals first premiered, we were sure Klaus and Hayley would eventually fall in love and live happily ever after with their precious loophole baby, but ultimately these two just weren't meant to be anything more than one really hot night. That being said, watching them as co-parents just proves that not all ships need to be romantic to work.
29. Rope (Roman Sienna and Hope Mikaelson)
Roman and Hope's sweet, timid flirtation on The Originals was like a breath of fresh air after some of the intense, life-changing, epic love stories we'd been getting for five straight years. Rope -- whoever came up with that ship name was having too much fun that day -- would have ranked higher if the whole relationship wasn't just Roman's ploy to get close to Hope's family.
28. Stebekah (Stefan Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
The Vampire Diaries had the best flashbacks on TV, hands down, partially because when your characters have lived for centuries, you can really mix things up. One of said mix-ups was the revelation that Stefan and Rebekah had been an item back in the 1920s, and while their romance is probably best left in the age of prohibition, it was always one of our favorites.
27. Hizzie (Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman)
Hope and Lizzie would definitely have that whole "enemies to lovers" thing going for them if they ever decided to take the plunge together. The bond we've seen these two develop over the course of Legacies has been so wonderful to watch, and while at the moment we prefer them as badass besties, we wouldn't hate to see them head towards romantic territory someday.
26. Janna (Jeremy Gilbert and Anna Zhu)
When The Vampire Diaries first paired Jeremy and Anna together, we thought our little vampire-loving hearts would give out. They were both so damaged and dark and alone in the world that they somehow fit perfectly together. Not even multiple deaths could keep them apart! Losing this one was hard, but at least ghost Anna came back to hang out occasionally.
25. Datherine (Damon Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Call us crazy, but even through all the craziness and manipulation, there seemed to be a spark of something between Damon and Katherine that was just undeniable. Maybe it was the fact that they both put up a dark and diabolical front to mask their real feelings about the way their lives turned out. This wasn't a ship for the ages, but it certainly was a pairing we'll remember forever.
24. Kennett (Kol Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett)
You know a fandom is strong when it can build a ship of dreams out of like 2 episodes and 10 lines of dialogue, but that's about all Bonnie Bennett and Kol Mikaelson ever shared. And yet somehow, Kennett is always going to feel like the one that got away in terms of ships that totally should've happened but never did.
23. Klamille (Klaus Mikaelson and Camille O'Connell)
Despite their messy ending, Klaus and Camille's relationship showed us sides of each character that we otherwise would never have seen. Though it was missing some of the passion usually found in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals ships, it was still absolutely heartbreaking to watch Klaus lose a woman who meant so much to him when Cami died.
22. Jandon (Josie Saltzman and Landon Kirby)
This short-lived romance between Josie and Landon may not have been super popular with fans, but it was perfectly in character for both these self-sacrificing loners to find their way to one another. It may not have been a romance for the ages, but it was an age-appropriate and utterly endearing one, and that's good enough for us!
21. Kolvina (Kol Mikaelson and Davina Claire)
As one of the few ships that managed to make it out of The Originals series finale alive, we have to give Kol and Davina props. Their love story survived multiple deaths, body-swaps, and that pesky problem of Kol accidentally murdering Davina that one time. We want nothing more than peace and happiness for eternity for these two crazy kids.
20. Jalaric (Jenna Sommers and Alaric Saltzman)
While some believe Alaric's love life is cursed, those of us who watched the early years of The Vampire Diaries know better. Alaric will simply never find someone as perfect for him as Jenna Sommers, which means he's destined to fall in and out of subpar ships forever. Poor guy, it's rough when your soulmate dies so early on in the first of three sequential shows.
19. Klefan (Klaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore)
This one's another ship was never technically canon, but as far as we're concerned that was a GRAVE mistake. Klaus and Stefan had chemistry coming out of their ears, and you're seriously trying to tell us that nothing happened between these two during their days of debauchery in the 1920s? Yeah right, you're not fooling us!
18. Jayley (Jackson Kenner and Hayley Marshall)
Jackson and Hayley may not have had the passion and the fire that some of the best TVD ships boasted, but they had something that very few other pairings had: A rock-solid friendship built on trust and understanding that grew organically into true love. Considering how crazy their world was, they both needed a relationship like this to keep them sane, which is maybe why we ended up loving it so much?
17. Kalijah (Katherine Pierce and Elijah Mikaelson)
Katherine and Elijah only shared maybe a handful of scenes together over the entire course of The Vampire Diaries, but they're somehow one of three ships we would have watched an entire spin-off about. Their love stood the test of time and somehow overcame hybrid-sized grudges, and that's about as romantic as it gets.
16. Rebel (Rebekah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard)
Though we love Marcel and Rebekah (especially when we think about the day they both take the cure and grow old together), this couple had one major problem... One of them wasn't on the show all that often, which meant their romance faded to the background every time Rebekah left town -- which was a lot. We'll put this in the category of ships that were done dirty by logistical, behind-the-scenes stuff.
15. Bamon (Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore)
The Bamon saga was one of the most topsy-turvey things to follow on The Vampire Diaries, but we loved every minute of it. From shipping them a little bit in Season 1 to hating everything about it in Season 3, to watching them grow into best buds in Season 6, Bonnie and Damon went on a journey unparalleled by any other ship in the TVDu. Do we kind of wish they'd given romance a try? Sure. Are we going to let that invalidate how awesome their story was? No way.
14. Gialijah (Gia and Elijah Mikaelson
We're probably going to get some hate for this, but if we had to pick between all of Elijah's ships, Gialijah would probably win out. Sure, they weren't star-crossed lovers or centuries-old flames, but if you're looking for a healthy dynamic (of which Elijah was sorely lacking) with great chemistry and some awesome scenes, Gialijah is the ship for you.
13. Handon (Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby)
Hope and Landon are kind of the Stelena of Legacies. Not a pairing that we think will be endgame (no matter how heartbroken that will leave us), but integral to the DNA of the series nonetheless. We're content to enjoy this sweet couple strive for their happy ending, and we'll even root for them most of the time as they grow up together and figure out this crazy supernatural world.
12. Jaiden (Josh Rosza and Aiden)
Oh, Josh and Aiden... the ship that was too pure for this world. Literally. Though both these characters bit the dust before all was said and done on The Originals, their love story was super sweet, and, hey, at least we got to see them reunite in the afterlife!
11. Beremy (Bonnie and Jeremy)
If any of you ever had a crush on your older brother or sister's friends, you'll understand our undying love for Beremy. There was something so cathartic about watching Bonnie realize that Jeremy had grown up to be a sweet, sexy, utterly dateable guy instead of Elena's annoying little brother. Even though the didn't end up together, they deserve a high ranking in this list of epic ships.
10. Posie (Penelope Park and Josie Saltzman)
Considering how few episodes of Legacies Penelope was in before she bounced, it's remarkable that so many people fell so deep in love with the Posie ship. We guess there's just something intoxicating about a bad girl who will do bad things for the girl she loves. If you come for Josie, Penelope will come for you!
9. Steferine (Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Is it weird that we always kind of thought Stefan and Katherine would end up together when all was said and done? Don't get us wrong, that relationship was toxic at best, but when they were on screen together, you just couldn't pull your eyes away from them. It was like watching a really sexy, complicated train wreck in action.
8. Forwood (Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood)
Considering how often Caroline and Tyler were separated (by distance, evil hybrids, or opposing loyalties), it's pretty impressive that they were still one of the most memorable ships from The Vampire Diaries. It some mixed the sweetness of Maroline with the passion of Klaroline, creating a happy middle ground for fans to enjoy.
7. Freelin (Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux)
Did we really understand the term OTP before Freelin existed? We doubt it. Freya and Keelin had their ups and downs on The Originals, to be sure, but through it all, there was never a doubt in our minds that these two strong, smart, sexy women were absolutely made for one another. Knowing they're living out their happily ever after in New Orleans with a cute little baby named Nik is the only thing that gets us through the day sometimes.
6. Steroline (Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Considering how many ships exist in this universe, it's shocking that Steroline is one of only a handful to make it down the aisle. Poor Stefan seemed doomed to be forever locked in a love triangle with his brother until Caroline Forbes entered his life. Not only did he no longer have to deal with love triangle BS, he got to marry his best friend, who he knew would support him through thick and thin. If only it hadn't taken them so long to figure out how awesome they could be together.
5. Benzo (Bonnie Bennett and Enzo St. John)
Sometimes it's hard to ship characters that are thrown together at the end of a series as opposed to the beginning, but that was not the case with Bonnie and Enzo. One minute they were two characters who'd never really interacted much, and the next they were epic loves who built a strong relationship built on trust, compassion, and a lot of laughter. Honestly, they fit so well together even we were surprised by it!
4. Stelena (Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Of all the ships to ever grace our screens over the years, there was something truly special about Stefan and Elena. Maybe it's because we associate their love story with some of the best years The Vampire Diaries ever had, or maybe their connection really was just too epic for words. Whatever the case, Stelena was one for the history books, and we dare you to say different.
3. Hosie (Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltman)
It might seem weird to put a ship that's not, technically speaking, canon (yet!) so high on our list, but we absolutely won't apologize for it. Putting aside the obvious fact that these girls are definitely, majorly, into each other, Hope and Josie have proven over and over again that they not only understand each other on a deep, intimate level, they also care enough about one another to go to the ends of the earth to keep each other safe and happy. That kind of devotion when paired with a healthy, supportive dynamic is a killer combination.
2. Klaroline (Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes)
Klaus and Caroline never really got the timing right, but maybe that's what makes this ship one of the best in the history of The Vampire Diaries universe. They were enemies, they were lovers, and they were kind of even friends for a minute there, and the fact that they never really got a chance to be together only makes this ship more EPIC. Plus, it's kind of impossible not to swoon when a guy declares he'll be your last love.
1. Delena (Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Was there ever any doubt that this list would end here? Whether you loved Delena or not, there's no denying this couple was iconic, and a large part of The Vampire Diaries' success was built on their love story. Sure, we would have preferred for them to not have different versions of the same fight for four seasons in a row, but that doesn't mean we don't still get major chills whenever we rewatch their first kiss or their series finale happily ever after.
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zwiezraczek · 5 years
Player [Blurb]
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Part 2: Believer  - Part 3 - Part 4: Lover
Tied up in your basement. Tied up in your own fucking basement. The treatment of a a mole, of a snitch. Nothing else. Your hands hurt, felt sore with the rope tied around them, you weresure about the scars on your skin after all of this. But would there be an after all of this? You doubted.
Billy did his best, he did his best to protect the Ghosts. But every time he hesitated, rolled his eyes, refused to speak he could hear your voice, your muffled screams as you begged for them to stop. You cried all night long, you cried your eyes dry. They splashed your face with glasses of water, cold water, icy water as you gasped before opening your eyes to see Billy, right in front of you. He looked miserable, probably as miserable as you – with eyes half-closed, blood on his sweatshirt, a reddish face but still these gleaming eyes in the dark. Yet, he managed to smile, faintly as he caught your gaze.
A sweet metallic taste in your mouth reminded you that you were probably bleeding more than you thought you were. You breathed heavily as your father passed-by, avoiding your eyes, but he couldn't avoid you forever. And he knew it, because he looked at you. Somehow, behind his outraged expression you saw pain, regret, probably deception. And with a sight, he approached you, knelt in front of you and took your chin into his hand, much more delicately than he did yesterday as he pressed his thumb and index into your cheeks while Billy cried to make him stop, cried information, exposed himself. And now, you had pain in your eyes too, but more hate than pain.
“My only daughter,” he whispered, rubbing his thumb against your cheek in a cold and displeased tone hiding probably much more. “Why,” he asked, “why?” You refused to reply, looking down at your bare feet, and he began to caress your cheek with his hand. “I love you so much y/n, but I hate you so much at the same time...”
“Same here,” you coughed, you didn't intend to, but your throat was sore and dry.
“Here, drink some water,” he offered, taking a glass of water standing at the foot of your chair before putting it against your lips. And you drank, as if water was the most delicious beverage on earth.
“Thank you,” you said against your will, relieved yet angry at yourself. You couldn't stand the mixed feelings he aroused in your heart, you couldn't stand how poorly he treated people – children – and how poorly he treated Billy.
“You are still my daughter after all,” he murmured before standing up and going to talk to Billy.
“I will kill the youngster, I will fucking kill him,” One repeated endlessly as he paced back and forth in the room in which the Ghosts held an emergency meeting. Three day, three days without hearing from Billy. All because of this stupid mission.
“I will kill him too,” Seven added, “and then I'll kill myself for even listening to him when he told me to not shoot! He made a fucking fool out of me...!”
Two only gave them a dark look, her arms crossed on her chest as she glanced at Three who was typing something on the computer. The clicks of the keyboard made the silence unbearable, maybe even more than her teammate's complaints. Only Five sat in front of a coffee, her head resting against her hand as she looked down on the papers. She was furious, she spent nights looking for some medical records of this man, studying what she found, looking at Four's records to make sure how much he could handle without any proper care... And she pinned all that on the large board in their plan room. She felt exhausted, but she wouldn't feel relief until Four was here, with them.
“Listen,” Two finally spoke up, wanting to escape the endless silence she made herself, “we know we fucked up. Four wasn't the best choice for this mission, I should have...”
“Stop this,” One interrupted her almost violently. “I told him he was the perfect man for this because he knew everything about the house, because he was somehow linked to this and... Fuck, I was the one telling to cut the ties with the living world oh my fuck.”
“If you don't stop this, I'm going to explode,” Five added, and they all looked surprised at her. “We don't need to talk, we need to act and Three and I seem to be the ones to actually take the matters into our hands,” she said and Three hummed in approval.
“Fine, I'm looking the guy up in the CIA files,” Two said, before she sat next to Three and began to type herself.
“I'm going out,” Seven said, “I just... I need to be alone with all of this,” he stated. He felt guilty, absolutely guilty about this situation. He had to pull the trigger. He had to... But Four said that he shouldn't, so he listened to him, just like he did when his squad died. Just like that.
“Going out with you,” One said, not being able to handle the tension in the room himself.
You looked up at the ceiling, this gray ceiling made of concrete. You always have hated this basement, even more now. Everything smelt like humidity, and the things that the man your worked with one brought for you and Billy to eat weren't really helping to set a nice atmosphere. But at least, you had something to eat from time to time.
From time to time, they left you alone with Billy, far from you, as far as possible but you were still able to see him, hear him – and so was him, especially when they tortured you. You looked at him, trying to give him a reassuring smile, you tried your best with the corner of your cracked lips, and he smiled back, closing his eyes.
“Why are you doing this,” you asked him, your voice still weak but audible – thanks to the glass of water they made you drink earlier.
“BDSM kink,” he joked. And even in this situation he made you chuckle a bit, making your stomach hurt a bit from the punches you got. But it was worth it.
“You and your sick kinks,” you whispered. “You should have stayed quiet, my father wouldn't let me die, and you know that.”
“I know that, but I can't see you suffer anymore,” he admitted looking you right in the eye. “I watched you suffer because of me, I couldn't screw the things up again as I did three years ago.”
“You did the right thing back then.”
“I'm doing the right thing right now, protecting the one that never gave up on me.” You could see how his smile widened as he spoke about you, and about your support. You couldn't help yourself but smile too. Maybe too much, and at the worst moment because one of your ex-colleagues entered the room.
“Y/N is soft and flirts with the enemy,” he chanted mockingly, rubbing his hands.
“Fuck you,” you said, a rush of confidence running through your veins.
“Want to taste blood, little girl,” the man asked, standing tight in front of you as you looked up at him.
“Tasted so much blood in my life, wouldn't be a problem,” you retorted.
“Hey, you,” Billy interrupted and the man turned back, “why don't you try to hurt somebody your size?” He laughed. The man laughed before approaching Billy, a grin on his face.
“Because hurting you won't provide more information, pretty boy, but hurting her, over there,” he precised with a movement of his head towards you, “will make you speak and sing and even dance as we want you to. So no, I won't damage you more than we already did in the first place, I'll just watch you suffer ad I hurt this lady over there, once my superior you know.”
“You're a lucky bastard, you're so lucky that I don't have my gun right here, with me,” you managed to say in a much more audible voice than before, “you would be dead, just like this girl three years ago.”
“The one you killed because of your undying love for your so-called 'bestfriend',” he teased you as he tilted his head looking at you. “Don't make me laugh more than I already did when this clown spoke. Please, y/n, I thought you were better than that.”
Your blood boiled inside your veins as the man sat in the chair next to the exit and began to look at his phone, ignoring both of you. What annoyed you even more, was how accurate his words were. You killed her as a revenge, because Billy was your bestfriend, your soulmate, and losing him meant losing anything and everything – your sanity first and foremost. Finding him meant the same, just at the moment you found your stability through killing and partying, he stormed in your life again, just to fuck your emotions up and to remember you how much you suffered without him. But you couldn't be mad at him, because he explained everything to you, because he allowed you to see trough your father... You closed your eyes. What a fucking bad situation to be in.
“We're almost in,” Three said as One put a hand on his shoulder looking at the screen on which Three was working.
“So we're ready. Tomorrow, we strike.”
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liljungie · 5 years
$OLD | KIM TAEHYUNG one shot
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Pairing: [mafia leader] taehyung × reader
Trigger warnings: mentions of drugs/guns/rape( but not really¿)/ dirty talk / psychotic taehyung.
Word count: 2144
> My writings Masterlist <
Requests are open ^_^
A/N: I swear I'm not a psychopath
Working late at night has it's perks or maybe just to you it was a blessing.
you didn't have to face a messed up step father when he's drunk, high on toxins and out of his mind, and you don't have to hear your mother yelling at him for harassing you, again.
Not like he would stop if she did, he didn't care, he would push your mother out of the room and he would come back to your bedroom and he would lock the door and continue to abuse you, hurt you, each time it was different depending on the day.
You never knew why he did what he did, so you just let him do what he wanted and walk out ,you learned the hard way that if you say or do something or push him away you'll end up with broken bones and a lot of bruises and scars, funny enough you rather have bruises and scars rather than having a broken limb.
broken limb meant no work and no work meant you're available to your messed up stepfather to do as he please 24/7 and that's the last thing you wanted to grant him.
Ever since your mother got married to that lunatic you never been the same you became weaker, sad as ever and lost all hope in life, you worked for the local bar as a bartender to pay for the small apartment you live in and to put food infront of
your mother,even though you're young you learned mixing drinks fast you knew which tastes better and which were too strong you had to try the drinks before you served any.
Which lead you to be drunk at the end of the day most times.
Most of your drunk nights ended up in
you being unconscious behind the building naked from the waist down sometimes fully naked depending on how shitty the guy you were with the night before.
Strangers having their way with you was a hell lot better than your stepfather.
One night a man walked through the doors like he owns the place, suite and tie,clean face long dark hair, basically the guy was drenched in money and glory, and not to mention awfully young around your age maybe a year or three older,he had two guards on each side of him as he walked through and took a seat right in front of the bar, where you were working.
You raised your brows questionly usually rich men would sit in the booths far away from the bar that was decorated with bright colored lights so they could deal and do their dirty work privately or it would definitely be evident to everyone and men like him usually have women around him to entertain them as they sip on beverages that makes them forget reality and do whatever they want without the mind controlling their movements, not to mention this part of town was poor as hell he definitely wouldn't get that type of luxury here, middle class men and under do come here drink what they ordered and go on with their lives.
Nonetheless a job is a job and you had to do as you're told.
"good evening" a fake smile was planted on your face as you greeted the man "what would you like to drink?" He smirks as he placed his hands on top of each other on the wooden surface as he looks at you, almost analyzing you, licking his lips then he spoke "vodka"
You smiled and turned your back to him you grabbed the vodka bottle and a glass then you placed the glass infront of him and poured the liquid in and placed a lime on top and moved the glass closer to the man's hands, still offering a smile.
You went back to wiping the table, still suspicious as to why he was sitting here, of all places..you shrugged it off and decided not to pay much attention to it anymore thinking nothing of it and pushed it to the side focusing on work instead then you heard him ask "you're Christopher's step daughter aren't you?" He glanced at you still the smirk was there mocking you.
You titled your head, your eyes were glossy the mention of your stepfather's name obviously terrified you but nonetheless you answered "yes I am" sadly you wanted to add, trying your hardest not to show how much you despised that man that was your stepfather.
a million questions raced through your mind after his abrupt question you never talked about him to anyone, you didn't even know anyone you could talk to, but you figured to start with the easy questions and work your way up, you stopped wiping the table and looked him in the eyes "and you are?" You thanked the gods that your voice came out strong and clear.
The man infront of you smiled then he downed the last bit of what was left in his glass "Taehyung" he smiled at you "Kim taehyung" he winked "what about you sweetface?"
"_____" you mutter and he smiled "beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he remarks as a red hue coverd your cheeks and you looked away, you weren't used to sweet talk..not from guys around your age at least.
Taehyung signaled for his guards at the snap of his fingers and they went away..slightly but it was enough space for him to talk to you without being interrupted.
knowing his guards they get a bit overprotective and he didn't want to scare you off knowing that you lived with someone like Christopher for years was enough for him to know that you were troubled, and you would be defensive and the talk he wants to have with you is going to trigger a reaction out of you that his guards would definitely point a gun or two at.
He sighed and leaned forward taking a better look at your face, you watched him with wary eyes, slightly afraid of how the hell did he know Christopher? Your stepfather was definitely not on this man's level, this man is everything your stepdouche wasn't; Young, rich and powerful.
Why would he stoop so low unless Christopher fucked up which appears in this case;he definitely has.
"You see,______ I run a business...some would say it's deadly, which it is, but not from my end" he smiles as he starts to sweet talk the clueless girl "I'm a mafia leader" as he said that you can't believe how nonchalnet he was speaking these words like he was talking about his favourite color, your eyes definitely popped out of their sockets if you were afraid before now you were terrified, slightly shaking in your cheap boots.
"Your stepfather took a little too much candy that he couldn't pay for..." you knew exactly what type of 'candy' taehyung was talking about drugs you saw it on the tables at home before you wiped them clean, you saw him line up the powder and stuffing it in his nostrils before he made his way to your bedroom,it made you sick.
But it's not like you could have stopped him or done something.
He spoke again breaking you away from your trance "He kept promising he would pay up but as you can see darling..he never did" he licked his lips "so instead I made a deal with him" he says way too cheerfully, adjusting his collar while he sent you a smirk.
Your body was shaking with anticipation? Nervousness? You wiped your hands on the back of your jeans you didn't realize you were sweating so much you placed your hair behind your ears as if somehow that will help you understand better, which was a habit of yours "what kind of deal?" You ask afraid of the answers yet you braced yourself to hear the worst.
And it definitely looks bad for you.
He chuckled "the stupidest one baby" he chuckled louder "your stepfather is so stupid" he shakes his head, you felt his gaze change to lust the seriousness in his eyes vanished completely, you swallowed as you feel your heart drop.
And the pet names he gave you weren't helping your fragile state, it almost lured you in but not quite.
There's no way you're letting your guard down "He is messed up but he's not stupid I know he isn't" you didn't know why you were defending him as if somehow that would scare the mafia boss off, hell to him it was so adorable and he's anything but scared of you, taehyung was amused at your response.
"Oh?"He laughed and stood up from the stool leaning closer to you the only thing that was separating you from him was this bar.
He bit his bottom lip as he looked up and down on you like you were a tasty dish that he couldn't wait to devour and boy he is starving "oh yeah?" He smirks "he sold you to me babygirl"
You stared at him astonished,'he's drunk' you thought 'he is not thinking straight..he's lying' deep down inside you knew it would take a lot more than one glass of vodka to get this man drunk out of his mind you're trying to convince yourself that it's not true that there's no way your stepfather would sell you to pay up his debts.
You didn't think he would be this fucked up
But then again Christopher didn't think it's messed up to try and sleep with you; his step daughter, so selling you definitely was okay to him, you felt disgusted by him you always been but this? It definitely takes the cake and was the cheery on top of it all.
"Babygirl why the long face hmm? I knew that pig has been hurting you, it was my idea that he sells you..to me" he chuckles, your insides went up in flames you were so embarrassed and hurt and terrified you never felt this way ever, every bad emotion you could ever feel was hitting and jabbing you at once "I'd treat you so much better angel" he purrs.
"You're no different you're just as mental as he is" you spit, tears slowly run on your face, taehyung killed and tortured many he ruined lives by selling drugs to men like Christopher and worse, and he won't ever stop, it's his job and if he's capable of doing all of that surely he is capable of making your life a miserable living hell when you leave with him tonight.
Taehyung's face softens and he reaches forward wiping away your tears pitying you almost, you turned your head pressing your lips in a line trying to ignore the taste of your tears,taehyung didn't know much about emotions so he couldn't understand why you were crying, he wasn't going to kill you! Not now at least.. he thought.
'she should be thankful that I didn't shoot her right then and there at least that counts for something' he thought he's sure you're a pleasure to your stepdad and there's nothing more he loved than riding people of what they loved the most. You shouldn't be afraid of him he thought to himself.
Although firing his gun was a pleasure he didn't feel elsewhere and something he won't ever give up,his guns were everything to him,
Watching the life leave his opponent eyes was euphoric it made him feel like a hero almost.
"Don't cry babydoll" he coos as you close your eyes defeated,his hand creassing your cheek softly he kept smiling to reassure you that everything will be fine but that's so far from reality.
God the fun he's going to have with you is making him hard and he barely touched you, he can't imagine how you're going to feel around his dick or how sweet you taste.
He thinks to himself you're the overly sensitive type which turned him on massively, he wanted you to save those tears for when he's deep in you moving slowly in and out savoring every second he spends inside you stretching you out, feeling every inch of you, hitting your soft spot again and again until you're full of his cum he's sure all the dicks you had before don't compare to his and he can't wait to go home and play with you until you beg him to stop which of course he won't.
He loves his new dolls the most, you're not the first and definitely won't be the last.
"You're all mine now" he whispers sounding sweeter than honey, just like that you were wrapped around his long,gorgeous fingers.
And just like that Taehyung strikes again.
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